To say that customer reviews are powerful is a huge understatement.
Consumer research confirms that positive online reviews carry a
significant amount of weight when your prospective patient is looking
for a healthcare provider. A difference of just one star, or even half a star,
can make all the differences in the world between choosing to work with
you vs. someone less qualified down the street.
The best way to get your patients to share their experiences and give you
that extra star on their glowing review is to ask them. The first few times
you step out on a limb and ask can feel a bit awkward and self-serving.
But when you make it about them, asking for their opinion about their
experience, people are generally more than willing to pile on the praise.
Why Online Reviews Are King!
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Using Email To Ask...
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Without a doubt, email is one of the best and most reliable ways of
staying in touch. Despite other forms of communication, 91% of
consumers open their email on a daily basis, and 58% of them check
their email before doing anything else online.
So, it becomes a no-brainer to use email when asking your patients to
do you a favor and share their experience in the form of a review. You
can easily include the link to your preferred review platform right in the
email, making it super easy for them to follow-through and complete it.
Once they’ve given you the accolades you most certainly deserve, don’t
forget to thank them for taking the time to express their appreciation.
This can build greater relationships and will improve patient retention.
Make a quick phone to let them know you saw their kind words and
how grateful you are. This allows your patient to feel valued and
And be sure to respond to the review online as well. Be sure to respond
in the 3rd person voice so as not to positively confirm they are an active
patient of record. Doing otherwise is a HIPAA violation.
Here’s a quick example of a neutral response: “We love hearing that
you’ve had such a great experience and are feeling better!”
And finally, when the Facebook and Google gods see that you are
actively responding to your online reviews, this builds engagement and
activity on your listing, which makes the online bots pretty happy.
Be Sure To Say Thank You!
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Subject line: How was your experience?
Hello [Firstname],
We’d love to hear about your experience with us today. [Practitioner
name] would be so appreciative if you would take a few minutes and
leave a review so we can share it with other patients just like you.
To leave a review on Facebook, click here [insert your Facebook URL].
To leave a review on Google, click here [insert your Google review URL].
Thank you so much – we appreciate it!
[Practice name]
Whether you send the email out to your entire patient list or
hand-select the patients you want to ask, here are 5 sample
templates you can use to confidently ask them to share their
experience with your office.
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Subject line: How did we do?
Hi there [Firstname],
Positive reviews from awesome patients like you help others to feel
confident about choosing [Practice name] for their health and
wellness needs. Could you take 60 seconds to share your experience
with us?
Here’s the link [insert your Facebook or Google review URL] to tell us
all about it!
We will be forever grateful. 😃
[Practice name]
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Subject line: Have an opinion – we want to hear it!
Hello [Firstname],
Would you do me a favor?
The greatest compliment I can receive is an online review. It would mean
so much if you would take the time to write about your experience here
today. This not only helps me serve more people but also lets others
know that there’s hope and they can feel better, just like you.
It's super easy to do! If you have a Gmail account, all you have to do is
click here [insert your Google review URL]. If you have a Facebook
account, you can click here [insert your Facebook URL].
The more specific you are, the better. People love to hear the details (and
we love hearing them too).
With much gratitude,
[Practitioner name]
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Subject line: How did we do?
Dear [Firstname],
We are constantly striving to provide an exceptional experience for every
one of our patients. Not only are we committed to helping you achieve
your wellness goals but we want to do everything we can to make sure
that you are feeling valued and appreciated every time you come in.
That being said, if you could take a minute to tell us how we’re doing, we
would so appreciate it! Reviews are one of the greatest compliments you
can give and we appreciate every single one.
If you’d like to share your experience on Facebook, click here [insert your
Facebook URL]. And if you have a Gmail account, this is where you can
leave your review [insert your Google review URL].
Thank you so much and we're looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Best regards,
[Practice name]
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Subject line: We’d like to know what you think!
Hi [Firstname],
Thank you so much for your recent visit to our office. Working with a
healthcare practitioner should be a positive experience and we’re curious
to find out what you thought.
If you can spare a few minutes to leave us a review [insert your Facebook
or Google review URL], we’d be super grateful!
Here’s what others have said:
We can’t wait to hear what you have to say!
Thank you so much,
[Practice name]
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Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so glad you love being
here – because we love having you as a patient!
Would you do me a favor? [Practitioner name] would love it if you
would share your experience on our Google My Business page.
Seeing glowing reviews from our existing patients makes others feel
much more confident about what we do.
I’ll email you a link right now and can’t wait to see your comments!
If you have a patient that is just gushing over their experience
in your office, this is the perfect time to ask for a review.
Here is a sample response you can use either in-person or over
the phone:
Asking for a review over the phone!
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We hope you found this resource helpful!
If you need anything else, don't hesitate to
reach out to our team. We're here to help you
grow your practice!
Be well!
Stay In Touch!
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