Okta Identity Engine
Deploying passwordless
Document history
September 20, 2023
Updated some links and finalized the
document for Okta Support.
September 12, 2023
Branding and links update
February 28, 2023
Validate and update information
November 15, 2021
Initial publication
Table of Content
Document history 1
How to use this guide 2
Who the guide is for 2
Why Passwordless? 3
Going Passwordless 3
Introducing Okta Fastpass 4
Okta Fastpass Benefits 4
Strategic considerations when deploying Fastpass 5
Key concepts & definitions 5
Registration 5
Enabling Okta Fastpass 5
User sign-on experience 5
Okta administrator experience 6
What do you need to consider before deploying Fastpass? 6
Prerequisites 7
Enable FastPass using Okta Verify as an authenticator 7
User sign-on experience 7
Okta Verify with Biometrics enabled 8
User Enumeration 9
Create a FastPass group 9
Create a Global Session policy 10
Discovery questions 11
Use cases 11
Simple security with 1-factor authentication 11
Create a bookmark app 12
Add an authentication policy for the app 12
User sign-on experience 12
Alternate sign-on flow 12
FIDO2(WebAuthn) 13
Add the WebAuthn authenticator 14
Create a bookmark app 15
Create an authentication policy 16
User sign-on experience 17
Registered & unmanaged devices with 2-factor authentication 17
Create a bookmark app 17
Create an authentication policy for the app 17
User sign-on experience 18
Other passwordless experiences 18
How to use this guide
The guide is meant to show you the options for creating passwordless sign-on
experiences. Each use case is independent, so you can jump right to any use case after
going through the prerequisites. For the sake of simplicity, t he examples in this guide
use bookmark apps.
Who the guide is for
The guide is meant for technical implementers who design, test, and deploy Okta.
The guide is written for an internal audience and should not be shared externally.
© Okta and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved 2
Why Passwordless?
Traditional authentication using a username and password has been the foundation of
digital identity for over 50 years. But with the ever-growing number of user accounts,
there are new issues: the burden on end-users to remember multiple passwords,
support costs, and most importantly, the security risks posed by compromised
credentials. As a result, the case for eliminating passwords from the authentication
experience is getting more compelling every day.
Understanding the need for passwordless authentication starts with understanding the
challenges presented by passwords. The core challenges with passwords can be broken
down into the following areas:
Poor account security - “80% of hacking-related breaches used either weak or
stolen passwords” — Verizon Data Breach Report 2019.
Poor user experience — A survey by the University of Oxford predicted that
roughly a third of online purchases are abandoned at checkout because people
cannot remember their passwords.
Increased costs - 12.6 minutes per week average time spent entering or
resetting passwords, $5m+ cost in productivity, and labor lost per company,
according to the 2019 Ponemon Authentication report.
Moving beyond passwords requires some deep thought. Before organizations decide to
eliminate passwords, we recommend a gradual approach by looking at threats,
technology, user journeys, costs, adoption friction, and implementation.
Going Passwordless
Eliminating passwords and going passwordless can be accomplished using several
different technologies.
Fundamentally, passwordless authentication is synonymous with eliminating
knowledge-factor authentication methods (all memorized secrets).
In the table below, we provide an example of definitions of assurance levels (classified
into three categories: low, medium & high) and requirements for authentication, as well
as the “context” of the device.
Note that these assumptions are not a reference model but an example, and they must
be adjusted by or with the customer based on their specific security requirements.
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Assurance Level
Factor Type
Possession +
Possession +
Authenticators &
Methods options
Email (magic link)
SMS or Phone
WebAuthn only
cryptographic key
is unique to you)
Okta Verify
(no biometric)
Okta Fastpass
WebAuthn + Okta
Verify Push (no
Okta Fastpass
(with Biometrics)
Device Context
or state
Not managed, Not
Registered, Not
Registered and
Example only; needs to be adjusted for specific customers' requirements
(1) Refer to the Device Context Deployment Guide for more details
Finally, the user context can be considered for even more sophisticated policies
enabling passwordless authentication. Internal users might have different requirements
or constraints than contractors or partners. Okta offers flexibility to bring users,
networks, and even risk assessment into consideration when designing policies. This is
beyond the scope of this Deployment Guide.
Introducing Okta Fastpass
Okta Fastpass is a passwordless authentication method that can satisfy a medium or
high assurance level (when combined with biometrics). Okta Fastpass is a new
authentication method in Okta Verify.
Okta Fastpass Benefits
End users go through a one-time process with Okta Verify to register their devices in
Okta’s Universal Directory. Registering your device creates a strong user + device
binding that establishes an ongoing session to Okta, enabling a secure passwordless
login experience.
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Okta Fastpass is available on Windows, Mac OS, iOS/iPadOS, and Android and offers the
same user-friendly experience across these platforms.
Key benefits include:
Secure passwordless user experience, offering a high assurance level (when used
with biometrics)
Always on productivity, regardless of location
Modern Universal Directory for administrator visibility, not requiring AD or any
other LDAP directory
Strategic considerations when deploying
Key concepts & definitions
End users go through a registration process with Okta Verify to register their devices in
Okta’s Universal Directory. Registering your device creates a strong user + device
binding, which enables a secure passwordless login experience.
Enabling Okta Fastpass
Fastpass is an optional feature of the Okta Verify authenticator and must be first
activated in the authenticator configuration. Next, the organization sign-on policy
(OSOP) must be set to ‘Password/IDP or any factor allowed by app sign-on policy’
(ASOP), delegating authentication at the application level. Finally, the ASOP can be tuned
to require the end-user to be prompted and asked for biometrics or not, depending on
security requirements.
User sign-on experience
Once activated, a new authentication method, ‘ Sign in with Okta Fastpass’ is made
available to the end-user.
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Depending on the ASOP policy setting, the end-user is prompted by Okta Verify and/or
required to provide biometrics.
Okta administrator experience
Registering devices with Okta Verify is also part of Device Context. This new feature
gives the administrator visibility on the devices that the end-user has registered and for
which Okta Fastpass is available for authentication.
What do you need to consider before deploying Fastpass?
Okta Fastpass is a powerful new authentication method available with Okta Verify. Major
App Level Policies aka ASOP (and their relationship with control the access org
sign-on policy (OSOP)) are an enabler of passwordless with Okta Fastpass
Device Context allows for fine control or the context that the user, its devices,
and the network he/she is connected to must present in order to be allowed to
authenticate with Okta Fastpass
Furthermore, the following considerations must also be taken into account:
Delegating authentication to ASOP and enabling Fastpass requires carefully
crafting ASOP for ALL your applications; default catch-up rules in ASOP might
not be enough to protect your apps.
Although Okta Verify creates a strong binding between users and their devices, it
is not a replacement for a device management solution. Limiting Okta Fastpass
to managed devices only should be considered for the most sensitive apps.
As there is a strong binding between user and device, should the end user lose
access to the device (or the device is suspended or deactivated by the Okta
administrator), it will be impossible for the user to authenticate unless other
authenticators are available
For a complete understanding of how to balance end-user experience, assurance
level, and risk, it is highly recommended that you read the Authentication Policies
and Device Context Deployment guides.
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Before you enable any of the passwordless use cases, you have to enable FastPass using
Okta Verify as an authenticator at the org level. You only have to do this once to enable
all of the use cases.
Enable FastPass using Okta Verify as an authenticator
1. Open the admin console for your tenant.
2. Navigate to Security > Authenticators .
3. In the Authenticators section, select Actions > Edit next to Okta Verify .
4. On the Okta Verify screen, in the Verification options section, select Okta
FastPass (All platforms) .
5. In the Okta FastPass section, select Show the “Sign in with Okta FastPass”
button .
Selecting Show the “Sign in with Okta FastPass” button does three things.
It walks first-time users through installing Okta Verify and registering a device.
It allows an alternative if the end user’s configuration doesn’t permit silent
sign-on. For example, mac users without a device management solution like Jamf
Pro or a safari SSO browser extension will not be able to sign in silently. Enabling
the button allows these users a way to sign in.
It acts as a backup if Okta Verify doesn’t load automatically.
User sign-on experience
Here’s what end-users will see if you enable the Show the “Sign in with Okta FastPass”
button .
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Okta Verify with Biometrics enabled
If the end-user has Okta Verify installed on the device with Biometrics enabled for Okta
Verify, Okta will prompt the user for Biometrics every time irrespective of the app-level
sign-on policy. Using Biometrics means that the user has satisfied a higher level of
assurance. It simplifies the login to any other app requiring a higher level of assurance,
which the user may attempt to access during their current session.
