International Conference on Islam, Law, and Society
(INCOILS) 2022
Conf erence Proceedings
AnAnalysisof Figurative Language of One Directions Hits Songs in
Literature Perspective
Angelia Cipta Riska Nabella,
Setia Rini,
1 ,2
Stated Islamic University of Salatiga
Nabella, Angelia Cipta Riska & Setia Rini. 2022. "An Analysis of Figurative Language of One Direction's Hits Songs in
Literature Perspective". Master Degree of English Education Department. Postgraduate of State Islamic
University (UIN) Salatiga.
This research is entitled " An Analysis of Figurative Language of One Direction's Hits Songs In Literature Perspective ". The
figurative language found in One Direction songs is analyzed into two aspects, namely the type of figure of
speech, and the meaning in the song. In this study, the researcher applied a qualitative method. The researcher
chose two songs from different albums,More Than This” song is taken from "Up All Night" (2011) album
and for Strongis taken in "Midnight Memories" (2013) album.
The songs chosen were "More Than This" and "Strong". Researcher managed to find the latest findings from
this study, the writer found fourteen lyrics that contain figures of speech. In the fourteen lyrics detected, they
are divided into four types of figures of speech, namely Hyperbole, Simile, Metaphor and Personification. The
most used figurative language in the two songs selected by One Direction. Then, the researcher also managed
to find interesting things and meanings in the overall songs of the two most popular One Direction songs.
Keywords: An Analysis, Figurative Language, One Direction, Literature.
Language is a communication tool that connects humans to one another. The existence of Language can
also be a means of sharing information with each other. In language also consists of two types, namely spoken
and written language. In line with Klarer (2004) Literature is a written expression in every document. It can be
said that every book and paper that has been published is all literature. In line with Meyer (1997) specified
literature as "written texts distinguished by language, along with characteristics such as creative metaphors,
beautiful phrase, elegant syntax, rhymes, and aesthetic alliteration." The researcher intends to read by herself
aesthetically and with a purposefully open explanation.
People learn and comprehend literature by comprehending not just the style of language or utterance but
also the meaning contained within it. In a literature there are several types of literature including Poetry, Prose,
Drama, Non-fiction prose, and also music.
Music is one part of a literary work which has beautiful music and impressive lyrics that can convey
feelings for its fans. Thus, in accordance with Griffee (2001), song is a kind of music composed of words and
intended to be sung. It was mainly used by writers of literature to express their thoughts, emotions, and moods.
In the music there must be a lyric where in the lyrics it is in the lyrics that holds various meanings in the
song. There are several genres of songs ranging from sad, happy to beat themed ones. The genres are also
varied ranging from Pop, Jazz, Koplo, R&B, Rock to Dangdut. In the lyrics, it must also use figurative language
to convey its meaning. Even with this figurative language, it will make the song richer in feelings and its
meaning will be deeper. So, the way to easily understand the meaning stored in a song is to learn and know the
Figurative Language used.
Figurative language is a form of using language in the form of comparisons or parables. Generally, figures
of speech are considered to be used only in literary works. In fact, unconsciously, figures of speech can be
found in various forms of language use. There are several types of figurative language that are famous among
literature, including:
1) Simile
This figure of speech can also be interpreted as a link that compares two things that are
essentially different, but are then considered to have almost the same meaning, and are stated explicitly
by using words that resemble something. In line with Reaske (1996), state that simile is a direct
comparison of two things that aren't fundamentally similar.
2) Metaphor
Metaphor is figure of speech that uses analogies or parables on two different things.
Metaphor is the comprehension of one concept in terms of another. It is a figurative language that
creates an implicit, implied, or hidden comparison of two items or things that are diametrically
opposed but share some characteristics.
3) Hyperbole
Hyperbole is the part of language style that contains statements that are exaggerated in
number, size or nature with the intention of emphasizing a statement or situation to intensify, increase
the impression and influence. So, because of this figure of speech the reading or text will be more
4) Personification
Personification is a style of language, which creates parables of inanimate objects with human-
like characteristics. In accordance with Reaske (1966), is the process of imbuing non - humans objects,
abstractions, or insights of human characteristics. Personification is also a figure of speech in which a
thing, thoughts, or an animal is provided human characteristics.
There are several previous studies have been done. For the first previous research is from Retnayanthi
(2012) conducted the first study on The Analysis of Figurative Languages in Adele's Song Lyrics. As a result
of her research into Adele's song lyrics, the researcher discovered figurative language such as personification,
metaphors, synecdoche, hyperbole, allusions, paradoxes, symbols, and metaphors. Adele's song, based on the
general context, tells of betrayal and conflicts in love.
