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Office of Child Care Monitoring Visit Report
Program or Provider Name
OCC License #
Email Phone Number
Visit Type: Unannounced
On-Site Monitor Visit
Address (Street, City, Zip Code)
OCC Staff Name OCC Staff Phone Number
Issue Number:
Visit Number:
Number & Ages of Children Present Number of Caregivers
Age Range:
Person In Charge: Registry Number: Position/Title:
Licensed Capacity:
1. Qualification
RF: 0055(1)(a-f) & (7);
CF:0080(1)(i)(A) & 0100 &
CC:0070(1)(c) & 0080-
0115; SC 0290-0310
Caregivers meet the qualification requirements for their current position.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
2. Ratios &
RF: 0065(1-3) & 0075(1-5)
CC: 0130(1-7);
SC: 0360 & 0370
Children are supervised at all times by the appropriate number of caregivers.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
3. Attendance
RF: 0130(1)(b)
SC: 0240
Attendance records are accurate (for children and staff, if applicable) and recorded
at the time of arrival or at the time of departure.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
4. CBR enrollment
RF: 0040(11) & (12)
CF: 0090(4)(a-d) & (8)
CC: 0070(6)(b) & (8);
SC: 0280
The provider, caregivers and other individuals 18 years or over, are enrolled or
conditionally enrolled in the Central Background Registry (CBR) before they reside
on the premises or work for the program, and maintain current enrollment at all
CBR enrollment is verified with the Office of Child Care (OCC) prior to the individual
being on site.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
5. Visitor Plan &
Visitor Log
RF: 0100(12)(a-e)
CF: 0220(1)(f)(A-E)
CC: 0070(11) & (12);
SC: 0240
The program has a written plan to ensure that individuals who are conditionally
enrolled or not enrolled in the CBR and are on the child care premises, do not have
unsupervised access to children.
The program shall maintain a log of arrival and departure times of all adults, who are not
enrolled or are not conditionally enrolled in the CBR, and are on the premises while child
care children are present.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
6. Safety Set”
RF: 0055(2-5)
CF: 0100(8)(b,c,g) &
SC: 0330(1-5)
Caregivers meet training requirements for their position, including:
Introduction to Child Care Health & Safety
Recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect training specific to Oregon Law;
Safe Sleep training approved by OCC (if applicable);
Current certification in first aid, infant and child CPR;
Current food handler certification;
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
Oregon Department of Education • Early Learning Division • Office of Child Care • www.oregonearlylearning.com Monitor Visit reportPage 2 of 5 | OCC-0515 (12/1/2022)
7. Guidance &
Discipline Policy
RF: 0085(1-7)
CF: 0240(1-7)
CC: 0330(1-7)
SC: 0410 (1-9)
The provider has a written policy on guidance and discipline of child care children.
The written guidance and discipline policy must be known by all parents.
Guidance and discipline shall: be fair, consistently applied, timely, and appropriate to
the behavior and the age of the child. Positive statements or redirection of behaviors are
Caregivers shall not accept parental permission to waive any rules required by the Office
of Child Care or to use any form of prohibited punishment.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
8. Safe Sleep
RF: 0090(11)(a-k)
CF: 0220(7)(a-k)
CC: 0300(6)(a-k)
SC: N/A, no infants
Caregivers follow safe sleep rules for infants under 12 month old, including but not
limited to:
Infants are laid down to sleep on their backs on a flat surface approved for infant sleep.
If an infant falls asleep anywhere else (i.e. swing, bouncer, high chair, car seat, etc.) they
are immediately moved.
Each infant shall sleep in a crib, portable crib, bassinet or playpen with a clean, on-
absorbent mattress and a tight fitting sheet.
There shall be no items in the crib, portable crib, bassinet or playpen with the infant,
except a pacifier (i.e. NO bottles, toys, pillows, stuffed animals, blankets, bumpers, etc.).
Clothing or items that could pose a strangulation hazard (e.g. teething necklaces, pacifier
attachments, clothing drawstrings) are prohibited.
Swaddling or other clothing or covering that restricts the child's movement is prohibited.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
N/A: No infant care
9. Dangerous Items
& Toxics under Child
Safety Lock
RF: 0110(k,l)
CF: 0170(9)(a-c)
CC: 0170(1)(i)(B)
SC: 0480
Potentially dangerous items such as: cleaning supplies, medication (prescription and
non- prescription), sharp knives, plastic bags and all poisonous and toxic items are
kept under child- safety lock at all times.
