Dr. Mazhar Hayat
Candidate for Co-Chair TFI (IPCC AR7)
Dr. Mazhar Hayat holds M. Phil. degree in Chemistry from
Pakistan and Ph.D. degree in Energy & Environmental Policy
from GREEN School, Korea University, South Korea. He also
holds Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Laws. His
area of interest is GHG inventories, and environmental &
climate change governance. He is civil servant by profession
and has served at various positions in public sector in Pakistan
since 2006 including Ministry of Climate Change &
Environment Coordination (MoCC & EC) and Ministry of
Water Resources.
His experience includes working in projects related to
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector GHG emissions
inventory, HCFCs Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP
Pakistan), and National Adaptation Plan (NAP). As Deputy Secretary (International
Cooperation) at MoCC & EC, he has remained involved in national processes on
UNFCCC, IPCC, Based Convention, and Montreal Protocol.
He is member to various committees and experts groups of United Nations working
on environmental sustainability, plastic and e-waste pollution. He has participated as
party delegate in various COPs to UNFCCC and IPCC sessions. Recently, he has
represented Pakistan at UN 2023 Water Conference and APFSD-10.
Dr. Mazhar Hayat strongly believes in developing academia, private sector and
government linkages to support evidence based climate change policy making. He is
visiting speaker at various universities and professional training institutions. Dr.
Hayat has also sufficient experience of technical report writing and research articles.
Currently he is working as Deputy Secretary at Ministry of Water Resources,
Pakistan. For his outreach activities please see his LinkedIn page: For his outreach
activities please visit his LinkedIn page: linkedin.com/in/dr-mazhar-hayat-
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Date of Birth:
ID/ Passport No.
Postal Address
Mobile/ Whatsapp#
+92 333 6819770
Ph.D. (Energy, Resource & Environmental Policy), GREEN School,
Dept. of Energy and Environmental Policy & Technology, Korea
University, South Korea (Feb 2019)
M. Phil. (Chemistry), Dept. of Chemistry, UET, Lahore (June 2008)
M.Sc. (Chemistry), Dept. of Chemistry, Government College
Sargodha (Jan 2003)
PGD (Environmental Laws), Faculty of Law, University of the
Punjab, Lahore (Pakistan) 2022.
Other trainings/
courses attended
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC):
Global Training on preparation of biennial update reportsuse of
NAI software for GHG inventories from 14-16 Sept 2013 Bonn.
UNFCCC: CDM Designated National Authority (DNA) training
and Workshop on Enhancing Regional Distribution of CDM
Projects 4-5 Sept 2013, Manila, Philippines.
UNFCCC: Regional Training on preparation of biennial update
reports September 2014, Yerevan, Armenia.
GIZ: Training on GHG & Non-GHG Indicators and Sustainable
Development, Manila Philippines.
NIEHRD Korea: Certificate in Environmental Policy, South Korea
(11-22 May 2015).
Government of Pakistan: 38
Common Training Program (CSS-
2009), Civil Services Academy, National School of Public Policy,
Lahore (2011)
Government of Pakistan: 33
Specialized Training Program,
Secretariat Training Institute, Establishment Division, Government
of Pakistan, Islamabad (2011)
Government of Pakistan: 29th Mid-career Management Course,
National Institute of Management, Peshawar-Pakistan (2020)
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Membership in
International Forums/
Global Environment Facility (GEF) Alternate Board Member (2019-
Member, Expert Working Group (EWG) on the e-waste technical
Member, Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory
Compliance on Illegal Traffic (ENFORCE)
Member, Small intersessional working group (SIWG)
Member Plastic Waste Partnership
Countries of Work
South Korea (PhD)
Language & Degree of
Foreign Donor Project
National Program Manager (NPM), National Ozone Unit ( A joint
program of activities by UNDP, UNIDO, MLF, UNEP, and
Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC))
National Technical Adviser/Coordinator NAP Process (Green
Climate Fund funded Readiness Activity-UNEP (as Accredited
Agency); MoCC (Executing Agency))
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Employment Record
From : 2-June-2022
To : Present
Ministry of Water Resources
Position Held
Deputy Secretary
Description of Duties
Implementation of National Water Policy-2018, Institutional Strengthening,
International Cooperation, General Administration.
