Public Notice
Proposed Update to State Water Quality Management Plan
and Section 208 Plans
Public Notice No. OEPA 19-06-066
Date of Issue of Public Notice: Jun-28-2019
Notice is hereby given that the Director of Environmental Protection is proposing to
update water quality management plans, as required by Sections 303 and 208 of the
Clean Water Act. These plans describe and promote efficient and comprehensive
programs for controlling water pollution from point and nonpoint sources in a defined
geographic area. This update includes 208 Plans from the following Areawide Councils
of Governments:
Eastgate Regional Council of Governments;
Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission;
Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency;
Northeast Ohio Four County Regional Planning and Development
Ohio Kentucky Indiana Regional Council of Governments; and
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments.
Areawide Councils of Governments act as the lead planning agencies in 24 Ohio
counties (those with large urban populations). The Areawide Agencies prepare and
approve the 208 Plan in their counties. Pursuant to applicable regulations, the State of
Ohio has authority to certify that the documents include the required plan elements, are
consistent with one another, and are consistent with basin plans. The State of Ohio
prepares and maintains the 208 Plan applicable in the remaining 64 counties. The
Governor then certifies the entire 208 Plan via submission to U.S. EPA for their approval.
A public hearing on the proposed 208 Plan update will be held to consider public
comments. This hearing will be held at 3:00 p.m. on August 13, 2019 at the following
location: Ohio EPA Central Office 50 W. Town Street, Suite 700, Conference Room
A, Columbus, Ohio 43215. Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on August
18, 2019 to be considered part of the official record.
All visitors to Ohio EPA must register at the Security desk in the lobby upon
arrival. Please bring photo identification (such as a valid driver's license). For
security reasons, visitors are required to wear their badge at all times while in the
building. Please arrive early to complete these procedures.
To facilitate the scheduling of oral presentations, persons intending to give testimony
at the hearing should notify the Ohio EPA Public Interest Center, P.O. Box 1049,
Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049, (614) 644-2160. Prior registration will ensure that
registrants are heard ahead of those individuals who register at the hearing. Oral
testimony may be limited to five minutes, depending on the number of persons
testifying. All interested persons are entitled to attend or be represented and to present
oral and/or written comments concerning the 208 Plan update.
Written testimony should be sent to the attention of Walter Ariss at the Division
of Surface Water, P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049. Written comments
may also be submitted to the Hearing Officer at the public hearing. Written
testimony will receive the same consideration as oral testimony. All testimony
received at the hearing or by 5:00 p.m. on August 18, 2019, will be considered by
Ohio EPA prior to final action on the 208 Plan update. Written comments submitted
after this date may be considered as time and circumstances permit.
For questions or to supply comments regarding this public notice, please contact
Walter Ariss, at the Division of Surface Water (DSW), at (614) 644-3075 or via e-
mail at The proposed 208 Plan update is available for
review at the Ohio EPA central office or on the DSW Web site at: