(last updated December 1, 2021)
Okta’s Commitment to Security & Privacy
Okta is committed to achieving and preserving the trust of our customers, by providing a comprehensive security and privacy
program that carefully considers data protection matters across our suite of products and services, including data submitted by
customers to our online service (“Customer Data”).
Covered Services
This documentation describes the security-related and privacy-related audits and certifications received for, and the
administrative, technical, and physical controls applicable to, the Okta online services branded as Single Sign-On, Adaptive
Multi-Factor Authentication, Mobility Management, Lifecycle Management, Universal Directory, API Access Management,
Directory Integration, Inbound Federation, and Social Authentication (collectively, the Service”). For avoidance of doubt, the
Service and this documentation does not apply to Professional Services, Non-Okta Applications, or Free Trial Services made
available by Okta.
Architecture, Data Segregation, and Data Processing
The hosted Service is operated in a multitenant architecture that is designed to segregate and restrict Customer Data access
based on business needs. The Okta architecture provides an effective logical data separation for different customers via
customer-specific "Organization IDs" and allows the use of customer and user role-based access privileges. Additional data
segregation is ensured by providing separate environments for different functions, such as for testing and production.
Okta has implemented procedures designed to ensure that Customer Data is processed only as instructed by the customer,
throughout the entire chain of processing activities by Okta and its sub-processors.
Retrieval of Customer Data
Upon request by a customer made prior to the effective date of termination of the customer’s agreement, Okta will make
available to the customer, at no cost, for thirty (30) days following the end of the agreement’s term, for download a file of
Customer Data (other than personal confidential information such as, but not limited to, User passwords which may not be
included except in hashed format) in comma separated value (.csv) format. After such 30-day period, Okta shall have no
obligation to maintain or provide any Customer Data and shall thereafter, unless legally prohibited, be entitled to delete all
Customer Data by deletion of Customer’s unique instance of the Service. Okta will not be required to remove copies of the
Customer Data from its backup media and servers until such time as the backup copies are scheduled to be deleted in the
normal course of business; provided further that in all cases Okta will continue to protect the Customer Data in accordance with
the customer’s agreement. Additionally, during the term of the agreement, Customer may extract Customer Data from the Okta
Service using Okta’s standard functionality.
Security Controls
Okta’s hosted Service includes a variety of configurable security controls that allow Okta customers to tailor the security of the
Service for their own use. Okta personnel will not set a defined password for a user. Each customer’s users are provided with a
token that they can use to set their own password in accordance with the applicable customer’s password policy. Okta strongly
encourages all customers, where applicable in their configuration of the Service’s security settings, to use the multi-factor
authentication features made available by Okta.
Information Security Management Program (“ISMP”)
Okta maintains a comprehensive information security management program that contains administrative, technical, and
physical safeguards that are appropriate to (a) the size, scope and type of Okta’s business; (b) the amount of resources available
to Okta; (c) the type of information that Okta will store and process; and (d) the need for security and protection from
unauthorized disclosure of such Customer Data. The ISMP is documented and updated based on changes in legal and
regulatory requirements related to privacy and data security practices and industry standards applicable to the Service.
Okta’s ISMP is designed to:
Protect the integrity, availability, and prevent the unauthorized disclosure by Okta or its agents, of Customer Data in
Okta’s possession or control;
Protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the integrity, and availability, and prevention of unauthorized
disclosure of Customer Data by Okta or its agents;
Protect against unauthorized access, use, alteration, or destruction of Customer Data;
Protect against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, Customer Data; and
Safeguard information as set forth in any local, state or federal regulations by which Okta may be regulated.
1. Security Standards. Okta’s ISMP includes adherence to and regular testing of the key controls, systems and procedures of
its ISMP to validate that they are properly implemented and effective in addressing the threats and risks identified. Such
testing includes:
Internal risk assessments;
b) ISO 27001, 27002, 27017 and 27018 certifications;
NIST guidance; and
SOC2 Type II (or successor standard) audits annually performed by accredited third-party auditors (“Audit
2. Security Audit Report. Okta provides its customers, upon their request, with a copy of Okta’s then-current Audit Report,
including information as to whether the Security Audit revealed any material findings in the Service; and if so, the nature
of each finding discovered.
3. Assigned Security Responsibility. Okta assigns responsibility for the development, implementation, and maintenance of
its Information Security Management Program, including:
Designating a security official with overall responsibility; and
Defining security roles and responsibilities for individuals with security responsibilities.
4. Relationship with Sub-processors. Okta conducts reasonable due diligence and security assessments of sub- processors
engaged by Okta in the storing and/or processing of Customer Data (“Sub-processors”), and enters into agreements with
Sub-processors that contain provisions similar or more stringent than those provided for in this security and privacy
5. Background Check. Okta performs background checks on any employees who are to perform material aspects of the
Service or have access to Customer Data.
