25 Jul 2023
JULY 2023
25 Jul 2023
This manual provides the policies and procedures for the guidance of personnel assigned to
duties involving the procurement of Navy Officers, to establish the criteria for enlistment in
officer candidate programs, to establish procedures governing the processing of applicants, and
to summarize recruiting support programs to use in accomplishing the Active and Reserve
Component officer recruiting mission. Changes are incorporated throughout this manual and
should be reviewed in its entirety. Administrative changes in format per Chief of Naval
Operations (CNO) Directives Management Manual (OPNAV 5215.17A), including clarification
of required and optional language has been added.
This manual cancels COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2H.
This manual, which is effective immediately, is applicable to NAVCRUITCOM and all Navy
Recruiting activities. Navy recruiting activities includes all military and civilian personnel
assigned to NAVCRUITCOM, Navy Recruiting Regions (NAVCRUITREGs), Navy Recruiting
Reserve Command (NAVCRUITRESCOM), Navy Talent Acquisition Groups
(NAVTALACQGRUs), Navy Recruiting Stations (NAVCRUITSTAs), Navy Recruiting
Command Orientation Unit (NAVCRUITCOM ORU), or similar units tasked with completing
the recruiting mission for the U.S. Navy.
This directive is not cleared for public release and is available electronically via the Flank Speed
Portal at MYNAVYHR_NRC or via the NAVCRUITCOM Records Manager.
Forward recommended changes to this instruction, together with justification, using a completed
OPNAV 5215/40 Review of Instruction via e-mail to NAVCRUITCOM Records and
Information Management (00SD) at [email protected].
Records created as a result of this instruction, regardless of format or media, must be maintained
and dispositioned per the records disposition schedules located on the Department of the Navy
Assistant for Administration, Directives and Records Management Division portal page at
Management/Approved%20Record%20Schedules/Forms/AllItems.aspx. For questions
concerning the management of records related to this instruction or the records disposition
schedules, please contact the local records manager or the OPNAV Records Management
Program (DNS-16).
Per OPNAVINST 5215.17A, NAVCRUITCOM Policy and Programs Division (N35) will
review this instruction annually around the anniversary of its issuance date to ensure
applicability, currency, and consistency with Federal, Department of Defense, Secretary of the
Navy, and Navy policy and statutory authority using OPNAV 5215/40 Review of Instruction.
This instruction will be in effect for 10 years, unless revised or cancelled in the interim, and will
be reissued by the 10-year anniversary date if it is still required, unless it meets one of the
25 Jul 2023
exceptions in OPNAVINST 5215.17A, paragraph 9. Otherwise, if this instruction is no longer
required, it will be processed for cancellation as soon as the need for cancellation is known
following the guidance in OPNAV Manual 5215.1 of May 2016.
Forms and documents necessary for the processing of Navy applicants for active and reserve
component enlistment and commissioning that do not appear in this manual can be located on the
NAVCRUITCOM Flank Speed Portal.
25 Jul 2023
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. i
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... xiv
Chapter 1 OFFICER RECRUITING LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT .......................... 1-1
SECTION 1 CHANGES AND DISTRIBUTION ...................................................................... 1-1
010101. Recommended Changes ............................................................................................. 1-1
010102. Authority for Issuance................................................................................................ 1-1
010103. Distribution ................................................................................................................ 1-1
Exhibit 1-1. Recommended Change Submission Document ............................................. 1-3
010201. Content ....................................................................................................................... 1-4
010202. Authority of Manual .................................................................................................. 1-4
010203. Erroneous, Fraudulent Enlistment or Commissioning ............................................... 1-4
Exhibit 1-2. Erroneous, Fraudulent Enlistment or Commission Recruiter Letter ...................... 1-6
Exhibit 1-3. Erroneous or Fraudulent Accession Endorsement from
NAVTALACQGRU ............................................................................................... 1-7
010301. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1-8
010302. Officer Recruiter Function ......................................................................................... 1-8
010303. Officer Recruiter Responsibilities.............................................................................. 1-8
010304. Officer Processor and Officer Processor Lead (OPL) Functions ............................. 1-10
010305. Officer Processor and OPL Responsibilities............................................................ 1-10
010306. Additional Duties of the OPL .................................................................................. 1-12
010307. Chaplain Program Officers (CHOPO) ..................................................................... 1-13
010308. NAVCRUITRESCOM OFFICER RECRUITERS ................................................. 1-15
SECTION 4 MILITARY CONDUCT ON RECRUITING DUTY ........................................... 1-18
010401. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1-18
010402. Acceptance for Enlistment and Commissioning ...................................................... 1-18
010403. Recruiter Awareness ................................................................................................ 1-18
010404. Recruiting Ethics ...................................................................................................... 1-18
010405. Conduct with Applicants.......................................................................................... 1-20
010406. Concealing Applicant Information .......................................................................... 1-21
010407. Non-Solicitation of Certain Individuals ................................................................... 1-21
010408. Safeguarding Application Information .................................................................... 1-22
010409. Sending Recruitment Information or Material to a Foreign Country ...................... 1-22
010410. Uniforms .................................................................................................................. 1-22
010411. Navy Recruiting Hours of Operations ..................................................................... 1-23
010412. Inspections ............................................................................................................... 1-23
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SECTION 5 OPERATIONS ...................................................................................................... 1-24
010501. Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 1-24
010502. TALACQONBDCTR Security ................................................................................ 1-24
010503. Computers ................................................................................................................ 1-24
010504. Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act ......................................................... 1-24
010505. Collection of Personal Information from Individuals .............................................. 1-25
010506. Operations department Organization ....................................................................... 1-25
010507. Office Files............................................................................................................... 1-25
010508. Vehicles.................................................................................................................... 1-25
SECTION 6 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................... 1-26
010601. Initial Appointments ................................................................................................ 1-26
010602. Officer Designators .................................................................................................. 1-26
010603. Officer Grade Codes ................................................................................................ 1-26
010604. Navy Officer Billet Classifications (NOBC) ........................................................... 1-27
010605. Solicitation of Privacy Act Information ................................................................... 1-27
010606. Definitions................................................................................................................ 1-28
SECTION 7 PROSPECTING .................................................................................................... 1-30
010701. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1-30
010702. Basic Definitions ...................................................................................................... 1-30
010703. Principal Sources of Leads or Contacts ................................................................... 1-30
010704. Poaching ................................................................................................................... 1-33
010705. Advertising and Leads Responsibilities ................................................................... 1-34
010706. Leads Handling ........................................................................................................ 1-36
010707. School Canvassing Program .................................................................................... 1-37
010708. Blueprinting ............................................................................................................. 1-40
SECTION 8 MODES OF PROSPECTING ............................................................................... 1-41
010801. Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 1-41
010802. Telephone ................................................................................................................. 1-41
010803. Referrals ................................................................................................................... 1-42
010804. Advertising - Leads .................................................................................................. 1-43
010805. Mail-Outs ................................................................................................................. 1-44
010806. Personally Developed Contacts (PDCs) .................................................................. 1-44
010807. Time Management ................................................................................................... 1-45
010808. Analysis of Prospecting ........................................................................................... 1-46
010809. The Value Oriented Recruiting “Valor” Selling Process ......................................... 1-46
Exhibit 1-4. Telephon Script ..................................................................................................... 1-49
Chapter 2 BASIC ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS ................................................................. 2-1
SECTION 1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................. 2-1
020101. Recruiter Guidelines .................................................................................................. 2-1
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020102. Character .................................................................................................................... 2-1
020103. Eligibility Determination Authority ........................................................................... 2-1
020104. Previous Disenrollment from Programs Leading to a Commission .......................... 2-3
020105. Screening of Applicants ............................................................................................. 2-4
020106. Religious Accommodations ....................................................................................... 2-4
020107. Marginally Qualified Prospects ................................................................................. 2-5
020108. Maximum Age Statement of Understanding ............................................................. 2-5
020109. Age Waiver ................................................................................................................ 2-5
020110. Verification of Birth and Birth Certificate ................................................................. 2-6
020111. dependency Status ...................................................................................................... 2-7
020112. Swimming Requirements ........................................................................................... 2-8
Exhibit 2-1. Officer Candidate Non-Competitive Letter .......................................................... 2-10
Exhibit 2-2. Officer Candidate School, Officer Development School Third
Class Swim Test .................................................................................................... 2-11
SECTION 2 CITIZENSHIP ...................................................................................................... 2-12
020201. General ..................................................................................................................... 2-12
020202. Evidence of Citizenship ........................................................................................... 2-12
SECTION 3 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER REQUIREMENT ............................................ 2-17
020301. Criteria ..................................................................................................................... 2-17
020302. Verification .............................................................................................................. 2-17
020303. Waivers .................................................................................................................... 2-18
020401. Enlistment or Commissioning Name (Native Born U.S. Citizens) ......................... 2-19
020402. Enlistment and Commissioning Name (Applicants with USCIS Documents) ........ 2-20
SECTION 5 EDUCATION ....................................................................................................... 2-21
020501. Education Credentials .............................................................................................. 2-21
020502. Letter of Acceptance for Student Programs ............................................................. 2-21
020503. Letter of Good Standing........................................................................................... 2-21
020504. Transcripts................................................................................................................ 2-21
SECTION 6 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS ............................................................... 2-25
020601. Professional School Entrance Exam Report ............................................................ 2-25
020602. Professional Certificates and Certification .............................................................. 2-25
020603. Professional Interviews ............................................................................................ 2-26
SECTION 7 PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 2-27
020701. Orthodontia .............................................................................................................. 2-27
020702. Tattoos, Body Art and Brands ................................................................................. 2-27
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020801. Accompanying Officer Candidates to the Military Entrance Processing
Station (MEPS) ........................................................................................................ 2-31
020802. Physical Standards ................................................................................................... 2-31
020803. Applicants Pre-Shipping Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) Requirements ......... 2-31
020804. Examination of Female Applicants .......................................................................... 2-32
020805. Appointment, Enlistment, and Affiliation Physical Examination ........................... 2-32
020806. HIV and Serological Examination Reports.............................................................. 2-37
020807. Drug and Alcohol Test (DAT) ................................................................................. 2-38
020808. Medical Consults ..................................................................................................... 2-39
020809. Correction of Minor Physical Defects ..................................................................... 2-39
020810. Requirements for Re-Examination .......................................................................... 2-39
020811. Notification of Physical Status................................................................................. 2-40
020812. Courtesy Reviews .................................................................................................... 2-40
020813. Medical Waiver Procedures ..................................................................................... 2-41
020814. Flag Review Procedures .......................................................................................... 2-45
SECTION 9 DRUG AND ALCOHOL SCREENING REQUIREMENT ................................ 2-48
020901. Policy ....................................................................................................................... 2-48
020902. Definitions................................................................................................................ 2-48
020903. Waiver Criteria for Drug Use .................................................................................. 2-51
020904. Previous or Current Alcohol Abuse ......................................................................... 2-53
SECTION 10 LEGAL AND CONDUCT REQUIREMENT .................................................... 2-55
021001. General ..................................................................................................................... 2-55
021002. Definitions................................................................................................................ 2-55
021003. Documentation of Conduct Qualification ................................................................ 2-59
021004. Self-Admitted Crimes No Police Record .............................................................. 2-60
021005. Identified Misconduct Offenses(s) ........................................................................... 2-60
021006. Civil Restraint .......................................................................................................... 2-63
021007. Pending Lawsuits and Court Cases .......................................................................... 2-64
021008. Special Provisions For Applicants Charged With Crimes Involving Physical
Violence ................................................................................................................... 2-64
SECTION 11 WAIVERS .......................................................................................................... 2-75
021101. General Policy .......................................................................................................... 2-75
021102. Eligibility for Waivers ............................................................................................. 2-75
021103. Special Considerations for Conduct and Medical Waivers ..................................... 2-76
021104. Waiver Authority Levels.......................................................................................... 2-79
021105. Documentation of Waiver Approval ........................................................................ 2-81
Chapter 3 OFFICER PROGRAMS ............................................................................................. 3-1
030101. Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program (BDCP-XXXX7) ................................. 3-1
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SECTION 2 NUCLEAR OFFICER PROGRAMS ..................................................................... 3-2
030201. Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate (11701 or 11601) .......................................... 3-2
030202. Naval Reactors Engineer (12201) .............................................................................. 3-2
030203. Nuclear Power Instructor (12101 or 12102) .............................................................. 3-2
SECTION 3 OFFICER DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL (ODS) PROGRAMS .............................. 3-3
030301. Health Services Collegiate Program (HSCP) ............................................................ 3-3
030302. Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP)(1975x, 1985x,
1995x) ........................................................................................................................ 3-3
030303. Financial Assistance Program (FAP) ......................................................................... 3-4
030304. Navy Nurse Corps Active Duty Accession Bonus Program ...................................... 3-4
030305. Medical Corps Active and Reserve (2100/2105) ....................................................... 3-4
030306. Dental Corps Active and Reserve (2200/2205) ........................................................ 3-5
030307. Medical Service Corps (MSC) (2300/2305) .............................................................. 3-6
030308. Nurse Corps Active and Reserve (2900/2905) .......................................................... 3-8
030309. Nurse Candidate Program (29002) ............................................................................ 3-9
030310. Judge Advocate General Corps Active and Reserve (2500) ...................................... 3-9
030311. Judge Advocate General Corps Reserve Student Program (1955) .......................... 3-10
PROGRAMS............................................................................................................ 3-11
030401. Surface Warfare (11600) .......................................................................................... 3-11
030402. Surface Warfare - (Engineering Duty Officer) Option (11602) .............................. 3-11
030403. Surface Warfare - (Information Professional) Option (11603) ................................ 3-11
030404. Surface Warfare - (Oceanography) Option (11604) ................................................ 3-11
030405. Surface Warfare - (Information Warfare) Option (11605) ...................................... 3-11
030406. Special Warfare (11800) .......................................................................................... 3-12
030407. Special Operations Officer - EOD (11900) ............................................................. 3-12
030408. Naval Flight Officer Candidate (NFO)(13700) ....................................................... 3-12
030409. Aviation Officer Candidate (AOC) Pilot or NFO Training (13900/13700) ............ 3-12
030410. Aerial Vehicle Operator Officer Candidate (AVO) (73710) (13900) ..................... 3-12
030411. Aerospace Engineering Duty (Aviation Maintenance) Officer (15200) .................. 3-12
030412. Special Duty (Public Affairs) Officer (16500) ........................................................ 3-13
030413. Special Duty (Oceanography) Officer (18000)........................................................ 3-13
030414. Special Duty (Cryptologic Warfare) Officer (18100) .............................................. 3-13
030415. Special Duty (Information Professional) Officer (18200) ....................................... 3-13
030416. Special Duty (Intelligence) Officer (18300) ............................................................ 3-13
030417. Special Duty (Cyber Warfare Engineer) Officer (18400) ........................................ 3-14
030418. Supply Corps (31000) .............................................................................................. 3-14
030419. Civil Engineer Corps (51000) .................................................................................. 3-14
(DCO), NAVET, AND ODS PROGRAMS ............................................................ 3-15
030501. Pilot (1315) Naval Flight Officer (NFO)(1325) ...................................................... 3-15
030502. Special Warfare Officer (1135) ............................................................................... 3-15
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030503. Special Operations Officer - EOD (1145) ............................................................... 3-15
030504. Engineering Duty Officer (1465) ............................................................................. 3-15
030505. Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (1515) ........................................................... 3-15
030506. Aviation Maintenance Duty Officer (1525) ............................................................. 3-16
030507. Special Duty Officer (Cryptologic Warfare) (1815) ................................................ 3-16
030508. Special Duty Officer (Strategic Sealift Officer) (1625, 1665, 1675, 1695) ............. 3-16
030509. Special Duty Officer (Intelligence) (1835) .............................................................. 3-16
030510. Special Duty Officer (Information Professional) (1825) ......................................... 3-16
030511. Special Duty Officer (Public Affairs) (1655) .......................................................... 3-16
030512. Special Duty Officer (Oceanography) (1805) .......................................................... 3-17
030513. Supply Corps (DCO - 3165) and (NAVET - 3105) ................................................. 3-17
030514. Civil Engineer Corps (5105) .................................................................................... 3-17
030515. Human Resources (1205) ......................................................................................... 3-17
030516. Medical Corps (2105) .............................................................................................. 3-17
030517. Judge Advocate General Corps (2505) - (NAVETS Only) ..................................... 3-17
030518. Nurse Corps (2905) .................................................................................................. 3-17
030519. Medical Service Corps (2305) ................................................................................. 3-17
030520. Medical Corps (2205) ............................................................................................. 3-18
SECTION 6 CHAPLAIN PROGRAMS ................................................................................... 3-19
030601. Chaplain Candidate (1945) ...................................................................................... 3-19
030602. Chaplain Corps (Active - 4100X) ............................................................................ 3-19
030603. Chaplain Corps Reserve (4105X) ............................................................................ 3-19
Chapter 4 ACTIVE AND RESERVE OFFICER PROGRAMS PROCESSING ........................ 4-1
SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................. 4-1
040101. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4-1
040102. Responsibilities .......................................................................................................... 4-1
040103. Points of Contact ........................................................................................................ 4-1
040104. Advertising and Contacting Prospects ....................................................................... 4-1
040105. Submission Procedures .............................................................................................. 4-1
040106. Quota Availability ...................................................................................................... 4-1
040107. Board Member Recommendations ............................................................................ 4-2
040108. Document Verification Reproduction Policy ............................................................. 4-2
040109. Withdrawal From Processing ..................................................................................... 4-2
040110. Guidance On Program Preferences and Selections .................................................... 4-4
040111. Final Selection Authority ........................................................................................... 4-5
040112. Field Rejection Authority .......................................................................................... 4-6
040113. Records Maintenance ................................................................................................. 4-7
040114. Authorization and Guidance on Records Destruction ............................................... 4-8
040115. Recruiting Residual File Requirements ..................................................................... 4-8
Exhibit 4-1. Applicant Designator Change Request ................................................................... 4-9
SECTION 2 APPLICANT TESTING ....................................................................................... 4-10
040201. Control of Testing Material ..................................................................................... 4-10
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040202. Aviation Selection Test Battery ............................................................................... 4-11
Exhibit 4-2. Test Control Officer Designation Letter ............................................................... 4-15
Exhibit 4-3. Officer Programs Test Administrator Designation Letter .................................... 4-16
Exhibit 4-4. Aviation Selection Test Battery Material Sub-Custody Letter ............................. 4-17
APPLICATION PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION ........................................ 4-18
040301. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4-18
040302. Initial Processing ...................................................................................................... 4-18
040303. Checklist Items to Request Early ............................................................................. 4-20
040304. Medical Processing .................................................................................................. 4-21
040305. Kit Submission ......................................................................................................... 4-22
040306. Selection Criteria ..................................................................................................... 4-24
040307. Selection Procedures ................................................................................................ 4-25
040308. Reconsideration Requests ........................................................................................ 4-30
040309. Financial Incentive Programs .................................................................................. 4-31
040310. Nuclear, Chaplain, and CWE Interviews ................................................................. 4-31
040311. Naval Special Warfare (SEAL) Officer Screening Process ..................................... 4-32
040312. Obtaining Reserve Billets. ....................................................................................... 4-32
PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION ................................................................... 4-34
040401. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4-34
040402. Other Service Veterans and Inter-Service Transfers ............................................... 4-34
040403. NAVET Initial Processing ....................................................................................... 4-34
040404. Financial Incentives ................................................................................................. 4-35
040405. NAVET Medical Processing.................................................................................... 4-35
040406. NAVET Kit Submission .......................................................................................... 4-36
040407. NAVET Voluntary Training Unit (VTU) Processing .............................................. 4-37
SECTION 5 NAVET APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENTS ................................... 4-38
040501. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4-38
040502. Authorization ........................................................................................................... 4-38
040503. Active Component Navy Officers being processed for Honorable Separation -
Career Transition Officer ......................................................................................... 4-38
040504. Other Service Veteran Appointments ...................................................................... 4-38
040505. Former Officer Requesting Re-Appointment - Navy Veteran ................................. 4-39
SECTION 6 JAG CORPS OFFICER PROCESSING ............................................................... 4-41
040601. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4-41
040602. JAG Applicant Process (Student Programs and Direct Accessions) ....................... 4-41
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SUBMISSION ......................................................................................................... 4-43
040701. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4-43
040702. Authorization ........................................................................................................... 4-43
040703. Recall Processing Procedures .................................................................................. 4-43
040704. Recall to Active Duty (Medical and Chaplain)........................................................ 4-43
040705. Physical Standards ................................................................................................... 4-44
040706. Designator Change ................................................................................................... 4-44
040707. Call To Active Duty ................................................................................................. 4-44
040708. Augmentation ........................................................................................................... 4-44
040709. Selection ................................................................................................................... 4-44
SECTION 8 NASIS, DISS AND SCROLL PROCESSES ....................................................... 4-46
040801. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4-46
040802. NASIS Process for Officer Applicants .................................................................... 4-46
040803. Key Issues with NASIS Processing of Officer Applicants ...................................... 4-47
040804. Process of DISS Verification ................................................................................... 4-49
040805. NUPOC Security Clearance Submission Requirements .......................................... 4-50
040806. Scroll Process ........................................................................................................... 4-50
040901. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4-54
040902. Preparation for Enlistment and Commissioning ...................................................... 4-54
040903. Briefing at Time of Enlistment or Commissioning.................................................. 4-56
040904. Executing Enlistment ............................................................................................... 4-58
040905. Executing the Commission ...................................................................................... 4-58
040906. Disqualification after Enlistment (Physical or Educational) ................................... 4-60
040907. Distribution of Enlistment Documents .................................................................... 4-60
040908. Distribution of Commissioning Documents ............................................................ 4-61
040909. Courtesy and Superseding Appointments ................................................................ 4-62
040910. Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System (DEERS) and the Military
Identification Card ................................................................................................... 4-62
SECTION 10 ORDERS ............................................................................................................. 4-64
041001. General Guidelines................................................................................................... 4-64
041002. Collegiate Orders ..................................................................................................... 4-64
041003. Place of Departure for Orders .................................................................................. 4-65
041004. Dependent Travel ..................................................................................................... 4-65
041005. Shipment of Household Goods ................................................................................ 4-65
041006. Reporting Windows ................................................................................................. 4-65
041007. VIP Orders ............................................................................................................... 4-65
SECTION 11 DISCHARGE OF OFFICER CANDIDATES .................................................... 4-67
041101. Inactive Duty Officer Candidates Awaiting Officer Candidate School................... 4-67
041102. Active Duty Officer Candidates Accepting A Commission .................................... 4-67
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041103. Active Duty Officer Candidates ............................................................................... 4-67
041104. Injury or Death ......................................................................................................... 4-68
SECTION 12 RESERVE AFFILIATION ................................................................................. 4-69
041201. Reserve Officer Accession Branch (PERS-911)...................................................... 4-69
041202. Drilling Eligibility and Status .................................................................................. 4-70
041203. Key Employees ........................................................................................................ 4-70
041204. Navy Active Duty Delay for Specialist Physician Program .................................... 4-70
041205. Medical and Dental Students ................................................................................... 4-70
SECTION 13 OFFICER TRAINING SCHOOL INFORMATION .......................................... 4-71
041301. Contacting Schools .................................................................................................. 4-71
041302. Officer Candidate School ......................................................................................... 4-71
041303. Officer Development School ................................................................................... 4-71
041304. Direct Commissioned Officer Indoctrination Course .............................................. 4-72
041305. Naval Chaplaincy School ......................................................................................... 4-72
(ORPMS) ................................................................................................................... 5-1
SECTION 1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................. 5-1
050101. Background ................................................................................................................ 5-1
050102. Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 5-1
050103. Reports ....................................................................................................................... 5-2
050104. Goal Assignments and Appointment ......................................................................... 5-2
Exhibit 5-1. Officer Prospecting Applicant Log ......................................................................... 5-3
Exhibit 5-2. Talent Acquisition Onboarding Center Quarterly Visit Checklist.......................... 5-7
Exhibit 5-3. Annual Officer Programs Goaling Letter ............................................................... 5-9
SECTION 2 OFFICER PRODUCTION REVIEWS ................................................................. 5-10
050201. General ..................................................................................................................... 5-10
050202. Weekly Production Review (PR) from OPO or OACR to Recruiter....................... 5-10
050203. OACR to Officer Recruiter ...................................................................................... 5-11
MARKET) ............................................................................................................... 5-12
050301. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 5-12
050302. Marketing Environment ........................................................................................... 5-12
050303. Marketing Definitions .............................................................................................. 5-12
050304. Targeting the Market for Each Navy Reserve Program ........................................... 5-12
050304. Targeting the Market for Each Navy Reserve Program ........................................... 5-12
050305. Market Source Potential ........................................................................................... 5-12
050306. Territory Analysis .................................................................................................... 5-13
050307. Market Analysis ....................................................................................................... 5-13
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(ORAMPS) ................................................................................................................ 6-1
SECTION 1 GENERAL GUIDELINES ..................................................................................... 6-1
060101. Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 6-1
060102. Background ................................................................................................................ 6-2
060103. Action ......................................................................................................................... 6-2
060104. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 6-3
060105. Responsibilities .......................................................................................................... 6-4
060106. Partnering Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 6-5
060107. Training ...................................................................................................................... 6-5
Chapter 7 FORMS AND DOCUMENTS .................................................................................... 7-1
SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 7-1
070101. Contents of Chapter ................................................................................................... 7-1
070102. Form Changes, Adoption and Cancellation Process .................................................. 7-2
070103. Requesting Copies of Military Personnel Records .................................................... 7-2
SECTION 2 FORMS ................................................................................................................... 7-3
070201. NAVCRUIT 1100/27 Hold Harmless Agreement and Release from Liability
Certificate ................................................................................................................... 7-3
070202. NAVCRUIT 1131/238 Application Processing and Summary Record ..................... 7-3
070203. NAVCRUIT 1131/4 Academic Degree Completion Plan ......................................... 7-3
070204. NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks ......................................................... 7-3
070205. NAVPERS 1331/5 Application for Recall to Extended Active Duty ........................ 7-3
070206. NAVPERS 1740/6 Department of the Navy Family Care Plan Certificate and
NAVPERS 1740/7 Family Care Plan Arrangements................................................. 7-3
070207. DD Form 4 Enlistment/Reenlistment Document - Armed Forces of the
United States .............................................................................................................. 7-4
070208. DD Form 214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty and
NGB-22 Report of Separation and Record of Service ............................................... 7-7
070209. DD Form 368 Request For Conditional Release ....................................................... 7-7
070210. DD Form 369 Police Record Checks (PRCs) .......................................................... 7-11
070211. DD Form 370 References - Request for Reference ................................................. 7-11
070212. DD Form 2058 State of Legal Residence ................................................................ 7-13
070213. DD Form 2808 Report of Medical Examination ..................................................... 7-13
070214. DD Form 2807-2 Accessions Medical History Report ............................................ 7-13
070215. DD Form 1966 Record of Military Processing - Armed Forces of the
United States ............................................................................................................ 7-13
070216. Security Investigation .............................................................................................. 7-13
070217. SF 87 Fingerprints.................................................................................................... 7-13
070218. SF 86 Questionnaire for National Security Positions .............................................. 7-14
070219. Maximum Age Statement of Understanding ........................................................... 7-14
070220. GPA Calculation Worksheet .................................................................................... 7-15
070221. Contingent Resignation Letter ................................................................................. 7-15
25 Jul 2023
070222. DD Form 2645 Voter Registration Information and Voter Registration
Application ............................................................................................................... 7-16
070223. Officer Candidate School Selection Memorandum ................................................. 7-16
Exhibit 7-1. Officer Candidate School Selection Memorandum .............................................. 7-17
SECTION 3 NUCLEAR FORMS ............................................................................................. 7-18
070301. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 7-18
070302. Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate Letter of Intent to Enlist ............................. 7-18
070303. NAVCRUIT 1131/8 Nuclear Propulsion Program Pre-Service Drug Abuse
Statement.................................................................................................................. 7-18
Exhibit 7-2. Letter of Intent to Enlist for Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate,
Naval Reactors Engineers, and Nuclear Power Instructor
Applicants ............................................................................................................. 7-19
SECTION 4 CHAPLAIN FORMS ............................................................................................ 7-20
070401. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 7-20
070402. DD Form 2088 Documentation of Request for Ecclesiastical Endorsement
Approval and NAVCRUIT 1131/10 Documentation of Request for
Ecclesiastical Endorsement ...................................................................................... 7-20
SECTION 5 MEDICAL CREDENTIALING ........................................................................... 7-21
070501. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 7-21
070502. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Detachment, Jacksonville Credentialing
Package .................................................................................................................... 7-21
Chapter 8 OFFICER CANDIDATE PROGRAM ....................................................................... 8-1
SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 8-1
080101. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 8-1
080102 Management of the Officer Candidate Program ........................................................ 8-1
080103. Officer Candidate Program Responsibilities ............................................................. 8-1
SECTION 2 MANAGEMENT OF ACTIVE DUTY COLLEGIATES ...................................... 8-7
080201. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 8-7
080202. Management of Active Duty Collegiates ................................................................... 8-7
080203. Active Duty Collegiate’s Tracking Process ............................................................... 8-8
080204. Monthly OCP Screening .......................................................................................... 8-10
080205. Collegiate Management Reports (CMRs) ................................................................ 8-11
080206. Adverse Collegiate Management Reports ............................................................... 8-12
080207. Requirements Prior Collegiate Transfer to OCS or ODS ........................................ 8-13
080208. Collegiate Academic Responsibilities ..................................................................... 8-15
080209. NAVTALACQGRU Academic Management Responsibilities ............................... 8-15
080210. Academic Disenrollment ......................................................................................... 8-16
080211. Medical and Physical Responsibilities or Requirements ......................................... 8-16
25 Jul 2023
080212. Change in Physical Status ........................................................................................ 8-17
080213. Physical Fitness ........................................................................................................ 8-18
080214. Physical Training Guidelines ................................................................................... 8-19
080215. Active Duty Collegiate’s Advancements ................................................................. 8-19
080216. OCP Management and Attrition Analysis ............................................................... 8-21
080217. Active Duty Collegiate Transfer .............................................................................. 8-21
080218. Change in Personal, Legal and Other Status ............................................................ 8-22
080219. Urinalysis ................................................................................................................. 8-22
080220. Casualty Operations (Death or Injury) of an Active Duty Collegiate ..................... 8-22
080221. Leave and Liberty (Active Duty Collegiates Only) ................................................. 8-23
Exhibit 8-1. Meritorious Advancement For Referral Letter ..................................................... 8-26
COLLEGIATES ...................................................................................................... 8-27
080301. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 8-27
080302. Management of Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Collegiates ................................ 8-27
080303. IRR Collegiate’s Tracking Process .......................................................................... 8-28
080304. Monthly OCP Screening .......................................................................................... 8-29
080305. Collegiate Management Report (For CCPO Only) .................................................. 8-30
080306. Adverse Collegiate Management Reports ............................................................... 8-31
080307. Requirements Prior to the IRR Collegiate’s Transfer to ODS ................................. 8-32
080308. IRR Collegiate’s Academic Responsibilities ........................................................... 8-33
080309. NAVTALACQGRU’s Academic Management Responsibilities ............................ 8-34
080310. Academic Disenrollment (For CCPO Only) ............................................................ 8-35
080311. Medical and Physical Responsibilities or Requirements ......................................... 8-35
080312. Change in Physical Status (For CCPO Only) .......................................................... 8-36
080313. Physical Fitness ........................................................................................................ 8-36
080314. Physical Training Guidelines ................................................................................... 8-37
080315. IRR Collegiate’s Advancements .............................................................................. 8-37
080316. OCP Management and Attrition Analysis ............................................................... 8-38
080317. IRR Collegiate’s Transfer (For CCPO Only) .......................................................... 8-38
080318. Change in Personal, Legal and Other Status ............................................................ 8-39
080319. Urinalysis ................................................................................................................. 8-39
080320. Casualty (Death) of an IRR Collegiate .................................................................... 8-39
080321. Leave and Liberty .................................................................................................... 8-40
CANDIDATES (NON-COLLEGIATES) ............................................................... 8-41
080401. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 8-41
080402. Management of IRR Officer Candidates (Non-Collegiates) ................................... 8-41
080403. IRR Officer Candidates (Non-collegiates) Tracking Process .................................. 8-41
080404. Monthly OCP Screening .......................................................................................... 8-42
080405. Collegiate Management Reports .............................................................................. 8-43
080406. Adverse Collegiate Management Reports ............................................................... 8-43
25 Jul 2023
080407. Requirements Prior to an IRR Officer Candidate’s (Non-Collegiates)
Transfer to OCS or ODS .......................................................................................... 8-43
080408. IRR Officer Candidate’s (Non-Collegiates) Academic Responsibilities ................. 8-44
080409. NAVTALACQGRU’s Academic Management Responsibilities ............................ 8-45
080410. Academic Disenrollment ......................................................................................... 8-45
080411. Medical and Physical Responsibilities or Requirements ......................................... 8-45
080412. Change in Physical Status ........................................................................................ 8-45
080413. Physical Fitness ........................................................................................................ 8-46
080414. Physical Training Guidelines ................................................................................... 8-46
080415. IRR Officer Candidate’s (Non-Collegiates) Advancements.................................... 8-47
080416. Officer Candidate Program Management and Attrition Analysis............................ 8-47
080417. IRR Officer Candidate’s (Non-Collegiates) Transfer .............................................. 8-48
080418. Change in Personal, Legal or Other Status .............................................................. 8-48
080419. Urinalysis ................................................................................................................. 8-48
080420. Casualty (Death) of an IRR Officer Candidate (Non-Collegiate) ........................... 8-48
080421. Leave and Liberty .................................................................................................... 8-49
APPENDIX A ACTIVE DUTY COLLEGIATE HANDBOOK ............................................... A-1
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ A-3
2. Purpose ............................................................................................................................... A-3
3. Background ........................................................................................................................ A-3
4. Military Benefits ................................................................................................................ A-4
5. Active Duty Collegiate’s Tracking Process ....................................................................... A-4
6. Monthly Executive Screens ............................................................................................... A-6
7. Collegiate Management Reports (CMRs) .......................................................................... A-6
8. Requirements Prior To Transfer To OCS or ODS ............................................................. A-8
9. Collegiate Academic Responsibilities ............................................................................... A-9
10. Academic Disenrollment ................................................................................................. A-10
11. Change in Physical Status ................................................................................................ A-10
12. Physical Fitness ................................................................................................................ A-11
13. Physical Training Guidelines ........................................................................................... A-12
14. Active Duty Collegiate’s Advancements ......................................................................... A-12
15. Change in Personal, Legal or Other Status ...................................................................... A-14
16. Urinalysis Program .......................................................................................................... A-14
17. Leave and Liberty ............................................................................................................ A-14
AND ODS ...............................................................................................................B-1
1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................B-1
2. Discussion ...........................................................................................................................B-1
3. Action ..................................................................................................................................B-1
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List of Tables
Table 1.1 Officer Designator Codes ....................................................................................... 1-26
Table 1.2 Officer Grade Codes ............................................................................................... 1-27
Table 2.1 Documents Approved For Verification of Citizenship and Place of Birth ............ 2-15
Table 2.2 Documents for Verification of Social Security Number Eligibility ....................... 2-17
Table 2.3 Examples of Enlistment or Commissioning Names (U.S. Native Born) ............... 2-19
Table 2.4 Examples of Enlistment and Commissioning Names (USCIS Documents) .......... 2-20
Table 2.5 Examples of Professional Certificates and Certifications ...................................... 2-25
Table 2.6 Weight And Height Screening Standards ............................................................... 2-46
Table 2.7 Eligibility And Waiver Chart for Officer Applicants with Alcohol, Drug
Abuse or Alcohol or Drug Related Offenses .......................................................... 2-53
Table 2.8 Mandatory Determinations Matrix ......................................................................... 2-62
Table 2.9 Eligibility and Waiver Chart for Applicants with Civil or Conduct Offenses ....... 2-65
Table 2.10 Uniform Guide List for Traffic Offenses ............................................................... 2-68
Table 2.11 Uniform Guide List for Non-Traffic Offenses ....................................................... 2-70
Table 2.12 Uniform Guide List for Misconduct Offenses ....................................................... 2-72
Table 2.13 Uniform Guide List for Major Misconduct Offenses ............................................. 2-73
Table 2.14 Mandatory Determinations Documents To Review ............................................... 2-74
Table 2.15 Reenlistment Code (RE-Code) Chart ..................................................................... 2-82
Table 3.1 Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program Designators ........................................ 3-1
Table 3.2 Health Services Collegiate Program Designators .................................................... 3-3
Table 3.3 Health Professional Scholarship Program Designators ............................................ 3-4
Table 3.4 Officer Communities with Financial Assistance Program Designators ................... 3-4
Table 3.5 Medical Corps Active and Reserve Designators ...................................................... 3-5
Table 3.6 Dental Corps Active and Reserve Designators ........................................................ 3-6
Table 3.7 Medical Service Corps Designators ......................................................................... 3-7
Table 3.8 Nurse Corps Active and Reserve Designators ......................................................... 3-9
Table 4.1 Sample Scroll Data Excel Spreadsheet .................................................................. 4-52
Table 4.2 Chaplain Program Documents ................................................................................ 4-53
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Chapter 1
010101. Recommended Changes
a. Anyone may submit recommended changes to COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2
series via their chain of command to Commander, Navy Recruiting Command, Policy and
Programs Division (N35).
(1) Changes must be submitted in the exact form and wording being recommended.
Identify the paragraph(s) and page number(s) affected by the recommended change. Include full
justification for the proposed change.
(2) Use Exhibit 1-1 Recommended Change Submission Document to submit change
requests. Members will scan, and email exhibit 1-1 with endorsements, to NAVCRUITCOM
N35 at [email protected]. Change recommendations will not be accepted without
proper routing via the chain of command or endorsements.
(3) NAVCRUITCOM N35 will forward recommended changes to this instruction,
together with justification, using a completed OPNAV 5215/40 Review of Instruction via e-mail
to NAVCRUITCOM Records and Information Management (00SD) at
Note: Provide an information copy to NAVCRUITCOM Director, Training and
Quality Assurance (N7).
b. Textual changes will be highlighted in both the paper and electronic versions of
010102. Authority for Issuance. The Recruiting Manual - Officer (CRUITMANOFF) is
issued per Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS) Instruction 5450.16, under the provisions of 5
USC 301 and 302; 10 USC 6011, 10 USC 504, 12103, 12201 et. seq., 651, 2107, 2120 et. seq.
and 2130a; and articles 0206, and 0307 U.S. Navy Regulations 1973. Commander, Navy
Recruiting Command (COMNAVCRUITCOM) is responsible for issuance, maintenance and
changes to this regulation.
010103. Distribution. COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2 and all future changes can be
obtained by accessing the “NRC Instructions Tab” under “Essential Links” on the
25 Jul 2023
To: Commander, Navy Recruiting Command Policy and Waivers Division (N35)
Via: (1) Commanding Officer, Navy Talent Acquisition Group_______________
(2) Commander, Navy Recruiting Reserve Command or Commander, Navy Recruiting
Region __________
1. Applicable pages(s) _________, paragraphs(s) ____________.
(Include all pages and paragraphs, which will be affected by the recommended change)
2. Recommended change:
3. Justification:
Exhibit 1-1. Recommended Change Submission Document
25 Jul 2023
(Must be on Letterhead)
Ser N31/
FIRST ENDORSEMENT on Recruiter Rate, Name ltr of (date)
From: Commanding Officer, Navy Talent Acquisition Group______________________
To: Commander, Navy Recruiting Command Policy and Waivers Division (N35)
Via: Commander, Navy Recruiting Reserve Command or Commander, Navy Recruiting
Region __________
1. Forwarded recommending _______________________.
2. Provide comments and suggestions.
SECOND ENDORSEMENT on Recruiter Rate, Name ltr of (date)
From: Commander, Navy Recruiting Reserve Command or Commander, Navy Recruiting
Region __________
To: Commander, Navy Recruiting Command Policy and Waivers Division (N35)
1. Forwarded recommending _______________________.
Exhibit 1-1. Recommended Change Submission Document
25 Jul 2023
010201. Content
a. This manual publishes enlistment and commissioning eligibility requirements, provide
information on various programs available to applicants for naval service, prescribe procedures
for the enlistment, commissioning, and processing of men and women into the United States
Navy active and reserve components, and to govern the actions and conduct of all personnel
connected with the recruitment and processing of Navy applicants.
b. Personnel requiring an interpretation of the intent of wording in this instruction will
contact their chain of command. In the event the chain of command cannot provide a
satisfactory explanation, the region representing the Navy Talent Acquisition Group
(NAVTALACQGRU) that raised the question will contact NAVCRUITCOM Operations
department (N3).
c. Navy applicants will be processed per this instruction. If their eligibility circumstances
do not fall within the parameters described herein, they will not be processed.
010202. Authority of Manual. COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2 has the same force as
orders from Commander, Navy Recruiting Command. Violation of
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2 provides a basis for disciplinary action under the Uniform
Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), e.g., articles 84 and 92. Violations of
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2 may also be cause for appropriate civil action in addition to
any penalty provided by the UCMJ.
010203. Erroneous, Fraudulent Enlistment or Commissioning
a. Erroneous or fraudulent enlistment and commission waivers will be required when an
applicant has enlisted or commissioned without meeting all applicable accession criteria
contained in this instruction. The NAVTALACQGRU will investigate violations of recruiting
standards, practices, and procedures to determine culpability under the UCMJ. Naval Military
Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN) and NAVCRUITCOM instructions provide guidance on
what constitutes an erroneous or fraudulent enlistment or commission and what constitutes an
acceptable enlistment or commission.
b. Submit all erroneous and fraudulent enlistments and commissions within 30 days of
discovery to NAVCRUITCOM Officer Programs Division (N31) with copies to
NAVCRUITCOM Inspector General (00IG) and NAVCRUITCOM Judge Advocate General
(00J), via chain of command, for review and retention. For members not yet enlisted or
commissioned, cases will be adjudicated by NAVCRUITCOM. Cases of members that have
been enlisted or commissioned will be forwarded, with recommendation, by appropriate program
25 Jul 2023
manager via chain of command to Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM) Reserve
Personnel Management (PERS-9) for adjudication.
c. When an investigation reveals an erroneous or fraudulent enlistment or commission, the
recruiter will submit Exhibit 1-2 Erroneous, Fraudulent Enlistment or Commission Recruiter
Letter and Exhibit 1-3 Erroneous or Fraudulent Accession Endorsement from
NAVTALACQGRU explaining the circumstances of the error or fraud.
25 Jul 2023
To: Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (N3)
Via: (1) Commanding Officer, Navy Talent Acquisition Group_______________
(2) Commander, Navy Recruiting Reserve Command or Commander, Navy Recruiting
Region __________
Ref: (a) COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2 series
(b) List other applicable references (i.e., COMNAVRESFOR or other instruction).
SECNAVINST 5216.5 provides specific format.
1. Per reference (a), enclosure (1) is forwarded.
2. On date, Rate, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name was accessed under the provisions of
the (specific program). Per references (a) and (b), (provide a short synopsis of the reason(s) for
the erroneous or fraudulent accession and how the error or fraud was discovered or detected).
Copy to:
Exhibit 1-2. Erroneous, Fraudulent Enlistment or Commission Recruiter Letter
25 Jul 2023
(Must be on Letterhead)
Ser N31/
FIRST ENDORSEMENT on Recruiter Rate, Name ltr of (date)
From: Commanding Officer, Navy Talent Acquisition Group______________________
To: Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (N311)
Via: Commander, Navy Recruiting Reserve Command or Commander, Navy Recruiting
Region __________
1. Per reference (a), enclosure (1) is forwarded recommending approval.
2. Provide comments and suggestions.
SECOND ENDORSEMENT on Recruiter Rate, Name ltr of (date)
From: Commander, Navy Recruiting Reserve Command or Commander, Navy Recruiting
Region __________
To: Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (N311)
1. Per reference (a), enclosure (1) is forwarded recommending approval.
2. (Description of actions taken to prevent a recurrence).
Copy to:
Exhibit 1-3. Erroneous or Fraudulent Accession Endorsement from NAVTALACQGRU
25 Jul 2023
010301. Introduction. This section details the duties and responsibilities of various staff
personnel. For duties and responsibilities of the officer programs officer (OPO), officer assistant
chief recruiter (OACR), division officer (DIVO), division leading chief petty officer (DLCPO),
leading chief petty officer (LCPO) and leading petty officer (LPO), refer to the current version of
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5400.1 Navy Recruiting Command Organizational Manual
010302. Officer Recruiter Function. The officer recruiter’s function is to attain qualified
applicants for selection into the Navy's active and reserve officer communities. Officer recruiters
must complete basic and advanced officer recruiter personnel qualification standards (PQS)
within six months.
010303. Officer Recruiter Responsibilities
a. Administration
(1) Maintain a personal outlook planning calendar for all recruiting activities (scheduled
Officer Recruiter Annual Market and Prospecting System (ORAMPS) events, school visits,
career fairs, presentations, phone activity, interviews, etc.).
(2) Ensure ORAMPS is updated to include current lists of collegiate and centers of
influence (COI).
(3) Make travel arrangements for applicants to attend nuclear very important persons
(NUCVIPs), medical VIPs (MEDVIPs) education orientation visits (EOVs), and all required in-
person interviews.
(4) Refer applicants not qualified for officer programs to the enlisted programs
(5) Utilize SALESFORCE for effective management of all leads, contacts, prospects,
applicants, and collegiates.
(6) Responsible for the initial kit building and Personalized Recruiting for Immediate and
Delayed Enlistment Module II (PRIDE Mod II) input of each applicant prior to turning over to
the officer processor and monitor through final disposition until completion.
(7) Responsible for reading and understanding chapter 8 of this manual (Officer
Candidate Program (OCP) Management), and ensuring OCP procedures therein are completed as
25 Jul 2023
(8) Responsible for applicant data input for scheduling of applicants through
SALESFORCE and PRIDE Mod II for completing medical at military entrance processing
stations (MEPS).
b. Prospecting
(1) Follow-up leads in a timely manner. Monitor and reduce overdue leads.
(2) Perform campus visits, conduct presentations, and attend career fairs at colleges and
universities, medical schools, and teaching hospitals within assigned area of responsibility
(AOR), and complete all required updates to ORAMPS.
(3) Inform enlisted recruiters of visits to colleges in their areas.
c. Marketing
(1) Solicit support from COIs and present them with the opportunity to accompany
applicants on a NUCVIP, MEDVIP, and EOV.
(2) Ensure liaison is established and maintained with the chain of command, other
services, local community leaders, colleges, inactive reserve officers, Navy Reserve Center
(NRC) reserve units, blue and gold officers, professional school liaison officer (PSLOs), campus
liaison officers (CLOs) and professors of naval science in the NAVTALACQGRUs area of
(3) Provide input on ORAMPS to the OPO and OACR at the end of the fiscal year,
verifying the upcoming fiscal year’s career fair dates, projected costs, name list fees, and updates
for school accreditations or programs of study, etc., are correct.
d. Recruiting
(1) Recruit for potentially qualified persons using all approved prospecting methods.
(2) Provide feedback to the OPO and OACR on recruiting events, such as their success or
failure, reasons for success and failure, reason event was cancelled or rescheduled, and actual
versus projected cost of event (cost should not exceed estimate).
e. Quality Control. Ensure applicant interviews, testing and processing procedures are
conducted per current directives.
f. Reporting Relationships. Reports to the OPO per COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5400.1
g. Prerequisites. Completion of NAVCRUITCOM ORIENT UNIT or course.
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010304. Officer Processor and Officer Processor Lead (OPL) Functions. The officer
processor and OPL are responsible for the initial, ongoing and final processing and quality
assurance of all officer applications, both active and reserve, through final disposition. They
process officer applications, enlistment, commissioning and superseding appointment
paperwork. Paragraph 010305 describes their responsibilities.
010305. Officer Processor and OPL Responsibilities
a. Administration
(1) Ensures adherence to governing directives relative to privacy act information and the
processing of officer applications.
(2) Prepares, reviews, compiles and disseminates incoming and outgoing reports,
correspondence and officer applications, enlistments, commissioning, affiliations and
superseding paperwork.
(3) Ensures that required publications and directives are maintained and current.
(4) Verifies and submits Navy Accessions Security Information System (NASIS) as
b. Testing
(1) Test administrator for the aviation selection test battery (ASTB) administers and
transmits the ASTB. The ASTB can be taken through the internet in the web-based APEX 4
testing platform format called APEX.NET.
(2) Ensure compliance with all rules and regulations pertaining to the ASTB.
c. Applicant Flow
(1) Maintain liaison with MEPS and NAVCRUITCOM Medical Waivers Authority
Division (N33) on matters relating to officer applicants.
(2) Ensure officer application kits are prepared per current directives.
(3) Ensure applicant interviews, testing and processing procedures are conducted per
current directives.
(4) Ensure timely submission of application kits to NAVCRUITCOM.
d. Applicant Processing. Once an applicant makes the decision to move forward and desires
to submit an application for an officer program, that applicant and any documents obtained up to
25 Jul 2023
that point, should be handed over from the recruiter to the supporting NAVTALACQGRU
officer processor, who will then assume responsibility to complete the application process. Once
the application is complete and accurate, the officer processor will submit the application to
NAVCRUITCOM via the chain of command for quality assurance checks. Processors will also
perform the additional functions listed in subparagraphs 010305d(1) through 010305d(14).
(1) Familiarize and keep current with the required officer documentation and application
submission procedures.
(2) Complete initial, ongoing, final processing and quality assurance of all officer
applications, enlistments, commissioning, superseding appointments and affiliations for both
active and reserve.
(3) Obtain, explain and assist applicants in the completion of their officer applications,
enlistment, commissioning, affiliation and superseding paperwork.
(4) Track and maintain accountability and status of all officer application paperwork
received and submitted.
(5) Communicate with officer programs personnel concerning the status of applicant
paperwork and to resolve any discrepancies.
(6) Communicate with NAVCRUITCOM, Navy Medicine Operational Training Center
(NMOTC), NAVCRUITCOM N3, BUPERS, Military Manpower, Personnel, Training and
Education (MPT&E) and other commands to ensure timely, accurate and complete submission of
officer application data to selecting officials and other gaining commands.
(7) Manage and track application paperwork on applicants participating in collegiate
programs leading to a commission.
(8) Prepare travel orders for applicants for Officer Candidate School (OCS).
(9) Schedule physicals for applicants.
(10) Open and route mail as necessary.
(11) Answer incoming calls and routing as appropriate.
(12) Take information from prospects to give to officer recruiters when the recruiter is
(13) Arrange for applicable testing (as needed).
(14) Coordinate a visit to MEPS as needed through the recruiter.
25 Jul 2023
e. Quality Control
(1) Monitor officer applications in regard to quality standards.
(2) Ensure applications are screened by the OPL for completeness, accuracy and
timeliness prior to NAVCRUITCOM submission to make certain all officer application
requirements are met.
(3) Ensure all officer application, enlistment, commissioning, affiliation, superseding and
collegiate paperwork is submitted per NAVCRUITCOM guidelines.
(4) Apply appropriate quality assurance controls to the process to ensure accuracy,
completeness of data and timely submission to selecting officials.
f. Prerequisites. Successful completion of the officer processor PQS within 6 months of
reporting to the position.
g. Reporting Relationships. Reporting authority is the OPL for the officer processor and the
OPO and for the OPL.
010306. Additional Duties of the OPL
a. In addition to the responsibilities listed in paragraph 010304, the OPL leads the officer
programs processing team in the initial, ongoing and final quality assurance and processing of all
officer applications, both active and reserve, through final disposition. The OPL also monitors
and assigns processing workload, processes officer applications, enlistment, commissioning and
superseding appointment paperwork.
b. Additional Responsibilities. Administration. Assign and monitor the officer processing
c. Training
(1) Provide on-going training to the officer processing staff.
(2) Access the need for and provide additional one-on-one training to officer processors.
(3) As the certified officer processing trainer for the department, the OPL will provide all
needed processing training to the officer processors and officer recruiters as needed.
(4) Ensure compliance with COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1136.2 Personnel Qualification
Standards and Job Qualification Requirements.
25 Jul 2023
(5) Schedule and conduct training for officer processors and officer recruiters at monthly
training and production meetings. Training will be coordinated with the OPO.
(6) Training will be documented and training records maintained and retained for
Command Inspection and Training Team review.
d. Testing
(1) Train all appropriate personnel concerning the ASTB.
(2) Ensure personnel are designated in writing to administer the ASTB.
e. Applicant Processing. Manage all processing issues and procedures and provide
recommendations and solutions as needed to the officer programs personnel.
f. Final quality control of all officer applications, affiliation, enlistment, commissioning and
superseding paperwork, and Navy Reserve Center entries, ensuring completeness, accuracy and
timeliness prior to document dissemination, and ensuring all requirements are met.
g. Prerequisites
(1) Successful completion of the officer processor PQS within six months of reporting to
the position.
(2) Successful completion of the officer processor lead PQS within six months of
assuming the position.
h. Reporting Relationships. Reporting authority is the OPO.
010307. Chaplain Program Officers (CHOPO)
a. Responsibilities and Management. CHOPO is the professional representative of the
chaplain corps assigned to NAVCRUITCOM Chaplain Program Accessions (N312) to advise
and assist in the attainment of chaplain corps accession goals and the provision of chaplain care
to assigned NAVTALACQGRUs.
(1) The CHOPO provides professional advisement to the NAVTALACQGRU, chaplain
programs applicants and all centers of influence (COIs) regarding policy, procedures, and
standards of the Navy Chaplain Corps.
(2) The CHOPO assists supported NAVTALACQGRUs in the recruiting process.
Examples include: professional appraisals, application reviews, chaplain candidate program
officer (CCPO) mentorship, COI development, and leads assessment.
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(3) The CHOPO provides chaplain care and command function support, as a command
chaplain for assigned NAVTALACQGRUs, as available.
b. Administration
(1) Maintain applicant log or tracker, to include application status for all fiscal year
chaplain recruiting leads, prospects, applicants, selected, non-selected, commissioned, supersede,
and long-term applicant.
(2) Provide regular updates of CHOPO activity and applicant log to NAVCRUITCOM
(3) Provide information requests concerning chaplain applicants to the NAVCRUITCOM
N312 program manager, NAVTALACQGRU and NAVCRUITRESCOM chaplain recruiters.
(4) Provide quality control for application prior to submission to NAVCRUITCOM
c. Prospecting
(1) Assist assigned NAVTALACQGRU and NAVCRUITRESCOM with physically
prospecting working target markets and COIs.
(2) Conduct regular reviews NAVCRUITCOM N312.
d. Applicant Flow
(1) Ensure all prospects are initially screened (blueprinted) for professional qualifications
and communicate determination to the NAVCRUITCOM N312 Division Director.
(2) Vet all scrolling documents and collaborate with supported NAVTALACQGRUs for
quality assurance.
(3) Maintain contact and provide professional advisement for all applicants.
(4) Assist and monitor kit submission, per the checklist, prior to submission to
(5) Advise and prepare chaplain applicants for Chaplain Accession Retention Eligibility
Advisory Group (CARE AG) interview.
(6) Assist with Navy Chaplain Professional Community Interviews (NAVPERS 1131/5).
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(7) Notify chaplain applicants and appropriate supported NAVTALACQGRU chain of
command after CARE AG results are received.
(8) Monitor accession of selected chaplain applicants.
e. Chaplain Candidate Program Officers (CCPOs)
(1) Maintain regular contact and provide professional mentorship for all CCPOs within
(2) Liaison with the chaplain candidate program manager regarding changes in CCPO
status, training and supersession.
(3) Sign off on CCPO transfers in and out of respective NAVTALACQGRUs and
provide handoff to gaining CHOPO when the CCPO transfers out of their area to ensure
mentoring continuity.
(4) Provide bi-annual evaluation summary of all CCPOs, to be added to the NAVCRUIT
1131/40 Collegiate Management Report (CMR), for those who have completed degree
requirements and are gaining ministry experience, ensuring that the program requirement of
actively pursuing supersession are met.
f. Training
(1) Advise and train NAVTALACQGRUs and NAVCRUITRESCOM on chaplain corps
accession policies, procedures and standards.
(2) Provide ongoing training to supported NAVTALACQGRUs and
NAVCRUITRESCOM chaplain recruiters regarding market and COI development.
g. Chaplain Duty
(1) Ensure telephone number is posted on the NAVTALACQGRU and
NAVCRUITRESCOM plan of the week for NAVTALACQGRU personnel and their families.
(2) Provide ministry in keeping with chaplain corps core competencies outlined in
SECNAVINST 1730.1 series and SECNAVINST 5351.1 series within AOR as available.
a. Responsible for attaining NAVCRUITCOM’s assigned NAVET and Direct
Commissioned officer (DCO) accession goals. Reserve officer recruiters will affiliate officers
from the individual ready reserve (IRR), and the career transition office (CTO) no-List into the
Selected Reserve (SELRES) and the voluntary training unit (VTU). They will also process
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requests for reserve component (RC) inter-service transfers (IST) as well as applications to the
other service veteran (OSVET) program. Additionally, Reserve officer recruiters will process
requests for officer re-appointments. They will liaise with PERS-97 Career Transition Office, in
order to help CTO transition as many separating officers as possible to the SELRES and are
responsible for contacting 100% of separating officers. Within the geographic areas assigned,
reserve officer recruiters will also attend transitional assistance program (TAP) briefing sessions
at local area locations to brief, or assist in briefing, the benefits of affiliating with the Navy
Reserve to separating officers. Reserve officer recruiters will also provide feedback to
NAVCRUITRESCOM as needed to update the material and content of the TAP training video.
Reserve officer recruiters will also attend monthly drill weekends to ensure proper handoff of
newly gained affiliates, upload drill verifications into PRIDEMOD II, develop COIs with unit
leadership to solicit referrals, and work with qualified enlisted applicants in submitting DCO
b. Reserve officer recruiters report directly to NAVCRUITRESCOM for all performance
purposes. NAVCRUITRESCOM is responsible for fitness reports, confirmation of PFA and
command urinalysis program participation (via the applicable NAVTALACQGRU),
coordinating arrival, check-in, check-out, and detachment of Reserve officer recruiters,
management of Reserve officer recruiter manning and billets, and management and processing of
all Reserve officer recruiter travel (as needed). NAVCRUITRESCOM is responsible for
ensuring Reserve officer recruiters maintain Navy Family Accountability and Assessment
System (NFAAS) updates, completes annual general military training (GMT) requirements,
other high-interest training as assigned (Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR),
Sexual Assault Victim Intervention (SAVI), etc), and maintains current information within the
Total Workforce Management System (TWMS).
c. As Reserve officer recruiters are detailed into locations embedded with supporting
NAVTALACQGRU offices, and local Navy Reserve Center’s, NAVTALACQGRU personnel
and leadership will provide infrastructure, and administrative support for Reserve officer
recruiters. NAVTALACQGRUs will provide office space and office furniture, laptop or desktop
computer, peripheral device, telephone, and IT support, administrative support, vehicle support,
recruiting cell phone support, and the processing of business cards. NAVTALACQGRUs will
incorporate embedded Reserve officer recruiters in high-level training as required, and invite
Reserve officer recruiters to attend NAVTALACQGRU-level training if meant to accomplish
Navy GMT or other all-hands training topics. Navy Recruiting Reserve officer recruiters are not
required to attend local NAVTALACQGRUs production meetings or training.
NAVTALACQGRUs must also provide the items listed in subparagraph 010308c(1) through
(1) Urinalysis support by ensuring that Reserve officer recruiters embedded within their
NAVTALACQGRU are enrolled into the NAVTALACQGRU’s command urinalysis program
and participate in routine and random urinalysis testing.
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(2) Semi-annual physical fitness assessment (PFA) support by ensuring that Reserve
officer recruiters embedded within their NAVTALACQGRU are enrolled into PRIMS under the
NAVTALACQGRU hierarchy and that CCPRs participate in local semi-annual PFA
requirements and events. NAVCRUITRESCOM will have oversight responsibility to ensure that
all Reserve officer recruiters are engaged with local NAVTALACQGRU PFA events and are
completing all pre-PFA requirements as well as will obtain post-PFA scores and assessments
from each Reserve officer recruiter to ensure compliance. Reserve officer recruiters are
responsible to engage with local NAVTALACQGRU command fitness leaders (CFL) or
designated assistant CFL personnel to meet pre-PFA requirements and perform semi-annual PFA
events and provide post-PFA scores to the NAVCRUITCOM N32.
(3) Medical and dental readiness oversight for embedded Reserve officer recruiters to
ensure that Reserve officer recruiters maintain both medical and dental readiness. Reserve
officer recruiters that fail to maintain their medical and dental readiness will be reported to the
Reserve accessions division director.
d. Reserve officer recruiters will not be scheduled for duty on the NAVTALACQGRUs
duty watch bill. Weekend duty will directly conflict with required Reserve officer recruiter
processing duties such as escorting applicants to Navy Reserve Center indoctrination drill
weekend, escorting applicants to Navy Reserve Center physicals, and meeting with applicants
whose weekday schedule precludes weekday meetings with the Reserve officer recruiter.
Reserve officer recruiters are not to be included on the NAVTALACQGRUs weekday duty
watch bill as weekday duty will directly conflict with the required Reserve officer recruiter
duties such as developing a prospecting plan, prospecting, processing, and training.
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010401. Introduction. This section contains:
(1) General policy and instructions governing the procurement of Navy officers; and
(2) Procedures that foster professional military standards for Navy officers in recruiting.
010402. Acceptance for Enlistment and Commissioning. Applicants who meet prescribed
standards are acceptable for enlistment or commissioning. No applicant will be refused
enlistment or commissioning because of race, color, religion, national origin, or gender, if
otherwise qualified per the provisions of this manual and program authorization (PA) for each
010403. Recruiter Awareness. The policies, instructions, and procedures in this manual
implement directives from public law, executive orders, governmental agencies, DoD, DON,
NAVPERSCOM, and NAVCRUITCOM. The Navy recruiter is the indispensable element of
mission accomplishment. Therefore, it is essential that each recruiter be thoroughly familiar
with this manual. Recruiter awareness must also include knowledge of each step in the process
of qualification and enlistment and commissioning. Recommendations or inquiries will be
submitted to NAVCRUITCOM through the appropriate chain of command.
010404. Recruiting Ethics
a. Penalty for Knowingly Enlisting or Commissioning Ineligible Applicants. Article 84,
UCMJ, expressly states: "Any person subject to this chapter who affects an enlistment or
appointment in, or separation from the armed forces, of any person who is known by them to be
ineligible for enlistment or appointment, or separation because it is prohibited by regulation, law,
or order, will be punished as a court-martial may direct."
b. Recruiting Promises
(1) Recruiting personnel will not make oral or written promises to applicants, parents, or
to others except as authorized by this manual or by other appropriate Navy directives.
Misrepresentation or deception will not be tolerated. Implied or direct assurances or promises
are prohibited. Further, recruiting personnel will not suggest to rejected personnel that
contacting or sending correspondence to DoD, CNO, BUPERS, NAVCRUITCOM, or a political
representative could assist them in gaining preference or overcoming the reason for their
rejection. All applicants will be evaluated solely on their individual merits and qualifications
using the "whole person" concept.
(2) Recruiting personnel will ensure applicants fully understand the true nature and scope
of their agreement with the Navy. Special care must be taken to clarify or avoid any statements,
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oral or written, that could possibly be construed or misinterpreted as a promise. There are certain
matters that must receive special emphasis so that applicants will have a true and proper
understanding. These matters are listed in subparagraphs 010404b(2)(a) through 010404b(2)(e).
(a) Incentives, bonus programs, college fund “kicker.
(b) Geographical area and duty stations.
(c) Promotions.
(d) Educational opportunities.
(e) Meaning and requirements of military service obligation (MSO).
(3) The Navy is a challenging career. If properly presented, this should be sufficient
attraction for men and women of the desired character.
(4) Recruiting personnel will reinforce to each applicant that only those promises actually
written into their service agreement will be honored.
(5) Real or implied promises that cannot be honored and questionable recruiting practices
jeopardize accomplishment of the mission and mar the integrity of the individual Navy recruiter,
NAVCRUITCOM, and the Navy. Such methods are strictly prohibited.
c. Recruiter Intervention in the Judicial System. Under no circumstances will recruiting
personnel directly or indirectly intervene on behalf of a prospective applicant who is awaiting
action by court authorities.
(1) Recruiting personnel will not appear in court or before judicial authorities at any time
(e.g., district attorney (DA), assistant DA, prosecuting authority, etc.), nor will they initiate
communication with the same, or on behalf of any prospect, or applicant.
(2) Informal conversations with defense attorneys or probation or parole officers will be
limited to explaining Navy recruiting policies. Recruiting personnel are prohibited from
expressing their personal or professional opinions with applicants or members of the judicial
system regarding enlistment or commission or retention of an unqualified individual. The
normal course of court action will be allowed to occur without the assistance, intervention, or
influence of recruiting personnel.
(3) Correspondence regarding enlistment or commissioning opportunities is prohibited
with anyone who is currently incarcerated.
(4) Special inquiries and congressional requests for information must be
forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM Inspector General for appropriate action and response.
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(5) Recruiting personnel are not authorized to assist applicants or non-applicants seeking
to perform volunteer work at Navy recruiting offices for the purpose of fulfilling a court imposed
community service requirement.
(6) Recruiting personnel will not enter any portion of an establishment known to be a
MEPS lodging or meal facility, except when their official duties make it necessary to assist in the
proper check-in and check-out of an applicant.
d. Reporting Recruiting Irregularities. Organizational reporting procedures for incidents of
recruiting malpractice or misconduct are set forth in the current edition of
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1137.3 Investigating Complaints of Alleged Enlistment and
Officer Processing Irregularities. In addition, NAVCRUITCOM personnel who become aware
of or suspect recruiting irregularities will report such activities to their immediate superior.
officers, and the NAVCRUITCOM Inspector General will initiate inquiries into allegations or
complaints of recruiting irregularities, including those forwarded from the Military Entrance
Processing Command (MEPCOM).
e. Bribes. In the event an applicant attempts to bribe recruiting personnel for any purpose,
it will be reported to the NAVTALACQGRU CO, via the chain of command, who will forward
the report to NAVCRUITRESCOM, or NAVCRUITREG commander. The applicant will be
rejected and permanently banned from future enlistment or commission.
f. Fraternization. COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5370.1 explicitly prohibits fraternization
and unduly familiar relationships between recruiters and prospects, applicants, or candidates.
010405. Conduct with Applicants
a. All applicants will be treated with courtesy, respect, dignity, and consideration. This
applies equally to rejected applicants. Recruiters have the responsibility for tactfully informing
disqualified applicants of their ineligibility for enlistment or commissioning. Rejected applicants
must be made to feel their interest in the Navy is greatly appreciated.
b. Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
(1) Recruiters are under the daily scrutiny of the public. As such, any action that
jeopardizes the public trust and confidence will adversely affect our ability to accomplish our
(2) Recruiter conduct will be above reproach at all times. Vulgar, sexually explicit, or
obscene language or conduct is unprofessional and prohibited. Furthermore, members of the
opposite sex will never be made to feel as if a recruiter or member of NAVCRUITCOM is ever
taking advantage of a situation; even the appearance of a situation that could be misconstrued
will not be tolerated. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in administrative and disciplinary
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(3) It is imperative that all Sailors and civilian employees of the command understand the
Navy policy on discrimination and sexual harassment. Commanders at all levels will ensure
every member under their charge has been provided discrimination and sexual harassment
training and education per the current Navy Order.
c. Information and instructions to be given to applicants. NAVCRUITCOM must find able-
bodied, spirited individuals who can endure rigorous training, accept discipline, respond to and
provide sound leadership, and perform their duties in a competent manner. The purpose of
enlistment or commissioning screening and processing is to determine if applicants fit these
general criteria, and to ascertain if they have the potential to serve as Navy officers. Recruiting
personnel will carefully inform applicants as to what they can expect and also what will be
expected of them in return.
010406. Concealing Applicant Information. Under no circumstances will recruiting personnel
instruct an applicant to withhold any information regarding the commission of any civilian
offenses, no matter how minor; medical or physical information, to include treatment,
medication prescribed, or minor illnesses, regardless of when treatment occurred or the
applicant’s current medical or physical status; or any other information that could later result in
the applicant being discharged for fraudulent enlistment or commission. Inform applicants who
state they have had no previous military service that, should they conceal such service, the fact
will become known as soon as their documents reach the DON, and they will be subject to
disciplinary action or discharge for fraudulent enlistment or commission.
010407. Non-Solicitation of Certain Individuals
a. Generally, applicants apply for commissioning at the recruiting activity nearest their
place of residence. When applicants apply for enlistment or commission at a station distant from
their permanent residence, recruiters must investigate to ensure the applicant has not been
previously rejected. If necessary, recruiters must initiate communication with the station nearest
the applicant’s home in an effort to obtain sufficient information to establish the applicant’s
b. Since a considerable amount of planning and administrative work is required to prepare
reservists for planned active duty and ultimate affiliation with a parent reserve unit, recruiting
members of the Navy Reserve who have received orders to extended active duty is prohibited.
This does not prevent any interested reservist from voluntarily seeking information concerning
active component commissioning.
c. Recruiters will not actively solicit enlistment or commissioning of registrants known to
have been deferred from training and service under the Universal Military Training and Services
(UMT&S) Act, USC Title 50, section 451, as they are engaged in endeavors considered
necessary to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest. This does not bar the
enlistment or commissioning of such individuals who volunteer on their own initiative. The
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foregoing also applies to solicitation of members of components of other branches of the armed
forces or the National Guard.
010408. Safeguarding Application Information
a. Non-Divulgence. Information regarding an applicant will not be divulged to any source
outside the Navy, except authorized USMEPCOM personnel. This requirement extends to
information obtained verbally or in response to written request(s), e.g., test scores, character,
employment, school, and police reference checks. It is expressly intended that the applicant and
his or her family not be advised of the specific or general content of the information obtained.
This is a critical aspect of recruiting; it would be impossible to obtain objective information from
community associates if they were not totally assured of the privacy and privileged status this
information will receive by recruiting personnel. Recruiters must clearly understand that this
includes any and all information, regardless of the manner in which it is obtained.
b. Transmitting Files. Whenever practicable, applicants will not transmit their own or any
other person’s application file. However, in those isolated instances where an applicant file
cannot be transmitted by any other means in sufficient time to avoid a processing delay, an
applicant may hand-carry his or her own file in a sealed envelope (ensure the tape is initialed).
010409. Sending Recruitment Information or Material to a Foreign Country
a. When written inquiries originating from foreign countries are received, forward them to
NAVCRUITCOM 00IG for proper handling and response.
b. Sending recruitment information or material to a foreign country without consent of the
country concerned is a violation of international law and is prohibited regardless of the
communication media used. However, recruitment information or material may be given to
foreign nationals visiting U.S. bases overseas, U.S. territories, or appearing in person at a
c. Sending recruitment information or material to U.S. diplomatic officials in a foreign
country is permissible.
d. Recruiters assigned to recruiting duty in the continental U.S. are prohibited from
operating a government vehicle in or entering Canada or Mexico to conduct any recruiting
business. There are no exceptions to this policy.
010410. Uniforms
a. The Navy dress uniform is distinctive and is recognized and respected throughout the
United States by Americans from all walks of life. The Navy’s advertising effort recognizes this
and builds upon it. Successful recruiters recognize this and use it to their advantage.
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b. Navy recruiters in CONUS, Hawaii, and Guam are authorized to wear the Navy working
uniform (NWU) to conduct recruiting activities with the exceptions listed in subparagraphs
010410b(1) and 010410b(2).
(1) The prescribed uniform for recruiting personnel, officer and enlisted, appearing at any
official or formal event such as a career fair or conference (i.e. National Society of Black
Engineers (NSBE), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP),
etc.) television program, public gathering, formal school presentation, or patriotic celebration
will be the appropriate Navy dress uniform.
(2) The NWU will not be worn while conducting the 72-hour indoctrination of newly
enlisted or commissioned personnel.
c. If any doubt exists on the appropriateness of the NWU at any event, function, or venue,
the NAVTALACQGRU commanding officer will be consulted and may approve the wearing of
the NWU for the occasion in question.
010411. Navy Recruiting Hours of Operations. The NAVTALACQGRU CO will prescribe
working hours for TALACQONBDCTR and support offices. Consideration will be given to
staggering working hours so offices remain open during peak recruiting hours of the day.
010412. Inspections. Frequent inspections of, or visits to, TALACQONBDCTR by the
NAVTALACQGRU commanding officer or representative are essential to proper functioning of
the recruiting effort. Recruiting methods will be under constant inspection by the CO so that no
discredit can be brought on the Navy by questionable advertising, false promises, or unethical
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010501. Purpose. An uncluttered, orderly office presents a professional appearance and is the
first impression an applicant has of the United States Navy.
010502. TALACQONBDCTR Security
a. Emergency Numbers. Names, local addresses and phone numbers of all recruiters
assigned to the TALACQONBDCTR will be submitted to the local police and fire departments.
This requirement also applies to part-time offices, where minor and plant property or files are
b. Security Containers. Combination or key locks will be used on all security containers.
Only TALACQONBDCTR recruiting personnel will be authorized knowledge of combination
numbers. Lock combinations will be changed and submitted to the TALACQONBDCTR
security officer annually or upon the departure of any recruiter assigned to the
010503. Computers. Physical security standards will be implemented per current OPNAV
directives. The NAVTALACQGRU systems administrator (SYSAD) is responsible for
maintaining full accountability of all automated data processing (ADP) hardware and software.
In addition, the physical security measures listed in subparagraph 010501a and 010501b will be
a. The SYSAD will ensure that all computers are accounted for by custody records,
signatures and verified semi-annually in April and October.
b. At close of business, all laptops will be secured in a locked container (filing cabinet,
locked desk drawers, etc.) or taken home.
010504. Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act
a. Forms and documents concerning prospects, applicants, and enlistees will be maintained
in a secure manner. Recruiters will be familiar with the policies concerning requesting,
recording, filing or divulging information on applicants and recruits obtained in the course of
their work.
b. Requests for information under the privacy act and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
will be handled carefully. Providing personal information to the parent is an invasion of the
applicant’s privacy. Only if the applicant is under 18 years of age does the parent or legal
guardian have the right of access. Parents or guardians of applicants 18 or over will be informed
that disclosure of the applicant’s records is an invasion of their privacy under the Privacy Act of
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c. Test material used to determine individual qualifications is exempt, as disclosure would
compromise objectivity and fairness of tests. Requests for disclosures of information protected
by the privacy act and FOIA should be referred to the NAVTALACQGRU’s chain of command.
010505. Collection of Personal Information from Individuals
a. Recruiters will collect information to the greatest extent possible directly from the
individual concerned. Recruiters will ensure all personal identification information (PII)
obtained is safeguarded per current Navy PII policy and guidance.
b. Third party information will be minimized with the exception of police record checks,
and character and employment references.
c. Individuals asked to supply information for a system of records, e.g., Recruiting Tools
system, must be advised of the items listed in subparagraphs 010505c(1) through 010505c(3).
(1) Authority for collection of information,
(2) Purpose(s) for which information will be used, and
(3) Whether disclosure is mandatory or voluntary and consequences for failure to
d. The privacy act statement located on the applicant record can be used for this purpose.
For additional details and guidance concerning the privacy act and FOIA the recruiter will
consult NAVCRUITCOM 00J via their respective chain of command.
010506. Operations department Organization. The operation’s department role descriptions
are contained in COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5400.2 Standard Operating Procedures Manual
010507. Office Files. All files are to be maintained per SECNAVINST 5210.1.
010508. Vehicles. All guidance concerning NAVCRUITCOM’s motor vehicles is found in
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 4400.1 Logistics Support Manual.
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010601. Initial Appointments. Members initially appointed to commissioned grade are so
appointed by the President. Permanently commissioned officers in the active component in and
senior to the grade of lieutenant commander, and reserve component officers in and senior to the
grade of captain are appointed by, and with the advice and consent of, the Senate. When the
Senate is not in session, temporary and interim appointments are made, subject to Senate
confirmation during the next session.
010602. Officer Designators. Table 1.1 Officer Designator Codes are four digit numbers used
to group officers by categories for personnel accounting and administrative purposes and to
identify the status of officers. The first three digits identify the categories in which officers are
appointed or designated. The fourth digit identifies the status of officers within the various
categories. Designators, Navy officer billet classifications (NOBCs), subspecialty (SSP) codes
and additional qualifications designations (AQDs) are listed in NAVPERS 15839 Navy Officer
Manpower and Personnel Classification Manual, Volume 1. The fourth digit of the designator
code indicates:
Table 1.1 Officer Designator Codes
010603. Officer Grade Codes. Table 1.2 Officer Grade Codes allowed in billets are identified
by a one-letter code or by an abbreviation.
An officer in the active component whose permanent grade is ensign or senior.
An officer in the active component whose permanent status is warrant officer.
Temporary officer in the active component whose permanent status is enlisted.
An officer in the active component who is on the retired list.
No longer used.
An officer in the reserve component (Exceptions: Note 4th digits 7, 8 and 9).
No longer used.
An officer in the reserve component on active duty in the Training and Administration
of the Reserves (TAR) program (includes officers of the TAR Program rotated to other
than TAR billets).
An officer in the reserve component who was appointed in the Navy Reserve Integration
Program from enlisted status or whose permanent status is warrant officer.
An officer in the reserve component who is on the retired list.
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Table 1.2 Officer Grade Codes
Fleet Admiral
Vice Admiral
Rear Admiral (Upper Half)
Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant (Junior Grade)
Chief Warrant Officer-5
Chief Warrant Officer-4
Chief Warrant Officer-3
Chief Warrant Officer-2
010604. Navy Officer Billet Classifications (NOBC)
a. NOBCs are found in NAVPERS 15839, volume 1.
b. NOBC, AQD and SSP codes identify officer billet requirements and officer occupational
experience acquired through billet experience or through a combination of education and
c. NOBCs, SSPs and AQDs provide a general description of duties performed in a billet. It
is not meant to cover every duty required of the job nor is every duty listed a requirement of the
billet. Similarly, an NOBC, SSP or AQD in an officer’s record does not indicate that the officer
has experience in every duty listed in the definition. The NOBC identifies a group of officer
billets that are similar but not identical in scope and nature of duties.
d. All medical corps (MC), dental corps (DC), medical service corps (MSC) and nurse corps
(NC) officer NOBCs, SSPs and AQDs classifications in these officer communities identify
primary duties associated with interns, residents, fellowships and the practice of health care
within medical specialties.
010605. Solicitation of Privacy Act Information
a. All forms used by Navy recruiting personnel to collect personal information from any
individual (military or civilian) are affected by this requirement. Forms that are completed by
recruiters or support personnel using information from other forms filled out by a prospect or
applicant are not included in this requirement.
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b. Areas of Advisement. The privacy act of 1974 requires that all individuals from whom
personal information is requested will be advised of subparagraphs 010605b(1) through
(1) The authority (statute or executive order) that authorized the solicitation.
(2) All major purposes for which the DoD uses the information (e.g., determine
qualifications for commission or security review).
(3) A brief summary of those routine uses to be made of the information, as published in
the Federal Register.
(4) Whether disclosure is mandatory or voluntary and possible consequences for failing
to respond.
c. Blueprinting Information. The provisions of the privacy act of 1974 extend to personal
information obtained for record purposes during discussions with individuals. Therefore, the
required privacy act statement will be read or given to the individual during telephone or
personal interviews when any part of the personal information is to be recorded and retained for
any purpose. This requirement includes questions asked to determine basic qualifications for
completion of a prospect or applicant card or formal interviews conducted as part of the
application procedure. It is realized that citing the specific authority is not feasible under all
circumstances. The general authority for all appointment qualifications are Title 10 USC §531
and 10 USC §12201.
d. Verbal Privacy Act Statement. Use the privacy act statement listed in subparagraph
010605d during verbal exchanges with prospects or applicants.
“In order to assist you in determining the program which best suits your needs, I will
require some personal information concerning your background. All questions are voluntary and
you do not have to provide the information. However, it may not be possible to determine your
eligibility for application without this information.”
010606. Definitions. The terms listed in subparagraphs 010606a through 010606d are
standardized definitions to allow for proper tracking.
a. Lead. A name with information for a recruiter to begin discussing Navy opportunities.
Lead validity is unknown.
b. Contact. A contact is a valid lead that has responded to the assigned recruiter’s attempt
to contact and desires additional information regarding Navy opportunities.
c. Prospect. A prospect must meet the criteria listed in subparagraphs 010606c(1) through
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(1) Has expressed his or her desire to become an officer in the active or reserve
component of the United States Navy (USN).
(2) Appears to meet the basic eligibility requirements for an officer program.
(3) Has received an application.
(4) Has follow-on action pending.
d. Applicant. An applicant is a prospect who has submitted an application for commission
to NAVCRUITCOM for an officer program.
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010701. Introduction. Prospecting is the means by which the recruiter places themselves face
to face with as many potentially qualified applicants as possible. This is the single, most
important factor of success to a recruiter. Prospecting must be a household word and is the
cornerstone of every successful accession. Recruiters must prospect continuously to remain
consistent. Although the structure of prospecting does not change, recruiters must work to
develop the right approach that fits their own individual personality. Recruiters must use
themselves as a sales aid and proof source. The recruiter’s personal experiences show how the
prospect's interests can be satisfied in the Navy. Generally, prospecting is looked upon as an
unwanted task. Having a good attitude and possessing the confidence in his or her abilities to
prospect can make the prospecting evolution a success for the recruiter. Sitting in the office will
not make goal. Success in prospecting is measured by the number of contracts attained.
010702. Basic Definitions
a. Market I. D. Maintaining a continuous flow of new names on a continuous basis is
essential to a recruiters success.
b. Prospecting. This is the means by which a prospect is contacted. The purpose of
contacting an individual is to arrange and conduct an interview with the prospect.
c. Screening or Blueprinting. The process of evaluating a prospect's eligibility as defined in
chapters 2 and 4 of this instruction and aids in eliminating those prospects who do not meet the
d. Selling. Persuading a prospect to enter the U.S. Navy using skills, techniques, and
motivation. Selling occurs during a face-to-face interview with a potentially qualified applicant.
e. Processing. Applicants applying for enlistment or commission must complete all
requirements per program checklist and program authorization.
010703. Principal Sources of Leads or Contacts
a. Current Navy Students. The Navy has many students in various college programs
(Health Services Collegiate Program (HSCP), Health Professional Scholarship Program (HPSP),
Nurse Candidate Program (NCP), Financial Assistance Program (FAP), Civilian Engineer Corps
(CEC), Chaplain, Judge Advocate General (JAG) students, Nuclear Propulsion Officer
Candidate (NUPOC), who have been selected and accessed into commissioning programs.
These students are valuable assets to field recruiters as a source of potential applicant referrals.
b. Name Lists. Qualified name lists are key recruiting tools in obtaining goal in officer
recruiting. These name lists are identified in subparagraphs 010703b(1) through 010703b(3).
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(1) School Lists. These should include name, address, phone number, GPA, major,
graduation date, etc. Some examples of school lists are rosters obtained through the Solomon
Act, engineering societies, honor societies, minority associations, etc. Utilization of the
Solomon Act to obtain school lists will only be at the discretion of the CO on a case-by-case
basis. Abuse of this legislation could lead to alienation of the institution.
(2) Professional Lists. These should include name, address, phone number, age, etc.
Some examples of professional lists are state licensing agencies, state and local professional
associations, professional minority associations, etc.
(3) Military Lists. These include Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), separation orders list,
community lists, etc.
c. Responsibilities
(1) The OPO and OACR will:
(a) Coordinate the collection of name lists from all programs identified in ORAMPS
for which there is an established goal.
(b) Coordinate with the local effective accession delivery system (LEADS) shop and
advertising coordinator (ADCO) the effective use of name lists to facilitate leads development.
(c) Where schools are unwilling to provide name lists, identify alternative methods
for providing information on Navy officer opportunities to students, e.g., mailbox stuffers, flyers,
email announcements, etc.
(2) The officer recruiter will:
(a) Attempt to obtain name lists for all assigned schools listed in ORAMPS.
(b) Request the assistance of the education services specialist (ESS) (refer to
subparagraph 010703d) in drafting official requests.
d. The guidance listed in subparagraphs 010703d(1) through 010703d(5) is provided to
assist officer recruiters in obtaining name lists.
(1) Determine the reasons for organizations not providing a list and, when practical,
develop a specific plan to address the institutions' concerns.
(2) Express the benefits realized by the school and the student when the student
participates in our financial assistance programs.
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(3) Promote Navy advocacy by establishing positive rapport with key school officials;
e.g., registrar, dean of admissions, financial aid counselor, career development center director
and associated secretaries and clerks.
(4) School systems have a chain of command similar to that of the Navy. Each echelon
in this chain should be contacted prior to approaching the next senior level.
(5) When requesting lists, subparagraphs 010703d(5)(a) through 010703d(5)(c) will be
considered when addressing format and content.
(a) Printed lists must have all data keyed in.
(b) Electronic lists or medium must be compatible with the available software
operating system.
(c) Obtaining this information with e-mail addresses facilitates email marketing.
Email has a stronger return record than standard mail.
e. Special Events. Examples of special events are: professional conventions, air shows,
boat and car races, etc. Specific responsibilities for special events are listed in subparagraphs
010703e(1) and 010703e(2).
(1) For special events, the OPO or OACR will:
(a) Assign (or recommend to NAVTALACQGRU CO) an officer recruiter to be the
event coordinator.
(b) Review and (if authorized) approve the officer recruiter’s POA&M to ensure
maximum effectiveness.
(c) Assist and participate where and when necessary.
(2) The officer recruiter assigned as the event coordinator will produce and execute the
approved POA&M for the specified event.
f. Officer Hometown Area Recruiting Program (OHARP) and Senior Minority Assistance
to Recruiting (SEMINAR). Procedures governing these programs are found in BUPERSINST
1150.1 series.
(1) OHARP is designed to return outstanding Navy personnel to their home areas to assist
local recruiters in locating quality prospects and establishing centers of influence. OHARP and
SEMINAR participation is approved and monitored by NAVCRUITCOM Manning and
Administrative Support Division (N11).
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(2) The SEMINAR program provides outstanding minority personnel, E6 through O6, to
interface with influential members in the minority community and inform them of opportunities
for minorities in today’s Navy.
(3) The OPO will develop a plan on exactly how to best employ participants of both these
programs per their prescribed instructions.
g. Professional school liaison officers (PSLOs) are reserve and retired officers who usually
hold faculty or administrative positions at medical schools, dental schools, nursing schools, etc.
They will be utilized by the NAVTALACQGRU to assist in medical and dental programs
h. For OPO referrals utilize the NAVCRUIT 1131/24 Enlisted Programs Referral.
i. Personally Developed Contacts (PDC). This form of prospecting is physically getting out
in the recruiting territory and canvassing potential prospects. All officer recruiters will organize
their calendar to allow for this activity throughout their work week. This mode of prospecting is
the predominant means of leads generation for medical and engineering officer programs. The
right approach will vary depending on the personality of the recruiter.
j. Centers of Influence (COIs). COIs are persons who are in a position to influence
someone’s decision to join the Navy. The recruiter will cultivate relationships with COIs, as
they are great referral sources. Examples of COIs are school faculty, Navy Reserve Center staff
members, Navy League contacts, and Naval Reserve Association members, etc.
010704. Poaching
a. Officer recruiting personnel are prohibited from prospecting, accessing, processing or
enlisting an applicant that does not reside, perform reserve drills or attend school within the
geographical boundaries of their respective NAVTALACQGRU. (Courtesy enlistments and
commissionings are excluded).
b. An applicant residing within the boundaries of one NAVTALACQGRU and attending
school or drilling at a Navy Reserve Center within the boundaries of another, has the option of
choosing between those two NAVTALACQGRUs.
c. Recruiting personnel contacted by a prospect that neither resides, drills, nor attends a
school within their NAVTALACQGRU will refer the applicant to the NAVTALACQGRU
based on where the applicant resides, drills, or attends school.
d. A waiver, in writing, to this policy may be granted and provided by the respective
same NAVCRUITREG, or NAVCRUITRESCOM. Said waivers are to be placed in the
applicant's residual file. The NAVTALACQGRU requesting to process the applicant(s) will be
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the requesting party with copy of the request provided to the opposing NAVTALACQGRU CO
at the time the waiver is requested.
e. In cases where the applicant insists on working with a particular officer recruiter outside
of the NAVTALACQGRU the applicant resides in, the applicant will write a "Memorandum for
the Record" indicating:
(1) Why the applicant wants to work with the other recruiter, and
(2) That the applicant was given the opportunity to work with a recruiter closer to their
f. The memorandum must be signed and dated by the applicant and the working officer
recruiter. It will then be faxed or scanned to the NAVTALACQGRU Detachment
TALACQONBDCTR OPO, who will forward it to the other NAVTALACQGRU Detachment
TALACQONBDCTR OPO. If a disagreement arises between Detachment
TALACQONBDCTR OPOs, the issue will be brought to the respective NAVTALACQGRU
g. NAVTALACQGRUs that are found to have violated this policy will not be awarded
contract credit. The contract will be awarded to the appropriate NAVTALACQGRU whose area
encompasses the applicant’s residence or school.
010705. Advertising and Leads Responsibilities. The practices and responsibilities relevant to
officer recruiting and advertising are listed in subparagraphs 010705a through 010705f.
a. The OPO will:
(1) Make inputs to the ADCO in the planning of the advertising plan (AD Plan) by
providing market information about their territory, as well as guidance as to the timing of the
mail-out. School breaks, holiday periods, and school calendars (exam periods and career fairs)
are to be considered when requesting a mail-out.
(2) Make the leads production team supervisor (LPTS) aware when email campaigns
result in new leads.
b. The officer recruiter will:
(1) Review all direct mail pieces with the OPO, OACR and ADCO to ensure the mail out
contains correct and current information and is going to the intended target audience.
(2) Inform the OPO and OACR when an email marketing campaign has generated leads.
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(3) Email specific groups of prospective contacts as identified through school and
professional lists and obtained from markets within their AOR only.
c. Officer recruiters are prohibited from:
(1) Purchasing advertising and conducting mass mail out campaigns. Instructions
applicable to authorization and procedures for local advertising can be found in the current
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1140.3 Field Advertising Manual (FAM).
(2) “Spamming” (process of sending unsolicited email advertising to the general public).
d. All prospecting emails will include the following statement at the bottom of the text:
"Please respond to the originator of this email if you wish to stop future emails by
including the phrase REMOVE FROM LIST in the subject line."
e. Public Service Advertising (PSA)
(1) PSA (free advertising) is generally regarded as advertising in the public interest,
promoting causes and goals of nonprofit organizations that contribute to the welfare of the
community. Radio, television, newspapers, magazines, outdoor billboard and transit companies
have unsold advertising space available. Navy PSA provides the media with the opportunity to
fill this space and to inform the general public of the career opportunities available in today’s
(2) NAVCRUITCOM produces and markets Navy PSA through national direct mail
campaigns and personal visits to major media representatives.
(3) Each region and NAVTALACQGRU receives information copies of current PSA
material as well as listings of local media who are accepting Navy PSA.
(4) The officer recruiter’s role is to ensure maximum Navy PSA exposure in the local
community. OACRs can request PSAs through their public affairs officers (PAO). Periodic
visits in uniform to media representatives can influence prominent placement of Navy PSA and
enhance awareness of the Navy in the community.
f. Recruiting Aid Devices (RADs). RADs support the recruiting process and are distributed
on a “push” basis, that is, initial distribution to the field of one-half of the quantity produced is
made directly. At a specified time, generally six months after initial distribution, the remainder
of the inventory is shipped to the field. The amount of items shipped under automatic
distribution should last six months. Each collateral item produced carries a “per recruiter”
number. This number tells the recruiter how many total copies of that item the recruiter can
expect to receive during a twelve-month period. Items with large per recruiter numbers are
usually lead generating items; fulfillment items have smaller numbers as do sales closing items.
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For further guidance on this subject, refer to COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1140.1 Distribution,
Replenishment and Requisitioning of the Recruiting Aid Devices, Promotional Items and Future
Sailor Kits. They are designed to perform one of five functions listed in subparagraphs
010705f(1) through 010705f(5).
(1) Lead generating items are designed to generate interest.
(2) Fulfillment items provide basic information on the Navy in response to requests.
(3) Sales closing items contain detailed information to help the recruiter close the sale.
(4) Transition items are designed to reinforce the prospective applicant’s decision to join
the Navy and help prepare the applicant for initial officer training.
(5) Awareness items are designed to make people aware of the Navy presence and
provide referrals.
010706. Leads Handling
a. The OPO or OACR will:
(1) In the case of any lead, assign the lead to the officer recruiter within 24 hours of
(2) Ensure the officer recruiter has closed out the feedback tab in SALESFORCE within;
“Review the Monthly Leads Report to ensure there are no overdue leads in the National Leads
Tracking System (NALTS) and SALESFORCE.
(3) Obtain a weekly report of NALTS overdue leads from the LPTS.
b. The officer recruiter will:
(1) Attempt contact with the lead within 72 hours of receipt. Change status to either
“contact” or “lead attempted contact” in SALESFORCE.
(2) Complete lead feedback information in the respective SALESFORCE record within
14 days of receipt.
(3) Attempt and document a minimum of three contacts prior to requesting
SALESFORCE removal, SALESFORCE archive or forwarding to the enlisted programs
department. The three attempts are to capture all avenues of achieving contact with the lead
available in the record (e.g., phone, mail, email).
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c. Marketing and Advertising Officer (MAO) will provide the OPO and OACR with a list
of NALTS overdue leads report on a weekly basis.
010707. School Canvassing Program
a. The school-canvassing program will include medical schools, nursing schools, teaching
hospitals, colleges, universities, law schools, seminaries and other post-secondary institutions.
For the purpose of this manual the word “school” refers to colleges, universities, teaching
hospitals, and any other institutions of higher learning associated with Navy officer recruiting.
The school canvassing program described is general in nature, but contains specific requirements
to be adopted within any canvassing plan. It does not impose limits or boundaries on the
initiative or imagination of the individual recruiter. Good school canvassing programs will use
available recruiter resources to effectively recruit to, penetrate and develop viable markets. This
program may be locally amended to accommodate the environment.
b. General Program Guidance. Quality schools are prime sources of prospects. Each
NAVTALACQGRU will have a comprehensive school-canvassing program with established
priorities and milestones. The program will consist of recruiting activities planned throughout
the year in ORAMPS. The program will be reviewed and modified to fit recruiter, school and
community needs. Lessons learned from the school canvassing program will be captured by the
officer recruiters in ORAMPS.
c. Analysis of School Market. The OPO, OACR and officer recruiter will analyze each
school in the NAVTALACQGRU’s territory and direct efforts accordingly. ORAMPS will
capture this data and the NAVTALACQGRUs will have ownership of this data for their AOR.
The factors to be considered in analyzing the school market are listed in subparagraphs
010707c(1) through 010707c(5).
(1) What schools are actually producing applicants?
(2) What schools have the quality student that the Navy needs?
(3) What schools will actively promote the Navy and distribute Navy material?
(4) What schools have non-cooperative positions toward the military and the Navy? Seek
out COIs to assist in understanding the concerns and improving the relationship.
(5) What schools are historically non-productive and why?
d. School Visit Periodicity Requirements. The NAVTALACQGRU chain of command will
determine in ORAMPS when and how often an officer recruiter will visit their assigned schools
based upon time of year, board schedule, established and projected goals, etc.
e. Making the Initial Appointment. All initial visits by either new recruiters or to new
schools will be made by appointment. All school visits will be tracked in the ORAMPS. If an
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officer recruiter is unable to keep an appointment, the officer recruiter will notify the school
representative prior to the time of the appointment to cancel or reschedule the appointment.
f. The Appointment. Recruiters are to be on time and project the proper Navy image at all
times. Attitudes are usually formed on the first face-to-face contact, and past negative
impressions must be overcome during this meeting. Key points to be taken into account that will
aid in your success are listed in subparagraphs 010707f(1) through 010707f(5).
(1) How much of the school official’s time can the recruiter take?
(2) How much time does the recruiter have?
(3) The recruiter will establish an outline of what he or she wants to accomplish. The
recruiter will take notes during the appointment.
(4) The recruiter must convey that he or she is an asset and benefit, not a threat, to the
students. The officials must trust the recruiter before they will accept the recruiter.
(5) The recruiter will have an outline of his or her goals for the conversation. Some
subjects that should be discussed are listed in subparagraphs 010707f(5)(a) through
(a) The importance of the students graduating and obtaining their degree prior to
entering the Navy.
(b) Benefits such as medical, training, housing, advancements and retirement.
(c) Navy post-graduate education opportunities.
(d) The educator orientation visit (EOV) program, intended to educate the educators,
is a good way to overcome objections and concerns. Recruiters should talk to their education
service specialist for further details.
(e) Navy special events that are coming or planned, i.e., Blue Angels, Navy bands,
exhibit vans, etc.
(6) Closing the Appointment. Every effort should be made to stay within the time
allotted for the appointment. Recruiters will express their appreciation for the individual's time
and leave a business card.
g. Follow-Up School Visits. Officer recruiters will go with a predetermined purpose when
conducting school visits. Going into the school without a purpose or plan is unprofessional and
unacceptable. Recommended activities include items listed in subparagraphs 010707g(1)
through 010707g(9).
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(1) Inspect collateral material displays. Recruiters will maintain display items on campus
in an orderly and timely manner.
(2) Set up a place for interviewing that is agreeable to the school administration and
students (e.g., placement office).
(3) Make arrangements to provide presentations to classes or student organizations.
(4) With school administration approval, teach a class in your field of expertise, e.g.,
career planning, goal setting, rating and designator specific subjects, degree background.
(5) Attend major school functions.
(6) Deliver a copy of the school newspaper ad if the NAVTALACQGRU has purchased
(7) Visit with collegiates while on campus.
(8) Visit the placement office while on campus visits and inspect Navy contact
information and any postings for accuracy.
(9) Visit local TALACQONBDCTR and get enlisted recruiters involved (where feasible).
A courtesy call should be made to the prior to such visits.
h. College Career Fairs or Days, School Talks, and Events on NAVCRUITCOM's Calendar
(located on the Recruiting Quarterdeck). These events are conducted to promote career
awareness. Participation in these events is mandatory and may take the form of a short
presentation or passing out collateral material.
(1) Prior to Presentation. The preparation and planning phase is most important to a
successful presentation or fair. Outside sources can be used, such as Navy medical recruiting
(NAVCRUITCOM funded), Medical Speaker Bureau (BUMED funded), NTOs, etc. When
preparing for the presentation the factors listed in subparagraphs 010707h(1)(a) through
010707h(1)(c) should be considered.
(a) Audience. Determine composition and size: gender specific, mixed gender, age
groups, ethnicity, etc. Select the topic that will be of interest to the recruiter's audience.
Determine the location and audience size to be accommodated. Stay flexible for last minute
changes. If it is a career day booth make certain all participants know the details of the event.
(b) Use of Time. Decide how to maximize the time allotted for the presentation.
Possibilities include, but are not limited to discussions, lectures, talks, slides or film
presentations, etc. Keep this in mind when planning. If the recruiter shows a film but only has
an hour, select a short film and leave room for questions or discussions. Audio-visual aids used
should support the topic.
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(c) Rehearse. Once a presentation is prepared and supporting aids selected, the
presentation should be rehearsed. It is recommended that a fellow recruiter critique the
presenter's rehearsal.
(2) During the Presentation. Proper preparation and thorough knowledge of your subject
will facilitate smooth execution. The recruiters may be asked questions that cannot be answered
during these events. Be prepared to say “I’m not sure” or “I don’t know but I’ll find out and get
back to you.” Audience interest can be maintained only by speaking on the level of their
understanding. Speak in layman terms and avoid Navy jargon. Stay flexible, be ready to adjust
to unforeseen situations and remain professional at all times.
(3) After the Presentation. Analyze and document the results of the presentation and
make notes on how to improve future presentations. Ensure to follow-up on any leads or
unanswered questions.
010708. Blueprinting. Blueprinting starts when setting the appointment and goes more in-
depth throughout the entire interview process. Questions should be open ended and not leading
the applicant to a particular response. Thorough blueprinting of qualification information is
necessary to ensure the information is accurate and to avoid wasting everyone’s time. Recruiters
will document citizenship, education, dependents, and any prior service or previous testing.
Also, applicants must have the ability to read, speak, and understand the English language.
Since fluency in English correlates highly with successful Navy job performance, applicants who
have difficulty expressing their selves or otherwise understanding English should not be accepted
for enlistment or commissioning. Most of this information can be obtained during normal
conversation. Only after a rapport has been established and the recruiter has reminded the
prospect of the privacy act, should the recruiter continue with the qualification questions, e.g.
physical, police, and drug usage.
Note: Personal information must be appropriately safeguarded at all times.
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010801. Purpose. Prospecting is any action taken to put a recruiter face-to-face with a
prospect. A prospect is an individual that appears eligible for enlistment or commissioning.
010802. Telephone
a. The telephone is an efficient prospecting tool. It is convenient, provides flexibility, and
gives the recruiter a distinct advantage over the prospect when time is taken to prepare for the
conversation before making the call.
b. The primary purpose of the phone call is to make contact with the prospect and obtain an
appointment. When contact is made, sell the prospect on an appointment, not on the Navy. If
the applicant is unavailable and a family member answers the phone, try to find out as much as
possible about the applicant.
c. An interview to sell the Navy occurs once the recruiter gets face-to-face with the
prospect. There are three factors, preparation, planning and scheduling, and technique, that will
affect the degree of effectiveness, and ultimately the results achieved from telephone prospecting
listed in subparagraphs 010802c(1) through 010802c(3).
(1) Preparation
(a) Considering the amount of prospecting conducted over the phone, time spent
preparing for phone prospecting is absolutely necessary.
(b) A positive attitude is of equal importance.
(c) Consider every contact a potential contract.
1. Exhibit 1-4 Telephone Script
2. Contact lists
(e) Establish a relaxed and quiet office environment that is conducive for making
telephone calls and minimizes disruptions and distractions.
(2) Planning and Scheduling. Identifying the market to be contacted and the best time to
call that market is extremely important in improving the quality and success of phone
prospecting. Once phone prospecting is scheduled, every effort will be made to complete the
task. When a block of time for phone prospecting is missed, it is lost forever. Every effort must
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be made to schedule phone prospecting during the hours when it can be accomplished and will
have the most impact on your target market. To schedule prospecting without a definitive time
frame for accomplishment is not effective planning and will minimize results.
(3) Technique. Anyone can dial a phone number, but a successful recruiter must develop
and apply the proper techniques to schedule a quality appointment that will show for an
(a) Always confirm you are speaking with the person you are attempting to contact.
(b) Use VALOR skills when phone prospecting.
(c) Recruiters should always be professional, relaxed and smile. The recruiter should
state the reason for calling and wait for a response. The more the prospect talks, the better
chance of obtaining an appointment. The recruiter must stay focused and be careful not to let the
conversation go astray. The recruiter must remain in control at all times without allowing the
prospect to know.
(d) The recruiter must be honest and remember that time is a factor in the quality of
prospecting being conducted. Wasted conversation with an unqualified applicant is an ingredient
for failure, be cordial but direct, be aggressive but courteous. The recruiter must know exactly
what he or she is trying to accomplish and remain focused on that goal.
010803. Referrals
a. Referral prospecting is probably the easiest method for generating activity available to
the recruiter. It entails nothing more than describing the type of individual you are looking for
and then asking people if they know anyone who fits that description. Each individual the
recruiter meets or comes in contact with is a potential source of referrals.
b. Prospect Referrals. Every prospect should be tasked with providing referrals after the
interview. The key to obtaining referrals from applicants, rests with the way the recruiter asks
for them. The recruiter must let the applicant know exactly what they are looking for and help
the applicant in the process of remembering names of friends, families, co-workers, or anyone
the applicant believes will benefit from the opportunities the Navy offers. The recruiter should
encourage the applicant that the applicant will make a difference in someone's life by assisting
with a referral.
c. COI Referral. Whether they are attached to a school or not, COIs should never feel as
though they are being used. Recruiters will make it a habit to thank COIs every chance they get
to make them feel part of the team. They are very interested in the applicant they referred to the
Navy or they would not have referred them. The most important thing for the recruiter to
remember about COIs is the more of them that are cultivated, the more people are working for
the recruiter, and the better chances the recruiter has of getting referrals that can potentially
become contracts.
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d. Officer Program Referrals. The officer recruiter, OACR or OPO will evaluate each
referred enlisted prospect for suitability for an officer program. The OPO or OACR will track all
inter-departmental referrals throughout the fiscal year to evaluate the effectiveness of the referral
process in regard to commissions, appointments and enlistments achieved. The procedures listed
in 010803d(1) and 010803d(2), at a minimum apply.
(1) The officer program evaluation will normally be completed by the officer recruiter,
OACR, or chief recruiter (CR) within 72 hours utilizing NAVCRUIT 1133/98 Officer Programs
Referral form initiated by the OACR. The signed and dated NAVCRUIT 1133/98 will be
returned to the enlisted recruiter, leading chief petty officer (LCPO), leading petty officer (LPO),
CR or OACR immediately upon determination of the applicants viability for an officer program.
(2) If an applicant is found to be competitive for an officer program based on initial
screening, and the applicant desires to submit an officer program application, the applicant may
be contracted for enlisted programs, but will not be shipped to RTC until final determination
(selection or non-selection) is made by NAVCRUITCOM officer programs. If the applicant
does not wish to apply for an officer program or wishes to abandon their application for officer
programs after starting the process, the applicant must indicate their declination in writing by
using a NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks Competitiveness of Officer Programs.
e. Enlisted Programs. When a general officer program contact does not meet basic
eligibility requirements, the officer recruiter will explain to the contact the specific criteria he or
she does not meet. The officer recruiter will immediately refer the contact to the DLCPO by
initiating an NAVCRUIT 1131/24 Enlisted Programs Referral and forwarding it to the respective
DIVO and DLCPO. Discussion of specific information regarding any NAVCRUITCOM
selection board deliberations with a non-selected applicant is prohibited. The procedures listed
in 010803e(1) and 010803e(3), at a minimum, apply.
(1) When a medical program contact does not meet basic eligibility requirements, the
medical programs recruiter or the OACR will explain to the contact the specific criteria he or she
does not meet. The medical program contact will be counseled by the officer recruiter or OACR
as to their opportunity to apply later should the contact resolve the noted deficiency.
(2) The OACR will return the signed and dated NAVCRUIT 1131/24 within 72 hours of
receipt from the officer recruiter indicating the initial outcome of the referral.
(3) If the referral subsequently contracts, the officer recruiter will notify the OACR
within 72 hours of a referrals DEP-in. The OACR will update the respective NAVCRUIT
1131/24 and retain it with all other enlisted programs referrals for a period of three years.
010804. Advertising - Leads. The Navy reaches several important markets each year through
a system of direct or national mail outs. This system is commonly referred to as leads. These
mail outs not only target potential prospects for enlistment or commissioning, but are also
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designed to obtain complete coverage of the target market and maintain interest through follow-
up letters and incentive items. The important thing to remember about leads generated through
advertising is the prospect is interested in a job and training, but not necessarily in the Navy. It
is the recruiter's job to sell the prospect on the Navy, not just the job. Timing is everything when
dealing with leads. Field recruiters are not authorized to purchase any advertising on their own.
Note: Recruiters will attempt to contact a lead immediately upon receipt of that
lead. The feedback tab will be annotated in SALESFORCE within 14 days
of receipt. Leads will remain in a recruiter’s working tickler for a maximum
of four months or until a final disposition is attained.
010805. Mail-Outs. Regular mail-outs are conducted by the NAVTALACQGRU to assist in
the recruiting effort. TALACQONBDCTRs requesting help to target their market are strongly
encouraged to submit a valid list of contacts to the leads production team. The list and market
will be evaluated and a determination will be made as to whether or not it is cost effective to
target the market requested. TALACQONBDCTRs are prohibited from conducting mass mail-
outs. Individual mail-outs are authorized as long as they are limited.
010806. Personally Developed Contacts (PDCs)
a. PDCs involve meeting likely prospects face-to-face and obtaining names and sufficient
information for the purpose of making an appointment. Getting just a name with no additional
information is not a PDC contact. Recruiters will familiarize themselves with their area to
identify those locations that are most likely to produce contacts. The locations listed in
subparagraphs 010806a(1) through 010806a(3) are examples of places to PDC.
(1) Colleges and professional schools.
(2) Businesses that hire young people.
(3) Sporting events, military shows, and other special events that attract large crowds.
Note: Plan PDC prospecting when contact is most likely. Timing is a critical
element when recruiting.
b. Other factors to consider when planning PDC prospecting.
(1) Market. Where is there a propensity to find eligible candidates?
(2) Time of Day. Schedule prospecting at a time when prospects are available.
(3) Objective. Recruiters must have a plan of action prior to commencing prospecting.
What is the recruiter trying to accomplish? Is it an effective enough plan to aid the recruiter in
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making mission? Always analyze the results after the prospecting period. The recruiter’s skills
will improve over time if he or she works on his or her weaknesses and improves on his or her
(4) Procedures and Techniques. The basic procedures for soliciting personally developed
contacts are listed in subparagraphs 010806b(4)(a) through 010806b(4)(h).
(a) Utilize VALOR skills.
(b) Be outgoing. Recruiters must introduce themselves, shake hands, and explain to
the contact who they are, and what they do. In simple terms, the recruiters must be informal, but
(c) Avoid forcing the prospect to make any decision about military affiliation.
(d) Recruiters should participate with the people they are trying to enlist or
(e) Express an interest in the prospect’s background, current situation, and plans.
Recruiters should discuss things they share in common with the prospect. Recruiters will ensure
the prospect understands they may find some of these things in the Navy.
(f) Recruiters will not conduct interviews on the street.
(g) When recruiters make contact with groups, they should try to identify the leader
of the group and appeal to that person.
(h) Recruiters will always ask for referrals.
010807. Time Management
a. Time management is absolutely critical to a recruiter's prospecting success. Time
management is often the greatest challenge that a recruiter faces while prospecting. Poor time
management ultimately results in poor quality contracts and can possibly lead to failure.
Effective time management however, promotes quality of life and mission accomplishment.
There is no substitute for solid work ethic and good prospecting. Accept that recruiting is a
complex process; it requires many different actions over time before results are realized. Break
down the recruiting process and utilize every prospecting mode. Recruiters will establish
objectives prior to prospecting, and should reward themselves for good prospecting. This will
build good habits and will reinforce the positive behavior that just occurred.
b. There are many ways to waste time, such as idle conversation and waiting. How often
does a recruiter wait for a prospect to show for an appointment? How often do they wait for
prospects to finish a test? How often do they wait for a clerk to give them a form? Waiting is
25 Jul 2023
wasted time that accomplishes nothing. Recruiters must remain productive. While waiting for
an appointment, recruiters should continue prospecting for potentially qualified applicants.
When running documents, recruiters are to use their PDC skills and canvass the area. Recruiters
will always look to be productive and take every opportunity to prospect.
010808. Analysis of Prospecting. At the end of each prospecting evolution, analyze what was
accomplished against the goal. Evaluate the quality of prospecting by looking at the
appointments that were set. Look at the big picture (mission) and see what impact the
prospecting had on attaining goal. Always stay focused on prospecting, everything else is lower
priority. Without prospecting, there are no applicants. In the end, success in prospecting is
measured by the quality of the contracts written.
010809. The Value Oriented Recruiting “Valor” Selling Process. The VALOR selling process
helps to evolve the prospect into an officer in a way that focuses on the value of the Navy to the
prospect. Conducted properly, it will yield a competitive advantage for the Navy. Specific
guidance concerning the VALOR selling process can be found in COMNAVCRUITCOMINST
1130.8 (series).
25 Jul 2023
“Hello, may I speak with (Prospect’s Name)”
“(PROSPECT’S NAME) would ___________ or _____________ be better?”
“(Prospect’s Name) this is (Recruiters Name). Do you have a
know where my office is located?”
“The reason I’m calling is I am the United States Navy
representative here in (YOUR CITY) and (SELECT ONE OF
(PROSPECT'S NAME) do you have a pen and piece of paper? Let me give you my
phone number in case something changes and we can meet sooner than (TIME & DATE
of APPT)
REFERRAL: “I was talking with a mutual friend of ours
(NAME OR REFERRAL) and he or she had some nice things to
say about you. What I would like to do is set up a time for you
and I to get together and discuss some of the things that he or
she thought would be of some benefit to you. How does
___________ or _____________ sound?”
COLD CALL: “I’ve been working with other (GROUPS,
STUDENTS, ORGANIZATIONS) here in the area and we have
discussed some ideas that might be of some value to you both
now and in the future and I would like to get together and share
them with you. Does ___________ or _____________ sound
beneficial? “
LEADS: “My NAVTALACQGRU personnel office notified me
that you were interested in (FIELD). What I am interested in
doing is getting together at a mutually acceptable time to share
more information about (FIELD). Would ___________ or
_____________ be better for you?”
DIRECT MAIL: “I recently received your reply card requesting
more information about (FIELD or PROGRAM) although that
information should have been mailed I have some additional
information available for you. I would like to get together on
___________ or _____________ to go over that information
with you. How does that sound?”
TRANSPORTATION: “Do you have your own car or will you need a ride down to my
“(PROSPECT’S NAME) with your permission, I would like to ask you a few questions
to save us both some time when we do get together. Would that be alright with you?
PRIVACY ACT: “(PROSPECT’S NAME) I would like to advise you of the Privacy
Act, which states that anything you tell me is between you, me and the United States
Navy. First let me ask what hobbies or interests do you have?”
How old are you? What is your height? How much do you weigh?
Did you graduate from college or are you currently attending? What is or was your
major? GPA?
Do you have any medical problems that you are aware of, or are you under the care of a
physician presently?
Have you ever used any illegal drugs?
Were you born in the United States?
Have you ever been in trouble with the police for any reason?
Ask for referrals
“(PROSPECT’S NAME) By the way, what phone number did I give you?”
“(PROSPECT’S NAME), I am looking forward to meeting you on (DATE & TIME OF
gather some information for our meeting. What I would like you to do is think of any
information or questions that you may find particularly useful during our meeting. Do
you have any other questions or programs you would like to discuss? Great then I will
see you then.”
25 Jul 2023
apathy occurs when a prospect is happy with a
current situation or is resistant to accept the
recruiter’s advancement of the conversation.
Examples of Apathy
“Sorry, but I currently have a job.”
“When I graduate, I plan on finding a job in the
civilian sector.”
“I am satisfied being a nurse at the local hospital
where I work.”
“Thanks, but I’m not interested.”
(Framework of Objection Handling: How to)
Recognize: Actively listen to determine the type of
Relate: Empathize and restate what you heard for
Ex: “I appreciate…” or
“I understand….”
Realize: Ask open and closed discovery questions.
Ex: “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
“How is _____ working for you?”
“Would having_____ be important to you?”
Respond: Align relevant Navy opportunities with the
Ex: “The Navy is a professional organization, which
means to you…”
Reinforce: Position the value for the prospect.
Ex: “This is important because you value ____...”
Doubt occurs when a prospect does not
believe or doubts what the recruiter is
saying or what the Navy can offer.
Examples of Doubt
“I can’t believe that the Navy is going to
pay for me to finish college.”
“I don’t feel the Navy can guarantee me a
“I find it hard to believe the Navy will pay
me a monthly stipend to attend medical
“Free medical coverage sounds too good to
be true. How can I be sure?”
(Framework of Objection Handling: How
Recognize: Actively listen to determine the
type of objection.
Relate: Empathize and restate what you
heard for clarification.
Ex: “I understand how this would be
difficult to believe…”
Realize: Ask open and closed discovery
Ex: Do you mind if I ask you a few
“How valuable would it be to have this?
“Would seeing this writing be of value to
Respond: Align relevant Navy
opportunities with the issue.
Confusion occurs when a prospect
doesn’t believe the Navy can deliver or
provide something that the Navy
actually does.
Examples of Confusion
“You’re just going to put me in
whatever job you want to.”
“I’m not interested in going to
“Being at sea for 4 years on a ship is
not my idea of fun.”
“I can’t justify terminating my college
education while I am serving.”
(Framework of Objection Handling:
How to)
Recognize: Actively listen to
determine the type of objection.
Relate: Empathize and restate what
heard for clarification.
Ex: “I understand what you’re
Realize: Ask open and closed
discovery questions.
Ex: Do you mind if I ask you a few
“How valuable would it be for you if I
clarify this information?”
Respond: Align relevant Navy
opportunities with the issue.
Ex: “The Navy leads the way in
technology, which means to you…”
Obstacles occur when a prospect
doesn’t like something they will
have to do or circumstances they
will be faced with if they join the
Examples of Confusion
“I don’t like the idea of having to cut
my hair.”
“I don’t want to defer my college
“I don’t like the idea of being away
from home for such a long time.”
“I am not interested in that long of a
(Framework of Objection Handling:
How to)
Recognize: Actively listen to
the type of objection.
Relate: Empathize and restate what
heard for clarification.
Ex: “I can see how ___ would be
difficult for you”
Realize: Ask open and closed
Ex: Do you mind if I ask you a few
“What concerns you most about
25 Jul 2023
Successful Tip: Apathetic prospects have wants and
needs they are not aware of. Help them see them by
having a conversation utilizing thought provoking
and value focused discovery questions around their
pressures, plans and problems. A desired outcome is
to gain a commitment to move forward.
Ex: “The Navy is a world-wide
organization, which means to you…”
Reinforce: Position the value for the
Ex: This is important because you value
Successful Tip: Understand many people
have preconceived thoughts they shouldn’t
believe recruiters. Remember, seeing is
believing. Show them in writing what
you’re discussing.
Reinforce: Show value of Navy
Ex: This is important because you
value ____...”
Successful Tip: Realize prospects
usually have more wants and needs
than what you have uncovered. They
may feel you don’t have something
they’re looking for and may feel since
you didn’t discuss it with them, you
must not offer what they’re looking
“Although this is a concern for you,
how valuable would it be for you if I
can clarify in detail the unique value
the Navy will provide you?
Respond: Align relevant Navy
opportunities with the issue.
Ex: “The Navy is a professional
organization, which means to
Reinforce: Show value of Navy
Ex: This is important because you
value ____...”
Successful Tip: Give them credit for
their opinion so they will give you
credit for yours when you ask them
to reevaluate the Navy’s Unique
Value and join the Navy even
though there is something about it
they don’t like.
Exhibit 1-4. Telephone Script
25 Jul 2023
Chapter 2
020101. Recruiter Guidelines
a. Eligibility Requirements. The recruiter must review the basic enlistment eligibility
requirements discussed throughout this chapter before scheduling any applicant for enlistment or
b. Blueprinting. Recruiters are guided in determining an applicant’s eligibility from
information obtained from interviews, pre-screening, tests and applicant provided background
information collected to complete all forms and documents.
c. Interview. The preliminary interview is designed to reveal the applicant’s desire for
Naval service, involvement in any unusual circumstances, status (age, dependency, prior service,
education), and all other information required to make a preliminary eligibility determination.
(1) The recruiter is to obtain all necessary information and question, in depth, any vague
answers to ensure eligibility.
(2) During the interview, the recruiter should strive to answer the applicant’s questions
and provide appropriate information pertaining to commissioning programs.
(3) If any disqualifying mental, conduct or physical characteristic is identified, the
recruiter must tactfully inform the applicant and stop further processing.
020102. Character. Applicants must be able to demonstrate, at the time of enlistment or
commissioning, that they’re capable of maintaining a satisfactory pattern of conduct. Individuals
who are not of the highest moral character would be a liability as a member of the Navy. An
individual’s acceptability, insofar as character is concerned, will be determined at the time of
application, and after a careful review of their completed file.
020103. Eligibility Determination Authority
a. Reserve Officer Training Course (ROTC) Participants. Officer recruiters will not recruit
nor submit a kit on students under contract for a ROTC scholarship for any officer program,
active or reserve. Where basic military training is required of all students (such as VMI and the
Citadel), participants are eligible for Navy officer programs as long as they are not regularly
enrolled by signed obligation in any ROTC program. If a member of an Army or Air Force
ROTC unit requests application to an officer candidate program within six months prior to
receipt of a college degree, and presents a statement signed by an authorized official of the
25 Jul 2023
parent service that he or she will be released from any contractual obligation for military duty
incurred through membership in that service, the application may be accepted. Under no
circumstances will Navy recruiting personnel or activities initiate or assist with the initiation of a
request for release from contractual obligation.
b. Officer Programs. Any applicant who has ever held a commission in any branch of the
armed services may be eligible for commissioning in the Navy if they meet the minimum
requirements as established in the respective program authorization (PA) for their officer
program choice.
(1) Active Duty Commissioned Officers. Active duty commissioned officers of any
branch of the armed services must request an inter-service transfer through their parent service.
(2) Inactive Duty Commissioned Officers. Inactive duty commissioned Officers of any
branch of the armed services (except the Navy) are generally eligible to apply for any direct
commission program through NAVCRUITCOM. Specific requirements for each are listed by
program in this instruction. Officers who hold a commission in the reserve component of
another service in a similar or related skill set, for which they are requesting transfer to active
duty Navy, will be processed as an inter-service transfer from the reserve component of their
parent service to the reserve component of the Navy. They then complete the recall to active
duty process. Once member has signed their naval reserve oath of office, they then are
authorized to submit an application for recall to active duty. Recruiters will coordinate these
applications closely with the respective program manager. Officers in the reserve component of
another service who desire appointment in an active duty Navy status in a different corps from
which they currently hold a commission are processed as a direct appointment - these officers
must obtain a Statement of Conditional Release, DD Form 368, signed by the approving
authority of their parent service. Navy inactive commissioned officers are eligible to apply for
medical programs through NAVCRUITCOM via active duty recall. Contact NAVPERSCOM
(PERS 9) for further assistance.
(3) U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Officers are eligible to apply, provided they
obtain a DD Form 368 from the Public Health Service.
c. NAVPERSCOM (PERS-911) has cognizance over inter-service transfer programs.
d. Other Service Enlisted Members (AC, TAR, SELRES, Inactive IRR).
(1) Members of other components of the armed service may apply through their local
NAVTALACQGRU for any Navy officer program for which eligible provided a DD Form 368
(Conditional Release) is submitted and the applicants follow any and all guidance regarding
transition to another military branch within their own governing service instruction(s).
(2) Eligibility for Navy officer programs can be found in the appropriate program
authorization. If the member is still affiliated with either the active or reserve component of
25 Jul 2023
another branch of service, then copies of their last three performance evaluations may be
required to be submitted as part of the application submission process. Under no circumstances
will Navy recruiting personnel actively pursue active enlisted members of other components of
the armed service.
e. Navy Enlisted Sailors (AC, TAR, SELRES)
(1) If applying for an active component (AC) OCS or Officer Development School
(ODS) program (except CEC, medical, JAG, or chaplain and their corresponding student
programs), the member will follow the instructions set forth in OPNAVINST 1420.1 (series) and
submit their application through their chain of command. If the sailor is assigned to a
NAVTALACQGRU, then the NAVTALACQGRU would process the application as the
member’s current “chain of command,” but the kit would be identified as a fleet kit within
(2) If applying for AC medical, JAG, or chaplain, to include direct accession and
corresponding AC medical, JAG, or chaplain student programs, the member will submit their
application through a NAVTALACQGRU.
(3) If applying for a reserve component (RC) direct commission officer (DCO) program,
the member will submit their application via a Navy Recruiting Reserve officer recruiter. The
application will be processed by the applicable NAVTALACQGRU Officer Processor, ensuring
the application contains items as defined with respective program authorizations or program
(4) Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) members apply through their local Reserve officer
recruiter. The recruiter is required to forward a DD Form 368 to PERS-913 for final signature if
the member is applying for an active component program. A DD Form 368 is not required if
applying for a reserve component program.
020104. Previous Disenrollment from Programs Leading to a Commission
a. Previous disenrollment, either voluntary or involuntary, from a program leading to a
commission in any branch of the military is not automatically disqualifying; disposition is
dependent upon the designator.
b. Selection boards will not make a final decision on an applicant without first reviewing the
reason for the disenrollment. Applicants must provide a written statement regarding the reasons
for the disenrollment or furnish documentation deemed sufficient by the program manager(s)
from all officer communities for which the individual wishes to apply.
c. Former USNA midshipmen and NROTC members of either the scholarship or college
programs who have received pay entitlements, subsistence allowance, tuition, or fees under the
provisions of these programs are eligible for NUPOC, but may not be placed on active duty until
25 Jul 2023
020105. Screening of Applicants
a. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they are capable of maintaining a satisfactory
pattern of conduct. Individuals who are not of the highest moral character would be a liability to
the Navy. An individual’s acceptability, in so far as character is concerned, will be determined
at the time of application, and after a careful review of their completed file.
b. Gang Association. Applicants who disclose or who are suspected of gang association
will be interviewed by the CO to determine degree of participation and ability to maintain a
satisfactory pattern of conduct. Applicants who have affiliated with gangs should not be denied
enlistment or commission based on that affiliation alone. However, applicants who have a
history of criminal activity or violence associated with gang activity are not enlistment or
commission eligible. Refer to chapter 2, section 7 for applicants with gang tattoos.
020106. Religious Accommodations. All applicants must be informed of uniform and
grooming policies and Navy religious accommodation policy and documented using NAVPERS
1070/613 Administrative Remarks Accommodation of Religious Practices. The completed form
must be uploaded into PRIDE MOD II.
a. Applicants who indicate no desire to request a religious accommodation may process or
access normally with NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks Accommodation of
Religious Practices retained per this manual. Applicants who indicate a desire to request an
accommodation must be given the opportunity to do so. The request must be routed and
adjudicated prior to further processing or being accessed.
b. Religious accommodations must be completed 15 days from the date the requestor
submitted the request to their immediate commander (NAVTALACQGRU or CO). This is
extended to 30 days for those outside the continental U.S. (except Alaska and Hawaii).
BUPERSINST 1730.11 lists specific religious accommodations and approval authorities.
Additionally, it contains a sample format (template) for use by the requestor and also for the
Navy Chaplain who must conduct an interview by any means available and produce a
memorandum. Routing will be per subparagraphs 020106b(1) and 020106b(2).
(1) For religious observances, dietary practices, any request for beards during Officer
Training Command Newport (OTCN), request for religious head covering during OTCN, use of
alternative immunizations, and uniform, grooming, or religious apparel accommodations that do
not require waiver of DON policy (e.g., full coverage swimwear), the NAVTALACQGRU (O-5
CO) routes request to OTCN (O-6 CO) as approving authority, via ISIC (O-6 commanders). The
request will include copies to NAVCRUITCOM (N00, EA, COS, and N3) and Naval Service
Training Command (NSTC).
(2) All other requests that require a waiver of Navy policy, the NAVTALACQGRU (0-5
CO) routes request to CNO N1 as approving authority, via ISIC (0-6 commander). Request will
include copies to Navy Education Training Command (NETC), NAVCRUITCOM (N00, EA,
COS, and N3), NSTC, and OTCN.
25 Jul 2023
020107. Marginally Qualified Prospects. Before scheduling a marginally qualified prospect to
process, the officer recruiter must determine that the individual has compensating qualities or
attributes that balance or out-weigh the characteristic or circumstance identifying him or her as
marginally qualified. It is important to note that a prospect that is marginally qualified is not a
field reject candidate. Field rejection is for non-qualified prospects only. However, knowingly
processing or submitting a marginally qualified applicant's package that is not deemed
competitive is not in the best interests of the applicant and only cause unnecessary work for
everyone involved (including selection boards). Therefore, the NAVTALACQGRU CO has the
authority to not process or forward any applicant's package if he or she determines that the
package is not competitive for the officer program for which the applicant is applying. Once an
applicant's package has been deemed non-competitive, the CO (or designated "By direction"
authority) may complete and sign Exhibit 2-1 Officer Candidate Non-Competitive Letter and
mail the original to the applicant. If generated, a copy must be retained in the applicant's residual
file. CO’s may modify the wording within Exhibit 2-1 as needed to adequately explain to the
applicant the reason for their marginal qualification.
020108. Maximum Age Statement of Understanding. All officers who will be beyond their
birthday on the day of their commissioning are required to acknowledge the potential
limitations on their careers as a result of their inability to complete 20 years of service prior to
age 62 by signing the Maximum Age Statement of Understanding contained within the
respective service agreement.
020109. Age Waiver. Age requirements for officer programs are listed in each specific
program authorization. Some officer programs authorize the authority to submit an age waiver
request to NAVCRUITCOM if the member meets all other eligibility criteria. In order to request
an age waiver, the NAVTALACQGRU CO must upload into PRIDE Mod II a CO’s
endorsement letter to the Commander, NAVCRUITCOM via the appropriate region commander
for approval.
Note: Applicants for aviation programs must be at least 19 years old and not have
passed their 27th birthday upon commissioning. For applicants with prior
active duty military service, age waivers may be granted on a month-for-
month basis up to 24 months for active duty service served prior to their
27th birthday for 1390 applicants and up to 48 months for active duty
service served prior to their 27th birthday for 1370 applicants. Prior service
applicants that fall within the age waiver requirements, or are within 12
months of requiring a waiver, will include the approved waiver as part of
their application. Applicants requiring a waiver will not be submitted to the
professional recommendation board without an approved waiver. Formal
waiver requests will be submitted by the NAVTALACQGRU to the
Aviation Community Manager (BUPERS-313).
25 Jul 2023
020110. Verification of Birth and Birth Certificate
a. All applicants for officer programs will furnish a birth certificate or provide official
verification of birth per Table 2.1 Documents Approved for Verification of Citizenship and Place
of Birth and subparagraphs 020110a(1) through 020110a(3).
(1) U.S. Birth Certificate. Enclose copy into the application.
Note: Hospital birth certificates signed by a hospital administrator or physician
and short form birth verification cards issued by vital statistics offices, with
or without raised, impressed, embossed, or multicolored seals or stamps are
acceptable for enlistment or commissioning.
(2) Non U.S. Birth Certificate. Enclose copy in the residual file along with an English
translation of the birth certificate. The translation will be certified by the translator and will
include the translator’s printed name, signature and date. The applicant cannot complete the
Note: Puerto Rico Birth Certificates Law 191 of 2009 invalidated all birth
certificates issued by the Puerto Rico Health department prior to July 1,
2010. Therefore, officer applicants born in Puerto Rico must provide a birth
certificate issued by the Puerto Rico Vital Statistics Record Office on or
after July 1, 2010, before they can be commissioned.
(3) U.S. Passport. Enclose copy in the application. The passport must be current
(unexpired) and issued by the Secretary of State.
Note: The armed forces are authorized to copy documents used for eligibility
determinations, to include documents which state that it is unlawful to
reproduce or copying is not authorized. The copy(s) will have "ORIGINAL
signed in a conspicuous location. Originals should be immediately returned
to the applicant for safekeeping.
b. If the birth certificate or U.S. passport cannot be produced, the Request for Verification
of Birth (DD Form 372) will be used as primary evidence by completing the form per the
instructions contained thereon and forwarding it to one of the agencies functions listed in
subparagraphs 020110b(1) through 020110b(3). A copy of the DD Form 372 will be retained in
the applicant's residual file pending response. Upon receipt of the agency verified DD Form 372,
replace the unverified copy with the agency verified DD Form 372 in the residual file and
enclose the original in the application.
(1) State Bureau of Vital Statistics or State Health department.
25 Jul 2023
(2) County department of Public Health, County Clerk's Office, or County Registrar's
(3) City department of Public Health, City Clerk's Office, or City Registrar's Office.
c. In the event the agency states that no birth record exists, a combination of secondary
evidence, any of which must have been created as close to the time of birth as possible, and
which may be used to verify the applicant's date and place of birth will be forwarded to
NAVCRUITCOM N35 to determine eligibility. Upon verification, NAVCRUITCOM N35
prepares a DD Form 372 and indicates in Section II how the verification was made in the
“verified by” block. The DD Form 372 will then be sent back to the originator. Examples of
secondary evidence are listed in subparagraphs 020110c(1) through 020110c(9).
(1) Baptismal Certificate, Certificate of Circumcision, hospital record
(2) Separation documents of prior service personnel
(3) Naturalization Certificate
(4) Affidavits of persons having personal knowledge of the facts of birth
(5) Primary school records
(6) Family Bible entries
(7) Early census
(8) Newspaper files
(9) Insurance papers
d. The DD Form 372 is not to be used to obtain birth record information from the U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), formerly the Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS).
020111. dependency Status
a. There are no restrictions relative to dependency status for application to Navy officer
programs with the exception of the Naval Academy.
b. Single, divorced, remarried applicants, and applicants married to military members are
required to complete a OPNAV 1740/7 Family Care Certificate and Family Care Plan
Arrangement per OPNAVINST 1740.4 when: (1) they have physical custody of minor
dependents or (2) are responsible for an adult who is incapable of providing for them self in the
25 Jul 2023
absence of the applicant. The NAVTALACQGRU CO or XO (NAVOPSPTCEN COs for
reservists) will evaluate the documents, determine acceptability for naval service, and endorse if
the plan is acceptable. The endorsed OPNAV 1740/7 will be included with the applicant’s
commissioning package. For reserve applicants, the plan will be effective during any required
training or mobilization periods. The original OPNAV 1740/7 will be retained by the member
and a copy will be retained in the applicant's NAVTALACQGRU file.
c. Applicants will be advised that no preferential treatment with regard to assignments will
be afforded single parents.
d. Applicants with dependents are required to provide proof of their dependent’s Social
Security numbers and certified birth certificates in order to enroll their dependents into DEERS.
This can be accomplished by certified copies of their dependent’s Social Security card and birth
certificates. Applicants with foreign alien dependents residing in the United States illegally are
not enlistment or commission eligible until their dependents become admitted into the United
States and obtain a Social Security card, or no longer reside unlawfully in the United States.
020112. Swimming Requirements
a. The Third Class Swim Test is administered early in the training program at OCS, and
ODS. OCS candidates who are unable to successfully complete the swim test will be considered
for attrition from the program. Active component students at ODS who are unable to
successfully complete the swim test will be retained at officer training command for up to 21
days after class completion in order to complete remedial training and successfully pass the test.
If successful completion is not possible, the community managers will be notified and the
student will be transferred to their gaining command with a page 13 detailing failure to complete
the requirement. Reserve officers at ODS who are unable to successfully complete the swim test
will be sent to their Navy Reserve Center without credit for course completion. Graduation
credit will be given once they have successfully completed the test at a Navy Training Pool. All
officers and officer candidates are expected to be able to swim prior to reporting to OCS, and
ODS. An applicant's ability to swim is strictly based upon their self-admission on the swim skill
questions of the NAVCRUIT Form 1131/238 Application Processing and Summary Record. If
an OCS, ODS applicant checks “no” for any question, he or she must receive official written
notice by the NAVTALACQGRU CO or OPO (by direction) encouraging him or her to practice
swimming prior to shipping to Officer Training Command. The applicant must acknowledge
receipt of this letter by signing a copy and his or her understanding of the ramifications of not
being able to pass the Third Class Swim Test. Before an applicant is final selected, a copy of
Exhibit 2-2 Officer Candidate School (OCS), Officer Development School Third Class Swim
Test signed must be included in the application and verified by the respective NAVCRUITCOM
program manager.
b. The Third Class Swim Test consists of the items listed in subparagraphs 020112b(1)
through 020112b(4).
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(1) Abandon Ship Jump. Jump from a 12-foot tower to simulate abandoning ship.
(2) 50-yd Swim: Using any single stroke or combination of the crawl, breaststroke,
sidestroke, and elementary backstroke, swim 50-yards.
(3) Five Minute Prone Float. Remain afloat (face down), utilizing survival-floating
skills, for five minutes (drown proofing).
(4) Shirt and Trouser or Coverall Inflation. Fill a shirt and pair of trousers (or coveralls)
with air to remain afloat.
25 Jul 2023
Ser xx/xx
Dear _________________,
Your application for commission as a naval officer has been carefully reviewed. Regrettably,
I must advise you that your application is not competitive for submission and possible selection
at this time.
In the selection process, each applicant is considered on a competitive basis with all other
applicants for a commission and against traditional competitive profiles and attributes. Due to
the limited number of vacancies at the national level, only those applicants who appear to be
most highly qualified are selected for appointment. The rejection of your application cannot be
attributed to any specific factor, as all facets of the application have been weighed against the
current needs of the Navy. Please be assured that the non-acceptance of your application is, in
no sense, an adverse reflection upon you. It is, however, an indication of the keen competition
for appointment as a Naval Officer.
Your recruiter will retain your name and contact information and assuming that you remain
qualified and become competitive for selection in the future, you may be contacted for possible
submission of an updated application.
I regret that a favorable decision could not be made in your case at this time. Your interest in
the Naval Service is greatly appreciated.
CO Signature
Exhibit 2-1. Officer Candidate Non-Competitive Letter
25 Jul 2023
Ser xx/xx
From: Commanding Officer,
To: ____________________________
1. The Third Class Swim Test is administered early in the training program at Officer Candidate
School (OCS), and Officer Development School (ODS). All officer candidates and
commissioned officers are expected to be able to swim prior to reporting. Officers and officer
candidates who are unable to successfully complete the swim test will be considered for attrition
from the program or for administrative separation from service.
2. Your ability to swim is strictly based upon your self-admission on the swim skill questions of
your NAVCRUIT 1131/238 Application Processing and Summary Record. Since you have
answered “No” for one or more of the swim skill questions, you are strongly encouraged to
practice your swimming skills prior to reporting to OCS, and ODS.
3. This letter is written in an effort to advise and counsel you concerning your swimming skills.
A copy of this letter will be included in your application submitted to Navy Recruiting
Commanding Officer
I acknowledge receipt of this letter and understand the ramifications of not being able to pass the
Third Class Swim Test at OCS, and ODS.
Applicant Signature / Date
Exhibit 2-2. Officer Candidate School, Officer Development School Third Class Swim Test
25 Jul 2023
020201. General. To be eligible for appointment in an active or reserve component, U.S.
citizenship is required (born in the U.S., naturalized, or born abroad of U.S. parents), unless
waived by the Secretary of Defense for an original appointment in a grade junior to the grade of
lieutenant commander (O4). Dual citizens are eligible to apply. Contact NAVCRUITCOM N31
for further guidance.
020202. Evidence of Citizenship
a. Applicants for all officer programs will be citizens of the United States and will submit
positive proof of citizenship at the time of application. (Paragraph 020101refers)
b. Native born citizens. Applicants born in the geographical United States (50 states, Guam,
Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands) are considered native born
c. Applicants born outside the United States of U.S. citizen parents. One of the verification
forms listed in subparagraphs 020202c(1) through 020202c(4) can be sighted.
(1) Certificate of Citizenship issued by USCIS.
(2) Report of Birth Abroad to a Citizen of the United States of America (FS 240).
(3) Certification of Birth issued by a U.S. Consulate of the department of State (FS 545 or
DS 1350).
(4) U.S. passport (or one in which the applicant was included).
Note: The armed forces are authorized to copy documents used for eligibility
determinations, to include documents which state that it is unlawful to
reproduce or copying is not authorized. The copy(s) will have "ORIGINAL
signed in a conspicuous location, and uploaded into PRIDE MOD II.
Originals should be immediately returned to the applicant for safekeeping.
d. For applicants not born in the Panama Canal Zone and who cannot provide any of the
documentation listed in subparagraphs 020202c(1) through 020202c(4), prepare DD Form 372.
Include as much information as is known about the applicant and a signed DD 2221 Authority
for Release of Information and Records. Mail both documents with a self-addressed return
envelope to:
25 Jul 2023
Overseas Births
Department of State
Passport Services, Room 386
1425 K Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20524
e. Applicants born in the Panama Canal Zone
(1) To a U.S. citizen parent, provide a certificate of birth issued by the Panama Canal
Zone government indicating U.S. citizenship and verified by the Panama Canal Zone
government will be accepted.
(2) If the applicant cannot provide any of the requirements as detailed in subparagraphs
020202c(1) through 020202c(4), they have the Panamanian Birth Certificate must be verified
with the Panama Canal Commission utilizing a specially modified DD Form 372. Applicants
will not be enlisted until the Panama Canal Commission returns the DD Form 372 indicating that
either the applicant's natural mother or father was a U.S. citizen at the time of the applicant's
birth. This DD Form 372 will be addressed to:
Vital Statistics Unit
Administrative Services Division
Panama Canal Commission
APO Miami 34011
(3) Are U.S. citizens only if either the natural mother or father was a U.S. citizen at time
of the applicant's birth (this may also apply to applicants born in New Cristobal (Colon, Republic
of Panama)). Applicants who were born in the Republic of Panama of U.S. citizen parent(s)
claiming U.S. citizenship will have citizenship verified in the same manner as any other
applicant born abroad of U.S. citizen parent(s).
(4) Applicants unable to produce the required documents for verification of naturalized
U.S. citizenship, will not be processed.
f. Derived citizenship or naturalized citizens
(1) Applicants who have either completed naturalization proceedings on their own behalf
or claim to derive citizenship, though alien-born, from the citizenship or naturalization of their
parent(s), must present a Certificate of Citizenship, a Certificate of Naturalization (both of which
are issued by USCIS, formerly INS), or a U.S. passport, or one in which the individual was
included, as proof of citizenship.
(2) In the case of those applicants who claim to derive citizenship from the status of their
parent(s), and who can offer no proof other than documentary evidence of their parent(s)' status,
can used a U.S. passport (current).
25 Jul 2023
Note: The armed forces are authorized to copy documents used for eligibility
determinations, to include documents which state that it is unlawful to
reproduce or copying is not authorized. The copy(s) will have "ORIGINAL
signed in a conspicuous location, and uploaded into PRIDE MOD II.
Originals should be immediately returned to the applicant for safekeeping.
g. Dual citizenship
(1) Applicants holding dual citizenship status (i.e., a citizen of the United States and a
citizen of another country) may not be used as a basis for a disqualifying factor in determining an
individual’s eligibility for Officer Programs provided the individual has a completed and
favorably adjudicated investigation and meets all other eligibility requirements. For specific
requirements for Officer Designators, refer to the applicable Officer Program Authorization.
(2) Dual citizens applying for Officer Programs.
(a) Verify the applicant’s dual citizenship status via the “Citizenship Laws of the
World” website.
(b) If the applicant is determined to not be a dual citizen, then no further action is
(c) If the applicant is determined to be a dual citizen, the two statements listed in
subparagraphs 020202g(2)(c)1 through 020202g(2)(c)2 must be entered in block 10 of the
applicants Standard Form (SF 86) Questionnaire for National Security Position;
1. “I am willing to renounce my citizenship to (name of country) if required”
2. “I understand travelling on a foreign passport or obtaining a new passport is
reportable and will effect my eligibility and assignment to work in a sensitive position.”
25 Jul 2023
Table 2.1 Documents Approved For Verification of Citizenship and Place of Birth
(refer to note 4)
OF 1796
Birth Certificate
U.S. Passport
DD 372 (Request for
Verification of Birth)
FS 240 (Report of Birth
Abroad of a U.S.
DS 1350 (Certification
of Birth)
FS 545 (Certification of
Birth Abroad)
USCIS N-550/ 551/570
USCIS N-560/561
(Certificate of
U.S. Passport
Birth Certificate
U.S. Passport (Current)
USCIS N-550/551/570
USCIS N-560/561
(Certificate of
Birth Certificate
Tribal Letter or Card
Residence Card)
Birth Certificate
U.S. Passport (Current)
DD 372 (Request for
Verification of Birth)
FS 240 (Report of Birth
Abroad of a U.S.
DS 1350 (Certification
of Birth)
FS 545 (Certification of
Birth Abroad)
Birth Certificate
U.S. Passport (Current)
Birth Certificate
U.S. Passport (Current)
Birth Certificate
U.S. Passport (Current)
Birth Certificate
U.S. Passport (Current)
25 Jul 2023
Note 1: The following forms must be originals or “Certified True Copies:
Birth Certificate
FS 240
DS 1350
FS 545
Tribal Letter or Card
DD 372 (Only for cases where primary birth verification documents don’t exist)
All other documents must be originals.
Note 2: Return all original documentary evidence to the applicant after proper entries have been made on required
Note 3: Puerto Rico birth certificates issued prior to 1 July 2010 are invalid for use per Puerto Rico Birth Certificate Law
191 of 2009 and are not acceptable for enlistment, commissioning or affiliation purposes. To be valid, birth
certificates issued by the Puerto Rico Vital Statistics Record Office must have been issued on or after 1 July 2010.
Note 4: To include applicants who derived citizenship from their parents.
25 Jul 2023
020301. Criteria. A valid social security number (SSN) issued by the Social Security
Administration (SSA) is mandatory to process for enlistment or commission.
020302. Verification
a. Accomplish SSN verification by personally sighting one of the three documents listed in
Table 2.2 Documents for Verification of Social Security Number eligibility. Original SSN
verification documents must be photocopied, certified as true copies of the original document,
and the certified copies placed in both the applicant’s residual file and application. The
NAVTALACQGRU CO will establish a copy certification policy in writing.
Table 2.2 Documents for Verification of Social Security Number Eligibility
Social Security Number card issued by the Social Security Administration
Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214) for prior service
Report of Separation and Record of Service (NGB Form 22) for prior Army or Air National
Guard members
Note: The armed forces are authorized to copy documents used for eligibility
determinations, to include documents which state that it is unlawful to
reproduce or copying is not authorized. The copy(s) will have "ORIGINAL
signed in a conspicuous location. Originals should be immediately returned
to the applicant for safekeeping.
b. Officer recruiters and officer processors are responsible for validating the applicant’s
c. SSN verification printouts issued by SSA are authorized for use in order to process an
officer applicant’s kit. However, SSA printouts are not authorized for commissioning purposes.
In all cases where a SSA printout was used for kit processing, a valid SSN card is required to be
shown to recruiting personnel, copied, and uploaded in the applicant’s PRIDE Mod II record and
residual file prior to enlistment or commissioning. There are no exceptions to this policy.
d. SSN cards with “Issued for work purposes only” or any other phrase stamped on the face
of the card are not valid for enlistment or commissioning. There are no exceptions.
e. Refer to chapter 2, section 4 for additional guidance pertaining to SSN cards and
enlistment name requirement.
25 Jul 2023
020303. Waivers. Waivers of SSN requirements for enlistment or commissioning contained in
this section are not authorized.
25 Jul 2023
020401. Enlistment or Commissioning Name (Native Born U.S. Citizens)
a. Refer to Table 2.3 Examples of Enlistment or Commissioning Name (U.S. Native Born)
requirements for native-born U.S. citizens.
b. For non-prior service applicants, the name shown on the applicant’s Social Security card
will be used as the applicant’s name of record and is required to be used on all enlistment or
commissioning processing forms and documents (to include all forms included in the member’s
kit application process). For prior service applicants, the name listed on their prior service
enlistment or separation documents (e.g., DD Form 214, NGB 22, DD Form 4) will be the name
c. The use of derivative names for first and middle names on SSN cards are acceptable (e.g.
Joe vice Joseph); middle names may also be represented by an initial or omitted.
(1) When the SSN card reflects an initial for the middle name, the officer recruiter or
officer processor must verify the initial matches the middle name on the birth certificate. If the
applicant wants his or her full middle name on the processing forms, he or she must obtain a new
SSN card reflecting the middle name.
(2) When there is no middle name listed on the SSN card, all forms will omit the middle
name. If the applicant desires his or her middle name or initial on the forms, then the applicant is
required to obtain a new SSN reflecting as such.
d. When a suffix, e.g., Jr., II, III, etc. is listed on the birth certificate or DD Form 372, the
SSN card must have been issued with the suffix. No exceptions authorized.
e. Do not use punctuation. An apostrophe or hyphen contained within a name is not to be
shown, and spaces will not be used as substitutes for punctuation.
Table 2.3 Examples of Enlistment or Commissioning Names (U.S. Native Born)
Name on SSN Card
Name on Birth Certificate
Enlistment or Commissioning Name
Darin J Smith
Darin John Smith
Darin J Smith
Darin Smith
Darin John Smith
Darin Smith
Darin John Smith
Darin John Smith Jr
Darin John Smith Jr (para d. refers)
Joe Adam Jones
Joseph Adam Jones
Joe Adam Jones
Joe A Jones
Joseph Adam Jones
Joe A Jones
Joe Jones
Joseph Adam Jones
Joe Jones
John Doe Van Smith
John Doe Van Smith
Jon Doe Van Smith
Mary A Gomez-Smith
Mary Ann Gomez-Smith
Mary A GomezSmith
Mark Alan O’Brien Jr
Mark Alan O’Brien Jr
Mark Alan Obrien Jr
25 Jul 2023
020402. Enlistment and Commissioning Name (Applicants with USCIS Documents)
a. Refer to Table 2.4 Examples of Enlistment or Commissioning Names (USCIS
Documents) for applicants applying with USCIS documents.
b. For non-prior service applicants, the name as it appears on the applicant’s USCIS
documents will be their enlistment or commissioning name of record and is required to be used
on all enlistment or commissioning processing forms and documents (to include all forms
included in the member’s kit application process). If the applicant legally changed his or her
name subsequent to being naturalized (e.g. marriage), then use the name as it appears on the
applicable legal document. For prior service applicants, the name listed on their prior service
enlistment or separation documents (e.g., DD Form 214, NGB 22, DD Form 4) will be the name
c. Applicants enlisting or commissioning with USCIS documents are not authorized to
process with preferred enlistment names.
d. Social Security cards with derivatives of the applicant’s legal first and middle names, as
shown on his or her USCIS documents, are acceptable for enlistment or commissioning
processing. However, the name as it appears on the USCIS documents will be the enlistment or
commissioning name of record unless the member has legally changed his or her name
subsequent to being naturalized (e.g. marriage).
e. If a suffix, e.g., Jr., II, III, etc. is listed on the USCIS documents or DD Form 372, the
SSN card must have been issued with the suffix. No exceptions authorized.
f. Do not use punctuation. An apostrophe or hyphen contained within a name is not to be
shown, and spaces will not be used as substitutes for punctuation.
Table 2.4 Examples of Enlistment and Commissioning Names (USCIS Documents)
Name on SSN Card
Name on USCIS document
Enlistment or Commissioning Name
Darin John Smith
Darin John Smith
Darin John Smith
Darin J Smith
Darin John Smith
Darin John Smith
Darin Smith
Darin John Smith
Darin John Smith
Darin John Smith
Darin John Smith Jr
Darin John Smith Jr (para d. refers)
Joe Adam Jones
Joseph Adam Jones
Joseph Adam Jones
Joe A Jones
Joseph Adam Jones
Joseph Adam Jones
Joe Jones
Joseph Adam Jones
Joseph Adam Jones
John Doe Van Smith
John Doe Van Smith
John Doe Van Smith
Mary A Gomez-Smith
Mary Ann Gomez-Smith
Mary Ann GomezSmith
Mark Alan O’Brien Jr
Mark Alan O’Brien Jr
Mark Alan Obrien Jr
John P Smith
John Smith
John Smith
25 Jul 2023
020501. Education Credentials. Applicants must meet the specific educational requirements
of each officer program for which they apply. Refer to the appropriate program authorization for
further guidance.
020502. Letter of Acceptance for Student Programs
a. All student programs require letters of acceptance (LOA) for appropriately accredited
institutions or programs. Letters will be signed by the school registrar or similar school official.
b. All FAP applicants will provide an LOA for a residency program.
020503. Letter of Good Standing
a. A letter of good standing with the school or residency program is required for all medical
programs and FAP applicants who are currently enrolled in school or residency program.
b. JAG workforce applicants must provide proof of good standing with their BAR.
020504. Transcripts
a. Accredited Institutions. Officer candidates for all programs must, prior to applying for
commission, possess or be within 12 months of attaining a baccalaureate degree from a college
or university that is accredited by the New York State Board of Regents or one of the Regional
or Faith-based (for Chaplain candidates) Accreditation Associations listed in subparagraphs
020504a(1) through 020504a(10).
(1) Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA), Middle States
Commission on Higher Education. Created in 1919, the Middle States Commission on Higher
Education accredits degree-granting colleges and universities in Delaware, Maryland, New
Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
(2) New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), Commission on
Institutions of Higher Education (CIHE). The CIHE covers the six New England states of
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.
(3) North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA), Higher Learning
Commission. This commission accredits higher education institutions in the 19 north central
states of Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota,
Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wisconsin,
West Virginia and Wyoming.
25 Jul 2023
(4) Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, Northwest Commission on Colleges
and Universities (NWCCU). This commission accredits institutions of higher education in the
seven states of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington.
(5) Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), Commission on Colleges.
Colleges and universities in the 11 southern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia are
accredited by this commission.
(6) Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). This association was formed
in 1962 and has two accrediting agencies that accredit schools of higher education: The
Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, and the Accrediting Commission
for Senior Colleges and Universities. These commissions accredit institutions in California and
Hawaii as well as some U.S. territories.
(7) Accrediting Commission of the Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic
Schools (AARTS) (Faith based).
(8) Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) (Faith
(9) Commission on Accreditation of the Association for Biblical Higher Education
(ABHE) (Faith based).
(10) Accreditation Commission of Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and
Schools (TRACS) (Faith based).
Note: Officer candidates selected prior to college graduation must meet all
program requirements and have completed their baccalaureate degree prior
to shipping to OCS or ODS.
b. Non-accredited Institutions
(1) Officer program applicants from colleges or universities not accredited by one of
accrediting agencies listed in paragraph 020504 may be considered for Navy officer programs if
the non-accredited institution's credits are fully accepted by at least three regionally accredited
institutions. The example listed in subparagraph 020504b(1) is an acceptable statement that may
be signed by the registrar, admissions officer, or any other appropriate official of a regionally
accredited institution and must bear the school seal:
"This is to certify that (name of regionally accredited institution) accepts all
credits by transfer from (name or non-accredited institution) in the same manner
that it accepts credits from institutions accredited by regional associations.
(Name of regionally accredited institution) also admits graduates of (name of
non-accredited institution) to graduate study if they meet the same standards
that graduates of regionally accredited colleges or universities meet."
25 Jul 2023
(2) On a case-by-case basis, an applicant who has received a baccalaureate degree from a
non-accredited college or university may be processed if a regionally accredited institution has
accepted him or her as a candidate for a master's or higher-level program of study.
c. Graduates of Foreign Institutions. Foreign college or university graduate applicants will
furnish a copy of his or her baccalaureate degree to the NAVTALACQGRU and request to have
the foreign college or university send official transcripts directly to the NAVTALACQGRU for
processing purposes. The baccalaureate degree (to include official transcripts) must be written in
the original language and include certified translations from the awarding institutions. Foreign
education translations and evaluation services for the applicant are acceptable from the civilian
organizations listed in subparagraphs 020504c(1) and 020504c(2).
(1) Foreign credential evaluation services offered by the American Association of
Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). The AACRAO site is:
Address: International Education Services
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and
Admissions Officers
One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 520
Washington, DC 20036-1135
Phone inquiries: (202) 296-3359
(2) The National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) offers
applicants education evaluation of foreign credentials. The NACES site: Click
on heading “current members” to see agencies to contact for evaluations.
d. ESS evaluation. The NAVTALACQGRU Education Services Specialist (ESS) will use
the Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officer’s PIER World Series publications
to evaluate foreign education. The procedures listed in subparagraphs 020504d(1) through
(1) Recruiters will submit NAVCRUIT 1133/51 Request for Evaluation of Education
Credentials and Foreign Education (EDVER), together with the applicant’s foreign education
documents (i.e., certificates, degrees with complete transcripts), to the NAVTALACQGRU ESS
for evaluation. Foreign language education documents require a certified English translation.
The applicant is responsible for obtaining this translation. Both versions of the document must
be included in the kit for review and verification.
(2) All foreign documents submitted must be a line-by-line translation into English prior
to NAVCRUITCOM submission; a document summary is unacceptable.
(3) Translations of foreign documents by applicant, applicant's spouse, or any family
member of the applicant are not acceptable.
25 Jul 2023
(4) After certifying the education documentation, the NAVTALACQGRU ESS will send
the NAVCRUIT 1133/51 to the CO for approval.
(5) For graduates of foreign medical, dental, Medical Service Corps, or Nurse Corps
programs, contact the appropriate NAVCRUITCOM program manager (PM) regarding
accreditation or reciprocal agreements. Refer to specific medical program designator program
authorizations for requirements.
e. Official Transcripts. A transcript is "official" only if issued by the original source, sent
directly from the educational institution in question, and clearly identified as being an official
document of that institution (i.e., marked by a raised or colored seal of the institution of higher
learning). Transcripts stamped "issued to students" are not acceptable.
(1) When obtaining official transcripts, recruiting personnel are required to obtain them
directly from the issuing institution. Transcripts hand-carried by applicants to verify education
status are not acceptable.
(2) In cases involving foreign education, every effort will be made to ensure official
transcripts are issued directly from the educational institution to recruiting personnel. However,
NAVTALACQGRU commanding officers may deviate from this policy on a case-by-case basis
as a result of extenuating circumstances. For example, the NAVTALACQGRU CO may
authorize an exception when it is impractical for school officials at a foreign institution to
forward transcripts via mail.
f. Official Electronic Transcripts. Electronic copies of transcripts received directly from a
university’s registrar’s office via email are acceptable if printed out and certified to be a true
copy in front of a recruiter or processor. Electronic transcripts must include the name of the
school, the applicant’s name and a copy of the institutions grading system (i.e., whether the
school grades on a 4.0 or 5.0 grading system, etc.).
Note: Printing out an applicant’s transcripts directly from his or her online student
account is not authorized.
g. Transcripts will be submitted for each post-secondary institution the applicant has
attended (to include all advance and dual enrollment classes taken while attending high school).
h. Applicants for medical programs (except students) will include a statement regarding
their participation in continuing education and statements from appropriate training program
officials regarding the completion of professional or certification training.
i. All Dental Corps applicants will provide a certified copy of their dental school diploma.
25 Jul 2023
020601. Professional School Entrance Exam Report. Professional school admission test
scores will be provided for the programs listed in subparagraphs 020601a through 020601d.
a. DC (HPSP or HSCP) student programs: Dental Aptitude Test (DAT).
b. MC (HPSP or HSCP) student programs: Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
(Except Texas medical school applicants).
c. MSC Optometry student programs: Optometry Admissions Test (OAT)
d. JAG student programs: Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
020602. Professional Certificates and Certification
a. If an applicant has earned a professional certification or license, a copy of the appropriate
document will be included in the application package. Table 2.5 Examples of Professional
Certificates and Certifications are listed in subparagraph 020602a.
Table 2.5 Examples of Professional Certificates and Certifications
Engineer in Training (EIT)/Fundamentals of Engineering (FE)
Professional Engineer (PE)
Graduate Medical Education Certificates (Internship, Residency, Fellowship)
Foreign Medical Graduate Certificate (ECFMG/FMGEMS)
Physicians: License (Certified)/Specialty Board Certifications
Dental Specialties: License/Specialty Board Certifications
Nursing License (Certified) (All licenses ever held)
Advanced Practice Nurses: Board Certification/State Licensure
MSC Clinical Specialists/Allied Scientists: License/Board Certifications
JAG: Proof of Good Standing with BAR
b. Where reproduction of the certification or license is prohibited, a statement that the
recruiter has sighted the certification will be included in the NAVCRUIT 1131/238.
c. Review the respective Medical Corps (MC), Dental Corps (DC), Medical Service Corps
(MSC) and Nurse Corps (NC) PA for Armed Forces of Pathology (AFIP) credentialing
25 Jul 2023
020603. Professional Interviews
a. The primary objective of the professional interview is to determine the applicant’s
potential as a Navy officer. The interview process also provides the applicant the items listed in
subparagraphs 020603a(1) and 020603a(3).
(1) The details of the program for which he or she is applying;
(2) An opportunity to answer questions; and
(3) Information about the training he or she will receive.
b. The number of interviews required varies among programs; therefore, review program
checklists individually to verify professional interview requirements. When interviews are
required, it is prudent to obtain interviews from officers, preferably by an officer within the
program the applicant is applying for. The application checklist should be reviewed to ensure
the correct procedures are followed.
c. Reserve officers may be requested to give interviewing assistance, where appropriate.
d. Officer personnel assigned to recruiting duty are authorized to interview officer program
e. In no case will an interview appraisal form be prepared based on input, either written or
oral, from another source.
f. All interview appraisals submitted with an application will be the result of either close
association (the one informal interview allowable) or formal observation (face-to-face personal
g. Interview results will be made using the NAVCRUIT 1131/5 Interviewer’s Appraisal
Sheet. Appraisals must be typed.
Note: All interviews conducted (favorable and non-favorable) will be forwarded
with the application.
25 Jul 2023
020701. Orthodontia
a. Applicants wearing an orthodontic retainer (fixed or removable) are acceptable for
enlistment or commission or affiliation with a ‘P1’ profile. Applicants wearing orthodontic
braces are not qualified for active component or reserve component enlistment or commission,
except for prior service applicants who are eligible for reserve component affiliation. Individuals
wearing fixed orthodontic appliances, who are otherwise mentally and physically qualified, may
enlist or commission in officer student programs only. These applicants must present a letter
from their orthodontist, on the date of initial physical examination, stating that orthodontic
therapy will be concluded and the appliances removed, at the individual’s expense, prior to
transfer to OCS or ODS. Individuals who have not completed orthodontic therapy, or who have
fixed orthodontic appliances in place at the time of transfer to OCS, or ODS will be disqualified
from entering onto active duty. Each applicant must clearly understand that the Navy will not
incur any obligation or cost connected with orthodontic appliances either during or after
enlistment in an officer student program. Retainers require no further treatment and are not to be
confused with braces, which require continued treatment and are disqualifying.
b. Direct accession officer and DCO program applicants wearing fixed orthodontic
appliances, who are otherwise mentally and physically qualified are prohibited from enlistments
or commissioning if the orthodontic treatment cannot be concluded and the appliances removed,
at the individual’s expense, prior to transfer to OCS, or ODS.
020702. Tattoos, Body Art and Brands. Four criteria will be used to determine whether
tattoos, body art or brands are permitted for Navy personnel: content, location, size and
a. Content. Tattoos, body art or brands located anywhere on the body that are prejudicial to
good order, discipline, and morale, or are of a nature to bring discredit upon the Navy are
prohibited. This includes tattoos that are obscene (e.g., profanity), sexually explicit (e.g.,
displays nudity), or advocate discrimination based on sex, race, religion, ethnic, or national
origin. Additionally, tattoos, body art or brands symbolizing affiliation with gangs, supremacist
or extremist groups, or advocate illegal drug use are prohibited. Waivers will not be given for
tattoos with prohibited content.
b. Location. No tattoos, body art or brands on the head, face (to include the ear) and scalp.
One tattoo is authorized on the neck and will not exceed one inch in measurement in any
dimension (height or width) any neck tattoo visible from the front requires a
COMNAVCRUITCOM waiver. Tattoos meeting these requirements are acceptable behind the
ear. The area of the neck is defined as between the collar line of a crew neck t-shirt and the base
of the jaw bone. Tattoos on the inner lip that are not visible with an open mouth are acceptable
as long as they meet content criteria. In addition, otherwise permissible tattoos, body art or
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brands on the torso area of the body will not be visible through white uniform clothing. Waivers
will not be given for tattoos not meeting these requirements.
c. Size. The size restriction for visible tattoos is limited to the area of the neck and behind
the ear only. As a result of changes announced in NAVADMIN 082/16, leg and arm tattoos can
be of any size. A tattoo on the neck or behind the ear exceeding one inch in diameter requires a
COMNAVCRUITCOM waiver. The waiver package will be uploaded on the NRC PORTAL for
review by NAVCRUITCOM N35 Policy Division for further submission for approval or
d. Cosmetic Tattoos. Cosmetic tattoos are authorized to correct medical conditions
requiring such treatment. For the purpose of the regulation, cosmetic tattooing refers to medical
or surgical procedures conducted by licensed, qualified medical personnel.
e. Cosmetic Permanent Makeup (Women). Cosmetic permanent makeup is authorized for
eyebrows, eyeliner, lipstick and lip liner only. Permanent makeup will be in good taste and
blend naturally with the skin tone to enhance a natural appearance. Exaggerated or faddish
cosmetic styles are not authorized and will not be obtained. Approved permanent makeup colors
are as follow: Eyebrows will be shades of black, brown, blonde or red that matches the
individual’s natural hair color. Eyeliner will be shades of black, brown, blue or green that
matches the individual’s natural eye color and will not extend past the natural corner of the eye.
Lip liner and lipstick will be the color of the natural lip or shades of pink and moderate reds only.
Permanent makeup is considered an elective medical procedure that is accomplished by qualified
medical professionals to enhance natural features and requires careful planning and consideration
of associated risks and liabilities to the individual.
f. Mutilation. Intentional mutilation of any part of the body is prohibited. Mutilation is
defined as the intentional radical alteration of the body, head, face or skin for the purpose of and
or resulting in an abnormal appearance. Examples of mutilation include, but are not limited to a
split or forked tongue; foreign objects inserted under the skin to create a design or pattern;
enlarged or stretched holes in the ears (other than a normal piercing); intentional scarring on the
neck, face or scalp; and intentional burns creating a design or pattern.
g. Dental Ornamentation. The use of gold, platinum, or other veneers or caps for purposes
of dental ornamentation is prohibited. For purposes of this regulation, ornamentation is defined
as decorative veneers or caps. Teeth, whether natural, capped, or veneered, will not be
ornamented with designs, jewels, initials or other similar ornamentation.
Note: For the purposes of this instruction, gold or silver caps are not considered as
ornamental as long as the member can provide dental documentation
verifying that the gold or silver was used for dental reasons vice
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h. Action
(1) NAVTALACQGRU COs (or XO, OPO, CMC, CR, or EPDS with “by direction”
authority) will conduct an interview and screening for all tattoos, body art, and branding. For
officer applicants with no tattoos, body art, or branding, there is no further action required. For
officer applicants with tattoos, body art, or branding, the markings must be seen, either directly
or via photographic documentation, unless located in a private area on the applicant. In those
cases, it will be necessary to rely on the applicant and medical personnel to describe the tattoo.
Mandatory screenings for all officer program candidates with tattoos will be conducted with the
use of the NAVCRUIT 1130/104 Tattoo Screening Certificate, and applicant’s handwritten
statement(s) describing the content, meaning, and symbolism and rationale for obtaining each
tattoo, body art, or brand this is mandatory. These documents, in conjunction with
photographic documentation and or having seen the tattoos, body art, and brands are required for
proper screening. The completed certificate will be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II and a copy
also placed in the applicant’s residual file. The handwritten statement(s) and DD Form 2808 will
be filed in the applicant’s residual file only.
(2) Procedures to View or Photograph Tattoos, Body Art or Branding. The procedures
listed in subparagraphs 020702h(1)(a) and 020504c(2)apply to Navy recruiters, Navy Liaison
Office (NLO) personnel, and NAVTALACQGRU staff when viewing applicant’s tattoos, body
art or branding, or taking a photograph.
(3) Females will be dressed in running shorts and either a tank top (spaghetti straps are
authorized) or t-shirt (shirt sleeves may be rolled up to the shoulder seam). Clothing will not be
manipulated (except as described in this paragraph) in order to view the tattoo or provide a better
picture of the tattoo.
(4) Males will be dressed in running shorts. Clothing will not be manipulated in order to
provide a better picture of the tattoo.
(5) In every case possible, two Navy personnel (a minimum of one which must be of the
same gender as the applicant) will be present to view the tattoo(s) and to take a photograph. This
will be accomplished in a location that provides the applicant with privacy. Photographs taken
of the applicant’s face must be from the applicants nose to shoulders, nothing will be
photographed above the nose. Photos must be treated as PII and may only be taken by
NAVTALACQGRU personnel (military or civilian) using Navy issued equipment. Personal
equipment may not be used to take photos (e.g., cell phone, personal camera, tablet, etc.). In the
event there is not a second same sex person in the TALACQONBDCTR, NLO, or
NAVTALACQGRU, use of other service personnel is authorized.
(6) Recruiters must brief applicants with tattoos, body art or brands that they will be
screened by Navy recruiting personnel. Applicants must be informed that photographs may be
taken and by whom, and also ensure they have proper clothing (listed in subparagraphs
020701h(3) and 020701h(4) to wear in order for the screening process to be conducted. They
will also read and sign the NAVCRUIT 1130/104 acknowledging the screening process.
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(7) Photographs of tattoos, body art or brands requiring a NAVTALACQGRU CO
eligibility determination may be sent electronically together with the NAVCRUIT 1130/104, and
applicant handwritten statement. The NAVTALACQGRU CO may request additional
documentation when deemed necessary to assist in the eligibility determination.
(8) Photographs of tattoos, body art or brands on the neck will be taken in such a manner
to include the applicant’s shoulders.
i. Screening Standards
(1) At any point during the screening process, if applicants are determined to have
tattoos, body art, or brands that do not meet the criteria stated in this policy, they will be
disqualified and not allowed to process any further for Navy enlistment or commissioning.
(2) NAVTALACQGRU COs (or designated “by direction” personnel) are encouraged to
utilize local law enforcement agencies as a resource to determine if tattoos are gang related. At
any point during the screening process for tattoos, body art and brands, the NAVTALACQGRU
CO may elect to send difficult or questionable cases to NAVCRUITCOM (N32) for review and
eligibility determination.
(3) Removal, Alteration of Tattoos, Body Art and Brands. Disqualified applicants who
later have any tattoo, body art or brands professionally concealed or altered may request
reconsideration for enlistment or commissioning eligibility determination. Navy recruiting
personnel will not specifically advise an applicant to have a tattoo removed or altered but may
inform them of the policy for reconsideration.
(4) The OPO or person designated "by direction" will ensure that all applicants are
advised not to obtain any additional tattoos, body art or brands while awaiting accession and that
failure to comply could result in removal from all commissioning programs.
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020801. Accompanying Officer Candidates to the Military Entrance Processing Station
(MEPS). An officer recruiter may, when availability permits, chaperone the applicant to the
Military Entrance Processing Station for processing or an alternate location for physical exams.
If the applicant is going to a Navy facility for physical, the officer recruiter will chaperone the
applicant, as the applicant is not registered in Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System
(DEERS). Civilian officer processors are not authorized to chaperone applicants to MEPS.
020802. Physical Standards
a. Applicants must meet height, weight and body fat standards per the Department of
Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1308.3. Any applicant who is shipped to OCS and is out of body fat
standards, will be reviewed by NAVCRUITCOM General Officer (GENOFF) Accessions
Branch (N311) or NAVCRUITCOM Nuclear Field and Submarine Accessions Branch (N313),
for consideration of removal from counting towards the NAVTALACQGRU’s goal. The
procedures listed in subparagraphs 020802a(1) through 020802a(3) apply.
(1) If the applicant is within Table 2.6 Weight and Height Screening Standards he or she
is eligible for enlistment or commissioning.
(2) If the applicant fails to meet prescribed height and weight requirements, a single-site
abdominal circumference measurement will be taken. Male applicants with an abdominal
measurement of 39.0 inches or less and females measuring 35.5 inches or less are qualified for
enlistment or commissioning.
(3) Applicants who fail the single-site abdominal circumference measurement will be
measured for body composition assessment (BCA) per OPNAVINST 6110.1 series. Males
having 26 percent or less BCA and females with a 36 percent or less BCA are eligible for
enlistment or commissioning.
Note: Height to the nearest 1/4 inch will be recorded on the Military Health
System (MHS) Genesis Readiness Report.
b. Aviation applicants must weigh between 105 - 235 lbs. Pilot applicants rarely meet
anthropometric standards under 64 inches in height or above 76 inches in height. NFO
applicants between 62 inches and 78 inches in height generally will meet anthropometric
standards. Questions regarding anthropometric qualifications are to be directed to
020803. Applicants Pre-Shipping Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) Requirements. A Pre-
OCS PFA will be administered by authorized personnel no earlier than 45 days and no later than
30 days prior to all active duty officer collegiates shipping. A command-conducted semi-annual
PFA occurring within 45 days of assigned ship date may count as the pre-shipping PFA. The
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PFA must consist of the 1.5 mile run, planks, and push-ups. Alternatives for the run (swimming,
stationary bike, or elliptical trainer) are not authorized for active duty officer collegiates.
Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR) officer candidates (collegiates and non-collegiates) are only
required to conduct the height, weight and BCA portion of the PFA as IRR officer candidates are
not required to participate in the PFA program or any physical training conducted by recruiting
personnel. OPNAVINST 6110.1 provides requirements for conducting a PFA. Waivers may be
submitted to NAVCRUITCOM N311, N312, N313 or NAVCRUITCOM Medical Officer
Accessions Branch (N314) on a case by case basis, for consideration of shipping an applicant
who fails this PFA.
020804. Examination of Female Applicants. Female applicants will be examined by a
provider per the Manual of the Medical Department (MANMED) P-117. The presence of a
female attendant is strongly encouraged.
020805. Appointment, Enlistment, and Affiliation Physical Examination
a. Purpose. This paragraph covers policy and physical examination procedures for non-
prior service (NPS) and prior service (PS) applicants processing for appointment, enlistment, or
affiliation in either the active component (AC) or reserve component (RC) of the Navy.
Note: For officers being recalled to active duty for the purposes of recruiting duty
(CANREC), refer to BUPERSINST 1001.40 (series) for eligibility
b. Physical Examination. A physical examination is defined as an assessment performed by
an authorized military or military service contracted healthcare provider for the purpose of
determining an individual’s acceptability for initial entry, continued service, release, separation,
or discharge from military service. At a minimum, physical examination documentation includes
MHS Genesis Readiness Report, DD Form 2807-2 Accessions Medical History Report, or DD
Form 2807-1 if completing a commissioning physical at a military treatment facility (MTF), and
any supporting documentation (i.e., consultation documents), documentation of prior service or
continuing active duty service if applicable.
c. Active Component Officer
(1) Applicants for officer programs must meet accession commissioning physical
(2) Officer applicants may be processed at a MEPS, MTF, or Navy Reserve Center. If
the need should arise, NAVTALACQGRU CO’s may, on a case-by-case basis, approve the use
of civilian facilities (“contract physicals”) for the performance of accession physicals (to the
active or reserve component) for licensed medical providers, chaplains, and attorneys applying
for accession through a direct accession (non-student) or DCO program.
Note: Prior service applicants who received or is currently in receipt of any type of
disability compensation or disability rating (e.g. VA, physical evaluation
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board (PEB), etc.) will normally be processed at MEPS. Prior to scheduling
a MEPS appointment, the recruiter should request a courtesy review from
(3) When the examiner determines the applicant is physically qualified or not physically
qualified, the applicant’s complete physical examination is ready to be forwarded as medical
documents to NAVCRUITCOM N33 for physical qualification determination.
(4) NAVTALACQGRU officer processor will ensure the N33 determination letter is
uploaded into PRIDE Mod II and forwarded to the appropriate program manager for next action.
(5) The appropriate program manager will inform the NAVTALACQGRU when the
applicant has been approved or disapproved for continued processing.
Note: Pregnant female applicants are ineligible for further processing.
d. Reserve Component Officer
(1) NAVET applicants (prior officers only) separated from active duty for less than six
months who meet all of the criteria listed in subparagraphs 020805d(1)(a) through 020805d(1)(d)
apply are able to affiliate with the reserves with no further medical review required:
(a) Physically qualified for separation on their Separation Health Physical
Examination (SHPE).
(b) The member is not changing designators.
(c) The member has no factors that would limit world-wide assignment or deploy
(d) The member has no Veteran’s Affairs (VA) disability compensation pending.
Note: The complete separation physical, and all supporting medical documents
must be provided to the affiliating Navy Reserve Center.
(2) All NAVET applicants (prior officer only) for affiliation with more than 6 months but
less than 24 months from separation from active duty service and still has a remaining military
service obligation (MSO), must submit the documents listed in subparagraphs 020805d(2)(a)
through 020805d(1)(e) apply to NAVCRUITCOM N33 for a physical qualification
(a) N33 officer submission cover page
(b) DD 214 or separation orders
(c) DD 2697 or separation physical
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(d) Last completed physical examination that includes hearing and vision testing
(e) A letter of activity from the applicant regarding any limitations or restrictions that
may impact world-wide assign ability
(3) For all other RC officer applicants follow the process for AC officer applicants in
paragraph 020805c.
BCA Note 1: Body composition measurements will be conducted and recorded on
medical documents by a healthcare provider or command fitness
leader only.
BCA Note 2: NAVET female officers who gave birth to a child within the last six
months and whose separation from active duty or drill status was less
than six months ago may process for affiliation without meeting the
Navy’s height, weight, and body fat standards. Once affiliated, they
must meet Navy height, weight, and body fat standards per
Pregnancy: Pregnant NAVET female officers whose separation from active duty
or drill status was less than six months ago may process up until their
32nd week of pregnancy. All other pregnant females are ineligible.
e. Validity Period of Physical Examinations
(1) Physical examinations performed by United States Military Entrance Processing
Command (USMEPCOM) are valid for a period of 24-months from the date of examination.
However, in cases where the MEPS physical is the last physical examination of record for a prior
service applicant processing for RC affiliation, then the MEPS physical may be used if the
member has been separated from active duty less than six months or less than six months has
elapsed since their last satisfactory drill participation as a reservist (verified by their Summary
Points Capture document).
(2) Military routine, separation, release, and discharge physical examinations are valid for
a period of 36 months from the date of release from active duty or drill status. Prior service
applicants processing for AC commissioning or RC affiliation or commissioning require a new
complete physical examination after 36 months have elapsed since their last period of active duty
(verified by their Summary Points Capture document).
(3) The DD Form 2807-2, which is used to update the member’s physical examination
must be dated no greater than 90-days prior to the date of N33 review. Applicants processing for
RC affiliation must include a DD Form 2808. Physical examinations dated greater than 90 days
prior to the date of N33 review must be updated with the use of DD Form 2807-2 (or DD Form
2807-1 for commissioning physicals completed at a MTF) and signed by a credentialed military
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provider (military medical officer, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or an independent duty
corpsman (IDC)), or an authorized contracted physician (officer applicant only, with prior
NAVCRUITREG commander approval).
Note: Hospital Corpsman’s assigned to a MTF or Navy Reserve Center are not
authorized to sign DD 2807-2s unless they hold NEC: 8491, 8425, 8402,
8494, or 8403.
f. Processing applicants on the Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL) receiving
severance pay or disability compensation per 020805f(1) through 020805f(3).
(1) TDRL through NAVPERSCOM (PERS-8). NAVPERSCOM notifies appropriate
recruiting activities when personnel on the TDRL are eligible for reenlistment. If the Navy
member desires to reenlist or re-affiliate, recruiters will use the procedures in subparagraphs
020805f(1)(a) through 020805f(1)(d) guidelines.
(a) Arrange for a new MEPS physical examination. No other type of exam is
(b) Submit physical examination results to N33 for review and physical qualification
(c) Reserve officers on the TDRL (or equivalent) of another service, who are declared
“fit for full duty” and are authorized to affiliate in their respective service branch, may apply for
inter-service transfer into the Navy when formally separated or discharged from the other
service. If found physically qualified, submit the physical examination results to
NAVCRUITCOM N33 for physical qualification determination.
(d) For information regarding the TDRL program, including an applicant’s current
status, contact NAVPERSCOM (PERS-8).
(2) Waiver of Disability Compensation
(a) Disability compensation is a monetary benefit awarded by the Department of
Veterans Affairs (DVA) based on a service-connected disability. Members who were found
“Unfit” via final Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) determination with a rating of 30% or higher
are transferred to the Permanent Disability Retired List (PDRL) and are ineligible. Those rated
under 30% receive disability severance pay and may be eligible. In many cases, these individuals
choose to waive their Navy disability retirement compensation in favor of DVA disability
compensation, which is usually at an increased percentage. Applicants in this category who are
subsequently found physically qualified and are authorized to affiliate must each fiscal year
notify, in writing, the Veteran’s Administration regional office (or other source of government
pension, disability compensation, or retired pay) their declaration of drawing either Navy reserve
pay or compensation pay, per MILPERSMAN 7220-380.
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(b) NAVCRUITCOM N33 will review waivers for applicants who are drawing (or
have a claim pending for) a pension, disability allowance, disability compensation, or retired pay
from a federal government by virtue of prior military service. A NAVRES 1326/4 Enlisted
Application and Orders to a Naval Reserve Unit (Non-Obligor) will be sent to NAVCRUITCOM
N33 in addition to the medical documentation.
(3) Disability and Severance Pay
(a) Personnel previously discharged with disability severance pay are not precluded
from affiliating provided they meet physical standards and are qualified in all other respects. To
ensure proper monitoring of these personnel, all such cases must be submitted to N33. In such
cases, N33 may reverse the medical examiner’s determination. Consideration for waiver will be
given at time of N33 review.
(b) Personnel described in subparagraph 020805f(3)(a) who subsequently affiliate are
not required to repay any disability severance pay previously received. However, the member
must each fiscal year notify, in writing, the Veteran’s Administration regional office (or other
source of government pension, disability compensation, or retired pay) their declaration of
drawing either Navy reserve pay or compensation pay, per MILPERSMAN 7220-380.
g. Instrumented Drug Testing (IDT) Requirements
(1) All Navy applicants will be screened for the presence of marijuana, cocaine, and
amphetamines via an Instrumented Drug Test. MEPS performs instrumented drug testing for all
Navy applicants processed through the MEPS. This is accomplished by the MEPS Drug and
Alcohol Test (DAT) initiated during the applicant’s initial physical examination. RC officer
applicants processed at an MTF or by a contract physician will be screened for drug use during
their first full drill requirement after contracting.
(2) AC officer applicants not administered an Instrumented Drug Test by the MTF or
contract physician are ineligible for further processing until an Instrumented Drug Test is
completed. In such cases, the applicant may be taken to either the NAVTALACQGRU or local
Navy Reserve Center to have a urine sample collected by the command’s urinalysis coordinator
for delivery to one of the Navy’s authorized drug laboratories. Instrumented Drug Test
procedures will be conducted per OPNAVINST 5350.4. Urine samples will be mailed
individually to the Navy drug lab with clear instructions for the sample to be screened for the
possible presence of drugs. Applicant urine samples will not be mailed with urine samples
collected from command members as part of the Navy’s random drug testing program.
Note: Use of Navy Reserve Center for the purpose of conducting Instrumented
Drug Tests is strictly at the discretion of the Navy Reserve Center CO.
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020806. HIV and Serological Examination Reports
a. Every reasonable effort should be made to ensure that the physical reports submitted as
part of the application include results of a serological exam. Where this is not possible, process
per procedures found in the MANMED, which stipulate that when such examinations are not
practicable at time of application or commission, they may be accomplished at the member's first
duty station.
b. All new accessions will be screened for the presence of the Human Immunodeficiency
Virus, Type III (HIV) antibody. This testing is part of the entrance physical examination at
MEPS or a MTF. Negative HIV test results will be recorded on the MHS Genesis Readiness
Report. All active duty officer applicants and DCO applicants must have a negative HIV result
within 24 months prior to commissioning. Documentation of negative results for the HIV
screening must be signed by a medical Department representative except in the case of physicals
conducted by MEPS.
c. Testing. Individuals who have a positive ELISA test will have a Western Blot Test
completed on their blood sample. For Navy Reserve applicants, negative HIV results must be
verified and documented within 24 months before affiliation of a direct commission officer;
assignment of a veteran to a drill status requires the applicant to sign a Page 13 agreeing to have
an HIV drawn on their first drill weekend.
d. Notifying Applicants of Positive Test Results for MEPS Test Only. Individuals who test
positive for HIV are not eligible for enlistment, commissioning, appointment, or affiliation with
the exception of “covered personnel. Covered personnel are defined as individuals who have
been identified as HIV-positive, are asymptomatic, and who have a clinically undetectable viral
load. Positive Western Blot Test results and HIV test results will be treated with the highest
degree of confidentiality, released to no one without a demonstrated need to know per
MANMED. The procedure listed in subparagraphs 020806d(1) through 020806d(6) applies for
notifying applicants of positive test results.
(1) MEPS will notify a Western Blot or HIV positive applicant by registered letter that he
or she needs to return to the MEPS to discuss a medical problem and to contact his or her
recruiter to arrange an appointment at MEPS.
(2) The CO will receive an “eyes only” copy of the letter. Upon being contacted by the
applicant, the recruiter will contact MEPS and schedule an appointment for the applicant with
the chief medical officer.
(3) Applicants are to be transported to and from the interview by responsible
NAVTALACQGRU personnel. In no case will the recruiter inform an applicant of the positive
test results.
(4) The chief medical officer will inform the applicant of the positive HIV test results, the
implications of such results, and will offer the individual the opportunity for a second HIV
antibody test.
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(5) In those instances where the applicant acknowledges receipt of the letter, but does not
return to the Navy medical facility within 30 days, the MEPS will send a second registered letter
that specifically advises the applicant of the positive test results.
(6) When the NAVTALACQGRU receives acknowledgement of the second letter, the
case will be considered closed.
e. Non-MEPS Positive Test Results Handling. Positive test results will be handled with
extreme sensitivity and confidentiality. Under no circumstances will a non-medical professional
or recruiting personnel release test results to any applicant.
020807. Drug and Alcohol Test (DAT)
a. All officer candidates will be administered a DAT as part of their physical examination
for application for commission or appointment. In addition, they will be tested again within 72
hours (normally 24 hours) of arrival at their respective school (OCS, ODS).
b. Candidates will be made aware of these tests and advised that any positive result from a
DAT will result in their immediate disqualification and release from active duty.
c. Active duty collegiate programs (NUPOC, BDCP, CEC, and HSCP) must have received
the results of the DAT prior to commission or enlistment due to delay in reporting to respective
d. Inactive duty collegiate programs (HPSP, JAG students, etc.) will be tested upon
commencing active duty (normally when reporting to respective schools).
e. Oxycodone and Oxymorphone (synthetic opiates) are key ingredients in the drugs
Percodan, Percocet, and Tylox, which are commonly prescribed to relieve pain after medical or
dental surgery. These drugs are part of the DAT screen panel.
(1) All current OCP and collegiate members will be informed of the focus on opiate
abuse and provided an opportunity to reveal any prescription pain medication use. Those
admitting to prescription pain medication use will have all medical documents and a statement
from the prescribing physician submitted for NAVCRUITCOM (N33) review to determine
whether the condition is disqualifying.
(2) Additionally, all current OCP and collegiate members will be informed that
subsequent instrumented drug testing at OCS, or ODS will screen for natural and synthetic
opiates. Those with positive DAT results will be subject to further medical officer review and
possible entry level separation.
(3) New contract applicants will be informed of the standard drug panel changes prior to
administration of the DAT at MEPS. Applicants who, on the initial DAT, test positive for any
opiate (natural or synthetic) and are not prescribed such medication by a physician are ineligible
for Navy service.
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020808. Medical Consults
a. The expense involved in obtaining additional medical information that is not available
through the MEPS or military medical facilities, and which is required prior to an applicant's
physical determination by NAVCRUITCOM (N33), must be borne by the applicant.
b. Statements from optometrists will be accepted on all matters pertaining to eye
examinations, except definitive diagnosis of disease. If there is evidence of disease, then the
opinion of an ophthalmologist regarding the type and severity of the disease process should be
sought. Ophthalmologists are considered qualified to make statements concerning all diseases
and conditions of the eyes. In all instances, the examiner should be informed of precisely what
information is desired. When the desired information can be supplied by an optometrist or
ophthalmologist, no preference should be indicated to the applicant.
020809. Correction of Minor Physical Defects
a. NAVCRUITCOM representatives will not recommend that any medical or surgical
treatment be taken for the sole purpose of meeting the physical standards for enrollment in any
officer program. Such corrective procedures should be done only with a view toward attaining a
better state of physical qualification and only on the advice of the individual's personal
physician. Correction of such defects will be the sole responsibility of the applicant, financially
and otherwise, and no assurance, implied or otherwise, will be given that he or she will be
accepted if disqualifying defects are corrected.
b. Elective surgical procedures, such as radial keratotomy, PRK and Lasik, which are
performed to improve visual acuity, may be accepted by the Navy as corrective. The
performance of any corrective procedure may result in a condition which disqualifies the
020810. Requirements for Re-Examination
a. Applicants whose applications are pending, or who request reconsideration after failure to
select for reasons other than physical disqualification, are not required to undergo a complete
physical reexamination unless a period of two years has elapsed since the date of the last
physical examination.
b. Applicants who are enlisted or commissioned must have a physical within two years of
the projected commissioning date or graduation from OCS or ODS per MANMED 15-13. If the
physical will expire prior to initiation of OCS or ODS, a new physical examination is required.
c. A complete physical examination and report are required in each instance where the
applicant has suffered an illness, injury, or has elective surgery that has created a material change
in his or her physical condition.
d. The Manual of Medicine (MANMED 15-45) states that pregnancy is a physically
disqualifying condition. OPNAVINST 6000.1 states that women with pregnancies that existed
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prior to entrance or during initial training (i.e., recruit training or OCS) will be discharged as
unqualified for military service. DCO applicants are not eligible to be commissioned if they are
pregnant. Applicants previously disqualified for pregnancy may resubmit after being evaluated
by an obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN) and obtaining a Release of Care Certificate and a
documented negative pregnancy test by the treating physician.
020811. Notification of Physical Status. In all cases of physical disqualification, the applicant
will be notified by an officer recruiter, including those who are temporarily disqualified.
020812. Courtesy Reviews
a. The purpose of courtesy reviews is to provide an initial medical risk assessment to aid the
NAVTALACQGRU in determining if an applicant should initiate application processing based
upon knowledge of a known medical condition. Applicants will not be sent to MEPS to obtain
physicals for courtesy reviews.
b. The request for a courtesy review will be submitted directly to NAVCRUITCOM N33
with the items listed in subparagraphs 020812b(1) through 020812b(6).
(1) An Officer Applicant Courtesy Review Cover Sheet (checklist).
(2) A DD Form 2807-2 Accessions Medical History Report, or DD Form 2807-1 if
completed by a military treatment facility.
(3) All civilian supporting medical documentation available including surgical reports (if
(4) A statement from the applicant concerning the condition (if applicable).
(5) In the case of prior service applicants, documentation of discharge from military
service (DD 214 or separation orders).
(6) For current active duty enlisted applicants applying for officer programs, a statement
from the applicant regarding current military status and date of end of obligated service.
c. The OPO or, in the absence of the OPO, the XO will review and approve all courtesy
review requests by signing and dating the Officer Applicant Courtesy Review Cover Sheet
(checklist) prior to submitting the request to NAVCRUITCOM (N33).
d. NAVCRUITCOM (N33) will provide the NAVTALACQGRU with one of the
determinations based on the documents listed in subparagraphs 020812d(1) through 020812d(3).
(1) Processing warranted.
(2) Processing not warranted.
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(3) Insufficient information to provide an assessment.
e. In the case of "processing warranted,” refer to chapter 4 for application submission
f. In the case of "processing not warranted,” the NAVTALACQGRU will inform the
applicant of N33's assessment and discontinue further processing. The NAVTALACQGRU CO
will follow field rejection criteria provided in paragraph 040112c.
g. In the case of "insufficient information to provide an assessment," the
NAVTALACQGRU has two options.
(1) The applicant can seek, at the applicant's own expense, additional civilian medical
documentation to assist N33 in making a medical risk assessment. If the applicant chooses to do
so, the NAVTALACQGRU will resubmit all documents included in the initial courtesy review
request, any new documents obtained by the applicant and a new Officer Applicant Courtesy
Review Cover Sheet (checklist).
(2) The applicant may submit an application to board. Refer to chapter 4 for application
to board submission guidance. Physical at MEPS should not be completed until after the
applicant is RECPRO "Y.” Forward final documents when completed as required.
h. Courtesy Reviews do not replace processing of the official physical.
020813. Medical Waiver Procedures. All officer program applicants will have their medical
documents reviewed by NAVCRUITCOM (N33). The procedures listed in subparagraphs
020813a through 020812f apply.
a. Requests for medical waivers will be sent to and processed by NAVCRUITCOM (N33)
only after HIV and DAT results are obtained and documented on a MHS Genesis Readiness
b. The applicant is found to be physically qualified (PQ) or not physically qualified, waiver
approval (NPQRW).
c. If an applicant is found to be temporarily not physically qualified (TNPQ),
NAVCRUITCOM (N33) will forward a letter directly to the NAVTALACQGRU stating the
additional information that is needed prior to a final determination of physical qualification.
d. If an applicant is not physically qualified (NPQ), a letter stating the reason for physical
disqualification will be forwarded to the NAVTALACQGRU from NAVCRUITCOM (N33) and
the applicant will be processed for non-selection.
e. Medical conditions listed in subparagraphs 020813e(1) through 020813e(42) are
generally unfavorable for a waiver.
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(1) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), AIDS Related Complex (ARC),
HIV Antibody, or history of any of the items listed in subparagraphs 020813e(2) through
(2) Single kidney - regardless of cause.
(3) Loss of an arm or leg.
(4) Seizure disorder with seizure and or medication within five years.
(5) History of cancer with treatment within five years (except basal cell carcinoma, or
several other cancers that are in sustained remission with infrequent or no ongoing surveillance
(6) Diabetes Mellitus Type I or Type II.
(7) Loss of one eye.
(8) History of cataract surgery.
(9) History of keratoconus or corneal ectasia (abnormal corneal shape).
(10) History of glaucoma.
(11) Radial Keratotomy.
(12) History of aphakia (lens replacement of the eye).
(13) Severe allergic reaction to common foods.
(14) Cirrhosis.
(15) Corneal transplant history.
(16) Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel disease).
(17) Eosinophilic esophagitis.
(18) Severe deformities of the mouth, throat, or nose that interfere with speech or
mastication of ordinary food.
(19) Scoliosis or kyphosis (spine curvature) that is symptomatic or outside of accession
standards in the DoDI 6130.03, volume 1.
(20) History of eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa and bulimia.
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(21) Headaches (recurrent and severe), which require prescription medication or interfere
with daily activity.
(22) Hepatitis, chronic: Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C that has not been successfully treated
with confirmed test of cure.
(23) Malignant hyperthermia or hyperpyrexia (adverse reaction to anesthesia).
(24) Multiple sclerosis (nerve disease involving muscle weakness and un-coordination)
and muscular dystrophy (progressive atrophy or wasting of the muscles).
(25) Severe orthopedic injuries that result in functional limitations secondary to residual
muscle weakness, paralysis, or marked decreased range of motion.
(26) Chronic Eustacian tube dysfunction, if associated with cholesteatoma, tympanic
membrane perforation, hearing loss, or bony erosions of the inner ear.
(27) Pes cavus (abnormally high-arched feet) or pes planus (flat feet) that is symptomatic
or interferes with high impact activity.
(28) Pneumonectomy, removal of entire lung.
(29) Pregnancy (except for prior service processing for affiliation).
(30) Prosthetic replacement of joints.
(31) Psychiatric conditions: schizophrenia; major Depression, recurrent; bipolar disorder;
panic disorders; sexual disorders; eating disorder (e.g. anorexia, bulimia); and personality
disorders, severe.
(32) History of retinal disease or detachment.
(33) Un-descended testicle unless surgically removed or confirmed to be congenital
(34) Chronic skin disorders. hidradenitis suppurativa; psoriasis.
(35) Congenital spinal fusion, if greater than two vertebral interspaces. Surgical spinal
fusion, regardless of method or number of interspaces.
(36) History of drug or alcohol abuse or diagnosed substance dependence.
(37) History of neurofibromatosis.
(38) Congenital (birth) heart defects that have not been repaired or complex congenital
heart disease, that has or has not been repaired.
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(39) History of intestinal bypass or stomach stapling or other bariatric surgery.
(40) Severe head injury within the past five years.
(41) Anabolic steroid use. Any applicant admitting steroid use within the previous two
months is not enlistment eligible. The chief medical officer at MEPS may consider waivers on
an individual basis after attaining internal medicine consultation or appropriate history. If a
waiver is recommended, request must be forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM N33 with the test
results listed in subparagraphs 020813e(42)(a) and 020813e(42)(b).
(a) Microscopic urinalysis and
(b) Liver function study. Dosage strength of steroids used must also be documented.
Use of steroids longer than two months before enlistment application is not medically
disqualifying; however, any indication of high steroid dosage or chronic use must have internal
medicine consultation to evaluate late or residual steroid effects.
f. Medical Conditions Generally Considered Waiverable. Applicants, who appear to be, in
all other respects, qualified for enlistment, but reveal a history of one or more of the common
conditions listed in subparagraphs 020813f(1) and 020813f(11), must be advised that treatment
records or a summary from their private or attending physician will be of value to the examining
MEPS physician during the pre-enlistment physical examination; and may reduce the possibility
of temporary medical disqualification.
Note: This list in subparagraphs 020813f(1) through 020813f(11) is not all-
(1) History of ophthalmologic disorders such as excessive refractive error: +/- 8.00
diopters sphere, +/- 4.00 diopters cylinder. LASIK and PRK surgery; to include preoperative
refractive measurements.
(2) History of respiratory disorders such as childhood asthma, reactive airway disease or
exercise-induced asthma, pneumothorax (traumatic or spontaneous).
(3) History of orthopedic surgery or injury (ORIF, retained hardware, ACL or
arthroscopic, Bankhart repair, bunionectomy).
(4) History of gynecological disorders such as endometriosis, cervical dysplasia, or
abnormal PAP smear.
(5) History of cardiovascular disorders such as repaired congenital heart malformation or
conductive disorder (WPW) treatment.
(6) History of abdominal or gastrointestinal disorders such as hernia repair (must be 60
days postoperative with release from care statement), GERD, hemorrhoids.
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(7) History of neurological disorders such as back pain, surgery or asymptomatic mild
Scoliosis, childhood epilepsy, concussion.
(8) History of urinary disorders such as kidney stones, proteinuria, or resolved childhood
(9) History of psychiatric disorders such as mood, personality, conduct, or behavior
disorder. History of ADD or ADHD with medication use. (Must provide medical treatment
records and transcripts regarding work or school performance after discontinuation of
medication. Applicant must have been off medication for one year.
(10) History of dermatological disorders such as mild skin disorders (i.e., acne, pilonidal
cyst, contact dermatitis, urticaria, and warts).
(11) Hearing. Pure tone hearing loss at 500, 1000, 2000 Hz of not more than 30 db on
average with no individual level greater than 35 db at these frequencies in either ear. Pure tone
hearing loss at 3000 Hz of not more than 45 db and 4000 Hz not more than 55 db in either ear.
Note: The NAVTALACQGRU may request a physical profile reconsideration
from N33 when new additional medical or physical information is obtained.
Note: NAVTALACQGRU OPs will ensure the N33 determination letter is
uploaded into PRIDE Mod II and forwarded to the appropriate program
manager for next action.
020814. Flag Review Procedures. Requests for flag review of a NPQ applicant are only to be
completed following receipt and acceptance of an official NPQ determination from
NAVCRUITCOM (N33). The procedures in subparagraphs 020814a and 020814b apply.
a. The NAVTALACQGRU CO must write a formal request for flag review endorsing the
b. The NAVTALACQGRU CO’s formal request and all new additional medical
documentation will be forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM (N33) via the respective region
c. Any request received at NAVCRUITCOM that does not include the respective region’s
endorsement will be returned to the NAVTALACQGRU with no action taken.
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Table 2.6 Weight And Height Screening Standards
Maximum Weight
Maximum Weight
Note 1: If the applicant is within the height and weight standards listed in Table
2.6, he or she is eligible for enlistment or commissioning with no further
action required.
Note 2: If the applicant fails to meet prescribed height and weight requirements, a
single-site abdominal circumference measurement will be taken. Male
applicants with an abdominal measurement of 39.0 inches or less and
females measuring 35.5 inches or less are qualified for enlistment or
commissioning with no further action required.
Note 3: Applicants who fail the single-site abdominal circumference measurement
will be measured for body fat (BF) percentage per OPNAVINST 6110.1
series. Males having 26 percent or less BF and females with a 36 percent
or less BF are eligible for enlistment or commissioning with no further
action required.
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Note 4: If the applicant fails to meet any of the requirements listed in subparagraph
020814a(2) Note 1 through 020814a(2) Note 3, he or she is not eligible.
Note 5: Height waivers for applicants above 80 inches or under 57 inches are not
authorized. Exceptions to this policy may be requested for NAVETs only.
Note 6: Aviation applicants must weigh between 103-245 lbs. Pilot applicants
rarely meet anthropometric standards under 62 or above 77 inches in
height. NFO applicants between 60 and 78 inches in height generally will
meet anthropometric standards. Questions regarding anthropometric
qualifications are to be directed to NAVCRUITCOM N31.
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020901. Policy
a. Department of the Navy policy is that drug and alcohol dependent applicants, current
drug and alcohol abusers, and those individuals whose pre-service abuse of drugs or alcohol
indicates a proclivity to continue abuse in the service, are not permitted to enter the naval
service. The Navy recognizes that some people have clear potential to become creditable
performers despite past exposure to drug or alcohol abuse. Recruiting procedures must include
positive measures to identify and screen out drug or alcohol abusers at the point of application
for admission. They will also provide an administrative procedure for the granting of pre-service
drug abuse waivers to good risk applicants for initial entry into the service.
b. Applicant Understanding of the Navy’s Zero Tolerance Policy. All Navy applicants must
be informed of the Navy’s zero-tolerance policy toward drug and alcohol abuse early in
c. Pre-Service Drug or Alcohol-Related Offenses. Individuals who have been convicted or
adversely adjudicated for two or more drug or alcohol offenses require a drug or alcohol waiver.
This waiver is in addition to any civil waiver that may be required.
d. Pre-Service Behind-The-Wheel (BTW) Related Offenses. Individuals who have been
convicted of an alcohol-related offense must be considered under the guidelines for processing
applicants with past civil convictions. In this regard, two or more BTW convictions (such as
driving while intoxicated (DWI), driving under the influence (DUI), operating under the
influence of liquor (OUIL), driving while alcohol impaired (DWAI), etc.) can be indicative of a
serious problem with alcohol. Whenever an applicant is adversely adjudicated for driving while
under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol, the offense is considered a BTW offense
regardless of how the state terms the offense. As an example, a charge of DUI, which is reduced
to reckless driving, is still considered a BTW offense if there is evidence presented that the
driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Applicants with a BTW conviction must wait
a mandatory period of one year from the date of the original offense before being gained as an
accession or affiliation. Applicants with more than two BTW convictions are ineligible for
commission; however, an exceptionally qualified applicant who has shown evidence of having
discontinued his or her abuse of alcohol or illegal drugs may request a waiver from
NAVCRUITCOM provided the person has no more than two BTWs and is not assessed onto
active duty or gained as an affiliation until 12 months has elapsed since the date of the most
recent BTW offense. The mandatory waiting period is not waiverable.
020902. Definitions. The definitions listed in subparagraphs 020902a through 020902v are for
operational use within the alcohol and drug abuse programs of the Navy. They do not change
definitions in statutory provisions, regulations, or directives concerning personnel administration,
medical care, or with determination of misconduct and criminal or civil responsibilities for a
person’s acts or omissions.
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a. Alcohol Abuse. The use of alcohol to an extent that it has an adverse effect on the user's
health or behavior, family, community, or the Navy or leads to unacceptable behavior as
evidenced by one or more alcohol induced incidents.
b. Alcohol Dependence or Alcoholism. The compulsive use of alcohol resulting in
physical, psychological or social harm to the user and continued use despite that harm.
c. Alcohol Induced Related Offense. Any adverse adjudication involving alcohol.
d. Alcoholic. An individual who is suffering from the disease of alcoholism.
e. Controlled Substance. Those substances listed in Schedules I-V established by section
202 of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, as updated and
republished under that act. Substances listed include, but are not limited to, marijuana, narcotics,
hallucinogens or psychedelics, and specific Depressants and stimulants.
f. Depressants. Sedative-hypnotic drugs of diverse chemical structure all capable of
inducing varying degrees of behavioral depression. depending on dose, can have a sedative,
tranquilizing, hypnotic (sleep), or anesthetizing effect. Most common categories of depressants
include barbiturates (such as Phenobarbital or Secobarbital), tranquilizers, benzodiazepines, or
g. Detoxification. Medical and psychological management of the alcohol and or drug
withdrawal processes.
h. Drug Abuse. Illegal or non-medical use of, or possession of, drugs.
i. Drug Paraphernalia. All equipment, products, and materials of any kind that are used,
intended for use, or designed for use, in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting,
manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing,
packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or
otherwise introducing into the human body a controlled substance in violation of law.
j. Drug Dependence. The compulsive use of a chemical or pharmacological agent resulting
in physical, psychological, or social harm and continued use despite that harm. The term does
not include the continuing prescribed use of pharmaceuticals as part of the medical management
of a chronic disease or medical condition.
k. Drug Possession. The exercise of actual physical custody and control, or the exercise of
dominion and control, over a controlled substance. Merely being in the presence of another
person who is in possession of a substance, or merely knowing the location of a substance, does
not constitute possession. The substance does not, however, have to be in the hands of a person
or otherwise on the person. Possession may be established by the fact that the substance was
found on the premises or in a place over which a person exercises dominion and control. Two or
more persons may be in possession of a substance.
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l. Drug-Related Incident. Any incident in which drugs are a factor. For the purposes of
this instruction, voluntary self-referral, use, possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia, or drug
trafficking constitute an incident. Other types of incidents must be carefully evaluated to
determine if drugs are an underlying factor where medical care is required, or suspicious public
or domestic disturbance has taken place.
m. Drug Trafficking or Supplying. The wrongful distribution of a controlled substance.
n. Experimental or Casual Use of Marijuana. One who has illegally or improperly used
marijuana for reasons of curiosity, peer pressure, or other similar reasons and who positively and
rejects clearly any further marijuana use. Marijuana use for reasons of a deeper and more
continuing nature than those motivating drug experimenters or casual users cannot be waived.
o. Hallucinogens and Psychedelics. A group of diverse, heterogeneous compounds, all with
the ability to induce visual, auditory, or other hallucinations and to separate the individual from
reality. Depending on substance and dosage, these substances can cause disturbances in
cognition and perception. Most common categories are: LSD; Mescaline; Peyote; Psilocybin;
and psychedelic amphetamine variants (STP, MDA). Although a unique drug, for the purposes
of this instruction Phencyclidine (PCP) is included in this general drug category.
p. Marijuana. Any intoxicating product of the hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa), any
synthesized product of the hemp plant (i.e., hashish), or any other variant thereof. For the
purposes of this instruction, the terms marijuana and cannabis are used interchangeably.
q. Narcotics. Any opiates or opiate derivatives, including their synthetic equivalents.
Included as opiates are Morphine, Codeine, Heroin, Methadone, Talwin, Percodan, Darvon, etc.
r. Physical or Physiological Dependence. An alteration to an individual’s physiology or
state of adaptation to a substance evidenced by a pattern of pathological use, impaired social or
occupational functioning, an increased tolerance for the substance, and withdrawal symptoms
when use of the substance is abruptly discontinued.
s. Prescription Dependence. The dependence on a drug prepared for, and dispensed to, an
individual under the written direction of a physician. An individual may become dependent
upon prescription medications either through no fault of their own or through the manipulation of
the medical system. Each incident of prescription Dependence must be handled on a case-by-
case basis to determine the individual’s role in becoming chemically dependent.
t. Psychological Dependence. A preoccupation with a drug (including alcohol)
characterized by craving for, ruminations about, and an intense desire to secure a regular supply
of, the drug. Psychological dependence predates physical dependence by as much as five years.
u. Recovering Alcoholic or Drug Abuser. A person whose chemical dependency has been
arrested through abstinence.
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v. Stimulants. Widely diverse category made up of central nervous system stimulant drugs
that increase the behavioral activity of an individual. Most common categories of abused
stimulants include cocaine, amphetamines, and methamphetamines.
020903. Waiver Criteria for Drug Use
a. Nuclear Propulsion Programs. No officer or officer candidate will be accepted into the
nuclear propulsion program, including officers assigned to Naval Reactors' staff, who has:
(1) Been addicted to any illicit drug or is physically or psychologically dependent on any
illicit drug or alcohol.
(2) Been a drug trafficker or manufacturer per OPNAVINST 5355.3.
(3) Abused illicit drugs (other than marijuana).
Note: Waivers for pre-service experimental marijuana use may be granted by
NAVCRUITCOM (with NAVPERSCOM (PERS-42) concurrence), for
nuclear propulsion officer candidates, nuclear power school instructors, and
Naval reactor engineers.
b. During processing and in personal history questioning, the requirements listed in
subparagraphs 020902b(1) and 020902b(2)will be accomplished for applicants applying to the
Navy nuclear propulsion program.
(1) Applicants will acknowledge, by signature, that they may be subject to further
background investigation and that any false statements made during application may
subsequently result in removal from the program. The certification will also indicate to what
extent the applicant meets the criteria and it will contain a signed statement rejecting the illegal
use of drugs.
(2) If the applicant admits to drug abuse and requests consideration for a waiver, the
questions listed in subparagraphs 020902b(2)(a) through 020902b(2)(e) must be completed.
(a) Type(s) of drug(s) abused
(b) Number of times, approximate dates and amounts
(c) Period over which taken
(d) Last involvement
(e) Civil involvement
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Note: The NAVCRUIT 1131/8 Nuclear Propulsion Program Pre-Service Drug
Abuse Statement will be used to document the statements made by
applicants for nuclear programs regarding drug use. This form will be
submitted with the application kit to NAVCRUITCOM. NAVCRUITCOM
will review all pre-service drug abuse statements and grant waivers, if
appropriate (with PERS-42 concurrence). Applicants for these programs
may be granted a pre-service drug abuse waiver by NAVCRUITCOM (with
PERS-42 concurrence) for experimental use of marijuana only.
c. All Non-Nuclear Officer Programs. No individual will be accepted in any officer
program, who has:
(1) Been addicted, or physically or psychologically dependent on any drug or alcohol
(2) Been a trafficker of illegal drugs
(3) Abused drugs classified as Class D offenses (Table 2.13 Major Misconduct or
(4) Abused marijuana within the past 90 days.
d. Pre-service drug abuse waivers may be requested for a non-nuclear field officer applicant
as discussed in section 11 of this chapter. Pre-service drug abuse waiver authority for applicants
in non-nuclear related officer programs is listed in Table 2.7 Eligibility and Waiver chart for
Officer Applicants with Alcohol, Drug Abuse or Alcohol or Drug Related Offenses. Pre-service
drug abuse waivers will not be considered for any applicant for a non-nuclear field officer
program who has:
(1) Abused drugs classified as Class D offenses (Table 2.13) within one year of the date
of application submission.
(2) Abused marijuana within 90 days of the date of application submission.
e. No applicant will be considered for a pre-service drug abuse waiver who does not reject
further abuse.
f. Those applicants requiring drug waivers will be considered for a pre-service drug abuse
waiver based upon the type and extent of drug abuse, expressed attitude toward past and future
drug abuse, suitability under the whole-person concept, and the recommendation of the cognizant
g. Those applicants who are not eligible for drug waiver consideration under the parameters
listed in subparagraphs 020902c(1) through 020902c(4) are subject to mandatory rejection at the
field level. This does not preclude submission of an application at a later date if the pre-service
drug abuse waiver criteria can be met at that time.
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020904. Previous or Current Alcohol Abuse. Previous or current alcohol abuse, including
documented alcohol-related incidents or offenses, will be a factor in the whole-person evaluation
made by the selection board for all officer programs. Although not a mandatory rejection factor,
significant history of alcohol abuse is viewed negatively and will normally result in non-
Table 2.7 Eligibility And Waiver Chart for Officer Applicants with Alcohol, Drug Abuse or
Alcohol or Drug Related Offenses
If applicant self-admits or has received
adverse adjudication for:
(Note 1)
Then the waiver authority is
Use of marijuana (cannabis, THC).
No waiver required.
Mandatory minimum waiting period of 90 days
since last use or conviction.
Behind the Wheel (BTW) offenses.
3 or more = ineligible
Prior psychological or physical dependence
on any drug (including alcohol).
NAVCRUITCOM (N33) (Note 2)
Use of stimulant, depressant, psychedelic,
hallucinogenic (see box below for LSD),
synthetic drugs, narcotics or misuse of
miscellaneous substances (other than
experimental or casual use of marijuana).
Note: Mandatory minimum waiting period of
one year since last use or conviction.
Drug related offenses (including
possession of drug paraphernalia)
Alcohol related offenses (total BTW and
non-BTW offenses).
Note: Cannot have more than 2 BTW offenses
Drug trafficking or supplying.
Ineligible. No waivers authorized.
LSD use within two years prior to
enlistment or commissioning.
Note 1: Recruiting personnel will list all self-admitted alcohol or drug abuse and
civil offenses regardless of disposition (dropped, dismissed, expunged, etc.)
and time of occurrence on the SF 86. Applicants must provide a
handwritten statement(s) regarding any alcohol or drug abuse.
Note 2: An applicant who has been psychologically or physically dependent upon
drugs or alcohol may request a NAVCRUITCOM eligibility determination
when the pre-service dependency has been resolved in such a way that
there is little likelihood that such behavior will recur. Their MEPS physical
must include a psychiatric consultation. The applicant is considered a good
risk for entry into the Navy if:
25 Jul 2023
a. The applicant has successfully abstained from drugs and alcohol for more than two years,
b. he employment history or school attendance subsequent to rehabilitation is favorable, and
c. The applicant appears well-motivated.
d. A minimum of two years has elapsed since release from treatment.
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021001. General
a. Recruiters will inquire with all applicants as to the status of any previous or current legal
issues and document the applicant’s responses. Applicants with no criminal convictions, fines,
or periods of restraint are morally eligible for enlistment or commission.
Note: Applicants who are charged and or convicted of any offense after final
selection, but prior to shipping, must resolve all legal issues prior to
executing orders and reporting to OCS or ODS. The applicant must provide
documentation to NAVCRUITCOM N311 for non-nuclear OCS applicants,
NAVCRUITCOM N313 for nuclear applicants and NAVCRUITCOM N314
for non-nuclear ODS applicants to prove they are free of any further
obligations. Resolution of legal issues is defined as being clear of all
federal, state, city, and or county encumbrances. This includes, but is not
limited to subparagraphs 021001a(1) through 021001a(4).
(1) All community service.
(2) Unsupervised probation.
(3) The payment of all fines.
(4) Any other court-imposed requirements.
b. Criminal or civil charges may result in the applicant's release depending on
circumstances involved with the charges or allegations. Failure to inform NAVCRUITCOM in
writing within 14 calendar days of the initial offense will constitute grounds for immediate
release and rejection of future applications and or reconsiderations.
021002. Definitions. The court-related terms listed in subparagraphs 021002a through
021002l are defined to assist in determining an applicant's qualifications.
a. Adverse Juvenile Adjudication
(1) The term "adverse juvenile adjudication" is adjudication as a juvenile delinquent,
wayward minor, youthful offender, delinquent child, juvenile offender, incorrigible, and a
declaration of the juvenile as a ward of the court, or an award of probation or punishment by a
juvenile court as a result of an offense. The term "ward of the court," does not include the
adjudication of a juvenile as a "dependent,” as "neglected,” or as "abandoned."
(2) Determination by a judge or jury in juvenile court proceedings that the juvenile is
guilty of, or that the individual committed the acts alleged in the petition or complaint, based
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either on the merits of the case or on the juvenile's admission of guilt or plea of guilty, and that
the determination was recorded in the court's records, and
(3) Regardless of whether sentence was then imposed, withheld, or suspended, and,
(4) Regardless of subsequent proceedings in the same case to delete an initial
determination of guilt from court records, based on evidence of rehabilitation or a satisfactory
period of probation or supervision. Examples of "subsequent proceedings" used in juvenile
courts in the United States are: "expungement, "record sealing,” reopening the case to change
the original finding of "guilty" or "delinquency,” or the plea of "guilty" or admission of the truth
of the allegations in the petition to "not guilty,” dismissal of the original petition, setting aside
the adjudication of "delinquency.” Such subsequent proceedings merely recognize rehabilitation
and do not alter the fact that the juvenile committed the act for which the individual was tried.
(5) For purposes of a waiver, processing will be based on the severity of the specific
offense(s) for which an applicant was adjudged or convicted. The severity of the offense(s) will
be determined by Table 2.8 Mandatory Determinations Matrix; Table 2.9 Eligibility and Waiver
Chart for Applicants with Civil or conduct Offenses; Tables 2.10 through Table 2.13 Uniform
Guide Lists for Offenses; and Table 2.14 Mandatory Determinations Documents To Review, or
by the notes contained therein if the offense is not specifically listed by name. Once the request
for a conduct waiver is at the proper decision level, factors such as the applicant's age at the time
of the offense, the actual sentence imposed by the court, etc., will be considered.
b. Community Service. A sentence of a specific amount of labor to be performed for the
benefit of the community. Community service is a form of fine or restitution, but is not a form
of restraint. Applicants who have been directed by judicial authority to perform community
service are ineligible for enlistment or commission until such service has been completed and the
appropriate waiver has been granted. No person will perform any type of community service at
any Navy recruiting office or recruiting facility. No exceptions.
c. Conviction
(1) Determination of "guilty" by judge or jury, based either on the merits of a case or on
defendant's plea of "guilty" or "nolo contendere:" Regardless of whether sentence was then
imposed, withheld, or suspended.
