Notice to End Lease Early Due to Credible, Imminent Threat of
Domestic or Sexual Violence
Key points concerning the Safe Homes Act notice to the landlord/property manager:
It should be in writing;
It should indicate the date you are sending the letter;
It should indicate that there is a credible imminent threat of domestic violence or sexual violence ON THE
It should provide a one or two sentence explanation of the credible imminent threat;
It should indicate when you are leaving the unit and the date you leave should be within three days of
providing the notice;
It should indicate when you will remove all of your belongings and return the keys to the landlord/property
Dear _____________:
Please be advised that pursuant to the Safe Homes Act I am ending my lease early because there is a credible
imminent threat of domestic violence (insert the type of violence applying to your situation) against me on the premises. My ex-
husband has been physically and verbally abusive to me and my children. Although he has now left the home, he
knows where we live and thus still has access to the property. Because he knows where we live, my children and I
are under a constant threat of physical harm by him and it is no longer safe for us to live in my unit. I am leaving
my unit today and all of my belongings have been removed from the unit. Enclosed please find my keys to the unit.
Pursuant to the Illinois Security Deposit Return Act (or local ordinance, if applicable), I am entitled to a return of the security
deposit within 45 days of my moving out of the home. You cannot take my security deposit because I have lawfully
exercised my rights under the Safe Homes Act. My security deposit can be forwarded to the following address: (not
your real address…some other safe address).
You should also be aware of the fact that you cannot provide this information or the fact that I used the Safe
Homes Act to any prospective landlord that may contact you for a reference.
Jane Doe
123 Safe Drive
Chicago, IL 60602