SC: stored in a manner that prevents use or access by children.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
10. Cleaning &
RF: 0120(4,5)
CF: 0160(3)(a)
CC: 0180(4)(a)
SC: 0490(1-2)
All toys, equipment and furniture used by children are cleaned, rinsed and sanitized
regularly and whenever soiled.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
11. Handwashing
RF: 0120(2-7)
CF: 0160(2)(a-f)
CC: 0180(6)(a-f)
SC: 0540(1-4)
Caregivers and children wash their hands with soap and warm running water or use
hand sanitizer, as required in rule.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
12. Sick Child
RF: 0100(5)
CF: 0180(1)(a,b)(2-4)
CC: 0220(1)(a-d)
SC: 0550; 0570
The program follows rules for a child who has one or more symptoms of illness
and/or a contagious disease.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
13. Garbage
and Bio-
RF: 0120(8,9)
CF: 0160(3)(f,g)
CC: 0180(7)(b,g)
SC: 0490 (3-5)
All garbage, solid waste, and refuse are disposed of regularly, in a safe and sanitary
manner. Bio-contaminants including, but not limited to, blood and bodily fluids that
may spread infectious disease, are disposed of in a manner that prevents exposure
to children.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
14. Building &
Grounds are Hazard
RF: 0110(8)
CF: 0150(3)(b) &
CC: 0180(4)(b)
SC: 0480
The building, grounds, water supply, equipment, toys and furniture used by children
are maintained in a hazard-free condition.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
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15. Playground
Ground Cover
(CF/CC/SC only)
CF: 0150(3)(a)
CC: 0150(3)(a)
SC: 0530(6)
Playground equipment is surrounded by a resilient surface of an acceptable depth*
according to standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
*Note: initial fill of 12” deep, compresses to 9” over time
CF: for a fall height of 18” up to 4’ tall the ground cover must be 6” deep; and a fall height
of 4’ & taller must be 9” deep.
CC & SC: 18” & up =9” (or if rubber mulch 6”)
Type of ground cover: _________________ Measured depth (inches):_______
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
N/A: RF program or
SC using a school facility
16. Indoor &
Outdoor Activities
RF: 0090(2)
CF: 0220(2)(3)(d)
CC: 0295(2)(3)
SC: 0400
Caregivers provide activities, materials, and equipment for both indoor and outdoor
play that allow a variety of experiences geared to the ages and abilities of the
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
17. Meals/snacks
Follow USDA
RF: 0100(13)(a)
CF: 0210(1)(a-c)
CC: 0270(1-7) & 0280
SC: 0600; 0610
The program provides or ensures the availability of adequate and nutritious meals
and snacks appropriate for the ages of the children, following USDA Child Care Food
Program guidelines.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
18. Emergency Plan
RF: 0110(4)
CF: 0050(8)(c); 0170(19)
CC: 0030(12) & 0170(3)(a)
SC: 0180(1-10)
The child care program shall have an up to date written plan for handling
emergencies and evacuation of the facility.
The plan is posted in a visible location and given to parents; and
The plan includes procedures for notifying parents of a relocation and how children will
be reunited with their families; &
The plan includes how the program will ensure that all children in attendance are
accounted for.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
19. Fire Safety
RF: 0110(2)(d) &
CF: 0170(3)(a) &
CC: 0160(5) & 0170(2)(e)
SC: 0250(1)(m)
Evacuation routes and emergency exits are clear of obstructions; and
RF/CF: A floor plan is posted identifying the locations of exits, primary evacuation routes,
secondary evacuation routes and fire extinguishers.
CC: exit map in each room
SC: A floor plan with primary and secondary evacuation routes from each area of the
building posted on each floor;
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
20. Emergency/ Fire
RF: 0110(4,5)
CF: 0170(4)(5)(c)(6) &
CC: 0170(3)(c)(A)
SC: 0180(6)
Fire drills shall be practiced monthly at varying times of day, and one other aspect of
the program’s emergency plan is also practiced every two months.