Note: As a general rule of thumb, any requirements imposed by judicial authorities
will be viewed as a conviction for enlistment or commission purposes.
Pretrial intervention or diversionary programs will be considered a
"conviction.” Similarly, requirements imposed by law enforcement
officials, (i.e., police, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, or state troopers), will be
viewed as a non-judicial administrative action. The key question is, "Was
there involvement by judicial authorities?"
(2) Convictions or charges that have been reduced for expediency, as in "plea-
bargaining,” or plea to a reduced or lesser charge will be waived at the level appropriate for the
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adjudicated or convicted charge(s). Caution in these matters are to ensure no “recruiter
impropriety or involvement” with judicial authorities prior to the court conviction phase.
d. Expungement. Some states have established procedures for the subsequent "expunging
of the record,” "dismissal of charges,” or "pardon" upon evidence of rehabilitation of the
offender. Such action has the legal effect of extinguishing the initial "conviction" or "adverse
juvenile adjudication" so that, under state law, the applicant has no record of conviction or
adverse juvenile adjudication. In spite of this action, the record must be revealed and a waiver of
the applicant's disqualification(s) is required at the proper enlistment or commission decision
e. Major Misconduct (Felony)
(1) A major misconduct (felony) is defined as a conviction or adverse adjudication by
civil authorities (foreign or domestic), or action taken which is tantamount to a finding of guilty
of an offense for which the maximum penalty is confinement under state or local law exceeding
one year. Refer to offenses listed in Table 2.8 for general felony offenses.
(2) An offense is classified as a major misconduct (felony) without regard to the
offender's age when the offense was committed, or whether the offense was disposed of by
juvenile or adult criminal proceedings. A major misconduct (felony) charge that is adjudicated
as a major misconduct (felony), which is amended later to a lesser offense classification, will be
considered a major misconduct (felony) for enlistment or commission waiver purposes. Any
applicant arrested, charged, cited, or adjudicated with a major misconduct (felony) offense
regardless of final offense disposition or adjudication rendered by any court or civil authority
must be referred to NAVCRUITCOM 00J for a mandatory NAVCRUITCOM offense
classification determination.
f. Nolo Contendere. Nolo Contendere is a plea made by a defendant in a criminal action
equal to an admission of guilt. With this plea a defendant is subject to punishment, but leaves
open the possibilities for denial of the alleged facts in other proceedings. Nolo Contendere pleas
are considered adverse adjudications for enlistment or commission processing.
g. Probation. The suspension of a sentence of an individual convicted but not yet
imprisoned for that conviction, on condition of continued good behavior and regular reporting to
(under the supervision of) a probation officer or other agent designated by the court. Regional
legal terms synonymous to probation will be treated exactly as probation is used throughout this
manual. Except for those circumstances described in paragraph 021006b, applicants currently on
probation are ineligible for enlistment or commission until the term of their probation is
completely fulfilled.
h. Sealed Juvenile Records. Several states have provisions for sealing juvenile records
which serves to limit disclosures on the part of law enforcement officials and judicial authorities.
In spite of the legal effect of such action, the applicant must reveal the record, and a conduct
waiver must be granted to authorize enlistment or commission in these cases.
25 Jul 2023
i. Domestic Violence. Domestic violence is incompatible with military service and
contrary to the Navy’s core values. Waivers for domestic violence convictions (misdemeanor or
felony) are not authorized, per the Lautenberg Amendment to the Federal Gun Control Act of
1968 for Military Personnel, unless the applicant has the conviction expunged.
(1) The term conviction means a judgment of guilty was entered against the applicant in
court. Unlike usual waiver criteria, adjudication in the juvenile system, pre-trial diversions, or
cases resulting in deferred judgments do not count as convictions for the purpose of this law.
(2) Domestic Violence Rejections
Note: Any applicant who has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor crime of
domestic violence is ineligible for enlistment or commission.
(a) Applicants who have convictions for domestic violence, as defined in Title 18 US
C Sections 921 and 922, and subparagraphs 021002i(2)(a) and 021002i(2)(b) are ineligible for
service. NAVCRUITCOM personnel will apply this rule to both felony and misdemeanor
convictions for domestic violence. Domestic violence offenses may also include, but are not
limited to, assault, assault and battery, and disorderly conduct convictions in which the
perpetrator and victim meet the conditions of the domestic violence rule. The domestic violence
rule must be applied regardless of whether or not the individual was charged with domestic
(b) The crime of domestic violence means any crime which includes the attempt or
use of physical force or the threat of or use of a deadly weapon, where the perpetrator (applicant)
is the:
1. current or former spouse, parent or guardian of the victim; or
2. the perpetrator and victim are parents of a child; or
3. the perpetrator cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, parent or guardian; or
4. the perpetrator was serving in a role similar to spouse, parent or guardian of
the victim.
Note 1: This rule does not apply to deferred prosecutions, pretrial diversions, or
similar alternative dispositions in a domestic violence case. These are not
considered convictions for purposes of this rule. Deferred prosecutions are
not the same as deferred or suspended sentences, which are the result of a
Note 2: This rule does not apply to summary court-martial convictions or the
imposition of NJP (article 15, UCMJ) for domestic violence. These are
not considered convictions for purposes of this rule.
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j. Unconditional Suspended Sentence or Unsupervised Unconditional Probation. An
unconditional suspended sentence and unsupervised unconditional probation are considered a
suspended sentence and probation imposed by a court, respectively, even though the court
imposes no conditions:
(1) Regarding an individual's freedom of movement.
(2) Requiring the payment of damages.
(3) Requiring periodic reporting by individuals to an officer of the court (to include a
probation officer).
(4) Involving supervision by an officer of the court (including a probation officer) upon
the individual.
k. Violation of Probation. All applicants charged with probation violation require a
NAVCRUITCOM 00J enlistment or commission eligibility determination.
l. Enlistment or Commission as an Alternative to Prosecution. Applicants may not enlist or
commission as an alternative to criminal prosecution, indictment, incarceration, parole,
probation, or other punitive sentence. They are ineligible for enlistment or commission until the
original assigned sentence would have been completed.
021003. Documentation of Conduct Qualification
a. The applicant is the primary source by which the officer recruiter gathers information on
conduct qualification for enlistment or commission. The use of standardized forms may validate
and clarify an applicant's statement, or reveal further involvement. Documentation revealing
lesser involvement, however, will not be used to contradict self-admitted information without
clear evidence refuting the applicant's understanding of events. Documents used for verification
are listed in subparagraph 021003a(1) and 021003a(2).
(1) DD Form 369 Police Record Check. This form facilitates police record checks when
required by this manual. Refer to paragraph 021103 for submission requirements.
(2) DD Form 370 Request for Reference. This form is used to obtain, or confirm,
information to help determine an applicant's eligibility for enlistment or commission. Recruiters
will use the form in three instances:
(a) When required by this manual, or
(b) when considered appropriate in questionable cases, or
(c) when directed.
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b. Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI), (Tier 5or Tier 5R); National Agency
Check-Local Agency Check (NACLC, Tier 3 or Tier 3R). The SSBI, Tier 5 or Tier 5PR and
NACLC, Tier 3 or Tier 3R are important background checks by which an applicant's pre-
accession arrest history is verified. Currently the SSBI, Tier 5 or Tier 5PR and the NACLC, Tier
3 or Tier 3R investigation requests are submitted to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
via transmission of applicant’s fingerprints and the Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire
021004. Self-Admitted Crimes No Police Record. Self-admitted crimes and offenses will be
processed in the same manner as adverse adjudications when the crimes or offenses are not
revealed in police record checks or on file with civil authorities. Self-admitted crimes and
offenses will be classified (charted) and waived at the appropriate level per this manual.
However, any voluntarily disclosed, self-admitted, or recruiter discovered form of police or
criminal involvement by an applicant warrants further investigation and may be grounds for
021005. Identified Misconduct Offenses(s). Depending on the nature of the misconduct
offense(s) identified (if any), the applicant's application will require one of the actions listed in
subparagraphs 021005a through 021005c: automatic rejection, legal determination
(NAVCRUITCOM 00J), misconduct waiver, or no further action.
a. Automatic Rejection. Application for enlistment or commission will be automatically
rejected with no further processing for any individual who:
(1) Is awaiting trial, awaiting sentence, on parole, currently serving sentence or
punishment, and applicants still under the jurisdiction of a jurisprudence that awarded a sentence
or punishment. This included all criminal and violation proceedings such as traffic or municipal,
misdemeanor and felony judicial proceedings.
(2) Has pending civil unpaid fines or court dates. Civil includes divorce, insurance and
lawsuit proceedings.
(3) Is on supervised conditional or monitored probation, deferred prosecution or sentence,
on a sentence that has suspended jail time or has not completed court requirements such as
counseling, driver school, etc.
(4) Has been a trafficker (supplier) of illegal drugs.
(5) Holds religious beliefs that conflict with the principle that voluntary enlistees and
officers are subject to unrestricted service on a 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week basis.
(6) Has reservations about military service because of religious, moral, or ethical reasons.
(7) Has reservations about upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States,
and its guarantees of civil rights and equal protection under the law for all residents of the United
States regardless of their race, creed, color, sex, religion, or national origin.
25 Jul 2023
(8) Engages in exhibitionism, transvestitism, voyeurism, or other forms of deviant
(9) Is required by any state or federal court, statute, or administrative regulation to
register as a sex offender.
(10) Has been convicted of rape, sexual abuse, sexual assault, incest, carnal knowledge,
forcible sodomy, sodomy of a minor, prostitution involving a minor, indecent assault, assault
with intent to commit rape, assault with intent to commit sodomy, indecent act with a minor,
indecent language with a minor, kidnapping of a minor (by a person not a parent), pornography
involving a minor, attempt to commit any of the foregoing, conspiracy to commit any or the
foregoing, solicitation to commit any of the foregoing, or any other sexual offense.
(11) Participated in any organization that espouses extremist or supremacist causes,
attempts to create illegal discrimination or advocates use of force or violence against the U.S.
Government and territories or possessions. Participation also includes engaging in any other
activity that relates to those organizations or is in furtherance of those organizations' objectives
when such activities are detrimental to good order and discipline or mission accomplishment.
(12) Has been convicted of a hate crime or received adverse adjudication resulting from a
hate crime offense.
(13) Been identified as a potential subject in an active criminal investigation.
(14) Has ever tested positive for drugs on a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS)
Drug and Alcohol Test (DAT).
b. Legal Enlistment or Commissioning Eligibility Determination Process. A Legal
Enlistment Eligibility Determination answers the question, “Is this person eligible to enlist or
commission in the Navy?” This is required whenever circumstances about an applicant, is
indicated in Table 2.8 matrix.
(1) Legal Determinations are made by Navy Recruiting Command 00J.
(2) Legal Determinations are not, by their nature, discretionary decisions. For example,
legal determination for misconduct consists in comparing the information in the package to a
DoD Issued matrix of offense codes. Doing this ensures that we apply a uniform standard to all
applicants. The important point here is that legal determinations do NOT use the whole person
concept and COMNAVCRUITCOM (00J) cannot change the legal determination based on the
quality of the applicant. The only thing that may change a legal determination is additional
factual information.
(3) If the applicant is determined to be eligible for enlistment or commissioning, then the
spreadsheet will list a legal determination number. This means you may continue to process this
person for enlistment or commissioning per the manual.
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(4) If the applicant is determined to be ineligible for enlistment, you may not continue to
process this person for enlistment or commissioning unless otherwise authorized by
“COMNAVCRUITCOM 00J.” For an “ineligible” determination, there will be a legal
determination number assigned. The legal determination drives whether or not a waiver
(5) Legal Determinations should be included in the submission of a waiver package to
higher authority (i.e., control number, the offense codes and quantities or other reason for
ineligibility). Verification of original documents must be photocopied, certified as copies of the
original document, and the certified copies placed in the applicant’s service record (PRIDE Mod
II) and residual file. The NAVTALACQGRU CO will establish a copy certification policy in
writing. The armed forces are authorized to copy documents used for eligibility determinations,
to include documents which state that it is unlawful to reproduce or copying is not authorized.
in a conspicuous location to ensure that original was sighted. Originals must be immediately
returned to the applicant.
Table 2.8 Mandatory Determinations Matrix
Lautenberg Amendment (Domestic Violence Law).
Drug-related crimes (other than possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia) to
include trafficking and supplying illegal drugs.
Sex related crimes
a. Engages in exhibitionism, transvestitism, voyeurism, or other forms of deviant
b. Is required by any state or federal court, statute, or administrative regulation to
register as a sex offender.
c. Has been convicted of rape, carnal knowledge, forcible sodomy, sodomy of a minor,
prostitution involving a minor, indecent assault, assault with intent to commit rape,
assault with intent to commit sodomy, indecent act with a minor, indecent language with
a minor, kidnapping of a minor, pornography involving a minor, incest, attempt to
commit any of the foregoing, conspiracy to commit any or the foregoing, or solicitation
to commit any of the foregoing.
d. Any other crimes of a sexual nature.
Negligent homicide.
Release from sentence conditioned upon entering the Navy.
Probation violation.
Table 2.13 lists all major misconduct (felony) offenses, including major misconduct
offenses reduced to a lesser charge.
Note: To request a legal determination from NAVCRUITCOM 00J, complete a Legal
Determination Request Form (located in the NRC Flank Speed Portal), CO's
endorsement, and copies of the documents listed in Table 2.8, and forward to
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NAVCRUITCOM 00J via the NRC Flank Speed Portal link at:
c. Misconduct Waiver. If the identified misconduct offense(s) does not require an
automatic rejection, or if NAVCRUITCOM 00J determines the offense to be waiverable after
conducting a legal determination, the officer recruiter must review Table 2.14 to determine what
type or level of misconduct waiver is required, if any. Misconduct waiver procedures are
outlined in section 11 of this chapter.
021006. Civil Restraint
a. Eligibility
(1) Applicants under civil restraint or any type of probation (supervised or unsupervised,
conditional or unconditional) are ineligible for enlistment or commission.
(2) Do not begin processing an applicant during a period of civil restraint or probation.
Waiver of this restriction is not authorized.
b. Mandatory Waiting Period After Civil Restraint. Processing of applicants who have been
on any type of civil parole or probation is subject to the conditions listed in subparagraphs
021006b(1) through 021006b(4).
(1) Processing must not begin during the probationary or parole period.
(2) Applicants completing their original full term of parole or supervised conditional
probation are eligible to begin processing.
(3) Applicants who are released early from parole or probation are ineligible to begin
processing until the criteria specified in subparagraphs 021006b(3)(a) through 021006b(c) are
(a) After the time their original full term of parole or probation would have
(b) After a three month waiting period for early release from parole or probation for
felony convictions, or
(c) After thirty days for early release from parole or probation of misdemeanor or
lesser convictions.
(4) Processing Applicants after Confinement. Confinement, as used in this instruction, is
defined as: Physical restraint not in a normal place of residence (such as, held in any jail or
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prison, juvenile hall, boys home, etc., of any city, county, state, or federal jurisdiction) where
such confinement is the result of civil adjudication. The mandatory waiting periods are:
(a) Three months after confinement of 15 days or more for adult or juvenile
(b) Two months after confinement of 4 to 14 days in adult or juvenile cases.
(c) No mandatory waiting period after confinement of 1-3 days for adult or juvenile
Note: The mandatory waiting periods are not waiverable.
021007. Pending Lawsuits and Court Cases
a. Eligibility
(1) A civil suit is brought to recover some right, or to obtain redress, of some wrong not
being a crime. Civil suits (lawsuits) relate to and affect only individual rights whereas criminal
prosecutions involve public wrongs. A suit brought to recover damages is one example of a civil
suit (lawsuit).
(2) Applicants who may be required to appear in court as witnesses or who have lawsuits
pending by or against them must not be enlisted or commissioned without prior approval of
b. Procedure. Submit requests for enlistment or commission eligibility determination of
applicants who are involved in civil suits to NAVCRUITCOM 00J.
c. Information to Provide. To assist NAVCRUITCOM 00J in deciding a given case, send a
description of the nature of the case, together with a statement from the opposing lawyer as to
when the case will be tried and whether or not the applicant’s presence in court at the time of
trial will be required. If the applicant is a defendant in a suit for damages, include a statement
from the opposing lawyer and or insurance company indicating whether the applicant needs to be
present or waives his presence at the hearing.
021008. Special Provisions For Applicants Charged With Crimes Involving Physical Violence
a. Applicants charged with domestic violence require a NAVCRUITCOM 00J
determination of enlistment or commission eligibility.
b. The NAVTALACQGRU CO or XO will conduct a physical violence interview with any
applicant who has been arrested and charged with the commission of child molesting, sex crimes,
or crimes involving physical violence regardless of the disposition or adjudication of the charged
25 Jul 2023
c. Applicants convicted or received adverse adjudication for a crime involving physical
violence requires a physical violence interview and waiver. The waiver interview must be
conducted by either the NAVTALACQGRU CO or XO. Refer to Table 2.14 to determine if an
additional waiver is required.
Table 2.9 Eligibility and Waiver Chart for Applicants with Civil or Conduct Offenses
Number of Offenses
Waiver Authority
Traffic Violations (Regardless of
When Occurring)
Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 10
Up to 4
5 or more
No waiver required
Non-Traffic Offenses (Minor
Misdemeanors) (Regardless of
When Occurring) Notes 1, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8 & 10
Up to 4
5 7
8 or more
No waiver required
No waiver authorized
Misconduct (Serious
(Regardless of When Occurring)
Notes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 10
2 - 4
5 or more
determination (Note 9)
No waiver authorized
Major Misconduct (Felonies)
(Regardless of When Occurring)
Notes 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 10
Up to 2
Applicants can have 2 juvenile major
misconduct offenses or a
combination of 1 adult and 1 juvenile
major misconduct (cannot have more
than 1 adult major misconduct
Applicants with 2 adult or 3 or more
major misconduct offenses
conduct personal face to face
interview). Submit waiver via the
No waiver authorized
Combination Rules:
(Misconduct and Non-Traffic
Offenses) Notes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
& 10
Combination of 1 misconduct and 4-
6 non-traffic offenses
Combination of 2 misconduct and up
to 5 non-traffic offenses
Combination of 3 misconduct and up
to 4 non-traffic offenses
Combination of 4 misconducts and
any non-traffic offenses
Any combination totaling eight or
more misconduct and non-traffic
Combination of 1 major misconduct
and 3 or more additional offenses
other than traffic violations
No waiver authorized
No waiver authorized
No waiver authorized
25 Jul 2023
Note 1: In determining the classification of an offense (traffic, non-traffic offenses,
misconduct and major misconduct), refer to Table 2.13, Table 2.-14 and
the notes at the bottom of each category of offenses. The list of offenses
in Table 2.14 takes precedence over state or local adjudications, with the
exception of major misconduct (felony) offenses, refer to paragraph
021003e(2) for additional guidance.
Note 2: Court documents for all misconduct and major misconduct offenses must
be obtained prior to processing. Contact NAVCRUITCOM 00J for
guidance if court documents are unattainable.
Note 3: Parking violations, warning tickets, and faulty equipment tickets are no
longer considered minor traffic offenses for any applicant (except nuclear
field) regardless of program. They do not have to be waived for
enlistment or commission purposes, no matter how long ago they
occurred; however, these violations must be listed on the applicant’s
Personnel Security Questionnaire (SF-86) and Waiver Brief Sheet.
Note 4: A drug waiver is required if two or more violations are drug-related. An
alcohol waiver is required if two or more violations are alcohol-related.
Refer to chapter 2, section 9, paragraph 020903 for waiver limits and
Note 5: Refer to paragraph 020901d for behind the wheel (BTW) offenses.
Note 6: Recruiting personnel will list all offenses regardless of disposition
(dropped, dismissed, expunged, etc.) or time of occurrence on the EPSQ
or SF 86. Applicants must provide a handwritten statement(s) for any
non-traffic, misconduct or major misconduct offense(s) regardless of fine
amount or disposition.
Note 7: Probation violations are classified as non-traffic offenses. In cases where
more than one probation violation exists, each violation must be
considered separately.
Note 8: Any applicant arrested, charged, cited, or adjudicated with a major
misconduct offense regardless of final offense disposition or adjudication
rendered by any court or civil authority must be referred to
NAVCRUITCOM 00J for a mandatory NAVCRUITCOM offense
classification determination. Applicants with two or more adult or three
major misconduct convictions are not enlistment or commission eligible.
Note 9: Use NAVCRUIT Form 1133/108 NAVCRUITCOM 00J Legal
Determination Sheet, in all cases where this instruction states that
NAVCRUITCOM 00J must make an eligibility determination or offense
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classification decision. This form can be downloaded from the
NAVCRUITCOM Flank Speed Portal.
Note 10: All major misconduct waivers must be forwarded to
COMNAVCRUITCOM via the region commander for endorsement.
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Table 2.10 Uniform Guide List for Traffic Offenses
Bicycle ordinance violation.
Blocking or retarding traffic.
Contempt of court for minor traffic offenses.
Crossing yellow line; driving left of center.
Disobeying traffic lights, signs, or signals.
Driving on shoulder.
Driving uninsured vehicle.
Driving with blocked vision or tinted window.
Driving with expired plates or without plates.
Driving with suspended or revoked license.
Driving without license.
Driving without registration or with improper registration.
Driving wrong way on one-way street.
Failure to appear for traffic violations.
Failure to comply with officer’s directive.
Failure to have vehicle under control.
Failure to signal.
Failure to stop or yield to pedestrian.
Failure to submit report after accident.
Failure to yield right-of-way.
Faulty equipment such as defective exhaust, horn, lights, mirror, muffler, signal
device, steering device, tail pipe, or windshield wipers.
Following too closely.
Improper backing such as backing into intersection or highway, backing on expressway,
or backing over crosswalk.
Improper blowing of horn.
Improper passing such as passing on right, passing in no-passing zone, passing stopped
school bus, or passing pedestrian in crosswalk.
Improper turn.
Invalid or unofficial inspection sticker or failure to display inspection sticker.
Leaving key in ignition.
Leaving scene of accident (when not considered hit and run).
License plates improperly displayed or not displayed.
Operating overloaded vehicle.
Racing, dragging, or contest for speed.
Reckless, careless, or imprudent driving (considered a traffic offense when the fine is less
than $300 and there is no confinement). Court costs are not part of a fine.
Reserved for future use.
Seat belt or child restraint violation.
Skateboard, roller skate, or inline skate violation.
Spilling load on highway.
Spinning wheels, improper start, zigzagging, or weaving in traffic.
Violation of noise control ordinance.
Other traffic offenses not specifically listed.
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
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Note: An all-inclusive list of minor traffic offenses would be impracticable.
Offenses of similar nature and traffic offenses treated as minor by local law
enforcement agencies should be treated as traffic violations.
25 Jul 2023
Table 2.11 Uniform Guide List for Non-Traffic Offenses
Altered driver’s license or identification.
Assault (simple assault with fine or restitution of $500 or less and no confinement).
Carrying concealed weapon (other than firearm); possession of brass knuckles.
Check, worthless, making or uttering, with intent to defraud or deceive (less than $500).
Committing a nuisance.
Conspiring to commit misdemeanor.
Curfew violation.
Damaging road signs.
Discharging firearm through carelessness or within municipal limits.
Disobeying summons; failure to appear (other than traffic).
Disorderly conduct; creating disturbance; boisterous conduct.
Disturbing the peace.
Drinking alcoholic beverages on public transportation.
Drunk in public.
Dumping refuse near highway.
Failure to appear, contempt of court (all offenses except felony proceedings).
Failure to appear, contempt of court (felony proceedings).
Failure to stop and render aid after accident.
Fare or toll evasion.
Harassment, menacing, or stalking.
Illegal betting or gambling; operating illegal handbook, raffle, lottery, or punchboard; cockfighting.
Indecent exposure.
Indecent, insulting, or obscene language communicated directly or by telephone to another person.
Jumping turnstile (to include those States that adjudicate jumping a turnstile as petty larceny).
Juvenile adjudications such as beyond parental control, incorrigible, runaway, truant, or wayward.
Killing a domestic animal.
Malicious mischief (fine or restitution of $500 or less and no confinement).
Purchase, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products by minor.
Removing property from public grounds.
Removing property under lien.
Robbing an orchard.
Shooting from highway.
Throwing glass or other material in roadway.
Trespass (non-criminal or simple).
Unlawful assembly.
Unlawful manufacture, sale, possession, or consumption of liquor in public place.
Unlawful use of long-distance telephone calling card.
Using or wearing unlawful emblem or identification.
Vandalism (fine or restitution of $500 or less and no confinement).
Violation of fireworks laws.
Violation of fish and game laws.
Violation of leash laws.
Violation of probation.
Other non-traffic offenses not specifically listed.
Reserved for future use.
25 Jul 2023
Note: Offenses of comparable seriousness should be treated as non-traffic
offenses. In doubtful cases, this rule should be applied: If the maximum
confinement under local law is four months or less, the offense should be
treated as a non-traffic offense.
25 Jul 2023
Table 2.12 Uniform Guide List for Misconduct Offenses
Aggravated assault, fighting, or battery (more than $500 fine or restitution or confinement).
Carrying of weapon on school grounds (other than firearm).
Concealment of or failure to report a felony.
Contributing to delinquency of minor.
Crimes against the family (non-payment of court-ordered child support or alimony).
Criminal mischief (more than $500 fine or restitution or confinement).
Criminal trespass.
Desecration of grave.
Domestic battery or violence not considered covered by section 922 of Title 18, U.S.C.
(Reference (m)), referred to in this issuance as the “Lautenberg Amendment.”
Driving while drugged or intoxicated; driving while ability impaired; permitting driving under the
Illegal or fraudulent use of a credit card or bank card (value less than $500).
Larceny or conversion (value less than $500).
Leaving scene of an accident or hit and run.
Mailbox destruction.
Mailing of obscene or indecent matter (including e-mail).
Possession of marijuana or drug paraphernalia.
Prostitution or solicitation for prostitution.
Reckless, careless, or imprudent driving (considered a misdemeanor when the fine is $300 or more
or when confinement is imposed; otherwise, considered a minor traffic offense).
Reckless endangerment.
Resisting arrest or eluding police.
Selling or leasing weapons.
Stolen property, knowingly receiving (value less than $500).
Throwing rocks on a highway; throwing missiles at sporting events; throwing objects at vehicles.
Unauthorized use or taking of a vehicle or conveyance from family member; joy riding.
Unlawful carrying of firearms or carrying concealed firearm.
Unlawful entry.
Use of telephone, Internet, or other electronic means to abuse, annoy, harass, threaten, or torment
Vandalism (more than $500 fine or restitution or confinement).
Willfully discharging firearm so as to endanger life; shooting in public.
Other misconduct offenses not specifically listed.
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
Note 1: Offenses of comparable seriousness should be treated as misconduct
offenses. In doubtful cases, this rule should be applied: If the maximum
confinement under local law exceeds four months but does not exceed one
year, the offense should be treated as a misconduct offense.
25 Jul 2023
Table 2.13 Uniform Guide List for Major Misconduct Offenses
Aggravated assault; assault with dangerous weapon; maiming.
Attempt to commit a felony.
Breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony.
Carnal knowledge of a child.
Carrying of weapon on school grounds (firearm).
Check, worthless, making or uttering, with intent to defraud or deceive (over $500).
Child abuse.
Child pornography.
Conspiring to commit a felony.
Criminal libel.
Domestic battery or violence as defined in the Lautenberg Amendment. (Waiver not authorized if applicant
was convicted of this offense).
Forgery, knowingly uttering or passing forged instrument (except for altered identification cards).
Grand larceny or larceny (value of $500 or more).
Grand theft auto.
Hate crimes.
Illegal or fraudulent use of a credit card, bank card, or automated card (value of $500 or more).
Indecent acts or liberties with a child; molestation.
Indecent assault.
Kidnapping or abduction.
Mail matter; abstracting, destroying, obstructing, opening, secreting, stealing, or taking (not including the
destruction of mailboxes).
Narcotics or habit-forming drugs, wrongful possession or use (not including marijuana).
Negligent or vehicular homicide.
Perjury or subornation of perjury.
Possession or intent to use materials in a manner to make a bomb or explosive device to cause bodily harm or
destruction of property.
Public record; altering, concealing, destroying, mutilating, obligation, or removing.
Rape, sexual abuse, sexual assault, criminal sexual abuse, incest, or other sex crimes. (See Section 2.h.(3) of
Enclosure 3 of this instruction; waivers for these offenses are not authorized).
Robbery (including armed).
Sale, distribution, or trafficking of cannabis (marijuana) or any other controlled substance (including intent).
Sodomy (only when it is nonconsensual or involves a minor).
Stolen property, knowingly received (value of $500 or more).
Terrorist threats (including bomb threats).
Violation of civil rights.
Other major misconduct offenses not specifically listed.
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
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Note: Offenses of comparable seriousness should be treated as major misconduct.
In doubtful cases, this rule should be applied: If the maximum
confinement under local law is one year or more, the offense should be
treated as a major misconduct offense. Any applicant arrested, charged,
cited, or adjudicated with a major misconduct (felony) offense regardless of
final offense disposition or adjudication rendered by any court or civil
authority must be referred to NAVCRUITCOM 00J for a mandatory
NAVCRUITCOM offense classification determination.
Table 2.14 Mandatory Determinations Documents To Review
1. Lautenberg Amendment (Domestic Violence
Police Record Check (PRC)
Court documents
Personal statement
Police narrative (if needed)
*elements of crime
2. Drug related crimes (other than possession of
marijuana and drug paraphernalia)
Court documents
Personal statement
3. Sex related crimes
Court documents
Personal statement
4. Negligent homicide
Court documents
Personal statement
Possible Call to the district attorney (DA)
(underlying circumstances are very important)
5. Release from sentence conditioned upon
entering the Navy
court documents
Personal statement
May need minutes from court
Possible call to DA
6. Probation violation
Court documents i.e.: arresting officer report
Personal statement
Type of violation? i.e.: violation of probation
Punished for violation?
7. All major misconduct “felony” offenses,
including major misconduct offenses reduced to
a lesser charge (must be endorsed by
NAVTALACQGRU CO prior to submission)
Court documents
Personal statement
Possible call to DA
* In all cases review of the charges are based on state law.
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021101. General Policy
a. Enlistment or Commissioning Criteria. Criteria standards for enlistment or
commissioning are established to ensure that the Navy enlists or commissions only those
applicants who are capable of successfully completing their contractual term of service. Any
applicant who does not meet these standards will not be enlisted or commissioned without a
criteria waiver being granted by the command authorized to approve the deviation from the
standard. The waiver process is not an administrative addendum by which unqualified applicants
are enlisted or commissioned.
b. Waiver Recommendations. Waivers will be recommended for only two reasons:
(1) Highly favorable traits or mitigating circumstances exist which outweigh the reason
for disqualification; or
(2) The enlistment or commission is clearly in the best interests of the Navy.
c. Waiver Responsibilities. The responsibility of determining whether or not waiver
requests warrant favorable consideration rests with all levels of command, but initially with the
recruiter. The recruiter's responsibilities include:
(1) Screening (questioning and counseling)
(2) Investigating (gathering proper documentation)
(3) Initiating the waiver request (if warranted)
021102. Eligibility for Waivers
a. Making a Determination. To determine whether an applicant is eligible for a waiver, the
matters listed in subparagraphs 021102a(1) through 021102a(3) must be considered.
(1) Is the program requirement one that may or may not be waived?
(2) Subordinate commanders are not authorized to impose less restrictive criteria to
official waiver guidelines; however, commanders at any level may disapprove a waiver based
upon the waiver's own merit, the commander's judgment, and the current recruiting environment.
(3) An applicant's eligibility will be based on the "whole person" concept.
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b. The Whole Person Concept
(1) Waivers will be evaluated using the whole person concept. Under this concept, an
applicant's qualifications are compared with past performance with the intent of calculating
potential effectiveness in the Navy. Such an evaluation is difficult. The evaluation should
present for consideration all relevant facts and information, as well as a thorough meaningful
evaluation. Waiver requests that simply identify the disqualifying factor(s) without thorough
discussion of all mitigating circumstances and the applicant's favorable traits are a disservice to
the applicant and may jeopardize waiver approval.
(2) To help in evaluating cases, review strengths and weaknesses. Be alert for patterns of
success or failure. Answer the questions listed in subparagraphs 021102b(1) through
(a) Is the applicant a desirable prospect?
(b) Do the applicant's strengths heavily outweigh the reason(s) for disqualification?
(c) Are the applicant's demonstrated qualities indicative of successful service as a
Navy officer?
(3) If there is any doubt, or the answer to any of the questions listed in subparagraphs
021102b(2)(a) through 021102b(2)(c) is "no,” a request for a waiver should not be processed.
This decision must be made without regard to monthly production goals.
021103. Special Considerations for Conduct and Medical Waivers
a. Conduct Waivers
(1) Requirement to Disclose. Applicants are required to disclose all arrests, detentions, or
investigations by police and juvenile authorities, even if no charges or trials resulted. They are
also required to disclose dependency status and any illegal involvement with drugs. Recruiting
personnel will ensure applicants are fully aware of these requirements and of the penalties for
withholding information or defrauding the United States government.
(2) Police Records Checks (DD Form 369). Recruiters will conduct police record checks
(PRCs) as indicated in subparagraphs 021103a(2)(a) and 021103a(2)(b).
(a) Traffic Offenses. If an applicant's admitted involvement with law enforcement
consists only of minor traffic offenses that do not require a waiver, police record checks are not
required to confirm the individual's record; however, if doubt or suspicion exists, police record
checks must be conducted.
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(b) Non-Traffic, Misconduct and Major Misconduct Offenses. If the applicant's
involvement with law enforcement officials consisted of other than traffic offenses, police record
checks will be initiated with juvenile, county, sheriff, state and federal law enforcement agencies
for each community where the applicant has lived for the last three years and where the offenses
were alleged to have been committed. This includes juvenile or adult authorities, courts,
probation departments, and parole officers. The PRC will be used to confirm the existence of the
charge and its disposition, and to determine, if applicable, the conditions under which sentence
was suspended, the inclusive dates of probation, confinement, commitment, or parole, and the
degree of rehabilitation.
(3) Prior Service Offenses committed prior to, during, or subsequent to any enlistment in
any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, active or reserve (including the National Guard); require a
waiver by the appropriate waiver authority as if the applicant did not have prior service. In such
cases, however, consideration will be given to when the offense occurred in relation to the
applicant's prior service.
(4) Aliens. Provided they are otherwise qualified, alien applicants, and applicants who
have resided in foreign countries for any period of time since their 10th birthday, are eligible for
enlistment or commission without police record checks from the foreign countries concerned. If
an applicant admits to a criminal record in a foreign country, obtain all possible information
through an interview. Recruiters will not contact foreign authorities to determine conduct
qualifications or for police record checks.
(5) Reimbursement of Expenses. When charged for police records checks, recruiter out-
of-pocket funds will be used for this expense. If appropriate, the NAVTALACQGRU
commanding officer may initiate a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) to cover fees.
(6) Character References
(a) When an applicant requires a COMNAVRUITCOM waiver, at least three
character references must be obtained. The DD Form 370, Request for Reference, will be used.
(b) Specific comments on an applicant's rehabilitation and any other relevant
information are necessary for a proper evaluation. The statement listed in subparagraph
021103a(6)(b) will be added to the remarks section of the DD Form 370.
Note: "Please use the remarks section. Specifically address the circumstances
of any known illegal involvement with drugs or with police, to include
rehabilitation efforts, if applicable. Your comments are useful and will
be kept in strictest confidence."
(c) A letter of reference is no better than its source. References from an applicant's
family or friends are of little value because of a natural bias. Likewise, references that are
completed and returned through the applicant are not as meaningful as those that are treated
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confidentially. Recruiters will mail, or personally deliver, the DD Form 370 requests to at least
three individuals, named by the applicant, for completion and return. Mailing the forms and
enclosing self-addressed, stamped envelopes will preserve necessary confidentiality.
(d) Only references from reputable and responsible citizens are considered
appropriate (e.g., college deans, college professors, doctors, employers, etc.).
Note: All DD Form 370s will have the signer’s area code and telephone number
annotated. If an applicant had at any time been under the supervision of a
probation or parole officer, a reference from this individual is mandatory.
(7) Decisions on Conduct Waiver Requests. Applicants should be judged on their fitness
for duty in the Navy by their character at the time of application. The whole person concept
discussed in paragraph 021102b should be used. Additionally, the factors listed in
subparagraphs 021103a(7)(a) through 021103a(7)(h) should be considered and addressed in the
waiver request.
(a) The nature of the offense(s), to include any drug involvement, the attendant
circumstances, both aggravating and extenuating, date of apprehension or arrest, trial date and or
sentencing date, and all-inclusive dates of incarceration, credited or otherwise.
(b) The sentence, punishment, or other disposition.
(c) The age at the time of the offense(s), to include any illegal involvement with
(d) The degree of rehabilitation.
(e) The time elapsed since the offense (including any illegal involvement with drugs).
(f) The mitigating factors, including other enlistment qualifications.
(g) Date probation started and ended.
(h) Date of final action taken by judicial authority.
Note: The single most important aspect of a waiver request is the commanding
officer’s recommendation, particularly in the case of major misconduct
(felony) waivers. While even the strongest recommendation cannot make a
non-competitive applicant competitive, it does serve to significantly
influence the outcome of determinations when an applicant cannot
demonstrate overwhelming potential, yet is not sufficiently below standards
to warrant disapproval of the request. Specific recommendations are
required. An endorsement merely forwarding a request will not be
25 Jul 2023
favorably considered. In all decisions, a detached, objective viewpoint is
necessary to ensure success of Navy Recruiting Command’s primary
b. Medical Waivers. Submit medical waiver requests with supporting documentation to
NAVCRUITCOM N33 via WEBWAVE. Refer to paragraph 020813.
021104. Waiver Authority Levels. Requests for waiver of enlistment or commissioning
criteria will be submitted to the appropriate waiver authority for decision. There are two waiver
authority levels (NAVTALACQGRU and NAVCRUITCOM) discussed in this chapter.
a. NAVTALACQGRU Level Waiver Procedures
(1) “By Direction” waiver approval and documentation authority. NAVTALACQGRU
COs may authorize their XO or OPO to grant “By direction” enlistment criteria waivers and
program eligibility determinations that are within the CO’s authority, with the exception of those
criteria or standards that cannot be delegated, as stated in this manual. Additionally, COs may
authorize their XOs authority to grant CO level waivers at any time. This authority must be
specifically detailed in a “By direction” letter.
(2) Authority of Acting Commanding Officers. Chapter 10, Navy Regulations, provides
that “an officer who succeeds to command due to incapacity, death, departure on leave,
detachment without relief, or absence due to orders from competent authority of the officer
detailed to command has the same authority and responsibility as the officer who he succeeds.”
Additionally, officers acting in the absence of both the CO and XO are authorized to conduct
waiver interviews and sign waivers while the CO and XO are conducting station visits or any
other official “out-of-office” recruiting-related activities.
(3) Officer Training Command, Newport (OTCN) Commanding Officer. The OTCN
commanding officer is granted waiver authority commensurate with NAVTALACQGRU COs.
The exceptions listed in subparagraphs 021104a(3)(a) through 021104a(3)(g) apply.
(a) Two alcohol or drug-related “Behind the Wheel” (BTW) convictions.
(b) Two convictions of possession or use of marijuana.
(c) Negligent homicide.
(d) Indecent exposure.
(e) Indecent, insulting, or obscene language communicated directly or by telephone.
(f) Sex-crime related charges or child molesting.
(g) Domestic violence.
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Note 1: Non-minor misdemeanors require mandatory processing by
NAVPERSCOM (PERS-83) for post-accession personnel. In all instances
where this instruction requires pre-accession waiver authority at the
NAVCRUITCOM level, the OTCN commanding officer will refer post-
accession waiver requests to PERS-83.
Note 2: In all cases where the applicant requires a NAVTALACQGRU level
waiver, the NAVTALACQGRU CO (or designated "By direction"
personnel) will conduct a personal interview with the applicant.
b. NAVCRUITCOM Level Waiver Procedures
(1) Conduct and Drug or Alcohol waivers. All applicants requiring a NAVCRUITCOM
conduct or drug or alcohol waiver must be personally interviewed by the NAVTALACQGRU
CO (or designated "By direction" personnel). If the CO (or designated "By direction" personnel)
recommends forwarding the waiver, he or she must personally endorse the waiver (cannot be
delegated), and the waiver must contain this statement: “The commanding officer (or designated
"By direction" person) has personally interviewed this applicant.” The NAVCRUIT 1133/39
Waiver Brief Sheet must be completed and forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM (Waivers section) by
scanning and uploading the complete waiver request package to NAVCRUITCOM Waiver
Submissions via Flank Speed. The NAVCRUIT 1133/39 can be found in the CNRC Flank
Speed Portal.
Note: Forward all major misconduct waivers to NAVCRUITCOM via the
respective region commander for endorsement.
(2) Prior Service Veteran (RE-Code) waivers. For prior service veteran waivers, with the
exception of prior service veteran’s separated solely for homosexual conduct (see subparagraph
021104b(2) Note 2), the RE-code waiver request paperwork must be completed and forwarded to
NAVCRUITCOM (Waivers section) by scanning and uploading the complete waiver request
package to NAVCRUITCOM Waiver Submissions via the Flank Speed Portal. Include the
NAVCRUIT 1133/39 and copies of the applicant’s commissioning documents to include the DD
214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty or NGB 22 National Guard Report of
Separation and Record of Service, and any other supporting documentation. Also, upload these
documents into PRIDE Mod II.
Note 1: Table 2.15 Reenlistment Code (RE-Code) Chart provides waiver eligibility
(if any) for prior service veterans. No prior service waiver is authorized if
the veteran’s RE-Code cannot be verified.
Note 2: All prior service applicants issued a reenlistment code of RE-4 (or
equivalent) upon separation, solely for homosexual conduct, may be
eligible for enlistment or commissioning provided his or her DD 214 or
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NGB 22 meets the criteria listed in Note 1 of Table 2.15 and all other
eligibility requirements are met. These applicants will be processed for an
enlistment or commissioning eligibility determination (not a RE-Code
waiver) as indicated in subparagraphs 021104c through 021104e.
c. NAVTALACQGRU will scan and upload the applicant’s DD 214 or NGB 22 to
NAVCRUITCOM Waiver Submissions via the Flank Speed Portal and PRIDE Mod II.
d. NAVCRUITCOM N31 will be the final approval authority for all eligibility
determinations submitted for applicants with RE-4 codes (or equivalent) due to homosexual
conduct. NAVTALACQGRU’s will receive written notification of final approval or disapproval
for each applicant.
e. Processors will not document an RE-4 code into any IT system or on any documents.
Should it be necessary to document or enter a RE-Code on documents or an IT system,
processors will enter “RE-R1” in lieu of “RE-4” for prior service members separated solely for
homosexual conduct.
021105. Documentation of Waiver Approval
a. Documents. The approving authority must document and maintain a record of the waiver
approval for two years by one of the methods listed in subparagraphs 021105a(1) and
(1) A signed letter listing all criteria requiring a waiver and whether each is approved or
(2) A signed copy of the Waiver Briefing Sheet.
b. Waiver Approval and Disapproval Letters. The officer processor or designated personnel
must upload all waiver approval or disapproval letters in PRIDE Mod II and retain a copy in the
member’s residual file.
c. Other Waiver Material. Include a copy of any other waiver approval correspondence in
the applicant’s residual file.
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Table 2.15 Reenlistment Code (RE-Code) Chart
RE-2, RE-3A, RE-3C, RE-4 (Note 1)
RE-2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 2J, 2K, 2L, 2M, 2N, 2P, 2Q, 2R, 2S, 2T,
2U, 2V, 2W, 2X, 3S, 3V, RE-4 (Note 1)
RE-6I, 6V
RE-4 (Note 1), RE-4A, RE-4R
RE-2, RE-2B, RE-2C, RE-3S,
RE-4 (Note 1), RE-4B
RE-1, RE-R1, RE-1E, RE-1J, RE-5, RE-7
RE-1, RE-1J, RE-1M, RE-1P, RE-1Q, RE-1R, RE-1T, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3I,
3K, 6B, RE-12, RE-13, RE-14
RE-6A, 6B, 6C
RE-1, RE-1A, RE-1B, RE-1C, RE-1J, RE-2, RE-2A, RE-2B, RE-2C
RE-1, RE-1A, RE-1B, RE-1C, RE-1J, RE-2A
RE-2 (Note 2), RE-3, RE-3B, RE-3D, RE-3E, RE-3F, RE-3G, RE-3H, RE-3J,
RE-3K, RE-3L, RE-3M, RE-3N, RE-3P, RE-3Q, RE-3R, RE-3S, RE-3T, RE-
3U, RE-3X, RE-3Y, RE-3Z, RE-6,
RE-1A, 2I (Note 3), 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, 4F, 4G, 4H,4I, 4J, 4K, 4L, 4M, 4N,
5A, 5B
RE-6F, 6J, 6K, 6M, 6N, 6P, 6R (Note 3), 6S
RE-3, RE-3A, RE-3B, RE-3C
RE-3A, RE-3B, RE-3C, RE-3D, RE-3E,RE-3F, RE-3G, RE-3H, RE-3J, RE-
3M, RE-3N, RE-3O, RE-3P, RE-3R, RE-3S, RE-3U, RE-3W
d. Prior service applicants issued a reenlistment code of RE-4 (or equivalent) upon
separation, solely for homosexual conduct, may be eligible for enlistment or commissioning,
provided all other eligibility requirements are met. (Note: Member’s record must be reviewed to
assure the sole supported reason for processing was homosexual act, conduct, or marriage). In
order to be eligible for further processing, the applicant’s prior service DD 214 must reflect the
items listed in Table 2.15:
(1) Block 28: contain one of the narrative reasons: Homosexual Act, Homosexual
Conduct, or Homosexual Marriage.
(2) Block 26: Contain one of the Separation Codes (SPD): BRA, BRB, BRC, GRA,
e. Character of Service must be Honorable (no other misconduct was used as a basis for
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f. If the applicant’s DD 214 meets the criteria in Table 2.15, then prior service eligibility
determination is required as outlined in paragraph 021104b(2). For any questions concerning
this policy, contact NAVCRUITCOM Officer Policy (N35) at (901) 874-9188 or 9038.
Note 1: Only for personnel released for commissioning and subsequently fail to
Note 2: Applicant must be a naturalized citizen.
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Chapter 3
030101. Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program (BDCP-XXXX7)
a. Program Authorization: 147
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/100
d. Applicants previously enrolled in any ROTC program and have received pay
entitlements, subsistence allowance, tuition, or fees are not eligible for Baccalaureate Degree
Completion Program (BDCP).
e. Officer Communities Participating in BDCP (XXXX7). The officer recruiter and officer
processor will ensure applicants meet Table 3.1 list Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program
Designators requirements as well as the provisions of the specific community’s program
authorization (PA) to which they are applying.
Table 3.1 Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program Designators
Surface Warfare
Special Warfare
Special Operations Officer
Naval Flight Officer
Surface Warfare Eng Duty Officer Option
Aviation Maintenance Duty
Special Duty Intelligence
Information Warfare
Public Affairs
Meteorology Surface
Supply Corps
Civil Engineer
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030201. Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate (11701 or 11601)
a. Program Authorization: 100A
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/120
030202. Naval Reactors Engineer (12201)
a. Program Authorization: 100B
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/121
030203. Nuclear Power Instructor (12101 or 12102)
a. Program Authorization: 100B
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/122
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030301. Health Services Collegiate Program (HSCP)
a. Program Authorization: 132
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/130
d. Officer communities participating in Health Services Collegiate Program (HSCP).
Recruiters and processors will ensure applicants are familiar with Table 3.2 list Health Services
Collegiate Program Designators requirements as well as the provisions of the specific
community’s program authorization to which applying.
Table 3.2 Health Services Collegiate Program Designators
030302. Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP)(1975x, 1985x,
a. Program Authorization: 130
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/131
d. Officer Communities Participating in Health Professional Scholarship Program (HPSP).
Recruiters and processors will ensure applicants are familiar with Table 3.3 list Health
Professional Scholarship Program Designators requirements as well as the provisions of the
specific community or specialty program authorization to which they are applying. Availability
of HPSP for specific specialties is dependent on Navy needs.
Medical Corps
Dental Corps
Medical Service Corps
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Table 3.3 Health Professional Scholarship Program Designators
Dental Corps
Medical Corps
Medical Service Corps
030303. Financial Assistance Program (FAP)
a. Program Authorization: 130(B) and 130(C)
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/132
d. Officer Communities Participating in FAP. Recruiters and processors will ensure
applicants are familiar with Table 3.4 Officer Communities with Financial Assistance Program
Designators requirements as well as the provisions of the specific community or specialty
program authorization to which they are applying. Availability of FAP for specific specialties is
dependent on Navy needs.
Table 3.4 Officer Communities with Financial Assistance Program Designators
Dental Corps
Medical Corps
030304. Navy Nurse Corps Active Duty Accession Bonus Program. (Availability of accession
bonuses is dependent on needs of the Navy).
a. Program Authorization: Title 37 USC and annual Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health
Affairs) Health Professions Officer Special Pay and Incentive Plan memorandum.
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/133
030305. Medical Corps Active and Reserve (2100/2105)
a. Program Authorization: Active and Reserve: 113
b. Service Agreement
(1) Active: NAVCRUIT 1131/137
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(2) Reserve: NAVCRUIT 1131/161
d. Table 3.5 Medical Corps Active and Reserve Designators.
Table 3.5 Medical Corps Active and Reserve Designators
Aviation Medicine
Aerospace Medicine
General Medicine
Orthopedic Surgery
Preventative Medicine
Occupational Medicine
Phys Med & Rehab
Emergency Med
Family Practice
Internal Med
Undersea Med
Nuclear Medicine
Diagnostic Radiology
Radiation Oncology
030306. Dental Corps Active and Reserve (2200/2205)
a. Program Authorization: Active and Reserve: 114
b. Service Agreement
25 Jul 2023
(1) Active: NAVCRUIT 1131/138
(2) Reserve: NAVCRUIT 1131/162
d. Table 3.6 Dental Corps Active and Reserve Designators.
Table 3.6 Dental Corps Active and Reserve Designators
Comprehensive Dentistry
Dental Education Programs
Dental Science and Research
Dentistry (General)
Advanced Clinical Programs
(ACP in General Dentistry)
Advanced Clinical Programs
(ACP in Exodontia)
Operative Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Oral Medicine or Oral Diagnosis
Oral Pathology
Pediatric Dentistry
Public Health Dentistry
Temporomandibular Disorders
Maxillofacial Prosthetics
030307. Medical Service Corps (MSC) (2300/2305)
a. Program Authorization:
(1) Active: 115
(2) Reserve: 115
b. Service Agreement
(1) Active: NAVCRUIT 1131/139
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(2) Reserve: NAVCRUIT 1131/163
d. Table 3.7 Medical Service Corps Designators.
Table 3.7 Medical Service Corps Designators
Health Care Administration
Patient Administration
Medical Logistics Administration
Medical Data Services Administration
Health Facility Planning and Projects
Plans, Operations, and Medical Intelligence (POMI)
Radiation Health
Aerospace Physiology
Clinical Psychology
Child Psychology
Medical Psychology
Aerospace Experimental Psychology
Research Psychology
Environmental Health
Industrial Hygiene
Medical Technology
Social Worker
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Pharmacy, General
Physician Assistant
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030308. Nurse Corps Active and Reserve (2900/2905)
a. Program Authorization
(1) Active: 116
(2) Reserve: 116
b. Service Agreement
(1) Active: NAVCRUIT 1131/133
(2) Reserve: NAVCRUIT 1131/165
d. Table 3.8 Nurse Corps Active and Reserve Designators.
25 Jul 2023
Table 3.8 Nurse Corps Active and Reserve Designators
Professional Nursing
Nursing Administration
Nursing Education
Medical or Surgical Nursing
Parental Nursing or Maternal and Child Health
Pediatric Nursing
Newborn Nursing
Psychiatric Nursing
Orthopedic Nursing
Public Health Nursing
Emergency and Trauma Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Critical Care Nursing
Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing
Nurse Anesthesia
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Family Nurse Practitioner
Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner
Nurse Midwife
Plans, Operations And Medical Intelligence
Management (Generic)
Manpower, Personnel, and Training Analysis
Education and Training Management
Computer Technology Systems Management
030309. Nurse Candidate Program (29002)
a. Program Authorization: 116C
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/141
030310. Judge Advocate General Corps Active and Reserve (2500)
a. Program Authorization: 111
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b. Service Agreement: Active: NAVCRUIT 1131/140
030311. Judge Advocate General Corps Reserve Student Program (1955)
a. Program Authorization: 209
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/136
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030401. Surface Warfare (11600)
a. Program Authorization: 100
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/101
030402. Surface Warfare - (Engineering Duty Officer) Option (11602)
a. Program Authorization: 101A
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/106
030403. Surface Warfare - (Information Professional) Option (11603)
a. Program Authorization: 108D
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/233
030404. Surface Warfare - (Oceanography) Option (11604)
a. Program Authorization: 108B
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/111
030405. Surface Warfare - (Information Warfare) Option (11605)
a. Program Authorization: 108C
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/236
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030406. Special Warfare (11800)
a. Program Authorization: 100D
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/102
030407. Special Operations Officer - EOD (11900)
a. Program Authorization: 100E
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/103
030408. Naval Flight Officer Candidate (NFO)(13700)
a. Program Authorization: 106
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/104
030409. Aviation Officer Candidate (AOC) Pilot or NFO Training (13900/13700)
a. Program Authorization: 106
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/105
030410. Aerial Vehicle Operator Officer Candidate (AVO) (73710) (13900)
a. Program Authorization: 106A
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/106
030411. Aerospace Engineering Duty (Aviation Maintenance) Officer (15200)
a. Program Authorization: 107
25 Jul 2023
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/107
030412. Special Duty (Public Affairs) Officer (16500)
a. Program Authorization: 103
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/110
030413. Special Duty (Oceanography) Officer (18000)
a. Program Authorization: 108B
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/235
030414. Special Duty (Cryptologic Warfare) Officer (18100)
a. Program Authorization: 108C
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/243
030415. Special Duty (Information Professional) Officer (18200)
a. Program Authorization: 108D
b. Service Agreement: 1131/239
030416. Special Duty (Intelligence) Officer (18300)
a. Program Authorization: 108A
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/108
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030417. Special Duty (Cyber Warfare Engineer) Officer (18400)
a. Program Authorization: 121
b. Service Agreement: 1131/242
030418. Supply Corps (31000)
a. Program Authorization: 102
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/112
030419. Civil Engineer Corps (51000)
a. Program Authorization: 104A
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/113
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030501. Pilot (1315) Naval Flight Officer (NFO)(1325)
a. Program Authorization: 206
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/240
030502. Special Warfare Officer (1135)
a. Program Authorization: 100D
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/150
030503. Special Operations Officer - EOD (1145)
a. Program Authorization: 100E
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/103
030504. Engineering Duty Officer (1465)
a. Program Authorization: 201A
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/151
030505. Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (1515)
a. Program Authorization: 232
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/152
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030506. Aviation Maintenance Duty Officer (1525)
a. Program Authorization: 207
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/153
030507. Special Duty Officer (Cryptologic Warfare) (1815)
a. Program Authorization: 108C
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/154
030508. Special Duty Officer (Strategic Sealift Officer) (1625, 1665, 1675, 1695)
a. Program Authorization: 221
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/155
030509. Special Duty Officer (Intelligence) (1835)
a. Program Authorization: 208A
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/154
030510. Special Duty Officer (Information Professional) (1825)
a. Program Authorization: 208D
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/154
030511. Special Duty Officer (Public Affairs) (1655)
a. Program Authorization: 203
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b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/157
030512. Special Duty Officer (Oceanography) (1805)
a. Program Authorization: 208B
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/235
030513. Supply Corps (DCO - 3165) and (NAVET - 3105)
a. Program Authorization: 202
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/159
030514. Civil Engineer Corps (5105)
a. Program Authorization: 204
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/160
030515. Human Resources (1205)
a. Program Authorization: 230
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/234
030516. Medical Corps (2105). Refer to section 3, paragraph 030305.
030517. Judge Advocate General Corps (2505) - (NAVETS Only). Refer to section 3,
paragraph 030311.
030518. Nurse Corps (2905). Refer to section 3, paragraph 030308.
030519. Medical Service Corps (2305). Refer to section 3, paragraph 030307.
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030520. Medical Corps (2205). Refer to section 3, paragraph 030306.
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030601. Chaplain Candidate (1945)
a. Program Authorization: 219
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/135
030602. Chaplain Corps (Active - 4100X)
a. Program Authorization: 110
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/142
030603. Chaplain Corps Reserve (4105X)
a. Program Authorization: 110
b. Service Agreement: NAVCRUIT 1131/166
25 Jul 2023
Chapter 4
040101. Introduction. This section provides general information for the processing and
selection of officer candidates.
040102. Responsibilities. As outlined in subparagraph 010303, the officer recruiter’s primary
responsibility is to prospect, recruit and assist with processing officer candidates. The officer
processor’s, and OPL’s primary responsibility is to process applicant kits. Officer recruiters are
responsible for tracking the progress of their applicants in PRIDE Mod II from time of entry
through final approval, attainment and shipping, or for reserves, drill verification entry. Once an
applicant makes the decision to move forward and desires to submit an application for an officer
program, that applicant and any documents obtained up to that point should be handed over from
the recruiter to the supporting officer processor. The officer processor will obtain any additional
documents needed from the applicant to complete the application, arrange for testing (as
needed), coordinate a visit to MEPS as needed through the recruiter, and then once the
application is complete and accurate, submit the application up the NAVTALACQGRU chain of
command for quality assurance checks and eventual submission to NAVCRUITCOM.
040103. Points of Contact. As codes tend to stay stable over time, and personnel and phone
numbers change frequently, it is difficult to maintain a manual with current contact information.
For current telephone numbers, refer to, select “Reference Library” tab, then
select “Phone Books.”
040104. Advertising and Contacting Prospects. Recruiters are prohibited from developing
their own advertising or printed materials (including letters for mailing, guidelines for prospects,
questionnaires, forms, etc.) without explicit prior approval from NAVCRUITCOM (N9).
040105. Submission Procedures
a. Refer to the most recent applicable program authorization (PA) which is available for
download at
b. NAVCRUIT checklist are available for download only via the Flank Speed Portal at
Navy Recruiting Checklists or via NAVCRUITCOM Records Manager.
040106. Quota Availability. The Chief of Naval Operations, Director of Accessions (N13),
will establish quota limitations within the various programs and advise NAVCRUITCOM of
these limitations via an annual goaling letter. Following current selection standards and within
current qualification criteria, sufficient selection flexibility will be maintained in order to fulfill
but not exceed the established quotas.
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040107. Board Member Recommendations. It is not required that the specific reasons for the
recommendations of staff members be recorded. The contents of officer and officer candidate
application packages will be made available within the guidelines set forth in
040108. Document Verification Reproduction Policy. BERs documents must be copied for
service records and residual files. The armed forces are authorized to copy documents used for
eligibility determinations, to include documents which state that it is unlawful to reproduce or
copying is not authorized. The copy(s) should be “CERTIFIED AS A TRUE COPY” to ensure
that the original was cited, and “ORIGINAL DOCUMENT SIGHTED AND REPRODUCED
signed in a conspicuous location. Originals should be immediately returned to the applicant for
040109. Withdrawal From Processing
a. If the applicant desires to withdraw from processing after the application has been
submitted to NAVCRUITCOM and before final selection status is determined, the OPO or
officer recruiter will require a signed statement from the applicant explaining their reason for
requesting withdrawal from further processing. The applicant's statement will be maintained in
the applicant's residual file.
b. If the applicant desires to decline the commission after selection, MILPERSMAN 1100-
030 requires the applicant to provide a signed statement explaining why they are declining. The
applicant will also sign the Oath and Acceptance of Office as declined. A copy of the applicant's
statement and a copy of the signed or declined Oath and Acceptance of Office will be uploaded
into PRIDE MOD II. Notification of the applicants decline will be routed through their chain of
command to the respective NAVCRUITCOM Program Manager. The commissioning
documents will be returned to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-804). The officer recruiter, OPO or
OACR will ensure the signed statement is uploaded in PRIDE Mod II.
c. NAVTALACQGRUs will use the steps listed in subparagraphs 040109c(1) through
040109c(7) when board results are released.
(1) The applicant will accept, decline, or defer the program they have been selected for
according to the board results with the selection memorandum (example 070223).
(2) Applicants will acknowledge the class they are scheduled for with their initials, and
the recruiter will verify the date of the class in accordance with PRIDE MOD II.
(3) Applicant will agree to notify recruiter of any changes in eligibility and availability to
attend class.
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(4) Applicants can only defer for a program they have rated higher on their Application
Processing and Summary Record (APSR).
(5) NAVTALACQGRUs will upload exhibit 7-1 Officer Candidate School Selection
Memorandum into the applicants PRIDE Mod II record within 30 days of the board results being
posted and notify their NAVCRUITRESCOM or NAVCRUITREG Officer Programs Officer
(ROPO) of any applicant that declines or defers the selection.
(6) If the declining applicant refuses or is unable to sign the selection memo, an email,
letter, text, or some form of notification that can be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II from the
applicant declining their selection is acceptable in lieu of the selection memo. If a declining
applicant provides a verbal declination or fails to respond to multiple attempts to notify, the
department head (or above) may sign the memo with applicable information noted.
(7) ROPOs will notify the N311 program manager and shipping officer immediately
when an applicant declines or defers their selection.
d. Guidelines for withdrawal of professional recommendation for failure to ship to OCS.
Professionally recommended OCS applicants are assigned OCS shipping dates with the
PROREC board results in order to increase shipping efficiency.
(1) Upon conclusion of an OCS PROREC board, NAVCRUITCOM Code N311 will
assign ship dates for all professionally recommended applicants based on the items listed in
subparagraphs 040109c(1)(a) through 040109c(1)(c).
(a) Application Processing and Summary Report OCS availability date.
(b) OCS class availability.
(c) Status of applicants security and medical screening.
(2) Publish a memorandum delineating the professionally recommended applicants OCS
dates. Upon receipt of the memorandum, NAVTALCQGRU personnel will contact all
applicants and inform them of the PROREC board results and of their assigned OCS class date,
and must provide all selection documentation for professionally recommended applicants within
30 days of receipt of the board results memorandum.
e. With concurrence from the respective OCM, a professional recommendation may be
withdrawn if adverse information is discovered after the professional recommendation has been
given at a professional recommendation board at the discretion of the respective division
director. Examples of why a professional recommendation may be withdrawn include, but are
not limited to: discovery that information in an application was falsified, withdrawal of
commanding officer endorsement while the board was in progress or results were being routed
for approval, and criminal action considered unacceptable by the respective community.
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040110. Guidance On Program Preferences and Selections
a. It is common for applicants seeking Navy commissions to apply to more than one
community and to prioritize their desires on the application for commission. Due to the
competitive nature of the application process, this practice is encouraged.
b. To ensure that selection practices are applied fairly to all applicants, the policies listed in
subparagraphs 040110a(1) through 040110a(6) are established.
(1) Applicants will be reviewed by professional recommendation boards for all
communities to which they apply, unless:
(a) The applicant is professionally recommended for their top preference on the first
board that convenes (applicant will be removed from consideration at other boards) or,
(b) The applicant makes written notification of a change to his or her preferences
prior to completion of all boards.
(2) NAVCRUITCOM will continue to post board results for each professional
recommendation board as they adjourn. Recruiters and applicants must understand that
professional recommendation board results do not constitute an offer of commission in that
community. Only a selection letter from NAVCRUITCOM is an offer for commissioning.
(3) Upon completion of all boards to which the applicant has applied, NAVCRUITCOM
will extend an offer of commissioning (select letter) in the highest community for which
professionally recommended, based on the applicants preferences as expressed on the
application for commission.
(4) Should an applicant desire to change their preferences during the board process, a
request must be forwarded from the NAVTALACQGRU’s or OPO to NAVCRUITCOM’s
National Officer Programs Officer (NOPO), via the Regional OPO, for coordination with the
program manager, communities, and board authority. Refer to Exhibit 4-1 Applicant Designator
(5) Requests for preference changes received after a board has convened will not be
reviewed until after that board has concluded. Preferences expressed in the application for
commission will apply to boards that have been convened or adjourned; the request for
preference change will only apply to boards which have yet to convene.
(6) Waivers to this policy may be considered after all boards have been convened and an
offer of commission has been made in the rare instance that an applicant has an earnest change of
preference. The NAVCRUITCOM N3 will have final authority over such waiver
determinations. Requests for a waiver must be submitted in writing and routed through the OPO,
NAVTALACQGRU CO, Region OPO, National OPO, and then to NAVCRUITCOM N3 for
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final determination. Waivers will be the exception, and will be balanced against the needs of the
040111. Final Selection Authority
a. Final selection authority for officer candidates and direct appointment programs has been
delegated to NAVCRUITCOM. In all cases, these selection decisions are based on the "whole-
person" concept, taking into consideration all elements of an individual's application. In each
case, recruiters must ensure that prospects and applicants understand that application submission
and pro-board recommendation does not constitute final selection nor guarantee final selection.
It is incumbent upon the recruiter to ensure that adequate, complete, and accurate information is
available to selection board officials to aid them in making an informed decision.
b. Immediate selection board criteria. OPNAVINST 1120.13B dictates that any officer
applicant that meets criteria for immediate selection will bypass the normal OCS Professional
Recommendation (PROREC) Board and be processed for immediate shipping.
NAVCRUITCOM N311 and NAVTALACQGRU personnel will follow the guidelines provided
for submission and processing of any candidate that meets the established criteria.
(1) The immediate selection board (ISB) is only established for aviation and surface
warfare officer (SWO) communities, and will be conducted as per subparagraphs 040111b(1)(a)
through 040111b(1)(g).
(a) NAVTALACQGRU personnel will forward any applicant meeting the criteria
listed in subparagraph 040111(b) to NAVCRUITCOM N311.
(b) On an as needed basis and when a sufficient number of applicants meeting the
criteria permits. NAVCRUITCOM N311 will announce in coordination with the respective
Officer Community Manager a convening date for an ISB.
(c) NAVCRUITCOM N311 and the OCM will review all eligible applicants for
immediate PROREC.
(d) Upon conclusion of the ISB, NAVCRUITCOM N311 will publish the results per
applicable policy.
(e) Upon receipt of the results NAVTALACQGRU personnel will prepare the
selected applicants for immediate shipping to OCS within 90 days.
(f) Any applicant not selected at the ISB will be forwarded to the next OCS PROREC
(g) All other processes and requirements for applicant and shipping remain
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(2) The criteria listed in subparagraphs 040111b(2)(a) through 040111b(2)(d) are
established for the ISB.
(a) Must be able to ship within 60 days of selection.
(b) No waivers or exception to policy considered (drug use, police record, etc.).
(c) Aviation specific requirements; GPA 2.5, ASTB scores of AQR 7, PFAR 7,
(d) SWO specific requirements; GPA 3.4, OAR 52, SWO is the first and only
designator choice. Designator requirement is waived with a flag letter of recommendation or
(3) The Pilot and Naval Flight Officer ISB will be a combined board.
c. Waiver Authority. Waiver authority resides with NAVCRUITCOM or higher authority
for officer applicants.
d. Waiver Procedures. Unless requesting a medical waiver, requests for waiver
consideration of an eligibility requirement or program qualification and requests for
determination of suitability for enlistment or commissioning will be sent to NAVCRUITCOM.
The CO’s endorsement of request for a waiver is mandatory in this process.
e. Processing Applicants selected as Alternates for Accession. per OPNAVINST 1120.13
(series), with the exception of SEAL, JAG, and NUPOC applicants, NAVCRUITCOM will
process for attainment applicants selected as alternates by professional review or
recommendation boards. NAVCRUITCOM will utilize alternates as needed within a current
fiscal year (FY) to attain assigned accession goals. If not needed during the current FY,
alternates may be rolled-over into the next FY and processed for accession or attainment unless
withdrawn from continued processing due to performance, academic, or behavior-related issues.
per OPNAVINST 1120.13 (series), neither NAVCRUITCOM nor individual communities have
the authority to remove a community’s professional recommendation, even if selected as an
alternate, once awarded simply because an applicant crosses FY boundaries. NAVCRUITCOM
may process alternates for eventual accession, affiliation, commissioning and shipping, if not
within the current FY, then for the next FY based on assigned accession goals.
040112. Field Rejection Authority
a. Officer recruiters will review and examine the facts surrounding a prospect's application
and background to determine whether they are suitable for appointment in the United States
Navy. Proper evaluation of all information obtained will eliminate individuals who are definite
risks with regard to physical issues (courtesy reviews), future performance, and those who may
eventually bring discredit to the Navy. Nothing in this manual is meant to preclude rejection of a
25 Jul 2023
prospect for enlistment or appointment by recruiting personnel acting within the bounds of good
judgment if it is determined the prospect is not desirable for commissioned service. A rejection
letter is not required.
b. Field rejection based on a qualitative judgment of professional experience is not
permitted in the case of prospects for the Medical, Dental, Nurse, Medical Service, Judge
Advocate General and Chaplain Corps. Furthermore, the recommendation of suitability or non-
suitability reflected on the summary sheet must reflect a whole-person evaluation of the
applicant, regardless of professional standing.
c. For additional guidance on reasons for possible field rejection, refer to paragraph 021005
for automatic rejections and legal, civil, and criminal issues, paragraph 020106 for information
concerning marginally qualified prospects, and paragraph 020812 for applicants who receive an
N33 determination of “further processing not warranted.”
040113. Records Maintenance. This paragraph is per SECNAVINST M5210.1 SSIC 1130.
The OPO will ensure compliance.
a. Recruiting Operations Records. These are files, either electronic or paper, related to the
recruiting of officer and enlisted personnel to include documents on local administration of
recruiting programs, recruiting reports not specifically authorized for other disposition, and
correspondence with civilian communities or organizations or with other activities or offices.
Destroy two years from accession, attainment, non-selection or withdrawal.
b. Officer Recruiting Records. Withdrawn or rejected applications for commission. These
files include those of individuals found disqualified by the local recruiting officer, and those
forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM for final action and rejection, and related correspondence and
(1) Return to Applicants. Birth certificates, transcripts of college credit, letters of
endorsement, and other material of value to the applicant.
Note: Letters of endorsement are distinctly different from letters of reference.
Letters of endorsement are generally offered to the applicant for inclusion in
their application. They are not required to be submitted directly to the Navy
nor do non-disclosure rights apply, unlike letters of reference.
(2) Destroy all other documents, either electronic or paper, after final determination is
c. Correspondence with individual applicants for commissions, prospective applicants, and
other interested individuals (filed alphabetically by name). Destroy two years from date of
accession, attainment, non-selection or withdrawal.
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d. Requests for Information. Any requests for any information held in the electronic or
paper residual file by anyone other than NAVCRUITCOM will be forwarded to the appropriate
program manager for review and action.
040114. Authorization and Guidance on Records Destruction
a. All records, electronic or paper, will be approved by the OPO prior to destruction.
Destruction of files will be by deletion, breaking of the CD-ROM, burning or shredding. The
Residual File Checklist will be used after final disposition of an application has been determined
to purge the record of unnecessary documents. The Residual File Checklist will be maintained in
the Dead File and destroyed when two years old.
b. Electronic Records. Status of applications and their dispositions at NAVCRUITCOM
will be maintained in PRIDE Mod II.
c. Third Party Information. Third party information, (i.e., any written, personal opinions
expressed about the applicant, to include references and police checks) will be destroyed at time
of withdrawal, rejection, enlistment or commissioning, declination, or at the 12 month mark from
the date of the applicant's first submission or, if applicable, resubmission.
Note: Summaries, interviews, fitness reports (fitreps) and evaluations are not third
party information. Summaries and interviews, however, will not be shared
with applicants.