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User Enumeration
This feature is intended to protect against attackers who try to find user accounts and
authenticator enrollments. If this is enabled, any first-time sign-in from an unknown
device will show a standard default flow with password/email options if authentication is
allowed. Once the user has successfully logged in with password/email options from
that device, they will be presented with all the available authenticators for subsequent
authentication attempts.
Create a FastPass group
To simplify the examples in the rest of this document, create a group for passwordless
sign-on and add a person to it. We’re using bookmark apps for demonstration purposes
but in your environment, you’d use whatever integration you need for each app.
1. In your admin console, navigate to Directory > Groups and select Add Group .
2. In the Add Group dialog, enter a Name , for example, FastPass Group 1 , and
optionally a Group Description and select Add Group .
3. Navigate to Directory > People and select Add person .
4. In the Add Person dialog, add a First name , Last name , Username , and Primary
email . Add your own email to the Secondary email field.
5. In the Groups field, select the FastPass group you created in step 2.
6. In the Password field, select Set by admin , enter a password, and deselect User
must change password on first login .
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7. Select Save . This is the group you’ll use to walk through the steps for the first
Simple security with 1-factor authentication use case.
8. Optionally create two more groups ( FastPass Group 2 and FastPass Group 3 )
for the other two use cases described in this document: Registered &
unmanaged devices with 2-factor authentication and FIDO2(WebAuthn) .
Create a Global Session policy
Configuring passwordless authentication requires changing your global session policy
by adding a higher priority rule. This change shifts responsibility for defining and
enforcing strict authentication requirements to each of your app sign-on policies.
Before you remove this global requirement, protect all of your apps with a strong
authentication policy.
1. In your admin console, navigate to Security > Global Session Policy and select
Add policy .
2. In the Add Policy dialog, enter a Policy Name . A best practice is to add “Okta
Sign-on Policy” to the name so that it’s easy to see which policies are Okta
sign-on policies when you read the logs.
3. Assign this policy to the group you created in the previous procedure. It will look
similar to this:
4. Select Create Policy and Add Rule .
5. In the Add Rule dialog, enter a Rule Name .
6. In the Multifactor authentication (MFA) is field, select Not required .
Passwordless authentication is incompatible with requiring a secondary factor.
Selecting this option removes the requirement for MFA for every app in this Org and
will make the global session policy to the authentication policies to determine what
authenticators are needed to access the app.
1. Leave all other default values and select Create Rule .
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Discovery questions
Before you deploy passwordless authentication, you should consider the following
questions. The answers to these questions will determine what kind of passwordless
experience you should use and impact configuration settings.
1. When is a user allowed this experience based on device context - should it be all
devices? Registered devices only? Managed devices only?
2. What requirements does a login event need to meet to allow this flow?
3. What kind of devices are predominant in the environment? Do all of these have
native biometric access? Do you want to enforce biometric flows each time?
4. What are your authentication requirements per app? You should understand
Okta assurance levels and how they apply to authenticator types.
5. What other factors are allowed in Okta?
6. Does your organization use Active Directory?
7. Do you allow users to bring their own devices?
8. Do you want a different user experience depending on the device platform (for
example, ios or Windows)?
9. Do you want users to be logged in silently without any user interaction?
10. Do you want your app policies to apply to users from specific network zones?
Use cases
In this section, we will cover three passwordless use cases. Using the example of
assurance level and authentication method to achieve them given in the Going
passwordless section above, we will cover two medium and one high assurance level.
Here are the use cases described in this document.
1. Medium assurance level : Simple security with 1-factor authentication
2. Medium assurance level : FIDO2(WebAuthn)
3. High assurance level : Registered & unmanaged devices with 2-factor
Simple security with 1-factor authentication
In this use case, only one factor type is required to authenticate. The main objective is
to show Okta Fastpass in action to offer a passwordless experience. If the policy does
not require biometrics, this example is classified as having a medium assurance level.
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Create a bookmark app
1. In your admin console, navigate to Applications > Applications and select
Browse App Catalog .
2. In the Search box, type bookmark app , and select Bookmark App > Add
Integration .
3. On the Add Bookmark App screen, change the Application label to Bookmark
App 1 .