From : 10-Dec-2020
To : 01-June-2022
NAP Project, Ministry of Climate Change (GCF Funded project/ UNEP as
accredited agency)
Position Held
National Technical Adviser/ Coordinator, Pakistan National Adaptation
(NAP) Process
Description of Duties
Aligning climate change adaptation in national planning process;
Supervising studies in the fields of climate vulnerability and risk
assessment; climate information system; and Program management
Lead the organization of, participate as a resource person, and
represent the project in national and subnational workshops and
meetings, in close coordination with the Project Director and key
National Adaptation Plan (NAP) institutional stakeholders;
Facilitate institutional capacity building in gender-sensitive climate
change adaptation planning, multi-sectoral and integrated
planning approaches, and climate finance;
Coordinate the day-to-day implementation of the project
Supervise project staff; and
Serve as Secretary to the Project Steering Committee (PSC),
organize annual PSC meetings and related documentation.
From: 06-Mar-2019
To: 10-Dec-2020
Ministry of Climate Change
Position Held
Deputy Secretary
Description of Duties
The position of Deputy Secretary is a supervisory position. It involved
supervisions of five sections headed by section officers. Overall function is
climate change and environmental governance with following roles:
Climate change and environmental governance through various
legislative, technical and policy tools.
Preparing background papers, concept notes, and coordinate to
conduct national and sub-national level workshops, meetings,
consultative processes engaging public sector actors, private sector,
academia, NGOs/NPOs/ Thank Tanks as well as informal sectors;
Support government through background information, reports,
and policy briefs for UNFCCC COPs and IPCC Sessions.
Contributing to INDC, SNC, TNA (Adaptation and Mitigation)
process in the country.
Additional assignments of multilateral environmental agreements
(MEAs) i.e, Montreal Protocol and Basel Convention.
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From: 01-Sep-2016
To: 25-Feb-2019
Graduate Scholl of Energy & Environment (GREEN School), Korea
University, Republic of Korea.
Position Held
Ph. D. Research Fellow
Description of Duties
Climate Change Policy Research
From: 01-Oct-2015
To: 29-Aug-2016
National Ozone Unit (NOU) Project, UNDP & M/o Climate Change
Position Held
National Program Officer
Description of Duties
Headed a national level multi-agency (UNEP, UNIDO, UNDP, Industry,
and National Government) programme namely;
Institutional Strengthening of National Ozone Unit for the
implementation of Montreal Protocol with following duties:
Manage the project administratively, financially, logistically,
professionally and technically according to the UNDP's standard
Liaise with project donors, to keep them informed of the progress
of project activities.
Liaise with other Government of Pakistan (GoP) offices, and civil
society organizations etc.
Prepare all technical and financial reports and terminal reports to
be submitted to the Government and international organizations.
Advise the government on project management issues as necessary.
Represent the project at various national / international meetings
(i.e. ODS Officers Network Meeting, OEWG Meeting & MoP and
other such meetings / conferences)
Carry out field monitoring visits and hold meetings with different
Arrange the holding of seminars and workshops on various ozone
related issues.
Prepare awareness material, reports on the proceedings of seminars
and workshops for dissemination among concerned stakeholder
and civil society members.
Prepare quarterly / annual progress reports.
From: 11-May-2013
To: 01-Oct-2015
M/o Climate Change
Position Held
Section Officer (Climate Change)
Description of Duties
Desk officer for:
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) Process, National Communications, submissions and
follow up.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Process,
National Communications, submissions and follow up.
Streamlining the administrative & technical matters of the "Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM) Cell Project under Kyoto
Successfully convened three "Consultative Meetings of Provincial
Secretaries Committee for Implementation of National Climate
Change Policy-2012."
Attended meeting on Pro-Poor approaches in Solid Waste
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Management, Sept 2014, Vietnam.