040115. Recruiting Residual File Requirements. Affiliation and direct appointment residual
files will be maintained for two years from the attainment date of orders for all personnel
25 Jul 2023
From: CO, __________________
To: Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (N31)
Via: Commander, Navy Recruiting Region _____ or
Commander, Navy Recruiting Reserve Command
(b) NAVCRUIT 1131/238 Application Processing and Summary Record
(c) NAVCRUITCOM OPO Policy Memo dated 6 Nov 07
Encl: (1) Applicant request for change to designator preference order.
1. Per references (a) thru (c), enclosure (1) is forwarded. Request change designator preference
for OCS candidate (FIRST, MI, LAST) as indicated in subparagraphs 1a through 1c:
a. Choice 1: 11600
b. Choice 2: 31000
c. Choice 3: 51000
2. NAVTALACQGRU CO comments. (Please include why your applicant should be
considered for designator change. Please be specific on your request).
Exhibit 4-1. Applicant Designator Change Request
25 Jul 2023
040201. Control of Testing Material
a. NAVTALACQGRU CO may designate one officer to be the TCO for the
NAVTALACQGRU vice having a separate TCO for enlisted and officer programs.
Additionally, one or more officers may be designated as an ATCO for the NAVTALACQGRU,
responsible for both enlisted and officer testing. If a TCO or ATCO is designated to be
responsible for enlisted and officer testing, their designation letter must reference the
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2 (Navy Recruiting Manual Officer) and
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1130.8 (Navy Recruiting Manual Enlisted). All personnel
authorized to administer and monitor aptitude and screening tests must be thoroughly
knowledgeable of, and adhere to, correct test procedures and security measures to ensure test
results provide a reliable measure of applicants’ abilities.
b. TCOs and ATCOs must be commissioned officers. One or more ATCOs may be
designated to assist and be directly accountable to the TCO. TCOs are responsible to:
(1) Establish and maintain adequate test security provisions.
(2) Requisition, store, issue, safeguard and account for all officer programs testing
materials within the NAVTALACQGRU.
(3) Ensure compliance with security and handling regulations at outlying recruiting
offices prior to recommending that the NAVTALACQGRU CO authorize sub-custody of testing
(4) Ensure all sub-custodians and test administrators are thoroughly familiar with security
and handling regulations prior to recommending their appointment by the NAVTALACQGRU
CO as custodians and or test administrators.
(5) Be thoroughly familiar with the references for administration, handling,
accountability, scoring, and safeguards of the Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB).
(6) Conduct quarterly inventory of all testing materials, APEX Login ID’s and
password’s by sub-custody. This inventory will be documented in the Test Control Log. This
inventory meets the requirements of the sub-custodian monthly inventory and page checks.
(7) Conduct an inventory of all testing materials prior to any changes in custodians. This
inventory will be documented in the Test Control Log.
(8) Conduct an additional inventory of all testing materials at any time a suspected
compromise of the security container may have occurred. This inventory will be documented in
the Test Control Log.
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c. Sub-Custodian Responsibilities. The sub-custodian will:
(1) Maintain adequate test security provisions, and provide for the storage, issuance,
safeguarding and accounting of all officer programs testing materials assigned to that
(2) Conduct monthly inventory of all testing materials, APEX Login ID’s and password’s
assigned by sub-custody. This inventory will be documented in the Test Control Log.
(3) Be thoroughly familiar with the references for administration, handling,
accountability, and safeguards of the ASTB.
040202. Aviation Selection Test Battery
a. Testing Overview. The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Aviation Selection Test Battery
(ASTB) consists of seven sections: the Math Skills Test (MST), Reading Comprehension Test
(RCT), Mechanical Comprehension Test (MCT), Aviation and Nautical Information Test
(ANIT), the Naval Aviation Trait Facet Inventory (NATFI), the Performance-Based Measures
(PBM) battery, and the Biographical Inventory with Response Verification (BI-RV).
(1) Six score components are derived from weighted combinations of these sections: the
Academic Qualifications Rating (AQR), Pilot Flight Aptitude Rating (PFAR), Pilot Aviation Fit
(PAF), Flight Officer Flight Aptitude Rating (FOFAR), Flight Officer Aviation Fit (FOAF), and
Officer Aptitude Rating (OAR).
(2) The ASTB was developed using industry standard scientific methods to predict the
success of students in aviation officer training programs and is also used to predict the success of
applicants for service as military officers in general. The Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard
use the complete test battery as a primary selection instrument for aviation programs. The OAR
score, derived from the MST, RCT, and MCT only, is used to determine officer suitability for
non-aviation programs.
(3) The ASTB is available online through the Automated Pilot Examination (APEX)
secure Web-based testing platform. The ANIT, NATFI, and PBM must be taken online using
the APEX platform at an authorized ASTB examination site. Administration of the PBM
requires the use of an approved Hands on Throttle and Stick (HOTAS) set, which currently
includes the Cougar HOTAS and Saitek HOTAS. The BI-RV may be taken on any web-enabled
computer. This may, but is not required to be an APEX-equipped workstation. AQR, PFAR,
and FOFAR scores will not be generated until all ASTB subtests have been completed.
Examinees who complete the OAR portion of the ASTB and need a full set of ASTB scores must
merge their test into a full ASTB within 90 days of the completion of the OAR portion of the test
battery. A completed test merge counts as a single ASTB attempt for the purposes of lifetime
administration limits.
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(4) All applicants for AC GENOFF programs, including CEC, are required to complete
the OAR portion of the ASTB and obtain a minimum score of 35 in order to qualify for kit
submission. (Note: Nuclear power officer, chaplain and JAG applicants are exempt from this
requirement and are therefore not required to complete the OAR portion).
(5) All aviation applicants (pilot (1390) and naval flight officer (1370)) are required to
take the full and complete ASTB, including all sections.
b. ASTB Retest Policy
(1) For the purposes of this section, retest means to test a person for a second time with
either a portion or complete ASTB examination. A lifetime limit of three ASTB administrations
is mandated for the current version of the ASTB. The ASTB administered online via APEX is
delivered in computer-adaptive format, presenting a different combination of items to examinees
on each administration. The adaptive ASTB may be used for any number of an examinee’s three
permitted attempts.
(2) The first retest will occur only after 30 full calendar days have elapsed between the
date of the completion of the first full ASTB administration, and the start date of the retest. Do
not retest before the 31st day.
(3) A second (and final) retest is authorized no earlier than 30 days from the completion
of the first retest (testing to occur no earlier than the 31st day). A lifetime limit of three ASTB
administrations is mandated, a third retest is prohibited.
(4) Applicants who have taken the entire test and who are being retested must take the
entire test battery again even though they may be satisfied with their performance on certain
sections. An applicant’s official scores are derived from his or her most recent legal test, even if
scores were higher on a previous attempt. Examinees may not mix-and-match scores from
various attempts.
(5) In order to determine retest or form eligibility, the examiner must query the
examinee’s test history, either via APEX or by contacting the NMOTC (Code 341) before testing
the individual. In cases where an applicant is given a non-adaptive test form he or she has
already taken, or retests too early, the illegal administration will fail to generate valid scores, but
will still be counted against the his or her lifetime retest opportunities.
c. ASTB Use. The Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard use the ASTB as a primary
selection instrument for aviation candidates and the OAR (derived from the MST, RCT, and
MCT only) for selecting non-aviation officer candidates.
d. ASTB Administration. NMOTC (Code 341) generates all procedures governing the
administration, handling, accountability, scoring and safeguards for the ASTB.
25 Jul 2023
(1) All personnel responsible for ASTB test administration and custody will have read
and be thoroughly familiar with the references for administration, handling, accountability, and
safeguards of the ASTB. These references can be obtained from NMOTC (Code 341) at
commercial 850-452-2435, DSN 459-2435, or e-mail ([email protected]). The
reference for this procedure is the Examiner’s Manual for The United States Navy and Marine
Corps Aviation Selection Test Battery, APEX Platform Version 4.0 (NMOTC P-5098C Part I,
Note: Examiners utilizing APEX should reference (a), while examiners
administering paper forms should reference (b).
(2) Handling of all testing materials, completed answer sheets, APEX Login ID and
passwords will be limited to personnel designated in writing on official letterhead using Exhibit
4-2 Test Control Officer Designation Letter, Exhibit 4-3 Officer Programs Test Administrator
Designation Letter, or Exhibit 4-4 Aviation Selection Test Battery Material Sub-Custody Letter.
Personnel authorized custody or sub-custody use of APEX by their NAVTALACQGRU
commanding officer should register for an APEX account at, then follow the listed steps to download and install
the APEX platform. In most cases, computer admin privileges will be required to download and
install APEX. Individuals who do not have sufficient privileges must contact their local IT
departments for assistance.
e. ASTB Accountability. Those activities authorized by NMOTC to hold and administer
testing materials have certain specific responsibilities. Any designated individual accepting
custody of the testing materials specifically accepts the responsibility for the items listed in
subparagraphs 040202e(1) through 040202e(4).
(1) Security. APEX Login ID’s and passwords are classified "CONTROLLED
UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION." These materials will be handled in all respects as to
access, transmission, use, stowage, and control of dissemination per current security instructions.
(2) Maintenance of an adequate supply of testing materials and mailing materials.
(3) Exact conformity to the procedures outlined herein, per paragraph 040201.
f. Sub-Custody of ASTB
(1) Activities authorized sub-custody of APEX accounts other than the
NAVTALACQGRU will be designated in writing by the NAVTALACQGRU commanding
officer only after the TCO has verified the adequacy of security provisions, testing facilities, and
test administration personnel.
(2) Sub-custody of ASTB testing materials to non-recruiting activities, including ROTC
units, is prohibited. These activities will request ASTB testing materials through NMOTC.
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g. Applicant Counseling Limitations
(1) Officer programs recruiting, processing, and testing personnel are prohibited from
disclosing any information concerning the tests other than a general overview. No specific
information about the test (e.g., test questions) may be given.
(2) Recruiters may advise applicants to review standard study guides for military officer
candidate programs, which are available in most libraries and commercial bookstores.
h. Loss or Compromise of the ASTB
(1) Upon discovery of loss or compromise of ASTB materials or APEX Login IDs or
passwords at recruiting command activities, NAVTALACQGRU personnel will immediately
contact NMOTC (Code 341), commercial (850) 452-2435, or DSN 459-2435, and
(2) Commanding officers will direct an investigation of the circumstances surrounding
the loss or compromise of testing material, and upon completion, provide a report to
NAVCRUITCOM N311 and 00IG via the appropriate chain of command.
25 Jul 2023
Ser __ / _____
From: Commanding Officer, Navy Talent Acquisition Group _____________
To: __________________________
(b) NMOTC P-5098C (2004), Examiner’s Manual for The United States Navy and
Marine Corps Aviation Selection Tests
(c) NMOTC P-5098C Part II (2004), APEX.NET Version 1.1 Examiner’s Guide
1. Per the provisions of references (a) through (c), you are hereby designated as the Officer
Programs Test Control Officer for Navy Talent Acquisition Group _________________.
2. You are directed to familiarize yourself with the provisions of references (a) through (c)
regarding all aspects of test accountability, security, custody, handling, administration and
Commanding Officer
Copy to:
Service Record
Exhibit 4-2. Test Control Officer Designation Letter
25 Jul 2023
Ser __ /___
From: Commanding Officer, Navy Talent Acquisition Group ___________
To: ______________________________________
(b) NMOTC P-5098C (2004), Examiner’s Manual for The United States Navy and
Marine Corps Aviation Selection Tests
(c) NMOTC P-5098C Part II (2004), APEX.NET Version 1.1 Examiner’s Guide
1. Per the provisions of reference (a) through (c), you are authorized to administer the Aviation
Selection Test Battery (ASTB) for Navy Talent Acquisition Group ______________.
2. You are directed to familiarize yourself with the provisions of references (a) through (c)
regarding all aspects of test accountability, security, custody, handling, administration and
testing. You are responsible to the test control officer for the proper administration of the ASTB.
Commanding Officer
Copy to:
Service Record
Exhibit 4-3. Officer Programs Test Administrator Designation Letter
25 Jul 2023
Ser __ / ___
From: Commanding Officer, ____________________________________
To: ______________________________________________________
(b) NMOTC P-5098C (2004), Examiner’s Manual for The United States Navy and
Marine Corps Aviation Selection Tests
(c) NMOTC P-5098C Part II (2004), APEX.NET Version 1.1 Examiner’s Guide
1. Per the provisions of references (a) through (c), you are authorized sub-custody of the
following testing materials.
(List testing materials here)
2. You are directed to familiarize yourself with the provisions of references (a) through (c)
regarding all aspects of test accountability, security, custody, handling, administration and
testing. You are responsible to the test control officer for the proper administration and security
of the test material.
Commanding Officer
______________________________________ ____________
Signature Date
Exhibit 4-4. Aviation Selection Test Battery Material Sub-Custody Letter
25 Jul 2023
040301. Introduction. This section provides specific guidance for preparing officer program
applications for active duty, direct commission, and student programs.
a. For clarification and ease of understanding, for this chapter, officer recruiter refers to
officer recruiter. Officer processor refers to the NAVTALACQGRU or station processor and
includes the OPL when acting as a processor and not the lead. OPL refers to the OPL acting as
the processing lead. The NAVCRUITCOM processor is referred to as such.
b. Active duty accessions are also referred to as direct accessions (DA). DCOs are
primarily non-prior service staff corps and unrestricted line officers affiliating in certain reserve
programs. Students may be currently attending schools or have acceptance letters and be
applying for student programs.
040302. Initial Processing
a. During the initial interviewing process, the officer recruiter will have the lead or contact
read, sign, and date the NAVCRUIT 5211/1 Disclosure of Social Security Number and DD Form
2645 Voter Registration Information. If initial contact is via phone, the officer recruiter will read
the Privacy Act Statement to the lead or contact.
b. Once a contact pursues an opportunity in the Navy or Navy Reserve, he or she may
download or receive application forms by email or fax. These forms will be completed and
uploaded into PRIDE Mod II using the proper protocol and standardized responses. Faxing of
documents is highly discouraged as re-faxing deteriorates document legibility. Overnight
delivery services at Navy expense are not authorized.
c. The officer recruiter interviews and blueprints the contact for program suitability and
medical qualification. Keep in mind the goal is selling the Navy, not a particular program. The
contact may not be selected for his or her program of choice, yet can still be an accession for
another program.
d. The officer recruiter will brief all prospects interested in applying for a commission in the
United States Navy as to the hardships encountered in serving in the Navy, e.g., possible family
separation, etc.
e. The officer recruiter will ensure that the contact completes all applicable items and signs
the NAVCRUIT 1131/15 Officer Candidate Commitment to Success and NAVPERS 1070/613
Administrative Remarks - Accommodation of Religious Practices prior to submitting the
prospect's application to NAVCRUITCOM.
25 Jul 2023
f. The officer recruiter checks the applicable program authorization to verify the contact’s
eligibility for program(s) of choice and ensures open goal. The OR ensures open goal by
consulting with his or her assigned goals, CR, OPO, or by referencing the National Officer
Programs Officer Report available on the Navy Recruiting Command Quarterdeck under N3
g. The officer recruiter prints the checklist for applicable program.
h. Determine if contact is qualified.
(1) If qualified and a goal is assigned, or the community is making selections for the next
fiscal year, the officer recruiter, officer processor, or OPL briefs the prospect on the application
process and provides him or her the application paperwork, as well as a copy of the checklist,
highlighting those items he or she needs to provide or complete. The officer recruiter will ensure
that the prospect is advised of the items listed in subparagraphs 040302h(1)(a) through
(a) Have the candidate read and sign the DD Form 2983 Recruit/Trainee Prohibited
Activities Acknowledgment Form per DODI 1304.33.
(b) The contents of the applicable service agreement.
(c) The type and duration of training to be received, including physical fitness
assessment (PFA) requirements at OCS and ODS.
(d) That after processing and approval, the application will be forwarded to
NAVCRUITCOM for final action.
(e) That written notification to the NAVTALACQGRU is required for withdrawal of
an application or declination of selection, stating the reasons for the request.
(f) That marginal applicants should be prepared for possible rejection.
(2) If the prospect is not qualified per the basic eligibility requirements (BERs) or PA, do
not process. The prospect should be referred to the OPO or, if application is in process, a Field
Review Board for possible field rejection.
(3) Screen applicant for medical qualification, asking questions that will identify potential
disqualifying conditions, such as asthma, allergies, ADD, medication history, or past surgeries.
i. The officer recruiter or officer processor provides NASIS access for the prospect so he or
she can complete the SF-86 at his or her convenience. Once SF-86 is completed, the officer
processor will check for accuracy and, when required in the application process, submit with
fingerprints to OPM. For details on NASIS, refer to section 8 of this chapter.
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j. The officer processor OP or OPL starts a file on the prospect for tracking items submitted
by the applicant for application.
k. The officer processor or OPL works with the prospect to complete all items on the
applicable checklist.
l. For medical and chaplain programs only, once the prospect begins the application
process, the officer processor or OPL submits NAVCRUIT 1131/67 Prescreening For Officer
Development School (ODS) Applicants to OPO, who submits to NAVCRUITCOM PM for
scroll submission. All others will be submitted for scroll by the NAVCRUITCOM PM after
“RECPRO Y.” For details on the scroll process, refer to paragraph 040805 of this chapter.
040303. Checklist Items to Request Early
a. Recommend the officer processor request or complete these items (as required) early in
the process due to lengthy turn-around time. Work these concurrently with the application
b. All prospects must complete the DD Form 2807-2 Accessions Medical History Report
and MEPCOM Form 680.
(1) If no issues are indicated on the Medical Prescreen Form, schedule a physical for the
applicant at MEPS.
(2) If issues are indicated on the pre-screen, send both the 2807-2 and the 680 to the
MEPS and the physician will determine if he or she will need additional information and will
notify the NAVTALACQGRU, and the prospect will need to supply the requested documents. If
MEPS indicates no additional information is needed, schedule the physical.
(3) If MEPS determines the prospect should not receive a physical (“floors them”), send
all MEDDOCS to NAVCRUITCOM N33 via WEBWAVE for a courtesy review.
(4) In a courtesy review, NAVCRUITCOM N33 will determine either:
(a) “warranted,” in which case you will schedule a physical, or
(b) “not warranted,” meaning they have incomplete information or applicant is likely
to be NPQ’d.
(5) NUPOC prospects should have physicals scheduled as soon as possible so they have
N33 letter at time of interview.
(a) Refer to paragraph 040304 for more detailed information.
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(b) DD Form 369 Police Record Check, as required.
(c) Request prospect’s prior service record (as required).
(d) DD Form 368 Request for Conditional Release (if required).
(e) Tattoo Screening Certificate.
(f) Security Investigation form - page 13.
(g) For students only: Degree completion plan as required.
(h) For OCS and cyber warfare engineer prospects only: Administer ASTB exam.
Once scored, recheck PA for eligibility.
(i) For all medical provider applicants with a full unrestricted license (as listed in
subparagraph 070502c): Credentialing package must be completed and verified prior to kit
going to the Professional Review Board. For all medical provider applicants with a restricted
license (training status): Credentialing package must be submitted prior to kit going to the
Professional Review Board. (refer to subparagraph 070502c).
(j) For chaplains only: Ecclesiastical Endorsement (Refer to chapter 7, section 4).
(k) For NUPOC only: Three letters of recommendation are highly encouraged (with
at least one from an academic professional).
040304. Medical Processing
a. The applicants listed in subparagraphs 040304a(1) and 040304a(2) require a
NAVCRUITCOM N33 letter of physical qualification be submitted with the application;
therefore, kit and medical processing can be completed concurrently.
(1) Active Duty Programs: Pilot, NFO, medical, chaplain, SEAL, SWO, EOD, IW, SWO
IP, IP, SWO IW, intel and supply; as well as 1 and 2 year NCP programs.
(2) Reserve DCO Programs: All DCO programs.
b. NUPOC and NAVET applicants must have their physicals uploaded into WEBWAVE at
the time of kit submission.
c. All other OCS and JAG applicants must have their N33 letter uploaded into PRIDE Mod
II within 60 days of PROREC “Y” or prior to submission to receive application goaling credit.
25 Jul 2023
d. Once the physical is completed at MEPS, the MEDDOCS are forwarded to the
NAVCRUITCOM N33 medical advisor via WEBWAVE for physical determination. The
determinations are listed in subparagraphs 040304d(1) through 040304d(4).
(1) Physically Qualified (PQ)
(2) Not Physically Qualified (NPQ). If the applicant is found NPQ, he or she will be
field rejected.
(3) Temporarily Not Physically Qualified (TNPQ). For TNPQ applicants,
NAVCRUITCOM N33 works directly with the NAVTALACQGRU processor through
WEBWAVE. The NAVTALACQGRU has 60 days to submit the requested information. After
60 days, the record will be forwarded to the appropriate NAVCRUITCOM division officer
recommending non-selection due to inactivity. Refer to paragraph 040308 to request
reconsideration of an application de-selected due to inactivity through the receipt of an inactivity
(4) Physically Qualified Waiver (PQW)
e. Once N33 makes a physical determination (PQ, NPQ, TNPQ, PQW), the OP uploads the
N33 letter of physical determination into PRIDE Mod II.
f. Incomplete applications after PQ and “RECPRO Y”
(1) After a PQ, if an application is incomplete, the NAVTALACQGRU has 60 days in
which to submit the necessary information for a complete and accurate application.
(2) Applications incomplete after 60 days will be forwarded to the appropriate
NAVCRUITCOM division officer recommending non-selection due to inactivity. Refer to
paragraph 040308 to request reconsideration of an application de-selected due to inactivity
through the receipt of an inactivity letter.
040305. Kit Submission
a. The officer recruiter and officer processor will review the kit using the appropriate officer
application checklist. Prior to submitting the kit, the officer recruiter and officer processor (or
personnel with “by direction” authority) will sign and date the appropriate checklist.
b. Officer Processor submits the NAVCRUIT 1131/238, current SF 86, and required forms
per the checklist and uploads into PRIDE Mod II. Include completed checklist.
(1) Upload in batches as grouped on checklist (for medical program applicants, include
25 Jul 2023
(2) Name the file as indicated in subparagraph 040305b(2). Name of section on
checklist-applicant last name first initial (with NO comma!) applicant’s SSN last 4 digits - date
Example: App-SmithJ-1234-2010JAN01
(3) “Next action” NAVTALACQGRU OPL
c. OPL validates kit for completeness and checks for any errors.
(1) If the kit is incomplete or contains errors, the OPL will “next action” the officer
processor to correct errors and or complete kit. Once the kit is complete and error-free, the OP
will “next action” the OPL for revalidation. This continues until the kit is complete and accurate.
(2) If the kit is complete and error-free, the OPL forwards it to the NAVTALACQGRU
OPO for validation. Both the OPL and the OPO sign as required, the kit is scanned and uploaded
into PRIDE Mod II.
(3) The completed signed checklists will be submitted to the appropriate
NAVCRUITCOM processor with the kit and a copy is maintained with the applicant's electronic
or paper residual file at the NAVTALACQGRU.
(4) For medical programs applicants, applications will not be forwarded to the
Professional Review Board until Centralized Credentialing and Privileging Department (CCPD)
review (if required) is complete.
(5) Except when required for the program or if the NAVCRUITCOM PM specifically
requests it, the N33 letter will not be submitted to NAVCRUITCOM prior to an applicant’s
PRIDE Mod II record indicating a “RECPRO Y.”
d. Once the application is received at NAVCRUITCOM, the NAVCRUITCOM processor
(1) Review the application for completion and accuracy.
(2) If the application is determined incomplete, notify the NAVTALACQGRU via
PRIDE Mod II with a list of missing items and or required actions.
(3) Applications are considered as being complete and accurate when they contain all
documents required by the application checklist for a specific program which enables a
community to confer a recommendation of “Select” or “Non-Select” to NAVCRUITCOM.
Complete and accurate applications are required to be “next actioned” to the NAVCRUITCOM
processor by 2359 (local time based on district location) of the published application due date to
be accepted and processed for board. Complete and accurate applications submitted by a
25 Jul 2023
NAVTALACQGRU after 2359(L) of the published kit due date will be passed to the applicable
program manager who will PRO-X the application and return the application to the
NAVTALACQGRU. Applications on hand at NAVCRUITCOM deemed as being incomplete as
of 2359(L) of the published application due date will also be PRO-X by the applicable program
manager and returned to the NAVTALACQGRU.
e. If PRIDE Mod II is not updated within 72 hours or three business days after an
application has been forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM, the NAVTALACQGRU should call the
NAVCRUITCOM processor for verification of receipt.
f. Fails to meet BERs. When applications are determined not to meet BERs, the
NAVCRUITCOM processor will return the electronic record to the recruiter.
g. Once a complete and accurate kit is received by the NAVCRUITCOM processor, it will
be sent via “next action” to the appropriate NAVCRUITCOM program manager. A complete kit
contains all documents required by the application checklist for a specific program which
enables a community to confer a recommendation of “select” or “non-select” to
h. Once the complete kit has reached the appropriate program manager, the selection
process is initiated. Refer to paragraph 040307.
040306. Selection Criteria
a. In determining which applicants are to be selected, due consideration will be given to the
overall qualifications of the individual, with the objective of selection of candidates who best
exemplify the standards of moral, mental and physical fitness required of a Navy officer.
b. The information listed in subparagraphs 040306b(1) through 040306b(9) at a minimum
will be considered in the selection of applicants, particularly for officer candidate programs
leading to active duty.
(1) Collegiate Record. College scholastic record based on the quality of the educational
institution attended, the academic curriculum completed, grade point average (GPA) and class
standing attained. For minimum GPA requirements, refer to the applicable program
authorization and current COMNAVCRUITCOM notices and or instructions.
(2) Test Scores. Written qualification test score(s) including but not limited to OAR and
ASTB (when required). For minimum test score requirements, refer to the applicable program
authorization and current COMNAVCRUITCOM notices and or instructions.
(3) Work Experience. Previous work experience as determined by employment history
and employer references which must be validated with prior service information and or
curriculum vitae (CV).
25 Jul 2023
(4) Extracurricular Activities. Positions of leadership and responsibility that may have
been held in academic, athletic or civic organizations.
(5) Letters of Recommendation. Personal and employer input on past performance,
moral character, special qualifications and experiences.
(6) Qualities of Citizenship. Honor and trust as determined through investigative
summaries and by the specific program requirements.
(7) Prior Service. Previous military records and or records of a previously attended
military service academy or officer training program per applicable checklists and program
authorizations. Thorough attention will be paid to the reasons surrounding disenrollment on the
part of any applicant who was previously enrolled in any program leading to commissioning as
an officer in the U.S. Armed Forces, considering especially the recommendations of former COs,
academy officials, etc., regarding the applicant's potential as an officer candidate or Navy officer.
(8) Recruiting Personnel Recommendations. The APSR and recommendations of the
field recruiting activity staff (CO, XO, OPO officer recruiter and or officer processor or OPL) or
chain of command (if applicant is military) are required.
(9) Physical Qualifications. The applicant's physical qualifications will be a determining
factor in the final selection status of an applicant, but will not normally be a determining factor in
the recommendations of the Pro-Board. If a waiver of physical standards is required for
commissioning, it will be granted by NAVCRUITCOM N33 based on the needs of the naval
service in the particular category for which application is being made.
040307. Selection Procedures
a. Initial Screen. A review of the kit will be conducted to determine if the applicant is
qualified per subparagraphs 040307a(1) through 040307a(3).
(1) The program manager for the program under which the application has been made,
will conduct a careful study of the entire application and or the military record of the individual
concerned and make a determination as to whether the applicant is qualified for the program to
which they are applying.
(2) If the applicant meets BERs, program authorization requirements, and any other
criteria that may have been directed by the professional recommendation board (Pro-Board), the
application will be sent to the applicable Pro-Board.
(3) If the program manager determines the applicant does not meet BERs, the application
will be sent to the appropriate NAVCRUITCOM director for confirmation and final non-
selection. Ideally, applicants who do not meet BERs or program authorization requirements
should not reach NAVCRUITCOM; they should be field rejected or referred to the appropriate
25 Jul 2023
b. Pro-Board. All applications passing initial screening will be reviewed by a Pro-Board
conducted either by the applicable officer community manager or NAVCRUITCOM.
(1) Pro-Boards conducted by the officer community managers and senior professionals in
the specialty applied for will be conducted per their own guidelines.
(2) Questionable cases will be referred to the appropriate NAVCRUITCOM director for
resolution and, as necessary, may forward to NAVCRUITCOM N31 for final decision.
(3) The Pro-Board will consider the application based on the factors discussed in the
selection criteria in paragraph 040306 and will make a professional yes or no recommendation.
Receipt of a professional recommendation does not guarantee final selection. Information
included in medical documents or Defense Information System for Security (DISS) could reveal
that the applicant is not qualified for enlistment or commissioning.
c. Once a professional recommendation is received, a “RECPRO Y or N” will be entered
into the applicant’s PRIDE Mod II record.
d. Upon “RECPRO Y” for AC and RC programs that did not already have a N33 PQ and
DISS previously submitted, the NAVTALACQGRU (NAVCRUITCOM for fleet applicants)
(1) Initiate DISS (if not already initiated), and obtain DISS with one of the following
favorable dispositions: scheduled, opened, closed or adjudicated.
(2) Complete physical and submit to N33 via WEBWAVE.
e. Upon receipt of N33 “PQ” letter and favorable DISS letter, these documents will be
uploaded to NAVCRUITCOM within 30 days.
f. Upon “RECPRO N," the application will be sent to the appropriate NAVCRUITCOM
director for final determination. If applicants are requesting consideration for more than one
officer designator, the application will not be sent for final determination until Pro-Board results
have been made for all requested designators.
g. Final Selection or Non-Selection. Receipt of a professional recommendation does not
guarantee final selection. Goals may not be available or information included in the application
could reveal characteristics about an applicant that are inconsistent with final selection. These
include applicants who are:
(1) Not physically qualified (NPQ) for commissioning.
(2) Not best qualified (NBQ) for commissioning.
25 Jul 2023
(3) In receipt of final adjudication of security clearance stating the member is ineligible
for a clearance.
(4) Not eligible for age waiver.
(5) Qualified but no quota (QNQ) available for commissioning.
h. Once applicant is professionally recommended
(1) The NAVTALACQGRU has 60 days to submit all required information to complete
the kit.
(2) Kits incomplete after 60 days will be forwarded to the appropriate NAVCRUITCOM
division officer recommending non-selection due to inactivity. Refer to paragraph 040308 to
request reconsideration of an application de-selected due to inactivity through the receipt of an
inactivity letter.
i. Final Select or Select Letter. Once an applicant has been professionally recommended
and FINDOCS have been received and verified, the appropriate director or Deputy director will
sign the Final Select Letter (FINSEL). FINDOCS to be verified include:
(1) N33 has been verified for the appropriate designator (URL, RL, or Staff).
(2) Favorable security clearance status verified via DISS (e.g., scheduled, opened, closed,
or adjudicated).
(a) Intelligence Officer (18300) selects require a favorable top secret (TS) or sensitive
compartmented information (SCI) pre-screen from a regional special security officer (SSO).
(b) Information Warfare (18100), SWO Information Warfare (11605) and Cyber
Warfare Engineer (18400) require a favorable TS or SCI pre-screen from Fleet Cyber Command
Security Office.
(3) Scroll has been received or sent for approval.
(4) Final official transcripts that confer degree will be verified (minimum accredited
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science).
j. COMDOCS and Enlistment Docs. Once an applicant is selected and the kit is complete
at NAVCRUITCOM, (chapter 4, section 10 refers), the actions listed in subparagraphs
040307j(1) through 040307j(4)are required for each program.
(1) HSCP and BDCP
25 Jul 2023
(a) Select letters signed by the appropriate director.
(b) NAVTALACQGRU notified of selection and enlists selectees.
(c) NAVTALACQGRU uploads enlistment documents and service agreement to
NAVCRUITCOM director to PRIDE Mod II, and notifies respective collegiate management
(d) Distribute documents as required.
Note: Refer to chapter 8 for collegiate management once enlisted.
(2) OCS
(a) The Director, GENOFF Program Accessions (N311), signs select letter and
uploads into PRIDE Mod II.
(b) NAVCRUITCOM processor notifies the NAVTALACQGRU of the signed select
(c) NAVTALACQGRU completes enlistment documents and service agreement.
(d) Copy of the agreement is uploaded into PRIDE Mod II.
(e) Distribute documents as required.
(f) NAVCRUITCOM attains enlistee. Once the member has reported to OCS, the
member's kit is archived in PRIDE Mod II.
(3) ODS and HPSP
(a) The appropriate director signs select letter.
(b) The NAVCRUITCOM processor receives the signed select letter via PRIDE Mod
II. Notifies the NAVTALACQGRU of selection and requests COMDOCs from PERS-8.
(c) NAVTALACQGRU receives COMDOCs; commissions selectee per COMDOCs
and MILPERSMAN 1100-030.
(d) Copy of the oath is uploaded into PRIDE Mod II.
(e) Distribute documents as required.
1. ODS. NAVCRUITCOM attains the officer. Once the applicant is
commissioned, the officer's kit is archived in PRIDE Mod II.
25 Jul 2023
2. HPSP. Once COMDOCs are approved, the member's kit is archived into
PRIDE Mod II and is under the management of BUMED.
(4) DCO
(a) The appropriate director signs the select letter.
(b) The NAVCRUITCOM processor receives the signed select letter via PRIDE Mod
II, notifies the NAVTALACQGRU Officer Processor of selection, and requests COMDOCs
from PERS-8. The NAVTALACQGRU Officer Processor notifies the applicable Reserve
officer recruiter of the selection.
(c) NAVTALACQGRU receives COMDOCs; coordinates with the applicable
Reserve officer recruiters to commission the selectee per COMDOCs and MILPERSMAN 1100-
030. Copy of the oath and program service agreement is uploaded into PRIDE Mod II.
(d) NAVCRUITCOM processors review the signed oath and program service
agreement for accuracy and forward the signed oath, program service agreement, NAVPERS
1200/1 Ready Reserve Transfer Request Service Agreement, and prior service documentation (if
applicable) via encrypted e-mail to the appropriate clerk at PERS-911C.
(e) PERS-911C gains the member in IMAPMIS or NSIPS, prints and signs the
NAVPERS 1200/1.
(f) PERS-911C scans the approved NAVPERS 1200/1 and e-mails to the
NAVCRUITCOM processor.
(g) NAVCRUITCOM processor completes the FINACT in PRIDE Mod II and
informs the NAVTALACQGRU officer processor of the attainment, who then informs the
applicable Navy recruiting, Reserve officer recruiter.
(h) NAVTALACQGRU has two working days from the receipt of the approved
NAVPERS 1200/1 to deliver the RRA, NAVCRUITCOM Select letter, and N33 PQ or PQW
letter to the new officer’s Navy Reserve Center. Documents should be delivered via PRIDE
Mod II. Email notification should only be used as an alternative.
(i) NAVTALACQGRU Officer Processor or Navy Recruiting Reserve officer
recruiter will contact the personnel department at the Navy Reserve Center to which the member
is assigned to confirm the drill schedule, enroll the member in orientation, and ensure the
member is assigned a sponsor. Additionally, the NAVTALACQGRU, and
NAVCRUITRESCOM will ensure that the new DCO has supporting documentation with them
on their first drill weekend in order to complete necessary orientation forms including (but not
limited to): NAVPERS 1070/602 Record of Emergency Data, SF 1199A (Direct Deposit Sign
Up Form), SGLV 8286 (Service Member’s Group Life Insurance Election and Certificate) and
SGLI 8286A (Spouse Coverage Election and Certificate).
25 Jul 2023
(j) NAVTALACQGRU Officer Processor will give the new DCO a copy of all
medical documents used in their affiliation to include DD 2807-2 and DD 2808, and the
NAVRES Incentive Agreement (if applicable) for subsequent delivery to the Navy Reserve
Center Medical Department on their first drill weekend.
040308. Reconsideration Requests. Any officer program applicant who has been non-
selected, whether due to not being professionally recommended (RECPRO N) or having been
issued an inactivity letter by the program manager after having been professionally
recommended (RECPRO Y), may request reconsideration of their application through the
procedures listed in subparagraphs 040308a and 040308b.
a. Applicants that were issued inactivity letters by the program manager will only be
required to submit a new APSR which addresses the reason(s) for the previous delay in
processing within the updated motivational statement. No other new information in the APSR is
required for reconsiderations that result from inactivity letters.
b. For all reconsideration requests resulting from a non-professional recommendation by the
same board or community (RECPRO N), the information listed in subparagraphs 040308b(1)
through 040308b(5) must be included.
(1) A new NAVCRUIT 1131/238 APSR, with the “Reconsideration” block marked
appropriately along with a current SF 86.
(2) An updated applicant’s motivational statement within this new APSR, in which the
applicant specifically requests reconsideration and states the new items in their application that
make them more competitive for professional recommendation.
(3) New or updated information that makes the applicant more competitive for
professional recommendation including, but not limited to additional education, professional
certifications, new employment or additional scope of responsibility. If only submitting new
letters of recommendation, then the application will be considered for submission at the
discretion of the division director.
(4) The officer processor will clearly list the new items added to the application that
makes the applicant more competitive for professional recommendation in the
NAVTALACQGRU’s remarks section of the APSR.
(5) The OPL or OP will upload the reconsideration documents and label them as
“Reconsideration” in PRIDE Mod II.
c. Applications will not be reconsidered for the same program unless new information is
submitted that indicates the applicant is better qualified than when previously not professionally
recommended or unless changes occur within the requested program’s status (e.g., requested
program was previously closed and re-opens).
25 Jul 2023
Note: If an applicant is applying to a PRO-BOARD in a particular community for
the first time, it is not a reconsideration request and that request does not
need to satisfy the reconsideration policy requirements. It is only a
reconsideration request if an applicant is re-applying to a community that
previously did not professionally recommend them or if they were issued an
inactivity letter by the division director.
Note: Original employment references and letters from previous employers need
not be replaced. Only references from any new employers are required.
040309. Financial Incentive Programs
a. Requests for information regarding financial incentives for reserve officer programs will
be addressed by COMNAVRESFORCOM Enlisted Incentives (N112).
b. Processing. Upon final selection, if an applicant is eligible and requests a financial
incentive, the officer processor or officer recruiter will submit the applicant’s NAVCRUIT
1131/43 Affiliation Processing and Summary Record to COMNAVRESFORCOM (N112) and
obtain a quota number and NAVRES Incentive Agreement (Affiliation or Accession Bonus for
Commissioned Officers in Designated Critical Skills Written Agreement) for the Navy Reserve
for eligible designators and sub-specialties. COMNAVRESFORCOM (N112) will complete the
NAVRES Incentive Agreement and a copy will be forwarded to the NAVTALACQGRU. The
applicant must sign the agreement and the NAVTALACQGRU will submit it with the gain
package to the Navy Reserve Center and upload it into PRIDE Mod II. RESPERMAN 1100-010
states that the Navy Reserve Center Incentive Program Coordinator will forward all bonus
applications to COMNAVRESFORCOM Reserve Pay Assistance Team (N11) (RPAT) within
five working days of the member’s first drill weekend electronically to
[email protected] for all officer SELRES accessions.
c. If an applicant declines a financial incentive program, a Declination Statement of
Financial Incentives must be submitted on a NAVPERS 1070/613. The completed NAVPERS
1070/613 must be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II.
040310. Nuclear, Chaplain, and CWE Interviews
a. Nuclear and Chaplain Interview Procedures. An additional application phase is required
for nuclear and chaplain programs. Once both the application and NAVCRUITCOM N33 letter
are received and evaluated at NAVCRUITCOM, all nuclear and active duty chaplain applicants
are required to complete an interview with representatives of their respective community. Upon
successful completion of the interview, a final selection decision will be rendered. Applicants
who do not successfully complete the interview will be non-selected and they will either be
considered for other programs or processing will be terminated. Travel arrangements will be
made by the NAVTALACQGRU while lodging and meal accommodations will be made by
NAVCRUITREG. The applicant receives applicant travel orders, but does not receive per diem.
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b. Cyber Warfare Engineer (CWE) Interview Procedure. An additional application phase is
required for the cyber warfare engineer applicants if professionally recommended by the
community. The applicant will complete an initial telephone interview with a cyber warfare
community POC. If selected for further processing, the applicant will be scheduled for an in-
person interview. Once identified for an in-person interview, the U.S. Fleet Cyber Command
POC will contact the applicant to provide travel guidance. If the candidate is unable to travel for
the in-person interview, a virtual interview (e.g. telephone, VTC, etc.) will be arranged.
(1) If the applicant does not have a government travel card, the applicant will be required
to pay for lodging and per diem in advance. Upon completion of the travel, the applicant will
submit a travel voucher through the NAVTALACQGRU with U.S. Fleet Cyber Command’s
LOA for reimbursement. NAVTALACQGRUs are instructed to contact the U.S. Fleet Cyber
Command POC for further guidance.
(2) Active duty members or applicants who have access to the Defense Travel System
(DTS) will need to coordinate travel between the U.S. Fleet Cyber Command POC and their
command’s travel coordinator.
040311. Naval Special Warfare (SEAL) Officer Screening Process
a. Once ordered to the Professional Screening Board (ORDPRO) by NRC, Naval special
warfare (SEAL) officer applicants will be screened by Naval Special Warfare Command
(NSWC) prior to an applicant being offered an in-person interview. NSWC will select the
requisite number of applicants to be interviewed in order to fill the identified number of In-Year
Accession Plan slots (e.g. interview 40 applicants for 20 slots).
b. Three interview periods will be conducted each summer, to coincide with midshipmen
summer cruises. Each applicant receiving an invitation to interview will receive funded travel to
and from a pre-determined interview location (usually Little Creek, VA, or Coronado, CA).
c. Once all interviews are complete, NSWC will hold a final selection board each
September, for the following fiscal year. Names of selectees will then be released to the field
and final selection letters will be issued.
040312. Obtaining Reserve Billets
a. For NAVET applicants, TAs will work with the applicant to select a vacant billet from
JOAPPLY at Once a vacant billet has been identified, the TA will
send a billet suppression e-mail to CNRFC N122. Exceptions are pilots (1315) desiring flying
status in squadrons. These (1315) officers obtain billet information from the squadron
commanding officers. Each air wing holds its own selection board.
b. For DCO Information Dominance Corps (1805, 1815, 1825, 1835) unit assignment, ORs
will contact their local information dominance corps officer-in-charge (OIC) or Assistant OIC.
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c. Medical billet requests will be sent to the appropriate BUMED RAO or manpower
d. CEC (5105), EDO (1465), and HR (1205) DCO assignments are currently made by the
community manager after pro board selection.
e. Contact the COMNAVRESFORCOM Reserve chaplain program manager for chaplain
(4105) applicants.
f. If no vacant billet is available or if there is a delay of longer than two weeks in obtaining
billeting, then the officer will be assigned to the Navy Reserve Center Operational Support Unit
(OSU) (for GENOFF) or the Operational Health Support Unit (OHSU) (for health care
professionals) in Assignment Processing (IAP) status.
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040401. Introduction. This section provides specific guidance for preparing officer program
applications for Navy veterans (NAVETs) and other service veterans (OSVETs). NAVETs are
officers who have been released from active naval service and are being affiliated into the
reserves. NAVETs and OSVETs will be processed by NAVCRUITCOM NAVET transition
assistants (TAs). Officer recruiters will refer any interested NAVET or OSVET to the
NAVCRUITCOM NAVET transition assistant team.
040402. Other Service Veterans and Inter-Service Transfers
a. Other service veterans (OSVETs) who have been discharged and have no remaining
military service obligation (MSO) as evidenced by their DD 214 are processed by
NAVCRUITCOM as any other civilian, with the exception of obtaining prior military records
per checklist and PA.
b. OSVETs who are under MSO and maintain a commission are processed by Pers-9 as a
reserve inter-service transfer (IST).
c. Prior to working with any applicant who wants to request an inter-service transfer, a
NAVCRUITCOM NAVET transition assistant (TA) will upload an Inter-Service Transfer Pre-
Screen application into PRIDE Mod II for submission to BUPERS-318. TAs will submit the
applicable documentation per the Inter-Service Transfer Pre-Screen checklist for initial approval
from BUPERS-318 prior to submitting a complete inter-service transfer application.
d. Inter-service transfers are processed by PERS-9, not by NAVCRUITCOM. IST kits will
be submitted through PRIDE Mod II to the NAVET PM who will forward to PERS-9 for review
and approval. This will prevent a potential loss of PII when submitting kits via fax or e-mail.
Complete instructions can be found at
040403. NAVET Initial Processing
a. Before processing a NAVET for affiliation, it is necessary for the NAVCRUITRESCOM
Reserve officer recruiter to verify with NAVPERSCOM Reserve Officer Personnel (PERS-
911C) that the prospect meets all eligibility requirements. Verification must be entered in
PRIDE Mod II. Refer to paragraph 040406.
b. When appropriate, NAVCRUITRESCOM Reserve officer recruiters will inform active
duty personnel prior to their separation from active duty to maintain a complete copy of their
service, medical and dental records and review their DD Form 214 worksheet prior to separation.
Reserve officer recruiters will also refer any officer currently transitioning from active duty to
the career transition office (CTO) for SELRES affiliation.
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c. During the initial interviewing process, the Reserve officer recruiter will have the
applicant read, sign, and date the NAVCRUIT 5211/1 Disclosure of Social Security Number and
DD Form 2645 Voter Registration Information. If initial contact is via phone, the Reserve
officer recruiter will read the Privacy Act Statement to the prospect.
d. Once a prospect pursues an opportunity in the Navy Reserve, it is acceptable for a
prospect to download or receive the application forms by email or fax. These forms will be
completed and uploaded into PRIDE Mod II using the proper protocol and standardized
responses. Faxing of documents is highly discouraged as re-faxing deteriorates document
e. The Reserve officer recruiter must determine if the NAVET has received a reserve
commission (often administered prior to release from active duty). If not, the Reserve officer
recruiter will submit name and SSN to the NAVET PM for scroll submission as the applicant
will not be awarded a reserve commission until the name is approved through scroll process.
040404. Financial Incentives
a. Requests for information regarding financial incentives for reserve officer programs will
be addressed by COMNAVRESFORCOM (N112).
b. Processing. Prior to final selection, if an applicant is eligible and requests a financial
incentive via a NAVCRUIT Form 1131/43 Affiliation Processing and Summary Record, the
NAVET program manager will request applicant affiliation approval from NAVPERSCOM
(Pers-911C). If approved, the NAVET PM will obtain a quota number and NAVRES Incentive
Agreement (Affiliation or Accession Bonus for Commissioned Officers in Designated Critical
Skills Written Agreement) for the Navy Reserve from COMNAVRESFORCOM (N112) for
eligible designators and sub-specialties. COMNAVRESFORCOM (N112) will complete the
NAVRES Incentive Agreement and a copy will be forwarded to the NAVET PM. The applicant
must sign the agreement and the Reserve officer recruiter will submit it with the gain package to
the Navy Reserve Center, and upload into PRIDE Mod II. RESPERMAN 1100-010 states that
the Navy Reserve Center incentive program coordinator will forward all bonus applications to
COMNAVRESFORCOM (N11) within five working days of the member’s first drill weekend
electronically to [email protected] for all officer SELRES accessions.
c. If an applicant declines a financial incentive program, he or she must sign a NAVPERS
1070/613 Statement of Declination of Financial Incentives and the officer processor will upload
a copy into PRIDE Mod II.
040405. NAVET Medical Processing
a. Medical processing should be completed concurrently with kit processing. MEDDOCS
should be loaded into WEBWAVE either prior to or concurrently when the completed kit is
25 Jul 2023
loaded into PRIDE Mod II. Refer to chapter 2, section 8 for physical requirements, as well as
the current applicable checklist and program authorization.
b. MEDDOCS are forwarded to the NAVCRUITCOM medical advisor (N33) via
WEBWAVE for physical determination. The determinations are indicated in subparagraphs
040405b(1) through 040405b(4).
(1) Physically qualified (PQ)
(2) Not physically qualified (NPQ)
(3) Temporarily not physically qualified (TNPQ). For TNPQ applicants, the officer
processor or OPL will be notified via WEBWAVE of any documentation requested by
(4) Physically qualified waiver (PQW)
c. Once NAVCRUITCOM N33 makes a physical determination (PQ, NPQ, TNPQ, or
PQW), the officer processor uploads the physical determination into PRIDE Mod II and will
forward to the NAVET program manager.
040406. NAVET Kit Submission
a. Complete the affiliation application paperwork per the current Reserve Officer Affiliation
Checklist. Medical processing should be completed concurrently via WEBWAVE.
b. Kit Processing. NAVCRUITRESCOM Reserve officer recruiter creates the kit in PRIDE
Mod II and submits required information for eligibility verification by PERS-911C via “next
action” to the NAVET program manager. When kit is received by the NAVET program
manager, he or she will “next action” PERS-911C for verification. Once PERS-911C completes
verification and is noted in PRIDE Mod II, PERS-911C will “work request” the
NAVCRUITRESCOM Reserve officer recruiter, via the NAVET PM, to upload the required
forms for processing by completing the “work request. Submits NAVCRUIT 1131/43 and
required forms per current checklist. Clinical applicants will fill out the required credentialing
paperwork for submission to CCPD via PRIDE Mod II.
c. The Reserve officer recruiter will assist the applicant in searching for a billet via JO
APPLY. Medical billet requests will be sent to the appropriate BUMED RAO or manpower
officer. Once a vacant billet has been identified, the OR will send a billet suppression e-mail to
CNRFC N122. If no vacant billet is available or if there is a delay of longer than three working
days in obtaining billeting, then the officer will be assigned to the Navy Reserve Center
Operational Support Unit (OSU) (for GENOFF) or the Operational Health Support Unit (OHSU)
(for Health Care Professionals) in Assignment Processing (IAP) status.
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d. Once the billet has been suppressed by CNRFC N122, the applicant signs a Ready
Reserve Agreement (RRA) and the Reserve officer recruiter uploads the RRA into PRIDE Mod
e. The Reserve officer recruiter uploads completed kit to PRIDE Mod II and forwards to the
appropriate NAVET program manager.
f. When the application is received by the NAVET program manager, he or she will review
the application for completion and accuracy, and submit the kit to PERS-911C via PRIDE Mod
II for approval.
g. PERS-911 will approve or disapprove and update in PRIDE Mod II. PERS-911 will scan
and upload the NAVPERS 1200/1 that PERS-911C has signed into PRIDE Mod II and send the
kit back to the NAVET program manager in PRIDE Mod II.
h. The NAVET program manager will request for a NAVET approval letter from the
Reserve accessions director. Once signed, forward a “next action” to the Reserve officer
i. The Reserve officer recruiter uploads all documents (in the order listed on the checklist)
in PRIDE Mod II for the gaining Navy Reserve Center Manpower Department (including any
financial incentive written agreements and the approved NAVPERS 1200/1 and e-mails the
applicant a copy of their affiliation paperwork.
040407. NAVET Voluntary Training Unit (VTU) Processing
a. Officers in the Active Status Pool (ASP) may be considered for assignment to a VTU if
qualified. Officers must meet medical affiliation standards set forth in chapter 2 of this manual.
Officers will be screened for eligibility and approved by Navy Personnel Command (PERS-911)
per RESPERMAN 1300-010.
b. The Reserve officer recruiter must process officer VTU affiliation requests per
paragraphs 040403, 040405, and 040406. VTU affiliations will not result in any attainment
credit. Officers will be assigned to the VTU in “In Assignment Processing (IAP)” status.
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040501. Introduction. This section provides specific guidance for NAVET appointments and
040502. Authorization. MILPERSMAN 1131-040, Appointment of Officers in the Navy
Reserve, outlines policy for regular Navy officers separating from active duty, and former
regular Navy or Navy Reserve officers considered qualified by NAVPERSCOM.
040503. Active Component Navy Officers being processed for Honorable Separation - Career
Transition Officer
a. Active component Navy officers who request separation from the Navy and who have
satisfied their military service obligation (MSO) may request appointment in the Navy Reserve
before separation through the career transition office (CTO). Regular Navy officers who submit
a voluntary resignation and who have not satisfied their MSO will be automatically considered
for appointment in the Navy Reserve. However, it is imperative that all officers desiring a
reserve appointment execute a Reserve Oath of Office and return it to PERS-911.
b. Favorable action on resignation requests from officers who have not satisfied their MSO
will normally be contingent upon their acceptance of a Reserve appointment, if tendered.
c. Separation orders will specify whether the member has or has not been approved for a
reserve appointment, and whether separation is contingent upon acceptance of a reserve
d. The appointment will be forwarded to the member by NAVPERSCOM (PERS-802) and
is to be executed no earlier than the day after separation and within six months of release.
e. The reserve appointment will be in the same grade, with the same date of rank, and
normally in the same general category of designator, as that held in the active component Navy.
f. Point of contact is NAVPERSCOM (PERS-9) via their transition assistant (TA).
040504. Other Service Veteran Appointments. Former qualified aviators from other services,
who have finished their MSO and no longer hold a commission, may apply for direct
commission as a 13X5 if they have been selected by a Navy Pilot Selection Board for affiliation
with a reserve force squadron (RESFORON) or squadron augment unit (SAU). Applicants
should submit an OSVET package with their pilot selection board acceptance memo to
25 Jul 2023
040505. Former Officer Requesting Re-Appointment - Navy Veteran
a. Former active and reserve component Navy officers who were honorably discharged,
who wish to be affiliated with the SELRES through the NAVET process must request a reserve
re-appointment from NAVPERSCOM (Pers-911C) via PRIDE Mod II. The reserve appointment
will normally be in the same grade and designator as previously held.
b. The former active and reserve component Navy officers or designators listed in
subparagraphs 040505b(1) through 040505b(4) may request a reserve re-appointment regardless
of the length of separation or failure to maintain a SELRES status.
(1) GENOFF (Refer to note 1)
(2) Civil Engineer Corps (CEC/510X)
(3) Supply Corps (310X)
(4) JAG Corps (250X)
Note 1: SWO/111X, SUB/112X, SEAL/113X, EOD/114X, PILOT/131X,
NFO/132X, HR/120X, EDO/144X, AEDO/151X, AMDO/152X,
SSO/166X, PAO/165X, IW/181X, IP/182X, INTEL/183X,
c. Former active and reserve Medical Service (MC/210X, DC/220X, MSC/230X,
NC/290X) and Chaplain Corps (410X) officers who have been discharged less than three (3)
years and wish to be affiliated with the SELRES through the NAVET process must request a
reserve re-appointment from NAVPERSCOM (Pers-911C). If discharged for more than three
(3) years, these former officers must affiliate through the DCO process.
d. The reserve appointment will normally be in the same grade and designator previously
held. NAVPERSCOM (PERS-911) will adjust the member’s pay entry base date. If the period
of separation is in excess of six months, PERS-911 will adjust the member’s date of rank.
e. The member will request a reserve appointment in writing to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-
911) via PRIDE Mod II by a Navy Reserve officer recruiter. All re-appointment requests from
former Navy officers separated more than 3 years must contain the same enclosures as those
within 3 years and will be endorsed by the recruiter and must include the items listed in
subparagraphs 040505e(1) through 040505(e)(9).
(1) Name, Social Security number, designator at time of separation, address, and phone
(2) A statement of the reason for not requesting, receiving, or retaining a reserve
commission at the time of separation;
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(3) Declaration of intent to affiliate with the selected reserves upon re-appointment;
(4) A copy of the member’s DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from
Active Duty;
(5) A copy of the member’s separation orders (if separated from active duty;
(6) A copy of an updated SF-86 Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire (EPSQ) for
National Security Positions if period of separation is more than one year;
(7) A copy of DD Form 2807-2 Accessions Medical History Report completed within last
90 days, and DD Form 2808 Report of Medical Examination completed within the previous 2
years. DD Form 2807-2 and DD Form 2808 may be accessed at;
(8) A current dated and signed resume; and
(9) Last two fitness reports.
25 Jul 2023
040601. Introduction. This section discusses the Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps
(JAGC) application process for both the student program and direct accessions. For the JAGC,
applicants apply directly to the JAGC for initial screening, and then once selected, processing is
completed with an officer recruiter. Recruiters should prospect for JAG applicants to ensure the
JAGC has enough qualified applicants to reach goal.
040602. JAG Applicant Process (Student Programs and Direct Accessions)
a. Law students and licensed attorneys learn of the Navy JAGC by various means,
(1) Internet and JAG website (,
(2) On-campus visits to law schools,
(3) Job fairs and career fairs,
(4) Law school career services office,
(5) Other JAG Corps or Navy officers, and
(6) Recruiter prospecting.
b. Applicants may receive application materials from their Career Services Office, from
PERS 4416E, or directly from the website at, under the “APPLY”
tab. All required forms for the professional selection board are downloadable and can be filled
out on-line.
c. Applicants download the required forms, collect all supporting documents, and are
personally responsible for providing a complete application to PERS 4416E by the published
deadline. Applicants are also personally responsible for scheduling their own professional
community interview. Approved or certified interviewers are posted on the JAG Corps Career
website under the Apply tab. Documents required of applicant before application is seen by JAG
Corps professional selection board are:
(1) JAG Corps preliminary application form
(2) Copies of all undergraduate and law school transcripts
(3) LSAT score
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(4) Résumé and Curriculum Vitae (CV)
(5) Recent photograph (5x7 or 8x10, business attire)
(6) Professional community interview
(7) Three letters of recommendation
(8) JAG workforce applicants must provide proof of good standing in their current BAR
and their license.
d. Once the JAG Corps accessions selection board is held and professional selections are
made, NAVCRUITCOM is provided a list of professional selects and non-selects and the JAG
PM submits the "select" names to scroll.
e. PERS 4416E notifies all applicants of their professional "select" or "non-select status.”
f. Professionally recommended applicants are directed to the responsible
NAVTALACQGRU officer programs recruiter for further processing.
g. Recruiters then process complete application materials per the current checklist, knowing
that the applicant has already been professionally recommended for selection.
h. Professionally recommended applicants complete the final application and selection
process, including necessary medical screening and security background checks. Once the
applicant’s name is confirmed on the scroll by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and all
other documents are in order, a final selection letter is sent to applicant and commissioning
documents are requested.
i. Commissioning documents are sent to the processing NAVTALACQGRU and a
commissioning ceremony is scheduled. The new accession signs a 4-year service agreement and
takes the oath of office. Students are commissioned as ensigns in the IRR, and direct accessions
are commissioned as LTJGs in the active component.
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040701. Introduction. This section provides information on recalls to active duty applications.
040702. Authorization. The references listed in subparagraphs 040702a through 040702h
pertain to recall to active duty.
a. Title 5 U.S.C. 301
b. Title 10 U.S.C. 543 and 549
c. SECNAVINST 1427.2, Rank, Seniority and Placement of Officers on the Active-Duty
Lists of the Navy and the Marine Corps
d. SECNAVINST 1420.1
e. BUPERSINST 1540.41
f. DoD Directive 1304.19
g. MILPERSMAN 1321-105, Voluntary Recall or Call to Extended Active Duty for
Reserve Officers
h. MILPERSMAN 1132-010, Navy Reserve Three-Year Recall program
040703. Recall Processing Procedures. Personnel who previously held commissions in the
U.S. Navy or U.S. Navy Reserve and are requesting recall to active duty may only be processed
through NAVCRUITCOM if they are applying to medical or chaplain programs. All other
personnel must submit their request through the BUPERS recall branch (PERS-31) per
MILPERSMAN 1321-105.
040704. Recall to Active Duty (Medical and Chaplain). Refer to the most recent Reserve
Officer Affiliation Checklist.
a. Eligible: Drilling reserve or S1 status
(1) OR checks goaling letter or contacts appropriate medical PM to determine need for
specific designator, SSP, AQD.
(a) Ensures that the block requesting “Minimum time frame for recall” on the
NAVPERS 1331/5 Application to Recall for Extended Active Duty, states “indefinite.
(b) The OP uploads the completed NAVPERS 1331/5 and other required forms (per
appropriate checklist) into PRIDE Mod II.
25 Jul 2023
(c) Completes per kit processing instructions as set forth in paragraph 040305.
(2) Concurrently, MEDDOCS will be submitted to NAVCRUITCOM N33 via
(3) Once the kit is complete and error-free, the NAVTALACQGRU OPL and OPO must
sign the required forms and forward a “next action” to the NAVCRUITCOM processor.
(4) Upon verification of a complete and accurate kit, NAVCRUITCOM will forward a
next action” to the appropriate medical or chaplain PM for review and forward to the Pro Board
(chaplains go to board via PERS).
(5) The Pro Board reviews and recommends "Pro Yes" or "Pro No."
(6) When the medical determination is back from NAVCRUITCOM N33, it is uploaded
into PRIDE Mod II by the OPL or OP.
(7) When the Pro determination is completed and the applicant is determined PQ, the
complete kit is sent to PERS-911 (Recall Shop).
(8) Final determination for approval or disapproval is made by PERS-911, who sends a
letter of selection or non-selection to the applicant. PERS-911 will submit for scrolling as
b. Not eligible: S2 status
040705. Physical Standards. Each applicant selected for recall to extended active duty must
meet physical standards appropriate to their grade as established by Chief, Bureau of Medicine
and Surgery (BUMED) at the time ordered to active duty.
040706. Designator Change. Recall applications from officers who are requesting a change of
designator must include the statement: "recall contingent upon approval of change of
designator" per MILPERSMAN 1321-105.
040707. Call To Active Duty. Officers without prior active naval service may apply for call to
active duty per MILPERSMAN 1321-105.
040708. Augmentation. Reserve officers requesting recall to active duty will not be recalled
until approved by OSD for active duty commissions. These officers will be submitted for scroll
through PERS-8.
040709. Selection. Basic criterion for selection is whether, in the opinion of the staff, the
candidate is fit by reason of age, education, previous naval and civilian experience, past
performance, and suitability for assignments, etc., to compete successfully on a career basis with
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their contemporaries. Both regular and reserve Officers will receive official notification of the
final decision on their recall request.
25 Jul 2023
040801. Introduction. This section provides specific guidance on the NASIS and scroll
processes, including step-by-step directions for NASIS.
040802. NASIS Process for Officer Applicants
a. The programs listed in subparagraphs 040802a(1) through 040802a(6) require an
investigation request DISS with one of the following dispositions (scheduled, opened, closed or
adjudicated) to be submitted with the application, thus allowing kit and NASIS processing to be
completed concurrently (refer to paragraph 040805 for NUPOC security clearance submission
(1) AC and RC Medical DA, Recall, FAP, Student, DCO or NAVET programs
(2) AC Nuclear DA and Student programs
(3) AC and RC Chaplain DA, Recall, Student, DCO or NAVET programs
(4) SEAL, EOD, SEGA (EDO), Cyber Warfare programs
(5) DCO applicants in the SEAL, CEC, EDO, AEDO, and AMDO programs
(6) Pilot and NFO programs
(7) SWO and Supply programs
b. The remaining designators not mentioned in subparagraph 040802a(1) through
040802a(6) should be processed for an investigation request DISS only after being professionally
recommended by the Professional Recommendation Board. The investigation, with one of the
following dispositions (scheduled, opened, closed or adjudicated), will be uploaded by either the
officer processor or the OPL within 30 days of receiving a PROREC “YES.
c. After submitting the investigation request to DISS, the four release forms will be printed
and the applicant will date and sign each of them. Ensure the applicant’s signature is clear and
legible. If not, NBIB may request another copy of the release form(s) with a legible signature.
d. The officer processor or the OPL will scan and upload the signed release forms to DISS.
Once an investigation request is successfully submitted to DISS, within 89 days the release
forms have to be faxed to the DISS fax server. If the release forms are not received by the fax
server, the investigation request is terminated on the 90th day. Records in NASIS with a status
of “Terminated” can be edited and resubmitted to DISS at any time.
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e. Three business days after uploading the release forms, the officer processor or the OPL
will perform the action of “Check Investigation Status” in NASIS.
(1) If all of the release forms were received, NASIS will automatically archive the record
as “Successful.” This means the investigation request has been released to DISS.
(2) If any of the release forms were not received, the name of the release form(s) will be
(3) The officer processor or the OPL will check the release form(s) that were not received
for any blemishes that may be causing the fax server to reject.
(a) If necessary, the officer processor or the OPL will print another release form and
have the applicant sign and date. The officer processor or the OPL will scan and upload this
release form to DISS.
(b) If no blemishes are found the officer processor or the OPL will scan and upload
the release form(s) that were not received to DISS.
(4) Three business days later the officer processor or the OPL will perform the action of
“Check Investigation Status” in NASIS.
(5) If the release form still has not been received, initiate a Footprints’ ticket and request
a coordinated fax. Provide the name and phone number of the person that DSS should contact.
(6) NAVCRUITCOM N6 will contact DSS and have someone contact the POC to
schedule a time to fax the release form(s) while the fax server is monitored by someone at DSS.
040803. Key Issues with NASIS Processing of Officer Applicants
a. Fingerprint checks are only valid for 120 days from the date the applicant was
fingerprinted. If the investigation request is submitted after the 120-day period, the officer
processor or the OPL will have to mail another fingerprint card to NBIB to request another
fingerprint check.
b. Many of the MEPS will not live scan fingerprint officer applicants. When fingerprinting
applicants, do the items listed in subparagraphs 040803b(1) through 040803b(6).
(1) Submit the investigation request to DISS.
(2) Print the four release forms and have the applicant date and sign.
(3) Electronically scan the four signature pages to “desktop” (scan each page separately
and name it “Last name and type of form,” (i.e., SMITH REL)). Then upload the four pages to
the DISS server via the “Upload Sig Pages” option in NASIS.
25 Jul 2023
(4) Perform the action of “Check Investigation Status” in NASIS the next business day.
(5) Once the release forms have been received, write the OPM Request ID number
(located on the signature pages or in the NASIS system) at the top of the fingerprint card.
(6) Mail the fingerprint card via traceable means to:
E-QIP Rapid Response Team
1137 Branchton Road
Boyers, PA 16016
c. Once the four release forms are processed by JPAS, the investigation request is released
to OPM to be scheduled. Once NBIB receives the request they will wait 14 days for fingerprints.
If the fingerprints are not received in that time, NBIB will close the investigation request as
d. When NBIB receives the investigation request they will review the record to ensure they
have all necessary information. If they need additional information, they will attempt to contact
the person who is listed as the submitting officer number (SON) point of contact. It is important
to keep the contact information in the SON record up to date. Do this using the SON for
Submitters link in the maintenance section of the navigation bar in NASIS. If OPM does not
receive the additional information they will close the investigation request as unacceptable.”
e. If OPM closes an investigation request as "unacceptable,” the officer processor or the
OPL will need to re-submit a new investigation with new signature pages, a request ID, and
verify the previous fingerprint check is still good.
Note: Prior to resubmission, the officer processor will contact the E-Quip Rapid
Response Team at (724) 794-5612 ext. 4400 (option 4) to determine reason
that investigation was found unacceptable in order to avoid making the same
mistake twice.
f. If the applicant has an existing completed investigation and has less than a two-year
break from active service (AC, TAR, SELRES), the previous investigation could still be valid.
Refer to paragraph 040804 for DISS verification and documentation procedures.
g. If the applicant has an existing completed investigation but has a two-year or greater
break from active service (AC, TAR, SELRES), the actions listed in subparagraphs 040803g(1)
through 040803g(5) must be completed.
(1) Submit a new SF 86 to NBIB via NASIS.
(2) Once the submission rejects, click on “search.”
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(3) Highlight the name of the individual that rejected.
(4) Click on the “break in service” option on toolbar. This action alerts DISS that the
member has a current investigation on file but requires a new one due to broken service.
(5) Re-submit the SF86 along with new signature pages to NBIB via NASIS.
h. If the applicant has an existing completed NACLC, Tier 3 and Tier 3R or ANACI, Tier 3
or Tier 3R investigation less than 9.5 years old (calculated from the close date of investigation),
and now requires an SSBI or Tier 5, the investigation request will have to be entered in e-QIP
vice NASIS. In this case, the officer processor or the OPL will submit a Foot Print ticket
requesting an e-QIP investigation record be created.
i. There will be at least one person at the NAVTALACQGRU office that has access to
JPAS. This will enable that person to do the items listed in subparagraphs 040803i(1) through
(1) Check for previous investigation results.
(2) Check for receipt of new investigation requests by OPM.
(3) Check for date the new investigation request is opened by NBIB.
(4) View and verify the Person Summary for previous investigation information.
040804. Process of DISS Verification
a. Once an applicant’s SF 86 is sent via NASIS to DISS, the NAVTALACQGRU’s officer
processor will conduct the actions listed in subparagraphs 040804a(1) through 040804a(6).
(1) Utilizing the applicant's SSN, check DISS or NASIS for status of the requested
security clearance, if any, beginning 72 hours after submission.
(2) If after 72 hours no change is indicated, contact the E-Quip Rapid Response Team at
(724) 794-5612 ext. 4400 (Option 4) to determine reason for inactivity of investigation.
(3) If NBIB closes an investigation request as "unacceptable,” the officer processor or
the OPL will need to re-submit a new investigation with new signature pages, a request ID, and
verify that the previous fingerprint check is still good.
Note: Prior to resubmission, the officer processor will contact the E-Quip Rapid
Response Team at (724) 794-5612 ext. 4400 (option 4) to determine reason
that investigation was found unacceptable.
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(4) If DISS reflects “Loss of Jurisdiction,” contact N35 officer policy at (901) 874-9038
for assistance as a Research, Recertify or Upgrade Eligibility Request Notification must be sent
to NBIB for further processing.
(5) The officer processor will continue to check the DISS site on a regular basis until the
investigation reflects as being "scheduled," "opened," "closed," or "adjudicated" by NBIB.
(6) Once the security investigation in DISS reflects as being, "scheduled," "opened,"
"closed," or "adjudicated," the officer processor will verify that PRIDE Mod II reflects the
correct status.
040805. NUPOC Security Clearance Submission Requirements
a. All NUPOC applicants require a T3 (NACLC) be scheduled at NBIB prior to their
interview in Washington, D.C. If selected, designators 11601 (SWO), and 12101/12102
(Nuclear Power Instructor) only require a Tier 3 (NACLC) with no further action required once
their Tier 3 (NACLC) is favorably adjudicated. However, designators 11701 and 12201 require
a Tier 5 (SSBI) once selected for the program and the Tier 3 (NACLC) is favorably adjudicated.
b. Once designators 11701 and 12201 are selected for the program, the NAVTALACQGRU
must complete the actions listed in subparagraphs 040805b(1) through 040805b(3).
(1) Verify DISS at for
investigation status.
(2) If the Tier 3 (NACLC) investigation is favorably adjudicated, the
NAVTALACQGRU must request the clearance be upgraded in NASIS to Tier 5 (SSBI) by
sending an email directly to the NUPOC Program Managers (N313) requesting NASIS
investigation be upgraded to Tier 5 (SSBI) for Nuclear Power applicant. If fingerprints are over
120 days old they are expired and new fingerprint submission is required.
(3) If the applicant’s Tier 3 (NACLC) investigation has not been favorably adjudicated,
the NAVTALACQGRU must continue to track DISS until the applicant’s Tier 3 (NACLC)
investigation is favorably adjudicated, and then the NAVTALACQGRU must request the
clearance be upgraded in NASIS to Tier 5 (SSBI) for Nuclear Power applicant as discussed in
subparagraph b.
040806. Scroll Process
a. All Active-Duty List (ADL) and Reserve Active-Status List (RASL) Officers must be on
an approved scroll prior to being commissioned in the U.S. Navy. Title 10, United States Code,
requires the President to appoint ADL officers to the grades of lieutenant and junior, and RASL
officers to the grades of commander and junior. This authority has been delegated to the Office
of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). The appointment of ADL officers to the grades of lieutenant
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commander and senior and RASL officers to the grade of captain requires nomination by the
President, and senate confirmation.
b. The timeframe for completion of an active and reserve scroll that only requires OSD
approval is approximately 4-6 weeks, while senate confirmation can take up to three months or
more. Scrolls are submitted weekly to OSD. The process is listed in subparagraphs 040806b(1)
through 040806b(10).
(1) For all medical program applicants, the recruiter meets with the potential officer
program applicant; completes and has them sign NAVCRUIT 1131/67.
(2) Recruiter forwards NAVCRUIT 1131/67 to NAVTALACQGRU OPO.
(3) NAVTALACQGRU OPO verifies the NAVCRUIT 1131/67 for the items listed in
subparagraphs 040806b(3)(a) through 040806b(3)(g).
(a) Applicant’s legal name (last, first, middle initial, and suffix) as listed on the
applicant’s SSN card.
(b) If applicant has no middle initial, then ‘NMN’ should be on the form;
(c) Social Security number (complete);
(d) Rank (if applicable) and status;
(e) Program request;
(f) Form signed by applicant and recruiter;
(g) NAVTALACQGRU is on form.
(4) NAVTALACQGRU OPO or acting OPO compiles all scroll data into one excel
spreadsheet per the format in subparagraphs 040806b(4)(a) through 040806b(4)(g).
(a) All CAPS;
(b) Times New Roman, 12 pitch font;
(c) No comma after the first name;
(d) A period after the middle initial;
(e) A period after suffixes (JR., SR.), but no period after (II, III, etc.);
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(f) Submit SSN as: xxx-xx-9999
(g) Submit Rank as indicated in subparagraph 040806b(4)(g).
(h) Table 4.1 Sample Scroll Data Spreadsheet is provided.
Table 4.1 Sample Scroll Data Excel Spreadsheet
(5) NAVTALACQGRU OPO or acting OPO consolidates all NAVCRUIT 1131/67
sheets into one Adobe Acrobat file and emails the .pdf file with the excel spreadsheet to the
NAVCRUITCOM program managers (PMs) on Mondays.
(6) The NAVCRUITCOM PMs consolidate the weekly NAVTALACQGRU submissions
into one Excel spreadsheet and forward to the NAVCRUITCOM Scrolls Officer for review.
(7) PMs verify names, SSNs, ranks, and status for their programs and annotate whether to
submit or not by indicating yes or no.
(8) NAVCRUITCOM N311, N312, N313, N314 and NAVCRUITCOM Reserve Officer
Accessions Branch (N319) directors or their representatives verify names, SSNs, ranks, and
status and forward their verified scroll list to the NAVCRUITCOM scrolls officer.
(9) NAVCRUITCOM scroll coordinator consolidates the directors' final scroll lists into
one Excel spreadsheet and routes to the NAVCRUITCOM scrolls officer for signature.
(10) Scroll submitted to NAVCRUITCOM DET ARLINGTON via TV5 taskers by
NAVCRUITCOM scroll coordinator.
c. For medical programs, the NAVCRUIT 1131/67 along with a copy of the scroll
spreadsheet is submitted to the scroll coordinator via email by the OPO or acting OPO, every
Monday. Table 4.2 Chaplain Program Documents are required for chaplain programs, and are
submitted to the chaplain program manager.
25 Jul 2023
Table 4.2 Chaplain Program Documents
Required Documents
1925i (DC only)
NAVCRUIT 1131/67
Chaplain Students
NAVCRUIT 1131/67, Resume
Direct Accession*
NAVCRUIT 1131/67, Resume
Direct Commission Officer*
NAVCRUIT 1131/67, Resume
NAVCRUIT 1131/67, Resume
HPSP Programs
NAVCRUIT 1131/67
HSCP Programs (DC or MC)
NAVCRUIT 1131/67
Current Rank
NAVCRUIT 1131/67, Resume
Note: DA and DCO ranks can be left blank, if unsure of the rank.
d. For all OCS, GENOFF BDCP (CEC and CWE), DCO, and JAG program applicants,
scroll submission is submitted to the scroll coordinator by the program’s respective
NAVCRUITCOM PM. Program managers will submit applicant’s name, SSN, rank, and status
after they have been recommended by the professional review board.
e. Scroll submissions for collegiates are listed in subparagraphs 040806e(1) through
(1) BDCP - Submitted by PM when board is completed.
(2) NUPOC - Submitted by PM after candidate has enlisted.
(3) HSCP - Submitted by the NAVCRUITCOM’s processor at time of candidate's
f. The majority of direct accessions officers will not be submitted on the scroll until after
the rank is determined by the professional review board. The exception to this will be an
applicant that is pending graduation and a resume was submitted with the NAVCRUIT 1131/67.
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040901. Introduction. This section contains guidelines for the enlistment or commissioning of
officer candidates. Processing activities are authorized to enlist selectees once notified in PRIDE
Mod II of selection and authority to enlist. The authority to appoint a selected applicant for an
officer program is inherent in the appointment documents provided by PERS-802 to the
NAVTALACQGRU for delivery, contingent upon compliance with any attendant restrictions.
040902. Preparation for Enlistment and Commissioning
a. Prior to executing the enlistment or commissioning, the selectee will complete the forms
listed in subparagraphs 040902a(1) through 040902a(3)for the officer processor or the OPL to
(1) NAVCRUIT 1131/33 Change of Status Questionnaire
(a) Officer processor or the OPL will pay particular attention to any positive answers
on the NAVCRUIT 1131/33 form that are inconsistent with previously furnished information. If
inconsistencies are found, or new information is discovered, the enlistment or commissioning
will not be executed.
(b) The form will be completed in applicant’s own handwriting in reproducible black
or blue-black ink.
(c) Line-outs are not recommended to avoid any question of what the applicant stated
during the enlistment or commissioning process. Line-outs will be initialed by the selectee. The
officer processor or the OPL will ensure all information is clear, concise and full supportive
documentation is included if needed.
(d) All "yes" answers must be fully explained.
(2) Program service agreement
(3) Annual Certificate of Physical Condition
(a) A new BCA must be conducted subsequent to the applicant’s receipt of his or her
select letter and prior to enlistment or commissioning. Results will be annotated on the Annual
Certificate of Physical Condition. If the applicant fails to meet body fat standards at this time,
the NAVTALACQGRU will notify the applicable program manager immediately and not enlist
or commission the applicant until provided NAVCRUITCOM authorization.
(b) The officer processor will review the completed NAVMED 6120/3 Annual
Certificate of Physical Condition and sign as the reviewing officer if all responses are “NO.”
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(c) If the selectee's physical condition appears to have changed since the last physical
examination; or information on the annual certificate of physical condition indicates that a
change may have occurred, the enlistment or commissioning will not be executed. An updated
DD 2807-2, reviewed, and signed by a credentialed provider, must be forwarded to
NAVCRUITCOM N33 via WEBWAVE for final determination prior to enlistment or
b. Prior to an applicant's enlistment or commissioning, the NAVTALACQGRU Officer
Processor or the OPL will:
(1) Ensure that a review of the applicant's file is completed and that no additional
information of a derogatory nature has been received subsequent to the time the application was
forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM for selection consideration. Attention will be paid to any
character and employer references or police record checks that may not have been forwarded to
NAVCRUITCOM prior to the time of selection.
(2) If derogatory information or any change which would preclude enlistment or
commissioning is discovered, ensure the enlistment or commissioning is not executed. Notify
the NAVTALACQGRU CO and appropriate NAVCRUITCOM director immediately.
(3) Ensure the physical examination has not expired at time of enlistment or
commissioning. If the physical is older than 24 months at time of enlistment or commissioning,
the member will not be enlisted until he or she receives a new physical and has been found
physically qualified for commission.
(4) In the case of selectees who are members of the Navy Reserve or another service,
review the Conditional Release Form (DD 368) to ensure that the release date is still current and
in effect and conditions are met prior to the enlistment or commissioning. If the release date
from the Navy Reserve or other service has expired, obtain a new DD 368 with a new release
date prior to enlisting the officer candidate. Under no circumstances will the applicant be
enlisted prior to obtaining the DD 368.
(5) Use the Distribution of Enlistment or Commissioning Documents Checklist to
assemble the required enlistment or commissioning documentation.
(6) If not already complied with, applicants drawing or claiming a pension, retired or
retainer pay, or disability compensation from the United States government by virtue of prior
military service, will, by time of commissioning:
(a) Voluntarily agree to waive the pension, retired or retainer pay, or disability
compensation being received, or
(b) Voluntarily agree to waive claim for active duty pay and allowances.
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(7) Will ask selectee if he or she is involved in any lawsuits.
(a) No selectee who has a lawsuit pending against him or her will be enlisted or
commissioned without the prior approval of NAVCRUITCOM.
(b) In order to assist NAVCRUITCOM in making a determination in such cases, a
description of the nature of the case will be forwarded along with a statement from the
applicant's lawyer as to when the case will be tried and whether or not the applicant's presence in
court at the time of trial will be required.
c. Determining Enlisted Paygrades
(1) HSCP and NCP paygrades will be determined by the respective program
(2) NUPOC paygrade determination will be made at the NUPOC Interview.
d. For Commissioning only. For direct appointment selectees, ensure either PCS orders, or
a letter stating their future duty station has been received from BUPERS prior to executing the
040903. Briefing at Time of Enlistment or Commissioning. At the time of enlistment or
commissioning, the recruiting staff will ensure the briefings listed in subparagraphs 040903a
through 040903g are conducted.
a. Training Brief. The enlistee or officer candidate will be provided the appropriate
information applicable to the training school to be attended (OCS, ODS, or DCO), such as OCS
or ODS OCP guides, OCS, ODS, or DCO website information, etc.
b. Montgomery GI Bill and Post 9/11 GI Bill Brief. The enlistee or officer candidate will
be briefed concerning their eligibility for participation in the Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) and
Post 9/11 GI Bill Programs.
(1) The brief is to be an overview of the MGIB and the Post 9/11 BI Bill Programs. The
enlistee or officer candidate will receive a complete briefing at OCS or ODS. Participation
decisions will not be made upon enlistment commissioning but after reporting for active duty.
(2) Non-prior service individuals who are assigned full time by the armed forces to a
civilian institution for a course of education are precluded from receiving MGIB benefits while
they are pending receipt of a degree and attendance at OCS or ODS. This includes NUPOC
candidates, BDCP, HSCP and CEC active duty enlistee candidates. These individuals may
become eligible for benefits three years after commissioning or three years after reporting to
recruit training.
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(3) Prior service individuals may be eligible to use their MGIB, or Post 9/11 GI Bill
benefits while participating in their collegiate program. Details can be found at
(4) BDCP, NUPOC, HSCP, and CEC Collegiate Program participants enlist onto active
duty and will receive a brief upon arriving at OCS or ODS. At that time, they will complete the
entire MGIB briefing and DD Form 2366.
c. Collegiate Management Brief (active duty collegiates only). Active duty collegiates
(NUPOC, HSCP, CEC, and BDCP) will be given a thorough briefing on their active duty
benefits and responsibilities. Each active duty enlistee will be provided a copy of the Collegiate
Management Handout (appendix A) of this manual.
d. Change of Status Brief. Each enlistee or officer candidate will be instructed to
immediately inform NAVCRUITCOM, via the cognizant NAVTALACQGRU, of any major
change in status. Such changes include, but are not necessarily limited to the items listed in
subparagraphs 040903d(1) through 040903d(5).
(1) Change of address.
(2) Change in name (including by marriage).
(3) Known changes in physical qualifications. Any illness, injuries, surgical procedure or
pregnancy will be reported.
(4) Circumstances that affect the individual's qualifications, such as disbarment, loss of a
required license, etc.
(5) Involvement with law enforcement agencies for violation of civil or criminal laws.
Any arrest, detainment, posting of bail, court hearings, convictions, etc., excluding minor traffic
violations for which a fine of $200 or less is imposed, will be reported. Failure to report may
result in discharge from the officer program. Disposition of such cases will be as authorized by
NAVCRUITCOM on a case-by-case basis.
e. Direct Deposit Brief
(1) Enlistees or officer candidates will be briefed on the requirements to maintain an
active bank account and to initiate direct deposit to be completed at their financial institution.
(2) Active duty and reserve members will be briefed on the requirement to complete the
SF 1199A Direct Deposit Form and return it to the NAVTALACQGRU. The
NAVTALACQGRU will forward the document to the appropriate transaction service center
(TSC) formerly known as PSD.
25 Jul 2023
f. Command Urinalysis Brief. Active duty and reserve members will be briefed on the
command’s urinalysis program.
g. Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Brief. All officer candidates and
collegiates are required to watch the SAPR training video provided by NAVCRUITCOM (N7)
located on the Navy Recruiting Command Quarterdeck.
h. The enlistee or officer candidate will be provided the NAVPERS 1070/613’s (Page 13s)
listed in subparagraphs 040903h(1) through 040903h(8) to sign and date. Once signed, the
originals must be filed in the applicant’s residual file with copies uploaded into PRIDE Mod II.
(1) Statements of Understanding
(2) Explanation of UCMJ article 137 and Discharges
(3) Direct Deposit Requirement Acknowledgement
(4) Code of Conduct
(5) SAPR Acknowledgement Statement
(6) Fraternization Policy Acknowledgement
(7) For active duty collegiates only: Active Duty Collegiate Urinalysis Testing Program
(8) For collegiates only: COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2 (series) Appendix A
040904. Executing Enlistment
a. The OPL or officer processor will complete the DD Form 4 Enlistment/Re-enlistment
Document Armed Forces of the United States. For guidance refer to paragraph 070207 of this
b. Any commissioned officer of any component of a U.S. Armed Force, active, reserve, or
retired, may administer the enlistment oath.
040905. Executing the Commission
a. Any commissioned officer of any component of a U.S. Armed Force, active, reserve, or
retired may administer the commissioning oath of office. For NAVETs, if the member has been
released from active duty, he or she must have a reserve oath of office. If the oath was not
completed prior to release of active duty, it must be executed prior to accession.
b. As the official administering the oath of office, the OPL or OP will ensure that all
restrictions appended to the appointment documents have been met prior to the candidate being
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administered the oath. In the event there are questions regarding the restrictions involved,
administration of the oath will be delayed until all questions have been resolved. Alterations of
names, grades or dates of rank will not be made on appointment papers before or after execution.
Appointment papers will be reissued by PERS-802 upon notification of an error.
c. All remaining commissioning documents will be completed by the OPL or OP prior to
the selectee's commissioning.
d. After the oath has been administered, the new officer and the officer administering the
oath will sign all copies of the Oath and Acceptance of Office (Active - NAVPERS 1000/4, and
Reserve - NAVPERS 1000/20).
e. For members currently in an enlisted status, the appointing officer will:
(1) Honorably discharge appointees from their enlisted status by reason of "selected
changes in service obligation to accept permanent appointment to officer grade" per
MILPERSMAN 1910-102 as of the day immediately preceding the date of acceptance of the
permanent appointment as appropriate.
(2) If not the custodian of the enlisted service record, notify the service record custodian
regarding the type of appointment accepted and the date it was accepted.
(3) With the assistance of the OPL or OP, request that the member's enlisted status be
terminated on the day immediately preceding the date of acceptance of the permanent
f. The OPL or OP will ensure:
(1) All signatures must be original.
(2) Appointees serving in permanent enlisted status (including those in temporary
commissioned or warrant grades) have been honorably discharged from their enlisted status by
reason of "selected changes in service obligation to accept permanent appointment to officer
grade" per MILPERSMAN 1910-102.
(3) A Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214) is prepared
per NAVMILPERSCOMINST 1900.8 and the enlisted service record closed for members
discharged while on active duty.
(4) NAVPERS 1070/613: Discharge for the purpose of accepting a commission entry is
made for members discharged while on active duty for the purposes of accepting a commission
and the enlisted service record is closed. A copy of the NAVPERS 1070/613 can be located in
the NAVCRUITCOM Flank Speed Portal. Enlisted record disposition will be per
MILPERSMAN 1070-130.
25 Jul 2023
040906. Disqualification after Enlistment (Physical or Educational)
a. If an enlistee becomes physically disqualified prior to accession, the NAVTALACQGRU
(1) Notify the appropriate NAVCRUITCOM processor immediately.
(2) Submit consultations from the attending physician to NAVCRUITCOM N33 if the
physical disqualification is of a temporary nature (resulting from an injury, accident, etc.). The
enlistee's file will be held in an inactive status for a limited time pending final recovery. If the
enlistee is found physically disqualified for the desired program, the applicant may apply for a
designator for which qualified.
b. If a selectee fails to earn a degree in the stipulated time, he or she may request an
extension from NAVCRUITCOM, via the NAVTALACQGRU CO, of one semester or one full
summer session if circumstances warrant. For students enrolled in internships, the program
director and or specialty leader will coordinate with NAVCRUITCOM N314 regarding
extensions. If, following the extension, the candidate fails to meet educational requirements:
(1) Candidates or selectees procured from civilian or Navy Reserves sources will be
discharged (for example, a non-paid 13750-NFO).
(2) For active duty collegiates, refer to paragraph 080210, academic disenrollment.
040907. Distribution of Enlistment Documents. The OPL or OP will:
a. Use the Distribution of Accession Documents Checklist to ensure the enlistment
documents are appropriately distributed.
b. Complete appropriate entries in PRIDE Mod II.
c. Active and Inactive duty collegiates. After the collegiate has received and signed orders,
retain the collegiate’s service and health records at the NAVTALACQGRU until the collegiate
prepares to ship to OCS. Mail the service and health record via traceable means (to protect
personally identifying information) no later than two weeks prior to the candidate’s OCS report
date by placing the candidate’s service and medical record (with latest physical) into separate
sealed envelopes inside a mailing envelope and clearly label each. When possible, send records
in batches to minimize shipping expense.
Note: For pilot and NFO candidates, the additional paperwork will be included
with the medical record: All police and or arrest reports (including detailed
arrest summary) and court records of the incident(s), and all certificates of
completion of any court-directed alcohol education or alcohol treatment
program(s). For mental history, include all mental health notes (e.g., mental
25 Jul 2023
health evaluation, full treatment records and treatment summary or
termination notes.
040908. Distribution of Commissioning Documents. The Distribution of Accession
Documents Checklist will be used to ensure all the commissioning documents are appropriately
distributed after the commission has been executed. The OPL or OP will:
a. Ensure the 1955-Judge Advocate General’s Corps records are maintained at the
NAVTALACQGRU whose geographic AOR includes the law school the JAG student is
b. Ensure the service and health records for 1985-DC HPSP, 1995-MSC (Optometry), 1975,
HPSP, FAP and 29002-Nurse Candidate Program (NCP); 1925-Dental Corps students are mailed
to BUMED as indicated in subparagraph 040908b.
Via U. S. Postal Service:
Program Manager
Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Accessions Department
8955 Wood Road, Suite 13132
Bethesda, MD 20889-5628
Program Manager
Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Accessions Department
8955 Wood Road, Suite 13132
Bethesda, MD 20889-5628
c. Ensure the service and health records for 1945-chaplain candidates are mailed to the
current chaplain candidate program manager.
Commander, Navy Recruiting Command
ATTN: Chaplain Candidate Program Manager
5722 Integrity Drive, Bldg. 784
Millington, TN 38054
d. Maintain all remaining active duty appointee records until officer Departs for ODS.
Place the service record in a sealed envelope and hand to the officer to carry to ODS. FEDEX
health records, in batches whenever possible to minimize costs.
e. Ensure the service and health records for all DCO appointees are via FEDEX to the
supporting NAVOPSPTCEN.
25 Jul 2023
f. Provide the officer a copy of documents and ensure he or she signs and dates the
Distribution of Commissioning Documents Checklist indicating receipt. Retain the original
checklist and place it in the officer's residual file.
040909. Courtesy and Superseding Appointments
a. The OPL or officer processor will ensure all requirements have been adhered to prior to
allowing the administration of the superseding oath (e.g., physical examination that will not
expire prior to completing ODS and proof of graduation from college or university).
b. Administer superseding oath to officer. The OPL or officer processor will ensure the
necessary sections are complete and distribute as indicated on the forms. No additional
paperwork is required for superseding appointments, including PRIDE Mod II entries.
c. If there are no supporting documents, contact BUMED (for medical applicants) or Naval
Chaplain School (for chaplains).
040910. Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System (DEERS) and the Military
Identification Card
a. OCS officer candidates will receive ID cards once they arrive to OCS.
b. DCOs can receive their ID cards at their local Navy Reserve Center or an on-base ID card
c. Active duty collegiates
(1) Upon enlistment, DEERS enrollment will be completed through the assigned TSC.
(2) Obtaining a military ID card. The DD Form 1172 will be completed at the on-base ID
card office. Collegiates may have to fill out a DD Form 1172 at the NAVTALACQGRU to gain
access to the local military installation. The documentation listed in subparagraphs
040910c(2)(a) through 040910c(2)(g) is required for the military ID card.
(a) Enlistment contract
(b) Birth certificate
(c) Active duty orders
(d) Marriage certificate (if applicable)
(e) SSN card
25 Jul 2023
(f) One form of picture ID
(g) Members with Dependents must provide the dependent information listed in
subparagraphs 040910c(2)(g)1 through 040910c(2)(g)5.
1. Birth certificate
2. Adoption papers (if applicable)
3. SSN card
4. Marriage Certificate or Divorce Decree (if applicable)
5. One form of picture ID (except for children)
25 Jul 2023
041001. General Guidelines. When possible, active duty orders to OCS, ODS, or DCO will be
issued at least four to six weeks prior to the class convening date to allow the candidate to make
plans. The OPL or OP will review orders with the member to ensure they understand the orders.
a. Active duty orders for CEC, NUPOC, BDCP, HSCP active duty collegiates, Direct
Appointment Program selectees, HPSP, FAP, NCP, chaplain and JAG are issued by BUPERS.
b. OCS Orders. NAVCRUIT 1131/36 Active duty orders to Officer Candidate School will
be used for all officer candidates enlisted for inactive duty.
c. ODS active duty orders are negotiated between the selectee and the detailer.
Note: If an officer or officer candidate is to receive overseas orders following ODS
graduation, the OPO or OPL will ensure the active duty orders are issued at
least 10-12 weeks prior to the class convening date to allow the candidate to
complete required activities (i.e. overseas screening, etc.), and to make
041002. Collegiate Orders
a. Requests for active duty collegiate orders will be coordinated through NAVCRUITCOM
collegiate management.
b. NAVTALACQGRUs will not issue active duty orders until the officer candidate
concerned has presented evidence of receipt of a baccalaureate degree.
c. If less than 30 days remain between presentation of evidence of degree and the class
convening date, the active duty orders will be issued as soon as possible upon the candidate's
presentation of said evidence. NAVTALACQGRU will advise the candidate to make plans
d. Ensure final official transcripts indicating degree earned, date conferred, and all credits
and grades received are included in the service record and uploaded to PRIDE Mod II. In those
cases, where due to short notice, final transcripts are not available, the enlistee or appointee will
provide a letter from the university or college registrar stating the expected graduation date and
degree to be conferred.
e. BDCP Active Duty Collegiates. When the final transcripts are received from the officer
candidate, the NAVTALACQGRU will ensure the transcripts, as well as a copy of the Page 13
advancing the BDCP member to E5, are attached in PRIDE Mod II and forwarded to collegiate
management immediately.
25 Jul 2023
041003. Place of Departure for Orders. When preparing orders for inactive duty personnel
going to OCS, the OPL or officer processor will ensure the officer candidate is issued orders to
depart from one of the places listed in subparagraphs 041003a through 041003c.
a. The officer candidate's home of record, as listed on the Enlistment Contract (DD Form
b. The officer candidate's place of enlistment (i.e. NAVTALACQGRU).
c. A location that is either closer or more cost-effective to OCS Newport, RI (cannot exceed
the cost of home of record or place of enlistment).
041004. Dependent Travel. All candidates ordered to OCS or ODS under TEMDUINS orders
will be reminded that, per their service agreement, dependent travel is not reimbursable.
041005. Shipment of Household Goods. The OPL or officer processor will brief all
candidates concerning their entitlement for shipment of household goods.
041006. Reporting Windows. Active duty orders will stipulate the reporting windows listed in
subparagraphs 041006a through 041006c.
a. OCS. NET 1600 on Saturday and NLT 0800 on Sunday before class convening date.
Note: Candidates will have to obtain their own accommodations if attempting to
report prior to 0800 on Sunday.
b. ODS. NET 1600 on Friday and NLT 1200 on Sunday before class convening date.
c. DCO. NET 1600 on Friday and NLT 1200 on Sunday before class convening date.
041007. VIP Orders. VIP orders allow an applicant to travel to a Navy site and view an actual
working environment.
a. The nuclear Officer VIP (NUCVIP) is highly recommended (but no longer required) for
all nuclear officer candidates prior to being invited to the nuclear officer interview. The
NUCVIP allows applicants the opportunity to experience first-hand the work environment of the
Navy nuclear officer. Travel arrangements are made through the NAVCRUITREG nuclear
trained officer (NTO). The applicant receives applicant travel orders, but does not receive per
b. The Medical VIP trips, when funded and scheduled, is used for critical medical programs.
Medical VIP trips are approximately three days in length and the sites alternate between San
Diego, CA, and Portsmouth, VA. NAVCRUITCOM N314 generates annual MEDVIP trip
schedules, coordinates the medical VIPS, and prepares the trip itineraries. MEDVIP travelers
25 Jul 2023
receive applicant travel orders, but do not receive per diem. NAVTALACQGRUs identify
possible MEDVIP travelers provide those names to NAVCRUITCOM N314 no later than 30
days prior to a scheduled MEDVIP trip with travel submitted via DTS no later than 14 days prior
to a scheduled MEDVIP trip.
25 Jul 2023
041101. Inactive Duty Officer Candidates Awaiting Officer Candidate School. If, prior to
reporting to OCS, an officer candidate who is enlisted for inactive duty:
a. Requests discharge via letter,
b. Declines to attend OCS, or
c. Fails to meet any of the requirements for continuation in the officer candidate program in
which enlisted, then the NAVTALACQGRU OPL will:
(1) Prepare and execute a NAVPERS 1070/613 per MILPERSMAN 1070-330. Ensure
the NAVTALACQGRU CO signs and forwards the NAVPERS 1070/613 to NAVPERSCOM
(Pers-312) with the candidate’s closed out service record. Provide a signed copy to the member.
(2) Prior to mailing the required documents listed in subparagraph 041002 to PERS-312,
ensure the words "DO NOT OPEN IN MAIL ROOM" are typed on the front of the envelope.
Note: For circumstances that would preclude an honorable discharge, contact the
appropriate program manager for further guidance.
(3) Attach a copy of the NAVPERS 1070/613 and the candidate’s letter requesting
discharge in PRIDE Mod II.
041102. Active Duty Officer Candidates Accepting A Commission
a. HSCP, Nuclear Power School Instructor or Nuclear Power Training Unit Instructor and
Nuclear Reactor Engineer candidates enlisted for active duty will be discharged for the
convenience of the government prior to accepting a commission.
b. Prepare a NAVCRUIT 1131/38 DD Form 214 Worksheet and forward it to the servicing
PSD to ensure that a DD Form 214 is prepared and issued per COMNAVMILPERSCOMINST
041103. Active Duty Officer Candidates. Active duty officer candidates (BDCP, HSCP,
CEC and NUPOC) requiring discharge will be discharged by the servicing TSC per the
appropriate MILPERSMAN. For further guidance contact NAVCRUITCOM or refer to
25 Jul 2023
041104. Injury or Death
a. In the event of an injury or death of an applicant in process, selected, or enlisted for
inactive duty, the OPO will inform the appropriate NAVCRUITCOM program manager.
b. In the case of personnel on or deemed to have been on active duty, active duty for
training, inactive duty training, or traveling enroute to or from such duty at the time of injury or
death, the OPO will consult the MILPERSMAN series 1770.
c. In the event of the injury or death of a collegiate, the OPO will consult the
MILPERSMAN 1770 series for guidance on completing the Personnel Casualty Report (PCR)
and contact the appropriate NAVCRUITCOM program.
Note: Collegiates are to be treated in the same manner as a member on active duty
in the event of injury or death.
25 Jul 2023
041201. Reserve Officer Accession Branch (PERS-911)
a. The Reserve Officer Accession Branch is PERS-911C. The mailing address is:
Navy Personnel Command PERS-911C
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055-9110
b. The address to be used for special delivery (FEDEX, etc.):
Navy Personnel Command PERS-911C
Goetsch Hall (Bldg 768)
5640 Ticonderoga Loop
Millington, TN 38054-9110
c. Additional information provided on other services National Personnel Centers:
(1) Air Force: Headquarters
Air Force Reserve Personnel Center
6760 East Irvington Place #4600
Denver, CO 80280-4600
DSN: 926-6506 COMM: (303) 676-6506
FAX DSN: 926-6298 FAX COMM: (303) 676-6298
TOLL FREE: (800) 525-0102 EXT 22
(2) Army: Commander, United States Army Reserve
Personnel Center
1401 Deshler Street, SW
Fort McPherson, GA 30330-2000
COMM: (877) 777-6854
(3) Coast Guard: Commandant
US Coast Guard Headquarters
Attn: G-RA-2
2100 2nd Street SW
Washington, DC 20593
COMM: (877) 669-8724
25 Jul 2023
(4) Marines: Commandant
United States Marine Corps
Personnel Management Division
Separations and Retirement Branch
Inactive Reserve Section MMSR-5
3280 Russell Road (MMSR)
Quántico, VA 22134-5030
COMM: (703) 784-9306/07
d. Navy Reserve. For information requests from the Federal Records Center in St. Louis,
Missouri, submit requests via the appropriate NAVTALACQGRU.
041202. Drilling Eligibility and Status. An officer's eligibility for assignment to a Navy
Reserve unit, including non-pay assignment, will be determined before executing Inactive Duty
Training (IDT) orders. Navy Reserve members may be assigned to four sub-categories:
a. Ready Reserve (USNR-R) members are available for assignment to a Selected Reserve
(SELRES) unit with pay.
b. Standby Reserve-Active (USNR-S1) members are available for non-pay assignment to a
c. Standby Reserve-Inactive (USNR-S2) members are not eligible for unit assignment. The
member will submit a NAVPERS 1200/1 Ready Reserve Agreement to NAVPERSCOM (PERS
911) for transfer back to the Ready Reserve (USNR-R) or Standby Reserve (USNR-S1) status in
order to drill. The OR will ensure these members have a current physical examination. Do not
send physical exams to PERS-911 unless requested to do so.
d. Retired Reserve (USNR-Retired) members may participate on a voluntarily basis only
per chapter 10, section 1008, of BUPERSINST 1001.39.
041203. Key Employees. Members identified as key employees per chapter 21 of
BUPERSINST 1001.39 may not be assigned to a pay billet.
041204. Navy Active Duty Delay for Specialist Physician Program. Navy Active Duty Delay
Specialist (NADDS) physicians are not authorized SELRES assignments per chapter 10, section
1004, of BUPERSINST 1001.39. They may be assigned to the IRR either as a drilling (VTU) or
non-drilling member. Refer to SECNAVINST 1520.11 and MILPERMAN 1001-070 for
Inactive Duty Reservists who are students or graduates of medical schools or theological studies.
041205. Medical and Dental Students. Reserve officers who are in an accredited medical,
osteopathic, or dental school in the United States or Puerto Rico may not be assigned to the
SELRES. Refer to chapter 10, section 1005, of BUPERSINST 1001.39 and MILPERSMAN
25 Jul 2023
041301. Contacting Schools. All officer recruiters are authorized to telephone the respective
school or course to ascertain the items listed in subparagraphs 041301a and 041301b.
a. The reason(s) a candidate is being discharged.
b. Obtain information for parents and relatives.
041302. Officer Candidate School. OCS is a 13-week course designed for active duty
applicants only, and attended by unrestricted and restricted line officers, including nuclear
conventional officers. OCS is designed to develop civilians, enlisted, and newly commissioned
personnel morally, mentally, physically, and imbue them with the highest ideals of honor,
courage, and commitment, in order to prepare graduates for service in the fleet as Naval officers.
OC (Name) Officer Candidate School Class XX-XX
Officer Training Command, Newport
1356 Meyerkord Ave, Newport, RI 02841
Note: In case of emergencies while in training at OCS, family members and next
of kin can contact candidates at the following telephone number: (401) 862-
041303. Officer Development School. Officer development school is a five-week course
designed for active duty applicants and most Staff Corps, restricted line officers (medical, JAG,
chaplains, Naval Reactors Engineer and Nuclear Power School Instructor or Nuclear Power
Training Unit Instructor). ODS is designed to prepare officers of specific staff corps and
restricted line communities as Navy leaders supporting fleet needs (to include the third class
swim qualification).
(Rank, First Name, M.I., Last Name; Corps (Abbreviation))
ODS Class (Number), Company (Letter)
Officer Training Command, Newport
Officer Development School
1356 Meyerkord Ave, Newport, RI 02841
Note: In case of emergencies while in training at ODS, family members and next
of kin can contact officers at the following telephone numbers: (401) 841-
3517 (during business hours) or (401) 862-4321 (CDO after business hours).
25 Jul 2023
041304. Direct Commissioned Officer Indoctrination Course
a. The DCOIC has been incorporated into ODS and is now 5 weeks in duration. It is
designed to provide newly commissioned reserve officers (staff and restricted line), along with
LDOs and CWOs with instruction on essential subjects including naval leadership, military law,
administration and other military subjects which will prepare them for the responsibilities of
commissioned service and follow-on skill training. Third class swim qualification is included.
b. Officers must attend this course within one year of commissioning per OPNAVINST
1120.3A with the following exception: Prior service Navy officers (those that had previously
held a commission in the AC or RC), are not required to attend since they have previously
attended a commissioning accession program (i.e., NROTC, USNA, OCS, ODS, or the old
c. Appointees are highly encouraged to complete the current year annual general military
training courses on Navy Knowledge Online prior to attending the ODS.
d. Officers who fail to complete indoctrination requirements may be involuntarily
transferred to the IRR and not recommended for re-affiliation.
Note: In case of emergencies while in training at ODS, family members and next
of kin can contact officers at the following telephone numbers: (401) 841-
2264 (during business hours) or (401) 862-4321 (after business hours).
041305. Naval Chaplaincy School. The Naval Chaplaincy School and Center provides
indoctrination to newly-commissioned active, reserve and Chaplain Candidate Program officers.
(Rank, First Name, M.I., Last Name; Corps (Abbreviation))
Naval Chaplain Basic Training Student
Naval Chaplaincy School and Center
114 Porter Ave
Newport, RI 02841
Note 1: In case of emergencies while in training at the Naval Chaplaincy School
and Center in Newport, RI, family members and next of kin can contact
candidates at the following telephone number: commercial (401) 841-3953.
Note 2: Specific problems which cannot be resolved through OCS, ODS, or
chaplain school offices should be requested in writing to the
NAVTALACQGRU chain of command. Particularly difficult problems
should be referred through the chain of command to:
25 Jul 2023
5422 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38054-5054
DSN: 882-9030
Commercial: (901) 874-9030
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(This Page Intentionally Left Blank)
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Chapter 5
050101. Background. The Officer Recruiter Production and Management System (ORPMS)
is designed to manage all available resources within the NAVTALACQGRU to achieve goal.
The OPO and OACR will train each officer recruiter in system use and monitor recruiter
production weekly during the Officer Production Review (OPR). Thorough ORPMS
comprehension and information input, and applicant log, when used in conjunction with other
available systems, can effectively increase production and improve the recruiter’s quality of life.
When used properly, ORPMS is the most effective method of increasing production and ensuring
officer recruiters have the tools necessary for mission success.
050102. Purpose. ORPMS provides production personnel with the tools necessary to
effectively evaluate recruiting activities and achieve goal. Applicant logs will be used by the
OPO, OACR and officer recruiters, and designated station LPO or LCPO to plan and evaluate
a. Officer Prospecting Applicant Log. Exhibit 5-1 Officer Prospecting Applicant Log (or
NAVTALACQGRU approved version) is a tracking system for applicants who were interviewed
and is essential in assisting recruiters get “face to face” with qualified prospects in order to
expedite the recruiting process. Applicant logs will also be used as an analysis tool by the OPO
and OACR to determine individual recruiter and TALACQONBDCTR strengths and
weaknesses. The prospects annotated on the applicant logs require weekly follow up from the
OPO and OACR. The applicant log will be generated by the officer recruiter and used by the
OPO and OACR during the production review to ensure ongoing and relevant activity is tracked.
All applicant logs should be reviewed and closed out on a monthly basis. In addition to the
current month’s log, those for the previous 12 months will be retained and available for review if
needed. The interview source codes listed in subparagraphs 050102a(1)(a) through
050102a(1)(l) will be used on the applicant log.
(1) PH-Phone
(2) RL/RN-local or national lead
(3) RD-Collegiate referral
(4) RA-Applicant referral
(5) RI-COI/Counselor referral
(6) RS-Referral other service
25 Jul 2023
(7) PD-Personally developed contact
(8) RP-Presentation, HARP and seminar
(9) WI-Walk-in
(10) RE-Enlisted recruiter referral
(11) EM-Email
(12) SN-Social networking
b. Activity Tracking. NAVTALACQGRUs will track officer recruiter activity via the
command approved ORAMPS.
050103. Reports. The OPO and OACR will use Exhibit 5-2 NAVTALACQGRU Quarterly
Visit Checklist to provide training and improve production. Training and production related
deficiencies identified during the visit will be annotated on a training syllabus and placed in the
officer recruiter’s training jacket along with a copy of the checklist. During the Officer
Production Review (OPR), the OACR will assess improvement of the officer recruiter
weaknesses and or correction of discrepancies and schedule follow up training or visits as
necessary. The OPO will maintain the original checklist for 24 months.
050104. Goal Assignments and Appointment. Based upon the OPO and OACR input, the
NAVTALACQGRU commanding officer will provide Exhibit 5-3 Annual Officer Programs
Goaling Letter (or NAVTALACQGRU approved version) to each officer recruiters. The
NAVTALACQGRU CO, XO, OPO, and OACR will review goal attainment progress with each
officer recruiter on a monthly basis, and the NAVTALACQGRU CO, OPO and officer recruiter
will initial and date the bottom of the original letter for each quarter. NAVTALACQGRU
changes made to the recruiter goaling letter will be via pen and ink, or via a written addendum to
the letter. Any change to the goaling letter must be approved and signed and dated by either the
Note: Market factors and historical trends have demonstrated that proactive
measures lead to mission success. Prospects should be identified within the
first three quarters of the fiscal year with greater emphasis placed on the first
two quarters.
25 Jul 2023
Exhibit 5-1. Officer Prospecting Applicant Log
25 Jul 2023
TALACQONBDCTR: _________________________________
TALACQONBDCTR Commander: _______________________
Date of TALACQONBDCTR Visit: __________________
# of recruiters assigned: ___
# of recruiters advance recruiter qualified: ___
1. Does the office have a clean and professional appearance? Y/N
2. Are government vehicles clean (interior and exterior)? Y/N
3. Are recruiters’ appearances within military standards? Y/N
4. Is physical fitness scheduled and executed? Y/N
5. Is station or recruiter contact information prominently displayed? Y/N
1. Is the prospecting activity being updated in ORAMPS? Y/N
2. Is the Collegiate Management Tab up to date? Y/N
3. # of colleges assigned: ___
4. # of colleges the marketing advertising officer (MAO) entered into RTOOLS: ___
5. Are AARs completed within 72 hours (FAM 1140.3G Chap 3) Y/N
7. Are the Career Information Questionnaires filled out at events and turned into
the MAO/Advertising Coordinator per COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1140.3H Y/N
Field Advertising Manual (FAM)?
8. Did the DIVO or DLCPO review and analyze monthly and annual goals from
goaling letters and document in writing high point areas and shortfalls? Y/N
25 Jul 2023
Comments on ORAMPS:
1. Does each recruiter have a goaling letter signed by the commanding officer? Y/N
2. Total # of prospects on applicant log: ___
3. Screen a minimum of three prospects during visit. Y/N
a. Total # of yearly prospects: ___
b. Total # of kits submitted by QTR 1st __ 2nd __ 3rd __ 4th __
c. Avg. # months in processing stage since CV approval: ____
4. Are professionally recommended applicants being processed in a timely manner? Y/N
Total # of applicants over 30 days from PRO REC Y without FINDOCS uploaded: ___
Total # of kits at board: ___ Verified in PRIDE Mod II? Y/N
Total # of Pro Rec Y: ___ Verified in PRIDE Mod II? Y/N
Total # of Selects: ___ Verified in PRIDE Mod II? Y/N
Total # of commissioned/enlisted: ___ Verified in PRIDE Mod II? Y/N
5. Is prospecting at colleges, career fairs, Navy Reserve Center visits, etc., being conducted and
documented on ORAMPS? Y/N
6. Observe one Officer Production Review during NRS Visit. SAT/UNSAT
Comments on ORPMS or PRIDE Mod II:
25 Jul 2023
1. Are there any personnel delinquent on minimum PQS standards? Y/N
2. Has required monthly training been entered into the training jackets (e.g., GMT, Y/N
Formal, OJT, etc.)?
3. Is follow-up training being performed and documented? Y/N
4. Is individual training geared toward specific strengths and weaknesses? Y/N
5. Have all recruiters completed a monthly sales lab? Y/N
Comments on training:
1. Number of collegiates year-to-date? _____
2. Does RTools and ORAMPS reflect all of the collegiates? Y/N
3. Are all collegiates entered into PRIMS? Y/N
4. Are all collegiate’s files retained for 2 years? Y/N
5. Are all collegiates enlisted within 15 working days from receipt of their final Y/N
select letter?
6. Are all collegiate’s 72 hour indoctrinations documented in RTOOLS and
documentation turned in to the collegiate Manager? Y/N
7. Verify that all collegiates are contacted monthly as required (either face-to
-face or telephonic). SAT/UNSAT
8. Verify that yearly PHAs are completed. SAT/UNSAT
9. Do any collegiate’s physicals expire within the next six (6) months? Y/N
25 Jul 2023
10. Have all OCS shippers within 60 days of their class date completed pre-
shipping requirements as outlined per COMNAVCRUITCOMINST Y/N
1131.2 series paragraph 080207 and been verified in PRIDE Mod II?
Comments on Collegiate Management:
1. Is RTools effectively utilized to document the management of all assigned leads? Y/N
2. # of overdue leads: ___
3. # of incomplete leads: ____
4. # of unassigned leads: ____
5. Total # of leads received by QTR: 1st __ 2nd __ 3rd __ 4th __
6. Are all recruiter leads contacted within 72 hours? Y/N
7. How many online applications (OAs) are in the system? ____
8. How many online applications have not been attempted? ____
Comments on LEADS:
All discrepancies will be trained to and documented on a
training syllabus along with a follow-up plan.
DATE: ___________________
TALACQONBDCTR Commander: ____________________________
TRAINER: __________________________________
DLCPO REVIEWED: ____________________________ DATE: ____________
DIVO REVIEWED: ____________________________ DATE: ____________
Exhibit 5-2. Talent Acquisition Onboarding Center Quarterly Visit Checklist
25 Jul 2023
Date ___________
(NLT 1 Oct of current year)
From: Commanding Officer, ________________________
To: __________________________
(Officer Recruiter)
1. The following accession goals are determined to be your contribution to NAVTALACQGRU
______ Officer Program's production for FY ___. (If actual goals are not available, utilize
anticipated goals based on previous goals and estimated program changes).
1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR TOTAL
Program Goal/Attn Goal/Attn Goal/Attn Goal/Attn Goal/Attn
________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Total ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
2. I will personally review your progress quarterly. The OPO will review your progress weekly
during the Officer Recruiter Production Review. Additionally, prospecting emphasis will be
discussed during each production review.
3. In order to ensure success, you must inform me, through the OPO, of any problems you
encounter or foresee in obtaining your accession goals.
Commanding Officer
25 Jul 2023
Reviewed: (Initials & Date)
CO ______/_____ ______/_____ ______/_____ _____/_____
1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR
OPO ______/_____ ______/_____ ______/_____ _____/_____
1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR
OACR ______/_____ ______/_____ ______/_____ _____/_____
1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR
OR ______/_____ ______/_____ ______/_____ _____/_____
1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR
Officer Recruiter Training Jacket
Exhibit 5-3. Annual Officer Programs Goaling Letter
25 Jul 2023
050201. General. The Officer Production Review (OPR) is the single most important weekly
interaction between the OPO, OACR and officer recruiter. It is designed to diagnose, plan and
expedite improvements to sales skills, prospecting and processing procedures. Proper production
reviews provide time to correct prospecting and processing short falls and identifies specific
training needs. All OPRs should be scheduled in advance with each recruiter.
050202. Weekly Production Review (PR) from OPO or OACR to Recruiter
a. As each new recruiter checks into the TALACQONBDCTR, the OPO or OACR must
train the officer recruiter on how to prepare for the OPR.
b. The formal OPR will be held a minimum of once per week. The OPR should be
conducted in an environment free of distractions and limited interruptions to ensure that the
officer recruiter is given the attention to ensure success.
c. Prospect follow ups will be done in a timely manner; training deficiencies will not
become production problems.
d. In addition to conducting a formal production review, the OPO or OACR will review the
items listed in subparagraphs 050202d(1) through 050202d(10).
(1) Review new contacts and prospects that were held since last OPR and ensure all
entries are correct. Determine if the OPO or OACR needs to do any follow up with contacts and
(2) The OR’s applicant log for any new contacts or prospects.
(3) Status of contacts, prospects, and applicants moving to the next step in the process
(scroll, DISS, medical, etc.).
(4) Number of contacts to date; Are there sufficient contacts and prospects to meet officer
recruiter’s goaling letter requirements? The OPO and OACR needs to be aware of this before
going any further.
(5) MEPS processing schedule; are prospects and applicants scheduled for a MEPs
physical or contract physical in a timely manner?
(6) Review ORAMPS to ensure effective school visits are being conducted and the area
canvassing plan is producing COIs and is documented.
(7) Review leads to ensure they are actively being worked. Ensure proper disposition of
leads per paragraph 010706.
25 Jul 2023
(8) Based on goal remaining, use the NAVTALACQGRU ORAMPS to determine the
plan for the upcoming month and strengths in prospecting.
(9) Consider processing delays and consider corrective actions.
(10) Update ORAMPS as appropriate.
050203. OACR to Officer Recruiter
a. The purpose of the OACR weekly production review is to determine whether the officer
recruiter is following the prospecting plan and is on track to attain all assigned goals (as per each
recruiter's goaling letter and ORAMPS).
b. To assist the officer recruiter in attaining all assigned missions, the OACR must
determine the items listed in subparagraphs 050203b(1) through 050203b(3).
(1) Status of all Eligible Contacts and Prospects. Review the status of contacts and
prospects and determine if steps were taken to identify individual weaknesses and to make
adjustments for prospecting and processing shortfalls. For example, has prospect been scrolled?
What is the status of DISS and physical qualification for those individuals that have been
professionally recommended by the board?
(2) Prospecting Results. Are the recruiters being directed into the right target market and
is the market being penetrated? From what prospecting modes are contacts/prospects being
attained? Review results of the prospecting plan for each officer recruiter and identify areas to
have the officer recruiter follow up with executive screening (PRO REC Y that are not being
attained, leads, etc.).
(3) Entire Command’s Performance. The OACR and the OPO should be constantly
reviewing the performance of each individual recruiter to ensure that the command’s
expectations are met. If not, the chain of command must analyze and determine the cause of
each person’s shortfalls. Consider long-range performance to determining manning
discrepancies and TALACQONBDCTR trends.
25 Jul 2023
050301. Introduction. The Reserve mission is to make goal with the highest caliber accessions
obtainable. Time is valuable, so recruiters must conduct an analysis of their assigned territory to
identify where to recruit people with the least amount of effort. As the size and composition of
the primary market changes, it becomes increasingly important that the recruiter employs an
analytical approach to recruiting.
050302. Marketing Environment. Recruiting is competitive. A recruiter must know how to
effectively analyze the market and territory in order to focus their prospecting activity quickly as
Navy Reserve programs change. Market and territory analysis provides the recruiter with an
effective tool to attain assigned goals.
050303. Marketing Definitions
a. Market analysis. A systematic way of determining the location, number, and quality of
work force potentially available in a geographic area.
b. Territory analysis. The demographic area to ascertain what actual help or information
can be obtained from the territory to prospect smartly.
c. Analysis of Military Available (MA). Pinpoints sources of potential quality and quantity
affiliates and is a prerequisite for success.
d. Potential Sources. Any persons, organizations or territories that give referrals, or places
where an affiliate might be located within the TALACQONBDCTR boundaries.
e. Production Analysis. A continuous recording and study of the number of accessions,
including quality and their source.
050304. Targeting the Market for Each Navy Reserve Program
050304. Targeting the Market for Each Navy Reserve Program. The Navy Reserve has three
basic “target markets” to consider which, are listed in subparagraphs 050304a through 050304c.
a. Navy veteran (NAVET)
b. Direct commission officer (DCO)
c. Other service veteran (OSVET)
050305. Market Source Potential. The potential of a market source can be determined by
considering the areas listed in subparagraphs 050305a through 050305d.
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a. Quantity (numbers only) possible out of each source.
b. Quality (mental, physical, or possible waivers, etc.) possible from source.
c. Accessibility of each source.
d. Past history of production from each source (production analysis).
050306. Territory Analysis. A territory analysis goes into greater detail about information
available in a given area. Through territory analysis you may find for example, that developing
an effective referral network is more effective than other prospecting methods in a given area.
The items listed in subparagraphs 050306a through 050306k should be considered.
a. Basic territory information.
b. Population centers.
c. Community events.
d. Economic conditions.
e. Recruiting advertising materials (RAD) item locations.
f. Centers of influence.
g. DoD contractors common work areas.
h. Newspapers, radio and TV stations that reach the market.
i. FLEET concentration area recruiter.
j. Navy Reserve Center (NRC).
k. Military organizations - American Legion, VFW, etc.
050307. Market Analysis
a. Statistics. One of the benefits of market analysis is confirmation by statistics. A recruiter
often has a feel for the territory; however, allocation of resources cannot be done based on
feelings. Market and territory analysis and production reviews help show where the prospect
should be located and determine the most effective way to prospect.
b. Know the Territory. As the recruiter works his or her territory of responsibility, he or she
will learn who the centers of influence (COI's) are and where they are located. The recruiter will
25 Jul 2023
post names and date changes immediately for tracking purposes. It is essential for the recruiter
to review these records every few months and update them as necessary. The recruiter must save
time, stay informed, make everyone a vital part of hometown recruiting, and realize the potential
of each COI to help make the mission.
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Chapter 6
060101. Purpose. To standardize officer programs operation’s planning and marketing in
NAVCRUITCOM activities.
a. The Officer Recruiter Annual Market and Prospecting System (ORAMPS) is the
NAVTALACQGRU’s fiscal year execution document to aid the team in tracking its efforts,
provides the primary vehicle to coordinate recruiting evolutions, and ensures effective utilization
of assets and resources.
b. ORAMPS will be reviewed and approved by the NAVTALACQGRU CO no later than 1
September each year. The ORAMPS will encompass the activities for the forthcoming fiscal
c. ORAMPS will provide activities and milestones relevant to tracking and measuring the
NAVTALACQGRU’s progress in reaching their assigned annual production goals.
d. ORAMPS will facilitate several key functions by its content. The functional areas are
listed in subparagraphs 060101d(1) through 060101d(3).
(1) Verification. ORAMPS will be reviewed and electronically signed by the OACR,
OPO and CO or XO at the intervals listed in subparagraphs 060101d(1)(a) and 060101d(1)(b) to
ensure prospecting, processing, and OCP management activities are progressing towards
achievement of annual production goals.
(a) OPO and OACR: Monthly
(b) CO or XO: Quarterly
(2) Manning. The NAVTALACQGRU will populate name, email and phone numbers
for the OPO, OACRs, officer processors and OPLs. Additionally, recruiters will have name,
email, phone numbers, PRDs, and assigned recruiting categories identified.
(3) General Information. General guidance in populating Medical Corps, Dental Corps,
Medical Service Corps, Nurse Corps, non-medical, GENOFF, NUPOC, and DCO market
sections of the ORAMPS is listed in subparagraphs 060101d(3)(a) through 060101d(3)(d).
(a) Utilizing educational requirements from respective program authorizations listed
on the accreditation tab of the ORAMPS, each NAVTALACQGRU will identify and list every
accredited program, degree, advanced course, residency and fellowship program offered
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throughout their respective NAVTALACQGRU. These programs are listed via a drop down
window and or have been pre-populated in the ORAMPS which represent the minimum
programs and information that must be researched, identified and documented.
(b) Utilizing the insert comment function of excel in the COI column, each
NAVTALACQGRU will provide the name, position, address, phone number, and email address
for all COI's per respective program.
(c) A recruiter must be identified by name and will serve as program team lead for his
or her assigned program. As prospecting occurs, recruiters are required to document in the
respective month and program, in the ORAMPS, details of the outreach activity conducted (e.g.,
“On 17 January I provided a presentation on HPSP and HSCP programs to 119 new medical
students at USA Medical School. I have 12 interested leads to follow-up with.”).
(d) To facilitate proper planning for prospecting key known events, the dates listed in
subparagraphs 060101d(3)(d)1 and 060101d(3)(d)5 must be identified on the prospecting
1. When each medical program finalizes selection of all future students;
2. When each program holds orientation;
3. When each program starts classes;
4. When each program graduates; and
5. Dates for school-wide events (i.e., career fairs, health expos, etc.).
Note: A video tutorial providing detailed instructions on the ORAMPS is available
on the N7 Portal.
e. Each NAVTALACQGRU will maintain a copy of their respective ORAMPS on the
iNavy portal and make monthly annotations as to the success, failure or rescheduling of the
significant recruiting events and efforts.
060102. Background. An effective ORAMPS coordinates recruiting efforts and establishes
the best allocation of resources, assignment of responsibilities, timing of actions and specific
events, and the identification of recruiting opportunities. This instruction provides the basic
framework for development and implementation of an ORAMPS. The primary objective is to
integrate basic recruiting information into a coordinated plan of action for mission
accomplishment for the coming fiscal year.
060103. Action. NAVTALACQGRUs will develop and implement annual ORAMPS. Each
area will designate an ORAMPS officer to coordinate the initial development and annual
25 Jul 2023
verification of the ORAMPS. One copy of the NAVTALACQGRU's ORAMPS will be made
available online for the CO, Navy Recruiting Orientation Unit (NAVCRUITCOM ORU) for
training purposes. Plans should be forwarded no later than one week before each officer
recruiter course.
060104. Introduction. Successful recruiters realize that time is valuable, and as such, they
must analyze their assigned territory. This analysis is called marketing. As the size and
composition of the primary market changes, it becomes increasingly important that the recruiter
adopt a sound analytical approach to recruiting. The recruiter’s ability to gather and use
pertinent market information to position their efforts will determine the degree of success
achieved. Most individuals assigned to recruiting duty are experienced naval officers, chief petty
officers, and in some cases senior petty officers, but have no previous sales or marketing
experience. They are not expected to be marketing experts. The ORAMPS gives them an
avenue to plan ahead to reach their goals. The approach used in this section is a step-by-step
method by which a comprehensive and usable planning document may be developed. If each
step of this handbook is followed, the end result will be a functional, usable operations plan that
is easily updated and an excellent turnover document. There should be a thorough understanding
of where you are and where you are going. This document should be utilized to plan for the
current and next fiscal year. This is particularly true in those cases where officer programs close
out early.
a. Concept and Approach
(1) Stimulates thinking to make a better use of available resources.
(2) Reviews the past year’s production.
(3) Reduces crisis management.
(4) Assigns responsibilities and schedules work.
(5) Improves communications within the command.
(6) Coordinates and unifies efforts.
(7) Facilitates control, monitoring and evaluation of recruiting evolutions and results.
(8) Provides source of marketing information for current and future reference.
(9) Facilitates progressive advancement towards a goal.
b. Basic requirements. The ORAMPS is:
(1) Simple (easy to understand).
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(2) Clear (precise and detailed to avoid confusion).
(3) Practical (realistic).
(4) Flexible (adaptable to change).
(5) Complete (covers all significant marketing factors and assigns responsibilities).
060105. Responsibilities
a. Officer Programs Officer
(1) Takes the lead in formulating the officer programs input to the ORAMPS;
Recommends specific courses of action in regard to prospecting, lead generation, advertising,
market analysis and processing to achieve officer program objectives.
(2) Updates the CO or XO monthly on goal attainment.
b. Officer Recruiter
(1) Effectively executes the assigned goaling letter utilizing ORAMPS and program
(2) Provides feedback to the OPO and OACR on recruiting events such as their success
or failure, and the reasons for the success or failure, reason event was cancelled or rescheduled,
and actual cost versus planned cost of the event.
(3) It is paramount that the officer recruiter provides early and valuable input to the OPO
and OACR for the development of the next FY’s ORAMPS (career fair dates, projected costs for
lunch and learns, name list fees, any updates for school accreditations of programs of study, etc.).
c. Advertising Coordinator
(1) Formulates the annual advertising plan in direct support of the ORAMPS in programs
for which goals have been or are expected to exist.
(2) Monitors advertising budget distribution to meet officer and enlisted objectives and
coordinates with officer and enlisted programs officers to ensure timely and direct advertising
support to meet all objectives.
d. LEADs Center Supervisor
(1) Directly assists the executive officer in the coordination and implementation of the
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(2) Is the staff advisor on all aspects of marketing and operations planning and factors
which may affect the attainment of goals and objectives.
(3) Is responsible for the maintenance and management of all market analysis data.
060106. Partnering Responsibilities
a. Navy officer recruiters must take an active part in the activities of the local community
and the NAVTALACQGRU must become another local business. The attitudes an OR displays,
actions they take, and activities they engage in will reflect favorably upon the U.S. Navy.
b. Community Organizations. The officer recruiters and OACR will, with the assistance of
the public affairs officer, gather contact information for affinity groups as identified in the
c. Recruiter Contact Information/Advertising. All ORs will inspect their respective school
and public advertising items to ensure the items and information are both in good condition and
current. Posted materials (e.g. station, NAVTALACQGRU phone numbers, etc.) left in a
tattered and worn state, or which contain out of date information, reflect poorly on the Navy, and
leave a less than desirable impression on our target audience.
060107. Training. Training in efficient time utilization, sales techniques, administrative skills,
etc., can have a major impact on the effectiveness of Navy recruiting. For example, if results
reveal that an officer recruiter is not meeting their anticipated potential, an investigation might
indicate that the recruiter is in need of additional training in a particular area. Relatively
inexperienced recruiters may require additional training in the time management aspects of
recruiting. An experienced recruiter who seems to be having difficulty may find that a sharing of
sales or prospecting techniques may provide him or her with new ideas. Training is an essential
element of operational effectiveness. The format for defining and implementing training
schedules is not prescribed in this guidance but can be found in COMNAVCRUITCOMINST
25 Jul 2023
Chapter 7
070101. Contents of Chapter
a. This chapter provides information on the various forms, documents and checklists
required to complete and process an applicant’s package for enlistment or commissioning.
b. Forms. All forms are good for 1 year from date of applicant’s signature unless otherwise
indicated. Forms and documents necessary for the processing of Navy applicants for active duty
and reserve commissioning that do not appear in this manual can be located in the
NAVCRUITCOM Flank Speed Portal.
c. Documents, Forms, and Checklists. When documents, forms, and checklists are
handwritten, they must be legible. When they are typed, they must be as close to letter perfect as
they can be, due to the contractual nature of the package. Reproduced documents must be
d. Handwritten Initials. Unless otherwise indicated, all applicants’ initials are to be
handwritten, not printed.
e. Full Signature. Unless otherwise indicated, the applicant's signature will be in full (first
name, middle name, last name) format.
f. Witness Signatures. All certification or witness signatures must be completed at the same
time and place as the applicant's signature.
Note: Capability currently exists for some enlistment and or commissioning forms
to be signed electronically or digitally. However, PERS-313 will not accept
documents for submission into the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF)
that have not been signed in black or blue ink by recruiting personnel and
applicants. Eventually, recruiting personnel and applicants will have the
ability to sign all accession documents digitally. As soon as PERS-313 can
receive documents electronically, this method will become the preferred
means of conducting business transactions. At that time, IAW DoDI
1304.02, the Common Access Card (CAC) and biometric signature will be
the only authorized method of digital signature for all new accessions.
g. Corrections. Be neat in appearance, correctly formatted, error free, and grammatically
correct. With the use of computers and advanced word processing software, the long-accepted
practice of allowing legible “pen and ink” changes to a piece of correspondence is no longer
25 Jul 2023
acceptable. All correspondence will be free of typographical errors and technically correct
before it is signed.
Note: The armed forces are authorized to copy documents used for eligibility
determinations, to include documents which state it is unlawful to
reproduce, or copying is not authorized. The copy(ies) should be marked
"CERTIFIED AS A TRUE COPY" to ensure that the original was cited, and
or typed in a conspicuous location. Originals should be immediately
returned to the applicant for safekeeping.
070102. Form Changes, Adoption and Cancellation Process. All changes, adoptions and
cancellations to forms, checklists, and page 13s must be authorized by the NAVCRUITCOM
forms control officer, (OO2SD). Personnel are prohibited from altering or promulgating any
form without prior approval from NAVCRUITCOM (OO2SD). All NAVCRUITCOM forms,
checklists and page 13s are available located on the CNRC Flank Speed Portal.
070103. Requesting Copies of Military Personnel Records. Military personnel records of
former military personnel may be requested by the applicant online from the National Personnel
Records System at
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070201. NAVCRUIT 1100/27 Hold Harmless Agreement and Release from Liability
Certificate. All collegiate and OCS applicants will read and sign the NAVCRUIT 1100/27 prior
to participating in any physical fitness activities, including testing.
070202. NAVCRUIT 1131/238 Application Processing and Summary Record
a. Will be completed by all applicants prior to submitting an application package.
b. Dependent upon the applicant's answers to individual questions, additional
documentation may be required.
070203. NAVCRUIT 1131/4 Academic Degree Completion Plan
a. The NAVCRUIT 1131/4 will be completed if required per the appropriate program
application checklist.
b. All degree plans will include the course number, title and number of hours listed by
specific term. Generic lists of courses needed for graduation are not acceptable. The degree plan
will indicate the applicant's major and expected graduation date. The form must be signed by the
applicant's academic advisor or other appropriate school official. It is acceptable to list elective
courses without showing specific course number and title.
c. On-line academic degree plans are acceptable (except for Nurse Corps programs),
provided they include all the information listed on the NAVCRUIT 1131/4.
070204. NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks. To be used to document special
circumstances not covered by other forms or directives. If necessary, the NAVTALACQGRU
will complete additional NAVPERS 1070/613 entries per MILPERSMAN 1070-320.
070205. NAVPERS 1331/5 Application for Recall to Extended Active Duty. Applicants for
recall to active duty in the Medical Corps, Dental Corps, Nurse Corps, and Medical Service
Corps will complete the NAVPERS 1331/5.
070206. NAVPERS 1740/6 Department of the Navy Family Care Plan Certificate and
NAVPERS 1740/7 Family Care Plan Arrangements
a. Single, divorced, remarried applicants, and applicants married to military members are
required to complete a Family Care Certificate (NAVPERS 1740/6) and Family Care Plan
Arrangement (NAVPERS 1740/7) per OPNAVINST 1740.4 when:
(1) They have physical custody of minor dependents, or
25 Jul 2023
(2) Are responsible for an adult who is incapable of providing for himself/herself in the
absence of the applicant.
b. Such applicants will be advised by the OPO that all individuals accepted for Naval
service are expected to maintain a high degree of commitment to his or her professional
responsibilities, and that no exemptions from policies or preferential treatment, to include duty
assignments, are extended on the basis of dependency status.
070207. DD Form 4 Enlistment/Reenlistment Document - Armed Forces of the United States
a. Use of Form. DD Form 4 documents enlistment and reenlistment in the armed forces.
Upon execution, the DD Form 4 is an official legal agreement between the U.S. Government and
the enlisted member. The language used in the DD Form 4 specifies in clear English the terms
of the enlistment, to avoid future recruit and or parent misunderstandings.
b. Preparation. Although the processor completes the DD Form 4, the service representative
who accepts an applicant for enlistment must verify typed entries for corrections before signing
the completed form and explain all applicable parts of the document to the applicant; therefore,
instructions for completion are provided to ensure quality control.
(1) The processor prepares the DD Form 4, when used for initial enlistment, by
typewriter or automatic writing machine equipment. Natural capitalization (i.e., the first letter of
most proper nouns) and spacing must be used for all entries requiring the individual’s name.
Punctuation is not used in individual’s name.
Example: Jones James La Verne; de la Croix Roger William.
Other entries must be typed exactly as shown on the example. All signatures must use
reproducible black or blue-black ink.
(2) The DD Form 4 is the basic document establishing a legal relationship between the
United States Government and the enlisted member; therefore, use special care to complete all
items correctly without typewriter strikeover. Erasures or corrections in items 5 (date of
enlistment) and 8 (service, period of enlistment, and paygrade) and sections E, G, and H are not
authorized and require the form to be regenerated. The applicant and sponsoring service
representative must initial any changes or corrections in other items.
(3) Errors discovered after the member’s enlistment must be corrected under
MILPERSMAN 1070-210 by the appropriate Navy Administrative Command or Personnel
Support Activity with delegated authority to correct and report errors on new enlistment
documents directly to the Chief of Naval Personnel.
(4) Before signing the completed form, the processor will verify typed entries for
corrections and explain all applicable parts of the document to the applicant.
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(5) In administering the oath, the words “So Help Me God,” may be omitted by any
person who elects to "affirm" rather than "swear.”
c. Instructions for completing the DD Form 4
(1) Section A. Enlistee or Re-Enlistee Identification Data
(a) Items 1 thru 7. Completed by the processor.
(b) Verification for accuracy will be conducted by the OR and OPL.
1. Item 1. Enter applicant's complete last name (including compound name if
applicable), full first name, full middle name(s), and any suffix such as Jr., Sr., III. If the
applicant was given initial(s) rather than a first and or middle name, enter such initial(s). Do not
use punctuation of any sort, including periods or commas. In addition, an apostrophe or hyphen
contained within a name is not to be shown, and spaces are not to be inserted between sections of
names nor used as substitutes for apostrophes or hyphens.
John Q McAffee is shown as:
James Henry O'Brien Jr is shown as:
M Harold Smith-Connally is shown as:
2. Item 2. Enter applicant's full SSN
3. Item 3. Enter street, city, county, state, country, and zip code the applicant
claims as his or her permanent home of record.
Note: A post office box is not acceptable.
4. Item 4. Enter the military installation, city and state of enlisting or
reenlistment activity's location.
5. Item 5. Enter date of enlistment or reenlistment in YYYYMMDD format.
6. Item 6. Enter date of birth in YYYYMMDD format.
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7. Item 7. In the spaces provided, enter total active and inactive service
completed before date of enlistment or reenlistment. If no prior service, enter "00" in each block.
If member has prior service, enter as six numerals in each line:
Example: 03 09 11
(2) Section B. Agreements
(a) Item 8. In the space following “list branch of service” enter "NAVY.”
(b) In the space following “this date for,” enter number of years applicant is enlisting
for, using an Arabic numeral. If applicable fill out weeks.
(c) In the space following “in pay grade” enter permanent pay grade.
Example: "E3.”
In the space following “list name of Annex(es) and describe” enter the name, form number, and
date of the applicable service agreement.
In the space following REMARKS: (if none so state) enter NONE
(3) Section C. Partial Statement of Existing United States Laws
(4) Section D. Certification and Acceptance
(a) Item 13a. Self-explanatory.
1. Item 13b. Signature of Enlistee or Reenlistee. Applicant must sign full
name in first, middle, and last name sequence.
Example: George Eldon Copperperson
2. Item 13c. Date Signed (yyyymmdd)
Example: 19970605
Note: Items 14 thru 17. Will be verified for accuracy by either the officer
recruiter or OPO and signed in the appropriate blocks.
(5) Section E. Confirmation of Enlistment or Reenlistment
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(a) Item 19. Enlistment or Reenlistment Officer Certification
(b) Item 19 a thru g. Will be verified for accuracy by either the officer recruiter,
OPO or OACR and signed in the appropriate blocks.
(6) Sections F, G, and H are not required for officer enlistments.
070208. DD Form 214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty and NGB-22
Report of Separation and Record of Service
a. The DD Form 214 is required whenever an applicant has indicated prior active or inactive
duty in another service. The NGB-22 is required whenever an applicant has indicated prior
service in the National Guard (including State National Guard).
b. As applicable, copy 2 or copy 4 of the DD 214 or a copy of the NGB-22 will be
forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM in the application package (USPHS may not have a DD 214, so
a discharge certificate or annual point summary must be provided).
070209. DD Form 368 Request For Conditional Release
a. The DD Form 368 is required prior to enlisting or commissioning on active duty any
applicant currently under contract with the Reserve component of any branch of the armed forces
(including the Navy Reserve, National Guard, or Air National Guard). Navy Reservists may be
authorized release from the Navy Reserve for recall or enlistment in another component or
service, active or inactive, per DoD Directive 1205.5 and as specified in this chapter. Transfers
from the SELRES to the IRR or Standby Reserve of another service are not permitted.
NAVPERSCOM (PERS-913) is the approval authority for all enlisted DD Form 368 requests.
NAVPERSCOM (PERS-911) is the approval authority for all officer requests. Unit and Navy
Reserve Center COs do not have approval authority to release members to another branch of
b. Application Requirements. The prerequisites listed in subparagraphs 070209b(1) and
070209b(2) are for release to be commissioned, recalled, or enlisted in another component or
service, active or inactive.
(1) Use the DD Form 368 when enlisted personnel are entering the U.S. Navy active
component (AC) via NAVCRUITCOM.
(2) Personnel are not authorized release for enrollment in the DEP of an active
c. Special Procedures for Enlisted Personnel. Personnel serving under the programs or
policies listed in subparagraphs 070209c(1) through 070209c(10) have specific conditions for
release that must be met prior to approval.
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(1) Members currently affected by a Navy-wide stop-loss policy or identified for
mobilization or Presidential Selected Reserve Call-Up (PSRC).
(2) Navy Reserve Accession Course (NRAC) personnel who have not completed their
IADT requirements.
(3) Members serving in a rating that is listed as CREO category "1.”
(4) Members possessing a critical NEC.
(5) Members assigned to a priority placement unit designated by Commander Fleet
Forces or Commander Navy Reserve Forces Command.
(6) Members in receipt of a bonus for their current enlistment.
(7) Members serving in a temporary rating.
(8) Individuals enrolled in the NCS program.
(9) Members in the NAT program with fewer than 24 months of service as a mandatory
drilling Reservist.
(10) All members of the IRR who wish to enlist USN (AC) must have a DD Form 368
approved by NAVPERSCOM (PERS-913). Personnel who were transferred to the IRR as
“UNSAT drillers – not recommended for re-affiliation” or “not recommended for reenlistment”
will receive a note in the remarks section of the DD Form 368 reading “not recommended for re-
affiliation” or “not recommended for reenlistment,” as appropriate, if approved for transfer.
d. Processing Procedures
(1) Ensure the document is accurately completed and all information and dates are
(a) For members assigned to a NAVOPSPTCEN, forward the DD Form 368 to the
NAVOPSPTCEN. The Navy Reserve Center will forward the DD Form 368 and all required
endorsements to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-913).
(b) For members of the IRR, forward the DD 368 for disposition to:
Navy Personnel Command
Attn: PERS-913
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055-4911
25 Jul 2023
(2) For an approved DD Form 368. The NAVTALACQGRU will complete section III
and attach enlistment documentation and forward to the losing activity (i.e., Navy Reserve
Center for members currently drilling or NAVPERSCOM (PERS 912) for members of the IRR)
for proper discharge procedures. For IRR personnel, mail the DD 368 to:
Navy Personnel Command
Attn: PERS-912
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055-4911
(3) For a disapproved DD Form 368. File with the applicants residual files and maintain
for the appropriate time frame.
e. Responsibility. The Navy Reserve Center will track approved DD Form 368s for their
members to ensure enlistment or appointment paperwork is received so that discharge entries
may be entered into NSIPS.
f. Other Service Reserve Component, National Guard or Air National Guard
(1) Member is Participating with a Reserve Unit. The DD Form 368 will be prepared,
indicating the applicant's intention of enlisting, and forwarded to the appropriate approving
authority. Enlistment or reenlistment will not be effected until approval of the release has been
received in writing by the enlisting activity. Approving authority is the unit commanding officer
or as delegated by the unit commanding officer.
(2) Member is not Participating with a Reserve Unit
(a) United States Army Reserve. Approved release required. Upon enlistment,
forward the original DD Form 368 and a copy of the DD Form 4 to the address listed in
subparagraph 070209f(2)(a) so discharge may be processed and the service and health records
can be forwarded to the duty station identified on the DD Form 368. A copy of the DD Form
368 will be filed in the residual file.
Commander, ARPERCEN
9700 Page Boulevard
St Louis, MO 63132-5200
(b) United States Air Force Reserve. Approved release required. Upon enlistment,
forward the original DD Form 368 and a copy of the DD Form 4 to the address listed in
subparagraph 070209f(2)(b) so that discharge may be processed and the service and health
records can be forwarded to the duty station identified on the DD Form 368. A copy of the DD
Form 368 will be retained in the residual file.
25 Jul 2023
Headquarters ARPC/DPS
6760 East Irvington Place
Denver, CO 80280-4000
ATTN: Separation Branch
FAX: (478)327-2215
DSN: 497-2215
(c) United States Marine Corps Reserve (USMCR), United States Army National
Guard (USARNG), United States Air National Guard (USANG), United States Coast Guard
Reserve (USCGR). Approved request required. Enlistment or reenlistment will not be executed
until approved DD Form 368 is received by the enlisting activity. The DD Form 368 will be
prepared, indicating the applicant's intention of enlisting, and forwarded to the activity listed in
subparagraphs 070209f(2)(c)1 through 070209f(2)(c)3. A copy of the DD Form 368 will be
retained in the residual file.
1. Marine Corps Reserve
Marine Corps Individual Reserve Support Activity
2000 Opelousas Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70114
(800) 255-5082
Note: The DD Form 368 may be scanned and emailed to: [email protected]/.
In lieu of entering the applicant’s social security number on the form, enter
the EDIPI (DoD number located on the back of the ID card).
2. Army National Guard and Air National Guard Mail to the Adjutant General of
the state in which the National Guard unit is located.
3. Coast Guard Reserve. There are several integrated support commands (ISCs)
throughout the United States that maintain service records for Coast Guard IRR members. The
DD Form 368 must be sent to the specific ISC that maintains the member’s service record. The
address of the ISC that the DD Form 368 is forwarded to can be obtained from:
a. The IRR member.
b. The local Coast Guard recruiter.
c. The Maintenance and Logistic Command (MLC) at (757) 628-4507.
4. Upon return of the DD Form 368, verify clearance recommendation for
enlistment. If clearance is not granted, inform the applicant and stop processing. Upon
enlistment, the recruiter will sign and date as the certifying official.
25 Jul 2023
070210. DD Form 369 Police Record Checks (PRCs)
a. DD Form 369s are required on all applicants who self-admit to criminal or juvenile
offenses, or have a current offense (Exception: If an applicant’s admitted involvement with law
enforcement consists only of minor traffic offenses that do not require a waiver, police record
checks are not required). A written statement with detailed information on the offense and
lessons learned is required for each separate offense.
b. The application may be forwarded prior to completion of the DD Form 369. However,
PRCs must be completed prior to enlistment or appointment. If, during the investigation, a PRC
reveals any police or juvenile involvement not listed by the applicant, a statement from the
applicant regarding the offense, and the reason for its omission, will be included in the
c. PRCs will not be forwarded to law enforcement agencies of foreign countries. If the
applicant has indicated that a foreign record exists for any offense other than minor traffic
violations, a request for a foreign police check will be made to the Director of Naval Intelligence
(DNI) for action. Where there is clear indication that rejection will ultimately occur, based on
locally available information, rejection will be effected without requesting a foreign police check
from DNI. The results of foreign police checks will be forwarded directly to NAVCRUITCOM
by DNI.
d. All recruiting activities that originate out-of-town PRCs are authorized to utilize law
enforcement telecopy or teletype facilities where access is feasible and permitted in place of the
DD Form 369. Hard copies of the request and response are acceptable verification for
completion of the record check.
070211. DD Form 370 References - Request for Reference
a. The type and number of references required is dependent upon the applicable program
checklist. All DD Form 370’s will be mailed or e-mailed directly from NAVTALACQGRU
personnel to the employee or person listed as a reference. Only references returned to the
NAVTALACQGRU directly from the employer or personal reference will be acceptable for kit
submission. At no time is the applicant authorized to personally deliver or hand-carry DD Form
370s to or from references. Any completed DD Form 370s received from an applicant will be
refused by NAVTALACQGRU personnel.
b. The DD Form 370 form will be used to document employment character, as well as peer,
professional and military reference information.
c. The purpose of gathering personal data regarding an applicant is to provide information
about the applicant's leadership potential, character, and integrity from sources other than the
applicant. Any unauthorized disclosure of information provided in response to requests for
personal data not only betrays the trust that an individual has placed in the Navy, but jeopardizes
25 Jul 2023
the reliability of future responses. No applicant will be told the nature of any reply to an inquiry,
nor will he be told he has been disapproved for reasons of an unfavorable investigative report.
d. Employer references. If instructed to do so by the applicable program checklist, each
employer listed on the NAVCRUIT 1131/238 and the SF-86 Questionnaire for National Security
Positions, including part-time employers, for three years immediately preceding the date of
application will be queried using the DD Form 370. The officer processor or OPL will complete
the front of the DD Form 370 and mail or e-mail it to the appropriate employer. The guidance
listed in subparagraphs 070211d(1) and 070211d(3) applies.
(1) Employer references may be submitted on the employer’s company letterhead with
the employer’s phone number and other applicable contact information. If submitted on
company letterhead, the employer’s reference will be verified by the recruiter and the officer
processor. If an employer’s company letterhead is not available, the DD Form 370 will be used.
(2) If requested by the applicant, a DD Form 370 will not be forwarded to the applicant's
current employer (e.g., the applicant feels it might jeopardize his or her job). If the current
employer is not queried, it will be annotated in the officer processor’s summary of the APSR
(checklist rev 10/07).
(3) All completed and returned employment references must be included in the kit. If any
employers are queried but fail to return the DD Form 370 or applicable company letterhead, it
must be documented in the officer processor’s summary of the APSR.
e. Military References. The CO of all applicants who are currently serving on active or
inactive duty in all branches of the armed forces will be requested to provide a reference utilizing
DD Form 370 or command letterhead.
f. Peer References. A peer reference is from an associate who shares the same occupation.
(1) Three peer references are required on DD Form 370 for officer applicants applying
for the chaplain program.
(2) In addition to the two required peer references in the Personal and Professional
Information Sheet (PPIS), an additional reference is required for medical programs. PPIS peer
references are used to assess the applicant’s clinical skills. Refer to NMSCINST 6010.1.
g. Character References. Character reference(s) will only be required if requested for on the
applicable checklist.
h. Congressional and Political References. Applicants inquiring about such endorsements
or references will be advised that they are not necessary and will only be favorably considered by
the selection board when the individual providing the reference has had personal knowledge of
the applicant prior to the time of application.
25 Jul 2023
i. Instructions for Completing DD Form 370
(1) To Block. Enter the address of the recruiting office.
(2) Applicant Identification Data. Complete blocks 1 and 4 as listed (self-explanatory).
Mark blocks 2 and 3 as “N/A” as this information is considered PII and is not to be disclosed.
(3) Recruiting Officer Identification Data. Blocks 5 thru 9 (self-explanatory).
(4) Blocks 10-19. To be completed by the reference (self-explanatory).
070212. DD Form 2058 State of Legal Residence. The DD Form 2058 will be completed by
the member and is used to determine the correct state of legal residence for purposes of
withholding state income taxes from military pay.
070213. DD Form 2808 Report of Medical Examination. This form is completed by the
applicant and the MEPS or MTF examining physician normally at the time of physical
examination. Prepare and distribute them for Navy applicants per the U.S. Navy Manual of the
Medical Department (MANMED), chapter 16 and this manual.
070214. DD Form 2807-2 Accessions Medical History Report. This form is to be completed
by each individual who requires a medical examination at MEPS or MTF. The form should be
completed by the applicant with the assistance of the recruiter or processor, as needed.
070215. DD Form 1966 Record of Military Processing - Armed Forces of the United States.
This form will be used to enlist permanent resident aliens that are HCP applicants. Refer to
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1130.8, volume 3, section 2, for detailed information on
completing the DD Form 1966.
070216. Security Investigation. The use of NASIS is required. Refer to chapter 4, section 8
for step-by-step directions.
070217. SF 87 Fingerprints
a. Live Scan Fingerprints are completed for all applicants processed at MEPS.
USMEPCOM personnel are responsible for ensuring fingerprint information for each applicant is
submitted to OPM.
b. Applicants who are not processed through MEPS, or whose fingerprints are not submitted
via Live Scan, will be manually fingerprinted using the SF 87 fingerprint chart. The completed
fingerprint chart will be attached to a copy of the NASIS signed release forms, and mailed to
OPM via traceable means to:
25 Jul 2023
e-QIP Rapid Response Team
1137 Branchton Road
Boyers, PA 16020
070218. SF 86 Questionnaire for National Security Positions
a. All candidates for commissioning require, at minimum, a personnel security investigation
(PSI) requesting National Agency Check and Local Checks (NACLC, Tier 3 or Tier 3R).
ENTNAC, NAC, and NACI are not acceptable. If the applicant has had an ANACI, Tier 3 or
Tier 3R, NACLC, Tier 3 or Tier 3R; SSBI Tier 5, or Tier 5PR (SBPR) investigation completed
within ten years of their anticipated commissioning date, with no break in service greater than 24
months, submission of a new NACLC Tier 3 or Tier 3R is not required. If the applicant has a
previous investigation completed more than ten years before their anticipated commissioning
date, or has a break in service greater than 24 months, submission of a PSI requesting NACLC
Tier 3 or Tier 3R (or SSBI Tier 5 if applicable) is required. A Tier 5PR (SBPR) (SSBI Periodic
Reinvestigation) is the only acceptable substitute for an SSBI Tier 5.
b. OPM requires all accession PSI requests to be sent electronically. NAVCRUITCOM
requires the use of the NASIS to electronically submit all investigations.
c. Mailing a hardcopy of the SF-86 PSI request is not authorized.
d. The electronic PSI request is comprised of the items listed in subparagraphs 070218d(1)
through 070218d(2).
(1) Fingerprints (Livescan or mailed FS 87)
(2) Electronic SF-86 via NASIS with signed release forms.
e. The officer recruiter and officer processor are responsible for ensuring the items listed in
subparagraphs 070218e(1) through 070218e(2).
(1) The completeness and accuracy of the user’s section of the SF-86, including all
historical information (residence, education, and employment) dated back seven years (10 years
for SSBI/Tier 5). All other information must go back to birth. Omissions may result in rejection
of the PSI request.
(2) A signed paper copy is required to be included in the residual record.
070219. Maximum Age Statement of Understanding. All officers who will be beyond their
42nd birthday on the day of their commissioning are required to acknowledge the potential
limitations on their careers as a result of their inability to complete 20 years of service prior to
age 62 by signing the Maximum Age Statement of Understanding contained within the
respective service agreement.
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070220. GPA Calculation Worksheet. The GPA Calculation Worksheet is located at conversion. GPAs scale will be
normalized to a 4.0 scale. Colleges and classes with a pass or fail system or grade will not be
added to the GPA.
a. GPA Calculation Worksheet Guidance
(1) Grades for all college courses must be included in the calculation of the GPA
(2) If the applicant attended more than one school, ensure that transfer credits are taken
into account only once during the calculation for those schools that include transfer credit grades
on their transcripts.
(3) For all medical programs, refer to individual program checklists to determine which
programs require the submission of GPA Calculation Worksheets as not all officer programs
require this item to be submitted with the application.
b. APSR Guidance
(1) For the Degree and GPA fields on the APSR, ensure that transfer credits are
accounted for during the GPA calculation.
(2) For those applicants with multiple degrees, follow the GPA calculation worksheet
guidance provided in paragraph 070220.
Note: Applicants with graduate degrees must include on both the APSR and the
GPA calculation worksheet all credits used to gain entrance into their
respective graduate program (i.e. grades from four-year bachelor’s degree
and master’s degree).
(3) For those applicants that have multiple degrees of which one is program specific (i.e.
BS in engineering and applying to CEC), only the degree that is being counted towards the
requested designator needs to be annotated in the APSR - to include all transfer credits.
(4) All transcripts must be included in the application regardless of whether they are
being applied to the requested designator or are from a previous degree.
070221. Contingent Resignation Letter. Applicants holding a commission who desire to
resign the commission contingent on acceptance to a program should refer to MILPERSMAN
1920-170 and 1920-190 for proper format.
25 Jul 2023
070222. DD Form 2645 Voter Registration Information and Voter Registration Application
a. The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993. All U.S. Armed Forces
recruitment offices are designated as voter registration agencies. Eligible voters (U.S. citizen
and 18 years old by the date of federal election) who enter a recruiting office are required to be
provided with the opportunity to register to vote and or change their voter registration
information currently on file (change name, mailing address, political party, etc.). The NVRA of
1993 is located at
b. DD Form 2645. Eligible voters must be asked to complete a DD Form 2645 (Voter
Registration Information) upon entry in to the recruitment office. “Yes” answers indicate the
eligible voter’s desire to register to vote and or update voter registration information on file.
Regardless of the citizen’s response, completed DD Form 2645s must be forwarded to the
NAVTALACQGRU’s Voting Assistance Officer and retained for a minimum of two years. The
DD Form 2645 is located at
c. National Mail Voter Registration Form. When eligible voters check “Yes” on the DD
Form 2645, recruiting personnel will then provide the National Mail Voter Registration Form
(NVRF) and assist with completion, if desired by the eligible voter. Completed NVRF with
original signature will be mailed or hand carried by recruiting personnel to the appropriate state
election official within 10 days of acceptance or within 5 days before the last day of registration
to vote in an election. Copies of completed NVRFs will not be made or retained by recruitment
offices due to presence personally identifiable information (PII). The NVRF is located at
070223. Officer Candidate School Selection Memorandum
a. NAVTALACQGRUs will upload the exhibit 7-1 Officer Candidate School Selection
Memorandum into the applicants PRIDE Mod II record within 30 days of the board results being
posted and notify their NAVCRUITRESCOM or NAVCRUITREG Officer Programs Officer
(ROPO) of any applicant that declines or defers selection.
b. If the declining applicant refuses or is unable to sign the selection memo, an email, letter,
text, or some form of notification that can be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II from the applicant
declining their selection is acceptable in lieu of the selection memo. If a declining applicant
provides a verbal declination or fails to respond to multiple attempts to notify, the department
head (or above) may sign the memo with applicable information noted.
c. ROPOs will notify the N311 program manager and shipping officer immediately when an
applicant declines or defers their selection.
25 Jul 2023
From: _______________________
To: Commander, Navy Recruiting Command
Subj: SELECTION FOR U.S. NAVY OFFICER ___________________
1. I accept, decline, or defer* (circle one) my selection for ___________________ (program).
2. _____(initial) By accepting this selection into the officer program above, I understand that I
will attend officer candidate school (OCS), scheduled for _____________ (class date) and final
select letters will be generated by Navy Recruiting Command.
3. _____(initial) Prior to OCS class date, I agree to notify my recruiter and recruiting command
of any changes in my eligibility status (e.g. medial, security clearance, etc.) and availability (e.g.
* Defer until results are received for _________________________ (program(s)); board convenes
______________ (date). At that time, I will update my response to this selection. _____(initial).
(Signature of Witnessing Recruiter)
Exhibit 7-1. Officer Candidate School Selection Memorandum
25 Jul 2023
070301. Introduction. Refer to the appropriate program checklist for all required program
070302. Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate Letter of Intent to Enlist. All nuclear officer
programs participants will indicate their intent to enlist by submitting a signed Exhibit 7-1 Letter
of Intent to Enlist for Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate, Naval Reactors Engineers, and
Nuclear Power School Instructor or Nuclear Power Training Unit Instructor applicants, if
selected by the deputy assistant secretary of naval reactors. The original letter will be included
in the application.
070303. NAVCRUIT 1131/8 Nuclear Propulsion Program Pre-Service Drug Abuse Statement.
All nuclear officer program applicants, regardless of admitting to drug use or not, will complete
a NAVCRUIT 1131/8 as part of their application.
25 Jul 2023
From: ___________________________________________________
(Applicant Name and last four of SSN)
To: Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (N313)
Ref: (a) Program Authorization 100A (NUPOC)
(b) Program Authorization 100B (Naval Reactors Engineer, or Nuclear Power School
Instructor or Nuclear Power Training Unit Instructor)
1. I hereby apply for either the Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate (NUPOC), Naval
Reactors Engineer, or Nuclear Power School Instructor or Nuclear Power Training Unit
Instructor programs.
2. If selected by the Director, Navy Nuclear Propulsion Program for one of the programs listed
in paragraph one, I agree to enlist and be placed in an active or inactive status as an OC1 (E6) in
the United States Navy Reserve per reference (a) or (b) as appropriate. Such enlistment will be
executed following interview and prior to departing Washington, DC.
3. I further understand that I will serve per the requirements set forth in references (a) and (b).
Signature of Applicant
Exhibit 7-2. Letter of Intent to Enlist for Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate, Naval Reactors
Engineers, and Nuclear Power Instructor Applicants
25 Jul 2023
070401. Introduction. Refer to the appropriate program checklist for all required program
070402. DD Form 2088 Documentation of Request for Ecclesiastical Endorsement Approval
and NAVCRUIT 1131/10 Documentation of Request for Ecclesiastical Endorsement
a. The DD form 2088 verifies that the applicant is a fully qualified clergy from a recognized
religious organization; actively employed in a denominationally approved vocation; and
recommended as being spiritually, morally, intellectually and emotionally qualified to represent
the applicant’s religious body in the chaplaincy of the armed forces. An ecclesiastical approval
attests that a seminary student is considered a potential clergy candidate. The decision is up to
the prerogative of the individual church or religious body to establish its own requirements.
Each denomination has specific application procedures for endorsement consistent with the
policy of that particular faith group.
b. The Issuing of an Endorsement. In connection with an application for appointment in the
Chaplain Corps or Chaplain Candidate Program, a copy of the DD Form 2088 or NAVCRUIT
1131/10 will accompany all applications forwarded by the NAVTALACQGRU. In many cases,
the application for the Navy Chaplain Corps Program and the request for Ecclesiastical
endorsement do not occur simultaneously. NAVTALACQGRUs will forward applications if the
applicant provides a completed NAVCRUIT 1131/10 indicating the date of request for
ecclesiastical endorsement and the name of the endorsing agent or office contacted. An
application will not be considered by the selection board until the ecclesiastical endorsement is
received in the Office of the Chief of Chaplains. Forwarding an application without
ecclesiastical approval can extend the time before an applicant is notified of the final selection
c. Requesting Endorsement or Approval. The point of contact in the endorsement system
between individual religious bodies and the Department of Defense is the ecclesiastical
endorsing agency. The endorsing agent is a descriptive term used by all three services to identify
the committee, commission, board, or diocesan office authorized by each organization and
formally recognized by the Department of Defense to issue endorsements or approvals. For
information regarding ecclesiastical endorsements, contact the chaplain programs manager,
25 Jul 2023
070501. Introduction. Refer to the appropriate program checklist for all required program
070502. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Detachment, Jacksonville Credentialing Package
a. The Centralized Credentials and Privileging Directorate (CCPD) of BUMED
Detachment, Jacksonville reviews and verifies credentials for all direct accession, direct
commission officers (to include NAVETS), intra-service transfers, career transition officers, and
medical program recall officer applicants. Medical Corps (MC), Medical Service Corps (MSC),
Dental Corps (DC) and Nurse Corps (NC) applicants must have approved credentials prior to
forwarding application to the professional review board.
b. The forms listed in subparagraphs 070502b(1) and 070502b(2) are found on the
HTTPS://flankspeed.sharepoint- and must be
completed for all medical providers indicated in paragraph c. The officer processor will upload
the completed forms into PRIDE Mod II and forward to CCPD.
(1) Verification of Health Care Provider’s Credentialing Checklist
(2) Personal and Professional Information Sheet (PPIS), also known as the CCPD
Application Package
c. The health care providers listed in subparagraphs 070502(c)(1) through 070502(c)(4)
provide direct patient care and must have credentials and professional qualifications verified by
CCPD prior to professional review.
(1) All Medical Corps officers (2100/2105)
(2) All Dental Corps officers (2200/2205)
(3) All Nurse Corps officers (2900/2905)
(4) The Medical Service Corps Officers (2300/2305) listed in subparagraphs
070502c(4)(a) through 070502c(4)(j).
(a) Audiologist
(b) Clinical Dietician
(c) Occupational Therapist
25 Jul 2023
(d) Optometrist
(e) Clinical Pharmacist
(f) Physical Therapist
(g) Physicians Assistant
(h) Podiatrist
(i) Clinical Psychologist
(j) Clinical Social Worker
25 Jul 2023
Chapter 8
080101. Introduction. The sections included in this chapter provide policy, procedures, and
sample documents for use in managing the Officer Candidate Program (OCP). Section two
covers active duty officer candidates (collegiates), section three covers Individual Ready Reserve
(IRR) collegiates, section four covers Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) officer candidates (non-
collegiates), and section five covers Officer Candidate School and Officer Development School.
080102 Management of the Officer Candidate Program. The purpose of this program is:
a. To establish policy and procedures for the management of active duty officer candidates
(collegiates), Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) collegiates, and Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)
officer candidates (non-collegiates) per MILPERSMAN 1050, OPNAVINST 6110.1, and
Manual of the Medical Department, NAVMED P-117.
b. To maintain future officer’s motivation through their time in the OCP. Motivation serves
to build commitment to the Navy while minimizing attrition. Central to this purpose is the
mentoring relationship established and maintained between the recruiter and the future officer.
c. Mentally and physically prepare future officers for initial training with the objective of
reducing attrition.
d. Encourage future officers to provide quality referrals to recruiters who can discuss Navy
benefits and opportunities with these prospects.
080103. Officer Candidate Program Responsibilities. Each member of the chain of command
must ensure that OCP is meeting intended objectives to support program effectiveness while
proactively seeking program improvements.
Note: Maintain a professional atmosphere during any interaction with future
officers and or their families. Derogatory comments, jokes, poor language,
etc., must not be used. Keep in mind the Navy’s policy on sexual
harassment, fraternization, and an individual’s rights regarding the Freedom
of Information and Privacy Act.
a. NAVCRUITREG Commander
(1) Ensure each NAVTALACQGRU in the region has a strong, viable officer OCP
program that is in compliance with this instruction.
(2) Direct officer OCP audits when trends indicate that adverse conditions are present.
25 Jul 2023
b. NAVTALACQGRU Commanding Officer (CO)
(1) Ensure the command is in full compliance with this instruction.
(2) Promulgate local policies to amplify this chapter as necessary to improve program
effectiveness and ensure leadership, training and development of OCP personnel is maximized to
the fullest extent possible.
c. NAVTALACQGRU Executive Officer (XO). Promulgate execution of local policies to
amplify this chapter as necessary to improve program effectiveness and ensure leadership,
training and development of OCP personnel is maximized to the fullest extent possible.
d. NAVTALACQGRU Public Affairs Officer (PAO). Solicit and process OCP hometown
news releases for active duty collegiates.
e. NAVTALACQGRU Officer Programs Officer (OPO)
(1) Ensure each division has a strong, viable OCP that is in compliance with this
instruction and the local policies promulgated by the commanding officer.
(2) Maintain a current database of potential problems by division, station, recruiter, future
officer name, program, and ship date. In addition to the early identification of problems and aid
in the possible prevention of attrition, this database forms the best source for attrition analysis.
This database can be combined with the enlisted DEP database.
(3) Ensure actions are being taken to correct any negative trends and develop
recommended program improvements.
(4) Conduct ongoing attrition analysis to identify trends and develop recommended
program effectiveness.
(5) Advise the commanding officer on plans and policies that will improve program
efficiency and effectiveness.
(6) Conduct a command-wide OCP audit as needed whenever there is a sign of excessive
losses or problems in the OCP pool; however, OCP audits are to be
conducted by the OPO or OACR (unless delegated down to the division officer or divisional
LCPO) when a turnover of the assigned recruiter, OACR, or OPO occurs.
f. NAVTALACQGRU Chief Recruiter or Assistant Chief Recruiter
(1) Ensure each division has a strong, viable OCP program that is in compliance with this
25 Jul 2023
(2) Monitor the OCP pool, with special emphasis on those shipping within the next 90
days. Strongly recommend utilizing SALESFORCE for prospecting, follow-up, and retaining
information on each applicant for future application as this tracking method has proven to be a
very effective tracking tool for future enlisted sailors while in OCP. If SALESFORCE is
utilized, the OCP member’s record will be maintained in the recruiter’s working tickler. Contact
will be maintained and documented on the record throughout the entire OCP period until the date
of commissioning. Specific guidance for SALESFORCE can be found in
(3) Ensure first out-month shipper verifications are completed by the division officer or
divisional leading chief petty officers no later than the 15th of the current month for next out
month shippers; any issues likely to affect shipping must be resolved prior to the end of the
(4) Identify and train to recognized weaknesses within the OCP with emphasis on
minimizing attrition.
(5) Ensure actions are taken to correct any negative trends associated with OCP losses.
Note: Corrective action will be taken if divisions have excessive future officer
attrition, excessive requests for roll-outs, or abnormally high levels of OCS
and or ODS attrition.
g. NAVTALACQGRU Officer Processor Lead (OPL)
(1) Assist the OPO and OACR in program administration.
(2) Track Exhibit 8-1 Meritorious Advancement for Referral Letters to ensure future
officers receive advancement in a timely manner. Verify all paperwork for advancement is
included in the future officer’s residual file prior to shipping.
(3) Conduct any other administrative duties to enhance the OCP as directed by the chain
of command.
(1) Assist in the training of production recruiters on effective OCP leadership and
management procedures.
(2) Assist in OCP audits as directed by the chain of command.
(3) Train recruiters in the proper utilization of the OCP Tool Kit for active duty
25 Jul 2023
i. Naval Special Warfare, Naval Special Operations and Air Rescue Swimmer (NSW, NSO,
AIRR) Coordinator
(1) Ensure proper OCP management through proactive mentorship of all NSW and NSO
program future officers.
(2) Identify and work to improve NSW and NSO future officer’s physical fitness levels
and motivation in order to increase success rate in their respective training pipelines.
(3) Train and qualify specific NAVTALACQGRU representatives who will assist in the
physical screening of NSW and NSO future officers, specifically the Physical Readiness Test
(PRT). Only NSW, NSO and AIRR coordinators, contracted mentors and CO designated PST
administrators are authorized to administer the PST. The OCP qualifying and the 14 day PST
will be administered only by the NSW/NSO/AIRR coordinators or contracted mentors.
(4) Ensure NAVTALACQGRU representatives (LCPO or senior) conducting and or
supervising the PRT or specific physical training, understand and follow operational risk
management to mitigate risk and injury to future NSW and NSO officers.
(5) Conduct presentations and campus visits at colleges.
(6) Assist recruiters in processing and tracking NSW and NSO program applicants and
waiver submissions.
(7) Coordinate with recruiter to schedule the physical readiness test (PRT) for NSW and
NSO officer program applicants.
(8) Inform the chain of command of all NSW and NSO program’s future officer’s status,
to include PRT, attrition, etc.
(9) Inform the chain of command of any NSW and NSO future officer that fails or is
otherwise no longer eligible for the NSW and NSO officer program.
(10) Install and maintain the NSW and NSO officer program working tickler (can be
combined with enlisted tickler).
j. Division Officer (DIVO) or Division Leader Chief Petty Officer (DLCPO)
(1) Ensure the Officer candidate is administered within the division per this instruction.
(2) Ensure that all assigned LPO, LCPO’s and recruiters, with active duty collegiates
assigned, are trained on OCP leadership policies and procedures.
25 Jul 2023
(3) Maintain a current database of all future officers in the division and a list of potential
problems by station, recruiter, future officer’s name, program, and OCS or ODS ship date. This
database can be combined with the enlisted DEP database.
(4) Review all NAVCRUIT 1131/39, NAVCRUIT 1131/40, and NAVCRUIT 1131/33
Change of Status Questionnaire forms during station visits. Identify and take corrective actions
on any problems discovered.
(5) Conduct a division-wide OCP audit as needed whenever there is a sign of excessive
losses or problems in the OCP pool; however, OCP audits are to be conducted by the division
officer or divisional LCPO (if delegated by the OPO or OACR) when a turnover of the assigned
recruiter, OACR, or OPO occurs. Review all turnover audits. Retain on file for two years.
(6) Conduct first out-month shipper verifications no later than the 15th of the current
month on all shippers scheduled for the next out month (i.e., 15 August, complete verifications
on all September shippers). All findings will be documented in PRIDE Mod II and any further
action taken as necessary to resolve any issues that might impact shipping.
(7) Perform the duties as recruiter if assigned officer recruiting goals and or OCP
k. Recruiter, Leading Petty Officer or Leading Chief Petty Officer (LPO or LCPO). The
assigned recruiter’s leadership role, or else the assigned LPO or LCPO depending on how the
NAVTALACQGRU assigns active duty collegiate responsibilities, is critical to the success of
the OCP; more simply put, no one is more important. The recruiter, LPO and LCPO must be
held accountable for what happens, or what does not happen, within his or her OCP pool. Duties
and responsibilities are listed in subparagraphs 080103k(1) through 080103k(7).
(1) Provide the overall supervision required to ensure that all OCP policies promulgated
by this instruction and as promulgated through local policies are complied with.
(2) Schedule and coordinate OCP activities and functions. Ensure all future officers and
their families are afforded the opportunity to attend and contribute to the program.
(3) Maintain consistent and continuous contact with each future officer. A minimum of
one monthly phone or face-to-face contact, or online video-teleconferencing application (skype,
etc.) with each active duty collegiate is required. A minimum of one face-to-face meeting is
required bi-monthly (once every 2 months).
(4) Solicit referrals from future officers and provide the disposition of each referral to the
future officer.
(5) Take the role of mentor and provide guidance to the future officer on all issues. The
goal is to develop and maintain a professional trust and bond with the future officer, and ensure a
smooth transition during the journey from civilian life to military life.
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(6) Respond promptly to future officer’s needs as they arise, especially when it may alter
shipping status. Inform and coordinate this activity through the chain of command.
(7) Ensure all 72-hour indoctrination requirements are completed and annotated
appropriately. Sections two, three and four of this chapter provide specific instructions on what
is required during this initial indoctrination.
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080201. Introduction. The paragraphs included in this chapter provide policy, procedures, and
sample documents for use in managing active duty collegiates. Each active duty collegiate must
be given a copy of appendix A of this manual.
080202. Management of Active Duty Collegiates
a. Purpose. To establish policy and procedures for the management of active duty officer
candidates (collegiates) per MILPERSMAN 1050, OPNAVINST 6110.1, and Manual of the
Medical Department, NAVMED P-117.
b. Background. Navy active duty collegiates are individuals who have been selected into
one of the programs listed in subparagraphs 080202b(1) through 080202b(6).
(1) Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program (BDCP)
(2) Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) Exceptional Student Program (hereafter referred to as
CEC collegiate)
(3) Nuclear Power Officer Candidate (NUPOC)
(4) Naval Reactors Engineer (NRE)
(5) Nuclear Power School Instructor (NPI)
(6) Health Services Collegiate Program (HSCP)
c. These individuals are considered as being in an active duty status and are therefore
entitled to pay commensurate with their paygrade and required to fulfill all obligations of this
instruction and their service agreement and program authorization, with the exception of wearing
uniforms (specifically prohibited) and adhering to military grooming standards.
Note: Collegiates must meet military grooming standards when taking a photo for
their military I.D. card.
d. Active duty collegiates are subject to the UCMJ.
e. Active duty collegiates are assigned to the NAVTALACQGRU and will be afforded the
same oversight, mentoring, and counseling as any other member of the staff.
Note: Every effort should be made to include active duty collegiates into normal
recurring enlisted DEP meetings and DEP division. Every effort should be
25 Jul 2023
made to integrate active duty collegiates with a recruiting station’s enlisted
OCP pool and with enlisted DEP practices and procedures as much as
possible to ensure maximum training and preparation for all future sailors
(officer and enlisted personnel alike).
080203. Active Duty Collegiate’s Tracking Process
a. 72 Hour Indoctrination. Active duty collegiates must enlist within 15 working days of
receiving their final select letter.
(1) Following enlistment, schedule a face-to-face meeting with the active duty collegiate
within 5 days, not to exceed 3 working days following enlistment.
(2) Ensure that 72-hour indoctrinations are conducted by the recruiter at the future
officer’s home, or current local location (college campus or common meeting area), or at the
local recruiting station (TALACQONBDCTR) as a last resort.
b. The DIVO, LPO, LCPO or OACR will accompany all new recruiters on their initial 72-
hour indoctrination. All future officers who receive their 72-hour indoctrination by only the
recruiter will be contacted by the DIVO, LPO, LCPO or OACR via phone or face-to-face within
five days minimum, after completion of the 72-hour indoctrination. The actions listed in
subparagraphs 080203b(1) through 080203b(4) must be completed during this initial meeting.
(1) Direct the collegiates to provide their current phone number, mailing address, and
email address to the recruiter or OACR and notify their recruiter of any changes of personal
information while in a delayed entry status. Maintain this information in the member's residual
file for future reference.
(2) Provide the active duty collegiate with the Naval Officer DEP Guide to Success (013-
0238) (Rev 05/2013).
Note: Encourage the collegiate to complete the PQS listed on pages 48-53 of the
OCP Guide to Success” within 45 days of receipt of the handout. The
recruiter, LCPO, LPO or OACR is responsible for signing completed PQS
(3) Provide the candidate with the information listed in subparagraphs 080203a(3)(a)
through 080203a(3)(i).
(a) Have the candidate read and sign the Fraternization Policy Acknowledgement
NAVPERS 1070/613.
(b) Discuss the Navy's "zero tolerance" drug policy and encourage them to complete
the accompanying drug training modules.
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(c) Discuss information available on the Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) Web site.
(d) Discuss information available on the Officer Training Command (OTCN) Web
site at
(e) Inform the applicant that he or she will be required to pass, at a minimum, the
third class swim test at OCS or ODS. Officer candidates are strongly encouraged to practice
swimming prior to shipping to OCS or ODS as all officer candidates are expected to be able to
(f) Inform the collegiate of the physical fitness requirements listed in OPNAVINST
6110.1. All active duty collegiates will be held to these standards. OCS requires a minimum
PFA score of “SAT MEDIUM” on each event in order to begin training.
(g) Inform the collegiate they are active duty members of the command population
pool and will be required to participate in the command’s urinalysis program. As such, they
must receive a briefing regarding the requirement to participate in the command’s urinalysis
program prior to their enlistment. Refer to paragraph 080219 for specific details.
(h) These individuals are considered as being in an active duty status and are
therefore entitled to all benefits and privileges commensurate with their paygrade and required to
fulfill all obligations of this instruction and their service agreement and program authorization,
with the exception of wearing uniforms (specifically prohibited) and adhering to military
grooming standards.
Note: Collegiates must meet military grooming standards when taking a photo for
their military I.D. card.
(i) Build a strong rapport with the collegiate and ask if he or she has any questions or
concerns about any aspect of the OCS or ODS process.
Note: Upon completion of the items listed in subparagraphs 080203a(1) through
080203a(3), the applicant must sign and date the Officer Candidate
Commitment to Success (NAVCRUIT 1131/15) acknowledging he or she
has been provided the documents listed in subparagraphs 080203a(1)
through 080203a(3). A copy of the signed NAVCRUIT 1131/15 must be
uploaded into PRIDE Mod II with the original filed in the candidate's
residual file.
(4) Have the candidate complete and sign the NAVCRUIT 1131/39. A copy of the
signed NAVCRUIT 1131/39 must be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II with the original filed in the
candidate’s residual file.
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080204. Monthly OCP Screening
a. The recruiter, LPO, LCPO or OACR is required to contact the collegiate a minimum of
once per month either by telephone or face-to-face, or online video-teleconferencing application
(skype, etc.) starting with the month following the initial indoctrination meeting. A minimum of
one face-to-face meeting is required bi-monthly (once every 2 months).
b. The purpose of this meeting is to continue an ongoing dialogue between the recruiter,
LPO, LCPO or OACR and the collegiate to determine if he or she is still motivated about the
Navy, to verify the collegiate's eligibility status, and to discuss any other topics deemed
necessary by the recruiter, LPO, LCPO, OACR or collegiate.
c. Height, weight and BCA measurements must be completed by the command fitness
leader, assistant command fitness leader (ACFL), or an officer recruiter (OR) during face-to-
face, in person meetings. Per COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5370.1, recruiting personnel are
prohibited from taking body fat measurements on applicants of the opposite sex. Results must be
uploaded in PRIDE Mod II.
(1) The recruiter or NAVTALACQGRU military designee will:
(a) Complete an NAVCRUIT 1131/39 to document the meeting. The original must
be filed in the collegiate’ s residual folder.
(b) Review and document academic status and report any known or anticipated
academic degree deficiencies to NAVCRUITCOM (e.g., course failure, low exam performance,
incomplete thesis, or anything which would result in an unacceptable GPA or noncompliance to
degree requirements per the specific program service agreement and program authorization and
or school degree requirements on the part of the collegiate).
Note: Unless otherwise authorized by the respective NAVCRUITCOM officer
program director (N311, N313, and N314), students must be enrolled full
time and taking traditional courses.
(c) For HSCP internships, review status with the internship director or specialty
leader. When the Degree Completion Plan (DCP) has been modified, obtain a revised DCP from
the active duty collegiate, signed by the academic advisor, and forward it to NAVCRUITCOM
with an endorsement from the NAVTALACQGRU CO or XO early enough to allow an
appropriate review and approval by NAVCRUITCOM prior to registration for the upcoming
semester or quarter.
(2) The OPO will:
(a) Ensure that the original NAVCRUIT 1131/39 for all non-nuclear active duty
collegiates is maintained in the collegiate’s residual folder.
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(b) When geographical separation makes it impractical for the active duty collegiate
to meet with his or her recruiter, it is permissible to arrange for face-to-face, in-person contact
with any military designee (leading chief petty officer (LCPO), leading petty officer (LPO), or
enlisted or officer recruiter) at the nearest Navy recruiting station (NAVCRUITSTA) by
coordinating with the OPO or OACR.
080205. Collegiate Management Reports (CMRs)
a. The OPO will:
(1) Ensure NAVCRUIT 1131/40 CMRs are uploaded to NAVCRUITCOM via PRIDE
Mod II in a timely manner. NAVCRUITCOM has the authority to grant extensions to this
requirement on a case-by-case basis should the actions of a university or college preclude the
NAVTALACQGRU's compliance with the reporting requirement. All requests for extensions
will be made in writing or email to NAVCRUITCOM N31, signed by the OPO, and will be
provided prior to the original deadline. CMRs are not required for collegiates enlisted during the
month submissions are due (i.e. January and June) for that cycle only.
(2) Ensure fall semester transcripts and CMRs are uploaded to PRIDE Mod II no later
than 31 January. Spring semester transcripts and CMRs will be uploaded to PRIDE Mod II no
later than 30 June. Transcripts accompanying CMRs are not required to be official copies. All
original CMRs will be maintained in the collegiate’ s residual folder.
(3) For collegiates on the quarter system, upload transcripts and CMRs to PRIDE Mod II
within 45 days of the completed quarter.
(4) For collegiates on a yearly term system, upload transcripts and CMRs to PRIDE Mod
II within 45 days of the completed term (i.e., term runs from August to May).
(5) For collegiates who have been in a CO-OP or internship program, provide a statement
of satisfactory completion, a letter of good standing, or an evaluation with the CMR.
(6) Upon the collegiate’ s graduation, upload the CMR to PRIDE Mod II along with the
collegiate’ s final transcript or statement of completion of internship, any licensure requirements,
and licensure exam score to meet eligibility for superseding per the respective program
authorization. No exceptions are authorized. (Applies even when the collegiate is scheduled to
ship to OCS within 30 days of graduation)
(7) Continue to upload CMRs to PRIDE Mod II on all collegiates until they transfer to
b. The NAVTALACQGRU CO or XO will review and sign all NAVCRUIT 1131/40 CMRs
containing adverse information (refer to paragraph 080206). NAVTALACQGRU COs may
delegate signature authority to the OPO for reports that contain no adverse information.
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c. All CMRs forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM containing errors will be returned to the
respective NAVTALACQGRU for correction. The NAVTALACQGRU is required to correct
the discrepancy and return the corrected CMR back to NAVCRUITCOM within 15 days of
080206. Adverse Collegiate Management Reports
a. All adverse NAVCRUIT 1131/40 CMRs must be sent within 10 working days of receipt
via the respective NAVCRUITREG to NAVCRUITCOM.
b. The "additional comments" block of the CMR will contain a summary of the adverse
information and any necessary actions required.
c. Adverse information includes (if applicable):
(1) Failure to comply with the service agreement and program authorization.
(2) Failure to follow the approved Degree Completion Plan, including unapproved course
changes, withdrawals, incompletes, major changes, university changes, courses completed at a
different college or university, etc., unless previously approved by the NAVTALACQGRU CO.
(3) Failure to meet program term GPA requirement.
(4) Failure to meet internship requirements.
(5) Failure to meet PFA standards for OCS or ODS.
(6) Any other personal, medical, or legal issue that
may negatively impact the collegiate’ s ability to graduate on time per the approved Degree
Completion Plan, or may result in the collegiate no longer remaining eligible to receive a
commission as a military officer, or would have been required to be reported on the original
application, including the SF-86. If the OPO is in doubt as to whether an issue warrants
reporting, the OPO will include it.
d. All adverse CMRs will include (if applicable):
(1) Academic waiver request or disenrollment recommendation signed by the CO or XO
for any violation.
(2) Collegiate’ s signed statement and plan to overcome academic or PFA deficiencies.
(3) Copies of NAVTALACQGRU counseling letters, letters of instruction, and or
warning letters to member for academic or PFA violations.
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(4) Any historical documentation that may be of value in evaluating the adverse
information, such as previous counseling letters, NAVTALACQGRU or higher echelon warning
letters, letters of good standing, etc.
(5) Other documentation as appropriate for other personal, medical, financial, or legal
matters not previously submitted to NAVCRUITCOM.
(6) An updated Degree Completion Plan (DCP) signed by the member's academic
advisor. If the collegiate attends full time, has same major, same graduation date and same
school (i.e., course changes only) then the CO can approve the DCP change checklist, sign and
forward with the DCP (via PRIDE Mod II) to NAVCRUITCOM. If there are any changes to the
collegiate’ s major, graduation date or school, the DCP must be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II and
NAVCRUITCOM notified, who will then forward to the respective program manager for
080207. Requirements Prior Collegiate Transfer to OCS or ODS. The OPL or officer
processor will utilize the timeline of events listed in subparagraphs 080207a through 080207d for
active duty collegiates pending transfer to OCS or ODS.
a. Six months prior to ODS class date
(1) (NUPOC and HSCP only). Confirm officer candidate is scroll approved and has a
current N33 letter.
(2) Once the scroll and N33 letter are confirmed, request commissioning documents
(COMDOCS) from NAVPERSCOM (Pers-832).
(3) No later than five (5) days after requesting for COMDOCS, the member must be in
contact with his or her detailer to negotiate orders.
b. Six weeks prior to OCS class date
(1) (Except NUPOC and HSCP) NAVCRUITCOM will request orders from the
respective NAVPERSCOM detailer. For problems involving non-receipt of orders or
discrepancies in the content of the orders, contact:
(2) Active duty collegiates (except HSCP) contact NAVCRUITCOM.
(3) HSCP students contact their respective detailer at NAVPERSCOM.
c. 60-30 days prior to assigned OCS or ODS class date. All active duty collegiates must
complete a pre-shipping physical fitness assessment (PFA). NAVTALACQGRU will ensure the
PFA results are entered into the Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS)
per OPNAVINST 6110.1 prior to transfer. A command-conducted semi-annual PFA occurring
within 60 days of assigned ship date can count as the pre-shipping PFA. Otherwise, an
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additional PFA must be conducted no earlier than 60 days and no later than 30 days prior to
assigned ship date. Due to PRIMS only allowing the scores from two PFAs to be loaded for any
single PFA cycle, enter the pre-shipping PFA scores into PRIDE Mod II even if not able to enter
into PRIMS. Conduct a height, weight and BCA measurement to ensure the candidate is within
physical standards per OPNAVINST 6110.1. Candidates who do not meet these standards will
be placed on hold and the NAVTALACQGRU must notify NAVCRUITCOM N31 immediately
to determine necessary action(s) required. Under no circumstances will an officer candidate be
sent to OCS or ODS if he or she does not meet minimum height, weight and BCA standards.
Applicants must pass a pre-shipping PFA in all three events. The PFA will be administered by
the CFL or ACFL.
d. 30-14 days prior to OCS or ODS class date (OCP-Out Briefing Prior to Shipping to OCS
or ODS). Recruiter, LPO, LCPO or OACR will meet with the collegiate face to face. This is the
final opportunity for the recruiter, LPO, LCPO or OACR to ensure that the collegiate is as
prepared as possible for OCS or ODS. The items listed in subparagraphs 080207a(4)(a) through
080207a(4)(f) need to be discussed, conducted and annotated on an NAVCRUIT 1131/39.
(1) Review the contents of the Naval Officer Candidate Program Guide to Success.
(2) Ensure the collegiate is informed of all the items he or she is authorized to take when
reporting to OCS or ODS.
(3) Answer any last minute questions that the collegiate might have prior to shipping to
OCS or ODS. Inform the collegiate that they can contact the recruiter, LPO, LCPO or OACR at
any time prior to shipping to OCS or ODS if they have any further questions or concerns. It is
very important to keep the lines of communication open at all times.
(4) Inform the collegiate that he or she must contact the recruiter, LPO, LCPO or OACR
immediately if he or she encounters any medical, physical, personal, family, or legal problems
prior to reporting to OCS or ODS.
(5) NAVTALACQGRUs will mail the service and health record via traceable means (to
protect personally identifying information) no later than two weeks prior to the candidate’s OCS
report date by placing the candidate’s service and medical record (with latest physical) into
separate sealed envelopes inside a mailing envelope and clearly label each. Ensure the service
record includes final transcripts (2 copies) and proof of graduation. When possible, send records
in batches to minimize shipping expense.
Note: For pilot and NFO candidates, the following additional paperwork will be
included with the medical record: All police and or arrest reports (including
detailed arrest summary) and court records of the incident(s), and all
certificates of completion of any court-directed alcohol education or alcohol
treatment program(s). For mental history, include all mental health notes
(e.g., mental health evaluation, full treatment records and treatment
summary/termination notes).
25 Jul 2023
(6) NAVTALACQGRUs makes all travel arrangements for the officer candidate and
ensures he or she is in receipt of original orders and travel itinerary (refer to paragraph 041006
for check-in requirements).
080208. Collegiate Academic Responsibilities. The primary military responsibility of all
collegiates is to comply with the academic requirements of their service agreement and program
authorization. All active duty collegiates will:
a. Maintain academic requirements per the respective service agreement and program
b. Maintain the GPA required by their respective program.
c. Submit transcripts to their respective NAVTALACQGRU within 30 days of completion
of the quarter or semester.
d. Comply with their Degree Completion Plan (DCP) as approved at time of entry.
e. Request extensions of their graduation date, changes in degree, major, Degree
Completion Plan (implying any class changes other than non-specified electives), or university
prior to effecting such changes.
f. Comply with, complete, and or successfully pass all professional licensure, certification,
or credentialing examinations and tests required per program authorizations and service
agreements in the required timelines and timeframes relative to graduation and shipping to either
OCS or ODS. Failures of these examinations or tests could result in immediate removal from the
program and separation from active duty service as defined within individual program
authorizations and service agreements.
g. Request authorization from the NAVTALACQGRU CO prior to seeking outside
employment via a written request chit. Active duty collegiates are authorized to request outside
employment per MILPERSMAN 5370-010 and DoDINST 5500.7-R of 30 August 1993, chapter
3, section 3. NAVTALACQGRU COs may apply restrictions to the employment as needed.
Note: Unless otherwise authorized by the respective NAVCRUITCOM officer
program director (N311, N313, N314), students must be enrolled full time
and take traditional courses. (Includes summer session)
080209. NAVTALACQGRU Academic Management Responsibilities
a. By maintaining close and frequent contact with each active duty collegiate on a monthly
basis, NAVTALACQGRUs should be able to detect individuals who are developing academic
problems and take prompt corrective action.
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b. Corrective actions may include:
(1) Active duty collegiate’ s counseling, both informally and formally, by the
(2) Recommendations for improvement, such as tutoring, reduction in extracurricular
activities, study plans, etc.
(3) Formal letters of instruction or warning with specific action items and necessary
follow-up required by the NAVTALACQGRU.
c. The NAVTALACQGRU CO is authorized to approve changes to the Degree Completion
Plan using the Degree Completion Plan Change Checklist, except as listed in subparagraphs
080209c(1) through 080209c(3).
(1) Changes in major (including adding or removing a double major), school, or
graduation date require NAVCRUITCOM N311, N313, or N314 approval as appropriate.
(2) Changes to carry less than a full academic load requires NAVCRUITCOM N311,
N313 or N314 approval as appropriate. (Includes summer session)
(3) For nuclear officer collegiates, all course work should be taken within the United
States, and the Degree Completion Plan must be forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM N313 for
d. The latest Degree Completion Plan will be forwarded with each CMR.
080210. Academic Disenrollment
a. Active duty collegiates who fail to respond to counseling, or whose academic
performance fails to meet the requirements of their service agreement and program authorization,
at the discretion of N31, will be dis-enrolled from their program and immediately discharged.
b. The type of discharge and reenlistment code will be determined by NAVCRUITCOM as
required by designator.
Note: The individual program’s service agreement and program authorization
contains the specific disenrollment obligations and requirements.
080211. Medical and Physical Responsibilities or Requirements
a. Active duty collegiates are entitled to full medical and dental benefits.
b. The OPO will:
25 Jul 2023
(1) Ensure the collegiate is fully briefed concerning his or her entitlements at the time of
(2) If any problems are indicated by an active duty collegiate on his or her semi-annual
Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire (PARFQ), upload required documentation (per
OPNAV 6110.1) to PRIDE Mod II. Additionally, forward all MEDDOCS through WEBWAVE
(3) Due to the unique geographical location of many collegiates, develop procedures for
handling medical issues locally and provide the TRICARE package and points of contact to each
(4) Ensure that the collegiate’s physical is not over 24 months old (prior to
commissioning) as required by MANMED.
080212. Change in Physical Status
a. If a collegiate becomes not physically qualified (NPQ) or claims to become NPQ leading
up to their assigned shipping date, the member will be processed for medical disposition as listed
in subparagraphs 080212a(1) and 080212a(2).
(1) If the specific disqualifying condition has not been previously addressed through a
medical consult, the NAVTALACQGRU will coordinate with the collegiate to have an
evaluation conducted by either a military or civilian physician. The objective of the evaluation
will be to assess whether the condition would prohibit the collegiate from obtaining a
commission. The NAVTALACQGRU will upload required documentation (per OPNAV
6110.1) to PRIDE Mod II and upload all MEDDOCS through WEBWAVE to NAVCRUITCOM
N33 for review.
(2) If the NAVCRUITCOM N33 waiver is disapproved, or the collegiate will be unable
to obtain PQ status within 30 days after graduation, the collegiate will be attrited.
b. The officer programs officer will implement a tracking system to ensure the
NAVTALACQGRU expeditiously completes the medical “due process” for each collegiate
identified as potentially “not physically qualified.” Timely resolution of collegiate medical
problems is essential and should not normally exceed four months. If greater than four months is
expected, the NAVTALACQGRU will submit a letter or email (via the NAVCRUITREG) to the
appropriate NAVCRUITCOM N311, N313 or N314 code outlining the difficulties encountered
and estimated timeline for final adjudication. Active duty collegiates that unduly contribute to a
delay in the “due processing” in situations involving medical determinations can be processed by
the NAVTALACQGRU or NAVCRUITCOM N31 for immediate de-selection and dis-
enrollment from the program. Undue delay could include, but is not limited to, refusal or
resistance to attend scheduled medical appointments or refusal or resistance providing supporting
medical documentation addressing medical issues.
25 Jul 2023
c. In cases in which the NAVTALACQGRU CO considers an active duty collegiate to be
inhibiting the expeditious medical resolution process, NAVTALACQGRU CO’s are encouraged
to provide the collegiate with a letter outlining expectations, appointment requirements, required
or requested medical documentation, and any other items or circumstances needed to support
continued expeditious processing, with an assigned deadline as to when these requirements are
required to be met by, and the fact that failure to adhere to the letter could result in immediate
removal from the program and separation.
080213. Physical Fitness
a. Active duty collegiates are required to complete the physical fitness assessment (PFA)
twice a year IAW OPNAVINST 6110.1. A semi-annual PFA occurring within 45 days of
assigned ship date can count as the pre-shipping PFA. Otherwise, an additional PFA must be
conducted within 45 days of assigned ship date. The PFA must consist of the following: 1.5
mile run, curl-ups and push-ups. Alternatives for the run (swimming, stationary bike, or
elliptical trainer) are not authorized for active duty collegiates.
b. Active duty collegiates will:
(1) Complete a SF 600 Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire (PARFQ) and
Physical Health Assessment per OPNAVINST 6110.1. The DD Form 2766 will be filled out
yearly with the collegiate’s TRICARE provider or military physician. Both of these forms can
be printed out from the Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS).
(2) Before every PFA cycle, fill out the PARFQ prior to participating.
(3) Complete a DD Form 2766 annually during the member's birth month.
c. Active duty collegiates who do not meet standards set forth in OPNAVINST 6110.1 will
be formally counseled by the NAVTALACQGRU and placed on a remedial fitness program per
d. The command fitness leader or assistant command fitness leader will enter the active duty
collegiate’s information into the PRIMS system as a member of the command.
e. Officer candidates are required to pass, at a minimum, the third class swim test at both
OCS and ODS. All officer candidates are expected to be able to swim prior to reporting to OCS
or ODS.
f. Active duty collegiates are required to conduct a PFA within 45 days prior to shipping to
OCS or ODS. A semi-annual PFA occurring within 45 days of assigned ship date can count as
the pre-shipping PFA. Scores must be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II within the aforementioned
time frame. Collegiates who do not pass the PFA per OPNAVINST 6110.1 will not be ordered
to OCS or ODS without approval from NAVCRUITCOM N31.
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080214. Physical Training Guidelines
a. All physical training conducted by recruiting personnel must be per the Recruiter Guide
for Physical Training, which can be located on the NAVCRUITCOM Quarterdeck N7
Department page at Additional information is available in paragraph
020112 of COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1130.8(series) Enlisted Recruiting Manual.
b. Under no circumstances will any Navy representative lead or conduct any physical
activity with anyone seeking affiliation with any component of the U.S. Navy prior to
completion of the actions listed in subparagraphs 080214b(1) through 080214b(3).
(1) Ensure the collegiate completes a medical examination.
(2) Ensure the collegiate completes and signs a Hold Harmless Agreement and Release
from Liability certificate.
(3) Navy personnel leading the physical training have completed the NKO Command
Fitness Leader course (CPD-CFL-010), NKO Supervisor - Managing Your Teams Risk (CPPD-
ORM-MYTR-1.0), CPR Certification (American Red Cross or American Heart Association),
and NAVCRUITCOM (N7 and NAVCRUITCOM ORU) approved training on the "Fitness and
Nutrition Guide" and "Recruiter Guide for Physical Training."
Note: Ensure the Annual Certificate of Physical Condition (NAVMED 6120/3) is
completed by the collegiate during his or her birth month and reviewed by
an authorized medical designated representative (AMDR) (physician,
physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, or independent duty corpsman).
The recruiter will document in PRIDE Mod II and maintain a copy of the
NAVMED 6120/3 in the collegiate’s residual file. Any change in physical
condition must be reported to NAVCRUITCOM N33. Failure to disclose an
illness or disease may be construed as intent to defraud the government and
is basis for dismissal from the program.
080215. Active Duty Collegiate’s Advancements
a. Nuclear Power Officer Candidate (NUPOC) collegiate. NUPOC, NR and NPI collegiates
may be meritoriously advanced one paygrade upon referring a lead that results in an accession to
the NUPOC, Nuclear Power School Instructor (NPI), or Naval Reactors Engineer (NRE)
programs up to the rate of OCC and paygrade E7.
(1) To initiate this advancement, exhibit 8-1 must be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II and
(2) The effective date of advancement will be the date of enlistment for the referred
member. Only the NAVTALACQGRU CO is authorized to sign this letter (“By direction”
signatures are not authorized).
25 Jul 2023
b. Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program (BDCP) collegiates. BDCP collegiates may
be advanced up to two paygrades while in BDCP, to a maximum of E5 as indicated in
subparagraphs 080215b(1) and 080215b(2).
(1) BDCP collegiates may be meritoriously advanced one paygrade upon referring a lead
that results in an accession into any officer program. To initiate the advancement, upload
Exhibit 8-1 into PRIDE Mod II and notify NAVCRUITCOM. The effective date of
advancement will be the date of enlistment for collegiate referrals or the date of commission for
direct referrals. “By direction” signatures are not authorized on this letter.
(2) Upon graduation, BDCP collegiates will be advanced to E5. To initiate the
advancement, upload into PRIDE Mod II the Administrative Remarks (NAVPERS 1070/613),
transcripts showing graduation, and then notify NAVCRUITCOM. The effective date of
advancement will be the date of graduation.
c. Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) Collegiates. CEC collegiates may be advanced via three
different methods while in the CEC Collegiate Program, to a maximum paygrade of E5, as
indicated in subparagraphs 080215c(1) through 080215c(3).
(1) If enlisted and placed on an active duty status, the CEC collegiate will be advanced to
E4 after serving one year in paygrade E3.
(2) CEC collegiates may be meritoriously advanced one paygrade upon referring a lead
that results in an accession into any collegiate program. To initiate the advancement, upload
Exhibit 8-1 into PRIDE Mod II and notify NAVCRUITCOM. The effective date of
advancement will be the date of enlistment for the referred member. The NAVTALACQGRU
CO must sign this letter (“By direction” signatures are not authorized).
(3) Upon graduation, CEC collegiates will be advanced to paygrade E5. To initiate the
advancement, upload into PRIDE Mod II the Administrative Remarks (NAVPERS 1070/613),
transcripts showing graduation, and then notify NAVCRUITCOM. The effective date of
advancement will be the date of graduation.
d. Health Service Collegiates Program (HSCP). HSCP collegiates may be advanced up to
one paygrade while in the HSCP Collegiate Program, to a maximum of E7, as indicated in
subparagraphs 080215d(1) and 080215d(2).
(1) HSCP collegiates may be meritoriously advanced one paygrade upon referring a lead
that results in an accession into any medical commissioning program. They may only be
advanced one paygrade for an accession referral regardless of the number of accessed referrals
(2) To initiate the advancement, upload exhibit 8-1 into PRIDE Mod II and notify
NAVCRUITCOM. The effective date of advancement will be the date of enlistment for
25 Jul 2023
collegiate referrals or the date of commission for direct referrals. “By direction” signatures are
not authorized on this letter.
080216. OCP Management and Attrition Analysis
a. OCP Audits. The NAVTALACQGRU officer candidate program (OCP) will be
monitored for effectiveness by the OPO and OACR. Periodic snapshot monitoring of the
program will ensure the program is maintained in a high state of readiness, and will identify
necessary training areas or leadership deficiencies.
(1) OCP audits are to be conducted by the OPO or OACR whenever there is a sign of
excessive losses or problems in the OCP pool (as determined by the NAVTALACQGRU CO)
and when a turnover of the recruiter, OACR, or OPO occurs.
(2) NAVCRUITREG commander or NAVCRUITCOM N31 may direct a OCP audit at
any time.
(3) Results will be retained for two years and forwarded to the NAVTALACQGRU CO
via the chain of command.
b. OCP Turnover. A full inspection of the OCP, including face-to-face or telephone
interviews with officer candidates, will be conducted as part of the recruiter, OPO and OACR
turnover. All turnovers and audits will be documented in PRIDE Mod II.
c. Attrition Analysis. Attrition analysis is conducted to identify the facts which cause
attrition and then develop a plan of action to minimize any possible future attrites.
(1) The OPO will conduct a monthly analysis of OCP and OCS or ODS attrition, and
forward results along with recommended corrective actions to the NAVTALACQGRU CO for
review and approval.
(2) The NAVTALACQGRU CO will ensure corrective action is taken on excessive pre-
shipping attrition and on abnormally high OCS or ODS attrition.
080217. Active Duty Collegiate Transfer. In many cases, the NAVTALACQGRU tracking
the active duty collegiate may be different from the NAVTALACQGRU that recruited the
collegiate (e.g., a collegiate or student may transfer to another university). In case of transfer,
the items listed in subparagraphs 080217a through 080217e will happen.
a. A letter requesting authorization for the transfer will be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II by
the requesting NAVTALACQGRU and notification forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM.
b. NAVCRUITCOM will request an endorsement from the gaining NAVTALACQGRU.
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c. The gaining NAVTALACQGRU will upload an endorsement to PRIDE Mod II within
five working days of receipt and forward a notification to NAVCRUITCOM.
d. When the transfer has been approved by the appropriate program director,
NAVCRUITCOM will issue a transfer approval letter, upload into PRIDE Mod II and notify
e. The detaching NAVTALACQGRU will ensure the member's collegiate records are
forwarded to the new NAVTALACQGRU.
080218. Change in Personal, Legal and Other Status. Active duty collegiates encountering
any problems, including medical, physical, academic, personal, family, or legal, are required to
notify their NAVTALACQGRU immediately. The NAVTALACQGRU CO will evaluate and
report the circumstances to NAVCRUITCOM with recommendations to resolve the problem.
Circumstances may warrant initial notification be made by phone or e-mail with follow-up in
writing. NAVCRUITCOM will take action as appropriate for each case, and will liaise with the
respective NAVCRUITCOM director as well as NAVCRUITCOM 00J or N33 as appropriate.
080219. Urinalysis
a. Active duty collegiates are active duty members of the command population pool and
will be required to participate in the command’s urinalysis program. They will be added to the
command urinalysis roster by the command urinalysis program coordinator (UPC) and be
selected along with all other military personnel for testing events. As such, they must receive a
briefing regarding the requirement to participate in the command’s urinalysis program prior to
their enlistment.
b. Due to the remote location of many collegiates, and to minimize time away from
academic responsibilities, it is highly recommended all collegiates who do not attend school
within the vicinity of the NAVTALACQGRU be placed in enlisted recruiting divisions for
urinalysis purposes. Thus, once a random urinalysis is announced and a collegiate's number is
randomly selected, the OPO or recruiter will inform the active duty collegiate where to go and
what time to be there. If a collegiate cannot be tested during the time the enlisted recruiting
divisions are testing, they will be tested at the next scheduled command required collegiate
activity (i.e., monthly collegiate meeting, semi-annual command PRT).
c. Collegiates will not receive prior notice of urinalysis testing.
d. Annually test all active duty collegiates (in a pay status) per OPNAVINST 5350.4.
080220. Casualty Operations (Death or Injury) of an Active Duty Collegiate. Active duty
collegiates who suffer death or serious injury will be processed per MILPERSMAN 1770, which
contains guidance and requirements on casualty reporting, notifications, and assistance.
Additional direction is listed in subparagraphs 080220a through 080220d.
25 Jul 2023
a. When an active duty collegiate is seriously injured or dies, the NAVTALACQGRU must
submit a Personnel Casualty Report (PCR) within 24 hours per MILPERSMAN 1770-030.
b. In the case of serious injury, notify NAVCRUITCOM N33 per MILPERSMAN 1770.
c. In the case of death, the CO will:
(1) Ensure the collegiate's service record contains the original documents listed in
subparagraphs 080220a(3)(a)1 through 080220a(3)(a)3.
(a) DD Form 4
(b) Annexes
(c) NAVPERS 1070/613 containing the separation entry “(Reason - Death).
(2) Mark the service record folder appropriately on the outside cover, “DIED -
(3) Ensure the collegiate's service record is sent to:
Navy Casualty Assistance Division
5720 Integrity Dr.
Millington, TN 38055-6200
Toll Free - 1-800-368-3202
Comm: (901) 874-2501 DSN: 882-2501
(4) Prepare and send a letter of condolence to the next of kin per MILPERSMAN 1770-
(5) Contact the appropriate NAVCRUITCOM program manager to cancel the collegiate's
OCS or ODS reservation.
d. NAVTALACQGRU COs are not precluded from taking additional action that may be
appropriate in light of the unique situations of collegiates (e.g., special community or campus
relations, nurse candidates at hospitals, etc.). Attendance at the memorial and or funeral service
is encouraged on a not-to-interfere basis with the consent of the next of kin.
080221. Leave and Liberty (Active Duty Collegiates Only)
a. MILPERSMAN 1050 provides the Navy’s policy and procedures on leave and liberty.
b. Upon enlistment, the NAVTALACQGRU OPL or OP will provide each member with a
Collegiate Status, Air Transportation, BAH and BAS Eligibility Letter. This letter will be
25 Jul 2023
presented to the appropriate authority by the collegiates along with their military identification
card, as necessary, to explain their status with respect to military authority. BAH and BAS rates
are determined by the servicing TSC per current instructions.
c. When collegiates are not attending college (e.g., on an authorized break such as
Christmas), they may travel anywhere in the United States in a liberty status. Prior to departing
school, they will inform their recruiter of their itinerary. If leaving the geographical area of their
NAVTALACQGRU, the recruiter or OACR will provide the collegiate with the address and
phone number of the nearest NAVTALACQGRU to the collegiate's destination.
d. Navy active duty collegiates are eligible for U.S. Air Force, Air Mobility Command
(AMC) flights when traveling in a leave status. The collegiate must have an approved Leave
Request Authorization Form (NAVCOMPT 3065).
e. If an active duty collegiate desires to travel outside the United States, it will be necessary
for them to take leave to protect their rights in the event of an accident or involvement with civil
or military authorities.
(1) Per SECNAVINST 5510.30, it is in the best interest of the command and the traveler
to ensure travelers are fully prepared for any particular security or safety concerns that the
foreign travel may introduce. Therefore, prior to granting leave outside the United States, the
NAVTALACQGRU CO will ensure all recommendations of the U.S. State Department have
been followed and all Navy Knowledge On-Line (NKO) anti-terrorism classes have been
completed. A list of current travel warnings can be found at
(2) In addition, active duty collegiates are required to review the consular information
sheet, paying particular attention to safety and security available at
(3) All active duty collegiates must inform NAVCRUITCOM N311, N313 or N314 prior
to commencing foreign travel to ensure there will be no security issues or restrictions and read
and review the Foreign Clearance Guide (DoDINST 4500.54-G). For leave, the
NAVTALACQGRU must inform NAVCRUITCOM prior to granting the leave request. For
authorized travel as part of an academic program.
f. Collegiates participating in foreign exchange or other academic programs.
(1) Collegiates who are authorized to enter into “exchange” programs with foreign
universities will check in with the United States Embassy or local consulate upon arrival and
departure. Since collegiates enrolled in foreign universities are not attached to a military
organization in the host country, the embassy is their point of contact in case of emergencies.
(2) If the exchange program is not listed on the approved Degree Completion Program
(DCP), the NAVTALACQGRU will submit a new DCP to NAVCRUITCOM for approval.
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(3) Collegiates will submit to the NAVTALACQGRU a list of countries to be visited,
embassy addresses and phone numbers prior to beginning the exchange program. Upon
NAVTALACQGRU’s approval of the travel, they will issue the collegiate a Travel Abroad
Letter and upload a copy in PRIDE Mod II. The collegiate must carry this letter with them at all
times while abroad.
(4) Collegiates participating in a foreign exchange program will also review the
applicable warnings and consular information sheets, paying particular attention to safety and
security available at or
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Ser 00/00
From: Commanding Officer, __________
To: Commander, Navy Recruiting Command
1. (To be completed by the recruiter) OC _____________________(first middle last name of
collegiate/designator), a _______ (program) accession from
(NAVTALACQGRU)________________, is eligible for advancement to pay grade OC/E-____
for the referral of OC _____(first middle last name of referral/designator), who enlisted on
__________(date of referral enlistment) in the ___________________(name of program).
Signature of Officer Recruiter
2. (To be completed by the OC being recommended for advancement) I, OC _________ have
personally reviewed paragraph (1) of this letter and confirm that I referred OC ___________
(name of referral) on the date provided in paragraph one and all other information on this letter is
Signature of the OC
3. (To be completed by the CO) I have personally reviewed this case and certify that OC
________ meets the requirements set forth in reference (a) for advancement. My POC is
_______ (name and rank of recruiter) who can be reached at ___________ (recruiter’s phone
number) or via email at ____________.
Commanding Officer
Copy to: COMNAVCRUITREG_______
Exhibit 8-1. Meritorious Advancement For Referral Letter
25 Jul 2023
080301. Introduction. The paragraphs included in this section provide policy and procedures
in managing Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) collegiates once enlisted.
080302. Management of Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Collegiates
a. Purpose. To establish policy and procedures for the Management of Individual Ready
Reserve (IRR) collegiate officers per MILPERSMAN 1050, OPNAVINST 6110.1, and
b. Background. Navy IRR collegiates are individuals who have been selected and enlisted
into one of the programs listed in subparagraphs 080302b(1) through 080302b(5).
(1) Chaplain Candidate Program officer (CCPO) (Note 1)
(2) Judge Advocate General (JAG) (Note 2)
(3) Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) (Note 3)
(4) Nurse Candidate Program (NCP) (Note 3)
(5) Financial Assistance Program (FAP) (Note 3)
Note 1: NAVTALACQGRUs are responsible for monitoring chaplain students to
assist NAVCRUITCOM N312 in their supervision.
Note 2: JAG students will be handled by their appropriate community manager at
PERS 416E.
Note 3: HPSP, NCP, and FAP are handled by BUMED not the
c. Upon commissioning of the IRR collegiate, the responsible recruiter will, notify him or
her in writing that he or she is now under the official supervision of the appropriate manager
listed in subparagraphs 080302c(1) through 080302c(3).
(1) For chaplain students
Chaplain Candidate Program Manager
Navy Recruiting Command (N312)
5722 Integrity Drive
(Bldg 784)
Millington, TN 38054
25 Jul 2023
(2) For JAG Students
Head, JAG Community Manager
Navy Personnel Command (PERS-4416E)
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055-4416
DSN: 882-4084
Commercial: (901) 874-4084
(3) For HPSP (DC, MS, MSC), NCP and FAP Students
Navy Medicine Manpower, Personnel, Training and
Education Command
ATTN: Medical Department Accessions
8901 Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20889-5611
Email Address: [email protected]
080303. IRR Collegiate’s Tracking Process
a. 72-Hour Indoctrination. (For CCPO only) Recruiter or OACR must schedule a face-to-
face meeting with the officer candidate within 5 days, not to exceed 3 working days, of the date
the officer candidate is enlisted or commissioned into the IRR.
b. Direct the officer candidate to provide his or her phone number, mailing address, and
email address to the recruiter or OACR and notify his or her recruiter of any changes in personal
information while in a delayed entry status. Maintain this information in the member's residual
file for future reference.
(1) Provide the officer candidate with the items listed in subparagraphs 080303b(1)(a)
and 080303b(1)(b).
(a) Naval Officer DEP Guide to Success (013-0238) (Rev 06/10)
Note: Encourage medical, JAG, and CCPO candidates to complete the PQS listed
on pages 48-53 of the “(OCP) Guide to Success” within 45 days of receipt
of the handout. The recruiter or OACR is responsible for signing completed
PQS items.
(b) Pre-OCS Physical Fitness Training Guide (013-0241) (Rev 05/11)
25 Jul 2023
(2) Provide the candidate with the information listed in subparagraphs 080303b(2)(a)
through 080303b(2)(e).
(a) Have the candidate read and sign the Fraternization Policy Acknowledgement
NAVPERS 1070/613.
(b) Navy's "zero tolerance" drug policy and encourage them to complete the
accompanying drug training modules.
(c) Discuss information available on the Navy Knowledge Online website (NKO).
(d) Discuss ODS information available on the Officer Training Command (OTCN)
Web site at
(e) Inform the candidate that he or she will be required to pass, at a minimum, the
third class swim test at ODS. Officer candidates are strongly encouraged to practice swimming
prior to shipping to ODS.
(3) Build a strong rapport with the collegiate and ask if they he or she has any questions
or concerns about any aspect of the ODS process.
(4) IRR collegiates, when not in an active duty status (i.e., under orders), are not entitled
to any medical or dental benefits. Ensure the collegiate is fully briefed concerning his or her
entitlements at the time of enlistment and have the member sign an NAVPERS 1070/613
Administrative Remarks acknowledging he or she received this information.
Note: Upon completion of the items listed in subparagraph 080303, the candidate
must sign and date an NAVCRUIT 1131/15 acknowledging he or she has
been provided the required documents and information. A copy of the
signed NAVCRUIT 1131/15 must be uploaded in PRIDE Mod II with the
original filed in the candidate's residual file.
(5) Have the candidate complete and sign the NAVCRUIT 1131/39. A copy of the
signed NAVCRUIT 1131/39 must be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II with the original filed in the
candidate’s residual file.
(6) Forward the medical and dental records to the appropriate program manager.
080304. Monthly OCP Screening
a. (For CCPO only) The recruiter or OACR is required to contact the officer candidate a
minimum of once per month either by telephone, face-to-face, or by online video-
teleconferencing application (skype, etc.) starting with the month following the initial
indoctrination meeting. A minimum of one face-to-face meeting is required bi-monthly (once
25 Jul 2023
every 2 months). The purpose of this meeting is to continue an ongoing dialogue between the
recruiter or OACR and the officer candidate, determine if the candidate is still motivated about
the Navy, verify the candidate's eligibility status, and discuss any other topics deemed necessary
by the recruiter or OACR or applicant. Height, weight, and BCA measurements must be
completed by the command’s fitness leader, an assistant command fitness leader, or an officer
recruiter during quarterly face-to-face, in-person meetings. Recruiting personnel are prohibited
from taking body fat measurements on applicants of the opposite sex, per
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5370.1. Results must be uploaded in PRIDE Mod II.
b. When geographical separation makes it impractical for the collegiate to meet with his or
her recruiter, it is permissible to arrange for face-to-face, in-person contact with any military
designee (leading chief petty officer (LCPO), leading petty officer (LPO), or enlisted or officer
recruiter) at the nearest TALACQONBDCTR by coordinating with the OPO or OACR. The
officer recruiter or NAVTALACQGRU military designee will:
(1) Complete NAVCRUIT 1131/39 to document the meeting. The originals must be filed
in the collegiate’s folder and copies uploaded into PRIDE Mod II.
(2) Review and document academic status, and report any known or anticipated academic
degree deficiencies (e.g., course failure, low exam performance, incomplete thesis, or anything
which could result in an unacceptable GPA or non-compliance to degree completion
requirements per the specific program service agreement, and program authorization or school
degree requirements on the part of the collegiate) to NAVCRUITCOM N312.
080305. Collegiate Management Report (For CCPO Only)
a. The OPO will:
(1) Ensure that CMRs are submitted on all CCPO IRR collegiates to NAVCRUITCOM
N312. NAVCRUITCOM N312 has the authority to grant extensions to the requirement on a
case-by-case basis should the actions of a university or college preclude the
NAVTALACQGRU's compliance with the reporting requirement. All requests for extensions
will be made in writing or via email, signed by the OPO, and will be provided prior to the
original deadline. CMRs are not required for collegiates selected during the month submissions
are due (i.e. January and June) for that cycle only.
(2) Ensure fall semester transcripts and CMRs are provided to NAVCRUITCOM no later
than 31 January. Spring semester transcripts and CMRs will be provided to NAVCRUITCOM
N312 no later than 30 June. Transcripts accompanying CMRs are not required to be official
(3) For collegiates on the quarter system, provide transcripts and CMRs to
NAVCRUITCOM N312 within 45 days of the completed quarter.
25 Jul 2023
(4) For collegiates on a yearly term system, provide transcripts and CMRs to
NAVCRUITCOM N312 within 45 days of the completed term (i.e., term runs from August to
(5) For collegiates who have been in a CO-OP or internship program, provide a statement
of satisfactory completion or letter of good standing in the program with the CMR.
(6) Upon the collegiate's graduation, submit the CMR to NAVCRUITCOM N312 along
with the collegiate's final transcript or statement of completion of internship, any licensure
requirements and licensure exam scores to meet eligibility for superseding per the respective
program authorization.
(7) Continue to submit CMRs to NAVCRUITCOM N312 on all CCPO IRR collegiates
until a superseding appointment is offered.
b. All CMRs forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM N312 containing errors will be rejected and
returned back to the respective NAVTALACQGRU. The NAVTALACQGRU must correct and
return the CMR to NAVCRUITCOM within 15 days of notification.
080306. Adverse Collegiate Management Reports
a. (For CCPO only) The NAVTALACQGRU CO/XO will review and sign all CMRs
containing adverse information. All adverse CMRs must be sent within 10 working days of
receipt via the respective NAVCRUITREG to NAVCRUITCOM N312.
b. The "additional comments" block of the NAVCRUIT 1131/40 will contain a summary of
the adverse information, corrective action taken, and any other further recommendations
provided to the collegiate.
c. Adverse information includes (if applicable):
(1) Failure to comply with the service agreement and program authorization.
(2) Failure to follow the approved Degree Completion Plan (DCP), including unapproved
course changes, withdrawals, incompletes, major changes, university changes, courses completed
at a different college or university, etc., unless previously approved by the NAVTALACQGRU
(3) Failure to meet program term GPA requirement as set forth in the respective service
agreement and program authorization.
(4) Failure to meet internship requirements.
25 Jul 2023
(5) Any other personal, medical, or legal issue that may negatively impact the collegiate’s
ability to graduate on time per the approved Degree Completion Plan, or would have been
required to be reported on the original application, including the SF-86. If a OPO is in doubt as
to whether an issue warrants reporting, the OPO will include it.
d. All adverse CMRs will include (if applicable):
(1) Academic waiver request or disenrollment recommendation signed by the CO or XO
for any violation.
(2) Member’s signed statement and plan to overcome academic deficiencies.
(3) Copies of NAVTALACQGRU counseling letters and or letters of instruction.
(4) Any historic documentation that may be of value in evaluating the adverse
information, such as previous counseling letters, NAVTALACQGRU or higher echelon warning
letters, letters of good standing, etc.
(5) Other documentation as appropriate for other personal, medical, financial, or legal
matters not previously submitted to NAVCRUITCOM N312.
(6) An updated Degree Completion Plan (DCP) signed by the member's academic
advisor. If the collegiate is full time, same major, same graduation date and same school (i.e.,
course changes only) then the CO can approve, sign and forward the Degree Completion Plan
Change Checklist with the DCP to be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II. If there are any changes to
the collegiate's major, graduation date or school, the DCP must be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II
and NAVCRUITCOM N312 notified, who will then forward it to the respective program
manager for approval.
080307. Requirements Prior to the IRR Collegiate’s Transfer to ODS
a. In order for the IRR collegiate to receive orders to ODS, they must:
(1) For medical programs, the IRR collegiate maintain contact with NAVMED
Professional Development Center (NMPDC) for all requirements.
(2) For chaplain IRR collegiates, maintain contact with the chaplain program manager at
(3) For JAG IRR Collegiates, maintain constant liaison with the NAVPERSCOM (Pers-
b. 45-30 days prior to ODS class date. All IRR collegiates must complete a height, weight,
and BCA measurement to ensure the candidate is within physical standards per OPNAVINST
6110.1. Candidates that do not meet these standards will be placed on hold and the
25 Jul 2023
NAVTALACQGRU must notify NAVCRUITCOM immediately to determine required action.
Under no circumstances will an officer candidate be sent to ODS if he or she does not meet
minimum height, weight and BCA standards.
c. 30-14 days prior to ODS class date. Recruiter or OACR will meet with the collegiate
face to face. This is the final opportunity for the recruiter or OACR to ensure that the collegiate
is as prepared as possible for ODS. The items listed in subparagraphs 080307c(1) through
080307c(5) need to be discussed, conducted, and annotated on an NAVCRUIT 1131/39.
(1) Review the contents of the Naval Officer DEP Guide to Success.
(2) Ensure the collegiate is informed of all the items he or she is required to take when
reporting to ODS as listed on the ODS website at
(3) Answer any last minute questions that the collegiate might have prior to shipping to
ODS. Inform the collegiate that they can contact the recruiter or OACR at any time prior to
shipping to ODS if they have any further questions or concerns. It is very important to keep the
lines of communication open at all times.
(4) Inform the collegiate that he or she must contact the recruiter or OACR immediately
if he or she encounters any medical, physical, personal, family, or legal problems prior to
reporting to ODS. Each program will require the collegiate to complete an annual update
regarding their interim health history, but the collegiate should not wait for the annual update to
report any change in medical status to the program manager.
(5) The NAVTALACQGRU will mail the medical, dental, and service records to ODS
via traceable mail (to protect personally identifying information), including the physical
examination that was used to enlist or commission into the collegiate program along with all
interim annual health updates that were completed for each year of participation in the collegiate
program no later than two weeks prior to the candidate’s class convening date. Ensure the
service record includes final transcripts (2 copies) and proof of graduation. Mail records in
batches when possible to minimize shipping costs. Also, NAVTALACQGRU makes all travel
arrangements for the officer candidate and ensures he or she is in receipt of original orders and
travel itinerary (refer to paragraph 041006 for check-in requirements).
080308. IRR Collegiate’s Academic Responsibilities
a. (For CCPO only) The primary military responsibility of all collegiates is to comply with
the academic requirements of their service agreement and program authorization.
b. All CCPO IRR collegiates will:
(1) Maintain academic requirements per the respective service agreement and program
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(2) Maintain the GPA required by their program.
(3) Submit transcripts to their NAVTALACQGRU within 30 days of completion of the
quarter or semester.
(4) Comply with their Degree Completion Plan (DCP) as approved at the time of entry.
(5) Request extensions of their graduation date, changes in degree, major, DCP (implying
any class changes other than non-specified electives), or university prior to effecting such
Note: Unless otherwise authorized by NAVCRUITCOM N312, students must be
enrolled full time and take traditional courses.
080309. NAVTALACQGRU’s Academic Management Responsibilities
a. (For CCPO only) Each NAVTALACQGRU is responsible for the IRR collegiates
attending schools within its AOR. The OPO will direct recruiters to contact the CCPO IRR
collegiates monthly (by phone, email, or in person).
b. By maintaining close and frequent contact with each CCPO IRR collegiate every 30 days
as required, NAVTALACQGRUs should be able to detect individuals who are developing
academic problems and take prompt corrective action.
c. Corrective action may include:
(1) IRR collegiate’s counseling, both informally and formally, by the
(2) Recommendations for improvement, such as tutoring, reduction in extracurricular
activities, study plans, etc.
(3) Formal letters of instruction or warning with specific action items and follow-up by
d. The NAVTALACQGRU CO is authorized to approve changes to the Degree Completion
Plan using the Degree Completion Plan Change Checklist, except as indicated in subparagraphs
080309d(1) and 080309d(2).
(1) Changes in major (including adding or removing a double major), school, or
graduation date require NAVCRUITCOM N312 approval.
(2) Changes to carry less than a full academic load requires NAVCRUITCOM N312
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e. The latest Degree Completion Plan will be forwarded with each CMR.
080310. Academic Disenrollment (For CCPO Only). CCPO IRR collegiates who fail to
respond to counseling, or whose academic performance fails to meet the requirements of their
service agreement and program authorization, will be subject to the list in subparagraphs
080310a and 080310b.
a. The individual program’s service agreement and program authorization, which contains
the specific disenrollment obligations and requirements.
b. Disenrollment of chaplain students will be managed by the chaplain candidate’s program
manager at NAVCRUITCOM N312.
Note: If the IRR collegiate is to be discharged, the type of discharge and
reenlistment code will be determined by NAVCRUITCOM as required by
080311. Medical and Physical Responsibilities or Requirements
a. IRR collegiates, when not in an active duty status (i.e., under orders), are not entitled to
any medical or dental benefits.
b. The OPO will:
(1) Ensure the collegiate is fully briefed concerning his or her entitlements at the time of
enlistment and have the member sign an NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks
acknowledging he or she received this information.
(2) If a collegiate will attend ODS or Chaplain Basic Course, ensure that prior to
commissioning, ensure the physical is not over 24 months old, as required by the MANMED. If
the collegiate will attend ODS or Chaplain Basic Course and the physical will be over 2 years
old at the time of reporting, ensure there is a NAVMED 6120/3 or other annual update required
by the collegiate program to cover the interim health history for each year through the time of
reporting to ODS, with a positive review by NAVCRUITCOM N33 for any significant change.
(3) Ensure the NAVMED 6120/3 Annual Certificate of Physical Condition is completed
annually during the chaplain student’s birth month and reviewed by an authorized medical
Department representative (AMDR). Any change in physical condition must be reported to
NAVCRUITCOM N33. Failure to disclose an illness or disease may be construed as intent to
defraud the government and may be the basis for dismissal from the program.
25 Jul 2023
080312. Change in Physical Status (For CCPO Only)
a. If a CCPO IRR collegiate becomes not physically qualified (NPQ) or claims to become
NPQ leading up to their assigned shipping date, the member will be processed for medical
disposition as indicated in subparagraphs 080312a(1) and 080312a(2).
(1) If the specific disqualifying condition has not been previously addressed through a
medical consult, the NAVTALACQGRU will coordinate with the officer candidate to have an
evaluation conducted by either a military or civilian physician. The objective of the evaluation
will be to assess whether the condition would prohibit the collegiate from obtaining a
commission. The NAVTALACQGRU will upload all appropriate documentation (per OPNAV
6110.1) to PRIDE Mod II and forward all MEDDOCS through WEBWAVE to
(2) If the NAVCRUITCOM N33 waiver is disapproved, or if no medical evidence is
found to overturn the disqualifying decision, NAVCRUITCOM will contact the
NAVTALACQGRU to begin the separation process and provide a letter of disenrollment.
b. The OPO will implement a tracking system to ensure the NAVTALACQGRU
expeditiously completes the medical “due process” for each collegiate identified as potentially
not physically qualified.” Timely resolution of a collegiate’s medical problems is essential and
should not normally exceed four months. If greater than four months is expected, the
NAVTALACQGRU will submit a letter or email (via the NAVCRUITREG) to
NAVCRUITCOM N312 outlining the difficulties encountered and estimated timeline for final
adjudication. CCPO IRR collegiates that unduly contribute to a delay in the “due processing” in
situations involving medical determinations can be processed by the NAVTALACQGRU or
NAVCRUITCOM N312 for immediate dis-enrollment from the program. Undue delay could
include, but is not limited to, refusal or resistance to attend scheduled medical appointments or
refusal or resistance in providing supporting medical documentation addressing medical issues.
c. In cases in which the NAVTALACQGRU CO considers an officer candidate to be
inhibiting the expeditious medical resolution process, NAVTALACQGRU CO’s are encouraged
to provide the collegiate with a letter outlining expectations, appointment requirements, required
or requested medical documentation, and any other items or circumstances needed to support
continued expeditious processing, with an assigned reasonable deadline as to when these
requirements are required to be met by, and the fact that failure to adhere to the letter could result
in immediate removal from the program and separation.
080313. Physical Fitness
a. IRR collegiates are not required to participate in the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA)
Program or any physical training conducted by recruiting personnel. However, should an IRR
collegiate wish to voluntarily participate, he or she must complete a Hold Harmless Agreement
and Release from Liability Certificate (NAVCRUIT 1100/27) prior to his or her initial fitness
assessment (IFA). The recruiter or OACR will retain these forms in the candidate's folder.
25 Jul 2023
b. Officer candidates are required to pass, at a minimum, the third class swim test at ODS;
therefore, all officer candidates are expected to be able to swim prior to reporting to ODS. IRR
collegiates selected for ODS programs are strongly encouraged to practice swimming prior to
080314. Physical Training Guidelines
a. IRR collegiates are not required to participate in the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA)
Program or any physical training conducted by recruiting personnel. However, if they elect to
voluntarily participate, they must complete a NAVCRUIT 1100/27 Hold Harmless Agreement
and Release from Liability Certificate prior to their initial participation in any physical activity.
All physical training conducted by recruiting personnel must be per the Recruiter Guide for
Physical Training, located on the NAVCRUITCOM Quarterdeck at
b. Under no circumstances will any Navy representative lead or conduct any physical
activity with anyone seeking affiliation with any component of the U.S. Navy prior to
completion of the actions listed in subparagraphs 080314b(1) through 080314b(3).
(1) Ensure the collegiate completes a medical examination.
(2) Ensure the collegiate completes a Hold Harmless Agreement and Release from
Liability certificate.
(3) Navy personnel leading the physical training have completed the NKO Command
Fitness Leader course (CPD-CFL-010), NKO Supervisor - Managing Your Teams Risk (CPPD-
ORM-MYTR-1.0), CPR Certification (American Red Cross or American Heart Association),
and NAVCRUITCOM (N7 and NAVCRUITCOM ORIENT UNIT) approved training on the
"Fitness and Nutrition Guide" and "Recruiter Guide for Physical Training.”
080315. IRR Collegiate’s Advancements. Chaplain students are eligible for promotion as
indicated in subparagraphs 0803315a through 080315c.
a. Chaplain Students. Commissioned at the grade of ensign (ENS) and promoted to the
rank of lieutenant junior grade (LTjg) and lieutenant (LT) after two (2) and (4) consecutive years
of satisfactory performance respectively.
b. The effective date of promotion to LTjg will be exactly two years after the ENS
permanent grade date. The effective date of promotion to LT will be the first day of the month
following the candidate’s fourth year in the program.
c. The promotion is initiated by the chaplain candidate’s program manager.
25 Jul 2023
080316. OCP Management and Attrition Analysis
a. OCP Audits. The NAVTALACQGRU OCP will be monitored for effectiveness by the
OPO and OACR. Periodic snapshot monitoring of the program will ensure the program is
maintained in a high state of readiness, and will identify necessary training areas or leadership
(1) OCP audits are to be conducted by the OPO or OACR whenever there is a sign of
excessive losses or problems in the OCP pool (as determined by the NAVTALACQGRU CO)
and when a turnover of the recruiter, OACR, or OPO occurs.
(2) NAVCRUITREG commander or NAVCRUITCOM N31 may direct a OCP audit at
any time.
(3) Results will be retained for two years and forwarded to the NAVTALACQGRU CO
via the chain of command.
b. OCP Turnover. A full inspection of the OCP, including face-to-face or telephone
interviews with officer candidates, will be conducted as part of the recruiter, OPO and OACR
turnover. All turnovers and audits will be documented in PRIDE Mod II.
c. Attrition Analysis. Attrition analysis is conducted to identify the factors which cause
attrition and then develop a plan of action to minimize any possible future attrites.
(1) The OPO will conduct a monthly analysis of OCP and OCS or ODS attrition, and
forward results along with recommended corrective actions to the NAVTALACQGRU CO for
review and approval.
(2) The NAVTALACQGRU CO will ensure corrective action is taken on excessive pre-
shipping attrition and on abnormally high ODS attrition.
080317. IRR Collegiate’s Transfer (For CCPO Only). In many cases, the
NAVTALACQGRU tracking CCPO IRR collegiates may be different from the
NAVTALACQGRU that recruited the collegiate (e.g., a collegiate or student may transfer to
another university). In case of transfer, the items listed in subparagraphs 080317a through
080317e will happen.
a. A letter requesting authorization for the transfer will be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II by
the requesting NAVTALACQGRU and notification forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM.
b. NAVCRUITCOM will request an endorsement from the gaining NAVTALACQGRU.
c. The gaining NAVTALACQGRU will upload an endorsement to PRIDE Mod II within
five working days of receipt and forward a notification to NAVCRUITCOM.
25 Jul 2023
d. When the transfer has been approved by the appropriate program director,
NAVCRUITCOM will issue a transfer approval letter, upload into PRIDE Mod II and notify
e. The detaching NAVTALACQGRU will ensure the member's collegiate records are
forwarded to the gaining NAVTALACQGRU.
080318. Change in Personal, Legal and Other Status. IRR collegiates encountering any
problems, including medical, physical, academic, personal, family, or legal, are required to
notify their NAVTALACQGRU immediately. The NAVTALACQGRU CO will evaluate and
report the circumstances to NAVCRUITCOM with recommendations to resolve the problem.
Circumstances may warrant initial notification be made by phone or e-mail with follow-up in
writing. NAVCRUITCOM will take action as appropriate for each case, and will liaise with the
respective NAVCRUITCOM program manager as well as NAVCRUITCOM 00J or N33 as
Note: Chaplain collegiates must notify the chaplain candidate’s program manager
at NAVCRUITCOM N312 of any changes in status.
080319. Urinalysis. IRR collegiates are not required to participate in the command’s
urinalysis program.
080320. Casualty (Death) of an IRR Collegiate
a. Generally, IRR officer candidates (collegiate) who die while in (OCP/DET) status are not
eligible for death entitlements. However, the NAVTALACQGRU CO must complete the actions
listed in subparagraphs 080220a(3)(a)1 through 080220a(3)(a)3.
(1) Complete and send a Personal Casualty Report (PCR) per MILPERSMAN 1770-030
to OPNAV (N135C), with copies to NAVCRUITCOM N31 and the respective
via final SITREP or email.
(2) Prepare and send a letter of condolence to the next of kin of the deceased per
MILPERSMAN 1770-040.
(3) NAVTALACQGRU COs are not precluded from taking additional action that may be
appropriate in light of the unique situation. Attendance at the memorial and or funeral service is
encouraged on a not-to-interfere basis with the consent of the next of kin.
b. Any questions on possible entitlements should be directed to:
Navy Casualty Assistance Division
5720 Integrity Drive
25 Jul 2023
Millington, TN 38055-6200
Toll Free: 1-(800) 368-3202
Comm: (901) 874-2501 DSN: 882
080321. Leave and Liberty. IRR collegiates are not governed by the Navy’s leave and liberty
25 Jul 2023
080401. Introduction. The paragraphs included in this section provide policy, procedures, and
sample documents for use in managing Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) officer candidates
(non-collegiates) once enlisted into the IRR.
080402. Management of IRR Officer Candidates (Non-Collegiates)
a. Purpose. To establish policy and procedures for the management of Individual Ready
Reserve (IRR) officer candidates (non-collegiates) per MILPERSMAN 1050, OPNAVINST
6110.1, and the Manual of the Medical Department (NAVMED P-117).
b. Background. Navy IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates) are individuals who have
completed their college requirements and subsequently applied for and have been selected to
attend OCS or ODS. These individuals usually have very little or no military experience and
therefore require a thorough indoctrination into the Navy lifestyle to better prepare them for their
arrival, and the subsequent training they will receive at OCS or ODS. IRR officer candidates
(non-collegiates) are directly appointed to the OCS or ODS training pipeline and not subjected to
provisions set forth in sections (2) and (3) of this chapter.
c. The responsible recruiter and OACR must follow the guidelines established in this
chapter to manage IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates) to prepare them both mentally and
physically prior to reporting to OCS or ODS.
080403. IRR Officer Candidates (Non-collegiates) Tracking Process. IRR officer candidates
(non-collegiates) must enlist within 15 working days of receiving their final select letter.
Following receipt of final select letter, the recruiter, LCPO, LPO or OACR must schedule a face-
to-face meeting with the applicant as soon as possible, but not to exceed five working days. The
actions listed in subparagraphs 080403a through 080403d must be completed during this initial
a. Direct the candidate to provide his or her current phone number, mailing address, and
email address to the recruiter, LCPO, LPO or OACR and notify him or her of any changes of
personal information while in an officer candidate program. Maintain this information in the
member's residual file for future reference.
b. Provide the candidate with the Naval Officer DEP Guide to Success (013-0238) (Rev
Note: Encourage the candidate to complete the PQS listed on pages 48-53 of the
OCP Guide to Success” within 45 days of receipt of the handout.
Recruiter, LCPO, LPO or OACR is responsible for signing completed PQS
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c. Provide the candidate with the information listed in subparagraphs 080220a(3)(a)1
through 080220a(3)(a)3.
(1) Have the candidate read and sign the NAVPERS 1070/613 Fraternization Policy
(2) Discuss the Navy's "zero tolerance" drug policy and encourage them to complete the
accompanying drug training modules.
(3) Discuss information available on the Navy Knowledge Online website (NKO).
(4) Discuss ODS or OCS information available on the Officer Training Command
(OTCN) Web site at
(5) Inform the candidate he or she will be required to pass, at a minimum, the third class
swim test at OCS or ODS. Officer candidates are strongly encouraged to practice swimming
prior to shipping to OCS or ODS.
(6) Build a strong rapport with the candidate and ask if he or she has any questions or
concerns about any aspect of the OCS or ODS process.
(7) IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates), when not in an active duty status (i.e., under
orders), are not entitled to any medical or dental benefits. Ensure the candidate is fully briefed
concerning his or her entitlements at the time of enlistment and have the member sign an
NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks acknowledging he or she received this
Note: Upon completion of the items listed in subparagraph 080403, the candidate
must sign and date the NAVCRUIT 1131/15 acknowledging he or she has
been provided the required documents and information. A copy of the
signed NAVCRUIT Form 1131/15 must be uploaded in PRIDE Mod II with
the original filed in the candidate's residual file.
d. Have the candidate complete and sign the NAVCRUIT 1131/39. A copy of the signed
NAVCRUIT 1131/39 must be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II with the original filed in the
candidate’s residual file.
080404. Monthly OCP Screening
a. The recruiter, LCPO, LPO or OACR is required to contact the officer candidate a
minimum of once per month either by telephone, face-to-face, or online video-teleconferencing
application (skype, etc.) starting with the month following the initial indoctrination meeting. A
minimum of one face-to-face meeting is required bi-monthly (once every 2 months). The
purpose of this meeting is to continue an ongoing dialogue between the recruiter and the officer
25 Jul 2023
candidate, determine if the candidate is still motivated about the Navy, verify the candidate's
eligibility status, and discuss any other topics deemed necessary by the recruiter, LCPO, LPO,
OACR or applicant. This is also a time to obtain referrals from the candidate. A height, weight
and BCA measurement must be completed by the recruiter during face-to-face, in person
meetings. per COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5370.1E, recruiting personnel are prohibited from
taking body fat measurements on applicants of the opposite sex. Results will be uploaded in
b. When geographical separation makes it impractical for the officer candidate to meet with
his or her recruiter, it is permissible to arrange for face-to-face, in-person contact with any
military designee (leading chief petty officer (LCPO), leading petty officer (LPO), or enlisted or
officer recruiter) at the nearest TALACQONBDCTR by coordinating with the OPO or OACR.
Note: The recruiter, LCPO, LPO or OACR must complete an NAVCRUIT 1131/39
to document the monthly meetings. The original must be filed in the
candidate’s residual folder and uploaded into PRIDE Mod II.
080405. Collegiate Management Reports. CMRs are not required to be completed for IRR
officer candidates (non-collegiates).
080406. Adverse Collegiate Management Reports. CMRs are not required to be completed
for IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates).
080407. Requirements Prior to an IRR Officer Candidate’s (Non-Collegiates) Transfer to OCS
or ODS
a. NAVTALACQGRUs are responsible for completing and issuing orders for IRR officer
candidates (non-collegiates) attending OCS. NAVPERSCOM is responsible for completing and
issuing orders for IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates) attending ODS.
b. 45-30 days prior to OCS or ODS class date. All IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates)
must complete a height, weight and BCA measurement to ensure the candidate is within physical
standards per OPNAVINST 6110.1. Candidates that do not meet these standards will be placed
on hold and the NAVTALACQGRU must notify NAVCRUITCOM immediately to determine
required action. Under no circumstances will an officer candidate be sent to OCS or ODS if he
or she does not meet minimum height, weight and BCA standards.
c. 30-14 days prior to OCS or ODS class date. Recruiter, LCPO, LPO or OACR will meet
with the IRR officer candidate (non-collegiate) face to face. This is the final opportunity for the
recruiter or OACR to ensure that the candidate is as prepared as possible for OCS or ODS. The
items listed in subparagraphs 080407c(1) through 080407c(6) need to be discussed, conducted
and annotated on an NAVCRUIT 1131/39.
(1) Review the contents of the Naval Officer DEP Guide to Success.
25 Jul 2023
(2) Ensure the IRR officer candidate (non-collegiate) is informed of all the items he or
she is authorized to take when reporting to OCS or ODS.
(3) Answer any last minute questions that the IRR officer candidate (non-collegiate)
might have prior to shipping to OCS or ODS. Inform the officer candidate that he or she can
contact the recruiter, LCPO, LPO or OACR at any time prior to shipping to OCS or ODS if he or
she has any further questions or concerns. It is very important to keep the lines of
communication open at all times.
(4) Inform the IRR officer candidate (non-collegiate) that he or she must contact the
recruiter, LCPO, LPO or OACR immediately if he or she encounters any medical, physical,
personal, family, or legal problems prior to reporting to OCS or ODS.
(5) NAVTALACQGRUs will mail the service and health record via traceable means (to
protect personally identifying information) no later than two weeks prior to the candidate’s OCS
or ODS report date by placing the candidate’s service and medical record (with latest physical)
into separate sealed envelopes inside a mailing envelope and clearly label each. Ensure the
service record includes final transcripts (2 copies) and proof of graduation. When possible, send
records in batches to minimize shipping expense.
Note: For pilot and NFO candidates, the following additional paperwork will be
included with the medical record: All police and or arrest reports (including
detailed arrest summary) and court records of the incident(s), and all
certificates of completion of any court-directed alcohol education or alcohol
treatment program(s). For mental history, include all mental health notes
(e.g., mental health evaluation, full treatment records and treatment
summary or termination notes).
(6) NAVTALACQGRUs makes all travel arrangements for the officer candidate and
ensures he or she is in receipt of original orders and travel itinerary (refer to paragraph 041006
for check-in requirements).
080408. IRR Officer Candidate’s (Non-Collegiates) Academic Responsibilities. Upon
graduation from an accredited college or university, the IRR officer candidate (non-collegiate)
must have met the requirements listed in subparagraphs 080408a through 080408c.
a. Achieved academic requirements set forth in his or her respective service agreement and
program authorization.
b. Achieved required GPA requirements set forth in his or her respective service agreement
and program authorization.
c. Submitted final transcripts to his or her respective NAVTALACQGRU.
25 Jul 2023
080409. NAVTALACQGRU’s Academic Management Responsibilities
a. The recruiter or OACR must verify the IRR officer candidate (non-collegiate) has met all
academic requirements prior to commissioning as set forth in the respective service agreement
and program authorization.
b. NAVTALACQGRU must file a copy of the candidate’s transcripts into the candidate’s
residual file and upload a copy into PRIDE Mod II.
080410. Academic Disenrollment. Not applicable for IRR officer candidates (non-
080411. Medical and Physical Responsibilities or Requirements
a. IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates) are not entitled to any medical or dental benefits
when not in an active duty status (i.e., under orders).
b. The OPO will:
(1) Ensure the officer candidate is fully briefed concerning his or her entitlements at the
time of enlistment.
(2) Ensure the officer candidate signs an NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks
acknowledging he or she has been briefed.
080412. Change in Physical Status
a. If an IRR officer candidate (non-collegiate) becomes “not physically qualified” (NPQ) or
claims to become NPQ leading up to their assigned shipping date, the member will be processed
for medical disposition as indicated in subparagraphs 080412a(1) and 080412a(2).
(1) If the specific disqualifying condition has not been previously addressed through a
medical consult, the NAVTALACQGRU will coordinate with the officer candidate to have an
evaluation conducted by either a military or civilian physician. The objective of the evaluation
will be to assess whether the condition would prohibit the officer candidate from obtaining a
commission. The NAVTALACQGRU will upload all appropriate documents to PRIDE Mod II
and forward all MEDDOCS through WEBWAVE to NAVCRUITCOM N33 for review.
(2) If the NAVCRUITCOM N33 waiver is disapproved, or if no medical evidence is
found to overturn the disqualifying decision, NAVCRUITCOM will instruct the
NAVTALACQGRU to provide a letter of disenrollment to the applicant.
b. The OPO will implement a tracking system to ensure the NAVTALACQGRU
expeditiously completes the medical “due process” for each officer candidate identified as
25 Jul 2023
potentially not physically qualified. Timely resolution of an officer candidate’s medical
problems is essential and should not normally exceed four months. If greater than four months is
expected, the NAVTALACQGRU will submit a letter or email (via the NAVCRUITREG) to
NAVCRUITCOM outlining the difficulties encountered and estimated timeline for final
adjudication. IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates) that unduly contribute to a delay in the
“due processing” in situations involving medical determinations can be processed by the
NAVTALACQGRU or NAVCRUITCOM N31 for immediate de-selection and dis-enrollment
from the program. Undue delay could include, but is not limited to, refusal or resistance to
attend scheduled medical appointments or refusal or resistance providing supporting medical
documentation addressing medical issues.
c. In cases in which the NAVTALACQGRU CO considers an officer candidate to be
inhibiting the expeditious medical resolution process, NAVTALACQGRU CO’s are encouraged
to provide the candidate with a letter outlining expectations, appointment requirements, required
or requested medical documentation, and any other items or circumstances needed to support
continued expeditious processing, with an assigned reasonable deadline as to when these
requirements are required to be met by, and the fact that failure to adhere to the letter could result
in immediate removal from the program and separation.
080413. Physical Fitness
a. IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates) are not required to participate in the Physical
Fitness Assessment (PFA) Program or any physical training conducted by recruiting personnel.
However, should an IRR officer candidate (non-collegiate) wish to voluntarily participate, he or
she must complete a Hold Harmless Agreement and Release from Liability Certificate
(NAVCRUIT 1100/27) prior his or her initial fitness assessment (IFA). The recruiter, LCPO,
LPO or OACR will retain these forms in the candidate's folder.
b. IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates) selected for OCS or ODS programs are
encouraged to practice swimming prior to shipping to OCS or ODS.
080414. Physical Training Guidelines
a. IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates) are not required to participate in the PFA
program or any physical training conducted by recruiting personnel. However, if they elect to
voluntarily participate, they must complete a NAVCRUIT 1100/27 Hold Harmless Agreement
and Release from Liability Certificate prior to their initial participation in any physical activity.
All physical training conducted by recruiting personnel must be per the Recruiter Guide for
Physical Training, located on the NAVCRUITCOM Quarterdeck at
b. Under no circumstances will any Navy representative lead or conduct any physical
activity with anyone seeking affiliation with any component of the U.S. Navy prior to
completion of the actions listed in subparagraphs 080414b(1) through 080414b(3).
25 Jul 2023
(1) The applicant must complete a medical examination.
(2) The applicant must complete and sign a NAVCRUIT 1100/27.
(3) Navy personnel leading the physical training have completed the NKO Command
Fitness Leader course (CPD-CFL-010), NKO Supervisor - Managing Your Teams Risk (CPPD-
ORM-MYTR-1.0), CPR Certification (American Red Cross or American Heart Association),
and NAVCRUITCOM (N7 and NAVCRUITCOM ORU) approved training on the "Fitness and
Nutrition Guide" and "Recruiter Guide for Physical Training.”
080415. IRR Officer Candidate’s (Non-Collegiates) Advancements. No advancements are
authorized for IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates).
080416. Officer Candidate Program Management and Attrition Analysis
a. OCP Audits. The NAVTALACQGRU OCP will be monitored for effectiveness by the
OPO and OACR. Periodic snapshot monitoring of the program will ensure the program is
maintained in a high state of readiness, and will identify necessary training areas or leadership
(1) OCP audits are to be conducted by the OPO or OACR whenever there is a sign of
excessive losses or problems in the OCP pool (as determined by the NAVTALACQGRU CO)
and when a turnover of the recruiter, OACR, or OPO occurs.
(2) NAVCRUITREG commander or NAVCRUITCOM N31 may direct a OCP audit at
any time.
(3) Results will be retained for two years and forwarded to the NAVTALACQGRU CO
via the chain of command.
b. OCP Turnover. A full inspection of the OCP, including face-to-face or telephone
interviews with officer candidates, will be conducted as part of the recruiter, OPO and OACR
turnover. All turnovers and audits will be documented in PRIDE Mod II.
c. Attrition Analysis. Attrition analysis is conducted to identify the factors which cause
attrition and then develop a plan of action to minimize any possible future attrites.
(1) The OPO will conduct a monthly analysis of OCP and OCS or ODS attrition, and
forward results along with recommended corrective actions to the NAVTALACQGRU CO for
review and approval.
(2) The NAVTALACQGRU CO will ensure corrective action is taken on excessive pre-
shipping attrition and on abnormally high ODS attrition.
25 Jul 2023
080417. IRR Officer Candidate’s (Non-Collegiates) Transfer. In some cases, the
NAVTALACQGRU tracking IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates) may be different from the
NAVTALACQGRU that recruited the candidate (e.g., a candidate moves their residence to
another area). In case of transfer, the actions listed in subparagraphs 080417a through 080417e
are required.
a. A letter requesting authorization for the transfer will be uploaded into PRIDE Mod II by
the requesting NAVTALACQGRU and notification is forwarded to NAVCRUITCOM.
b. NAVCRUITCOM will request an endorsement from the gaining NAVTALACQGRU.
c. The gaining NAVTALACQGRU will upload an endorsement to PRIDE Mod II within
five working days of receipt and forward a notification to NAVCRUITCOM.
d. When the transfer has been approved by the appropriate program director,
NAVCRUITCOM will issue a transfer approval letter, upload into PRIDE Mod II and notify
e. The detaching NAVTALACQGRU will ensure the member's service and health records
are forwarded to the gaining NAVTALACQGRU.
080418. Change in Personal, Legal or Other Status. IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates)
encountering any problems, including medical, physical, academic, personal, family, or legal, are
required to notify their NAVTALACQGRU immediately. The NAVTALACQGRU CO will
evaluate and report the circumstances to NAVCRUITCOM with recommendations to resolve the
problem. Circumstances may warrant initial notification be made by phone or e-mail with
follow-up in writing. NAVCRUITCOM will take action as appropriate for each case, and will
liaise with the respective NAVCRUITCOM program manager as well as NAVCRUITCOM 00J
or NAVCRUITCOM N33 as appropriate.
080419. Urinalysis. IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates) are not required to participate in
the command’s urinalysis program.
080420. Casualty (Death) of an IRR Officer Candidate (Non-Collegiate)
a. Generally, IRR officer candidates (non-collegiate) who die while in (OCP/DET) status
are not eligible for death entitlements. However, the NAVTALACQGRU CO must complete the
actions listed in subparagraphs 080420a(1) through 080420a(3).
(1) Complete and send a Personal Casualty Report (PCR) per MILPERSMAN 1770-030
to OPNAV (N135C), with copies to NAVCRUITCOM N31 and the respective
via final SITREP or email.
25 Jul 2023
(2) Prepare and send a letter of condolence to the next of kin of the deceased per
MILPERSMAN 1770-040.
(3) NAVTALACQGRU COs are not precluded from taking additional action that may be
appropriate in light of the unique situation. Attendance at the memorial and or funeral service is
encouraged on a not-to-interfere basis with the consent of the next of kin.
b. Any questions on possible entitlements should be directed to:
Navy Casualty Assistance Division
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055-6200
Toll Free: 1-(800) 368-3202
Comm: (901) 874-2501 DSN: 882
080421. Leave and Liberty. IRR officer candidates (non-collegiates) are not governed by the
Navy’s leave and liberty policies.
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25 Jul 2023
Table of Contents
1. Introduction A-3
2. Purpose A-3
3. Background A-3
4. Military Benefits A-4
5. Active Duty Collegiate Tracking Process A-4
6. Monthly Executive Screens A-6
7. Collegiate Management Reports (CMRs) A-6
8. Requirements Prior to Transfer to OCS or ODS A-8
9. Collegiate Academic Responsibilities A-9
10. Academic Disenrollment A-10
11. Change in Physical Status A-10
12. Physical Fitness A-11
13. Physical Training Guidelines A-12
14. Active Duty Collegiate’s Advancement A-12
15. Change in Personal, Legal or Other Status A-14
16. Urinalysis Program A-14
17. Leave and Liberty A-14
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1. Introduction. Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in the Navy’s Active
Duty Collegiate Program, and as such, are required to read this handbook in its entirety. You
should be very proud of your selection, as the competition was very keen and only the very best
qualified individuals were selected.
2. Purpose. This handbook provides all the policies and procedures that you must follow while
participating in the Active Duty Collegiate Program per the COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2
Series, Military Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN) 1050, OPNAVINST 6110.1, and Manual of
the Medical Department, NAVMED P-117.
Note: Be advised that the policies written in the aforementioned instructions
supersede the information provided in this handbook at all times.
3. Background
a. As a Navy active duty collegiate, you have been selected into one of the programs listed
in subparagraphs 3a(1) through 3a(4).
(1) Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program (BDCP)
(2) Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) Exceptional Student
Program (hereafter referred to as CEC Collegiate)
(3) Nuclear Power Officer Candidate (NUPOC)
(4) Health Services Collegiate Program (HSCP)
b. Once you have been enlisted by the Navy Talent Acquisition Group
(NAVTALACQGRU), you are considered as being in an active duty status and are therefore
entitled to all benefits and privileges commensurate with your enlisted paygrade. As such, you
are required to fulfill all obligations of this instruction (COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2
series) and your respective service agreement and program authorization, with the exception of
wearing uniforms (specifically prohibited) and adhering to military grooming standards.
Note: Collegiates must meet military grooming standards when taking a photo for
their military I.D. card.
c. You are now subject to the UCMJ.
d. You will be assigned to the NAVTALACQGRU that enlisted you and will be afforded
the same oversight, mentoring, and counseling as any other member of their staff.
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4. Military Benefits. As an enlisted member of the armed forces, you are now eligible to
receive the entitlements listed in subparagraphs 4a through 4g.
a. All pay and allowances commensurate with your enlisted paygrade to include basic pay
and applicable housing allowances.
b. Military identification card for you and your dependents (spouse, child(ren) if
applicable). With this card, you and your dependents (if applicable) will have access to military
bases worldwide and can access all military base exchanges, commissaries, and other base
c. Medical and dental benefits for you and your dependents (if applicable) to include free
medical and dental treatment for you at all military treatment facilities, and appropriate Tri-care
medical and dental coverage for your dependents (if applicable).
d. Military base housing if you have eligible dependents (spouse, child(ren)). This
entitlement is based on space availability and specific eligibility requirements of the military
installation you would request housing from.
e. Every month you are enrolled in the collegiate program, you will earn 2.5 leave days for
a total of 30 leave days per year.
f. You will be automatically insured under Service Member’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI)
for the maximum amount of $400,000 upon enlistment. You will be provided options to reduce
this coverage by $50,000 increments or cancel it at its entirety. To learn more about this
entitlement, you can visit the website and click on the “Insurance Center.”
g. Post 9/11 Montgomery G.I. Bill education benefits. You will receive an in-depth brief on
the Montgomery G.I. Bill at OCS or ODS upon check-in and afforded the opportunity to elect
these benefits at that time.
5. Active Duty Collegiate’s Tracking Process
a. 72 Hour Indoctrination. You are required to enlist on active duty within 15 working days
of receiving your final select letter. Following enlistment, you are required to meet face-to-face
with your officer recruiter within 5 days following your enlistment but not to exceed 3 working
days. This meeting will be conducted by the recruiter at either your home, current local location
(college campus or common meeting area), or the local recruiting station (TALACQONBDCTR)
as a last resort. You will then be contacted by the division officer (DIVO), leading petty officer
(LPO), leading chief petty officer (LCPO), or officer assistant chief recruiter (OACR) via phone
or face-to-face within five days minimum, after completion of your 72-hour indoctrination. The
actions listed in subparagraphs 5a(1) and 5a(2) will be completed during your initial meeting
with your recruiter.
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(1) You must provide your current phone number, mailing address, and email address to
your recruiter and notify him or her of any changes of personal information while you are in a
delayed entry status. This information will be maintained in your residual file for future
reference by your recruiter.
(2) You will be provided the Naval Officer DEP Guide to Success (013-0238) (Rev
Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the Personnel Qualification
Standards (PQS) listed on pages 48-53 of the “(OCP) Guide to Success”
within 45 days of receipt of the handout. Your recruiter or OACR is
responsible for signing completed PQS items.
b. You will be provided with the information listed in subparagraphs 5b(1) through 5b(6).
(1) Navy's "zero tolerance" drug policy. You are strongly encouraged to complete the
accompanying drug training modules.
(2) Information available on the Navy Knowledge Online Web site.
(3) OCS or ODS information available on the Officer Training Command (OTCN) Web
site at
(4) Information concerning the third class swim test conducted at OCS or ODS. You will
be required to pass this test upon arrival at OCS or ODS; therefore, you are strongly encouraged
to practice swimming prior to shipping to OCS or ODS as all officer candidates are expected to
be able to swim.
(5) Information listed in OPNAVINST 6110.1 concerning your physical fitness
requirements while enlisted in your Active Duty Collegiate Program. All active duty collegiates
will be held to these standards.
(6) Information concerning the command urinalysis program. As an active duty
collegiate, you are required to participate in the command’s urinalysis program which will be
conducted by your NAVTALACQGRU.
Note: Upon completion of the items listed in subparagraphs 5b(1) through 5b(6),
you must sign and date the NAVCRUIT 1131/15 Officer Candidate School
(OCS) Commitment to success acknowledging you have been provided the
items listed in subparagraphs 5b(1) through 5b(6) documents and
information. You will also be required to complete and sign an
NAVCRUIT 1131/39 Officer Delayed Entry Program (DEP) Recertification
form. Copies of these forms will be filed in your residual file.
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6. Monthly Executive Screens. Starting with the month following the initial indoctrination
meeting, your recruiter, leading petty officer (LPO), leading chief petty officer (LCPO) or
OACR is required to contact you a minimum of once per month either by telephone, face-to-
face, or online video-teleconferencing application (skype, etc.). A minimum of one face-to-face
meeting is required every two (2) months. Upon completion of the meeting, you will be required
to complete and sign an NAVCRUIT 1131/39. The purpose of this meeting is to accomplish the
items listed in subparagraph 6a through 6d.
a. Continue an ongoing dialogue between you and your recruiter, LPO, LCPO or OACR to
verify your eligibility status and to discuss any other topics deemed necessary.
b. Height, weight, and a body composition assessment (BCA) will be completed by the
command fitness leader, an assistant command fitness leader, or an officer recruiter (OR) during
your face-to-face, in person meetings. per COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5370.1, recruiting
personnel are prohibited from taking body fat measurements on applicants of the opposite sex.
c. Review and document academic status and report any known or anticipated academic
degree deficiencies to your recruiter or NAVTALACQGRU’s representative (e.g., course failure,
low exam performance, incomplete thesis, or anything which would result in an unacceptable
GPA or noncompliance to degree requirements per the specific program service agreement and
program authorization and or school degree requirements on your part).
Note: Unless otherwise authorized by the respective NAVCRUITCOM N311 or
N313 officer program director or Bureau of Naval Personnel officer
community manager, you are required to be enrolled full time and taking
traditional courses.
d. When geographical separation makes it impractical for you to meet with your recruiter, it
is permissible to arrange for face-to-face, in-person contact with any military designee (leading
chief petty officer (LCPO), leading petty officer (LPO), enlisted or officer recruiter) at the
nearest TALACQONBDCTR. You must coordinate this meeting with your recruiter prior to
meeting with any other military designee.
7. Collegiate Management Reports (CMRs)
a. Your recruiter is required to submit a CMR to Navy Recruiting Command no later than
31 January for fall semester grades, and 30 June for spring semester grades for each year you are
enrolled in the collegiate program. These reports document your academic progress throughout
the school year and ensure that you are maintaining your required GPA for your officer program.
In order to assist your recruiter, you must provide a copy of your semester grades to your
recruiter as quickly as possible after receiving them from the college or university. Failure to
provide your grades in a timely manner may result in your removal from the collegiate program.
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b. An adverse CMR must be completed by your recruiter if any of the items listed in
subparagraph 7b(1) through 7b(6) is applicable to you.
(1) You fail to comply with the service agreement and program authorization.
(2) You fail to follow the approved degree completion plan, including unapproved course
changes, withdrawals, incompletes, major changes, university changes, courses completed at a
different college or university, etc., unless previously approved by the NAVTALACQGRU’s
commanding officer.
(3) You fail to meet program term GPA requirement.
(4) You fail to meet internship requirements (if applicable).
(5) You fail to meet physical fitness assessment (PFA) standards for OCS or ODS.
(6) Any other personal, medical, or legal issue that may negatively impact your ability to
graduate on time per the approved Degree Completion Plan, or may result in you no longer
remaining eligible to receive a commission as a military officer, or would have been required to
be reported on the original application, including the SF-86.
c. If your recruiter is required to submit an adverse CMR on you, it must include the items
listed in subparagraph 7c(1) through 7c(6) (if applicable).
(1) Academic waiver request or disenrollment recommendation signed by the
commanding officer or executive officer for any violation.
(2) Your signed statement and plan to overcome academic or PFA deficiencies.
(3) Copies of any Navy Talent Acquisition Group counseling letters, letters of instruction,
and or warning letters provided to you for academic or PFA violations.
(4) Any historical documentation that may be of value in evaluating the adverse
information, such as previous counseling letters, Navy Talent Acquisition Group or higher
echelon warning letters, letters of good standing, etc.
(5) Other documentation as appropriate for other personal, medical, financial, or legal
matters not previously submitted to NAVCRUITCOM (N31).
(6) An updated Degree Completion Plan (DCP) signed by your academic advisor.
d. Upon graduation from your college or university, you will be required to submit to your
recruiter your final transcript or statement of completion of internship, any licensure
requirements, and licensure exam score to meet eligibility for superseding per the respective
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program authorization. Failure to provide this information to your recruiter upon graduation may
result in your removal from the collegiate program.
8. Requirements Prior To Transfer To OCS or ODS. The timeline listed in subparagraphs 8a
through 8e are provided to assist you in preparing for your pending transfer to either OCS or
ODS. Utilization of this timeline is crucial to avoid any possible delays with commencing your
career as a naval officer.
a. Six months prior to ODS class date. (NUPOC and HSCP only).
(1) NAVCRUITCOM (N31) will request for commissioning documents (COMDOCS)
from NAVPERSCOM in Millington, Tennessee.
(2) No later than five (5) days after requesting for the commissioning documents, you are
required to contact your detailer at NAVPERSCOM to negotiate orders. Your recruiter or
processor will provide you with the current contact information and assist you if necessary.
(3) HSCP students must contact their respective detailer at NAVPERSCOM. Your
recruiter or processor will provide you with current contact information.
b. Six weeks prior to OCS class date. (Except NUPOC).
(1) NAVCRUITCOM (N31) will request your orders from the respective
NAVPERSCOM detailer.
(2) You are required to contact NAVCRUITCOM (N31). Your recruiter or processor
will provide you with current contact information.
c. 45 days prior to OCS or ODS class date. You must complete a pre-shipping physical
fitness assessment (PFA) prior to transfer. If you participated in a command-conducted semi-
annual PFA within 45 days of your assigned ship date, you can count it as your pre-shipping
PFA. Otherwise, an additional PFA must be conducted within 45 days of assigned ship date.
(1) You must also conduct a height, weight and BCA measurement to ensure you are
within physical standards per OPNAVINST 6110.1. If you do not meet these standards, you will
be placed on hold and your NAVTALACQGRU must notify NAVCRUITCOM N31
immediately to determine necessary action(s) required.
(2) Under no circumstances will you be allowed to transfer to OCS or ODS if you do not
meet minimum height, weight and BCA standards. You must pass a pre-shipping PFA in all
three events.
d. 14-30 days prior to OCS or ODS class date (OCP-Out Briefing Prior to Shipping to OCS
or ODS). You are required to meet with your recruiter, LPO, LCPO or OACR face to face. This
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is the final opportunity for the recruiter, LPO, LCPO or OACR to ensure that you are as prepared
as possible for OCS or ODS. The items listed in subparagraphs 8d(1) through 8d(4) need to be
discussed, conducted, and annotated on the NAVCRUIT 1131/39.
(1) Review the contents of the Naval Officer DEP Guide to Success.
(2) Ensure you are informed of all the items you are authorized to take when reporting to
(3) Answer any last minute questions that you might have prior to shipping to OCS or
ODS. You may contact your recruiter, LPO, LCPO or OACR at any time prior to shipping to
OCS or ODS if you have any further questions or concerns. It is very important to keep the lines
of communication open at all times.
(4) You must contact your recruiter, LPO, LCPO or OACR immediately if you encounter
any medical, physical, personal, family, or legal problems prior to reporting to OCS or ODS.
e. 10 days prior to OCS or ODS class date. Your NAVTALACQGRU must mail your
medical, dental, and service records to OCS or ODS via traceable mail (to protect personally
identifying information), including a current physical exam (less than two years old at time of
commissioning). Your service record must include your final transcripts (2 copies) and proof of
graduation. Your records must be received at the school no less than two days and no more than
two weeks prior to class convening date. Also, your Navy Talent Acquisition Group will make
all of your travel arrangements for you and will provide you with your travel itinerary and
original orders. You are required to check in to OCS or ODS as indicated in subparagraphs 8e(1)
and 8e(2).
(1) OCS - Report no earlier than 0800 and no later than 0900 on the Sunday before your
class convening date.
(2) ODS - Report no earlier than 1600 on Friday and no later than 1200 on the Sunday
before your class convening date.
9. Collegiate Academic Responsibilities. Your primary military responsibility is to comply
with the academic requirements of your service agreement and program authorization. You are
responsible for the requirements listed in subparagraphs 9a through 9g.
a. Maintain academic requirements per the respective service agreement and program
b. Maintain the GPA required by your respective program.
c. Submit transcripts to your respective NAVTALACQGRU within 30 days of completion
of the quarter or semester.
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d. Comply with your Degree Completion Plan (DCP) as approved at time of entry.
e. Request extensions of your graduation date, changes in degree, major, Degree
Completion Plan (implying any class changes other than non-specified electives), or university
prior to effecting such changes.
f. Comply with, complete, and or successfully pass all professional licensure, certification,
or credentialing examinations and tests required per program authorizations and service
agreements in the required timelines and timeframes relative to graduation and shipping to either
OCS or ODS. Failures of these examinations or tests could result in immediate removal from the
program and separation from active duty service as defined within individual program
authorizations and service agreements.
g. If applicable, request authorization from the NAVTALACQGRU CO prior to seeking
outside employment via a written request chit. Active duty collegiates are authorized to request
outside employment per MILPERSMAN 5370-010 and DoDINST 5500.7-R of 30 August 1993,
chapter 3, section 3. NAVTALACQGRU COs may apply restrictions to the employment as
Note: Unless otherwise authorized by the respective NAVCRUITCOM N311 or
N313 officer program director, or Bureau of Naval Personnel officer
community manager, you must be enrolled full time and take traditional
courses (includes summer session).
10. Academic Disenrollment
a. If you fail to meet the academic requirements of your service agreement and program
authorization, you may be dis-enrolled from your program and immediately discharged at the
discretion of NAVCRUITCOM N31.
b. The type of discharge and reenlistment code will be determined by NAVCRUITCOM
(N31) as required by designator.
Note: Your program’s service agreement and program authorization contains the
specific disenrollment obligations and requirements.
11. Change in Physical Status. If you develop (or think you may have developed) a medical
condition that causes or may cause you to be not physically qualified (NPQ) leading up to your
assigned shipping date, you will be processed for medical disposition as indicated in
subparagraphs 11a and 11b.
a. If the specific disqualifying condition has not been previously addressed through a
medical consult, your Navy Talent Acquisition Group will coordinate with you to have an
evaluation conducted by either a military or civilian physician. The objective of the evaluation
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will be to assess whether the condition would prohibit you from obtaining a commission. Your
NAVTALACQGRU will forward the required documentation to NAVCRUITCOM (N31)
through WEBWAVE to NAVCRUITCOM (N33) for review.
b. If the NAVCRUITCOM N33 waiver is disapproved, or if no medical evidence is found
to overturn the disqualifying decision, NAVCRUITCOM will contact your NAVTALACQGRU
with instructions to separate you from your commissioning program.
12. Physical Fitness
a. As an active duty collegiate, you will be required to complete the physical fitness
assessment (PFA) twice a year per OPNAVINST 6110.1. A semi-annual PFA occurring within
45 days of assigned ship date can count as the pre-shipping PFA. Otherwise, an additional PFA
must be conducted within 45 days of assigned ship date. The PFA must consist of the 1.5 mile
run, curl-ups and push-ups. Alternatives for the run (swimming, stationary bike, or elliptical
trainer) are not authorized for active duty collegiates.
b. As part of the PFA program, you will:
(1) Complete a Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire (PARFQ) and Physical
Health Assessment (SF 600) per OPNAVINST 6110.1. The DD Form 2766 will be filled out
yearly with your TRICARE provider or military physician. Both of these forms can be printed
out from the Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS).
(2) Before every PFA cycle, fill out the PARFQ prior to participating.
(3) Complete a DD Form 2766 annually during your birth month.
c. If you do not meet standards set forth in OPNAVINST 6110.1, you will be formally
counseled by the NAVTALACQGRU and placed on a remedial fitness program per
d. You are required to pass, at a minimum, the third class swim test at OCS or ODS. The
test is administered early in the training program. If you are evaluated as being unsafe in the
water, you will be removed from training and given remedial swim training. If you are unable to
successfully complete the swim test following extensive remedial instruction, you will be held at
training until able to pass. If after three weeks of extra instruction you are still unable to pass the
swim test, administrative action will be initiated (to include separation from the program). The
Third Class Swim Test consists of the items listed in subparagraphs 12d(1) through 12d(4).
(1) Abandon Ship Jump. Jump from a 10-foot tower to simulate abandoning ship.
(2) Five (5) minute Prone Float. Remain afloat face down, utilizing survival floating
skills, for five minutes.
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(3) Shirt and Trouser inflation. Fill a shirt and pair of trousers with air to remain afloat.
(4) 50 Yard Swim. Using any single following stroke or combination of the crawl,
breaststroke, sidestroke, and elementary backstroke.
Note: In all swimming events, you must appear calm and relaxed.
13. Physical Training Guidelines
a. All physical training conducted by recruiting personnel that you participate in must be
per the Recruiter Guide for Physical Training, which can be located in the Navy Recruiting
Command’s Flank Speed Portal. Additional guidance is available in paragraph 020112 of
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1130.8(series) - Enlisted Recruiting Manual.
b. Under no circumstances will you participate in any Navy conducted physical activity
until you complete the items listed in subparagraphs 13b(1) through 13b(3).
(1) A complete medical examination. Failure to disclose an illness or disease may be
construed as intent to defraud the government and is basis for dismissal from the program.
(2) Complete and sign a Hold Harmless Agreement and Release from Liability
(3) Complete the Annual Certificate of Physical Condition (NAVMED 6120/3) during
your birth month and have it reviewed by an authorized medical designated representative
(AMDR) (physician, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, or independent duty corpsman).
Your recruiter will maintain a copy in your residual file.
Note: All Navy personnel leading the physical training must have completed the
NKO Command Fitness Leader course (CPD-CFL-010), NKO Supervisor -
Managing Your Teams Risk (CPPD-ORM-MYTR-1.0), CPR Certification
(American Red Cross or American Heart Association), and Navy Recruiting
Command (N7 and NAVCRUITCOM ORU) approved training on the
"Fitness and Nutrition Guide" and "Recruiter Guide for Physical Training."
14. Active Duty Collegiate’s Advancements
a. Nuclear Power Officer Candidate (NUPOC) Collegiate. NUPOC, NR and NPI
collegiates may be meritoriously advanced one paygrade upon referring a lead that results in an
accession to the NUPOC, Nuclear Power School Instructor (NPI), or Naval Reactors Engineer
(NRE) programs up to the rate of OCC and paygrade of E7.
(1) To initiate this advancement, your recruiter or processor will complete Exhibit 8-1
Meritorious Advancement for Referral Letter and submit it to NAVCRUITCOM (N31) for
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(2) The effective date of advancement will be the date of enlistment for the referred
member or your enlistment date (whichever occurs later).
(3) Only your Navy Talent Acquisition Group’s commanding officer is authorized to sign
this letter (“By direction” signatures are not authorized).
b. Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program (BDCP) Collegiates. BDCP collegiates may
be advanced up to two paygrades while in BDCP, to a maximum of E5 as indicated in
subparagraphs 14b(a) and 14b(2).
(1) BDCP collegiates may be meritoriously advanced one paygrade upon referring a lead
that results in an accession into any officer program. To initiate the advancement, your recruiter
or processor will complete Exhibit 8-1 and notify NAVCRUITCOM (N31). The effective date
of advancement will be the date of enlistment for collegiate referrals or the date of commission
for direct referrals. “By direction” signatures are not authorized on this letter.
(2) Upon graduation, BDCP collegiates will be advanced to E5. To initiate the
advancement, your recruiter or processor will complete the Advancement for Graduation Form
(NAVCRUIT 1131/209), Administrative Remarks (NAVPERS 1070/613), and transcripts
showing graduation and notify NAVCRUITCOM (N31). The effective date of advancement will
be the date of graduation.
c. Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) Collegiates. CEC collegiates may be advanced via two
different methods while in the CEC Collegiate Program, to a maximum paygrade of E5, as
indicated in subparagraphs 14c(1) and 14c(2).
(1) CEC collegiates may be meritoriously advanced one paygrade upon referring a lead
that results in an accession into any collegiate program. To initiate the advancement, your
recruiter or processor will complete Exhibit 8-1 and notify NAVCRUITCOM (N31). The
effective date of advancement will be the date of enlistment for the referred member. Your Navy
Talent Acquisition Group’s commanding officer must sign this letter (“By direction” signatures
are not authorized).
(2) Upon graduation, CEC collegiates will be advanced to paygrade E5. To initiate the
advancement, your recruiter or processor will complete the Advancement for Graduation Form
(NAVCRUIT 1131/209), Administrative Remarks (NAVPERS 1070/613), and transcripts
showing graduation, and then notify NAVCRUITCOM (N31). The effective date of
advancement will be the date of graduation.
d. Health Service Collegiates Program (HSCP). HSCP collegiates may be advanced up to
one paygrade while in HSCP, to a maximum of E7, as indicated in subparagraphs 14d(1) through
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(1) HSCP collegiates may be meritoriously advanced one paygrade upon referring a lead
that results in an accession into any medical commissioning program. They may only be
advanced one paygrade for an accession referral regardless of the number of accessed referrals
(2) To initiate the advancement, your recruiter or processor will complete Exhibit 8-1 and
notify NAVCRUITCOM (N31).
(3) The effective date of advancement will be the date of enlistment for collegiate
referrals or the date of commission for direct referrals. “By direction” signatures are not
authorized on this letter.
15. Change in Personal, Legal or Other Status. If you encounter any problems, including
medical, physical, academic, personal, family, or legal, you are required to notify your
NAVTALACQGRU immediately. The commanding officer will evaluate and report the
circumstances to NAVCRUITCOM (N31) with recommendations to resolve the problem.
Circumstances may warrant initial notification be made by phone or e-mail with follow-up in
writing. NAVCRUITCOM (N31) will take action as appropriate for each case, and will liaise
with the respective NAVCRUITCOM director as well as NAVCRUITCOM 00J or N33 as
16. Urinalysis Program
a. As an active duty collegiate, you are included in your NAVTALACQGRU’s command
population pool and will be required to participate in the command’s urinalysis program. You
will be added to the command’s urinalysis roster by the command urinalysis program
coordinator (UPC) and be selected along with all other military personnel for testing events. As
such, you will be receiving a briefing regarding the requirement to participate in the command’s
urinalysis program prior to your enlistment.
b. You will not receive prior notice of urinalysis testing.
c. You will be tested annually at a minimum per OPNAVINST 5350.4. Failure of any
urinalysis testing may result in your immediate removal from the Active Duty Collegiate
Program and subsequent discharge from active duty.
17. Leave and Liberty
a. MILPERSMAN 1050 provides the Navy’s policy and procedures on leave and liberty.
b. Upon enlistment, your NAVTALACQGRU’s OPL or OP will provide you with a
Collegiate Status, Air Transportation, BAH and BAS Eligibility Letter. This letter will be
presented to the appropriate authority by you along with your military identification card, as
necessary, to explain your status with respect to military authority. BAH and BAS rates are
determined by the servicing transaction service center (TSC) per current instructions.
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c. When you are not attending college (e.g., on an authorized break such as Christmas), you
may travel anywhere in the United States in a liberty status. Prior to departing school, you are
required to inform your recruiter of your itinerary. If you are leaving the geographical area of
your NAVTALACQGRU, your recruiter or OACR will provide you with the address and phone
number of the nearest NAVTALACQGRU to your destination.
d. You are eligible for U.S. Air Force, Air Mobility Command (AMC) flights when
traveling in a leave status. You must have an approved Leave Request Authorization Form
(NAVCOMPT 3065).
e. If you desire to travel outside the United States, it will be necessary for you to take leave
to protect your rights in the event of an accident or involvement with civil or military authorities.
(1) per SECNAVINST 5510.30, it is in the best interest of the command and you to
ensure you are fully prepared for any particular security or safety concerns that the foreign travel
may introduce. Therefore, prior to granting leave outside the United States, your
NAVTALACQGRU’s commanding officer will ensure all recommendations of the U.S. State
department have been followed and all Navy Knowledge On-Line (NKO) anti-terrorism classes
have been completed.
(2) In addition, you will be required to review the Consular Information Sheet, paying
particular attention to safety and security.
(3) You must inform NAVCRUITCOM N311, N313 or N314 prior to commencing
foreign travel to ensure there will be no security issues or restrictions and read and review the
Foreign Clearance Guide (DoDINST 4500.5G).
f. Collegiates participating in foreign exchange or other academic programs
(1) Collegiates who are authorized to enter into “exchange” programs with foreign
universities will check in with the United States Embassy or local consulate upon arrival and
departure. Since collegiates enrolled in foreign universities are not attached to a military
organization in the host country, the embassy is their point of contact in case of emergencies.
(2) If the exchange program is not listed on the approved Degree Completion Program
(DCP), your NAVTALACQGRU will submit a new DCP to NAVCRUITCOM (N31) for
(3) You will submit to your NAVTALACQGRU a list of countries to be visited, embassy
addresses and phone numbers prior to beginning the exchange program. Upon
NAVTALACQGRUs approval of the travel, you will be issued a Travel Abroad Letter. You
must carry this letter with you at all times while abroad.
25 Jul 2023
(4) Collegiates participating in a foreign exchange program will also review the
applicable warnings and consular information sheets, paying particular attention to safety and
25 Jul 2023
1. Purpose. To provide guidance on the officer candidate program (OCP) management and
establish requirements and procedures for recruiting personnel.
2. Discussion. To prepare officer candidates (OC) prior to shipping to OCS, regular contact and
mentorship from recruiting personnel is required. Providing information on what to expect at
OCS, training to develop these future officers, and mentorship during the onboarding process is
crucial to reduce attrition at OCS. Professionals (i.e. medical doctors) attending ODS are
encouraged, but not required, to participate in OCP.
3. Action. In order to facilitate training and mentorship of OCs, NAVCRUITRESCOM,
NAVCRUITREGs, and NAVTALACQGRUs will review this notice and adapt their current
officer collegiate and non-collegiate management in line with the below changes.
a. NAVTALACQGRU executive officers (XO) will serve as executive agent for the officer
candidate program. Delegation of duties and responsibilities is authorized to any military E7 or
senior. Coordination of officer onboarding efforts with the enlisted onboarding LCPO to
determine beneficial areas of overlap (i.e. group physical training events) should be performed
whenever possible. Monthly reports will be made to the XO documenting completion of
requirements for all OCs. The XO is responsible for overseeing the onboarding process for all
OCS candidates, the management of command collegiate managers, and the coordination of
officer recruiters' efforts in support of officer onboarding. The role of the collegiate manager is
to provide administrative support to the officer onboarding program (i.e. processing forms,
maintaining OCP training jackets). It is the XO's responsibility to ensure OCs receive
mentorship and development during their time in OCP.
b. All collegiates will be entered into OCP upon enlistment in their respective programs.
All non-collegiates which assess through OCS will enter into OCP upon receipt of a Professional
Recommendation Yes (PRO-Y) from any board to which they apply.
c. The requirements listed in subparagraphs 3c(1) through 3c(10) will be completed for all
OCP personnel. Completion will be tracked via the officer onboarding lead.
(1) A 72-hour indoctrination will be completed by an officer recruiter within 3 working
days of the release of board results indicating the applicant received a PRO-Y or upon enlistment
as a collegiate. The OCP requirements and expectations of the OC will be described at the 72
hour INDOC.
(2) All OCs in the OCP will sign NAVPERS 1070/613 Officer Candidate
Acknowledgement form, acknowledging their understanding and acceptance of OCS initial
strength test (IST) requirements during their 72-hour indoctrination. Additionally, the page 13
must be signed by a witness and maintained in the applicant's OCP training folder.
25 Jul 2023
(3) All OCs in OCP will sign NAVCRUIT 1130/120 United States Navy Aberrant
Behavior Screening Certificate (06-2021).
(4) All OCs will be encouraged to attend one OCP or enlisted delayed entry program
(DEP) meeting per month. OCP meetings will include training on topics contained in the OCS
OC guide as per section (8) and will also include a one-on-one mentoring interview with an
officer recruiter that will be documented via enclosure (2). When logistical considerations
preclude an OC from attending an OCP meeting (i.e. the OC is geographically isolated and
cannot attend a OCP meeting, or the OC misses the scheduled OCP meeting) they may attend an
enlisted DEP meeting with approval of the XO to meet the monthly meeting requirement.
(5) All OCs will be highly encouraged to attend as many physical training events per
month as possible. All physical training events will follow the guidance established in reference
(b). The XO will ensure coordination with the enlisted onboarding LCPO to ensure all physical
training events, times and locations are communicated to both Future Sailors and OCs, in order
to offer them the largest breadth of choices possible.
(6) Repeated OC absence or refusal to attend OCP meetings and physical training events
may indicate a low level of dedication by the OC and may be used by the XO as grounds for
attriting an OC from their commissioning program.
(7) All OCs are required to complete an Initial Fitness Assessment (IFA) in accordance
with the Recruiter Guide for Physical Training and complete a mock PFA to complete a 1.5 mile
run, plank, and push-ups within the time limits specified in enclosure (I). Scores will be reported
in the OCP PFA assessment results section of enclosures (I) and (2). All assessments must be
performed with a military member present to verify completion.
(a) Enclosure (1) will be uploaded to OCs PRIDE MOD II record upon completion of
the mock PFA.
(b) To the maximum level possible the XO will ensure opportunities are provided for
OC mock PFAs to be performed as a group. These events will be attended by a qualified
command fitness leader. The command fitness leader will not grade the OCs, they are there to
provide guidance and training on proper PF A procedures to address OCS feedback on a lack of
awareness amongst OCs on proper PFA procedures (i.e. how to perform a proper Navy push up)
which results in IST failures.
(c) If a failing score is obtained for any event, the OC will be referred to a qualified
command fitness leader for guidance and the development of a physical training plan aimed at
preparing the OC for OCS.
(d) OCs unable to pass any event will require NAVCRUITCOM authorization to ship
to OCS. Authorization will be documented on the OCP recertification form and uploaded to
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(8) A OCP training folder will be created for each OC, which will be retained until
graduation from OCS. The training folder will include the items listed in subparagraphs 3c(8)(a)
through 3c(8)(e).
(a) 72 Hour Indoctrination documented on OCP Recertification Form
(b) NAVPERS 1070/613 - Officer Candidate Acknowledgement Form
(c) Hold Harmless Agreement
(d) COP Executive Screening Form
(e) COP Recertification forms
(9) OCP meeting training schedule will follow the below schedule:
(10) Pre-shipping interviews and an executive screening will be completed 30, 60, and
90 days prior to the scheduled OCS ship date. Interviews will be documented on the OCP
recertification and maintained in the OC's OCP training folder. Executive screens will be
performed by the officer DLCPO, OACR, CR, OPO, or XO and documented on enclosure (3).
Interviews can be completed in conjunction with monthly one-on-one mentoring interviews.
(a) Any changes to the scheduled OCS ship date will require the completion of
enclosure (4), Officer Candidate Action Request, to be signed by the NAVTALACQGRU XO
(can be delegated to the OPO) and routed to the respective NAVCRUITCOM Program Manager
for action.
(b) OCS ship date changes within 30 days of the scheduled ship date will require
XO approval before routing to NAVCRUITCOM Program Manager.
(c) An attrition analysis will be completed within 3 working days for all OCs who
decline to ship, or do not show to the scheduled OCS class and will be routed through their
respective chain of command to NAVCRUITCOM N31.
Code of Conduct and OCS Academic Training
Navy Core Values, Extremism, and Military Drill
Rank and Insignia, Customs and Courtesies
Physical Fitness Standards, Safety and First Aid
Sailor's Creed, Naval Ships and Aircraft
General Orders and Officer Candidate Responsibility
Code of Conduct and OCS Academic Training
Navy Core Values, Extremism and Military Drill
Rank and Insignia, Customs and Courtesies
Physical Fitness Standards, Safety and First Aid
Sailor's Creed, Naval Ships and Aircraft
General Orders and Officer Candidate Responsibility