Trafficking Controlled Drugs Substance
Cocaine, LSD, PCP, Heroin
Flunitrazepam ( Rohypnol)
500 mg or more
Cocaine, LSD, PCP, Heroin
Flunitrazepam ( Rohypnol)
Any Other Schedule I, II, III or IV
controlled drug
Any Schedule V Substance
Representation of any substance to be a
controlled drug or controlled drug analog.
Possessing Controlled Drugs Substance
Schedule I, II, III or IV Substance
Schedule V substance
Marijuana, Hashish
Not more than 7 years,
fine of not more than
$100,000, or both.
less than 1 oz.
No specific amount
Not more than 3 years,
fine of not more than
$25,000, or both.
less than 1 gm
1 oz. or more but less than 5 lb.
1st Offense 2nd Offense
Not more than 30 years,
fine of not more than
$500,000, or both.
Not more than 20 years,
fine of not more than
$300,000, or both.
Any person who knowingly or purposely obtains,
purchases, transports, or possesses actually or
constructively, or has under his control, any
controlled drug or controlled drug analog, or any
preparation containing a controlled drug or
controlled drug analog, except as authorized in
this chapter, shall be subjected to the following
Any person who manufactures, sells,
prescribes, administers, or transports, or
possesses with intent to sell, dispense, or
compound any controlled drug, controlled drug
analog or any preparation containing a
controlled drug, except as authorized in this
chapter; or manufactures, sells, or transports,
or possesses with intent to sell, dispense,
compound, package or repackage (1) any
substance which he represents to be a
controlled drug, or controlled drug analog, or
(2) any preparation containing a substance
which he represents to be a controlled drug, or
controlled drug analog, shall be subjected to
the following penalties. For a definition of
Schedule I,II,III, IV, and V substances see RSA
5 oz. or more
100 mg or more
10 gm or more
5 gm or more
1/2 oz. or more, but less than 5 oz.
5 lb. or more
less than 100 mg
less than 5 gm
less than 10 mg
more than 1 gm less than 5 gm
1 oz. or more
1 lb. or more
State of New Hampshire Laws
No specific amount
Not more than life, fine of
not more than $500,000,
or both.
Not more than 40 years,
fine of not more than
$500,00, or both.
Not more than 15 years,
fine of not more than
$200,000, or both.
Not more than 6 years,
fine of not more than
$50,000, or both.
Class B felony.
less than 1/2 oz.
less than 1 oz.
less than 5 gm
2nd Offense1st OffenseAmount
Class B felony, fine of not
more than $25,000.
Class A felony, fine of not
more than $50,000
Not more than 3 years,
fine of not more than
$15,000, or both.
Misdemeanor, fine of not
more than $5,000 may be
Class B felony, fine of not
more than $25,000.
Class A Misdemeanor.
No specified amount
No specified amount
5 gm or more
Less than 500 mg
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Possessing Controlled Drugs (cont.) Substance
Any person who violates this chapter by
manufacturing, selling, prescribing,
administering, dispensing, or possessing with
intent to sell, dispense, or compound any
controlled drug or its analog, in or on or within
1,000 feet of the real property comprising a
public or private elementary, secondary, or
secondary vocational-technical school,
Any controlled drug or its analog
Any person who manufactures, sells, or
dispenses methamphetamine, lysergic acid,
diethylamide phencyclidine (PCP) or any other
controlled drug classified in schedules I or II, or
any controlled drug analog thereof, in violation
of RSA 318-B:2, I or I-a, is strictly liable for a
death which results from the injection,
inhalation or ingestion of that substance
Methamphetamine, LSD, PCP or
any other controlled drug classified
in schedules I and II or any other
controlled drug analog in violation
of RSA 318-B:2, 1 or 1-a
Steroids Substance
Any person who prescribes, sells, provides or
distributes anabolic steroids to another person
for purposes other than treatment of a medical
problem or injury
Any Steroids
Any person who uses or possesses with intent
to use anabolic steroids for purposes other
than treatment of a medical problem or injury.
Any Steroids
Misdemeanor, fine and possible imprisonment of not
more than 1 year
1st Offense
Class B felony, fine and possible imprisonment of not
more than 7 years.
Any person who controls any premises or
vehicle where he knows a controlled drug
is illegally kept ; advertises, aids, assists a
person in the perpetration of a crime
knowing that person is illegally in
possession of a controlled drug or its
analog; manufactures with the intent to
deliver, delivers or possesses with the
intent to deliver any drug paraphernalia
Imprisonment up to life
Any controlled drug or its analog or
drug paraphernalia
Amount 1st Offense
State of New Hampshire Laws
Imprisonment or fine, or both, up to twice that otherwise
authorized by this section. Except to the extent a
greater minimum sentence is otherwise provided by this
chapter, a sentence imposed under this paragraph shall
include a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of
not less than one year. Neither the whole nor any part
of the mandatory minimum sentence imposed under
this paragraph shall be suspended or reduced.
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g. Possession of a keg containing malt beverage, which is not identified as prescribed
by New Hampshire State Law.
Violation -
Minimum fine of $300
Misdemeanor -
Minimum fine of $500
Misdemeanor -
Minimum fine of $500
Misdemeanor -
Minimum fine of $1,000
Misdemeanor -
Minimum fine of $1,000
Misdemeanor (1st and 2nd Offense) Class B Felony - for Third Offense
ny natural person - Misdemeanor.
Any other person/Corporation - Class B Felony
1st Offense 2nd Offense
Misdemeanor -
Minimum fine of $1,000
Misdemeanor -
Minimum fine of $1,000
ny natural person - Misdemeanor.
Any other person/Corporation - Class B Felony
Misdemeanor -
Minimum fine of $500
Misdemeanor -
Minimum fine of $500
ny natural person - Misdemeanor.
Any other person - Felony - loss or Revocation of license.
Violation -
Minimum fine of $600
a. To sell, give away, cause, permit, or procure to be sold, delivered, or given away
alcoholic beverage to a minor or an individual who is intoxicated
b. To charge for alcoholic beverage without a license.
a. Sells to a minor (person under 21), engages in other prohibited sales, advertises,
employs a youth (person under 15), transports liquor.
b. Minor who has in his/her possession an alcoholic beverage (open or unopened).
c. Misrepresentation of age for purpose of obtaining alcoholic beverages.
d. Furnish false or altered evidence of age.
e. Have in possession false or altered identification of any type that misrepresents
age for purpose of obtaining alcoholic beverages.
f. Be in an area where alcoholic beverages are being served under permit unless
accompanied by a person 21 years of age (except an establishment with a club
c. For any person to consume or possess in an open container any alcoholic
beverages while in or upon public place ("public place" is an area where general
public can gain access).
d. For any person who manufacture, sell, advertise for sale, solicit orders for, deliver
or cause to be delivered, or produce in any manner any photographic identification
card that purports to be an official document issued by a local, state, or federal
government, or any political subdivision thereof, which contains false or inaccurate
information regarding the name, address, date of birth, or height and weight
characteristics of the cardholder.
Alcohol - Applies to Anyone - Regardless of Age
e. To lend a driver's license or permit to another person to use for unlawful purpose.
f. To photograph or duplicate or possess such a reproduction of a driver's license or
non-driver's identification card that it be mistaken for valid identification.
h. To sign a receipt in order to obtain a keg, knowing any information required
on the receipt to be false.
State of New Hampshire Laws
Alcohol - Under Age of 21 2nd Offense1st Offense
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Fine of $150, license or driving privilege, if
non-resident suspended for up to one year.
c. Alcohol-related traffic accident, death resulting.
2nd Offense
State of New Hampshire Laws
f. Transporting of Alcoholic Beverages by Minors - No driver under 21 shall transport
liquor or beverage expect when accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or legal age
spouse. Exception: if employed under RSA 179:23, may transport if at least 18 years
b. Alcohol-related traffic accident, serious bodily injury resulting.
Class A Misdemeanor - 2nd offense
within 2 years: fine not less than $750;
37 consecutive days mandatory
sentence, 7 of which is in a residential
multiple DWI offender intervention center,
at own cost; revocation of driver's license
or driving privileges for not less than 3
years. 2nd offense within 2-10 years: 10
consecutive days mandatory sentence, 7
of which is in a residential multiple DWI
offender intervention center, at own cost,
3 year loss of license.
Class B Misdemeanor - not less than $500,
revocation of license for not less than 9 months
and up to 2 years. 6 months can be suspended if
attend impaired driver intervention program or
other 7-day residential intervention program.
Class B Misdemeanor - not less than $1,000, 21 consecutive days mandatory sentence, 7 of
which is in a residential multiple DWI offender intervention center, at own cost, revocation of
license for not less than 18 months and up to 2 years. 6 months can be suspended if attend
impaired driver intervention program or other 7-day residential intervention program.
Class A Felony - sentence in excess of 7 years in prison, revoke of license or driving privilege
of the convicted person indefinitely.
Class A Misdemeanor - fine not less than $750; 10 consecutive days mandatory sentence, 7 of
which is in a residential multiple DWI offender intervention center, at own cost; revocation of
driver's license or driving privileges for not less than 18 months to up to 2 years.
Fine of $150, license or driving privilege, if non-
resident suspended for 60 days.
d. Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated - If while under the influence of intoxicating
substances or with blood alcohol level of .10 or more: exceeds prima facie speed limit
by 30 mph; or is involved in motor vehicle accident resulting in serious bodily injury; or
attempts to elude law enforcement; or, if with blood alcohol level of .16 or more,
carries a passenger under the age of 16.
e. Transporting of Alcoholic Beverages - No driver or passenger shall carry unsealed
liquor or "beverage" in passenger area of car. Open containers, if transported, must
be in trunk or if not trunk, then in least accessible area of vehicle. Includes roads and
public parking areas.
license or driving privilege, if non-resident suspended for 60 days.
a. Driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any controlled drug or any
combination of intoxicating liquor and controlled drug, or driving with blood alcohol
level of 0.08 or more (.02 for drivers under the age of 21)
1st OffenseMotor Vehicles
In New Hampshire, a violation is punishable by a fine. A misdemeanor is punishable by up to one year in jail. A class B Felony is
punishable by 1 to 7 years in jail; a Class A Felony is punishable by in excess of 7 years in jail. The Court may impose fines for
misdemeanors and felonies.
Chapter 149 – Professional Use of Marijuana: RSA 318-B:10-VI is amended to allow attending physicians in the course of their
professional practice to administer FDA-approved and classified Cannabis-type drugs, or cause them to be administered by a nurse or
intern under the physician’s direction and supervision.
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