6. Security Policy, Confidentiality. Okta requires all personnel to acknowledge in writing, at the time of hire, that they will
comply with the ISMP and protect all Customer Data at all times.
7. Privacy & Security Awareness and Training. Okta has annual, mandatory privacy awareness and training programs for
all Okta personnel that address their obligations related to the processing of personal data that is contained within
Customer Data. Okta has annual, mandatory security awareness and training programs for all Okta personnel that address
their implementation of and compliance with the ISMP.
8. Disciplinary Policy and Process. Okta maintains a disciplinary policy and process in the event Okta personnel violate the
9. Access Controls. Okta has in place policies, procedures, and logical controls that are designed:
To limit access to its information systems and the facility or facilities in which they are housed to properly authorized
To prevent personnel and others who should not have access from obtaining access; and
To remove access in a timely basis in the event of a change in job responsibilities or job status. Okta institutes:
a. Controls to ensure that only those Okta personnel with an actual need-to-know will have access to any Customer
b. Controls to ensure that all Okta personnel who are granted access to any Customer Data are based on least-
privilege principles;
c. Controls to require that user identifiers (User IDs) shall be unique and readily identify Okta person to whom it is
assigned, and no shared or group User IDs shall be used for Okta personnel access to any Customer Data;
d. Password and other strong authentication controls that are made available to Okta customers, so that customers
can configure the Service to be in compliance with NIST guidance addressing locking out, uniqueness, reset,
expiration, termination after a period of inactivity, password reuse limitations, length, expiration, and the number
of invalid login requests before locking out a user;
e. Periodic (no less than quarterly) access reviews to ensure that only those Okta personnel with access to Customer
Data still require it.
10. Physical and Environmental Security. Okta maintains controls that provide reasonable assurance that access to physical
servers at the production data center is limited to properly-authorized individuals and that environmental controls are
established to detect, prevent, and control destruction due to environmental extremes. These controls include:
Logging and monitoring of unauthorized access attempts to the data center by the data center security personnel;
Camera surveillance systems at critical internal and external entry points to the data center;
Systems that monitor and control the air temperature and humidity at appropriate levels for the computing equipment;
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) modules and backup generators that provide back-up power in the event of an
electrical failure.
11. Data Encryption.
Encryption of Transmitted Data: Okta uses Internet-industry-standard secure encryption methods designed to encrypt
communications between its server(s) and the customer browser(s), and between its servers and customer’s server(s).
Encryption of At-Rest Data: Okta uses Internet-industry standard secure encryption methods designed to protect stored
Customer Data at rest. Such information is stored on server(s) that are not accessible from the Internet.
Encryption of Backups: All offsite backups are encrypted. Okta uses disk storage that is encrypted at rest.
12. Disaster Recovery. Okta maintains policies and procedures for responding to an emergency or a force majeure event that
could damage Customer Data or production systems that contain Customer Data. Such procedures include:
Data Backups: A policy for performing periodic backups of production file systems and databases to meet the
Recovery Point Objective described below;
Disaster Recovery: A formal disaster recovery plan for the production environment designed to minimize disruption to
the Service, which includes requirements for the disaster plan to be tested on a regular basis, currently four times a
RPO / RTO: Recovery Point Objective is no more than 1 hour and Recovery Time Objective is no more than 24
Business Continuity Plan: A formal process to address the framework by which an unplanned event might be
managed in order to minimize the loss of vital resources.
13. Secure Development Practices. Okta adheres to the following development controls:
Development Policies: Okta follows secure application development policies, procedures, and standards that are
aligned to industry-standard practices, such as the OWASP Top 10 and SANS Top 20 Critical Security Controls; and
Training: Okta provides employees responsible for secure application design, development, configuration, testing,
and deployment appropriate (based on role) training by the security team regarding Okta’s secure application
development practices.
14. Malware Control. Okta employs then-current industry-standard measures to test the Service to detect and remediate
viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or other harmful code or programs designed to negatively impact the
operation or performance of the Service.
15. Data Integrity and Management. Okta maintains policies that ensure the following:
Segregation of Data: The Service includes logical controls, including encryption, to segregate each customer’s
Customer Data from that of other customers; and
Back Up/Archival: Okta performs full backups of the database(s) containing Customer Data no less than once per day
and archival storage on no less than a weekly basis on secure server(s) or on other commercially acceptable secure
16. Vulnerability Management. Okta maintains security measures to monitor the network and production systems, including
error logs on servers, disks and security events for any potential problems. Such measures include:
Infrastructure Scans: Okta performs quarterly vulnerability scans on all infrastructure components of its production
and development environment. Vulnerabilities are remediated on a risk basis. Okta installs all medium, high, and
critical security patches for all components in its production and development environment as soon as commercially
Application Scans: Okta performs quarterly (as well as after making any major feature change or architectural
modification to the Service) application vulnerability scans. Vulnerabilities are remediated on a risk basis. Okta
installs all medium, high, and critical security patches for all components in its production and development
environment as soon as commercially possible;
External Application Vulnerability Assessment: Okta engages third parties to perform network vulnerability
assessments and penetration testing on an annual basis (“Vulnerability Assessment”). Reports from Okta’s then-
current Vulnerability Assessment, together with any applicable remediation plans, will be made available to
customers on written request.
Vulnerabilities are remediated on a risk basis. Okta installs all medium, high, and critical security patches for all
components in its production and development environment as soon as commercially possible.
17. Change and Configuration Management. Okta maintains policies and procedures for managing changes to production
systems, applications, and databases. Such policies and procedures include:
A process for documenting, testing and approving the promotion of changes into production;
A security patching process that requires patching systems in a timely manner based on a risk analysis; and
A process for Okta to perform security assessments of changes into production.
18. Secure Deletion. Okta maintains policies and procedures regarding the deletion of Customer Data in compliance with
applicable NIST guidance and data protection laws, taking into account available technology so that Customer Data cannot
be practicably read or reconstructed. Customer Data is deleted using secure deletion methods including digital shredding of
encryption keys and hardware destruction in accordance with NIST SP800-88 guidelines.
19. Intrusion Detection & Performance Assurance. Okta monitors the Service generally for unauthorized intrusions using
traffic and activity-based monitoring systems, and may analyze and share data, such as data collected by users’ web
browsers (for example, device type, screen resolution, time zone, operating system version, browser type and version,
system fonts, installed browser plug-ins, enabled MIME types, etc.) and authentication event data (collectively, “Threat
Information”) for security purposes, including to detect compromised browsers and to help customers detect fraudulent
authentications, and to ensure that the Service functions properly. For clarity, Threat Information: (1) is only shared if it is
derived from evidenced unauthorized attempt(s) to access and/or use the Service; and (2) does not constitute Customer
20. Incident Management. Okta has in place a security incident response plan that includes procedures to be followed in the
event of any unauthorized disclosure of Customer Data by Okta or its agents of which Okta becomes aware to the extent
permitted by law (such unauthorized disclosure defined herein as a “Security Breach”). The procedures in Okta’s security
incident response plan include:
Roles and responsibilities: formation of an internal incident response team with a response leader;
Investigation: assessing the risk the incident poses and determining who may be affected;
Communication: internal reporting as well as a notification process in the event of a Security Breach;
Recordkeeping: keeping a record of what was done and by whom to help in subsequent analyses; and
Audit: conducting and documenting a root cause analysis and remediation plan.
Okta publishes system status information on the Okta Trust website, at Okta typically notifies customers
of significant system incidents by email to the listed admin contact, and for availability incidents lasting more than one hour,
may invite impacted customers to join a conference call about the incident and Okta’s response.
21. Security Breach Management.
Notification: In the event of a Security Breach, Okta notifies impacted customers of such Security Breach. Okta
cooperates with an impacted customer’s reasonable request for information regarding such Security Breach, and Okta
provides regular updates on any such Security Breach and the investigative action and corrective action(s) taken.
Remediation: In the event of a Security Breach, Okta, at its own expense, (i) investigates the actual or suspected
Security Breach, (ii) provides any affected customer with a remediation plan, to address the Security Breach and to
mitigate the incident and reasonably prevent any further incidents, (iii) remediates the effects of the Security Breach
in accordance with such remediation plan, and (iv) reasonably cooperates with any affected customer and any law
enforcement or regulatory official investigating such Security Breach.
22. Logs. Okta provides procedural mechanisms that record and examine activity in information systems that contain or use
electronic information, including appropriate logs and reports. Okta (i) backs-up logs on a daily basis, (ii) implements
commercially reasonable measures to protect such logs from unauthorized modification or erasure, and (iii) retains such
logs in compliance with Okta’s data retention policy. If there is suspicion of inappropriate access to the hosted Service,
Okta has the ability to provide customers log entry records to assist in forensic analysis. This service will be provided to
customers on a time-and-materials basis.
23. Communications with Users. Separate from and as a complement to the Service, Okta may provide Users access to online
communities that provide technical support resources and communicate with Users from time to time, including to send
announcements and details about Okta’s products, services, industry events, professional certifications, and other relevant
information that Users may find useful. Administrator Users who do not want their organization’s Users to receive such
communications may, on behalf of their organizations, update their communications preferences by visiting their Okta
Admin console and adjusting the “Okta User Communications” setting.