The Victor
Black Label
2000021000 Series
John R. Bolig
The Victor
Black Label
2000021000 Series
John R. Bolig
The Victor
Black Label
2000021000 Series
John R. Bolig
The Victor Discography Series
American Discography Project
UC Santa Barbara Library
Santa Barbara, Calif.
© 2010 John R. Bolig. All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without wrien permission
from the publisher or author, except as permied by U.S. copyright law.
First edition published 2010, Mainspring Press.
eBook edition published 2023, American Discography Project.
ISBN 978-1-7365889-9-4
Foreword and Preface to 2023 Edition iv
Acknowledgments vii
Preface ix
Introduction xi
Using the Discography xxvii
Discography: 20000 Series 1
Discography: 21000 167
Title Index 333
Artist Index 377
About the Author 393
The Victor Black Label Discography iv
Between 2002 and 2014, Mainspring Press published eleven discographies by Dr. John Bolig.
These works comprehensively documented the issued recordings of the Victor Talking Machine
Company in their Red Seal classical series and black label popular series, as well as other series.
These books were compiled by Bolig over many years through the examination of original
company documents in the Victor archives (now part of Sony) in New York City.
Bolig has generously shared his data with the editors of DAHR for many years, saving us time
in the creation of the online Discography of American Historical Recordings (DAHR). UCSB has
scanned tens of thousands of pages of documents held by the Sony archives to facilitate our
work, but for many years prior Bolig had been traveling to the archives to examine the
documents in person. His examination of these documents has been invaluable to the creation of
his books, as well as of DAHR.
After Mainsprings publisher, Allan Suon, decided to retire in 2016, the Bolig discographies
went out of print and the rights reverted to Bolig. He and UCSBs American Discography
Project have decided to oer them to the public in our series of free discography eBooks. Boligs
books have been indispensable references for many collectors as checklists to Victor records,
and we hope they continue to be useful long into the future. We are grateful to John and Allan
for their generosity of spirit in blessing the distribution of these works in their new form.
David Seubert, November 2023
I am pleased that my previously published discographies will nd new life and a new home
in the American Discography Project as part of their series of eBooks, and my sincere hope is
that they will be of use to a new generation of scholars and others interested in U.S. sound
recording history—a rich area for ongoing study. And I am grateful for the generosity of the
people I have worked with on the UCSB sta, especially Sam Brylawski and David Seubert.
The discographies I compiled are dierent from DAHR in the respect that their editors work to
describe every recording made in the United States in as much detail as they can produce, while
I describe the discs that were produced during recording sessions conducted by the Victor Talk-
ing Machine Company and RCA Victor and their aliates. Only 75% of the Victor Company
recordings made from 1901 to 1958 were actually published, and my lists are ideally suited for
collectors and for librarians in institutions that preserve those discs.
Although my discographies only contain a fraction of the detail that DAHR has unearthed, they
do contain as much evidence as possible about what can be heard on a disc, and I aempted to
The Victor Black Label Discography v
carefully list the full names of lyricists and composers. I rarely list more than nine performers on
a recording, and those people can probably be heard clearly. Listing every member of a
symphony orchestra, e.g., and every member of a chorus would have resulted in printed
discographies of substantial heft and limited usability.
The work being done by DAHR editors and researchers is extraordinary in its detail. The
database is huge, and for the most part it includes information on every single person who may
have been in a room when a disc was made, and what those people were doing. In addition,
DAHR editors make an eort to improve the listings of discs produced by the various
companies. For example, they aempt to list the full names of the people who wrote the lyrics
and the music heard on discs. The record companies often listed names such as Gilbert and
Sullivanand nothing more about the contribution made by each of the people listed
Within the framework of the recording processes at the time, recordings made before 1940 could
not be edited or enhanced in any manner after the recording session ended. Artists would
record the same selection several times and the company would process samples of each
version. The company and the artist would select the best version and the company would
move into the production of discs that they would oer to the public. The rejected versions were
usually discarded immediately, never to be heard again. While my discographies describe only
the published copies, DAHR aempts to describe every take that was recorded.
After World War II, record companies could modify recordings and engineers could enhance
them by adding additional musicians several days later, or by deleting some portions, or by
adding special eects to improve a recording. The method of producing a disc was very
dierent from that prior to the war. An amusing example is that of a high note sung by a
soprano being replaced on a disc by the note sung by another artist. The soprano was never told
about the spliced version and she allegedly was very proud of her work.
For many years I worked with a gentleman named Alan Kelly to describe records that were
recorded in both America and in Europe. Thousands of Victor recordings were pressed and sold
by the Gramophone Company under the His Masters Voice (HMV) trademark in Europe, and I
provided Kelly with the data for those recordings. At the same time, Victor was publishing discs
that were produced by HMV, and Kelly provided me with the information that described those
discs. Both of us shared our data with the DAHR researchers. After Kellys passing, I have
continued to work with John Milmo, who has carried on his work in documenting Victors sister
People who collect records or who maintain collections of records in libraries will nd the
discographies I have compiled very helpful as checklists. People who want to know everything
that went on while a disc was being made will nd the DAHR listings extremely helpful.
The Victor Black Label Discography vi
There are some limitations to the work done by both me and by DAHR. Some of the Victor data
has been lost or was damaged in the last 120 years. We did the best we could to identify some
dates and the full names of various participants. Some artists aected pseudonyms or nick-
names. The clerks who wrote the original data made spelling errors. Images of some of the
ancient data were poorly photographed and they are the only evidence we have of some of the
pages in Victor recording ledgers. Inevitably errors may creep in, but we are always pleased
when we are presented with amendments to our work.
John R. Bolig, November 2023
As usual, I had some excellent cooperation from the great and most prolific Alan Kelly, the
author of so many books and compact discs documenting “His Master’s Voice” in Europe.
In New York, I was well received and treated by Mike Panico and Tom Tierney at the Sony
archives, where the Victor papers are stored. Earlier on, I was also the beneficiary of very
generous assistance from Vince Giordano when he was an archivist. Anna Holcombe
(Business & Legal Affairs Department, Sony Commercial Music Group) kindly granted
permission to reproduce the Victor scroll-label design. And, Allan Sutton corrected my
historical errors and exaggerations with grace and skill, even though I have assured him
millions of times that I do not exaggerate.
For this book, I am especially indebted to Sam Brylawski and David Seubert, the leaders
of the Internet project to compile the Encyclopedic Discography of Victor Records. They
made a great deal of material available to me that saved me from making countless additional
trips to New York City. We have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship, and the
Encyclopedia will be without parallel when it is completed. They, and their excellent staff,
enjoy the luxury of learning from my mistakes, and they have been very gracious when
pointing them out to me.
— vii —
— ix —
In 1999, the Sistine Chapel was reopened after nineteen years of extensive restoration. Hundreds
of years of damage, dirt, and paint from previous restorations had been removed and properly
repaired. One observer noted that hundreds of books about Michelangelo would have to be
revised as a result of this effort. For reasons that will become clear, the same could be said for
the countless books written about jazz, dance, country, and ethnic music that was recorded by
Victor in the 1920s. This is not only a study of records made by the Victor Talking Machine
Company in the late 1920s; it is a restoration of the documentation that actually exists in the
company files.
I am a fan of the books written by Tom Clancy. Not the ones he co-wrote with other authors,
but those that feature the exploits of Jack Ryan. I mention this because, like Clancy, I write
books with a prevailing theme, but I do not consider them to be volumes in an encyclopedia.
Nor are my books sequels of earlier discographies. To me, each is as different as one’s children.
The problems encountered in compiling each book present a need for different solutions. This
one was especially challenging.
In part, the uniqueness of each book is the result of growth and changes in the recording
industry, specifically the Victor Talking Machine Company (and late in the period covered in
this book, by RCA-Victor). Victor was very much affected by the rise of dozens of new recording
companies, some of which led the way in introducing styles of music that Victor had neglected
in its first twenty-five years.
The Radio Corporation of America purchased the Victor Talking Machine Company in 1929,
two years after Eldridge Reeves Johnson retired as the leader of the original company. Between
1925 and 1929, there were three administrations that governed the company, beginning with
that of Johnson in the years leading up to his retirement, and including some executives who
had been with the company since its earliest days. Johnson’s reign came to an end on December
7, 1926, when he retired after selling his majority stake in the company to a bankers’ consortium.
From late 1926 through 1928, the company was owned by bankers and presided over by Edward
E. Shumaker—Johnson’s handpicked successor—along with some other holdovers from
Johnson’s management team, including his son, Fenimore Johnson. Finally, on January 4, 1929,
the Radio Corporation of America agreed to purchase Victor. Fenimore Johnson had resigned
by then, along with some other veteran managers and executives. Shumaker stayed on for a
time, but control of the company passed largely to David Sarnoff, who was primarily interested
in manufacturing and distributing radios and developing television for commercial use.
I have adhered to a single standard in compiling the books in this series. I have listed only
those data that can be verified by using the original documents of the Victor Talking Machine
Company and its affiliates. I have refused to add the names of artists that cannot be found in
those documents, but I did work very hard to accurately identify the people who are actually
listed in the documents. The sole exceptions to this standard were to add the names of lyricists
and composers for each title, if those names and titles could be verified on sheet music or in
other authoritative sources; and to consult the original recordings in cases where the files were
ambiguous or seemingly at odds with what appeared on the record labels or in the catalogs.
I am very much aware of other discographies that have been published over the years, and
I confess to having developed a very skeptical view of many of those publications. Over the
past forty years, I have looked at thousands of Victor documents on file in New York, and I
have carefully cross-referenced data for every record that I have identified. Other authors have
considerably embellished their listings with the names of musicians who might, or who might
not, have been in the studios on the day a record was made. Anybody who knows anything
about musicians would hesitate to state that one of them consistently showed up, on time and
— x —
in condition to perform, for every scheduled engagement. Even major figures like Paul Whiteman
and Jean Goldkette did not conduct their orchestra for many of the recordings attributed to
For the life of me, I cannot figure out where some discographers got their data, and I am
very suspicious of their intentions if indeed they embellished or inferred anything that they
published. I did not leave anything out of these listings, and there are no embellishments.
Fortunately, I am on solid ground: The documents still exist, and they are available for inspection
in the Sony archives in New York.
Of course, the shortcoming of my approach, if the reader views it that way, is that it is entirely
possible that some of the earlier discographers were correct in their assumptions. To be fair, I
have listed many of their books in the bibliography. I have studied most of them, and have
found very little that I could add to this discography with confidence.
— xi —
Records Made at the Height of the “Jazz Age”
The records listed in this book were made between May 1925 and June 1929, four of the most
prosperous years in the history of the United States. In the first few years of the decade, the
Victor Talking Machine Company had resisted changes in American culture, but by 1926 it was
producing the same kinds of music as many of the smaller companies that had threatened its
position as a major recording company. Many of the young artists who had first made an
impression on other labels were signed to Victor contracts, and they produced some of the most
interesting records ever made. Not only did Victor’s sales figures increase greatly, but the
company was also a becoming a major force in successfully exporting American popular culture
throughout the world.
Many of the records listed in this book were made by some of the most talented entertainers
of the period. Unlike many of today’s entertainers, these people could sing or play instruments
without excessive amplification, artifice, or engineering. Headliners like Fannie Brice, Eddie
Cantor, and Sophie Tucker could entertain people live on stage night after night in major
productions that were staged by great showmen such as Florenz Ziegfeld. Orchestra leaders
like Paul Whiteman, Rudy Vallée, and Fred Waring were embarking on musical careers that
lasted for decades and which spawned any number of imitators.
Dance bands had become a huge new form of entertainment. Bandleaders became major
celebrities, and some of their featured singers, like Bing Crosby, went on to have successful solo
careers. It was a change from the early 1920s, when studio managers had selected the singers
who would perform on dance records. Victor dance band recordings of that period often featured
vocal choruses by the likes of Irving Kaufman, Billy Murray, and other studio singers who had
no connection to the bands with which they recorded. By 1926, however, many bands were
recording with their own singers.
In addition to New York City and Camden, Victor opened recording studios in places such
as Chicago, Oakland, and Hollywood. Bands that were recording in those studios became so
popular that they toured the United States to meet the demand from a public eager to hear
them in person. Portable recording equipment was also used for a number of other sites such as
Atlanta, Memphis, Savannah, and New Orleans, and these preserved forms of music that would
have been lost otherwise. But major cities were not the only destination. Victor’s sessions in the
small town of Bristol, straddling the Virginia-Tennessee border, at which Jimmie Rodgers and
the Carter Family made their first recordings, have become the stuff of legend.
A few selections in the earliest Victor catalogs may still be familiar today because they were
“standard” or traditional, or because they had religious themes that are still sung or played.
The records made between 1926 and 1929 are different. Included are dozens of titles that are
still performed by singers, bands, and orchestras today. Most mature adults have heard them in
movies, danced to them at wedding receptions, know the words, and have probably associated
them with a favorite memory or with feelings for a loved one.
Recordings by these singers, bands, and orchestras played a tremendous role in disseminating
popular music, in the process providing a decent standard of living for hundreds of songwriters,
some of whom had dozens of major hits, many of which are still familiar today. I have no doubt
that even the most casual reader of this book will recognize many of the titles listed in the
The 1920s are often referred to as “The Roaring ’20s,” or “The Jazz Age.” It was Victor that
introduced jazz — or “jas” or “jass,” as it was sometimes termed in its earliest days — to the
record-buying public in 1917. Jazz was “hot.” It was a fresh sound. It didn’t follow the accepted
Top row
) Billy Murray (shown here with comedienne Aileen Stanley) and Henry Burr had been among
Victors biggest sellers in the early 1920s, but demand for their records declined after 1925. (
) The team of Billy Jones and Ernest Hare successfully exploited the new medium of radio, billing
themselves as “The Happiness Boys.” (
G. G. Bain Collection, Library of Congress
— xiii —
rules for music. It was performed by incredibly skilled young men, and a few equally remarkable
young women, some of whom could not read a note of music, and who improvised each time
they performed a song. It is often referred to as a musical form created by black musicians, and
it was, but many good performers were white. They had gravitated to the art form because, like
many young people, they didn’t want to follow a conventional path.
Although white musicians were quick to take up jazz, or what passed for it in those days,
vocal “blues” remained largely the purview of black artists. Like “jazz,” the term “blues” was
applied loosely. Many early “blues” records are closer to jazz or novelty performances, but the
best were something more. Few expressions of human emotion quite match those that can be
sensed upon hearing a great record by an authentic blues singer. As the 1920s drew to a close,
the blues were increasingly assimilated by Jimmie Rodgers and other white rural artists, adding
a new dimension to Victor’s extensive catalog of what it termed “old-time” music. And, no
Victor catalog was complete without a representative list of Hawaiian titles with or without
Hawaiian musicians in performance, many of them featuring steel-guitar work that would
come to be a major influence in country music.
Victor featured great talent by artists like Duke Ellington and Jelly-Roll Morton, and white
customers purchased their records even though Victor identified them in the 1920s as “colored”
talent and listed their records in “race” catalogs. The company, however, would not be described
as “politically correct” in today’s terms — not only because it segregated many of its releases
by black artists, but also because it also issued stereotypical “blackface” routines by white artists
like Correll & Gosden (professionally known as “Amos ‘n’ Andy” or “Sam ‘n’ Henry”) or Lemaire
& Van (“The Black Jacks”). Those records were huge hits in the 1920s, but the stereotypes reflected
in those records are offensive even today, eighty or more years after they were released. While
many of the performers on those records were not truly bigots, there were some — like comedian
Walter C. Kelly — who openly flaunted and profited from their prejudices.
Another form of music was also gaining in popularity in the 1920s. At first, the Victor ledgers
referred to its artists as “Hill-billy,” and included among them were the founders of what we
call “country music” today. Their earliest recordings often included a curious mix of old ballads,
religious music, and folk songs. Victor sent recording engineers into the American South to
record sounds that were rarely heard elsewhere, and some of the results were surprisingly
successful. A doomed singer named Jimmy Rodgers, who Ralph Peer first recorded in Bristol,
“yodeled” himself into the national spotlight and was eventually recognized by the Country
and Music Hall of Fame as the “Father of County Music.” The Carter Family made their first
records at the same time, also ensuring themselves of lasting fame.
Documenting recordings made outside of New York or Camden is very difficult. The ledgers
for those sessions are very sparse in their identification of artists, lyricists, and composers.
Different standards prevailed during the road trips, and copyright laws did not cover many of
the songs. Most of the artists were paid a set fee at the conclusion of a recording session. Promoters
like Peer, who held management contracts with many of the artists, pocketed a great deal of the
money that was earned from their recordings, then added to their take by copyrighting the
songs in their own names. To this day, the corporate descendants of Ralph Peer’s Southern
Music Company hold the copyrights on many songs originally composed and recorded by
Victor’s country artists.
The Victor catalogs catered to every taste, or lack thereof. Southern preachers recorded fire-
and-brimstone sermons. There were recordings of trained canaries, college marching bands,
and “comic” routines that are not at all funny today. Songs about train and boat wrecks held a
morbid appeal to some, while others rejoiced in the successful solo flight across the Atlantic
Ocean by Charles A. Lindbergh. Sadly, this period saw the last few Victor records by Billy
Murray, Henry Burr, and several other studio singers who had been with the company almost
from its earliest years. Murray and Burr, under exclusive Victor contract since 1920, spent their
last few years with the company mainly in a promotional role, touring with the Eight Popular
Victor Artists troupe. They were happy to get the work, but they were no longer commercially
viable as featured recording artists.
On December 7, 1926, Eldridge Reeves Johnson, the founder and president of the Victor
Talking Machine Company, sold his interest in the company for millions of dollars. Johnson
Thanks largely to Ralph Peer’s efforts, Victor excelled in the new country-music market. Ernest Stoneman
top left
, pictured with members of his Dixie Mountaineers) was already a success on competing
labels when he signed with Victor. The Carter Family (top right) and Jimmie Rodgers (bottom) were
Peers own discoveries. (
Mainspring Press Collection
went to school in Dover, Delaware, but he is relatively unknown there today, despite the presence
of a museum dedicated in his honor. A bureaucrat has closed the Johnson Victrola Museum for
all but a few days each month. It is a lovely little museum with a fine collection of artifacts and
records, and it has an endowment provided by the Johnson family, which is probably more
than adequate to keep it open. Research is no longer done at the site, although it may be possible
to see the collection by special appointment.
— xiv —
— xv —
Johnson had personally groomed Edward E. Shumaker to take his place. Shumaker, who
had been with the company since 1904, assumed increasing control of Victor’s operations during
the early 1920s. It was Shumaker’s decision to install RCA radios in Victrolas. He played a
major role in Victor’s conversion to electrical recording, salvaging negotiations with Western
Electric after Johnson balked at their terms. After succeeding Johnson as president, he
substantially increased funding for research and development. He expanded Victor’s global
presence, acquiring the Canadian Berliner operation in 1927, expanding Victor’s South American
operations, and opening a Japanese studio and pressing plant in 1928.
Following Johnson’s retirement, one of the more interesting changes in the way that the
Victor Company did business was the introduction of regional supplements that listed recordings
made in specific locations by local artists. Many of these records are difficult to find today
because they were never listed in the general Victor catalogs that were issued each year. The
printing department continued to publish monthly supplements, some of which had one or
two pages that were dedicated to local releases that were designed expressly for “Southern” or
“Pacific Coast” buyers. Some records were advertised in flyers for titles that were introduced in
specific cities such as Boston or Philadelphia because they had appeal to the local populace.
In the late 1920s, the company also published periodic booklets containing lists of “Race”
Victor packaged its country-music and race-record releases in special illustrated sleeves. (
Press Collection
— xvi —
records made by black artists, “Southern” or “Old Familiar Tune” records by white rural artists,
and “Irish” records made by or for members of the Irish community. These supplements were
available wherever large populations of the target audience resided. Shortly after the RCA merger
in 1929, Victor began segregating the Race and Southern releases in specially numbered series
that were not listed in the general catalog. However, RCA-Victor and its affiliates reissued some
of them years later, and many were subsequently reissued on LPs or CDs.
It should be noted that, while many of the above types of recording are listed and described
in this book, there was another equally busy department at Victor that was recording and issuing
“ethnic” records in a wide variety of languages. Most of the latter were assigned to entirely
different sequences of catalog numbers, and the supplements that described them were printed
in foreign languages. The company recorded almost as many records for ethnic populations, or
for export to South America, as it did for general sale in the continental United States. A small
number of the export department records were selected for publication in the United States,
and those in the 20000/21000 series were issued with English titles.
One of the most powerful departments at Victor was responsible for producing educational
records. It produced hundreds of them, and they are not particularly interesting or collectible
today. Most were made by studio artists of no particular interest, and many of them consist of
Victors 1928 “Race catalog. (
) By the later 1920s, Victor was following the style set by
Paramount and other race-record leaders, using cartoons and slang-laden copy to advertise its new
race releases. (
Mainspring Press Collection
Facing page
) Victors instrumental stars of the period included (top to bottom) pianist Frank Banta;
musical director and arranger Nathaniel Shilkret; bandleader Paul Whiteman; and brothers Joe and
George Hamilton Green. (
G.G. Bain Collection, Library of Congress)
— xvii —
— xviii —
Victors most popular singers of the period included Johnny Marvin,
“Honey Duke” (
top left
the team of Jim Miller and Charlie Farrell (
top right
); and the Revelers, a reinvented version of the old
Shannon Four that included recording-studio veterans Charles Harrison, Wilfred Glenn, Elliott Shaw,
and Lewis James. (
Bain Collection, Library of Congress
— xix —
snippets from four or five songs, or expositions of various musical instruments. As much as I
wanted to ignore them, they are all listed with as much attention to detail as are the other
records in this book.
One of the interesting observations made while these records were being studied is that the
artists seem to have come into the studio with predetermined titles that had probably been
well-rehearsed. Catalog numbers were assigned, and labels and supplements advertising the
records were probably in process before the records were made. Many of these records were
available in stores all over the United States within weeks after they were made. It should be
noted that travel in those days was often difficult and most shipping was done by railroad. The
company opened a pressing plant in Oakland, California, in 1924 to facilitate faster deliveries
to points west of the Rocky Mountains, but it could still take a new release some considerable
time to reach dealers in more out-of-the-way regions.
Another observation that was interesting is that artists were occasionally given permission
to make records “on approval,” in which case matrix numbers were often assigned at a later
date if one of those recordings was selected for publication.
A few records listed in the discography were not released, and the catalog number was either
abandoned or reassigned to another title. Most of these were identified by consulting large folios in
which someone kept track of available catalog numbers, and then entered the titles and names of
performers when a number was used. It should be noted that Victor’s Canadian affiliate
sometimes pressed records with different songs on one side from those published in the United
States. There is no definitive list of every example when that happened.
Dealers were advised of impending releases, and they were provided with code-words that
they used to identify the catalog numbers of copies they required, to minimize the chances a
wrong number would be sent. Orders seem to have been telegraphed to Camden, where all of
the records were manufactured until the Oakland, California, plant became operational.
Consumers were provided with monthly and sometimes special supplements that contained
descriptions of the recordings which would be available on or about the 28th of each month.
The supplements on the Pacific Coast and in the Southern states frequently contained lists of
records that appealed mainly to West Coast or regional buyers. As mentioned previously, there
were also special listings that described “Race,” “Southern,” or “Irish” records that appealed to
specific audiences.
Here is the problem: Quite a few of these records have been listed by other discographers,
especially the prolific Brian Rust, and their listings contain undocumented information that
simply does not exist in the Victor files, and cannot be proven by other documentary sources.
These discographers rarely cite the sources of their information, which often appears to be the
product of inference, supposition, wishful thinking, or imagination.
Some of the data listed in many of Rust’s books were allegedly provided by various artists
decades after the recordings had been made. I say this without meaning to insult anybody but,
as I stated earlier, many musicians I know have trouble remembering who they played with
last year, let alone twenty or thirty years ago. That problem is sometimes compounded by the
desire to associate oneself with a legendary figure. As more than one jazz historian has pointed
out, if all the musicians who claimed to have played on certain small-band sessions are to be
believed, the size of those bands would have been considerably larger than what is heard on
the actual recordings.
There aren’t any actual “limitations” that created problems when this book was being
compiled. The ledgers still exist, and the company also listed data on index cards for each side
of each record that was published. Employees periodically updated these cards, which are blue
in color, and they contain data about release dates and matrix numbers that were used. They
often included actual copies of the labels used on each side of a record. Some of the original
cards are missing, but not very many. Some of the missing cards were later found in different
file drawers because the records had been reissued on the Montgomery Ward or Bluebird labels.
In short, there is a wealth of information available for each record described in this book.
— xx —
Missing in the ledgers and on the blue cards are the names of most of the people who played
in bands or orchestras. This was normal procedure during the 1920s; no recording companies
whose files have survived kept track of such information during this time. When names do
appear, they are often not those of band members, but rather of studio employees or freelancers
who were paid for their services, listed for accounting purposes. There are occasional instances
where personnel were added to the ledgers at a later date. It is impossible to verify the source
or accuracy of this information, and it has been ignored. The detailed logging of band personnel
by record companies did not begin until the later 1930s. Even then, it was done at first only by
small independent labels that specialized in jazz recordings.
For recording purposes, the directors of some of the famous dance bands were Victor
employees, not the name featured as the bandleader on the record label. This practice was not
unique to Victor, as the Brunswick and Columbia files confirm. One of the ironies one encounters
when compiling discographies is something totally unexpected: Beginning in 1901, the Victor
catalog listed hundreds of recordings by Sousa’s band, none of them conducted by Sousa himself.
When Sousa finally relented and personally conducted a record for Victor in the 1920s, the
band he directed was not his own, but the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Band.
Another problem I encountered was that dance-band recording were sometimes reissued
under the names of several different band leaders. This is especially true when one compares
reissues on low-priced labels like Bluebird and Electradisk with the original Victor releases.
I did not list every liberty taken with artist credits when records were reissued. That will be the
subject of a future RCA budget-label discography, if I live that long.
For many of the recordings listed in the ledgers there is a list of the instruments (but rarely
the musicians who played them) used by the bands or orchestras being recorded. These changed
with almost every session, and often between takes or between morning and afternoon sessions.
I did not always copy the entire list of instruments being used, many of which can be found in
Rust’s books. If an artist was featured on a recording and was credited in the ledger, that artist
is listed in this book. If an artist is not listed in the ledger, even if I think I recognize the voice or
the style of playing, I did not leap to any conclusions. There is one session described on these
pages which includes an unnamed trio, and I suggested that it could have been the same
“Emerald Trio” that performed on recordings made immediately prior to, and immediately,
after the recordings in question. That is as speculative as I am willing to be. Just as Arturo
Toscanini refused to conduct the ending of the opera Turandot that was written after Puccini
died, I refuse to guess who was in a studio on a certain date. The reader will come across the
notation “(NL)” when there is no documentary evidence to identify who performed on a record.
One of the most disappointing aspects of compiling this book, and several other discographies
of electrical recordings made after 1925, is that I had to ignore data previously published by
Rust and others. What is worse, I discovered that much of the data reported in some European
A typical Victor recording-ledger sheet, in this case for a 1926 Jelly Roll Morton session. Note that no
personnel are listed by name, as is the case with most Victor files of the period. (
Allan Sutton
— xxi —
discographies also emanated from work done by Rust, and it was not accurate, nor could it be
verified in the original Victor documents. I cannot understand why Mr. Rust embellished so
many of his listings. He did an extraordinary amount of work and spent many decades in his
research efforts, only to tarnish the results with undocumented names of performers, inaccurate
indications of which takes were actually published, and incorrect statements concerning studio
conductors and recording locations. Compounding the problem, he passed some of this
misinformation along to other discographers like Alan Kelly, who unwittingly included it in
his otherwise outstanding discographies covering “His Master’s Voice” records.
Unfortunately, once something is in print, it quickly becomes “fact,” especially now that
information can be so quickly spread via the Web and social-networking sites. Few people
seem to read retractions — and those of us who do often find ourselves fighting an uphill battle
to set the record straight.
Some critic will no doubt chastise me for failing to list his or her favorite musician on a
certain record, even though their reason for believing their favorite musician was present may
stem from a guess made by this or that discographer. Certainly, there are some very distinctive
musicians during this period who can be aurally identified with a high degree of certainty. But
how does one go about identifying by ear (as Rust and others have done) the many musicians
of the period whose stock-in-trade was the ability to sound like others, or who lacked any
distinctive style at all? The endless “I hear Bix” Web postings show where that sort of “research”
can lead. The numerous changes Mr. Rust has made to his personnel listings over the course of
six editions of Jazz Records further demonstrate the weakness of this approach.
Mr. Rust has made a valuable contribution by helping to popularize the field of discography,
and his books are most assuredly worth consulting. But readers should be aware that given his
lack of source citations, there is simply no way of telling where the information came from, or
how accurate it might be. I would have listed the same performers that he did if there was even
a shred of documentary evidence that they were in the Victor studios. For the same reasons, I
also had to ignore the work done by other discographers such as Dixon, Godrich & Rye (Blues
and Gospel Records), Russell (Country Music Records), and Debus (The Complete Entertainment
Discography), all of whose work I found very interesting. I am aware of a great deal of the
research done by other jazz experts, especially in Europe; but again, I had to ignore their
contributions because so much of that work cannot be confirmed from any of the original
documents on file in New York.
One discography, that of Paul Whiteman’s recordings by Don Rayno, appears to contain
reliable lists of musicians who appeared with the different bands and orchestras of the Whiteman
organization. Mr. Whiteman, it seems, kept fairly accurate documentation for each of his
recording sessions. However, none of this information appears in the Victor files, nor did I
personally view Rayno’s documentation, so I cannot vouch for its accuracy. I can, however,
recommend his book.
I did make an honest effort to list composers, lyricists, Broadway shows, and inclusion in
films for each of the records in the book. These data do not always appear in the ledgers or on
the record labels. There are sometimes minor discrepancies between the way titles and composers
appear on the labels and the way they appear in more reliable sources, including the original
sheet music and the federal copyright registry. There are some oddities that were difficult to
resolve. One song was recorded in one session as a “Fox trot” and several weeks later as a
“Waltz,” and both versions were issued under the same catalog number.
The Fox trot is an interesting concept. As a dance style, it was the most popular form for the
years listed in this book. Many in the songs listed herein were released without vocal
accompaniment as “Fox trots”; however, the term was rarely listed in the ledgers or added to
the record label when a vocalist sang the same song. Didn’t people dance when Bing Crosby
was singing? Incidentally, Fox was a man’s name, and it should be capitalized.
Transcriptions and Reissues
Throughout its history, Victor released records that were made from transcribed (“dubbed”)
masters. In the early years this was done because the original stampers were no longer available,
or because the original stamper contained grooves that were inadequate and caused records to
show excessive wear. With the advent of electrical recording a new element was added —
enhanced sound. Ironically, “enhancement” sometimes involved removing some sound,
especially the exaggerated bass heard on many late 1920s recordings. Recordings listed as
remastered in the discography were usually marked with a small symbol that was embossed
next to the label at the 9 o’clock position. The symbol “1R” was used most often, but once in a
while “2R” or “3R” appears, indicating that several attempts were made to improve upon the
original recording. There is no relationship between the original take number and the symbol
used to indicate a transcribed master.
The Gramophone Company, Victor’s British affiliate that is better known as “HMV” or “His
Master’s Voice,” also issued a great number of the recordings in the 20000 / 21000 series in
Europe. A few of the imported Victor stampers were transcribed there, and those were marked
on the record surface with the symbol “T1.”
Reissues are a different matter. Quite a few of the records in this series were given a second
lease on life when they were reissued on inexpensive labels such as Bluebird or Montgomery
Ward. Montgomery Ward & Company was a nationwide chain of stores that sold goods at
bargain prices. Victor pressed records for them with Montgomery Ward labels and the labels
for these records sometimes contained pseudonyms for the Victor artists, and even slightly
altered titles, to conceal their origins. Victor also pressed some of the Irish records listed in this
book for the Yorkville Phonograph Shop, and these bear their own set of catalog numbers.
Beginning in the later 1930s, many 1920s jazz recordings were reissued for the benefit of collectors
on the Bluebird and RCA-Victor labels.
One has to wonder if the public was fooled or the artists were denied royalties for these
reissues. The Bluebird reissues were RCA-Victor records sold at lower prices. The labels for
them were relatively accurate, although some jazz-reissue labels show undocumented personnel.
It is noteworthy that some of them were made from takes that had earlier been rejected when
the records were issued in the 20000/21000 series. Again, the use of alternate takes for Bluebird
and other reissues is the subject of a future discography.
From its earliest days, the Victor ledgers contained notations that indicated which masters
were suitable for release. Some were set aside and marked as “Hold” in the ledgers. These were
probably the second choice by the artist and by company executives, perceived at the time as
good, but not as good as the version selected for publication. In retrospect, the best musical
choice was not always made at the time, which became evident after RCA began issuing
previously withheld takes for jazz collectors. From time to time the Victor storage vaults were
— xxii —
RCA reissued some interesting Victor material from the 20000 and 21000 series on budget-priced
labels in the 1930s. Leroy Smith’s 1928 “St. Louis Blues” reappeared in February 1933 on Montgomery
Ward, an RCA client label that retailed for as little as 18¢ per disc. (
Allan Sutton
— xxiii —
cleaned out and the discontinued stampers were discarded. In the 1930s, and later, when RCA-
Victor decided to reissue some of the records listed in this book, they processed the held stampers
and released them without much fanfare. In most, but not all, cases these substitutions were
marked on the blue history cards. I can only hope that I have identified all of them.
Another potential problem occurred when a take was approved for publication, but several
takes of the selection may have been recorded, and a second version was subsequently selected
for publication. This happened frequently, and well before the original release date, so there is
no reason to believe that the earlier take was ever issued. However, from time to time a collector
will claim to have found a record with the earlier take number stamped on it, and one can only
wonder how the stamper came to be used. In most instances, both versions were recorded on
the same date. If a variation is known to exist, both versions are listed in the discography.
Imports and Exports
When the metal parts for these records were sent to the Gramophone Company, most of them
were assigned control numbers. This was a continuation of the decades-old practice of assigning
single-sided numbers to phonograph records. A few of them were assigned numbers that
belonged to the European catalog sequences; for example, Spanish numbers for Spanish-language
The HMV listings with numerical prefixes are the single-sided numbers. I doubt that any of
the single-sided HMV catalog numbers listed in this book were ever available for purchase by
the general public, but the numbers are included here for the sake of completeness. I have seen
test-pressings and special releases that were identified in that manner. The reader should note
that HMV catalog numbers had alphabetical prefixes by the late 1920s. That is especially true
for records listed in this book.
Victor exported a few matrices to Japan where they were issued in a series that started with
the prefix A-. In Europe and Asia, the Gramophone Company also gave many of these recordings
a second life by issuing them on lower-priced labels such as Regal or Zonophone (or, after the
Gramophone Company’s merger into EMI, Regal-Zonophone). Some were issued in India on
the Twin label.
A small number of European recordings were issued in the 20000/21000 series. The European
matrix numbers were embossed on the surface of these records in the space between the grooved
area and the edge of the labels. When Victor and HMV exchanged metal parts, each company
agreed to emboss the other’s matrix number onto the record surface, usually below the label.
Take numbers for American-made records were embossed in the area to the left of the label, but
the European matrix numbers were embossed with the take number as a suffix.
The Berliner Gram-O-Phone Company of Montreal issued Victor records in Canada on the
“His Master’s Voice–Victor” label. Victor bought the company in 1927, as its Canadian division.
The records are identical in most respects to the records issued in the United States; however, in
a handful of instances the Canadian division would offer a different coupling from that used on
the American records. Some Canadian copies were published with blue rather than black labels,
but I am not certain why this was done or which copies were affected.
Recordings made in Canada present an interesting problem. There are not very many instances
of Canadian matrices being issued by Victor, and there does not seem to be any reliable source
for verifying data for Canadian-made recordings. The dates seem to be those when the record
was processed in Camden rather than the actual session date in Montreal. Nobody I contacted
knows the whereabouts of the recording ledgers for the Montreal recordings.
The Canadian affiliate’s record catalogs all appear to be identical to those published in the
United States with the exception of a small number of additional pages dedicated to Canadian-
made titles.
Markings on Record Surfaces
In the remarks above, I mentioned some of the markings that appear on Victor records. These
markings can usually be found when the label is held in an upright position; however in some
cases the label was not aligned correctly and the record will have to be rotated until the embossed
catalog number is centered and easily read.
The most important numbers for collectors are the take numbers that were embossed to the
left of the labels. Almost microscopic, they are most useful for identifying two or more versions
of a recording. Usually, but not in all cases, the reason for replacing the lower take number at a
later date was some flaw or shortcoming in the original recording. When old acoustic recordings
were remade electrically by the same artists, the original serial numbers were retained, and
increasingly higher take numbers were used, sometimes reaching into the double digits. Record
dealers and discerning collectors are especially interested in correctly identifying take numbers.
The embossed catalog number in the space between the label and the end of the recorded
area matches the number printed on the label. Near these embossed catalog numbers are
microscopic characters that represent which metal part was used to press a record. A microscopic
letter “A,” when found in front of, or below, the embossed catalog number, represents a first
edition. For best-selling records, combinations of letters and numbers, such as “20T,” were used
to identify metal parts that were used for subsequent pressings.
Victor assigned the letters A and B to each side of a record; for example, 21000-A and 21000-
B are embossed onto the space next to the labels on either side of a record, as well as printed on
the labels of a double-sided record. Some collectors have speculated that the A-side was the
featured recording when the record was first introduced. I did not list these letters in the
discography because anybody owning the record has both sides and the number 21000 was
sufficient to identify the record as an artifact.
It is noteworthy that an almost infinite number of perfect stampers could be made of each
original matrix, and that the first pressing from any fresh metal part would be preferable to one
made by a worn stamper. The Victor Company carefully examined metal parts for signs of
wear, and replaced most of them before any problems could cause distortion in the sounds on
a record. Worn records are easy to identify by visually examining a record, but a record pressed
from a worn stamper may appear to be in mint condition, a problem not observable until the
record is actually played.
When European matrix numbers were embossed on the imported recordings, some of these
show Roman numerals as take numbers rather than Arabic numerals. In the discography I
listed the Arabic take numbers because not everybody remembers those lessons we received
on Roman numbering conventions when we were children.
Victor recordings from the late 1920s appeared around the world. Aurora was a low-priced Canadian
client label that reissued some Victor titles in the early 1930s. In England, many American recordings
were issued on the H.M.V. “plum” label, the Gramophone Company’s equivalent of Victor’s black
label. (
Allan Sutton
— xxiv —
Recordings that were altered in some manner do not show take numbers, but may have
embossed characters such as “2R” or “T1” in the space to the left of the label. To the right of the
label there are also other embossed characters that nobody seems to know much about today.
They may indicate the machine that was used to press the record. The circled symbol “V.E.”
appears in embossed form on electrically made recordings employing the Western Electric
process. In the early 1930s, RCA began making some recordings using a different electrical
process, and on those recordings the “V.E.” appears in a diamond.
Samples of various labels are depicted in this book, but the reader is directed to Michael
Sherman’s book, The Collectors Guide to Victor Recordings, which I am happy to report will be
reissued in 2010 in an expanded edition that will be distributed by Mainspring Press. I am not
an admirer of labels because, just as one cannot always know a book by its cover, labels can be
misleading. Fortunately, Mr. Sherman handles this subject with great skill and enthusiasm, and
that allows me to feel that I have covered the subject by simply deferring to his expertise.
Electrically Made Recordings
Almost every record listed in this book bears the scrolled “Orthophonic” label. By mid-1925,
electrical Victor recordings were being released in some quantity, and the “batwing” label used
during the acoustic era was retired and out of use by October 1926. The early electrical recordings
did have Batwing labels, but they can be identified by looking for the symbol “V.E.” that was
— xxv —
Victor introduced the “scroll” label in the autumn of 1926 to identify its electrcially recorded releases.
It remained in use, with minor modifications, until 1937. (
Mainspring Press Collection
embossed in the space next to the label. The “batwing” label was brought of retirement by RCA
in the 1930s, for use on the few acoustic Red Seals that remained in the catalog, and for reissues
commissioned by the International Record Collectors Club. It was also used on some private
issues produced by RCA’s Special Products Division into the early 1950s.
The company was also manufacturing “Orthophonic” record players designed to amplify
the electrically made recordings. The machines were still acoustic but employed scientifically
designed exponential horns and special reproducers capable of handling the new records’
increased volume and frequency range. The machines were wonderful to hear, but the tone
arms were very heavy and hastened wear on records. Dual acoustic/electric machines were
available by the later 1920s, along with the all-electric Electrolas. During the same period,
automatic record changers were developed. They were expensive and not terribly efficient, and
they caused other forms of wear on a record surface. Ironically, electrical recordings actually
played quite nicely on many of the old acoustic Victrolas, and people did not rush out and buy
the new record players.
Electrical recordings were secretly developed at Victor in the early 1920s, using a process
developed internally by engineer Albertis Hewitt. Eldridge Johnson judged the results to be
unsatisfactory, however, and none of the experimental recordings were issued. Victor’s adoption
of electrical recording would have to wait until early 1925, when Johnson reluctantly agreed to
license the Western Electric system.
Victor exploits the popularity of the “talkies,” 1928. Victor shifted its West Coast recording operations
from Oakland to the Hollywood area in the later 1920s. (
Mainspring Press Collection
— xxvi —
— xxvii —
Western Electric dispatched its engineers to wire the Camden studio at the end of January,
and the first electrical test session was held there on February 9, 1925. By August the New York
studios had also been converted to the new process. Instead of a horn shaped like an inverted
megaphone, the new process required electrical engineers to place and monitor microphones
that picked up previously unheard recorded frequencies. In 1925, 78 revolutions per minute
was established as the international standard for recordings. Prior to 1925, speed varied from
company to company, with 80-rpm favored by competitors Columbia and Edison. Although it
advertised 78-rpm as the proper playback speed, Victor records were rarely made at exactly
that speed prior to 1925.
The earliest electrical recordings were sold to an unsuspecting public. When people realized
the quality of the new process, they demanded that their earlier records be replaced by those
made electrically. The Victor Company did not advertise the new process until August of 1926
(although its Canadian counterpart did so a year sooner), and it did not publish a catalog between
January 1925 and October 1926. Some of the original artists spent the time re-recording some of
the old standards, but thousands of old titles were deleted, and the 1926 catalog had fewer
pages and was quite different than earlier versions.
The advent of the microphone also made it possible to make recordings in remote locations
and those recordings greatly enhanced the quality and scope of the Victor catalog. Many of the
problems with remote recording sessions have already been discussed. The best result was that
people who may never have been recorded were found on those trips in sites far from New
York and Camden.
Works Mentioned:
Debus, Allen G., and Brian Rust. The Complete [sic] Entertainment Discography — Second Edition.
New York: Da Capo Press (1989).
Dixon, Robert M., John Godrich, and Howard W. Rye. Blues and Gospel Records, 1890–1943 — Fourth
Edition. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press (1997).
The Encyclopedic Discography of Victor Recordings. Santa Barbara, CA: Davidson Library, University
of California (http://victor.library.ucsb.edu).
Kelly, Alan. HMV Matrix Series (multiple volumes). Sheffield, UK: Self-published by the author on
CD-ROMs (2003–ongoing).
Rayno, Dan. Paul Whiteman — A Pioneer in American Music. Volume I, 1890-1930. Lanham, MD:
The Scarecrow Press (2003).
Russell, Tony. Country Music Records — A Discography, 1921–1942. New York: Oxford University
Press (2004).
Rust, Brian. The American Dance Band Discography, 1917–1942. New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House
Rust, Brian. Jazz Records, 1897–1941. Various editions and publishers, 1961–2002. The most recent
version (Edition 6, 2002) is available on CD-ROM from Mainspring Press.
Rust, Brian. The Victor Master Book — Volume II. Middlesex, UK: Self-published (1969). Volume I was
never published.
Sherman, Michael W. Collectors Guide to Victor Records — Second Edition. Los Angeles: Monarch
Record Enterprises (2010).
Using the Discography
The catalog numbers for records in this discography range from 20000 to 21999, and these
numbers were assigned by the Victor Talking Machine Company to facilitate ease in ordering
records. There is an “A” and a “B” side on each record, and these characters appear on the
record labels, but they are not listed in the discography for reasons I have stated in the
Introduction. Number or letters following a catalog number have been added to identify multiple
issued versions of that number; they are not part of the actual catalog number.
Titles for each record in the discography are listed in alphabetical order unless there was a
compelling reason to reverse the order. Generally, lyricists are listed before the names of
composers. These are in parentheses following the title of the record. Some of the records were
divided into segments or medleys, in which case the additional titles are separated by the symbol
+ (plus sign). Victor sometimes numbered these segments, but for the sake of clarity, I decided
to indicate separate titles using the plus sign. Titles are given in their published and/or
copyrighted forms, which sometimes vary slightly from what appears on the labels.
The various artists are listed alphabetically, or in order of importance, on one or more lines
beneath the titles. An exception is made for stage acts, such as the team of Gus Van and Joe
Schenck, in which members were billed out of alphabetical order. In some cases, the members
of groups are not listed in the original Victor ledgers and these are listed as “NL.”
The most important line to discographers is the one that lists the matrix number, the date of
the recording in bold characters, the release and deletion dates in italics, and the site where the
recording was made. Records that were not released are listed as “NR,” and those issued in
Canada with odd couplings are noted. Issues marked with an asterisk use transcribed masters;
in other words, masters that were re-recorded from the original.
If more than one type or take of a record has been identified, the pertinent data will be noted
on the matrix line. His Master’s Voice (HMV) records were probably all issued with the same
matrices as those used by Victor, but it is entirely possible that I am wrong about this. Embossed
Victor take numbers appear at the 9 o’clock position next to the label. HMV also pressed the
take numbers, but they may have been inverted and located at the 3 o’clock position next to the
label, and the matrix number is always embossed on HMV records below the label in the space
next to the end of the grooved area. HMV numbers with numerical prefixes are single-sided
control numbers. None of the HMV issues in this volume are known to have been issued in
single-sided form, but the control numbers appear on the labels, and they are included for the
sake of completeness.
Issues of the recordings with other Victor catalog numbers, as well as issues on other labels
manufactured by Victor or RCA-Victor, are listed beneath the matrix data in the discography.
“His Master’s Voice” was also printed on the labels of records issued by the Canadian affiliate
of the Victor Company. Some Victor matrices listed in this discography were later reissued on
labels like Bluebird, Electradisk, Montgomery Ward, and Aurora (Canada) at greatly reduced
prices in the 1930s. The names of the artists were sometimes disguised on these reissues.
Two indexes, listings of performers and titles, can be found at the end of the discography. All
entries are keyed to catalog numbers.
— xxvii —
Victor 20000 – 21000 Series
Data are shown as they appear in the ledgers, except as noted in
the Introduction; label copy may vary in some instances.
* Indicates use of a transcribed master.
20000 Always (Irving Berlin; Arr. Jesse Crawford)
Crawford, Jesse - organ
BVE-34569- 4 25-Feb-26 28-May-26 to 1931 Chicago
HMV: 9708
20000 Dinah (Harry Akst)
Crawford, Jesse - organ
BVE-34570- 2 26-Feb-26 28-May-26 to 1931 Chicago
HMV: 9709
20001 Boston fancy - (also labeled “Barn dance on the mountain - Part II”) -
Formation of danceFormation of dance
Formation of danceFormation of dance
Formation of dance
Mellie Dunham and his Orchestra, Mellie Dunham - director
Noble, N.A. - cello and caller
Piano and violin (NL)
BVE-34344- 7 26-Jan-26 28-May-26 to 1934 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8137
HMV: 5-955
20001 Rippling waves (Mellie Dunham) -
Mellie Dunham and his Orchestra, Mellie Dunham - director
Noble, N.A. - cello
Piano and violin (NL)
BVE-34440- 2 26-Jan-26 28-May-26 to 1934 Camden
HMV: 5-954
20002 Poor papa (He’s got nothing at all) (Billy Rose; Harry Woods) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Edward T. King - director
Aaronson, Irving - vocal; Cornwell, Frank - vocal; Saxe, Phil - vocal
BVE-35235- 2 24-Mar-26 7-May-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5-949, EA57, R7553
20002 Wimmin aaah! (Bud Green; Harry Warren; Dan Dougherty) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Edward T. King - director
Saxe, Phil - vocal
BVE-35220- 4 19-Mar-26 7-May-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5-948, EA67, R7553
20003 Everything’s gonna be all right (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Coon-Sanders Original Night-Hawk Orchestra
Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-35031- 1 9-Mar-26 7-May-26 to 1928 Chicago
HMV: 5-953
20003 Talkin to the moon (Billy Baskette) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians
BVE-34737- 2 23-Mar-26 7-May-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 5-952, R7531
20004 In the middle of the night (Billy Rose; Walter Donaldson)
Waring, Tom - vocal and piano
BVE-34739- 3 30-Mar-26 7-May-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2509 Zonophone: 2781
20004 What can I say (After I say I’m sorry)? (Walter Donaldson; Abe Lyman)
Waring, Tom - vocal and piano
Gardner, Earl - cornet
BVE-34736- 6 30-Mar-26 7-May-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2508 Zonophone: 2781
— 1 —
20005 Carmen, Ohio (Fred A. Cornell; Spanish chant) - “Alma mater”
Ohio State University Glee Club, Karl Hoenig - director (24 men)
BVE-34980- 5 26-Mar-26 2-Apr-26 to 1944
Regional release
20005 Fight the team across the field (W.A. Dougherty, Jr.) + College days (J.M. Boob)
Ohio State University Quartet, Karl Hoenig - director:
Bush, C.D. - vocal; Schneider, D. - vocal; Studabaker, G.W. - vocal; Worthy, M.L. - vocal
Shield, Leroy - piano
BVE-34981- 1 26-Mar-26 2-Apr-26 to 1944
Regional release
20006 Dreamy Carolina moon (Evans Lloyd; Erwin R. Schmidt) -
Jack Chapman’s Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-34042- 1 17-Dec-25 6-Apr-26 to 1928 Chicago
HMV: 5-871
20006 Only a broken string of pearls (Ray Hibbler; Jerry Sullivan) -
Troubadours, The, Edward T. King - director
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-34345- 4 20-Jan-26 6-Apr-26 to 1928 New York
20007 No more worryin’ (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson; Jay Mills) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-35245- 2 26-Mar-26 14-May-26 to 1940 New York
HMV: 5-968, AM408, B5065, EA60, R7559 Zonophone: AE1710
20007 Valencia (Lucien Boyer; Jacques Charles; José Padilla) - “A song of Spain”
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-35242- 8 30-Mar-26 14-May-26 to 1940 New York
20008 One, two, three for Eli (Harry Shilkret)
- March - March
- March - March
- March
University of Yale Band and Male Chorus (28 males), Roland B. Guild - director
BVE-34961- 4 22-Mar-26 8-Apr-26 to 1941
Regional release
New Haven, CT
20008 Yale Medley, No. 1 - Down the field + Whoop it up + Bingo + Bull dog march
University of Yale Band, Roland B. Guild - director
BVE-34962- 2 22-Mar-26 8-Apr-26 to 1941
Regional release
New Haven, CT
HMV: 4-402
20009 Bright college years
University of Yale Band, Roland B. Guild - director
BVE-34964- 1 22-Mar-26 8-Apr-26 to 1940
Regional release
New Haven, CT
Victor: V-9196
20009 Yale Medley, No. 2
University of Yale Band, Roland B. Guild - director
BVE-34963- 4 22-Mar-26 8-Apr-26 to 1940
Regional release
New Haven, CT
HMV: 4-403
20010 In my gondola (Bud Green; Harry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-34744- 4 2-Apr-26 14-May-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 5-969, EG196, R4715
20010 Just a cottage small (By a waterfall) (James Frederick Hanley) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-34738- 3 24-Mar-26 14-May-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 5-970, EG196, R7567
20011 Cavalleria Rusticana (Pietro Mascagni): Intermezzo
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-4050-23 10-May-26 1-Oct-26 to Nov-50 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6027, Pict-Ur-Music 0143
HMV: 6-616, AM500, EG352, B2377, K5177 Zonophone: AE1898
20000 / 21000 SERIES 3
20011 Tales of Hoffmann, The (Jacques Offenbach) - “Barcarolle”
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-4963-10 23-Mar-26 1-Oct-26 to Nov-50 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6027, Pict-Ur-Music 0107
HMV: 6-617, AM500, EG352, B2377, K5177 Zonophone: AE1898
20012 Castles in the Air (Raymond W. Peck; Percy Wenrich): Lantern of love
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor;
Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor; Stanley, James - baritone
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-34921- 3 1-Mar-26 8-Apr-26 to 1928
Regional release
HMV: 4-4221
20012 Good night (I’ll see you in the morning) (Carl Hohengarten; William Roettger; Paul Small)
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor;
Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor; Stanley, James - baritone
Bourdon, Rosario - piano
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-34922-14 2-Apr-26 8-Apr-26 to 1928
Regional release
HMV: 4-4222, B2321
20013 On ma journey (Arr. Edward Boatner)
Robeson, Paul - bass
Brown, Lawrence - piano
BVE-34439- 3 25-Jan-26 28-May-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2517, B2326
20013 Sometimes I feel like a motherless child (Negro spiritual; Arr. Lawrence Brown)
Robeson, Paul - bass
Brown, Lawrence - piano
BVE-34077- 2 7-Jan-26 28-May-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2516, B2326
20014 Blessed assurance (Fanny J. Crosby; Mrs. J.F. Knapp)
Love, Mark - baritone
White, Lew - organ
BVE-32593- 3 12-May-25 28-May-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2252
20014 Ring the bells of heaven (William O. Cushing; George F. Root)
Love, Mark - baritone
White, Lew - organ
BVE-32591- 4 12-May-25 28-May-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2227
20015 “Nothing else to do” But sit around and think about you (Roy Bergers; Joe Goodwin;
Larry Shay) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Russo and Fiorito’s Oriole Orchestra, Dan A. Russo - director and violin
Fisher, Mark - vocal
BVE-35055- 2 12-Mar-26 25-Jun-26 to 1928 Chicago
HMV: 6-506
20015 Sittin’ around (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Joe L. Sanders) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Original Night-Hawk Orchestra
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal
BVE-34063- 8 9-Mar-26 25-Jun-26 to 1928 Chicago
HMV: 6-505, B5091, EG211, K3566
20016 Night of love, A (Buddy G. de Sylva; Larry Spier) -
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-35287- 2 6-Apr-26 21-May-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 5-980, B5069, R7563
20016 Reaching for the moon (Benny Davis; Jesse Greer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-35288- 1 6-Apr-26 21-May-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 5-981, B5082, EG191, R7563
20017 Georgianna (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry Akst) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-35249- 4 29-Mar-26 21-May-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5-965, AM407, B5064, K3482, R7493 Zonophone: AE1646
20017 Tentin’ down in Tennessee (Richard Howard; Harry Woods) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-35246- 2 26-Mar-26 21-May-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5-941, K3483 Zonophone: AE1732
20018 In the middle of the night (Billy Rose; Walter Donaldson) -
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra, Edwin J. McEnelly and Edward T. King - directors
BVE-34687- 2 8-Mar-26 28-May-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5-973
20018 Someone to love (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito) -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal; Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-34743- 1 1-Apr-26 28-May-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 5-972
20019 Lulu Belle (Leo Robin; Richard Myers) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Grofé, Ferde - piano; Perella, Harry - piano
BVE-35236- 2 24-Mar-26 28-May-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5-937, K5107 Zonophone: AE1682
20019 No foolin’ (Gene Buck; James Frederick Hanley)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From Ziegfeld’s “Palm Beach Nights”
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-35241- 2 25-Mar-26 28-May-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5-939, AM407, B5084, EG212, K5107, R7559 Zonophone: AE1732
20020 Mountain blues (Jimmy Smith; Harry Holden)
- Listed in ledger as “Smith and Holden Blues” - Listed in ledger as “Smith and Holden Blues”
- Listed in ledger as “Smith and Holden Blues” - Listed in ledger as “Smith and Holden Blues”
- Listed in ledger as “Smith and Holden Blues”
Smith, Jimmy - harmonica
Holden, Harry - guitar
BVE-35254- 2 31-Mar-26 25-Jun-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9714
20020 Southern Melody Soft Shoe Dance: Old Kentucky home (Stephen Collins Foster) + Old black Joe
(Stephen Collins Foster) + Swanee River (Stephen Collins Foster)
Smith, Jimmy - harmonica
Holden, Harry - guitar
BVE-35255- 3 31-Mar-26 25-Jun-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9713
20021 Calling thee (Fanny J. Crosby; Charles H. Gabriel)
Asher, Virginia (Mrs. William) - contralto; Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-33496- 1 2-Nov-25 25-Jun-26 to 1940 Camden
HMV: 4-4180
20021 When I look in his face (Lizzie de Armond; Charles H. Gabriel)
Asher, Virginia (Mrs. William) - contralto; Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-33763- 3 9-Nov-25 25-Jun-26 to 1940 Camden
HMV: 4-4185
20021 NR To-morrow mornin’ (J. Russel Robinson; Jack Little; Addy Britt)
American Quartet: Chalmers, Donald - bass; Murray, Billy - tenor; Porter, Steve C. - baritone;
Ryan, John - tenor
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-33773- 2 10-Nov-25
Not released
HMV: 4-4189
20022 Hawaiian sunset (F.W. Vandersloot)
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Green, George Hamilton - xylophone; Green, Joe - xylophone
BVE-34388- 3 2-Feb-26 28-May-26 to 1944 New York
HMV: 5-975, AM624, B2328, EG210, K3481, R7477 Zonophone: AE3525
20000 / 21000 SERIES 5
20022 Sweet Hawaiian dreams (Arthur Coleman)
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Green, George Hamilton - xylophone; Green, Joe - xylophone
BVE-34387- 3 2-Feb-26 28-May-26 to 1944 New York
HMV: 5-974, AM624,B2328, EG210, K3481, R7477 Zonophone: AE3525
20023 Slippery elm (Boyd Senter; Arr. Elmer Schoebel) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Art Landry and his Orchestra, Art Landry - director
BVE-33657- 3 6-Jan-26 28-May-26 to 1928 Camden
Victor: 20039
- Canadian release
HMV: 5-977, K5004
20023 Sugar foot stomp (Joe “King” Oliver; Louis Armstrong)
Fred Hamm’s Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Hamm, Fred - vocal
BVE-34039- 3 17-Dec-25 28-May-26 to 1928 Chicago
HMV: 5-976, AM619, B5173, EG408, K5437
20024 She’s a corn-fed Indiana girl (But she’s mamma to me) (Fran Frey; Eddie Kilfeather;
George Olsen) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-34333- 2 15-Jan-26 28-May-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5-986
20024 Too bad (Elmer Schoebel) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
BVE-34602- 1 5-Feb-26 28-May-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5-987, K3597
20025 All that she is, is an old-fashioned girl (Just one in a million to-day) (Richard Howard)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-34955- 8 2-Apr-26 28-May-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-2519
20025 Don’t steal daddy’s medal (Salmo Adler; Charles Tobias; Jack Glogau) -
“The burglar and the child”
Burr, Henry - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - piano
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-34954- 2 17-Mar-26 28-May-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-2520
20026 Evening chimes (Carl Heins, Op. 201)
Neapolitan Trio, Bruno Reibold - director: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp;
Schmidt, Alexander - violin; Reitz, William H. - vibraphone
BVE-14186- 5 11-Feb-26 29-Oct-26 to 1940 Camden
HMV: 8467, FK84, R8973
20026 Woodland echoes (A.P. Wyman, Op. 34)
Neapolitan Trio, Bruno Reibold - director: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp;
Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-13869- 8 25-Nov-25 29-Oct-26 to 1940 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-219, Montgomery Ward M-6044, Pict-Ur-Music 0123
HMV: 8447, FK84, R8973
20027 Honolulu march
Ferera, Frank - Hawaiian guitar; Paaluki, John K. - Hawaiian guitar
BVE-34350- 2 22-Jan-26 12-Nov-26 to 1944 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0429
HMV: 8469, B2417, EG2062, R8965
20027 Kohala march
Ferera, Frank - Hawaiian guitar; Paaluki, John K. - Hawaiian guitar
BVE-34656- 2 1-Mar-26 12-Nov-26 to 1944 New York
HMV: 8468, B2417, EG2062, R8965
20028 Wailana (Jack Allau)
- Waltz - Waltz
- Waltz - Waltz
- Waltz
- “Drowsy waters”
Ferera, Frank - Hawaiian guitar; Paaluki, John K. - Hawaiian guitar
BVE-25447-11 2-Dec-25 29-Oct-26 to 1944 New York
HMV: 8450
20028 Hilo - Hawaiian march or one-step
Ferera, Frank - Hawaiian guitar; Paaluki, John K. - Hawaiian guitar
BVE-33846- 4 2-Dec-25 29-Oct-26 to 1944 New York
HMV: 8449
20029 Could I? I certainly could (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Sid Sydney’s Orchestra (International Novelty Orchestra), Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-34771- 7 22-Apr-26 4-Jun-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5-983
20029 Girl Friend, The (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): The girl friend -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Murphy, Larry - vocal
BVE-35336- 4 22-Apr-26 4-Jun-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5-982, B5317
20030 My bundle of love (George Price; Abner Silver)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Raderman, Louis - violin; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-34111- 3 2-Dec-25 4-Jun-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2436, B2359
20030 Thanks for the buggy ride (Jules Buffano)
Crumit, Frank - tenor and ukulele
Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-35310- 2 13-Apr-26 4-Jun-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2518, B2325, EG669
20031 Gimme a li’l kiss, will ya, huh? (Roy Turk; Jack Smith; Maceo Pinkard) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-34798- 1 23-Apr-26 4-Jun-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 5-984, B5080, EA65, K3564, R7561 Zonophone: AE1836
20031 Lonesome and sorry (Benny Davis; Con Conrad) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra
Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor; Stanley, James - baritone
BVE-34799- 1 23-Apr-26 4-Jun-26 to 1931 Camden
Victor: 79866
HMV: 5-985, EA76 Zonophone: AE2284
20032 Sam ‘n Henry at the dentist (Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden)
Sam ‘n’ Henry: Correll, Charles J. - comic - As “Sam”; Gosden, Freeman F. - comic - As “Henry”
BVE-35329- 1 20-Apr-26 25-Jun-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 1613
20032 Sam ‘phoning his sweetheart ‘Liza in Birmingham (Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden)
Sam ‘n’ Henry: Correll, Charles J. - comic - As “Sam”; Gosden, Freeman F. - comic - As “Henry”
BVE-35328- 3 20-Apr-26 25-Jun-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 1612
20033 Love bound (Harry David Kerr; Carl Rupp) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-33659- 3 7-Jan-26 25-Jun-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 5-990, B5089, K3610
20033 Roses (Addy Britt; Charles Tobias; Henry H. Tobias) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra
BVE-34796- 1 22-Apr-26 25-Jun-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 5-997, K3564, R7561
20000 / 21000 SERIES 7
20034 He ain’t done right by Nell (Dick Howard; Mack Gallagher; Jimmy Gallagher) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Saxe, Phil - vocal; Stanley, Cliff “Red” - vocal
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-35234- 6 27-Apr-26 11-Jun-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-501
20034 Spring is here (George J. Bennett; Sam Carlton) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Saxe, Phil - vocal; Stanley, Cliff “Red” - vocal
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-35348- 5 27-Apr-26 11-Jun-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-500, B5135, EG325
20035 Katinka (Otto Hauerbach; Rudolf Friml): Allah’s holiday
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-35290- 2 7-Apr-26 27-Aug-26 to 1944 New York
HMV: 6-513, AM625, B2336, K5198
20035 Neapolitan nights (James S. Zamecnik)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-35309- 4 23-Apr-26 27-Aug-26 to 1944 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0430
HMV: 6-512, AM625, B2336, K5198
20036 Lohengrin (Richard Wagner; Arr. Mark Andrews): Wedding march
Andrews, Mark - pipe organ
BVE-35412- 7 24-Apr-26 11-Jun-26 to Nov-50 Camden
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0152
HMV: 9716, HN472, R9231
20036 Midsummer Night’s Dream (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Op. 61) - Wedding march
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-34772- 9 19-Apr-26 11-Jun-26 to Nov-50 Camden
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0153
HMV: 9717, HN472, R9231
20037 Black eyes (Russian folk song; Arr. Nathaniel Shilkret)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-35289- 3 7-Apr-26 25-Jun-26 to Nov-50 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6031
HMV: 5-999, AM626, B2362, EG200, K3593
20037 Two guitars (Russian folk song; Arr. Harry Horlick)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-35308- 1 13-Apr-26 25-Jun-26 to Nov-50 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6031, Pict-Ur-Music 0110
HMV: 5-998, AM626, B2362, EG200, GW610, K3593, R8827
20038 I’d climb the highest mountain (If I knew I’d find you) (Lew Brown; Sidney Clare)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-34684- 1 5-Mar-26 11-Jun-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2540, B2319
20038 I don’t believe it, but say it again (Harry Richman; Abner Silver)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Silver, Abner - piano
BVE-34399- 4 5-Feb-26 11-Jun-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2539, B2319
20039 Static strut (Jack Yellen; Phil Wall) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Original Memphis Five (NL) - clarinet, cornet, piano, traps and trombone
BVE-35324- 5 16-Apr-26 25-Jun-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-504, K5346
20039 Tampeekoe (Louis Panico; Elmer Schoebel) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Original Memphis Five (NL) - clarinet, cornet, piano, traps and trombone
BVE-35325- 3 16-Apr-26 25-Jun-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-503, R4811
20039 Can. Slippery elm (Boyd Senter; Arr. Elmer Schoebel) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Art Landry and his Orchestra, Art Landry - director
BVE-33657- 3 6-Jan-26 Canadian release Camden
Victor: 20023
HMV: 5-977, K5004
20040 Pennsylvania Band march (Roland D. Seitz) + Fight on, Pennsylvania (David B. Zoob)
University of Pennsylvania Band, Adolph Vogel - director
BVE-35138- 3 28-Apr-26 6-May-26 to 1947+
Regional release
Camden - Church
20040 Red and Blue, The (Westervelt; Goeckel) + Hang Jeff Davis + Hail Pennsylvania (Dilley)
University of Pennsylvania Band, Adolph Vogel - director
Vocal by band members
BVE-35139- 4 28-Apr-26 6-May-26 to 1947+
Regional release
Camden - Church
20041 Come, fill your glasses + Yard by yard
Williams College Glee Club - 7 first tenors, 6 second tenors, 5 first basses, 6 second basses
Williams College Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35285- 2 6-Apr-26 7-May-26 to 1931
Regional release
New York
20041 Mountains, The (Washington Gladden ’59)
Williams College Glee Club - 7 first tenors, 6 second tenors, 5 first basses, 6 second basses
Williams College Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35286- 2 6-Apr-26 7-May-26 to 1931
Regional release
New York
20042 Williams College Songs (Arr. W.K. Howe) - Part 1 - Introducing: ‘Neath the shadow
of the hills + Jolly class + Our mother
Williams College Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35283- 3 6-Apr-26 7-May-26 to 1931
Regional release
New York
20042 Williams College songs - Part 2 - Introducing: Keep those golden gates wide + Come and
raise a song to alma mater + Here’s to the health of Eph Williams + The royal purple
Williams College Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35284- 3 6-Apr-26 7-May-26 to 1931
Regional release
New York
20043 Chant of the eagle dance
Hopi Indian Chanters (5 male voices)
Drum (NL)
BVE-35253- 1 30-Mar-26 25-Jun-26 to May-47 New York
Victor: 45-5072
HMV: 4681
20043 Chant of the snake dance
Hopi Indian Chanters (5 male voices)
Drum (NL)
BVE-35252- 2 30-Mar-26 25-Jun-26 to May-47 New York
HMV: 4682
20044 Bye, bye blackbird (Mort Dixon; Ray Henderson)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Cello, piano and violin, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35354- 1 29-Apr-26 18-Jun-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2544, B2345
20044 You gotta know how to love ‘em (Bud Green; Harry Warren)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Cello, piano and violin, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35353- 2 29-Apr-26 18-Jun-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2543, B2350
20045 I’d climb the highest mountain (If I knew I’d find you) (Lew Brown; Sidney Clare)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn’s Orchestra
BVE-35373- 2 6-May-26 18-Jun-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-508, EA66, R7465
20045 At peace with the world (Irving Berlin) -
Roger Wolfe Kahn’s Orchestra
Burr, Henry - tenor
BVE-35372- 3 6-May-26 18-Jun-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-507, B5088, EA66, K5089
20000 / 21000 SERIES 9
20046 I’m in love with you, that’s why (Mort Dixon; Raymond Henderson) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Perella, Harry - celeste
BVE-35237- 4 24-Mar-26 18-Jun-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5-938, AM407, B5084, EG212 Zonophone: AE1682
20046 Sweet southern breeze (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Russo and Fiorito’s Oriole Orchestra, Dan A. Russo - director and violin
Fisher, Mark - vocal
BVE-34591- 8 12-Mar-26 18-Jun-26 to 1928 Chicago
HMV: 6-509, B5114
20047 Honeybunch (Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
Buckwalter, Charles - vocal; Groff, Elwood - vocal; Masterman, Frank - vocal
BVE-35366- 5 4-May-26 18-Jun-26 to 1928 New York
Victor: 79865
HMV: 6-510, B5089
20047 I found a round-a-bout way to heaven (Harry de Costa; Harry Richman; Abner Silver) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35367- 5 4-May-26 18-Jun-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-511
20048 Bohemian Girl, The (Michael Balfe): Then you’ll remember me
Dolin, Max - violin
Schwartzamann, A. - piano
PBVE- 187- 2 27-Apr-26 17-May-26 to 1931+
Regional release
20048 Student Prince in Heidelberg, The (Sigmund Romberg): Serenade
Dolin, Max - violin
Schwartzamann, A. - piano
PBVE- 167- 7 27-Apr-26 17-May-26 to 1931+
Regional release
20049 Lay my head beneath a rose (W.G. Madison; Grant Falkenstein)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Black and his Orchestra
Lenington, Drury - vocal
PBVE- 173- 4 30-Apr-26 17-May-26 to 1931+
Regional release
20049 Prisoner’s song, The (Guy Massey) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Black and his Orchestra
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
PBVE- 174- 5 30-Apr-26 17-May-26 to 1931+
Regional release
20050 Blinky moon bay (Haven Gillespie; George A. Little) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ben Black and his Orchestra, Ben Black - director and banjo
Hinds, Nina - vocal; Leonard, Pearl - vocal
PBVE- 189- 3 28-Apr-26 17-May-26 to 1928
Regional release
20050 Here comes Emmaline (Charles O’Flynn; A. Fred Phillips; Al Sherman)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Ben Black and his Orchestra
Black, Ben - banjo
PBVE- 188- 6 30-Apr-26 17-May-26 to 1931+
Regional release
20051 Lay my head beneath a rose (W.G. Madison; Grant Falkenstein) - A ballad”
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Cello, piano and violin - Leroy Shield - director
PBVE- 194- 3 1-May-26 17-May-26 to 1931+
Regional release
HMV: 6-2563 Zonophone: 2864
20051 Why do I always remember? (Maurice J. Gunsky; Morton H. Bories; Jack Coakley) -
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Cello, piano and violin - Leroy Shield - director
PBVE- 195- 2 1-May-26 17-May-26 to 1931+
Regional release
HMV: 6-2562 Zonophone: 2864
20052 Moonlight and roses (Edwin Lemare; Ben Black; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”)
Hinds, Nina - vocal; Leonard, Pearl - vocal
MacDonald, Peggy - piano
PBVE- 197- 2 2-May-26 17-May-26 to 1931+
Regional release
20052 Sandman lullaby (Coleman Goetz; Billy Baskette; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”)
Hinds, Nina - vocal; Leonard, Pearl - vocal
Shield, Leroy - piano
PBVE- 196- 3 2-May-26 17-May-26 to 1931+
Regional release
20053 Stanford forever (E.R. Flint)
- March - March
- March - March
- March
University of Stanford Band, Prof. Earnest Whitney Martin - director
PBVE- 185- 1 25-Apr-26 17-May-26 to 1931+
Regional release
20053 Stanford songs - Medley: Burial song + Come join the band + One, two, three, four +
Hail alma mater
University of Stanford Band, Prof. Earnest Whitney Martin - director
PBVE- 186- 3 25-Apr-26 17-May-26 to 1931+
Regional release
20054 Philadelphia (All the time) (Herman Dieck; Joseph Murphy; Charles P. Shisler) -
Sesqui-Centennial song -
March two-stepMarch two-step
March two-stepMarch two-step
March two-step
Pryor’s Band (40 men, including eleven Victor men), Arthur Pryor - director
Male Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges):
Franklyn Baur; Clifford Cairns; Philip W. Cooke;
Fred Homer; Lewis James; Lambert Murphy; Harold Simonds; Charles W. Stahl; John Vandersloot
BVE-35456- 3 13-May-26 25-Jun-26 to 1940 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-449
20054 Sesqui-Centennial Exposition, The (John Philip Sousa) -
Sousa’s Band (Pryor’s Band, 40 men, including eleven Victor men), Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-35455- 3 13-May-26 25-Jun-26 to 1940 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-450, AE1815, B2361, EG409, K5118
20055 In the evening by the moonlight (James Bland)
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor;
Stanley, James - baritone
Reibold, Bruno - piano Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-35444- 3 4-May-26 25-Jun-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4238
20055 You’re the flower of my heart, sweet Adeline (Richard H. Girard; Harry Armstrong)
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor;
Stanley, James - baritone
Pasternack, Josef - piano Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-34904- 7 1-Apr-26 25-Jun-26 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4810
HMV: 4-4237
20056 I wonder what’s become of Joe? (Roy Turk; Maceo Pinkard)
Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35395- 1 12-May-26 25-Jun-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 3-3092
20056 What a man (Walter Donaldson; Ralph Williams)
Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35393- 3 12-May-26 25-Jun-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 3-3091
20057 At peace with the world (Irving Berlin)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - piano Small orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-35457- 3 13-May-26 25-Jun-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4239 Zonophone: 2773
20057 Sally’s not the same old Sally (Al Bernard; Sam H. Stept)
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor;
Stanley, James - baritone
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director and piano
BVE-35421- 6 4-May-26 25-Jun-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4240
20000 / 21000 SERIES 11
20058 Kitty Wells (Thomas Sloan; Arr. Henry Dawes) - “The moonshiner’s lament”
- -
- -
Composers listed as Dawes, Hughes in ledgerComposers listed as Dawes, Hughes in ledger
Composers listed as Dawes, Hughes in ledgerComposers listed as Dawes, Hughes in ledger
Composers listed as Dawes, Hughes in ledger
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Kellner, Murray - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-33647- 3 21-Dec-25 25-Jun-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2452
20058 Nellie Dare and Charley Brooks (Foster; King)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Kellner, Murray - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-33648- 1 21-Dec-25 25-Jun-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2453
20059 Somebody’s lonely (Benny Davis; Joe Gold) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Burr, Henry - tenor
BVE-35399- 4 13-May-26 25-Jun-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-514, K3566, R7565 Zonophone: AE1713
20059 You gotta know how to love ‘em (Bud Green; Harry Warren) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Aaronson, Irving - vocal; Saliers, Harold - vocal; Saxe, Phil - vocal
BVE-35516-10 13-May-26 25-Jun-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-515, EA129, K5064
20060 Hello, aloha, how are you? (Abel Baer; L. Wolfe Gilbert) - Hawaiian
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-35608- 2 14-May-26 25-Jun-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-516
20060 Let’s make up (Jack Golden; Harry Albert) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-35607- 4 14-May-26 25-Jun-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-517, AM617, B5097, R7523
20061 Give me today (And you can have to-morrow) (Paul Fitswarth; Harold Bell)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Henry Halstead and his Orchestra
PBVE- 215- 3 12-May-26 26-Jul-26 to 1928
Regional release
Los Angeles
20061 Roses brought me you, The (Irving Berlin) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Henry Halstead and his Orchestra
Leitch, Craig - vocal
PBVE- 216- 3 12-May-26 26-Jul-26 to 1928
Regional release
Los Angeles
20062 Dream of love and you (Glenhall Taylor) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Henry Halstead and his Orchestra
Leitch, Craig - vocal
PBVE- 218- 2 12-May-26 26-Jul-26 to 1928
Regional release
Los Angeles
20062 Patsy: If I were king -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Henry Halstead and his Orchestra
Leitch, Craig - vocal
PBVE- 217- 3 12-May-26 26-Jul-26 to 1928
Regional release
Los Angeles
20063 Hi-ho the merrio (As long as she loves me) (Lew Brown; Benny Davis; Con Conrad)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson and Edward T. King - directors
Saxe, Phil - vocal; Stanley, Cliff “Red” - vocal
BVE-35519- 3 15-May-26 2-Jul-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-530, EA70, K3596
20063 What good is “Good morning”? (There’s more good in “Good night”) (Sam M. Lewis;
Joe Young; Henry Santly)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Aaronson, Irving - vocal; Saliers, Harold - vocal; Saxe, Phil - vocal
BVE-35517- 9 13-May-26 2-Jul-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-529, EA70
20064 No foolin’ (Gene Buck; James Frederick Hanley) - From “Ziegfeld’s “Palm Beach Nights”
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-35386- 5 10-May-26 2-Jul-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4242, AM417, B2334, EG237, K5098, R6851 Zonophone: AE2316
20064 Talking to the moon (George Little; Billy Baskette)
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-35609- 1 17-May-26 2-Jul-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4241, AM417, B2334, EG237, K5021, R6851
20065 Any ice to-day, Lady? (Pat Ballard) - “A collegiate razz-berry
Murray, Billy - tenor; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Banta, Frank E. - piano Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-35473- 3 21-May-26 2-Jul-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4243, B2338
20065 Whadda you say we get together (Roy Turk) -
x trot songx trot song
x trot songx trot song
x trot song
Murray, Billy - tenor; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Shilkret, Jack - piano Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-35468- 3 19-May-26 2-Jul-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4244, B2338
20066 Raquel Meller - Medley
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
- Introducing: My toreador (El relicario - José Padilla) +
Poor scentless flower (Flor del mal - F. Wolter) + Your wonderful lips (Nena - I. Casamoz) +
Who’ll buy my violets? (La violetera - José Padilla)
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35600- 3 13-May-26 30-Jul-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-526, B5107, EA71, R7465 Zonophone: AE1713
20066 Valentine (Albert Willimetz; Henri Christiné) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-35612- 4 18-May-26 30-Jul-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-525, R4709
20067 Cow boy love song (Carl T. Sprague)
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor and guitar
BVE-33145- 3 5-Aug-25 30-Jul-26 to 1940 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-418, Bluebird B-4957, Montgomery Ward M-4468
HMV: 6-2553
20067 Following the cow trail - “An old cow boy ballad”
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor and guitar
BVE-33143- 2 5-Aug-25 30-Jul-26 to 1940 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-418, Bluebird B-4957, Montgomery Ward M-4468
HMV: 6-2554
20068 Nobody knows de trouble I’ve seen (Negro spiritual; Arr. Lawrence Brown)
Robeson, Paul - bass
Brown, Lawrence - piano
BVE-34438- 1 25-Jan-26 30-Jul-26 to Nov-50 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6055
HMV: 6-2555
20068 Swing low, sweet chariot (Negro spiritual; Arr. Lawrence Brown)
Robeson, Paul - bass
Brown, Lawrence - piano
BVE-33119- 3 7-Jan-26 30-Jul-26 to Nov-50 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6055
HMV: 6-2268, B2339
20069 To-night’s my night with baby (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer; Bobby Buttenuth)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-35351- 3 28-Apr-26 9-Jul-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2546, B2337
20000 / 21000 SERIES 13
20069 When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin’ along (Harry Woods)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
Eleasser, Fred - whistler
BVE-35350- 3 28-Apr-26 9-Jul-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2545, B2337 Zonophone: AE2074
20070 Am I wasting my time on you? (Howard E. Johnson; Irving Bibo)
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Reibold, Bruno - celeste; Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-35479- 1 26-May-26 9-Jul-26 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2552 Zonophone: 2780
20070 I wish I had my old gal back again (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager; Lewis Pollack)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-35476- 3 25-May-26 9-Jul-26 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2551
20071 Mountain greenery (Richard Rodgers) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
- From “Garrick’s”Gaities”
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35633- 2 27-May-26 9-Jul-26 to 1929 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-5313
HMV: 6-527, AM906, B5313, K3557, R7523
20071 Queen High (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lewis E. Gensler): Cross your heart -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Burr, Henry - tenor
BVE-35398- 7 27-May-26 9-Jul-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-528, EA109
20072 Sweet Rosie O’Grady (Maude Nugent)
Shannon Quartet (The Revelers): Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass;
James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Rosa, Joe - harmonica; Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-35371- 9 24-May-26 30-Jul-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4245 Zonophone: 4253
20072 Will you love me in December as you do in May? (J.J. Walker; Ernest R. Ball)
Shannon Quartet (The Revelers): Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass;
James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-35368- 3 4-May-26 30-Jul-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4246 Zonophone: 4253
20073 Bunny, The + Pretty pussy + Little chickens and snow birds + The squirrel + Gold fish +
Bow bow wow - From “Songs for the Little Child” (Clara Belle Baker)
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-35134- 3 27-Apr-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden
20073 Sing, bluebird, sing + The butterfly + Robin red breast + Raindrops + Pussy willow +
The woodpecker + Jack Frost - From “Songs for the Little Child” (Clara Belle Baker;
Harmonized by Caroline Kohlsaat) -
Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-35135- 2 27-Apr-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden
20074 Burgundy (Tommy Malie; Jimmy Steiger; Harry Richman) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-35629- 3 26-May-26 16-Jul-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-539
20074 Chérie, I love you (Lillian Rosedale Goodman) -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-35521- 5 2-Jun-26 16-Jul-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-538
20075 At peace with the world (Irving Berlin)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer pipe-organ
BVE-35080- 4 30-May-26 16-Jul-26 to 1944 Chicago
HMV: 9723
20075 Valencia (José Padilla) - A song of Spain” -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer pipe-organ
BVE-35079- 4 30-May-26 16-Jul-26 to 1944 Chicago
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0154
HMV: 9724
20076 As long as I have you (Earl Harbrich; Al Lewis; Howard Simon) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
Buckwalter, Charles - vocal; Groff, Elwood - vocal; Masterman, Frank - vocal
BVE-35687- 5 15-Jun-26 30-Jul-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-548, B5180, R4713
20076 Looking at the world thru rose colored glasses (Tommy Malie; Jimmy Steiger) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal; Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-35524- 3 3-Jun-26 30-Jul-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-549, B5225, R4715
20077 Let the end of the world come to-morrow (As long as you love me to-day)
(Paul Cunningham; Ernest R. Ball)
Clark, Helen - soprano; James, Lewis - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Reibold, Bruno - celeste
Small orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-35458- 4 13-May-26 16-Jul-26 to 1928 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4247
20077 Sleepy head (Benny Davis; Jessie Greer)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - piano
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-35478- 3 26-May-26 16-Jul-26 to 1928 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4248 Zonophone: 2780
20078 In a little garden (You made Paradise) (Earl Whittemore; Felico S. Iula) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-35523- 3 2-Jun-26 16-Jul-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-541, AM486, B5120, EG321, R7531 Zonophone: AE1715
20078 To-night’s my night with baby (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer; Bobby Buttenuth) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-35525- 4 3-Jun-26 16-Jul-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-540
20079 Melodies for Children - Part 1 - Cradle song (Franz Schubert) + Andantino (Thomas) +
Evening bells (Theodore Kullak) + Elfin dance (Edvard Grieg)
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
Bourdon, Rosario - piano
BVE-35424- 5 14-May-26 30-Jul-26 to Nov-50 Camden
HMV: 6-547
20079 Melodies for Children - Part 2 -
(Johannes Brahms) + Light Cavalry Overture
(Franz von Suppé) + Serenata (Moritz Moszkowski) + Tarantelle
(Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
Bourdon, Rosario - piano
BVE-35425- 7 14-May-26 30-Jul-26 to Nov-50 Camden
HMV: 6-546
20000 / 21000 SERIES 15
20080 Funiculì, funiculà (Luigi Denza) + Santa Lucia (Teodoro Cottrau) -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-35178- 3 4-Jun-26 27-Aug-26 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0160
HMV: 6-563
20080 Sailing, sailing (Marks) + Sweet and low (Joseph Barnby) -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-35177- 3 4-Jun-26 27-Aug-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 6-562
20081 Ace in the hole (Louis Panico; Elmer Schoebel) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Al Katz and his Kittens, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35510- 2 3-May-26 30-Jul-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-551, K5094, R4731
20081 Deep Henderson (Fred Rose) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Original Night-Hawk Orchestra
BVE-35034- 2 9-Mar-26 30-Jul-26 to 1928 Chicago
HMV: 6-550, AM616, B5121
20082 Girl Friend, The (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): The blue moon
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-35666- 2 8-Jun-26 23-Jul-26 to 1933 New York
Victor: 24707
HMV: 4-4250, B2541, EG238, R6853 Zonophone: AE1900
20082 Valencia (Lucien Boyer; Jacques Charles; José Padilla) - A song of Spain”
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-35653- 1 2-Jun-26 23-Jul-26 to 1933 New York
HMV: 4-4249, B2340, EG238, K3562 Zonophone: AE1755
20083 Any ice to-day, Lady? (Pat Ballard) - A collegiate razz-berry -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
McClintock, Poley - vocal
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-35522- 2 2-Jun-26 23-Jul-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-545, AM486, B5120, EG321, K5010, R7487 Zonophone: AE1715
20083 Pump song, The (Sammy Lerner; Buddy Fields; Richard A. Whiting) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson and Edward T. King - directors
Saxe, Phil - vocal
BVE-35518- 3 15-May-26 23-Jul-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-544, EA75
20084 But I do, you know I do (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35485- 2 11-Jun-26 23-Jul-26 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2559, B2349
20084 Tamiami trail (Cliff Friend; Joseph H. Santley) -Tam-i-ami”
Austin, Gene - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35487- 2 11-Jun-26 23-Jul-26 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2558, B2349
20085 Sympathy (Tom Ford, Irving Bibo) -
elty welty w
elty welty w
elty w
altz songaltz song
altz songaltz song
altz song
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35488- 2 11-Jun-26 23-Jul-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 5844, B2371
20085 When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin’ along (Harry Woods)
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35489- 4 11-Jun-26 23-Jul-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 5845, B2371
20086 In the orient (Rudy Wiedoeft; Dominico Savino) - “Dans l’orient”
Wiedoeft, Rudy - saxophone
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35625- 3 25-May-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9721, EG293 Zonophone: 2830
20086 Sérénade Badine (Jean Gabriel-Marie)
Wiedoeft, Rudy - saxophone
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35626- 4 25-May-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9722, EG293 Zonophone: 2830
20087 Jesus, rose of Sharon (Ida A. Guirey; Charles H. Gabriel)
Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-33746- 2 4-Nov-25 27-Aug-26 to 1933 Camden
HMV: 6-2390
20087 Where they never say good-bye (A.H. Ackley; B.D. Ackley)
Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-33731- 8 9-Nov-25 27-Aug-26 to 1933 Camden
HMV: 6-2388
20088 I found a round-a-bout way to heaven (Harry de Costa; Harry Richman; Abner Silver)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Owen, Delos - piano
BVE-35056- 3 26-May-26 30-Jul-26 to 1928 Chicago - Parkway Hotel
HMV: 4-4251 Zonophone: 2816
20088 That’s why I love you (Walter Donaldson; Paul Ash)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Owen, Delos - piano
BVE-35057- 1 26-May-26 30-Jul-26 to 1928 Chicago - Parkway Hotel
HMV: 4-4252 Zonophone: 2816
20089 Bye, bye blackbird (Mort Dixon; Ray Henderson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, Edward T. King - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-35693- 3 16-Jun-26 30-Jul-26 to 1929 New York
Victor: 20-2759
HMV: 6-552, B5114, K3608, R4717
20089 What’s the use of talking? (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers)
- F- F
- F- F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From “Garrick’s Gaities 1926"
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-35623- 8 4-Jun-26 30-Jul-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-553, AM906, B5313
20090 Blue bonnet, you make me feel blue (Alfred Bryan; Pete Wendling; Harry Richman)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone and mandola; Miller, Jim - tenor and guitar
BVE-35654- 1 2-Jun-26 6-Aug-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 4-4254
20090 I’m in love with you, that’s why (Mort Dixon; Raymond Henderson)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone and mandola; Miller, Jim - tenor and guitar
BVE-35655- 3 2-Jun-26 6-Aug-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 4-4253
20091 At peace with the world (Irving Berlin)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-35631- 3 26-May-26 30-Jul-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-555, B2344
20091 Lonesome and sorry (Benny Davis; Con Conrad)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-35702- 1 18-Jun-26 30-Jul-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-554, B2344
20000 / 21000 SERIES 17
20092 Bell hoppin’ blues (Walter C. Ness; J. “Kenn” Sisson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra
BVE-35250- 2 29-Mar-26 27-Aug-26 to 1940 New York
HMV: 5-971, AM408, B5065, K5146, R7481 Zonophone: AE1710
20092 St. Louis blues (W.C. Handy)
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra
BVE-35251- 2 29-Mar-26 27-Aug-26 to 1940 New York
HMV: 5-966, AM493, B5162, EG378, K5146
20093 Sam ‘n Henry at the fortune-teller’s (Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden)
Sam ‘n’ Henry: Correll, Charles J. - comic - As “Sam”; Gosden, Freeman F. - comic - As “Henry”
BVE-35073- 1 28-May-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 Chicago
HMV: 1616 Zonophone: 2831
20093 Sam’s speech at the colored lodge - Jewels of the crown(Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden)
Sam ‘n’ Henry: Correll, Charles J. - comic - As “Sam”; Gosden, Freeman F. - comic - As “Henry”
BVE-35066- 2 27-May-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 Chicago
HMV: 1615 Zonophone: 2831
20094 I’m just wild about anImal crackers (Fred Rich; Sam Coslow; Harry Link) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Aaronson, Irving - vocal; Johnston, Stanley - vocal; Saxe, Phil - vocal; Stanley,
Cliff “Red” - vocal
BVE-35712- 3 23-Jun-26 6-Aug-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-558, B5134, EA80, EG326
20094 Waffles (Fred Fischer; Al Koppel) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Saxe, Phil - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-35714- 3 23-Jun-26 6-Aug-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-559, B5134, EA80, EG326 Zonophone: AE1490
20095 Do you believe in dreams? (J. Russel Robinson; Addy Britt; Little Jack Little) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Aaronson, Irving - vocal; Cibelli, Sal - vocal; Saliers, Harold - vocal; Saxe, Phil - vocal
BVE-35720- 3 25-Jun-26 6-Aug-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-561, R7483
20095 I’m lonely without you (Bud Green; Harry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-35630- 7 21-Jun-26 6-Aug-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-560, R7483
20096 Down by the gas house (The werry woist place in town) (William Tracey; Al Piantadosi)
Murray, Billy - tenor; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Banta, Frank E. - piano; Bourdon, Rosario - piano
BVE-35164- 3 26-May-26 6-Aug-26 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4255
20096 I ate the baloney (Harry Lee)
Murray, Billy - tenor; Silver, Monroe - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35700- 2 18-Jun-26 6-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4256
20097 Good-bye Honolulu (Arr. Sonny Cunha)
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Crocov Ensemble, Leroy Shield - director - cello, flute, guitars (2), ukulele and violin
PBVE- 203- 4 14-May-26 3-Jul-26 to NL
Regional release
Los Angeles
20097 When you come back (Hiram B.K. Anahu)
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Crocov Ensemble, Leroy Shield - director - cello, flute, guitars (2), ukulele and violin
PBVE- 204- 5 14-May-26 3-Jul-26 to NL
Regional release
Los Angeles
20098 Big Parade (Alfred Dubin; Jimmy McHugh): My dream of the big parade - Part 2
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu,
Carl F. - tenor; Stanley, James - baritone
Murray, Billy - talking; Silver, Monroe - talking
Silver cannot be heard on this record although listed in the ledger and on the blue card
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-35499- 3 30-Jun-26 13-Aug-26 to 1933 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4258
20098 Prisoners sweetheart, The (Art Walsh)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Reibold, Bruno - piano Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-35477- 2 25-May-26 13-Aug-26 to 1933 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2564
20099 Just a little dance (Bernie Grossman; Paul Ash; Abe Olman) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, Edward T. King - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
Larry Murphy, not Rice, is listed on the history card as the third vocalist, Rice is listed in the ledger
BVE-35335-14 16-Jun-26 13-Aug-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-565, R7473
20099 Roses remind me of you (Benny Davis; Al Sherman; Joe Burke) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-35688- 4 28-Jun-26 13-Aug-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-564, R7473
20100 Hard-to-get Gertie (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Aaronson, Irving - vocal
BVE-35722- 1 25-Jun-26 13-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-567, B5135, EA135, EG325
20100 Katinka (Ben Russel; Henry H. Tobias) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-35732- 3 30-Jun-26 13-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-566
20101 Black bottom (Ray Henderson)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trot - x trot -
x trot - x trot -
x trot -
From “George White’s Scandals”
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35724- 5 28-Jun-26 13-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-569, AM619, B5173, EA126, EG292, EG408, K5215, R6857
Zonophone: AE1734
20101 Lucky day (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
From “George White’s Scandals”
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-35731- 4 30-Jun-26 13-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-568, AM741, B5303, EG292, K5203, R7501
20102 Hiram’s valley - Quadrille
Judge Sturdy’s Orchestra
Sturdy, Judge O. - caller
BVE-34016- 1 3-Dec-25 27-Aug-26 to 1940 St. Louis
Victor: Bluebird B-5141, Sunrise S-3222
HMV: 6-575
20102 Old Dan Tucker - Country dance
Judge Sturdy’s Orchestra
Sturdy, Judge O. - caller
BVE-34018- 3 3-Dec-25 27-Aug-26 to 1940 St. Louis
Victor: Bluebird B-5141, Sunrise S-3222
HMV: 6-574
20000 / 21000 SERIES 19
20103 Hand me down my walking cane
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-35674- 3 10-Jun-26 27-Aug-26 to 1933 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4330
HMV: 6-2565
20103 My horses ain’t hungry
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-35671- 3 9-Jun-26 27-Aug-26 to 1933 New York
HMV: 6-2566 Zonophone: 4254
20104 Sérénade (Gabriel Pierné)
Wallenstein, Alfred - cello
Wilson, Virginia (Wallenstein) - piano
BVE-35042- 6 28-May-26 27-Aug-26 to 1938 Chicago
HMV: 3-7876, EX5 Zonophone: 2847
20104 Simple confession (Francis Thomé, Op. 25) “Simple aveu(Romance sans paroles)
Wallenstein, Alfred - cello
Wilson, Virginia (Wallenstein) - piano
BVE-35033- 9 28-May-26 27-Aug-26 to 1938 Chicago
HMV: 3-7875, EX5 Zonophone: 2847
20105 Baby face (Benny Davis)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Jan Garber - director and violin
Davis, Benny - vocal
BVE-35558- 3 29-Jun-26 20-Aug-26 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 6-571
20105 That’s why I love you (Walter Donaldson; Paul Ash) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
Buckwalter, Charles - vocal; Groff, Elwood - vocal; Masterman, Frank - vocal
BVE-35745- 4 7-Jul-26 20-Aug-26 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-570, R4707
20106 Adorable (Tom Ford; Ray Wynburn) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor; Rice, Gladys - soprano
BVE-35752- 4 8-Jul-26 20-Aug-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-573, EA105, R7485
20106 You need someone to love (George Olsen; Eddie Kilfeather; Fran Frey) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen and Edward T. King - directors
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-35751- 5 8-Jul-26 20-Aug-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-572
20107 Georgianna (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry Akst)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Owen, Delos - piano
BVE-35059- 3 26-May-26 20-Aug-26 to 1930 Chicago - Parkway Hotel
HMV: 4-4261 Zonophone: 2866
20107 Here I am, broken hearted (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35486- 2 11-Jun-26 20-Aug-26 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2578
20108 Jackass blues (Art Kassel; Mel Stitzel) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Philip Spitalny and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35728- 2 29-Jun-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0115
HMV: 6-604, K5332, R4723
20108 Up and at ‘em (Jack Pettis; Al Goering)
Philip Spitalny and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35729- 2 29-Jun-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-605
20109 Old fiddler’s song, The (Walter Wallace Smith)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Kellner, Murray - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-35697- 2 17-Jun-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2576 Zonophone: EE58
20109 We sat beneath the maple on the hill (Gussie L. Davis)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Kellner, Murray - violin
BVE-35696- 3 17-Jun-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2577 Zonophone: 4296
20110 At dawning I love you (Charles Wakefield Cadman, Op. 29, No. 1)
Crawford, Jesse - organ
BVE-34572- 5 27-Feb-26 27-Aug-26 to Nov-46 Chicago
HMV: 9735
20110 Roses of Picardy (Haydn Wood)
Crawford, Jesse - organ
BVE-34027-10 24-Feb-26 27-Aug-26 to Nov-46 Chicago
HMV: 9736
20111 Birth of the blues, The (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
From “George White’s Scandals of 1926"
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-35770- 4 14-Jul-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4260, AM668, B2468, B4676, EG291, K5215, R6857
Zonophone: AE1833
20111 Lucky day (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) - From “George White’s Scandals”
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-35769- 2 14-Jul-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4259, AM668, B2504, B4676, EG291, K5215, R6857
Zonophone: AE1833, AE1900
20112 Hi-diddle-diddle (Carleton A. Coon; Hal Keidel) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen and Edward T. King - directors
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-35778- 3 16-Jul-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-588, AM616, B5121, EG313, K5034, R7479 Zonophone: AE1836
20112 Where’d you get those eyes? (Walter Donaldson) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen and Edward T. King - directors
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-35777- 4 16-Jul-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-589, EG313, K5094, R7479
20113 Barcelona (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Tolchard Evans) - “Spanish Fox trot song”
International Orchestra (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Murray, Billy - tenor
BVE-35780- 3 16-Jul-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
Victor: Aurora 36-138
HMV: 6-590
20113 On the Riviera (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Paul van Loan; Fred Rich) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
International Orchestra (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor
BVE-35781- 1 16-Jul-26 27-Aug-26 to 1931 New York
Victor: Aurora 36-138
HMV: 6-591, B5111, K5063
20000 / 21000 SERIES 21
20114 Dorothy (Clarence Gaskill)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trot x trot
x trot x trot
x trot
- From “Earl Carroll’s Vanities”
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Jan Garber - director and violin
Gifford, Jack - vocal; Garber, Jan - violin
BVE-35556- 3 29-Jun-26 3-Sep-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-608, R4727
20114 There’s a Blue Ridge in my heart “Virginia” (Alfred Bryan; Fred Phillips; Ira Shuster)
- F- F
- F- F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Jan Garber - director and violin
BVE-35557- 3 29-Jun-26 3-Sep-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-609
20115 Hello, baby (Seymore Simons; Richard A. Whiting)
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
“Hello song”
Philip Spitalny and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Looney, Dennis - vocal
BVE-35727- 4 29-Jun-26 3-Sep-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-607, EG359
20115 Only you and lonely me (Raymond Klages; Jesse Greer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Spitalny’s Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35725- 5 28-Jun-26 3-Sep-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-606, EG359
20116 Cocoanuts, The (Irving Berlin): Ting-a ling, the bells’ll ring -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35753- 3 8-Jul-26 10-Sep-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-585, B5424
20116 Why do you want to know why? (Irving Berlin) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen and Edward T. King - directors
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-35750- 4 8-Jul-26 10-Sep-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-584
20117 What, no spinich? (William Tracy; Hugh Aitkin; Dinty Moore) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Saxe, Phil - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-35721- 2 25-Jun-26 10-Sep-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-611, AM618, B5124, EA86, EG324, K5064
20117 Who wouldn’t? (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
Buckwalter, Charles - vocal; Groff, Elwood - vocal; Masterman, Frank - vocal
BVE-35746- 4 7-Jul-26 10-Sep-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-610
20118 I’ll never miss you again (Jack Partington; Mort Harris; Ben Black) -
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-35768- 4 14-Jul-26 20-Jul-26 to 1928
Regional release
New York
20118 New moon (Anson Weeks; George Tyner; Herbert B. Marple) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
Buckwalter, Charles - vocal; Groff, Elwood - vocal; Masterman, Frank - vocal
BVE-35767- 3 14-Jul-26 20-Jul-26 to 1928
Regional release
New York
20119 Rufus Lemaire’s Affairs (Harry Ruskin; Martin Broones): I can’t get over a girl like you
(Loving a boy like me) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
Murray, Billy - tenor
BVE-35788- 5 20-Jul-26 3-Sep-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-582, R7491
20119 Tenderly (Abe Lyman; Joe Dale) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
Buckwalter, Charles - vocal; Groff, Elwood - vocal; Masterman, Frank - vocal
BVE-35789- 2 20-Jul-26 3-Sep-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-583, B5163, EG383, R7491 Zonophone: AE1734
20120 I’m going to park myself in your arms (Bobby Heath; Archie Fletcher; Alex Marr) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems and Edward T. King - directors
Roades, Dusty - vocal
BVE-35592- 2 19-Jul-26 10-Sep-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-587
20120 My cuteys due at two-to two to-day (Leo Robin; Albert von Tilzer) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems and Edward T. King - directors
Gibbs, Parker - vocal
BVE-35591- 2 19-Jul-26 10-Sep-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-586, B5145, EA155, EG362
20121 Rustle of spring (Christian Sinding, Op. 32, No. 3)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Barth, Hans - piano
BVE-35448-11 5-Jun-26 1-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 5846 Zonophone: AE1849
20121 Water Scenes (Ethelbert Nevin, Op. 13, No. 4): Narcissus
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Barth, Hans - piano
BVE-35450- 3 8-May-26 1-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 5847 Zonophone: AE1849
20122 Cowboy’s dream, The (Domenic John O’Malley)
- Spr - Spr
- Spr - Spr
- Spr
ague listed in ledger as composerague listed in ledger as composer
ague listed in ledger as composerague listed in ledger as composer
ague listed in ledger as composer
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor and guitar
Dockum, C. R. - violin; McKenzie, H. J. - violin
BVE-35542- 3 23-Jun-26 26-Nov-26 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-419, Bluebird B-4958, Montgomery Ward M-4343
HMV: 6-2634
20122 Oh, bury me not on the lone prairie (H. Clemons) - “The dying cowboy”
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor and guitar
Violin (NL) - Dockum and McKenzie in studio, only one played on this record
BVE-35541- 2 22-Jun-26 26-Nov-26 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-419, Bluebird B-4958, Montgomery Ward M4060, M-4099
HMV: 6-2633
20123 How many times? (Irving Berlin)
Brox Sisters, The - vocal
Piano and violin (NL)
BVE-35791- 2 20-Jul-26 3-Sep-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4264 Zonophone: 2801
20123 Iyone, my own Iyone (Alfred Bryan; Addy Britt; Harold Leonard)
Brox Sisters, The - vocal
Guitar, piano, ukulele and violin (NL)
BVE-35790- 2 20-Jul-26 3-Sep-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4263 Zonophone: 2801
20124 Girl Friend, The (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): The girl friend
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-35948- 2 29-Jul-26 10-Sep-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-2579, B2526
20124 Mountain greenery (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers) - From “The Garrick Gaities”
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-35949- 2 29-Jul-26 10-Sep-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-2592, B2526
20125 Deep river blues (Lucile Marie Handy) - “A blues meditation”
Whitey Kaufman and his Orchestra, Whitey Kaufman - director
BVE-33608- 5 1-Feb-26 9-Aug-26 to 1929
Regional release
HMV: 5-737, B5353
20125 Liliput (Herbert Fiels; Frederick Hollaender): Tiny town -
elty Felty F
elty Felty F
elty F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Whitey Kaufman and his Orchestra, Whitey Kaufman - director
BVE-33687- 4 1-Feb-26 9-Aug-26 to 1929
Regional release
HMV: 6-861, B5353
20000 / 21000 SERIES 23
20126 For my sweetheart (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Art Landry’s Orchestra, Art Landry - director
Curtis, Dinty - vocal; Marineau, Al - vocal; Vaughan, Weston - vocal
BVE-36006- 6 30-Jul-26 17-Sep-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-613
20126 I’m walking around in circles (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Fred Phillips) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Art Landry’s Orchestra, Art Landry - director and violin
BVE-36010- 4 29-Jul-26 17-Sep-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-612
20127 Tannhäuser (Richard Wagner): Pilgrims Chorus
Victor Male Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges):
Stanley Baughman; Fred Baer; Franklyn
Baur; Henry Burr; Richard Crooks; Frank Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Wilfred Glenn; Charles Hart;
Foster House; Lewis James; Justin Lawrie; Carl Mathieu; Lambert Murphy; James Price;
Elliott Shaw; William Simmons; James Stanley
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-14445- 6 12-May-26 1-Oct-26 to Nov-50 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6063
HMV: 4684, AM633, B2376, K5051 Zonophone: AE1897
20127 Trovatore, Il (Giuseppe Verdi): Coro degli zingari “Anvil chorus
Victor Mixed Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges)
: Elsie Baker; Fred Baer; Stanley Baughman;
Franklyn Baur; A.M. Brown; Henry Burr; Richard Crooks; Frank Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Dorothy
Fox; Wilfred Glenn; Emily Stokes Hager; Charles Hart; Foster House; Jennie Kneedler-Johnson;
Justin Lawrie; Lewis James; Carl Mathieu; Ruth Montague; Lambert Murphy; James Price; Elliott
Shaw; William Simmons; James Stanley; Veronica Sweigart; M.E. Willard
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-35453- 4 12-May-26 1-Oct-26 to Nov-50 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6063
HMV: 4685, AM633, B2376, K5051 Zonophone: AE1897
20128 Maggie Murphys home (Edward Harrigan; David Braham)
Shannon Quartet: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
King, Edward T. - organ; Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-35699- 4 17-Jun-26 12-Nov-26 to 1940 New York
HMV: 4-4268
20128 Sidewalks of New York, The (Charles B. Lawlor; James W. Blake)
Shannon Quartet: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-35698- 2 17-Jun-26 12-Nov-26 to 1940 New York
HMV: 4-4267
20129 Abide with me (William Henry Monk; Arr. Mark Andrews)
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
As Franklyn Prince on reissues
BVE-30418- 5 30-Dec-25 1-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-119, Pict-Ur-Music 0142, Timely Tunes C-1567
HMV: 9688
20129 Nearer, my God, to thee (Lowell Mason; Arr. Mark Andrews)
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
As Franklyn Prince on reissues
BVE-30419- 3 30-Dec-25 1-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-119, Pict-Ur-Music 0141, Timely Tunes C-1567
HMV: 9689
20130 Humoresque (Antonín Dvorák, Op. 101, No. 7)
Venetian Trio: Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-13837-11 3-Sep-25 1-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6045, Pict-Ur-Music 0449
HMV: 8443, B2394
20130 Jocelyn (Benjamin Godard) - Berceuse “Lullaby”
Venetian Trio: Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-13835-11 8-Jun-26 1-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6045, Pict-Ur-Music 0448
HMV: 8460, B2394
20131 Hawaiian waltz medley
Ferera, Frank - Hawaiian guitar; Paaluki, John K. - Hawaiian guitar
BVE-33847- 5 20-May-26 1-Oct-26 to 1944 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0428
HMV: 8461, AM2712, AM3903, B2369, EG346, R8963 Zonophone: AE3515
20131 Kilima (Traditional) -
Ferera, Frank - Hawaiian guitar; Paaluki, John K. - Hawaiian guitar
BVE-35161- 4 20-May-26 1-Oct-26 to 1944 New York
HMV: 8462, AM2712, AM3903; B2369, EG346, R8963 Zonophone: AE3515
20132 Fairest of the fair, The (John Philip Sousa) -
Sousa’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-24690- 9 28-May-26 1-Oct-26 to Oct-56
Picture record extant
Camden - Church
Victor: 420-0219, Pict-Ur-Music 0134
HMV: 4-482, AM737, B2370, EG345, K5153, R8595 Zonophone: AE1736
20132 1 Stars and stripes forever, The (John Philip Sousa) -
Sousa’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE- 241-18 28-May-26 1-Oct-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
Victor: 420-0219, Pict-Ur-Music 0133
20132 1R Stars and stripes forever, The (John Philip Sousa) -
Sousa’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE- 241-18 28-May-26 1928 to Oct-56
1R, April 4, 1928
Camden - Church
HMV: 4-481, AM737, B2370, EG345, K5153, R8595 Zonophone: AE1736
20133 How many times? (Irving Berlin) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Seattle Harmony Kings, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-35952- 2 2-Aug-26 17-Sep-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-614, R7485
20133 Oh, if I only had you (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems and Edward T. King - directors
Comforti, Bill - vocal; Gibbs, Parker - vocal; Roades, Dusty - vocal
BVE-35589- 1 19-Jul-26 17-Sep-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-615, B5145, EG362, K5171
20134 Barry of Ballymore (Rida Johnson Young; Chauncey Olcott; Ernest R. Ball): Mother Machree
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
Reibold, Bruno - celeste
BVE-35496- 1 29-Jun-26 17-Sep-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 6-2600, B2374
20134 Heart of Paddy Whack, The (Joseph Keirn Brennan; Ernest R. Ball): A little bit of heaven
(Shure they call it Ireland)
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-35497- 3 29-Jun-26 17-Sep-26 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Yorkville K-521
HMV: 6-2601, B2374
20135 Boll weevil, The (Negro spritual; Arr. Carl Sandburg)
Trial, matrix number assigned at a later date
Sandburg, Carl - baritone and guitar
BVE-34946- 2 4-Mar-26 1-Oct-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2602
20135 Negro spirituals (Arr. Carl Sandburg)
Trial, matrix number assigned at a later date
Sandburg, Carl - baritone and guitar
BVE-34947- 2 4-Mar-26 1-Oct-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2603
20136 Virginian judge (Walter C. Kelly): 4th session - Part 1
Kelly, Walter C. “The Virginian judge” - talking
BVE-35297- 1 8-Apr-26 1-Oct-26 to 1933 New York
HMV: 1623
20136 Virginian judge (Walter C. Kelly): 4th session - Part 2
Kelly, Walter C. “The Virginian judge” - talking
BVE-35298- 3 8-Apr-26 1-Oct-26 to 1933 New York
HMV: 1624
20000 / 21000 SERIES 25
20137 Get away old man, get away (Adapted by Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-36025- 3 6-Aug-26 1-Oct-26 to 1936 New York
HMV: 6-2612, B3208
20137 Pretty little dear (Adapted by Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-36026- 2 6-Aug-26 1-Oct-26 to 1936 New York
HMV: 6-2613
20138 Birth of the blues, The (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From “George White’s Scandals of 1926"
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
Hall, Wilbur - guitar
BVE-36036- 8 12-Aug-26 1-Oct-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-625, AM686, B5270, K5121 Zonophone: AE1910
20138 Countess Maritza (Harry B. Smith; Emmerich Kálmán): Play gypsies, dance gypsies -
Introducing: Dear home of mine, good-bye -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Perella, Harry - piano
BVE-36037- 5 12-Aug-26 1-Oct-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-626, K5121, R7481
20139 Moonlight on the Ganges (Chester Wallace; Sherman Meyers) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Young, Austin - vocal; Perella, Harry - celeste
BVE-36044- 2 13-Aug-26 24-Sep-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-619, R7493
20139 Precious (Raymond B. Egan; Stephen Pasternack; Richard A. Whiting)
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
Hall, Wilbur - guitar
BVE-36041- 8 13-Aug-26 24-Sep-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-618, R4755
20140 Breezin’ along with the breeze (Haven Gillespie; Seymour Simons; Richard A. Whiting)
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-36046- 1 16-Aug-26 1-Oct-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4265, B2360, EG320, K5050, R6855 Zonophone: AE1763
20140 Moonlight on the Ganges (Chester Wallace; Sherman Meyers)
Revelers, The (NL)
Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-36045- 1 13-Aug-26 1-Oct-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4266, AM481, B2360, K5050, R6855 Zonophone: AE1763
20141 Sleepy head (Benny Davis; Jessie Greer) -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal; Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-36118- 4 17-Aug-26 1-Oct-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-628
20141 Ting-a-ling (Addy Britt; Little Jack Little) - “Waltz of the bells”
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal; Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-36117- 7 17-Aug-26 1-Oct-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-627, K5225, R7487
20142 Breezin’ along with the breeze (Haven Gillespie; Seymour Simons; Richard A. Whiting) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Seattle Harmony Kings, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-35940- 6 2-Aug-26 24-Sep-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-620
20142 Tell me you love me (Leslie Hare; Robert King) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Art Landry’s Orchestra, Art Landry - director
Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor
BVE-36007- 8 30-Jul-26 24-Sep-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-621, R7475
20143 For my sweetheart (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Kellner, Murray - violin; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-36042- 1 12-Aug-26 24-Sep-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2607
20143 Me too (Harry Woods; Charles Tobias; Al Sherman)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Kellner, Murray - violin; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-36043- 1 12-Aug-26 24-Sep-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2608, B2359
20144 Na laui eha (Major Kealakai)
- Waltz -- Waltz -
- Waltz -- Waltz -
- Waltz -
“The four queens”
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Crocov Ensemble, Leroy Shield - director - cello, flute, guitars (2), ukulele and violin
PBVE- 213- 2 11-May-26 20-Aug-26 to 1930
Regional release
Los Angeles
20144 Na moku eha (J. Kealoha) - “The four islands”
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Crocov Ensemble, Leroy Shield - director - cello, flute, guitars (2), ukulele and violin
PBVE- 212- 2 11-May-26 20-Aug-26 to 1930
Regional release
Los Angeles
20145 I wish you were jealous of me (Earl Haubrick; Glen Rowell) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra (International Novelty Orchestra)
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-36050- 2 18-Aug-26 29-Oct-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-637, B5190, K5312
20145 Stars (Are the windows of heaven) (Tommy Malie; Jimmy Steiger) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra (International Novelty Orchestra)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-36049- 1 18-Aug-26 29-Oct-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-638
20146 Bolshevik (Moe Jaffe; Nat Boux) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
McClintock, Poley - vocal; Waring, Fred - vocal
BVE-35528-13 20-Aug-26 8-Oct-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-643, AM608, B5156, K5075 Zonophone: AE1490
20146 Her beaus are only rainbows (Alfred Bryan; George W. Meyer) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-36119- 3 18-Aug-26 8-Oct-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-642, AM608, B5156
20147 That’s Annabelle (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Art Landry’s Orchestra, Art Landry - director
BVE-36014- 1 30-Jul-26 8-Oct-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-645, B5163
20147 While the years go drifting by (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Joe Burke) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Art Landry’s Orchestra, Art Landry - director
Vaughan, Weston - vocal
BVE-36009- 6 30-Jul-26 8-Oct-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-644
20000 / 21000 SERIES 27
20148 Rufus Lemaire’s Affairs (Harry Ruskin; Martin Broones): I can’t get over a girl like you
(Loving a boy like me)
Murray, Billy - tenor; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-36056- 2 20-Aug-26 8-Oct-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 4-4274, B2381
20148 Who wouldn’t? (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson)
Murray, Billy - tenor; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Banta, Frank E. - piano; King, Edward T. - celeste
BVE-36062- 1 24-Aug-26 8-Oct-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 4-4275, B2381
20149 My pal Jerry (Fred Rose) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Harry MacDonald and his Orchestra
BVE-36137- 2 27-Aug-26 26-Nov-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-700, EA144, EG360, R4711
20149 Who could be more wonderful than you? (Benny Davis; Abner Silver) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Harry MacDonald and his Orchestra
Davis, Benny - vocal
BVE-36136- 4 27-Aug-26 26-Nov-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-699, EA144, EG360
20150 Instruments of the Orchestra: Instrumental Combinations, No. 3 -
French horn, oboe and piano -French horn, oboe and piano -
French horn, oboe and piano -French horn, oboe and piano -
French horn, oboe and piano -
Cavatine (Ludwig van Beethoven) +
Basoon, clarBasoon, clar
Basoon, clarBasoon, clar
Basoon, clar
inet and piano - inet and piano -
inet and piano - inet and piano -
inet and piano -
L’Eclaire (Jacques Halévy):
Romance +
English horEnglish hor
English horEnglish hor
English hor
n and piano - n and piano -
n and piano - n and piano -
n and piano -
Tannhäuser (Richard Wagner): Shepherd’s song
- -
- -
Victor Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director: Adams, William - English horn and oboe;
Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Gruner, William - bassoon; Horner, A. - French horn;
Vozzella, E. - clarinet
BVE-35165- 7 9-Jul-26 Sep-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 40-720
20150 Instruments of the Orchestra: Instrumental CombInations, No. 4 -
Bass clarinet and piano -Bass clarinet and piano -
Bass clarinet and piano -Bass clarinet and piano -
Bass clarinet and piano -
Prophete, Le (Giacomo Meyerbeer): Coronation march +
English horn, piano and viola -English horn, piano and viola -
English horn, piano and viola -English horn, piano and viola -
English horn, piano and viola -
La Juive (Jacques Halévy): Air +
, flute and piano - , flute and piano -
, flute and piano - , flute and piano -
, flute and piano -
The voice of love (Robert Schumann)
- -
- -
Victor Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director: Adams, William - English horn;
Barone, Clement - flute; Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Feinsmith, Samuel - bass clarinet;
Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Pasternack, Sam - viola
BVE-35166- 4 1-Jun-26 Sep-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 40-721
20151 Norwegian mountain march (Edvard Grieg; Arr. C. Ward Crampton) -
Victor Band, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-12132- 3 16-Aug-26 Sep-26 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
20151 Pop goes the weasel -
Victor Band, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-11920- 5 16-Aug-26 Sep-26 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-7057, Pict-Ur-Music 0132
20152 Duke of Marlborough (Folk song) -
Victor Male Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges):
Stanley Baughman; Henry Burr;
Wilfred Glenn; Lewis James; Carl F. Mathieu ; James Price.; Elliott Shaw; James Stanley
BVE-35844- 4 20-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
20152 War songs of the Normans + Crusaders’ hymn -
Victor Male Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges):
Stanley Baughman; Henry Burr;
Wilfred Glenn; Lewis James; Carl F. Mathieu ; James Price.; Elliott Shaw; James Stanley
BVE-35845- 4 20-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
20153 Of a tailor and a bear (Edward MacDowell) + The wild horseman
(Robert Schumann, Op. 68, No. 8) -
Victor Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-22633-18 16-Aug-26 Sep-26 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-722
20153 Spinning song (Theodore Kullak) + The little hunters (Theodore Kullak)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-22634- 5 30-Aug-26 Sep-26 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-723
20154 Boating song + Evening bells + Little Dutch dance -
, compiled by Hazel Kinscella
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Small orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-30783- 4 10-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1944
Piano studies
20154 Shadow Waltz Medley + Fairy tale + The jolly fiddler + Circus parade march + The music box -
, compiled by Hazel Kinscella
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Small orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-30784- 4 10-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1944
Piano studies
20155 Lullaby + A jolly time (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) - Part 1 -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-27987- 3 12-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1936
Piano studies
20155 Lullaby + A jolly time (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) - Part 2 -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-27988- 9 13-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1936
Piano studies
20156 Ding, dong, bell + Evening song (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) - Part 1 -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-27983- 6 11-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1936
Piano studies
20156 Ding, dong, bell + Evening song (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) - Part 2 -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-27984- 5 11-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1936
Piano studies
20157 Marching on + Playing tag + Village dance (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) - Part 1 -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-27985- 5 12-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1936
Piano studies
20157 Marching on + Playing tag + Village dance (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) - Part 2 -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-27986- 4 12-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1936
Piano studies
20158 Lightly row + A shepherd’s song + Musette (Johann Sebastian Bach) + Soldier’s march
(Robert Schumann) - Compiled by Hazel Kinscella -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Small orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-30782- 5 10-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1944
Piano studies
20158 Minuet in G (Johann Sebastian Bach) + A happy farmer (Robert Schumann) -
Compiled by Hazel Kinscella -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Small orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-30787- 5 10-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1944
Piano studies
20000 / 21000 SERIES 29
20159 At twilight + Ghosts + Merry shepherd (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) - Part 1 -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-27989- 3 12-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1936
Piano studies
20159 At twilight + Ghosts + Merry shepherd (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) - Part 2 -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-27990- 4 12-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1936
Piano studies
20160 Serenade (Pietro Lanciani) + Air from “The Harmonious Blacksmith” (George Frederic Handel) +
Tinkling bells (Franz Behr) + Spinning song (Albert Ellmenreich)
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Small orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-30786- 4 11-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1941
Piano studies
20160 Sonatina in C (Muzio Clementi; Arr. August Tiedel, Op. 12) - Allegro + Andante cantabile + Vivace
- -
- -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Small orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-30785- 5 11-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1941
Piano studies
20161 Instruments of the Orchestra:
Celeste - Celeste -
Celeste - Celeste -
Celeste -
Poupee valsante “Waltzing doll” (E. Poldini; Hartmann) +
String quartet - String quartet -
String quartet - String quartet -
String quartet -
Canzonetta (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) +
Piano duet - Piano duet -
Piano duet - Piano duet -
Piano duet -
Waltz (Johann Hummel)
Woodwind quintet - Woodwind quintet -
Woodwind quintet - Woodwind quintet -
Woodwind quintet -
Lead through life a pleasant way (Theodore Kullak)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director: Adams, William - oboe; Barone, Clement - flute;
Bourdon, Rosario - celeste and piano; Gruner, William - bassoon; Lennartz, Alfred - cello;
Pasternack, D. - violin; Pasternack, Josef - viola and piano; Pasternack, Sam - viola;
Scarpa - clarinet; Schmidt, Alexander - violin; Vozzella, E. - clarinet
BVE-35964- 5 30-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-732
20161 Instruments of the Orchestra:
Oboe and piano - Oboe and piano -
Oboe and piano - Oboe and piano -
Oboe and piano -
Serenade (A.D. D’Ambrosio) +
, viola and, viola and
, viola and, viola and
, viola and
violin - violin -
violin - violin -
violin -
Valse brilliante (Frédéric Chopin, Op. 34, No. 2) +
inet, flute and piano - inet, flute and piano -
inet, flute and piano - inet, flute and piano -
inet, flute and piano -
Nocturne in
D Flat (Frédéric Chopin)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director: Adams, William - oboe; Barone, Clement - flute;
Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Pasternack, Sam - viola; Schmidt, Alexander - violin; Vozzella, E. - clarinet
BVE-35963- 5 30-Aug-26 Sep-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-724
20162 Run, run, run (Giuseppe Concone) + Jumping (Cornelius Gurlitt, Op. 101, No. 20) + Running game
(Cornelius Gurlitt, Op. 101, No. 8) + Air de ballet (Salomon Jadassohn, Op. 26, No. 3) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-14487-16 1-Sep-26 Sep-26 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-733
20162 Waltzes 1, 2 and 9 (Johannes Brahms, Op. 39) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-25783- 9 3-Sep-26 Sep-26 to Mar-51 Camden
20163 Girl is you and the boy is me, The (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) - From
“George White’s Scandals”
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Rice, Gladys - soprano; Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35805-10 17-Aug-26 29-Oct-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 4-4283
20163 Sunny (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern): Two little bluebirds
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Rice, Gladys - soprano; Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35792- 6 17-Aug-26 29-Oct-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 4-4284, B2386
20164 Instruments of the Orchestra:
- Badinage (Victor Herbert) +
- Legend of
the bells (Robert Planquette) +
- Humoresque (Antonín Dvorák) +
Bassoon - Bassoon -
Bassoon - Bassoon -
Bassoon -
Scherzo from Symphony No. 3 (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director - Barone, Clement - piccolo;
Gruner, William - bassoon; Reitz, William H. - bells; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-25530- 7 30-Aug-26 Sep-26 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-735
20164 Instruments of the Orchestra:
Viola - Viola -
Viola - Viola -
Viola -
Menuett (Ignace Jan Paderewski) +
Violin - Violin -
Violin - Violin -
Violin -
(David Popper. Op. 23) +
net duet - net duet -
net duet - net duet -
net duet -
Menuett (Ludwig van Beethoven) +
Flute - Flute -
Flute - Flute -
Flute -
Omaha Indian game song (Hazel Kinscella) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director: Baker, Bernard - cornet; Barone, Clement - flute;
Keneke, Emil - cornet; Pasternack, Sam - viola; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-25529- 9 31-Aug-26 Sep-26 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-736
20165 I’d love to meet that old sweetheart of mine (Benny Davis; Joe Burke)
Burr, Henry - tenor Peerless Quartet (NL)
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-36053- 4 19-Aug-26 15-Oct-26 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-2616
20165 Put your arms where they belong (For they belong to me) (Louis Davis; Henry Santley;
Herman Ackerman)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Reibold, Bruno - celeste
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-35814- 3 20-Jul-26 15-Oct-26 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2617
20166 Dixie (Daniel Emmett) - Instrumental variations - 1 Banjo and traps - 2 Drums and piccolo -
3 Full band -
Victor Band, Rosario Bourdon - director: Barone, Clement - piccolo; Reitz, William H. -
drums and traps; Schepp, Rex - banjo; Wardwell, Ed - drums and traps
BVE-14418- 7 5-May-27 Jun-27 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-7056
20166 Yankee Doodle (Traditional) - Instrumental variations - 1 Violin - 2 Violin -
3 Piccolo and drums - 4 Full band -
Victor Band, Rosario Bourdon - director: Barone, Clement - piccolo; Reitz, William H. - drums;
Wardwell, Ed - drums; Witzmann, John - violin
BVE-14350- 5 5-May-27 Jun-27 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-7057
20167 Cryin’ for the moon (Larry Conley; Jack Stern; Jules Roos) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Gus C. Edwards and his Orchestra (A Benson organization), Gus C. Edwards - director
BVE-36144- 3 31-Aug-26 15-Oct-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-640, B5172, R7489
20167 I’ll fly to Hawaii (Lou Davis; Joe Shuster; Ira Shuster) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Gus C. Edwards and his Orchestra (A Benson organization), Gus C. Edwards - director
Adkins, Rick - vocal; Copeland, Eddie - vocal; Covert, Cliff - vocal; Falvo, Joe - vocal
BVE-36142- 4 31-Aug-26 15-Oct-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-639, B5172, R7489
20168 Serenade (Moritz Moszkowski, Op. 44)
Kellogg, Charles D. - “The nature singer” - bird imitator
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-17157- 3 17-Feb-26 29-Oct-26 to 1940 Camden
HMV: 9748
20168 Water Scenes (Ethelbert Nevin, Op. 13, No. 4): Narcissus
Kellogg, Charles D. - “The nature singer” - bird imitator
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-17170- 3 17-Feb-26 29-Oct-26 to 1940 Camden
HMV: 9747
20000 / 21000 SERIES 31
20169 Amaryllis (Henry Ghys) - Air Louis XIII
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-35813- 1 16-Jul-26 29-Oct-26 to Nov-50 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6067, Pict-Ur-Music 0126
HMV: 6-658, B4690
20169 Minuet in G (Ignace Jan Paderewski, Op. 14, No. 1; Arr. Wright)
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-35811- 1 16-Jul-26 29-Oct-26 to Nov-50 Camden - Church
Victor: 20186, Montgomery Ward M-6029
HMVCanada: 216501
HMV: 6-657, B4690
20170 NR Land of my sunset dreams (Wendell Woods Hall)
Hall, Wendell - baritone
Raderman, Louis - violin; Shield, Leroy - piano
BVE-29377-12 6-Oct-25
Not released
HMV: 6-2345
20170 NR Wonderful one (Dorothy Terriss; Marshall Neilan; Adapted by Paul Whiteman; Ferde Grofé)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - piano; Wiedoeft, Rudy - saxophone
BVE-29532- 7 4-Jan-26
Not released
New York
HMV: 6-2627
20171 New River train (Mountaineer’s song)
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Piano and violin (NL)
Guitar listed in ledger, piano on label
BVE-31584- 6 8-Jun-26 15-Oct-26 to 1934 New York
HMV: 6-2626
20171 Rovin’ gambler (Mountaineer’s song)
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Piano and violin (NL)
Guitar listed in ledger, piano on label
BVE-31585- 6 8-Jun-26 15-Oct-26 to 1934 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4367
HMV: 6-2625
20172 ‘O sole mio (Eduardo di Capua)
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Cibelli, Alfredo - tenor
BVE-26654- 9 4-Feb-26 15-Oct-26 to May-40 Camden
HMV: 6-636, B5155, R4735 Zonophone: AE1785
20172 Paloma, La (Sebastián Yradier; Arr. Nathaniel Shilkret) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-26753-10 4-Dec-25 15-Oct-26 to May-40 New York
HMV: 5-865, B5155 Zonophone: AE1683, AE1785
20173 Rainbow (Alfred Bryan; Percy Wenrich) - “An Indian fable
Shannon Quartet: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; Hart, Charles - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-31349-13 24-Jun-26 15-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden
20173 Red wing (Thurland Chattaway; Kerry Mills)
Shannon Quartet: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; Hart, Charles - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-31348-13 24-Jun-26 15-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden
20174 Adeste fideles (Traditional; Marcus Portugal) + The first nowell (Traditional) + Nazareth
(Charles Gounod) -
Victor Orchestra
Baker, Bernard - cornet; Reitz, William H. - bells; Haywood - trombone
BVE-23772-10 25-Oct-26 Jan-27 to Apr-53 Camden
20174 Instruments of the Orchestra:
Violin -Violin -
Violin -Violin -
Violin -
Rock-a-bye baby (Ward Barton) +
Violin - Violin -
Violin - Violin -
Violin -
Sweet and low
(Joseph Barnby) +
Viola -Viola -
Viola -Viola -
Viola -
Lullaby (Johannes Brahms, Op. 49, No. 4)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Pasternack, Sam - viola; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-23771- 7 31-Aug-26 Jan-27 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
20175 Estudiantina (Paul La´ome; Adapted by Emil Waldteufel) -
Perry, Mario - accordion
BVE-36140- 3 30-Aug-26 15-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 9741, B4721, EX15, R8885 Zonophone: 2990, AE1890
20175 Wedding of the winds, The (John T. Hall) -
Perry, Mario - accordion
BVE-36138- 2 30-Aug-26 15-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 9740, B4721, EX15, R8885 Zonophone: 2990, AE1890
20176 Eleanor (Jessie L. Deppen)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-30141- 6 15-Jul-26 15-Oct-26 to 1944 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0102
HMV: 6-632, B2382, R8845
20176 Out of the dusk to you (Dorothy Lee)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-30142- 3 12-Jul-26 15-Oct-26 to 1944 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0104
HMV: 6-633, B2382, R8845
20177 Trudy (Charles Tobias; Al Sherman) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
Hall, Wilbur - guitar
BVE-36094- 4 3-Sep-26 15-Oct-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-634, AM493, B5162, EG378, K5061 Zonophone: AE1751
20177 When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin’ along (Harry Woods) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman and Edward T. King - directors
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
Grofé, Ferde - piano
BVE-36091- 4 2-Sep-26 15-Oct-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-635, K5061 Zonophone: AE1751
20178 Folks in New York City ain’t like the folks down south (Phil Worde)
- Listed in the ledger as - Listed in the ledger as
- Listed in the ledger as - Listed in the ledger as
- Listed in the ledger as
“Up North blues”“Up North blues”
“Up North blues”“Up North blues”
“Up North blues”
Johnson, Margaret - soprano
Black and Blue Trio - banjo, concertine and string bass
BVE-35758- 1 9-Jul-26 Oct-26 to 1929
Race release
New York
20178 My man’s done me dirty (Andy Razaf; Phil Worde; Margaret Johnson)
- Listed in the ledger- Listed in the ledger
- Listed in the ledger- Listed in the ledger
- Listed in the ledger
as “Suicide blues”as “Suicide blues”
as “Suicide blues”as “Suicide blues”
as “Suicide blues”
Johnson, Margaret - soprano
Black and Blue Trio - banjo, concertine and string bass
BVE-35759- 1 9-Jul-26 Oct-26 to 1929
Race release
New York
20179 Ham gravy (Thomas Morris) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Thomas Morris and his Seven Hot Babies (NL)
BVE-36048- 2 17-Aug-26 Oct-26 to 1931
Race release
New York
20179 Jackass blues (Art Kassel; Mel Stitzel) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Thomas Morris and his Seven Hot Babies, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-35763- 3 13-Jul-26 Oct-26 to 1931
Race release
New York
20180 Charleston stampede (Thomas Morris) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Thomas Morris and his Seven Hot Babies, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-35764- 2 13-Jul-26 Oct-26 to 1930
Race release
New York
HMV: 6-796, EG859
20180 Georgia grind, The (Spencer Williams) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Thomas Morris and his Seven Hot Babies (NL)
Jackson, Mike - vocal
BVE-36047- 3 17-Aug-26 Oct-26 to 1930
Race release
New York
HMV: 6-795
20181 I’m gonna kill myself (Mike Jackson)
Jackson, Mike - baritone; Richardson, Mabel - contralto
Cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-35739- 3 24-Nov-26 1926 to 1929
Race release
New York
20000 / 21000 SERIES 33
20181 Just too bad (Mile Jackson; Mabel Richardson)
Jackson, Mike - baritone; Richardson, Mabel - contralto
Cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-35738- 1 2-Jul-26 1926 to 1929
Race release
New York
20182 Nightmare, The (Len Riley; Al Nandler; Billy Meyers)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Savoy Bearcats, The (NL)
BVE-36061- 2 23-Aug-26 Oct-26 to 1929
Race release
New York
HMV: 6-797
20182 Senegalese stomp (Clarence Todd)
Savoy Bearcats, The (NL)
BVE-36059- 2 23-Aug-26 Oct-26 to 1929
Race release
New York
HMV: 6-798
20183 I shall not be moved
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Taskiana Four: Allen, Norman - bass; Foster, Edward - baritone; Johnson, Daniel - tenor;
Ricke, James - tenor
BVE-35597- 2 21-Jul-26 Oct-26 to 1933
Race release
20183 Join that band
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Taskiana Four: Allen, Norman - bass; Foster, Edward - baritone; Johnson, Daniel - tenor;
Ricke, James - tenor
BVE-35594- 3 21-Jul-26 Oct-26 to 1933
Race release
Victor: Bluebird B-5746
20184 Creep along, Moses
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Taskiana Four: Allen, Norman - bass; Foster, Edward - baritone; Johnson, Daniel - tenor;
Ricke, James - tenor
BVE-35593- 2 21-Jul-26 Oct-26 to 1931
Race release
Victor: Bluebird B-5264, Montgomery Ward M-4841, Sunrise S-3345
HMV: 40-6478
20184 Stop dat band
- Negro jass- Negro jass
- Negro jass- Negro jass
- Negro jass
Taskiana Four: Allen, Norman - bass; Foster, Edward - baritone; Johnson, Daniel - tenor;
Ricke, James - tenor
BVE-35595- 1 21-Jul-26 Oct-26 to 1931
Race release
20185 Lead, kindly light
- Negro hymn - Negro hymn
- Negro hymn - Negro hymn
- Negro hymn
Taskiana Four: Allen, Norman - bass; Foster, Edward - baritone; Johnson, Daniel - tenor;
Ricke, James - tenor
BVE-35598- 1 21-Jul-26 Oct-26 to 1931
Race release
Victor: Bluebird B-5386, Sunrise S-3467
HMV: 40-6405
20185 Then he brought joy to my soul
- Negro spiritual- Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual- Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Taskiana Four: Allen, Norman - bass; Foster, Edward - baritone; Johnson, Daniel - tenor;
Ricke, James - tenor
BVE-35596- 1 21-Jul-26 Oct-26 to 1931
Race release
20186 In a monastery garden (Albert W. Ketelbey) -
istic interistic inter
istic interistic inter
istic inter
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Victor Male Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges):
Stanley Baughman; Henry Burr;
Wilfred Glenn; Carl F. Mathieu; James Price; Elliott Shaw; James Stanley
BVE-35843- 2 20-Aug-26 Canadian release Camden - Church
HMV Canada: 216501
20186 Minuet in G (Ignace Jan Paderewski, Op. 14, No. 1; Arr. Wright)
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-35811- 1 16-Jul-26 Canadian release Camden - Church
Victor: 20169, Montgomery Ward M-6029
HMV Canada: 216501
HMV: 6-657, B4690
20187 Flow gently, sweet Afton (Old Scots tune; Arr. Collins Coe)
De Reszke Singers: Kellogg, Harold - bass; Luther, Frank - tenor; Mutch, Edwin - baritone;
Townsler, Floyd - tenor
BVE-36115- 9 12-Aug-26 29-Oct-26 to 1928 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4285
20187 Kerry dance, The (James Lyman Molloy; Arr. Wilde)
De Reszke Singers: Kellogg, Harold - bass; Luther, Frank - tenor; Mutch, Edwin - baritone;
Townsler, Floyd - tenor
BVE-36114- 6 11-Aug-26 29-Oct-26 to 1928 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4286
20188 Countess Maritza (Emmerich Kálmán): In the days gone by - “Love theme waltz”
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-35685- 5 18-Jun-26 29-Oct-26 to 1940 New York
Victor: 78804, Pict-Ur-Music 0104
HMV: 6-654, GW613, R8843
20188 Love everlasting (Rudolph Friml) - “L’amour toujours l’amour”
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-35686- 2 14-Jun-26 29-Oct-26 to 1940 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6039, Pict-Ur-Music 0103
HMV: 6-655
20189 Romance of Athlone, The (Chauncey Olcott): My wild Irish Rose
Tietge Sisters: Tietge, Elsie - contralto; Tietge, Florence - soprano;
Tietge, Martha - vocal and piano
BVE-35961- 3 13-Aug-26 29-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 4-4289 Zonophone: 2913
20189 There’s no one like mother to me
- Sacred song - Sacred song
- Sacred song - Sacred song
- Sacred song
Tietge Sisters: Tietge, Elsie - contralto; Tietge, Florence - soprano;
Tietge, Martha - vocal and piano
BVE-35962- 3 13-Aug-26 29-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 4-4288 Zonophone: 2913
20190 German’s arrival, The (Frank Wilson) -
odel specialtyodel specialty
odel specialtyodel specialty
odel specialty
Watson, George P. - yodler
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-34252- 4 30-Dec-25 1927 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 7-61013
20190 Hi-le-hi-lo - German comedy yodel (Arr. George P. Watson)
Watson, George P. - yodler
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE- 3118- 4 30-Dec-25 1927 to 1931 Camden
20191 Capitan, El (John Philip Sousa) -
Sousa’s Band (Pryor’s Band), Arthur Pryor - director
BVE- 2017-14 15-Jun-26 29-Oct-26 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
Victor: 420-0220*, Pict-Ur-Music 0139
HMV: 5-33, R8591 Zonophone: AE1887
20191 Washington post, The (John Philip Sousa) -
Sousa’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE- 312-16 28-May-26 29-Oct-26 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
Victor: 420-0220*, Pict-Ur-Music 0138
HMV: 5-32, R8591 Zonophone: AE1887
20192 Power and glory (John Philip Sousa) - The march of the Mitten Men
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Band, John Philip Sousa - director
BVE-35853- 3 4-Sep-26 10-Sep-26 to 1944
Regional release
Camden - Church
HMV: 5-65, EX3 Zonophone: 2858
20192 Thunderer, The (John Philip Sousa) -
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Band, John Philip Sousa - director
BVE-35854- 3 4-Sep-26 10-Sep-26 to 1944
Regional release
Camden - Church
HMV: 5-66, EX3 Zonophone: 2858
20000 / 21000 SERIES 35
20193 Old-fashioned picture, An (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Kellner, Murray - violin; Smeck, Roy - guitar
BVE-36093- 2 2-Sep-26 22-Oct-26 to 1931 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8062
HMV: 6-2629 Zonophone: 2649, EE58
20193 There’s a new star in heaven to-night - Rudolph Valentino (J. Keirn Brennan;
Jimmy McHugh; Irving Mills)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Kellner, Murray - violin; Smeck, Roy - guitar
BVE-36092- 3 2-Sep-26 22-Oct-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2628 Zonophone: 2849, EE21
20194 Let me call you sweetheart (I’m in love with you) (Beth Slater Whitson; Leo Friedman) -
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-30871-14 3-Sep-26 29-Oct-26 to 1944 New York
20194 Moonlight and roses (Edwin Lemare; Ben Black; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”)
- -
- -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-35526- 3 3-Jun-26 29-Oct-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 6-656, R7461
20195 Song without words (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Op. 62, No. 30) - “Spring song” -
Florentine Quartet: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp;
Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-20842-12 8-Jul-26 26-Nov-26 to 1931+ Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6048, Pict-Ur-Music 0124
HMV: 8470, B2404, R8881
20195 Suite Romantique (Ethelbert Nevin): Venetian love song “Canzone amorosa” -
Florentine Quartet: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp;
Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-35901- 5 8-Jul-26 26-Nov-26 to 1931+ Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6048, Pict-Ur-Music 0106
HMV: 8471, R8881
20196 Someone is losin’ Susan -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Philip Spitalny and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35734- 3 30-Jun-26 22-Oct-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-664
20196 That’s my girl (Benny Davis; Lou Gold) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems and Edward T. King - directors
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-36162- 3 7-Sep-26 22-Oct-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-663, EA126
20197 Americana (Morrie Ryskind; Ira Gershwin; Philip Charig; Arr. Ferde Grofé): Why do ya roll
those eyes? - Introducing: Blowin’ the blues away
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
Grofé, Ferde - piano; Turner, Raymond - piano
BVE-36090- 9 9-Sep-26 22-Oct-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-649, AM661, B5215, K5228, R4703
20197 Me too (Harry Woods; Charles Tobias; Al Sherman) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
Hall, Wilbur - guitar
BVE-35839- 9 25-Aug-26 22-Oct-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-652, K5074
20198 Looking at the world thru rose colored glasses (Tommy Malie; Jimmy Steiger)
Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Cello; piano; violin, Edward T. King - director
BVE-36073- 1 27-Aug-26 22-Oct-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 3-3114, EA116
20198 Six feet of papa (Billy Moll; Arthur Sizemore)
Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Cello; piano; violin, Edward T. King - director
BVE-36074- 2 27-Aug-26 22-Oct-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 3-3113, EA116
20199 ‘O sole mio (Eduardo di Capua)
Creatore’s Band, Giuseppe Creatore - director
Loscialpo, G. - cornet
BVE-35826- 1 10-Aug-26 Dec-26 to 1939 Camden - Church
HMV: 5-397, EG975
20199 On tip-toes (de Angelis) - Mazurka “A punta di piedi”
Creatore’s Band, Giuseppe Creatore - director
BVE-35825- 3 10-Aug-26 Dec-26 to 1939 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-50018
20200 Cho-cho-san (Giacomo Puccini - from “Madama Butterfly”; Arr. Ferde Grofé; Ross S. Gorman)
- -
- -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-25307- 5 25-Aug-26 26-Nov-26 to 1940 New York
HMV: 6-670
20200 Sadko (Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakoff): Song of India -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-25322- 8 26-Aug-26 26-Nov-26 to 1940 New York
HMV: 6-671, R4755
20201 Dream visions (Carl Stix; Op. 138) -
Florentine Quartet, Bruno Reibold - director: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp;
Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
Reitz, William H. - bells
BVE-15196-12 18-Aug-25 1927 to 1939 Camden
HMV: 8442
20201 Love’s dream after the ball (Alfons Czibulka, Op. 356)
Venetian Trio: Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-15175-27 8-Jun-26 1927 to 1939 Camden
HMV: 8498
20202 1 Rose Marie (Rudolf Friml): Indian love call
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-31476- 9 2-Jul-26 26-Nov-26 to 1936 New York
Victor: 32875
20202 1R Rose Marie (Rudolf Friml): Indian love call
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-31476- 9 2-Jul-26 1936 to Jun-42
1R, Nov. 19, 1936
New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6033
HMV: 6-684
20202 World is waiting for the sunrise, The (Ernest Seitz)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-31463-14 2-Jul-26 26-Nov-26 to Jun-42 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0106
HMV: 6-685
20203 Humoresque (Antonín Dvorák, Op. 101, No. 7)
Barth, Hans - piano
BVE-35449- 4 8-May-26 26-Nov-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 5857
20203 Polish dance (Xaver Scharwenka, Op. 3, No. 1)
Barth, Hans - piano
BVE-30957-10 8-May-26 26-Nov-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 5858
20000 / 21000 SERIES 37
20204 Mary Lou (Abe Lyman; George Waggner; J. Russel Robinson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-36312- 2 14-Sep-26 29-Oct-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-665, R4701
20204 Petrushka (Billy Rose; Fred Fischer)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-36311- 3 14-Sep-26 29-Oct-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-666
20205 Crazy Quilt (Billy Rose; Fred Fischer): I found a million dollar baby (In a five and ten cent store)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Reibold, Bruno - celeste; Reitz, William H. - bells
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-35869- 4 16-Sep-26 29-Oct-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2632
20205 I want a pardon for daddy (Charles E. Roat)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Stanley, James - baritone; Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-36054- 8 16-Sep-26 29-Oct-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8021
HMV: 4-4287
20206 Ain’t we carryin’ on? (Billy Frisch; Roy Bergere) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Jan Garber - director and violin
Goldfield, Harry - vocal; Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-35559- 3 29-Jun-26 29-Oct-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-667, EG322
20206 Chick, chick, chick, chick chicken (Lay a little egg for me) (Fred Holt; Thomas McGhee;
Irving King) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Gibbs, Parker - vocal; Roades, Dusty - vocal
BVE-36183- 4 13-Sep-26 29-Oct-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-714, EA101, EG322, R7463
20207 Monte Carlo joys (Elmer Schoebel) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Gus C. Edwards and his Orchestra (A Benson organization), Gus C. Edwards - director
BVE-36145- 2 31-Aug-26 29-Oct-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-669, EG323
20207 Turkish towel (Sammy Fain; Ben’ee Russel; Irving Mills) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
Buckwalter, Charles - vocal; Groff, Elwood - vocal; Masterman, Frank - vocal
BVE-36086- 7 15-Sep-26 29-Oct-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-668
20208 (She knows her) Onions (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager; Lewis Pollack)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-36132- 1 25-Aug-26 29-Oct-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 4-4290
20208 It won’t be long now (Howard E. Johnson; Irving Bibo)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-36133- 1 25-Aug-26 29-Oct-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 4-4291
20209 Prince of Hawaii (Charles E. King): Kuu lini - “My desire”
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Crocov Ensemble, Leroy Shield - director - cello, flute, guitars (2), ukulele and violin
PBVE- 214- 4 14-May-26 1926 to NL
Regional release
Los Angeles
20209 Rose, The (Sol Hiram; Arr. Sonny Cunha) - “Kuu pua roselani”
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Crocov Ensemble, Leroy Shield - director - cello, flute, guitars (2), ukulele and violin
PBVE- 233- 3 14-May-26 1926 to NL
Regional release
Los Angeles
20210 Goin’ crazy with the blues (Andy Razaf; J.C. Johnson)
Smith, Mamie - soprano
Banjo; cornet; clarinet; piano; trombone (NL)
BVE-36069- 2 27-Aug-26 Jan-27 to 1930
Race release
New York
20210 I once was yours, I’m somebody else’s now (Andy Razaf; J.C. Johnson)
Smith, Mamie - soprano
Small orchestra
BVE-36082- 1 31-Aug-26 Jan-27 to 1930
Race release
New York
20211 Death’s black train is comin’
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 sopranos
BVE-35982- 1 10-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1930
Race release
Victor: Bluebird B-7758
20211 Standin’ in the need of prayer (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 sopranos, 1 baritone
BVE-36181- 1 11-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1930
Race release
20212 Dew drop, A (F.D. Sherman; W.W. Gilchrist) + When the little children sleep (Reinecke) +
Rain song (E. Smith) -
Giles, Erva - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36175- 2 10-Sep-26 Sep-26 to Nov-50 Camden
20212 Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes (Arr. J.W. Elliott): Hey diddle diddle + Little Bo Peep +
Twinkle, twinkle little star + Little Jack Horner + See saw Margery Daw +
Ride a cock horse -
Giles, Erva - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36172- 2 10-Sep-26 Sep-26 to Nov-50 Camden
20213 1 Cuckoo clock, The + Slumber song (Mena C. Pfirshing; G.A. Grant-Schaefer) -
Giles, Erva - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36173- 1 10-Sep-26 Sep-26 to Dec-26 Camden
20213 2 Cuckoo clock, The + Slumber song (Mena C. Pfirshing; G.A. Grant-Schaefer) -
Giles, Erva - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36173- 5 29-Nov-26 Dec-26 to 1944 Camden
20213 1 Secret, The + Grandmother, tell me a story + Old chanticleer + The hungary windmill
(Alice Terhune) -
Giles, Erva - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36174- 2 10-Sep-26 Sep-26 to Dec-26 Camden
20213 2 Secret, The + Grandmother, tell me a story + Old chanticleer + The hungary windmill
(Alice Terhune) -
Giles, Erva - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36174- 4 29-Nov-26 Dec-26 to 1944 Camden
20214 Singing Games (Mari R. Hofer) - Part 1 - Looby loo + Oats, peas, beans,
barley grow -
Victor Band, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-14460- 4 14-Sep-26 Sep-26 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
20214 Singing Games (Mari R. Hofer) - Part 2 - Needle’s eye + Jolly is the miller -
Victor Band, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-11923- 4 14-Sep-26 Sep-26 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
20215 Toy Symphony (Franz Josef Haydn) - Allegro moderato -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-27071-10 15-Sep-26 Sep-26 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
20215 Toy Symphony (Franz Josef Haydn) - Menuetto and finale -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-27072-12 15-Sep-26 Sep-26 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
20000 / 21000 SERIES 39
20216 Amazing grace (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 sopranos, 1 baritone
BVE-35987- 2 10-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1932 Camden
Victor: Bluebird B-6330
20216 Dying mother and her child, The (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 sopranos, 1 baritone
BVE-35984- 2 10-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1932 Camden
Victor: Bluebird B-6330
20217 Funeral train (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 sopranos, 1 baritone
BVE-35985- 2 10-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1932 Camden
Victor: Bluebird B-5111, Sunrise S-3194
20217 I know I got religion (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 sopranos, 1 baritone
BVE-36182- 1 11-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1932 Camden
Victor: Bluebird B-5111, Sunrise S-3194
20218 Dixie (Daniel Emmett) -
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Field Music, Sgt. Bugler and W.H. Taylor - directors
BVE-35873- 1 17-Sep-26 1926 to 1928
Special release
Camden - Church
20218 Soldier’s march
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Field Music, Sgt. Bugler and W.H. Taylor - directors
BVE-35872- 1 17-Sep-26 1926 to 1928
Special release
Camden - Church
20219 Blue bonnets o’er the border -
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Pipe Band, Peter Farley - director
BVE-35870- 2 17-Sep-26 1926 to 1928
Special release
Camden - Church
20219 Corrychollie’s -
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Pipe Band, Peter Farley - director
BVE-35871- 2 17-Sep-26 1926 to 1928
Special release
Camden - Church
20220 Our fighting men (M.S. Rocereto) -
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Band, A.W. Eckenroth - director
BVE-35876- 2 23-Sep-26 1926 to 1928
Special release
Camden - Church
20220 Semper fidelis (John Philip Sousa) -
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Band, A.W. Eckenroth - director
BVE-35877- 2 23-Sep-26 1926 to 1928
Special release
Camden - Church
20221 Black bottom stomp (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
BVE-36239- 2 15-Sep-26 5-Nov-26 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: 27-0129, Bluebird B-10253*
HMV: 6-659, B5164, B10048*, EG7812*, HN2885*, JK2712*, R7475, SG459*
Zonophone: AE1753
20221 Chant, The (Mel Stitzel) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
BVE-36241- 3 15-Sep-26 5-Nov-26 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: 27-0129, Bluebird B-10253*
HMV: 6-660, B5164, B10456, EG383, EG7774*, HN3172*, JK2759, SG459*
Zonophone: AE1753
20222 NR
Possibly a Canadian release
20223 I will meet you in the morning (James D. Vaughn)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Guitar, organ and violin (NL)
BVE-36501- 2 21-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1933
Regional release
Camden - Church
20223 In the golden by and by (Millard H. Smith; J.L. Heath)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Guitar, organ and violin (NL)
BVE-36500- 2 21-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1933
Regional release
Camden - Church
20224 Hallelujah side (Johnson Oatman; J. Howard Entwisle)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Guitar, organ and violin (NL)
BVE-36504- 2 21-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1931
Regional release
Camden - Church
20224 I love to walk with Jesus (C.F. Weigele)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Guitar, organ and violin (NL)
BVE-36503- 1 21-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1931
Regional release
Camden - Church
20225 I’m going through, Jesus (Herbert Buffum)
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Pace Jubilee Singers (Rocky Mountain Jubilee Singers)
BVE-36223- 2 13-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1938
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: 23363, Bluebird B-5079, Montgomery Ward M-4351, Sunrise S-3160
20225 My Lord, what a mornin’
- Negro spiritual- Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual- Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Pace Jubilee Singers (Rocky Mountain Jubilee Singers)
BVE-36221- 2 13-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1938
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20226 I do, don’t you?
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Pace Jubilee Singers (Rocky Mountain Jubilee Singers)
Parker, Hattie - lead soprano
BVE-36224- 2 13-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1933
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20226 My Lord is writin’ all the time
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Pace Jubilee Singers (Rocky Mountain Jubilee Singers)
BVE-36222- 1 13-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1933
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20227 Merci clamant (Chatelian de Coucy; Arr. J.B. Weckerlin) + Pour mal tems, ni pour gelée
(Thibaut of Champagne; Arr. J.B. Weckerlin) -
Dixon, Raymond (Lambert Murphy) - tenor
Carlino, William - lute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp
BVE-15803- 3 21-Sep-26 Sep-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
20227 Robins m’aime (Adam de la Hale; Arr. J.B. Weckerlin) + J’ai encor un tel pate
(Adam de la Hale; Arr. J.B. Weckerlin) -
Dixon, Raymond (Lambert Murphy) - tenor
Carlino, William - lute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp
BVE-15594- 6 21-Sep-26 Sep-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
20228 Bianco cigno, Il (Jacob Arcadelt; Arr. J.B. Weckerlin) - Madrigal -
Dixon, Raymond (Lambert Murphy) - tenor
Carlino, William - lute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp
BVE-13804- 3 21-Sep-26 Sep-26 to Jun-42 Camden - Church
20228 Mon coeur se recommande à vous (Orlando de Lassus; Arr. J.B. Weckerlin) -
Dixon, Raymond (Lambert Murphy) - tenor
Carlino, William - lute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp
BVE-15812- 3 21-Sep-26 Sep-26 to Jun-42 Camden - Church
20229 Baby face (Benny Davis; Harry Akst)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Johnston, Arthur - piano
BVE-36343- 3 22-Sep-26 5-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2631, B2383, K377
20229 I’m on my way home (Irving Berlin)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Johnston, Arthur - piano
BVE-36342- 2 22-Sep-26 5-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2630, B2383, K377
20230 Alabama stomp (Henry Creamer; Jimmy Johnson)
- Shimmy Fox trot - - Shimmy Fox trot -
- Shimmy Fox trot - - Shimmy Fox trot -
- Shimmy Fox trot -
“Earl Carroll’s Vanities”
Gus C. Edwards and his Orchestra (A Benson organization), Edward T. King - director
Covert, Cliff - vocal
BVE-35992- 1 13-Sep-26 12-Nov-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-673, R4763
20000 / 21000 SERIES 41
20230 Climbing up the ladder of love (Raymond Klages; Jesse Greer)
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
From “Earl Carroll’s Vanities”
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Roades, Dusty - vocal
BVE-36161- 6 13-Sep-26 12-Nov-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-672, EA151
20231 Honeymoon Lane (Eddie Dowling; James Frederick Hanley) - Medley
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
- Introducing:
Jersey walk + The little white house (At the end of Honeymoon Lane) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
BVE-36355- 4 24-Sep-26 5-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-662, B5431
20231 Honeymoon Lane (Herbert Reynolds; Eddie Dowling; James Frederick Hanley): Half a moon
is better than no moon -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra (International Novelty Orchestra)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-36352- 2 24-Sep-26 5-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-661, B5225, K5179, R4727
20232 I’m lonely without you (Bud Green; Harry Warren)
Brox Sisters, The - vocal
Johnston, Arthur - celeste
BVE-35866- 7 18-Sep-26 5-Nov-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 4-4293, EG414 Zonophone: 2867
20232 Lay me down to sleep in Carolina (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Brox Sisters, The - vocal
Johnston, Arthur - piano
BVE-35882- 3 27-Sep-26 5-Nov-26 to 1928 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4292, EG414 Zonophone: 2867
20233 Sweet Virginia blues (Andy Razaf; J.C. Johnson)
Smith, Mamie - soprano
Banjo; cornet; clarinet; piano; trombone (NL)
BVE-36070- 2 27-Aug-26 4-Oct-26 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20233 What have you done to make me feel this way? (Andy Razaf; J.C. Johnson)
Smith, Mamie - soprano
Small orchestra
BVE-36081- 2 31-Aug-26 4-Oct-26 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20234 What’s the use of crying? (Verdi Kindel; Louis Forbstein) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Roades, Dusty - vocal
BVE-36160-10 13-Sep-26 1926 to 1928
Regional release
HMV: 6-799, B5223
20234 Yours with love and kisses (Lou Davis; Abner Silver) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-36120- 4 20-Aug-26 1926 to 1928
Regional release
HMV: 6-800 Zonophone: AE1928
20235 Little old log cabin in the lane, The (Will S. Hays)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Auto-harp, banjo, harmonica and violin
BVE-36514- 2 24-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1933
Regional release
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8305
20235 Sourwood Mountain
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Auto-harp, banjo, harmonica and violin
BVE-36513- 2 24-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1933
Regional release
20236 Consolation (Maurice J. Gunsky; Morton H. Bories)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Cello; piano; traps and violin, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36165- 3 8-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2656 Zonophone: 5096
20236 Take this rose (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Hero de Rance)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Cello; piano; traps and violin, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36163- 3 8-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2657
20237 All go hungry hash house
Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone
Banjo, guitar and harmonica (NL)
BVE-36518- 2 25-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1931
Regional release
20237 West Virginia highway - Square dance
Brewer, Kahle - violin
Stoneman, Ernest V. - guitar
BVE-36508- 1 24-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1931
Regional release
20238 Happy Go Lucky (Benny Davis; Joseph Meyer): Falling in love with you -
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht and Edward T. King - directors
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-36349- 1 23-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-702, B5180, EG358, K5086
20238 Trail of dreams (Raymond Klages; Einas Swan) -
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht and Edward T. King - directors
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-36348- 4 23-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-701, EG358, K5316
20239 Handful of earth (From “My dear mother’s grave”), A (Joseph T. Murphy)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Essig, Abe - violin; Smeck, Roy - guitar
BVE-36365- 3 29-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1928
Regional release
New York
20239 Miami storm, The (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Essig, Abe - violin; Smeck, Roy - guitar
BVE-36364- 3 29-Sep-26 4-Oct-26 to 1928
Regional release
New York
20240 Bridget O’Flynn (Where’ve ya been?) (Andrew B. Sterling; Robert King)
Murray, Billy - tenor; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Banta, Frank E. - piano; King, Edward T. - bells
BVE-36063- 1 24-Aug-26 12-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4294, B2392
20240 Who could be more wonderful than you? (Benny Davis; Abner Silver)
Murray, Billy - tenor; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-36068- 2 26-Aug-26 12-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4295, B2392
20241 Gone again gal (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Isham Jones) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
Buckwalter, Charles - vocal; Masterman, Frank - vocal
BVE-36185- 4 16-Sep-26 12-Nov-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-681
20241 Pretty Cinderella (Will J. Harris) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
Buckwalter, Charles - vocal; Groff, Elwood - vocal; Masterman, Frank - vocal
BVE-36087- 7 15-Sep-26 12-Nov-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-680, R4707
20000 / 21000 SERIES 43
20242 Butcher’s boy, The
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-31587- 5 8-Jun-26 12-Nov-26 to 1934 New York
20242 I wish I was a single girl again
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-31586- 6 8-Jun-26 12-Nov-26 to 1934 New York
20243 Down on the banks of the old Yazoo (Harry Owens) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra (International Novelty Orchestra)
Bessinger, Frank - vocal; Rice, Gladys - soprano
BVE-36353- 2 24-Sep-26 12-Nov-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-682, B5201, R7467
20243 That’s a good girl (Irving Berlin) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
BVE-36354- 3 24-Sep-26 12-Nov-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-683
20244 Asleep in the deep (Arthur J. Lamb; H. W. Petrie)
Glenn, Wilfred - bass
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-12900- 8 17-Sep-26 12-Nov-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 6-2645 Zonophone: 6058
20244 Rocked in the cradle of the deep (Emma Willard; Joseph P. Knight)
Glenn, Wilfred - bass
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-12901-15 17-Sep-26 12-Nov-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 6-2646 Zonophone: 6058
20245 Peer Gynt (Edvard Grieg, Op. 46): Suite No. 1 - Part 3 - “Anitra’s dance”
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-35888- 3 30-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to Nov-46 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6034, Pict-Ur-Music 0140
HMV: 6-704
20245 Peer Gynt (Edvard Grieg, Op. 46): Suite No. 1 - Part 4 - “In the hall of the mountain king”
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-35886- 3 30-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to Nov-46 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6034, Pict-Ur-Music 0140
HMV: 6-703
20246 Joy to the world (Isaac Watts; George Frederic Handel)
Trinity Choir
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges):
Mary Allen; Della Baker; Elsie Baker; Helen Clark;
Richard Crooks; Frank Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Marguerite Dunlap; Erva Giles; Emily Stokes Hager;
Charles Harrison; Charles Hart; Jackson Kinsey; Olive Kline; Lucy Isabel Marsh; Lambert Murphy;
Paul Parks; Fred Patton; Ruth Rodgers
BVE-10526-14 1-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to Nov-46 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-7392
HMV: 2-4767, B4691 Zonophone: 5003
20246 O come all ye faithful (John Reading)
Trinity Choir
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges
): Mary Allen; Della Baker; Elsie Baker; Helen Clark;
Richard Crooks; Frank Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Marguerite Dunlap; Erva Giles; Emily Stokes Hager;
Charles Harrison; Charles Hart; Jackson Kinsey; Olive Kline; Lucy Isabel Marsh; Lambert Murphy;
Paul Parks; Fred Patton; Ruth Rodgers
BVE-35890- 2 1-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to Nov-46 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-7392
HMV: 2-4768, B4691 Zonophone: 5003
20247 Alpine specialty - Popular yodels (Arr. George P. Watson)
Watson, George P. - yodler
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-10860- 3 30-Dec-25 1927 to 1946 Camden
HMV: 7-42100
20247 Emmett’s favorite yodel (Joseph K. Emmet)
Watson, George P. - yodler
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-10861- 5 30-Dec-25 1927 to 1946 Camden
HMV: 7-61012
20248 Addio a Napoli, L (Neapolitan air; Arr. Teodoro Cottrau)
Neapolitan Trio: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-14454-15 13-Jul-26 1927 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 8500 Zonophone: AE1957
20248 ‘O sole mio (Eduardo di Capua) - “My sunshine serenata”
Neapolitan Trio: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-15667- 8 28-Jun-26 1927 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6043
HMV: 8499 Zonophone: AE1957
20249 Italian-Spanish Favorites - La sorella (Louis Gallini) + ‘O sole mio (Eduardo di Capua) +
La paloma (Sebastián Yradier) + Funiculì, funiculà (Luigi Denza)
Perry, Mario - accordion
BVE-35977- 3 7-Sep-26 1927 to 1940 Camden
HMV: 2-9145, B4735 Zonophone: AE2298
20249 Verona waltz (Pietro Diero)
Perry, Mario - accordion
BVE-36141- 3 30-Aug-26 1927 to 1940 Camden
HMV: 2-9146, B4735 Zonophone: AE2298
20250 1 Beautiful days waltz (Pietro Diero)
Perry, Mario - accordion
BVE-35976- 1 7-Sep-26 1927 to 1931 Camden
Victor: V-16200
20250 1R Beautiful days waltz (Pietro Diero)
Perry, Mario - accordion
BVE-35976- 1 7-Sep-26 1931 to 1944
1R, August 5, 1931
HMV: 2-9318, B4778 Zonophone: AE2243
20250 1 Sharpshooter’s march (Gerardo Metallo)
Perry, Mario - accordion
BVE-35979- 3 7-Sep-26 1927 to 1931 Camden
Victor: V-16200, Pict-Ur-Music 0454
HMV: 2-9317, B4778 Zonophone: AE2243
20250 1R Sharpshooter’s march (Gerardo Metallo)
Perry, Mario - accordion
BVE-35979- 3 7-Sep-26 1931 to 1944
1R, August 5, 1931
Victor: Sound Effects SE27
20251 Black cat bone blues (Robert Cooksey)
Cooksey, Robert - harmonica
Leecan, Bobby - banjo
BVE-36356- 1 27-Sep-26 Oct-26 to 1932
Regional release
New York
20251 Dirty guitar blues (Bobbie Leecan)
Cooksey, Robert - harmonica
Leecan, Bobby - banjo
BVE-36357- 2 27-Sep-26 Oct-26 to 1932
Regional release
New York
20252 Dead man blues (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
BVE-36284- 1 21-Sep-26 1926 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: 40-0118*
HMV: 6-758, B10270*, EA3785, EG7774*, HN3016*, JK2755*
20000 / 21000 SERIES 45
20252 Sidewalk blues (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
BVE-36283- 3 21-Sep-26 1926 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: 40-0118*
HMV: 6-757, B5212, B10270*, EA3785, EG7773*, HN3016*, JK2755*
20253 Cuckoo (J.E. Jonasson; Att. Nathaniel Shilkret) -
International Novelty Quartet - Nathaniel Shilkret - director
(Six instruments): Accordion, cornet, piano, string bass, violin and xylophone
BVE-26294- 3 10-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to 1944 New York
Victor: V-4139, V-21083
HMV: 8472, AG446, AM2381, AM3891, FK214, K5855, R8971 Zonophone: 5002
20253 Lena (George Mewes, Op. 6; Arr. Nathaniel Shilkret) -
International Novelty Quartet - Nathaniel Shilkret - director
(Six instruments): Accordion, cornet, piano, string bass, violin and xylophone
BVE-26293- 4 10-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to 1944 New York
Victor: V-4139, V-21083
HMV: 8473, AG446, AM2381, AM3891, FK214, K5855, R8971 Zonophone: 5002
20254 Precious (Raymond B. Egan; Stephen Pasternacki; Richard A. Whiting)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Johnston, Arthur - piano
BVE-36378- 1 1-Oct-26 19-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2638
20254 That’s a good girl (Irving Berlin)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Johnston, Arthur - piano
BVE-36377- 3 1-Oct-26 19-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2637, AM1220, B2659, EG895
20255 (I just wanna be known as) Susie’s feller (Lew Brown; Dave Dreyer)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Owen, Delos - piano
BVE-36434- 2 29-Sep-26 19-Nov-26 to 1928 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 4-4296 Zonophone: 2866
20255 Elsie Shultze-en-heim (Cliff Friend; Abner Silver)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Owen, Delos - piano
BVE-36433- 2 29-Sep-26 19-Nov-26 to 1928 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 4-4297
20256 Don’t be angry with me (Walter Donaldson)
Jean Goldkette’s Book-Cadillac Orchestra
BVE-36429- 2 28-Sep-26 19-Nov-26 to 1928 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-696, EG355, R4705
20256 Trying to forget (Burke; Fischer) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Russo and Fiorito’s Oriole Orchestra
Fischer, Mark - vocal
BVE-36292- 5 23-Sep-26 19-Nov-26 to 1928 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-695, R4711
20257 I’d love to call you my sweetheart (Joe Goodwin; Larry Shay; Paul Ash;
Arr. Frank Skinner) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-36438- 3 1-Oct-26 19-Nov-26 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 9749, EA108, EG438, R4751 Zonophone: AE1805
20257 Kentucky lullaby (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn) -
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-36439- 2 1-Oct-26 19-Nov-26 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 9750, B5190, EG438 Zonophone: AE1805
20258 Because I love you (Irving Berlin)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Pasternack, Josef - celeste and director;
Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-36713- 3 8-Oct-26 19-Nov-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2639
20258 Two of us, The (Van Phillips; Jimmy Campbell; Reg Connelly)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-36325- 3 17-Sep-26 19-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2640
20259 Ramblers, The (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby): All alone Monday -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Davis, Johnny (Johnny Marvin) - vocal and ukulele
BVE-36802- 3 8-Oct-26 19-Nov-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-697, EG361, K5086, R7467
20259 That night in Araby (Billy Rose; Ted Snyder) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra
Burr, Henry - tenor
BVE-36381- 4 4-Oct-26 19-Nov-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-698, R4701
20260 Adiós (Harry Owens) - “Spanish parting song” -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Burr, Henry - tenor
BVE-36395- 4 7-Oct-26 21-Oct-26 to 1928
Regional release
New York
HMV: 6-916, B5262
20260 When you waltz with the one you love (Charles O’Flynn; Al Sherman)
Philip Spitalny and his Orchestra, Philip Spitalny - director
Burr, Henry - tenor
BVE-36393- 1 6-Oct-26 21-Oct-26 to 1928
Regional release
New York
HMV: 6-906
20261 For you (Frank G. Woodruff; George L. Hodge) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Burr, Henry - tenor; Grofé, Ferde - piano; Shilkret, Jack - celeste
BVE-36820- 2 13-Oct-26 21-Oct-26 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20261 If you would say “I love you” (Frank G. Woodruff; George L. Hodge) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Burr, Henry - tenor; Stanley, James - baritone
Grofé, Ferde - piano; Shilkret, Jack - celeste
BVE-36821- 1 13-Oct-26 21-Oct-26 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20262 Arcadia shuffle (James Blade)
Ted Brownagle’s Orchestra
BVE-36541- 2 13-Oct-26 21-Oct-26 to 1928
Regional release
20262 Lovin’ Johnson rag, The (Guy Hall) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Brownagle’s Orchestra
BVE-36540- 3 13-Oct-26 21-Oct-26 to 1928
Regional release
20263 Chérie, I love you (Lillian Rosedale Goodman) -
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-36441- 1 2-Oct-26 24-Dec-26 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 9755
20263 Ting-a-ling (Little Jack Little) - “Waltz of the bells”
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-36443- 4 4-Oct-26 24-Dec-26 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 9756, B2401
20000 / 21000 SERIES 47
20264 Meadow lark (Hal Keidel; Ted Fiorito; Arr. Charles E. Cooks)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-36446- 1 5-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 9752, B2401
20264 Stars (Are the windows of heaven) (Tommie Malie; Jimmy Steiger) -
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-36440- 2 2-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 9753
20265 Barcelona (Tolchard Evans) - “Spanish Fox trot song”
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-36442- 6 7-Oct-26 10-Dec-26 to 1932 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 9759
20265 Hello, aloha (How are you?) (L. Wolfe Gilbert) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-36444- 4 4-Oct-26 10-Dec-26 to 1932 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 9760
20266 (’Twas on a night like this) In a little Spanish town (Lewis C. Young; Mabel Wayne)
- -
- -
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal
Perella, Harry - celeste
BVE-36067- 8 3-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to 1933 New York
HMV: 6-705, EG353, R4703
20266 There’s a boatman on the Volga (Raymond B. Egan; Steve Pasternacki;
Richard A. Whiting) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Rice, Gladys - soprano
BVE-35243- 4 26-Mar-26 26-Nov-26 to 1933 New York
HMV: 5-940, 6-706, B5064, EG353 Zonophone: AE1646
20267 (I just wanna be known as) Susie’s feller (Lew Brown; Dave Dreyer)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Philip Spitalny and his Orchestra, Philip Spitalny - director
BVE-36388- 2 5-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-708, EG361, K5332
20267 Bobadilla (James Dyrenforh; Pablo Luna) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
- “The new Spanish sensation”
Philip Spitalny and his Orchestra, Philip Spitalny - director
Murray, Billy - tenor
BVE-36390- 1 5-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-707, R4709
20268 Just a birds-eye view of my old Kentucky home (Walter Donaldson)
Jean Goldkette’s Book-Cadillac Orchestra
BVE-36431- 2 29-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-709, EA151, EG356
20268 There’s a little white house on a little green hill (Billy Rose; Harry Akst)
Jean Goldkette’s Book-Cadillac Orchestra
BVE-36428- 2 28-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-710, EG356, R4705
20269 Conqueror, The (C. Teike) -
American Legion Official Band, Monahan Post, Sioux City, Iowa, James Melichar - director
BVE-36718- 2 15-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 5-42, EX10, K5199 Zonophone: AE1915
20269 Iowa corn song (Arr. John T. Beeston)
American Legion Official Band, Monahan Post, Sioux City, Iowa, James Melichar - director
Lower, Ernest H. - vocal
BVE-36721- 2 15-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 5-41, EX10, K5199 Zonophone: AE1915
20270 Hush-a-bye (Frank X. Galvin; Robert E. Spencer) -
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Bessinger, Frank - vocal
Lang, Eddie - guitar
BVE-36815- 2 12-Oct-26 4-Feb-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-789, EA151, K5303
20270 Idolizing (Sam Messenheimer; Irving Arbahamson; Ray West) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Bessinger, Frank - vocal
Lang, Eddie - guitar
BVE-36813- 2 12-Oct-26 4-Feb-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-790, EA152
20271 Chérie, I love you (Lillian Rosedale Goodman)
Rice, Gladys - soprano
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-36051- 7 17-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 3-3117, B2432, EG626
20271 Honeymoon Lane (Eddie Dowling; James Frederick Hanley): The little white house
(At the end of Honeymoon Lane)
Dixon, Raymond (Lambert Murphy) - tenor
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-36725- 3 18-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2658
20272 Because I love you (Irving Berlin) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
BVE-36394- 5 16-Oct-26 3-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-715, R4735
20272 Just a little longer (Irving Berlin) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Philip Spitalny and his Orchestra, Philip Spitalny - director
Hart, Charles - tenor
BVE-36392- 2 6-Oct-26 3-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-716
20273 I’d rather be the girl in your arms (Than the girl in your dreams) (Harlan Thompson;
Harry Archer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Bessinger, Frank - vocal
Lang, Eddie - guitar
BVE-36814- 8 15-Oct-26 3-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-717, EG357, K5095
20273 Sunday (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn; Jules Stein; Benny Krueger) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Keller Sisters - vocal; Lynch, Al - vocal
Lang, Eddie - guitar
BVE-36829- 3 15-Oct-26 3-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-718, EA174, EG357, K5095
20274 I’d love to call you my sweetheart (Joe Goodwin; Larry Shay; Paul Ash)
Woodson, Greta - “Whispering contralto”
Shield, Leroy - piano
BVE-36402- 2 24-Sep-26 25-Oct-26 to 1929
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 3-3149
20274 There’s a little white house on a little green hill (Billy Rose; Harry Akst)
Woodson, Greta - “Whispering contralto”
Shield, Leroy - piano
BVE-36404- 2 25-Sep-26 25-Oct-26 to 1929
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 3-3150
20275 Kentucky lullaby (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn)
Woodson, Greta - “Whispering contralto”
Shield, Leroy - piano
BVE-36403- 3 25-Sep-26 25-Oct-26 to 1928
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20000 / 21000 SERIES 49
20275 What’s the use of crying? (Verdi Kindel; Louis Forbstein) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Woodson, Greta - “Whispering contralto”
Shield, Leroy - piano
BVE-36401- 3 24-Sep-26 25-Oct-26 to 1928
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20276 Gridiron Club, The (John Philip Sousa) -
Sousa’s Band (Pryor’s Band with eleven Victor men), Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-35454- 3 13-May-26 25-Oct-26 to 1940
Regional release
Camden - Church
HMV: 5-376, AM1621, B2869 Zonophone: AE2497
20276 Pride of the Wolverines (John Philip Sousa) -
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-35898- 3 5-Oct-26 25-Oct-26 to 1940
Regional release
Camden - Church
HMV: 5-377, AM1621, B2869 Zonophone: AE2497
20277 Jesus, saviour, pilot me (Edward Hopper; John E. Gould)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-21467-15 20-Jul-26 28-Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2668
20277 Nearer, my God, to thee (Sarah F. Adams; Lowell Mason)
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor;
Stanley, James - baritone
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-27542-16 19-Jul-26 28-Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4303
20278 Simple confession (Francis Thomé, Op. 25) “Simple aveu(Romance sans paroles)
Neapolitan Trio: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-11373-15 15-Jun-26 17-Dec-26 to 1940 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-218
HMV: 8477, B2404, K5462
20278 Sweetest story ever told, The (R. M. Stults)
Neapolitan Trio: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-10663-20 21-Jun-26 17-Dec-26 to 1940 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-218, Montgomery Ward M-6043, Pict-Ur-Music 0101, 0431
HMV: 8476
20279 Estrellita (Little star of love) (M.M. Ponce)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-35339- 1 23-Apr-26 31-Dec-26 to 1944 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6030, Pict-Ur-Music 0103
HMV: 6-738, B2415
20279 Little love, a little kiss, A (Lao Silésu) - Waltz hesitation “Un peu d’amour”
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36315- 1 15-Sep-26 31-Dec-26 to 1944 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0107
HMV: 6-739, B2415
20280 Broken engagement
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-35668- 3 9-Jun-26 31-Dec-26 to 1933 New York
HMV: 6-2682
20280 Oh, Molly dear go ask your mother
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-35667- 3 9-Jun-26 31-Dec-26 to 1933 New York
HMV: 6-2669
20281 Kaala (Clifford J. Kuni) - Medley waltz - Introducing: Kaala-roselani + Elua kaua
Royal Hawaiian Trio - vocal (NL):
Ewing, Haines - ukulele; Kuni, Clifford J. - guitar; Lei, Francis - guitar
BVE-35974- 3 30-Aug-26 25-Feb-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 8479, K5167
20281 Waonahele (Clifford J. Kuni) - Medley
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Royal Hawaiian Trio - vocal (NL):
Ewing, Haines - ukulele; Kuni, Clifford J. - guitar; Lei, Francis - guitar
BVE-35972- 2 30-Aug-26 25-Feb-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 8478, K5167
20282 Over the waves (Juventino Rosas) “Sobre las olas” -
Perry, Mario - accordion
BVE-36139- 3 30-Aug-26 17-Dec-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 2-9143, EX1, GW486, R8883 Zonophone: 2881, AE1868
20282 Sirens waltz (Emil Waldteufel)
Perry, Mario - accordion
BVE-35980- 4 7-Sep-26 17-Dec-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 2-9144, EX1, GW486, R8883 Zonophone: 2881, AE1868
20283 Sweet Genevieve (George Cooper; Henry Tucker)
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor;
Stanley, James - baritone
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-31647-10 19-Jul-26 17-Dec-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4302
20283 Where the river Shannon flows (James I. Russell)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Reibold, Bruno - celeste
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-31307-10 6-Jul-26 17-Dec-26 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 6-2670 Zonophone: 5006
20284 Barnum and Baileys favorite (K.L. King) -
American Legion Official Band, Monahan Post, Sioux City, Iowa, James Melichar - director
BVE-36719- 3 15-Oct-26 29-Jul-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0134
HMV: 5-182, EX12, K5374 Zonophone: AE1931
20284 March salutation (Roland F. Seitz)
American Legion Official Band, Monahan Post, Sioux City, Iowa, James Melichar - director
BVE-36720- 2 15-Oct-26 29-Jul-26 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0135
HMV: 5-183, EX12, K5374 Zonophone: AE1931
20285 Hello, bluebird (Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Art Landry and his Orchestra, Art Landry - director and violin
Curtis, Dinty - vocal; Edwards, Wilbur - vocal; Marineau, Al - vocal
BVE-36544- 3 14-Oct-26 3-Dec-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-719, EA218, K5087
20285 Hugs and kisses (Raymond Klages; Lou Alter)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From “Earl Carroll’s Vanities”
Art Landry and his Orchestra, Art Landry - director and violin
Marineau, Al - vocal
BVE-36545- 3 15-Oct-26 3-Dec-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-720, EA218, EG365
20286 Kiss your little baby good-night (Walter Donaldson; Charley Straight)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Owen, Delos - piano
BVE-36435- 2 29-Sep-26 3-Dec-26 to 1928 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 4-4299
20286 Meadow lark (Hal Keidel; Ted Fiorito)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Owen, Delos - piano
BVE-36406- 4 25-Sep-26 3-Dec-26 to 1928 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 4-4298, B2412
20000 / 21000 SERIES 51
20287 Chinese moon (Joseph Nussbaum) - Oriental
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Philip Spitalny and his Orchestra, Philip Spitalny - director
BVE-36387- 4 5-Oct-26 2-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
20287 Kiss me with your eyes (Blue eyes) (George Davis; Harry Norret; Philip Spitalny) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Philip Spitalny and his Orchestra, Philip Spitalny - director
Murray, Billy - tenor
BVE-36391- 2 6-Oct-26 2-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
20288 (Hum, hum, hum) Hum your troubles away (Cliff Friend; Harry Woods)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
BVE-36873- 3 26-Oct-26 10-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2663, B2402
20288 I’d love to call you my sweetheart (Joe Goodwin; Larry Shay; Paul Ash)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Raderman, Louis - violin; Shilkret, Nathaniel - celeste and piano
BVE-36872- 4 26-Oct-26 10-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2662, B2402
20289 Honeymoon Lane (Eddie Dowling; James Frederick Hanley): The little white house
(At the end of Honeymoon Lane)
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-36574- 3 29-Oct-26 10-Dec-26 to 1929 Camden
20289 Katja the Dancer (Harry Graham; Jean Gilbert): Leander (Patricia and Leander)
- Fox trot- Fox trot
- Fox trot- Fox trot
- Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-36882- 1 29-Oct-26 10-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-722, R4717
20290 Beside a garden wall (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Albert E. Short; Del Delbridge) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Art Landry and his Orchestra, Art Landry - director and violin
Curtis, Dinty - vocal; Edwards, Wilbur - vocal; Marineau, Al - vocal
BVE-36546- 4 15-Oct-26 10-Dec-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-724, R4721
20290 Two of us, The (Van Phillips; Jimmy Campbell; Reg Connelly) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Edward T. King - director
Buckwalter, Charles - vocal and celeste; Masterman, Frank - vocal
BVE-36184- 3 16-Sep-26 10-Dec-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-723, R4721
20291 Hello, bluebird (Cliff Friend)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone and mandola; Miller, Jim - tenor and guitar
Robison, Carson J. - whistler
BVE-36881- 3 28-Oct-26 10-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4300, B2405
20291 No wonder she’s a blushing bride (Ukulele Ike; Irving Mills; Alfred Dubin)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone and mandola; Miller, Jim - tenor and guitar
Shilkret, Nathaniel - celeste and organ
BVE-36880- 2 28-Oct-26 10-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4301, B2530
20292 For my sweetheart (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson)
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-36565- 5 22-Oct-26 17-Dec-26 to 1928 Camden - Studio 3
HMV: 5861, B2411
20292 Just a little longer (Irving Berlin)
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-36564- 3 22-Oct-26 17-Dec-26 to 1928 Camden - Studio 3
HMV: 5862, B2411
20293 Coney Island washboard (Hampton Durand; Jerry Adams; Ned Nester; Claude Shugart)
Five Harmaniacs - banjos (2), comb kazoo, harmonica, jug and washboard
BVE-36327- 2 17-Sep-26 17-Dec-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9762, EG385, R8873 Zonophone: 2920
20293 Sadie Green, vamp of New Orleans (Gilbert Miller; Johnny Dunn)
Five Harmaniacs - banjos (2), comb kazoo, harmonica, jug and washboard
Shugart, Claude - vocal
BVE-36326- 2 17-Sep-26 17-Dec-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9761, EG385, R8873 Zonophone: 2920
20294 Going up Cripple Creek
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Auto-harp, banjo, harmonica and violin
BVE-36512- 2 24-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1933 Camden
20294 Sugar in the gourd - Square dance
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Banjo, guitar, harmonica and violin (NL)
BVE-36516- 2 25-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1933 Camden
20295 Get on board (Charles Henry Pace)
Doolittle, Reverend Mose and his Congregation - sermon with singing
BVE-36427- 2 28-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1929
Race release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20295 Testimonial meeting (Charles Henry Pace)
Doolittle, Reverend Mose and his Congregation - sermon with singing
BVE-36426- 3 28-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1929
Race release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20296 1 Smoke house blues (Charles Luke)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
BVE-36240- 2 15-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20296 1R Smoke house blues (Charles Luke)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
BVE-36240- 2 15-Sep-26
1R, Feb. 15, 1940
Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: X-16189, Bluebird B-8372, Pict-Ur-Music 0116
HMV: B10645*, EA4005*, EG7775*, JK2759*
20296 1 Steamboat stomp (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
BVE-36285- 3 21-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20296 1R Steamboat stomp (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
BVE-36285- 3 21-Sep-26
1R, Feb. 15, 1940
Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: Bluebird B-8372
HMV: B9979*, EG7545*, HN2884*, JK2686*, SG295*
20297 Gwine to have bad luck for seven years (Phil Worde; Andy Razaf) -
Smith, Elizabeth - vocal
Clarinet, cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-36098- 2 6-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1928
Race release
New York
20297 No sooner blues (Sidney Easton)
Smith, Elizabeth - vocal and tiple ukulele
BVE-36097- 2 6-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1928
Race release
New York
20298 Oh come all ye faithful (F. Oakley, Arr. Mark Andrews)
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-30762-12 22-Oct-26 3-Dec-26 to 1950 Camden - Church
HMV: 9757
20298 Silent night, holy night (Franz Gruber; Arr. Mark Andrews)
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-30761- 6 22-Oct-26 3-Dec-26 to 1950 Camden - Church
HMV: 9758
20000 / 21000 SERIES 53
20299 Christmas morning at Clancey’s (Steve C. Porter) - Descriptive
Porter, Steve C. - baritone; Bumfield, Hermine - vocal; Hoffman, Anna - vocal
Four children - vocal (NL)
Hager, J. - traps; Samuels, Joe - violin; Shilkret, Nathaniel - director
BVE- 6499- 6 21-Oct-26 10-Dec-26 to 1936 New York
HMV: 6-2664
20299 Clancey’s wooden wedding (Steve C. Porter)
Porter, Steve C. - baritone
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-10007- 3 23-Oct-26 10-Dec-26 to 1936 New York
HMV: 6-2665
20300 Just one more kiss (Harry Owens; Reggie Montgomery) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Lynch, Al - vocal
Lang, Eddie - guitar
BVE-36831- 4 15-Oct-26 4-Nov-26 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20300 Song of the wanderer, The (Where shall I go?) (Mort Dixon; Charles N. Daniels
as “Neil Morét”) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Art Landry and his Orchestra, Art Landry - director and violin
Marineau, Al - vocal
BVE-36543- 4 14-Oct-26 4-Nov-26 to 1929
Regional release
20301 Most of all I want your love (Harold Horne; H.G. Tandler)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Small orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36305- 2 11-Sep-26 4-Nov-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2427 Zonophone: 5355
20301 That haunting waltz (Maurice J. Gunsky; Nat Goldstein)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Cello; piano; traps and violin, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36164- 6 9-Sep-26 4-Nov-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 7-2428 Zonophone: 5398
20302 Ida Red - Square dance
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Banjo, guitar, harmonica and violin (NL)
BVE-36515- 2 25-Sep-26 1927 to 1933 Camden
20302 Old Joe Clark - Square dance
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Banjo, guitar, harmonica and violin (NL)
BVE-36517- 2 25-Sep-26 1927 to 1933 Camden
20303 General Pershing march (Carl Vandersloot; Arr. Frank Barry) -
March or one-step or twMarch or one-step or tw
March or one-step or twMarch or one-step or tw
March or one-step or tw
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-36700- 1 5-Oct-26 1927 to 1944 Camden - Church
20303 Repasz band (Charles C. Sweeley; Arr. Harry Lincoln) -
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-36701- 2 5-Oct-26 1927 to 1944 Camden - Church
20304 Brabançonne, La (Rogier; Campenhout) - National air of Belgium
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-36722- 2 16-Oct-26 1927 to 1931+ Camden - Church
20304 Marseillaise, La (Claude Rouget de Lisle)
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-22454- 4 16-Oct-26 1927 to 1931+ Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0158
20305 Sabre and spurs (John Philip Sousa) - March of the American Cavalry
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
Reitz, William H. - xylophone
BVE-36704- 3 6-Oct-26 1927 to 1931+ Camden - Church
20305 Solid men to the front (John Philip Sousa) -
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-35899- 1 5-Oct-26 1927 to 1931+ Camden - Church
20306 It takes a good woman (To keep a good man at home) (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Preer, Evelyn - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36823- 2 14-Oct-26 Jan-27 to 1929
Race release
New York
20306 Make me know it (If you mean what you say) (Fess Williams; Harry D. Squires)
Preer, Evelyn - vocal
Clarinet, cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-36099- 3 6-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1929
Race release
New York
20307 Bearcat stomp (Donald Radman)
Savoy Bearcats, The (NL)
BVE-36060- 3 23-Aug-26 Jan-27 to 1928
Race release
New York
20307 How could I be blue? (Daniel Wilson; Andy Razaf)
Savoy Bearcats, The (NL)
BVE-36031- 5 11-Oct-26 Jan-27 to 1928
Race release
New York
20308 New York waltz
Jaros Novelty Orchestra, Jerry Jaros - director
BVE-36250- 3 17-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: V-746*
HMV: 6-886
20308 Turkey -
Jaros Novelty Orchestra, Jerry Jaros - director
BVE-36251- 1 17-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: V-746*
HMV: 6-885
20309 Ay uchniem “Song of the Volga boatmen” (Russian folk song) -
In RussianIn Russian
In RussianIn Russian
In Russian
Russian Symphonic Choir, Basil Kibalchich - director (Male voices only)
BVE-36738- 2 26-Oct-26 Mar-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6065
HMV: 4699, AM681
20309 Tanzuj, tanzuj (Arr. Basile Kibalchich)
- In Russian - In Russian
- In Russian - In Russian
- In Russian
Russian Symphonic Choir, Basil Kibalchich - director
BVE-34087- 5 26-Oct-26 Mar-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 4700, AM681
20310 Everybody got to walk this lonesome valley
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Pace Jubilee Singers (Rocky Mountain Jubilee Singers)
BVE-36220- 2 13-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20310 You gonna reap just what you sow
- Neg- Neg
- Neg- Neg
- Neg
ro spirro spir
ro spirro spir
ro spir
Pace Jubilee Singers (Rocky Mountain Jubilee Singers)
BVE-36219- 2 13-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20311 Chimes of liberty, The (Edwin Franko Goldman) -
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-36705- 3 6-Oct-26 1927 to 1944 Camden - Church
20311 Sagamore (Edwin Franko Goldman) -
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-36706- 3 6-Oct-26 1927 to 1944 Camden - Church
20312 No one but you knows how to love (Jo Trent; Allan Fraser; May S. Breen; Peter de Rose)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Johnston, Arthur - piano
BVE-36886- 3 30-Oct-26 17-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2672
20312 There ain’t no maybe in my baby’s eyes (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Raymond B. Egan;
Walter Donaldson)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Johnston, Arthur - piano
BVE-36888- 1 30-Oct-26 17-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2671, B2414, EG434 Zonophone: AE2081
20000 / 21000 SERIES 55
20313 Criss-Cross (Anne Caldwell; Otto Harbach; Jerome David Kern): You will, won’t you? -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Bessinger, Frank - vocal
BVE-36889- 3 1-Nov-26 31-Dec-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-749
20313 In Araby with you (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Introducing: Cinderella girl (Jerome David Kern)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Grofé, Ferde - celeste
BVE-36890- 2 1-Nov-26 31-Dec-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-750, R4761
20314 Don’t sing “Aloha” when I go (Walter Smith; Ben Black; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”)
Trial, matrix number assigned at a later date
Four Aristocrats, The - vocal quartet playing guitars (2), piano and ukulele (NL)
BVE-36652- 2 21-Oct-26 17-Dec-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 4-4307, B2403, EG433
20314 She’s still my baby (Willie Raskin; Sam Coslow; Little Jack Little)
Trial, matrix number assigned at a later date
Four Aristocrats, The - vocal quartet playing guitars (2), piano and ukulele (NL)
BVE-36651- 2 21-Oct-26 17-Dec-26 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 4-4308, B2403, EG433
20315 It made you happy when you made me cry (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-36571- 4 28-Oct-26 17-Dec-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-730, K5225
20315 Lay me down to sleep in Carolina (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra (International Novelty Orchestra)
Kaley, Charles - vocal
BVE-36877- 3 27-Oct-26 17-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-729, R5179
20316 King of the Zulus (Louis Armstrong) -
New Orleans Blue Five, Leroy Shield - director
Baxter, Helen - talking; Morris, Tom - cornet; Nanton, Joe - talking
BVE-36896- 1 2-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1929
Race release
New York
20316 Who’s dis heah stranger? -
Thomas Morris and his Orchestra (NL) - clarinet, cornet, piano and trombone
BVE-36071- 2 27-Aug-26 Jan-27 to 1929
Race release
New York
20317 Broken hearted (Carmen Lombardo; Al Lewis; Richard A. Whiting)
Waring, Tom - vocal and piano
BVE-36659- 3 5-Nov-26 31-Dec-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2679
20317 Thinking (Mac Ohman; Lou Morgans)
Waring, Tom - vocal and piano
BVE-36658- 1 5-Nov-26 31-Dec-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2678
20318 Jolly coppersmith, The (C. Peter) -
Humorous marchHumorous march
Humorous marchHumorous march
Humorous march
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor;
Murray, Billy - tenor; Stanley, James - baritone
BVE- 1379- 7 8-Oct-26 1927 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 5-108
20318 Master Miner, The (Carl Zeller): Don’t be cross
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-36712- 2 8-Oct-26 1927 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 5-109
20319 William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - Part 1 - “At dawn
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE- 1275- 8 12-Oct-26 1927 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0121
HMV: 5-104
20319 William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - Part 2 - “The storm
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE- 1276-22 12-Oct-26 1927 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0140
HMV: 5-105
20320 William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - Part 3 - “The calm”
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
Adams, William - English horn; Barone, Clement - flute
BVE- 1277-16 12-Oct-26 1927 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0121
HMV: 5-107
20320 William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - Part 4 - “Finale”
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE- 1278-21 13-Oct-26 1927 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0141
HMV: 5-106
20321 Memory Lane (Larry Spier; Con Conrad)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-31084- 7 25-Oct-26 1927 to 1931 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0150
HMV: 6-833
20321 Primrose (Irving Berlin): All alone
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-31090- 8 15-Jul-26 1927 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-832
20322 How could Red Riding Hood? (A.P. Randolph) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Jan Garber - director and violin
Goldfield, Harry - vocal
BVE-36589- 4 13-Nov-26 24-Dec-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-740, EA123
20322 I’m tellin’ the birds - tellin’ the bees (How I love you) (Lew Brown; Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-36909- 1 5-Nov-26 24-Dec-26 to 1928 New York
Victor: 20367
HMV: 6-741, EG410, K5194
20323 Hard-to-get Gertie (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Green, Jane - soprano
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-36892- 2 1-Nov-26 24-Dec-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 3-3122
20323 Won’t be-long before she belongs to me (How do you like my baby?) (Cliff Friend; Harry Woods)
Green, Jane - soprano
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-36891- 3 1-Nov-26 24-Dec-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 3-3123
20324 Give me a ukulele (And a ukulele baby) (And leave the rest to me) (Lew Brown; Gene Williams)
Mitchell Brothers - vocal and banjo duo
BVE-36812- 2 12-Oct-26 24-Dec-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 4-4306, B2412
20324 I never knew what the moonlight could do (Sam Coslow; Larry Spier)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Owen, Delos - piano
BVE-36432- 3 29-Sep-26 24-Dec-26 to 1928 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 4-4305, B2405
20000 / 21000 SERIES 57
20325 Broken-hearted Sue (Paskman; May Breen; Peter de Rose)
Brox Sisters, The - vocal
Johnston, Arthur - piano
BVE-35865- 2 11-Sep-26 31-Dec-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4311 Zonophone: 2883
20325 Pretty Cinderella (Will J. Harris)
Brox Sisters, The - vocal
Johnston, Arthur - piano
BVE-35883- 2 27-Sep-26 31-Dec-26 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4310 Zonophone: 2883
20326 NR Naughty Riquette (Harry B. Smith; Alfred Goodman; Mannie Rubens): Some one -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Jan Garber - director and violin
Gifford, Jack - vocal
BVE-36583- 4 12-Nov-26
Not released
20326 NR Wild Rose, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Rudolf Friml): We’ll have a kingdom -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-36903- 1 4-Nov-26
Not released
New York
Victor: 20338
HMV: 6-756, EG454
20327 Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Clap yo’ hands -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
BVE-36902- 2 4-Nov-26 24-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-743, B5343, K5108
20327 Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Do-do-do -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-36910- 5 12-Nov-26 24-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-742, B5343, K5108, R4811
20328 Long day closes, The (Henry Chorley; Arthur S. Sullivan)
Cleveland Orpheus Male Chorus, Charles D. Dawe - director (70 men)
BVE-36450- 2 11-Oct-26 25-Feb-27 to 1928 Cleveland, OH
HMV: 4695 Zonophone: 2957
20328 Rosary, The (Robert Rogers; Ethelbert Nevin; Arr. H.L. Heartz)
Cleveland Orpheus Male Chorus, Charles D. Dawe - director (70 men)
BVE-36459- 1 12-Oct-26 25-Feb-27 to 1928 Cleveland, OH
HMV: 4694 Zonophone: 2957
20329 March of the men of Harlech (Old Welch air; Arr. John Guard)
Cleveland Orpheus Male Chorus, Charles D. Dawe - director (70 men)
BVE-36462- 2 12-Oct-26 18-Nov-26 to 1928
Regional release
Cleveland, OH
HMV: 4690 Zonophone: 2910
20329 Song of the marching men (Daniel Protheroe)
Cleveland Orpheus Male Chorus, Charles D. Dawe - director (70 men)
Burtt, Dan - piano
BVE-36461- 2 12-Oct-26 18-Nov-26 to 1928
Regional release
Cleveland, OH
HMV: 4691 Zonophone: 2910
20330 Blues from the Everglades (Charles Henry)
- Fox trot - Listed in the ledger as - Fox trot - Listed in the ledger as
- Fox trot - Listed in the ledger as - Fox trot - Listed in the ledger as
- Fox trot - Listed in the ledger as
“Blues from the swamps”“Blues from the swamps”
“Blues from the swamps”“Blues from the swamps”
“Blues from the swamps”
Thomas Morris and his Seven Hot Babies, Leroy Shield - director (NL)
BVE-36925- 2 12-Nov-26 22-Nov-26 to 1930
Race release
New York
HMV: 6-835
20330 P.D.Q. Blues (Charles Henry) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Thomas Morris and his Seven Hot Babies, Leroy Shield - director (NL)
BVE-36926- 3 12-Nov-26 22-Nov-26 to 1930
Race release
New York
HMV: 6-834
20331 Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Do-do-do
Lawrence, Gertrude - soprano
Waring, Tom - piano
BVE-36654- 3 29-Oct-26 7-Jan-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 3-3127, B2563, EA257
20331 Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Some-one to watch over me
Lawrence, Gertrude - soprano
Waring, Tom - piano
BVE-36653- 3 29-Oct-26 7-Jan-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 3-3126, B2563, EA257
20332 Dying gambler, The (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 sopranos, 1 baritone
BVE-36178- 2 11-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to 1930
Race release
20332 One thing I know (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 sopranos, 1 baritone
BVE-36179- 2 11-Sep-26 26-Nov-26 to 1930
Race release
20333 Graysom Street blues (Mike Jackson)
Johnson, Margaret - soprano
Clarinet, cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-36847- 2 20-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to 1928
Race release
New York
20333 When a ‘gator hollers, folks say it’s a sign of rain (Sidney Easton)
Johnson, Margaret - soprano
Clarinet, cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-36846- 1 20-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to 1928
Race release
New York
20334 Talk ‘bout somethin’ that’s gwine to happen (Sidney Easton; Phil Worde)
Easton, Sidney - vocal
Smith, Elizabeth - vocal; Leecan, Bobby - banjo; Worde, Phil - piano
BVE-36622- 3 18-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to 1928
Race release
20334 When my wants run out (Sidney Easton)
Easton, Sidney - vocal
Smith, Elizabeth - vocal; Leecan, Bobby - banjo; Worde, Phil - piano
BVE-36621- 3 18-Oct-26 26-Nov-26 to 1928
Race release
20335 I’m all alone in a palace of stone (Lon Mooney) - “The Peaches and Browning song”
Burr, Henry - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - vibraphone; Reibold, Bruno - celeste; Reitz, William H. - bells
BVE-36759- 3 5-Nov-26 31-Dec-26 to 1928 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2674
20335 Just a little longer (Irving Berlin)
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor
Stanley, James - baritone
Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Reitz, William H. - vibraphone
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-36726- 3 21-Oct-26 31-Dec-26 to 1928 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4312
20336 Some day (Larry Spier; William C. Polla) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Rice, Gladys - soprano
BVE-36923- 3 11-Nov-26 31-Dec-26 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-752, R4761
20336 There ain’t no maybe in my baby’s eyes (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Raymond B. Egan;
Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Jan Garber - director and violin
Goldfield, Harry - vocal
BVE-36582- 2 8-Nov-26 31-Dec-26 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-751, R4799
20000 / 21000 SERIES 59
20337 I don’t mind being all alone (When I’m all alone with you) (Clarence Gaskill; Jimmy McHugh;
Irving Mills) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Art Landry and his Orchestra, Art Landry - director and violin
Marineau, Al - vocal
BVE-36575- 4 1-Nov-26 31-Dec-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-754, EA135
20337 I never knew what the moonlight could do (Sam Coslow; Larry Spier) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-36883- 6 12-Nov-26 31-Dec-26 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-753
20338 Don’t sing “Aloha” when I go (Walter Smith; Ben Black; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”;
Arr. Harry A. Powell) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal; Waring, Fred - ukulele
BVE-36581- 5 3-Nov-26 31-Dec-26 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-755, B5201, EG454
20338 Wild Rose, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Rudolf Friml): We’ll have a kingdom -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-36903- 1 4-Nov-26 31-Dec-26 to 1928 New York
Victor: 20326
HMV: 6-756, EG454
20339 Our hired girl (James Whitcomb Riley) -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
BVE-19180- 4 12-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1941 Camden
20339 Rhymes of Childhood (James Whitcomb Riley): The raggedy man -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
BVE-19179- 5 12-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1941 Camden
20340 Sugar plum tree, The (Eugene Field) - Eaver plays Traumerei” (Robert Schumann) -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-21618- 4 12-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1941 Camden
20340 Wynken, blynken and nod (Eugene Field) - Eaver plays “Berceuse” -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-21612- 4 12-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1941 Camden
20341 Rumpelstiltskin (Jacob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm) - Part 1 -
Eaver plays “Spinning song”
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36683- 1 12-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1936 Camden
20341 Rumpelstiltskin (Jacob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm) - Part 2 -
Eaver plays “Spinning song”
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36684- 3 12-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1936 Camden
20342 Second Indian Suite (Edward MacDowell, Op. 46) - Love song -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-30506- 6 11-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1931+ Camden - Church
20342 Woodland Sketches (Edward MacDowell, Op. 51, No. 1) - From an Indian lodge
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-30507- 6 11-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1931+ Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0139
20343 Morning song (Edvard Grieg) + The rose (Robert Franz) + The brooklet
(Robert Schumann) + The jolly miller (Franz Schubert) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-14208- 4 19-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden
20343 Spring song (Frédéric Chopin) + Spring’s messenger (Robert Schumann) + Greeting
(Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) + Autumn (Robert Franz) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-14207- 5 19-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden
20344 At the brook (Rene Boisdeffre, Op. 52) - Serenade - “Au bord d’un ruisseau”
Venetian Trio, Bruno Reibold - director: Lapitino, Francis J. - harp;
Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-36608- 6 13-Oct-26 Jan-27 to Mar-51 Camden
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0122
20344 Wind amongst the trees (G. Briccialdi, Op. 12) - “Il vento caprice”
Barone, Clement - flute
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36634- 4 22-Oct-26 Jan-27 to Mar-51 Camden
20345 Coucou, Le (Louis Claude Daquin) -
Barth, Hans - piano
BVE-36766- 4 13-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20345 Fantasia in D Minor (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) -
Barth, Hans - piano
BVE-35480- 5 5-Jun-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20346 Ballet Symphonique (Cécile Chaminade, Op. 37, No. 2) - Scarf dance
Barth, Hans - piano
BVE-30959-13 13-Nov-26 25-Feb-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0453
HMV: 5866
20346 Flatterer, The (Cécile Chaminade)
Barth, Hans - piano
BVE-30958- 9 13-Nov-26 25-Feb-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 5865
20347 Mill wheel, The (Edward Birg) + Ginger bread man (Maurice Moszkowski) + The bird’s breakfast
(James Rogers) + Pussy willows (Adolf Weidig) -
Giles, Erva - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36686- 2 15-Nov-26 Jan-27 to Mar-51 Camden
20347 Postman, The (German folk song) + Whippoorwill (Marshall Bartholomew) + A surprise
(Frederich Hegar) + Betty and Billy (J.B.T. Weckerlin) + Lady moon (W. Otto Miessner) -
Giles, Erva - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36685- 3 15-Nov-26 Jan-27 to Mar-51 Camden
20348 Bee and the butterfly, The (Marshall Bartholomew) + The water baby’s lullaby (Jesse Gaynor) +
What the little bird said (Paul Bliss) + Small stars (Elsa Uppling) -
Giles, Erva - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36687- 2 15-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1941 Camden
20348 Sand wells (W.B. Olds) + The shell (Horatio Parker) + An arbor day song (Carl Busch) +
Algerian lullaby (Mary Root Kern) + Sandman (W. Otto Miessner) -
Giles, Erva - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36688- 2 15-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1941 Camden
20349 Blue bird + Mr. Duck and Mr. Turkey + Six little puppies + Little birdie (W. H. Neidlinger) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-14726- 9 24-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden
20000 / 21000 SERIES 61
20349 Tiddlley winks and tiddlley wee + The chicken + The bunny + Mr. Squirrel + The daisy
and the wind (W. H. Neidlinger)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-14727- 7 20-Sep-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20350 Fundamental Rhythms for Children in 2/4 Measure - The bell (French) + The hunter
(Bohemian) + From far away (Lithuanian) + Memories (Finnish) + The warning
(German) - (Old folk tunes)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-30411- 8 16-Nov-26 Jan-27 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-708, B3235
20350 Fundamental Rhythms for Children in 3/4 Measure - Springtime (German) + Punchinello
(French) + The bird a flying (German) + Ash grove (English) + In the valley (Swabian) -
(Old folk tunes) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-30412- 8 16-Nov-26 Jan-27 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-709, B3235
20351 Fundamental Rhythms for Children in 4/4 Measure - Vesper hymn (Sicilian) + Au clair
de la lune (French) + The tailor and the mouse (English) + John Peel (English) -
(Old folk tunes) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-30414- 6 8-Nov-26 Jan-27 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-710, B3236
20351 Fundamental Rhythms for Children in 6/8 Measure - The thresher (German) +
Johnny at the fair (English) + Longing (German) + Top o Cork Road (Irish) -
(Old folk tunes) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-30413- 4 8-Nov-26 Jan-27 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-711, B3236
20352 Meadow lark (Hal Keidel; Ted Fiorito) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-36953- 3 22-Nov-26 7-Jan-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-759, K5194, R4737
20352 Sweet thing (Ralph Williams; Herman Kahn; Joe Verges) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jack Shilkret’s Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
BVE-36932- 2 16-Nov-26 7-Jan-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-760, B5269
20353 Gridiron King (R.K. Fletcher) + Ten thousand men of Harvard (Murray Taylor)
Harvard University Band, A.F. Keeley - director
BVE-36644- 3 28-Oct-26 1-Dec-26 to 1940
Regional release
Cambridge, MA
20353 Our director (F.E. Bigelow) - Harvard football march
Harvard University Band, A.F. Keeley - director
BVE-36642- 3 28-Oct-26 1-Dec-26 to 1940
Regional release
Cambridge, MA
20354 Harvardiana (R.G. Williams) + Veritas (J.H. Densmore)
Harvard University Band, A.F. Keeley - director
BVE-36641- 3 28-Oct-26 1-Dec-26 to 1940
Regional release
Cambridge, MA
20354 Up the street (Robert G. Morse) -
Harvard University Band, A.F. Keeley - director
BVE-36643- 3 28-Oct-26 1-Dec-26 to 1940
Regional release
Cambridge, MA
20355 Orange and the Black, The (Clarence Mitchell; E.J. Biedermann) + Old nassau -
Princeton college air (Harlan Peck; Kerl Langlotz)
Princeton University Band, Aims C. McGuinness - director
BVE-37013- 3 23-Nov-26 1-Dec-26 to 1931+
Regional release
Princeton, NJ
20355 Princeton Football Medley (Arr. Richard Weaver) - Going back to Nassau Hall +
The guard of old Nassau + Going back to old Nassau Hall + The Princeton
cannon song + Jungle song
Princeton University Band, Aims C. McGuinness - director
BVE-37014- 1 23-Nov-26 1-Dec-26 to 1931+
Regional release
Princeton, NJ
20356 If you don’t like potatoes (Monette Moore)
Moore, Monette - vocal
Clarinet, cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-36916- 2 9-Nov-26 26-Nov-26 to 1928
Race release
New York
20356 Somebody’s been lovin’ my baby (Mike Jackson)
Moore, Monette - vocal
Clarinet, cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-36917- 2 9-Nov-26 26-Nov-26 to 1928
Race release
New York
20357 Lenox Avenue blues (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller)
- Listed in the ledger as- Listed in the ledger as
- Listed in the ledger as- Listed in the ledger as
- Listed in the ledger as
“The church organ blues”“The church organ blues”
“The church organ blues”“The church organ blues”
“The church organ blues”
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - organ
BVE-36774- 4 17-Nov-26 26-Nov-26 to 1932
Race release
Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0119
HMV: 9785, AM889, B8501, SG561
20357 St. Louis blues (W.C. Handy)
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - organ
BVE-36773- 1 17-Nov-26 26-Nov-26 to 1932
Race release
Camden - Church
Victor: X-16050, Pict-Ur-Music 0118
HMV: 9784, AM881, B8501, SG561
20358 Christmas Eve (Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov): Church scene -
In RussianIn Russian
In RussianIn Russian
In Russian
Russian Symphonic Choir, Basil Kibalchich - director (Male voices only)
BVE-36739- 2 26-Oct-26 Feb-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
20358 Song of the cherubim (Michael Glinka) -
In RussianIn Russian
In RussianIn Russian
In Russian
Russian Symphonic Choir, Basil Kibalchich - director
BVE-36736- 3 26-Oct-26 Feb-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
20359 I’ve got the girl (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-36954- 2 22-Nov-26 7-Jan-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-762, AM661, B5215
20359 To-night you belong to me (Billy Rose; Lee David) -
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Shilkret, Nathaniel - celeste
BVE-36964- 2 24-Nov-26 7-Jan-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-761, EA140, K5157, R4733
20360 Sweetie pie (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Leon Rosebrook - director
Goldfield, Harry - vocal
BVE-36591- 4 15-Nov-26 7-Jan-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-764
20360 Take in the sun, (Hang out the moon) (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry Woods) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Leon Rosebrook - director
Gifford, Jack - vocal
BVE-36587- 4 15-Nov-26 7-Jan-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-763, R4737
20361 Oh, Please (Anne Caldwell; Vincent Youmans): Like he loves me
Lillie, Beatrice - soprano
Youmans, Vincent - piano; Male chorus (NL)
BVE-37053- 2 27-Nov-26 21-Jan-27 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 3-3151
20361 Oh, Please (Anne Caldwell; Vincent Youmans): Nicodemus
Lillie, Beatrice - soprano
Youmans, Vincent - piano
BVE-37052- 2 27-Nov-26 21-Jan-27 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 3-3131
20000 / 21000 SERIES 63
20362 My old Kentucky home (N. Clifford Page; Stephen Collins Foster) -
Neapolitan Trio, Bruno Reibold - director: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp;
Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-16822- 8 22-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6044
20362 Old folks at home (Way down upon the Swanee River) (N. Clifford Page;
Stephen Collins Foster) -
Venetian Trio: Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-16823-24 2-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden
20363 Dreaming the waltz away (Fred Rose; Paul Whiteman)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-36445- 3 5-Oct-26 25-Feb-27 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 9770, B2430
20363 Lay my head beneath a rose (Grant Falkenstein) - A ballad”
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-36447- 3 6-Oct-26 25-Feb-27 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
Victor: 24470
HMV: 9771, B2430
20364 Mess, The (Thomas Morris) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot Listed 2 days after being recorded
Thomas Morris and his Seven Hot Babies (NL)
BVE-36962- 3 24-Nov-26 26-Nov-26 to 1929 New York
20364 My baby doesn’t squawk (Thomas Morris) -
New Orleans Blue Five, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-36895- 1 26-Nov-26 26-Nov-26 to 1929
Race release
New York
20365 Adam and Eve in the garden (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - sopranos (2) and a baritone
BVE-36485- 1 26-Nov-26 26-Nov-26 to 1932
Race release
Camden - Church
Victor: Bluebird 1852, B-5033, Montgomery Ward M-4842, Sunrise S-3120
HMV: 40-6669
20365 Just as soon as my feet strike Zion, Lord, I won’t be troubled no more (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - sopranos (2) and a baritone
BVE-36484- 2 26-Nov-26 26-Nov-26 to 1932
Race release
Camden - Church
20366 NR Caprice (M. Ogarew, Op. 15, No. 2)
Schmidt, Alexander - violin
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36563- 4 1-Dec-26
Not released
Camden - Church
Victor: 20614
20366 NR Six Fancies (Edgar Thorne; Edward MacDowell): To a humming bird + The bee
(Franz Schubert)
Schmidt, Alexander - violin
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36562- 1 20-Oct-26
Not released
20367 I’m tellin’ the birds - tellin’ the bees (How I love you) (Lew Brown; Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-36909- 1 5-Nov-26 14-Jan-27 to 1928 New York
Victor: 20322
HMV: 6-741, EG410, K5194
20367 Steppin’ around (Ferde Grofé; Harry F. Reser; Director) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Jan Garber - director and violin
Reser, Harry F. - banjo
BVE-36590- 2 13-Nov-26 14-Jan-27 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-769, EG410
20368 Put your arms where they belong (For they belong to me) (Louis Davis; Henry Santley;
Herman Ackerman) -
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37032- 4 30-Nov-26 14-Jan-27 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 6-767, AM663, B2416, K5120, R4745
20368 Within the prison of my dreams (Helen Crawford) -
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37031- 3 30-Nov-26 14-Jan-27 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 6-768, AM663, B2416, K5120
20369 Far away in Hawaii (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor
Guitars (2) and violins (2) (NL)
BVE-36949- 7 1-Dec-26 28-Jan-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4319, EA295 Zonophone: 2927
20369 Just a melody (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor
Orchestra, Roy Smeck - director
BVE-36950- 2 19-Nov-26 28-Jan-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4318, EA147 Zonophone: 2927
20370 Blame it on the waltz (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Alfred Solman)
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra
Burr, Henry - tenor
BVE-36382- 2 4-Oct-26 28-Jan-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-773
20370 Wild Rose, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Rudolf Friml): One golden hour -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
BVE-36922- 2 11-Nov-26 28-Jan-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-774, GW608, K5170, R4741
20371 It made you happy when you made me cry (Walter Donaldson)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-36990- 1 1-Dec-26 14-Jan-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2683, B2442
20371 To-night you belong to me (Billy Rose; Lee David)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director and celeste
BVE-36989- 1 1-Dec-26 14-Jan-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2713, B2442
20372 I’m tellin’ the birds - tellin’ the bees (How I love you) (Lew Brown; Cliff Friend)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Johnson, Arthur - piano
BVE-36887- 5 1-Dec-26 14-Jan-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-2684, B2414, EG434 Zonophone: AE2081
20372 Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Clap yo’ hands
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Johnson, Arthur - piano
BVE-36992- 3 2-Dec-26 14-Jan-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-2685, AM919, B2564, EG723
20373 Desert Song, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg): One alone -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
BVE-36982- 3 29-Nov-26 28-Jan-27 to 1934 New York
HMV: 6-776, AM657, B5233, EG421, K5130 Zonophone: AE3427
20373 Desert Song, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg): Riff song -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Chorus: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-36981- 3 29-Nov-26 28-Jan-27 to 1934 New York
HMV: 6-775, AM657, B5233, EG421, K5130 Zonophone: AE3427
20000 / 21000 SERIES 65
20374 Berceuse (Armas Jarnefelt) -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-19159- 5 29-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0144
20374 Praeludium (Armas Jarnefelt) -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-19158-12 29-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20375 Sam ‘n Henry buying insurance (Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden)
Sam ‘n’ Henry: Correll, Charles J. - comic - As “Sam”; Gosden, Freeman F. - comic - As “Henry”
BVE-35067- 2 27-May-26 28-Jan-27 to 1932 Chicago
HMV: 4-4317
20375 Sam ‘n Henry rollin’ the bones (Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden)
Sam ‘n’ Henry: Correll, Charles J. - comic - As “Sam”; Gosden, Freeman F. - comic - As “Henry”
BVE-35068- 1 27-May-26 28-Jan-27 to 1932 Chicago
HMV: 4-4316, K5150
20376 Break the news to mother (Charles K. Harris)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Cello; piano; traps and violin, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36166- 2 8-Sep-26 27-May-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2727 Zonophone: 5263
20376 Just as the sun went down (Lyn Udall)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Cello; piano; traps and violin, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36168- 2 9-Sep-26 27-May-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 6-2687 Zonophone: 5096
20377 How to play the harmonica (Arr. William J. Haussler) - Part 1
Haussler, William - harmonica and talking
Coutlee, Douglas Wakefield - announcer
Shilkret, Nathaniel - piano
BVE-36951- 4 20-Dec-26 29-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 8510
20377 How to play the harmonica (Arr. William J. Haussler) - Part 2
Haussler, William - harmonica and talking
Coutlee, Douglas Wakefield - announcer
Shilkret, Nathaniel - piano
BVE-36952- 5 20-Dec-26 29-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 8511
20378 I love the college girls (Moe Jaffe; Nat Bonx) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-36495- 4 8-Dec-26 21-Jan-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-778, AM666, B5262, EG430, K5424, R4731 Zonophone: AE1813
20378 Where do you work-a John? (Push-a push-a push) (Mortimer Weinberg; Charley Marks;
Harry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-36494- 3 8-Dec-26 21-Jan-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-777, AM666, EG430, R4731 Zonophone: AE1813
20379 Tuck in Kentucky and smile (Sidney Holden; Bobby O’Brien; Don Roberts) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra
BVE-36383- 1 4-Oct-26 21-Jan-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-780, EG398
20379 Wouldn’t you? (Owen Murphy)
- F- F
- F- F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From Greenwich Village Follies”
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Lang, Eddie - guitar
BVE-36965- 4 24-Nov-26 21-Jan-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-779, EG398
20380 Mary Lou (Abe Lyman; George Waggner; J. Russel Robinson)
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-36993- 3 2-Dec-26 21-Jan-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4314, B2443, B4677, R6869 Zonophone: AE1857
20380 Oh, Please (Anne Caldwell; Vincent Youmans): I know that you know
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-37113- 1 8-Dec-26 21-Jan-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4315, AM622, B4677, EG497, K5507, R6869 Zonophone: AE3857
20381 Evrything’s peaches (For Peaches and me) (Harry D. Squires) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaron’s Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director and piano
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-36948- 6 10-Dec-26 21-Jan-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-782, B5242, EA145, EG429
20381 Give me a ukulele (And a ukulele baby) (And leave the rest to me) (Lew Brown;
Gene Williams) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Irving Aaron’s Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director and piano
Aaronson, Irving - vocal; Saliers, Harold - vocal; Saxe, Phil - vocal
BVE-36947- 6 10-Dec-26 21-Jan-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-781, B5242, EA140, EG429, R4733
20382 Nola (Felix Arndt)
Robison, Carson J. - whistler and piano
BVE-37111- 1 8-Dec-26 28-Jan-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 9774, EG501, K5166
20382 Whistle-itis (Carson J. Robison)
Robison, Carson J. - whistler
Shilkret, Nathaniel - piano
BVE-37112- 1 8-Dec-26 28-Jan-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 9775, EG501, K5166
20383 Ay-ay-ay (Osman Perez Freire; Arr. Nathaniel Shilkret)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-32471- 5 17-Nov-26 Exp-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-732, R10026
20383 Eternal secret (José Perches Enriques) - “Secreto eterno
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-32224- 5 17-Nov-26 Exp-26 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-733, R10026
20384 Cielito lindo (P. Santos)
Orquesta Típica Mexicana, José Briseno - director
BVE-36973- 2 26-Nov-26 28-Jan-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: 79062
HMV: 6-783, B4678, EG500 Zonophone: AE1912
20384 Mexican dances, No. 1 and No. 2 (José Briseno)
Orquesta Típica Mexicana, José Briseno - director
BVE-36970- 1 26-Nov-26 28-Jan-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: 79089
HMV: 6-784, B4678, EG500 Zonophone: AE1912
20385 In the garden (C. Austin Miles)
Asher, Virginia (Mrs. William) - contralto; Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-33497- 3 2-Nov-25 25-Feb-27 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4350
HMV Canada: 118020
HMV: 4-4181
20000 / 21000 SERIES 67
20385 When the world forgets (A.H. Ackley)
Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-33732- 1 3-Nov-25 25-Feb-27 to 1944 Camden
HMV Canada: 118020
HMV: 6-2392
20386 Memphis blues, The (W.C. Handy)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Carola, William - guitar
BVE-37103- 4 6-Dec-26 25-Feb-27 to 1938 New York
HMV: 4-4320
20386 Twelfth Street rag (Euday L. Bowman -
Listed as Listed as
Listed as Listed as
Listed as
in ledger in ledger
in ledger in ledger
in ledger
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Carola, William - guitar
BVE-36991- 3 2-Dec-26 25-Feb-27 to 1938 New York
HMV: 4-4321
20387 Crepe on the old cabin door, The (J.E. Guernsey; Floyd Thompson)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor and harmonica
Kellner, Murray - violin; Robison, Carson J. - harmonica and guitar
BVE-36848- 2 20-Oct-26 25-Feb-27 to 1932 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8021
HMV: 6-2688
20387 Sad lover, The (Dal Camdon)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Kellner, Murray - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-36988- 2 1-Dec-26 25-Feb-27 to 1932 New York
HMV: 6-2728
20388 Southern Court scene - 5th session (Walter C. Kelly) - Part 1
Kelly, Walter C. “The Virginian judge” - talking
BVE-35396- 6 21-May-26 25-Feb-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 1627
20388 Southern Court scene - 5th session (Walter C. Kelly) - Part 2
Kelly, Walter C. “The Virginian judge” - talking
BVE-35397- 4 12-May-26 25-Feb-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 1628
20389 Ave Maria (Sir Walter Scott; Franz Schubert, D. 839) - in German
Waterman, Ethel Day - vocal
Eaver, Myrtle - piano; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-36637- 2 23-Oct-26 2-Nov-26 to 1929
“Personal record”
HMV: 3-3163
20389 Sérénade (Franz Schubert, D. 957, No. 4) - in German
Waterman, Ethel Day - vocal
Eaver, Myrtle - piano; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-36638- 1 23-Oct-26 2-Nov-26 to 1929
“Personal record”
HMV: 3-3164
20390 Brainstorm (Joe L. Sanders) -
Coon-Sanders Original Night-Hawks Orchestra
BVE-37216- 2 8-Dec-26 28-Jan-27 to 1928 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-786, B5289
20390 My baby knows how (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Original Night-Hawks Orchestra
Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-37215- 4 8-Dec-26 28-Jan-27 to 1928 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-785, EA146, R4743
20391 Don’t be angry with me (Walter Donaldson)
Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Cello; piano; violin, Edward T. King - director
BVE-36072- 2 27-Aug-26 28-Jan-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 3-3130, B2521 Zonophone: EE29
20391 If I’d only believed in you (Benny Davis; Harry Akst)
Green, Jane - soprano
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-36893- 2 1-Nov-26 28-Jan-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 3-3129, B2521
20392 Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Maybe -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37033- 2 30-Nov-26 28-Jan-27 to 1929 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 6-787, B5345, K6147, R8745
20392 Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Some-one to watch over me -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
BVE-36924- 3 12-Nov-26 28-Jan-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-788, B5345, K5147, R4743
20393 Yes, Yes Yvette (Irving Caesar): I’m a little bit fonder of you -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-36493- 3 8-Dec-26 25-Feb-27 to 1929 Camden
Victor: 22314
HMV: 6-801, 40-1982
20393 Yes, Yes Yvette (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer): Do you love as I love? -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Harrison, Charles W. - tenor
BVE-37144- 3 17-Dec-26 25-Feb-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-802
20394 Thinking of you (I’ve grown so lonesome) (Walter Donaldson; Paul Ash) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-37164- 3 21-Dec-26 4-Feb-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-791
20394 When I first met Mary (George Little; Joe Werges; Larry Shay) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ben Pollack and his Californians
Ray, Joey - vocal
BVE-37218- 2 9-Dec-26 4-Feb-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-792, EA169
20395 Cradle Songs of Many Nations - Part 1 - Norway - Ro, ro til friske-akjar + Sweden -
Ro, ro barnen + German + Bohemian - Hajej muj andilku
- Educational - - Educational -
- Educational - - Educational -
- Educational -
From “Cradle Songs of Many Nations” by Katherine Wallace Davis
Giles, Erva - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-37056- 2 29-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden
20395 Cradle Songs of Many Nations - Part 2 - Japan - Ne hon ko, ori wootah +
China - Moo-lee-wah “The jasmine flower” + France + Italy - Dormi, dormi
- Educational - - Educational -
- Educational - - Educational -
- Educational -
From “Cradle Songs of Many Nations” by Katherine Wallace Davis
Giles, Erva - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-37057- 3 29-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden
20396 Nautilus (Edward MacDowell, Op. 55, No. 7) - A fairy sail and a fairy boat” + To the Sea
(Edward MacDowell, Op. 55, No. 1) - “Ocean, thou mighty monster” -
Barth, Hans - piano
BVE-36794- 4 4-Dec-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20396 Witches’ dance (Edward MacDowell, Op. 17, No. 2)
Barth, Hans - piano
BVE-36795- 3 4-Dec-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20000 / 21000 SERIES 69
20397 ‘Deed I do (Fred Rose; Walter Hirsch)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Clarinets (3), piano, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37150- 2 17-Dec-26 4-Feb-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2691, B2422
20397 I’ve got the girl (Walter Donaldson)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Baer, Abel - piano
BVE-36995- 1 3-Dec-26 4-Feb-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2690, B2422
20398 Tell me to-night (Pierre Conner; Little Jack Little) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Shilkret, Nathaniel - celeste
BVE-37129- 2 14-Dec-26 4-Feb-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-793
20398 Tenderly think of me (Richard Pascoe; Will Dulmarge; Richard A. Whiting) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Bessinger, Frank - vocal
BVE-37132- 2 14-Dec-26 4-Feb-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-794, B5223, EA170
20399 Faust (Charles Gounod): Mirror Dance + Eifenspiel (Halfdan Kjerulf, Op. 24, No. 2) + The witch
(Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky) + March of the tin soldiers (Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-25905- 7 18-Nov-26 Jan-27 to Apr-53 Camden
HMV: 40-712, B3239
20399 Knight of the hobby horse (Robert Schumann) + The clock (Theodore Kullak) + Postillion
(Benjamin Godard) + Peasant’s dance (Ludwig Schytte) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-25907- 8 21-Dec-26 Jan-27 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-782, B3239
20400 Marsovia waltzes (Henriette Blanke-Belcher) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-13256- 1 10-Dec-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Timely Tunes C-1573
20400 Tenth Regiment (R.B. Hall) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-17347- 3 10-Dec-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Timely Tunes C-1572
20401 Bergeronette, La (F. Burgmueller) + Waltz (Franz Schubert) + Scherzo
(Cornelius Gurlitt, Op. 101, No.16) + L’arabesque (F. Burgmueller) + Tarantelle
(Camille Saint-Saëns) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-25908- 6 30-Nov-26 Jan-27 to Mar-52 Camden
HMV: 40-714, B3237
20401 Boating on the lake (Theodore Kullak, Op. 62, No. 7) + Skating (Theodore Kullak,
Op. 62, No. 11) + Walzer (Cornelius Gurlitt, Op. 101, No. 11) + March
(Cornelius Gurlitt, Op. 101, No. 1)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-25906- 6 23-Nov-26 Jan-27 to Mar-52 Camden
HMV: 40-713, B3237
20402 Need more blues (Robert Cooksey)
South Street Trio: Cooksey, Robert - harmonica; Leecan, Bobby - banjo;
Martin, Alfred - guitar
BVE-37021- 2 22-Nov-26 11-Mar-27 to 1929 Camden
20402 Whiskey and gin blues (Bobby Leecan; Alfred Marten; Robert Cooksey)
South Street Trio: Cooksey, Robert - harmonica; Leecan, Bobby - banjo;
Martin, Alfred - guitar
BVE-37022- 2 22-Nov-26 11-Mar-27 to 1929 Camden
20403 Florida blues (W.K. Phillips)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjos (3), jugs (2), saxophone and violin (NL)
BVE-37221- 2 10-Dec-26 11-Mar-27 to 1930 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20403 Louisville stomp (Henry Clifford)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjos (3), jugs (2), saxophone and violin (NL)
BVE-37225- 2 10-Dec-26 11-Mar-27 to 1930 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20404 I keeps my kitchen clean (George Thomas)
Miller, Sodarisa - vocal
Cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-37213- 2 8-Dec-26 11-Mar-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20404 Lonesome room blues (Ethel Bynum; George Thomas)
Miller, Sodarisa - vocal
Cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-37212- 1 8-Dec-26 11-Mar-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20405 Original Jelly-Roll blues (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
BVE-37256- 2 16-Dec-26 11-Mar-27 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: 27-0130 Bluebird B-10255, Japan A-1465
HMV: ALS5018, B9848, DA4986, EA3632, EG7907, HN2933, JK2666, K8741
20405 Someday sweetheart blues (John C. Spikes; Benjamin Spikes)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
BVE-37254- 2 16-Dec-26 11-Mar-27 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20406 Harmony blues (Bennie Moten)
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra, Bennie Moten - director and piano
BVE-37233- 1 13-Dec-26 11-Mar-27 to 1930 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-989, B5302
20406 Thick lip stomp (Bennie Moten)
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra, Bennie Moten - director and piano
BVE-37232- 1 13-Dec-26 11-Mar-27 to 1930 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-990, B5302
20407 I got a mule to ride (Edna Winston; Mike Jackson; Thomas Morris)
Winston, Edna - vocal
Orchestra, Thomas Morris - director
BVE-36958- 3 23-Nov-26 11-Mar-27 to 1928 New York
20407 Peepin Jim (Edgar Dowell)
Winston, Edna - vocal
Orchestra, Thomas Morris - director
BVE-36961- 1 23-Nov-26 11-Mar-27 to 1928 New York
20408 ‘Deed I do (Fred Rose; Walter Hirsch)
Ben Pollack and his Californians, Leroy Shield - director
Pollack, Ben - vocal
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-37219- 6 17-Dec-26 11-Feb-28 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-823, B5281, R4819
20408 I need lovin’ (Henry Creamer; James P. Johnson) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Coon-Sanders Original Night-Hawks Orchestra
Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-37259- 3 17-Dec-26 11-Feb-28 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-824
20409 Evry little while (Fred Steel; Billy Hageny) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-37130- 1 13-Dec-26 11-Feb-28 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-825, B5282, EG437 Zonophone: AE1883
20409 Have you forgotten? (Jack Yellan; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Jan Garber - director and violin
Gifford, Jack - vocal
BVE-36585- 2 9-Nov-26 11-Feb-28 to 1928 Camden
HMV: 6-826, B5282, EG437
20000 / 21000 SERIES 71
20410 Crucifixus (Antonio Lotti)
Dayton Westminster Choir, J.F. Williamson - director
BVE-36782- 2 30-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-54755, EG1136
20410 Hodie Christus natus est (G. Pierluigi da Palestrina)
Dayton Westminster Choir, J.F. Williamson - director
BVE-36784- 1 30-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-54754
20411 Sunday (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn; Jules Stein; Benny Krueger)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Baer, Abel - piano
BVE-37501- 1 31-Dec-26 11-Feb-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2699, B2432, EG626
20411 Thinking of you (I’ve grown so lonesome) (Walter Donaldson; Paul Ash)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Baer, Abel - piano
BVE-37500- 4 4-Jan-27 11-Feb-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2698, AM743, B2441, EG511
20412 Cheritza - “A pretty little Viennese” (Tom Ford; Louis Breau)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Shilkret, Lew - celeste
BVE-37186- 1 28-Dec-26 11-Feb-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-828, R4817
20412 Gay Paree (Powers Gourand): “Je t’aime” means I love you -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Rice, Gladys - soprano; Shilkret, Lew - celeste
BVE-37173- 4 23-Dec-26 11-Feb-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-827, R4817
20413 If I didn’t know your husband (And you didn’t know my wife) (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Abel Baer)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-37178- 3 23-Dec-26 11-Feb-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2702, AM655, B2435
20413 So will I (Lewis Brown; Cliff Friend)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-37177- 1 23-Dec-26 11-Feb-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2703, AM655, B2435
20414 I seen my pretty papa standing on a hill (Charles Henry)
Parker, Eva - vocal
Guitar, piano and violin (NL)
BVE-37269- 2 18-Dec-26 11-Mar-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20414 You got yourself another woman, I get myself another man (Charles Henry)
Parker, Eva - vocal
Guitar, piano and violin (NL)
BVE-37268- 2 18-Dec-26 11-Mar-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20415 Doctor Jazz (Joe “King” Oliver)
- Stomp - Bloom; Morton listed as composers in ledger - Stomp - Bloom; Morton listed as composers in ledger
- Stomp - Bloom; Morton listed as composers in ledger - Stomp - Bloom; Morton listed as composers in ledger
- Stomp - Bloom; Morton listed as composers in ledger
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
Morton, Ferd “Jelly-Roll” - vocal
BVE-37257- 3 16-Dec-26 25-Feb-27 to 1932 Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: 27-0130, Bluebird B-10255, Japan A-1465
HMV: 6-840, ALS5018, B9848, DA4986, EA3632, EG7907, HN2933, JK2767, K8741
20415 Memphis shake (Henry Clifford)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjos (3), clarinet, jugs (2), saxophone and violin (NL)
BVE-37227- 2 11-Dec-26 25-Feb-27 to 1932 Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: X-16040, Pict-Ur-Music 0112
HMV: 6-841, B5249, B10707, EA4089, EG7853, JK2767
20416 Pirouette (Herman Finck) -
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37196- 1 30-Dec-26 Jan-27 to Mar-51 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0131
20416 Secret, Le (Léonard Gauthier) -
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37195- 1 30-Dec-26 Jan-27 to Mar-51 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0130
20417 Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Maybe
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano; Shilkret, Jack - piano; Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37119- 3 10-Dec-26 18-Feb-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2714
20417 Ramblers, The (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby): All alone Monday
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-37179- 1 24-Dec-26 18-Feb-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4329, AM862, EG596, K5429, R6873 Zonophone: AE1991
20418 Lonely eyes, Charleston (Benny Davis; Harry Akst)
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-37278- 3 21-Dec-26 18-Feb-27 to 1929 Chicago - Orchestra Hall
HMV: 6-842, EG446, K5131, R4815 Zonophone: AE1864
20418 Wistful and blue (Julian Davidson; Ruth Etting)
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-37285- 4 22-Dec-26 18-Feb-27 to 1929 Chicago - Orchestra Hall
HMV: 6-843, EG446, K5131, R4815 Zonophone: AE1864
20419 Moonbeam, kiss her for me (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-37407- 4 6-Jan-27 18-Feb-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-844
20419 Sweeter than you (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby) - “Twinkle, twinkle” -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-37172- 3 23-Dec-26 18-Feb-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-845
20420 Don’t give all the lard away (Henry Clifford; Lockwood Lewis)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjos (3), jugs (2), saxophone and violin (NL)
Lewis, Lockwood - vocal
BVE-37222- 3 10-Dec-26 8-Apr-27 to 1930 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20420 House rent rag (Henry Clifford; Earl McDonald)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjos (3), clarinet, jugs (2), saxophone and violin (NL)
McDonald, Earl - talking
BVE-37226- 2 11-Dec-26 8-Apr-27 to 1930 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20421 Hebrew children in the fiery furnace (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - sopranos (2) and a baritone
BVE-36490- 1 2-Dec-26 8-Apr-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
Victor: Bluebird B-7644
20421 Moses in the wilderness (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - sopranos (2) and a baritone
BVE-36491- 1 2-Dec-26 8-Apr-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
20000 / 21000 SERIES 73
20422 Midnight mama (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra, Bennie Moten - director and piano
BVE-37238- 1 14-Dec-26 8-Apr-27 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20422 Missouri wobble (Bennie Moten)
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra, Bennie Moten - director and piano
BVE-37239- 2 14-Dec-26 8-Apr-27 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20423 Certainly Lord
Wilson, Deacon A. and Choir - 2 sopranos, contralto
BVE-37211- 1 8-Dec-26 8-Apr-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20423 You need Jesus on your side (Deacon A. Wilson)
Wilson, Deacon A. and Choir - 2 sopranos, contralto
BVE-37210- 2 8-Dec-26 8-Apr-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20424 Mama’s gonna drop your curtain (Mike Jackson)
Winston, Edna - vocal
Orchestra, Thomas Morris - director
BVE-36959- 2 23-Nov-26 8-Apr-27 to 1928 New York
20424 Pail in my hand (Donald Heywood)
Winston, Edna - vocal
Orchestra, Thomas Morris - director
BVE-36960- 3 23-Nov-26 8-Apr-27 to 1928 New York
20425 He’s the last word (Walter Donaldson) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Pollack and his Californians, Leroy Shield - director
Williams Sisters, The: Williams, Dorothy - comic; Williams, Hannah - comic
BVE-37261- 2 17-Dec-26 18-Feb-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-847, EA156
20425 Sam, the old accordion man (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal; Olsen, George - traps
BVE-37163- 7 6-Jan-27 18-Feb-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-846 Zonophone: AE1883
20426 Autumn (John Thomas)
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp
BVE-37071- 4 10-Dec-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden
20426 Song of the nightingale (F. Filipovsky, Op. 21) -
olka de concerolka de concer
olka de concerolka de concer
olka de concer
Barone, Clement - piccolo
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37308- 4 9-Dec-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20427 University of Chicago - Medley - Part 1 - Introducing: Our Chicago (Norman Reid) +
Wave the flag (Gordon Erickson)
University of Chicago Band, M. Emmett Wilson - director
BVE-37230- 3 12-Dec-26 17-Jan-27 to 1931
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20427 University of Chicago - Medley - Part 2 - Introducing: Flag of maroon (Donald Richberg)
+ “C” stands for “Cherished courage” (Carl Burton)
University of Chicago Band, M. Emmett Wilson - director
BVE-37231- 3 12-Dec-26 17-Jan-27 to 1931
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20428 Let me call you sweetheart (I’m in love with you) (Beth Slater Whitson; Leo Friedman)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Cello; piano; traps and violin, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36170- 1 9-Sep-26 17-Jan-27 to 1931+
Regional release
HMV: 7-2441 Zonophone: 5355
20428 Roses remind me of you (Benny Davis; Al Sherman; Joe Burke)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-36052- 1 18-Aug-26 17-Jan-27 to 1931+
Regional release
New York
HMV: 7-2429
20429 Flapperette (Jesse Greer)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37522- 1 7-Jan-27 Canadian release New York
Victor: 20503, X-16080, Pict-Ur-Music 0127
HMV: 6-960, B2505, R4909
20429 Prudy (Frank E. Banta; Peter de Rose)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37523- 1 7-Jan-27 Canadian release New York
Victor: 21010, X-16080, Pict-Ur-Music 0128
HMV: 7-709, AM961, B5403, EG738, K5367, R4917
20430 Czarine, La (Louis Ganne) - Mazurka Russo -
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37708- 3 11-Jan-27 Jan-27 to Mar-51 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0131
20430 Intermezzo-rococo (Wilhelm Aletter): Rendezvous -
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37707- 1 11-Jan-27 Jan-27 to Mar-51 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0132
20431 Cannon ball blues (Rider Bloom; Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
BVE-37258- 2 16-Dec-26 8-Apr-27 to 1930 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20431 Grandpa’s spells (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers (NL)
BVE-37255- 3 16-Dec-26 8-Apr-27 to 1930 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20432 Dance of greeting - Danish + German kinderpolka -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37605- 3 4-Jan-27 Jan-27 to Nov-50 Camden
20432 I see you - Swedish singing game + Carrousel - “Merry-go-round” -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37606- 2 4-Jan-27 Jan-27 to Nov-50 Camden
20433 Because I love you (Irving Berlin)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36874- 3 10-Nov-26 25-Feb-27 to 1944 New York
HMV: 6-837, B2427
20433 Moonlight and roses (Edwin Lemare; Ben Black; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Shilkret, Jack - piano; Shilkret, Nathaniel - celeste; Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano
BVE-36918- 6 10-Dec-26 25-Feb-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6042
HMV: 6-836, B2427
20434 Mother dear (Perry Alexander)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Reibold, Bruno - celeste
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-36620- 7 21-Oct-26 25-Feb-27 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2710
20434 Rags (Abner Silver; Sammy Fain; Harry Richman)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Reibold, Bruno - celeste
Small orchestra, Pasquale Bianculli - director
BVE-36768- 4 15-Nov-26 25-Feb-27 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2709
20435 Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin) - Medley
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
- Introducing: Fidgety feet +
Maybe + Clap yo hands + Do-do-do
Fairchild, Edgar - piano; Rainger, Ralph - piano
BVE-37124- 2 13-Dec-26 25-Feb-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 8488, B2552
20000 / 21000 SERIES 75
20435 Queen High (Buddy G. de Sylva, Lewis E. Gensler; James Frederick Hanley):
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
- Introducing: Everything will happen for the best + Cross your heart +
Don’t forget
Fairchild, Edgar - piano; Rainger, Ralph - piano
BVE-37180- 2 27-Dec-26 25-Feb-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 8489, B2431
20436 High-high-high up in the hills (Watching the clouds go by) (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young;
Maurice Abrahams) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Harrison, Charles W. - tenor
BVE-37540- 5 12-Jan-27 25-Feb-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-838, K5163
20436 So will I (Lewis Brown; Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-37408- 1 6-Jan-27 25-Feb-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-839, B5249
20437 Oh, Please (Anne Caldwell; Vincent Youmans): I know that you know -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Rettenberg, Milton J. - celeste
BVE-37539- 4 12-Jan-27 4-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-864, EG451
20437 Oh, Please (Anne Caldwell; Vincent Youmans): Like he loves me -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
BVE-36492- 2 8-Dec-26 4-Mar-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-865, EG451
20438 Dear heart, what might have been (Fleta Jan Brown; Herbert Spencer)
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
Reibold, Bruno - celeste
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37608- 3 5-Jan-27 1-Apr-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2731, B2476
20438 Mammy’s little kinky-headed boy (Joseph M. White; George J. Trinkhaus)
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
Linton, Charles - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37607- 1 5-Jan-27 1-Apr-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2732, B2476
20439 Clock and the banjo, The (Harry F. Reser)
Reser, Harry F. - banjo
Shilkret, Nathaniel - celeste; Wirges, Bill - piano
BVE-36843- 2 19-Oct-26 1-Apr-27 to 1941 New York
HMV: 2-6255, EG535, B2480 Zonophone: 2960; EE41
20439 Lolly pops (Harry F. Reser)
Reser, Harry F. - banjo
Wirges, Bill - piano
BVE-36842- 3 19-Oct-26 1-Apr-27 to 1941 New York
HMV: 2-6256, EG535, B2480 Zonophone: 2960, EE41
20440 Menuett (Christoph W. Gluck) + Don Giovanni (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, K.527) -
Menuett -
Reitz, William H. - bells
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-37422- 2 19-Jan-27 Jan-27 to Mar-51 Camden
HMV: 40-770
20440 Petite Reins, Les (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) - Gavotte + Gavotte (A.E.M. Grétry) -
Reitz, William H. - xylophone
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-37423- 3 19-Jan-27 Jan-27 to Mar-51 Camden
HMV: 40-715
20441 Grandaddy long legs + Touching + Katy did - From “Art Song Cycle Book No, 1)
(Florence G. Fox; W. Otto Miessner)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Brown, Edna (Elsie Baker) - contralto
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-14580- 5 17-Jan-27 Jan-27 to Mar-52 Camden
20441 In China + In Scotland + In Germany - From “Art Song Cycle Book No, 1)
(Florence G. Fox; W. Otto Miessner)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Brown, Edna (Elsie Baker) - contralto
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-12381- 3 17-Jan-27 Jan-27 to Mar-52 Camden
20442 God loves me + A Christmas lullaby + Evening prayer + Praise him + The child Jesus -
From “Songs for the Little Child” (Clara Belle Baker)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-35137- 2 27-Apr-26 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden
20442 Wild wind, The (Clara Belle Baker) + The rainbow (Christini Rosette) + Fireman (Clara Belle
Baker) + Now it is spring (Edna Dean Baker) + The dolly (Clara Belle Baker) - From
“Songs for the Little Child” -
Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-35136- 5 14-Jan-27 Jan-27 to 1944 Camden
20443 Mignon (Ambroise Thomas): Intermezzo (Gavotte)
Florentine Quartet; Reibold, Bruno - director: Barone, Clement - flute;
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-36715- 5 22-Oct-26 Jan-27 to Mar-51 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6049
20443 Water Scenes (Ethelbert Nevin, Op. 13, No. 4): Narcissus
Florentine Quartet; Reibold, Bruno - director: Barone, Clement - flute;
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-14027-12 17-Jan-27 Jan-27 to 1931+ Camden - Church
20444 Black nag, The + Grimstock
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 9458- 1 18-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1931+
Hayes - Small Queen’s Hall
20444 Newcastle + Sweet Kate
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 9459- 1A 18-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1931+
Hayes - Small Queen’s Hall
20445 Gathering peascods
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 9460- 1A 18-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1931+
Hayes - Small Queen’s Hall
20445 Sellinger’s round
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 9461- 1A 18-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1931+
Hayes - Small Queen’s Hall
20446 Jenny pluck pears (Arr. Cecil J. Sharpe) - From “Country Dance Tunes”
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 9455- 1A 18-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1931+
Hayes - Small Queen’s Hall
20446 Rufty tufty + The parson’s farewell
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 9457- 2A 18-Nov-26 Jan-27 to 1931+
Hayes - Small Queen’s Hall
20447 1 Money musk, Nos. 1 and 2 - “Joyce’s hornpipe” - From “American Country Dances”
(Edited by Emma Burchenal)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37502- 3 4-Jan-27 Jan-27 to 1931 Camden
20447 2R Money musk, Nos. 1 and 2 - Joyce’s hornpipe” - From “American Country Dances” (Edited by
Emma Burchenal)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37502- 3 4-Jan-27 1930 to Apr-53
2R, January 2, 1930
20000 / 21000 SERIES 77
20447 1 Virginia Reels - Miss McLeod’s reel + Old Dan Tucker + Pop goes the weasel -
From “American Country Dances”
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37604- 3 4-Jan-27 Jan-27 to 1931 Camden
20447 1R Virginia Reels - Miss McLeod’s reel + Old Dan Tucker + Pop goes the weasel -
From “American Country Dances”
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37604- 3 4-Jan-27 1930 to Apr-53
1R, Feb. 19, 1930
20448 1 Broom dance + Bummel scottische - From “Folk Dances of the Old Homelands”
(Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37632- 3 18-Jan-27 Jan-27 to 1931 Camden
20448 2R Broom dance + Bummel scottische - From “Folk Dances of the Old Homelands”
(Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37632- 3 18-Jan-27 1930 to Apr-53
2R, Feb. 20, 1930
20448 1 Come let us be joyful (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) - From “Dances of the People”
- -
- -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37631- 2 18-Jan-27 Jan-27 to 1931 Camden
20448 1R Come let us be joyful (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) - From “Dances of the People”
- -
- -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37631- 2 18-Jan-27 1930 to Apr-53
1R Feb. 19, 1930
20449 1 Hatter, The - From “Folk Dances of Denmark” (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- -
- -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37634- 3 18-Jan-27 Jan-27 to 1931 Camden
20449 2R Hatter, The - From “Folk Dances of Denmark” (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- -
- -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37634- 3 18-Jan-27 1930 to Apr-53
2R, Feb 19,1930
20449 1 Little man in a fix - From “Folk Dances of Denmark” - (Compiled by
Elizabeth Burchenal)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37633- 2 18-Jan-27 Jan-27 to 1931 Camden
20449 3R Little man in a fix - From “Folk Dances of Denmark” - (Compiled by
Elizabeth Burchenal)
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37633- 2 18-Jan-27 1930 to Apr-53
3R, Feb 19, 1930
20450 1 Klappdans (Swedish folk dance) - From “Folk Dance Music” (Compiled by
Elizabeth Burchenal; C. Ward Crampton)
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37635- 2 18-Jan-27 Jan-27 to 1931 Camden
20450 1R Klappdans (Swedish folk dance) - From “Folk Dance Music” (Compiled by
Elizabeth Burchenal; C. Ward Crampton)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37635- 2 18-Jan-27 1930 to Oct-56
1R, Feb. 19, 1930
20450 1 Shoemakers’ dance, No. 13 - Danish folk dance - From “Folk Dance Music”
(Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal; C. Ward Crampton)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37636- 2 18-Jan-27 Jan-27 to 1931 Camden
20450 2R Shoemakers’ dance, No. 13 - Danish folk dance - From “Folk Dance Music”
(Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal; C. Ward Crampton)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37636- 2 18-Jan-27 1930 to Oct-56
2R, Feb. 19, 1930
20451 Country dance (Carl Maria von Weber) + Country dance (Ludwig van Beethoven) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37369- 3 20-Jan-27 Jan-27 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
20451 Gavotte in B Flat (George Frederic Handel) + Giga (Arcangelo Corelli) + Second gavotte
(Sapellnikoff, Op. 5, No. 2) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-14486- 4 23-Nov-26 Jan-27 to Apr-53 Camden
20452 Nothing else matters anymore (Jay Mills; Ted Koehler)
Williams Sisters, The: Williams, Dorothy - comic; Williams, Hannah - comic
Allen, Wayne - piano
BVE-37266- 3 18-Dec-26 4-Mar-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 4-4323
20452 Sam, the old accordion man (Walter Donaldson)
Williams Sisters, The: Williams, Dorothy - comic; Williams, Hannah - comic
Allen, Wayne - piano
BVE-37267- 2 18-Dec-26 4-Mar-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 4-4322
20453 Love is just a little bit of heaven (Alfred Bryan; Abel Baer)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor; Stanley, James - baritone
Joy, Leonard - celeste
BVE-37145- 5 3-Jan-27 1-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-878
20453 Still waters (Bob Schafer; Anthony Wayne) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Clark, Helen - soprano; Rice, Gladys - soprano
BVE-37197- 1 30-Dec-26 1-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-879
20454 Dream tango (E.V. Malderen) - “Le tango du reve
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra (International Novelty Orchestra)
Shilkret, Nathaniel - organ
BVE-36875- 2 27-Oct-26 1-Apr-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: 79049
HMV: 6-874, B4761
20454 Fate (Valentino tango) (José Manuel Bada; Nathaniel Shilkret)
- Listed in the ledger as - Listed in the ledger as
- Listed in the ledger as - Listed in the ledger as
- Listed in the ledger as
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36934- 1 16-Nov-26 1-Apr-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: 79049, X-16175, Pict-Ur-Music 0200
HMV: 6-875, 8-856, B4761
20455 Blue skies (Irving Berlin) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-37549- 2 19-Jan-27 4-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-866
20455 Peggy Ann (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): Where’s that rainbow? -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-37550- 4 19-Jan-27 4-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-867, B5292, K5170
20000 / 21000 SERIES 79
20456 Look up and smile (Harry D. Squires) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-37548- 2 19-Jan-27 1-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-862, B5281, K5285
20456 When day is done (Buddy G. de Sylva; Robert Katscher) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Shilkret, Nathaniel - celeste
BVE-37547- 3 19-Jan-27 1-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-863, AM698, B5295, K5193
20457 Blue skies (Irving Berlin)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and guitar
Smalle, Ed - vocal and piano; Sannella, Andy - guitar and saxophone
BVE-37541- 5 17-Jan-27 4-Mar-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4325, AM743, B2441, EG511
20457 (’Twas on a night like this) In a little Spanish town (Lewis C. Young; Mabel Wayne)
Revelers, The (NL)
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-37556- 1 20-Jan-27 4-Mar-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4326, AM862, B2443, EG497, K5150, R6873 Zonophone: AE1900
20458 (’Twas on a night like this) In a little Spanish town (Lewis C. Young; Mabel Wayne)
- -
- -
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Robison, Carson J. - guitar, whistler
BVE-37726- 1 20-Jan-27 11-Mar-27 to 1933 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 9778, B2439
20458 Just a birds-eye view of my old Kentucky home (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Robison, Carson J. - whistler
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano
BVE-37730- 1 21-Jan-27 11-Mar-27 to 1933 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 9779, B2439
20459 Blue skies (Irving Berlin) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano
BVE-37731- 4 21-Jan-27 1-Apr-27 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 9797, B2460, EG606
20459 Happy Go Lucky (Joseph Meyer): Falling in love with you -
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano
BVE-37727- 4 20-Jan-27 1-Apr-27 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 9780, B2460, EG606
20460 Hot notes (Gene Rodermich; Tom Satterfield)
Savoy Bearcats, The (NL)
BVE-36809- 2 11-Oct-26 8-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
20460 Stampede (Fletcher Henderson)
Savoy Bearcats, The (NL)
BVE-36030- 7 11-Oct-26 8-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
20461 High fever (Charles Harrison; Joe L. Sanders) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Original Night-Hawks Orchestra
BVE-37214- 3 8-Dec-26 2-Feb-27 to 1929
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20461 Youre the one for me (Paul Ash; Walter Donaldson) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Pollack and his Californians, Leroy Shield - director
Bailey, Ilomay - soprano
BVE-37260- 3 17-Dec-26 2-Feb-27 to 1929
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
20462 Crazy words, crazy tune (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Crumit, Frank - tenor and ukulele
Banta, Frank E. - piano; Garristo, Frank “Jazz” - lute
BVE-37532- 2 11-Jan-27 11-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2734, B2440
20462 High-high-high up in the hills (Watching the clouds go by) (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young;
Maurice Abrahams)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-37508- 3 4-Jan-27 11-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2733, B2440
20463 I’m looking for a girl named Mary (Sam H. Stept)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
James, Lewis - tenor; Henberg, M.H. - piano
BVE-37729- 4 21-Jan-27 18-Mar-27 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 6-2730 Zonophone: 2946
20463 It all depends on you (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano
BVE-37728- 3 21-Jan-27 18-Mar-27 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 6-2729 Zonophone: 2946
20464 Delilah (Fred Fischer; Billy Rose) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
BVE-37709- 3 11-Jan-27 1-Apr-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-877, K5213
20464 School day sweethearts (Glen Edwards) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
James, Lewis - tenor; Shilkret, Nathaniel - celeste
BVE-37185- 1 28-Dec-26 1-Apr-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-876, B5269
20465 I gotta get myself somebody to love (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Lou Handman)
Four Aristocrats, The - vocal with guitar, piano, steel guitar, ukulele (NL)
Reed, Bert - piano
BVE-37141- 6 26-Jan-27 11-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4328, B2459, EG607
20465 Schultz is back again (With his “Boom, boom, boom”) (Harry Pease; Ed. J. Nelson;
Saul Bernie)
Four Aristocrats, The - vocal with guitar, piano, steel guitar, ukulele (NL)
Reed, Bert - piano
BVE-37142- 4 26-Jan-27 11-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4327, B2459, EG607
20466 I’m looking over a four-leaf clover (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Murray, Billy - tenor
BVE-37580- 4 28-Jan-27 11-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-883, EA163
20466 Yankee Rose (Abe Frankl) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
BVE-37571- 4 25-Jan-27 11-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-882, K5157, R4891
20467 Hello, Swanee, hello (Sam Goslow; Addy Britt)
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
BVE-37429- 3 31-Jan-27 11-Mar-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-880, EG453, K5212 Zonophone: AE1834
20467 Since I found you (Sidney Clare; Harry Woods) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-37425- 4 21-Jan-27 11-Mar-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-881, EG453 Zonophone: AE1834
20000 / 21000 SERIES 81
20468 Celestial voices (Gilbert A. Alcock) - Voix celestes”
Dayton Westminster Choir, J.F. Williamson - director
BVE-36785- 2 30-Nov-26 27-May-27 to 1933 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-4778, B2986
20468 Jesus, lover of my soul (Charles Wesley; Simon B. Marsh)
Dayton Westminster Choir, J.F. Williamson - director
BVE-36786- 2 30-Nov-26 27-May-27 to 1933 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-4779, B2986
20469 I love you, but I don’t know why (Tommie Malie; Pippy Capman) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-37578- 1 27-Jan-27 8-Feb-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20469 Proud (Of a baby like you) (Chris Schoenberg; Leonard Stevens; Paul R. Helmick) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Keller Sisters - vocal; Lynch, Al - vocal
BVE-37579- 4 28-Jan-27 8-Feb-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20470 Loveless love (W.C. Handy) -
Blues noBlues no
Blues noBlues no
Blues no
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe-organ
BVE-37359- 3 14-Jan-27 8-Apr-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
Victor: 23260
20470 Soothin’ syrup stomp (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller)
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe-organ
BVE-37357- 2 14-Jan-27 8-Apr-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20471 Hoosier sweetheart (Say Who) (Joe Goodwin; Paul Ash; Billy Baskette) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Muerer, May - vocal
BVE-37584- 2 31-Jan-27 18-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-869, EA157, EG455
20471 What does it matter? (Irving Berlin) -
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-37598- 3 3-Feb-27 18-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-868, EA195, EG455, K5163, R4891
20472 Yours Truly (Anne Caldwell; Raymond Hubbell): Look at the world and smile -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37586- 2 1-Feb-27 18-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-871
20472 Yours Truly (Anne Caldwell; Raymond Hubbell): Somebody else -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-37742- 3 4-Feb-27 18-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-870
20473 Crazy words, crazy tune (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Aaronson, Irving - vocal; Leitner, Bob - vocal; Saxe, Phil - vocal
BVE-37409- 8 4-Feb-27 18-Mar-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-872, EA158
20473 I never see Maggie alone (Harry Tilsley; Everell Lynton) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Saxe, Phil - vocal
BVE-37410- 3 7-Jan-27 18-Mar-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-873, EA158
20474 Rio Rita (Joseph McCarthy; Harry Tierney): Rio Rita -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-37748- 4 7-Feb-27 25-Mar-27 to 1933 New York
HMV: 6-892, EG452, EQ115, K5256, R4807
20474 Rio Rita (Joseph McCarthy; Harry Tierney): The kinkajou -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Murray, Billy - tenor
BVE-37597- 2 3-Feb-27 25-Mar-27 to 1933 New York
HMV: 6-893, EG452, EQ115, K5256
20475 Rippin’ it off (Stubby Gordon) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Philip Spitalny and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
BVE-35730- 4 29-Jun-26 12-Feb-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20475 She belongs to me (Howard E. Johnson; Andy Razaf; Paul Denniker) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems and Edward T. King - directors
Comforti, Bill - vocal; Gibbs, Parker - vocal; Roades, Dusty - vocal
BVE-35590- 3 19-Jul-26 12-Feb-27 to 1929
Regional release
20476 At sundown (When love is calling me home) (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-37741- 4 4-Feb-27 25-Mar-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-894
20476 Here or there as long as I’m with you (Benny Davis; Jesse Greer)
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal and piano
BVE-37426- 2 22-Jan-27 25-Mar-27 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-895 Zonophone: AE1963
20477 Hoosier sweetheart (Say who) (Joe Goodwin; Paul Ash; Billy Baskette)
Smith Brothers: Hillpot, William A. “Billy” - vocal; Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
Merkur, Harry - piano
BVE-37585- 2 1-Feb-27 25-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4331, B2465
20477 Ya gonna be home to-night? (Oh, yeh, then I’ll be over) (Harold Dixon; Alfred Dubin;
Sam H. Stept)
Smith Brothers: Hillpot, William A. “Billy” - vocal; Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
Merkur, Harry - piano
BVE-37534- 4 1-Feb-27 25-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4330, B2465
20478 Everything’s made for love (You know - I know) (Howard E. Johnson; Charles Tobias;
Al Sherman)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Fowler, Art - ukulele; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-36994- 3 3-Dec-26 25-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2749, B2455
20478 Oh, how she could play a ukulele (Benny Davis; Harry Akst)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Raderman, Louis - violin
BVE-37146- 7 29-Dec-26 25-Mar-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2750, B2455
20479 Sag’ mir beim tanz dass du (Ralph Benatsky)
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BW 168- 2 4-Aug-26 29-Apr-27 to 1929 Berlin
Victor: 79281
HMV: 8-40029, AM495, EG244
20479 Schatz, was ich von dir getraumt hab’, Boston (Rudolf Friml)
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BW 223- 1 20-Aug-26 29-Apr-27 to 1929 Berlin
Victor: 79281, Pict-Ur-Music 0108
HMV: 8-40041, EG257
20000 / 21000 SERIES 83
20480 Boodle-am shake (Jack Palmer; Spencer Williams)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjos (3), jugs (2), saxophone and violin (NL)
Lewis, Lockwood - vocal; McDonald, Earl - vocal
BVE-37220- 2 10-Dec-26 13-May-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: B10707
20480 Carpet Alley breakdown (Cal Smith; Henry Clifford)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjos (3), clarinet, jugs (2), saxophone and violin (NL)
BVE-37228- 1 11-Dec-26 13-May-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: B10727
20481 Sad home of death (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - sopranos (2) and a baritone
BVE-36487- 2 1-Dec-26 13-May-27 to 1930 Camden - Church
20481 You’ve got to lay down and die someday (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - sopranos (2) and a baritone
BVE-36486- 3 2-Dec-26 13-May-27 to 1930 Camden - Church
20482 Alabama mamma (Mike Jackson)
Jackson, Mike - vocal and piano
BVE-36505- 1 21-Sep-26 13-May-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20482 Kissing mule blues (Mike Jackson)
Jackson, Mike - vocal and piano
BVE-36506- 5 20-Oct-26 13-May-27 to 1929 New York
20483 Chinch, The (Phil Worde)
Thomas Morris and his Seven Hot Babies (NL)
BVE-36963- 2 24-Nov-26 13-May-27 to 1929 New York
20483 Lazy drag (Thomas Morris) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Thomas Morris and his Seven Hot Babies, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-35762- 3 13-Jul-26 13-May-27 to 1929 New York
20484 Hard hearted papa (Phil Worde; Edgar Dowell)
Moore, Monette - vocal
Elliott, Ernest - clarinet; Stewart, Rex - cornet; Bass clarinet, flute and piano (NL)
BVE-37573- 2 26-Jan-27 13-May-27 to 1929 New York
20484 Moaning sinner blues (B. Christian; G. Smith)
Moore, Monette - vocal
Elliott, Ernest - clarinet; Stewart, Rex - cornet; Bass clarinet, flute and piano (NL)
BVE-37572- 2 26-Jan-27 13-May-27 to 1929 New York
20485 Kansas City shuffle (Bennie Moten)
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra, Bennie Moten - director and piano
BVE-37234- 1 13-Dec-26 13-May-27 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: X-16043, Pict-Ur-Music 0120
HMV: 6-890
20485 Yazoo blues (Bennie Moten)
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra, Bennie Moten - director and piano
BVE-37235- 2 13-Dec-26 13-May-27 to 1931 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 6-891
20486 Americana (Ira Gershwin; Philip Charig): Sunny disposish
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-37507- 2 4-Jan-27 8-Apr-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-2754
20486 Queen High (Ben Jerome; Frank Crumit): My lady
Crumit, Frank - tenor and ukulele
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-37509- 4 11-Jan-27 8-Apr-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 6-2753
20487 Lonely (P. Carton; E. Costil; Maurice Yvain) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jacques Renard and his Lido Venice Orchestra, Jacques Renard - director and violin
BVE-37770- 3 14-Feb-27 8-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-889, K5193, R4799
20487 You went away too far (And stayed away too long) (Alfred Bryan; James V. Monaco)
Jacques Renard and his Lido Venice Orchestra, Jacques Renard - director and violin
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
BVE-37772- 1 14-Feb-27 8-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-888
20488 Waters of the Perkiomen (Alfred Dubin; F. Henri Klickman)
- -
- -
Hugo Frey’s Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-34643- 3 23-Feb-26 19-Feb-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20488 You only want me when you’re lonesome (Louis Seifert; Edwin Tillman) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-37749- 1 7-Feb-27 19-Feb-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
HMV: 7-571, B5339
20489 Honeymoon Lane (Eddie Dowling; James Frederick Hanley): The little white house
(At the end of Honeymoon Lane)
Alpert, Pauline - piano
BVE-37526- 1 7-Jan-27 1-Apr-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5880
20489 To-night you belong to me (Billy Rose; Lee David)
Alpert, Pauline - piano
BVE-37525- 3 5-Feb-27 1-Apr-27 to 1928 New York
HMV: 5879
20490 Let’s forgive and forget (And start all over again) (Max C. Freedman; Don Traveline)
James, Lewis - tenor
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Linton, Charles - piano; Reibold, Bruno - celeste
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37639- 4 24-Jan-27 1-Apr-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2752
20490 What does it matter? (Irving Berlin)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37740- 5 15-Feb-27 1-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2751
20491 If all the stars were pretty babies (And I was the man in the moon) (Billy Rose; Fred Fischer)
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-37766- 3 11-Feb-27 8-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-947
20491 Lane in Spain, A (Al Lewis; Carmen Lombardo) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Glenn, Wilfred - bass; Harrison, Charles W. - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-37738- 3 3-Feb-27 8-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-898, EA195
20492 Rusty pail blues, The (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller)
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe-organ
BVE-37362- 3 14-Jan-27 13-May-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20492 Sloppy water blues (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller)
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe-organ
BVE-37358- 3 14-Jan-27 13-May-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20493 Americana (Ira Gershwin; Philip Charig): Sunny disposish -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Glenn, Wilfred - bass; Harrison, Charles W. - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-37599- 3 3-Feb-27 29-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-899, B5289, EA170
20000 / 21000 SERIES 85
20493 Peggy Ann (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): A little birdie told me so -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-37569- 2 25-Jan-27 29-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-948, B5292, R4813
20494 Gypsy Melodies (Adolf Heyduk; Antonín Dvorák, Op. 55, No. 4): Songs my mother taught me
Associated Glee Clubs of America - 2500 voices, Dr. Daniel Protheroe - director
Recorded at a live performance
BVE-37038- 1 27-Nov-26 29-Apr-27 to 1944 Philadelphia
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4811
HMV: 4697 Zonophone: GO76
20494 Viking song (Wright; Samuel Coleridge-Taylor)
Associated Glee Clubs of America - 2500 voices, Dr. Daniel Protheroe - director
Recorded at a live performance
BVE-37037- 1 27-Nov-26 29-Apr-27 to 1944 Philadelphia
HMV: 4696 Zonophone: GO76
20495 Happy hour blues (Lloyd Scott; Don Frye)
Lloyd Scott’s Orchestra
BVE-37531- 2 10-Jan-27 13-May-27 to 1929 New York
20495 Symphonic screach (Lloyd Scott; Hubert Mann; Don Frye)
Lloyd Scott’s Orchestra
BVE-37530- 2 10-Jan-27 13-May-27 to 1929 New York
20496 Moonbeam, kiss her for me (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone and mandola; Miller, Jim - tenor and guitar
Garristo, Frank “Jazz” - lute
BVE-37544- 5 18-Jan-27 8-Apr-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4332, B2456, EG2061, K5595, R10028
20496 Since I found you (Sidney Clare; Harry Woods)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone and mandola; Miller, Jim - tenor and guitar
Garristo, Frank “Jazz” - lute
BVE-37551- 5 19-Jan-27 8-Apr-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4333, B2456
20497 I’ll forgive you because I love you, but the wrongs you’ve done I can’t forget (Alberta Hunter)
Hunter, Alberta - soprano
Jackson, Mike - piano
BVE-37688- 2 26-Feb-27 13-May-27 to 1929 Camden - Studio 1
20497 I’m gonna lose myself way down in Louisville (Alberta Hunter)
Hunter, Alberta - soprano
Jackson, Mike - piano
BVE-37689- 2 26-Feb-27 13-May-27 to 1929 Camden - Studio 1
20498 Go down, Moses
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Big Bethel Choir (8 sopranos, 4 contralos, 4 tenors, 3 basses)
BVE-37923- 1 18-Feb-27 13-May-27 to 1929 Atlanta
20498 Hand me down the silver trumpet, Gabriel
Big Bethel Choir (8 sopranos, 4 contralos, 4 tenors, 3 basses)
BVE-37925- 2 18-Feb-27 13-May-27 to 1929 Atlanta
20499 I’m goin’ to tell God how you doin’ (Arr. Julius Daniels)
Daniels, Julius - vocal and guitar
Torrence, Bubba Lee - guitar
BVE-37933- 2 19-Feb-27 13-May-27 to 1930 Atlanta
20499 Slippin’ and slidin’ up the golden street (Arr. Julius Daniels)
Daniels, Julius - vocal and guitar
Torrence, Bubba Lee - guitar; Steel guitar
BVE-37934- 3 19-Feb-27 13-May-27 to 1930 Atlanta
20500 Cock-a-doodle I’m off my noodle (Harry Ferguson; Howard E. Johnson; Al Sherman;
Charles Tobias)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-38107- 2 23-Feb-27 15-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4335
20500 That’s my hap-hap-happiness (Howard E. Johnson; Charles Tobias; Al Sherman)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-38106- 2 23-Feb-27 15-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4334
20501 I always knew (Mabel Wayne; Dolly Morse)
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-37280- 3 21-Dec-26 15-Apr-27 to 1929 Chicago - Orchestra Hall
HMV: 6-907, AM692, B5283, EG581
20501 When I’m in your arms (Benny Davis; Joe Burke; Paul Ash)
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-37279- 3 21-Dec-26 15-Apr-27 to 1929 Chicago - Orchestra Hall
HMV: 6-908, AM692, B5283, EG581, R4809
20502 Casey Jones (T. Lawrence Seibert; Eddie Newton)
Trial, matrix number assigned at a later date
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor and harmonica
Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-33043- 2 25-Jun-25 29-Apr-27 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8246
HMV: 6-2259 Zonophone: EE47 Zonophone Twin: FT1786
20502 Willie, the chimney sweeper (Grant V. Rymal) -
Also listed as Also listed as
Also listed as Also listed as
Also listed as
“Willie the w“Willie the w
“Willie the w“Willie the w
“Willie the w
and and
and and
“A hop fiend’“A hop fiend’
“A hop fiend’“A hop fiend’
“A hop fiend’
s dream”s dream”
s dream”s dream”
s dream”
Rogers, Ernest - baritone and guitar
BVE-37915- 2 17-Feb-27 29-Apr-27 to 1944 Atlanta
HMV: 6-2773 Zonophone Twin: FT1786
20503 Doll dance, The (Nacio Herb Brown) - From “Hollywood Music Box Revue”
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano; Shield, Leroy - piano; Shilkret, Jack - piano;
Shilkret, Nathaniel - clarinet
BVE-38134- 4 3-Mar-27 27-May-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0128
HMV: 6-959, B2505, R4909 Zonophone: AE1929
20503 Flapperette (Jesse Greer)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37522- 1 7-Jan-27 27-May-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: 20429, X-16080, Pict-Ur-Music 0127
HMV: 6-960, B2505, R4909
20504 At sundown (When love is calling me home) (Walter Donaldson)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-38128- 3 1-Mar-27 15-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2768
20504 I’ll take care of your cares (Mort Dixon; James V. Monaco)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-38127- 2 1-Mar-27 15-Apr-27 to 1929
“Small center”
New York
HMV: 6-2769
20505 My Maryland (Dorothy Donnelly; Sigmund Romberg): Silver moon -
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38104- 3 23-Feb-27 29-Apr-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-926, AM693, EG585
20000 / 21000 SERIES 87
20505 My Maryland (Dorothy Donnelly; Sigmund Romberg): Your land and my land -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Glenn, Wilfred - bass; Harrison, Charles W. - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-38105- 6 3-Mar-27 29-Apr-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-925, AM693, EG585
20506 Do you call that religion?
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers: Cole, Marshal - tenor; Culver, William - bass; Ratcliffe, Clarence -
tenor; Skinner, Ben - tenor; Whithington, George - baritone
BVE-37746- 3 4-Mar-27 29-Apr-27 to 1932 New York
HMV: 4-4342
20506 Honey
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers: Cole, Marshal - tenor; Culver, William - bass; Ratcliffe, Clarence -
tenor; Skinner, Ben - tenor; Whithington, George - baritone
BVE-37747- 4 4-Mar-27 29-Apr-27 to 1932 New York
HMV: 4-4343
20507 It takes a good woman (To keep a good man at home) (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Five Harmaniacs - banjos (2), comb kazoo, harmonica, jug, ukulele and washboard
BVE-37751- 2 8-Feb-27 29-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 9799, EG587 Zonophone: 2965
20507 What makes my baby cry? (Sosnick; Hibbeler)
Five Harmaniacs - banjos (2), comb kazoo, harmonica, jug, ukulele and washboard
Howard, Walter - talking
BVE-37750- 2 8-Feb-27 29-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 9798, EG587 Zonophone: 2965
20508 Ain’t she sweet? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-38153- 2 10-Mar-27 22-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-922, EA167, EG506
20508 Muddy water (Jo Trent; Peter de Rose; Harry Richman) - A Mississippi moan -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal
BVE-38143- 3 7-Mar-27 22-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-921, B5276, EA167, K5201
20509 I’m gonna meet my sweetie now (Benny Davis; Jesse Greer)
Green, Jane - soprano
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37796- 2 18-Feb-27 22-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 3-3166, B2482
20509 You went away too far (And stayed away too long) (Alfred Bryan; James V. Monaco)
Green, Jane - soprano
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37795- 3 18-Feb-27 22-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 3-3165, B2482
20510 Amapola (Joseph Lacalle) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
- Poppy
International Novelty Orchestra, Eduardo Vigil y Robles - director
BVE-36860- 2 23-Oct-26 15-Mar-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
Victor: 79017
20510 Who’ll buy my violets? (E. Ray Goetz; José Padilla) - “La violetera”
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38142- 3 7-Mar-27 15-Mar-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
Victor: 79470
20511 Gonna get a girl (Al Lewis; Paul Ash; Howard Simon)
Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Buttenuth, Robert - piano
BVE-38140- 3 4-Mar-27 18-Mar-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
HMV: 3-3205
20511 Nay, nay, neighbor (Sam Coslow; Harry Tobias; Charles Tobias)
Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38139- 2 4-Mar-27 18-Mar-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
HMV: 3-3204
20512 Desert song, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg):
Desert song -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-38110- 6 7-Mar-27 29-Apr-27 to 1944 New York
HMV: 6-931
20512 Vagabond King (Rudolf Friml): Huguette waltz
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37791- 3 17-Feb-27 29-Apr-27 to 1944 New York
HMV: 6-932
20513 It all depends on you (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Grofé, Ferde - piano; Turner, Raymond - piano
BVE-38119- 7 9-Mar-27 22-Apr-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-923, AM686, B5270, K5224 Zonophone: AE1910
20513 That saxophone waltz (Jules Mingo; Barry J. Sisk)
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-38118- 3 25-Feb-27 22-Apr-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-924, B5276, B5311, K5201, R4809
20514 (You know - I know) Everything’s made for love (Howard E. Johnson; Charles Tobias;
Al Sherman) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Grofé, Ferde - piano; Turner, Raymond - piano
BVE-38144- 2 7-Mar-27 29-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-927, B5284, EA168, EG588
20514 Forgive me (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor
Rettenberg, Milton J. - celeste; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-38155- 3 10-Mar-27 29-Apr-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-928, AM991, B5284, EA168, K5345
20515 Master, the tempest is raging (A.R. Palmer) -
Tietge Sisters: Tietge, Elsie - contralto; Tietge, Florence - soprano;
Tietge, Martha - vocal and piano
BVE-35960- 2 13-Aug-26 29-Apr-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 4-4339
20515 Name of Jesus, The (W.C. Martin; E.S. Lorenz) -
Tietge Sisters: Tietge, Elsie - contralto; Tietge, Florence - soprano;
Tietge, Martha - vocal and piano
BVE-35959- 2 13-Aug-26 29-Apr-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 4-4338
20516 Aloha oe (Queen Liliuokalani) - “Farewell to thee”
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Ferera, Frank - guitar; Franchini, Anthony - guitar
BVE-37582- 4 21-Feb-27 29-Apr-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4359, Pict-Ur-Music 0258
HMV: 6-929, B3338, EG2060 Zonophone: AE3667
20000 / 21000 SERIES 89
20516 Rosary, The (Ethelbert Nevin)
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Ferera, Frank - guitar; Franchini, Anthony - guitar
BVE-37581- 4 21-Feb-27 29-Apr-27 to 1944 New York
HMV: 6-930, B3338, EG2060 Zonophone: AE3667
20517 Oh, how we love our alma mater (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby)
Murray, Billy - tenor; Silver, Monroe - tenor
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-37827- 2 18-Feb-27 29-Apr-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4340
20517 We’re the Sunday drivers (Charles Kenny; Irving Mills; Sammy Fain)
Billy Murray’s Trio: Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor; Murray, Billy - tenor; Silver, Mike (Monroe) - vocal
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-36894- 3 2-Nov-26 29-Apr-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4341, B2530
20518 Go down, Moses
- Negro spiritual - Educational - Negro spiritual - Educational
- Negro spiritual - Educational - Negro spiritual - Educational
- Negro spiritual - Educational
Tuskegee Institute Singers
BVE-37074- 2 11-Dec-26 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden
20518 I want to be like Jesus
- Negro spiritual - Educational - Negro spiritual - Educational
- Negro spiritual - Educational - Negro spiritual - Educational
- Negro spiritual - Educational
Tuskegee Quartet (NL)
BVE-15170- 2 29-Jan-27 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden
20519 Old-time religion, The
- Neg - Neg
- Neg - Neg
- Neg
ro spirro spir
ro spirro spir
ro spir
itual - Educationalitual - Educational
itual - Educationalitual - Educational
itual - Educational
Tuskegee Quartet (NL)
BVE-16517- 4 29-Jan-27 Jun-27 to 1931+ Camden
20519 Steal away to Jesus -
Negro spiritual - Educational Negro spiritual - Educational
Negro spiritual - Educational Negro spiritual - Educational
Negro spiritual - Educational
Tuskegee Quartet (NL)
BVE-15172- 7 29-Jan-27 Jun-27 to 1931+ Camden
20520 Good news
- Negro spiritual - Educational- Negro spiritual - Educational
- Negro spiritual - Educational- Negro spiritual - Educational
- Negro spiritual - Educational
Tuskegee Institute Singers
BVE-37072- 2 11-Dec-26 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden
20520 Live a-humble
- Old Negro spiritual - Educational - Old Negro spiritual - Educational
- Old Negro spiritual - Educational - Old Negro spiritual - Educational
- Old Negro spiritual - Educational
Tuskegee Institute Singers
BVE-37073- 3 11-Dec-26 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden
20521 Spanish dance (Moritz Moszkowski, Op. 12, No. 1) -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-20861-11 2-Mar-27 Jun-27 to Mar-51 Camden
Victor: X-16117, Pict-Ur-Music 0147
HMV: 7-620, AM863, B2584, K5582 Zonophone: AE2080
20521 Spanish serenade (Georges Bizet) -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-21427- 9 2-Mar-27 Jun-27 to Mar-51 Camden
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0155
HMV: 7-621, AM863, B2584, K5582 Zonophone: AE2080
20522 Instruments of the Orchestra - StrIngs:
Violin -Violin -
Violin -Violin -
Violin -
Concerto in G Minor (Max Bruch) and Sylvia (Léo
Delibes): Pizzicato polka +
Viola -Viola -
Viola -Viola -
Viola -
Der Freischutz (Carl Maria von Weber): Excerpt +
Cello -Cello -
Cello -Cello -
Cello -
William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture +
ing bass -ing bass -
ing bass -ing bass -
ing bass -
Aida (Giuseppe Verdi): Excerpt from
Act 4 +
Har Har
Har Har
p -p -
p -p -
p -
Valse des fleurs (Peter Illich Tchaikowsky) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director: Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Lennartz, Alfred - cello;
Pasternack, Sam - viola; Schmidt, Alexander - violin; Torello, A. - string bass
BVE-37802- 5 8-Feb-27 Jun-27 to 1946 Camden - Church
20522 Instruments of the Orchestra - Woodwind:
Piccolo -Piccolo -
Piccolo -Piccolo -
Piccolo -
Damnation of Faust: Will o’ the wisp +
Flute -Flute -
Flute -Flute -
Flute -
Semiramide (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture + Oboe - Aida (Giuseppe Verdi): Excerpt - Act 3 +
English horn - English horn -
English horn - English horn -
English horn -
New World Symphony (Antonín Dvorák): Largo +
Clarinet - Clarinet -
Clarinet - Clarinet -
Clarinet -
Orpheus in Hades
(Jacques Offenbach): Overture +
Bass clarBass clar
Bass clarBass clar
Bass clar
inet -inet -
inet -inet -
inet -
Tasso (Franz Liszt) +
- Symphony No. 3
(Robert Schumann): Scherzo +
Contra bassoonContra bassoon
Contra bassoonContra bassoon
Contra bassoon
- Fidelio (Ludwig van Beethoven): Nur hurtig fort
- -
- -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director: Adams, William - oboe; Alemann, P. - bass clarinet;
Barone, Clement - piccolo and flute; del Negro, F. - contra bassoon; Gruner, William - bassoon;
Vozzella, E. - clarinet
BVE-37816- 4 14-Feb-27 Jun-27 to 1946 Camden - Church
20523 Instruments of the Orchestra - Brass:
French horn -French horn -
French horn -French horn -
French horn -
Marta (Friedrich von Flotow): Overture +
umpet -umpet -
umpet -umpet -
umpet -
Leonore: Overture +
rombone -rombone -
rombone -rombone -
rombone -
Tannhauser (Richard Wagner): Excerpt - Act 3 +
- Die Walkure (Richard Wagner): Excerpt +
- Siegfried (Richard Wagner): Worm
motif -
Educational Educational
Educational Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director: Baker, Bernard - trumpet; Gerhard, C.E. - bass
trombone; Horner, A. - French horn; Pfaff, F. - tuba; Schrader, F. - trombone
BVE-37817- 4 15-Feb-27 Jun-27 to 1946 Camden - Church
20523 Instruments of the Orchestra - Percussion: Snare drum + Bass drum + Tympani + Kettle drims +
Cymbal + Gong + Tom tom + Triangle + Orchestra bells + Chimes + Xylophone + Castanets +
Tambourine + Celeste
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
No titles listed for this recording No titles listed for this recording
No titles listed for this recording No titles listed for this recording
No titles listed for this recording
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director:
Bourdon, Rosario - celeste and tom-tom Reitz, William H. - all other instruments
BVE-37803- 4 8-Feb-27 Jun-27 to 1946 Camden - Church
20524 Hoot Mon (Clay Boland): We’ll paddle our canoe
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
From “Mask and Wig Show”
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38170- 2 15-Mar-27 24-Mar-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20524 Hoot Mon (Dave Zoob; Clay Boland): Gems + Step + Beneath the green tree +
A lover’s melody + The Campbell chant
Mask and Wig Singing Chorus (24 male voices)
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37857- 3 21-Mar-27 24-Mar-27 to 1929
Regional release
Camden - Church
20525 Hungarian Fantasie (Carl Maria von Weber, Op. 35) - Andante e rondo -
Gruner, William - bassoon
Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-24189-12 19-Oct-26 Jun-27 to Mar-51 Camden
20525 Whirl-wind, The (Adolph Krantz) - Tourbillion”
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Barone, Clement - flute
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-38210- 3 9-Mar-27 Jun-27 to Mar-51 Camden
20526 Rhythm - Medley, No. 1 - Introducing: March in F major + Theme for skipping + Flying birds +
Wheel barrow motive + Plain skip + Tip-toe march + March in F major - From
“Inst. Characterstic Rhythms” (Clara L. Anderson)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37375- 4 24-Jan-27 Jun-27 to Apr-53 Camden
HMV: 40-737, B3240
20526 Rhythm - Medley, No. 2 - Military march in C major + Trotting, running and high stepping
horses + Skipping theme + Military march in C major - From “Inst. Characterstic Rhythms”
(Clara L. Anderson)
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37381- 3 28-Jan-27 Jun-27 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-738, B3240
20527 Bright Sherman valley
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-35672- 4 9-Jun-26 1927 to 1933
Regional release
New York
20527 Dying hobo, The (Attributed to Travis Hale)
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-35669- 2 9-Jun-26 1927 to 1933
Regional release
New York
20000 / 21000 SERIES 91
20528 Three drowned sisters (Cleburn C. Meeks; Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Kellner, Murray - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-37595- 2 2-Feb-27 1927 to 1930
Regional release
New York
20528 Wreck of the Royal Palm, The (Andrew Jenkins)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Kellner, Murray - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-37594- 3 2-Feb-27 1927 to 1930
Regional release
New York
20529 All the way to Calvary (A.H. Ackley)
Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-37336- 2 4-Jan-27 1927 to 1934
Regional release
Camden - Church
20529 No disappointment in heaven (F.M. Lehmann; Claudia Lehmann)
Asher, Virginia (Mrs. William) - contralto; Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-33494- 3 2-Nov-25 1927 to 1934
Regional release
HMV: 4-4187
20530 Moselle - Quadrille
Judge Sturdy’s Orchestra
Sturdy, Judge O. - caller
BVE-34017- 2 3-Dec-25 1927 to 1930
Regional release
St. Louis
HMV: 5-868
20530 One snowy night - Quadrille
Judge Sturdy’s Orchestra
Sturdy, Judge O. - caller
BVE-34015- 2 3-Dec-25 1927 to 1930
Regional release
St. Louis
20531 Going down the valley (Jessie Brown Pounds; J.H. Filmore)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Guitar, organ and violin (NL)
BVE-36198- 2 21-Sep-26 1927 to 1933
Regional release
Camden - Church
20531 Sinless summer, The (Millard H. Smith; J.L. Heath)
- J- J
- J- J
- J
Bushe Bushe
Bushe Bushe
Arr Arr
Arr Arr
listed in ledger as composerslisted in ledger as composers
listed in ledger as composerslisted in ledger as composers
listed in ledger as composers
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Guitar, organ and violin (NL)
BVE-36199- 2 21-Sep-26 1927 to 1933
Regional release
Camden - Church
20532 Great reaping day, The (R.E. Winsett)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Guitar, organ and violin (NL)
BVE-36502- 1 21-Sep-26 1927 to 1931
Regional release
Camden - Church
20532 I would not be denied (Charles P. Jones)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Guitar, organ and violin (NL)
BVE-36511- 1 24-Sep-26 1927 to 1931
Regional release
20533 I’ll be satisfied (Joe H. Pennell; T.N. Pennell)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Guitar, organ and violin (NL)
BVE-36507- 1 24-Sep-26 1927 to 1931
Regional release
20533 When the redeemed are gathering in (Johnson Oatman, Jr.; W.R. Dutton)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - soprano, tenors (2), basses (2) (NL)
Guitar, organ and violin (NL)
BVE-36510- 2 24-Sep-26 1927 to 1931
Regional release
20534 Boston burglar, The (Anonymous; Carl T. Sprague)
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor and guitar
Dockum, C. R. - violin; McKenzie, H. J. - violin
BVE-35539- 7 24-Jun-26 1927 to 1932
Regional release
20534 Gambler, The (Anonymous; Carl T. Sprague)
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor and guitar
Dockum, C. R. - violin; McKenzie, H. J. - violin
McKenzie listed as Kenzie in ledger
BVE-35540- 3 21-Jun-26 1927 to 1932 Camden
20535 Beneath the weeping willow tree
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-35670- 3 9-Jun-26 1927 to 1931
Regional release
New York
20535 Bye and bye you will forget me (Robert French; Henry Huntley)
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-35675- 2 10-Jun-26 1927 to 1931
Regional release
New York
20536 I know there is somebody waiting (In the house at the end of the lane) (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Kellner, Murray - violin
BVE-37596- 2 2-Feb-27 1927 to 1930
Regional release
New York
20536 Lonesome boy’s letter back home, A (Cliff Friend; Harry Wood)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Robison, Carson J. - guitar; Kellner, Murray - violin
BVE-36987- 1 1-Dec-26 1927 to 1930
Regional release
New York
Zonophone: EE69
20537 Medley of Reels - Irish washerwoman + Lannigan’s ball + Campbells are comin’
Mellie Dunham’s Orchestra
Dunham, Alanson Mellen “Mellie” - violin; Noble, Cherrie - piano; Noble, N.A. - cello
BVE-34389- 4 3-Feb-26 1927 to 1932
Regional release
New York
20537 Medley of Reels - Miss McCloud’s reel + White cockade + Johnny Coakley
Mellie Dunham’s Orchestra
Dunham, Alanson Mellen “Mellie” - violin; Noble, Cherrie - piano; Noble, N.A. - cello
BVE-34528- 4 3-Feb-26 1927 to 1932
Regional release
New York
20538 Billy Richardson’s last ride (Cleburn C. Meeks; Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Kellner, Murray - violin; Robison, Carson - guitar
BVE-37158- 3 20-Dec-26 1927 to 1931
Regional release
New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8063
20538 On the Dixie Bee Line (Dave Macon)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Kellner, Murray - violin; Robison, Carson - guitar
BVE-37157- 3 20-Dec-26 1927 to 1931
Regional release
New York
20539 Golden slippers (James A. Bland)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor and harmonica; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Banjo and violin (NL)
BVE-38151- 2 9-Mar-27 26-Aug-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-6406
HMV: 4-4386, EA226 Zonophone Twin: FT8144
20539 My Blue Mountain home (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor and harmonica; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
BVE-38150- 2 9-Mar-27 26-Aug-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4053
HMV: 4-4385, EA295
20540 Down where the watermelon grows (Ren Shields; George Evans)
Moody, Ernest - vocal and ukulele; Reeve, Phil - vocal and guitar
BVE-37908- 2 17-Feb-27 1927 to 1931
Regional release
20540 Peek-a-boo (William J. Scanlon; Harmonized by Ernest V. Stoneman)
- -
- -
Brewer, Kahle - violin; Stoneman, Ernest V. - guitar and harmonica
BVE-36509- 2 24-Sep-26 1927 to 1931
Regional release
20541 Something’s going to happen, honey
Brooks, Richard - vocal; Puckett, Ruben - vocal
BVE-37903- 2 16-Feb-27 1927 to 1929
Regional release
20000 / 21000 SERIES 93
20541 When the flowers bloom in springtime (Andrew B. Sterling; Harry von Tilzer)
Brooks, Richard - vocal; Puckett, Ruben - vocal
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-37900- 1 16-Feb-27 1927 to 1929
Regional release
20542 Good-bye, my blue bell (Edward Madden; Theodore F. Morse)
Brooks, Richard - vocal; Puckett, Ruben - vocal
Guitar (NL)
BVE-37902- 1 16-Feb-27 1927 to 1929
Regional release
20542 Hello Central, give me heaven (Charles K. Harris)
Brooks, Richard - vocal; Puckett, Ruben - vocal
BVE-37901- 1 16-Feb-27 1927 to 1929
Regional release
20543 Church in the wildwood, The (James Rowe; William S. Pitts)
Calhoun Sacred Quartet: Moody, Charles E. - baritone; Neal, Lawrence D. - tenor;
Piekard, George - bass; Reeve, C.P. - tenor
Piano (NL)
BVE-37907- 1 16-Feb-27 1927 to 1934 Atlanta
Take 2 may have been used, the ledger and card do not indicate which was selected
Victor: Aurora 36-215
20543 Life’s railway to heaven (M.E. Abbey; Charles D. Tillman)
Calhoun Sacred Quartet: Moody, Charles E. - baritone; Neal, Lawrence D. - tenor;
Piekard, George - bass; Reeve, C.P. - tenor
Piano (NL)
BVE-37905- 1 16-Feb-27 1927 to 1934
Regional release
Victor: Aurora 36-215, Montgomery Ward M-4350
20544 I’m going to Georgia (Arr. Dock Walsh)
Carolina Tar Heels: Foster, Gwen - vocal, guitar and harmonica;
Walsh, Dock- vocal and banjo
BVE-37930- 2 19-Feb-27 1927 to 1931
Regional release
20544 There ain’t no use workin’ so hard (Arr. Gwen Foster)
Carolina Tar Heels: Foster, Gwen - vocal, guitar and harmonica;
Walsh, Dock- vocal and banjo
BVE-37927- 2 19-Feb-27 1927 to 1931
Regional release
20545 Bring me a leaf (From the sea) (Arr. Gwen Foster)
Carolina Tar Heels:
Foster, Gwen - vocal, guitar and harmonica; Walsh, Dock- vocal and banjo
BVE-37929- 2 19-Feb-27 1927 to 1931
Regional release
20545 Her name was Hula Lou (Arr. Gwen Foster)
Carolina Tar Heels:
Foster, Gwen - vocal, guitar and harmonica; Walsh, Dock- vocal and banjo
BVE-37928- 2 19-Feb-27 1927 to 1931
Regional release
20546 Old Testament - Daniel 3:16 - Daniel prayed three times a day (Arr. E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Dunlap, Sister - vocal; Griffin, Brother - vocal; Watkins, Sister - vocal
BVE-37955- 2 26-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1931 Memphis, McCall Building
20546 New Testament - John 1:26 - Take me to the water (Arr. E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Dunlap, Sister - vocal; Griffin, Brother - vocal; Watkins, Sister - vocal
BVE-37956- 2 26-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1931 Memphis, McCall Building
20547 I’m so glad to-day, to-day (A.C. Forehand)
Forehand, A.C. - vocal, guitar and harmonica
BVE-37949- 1 25-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1931 Memphis, McCall Building
20547 Mother’s prayer (A.C. Forehand)
Forehand, A.C. - vocal, guitar and harmonica
BVE-37948- 2 25-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1931 Memphis, McCall Building
20548 Hard-headed mama (Sidney Easton)
Copeland, Martha - vocal
Easton, Sidney - vocal; Howell, Bert - violin; Worde, Phil - pianoHowell, Bert - violin;
Worde, Phil - piano
BVE-37394- 2 3-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20548 When the wind makes connection with your dry goods (Happy Holmes)
Copeland, Martha - vocal
Easton, Sidney - vocal; Howell, Bert - violin; Worde, Phil - piano
BVE-37393- 2 3-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20549 Fourth of July at a country fair (William Jerome; Jean Schwartz; Arr. Bud Landress)
Georgia Yellow Hammers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin (NL)
BVE-37922- 2 18-Feb-27 1927 to 1932
Regional release
20549 Going to ride that midnight train (James A. Bland; Arr. Bill Chitwood)
Georgia Yellow Hammers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin (NL)
BVE-37920- 2 18-Feb-27 1927 to 1932
Regional release
20550 Johnson’s old grey mule (Thomas P. Westendorf; Arr. Bill Chitwood)
Georgia Yellow Hammers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin (NL)
Chitwood, “Fiddlin’” Bill - vocal
BVE-37921- 1 18-Feb-27 1927 to 1931
Regional release
20550 Pass around the bottle (Arr. Bill Chitwood)
Georgia Yellow Hammers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin (NL)
Vocal (NL)
BVE-37919- 1 18-Feb-27 1927 to 1931
Regional release
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8054
20551 Birmingham black bottom (F. Johnson; Thomas Morris) -
Charles Johnson’s Original Paradise Ten, Leroy Shield - director
Moore, Monette - vocal
BVE-38116- 1 25-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 New York
20551 Paradise wobble (F. Johnson; Thomas Morris) -
Charles Johnson’s Original Paradise Ten, Leroy Shield - director
Moore, Monette - vocal
BVE-38115- 1 25-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 New York
20552 Stingy woman blues (Will Shade; Will Weldon)
Memphis Jug Band
Shade, Will - harmonica; Weldon, Will “Casey Bill” - vocal and guitar
BVE-37942- 2 24-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1931 Memphis, McCall Building
HMV: 5-300
20552 Sun brimmers blues (Charles Williamson)
Memphis Jug Band
Shade, Will - harmonica; Weldon, Will “Casey Bill” - vocal and guitar
BVE-37941- 3 24-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1931 Memphis, McCall Building
20553 Drop down blues (Arah Moore; James Alston)
Moore, Arah “Baby” - vocal
Cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-37953- 3 25-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 Memphis, McCall Building
20553 Everybody have the blues sometime (James Alston)
Moore, Arah “Baby” - vocal
Cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-37952- 2 25-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 Memphis, McCall Building
20554 Christ arose (He is not here, but is risen) (Robert Lowry) -
Easter hymnEaster hymn
Easter hymnEaster hymn
Easter hymn
Sheffield Quartet: Cronic, J.C. - tenor; Sheffield, A.C. - bass; Sheffield, C.P. - tenor;
Zouch, C.E. - baritone
BVE-37940- 1 21-Feb-27 1927 to 1930
Regional release
20554 What did he do? (W. Owen) - From “Pleasure of heaven
Sheffield Quartet: Cronic, J.C. - tenor; Sheffield, A.C. - bass; Sheffield, C.P. - tenor;
Zouch, C.E. - baritone
BVE-37939- 2 21-Feb-27 1927 to 1930
Regional release
20000 / 21000 SERIES 95
20555 Bear wallow blues (James Alston)
Williamson’s Beale Street Frolic Orchestra
BVE-37974- 3 1-Mar-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 Memphis, McCall Building
20555 Memphis stronch (James Alston)
Williamson’s Beale Street Frolic Orchestra
BVE-37973- 1 1-Mar-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 Memphis, McCall Building
20556 Aloha sunset land (Ioane Kawelo)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-30398- 9 17-Nov-26 27-May-27 to 1944 New York
HMV: 7-517, B2581
20556 Chanson Bohemienne (Sweet dreams of thee) (J.B. Böldi)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-30399- 5 15-Jul-26 27-May-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0110
HMV: 6-961, B2581, R10001
20557 Rio Rita (Joseph McCarthy; Harry Tierney): Following the sun around -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jacques Renard and his Lido Venice Orchestra, Jacques Renard - director and violin
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-37771- 3 14-Feb-27 27-May-27 to 1929 New York
Victor: 22182
HMV: 6-962, 40-1196, AM2479, B5734, EG1965
20557 Rio Rita (Joseph McCarthy; Harry Tierney): If you’re in love, you’ll waltz
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra
Burr, Henry - tenor
BVE-38131- 4 2-Mar-27 27-May-27 to 1929 New York
Victor: 22182
HMV: 6-963, 40-1195, AM2479, B5734, EA316, EG1965, R4813
20558 Al fresco (Victor Herbert)
Herman, Sam - xylophone
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35793- 8 4-Mar-27 27-May-27 to 1944 New York
HMV: 6-796, B2503
20558 Mighty lak’ a rose (Ethelbert Nevin)
Herman, Sam - xylophone
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-38208- 3 4-Mar-27 27-May-27 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 6-795, B2503
20559 On the mall (Edwin Franko Goldman) -
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director (with 30 extra men)
Reitz, William H. - whistler
BVE-36717- 3 15-Oct-26 27-May-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 5-216 Zonophone: 2955
20559 Pioneer march, The (Edwin Franko Goldman)
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director (with 30 extra men)
BVE-36716- 2 15-Oct-26 27-May-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 5-217 Zonophone: 2955
20560 Song of the wanderer, The (Where shall I go?) (Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Green, Joe - traps
BVE-38303- 2 16-Mar-27 6-May-27 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 9796, B2512
20560 What does it matter? (Irving Berlin)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-38305- 3 16-Mar-27 6-May-27 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 9795, B2512
20561 Forgive me (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Shilkret, Jack - piano; Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director and celeste
BVE-38172- 2 15-Mar-27 6-May-27 to 1933 New York
HMV: 6-2771
20561 Someday, sweetheart (John C. Spikes; Benjamin Spikes)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Baer, Abel - piano
BVE-38174- 3 16-Mar-27 6-May-27 to 1933 New York
HMV: 6-2772
20562 I wonder how I look when I’m asleep? (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-37459- 2 24-Mar-27 6-May-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-933, B5293, EG643, K5333 Zonophone: AE1888
20562 I’ve never seen a straight banana (Ted Waite; Harry Ruby)
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Chorus (NL)
BVE-37457- 2 23-Mar-27 6-May-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-934, K5202 Zonophone: AE1888
20563 Armide (Christoph W. Gluck; Arr. Josef Pasternack) - Musette ballet -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-38217- 5 10-Mar-27 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden
20563 Damnation de Faust, La (Hector Berlioz, Op. 24) - Ballet des sylphes -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-38218- 5 10-Mar-27 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden
20564 So blue (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson; Theme by Helen Crawford)
Revelers, The (NL)
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-38409- 3 25-Mar-27 6-May-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4337, AM691, B2469, EG561, K5208, R6955 Zonophone: AE1943
20564 Yankee Rose (Abe Frankl)
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; Harrison, Charles W. - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-38173- 4 28-Mar-27 6-May-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 4-4336, AM691, B2518, EG561, K5280, R6955 Zonophone: AE1943
20565 Brownskin flapper blues (Sadie McKinney; James Alston)
McKinney, Sadie - vocal
Alston, James - piano; Williamson, Charley - cornet
BVE-37946- 2 24-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 Memphis, McCall Building
20565 Rock away blues (James Alston)
McKinney, Sadie - vocal
Alston, James - piano; Williamson, Charley - cornet
BVE-37945- 1 24-Feb-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 Memphis, McCall Building
20566 Climbing Jacob’s ladder
New Orleans University Glee Club
BVE-37990- 2 9-Mar-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20566 Old arks a mooring, The
New Orleans University Glee Club
BVE-37989- 3 9-Mar-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20567 What shall our answer be? (E.R. Latta; D.E. Dortah)
George Long and his Singers (5 men, 2 women)
BVE-37970- 1 1-Mar-27 1927 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis, McCall Building
20567 Zion’s Messenger (Homer F. Morris): I’m going home to die no more
George Long and his Singers (5 men, 2 women)
BVE-37972- 1 1-Mar-27 1927 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis, McCall Building
20000 / 21000 SERIES 97
20568 (What do I care) What somebody said? (Sidney Clare; Harry Woods)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Baer, Abel - piano
BVE-38175- 2 16-Mar-27 13-May-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2777, B2488
20568 Ain’t she sweet? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38171- 3 15-Mar-27 13-May-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-7751
HMV: 6-2776, B2488
HMV might have used take 4
20569 Muddy water (Jo Trent; Peter de Rose; Harry Richman) - A Mississippi moan
Austin, Gene - tenor
De Rose; Peter - piano
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38178- 3 17-Mar-27 20-May-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2819, B2529
20569 My idea of heaven (Is to be in love with you) (Howard E. Johnson; Al Sherman; Charles Tobias)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38183- 2 18-Mar-27 20-May-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2820, B2515
20570 So blue (Helen Crawford) -
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-38310- 1 29-Mar-27 13-May-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-946, AM671, B5319, EG605, R4835
20570 Song of the wanderer, The (Where shall I go?) (Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38309- 2 29-Mar-27 13-May-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-945, AM671, B5311, EG605, R4835
20571 If you see Sally (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ray Egan; Walter Donaldson)
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor;
Stanley, James - baritone
Linton, Charles - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director and celeste
BVE-37725- 6 18-Mar-27 13-May-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4345
20571 Swanee River trail (Al Jolson; Irving Caesar)
Peerless Quartet (NL)
Linton, Charles - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37697- 3 1-Mar-27 13-May-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 4-4346
20572 I’ve never seen a straight banana (Ted Waite; Harry Ruby)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-38224- 2 18-Mar-27 13-May-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2779, AM700, EG593
20572 My Sunday girl (Herman Ruby; Bud Cooper; Sam H. Stept)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-38223- 3 18-Mar-27 13-May-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2778, AM700, EG593
20573 Following you around (Roger Wolfe Kahn) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
BVE-37710- 2 11-Jan-27 13-May-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-944, AM698, B5295, EA206
20573 I can’t believe that youre in love with me (Clarence Gaskill; Jimmy McHugh) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra
BVE-38132- 3 2-Mar-27 13-May-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-943
20574 Honey in the rock (A.C. Forehand; Mamie Forehand)
Forehand, “Blind” Mamie
Forehand, A.C. - guitar
BVE-37961- 1 28-Feb-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 Memphis, McCall Building
20574 Wouldn’t mind dying if dying was all (A.C. Forehand; Mamie Forehand)
Forehand, “Blind” Mamie
Forehand, A.C. - guitar
BVE-37962- 2 28-Feb-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 Memphis, McCall Building
20575 Mamma, fold your hands (Sadie James; Freddie Coates)
James, Sadie - vocal
Coates, Freddie - piano
BVE-37950- 2 25-Feb-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 Memphis, McCall Building
20575 What makes a bow legged woman crazy ‘bout her knock kneed man?
(Sadie James; Freddie Coates)
James, Sadie - vocal
Coates, Freddie - piano
BVE-37951- 2 25-Feb-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 Memphis, McCall Building
20576 Memphis jug blues (Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band: Shade, Will - vocal and guitar; Weldon, Will “Casey Bill” - vocal and guitar;
Polk, Charlie - vocal and jug
BVE-37943- 2 24-Feb-27 15-Jul-27 to 1931 Memphis, McCall Building
HMV: 5-301
20576 Newport News blues (Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band
Shade, Will - vocal and guitar
BVE-37944- 2 24-Feb-27 15-Jul-27 to 1931 Memphis, McCall Building
20577 Ain’t goin to be your low down dog (Ollie Rupert; Will Shade)
Rupert, Miss Ollie - vocal
Guitars (2) and jew’s harp (NL)
BVE-37964- 2 28-Feb-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 Memphis, McCall Building
20577 I raised my window and looked at the risin’ sun (Ollie Rupert; Will Shade)
Rupert, Miss Ollie - vocal
Guitars (2) and jew’s harp (NL)
BVE-37963- 2 28-Feb-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 Memphis, McCall Building
20578 I’m not jealous (Richard Brown)
Brown, Richard “Rabbit - vocal and guitar
BVE-38003- 1 11-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20578 James Alley blues (Richard Brown)
Brown, Richard “Rabbit - vocal and guitar
BVE-38000- 1 11-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20579 He’s the sweetest black man in town (Ann Cook)
Cook, Ann - vocal
Banjo, clarinet, cornet, piano (NL)
BVE-37982- 1 7-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20579 Mamma Cookie blues (Ann Cook)
Cook, Ann - vocal
Banjo, clarinet, cornet, piano (NL)
BVE-37981- 3 7-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20580 Franklin Street blues (Louis Dumaine; Eddie Jackson)
Louis Dumaine’s Jazzola Eight
Mitchell, Leonard - vocal
BVE-37979- 1 7-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20580 Red onion drag (Louis Dumaine; Eddie Jackson)
Louis Dumaine’s Jazzola Eight
BVE-37980- 1 7-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20000 / 21000 SERIES 99
20581 God got his eyes on you
Megginson Female Quartet (NL)
BVE-37995- 1 10-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20581 Got the great big world in his hands
Megginson Female Quartet (NL)
BVE-37998- 2 10-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20582 Hard trials, great tribulations
Mt. Zion Baptist Quartet of Mobile (NL)
BVE-37987- 3 9-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20582 Let the church roll on
Mt. Zion Baptist Quartet of Mobile (NL)
BVE-37985- 2 9-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20583 As the eagle stirreth her nest (Arr. Isiah Shelton)
Shelton, Rev. Isiah - sermon with singing
BVE-37984- 2 8-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20583 Liar, The (Isiah Shelton)
Shelton, Rev. Isiah - sermon with singing
BVE-37983- 3 8-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20584 Baby dear, I don’t want no one but you (Florence White)
White, Florence - vocal
Henry, Simeon - piano
BVE-37991- 1 9-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20584 Cold rocks was my pillow
White, Florence - vocal
Henry, Simeon - piano
BVE-37992- 1 9-Mar-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20585 New Testament - John, 1:1 - The word was God
Ransom, Rev. William - vocal
Christopher, William - vocal; Hunter, Callie - vocal; Tidwell, Pauline - vocal
BVE-37938- 2 21-Feb-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 Atlanta
20585 New Testament - John, 3:9 - How can these things be?
Ransom, Rev. William - vocal
Christopher, William - vocal; Hunter, Callie - vocal; Tidwell, Pauline - vocal
BVE-37936- 2 21-Feb-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 Atlanta
20586 Estrellita (Little star of love) (M.M. Ponce)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Green, Joe - traps
BVE-38301- 3 15-Mar-27 1-Jul-27 to 1931+ New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 2-9269, AM1832, AM1920, AM3893, B2537, EG746
20586 Paloma, La (Sebastián Yradier)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Green, Joe - traps
BVE-38300- 3 15-Mar-27 1-Jul-27 to 1931+ New York - Wurlitzer Hall
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0154
HMV: 2-9270, AM1832, AM1920, AM3893, B2537, EG746
20587 Bells of Hawaii (Billy Heagney)
Four Aristocrats, The - vocal, guitars (2) and ukulele (NL)
BVE-38230- 3 22-Mar-27 20-May-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 4-4347
20587 Voom, voom (Moaden on the Gayden) (Cliff Friend; Eddie Welch)
Four Aristocrats, The - vocal, guitars (2), piano and ukulele (NL)
BVE-38129- 5 22-Mar-27 20-May-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 4-4348, B2515, EG665
20588 Cover me up with sunshine (And feather my nest with love) (Mort Dixon; Ray Henderson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Edward T. King - director
Bessinger, Frank - vocal
BVE-36830- 2 15-Oct-26 20-May-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-950
20588 My pretty girl (Charles Fulcher) -
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37587- 1 1-Feb-27 20-May-27 to 1929 New York
Victor: 25283
HMV: 6-949, B5324, B9237, K5212
20589 My Sunday girl (Herman Ruby; Bud Cooper; Sam H. Stept) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra
McEnelly, Edwin J. - violin; Wade, Frederick L. - vocal
BVE-38188- 5 1-Apr-27 20-May-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-952, K5423
20589 Nesting time (Mort Dixon; James V. Monaco)
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-37456- 3 22-Mar-27 20-May-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-951 Zonophone: AE1928
20590 Charmaine (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée)
- Composer listed in ledger as Le - Composer listed in ledger as Le
- Composer listed in ledger as Le - Composer listed in ledger as Le
- Composer listed in ledger as Le
wis Lenzwis Lenz
wis Lenzwis Lenz
wis Lenz
James, Lewis - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37724- 5 4-Feb-27 27-May-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2794 Zonophone: 2971
20590 I found you (Lillian Rosedale Goodman)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano; Shilkret, Jack - piano
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37120- 2 10-Dec-26 27-May-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2795 Zonophone: 2986
20591 Love me all the time (Ed Rose; Ann Dennis; Frank Magine) -
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-37576- 3 27-Jan-27 27-May-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-956, AM699
20591 Silver song bird (Henri Berchman; Herman Paley; Alfred Bryan) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-37575- 4 27-Jan-27 27-May-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-955, AM699
20592 Durang’s hornpipe - The lady of the lake dance + Old zip coon - From “American Country Dance”
(Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37679- 2 11-Feb-27 Jun-27 to Mar-51 Camden
20592 Soldier’s joy + Young America hornpipe - From “American Country Dance”
(Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37678- 2 11-Feb-27 Jun-27 to Mar-51 Camden
20593 Ain’t love grand? (B. Peck) - Originally titled “Don’t get funky”
John Hyman’s Bayou Jazzers
Gaughreaux, A. - harmonica
BVE-37993- 2 10-Mar-27 May-27 to 1929
Regional release
New Orleans
20593 Lagniappe (John Hyman; Horace Diaz) - “Alligator blues”
John Hyman’s Bayou Jazzers
BVE-37994- 4 10-Mar-27 May-27 to 1929
Regional release
New Orleans
20000 / 21000 SERIES 101
20594 Couldn’t hear nobody pray
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Emory University Glee Club, Dr. Malcolm H. Dewey - director (6 first and 5 second tenors, 6
baritones, 5 basses)
BVE-37916- 1 17-Feb-27 13-Apr-27 to 1929
Regional release
20594 Steal away to Jesus
- Negro spiritual- Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual- Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Emory University Glee Club, Dr. Malcolm H. Dewey - director (6 first and 5 second tenors, 6
baritones, 5 basses)
BVE-37917- 2 17-Feb-27 13-Apr-27 to 1929
Regional release
20595 Nesting time (Mort Dixon; James V. Monaco) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Green, Joe - traps
BVE-38304- 4 16-Mar-27 27-May-27 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 2-9264, B2490, EG592
20595 So blue (Helen Crawford)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Green, Joe - traps
BVE-38302- 3 16-Mar-27 27-May-27 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 2-9265, B2490, EG592
20596 Hawaiian dreams (Herbert B. Marple) -
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37542- 2 17-Jan-27 20-May-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0423
HMV: 6-954, AM930, AM3902,B2497, EG1060, K5240 Zonophone: AE3481
20596 Honolulu moon (Fred Lawrence) -
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-38184- 6 1-Apr-27 20-May-27 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-953, AM930, AM3902, B2497, EG1060, K5240, R4877 Zonophone: AE3481
20597 I’ll take care of your cares (Mort Dixon; James V. Monaco) -
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra
McEnelly, Edwin J. - violin
BVE-38190- 5 1-Apr-27 27-May-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-958, EG536
20597 Yesterday (Charles Harrison; Monte Wilhite) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Revelers, The (NL)
BVE-38439- 2 7-Apr-27 27-May-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-957, B5324, EG536, K5211, R4821
20598 My regular girl (Bud Green; Henry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Morgan, Bill - talking; Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-36498- 5 9-Dec-26 10-Jun-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-973, B5303, K5202 Zonophone: AE1963
20598 Who’ll be the one? (Raymond Klages; Al Goering; Jack Pettis; Ben Bernie)
Art Landry and his Orchestra, Art Landry - director and violin
Marineau, Al - vocal
BVE-36548- 4 15-Oct-26 10-Jun-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-974, AM904, B5361
20599 Hit the Deck (Irving Caesar; Vincent Youmans): Sometimes I’m happy -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-38467- 2 14-Apr-27 3-Jun-27 to 1934 New York
HMV: 6-964, B5312, EA253, K5213, R4833 Zonophone: AE1999
20599 Hit the Deck (Leo Robin; Vincent Youmans): Hallelujah -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-38347- 1 14-Apr-27 3-Jun-27 to 1934 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-965, AM741, B5312, K5203, R4807 Zonophone: AE1999
20600 Rock me to sleep in an old rocking chair (Tell Taylor)
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Small orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38168- 4 14-Mar-27 3-Jun-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2799 Zonophone: 5006
20600 Song of the wanderer, The (Where shall I go?) (Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”)
De Leath, Vaughn - soprano
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38323- 1 4-Apr-27 3-Jun-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-2798
20601 Bye, bye Bonnie (Neville Fleeson; Albert von Tilzer): Just ‘cross the river from Queens
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra, Edwin J. McEnelly - director and violin
Wade, Frederick L. - vocal
BVE-38189- 3 21-Mar-27 1-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-972, K5220, R4819
20601 Judy (Leo Robin; Charles Rosoff) - Medley
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
- Introducing: Wear your Sunday smile
+ Judy
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
BVE-38312- 5 14-Apr-27 1-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-971, B5531, K5276 Zonophone: AE2615
20602 For you and me (Jessie L. Deppen; Thekla Hollingsworth) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-37131- 6 6-Jan-27 3-Jun-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-967, AM902, B5320
20602 Russian lullaby (Irving Berlin) -
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Garden, Henri - vocal
BVE-38468- 3 14-Apr-27 3-Jun-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-966, B5320, EA182 Zonophone: AE1929
20603 More we are together, The (Irving King) -
Gang song - FGang song - F
Gang song - FGang song - F
Gang song - F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Revelers, The (NL)
BVE-38438- 2 7-Apr-27 3-Jun-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-969, EG548, R4837
20603 There’s something nice about everyone, but there’s everything nice about you
(Arthur Terker; Alfred Bryan; Pete Wendling) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
Marvin, Johnny - vocal; Smalle, Ed - vocal
BVE-38357- 3 19-Apr-27 3-Jun-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-968, AM905, B5319, EG548, R4837
20604 Ezekiel saw de wheel (Negro spiritual; Arr. Lawrence Brown)
Robeson, Paul - bass
Brown, Lawrence - vocal and piano
BVE-38420- 2 30-Mar-27 1-Jul-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6068
HMV: 4-4360, B2838
20604 Hear de lam’s a cryin’ (Negro spiritual; Arr. Lawrence Brown)
Robeson, Paul - bass
Brown, Lawrence - vocal and piano
BVE-38419- 2 30-Mar-27 1-Jul-27 to 1944 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6069
HMV: 4-4359, B2838
20605 Go, Joe, go (Steve Kretzmer; Phil Napoleon; Frank Signorelli) -
Blues stompBlues stomp
Blues stompBlues stomp
Blues stomp
Phil Napoleon and his Orchestra, Phil Napoleon and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
BVE-38314- 2 31-Mar-27 1-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-503, AM903, B5331, EA198
20000 / 21000 SERIES 103
20605 Take your finger out of your mouth (I want a kiss from you) (Joe Schuster;
Duke Yellman)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Phil Napoleon and his Orchestra, Phil Napoleon and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
Murray, Billy - tenor
BVE-38313- 1 31-Mar-27 1-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-502, AM903, B5331, EA198
20606 William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - Part 1 - “At dawn
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-16014- 9 11-Apr-27 1-Jul-27 to 1946 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6035
HMV: 6-998 Zonophone: 2969
20606 1 William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - Part 2 - “The storm
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-16015- 7 15-Jul-26 1-Jul-27 to 1927 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6035
20606 1R William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - Part 2 - “The storm
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-16015- 5 (sic) 15-Jul-26 1927 to 1946 Camden - Church
Take 5 is a 1R transcription, August 19, 1927
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0140
HMV: 6-999 Zonophone: 2969
20607 William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - Part 3 - “The calm”
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Josef Pasternack - director
BVE-16022-13 16-Jul-26 1-Jul-27 to 1946 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6036
HMV: 7-500 Zonophone: 2970
20607 William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - Part 4 - “Finale”
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-16016-11 14-Mar-27 1-Jul-27 to 1946 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6036
HMV: 7-501 Zonophone: 2970
20608 Hello, cutie (Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Horace Heidt and his Orchestra
Lykins, Lee - vocal
PBVE- 276- 2 22-Apr-27 17-Jun-27 to 1929 San Francisco
HMV: 6-991
20608 Mine (Buddy G. de Sylva; James F. Handley) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Horace Heidt and his Orchestra
Lykins, Lee - vocal
PBVE- 275- 4 22-Apr-27 17-Jun-27 to 1929 San Francisco
HMV: 6-992
20609 Hit the Deck (Irving Caesar; Vincent Youmens): Sometimes I’m happy
Groody, Louise - vocal
King, Charles - vocal; Banta, Fran K E. - piano
BVE-38601- 4 12-Apr-27 17-Jun-27 to 1932 Camden
HMV: 4-4354, B2520
20609 Hit the Deck (Leo Robin; Clifford Grey; Vincent Youmans): Hallelujah
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-38489- 2 25-Apr-27 17-Jun-27 to 1932 New York
HMV: 4-4355, AM750, B2520, EG731, K5232, R6959 Zonophone: AE1991
20610 Ain’t she sweet? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-38350- 3 15-Apr-27 1-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5898, B2527
20610 Russian lullaby (Irving Berlin)
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-38349- 3 15-Apr-27 1-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5897, B2527
20611 I’ll be with you when the roses bloom again (Will D. Cobb; Gus Edwards)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Raitz, Samuel - violin; Sannella, Andy - guitar
BVE-38494- 3 27-Apr-27 10-Jun-27 to 1932 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4331
HMV: 6-2801 Zonophone: EE55
20611 Mississippi flood, The (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Shilkret, Nathaniel - organ
BVE-38495- 2 27-Apr-27 10-Jun-27 to 1932 New York
HMV: 6-2802 Zonophone: EE55
20612 Just the same (Walter Donaldson; Joe Burke)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone and mandola; Miller, Jim - tenor and guitar
Garristo, Frank “Jazz” - lute
BVE-38191- 7 12-Apr-27 10-Jun-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4356, B2517, EG649
20612 There’s something nice about everyone, but there’s everything nice about you
(Arthur Terker; Alfred Bryan; Pete Wendling)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal, guitar and ukulele
Sannella, Andy - clarinet
BVE-38487- 3 22-Apr-27 10-Jun-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2810, B2517, EA189, EG649
20613 Russian lullaby (Irving Berlin)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38363- 2 26-Apr-27 10-Jun-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-2811 Zonophone: 2971
20613 Tired hands (Al Piantadosi)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-38368- 1 27-Apr-27 10-Jun-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-2812
20614 Bee, The (Franz Schubert) + Valse in D Flat (Frédéric Chopin, Op. 64, No. 1)
Schmidt, Alexander - violin
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-38207- 2 4-Mar-27 Jun-27 to Nov-50 Camden
20614 Caprice (M. Ogarew, Op. 15, No. 2)
Schmidt, Alexander - violin
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36563- 4 1-Dec-26 Jun-27 to Nov-50 Camden - Church
Victor: 20366
20615 Red lips, kiss my blues away (Alfred Bryan; James V. Monaco; Pete Wendling) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Charles Dornberger and his Orchestra
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-38014- 4 27-Apr-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-975, AM913, B5325, EA187, K5242
20615 Why should I say that I’m sorry? (When nobody’s sorry for me) (Larry Conley) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
Burr, Henry - tenor
BVE-38373- 4 28-Apr-27 10-Jun-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-976, AM877, B5293, K5211
20616 Lucky (Otto Harbach; Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby; Jerome David Kern): That little something -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret and Paul Whiteman - directors
BVE-38365- 3 26-Apr-27 Canadian release New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-982
20616 Lucky (Otto Harbach; Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby; Jerome David Kern): The same old moon -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret and Paul Whiteman - directors
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-38364- 2 26-Apr-27 Canadian release New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-981
20000 / 21000 SERIES 105
20617 Violets + Sweet pea ladies + Poppies (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-14736- 5 31-Mar-27 Jun-27 to 1941 Camden
20617 Woodpecker, The + Robin red breast + The owl + The bobolink - From “Songs
of the Child World” (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Brown, Edna (Elsie Baker) - contralto
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-14429- 5 17-Jan-27 Jun-27 to 1941 Camden
20618 Gingerbread man + Jap doll (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-14735- 5 24-Sep-26 Jun-27 to Jun-42 Camden
20618 Household hints (From “Lilts and Lyrics” - Alice Riley; Janet Gaynor) + Cat tails
(From “Songs of Child World, No. 2” - Alice Riley; Jessie Gaynor) + The daffodil lady
(From “Lilts and Lyrics” - Alice Riley; Janet Gaynor)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-14737-10 31-Mar-27 Jun-27 to Jun-42 Camden
20619 Bella Napoli (Frederick Winthrop; G. Torrente) + Jolly miller (Old English) + Tempest (Russian) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano; Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Linton, Charles - pianoSmall orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37885- 1 1-Apr-27 Jun-27 to Jun-42 Camden - Church
20619 Music everywhere (Arthur E. Johnstone) + The bird of passage + Cradle song (John E. West) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano; Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Linton, Charles - pianoSmall orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37884- 1 1-Apr-27 Jun-27 to Jun-42 Camden - Church
20620 Messiah, The (George Frederic Handel) - Pastoral symphony - Larghetto -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37866- 7 28-Mar-27 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6047
20620 St. Paul (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy): How lovely are the messengers + Judas Maccabaeus
(George Frederic Handel): See, the conqu’ring hero comes -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-23717- 6 26-Apr-27 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6047
20621 Diddle diddle dumpling + Wee Willie Winkie + Peas porridge hot + Feast of lanterns +
Three little mice + Jack and Jill -
Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-37463- 1 31-Mar-27 Jun-27 to Nov-50 Camden
20621 Sing a song of sixpence + I love a little pussy + Pussy cat + Hickory dickory dock +
Over the hills and far away + By lo -
Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-38909- 2 31-Mar-27 Jun-27 to Nov-50 Camden
20622 Playmates (Winthrop Packard; John E. West) + Robins fantasy (Arthur E. Johnstone) +
Breeze of the night (Arthur E. Johnstone) + Dancing song -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano; Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Linton, Charles - piano
Small orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37883- 2 1-Apr-27 Jun-27 to Jun-42 Camden - Church
20622 Who knows? (John E. West) + The two clocks (Arthur E. Johnstone) + Cuckoo in the clock
(Arthur E. Johnstone) + Fairies (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano; Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Linton, Charles - piano
Small orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37882- 3 1-Apr-27 Jun-27 to Jun-42 Camden - Church
20623 Land of Nod (Jessie L. Gaynor) + Tracks in the snow (Jessie L. Gaynor) + Jack o lantern
(Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-14725- 7 31-Mar-27 Jun-27 to Jun-42 Camden
20623 Leaves’ party + Thanksgiving song - From “Songs of the Child World(Alice Riley;
Jessie L. Gaynor) -
Brown, Edna (Elsie Baker) - contralto
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-15237- 6 17-Jan-27 Jun-27 to Jun-42 Camden
20624 Blacksmith, The (Arthur E. Johnstone) + Buttercups (Arthur E. Johnstone) + Tick tock (Arthur E.
Johnstone) + The violet (Arthur E. Johnstone) + Our flag (Arthur E. Johnstone) -
Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-37464- 2 31-Mar-27 Jun-27 to Jun-42 Camden
20624 Wise bird, A (Arthur E. Johnstone; H.W. Loomis) + Cuckoo music (Arthur E. Johnstone) +
A star child (Arthur E. Johnstone) + Pretty tulip (Arthur E. Johnstone) -
From Hollis Dann Music Course
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-37626- 3 14-Jan-27 Jun-27 to Jun-42 Camden
20625 NR I miss you, ‘Lize (Adapted by Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor and ukulele
Banta, Frank E. - piano; Garristo, Frank “Jazz” - lute
BVE-37533- 3 11-Jan-27
Not released
New York
Victor: 21091
HMV: 6-2968
20625 NR Wake Nicodemus (Henry C. Work; Adapted by Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - organ; Guitar (NL)
BVE-38441- 2 8-Apr-27
Not released
New York
Victor: 21098
HMV: 6-2979
20626 Me and my shadow (Al Jolson; Dave Dreyer; Billy Rose)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Dreyer, Dave - piano
BVE-38704- 3 28-Apr-27 17-Jun-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-2805, AM680, B2496
20626 You won’t see me if I see you with anyone else (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-38706- 2 28-Apr-27 17-Jun-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-2806, B2555
20627 Pretty lips (Walter Donaldson; Charley Straight) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-38124- 1 28-Feb-27 17-Jun-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-994, EG708
20627 Side by side (Harry Woods) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Barris, Harry - vocal; Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-38378- 4 29-Apr-27 17-Jun-27 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-993, B5318, EG708, K5223, R4827 Zonophone: AE1974
20628 Ich küsse deine lippen (Maurice Rudolphe)
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BWR 402- 1 12-Oct-26 29-Jul-27 to 1931 Berlin
HMV: 8-40521, AM497, B2603, EG314, K6218
20628 Paganini (Franz Lehár): Gern hab’ ich die Frau’n geküsst
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BWR 404- 1 12-Oct-26 29-Jul-27 to 1931 Berlin
HMV: 8-40519, AM498, B2596, EG297
20000 / 21000 SERIES 107
20629 Impressions of London - Big Ben, traffic noises, St Margaret’s chimes and “The Old Hundreth”
Roper, Stanley - bells and organ
BR 869- 1 24-Nov-26 1-Jul-27 to 1931+ Westminster - St. Margaret’s Church
HMV: 9765, B2398, K5249
20629 Oh, God, our help in ages past (Isaac Watts; Croft)
Roper, Stanley - bells and organ
BR 868- 3 24-Nov-26 1-Jul-27 to 1931+ Westminster - St. Margaret’s Church
HMV: 9764, B2398, K5249
20630 Roses for remembrance (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Loyal Curtis)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Dolin, Max - violin; Frisbie, Charles - cello; Schwartzmann, A. - piano
PBVE- 257- 1 18-Apr-27 19-May-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
HMV: 7-2367 Zonophone: 5336
20630 Song of the wanderer, The (Where shall I go?) (Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano
PBVE- 272- 3 28-Apr-27 19-May-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20631 Consolation (Maurice J. Gunsky; Morton H. Bories) -
Eddie Harkness and his Hotel Mark Hopkins Orchestra
PBVE- 261- 7 21-Apr-27 19-May-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20631 Haunting waltz (Maurice J. Gunsky; Nat Goldstein)
Eddie Harkness and his Hotel Mark Hopkins Orchestra
Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor
PBVE- 260- 3 19-Apr-27 19-May-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20632 Hula blues (John Avery Noble)
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE- 295- 3 27-Apr-27 19-May-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20632 You don’t like it - not much (Ned Miller; Art Kahn; Chester Cohn)
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE- 294- 4 27-Apr-27 19-May-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20633 Roses for remembrance (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Loyal Curtis) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Art Hickman’s Orchestra, Walter Rosner - director
Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor
PBVE- 298- 4 28-Apr-27 19-May-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20633 Winding trail, The (Transcribed from Fritz Kreisler’s “The old refrain”; George P. Howard;
George Hayden) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Art Hickman’s Orchestra, Walter Rosner - director
PBVE- 300- 2 29-Apr-27 19-May-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20634 Fifty million Frenchmen can’t be wrong (Billy Rose; Willie Raskin; Fred Fisher) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor; Sherman, Joe - vocal
BVE-38374- 6 5-May-27 17-Jun-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-995, AM901, B5318, EA187, K5223
20634 Just the same (Walter Donaldson; Joe Burke) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
BVE-38469- 4 14-Apr-27 17-Jun-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-996, K5286
20635 America (My country ’tis of thee) (Henry Carey)
Victor Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-38025- 3 5-May-27 1-Jul-27 to 1940 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0202
HMV: 5-227
20635 Star spangled banner The (English air; Samuel Arnold)
Pryor’s Band, Arthur Pryor - director
BVE-1265-11 15-Jun-26 1-Jul-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
Victor: 81358, Pict-Ur-Music 0203
HMV: 5-226
20636 Menuett (Luigi Boccherini) -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37895- 4 13-Apr-27 Jun-27 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0292
HMV: 7-668, 8-979, K5488 Zonophone: T5019
20636 Sous bois (V. Staub, Op. 6, No. 6) “In the forest” -
Victor Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-14485- 4 29-Mar-27 Jun-27 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0123
HMV: 7-669, K5488 Zonophone: T5019
20637 Souvenir (Franz Drdla) + Milioni d’Arlecchino (Fucacce; R. Drigo): Serenade -
Florentine Quartet, Josef Pasternack - director: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp;
Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-35850- 4 1-Sep-26 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6049
20637 Torchlight dance, No. 1 (Giacomo Meyerbeer) - “Fackeltanz” -
Victor Brass Ensemble (Victor Band Special), Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-38026- 4 10-May-27 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-739
20638 Chillicothe - Ohio quadrille + Virginny shore - social quadrille - From
“Three Old American Quadrilles” (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37674- 3 11-Feb-27 Jun-27 to Apr-53 Camden
20638 Oh, Susanna (Stephen Collins Foster) + Arkansas traveler - From
“Three Old American Quadrilles” (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37675- 2 11-Feb-27 Jun-27 to Apr-53 Camden
20639 Captain Jinks - basket quadrille + Rosin the bow - basket quadrille - From
“Three Old American Quadrilles” (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37676- 2 11-Feb-27 Jun-27 to Apr-53 Camden
Victor: 22991
20639 Uncle Steve - Sicilian circle + Mrs. Monroe’s jig + We’re on the road to Boston - From
“Three Old American Quadrilles” (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-37677- 2 11-Feb-27 Jun-27 to Apr-53 Camden
Victor: 22991
HMV: 40-4972
20640 Bean setting (Arr: Cecil J. Sharpe; H.C. MacIlwaine)
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 7210- 2 6-Nov-25 Jun-29 to 1931+ Hayes
HMV: 4-436, B5072, B9296
20640 Lads a Bunchum (Arr. Cecil J. Sharpe)
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 7209- 1 6-Nov-25 Jun-29 to 1931+ Hayes
HMV: 4-421, B5072, B9296
20641 Glorishears (Bampton traditional; Arr. Cecil J. Sharpe; H.C. MacIlwaine)
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 7206- 2 6-Nov-25 Jun-29 to 1931+ Hayes
HMV: 4-435, B5073, B9297
20641 Shepherd’s hey (Arr: Cecil J. Sharpe; H.C. MacIlwaine)
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 7204- 2 6-Nov-25 Jun-29 to 1931+ Hayes
HMV: 4-425, B5073, B9297
20000 / 21000 SERIES 109
20642 Bobbing Joe (Arr. Cecil J. Sharpe)
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 7205- 2 6-Nov-25 Jun-29 to 1931+ Hayes
HMV: 4-420, B5074, B9298
20642 Country Gardens (Arr. Cecil J. Sharpe)
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 7208- 2 6-Nov-25 Jun-29 to 1931+ Hayes
HMV: 4-426, B5074, B9298
20643 (Does she love me?) Positively, absolutely (Sam Coslow; Jean Herbert)
Murray, Billy - tenor; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-38180- 7 15-Apr-27 24-Jun-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4357, B2502
20643 I’m back in love again (Cliff Friend)
Murray, Billy - tenor; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-38179- 3 15-Apr-27 24-Jun-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4358, B2502
20644 One o’clock baby (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Al Jolson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-38722- 3 4-May-27 24-Jun-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-986, AM910, B5328, R4833
20644 When the pussy willow whispers to the catnip (Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
- “The whisper song”
Art Landry and his Orchestra
Curtis, Dinty - vocal; Thomas, Red - vocal; Van Dusen, Bill - vocal
BVE-38910- 1 14-May-27 24-Jun-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-985, EA199
20645 One summer night (Sam Coslow; Larry Spier) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Garden, Henri - vocal
BVE-38376- 3 28-Apr-27 24-Jun-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-987, B5339, EA200
20645 South wind (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
BVE-38375- 6 12-May-27 24-Jun-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-988, AM913, B5325
20646 I’m in love again (Cole Porter)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trot - x trot -
x trot - x trot -
x trot -
From “Up With the Lark and
“Greenwich Village Follies of 1924”
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-38394- 3 9-May-27 24-Jun-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-984, R4849
20646 Wherever you go, whatever you do (I want you to know I love you) (Bernie Grossman;
Joe Goodwin; Larry Shay) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-38390- 3 5-May-27 24-Jun-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-983, AM904, B5361, R4851
20647 Clarinet marmalade (Larry Shields; Henry Ragas) -
Phil Napoleon and his Orchestra, Phil Napoleon - director
BVE-37745- 2 7-Feb-27 1-Jul-27 to 1951 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0115
HMV: 7-506
20647 Tiger rag (Domenick James La Rocca) -
Jazz one-stepJazz one-step
Jazz one-stepJazz one-step
Jazz one-step
Charles Dornberger and his Orchestra, Charles Dornberger - director
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-38011- 7 10-May-27 1-Jul-27 to 1951 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-1140, Pict-Ur-Music 0367
HMV: 7-505, 9-736, B5363, K5242
20648 Haven’t got a dollar to pay your house rent man (Eddie Jackson; Morris Rouse)
Davis, Genevieve - vocal
Louis Dumaine’s Jazzola Eight
BVE-37975- 1 5-Mar-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20648 I’ve got something (Eddie Jackson; Morris Rouse)
Davis, Genevieve - vocal; Mitchell, Leonard - vocal
Louis Dumaine’s Jazzola Eight
BVE-37976- 2 5-Mar-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20649 Hen party blues (Henry Clifford)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjos (3), clarinet, jugs (2), saxophone and violin (NL)
BVE-37229- 2 11-Dec-26 12-Aug-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: B10727
20649 Skip, skat, doodle do (Henry Clifford)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjos (3), jugs (2), saxophone and violin (NL)
McDonald, Earl - vocal
BVE-37224- 2 10-Dec-26 12-Aug-27 to 1929 Chicago - Webster Hotel
HMV: 7-682, B5398, EG791
20650 Yonder comes my Lord with a Bible in his hand (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - sopranos (2) and a baritone
BVE-36479- 2 1-Dec-26 12-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
Victor: Bluebird B-7758
20650 You got to cross Jordan (You must have that true religion. Don’t, you can’t cross here (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - sopranos (2) and a baritone
BVE-36489- 1 2-Dec-26 12-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20651 I’m down right now, but I won’t be down always (Alberta Hunter)
Hunter, Alberta - soprano
Jackson, Mike - piano
BVE-37691- 2 26-Feb-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden - Studio 1
20651 My old daddy’s got a brand new way to love (Mike Jackson)
Hunter, Alberta - soprano
Jackson, Mike - piano
BVE-37690- 2 26-Feb-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden - Studio 1
20652 Good woman blues (Phil Worde; Edgar Dowell)
Johnson, Margaret - soprano
Guitar, harmonica and piano (NL)
BVE-37680- 2 14-Feb-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden
20652 Second-handed blues (Mike Jackson)
Johnson, Margaret - soprano
Guitar, harmonica and piano (NL)
BVE-37681- 2 14-Feb-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden
20653 Don’t you leave me here -
Charles Johnson’s Original Paradise Ten, Leroy Shield - director
Moore, Monette - vocal
BVE-38117- 1 25-Feb-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
20653 South Rampart Street blues (Buddy Christian; Bob Fuller; Thomas Morris; Joe Nanton)
New Orleans Blue Five, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-36897- 1 2-Nov-26 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
20654 Ever after on (W.C. Handy)
Winston, Edna - vocal
Orchestra, Leroy Shield “present”
BVE-37788- 1 16-Feb-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
20654 Joogie blues (Edgar Dowell)
Winston, Edna - vocal
Orchestra, Leroy Shield “present”
BVE-37787- 1 16-Feb-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
20000 / 21000 SERIES 111
20655 Messin’ around with the blues (Phil Worde; Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller)
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe-organ
BVE-37361- 3 14-Jan-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20655 Stompin’ the bug (Phil Worde; Mercedes Gilbert) -
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe-organ
BVE-37819- 2 16-Feb-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20656 Alabama jubilee (Arr. Raney Vanvink)
Christopher, Homer - accordion
Vanvink, Raney - guitar
BVE-37912- 1 17-Feb-27 Jun-27 to 1931
Regional release
20656 Lost mama blues (Homer Christopher; Raney Vanvink)
Christopher, Homer - accordion
Vanvink, Raney - guitar
BVE-37910- 3 17-Feb-27 Jun-27 to 1931
Regional release
20657 I’m nobody’s darling on earth (Will S. Hays)
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Virginia String Band - banjo, guitar and violin
BVE-38238- 1 23-Mar-27 Jun-27 to 1933
Regional release
20657 In the shadow of the pine (Hattie Lummis; G.O. Long)
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Virginia String Band - banjo, guitar and violin
BVE-38236- 2 23-Mar-27 Jun-27 to 1933
Regional release
20658 My mamma was a sailor (Julius Daniels)
Daniels, Julius - vocal and guitar
Torrence, Bubba Lee - guitar
BVE-37931- 3 19-Feb-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 Atlanta
20658 Ninty-nine year blues (Julius Daniels)
Daniels, Julius - vocal and guitar
BVE-37932- 2 19-Feb-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 Atlanta
20659 Dawn of tomorrow (Jeanne Gravelle; Joe Green) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal; Shaw, Elliott - baritone; Smalle, Ed - vocal
BVE-38737- 3 9-May-27 1-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-507, K5243, R4825
20659 Rainbow of love, The (Sam A. Perry; Harry D. Squires) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-38389- 2 5-May-27 1-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-508, K5276, R4825
20660 Midnight Susie (Bobby Leecan)
Bobbie Leecan’s Need More Band, Ralph Peer - director
BVE-38436- 2 5-Apr-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
20660 Washboard cut-out (Bobbie Leecan)
Bobbie Leecan’s Need More Band, Ralph Peer - director
BVE-38434- 1 5-Apr-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 5-307, B5398, EG790
20661 Down in Happy Valley (Charles Johnson; Paul Johnson)
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - vocal and steel guitar; Johnson, Paul - vocal and guitar
BVE-38903- 2 12-May-27 Jun-27 to 1931
Regional release
20661 Wings of an eagle (Charles Johnson; Paul Johnson)
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - vocal and steel guitar; Johnson, Paul - vocal and guitar
BVE-38905- 1 12-May-27 Jun-27 to 1931
Regional release
20662 Alecazander (Paul Johnson)
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - vocal and steel guitar; Johnson, Paul - vocal and guitar
BVE-38907- 1 12-May-27 Jun-27 to 1930
Regional release
20662 Sweet Nellie Brown (Charles Johnson)
Johnson, Charles - vocal and guitar
Roberts, Sam - dog barks
BVE-38908- 2 12-May-27 Jun-27 to 1930
Regional release
20663 Because (Helen Guy Rhodes as “Guy d’Hardelot)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-34024-17 6-Oct-26 29-Jul-27 to May-47 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0108
HMV: 2-9273, B2540
20663 Robin Hood (Reginald de Koven, Op. 50): Oh, promise me
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-34573- 6 6-Oct-26 29-Jul-27 to May-47 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0109
HMV: 2-9272, B2540
20664 Kentucky babe (Richard Henry Buck; Adam Geibel)
De Leath, Vaughn - soprano
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-38421- 4 11-May-27 26-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 3-3190, B2571 Zonophone: EE110
20664 Mighty lak’ a rose (Frank L. Stanton; Ethelbert Nevin)
De Leath, Vaughn - soprano
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-38741- 3 11-May-27 26-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 3-3191, B2571, K5406 Zonophone: EE110
20665 Angels watching over me
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers: Cole, Marshal - tenor; Culver, William - bass;
Ratcliffe, Clarence - tenor; Skinner, Ben - tenor; Whithington, George - baritone
BVE-38136- 2 4-Mar-27 26-Aug-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4703 Zonophone: 5159
20665 Climbin’ up the mountain
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers: Cole, Marshal - tenor; Culver, William - bass;
Ratcliffe, Clarence - tenor; Skinner, Ben - tenor; Whithington, George - baritone
BVE-38137- 3 4-Mar-27 26-Aug-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4704 Zonophone: 5159
20666 Serenade (G. Silvestri) - “Serenade of olden times”
Neapolitan Trio, Bruno Reibold - director: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp;
Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-18909- 5 22-Nov-26 26-Aug-27 to 1934 Camden - Church
HMV: 8528, B2587
20666 Torna a Surriento (Ernesto de Curtis)
Florentine Quartet, Bruno Reibold - director: Barone, Clement - flute; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp;
Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-37307- 4 8-Dec-26 26-Aug-27 to 1934 Camden - Church
Victor: X-16180, Pict-Ur-Music 0160
HMV: 8529, B2587, K5584
20667 Nola (Felix Arndt)
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35812-24 15-Apr-27 29-Jul-27 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5902, B2552
20667 Operatic Nightmare, An (Arr. Felix Arndt) - A Pianistic Distortion of - Trovatore (Giuseppe Verdi):
Miserere + Wedding march (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) + Wedding march (Lohengrin) + Faust
(Charles Gounod): Soldier’s chorus + Tales of Hoffmann (Jacques Offenbach): Barcarolle + Aïda:
Verdi - March + Airs from Tannhäuser (Richard Wagner), Samson and Delilah) Saint-Saëns), Faust
(Charles Gounod), Pagliacci (Ruggiero Leoncavallo) and Rigoletto (Giuseppe Verdi): Quartet
Fox trot - Fox trot -
Fox trot - Fox trot -
Fox trot -
“A rag classic”
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-35803-10 22-Oct-26 29-Jul-27 to 1944 Camden - Studio 3
HMV: 5901
20000 / 21000 SERIES 113
20668 At dawning I love you (Charles Wakefield Cadman, Op. 29, No. 1)
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp
BVE-37390- 1 1-Feb-27 26-Aug-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6041
HMV: 7-552, B2629, EG801, R10002 Zonophone: AE2346
20668 Poupee valsante (E. Poldini; Arr. Rosario Bourdon) - “Waltzing doll”
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp
BVE-37389- 5 1-Feb-27 26-Aug-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0130
HMV: 7-553, B2629, EG801, R10002 Zonophone: AE2346
20669 Home over there, The (DeWitt Clinton Huntington; Tullius C. O’Kane; Arr. Rosario Bourdon
from an old record, probably Victor 16197)
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor;
Stanley, James - baritone
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-24384- 6 16-Jun-26 29-Jul-27 to 1944 Camden - Studio 1
HMV: 4-4369 Zonophone: 5076
20669 In the sweet bye and bye (S. Fillmore Bennett; Joseph P. Webster)
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor;
Stanley, James - baritone
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-35189- 9 2-Jul-26 29-Jul-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8117
HMV: 4-4368 Zonophone: 5076
20670 Souvenir, barcarolle - Humoresque
De Pace, Bernardo - mandolin
Coppola, G. - piano
BVE-38212- 2 14-Mar-27 26-Aug-27 to 1932 Camden
Victor: 79285
HMV: 7388
20670 Va-te-la-va-va (Bernardo de pace) “Neapolitan caprice”
De Pace, Bernardo - mandolin
Coppola, G. - piano
BVE-38214- 2 14-Mar-27 26-Aug-27 to 1932 Camden
Victor: 79285
HMV: 7389, K5298
20671 Flight of “Lucky Lindy”, The (Ernest Rogers) - “Flight of the flying fool”
Rogers, Ernest - baritone and guitar
BVE-38923- 3 23-May-27 Jun-27 to 1931
Regional release
20671 Story of the mighty Mississippi, The (Kelly Harrell) - “The flooded Mississippi River
Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone, guitar and harmonica
BVE-38918- 1 21-May-27 Jun-27 to 1931
Regional release
20672 Fate of Talmage Osborne, The (Ernest V. Stoneman)
Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone, guitar and harmonica
BVE-38764- 2 19-May-27 Jun-27 to 1930
Regional release
New York
20672 Poor tramp has to live, The (Ernest V. Stoneman)
Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone, guitar and harmonica
BVE-38763- 2 19-May-27 Jun-27 to 1930
Regional release
New York
20673 Cindy - “Mountaineer song”
Collins, Bill (Gene Austin) - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38789- 2 26-May-27 Jun-27 to 1931
Regional release
New York
20673 When the moon shines (Down upon the mountain)
Collins, Bill (Gene Austin) - tenor -
Austin asked to be listed as “Billy Hill”
Barone, Clement - flute; Carola, William - guitar
BVE-33695- 4 10-Feb-26 Jun-27 to 1931
Regional release
20674 Like an angel you flew into everyone’s heart (Harry Steinberg; John McLaughlin;
Jimmie McHugh; J. Mills)
De Leath, Vaughn - soprano
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director and organ
BVE-38782- 2 25-May-27 8-Jul-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3182 Zonophone: EE61
20674 Lindbergh (The eagle of the U. S. A.) (Howard E. Johnson; Al Sherman)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38826- 2 23-May-27 8-Jul-27 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-2826 Zonophone: EE61
20675 I’m gonna meet my sweetie now (Jesse Greer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Bill Challis - arranger
BVE-37583- 2 31-Jan-27 8-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-510, B5363
20675 Me and my shadow (Al Jolson; Dave Dreyer; Billy Rose) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-38399- 4 12-May-27 8-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-509, K5243, R4829
20676 (Does she love me?) Positively, absolutely (Sam Coslow; Jean Herbert) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Jan Garber and Leonard Joy - directors
Goldfield, Harry - vocal
BVE-38752- 4 16-May-27 8-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-511
20676 You don’t like it - not much (Ned Miller; Art Kahn; Chester Cohn) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Goldfield, Harry - vocal; Hahne, Webb - vocal
BVE-38761- 1 18-May-27 8-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-512, AM901, B5326
20677 Submarine waltz (Fred Winter) “U bats”
Peterson’s Hobo Orchestra (Olle I Skratthult’s Luffare Kapelle)
Green, Joe - traps; Posner, Benny - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-38317- 1 1-Apr-27 Aug-27 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 79321, 80142, 150000, 26-0014, 43-0071, V-16449, V-20070, Bluebird B-2737
HMV: 7-768, B4777
20677 From ‘Frisco to Cape Cod
- -
- -
Peterson’s Hobo Orchestra (Olle I Skratthult’s Luffare Kapelle)
Green, Joe - traps; Posner, Benny - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-38319- 3 1-Apr-27 Aug-27 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 79321, 80142, 150000, 26-0014, 43-0071
HMV: 7-769, B4777, HE2605
20678 I’m in love again (Cole Porter)
- F- F
- F- F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From “Up With the Lark” and
“Greenwich Village Follies of 1924”
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-38776- 3 23-May-27 8-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4362, AM706, AM750, B2518, EG665, K5232, R6957 Zonophone: AE2009
20678 I’m looking over a four-leaf clover (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods)
Revelers, The (NL)
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-38751- 1 13-May-27 8-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4361, AM706, B2504, K5208, R6957 Zonophone: AE2119
20679 Love and kisses (Irving Berlin) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-38805- 2 13-May-27 8-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-514, AM1841, B5583, EG582, K5312, R4827 Zonophone: AE2833
20000 / 21000 SERIES 115
20679 Magnolia (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Barris, Harry - vocal; Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-38779- 1 24-May-27 8-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-513, B5317, EG582, K5220 Zonophone: AE1974
20680 Circus Princess, The (Julius Brammer; Alfred Greenwald; Emmerich Kálmán): I am true to
all of you “Die kleinen Mäderln im Trikot” -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BW 79- 2 10-Jul-26 Aug-27 to 1929 Berlin
HMV: 8-40007, AM494, EG229, X2389
20680 Circus Princess, The (Julius Brammer; Alfred Greenwald; Emmerich Kálmán): I love the boys -
“Mein süsser heissgeliebter Iwan” -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BW 78- 2 10-Jul-26 Aug-27 to 1929 Berlin
HMV: 8-40006, EQ229, X2389
20681 America did it again (Ted Koehler; Marty Bloom)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baughman, Stanley - bass; Harrison, Charles W. - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor;
Murray, Billy - tenor; Stanley, James - baritone
BVE-38797- 4 31-May-27 15-Jul-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-516, AM690
20681 Lucky Lindy (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Abel Baer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Baer, Fred - baritone; Crooks, Richard - tenor; Luther, Frank - tenor; Murphy, Lambert - tenor;
Patton, Fred - bass
BVE-38844- 2 26-May-27 15-Jul-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-515, AM690, K5285
20682 Madcap, The (Clifford Grey; Maurie Rubens): Something to tell -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
BVE-38843- 2 26-May-27 26-Aug-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-597
20682 Madcap, The (Clifford Grey; Maurie Rubens): Stop, go -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
BVE-38842- 2 26-May-27 26-Aug-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-598
20683 Fallen leaf (An Indian love song) (Virginia K. Logan; Frederick Knight Logan) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-37765- 3 10-Feb-27 29-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-531, B5351, EG603 Zonophone: AE2181
20683 Shanghai dream man (Benny Davis; Harry Akst; Arr. Ferde Grofé) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-37764- 4 10-Feb-27 29-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-530, B5351, EG603, K5224 Zonophone: AE2181
20684 I dream of your eyes (Emmerick Kálmán)
- F- F
- F- F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From Ziegfeld’s “The Circus Princess”
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38813- 3 19-May-27 29-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-533, AM926, B4724, EG599, R4823
20684 Like you (Harry B. Smith; Emmerick Kálmán)
- F- F
- F- F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From Ziegfeld’s “The Circus Princess”
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-38815- 4 19-May-27 29-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-532, AM926, B4724, B5427, EG599, R4823
20685 I still believe in you (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Fred Rich) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Art Hickman’s Orchestra, Walter Rosner - director
PBVE- 301- 4 29-Apr-27 13-Dec-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20685 Which is which and who is who? (Richard Coburn; Nacio Herb Brown)
- Fox trot -- Fox trot -
- Fox trot -- Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
From Carter de Haven’s Fancies”
Eddie Harkness and his Hotel Mark Hopkins Orchestra
Hartt, Ric Hard C. - baritone; McLaughlin, Ben - tenor
PBVE- 271- 3 21-Apr-27 13-Dec-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20686 Gonna get a girl (Al Lewis; Paul Ash; Howard Simon) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Eddie Harkness and his Hotel Mark Hopkins Orchestra
McLaughlin, Ben - tenor
PBVE- 270- 4 21-Apr-27 20-Jun-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20686 Rosa Lee (Paul Ash; J. Russel Robinson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ben Black and his Orchestra
Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor
PBVE- 263- 5 27-Apr-27 20-Jun-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20687 Down the lane with you again (Larry Spier) -
Art Hickman’s Orchestra, Walter Rosner - director
PBVE- 299- 3 29-Apr-27 25-Jul-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20687 Hold me in your arms again (Arthur Freed)
- Waltz - - Waltz -
- Waltz - - Waltz -
- Waltz -
From “Hollywood Music Box Revue”
Art Hickman’s Orchestra, Walter Rosner - director
Preston, John - vocal
PBVE- 293- 3 26-Apr-27 25-Jul-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20688 I’ll just go along (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Art Hickman’s Orchestra, Walter Rosner - director
PBVE- 292- 4 26-Apr-27 27-Jun-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20688 Pal of my lonesome hours (Abe Lyman) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Henry Halstead and his Orchestra
PBVE- 320- 4 16-May-27 27-Jun-27 to 1929
Regional release
Los Angeles
20689 Dixie vagabond (Walter Donaldson; Gustave “Gus” Kahn) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ben Black and his Orchestra
Rounders, The: Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor; Hartt, Richard C. - baritone;
L’Ecuyer, Armand - bass; McLaughlin, Ben - tenor; Plotz, Otto - tenor
PBVE- 262- 7 27-Apr-27 25-Jul-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20689 My idea of heaven (Is to be in love with you) (Howard E. Johnson; Al Sherman;
Charles Tobias) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Henry Halstead and his Orchestra
Rounders, The: Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor; Hartt, Richard C. - baritone;
L’Ecuyer, Armand - bass; McLaughlin, Ben - tenor
PBVE- 318- 3 16-May-27 25-Jul-27 to 1929
Regional release
Los Angeles
HMV: 7-892
20690 Moonlit waters (Cliff Friend; Nacio Herb Brown) -
Ben Black and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-39131- 2 30-Aug-27 26-Aug-27 to 1931 New York
20690 Sailin’ on (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Nathanson; Borgel; Antonín Dvorák) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ben Black and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor
PBVE- 322- 3 17-May-27 26-Aug-27 to 1931 Los Angeles
20691 Ain’t that too bad? (Chick Endor; Eddie Ward) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Henry Halstead and his Orchestra
PBVE- 321- 4 16-May-27 5-Aug-27 to 1929 Los Angeles
HMV: 7-561
20691 Rosy cheeks (Seymour Simons; Richard A. Whiting) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Henry Halstead and his Orchestra
PBVE- 319- 5 16-May-27 5-Aug-27 to 1929 Los Angeles
HMV: 7-560
20000 / 21000 SERIES 117
20692 More than ever (Maurice J. Gunsky; Nat Goldstein)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Dolin, Max - violin; Frisbie, Charles - cello; Schwartzmann, A. - piano
PBVE- 273- 2 21-Apr-27 29-Aug-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20692 Promise (Maurice J. Gunsky; Eddie Willis)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano
PBVE- 258- 4 28-Apr-27 29-Aug-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20693 Dear old girl (Richard H. Buck; Theodore F. Morse)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano
PBVE- 259- 2 18-Apr-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 San Francisco
HMV: 6-2910 Zonophone: 5424
20693 When you were sweet sixteen (James Thornton)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano
PBVE- 288- 1 25-Apr-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 San Francisco
HMV: 6-2911 Zonophone: 5263
20694 How I love you, mother mine (Bernie Grossman; Larry Shay)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano
PBVE- 290- 3 25-Apr-27 20-Jun-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20694 Pal of my lonesome hours (Walter Hirsch; Abe Lyman)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Dolin, Max - violin; Frisbie, Charles - cello; Schwartzmann, A. - piano
PBVE- 274- 2 21-Apr-27 20-Jun-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
20695 NR After I close my garden gate (Maurice J. Gunsky)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano
PBVE- 291- 1 25-Apr-27
Not released
San Francisco
Victor: 21086
20695 NR There’ll always be room for you (Maurice J. Gunsky; Morton H. Bories)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano
PBVE- 289- 1 25-Apr-27
Not released
San Francisco
20696 Dixie vagabond (Walter Donaldson; Gustave “Gus” Kahn)
Rounders, The, Leroy Shield - director: Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor; Hartt, Richard C. - baritone;
L’Ecuyer, Armand - bass; McLaughlin, Ben - tenor; Niesley, Myron - tenor
Cowles, William - piano
PBVE- 316- 2 14-May-27 27-Jun-27 to 1929
Regional release
Los Angeles
HMV: 4-4378, B2586
20696 Hello, cutie (Cliff Friend)
Rounders, The, Leroy Shield - director: Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor; Hartt, Richard C. - baritone;
L’Ecuyer, Armand - bass; McLaughlin, Ben - tenor; Niesley, Myron - tenor
Cowles, William - piano
PBVE- 302- 2 29-Apr-27 27-Jun-27 to 1929
Regional release
San Francisco
HMV: 4-4377, B2586
20697 NR Coronado nights (Herb Berger; Harry Nordberg; Joe Stovel)
Rounders, The, Leroy Shield - director: Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor; Hartt, Richard C. - baritone;
L’Ecuyer, Armand - bass; McLaughlin, Ben - tenor; Niesley, Myron - tenor
Cowles, William - piano
PBVE- 327- 1 18-May-27
Not released
Los Angeles
20697 NR Winding trail, The (Transcribed from Fritz Kreisler’s “The old refrain”; George P. Howard;
George Hayden)
Rounders, The, Leroy Shield - director: Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor; Hartt, Richard C. - baritone;
L’Ecuyer, Armand - bass; McLaughlin, Ben - tenor; Niesley, Myron - tenor
Cowles, William - piano
PBVE- 317- 1 14-May-27
Not released
Los Angeles
20698 Doll dance, The (Nacio Herb Brown) - From “Hollywood Music Box Revue”
Peabody, Eddie - banjo
Piano (NL)
PBVE- 311- 2 13-May-27 27-Jun-27 to 1931+
Regional release
Los Angeles
20698 St. Louis blues (W.C. Handy)
Peabody, Eddie - banjo
Piano (NL)
PBVE- 310- 1 13-May-27 27-Jun-27 to 1931+
Regional release
Los Angeles
20699 Me and my shadow (Al Jolson; Dave Dreyer; Billy Rose)
Peabody, Eddie - vocal and banjo
BVE-39234- 2 9-Jun-27 9-Jul-27 to 1931
Regional release
New York
20699 Sad ‘n blue (Benny Davis; Paul Ash; Harry Akst)
Peabody, Eddie - vocal and banjo
BVE-39233- 3 9-Jun-27 9-Jul-27 to 1931
Regional release
New York
20700 Kalena kai (Charles H. King)
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE- 266- 2 20-Apr-27 13-Dec-27 to 1931
Regional release
San Francisco
20700 Palolo (Charles H. King)
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE- 280- 2 22-Apr-27 13-Dec-27 to 1931
Regional release
San Francisco
20701 Hula girl (Sunny Cunha)
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE- 277- 3 26-Apr-27 25-Jul-27 to 1931+
Regional release
San Francisco
20701 Kane’s blues (Kane)
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE- 269- 3 26-Apr-27 25-Jul-27 to 1931+
Regional release
San Francisco
HMV: 40-4567
20702 Drowsy waters - Wailana -
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE- 267- 5 26-Apr-27 26-Aug-27 to 1931+ San Francisco
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8099, Pict-Ur-Music 0259
HMV: 8530, AG445, AM742, EX16, K5354 Zonophone: 2992
20702 Hilo -
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE- 297- 1 27-Apr-27 26-Aug-27 to 1931+ San Francisco
Victor: T-25; Pict-Ur-Music 0424
HMV: 8531, 40-4568, AG445, AM742, EX16, K5354 Zonophone: 2992
20703 Hawaiian love
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE- 268- 3 26-Apr-27 28-Oct-27 to 1931+
Regional release
San Francisco
Victor: 46574, Montgomery Ward M-8227
HMV: 7-674
20703 Hawaiian Rose Medley
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE- 279- 1 22-Apr-27 28-Oct-27 to 1931+
Regional release
San Francisco
Victor: 46574, T-26
HMV: 7-675
20704 Hano hano Hawaii
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE- 296- 2 27-Apr-27 29-Aug-27 to 1931+
Regional release
San Francisco
HMV: 40-4570
20704 Hawaiian moon (Herb Green; King Hall)
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE- 278- 2 22-Apr-27 29-Aug-27 to 1931+
Regional release
San Francisco
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8227
HMV: 40-4569
20000 / 21000 SERIES 119
20705 Aloha oe (Queen Liliuokalani) - “Farewell to thee”
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Western Hawaiian Trio, Leroy Shield - director - vocal, guitar, steel guitar, ukuleles (2)
PBVE- 312- 2 13-May-27 27-Jun-27 to 1931+
Regional release
Los Angeles
HMV: 40-4571
20705 Na lei o Hawaii (Charles H. King) - “The song of the islands”
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Western Hawaiian Trio, Leroy Shield - director - vocal, guitar, steel guitar, ukuleles (2)
PBVE- 313- 2 13-May-27 27-Jun-27 to 1931+
Regional release
Los Angeles
HMV: 40-4572
20706 Hano hano Hanalei (Alfred Alohikea)
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
PBVE- 307- 3 12-May-27 4-May-28 to 1929
Regional release
Los Angeles
20706 I love you Honolulu (Harry Lauder; James A.Dunbar)
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
PBVE- 304- 2 12-May-27 4-May-28 to 1929
Regional release
Los Angeles
20707 Garden of paradise, The (Sallie Hume-Douglas) - Valse
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
PBVE- 305- 2 12-May-27 30-Dec-27 to 1930
Regional release
Los Angeles
20707 1 Penei no (John Avery Noble; Keaumoku Louis)
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
PBVE- 325- 2 17-May-27 30-Dec-27 to 1930
Regional release
Los Angeles
20707 2 Penei no (John Avery Noble; Keaumoku Louis)
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
PBVE- 325- 1 17-May-27 9-Jul-28 to 1930
Regional release
Los Angeles
20708 In Hawaii (I’ll wait for you) (Bert H.Carlson; Sol Kamahele)
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
PBVE- 303- 2 12-May-27 15-May-28 to 1929
Regional release
Los Angeles
20708 Old plantation, The (A.A. Montano; David Nape) - “Kuu home”
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Western Hawaiian Trio, Leroy Shield - director - vocal, guitar, steel guitar, ukuleles (2)
PBVE- 314- 1 13-May-27 15-May-28 to 1929
Regional release
Los Angeles
20709 Lei awapuhl (Major Kealskai)
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
PBVE- 306- 1 12-May-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929
Regional release
Los Angeles
20709 Song to Hawaii, A (J.D. Redding)
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
PBVE- 323- 1 17-May-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929
Regional release
Los Angeles
20710 Ua like no a like (Alice Everett) - “My hearts choice”
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Wentz, Kathryn - soprano; Western Hawaiian Trio, Leroy Shield - director -
vocal, guitar, steel guitar, ukuleles (2)
PBVE- 315- 1 13-May-27 17-Jan-28 to 1930
Regional release
Los Angeles
20710 Wahine u’i (James Kahale) - “Beautiful one”
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
PBVE- 324- 2 17-May-27 17-Jan-28 to 1930
Regional release
Los Angeles
20711 Irish Jigs - Medley - Paddy the dandy + The bells of Shandon + The far down jig
Ed Geoghegan and his Orchestra
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-38474- 2 20-Apr-27 5-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
20711 Irish Reels - Medley - Mullinavat + Ballina trooper
Ed Geoghegan and his Orchestra
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-38475- 1 20-Apr-27 5-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
20712 Achonry lasses, The + Lady Gardner’s troops -
ish reelsish reels
ish reelsish reels
ish reels
Gannon, Thomas - violin
Henry, Herbert G. - piano
BVE-37665- 2 8-Feb-27 5-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden
20712 Shoreham + Conleys favorite -
ish horish hor
ish horish hor
ish hor
Gannon, Thomas - violin
Henry, Herbert G. - piano
BVE-37667- 2 8-Feb-27 5-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden
20713 Devil’s bit -
P. J. McNamara Quartet, Alfredo Cibelli - director
McNamara, P. J. - flute; Cornet, piano and violin (NL)
BVE-38403- 2 23-Mar-27 5-Aug-27 to 1930 New York
20713 Gabbetts Grove -
P. J. McNamara Quartet, Alfredo Cibelli - director
McNamara, P. J. - flute; Cornet, piano and violin (NL)
BVE-38402- 2 23-Mar-27 5-Aug-27 to 1930 New York
20714 Red lips (Kiss my blues away) (Alfred Bryan; James V. Monaco; Pete Wendling)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38781- 3 25-May-27 15-Jul-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4363, B2519, EG648
20714 Side by side (Harry Woods)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38780- 3 25-May-27 15-Jul-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4364, B2519, EG648
20715 Abdul Abulbul Amir (Adapted by Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Guitar (NL)
BVE-38442- 2 8-Apr-27 15-Jul-27 to 1944 New York
HMV: 6-2832, B3208
20715 Frankie and Johnny (Adapted by Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor and guitar
Sannella, Andy - clarinet; Shilkret, Nathaniel - piano
BVE-38742- 2 11-May-27 15-Jul-27 to 1944 New York
HMV: 6-2831, B3269
20716 C’est vous (Abner Greenberg; Abner Silver; Harry Richman) - “It’s you-
Jacques Renard and his Lido Venice Orchestra, Jacques Renard - director and violin
Austin, Gene - tenor
BVE-38774- 3 23-May-27 15-Jul-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-518, AM689, B5349, EG580, F200
20716 My sweetheart (Harry Pease; Harold Veo; Ed G. Nelson) -
Charles Dornberger and his Orchestra
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-38013- 3 27-Apr-27 15-Jul-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 7-519, AM689, B5469, EG580
20717 Calling (Ernie Golden) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-38802- 4 12-May-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-521, AM907, B5335, EA210, K5303, R4831
20000 / 21000 SERIES 121
20717 Where the wild flowers grow (Harry Woods; Mort Dixon) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
BVE-38801- 2 12-May-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-520, AM907, B5335, EA210, R4831
20718 Duffy’s blunders (Pat White)
White, Pat - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-38785- 2 25-May-27 5-Aug-27 to 1930 New York
20718 Roundhouse, The (Pat White)
White, Pat - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-38783- 2 25-May-27 5-Aug-27 to 1930 New York
Victor: Yorkville K-501
20719 Honolulu moon (Fred Lawrence)
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; Harrison, Charles W. - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-38794- 3 27-May-27 22-Jul-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4384, EG731, K5429, R6961 Zonophone: AE2009
20719 When day is done (Buddy G. de Sylva; Robert Katscher)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38795- 3 27-May-27 22-Jul-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2854
20720 Connaught man’s rambles -
Ir Ir
Ir Ir
ish polkaish polka
ish polkaish polka
ish polka
- (Set 1st figure)
Irish Pipers’ Band of Boston, Leonard Joy - director - accordion, piano and violins (2)
BVE-38829- 1 24-May-27 5-Aug-27 to 1932 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Bluebird B-4995, Montgomery Ward M-8637, Yorkville K-502
20720 Father O’Flynn -
- (Set - 2nd figure)
Irish Pipers’ Band of Boston, Leonard Joy - director - accordion, piano and violins (2)
BVE-38828- 1 24-May-27 5-Aug-27 to 1932 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Bluebird B-4995, Montgomery Ward M-8637, Yorkville K-502
20721 Bonnie jockey, bright and gay -
Ir Ir
Ir Ir
ish polkish polk
ish polkish polk
ish polk
a - (Set - 4th figure)
Irish Pipers’ Band of Boston, Leonard Joy - director - accordion, piano and violins (2)
BVE-38830- 1 24-May-27 5-Aug-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
20721 Dick Brickleys favorite -
ish polkaish polka
ish polkaish polka
ish polka
- (Set - 3rd figure)
Irish Pipers’ Band of Boston, Leonard Joy - director - accordion, piano and violins (2)
BVE-38827- 2 24-May-27 5-Aug-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Yorkville K-520
20722 Hops and malt -
Irish reelIrish reel
Irish reelIrish reel
Irish reel
- (Set - 5th figure)
Irish Pipers’ Band of Boston, Leonard Joy - director - accordion, piano and violins (2)
BVE-38831- 1 24-May-27 5-Aug-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
20722 O’Connell’s reel - Twomeys favorite -
ish reelish reel
ish reelish reel
ish reel
Irish Pipers’ Band of Boston, Leonard Joy - director - accordion, piano and violins (2)
BVE-38832- 2 24-May-27 5-Aug-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
20723 Pretty Audrey (Eddie Jackson; Morris Rouse)
Louis Dumaine’s Jazzola Eight
BVE-37977- 1 5-Mar-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 New Orleans
HMV: 5-303, B5385 Zonophone: AE2075
20723 To-wa-bac-a-wa (Louis Dumaine; Eddie Jackson)
Louis Dumaine’s Jazzola Eight
BVE-37978- 2 7-Mar-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 New Orleans
HMV: 5-302, B5385 Zonophone: AE2075
20724 Just another day wasted away (Waiting for you) (Charles Tobias; Roy Turk) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-38269- 4 2-Jun-27 22-Jul-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 7-549, AM910, B5328, R4855 Zonophone: AE1973
20724 Sing me a baby song (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson)
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-38270- 3 2-Jun-27 22-Jul-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 7-568 Zonophone: AE2053
20725 All I want is you (Benny Davis; Sidney Clare; Harry Akst) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Herman Kenin’s Multnomah Hotel Orchestra, Herman Kenin - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE- 330- 4 29-May-27 22-Jul-27 to 1929 Portland, OR
20725 Pretty little thing (Henry H. Tobias; Billy Rose; Alfred Dubin) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Herman Kenin’s Multnomah Hotel Orchestra, Herman Kenin - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE- 331- 4 29-May-27 22-Jul-27 to 1929 Portland, OR
20726 Little girl, a little boy, a little moon, A (Robert King; Harry Warren) -
Charlie Fry and his Million Dollar Pier Orchestra
BVE-38266- 2 21-May-27 5-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 7-563, EG611, R4845
20726 My wife’s in Europe to-day (Coleman Goetz; Sam H. Stept) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Charlie Fry and his Million Dollar Pier Orchestra, Charles Fry - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-38265- 6 4-Jun-27 5-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 7-562, EG611
20727 Saluta (Walter Donaldson; Gustave “Gus” Kahn)
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-38272- 2 3-Jun-27 22-Jul-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 7-543, B5327, K5219, R4855 Zonophone: AE1973
20727 Who-oo? You-oo, that’s who (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
BVE-38814- 1 19-May-27 22-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-544, B5327, EA211, K5219
20728 Close to your heart (Billy Neagny) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jacques Renard and his Lido Venice Orchestra, Jacques Renard - director and violin
BVE-38773- 3 23-May-27 29-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-567, AM853, B5395, R4839
20728 Just call on me (Jacques Renard; George Horter; Bernardo Fazioli) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jacques Renard and his Lido Venice Orchestra, Jacques Renard - director and violin
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-38775- 4 23-May-27 29-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-566, AM853, B5395, R4839
20729 I could waltz on forever (With you sweetheart) (Billy Baskette; Rube Bennett)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-38767- 2 20-May-27 29-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-527
20729 I may learn to forget someday (And you may learn to care) ( Mildred Hunt; Frank Cornwell;
Al Piantadosi) -
Charles Dornberger and his Orchestra, Charles Dornberger - director
Dornberger, Charles - vocal
BVE-38739- 3 10-May-27 29-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-526
20000 / 21000 SERIES 123
20730 One sweet letter from you (Lew Brown; Sidney Clare; Harry Warren)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Baer, Abel - piano
BVE-38790- 3 26-May-27 29-Jul-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2836
20730 Yesterday (Charles Harrison; Monte Wilhite)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Baer, Abel - piano; Witzmann, John - violin
BVE-38788- 3 26-May-27 29-Jul-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-6815, Montgomery Ward M-7061
HMV: 6-2837, AM919, B2564, EG723
20731 Ain’t that a grand and glorious feeling? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and steel guitar
Small orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39225- 3 7-Jun-27 22-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2853, B2529
20731 Magnolia (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Clarinet and piano, guitar - Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39224- 3 7-Jun-27 22-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2852, B2554
20732 Ain’t that a grand and glorious feeling? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-38893- 3 9-Jun-27 22-Jul-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-542, B5326, R4853
20732 Just like a butterfly (That’s caught in the rain) (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-39206- 2 2-Jun-27 22-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-569, K5346, R4853
20733 Just like a butterfly (That’s caught in the rain) (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39229- 2 8-Jun-27 29-Jul-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-529, B2535
20733 Russian lullaby (Irving Berlin)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38796- 3 8-Jun-27 29-Jul-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0204
HMV: 7-528, B2535
20734 All because of you (John Avery Noble; Hiram B.K. Anahu) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-38738- 3 9-May-27 15-Jun-27 to NL
Regional release
New York
20734 Hanalei Bay (Alfred Alohikea) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Hawaiian Quartet - guitar, lute, steel guitar
Briceño, Alcides - tenor
BVE-38735- 1 9-May-27 15-Jun-27 to NL
Regional release
New York
20735 Lovers Lane (Lee S. Roberts; J. Will Callahan)
- -
- -
Ernest Loomis’ Orchestra, Earl Donaldson - director
PBVE- 334- 3 3-Jun-27 18-Jun-27 to 1929
Regional release
Butte, Montana
20735 Sentimental Rose (John Driscoll; Emmett Sullivan; Joe Goodwin) -
Ernest Loomis’ Orchestra, Earl Donaldson - director
PBVE- 333- 1 2-Jun-27 18-Jun-27 to 1929
Regional release
Butte, Montana
20736 Camp of gypsies (Fr. Behr, Op. 424, No. 3) -
Victor Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-38070- 2 3-Jun-27 Jun-27 to Sep-51 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-610
20736 Motive for skipping in B Flat Major + Theme for skipping in F Major
(Clara L. Anderson) -
Victor Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-38071- 1 3-Jun-27 Jun-27 to Sep-51 Camden - Church
HMV: 40-609
20737 Hey baloo (Robert Burns; Robert Schumann) + The linden tree (Wilhelm Muller;
Franz Schubert) -
Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp
BVE-38246- 4 7-Jun-27 Jun-27 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
20737 Lullaby (Johannes Brahms, Op. 49, No. 4) + The little dustman (Arr. Johannes Brahms) -
Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp
BVE-38245- 5 7-Jun-27 Jun-27 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
20738 Sandman, The (G.A. Grant-Schaefer) + Spinning song -
Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp
BVE-38247- 4 7-Jun-27 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20738 Slumber boat, The (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) + The top (Lora L. Holmes;
Jessie L. Gaynor) + The fairies (Lora L. Holmes; Jessie L. Gaynor) -
Howard, Anna (Lucy Isabelle Marsh) - soprano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37886- 1 1-Apr-27 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20739 Blacksmith, The (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) -
Crane, Ralph (Royal Dadmun) - baritone
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-38241- 2 29-Mar-27 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden
20739 Return of spring (Robert Schumann) -
Dixon, Raymond (Lambert Murphy) - tenor
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-38201- 1 3-Mar-27 Jun-27 to 1944 Camden
20740 Pato (Collazo) -
Orquesta Típica Victor
BAVE- 880- 1 15-Sep-26 1927 to 1941 Buenos Aires
Victor: 79696
20740 Solterona (D’Agostino; Pollero) -
Orquesta Típica Victor
BAVE- 881- 2 15-Sep-26 1927 to 1941 Buenos Aires
Victor: 79696
20741 In a shady nook by a babbling brook (Harry Pease; Ed. G. Nelson)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal, guitar and ukulele
Sannella, Andy - clarinet
BVE-38488- 2 22-Apr-27 29-Jul-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-2835, B2541
20741 When Lindy comes home (George M. Cohan)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-39251- 2 14-Jun-27 29-Jul-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4367
20000 / 21000 SERIES 125
20742 Come, thou almighty King (Charles Wesley; Felice de Giardini) + Holy, holy, holy
(Reginald Heber; John B. Dykes)
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-38077- 2 13-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1938 Camden - Church
20742 Onward, Christian soldiers (Arthur S. Sullivan)
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-38078- 5 17-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1938 Camden - Church
20743 Big drum, The (Seely) + Hurrah for the flag (Howliston) + Salute to the flag (Alice Riley;
Jessie L. Gaynor) -
Brown, Edna (Elsie Baker) - contralto
Barone, Clement - piccolo; Bourdon, Rosario - piano; Reitz, William H. - drums
BVE-38083- 3 15-Jun-27 Jun-27 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
20743 Pit-a-pat + See saw + The giants (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) -
Brown, Edna (Elsie Baker) - contralto
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-38951- 2 15-Jun-27 Jun-27 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
20744 Nightingale, The (Garrett) + Sky music + Pull a cherry + Swing low and swing high +
Diddle-dee-dee -
Brown, Edna (Elsie Baker) - contralto
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-38950- 2 15-Jun-27 Jun-27 to 1945 Camden - Church
20744 Postillion + The dairy maids + My banjo -
Brown, Edna (Elsie Baker) - contralto
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-38952- 2 15-Jun-27 Jun-27 to 1945 Camden - Church
20745 America, the beautiful (Katherine Lee Bates; Samuel A. Ward)
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-38065- 3 13-Jun-27 Jun-27 to 1941 Camden - Church
20745 Battle hymn of the Republic (Julia Ward Howe; Tune of “John Brown’s body”) +
Columbia, the gem of the ocean (Thomas A. Beckett) -
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-38076- 1 13-Jun-27 Jun-27 to 1941 Camden - Church
20746 Chelsea reach -
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 9454- 1A 18-Nov-26 Jun-27 to 1931+
Hayes - Small Queen’s Hall
20746 Confess + Lady in the dark -
Mayfair Band, George W. Byng - director
Bb 9456- 1A 18-Nov-26 Jun-27 to 1931+
Hayes - Small Queen’s Hall
20747 1 Lindbergh reception at Washington, D. C. (Re-recorded excerpts) - Part 1
Lindberg, Colonel Charles A. - American aviator
BVE-38955- 5 11-Jun-27 5-Aug-27 to 1931 Washington - relay thru WEAF New York
HMV: 2-9275, B4767, EG722
20747 2 Lindbergh reception at Washington, D. C. (Re-recorded excerpts) - Part 1
Lindberg, Colonel Charles A. - American aviator
BVE-38955- 6 11-Jun-27 5-Aug-27 to 1931 Washington - relay thru WEAF New York
20747 1 Lindbergh reception at Washington, D. C. (Re-recorded excerpts) - Part 2
Lindberg, Colonel Charles A. - American aviator
BVE-39413- 2 11-Jun-27 5-Aug-27 to 1931 Washington - relay thru WEAF New York
20747 2 Lindbergh reception at Washington, D. C. (Re-recorded excerpts) - Part 2
Lindberg, Colonel Charles A. - American aviator
BVE-39413- 3 11-Jun-27 5-Aug-27 to 1931 Washington - relay thru WEAF New York
HMV: 2-9276, B4767, EG722
20748 Song of songs, The (Clarence Lucas-Moya)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Shilkret, Nathaniel - organ
Small orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39223- 2 6-Jun-27 24-Jun-27 to 1931
Regional release
New York
HMV: 7-2459 Zonophone: 5398
20748 Those songs my mother used to sing (H. Wakefield Smith)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Shilkret, Nathaniel - organ
Small orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39222- 2 6-Jun-27 24-Jun-27 to 1931
Regional release
New York
HMV: 7-2430 Zonophone: 5374
20749 Eltorott a Hegedum (Old Hungarian folk song) + Maros Vize Folyck Csendesen
Sárkózi, Feri - cymbalom
Schaeffer, Bela (Piroska - violin)
BVE-38298- 3 16-Jun-27 Sep-27 to 1936 Camden
Victor: V-16395
20749 Ve’n Cigany (Kondor Ernö) - “The old gypsy”
Sárkózi, Feri - cymbalom
Schaeffer, Bela (Piroska - violin)
BVE-38954- 1 16-Jun-27 Sep-27 to 1936 Camden
Victor: V-16395
20750 Salut d’amour (Edward Elgar, Op. 12)
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BWR 401- 1 12-Oct-26 Sep-27 to 1931+ Berlin
HMV: 8-40520, AM497, B2603, EG314, K6218
20750 Zauberlied, Das (Dyherra; Erik Meyer-Helmund, Op. 21, No. 2)
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BWR 403- 1 12-Oct-26 Sep-27 to 1931+ Berlin
HMV: 8-40518, AM498, B2596, EG297
20751 I’m coming, Virginia (Will Marion Cook; Donald Heywood) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Barris, Harry - vocal; Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-38135- 9 29-Apr-27 5-Aug-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-565, EG614, K5344, R4841
20751 Just once again (Walter Donaldson; Paul Ash) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Young, Austin - vocal
Turner, Raymond - celeste
BVE-39283- 3 22-Jun-27 5-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-564, EG614, K5344, R4841
20752 Autumn thought (Jules Massenet) - Pensée d’automne
- -
- -
alse - Listed in ledger asalse - Listed in ledger as
alse - Listed in ledger asalse - Listed in ledger as
alse - Listed in ledger as
“Ossenyia metchty”“Ossenyia metchty”
“Ossenyia metchty”“Ossenyia metchty”
“Ossenyia metchty”
Kirilloffs Russian Balaliaka Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-32495- 5 2-Oct-25 Sep-27 to 1931 Camden
20752 Faun (W.W. Andreeff)
- -
- -
alse - Also listed as alse - Also listed as
alse - Also listed as alse - Also listed as
alse - Also listed as
or wor w
or wor w
or w
Kirilloffs Russian Balaliaka Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Whistling by orchestra members
BVE-29722- 3 10-Nov-26 Sep-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: 79046
HMV: 7-20529 -
Listed as “Isennyaya mysl” by HMV
HMV: 7-20527, AG448, EG583, EX13 Zonophone: X2490
20753 She don’t wanna (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
California Humming Birds - vocal (NL)
Piano (NL)
BVE-39262- 3 16-Jun-27 5-Aug-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4373, B2550
20753 Whisper song, The (Cliff Friend) - “When the pussy willow whispers to the catnip”
California Humming Birds - vocal (NL)
Piano (NL)
BVE-39263- 3 16-Jun-27 5-Aug-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4374, B2550
20000 / 21000 SERIES 127
20754 (What do I care) What somebody said? (Sidney Clare; Harry Woods) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Jan Garber and Leonard Joy - directors
Warren, Charlie - vocal
BVE-38753- 2 16-May-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-557, B5349, EA274
20754 Under the moon (Yoo-oo-oo-oo) (Ev. E. Lyn; Francis Wheeler; Ted Snyder) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jan Garber and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Montesanto, Leroy - vocal
BVE-38762- 3 18-May-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-556, R4845
20755 Do you love me? (Billy Merrick) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ernest Loomis’ Orchestra, Earl Donaldson - director
PBVE- 335- 4 3-Jun-27 8-Jul-27 to 1929
Regional release
Butte, Montana
20755 Sweet someone (George Waggner; Baron Keyes) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ernest Loomis’ Orchestra, Earl Donaldson - director
PBVE- 332- 3 2-Jun-27 8-Jul-27 to 1929
Regional release
Butte, Montana
20756 Oh, ja ja (Billy Frisch; Nat Osborne; George McConnell) - “Comedy song”
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-39249- 2 14-Jun-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4376
20756 You don’t like it - not much (Ned Miller; Art Kahn; Chester Cohn)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-39250- 3 14-Jun-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4372
20757 Broken hearted (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-38778- 7 22-Jun-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-559, AM852, EG613, K5357, R4843
20757 Colletts (Abel Baer; Gustave “Gus” Kahn) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-39258- 3 15-Jun-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-558, AM852, EG613, R4843
20758 Just another day wasted away (Waiting for you) (Charles Tobias; Roy Turk)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and guitar; Smalle, Ed - vocal and piano
Rettenberg, Milton J. - celeste; Sannella, Andy - guitar and saxophone
BVE-38846- 3 27-May-27 12-Aug-27 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4-4371, B2554
20758 Just like a butterfly (That’s caught in the rain) (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-38730- 5 3-Jun-27 12-Aug-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2855 Zonophone: 2986
20759 Gorgeous (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Hal White - director
White, Hal - vocal
BVE-38848- 1 27-May-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-555, AM851, B5352, EG612
20759 There’s a trick in pickin’ a chick-chick-chicken (Charles Tobias; Coleman Goetz;
J. Russel Robinson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-38892- 3 9-Jun-27 12-Aug-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-554, AM851, B5352, EG612, K5419, R4851
20760 It’s the same old shillelagh (Pat WhIte)
White, Pat - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-38784- 1 25-May-27 2-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-4993, Montgomery Ward M-8635, Yorkville K-527
20760 Mulligan guards, The (M.J. Fitzpatrick)
Fitzpatrick Brothers - vocal duet (NL)
Linder, Joseph - piano
BVE-38166- 2 14-Mar-27 2-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: Yorkville K-527
20761 Finnegan, the tailor (Irish song)
Griffin, John “The Fifth Avenue Busman” - flute
Shilkret, Lew - piano
BVE-36679- 2 11-Nov-26 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden
20761 On the bridge at twilight -
Irish reel Irish reel
Irish reel Irish reel
Irish reel
- Listed in the ledger as “At twilight on the bridge”
Griffin, John “The Fifth Avenue Busman” - vocal
Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-36680- 4 13-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
20762 Fun at the fair (Mattie Haskins) - “Irish comic”
Haskins, Mattie - tenor
Accordion, piano and violin
BVE-39260- 1 15-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 New York
20762 O’Brien’s wedding (Mattie Haskins) - “Irish comic”
Haskins, Mattie - tenor
Accordion, piano and violin
BVE-39261- 1 15-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 New York
20763 Miss Monroe’s jig
Mullaly, William J. - concertina
Lee, Edward - piano
BVE-38937- 3 6-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden
20763 Salamanca and Peter Street reel
Mullaly, William J. - concertina
Lee, Edward - piano
BVE-38938- 1 6-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden
20764 Crazy fiddler, The + The new fiddle -
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39242- 2 13-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
20764 Thomand Bridge + Standing Abbey -
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39241- 2 13-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
20765 In the valley near Slivenamon -
Old Irish songOld Irish song
Old Irish songOld Irish song
Old Irish song
Quinn, Thomas L. - tenor
Cello, flute, piano and violin, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39245- 3 13-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 New York
20765 Meeting of the waters, The (Thomas Moore; Old Irish air - “Old head of Denis”)
Quinn, Thomas L. - tenor
Cello, flute, piano and violin, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39246- 1 13-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 New York
20766 NR O’Donnell Aboo (M.J. McCann) + Believe me, if all those endearing young charms
(Old Irish air)
Clark, Melville - Irish harp
BVE-38666- 2 10-Jun-27
Not released
Chicago - Victor Lab
20766 NR Wearing of the green, The (Dion Boucicault, Old Scotch air “The tulip”)
Clark, Melville - Irish harp
BVE-38665- 1 10-Jun-27
Not released
Chicago - Victor Lab
20000 / 21000 SERIES 129
20767 Old Testament - Exodus, 5:2 - Pharoah said, “Who is the lord? (Arr. E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Dunlap, Sister - vocal; Griffin, Brother - vocal; Watkins, Sister - vocal
BVE-37965- 2 28-Feb-27 16-Sep-27 to 1931 Memphis, McCall Building
20767 In hell he lifted up his eyes (E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Dunlap, Sister - vocal; Griffin, Brother - vocal; Watkins, Sister - vocal
BVE-37966- 1 28-Feb-27 16-Sep-27 to 1931 Memphis, McCall Building
20768 Blue harmonica (Bobby Leecan)
Cooksey, Robert - harmonica
Leecan, Bobby - guitar
BVE-38932- 1 24-May-27 16-Sep-27 to 1930 Camden
20768 Don’t you let your head hang down (Mike Jackson)
Cooksey, Robert - harmonica
Leecan, Bobby - guitar
BVE-38930- 1 24-May-27 16-Sep-27 to 1930 Camden
20769 I don’t care who ain’t got nobody (Sidney Easton)
Copeland, Martha - vocal
Howell, Bert - violin; Worde, Phil - piano
BVE-37395- 2 3-Feb-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20769 Stole my man blues (Martha Copeland)
Copeland, Martha - vocal
Worde, Phil - piano
BVE-37396- 1 3-Feb-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20770 If you can’t make it easy, get a job and go to work (Prince La Vaughn)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjo, jug, piano, saxophones (2) and violin (NL)
La Vaughn, Prince - vocal
BVE-38642- 2 7-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
20770 When I stopped runnin’, I was home (Prince La Vaughn)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjo, jug, piano, saxophones (2) and violin (NL)
La Vaughn, Prince - vocal
BVE-38645- 1 7-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
20771 Beale Street blues (W.C. Handy)
Hunter, Alberta - soprano
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - organ
BVE-38046- 2 20-May-27 16-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20771 Sugar (Sidney D. Mitchell; Edna Alexander) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Hunter, Alberta - soprano
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - organ
BVE-38045- 2 20-May-27 16-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20772 Billy goat stomp (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers
Lamar, Lew - goat imitation
BVE-38628- 1 4-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 Chicago
20772 Hyena stomp (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers
Lamar, Lew - hyena imitation
BVE-38627- 2 4-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 Chicago
20773 Jonah in the belly of the whale (Rev. F.W. McGee)
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - “Holy rollers” - sermon with singing
Cornet, guitar, piano and string bass (NL)
BVE-38650- 1 7-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1934 Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-5261, Sunrise S-3344
20773 With his stripes we are healed (Rev. F.W. McGee)
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - “Holy rollers” - sermon with singing
Cornet, guitar, piano and string bass (NL)
BVE-38649- 1 7-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1934 Chicago - Victor Lab
20774 Deep Henderson (Fred Rose)
Pebbles, The: Egee, Alphonsus - vocal and ukulele; White, Baxter - vocal and guitar
BVE-38656- 2 8-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 40-6496
20774 Hot pebble blues (Alphonsus Egee; Baxter White)
Pebbles, The: Egee, Alphonsus - vocal and ukulele; White, Baxter - vocal and guitar
BVE-38655- 2 8-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
20775 Lonesome refugee (Sidney Easton)
Smith, Laura - vocal
Jones, Clarence - piano
BVE-38651- 1 8-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
20775 Mississippi blues, The (Joe Simms)
Smith, Laura - vocal
Jones, Clarence - piano
BVE-38652- 3 8-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
20776 Savannah blues (Thomas Morris)
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - organ
Morris’ Hot Babies - cornet, traps and trombone
BVE-38051- 1 20-May-27 16-Sep-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9304, B5417
20776 Won’t you take me home? (Thomas Morris; Phil Worde)
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - organ
Morris’ Hot Babies - cornet, traps and trombone
BVE-38052- 3 20-May-27 16-Sep-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9299, B5417
20777 Dizzy fingers (Zez Confrey) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Zez Confrey and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39215- 2 3-Jun-27 26-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-574, B5354, EG707
20777 Kitten on the keys (Zez Confrey) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Zez Confrey and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-26259-14 16-Jun-27 26-Aug-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-573, B5354, EG707, K5315
20778 Davenport blues (Leon “Bix” Beiderbecke) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Red and Miffs Stompers - banjo, cornet, piano, saxophones (2) and traps (NL)
BVE-37769- 2 11-Feb-27 26-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0113
HMV: 7-596
20778 Delirium (Arthur Schutt) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Red and Miffs Stompers - banjo, cornet, piano, saxophones (2) and traps (NL)
BVE-37768- 2 11-Feb-27 26-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0112
HMV: 7-595
20779 Bell Brandon (T.E. Garrett; Francis Wollcott)
- Also listed as - Also listed as
- Also listed as - Also listed as
- Also listed as
“Belle Br“Belle Br
“Belle Br“Belle Br
“Belle Br
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Cello; piano; traps and violin, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36167- 3 9-Sep-26 26-Aug-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2856 Zonophone: 5177
20779 With all her faults, I love her still (Monroe H. Rosenfeld)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Small orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36306- 2 11-Sep-26 26-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2857 Zonophone: 5177
20780 Lead kindly light (John Henry Newman; John B. Dykes)
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-38085- 1 17-Jun-27 26-Aug-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0143
HMV: 2-9282
20000 / 21000 SERIES 131
20780 Now the day is over (Sabine Baring-Gould; Joseph Barnby) + Peace, perfect peace
(George T. Caldbeck)
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-38088- 3 17-Jun-27 26-Aug-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9283
20781 I’m looking for the bully of the town (Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), harmonica, jug, kazoo (NL)
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-38660- 2 9-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
20781 Sunshine blues (Will Weldon; Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), harmonica, jug, kazoo (NL)
Shade, Will - vocal
BVE-38658- 1 9-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
20782 Sad ‘n blue (Benny Davis; Paul Ash; Harry Akst) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Herman Kenin’s Multnomah Hotel Orchestra, Herman Kenin - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE- 329- 4 29-May-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929
Regional release
Portland, OR
20782 Some other day (Jack Young) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Herman Kenin’s Multnomah Hotel Orchestra, Herman Kenin - director
Fleming, Van - vocal; Watkins, Press - vocal
PBVE- 328- 5 29-May-27 15-Jul-27 to 1929
Regional release
Portland, OR
20783 Mississippi mud (Harry Barris; Sammy Fain) + I left my sugar standing in the rain
(Irving Kahal)
Paul Whiteman’s Rhythm Boys: Barris, Harry - vocal and piano; Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal;
Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-39271- 3 20-Jun-27 19-Aug-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: 24240
HMV: 4706, B2562, B4424, EG728
20783 Sweet L’il (Harry Barris; Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) + Ain’t she sweet? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Paul Whiteman’s Rhythm Boys: Barris, Harry - vocal and piano; Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal;
Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-39272- 3 20-Jun-27 19-Aug-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: 24240
HMV: 4705, B2562, B4424, EG728
20784 I’ll always remember you (Jesse Greer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-38393- 3 9-May-27 19-Aug-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-576, AM855, EG615 Zonophone: AE2002
20784 Who do you love? (Raymond Klages; Hugo Frey; Fred Rich)
- Fox trot -- Fox trot -
- Fox trot -- Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
From “Earl Carroll’s Vanities”
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-38152- 3 9-Mar-27 19-Aug-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-577, AM855, EG615, R4849 Zonophone: AE2002
20785 I ain’t got nobody (Roger Graham; Spencer Williams) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Original Night-Hawks Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal; Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-39064- 2 25-Jun-27 19-Aug-27 to 1934 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-578, B5383, EG672
20785 Roodles (Joe L. Sanders) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Original Night-Hawks Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-39065- 3 25-Jun-27 19-Aug-27 to 1934 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-579, R4889
20786 Hit the Deck (Leo Robin; Clifford Grey; Vincent Youmans): Hallelujah
Alpert, Pauline - piano
BVE-38858- 2 3-Jun-27 19-Aug-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5904 Zonophone: 5039
20786 Magnolia (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Alpert, Pauline - piano
BVE-38859- 1 3-Jun-27 19-Aug-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5903 Zonophone: 5039
20787 Sing me a baby song (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson)
De Leath, Vaughn - soprano
Guitar, piano and 2 violins (NL)
BVE-39291- 2 24-Jun-27 19-Aug-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3189, B2565, EG599, K5425,
20787 Under the moon (Yoo-oo-oo-oo) (Ev. E. Lyn; Francis Wheeler; Ted Snyder) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Marvin, Johnny - vocal; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Guitar, piano and violin (NL)
BVE-39284- 3 22-Jun-27 19-Aug-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4379, B2565, EG699
20788 Morning after, The (Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden)
Sam ‘n’ Henry: Correll, Charles J. - comic - As “Sam”; Gosden, Freeman F. - comic - As “Henry”
BVE-39093- 2 7-Jul-27 26-Aug-27 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 1638
20788 Sam’s big night (Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden)
Sam ‘n’ Henry: Correll, Charles J. - comic - As “Sam”; Gosden, Freeman F. - comic - As “Henry”
BVE-39092- 1 7-Jul-27 26-Aug-27 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 1637
20789 Russian dreams
József Szigeti Hungarian Orchestra
BVE-39603- 2 28-Jun-27 Oct-27 to 1930 Camden
20789 When youre in love (Walter Donaldson; Walter E. Blaufuss)
Szigeti, József - violin
Sándor, Kokos - cymbalom
BVE-39602- 1 28-Jun-27 Oct-27 to 1930 Camden
Szigeti not to be confused with concert violinist with the same name
20790 Safe in the arms of Jesus (Fanny J. Crosby; W. Howard Doane) + The old rugged cross
(George Bernard)
Andrews, Mark - pipe organ
BVE-39508- 2 8-Jul-27 26-Aug-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0142
HMV: 2-9286
20790 Saved by grace (Fanny J. Crosby; George C. Stebbins) + Crossing the bar (Joseph Barnby)
Andrews, Mark - pipe organ
BVE-39510- 2 8-Jul-27 26-Aug-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9292
20791 At sundown (When love is calling me home) (Walter Donaldson)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-39066- 3 28-Jun-27 26-Aug-27 to 1944 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9281, B2560, EG680
20791 Russian lullaby (Irving Berlin)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-39067- 4 28-Jun-27 26-Aug-27 to 1944 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9280, B2560, EG680, K5427
20792 Bells of Killarney (Joseph M. White; George J. Trinkaus)
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
Linton, Charles - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-38960- 4 7-Jul-27 30-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4939
HMV: 6-2883, B2634
20792 Watching the world go by (Joseph Keirn Brennan; Ernest R. Ball)
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
Linton, Charles - piano
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-38961- 4 7-Jul-27 30-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4940
HMV: 6-2882, B2634
20000 / 21000 SERIES 133
20793 Deep river (Negro spiritual; Arr. Harry J. Burleigh)
Robeson, Paul - bass
Brown, Lawrence - piano
BVE-38418- 5 10-May-27 30-Sep-27 to Sep-51 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6054
HMV: 6-2884, B2619, B9021
20793 I’m goin’ to tell God all o’ my troubles (Arr. Lawrence Brown)
Robeson, Paul - bass
Brown, Lawrence - piano
BVE-38416- 3 10-May-27 30-Sep-27 to Sep-51 New York
HMV: 6-2885, B2619
20793 NR Down de lover’s lane (W. Marion Cooke)
Robeson, Paul - bass
Brown, Lawrence - piano
BVE-38414- 2 10-May-27
Not released
New York
20794 Molly and the baby, don’t you know (H.S. Taylor; J.B. Herbert) -
Prohibition songProhibition song
Prohibition songProhibition song
Prohibition song
Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-37337- 5 5-Jan-27 30-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2886
20794 My wonderful dream (Jessie Brown Pounds; Charles H. Gabriel) -
Gospel hGospel h
Gospel hGospel h
Gospel h
Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-37334- 2 4-Jan-27 30-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2887
20795 Gypsy’s warning, The (Henry A. Coard)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor and harmonica
Kellner, Murray - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-38456- 1 12-Apr-27 2-Sep-27 to 1932 New York
20795 My Carolina home (Clayton McMichen; Bert Layne; Lowe Stokes) -
“Property of Columbia Phonograph Co.
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Two violins (NL)
BVE-38743- 2 12-May-27 2-Sep-27 to 1932 New York
20796 Dying hobo, The (Travis Hale)
Derry, E.J., Jr. - vocal and banjo; Hale, Travis - vocal and banjo mandolin
BVE-38631- 2 6-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1939 Chicago - Victor Lab
20796 Oh, bury me out on the lone prairie (Dean Fitzer; Prescott Brown; Travis Hale) -
Cowboy’s lament”
Hale, Travis - vocal and banjo
BVE-38633- 1 6-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1939 Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4040
HMV: R4979
20797 Charles Giteau
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Virginia String Band - banjo, guitar and violin
BVE-38237- 2 23-Mar-27 2-Sep-27 to 1931 Camden
20797 Henry Clay Beattie
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Banjo, guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-38233- 2 22-Mar-27 2-Sep-27 to 1931 Camden
20798 Steamboat Bill (Ren Shields; Bert Leighton; Frank Leighton)
Rogers, Ernest - baritone and guitar
BVE-38921- 1 23-May-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 Camden
20798 Waitin’ for the Robert E. Lee (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Louis F. Muir)
Rogers, Ernest - baritone and guitar
BVE-38922- 1 23-May-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 Camden
20799 Old hickory cane, The (Josephine Furman; H.T. Merril)
- J - J
- J - J
- J
Car Car
Car Car
ter and Erter and Er
ter and Erter and Er
ter and Er
nest Stonemannest Stoneman
nest Stonemannest Stoneman
nest Stoneman
listed in ledger as composerslisted in ledger as composers
listed in ledger as composerslisted in ledger as composers
listed in ledger as composers
Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone, guitar and harmonica
BVE-38765- 2 19-May-27 2-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
20799 ‘Till the snowflakes fall again (Gussie L. Davis)
- Stoneman listed in ledger as composer - Stoneman listed in ledger as composer
- Stoneman listed in ledger as composer - Stoneman listed in ledger as composer
- Stoneman listed in ledger as composer
Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone, guitar and harmonica
BVE-38766- 2 19-May-27 2-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
20800 NR I just looked up my family tree (And found I’m a sap) (Harry Harris; Arthur Sizemore)
Stewart, Allen - vocal
Sizemore, Arthur - piano
BVE-39094- 2 7-Jul-27
Not released
Chicago - Victor Lab
20800 NR Stop your ticklin’ me (Little Jack Little)
Stewart, Allen - vocal
Shield, Leroy - piano
BVE-39053- 4 7-Jul-27
Not released
Chicago - Victor Lab
20801 Aïda (Giuseppe Verdi): Celeste Aïda + Martha (Friedrich von Flotow): Heaven may forgive +
Carmen (Georges Bizet): Habanera + Il Trovatore (Giuseppe Verdi): Miserere -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Adams, William - oboe; Baker, Bernard - cornet; Barone, Clement - flute; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-25107- 7 8-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
20801 Tannhäuser (Richard Wagner): Evening star + Carmen (Georges Bizet): Toreador song + Faust
(Charles Gounod): Soldiers’ chorus + Rigoletto (Giuseppe Verdi): La donna è mobile -
Victor Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director: Gruner, William - bassoon; Lennartz, Alfred - cello;
Pasternack, Sam - viola; Reibold, Bruno - celeste; Reitz, William H. - drums
BVE-25106- 8 8-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
20802 Country gardens (Percy Aldridge Grainger) - English march dance tune -
Victor Concert Orchestra
BVE-38097- 5 29-Jun-27 Dec-27 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0158
20802 Shepherds’ hey (Percy Aldridge Grainger) - Morris dance tune -
Victor Concert Orchestra
BVE-16738- 5 29-Jun-27 Dec-27 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0157
20803 Of bre’r rabbit (Tune - “Fireside Tales” (Edward MacDowell, Op. 61, No. 2) + From Uncle Remus
(Tune - “Woodland Sketches” (Edward MacDowell, Op. 51)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-39417- 5 24-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
20803 Will o’ the wisp (Tune - “Woodland Sketches” (Edward MacDowell, Op. 51, No. 2) +
To a humming bird (Tune -”Six Fancies” (Edward MacDowell) -
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-39418- 6 24-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
20804 On wings of song (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) -
Bowen, Jr., Darwin - boy soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-38977- 2 30-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1941 Camden
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4940
20804 Thou’rt like a lovely flower (Robert Schumann) + Faith in spring (M. Louis Baum;
Franz Schubert) -
Bowen, Jr., Darwin - boy soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-38979- 2 30-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1941 Camden
20805 Norwegian bridal procession (Edvard Grieg) -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-39516- 6 11-Jul-27 Dec-27 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
20805 Swedish wedding march (Soderman, Op. 12) - “Svensk brollops march” -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-39515- 2 11-Jul-27 Dec-27 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
20000 / 21000 SERIES 135
20806 London Bridge + Here we go round the mulberry bush - From “Children’s Singing Games
(Old and New)” (Revised and compiled by Mari Ruef Hofer) -
Victor Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-38989- 2 12-Jul-27 Dec-27 to Mar-51 Camden
20806 Soldier boy, soldier boy + The muffin man - From “Children’s Singing Games (Old and New)
(Revised and compiled by Mari Ruef Hofer)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-38990- 2 12-Jul-27 Dec-27 to Mar-51 Camden
20807 All through the night (Old Welsh air; Arr. Harold Boulton) + Flow gently, sweet Afton
(Old Scots tune; Robert Burns; James E. Spillman) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-39529- 1 14-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1941 Camden - Church
20807 Drink to me only with thine eyes (Old English air) + Annie Laurie (Old Scotch air) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-39530- 1 14-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1941 Camden - Church
20808 Believe me, if all those endearing young charms (Old Irish air) + Loch Lomond (Old Scotch air) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-39531- 1 14-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1941 Camden - Church
20808 Love’s old sweet song (James Lyman Molloy) + Auld lang syne (Old Scotch air) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-39532- 1 14-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1941 Camden - Church
20809 Memphis boy blues (Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), harmonica, jug, kazoo (NL)
Weldon, Will “Casey Bill” - vocal
BVE-38659- 1 9-Jun-27 16-Sep-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
20809 Sometimes I think I love you (Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), harmonica, jug, kazoo (NL)
BVE-38657- 1 9-Jun-27 16-Sep-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
20810 Old Testament - Hebrews 11:1 - Faith (E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Dunlap, Sister - vocal; Griffin, Brother - vocal; Watkins, Sister - vocal
BVE-37967- 1 28-Feb-27 2-Sep-27 to 1931 Memphis, McCall Building
20810 Old Testament - Jonah 2:6 - Hell under the water (E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Dunlap, Sister - vocal; Griffin, Brother - vocal; Watkins, Sister - vocal
BVE-37968- 2 28-Feb-27 2-Sep-27 to 1931 Memphis, McCall Building
20811 Muscle shoals blues (George Thomas)
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra, Bennie Moten - director and piano
BVE-37237- 1 14-Dec-26 2-Sep-27 to 1930 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20811 White lightnin’ blues (Bennie Moten)
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra, Bennie Moten - director and piano
BVE-37236- 1 13-Dec-26 2-Sep-27 to 1930 Chicago - Webster Hotel
20812 Dark alley (Richard M. Jones) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Richard M. Jones’ Jazz Wizards - banjo, cornet, piano, saxophones (2) and trombone (NL)
BVE-38681- 1 13-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 40-2329
20812 Hollywood shuffle (Richard M. Jones) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Richard M. Jones’ Jazz Wizards - banjo, cornet, piano, saxophones (2) and trombone (NL)
BVE-38682- 1 13-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 40-2328
20813 Oh, death
Pace Jubilee Singers - alto, baritone, bass, sopranos (2)
BVE-38680- 1 13-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
20813 Shouting on
Pace Jubilee Singers - alto, baritone, bass, sopranos (2)
BVE-38679- 2 13-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
20814 Little house under the hill -
Irish jigIrish jig
Irish jigIrish jig
Irish jig
Mullaly, William J. - concertina
Lee, Edward - piano
BVE-38935- 2 6-Jun-27 7-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden
20814 Tory Island reel
Mullaly, William J. - concertina
Lee, Edward - piano
BVE-38936- 2 6-Jun-27 7-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden
20815 Avonmore, The + The greengate + The honeymoon reel -
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39244- 1 13-Jun-27 7-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
20815 Larry Coggan + Saddle the pony + Jackson’s morning -
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39243- 2 13-Jun-27 7-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
20816 Little Irish girl, The (Edward Teschemacher; Hermann Löhr)
O’Brien, Donnell - vocal
Small orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39221- 2 6-Jun-27 10-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
20816 Too-ra-loo-ra loo-ral, that’s an Irish lullaby (J.R. Shannon)
O’Brien, Donnell - vocal
Small orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39220- 3 6-Jun-27 10-Jul-27 to 1929 New York
20817 Bye and bye (Fanny J. Crosby; Ashton; Arr. Frank McCravy; James McCravy)
McCravy, Frank - vocal
McCravy, James - vocal and guitar; Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39638- 2 8-Jul-27 2-Sep-27 to 1932
Regional release
New York
HMV: 40-1743 Zonophone: 4271
20817 Only a rose-bud (Anita Owen)
McCravy, Frank - vocal
McCravy, James - vocal; Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39642- 2 8-Jul-27 2-Sep-27 to 1932
Regional release
New York
HMV: 40-1806 Zonophone: 4271
20818 (’Twas on a night like this) In a little Spanish town (Lewis C. Young; Mabel Wayne) -
“In un piccolo paesello Spagnuolo”
Partipilo’s Mandolin Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-39045- 1 21-Jun-27 Oct-27 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
20818 Russian lullaby (Irving Berlin) -
- “Nella culla Russiana”
Partipilo’s Mandolin Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-39046- 1 21-Jun-27 Oct-27 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
20819 Is it possible (That she love’s me)? (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-39609- 2 29-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-592, B5365, K5648
20819 (What do we do) On a dew-dew-dewy day? (Howard E. Johnson; Charles Tobias, Al Sherman)
- -
- -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-39618- 3 1-Jul-27 2-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-591, EA244
20820 Sweetheart memories (Benny Davis) -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Foster, Francis - vocal; Keller, Nelson - vocal; Waring, Fred - vocal; Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-39422- 2 24-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1934 Camden
HMV: 7-594, AM856, B5394, K5404, R4861 Zonophone: AE2053
20000 / 21000 SERIES 137
20820 Sweetheart of Sigma Chi, The (Byron D. Stokes; F. Dudleigh Vernor) -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-38271- 4 3-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1934 Camden
HMV: 7-593, AM856, B5414, K5404, R4861 Zonophone: AE2112
20821 Loved one (Maud Henry)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39612- 3 29-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2871
20821 Sweet Marie (Billy Rose; Abe Frankel)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Linton, Charles - piano; Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-39533- 3 15-Jul-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2870
20822 I walked back from the buggy ride (Hub Adams; Web Curtsinger; Irving Bibo)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Green, Joe - traps; Guitar, guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-39285- 2 22-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4388, B2578
20822 I’m gonna dance wit de guy wot brung me (Walter O’Keefe) - The gum chewers song”
Murray, Billy - tenor; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39297- 3 27-Jun-27 2-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4387, B2578
20823 I haven’t told her, she hasn’t told me (But we know it just the same) (Alfred Dubin;
Irving Kahal; Sammy Fain) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-38723- 2 4-May-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-590, AM858
20823 One sweet letter from you (Lew Brown; Sidney Clare; Harry Warren)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Charles Dornberger and his Orchestra
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-38012- 4 27-Apr-27 2-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 7-589, AM858, B5383
20824 Good Old Songs - Medley - “Close harmony”
Livingstone College Male Quartet
BVE-39649- 1 12-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden
20824 Quartet rehearsal
Livingstone College Male Quartet
BVE-39650- 1 12-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden
20825 Broken hearted (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-39637- 4 5-Aug-27 16-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3199, B2590
20825 Who are you fooling to-night? (William Tracey; Dan Dougherty)
De Leath, Vaughn - soprano
Guitar, piano and 2 violins (NL)
BVE-39292- 2 24-Jun-27 16-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3200, B2590, K5425 Zonophone: EE73
20826 Gorgeous (Benny Davis; Harry Akst)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Owen, Delos - piano
BVE-39084- 3 6-Jul-27 9-Sep-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 4-4382, B2585
20826 Who is your who? (Little Jack Little; Bernie Grossman)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Owen, Delos - piano
BVE-39087- 3 6-Jul-27 9-Sep-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 4-4383, B2585
20827 If I had a lover (Henry H. Tobias; Billy Rose; Ballard MacDonald)
- F- F
- F- F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From “Padlocks of 1927”
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Rettenberg, Milton J. - celeste
BVE-39632- 2 7-Jul-27 9-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-610, AM860, B5364
20827 Tap tap, The (Henry H. Tobias; Billy Rose; Ballard Macdonald)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From “Padlocks of 1927”
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra
BVE-39661- 3 14-Jul-27 9-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-606, AM860, B5364
20828 All by my ownsome (Alfred Dubin; Roger Wolfe Kahn) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-39660- 1 14-Jul-27 9-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-607, B5366, K5421 Zonophone: AE2094
20828 My blue heaven (George Whiting; Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-39627- 3 6-Jul-27 9-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-608, B5366, K5320 Zonophone: AE2016
20829 I’m afraid you sing that song to somebody else (Tommie Malie; Joe Verges) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders
BVE-39904- 4 26-Jul-27 9-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-611, B5428, EA222
20829 She’s got “It” (Benny Davis; L. Wolfe Gilbert; Harry Akst) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weem’s Orchestra
Gibbs, Parker - vocal
BVE-39440- 7 28-Jul-27 9-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Studio 3
HMV: 7-609, B5465, EA222
20830 Can’t you hear me say “I love you”? (Charles Derickson; Burton Brown) -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-39658- 2 14-Jul-27 30-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-613, B5469, R4873
20830 Paradise Isle (Raymond Klages; Al Goering; Jack Pettis) -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Rettenberg, Milton J. - celeste
BVE-39631- 3 7-Jul-27 30-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-612, R4873
20831 NR I crave you (Ray Hibbler; Harry Geise) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Burr, Henry - tenor
BVE-38404- 4 24-Mar-27
Not released
New York
20831 NR I love no one but you (Phil Spitalny) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-39287- 3 23-Jun-27
Not released
New York
20000 / 21000 SERIES 139
20832 I’m afraid you sing that song to somebody else (Tommie Malie; Joe Verges)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Orchestra - accordion, clarinet, piano
BVE-39910- 2 27-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2873, B2591, EA245
20832 Its a million to one youre in love (Benny Davis; Harry Akst)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Orchestra - accordion, clarinet, piano
BVE-39909- 2 27-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2872, B2591, EA245
20833 Bye-bye pretty baby (Jack Gardiner; Spike Hamilton) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jan Garber’s Orchestra, Jan Garber - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-39449- 2 21-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1933 Camden
HMV: 7-599
20833 Sweet Marie (Billy Rose; Abe Frankel) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jan Garber’s Orchestra, Jan Garber - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-39403- 7 21-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1933 Camden
HMV: 7-600, B5367
20834 Don’t you grieve after me (Ernest Phipps)
Ernest Phipps and his Holiness Quartette - vocal
Guitars (2) and violin (NL)
BVE-39715- 2 26-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1933 Bristol, TN
20834 I want to go where Jesus is (Ernest Phipps)
Ernest Phipps and his Holiness Quartette - vocal
Guitars (2) and violin (NL)
BVE-39710- 1 26-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1933 Bristol, TN
Victor: Bluebird B-5273, Electradisk 2147, Sunrise S-3354
20835 Old time corn shuckin’ (Ernest V. Stoneman) - Part 1
Blue Ridge Corn Shuckers - banjos (2), harmonica, jew’s harp and violin (NL)
Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone
BVE-39720- 2 27-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
20835 Old time corn shuckin’ (Ernest V. Stoneman) - Part 2
Blue Ridge Corn Shuckers - banjos (2), harmonica, jew’s harp and violin (NL)
Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone
BVE-39721- 4 27-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
20836 Walking in the way with Jesus (Alfred Reed)
Reed, “Blind” Alfred - baritone and violin
Guitar (NL)
BVE-39728- 2 28-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1929
Bristol, TN
20836 Wreck of the Virginian, The (Alfred Reed) - “Train number 3”
Reed, “Blind” Alfred - baritone and violin
BVE-39725- 2 28-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1929
Bristol, TN
20837 Hit the Deck (Vincent Youmans): Nothing could be sweeter -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Virginians, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
BVE-39659- 1 14-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-602, AM857, B5431, EG644
20837 Its a million to one youre in love (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Virginians, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-39689- 1 21-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-601, AM857, B5365, EG644
20838 Dawn of to-morrow (Jeanne Gravelle; Joe Green)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-39071- 2 30-Jun-27 16-Sep-27 to 1944 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0461
HMV: 2-9285
20838 When day is done (Buddy G. de Sylva; Robert Katscher)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-39070- 3 30-Jun-27 16-Sep-27 to 1944 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9284
20839 I’m coming, Virginia (Will Marion Cook; Donald Heywood)
Peabody, Eddie - vocal and banjo
BVE-39226- 3 7-Jun-27 9-Aug-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20839 You don’t like it - not much (Ned Miller; Art Kahn; Chester Cohn)
Peabody, Eddie - vocal and banjo
BVE-39235- 3 9-Jun-27 9-Aug-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20840 I am bound for the promised land (Samuel Stennett; Arr. Alfred G. Karnes)
Karnes, Alfred G. - vocal and guitar
BVE-39739- 1 29-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1934 Bristol, TN
20840 Where we’ll never grow old (James C. Moore)
Karnes, Alfred G. - vocal and guitar
BVE-39740- 2 29-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1934 Bristol, TN
20841 Hejre kati (Jeno Hubay)
Sárkózi, Feri - cymbalom
Mogavero, Ralph - guitar
BVE-38299- 3 16-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
20841 Hungarian dance, No. 5 (Johannes Brahms)
Sárkózi, Feri - cymbalom
Mogavero, Ralph - guitar
BVE-39401- 2 16-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
20842 Ar hyd y nos (Old Welsh air) - “All through the night” -
Morgan, Rhys - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-38991- 2 18-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden
20842 Y deryn pur (Welsh folk song) - “The dove” -
Morgan, Rhys - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-38969- 4 18-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden
20843 Golden slippers (James A. Bland)
- Negro spiritual - Educational - Negro spiritual - Educational
- Negro spiritual - Educational - Negro spiritual - Educational
- Negro spiritual - Educational
Tuskegee Quartet (NL)
BVE-37428- 2 29-Jan-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
20843 Heaven song
- Negro spiritual - Educational - Negro spiritual - Educational
- Negro spiritual - Educational - Negro spiritual - Educational
- Negro spiritual - Educational
Tuskegee Institute Singers
BVE-37075- 2 11-Dec-26 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
20844 Are you washed in the blood? (E.A. Hoffman)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - chorus, guitars, organ and violins (2) (NL)
BVE-39706- 2 25-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8136
20844 Sweeping through the gates (John Parker; Philip Phillips)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - chorus, guitars, organ and violins (2) (NL)
BVE-39704- 3 25-Jul-27 16-Sep-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
20845 Oh golly, ain’t she cute? (Roy Turk; J. Russel Robinson)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-38705- 3 28-Apr-27 23-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2804, AM679, B2496, K5207
20000 / 21000 SERIES 141
20845 Rosy cheeks (Seymour Simons; Richard A. Whiting)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Dreyer, Dave - piano
BVE-38703- 2 28-Apr-27 23-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2803, AM679, B2555
20846 Barbara (Billy Rose; Abner Silver)
Ted Weem’s Orchestra
Roades, Dusty - vocal
BVE-39453- 3 28-Jul-27 23-Sep-27 to 1930 Camden - Studio 3
HMV: 7-636, AM854
20846 Miss Annabelle Lee (Who’s wonderful, who’s marvelous) (Sidney Clare; Lewis Pollack)
Ted Weem’s Orchestra
Gibbs, Parker - vocal; Roades, Dusty - vocal
BVE-39441- 7 28-Jul-27 23-Sep-27 to 1930 Camden - Studio 3
HMV: 7-637, AM854, EA296
20847 Swanee shore (Cliff Hess; Charles A. Bourne)
Jack Crawford and his Orchestra
BVE-39450- 5 30-Jul-27 23-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Studio 3
HMV: 7-639, B5375
20847 Who’s that pretty baby? (Bobby Heath; Alex Marr)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jack Crawford and his Orchestra
BVE-39451- 6 30-Jul-27 23-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Studio 3
HMV: 7-638, B5375
20848 Sixty seconds every minute (I’m in love with you) (Lou Davis; Henry W. Santly)
Jan Garber’s Orchestra, Jan Garber - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-38759- 9 21-Jul-27 23-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden
20848 Tired hands (Al Piantadosi) -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
BVE-39957- 2 11-Aug-27 23-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-640, B5367
20849 Teddy O’Neill (Old Irish song)
O’Toole, Emmett - tenor
Small orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-38861- 1 3-Jun-27 7-Oct-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
20849 They sail’d away from Dublin Bay (Old Irish song)
O’Toole, Emmett - tenor
Small orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-38862- 2 3-Jun-27 7-Oct-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
20850 Frieze breetches, The -
Coleman, Michael - violin
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-39294- 1 27-Jun-27 7-Oct-27 to 1930 New York
20850 Tommy Hill’s favorite -
Coleman, Michael - violin
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-39293- 2 27-Jun-27 7-Oct-27 to 1930 New York
20851 Goin’ to die with the staff in my hand (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 sopranos, 1 baritone
BVE-35983- 1 10-Sep-26 7-Oct-27 to 1930 Camden
20851 I’m a soldier in the army of the Lord (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - sopranos (2) and a baritone
BVE-36488- 1 2-Dec-26 7-Oct-27 to 1930 Camden - Church
20852 Dixie, bo, bo (Taskiana Four: Norman Allen; Edward Foster; Daniel Johnson; James Ricks)
Taskiana Four (NL)
Jackson, Mike - piano
BVE-39668- 3 18-Jul-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 New York
20852 Toot, toot, Dixie (Chris Smith)
Taskiana Four (NL)
BVE-39667- 3 18-Jul-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 New York
20853 Apaloosa blues (Bobby Leecan)
Bobbie Leecan’s Need-More Band, Ralph Peer - director (NL)
BVE-38437- 3 5-Apr-27 7-Oct-27 to 1930 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-5194, Sunrise S-3274
HMV: 5-339, B5430
20853 Shortnin’ bread (R. Dupree)
Bobbie Leecan’s Need-More Band, Ralph Peer - director (NL)
BVE-38435- 3 5-Apr-27 7-Oct-27 to 1930 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-5194, Sunrise S-3274
20854 I never did want you (Clifford Hayes)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjo, jug, piano, saxophones (2) and violin (NL)
Hayes, Clifford - talking
BVE-38641- 2 7-Jun-27 7-Oct-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
20854 Only mother cares for me (Clifford Hayes)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjo, jug, piano, saxophones (2) and violin (NL)
Washington, Elizabeth - vocal
BVE-38639- 2 7-Jun-27 7-Oct-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
20855 Dear heart (LaForest Dent) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra
BVE-38668- 4 11-Jun-27 7-Oct-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
20855 Sugar (Maceo Pinkard) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra
BVE-38667- 3 11-Jun-27 7-Oct-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: X-16189, Pict-Ur-Music 0117
HMV: 7-770, B5430
20856 My road is rough and rocky all the way
Megginson Female Quartet (NL)
BVE-37996- 1 10-Mar-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20856 Oh, what a change to place in my heart
Megginson Female Quartet (NL)
BVE-37997- 2 10-Mar-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 New Orleans
20857 Rent man blues (Gus Smith)
Winston, Edna - vocal
Orchestra, Leroy Shield “present”
BVE-37789- 1 16-Feb-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
20857 Way after one, and daddy ain’t home yet (Mike Jackson)
Winston, Edna - vocal
Orchestra, Leroy Shield “present”
BVE-37786- 1 16-Feb-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
20858 He is a Saviour for me (Rev. F.W. McGee)
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - “Holy rollers” - sermon with singing
Cornet, guitar, piano and string bass (NL)
BVE-38647- 2 7-Jun-27 21-Oct-27 to 1932 Chicago - Victor Lab
20858 You got to walk that lonesome valley (Rev. F.W. McGee)
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - “Holy rollers” - sermon with singing
Cornet, guitar, piano and string bass (NL)
BVE-38648- 1 7-Jun-27 21-Oct-27 to 1932 Chicago - Victor Lab
20000 / 21000 SERIES 143
20859 Good stuff (Richard M. Starks; Richard M. Jones) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Richard M. Jones’ Jazz Wizards - banjo, cornet, piano, saxophones (2) and trombone (NL)
Jones, Richard M. vocal
BVE-38683- 2 13-Jun-27 21-Oct-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
20859 Smoked meat blues (Richard M. Jones) -
Richard M. Jones’ Jazz Wizards - banjo, cornet, piano, saxophones (2) and trombone (NL)
Jones, Richard M. vocal
BVE-38684- 1 13-Jun-27 21-Oct-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
20860 Beautiful river (Robert Lowry)
Tennessee Mountaineers - 20 mixed voices
BVE-39776- 1 4-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
20860 Standing on the promises (Russell Kelso Carter)
Tennessee Mountaineers - 20 mixed voices
BVE-39775- 3 4-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
20861 Longest train I ever saw, The (Claude Grant)
Tenneva Ramblers: Grant, Claude - vocal and guitar; Grant, Jack - mandolin;
Pierce, Jack - violin; Slagle, Claude - banjo
BVE-39770- 2 4-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Bristol, TN
20861 Sweet heaven, when I die (Claude Grant)
Tenneva Ramblers: Grant, Claude - vocal and guitar; Grant, Jack - mandolin;
Pierce, Jack - violin; Slagle, Claude - banjo
BVE-39771- 2 4-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Bristol, TN
20862 Greasy string (W.B. Boyles)
West Virginia Coon Hunters - banjo, guitar, tenor banjo and violin
Meadows, W.A. - vocal
BVE-39773- 2 4-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
20862 Your blue eyes run me crazy (W.B. Boyles)
West Virginia Coon Hunters - banjo, guitar, tenor banjo and violin
Meadows, W.A. - vocal
BVE-39774- 1 4-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
20863 Newmarket wreck, The (Jim W. Baker)
Baker, Jim W. - vocal and guitar
Baker, Flora - vocal and autoharp; Green, J.E. - violin; Holbrook, J.H. - banjo
BVE-39765- 2 3-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1929 Bristol, TN
20863 On the banks of the sunny Tennessee (Jim W. Baker)
Baker, Jim W. - vocal and guitar
Baker, Flora - vocal and autoharp; Green, J.E. - violin; Holbrook, J.H. - banjo
BVE-39766- 1 3-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1929 Bristol, TN
20864 Sleep, baby, sleep (John J. Handley)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
BVE-39768- 3 4-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931+ Bristol, TN
Victor: 21-0180, Bluebird B-6225, Montgomery Ward M-4452, Japan A-1466
HMV: 40-4316, EA1400 Zonophone: G23197 Regal Zonophone: MR2795
Zonophone Twin: FT8585
20864 Soldier’s sweetheart, The (Jimmie Rodgers)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
BVE-39767- 4 4-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931+ Bristol, TN
Victor: 33-0513, Montgomery Ward M-4452
HMV: EA1400 Zonophone: G23197 Regal Zonophone: MR2795
Zonophone Twin: FT8585
20865 Big Bend girl (Joe B. Blackhead)
Shelor Family (Dad Blackard’s Moonshiners): Blackhead, Joe B. vocal and banjo; Shelor,
Mrs. Jesse (Clarice) - vocal and piano; Shelor, Jesse T. - violin; Shelor, Pyrhus D. - violin
BVE-39761- 3 3-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1929 Bristol, TN
20865 Billy Grimes, the rover (Joe B. Blackhead)
Shelor Family (Dad Blackard’s Moonshiners): Blackhead, Joe B. vocal and banjo; Shelor,
Mrs. Jesse (Clarice) - vocal and piano; Shelor, Jesse T. - violin; Shelor, Pyrhus D. - violin
BVE-39764- 2 3-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1929 Bristol, TN
20866 Can’t you hear me say “I love you”? (Charles Derickson; Burton Brown)
Derry, E.J., Jr. vocal and banjo
Hale, Travis - vocal and banjo mandolin
BVE-38634- 2 6-Jun-27 21-Oct-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
20866 Long gone (Chris Smith; W.C. Handy)
Derry, E.J., Jr. vocal and banjo
Hale, Travis - vocal and banjo mandolin
BVE-38632- 3 6-Jun-27 21-Oct-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
20867 I love my sweetheart the best
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Banjo, guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-38232- 1 22-Mar-27 21-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20867 I want a nice little fellow (Kelly Harrell)
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Banjo, guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-38234- 1 22-Mar-27 21-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20868 It was for me (George Bennard)
Kim, Perry - guitar; Nyland, Einer - mandola
BVE-39051- 1 22-Jun-27 21-Oct-27 to 1932 Chicago - Victor Lab
20868 Old account settled long ago, The
Kim, Perry - guitar; Nyland, Einer - mandola
BVE-39050- 2 22-Jun-27 21-Oct-27 to 1932 Chicago - Victor Lab
20869 Six feet of earth (Arr. Frank McCravy)
McCravy, Frank - vocal; McCravy, James - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39641- 1 8-Jul-27 21-Oct-27 to 1934 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4336
HMV: 4-4411, FJ18 Zonophone: 5340
20869 These bones g’wina rise again (Arr. Frank McCravy; James McGravy)
McCravy, Frank - vocal; McCravy, James - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39639- 3 8-Jul-27 21-Oct-27 to 1934 New York
HMV: 4-4410, FJ18 Zonophone: 5340
20870 Let me be your man in the moon (Ernest Rogers)
Rogers, Ernest - baritone and guitar
BVE-38924- 2 23-May-27 21-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20870 My red-haired lady (Ernest Rogers)
Rogers, Ernest - baritone and guitar
BVE-38920- 2 23-May-27 21-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20871 Honeysuckle (Finnish song) -
Waino Kauppi ja hanen Suomi Orkesteri
BVE-39916- 2 28-Jul-27 Nov-27 to 1931 New York
20871 Kesailta (Finnish song)
Waino Kauppi ja hanen Suomi Orkesteri
BVE-39915- 1 28-Jul-27 Nov-27 to 1931 New York
20872 1 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Lucky in love -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-39471- 3 18-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20872 2 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Lucky in love -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-39471- 3A 18-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20872 3 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Lucky in love -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-39471- 5A 18-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 7-633, AM925, B5495, EG660
20000 / 21000 SERIES 145
20872 1 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): The best things
in life are free -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal
BVE-39473- 1 18-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 7-634, B5495, EG660, R4877
20872 2 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): The best things
in life are free -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal
BVE-39473- 1A 18-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20872 3 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): The best things
in life are free -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal
BVE-39473- 3A 18-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20873 Are you lonesome to-night? (Roy Turk; Lou Handman)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-39941- 3 5-Aug-27 30-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2888
20873 Baby your mother (Like she babied you) (Andrew Donnelly; Dolly Morse; Joe Burke)
De Leath, Vaughn - soprano
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39968- 3 12-Aug-27 30-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3206 Zonophone: EE70
20874 Manhattan Mary (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Broadway
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-39570- 3 16-Aug-27 30-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-622, AM859, EG661, K5434, R4875
20874 Manhattan Mary (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
Manhattan Mary -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-39653- 2 13-Jul-27 30-Sep-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-623, AM859, B5555, EG661, K5434 Zonophone: AE2016
20875 1 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Good news -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-39472- 1 18-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 7-632, B5496
20875 2 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Good news -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-39472- 1A 18-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20875 3 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Good news -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-39472- 2 18-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20875 4 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Good news -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-39472- 2A 18-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20875 1 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Varsity drag -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-39474- 3 19-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20875 2 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Varsity drag -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-39474- 3A 19-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20875 3 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Varsity drag -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-39474- 4 19-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 7-631, B5496
20875 4 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Varsity drag -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-39474- 4A 19-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden
20876 After we kiss (Addy Britt; Ted Fiorito)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-39069- 2 29-Jun-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9298, B2640
20876 Baby feet go pitter-patter (‘Cross my floor) (Gustave “Gus” Kahn)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-39068- 6 30-Jun-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9297, B2640
20877 Poor orphan child, The (A.P. Carter)
Carter Family - vocal, guitar and autoharp:
Carter, A.P. - vocal; Carter, Mabel - vocal; Carter, Sara - vocal
BVE-39752- 2 1-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1934 Bristol, TN
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-7445
20877 Wandering boy, The (A.P. Carter)
Carter Family - vocal, guitar and autoharp:
Carter, Mabel - vocal; Carter, Sara - vocal
BVE-39755- 1 2-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1934 Bristol, TN
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-7446
20878 Henry Whitter’s fox chase (Henry Whitter)
Whitter, Henry - harmonica
BVE-39758- 2 2-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1934 Bristol, TN
Victor: Bluebird B-5259, Electradisk 2139, Montgomery Ward M-4475, Sunrise S-3342
HMV: 40-6465
20878 Rain crow bill (Henry Whitter)
Whitter, Henry - harmonica
BVE-39759- 2 2-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1934 Bristol, TN
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4475
20879 I’m redeemed (James Rowe; S.A. Ganus)
Alcoa Quartette: Hitch, W.B. - bass; Thomas, J.E. - tenor; Thomas, J.H. - tenor; Well, L.J. - baritone
BVE-39757- 2 2-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1930 Bristol, TN
20879 Remember me, oh mighty One (Joanna Kirkel) - Sacred words to the air of “Soldier’s farewell”
Alcoa Quartette: Hitch, W.B. - bass; Thomas, J.E. - tenor; Thomas, J.H. - tenor; Well, L.J. - baritone
BVE-39756- 2 2-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1930 Bristol, TN
20880 Mountaineer’s courtship, The (Ernest V. Stoneman)
Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone, guitar and harmonica harmonica
Dunford, Uncle Eck - vocal; Frost, Miss I. - soprano
BVE-39702- 2 25-Jul-27 4-Nov-27 to 1930 Bristol, TN
20880 Whip-poor-will’s song, The (J. Calvin Bushey)
Dunford, Uncle Eck - vocal and guitar
Edwards, I. - harmonica and ukulele; Stoneman, Hattie - violin
BVE-39716- 1 27-Jul-27 4-Nov-27 to 1930 Bristol, TN
20000 / 21000 SERIES 147
20881 Cheerie beerie bee (Mabel Wayne) -
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-39564- 3 15-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-629, AM937, B5376, EG659, K5412 Zonophone: AE2189
20881 Just a memory (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-39576- 4 19-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-628, AM937, AM991, B5376, EG659, K5350, R4875
20882 A la Carte (Herman Hupfeld): Babys blue -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-39989- 2 18-Aug-27 14-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-635, AM925, B5384, EA422
20882 A la Carte (Herman Hupfeld): The Calinda (Boo-joom, boo-joom, boo) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-39575- 2 19-Aug-27 14-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-630, B5384, K5320
20883 Manhattan Mary (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Five step
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Barris, Harry - vocal; Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-39569- 3 16-Aug-27 14-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-627, AM1656, B5511, EG700, K5333 Zonophone: AE2342
20883 Manhattan Mary (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): It won’t be long now -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra
Barris, Harry - vocal; Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-39577- 8 20-Aug-27 14-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-626, B5555, EG700
20884 A Ca, c’est Paris (José Padilla) - “Paree” -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39207- 1 2-Jun-27 30-Sep-27 to 1927 New York
HMV: 7-604
20884 B Ca, c’est Paris (Leo Robin; José Padilla) - “Paree” -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
International Novelty Orchestra
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-39865- 2 29-Sep-27 30-Dec-27 to 1931 Camden
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0159
20884 Here I come -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
- “Ay que me vengo”
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39991- 3 19-Aug-27 30-Sep-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-605
20885 Ooh, maybe it’s you (Irving Berlin)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From “Ziegfeld Follies of 1927”
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Henry Busse - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-39572- 7 22-Aug-27 30-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-625, AM1165, B5415, EG662, K5647, R4889 Zonophone: AE2129
20885 Shaking the blues away (Irving Berlin)
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
From “Ziegfeld Follies of 1927”
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Henry Busse - director
BVE-39573- 5 22-Aug-27 30-Sep-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-624, AM1165, B5415, EG662, K5647 Zonophone: AE2129
20886 Bantry Bay (James Lyman Molloy)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-39566- 3 15-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-2010 Zonophone: 5092
20886 Sweet Inniscarra (Chauncey Olcott)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-39565- 2 15-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2958 Zonophone: 5067
20887 Drops of brandy (Arr. Ed Geoghagen) -
ish slip jigsish slip jigs
ish slip jigsish slip jigs
ish slip jigs
Ed Geoghegan and his Orchestra
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-39945- 3 8-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-758 Zonophone: 5065
20887 Milliner’s daughter, The (Arr. Ed Geoghagen) -
ish reelsish reels
ish reelsish reels
ish reels
Ed Geoghegan and his Orchestra
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-39947- 2 8-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-759 Zonophone: 5065
20888 My boys voice (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Hood, Adelyne - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar, whistler
BVE-39951- 1 10-Aug-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
20888 Where the Coosa River flows (Howard E. Johnson; Al Sherman)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Hood, Adelyne - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-39950- 2 10-Aug-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
20889 Andante religioso (Francis Thomé)
Weber, Marek - violin
Bells, harp and organ (NL)
BWR 334- 1 16-Sep-26 2-Dec-27 to 1931 Berlin
HMV: 8-47906, AM715, EG278, K5993
20889 Cantique de Noël (Adolphe Adam)
Weber, Marek - violin
Bells, harp and organ (NL)
BWR 332- 1 16-Sep-26 2-Dec-27 to 1931 Berlin
HMV: 8-47905, AM715, EG278, K5993
20890 Beale Street blues (W.C. Handy)
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - organ
BVE-38047- 1 20-May-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
20890 ‘Fats’ Waller stomp (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller; Charlie Irvis)
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - organ
Morris’ Hot Babies - cornet, traps and trombone
BVE-38050- 3 20-May-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: B10472, HE3150
20891 Just a message from Carolina (Charles Johnson; Paul Johnson)
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - guitar; Johnson, Paul - vocal and guitar
BVE-39730- 2 28-Jul-27 4-Nov-27 to 1929 Bristol, TN
20891 Soldier’s poor little boy, The (Charles Johnson; Paul Johnson)
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - guitar; Johnson, Paul - vocal and guitar
Tennessee Wildcats - bones and mandolin (NL); Harmonica (NL)
BVE-39729- 3 28-Jul-27 4-Nov-27 to 1929 Bristol, TN
20892 Charmaine (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée)
- -
- -
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-39644- 6 4-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-644, K5286
20892 Roam on, my little gypsy sweetheart (Francis Wheeler; Irving Kahal; Ted Snyder) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Roades, Dusty - vocal
BVE-39582²- 4 24-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1931
Matrix used twice
Camden - Church
HMV: 7-643, AM935, B5394, EA233, EG658 Zonophone: AE2094
20893 It all belongs to me (Irving Berlin) - From “Ziegfeld Follies of 1927”
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Clarinet, cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-39110- 3 24-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2897, B2643, EA251
20000 / 21000 SERIES 149
20893 Marvelous (Peter de Rose; May Singhi Breen)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Clarinet, cornet and piano (NL)
BVE-39109- 1 24-Aug-27 7-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2896, B2636
20894 Rosary, The (Ethelbert Nevin)
Venetian Trio: Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-13971-17 8-Oct-26 28-Oct-27 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-219, Montgomery Ward M-6046
HMV: 8539 Zonophone: 5051
20894 Woodland Sketches (Edward MacDowell, Op. 51; Arr. Francis J. Lapitino) - To a wild rose
Venetian Trio: Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-18159-21 13-Jul-26 28-Oct-27 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-219, Montgomery Ward M-6046
HMV: 8538 Zonophone: 5051
20895 America, the beautiful (Katherine Lee Bates; Samuel A. Ward) -
Shannon Quartet: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; Hart, Charles - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director and celeste
BVE-28678-14 11-Mar-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
20895 Stars of the summer night (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Isaac Baker Woodbury) -
Shannon Quartet: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
String orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37892- 2 8-Apr-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
20896 Ambrosin Chants (Compiled, edited and arranged by Nicola A. Montani): Veni creator
spiritus + Te deum landamus -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
BVE-39521- 3 11-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20896 1 Hymn to Apollo (English translation by C.F. Abdy Williams) -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
Barone, Clement - flute
BVE-39520- 2 11-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
Victor: 24549
20896 2R Hymn to Apollo (English translation by C.F. Abdy Williams) -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
Barone, Clement - flute
BVE-39520- 2 11-Jul-27 1936 to 1944
2R, May 25, 1936
Camden - Church
20897 Hymn in honor of St. John the Baptist (“Origin of Do Re Me etc”) -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
BVE-37859- 3 12-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20897 Magnificat (Compiled, edited and falso bordone arrangement by Nicola A. Montani) - “Gregorian
chant” + Gloria patri (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; Frank Damrosch) -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
BVE-39523- 2 11-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20898 Popule Meus (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; Arr. Walter Damrosch) - “Improperia for
double-chorus - antiphonal” -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
BVE-39526- 2 12-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20898 Sicut servus (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; Edited by Nicola A. Montani) -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
BVE-39522- 2 11-Jul-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20899 Are you happy? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-39690- 1 21-Jul-27 14-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-646
20899 Are you thinking of me to-night? (Benny Davis; Harry Akst; L. Wolfe Gilbert) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Marvin, Johnny - vocal; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-39990- 3 18-Aug-27 14-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-645, AM936, K5345, R4921
20900 It all belongs to me (Irving Berlin) - From “Ziegfeld Follies of 1927”
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-39103- 2 23-Aug-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-658, B5414
20900 Someday you’ll say “OK” (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-39104- 2 23-Aug-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-657, B5402, EG697
20901 I’d walk a million miles (To be a little nearer to you) (Al Lewis; Gerald Marks)
Jack Crawford and his Orchestra
BVE-39452- 6 30-Jul-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden - Studio 3
HMV: 7-659, AM922, B5397 Zonophone: AE2072
20901 Marvelous (Peter de Rose; May Singhi Breen) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Gibbs, Parker - vocal; Roades, Dusty - vocal
BVE-39580- 4 24-Aug-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-656, AM922, EA247, EG697, K5315
20902 Allez-oop (Philip Charig; Leo Robin; Richard Meyers): Pull yourself together
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-39101- 2 22-Aug-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-671, AM921, EG711, K5358
20902 Allez-oop (Philip Charig; Richard Meyers): Where have you been all of my life? -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-39958- 2 11-Aug-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-670, AM921, B5535, EA375, K5358
20903 Shine on me
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Sandhills Sixteen, E. Ellsworth Giles - director
Giles, Mrs. E. Ellsworth - piano; Page, Thad - vocal
BVE-38995- 1 21-Jul-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 4711
20903 What sort o’ robes do de angels wear?
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Sandhills Sixteen, E. Ellsworth Giles - director
BVE-38993- 1 21-Jul-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 4712
20904 Down by the riverside
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Sandhills Sixteen, E. Ellsworth Giles - director
Giles, E. Ellsworth - vocal; Giles, Mrs. E. Ellsworth - piano
BVE-38996- 1 21-Jul-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden
20904 Hush, hush, somebody’s calling my name
- Neg - Neg
- Neg - Neg
- Neg
ro spirro spir
ro spirro spir
ro spir
Sandhills Sixteen, E. Ellsworth Giles - director
Giles, Mrs. E. Ellsworth - piano
BVE-38994- 1 21-Jul-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden
20000 / 21000 SERIES 151
20905 Levee song + I’ve been working on the railroad - “Barber shop ballads”
Sandhills Sixteen, E. Ellsworth Giles - director
Giles, E. Ellsworth - vocal; Giles, Mrs. E. Ellsworth - piano
BVE-38997- 1 21-Jul-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden
20905 My Evaline - “Barber shop ballad”
Sandhills Sixteen, E. Ellsworth Giles - director
Giles, E. Ellsworth - vocal; Giles, Mrs. E. Ellsworth - piano
BVE-38998- 1 21-Jul-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden
20906 (What do we do) On a dew-dew-dewy day? (Howard E. Johnson; Charles Tobias, Al Sherman)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone and mandola; Miller, Jim - tenor and guitar
Garristo, Frank “Jazz” - lute
BVE-39949- 6 1-Sep-27 14-Oct-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4395, B2612
20906 It was only a sun shower (Irving Kahal; Francis Wheeler; Ted Snyder)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone and mandola; Miller, Jim - tenor and guitar
Garristo, Frank “Jazz” - lute
BVE-39143- 1 1-Sep-27 14-Oct-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4396, B2612
20907 Highways are happy ways (When the lead the way to home) (Harry Harris; Tommie Malie;
Larry Shay)
Lawley, Cooper - vocal; Yates, Harold - tenor and piano
Krumgold, Sigmund - pipe organ
BVE-39596- 2 2-Sep-27 14-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4397
20907 Just a memory (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Lawley, Cooper - vocal; Yates, Harold - tenor and piano
Krumgold, Sigmund - pipe organ
BVE-39595- 2 2-Sep-27 14-Oct-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4398
20908 No wonder I’m happy (Benny Davis; Harry Akst)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Owen, Delos - piano
BVE-39085- 3 6-Jul-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 4-4399 Zonophone: 5055
20908 Somebody and me (Raymond Klages; Ernie Golden)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Owen, Delos - piano
BVE-39086- 2 6-Jul-27 21-Oct-27 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 4-4400 Zonophone: 5055
20909 Khaki lad, A (F. Brickley; Florence Aylward)
Snyder II, Leroy J. - bass
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36471- 1 23-Nov-26 13-Sep-27 to 1929
“Personal record”
20909 When the roses bloom (Louise Reichardt)
Snyder II, Leroy J. - bass
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-36472- 1 23-Nov-26 13-Sep-27 to 1929
“Personal record”
20910 Highways are happy ways (When the lead the way to home) (Harry Harris; Tommie Malie;
Larry Shay) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Gibbs, Parker - vocal; Roades, Dusty - vocal
BVE-39599- 1 8-Sep-27 21-Oct-27 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-654, AM923, B5377, EA250, EG698
20910 It was only a sun-shower (Irving Kahal; Francis Wheeler; Ted Snyder) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Roades, Dusty - vocal
BVE-40000- 2 8-Sep-27 21-Oct-27 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-655, AM923, B5377, EA250, EG698
20911 Leonora (Abner Silver) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-39643- 6 4-Aug-27 13-Sep-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20911 Springtime (Sam Messenheimer; Val Burton; Sigmond Sacks) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Black and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-39132- 2 30-Aug-27 13-Sep-27 to 1929
Regional release
New York
20912 Here I am, broken hearted (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Tate, Carroll C. - vocal and piano
BVE-38552- 3 30-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1930 Camden
20912 So blue (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson; Theme by Helen Crawford)
Trial, matrix number assigned at a later date
Tate, Carroll C. - vocal and piano
BVE-38580- 1 9-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1930 Camden
20913 On Mobile Bay (Erle C. Jones; Charles N. Daniels) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
BVE-39142- 2 1-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1932 New York
20913 Shine on, harvest moon (Nora Bayes; Jack Norworth)
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
From “Ziegfeld Follies of 1908”
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
BVE-39141- 2 1-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1932 New York
20914 Persiflage (W.T. Francis; Arr. Theo. Bendix) -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-39518- 2 11-Jul-27 Dec-27 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0129
HMV: 8-518, B2754, EG998 Zonophone: AE2630
20914 Scenes de Ballet (Alexandre Glazounow, Op. 52, No. 2) - Marionettes -
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-39517- 3 11-Jul-27 Dec-27 to Mar-51 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0146
HMV: 8-517, B2754, EG998, K5620 Zonophone: AE2630
20915 Tales From the Vienna Woods (Johann Strauss) -
- Part 1
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BW 294- 1 7-Sep-26 28-Oct-27 to 1931+ Berlin
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0145
HMV: 8-40512, AM653, BA318, EG263, HU79, K5222, R4739
20915 Tales From the Vienna Woods (Johann Strauss) -
- Part 2
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BW 295- 1 7-Sep-26 28-Oct-27 to 1931+ Berlin
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0146
HMV: 8-40513, AM653, BA318, EG263, HU79, K5222, R4739
20916 Tobins fancy -
Coleman, Michael - violin
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-39296- 1 27-Jun-27 4-Nov-27 to 1930 New York
20916 Trim the velvet -
Coleman, Michael - violin
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-39295- 2 27-Jun-27 4-Nov-27 to 1930 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-4931, Montgomery Ward M-8947, Yorkville K-509
20917 Macushla (Joseph Keirn Brennan; Alfred Dubin; Ernest R. Ball): ’Tis an Irish girl I love
(And she’s just like you)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-39567- 1 15-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1930 Camden - Church
Victor: Yorkville K-538
HMV: 6-2959 Zonophone: 5067
20000 / 21000 SERIES 153
20917 Shamrock leaves (Harold A.Robe; Gerald Arthur)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-39568- 3 15-Aug-27 4-Nov-27 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2960
20918 Echoes of Ireland (Arthur Lange) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
International Novelty Orchestra (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
BVE-38812- 2 19-May-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Aurora 36-139, Pict-Ur-Music 0156
HMV: 7-760 Zonophone: 5066
20918 Irish waltz medley (Nathaniel Shilkret; Leonard Joy)
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39133- 2 8-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: Aurora 36-139, Pict-Ur-Music 0157
HMV: 7-761 Zonophone: 5066
20919 Bye-bye pretty baby (Jack Gardiner; Spike Hamilton)
Crumit, Frank - tenor and ukulele
Banjo, piano and violin (NL)
BVE-39135- 3 30-Aug-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2909, B2620
20919 Some day you’ll say “Ok” (Walter Donaldson)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone and mandola; Miller, Jim - tenor and guitar
Garristo, Frank “Jazz” - lute
BVE-39144- 1 1-Sep-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4401, B2620
20920 Blue River (Alfred Byron; Joseph Meyer)
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-39171- 2 12-Sep-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4403, AM938, B2611, EG800, K5351 Zonophone: AE2059
20920 Roam on, my little gypsy sweetheart (Francis Wheeler; Irving Kahal; Ted Snyder)
Revelers, The: Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-39168- 1 8-Sep-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4402, AM938, B2611, EG800, K5351 Zonophone: AE2059
20921 Cohen at the telepnone (Arr. Julius Tannen) - Part 1
Tannen, Julius - talking
BVE-39964- 2 11-Aug-27 28-Oct-27 to 1932 New York
HMV: 1641
20921 Cohen at the telepnone (Arr. Julius Tannen) - Part 2
Tannen, Julius - talking
BVE-39965- 1 11-Aug-27 28-Oct-27 to 1932 New York
HMV: 1642
20922 Mlle. Modiste (Victor Herbert): Kiss me again -
Troubadours, The (Hugo Frey’s Orchestra)
BVE-39613- 2 30-Jun-27 28-Oct-27 to Jun-42 New York
HMV: 7-673, AM924, K5366, R4911
20922 Roses of Picardy (Haydn Wood) -
Troubadours, The (Hugo Frey’s Orchestra)
BVE-28262- 6 30-Jun-27 28-Oct-27 to Jun-42 New York
HMV: 7-672, AM924, R4911
20923 Dawning (Abner Silver; Maceo Pinkard) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Shaw, Elliott - baritone; Orchestra - humming
BVE-39148- 2 2-Sep-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-676, AM920, B5434, EG711
20923 I fell head over heels in love (Donovan Parsens; Pat Thayer) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
White, Hal - vocal
BVE-39149- 3 2-Sep-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-677, AM920, B5432, K5405
20924 Charmaine (Erno Rapée)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39108- 2 24-Aug-27 28-Oct-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-678
20924 Me and my shadow (Al Jolson; Dave Dreyer; Billy Rose)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39107- 5 14-Sep-27 28-Oct-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-681
20925 Pastafazoola (Frank Sabini; Ed Clark; Gus Van; Joe Schenck)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-39165- 3 8-Sep-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4409
20925 Since Henry Ford apologized to me (Dave Stomper; Ballard McDonald; Billy Rose)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-39167- 1 8-Sep-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4408
20926 Slow river (Henry Myers; Charles M. Schwab; Arr. Bill Challis)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Ed Sheasby - director
BVE-38607- 4 6-May-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 Camden
Victor: 25354
HMV: 7-680, B5397 Zonophone: AE2072
20926 Zulu wail (Frank Skinner; Irving Bibo) - A “wail” of blues
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-39619- 2 1-Jul-27 28-Oct-27 to 1929 New York
Victor: X-16051, Pict-Ur-Music 0111
HMV: 7-679, K5419
20927 Do Lord remember me (Ernest Phipps)
Ernest Phipps and his Holiness Quartette - vocal
Guitars (2) and violin (NL)
BVE-39711- 2 26-Jul-27 18-Nov-27 to 1933 Bristol, TN
20927 Old ship of Zion (Ernest Phipps)
Ernest Phipps and his Holiness Quartette - vocal
Guitars (2) and violin (NL)
BVE-39712- 2 26-Jul-27 18-Nov-27 to 1933 Bristol, TN
20928 Going to raise a rucus to-night (H.G. Wheeler; J.W. Wheeler)
Georgia Yellow Hammers: Evans, Clyde - guitar; Landress, Uncle Bud - violin;
Moody, C.E. - banjo and ukulele; Reeves, C.P. - guitar
BVE-39780- 2 9-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1931 Charlotte, NC
20928 Mary, don’t you weep (Bud Landress)
Georgia Yellow Hammers: Evans, Clyde - guitar; Landress, Uncle Bud - violin;
Moody, C.E. - banjo and ukulele; Reeves, C.P. - guitar
BVE-39779- 2 9-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1931 Charlotte, NC
20000 / 21000 SERIES 155
20929 Bees are humming around the flowers (Ernest Moody)
Moody, Ernest - vocal and guitar
Reeve, Phil - vocal and guitar
BVE-39789- 2 10-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1929 Charlotte, NC
20929 Rock all our babies to sleep (Jule Keen)
Moody, Ernest - vocal and guitar
Reeve, Phil - vocal and guitar
BVE-37909- 5 10-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1929 Charlotte, NC
20930 Leavenworth (Duel Frady)
Frady, Duel - vocal and guitar
Stephens, J. D. - banjo
BVE-39814- 1 15-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1930 Charlotte, NC
20930 Poor boy (Duel Frady)
Frady, Duel - vocal and guitar
Stephens, J. D. - banjo
BVE-39813- 1 15-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1930 Charlotte, NC
20931 I love my mountain home (Dock Walsh)
Carolina Tar Heels
Foster, Gwen - vocal, guitar and harmonica; Walsh, Dock- vocal and banjo
BVE-39810- 3 15-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1932 Charlotte, NC
20931 When the good Lord sets you free (Dock Walsh)
Carolina Tar Heels
Foster, Gwen - vocal, guitar and harmonica; Walsh, Dock- vocal and banjo
BVE-39811- 1 15-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1932 Charlotte, NC
20932 Last great round up, The (Carl T. Sprague; Words From “Lomax Cowboy Ballads”)
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor and guitar
Mintz, Joe - violin; Olsen, Olie - violin
BVE-39839- 3 24-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1933 Savannah, GA
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4466
20932 Rounded up in glory (Carl T. Sprague; Words From “Lomax Cowboy Ballads”)
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor and guitar
Mintz, Joe - violin; Olsen, Olie - violin
BVE-39838- 2 24-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1933 Savannah, GA
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4466
20933 To the work (Fanny J. Crosby; William H. Doanne)
Karnes, Alfred G. - vocal and guitar
BVE-39743- 1 29-Jul-27 2-Dec-27 to 1934 Bristol, TN
20933 When they ring the golden bells for you and me (Dion de Marbelle)
Karnes, Alfred G. - vocal and guitar
BVE-39742- 2 29-Jul-27 2-Dec-27 to 1934 Bristol, TN
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4348
20934 Black pine waltz (Gwen Foster)
Foster, Gwen - vocal, guitar and harmonica
BVE-39796- 1 11-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1931 Charlotte, NC
20934 Wilkes County blues (Gwen Foster)
Foster, Gwen - harmonica
BVE-39812- 2 15-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1931 Charlotte, NC
20935 I have no loving mother now (Kelly Harrell)
Harrell, Kelly - baritone; Norton, Henry - tenor
Virginia String Band (NL)
BVE-39801- 2 12-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1933 Charlotte, NC
20935 Row us over the tide (Kelly Harrell)
Harrell, Kelly - baritone; Norton, Henry - tenor
Virginia String Band (NL)
BVE-39800- 2 12-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1933 Charlotte, NC
20936 Battleship of Maine, The (Gus Williams; J.P. Skelly)
Red Patterson’s Piedmont Log Rollers - banjos (2), guitar and violin (NL)
Patterson, Red - vocal
BVE-39803- 2 12-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1932 Charlotte, NC
20936 I’ll never get drunk any more (Gus Williams; J.P. Skelly)
Red Patterson’s Piedmont Log Rollers - banjos (2), guitar and violin (NL)
Patterson, Red - vocal; Male Chorus - 5 voices (NL)
BVE-39806- 2 12-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1932 Charlotte, NC
20937 Single girl, married girl (A.P. Carter)
Carter Family - vocal, guitar and autoharp:
Carter, Mabel - vocal; Carter, Sara - vocal
BVE-39754- 2 2-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1934 Bristol, TN
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-7445
20937 Storms are on the ocean, The (A.P. Carter)
Carter Family - vocal, guitar and autoharp:
Carter, A.P. - vocal; Carter, Mabel - vocal; Carter, Sara - vocal
BVE-39753- 2 1-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1934 Bristol, TN
Victor: Bluebird B-6176, Montgomery Ward M-7021
20938 Barney McCoy (J. Murphy)
Dunford, Uncle Eck - vocal and guitar
Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone and harmonica; Guitar, harmonica, ukulele and violin (NL)
BVE-39719- 1 27-Jul-27 16-Dec-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
20938 Skip to ma lou, my darling (Eck Dunford)
Dunford, Uncle Eck - vocal and guitar
Edwards, I. - harmonica and ukulele; Stoneman, Hattie - violin
BVE-39718- 2 27-Jul-27 16-Dec-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
20939 I mean to live for Jesus (Alfred Reed)
Reed, “Blind” Alfred - baritone and violin
BVE-39726- 1 28-Jul-27 16-Dec-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
20939 You must unload (Charles H. Stanley)
Reed, “Blind” Alfred - baritone and violin
Guitar (NL)
BVE-39727- 1 28-Jul-27 16-Dec-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
20940 Careless love
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - vocal and steel guitar; Johnson, Paul - vocal and guitar
BVE-38904- 1 12-May-27 16-Dec-27 to 1932 Camden
20940 I want to see my mother (Ten thousand miles away) (Charles Johnson; Paul Johnson)
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - guitar; Johnson, Paul - vocal and guitar
Tennessee Wildcats - bones (NL)
BVE-39731- 2 28-Jul-27 16-Dec-27 to 1932 Bristol, TN
20941 Bulldog down in sunny Tennessee, The (Dock Walsh) - Parody of “The girl I loved
in sunny Tennessee”+E1961
Carolina Tar Heels
Foster, Gwen - vocal, guitar and harmonica; Walsh, Dock- vocal and banjo
BVE-39794- 3 11-Aug-27 16-Dec-27 to 1932 Charlotte, NC
20941 Shanghai in China (Dock Walsh)
Carolina Tar Heels
Foster, Gwen - vocal, guitar and harmonica; Walsh, Dock- vocal and banjo
BVE-39795- 2 11-Aug-27 16-Dec-27 to 1932 Charlotte, NC
20942 He loves me
Turkey Mountain Singers
Barnette, J.M. organ
BVE-39792- 2 10-Aug-27 16-Dec-27 to 1930 Charlotte, NC
20942 I am bound for the promised land (Samuel Stennett, Miss M. Durham)
Turkey Mountain Singers
Barnette, J.M. organ
BVE-39791- 2 10-Aug-27 16-Dec-27 to 1930 Charlotte, NC
20000 / 21000 SERIES 157
20943 My Carolina girl (Ernest Moody; Bud Landress)
Georgia Yellow Hammers: Evans, Clyde - guitar; Landress, Uncle Bud - violin;
Moody, C.E. - banjo and ukulele; Reeves, C.P. - guitar
BVE-39787- 2 10-Aug-27 16-Dec-27 to 1934 Charlotte, NC
20943 Picture on the wall, The (Bud Landress)
Georgia Yellow Hammers: Evans, Clyde - guitar; Landress, Uncle Bud - violin;
Moody, C.E. - banjo and ukulele; Reeves, C.P. - guitar
BVE-39782- 2 9-Aug-27 16-Dec-27 to 1934 Charlotte, NC
20944 St. Louis shuffle (Jack Pettis; Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller)
Fletcher Henderson’s Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-38496- 2 27-Apr-27 4-Nov-27 to 1930 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-10246, Pict-Ur-Music 0117
20944 Variety stomp (Jo Trent; Ray Henderson; Bud Green)
Fletcher Henderson’s Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-38497- 3 27-Apr-27 4-Nov-27 to 1930 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-10246
20945 Fightin’ blues (Laura Smith)
Smith, Laura - vocal
Jones, Clarence - piano
BVE-38653- 2 8-Jun-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
20945 Red River blues (Edgar Dowell)
Smith, Laura - vocal
Jones, Clarence - piano
BVE-38654- 2 8-Jun-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
20946 Baby dear (Bennie Moten; Thamon Hayes) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra
Dent, Laforest - vocal; Hayes, Thamon - vocal
BVE-38670- 3 11-Jun-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
20946 Twelfth Street rag (Euday L. Bowman)
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra
BVE-38671- 1 11-Jun-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0116
20947 All the way
Pace Jubilee Singers - alto, baritone, bass, sopranos (2)
BVE-38675- 2 13-Jun-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
20947 I’ll journey on
Pace Jubilee Singers - alto, baritone, bass, sopranos (2)
BVE-38676- 1 13-Jun-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
20948 Beale Street blues (W.C. Handy)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers
BVE-38661- 1 10-Jun-27 18-Nov-27 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-10252*
HMV: B10341, EA4005, HN3078, JK2599, SG493, VSG11
20948 Pearls, The (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers
BVE-38662- 3 10-Jun-27 18-Nov-27 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-10252*
HMV: B10341, EA4005*, HN3078, JK2599, SG493, VSG11
20949 Gospel train
Livingstone College Male Quartet
BVE-39652- 2 12-Jul-27 18-Nov-27 to 1929 Camden
20949 Mosquito
Livingstone College Male Quartet
BVE-39651- 2 12-Jul-27 18-Nov-27 to 1929 Camden
20950 Going up the King’s highway (Lucy E. Campbell)
Rosemond, Connie - vocal, melodian and piano
BVE-39446- 2 20-Jul-27 18-Nov-27 to 1929 Camden
20950 Lord is my shepherd, The (Lucy E. Campbell)
Rosemond, Connie - vocal, melodian and piano
BVE-39445- 1 20-Jul-27 18-Nov-27 to 1929 Camden
20951 Narrow glance blues (El Watson)
Watson, El - harmonica
Johnson, Charles - guitar
BVE-39733- 2 28-Jul-27 18-Nov-27 to 1931 Bristol, TN
20951 Pot liquor blues (El Watson)
Watson, El - harmonica
Johnson, Charles - guitar
BVE-39732- 2 28-Jul-27 18-Nov-27 to 1931 Bristol, TN
20952 Lady mine (Robert H. Cloud)
Ross Deluxe Syncopaters
Ross, Alonzo - vocal
BVE-39829- 3 22-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1930 Savannah, GA
20952 Mary Bell (Casker Towie; Arr. Robert H. Cloud)
Ross Deluxe Syncopaters
BVE-39825- 4 22-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1930 Savannah, GA
20953 Sure as you take a woman from somebody else (L.C. Prigett)
Prigett, L.C. vocal
Walker, Clarence T. - piano
BVE-39850- 4 26-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1929 Savannah, GA
20953 When I say ta-ta, it means good-bye (L.C. Prigett)
Prigett, L.C. vocal; Prigett, Martha - vocal
Walker, Clarence T. - piano
BVE-39853- 2 27-Aug-27 18-Nov-27 to 1929 Savannah, GA
20954 National blues (Clifford Hayes)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjo, jug, piano, saxophones (2) and violin (NL)
BVE-38635- 3 6-Jun-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
20954 Southern shout (Clifford Hayes; H. Grundy)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjo, jug, piano, saxophones (2) and violin (NL)
BVE-38636- 2 6-Jun-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
20955 Blue guitar stomp (Cal Smith)
Clifford Hayes’ Louisville Stompers - guitar, piano, trombone and violin
BVE-38646- 1 7-Jun-27 2-Dec-27 to 1934 Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-6204
HMV: 7-818, R4979
20955 Moten stomp (Bennie Moten; Thamon Hayes) -
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra
BVE-38674- 3 12-Jun-27 2-Dec-27 to 1934 Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-6204, Pict-Ur-Music 0113
HMV: 7-817 Zonophone: AE2208
20956 Michael, hand me down my robes (Imperial Quintette: Benjamin Byrant; Frank Jackson;
Billy Robinson; Clarence Robinson; Henry Singleton)
Imperial Quintette: Bryant, Benjamin - tenor; Jackson, Frank - bass; Robinson, Clarence - tenor;
Robinson, Willy - tenor; Singleton, Henry - baritone
BVE-39844- 2 24-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 Savannah, GA
20956 We pray to the peace of Jerusalem (Imperial Quintette: Benjamin Byrant; Frank Jackson;
Billy Robinson; Clarence Robinson; Henry Singleton)
Imperial Quintette: Bryant, Benjamin - tenor; Jackson, Frank - bass; Robinson, Clarence - tenor;
Robinson, Willy - tenor; Singleton, Henry - baritone
BVE-39847- 2 24-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 Savannah, GA
20000 / 21000 SERIES 159
20957 Pick poor robin clean (Luke Jordan)
Jordan, Luke - vocal and guitar
BVE-39820- 2 16-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 Charlotte, NC
20957 Traveling coon (Luke Jordan)
Jordan, Luke - vocal and guitar
BVE-39822- 1 16-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 Charlotte, NC
20958 Ain’t she sweet? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Cooksey, Robert - harmonica
Leecan, Bobby - guitar
BVE-38929- 2 24-May-27 16-Dec-27 to 1929 Camden
20958 Royal palm blues (Bobby Leecan)
Cooksey, Robert - harmonica
Leecan, Bobby - guitar
BVE-38931- 1 24-May-27 16-Dec-27 to 1929 Camden
20959 Cryin’ holy unto the lord - Spiritual
Taskiana Four (NL)
BVE-39669- 1 18-Jul-27 16-Dec-27 to 1933 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-5264, Montgomery Ward M-4841, Sunrise S-3345
HMV: 40-6497
20959 Oh, my mother, you got to bow so low (Taskiana Four: Norman Allen; Edward Foster;
Daniel Johnson; James Ricks)
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Taskiana Four (NL)
BVE-39670- 2 18-Jul-27 16-Dec-27 to 1933 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-5746
20960 Jacksonville blues (Robert H. Cloud)
Jacksonville Harmony Trio: Frazier, Charles - tenor; Pratt, Lester - baritone;
Underwood, Sugar - piano
BVE-39831- 3 23-Aug-27 16-Dec-27 to 1931 Savannah, GA
HMV: 4-4449
20960 Them piano blues (Robert H. Cloud)
Jacksonville Harmony Trio: Frazier, Charles - tenor; Pratt, Lester - baritone;
Underwood, Sugar - piano
BVE-39834- 2 23-Aug-27 16-Dec-27 to 1931 Savannah, GA
HMV: 4-4450
20961 Florida rhythm (Robert H. Cloud)
Ross Deluxe Syncopaters
Houston, Frank - vocal
BVE-39827- 2 22-Aug-27 16-Dec-27 to 1929 Savannah, GA
HMV: 7-925
20961 Skad-o-lee (Robert H. Cloud)
Ross Deluxe Syncopaters
Miller, Margaret - vocal
BVE-39823- 2 22-Aug-27 16-Dec-27 to 1929 Savannah, GA
HMV: 7-926
20962 Bamalong blues (Andrew Baxter; Jim Baxter)
Baxter, Andrew - violin; Baxter, Jim - vocal and guitar
BVE-39784- 2 9-Aug-27 16-Dec-27 to 1931 Charlotte, NC
20962 K.C. Railroad blues (Andrew Baxter; Jim Baxter)
Baxter, Andrew - violin; Baxter, Jim - vocal and guitar
BVE-39785- 1 9-Aug-27 16-Dec-27 to 1931 Charlotte, NC
20963 Baby feet go pitter-patter (‘Cross my floor) (Gustave “Gus” Kahn)
Duncan Sisters, The: Duncan, Rosetta - vocal; Duncan, Vivian - vocal
Kisco, Charles - piano; Kisco, Mrs. Charles - piano
BVE-40213- 2 16-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8540
20963 Dawning (Abner Silver; Maceo Pinkard)
Duncan Sisters, The: Duncan, Rosetta - vocal; Duncan, Vivian - vocal
Kisco, Charles - piano; Kisco, Mrs. Charles - piano
BVE-40200- 4 16-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8541
20964 Are you thinking of me to-night? (Benny Davis; Harry Akst; L. Wolfe Gilbert)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39190- 2 16-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: 24573
HMV: 6-2920, B2644
20964 My blue heaven (George Whiting; Walter Donaldson)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Small orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39179- 1 14-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: 24573
HMV: 6-2919, B2644, EG753, K5406
20965 Missouri waltz (John V. Eppel; Arr. Frederick Knight Logan)
Mason, Al (Alika Joe) - guitar
Frederick, Irene - guitar
PBVE- 265- 5 27-Apr-27 Dec-27 to 1931+ San Francisco
20965 Three o’clock in the morning (Dorothy Terriss; Julian Robledo) -
Mason, Al (Alika Joe) - guitar
Frederick, Irene - guitar
PBVE- 264- 5 27-Apr-27 Dec-27 to 1931+ San Francisco
20966 Billie the Kid (Andrew Jenkins)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor and harmonica
Kellner, Murray - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-38458- 2 12-Apr-27 16-Dec-27 to 1931 New York
20966 Jessie James
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor and harmonica
Kellner, Murray - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-38457- 2 12-Apr-27 16-Dec-27 to 1931 New York
20967 Baby feet go pitter-patter (‘Cross my floor) (Gustave “Gus” Kahn) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-39164- 1 8-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-695, AM1164, B5416, K5413, R4915
20967 My daddy (Ted Strong) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-39163- 2 8-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-694, AM1164, B5416, R4915
20968 Dawn in an old world garden (English song birds awakening)
Beatrice Harrison’s Garden - bird record
BR1048- 1 3-May-27 25-Nov-27 to 1931+ Oxted, Surrey
HMV: 2-9255, AM669, B2469, EG532, K5615 Zonophone: AE1891
20968 Nightingales in song
Beatrice Harrison’s Garden - bird record
BR1043- 1 3-May-27 25-Nov-27 to 1931+ Oxted, Surrey
HMV: 2-9252, AM669, B2469, K5615 Zonophone: AE1891
20000 / 21000 SERIES 161
20969 Mazurka des oiseaux (M. Puig)
Gardoni, Fredo - accordion
Puig, M. - banjo
BFR154- 1 21-Oct-26 Dec-27 to 1931 Paris
HMV: 2-239161, K5090
20969 Réveil de tzigane (M. Puig)
Gardoni, Fredo - accordion
Puig, M. - banjo
BFR281- 1 13-Jan-27 Dec-27 to 1931 Paris
HMV: 2-239152, K5090
20970 At the theater - Part 1
Baker, Phil - talking and accordion
Silvers, Sid - talking
BVE-39117- 3 21-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 1645, B2670
20970 At the theater - Part 2
Baker, Phil - talking and accordion
Silvers, Sid - talking
BVE-39118- 2 21-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 1646, B2670
HMV might have used take 3
20971 Girl of my dreams, I love you (Sunny Clapp) -
Blue Steele and his Orchestra
Sargent, Kenneth - vocal
BVE-39851- 3 26-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1931 Savannah, GA
Victor: Bluebird B-5867
HMV: 7-794, B5585, EA300
20971 Sugar babe, I’m leavin’ (Sol Lewis; Sonny Clapp) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Blue Steele and his Orchestra
Sargent, Kenneth - vocal; Schmitt, Pete - vocal; Steele, Blue - tenor; Speaker (NL)
BVE-39852- 3 26-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1931 Savannah, GA
Victor: Bluebird B-5867
HMV: 7-795, B5440 Zonophone: AE2210
20972 Dancing tambourine (Phil Ponce; William C. Polla) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-40230- 3 22-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0129
HMV: 7-688, R4685 Zonophone: AE2054
20972 Shady tree, A (Walter Donaldson) -
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Hunt, Mildred - vocal
BVE-40229- 1 22-Sep-27 4-Nov-27 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-689, AM935, B5427, K5350
20973 Beautiful Ohio (Mary Earl) -
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal
BVE-38391- 7 21-Sep-27 25-Nov-27 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-705, AM986, B5410, B5974, EG739, K5357, R4947 Zonophone: AE2054
20973 Missouri waltz (John V. Eppel; Arr. Frederick Knight Logan)
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-38392- 7 21-Sep-27 25-Nov-27 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-704, AM986, B5410, B5974, EG739, R4947
20974 Little red hen, The (Jacobs) (From Fairy Tales of Many Folk”)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Faulkner, Georgene (“The Story Lady”) - talking
BVE-13023- 4 30-Aug-27 Dec-27 to 1941 Camden
20974 Three billy goats gruff, The (George Dasent) -
Faulkner, Georgene (“The Story Lady”) - talking
BVE-11719- 8 30-Aug-27 Dec-27 to 1941 Camden
20975 Sweet maids of Caven + Saddle the pony -
Irish jigsIrish jigs
Irish jigsIrish jigs
Irish jigs
Murphy, Jack - accordion
BVE-40219- 1 16-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 2-9331
20975 Widow Magee -
Comic Irish songComic Irish song
Comic Irish songComic Irish song
Comic Irish song
Murphy, Jack - talking, vocal and violin
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-40216- 2 16-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2005
20976 Sidewalks of New York (Eddie Dowling, James Frederick Hanley): Headin’ for Harlem -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-40110- 2 23-Sep-27 11-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-691, B5437, K5414
20976 Sidewalks of New York (Eddie Dowling, James Frederick Hanley): Wherever you are -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-40111- 3 23-Sep-27 11-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-690, AM1209, B5437, K5414
20977 Are you happy? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Small orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39178- 2 14-Sep-27 18-Nov-27 to 1934 New York
HMV: 6-2916, B2642
20977 Sweetheart of Sigma Chi, The (Byron D. Stokes; F. Dudleigh Vernor)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39189- 2 16-Sep-27 18-Nov-27 to 1934 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-6815, Montgomery Ward M-7061
HMV: 6-2917, B2642
20978 Are you lonesome to-night? (Roy Turk; Lou Handman) -
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra of Boston
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-40119- 1 26-Sep-27 11-Nov-27 to 1934 New York
HMV: 7-693, R4949
20978 Merry Malones, The (George M. Cohan): Molly Malone -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-39180- 2 15-Sep-27 11-Nov-27 to 1934 New York
HMV: 7-692, AM936, R4949
20979 Second Regiment Connecticut National Guard march (David W. Reeves)
United States Marine Band, Captain Taylor Branson - director
BVE-40030- 3 24-Sep-27 25-Nov-27 to 1930 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0136
HMV: 5-313, EG823, EX20 Zonophone: AE2092
20979 Semper fidelis (John Philip Sousa) -
United States Marine Band, Captain Taylor Branson - director
BVE-40028- 3 23-Sep-27 25-Nov-27 to 1930 Camden - Church
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0135
HMV: 5-312, EG823, EX20 Zonophone: AE2092
20000 / 21000 SERIES 163
20980 Oh, Master let me walk with thee (Washington Gladden; I.H. Meredith)
Tietge Sisters: Tietge, Elsie - contralto; Tietge, Florence - soprano; Tietge, Martha - piano
BVE-38589- 2 26-Sep-27 25-Nov-27 to 1929 Camden - Studio 1
HMV: 4-4413 Zonophone: 5095
20980 Silvery stars (E.E. Hewitt; Broughton Edwards)
Tietge Sisters: Tietge, Elsie - contralto; Tietge, Florence - soprano; Tietge, Martha - piano
BVE-38591- 2 26-Sep-27 25-Nov-27 to 1929 Camden - Studio 1
HMV: 4-4412 Zonophone: 5095
20981 Blue River (Alfred Byron; Joseph Meyer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-40211- 3 15-Sep-27 11-Nov-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-717, EA260
20981 When the morning glories wake up in the morning (Then I’ll kiss your lips to-night)
(Billy Rose; Fred Fisher) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra of Boston
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-40120- 1 26-Sep-27 11-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-716, EG753
20982 Dead drunk blues (George W. Thomas)
Johnson, Margaret - soprano
Guitar, harmonica and piano (NL)
BVE-37682- 2 14-Feb-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 Camden
20982 What kinda love is that? (Phil Worde; Andy Razaf)
Johnson, Margaret - soprano
Banjo, clarinet, concertine, piano and string bass (NL)
BVE-35757- 1 9-Jul-26 2-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
20983 Traditional Zuni songs: Sunrise call, The (“Recorded and harmonized byCarlos Troyer) -
Chief Caupolican (Emile Barrangon) - baritone
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-39863- 1 29-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
20983 Traditional Zuni songs: Zuni blanket song (“Recorded and harmonized by” Carlos Troyer)
Lover’s wooing” -
Chief Caupolican (Emile Barrangon) - baritone
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-39864- 1 29-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
20984 After I’ve called you sweetheart (Bernie Grossman; Little Jack Little)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Smalle, Ed - vocal and piano; Shilkret, Jack - organ; Orchestra, Nathanial Shilkret - director
BVE-40131- 2 28-Sep-27 11-Nov-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4407
20984 Give me a night in June (Cliff Friend)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Small orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-40132- 2 28-Sep-27 11-Nov-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2918, B2636
20985 C’est vous (Abner Greenberg; Abner Silver; Harry Richman) - “It’s you
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Luther, Frank - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano
BVE-40112- 2 23-Sep-27 11-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4416, B2639, K5439
20985 Dawn of tomorrow (Jeanne Gravelle; Joe Green)
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Luther, Frank - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano
BVE-40113- 2 23-Sep-27 11-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4417, B2639, K5439
20986 Going through Lorriane + Praise to the father + La cachucha + Bosnian shepherd song -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-39332- 1 21-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1941 Camden
20986 Lavender’s blue + I had a little nut tree + Golden slumbers kiss your eyes + Sweet nightingale +
The Spanish gypsy -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-39581²- 2 21-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1941
Matrix used twice
20987 Baa, baa black sheep + How many miles to Babylon? + Bobby Shafto (Rose Gaynor) +
Baby dear (Janet Gaynor) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-39331- 1 21-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1941 Camden
20987 Little shoemaker, The + Song of iron + The blacksmith (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) -
Brown, Edna (Elsie Baker) - contralto
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-14581- 3 15-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1941 Camden - Church
20988 Gustafs skoal - From “Dances of the People” (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- -
- -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-40043- 1 27-Sep-27 Dec-27 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
20988 Lott ‘ist tod (Swedish folk dance; Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal; C. Ward Crampton) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-20056- 3 28-Sep-27 Dec-27 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
20989 Ace of diamonds, The - Danish folk dance (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-11916- 2 28-Sep-27 Dec-27 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
20989 Bleking - Swedish folk dance (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-11915- 3 28-Sep-27 Dec-27 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
20990 Don Juan (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, K.527) - Minuet -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-11922- 3 28-Sep-27 Dec-27 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
20990 May pole dance - Bluff King Hal (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-11918- 3 28-Sep-27 Dec-27 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
20991 Poppy, The - From “Folk Dances from Old Homelands” (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- -
- -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-40041- 2 27-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20991 Wind that shakes the barley + White cockade + The rakes of the Mallow - From
“National Dances of Ireland” (Collected by Elizabeth Burchenal) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-40040- 2 27-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden - Church
20992 Tantoli (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal) - From “Folk Dance Music”
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-12134- 4 27-Sep-27 Dec-27 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
20992 Wheat, The + Oeshbogar (Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-40042- 1 27-Sep-27 Dec-27 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
20000 / 21000 SERIES 165
20993 Christmas bells (W.W. Gilchrist) + Good King Wencelas + Joy to the world
(George Frederic Handel) -
Reitz, William H. - chimes
BVE-39887- 3 24-Oct-27 Dec-27 to Apr-53 Camden
20993 Deck the hall (Old Welsh air) + We three Kings of orient are (J.H. Hopkins) +
The first nowell (Traditional) -
Reitz, William H. - chimes
BVE-39888- 4 24-Oct-27 Dec-27 to Apr-53 Camden
20994 Baltimore (Danny Healy; Irving Kahal) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jack Crawford and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-40121- 3 27-Sep-27 18-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-710
20994 Clementine (Henry Creamer; Harry Warren)
- “A slow Fox trot from New Orleans” - “A slow Fox trot from New Orleans”
- “A slow Fox trot from New Orleans” - “A slow Fox trot from New Orleans”
- “A slow Fox trot from New Orleans”
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-40212- 2 15-Sep-27 18-Nov-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 25283
HMV: 7-711, B5402, B9237, EA1706, EA3617, EG3856
20995 My Maryland (Dorothy Donnelly; Sigmund Romberg): Mother
Herbert, Evelyn - vocal
Orchestra with men from Camden, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-39878- 2 5-Oct-27 18-Nov-27 to 1931+ New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 3-3320, B3938
20995 My Maryland (Dorothy Donnelly; Sigmund Romberg): Silver moon
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Herbert, Evelyn - vocal
Orchestra with men from Camden, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-39877- 3 5-Oct-27 18-Nov-27 to 1931+ New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4-4415, B3938
20996 Five O’clock Girl (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby): Up in the clouds -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-40157- 2 7-Oct-27 18-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-712, EG729, K5376
20996 Five O’clock Girl, The (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby): Thinking of you -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-40134- 2 29-Sep-27 18-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-713, EG729
20997 I can’t believe that youre in love with me (Clarence Gaskill; Jimmy McHugh)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and guitar
Banta, Frank E. - piano; Sannella, Andy - clarinet
BVE-37792- 3 17-Feb-27 25-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2926, B2643
20997 That night in June (Henry H. Tobias; Irving Mills)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone and mandola; Miller, Jim - tenor and guitar
Garristo, Frank “Jazz” - lute
BVE-38192- 5 12-Apr-27 25-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4414
20998 Japanese sunset, A (Jessie L. Deppen)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director and celeste
BVE-30332- 3 23-Nov-26 1928 to 1941 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0199
HMV: 8-860
20998 Mystery of night, The (Lucien Denni; Gwynne Denni)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director and celeste
BVE-32223- 5 23-Nov-26 1928 to 1941 New York
20999 Closer to Jesus (R.H. McDaniel; Charles H. Gabriel)
Burr, Henry - tenor; Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-37340- 3 5-Jan-27 1928 to 1941 Camden - Church
20999 Drifting (E.E. Hewitt; B.D. Ackley)
Burr, Henry - tenor; Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-37339- 2 5-Jan-27 1928 to 1941 Camden - Church
20000 / 21000 SERIES 167
21000 Dream kisses (Jack Yellen; M.K. Jerome) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Lawley, Cooper - vocal; Yates, Harold - tenor
BVE-39162- 1 8-Sep-27 18-Nov-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-703, B5468, K5366, R4913
21000 Seventh Heaven (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée): Diane, I’m in heaven when I see you smile
- -
- -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-40158- 3 7-Oct-27 18-Nov-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-702, R4913
21001 Her golden hair was hanging down her back -
Irish barn danceIrish barn dance
Irish barn danceIrish barn dance
Irish barn dance
Murphy, Jack - accordion
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-40218- 3 27-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 7-2008
21001 I was driving my cart to ould castle fair -
Comic Irish songComic Irish song
Comic Irish songComic Irish song
Comic Irish song
Murphy, Jack - talking, vocal and violin
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-40217- 1 16-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2009
21002 NR Clari (Henry Bishop): Home sweet home
Carillon Bells, Percival Price - ringer
BVE-38517- 1 1-Jul-27
Not released
Ottawa, Canada - House of Commons
21002 NR O Canada (Calixa Lavallée) + Maple Leaf Forever (Alexander Muir) +
God save the King (Henry Carey)
Carillon Bells, Percival Price - ringer
BVE-38520- 1 1-Jul-27
Not released
Ottawa, Canada - House of Commons
21003 I’m coming, Virginia (Will Marion Cook; Donald Heywood)
Tate, Carroll C. - vocal and piano
BVE-39872- 3 5-Oct-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 Camden - Studio 1
21003 Who’s wonderful, who’s marvelous? Miss Annabelle Lee (Sidney Clare; Lewis Pollack)
Tate, Carroll C. - vocal and piano
BVE-39874- 2 5-Oct-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 Camden - Studio 1
21004 Casey, the tinker (Arr. Ed Geoghagen) -
Ed Geoghegan and his Orchestra
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-39946- 2 8-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-850
21004 Sweeneys musical party (Arr. Ed Geoghagen) -
Ed Geoghegan and his Orchestra
Geoghegan, Ed - piano; Murphy, Jack - talking
BVE-39944- 4 29-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-849
21005 Ballashanon boys + Rollican boys -
Irish jigsIrish jigs
Irish jigsIrish jigs
Irish jigs
Sweeney, Francis - piano
Sweeney, John - violin
BVE-39199- 1 21-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8569 Zonophone: 5833
Data are shown as they appear in the ledgers, except as noted in
the Introduction; label copy may vary in some instances.
* Indicates use of a transcribed master.
— 167 —
21005 Mary at school + Miss Kerneys reel -
ish reelsish reels
ish reelsish reels
ish reels
Sweeney, Francis - piano
Sweeney, John - violin
BVE-39198- 2 21-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8566 Zonophone: 5833
21006 Lonford lassies + Swallow’s tail -
ish reelsish reels
ish reelsish reels
ish reels
Emerald Quartet, Francis Sweeney - director
Sweeney, Francis - piano; Sweeney, John - violin; Saxophone and traps
BVE-40108- 2 21-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 8567
21006 Sweeneys favorite + Limerick boys -
ish jigsish jigs
ish jigsish jigs
ish jigs
Emerald Quartet, Francis Sweeney - director
Sweeney, Francis - piano; Sweeney, John - violin; Saxophone and traps
BVE-40109- 1 21-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 8568
21007 Bard of Armaugh (Old Irish air; Arr. Herbert Hughes)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-40050- 2 29-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-2003 Regal Zonophone: IZ105 Zonophone: 6233
21007 Norah O’Neale (Old Irish air; Arr. Herbert Hughes)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-40048- 1 29-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-2004 Zonophone: 5092
21008 Broken life (Rasbytays Fize) -
“Europa” Orchestra (League of Nations Orchestra), Alexander Kiriloff - director
BVE-40273- 2 4-Oct-27 Jan-28 to 1938 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: V-4140, V-21084
HMV: 8-666
21008 Broken strings -
“Europa” Orchestra (League of Nations Orchestra), Alexander Kiriloff - director
BVE-40275- 2 4-Oct-27 Jan-28 to 1938 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: V-4140, V-21084
HMV: 8-742
21009 She’ll never find a fellow like me (Walter O’Keefe; Harry Archer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Gibbs, Parker - vocal
BVE-39581'- 1 24-Aug-27 25-Nov-27 to 1929
Matrix used twice
Camden - Church
HMV: 7-707, AM1212, B5412
21009 From Saturday night till Monday morning (Alfred Dubin; Alex Marr)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Gibbs, Parker - vocal
BVE-40018- 3 20-Sep-27 25-Nov-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-706, AM1212, B5412
21010 Polly (James S. Zemecnik)
Zez Confrey and his Orchestra
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-39113- 1 25-Aug-27 25-Nov-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: X-16081, Pict-Ur-Music 0127
HMV: 7-708, AM961, B5403, EG738, K5367, R4917
21010 Prudy (Frank E. Banta; Peter de Rose)
Zez Confrey and his Orchestra (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
BVE-37523- 1 7-Jan-27 25-Nov-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: 20429, X-16080, Pict-Ur-Music 0128
HMV: 7-709, AM961, B5403, EG738, K5367, R4917
20000 / 21000 SERIES 169
21011 Loved one (Maud Henry) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Sannella, Andy - steel guitar
BVE-40135- 2 29-Sep-27 25-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-714, AM992, AM1213, B5411, K5413
21011 Siren dream, A (Lewis Pollack; Al Sherman) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra, Edwin J. McEnelly - director and violin
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-40161- 3 10-Oct-27 25-Nov-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-715, AM992, B5411, K5423, R4919
21012 Ecossaises (Ludwig van Beethoven; Arr. Ferruccio B. Busoni) -
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-39339- 4 12-Oct-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
21012 Papillon (Edvard Grieg) + Butterflies (Calixa Lavallée) -
Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-39338- 4 12-Oct-27 Dec-27 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0451
21013 That old Irish mother of mine (William Jerome; Harry von Tilzer)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-40049- 1 29-Sep-27 6-Jan-28 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Yorkville K-521
21013 That tumble-down shack in Athlone (Richard W. Pascoe; Monte Carlo; Alma M. Sanders)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-40051- 2 29-Sep-27 6-Jan-28 to 1944 Camden - Church
21014 Courting of Nan O’Shea, The (Jack Murphy) -
Comic IrComic Ir
Comic IrComic Ir
Comic Ir
ish songish song
ish songish song
ish song
Murphy, Jack - vocal and accordion
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-39855- 2 27-Sep-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930 Camden
21014 Irish rover, The (Jack Murphy) -
Comic IrComic Ir
Comic IrComic Ir
Comic Ir
ish songish song
ish songish song
ish song
Murphy, Jack - vocal and accordion
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-38599- 2 27-Sep-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930 Camden
21015 My melancholy baby (George A. Norton; Ernie Burnett)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Small orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39177- 2 14-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: 24640
HMV: 6-2950
21015 There’s a cradle in Carolina (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Fred E. Ahlert)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39183- 2 15-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 6-2949
21016 Give me a night in June (Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Leroy Shield - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor Chorus: Browne, Sam - vocal; Murray, Charles - vocal;
Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-40179- 3 14-Oct-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-725
21016 Together, we two (Irving Berlin) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Leroy Shield - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-40180- 2 14-Oct-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-724, 7-810, AM989
21017 Brown University Songs: As we go marching onward (Alfred G. Chafee ’02) + Just for Bruno and
for Brown (Donald Jackson ’09) + We are ever true to Brown (Donald Jackson ’09)
Brown University Band, Irving Harris - director
Vocal by band members
BVE-40060- 2 7-Oct-27 21-Oct-27 to 1931
Regional release
Camden - Church
21017 Brown University Songs: Cheering song (Young) + Marching song (Edward W. Corliss) + Victory
song march (Edward W. Corliss)
Brown University Band, Irving Harris - director
Vocal by band members
BVE-40061- 2 7-Oct-27 21-Oct-27 to 1931
Regional release
Camden - Church
21018 Meet me in Hawaii (Cecil Price; S. Prosser; H.M. Teasley)
Price, Cecil - vocal; Prosser, S. - vocal; Teasley, H. M. - vocal
Guitars (2) and ukulele (NL)
BVE-39815- 2 15-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1931 Charlotte, NC
21018 Wabash blues (Dave Ringle; Fred Meinken)
Price, Cecil - vocal; Prosser, S. - vocal; Teasley, H. M. - vocal
Guitars (2) and ukulele (NL)
BVE-39816- 1 15-Aug-27 2-Dec-27 to 1931 Charlotte, NC
21019 My heart will tell me so (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter E. Blaufuss)
James, Lewis - tenor
Linton, Charles - pianoOrchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-37640- 4 24-Jan-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 6-2934 Zonophone: 5075
21019 Seventh Heaven (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée): Diane, I’m in heaven when I see you smile
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-40136- 1 29-Sep-27 2-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-2933 Zonophone: 5075
21020 Fledermaus, Die (Johann Strauss) - Selection: Part 1
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BDR4609- 1 18-May-27 Jan-28 to 1931 Berlin
HMV: 8-40557, AM729, AM3818, B3380, BA319, EG549, K5837 Zonophone: AE3297
21020 Fledermaus, Die (Johann Strauss) - Selection: Part 2
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BDR4610- 1 18-May-27 Jan-28 to 1931 Berlin
HMV: 8-40558, AM729, AM3818, B3380, BA319, EG549, K5837 Zonophone: AE3297
21021 A media luz (Donato) -
ango milongaango milonga
ango milongaango milonga
ango milonga
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BDR4656- 1 1-Jun-27 Jan-28 to 1931+ Berlin
HMV: 8-40198, AM1812, EG569
21021 Pasion Criolla (Grupillo) -
ango milongaango milonga
ango milongaango milonga
ango milonga
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BDR4657- 1 1-Jun-27 Jan-28 to 1931+ Berlin
HMV: 8-40199, AM1812, EG569
21022 Just a couple o’ good guys gone wrong - Listed in the ledger as “Two good boys gone wrong”
Jans, Harry - comic; Whalen, Harold - comic
BVE-39116- 4 12-Sep-27 9-Dec-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 1656, B2675
21022 Well! Well! Well! - Comic dialogue - Listed in the ledger as “Foolery”
Jans, Harry - comic; Whalen, Harold - comic
BVE-39174- 1 12-Sep-27 9-Dec-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 1655, B2675
21023 If your heart keeps right (Lizzie de Armond; B.D. Ackley)
Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-37335- 4 5-Jan-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2963
20000 / 21000 SERIES 171
21023 Unclouded day, The (J.K. Alwood)
Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-37331- 1 4-Jan-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2964
21024 Old pal, why don’t you answer me? (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; M.K. Jerome)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-24641- 7 14-Jun-26 30-Dec-27 to 1934 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-211
HMV: 6-2962
21024 When you’re gone, I won’t forget (Ivan Reid; Peter de Rose)
Peerless Quartet: Burr, Henry - tenor; Campbell, Albert - tenor; Croxton, Frank - bass;
Meyer, John - bass
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-24632- 5 5-Oct-25 30-Dec-27 to 1934 Camden
Victor: Aurora 36-211
HMV: 4-4168
21025 Blue baby (Raymond Klages; Grace Green; Jesse Greer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-40182- 2 14-Oct-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-727, B5432, K5420, R4923 Zonophone: AE2132
21025 Where is my Meyer? (Where’s Himalya?) (Anton Profes; L. Wolfe Gilbert) -
Transcribed from Balieffs “Chauve-Souris
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Hall, Arthur - tenor
BVE-40185- 3 15-Oct-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-726, AM1162, B5448 Zonophone: AE2112
21026 Our American girl (Irving Mills; James V. Monaco)
Peerless Quartet (NL)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
BVE-40197- 2 20-Oct-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-741
21026 Worryin’ (George Fairman) -
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal
BVE-40181- 4 14-Oct-27 2-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-740, AM987, B5428, K5420
21027 Connecticut Yankee, A (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): My heart stood still
Melville, Gideon - vocal
Cello, piano, string bass and 2 violins (NL)
BVE-40191- 3 19-Oct-27 23-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2952, B2668
21027 Hours I spent with you, The (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Little Jack Little)
Melville, Gideon - vocal
Cello, piano, string bass and 2 violins (NL)
BVE-40190- 2 19-Oct-27 23-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2953, B2668
21028 I’ll be lonely (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-40511- 2 25-Oct-27 9-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-2946, B2676
21028 Song is ended (But the melody lingers on), The (Irving Berlin)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-40509- 3 25-Oct-27 9-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-2945
21029 Da, da, da, my darling (Edgar Lesie; James V. Monaco)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Sannella, Andy - guitar
BVE-40187- 2 18-Oct-27 9-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2947
21029 Smarty (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): ‘S wonderful (Show renamed
“Funny Face” at a later date)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Raderman, Louis - violin; Shilkret, Jack - organ
BVE-40507- 2 25-Oct-27 9-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2948
21030 He was born in a manger (J.M. Gates, )
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation (NL)
BVE-40330- 2 21-Oct-27 16-Dec-27 to 1931 Atlanta
Victor: Bluebird B-7644
21030 You may be living or you may be dead, Christmas day (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation (NL)
BVE-40328- 2 21-Oct-27 16-Dec-27 to 1931 Atlanta
Victor: Bluebird B-7820
21031 Love Call, The (Harry B. Smith; Sigmund Romberg): Eyes that love
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-40196- 1 20-Oct-27 9-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-743, R4925
21031 Love Call, The (Harry B. Smith; Sigmund Romberg): I live, I die for you
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-40195- 3 20-Oct-27 9-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-742, R4925
21032 I told them all about you (Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
BVE-40522- 2 27-Oct-27 9-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-751
21032 There must be somebody else (Archie Gottler; Sidney Clare; Maceo Pinkard) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-40523- 1 27-Oct-27 9-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-50
21033 Barcelona
- Paso doble- Paso doble
- Paso doble- Paso doble
- Paso doble
Gardoni, Fredo - accordion
Puig, M. - banjo
BFR284- 2 13-Jan-27 Jan-28 to 1931+ Paris
HMV: 2-239153, K5029 Zonophone: AE1826
21033 Ca, c’est Paris (José Padilla) - “Paree”
Gardoni, Fredo - accordion
Puig, M. - banjo
BFR285- 2 13-Jan-27 Jan-28 to 1931+ Paris
HMV: 2-239154, K5029 Zonophone: AE1826
21034 Connecticut Yankee, A (Richard Rodgers): I feel at home with you
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music
BVE-40500- 7 1-Nov-27 16-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-747, AM985, B5706
21034 Connecticut Yankee, A (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): My heart stood still -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-40501- 5 1-Nov-27 16-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-746, AM985
20000 / 21000 SERIES 173
21035 Bringing in the sheaves (Knowles Shaw; George A. Minor)
Stamps Quartet: Echols, Otis - baritone; Stamps, Frank - bass; Wheeler, Palmer - tenor;
Wheeler, Roy - tenor
Brock, Dwight M. - piano
BVE-40318- 2 20-Oct-27 16-Dec-27 to 1934
Regional release
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8107
21035 Rescue the perishing (Fanny J. Crosby; W. Howard Doane)
Stamps Quartet: Echols, Otis - baritone; Stamps, Frank - bass; Wheeler, Palmer - tenor;
Wheeler, Roy - tenor
Brock, Dwight M. - piano
BVE-40319- 2 20-Oct-27 16-Dec-27 to 1934
Regional release
21036 Candy pulling at Moonshine Hollow (Bud Landress)
Landress, Uncle Bud - vocal and speech
Georgia Yellow Hammers - guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-40352- 1 24-Oct-27 16-Dec-27 to 1930 Atlanta
21036 Christmas time at Moonshine Hollow (Bud Landress)
Landress, Uncle Bud - vocal and speech
Georgia Yellow Hammers - guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-40351- 2 24-Oct-27 16-Dec-27 to 1930 Atlanta
21037 Dainty miss (Bernard Barnes) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-40521- 2 27-Oct-27 16-Dec-27 to 1934 New York
HMV: 7-749, B5434, EG755, K5369, R4921 Zonophone: AE2131
21037 Song of Hawaii (Merton H. Bories; Paul I. Corbell) -
International Novelty Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-40154- 5 3-Nov-27 16-Dec-27 to 1934 New York
HMV: 7-748, AM987, B2821, EG755, K5396
21038 General Lejeune march (Taylor Branson)
United States Marine Band, Captain Taylor Branson - director
BVE-40031- 2 24-Sep-27 9-Nov-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
21038 Halls of Montezuma, The (Arr. Edw. M. Van Looch, U.S.M.C.) - “The Marines hymn”
United States Marine Band, Captain Taylor Branson - director
Branson, Taylor - vocal Vocal by band members
BVE-40029- 2 23-Sep-27 9-Nov-27 to 1929 Camden - Church
21039 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): The best things
in life are free
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-39379- 2 28-Oct-27 16-Dec-27 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 6-2951, B2766 Zonophone: AE2505
21039 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Varsity drag
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone;
Smalle, Ed - vocal
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-40514- 2 26-Oct-27 16-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4424, B2766, EG808, K5373, R6961 Zonophone: AE2119
21040 Song is ended (But the melody lingers on), The (Irving Berlin) -
George Olsen and his Music
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Gifford, Jack - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-40535- 3 1-Nov-27 16-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-745, R4923
21040 There’s a cradle in Caroline (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Fred E. Ahlert) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
International Novelty Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal; Smalle, Ed - vocal
BVE-40539- 2 3-Nov-27 16-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-744, AM1162, EA281 Zonophone: AE2131
21041 Sidewalks of New York (Eddie Dowling; James Frederick Hanley): Play ground in the sky
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-39380- 6 1-Nov-27 23-Dec-27 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 6-2954, AM1160, B2676, EG1128
21041 There must be somebody else (Archie Gottler; Sidney Clare; Maceo Pinkard)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-40510- 3 25-Oct-27 23-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2993, AM1220, B2659
21042 Kiss and make up (Ned Miller; Al Bogate; Carl Hoefle)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal; Smalle, Ed - vocal and piano
Robison, Carson J. - guitar
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-40680- 1 1-Nov-27 16-Dec-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4-4423, B2704
21042 Together, we two (Irving Berlin)
De Leath, Vaughn - soprano
Smalle, Ed - vocal and piano
BVE-40503- 2 24-Oct-27 16-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4422, B2672
21043 Hand organ man, The (Laura Rountree Smith) + Jack o’ lantern (Mary Strawn Vermon) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Barone, Clement - piccolo; Gartlan, George H. - piano; Schrader, F. - trombone
BVE-40039- 2 26-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
21043 Night wind, The (James H. Rogers) + Out of fashion (George H. Gartlan) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Barone, Clement - piccolo; Gartlan, George H. - piano; Lennartz, Alfred - cello
BVE-40047- 2 27-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
21044 Christmas carol (Minot J. Savage; Robert Braine) + Kris Kringle (Frank D. Sherman;
Robert Braine) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Baker, Bernard - cornet; Gartlan, George H. - piano; Vozzella, E. - clarinet
BVE-40037- 2 26-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
21044 Hallowe’en (Margaret Widdener; George H. Gartlan) + Thanksgiving song (Anna D. Curtis) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Gorodetzer, Meyer - violin; Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-40035- 2 26-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
21045 Golden rule, The (Robert Braine) + The band (Josephine Hilty) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Adams, William - oboe; Baker, Bernard - cornet; Gartlan, George H. - piano; Reitz, William H. - traps
BVE-40033- 3 4-Nov-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
21045 Patriotic wish, A (Edgar Guest; George Hughes) + Our flag (Ruth Stephens-Porter) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Keneke, Emil - cornet
BVE-39424- 2 28-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden
21046 Shadow, The (Frank D. Sherman; Robert Braine) + The toad and the fly (Mary Green Payson) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Adams, William - English horn and oboe; Gartlan, George H. - piano
BVE-40034- 3 4-Nov-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
21046 Shy chestnut, The (B.M. Scott) + The daisy (Alice Gibbs; Cecil Wells Berryman) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Gartlan, George H. - piano; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-40044- 2 27-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
20000 / 21000 SERIES 175
21047 Cherries (Frederic Weatherley; George H. Gartlan) + Learning (Abbie Farwell Brown;
George H. Gartlan) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Gartlan, George H. - piano; Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-40045- 1 27-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
21047 Radish, The (Mary Root Kern) + Animal crackers (Irmengard Charlton Horn) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Barone, Clement - flute; Gartlan, George H. - piano; Vozzella, E. - clarinet
BVE-40038- 2 26-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
21048 Camping (Anne Mathilde Robinson; Robert Braine) + Maypole dance
(Elsie Jean; Jan Malat) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Baker, Bernard - cornet; Barone, Clement - flute; Scarpa, Eddie - clarinet; Pfaff, F. - tuba;
Vozzella, E. - clarinet
BVE-40036- 2 26-Sep-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
21048 Swing, The (Frances E. Funk; Daniel Protheroe) + Robin Hood and Little John
(Mary Root Kern) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Gartlan, George H. - piano; Pasternack, Sam - viola; Schrader, F. - trombone
BVE-40046- 4 4-Nov-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
21049 Telephone, The (Abbie Farwell Brown; Robert Braine) + The frog (Francis E. Funk;
Daniel Protheroe) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Gartlan, George H. - piano
BVE-39428- 2 28-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden
21049 Topsy-turvy town (Ruth Stephens Porter) + A plaything (Edith Hope Kinney;
George H. Gartlan) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Gartlan, George H. - piano; Gruner, William - bassoon; Pasternack, Sam - viola
BVE-40032- 4 4-Nov-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden - Church
21050 Little Miss Echo (Laura Rountree Smith; Beatrice Macgowan Scott) + In Candy Land
(T.B. Swift; Dorothy Gaynor Blake)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Barone, Clement - flute
BVE-39427- 2 28-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden
21050 Parasol and fan (Lydia Lisle; George H. Gartlan) + April fool (Susan Southworth;
George H. Gartlan) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Gartlan, George H. - piano
BVE-38966- 2 27-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden
21051 Ferry me across the river (Christina Rossetti; Beatrice MacGowan Scott) +
Polly put the kettle on (Mother Goose song; Mary Root Kern) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Gartlan, George H. - piano
BVE-38967- 3 27-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden
21051 Holland song (Laura Rountree Smith; Robert Braine) + The redheaded woodpecker
(Elizabeth Gordon; Frieda Peycke) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Gartlan, George H. - piano
BVE-39426- 2 28-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden
21052 Some questions (K.H. Gehrkens) + Guessing song (Grace Perkins) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Gartlan, George H. - piano
BVE-39425- 2 28-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden
21052 Spoiled violin, The (Abbie Farwell Brown; Beatrice Macgowan Scott) +
Melody (Edvard Grieg) -
Green, Alice (Olive Kline) - soprano
Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-39423- 2 28-Jun-27 Dec-27 to 1936 Camden
21053 After I’ve called you sweetheart (Little Jack Little)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-40808- 3 2-Nov-27 23-Dec-27 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9313
21053 Just a memory (Ray Henderson)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-40800- 2 30-Oct-27 23-Dec-27 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0148
HMV: 2-9314, B2701
21054 Black Jacks, The - Humorous dialog - Part 1
Lemaire, George - talking; Van, Rex - talking
Joy, Leonard - piano
BVE-40546- 2 4-Nov-27 23-Dec-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 2-9312, B2669
21054 Black Jacks, The - Humorous dialog - Part 2
Lemaire, George - talking; Van, Rex - talking
Joy, Leonard - piano
BVE-40545- 2 4-Nov-27 23-Dec-27 to 1931 New York
HMV: 2-9311, B2669
21055 Apache waltz (Jacques Offenbach; Arr. Nathaniel Shilkret)
753 copies with white and gold label and serial numbers sent as “personals”
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-40184- 3 15-Oct-27 27-Jan-28 to 1941 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0109
HMV: 7-771, EG867 Zonophone: AE2315
21055 Golondrina, La (Narciso Serradell; Arr. Nathaniel Shilkret) - “The swallow
753 copies with white and gold label and serial numbers sent as “personals”
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-34324- 1 12-Jan-26 27-Jan-28 to 1941 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6026, Pict-Ur-Music 0153
HMV: 7-772, EG867, EG868 Zonophone: AE2315
21056 Make my cot where the cot-cot-cotton grows (Jack le Soir; Ray Doll; Sol Klein)
Red Nichols’ Stompers
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
BVE-40513- 1 26-Oct-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-773, AM1211, B5433
21056 Sugar (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager; Arr. Red Nichols)
Red Nichols’ Stompers
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
BVE-40512- 1 26-Oct-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-774, AM1211, B5433
21057 Are you thinking of me to-night? (Benny Davis; Harry Akst; L. Wolfe Gilbert)
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-40164- 3 11-Oct-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 5933, B2673
21057 (What do we do) On a dew-dew-dewy day? (Howard E. Johnson; Charles Tobias;
Al Sherman)
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-40163-10 4-Nov-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 5932, B2673
21058 Way back when (Henri Keates; Harry I. Robison; Louis Robison) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-40690- 2 4-Nov-27 23-Dec-27 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-753, B5446, K5403 Zonophone: AE2090
21058 We (My honey and me) (Harry Woods; Charles Tobias; Al Sherman) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians
Browne, Sam - vocal; Murray, Charles - vocal; Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-40537- 2 2-Nov-27 23-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-752 Zonophone: AE2090
20000 / 21000 SERIES 177
21059 Boston de minuit (M. Puig)
Gardoni, Fredo - accordion
Puig, M. - banjo
BFR156- 1 21-Oct-26 Feb-28 to 1931+ Paris
HMV: 2-239151, K5011
21059 Valse des A’s (Georges)
Gardoni, Fredo - accordion
Puig, M. - banjo
BFR155- 1 21-Oct-26 Feb-28 to 1931+ Paris
HMV: 2-239152, K5011
21060 NR Mi nostalgia (J. Sentis) -
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BW 629- 1 13-Dec-26
Not released
HMV: 8-40099, AM982, EG388, EQ108, R4871
21060 NR Paquita (Milano) -
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BW 630- 1 13-Dec-26
Not released
HMV: 8-40100, AM982, EG388, EQ108, R4871
21061 Gone but not forgotten, Florence Mills (Mandy Lee; Bob King)
Tate, Carroll C. - vocal and piano
Howell, Bert - violin
BVE-40078- 1 14-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
Camden - Church
21061 You live on in memory (Jo Trent)
Tate, Carroll C. - vocal and piano
Howell, Bert - violin
BVE-40079- 2 14-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
Camden - Church
21062 Bye, bye Florence (Mike Jackson)
Howell, Bert - vocal
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe organ
BVE-40080- 2 14-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
Camden - Church
21062 Florence (Chappie Chappelle)
Chappelle, Juanita Stinnette - vocal
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe organ
BVE-40077- 2 14-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
Camden - Church
21063 God’s dwelling place (J.E. Burch)
Elder J.E. Burch and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Bass drum, guitar, snare drum, tambourine
BVE-40338- 1 23-Oct-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
21063 Wash you, make you clean (J.E. Burch)
Elder J.E. Burch and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Bass drum, guitar, snare drum, tambourine
BVE-40342- 2 23-Oct-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
21064 Mr. Jelly Lord (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Morton, Ferd “Jelly-Roll” - piano
Clarinet and traps (NL)
BVE-38664- 1 10-Jun-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-10258
HMV: 5947, B10328*, EG7864*, HN3073*, JK2233, SG474*
21064 Wolverine blues (John Spikes; Benjamin Spikes; Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Morton, Ferd “Jelly-Roll” - piano
Clarinet and traps (NL)
BVE-38663- 1 10-Jun-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-10258, Pict-Ur-Music 0114
HMV: 5946, B10173*, HN2997*, JK2233, SG400*
21065 Crow Jane blues (Julius Daniels)
Daniels, Julius - vocal and guitar
Andrews, Wilbert - guitar; Torrence, Bubba Leo - guitar
BVE-40350- 2 24-Oct-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
21065 Richmond blues (Julius Daniels)
Daniels, Julius - vocal and guitar
Andrews, Wilbert - guitar
BVE-40348- 2 24-Oct-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
21066 Beale Street mess around (Vol Stevens)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), harmonica, mandolin (NL)
Stevens, Vol - vocal
BVE-40320- 1 20-Oct-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
21066 I’ll see you in the spring, when the birds begin to sing (Vol Stevens)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), harmonica, mandolin (NL)
Stevens, Vol - vocal
BVE-40321- 1 20-Oct-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
21067 I’m gonna move further down the road (Robert N. Page)
Page, Robert N. - vocal and guitar
BVE-39818- 2 16-Aug-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21067 Ride and shine on the Dummy Line (Samuel Booth; Frederick G. Carnes)
Page, Robert N. - vocal and guitar
BVE-39817- 1 16-Aug-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21068 I’m drifting back to Dreamland (Florence Charlesworth; Charles Harrison; Jack Sadler)
Blue Steele and his Orchestra
Nolan, Bob - vocal
BVE-40356- 1 26-Oct-27 6-Jan-28 to 1931
Regional release
HMV: 7-839, EA300
21068 Let’s forgive and forget (Ted Delmarter; Sunny Clapp) -
Blue Steele and his Orchestra
Nolan, Bob - vocal
BVE-40354- 1 26-Oct-27 6-Jan-28 to 1931
Regional release
HMV: 7-840
21069 Charley, he’s a good old man (Kelly Harrell)
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Banjo, guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-39808- 2 12-Aug-27 6-Jan-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21069 For seven long years I’ve been married (Kelly Harrell)
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Banjo, guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-39807- 3 12-Aug-27 6-Jan-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21070 Black-eyed Susie (J.P. Nester)
Nestor, J. P. - vocal and banjo
Violin (NL)
BVE-39747- 1 1-Aug-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21070 Train on the island (J.P. Nester)
Nestor, J. P. - vocal and banjo
Violin (NL)
BVE-39744- 3 1-Aug-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21071 I am resolved (Palmer Hartsough; J, H. Fillmore)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - chorus, guitars, organ and violins (2) (NL)
BVE-39709- 2 25-Jul-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21071 Resurrection, The (G.R. Street)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - chorus, guitars, organ and violins (2) (NL)
BVE-39708- 2 25-Jul-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930
Regional release
Bristol, TN
20000 / 21000 SERIES 179
21072 Give the world a smile (Otis Deaton; M.L. Yandell)
Stamps Quartet: Echols, Otis - baritone; Stamps, Frank - bass; Wheeler, Palmer - tenor;
Wheeler, Roy - tenor
Brock, Dwight M. - piano
BVE-40316- 2 20-Oct-27 20-Jan-28 to 1934
Regional release
Victor: 20-2429, Bluebird B-6038, Montgomery Ward M-4250
21072 Love leads the way (James Rowe; F.H. Stamps)
Stamps Quartet: Echols, Otis - baritone; Stamps, Frank - bass; Wheeler, Palmer - tenor;
Wheeler, Roy - tenor
Brock, Dwight M. - piano
BVE-40317- 2 20-Oct-27 20-Jan-28 to 1934
Regional release
Victor: Bluebird B-6038, Montgomery Ward M-4278
21073 All those bachelors are hard to please (Bud Landress)
Georgia Yellow Hammers: Evans, Clyde - guitar; Landress, Uncle Bud - violin;
Moody, C.E. - banjo and ukulele; Reeves, C.P. - guitar
BVE-39778- 2 9-Aug-27 20-Jan-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21073 Tennessee coon (C.P. Reeve)
Georgia Yellow Hammers: Evans, Clyde - guitar; Landress, Uncle Bud - violin;
Moody, C.E. - banjo and ukulele; Reeves, C.P. - guitar
BVE-39777- 2 9-Aug-27 20-Jan-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21074 Bury me under the weeping willow (A.P. Carter)
Carter Family - vocal, guitar and autoharp: Carter, A.P. - vocal; Carter, Mabel - vocal;
Carter, Sara - vocal
BVE-39750- 2 1-Aug-27 20-Jan-28 to 1934
Regional release
Bristol, TN
Victor: Bluebird B-6053, Montgomery Ward M-7020
HMV: G22654
21074 Little log cabin by the sea (A.P. Carter)
Carter Family - vocal, guitar and autoharp: Carter, A.P. - vocal; Carter, Mabel - vocal;
Carter, Sara - vocal
BVE-39751- 2 1-Aug-27 20-Jan-28 to 1934
Regional release
Bristol, TN
Victor: Bluebird B-6271
21075 Solid ground (Happy Holmes)
Holmes, Happy - vocal
Austin, Claude - piano; Morris, Tom - cornet
BVE-39372- 2 27-Oct-27 20-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
21075 When folks stop walkin’ and talkin’ (Happy Holmes)
Holmes, Happy - vocal
Austin, Claude - piano; Morris, Tom - cornet
BVE-39373- 2 27-Oct-27 20-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
21076 Church bells blues (Luke Jordan)
Jordan, Luke - vocal and guitar
BVE-39819- 2 16-Aug-27 20-Jan-28 to 1931
Race release
Charlotte, NC
21076 Cocaine blues (Luke Jordan)
Jordan, Luke - vocal and guitar
BVE-39821- 2 16-Aug-27 20-Jan-28 to 1931
Race release
Charlotte, NC
21077 Baby, stop teasin’ me (Robert H. Cloud)
Ross Deluxe Syncopaters
Evans, Earl - vocal; Ross, Alonzo - vocal
BVE-39830- 3 22-Aug-27 20-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
Savannah, GA
21077 Monia (Melville Herbert; Robert H. Cloud)
Ross Deluxe Syncopaters
Mason, Cookie - vocal
BVE-39826- 2 22-Aug-27 20-Jan-28 to 1929
Race release
Savannah, GA
21078 Hours I spent with you, The (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Little Jack Little) -
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-40575- 1 15-Nov-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-775, AM1169, B5435, EA288, R4959
21078 Old guitar and an old refrain, An (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ben Black; Charles N. Daniels
as “Neil Morét”) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-40574- 2 15-Nov-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-776, B5440, EA288 Zonophone: AE2395
21079 Old names of old flames (Howard E. Johnson; Irving Bibo)
Peerless Quartet: Baughman, Stanley - bass; Burr, Henry - tenor; Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor;
Stanley, James - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-40559- 2 9-Nov-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4425
21079 Whole world is waiting (For dreams to come true), The (Charles Harrison; Deane Moore)
Burr, Henry - tenor
Robison, Carson J. - whistler and guitar Organ, piano and saxophone
BVE-40505- 3 24-Oct-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2961
21080 Baby your mother (Like she babied you) (Andrew Donnelly; Dolly Morse; Joe Burke)
Don Bestor and his Orchestra, Don Bestor - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-41029- 2 14-Nov-27 30-Dec-27 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-780, B5429
21080 Nothin’ (Roy Turk; Lou Handman)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Austin, Gene - tenor
BVE-39181- 2 15-Sep-27 30-Dec-27 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-779, AM1209, B5429, EA344, K5369
21081 Joy bells (Cliff Friend; Joseph H. Santley)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone and mandola; Miller, Jim - tenor
Lute and piano (NL)
BVE-40571- 2 14-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4428, B2700
21081 Stay out of the South (If you want to miss heaven on earth) (Harold Dixon)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
Garristo, Frank “Jazz” - lute; Hayton, Leonard - piano
BVE-41044- 2 17-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4-4427, B2700
21082 Just Fancy (Leo Robin; Philip Charig; Joseph Meyer): Humpty Dumpty
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-40561- 1 10-Nov-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-778, EG772, K5376 Zonophone: AE2156
21082 Just Fancy (Leo Robin; Philip Charig; Joseph Meyer): You came along -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Hillpot, William A. “Billy” - vocal; Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-40588- 1 17-Nov-27 30-Dec-27 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-777, EG772, R4963
21083 Hear dem bells (D.S. McCosh)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Carlino, William - banjo; Hood, Adelyne - violin
BVE-40577- 2 15-Nov-27 30-Dec-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: V-40576
HMV: 8549, EA286 Zonophone: 5447
20000 / 21000 SERIES 181
21083 Sing on, brother, sing (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Hood, Adelyne - vocal and violin; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Carlino, William - banjo
BVE-40576- 2 15-Nov-27 30-Dec-27 to 1931 New York
Victor: V-40576
HMV: 8550, EA294 Zonophone: 5447
21084 1 Among my souvenirs (Horatio Nicholls; Edgar Leslie)
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-41104- 1A 23-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930
“Double recording”
New York
21084 2 Among my souvenirs (Horatio Nicholls; Edgar Leslie)
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-41104- 1B 23-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930
“Double recording”
New York
21084 3 Among my souvenirs (Horatio Nicholls; Edgar Leslie)
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-41104- 3A 23-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930
“Double recording”
New York
HMV: 7-781, AM993 Zonophone: AE2132
21084 4 Among my souvenirs (Horatio Nicholls; Edgar Leslie)
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-41104- 3B 23-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930
“Double recording”
New York
21084 1 What’ll you do? (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp and Leroy Shields - directors
White, Hal - vocal
BVE-40834- 2 9-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-782, AM993, B5446 Zonophone: AE2090
21084 2 What’ll you do? (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp and Leroy Shields - directors
White, Hal - vocal
BVE-40834- 3 9-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
21085 Night in Venice, A (Johann Strauss) - Part 1
Staatskapelle, Ernst Viebig - director
BWR 800- 1 21-Feb-27 Feb-28 to 1931+ Berlin
HMV: 8-40540, B2547, EG462
21085 Night in Venice, A (Johann Strauss) - Part 2
Staatskapelle, Ernst Viebig - director
BWR 801- 1 21-Feb-27 Feb-28 to 1931+ Berlin
HMV: 8-40541, B2547, EG462
21086 After I close my garden gate (Maurice J. Gunsky)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano
PBVE- 291- 1 25-Apr-27 25-Nov-27 to 1933
Regional release
San Francisco
Victor: 20695
21086 Worryin’ (George Fairman)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-40526- 1 28-Oct-27 25-Nov-27 to 1933
Regional release
New York
21087 Shake hands with your Uncle Mike, me boy (Jack Murphy; Ed Geoghagen) -
Comic Irish songComic Irish song
Comic Irish songComic Irish song
Comic Irish song
Murphy, Jack - vocal and accordion
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-38596- 2 27-Sep-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929 Camden
21087 Village blacksmith, The (Jack Murphy; Arr. Ed Geoghagen) -
Comic IrComic Ir
Comic IrComic Ir
Comic Ir
ish songish song
ish songish song
ish song
Murphy, Jack - vocal and accordion
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-38598- 2 27-Sep-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929 Camden
21088 Banks of the Shannon, The -
Ed Geoghegan and his Orchestra
Geoghegan, Ed - piano; Murphy, Jack - talking
BVE-40257- 1 29-Sep-27 6-Jan-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Aurora 36-112
21088 Highland schottische
Ed Geoghegan and his Orchestra
Geoghegan, Ed - piano; Murphy, Jack - talking
BVE-40256- 2 29-Sep-27 6-Jan-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Aurora 36-112
21089 Handful of earth (From “My dear mother’s grave”), A (Joseph T. Murphy)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-40070- 2 2-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
21089 Killarney, my home o’er the sea (Frederic Knight Logan)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-40072- 2 2-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
21090 Babylon is falling down (F.W. McGee)
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - sermon with singing - 5 ladies
Cornet, guitar, piano and string bass (NL)
BVE-40832- 2 8-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-5261*, Sunrise S-3344*
HMV: 40-6574
21090 Crooked made straight, The (F.W. McGee)
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - sermon with singing - 5 ladies
Cornet, guitar, piano and string bass (NL)
BVE-40828- 2 8-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
21091 I miss you, ‘Lize (Adapted by Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor and ukulele
Banta, Frank E. - piano; Garristo, Frank “Jazz” - lute
BVE-37533- 3 11-Jan-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929 New York
Victor: 20625
HMV: 6-2968
21091 That old wooden rocker (Adapted by Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Raderman, Louis - violin; Shilkret, Jack - organ
BVE-40506- 2 25-Oct-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 6-2967
21092 My blue heaven (George Whiting; Walter Donaldson)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Gomar, Larry H. - xylophone
BVE-40806- 3 1-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9315, B2653, EG819
21092 1 Song is ended (But the melody lingers on), The (Irving Berlin)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-40807- 1 2-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9316, B2653, EG819
21092 2 Song is ended (But the melody lingers on), The (Irving Berlin)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-40807- 2 2-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
20000 / 21000 SERIES 183
21093 Beneath Venetian skies (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Vincent Rose) -
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra of Boston, Jacques Renard -
director and violin
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-40549- 4 21-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-767, AM994
21093 Lonely in a crowd (Billy Rose; Jesse Greer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra of Boston, Jacques Renard -
director and violin
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-40548- 4 21-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-766, AM994
21094 If your love like the rose should die (Floyd Thompson; John E. Guernsey)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor, guitar
Hood, Adelyne - piano
BVE-39692- 2 21-Jul-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 New York
21094 Memory that time cannot erase, A (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor and whistler; Robison, Carson J. - tenor, guitar and whistler
Hood, Adelyne - piano
BVE-39693- 2 21-Jul-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 New York
21095 O’Hoolihan’s wake (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 1
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking
Fomeen, Basil - accordion
BVE-40727- 2 21-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930 Camden
21095 O’Hoolihan’s wake (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 2
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking
BVE-40728- 2 21-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930 Camden
21096 O’Hoolihan’s wake (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 3
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking
BVE-40729- 2 21-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930 Camden
21096 O’Hoolihan’s wake (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 4
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking
Fomeen, Basil - accordion
BVE-40730- 1 21-Nov-27 6-Jan-28 to 1930 Camden
21097 Golden Dawn (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Emmerick Kálmán; Herbert Stothart):
We two -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
International Novelty Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Smalle, Ed - vocal
BVE-41112- 3 26-Nov-27 27-Jan-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-787, AM975, R4961
21097 Golden Dawn (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Robert Stolz; Herbert Stothart):
Dawn -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-40589- 2 17-Nov-27 27-Jan-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-786, AM975
21098 Lonesome road, The (Gene Austin; Nathaniel Shilkret)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Shilkret had a “one cent agreement” for this song
BVE-39188- 2 16-Sep-27 20-Jan-28 to 1944 New York
HMV: 6-2978, B3018
21098 Wake Nicodemus (Henry C. Work; Adapted by Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Banta, Frank E. - organ;
Guitar (NL)
BVE-38441- 2 8-Apr-27 20-Jan-28 to 1944 New York
Victor: 20625
HMV: 6-2979
21099 I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream (Howard E. Johnson; Billy Moll;
Robert King) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
McClintock, Poley - vocal; Waring, Fred - vocal
BVE-40750- 3 30-Nov-27 13-Jan-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 7-789, AM1203, B5436, EG771, K5386 Zonophone: AE2127
21099 Wob-a-ly walk (Harry Warren; Buddy Green) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal
BVE-41017- 2 10-Nov-27 13-Jan-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-788, AM1203, B5436, K5386 Zonophone: AE2127
21100 Among my souvenirs (Horatio Nicholls; Edgar Leslie)
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Piano, 3 violins, cello and traps (NL)
BVE-41106- 2 23-Nov-27 13-Jan-28 to 1944 New York
HMV: 4-4429, AM1170, B2680, EG765, K5398, R6963 Zonophone: AE2197
21100 Nola (Felix Arndt)
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-40597- 1 18-Nov-27 13-Jan-28 to 1944 New York
HMV: 4-4430, AM1170, B2680, EG765, EG800, K5398, R6963 Zonophone: AE2197
21101 Lovely lady -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Leonard Joy - director
Browne, Sam - vocal; Murray, Charles - vocal; Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-40599- 3 21-Nov-27 27-Jan-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-796, B5526, R4955
21101 Make believe you’re happy -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Leonard Joy - director
Browne, Sam - vocal; Murray, Charles - vocal; Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-40598- 2 21-Nov-27 27-Jan-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-797, R4955 Zonophone: AE2157
21102 Bungalow of dreams (Tommie Malie; Joe Verges; Charles Newman) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Frankie Masters and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Masters, Frankie - vocal
BVE-40944- 4 23-Nov-27 27-Jan-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-798, AM1658, B5509, R4957 Zonophone: AE2156
21102 I’m walkin on air (William Tracey; Dan Dougherty) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Frankie Masters and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Masters, Frankie - vocal
BVE-40943- 3 23-Nov-27 27-Jan-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-799, R4957
21103 Changes (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Barris, Harry - vocal; Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal;
Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-40937- 3 23-Nov-27 20-Jan-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-785, B5461, B8913, K5368, R8913 Zonophone: AE2282
21103 What are you waiting for, Mary? (Walter Donaldson)
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal
BVE-40945- 2 25-Nov-27 20-Jan-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-784, AM989, B5461, EG771, K5368 Zonophone: AE2282
20000 / 21000 SERIES 185
21104 Evrybody loves my girl (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Maurice Abrahams)
Four Aristocrats, The: Burns, Jimmie - vocal and guitar; Hahne, Webb - vocal and ukulele;
Hamilton, Milt - vocal and piano; Lewis, Eddie - vocal and steel guitar
BVE-41049- 2 18-Nov-27 13-Jan-28 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4-4432, EG865
21104 Who’s wonderful, who’s marvelous? Miss Annabelle Lee (Sidney Clare; Lewis Pollack;
Harry Richman)
Paul Whiteman’s Rhythm Boys, Leroy Shield - director
Barris, Harry - vocal; Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-40894- 2 17-Nov-27 13-Jan-28 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 4-4431, EG865
21105 Cobble-stones (Sidney Clare; Lewis Pollack) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra
Gibbs, Parker - vocal
BVE-40091- 4 25-Nov-27 13-Jan-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-793, B5448, K5437
21105 Night in Spain, A (Phil Baker; Sid Silvers; Abe Lyman): Did you mean it?
Virginians, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-41107- 1 25-Nov-27 13-Jan-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-790, AM1169, B5435, EA292, B5435, EA292 Zonophone: AE2782
21106 NR Counting the days (Harry Williams; Egbert van Alstyne)
Blackstone, Nan - vocal and violin
BVE-40948- 2 25-Nov-27
Not released
Chicago - Victor Lab
21106 NR So tired (George A. Little; Arthur Sizemore)
Blackstone, Nan - vocal and piano
BVE-40949- 1 25-Nov-27
Not released
Chicago - Victor Lab
21107 Joy bells (Cliff Friend; Joseph H. Santley) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-41132- 2 1-Dec-27 20-Jan-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-801, R4961
21107 Rain (Eugene Ford) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra of Boston, Jacques Renard -
director and violin
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal; Hillpot, William A. “Billy” - vocal
BVE-40547- 5 21-Nov-27 20-Jan-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-800, AM990
21108 Bohunkus (Plantation song)
Crumit, Frank - tenor and guitar
Banjo, piano and violin (NL)
BVE-41123- 1 29-Nov-27 23-Mar-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2026, B2712
21108 Kingdom coming (And the year of Jubilo) (Henry C. Work)
Crumit, Frank - tenor and guitar
Banjo, piano and violin (NL)
BVE-41124- 3 29-Nov-27 23-Mar-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2027, B2712
21109 I got a home in dat rock (Arr. Lawrence Brown)
Robeson, Paul - bass
Brown, Lawrence - piano
BVE-38417- 5 10-May-27 27-Jan-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-2980, B2727
21109 Witness (Arr. Lawrence Brown)
Robeson, Paul - bass
Brown, Lawrence - vocal and piano
BVE-38740- 1 10-May-27 27-Jan-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4435, B2727
21110 Aloma (Robert Hood Bowers): Aloma
Ferera, Frank - guitar
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-40528- 2 31-Oct-27 27-Jan-28 to 1944 New York
HMV: 7-807, AM2247, B2703, EG877, GE671, K5489, R9355 Zonophone: AE3456
21110 Hawaiian nights (Lee S. Roberts)
Ferera, Frank - guitar
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-40527- 2 31-Oct-27 27-Jan-28 to 1944 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4357
HMV: 7-806, B2703, EG877, GE671, K5489, R9355 Zonophone: AE3456
21111 Amapola (Joseph Lacalle) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
- Poppy
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-40802- 3 31-Oct-27 28-Sep-28 to 1944 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9378, B3001, EG1418, R10156
21111 Borrachita, La (Ignacio Fernandez Esperón)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-40801- 2 31-Oct-27 28-Sep-28 to 1944 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9379
21112 Dear, on a night like this (Irving Caesar; Con Conrad)
National Cavaliers, The: O’Rourke, Leo - tenor; Seagle, John - baritone; Stevens, Robert - tenor;
Woodyard, Darrel - bass
Buttolph, David - piano
BVE-40557- 4 1-Dec-27 20-Jan-28 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4-4437, B2726
21112 I told them all about you (Cliff Friend)
National Cavaliers, The: O’Rourke, Leo - tenor; Seagle, John - baritone; Stevens, Robert - tenor;
Woodyard, Darrel - bass
Buttolph, David - piano
BVE-40556- 6 29-Nov-27 20-Jan-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4436, B2726
21113 Connecticut Yankee, A (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): Thou swell -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians
Browne, Sam - vocal; Murray, Charles - vocal; Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-41135- 1 2-Dec-27 27-Jan-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-804, B5706, R4963
21113 Funny Face (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): What am I gonna do? -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians
Browne, Sam - vocal; Murray, Charles - vocal; Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-41134- 2 2-Dec-27 27-Jan-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-805, B5526
21114 Funny Face (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Funny Face -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman and Their Orchestra, Frank J. Black - director
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano; Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-41151- 3 8-Dec-27 20-Jan-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-803, B5527, EG769, K5375
21114 Funny Face (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): ‘S wonderful -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman and Their Orchestra, Frank J. Black - director
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano; Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-41152- 3 8-Dec-27 20-Jan-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-802, B5527, EG769, K5375
21115 Chatter (Julius Tannen)
Tannen, Julius - talking
BVE-40737- 3 29-Nov-27 27-Jan-28 to 1929 Camden
21115 More chatter (Julius Tannen)
Tannen, Julius - talking
BVE-40749- 1 29-Nov-27 27-Jan-28 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 1659
20000 / 21000 SERIES 187
21116 Night in Spain, A (Phil Baker; Sid Silvers; Abe Lyman): Did you mean it?
Harris, Marion - comic
Baker, Phil - accordion; Piano and violin - Leroy Shield - director
BVE-41345- 1 8-Dec-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 3-3260
21116 Strike Up the Band (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): The man I love
Harris, Marion - comic
Guitar, piano and violin - Leroy Shield - director
BVE-41346- 4 8-Dec-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 3-3261
21117 Homing (Arthur L. Salmon; Teresa del Riego)
Schultz, Alta - contralto
Stanley Press talent winner, Pittsburgh release
Eaver, Myrtle - piano; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-39393- 1 10-Nov-27 21-Dec-27 to 1929 Camden
21117 Mighty lak’ a rose (Frank L. Stanton; Ethelbert Nevin)
Campbell, Ellen Glen - soprano
Stanley Press talent winner, Pittsburgh release
Eaver, Myrtle - piano; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-39395- 3 10-Nov-27 21-Dec-27 to 1929 Camden
21118 American Indian Songs (Nellie Eberhart; Charles Wakefield Cadman, Op. 45, No. 1):
From the land of the sky blue water
Casale, Angelina - soprano
Stanley Press talent winner, Pittsburgh release
Barone, Clement - flute; Eaver, Myrtle - piano
BVE-39394- 3 10-Nov-27 21-Dec-27 to 1929 Camden
21118 Brown bird singing, A (Royden Barrie; Haydn Wood)
Brelos, Norval - tenor
Stanley Press talent winner, Pittsburgh release
Eaver, Myrtle - piano; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-39392- 1 10-Nov-27 21-Dec-27 to 1929 Camden
21119 Sensation (Eddie B. Edwards; Arr. Don Redman) -
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-39561- 1 11-Aug-27 24-Feb-28 to 1928 Camden - Church
Victor: X-16144, Pict-Ur-Music 0119
HMV: 7-835, B5577, EG807, K5418
21119 Whiteman stomp (Jo Trent; Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller; Arr. Don Redman)
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-39559- 2 11-Aug-27 24-Feb-28 to 1928 Camden - Church
Victor: X-16050, Pict-Ur-Music 0118
HMV: 7-834, B5577, EG807, K5412
21120 1 Honolulu stomp (Pilipo)
Hawaiian Serenaders - Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-41142- 1 5-Dec-27 24-Feb-28 to 1928 New York
HMV: 7-841, R10030
21120 1R Honolulu stomp (Pilipo)
Hawaiian Serenaders - Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-41142- 1 5-Dec-27 1928 to 1934
1R, April 23, 1928
New York
21120 Mele of Hawaii (John Avery Noble; Pilipo)
Hawaiian Serenaders - Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-41143- 1 5-Dec-27 24-Feb-28 to 1934 New York
HMV: 7-842, B2821, K5565
21121 Aloha oe (Queen Liliuokalani; Transcribed by Edwin H, Lemare’) - “Farewell to thee”
Lemare, Edwin - pipe organ
BVE-39534- 2 13-Aug-27 24-Feb-28 to 1941 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9332, R9235
21121 Chant de bonheur (Edwin H. Lemare, Op. 62)
Lemare, Edwin - pipe organ
BVE-39563- 1 13-Aug-27 24-Feb-28 to 1941 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9333
21122 Only a flower (C.S. Kauffman)
Tietge Sisters: Tietge, Elsie - contralto; Tietge, Florence - soprano; Tietge, Martha - piano
BVE-38590- 1 26-Sep-27 27-Apr-28 to 1928 Camden - Studio 1
HMV: 4-4448
21122 ’Twas on a cold and stormy night
Tietge Sisters: Tietge, Elsie - contralto; Tietge, Florence - soprano; Tietge, Martha - piano
BVE-38592- 2 26-Sep-27 27-Apr-28 to 1928 Camden - Studio 1
HMV: 4-4447
21123 Light in the valley (Mrs. L. Reed)
Duncans, Mrs. T.A. - vocal; Reed, Mrs. L. - vocal
BVE-39883- 2 10-Oct-27 17-Feb-28 to 1929
Race release
21123 You’d better mind (Mrs. L. Reed)
Duncans, Mrs. T.A. - vocal; Reed, Mrs. L. - vocal
BVE-39884- 2 10-Oct-27 17-Feb-28 to 1929
Race release
21124 Mr. Willie McTell got the blues (Willie McTell)
McTell, “Blind” Willie - vocal and guitar
BVE-40311- 2 18-Oct-27 17-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
Victor: 82876
21124 Stole rider blues (Willie McTell)
McTell, “Blind” Willie - vocal and guitar
BVE-40309- 2 18-Oct-27 17-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
Victor: 82876
21125 First born was a murderer, The (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation (NL)
BVE-40329- 1 21-Oct-27 17-Feb-28 to 1931
Race release
21125 Samson and the woman (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation (NL)
BVE-40331- 3 21-Oct-27 17-Feb-28 to 1929
1R, March 20, 1933
Victor: Bluebird 1852, B-5033*, Montgomery Ward M-4842*, Sunrise S-3120*
HMV: 40-6670
21126 Garden of joy blues (Clifford Hayes)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjo, jug, piano, saxophones (2) and violin (NL)
Washington, Elizabeth - vocal
BVE-38637- 2 6-Jun-27 17-Feb-28 to 1929
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21126 Youd better leave me alone, sweet papa (Clifford Hayes)
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjo, jug, piano, saxophones (2) and violin (NL)
Washington, Elizabeth - vocal
BVE-38638- 2 6-Jun-27 17-Feb-28 to 1928
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21127 I ain’t got nobody (And nobody cares for me) (Roger Graham; Spencer Williams)
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - organ
BVE-40094- 2 1-Dec-27 17-Feb-28 to 1030
Race release
Camden - Church
Victor: 23331, Bluebird B-5093, Montgomery Ward M-4904, Sunrise S-3176
HMV: 40-4859
21127 Red hot Dan (Sidney Easton) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe organ
Thomas Morris and his Hot Babies (NL)
BVE-40096- 2 1-Dec-27 17-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
Camden - Church
HMV: B10472
21128 Going slow (Arr. Raney Vanvink)
Christopher, Homer - accordion
Vanvink, Raney - guitar
BVE-37913- 2 17-Feb-27 17-Feb-28 to 1931
Regional release
20000 / 21000 SERIES 189
21128 Turkey in the straw + Arkansas traveler
McFayden, Alphus - guitar
BVE-40301- 2 18-Oct-27 17-Feb-28 to 1931
Regional release
21129 Tell mother I will meet her (Ralph S. Tinsman)
Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone, guitar and harmonica harmonica
Brewer, K. - vocal; Mooney, M. - vocal
BVE-39701- 3 25-Jul-27 17-Feb-28 to 1931
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21129 Windows in Heaven (J.D. Patton; G.W. Archer): Dying girls farewell
Brewer, Kahle - vocal; Mooney, M. - vocal; Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone, guitar and harmonica
BVE-39700- 1 25-Jul-27 17-Feb-28 to 1931
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21130 Sandy River Belle (Joe B. Blackhead)
Shelor Family (Dad Blackard’s Moonshiners): Blackhead, Joe B. vocal; Shelor, Mrs. Jesse
(Clarice) - vocal and piano; Shelor, Jesse T. - violin; Shelor, Pyrhus D. - violin
BVE-39763- 2 3-Aug-27 17-Feb-28 to 1929
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21130 Suzanna girl (Joe B. Blackhead)
Shelor Family (Dad Blackard’s Moonshiners): Blackhead, Joe B. vocal; Shelor, Mrs. Jesse
(Clarice) - vocal and piano; Shelor, Jesse T. - violin; Shelor, Pyrhus D. - violin
BVE-39762- 2 3-Aug-27 17-Feb-28 to 1929
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21131 My first bicycle ride (Eck Dunford)
Dunford, Uncle Eck - vocal and guitar
Stoneman, Ernest V. - banjo
BVE-40335- 1 22-Oct-27 17-Feb-28 to 1929
Regional release
21131 Savingest man on earth, The (Eck Dunford)
Dunford, Uncle Eck - vocal and guitar
Stoneman, Ernest V. - banjo
BVE-40337- 2 22-Oct-27 17-Feb-28 to 1929
Regional release
21132 Sweet sunny South, The (W.L. Bloomfield)
Red Patterson’s Piedmont Log Rollers - banjos (2), guitar and violin (NL)
Patterson, Red - vocal
BVE-39805- 2 12-Aug-27 17-Feb-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21132 White rose, The (J. Patterson)
Red Patterson’s Piedmont Log Rollers - banjos (2), guitar and violin (NL)
Norton, Henry - tenor
BVE-39802- 2 12-Aug-27 17-Feb-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21133 Come and see a man (E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing (NL)
Piano (NL)
BVE-40845- 2 11-Nov-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21133 Escape for your life (E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing (NL)
Piano (NL)
BVE-40849- 2 11-Nov-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21134 Hitch me to your buggy, and drive me like a mule (Will Weldon)
Weldon, Will “Casey Bill” - vocal and guitar
Stevens, Vol - guitar
BVE-40323- 2 20-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
21134 Turpentine blues (Will Weldon)
Weldon, Will “Casey Bill” - vocal and guitar
Stevens, Vol - guitar
BVE-40322- 2 20-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
21135 Dallas blues
South Street Trio: Cooksey, Robert - harmonica; Leecan, Bobby - banjo;
Martin, Alfred - guitar
BVE-39377- 2 27-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
21135 Mean old bed bug blues
South Street Trio: Cooksey, Robert - harmonica; Leecan, Bobby - banjo;
Martin, Alfred - guitar
BVE-39374- 2 27-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
21136 Rollin’ down to Jordan
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Alabama Four - vocal quartet (NL)
BVE-40404- 1 14-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
21136 What you gonna do when the worlds on fire?
- Neg - Neg
- Neg - Neg
- Neg
ro spirro spir
ro spirro spir
ro spir
Alabama Four - vocal quartet (NL)
BVE-40405- 2 14-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
21137 Black and tan (Edward Kennedy “DukeEllington; Bubber Miley) - Fantasie
Duke Ellington and his Cotton Club Orchestra
BVE-40155- 4 26-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
Victor: 24861
HMV: 40-3799, B4869, B6356
21137 Creole love call (Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington; Bubber Miley; Jackson)
Duke Ellington and his Cotton Club Orchestra
Hall, Adelaide - vocal
BVE-39370- 1 26-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
Victor: 24861
HMV: 40-3796, AM4102, B4895, B6252, BD5758, X3899, X4957
21138 Sweetest mother (G.S. Dennstedt; Will Ramsey)
Barnett, H.E. - tenor
Shaw, Ted - piano
BVE-40333- 2 21-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Regional release
21138 What shall we do with mother? (J.H. Hiaronymus; J.L. Moore)
Barnett, H.E. - tenor
Shaw, Ted - piano
BVE-40332- 1 21-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Regional release
21139 Don’t go out to-night, my darling (George Cooper; G.B. Grayson)
Grayson, G.B. - vocal and violin
Whitter, Henry - guitar
BVE-40304- 2 18-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1934
Regional release
21139 He is coming to us dead (Gussie L. Davis)
Grayson, G.B. - vocal and violin
Whitter, Henry - guitar
BVE-40303- 1 18-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1934
Regional release
21140 Beyond the river (H.L. Hastings; James D. Vaughn)
Carolina Gospel Singers: James, Dewey - baritone; Parkam, A. E. - bass;
Parkam, Clyde - tenor; Parkam, J.W. - tenor
Piano (NL)
BVE-39848- 3 25-Aug-27 3-Feb-28 to 1030
Regional release
Savannah, GA
21140 Jesus paid it all (M.S. Shaffer; Samuel W. Beasley)
Carolina Gospel Singers: James, Dewey - baritone; Parkam, A. E. - bass;
Parkam, Clyde - tenor; Parkam, J.W. - tenor
Piano (NL)
BVE-39849- 2 25-Aug-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Regional release
Savannah, GA
21141 Johnny Goodwin (Charles McReynolds)
Blue Mountain Moonshiners - banjo, guitars (2) and violin (NL)
Deane, Mr. - vocal
BVE-39749- 2 1-Aug-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21141 Miss Liza, poor gal (Arr. Claude Grant)
Tenneva Ramblers: Grant, Claude - vocal and guitar; Grant, Jack - mandolin;
Pierce, Jack - violin; Slagle, Claude - banjo
BVE-39772- 2 4-Aug-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21142 Away out on the mountain (Kelly Harrell)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
BVE-40754- 2 30-Nov-27 27-Apr-28 to 1941
Regional release
Victor: 21-0042, Bluebird B-5085, Montgomery Ward M-3272, Sunrise S-3172
HMV: 7-2041 Regal Zonophone: IZ310, IZ414, MR1918
Zonophone: 5158, EE109, G22792 Zonophone Twin: FT1733, FT1980
20000 / 21000 SERIES 191
21142 Blue yodel (Jimmie Rodgers) - T for Texas
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
BVE-40753- 2 30-Nov-27 27-Apr-28 to 1941
Regional release
Victor: 21-0042, Bluebird B-5085, Montgomery Ward M-3272, Sunrise S-3172
HMV: 7-2040 Regal Zonophone: IZ310, IZ414, MR1918 Zonophone: 5158, G22792
Zonophone Twin: FT1980
21143 Oh, look at that baby (Walter Hirsch; Bennie Kruger; Joe Verges)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Shield, Leroy - piano
BVE-41314- 3 4-Dec-27 27-Jan-28 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 4-4434, B2738
21143 What’ll you do? (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn)
Correll, Charles J. - vocal; Gosden, Freeman F. - vocal
Shield, Leroy - piano; Violin (NL)
BVE-41313- 3 4-Dec-27 27-Jan-28 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 4-4433, B2738
21144 Mother of mine, I still have you (Grant Clarke; Al Jolson; Louis Silvers)
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
Orchestra - regular Camden men, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-41070- 3 28-Nov-27 27-Jan-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2013 Zonophone: 5106
21144 My stormy weather pal (Al Piantadosi)
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-41094- 2 2-Dec-27 27-Jan-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 6-2983 Zonophone: 5106
21145 Funny Face (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): What am I gonna do?
Green, Jane - soprano
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-41154- 3 8-Dec-27 27-Jan-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 3-3262, B2702
21145 Mine, all mine (Herman Ruby; Rubey Cowan; Sam H. Stept)
Green, Jane - soprano
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-41153- 3 8-Dec-27 27-Jan-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 3-3263, B2702
21146 Among my souvenirs (Edgar Leslie; Arr. Joseph Weiss)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-40762- 2 13-Dec-27 27-Jan-28 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
Victor: X-16112, Pict-Ur-Music 0149
HMV: 2-9322, B2701
21146 Seventh Heaven (Erno Rapée): Diane, I’m in heaven when I see you smile
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-40763- 4 13-Dec-27 27-Jan-28 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 2-9321
21147 NR Bugle calls of the U.S. Army - Part 1 - First call + Guard mounting + Drill +
Boot and saddles + Assembly + Adjutant’s call + To the color + Reveille + Retreat
Baker, Bernard - trumpet
BVE-40463- 1 25-Nov-27
Not released
HMV: 6732
21147 NR Bugle calls of the U.S. Army - Part 2 - Tattoo + Taps + Mess + Commence firing +
Cease firing + Fix bayonets + Charge
Baker, Bernard - trumpet
BVE-40462- 1 25-Nov-27
Not released
21148 Is she my girl friend? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-41376- 1 14-Dec-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 Kansas City
HMV: 7-814, EA305
21148 Mine, all mine (Herman Ruby; Rubey Cowan; Sam H. Stept) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal; Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-41372- 3 13-Dec-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 Kansas City
HMV: 7-813
21149 Chlo-e (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) -
“Song of the swamp” -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
All Star Orchestra (Fud and Farley Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-41167- 2 13-Dec-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-815, EA311
21149 Tin pan parade (Haven Gillespie; Richard A. Whiting) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Shannon Quartet: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-41178- 2 15-Dec-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-816, AM1509, B5462, K5457 Zonophone: AE2208
21150 Just a little kiss from a little miss (Eddie Kuhn)
- Fox trot- Fox trot
- Fox trot- Fox trot
- Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Porter, Ray “Pinkie” - vocal; Schultz, Myron - vocal; Schulz, Lorin - vocal
BVE-41378- 2 14-Dec-27 24-Feb-28 to 1929 Kansas City
HMV: 7-820, B5470, EA318
21150 So tired (George A. Little; Arthur Sizemore) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Carmichael, Hoagy - vocal
BVE-41368- 1 12-Dec-27 24-Feb-28 to 1929 Kansas City
HMV: 7-819, B5479
21151 By the waters of Minnetonka (Thurlow Lieurance) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
- “An Indian love song”
Eddie South and his Alabamians, Leroy Shield - director
Humming by orchestra members
BVE-41356- 3 9-Dec-27 17-Feb-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-823
21151 Rosita, La (Paul Dupont) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Eddie South and his Alabamians, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-40997- 3 2-Dec-27 17-Feb-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-824
21152 Saxema (Rudy Wiedoeft)
Wiedoeft, Rudy - saxophone
Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-41137- 2 2-Dec-27 24-Feb-28 to 1941 New York
HMV: 2-9335, B2716, B4764, EG905, K5431, R9081
21152 Valse Marilyn (Rudy Wiedoeft)
Wiedoeft, Rudy - saxophone
Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-41136- 2 2-Dec-27 24-Feb-28 to 1941 New York
HMV: 2-9334, B2716, B4764, EG905, K5431, R9081
21153 Is she my girl friend? (How-de-ow-dow) (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Mosiello, Mike - cornet; Sannella, Andy - clarinet; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-41099- 1 6-Dec-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2014, B2736
20000 / 21000 SERIES 193
21153 Keep sweeping the cobwebs off the moon (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Oscar Levant)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and steel guitar
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-41155- 2 9-Dec-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-2988
21154 What are we waiting for? (Raymond Klages, Max Fortlander) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra, Edwin J. McEnelly - director and violin
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-41098- 3 5-Dec-27 3-Feb-28 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-811, AM988, B5445
21154 Who gives you all your kisses? (Bob Elbel; Don Elbel)
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-40562- 2 10-Nov-27 3-Feb-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-812, AM988
21155 My Ohio home (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Eddie South and his Alabamians, Leroy Shield - director
Bourke, Romy - vocal; South, Eddie - vocal
BVE-41357- 2 9-Dec-27 17-Feb-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
21155 Voice of the Southland (Keeps calling me home), The (Gene Austin;
Marty Bloom; Ted Koehler)
Eddie South and his Alabamians, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-40998- 2 2-Dec-27 17-Feb-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
21156 I’d love to be a baby once again
Tate, Carroll C. - vocal and piano
BVE-39873- 3 5-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
Camden - Studio 1
21156 Yep, long about June (Billy Heagney)
Tate, Carroll C. - vocal and piano
BVE-39875- 2 5-Oct-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930
Race release
Camden - Studio 1
21157 Irish Jigs - Medley - The Kinnegad slashers + The ticknock jig + The unknown
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-40593- 1 18-Nov-27 3-Feb-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 40-1128, B3232
21157 Irish Reels - Medley - The pledge maids of Tulla + The moon coin
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-40596- 1 18-Nov-27 3-Feb-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 40-1129, B3232
21158 Kelly’s old gray mare
Murphy, Jack - vocal
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-41129- 1 30-Nov-27 3-Feb-28 to 1931 New York
21158 Paddy be aisy
Murphy, Jack - vocal
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-41128- 2 30-Nov-27 3-Feb-28 to 1931 New York
21159 Has sorrow thy young days shaded? (Thomas Moore; Old Irish air “Sly Patrick”;
Arr. Herbert Hughes)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp
BVE-40082- 3 16-Nov-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-2120, B2776
21159 When it’s moonlight in Mayo (Two Irish eyes are shining) (Jack Mahoney; Percy Wenrich)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-40071- 2 2-Nov-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
Victor: Yorkville K-503, K-541
21160 Irish Jigs - Medley - Sweeneys jig + Dancing Gaels
Emerald Quartet (Sweeney Brothers, Alfredo Cibelli - director)
Sweeney, Francis - piano; Sweeney, John - violin; Saxophone and traps
BVE-41101- 2 22-Nov-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 New York
21160 Irish Reels - Medley - Tartan plaid + Long hills of Donegal
Emerald Quartet (Sweeney Brothers, Alfredo Cibelli - director)
Sweeney, Francis - piano; Sweeney, John - violin; Saxophone and traps
BVE-41100- 2 22-Nov-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 New York
21161 League of laughs, The (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 1
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking
BVE-41242- 1 19-Dec-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21161 League of laughs, The (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 2
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking
BVE-41243- 1 19-Dec-27 3-Feb-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21162 Says Mike (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 1
Sherbalya, Mike (Joseph D. O’Donnell - talking)
BVE-41238- 2 19-Dec-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 1663
21162 Says Mike (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 2
Sherbalya, Mike (Joseph D. O’Donnell - talking)
BVE-41239- 1 19-Dec-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 1662
21163 Gran via, La (Joachín Valverde): - Vals
Pietro (Pietro Deiro) - piano-accordion
BVE-41127- 1 30-Nov-27 Mar-28 to 1944 New York
Victor: 80371
HMV: 2-9348, EX24 Zonophone: 5142
21163 Kiss waltz (Luigi Arditi) - “Il bacio”
Pietro (Pietro Deiro) - piano-accordion
BVE-40269- 2 3-Oct-27 Mar-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 80371, Pict-Ur-Music 0450, Sound Effects SE26
HMV: 2-9347, EX24 Zonophone: 5142
21164 Away down South in heaven (Bud Green; Harry Warren)
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-41401- 5 10-Dec-27 10-Feb-28 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2989, B2658
21164 Shady tree, A (Walter Donaldson)
Waring, Tom - vocal
Small orchestra - members of Waring’s Pennsylvanians
BVE-41409- 4 14-Dec-27 10-Feb-28 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 6-2990, B2658
21165 Four Walls (Al Jolson; Billy Rose; Dave Dreyer): Four walls -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians
Browne, Sam - vocal; Murray, Charles - vocal; Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-41195- 3 21-Dec-27 10-Feb-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-826, AM1217 Zonophone: AE2157
21165 Keep sweeping the cobwebs off the moon (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young;
Oscar Levant) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal
BVE-41407- 4 13-Dec-27 10-Feb-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-825, B5489, K5403 Zonophone: AE2158
20000 / 21000 SERIES 195
21166 Here comes the show boat (Billy Rose; Maceo Pinkard)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Porter, Ray “Pinkie” - vocal; Schultz, Myron - vocal; Stokes, Harold - vocal
BVE-41377- 4 14-Dec-27 10-Feb-28 to 1931 Kansas City
HMV: 7-822, EA318
21166 My Ohio home (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Carmichael, Hoagy - vocal
BVE-41367- 4 12-Dec-27 10-Feb-28 to 1931 Kansas City
HMV: 7-821 Zonophone: AE2284
21167 Tomorrow (Walter Hirsch; H. Leopold Spitalny; Monte Wilhite) -
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Cassidy, Joe - vocal
BVE-41336- 1 6-Dec-27 24-Feb-28 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-851
21167 Where in the world is there someone for me? (Al Lewis; Gerald Marks; Emerson Gill;
Carmen Lombardo)
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-41148- 3 7-Dec-27 24-Feb-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-852
21168 1 My man (Albert Willemetz; Jacques Charles; Channing Pollack; Maurice Yvain) -
From “Ziegfeld Follies of 1921”
Brice, Fanny - comic
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-25752- 7 20-Dec-27 10-Feb-28 to 1929 New York
21168 2 My man (Albert Willemetz; Jacques Charles; Channing Pollack; Maurice Yvain) -
From “Ziegfeld Follies of 1921”
Brice, Fanny - comic
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-25752-11 22-Dec-27 1929 to 1933 New York
21168 3 My man (Albert Willemetz; Jacques Charles; Channing Pollack; Maurice Yvain) -
From “Ziegfeld Follies of 1921”
Brice, Fanny - comic
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-25752-12 17-Dec-28 1929 to 1933 New York
HMV: 3-3265, B2975, EA511
21168 Song of the sewing machine, The (Billy Rose; Ballard MacDonald; Jesse Greer)
Brice, Fanny - comic
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-41190- 2 20-Dec-27 10-Feb-28 to 1944 New York
HMV: 3-3266, EA511
21169 Oh, Susanna (Stephen Collins Foster)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Hood, Adelyne - vocal and violin; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Carlino, William - banjo
BVE-40578- 2 15-Nov-27 24-Feb-28 to 1944 New York
HMV: 4-4445, EA309 Zonophone: 5126
21169 When the sun goes down again (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Hood, Adelyne - violin
BVE-40579- 2 15-Nov-27 24-Feb-28 to 1944 New York
HMV: 4-4446, EA309 Zonophone: 5126
21170 Golden Dawn (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Emmerick Kálmán; Herbert Stothart):
The whip -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-41197- 2 22-Dec-27 24-Feb-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-853, R9353 Zonophone: AE2238
21170 Take the Air (Gene Buck; J. Russel Robinson; Willard Robinson): We’ll have a new
home in the mornin’ -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Male Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges):
Franklyn Baur; Frank Croxton; Wilfred Glenn;
Jackson Kinsey; Harold Lambert (sic); James Melton; Lambert Murphy; Elliott Shaw
BVE-41133- 4 1-Dec-27 24-Feb-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-854 Zonophone: AE2238
21171 Dancing tambourine (Phil Ponce; William C. Polla)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Gomar, Larry H. - traps
BVE-40805- 4 1-Nov-27 17-Feb-28 to 1930 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9330
21171 What are you waiting for, Mary? (Walter Donaldson)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-40809- 3 2-Nov-27 17-Feb-28 to 1930 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9342, R9235
21172 After my laughter came tears (Roy Turk; Charles Tobias)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Smalle, Ed - vocal and piano; Sannella, Andy - saxophone
BVE-41510- 3 27-Dec-27 17-Feb-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-2991, B2705
21172 Rain (Eugene Ford)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Smalle, Ed - vocal and piano; Sannella, Andy - saxophone
BVE-41509- 3 27-Dec-27 17-Feb-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 6-2992, B2705
21173 Everybody loves my girl (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Maurice Abrahams) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra
Gibbs, Parker - vocal
BVE-40092- 2 25-Nov-27 17-Feb-28 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-828, B5445, K5405, R4979 Zonophone: AE2210
21173 Kiss and make up (Ned Miller; Al Bogate; Carl Hoefle) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jack Crawford and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-41366- 5 15-Dec-27 17-Feb-28 to 1929 Kansas City
HMV: 7-827, EA313
21174 Henry’s made a lady out of Lizzie (Walter O’Keefe)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-41514- 2 4-Jan-28 17-Feb-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4438, B2704
21174 Its in the bag (Charles Tobias; Al Sherman)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-41193- 2 21-Dec-27 17-Feb-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4439
21175 Doena
Constantine, Lazaros - violin
Piano (NL)
BVE-40604- 2 12-Oct-27 May-28 to 1931+ New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 81487, V-19022
20000 / 21000 SERIES 197
21175 Roumanian gypsy song
Constantine, Lazaros - violin
Corm, Michael - piano
BVE-40696- 2 7-Nov-27 May-28 to 1931+ New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: V-19022
21176 Love’s dream after the ball (Alfons Czibulka, Op. 356)
Albrecht’s Schrammel Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Albrecht, Václav - accordion
BVE-41305- 2 3-Dec-27 Apr-28 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-667
21176 Rendezvous roccoco (Wilhelm Aletter)
Albrecht’s Schrammel Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Albrecht, Václav - accordion
BVE-39077- 2 5-Jul-27 Apr-28 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-668
21177 Here’s to the wedding
Jack Murphy and his Twin Harmonic Players
Carroll, John - harmonica; Delaney, Pat - piano; Murphy, Jack - vocal and accordion
BVE-41131- 2 30-Nov-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
21177 Limerick wedding, The (Jack Murphy)
Murphy, Jack - vocal
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-41130- 2 30-Nov-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
21178 Irish volunteer, The (Shaun O’Farrell)
O’Farrell, Shaun - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-41404- 1 9-Dec-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
21178 Mary, youre so contrary
O’Farrell, Shaun - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-41405- 2 9-Dec-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
21179 Hat my father wore on St. Patrick’s day, The (William Jerome; Jean Schwartz)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-40083- 2 16-Nov-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931+ Camden - Church
21179 Isle of Dreams, The (Chauncey Olcott; George Graff, Jr.; Ernest R. Ball):
When Irish eyes are smiling
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-40084- 2 16-Nov-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931+ Camden - Church
Victor: Yorkville K-528
HMV: 7-2121, B2776
21180 Medley of Jigs - Sons of Erin + Joe’s favorite
Emerald Quartet (Sweeney Brothers, Alfredo Cibelli - director)
BVE-41103- 2 22-Nov-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 40-1038, B3399
21180 Medley of Reels - Sligo boys + Limerick rover
Emerald Quartet (Sweeney Brothers, Alfredo Cibelli - director)
Sweeney, Francis - piano; Sweeney, John - violin; Saxophone and traps
BVE-41102- 2 22-Nov-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 40-1039, B3399
21181 Irish Hornpipes - The Morehampton hornpipes + Twenty-one Mount Shannon + Martin’s favorite
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-40595- 1 18-Nov-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 40-1040, B3390
21181 Irish Reels - Medley - Sheehan’s reel + The soldier’s joy + The peeler’s jacket
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-40594- 1 18-Nov-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 40-1224, B3390
21182 Dress parade (Arr. J. Perches Enriquez) - “Columna militar”
International Novelty Band, Eduardo Vigil y Robles - director
Zamudio, Luis - talking
BVE-40206- 1 14-Sep-27 Apr-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 75259, 80174
21182 His honor, the mayor (Jorce L. Mackay) -
- “Mayor Aleman”
International Novelty Band, Eduardo Vigil y Robles - director
BVE-41280- 1 28-Dec-27 Apr-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5-372 Zonophone: AE2322
21183 1 Betty Jean (Blue Steele) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Blue Steele and his Orchestra
Steele, Blue - tenor
BVE-40355- 2 26-Oct-27 2-Mar-28 to 1928
Regional release
21183 2 Betty Jean (Blue Steele) -
Waltz Note different arrangement from previous take
Blue Steele and his Orchestra, Blue Steele - director
Steele, Blue - tenor
BVE-40355- 7 7-Feb-28 1928 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21183 Feelin’ no pain (Fud Livingston)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Red and Miff’s Stompers, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-40169- 2 12-Oct-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930
Regional release
New York
21184 1 Memphis blues, The (W.C. Handy)
- F- F
- F- F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Pollack and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-41343- 2 7-Dec-27 27-Apr-28 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
21184 2 Memphis blues, The (W.C. Handy)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Pollack and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-41343- 3 7-Dec-27 27-Apr-28 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
21184 1 Waitin’ for Katie (Ted Shapiro; Gustave “Gus” Kahn)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Pollack and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Vocal by band members
BVE-41342- 2 7-Dec-27 27-Apr-28 to 1928 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-894
21184 2 Waitin’ for Katie (Ted Shapiro; Gustave “Gus” Kahn)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Pollack and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Vocal by band members
BVE-41342- 3 7-Dec-27 1929 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
21185 I’m goin’ to move to Kansas City (Will Shade) - Listed in the ledger as
“Kansas City blues”
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), kazoo, mandolin (NL)
Ramey, Ben - vocal; Shade, Will - vocal; Weldon, Will “Casey Bill” - vocal
BVE-40315- 1 19-Oct-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
Victor: Bluebird B-5430
HMV: 40-6604
21185 State of Tennessee blues (Jennie Clayton; Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), kazoo, mandolin (NL)
Clayton, Jennie - vocal; Shade, Will - vocal
BVE-40313- 2 19-Oct-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
21186 I know my name is there (D.S. Warner; B.E. Warren)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - chorus, guitars, organ and violins (2) (NL)
BVE-39705- 2 25-Jul-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21186 No more good-byes (Eden Reeder Latta; J.H. Fillmore)
Ernest V. Stoneman’s Dixie Mountaineers - chorus, guitars, organ and violins (2) (NL)
BVE-39707- 2 25-Jul-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21187 Don’t forget me, little darling (J. Patterson)
Red Patterson’s Piedmont Log Rollers - banjos (2), guitar and violin (NL)
Patterson, Red - vocal
BVE-39798- 2 12-Aug-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21187 My sweetheart is a shy little fairy (J. Patterson)
Red Patterson’s Piedmont Log Rollers - banjos (2), guitar and violin (NL)
Norton, Henry - tenor; Patterson, Red - vocal
BVE-39797- 2 12-Aug-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
20000 / 21000 SERIES 199
21188 Jacob’s ladder (Hart P. Danks; Arr. Charlie T. Tillman)
McCravy, Frank - vocal; McCravy, James - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-39640- 2 8-Jul-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21188 Sweet Evelina (T. Brigham Bishop; Arr. Ernest Moody)
Moody, Ernest - vocal and guitar
Reeve, Phil - vocal and guitar
BVE-39790- 2 10-Aug-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21189 Handsome Molly (G.B. Grayson)
Grayson, G.B. - vocal and violin
Whitter, Henry - guitar
BVE-40302- 1 18-Oct-27 16-Mar-28 to 1934
Regional release
21189 Train forty-five (G.B. Grayson)
Grayson, G.B. - vocal and violin
Whitter, Henry - guitar
BVE-40307- 2 18-Oct-27 16-Mar-28 to 1934
Regional release
Victor: Bluebird B-5498
HMV: 40-6873
21190 Sweet bird (Thomas P. Westendorf; George W. Persley) -
red Pred P
red Pred P
red P
endleton listed in ledgerendleton listed in ledger
endleton listed in ledgerendleton listed in ledger
endleton listed in ledger
as composer as composer
as composer as composer
as composer
West Virginia Night Owls - vocal
Read, Orville - guitar; Pendelton, Fred - violin
BVE-40788- 2 19-Dec-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
21190 Telephone girl, The (Orville Reed)
Reed, Orville - vocal and guitar
BVE-40795- 2 19-Dec-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
21191 Explosion in the Fairmount mines (Alfred Reed)
Reed, “Blind” Alfred - baritone and violin
Reed, Orville - guitar
BVE-40790- 2 19-Dec-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
21191 Prayer of the drunkard’s little girl, The (Alfred Reed)
Reed, “Blind” Alfred - baritone and violin
Reed, Orville - guitar
BVE-40794- 2 19-Dec-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
21192 Happy in prison (Ernest Phipps)
Ernest Phipps and his Holiness Quartette - vocal
Guitars (2) and violin (NL)
BVE-39714- 2 26-Jul-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21192 Jesus is getting us ready for that great day (Ernest Phipps)
Ernest Phipps and his Holiness Quartette - vocal
Guitars (2) and violin (NL)
BVE-39713- 3 26-Jul-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21193 Good-bye, my Bonnie, good-bye (Dock Walsh; Gwen Foster)
Carolina Tar Heels
Foster, Gwen - vocal, guitar and harmonica; Walsh, Dock- vocal and banjo
BVE-39793- 2 11-Aug-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21193 My mamma scolds me for flirting (Dock Walsh)
Carolina Tar Heels
Foster, Gwen - vocal, guitar and harmonica; Walsh, Dock- vocal and banjo
BVE-39809- 1 15-Aug-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21194 Two soldiers, The (Carl T. Sprague; Words From “Lomax Cowboy Ballads”)
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor and guitar
Mintz, Joe - violin; Olsen, Olie - violin
BVE-39843- 4 24-Aug-27 2-Mar-28 to 1934
Regional release
Savannah, GA
21194 Utah Carroll (Alan Lomax; John Lomax)
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor and guitar
Mintz, Joe - violin; Olsen, Olie - violin
BVE-39842- 2 24-Aug-27 2-Mar-28 to 1934
Regional release
Savannah, GA
21195 G rag (Bud Landress)
Georgia Yellow Hammers:
Evans, Clyde - guitar; Landress, Uncle Bud - violin; Moody, C.E. - banjo and ukulele;
Reeves, C.P. - guitar
BVE-39783- 2 9-Aug-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21195 I’m S-A-V-E-D (Bud Landress)
Georgia Yellow Hammers:
Evans, Clyde - guitar; Landress, Uncle Bud - violin; Moody, C.E. - banjo and ukulele;
Reeves, C.P. - guitar
BVE-39781- 1 9-Aug-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21196 Heavenly sunshine (Lucy E. Campbell)
Rosemond, Connie - vocal, melodian and piano
BVE-39444- 1 20-Jul-27 2-Mar-28 to 1929
Race release
21196 Something within (Lucy E. Campbell)
Rosemond, Connie - vocal, melodian and piano
BVE-39443- 3 20-Jul-27 2-Mar-28 to 1929
Race release
21197 Good-bye, my Alabama babe
Alabama Four - vocal quartet (NL)
BVE-40406- 2 14-Oct-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930
Race release
21197 Queen Street rag
Alabama Four - vocal quartet (NL)
BVE-40407- 1 14-Oct-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930
Race release
21198 Baptism by water and baptism by the holy ghost (J.E. Burch)
Elder J.E. Burch and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Bass drum, guitar, snare drum, tambourine
BVE-40339- 2 23-Oct-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
21198 Will you obey God? (J.E. Burch)
Elder J.E. Burch and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Bass drum, guitar, snare drum, tambourine
BVE-40340- 2 23-Oct-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
21199 Ding dong blues (Staton; Bennie Moten) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra
BVE-38673- 2 12-Jun-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-587
21199 Pass out lightly (There ain’t nothin’ to it) (J. Washington) -
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra
BVE-38672- 3 12-Jun-27 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-586
21200 Come down, McGinty (Pat White)
White, Pat - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-41523- 1 6-Jan-28 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
Victor: Yorkville K-510
21200 Raffle for a stove (Pat White)
White, Pat - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-41524- 2 6-Jan-28 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
21201 Don’t let nobody turn you around (Imperial Quintette: Benjamin Byrant; Frank Jackson; Billy
Robinson; Clarence Robinson; Henry Singleton)
Imperial Quintette: Bryant, Benjamin - tenor; Jackson, Frank - bass; Robinson, Clarence - tenor;
Robinson, Willy - tenor; Singleton, Henry - baritone
BVE-39846- 2 24-Aug-27 16-Mar-28 to 1929
Race release
Savannah, GA
20000 / 21000 SERIES 201
21201 Sweet and blessed story (Imperial Quintette: Benjamin Byrant; Frank Jackson; Billy Robinson;
Clarence Robinson; Henry Singleton)
Imperial Quintette: Bryant, Benjamin - tenor; Jackson, Frank - bass; Robinson, Clarence - tenor;
Robinson, Willy - tenor; Singleton, Henry - baritone
BVE-39845- 3 24-Aug-27 16-Mar-28 to 1929
Race release
Savannah, GA
21202 He’s gone away (Easton; Sidney Easton) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe organ
Thomas Morris and his Hot Babies (NL)
BVE-40093- 2 1-Dec-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
Camden - Church
21202 Please take me out of jail (Thomas Morris; Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe organ
Thomas Morris and his Hot Babies (NL)
BVE-40098- 2 1-Dec-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
Camden - Church
21203 Boar hog blues (Richard M. Jones) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Richard M. Jones’ Jazz Wizards - clarinet, cornet, guitar, piano, trombone,
traps and tuba (NL)
BVE-40822- 2 7-Nov-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21203 Jazzin’ baby blues (Richard M. Jones) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Richard M. Jones’ Jazz Wizards - clarinet, cornet, guitar, piano, trombone,
traps and tuba (NL)
BVE-40820- 2 7-Nov-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21204 I wonder? (Robert H. Cloud)
Pratt, Lester - baritone
Underwood, Sugar - piano
BVE-39833- 2 23-Aug-27 16-Mar-28 to 1930
Race release
Savannah, GA
21204 Why did you leave me alone? (Robert H. Cloud)
Frazier, Charles - tenor
Underwood, Sugar - piano
BVE-39832- 1 23-Aug-27 16-Mar-28 to 1930
Race release
Savannah, GA
21205 Holy City, The (F.W. McGee)
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - sermon with singing - 5 ladies
Cornet, guitar, piano and string bass (NL)
BVE-40829- 2 8-Nov-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21205 Rock of ages (Augustus M. Toplady, Thomas Hastings) + Scripture lesson
(F.W. McGee)
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - sermon with singing - 5 ladies
Cornet, guitar, piano and string bass (NL)
BVE-40833- 2 8-Nov-27 16-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21206 I want to be lonesome (I want to be blue) (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-41408- 3 13-Dec-27 Apr-28 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-913, R9351 Zonophone: AE2281
21206 Take the Air (Gene Buck; Dave Stamper): Maybe I’ll baby you -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-41406- 2 13-Dec-27 Apr-28 to 1929 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-912, K5436 Zonophone: AE2281
21207 Sérénade (Franz Schubert, D. 957, No. 4; Arr. Jesse Crawford)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-31193- 4 31-Oct-27 30-Mar-28 to 1947 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4363
HMV: 2-9341, B2811
21207 Somewhere a voice is calling (Eileen Newton; Arthur F. Tate)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-31194- 5 30-Oct-27 30-Mar-28 to 1947 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4363
HMV: 2-9340, B2811
21208 Cicero and Caesar - Part 1
Jones and Jones - talking
Wilson, Bernice - piano
BVE-40364- 2 17-Jan-28 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
21208 Cicero and Caesar - Part 2
Jones and Jones - talking
Wilson, Bernice - piano
BVE-40365- 2 17-Jan-28 2-Mar-28 to 1931
Race release
21209 Grass grows greener (Way down home), The (Jack Yellen; Dan Dougherty)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
Hayton, Leonard - piano; Kress, Carl - guitar
BVE-41537- 3 11-Jan-28 2-Mar-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4443
21209 Tin pan parade (Haven Gillespie, Richard A. Whiting)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
Hayton, Leonard - piano; Kress, Carl - guitar; Cornets (2) and traps (NL)
BVE-41538- 3 11-Jan-28 2-Mar-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4442, B2717
21210 For my baby (Irving Kahal; Francis Wheeler; Ted Snyder)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone and piano
BVE-39381- 3 1-Nov-27 2-Mar-28 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 7-2007, B2715, K5506
21210 There’s a rickety, rickety shack (Charles Tobias; Roy Turk)
De Leath, Vaughn - soprano
Smalle, Ed - vocal and piano
BVE-40502- 2 24-Oct-27 2-Mar-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4444, B2715, K5506
21211 Mrs. Cohen at the beach (Billy Rose; Ballard MacDonald) - Part 1
Brice, Fanny - comic
Shilkret, Nathaniel - piano
BVE-41187- 3 20-Dec-27 9-Mar-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3271, EA621
21211 Mrs. Cohen at the beach (Billy Rose; Ballard MacDonald) - Part 2
Brice, Fanny - comic
Shilkret, Nathaniel - piano
BVE-41194- 1 21-Dec-27 9-Mar-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3272, EA621
21212 I just roll along (Havin’ my ups and downs) (Jo Trent; Peter de Rose) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
All Star Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Formerly “Fud and Farley Orchestra”
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-41513- 3 3-Jan-28 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-847, EA357
21212 My melancholy baby (George A. Norton; Ernie Burnett) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
All Star Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Formerly “Fud and Farley Orchestra”
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-41512- 2 3-Jan-28 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-848, EA357
21213 Dear, on a night like this (Irving Caesar; Con Conrad) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-41198- 3 22-Dec-27 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-844, AM1218, B5462
21213 Together (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-41563- 1 19-Jan-28 2-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-843, AM1218, EG824, K5424, R9367 Zonophone: AE2158
20000 / 21000 SERIES 203
21214 Lonely melody (Larry Spier; Sam Coslow) -
Fox Fox
Fox Fox
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
BVE-41295- 1 4-Jan-28 16-Mar-28 to 1934 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-891, B5516
21214 Ramona (Film) (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Mabel Wayne): Ramona -
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-41293- 3 4-Jan-28 16-Mar-28 to 1934 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 25436
HMV: 7-890, AM1202, B5476, EG824, K5450, R4685
21215 Show Boat (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern): Can’t help lovin’ dat man -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-41177- 1 15-Dec-27 2-Mar-28 to 1934 New York
Victor: 25250
HMV: 7-845, AM1219, B5472, EG825, K5438, R4683 Zonophone: AE2211
21215 Show Boat (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern): Why do I love you? -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-41170- 2 13-Dec-27 2-Mar-28 to 1934 New York
Victor: 25250
HMV: 7-846, AM1219, B5472, EG825, K5438, R4683 Zonophone: AE2211
21216 Ave Maria (Johann Sebastian Bach, BWV-846; Charles Gounod)
O’Connell, Charles - pipe-organ
BVE-41464- 3 23-Jan-28 Apr-28 to 1950 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9396, B2961
21216 Rosary, The (Ethelbert Nevin)
O’Connell, Charles - pipe-organ
BVE-41463- 1 23-Jan-28 Apr-28 to 1950 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9416, B2961
21217 Beautiful (Haven Gillespie; Larry Shay) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jack Crawford and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-41380- 2 15-Dec-27 30-Mar-28 to 1930 Kansas City
HMV: 7-883, EA375
21217 Everywhere you go (Larry Shay; Joe Goodwin; Mark Fisher)
Frankie Masters and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Masters, Frankie - vocal
BVE-41341- 3 6-Dec-27 30-Mar-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-882, R4681
21218 Show Boat (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern): Make believe
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal
BVE-41470- 5 27-Jan-28 9-Mar-28 to 1936 Camden - Church
Victor: 25249
HMV: 7-897, AM1194, B5471, EG838, K5448, R4697 Zonophone: AE2207
21218 Show Boat (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern): Ol’ man river
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal
BVE-41607- 2 11-Jan-28 9-Mar-28 to 1936 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 25249
HMV: 7-896, AM1194, B5471, B8929, BD5066, EG838, K5448, R4697 Zonophone: AE2207
21219 After my laughter came tears (Roy Turk; Charles Tobias) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Virginians, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Hillpot, William A. “Billy” - vocal; Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-41520- 6 19-Jan-28 9-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-898, B5460, EA320, EG839 Zonophone: AE2239
21219 In the sing song sycamore tree (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Virginians, The (Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director)
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-41285- 3 29-Dec-27 9-Mar-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-899, EA320, EG839 Zonophone: AE2239
21220 Four Walls (Al Jolson; Billy Rose; Dave Dreyer): Four walls
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-41567- 2 20-Jan-28 9-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2016 Zonophone: 5141
21220 Together (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-41566- 1 20-Jan-28 9-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2015 Zonophone: 5141
21221 Old guitar and an old refrain, An (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ben Black; Charles N. Daniels
as “Neil Morét”)
Woodson, Greta - “Whispering contralto”
Shield, Leroy - director and piano Cello and violin (NL)
BVE-40955- 2 27-Nov-27 4-Feb-28 to 1929
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21221 Tomorrow (Walter Hirsch; H. Leopold Spitalny; Monte Wilhite)
Woodson, Greta - “Whispering contralto”
Shield, Leroy - director and piano Cello and violin (NL)
BVE-40954- 3 27-Nov-27 4-Feb-28 to 1929
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21222 I’ll think of you (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; John Schonberger; Abe Lyman)
Woodson, Greta - “Whispering contralto”
Shield, Leroy - director and piano; Cello and violin (NL)
BVE-40956- 3 27-Nov-27 4-Feb-28 to 1929
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21222 Waiting for the rainbow (Billy Rose; Benny Davis; Harry Akst)
Woodson, Greta - “Whispering contralto”
Shield, Leroy - director and piano; Cello and violin (NL)
BVE-40957- 2 27-Nov-27 4-Feb-28 to 1929
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21223 Storm, The (Arthur Meale) - Part 1
Meale, Arthur - organ
BR 296- 4 23-Aug-26 27-Apr-28 to 1931+ Westminster - Central Hall
HMV: 9730, AA122, B2347, EG319
21223 Storm, The (Arthur Meale) - Part 2
Meale, Arthur - organ
BR 297- 3 29-Jun-26 27-Apr-28 to 1931+ Westminster - Central Hall
HMV: 9729, AA122, B2347, EG319
21224 Rosalie (George Gershwin): Oh gee, oh joy -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Leonard Joy - director
Browne, Sam - vocal; Shackleford, Harry - vocal; Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-41584- 3 26-Jan-28 30-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-884
21224 Rosalie (George Gershwin): Say so -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Leonard Joy - director
Browne, Sam - vocal; Shackleford, Harry - vocal; Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-41585- 3 26-Jan-28 30-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-885
21225 Milioni d’Arlecchino (R. Drigo): Serenade
Morini, Giulietta - violin
Flamingo, P. - guitar
BVE-41023- 5 19-Jan-28 May-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-7920, EG964
21225 Seventh Heaven (Erno Rapée): Diane (I’m in heaven when I see you smile)
Morini, Giulietta - violin
Flamingo, P. - guitar
BVE-41628- 2 19-Jan-28 May-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-7919, EG964
20000 / 21000 SERIES 205
21226 Black and blue blues (Charles Marsh; Bobby O’Brien)
Duncan Sisters, The: Duncan, Rosetta - vocal; Duncan, Vivian - vocal and ukulele
Kisco, Charles - piano
BVE-40204- 2 13-Sep-27 16-Mar-28 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4-4464
21226 Lickens (Duncan Sisters) - Topsy song”
Duncan Sisters, The (NL)
Duncan, Vivian - piano
BVE-34702- 4 16-Feb-26 16-Mar-28 to 1929 Camden
HMV: 4-4451
21227 My stormy weather pal (Al Piantadosi) -
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-41196- 2 21-Dec-27 16-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-887, AM1272
21227 There must be a silver lining (That’s shining for me) (Dolly Morse; Walter Donaldson) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal; Humming by orchestra members
BVE-41656- 2 28-Jan-28 16-Mar-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-886, AM1272, B5468, EG792 Zonophone: AE2235
21228 Away down South in heaven (Bud Green; Harry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Virginians, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-41521- 5 19-Jan-28 16-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-889, AM1214, B5460, EA329
21228 Smile (Heywood; Arr. William Challis) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-41294- 5 24-Jan-28 16-Mar-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-888, B5465 Zonophone: AE2189
21229 Rain or Shine (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): Forever and ever -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-42403- 2 2-Feb-28 30-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-519, AM1215, EG840
21229 Rain or Shine (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): Rain or shine -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-42402- 3 2-Feb-28 30-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-914, AM1215, EG840, K5474, R9359
21230 From midnight till dawn (Vic Tory; Dale Wimbrow; Charley Abbott)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Sannella, Andy - guitar; Clarinet and saxophone (NL)
BVE-41200- 1 6-Dec-27 16-Mar-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2025
21230 Our bungalow of dreams (Tommie Malie; Charles Newman; Joe Verges)
Crescent Trio: James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-41570- 3 23-Jan-28 16-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4452, B2717
21231 Mikado, The (Arthur S. Sullivan) - Potpourri - Part 1
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BDR4689- 2 14-Jun-27 May-28 to 1931 Berlin
HMV: 8-40569, AM763, B3334, EG572
21231 Mikado, The (Arthur S. Sullivan) - Potpourri - Part 2
Marek Weber and his Orchestra
BDR4690- 1 14-Jun-27 May-28 to 1931 Berlin
HMV: 8-40570, AM763, B3334, EG572
21232 Old guitar and an old refrain, An (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ben Black; Charles N. Daniels
as “Neil Morét”)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Robison, Carson J. - guitar
Orchestra, Leonard Joy and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
BVE-41581- 5 1-Feb-28 10-Feb-28 to 1930
Regional release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2442 Zonophone: 5374
21232 There’ll always be room for you (Maurice J. Gunsky; Morton H. Bories)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-41580- 2 25-Jan-28 10-Feb-28 to 1930
Regional release
New York
HMV: 7-2431 Zonophone: 5424
21233 Let a smile be your umbrella (On a rainy day) (Irving Kahal; Francis Wheeler;
Sammy Fain) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-42420- 2 8-Feb-28 23-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-900, EA328, R4681
21233 1 Strike Up the Band (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): The man I love -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
BVE-41583- 4 9-Feb-28 23-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
21233 2 Strike Up the Band (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): The man I love -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
BVE-41583- 5 9-Feb-28 23-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-951, EG845
21234 Auf wiedersehn (Abner Greenberg) -
- “We’ll meet again”
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra of Boston, Jacques Renard -
director and violin
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-42412- 2 6-Feb-28 23-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-902, R4679
21234 Mary Ann (Benny Davis; Abner Silver) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra of Boston, Jacques Renard -
director and violin
Hillpot, William A. “Billy” - vocal; Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-42411- 2 6-Feb-28 23-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-901
21235 Cielito lindo (P. Santos) -
Troubadours, The (Max Dolin’s Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director)
BVE-41591- 2 30-Jan-28 1-Jun-28 to 1951 New York
Victor: V-4141, V-21085
HMV: 8-516
21235 Golondrina, La (Narciso Serradell) -
- “The swallow”
Troubadours, The (Max Dolin’s Orchestra, Eduardo Vigil y Robles - director)
BVE-41590- 7 16-Mar-28 1-Jun-28 to 1951 New York
Victor: V-4141, V-21085
HMV: 8-515
21236 My Mobile Central blues (Jim Jackson)
Jackson, Jim - vocal and guitar
BVE-41801- 4 2-Feb-28 6-Apr-28 to 1929
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21236 My Monday woman blues (Jim Jackson)
Jackson, Jim - vocal and guitar
BVE-41800- 1 30-Jan-28 6-Apr-28 to 1929
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21237 Cicero and Caesar - Part 3
Jones and Jones - talking
Wilson, Bernice - piano
BVE-40397- 2 8-Feb-28 6-Apr-28 to 1931
Race release
21237 Cicero and Caesar - Part 4
Jones and Jones - talking
Wilson, Bernice - piano
BVE-40398- 2 8-Feb-28 6-Apr-28 to 1931
Race release
20000 / 21000 SERIES 207
21238 Show Boat (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern): Bill
Morgan, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Victor Baravalls - director
BVE-42443- 2 14-Feb-28 23-Mar-28 to 1936 New York
Victor: 25248, 27681
HMV: 3-3278, BD343, EA551
21238 Show Boat (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern): Can’t help lovin’ dat man
Morgan, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Victor Baravalls - director
BVE-42442- 1 14-Feb-28 23-Mar-28 to 1936 New York
Victor: 25248, 27681
HMV: 3-3277, B2735, BD343, EG1481
21239 Fascination (Irving Mills; Dave Bernie) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Don Bestor and his Orchestra, Don Bestor - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-41030- 3 14-Nov-27 16-Feb-28 to 1930
Regional release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
21239 Who knows? (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Don Bestor and his Orchestra, Don Bestor - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-41028- 2 14-Nov-27 16-Feb-28 to 1930
Regional release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
21240 Back in your own back yard (Al Jolson; Billy Rose; Dave Dreyer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, William Challis - director
BVE-41471- 3 28-Jan-28 23-Mar-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-905, B5564, EG1161, K5606 Zonophone: AE2236
21240 Sunshine (Irving Berlin) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal; Bargy, Roy - piano
BVE-41688- 3 13-Feb-28 23-Mar-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-904, EG845 Zonophone: AE2236
21241 Oh, Lucindy (Thekla Hollingsworth; Jessie L. Deppen)
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-41179- 2 15-Dec-27 6-Apr-28 to 1941 New York
HMV: 4-4454, B2816, EG916, K5428 Zonophone: AE2272
21241 Show Boat (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern): Ol’ man river
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-41539- 2 11-Jan-28 6-Apr-28 to 1941 New York
HMV: 4-4453, B2735, EG916, K5428, R6965 Zonophone: AE2272
21242 Guide me, o thou great Jehovah (William Williams; Thomas Hastings)
Loveless Twins Quartet: Loveless, Harmon - vocal; Loveless, Herman - vocal;
Loveless, Lola - vocal; Loveless, Lola - vocal
BVE-40740- 2 28-Nov-27 6-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
21242 Lead kindly light (John Henry Newman; John B. Dykes)
Loveless Twins Quartet: Loveless, Harmon - vocal; Loveless, Herman - vocal;
Loveless, Lola - vocal; Loveless, Lola - vocal
BVE-40742- 2 28-Nov-27 6-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
21243 Jealous sweetheart, The (Paul Johnson)
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - guitar; Johnson, Paul - vocal and guitar
BVE-39723- 1 28-Jul-27 6-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21243 Two brothers are we (From East Tennessee) (Paul Johnson)
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - guitar; Johnson, Paul - vocal and guitar
Tennessee Wildcats - bones and mandolin (NL)
BVE-39722- 3 28-Jul-27 6-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21244 Sleeping late (Eck Dunford)
Dunford, Uncle Eck - vocal and guitar
Stoneman, Ernest V. - banjo
BVE-40334- 1 22-Oct-27 6-Apr-28 to 1929
Regional release
21244 Taffy pulling party, The (Eck Dunford)
Dunford, Uncle Eck - vocal and guitar
Stoneman, Ernest V. - banjo
BVE-40336- 1 22-Oct-27 6-Apr-28 to 1929
Regional release
21245 Ben Dewberry’s final run (Andy Jenkins)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
BVE-40751- 2 30-Nov-27 29-Jun-28 to 1941
Regional release
Victor: Bluebird B-5482
HMV: 7-2117, EA1543 Regal Zonophone: IZ495, MR2241 Zonophone: G23117
Zonophone Twin: FT8185
21245 In the jailhouse now (Jimmie Rodgers)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
Cozzens, Ellsworth - banjo
BVE-41740- 1 15-Feb-28 29-Jun-28 to 1941
Regional release
Victor: Bluebird B-5223, Electradisk 2109, Montgomery Ward M-4721, Sunrise S-3306
HMV: 7-2110, EA1406, N4309 Zonophone: 4342, G23202
21246 Girl of my dreams, I love you (Sunny Clapp)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Robison, Carson J. - guitar
Orchestra, Leonard Joy and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
BVE-41669- 3 1-Feb-28 6-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2100 Zonophone: 5140
21246 I’m waiting for ships that never come in (Jack Yellen; Abe Olman)
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-41579- 2 25-Jan-28 6-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
HMV: 7-2101 Zonophone: 5140
21247 Hot tempered blues (Charles Johnson; Arthur Porter) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Charles Johnson’s Paradise Ten
BVE-41641- 2 24-Jan-28 6-Apr-28 to 1931
Race release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
21247 You ain’t the one (Charles Johnson; Arthur Porter) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Charles Johnson’s Paradise Ten
Moore, Monette - vocal
BVE-41639- 2 24-Jan-28 6-Apr-28 to 1931
Race release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
21248 Love is my wonderful song (J.E. Burch)
Elder J.E. Burch and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Bass drum, guitar, snare drum, tambourine
BVE-40345- 2 23-Oct-27 6-Apr-28 to 1929
Race release
21248 Prayer service, The (J.E. Burch)
Elder J.E. Burch and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Bass drum, guitar, snare drum, tambourine
BVE-40344- 2 23-Oct-27 6-Apr-28 to 1929
Race release
21249 Cold mornin’ shout (Bobby Leecan)
South Street Trio: Cooksey, Robert - harmonica; Leecan, Bobby - banjo; Martin, Alfred - guitar
BVE-39375- 2 27-Oct-27 6-Apr-28 to 1930
Race release
21249 Suitcase breakdown (Bobby Leecan)
South Street Trio: Cooksey, Robert - harmonica; Leecan, Bobby - banjo; Martin, Alfred - guitar
BVE-39376- 2 27-Oct-27 6-Apr-28 to 1930
Race release
21250 Dream, A (Charles Cory; James Bartlett; Arr. Jesse Crawford)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-40804- 1 31-Oct-27 27-Apr-28 to 1944 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9345, B3001, EG1418, R10134
21250 Humoresque (Antonín Dvorák, Op. 101, No. 7; Arr. Jesse Crawford)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-40803- 2 31-Oct-27 27-Apr-28 to 1944 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9346
20000 / 21000 SERIES 209
21251 Light Calvary Overture (Franz von Suppé) - Part 1
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-27933- 5 5-Dec-27 27-Apr-28 to 1931+ Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6038
HMV: 7-939, B2856, HN467, R10062
21251 Light Calvary Overture (Franz von Suppé) - Part 2
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-27934- 6 5-Dec-27 27-Apr-28 to 1931+ Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6038
HMV: 7-940, B2856, HN467, R10062
21252 Dancing tambourine (Phil Ponce; William C. Polla)
Alpert, Pauline - piano
BVE-40541- 2 3-Nov-27 30-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 5945, R10031 Zonophone: 5124
21252 Doll dance, The (Nacio Herb Brown) - From “Hollywood Music Box Revue”
Alpert, Pauline - piano
BVE-40542- 1 3-Nov-27 30-Mar-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 5944, R10031 Zonophone: 5124
21253 Rimpianto serenade (Enrico Toselli; Arr. Nathaniel Shilkret)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director and organ
BVE-32063- 5 20-Aug-26 1-Jun-28 to 1950 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6029, Pict-Ur-Music 0434
HMV: 8-523, AM1505, AM3824, B2768 Zonophone: AE2684
21253 Sérénade (Franz Schubert, D. 957, No. 4; Arr. Nathaniel Shilkret)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-36057- 3 20-Aug-26 1-Jun-28 to 1950 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6039, Pict-Ur-Music 0433
HMV: 8-522, AM1505, AM3824, B2768, GW613, GY263, K5583, R8843 Zonophone: AE2684
21254 Crucifixion, The (John Stainer): God so loved the world
Trinity Choir, Clifford Cairns - director
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges)
: Elsie Baker; Della Baker;
Helen Clark; Frank Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Wilfred Glenn; Emily Stokes Hager; Judson House; Edna
Indermauer; Lewis James; Olive Kline; Lucy Isabelle Marsh; James Melton; Lambert Murphy; Elliott Shaw
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-42510- 2 16-Feb-28 30-Mar-28 to 19r44 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-4815 Zonophone: 5264
21254 Hosanna (Jules Granier)
Trinity Choir, Clifford Cairns - director
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges)
: Elsie Baker; Della Baker;
Helen Clark; Frank Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Wilfred Glenn; Emily Stokes Hager; Judson House; Edna
Indermauer; Lewis James; Olive Kline; Lucy Isabelle Marsh; James Melton; Lambert Murphy; Elliott Shaw
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-42511- 1 16-Feb-28 30-Mar-28 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-4814 Zonophone: 5264
21255 All hail the power of Jesus’ name (Oliver Holden)
Trinity Choir, Clifford Cairns - director
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges)
: Elsie Baker; Della Baker;
Helen Clark; Frank Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Wilfred Glenn; Emily Stokes Hager; Judson House; Edna
Indermauer; Lewis James; Olive Kline; Lucy Isabelle Marsh; James Melton; Lambert Murphy; Elliott Shaw
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-42512- 2 16-Feb-28 30-Mar-28 to 1941 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-4813 Zonophone: 5508
21255 Jesus Christ is risen to-day - Alleluia (Jesus Christ, our Lord) (Worden) - “Lyra Davidica”
Trinity Choir, Clifford Cairns - director
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges)
: Elsie Baker; Della Baker;
Helen Clark; Frank Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Wilfred Glenn; Emily Stokes Hager; Judson House; Edna
Indermauer; Lewis James; Olive Kline; Lucy Isabelle Marsh; James Melton; Lambert Murphy; Elliott Shaw
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-42509- 2 16-Feb-28 30-Mar-28 to 1941 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-4812 Zonophone: 5508
21256 Secret Hour, The (Irving Kahal; Francis Wheeler; Ted Snyder): The beggar -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-42428- 3 9-Feb-28 6-Apr-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-927, B5470 Zonophone: AE2683
21256 Sunrise (Will bring another day for you), The (Cliff Friend)
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp and Leroy Shields - directors
Cassidy, Joe - vocal
BVE-40835- 3 9-Nov-27 6-Apr-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-915, B5476, K5450
21257 Dream kisses (Jack Yellen; M.K. Jerome)
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director and celeste
BVE-42441- 3 14-Feb-28 6-Apr-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2030 Zonophone: 5128
21257 Youd rather forget than forgive (Howard E. Johnson; Joe Davis)
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-42435- 1 10-Feb-28 6-Apr-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2031 Zonophone: 5128
21258 Stay out of the South (If you want to miss heaven on earth) (Harold Dixon) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal; Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-41375- 2 14-Dec-27 6-Apr-28 to 1930 Kansas City
HMV: 7-917, AM1217, B5463, EA317
21258 Who’s blue now? (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
BVE-42440- 3 14-Feb-28 6-Apr-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-916, B5463 Zonophone: AE2395
21259 Four Sons (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée): Little mother
- -
- -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43106- 1 23-Feb-28 6-Apr-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-918, B5499, EG854, K5457, R4679 Zonophone: AE2353
21259 Without you, sweetheart (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-43107- 2 23-Feb-28 6-Apr-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-919, EG854
21260 1 An furthermore (Bud Green; Harry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Aaronson, Irving - vocal; Saxe, Phil - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-42527- 1 1-Mar-28 13-Apr-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-921, EA331, K5435
21260 2 An furthermore (Bud Green; Harry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Aaronson, Irving - vocal; Saxe, Phil - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-42527- 2 1-Mar-28 13-Apr-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
21260 1 Paris (Cole Porter): Let’s misbehave -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Saxe, Phil - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-42526- 2 1-Mar-28 13-Apr-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
21260 2 Paris (Cole Porter): Let’s misbehave -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Saxe, Phil - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-42526- 4 1-Mar-28 13-Apr-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-920, EA344, K5435
20000 / 21000 SERIES 211
21261 Tell me, sweet Rose (Mart Britt)
Britt, Mart - vocal
Guitar (NL)
BVE-41866- 3 9-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21261 You will be gone (How will we get along?) (Mart Britt)
Britt, Mart - vocal
Guitar (NL)
BVE-41868- 1 9-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21262 Washington and Lee swing (Thornton W. Allen) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Blue Steele and his Orchestra, Blue Steele - director
Shouts by orchestra members
BVE-41892- 3 13-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1934
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21262 Where has my old gang gone? (Sam Goble; Bob Nolan) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Blue Steele and his Orchestra, Blue Steele - director
Delmarter, Ted - vocal; Nolan, Bob - vocal; Sargent, Kenneth - vocal
BVE-41893- 2 13-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1934
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21263 Girl of my dreams, I love you (Sunny Clapp) -
Walter Kolomoku’s Honoluluans, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-42463- 1 20-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
Victor: 46572, Montgomery Ward M-4353
HMV: 40-4311, B6144 Zonophone: 4360
21263 Maria, marì (Eduardo di Capua) - Medley
Walter Kolomoku’s Honoluluans, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-42462- 2 20-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
Victor: 46572
HMV: 40-4312, B6144
21264 Possum Trot school exhibition (Ernest V. Stoneman) - Part 1
Ernest V. Stoneman and his Blue Ridge Corn Shuckers - banjos (2), guitar and violin (NL)
Talking by band members
BVE-41932- 2 22-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
21264 Possum Trot school exhibition (Ernest V. Stoneman) - Part 2
Ernest V. Stoneman and his Blue Ridge Corn Shuckers - banjos (2), guitar and violin (NL)
Talking by band members
BVE-41933- 2 22-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
21265 He bore it all (J.R. Baxter; V.C. Stamps)
Stamps Quartet: Echols, Otis - baritone; Stamps, Frank - bass; Wheeler, Palmer - tenor; Wheeler,
Roy - tenor
Brock, Dwight M. - piano
BVE-41881- 1 11-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1934
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21265 Walk and talk with Jesus (James Rowe; Sam J. McCollum)
Stamps Quartet: Echols, Otis - baritone; Stamps, Frank - bass; Wheeler, Palmer - tenor;
Wheeler, Roy - tenor
Brock, Dwight M. - piano
BVE-41880- 1 11-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1934
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4250
21266 Go ‘long lasses (Irene Beasley)
Beasley, Irene - vocal and piano
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-41885- 1 11-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21266 Good mornin’ (Irene Beasley)
Beasley, Irene - vocal and piano
Violin (NL)
BVE-41884- 3 11-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21267 Madison Street rag (Gus Cannon)
Cannon’s Jug Stompers - banjo, guitar, jug, harmonica
Cannon, Gus - vocal
BVE-41805- 1 30-Jan-28 20-Apr-28 to 1944
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21267 Minglewood blues (Noah Lewis)
Cannon’s Jug Stompers - banjo, guitar, jug, harmonica
Thompson, Ashley - vocal
BVE-41803- 2 30-Jan-28 20-Apr-28 to 1944
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: Bluebird 1850*, B-5030*, Sunrise S-3117*
21268 Bootlegging blues (Eva Smith)
Jackson, Jim - vocal and guitar
BVE-41904- 2 14-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21268 Policy blues (Eva Smith)
Jackson, Jim - vocal and guitar
BVE-41905- 2 14-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21269 Roadhouse stomp (Douglas Williams)
Douglas Williams Trio: Williams, Douglas - clarinet
Piano and traps (NL)
BVE-41814- 2 31-Jan-28 20-Apr-28 to 1934
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: Bluebird B-6151
21269 Slow death (Douglas Williams)
Douglas Williams Trio: Williams, Douglas - clarinet
Piano and traps (NL)
BVE-41813- 2 31-Jan-28 20-Apr-28 to 1934
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: Bluebird B-6151
21270 Hold it still (Rupe Biggadike)
Memphis Stompers - banjo, cornet, piano, saxophone, traps and trombone
BVE-41841- 2 4-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21270 Kansas City blues (Jim Jackson)
Memphis Stompers - banjo, cornet, piano, saxophone, traps and trombone
BVE-41882- 2 11-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21271 Lion and the tribes of Judah, The (Lonnie McIntorsh)
McIntorsh, Lonnie - vocal and guitar
BVE-41808- 2 31-Jan-28 20-Apr-28 to 1929
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21271 Sleep on, mother, sleep on (Lonnie McIntorsh)
McIntorsh, Lonnie - vocal and guitar
BVE-41807- 1 31-Jan-28 20-Apr-28 to 1929
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21272 Bedtime blues (Frank Stokes)
Stokes, Frank - vocal and guitar
Second guitar (NL)
BVE-41825- 1 1-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21272 Downtown blues (Frank Stokes)
Stokes, Frank - vocal and guitar
Second guitar (NL)
BVE-41822- 1 1-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21273 In the evening (James Frederick Hanley)
Lawley, Cooper - vocal; Yates, Harold - tenor and piano
Krumgold, Sigmund - organ
BVE-42521- 2 24-Feb-28 13-Apr-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 4-4456
21273 My Ohio home (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson)
Lawley, Cooper - vocal; Yates, Harold - tenor and piano
Krumgold, Sigmund - organ
BVE-42520- 4 24-Feb-28 13-Apr-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 4-4455
20000 / 21000 SERIES 213
21274 Mississippi mud (Harry Barris; Arr. Tom Satterfield) -
w Fw F
w Fw F
w F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Tom Satterfield - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Rinker, Alton; Taylor, Irene - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
Barris, Harry - piano
BVE-41696- 3 18-Feb-28 13-Apr-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: EA429
21274 From Monday on (Harry Barris; Harry “Bing” Crosby)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Young, Austin - vocal
Barris, Harry - piano
BVE-41689- 6 28-Feb-28 13-Apr-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-929, B5492 Zonophone: AE2397
21275 Grass grows greener (Way down home), The (Jack Yellen; Dan Dougherty)
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Johnny Johnson and Leonard Joy - directors
Browne, Sam - vocal; Shackleford, Harry - vocal; Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-42479- 2 24-Feb-28 13-Apr-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-931, B5493, EA335
21275 Speedy boy (Raymond Klages; Jesse Greer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Johnny Johnson and Leonard Joy - directors
Browne, Sam - vocal; Shackleford, Harry - vocal; Strom, Roy - vocal; Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-42478- 2 24-Feb-28 13-Apr-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-930
21276 Black Jacks, The - Humorous dialog - Part 3
Lemaire, George - comic; Van, Rex - talking
Joy, Leonard - piano
BVE-42474- 1 23-Feb-28 13-Apr-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4457 Zonophone: 5146
21276 Black Jacks, The - Humorous dialog - Part 4
Lemaire, George - comic; Van, Rex - talking
Joy, Leonard - piano
BVE-42475- 4 23-Feb-28 13-Apr-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4458 Zonophone: 5146
21277 Itchin’ fingers
Smeck, Roy - guitar
Kahn, Art - piano
BVE-39279- 3 21-Jun-27 1-Jun-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8575
21277 Twilight echoes (Carson J. Robison)
Robison, Carson J. - guitar
Smeck, Roy - octo-chorda
BVE-35305- 5 28-Mar-28 1-Jun-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8576
21278 Coal oil blues (Vol Stevens)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), harmonica, jug, kazoo (NL)
Stevens, Vol - vocal
BVE-41888- 2 13-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21278 Papa Long blues (Vol Stevens)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), harmonica, jug, kazoo (NL)
Stevens, Vol - vocal
BVE-41889- 2 13-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21279 Big road blues (Tommy Johnson)
Johnson, Tommy - vocal and guitar
Guitar (NL)
BVE-41837- 2 3-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21279 Cool drink of water blues (Tommy Johnson)
Johnson, Tommy - vocal and guitar
Guitar (NL)
BVE-41836- 2 3-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21280 Ha ha blues (Rosie Mae Moore)
Moore, Rosie Mae - vocal
Guitar (NL)
BVE-41831- 1 3-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21280 Staggering blues (Rosie Mae Moore)
Moore, Rosie Mae - vocal
Guitar (NL)
BVE-41830- 2 3-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21281 Kidnapping (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 men and 3 women singing
BVE-41918- 2 20-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Race release
Victor: Bluebird B-7936
21281 Somebody’s been stealing (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 men and 3 women singing
BVE-41917- 3 20-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Race release
Victor: Bluebird B-7936
21282 Out on Santa Fe blues (Arthur Petties)
Petties, Arthur - vocal and guitar
BVE-41907- 1 14-Feb-28 18-May-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21282 Two-time blues (Arthur Petties)
Petties, Arthur - vocal and guitar
BVE-41906- 2 14-Feb-28 18-May-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21283 Prayer (E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing (NL)
Piano (NL)
BVE-40844- 2 11-Nov-27 18-May-28 to 1931+
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21283 Preach the word (E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing (NL)
Piano (NL)
BVE-40848- 2 11-Nov-27 18-May-28 to 1931+
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21284 Brown berries (Jimmy McHugh; Dorothy Fields; Danny Healy) - Originally “Harlem River quiver”
Duke Ellington and his Cotton Club Orchestra, Irving Mills - director
BVE-41244- 1 19-Dec-27 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Race release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 22791
HMV: 40-5224, B4946, B8528
21284 Washington wobble (Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington)
Duke Ellington and his Cotton Club Orchestra
BVE-40156- 5 26-Oct-27 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Race release
Victor: Bluebird B-6782
HMV: 40-5220, B4929, B8652
21285 I don’t care what you say (Alfoncy Harris)
Harris, Alfoncy - vocal; Harris, Bethenea - vocal
Douglas Williams Trio: Williams, Douglas - clarinet; Piano and traps (NL)
BVE-41811- 1 31-Jan-28 18-May-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21285 That same cat (Alfoncy Harris)
Harris, Alfoncy - vocal; Harris, Bethenea - vocal
Douglas Williams Trio: Williams, Douglas - clarinet; Piano and traps (NL)
BVE-41812- 1 31-Jan-28 18-May-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21286 At a Georgia camp meeting (Kerry Mills) - Country dance
McLaughlin’s Old Time Melody Makers
Mills, Barney - vocal
BVE-41902- 1 14-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21286 Dill pickles (Charles Johnson) - Country dance
McLaughlin’s Old Time Melody Makers
BVE-41903- 1 14-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21287 Amazing grace (John Newton; William Walker)
Friendship Four: Harwell, A.W. - tenor; Lasiter, Mrs. L. T. - alto; Vernon, Sherman - bass;
York, Mrs. N. R. - soprano
Piano (NL)
BVE-41844- 2 4-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
20000 / 21000 SERIES 215
21287 Pearly white city (Arthur F. Hingler)
Friendship Four: Harwell, A.W. - tenor; Lasiter, Mrs. L. T. - alto; Vernon, Sherman - bass;
York, Mrs. N. R. - soprano
Piano (NL)
BVE-41845- 2 4-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21288 Handy man (A. Bishop)
New Arkansas Travelers
Bishop, A. - vocal
BVE-41846- 1 4-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21288 I tickle ‘em (A. Bishop)
New Arkansas Travelers
Bishop, A. - vocal
BVE-41847- 2 4-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21289 Curtains of night, The (Claude Grant)
Tenneva Ramblers - guitar, mandolin and violin
Grant, Claude - vocal
BVE-41911- 1 18-Feb-28 18-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21289 Lonely grave, The (Claude Grant)
Tenneva Ramblers - guitar, mandolin and violin
Grant, Claude - vocal
BVE-41912- 2 18-Feb-28 18-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21290 God’s indictment (Against the world) (Rev. C.M. Grayson)
Grayson, Rev. C.M. - “Hillbilly”
BVE-41835- 2 3-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21290 Judas sold Christ (Rev. C.M. Grayson)
Grayson, Rev. C.M. - “Hillbilly”
BVE-41834- 1 3-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21291 Brakeman’s blues, The (Jimmie Rodgers) - Yodeling the blues away
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
Cozzens, Ellsworth - ukulele
BVE-41738- 1 14-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1936
Regional release
Victor: 21-0044, Montgomery Ward M-4214, M-8121
HMV: EA1542, N4364 Regal Zonophone: G23116
21291 My lovin’ gal Lucille (Jimmie Rodgers) - “A blue yodel, No. 2”
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
Cozzens, Ellsworth - steel guitar
BVE-41741- 2 15-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1936
Regional release
Victor: 21-0181, Montgomery Ward M-4214, M-8121, Japan A-1454
HMV: 40-4313, EA1542, N4309 Zonophone: G23116, 4370
Regal Zonophone: IZ1004, MR3122 Zonophone Twin: FT8775
21292 Tramp waltz (Lemuel Turner)
Turner, Lemuel - steel guitar
BVE-41864- 1 7-Feb-28 18-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21292 ‘Way down yonder blues (Lemuel Turner)
Turner, Lemuel - steel guitar
BVE-41863- 2 7-Feb-28 18-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21293 House by the side of the road, The (Walter Foss; John Roy Harris)
Macedonia Quartet: Henderson, C.E. - bass; Inman, Floyd - tenor; McPhail, Fred - tenor;
Smith, Spencer - baritone
BVE-41849- 1 6-Feb-28 18-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21293 Sweet little girl of mine (Adgar M. Pace; James Rowe)
Macedonia Quartet: Henderson, C.E. - bass; Inman, Floyd - tenor; McPhail, Fred - tenor; Smith,
Spencer - baritone
BVE-41848- 1 6-Feb-28 18-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21294 Indian war whoop (Hoyt “Floyd” Ming)
Floyd Ming and his Pep Steppers - guitar, mandolin and violin (3 men, 1 woman)
BVE-41896- 2 13-Feb-28 18-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: Bluebird B-5195, Sunrise S-3275
21294 Old Red (Hoyt “Floyd” Ming)
Floyd Ming and his Pep Steppers - guitar, mandolin and violin (3 men, 1 woman)
Coggin, A. D. - caller
BVE-41897- 2 13-Feb-28 18-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: Bluebird B-5195, Sunrise S-3275
21295 Birmingham (T. Chism)
Pope’s Arkansas Mountaineers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin
McKinnie, T. - vocal
BVE-41857- 2 6-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21295 Hog eye (John H. Chism)
Pope’s Arkansas Mountaineers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin
McKinnie, T. - vocal
BVE-41858- 2 6-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21296 All hands (Charles Benter) -
- “Dedicated to R.H. Leith, U.S.N.
United States Navy Band, Lt. Charles E. Benter - director
BVE-41971- 3 29-Feb-28 27-Apr-28 to 1950 Washington
HMV: 5-361, B2778, EG1067, K5585, R10046 Zonophone: AE2306
21296 Anchors aweigh (Charles A. Zimmerman) -
United States Navy Band, Lt. Charles E. Benter - director
BVE-41968- 4 29-Feb-28 27-Apr-28 to 1950 Washington
HMV: 5-360, B2778, EG1067, K5585, R10046 Zonophone: AE2306
21297 Love (Howard Dietz; Walter Donaldson): That melody of love -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal; Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-42472- 3 23-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-932, B5486, K5436 Zonophone: AE2206
21297 Was it a dream? (Sam Coslow; Larry Spier) -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal; Trio - vocal (NL)
BVE-43111- 2 24-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-933, R9357
21298 Chlo-e (Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”; Ben Black) - Song of the swamp
Shilkret’s Rhythm Melodists, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Krumgold, Sigmund - pipe-organ; Raderman, Louis - violin; Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano
BVE-42529- 2 2-Mar-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9343
21298 When youre with somebody else (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Ruth Etting; Abel Baer) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Shilkret’s Rhythm Melodists, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Campbell, Chuck - trombone; Krumgold, Sigmund - pipe-organ; Lapitino, Francis J. - harp;
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano
BVE-42532- 2 3-Mar-28 20-Apr-28 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9344
21299 Mary Ann (Benny Davis; Abner Silver)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Smalle, Ed - vocal; Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-41586- 4 28-Feb-28 20-Apr-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4459
21299 Old-fashioned locket (Pete Sale; Johnny Marvin; Tom Ford)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Sannella, Andy - steel guitar
BVE-43320- 1 5-Mar-28 20-Apr-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2063
20000 / 21000 SERIES 217
21300 Guarany, Il (Antonio Gomes): Overture - Part 1
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-42533- 3 5-Mar-28 Exp-1928 to 1929 Camden - Church
21300 Guarany, Il (Antonio Gomes): Overture - Part 2
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-42534- 2 5-Mar-28 Exp-1928 to 1929 Camden - Church
21301 Coquette (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Carmen Lombardo) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-43125- 1 2-Mar-28 27-Apr-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0297
HMV: 7-942, AM1193, B5564, EG1161, K5606 Zonophone: AE2891
21301 Dolly dimples (Louis Alter) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Grofé, Ferde - piano; Perella, Harry - piano
BVE-41297- 4 5-Jan-28 27-Apr-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-941, AM1193, B5492, K5502 Zonophone: AE2397
21302 From Monday on (Harry Barris; Harry “Bing” Crosby)
Paul Whiteman’s Rhythm Boys: Barris, Harry - vocal and piano; Crosby, Harry “Bing” -
vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-41612- 3 12-Jan-28 27-Apr-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 24349
HMV: 4-4473, AM1506, B2779
21302 What price lyrics? (Harry Barris; Harry “Bing” Crosby; Matt Malneck)
Paul Whiteman’s Rhythm Boys: Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal
Barris, Harry - piano and ukulele
BVE-43121- 3 1-Mar-28 27-Apr-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 24349
HMV: 4-4474, AM1506, B2779
21303 Four Sons (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée): Little mother
- Lullab- Lullab
- Lullab- Lullab
- Lullab
y wy w
y wy w
y w
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43348- 2 12-Mar-28 27-Apr-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2062 Zonophone: 5191
21303 I’m waiting for ships that never come in (Jack Yellen; Abe Olman)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43349- 1 12-Mar-28 27-Apr-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2109
21304 O, ya ya (Alexander de Markoff) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-41296- 2 5-Jan-28 27-Apr-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-944, AM1507, B5488
21304 Parade of the wooden soldiers, The (Leon Jessel, Op. 123; Arr. Ferde Grofé) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Transcribed from Balieffs “Chauve-Souris
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
BVE-27268-11 11-Jan-28 27-Apr-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-943, AM1190, B5488, K5620 Zonophone: AE2342
21305 Sluefoot (Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”; Joe L. Sanders) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal; Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-41370- 2 13-Dec-27 27-Apr-28 to 1931 Kansas City
HMV: 7-945
21305 Wail, The (Joe L. Sanders) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-41373- 1 14-Dec-27 27-Apr-28 to 1931 Kansas City
HMV: 7-946
21306 That good old country town (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor, harmonica and jews harp; Robison, Carson J. - tenor, guitar and whistler
Hood, Adelyne - violin; Banjo (NL)
- Possibly Robison, ledger is unclear
BVE-42438- 2 13-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
HMV: 40-1744
21306 You can’t blame me for that (Harry Pease; Ed. G. Nelson)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Hood, Adelyne - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar; Banjo (NL)
- Possibly Robison, ledger is unclear
BVE-42439- 2 13-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21307 Collegiana (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal; Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-43103- 7 9-Mar-28 27-Apr-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-938, B5483 Zonophone: AE2206
21307 Yale blues, The (Vivian Ellis) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Culley, Fred - vocal; Foster, Francis - vocal; Townsend, Bill - vocal; Waring, Fred - vocal
BVE-41638- 2 24-Jan-28 27-Apr-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-880, B5483 Zonophone: AE2303
21308 Dance of the blue Danube, The (Fred Fisher) - “A syncopated
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal and piano
BVE-43130- 4 8-Mar-28 4-May-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-948, EG885 Zonophone: AE2303
21308 Laugh, clown, laugh (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Ted Fiorito) -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal; Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-43131- 3 8-Mar-28 4-May-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-947, B5479
21309 I just roll along (Havin’ my ups and downs) (Jo Trent; Peter de Rose)
California Humming Birds - vocal, Leonard Joy - director
Adler, Charles - vocal; Herman, Oscar - vocal and piano; Weil, Harry - vocal
BVE-43136- 3 9-Mar-28 4-May-28 to 1929 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4-4463, B2840
21309 She’s a great, great girl (Harry Woods)
California Humming Birds:
Adler, Charles - vocal; Herman, Oscar - vocal and piano; Weil, Harry - vocal
BVE-43311- 3 2-Mar-28 4-May-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 4-4462, B2840
21310 Golden Gate (Al Jolson; Joseph Dreyer; Dave Meyer; Billy Rose)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Horace Heidt’s Orchestra, Horace Heidt and Leroy Shield - directors
Bradshaw, Charley - vocal; Bowne, Jerry - vocal; Lewis, Warren - vocal
PBVE-42001- 6 24-Feb-28 15-Jun-28 to 1928 Oakland
HMV: 8-588
21310 What a wonderful wedding it will be -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Horace Heidt’s Orchestra
Bradshaw, Charley - vocal; Bowne, Jerry - vocal; Lewis, Warren - vocal
PBVE-42072- 3 9-Mar-28 15-Jun-28 to 1928 Oakland
HMV: 8-595
21311 Get ‘em in a rumble seat (Morey Davidson; Carl Lampl; Jack Marshall) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Horace Heidt’s Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-42004- 5 17-Feb-28 28-May-28 to 1929
Regional release
21311 Wait a little longer, lovebird (Mort Dixon; Jesse Greer) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Horace Heidt’s Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Bradshaw, Charley - vocal; Lewis, Warren - vocal; Lykins, Lee - vocal
PBVE-42021- 5 13-Mar-28 28-May-28 to 1929
Regional release
20000 / 21000 SERIES 219
21312 Every evening (Billy Rose; Jimmy McHugh) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Horace Heidt’s Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Lykins, Lee - vocal
PBVE-42007- 5 2-Mar-28 28-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21312 I still love you (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Horace Heidt’s Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Lykins, Lee - vocal
PBVE-42000-10 1-Mar-28 28-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21313 Persian rug (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Herman Kenin’s Multnomah Hotel Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE-42069- 2 7-Mar-28 28-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21313 Trees (Joyce Kilmer; Oscar Rasbach) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Eddie Harkness and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE-42003- 8 8-Mar-28 28-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21314 Rose of Monterey (Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”; Byron Gay) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Herman Kenin’s Multnomah Hotel Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE-42063- 5 8-Mar-28 28-May-28 to 1929
Regional release
21314 Rose room (Art Hickman; Harry Williams) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Herman Kenin’s Multnomah Hotel Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
PBVE-42065- 6 8-Mar-28 28-May-28 to 1929
Regional release
21315 Three Musketeers, The (Clifford Grey; Rudolf Friml): Ma belle -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-43144- 3 14-Mar-28 4-May-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-949, AM1016, B5807, EG885 Zonophone: AE3263
21315 Three Musketeers, The (Clifford Grey; Rudolf Friml): March of the Musketeers -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, William Challis - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Cullen, Boyce; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal;
Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-43148- 1 16-Mar-28 4-May-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-950, AM1016, B5807 Zonophone: AE3263
21316 Maid that left the country, The
Sheridan, John - flute
Shilkret, Lew - piano
BVE-43345- 1 12-Mar-28 4-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 40-5272
21316 Virginia jig, The
Sheridan, John - flute
Shilkret, Lew - piano
BVE-43343- 1 12-Mar-28 4-May-28 to 1930 New York
21317 Out for the water, the kettle to boil -
Comic IrComic Ir
Comic IrComic Ir
Comic Ir
ish songish song
ish songish song
ish song
Murphy, Jack - vocal and accordion
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-38595- 2 27-Sep-27 4-May-28 to 1930 Camden
21317 Outside Caseys cabin (Jack Murphy; Arr. Ed Geoghagen) -
Comic IrComic Ir
Comic IrComic Ir
Comic Ir
ish songish song
ish songish song
ish song
Murphy, Jack - vocal and accordion
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-38597- 1 27-Sep-27 4-May-28 to 1930 Camden
21318 Eel in the sink -
Irish reelIrish reel
Irish reelIrish reel
Irish reel
Murphy, Frank - accordion
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-41533- 1 10-Jan-28 4-May-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 40-1032, B3402
21318 Mayo hornpipe
Murphy, Frank - accordion
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-41534- 2 10-Jan-28 4-May-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 40-1053, B3402
21319 Humors of Macken + Toss the feathers -
ish reelsish reels
ish reelsish reels
ish reels
McBrien, Thomas - violin
McGovern, Bernard - flute
BVE-40367- 2 13-Jan-28 4-May-28 to 1930 Camden
21319 Kick out the scrub + Jacksons choque -
ish jigsish jigs
ish jigsish jigs
ish jigs
McBrien, Thomas - violin
McGovern, Bernard - flute
BVE-40366- 2 13-Jan-28 4-May-28 to 1930 Camden
21320 Londonderry hornpipe, The + The Cork -
ish horish hor
ish horish hor
ish hor
Sheridan, John - flute
Shilkret, Lew - piano
BVE-43346- 1 12-Mar-28 4-May-28 to 1931 New York
Victor: Yorkville K-516
21320 Miss McLeod’s reel (Ascher)
Sheridan, John - flute
Shilkret, Lew - piano
BVE-43342- 2 12-Mar-28 4-May-28 to 1931 New York
21321 Down South (Sigmund Speath; William H. Myddleton) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Harry Reser’s Banjo Boys, Harry Reser - director
Stacks, Tom - vocal
BVE-41526- 2 6-Jan-28 1-Jun-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-525, AM1206, R9369
21321 When the Robert E. Lee comes to town (Charles Kenny; Nick Kenny) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Harry Reser’s Banjo Boys, Harry Reser - director
Stacks, Tom - vocal
BVE-41525- 2 6-Jan-28 1-Jun-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-524, AM1206
21322 Rock of ages (Thomas Hastings) + Jesus, saviour, pilot me (John E. Gould)
Andrews, Mark - pipe organ
BVE-38086- 6 8-Jul-27 1-Jun-28 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9358
21322 Sometime we’ll understand (James McGranahan) + It is well with my soul (P.P. Bliss)
Andrews, Mark - pipe organ
BVE-39507- 2 8-Jul-27 1-Jun-28 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9359
21323 Oh, look at that baby (Joe Verges; Benny Kruger; Tommy Malis)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
Other sources credit Walter Hirsch for the lyrics, and Malis is not listedOther sources credit Walter Hirsch for the lyrics, and Malis is not listed
Other sources credit Walter Hirsch for the lyrics, and Malis is not listedOther sources credit Walter Hirsch for the lyrics, and Malis is not listed
Other sources credit Walter Hirsch for the lyrics, and Malis is not listed
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
White, Hal - vocal
BVE-40972- 3 29-Nov-27 4-May-28 to 1929 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-952, EG908
21323 What do you say? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager; Paul Ash) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-42473- 2 23-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1929 New York
HMV: 7-953, AM1188, B5490 Zonophone: AE2321
21324 Silver-haired sweetheart (Roy van Hook; Louis Herscher)
James, Lewis - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43341- 6 23-Mar-28 4-May-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2077 Zonophone: 5191
20000 / 21000 SERIES 221
21324 Sweet Elaine (Richard H. Gerard; Harry Armstrong)
Shannon Quartet (NL)
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-41571- 4 24-Feb-28 4-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4465, B2736
21325 Little log cabin of dreams (Eddie Dowling; James Frederick Hanley) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, William Challis - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal
BVE-43147- 1 16-Mar-28 11-May-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-981, AM1190, B5499
21325 When youre in love (Walter Donaldson; Walter E. Blaufuss) -
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-43146- 3 15-Mar-28 11-May-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-982, 8-505, AM1202, B5490, JF36
21326 I must be dreaming (Alfred Dubin; Pat Flaherty) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
All Star Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Formerly “Fud and Farley Orchestra”
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-41511- 3 3-Jan-28 11-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-984, AM1189, B5579, EA343
21326 She’s a great, great girl (Harry Woods) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
BVE-43358- 1 14-Mar-28 11-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-983, AM1189, B5514, EA354, JF36
21327 I can’t do without you (Irving Berlin) -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-43158- 1 20-Mar-28 11-May-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-985, AM1191, B5489 Zonophone: AE2321
21327 Moments with you (Jack Yellen; Nathaniel Shilkret) -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
BVE-42446- 2 16-Feb-28 11-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-986, AM1191, K5474
21328 NR Rhapsody in blue (George Gershwin; Arr. Leroy Smith)
Trial, matrix number assigned later
Leroy Smith and his Orchestra, Leroy Smith - director
BVE-43428- 2 23-Feb-28
Not released
Camden - Church
HMV: 8-660
21328 NR St. Louis blues (W.C. Handy; Arr. Leroy Smith)
Trial, matrix number assigned later
Leroy Smith and his Orchestra, Leroy Smith - director
BVE-43429- 2 23-Feb-28
Not released
Camden - Church
Victor: 21472, Montgomery Ward M-1140
21329 So tired (George A. Little; Arthur Sizemore)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Bauer, Abel - piano; Sannella, Andy - saxophone and steel guitar
Cello and 2nd piano - Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43507- 2 27-Mar-28 18-May-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2093
21329 Tomorrow (Walter Hirsch; H. Leopold Spitalny; Monte Wilhite)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Bauer, Abel - piano; Sannella, Andy - saxophone and steel guitar
Cello and 2nd piano - Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43506- 1 27-Mar-28 18-May-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2092
21330 Danny boy (Frederic Weatherley; Old Irish air)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-43417- 1 27-Mar-28 8-Jun-28 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Bluebird B-4915, Montgomery Ward M-8623, Yorkville K-513
HMV: 7-2151 Regal Zonophone: IZ312 Zonophone: 5192
21330 Kitty of Coleraine
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-43415- 2 27-Mar-28 8-Jun-28 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 7-2152 Regal Zonophone: IZ312 Zonophone: 5192
21331 Miner’s prayer, The (Bart Good; Abner Sykes)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor and harmonica
Hood, Adelyne - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-43161- 1 20-Mar-28 18-May-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21331 Song of the failure (Nelson Chon; Louis Edwards)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Hood, Adelyne - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-43159- 1 20-Mar-28 18-May-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21332 He ain’t never been to college
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-43399- 3 26-Mar-28 11-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4469
21332 She’s the sweetheart of six other guys (Howard E. Johnson; Robert King)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-43500- 1 26-Mar-28 11-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4470
21333 Hello, Montreal (Billy Rose; Mort Dixon; Harry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-43190- 1 29-Mar-28 18-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-500, AM1188, B5494, K5460, R9351 Zonophone: AE2349
21333 Lila (Archie Gottler; Charles Tobias; Maceo Pinkard) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-43173- 2 23-Mar-28 18-May-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-999, B5494, K5460 Zonophone: AE2349
21334 Girl of my dreams, I love you (Sunny Clapp)
Austin, Gene - tenor
McGimsey, Bob - whistler; Shilkret, Nathaniel - organ
BVE-42585- 3 2-Apr-28 11-May-28 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-2099, B2852
21334 Ramona (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Mabel Wayne): Ramona
Austin, Gene - tenor
Klaiss, Viola - pipe-organ; Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director (All New York musicians)
BVE-42584- 3 2-Apr-28 11-May-28 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: 24573, 27-0015
HMV: 7-2098
21335 I love you truly (Carrie Jacob-Bonds) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Horace Heidt’s Orchestra
PBVE-42103- 1 19-Mar-28 28-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21335 Three Twins (Otto Harbach; Karl Hoschna): Cuddle up a little closer, lovey mine -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Horace Heidt’s Orchestra
Lykins, Lee - vocal
PBVE-42022- 5 9-Mar-28 28-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
20000 / 21000 SERIES 223
21336 Canoe and you, A (Stephen Gaylord) -
Herman Kenin’s Multnomah Hotel Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Dahlgren, Gene - vocal; Fleming, Van - vocal; Leathers, Vern - vocal
PBVE-42066- 1 6-Mar-28 20-Apr-28 to 1929
Regional release
21336 Man Who Laughs, The (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée; Walter Hirsch): When love
comes stealing
- Waltz - Waltz
- Waltz - Waltz
- Waltz
Herman Kenin’s Multnomah Hotel Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE-42068- 1 6-Mar-28 20-Apr-28 to 1929
Regional release
21337 Love led him to Calvary (George O. Webster; Charles H. Gabriel)
Asher, Virginia (Mrs. William) - contralto; Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-33498- 4 9-Nov-25 1-Jun-28 to 1931+ Camden
HMV: 4-4184
21337 Where the gates swing outward never (Charles H. Gabriel)
Burr, Henry - tenor; Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-37341- 2 5-Jan-27 1-Jun-28 to 1931+ Camden - Church
HMV: 4-4468
21338 Just a little way away from home (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Oscar Levant)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-43389- 3 22-Mar-28 18-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-502, AM1192, K5459
21338 When (Andy Razaf; Bob Schaefer; J.C. Johnson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Barris, Harry - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-43138- 2 12-Mar-28 18-May-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 25367*
21339 Beloved (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Joe L. Sanders) -
Virginians, The - Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43518- 2 30-Mar-28 18-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-511, B5524
21339 Dream River (George Brown)
- Waltz- Waltz
- Waltz- Waltz
- Waltz
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
BVE-43434- 3 3-Apr-28 18-May-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 8-512, B5524, EA348
21340 If I should lose you (Earl Burtnett; Robert Stowell)
Lykins, Lee - vocal
Cornet, guitar, piano and violin (NL)
PBVE-42123- 7 2-Apr-28 24-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21340 Monkey Business (Earle Foxe; Lynn Cowan): Dream house
Lykins, Lee - vocal
Cornet, guitar, piano and violin (NL)
PBVE-42118- 5 2-Apr-28 24-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21341 I’ll take you home again, Kathleen (Thomas P. Westendorf)
Olsen, Robert - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano
PBVE-42097- 2 16-Mar-28 24-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21341 Painting pretty pictures (Marcelle Francis; Johnny Weddell)
Olsen, Robert - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano; Cello and violin (NL)
PBVE-42099- 8 6-Apr-28 24-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21342 Desert song, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg): Desert song
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano Violin (NL)
PBVE-42117- 6 1-Apr-28 24-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
21342 Ramona (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Mabel Wayne): Ramona
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano Violin (NL)
PBVE-42116- 5 1-Apr-28 24-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
21343 Bum song, The (H.T. Smith)
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
O’Neill, H. - talking
PBVE-42094- 2 16-Mar-28 24-May-28 to 1944
Regional release
Victor: Bluebird B-11083* Zonophone: EE120
21343 Hallelujah, I’m a bum (Harry McClintock)
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
Drums and soprano saxophone (NL)
PBVE-42137- 2 31-Mar-28 24-May-28 to 1944
Regional release
Victor: Bluebird B-11083* Zonophone: EE120
21344 Alma mater + Hail, Stanford, hail
Stanford Glee Club, C. Albert Kulman - director
Simon, Edwin - piano
PBVE-42071- 3 8-Mar-28 31-Aug-28 to 1929
Regional release
21344 Stanford song medley - Trojan horse + Come join the band + Stanford forever +
Sons of the Stanford Red
Stanford Glee Club, C. Albert Kulman - director
Simon, Edwin - piano
PBVE-42070- 1 8-Mar-28 31-Aug-28 to 1929
Regional release
21345 African hunch (Richard M. Jones) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Richard M. Jones’ Jazz Wizards - clarinet, cornet, guitar, piano, trombone,
traps and tuba (NL)
BVE-40821- 2 7-Nov-27 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21345 Jungle blues (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers
BVE-38630- 3 4-Jun-27 8-Jun-28 to 1931 Chicago
Victor: Bluebird B-10256
HMV: ALS5059*, B10683*, EG7772*, JK2761*
HMV and Bluebird might have used take 2
21346 Connecticut Yankee, A (Richard Rodgers): Thou swell -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Louisiana Sugar Babes: Bushell, Garvin - clarinet; Johnson, Jimmy [JamesP.] - piano;
Smith, Jabbo - cornet; Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe organ
BVE-42568- 2 27-Mar-28 18-May-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
Victor: Bluebird B-10260
HMV: 8-514
21346 Persian rug (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Louisiana Sugar Babes: Bushell, Garvin - clarinet; Johnson, Jimmy [James P.] - piano;
Smith, Jabbo - cornet; Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe organ
BVE-42569- 1 27-Mar-28 18-May-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 8-513, EA397
21347 Sunny Days (Clifford Grey; William Cary Duncan; Jean Schwartz): Really and truly -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43364- 2 15-Mar-28 1-Jun-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-508, AM1216
21347 Three Musketeers, The (P.G. Wodehouse; Rudolf Friml): Your eyes
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-43390- 1 22-Mar-28 1-Jun-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-507, AM1216, B5812, K5500
20000 / 21000 SERIES 225
21348 Keep Shufflin’ (Con Conrad; Henry Creamer; Jimmy Johnson): ‘Sippi -
w drw dr
w drw dr
w dr
Louisiana Sugar Babes: Bushell, Garvin - clarinet; Johnson, Jimmy [James P.] - piano;
Smith, Jabbo - cornet; Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe organ
BVE-42567- 2 27-Mar-28 1-Jun-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
Victor: Bluebird B-10260
HMV: 8-510
21348 Keep Shufflin’ (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller): Willow tree - A musical mystery-
w drw dr
w drw dr
w dr
Louisiana Sugar Babes - Nathaniel Shilkret - director: Bushell, Garvin - clarinet; Johnson, Jimmy
[James P.] - piano; Smith, Jabbo - cornet; Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe organ
BVE-42566- 1 27-Mar-28 1-Jun-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 8-509
21349 Left alone blues (Ishman Bracey)
Bracey, Ishman - vocal and guitar
Guitars (2) (NL)
BVE-41843- 2 4-Feb-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21349 Saturday blues (Ishman Bracey)
Bracey, Ishman - vocal and guitar
Guitars (2) (NL)
BVE-41842- 1 4-Feb-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21350 I shall not be moved
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Mt. Zion Baptist Quartet of Mobile (NL)
BVE-37986- 1 9-Mar-27 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Race release
New Orleans
21350 They called me a liar
Mt. Zion Baptist Quartet of Mobile (NL)
BVE-37988- 1 9-Mar-27 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Race release
New Orleans
21351 Big railroad blues (Noah Lewis)
Cannon’s Jug Stompers - banjo, guitar, jug, harmonica
Thompson, Ashley - vocal
BVE-41804- 1 30-Jan-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: Bluebird B-5287, Sunrise S-3368
21351 Springdale blues (Gus Cannon)
Cannon’s Jug Stompers - banjo, guitar, jug, harmonica
Cannon, Gus - vocal
BVE-41806- 1 30-Jan-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: Bluebird B-5413
HMV: 40-6523
21352 Lost boy blues (Palmer McAbee)
McAbee, Palmer - vocal and harmonica
BVE-41929- 2 21-Feb-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
21352 McAbee’s railroad piece (Palmer McAbee)
McAbee, Palmer - vocal and harmonica
BVE-41930- 2 21-Feb-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
21353 Marthis Campbell - Frolic tune
Day, J.W. (Jilson Setters) - violin
Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-42484- 1 27-Feb-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21353 Wild wagoner, The - Frolic tune
Day, J.W. (Jilson Setters) - violin
Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-42485- 1 27-Feb-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21354 Coon hunting in Moonshine Hollow (Bud Landress)
Landress, Uncle Bud - vocal
Banjo (NL)
BVE-41948- 1 23-Feb-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
21354 Visiting Sal’s house in Moonshine Hollow (Bud Landress)
Landress, Uncle Bud - vocal
Banjo (NL)
BVE-41949- 1 23-Feb-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
21355 Be my baby (Sam Goble)
Blue Steele and his Orchestra
Sargent, Kenneth - vocal
BVE-41865- 3 8-Feb-28 8-Jun-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21355 Though you went away (You can come back to me) (Kenneth Sargent; Pete Schmitt) -
Blue Steele and his Orchestra
Sargent, Kenneth - vocal
BVE-41828- 3 2-Feb-28 8-Jun-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21356 Baby, got the rickets, mamma got the Mobile blues (Vol Stevens)
Stevens, Vol - vocal, banjo-mandolin
Weldon, Will “Casey Bill” - guitar
BVE-40325- 1 20-Oct-27 22-Jun-28 to 1930
Race release
21356 Vol Stevens blues (Vol Stevens)
Stevens, Vol - vocal, banjo-mandolin
Weldon, Will “Casey Bill” - guitar
BVE-40324- 1 20-Oct-27 22-Jun-28 to 1930
Race release
21357 Master come and called to me, The (Richard Bryant)
Elder Richard Bryant and his Congregation - sermon with singing - females (3), male
Banjo, guitar, harmonica and kazoo (NL)
BVE-41860- 2 7-Feb-28 22-Jun-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21357 Saul, a wicked man (Richard Bryant)
Elder Richard Bryant and his Congregation - sermon with singing - females (3), male
Banjo, guitar, harmonica and kazoo (NL)
BVE-41861- 2 7-Feb-28 22-Jun-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21358 Digah’s stomp, The (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller)
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - organ
BVE-40095- 2 1-Dec-27 22-Jun-28 to 1930
Race release
Camden - Church
21358 Geechee (R. Arthur Booker; C. Austin; Sidney Easton) -
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe organ
Thomas Morris and his Hot Babies (NL)
BVE-40097- 2 1-Dec-27 22-Jun-28 to 1930
Race release
Camden - Church
21359 Can’t put the bridle on the mule this morning (Julius Daniels)
Daniels, Julius - vocal and guitar
Andrews, Wilbert - guitar; Torrence, Bubba Leo - guitar
BVE-40347- 2 24-Oct-27 22-Jun-28 to 1930
Race release
21359 Frogtown blues (L.C. Prigett)
Prigett, L.C. vocal
Walker, Clarence T. - piano
BVE-39854- 2 27-Aug-27 22-Jun-28 to 1930
Race release
Savannah, GA
21360 Always lift him up and never knock him down (Alfred Reed)
Reed, “Blind” Alfred - baritone and violin
Reed, Orville - guitar
BVE-40793- 2 19-Dec-27 22-Jun-28 to 1934
Regional release
Victor: Bluebird B-5882
21360 Why do you bob your hair, girls? (Alfred Reed)
Reed, “Blind” Alfred - baritone and violin
Reed, Orville - guitar
BVE-40792- 2 19-Dec-27 22-Jun-28 to 1934
Regional release
21361 I’ve got the misery (Ernest Rogers)
Rogers, Ernest - baritone and guitar
BVE-38925- 2 23-May-27 22-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
21361 Mythological blues (Ernest Rogers)
Rogers, Ernest - baritone and guitar
BVE-41954- 2 23-Feb-28 22-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
21362 Song of the doodle bug (C.E. Moody)
Georgia Yellow Hammers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin (NL)
Vocal by band members
BVE-41924- 2 21-Feb-28 22-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
20000 / 21000 SERIES 227
21362 When the birds begin their singing in the trees (Bud Landress)
Georgia Yellow Hammers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin (NL)
Vocal by band members
BVE-41928- 1 21-Feb-28 22-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
21363 Off to the war I’m going (Goodbye, sweetheart, goodbye) (Samuel M. Mitchell; Charles E. Pratt)
Carolina Twins (NL)
Guitars (2) and harmonica (NL)
BVE-41923- 2 20-Feb-28 22-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
21363 Your wagon needs greasing (Gwen Foster)
Carolina Twins (NL)
Guitars (2) and harmonica (NL)
BVE-41922- 2 20-Feb-28 22-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
21364 Hes tall, dark and handsome (Charles Tobias; Al Sherman) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Gibbs, Parker - vocal
BVE-43435- 4 3-Apr-28 25-May-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 8-521, B5491, EA347
21364 Nothin’ on my mind (But the moonlight, the starlight and you) (Gustave “Gus” Kahn;
Ted Fiorito) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Gibbs, Parker - vocal
BVE-43436- 2 5-Apr-28 25-May-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 8-520, B5491, EA347
21365 I’m wingin’ home (Like a bird that’s on the wing) (Denee Russell; Henry H. Tobias) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-43140- 2 12-Mar-28 25-May-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-980; B5497; AM1271; EG908; K5502
21365 When you’re with somebody else (Ruth Etting; L. Wolfe Gilbert) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Bargy, Roy - piano
BVE-43120- 1 29-Feb-28 25-May-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-978, B5497, EA346
21366 Happy-go-lucky Lane (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Joe Meyer)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Johnny Johnson - director
Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-43391- 1 22-Mar-28 25-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-706
21366 Just across the street from heaven (Charles Newman; Harry Barris; Larry Shay)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Johnny Johnson - director
Browne, Sam - vocal; Lloyd, Larry - vocal; Shackleford, Harry - vocal; Strom, Roy - vocal;
Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-43392- 3 22-Mar-28 25-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-575, B5516
21367 1 Let’s give three cheers (For the three volunteers)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43567- 1 16-Apr-28 25-May-28 to 1930 New York
21367 2 Let’s give three cheers (For the three volunteers)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43567- 4 16-Apr-28 25-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4467
21367 Well, the Irish and the Germans got together (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert)
Jans, Harry - vocal; Whalen, Harold - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43566- 4 16-Apr-28 25-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4466
21368 Here’s Howe (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer; Roger Wolfe Kahn): Crazy rhythm -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-43560- 3 12-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-579, B5535, K5461
21368 Here’s Howe (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer; Roger Wolfe Kahn): Imagination -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-43559- 3 12-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-578, EA888, K5461
21369 Tired of mother (M.R. Harvey; L.A. Harvey) - Part 1
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-43561- 3 12-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21369 Tired of mother (M.R. Harvey; L.A. Harvey) - Part 2
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor
Guitar, harmonica and violin (NL)
BVE-43562- 3 12-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21370 Give me your heart (Rozier Daughtry)
Davis, C.W. - vocal and guitar
Layne, Bert - violin
BVE-41967- 2 24-Feb-28 22-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
21370 Sleep on, brown eyes (C.W. Davis)
Davis, C.W. - vocal and guitar
Layne, Bert - vocal and violin
BVE-41966- 2 24-Feb-28 22-Jun-28 to 1931
Regional release
21371 Bells of St. Marys, The (A. Emmett Adams; Douglas Furber) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-42447- 1 16-Feb-28 1-Jun-28 to 1944 New York
HMV: 8-582, K5459, R9353
21371 Naughty Marietta (Rida Johnson Young; Victor Herbert): Ah, sweet mystery of life -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-41284- 9 26-Jan-28 1-Jun-28 to 1944 New York
HMV: 8-581, K5500, R9367
21372 Sastetto Lucia (Lucia di Lammermoor by Gaetano Donizetti, Arr. Giovanni Gioviale)
Gioviale, Giovanni - mandolin
BVE-43601- 1 3-Apr-28 Jul-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 40-3555, GW509, R10582
21372 Valzer brillianti (A. Rizzi)
Gioviale, Giovanni - mandolin
Giannelli, A. - guitar
BVE-43600- 2 3-Apr-28 Jul-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 40-3554, GW509, R10582
21373 Couldn’t hear nobody pray
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers: Cole, Marshal - tenor; Culver, William - bass; Ratcliffe, Clarence -
tenor; Skinner, Ben - tenor; Whithington, George - baritone
BVE-43908- 2 24-Apr-28 29-Jun-28 to 1931 New York
Victor: Bluebird 1828*, B-5032*, Montgomery Ward M-5019*, Sunrise S-3119*
HMV: 4717, 40-6382
21373 Oh, Mary don’t you weep
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers: Cole, Marshal - tenor; Culver, William - bass; Ratcliffe, Clarence -
tenor; Skinner, Ben - tenor; Whithington, George - baritone
BVE-43910- 1 24-Apr-28 29-Jun-28 to 1931 New York
Victor: Bluebird 1828*, B-5032*, Montgomery Ward M-5019*, Sunrise S-3119*
HMV: 4716, 40-6381
20000 / 21000 SERIES 229
21374 In my bouquet of memories (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry Akst)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43522- 6 13-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2107, B2789
21374 Without you, sweetheart (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43635- 2 16-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2106, 40-913
21375 Eleazer Wheelock (Arr. Homer Whitford)
Dartmouth College Glee Club, Homer Whitford - director
BVE-43194- 1 2-Apr-28 30-Apr-28 to 1934
Regional release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
21375 Men of Dartmouth (Richard Hovey ’85; Henry R. Wellman) - “Alma mater”
Dartmouth College Glee Club, Homer Whitford - director
Christman, N.E. - piano
BVE-43195- 1 2-Apr-28 30-Apr-28 to 1934
Regional release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
21376 Angel (Burns; Kissen; Walter Donovan)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43578- 1 18-Apr-28 15-Jun-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2119, B2789, EA361
21376 Sweetheart o’ mine (Walter Melrose; Fred Morton)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43655- 3 19-Apr-28 15-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2118
21377 Never take a horseshoe from the door
Fitzpatrick Brothers - vocal duet (NL)
Flute, piano, traps and violin, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-43547- 2 9-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931 New York
21377 Sidewalks of New York, The (Charles B. Lawlor; James W. Blake)
Fitzpatrick Brothers - vocal duet (NL)
Green, Joe - xylophone; Flute, piano, traps and violin, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-43545- 2 9-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931 New York
21378 Lord Lurgan’s great greyhound (Irish folk song)
Haskins, Mattie - tenor
Clarinet, piano and violin, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-43624- 1 9-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21378 Old Irish cot, An (Mattie Haskins; Irish folk song)
Haskins, Mattie - tenor
Clarinet, piano and violin, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-43622- 1 9-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21379 Mary Carney from Killarney (Irish folk song)
Haskins, Mattie - tenor
Clarinet, piano and violin, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-43621- 2 9-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21379 O’Reilly, the fisherman (Irish folk song)
Haskins, Mattie - tenor
Clarinet, piano and violin, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-43623- 1 9-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21380 Fitzmaurice, the Dublin flier (Edward Reavy; Old Irish folk song) -
Listed in the ledger as “The Irish German fliers”
McGettigan, John - tenor and violin
Killarney Trio: Conroy, Joseph - banjo; Crowley, Michael - piano; Reavy, Edward - violin
BVE-43485- 2 25-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1934 Camden
21380 Mary Malone (Traditional Irish folk song)
McGettigan, John - tenor and violin
Killarney Trio: Conroy, Joseph - banjo; Crowley, Michael - piano; Reavy, Edward - violin
BVE-43486- 2 25-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1934 Camden
Victor: Bluebird B-4930
21381 I still love you (Jack Yellen)
Olsen, Robert - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano Cello and violin (NL)
PBVE-42131- 4 6-Apr-28 24-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21381 I’m writing you (This little melody) (Anson Weeks)
Olsen, Robert - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano Cello and violin (NL)
PBVE-42132- 4 6-Apr-28 24-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21382 Chlo-e (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) - “Song of the swamp”
- -
- -
Morét and Ben Black listed as composers in ledger Morét and Ben Black listed as composers in ledger
Morét and Ben Black listed as composers in ledger Morét and Ben Black listed as composers in ledger
Morét and Ben Black listed as composers in ledger
Rounders, The: Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor; Hartt, Richard C. - baritone; Girard, Armand - bass;
McLaughlin, Ben - tenor; Niesley, Myron - tenor
PBVE-42019- 9 28-Mar-28 10-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
HMV: 4-4492, AM1731, B2834
21382 Get the river ready (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”)
Rounders, The (NL)
Cowles, William - piano
PBVE-42109- 1 21-Mar-28 10-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
HMV: 4-4493
21383 Dolores
Donahoo, Puss - vocal; Hawley, Bill - vocal
Cornet, guitar, piano and violin (NL)
PBVE-42101- 1 19-Mar-28 10-May-28 to 1929
Regional release
21383 Lila (Archie Gottler; Charles Tobias; Maceo Pinkard)
Donahoo, Puss - vocal; Hawley, Bill - vocal
Cornet, guitar, piano and violin (NL)
PBVE-42102- 3 19-Mar-28 10-May-28 to 1929
Regional release
21384 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Varsity drag
Fischer, Edna - piano
PBVE-42127- 6 6-Apr-28 24-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21384 Rag doll (Nacio Herb Brown)
Fischer, Edna - piano
PBVE-42112- 5 6-Apr-28 24-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21385 Maytime (Sigmund Romberg): Will you remember, sweetheart?
Mickey Gillette and the Romanciers - guitar, piano, saxophone (3) and tuba
PBVE-42126- 5 3-Apr-28 10-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21385 Moonlight on the Danube (Byron Gay) -
Mickey Gillette and the Romanciers - guitar, piano, saxophone (3) and tuba
Lykins, Lee - vocal
PBVE-42130- 7 3-Apr-28 10-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21386 Millicent (Frank W. McKee) -
Rudy Seiger’s Shell Symphonists
PBVE-42133- 3 28-Mar-28 10-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
21386 Nights of gladness (Charles Ancliffe) - Valse
Rudy Seiger’s Shell Symphonists
PBVE-42134- 1 28-Mar-28 10-May-28 to 1930
Regional release
20000 / 21000 SERIES 231
21387 I heard the voice of a pork chop (Jim Jackson)
Jackson, Jim - vocal and guitar
BVE-41802- 2 30-Jan-28 22-Jun-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21387 Old dog blues (Jim Jackson)
Jackson, Jim - vocal and guitar
BVE-41827- 1 2-Feb-28 22-Jun-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21388 In my bouquet of memories (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry Akst) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman’s Dance Orchestra, Ferde Grofé - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal;
Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-43659- 1 21-Apr-28 15-Jun-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-596, AM1657, B5510, EG1000
21388 Street Angel (Film) (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée): My angel - “Angela mia”
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Ferde Grofé - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-43661- 1 21-Apr-28 15-Jun-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-589, AM1657, B5510, EG1000, K5568, R9371 Zonophone: AE2368
21389 I’m afraid of you (Eddie Davis; Lew Daly; Archie Gottler) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Ferde Grofé - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal
BVE-43660- 3 21-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-583, B5541, EG979 Zonophone: AE2566
21389 My pet (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
Bargy, Roy - piano; Grofé, Ferde - piano; Hayton, Leonard - piano
BVE-43662- 2 22-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-580, AM1271, B5504, EA373, EG979
21390 Laugh, clown, laugh (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Ted Fiorito)
Lawley, Cooper - vocal
BVE-43634- 3 13-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2108
21390 What do you say? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager; Paul Ash)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
Kress, Carl - guitar; Hayton, Leonard - piano
BVE-43585- 3 19-Apr-28 8-Jun-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 4-4472
21391 Anything to make you happy (Buddy Valentine) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Eddie Harkness and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE-42006- 4 8-Mar-28 8-Jun-28 to 1930 Oakland
HMV: 8-577, EG927
of love, The (Ted Koehler; Joe Verges)
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
White, Hal - vocal
BVE-41337- 3 6-Dec-27 8-Jun-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-576, EG927
21392 Maybe you’ll be the one who’ll be the one to care (Joe McKiernan)
Art Hickman’s Orchestra (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-41540- 2 12-Jan-28 2-May-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-816
21392 Monkey Business (Earle Foxe; Lynn Cowan): Dream house -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-43653- 1 19-Apr-28 2-May-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-790
21393 ¿Y como le va? (Joachín Valverde; Arr. Nathaniel Shilkret) -
ango Argentinoango Argentino
ango Argentinoango Argentino
ango Argentino
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43630- 2 12-Apr-28 29-Jun-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0437
HMV: 8-597, AM1517, B5519, EG928, K5499, R9365 Zonophone: AE2545
21393 Choclo, El (Angel Gregorio Villoldo; Arr. Leonard Joy) -
ango Argentinoango Argentino
ango Argentinoango Argentino
ango Argentino
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43631- 2 12-Apr-28 29-Jun-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0436
HMV: 8-604, AM1517, B5519, EG928, K5499, R9365 Zonophone: AE2545
21394 Back in your own back yard (Al Jolson; Billy Rose; Dave Dreyer)
Lawley, Cooper - vocal; Yates, Harold - tenor and piano
Shilkret, Jack - piano
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-43676- 2 27-Apr-28 15-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4-4478
21394 Happy-go-lucky Lane (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Joe Meyer)
Lawley, Cooper - vocal; Yates, Harold - tenor and piano
Shilkret, Jack - piano
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-43677- 3 27-Apr-28 15-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4-4477
21395 He leadeth me (Joseph H. Gilmore; William B. Bradbury) + Beulah Land (Jno. R. Sweney)
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-42575- 1 29-Mar-28 29-Jun-28 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9362
21395 Mother dear, oh pray for me + Hail, queen of heavens (English air)
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-42573- 2 29-Mar-28 29-Jun-28 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9361
21396 Just across the street from heaven (Charles Newman; Harry Barris; Larry Shay)
Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-43543- 4 25-Apr-28 29-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5952
21396 Tomorrow (Walter Hirsch; H. Leopold Spitalny; Monte Wilhite)
Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-43542- 4 25-Apr-28 29-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5953
21397 Hallucinations (Joe L. Sanders) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-41374- 3 14-Dec-27 29-Jun-28 to 1930 Kansas City
HMV: 8-602
21397 Slippin’ around (Irving “Miff Mole) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Red and Miff’s Stompers, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-40168- 1 12-Oct-27 29-Jun-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-603
21398 Present Arms (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): Do I hear you saying I love you? -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal
BVE-43669- 2 24-Apr-28 29-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-601, EG929, K5481
21398 Present Arms (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): You took advantage of me -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-43670- 1 25-Apr-28 29-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 23369*
HMV: 8-600, EA616, EG929
20000 / 21000 SERIES 233
21399 Down by the old mill stream (Tell Taylor; Arr. Leo ORourke)
National Cavaliers, The (NL)
Buttolph, David - piano
BVE-43386- 1 21-Mar-28 29-Jun-28 to 1940 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4809
HMV: 4-4476, B2800
21399 Pale moon (Jesse Glick; Frederic Knight Logan)
National Cavaliers, The: O’Rourke, Leo - tenor; Seagle, John - baritone; Stevens, Robert - tenor;
Woodyard, Darrel - bass
Buttolph, David - piano
BVE-43332- 2 7-Mar-28 29-Jun-28 to 1940 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4809
HMV: 4-4475, B2800
21400 Because you are my dream girl (Bob Nolan) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Blue Steele and his Orchestra, Blue Steele - director
Nolan, Bob - vocal; Steele, Blue - trombone
BVE-41877- 3 10-Feb-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21400 Virginia Lee (Come back to me) (Blue Steele)
Blue Steele and his Orchestra, Blue Steele - director
Steele, Blue - tenor
BVE-41862- 1 7-Feb-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21401 Turnip greens (Add Lindsey)
Lindsey, Add - vocal and harmonica
Banjo, guitar, mandola (NL)
BVE-41819- 2 1-Feb-28 6-Jul-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21401 Whoa, mule (Add Lindsey)
Lindsey, Add - vocal
Banjo, guitar, harmonica, mandola (NL)
BVE-41824- 2 1-Feb-28 6-Jul-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21402 Cowboy, The (Carl T. Sprague; Words From “Lomax Cowboy Ballads”)
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor and guitar
Mintz, Joe - violin; Olsen, Olie - violin
BVE-39841- 3 24-Aug-27 6-Jul-28 to 1934
Regional release
Savannah, GA
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4465, Montgomery Ward M-4783
21402 Cowman’s prayer, The (Carl T. Sprague; Words From “Lomax Cowboy Ballads”)
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor and guitar
Mintz, Joe - violin; Olsen, Olie - violin
BVE-39840- 2 24-Aug-27 6-Jul-28 to 1934
Regional release
Savannah, GA
21403 Down yonder - Breakdown
Hershel Brown and his Washboard Band - guitar, violin and washboard
BVE-41957- 1 24-Feb-28 6-Jul-28 to 1931
Regional release
21403 Nobody loves me - Breakdown
Hershel Brown and his Washboard Band - guitar, violin and washboard
BVE-41956- 1 24-Feb-28 6-Jul-28 to 1931
Regional release
21404 My song of songs to you (Sunny Clapp; Archie Bleyer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Tal Henry and his North Carolinians, Tal Henry - director
Shaw, Chester - vocal
BVE-43745- 3 25-Apr-28 22-Jun-28 to 1930
Regional release
Camden - Church
21404 Some little someone (Al Evans) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Tal Henry and his North Carolinians, Tal Henry - director
Brown, Walter - vocal; Morris, Ivan - vocal; Shaw, Chester - vocal
BVE-43747- 2 25-Apr-28 22-Jun-28 to 1930
Regional release
Camden - Church
21405 Bob Murphy - Country dance
Watkin’s Band - banjo, guitars (2), mandolin
BVE-41960- 2 24-Feb-28 20-Jul-28 to 1931
Regional release
21405 Gideon - Country dance
Watkin’s Band - banjo, guitars (2), mandolin
BVE-41961- 2 24-Feb-28 20-Jul-28 to 1931
Regional release
21406 If I die a railroad man (Bury me beneath the ties) (Claude Grant)
Tenneva Ramblers - banjo, guitar, mandolin and violin
Grant, Claude - vocal
BVE-41909- 1 18-Feb-28 20-Jul-28 to 1931
Regional release
21406 Seven long years in prison (Claude Grant)
Tenneva Ramblers - banjo, guitar, mandolin and violin
Grant, Claude - vocal
BVE-41913- 2 18-Feb-28 20-Jul-28 to 1931
Regional release
21407 Billy in the lowlands - Frolic tune
Day, J.W. (Jilson Setters) - violin
Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-42486- 1 27-Feb-28 20-Jul-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21407 Forked deer - Frolic tune
Day, J.W. (Jilson Setters) - violin
Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-42483- 1 27-Feb-28 20-Jul-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21408 School girl blues (Rosie Mae Moore)
Moore, Rosie Mae - vocal
Guitar (NL)
BVE-41832- 2 3-Feb-28 20-Jul-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21408 Stranger blues (Rosie Mae Moore)
Moore, Rosie Mae - vocal
Guitar (NL)
BVE-41833- 2 3-Feb-28 20-Jul-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21409 Bye, bye blues (Tommy Johnson)
Johnson, Tommy - vocal
Guitars (2) (NL)
BVE-41838- 1 4-Feb-28 20-Jul-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21409 Maggie Campbell blues (Tommy Johnson)
Johnson, Tommy - vocal
Guitars (2) (NL)
BVE-41839- 2 4-Feb-28 20-Jul-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21410 Midnight frolic drag (Charles Williamson)
Williamson’s Beale Street Frolic Orchestra
BVE-37960- 2 27-Feb-27 20-Jul-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis, McCall Building
21410 Scandinavian stomp (James Alston)
Williamson’s Beale Street Frolic Orchestra
BVE-37959- 1 27-Feb-27 20-Jul-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis, McCall Building
21411 Arise and shine (Lonnie McIntorsh)
McIntorsh, Lonnie - vocal and guitar
BVE-41809- 2 31-Jan-28 20-Jul-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21411 How much I owe (Lonnie McIntorsh)
McIntorsh, Lonnie - vocal and guitar
BVE-41810- 1 31-Jan-28 20-Jul-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21412 Bob Lee Junior blues (Jennie Clayton; Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), kazoo, mandolin (NL)
Clayton, Jennie - vocal; Shade, Will - vocal
BVE-40314- 2 19-Oct-27 6-Jul-28 to 1930
Race release
21412 I packed my suitcase, started to the train (Jennie Clayton; Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), kazoo, mandolin (NL)
Clayton, Jennie - vocal; Shade, Will - vocal
BVE-40312- 2 19-Oct-27 6-Jul-28 to 1930
Race release
21413 Far away Texas blues (Douglas Williams)
Douglas Williams Trio: Williams, Douglas - clarinet; Piano and traps (NL)
BVE-41815- 1 31-Jan-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
20000 / 21000 SERIES 235
21413 One hour tonight (Thelma Lee; B. Smith)
Lee, Thelma - vocal; Smith, Mr. B. - vocal
Clarinet, piano and traps (NL) - Probably Douglas Williams Trio
- (In studio)
BVE-41816- 2 31-Jan-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: V-38607
21414 Bank that never fails, A (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 men and 3 women singing
BVE-41914- 1 20-Feb-28 6-Jul-28 to 1931
Race release
Victor: Bluebird B-6330
21414 Building that never gives way, A (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 men and 3 women singing
BVE-41915- 1 20-Feb-28 6-Jul-28 to 1931
Race release
21415 Huehue, huehue - Hula
Sam-Ku-West Harmony Boys - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE-42082- 2 12-Mar-28 Exp-28 to 1931 Oakland
Victor: 46575
21415 Lei ilima - “Native flower”
Holoua Trio, Alfredo Cibelli - director - guitar, steel guitar, ukulele
BVE-41550- 2 16-Jan-28 Exp-28 to 1931 New York
Victor: 46575
21416 Kawaihau (Kealakai) -
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-42017- 2 23-Feb-28 Exp-28 to 1931 Oakland
21416 Moani ke ala
Sam-Ku-West Harmony Boys - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE-42083- 1 12-Mar-28 Exp-28 to 1931 Oakland
21417 Alekoki (King Kalakaua; Lizzie Plohikea) - “Hawaiian hula song”
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-42047- 1 2-Mar-28 Exp-28 to 1944 Oakland
21417 Liliu e (John Kaulia)
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-42046- 1 2-Mar-28 Exp-28 to 1944 Oakland
21418 NR Halona medley (Arr. Charles King)
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-42050-(2) 2-Mar-28
Neither take selected
21418 NR Hula medleys (Arr. Charles King)
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-42049-(2) 2-Mar-28
Neither take selected
21419 Lepe ulaula
Sam-Ku-West Harmony Boys - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-42088- 1 12-Mar-28 Exp-28 to 1931 Oakland
21419 Palolo (Charles H. King) - Hula
Sam-Ku-West Harmony Boys - guitar, steel guitar, ukulele
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-42089- 4 26-Mar-28 Exp-28 to 1931 Oakland
21420 Jessie James
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
PBVE-42073- 2 9-Mar-28 3-Aug-28 to 1934
Regional release
21420 Sam Bass
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
PBVE-42045- 2 1-Mar-28 3-Aug-28 to 1934
Regional release
21421 Old Chisholm trail, The
Mac and his Haywire Orchestra - fiddle, guitar, harmonica (NL)
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal
PBVE-42113- 4 27-Mar-28 3-Aug-28 to 1944
Regional release
21421 Red River Valley
Mac and his Haywire Orchestra - fiddle, guitar, harmonica (NL)
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal
PBVE-42128- 2 27-Mar-28 3-Aug-28 to 1944
Regional release
HMV: 40-1745
21422 Stack O’ Lee blues (Ray López)
Sam-Ku-West Harmony Boys - guitar, steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE-42078- 4 21-Mar-28 28-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
21422 Wang-wang blues (Leo Wood; Gus Mueller; Buster Jonson; Henry Busse)
Sam-Ku-West Harmony Boys - guitar, steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE-42079- 4 21-Mar-28 28-May-28 to 1931
Regional release
21423 Rain or Shine (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): Add a little wiggle
All Star Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43688- 3 1-May-28 15-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-584
21423 Rain or Shine (Owen Murphy): Oh, baby -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
All Star Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-43385- 1 21-Mar-28 15-Jun-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-590
21424 Lou’siana lullaby (Lew Zoeller; Fred Bernhard)
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-43928- 2 30-Apr-28 29-Jun-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-591, AM1518, B2851, EG930, K5652, R9367
21424 My bird of paradise (Irving Berlin) - “My Honolulu girl”
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-43929- 1 30-Apr-28 29-Jun-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-592, AM1518, B2851, EG930, K5652
21425 Give me the sunshine (Con Conrad; Harry Creamer; Jimmy Johnson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-43359- 1 14-Mar-28 29-Jun-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-594, EG931
21425 What’s the reason? (Harold Atteridge; Ray Perkins; Maurice Rubens)
- F- F
- F- F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From “Shubert’s Greenwich Village Follies of 1928"
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-43671- 1 26-Apr-28 29-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-593, EG931
21426 I’m away from the world when I’m away from you (Sidney Clare; Lewis Pollack)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
BVE-43913- 3 24-Apr-28 22-Jun-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2111, Zonophone: 5176, FZ891
21426 Just across the street from heaven (Charles Newman; Harry Barris; Larry Shay)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
BVE-43912- 2 24-Apr-28 22-Jun-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2112 Zonophone: 5176
21427 Golden Gate (Al Jolson; Joseph Dreyer; Dave Meyer; Billy Rose)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Cornet, guitar, piano, saxophone and violin (NL)
BVE-43697- 2 2-May-28 22-Jun-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2114, B2786, EA370
20000 / 21000 SERIES 237
21427 Think of me thinking of you (Charlie Abbott; Johnny Marvin; Dale Wimbrow)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Cornet, guitar, piano, saxophone and violin (NL)
BVE-43695- 4 2-May-28 22-Jun-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2113, B2786, EA370
21428 America (My country ’tis of thee) (S.F. Smith; Henry Carey) -
Victor Mixed Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges)
: Astud Fjilde; Della Baker; Elsie Baker; Helen
Clark; Frank Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Wilfred Glenn; Emily Stokes Hager; Charles Harrison; Judson
House; Edna Indermauer; Lewis James; Olive Kline; Lambert Murphy; Elliott Shaw
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-14569- 5 30-Mar-28 29-Jun-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4720
21428 Star spangled banner, The (Francis Scott Key; English air; Samuel Arnold) -
Victor Mixed Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges
): Della Baker; Elsie Baker; Helen Clark; Frank
Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Wilfred Glenn; Emily Stokes Hager; Charles Harrison; Judson House; Edna
Indermauer; Lewis James; Olive Kline; Lambert Murphy; Miss Shaffner; Elliott Shaw
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-14570- 8 10-Apr-28 29-Jun-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4715
21429 I mean, it’s just too bad (Willie Drake)
Pebbles, The: Egee, Alphonsus - vocal and ukulele; White, Baxter - vocal and guitar
BVE-38644- 2 7-Jun-27 6-Jul-28 to 1930
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21429 Who’s you tellin’? (Willie Drake)
Pebbles, The: Egee, Alphonsus - vocal and ukulele; White, Baxter - vocal and guitar
BVE-38643- 1 7-Jun-27 6-Jul-28 to 1930
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21430 Down in de cane brake (Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Instrumental Quartet, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43535- 2 5-Apr-28 22-Jun-28 to 1941 New York
HMV: 7-2116, B2787
21430 Song of the prune (Frank Crumit; Harry de Costa)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Instrumental Quartet, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43536- 1 5-Apr-28 22-Jun-28 to 1941 New York
HMV: 7-2115, B2787
21431 Dancing shadows (Ernie Golden) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman and Ferde Grofé - directors
BVE-43664- 1 22-Apr-28 22-Jun-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 27687
HMV: 8-599, AM1657, B5511, EG912, K5647, R9371 Zonophone: AE2368
21431 Fascinatin’ vamp (Joseph Nussbaum) - “A vamping episode” -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
BVE-42404- 4 12-Apr-28 22-Jun-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-598, B5514, K5481, R9369
21432 Get out and get under the moon (Charles Tobias; William Jerome; Larry Shay) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Marvin, Frankie - vocal; Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-43699- 3 3-May-28 22-Jun-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-585, B5504, EG912, K5508, R9369 Zonophone: AE2353
21432 In the evening (James Frederick Hanley) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-40768- 3 9-Dec-27 22-Jun-28 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-881
21433 Mother was a lady (If brother Jack were here) (Edward B. Marks; Joseph W. Stern)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
BVE-40752- 1 30-Nov-27 3-Aug-28 to 1936
Regional release
Victor: Bluebird B-5482, Montgomery Ward M-4224
HMV: 7-2231, EA1382 Zonophone: G23193 Regal Zonophone: IZ495, MR2241
Zonophone Twin: FT1808
21433 Treasures untold (Jimmie Rodgers; Ellsworth T. Cozzens)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
Listed in the ledger as “The Three Southeners”
Cozzens, Ellsworth - steel guitar; Ninde, Julian - guitar
BVE-41737- 2 14-Feb-28 3-Aug-28 to 1936 Camden
Victor: Bluebird B-5838, Montgomery Ward M-4217
HMV: 7-2230, N4310 Zonophone: EE139 Zonophone Twin: FT9115
21434 Keep on the sunny side (A.P. Carter)
Carter Family - vocal, guitars and autoharp
Carter, A.P. - vocal; Carter, Mabel - vocal; Carter, Sara - vocal
BVE-45022- 1 9-May-28 20-Jul-28 to 1936 Camden
Victor: 20-3259*, 33-0537*, Bluebird 1836, B-5006*, Electradisk 1964,
Montgomery Ward M-4225, Sunrise S-3127
HMV: 4729 Zonophone: 4270, EE179
21434 River of Jordan (A.P. Carter)
Carter Family - vocal, guitars and autoharp
Carter, A.P. - vocal; Carter, Mabel - vocal; Carter, Sara - vocal
BVE-45027- 2 10-May-28 20-Jul-28 to 1936
Regional release
Victor: Bluebird B-5058, Electradisk 1984, Montgomery Ward M-4430, Sunrise S-3143
HMV: 4728 Zonophone: 4270, EE179
21435 I still love you (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and ukulele
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43654- 2 19-Apr-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2126, B2812
21435 My pet (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and steel guitar
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43579- 3 18-Apr-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2127, B2812, EA369
21436 Gee, I’m marvelous in the bath-room (Walter O’Keefe)
O’Keefe, Walter - vocal
Botkin, Perry - guitar; Euchner, Wayne - piano
BVE-43571- 6 2-May-28 13-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2124
21436 I’m lookin’ for a girl (Harry Archer; Walter O’Keefe)
O’Keefe, Walter - vocal
Botkin, Perry - guitar; Euchner, Wayne - piano
BVE-43570- 5 2-May-28 13-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2125
21437 Singapore sorrows (Jack LeSoir; Ray Doll) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ben Pollack and his Californians
Pollack, Ben - vocal
BVE-43540- 6 26-Apr-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-609
21437 Sweet Sue, just you (Will J. Harris; Victor Young) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Pollack and his Californians
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-43541- 5 26-Apr-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-608
21438 Dixie dawn (Jo Trent; Peter de Rose) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Young, Austin - vocal
Pianos (2) - Ferde Grofé - director
BVE-43666- 3 23-Apr-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-611, AM1623, B5515, EG933
20000 / 21000 SERIES 239
21438 Louisiana (Andy Razaf; Bob Schaefer; J.C. Johnson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, William Challis - director
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal;
Young, Austin - vocal
BVE-43667- 1 23-Apr-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-610, B5522, B8913, EA386, EG933
21439 Tell me you love me (That’s all I ask of you) (Harry Santly; Lewis Pollack) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-43728- 6 17-Apr-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 8-612 Zonophone: AE2371
21439 You gotta be good to me (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Vincent Rose) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-41592- 2 31-Jan-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-613, AM1516 Zonophone: AE2371
21440 El Watson’s fox chase (El Watson, B. Cooksey)
Cooksey, Robert - harmonica
Watson, El - bones and harmonica
BVE-43952- 2 7-May-28 20-Jul-28 to 1931
Race release
New York
21440 One sock blues (El Watson)
Watson, El - bones and harmonica
BVE-43955- 2 7-May-28 20-Jul-28 to 1931
Race release
New York
21441 Fitzmaurice -
Kimmel, John J. - accordion
Fiedler, Andrew - guitar
BVE-43976- 1 14-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1931 New York
Victor: 81332
21441 Irish boy (John J. Kimmel) -
Kimmel, John J. - accordion
Fiedler, Andrew - guitar
BVE-43975- 2 14-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1931 New York
Victor: 81332
21442 Fitzmaurice’s flight -
Packie Dolan’s Melody Boys, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45103- 1 3-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21442 Grove, The -
Packie Dolan’s Melody Boys, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45105- 1 3-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Yorkville K-504
21443 Come back, Paddy Reilly, to Ballyjamesduff
Sheridan, John - vocal and flute
Shilkret, Lew - piano
BVE-43961- 1 14-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1936 New York
Victor: 26-7501, Bluebird B-4902, Montgomery Ward M-8619, Yorkville K-532
HMV: 40-6375 Columbia IFB411 Regal Zonophone: IZ281, MR1744
21443 My auld skillara hat (Old Irish folksong)
Sheridan, John - flute
Shilkret, Lew - piano
BVE-43962- 1 14-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1936 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-4915, Montgomery Ward M-8623, Yorkville K-532
HMV: 40-6452 Columbia IFB411 Regal Zonophone: IZ281, MR1744
21444 Dublin reel -
Irish reelIrish reel
Irish reelIrish reel
Irish reel
Ennis, Tom - Irish pipes
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-43940- 2 2-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1934 New York
Victor: Aurora 36-110
21444 Trip to the cottage -
sh jigsh jig
sh jigsh jig
sh jig
Ennis, Tom - Irish pipes
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-43939- 2 2-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1934 New York
Victor: Aurora 36-110
21445 Old bog road, The (M.K. O’Farrelley; Old Irish tune)
Quinn, Thomas L. - tenor
Green, Joe - traps; Cello, flute and violins (2), Leonard Joy - director and piano
BVE-43620- 2 6-Apr-28 6-Jul-28 to 1934 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Bluebird B-4929, Montgomery Ward M-8628, Yorkville K-515
21445 Shall my soul pass through old Ireland? (Old Irish tune)
Quinn, Thomas L. - tenor
Green, Joe - traps; Shilkret, Lew - organ;
Cello, flute and violins (2), Leonard Joy - director and piano
BVE-43618- 3 6-Apr-28 6-Jul-28 to 1934 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Bluebird B-4929, Montgomery Ward M-8628, Yorkville K-535
21446 Expectin’ a son (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 1
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking
Van, Nancy - talking and piano
BVE-45113- 2 7-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21446 Expectin’ a son (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 2
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking
Van, Nancy - talking and piano
BVE-45114- 1 7-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21447 Believe me, if all those endearing young charms (Old Irish air)
O’Connell, Charles - pipe-organ
BVE-41990- 2 16-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1931 Camden
21447 Memories of Ireland - Medley - Minstrel boy + The harp that once in Tara’s halls +
Kerry dance, The (James Lyman Molloy) + Come back to Erin
O’Connell, Charles - pipe-organ
BVE-41993- 2 18-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1931 Camden
21448 Dream River (George Brown)
Revelers, The (NL)
Black, Frank J. - piano; Smeck, Roy - octo-chorda
BVE-43505- 1 27-Mar-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4479, B2816, EG1432, K5523 Zonophone: AE2505
21448 Mammy is gone (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-43972- 3 11-May-28 6-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4480, AM1520, B2804, K5507 Zonophone: AE2387
21449 Song without words (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Op. 62, No. 30) - “Spring song”
Victor Concert Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-42519- 1 21-Feb-28 27-Jul-28 to 1941 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6040, Pict-Ur-Music 0435
HMV: 8-629, B2819, GW611, K5583, R10004
21449 Water Scenes (Ethelbert Nevin, Op. 13, No. 4): Narcissus
Victor Concert Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
Klaiss, Viola - pipe-organ; Linton, Charles - celeste and piano
BVE-42515- 3 21-Feb-28 27-Jul-28 to 1941 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6040
HMV: 8-642, B2819, GW611, R10004
20000 / 21000 SERIES 241
21450 Good night - Medley waltz - Introducing: Good night ladies + Merrilly we roll along + Aloha +
Auld lang syne (Old Scotch air) + Home sweet home
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-43672- 1 26-Apr-28 27-Jul-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Aurora 36-201
HMV: 8-631, B5557, EG982, FK9
21450 ‘Till we meet again (Raymond B. Egan; Richard A. Whiting)
- Waltz - Waltz
- Waltz - Waltz
- Waltz
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy and Nathaniel Shilkret - directors
Baur, Franklyn - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - whistler
BVE-45133- 3 10-May-28 27-Jul-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Aurora 36-201
HMV: 8-630, B5557, B5686, EG982, FK9
21451 Evening star (Help me find my man) (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
BVE-43765- 3 4-May-28 13-Jul-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 8-634, B5517
21451 Japansy (Alfred Byran; John Klenner) -
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Cassidy, Joe - vocal; Groff, Elwood - vocal; White, Hal - vocal
BVE-43991- 2 17-May-28 13-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-635, AM1516, B5517
21452 1 Because my baby don’t mean “Maybe” now (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal
BVE-45182- 1 28-May-28 13-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21452 2 Because my baby don’t mean “Maybe” now (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal
BVE-45182- 3 28-May-28 13-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-637, AM1519, B5518, K5553 Zonophone: AE2354
21452 1 Just like a melody out of the sky (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-45183- 2 28-May-28 13-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21452 2 Just like a melody out of the sky (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-45183- 3 28-May-28 13-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-636, AM1519, B5518, K5508 Zonophone: AE2354
21453 Church bells are ringing for Mary, The (Elmer Colby) -
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra, Joseph M. Knecht - director
Silver-Masked Tenor, The (Joseph M. White)
BVE-41593- 3 31-Jan-28 13-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-639, B5532, EG932
21453 It was the dawn of love (Lou Davis; J. Fred Coots; Arr. Tom Satterfield) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Fulton, John “Jack” - vocal; Gaylord, Charles - vocal; Rinker, Alton - vocal; Young, Austin - vocal
Bargy, Roy - piano, Grofé, Ferde - piano; Hayton, Leonard - piano
BVE-43663- 2 22-Apr-28 13-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-638, B5522, EA381, EG932
21454 I can’t do without you (Irving Berlin)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45186- 2 29-May-28 13-Jul-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2136, B2803
21454 Just like a melody out of the sky (Walter Donaldson)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45184- 2 29-May-28 13-Jul-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2135, B2803
21455 Eyes of Texas, The (Lyrics by Sinclair)
Texas University Band and Glee Club, Burnett Pharr - director
BVE-42333- 3 20-May-28 20-Jul-28 to 1941
Regional release
San Antonio
Victor: 27595, 420-0026* Bluebird B-5550
21455 Texas taps (Hunicutt; Burnett Pharr)
Texas University Band and Glee Club, Burnett Pharr - director
BVE-42334- 2 20-May-28 20-Jul-28 to 1941
Regional release
San Antonio
Victor: 27595, 420-0026* Bluebird B-5550
21456 Père de la victoire, Le (Louis Ganne)
Musique de la Garde Republicaine, M.G. Balay - director
BTR3445- 2 25-Nov-27 Sep-28 to 1931+ Paris
HMV: 230455, B2908, HN465, K5467, R11049 Zonophone: AE2703
21456 Régiment de Sambre et Meuse, Le (Robert Planquette)
Musique de la Garde Republicaine, M.G. Balay - director
BTR3443- 1 25-Nov-27 Sep-28 to 1931+ Paris
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0295
HMV: 230452, B2908, JK2307, K5409 Zonophone: AE2386
21457 Climbin’ up de golden stairs (F. Heiser)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor, harmonica and jews harp; Hood, Adelyne - vocal and violin;
Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
BVE-43902- 6 23-May-28 27-Jul-28 to 1938
Regional release
New York
Victor: V-43902
HMV: 4-4482, EA382 Zonophone: 5212 Zonophone Twin: FT1280
21457 Little green valley, The (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Hood, Adelyne - violin
Banjo (NL)
Listed as “Banjo playing violin”, possibly Hood
BVE-43599- 3 23-Apr-28 27-Jul-28 to 1938
Regional release
New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4053
HMV: 4-4483, EA382 Zonophone: 5212 Zonophone Twin: FT1280
21458 Devil is afraid of music, The (Willard Robison) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Robison, Willard, “The Whispering Baritone” - vocal and piano
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-43513- 2 29-Mar-28 27-Jul-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-650
21458 Truthful Parson Brown (Willard Robison)
Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Robison, Willard, “The Whispering Baritone” - vocal and piano
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-43514- 5 31-May-28 27-Jul-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-643
21459 Jesus, lover of my soul (Charles Wesley; Simon B. Marsh)
Andrews, Mark - organ
BVE-38087- 2 17-Jun-27 27-Jul-28 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9369
21459 My Jesus, as thou wilt (Carl Maria von Weber) + Oh love that wilt not let me go
(Albert L. Peace)
Andrews, Mark - pipe-organ
BVE-42576- 1 29-Mar-28 27-Jul-28 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9370
21460 Daffy ditties (Cliff Friend) - Part 1
Friend, Cliff - vocal and piano
BVE-43516- 2 29-Mar-28 3-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2133 Zonophone: 5214
21460 Daffy ditties (Cliff Friend) - Part 2
Friend, Cliff - vocal and piano
BVE-43517- 2 29-Mar-28 3-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2134 Zonophone: 5214
20000 / 21000 SERIES 243
21461 Beloved (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Joe L. Sanders)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Gomar, Larry H. - xylophone
BVE-45406- 3 22-May-28 20-Jul-28 to 1930 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9371, B2825, K5543, R10005
21461 Just like a melody out of the sky (Walter Donaldson)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-45407- 3 23-May-28 20-Jul-28 to 1930 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9383, B2825, K5543, R10005
21462 That’s my mammy (Harry Pease; Abel Baer; Edward G. Nelson)
Henry Thies and his Hotel Sinton Orchestra, Henry Thies - director
Dewey, Don - vocal
BVE-45410- 3 28-May-28 20-Jul-28 to 1930 Cincinnati, OH
HMV: 8-644, EG965
21462 When youre smiling (The whole world smiles with you) (Mark Fisher; Joe Goodwin; Larry Shay)
Henry Thies and his Hotel Sinton Orchestra, Henry Thies - director
Dewey, Don - vocal
BVE-45408- 3 28-May-28 20-Jul-28 to 1930 Cincinnati, OH
HMV: 8-647, EG965
21463 I still love you (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-45519- 3 25-May-28 20-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-645, B5523, EG966
21463 I’d rather cry over you (Than smile at anybody else) (Phil Ponce; Dan Dougherty) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-43698- 3 3-May-28 20-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-646, B5523, EG966
21464 Sugar (Maceo Pinkard) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-43118- 2 28-Feb-28 20-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21464 There ain’t no sweet man that’s worth the salt of my tears (Fred Fisher)
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Barris, Harry - humming; Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal; Fulton, John “Jack” - humming;
Gaylord, Charles - humming; Rinker, Alton - humming
BVE-41681- 3 8-Feb-28 20-Jul-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: AM1623, B5515, B8929
21465 Kawaihau (Kealakai) -
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-43950- 1 7-May-28 27-Jul-28 to 1934 New York
Victor: T-23
HMV: 8-640, B2799, EG1084, GW672, K5517, R10003
21465 My Hula Love - Medley march
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-43951- 1 7-May-28 27-Jul-28 to 1934 New York
Victor: T-22
HMV: 8-649, B2799, EG1084, GW672, K5517, R10003
21466 No news, or “What killed the dog?”
- Listed on history card as “Title taken from - Listed on history card as “Title taken from
- Listed on history card as “Title taken from - Listed on history card as “Title taken from
- Listed on history card as “Title taken from
old record by Nat Wills” old record by Nat Wills”
old record by Nat Wills” old record by Nat Wills”
old record by Nat Wills”
Crumit, Frank - talking
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-45010- 6 4-Jun-28 27-Jul-28 to 1941 Camden
HMV: 7-2131, B2859
21466 Spring Maid, The (Harry B. Smith; Robert B. Smith; Heinrich Reinhardt): The three trees
Crumit, Frank - talking
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-45007- 4 4-Jun-28 27-Jul-28 to 1941 Camden
HMV: 7-2132, B2859
21467 Choo choo train (Irene Beasley)
Beasley, Irene - vocal
Guitar, piano and clarinet, Leonard Joy - director
Ledger error - Saxophone listed instead of clarinet
BVE-45006- 3 3-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
Camden - Church
21467 St. Louis blues (W.C. Handy)
Beasley, Irene - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-43935- 3 1-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21468 ‘Till he calls his reapers (O.A. Parris; J.D. Wall)
Stamps Quartet: Echols, Otis - baritone; Stamps, Frank - bass; Wheeler, Palmer - tenor;
Wheeler, Roy - tenor
Brock, Dwight M. - piano
BVE-41875- 2 10-Feb-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21468 Wonderful (James Rowe; M.L. Yandell)
Stamps Quartet: Echols, Otis - baritone; Stamps, Frank - bass; Wheeler, Palmer - tenor;
Wheeler, Roy - tenor
Brock, Dwight M. - piano
BVE-41873- 1 10-Feb-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21469 Cotton-eyed Joe (John H. Chism)
Pope’s Arkansas Mountaineers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin
McKinnie, Joe W. - vocal Other vocalists (NL)
BVE-41852- 2 6-Feb-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21469 George Washington (Hugh Mack; Harry Morris)
Pope’s Arkansas Mountaineers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin
McKinnie, Joe W. - vocal Other vocalists (NL)
BVE-41854- 1 6-Feb-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21470 Jack o’ diamonds
Allen, Jules Verne “The Singin’ Cowboy” with guitar
BVE-42194- 2 21-Apr-28 3-Aug-28 to 1941
Regional release
El Paso
Victor: Aurora 36-420, Montgomery Ward M-4464, M-4779
21470 Little Joe, the wrangler (N. Howard Thorp)
Allen, Jules Verne “The Singin’ Cowboy” with guitar
BVE-42193- 2 21-Apr-28 3-Aug-28 to 1941
Regional release
El Paso
Victor: Aurora 36-420, Montgomery Ward M-4344, M-4780
21471 I’d trade my air castles for a love nest and you (Sunny Clapp; F.J. McWilliams)
Tal Henry and his North Carolinians, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-45163- 2 22-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1930
Regional release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
21471 Lonesome (Tal Henry; Francis Ellsworth; Ivan Morris) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Tal Henry and his North Carolinians, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-45170- 2 22-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1930
Regional release
New York - Liederkranz Hall Hall
21472 I’m a broken-hearted blackbird (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh)
Leroy Smith’s Orchestra
BVE-43433- 2 2-Apr-28 3-Aug-28 to 1934
Regional release
21472 St. Louis blues (W.C. Handy; Arr. Leroy Smith)
Trial, matrix number assigned later
Leroy Smith and his Orchestra, Leroy Smith - director
BVE-43429- 2 23-Feb-28 3-Aug-28 to 1934 Camden - Church
Victor: 21328, Montgomery Ward M-1140
21473 Banjoreno (Curtis Hayes)
- Fox trot - Listed as “Banjo Reno” by H. Clifford on history card - Fox trot - Listed as “Banjo Reno” by H. Clifford on history card
- Fox trot - Listed as “Banjo Reno” by H. Clifford on history card - Fox trot - Listed as “Banjo Reno” by H. Clifford on history card
- Fox trot - Listed as “Banjo Reno” by H. Clifford on history card
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjos (3), clarinet, jugs (2), saxophone and violin (NL)
BVE-37223- 2 10-Dec-26 3-Aug-28 to 1930
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
21473 Love blues (Clifford Hayes) - Listed as “Loved blue”
Dixieland Jug Blowers - banjo, jug, piano, saxophones (2) and violin (NL)
Washington, Elizabeth - vocal
BVE-38640- 3 7-Jun-27 3-Aug-28 to 1930
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
20000 / 21000 SERIES 245
21474 Mama, ‘taint long fo day (Willie McTell)
McTell, “Blind” Willie - vocal and guitar
BVE-40310- 1 18-Oct-27 3-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
Victor: 82876
21474 Writin’ paper blues (Willie McTell)
McTell, “Blind” Willie - vocal and guitar
BVE-40308- 1 18-Oct-27 3-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
Victor: 82876
21475 Moore girl, The (Andrew Baxter)
Baxter, Andrew - vocal and violin
Baxter, Jim - vocal and guitar
BVE-39786- 2 9-Aug-27 3-Aug-28 to 1930
Regional release
Charlotte, NC
21475 Never let the same bee sting you twice (Richard Brown)
Brown, Richard “Rabbit - vocal and guitar
BVE-38002- 1 11-Mar-27 3-Aug-28 to 1930
Regional release
New Orleans
21476 Life and death (J.E. Burch)
Elder J.E. Burch and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Bass drum, guitar, snare drum, tambourine
BVE-40343- 2 23-Oct-27 3-Aug-28 to 1930
Regional release
21476 My heart keeps singing (J.E. Burch)
Elder J.E. Burch and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Bass drum, guitar, snare drum, tambourine
BVE-40346- 2 23-Oct-27 3-Aug-28 to 1930
Regional release
21477 C-O-N-S-T-A-N-T-I-N-O-P-L-E (Harry Carlton)
California Humming Birds:
Adler, Charles - vocal; Herman, Oscar - vocal and piano; Weil, Harry - vocal
BVE-42384- 3 1-Jun-28 27-Jul-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 4-4486, B2796
21477 Somebody sweet is sweet on me (Walter Donovan)
California Humming Birds:
Adler, Charles - vocal; Herman, Oscar - vocal and piano; Weil, Harry - vocal
BVE-42383- 3 1-Jun-28 27-Jul-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 4-4487, B2796
21478 Foggy dew, The (L.F. Milligan; Old English air)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-43418- 1 27-Mar-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931 Camden
Victor: Yorkville K-513
HMV: 7-2211, B2889
21478 Jug of punch, The
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-43416- 2 27-Mar-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 7-2210, B2889
21479 St. Patricks day -
ish jigish jig
ish jigish jig
ish jig
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45112- 1 4-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Yorkville K-529
21479 Washerwomen, The -
ish jigish jig
ish jigish jig
ish jig
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45111- 2 4-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Bluebird B-4956, Montgomery Ward M-8629
21480 Cuckoo’s nest -
Murphy, Frank - accordion
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-43998- 2 21-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931 New York
21480 Sterling Castle -
Murphy, Frank - accordion
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-45501- 1 21-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931 New York
21481 Irish Immigrant, The - Part 1 “Danny’s letter”
Hannom, Thomas Barry - baritone
Accordion and piano, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45505- 2 22-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931 New York
21481 Irish Immigrant, The - Part 2 “Danny’s return
Hannom, Thomas Barry - baritone
Accordion and piano, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45506- 1 22-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931 New York
21482 Market on Saturday night, The (Edward Harrigan; Tony Hart)
Fitzpatrick Brothers - vocal duet (NL)
Flute, piano, traps and violin, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-43544- 1 9-Apr-28 3-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
21482 Mrs. Dooley’s geese (Edward Harrigan; Tony Hart)
Fitzpatrick Brothers - vocal duet (NL)
Flute, piano, traps and violin, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-43546- 1 9-Apr-28 3-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
21483 Erin, remember the days of old + Molly Bawn (Samuel Lover; Old Irish air)
Geoghegan, Eddie - piano
BVE-43674- 1 26-Apr-28 3-Aug-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21483 Has sorrow thy young days shaded? (Thomas Moore; Old Irish air “Sly Patrick”) +
Believe me, if all those endearing young charms (Irish air)
Geoghegan, Eddie - piano
BVE-43673- 2 26-Apr-28 3-Aug-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21484 Lasses of Donnybrook - Highland fling
Packie Dolan’s Melody Boys, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45102- 2 3-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21484 Mullins’ fancy -
Irish reelIrish reel
Irish reelIrish reel
Irish reel
Packie Dolan’s Melody Boys, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45101- 1 3-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21485 Don’t get one woman on your mind (Willard Hodgin)
Hodgin, Willard “Banjo Joe” - vocal and banjo
BVE-45016- 1 7-May-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
21485 Red headed widow was the cause of it all, A (Willard Hodgin)
Hodgin, Willard “Banjo Joe” - vocal and banjo
BVE-45014- 1 7-May-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
21486 My eyes are growing dimmer every day (Bud Landress)
Georgia Yellow Hammers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin (NL)
Vocal by band members
BVE-41926- 2 21-Feb-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
21486 Old rock jail behind the old iron gate, The (Bud Landress)
Georgia Yellow Hammers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin (NL)
Vocal by band members
BVE-41945- 1 23-Feb-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
21487 Billy Venero (Eben E. Rexford)
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
PBVE-42076- 3 31-Mar-28 17-Aug-28 to 1938
Regional release
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4465
21487 Texas Rangers
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
PBVE-42044- 1 1-Mar-28 17-Aug-28 to 1938
Regional release
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4784
21488 Drifting down the trail of dreams (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Hood, Adelyne - violin; Kellner, Murray - violin
BVE-43337- 2 8-Mar-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
20000 / 21000 SERIES 247
21488 In the hills of old Kentucky (My mountain rose) (J.R. Shannon; Charles L. Johnson)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Hood, Adelyne - vocal and violin; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Kellner, Murray - violin
BVE-43336- 3 8-Mar-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21489 Bare foot stomp (Clifford Hayes) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Clifford Hayes’ Louisville Stompers - fiddle, guitar, piano and trombone
BVE-42392- 1 1-Jun-28 17-Aug-28 to 1930
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21489 Bye, bye blues (Clifford Hayes) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Clifford Hayes’ Louisville Stompers
BVE-42380- 1 31-May-28 17-Aug-28 to 1930
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21490 Blue bubbles (Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington; Bubber Miley)
Duke Ellington and his Cotton Club Orchestra, Irving Mills - director
BVE-41246- 1 19-Dec-27 17-Aug-28 to 1930
Race release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 22985, Bluebird B-6415
HMV: 40-4941, B4915
21490 Blues I love to sing, The (Edward Kennedy “Duke Ellington; Bubber Miley)
Duke Ellington and his Cotton Club Orchestra
Hall, Adelaide - vocal
BVE-39371- 1 26-Oct-27 17-Aug-28 to 1930
Race release
Victor: 22985*, Bluebird B-6531*
HMV: 40-4942, B4966, B6343, BD5760 Zonophone: AE4269
21491 Charleston is the best dance after all, The (Charles Johnson; Arthur Porter) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Charles Johnson’s Paradise Ten
BVE-41640- 1 24-Jan-28 17-Aug-28 to 1930
Race release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
21491 Harlem shuffle (Kenneth A. Roane)
Lloyd Scott’s Orchestra
BVE-37529- 2 10-Jan-27 17-Aug-28 to 1930
Race release
New York
21492 Half ain’t never been told, The (F.W. McGee)
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Drums, guitar, piano and trombone (NL)
BVE-42385- 2 1-Jun-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21492 Scarlet thread in the window, The (F.W. McGee)
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Drums, guitar, piano and trombone (NL)
BVE-42386- 2 1-Jun-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21493 Eastside, Westside - Introducing: The Bowery -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-45611- 2 7-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-688, EG978
21493 In the Good Old Summer Time (George Evans; Arr. Leonard Joy) -
altz medlealtz medle
altz medlealtz medle
altz medle
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-45610- 3 7-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8060
HMV: 8-689, EG978
21494 Bugle calls of the U.S. Army - Part 1 - First call + Guard mounting + Drill + Boot and saddles +
Assembly + Adjutant’s call + To the color + Reveille + Retreat
Baker, Bernard - bugle
BVE-41448- 4 9-Feb-28 27-Jul-28 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 6730
21494 Bugle calls of the U.S. Army - Part 2 - Tattoo + Taps + Mess + Commence firing + Cease firing +
Fix bayonets + Charge
Baker, Bernard - trumpet
BVE-40462- 4 25-Nov-27 27-Jul-28 to 1944 Camden
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0198, Sound Effects SE25
HMV: 6731
21495 Beloved (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Joe L. Sanders)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45561- 2 5-Jun-28 27-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2140 Zonophone: 5193
21495 I wonder? (Abner Silver; Maceo Pinkard; Benny Davis)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45560- 2 5-Jun-28 27-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2139 Zonophone: 5193
21496 Look what you’ve done (Porter; Perry; Edelheit)
Charlie Fry and his Million Dollar Pier Orchestra
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-43799- 1 15-May-28 27-Jul-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 8-665
21496 Sorry for me (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Charlie Fry and his Million Dollar Pier Orchestra
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-43798- 1 15-May-28 27-Jul-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 8-664
21497 That’s my weakness now (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Marvin, Frankie - vocal and ukulele
BVE-45609- 3 7-Jun-28 27-Jul-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-684, EA383, EG967, R14001 Zonophone: AE2399
21497 Youre wonderful (Buddy Fields; Jack Gardner; Paul Ash) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-45571- 2 8-Jun-28 27-Jul-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-661, EG967, K5552
21498 Last night I dreamed you kissed me (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Carmen Lombardo) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-45574- 2 11-Jun-28 27-Jul-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-662, EG970
21498 There’s something about a rose (That reminds me of you) (Irving Kahal; Francis Wheeler;
Sammy Fain) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Eddie Harkness and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE-42002- 6 8-Mar-28 27-Jul-28 to 1930 Oakland
HMV: 8-663
21499 That’s what the lei said to me (Alfred Perez)
Four Aristocrats, The: Harris, George - vocal and piano; Hill, Karry - vocal and ukulele;
Lewis, Eddie - vocal and steel guitar; Monte, Louis - vocal and guitar
BVE-43944- 6 1-Jun-28 Nov-28 to 1930 New York
21499 What aloha means (Charles Alphin)
Four Aristocrats, The: Burns, Jimmie - vocal and guitar; Hamilton, Milt - vocal and piano;
Lewis, Eddie - vocal and steel guitar; Monte, Louis - vocal and ukulele
BVE-43943- 2 3-May-28 Nov-28 to 1930 New York
21500 American tune (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
From “George White’s Scandals”
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Kern, James - vocal
BVE-45641- 3 18-Jun-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-692, B5592
20000 / 21000 SERIES 249
21500 I’m on the crest of a wave (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
From “George White’s Scandals”
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal
BVE-45640- 3 18-Jun-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-693, B5591
21501 Oh, you have no idea (Phil Ponce; Dan Dougherty) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal; Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-42375- 2 29-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1930 Chicago
HMV: 8-695, B5553, EA403
21501 Ready for the river (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-42374- 2 29-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1930 Chicago
HMV: 8-694, B5561, EA378, K5607
21502 Dance of the blue Danube, The (Fred Fisher)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Gomar, Larry H. - xylophone
BVE-45405- 4 22-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
Victor: X-16184, Pict-Ur-Music 0462
HMV: 2-9376, B2833, EG1098
21502 I can’t do without you (Irving Berlin)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-45400- 4 20-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1931 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9377, B2833, EG1098
21503 For old times’ sake (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-45402- 1 20-May-28 17-Aug-28 to 1930 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9381, B2829
21503 Rosette (Charles Newman; Carmen Lombardo)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-45403- 4 21-May-28 17-Aug-28 to 1930 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9380, B2829
21504 Mona (Frederic E. Weatherley; Stephen Adams)
Olsen, Robert - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano
PBVE-42098- 5 2-Apr-28 3-Jul-28 to 1944
Regional release
21504 Naughty Marietta (Rida Johnson Young; Victor Herbert): Ah, sweet mystery of life
Olsen, Robert - tenor
Shield, Leroy - piano Cello and violin (NL)
PBVE-42138- 3 28-Mar-28 3-Jul-28 to 1944
Regional release
21505 Coquette (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Carmen Lombardo; John W. Green)
Rounders, The: Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor; Hartt, Richard C. - baritone; Girard, Armand - bass;
McLaughlin, Ben - tenor; Niesley, Myron - tenor
PBVE-42100- 4 17-Mar-28 3-Jul-28 to 1930
Regional release
21505 Persian rug (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”)
Rounders, The: Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor; Hartt, Richard C. - baritone; Girard, Armand - bass;
McLaughlin, Ben - tenor; Niesley, Myron - tenor
PBVE-42020- 7 17-Mar-28 3-Jul-28 to 1930
Regional release
21506 Dear little girl (When I’m with you) (Otto Cesana) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Eddie Harkness and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Hall, George - vocal
PBVE-42005- 6 22-Mar-28 3-Jul-28 to 1930
Regional release
21506 Sweetheart Lane (Lou Herscher; Don Rockwell; Barry Hays)
- Waltz - Waltz
- Waltz - Waltz
- Waltz
Herman Kenin’s Multnomah Hotel Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE-42067- 3 6-Mar-28 3-Jul-28 to 1930
Regional release
21507 Don’t wait till the lights are low (Howard E. Johnson; Carmen Lombardo)
Henry Thies and his Hotel Sinton Orchestra, Henry Thies - director
Dewey, Don - vocal; Hafford, Howard - vocal
BVE-45411- 1 28-May-28 3-Aug-28 to 1930 Cincinnati, OH
HMV: 8-696
21507 Say Yes” today (Walter Donaldson) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
BVE-42421- 2 8-Feb-28 3-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-683
21508 Farewell blues (Elmer Schobal; Paul Mares; Leon Rappolo) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-43187- 3 28-Mar-28 31-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-691
21508 Stack-O-Lee blues (Ray López)
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director, Fred Culley - director
BVE-28665-12 18-Apr-28 31-Aug-28 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 8-690
21509 I’m tired of making believe (George A. Kelley; Al Piantadosi)
Yates, Harold - tenor
Shilkret, Jack - director and piano; Cello and violin (NL)
BVE-43678- 2 27-Apr-28 10-Aug-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2150
21509 Oh, you have no idea (Phil Ponce; Dan Dougherty)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Cornet, guitar, piano and saxophone (NL)
BVE-43696- 3 2-May-28 10-Aug-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2149, EA428
21510 Lonely little bluebird (Harry Woods) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-45827- 2 26-Jun-28 10-Aug-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-700, EA406
21510 Youre a real sweetheart (Irving Caesar; Cliff Friend) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Marvin, Frankie - vocal
BVE-45826- 2 26-Jun-28 10-Aug-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-699, EA395
21511 C-O-N-S-T-A-N-T-I-N-O-P-L-E (Harry Carlton) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-45659- 3 27-Jun-28 10-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-685
21511 Who wouldn’t be blue? (Benny Davis; Joe Burke) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Gibbs, Parker - vocal; Jarrett, Arthur - vocal; Olver - vocal
BVE-43437- 2 5-Apr-28 10-Aug-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 8-686
21512 Blue grass (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
From “George White’s Scandals”
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-45660- 2 27-Jun-28 10-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-680, B5532
21512 Pickin’ cotton (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
- Fox trot -- Fox trot -
- Fox trot -- Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
From “George White’s Scandals”
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-45627- 2 12-Jun-28 10-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-687, B5591, K5626
20000 / 21000 SERIES 251
21513 Come back, Chiquita (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Mabel Wayne; Arr. Frank J. Black) -
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman and Their Orchestra, Frank J. Black - director
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-45661- 4 28-Jun-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-832
21513 Twelve o’clock waltz (Billie Rose; Mort Dixon; Harry Warren; Arr. Frank J. Black)
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman and Their Orchestra, Frank J. Black - director
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-45662- 3 28-Jun-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-681
21514 I can’t give you anything but love (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh)
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
FromLew Leslie’s Blackbirds of 1928"
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Cassidy, Joe - vocal; Groff, Elwood - vocal; White, Hal - vocal
BVE-43990- 4 17-May-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-707, B5538, K5596 Zonophone: AE2567
21514 Sweet Lorraine (Cliff Burwell; Mitchell Parish)
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-45575- 2 11-Jun-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-708
21515 Dusky stevedore (Andy Razaf; J.C. Johnson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Glenn, Wilfred - bass; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-45647- 2 19-Jun-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-727, B5553, EA452, K5577 Zonophone: AE2399
21515 When sweet Susie goes steppin’ by (Whitey Kaufman; Fred Kelly; Irving Bibo) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Victor Orchestra
BVE-45648- 1 19-Jun-28 17-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-709, EA452
21516 Beautiful (Haven Gillespie; Larry Shay)
National Cavaliers, The: O’Rourke, Leo - tenor; Seagle, John - baritone;
Stevens, Robert - tenor; Woodyard, Darrel - bass
Buttolph, David - piano
BVE-45583- 1 13-Jun-28 17-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 5-4001
21516 Was it a dream? (Addy Britt; Sam Coslow; Larry Spier)
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-43989- 4 8-Jun-28 17-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4494, AM1731, B2834, K5737 Zonophone: AE2797
21517 Chewing gum (A.P. Carter)
Carter Family - vocal, guitars and autoharp
Carter, Mabel - vocal; Carter, Sara - vocal
BVE-45028- 2 10-May-28 21-Sep-28 to 1934
Regional release
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-7019
21517 I ain’t goin’ to work tomorrow (May not work next week) (A.P. Carter)
Carter Family - vocal, guitars and autoharp
Carter, Mabel - vocal; Carter, Sara - vocal
BVE-45025- 1 10-May-28 21-Sep-28 to 1934
Regional release
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-7019
21518 Serenade in the mountains, A (Ernest V. Stoneman) - Part 1
Ernest V. Stoneman and his Blue Ridge Corn Shuckers - banjos (2), guitar and violin (NL)
Talking by band members
BVE-41934- 3 22-Feb-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
21518 Serenade in the mountains, A (Ernest V. Stoneman) - Part 2
Ernest V. Stoneman and his Blue Ridge Corn Shuckers - banjos (2), guitar and violin (NL)
Talking by band members
BVE-41935- 1 22-Feb-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
21519 Only waiting (C.E. Leslie)
Loveless Twins Quartet: Loveless, Harmon - vocal; Loveless, Herman - vocal;
Loveless, Lola - vocal; Loveless, Lola - vocal
BVE-40739- 2 28-Nov-27 21-Sep-28 to 1930
Regional release
21519 Still, still with Thee (Harriet Beecher Stowe; William Garrish)
Loveless Twins Quartet: Loveless, Harmon - vocal; Loveless, Herman - vocal;
Loveless, Lola - vocal; Loveless, Lola - vocal
BVE-40741- 1 28-Nov-27 21-Sep-28 to 1930
Regional release
21520 My name is John Jo Hannah
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Virginia String Band - banjo, guitar and violin
BVE-38235- 2 23-Mar-27 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
21520 My wife, she has gone and left me (Charles D. Vann)
Harrell, Kelly - baritone
Virginia String Band - banjo, guitar and violin
BVE-38239- 2 23-Mar-27 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
21521 Jerry, go idle that car (Harry McClintock)
- Selected b - Selected b
- Selected b - Selected b
- Selected b
y Cary Car
y Cary Car
y Car
l Sandbergl Sandberg
l Sandbergl Sandberg
l Sandberg
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
PBVE-42096- 1 16-Mar-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
21521 My dad’s dinner pail (Edward Harrigan; David Braham)
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
PBVE-42077- 2 9-Mar-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
21522 Drink to me only with thine eyes (Old English air)
O’Connell, Charles - pipe-organ
BVE-41989- 1 16-May-28 21-Sep-28 to 1930
Regional release
21522 Old English Airs - Medley - Lass of Richmond Hill + Rinaldo (George Frederic Handel):
Lascia ch’io piange + Sally in our alley + The British grenadier
O’Connell, Charles - pipe-organ
BVE-41988- 5 23-May-28 21-Sep-28 to 1930
Regional release
Camden - Church
21523 Do it yourself (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 men and 3 women singing
BVE-41919- 2 20-Feb-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Race release
Victor: Bluebird B-7820
21523 Sure enough soldier, A (J.M. Gates)
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation - 2 men and 3 women singing
BVE-41916- 1 20-Feb-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Race release
21524 She stays out all night long (Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), harmonica, jug, kazoo (NL)
Shade, Will - vocal
BVE-41891- 2 13-Feb-28 21-Sep-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21524 Snitchin’ gambler blues (Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band
Shade, Will - harmonica
Vocal (NL)
BVE-41817- 3 1-Feb-28 21-Sep-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
20000 / 21000 SERIES 253
21525 Hog-maw (Thomas ‘Fats Waller) -
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - pipe-organ
BVE-37820- 2 16-Feb-27 21-Sep-28 to 1930
Race release
Camden - Church
21525 Sugar (Maceo Pinkard) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - organ
BVE-38044- 1 20-May-27 21-Sep-28 to 1930
Race release
Camden - Church
Victor: 23331, Bluebird B-5093, Montgomery Ward M-4904, Sunrise S-3176
HMV: 40-4858, GW311
21526 Bantry hornpipe, The (From O’Neill’s collection)
O’Neill, Selena - violin
Shield, Leroy - piano
BVE-45349- 2 12-Jun-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
21526 Swaggering jig + Give us a drink of water -
Hop or skip jigHop or skip jig
Hop or skip jigHop or skip jig
Hop or skip jig
(From O’Neill’s collection)
O’Neill, Selena - violin
Shield, Leroy - piano
BVE-45351- 2 12-Jun-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
21527 For old times’ sake (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra
Wilson, Frank - vocal
BVE-45988- 4 26-Jun-28 24-Aug-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-682, EA408
21527 Rosette (Charles Newman; Carmen Lombardo) -
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra
Wilson, Frank - vocal
BVE-45987- 4 26-Jun-28 24-Aug-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-711, EA408
21528 Away out on the mountains (Kelly Harrell) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-45651- 2 21-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-698
21528 Blue yodel (Jimmie Rodgers) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-45650- 2 21-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-697
21529 Giggling Gertie (Dave Dreyer; Harry Tobias; Charles Tobias)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-45801- 2 19-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4490
21529 Must you wear a moustache? (Abner Silver)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-45800- 3 19-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4491
21530 Beyond the sunset (Sam Goble; Bob Nolan) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Blue Steele and his Orchestra
Delmarter, Ted - vocal; Nolan, Bob - vocal; Sargent, Kenneth - vocal
BVE-41829- 3 2-Feb-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
HMV: 8-833
21530 I knew I’d miss you (Sol Lewis) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Steele, Blue - trombone
Goble, Sam - cornet; Violins (2)
Sargent, Kenneth - vocal
BVE-41872- 3 9-Feb-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21531 Evening sun (Jimmie Rodgers) “Blue yodel, No. 3”
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
BVE-41743- 2 15-Feb-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
Victor: 21-0177, Montgomery Ward M-4213
HMV: 7-2162 Regal Zonophone: IZ314 Zonophone: 5247
21531 Never no mo’ blues (Elsie McWilliams; Jimmie Rodgers)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
BVE-45099- 1 12-Jun-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
Victor: 20-6408*, 21-0043, Bluebird B-6225
HMV: 7-2163 Regal Zonophone: IZ314 Zonophone: 5247, EE109
Zonophone Twin: FT1733
21532 Baby come kiss your honey blues (Charles Johnson)
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - vocal and guitar; Johnson, Paul - guitar
BVE-45202- 2 24-May-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
Camden - Church
21532 Old timer from Caroliner (Charles Johnson; Paul Johnson)
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - guitar; Johnson, Paul - vocal and guitar
BVE-45201- 2 24-May-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
Camden - Church
21533 Fate of Chris Liveley and wife (Alfred Reed)
Reed, “Blind” Alfred - baritone and violin
Reed, Orville - guitar
BVE-40791- 2 19-Dec-27 7-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
21533 I’m goin’ to walk on the streets of glory
West Virginia Night Owls - vocal
Read, Orville - guitar; Pendelton, F Red - violin
BVE-40789- 2 19-Dec-27 7-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
21534 Tupelo blues (Hoyt “FloydMing)
Floyd Ming and his Pep Steppers - guitar, mandolin and violin (3 men, 1 woman)
BVE-41899- 1 13-Feb-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21534 White mule (Hoyt “Floyd” Ming)
Floyd Ming and his Pep Steppers - guitar, mandolin and violin (3 men, 1 woman)
Coggin, A. D. - caller
BVE-41898- 2 13-Feb-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21535 Hem of his garment, The (E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing (NL)
Piano (NL)
BVE-40850- 2 11-Nov-27 7-Sep-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21535 Its gonna rain (E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing (NL)
Piano (NL)
BVE-40852- 2 11-Nov-27 7-Sep-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21536 Don’t make it too late (Mrs. L. Reed)
Duncans, Mrs. T.A. - vocal; Reed, Mrs. L. - vocal
BVE-39885- 2 10-Oct-27 7-Sep-28 to 1930
Race release
21536 On the glory line (Mrs. L. Reed)
Duncans, Mrs. T.A. - vocal; Reed, Mrs. L. - vocal
BVE-39886- 2 10-Oct-27 7-Sep-28 to 1930
Race release
21537 Believe me, dear (C. Mason; Robert H. Cloud)
Ross Deluxe Syncopaters
BVE-39828- 3 22-Aug-27 7-Sep-28 to 1930
Race release
Savannah, GA
21537 Don’t you want to know? (Robert H. Cloud)
Ross Deluxe Syncopaters
Miller, Margaret - vocal
BVE-39824- 2 22-Aug-27 7-Sep-28 to 1930
Race release
Savannah, GA
20000 / 21000 SERIES 255
21538 Davis Street blues (Sugar Underwood)
Underwood, Sugar - piano
BVE-39835- 2 23-Aug-27 7-Sep-28 to 1930
Race release
Savannah, GA
21538 Dew Drop Alley stomp (Sugar Underwood)
Underwood, Sugar - piano
BVE-39836- 1 23-Aug-27 7-Sep-28 to 1930
Race release
Savannah, GA
21539 I’m going to see my ma (Clarence Todd)
Hunter, Alberta - soprano
Waller, Thomas ‘Fats’ - organ
BVE-38048- 2 20-May-27 7-Sep-28 to 1930
Race release
Camden - Church
21539 Police done tore my playhouse down (Edgar Dowell)
Smith, Elizabeth - vocal
BVE-37574- 2 26-Jan-27 7-Sep-28 to 1930
Race release
New York
21540 John Mitchell (Old Irish tune)
Kennedy, William A. - tenor
Orchestra, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45663- 1 28-Jun-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21540 My dark Rosaleen (James Mangan; Alicia Adelaide Needham)
- Irish patriotic song - Irish patriotic song
- Irish patriotic song - Irish patriotic song
- Irish patriotic song
Kennedy, William A. - tenor
Orchestra, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45664- 1 28-Jun-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 40-1054
21541 Cavan lasses, The -
Packie Dolan’s Melody Boys, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45106- 1 3-May-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Yorkville K-512
21541 Mother Malone (Irish folk song)
Packie Dolan’s Melody Boys, Alfredo Cibelli - director
Dolan, James “Packie” - vocal
BVE-45100- 2 3-May-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21542 Miss Casey -
Irish jigIrish jig
Irish jigIrish jig
Irish jig
Ennis, Tom - Irish pipes
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-43941- 2 2-May-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931 New York
21542 Wexford reel -
Irish reelIrish reel
Irish reelIrish reel
Irish reel
Ennis, Tom - Irish pipes
Geoghegan, Ed - piano
BVE-43942- 2 2-May-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931 New York
21543 Flowers of Edinburgh, The -
Sheridan, John - flute
Shilkret, Lew - piano
BVE-43978- 1 14-May-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931 New York
21543 Murphys hornpipe
Sheridan, John - flute
Shilkret, Lew - piano
BVE-43979- 2 14-May-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931 New York
21544 Bonnie Kate -
Irish reelIrish reel
Irish reelIrish reel
Irish reel
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45108- 1 4-May-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Bluebird B-4931, Montgomery Ward M-8947, Yorkville K-504
HMV: 40-1055, B3392
21544 Humors of Bandon -
Set danceSet dance
Set danceSet dance
Set dance
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45110- 2 4-May-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 40-1056, B3392
21545 Memories of France (Alfred Dubin; J. Russel Robinson)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Cibelli, Eugenio - guitar
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45298- 1 26-Jun-28 24-Aug-28 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-2161
21545 Old pals are the best pals after all (Billy Rose; Gene Austin; Charles Bates)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45185- 1 29-May-28 24-Aug-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2160
21546 Down where the sun goes down (Isham Jones; Verne Buck) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-46020- 1 29-Jun-28 24-Aug-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-713, EA414
21546 Too busy (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal
BVE-46003- 2 27-Jun-28 24-Aug-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-712, B5534, EA414
21547 If you don’t love me (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Cassidy, Joe - vocal
BVE-45594- 2 18-Jun-28 24-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-715, B5534
21547 Just a night for meditation (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Lewis Pollack)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Crumit, Frank - tenor; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-45872- 3 12-Jul-28 24-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-714, B5570
21548 Over the hills to the poorhouse (George L. Catlin; David Braham)
Moreland, “Peg” - vocal and guitar
BVE-46049- 1 3-Jul-28 7-Sep-28 to 1934
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21548 Prisoner at the bar, The (Glover King; David Worton; Harry Leighton)
Moreland, “Peg” - vocal and guitar
BVE-46054- 1 5-Jul-28 7-Sep-28 to 1934
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21549 Box car blues (L.L. Watson)
Baker, Ernest “Buddy” - vocal and guitar
BVE-45950- 2 21-Jun-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21549 Penitentiary blues (L.L. Watson)
Baker, Ernest “Buddy” - vocal and guitar
BVE-45949- 1 21-Jun-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21550 Too busy (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn)
Four Rajahs, The: Chicco, Louis - tenor, syncopated harp; Gentry, Art - tenor;
Hurt, Marlin - tenor; Roy, Ted - baritone and piano
Violin (NL)
BVE-45940- 2 20-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 4-4497
21550 Waitin’ for Katie (Ted Shapiro; Gustave “Gus” Kahn)
Four Rajahs, The: Chicco, Louis - tenor, syncopated harp; Gentry, Art - tenor;
Hurt, Marlin - tenor; Roy, Ted - baritone and piano
BVE-42376- 1 31-May-28 31-Aug-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 4-4498
21551 Stand by me (C.A. Tindley)
Pace Jubilee Singers - alto, baritone, bass, contralto, soprano and tenor
Piano (NL)
BVE-46032- 1 30-Jun-28 7-Sep-28 to 1934
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
20000 / 21000 SERIES 257
21551 Take your burden to the lord - Leave it there (C.A. Tindley)
Pace Jubilee Singers - alto, baritone, bass, contralto, soprano and tenor
Organ (NL)
BVE-46033- 1 30-Jun-28 7-Sep-28 to 1934
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-5477
21552 Blue washboard stomp (Johnny Dodds)
Johnny Dodds’ Washboard Band - clarinet, cornet, piano, trombone and washboard (NL)
BVE-46066- 1 6-Jul-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-8549
HMV: B10223
21552 Bull fiddle blues (Johnny Dodds)
Johnny Dodds’ Washboard Band - clarinet, cornet, piano, trombone and washboard (NL)
BVE-46065- 1 6-Jul-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-10239
HMV: B10223
21553 Cuckoo blues (Tiny Parham) -
Tiny Parham and his Musicians
BVE-46041- 2 2-Jul-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21553 Head hunter’s dream, The (Tiny Parham) -
- “An African fantasy”
Tiny Parham and his Musicians
BVE-46037- 2 2-Jul-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21554 Blue clarinet stomp (Johnny Dodds)
Johnny Dodds’ Trio - clarinet, piano and string bass (NL)
BVE-46055- 2 5-Jul-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21554 Blue piano stomp (Johnny Dodds)
Johnny Dodds’ Trio - clarinet, piano and string bass (NL)
BVE-46056- 1 5-Jul-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-10238
HMV: JK2179
21555 Mother’s plea, A (Annabelle Lee)
Billings, Bud (Frank Luther) - tenor
Guitar and 2 violins (NL)
BVE-45838- 2 29-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1930
Regional release
New York
HMV: 7-2158 Zonophone: 5575, EE113
21555 Since mother’s gone (Carson J. Robison)
Billings, Bud (Frank Luther) - tenor
Guitar and 2 violins (NL)
BVE-45837- 3 29-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1930
Regional release
New York
HMV: 7-2159 Zonophone: 5575, EE113
21556 Na lei o Hawaii (Charles King) - “The song of the islands”
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-42048- 3 3-Apr-28 Nov-28 to 1941
Regional release
21556 Sunkist Hawaii (Irene West; Kenneth H. Barnam)
Sam-Ku-West Harmony Boys - guitar, steel guitar, ukulele
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-42081- 4 26-Mar-28 Nov-28 to 1941
Regional release
21557 Get out and get under the moon (Charles Tobias; William Jerome; Larry Shay)
Kane, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45880- 3 16-Jul-28 24-Aug-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3319, EA442, R10151 Zonophone: 5227, FZ970
21557 That’s my weakness now (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept)
Kane, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45881- 2 16-Jul-28 24-Aug-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3320, EA442, R10151 Zonophone: 5227, FZ970
21558 Along Miami shore (Harry Warren; Harry M. Snodgrass) -
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-37543- 3 17-Jan-27 31-Aug-28 to 1941 New York
HMV: 8-710, B2850, EG2061, K5595, R10028
21558 Honolulu sweetheart of mine (Joe Davis; Eugene Stanley)
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-45862- 1 9-Jul-28 31-Aug-28 to 1941 New York
Victor: T-21, Pict-Ur-Music 0425
HMV: 8-724, B2850, EG2061, K5595, R10028
21559 Doin’ the new low down (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh)
- Fox trot -- Fox trot -
- Fox trot -- Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
FromLew Leslie’s Blackbirds of 1928"
Jack Pettis and his Pets
BVE-45674- 1 3-Jul-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: X-16041, Pict-Ur-Music 0293
HMV: 8-716
21559 Spanish dream (Al Gehring; Jack Pettis) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jack Pettis and his Pets
BVE-45672- 3 3-Jul-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-717
21560 Five pennies (Red Nichols) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Red Nichols and his Orchestra
BVE-45815- 2 21-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-720, EA467
21560 Harlem twist (Fud Livingston; Chauncie Morehouse)
- Fox trot - Originally titled- Fox trot - Originally titled
- Fox trot - Originally titled- Fox trot - Originally titled
- Fox trot - Originally titled
“Humpty Dumpty” “Humpty Dumpty”
“Humpty Dumpty” “Humpty Dumpty”
“Humpty Dumpty”
Red Nichols and his Orchestra
BVE-45814- 3 21-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-721
21561 Doin’ things (Eddie Lang; Joe Venuti)
Lang, Eddie - guitar; Venuti, Joe - violin
Signorelli, Frank - piano
BVE-45812- 3 21-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4495
21561 Wild cat (Eddie Lang; Joe Venuti)
Lang, Eddie - guitar; Venuti, Joe - violin
Signorelli, Frank - piano
BVE-45813- 3 21-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 4-4496
21562 Indian cradle song (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Mabel Wayne) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal
BVE-42373- 2 29-May-28 31-Aug-28 to 1930 Chicago
HMV: 8-722, B5538, K5596 Zonophone: AE2627
21562 It must be love (Charles Derrickson; Burton Brown) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Don Bestor and his Orchestra, Don Bestor and Leroy Shield - directors
Jager, George C. - vocal
BVE-45907- 2 18-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-723, B5579
21563 In the Good Old Summer Time - Medley
Eddie Jordan and his East Side Boys, Leonard Joy - director and bells
Jordan, Eddie - vocal and guitar; Cibelli, Eugenio - guitar
BVE-45820- 1 22-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1941 New York
HMV: 2-9385
21563 Sidewalks of New York, The - Medley
Eddie Jordan and his East Side Boys, Leonard Joy - director
Jordan, Eddie - vocal and guitar; Cibelli, Alfredo - mandolin; Cibelli, Eugenio - guitar
BVE-45819- 2 22-Jun-28 31-Aug-28 to 1941 New York
HMV: 2-9384
20000 / 21000 SERIES 259
21564 Lilac Time (Film) (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Nathaniel Shilkret): Jeannine, I dream of lilac time
Austin, Gene - tenor
Cibelli, Eugenio - guitar
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45297- 3 26-Jun-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-2164, B2854
21564 Then came the dawn (Alfred Dubin; Harry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Austin, Gene - tenor
BVE-45563- 1 6-Jun-28 7-Sep-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2165, B2854
21565 Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Just imagine -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Harold Stokes - director
Woodson, Greta - “Whispering contralto”
BVE-46070- 4 12-Jul-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-718, B5531 Zonophone: AE2627
21565 My darling (Bernie Grossman; Arthur Sizemore; Guy Lombardo) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Frankie Masters and his Orchestra
Masters, Frankie - vocal
BVE-46061- 2 6-Jul-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-719
21566 King for a day (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Ted Fiorito) -
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Olsen, George - vocal
BVE-45892- 3 19-Jul-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-729, B5537
21566 Old man sunshine (Little boy bluebird) (Mort Dixon; Harry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-45628- 3 12-Jun-28 7-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-728, B5537
21567 Circus days, The
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
Drums and soprano saxophone (NL)
PBVE-42129- 1 31-Mar-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
21567 Man on the flying trapeze, The (George Leybourne; Alfred Lee)
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
PBVE-42095- 2 16-Mar-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
21568 I’m telling the world (That I love you) (Amy Ashford) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Horace Heidt’s Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Moore, Harold - vocal
PBVE-42015- 7 2-Mar-28 31-Jul-28 to 1930
Regional release
21568 There’s somebody new (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Isham Jones) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Herman Kenin’s Multnomah Hotel Orchestra
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE-42064- 4 5-Mar-28 31-Jul-28 to 1930
Regional release
21569 Cecile (Frank W. McKee) -
altz hesitationaltz hesitation
altz hesitationaltz hesitation
altz hesitation
Rudy Seiger’s Shell Symphonists
PBVE-42135- 1 28-Mar-28 19-Oct-28 to 1930
Regional release
21569 Destiny (Sydney Baynes) -
Rudy Seiger’s Shell Symphonists
PBVE-42136- 3 28-Mar-28 19-Oct-28 to 1930
Regional release
21570 My dream girl (Ray White; Jim Schiller)
Lykins, Lee - vocal
Piano (NL)
PBVE-42104- 4 2-Apr-28 31-Jul-28 to 1930
Regional release
21570 Where the silvery Colorado wends its way (C.H. Scoggins; Charles Avril)
Lykins, Lee - vocal
Cornet, guitar, piano and violin (NL)
PBVE-42124- 3 2-Apr-28 31-Jul-28 to 1930
Regional release
21571 I can’t give you anything but love (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) - From
Lew Leslie’s Blackbirds of 1928"
Hayes, Grace - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45893- 4 6-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3329, B2900
21571 I must have that man (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) - From “Lew Leslie’s Blackbirds of 1928"
Hayes, Grace - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-46662- 2 6-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3330, B2900
21572 Lilac Time (Film) (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Nathaniel Shilkret): Jeannine, I dream of lilac time -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-46619- 3 27-Jul-28 14-Sep-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-730, B5554, EG1004, K5566 Zonophone: AE2753
21572 Warming Up (Film) (Walter Donaldson): Out of the dawn -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-46322- 2 19-Jul-28 14-Sep-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-731, B5554, EG1004 Zonophone: AE2683
21573 Louise, I love you (Tal Henry; Hank Hauser) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Tal Henry and his North Carolinians, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-45162- 3 22-May-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930
Regional release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
21573 Why do you make me lonesome? (Francis Ellsworth; Ivan Morris) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Tal Henry and his North Carolinians, Tal Henry - director
Shaw, Chester - vocal
BVE-43746- 3 25-Apr-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930
Regional release
Camden - Church
21574 Dear old sunny South by the sea (Jimmie Rodgers; Ellsworth T. Cozzens)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
Listed in the ledger as “The Three Southeners”
Cozzens, Ellsworth - steel guitar; Ninde, Julian - guitar
BVE-41736- 1 14-Feb-28 5-Oct-28 to 1936 Camden
Victor: 21-0182, Bluebird B-6246, Japan A-1454
HMV: 7-2318, EA1228, N4336 Regal Zonophone: IZ317, IZ414, MR1918
Zonophone: 5341, G22792, G23188 Zonophone Twin: FT1980
21574 My little home down in New Orleans (Jimmie Rodgers)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
BVE-45093- 1 12-Jun-28 5-Oct-28 to 1936
Regional release
Victor: Bluebird B-5609, Montgomery Ward M-4218
HMV: 7-2263 Regal Zonophone: IZ317, N4336 Zonophone: 5341, EE139
21575 Boarding house bells are ringing, The (Gwen Foster)
Carolina Twins (NL)
Guitars (2) and harmonica (NL)
BVE-41920- 1 20-Feb-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
21575 One dark and rainy night (Gwen Foster)
Carolina Twins (NL)
Guitars (2) and harmonica (NL)
BVE-41921- 2 20-Feb-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
21576 I have been redeemed
Macedonia Quartet: Henderson, C.E. - bass; Inman, Floyd - tenor; McPhail, Fred - tenor;
Smith, Spencer - baritone
BVE-41851- 2 6-Feb-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21576 Who’ll be to blame? (Fred McPhail)
Macedonia Quartet: Henderson, C.E. - bass; Inman, Floyd - tenor; McPhail, Fred - tenor;
Smith, Spencer - baritone
BVE-41850- 1 6-Feb-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
20000 / 21000 SERIES 261
21577 Get along home Miss Cindy (John H. Chism)
Pope’s Arkansas Mountaineers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin
McKinnie, T. - vocal Other vocalists (NL)
BVE-41853- 2 6-Feb-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21577 Jaw bone (John H. Chism)
Pope’s Arkansas Mountaineers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin
McKinnie, T. - vocal Other vocalists (NL)
BVE-41859- 1 6-Feb-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21578 Sweet summer has gone away (A.W. Showalter)
Dunford, Uncle Eck - vocal; Stoneman, Ernest V. - vocal
Banjo and guitar (NL)
BVE-41941- 2 22-Feb-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930
Regional release
21578 What will I do, for my money’s all gone? (Ernest V. Stoneman)
Ernest V. Stoneman and his Dixie Mountaineers: Dunford, Uncle Eck - vocal and guitar; Stoneman,
Ernest V. - baritone and guitar; Edwards, I. - harmonica and ukulele; Stoneman, Hattie - violin
BVE-39717- 2 27-Jul-27 5-Oct-28 to 1930
Regional release
Bristol, TN
21579 Dolan’s poker party (Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-45825- 3 25-Jun-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
HMV: 40-1057, B3234
21579 O’Hooligan’s ball (Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-45824- 2 25-Jun-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
HMV: 40-1058, B3234
21580 Black beauty (Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington)
Duke Ellington and his Cotton Club Orchestra, Duke Ellington - director
BVE-43502- 2 26-Mar-28 5-Oct-28 to 1936
Race release
New York
Victor: Bluebird B-6430
HMV: 40-3798, B4872, B6166, HN577, R14760
21580 Jubilee stomp (Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Duke Ellington and his Cotton Club Orchestra, Duke Ellington - director
BVE-43503- 2 26-Mar-28 5-Oct-28 to 1936
Race release
New York
Victor: Bluebird B-6415, B-10244, X-16189, Pict-Ur-Music 0296
HMV: 8-918, B4869, B6262
21581 Three ways (F.W. McGee) - Part 1
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Drums, guitar, piano and trumpet (NL)
BVE-45388- 2 16-Jun-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21581 Three ways (F.W. McGee) - Part 2
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Drums, guitar, piano and trumpet (NL)
BVE-45389- 2 16-Jun-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21582 Ezekiel saw de wheel
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Pace Jubilee Singers - alto, baritone, bass, contralto, soprano and tenor
Piano (NL)
BVE-46031- 1 30-Jun-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21582 When the saints go marching in
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Pace Jubilee Singers - alto, baritone, bass, contralto, soprano and tenor
Organ (NL)
BVE-46035- 1 30-Jun-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-5477
21583 Blue harmony (Clifford Hayes) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Clifford Hayes’ Louisville Stompers
BVE-42382- 2 31-May-28 19-Oct-28 to 1933
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21583 Four or five times (Byron Gay; Marco H. Hellman) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
McKinney’s Cotton Pickers, Donald Redman - director
Vocal trio (NL)
BVE-46093- 2 11-Jul-28 19-Oct-28 to 1933
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21584 New Tulsa blues, The (Bennie Moten) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra
BVE-38669- 2 11-Jun-27 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: X-16045, Pict-Ur-Music 0298
HMV: 8-919
21584 Petter’s stomp, The (Clifford Hayes) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Clifford Hayes’ Louisville Stompers - fiddle, guitar, piano and trombone
BVE-42388- 2 1-Jun-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21585 Bay rum blues (El Watson)
Watson, El - bones and harmonica
BVE-43953- 2 7-May-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Race release
New York
21585 Sweet bunch of daisies (Arr. El Watson)
Watson, El - bones and harmonica
BVE-43954- 2 7-May-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931
Race release
New York
21586 Will the circle be unbroken? (Ada Habershon; Charles H. Gabriel)
Billings, Bud (Frank Luther) - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Kellner, Murray - violin
BVE-46613- 2 26-Jul-28 19-Oct-28 to 1936
Regional release
New York
Victor: Aurora 36-212, Bluebird B-6406, Montgomery Ward M-8194
HMV: 40-1753 Zonophone Twin: FT8144
21586 You’ll never miss your mother till she’s gone
Billings, Bud (Frank Luther) - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Kellner, Murray - violin
BVE-46614- 2 26-Jul-28 19-Oct-28 to 1936
Regional release
New York
Victor: Aurora 36-212, Bluebird B-5297, Electradisk 2168, Montgomery Ward M-4479,
Sunrise S-3378
HMV: 40-1746, 40-6777 Zonophone: 4272
21587 Hot time in the old town, A (Theodore A. Metz)
Jaros Novelty Orchestra, Jerry Jaros - director
BVE-36425- 3 28-Sep-26 19-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
Chicago - Webster Hotel
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8137
21587 Medley of Old Time Songs, No. 3 - Introducing: Yip, I adee + Shining moon + Listen to the mocking
bird + Du bist vericht mein kindt + Jingle bells + Turkey in de straw + How dry I am + Bingo
Kirilloff’s Russian Balaliaka Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Green, Joe - traps; Shilkret, Lew - piano
BVE-38821- 2 23-May-27 19-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 80309
HMV: 7-922, EG2058, EX29 Zonophone: 5155
21588 Kiddie kapers (Nathaniel Shilkret; Lewis Pollack; Al Sherman; Arr. Frank J. Black) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman and Their Orchestra, Frank J. Black - director
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
BVE-46324- 3 19-Jul-28 14-Sep-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-738, B5551, EG999 Zonophone: AE2488
21588 Rag doll (Nacio Herb Brown; Arr. Frank J. Black) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman and Their Orchestra, Frank J. Black - director
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
BVE-46323- 3 19-Jul-28 14-Sep-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-737, B5551, EG999 Zonophone: AE2488
21589 Lady of Chance (Benny Davis; Dohl Davis; Abe Lyman; Charlie Abbot): Driftwood -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal
BVE-45890- 1 19-Jul-28 14-Sep-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-740
21589 Ten little miles from town (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Elmer Schoebel)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-45891- 2 19-Jul-28 14-Sep-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-739, B5552, EG981, K5651
20000 / 21000 SERIES 263
21590 Memories of France (Alfred Dubin; J. Russel Robinson) -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; Parker, Jack - tenor; Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-45679- 1 5-Jul-28 14-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-741, K5607
21590 That’s just my way of forgetting you (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Harold Stokes - director
Napier, Jean - vocal
BVE-46097- 3 12-Jul-28 14-Sep-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-764, AM2252, B5566, EA417, K5581
21591 Revenge (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry Akst): Revenge
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-46649- 1 2-Aug-28 14-Sep-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2171 Zonophone: 5241, FZ947
21591 Street Angel (Film) (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée): My angel - “Angela mia”
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-46648- 1 2-Aug-28 14-Sep-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2170 Zonophone: 5241, FZ947
21592 Ballyhootch (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 1
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking
Van, Nancy - talking and piano
BVE-45117- 2 7-May-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21592 Ballyhootch (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 2
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking
Van, Nancy - talking and piano
BVE-45118- 2 7-May-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21593 Boys at the lough + Tom Clarks reel
Crowley, Michael - piano
Reavy, Edward - violin
BVE-43483- 1 25-Apr-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 Camden
Victor: Bluebird B-4956, Montgomery Ward M-8629, Yorkville K-505
HMV: 40-1060, 40-1061, B3400
21593 Donegal hornpipe + Cliff hornpipe
Killarney Trio: Conroy, Joseph - banjo; Crowley, Michael - piano; Reavy, Edward - violin
BVE-43482- 2 25-Apr-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 40-1059, B3400
21594 Ginger’s favorite + Bogs of Allen
- Jigs - Jigs
- Jigs - Jigs
- Jigs
Cashin, Michael J. - violin
Flute and violin (NL)
BVE-46404- 1 13-Jul-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 40-1042, B3271
21594 Kerry reel + Shannon shores
Cashin, Michael J. - violin
Flute and violin (NL)
BVE-46403- 1 13-Jul-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 40-1041, B3271
21595 Eileen (Henry M. Blossom; Victor Herbert): When shall I again see Ireland? -
“Ireland, my sIreland”
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-46102- 2 15-Jun-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 7-2261
21595 Exile’s return, The (John Locke; Alicia Adelaide Needham)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-46105- 2 15-Jun-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 7-2262 Regal Zonophone: IZ105 Zonophone: 6233
21596 Bryant’s favorite hornpipe
Kimmel, John J. - accordion
Fiedler, Andrew - guitar
BVE-43974- 2 14-May-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
21596 Haste to the wedding -
Irish jigIrish jig
Irish jigIrish jig
Irish jig
Kimmel, John J. - accordion
Fiedler, Andrew - guitar
BVE-43977- 2 14-May-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-4711, B-4976, Yorkville K-505
21597 Alessandro Stradella (Friedrich von Flotow): Overture - Part 1
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-43784- 1 10-May-28 28-Sep-28 to 1941 Camden - Church
HMV: 8-747, EX43, R10061 Zonophone: 5371, FZ1026
21597 Alessandro Stradella (Friedrich von Flotow): Overture - Part 2
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-43785- 2 10-May-28 28-Sep-28 to 1941 Camden - Church
HMV: 8-748, EX43, R10061 Zonophone: 5371, FZ1026
21598 Golondrina, La (Narciso Serradell)
Wiedoeft, Rudy - saxophone
Brilhart, Arnold - saxophone; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-41138- 2 2-Dec-27 28-Sep-28 to 1933 New York
HMV: 8581, EG1178, EX37, R10075 Zonophone: 5262
21598 Rubenola (Rudy Wiedoeft; Hugo Frey)
Wiedoeft, Rudy - saxophone
Frey, Hugo - piano; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-41139- 3 2-Dec-27 28-Sep-28 to 1933 New York
HMV: 2-9391, EG1178, EX37, R10075 Zonophone: 5262
21599 Kaleidoscope (César Cui): Orientale -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Bargy, Roy - piano; Perry, Mario - celeste
BVE-26377-22 9-Feb-28 28-Sep-28 to 1941 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-971, AM1807, B5581, EG1059 Zonophone: AE2621
21599 Three o’clock in the morning (Julian Robledo) -
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-26729-13 25-Aug-26 28-Sep-28 to 1941 New York
HMV: 8-766, AM1841, B5583, EG1059 Zonophone: AE2833
21600 Ain’t it a shame?
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers: Cole, Marshal - tenor; Culver, William - bass;
Ratcliffe, Clarence - tenor; Skinner, Ben - tenor; Whithington, George - baritone
BVE-43453- 1 13-Apr-28 28-Sep-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 4719
21600 Watermelon - “Plantation song”
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers: Cole, Marshal - tenor; Culver, William - bass;
Ratcliffe, Clarence - tenor; Skinner, Ben - tenor; Whithington, George - baritone
BVE-43454- 2 13-Apr-28 28-Sep-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 4723
21601 Sweet Ella May (Jacques Renard; Mickey Alpert; J. Russel Robinson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra, Jacques Renard - director and violin
Marvin, Frankie - vocal
BVE-45656- 2 25-Jun-28 28-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-749, K5554
21601 There’ll never be another you (Carl Bergner) -
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra, Jacques Renard - director and violin
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; Parker, Jack - tenor
BVE-45655- 2 25-Jun-28 28-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-750
20000 / 21000 SERIES 265
21602 Don’t cry, baby (Cry baby, don’t cry) (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito; George Whiting) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Frankie Masters and his Orchestra
Masters, Frankie - vocal
BVE-46417- 2 17-Jul-28 21-Sep-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-743
21602 Is it gonna be long (Till you belong to me?) (George Whiting; Rubey Cowan; Cahrlie Abbot)
Frankie Masters and his Orchestra
Masters, Frankie - vocal
BVE-46418- 3 17-Jul-28 21-Sep-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-744
21603 Moonlight madness (Then you were gone) (Lou Davis; J. Fred Coots)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-46620- 1 27-Jul-28 21-Sep-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-745, B5552, EG1058
21603 Nagasaki (Mort Dixon; Harry Warren)
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Crumit, Frank - tenor
BVE-45873- 2 12-Jul-28 21-Sep-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-746, EG1058 Zonophone: AE2615
21604 Do you still remember? (Carson J. Robison)
Billings, Bud (Frank Luther) - tenor and vibraphone; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Two violins (NL)
BVE-46316- 2 17-Jul-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4-4499 Zonophone: 5318, EE115
21604 I tore up your picture when you said “Good-bye” (But I put it together again)
(Dolly Morse; Andrew Donnelly)
Billings, Bud (Frank Luther) - tenor and vibraphone
Guitar and 2 violins (NL)
BVE-46315- 3 17-Jul-28 21-Sep-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2172 Zonophone: 5318, EE115
21605 I’m more than satisfied (Raymond Klages; Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
All Star Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-43384- 2 21-Mar-28 28-Sep-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-768
21605 That’s what I call keen (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Eddie South and his Alabamians with Nathaniel Shilkret
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-45134- 3 10-May-28 28-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-767, K5554
21606 Man Who Laughs, The (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée; Walter Hirsch): When love
comes stealing
- Waltz- Waltz
- Waltz- Waltz
- Waltz
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-45680- 2 5-Jul-28 28-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-751, B5599
21606 Spider, The (Ray Perkins): A kiss before dawn -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-45132- 3 10-May-28 28-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-752
21607 Mr. Hoover, Mr. Smith (Bob King)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-46604- 2 24-Jul-28 28-Sep-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 5-4000
21607 Sing, sister, sing (Howard E. Johnson)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-46605- 3 24-Jul-28 28-Sep-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 5-4017
21608 Presidential Election, The (Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden) - Part 1
Amos ‘n’ Andy: Correll, Charles J. - comic - As “Andy”; Gosden, Freeman F. - comic - As “Amos”
BVE-46426- 2 17-Jul-28 21-Sep-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 1666
21608 Presidential Election, The (Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden) - Part 2
Amos ‘n’ Andy: Correll, Charles J. - comic - As “Andy”; Gosden, Freeman F. - comic - As “Amos”
BVE-46427- 2 17-Jul-28 21-Sep-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 1667
21609 If you don’t love me (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-46673- 2 8-Aug-28 21-Sep-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2194, B2872
21609 Old man sunshine (Little boy bluebird) (Mort Dixon; Harry Warren)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-46672- 3 8-Aug-28 21-Sep-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2193, B2872
21610 Happy days and lonely nights (Billy Rose; Fred Fischer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Charles Fry and his Million Dollar Pier Orchestra, Charles Fry - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-45236- 3 5-Jun-28 28-Sep-28 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 8-769, B5585
21610 Tell me you’re sorry (Benny Davis; Joe Burke) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Don Bestor and his Orchestra, Don Bestor and Leroy Shield - directors
Jager, George C. - vocal
BVE-45909- 1 18-Jun-28 28-Sep-28 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-770
21611 Milenberg joys (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
McKinney’s Cotton Pickers, Donald Redman - director
BVE-46096- 2 11-Jul-28 28-Sep-28 to 1947 Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: Bluebird B-10954, Pict-Ur-Music 0294
HMV: 8-771, B9228, EA3606
21611 Shim-me-sha-wabble (Spencer Williams) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
McKinney’s Cotton Pickers, Donald Redman - director
BVE-46402- 3 12-Jul-28 28-Sep-28 to 1947 Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: 40-0114
HMV: 8-772, B9228
21612 A’ bhirlinn bharrach - In Gaelic
Campbell, Finlay - baritone
Piano (NL)
BVE-46886- 14-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 Montreal
The matrix number and date are as shown on the history card and cannot be confirmed
HMV Canada: 216521
21612 Fhir a’ bhata - In Gaelic
Campbell, Finlay - baritone
Piano (NL)
BVE-46887- 14-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 Montreal
The matrix number and date are as shown on the history card and cannot be confirmed
HMV Canada: 216521
21613 A mhairi bhan - In Gaelic
Campbell, Finlay - baritone
Piano (NL)
BVE-46889- 14-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 Montreal
The matrix number and date are as shown on the history card and cannot be confirmed
HMV Canada: 216522
20000 / 21000 SERIES 267
21613 Irgain Namara (Arr. McCloud) - In Gaelic
Campbell, Finlay - baritone
Piano (NL)
BVE-46888- 14-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 Montreal
The matrix number and date are as shown on the history card and cannot be confirmed
HMV Canada: 216522
21614 Iarratas an trIath (MacKinnon; MacLeod) - In Gaelic
Campbell, Finlay - baritone
Piano (NL)
BVE-46890- 14-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 Montreal
The matrix number and date are as shown on the history card and cannot be confirmed
HMV Canada: 216523
21614 Na cnoic’s na glinn (Gillis; Arr. Key) - In Gaelic
Campbell, Finlay - baritone
Piano (NL)
BVE-46891- 14-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 Montreal
The matrix number and date are as shown on the history card and cannot be confirmed
HMV Canada: 216523
21615 Half way to heaven (Alfred Dubin; J. Russel Robinson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-46363- 3 14-Aug-28 28-Sep-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-765
21615 Two lips (To kiss my cares away) (Billy Rose; Harry Warren) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-46681- 1 10-Aug-28 28-Sep-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-773 Zonophone: AE2567
21616 Highland schottische + Highland fling, No. 1 - From “Folk Dance Music”
(Collected by Elizabeth Burchenal and C. Ward Crampton)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-45228- 3 1-Jun-28 1928 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
21616 St. Patricks day - From “Folk Dance Music” (Collected by Elizabeth Burchenal
and C. Ward Crampton) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-45227- 3 1-Jun-28 1928 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
21617 Roman soldiers, The (From “Folk Dances from Old Home Lands” collected by
Elizabeth Burchenal) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-45221- 2 31-May-28 1928 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
21617 Seven jumps (Folk dance; Compiled by Elizabeth Burchenal) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-15487- 6 31-May-28 1928 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
21618 Farmer in the dell + Did you ever see? - From “Children’s Singing games”
(Collected by Maru Ruef Hofer) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-45226- 2 1-Jun-28 1928 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
21618 Hopp, mor Annika (From “Folk Dance Music” selected by Elizabeth Burchenal; C. Ward Crampton)
+ Chimes of Dunkirk (From “Folk Dance Book” compiled by C. Ward Crampton)
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-45225- 2 31-May-28 1928 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
21619 Crested hen (From “Dances of the people” collected by Elizabeth Burchenal) + Greensleeves
(From “Gymnastic and Folk Dancing” by Elizabeth Root)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-45223- 2 31-May-28 1928 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
21619 Ribbon dance (From “Folk Dances of the People”, English dance collected by
Elizabeth Burchenal) -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-13054- 2 31-May-28 1928 to Oct-56 Camden - Church
21620 Hewett’s fancy (English air; Louis Chalif) - Contra-dance -
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-45224- 1 31-May-28 1928 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
21620 Turn around me (From “Folk Dances from Old Homelands” collected by Elizabeth Burchenal) +
Hansel and Gretel (Engelbert Humperdink; collected by Mari R. Hofer)
- Educational- Educational
- Educational- Educational
- Educational
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-45222- 2 31-May-28 1928 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
21621 Gregorian Mass of the Blessed Virgin: Ave Maria + Kyrie eleison -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
Organ (NL)
BVE-45220- 2 28-May-28 1928 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-54757
21621 Gregorian Requiem Mass: Dies irae + Sanctus and benedictus -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
BVE-45216- 1 28-May-28 1928 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-54756
21622 Adoramus te (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; Edited by Nicola A. Montani) -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
BVE-39525- 2 12-Jul-27 1928 to 1944 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-54759
21622 Ave Maria (Jacob Arcadelt) -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
BVE-45217- 1 28-May-28 1928 to 1944 Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6065
HMV: 7-54758
21623 Joseph mine (Sethus Calvisius) - In English and Latin -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
BVE-45218- 2 28-May-28 1928 to 1944 Camden - Church
21623 Lo, how a rose e’er blooming (M. Praetorius) + To us is born Emmanuel (M. Praetorius) -
Palestrina Choir, Nicola A. Montani - director
BVE-45219- 2 28-May-28 1928 to 1944 Camden - Church
21624 He will never cast you out (W.R. Cole)
Moody Bible Institute Trio (WMBI Announcers Trio): Hermansen, Howard A. -
baritone and piano; King, William E. - bass; Loveless, Wendell P. - tenor
BVE-45934- 1 20-Jun-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21624 How firm a foundation (George Keith; Anne Steele)
Moody Bible Institute Trio (WMBI Announcers Trio): Hermansen, Howard A. -
baritone and piano; King, William E. - bass; Loveless, Wendell P. - tenor
BVE-45939- 1 20-Jun-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21625 Ommie wise (G.B. Grayson)
Grayson, G.B. - vocal and violin
BVE-40306- 1 18-Oct-27 19-Oct-28 to 1933
Regional release
21625 Rose Conley (G.B. Grayson)
Grayson, G.B. - vocal and violin
Whitter, Henry - guitar
BVE-40305- 2 18-Oct-27 19-Oct-28 to 1933
Regional release
21626 Moonshine Hollow band, The (C.E. Moody)
Georgia Yellow Hammers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin (NL)
Vocal by band members
BVE-41925- 1 21-Feb-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
21626 Running blues, The (Bud Landress)
Georgia Yellow Hammers - banjo, guitars (2) and violin (NL)
Vocal by band members
BVE-41927- 1 21-Feb-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
20000 / 21000 SERIES 269
21627 Days of the forty-nine, The
Allen, Jules Verne “The Singin’ Cowboy” with guitar
BVE-42212- 2 24-Apr-28 19-Oct-28 to 1944
Regional release
El Paso
Victor: Aurora 36-421, Bluebird B-4959, Montgomery Ward M-4463
21627 Home on the range, A (Brewster M. Higley; Dan Kelley)
Allen, Jules Verne “The Singin’ Cowboy” with guitar
BVE-42213- 2 24-Apr-28 19-Oct-28 to 1944
Regional release
El Paso
Victor: Aurora 36-421, Bluebird B-4959, Montgomery Ward M-4463
21628 Precious hiding place (Avis R. Christianson; Wendell P. Loveless)
Moody Bible Institute Trio (WMBI Announcers Trio): Hermansen, Howard A. -
baritone and piano; King, William E. - bass; Loveless, Wendell P. - tenor
BVE-45936- 1 20-Jun-28 2-Nov-26 to 1933
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21628 Wonderful story of love (J.M. Driver)
Moody Bible Institute Trio (WMBI Announcers Trio): Hermansen, Howard A. -
baritone and piano; King, William E. - bass; Loveless, Wendell P. - tenor
BVE-45937- 1 20-Jun-28 2-Nov-26 to 1933
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21629 Fugue in D Major (Johann Sebastian Bach) - Part 1
Alcock, Dr. W. G. - organ
BR1039- 2 21-Apr-27 26-Oct-28 to 1931+ Salisbury - Salisbury Cathedral
HMV: 9793, B2654
21629 Fugue in D Major (Johann Sebastian Bach) - Part 2
Alcock, Dr. W. G. - organ
BR1040- 1 21-Apr-27 26-Oct-28 to 1931+ Salisbury - Salisbury Cathedral
HMV: 9794, B2654
21630 Street Angel (Film) (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée): My angel - “Angela mia”
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Dorn, William - vibraphone; Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-46445- 1 17-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 2-9399, B2881, R10135
21630 Warming Up (Film) (Walter Donaldson): Out of the dawn
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; Parker, Jack - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - whistler
Dorn, William - marimba
BVE-49127- 3 17-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
Matrix renumbered from BVE-46446-3
HMV: 2-9400
21631 King for a day (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Ted Fiorito)
Coslow, Sam - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-46694- 4 14-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2214
21631 Youre a real sweetheart (Irving Caesar; Cliff Friend)
Coslow, Sam - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-46695- 3 14-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2195, B2921
21632 Blue shadows (Raymond Klages; Louis Alter)
- F- F
- F- F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
From “Earl Carroll’s Vanities”
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-46680- 1 10-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-777, B5559, EG1473
21632 What d’ya say? (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
From “George White’s Scandals”
- F- F
- F- F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-46364- 2 14-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-805, B5592, EG1057
21633 Fazil (Film) (Harry David Kerr; James S. Zamecnik): Neapolitan nights
- -
- -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-45681- 3 5-Jul-28 5-Oct-28 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 20-2970
HMV: 8-779, B5561, EG1057 Zonophone: AE2568
21633 Red Dance (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée): Some day, somewhere (We’ll meet again)
- -
- -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director)
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-46903- 3 16-Aug-28 5-Oct-28 to 1944 New York
Victor: 20-2970
HMV: 8-778, B5559, EG1473, K5569 Zonophone: AE2568
21634 Rose of heaven, The
Walter Kolomoku’s Honoluluans, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-46911- 2 17-Aug-28 19-Oct-28 to 1934
Regional release
New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4353
21634 Silver threads among the gold (Hart P. Danks)
Walter Kolomoku’s Honoluluans, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-46910- 2 17-Aug-28 19-Oct-28 to 1934
Regional release
New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4360
21635 Arkansaw traveler, The (Scolding) - American folk dance “Imitation of Scottish flyting”
Day, J.W. (Jilson Setters) - talking and violin
Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-42492- 1 27-Feb-28 2-Nov-26 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21635 ‘Way up on Clinch Mountain - “Drunken hiccough song”
Day, J.W. (Jilson Setters) - vocal and violin
Robison, Carson J. - guitar
BVE-42491- 1 27-Feb-28 2-Nov-26 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21636 Lullaby yodel (Elsie McWilliams; Jimmie Rodgers)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
BVE-45098- 2 12-Jun-28 2-Nov-26 to 1936
Regional release
Victor: Bluebird B-5337, Montgomery Ward M-4218, Sunrise S-3918
HMV: 7-2273, AM1830, EA1540, N4291 Regal Zonophone: IZ315 Zonophone: 5283, G23114
21636 Memphis yodel (Jimmie Rodgers)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
BVE-41742- 2 15-Feb-28 2-Nov-26 to 1936
Regional release
Victor: 21-0042, Montgomery Ward M-4450, M-4725
HMV: 7-2272, AM1830, EA1540, N4291 Regal Zonophone: IZ315
Zonophone: 5283, G23114
21637 He’s with me all the way (E.B. Fowler)
Stamps Quartet: Echols, Otis - baritone; Stamps, Frank - bass; Wheeler, Palmer - tenor;
Wheeler, Roy - tenor
Brock, Dwight M. - piano
BVE-41876- 1 10-Feb-28 2-Nov-26 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4279
21637 Let me live close to thee (J.R. Baxter; V.O. Stamps)
Stamps Quartet: Echols, Otis - baritone; Stamps, Frank - bass; Wheeler, Palmer - tenor;
Wheeler, Roy - tenor
Brock, Dwight M. - piano
BVE-41874- 1 10-Feb-28 2-Nov-26 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4278
21638 Little darling, pal of mine (A.P. Carter)
Carter Family - vocal, guitars and autoharp
Carter, A.P. - vocal; Carter, Mabel - vocal; Carter, Sara - vocal
BVE-45021- 2 9-May-28 2-Nov-26 to 1936
Regional release
Victor: Bluebird B-5301, Electradisk 2172, Montgomery Ward M-4427, Sunrise S-3382
21638 Will you miss me when I’m gone? (A.P. Carter)
Carter Family - vocal, guitars and autoharp
Carter, A.P. - vocal; Carter, Mabel - vocal; Carter, Sara - vocal
BVE-45026- 1 10-May-28 2-Nov-26 to 1936
Regional release
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4228
20000 / 21000 SERIES 271
21639 If I could just stop dreaming (Irene Beasley)
Beasley, Irene - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-43936- 2 1-May-28 2-Nov-26 to 1930
Regional release
New York
21639 Missin’ my pal (Irene Beasley)
Beasley, Irene - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-43937- 2 1-May-28 2-Nov-26 to 1930
Regional release
New York
21640 NR Down hearted blues (Alberta Hunter)
Steele, Blue - tenor
Lewis, Sol - piano
BVE-40353- 2 26-Oct-27
Not released
21640 NR Thoughts (Sol Lewis) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Blue Steele and his Orchestra
Nolan, Bob - vocal; Steele, Blue - trombone
BVE-41871- 3 9-Feb-28
Not released
Memphis Auditorium
21641 Goofer feathers blues (James Augustine)
Memphis Stompers - banjo, cornet, piano, saxophone, traps and trombone
BVE-41883- 1 11-Feb-28 19-Oct-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21641 Memphis stomp (James Augustine)
Memphis Stompers - banjo, cornet, piano, saxophone, traps and trombone
BVE-41840- 1 4-Feb-28 19-Oct-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21642 Saul of Tarsus (E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing (NL)
Piano (NL)
BVE-40847- 2 11-Nov-27 19-Oct-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21642 Wait until your chance comes (E.D. Campbell)
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation - sermon with singing (NL)
Piano (NL)
BVE-40851- 2 11-Nov-27 19-Oct-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21643 Lonesome in the moonlight (Ben’ee Russel; Abel Baer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; Parker, Jack - tenor
BVE-46904- 3 16-Aug-28 16-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-822, EG1069
21643 White Shadows in the South Seas (Film) (Dave Dryer; Herman Ruby; Wiliam Axt;
David Mendoza): Flower of love -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-46142- 2 21-Aug-28 16-Nov-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 8-834, AM2632, B5613, EA431, K5594 Zonophone: AE2371
21644 Steamboat (Carson J. Robison)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Hood, Adelyne - violin Banjo (NL)
BVE-43900- 3 23-Apr-28 16-Nov-28 to 1930
Regional release
New York
21644 There’s a whippoorwill a-calling (H. McKnight; Charles H. Roth)
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - tenor and guitar
Hood, Adelyne - violin Banjo (NL)
BVE-43901- 2 23-Apr-28 16-Nov-28 to 1930
Regional release
New York
21645 Darling, where have you been so long? (Claude Grant)
Tenneva Ramblers - banjo, guitar, mandolin and violin
Grant, Claude - vocal
BVE-41908- 2 18-Feb-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
21645 I’m goin’ to Georgia (Claude Grant)
Tenneva Ramblers - banjo, guitar, mandolin and violin
Grant, Claude - vocal
BVE-41910- 2 18-Feb-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
21646 Crime of the d’Autremont brothers (Charles Johnson; Paul Johnson)
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - guitar; Johnson, Paul - vocal and banjo
BVE-45206- 2 24-May-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
Camden - Church
21646 Smoky Mountain country far away (Charles Johnson; Paul Johnson) -
“On top of old Smokey”
Johnson Brothers: Johnson, Charles - vocal and guitar; Johnson, Paul - vocal and guitar
BVE-45205- 2 24-May-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
Camden - Church
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8071
21647 Old black Joe (Stephen Collins Foster)
Sam-Ku-West - steel guitar
PBVE-42122²- 1 26-Mar-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Matrix used twice
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4356
HMV: 2-9458 Zonophone: 5281
21647 Rosary, The (Ethelbert Nevin)
Sam-Ku-West - steel guitar
PBVE-42087- 3 26-Mar-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-4356
HMV: 2-9457 Zonophone: 5281
21648 Raging sea, how it roars, The (Ernest V. Stoneman)
Ernest V. Stoneman and his Blue Ridge Corn Shuckers - banjo, guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-41939- 1 22-Feb-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
21648 Two little orphans, The (Charles A. Burke; Sidney H. Homer)
Stoneman, Ernest V. - baritone
String band - banjo, guitar and violin (NL)
BVE-41937- 1 22-Feb-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
21649 Georgia blues (L. Wolfe Gilbert)
- Breakdown - Breakdown
- Breakdown - Breakdown
- Breakdown
Bill Helms and his Upson County Band
Shouts by band members
BVE-41951- 2 23-Feb-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
21649 Thomaston breakdown (Bill Helms; Hogan)
Bill Helms and his Upson County Band
Shouts by band members
BVE-41950- 1 23-Feb-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
21650 Hearbroken and lonely (Sam Coslow; Con Conrad; Saul Bernie)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-46926- 3 21-Aug-28 12-Oct-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2225, EA482
21650 Here’s Howe (Joseph Meyer): Crazy rhythm
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-46925- 1 21-Aug-28 12-Oct-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2275
21651 Deep river blues (Eddie Green; Lucile Marie Handy)
Robison, Willard, “The Whispering Baritone” - vocal and piano
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-41569- 6 6-Jul-28 12-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2226
21651 ‘Tain’t so, honey, ‘tain’t so (Willard Robison)
Robison, Willard, “The Whispering Baritone” - vocal and piano
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45580- 6 6-Jul-28 12-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2215
21652 First kiss, The (Alfred Dubin; J. Russel Robinson) -
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal
BVE-46956- 3 28-Aug-28 12-Oct-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-823, EG1069 Zonophone: AE2736
20000 / 21000 SERIES 273
21652 Out of the tempest (Edward Grossman; Ted Ward) -
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-46955- 2 28-Aug-28 12-Oct-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-809 Zonophone: AE2791
21653 Going back to Dixie (Thomas P. Westendorf)
Moreland, “Peg” - vocal and guitar
BVE-46050- 2 3-Jul-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21653 Watermelon smilin’ on the vine (Thomas P. Westendorf)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Venuti, Joe - violin
BVE-46923- 2 21-Aug-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21654 Revenge (Film) (Edward Grossman; Ted Ward): Dolores -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-46967- 3 30-Aug-28 12-Oct-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-825, EG1184 Zonophone: AE2806
21654 Revenge (Film) (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry Akst): Revenge -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Lawley, Cooper - vocal
BVE-46647- 2 2-Aug-28 12-Oct-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-824 Zonophone: AE2806
21655 Nothing between (C.A. Tindley)
Pace Jubilee Singers - alto, baritone, bass, contralto, soprano and tenor
Organ (NL)
BVE-46030- 2 30-Jun-28 2-Nov-28 to 1934
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21655 What a friend we have in Jesus (Joseph Scriven; Charles C. Converse)
Pace Jubilee Singers - alto, baritone, bass, contralto, soprano and tenor
Organ (NL)
BVE-46029- 1 30-Jun-28 2-Nov-28 to 1934
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: 23363, Bluebird B-5079, Montgomery Ward M-4351, M-8136, Sunrise S-3160
21656 Death may be your pay check (F.W. McGee)
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Drums, guitar, piano and trumpet (NL)
BVE-45391- 2 16-Jun-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21656 Sin is to blame for it all (F.W. McGee)
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation - sermon with singing
Reid, Elsa Henry - vocal
Drums, guitar, piano and trumpet (NL)
BVE-45392- 2 16-Jun-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21657 Evergreen money blues (Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band:
Shade, Will - vocal and guitar
BVE-41818- 2 1-Feb-28 2-Nov-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21657 Peaches in the springtime (Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band - guitars (2), harmonica, jug, kazoo (NL)
Ramey, Ben - vocal; Shade, Will - vocal; Weldon, Will “Casey Bill” - vocal
BVE-41890- 2 13-Feb-28 2-Nov-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21658 1 Shreveport (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) -
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers
Morton, Ferd “Jelly-Roll” - piano
BVE-45623- 1 11-Jun-28 2-Nov-28 to 1934
Race release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-524
21658 2 Shreveport (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) -
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers
Morton, Ferd “Jelly-Roll” - piano
BVE-45623- 2 11-Jun-28 2-Nov-28 to 1934
Race release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Bluebird B-5707, B-7710
HMV: B9220, EA468, EA3158*, JK2710*, R14054
21658 Shoe shiner’s drag (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) -
w bw b
w bw b
w b
Jelly-Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers
Morton, Ferd “Jelly-Roll” - piano
BVE-45621- 3 11-Jun-28 2-Nov-28 to 1934
Race release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Bluebird B-5707, B-7725
HMV: 8-981, B10151, EA468, HN2984, JK2758*, R14054, SG411
21659 Clarice (Tiny Parham) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Tiny Parham and his Musicians
BVE-46039- 1 2-Jul-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21659 Snake eyes (Tiny Parham) -
Tiny Parham and his Musicians
BVE-46040- 1 2-Jul-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21660 Donnal’s favorite hornpipe
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45109- 2 4-May-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 40-1274, B3391
21660 When the kettle boils over + Haste to the wedding
Sean Nolan’s Dublin Orchestra, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-45107- 1 4-May-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 40-1043, B3391
21661 Thanksgiving (From O’Neill’s collection)
O’Neill, Selena - violin
Shield, Leroy - piano
BVE-45350- 1 12-Jun-28 2-Nov-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
21661 Whitneys fancy + Tom O’Neill’s hornpipe (From O’Neill’s collection)
O’Neill, Selena - violin
Shield, Leroy - piano
BVE-46440- 1 19-Jul-28 2-Nov-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
21662 Dear little shamrock, The (Andrew Cherry; John Cherry, Arr. W. Jackson)
Kennedy, William A. - tenor
Orchestra, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-46927- 1 22-Aug-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
21662 Genevieve (Cooper Adams)
Kennedy, William A. - tenor
Orchestra, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-46929- 2 22-Aug-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
21663 I’m leaving Tipperary (Arr. Pat White and Leonard Joy)
White, Pat - comic
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-43178- 2 26-Mar-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21663 McCarthys mare (Arr. Pat White and Leonard Joy)
White, Pat - comic
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-43179- 1 26-Mar-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21664 Kassie Jones (Walter Lewis) - Part 1
Lewis, Walter “Furry” - vocal and guitar
BVE-45431- 2 28-Aug-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931 Memphis Auditorium
21664 Kassie Jones (Walter Lewis) - Part 2
Lewis, Walter “Furry” - vocal and guitar
BVE-45432- 1 28-Aug-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931 Memphis Auditorium
21665 NR Killing me (Frank Stokes)
Stokes, Frank - vocal and guitar
BVE-45427- 2 28-Aug-28
Not released
Memphis Auditorium
21665 NR Mistreatin’ blues (Frank Stokes)
Stokes, Frank - vocal and guitar
BVE-45419- 1 27-Aug-28
Not released
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: 21672
20000 / 21000 SERIES 275
21666 High hat (Louis Alter)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Gomar, Larry H. - xylophone
BVE-45404- 1 22-May-28 19-Oct-28 to 1930 Chicago - Wurlitzer Building
HMV: 2-9460, B3056, EG1470, K5748 Zonophone: AE2928
21666 Ten little miles from town (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Elmer Schoebel)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Luther, Frank - tenor; Parker, Jack - tenor; Dewey, Phil - vocal
Dorn, William - marimba; Rubsam, Edward - xylophone -
Rubson in ledger
BVE-49128- 1 17-Aug-28 19-Oct-28 to 1930 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
Matrix renumbered from BVE-46447-1
HMV: 2-9402, B2881, EG1169, K5599
21667 She didn’t say “Yes”, and she didn’t say “No” (She only said “Maybe”)
(Sam A. Perry; Ted Strong; Lew Porter)
All Star Orchestra (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-46355- 2 9-Aug-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-885, EA436, EG1183
21667 Singing Fool, The (Film) (Al Jolson; Billy Rose; Dave Dreyer): There’s a rainbow
‘round my shoulder
All Star Orchestra (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
BVE-46354- 2 9-Aug-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-807, B5584, EA436, EG1183 Zonophone: AE2653
21668 Bride’s lament, The (Adapted by Frank Crumit) - “Song of the sea”
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Accordion, piano, traps and violin (NL)
BVE-46317- 2 17-Jul-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2212, B2921
21668 Jack is every inch a sailor (Arr. Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Accordion, guitar, piano, traps and violin (NL)
BVE-46318- 4 31-Aug-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2213, B3054, EG1452
21669 Norma (Vincenzo Bellini): Overture - Part 1
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-43782- 2 9-May-28 26-Oct-28 to 1941 Camden - Church
HMV: 8-801
21669 Norma (Vincenzo Bellini): Overture - Part 2
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-43783- 1 9-May-28 26-Oct-28 to 1941 Camden - Church
HMV: 8-802
21670 (You’re just a great big) Baby doll (Lou Herscher; Joe Darcey; Perry Alexander) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Gibbs, Parker - vocal
BVE-42920- 2 4-Sep-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 8-803, EA433
21670 My Man (Billy Rose; Mort Dixon; Oscar Levant): If you want the rainbow
(You must have the rain) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Jarrett, Arthur - vocal
BVE-42921- 2 4-Sep-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 8-804, EA433
21671 I’m gonna move to Louisiana (Jim Jackson) - Part 1
Jackson, Jim - vocal and guitar
BVE-45434- 1 29-Aug-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21671 I’m gonna move to Louisiana (Jim Jackson) - Part 2
Jackson, Jim - vocal and guitar
BVE-45435- 2 29-Aug-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21672 It won’t be long now (Frank Stokes)
Stokes, Frank - vocal and guitar
BVE-45420- 1 27-Aug-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21672 Mistreatin’ blues (Frank Stokes)
Stokes, Frank - vocal and guitar
BVE-45419- 1 27-Aug-28 19-Oct-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
Victor: 21665
21673 Bombo (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Meyer): California, here I come -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; O’Rourke, Leo - tenor; Robison, Carson J. - whistler
BVE-46936- 2 23-Aug-28 26-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-797, K5566
21673 Hail, hail, the gang’s all here (D.A. Esrom; Theodore F. Morse; Arthur S. Sullivan) - In march time
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; O’Rourke, Leo - tenor
BVE-46937- 4 6-Sep-28 26-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-796, K5552
21674 Say When (Jesse Greer; Raymond Klages): How about it? -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Henry Busse and his Orchestra, Henry Busse - director and trumpet
BVE-45669- 2 29-Jun-28 26-Oct-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-799
21674 Say When (Jesse Greer; Raymond Klages): One step from heaven
- Fox trot- Fox trot
- Fox trot- Fox trot
- Fox trot
Henry Busse and his Orchestra, Henry Busse - director and trumpet
Four Recorders, The: Cleary, W. - vocal; Moody, R. - vocal; Ray, Alan - vocal;
Wells, D. - vocal
BVE-45668- 2 29-Jun-28 26-Oct-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-798
21675 Anything you say (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-46922- 4 7-Sep-28 26-Oct-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-800, B5569, EA435
21675 In a bamboo garden (Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-46921- 4 7-Sep-28 26-Oct-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-842, B5569, EA435
21676 My window of dreams (Alfred Bryan, John Klenner) -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-47506- 1 12-Sep-28 26-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-792, B5578, EG1208 Zonophone: AE2569
21676 Roses of yesterday (Irving Berlin) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal
BVE-46971- 6 7-Sep-28 26-Oct-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-791 Zonophone: AE2569
21677 Loves of an Actress (Film) (Joseph Keirn Brennan; Karl Hajos): Sunbeams -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Johnny Johnson - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-47505- 1 12-Sep-28 26-Oct-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-793, B5578, EG1208 Zonophone: AE2642
21677 Once in a lifetime (Jesse Greer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Johnny Johnson - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-47504- 2 12-Sep-28 26-Oct-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-794, B5586
20000 / 21000 SERIES 277
21678 Paradise (Harry David Kerr; James S. Zamecnik)
- Waltz - Waltz
- Waltz - Waltz
- Waltz
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-47507- 1 12-Sep-28 26-Oct-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-795 Zonophone: AE2642
21678 Two Lovers (Film) (Wayland Aztell): Grieving -
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-43668- 2 24-Apr-28 26-Oct-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-641, B5541 Zonophone: AE2566
21679 First of May, The -
Packie Dolan’s Melody Boys, James “Packie” Dolan - director
Flute, piano, tamborine and violin (NL)
BVE-46982- 2 5-Sep-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
Victor: Yorkville K-514
HMV: 40-1045, B3397
21679 Steam packet + Flogging -
Irish reelsIrish reels
Irish reelsIrish reels
Irish reels
Packie Dolan’s Melody Boys, James “Packie” Dolan - director
Flute, piano, tamborine and violin (NL)
BVE-46981- 2 5-Sep-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 40-1044, B3397
21680 Blazin’ (Joe L. Sanders) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
BVE-46004- 3 27-Jun-28 2-Nov-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-818
21680 Low down (Peter de Rose)
Virginians, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director)
BVE-45572- 2 8-Jun-28 2-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-817
21681 King for a day (Ted Fiorito)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-46460- 2 20-Sep-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 2-9412
21681 Lilac Time (Film) (Nathaniel Shilkret): Jeannine, I dream of lilac time
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-46459- 3 19-Sep-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 2-9411, B2949
21682 Good Boy (Bert Kalmar; Herbert Stothart; Harry Ruby): I wanna be loved by you -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
High Hatters, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director)
Coslow, Sam - baritone
BVE-47534- 2 19-Sep-28 2-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-826
21682 Good Boy (Bert Kalmar; Herbert Stothart; Harry Ruby): Some sweet someone -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
High Hatters, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director)
Coslow, Sam - baritone
BVE-47533- 1 19-Sep-28 2-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-819
21683 Beggars of Life (Film) (Joseph Keirn Brennan; Karl Hajos): Beggars of life -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Glenn, Wilfred - bass; Luther, Frank - tenor; Parker, Jack - tenor
BVE-46966- 5 13-Sep-28 2-Nov-28 to 1954 New York
HMV: 8-821, B5570, EG1129 Zonophone: AE2689
21683 Singing Fool, The (Film) (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
Sonny boy -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Olsen, George - vocal
BVE-47529- 3 18-Sep-28 2-Nov-28 to 1954 New York
HMV: 8-820, AM2295, B5566, EG1129, K5568 Zonophone: AE2653
21684 Good Boy (Bert Kalmar; Herbert Stothart; Harry Ruby): I wanna be loved by you
Kane, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-47539- 3 20-Sep-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3334, B4042, R10152
21684 Is there anything wrong in that? (Herb Magidson; Michael Clearly)
Kane, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-47540- 3 20-Sep-28 2-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3335, B2953, EA453, R10152
21685 Farandole + Nigarepolska - FromFolk Dances from Various Countries”
(Elizabeth Burchenal, editor) -
Victor Military Band, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-45229- 2 1-Jun-28 1928 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
21685 Sailor’s hornpipe + How dye do my partner? - From “Dances of the people”
(Collected by Elizabeth Burchenal)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Military Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-45230- 2 1-Jun-28 1928 to Apr-53 Camden - Church
21686 Jack of all trades (Carson J. Robison)
Billings, Bud (Frank Luther) - tenor
Robison, Carson J. - guitar, harmonica; Violin (NL)
BVE-47502- 1 11-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21686 Who said I was a bum? (Howard E. Johnson)
Billings, Bud (Frank Luther) - tenor
Robison, Carson J. - guitar; Violin (NL)
BVE-47503- 1 11-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21687 Rouser (Hutzell ’04) + Hail, Minnesota (Truman E. Rinkard ’04)
University of Minnesota Band, Michael M. Jalma - director
BVE-40919- 2 20-Nov-27 26-Sep-28 to 1944
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21687 U fight (Marion Bassett ’26) + Minnesota fight (Truman E. Rinkard ’04;
John Philip Sousa) - “The Minnesota march”
University of Minnesota Band, Michael M. Jalma - director
BVE-40920- 2 20-Nov-27 26-Sep-28 to 1944
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21688 I can’t give you anything but love (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) - From
Lew Leslie’s Blackbirds of 1928"
Shilkret’s Rhythm Melodists, Nathaniel Shilkret - director (NL)
Krumgold, Sigmund - organ
BVE-47413- 2 22-Sep-28 9-Nov-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9414
21688 I’m sorry, Sally (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito)
Shilkret’s Rhythm Melodists, Nathaniel Shilkret - director (NL)
Krumgold, Sigmund - organ
BVE-47414- 2 22-Sep-28 9-Nov-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 2-9413
21689 If I lost you (Charles Harrison; Art Kassel; Monte Wilhite) -
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra
Napier, Jean - vocal
BVE-46069- 3 9-Jul-28 9-Nov-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-827
21689 That old sweetheart of mine (Joe Goodwin; Larry Shay) -
Don Bestor and his Orchestra, Don Bestor and Leroy Shield - directors
Napier, Jean - vocal
BVE-46409- 2 15-Jul-28 9-Nov-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
21690 Mr. Moore blues (Ida May Mack)
Mack, Ida May - vocal
Johnson, K.D. - piano
BVE-45446- 1 30-Aug-28 16-Nov-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
20000 / 21000 SERIES 279
21690 When you lose your daddy (Ida May Mack)
Mack, Ida May - vocal
Johnson, K.D. - piano
BVE-45447- 1 30-Aug-28 16-Nov-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21691 Brown mama blues (Ishman Bracey)
Bracey, Ishman - vocal and guitar
- Listed as Bracy on labels
McCoy, Charles - mandolin
BVE-45459- 2 31-Aug-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21691 Trouble hearted blues (Ishman Bracey)
Bracey, Ishman - vocal and guitar
- Listed as Bracy on labels
BVE-45460- 1 31-Aug-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21692 Black name moan (Bessie Tucker)
Tucker, Bessie - vocal
Johnson, K.D. - piano
BVE-45449- 1 30-Aug-28 16-Nov-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21692 My man has quit me (Bessie Tucker)
Tucker, Bessie - vocal
Johnson, K.D. - piano
BVE-45445- 1 29-Aug-28 16-Nov-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21693 Get low d-o-w-n (Bennie Moten) -
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra, Bennie Moten - director and piano
Lewis, Ed - talking
BVE-42933- 1 7-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1933
Race release
HMV: 9-617
21693 Kansas City breakdown (Bennie Moten; Woody Walder) -
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra, Bennie Moten - director and piano
BVE-42929- 1 7-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1933
Race release
HMV: 9-618, JF17
21694 Lie was told, but God know’d it, A (Richard Bryant)
Elder Richard Bryant and his Congregation - sermon with singing - females (3), male
Cornet, guitar and jug (NL)
BVE-47045- 2 17-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21694 Wild man in town, A (Richard Bryant)
Elder Richard Bryant and his Congregation - sermon with singing - females (3), male
Cornet, guitar and jug (NL)
BVE-47046- 2 17-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21695 Kind daddy (Douglas Williams)
Douglas Williams Four: Elliott, Elaine - piano; Sims, Sam - traps;
Williams, Douglas - clarinet; Williams, Nathaniel - cornet
BVE-45476- 1 4-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21695 Late hours (Douglas Williams)
Douglas Williams Four: Elliott, Elaine - piano; Sims, Sam - traps;
Williams, Douglas - clarinet; Williams, Nathaniel - cornet
BVE-45477- 2 4-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21696 Jack and the beanstalk (Jacob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm) - Part 1 -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Reitz, William H. - traps
BVE-46157- 2 23-Aug-28 1928 to 1936 Camden
21696 Jack and the beanstalk (Jacob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm) - Part 2 -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Reitz, William H. - traps
BVE-46158- 2 23-Aug-28 1928 to 1936 Camden
21697 Cinderella (Jacob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm) - Part 1 -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Reitz, William H. - traps
BVE-46159- 2 23-Aug-28 1928 to 1936 Camden
21697 Cinderella (Jacob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm) - Part 2 -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Reitz, William H. - traps
BVE-46160- 1 23-Aug-28 1928 to 1936 Camden
21698 Little kitten that would not wash its face (Edna Groff Deihl) - Part 1 -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Reitz, William H. - traps
BVE-46161- 2 24-Aug-28 1928 to 1941 Camden
21698 Little kitten that would not wash its face (Edna Groff Deihl) - Part 2 -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Reitz, William H. - traps
BVE-46162- 2 24-Aug-28 1928 to 1941 Camden
21699 Little dog that would not wag his tail (Edna Groff Deihl) - Part 1 -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Reitz, William H. - traps
BVE-46163- 2 24-Aug-28 1928 to 1936 Camden
21699 Little dog that would not wag his tail (Edna Groff Deihl) - Part 2 -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Reitz, William H. - traps
BVE-46164- 2 24-Aug-28 1928 to 1936 Camden
21700 Battle of the Sexes, The (Film) (Nathaniel Shilkret; Josef Pasternack; Dave Dreyer):
Just a sweetheart
James, Lewis - tenor
Shilkret’s Rhythm Melodists, Nathaniel Shilkret - director: Campbell, Chuck - trombone;
Krumgold, Sigmund - organ; Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano
BVE-47487- 1 23-Sep-28 9-Nov-28 to 1930 Camden - Church
HMV: 7-2233
21700 Roses of yesterday (Irving Berlin)
James, Lewis - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-47555- 3 24-Sep-28 9-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2232
21701 Doin’ the raccoon (Raymond Klages; J. Fred Coots) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Gifford, Jack - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-47511- 2 13-Sep-28 9-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-828, AM1945, B5576, K5553
21701 Goes like this (Oh, what a funny melody) (Irving Caesar; Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Johnson and his Statler Pennsylvanians, Johnny Johnson - director
Treaster, Bob - vocal
BVE-46191- 3 28-Sep-28 9-Nov-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 8-835, AM1945, B5576 Zonophone: AE2489
21702 NR Godless Girl, The (Film) (Charles Weinberg; Josiah Zuro): Love (All I want is love) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; O’Rourke, Leo - tenor
BVE-46988- 2 6-Sep-28
Not released
New York
Victor: 21746
HMV: 8-855 Zonophone: AE2789
21702 NR Querida (José Valdez; Edward G. Simon) -
ango Fango F
ango Fango F
ango F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-46987- 9 18-Oct-28
Not released
New York
20000 / 21000 SERIES 281
21703 East St. Louis toddle-oo (Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington; Bubber Miley) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Duke Ellington and his Cotton Club Orchestra, Irving Mills - director
BVE-41245- 2 19-Dec-27 7-Dec-28 to 1938 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Bluebird B-6430, Montgomery Ward M-4889
HMV: 40-5221, B4958, B8469, GY422
21703 Got everything but you (Jack Palmer, Andy Razaf)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Duke Ellington and his Cotton Club Orchestra, Duke Ellington - director
BVE-43504- 2 26-Mar-28 7-Dec-28 to 1938 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-6531, B-10244
HMV: 40-5222, B4958, JK2603
21704 Big rock candy mountains, The (Harry McClintock)
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
PBVE-46454- 2 6-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1944
Regional release
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8121
HMV: 7-2235, BD379 Zonophone: EE125
21704 Bum song, No. 2 (Harry McClintock)
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
Cole, Dorothy - vocal
PBVE-46453- 2 6-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1944
Regional release
HMV: 7-2234 Zonophone: EE125
21705 My Lords going to move this wicked race
- Neg - Neg
- Neg - Neg
- Neg
ro spirro spir
ro spirro spir
ro spir
Pace Jubilee Singers - baritone, bass, contralto and tenor
Parker, Hattie - soprano; Organ and piano
BVE-46057- 2 5-Jul-28 7-Dec-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21705 Seek and you shall find
- Negro spiritual- Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual- Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Pace Jubilee Singers - alto, baritone, bass, contralto, soprano and tenor
Organ (NL)
BVE-46036- 2 30-Jun-28 7-Dec-28 to 1931
Race release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21706 Hero closes a war, A (Sutton E. Griggs)
Griggs, Rev. Sutton E. and his Congregation - altos (2), sopranos (2), tenor
Piano (NL)
BVE-47056- 1 18-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21706 Surprise answer to prayer, A (Sutton E. Griggs)
Griggs, Rev. Sutton E. and his Congregation - altos (2), sopranos (2), tenor
Piano (NL)
BVE-47060- 1 19-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21707 Kyles worried blues (Charlie Kyle)
Kyle, Charlie - vocal and guitar
BVE-45468- 2 1-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21707 Monkey man blues (Charlie Kyle)
Kyle, Charlie - vocal and guitar
BVE-45470- 1 1-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21708 Dummy, The (Bessie Tucker)
Tucker, Bessie - vocal
Johnson, K.D. - piano
BVE-45437- 1 29-Aug-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21708 Fort Worth and Denver blues (Bessie Tucker)
Tucker, Bessie - vocal
Johnson, K.D. - piano
BVE-45440- 1 29-Aug-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21709 Washington and Lee swing (M.W. Sheafe; J.A. Robbins; Thornton W. Allen) -
Memphis Stompers - clarinets (2), cornet, guitar, piano, traps and trombone (NL)
BVE-45487- 3 6-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21709 Yea, Alabama (Ethelred Lundy Sykes) -
Memphis Stompers - clarinets (2), cornet, guitar, piano, traps and trombone (NL)
BVE-45486- 2 6-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21710 Goofus (Bob Nolan) -
Slim Lamar’s Southerners, Bob Nolan - director (NL)
Vocal quartet: Almerico, Tony - vocal; Cohen, Jack - vocal; Rush, Jim - vocal; Wilson, Dick - vocal
BVE-45491- 2 6-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21710 Happy (Jim Rush) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Slim Lamar’s Southerners, Bob Nolan - director
BVE-45479- 3 4-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21711 Going down the river (Odie Goatcher)
Dr. Smith’s Champion Hoss Hair Pullers: Bone, Leeman - tenor and guitar; Bone, Grayson, tenor;
Duncan, Clark - violin; Goatcher, Odie - bass; Garner, Roosevelt - tenor; Lackey, Bryan - violin;
Marshall, Ray - mandolin; Simmons, Herbert - bass
BVE-47017- 1 12-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21711 In the garden where my Irish potatoes grow (Clark Duncan)
Dr. Smith’s Champion Hoss Hair Pullers: Bone, Leeman - tenor and guitar; Bone, Grayson, tenor;
Duncan, Clark - violin; Goatcher, Odie - bass; Garner, Roosevelt - tenor; Lackey, Bryan - violin;
Marshall, Ray - mandolin; Simmons, Herbert - bass
BVE-47015- 1 12-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21712 Boy in the boat, The (Charles Johnson) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
- Listed in the ledger as “The rock
Charlie Johnson and his Paradise Band
BVE-47531- 2 19-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
New York
Victor: Bluebird B-10248
21712 Walk that thing (Charles Johnson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Charlie Johnson and his Paradise Band
BVE-47532- 2 19-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
New York
Victor: Bluebird B-10248
21713 Just a night for meditation (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Lewis Pollack)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Coslow, Sam - baritone
BVE-46461- 3 20-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 2-9417, AM1838, B2949, R10244
21713 Roses of yesterday (Irving Berlin)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Jones, Arthur - harp
BVE-46462- 1 20-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 2-9459, B3504
21714 St. Louis blues (W.C. Handy)
Austin, Gene - tenor
BVE-45562- 2 6-Jun-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-6863
HMV: 7-2236
21714 Voice of the Southland (Keeps calling me home), The (Gene Austin; Marty Bloom; Ted Koehler)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-43521- 5 13-Apr-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2237, B2904, EA482, EG1149
21715 High up on a hill top (Abel Baer; George Whiting; Ivan Campbell) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal
BVE-46194- 1 28-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 8-841
21715 What a night for spooning (Ballard McDonald; Dave Dreyer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal
BVE-46979- 3 5-Sep-28 16-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-837 Zonophone: AE2489
20000 / 21000 SERIES 283
21716 Our Dancing Daughters (Film) (Ballard MacDonald; William Axt; David Mendoza):
I loved you then as I love you now -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-47595- 3 4-Oct-28 16-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-973, B5586 Zonophone: AE2764
21716 Rain or Shine (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): Forever and ever -
Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orchestra, Ben Pollack - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-47577- 2 1-Oct-28 16-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-836, B5587, EA456
21717 Little red lark of the mountain, The (Alfred Percival Graves; Irish air)
Quinn, Thomas L. - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-41522- 2 5-Jan-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
21717 Rose of Tralee, The (Charles W. Glover; Old Irish tune)
Quinn, Thomas L. - tenor
Green, Joe - traps; Cello, flute and violins (2), Leonard Joy - director and piano
BVE-43619- 2 6-Apr-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21718 Drowsy Maggie + Scotch Mary -
Cashin, Michael J. - violin
Flute and violin (NL)
BVE-46408- 1 13-Jul-28 7-Dec-28 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
21718 Heather and sedge + Trip to Erin -
Cashin, Michael J. - violin
Flute and violin (NL)
BVE-46406- 1 13-Jul-28 7-Dec-28 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
21719 Cockles and mussels (In Dublin’s fair city) - Traditional
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-46104- 1 15-Jun-28 7-Dec-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 40-1035, B3270
21719 She is far from the land (Thomas Moore; Old Irish air “Open the door”; Arr. Frank Lambert)
O’More, Colin - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-46103- 2 15-Jun-28 7-Dec-28 to 1931 Camden
Victor: Yorkville K-535
HMV: 40-1034, B3270
21720 Boyne hunt, The -
Sheridan, John - flute
Banjos (2) and piano, Alfredo Cibelli - director and Banjo
BVE-47517- 2 17-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
21720 Sack of potatoes, The
- Jig- Jig
- Jig- Jig
- Jig
Sheridan, John - flute
Banjo and piano, Alfredo Cibelli - director
BVE-47519- 2 17-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
Victor: Bluebird B-4961
21721 Ould gent and the flapper, The (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 1
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking
Van, Nancy - talking and piano
BVE-45115- 2 7-May-28 7-Dec-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21721 Ould gent and the flapper, The (Joseph D. O’Donnell) - Part 2
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking
Van, Nancy - talking and piano
BVE-45116- 2 7-May-28 7-Dec-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21722 When the light shines thru’ (Walter Edmiaston; V.O. Stamps)
Stamps, V.O. - bass; Yandell, M.L. - baritone
Piano (NL)
BVE-47034- 1 15-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1932
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21722 You must come in at the door (M.L. Yandell; V.O. Stamps)
Stamps, V.O. - bass; Yandell, M.L. - baritone
Piano (NL)
BVE-47040- 1 15-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1932
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21723 Shoo fly (Billy Reeves; Frank Campbell)
Jimmy Yates’ Boll Weevils
Lischko, David - ukulele; McCarty, Alfred - guitar; Treadway, Al - vocal and guitar;
Yates, Jimmy - steel guitar
BVE-47052- 2 18-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21723 Smiles (J. Will Callahan; Lee S. Roberts)
Jimmy Yates’ Boll Weevils
Lischko, David - ukulele; McCarty, Alfred - guitar; Treadway, Al - vocal and guitar;
Yates, Jimmy - steel guitar
BVE-47053- 1 18-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21724 Clover blossoms
Moreland, “Peg” - vocal and guitar
BVE-46053- 1 5-Jul-28 7-Dec-28 to 1932
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21724 Maple in the lane, The
Moreland, “Peg” - vocal and guitar
BVE-46052- 1 5-Jul-28 7-Dec-28 to 1932
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21725 Better leave that stuff alone (Will Shade)
Shade, Will - vocal and guitar
Jones, Jab - piano -
Jeb Jones in ledger
BVE-47092- 2 24-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21725 She stabbed me with an ice-pick (Will Shade)
Shade, Will - vocal and guitar
Jones, Jab - piano -
Jeb Jones in ledger
BVE-47093- 1 24-Sep-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21726 Good night (Leo Wood; Irving Bibo; Con Conrad) -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; Parker, Jack - tenor
BVE-47715- 1 6-Oct-28 30-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-844, B5686
21726 You tell me your dream (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles N. Daniels) -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; Parker, Jack - tenor
BVE-47714- 1 6-Oct-28 30-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-843
21727 Billie (George M. Cohan): Where were you, where was I? (Exactly where we are) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-47528- 3 18-Sep-28 23-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-861
21727 Cross my Heart (Joseph McCarthy; Harry Tierney): Right out of heaven -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
High Hatters, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-47596- 3 4-Oct-28 23-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-862
21728 Our Dancing Daughters (Film) (Ballard MacDonald; William Axt; David Mendoza):
I loved you then as I love you now
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Jones, Arthur - harp
BVE-46498- 2 5-Oct-28 23-Nov-28 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 2-9418
20000 / 21000 SERIES 285
21728 Singing Fool, The (Film) (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Sonny boy
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Sannella, Andy - steel guitar
BVE-46497- 4 5-Oct-28 23-Nov-28 to 1931 New York - Wurlitzer Hall
HMV: 2-9419
21729 Come on, baby (Archie Gotker; Sidney Clare; Maceo Pinkard) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Gibbs, Parker - vocal
BVE-42967- 3 21-Sep-28 23-Nov-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 8-863
21729 Here’s that party now, in person (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-47566- 2 27-Sep-28 23-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 9-508
21730 Cherry (Don Redman; Arr. John Nesbitt)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
McKinney’s Cotton Pickers, Donald Redman - director
Napier, Jean - vocal; Robinson, Prince - clarinet
BVE-46098- 3 12-Jul-28 30-Nov-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
Victor: 24938, 40-0114, Bluebird B-5145, B-6304, Sunrise S-3226
HMV: 8-845
21730 Some sweet day (Ed Rose; Tony Jackson; Abe Olman) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
McKinney’s Cotton Pickers, Donald Redman - director
BVE-46401- 2 12-Jul-28 30-Nov-28 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-846, R14061
21731 Japanese sandman, The (Raymond B. Egan; Richard A. Whiting) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-24390- 7 7-Feb-28 30-Nov-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-968, AM1811, K5567
21731 Whispering (John Schonberger) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
BVE-24393-15 15-Feb-28 30-Nov-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 27-0020
HMV: 7-970, AM1811, K5567
21732 All of the time (Harry Woods) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra, Edwin J. McEnelly - director and violin
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
BVE-47718- 1 8-Oct-28 30-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-848, B5593
21732 Jo-Anne (Abner Silver; Maceo Pinkard; Joe Ward) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra, Edwin J. McEnelly - director and violin
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-47717- 3 8-Oct-28 30-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-847, AM1810, B5584
21733 Rain or Shine (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): Forever and ever
James, Lewis - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-47556- 6 12-Oct-28 23-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2242
21733 Singing Fool, The (Film) (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
Sonny boy
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-47584- 4 12-Oct-28 23-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2243, B2904, EG1149
21734 Mother Knows Best (Film) (William Kernell): Sally of my dreams
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
BVE-47575- 1 28-Sep-28 23-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2244
21734 Our Dancing Daughters (Film) (Ballard MacDonald; William Axt; David Mendoza):
I loved you then as I love you now
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Bourdon, Rosario - director and piano; Cook, Fred - violin; Linton, Charles - piano;
Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Reitz, William H. - vibraphone
BVE-47574- 6 11-Oct-28 23-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2241
21735 Gay caballero, A (Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-47583- 2 2-Oct-28 30-Nov-28 to 1944 New York
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-1248
HMV: 7-2245, B3054, EG1452
21735 Ladies, or I learned about women from ‘er, The (Rudyard Kipling; Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor and guitar
Pasternack, Sam - viola
BVE-45008- 3 3-May-28 30-Nov-28 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 7-2246
21736 Jesus, the light of the world
Bethel Quartet: Chestang, Norman - tenor; Coleman, W.W. - tenor;
Joseph, Robert - bass; McCants, B. - baritone
BVE-47080- 1 21-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21736 So glad I’ve got the stone
Bethel Quartet: Chestang, Norman - tenor; Coleman, W.W. - tenor;
Joseph, Robert - bass; McCants, B. - baritone
BVE-47078- 2 21-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21737 Christ, the teacher (E.S. Moore)
Moore, Rev. E. S. “Shy” and his Congregation - women (7), men (4)
Guitar, jug and piano (NL)
BVE-47086- 1 22-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21737 Solemn warning, The (E.S. Moore)
Moore, Rev. E. S. “Shy” and his Congregation - women (7), men (4)
Guitar, jug and piano (NL)
BVE-47087- 1 22-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21738 Nehi mama blues (Frank Stokes)
Stokes, Frank - vocal and guitar
BVE-45421- 1 27-Aug-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931+
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21738 Stomp that thing (Frank Stokes)
Stokes, Frank - vocal and guitar
BVE-45426- 2 28-Aug-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931+
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21739 Jus rite (Bennie Moten; Ed Lewis) -
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra, Bennie Moten - director and piano
BVE-42924- 1 6-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931
Race release
21739 Trouble in mind blues (R. Jones) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Bennie Moten’s Kansas City Orchestra, Bennie Moten - director and piano
BVE-42930- 1 7-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931
Race release
20000 / 21000 SERIES 287
21740 Lindbergh hop (Jab Jones; Will Shade) - Listed in the ledger as “Over seas stomp”
Memphis Jug Band - banjo, guitars (2), jug, kazoo (NL)
Vocal by band members
BVE-47008- 2 13-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21740 Sugar puddin’ (Jab Jones; Will Shade)
Memphis Jug Band - banjo, guitars (2), harmonica, jug, kazoo (NL)
Vocal by band members
BVE-47009- 1 13-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1930
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21741 Rolling stone (Robert Wilkins) - Part 1
Wilkins, Robert - vocal and guitar
BVE-45496- 1 7-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21741 Rolling stone (Robert Wilkins) - Part 2
Wilkins, Robert - vocal and guitar
BVE-45497- 2 7-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931
Race release
Memphis Auditorium
21742 Paris (Cole Porter): Don’t look at me that way
Bordoni, Irene - soprano
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson and Leonard Joy - directors
BVE-43764- 4 24-Jun-28 30-Nov-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 3-3346, EA683
21742 Paris (E. Ray Goetz; Walter Kollo): The land of Going-to-be
Bordoni, Irene - soprano
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson and Leonard Joy - directors
BVE-43763- 4 24-Jun-28 30-Nov-28 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 3-3345, EA683
21743 Show Girl (Film) (Ed Grossman; Ted Ward): She’s one sweet show girl -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orchestra, Ben Pollack - director
Mann, Belle - vocal
BVE-47743- 1 15-Oct-28 30-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 9-510, B5596
21743 Show Girl (Film) (Irving Caesar): Buy, buy for baby -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orchestra, Ben Pollack - director
Mann, Belle - vocal
BVE-47742- 1 15-Oct-28 30-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-849, B5596
21744 Blossoms (Ben Black; James Dietrich): Blossoms that bloom in the moonlight -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lorin, Bert (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-47748- 3 15-Oct-28 30-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-851, B5589
21744 Varsity (Film) (Frank Harling; Alfred Bryan): My varsity girl, I’ll cling to you -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lorin, Bert (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-47747- 3 15-Oct-28 30-Nov-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-850, B5589 Zonophone: AE2645
21745 Paris (Cole Porter): Let’s do it, let’s fall in love -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Armstrong, Jack - vocal; Saxe, Phil - vocal
BVE-47749- 3 16-Oct-28 30-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-853
21745 Paris (E. Ray Goetz; Walter Kollo): The land of Going-to-be
- -
- -
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Armstrong, Jack - vocal
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-42528- 4 1-Mar-28 30-Nov-28 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 8-852, EA678
21746 Awakening, The (Film) (Irving Berlin): Marie -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-47766- 3 18-Oct-28 30-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-854, B5593 Zonophone: AE2789
21746 Godless Girl, The (Film) (Charles Weinberg; Josiah Zuro): Love (All I want is love) -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; O’Rourke, Leo - tenor
BVE-46988- 2 6-Sep-28 30-Nov-28 to 1931 New York
Victor: 21702
HMV: 8-855 Zonophone: AE2789
21747 Orfeo (Claudio Monteverde): Ecco purch’a voi ritorno + O cessate di piagarmi
(Alessandro Scarlatti)
Crane, Ralph (Royal Dadmun) - baritone
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-47809- 3 5-Oct-28 1928 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 7-52427
21747 Orontea (Marco A. Cesti): Intorno all’idol mio
Crane, Ralph (Royal Dadmun) - baritone
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-47808- 2 5-Oct-28 1928 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 7-52426
21748 Moldau, The (Bedrich Smetana) - Part 1 -
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-47900- 4 1-Oct-28 1928 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 9-718
21748 Moldau, The (Bedrich Smetana) - Part 2 -
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-47901- 3 1-Oct-28 1928 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 9-719
21749 Moldau, The (Bedrich Smetana) - Part 3 -
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-47902- 3 1-Oct-28 1928 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 9-807
21749 Moldau, The (Bedrich Smetana) - Part 4 -
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-47903- 1 1-Oct-28 1928 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 9-720
21750 From the canebrake (Samuel Gardner, Op. 5, No. 1; Arr. Adolf Schmid)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director and celeste
BVE-47905- 3 1-Oct-28 1928 to Mar-51 Camden
HMV: 9-747, B3043
21750 In the Bottoms (R. Nathaniel Dett; Arr. William Strasser): Juba dance -
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-47904- 3 1-Oct-28 1928 to Mar-51 Camden
HMV: 9-746, B3043
21751 Away for Rio (Old sailor chantey) + Blow the man down (Sailor’s chantey) +
Sour Wood Mountain (Hillbilly song) + Billy boy (E.L. White) +
Begone, dull care (Old English) -
Crane, Ralph (Royal Dadmun) - baritone
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-47811- 3 5-Oct-28 1928 to Mar-51 Camden - Studio 1
21751 Sweet Kitty Clover (Knight; E. Kean) + Bendemeer’s stream (Old tune; T. Moore) +
Frog went a-courting - Lonesome tune (L. Wyman; H, Brokeway) + Spanish guitar
(College song) - From “A One Book Course in Elementary Music)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Dixon, Raymond (Lambert Murphy) - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-47804- 2 5-Oct-28 1928 to Mar-51 Camden
20000 / 21000 SERIES 289
21752 Euridice (Jacopo Peri): Funeste piaggie
Crane, Ralph (Royal Dadmun) - baritone
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-47807- 2 4-Oct-28 1928 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 40-633
21752 Eurydice (Giulio Caccini): Non piango e non sospiro
Crane, Ralph (Royal Dadmun) - baritone
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-47810- 2 5-Oct-28 1928 to 1944 Camden
HMV: 7-52425
21753 I still keep dreaming of you (Benny Davis; Joe Burke) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Lorin, Bert (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-47775- 2 22-Oct-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-882
21753 Show People (Film) (Raymond Klages; William Axt; David Mendoza): Cross-roads
- -
- -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-47764- 3 18-Oct-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-883 Zonophone: AE2645
21754 Remember me to Mary (If she still remembers me) (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept)
Melody Three, The (Luther Trio): Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor;
Parker, Jack - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-47773- 3 22-Oct-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 5-4020, B2933
21754 Submarine (Dave Dryer; Herman Ruby): Pals, just pals
Melody Three, The (Luther Trio): Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor;
Parker, Jack - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-47774- 3 22-Oct-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 5-4019, B2933
21755 I’m sorry, Sally (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal
BVE-46193- 6 12-Oct-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 8-884, B5587 Zonophone: AE2636
21755 Just another night (Walter Donaldson) -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal; Keller, Nelson - vocal; Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-47523- 9 26-Oct-28 7-Dec-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 9-509 Zonophone: AE2636
21756 Master of the storm, The (James Rowe; J. Porter Thamason)
Vaughan Quartet: Barnard, Hilman - tenor; McCoy, Otis - tenor; Pace, Adgar - bass;
Walbert, W.B. - baritone
Jernigan, Ms. Johnny - piano
BVE-47145- 1 5-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1934
Regional release
Nashville - Y.M.C.A.
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8116
21756 What a morning that will be (Adgar Pace)
Vaughan Quartet: Barnard, Hilman - tenor; McCoy, Otis - tenor; Pace, Adgar - bass;
Vaughan, G. Kieffer - baritone
Jernigan, Ms. Johnny - piano
BVE-47149- 2 5-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1934
Regional release
Nashville - Y.M.C.A.
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-8087
21757 Daddy and home (Elsie McWilliams; Jimmie Rodgers)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
Guitar, steel Guitar, string bass, and ukulele (NL)
BVE-45095- 1 12-Jun-28 21-Dec-28 to 1938
Regional release
Victor: 20-6408*, 21-0043, Bluebird B-5991, Montgomery Ward M-8109
HMV: 7-2360 Regal Zonophone: IZ318, IZ414, MR1918
Zonophone: 5356, EE150 Zonophone Twin: FT1756, FT1980
21757 My old pal (Elsie McWilliams; Jimmie Rodgers)
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar
BVE-45090- 1 12-Jun-28 21-Dec-28 to 1938
Regional release
Victor: 21-0176, Bluebird B-5609
HMV: 7-2359 Regal Zonophone: IZ318, IZ414, MR1918
Zonophone: 5356, G22792, EE150 Zonophone Twin: FT1756, FT1980
21758 All go hungry hash house
Binkley Brothers Dixie Clodhoppers
Jackson, Jack - vocal
BVE-47101- 4 2-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931
Regional release
Nashville - Y.M.C.A.
21758 It’ll never happen again
Binkley Brothers Dixie Clodhoppers
Jackson, Jack - vocal
BVE-47107- 1 2-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931
Regional release
Nashville - Y.M.C.A.
21759 Evening hour, The (Ludwig van Beethoven)
First Methodist Church Choir of Memphis, Walter Jenkins - director
BVE-47094- 1 24-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21759 Lift up your heads (E.L. Ashford)
First Methodist Church Choir of Memphis, Walter Jenkins - director
Jenkins, Vivian (Mrs. Walter) - vocal
BVE-47096- 1 24-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1930
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21760 Goose Creek (Mart Britt)
Mart Britt and his Orchestra
Britt, Mart - vocal
BVE-47026- 2 14-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21760 Only an angel (Could be half so smart) (C. Bryson) -
Mart Britt and his Orchestra
Britt, Mart - vocal
BVE-47024- 2 14-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
21761 Cowboy’s lament (Francis Henry Maynard)
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal and guitar
Ward, Virgil - fiddle
PBVE-42042- 2 1-Mar-28 7-Nov-28 to 1941
Regional release
Victor: Aurora 36-422
21761 Good-bye, old paint
Mac (Harry McClintock) and his Haywire Orchestra
Fiddle, guitar and harmonica (NL)
PBVE-42120- 3 23-Mar-28 7-Nov-28 to 1941
Regional release
Victor: Aurora 36-422
21762 Hilo hula
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-42016- 3 23-Feb-28 7-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
21762 Mokihana
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-42139- 2 3-Apr-28 7-Nov-28 to 1931
Regional release
21763 Drowsy waters - Wailana -
Sam-Ku-West Harmony Boys - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE-42085- 3 12-Mar-28 7-Nov-28 to 1932
Regional release
HMV: 40-726
20000 / 21000 SERIES 291
21763 Minnehaha -
Sam-Ku-West Harmony Boys - guitars (2), steel guitar, ukulele
PBVE-42084- 2 12-Mar-28 7-Nov-28 to 1932
Regional release
HMV: 40-725
21764 Burlesque (Jo Trent; Edward Grant; Peter de Rose; Albert von Tilzer):
I’m wonderin’ who -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Eddie Harkness and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE-42111- 2 22-Mar-28 7-Nov-28 to 1930
Regional release
21764 Burlesque (Jo Trent; Peter de Rose; Albert von Tilzer): Either you do or you don’t -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Eddie Harkness and his Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
PBVE-42110- 1 22-Mar-28 7-Nov-28 to 1930
Regional release
21765 Blue shadows (Raymond Klages; Louis Alter) - From “Earl Carroll’s Vanities”
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-47537- 7 6-Nov-28 14-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4022, AM1735, B2912, EG1217, K5612 Zonophone: AE2631
21765 Dusky stevedore (Andy Razaf; J.C. Johnson)
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-47538- 8 6-Nov-28 14-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4021, AM1735, B2912, EG1217, K5612 Zonophone: AE2631
21766 It goes like this (Irving Caesar; Cliff Friend)
California Humming Birds - vocal, Leonard Joy - director (NL)
Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-47778- 3 23-Oct-28 14-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 5-4029, B2932
21766 Ten little miles from town (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Elmer Schoebel)
California Humming Birds - vocal, Leonard Joy - director (NL)
Smalle, Ed - piano
BVE-47779- 3 23-Oct-28 14-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 5-4023, B2932
21767 Hold Everything (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): You’re the cream
in my coffee - Also titled as “Youre my neccessity (I’d be lost without you)”
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Gibbs, Parker - vocal
BVE-47851- 2 19-Oct-28 14-Dec-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 8-944, K5594
21767 Just a Minute (Walter O’Keefe; Harry Archer): Anything your heart desires -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Jarrett, Arthur - vocal
BVE-47852- 2 19-Oct-28 14-Dec-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 8-945
21768 Big ball uptown (R.C. Griggs) - Breakdown
Taylor Griggs Louisiana Melody Makers (NL)
Vocal (NL)
BVE-47022- 1 13-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1932
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
HMV: 40-4314
21768 Sweet Rose of heaven (F.R. Taylor) -
Taylor Griggs Louisiana Melody Makers (NL)
Vocal (NL)
BVE-47021- 2 13-Sep-28 21-Dec-28 to 1932
Regional release
Memphis Auditorium
HMV: 40-4315
21769 Basile -
La Fleur, Mayuse - Cajun vocal and accordion
Soileau, Leo - violin
BVE-47201- 2 19-Oct-28 Dec-28 to 1932
Special list
21769 Mamma, where you at? -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
La Fleur, Mayuse - Cajun vocal and accordion
Soileau, Leo - violin
BVE-47202- 3 19-Oct-28 Dec-28 to 1932
Special list
21770 Ton pere a mit d’eor - Your father put me out” -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
La Fleur, Mayuse - Cajun vocal and accordion
Soileau, Leo - violin
BVE-47204- 1 19-Oct-28 Dec-28 to 1930
Special list
21770 Valse criminale, Les - “The criminal”
La Fleur, Mayuse - Cajun vocal and accordion
Soileau, Leo - violin
BVE-47203- 2 19-Oct-28 Dec-28 to 1930
Special list
21771 Battle of the Sexes, The (Film) (Nathaniel Shilkret; Josef Pasternack; Dave Dreyer):
Just a sweetheart
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-47784- 3 25-Oct-28 14-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 9-822
21771 Was it love? (Irving Caesar; Con Conrad; Harry Rosenthal) -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-47786- 2 25-Oct-28 14-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-946
21772 Manhattan Cocktail (Film) (Victor L. Schertzinger): Another kiss -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-48111- 3 1-Nov-28 14-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-947, B5614 Zonophone: AE2689
21772 Manhattan Cocktail (Film) (Victor L. Schertzinger): Gotta be good -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Four Rajahs, The - vocal (NL)
BVE-48112- 1 1-Nov-28 14-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-948, B5614 Zonophone: AE2807
21773 (I found you “Out” when I found you “In”) Somebody else’s arms
(Charles O’Flynn; Phil Ponce) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Jarrett, Arthur - vocal
BVE-47800- 3 2-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1930 Camden
HMV: 8-957, AM2632, B5613
21773 Take your tomorrow (And give me today) (Andy Razaf)
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra, Edwin J. McEnelly - director and violin
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
BVE-47719- 3 8-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 9-820
21774 Ups-a-Daisy (Robert A. Simon; Clifford Grey; Lewis E. Gensler): Will you remember?
Will you forget? -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman and Their Orchestra, Frank J. Black - director
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-47798- 3 30-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-959
20000 / 21000 SERIES 293
21774 Ups-a-Daisy (Robert A. Simon; Louis E. Gensler): Ups-a-daisy -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman and Their Orchestra, Frank J. Black - director
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-47797- 2 30-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
HMV: 8-958
21775 New Moon, The (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg): One kiss -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-47765- 3 18-Oct-28 1-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-949
21775 New Moon, The (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg): Softly, as in a morning sunrise -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
, tango
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-47767- 3 18-Oct-28 1-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-950
21776 New Moon, The (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg): Lover, come back to me -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman and Their Orchestra, Frank J. Black - director
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-47782- 3 25-Oct-28 1-Mar-29 to 1932 New York
HMV: 8-951, B5634 Zonophone: AE2722
21776 New Moon, The (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg): Marianne -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman and Their Orchestra, Frank J. Black - director
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-47783- 4 25-Oct-28 1-Mar-29 to 1932 New York
HMV: 8-952, B5634 Zonophone: AE2722
21777 I done caught you blues (Porter Grainger)
Ware, Ozie - vocal
Cornet, flute, piano, traps and tuba (NL)
BVE-48101- 2 30-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
21777 Santa Claus, bring my man back to me (Porter Grainger)
Ware, Ozie - vocal
Cornet, flute, piano, traps and tuba (NL)
BVE-48100- 1 30-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1930 New York
21778 My Scandanavian gal (By yumpin’ yiminy) (Charles Tobias; Harry Tobias; Al Sherman)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Saxe, Phil - vocal
BVE-47750- 2 16-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-985, EA460
21778 Paris (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert): Oh, you sweet old whatcha-may-call-it
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Pastor, Tony (Tony Pestretta) - vocal; Saxe, Phil - vocal; Taylor, Jimmy - vocal;
Trotta, Charles - vocal
BVE-47572- 6 16-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-984
21779 (I’ve got a woman crazy for me) She’s funny that way (Richard A. Whiting;
Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-48135- 3 7-Nov-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2258
21779 Singing Fool, The (Film) (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
Sonny boy
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-48134- 3 7-Nov-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2257
21780 Happy days and lonely nights (Billy Rose; Fred Fischer)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Clarinet, piano, saxophone and violin (NL)
BVE-47769- 2 19-Oct-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2260, B2926
21780 Singing Fool, The (Film) (Al Jolson; Billy Rose; Dave Dreyer): There’s a rainbow
‘round my shoulder
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-48130- 3 7-Nov-28 21-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2259, B2926, EA465
21781 Three-cornered Hat, The (Manuel de Falla): Suite - Part 1
New Light Symphony Orchestra (Royal Albert Hall Orchestra), Malcolm Sargent -
BR1646- 1A 7-Feb-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931+ London - Kingsway Hall
HMV: 7-836, B2721 Zonophone: AE2327
21781 Three-cornered Hat, The (Manuel de Falla): Suite - Part 2
New Light Symphony Orchestra (Royal Albert Hall Orchestra), Malcolm Sargent -
BR1647- 2 7-Feb-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931+ London - Kingsway Hall
HMV: 7-837, B2721 Zonophone: AE2327
21782 Three-cornered Hat, The (Manuel de Falla): Suite - Part 3
New Light Symphony Orchestra (Royal Albert Hall Orchestra), Malcolm Sargent -
BR1648- 2 7-Feb-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931+ London - Kingsway Hall
HMV: 7-838, B2722 Zonophone: AE2328
21782 Three-cornered Hat, The (Manuel de Falla): Suite - Part 4
New Light Symphony Orchestra (Royal Albert Hall Orchestra), Malcolm Sargent -
BR1670- 3A 11-Apr-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931+ London - Kingsway Hall
HMV: 7-934, B2722 Zonophone: AE2328
21783 Hello, Yourself (Leo Robin; Richard Meyers): Say you love me -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal
BVE-48125- 2 5-Nov-28 28-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-504 Zonophone: AE2625
21783 Hello, Yourself (Richard Myers; Leo Robin): I want the world to know -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
BVE-47815- 6 12-Oct-28 28-Dec-28 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 8-969
21784 Bendithaiast goed y meusydd (Daroh Thomas Hughes; Daniel Protheroe; Welsh folk song) -
“Blessed are the trees of the forest - In Welsh
Jones, William J. - baritone
Linton, Charles - piano
BVE-41426- 2 27-Dec-27 Feb-29 to 1932 Camden - Church
21784 Pa le mae’r amen? (Allan Gwyroswdd; Ap. Glaslyn) - “Where is the amen?” - In Welsh
Jones, William J. - baritone
Small orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-41425- 2 27-Dec-27 Feb-29 to 1932 Camden - Church
21785 O na byddai’n haf o hyd (William Davies) - “Oh, that summer smiled for aye” - In Welsh
Jones, John T. - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-41423- 1 27-Dec-27 Feb-29 to 1932 Camden - Church
21785 Yr hen gerrdor (B. Thomas; D. Pugh Evans) - “The old minstrel” - In Welsh
Jones, John T. - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-41424- 1 27-Dec-27 Feb-29 to 1932 Camden - Church
20000 / 21000 SERIES 295
21786 I’ll get by as long (As long as I have you) (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Armstrong, Jack - vocal; Pastor, Tony (Tony Pestretta) - vocal; Taylor, Jimmy - vocal;
Trotta, Charles - vocal
BVE-47573- 6 16-Oct-28 28-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-505, B5616, EA466
21786 Sleep, baby, sleep (Johnny Tucker; Joe Shuster) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra, Edwin J. McEnelly - director and violin
McEnelly, Edwin J. - vocal; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-47716- 3 8-Oct-28 28-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-506
21787 Awakening, The (Film) (Irving Berlin): Marie
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-47869- 4 3-Nov-28 28-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2265 Zonophone: 5467
21787 Show People (Film) (Raymond Klages; William Axt; David Mendoza): Cross-Roads
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-47777- 6 3-Nov-28 28-Dec-28 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2274 Zonophone: 5515
21788 Three Cheers (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Maybe this is love -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-46375- 2 13-Nov-28 28-Dec-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 8-982 Zonophone: AE2622
21788 Three Cheers (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Pompanola -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal
BVE-48113- 5 13-Nov-28 28-Dec-28 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-507 Zonophone: AE2625
21789 Night time in old Shanghai (J. Elder; J. Meredith; Arr. A. Carneiro)
Whitney Smith’s Majestic Hotel Orchestra
Smith, Whitney - vocal
XVE-02103- 3 3-Aug-28 Exp-28 to NL China
21789 Woodland Sketches (Edward MacDowell, Op. 51; Arr. J. Anderson) - To a wild rose
Whitney Smith’s Majestic Hotel Orchestra
XVE-02102- 1 3-Aug-28 Exp-28 to NL China
21790 Chinese wedding (A. Bereshiakoff; Whitney Smith)
Whitney Smith’s Majestic Hotel Orchestra
XVE-02083- 2 31-Jul-28 Exp-28 to NL China
21790 She wonders why (J. Sommers; Arr. J. Anderson)
Whitney Smith’s Majestic Hotel Orchestra
Smith, Whitney - vocal
XVE-02082- 1 31-Jul-28 Exp-28 to NL China
21791 Hold Everything (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
Don’t hold everything -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
High Hatters, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director)
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; Parker, Jack - tenor
BVE-48183- 2 20-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-511
21791 Hold Everything (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
To know you is to love you -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
High Hatters, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-48182- 3 20-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-988
21792 How about me? (Irving Berlin) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal
BVE-46376- 2 13-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-512, B5599 Zonophone: AE2622
21792 Sweet dreams (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Four Rajahs, The - vocal (NL)
BVE-48164- 2 15-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-500, B5600
21793 Bag of blues, A (Al Gehring; Jack Pettis) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jack Pettis and his Pets
BVE-45673- 2 3-Jul-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-513
21793 Freshman hop (Al Goering; Jack Pettis) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jack Pettis and his Pets, Irving Mills - director
McGee, Erwin - vocal
BVE-48127- 2 6-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-501
21794 My blackbirds are bluebirds now (Irving Caesar; Cliff Friend)
National Cavaliers, The: O’Rourke, Leo - tenor; Seagle, John - baritone;
Stevens, Robert - tenor; Woodyard, Darrel - bass
Buttolph, David - piano
BVE-48193- 1 21-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4030, B3009
21794 Song I love, The (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson; Con Conrad)
National Cavaliers, The: O’Rourke, Leo - tenor; Seagle, John - baritone;
Stevens, Robert - tenor; Woodyard, Darrel - bass
Buttolph, David - piano
BVE-48192- 1 21-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4031, B3009
21795 Treasure Girl (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin; Arr. Frank J. Black):
Feeling I’m falling -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman and their Orchestra, Frank J. Black - director
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-48195- 3 22-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1930 New York
HMV: 9-529, K5672
21795 Treasure Girl (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin; Arr. Frank J. Black):
Got a rainbow -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman and their Orchestra, Frank J. Black - director
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-48194- 3 22-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1930 New York
HMV: 9-530, K5672
21796 By the waters of Minnetonka (Thurlow Lieurance) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
- “An Indian love song”
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Bargy, Roy - piano; Perry, Mario - celeste
BVE-30177- 9 9-Feb-28 1-Feb-29 to 1932 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-975, B5533, EG1206, K5629 Zonophone: AE2697
21796 Thais (Jules Massenet) - “Meditation” -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, Paul Whiteman - director
Bargy, Roy - piano; Perry, Mario - celeste
BVE-30176- 6 8-Sep-26 1-Feb-29 to 1932 New York
HMV: 8-774, EG1206
20000 / 21000 SERIES 297
21797 Etiquette blues (Gayle Grubb)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-46661- 1 3-Aug-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4035
21797 Where did you get that name? (Bob Miller; Lew Klein)
Happiness Boys, The: Hare, Ernest - baritone; Jones, Billy - tenor
Kaplan, Dave - piano
BVE-48106- 2 31-Oct-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4034
21798 I can’t give you anything but love (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) -
From “Lew Leslie’s Blackbirds of 1928"
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49203- 3 23-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2278
21798 I wonder if you miss me to-night? (Harry Pease; Ed. G. Nelson)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49208- 2 27-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2277, B2953
21799 Billie (George M. Cohan): Billie
Walker, Polly - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-48145- 7 26-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3364
21799 Billie (George M. Cohan): Where were you, where was I? (Exactly where we are)
Walker, Polly - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-48144- 7 26-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3363
21800 1 Sweethearts on parade (Charles Newman; Carmen Lombardo) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Harold Stokes - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
BVE-48602- 1 19-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-976, EA487, R14050
21800 2 Sweethearts on parade (Charles Newman; Carmen Lombardo) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Harold Stokes - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
BVE-48602- 5 14-Jan-29 4-Jan-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
21800 That’s what puts the sweet” in ‘Home sweet home’ (Ed Lowry; Mack Gordon;
Charles Newman) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Harold Stokes - director
Stokes, Harold - vocal
BVE-48611- 3 21-Nov-28 4-Jan-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 8-977, EA487
21801 This Year of Grace (Noel Coward): A room with a view -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-48407- 2 28-Nov-28 18-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-502
21801 This Year of Grace (Noel Coward): Dance, little lady -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-48408- 3 28-Nov-28 18-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-503
21802 Alias Jimmy Valentine (Film) (Edward Madden; Gus Edwards): Jimmy Valentine
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Murray, Billy - tenor
Chorus: Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; Parker, Jack - tenor
BVE-49215- 2 30-Nov-28 18-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8-978, K5673
21802 Alias Jimmy Valentine (Film) (William Axt; David Mendoza): Love dreams -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director)
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-48136- 1 8-Nov-28 18-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-620, K5673
21803 Gang War (Film) (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn): My suppressed desire -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal
BVE-48609- 2 20-Nov-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-549, B5631, EA504
21803 What a girl, what a night (Joe L. Sanders) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-48610- 3 20-Nov-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-550
21804 Round evening (George Whiting; Herbert Steiner; J. Fred Coots) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
White, Hal - vocal
BVE-48614- 3 22-Nov-28 1-Feb-29 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-551
21804 Withered roses (Charles Garland; Haven Gillespie; Larry Shay) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Harold Stokes - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
BVE-48616- 1 23-Nov-28 1-Feb-29 to 1930 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-552
21805 Don’t be like that (Archie Gottler; Charles Tobias; Maceo Pinkard) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Harold Stokes - director
Stokes, Harold - vocal
BVE-48618- 2 23-Nov-28 18-Jan-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-526, B5600
21805 My blackbirds are bluebirds now (Irving Caesar; Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Harold Stokes - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
BVE-48617- 2 23-Nov-28 18-Jan-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-525, EA473, R14050
21806 How about me? (Irving Berlin)
Downey, Morton - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-48162- 5 30-Nov-28 18-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2321, B2998
21806 I’m sorry, Sally (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito)
Downey, Morton - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-48163- 6 30-Nov-28 18-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2334, B2998
21807 Comin’ home (Jessie L. Deppen; Thekla Hollingsworth; Arr. Frank J. Black)
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-46381- 3 14-Nov-28 18-Jan-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5-4033, AM1829, B2972, EG1350, K5619
Zonophone: AE2843
20000 / 21000 SERIES 299
21807 Evenin’ (Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”, Arr. Frank J. Black)
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-46382- 1 14-Nov-28 18-Jan-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5-4032, AM1829, B2972, EG1350, K5619 Zonophone: AE2843
21808 Whoopee (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson): Come West little girl, come West
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Gifford, Jack - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-48438- 3 6-Dec-28 1-Feb-29 to 1932 New York - 46th Street
HMV: 9-554, B5683, EG1193
21808 Whoopee (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson): I’m bringing a red, red rose
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal
BVE-48437- 3 6-Dec-28 1-Feb-29 to 1932 New York - 46th Street
HMV: 9-553, B5714, EG1193
21809 Me and the man in the moon (Edgar Leslie; James V. Monaco) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Jarrett, Arthur - vocal
BVE-49169- 3 7-Dec-28 18-Jan-29 to 1931 Camden - Studio 1
HMV: 9-527, EA490
21809 My troubles are over (Edgar Leslie; James V. Monaco) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Gibbs, Parker - vocal
BVE-49170- 3 7-Dec-28 18-Jan-29 to 1931 Camden - Studio 1
HMV: 9-528, B5618
21810 I can’t make her happy (Lewis Pollock; Sidney Clare) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal
BVE-49238- 3 7-Dec-28 25-Jan-29 to 1930 New York
HMV: 9-543 Zonophone: AE2771
21810 Song I love, The (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson; Con Conrad) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal
BVE-49239- 3 7-Dec-28 25-Jan-29 to 1930 New York
HMV: 9-544 Zonophone: AE2771
21811 Evrybody loves you (Alfred Dubin; Little Jack Little) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra, Jacques Renard - director and violin
Crumit, Frank - tenor
BVE-47921- 6 3-Dec-28 25-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-546
21811 Syncopation (Film) (Horatio Nicholls; Edgar Leslie): My inspiration is you
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-49235- 2 6-Dec-28 25-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-545
21812 Here comes my ball-and-chain (J. Fred Coots; Lou Davis)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-48626- 3 27-Nov-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-535, B5653 Zonophone: AE2794
21812 Who wouldn’t be jealous of you? (Larry Shay; Haven Gillespie; George Frommel)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-48627- 1 27-Nov-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-534, EA504
21813 Mia bella Rosa (Ted Koehler; Frank Magine) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Pontius, Walter - vocal
BVE-48630- 3 28-Nov-28 1-Feb-29 to 1930 Chicago - Studio
HMV: 9-536
21813 Please let me dream in your arms (Al Sherman; Al Lewis; Carmen Lombardo) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
White, Hal - vocal
BVE-48631- 1 28-Nov-28 1-Feb-29 to 1930 Chicago - Studio
HMV: 9-537
21814 I’d rather be blue (Fred Fisher; Billy Rose) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-49257- 3 13-Dec-28 25-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-548, B5609 Zonophone: AE2790
21814 My Man (Film) (Channing Pollack; Maurice Yvain): My man
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-46390- 2 13-Dec-28 25-Jan-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-547, B5609 Zonophone: AE2790
21815 I’d rather be blue (Fred Fisher; Billy Rose)
Brice, Fanny - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49261- 3 14-Dec-28 25-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3368, B2975, EA485
21815 My Man (Billy Rose; Mort Dixon; Oscar Levant): If you want the rainbow (You must have the rain)
Brice, Fanny - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49260- 2 14-Dec-28 25-Jan-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3369, B3004, EA485
21816 Until you get somebody else (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-49251- 3 11-Dec-28 1-Feb-29 to 1932 Camden
Victor: 24331
HMV: 9-539, B5684
21816 Whoopee (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson): Makin’ whoopee
George Olsen and his Music
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-49250- 3 11-Dec-28 1-Feb-29 to 1932 Camden
Victor: 24331
HMV: 9-538, B5683, K5651 Zonophone: AE2791
21817 In Old Arizona (Film) (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): My Tonia -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-49236- 3 6-Dec-28 8-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-541 Zonophone: AE2807
21817 Masks of the Devil, The (Raymond Klages; William Axt; David Mondoza): Live and love
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director)
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-49216- 3 30-Nov-28 8-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-542, GY42 Zonophone: AE2764
21818 Because I know you’re mine (Charles Derickson; Burton Brown) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Mann, Belle - vocal
BVE-49258- 2 13-Dec-28 8-Feb-29 to 1930 New York
HMV: 9-540
21818 I want a daddy to cuddle me (D.D. Ebie; Frank A. Wright) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Mann, Belle - vocal
BVE-49256- 3 13-Dec-28 8-Feb-29 to 1930 New York
HMV: 9-532, AM2306, B5673, EG1558
20000 / 21000 SERIES 301
21819 Night of memories, A (Jack Yellen; M.K. Jerome) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-48165- 1 15-Nov-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-556
21819 Where the shy little violets grow (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Harry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-47802- 5 11-Dec-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 9-555
21820 Sweethearts on parade (Charles Newman; Carmen Lombardo)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal and accordion
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-46392- 2 15-Dec-28 8-Feb-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2320, B2983
21820 Where the shy little violets grow (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Harry Warren)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Sannella, Andy - guitar
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-46393- 2 15-Dec-28 8-Feb-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2319, B2983
21821 Novalette (Jimmy McHugh; Frank P. Banta)
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-45642- 6 26-Oct-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 5979
21821 World is waiting for the sunrise, The (Ernest Seitz; Arr. Frank P. Banta)
Banta, Frank E. - piano
BVE-45643- 6 26-Oct-28 1-Feb-29 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 5978
21822 Blue waters (Natahniel Skilkret; Ned Washington) -
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Four Rajahs, The: Chicco, Louis - tenor and syncopated harp; Gentry, Art - tenor;
Hurt, Marlin - tenor; Roy, Ted - baritone and piano
BVE-49339- 2 14-Dec-28 1-Feb-29 to 1934 Camden
HMV: 9-533
21822 Under the stars of Havana (Sara F. Coleman; Gil B. Blue)
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49340- 1 14-Dec-28 1-Feb-29 to 1934 Camden
HMV: 9-557
21823 Abou Ben Adhem (Leigh Hunt) + The arrow and the song (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow;
Ciro Pinsuti) -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
BVE-49117- 3 16-Nov-28 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden
21823 Pippa Passes (Robert Browning): Year’s at the spring (Accompanied by: Waltz in G Flat,
Frédéric Chopin, Op. 70, No. 1) + Vision of Sir Launfal (James Russell Lowell):
What is so rare as a day in June? (Accompanied by: Song without words (Felix
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Op. 62, No. 30) - “Spring song”) -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Zimbalist, Efrem - violin - (Transcribed from Victor 1154)
Victor Concert Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director - (Transcribed from Victor 21449)
BVE-49116- 2 15-Nov-28 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden
21824 Dear little hen, The (Parker Fillmore) -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Reitz, William H. - traps
BVE-49120- 1 16-Nov-28 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden
21824 Little engine that could, The (Watty Piper - possibly a psuedonym. Original story
“The Pony Engine” by Mary C. Jacobs) -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
Reitz, William H. - traps
BVE-49119- 1 16-Nov-28 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden
21825 Little orphant Annie (James Whitcomb Riley) -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
BVE-19181- 5 15-Nov-28 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden
21825 Seein’ things at night (Eugene Field) -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
BVE-19182- 5 15-Nov-28 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden
21826 Alice in the Looking Glass (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson as “Lewis G. Carroll”):
Jabberwocky -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
BVE-49114- 2 15-Nov-28 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden
21826 Alice in the Looking Glass (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson as “Lewis G. Carroll”):
The walrus and the carpenter -
Hamlin, Sally - talking
BVE-49115- 1 15-Nov-28 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden
21827 Sentimental baby (Jack Miller) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orchestra, Ben Pollack - director
Austin, Gene - tenor
BVE-49221- 2 3-Dec-28 8-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-584
21827 Then came the dawn (Alfred Dubin; Harry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orchestra, Ben Pollack - director
Robertson, Dick - vocal
BVE-49220- 3 3-Dec-28 8-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-626
21828 Bon soir, chérie (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) -
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra, Jacques Renard - director and violin
BVE-47920- 6 3-Dec-28 8-Feb-29 to 1930 New York
HMV: 9-585
21828 In Romany (Mort Harris; William Axt; David Mendoza; Paul Vincent) -
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra, Jacques Renard - director and violin
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-47922- 5 3-Dec-28 8-Feb-29 to 1930 New York
HMV: 9-627
21829 Avalon town (Grant Clark; Nacio Herb Brown) -
ango Fango F
ango Fango F
ango F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Johnny Hamp’s Orchestra
Cropper, Roy - vocal
BVE-48743- 2 13-Dec-28 22-Feb-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-619, AM1899, B5616, K5648 Zonophone: AE2808
21829 Sincerely, I do (Benny Davis; Joe Burke) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Charles Fry and his Million Dollar Pier Orchestra, Charles Fry - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-42957- 3 14-Sep-28 22-Feb-29 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 9-624, AM1899
21830 Don’t be like that (Archie Gottler; Charles Tobias; Maceo Pinkard)
Kane, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-48501- 2 20-Dec-28 8-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3371, B2977, EA486, R10150
21830 Me and the man in the moon (Edgar Leslie; James V. Monaco)
Kane, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-48502- 3 20-Dec-28 8-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3372, B2977, EA486, R10150
20000 / 21000 SERIES 303
21831 Whoopee (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson): Makin’ whoopee
Cantor, Eddie - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49001- 2 18-Dec-28 15-Feb-29 to 1934 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 24330
HMV: 7-2317, B3116 Zonophone: AE3543
21831 Whoopee (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): Hungry women
Cantor, Eddie - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49002- 4 18-Dec-28 15-Feb-29 to 1934 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 24330
HMV: 7-2287, B3116 Zonophone: AE3543
21832 I faw down an go boom (James Brockman; Leonard Stevens;B.B.B.”)
- F - F
- F - F
- F
x trot -x trot -
x trot -x trot -
x trot -
listed as composer in ledger listed as composer in ledger
listed as composer in ledger listed as composer in ledger
listed as composer in ledger
, not card, not card
, not card, not card
, not card
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Gifford, Jack - vocal; McGee, Erwin - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-49022- 2 27-Dec-28 15-Feb-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-580, B5633 Zonophone: AE2736
21832 Shopworn Angel (Film) (Lou Davis; J. Fred Coots): (A precious little thing called)
Love -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Shutta, Ethel - vocal
BVE-47801- 1 3-Oct-28 15-Feb-29 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 9-581 Zonophone: AE3045
21833 Carolina moon (Benny Davis; Joe Burke)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Sannella, Andy - saxophone
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-48447- 2 10-Dec-28 15-Feb-29 to 1944 New York - 46th Street
Victor: 27-0015
HMV: 7-2290, B2995
21833 I wish I had died in my cradle (Before I grew up to love you) (Lew Brown; Max Friedman)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Guitar, piano and violin (NL)
BVE-43512- 1 28-Mar-28 15-Feb-29 to 1944 New York
HMV: 7-2291, B3294
21834 Caressing you (Raymond Klages; Mickey Alpert; Bernardo Fazioli) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jacques Renard and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra, Jacques Renard - director and violin
Wolke, Charles - vocal
BVE-49219- 1 3-Dec-28 15-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-583
21834 Sweetheart of all my dreams (I love you - I love you - I love you)
(Art Fitch; Kay Fitch; Bart Lowe) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Armstrong, Jack - vocal; Napoli, Ralph - vocal; Pastor, Tony (Tony Pestretta) - vocal;
Trotta, Charles - vocal
BVE-49406- 2 21-Dec-28 15-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-582
21835 Spell of the blues, The (Dave Dryer; Herman Ruby; Arthur Johnston)
High Hatters, The (International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director)
Coslow, Sam - baritone
BVE-48499- 3 20-Dec-28 15-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-578, B5626 Zonophone: AE2754
21835 Wipin’ the pan (Willard Robinson; Nathaniel Shilkret; Abel Baer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
High Hatters, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director)
Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-48137- 1 8-Nov-28 15-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-579, B5626 Zonophone: AE2754
21836 Glorianna (Lewis Pollack; Sidney Clare) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal
BVE-48406- 5 14-Dec-28 22-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-625, B5618 Zonophone: AE2849
21836 Love tale of Alsace Lorraine, A (Lou Davis; J.F. Coots) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
James, Lewis - tenor; Keller, Nelson - vocal; Waring, Fred - vocal
BVE-49259- 8 7-Jan-29 22-Feb-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-708, AW2726
21837 In Old Arizona (Film) (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): My Tonia
James, Lewis - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-48503- 2 21-Dec-28 22-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2312 Zonophone: 5316
21837 Monna Vanna (Alfred Dubin; Phil Boutelje)
James, Lewis - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-48504- 2 21-Dec-28 22-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2313 Zonophone: 5316
21838 Lady of the Pavements (Film) (Irving Berlin): Where is the song of songs for me? -
Johnny Hamp’s Kentucky Serenaders, Johnny Hamp - director
Cassidy, Joe - vocal
BVE-48615- 1 22-Nov-28 1-Mar-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-628, B5620, EG1284 Zonophone: AE2808
21838 Synthetic Sin (Film) (Christie and Nathanial Shilkret): Betty
- Fox trot- Fox trot
- Fox trot- Fox trot
- Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-49173- 1 6-Dec-28 1-Mar-29 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 9-629 Zonophone: AE3017
21839 (You wanted someone to play with) I wanted someone to love (George B. McConnell;
Nat Osborn; Frank Capano; Margie Morris) -
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49030- 3 31-Dec-28 22-Feb-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2316, B2993
21839 I’ll get by as long (As long as I have you) (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert)
Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49620- 3 7-Jan-29 22-Feb-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3378, B2991, EA500
21840 Music in May (J. Keirn Brennan; Emil Berte; Maury Rubens): No other love (Was meant for me)
Introducing: I’d like to love them all -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-49189- 7 7-Jan-29 15-Jan-29 to 1931
Regional release
21840 Music in May (J. Keirn Brennan; Maury Rubens): The glory of spring - Introducing:
Lips that laugh at love
Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Ted Weems - director
Jarrett, Arthur - vocal
BVE-49188- 4 7-Jan-29 15-Jan-29 to 1931
Regional release
21841 Battle hymn of the Republic (Julia Ward Howe; Tune of “John Brown’s body”)
Victor Mixed Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges)
: Mary Allen; Della Baker; Elsie Baker;
Helen Clark; Frank Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Wilfred Glenn; Emily Stokes Hager; Charles Harrison;
Edna Indermauer; Lewis James; Olive Kline; Lambert Murphy; Ruth Rodgers; Miss Shaffner;
Elliott Shaw
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-49028- 3 28-Dec-28 1-Mar-29 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4725
20000 / 21000 SERIES 305
21841 Onward, Christian soldiers (Sabine Baring-Gould; Arthur S. Sullivan)
Victor Mixed Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges)
: Mary Allen; Della Baker; Elsie Baker;
Helen Clark; Frank Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Wilfred Glenn; Emily Stokes Hager; Charles Harrison;
Edna Indermauer; Lewis James; Olive Kline; Lambert Murphy; Ruth Rodgers; Miss Shaffner;
Elliott Shaw
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-49027- 2 28-Dec-28 1-Mar-29 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4724
21842 Balm in Gilead
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers: Cole, Marshal - tenor; Culver, William - bass; Ratcliffe, Clarence -
tenor; Skinner, Ben - tenor; Whithington, George - baritone
BVE-43455- 1 13-Apr-28 1-Mar-29 to 1933 Camden
HMV: 4726 Zonophone: 5378
21842 Leaning on the Lord
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual - Negro spiritual
- Negro spiritual
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers: Cole, Marshal - tenor; Culver, William - bass; Ratcliffe, Clarence -
tenor; Skinner, Ben - tenor; Whithington, George - baritone
BVE-43907- 2 24-Apr-28 1-Mar-29 to 1933 New York
HMV: 4727 Zonophone: 5378
21843 American spirit (A. Buglione) -
United States Army Band, Captain William J. Stannard - director Washington - War College
BVE-49423- 3 28-Dec-28 1-Mar-29 to 1944
Renumbered from BVE-47947- 3
HMV: 5-428, GY78, R10130 Zonophone: AE2755
21843 Army and Marine (Starke) -
United States Army Band, Captain William J. Stannard - director
BVE-47948- 4 28-Dec-28 1-Mar-29 to 1944 Washington - War College
HMV: 5-429, GY79, R10130 Zonophone: AE2755
21844 Hold Everything (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Youre
the cream in my coffee
Crawford, Jesse - organ
BVE-48902- 3 13-Jan-29 1-Mar-29 to 1931 New York - Paramount Theatre - 6th Floor
HMV: 2-9481, B3056, EG1470, K5748 Zonophone: AE2928
21844 Me and the man in the moon (Edgar Leslie; James V. Monaco)
Crawford, Jesse - organ
BVE-48901- 4 13-Jan-29 1-Mar-29 to 1931 New York - Paramount Theatre - 6th Floor
HMV: 2-9482
21845 Jack-in-the-box (Zez Confrey) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Zez Confrey and his Orchestra (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
BVE-49262- 4 3-Jan-29 1-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
Victor: X-16190, Pict-Ur-Music 0370
HMV: 9-646, EG1266
21845 Jumping Jack (Herman Ruby; Rube Bloom; Bernie Seaman; Marvin Smolev) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Zez Confrey and his Orchestra (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director)
BVE-49263- 2 17-Dec-28 1-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0369
HMV: 9-645, 9-664, EG1266
21846 In a little town called ‘Home sweet home’ (Walter Donaldson) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal
BVE-49023- 3 27-Dec-28 1-Mar-29 to 1934 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-709, EG1528
21846 When the world is at rest (Lou Davis; Sammy Fain) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-49625- 3 8-Jan-29 1-Mar-29 to 1934 New York
HMV: 9-630, B5623
21847 Carolina moon (Benny Davis; Joe Burke) -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Lorin, Burt (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-49629- 3 10-Jan-29 1-Mar-29 to 1934 New York
HMV: 9-647, EG1453
21847 When summer is gone (Charles Harrison; Monte Wilhite) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-49630- 2 10-Jan-29 1-Mar-29 to 1934 New York
HMV: 9-631
21848 Evrybody loves you (Alfred Dubin; Little Jack Little)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal; Stanley, Aileen - vocal
BVE-49058- 2 11-Jan-29 1-Mar-29 to 1930 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5-4039, B2991
21848 When the world is at rest (Lou Davis; Sammy Fain)
Endor, Chick - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-48460- 2 14-Dec-28 1-Mar-29 to 1930 New York - 46th Street
HMV: 7-2325, B2993
21849 Abie’s Irish Rose (Anne Nichols; James S. Zamecnik): Little Irish Rose
Downey, Morton - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49277- 3 11-Jan-29 1-Mar-29 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2323, B2989
21849 Abie’s Irish Rose (Anne Nichols; James S. Zamecnik): Rosemary
Downey, Morton - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49278- 4 11-Jan-29 1-Mar-29 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2326, B2989
21850 How about me? (Irving Berlin)
Crawford, Jesse - organ
BVE-46499- 2 12-Jan-29 8-Mar-29 to 1931 New York - Paramount Theatre - 6th Floor
HMV: 2-9479
21850 I’ll get by as long (As long as I have you) (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert)
Crawford, Jesse - organ
BVE-48900- 4 13-Jan-29 8-Mar-29 to 1931 New York - Paramount Theatre - 6th Floor
Victor: X-16145, Pict-Ur-Music 0460
HMV: 2-9478
21851 All by yourself in the moonlight (Jay Wallis)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Robison, Carson J. - drums, guitar and washboard
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49029- 6 18-Jan-29 1-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2327
21851 I love you - I love you - I love you - Sweetheart of all my dreams (Art Fitch; Kay Fitch; Bert Lowe)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Robison, Carson J. - drums, guitar and washboard
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-48589- 2 18-Jan-29 1-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2328, B3004
21852 Lucky Boy (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Abel Baer): My mother’s eyes
Jessel, George - baritone
Harry Selinger’s Ensemble, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-48804- 2 18-Jan-29 8-Mar-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 7-2332, B3049, EG1457
21852 When the curtain comes down (Al Sherman; Al Lewis; Carl Hoefle)
Jessel, George - baritone
Harry Selinger’s Ensemble, Leroy Shield - director
BVE-48805- 2 18-Jan-29 8-Mar-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
20000 / 21000 SERIES 307
21853 Dream train (Charles Newman; Billy Baskette) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Parker, Jack - tenor
BVE-49025- 3 17-Jan-29 8-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-655
21853 I got a woman crazy for me: She’s funny that way (Richard A. Whiting; Charles N. Daniels
as “Neil Morét”) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Harold Stokes - director
Fleming, Van - vocal
BVE-48671- 4 17-Jan-29 8-Mar-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-654, B5623, R14181
21854 Hold Everything (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Youre the cream in my coffee
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Rice, Gladys - soprano; Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
BVE-49657- 1 17-Jan-29 8-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4040, B3059
21854 Whoopee (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson): I’m bringing a red, red rose
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
BVE-49658- 3 17-Jan-29 8-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2333 Zonophone: 5467
21855 Glad rag doll (Jack Yellen; Dan Dougherty; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lorin, Burt (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-49615- 3 17-Jan-29 8-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-656, GY76 Zonophone: AE2753
21855 I’ll never ask for more (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal
BVE-49624- 3 8-Jan-29 8-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-657, B5631
21856 Song I love, The (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson; Con Conrad)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49648- 4 24-Jan-29 15-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2331
21856 Weary river (Grant Clarke; Louis Silvers)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49646- 4 24-Jan-29 15-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2330, B2995
21857 Lucky Boy (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Abel Baer): My mother’s eyes -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal
BVE-48816- 3 23-Jan-29 15-Mar-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-651, B5620 Zonophone: AE2805
21857 Mother Knows Best (William Kernell): Sally of my dreams -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orchestra
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-48302- 1 24-Jan-29 15-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-650, EA530
21858 Hello, Daddy (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh): Futuristic rhythm -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orchestra, Ben Pollack - director
Pollack, Ben - vocal
BVE-48287- 2 24-Dec-28 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-653
21858 Hello, Daddy (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh): Let’s sit and talk about you -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orchestra
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal
BVE-48286- 4 24-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-652
21859 Follow Thru (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): I want to be bad -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Mann, Belle - vocal
BVE-49672- 2 22-Jan-29 15-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-649
21859 Follow Thru (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): You wouldn’t fool me,
would you? -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-49671- 2 22-Jan-29 15-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-648
21860 Syncopation (Film) (Bud Green; Harry Ruby; Sam H. Stept): I’ll always be in love with you
Downey, Morton - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49670- 1 21-Jan-29 15-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2335, B3022
21860 Syncopation (Film) (Horatio Nicholls; Edgar Leslie): My inspiration is you
Downey, Morton - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49276- 4 11-Jan-29 15-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2329
21861 Follow Thru (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Button up your overcoat -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Vocal trio (NL)
BVE-48817- 2 23-Jan-29 15-Mar-29 to 1934 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-658 Zonophone: AE2752
21861 Follow Thru (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): My lucky star -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Cropper, Roy - vocal
BVE-48832- 3 28-Jan-29 15-Mar-29 to 1934 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-659 Zonophone: AE2752
21862 I faw down an go boom (James Brockman; Leonard Stevens;B.B.B.)
Cantor, Eddie - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49689- 2 28-Jan-29 22-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2336
21862 I’m wild about horns on automobiles (That go ta-ta-ta-ta) (Clarence Gaskill)
Cantor, Eddie - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49688- 2 28-Jan-29 22-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2337
21863 Follow Thru (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Button up your overcoat
Kane, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49698- 3 30-Jan-29 22-Mar-29 to 1932 New York
HMV: 3-3379, B3133, R10149
21863 Follow Thru (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): I want to be bad
Kane, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49699- 3 30-Jan-29 22-Mar-29 to 1932 New York
HMV: 3-3380, B3133, R10149
21864 Goin’ back to Tennessee (Boyd Senter) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Boyd Senter and his Senterpedes, Boyd Senter - director and clarinet
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-49702- 2 30-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1941 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Aurora 36-202, Bluebird B-6203
HMV: 9-677, R14133
20000 / 21000 SERIES 309
21864 Wabash blues (Dave Ringle; Fred Meinken) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Boyd Senter and his Senterpedes, Boyd Senter - director and clarinet
BVE-49701- 2 30-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1941 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Aurora 36-202, Bluebird B-5455
HMV: 9-676, EA1302, R14133
21865 Forza del Destino, La (Giuseppe Verdi): Overture - Part 1
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45157- 2 21-May-28 29-Mar-29 to 1941 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6037
HMV: 9-678, R10209
21865 Forza del Destino, La (Giuseppe Verdi): Overture - Part 2
Victor Symphony Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-45159- 3 21-May-28 29-Mar-29 to 1941 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: Montgomery Ward M-6037
HMV: 9-679, R10209
21866 If I had you (Ted Shapiro; Jimmy Campbell; Reg. Connelly)
Robison, Willard, “The Whispering Baritone” - vocal and piano
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49687- 1 28-Jan-29 22-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2353
21866 Sun is at my wndow, The (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; George W. Meyer)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Smalle, Ed - vocal; Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49253- 3 12-Dec-28 22-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4041, B3024
21867 All by yourself in the moonlight (Jay Wallis) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Saxe, Phil - vocal Trio - vocal (NL)
BVE-48578- 3 16-Jan-29 22-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-685, EA513
21867 If I had you (Ted Shapiro; Jimmy Campbell; Reg. Connelly) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Lorin, Bert (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-48577- 6 6-Feb-29 22-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-684, EA513
21868 Deep night (Rudy Vallée; Charlie Henderson) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-49925- 2 6-Feb-29 22-Mar-29 to 1934 New York
HMV: 9-687
21868 Weary river (Grant Clarke; Louis Silvers) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-49926- 3 6-Feb-29 22-Mar-29 to 1934 New York
HMV: 9-686 Zonophone: AE2795
21869 Honey (Haven Gillespie; Seymour Simons; Richard A. Whiting) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-49930- 2 7-Feb-29 22-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-701
21869 Sweet Suzanne (Edgar Leslie; Joseph G. Gilbert) -
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-49928- 3 7-Feb-29 22-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-700, AM2254, B5669
21870 Syncopation (Film) (Bud Green; Harry Ruby; Sam H. Stept): I’ll always be in love with you
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal Chorus (NL)
BVE-48852- 2 4-Feb-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-697, B5648 Zonophone: AE2819
21870 Syncopation (Film) (Dick Myers; Leo Robin): Jericho -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-49056- 6 4-Feb-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-696, B5648 Zonophone: AE2819
21871 Can you blame me (‘Cause I fell in love with you)? (Joe Goodwin; Larry Shay) -
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Harold Stokes - director
BVE-48801- 4 17-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-699, EA519, R14132
21871 My Angeline (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Mabel Wayne) -
Henry Thies and his Hotel Sinton Orchestra, Henry Thies - director
Dewey, Don - vocal
BVE-48809- 3 22-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-698
21872 At dawning I love you (Nellie Eberhart; Charles Wakefield Cadman, Op. 29, No. 1)
Tyau, M.T.Z. - female vocal
XVE-02206- 1 27-Sep-28 Exp-29 to NL Peking, China
21872 By the waters of Minnetonka (Cavanese; Thurlow Lieurance) - “An Indian love song”
Tyau, M.T.Z. - female vocal
XVE-02207- 1 27-Sep-28 Exp-29 to NL Peking, China
21873 NR Lungi dal caro bene (Antonio Secchi)
Tyau, M.T.Z. - female vocal
XVE-02209- 1 27-Sep-28
Not released
Peking, China
21873 NR Traviata, La (Giuseppe Verdi): Ah, fors’e lui
Tyau, M.T.Z. - female vocal
XVE-02208- 1 27-Sep-28
Not released
Peking, China
21874 Give your little baby lots of lovin’ (Dolly Morse; Joe Burke)
Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49693- 3 29-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3388, B3014
21874 I’ll never ask for more (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert)
Stanley, Aileen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49694- 1 29-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3387, B3014
21875 Looping the Loop (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Lewis Pollack): Poor Punchinello
Vettel, Frederick - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49632- 6 31-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2362, B3055
21875 Spell of the blues, The (Dave Dryer; Herman Ruby; Arthur Johnston)
Vettel, Frederick - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49633- 6 31-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2361, B3055
21876 When summer is gone (Charles Harrison; Monte Wilhite)
Crawford, Jesse - organ
BVE-48916- 3 17-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York - Paramount Theatre
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0463
HMV: 2-9485, AM2284, B3003, R10136
20000 / 21000 SERIES 311
21876 Where the shy little violets grow (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Harry Warren)
Crawford, Jesse - organ
BVE-48915- 2 17-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York - Paramount Theatre
HMV: 2-9484, AM2284, B3003, R10136
21877 Cautro milpas - “Four little farms” -
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Guitar - “played by saxophone player” (NL)
BVE-36868- 1 25-Oct-26 29-Mar-29 to 1932 New York
Victor: 78984
HMV: 9-702
21877 Morir sonando (Estrada) -
To die dreaming”
International Novelty Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Guitar - “played by saxophone player” (NL)
BVE-36867- 1 25-Oct-26 29-Mar-29 to 1932 New York
Victor: 78984, 82135
HMV: 9-703
21878 Redskin (Film) (Harry David Kerr; James S. Zamecnik): Redskin
Clark, Helen - soprano
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49921- 2 5-Feb-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3389, B3019, EA551
21878 Wolf Song, The (Film) (Alfred Bryan; Richard A. Whiting):Yo te amo” means “I love you
Oliver, Paul (Frank Munn) - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49937- 1 8-Feb-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2363, B3019
21879 Noah’s Ark (Film) (Billy Rose; Louis Silvers): Heart o mine
Oliver, Paul (Frank Munn) - tenor
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-49683- 1 24-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2368, B3012, R10315
21879 Noah’s Ark (Film) (Billy Rose; Louis Silvers): Old timer
Oliver, Paul (Frank Munn) - tenor
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-49682- 1 24-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1930 New York
HMV: 7-2364, B3012, R10315
21880 Coquette (Irving Berlin) -
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-49929- 2 7-Feb-29 29-Mar-29 to 1934 New York
HMV: 9-821, B5643 Zonophone: AE2795
21880 New Moon, The (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg): Lover, come back to me -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-49718- 5 25-Feb-29 29-Mar-29 to 1934 New York
HMV: 9-704
21881 That’s her now (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lorin, Burt (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-49298- 3 27-Dec-28 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-706
21881 That’s how I feel about you (Benny Davis; Archie Gottler) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Fred - vocal Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-48843- 3 31-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-705
21882 Glad rag doll (Jack Yellen; Dan Dougherty; Milton Ager)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49946- 1 13-Feb-29 5-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2365
21882 Sweet forget-me-not (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ange Lorenzo; Richard A. Whiting)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49947- 1 13-Feb-29 5-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2366, B3022, EG1432
21883 New Moon, The (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg): Lover, come back to me
Herbert, Evelyn - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49605- 8 5-Feb-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
21883 New Moon, The (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg): One kiss
Herbert, Evelyn - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49606- 5 8-Jan-29 29-Mar-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3391
21884 Noah’s Ark (Film) (Billy Rose; Louis Silvers): Old timer -
Art Kassel and his Orchestra, Art Kassel - director and saxophone
Kassel, Art - vocal
BVE-48820- 2 24-Jan-29 5-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-710 Zonophone: AE2827
21884 Waltz I can’t forget, The (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Carmen Lombardo) -
Art Kassel and his Orchestra, Art Kassel - director and saxophone
Kassel, Art - vocal; Sylvano, Frank - vocal
BVE-48876- 3 9-Feb-29 5-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-711
21885 He, she and me (Charles Newman; Carmen Lombardo) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Art Kassel and his Orchestra, Art Kassel - director and saxophone
Kassel, Art - vocal
BVE-48818- 5 9-Feb-29 5-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
21885 I wish I knew (Will J. Harris; Victor Young) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Art Kassel and his Orchestra, Art Kassel - director and saxophone
Sylvano, Frank - vocal
BVE-48819- 3 24-Jan-29 5-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-712
21886 Broadway Melody, The (Film) (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown): Broadway melody -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Four Rajahs, The - vocal (NL)
BVE-49958- 2 15-Feb-29 5-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-714, B5635, EG1377, K5732 Zonophone: AE2828
21886 Broadway Melody, The (Film) (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown): You were meant for me -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lorin, Burt (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-49959- 3 15-Feb-29 5-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-713, B5635, EG1377, K5732 Zonophone: AE2828
21887 Happy humming bird (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49695- 1 29-Jan-29 12-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4047
21887 My troubles are over (Edgar Leslie; James V. Monaco)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49696- 3 29-Jan-29 12-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4046
20000 / 21000 SERIES 313
21888 Outside (Frank Flynn) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, Irving Aaronson - director
Pastor, Tony (Tony Pestretta) - vocal; Trotta, Charles - vocal; Chorus (NL)
BVE-49927- 2 6-Feb-29 12-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-933, B5667, EA596
21888 Won’t you tell me, hon? (When we’re gonna be one) (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young;
Harry Warren) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Culley, Fred - vocal; Foster, Francis - vocal; McClintock, Poley - vocal;
Townsend, Bill - vocal; Waring, Fred - vocal
BVE-49046- 5 31-Jan-29 12-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-715, AM2200 Zonophone: AE2805
21889 Gang War (Film) (Al Sherman; Al Lewis; Abe Lyman): Ya comin’ up to-night, huh?
- -
- -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Harold Stokes - director
Mathews, Gertrude - vocal; Mathews, Lucile - vocal; Stokes, Harold - vocal;
Woodson, Greta - “Whispering contralto”
BVE-48778- 2 14-Jan-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-741
21889 Take a good look at mine (Phil Ponce; Dan Dougherty) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra, Harold Stokes - director
Stokes, Harold - vocal
BVE-48777- 3 14-Jan-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-742, R14163
21890 Rose of Mandalay (Ted Koehler; Frank Magine) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Henry Thies and his Hotel Sinton Orchestra, Henry Thies - director
Dewey, Don - vocal
BVE-48807- 4 21-Jan-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-743
21890 Sweet Lisa (Walter Hirsch; Milton Samuels) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Henry Thies and his Hotel Sinton Orchestra, Henry Thies - director
Dewey, Don - vocal
BVE-48815- 5 18-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-744
21891 Mississippi, here I am (Bernie Grossman; Arthur Sizemore) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra, Joe Sanders - director and piano
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal; Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-48879- 2 12-Feb-29 12-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-716, AM2198
21891 Rhythm king (Jo Trent; Joe Hoover) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal
BVE-48725- 2 12-Dec-28 12-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-717, AM2198
21892 Caressing you (Raymond Klages; Mickey Alpert; Bernardo Fazioli)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal; Smalle, Ed - vocal and piano
Small orchestra
BVE-49977- 5 27-Feb-29 5-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4049, B3024
21892 Shopworn Angel (Film) (Lou Davis; J. Fred Coots): A precious little thing called love
Marvin, Johnny - vocal; Smalle, Ed - vocal and piano
Small orchestra
BVE-49976- 6 27-Feb-29 5-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4048
21893 That’s what I call heaven (Alfred Solman; George Brown; Dale Wimbrow)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Robertson, Dick - vocal; Smalle, Ed - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49988- 2 23-Feb-29 12-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2370, B3063
21893 Wedding bells (Are breaking up that old gang of mine) (Irving Kahal; Willie Raskin; Sammy Fain)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Robertson, Dick - vocal; Smalle, Ed - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49989- 3 23-Feb-29 12-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2369, B3063
21894 Fioretta (Grace Henry; Jo Trent; George Bagby): Dream boat -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Parker, Jack - tenor
BVE-49967- 2 19-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-783 Zonophone: AE2827
21894 Fioretta (Grace Henry; Jo Trent; George Bagby): Fioretta -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; Parker, Jack - tenor
BVE-49968- 2 19-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-782 Zonophone: AE2792
21895 Bless you, sister (Al Davis; J. Russel Robinson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal
BVE-48726- 2 12-Dec-28 May-29 to 1931
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21895 Little orphan Annie (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Joe L. Sanders) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra
Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-48657- 1 3-Dec-28 May-29 to 1931
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21896 Children of the Ritz (Lewis Pollack; Nathaniel Shilkret): Some sweet day -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-49931- 3 7-Feb-29 12-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-751 Zonophone: AE2995
21896 Divine Lady (Richard Kountz; Nathaniel Shilkret): Lady Divine -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
BVE-49997- 2 27-Feb-29 12-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-750, B5642 Zonophone: AE2995
21897 Flying Fleet, The (Film) (Raymond Klages; William Axt; David Mendoza):
Youre the only one for me -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
BVE-49983- 3 21-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-785 Zonophone: AE2820
21897 Shady Lady (Film) (Howard E. Johnson; J. Zuro; F. Gremon; J. Grunn) - Shady lady -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Roger Wolfe Kahn and his Orchestra, Roger Wolfe Kahn - director
Lorin, Burt (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-49982- 2 21-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-784
21898 Coquette (Irving Berlin)
Oliver, Paul (Frank Munn) - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49936- 1 8-Feb-29 19-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2382
21898 Divine Lady (Richard Kountz; Nathaniel Shilkret): Lady Divine
Oliver, Paul (Frank Munn) - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49998- 3 27-Feb-29 19-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2381, B3018
20000 / 21000 SERIES 315
21899 King of Borneo, The (Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor
BVE-48306- 3 25-Jan-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2388, B3065
21899 Road to Vicksburg, The (Frank Crumit)
Crumit, Frank - tenor and banjo-ukulele
Reitz, William H. - traps; Robison, Carson J. - talking
BVE-45009- 2 4-Dec-28 26-Apr-29 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 7-2387, B3065
21900 I used to love her in the moonlight (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Ted Fiorito) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal
BVE-50505- 2 20-Feb-29 19-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-745 Zonophone: AE2726
21900 My castle in Spain is a shack in the lane (Irving Caesar; Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal
BVE-50504- 4 20-Feb-29 19-Apr-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-858, B5672
21901 Matador (Ramoniz) - “Latin American march”
United States Army Band, Captain William J. Stannard - director
BVE-47950- 2 28-Dec-28 Aug-29 to 1931 Washington - War College
21901 San Lorenzo (O.A. Silva; Arr. Theodore Bingerb) - “Latin American march”
United States Army Band, Captain William J. Stannard - director
BVE-47949- 3 28-Dec-28 Aug-29 to 1931 Washington - War College
21902 Fashionette (Jack Glogan; Robert A. King)
Arden, Victor - piano
Ohman, Phil - piano
BVE-49944- 3 12-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 8599, B3066
21902 Sweet nothing (Milton J. Rettenberg)
Shilkret’s Rhythm Melodists, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Armer - bass viol; Krumgold, Sigmund - organ; Raderman, Louis - violin;
Rettenberg, Milton J. - piano
BVE-47483- 1 22-Sep-28 26-Apr-29 to 1931 Camden - Church
HMV: 8598, B3066
21903 (When I’m walkin’ with my sweetness) Down among the sugar cane (Charles Tobias;
Sidney Clare; Peter de Rose) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Bennie Krueger and his Orchestra, Bennie Krueger - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-50900- 2 28-Feb-29 19-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-780, EG1425
21903 That’s the good old sunny South (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Bennie Krueger and his Orchestra, Bennie Krueger - director
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
BVE-49999- 2 28-Feb-29 19-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-779, B5643
21904 Lady of the Pavements (Film) (Irving Berlin): Where is the song of songs for me?
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra with men from Camden, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-49757- 3 28-Feb-29 19-Apr-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2383
21904 When summer is gone (Charles Harrison; Monte Wilhite)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra with men from Camden, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-49758- 2 28-Feb-29 19-Apr-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2398
21905 Lady Fingers (Edward Eliscu; Joseph Meyer): Something to live for -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Robertson, Dick - vocal
BVE-50901- 2 28-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-786
21905 Lady Fingers (Edward Eliscu; Joseph Meyer): Youre perfect -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Robertson, Dick - vocal
BVE-50902- 2 28-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-787
21906 Sleepy Honolulu town (Mary Earl; Ted Fiorito; Harry Warren)
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-45863- 1 9-Jul-28 26-Apr-29 to 1941 New York
HMV: 9-815, AM2201, EG1286
21906 Sweet Hawaiian dream girl (Spencer Williams; Joe Green) -
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-50903- 3 1-Mar-29 26-Apr-29 to 1941 New York
HMV: 9-788
21907 Just an old love affair (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles Rosoff) -
Bernie Cummins and his Biltmore Orchestra, Bernie Cummins - director
Cummins, Walter - vocal
BVE-49996- 2 27-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-749
21907 ‘Till we meet (Lou Davis; Ted Fioretta)
- F- F
- F- F
- F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Bernie Cummins and his Biltmore Orchestra, Bernie Cummins - director
Cummins, Bernie - vocal; Cummins, Walter - vocal; Roberts, Paul - vocal
BVE-49995- 3 27-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-748
21908 Iron Mask, The (Film) (Jo Trent; Hugo Riesenfeld; Louis Alter): One for all, all for one -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-49899- 2 7-Mar-29 19-Apr-29 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 9-781, B5642, EG1419 Zonophone: AE2792
21908 Why be Good? (Lou Davis; J. Fred Coots): I’m thirsty for kisses, hungry for love -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Robertson, Dick - vocal
BVE-49932- 2 7-Feb-29 19-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-891, B5668
21909 Good little, bad little you (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
High Hatters, The (Victor Novelty Orchestra) Leonard Joy - director
Luther, Frank - tenor; Stokes, Len - vocal; Weyant, Randolph - vocal
BVE-50925- 4 19-Mar-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-817
21909 Plucky Lindy’s lucky day (Charley Abbott; Dale Winbrow; Arr.Christie) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
High Hatters, The (Victor Novelty Orchestra) Leonard Joy - director
Luther, Frank - tenor; Stokes, Len - vocal; Weyant, Randolph - vocal
BVE-50924- 6 19-Mar-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-816
21910 Dear, when I met you (A. Seymour Brown; Albert von Tilzer) -
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra, Edwin J. McEnelly - director and violin
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-48533- 9 21-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-818, B5699
21910 Raquel (George Whiting; Joe Burke)
- -
- -
altz -altz -
altz -altz -
altz -
From “Earl Carroll’s Vanities”
Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra, Edwin J. McEnelly - director and violin
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-48534- 8 21-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-819
20000 / 21000 SERIES 317
21911 Bye and bye, sweetheart (Jack Yellen; Buddy Valentine; Joseph Ford)
Melody Three, The (Luther Trio): Dewey, Phil - vocal; Luther, Frank - tenor; Parker, Jack - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49994- 1 25-Feb-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4053
21911 Raquel (George Whiting; Joe Burke; Arr. Frank J. Black) - From “Earl Carroll’s Vanities”
Revelers, The: Glenn, Wilfred - bass; James, Lewis - tenor; Melton, James - tenor;
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
Black, Frank J. - piano
BVE-49048- 6 23-Jan-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4054, B3059, EG1481, K5737 Zonophone: AE2797
21912 Doin’ you good (Boyd Senter) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Boyd Senter and his Senterpedes, Boyd Senter - director and clarinet
Small, Paul - tenor
BVE-49780- 2 13-Mar-29 26-Apr-29 to 1941 New York
HMV: 9-809, EG1422
21912 Shine (Cecil Mack; Lew Brown; Ford Dabney -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Boyd Senter and his Senterpedes, Boyd Senter - director and clarinet
Small, Paul - tenor
BVE-49781- 3 13-Mar-29 26-Apr-29 to 1941 New York
HMV: 9-808, EG1422
21913 She Goes to War (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry Akst): There is a happy land -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-50934- 2 13-Mar-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-811, B5670, EA546
21913 Wedding bells (Are breaking up that old gang of mine) (Irving Kahal; Willie Raskin;
Sammy Fain) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Shaw, Elliott - baritone
BVE-50932- 2 12-Mar-29 26-Apr-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-810, B5668
21914 Go, U Northwestern (Teho C. van Etten ’13; Arr. Harry L. Alford)
Northwestern University Band and Glee Club, G.C. Bainum - director
BVE-50533- 3 27-Feb-29 20-Mar-29 to 1944
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21914 Quaecumque sunt vera - In Latin
Northwestern University Band and Glee Club, G.C. Bainum - director
BVE-50532- 1 27-Feb-29 20-Mar-29 to 1944
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21915 Dream mother (Al Lewis; Al Sherman; Joe Burke)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-50937- 3 13-Mar-29 3-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2400, B3077, EG1520
21915 Garden in the rain, A (James Dyrenforth; Carroll Gibbons)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-50936- 2 13-Mar-29 3-May-29 to 1931 New York
Victor: X-16049, Bluebird B-7557*
HMV: 7-2401
21916 Dream girl of Pi Kappa Alpha (Ernest Shields)
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-48445- 2 10-Dec-28 14-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - 46th Street
Victor: Bluebird B-7751
HMV: 7-2414
21916 My sorority sweetheart (Al Sherman; Al Lewis)
Austin, Gene - tenor
MacGimsey, Bob - whistler
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-48446- 2 10-Dec-28 14-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - 46th Street
HMV: 7-2403
21917 Nothing but the Truth (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept): Do something
Kane, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-50945- 3 15-Mar-29 3-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3401, B3050, R10153
21917 That’s why I’m happy (Herb Magidson; Michael M. Cleary)
Kane, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-50946- 4 15-Mar-29 3-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 3-3402, B3050, R10153
21918 Innocents of Paris (Film) (Leo Robin; Richard A. Whiting): Louise
Chevalier, Maurice - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-50942- 2 14-Mar-29 10-May-29 to 1934 New York
HMV: 7-2402, B3073, JO382, K5663 Zonophone: AE2788
21918 Innocents of Paris (Film) (Leo Robin; Richard A. Whiting): Wait till you see “Ma chérie”
Chevalier, Maurice - baritone
Orchestra, Tom Griselle - director
BVE-49783- 2 15-Mar-29 10-May-29 to 1934 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 26-7003
HMV: 7-2411, B3089, K5663
21919 Dixie (Daniel Emmett; Arr. Rosario Bourdon)
Victor Male Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges)
: Fred Baer; Stanley Baughman; Frank
Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Wilfred Glenn; Charles Harrison; Charles Hart; Judson House; Foster
House; Jackson Kinsey; Justin Lawrie; Lewis James; Lambert Murphy; Elliott Shaw; James Stanley
Brass Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-49020- 3 26-Dec-28 31-May-29 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4730
21919 Maryland, my Maryland (James R. Randall; Tune of “O tannenbaum”; Arr. Rosario Bourdon)
Victor Male Chorus
(See artist’s index for vocal ranges)
: Fred Baer; Stanley Baughman; Frank
Croxton; Royal Dadmun; Wilfred Glenn; Charles Harrison; Charles Hart; Judson House; Foster
House; Jackson Kinsey; Justin Lawrie; Lewis James; Lambert Murphy; Elliott Shaw; James Stanley
Brass Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-49021- 2 26-Dec-28 31-May-29 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4731
21920 Tide of Empire (Film) (Fritz Rotter; Ralph Erwin): I kiss your hand, madame -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Leo Reisman and his Orchestra, Leo Reisman - director
Weeks, Ran - vocal
BVE-50947- 4 18-Mar-29 3-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-833
21920 Tide of Empire (Film) (Roy Klages; Jesse Greer): Josephita -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Leo Reisman and his Orchestra, Leo Reisman - director
James, Lewis - tenor
BVE-50930- 2 12-Mar-29 3-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-834, EG1558
21921 Mean to me (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Leo Reisman and his Orchestra, Leo Reisman - director
Weeks, Ran - vocal
BVE-50929- 3 12-Mar-29 3-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-823, EG1285
21921 That’s what I call heaven (Alfred Solman; George Brown; Dale Wimbrow) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Leo Reisman and his Orchestra, Leo Reisman - director
Weeks, Ran - vocal
BVE-50931- 2 12-Mar-29 3-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-824, B5653, EG1285 Zonophone: AE2794
21922 Good little, bad little you (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept)
Endor, Chick - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-46394- 5 20-Mar-29 3-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2399, B3115, EA613
20000 / 21000 SERIES 319
21922 Whoopee (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson): Love me or leave me
Endor, Chick - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-50764- 3 20-Mar-29 3-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2452, B3115
21923 Spring is Here (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): With a song in my heart -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Leo Reisman and his Orchestra, Leo Reisman - director
Weeks, Ran - vocal
BVE-50949- 2 1-Apr-29 31-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-825
21923 Spring is Here (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): Yours sincerely -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Leo Reisman and his Orchestra, Leo Reisman - director
Weeks, Ran - vocal
BVE-50950- 4 1-Apr-29 31-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-856
21924 Bye and bye, sweetheart (Jack Yellen; Buddy Valentine; Joseph Ford) -
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-49719- 4 25-Feb-29 10-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-835
21924 My time is your time (Eric Little; Leo Dance) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-49720- 5 25-Feb-29 10-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-836
21925 Chicken (Old folk song)
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers, C.H. Hyne - director: Cole, Marshal - tenor; Culver, William - bass;
Skinner, Ben - tenor; Whithington, George - baritone -
“Woodington” listed in ledger as the baritone
BVE-49787- 2 25-Mar-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4735
21925 Peter on the sea (Old folk song)
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers, C.H. Hyne - director: Cole, Marshal - tenor; Culver, William - bass;
Skinner, Ben - tenor; Whithington, George - baritone -
“Woodington” listed in ledger as the baritone
BVE-49789- 2 25-Mar-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 4736
21926 Perfect day, A (Carrie Jacob-Bonds)
Cavaliers, The - male quartet, Tom Griselle - director: O’Rourke, Leo - tenor;
Seagle, John - baritone; Stevens, Robert - tenor; Woodyard, Darrel - bass
Buttolph, David - piano; Kellner, Murray - violin
BVE-50722- 6 25-Mar-29 31-May-29 to 1941 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5-4058, B3142
21926 Slumber boat, The (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor)
Cavaliers, The - male quartet, Tom Griselle - director: O’Rourke, Leo - tenor;
Seagle, John - baritone; Stevens, Robert - tenor; Woodyard, Darrel - bass
Buttolph, David - piano
BVE-50723- 5 25-Mar-29 31-May-29 to 1941 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5-4057, B3142
21927 Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 (Film) (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con Conrad):
That’s you, baby -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
McGee, Erwin - vocal
BVE-50964- 2 22-Mar-29 31-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-837, AM2194, B5654, EG1424
21927 Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 (Film) (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con Conrad):
Walking with Susie -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-50963- 2 22-Mar-29 31-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-849, B5655
21928 Deep night (Rudy Vallée; Charlie Henderson)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Rettenberg, Milton J. - celeste
BVE-49796- 3 27-Mar-29 31-May-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-850, B3074, K5851, R10184
21928 If I had you (Jimmy Campbell; Ted Shapiro)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49797- 2 27-Mar-29 31-May-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-851, B3074, K5851, R10184
21929 Dance of the paper dolls (Johnny Tucker; Joe Schuster; John Siras)
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
BVE-50976- 4 26-Mar-29 31-May-29 to 1941 New York
HMV: 2-8005, B3075, R10167
21929 Ragamuffin (Jesse Greer)
Arden, Victor - piano; Ohman, Phil - piano
BVE-50975- 3 26-Mar-29 31-May-29 to 1941 New York
HMV: 2-8006, B3075
21930 Mean to me (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert)
Morgan, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-50918- 2 6-Mar-29 10-May-29 to 1932 New York
HMV: 3-3405, B3058
21930 Who cares what you have been? (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Martin Freed) -
From “Ziegfeld’s Midnight Frolic”
Morgan, Helen - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-50917- 3 6-Mar-29 10-May-29 to 1932 New York
HMV: 3-3404, B3058
21931 Pagan, The (Film) (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown): Pagan love song -
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Munn, Frank - tenor
BVE-51012- 2 7-Mar-29 10-May-29 to 1934 Camden
HMV: 9-838, EG1426
21931 Song of the West (Oscar Hammerstein II; Vincent Youmans): The one girl -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
High Hatters, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director)
Luther, Frank - tenor
BVE-50933- 4 28-Mar-29 10-May-29 to 1934 New York
HMV: 9-846, B5823
21932 Lady of the Pavements (Film) (Irving Berlin): Where is the song of songs for me?
Velez, Lupe - contralto
BVE-51107- 3 30-Mar-29 31-May-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 3-3406, EA535, K5902 Zonophone: 5425
21932 Wolf Song, The (Film) (Harry Warren; Sam M. Lewis; Joseph Young): Mi amado
Velez, Lupe - contralto
BVE-51106- 1 30-Mar-29 31-May-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 3-3420, EA535, K5902 Zonophone: 5425
21933 Carolina moon (Benny Davis; Joe Burke)
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-48950- 5 1-Apr-29 17-May-29 to 1934 New York - Paramount Theatre
HMV: 2-9507, B3069, EG1854, K5742, R10202
21933 Shopworn Angel (Film) (Lou Davis; J. Fred Coots): A precious little thing called love
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-48951- 3 1-Apr-29 17-May-29 to 1934 New York - Paramount Theatre
HMV: 2-9506, B3069, K5742, R10202
20000 / 21000 SERIES 321
21934 Cornell medley (Arr. George L. Coleman)
Cornell University Orchestra, George L. Coleman - director
Cornell Banjo and Mandolin Club, Harry Marietta - director
BVE-51130- 2 5-Apr-29 10-Apr-29 to 1944
Regional release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
21934 Cornell University Alma mater (A.C. Weeks ’72) + Crew song (William Lewton Mood)
Cornell University Glee Club, Eric Dudley - director
Piano (NL)
BVE-51129- 2 5-Apr-29 10-Apr-29 to 1944
Regional release
New York - Liederkranz Hall
21935 Battleship Connecticut (James M. Fulton) -
Victor Symphonic Band (Band special, Rosario Bourdon - director) (musicians listed)
BVE-49816- 2 31-Jan-29 Jun-29 to 1931+ Camden
21935 Wakeup march (C.W. Bennett) -
Victor Symphonic Band (Band special, Rosario Bourdon - director) (musicians listed)
BVE-49815- 2 31-Jan-29 Jun-29 to 1931+ Camden
21936 Awake, my soul (George Frederic Handel) + Forsaken (Thomas Koschat) +
Farewell to the forest (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) -
Victor Symphonic Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-49186- 2 14-Dec-28 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden - Studio 1
21936 Old hundred (Louis Bourgeois) + Adeste fideles (Reading) + Onward Christian soldiers
(Arthur S. Sullivan) + Now the day is over (Joseph Barnby) -
Victor Symphonic Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-49185- 3 14-Dec-28 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden - Studio 1
21937 Chimes of Normandy, The (Robert Planquette): On billows rocking + Silent heroes -
Victor Symphonic Band (Band special, Rosario Bourdon - director) (musicians listed)
BVE-49814- 2 31-Jan-29 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden
21937 Faust (Charles Gounod): O tender moon + Martha (Friedrich von Flotow): Quintette -
Victor Symphonic Band (Band special, Rosario Bourdon - director) (musicians listed)
BVE-49813- 2 31-Jan-29 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden
21938 Skaters waltz, The (Emil Waldteufel) + Don Juan (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart):
Minuet + Amaryllis (Henry Ghys): Air Louis XIII - Gavotte -
Victor Symphonic Band (Band special, Rosario Bourdon - director) (musicians listed)
BVE-49804- 2 29-Jan-29 Jun-29 to Apr-53 Camden
21938 Waltz in A Flat (Johannes Brahms, Op. 39, No. 15) + Stars of the summer night
(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; Isaac Baker Woodbury) + Believe me, if all those
endearing young charms (Irish air) -
Victor Symphonic Band, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-49187- 2 14-Dec-28 Jun-29 to Apr-53 Camden - Studio 1
21939 Kansas City Kitty (Edgar Leslie; Walter Donaldson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra, Joe Sanders - director and piano
Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-50519- 3 23-Feb-29 17-May-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-859
21939 Tennessee lazy (Carleton A. Coon; Joe L. Sanders) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Coon-Sanders Orchestra, Joe Sanders - director and piano
Sanders, Joe L. - vocal
BVE-48880- 2 12-Feb-29 17-May-29 to 1931 Chicago - Victor Lab
HMV: 9-860
21940 Mother’s Boy (Film) (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept): I’ll always be mother’s boy
Downey, Morton - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-50928- 6 11-Mar-29 17-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2412, B3052, EG1456
21940 Mother’s Boy (Film) (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept): There’ll be you and I
Downey, Morton - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-50752- 2 13-Mar-29 17-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2413, B3052, EG1456
21941 Innocents of Paris (Film) (Leo Robin; Richard A. Whiting): Louise -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orchestra, Ben Pollack - director
Roberts, Charles (Smith Ballew) - vocal
BVE-50905- 2 1-Mar-29 24-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-857, EA543 Zonophone: AE2787
21941 Innocents of Paris (Film) (Leo Robin; Richard A. Whiting): Wait till you see
“Ma chérie” -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orchestra, Ben Pollack - director
Roberts, Charles (Smith Ballew) - vocal
BVE-50906- 3 1-Mar-29 24-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-852, EA543, R14182 Zonophone: AE2787
21942 Dream mother (Al Lewis; Al Sherman; Joe Burke) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Borger, Bob - vocal; Frey, Fran - vocal; Rice, Bob - vocal
BVE-50980- 2 27-Mar-29 17-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-847
21942 Garden in the rain, A (James Dyrenforth; Carroll Gibbons) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, Eddie Kilfeather - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-50981- 6 10-Apr-29 17-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-848
21943 (You can’t take away) The things that were made for love (Charles Tobias; Irving Kahal;
Peter de Rose) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-50935- 2 13-Mar-29 17-May-29 to 1931 New York
Victor: X-16049, Pict-Ur-Music 0459
HMV: 9-843
21943 I get the blues when it rains (Maidie Weaver; Ford; Glenn) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lorin, Bert (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-51604- 1 4-Apr-29 17-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-842, AM2305, B5678, K5790
21944 My kinda love (Jo Trent, Lou Alter) - Spiritual blues
Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orchestra, Ben Pollack - director
Pollack, Ben - vocal
BVE-50912- 2 5-Mar-29 17-May-29 to 1931 New York
21944 On with the dance (James V. Monaco; Edgar Leslie; Alfred Dubin;
Arr. Glenn Miller) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben Pollack and his Park Central Orchestra, Ben Pollack - director
BVE-50913- 2 5-Mar-29 17-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-845
21945 Golliwog’s cake walk (Claude Debussy) -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
BVE-51027- 2 12-Mar-29 Jun-29 to 1951 Camden
21945 Hurdy-gurdy man, The (Goossens, Op. 18, No. 3) + The little shepherd
(Claude Debussy) -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
BVE-51031- 2 15-Mar-29 Jun-29 to 1951 Camden
21946 NR Klavier Trio, No. 3 (Franz Josef Haydn): Rondo in C Major - Finale -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-50895- 3 3-Jun-29
Not released
Victor: 22018
21946 NR Piano Trio, No. 1 in G (Franz Josef Haydn) “Rondo all’ Ungarese” -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Barone, Clement - flute; Cook, Fred - violin; Lennartz, Alfred - cello
BVE-51024- 2 12-Mar-29
Not released
20000 / 21000 SERIES 323
21946 NR Sonata in A Major (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Cook, Fred - violin
BVE-51026- 2 12-Mar-29
Not released
Victor: 22018
21947 Pastorale grosso, No. 8 (Arcangelo Corelli) -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director: Cahan - string bass; Cook, Fred - violin;
Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Pasternack, Sam - viola; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-51029- 2 15-Mar-29 Jun-29 to 1941 Camden
21947 Sonata (J.B. Loeillet) - Allegro+ Gavotte + Aria -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Barone, Clement - flute
BVE-51025- 3 12-Mar-29 Jun-29 to 1941 Camden
21948 Trio Sonata in G Major (Johann Sebastian Bach) -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Barone, Clement - flute; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-51034- 2 15-Mar-29 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden
21948 Trout Quartet for Strings and Piano (Franz Schubert): Scherzo -
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director: Cahan - string bass; Cook, Fred - violin;
Lennartz, Alfred - cello; Pasternack, Sam - viola; Schmidt, Alexander - violin
BVE-51030- 2 15-Mar-29 Jun-29 to 1936 Camden
21949 Clari (John Payne; Henry Bishop): Home sweet home -
Dixon, Raymond (Lambert Murphy) - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director (musicians listed)
BVE-51062- 2 27-Mar-29 Jun-29 to Mar-52 Camden
21949 Sweet and low (Alfred Tennyson; Joseph Barnby) -
Dixon, Raymond (Lambert Murphy) - tenor
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director (musicians listed)
BVE-51063- 1 27-Mar-29 Jun-29 to Mar-52 Camden
21950 Dixie Land (Collin Coe; Daniel Emmett)
- Educational - Educational
- Educational - Educational
- Educational
Crane, Ralph (Royal Dadmun) - baritone
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-51066- 1 28-Mar-29 Jun-29 to Mar-52 Camden
21950 Old folks at home (Way down upon de Swanee River) (Stephen Collins Foster) -
Crane, Ralph (Royal Dadmun) - baritone
Orchestra, Bruno Reibold - director
BVE-51065- 3 28-Mar-29 Jun-29 to Mar-52 Camden
21951 Little Pal (Film) (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Little pal
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-48962- 4 8-Apr-29 2-Aug-29 to 1931 New York - Paramount Theatre
HMV: 2-9514, B3114, EG1709
21951 Say it With Songs (Film) (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
(Birdies sing in cages too) Why can’t you?
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
BVE-48961- 2 8-Apr-29 2-Aug-29 to 1931 New York - Paramount Theatre
HMV: 2-9520, B3114, EG1709
21952 Little Pal (Film) (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson): Little pal
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-51603- 2 3-Apr-29 2-Aug-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2432, B3113
21952 Say it With Songs (Film) (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
(Birdies sing in cages too) Why can’t you?
Austin, Gene - tenor
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-51602- 1 3-Apr-29 2-Aug-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2433, B3113
21953 Say it With Songs (Film) (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
Used to you -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Howard, Don - vocal
BVE-51605- 2 4-Apr-29 2-Aug-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-864, B5687, EG1969
21953 Say it With Songs (Film) (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
(Birdies sing in cages too) Why can’t you?
- Fox trot - Listed as “Little Pal” in ledger- Fox trot - Listed as “Little Pal” in ledger
- Fox trot - Listed as “Little Pal” in ledger- Fox trot - Listed as “Little Pal” in ledger
- Fox trot - Listed as “Little Pal” in ledger
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lorin, Burt (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-51132- 3 8-Apr-29 2-Aug-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-863, EG1499
21954 Little Pal (Film) (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
Little pal -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-51607- 2 4-Apr-29 9-Aug-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-862
21954 Little Pal (Film) (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
Seventh heaven -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, George Olsen - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-51606- 2 4-Apr-29 9-Aug-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-861, B5687, EG1969
21955 Say it With Songs (Film) (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
Seventh heaven
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51608- 1 5-Apr-29 9-Aug-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2425, B3119
21955 Say it With Songs (Film) (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson):
Used to you
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51609- 3 5-Apr-29 9-Aug-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2426, B3119
21956 Ploddin’ along (Jo Trent; Peter de Rose; Willard Robison) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Horace Heidt and his Orchestra
Moore, Harold - vocal
PBVE-50577- 3 2-Apr-29 Jul-29 to 1931
Regional release
21956 Stairway of dreams -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Horace Heidt and his Californians
Lykins, Lee - vocal
PBVE-50800- 4 9-Apr-29 Jul-29 to 1931
Regional release
21957 I’m ka-razy for you (Al Jolson; Billy Rose; Dave Dreyer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Horace Heidt and his Orchestra
Bowne, Jerry - vocal; Lewis, Warren - vocal; Moore, Harold - vocal
PBVE-50547- 1 16-Mar-29 31-May-29 to 1931
Regional release
HMV: 9-876
21957 Wedding of the painted doll, The (Nacio Herb Brown)
Horace Heidt and his Orchestra
PBVE-50546-13 10-Apr-29 31-May-29 to 1931
Regional release
21958 There’s a place in the sun for you (Bud Green; Sammy Fain)
Downey, Morton - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49795- 3 26-Mar-29 24-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2434, B3049, EG1457
20000 / 21000 SERIES 325
21958 World is yours and mine, The (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept; James Frederick Hanley)
Downey, Morton - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-50753- 2 13-Mar-29 24-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2501, B3138
21959 (When I’m walkin’ with my sweetness) Down among the sugar cane (Charles Tobias;
Sidney Clare; Peter de Rose)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51615- 3 11-Apr-29 24-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2445, B3077, EA564
21959 I get the blues when it rains (Maidie Weaver; Ford; Glenn)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Smalle, Ed - vocal; Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51616- 2 11-Apr-29 24-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4061
21960 From sunrise to sunset (From sunset till dawn) (Benny McLaughlin; Jack Miller)
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot - Fox trot
- Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lorin, Burt (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-51131- 2 8-Apr-29 24-May-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-865, B5671
21960 Who cares what you have been? (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Martin Freed)
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot - - Fox trot -
- Fox trot -
From “Ziegfeld’s Midnight Frolic”
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Howard, Don - vocal
BVE-50983- 1 28-Mar-29 24-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-874
21961 Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 (Film) (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con Conrad):
Big city blues -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, Eddie Kilfeather - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-50997- 3 1-Apr-29 31-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-877, B5655
21961 Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 (Film) (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con Conrad):
Breakaway -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
George Olsen and his Music, Eddie Kilfeather - director
Frey, Fran - vocal
BVE-50996- 3 1-Apr-29 31-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-883, B5654
21962 Christina (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con Conrad)
James, Lewis - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51213- 3 10-Apr-29 31-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2450 Zonophone: 5443
21962 Looking for love (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) - From “Ziegfeld’s “Midnight Frolic”
James, Lewis - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51212- 2 10-Apr-29 31-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2451 Zonophone: 5443
21963 One that I love loves me, The (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Tom Griselle - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-51109- 2 1-Apr-29 24-May-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-867, AM2254, B5669
21963 Underneath the Russian moon (James Kendis; Frank Samuels; Meyer Gusman) -
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-51110- 5 18-Apr-29 24-May-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-866, B5667, EG1425
21964 Broadway Melody, The (Film) (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown): Broadway melody
King, Charles - vocal
Orchestra, Leroy Shield - director
PBVE-50578- 2 3-Apr-29 7-Jun-29 to 1931 Hollywood
HMV: 7-2480, B3087 Zonophone: AE2876
21964 Broadway Melody, The (Film) (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown): The wedding of the painted doll
King, Charles - vocal
PBVE-50579- 7 11-Apr-29 7-Jun-29 to 1931 Hollywood
HMV: 7-2448, B3070 Zonophone: AE2875
21965 Broadway Melody, The (Film) (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown): Love boat
King, Charles - vocal
PBVE-50589- 7 11-Apr-29 7-Jun-29 to 1931 Hollywood
HMV: 7-2449, B3087 Zonophone: AE2876
21965 Broadway Melody, The (Film) (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown): You were meant for me
King, Charles - vocal
PBVE-50588- 5 11-Apr-29 7-Jun-29 to 1931 Hollywood
HMV: 7-2458, B3070 Zonophone: AE2875
21966 Sweet Chewaukia, the land of the sleepy water (Fred C. Higman; Carmen Lombardo) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Dedicated to famous Sleepy Water, Hot Springs, Arkansas
Leo Reisman and his Orchestra, Leo Reisman - director
Weeks, Ran - vocal
BVE-51648- 3 22-Apr-29 7-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-898
21966 Whoopee (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson): Love me or leave me -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Leo Reisman and his Orchestra, Leo Reisman - director
Weeks, Ran - vocal
BVE-51647- 3 22-Apr-29 7-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-872, B5684
21967 I’m just a vagabond lover (Rudy Vallée; Leon Zimmerman) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Tom Griselle - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-51108- 3 1-Apr-29 7-Jun-29 to 1934 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-887, B5678 Zonophone: AE2820
21967 I’m still caring (Isham Jones; Gustave “Gus” Kahn) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-50762- 2 18-Mar-29 7-Jun-29 to 1934 New York
HMV: 9-873
21968 My heart is bluer than your eyes, chérie (Alfred Bryon; Monte Wilhite) -
Troubadours, The (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Howard, Don - vocal
BVE-51195- 2 19-Apr-29 7-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-899, B5680
21968 When you come to the end of the day (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Frank Westphal) -
Leo Reisman and his Orchestra, Leo Reisman - director
Weeks, Ran - vocal
BVE-51649- 3 22-Apr-29 7-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-957
21969 Broadway (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con Conrad): Hittin’ the ceiling -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lorin, Burt (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-51193- 3 19-Apr-29 14-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-892, B5662 Zonophone: AE2830
20000 / 21000 SERIES 327
21969 Broadway (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con Conrad): Sing a little love song -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Howard, Don - vocal
BVE-51194- 2 19-Apr-29 14-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
Victor: 22732
HMV: 9-893, B5662 Zonophone: AE2830
21970 East is West (Robert Hood Bowers): Chinese lullaby
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-50961- 4 11-Apr-29 28-Jun-29 to 1941 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0480
HMV: 9-894, B3139
21970 Pearl o’ mine (Percy E. Fletcher)
Victor Salon Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-50960- 4 11-Apr-29 28-Jun-29 to 1941 New York
Victor: Pict-Ur-Music 0481
HMV: 9-895
21971 Wang-wang blues (Gus Mueller; Buster Johnson) -
Slow fox trotSlow fox trot
Slow fox trotSlow fox trot
Slow fox trot
Ben’s Bad Boys, Ben Pollack - director
BVE-49673- 2 22-Jan-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
21971 Yellow dog blues (W.C. Handy) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Ben’s Bad Boys, Ben Pollack - director
BVE-49674- 2 22-Jan-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
21972 By the waters of Minnetonka (Thurlow Lieurance) - “An Indian love song” -
Lieurance, Thurlow - Indian flute and piano
Barone, Clement - flute
BVE-51813- 2 23-Apr-29 Jun-29 to May-47 Camden
21972 Winnebago love song + Love with tears (Cheyenne tribe) + Omaha ceremonial +
Pueblo lullaby -
Lieurance, Thurlow - Indian flute and piano
Barone, Clement - flute
BVE-51814- 2 23-Apr-29 Jun-29 to May-47 Camden
Victor: 45-5072
21973 (She’s a new kind of) Old-fashioned girl (Billy Rose; Vincent Rose)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51659- 1 24-Apr-29 7-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2447, B3191
21973 Tide of Empire (Film) (Fritz Rotter; Ralph Erwin): I kiss your hand, madame
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51658- 2 24-Apr-29 7-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2446
21974 My Annapolis and you (Irving Bibo; Charles Weinberg) -
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Vocal by orchestra members
BVE-51271- 2 1-May-29 7-May-29 to 1931
Regional release
New York
21974 Then you’ve never been blue -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal
BVE-50506- 3 20-Feb-29 7-May-29 to 1931
Regional release
Chicago - Victor Lab
21975 Old-fashioned lady (Abner Silver; Al Sherman; Al Lewis)
De Leath, Vaughn - soprano
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51250- 3 23-Apr-29 14-Jun-29 to 1941 New York - 46th Street
HMV: 3-3421, AM2380, B3080, K5767 Zonophone: EE164
21975 Toymaker’s dream, The (Ernie Golden)
De Leath, Vaughn - soprano
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-49631- 2 10-Jan-29 14-Jun-29 to 1941 New York
HMV: 3-3422, AM2380, B3080, K5767 Zonophone: EE164
21976 I’m crazy over you (Al Sherman; Al Lewis) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Robison, Willard - vocal
BVE-50982- 2 28-Mar-29 14-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-901
21976 Wake up, chillun, wake up (Jo Trent; Willard Robison) -
w Fw F
w Fw F
w F
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-51926- 2 26-Apr-29 14-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-900, B5671
21977 Cocoanuts, The (Film) (Irving Berlin): When my dreams come true -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
BVE-51969- 3 2-May-29 14-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-902, B5672, GY37 Zonophone: AE2922
21977 My sin (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Hanlon, Clare - vocal
BVE-51968- 2 2-May-29 14-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-886 Zonophone: AE2922
21978 Building a nest for Mary (Billy Rose; Jesse Greer)
Endor, Chick - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51287- 1 6-May-29 21-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2454
21978 What a day (Harry Woods)
Endor, Chick - vocal
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51288- 1 6-May-29 21-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2455
21979 3R My castle in Spain is a shack in the lane (Irving Caesar; Cliff Friend) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Schenck, Joe - baritone; Van, Gus - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51147- 3 10-Apr-29 21-Jun-29 to 1931
3R, May 8, 1929
New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5-4071, B3083
21979 That’s my idea of heaven (George Whiting; Herbert Steinert; Mac Lieb)
Schenck, Joe - baritone; Van, Gus - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51633- 3 17-Apr-29 21-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4067, B3083
21980 After thinking it over (Benny Davis; Carmen Lombardo) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Herman Kenin and his Orchestra
Allen, Ken - vocal
PBVE-50548- 5 25-Apr-29 30-Aug-29 to 1931 Culver City, CA
HMV: 40-771, R14230
21980 Walkin’ around in a dream (Ted Lewis; Larry Yoell; E. Spencer) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Herman Kenin and his Orchestra
O’Hara, Ted - vocal
PBVE-50857- 3 24-Apr-29 30-Aug-29 to 1931 Culver City, CA
HMV: 40-607
21981 (She’s a new kind of) Old-fashioned girl (Billy Rose; Vincent Rose) -
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-47992- 5 7-May-29 21-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - Paramount Theatre
HMV: 2-9519, AM2199, B5664, EG1521, R10185
21981 I’ve got a feeling I’m falling (Billy Rose; Harry Link; Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Crawford, Jesse - Wurlitzer organ
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-47993- 2 7-May-29 21-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - Paramount Theatre
HMV: 2-9518, AM2199, B5664, EG1521, R10185
20000 / 21000 SERIES 329
21982 Hello, sunshine, hello (Charles Tobias; Jack Murray; Henry H. Tobias)
Cantor, Eddie - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51610- 3 5-Apr-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2498, B3738
21982 If I give up the saxophone (Will you come back to me)? (Sammy Fain; Irving Kahal; Willie Raskin)
Cantor, Eddie - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51611- 3 5-Apr-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2460, B3738
21983 Every moon’s a honeymoon (Dale Wimbrow; Roy Bargy) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Tom Griselle - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-51128- 1 5-Apr-29 21-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-909
21983 Huggable, kissable you (Archie Bleyer; Irving Bibo) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-51640- 2 18-Apr-29 21-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-910, B5673
21984 Blue Hawaii (Abel Baer; Irving Caesar; Ira Schuster)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
Raderman, Louis - violin; Robison, Carson J. - guitar; Sannella, Andy - steel guitar;
Shilkret, Jack - piano
BVE-51996- 3 13-May-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 5-4070, B3183
21984 On a summery night (Charles Tobias; Al Lewis; Al Sherman)
Farrell, Charlie - baritone; Miller, Jim - tenor
BVE-51646- 2 19-Apr-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4073
21985 Blue Hawaii (Abel Baer; Irving Caesar; Ira Schuster) -
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra (Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra)
Howard, Don - vocal
BVE-51928- 4 13-May-29 28-Jun-29 to 1944 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-940, B5767 Zonophone: AE3018
21985 Sparkling waters of Waikiki (Joe Davis; Spencer Williams) -
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
Howard, Don - vocal
BVE-50904- 3 1-Mar-29 28-Jun-29 to 1944 New York
Victor T-24
HMV: 9-941, B5767 Zonophone: AE3018
21986 Rainbow Man, The (Film) (Andrew B. Sterling; James Frederick Hanley): Sleepy valley -
Gus Arnheim and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra
Dees, Buster - vocal
PBVE-50837- 1 17-Apr-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 Hollywood
HMV: 9-935, B5670
21986 This is Heaven (Film) (Jack Yellen; Harry Akst): This is heaven -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Gus Arnheim and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra
Dees, Buster - vocal
PBVE-50838- 7 1-May-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 Culver City, CA
HMV: 9-942 Zonophone: AE2891
21987 To be in love (Especially with you) (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51690- 2 8-May-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2462, B3090, EG1537, R10253
21987 From sunrise to sunset (From sunset till dawn) (Benny McLaughlin; Jack Miller)
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51667- 2 30-Apr-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2461, B3090, EG1537, R10253
21988 Bulldog Drummond (Film) (Jack Yellen; Harry Akst): There’s the one for me
Downey, Morton - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51623- 6 29-Apr-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2464, B3079, EG1520
21988 This is Heaven (Film) (Jack Yellen; Harry Akst): This is heaven
Downey, Morton - tenor
Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-51624- 5 29-Apr-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2463, B3079
21989 Cocoanuts, The (Film) (Irving Berlin): When my dreams come true
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Orchestra
BVE-51672- 3 1-May-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2499 Zonophone: 5426
21989 Just another kiss (Benny Davis; J. Fred Coots)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Lapitino, Francis J. - harp; Orchestra
BVE-51673- 1 1-May-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2465
21990 Children of the Ritz (Lewis Pollack; Nathaniel Shilkret): Some sweet day
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
BVE-51641- 2 18-Apr-29 21-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 7-2466, B3091
21990 Why did you leave me? (Johnny Marvin; Buddy Valentine)
Marvin, Johnny - vocal
Smalle, Ed - vocal; Banta, Frank E. - piano; Orchestra, Leonard Joy - director
BVE-49254- 3 12-Dec-28 21-Jun-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 5-4072, B3091
21991 Building a nest for Mary (Billy Rose; Jesse Greer) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Herman Kenin and his Orchestra
O’Hara, Ted - vocal
PBVE-50860- 4 26-Apr-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 Culver City, CA
HMV: 9-943, AM2304, B5681
21991 Kids again (Harold Stokes) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Herman Kenin and his Orchestra
Allen, Ken - vocal; O’Hara, Ted - vocal; Sandvall, Tom - vocal
PBVE-51061- 5 25-Apr-29 28-Jun-29 to 1931 Culver City, CA
HMV: 9-944, AM2556, B5699
21992 Man’s Man (Alfred Bryan; Monte Wilhite): My heart is bluer than your eyes (Chérie)
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-53422- 2 17-May-29 5-Jul-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2497 Zonophone: 5426
21992 Pagan, The (Film) (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown): Pagan love song
Baur, Franklyn - tenor
Orchestra, Rosario Bourdon - director
BVE-53421- 2 17-May-29 5-Jul-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 7-2496 Zonophone: 5442
21993 Honky Tonk (Film) (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): I’m doin’ what I’m doin’ for love
Tucker, Sophie - vocal
Orchestra, Ted Shapiro - director
PBVE-50550- 4 22-Mar-29 5-Jul-29 to 1931 Hollywood
HMV: 3-3429, AM2340, B3131, EA666
21993 Honky Tonk (Film) (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): I’m feathering a nest for a bluebird
Tucker, Sophie - vocal
Orchestra, Ted Shapiro - director
PBVE-50574- 4 1-Apr-29 5-Jul-29 to 1931 Hollywood
HMV: 3-3428, AM2340, B3131, EA744
20000 / 21000 SERIES 331
21994 Honky Tonk (Film) (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): He’s a good man to have around
Tucker, Sophie - vocal
Orchestra, Ted Shapiro - director
PBVE-50555- 4 22-Mar-29 26-Jul-29 to 1931 Hollywood
HMV: 3-3441, AM2341, B3132, EA597, K5734
21994 Honky Tonk (Film) (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): I’m the last of the red hot mammas
Tucker, Sophie - vocal
Orchestra, Ted Shapiro - director
PBVE-50561- 3 25-Mar-29 26-Jul-29 to 1931 Hollywood
Victor: Bluebird B-6835
HMV: 3-3452, B3586, EA597, K5734
21995 Honky Tonk (Film) (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): I don’t want to get thin
Tucker, Sophie - talking
Orchestra, Ted Shapiro - director
PBVE-50549- 6 2-Apr-29 12-Jul-29 to 1931 Hollywood
HMV: 3-3443, AM2341, B3132, EA575, K5730
21995 That’s what I call sweet music (Jack Meskill; Pete Wendling; Al Hoffman)
Tucker, Sophie - vocal
Orchestra, Ted Shapiro - director
PBVE-50575- 3 1-Apr-29 12-Jul-29 to 1931 Hollywood
HMV: 3-3444, B3586, EA575, K5730
21996 Lonesome road, The (Gene Austin; Nathaniel Shilkret) -
x trotx trot
x trotx trot
x trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Robison, Willard - piano
BVE-51927- 2 26-Apr-29 5-Jul-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
21996 Susianna (Spencer Williams) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Lorin, Burt (Harold “Scrappy” Lambert) - vocal
BVE-49024- 4 25-Jan-29 5-Jul-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-939, B5680, EA562
21997 Hollywood Revue of 1929 (Film) (Joe Goodwin; Gus Edwards): Nobody but you -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra, Nathaniel Shilkret - director
Howard, Don - vocal
BVE-51995- 1 13-May-29 5-Jul-29 to 1931 New York - Liederkranz Hall
HMV: 9-930, B5691 Zonophone: AE2897
21997 Hollywood Revue of 1929 (Film) (Joe Goodwin; Gus Edwards): Orange blossom time -
Listed in the ledger as “Revue of Revues”
Waring’s Pennsylvanians, Fred Waring - director
Waring, Tom - vocal
BVE-51976- 5 22-May-29 5-Jul-29 to 1931 Camden
HMV: 9-929 Zonophone: AE2898
21998 One in the world, The (Eric Little; Roger Eckersley; American version by Domenico Savino) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-51665- 1 29-Apr-29 5-Jul-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-932, B5681 Zonophone: AE2893
21998 S’posin’ (Andy Razaf; Paul Denniker) -
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trotFox trot
Fox trot
Rudy Vallée and his Connecticut Yankees, Rudy Vallée - director
Vallée, Rudy - vocal
BVE-51666- 2 29-Apr-29 5-Jul-29 to 1931 New York
HMV: 9-931, B5692 Zonophone: AE2893
21999 Ancient hula olapa (Keaumoku Louis)
Keaumoku A. Louis Orquesta Tropical
Vocal by orchestra members
PBVE-50833- 2 16-Apr-29 Jul-29 to 1931
Regional release
21999 Waimea (Keaumoku Louis)
Keaumoku A. Louis Orquesta Tropical
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone
PBVE-50841- 3 18-Apr-29 Jul-29 to 1931
Regional release
A’ bhirlinn bharrach - In Gaelic 21612
A la Carte (Herman Hupfeld): Baby’s blue 20882
A la Carte (Herman Hupfeld): The Calinda (Boo-joom, boo-
joom, boo) 20882
A media luz (Donato) 21021
A mhairi bhan - In Gaelic 21613
Abdul Abulbul Amir (Adapted by Frank Crumit) 20715
Abide with me (William Henry Monk; Arr. Mark Andrews)
Abie’s Irish Rose (Anne Nichols; James S. Zamecnik):
Little Irish Rose 21849
Abie’s Irish Rose (Anne Nichols; James S. Zamecnik):
Rosemary 21849
Abou Ben Adhem (Leigh Hunt) 21823
Ace in the hole (Louis Panico; Elmer Schoebel) 20081
Ace of diamonds, The 20989
Achonry lasses, The 20712
Adam and Eve in the garden (J.M. Gates) 20365
Add a little wiggle (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 21423
Addio a Napoli, L (Neapolitan air; Arr. Teodoro Cottrau)
Adeste fideles (Reading) 21936
Adeste fideles (Traditional; Marcus Portugal) 20174
Adiós (Harry Owens) - “Spanish parting song” 20260
Adorable (Tom Ford; Ray Wynburn) 20106
Adoramus te (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina) 21622
African hunch (Richard M. Jones) 21345
After I close my garden gate (Maurice J. Gunsky) 20695,
After I’ve called you sweetheart (Bernie Grossman; Little
Jack Little) 20984, 21053
After my laughter came tears (Roy Turk; Charles Tobias)
21172, 21219
After thinking it over (Benny Davis; Carmen Lombardo)
After we kiss (Addy Britt; Ted Fiorito) 20876
Ah, sweet mystery of life (Rida Johnson Young; Victor
Herbert) 21371, 21504
Aïda (Giuseppe Verdi): Celeste Aïda 20801
Ain’t goin to be your low down dog (Ollie Rupert; Will
Shade) 20577
Ain’t it a shame? 21600
Ain’t love grand? (B. Peck) - “Don’t get funky” 20593
Ain’t she sweet? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 20508, 20568,
20610, 20783, 20958
Ain’t that a grand and glorious feeling? (Jack Yellen; Milton
Ager) 20731, 20732
Ain’t that too bad? (Chick Endor; Eddie Ward) 20691
Ain’t we carryin’ on? (Billy Frisch; Roy Bergere) 20206
Air de ballet (Salomon Jadassohn, Op. 26, No. 3) 20162
Air from “The Harmonious Blacksmith” (George Frederic
Handel) 20160
Air Louis XIII (Henry Ghys) - Gavotte 21938
Al fresco (Victor Herbert) 20558
Alabama jubilee (Arr. Raney Vanvink) 20656
Alabama mamma (Mike Jackson) 20482
Alabama stomp (Henry Creamer; Jimmy Johnson) 20230
Alecazander (Paul Johnson) 20662
Alekoki (King Kalakaua; Lizzie Plohikea) - “Hawaiian hula
song” 21417
Alessandro Stradella (Friedrich von Flotow): Overture
Algerian lullaby (Mary Root Kern) 20348
Alias Jimmy Valentine (Edward Madden; Gus Edwards):
Jimmy Valentine 21802
Alias Jimmy Valentine (William Axt; David Mendoza): Love
dreams 21802
Alice in the Looking Glass (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
as “Lewis G. Carroll”): Jabberwocky 21826
Alice in the Looking Glass (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
as “Lewis G. Carroll”): The walrus and the carpenter
All alone (Irving Berlin) 20321
All alone Monday (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby) 20259, 20417
All because of you (John Avery Noble; Hiram B.K. Anahu)
All by my ownsome (Alfred Dubin; Roger Wolfe Kahn)
All by yourself in the moonlight (Jay Wallis) 21851, 21867
All go hungry hash house 20237, 21758
All hail the power of Jesus’ name (Oliver Holden) 21255
All hands (Charles Benter) - “Dedicated to R.H. Leith,
U.S.N.” 21296
All I want is you (Benny Davis; Sidney Clare; Harry Akst)
All of the time (Harry Woods) 21732
All that she is, is an old-fashioned girl (Just one in a million
to-day) (Richard Howard) 20025
All the way 20947
All the way to Calvary (A.H. Ackley) 20529
All those bachelors are hard to please (Bud Landress)
All through the night (Old Welsh air) 20807, 20842
Allah’s holiday (Otto Hauerbach; Rudolf Friml) 20035
Allez-oop (Philip Charig; Leo Robin; Richard Meyers): Pull
yourself together 20902
Allez-oop (Philip Charig; Richard Meyers): Where have
you been all of my life? 20902
Alma mater (Stanford University) 21344
Aloha oe (Queen Liliuokalani) - “Farewell to thee” 21516,
20705, 21121
Aloha sunset land (Ioane Kawelo) 20556
Aloma (Robert Hood Bowers): Aloma 21110
Along Miami shore (Harry Warren; Harry M. Snodgrass)
Alpine specialty - Popular yodels (Arr. George P. Watson)
Always (Irving Berlin) 20000
Always lift him up and never knock him down (Alfred Reed)
Am I wasting my time on you? (Howard E. Johnson; Irving
Bibo) 20070
Amapola (Joseph Lacalle) - “Poppy” 20510, 21111
Amaryllis (Henry Ghys) - Air Louis XIII 20169, 21938
Amazing grace (John Newton; William Walker) 21287
Amazing grace (J.M. Gates) 20216
Ambrosin Chants 20896
America (My country ’tis of thee) (S.F. Smith; Henry Carey)
20635, 21428
America did it again (Ted Koehler; Marty Bloom) 20681
America, the beautiful (Katherine Lee Bates; Samuel A.
Ward) 20745, 20895
Title Index
— 333 —
American Indian Songs (Nellie Eberhart; Charles
Wakefield Cadman, Op. 45, No. 1): From the land of the
sky blue water 21118
American spirit (A. Buglione) 21843
American tune (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 21500
Americana (Ira Gershwin; Philip Charig): Sunny disposish
20486, 20493
Americana (Morrie Ryskind; Ira Gershwin; Philip Charig):
Why do ya roll those eyes? 20197
Among my souvenirs (Horatio Nicholls; Edgar Leslie)
21084, 21100, 21146
An’ furthermore (Bud Green; Harry Warren) 21260
Anchors aweigh (Charles A. Zimmerman) 21296
Ancient hula olapa (Keaumoku Louis) 21999
Andante religioso (Francis Thomé) 20889
Angel (Burns; Kissen; Walter Donovan) 21376
Angels watching over me 20665
Animal crackers (Irmengard Charlton Horn) 21047
Annie Laurie (Old Scotch air) 20807
Another kiss (Victor L. Schertzinger) 21772
Any ice to-day, Lady? (Pat Ballard) - “A collegiate razz-
berry” 20065, 20083
Anything to make you happy (Buddy Valentine) 21391
Anything you say (Walter Donaldson) 21675
Anything your heart desires (Walter O’Keefe; Harry Archer)
Apache waltz (Jacques Offenbach) 21055
Apaloosa blues (Bobby Leecan) 20853
April fool (Susan Southworth; George H. Gartlan) 21050
Ar hyd y nos (Old Welsh air) - “All through the night” 20842
Arabesque, L (F. Burgmueller) 20401
Arbor day song, An (Carl Busch) 20348
Arcadia shuffle (James Blade) 20262
Are you happy? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 20899, 20977
Are you lonesome to-night? (Roy Turk; Lou Handman)
20873, 20978
Are you thinking of me to-night? (Benny Davis; Harry Akst;
L. Wolfe Gilbert) 20899, 20964, 21057
Are you washed in the blood? (E.A. Hoffman) 20844
Arise and shine (Lonnie McIntorsh) 21411
Arkansas traveler 20638, 21128
Arkansaw traveler, The (Scolding) - American folk dance
“Imitation of Scottish flyting” 21635
Armide (Christoph W. Gluck) - Musette ballet 20563
Army and Marine (Starke) 21843
Arrow and the song, The (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow;
Ciro Pinsuti) 21823
As long as I have you (Earl Harbrich; Al Lewis; Howard
Simon) 20076
As the eagle stirreth her nest (Arr. Isiah Shelton) 20583
Asleep in the deep (Arthur J. Lamb; H. W. Petrie) 20244
At a Georgia camp meeting (Kerry Mills) 21286
At dawning I love you (Nellie Eberhart; Charles Wakefield
Cadman, Op. 29, No. 1) 20110, 20668, 21872
At peace with the world (Irving Berlin) 20045, 20057,
20075, 20091
At sundown (When love is calling me home) (Walter
Donaldson) 20476, 20504, 20791
At the brook (Rene Boisdeffre, Op. 52) - Serenade - “Au
bord d’un ruisseau” 20344
At the theater 20970
At twilight (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) 20159
Au bord d’un ruisseau (Rene Boisdeffre, Op. 52) -
Serenade 20344
Auf wiedersehn (Abner Greenberg) - We’ll meet again”
Auld lang syne (Old Scotch air) 20808, 21450
Autumn (John Thomas) 20426
Autumn (Robert Franz) 20343
Autumn thought (Jules Massenet) - Pensée d’automne
Avalon town (Grant Clark; Nacio Herb Brown) 21829
Ave Maria (Jacob Arcadelt) 21622
Ave Maria (Johann Sebastian Bach, BWV-846; Charles
Gounod) 21216
Ave Maria (Sir Walter Scott; Franz Schubert, D. 839) - in
German 20389
Avonmore, The 20815
Awake, my soul (George Frederic Handel) 21936
Awakening, The (Irving Berlin): Marie 21746, 21787
Away down South in heaven (Bud Green; Harry Warren)
21164, 21228
Away for Rio (Old sailor chantey) 21751
Away out on the mountain (Kelly Harrell) 21142, 21528
Ay uchniem “Song of the Volga boatmen” (Russian folk
song) - in Russian 20309
Ay-ay-ay (Osman Perez Freire) 20383
Baa, baa black sheep 20987
Baby come kiss your honey blues (Charles Johnson)
Baby dear (Bennie Moten; Thamon Hayes) 20946
Baby dear (Janet Gaynor) 20987
Baby dear, I don’t want no one but you (Florence White)
Baby face (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) 20105, 20229
Baby feet go pitter-patter (‘Cross my floor) (Gustave “Gus”
Kahn) 20876, 20963, 20967
Baby your mother (Like she babied you) (Andrew Donnelly;
Dolly Morse; Joe Burke) 20873, 21080
Baby, got the rickets, mamma got the Mobile blues (Vol
Stevens) 21356
Baby, stop teasin’ me (Robert H. Cloud) 21077
Babylon is falling down (F.W. McGee) 21090
Baby’s blue (Herman Hupfeld) 20882
Back in your own back yard (Al Jolson; Billy Rose; Dave
Dreyer) 21240, 21394
Bag of blues, A (Al Gehring; Jack Pettis) 21793
Ballashanon boys 21005
Ballet Symphonique (Cécile Chaminade, Op. 37, No. 2) -
Scarf dance 20346
Ballina trooper 20711
Ballyhootch (Joseph D. O’Donnell) 21592
Balm in Gilead 21842
Baltimore (Danny Healy; Irving Kahal) 20994
Bamalong blues (Andrew Baxter; Jim Baxter) 20962
Band, The (Josephine Hilty) 21045
Banjoreno (Curtis Hayes) 21473
Bank that never fails, A (J.M. Gates) 21414
Banks of the Shannon, The 21088
Bantry Bay (James Lyman Molloy) 20886
Bantry hornpipe, The (From Selena O’Neill’s collection)
Baptism by water and baptism by the holy ghost (J.E.
Burch) 21198
Barbara (Billy Rose; Abner Silver) 20846
Barcarolle (Jacques Offenbach) 20011
Barcelona - Paso doble 21033
Barcelona (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Tolchard Evans) 20113,
Bard of Armaugh (Old Irish air) 21007
Bare foot stomp (Clifford Hayes) 21489
Barney McCoy (J. Murphy) 20938
Barnum and Bailey’s favorite (K.L. King) 20284
Barry of Ballymore (Rida Johnson Young; Chauncey Olcott;
Ernest R. Ball): Mother Machree 20134
Basile 21769
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 335
Battle hymn of the Republic (Julia Ward Howe; Tune of
“John Brown’s body”) 20745, 21841
Battle of the Sexes, The (Nathaniel Shilkret; Josef
Pasternack; Dave Dreyer): Just a sweetheart 21700
Battleship Connecticut (James M. Fulton) 21935
Battleship of Maine, The (Gus Williams; J.P. Skelly) 21936
Bay rum blues (El Watson) 21585
Be my baby (Sam Goble) 21355
Beale Street blues (W.C. Handy) 20771, 20890, 20948
Beale Street mess around (Vol Stevens) 21066
Bean setting (Arr: Cecil J. Sharpe; H.C. MacIlwaine) 20640
Bear wallow blues (James Alston) 20555
Bearcat stomp (Donald Radman) 20307
Beautiful (Haven Gillespie; Larry Shay) 21217, 21516
Beautiful days waltz (Pietro Diero) 20250
Beautiful Ohio (Mary Earl) 20973
Beautiful river (Robert Lowry) 20860
Because (Helen Guy Rhodes as “Guy d’Hardelot) 20663
Because I know you’re mine (Charles Derickson; Burton
Brown) 21818
Because I love you (Irving Berlin) 20258, 20272, 20433
Because my baby don’t mean “Maybe” now (Walter
Donaldson) 21452
Because you are my dream girl (Bob Nolan) 21400
Bedtime blues (Frank Stokes) 21272
Bee and the butterfly, The (Marshall Bartholomew) 20348
Bee, The (Franz Schubert) 20366, 20614
Bees are humming around the flowers (Ernest Moody)
Beggar, The (Irving Kahal; Francis Wheeler; Ted Snyder)
Beggars of Life (Joseph Keirn Brennan; Karl Hajos):
Beggars of life 21683
Begone, dull care (Old English) 21751
Believe me, dear (C. Mason; Robert H. Cloud) 21537
Believe me, if all those endearing young charms (Old Irish
air) 20766, 20808, 21447, 21483, 21938
Bell hoppin’ blues (Walter C. Ness; J. “Kenn” Sisson)
Bella Napoli (Frederick Winthrop; G. Torrente) 20619
Bell Brandon (T.E. Ellwood; T.E. Garrett; Francis Wollcott)
Bells of Hawaii (Billy Heagney) 20587
Bells of Killarney (Joseph White; George J. Trinkaus)
Bells of Shandon, The 20711
Bells of St. Mary’s, The (A. Emmett Adams; Douglas
Furber) 21371
Beloved (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Joe L. Sanders) 21339,
21461, 21495
Ben Dewberry’s final run (Andy Jenkins) 21245
Bendemeer’s stream (Old tune; T. Moore) 21751
Bendithaiast goed y meusydd (Daroh Thomas Hughes;
Daniel Protheroe; Welsh folk song) 21784
Beneath the green tree (Dave Zoob; Clay Boland) 20524
Beneath the weeping willow tree 20535
Beneath Venetian skies (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Vincent
Rose) 21093
Berceuse (Armas Jarnefelt) 20374
Bergeronette, La (F. Burgmueller) 20401
Beside a garden wall (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Albert E. Short;
Del Delbridge) 20290
Better leave that stuff alone (Will Shade) 21725
Betty (Christie and Nathaniel Shilkret) 21838
Betty and Billy (J.B.T. Weckerlin) 20347
Betty Jean (Blue Steele) 21183
Beulah land (Jno. R. Sweney) 21395
Beyond the river (H.L. Hastings; James D. Vaughn) 21140
Beyond the sunset (Sam Goble; Bob Nolan) 21530
Bianco cigno, Il (Jacob Arcadelt) - Madrigal 20228
Big ball uptown (R.C. Griggs) 21768
Big Bend girl (Joe B. Blackhead) 20865
Big city blues (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con
Conrad) 21961
Big drum, The (Seely) 20743
Big Parade (Alfred Dubin; Jimmy McHugh): My dream of
the big parade - “Hello song” 20098
Big railroad blues (Noah Lewis) 21351
Big road blues (Tommy Johnson) 21279
Big rock candy mountains, The (Harry McClintock) 21704
Billie (George M. Cohan): Billie 21799
Billie (George M. Cohan): Where were you, where was I?
(Exactly where we are) 21727, 21799
Billie the Kid (Andrew Jenkins) 20966
Billy boy (E.L. White) 21751
Billy goat stomp (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 20772
Billy Grimes, the rover (Joe B. Blackhead) 20865
Billy in the lowlands - Frolic tune 21407
Billy Richardson’s last ride (Cleburn C. Meeks; Carson J.
Robison) 20538
Billy Venero (Eben E. Rexford) 21487
Bingo 21587
Bingo (Yale University song) 20008
Bird of passage, The 20619
(Birdies sing in cages too) Why can’t you? (Buddy G. de
Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) 21951, 21952,
Bird’s breakfast, The (James Rogers) 20347
Birmingham (T. Chism) 21295
Birmingham black bottom (F. Johnson; Thomas Morris)
Birth of the blues, The (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown;
Ray Henderson) 20111, 20138
Black and blue blues (Charles Marsh; Bobby O’Brien)
Black and tan (Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington; Bubber
Miley) - Fantasie 21137
Black beauty (Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington) 21580
Black bottom (Ray Henderson) 20101
Black bottom stomp (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 20221
Black cat bone blues (Robert Cooksey) 20251
Black eyes (Russian folk song) 20037
Black Jacks, The - Humorous dialog 21054, 21276
Black nag, The 20444
Black name moan (Bessie Tucker) 21692
Black pine waltz (Gwen Foster) 20934
Black-eyed Susie (J.P. Nester) 21070
Blacksmith, The (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) 20987
Blacksmith, The (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20624
Blacksmith, The (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) 20739
Blame it on the waltz (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Alfred Solman)
Blazin’ (Joe L. Sanders) 21680
Bleking - Swedish folk dance 20989
Bless you, sister (Al Davis; J. Russel Robinson) 21895
Blessed are the trees of the forest (Daroh Thomas
Hughes; Daniel Protheroe; Welsh folk song) - In Welsh
Blessed assurance (Fanny J. Crosby; Mrs. J.F. Knapp)
Blinky moon bay (Haven Gillespie; George A. Little) 20050
Blossoms (Ben Black; James Dietrich): Blossoms that
bloom in the moonlight 21744
Blow the man down (Sailor’s chantey) 21751
Blowin’ the blues away (Morrie Ryskind; Ira Gershwin;
Philip Charig) 20197
Blue baby (Raymond Klages; Grace Green; Jesse Greer)
Blue bird 20349
Blue bonnet, you make me feel blue (Alfred Bryan; Pete
Wendling; Harry Richman) 20090
Blue bonnets o’er the border 20219
Blue bubbles (Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington; Bubber
Miley) 21490
Blue clarinet stomp (Johnny Dodds) 21554
Blue grass (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 21512
Blue guitar stomp (Cal Smith) 20955
Blue harmonica (Bobby Leecan) 20768
Blue harmony (Clifford Hayes) 21583
Blue Hawaii (Abel Baer; Irving Caesar; Ira Schuster)
21984, 21985
Blue piano stomp (Johnny Dodds) 21554
Blue River (Alfred Byron; Joseph Meyer) 20920, 20981
Blue room, The (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers) 20082
Blue shadows (Raymond Klages; Louis Alter) 21632,
Blue skies (Irving Berlin) 20455, 20457, 20459
Blue washboard stomp (Johnny Dodds) 21552
Blue waters (Natahniel Skilkret; Ned Washington) 21822
Blue yodel (Jimmie Rodgers) 21528
Blue yodel (Jimmie Rodgers) - T for Texas 21142
Blues from the Everglades (Charles Henry) 20330
Blues I love to sing, The (Edward Kennedy “Duke”
Ellington; Bubber Miley) 21490
Boar hog blues (Richard M. Jones) 21203
Boarding house bells are ringing, The (Gwen Foster)
Boating on the lake (Theodore Kullak, Op. 62, No. 7) 20401
Boating song 20154
Bob Lee Junior blues (Jennie Clayton; Will Shade) 21412
Bob Murphy 21405
Bobadilla (James Dyrenforh; Pablo Luna) 20267
Bobbing Joe (Arr. Cecil J. Sharpe) 20642
Bobby Shafto (Rose Gaynor) 20987
Bobolink, The 20617
Bogs of Allen 21594
Bohemian Girl, The (Michael Balfe): Then you’ll remember
me 20048
Bohunkus (Plantation song) 21108
Boll weevil, The (Negro spritual; Arr. Carl Sandburg) 20135
Bolshevik (Moe Jaffe; Nat Boux) 20146
Bombo (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Meyer): California,
here I come 21673
Bon soir, chérie (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) 21828
Bonnie jockey, bright and gay - Irish polka - (Set 4th figure)
Bonnie Kate 21544
Boodle-am shake (Jack Palmer; Spencer Williams) 20480
Bootlegging blues (Eva Smith) 21268
Borrachita, La (Ignacio Fernandez Esperón) 21111
Bosnian shepherd song 20986
Boston burglar, The (Anonymous; Carl T. Sprague) 20534
Boston de minuit (M. Puig) 21059
Boston fancy - (Also labeled “Barn dance on the
mountain”) 20001
Bow bow wow 20073
Bowery, The 21493
Box car blues (L.L. Watson) 21549
Boy in the boat, The (Charles Johnson) 21712
Boyne hunt, The 21720
Boys at the lough 21593
Brabançonne, La (Rogier; Campenhout) - National air of
Belgium 20304
Brainstorm (Joe L. Sanders) 20390
Brakeman’s blues, The (Jimmie Rodgers) - “Yodeling the
blues away” 21291
Break the news to mother (Charles K. Harris) 20376
Breakaway (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con
Conrad) 21961
Breeze of the night (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20622
Breezin’ along with the breeze (Haven Gillespie; Seymour
Simons; Richard A. Whiting) 20140, 20142
Bride’s lament, The (Adapted by Frank Crumit) - “Song of
the sea” 21668
Bridget O’Flynn (Where’ve ya been?) (Andrew B. Sterling;
Robert King) 20240
Bright college years 20009
Bright Sherman Valley 20527
Bring me a leaf from the sea (Arr. Gwen Foster) 20545
Bringing in the sheaves (Knowles Shaw; George A. Minor)
British grenadier, The 21522
Broadway (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con Conrad):
Hittin’ the ceiling 21969
Broadway (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con Conrad):
Sing a little love song 21969
Broadway (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 20874
Broadway Melody, The (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown):
Broadway melody 21886, 21964
Broadway Melody, The (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown):
Love boat 21965
Broadway Melody, The (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown):
The wedding of the painted doll 21964
Broadway Melody, The (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown):
You were meant for me 21886, 21965
Broken engagement 20280
Broken hearted (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 20757, 20825
Broken hearted (Carmen Lombardo; Al Lewis; Richard A.
Whiting) 20317
Broken life (Rasbytays Fize) 21008
Broken strings 21008
Broken-hearted Sue (Paskman; May Breen; Peter de
Rose) 20325
Brooklet, The (Robert Schumann) 20343
Broom dance 20448
Brown berries (Jimmy McHugh; Dorothy Fields; Danny
Healy) - Originally “Harlem River quiver” 21284
Brown bird singing, A (Royden Barrie; Haydn Wood) 21118
Brown mama blues (Ishman Bracey) 21691
Brown University Songs 21017
Brownskin flapper blues (Sadie McKinney; James Alston)
Bryant’s favorite hornpipe 21596
Bugle calls of the U.S. Army 21147, 21494
Building a nest for Mary (Billy Rose; Jesse Greer) 21978,
Building that never gives way, A (J.M. Gates) 21414
Bull dog march 20008
Bull fiddle blues (Johnny Dodds) 21552
Bulldog down in sunny Tennessee, The (Dock Walsh)
Bulldog Drummond (Jack Yellen; Harry Akst): There’s the
one for me 21988
Bum song, No. 2 (Harry McClintock) 21704
Bum song, The (H.T. Smith) 21343
Bummel scottische 20448
Bungalow of dreams (Tommie Malie; Joe Verges; Charles
Newman) 21102
Bunny, The 20073, 20349
Burglar and the child, The - “Don’t steal daddy’s medal”
(Salmo Adler; Charles Tobias; Jack Glogau) 20025
Burgundy (Tommie Malie; Jimmy Steiger; Harry Richman)
Burlesque (Jo Trent; Edward Grant; Peter de Rose; Albert
von Tilzer): I’m wonderin’ who 21764
Burlesque (Jo Trent; Peter de Rose; Albert von Tilzer):
Either you do or you don’t 21764
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 337
Bury me under the weeping willow (A.P. Carter) 21074
But I do, you know I do (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter
Donaldson) 20084
Butcher’s boy, The 20242
Buttercups (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20624
Butterflies (Calixa Lavallée) 21012
Butterfly, The 20073
Button up your overcoat (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown;
Ray Henderson) 21861, 21863
Buy, buy for baby (Irving Caesar) 21743
By lo 20621
By the waters of Minnetonka (Thurlow Lieurance) - “An
Indian love song” 21151, 21796, 21872, 21972
Bye and bye (Fanny J. Crosby; Ashton) 20817
Bye and bye you will forget me (Robert French; Henry
Huntley) 20535
Bye and bye, sweetheart (Jack Yellen; Buddy Valentine;
Joseph Ford) 21911, 21924
Bye, bye blackbird (Mort Dixon; Ray Henderson) 20044,
Bye, bye blues (Clifford Hayes) 21489
Bye, bye blues (Tommy Johnson) 21409
Bye, bye Bonnie (Neville Fleeson; Albert von Tilzer): Just
‘cross the river from Queens 20601
Bye, bye Florence (Mike Jackson) 21062
Bye-bye pretty baby (Jack Gardiner; Spike Hamilton)
20833, 20919
Ca, C’est Paris (Leo Robin; José Padilla) “Paree” 20884,
Cachucha, La 20986
California, here I come (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva;
Meyer) 21673
Calinda, The (Boo-joom, boo-joom, boo) (Herman Hupfeld)
Calling (Ernie Golden) 20717
Calling thee (Fanny J. Crosby; Charles H. Gabriel) 20021
Camp of gypsies (Fr. Behr, Op. 424, No. 3) 20736
Campbell chant, The (Dave Zoob; Clay Boland) 20524
Campbells are comin’ 20537
Camping (Anne Mathilde Robinson; Robert Braine) 21048
Can you blame me (‘Cause I fell in love with you)? (Joe
Goodwin; Larry Shay) 21871
Candy pulling at Moonshine Hollow (Bud Landress) 21036
Cannon ball blues (Rider Bloom; Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll”
Morton) 20431
Canoe and you, A (Stephen Gaylord) 21336
Can’t help lovin’ dat man (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome
David Kern) 21215, 21238
Can’t put the bridle on the mule this morning (Julius
Daniels) 21359
Can’t you hear me say “I love you”? (Charles Derickson;
Burton Brown) 20830, 20866
Cantique de Noël (Adolphe Adam) 20889
Capitan, El (John Philip Sousa) 20191
Caprice (M. Ogarew, Op. 15, No. 2) 20366, 20614
Captain Jinks - basket quadrille 20639
Careless love 20940
Caressing you (Raymond Klages; Mickey Alpert; Bernardo
Fazioli) 21834, 21892
Carmen (Georges Bizet): Habanera 20801
Carmen (Georges Bizet): Toreador song 20801
Carmen, Ohio (Fred A. Cornell; Spanish chant) - “Alma
mater” 20005
Carolina moon (Benny Davis; Joe Burke) 21833, 21847,
Carpet Alley breakdown (Cal Smith; Henry Clifford) 20480
Carrousel - “Merry-go-round” 20432
Carter de Haven’s “Fancies” - Which is which and who is
who? (Richard Coburn; Nacio Herb Brown) 20685
Casey Jones (T. Lawrence Seibert; Eddie Newton) 20502
Casey, the tinker (Arr. Ed Geoghagen) 21004
Castles in the Air (Raymond W. Peck; Percy Wenrich):
Lantern of love 20012
Cat tails 20618
Cautro milpas - “Four little farms” 21877
Cavalleria Rusticana (Pietro Mascagni): Intermezzo
Cavan lasses, The 21541
Cecile (Frank W. McKee) 21569
Celestial voices (Gilbert A. Alcock) - “Voix celestes” 20468
Certainly Lord 20423
C’est vous (Abner Greenberg; Abner Silver; Harry
Richman) - “It’s you” 20716, 20985
Changes (Walter Donaldson) 21103
Chanson Bohemienne (Sweet dreams of thee) (J.B. Böldi)
Chant de bonheur (Edwin H. Lemare, Op. 62) 21121
Chant of the eagle dance 20043
Chant of the snake dance 20043
Chant, The (Mel Stitzel) 20221
Charles Giteau 20797
Charleston is the best dance after all, The (Charles
Johnson; Arthur Porter) 21491
Charleston stampede (Thomas Morris) 20180
Charley, he’s a good old man (Kelly Harrell) 21069
Charmaine (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée) 20590, 20892,
Chatter (Julius Tannen) 21115
Cheerie beerie bee (Mabel Wayne) 20881
Chelsea reach 20746
Chérie, I love you (Lillian Rosedale Goodman) 20074,
20263, 20271
Cheritza - “A pretty little Viennese” (Tom Ford; Louis Breau)
Cherries (Frederic Weatherley; George H. Gartlan) 21047
Cherry (Donald Redman) 21730
Chewing gum (A.P. Carter) 21517
Chick, chick, chick, chick chicken (Lay a little egg for me)
(Fred Holt; Thomas McGhee; Irving King) 20206
Chicken (Old folk song) 21925
Chicken, The 20349
Child Jesus, The 20442
Children of the Ritz (Lewis Pollack; Nathaniel Shilkret):
Some sweet day 21896, 21990
Chillicothe - Ohio quadrille 20638
Chimes of Dunkirk 21618
Chimes of liberty, The (Edwin Franko Goldman) 20311
Chimes of Normandy, The (Robert Planquette): On billows
rocking + Silent heroes 21937
Chinch, The (Phil Worde) 20483
Chinese lullaby (Robert Hood Bowers) 21970
Chinese moon (Joseph Nussbaum) 20287
Chinese wedding (A. Bereshiakoff; Whitney Smith)
Chlo-e (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil
Morét”) 21149, 21298, 21382
Cho-cho-san (Giacomo Puccini; Arr. Ferde Grofé; Ross
S. Gorman) 20200
Choclo, El (Angel Gregorio Villoldo) 21393
Choo choo train (Irene Beasley) 21467
Christ arose (He is not here, but is risen) (Robert Lowry)
Christ, the teacher (E.S. Moore) 21737
Christina (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con Conrad)
Christmas bells (W.W. Gilchrist) 20993
Christmas carol (Minot J. Savage; Robert Braine) 21044
Christmas Eve (Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov): Church
scene - in Russian 20358
Christmas lullaby, A 20442
Christmas morning at Clancey’s (Steve C. Porter) -
Descriptive 20299
Christmas time at Moonshine Hollow (Bud Landress)
Church bells are ringing for Mary, The (Elmer Colby)
Church bells blues (Luke Jordan) 21076
Church in the wildwood, The (James Rowe; William S.
Pitts) 20543
Cicero and Caesar 21208, 21237
Cielito lindo (P. Santos) 20384, 21235
Cinderella (Jacob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm) 21697
Cinderella girl (Jerome David Kern) 20313
Cindy - “Mountaineer song” 20673
Circus days, The 21567
Circus parade march 20154
Circus Princess, The (Julius Brammer; Alfred Greenwald;
Emmerich Kálmán): I am true to all of you 20680
Circus Princess, The (Julius Brammer; Alfred Greenwald;
Emmerich Kálmán): I love the boys 20680
Clancey’s wooden wedding (Steve C. Porter) 20299
Clap yo’ hands (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin) 20327,
20372, 20435
Clari (John Payne; Henry Bishop): Home sweet home
21002, 21949
Clarice (Tiny Parham) 21659
Clarinet marmalade (Larry Shields; Henry Ragas) 20647
Clementine (Henry Creamer; Harry Warren) 20994
Cliff hornpipe 21593
Climbin’ up de golden stairs (F. Heiser) 21457
Climbin’ up the mountain 20665
Climbing Jacob’s ladder 20566
Climbing up the ladder of love (Raymond Klages; Jesse
Greer) 20230
Clock and the banjo, The (Harry F. Reser) 20439
Clock, The (Theodore Kullak) 20399
Close to your heart (Billy Neagny) 20728
Closer to Jesus (R.H. McDaniel; Charles H. Gabriel)
Clover blossoms 21724
Coal oil blues (Vol Stevens) 21278
Cobble-stones (Sidney Clare; Lewis Pollack) 21105
Cocaine blues (Luke Jordan) 21076
Cock-a-doodle I’m off my noodle (Harry Ferguson; Howard
E. Johnson; Al Sherman; Charles Tobias) 20500
Cockles and mussels (In Dublin’s fair city) Traditional)
Cocoanuts, The (Irving Berlin): Ting-a ling, the bells’ll ring
Cocoanuts, The (Irving Berlin): When my dreams come
true 21977, 21989
Cohen at the telepnone (Arr. Julius Tannen) 20921
Cold mornin’ shout (Bobby Leecan) 21249
Cold rocks was my pillow 20584
College days (J.M. Boob) 20005
Collegiana (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) 21307
Colletts (Abel Baer; Gustave “Gus” Kahn) 20757
Columbia, the gem of the ocean (Thomas A. Beckett)
Come and raise a song to alma mater 20042
Come and see a man (E.D. Campbell) 21133
Come back, Chiquita (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Mabel Wayne)
Come back, Paddy Reilly, to Ballyjamesduff 21443
Come down, McGinty (Pat White) 21200
Come join the band 21344
Come let us be joyful (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) 20448
Come on, baby (Archie Gotker; Sidney Clare; Maceo
Pinkard) 21729
Come thou almighty King (G. Wesley; F. de Giardini) 20742
Come West little girl, come West (Gustave “Gus” Kahn;
Walter Donaldson) 21808
Come, fill your glasses 20041
Comin’ home (Jessie L. Deppen; Thekla Hollingsworth)
Coney Island washboard (Hampton Durand; Jerry Adams;
Ned Nester; Claude Shugart) 20293
Confess 20746
Conley’s favorite 20712
Connaught man’s rambles - Irish polka - (Set 1st figure)
Connecticut Yankee, A (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): I
feel at home with you 21034
Connecticut Yankee, A (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers):
My heart stood still 21027, 21034
Connecticut Yankee, A (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers):
Thou swell 21113, 21346
Conqueror, The (C. Teike) 20269
Consolation (Maurice J. Gunsky; Morton H. Bories) 20236,
C-O-N-S-T-A-N-T-I-N-O-P-L-E (Harry Carlton) 21477, 21511
Cool drink of water blues (Tommy Johnson) 21729
Coon hunting in Moonshine Hollow (Bud Landress) 21354
Coquette (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Carmen Lombardo;John
W. Green) 21301, 21505
Coquette (Irving Berlin) 21880, 21898
Cork, The 21320
Cornell medley (Arr. George L. Coleman) 21934
Cornell University Alma mater (A.C. Weeks ’72) 21934
Coronado nights (Herb Berger; Harry Nordberg; Joe
Stovel) 20697
Corrychollie’s 20219
Cotton-eyed Joe (John H. Chism) 21469
Coucou, Le (Louis Claude Daquin) 20345
Could I? I certainly could (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 20029
Couldn’t hear nobody pray - Negro spiritual 20594, 21373
Countess Maritza (Emmerich Kálmán): In the days gone
by 20188
Countess Maritza (Harry B. Smith; Emmerich Kálmán):
Play gypsies, dance gypsies 20138
Counting the days (Harry Williams; Egbert van Alstyne)
Country dance (Carl Maria von Weber) 20451
Country dance (Ludwig van Beethoven) 20451
Country gardens (Arr. Cecil J. Sharpe) 20642
Country gardens (Percy Aldridge Grainger) 20802
Courting of Nan O’Shea, The (Jack Murphy) 20104
Cover me up with sunshine (And feather my nest with
love) (Mort Dixon; Ray Henderson) 20588
Cow boy love song (Carl T. Sprague) 20067
Cowboy, The (Carl T. Sprague; Words from “Lomax Cowboy
Ballads”) 21402
Cowboy’s dream, The (Domenic John O’Malley) 20122
Cowboy’s lament 21761
Cowboy’s lament (Dean Fitzer; Prescott Brown; Travis
Hale) 20796
Cowman’s prayer, The (Carl T. Sprague; Words from
“Lomax Cowboy Ballads”) 21402
Cradle song (John E. West) 20619
Cradle Songs of Many Nations 20395
Crazy fiddler, The 20764
Crazy Quilt (Billy Rose; Fred Fischer): I found a million
dollar baby (In a five and ten cent store) 20205
Crazy rhythm (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer; Roger Wolfe
Kahn) 21368, 21650
Crazy words, crazy tune (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 20462,
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 339
Creep along, Moses - Negro spiritual 20184
Creole love call (Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington; Bubber
Miley; Jackson) 21137
Crepe on the old cabin door, The (J.E. Guernsey; Floyd
Thompson) 20387
Crested hen 21619
Crew song (William Lewton Mood) 21934
Crime of the d’Autremont brothers (Charles Johnson; Paul
Johnson) 21646
Criss-Cross (Anne Caldwell; Otto Harbach; Jerome David
Kern): You will, won’t you? 20313
Crooked made straight, The (F.W. McGee) 21090
Cross my Heart (Joseph McCarthy; Harry Tierney): Right
out of heaven 21727
Cross roads (Raymond Klages; William Axt; David
Mendoza) 21753, 21787
Cross your heart (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lewis E. Gensler)
20071, 20435
Crossing the bar (Joseph Barnby) 20790
Crow Jane blues (Julius Daniels) 21065
Crucifixion, The (John Stainer): God so loved the world
Crucifixus (Antonio Lotti) 20410
Crusaders’ hymn 20152
Cryin’ for the moon (Larry Conley; Jack Stern; Jules Roos)
Cryin’ holy unto the lord - Spiritual 20959
Cuckoo (J.E. Jonasson; Att. Nathaniel Shilkret) 20253
Cuckoo blues (Tiny Parham) 21553
Cuckoo clock, The 20213
Cuckoo in the clock (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20622
Cuckoo music (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20624
Cuckoo’s nest 21480
Cuddle up a little closer, lovey mine (Otto Hauerbach as
“Harbach”; Karl Hoschna) 21335
Curtains of night, The (Claude Grant) 21289
Czarine, La (Louis Ganne) - Mazurka Russo 20430
Da, da, da, my darling (Edgar Lesie; James V. Monaco)
Daddy and home (Elsie McWilliams; Jimmie Rodgers)
Daffodil lady, The 20618
Daffy ditties (Cliff Friend) 21460
Dainty miss (Bernard Barnes) 21037
Dairy maids, The 20744
Daisy and the wind, The (W. H. Neidlinger) 20349
Daisy, The (Alice Gibbs; Cecil Wells Berryman) 21046
Dallas blues 21135
Damnation de Faust, La (Hector Berlioz, Op. 24) - Ballet
des sylphes 20563
Dance of greeting 20432
Dance of the blue Danube, The (Fred Fisher) 21308, 21502
Dance of the paper dolls (Johnny Tucker; Joe Schuster;
John Siras) 21929
Dance, little lady (Noel Coward) 21801
Dancing Gaels 21160
Dancing shadows (Ernie Golden) 21431
Dancing song 20622
Dancing tambourine (Phil Ponce; W.C. Polla) 20972,
21171, 21252
Daniel 3:16 - Daniel prayed three times a day 20546
Danny boy (Frederic Weatherley; Old Irish air) 21330
Dark alley (Richard M. Jones) 20812
Darling, where have you been so long? (Claude Grant)
Davenport blues (Leon Bix Beiderbecke) 20778
Davis Street blues (Sugar Underwood) 21538
Dawn (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Robert Stolz;
Herbert Stothart) 21097
Dawn in an old world garden (English song birds
awakening) 20968
Dawn of tomorrow (Jeanne Gravelle; Joe Green) 20659,
20838, 20985
Dawning (Abner Silver; Maceo Pinkard) 20923, 20963
Days of the forty-nine, The 21627
Dead drunk blues (George W. Thomas) 20982
Dead man blues (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 20252
Dear heart (LaForest Dent) 20855
Dear heart, what might have been (Fleta Jan Brown;
Herbert Spencer) 20438
Dear home of mine, good-bye 20138
Dear little girl (When I’m with you) (Otto Cesana) 21506
Dear little hen, The (Parker Fillmore) 21824
Dear little shamrock, The (Andrew Cherry; John Cherry)
Dear old girl (Richard H. Buck; Theodore F. Morse) 20693
Dear old sunny South by the sea (Jimmie Rodgers;
Ellsworth T. Cozzens) 21574
Dear, on a night like this (Irving Caesar; Con Conrad)
21112, 21213
Dear, when I met you (A. Seymour Brown; Albert von
Tilzer) 21910
Death may be your pay check (F.W. McGee) 21656
Death’s black train is comin’ 20211
Deck the hall (Old Welsh air) 20993
’Deed I do (Fred Rose; Walter Hirsch) 20397, 20408
Deep Henderson (Fred Rose) 20081, 20774
Deep night (Rudy Vallée; Charlie Henderson) 21868,
Deep river - Negro spiritual 20793
Deep river blues (Eddie Green; Lucile Marie Handy)
20125, 21651
Delilah (Fred Fischer; Billy Rose) 20464
Delirium (Arthur Schutt) 20778
Desert song, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II;
Sigmund Romberg): Desert song 20512, 21342
Desert Song, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II;
Sigmund Romberg): One alone 20373
Desert Song, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II;
Sigmund Romberg): Riff song 20373
Destiny (Sydney Baynes) 21569
Devil is afraid of music, The (Willard Robison) 21458
Devil’s bit 20713
Dew Drop Alley stomp (Sugar Underwood) 21538
Dew drop, A (F.D. Sherman; W.W. Gilchrist) 20212
Diane, I’m in heaven when I see you smile (Lewis Pollack;
Erno Rapée) 21000, 21019, 21146, 21225
Dick Brickley’s favorite - Irish polka - (Set 3rd figure) 20721
Did you ever see? 21618
Did you mean it? (Phil Baker; Sid Silvers; Abe Lyman)
21105, 21116
Diddle diddle dumpling 20621
Diddle-dee-dee 20744
Digah’s stomp, The (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller) 21358
Dill pickles (Charles Johnson) 21286
Dinah (Harry Akst) 20000
Ding dong blues (Staton; Bennie Moten) 21199
Ding, dong, bell + Evening song (Hazel Gertrude
Kinscella) 20156
Dirty guitar blues (Bobbie Leecan) 20251
Divine Lady (Richard Kountz; Nathaniel Shilkret): Lady
Divine 21896, 21898
Dixie (Daniel Emmett) 20166, 20218, 21919
Dixie dawn (Jo Trent; Peter de Rose) 21438
Dixie land (Collin Coe; Daniel Emmett) 21950
Dixie vagabond (Walter Donaldson; Gustave “Gus” Kahn)
20689, 20696
Dixie, bo, bo (Taskiana Four: Norman Allen; Edward
Foster; Daniel Johnson; James Ricks) 20852
Dizzy fingers (Zez Confrey) 20777
Do I hear you saying I love you? (Lorenz Hart; Richard
Rodgers) 21398
Do it yourself (J.M. Gates) 21523
Do Lord remember me (Ernest Phipps) 20927
Do something (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept) 21917
Do you believe in dreams? (J. Russel Robinson; Addy
Britt; Little Jack Little) 20095
Do you call that religion? 20506
Do you love as I love? (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer)
Do you love me? (Billy Merrick) 20755
Do you still remember? (Carson J. Robison) 21604
Doctor Jazz (Joe “King” Oliver) 20415
Do-do-do (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin) 20327, 20331,
Doena 21175
(Does she love me?) Positively, absolutely (Sam Coslow;
Jean Herbert) 20643, 20676
Doin’ the new low down (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh)
Doin’ the raccoon (Raymond Klages; J. Fred Coots) 21701
Doin’ things (Eddie Lang; Joe Venuti) 21561
Doin’ you good (Boyd Senter) 21912
Dolan’s poker party (Frank Crumit) 21579
Doll dance, The (Nacio Herb Brown) 20503, 20698, 21252
Dolly, The (Clara Belle Baker) 20442
Dolly dimples (Louis Alter) 21301
Dolores (Edward Grossman; Ted Ward) 21654
Dolores 21383
Don Giovanni (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, K.527) -
Menuett 20440
Don Juan (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, K.527) - Minuet
20990, 21938
Donnal’s favorite hornpipe 21660
Donegal hornpipe 21593
Don’t be angry with me (Walter Donaldson) 20256, 20391
Don’t be cross (Carl Zeller) 20318
Don’t be like that (Archie Gottler; Charles Tobias; Maceo
Pinkard) 21805, 21830
Don’t cry, baby (Cry baby, don’t cry) (Gustave “Gus” Kahn;
Ted Fiorito; George Whiting) 21602
Don’t forget (Buddy G. de Sylva, Lewis E. Gensler; James
Frederick Hanley) 20435
Don’t forget me, little darling (J. Patterson) 21187
Don’t get one woman on your mind (Willard Hodgin)
Don’t give all the lard away (Henry Clifford; Lockwood
Lewis) 20420
Don’t go out to-night, my darling (George Cooper; G.B.
Grayson) 21139
Don’t hold everything (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown;
Ray Henderson) 21791
Don’t let nobody turn you around (Imperial Quintette)
Don’t look at me that way (Cole Porter) 21742
Don’t make it too late (Mrs. L. Reed) 21536
Don’t sing “Aloha” when I go (Walter Smith; Ben Black;
Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) 20314, 20338
Don’t steal daddy’s medal (Salmo Adler; Charles Tobias;
Jack Glogau) 20025
Don’t wait till the lights are low (Howard E. Johnson;
Carmen Lombardo) 21507
Don’t you grieve after me (Ernest Phipps) 20834
Don’t you leave me here 20653
Don’t you let your head hang down (Mike Jackson) 20768
Don’t you want to know? (Robert H. Cloud) 21537
Dorothy (Clarence Gaskill) 20114
Down by the gas house (The werry woist place in town)
(William Tracey; Al Piantadosi) 20096
Down by the old mill stream (Tell Taylor) 21399
Down by the riverside - Negro spiritual 20904
Down de lover’s lane (W. Marion Cooke) 20973
Down hearted blues (Alberta Hunter) 21640
Down in de cane brake (Frank Crumit) 21430
Down in Happy Valley (Charles Johnson; Paul Johnson)
Down on the banks of the old Yazoo (Harry Owens) 20243
Down South (Sigmund Speath; William H. Myddleton)
Down the field 20008
Down the lane with you again (Larry Spier) 20687
Down where the sun goes down (Jones; Buck) 21546
Down where the watermelon grows (Ren Shields; George
Evans) 20540
Down yonder 21403
Downtown blues (Frank Stokes) 21272
Dream boat (Grace Henry; Jo Trent; George Bagby) 21894
Dream girl of Pi Kappa Alpha (Ernest Shields) 21916
Dream house (Earle Foxe; Lynn Cowan) 21340, 21392
Dream kisses (Jack Yellen; M.K. Jerome) 21000, 21257
Dream mother (Al Lewis; Al Sherman; Joe Burke) 21915,
Dream of love and you (Glenhall Taylor) 20062
Dream River (George Brown) 21339, 21448
Dream tango (E.V. Malderen) - “Le tango du reve” 20454
Dream train (Charles Newman; Billy Baskette) 21853
Dream visions (Carl Stix; Op. 138) 20201
Dream, A (Charles Cory; James Bartlett) 21250
Dreaming the waltz away (Fred Rose; Paul Whiteman)
Dreamy Carolina moon (Evans Lloyd; Erwin R. Schmidt)
Dress parade (Arr. J. Perches Enriquez) - “Columna militar”
Drifting (E.E. Hewitt; B.D. Ackley) 20999
Drifting down the trail of dreams (Carson J. Robison)
Driftwood (Benny Davis; Dohl Davis; Abe Lyman; Charlie
Abbot) 21589
Drink to me only with thine eyes (Old English air) 20807,
Drop down blues (Arah Moore; James Alston) 20553
Drops of brandy (Arr. Ed Geoghagen) 20887
Drowsy Maggie 21718
Drowsy waters - Wailana 20028, 20702, 21763
Drunken hiccough song - ’Way up on Clinch Mountain
Du bist vericht mein kindt 21587
Dublin reel 21444
Duffy’s blunders (Pat White) 20718
Duke of Marlborough (Folk song) 20152
Dummy, The (Bessie Tucker) 21708
Durang’s hornpipe 20592
Dusky stevedore (Andy Razaf; J.C. Johnson) 21515,
Dying cowboy, The (H. Clemons) 20122
Dying gambler, The (J.M. Gates) 20332
Dying girl’s farewell (J.D. Patton) 21129
Dying hobo, The (Travis Hale) 20527, 20796
Dying mother and her child, The (J.M. Gates) 20216
Earl Carroll’s Vanities - Alabama stomp (Henry Creamer;
Jimmy Johnson) 20230
Earl Carroll’s Vanities - Blue shadows (Raymond Klages;
Louis Alter) 21632, 21765
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 341
Earl Carroll’s Vanities - Climbing up the ladder of love
(Raymond Klages; Jesse Greer) 20230
Earl Carroll’s Vanities - Dorothy (Clarence Gaskill) 20114
Earl Carroll’s Vanities - Hugs and kisses (Raymond Klages;
Lou Alter) 20285
Earl Carroll’s Vanities - Raquel (George Whiting; Joe
Burke) 21910, 21911
Earl Carroll’s Vanities - Who do you love? (Raymond
Klages; Hugo Frey; Fred Rich) 20784
East is West (Robert Hood Bowers): Chinese lullaby
East St. Louis toddle-oo (Edward Kennedy “Duke”
Ellington; Bubber Miley) 21703
Eastside, Westside 21493
Echoes of Ireland (Arthur Lange) 20918
Ecossaises (Ludwig van Beethoven) 21012
Eel in the sink 21318
Eifenspiel (Halfdan Kjerulf, Op. 24, No. 2) 20399
Eileen (Henry M. Blossom; Victor Herbert): When shall I
again see Ireland? - “Ireland, my sIreland” 21595
Either you do or you don’t (Jo Trent; Peter de Rose; Albert
von Tilzer) 21764
El Watson’s fox chase (El Watson, B. Cooksey) 21440
Eleanor (Jessie L. Deppen) 20176
Eleazer Wheelock (Arr. Homer Whitford) 21375
Elsie Shultze-en-heim (Cliff Friend; Abner Silver) 20255
Eltorott a Hegedum (Old Hungarian folk song) 20749
Elua kaua 20281
Emmett’s favorite yodel (Joseph K. Emmet) 20247
Erin, remember the days of old 21483
Escape for your life (E.D. Campbell) 21133
Estrellita (Little star of love) (M.M. Ponce) 20279, 20586
Estudiantina (Paul La´ome; Adapted by Emil Waldteufel)
Eternal secret (José Perches Enriques) - “Secreto eterno”
Etiquette blues (Gayle Grubb) 21797
Euridice (Jacopo Peri): Funeste piaggie 21752
Eurydice (Giulio Caccini): Non piango e non sospiro 21752
Evenin’ (Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) 21807
Evening bells 20154
Evening chimes (Carl Heins, Op. 201) 20026
Evening hour, The (Ludwig van Beethoven) 21759
Evening prayer 20442
Evening star (Help me find my man) (Roy Turk; Fred E.
Ahlert) 21451
Evening sun (Jimmie Rodgers) “Blue yodel, No. 3” 21531
Ever after on (W.C. Handy) 20654
Evergreen money blues (Will Shade) 21657
Every evening (Billy Rose; Jimmy McHugh) 21312
Every moon’s a honeymoon (Dale Wimbrow; Roy Bargy)
Everybody got to walk this lonesome valley - Negro
spiritual 20310
Everybody have the blues sometime (James Alston)
Everybody loves my girl (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young;
Maurice Abrahams) 21173
Everything will happen for the best (Buddy G. de Sylva,
Lewis E. Gensler; James Frederick Hanley) 20435
Everything’s gonna be all right (Benny Davis; Harry Akst)
Everything’s made for love (You know - I know) (Howard
E. Johnson; Charles Tobias; Al Sherman) 20478
Everywhere you go (Larry Shay; Joe Goodwin; Mark
Fisher) 21217
Ev’ry little while (Fred Steel; Billy Hageny) 20409
Ev’rybody loves my girl (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Maurice
Abrahams) 21104
Ev’rybody loves you (Alfred Dubin; Little Jack Little)
21811, 21848
Ev’rything’s peaches (For Peaches and me) (Harry D.
Squires) 20381
Exile’s return, The (John Locke; Alicia Adelaide Needham)
Exodus, 5:2: Pharoah said, “Who is the lord? 20767
Expectin’ a son (Joseph D. O’Donnell) 21446
Explosion in the Fairmount mines (Alfred Reed) 21191
Eyes of Texas, The (Lyrics by Sinclair) 21455
Eyes that love (Harry B. Smith; Sigmund Romberg) 21031
Ezekiel saw de wheel - Negro spiritual 20604, 21582
Fairest of the fair, The (John Philip Sousa) 20132
Fairies (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) 20622
Fairies, The (Lora L. Holmes; Jessie L. Gaynor) 20738
Fairy tale 20154
Faith in spring (M. Louis Baum; Franz Schubert) 20804
Fallen leaf (An Indian love song) (Virginia K. Logan;
Frederick Knight Logan) 20683
Falling in love with you (Benny Davis; Joseph Meyer)
20238, 20459
Fantasia in D Minor (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) 20345
Far away in Hawaii (Carson J. Robison) 20369
Far away Texas blues (Douglas Williams) 21413
Far down jig, The 20711
Farandole 21685
Farewell blues (Elmer Schobal; Paul Mares; Leon Rappolo)
Farewell to the forest (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy)
Farmer in the dell 21618
Fascinatin’ vamp (Joseph Nussbaum) - “A vamping
episode” 21431
Fascination (Irving Mills; Dave Bernie) 21239
Fashionette (Jack Glogan; Robert A. King) 21902
Fate (Valentino tango) (José Manuel Bada; Nathaniel
Shilkret) 20454
Fate of Chris Liveley and wife (Alfred Reed) 21533
Fate of Talmage Osborne, The (Ernest V. Stoneman)
Father O’Flynn 20720
Fats’ Waller stomp (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller; Charlie Irvis)
Faun (W.W. Andreeff) - “Favor waltz” 20752
Faust (Charles Gounod): Mirror Dance 20399
Faust (Charles Gounod): O tender moon 21937
Faust (Charles Gounod): Soldiers’ chorus 20801
Fazil (Harry David Kerr; James S. Zamecnik): Neapolitan
nights 21633
Feast of lanterns 20621
Feelin’ no pain (Fud Livingston) 21183
Feeling I’m falling (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin) 21795
Ferry me across the river (Christina Rossetti; Beatrice
MacGowan Scott) 21051
Fhir a’ bhata - In Gaelic 21612
Fidgety feet (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin) 20435
Fifty million Frenchmen can’t be wrong (Billy Rose; Willie
Raskin; Fred Fisher) 20634
Fight on, Pennsylvania (David B. Zoob) 20040
Fight the team across the field (W.A. Dougherty, Jr.) 20005
Fightin’ blues (Laura Smith) 20945
Finnegan, the tailor (Irish song) 20761
Fioretta (Grace Henry; Jo Trent; George Bagby): Dream
boat 21894
Fioretta (Grace Henry; Jo Trent; George Bagby): Fioretta
Fireman (Clara Belle Baker) 20442
First born was a murderer, The (Rev. J.M. Gates) 21125
First kiss, The (Alfred Dubin; J. Russel Robinson) 21652
First nowell, The (Traditional) 20174, 20993
First of May, The 21679
Fitzmaurice 21380, 21441, 21442
Five O’clock Girl (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby): Up in the
clouds 20996
Five O’clock Girl, The (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby): Thinking
of you 20996
Five pennies (Red Nichols) 21560
Five step (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
Flapperette (Jesse Greer) 20429, 20503
Flatterer, The (Cécile Chaminade) 20346
Fledermaus, Die (Johann Strauss) - Selection 21020
Flight of “Lucky Lindy”, The (Ernest Rogers) - “Flight of
the flying fool” 20671
Flogging 21679
Florence (Chappie Chappelle) 21062
Florida blues (W.K. Phillips) 20403
Florida rhythm (Robert H. Cloud) 20961
Flow gently, sweet Afton (Old Scots tune; Robert Burns;
James E. Spillman) 20187, 20807
Flower of love (Dave Dryer; Herman Ruby; Wiliam Axt;
David Mendoza) 21643
Flowers of Edinburgh, The 21543
Flying Fleet, The (Raymond Klages; William Axt; David
Mendoza): You’re the only one for me 21897
Foggy dew, The (L.F. Milligan; Old English air) 21478
Folks in New York City ain’t like the folks down South (Phil
Worde) 20178
Follow Thru (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Button up your overcoat 21861, 21863
Follow Thru (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): I want to be bad 21859, 21863
Follow Thru (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): My lucky star 21861
Follow Thru (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): You wouldn’t fool me, would you? 21859
Following the cow trail - “An old cow boy ballad” 20067
Following the sun around (Joseph McCarthy; Harry
Tierney) 20557
Following you around (Roger Wolfe Kahn) 20573
For my baby (Irving Kahal; Francis Wheeler; Ted Snyder)
For my sweetheart (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter
Donaldson) 20126, 20143, 20292
For old times’ sake (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 21503, 21527
For seven long years I’ve been married (Kelly Harrell)
For you (Frank G. Woodruff; George L. Hodge) 20261
For you and me (Jessie L. Deppen; Thekla Hollingsworth)
Forever and ever (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 21229, 21716,
Forgive me (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 20514, 20561
Forked deer - Frolic tune 21407
Forsaken (Thomas Koschat) 21936
Fort Worth and Denver blues (Bessie Tucker) 21708
Forza del Destino, La (Giuseppe Verdi): Overture 21865
Four or five times (Byron Gay; Marco H. Hellman) 21583
Four Sons (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée): Little mother
21259, 21303
Four Walls (Al Jolson; Billy Rose; Dave Dreyer): Four walls
21165, 21220
Fourth of July at a country fair (William Jerome; Jean
Schwartz; Arr. Bud Landress) 20549
Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 (Archie Gottler; Sidney D.
Mitchell; Con Conrad): Big city blues 21961
Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 (Archie Gottler; Sidney D.
Mitchell; Con Conrad): Breakaway 21961
Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 (Archie Gottler; Sidney D.
Mitchell; Con Conrad): That’s you, baby 21927
Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 (Archie Gottler; Sidney D.
Mitchell; Con Conrad): Walking with Susie 21927
Frankie and Johnny (Adapted by Frank Crumit) 20715
Franklin Street blues (Louis Dumaine; Eddie Jackson)
Freshman hop (Al Goering; Jack Pettis) 21793
Frieze breetches, The 20850
Frog went a-courting - Lonesome tune (L. Wyman; H,
Brokeway) 21751
Frog, The (Francis E. Funk; Daniel Protheroe) 21049
Frogtown blues (L.C. Prigett) 21359
From ‘Frisco to Cape Cod 20677
From midnight till dawn (Vic Tory; Dale Wimbrow; Charley
Abbott) 21230
From Monday on (Harry Barris; Harry “Bing” Crosby)
21274, 21302
From Saturday night till Monday morning (Alfred Dubin;
Alex Marr) 21009
From sunrise to sunset (From sunset till dawn) (Benny
McLaughlin; Jack Miller) 21960, 21987
From the canebrake (Samuel Gardner, Op. 5, No. 1) 21750
From the land of the sky blue water (Nellie Eberhart;
Charles Wakefield Cadman, Op. 45, No. 1) 21118
From Uncle Remus (From “Woodland Sketches” (Edward
MacDowell, Op. 51) 20803
Fugue in D Major (Johann Sebastian Bach) 21629
Fun at the fair (Mattie Haskins) 20762
Fundamental Rhythms for Children 20350, 20351
Funeral train (J.M. Gates) 20217
Funiculì, funiculà (Luigi Denza) + Santa Lucia (Teodoro
Cottrau) 20080, 20249
Funny Face (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Funny Face
Funny Face (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): ‘S wonderful
Funny Face (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): What am I
gonna do? 21113, 21145
Futuristic rhythm (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh)
G rag (Bud Landress) 21195
Gabbetts Grove 20713
Gambler, The (Anonymous; Carl T. Sprague) 20534
Gang War (Film) (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn): My
suppressed desire 21803
Gang War (Al Sherman; Al Lewis; Abe Lyman): Ya’ comin’
up to-night, huh? 21889
Garden in the rain, A (James Dyrenforth; Carroll Gibbons)
21915, 21942
Garden of joy blues (Clifford Hayes) 21126
Garden of paradise, The (Sallie Hume-Douglas) 20707
Garrick Gaities 1926 - What’s the use of talking? (Lorenz
Hart; Richard Rodgers) 20089
Garrick Gaities, The - Mountain greenery (Lorenz Hart;
Richard Rodgers) 20071, 20124
Gathering peascods 20445
Gavotte (A.E.M. Grétry) 20440
Gavotte in B Flat (George Frederic Handel) 20451
Gay caballero, A (Frank Crumit) 21735
Gay Paree (Powers Gourand): “Je t’aime” means I love
you 20412
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 343
Gee, I’m marvelous in the bath-room (Walter O’Keefe)
Geechee (R. Arthur Booker; C. Austin; Sidney Easton)
General Lejeune march (Taylor Branson) 21038
General Pershing march (Carl Vandersloot) 20303
Genevieve (Cooper Adams) 21662
George Washington (T. McKinnie) 21469
George White’s Scandals - American tune (Buddy G. de
Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) 21500
George White’s Scandals - Black bottom (Ray Henderson)
George White’s Scandals - Blue grass (Buddy G. de Sylva;
Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) 21512
George White’s Scandals - Girl is you and the boy is me,
The (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
George White’s Scandals - I’m on the crest of a wave
(Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) 21500
George White’s Scandals - Lucky day (Buddy G. de Sylva;
Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) 20101, 20111
George White’s Scandals - Pickin’ cotton (Buddy G. de
Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) 21512
George White’s Scandals - What d’ya say? (Buddy G. de
Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) 21632
George White’s Scandals of 1926 - The birth of the blues,
The (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
20111, 20138
Georgia blues (L. Wolfe Gilbert) 21649
Georgia grind, The (Spencer Williams) 20180
Georgianna (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry Akst)
20017, 20107
German kinderpolka 20432
German’s arrival, The (Frank Wilson) - Yodel specialty
Get along home Miss Cindy (John H. Chism) 21577
Get away old man, get away (Adapted by Frank Crumit)
Get ‘em in a rumble seat (Morey Davidson; Carl Lampl;
Jack Marshall) 21311
Get low d-o-w-n blues (Bennie Moten) 21693
Get on board (Charles Henry Pace) 20295
Get out and get under the moon (Charles Tobias; William
Jerome; Larry Shay) 21432, 21557
Get the river ready (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles N.
Daniels as “Neil Morét”) 21382
Ghosts (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) 20159
Giants, The (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) 20743
Gideon 21405
Giga (Arcangelo Corelli) 20451
Giggling Gertie (Dave Dreyer; Harry Tobias; Charles
Tobias) 21529
Gimme a li’l kiss, will ya, huh? (Roy Turk; Jack Smith;
Maceo Pinkard) 20031
Ginger bread man (Maurice Moszkowski) 20347
Gingerbread man 20618
Ginger’s favorite 21594
Girl Friend, The (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): The blue
moon 20082
Girl Friend, The (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): The girl
friend 20029, 20124
Girl is you and the boy is me, The (Buddy G. de Sylva;
Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) 20163
Girl of my dreams, I love you (Sunny Clapp) 20971, 21246,
21263, 21334
Give me a night in June (Cliff Friend) 20984, 21016
Give me a ukulele (And a ukulele baby) (And leave
the rest to me) (Lew Brown; Gene Williams) 20324,
Give me the sunshine (Con Conrad; Harry Creamer;
Jimmy Johnson) 21425
Give me today (And you can have to-morrow) (Paul
Fitswarth; Harold Bell) 20061
Give me your heart (Rozier Daughtry) 21370
Give the world a smile (Otis Deaton; M.L. Yandell)
Give us a drink of water (From Selena O’Neill’s collection)
Give your little baby lots of lovin’ (Dolly Morse; Joe Burke)
Glad rag doll (Jack Yellen; Dan Dougherty; Milton Ager)
21855, 21882
Gloria patri (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; Frank
Damrosch) 20897
Glorianna (Lewis Pollack; Sidney Clare) 21836
Glorishears (Bampton traditional) 20641
Glory of spring, The (J. Keirn Brennan; Maury Rubens)
Go down, Moses - Negro spiritual 20498, 20518
Go ‘long, Lasses (Irene Beasley) 21266
Go, Joe, go (Steve Kretzmer; Phil Napoleon; Frank
Signorelli) 20605
Go, U Northwestern (Teho C. van Etten ’13) 21914
God got his eyes on you 20581
God loves me 20442
God save the King (Henry Carey) 21002
God so loved the world (John Stainer) 21254
Godless Girl, The (Charles Weinberg; Josiah Zuro): Love
(All I want is love) 21702, 21746
God’s dwelling place (J.E. Burch) 21063
God’s indictment (Against the world) (Rev. C.M. Grayson)
Goes like this (Oh, what a funny melody) (Irving Caesar;
Cliff Friend) 21701
Goin’ back to Tennessee (Boyd Senter) 21864
Goin’ crazy with the blues (Andy Razaf; J.C. Johnson)
Goin’ to die with the staff in my hand (J.M. Gates) 20851
Going back to Dixie (Thomas P. Westendorf) 21653
Going back to Nassau Hall 20355
Going back to old Nassau Hall 20355
Going down the river (Odie Goatcher) 21711
Going down the valley (Jessie Brown Pounds; J.H. Filmore)
Going slow (Arr. Raney Vanvink) 21128
Going through Lorriane 20986
Going to raise a rucus to-night (H.G. Wheeler; J.W.
Wheeler) 20928
Going to ride that midnight train (James A. Bland; Arr. Bill
Chitwood) 20549
Going up Cripple Creek 20294
Going up the King’s highway (Lucy E. Campbell) 20950
Gold fish 20073
Golden Dawn (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II;
Emmerick Kálmán; Herbert Stothart): The whip 21170
Golden Dawn (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II;
Emmerick Kálmán; Herbert Stothart): We two 21097
Golden Dawn (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II;
Robert Stolz; Herbert Stothart): Dawn 21097
Golden Gate (Al Jolson; Joseph Dreyer; Dave Meyer; Billy
Rose) 21310, 21427
Golden rule, The (Robert Braine) 21045
Golden slippers (James A. Bland) 20539, 20843
Golden slippers - Negro spiritual 20843
Golden slumbers kiss your eyes 20986
Golliwog’s cake walk (Claude Debussy) 21945
Golondrina, La (Narciso Serradell) - “The swallow” 21055,
21235, 21598
Gone again gal (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Isham Jones)
Gone but not forgotten, Florence Mills (Mandy Lee; Bob
King) 21061
Gonna get a girl (Al Lewis; Paul Ash; Howard Simon)
20511, 29686
Good Boy (Bert Kalmar; Herbert Stothart; Harry Ruby): I
wanna be loved by you 21682, 21684
Good Boy (Bert Kalmar; Herbert Stothart; Harry Ruby):
Some sweet someone 21682
Good King Wencelas 20993
Good little, bad little you (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept)
21090, 21922
Good mornin’ (Irene Beasley) 21266
Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Good news 20875
Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Just imagine 21565
Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Lucky in love 20872
Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): The best things in life are free 20872, 21039
Good News (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Varsity drag 20875, 21039, 21384
Good news - Negro spiritual 20520
Good night - Medley waltz 21450
Good night (I’ll see you in the morning) (Carl Hohengarten;
William Roettger; Paul Small) 20012
Good night (Leo Wood; Irving Bibo; Con Conrad) 21726
Good night ladies 21450
Good Old Songs - Medley - “Close harmony” 20824
Good stuff (Richard M. Starks; Richard M. Jones) 20859
Good woman blues (Phil Worde; Edgar Dowell) 20652
Good-bye Honolulu (Arr. Sonny Cunha) 20097
Good-bye, my Alabama babe 21197
Good-bye, my blue bell (Edward Madden; Theodore F.
Morse) 20542
Good-bye, my Bonnie, good-bye (Dock Walsh; Gwen
Foster) 21193
Good-bye, old paint 21761
Goofer feathers blues (James Augustine) 21641
Goofus (Bob Nolan) 21710
Goose Creek (Mart Britt) 21760
Gorgeous (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) 20759, 20826
Gospel train 20949
Got a rainbow (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin) 21795
Got everything but you (Jack Palmer, Andy Razaf) 21703
Got the great big world in his hands 20581
Gotta be good (Victor L. Schertzinger) 21772
Gran via, La (Joachín Valverde) 21163
Grandaddy long legs 20441
Grandmother, tell me a story 20213
Grandpa’s spells (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 20431
Grass grows greener, The (Way down home) (Jack Yellen;
Dan Dougherty) 21209, 21275
Graysom Street blues (Mike Jackson) 20333
Greasy string (W.B. Boyles) 20862
Great reaping day, The (R.E. Winsett) 20532
Greengate, The 20815
Greensleeves 21619
Greenwich Village Follies - Wouldn’t you? (Owen Murphy)
Greenwich Village Follies of 1924 - I’m in love again (Cole
Porter) 20646, 20678
Greeting (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) 20343
Gregorian Mass of the Blessed Virgin: Ave Maria + Kyrie
eleison 21621
Gregorian Requiem Mass: Dies irae + Sanctus and
benedictus 21621
Gridiron Club, The (John Philip Sousa) 20276
Gridiron King (R.K. Fletcher) 20353
Grieving (Wayland Aztell) 21678
Grimstock 20444
Grove, The 21442
Guarany, Il (Antonio Gomes): Overture 21300
Guard of old Nassau, The 20355
Guessing song (Grace Perkins) 21052
Guide me, o thou great Jehovah (William Williams; Thomas
Hastings) 21242
Gum chewers song, The - I’m gonna dance wit de guy
wot brung me (Walter O’Keefe) 20822
Gustaf’s skoal 20988
Gwine to have bad luck for seven years (Phil Worde; Andy
Razaf) 20297
Gypsy Melodies (Adolf Heyduk; Antonín Dvorák, Op. 55,
No. 4): Songs my mother taught me 20494
Gypsy’s warning, The (Henry A. Coard) 20795
Ha ha blues (Rosie Mae Moore) 21280
Hail Pennsylvania (Dilley) 20040
Hail, hail, the gang’s all here (D.A. Esrom; Theodore F.
Morse; Arthur S. Sullivan) 21673
Hail, Minnesota (Truman E. Rinkard ’04) 21687
Hail, queen of heavens (English air) 21395
Hail, Stanford, hail 21344
Half a moon is better than no moon (Herbert Reynolds;
Eddie Dowling; James Frederick Hanley) 20231
Half ain’t never been told, The (F.W. McGee) 21492
Half way to heaven (Alfred Dubin; J. Russel Robinson)
Hallelujah (Leo Robin; Clifford Grey; Vincent Youmans)
20599, 20609, 20786
Hallelujah side (Johnson Oatman; J. Howard Entwisle)
Hallelujah, I’m a bum 21343
Hallowe’en (Margaret Widdener; George H. Gartlan)
Halls of Montezuma, The (Arr. Edw. M. Van Looch,
U.S.M.C.) - “The Marines hymn” 21038
Hallucinations (Joe L. Sanders) 21397
Halona medley (Arr. Charles King) 21418
Ham gravy (Thomas Morris) 20179
Hanalei Bay (Alfred Alohikem) song 20734
Hand me down my walking cane 20103
Hand me down the silver trumpet, Gabriel 20498
Hand organ man, The (Laura Rountree Smith) 21043
Handful of earth (From “My dear mother’s grave”), A
(Joseph T. Murphy) 20239, 21089
Handsome Molly (G.B. Grayson) 21189
Handy man (A. Bishop) 21288
Hang Jeff Davis 20040
Hano hano Hanalei (Alfred Alohikea) 20706
Hano hano Hawaii 20704
Hansel and Gretel (Engelbert Humperdink) 21620
Happy (Jim Rush) 21710
Happy days and lonely nights (Billy Rose; Fred Fisher)
21610, 21780
Happy farmer, A (Robert Schumann) 20158
Happy Go Lucky (Benny Davis; Joseph Meyer): Falling in
love with you 20238
Happy-go-lucky Lane (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Joe
Meyer) 21366, 21394
Happy hour blues (Lloyd Scott; Don Frye) 20495
Happy humming bird (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods) 21887
Happy in prison (Ernest Ernest Phipps) 21192
Hard hearted papa (Phil Worde; Edgar Dowell) 20484
Hard trials, great tribulations 20582
Hard-headed mama (Sidney Easton) 20548
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 345
Hard-to-get Gertie (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 20100, 20323
Harlem River quiver (Jimmy McHugh; Dorothy Fields;
Danny Healy) 21284
Harlem shuffle (Kenneth A. Roane) 21491
Harlem twist (Fud Livingston; Chauncie Morehouse)
Harmonious Blacksmith, The (George Frederic Handel):
Air 20160
Harmony blues (Bennie Moten) 20406
Harvardiana (R.G. Williams) 20354
Has sorrow thy young days shaded? (Thomas Moore; Old
Irish air “Sly Patrick”) 21159, 21483
Haste to the wedding 21596
Hat my father wore on St. Patrick’s day, The (William
Jerome; Jean Schwartz) 21179
Hatter, The 20449
Haunting waltz (Maurice J. Gunsky; Nat Goldstein)
Have you forgotten? (Jack Yellan; Milton Ager) 20409
Haven’t got a dollar to pay your house rent man (Eddie
Jackson; Morris Rouse) 20648
Hawaiian dreams (Herbert B. Marple) 20596
Hawaiian love 20703
Hawaiian moon (Herb Green; King Hall) 20704
Hawaiian nights (Lee S. Roberts) 21110
Hawaiian Rose - Medley 20703
Hawaiian sunset (F.W. Vandersloot) 20022
Hawaiian waltz medley 20131
He ain’t done right by Nell (Dick Howard; Mack Gallagher;
Jimmy Gallagher) 20034
He ain’t never been to college 21332
He bore it all (J.R. Baxter; V.C. Stamps) 21265
He is a Saviour for me (Rev. F.W. McGee) 20858
He is coming to us dead (Gussie L. Davis) 21139
He leadeth me (Joseph H. Gilmore; William B. Bradbury)
He loves me 20942
He was born in a manger (Rev. J.M. Gates) 21030
He will never cast you out (W.R. Cole) 21624
He, she and me (Charles Newman; Carmen Lombardo)
Head hunter’s dream, The (Tiny Parham) - “An African
fantasy” 21553
Headin’ for Harlem (Eddie Dowling, James Frederick
Hanley) 20976
Hear de lam’s a cryin’ - Negro spiritual 20604
Hear dem bells (D.S. McCosh) 21083
Hearbroken and lonely (Sam Coslow; Con Conrad; Saul
Bernie) 21650
Heart o’ mine (Billy Rose; Louis Silvers) 21879
Heart of Paddy Whack, The (Joseph Keirn Brennan; Ernest
R. Ball): A little bit of heaven (Shure they call it Ireland)
Heather and sedge 21718
Heaven song - Negro spiritual 20843
Heavenly sunshine (Lucy E. Campbell) 21196
Hebrew children in the fiery furnace (J.M. Gates) 20421
Hebrews 11:1 - Faith (E.D. Campbell) 20810
Hejre kati (Jeno Hubay) 20841
Hello, aloha (How are you?) (Abel Baer; L. Wolfe Gilbert)
20060, 20265
Hello, baby (Seymore Simons; Richard A. Whiting) - “Hello
song” 20115
Hello, bluebird (Cliff Friend) 20285, 20291
Hello Central, give me heaven (Charles K. Harris) 20542
Hello, cutie (Cliff Friend) 20608, 20696
Hello, Daddy (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh): Futuristic
rhythm 21858
Hello, Daddy (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh): Let’s sit
and talk about you 21858
Hello, Montreal (Billy Rose; Mort Dixon; Harry Warren) 21333
Hello, sunshine, hello (Charles Tobias; Jack Murray; Henry
H. Tobias) 21982
Hello, Swanee, hello (Sam Goslow; Addy Britt) 20467
Hello, Yourself (Leo Robin; Richard Meyers): Say you love
me 21783
Hello, Yourself (Richard Myers; Leo Robin): I want the world
to know 21783
Hem of his garment, The (E.D. Campbell) 21535
Hen party blues (Henry Clifford) 20649
Henry Clay Beattie 20797
Henry Whitter’s fox chase (Henry Whitter) 20878
Henry’s made a lady out of Lizzie (Walter O’Keefe) 21174
Her beaus are only rainbows (Alfred Bryan; George W.
Meyer) 20146
Her golden hair was hanging down her back 21001
Her name was Hula Lou (Arr. Gwen Foster) 20545
Here comes Emmaline (Charles O’Flynn; A. Fred Phillips;
Al Sherman) 20050
Here comes my ball-and-chain (J. Fred Coots; Lou Davis)
Here comes the show boat (Billy Rose; Maceo Pinkard)
(Billy Rose; Maceo Pinkard) 21166
Here I am, broken hearted (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown;
Ray Henderson) 20107, 20912
Here I come - “Ay que me vengo” 20884
Here or there as long as I’m with you (Benny Davis; Jesse
Greer) 20476
Here we go round the mulberry bush 20806
Here’s Howe (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer; Roger Wolfe
Kahn): Crazy rhythm 21368, 21650
Here’s Howe (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer; Roger Wolfe
Kahn): Imagination 21368
Here’s that party now, in person (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
Here’s to the health of Eph Williams 20042
Here’s to the wedding 21177
Hero closes a war, A (Sutton E. Griggs) 21706
He’s a good man to have around (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
He’s gone away (Easton; Sidney Easton) 21202
He’s tall, dark and handsome (Charles Tobias; Al
Sherman) 21364
He’s the last word (Walter Donaldson) 20425
He’s the sweetest black man in town (Ann Cook) 20579
He’s with me all the way (E.B. Fowler) 21637
Hewett’s fancy (English air; Louis Chalif) - Contra-dance
Hey baloo (Robert Burns; Robert Schumann) 20737
Hickory dickory dock 20621
Hi-diddle-diddle (Carleton A. Coon; Hal Keidel) 20112
High fever (Charles Harrison; Joe L. Sanders) 20461
High hat (Louis Alter) 21666
High up on a hill top (Abel Baer; George Whiting; Ivan
Campbell) 21715
High-high-high up in the hills (Watching the clouds go by)
(Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Maurice Abrahams) 20436,
Highland fling 21484
Highland schottische 21088, 21616
Highways are happy ways (When the lead the way to
home) (Harry Harris; Tommie Malie; Larry Shay) 20907,
Hi-ho the merrio (As long as she loves me) (Lew Brown;
Benny Davis; Con Conrad) 20063
Hi-le-hi-lo - German comedy yodel (Arr. George P. Watson)
Hilo 20028, 20702
Hilo hula 21762
Hiram’s valley - Quadrille 20102
His honor, the mayor (Jorce L. Mackay) - “Mayor Aleman”
Hit the Deck (Irving Caesar; Vincent Youmans): Sometimes
I’m happy 20599, 20609
Hit the Deck (Leo Robin; Clifford Grey; Vincent Youmans):
Hallelujah 20599, 20609, 20786
Hit the Deck (Vincent Youmans): Nothing could be sweeter
Hitch me to your buggy, and drive me like a mule (Will
Weldon) 21134
Hittin’ the ceiling (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con
Conrad) 21969
Hodie Christus natus est (G. Pierluigi da Palestrina) 20410
Hog eye (John H. Chism) 21295
Hog maw (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller) 21525
Hold Everything (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Don’t hold everything 21791
Hold Everything (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): To know you is to love you 21791
Hold Everything (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): You’re the cream in my coffee 21767,
21844, 21854
Hold it still (Rupe Biggadike) 21270
Hold me in your arms again (Arthur Freed) 20687
Holland song (Laura Rountree Smith; Robert Braine)
Hollywood Music Box Revue - Hold me in your arms again
(Arthur Freed) 20687
Hollywood Music Box Revue - The doll dance, The (Nacio
Herb Brown) 20503, 20698, 21252
Hollywood Revue of 1929 (Joe Goodwin; Gus Edwards):
Nobody but you 21997
Hollywood Revue of 1929 (Joe Goodwin; Gus Edwards):
Orange blossom time 21997
Hollywood shuffle (Richard M. Jones) 20812
Holy City, The (F.W. McGee) 21205
Holy, holy, holy (Reginald Heber; John B. Dykes) 20742
Home on the range, A (Brewster M. Higley; Dan Kelley)
Home over there, The (DeWitt Clinton Huntington; Tullius
C. O’Kane) 20669
Home sweet home (John Payne; Henry Bishop) 21002,
21450, 21949
Homing (Arthur L. Salmon; Teresa del Riego) 21117
Honey 20506
Honey (Haven Gillespie; Seymour Simons; Richard A.
Whiting) 21869
Honey in the rock (A.C. Forehand; Mamie Forehand)
Honeybunch (Cliff Friend) 20047
Honeymoon Lane (Eddie Dowling; James Frederick
Hanley) - Medley - 20231
Honeymoon Lane (Eddie Dowling; James Frederick
Hanley): Jersey walk 20231
Honeymoon Lane (Eddie Dowling; James Frederick
Hanley): The little white house (At the end of Honeymoon
Lane) 20231, 20271, 20289, 20489
Honeymoon Lane (Herbert Reynolds; Eddie Dowling;
James Frederick Hanley): Half a moon is better than no
moon 20231
Honeymoon, The 20185
Honeysuckle (Finnish song) 20871
Honky Tonk (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): He’s a good man
to have around 21994
Honky Tonk (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): I don’t want to get
thin 21995
Honky Tonk (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): I’m doin’ what I’m
doin’ for love 21993
Honky Tonk (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): I’m feathering a
nest for a bluebird 21993
Honky Tonk (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): I’m the last of the
red hot mammas 21994
Honolulu march 20027
Honolulu moon (Fred Lawrence) 20596, 20719
Honolulu stomp (Pilipo) 21120
Honolulu sweetheart of mine (Joe Davis; Eugene Stanley)
Hoosier sweetheart (Say Who) (Joe Goodwin; Paul Ash;
Billy Baskette) 20471, 20477
Hoot Mon (Clay Boland): We’ll paddle our canoe 20524
Hoot Mon (Dave Zoob; Clay Boland): A lover’s melody
Hoot Mon (Dave Zoob; Clay Boland): Beneath the green
tree 20524
Hoot Mon (Dave Zoob; Clay Boland): Step 20524
Hoot Mon (Dave Zoob; Clay Boland): The Campbell chant
Hop or skip jig (From Selena O’Neill’s collection) 21526
Hopp, mor Annika 21618
Hops and malt - (Set 5th figure) 20722
Hosanna (Jules Granier) 21254
Hot notes (Gene Rodermich; Tom Satterfield) 20460
Hot pebble blues (Alphonsus Egee; Baxter White) 20774
Hot tempered blues (Charles Johnson; Arthur Porter)
Hot time in the old town, A (Theodore A. Metz) 21587
Hours I spent with you, The (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young;
Little Jack Little) 21027, 21078
House by the side of the road, The (Walter Foss; John
Roy Harris) 21293
House rent rag (Henry Clifford; Earl McDonald) 20420
Household hints 20618
How about it? (Jesse Greer; Raymond Klages) 21674
How about me? (Irving Berlin) 21792, 21806, 21850
How could I be blue? (Daniel Wilson; Andy Razaf) 20307
How could Red Riding Hood? (A.P. Randolph) 20322
How dry I am 21587
How d’ye do my partner? 21685
How firm a foundation (George Keith; Anne Steele) 21624
How I love you, mother mine (Bernie Grossman; Larry
Shay) 20694
How lovely are the messengers (Felix Mendelssohn-
Bartholdy) 20620
How many miles to Babylon? 20987
How many times? (Irving Berlin) 20123, 20133
How much I owe (Lonnie McIntorsh) 21411
How to play the harmonica (Arr. William J. Haussler) 20377
Huehue, huehue 21415
Huggable, kissable you (Archie Bleyer; Irving Bibo) 21983
Hugs and kisses (Raymond Klages; Lou Alter) 20285
Hula blues (John Avery Noble) 20632
Hula girl (Sunny Cunha) 20701
Hula medleys (Arr. Charles King) 21418
(Hum, hum, hum) Hum your troubles away (Cliff Friend;
Harry Woods) 20288
Humoresque (Antonín Dvorák, Op. 101, No. 7) 20130,
20203, 21250
Humors of Bandon 21544
Humors of Macken 21319
Humpty Dumpty (Leo Robin; Philip Charig; Joseph Meyer)
Hungarian dance, No. 5 (Johannes Brahms) 20841
Hungarian Fantasie (Carl Maria von Weber, Op. 35) -
Andante e rondo 20525
Hungary windmill, The (Alice Terhune) 20213
Hungry women (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 21831
Hurdy-gurdy man, The (Goossens, Op. 18, No. 3) 21945
Hurrah for the flag (Howliston) 20743
Hush, hush, somebody’s calling my name - Negro spiritual
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 347
Hush-a-bye (Frank X. Galvin; Robert E. Spencer) 20270
Hyena stomp (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 20772
Hymn in honor of St. John the Baptist (“Origin of Do Re
Me etc”) 20897
Hymn to Apollo (English translation by C.F. Abdy Williams)
I ain’t goin’ to work tomorrow (May not work next week)
(A.P. Carter) 21517
I ain’t got nobody (And nobody cares for me) (Roger
Graham; Spencer Williams) 20785, 21127
I always knew (Mabel Wayne; Dolly Morse) 20501
I am bound for the promised land (Samuel Stennett)
20840, 20942
I am resolved (Palmer Hartsough; J, H. Fillmore) 21071
I am true to all of you (Julius Brammer; Alfred Greenwald;
Emmerich Kálmán) 20680
I ate the baloney (Harry Lee) 20096
I can’t believe that you’re in love with me (Clarence Gaskill;
Jimmy McHugh) 20573, 20997
I can’t do without you (Irving Berlin) 21327, 21454, 21502
I can’t get over a girl like you (Loving a boy like me) (Harry
Ruskin; Martin Broones) 20119, 20148
I can’t give you anything but love (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy
McHugh) 21514, 21571, 21688, 21798
I can’t make her happy (Lew Pollock; Sidney Clare) 21810
I could waltz on forever (With you sweetheart) (Billy
Baskette; Rube Bennett) 20729
I crave you (Ray Hibbler; Harry Geise) 20831
I do, don’t you? - Negro spiritual 20226
I don’t want to get thin (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 21995
I done caught you blues (Porter Grainger) 21777
I don’t believe it, but say it again (Harry Richman; Abner
Silver) 20038
I don’t care what you say (Alfoncy Harris) 21285
I don’t care who ain’t got nobody (Sidney Easton) 20769
I don’t mind being all alone (When I’m all alone with you)
(Clarence Gaskill; Jimmy McHugh; Irving Mills) 20337
I dream of your eyes (Emmerick Kálmán) 20684
I faw down an’ go boom (James Brockman; Leonard
Stevens; “B.B.B. - Walter Donaldson) 21832, 21862
I feel at home with you (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers)
I fell head over heels in love (Donovan Parsens; Pat
Thayer) 20923
I found a million dollar baby (In a five and ten cent store)
(Billy Rose; Fred Fischer) 20205
I found a round-a-bout way to heaven (Harry de Costa;
Harry Richman; Abner Silver) 20047, 20088
(I found you “Out” when I found you “In”) Somebody else’s
arms (Charles O’Flynn; Phil Ponce) 21773
I found you (Lillian Rosedale Goodman) 20590
I get the blues when it rains (Maidie Weaver; Ford; Glenn)
21943, 21959
I got a home in dat rock (Arr. Lawrence Brown) 21109
I got a mule to ride (Edna Winston; Mike Jackson; Thomas
Morris) 20407
I got a woman crazy for me: She’s funny that way (Richard
A. Whiting; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) 21853
I gotta get myself somebody to love (Sam M. Lewis; Joe
Young; Lou Handman) 20465
I had a little nut tree 20986
I have been redeemed 21576
I have no loving mother now (Kelly Harrell) 20935
I haven’t told her, she hasn’t told me (But we know it just
the same) (Alfred Dubin; Irving Kahal; Sammy Fain)
I heard the voice of a pork chop (Jim Jackson) 21387
I just looked up my family tree (And found I’m a sap) (Harry
Harris; Arthur Sizemore) 20800
I just roll along (Havin’ my ups and downs) (Jo Trent; Peter
de Rose) 21212, 21309
(I just wanna be known as) Susie’s feller (Lew Brown;
Dave Dreyer) 20255, 20267
I keeps my kitchen clean (George Thomas) 20404
I kiss your hand, madame (Fritz Rotter; Ralph Erwin)
21920, 21973
I knew I’d miss you (Sol Lewis) 21530
I know I got religion (J.M. Gates) 20217
I know my name is there (D.S. Warner; B.E. Warren) 21186
I know that you know (Anne Caldwell; Vincent Youmans)
20380, 20437
I know there is somebody waiting (In the house at the
end of the lane) (Carson J. Robison) 20536
I left my sugar standing in the rain (Irving Kahal) 20783
I live, I die for you (Harry B. Smith; Sigmund Romberg)
I love a little pussy 20621
I love my mountain home (Dock Walsh) 20931
I love my sweetheart the best 20867
I love no one but you (Phil Spitalny) 20831
I love the boys (Julius Brammer; Alfred Greenwald;
Emmerich Kálmán) 20680
I love the college girls (Moe Jaffe; Nat Bonx) 20378
I love to walk with Jesus (C.F. Weigele) 20224
I love you - I love you - I love you - Sweetheart of all my
dreams (Art Fitch; Kay Fitch; Bert Lowe) 21851
I love you Honolulu (Harry Lauder; James A.Dunbar)
I love you truly (Carrie Jacob-Bonds) 21335
I love you, but I don’t know why (Tommie Malie; Pippy
Capman) 20469
I loved you then as I love you now (Ballard MacDonald;
William Axt; David Mendoza) 21716, 21728, 21734
I may learn to forget someday (And you may learn to care)
( Mildred Hunt; Frank Cornwell; Al Piantadosi) 20729
I mean to live for Jesus (Alfred Reed) 20939
I mean, it’s just too bad (Willie Drake) 21429
I miss you, ‘Lize (Adapted by Frank Crumit) 20625, 21091
I must be dreaming (Alfred Dubin; Pat Flaherty) 21326
I must have that man (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh)
I need lovin’ (Henry Creamer; Jimmy Johnson) 20408
I never did want you (Clifford Hayes) 20854
I never knew what the moonlight could do (Sam Coslow;
Larry Spier) 20324, 20337
I never see Maggie alone (Harry Tilsley; Everell Lynton)
I once was yours, I’m somebody else’s now (Andy Razaf;
J.C. Johnson) 20210
I packed my suitcase, started to the train (Jennie Clayton;
Will Shade) 21412
I raised my window and looked at the risin’ sun (Ollie
Rupert; Will Shade) 20577
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream (Howard
E. Johnson; Billy Moll; Robert King) 21099
I see you 20432
I seen my pretty papa standing on a hill (Charles Henry)
I shall not be moved - Negro spiritual 20183, 21350
I still believe in you (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Fred Rich) 20685
I still keep dreaming of you (Benny Davis; Joe Burke)
I still love you (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 21312, 21381,
21435, 21463
I tickle ‘em (A. Bishop) 21288
I told them all about you (Cliff Friend) 21032, 21112
I tore up your picture when you said “Good-bye” (But I put
it together again) (Dolly Morse; Andrew Donnelly) 21604
I used to love her in the moonlight (Sam M. Lewis; Joe
Young; Ted Fiorito) 21900
I walked back from the buggy ride (Hub Adams; Web
Curtsinger; Irving Bibo) 20822
I wanna be loved by you (Bert Kalmar; Herbert Stothart;
Harry Ruby) 21682, 21684
I want a daddy to cuddle me (D.D. Ebie; Frank A. Wright)
I want a nice little fellow (Kelly Harrell) 20867
I want a pardon for daddy (Charles E. Roat) 20205
I want the world to know (Richard Myers; Leo Robin)
I want to be bad (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 21859, 21863
I want to be like Jesus - Negro spiritual 20518
I want to be lonesome (I want to be blue) (Walter
Donaldson) 21206
I want to go where Jesus is (Ernest Phipps) 20834
I want to see my mother (Ten thousand miles away)
(Charles Johnson; Paul Johnson) 20940
I was driving my cart to ould castle fair 21001
I will meet you in the morning (James D. Vaughn) 20223
I wish I had died in my cradle (Before I grew up to love
you) (Lew Brown; Max Friedman) 21833
I wish I had my old gal back again (Jack Yellen; Milton
Ager; Lewis Pollack) 20070
I wish I knew (Will J. Harris; Victor Young) 21885
I wish I was a single girl again 20242
I wish you were jealous of me (Earl Haubrick; Glen Rowell)
I wonder how I look when I’m asleep? (Buddy G. de Sylva;
Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) 20562
I wonder if you miss me to-night? (Harry Pease; Ed. G.
Nelson) 21798
I wonder what’s become of Joe? (Roy Turk; Maceo
Pinkard) 20056
I wonder? (Abner Silver; Maceo Pinkard; Benny Davis)
I wonder? (Robert H. Cloud) 21204
I would not be denied (Charles P. Jones) 20532
Iarratas an trIath (MacKinnon; MacLeod) - In Gaelic 21614
Ich küsse deine lippen (Maurice Rudolphe) 20628
I’d climb the highest mountain (If I knew I’d find you) (Lew
Brown; Sidney Clare) 20038, 20045
I’d like to love them all (J. Keirn Brennan; Emil Berte; Maury
Rubens) 21840
I’d love to be a baby once again 21156
I’d love to call you my sweetheart (Joe Goodwin; Larry
Shay; Paul Ash) 20257, 20274, 20288
I’d love to meet that old sweetheart of mine (Benny Davis;
Joe Burke) 20165
I’d rather be blue (Fred Fisher; Billy Rose) 21814, 21815
I’d rather be the girl in your arms (Than the girl in your
dreams) (Harlan Thompson; Harry Archer) 20273
I’d rather cry over you (Than smile at anybody else) (Phil
Ponce; Dan Dougherty) 21463
I’d trade my air castles for a love nest and you (Sunny
Clapp; F.J. McWilliams) 21471
I’d walk a million miles (To be a little nearer to you) (Al
Lewis; Gerald Marks) 20901
Ida Red 20302
Idolizing (Sam Messenheimer; Irving Arbahamson; Ray
West) 20270
If all the stars were pretty babies (And I was the man in
the moon) (Billy Rose; Fred Fisher) 20491
If I could just stop dreaming (Irene Beasley) 21639
If I didn’t know your husband (And you didn’t know my
wife) (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Abel Baer) 20413
If I die a railroad man (Bury me beneath the ties) (Claude
Grant) 21406
If I give up the saxophone (Will you come back to me)?
(Sammy Fain; Irving Kahal; Willie Raskin) 21982
If I had a lover (Henry H. Tobias; Billy Rose; Ballard
MacDonald) 20827
If I had you (Ted Shapiro; Jimmy Campbell) 21866, 21867,
If I lost you (Charles Harrison; Art Kassel; Monte Wilhite)
If I should lose you (Earl Burtnett; Robert Stowell) 21340
If I were king 20062
If I’d only believed in you (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) 20391
If you can’t make it easy, get a job and go to work (Prince
La Vaughn) 20770
If you don’t like potatoes (Monette Moore) 20356
If you don’t love me (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 21547,
If you see Sally (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ray Egan; Walter
Donaldson) 20571
If you want the rainbow (You must have the rain) (Billy
Rose; Mort Dixon; Oscar Levant) 21670, 21815
If you would say “I love you” (Frank G. Woodruff; George
L. Hodge) 20261
If your heart keeps right (Lizzie de Armond; B.D. Ackley)
If your love like the rose should die (Floyd Thompson;
John E. Guernsey) 21094
If you’re in love, you’ll waltz (Joseph McCarthy; Harry
Tierney) 20557
I’ll always be in love with you (Bud Green; Harry Ruby;
Sam H. Stept) 21860, 21870
I’ll always be mother’s boy (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept)
I’ll always remember you (Jesse Greer) 20784
I’ll be lonely (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods) 21028
I’ll be satisfied (Joe H. Pennell; T.N. Pennell) 20533
I’ll be with you when the roses bloom again (McFarland;
Gardner) 20611
I’ll fly to Hawaii (Lou Davis; Joe Shuster; Ira Shuster)
I’ll forgive you because I love you, but the wrongs you’ve
done I can’t forget (Alberta Hunter) 20497
I’ll get by as long (As long as I have you) (Roy Turk; Fred
E. Ahlert) 21786, 21839, 21850
I’ll journey on 20947
I’ll just go along (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito) 20688
I’ll never ask for more (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert) 21855,
I’ll never get drunk any more (Gus Williams; J.P. Skelly)
I’ll never miss you again (Jack Partington; Mort Harris;
Ben Black) 20118
I’ll see you in the spring, when the birds begin to sing (Vol
Stevens) 21066
I’ll take care of your cares (Mort Dixon; James V. Monaco)
20504, 20597
I’ll take you home again, Kathleen (Thomas P. Westendorf)
I’ll think of you (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; John Schonberger;
Abe Lyman) 21222
I’m a broken-hearted blackbird (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy
McHugh) 21472
I’m a little bit fonder of you (Irving Caesar) 20393
I’m a soldier in the army of the Lord (J.M. Gates) 20851
I’m afraid of you (Eddie Davis; Lew Daly; Archie Gottler)
I’m afraid you sing that song to somebody else (Tommie
Malie; Joe Verges) 20829, 20832
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 349
I’m all alone in a palace of stone (Lon Mooney) - “The
Peaches and Browning song” 20335
I’m away from the world when I’m away from you (Sidney
Clare; Lewis Pollack) 21426
I’m back in love again (Cliff Friend) 20643
I’m bringing a red, red rose (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter
Donaldson) 21808, 21854
I’m coming, Virginia (Will Marion Cook; Donald Heywood)
20751, 20839, 21003
I’m crazy over you (Al Sherman; Al Lewis) 21976
I’m doin’ what I’m doin’ for love (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
I’m down right now, but I won’t be down always (Alberta
Hunter) 20651
I’m drifting back to Dreamland (Florence Charlesworth;
Charles Harrison; Jack Sadler) 21068
I’m feathering a nest for a bluebird (Jack Yellen; Milton
Ager) 21993
I’m goin’ to Georgia (Claude Grant) 21645
I’m goin’ to move to Kansas City (Will Shade) 21185
I’m goin’ to tell God all o’ my troubles (Arr. Lawrence Brown)
I’m goin’ to tell God how you doin’ (Arr. Julius Daniels)
I’m goin’ to walk on the streets of glory 21533
I’m going home to die no more (Homer F. Morris) 20567
I’m going through, Jesus (Herbert Buffum) - Negro spiritual
I’m going to Georgia (Arr. Doc Walsh) 20544
I’m going to park myself in your arms (Bobby Heath; Archie
Fletcher; Alex Marr) 20120
I’m going to see my ma (Clarence Todd) 21539
I’m gonna dance wit de guy wot brung me (Walter O’Keefe)
- “ The gum chewers song” 20822
I’m gonna kill myself (Mike Jackson) 20181
I’m gonna lose myself way down in Louisville (Alberta
Hunter) 20497
I’m gonna meet my sweetie now (Jesse Greer) 20509,
I’m gonna move further down the road (Robert N. Page)
I’m gonna move to Louisiana (Jim Jackson) 21671
I’m in love again (Cole Porter) 20646, 20678
I’m in love with you, that’s why (Mort Dixon; Raymond
Henderson) 20046, 20090
I’m just a vagabond lover (Rudy Vallée; Leon Zimmerman)
I’m just wild about anImal crackers (Fred Rich; Sam
Coslow; Harry Link) 20094
I’m ka-razy for you (Al Jolson; Billy Rose; Dave Dreyer)
I’m leaving Tipperary (Arr. Pat White and Leonard Joy)
I’m lonely without you (Bud Green; Harry Warren) 20095,
I’m lookin’ for a girl (Harry Archer; Walter O’Keefe) 21436
I’m looking for a girl named Mary (Sam H. Stept) 20463
I’m looking for the bully of the town (Will Shade) 20781
I’m looking over a four-leaf clover (Mort Dixon; Harry
Woods) 20466, 20678
I’m more than satisfied (Raymond Klages; Thomas ‘Fats’
Waller) 21605
I’m nobody’s darling on earth (Will S. Hays) 20657
I’m not jealous (Richard Brown) 20578
I’m on my way home (Irving Berlin) 20229
I’m on the crest of a wave (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown;
Ray Henderson) 21500
I’m redeemed (James Rowe; S.A. Ganus) 20879
I’m riding to glory (Mort Dixon; Harry Wood) 21472
I’m S-A-V-E-D (Bud Landress) 21195
I’m so glad to-day, to-day (A.C. Forehand) 20547
I’m sorry, Sally (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito) 21688,
21755, 21806
I’m still caring (Isham Jones; Gustave “Gus” Kahn) 21967
I’m tellin’ the birds - tellin’ the bees (How I love you) (Lew
Brown; Cliff Friend) 20322, 20367, 20372
I’m telling the world (That I love you) (Amy Ashford) 21568
I’m the last of the red hot mammas (Jack Yellen; Milton
Ager) 21994
I’m thirsty for kisses, hungry for love (Lou Davis; J. Fred
Coots) 21908
I’m tired of making believe (George A. Kelley; Al
Piantadosi) 21509
I’m waiting for ships that never come in (Jack Yellen; Abe
Olman) 21246, 21303
I’m walkin’ on air (William Tracey; Dan Dougherty) 21102
I’m walking around in circles (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young;
Fred Phillips) 20126
I’m wild about horns on automobiles (That go ta-ta-ta-ta)
(Clarence Gaskill) 21862
I’m wingin’ home (Like a bird that’s on the wing) (Denee
Russell; Henry H. Tobias) 21365
I’m wonderin’ who (Jo Trent; Edward Grant; Peter de Rose;
Albert von Tilzer) 21764
I’m writing you (This little melody) (Anson Weeks) 21381
Imagination (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer; Roger Wolfe
Kahn) 21368
Impressions of London - Big Ben, traffic noises, St
Margaret’s chimes and “The Old Hundreth” 20629
In a bamboo garden (Walter Donaldson) 21675
In a little garden (You made Paradise) (Earl Whittemore;
Felico S. Iula) 20078
In a little Spanish town (Lewis C. Young; Mabel Wayne)
20266, 20457, 20458, 20818
In a little town called ‘Home sweet home’ (Walter
Donaldson) 21846
In a monastery garden (Albert W. Ketelbey) 20186
In a shady nook by a babbling brook (Harry Pease; Ed. G.
Nelson) 20741
In Araby with you (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II)
In candy land (T.B. Swift; Dorothy Gaynor Blake) 21050
In China + In Scotland + In Germany 20441
In Hawaii (I’ll wait for you) (Bert H.Carlson; Sol Kamahele)
In Hell he lifted up his eyes (E.D. Campbell) 20767
In my bouquet of memories (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young;
Harry Akst) 21374, 21388
In my gondola (Bud Green; Harry Warren) 20010
In Old Arizona (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): My Tonia 21837
In Romany (Mort Harris; William Axt; David Mendoza; Paul
Vincent) 21828
In the Bottoms (R. Nathaniel Dett): Juba dance 21750
In the days gone by (Emmerich Kálmán) 20188
In the evening (James Frederick Hanley) 21273, 21432
In the evening by the moonlight (James Bland) 20055
In the garden (C. Austin Miles) 20385
In the garden where my Irish potatoes grow (Clark Duncan)
In the golden by and by (Millard H. Smith; J.L. Heath)
In the good old summer time - Medley 21493, 21563
In the hills of old Kentucky (My mountain rose) (J.R.
Shannon; Charles L. Johnson) 21488
In the jailhouse now (Jimmie Rodgers) 21245
In the middle of the night (Billy Rose; Walter Donaldson)
20004, 20018
In the Orient (Rudy Wiedoeft; Dominico Savino) - “Dans
l’Orient” 20086
In the shadow of the pine (Hattie Lummis; G.O. Long)
In the sing song sycamore tree (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods)
In the sweet bye and bye (S. Fillmore Bennett; Joseph P.
Webster) 20669
In the valley near Slivenamon (Old Irish song) 20765
Indian cradle song (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Mabel Wayne)
Indian love call (Rudolf Friml) 20202
Indian love song, An (Thurlow Lieurance) 21151, 21796,
21872, 21972
Indian war whoop (Floyd Ming) 21294
Innocents of Paris (Leo Robin; Richard A. Whiting): Louise
21918, 21941
Innocents of Paris (Leo Robin; Richard A. Whiting): Wait
till you see “Ma chérie” 21918, 21941
Instruments of the Orchestra - 20150, 20161, 20164,
20174, 20522, 20523
Intermezzo-rococo (Wilhelm Aletter): Rendezvous 20430
Iowa corn song (Arr. John T. Beeston) 20269
Irgain Namara (Arr. McCloud) - In Gaelic 21613
Irish boy (John J. Kimmel) 21441
Irish Hornpipes 21181
Irish Immigrant, The “Danny’s letter” 21481
Irish Immigrant, The “Danny’s return” 21481
Irish Jigs - Medley 20711, 21157, 21160
Irish Reels - Medley - 20711, 21157, 21160, 21181
Irish rover, The (Jack Murphy) 21014
Irish volunteer, The (Shaun O’Farrell) 21178
Irish waltz medley (Nathaniel Shilkret; Leonard Joy) 20918
Irish washerwoman 20537
Iron Mask, The (Jo Trent; Hugo Riesenfeld; Louis Alter):
One for all, all for one 21908
Is it gonna be long (Till you belong to me?) (George
Whiting; Rubey Cowan; Cahrlie Abbot) 21602
Is it possible (That she love’s me)? (Mort Dixon; Harry
Woods) 20819
Is she my girl friend? (How-de-ow-dow) (Jack Yellen; Milton
Ager) 21148, 21153
Is there anything wrong in that? (Herb Magidson; Michael
Clearly) 21684
Isle of Dreams, The (Chauncey Olcott; George Graff, Jr.;
Ernest R. Ball): When Irish eyes are smiling 21179
It all belongs to me (Irving Berlin) 20893, 20900
It all depends on you (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown;
Ray Henderson) 20463, 20513
It goes like this (Irving Caesar; Cliff Friend) 21766
It is well with my soul (H.G. Spafford; P.P. Bliss) 21322
It made you happy when you made me cry (Walter
Donaldson) 20315, 20371
It must be love (Charles Derrickson; Burton Brown) 21562
It takes a good woman (To keep a good man at home)
(Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 20306, 20507
It was for me (George Bennard) 20868
It was only a sun shower (Irving Kahal; Francis Wheeler;
Ted Snyder) 20906, 20910
It was the dawn of love (Lou Davis; J. Fred Coots) 21453
It won’t be long now (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 20883
It won’t be long now (Frank Stokes) 21672
It won’t be long now (Howard E. Johnson; Irving Bibo)
Italian-Spanish Favorites 20249
Itchin’ fingers 21277
It’ll never happen again 21758
It’s a million to one you’re in love (Benny Davis; Harry
Akst) 20832, 20837
It’s gonna rain (E.D. Campbell) 21535
It’s in the bag (Charles Tobias; Al Sherman) 21174
It’s the same old shillelagh (Pat WhIte) 20760
I’ve been working on the railroad 20905
I’ve got a feeling I’m falling (Billy Rose; Harry Link; Thomas
‘Fats’ Waller) 21981
(I’ve got a woman crazy for me) She’s funny that way
(Richard A. Whiting; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”)
I’ve got something (Eddie Jackson; Morris Rouse) 20648
I’ve got the girl (Walter Donaldson) 20359, 20397
I’ve got the misery (Ernest Rogers) 21361
I’ve never seen a straight banana (Ted Waite; Harry Ruby)
20562, 20572
Iyone, my own Iyone (Alfred Bryan; Addy Britt; Harold
Leonard) 20123
Jabberwocky (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson as “Lewis G.
Carroll”) 21826
Jack and Jill 20621
Jack and the beanstalk (Jacob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm)
Jack Frost 20073
Jack in the box (Zez Confrey) 21845
Jack is every inch a sailor (Arr. Frank Crumit) 21668
Jack o’ diamonds 21470
Jack o’ lantern (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) 20623
Jack o’ lantern (Mary Strawn Vermon) 21043
Jack of all trades (Carson J. Robison) 21686
Jackass blues (Art Kassel; Mel Stitzel) 20108, 20179
Jackson’s choque 21319
Jackson’s morning 20815
Jacksonville blues (Robert H. Cloud) 20960
Jacob’s ladder (Arr. Charlie T. Tillman) 21188
J’ai encor un tel pate (Adam de la Hale) 20227
James Alley blues (Richard Brown) 20578
Jap doll (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) 20618
Japanese sandman, The (Raymond B. Egan; Richard A.
Whiting) 21731
Japanese sunset, A (Jessie L. Deppen) 20998
Japansy (Alfred Byran; John Klenner) 21451
Jaw bone (John H. Chism) 21577
Jazzin’ baby blues (Richard M. Jones) 21203
“Je t’aime” means I love you (Powers Gourand) 20412
Jealous sweetheart, The (Paul Johnson) 21243
Jeannine, I dream of lilac time (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Nathaniel
Shilkret) 21564, 21572, 21681
Jenny pluck pears (Arr. Cecil J. Sharpe) 20446
Jericho (Dick Myers; Leo Robin) 21870
Jerry, go idle that car (Harry McClintock) 21521
Jessie James 20966, 21420
Jesus Christ is risen to-day - Alleluia (Jesus Christ, our
Lord) (Worden) - “Lyra Davidica” 21255
Jesus is getting us ready for that great day (Ernest Phipps)
Jesus paid it all (M.S. Shaffer; Samuel W. Beasley) 21140
Jesus, lover of my soul (Charles Wesley; Simon B. Marsh)
20468, 21459
Jesus, rose of Sharon (Ida A. Guirey; Charles H. Gabriel)
Jesus, saviour, pilot me (Edward Hopper; John E. Gould)
20277, 21322
Jesus, the light of the world 21736
Jimmy Valentine (Edward Madden; Gus Edwards) 21802
Jingle bells 21587
Jo-Anne (Abner Silver; Maceo Pinkard; Joe Ward) 21732
Jocelyn (Benjamin Godard) - Berceuse “Lullaby” 21030
Joe’s favorite 21180
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 351
John 1:26 - Take me to the water 20546
John Mitchell (Old Irish tune) 21540
Johnny Coakley 20537
Johnny Goodwin (Charles McReynolds) 21141
Johnson’s old grey mule (Thomas P. Westendorf; Arr. Bill
Chitwood) 20550
Join that band - Negro spiritual 20183
Jolly class 20042
Jolly coppersmith, The (C. Peters) - Humorous march
Jolly fiddler, The 20154
Jolly miller (Old English) 20619
Jolly miller, The (Franz Schubert) 20343
Jolly time, A (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) 20155
Jonah 2:6 - Hell under the water (E.D. Campbell) 20810
Jonah in the belly of the whale (Rev. F.W. McGee) 20773
Joogie blues (Edgar Dowell) 20654
Joseph mine (Sethus Calvisius) - In English and Latin
Josephita (Roy Klages; Jesse Greer) 21920
Joy bells (Cliff Friend; Joseph H. Santley) 21081, 21107
Joy to the world (Isaac Watts; George Frederic Handel)
20246, 20993
Joyce’s hornpipe 20447
Juba dance (R. Nathaniel Dett) 21750
Jubilee stomp (Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington)
Judas Maccabaeus (George Frederic Handel): See, the
conqu’ring hero comes 20620
Judas sold Christ (Rev. C.M. Grayson) 21290
Judy (Leo Robin; Charles Rosoff): Judy 20601
Judy (Leo Robin; Charles Rosoff): Wear your Sunday smile
Jug of punch, The 21478
Jumping (Cornelius Gurlitt, Op. 101, No. 20) 20162
Jumping Jack (Herman Ruby; Rube Bloom; Bernie
Seaman; Marvin Smolev) 21845
Jungle blues (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 21345
Jungle song 20355
Jus rite (Bennie Moten; