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Spring 2024
COM 312-H04: Oral Presentation COM 312-H04: Oral Presentation
Carol Johnson
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COM 312 Oral Presentation (Prerequisites: ENGL 102 and one History and Humanities GER 200 level course with a grade of C or higher): Instruction and practice in
effective oral presentations. Students deliver a wide range of presentations adapted to the needs of a variety of audiences. Topics include voice and diction, presentation
skills, the effective use of visual aids, reporting technical material and audience analysis. This course satisfies the three credit 300 GER in History and Humanities.
Dr. Carol Siri Johnson
Office –316 Cullimore
Hours: by email appointment
COM 312-H04 Oral Presentation Syllabus
--No Textbook—No Final–
Course Goals:
In this course you will learn to:
Speak confidently to engage an audience
Use adequate volume
Communicate purposefully
Use effective body language
Time presentations exactly
Give and receive feedback
Create a professional online presence
Communicate in small and large groups
Assignments & Grading:
Attendance is required and is graded: 0-1 absences = 20 (highest score); 2 absences = 18; 3 absences = 16; 4 absences = 14; 5 absences
= 12; 6 absences = 10; 7 absences = 8; 8 or more = 0. If you are absent due to illness or other problems, email me before class.
All grading will be done numerically (if an assignment is worth 10%, it will receive a grade from 1 to 10) which will be added at the end
of the semester. Grades are not fully recorded in Canvas. Small assignments receive full credit after completion.
Final Grades:
A = 93 100 B+ = 86 92 B = 80 85 C+ = 75 79 C = 70 74 D = 65 69 F = 0 64
Presentation Hints:
Most assignments are graded on exact timing. Use a
stopwatch to practice.
If you have a naturally quiet voice, you must
practice projecting your voice.
When creating slides, use more images than text and
a large font (over 20 points).
When videoconferencing, pay attention to your
webcam image, lighting, and background.
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COM 312-H04– Oral Presentation Fall 2024
Tu / Th 2:30-3:50 Tier 107
Academic Integrity is the cornerstone of higher education and is central to the ideals of this course and the university. Cheating is strictly prohibited. As a member of the NJIT
community, it is your responsibility to follow the academic code of integrity policy. Any student in violation of the code by cheating, plagiarizing, or using any online
software inappropriately will result in disciplinary action. This may include a failing grade, suspension, or dismissal.
Assignment Descriptions:
Introductory Assignments (10%)
Individual Introductions (2.5%)
Where am I? (2.5%)
Neighborhood (5%)
“Culture” Presentation (20%)
Choose a cultural phenomenon that interests you (clothing or architectural styles, social traditions, art, music, etc.). Do some research
then create an 8-to-10-minute illustrated presentation to demonstrate this phenomenon to the class.
Brainstorming 5%
Full Presentation 15%
Video Interviews Online Assignment (15%)
You will be given a list of difficult job interview questions. Choose two, compose your answers and then make two separate videos of
yourself answering each question, about one minute each. Upload the videos to your NJIT YouTube account. Post the URLs inside
the assignment in Canvas. Note: it is important to submit this assignment on time for peer review.
Recorded Videos 10%
Peer Reviews 5%
World View Presentation (30%)
Choose a topic you enjoy or are interested in and want to learn more about. It should be one aspect of the world around us global,
economic, political, arts, or health & medicine. Your 8–12-minute presentation will be a summary of the research you have done with
your conclusions. Note: it is important to submit this assignment in Canvas on time, even if unfinished, for peer review.
Brainstorming 5%
Full Presentation 20%
Peer Reviews 5%
TV News Group Project (5%)
Prepare a television newscast on real or fake news (the group will decide on the subject-matter) in groups of four or five. Three or
four Anchors will speak, a Project Manager is responsible for managing participants and the Media Manager is responsible for
assembling the media. We will vote for the best presentation at the end.
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COM 312-H04– Oral Presentation Fall 2024
Tu / Th 2:30-3:50 Tier 107
Assignment List
Assignment Name and Description
Class Participation 0-1 absences = 20 (highest score); 2 absences = 18; 3 absences = 16; 4 absences = 14; 5 absences =
12; 6 absences = 10; 7 absences = 8; 8 or more = 0. If you must be absent, email me before class.
Purpose: presenting and communicating requires a group, so it is necessary to be present.
Individual Introductions using the form in Canvas, write down aspects of your life. Present this material in class.
Purpose: introducing yourself to a group; getting to know each other.
3-5 min.
“Where am I?” create a presentation containing 3 or 4 slides without identifying the location. The class will guess the
Purpose: presentation practice, fun.
2-3 min.
“Culture” Presentation Brainstorming Come up with three ideas for this presentation (clothing or architectural styles,
social traditions, art, music, etc.). Describe the ideas to the class to get their response / feedback.
Purpose: getting group feedback on possible presentation topics, audience awareness.
1-3 min.
“Culture” Presentation present your slide show illustrating the cultural phenomenon you chose. You should include
illustrations and can include short videos (less than one minute). The grade is based on timing.
Purpose: first formal presentation, combining oral presentation with images, focusing on volume and timing.
8-10 min.
Video Interviews (pre-recorded Canvas assignment) Choose two difficult job interview questions, compose your
answers, and then make two separate videos of yourself answering each question, one minute each. Upload the videos to
your NJIT YouTube account. Post the URLs inside the assignment in Canvas they will be reviewed by five of your
Purpose: practice difficult interview questions and online interviewing techniques, focusing on setting, voice clarity and
content of answers.
2, 1 min.
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COM 312-H04– Oral Presentation Fall 2024
Tu / Th 2:30-3:50 Tier 107
Assignment Name and Description
Peer Review of Video Interview Questions (in Canvas) Listen to the videos from five students assigned to you. Write
a response regarding their volume, quality of image and the substance of their answer.
Purpose: hear how others answered the questions to get more ideas for the future; give peer feedback.
~20 mins.
World View Presentation Brainstorming Think of three possible topics for your World View Presentation. In class,
describe the topics to judge the audience’s interest.
Purpose: getting group feedback on possible presentation topics, audience awareness.
1-3 min.
World View Presentation Your 8–12-minute presentation will be a summary of the research you have done on the topic
with your conclusions. No video segment should be longer than one minute. Grades are based on timing.
Purpose: final formal presentation, combining oral presentation with images, focusing on volume and timing.
8 12 min
Peer Review of World View Presentation (in Canvas) Write brief reviews of the seven students assigned to you,
focusing on interest, volume, and clarity.
Purpose: provides more feedback for the presenter.
~20 mins.
TV News Group Presentation Prepare a television newscast on real or fake news in groups of four or five. Three or
four anchors should speak for two to three minutes each, using background images and video. A Project Manager is
responsible for managing participants and a Media Manager is responsible for running the videos and images.
Purpose: practice working in a group; presentation, technical and creative skills.
6 12 min.
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COM 312-H04– Oral Presentation Fall 2024
Tu / Th 2:30-3:50 Tier 107
Course Schedule (subject to minor changes)
Class Activity
Class Activity
Lecture on presentation conventions; discuss previous
presentation experience; assign Individual Introductions
Individual Introductions
Finish Individual Introductions; demonstrate and assign
Where am I?
Where am I? assignment; introduce Neighborhood Presentation
Neighborhood Presentations (8 per class)
Neighborhood Presentations
Brainstorming for Culture Presentation; presentation order
Neighborhood Presentations
Culture Presentations (5 per class)
Culture Presentations
Culture Presentations
Culture Presentations
Introduce Video Interview assignment; view samples; Culture
Culture Presentations
Video Interview in-class feedback from expert
Demonstrate and assign World View Presentation; assign
dates; TBD
World View Presentation brainstorming
World View Presentations (4 per class)
World View Presentations
World View Presentations
World View Presentations
World View Presentations
World View Presentations
Form groups for TV News Presentations
Work on TV News Presentations
TV News Group Presentations
In-class party
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