Then, the next previous study by Herlis (2020) which discusses the problem of 'Song Analysis of 'Gloomy
Sunday' In Literature Perspective' which in this study found the meaning of song lyrics and terrible message
implementation. Where in this study, researcher found a message to commit suicide so that it had a bad
influence on the listener. Therefore, song lyrics do play an important role in a song.
Then, in further research, researcher analyzed the figurative language and meaning of the songs in one
direction songs entitled 'More Than This' and 'Strong' according to literary views, namely figurative language.
As previously known, One Direction is one of the five-member British-Irish boygroups, Louis Tomlinson,
Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan and Harry Styles. This group was a breakout of the 2010 X Factor.
Interestingly, in this song sung by One Direction always keeps an interesting message and lyrics where he
always uses figurative language in composing his songs, no wonder he always wins prestigious music awards
such as the American Music Award, Billboard, BBC Music and so on.
In line with this, this research will focus on figurative language and meaning in the lyrics of One
Direction's songs entitled 'More Than This' and 'Strong'.
This study employs qualitative research with a descriptive study approach rather than statistical
analysis. Thus, according to Creswell (2002), this type of descriptive research entails observation and
exploration of two or more things to be studied. In line with to Fraenkel and Wallen (2009), this
research employs a descriptive approach as well as a qualitative research approach that observes
problems that occur within an individual or a group. It will describe the figurative language and
meaning in the songs 'More Than This' and 'Strong' by One Direction. Furthermore, in line with
Bogdan and Taylor (in Moleong 2007), the qualitative technique provides descriptive data in the form
of words, both spoken and written, from people or behavior observed during an event or
phenomenon. As a result, the qualitative approach, in which data is conveyed as symbols or words,
is closely related to the qualitative method.
This study aims to describe the figurative language and meaning in the lyrics of One Direction
songs entitled 'More Than This' and 'Strong'. The method of listening and recording is used to collect
data. This method of listening is used to determine the use of language and song lyrics in it. The note-
taking technique is a method of methods of data collection that involves writing down important
information that has the potential to become research data. As a result, the significance of this
research is that data is collected by recording words, phrases, and good clauses that includes figurative
language or sound styles.
Here are the findings of this research, the researcher found some figurative languages in ‘More Than Thisand
Strong by One Direction, there are:
a) More Than This
Researcher found two types of figurative language present in the One Direction song 'More Than This'
released in 2011, including the following:
Table 1. Figurative Language in 'More Than This'
Figurative Language in 'More Than This' song by One Direction (2011)
1) "I'm blinded, 'cause you are everything I see"
2) "When he lays you down, I might just die inside"
1) "I'm broken, do you hear me? "
2) "If I'm louder, would you see me? "
b) Strong
From this One Direction music entitled 'Strong', researcher found three types of figurative language
consisted in the lyrics ranging from Hyperbole, Simile and Personification.
Table 2. Figurative Language in 'Strong'
Figurative Language in 'Strong' song by One Direction (2011)
1) "My hands, your hands tied up like two ships"
2) "My heart, your heart sit tight like bookends"
1) "I'd do anything to save it"
2) "Pages between us written with no end"
3) "'Cause when I'm not with you, I'm weaker"
4) "I Need you to keep me from falling apart"
5) "'Cause you make me strong"
1) "Love that's been wasted"
2) "I'm not scared of love"
3) "Hold on to my heart"
After analyzing and classifying each lyric in two songs from One Direction, the researcher immediately
explained clearly about the meaning contained and the types of figurative language contained in some of the
lyrics. The following is a discussion for the results of the research that was successfully found by the researcher,
a) More Than This
1) "I'm broken, do you hear me?"
The first opening lyrics in the One Direction song entitled "More Than This", it is
immediately said to be one of the Metaphors. This is because it tells the feelings of a person
where he feels hurt, his heart is broken into pieces because of love. Even these lyrics describe
the feeling of someone who feels unwilling to worship their heart together with other
men/women out there. Therefore, "I'm broken, do you hear me?" here is used as an
expression of heartbreak and the voice of his heartbreak can also be heard.
2) "I'm blinded, you're everything I see"
In this lyric verse, it is clarified as a Hyperbole where this lyric is super exaggerated in
describing something felt by the individual. In the lyrics of "You're everything I see" where a human
being will not be able to focus on one thing alone. Even to see, humans can see from all points of
view and not just one. Therefore, it is included in the hyperbole. Then, the meaning contained in the
lyrics of "More Than This" is to explain a person who means a lot in the lives of others. Therefore,
no matter how long he will not turn his eyes, his attention, and his affection for others, he will also
only focus on the people he loves. It can be said that these lyrics show that love is blind to someone.
3) "When he lays you down, I might just die inside"
This fragment of lyrics belongs to the type of figurative language hyperbole which
shows excessive meaning in describing a feeling that is being suffered by someone. Where
the word "Die Inside" refers to or means painful things such as heartache and heartbreak due
to love to make a person feel a torturing taste as if he wants to be numb in himself.
b) Strong
1) "My hands, your hands tied up like two ships"
This fragment of lyrics belongs to the type of figurative language Simile because it compares
two different things. The true meaning of the lyrics in this song is two people who are far apart to
the point of being likened to two ships, which surely every ship has its purpose.
2) "My heart, your heart sit tight like bookends"
This is an example of Simile, because it still compares two objects and two different ideas.
Then, for the meaning implied in this lyric is to tell about a couple whose hearts are being forced to
remain sling bound to each other.
3) "I'd do anything to save it"
The researcher found a type of Hyperbolic figurative language present in a fragment of the
lyric "I'd do anything to save it." This is one of those words that is very exaggerated. Where a
man/woman will do anything to protect or guard something, of course, this will sound 'too much'
because it is unbelievable if it would be done by that someone.
4) "Pages between us written with no end"
This lyric is a type of hyperbole, where the content of the lyrics is excessive and
dramatic because these lyrics have the meaning that their relationship will never end until any
5) "'Cause when I'm not with you, I'm weaker"
This fragment of lyrics belongs to the type of figurative language hyperbole which
shows excessive meaning in describing a feeling that is being suffered by someone. Where
the meaning contained in the lyrics "when I'm not with you, I'm weaker" is that if there is no
lover by his side, it will make him weak. When in fact, this is not the case.
6) "I Need you to keep me from falling apart"
This lyric is included in the type of hyperbole which shows an exaggerated meaning
in describing something in a person. Where this time, through the lyrics of this song, one
needs a loved one to rise from his/her slump. Though it can also not be so.
7) "Cause you make me strong"
This fragment of lyrics belongs to the type of hyperbole which shows an exaggerated meaning
in describing something that is being felt by a person. Where from here someone tells others about
"without him I am weak" this would be very exaggerated due to the fact that whether or not he is by
his side, it is the same once it will have no effect and will not make one's soul weak.
8) "Love that's been wasted"
Then, this lyric is a form of personification which explains objects other than humans have feelings
and behaviors. From these lyrics it can be concluded the meaning that love here is given the meaning
of life. A human characteristic that provided in object.
9) "I'm not scared of love"
This lyric is a form of figurative language Personification which explains objects other than humans
have feelings and behaviors. It can be said to describe inanimate objects as if they were alive.
10) "Hold on to my heart"
That lyric is a form of Personification which explains objects other than humans have feelings and
behaviors so that they can live like humans. A human characteristic that provided in object.
From the findings that have been made by researchers regarding figurative language and the
meaning contained in the lyrics of One Direction's hit songs. The researcher chose the two most
phenomenal songs, namely "More Than This", and "Strong" in which there were four types of
figurative expressions, namely seven lyrics with Hyperbolic, two lyrics with Simile, three lyrics
belonging to the Personification group, and two lyrics belonging to Metaphor.
The two phenomenal songs chosen by the researcher are of course in the Pop song genre and have
beautiful meanings in each of the lyrics. The first song, "More Than This" has the overall meaning
of someone who harbours feelings for someone and often feels hurt when her lover is close to
someone else. The second song, entitled "Strong", tells the story of a man who likes women, but
people out there think it's strange and think it's wrong for men to love women. Therefore, music is
very important to convey the emotions that are hidden in a person, it is not uncommon for music to
represent what other people feel.
From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that English songs are a nice part of English
learners, including literature. Because students can acquire new vocabulary and understand the types
of figurative language to the meaning of a song.
In addition, the use of the figure of speech in a song is also significant part because a figure of speech
makes expressions beautiful, figure of speech also aims to make readers or connoisseurs of literary
works feel the emotions contained in every work, especially in the form of writing. By using a figure
of speech, the delivery of sentences becomes more interesting and does not bore the reader or
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