Party Delegate to 37
Intergovernmental Penal on Climate Change
(IPCC) Session from 14-18 October 2013 Batumi, Georgia.
Party Delegate to 19
Conference of Parties (COP-19) to the
United Nations Convention of Climate Change and 9
Meeting of
Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, 11-23 Nov. 2013, Warsaw, Poland.
Party Delegate to 39th Intergovernmental Penal on Climate Change
(IPCC) Session, April-2014, Berlin, Germany.
Party Delegate to 20
Conference of Parties (COP-20) to the
UNFCCC and 10
Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, 01-12
Dec. 2014, Lima, Peru.
Party Delegate to 41
Intergovernmental Penal on Climate Change
(IPCC) Session February 2015, Nairobi, Kenya.
Party Delegate to UNEP GEO-6 REIN Conference, April, 2015,
Bangkok, Thailand.
From: 27-Oct-2011
To: 10-May-2013
Ministry of Capital Administration & Development (M/o CA&D)
Position Held
Section Officer and Private Secretary (PS) to Minister for CA&D
Description of Duties
Administrative work particularly related to education sector; Managing day
to day affairs of Minister’s office, coordinating high profile meetings with
Prime Minister’s Office, President’s Office, line ministries and departments,
Cabinet meetings, and engagements. Assisting in papers and file work
related to legislative and policy business of the Ministry; and desk review of
From: 13-Jan-2011
To: 27-Oct-2011
Government of Pakistan
Position Held
Section Officer/ Probationary Officer (On-job-training)
Description of Duties
From January 2011 to October 2011, as civil servant, I was professionally
trained on governance, country system, public finance and legislative
process at prestigious Civil Services Academy, Walton Campus, Lahore and
Secretariat Training Institute, Islamabad .
From: 2-Nov-2007
To: 12-Jan-2011
AF Inspectorate of Stores (AFIMS), Lahore
Position Held
Assistant Inspector (Gde-II)- technical officer grade
Description of Duties
Industrial sampling of health sector stores, technical evaluation
procurement documents, technical evaluation of laboratory reports. Mainly
related to scientific work.
From: 05-Jan-2006
To: 22-Nov-2007
Directorate of Land Reclamation, Irrigation Department, Punjab
Position Held
Junior Research Officer
Description of Duties
As a researcher in the DLR my duties included to study the saline, saline-
sodic, sodic and water logged soils. The subject is broadly covered under
Climate Change Adaptation.
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1. Mazhar Hayat, Roberto Peixoto. “GHG Emissions in Pakistan’s
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Sector. UNDP (2021).
2. Altaf, Naveed, Shuyu Liang, Rashid Iqbal, Mazhar Hayat, Tomas
Ramirez Reina, and Qiang Wang. "Cu-CuOx/rGO catalyst derived
from hybrid LDH/GO with enhanced C2H4 selectivity by CO2
electrochemical reduction." Journal of CO2 Utilization 40 (2020):
3. Sadeq Anees Uddin Serdar, Mohamed Hussein Fahmy Madkour,
Amani Aliwi Alrasheedi, Mazhar Hayat, Ijaz Ahmad. Aflatoxins
exposure: a big economic, environmental and health concern. Int. J.
Biosci. 15(6), 218-229, December
4. Hayat, Mazhar. "Climate change mitigation prospects through
feasibility of carbon capture and storage technologies in coal fired
power plantsexploring policy options for Pakistan." AFORE (2017):
5. Hassan, Mabroor, Muhammad Irfan Khan, Mazhar Hayat, and Ijaz
Ahmad. "Environmental security in developing countries: a case
study of South Asia." In Handbook of Energy and Environmental
Security, pp. 231-261. Academic Press, 2022.
1. Mr. M Irfan Tariq, Director General (Ex.), Ministry of Climate Change, Islamabad.
2. Mr. Joudat Ayaz, NCVC, Ministry of Environment and Water (MEWA), Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. (joudat@gmail.com)
3. Dr. M. Khursheed, DG (Ex.), SACEP, Sri Lanka. (khurshidswati@yahoo.com)