4. Enter a URL and select Done . Because this app is for demonstration purposes
only, you can choose any url you like. In a real environment, you would use the url
of the app you’re setting up SSO for.
5. Select the Assignments tab.
6. Select Assign > Assign to Groups , and then select Assign for FastPass Group 1 .
Don’t select the group name unless you want to review the group properties.
7. Select Done .
Add an authentication policy for the app
Add an authentication policy allowing one-factor authentication so end-users can sign
in without a password. When you add an authentication policy, you should consider who
the policy applies to. Which specific users, groups, user types, or users should this
policy apply to?
1. In your admin console, navigate to Security > Authentication Policies and
select One factor access .
2. Select the Applications tab.
3. Select Add app .
4. In the Add app dialog, add Bookmark App 1.
5. Select Close.
User sign-on experience
1. In another browser instance or incognito window, navigate to the Okta end-user
dashboard for this org. When changing settings, you should always clear the
browser before you test the settings.
2. You should be directly signed into the app without any user interaction.
Alternate sign-on flow
If you select Any instead of Registered in the Device State field,
© Okta and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved 12
users will always be redirected to the Okta Sign-in Widget (no silent authentication).
In this use case, the end-user will be offered a passwordless experience with a
WebAuthn authenticator on an unmanaged device. In our example, this is classified as a
medium assurance level.
FIDO2 Web Authentication (WebAuthn) is a standard web API incorporated into web
browsers and related web platform infrastructures used to securely authenticate users
on the web across various sites and devices. For more information about the FIDO2
WebAuthn standard, see FIDO2 Project .
Configure FIDO2 (WebAuthn) as a multifactor authentication (MFA) option. The
WebAuthn standard provides users with new methods to authenticate with MFA factors
enabled and configured specifically for WebAuthn. Users must provide additional
verification when configuring a WebAuthn authenticator when signing in to Okta. Users
can enroll in up to 10 instances of the same WebAuthn authenticator. Users set
themselves up from the sign-in widget or settings on their end-user dashboard.
© Okta and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved 13
Add the WebAuthn authenticator
Okta’s WebAuthn Biometric authenticator follows the FIDO2 Web Authentication
(WebAuthn) standard .
1. In your admin console, go to Security > Authenticators .
2. On the Setup tab, select Add Authenticator .
3. In the Add Authenticator dialog, select Add on the FIDO2(WebAuthn) tile.
© Okta and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved 14
4. In the Add FIDO2 (WebAuthn) dialog, keep default settings and select Add .
When you configure your org with User Verification set to Discouraged , end-users
who enroll a WebAuthn factor do not see the WebAuthn enrollment names of the
factors they enroll; they are listed generically as Authenticator , and no other details
about the factor are provided.
Create a bookmark app
1. In your admin console, navigate to Applications > Applications and select
Browse App Catalog .
2. In the Search box, type bookmark app , select Bookmark App, and select Add .
3. On the Add Bookmark App screen, change the Application label to Bookmark
App 2 .
4. Enter a URL and select Done . Because this app is for demonstration purposes
only, you can choose any URL you like. In a real environment, you would use the
URL of the app you’re setting up SSO for.
5. On the Assignments tab, select Assign > Assign to Groups , and then select
Assign for FastPass Group 3 . Don’t select the group name unless you want to
review the group properties.
6. Select Done .
© Okta and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved 15
Create an authentication policy
Create an authentication sign-on policy to allow for biometric authentication for
1. In your admin console, navigate to Security > Authentication policies. .
2. Select Add a Policy .
3. Enter a descriptive name for your new policy.
4. You will see a default sign-on policy with a Catch-all Rule that requires
5. Select Add Rule .
6. In the Add Rule dialog, add a rule name, for example, Bookmark App 2 rule .
7. In the User’s user type is field, select Any user type .
8. In the User’s group membership includes a field , select At least one of the
following groups .
9. Start typing the name of the group you created in the prerequisites and then
select it, for example, FastPass Group 2 .
10. In the User is field, select Any user .
11. In the Device State field select Any . This turns off the silent polling feature of the
Okta Sign-In Widget, which means the Sign-In Widget will display options for the
authenticators you have enabled for your users.
12. Use default values for Device Platform(Any platform) and the User’s IP ( Any IP) .
Also, leave the “ The following custom expression is true” field blank. You can
use the Okta Expression Language (EL) to add a custom expression to an app
sign-on policy.