RF/CF: must document monthly check of fire extinguisher(s), and testing of all smoke & CO
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
21. Field Trips
RF:0100(3)(b); 0130(2)(c)
CF: 0180(7)(b); 0060(4)(c)
: 0630(2)(a-e)
A first aid kit shall be taken on all field trips away from the immediate neighborhood
of the child care facility. Written permission from parents/guardians for participating
in field trips is on file.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
No field trips at
any time
22. Vehicular Traffic
RF: 0110(11)(a,b)
CF: 0170(17)
CC: 0170(1)(l)
SC: 0650(2); 0480(8)
The caregiver must take precautions to protect children from vehicular traffic. The
caregiver shall:
Require drop off and pick up only at the curb or at an off-street location protected from
traffic; and
Any adult supervising drop-off and loading ensure that children are clear of the
perimeter of all vehicles before the vehicle moves.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
Oregon Department of Education • Early Learning Division • Office of Child Care • www.oregonearlylearning.com Monitor Visit reportPage 4 of 5 | OCC-0515 (12/1/2022)
23. Transportation
RF: 0110(9-12)
CF: 0250(4)(a-f)
CC: 0350(7)(a-f)
SC: 0630-0670
If transportation is provided, the program follows all traffic and vehicle safety rules.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
N/A: No
transportation provided
24. Medication
RF: 0130(2)(b)
CF: 0180(9)(a-e)
CC: 0230(1)(a-d)
SC: 0210; 0570
Written parental consent is obtained prior to administration of any prescription or
non-prescription medication and a record of all medication administered must be
kept in the children's file.
All medication is kept in the original container and labeled with the child's name.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
25. Allergy Care Plan
RF: 0100(12)(a-e)
CF: 0180(12) &
CC: 0220(1)(f)(A-E)
SC: 0190
Children's allergy information is collected at enrollment and a written allergy care
plan is developed for each child with a severe allergy. The plan includes steps to be
taken to avoid the allergen; signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction; and a
detailed plan for allergic reactions.
All caregivers who come in contact with the child (and staff that prepare and serve food)
are trained on and familiar with the plan.
Parents are notified immediately of any suspected allergic reactions or if the child
consumed or came in contact with the allergen even if a reaction did not occur
If epinephrine is administered, emergency medical services are contacted immediately.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
26. Special Needs
CF: 0060(2)(b)
CC: 0040(3)(b)
SC: 0580
If a child with special needs is enrolled who needs a specific plan for caring for that
child, such a plan shall be developed in writing between caregiver(s), parent(s), and
if necessary, outside specialists.
All caregivers who come in contact with that child shall be aware of the plan.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
N/A: RF program
27. Child
RF: 0035(14)
CF: 0050(9)(a)
CC: 0030(10)(a)
SC: 0200, N/A
Discuss: The facility keeps up to date records on file (paper or electronic) for
immunizations for each child as required by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) who
monitors immunizations in child care programs. OCC is notified by OHA if a program
is not in compliance.
If children are enrolled in a public or private elementary school, immunizations are not
required to be kept by the child care facility.
Not In Compliance
28. Reporting to OCC
RF: 0035(24)(a-c)
CF: 0050(10)(b)(A-E)(c)
CC: 0030(4)(b)(A-E)(c)
SC: 0260
The child care program shall report to OCC any serious injury or incident, as defined
in Office of Child Care RF, CF, CC, & SC rules within the mandatory time frame.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
29. Mandatory
RF: 0055(1)(d)
CF: 0050(4)
CC: 0030(6)
SC: 0260
Caregivers fulfill the responsibilities required as a mandatory reporter, which apply
24 hours a day.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
30. Preventing
Shaken Baby
RF: 0100(1)
CF: 0180(5)
CC: 0220(2)(a); SC: N/A
All caregivers shall take appropriate precautions to prevent shaken baby syndrome
and abusive head trauma.
In Compliance
Not In Compliance
N/A: no infants or
toddlers in care
Additional Monitor Visit Information
Pictures taken: Yes No Documents collected: Yes No
Materials left at visit:
Oregon Department of Education • Early Learning Division • Office of Child Care • www.oregonearlylearning.com Monitor Visit reportPage 5 of 5 | OCC-0515 (12/1/2022)
Additional Monitor Visit Information
Non-Compliance Notes / Plans to Correct (if applicable)
Visit Notes:
A copy of this report will be emailed after this visit to this email address: ____________________________________________
Date: ___________________ Office of Child Care Staff Signature: ____________________________________________
You are entitled to language assistance services and other accommodations at no cost. If you need help in your language or other
accommodations, please contact the Office of Child Care (OCC) at 1-800-556-6616.
Please notify the OCC staff listed above if you would like to receive a mailed copy of this report.
Oregon Administrative Rules, Oregon Department of Education, Early Learning Division, Chapter 414, Divisions 205 Registered Family
Child Care Homes, 300 Certified Child Care Centers, 310 Certified School-age Child Care Centers, and 350 Certified Family Child Care