13. For the “ User must authenticate with” field, c hoose Possession factor .
Choosing possession factor would exclude “Password” as an authenticator in
this policy.
14. Leave the default values in the other fields and select Save .
15. Select the Applications tab.
16. Select Add app .
17. Select Add next to the BookMark App 2 .
18. Select Close .
© Okta and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved 16
User sign-on experience
1. In another browser instance or incognito window, navigate to the Okta end-user
dashboard for this org. When changing settings, you should always clear the
browser before you test the settings.
2. On the sign-in widget, users will be prompted to authenticate with their Security
Key or Biometric Authenticator.
Registered & unmanaged devices with 2-factor
In this use case, the end-user will be offered a passwordless experience with Okta
Fastpass with biometrics on a registered but not managed device. This is classified as a
high assurance level.
Create a bookmark app
1. In your admin console, navigate to Applications > Applications and select
Browse App Catalog .
2. In the Search box, type bookmark app , select Bookmark App, and select Add .
3. On the Add Bookmark App screen, change the Application label to Bookmark
App 2 .
4. Enter a URL and select Done . Because this app is for demonstration purposes
only, you can choose any URL you like. In a real environment, you would use the
URL of the app you’re setting up SSO for.
5. Select the Assignments tab.
6. Select Assign > Assign to Groups , and then select Assign for FastPass Group 3 .
Don’t select the group name unless you want to review the group properties.
7. Select Done .
Create an authentication policy for the app
Create an authentication policy to allow for biometric authentication for end-users.
These steps use one of the bookmark applications you created in the prerequisites
1. Navigate to Security > Authentication Policies .
2. Select Add a policy .
3. Enter a descriptive name for your new policy.
4. You will see a default sign-on policy with a Catch-all Rule that requires
5. Select Add Rule.
6. In the Add Rule dialog, add a rule name.
7. In the User’s user type is field, select Any user type .
© Okta and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved 17
8. In the User’s group membership includes a field , select At least one of the
following groups .
9. Start typing the name of the group you created in the prerequisites and then
select it, for example, FastPass Group 3 .
10. In the User is field, select Any user .
11. In the Device State field, select Any . This turns off the silent polling feature of
the Okta Sign-In Widget, which means the Sign-In Widget will display options for
the authenticators you have enabled for your users.
12. Use default values for Device Platform(Any platform) and the User’s IP ( Any IP) .
Also, leave the “ The following custom expression is true” field blank. You can
use the Okta Expression Language (EL) to add a custom expression to an app
sign-on policy.
13. In the Access field, select Allowed after successful authentication .
14. For the “ User must authenticate with” field, c hoose Possession factor .
15. In the Access with Okta FastPass is granted field, choose If the user approves
a prompt in Okta Verify or provides biometrics . This way, the user will always
see the sign-in screen and must select which authenticator to use.
16. Leave the default values in the other fields and select Save .
17. Select the Applications tab.
18. Select Add app .
19. Select Add next to the BookMark App 2 .
20. Select Close .
User sign-on experience
1. In another browser instance or incognito window, navigate to the Okta end-user
dashboard for this org. When changing settings, you should always clear the
browser before you test the settings.
2. You should see the Sign-in Widget with an option for Okta Verify. If you choose
that option, you’ll be asked for biometric confirmation.
Other passwordless experiences
You can also provide passwordless sign-in with other Okta features, but they are
outside this document's scope.
Enhanced experience using the Okta SSO
browser extension
If supported by the app’s sign-on policy,
you can provide Okta Verify-enrolled
users an Okta FastPass experience on
Safari browsers only if their device is
managed and you’ve configured Apple
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Extensible Single Sign-On (SSO) in your
mobile device management (MDM)
solution. The configuration defines
extensions for multi-factor user
authentication on macOS devices
enrolled in an MDM solution.
Email Magic Link
You can create an app sign-on policy to
provide passwordless access to apps
with an email magic link that your
end-users can select to sign in to an
Agentless Desktop Single Sign-On
With agentless Desktop Single Sign-on
(DSSO), you don't need to deploy IWA
agents in your Active Directory domains
to implement DSSO functionality. This
reduces or eliminates the maintenance
overhead and provides high availability as
Okta assumes responsibility for Kerberos
The same experience can be achieved
with Okta Fast Pass silent authentication
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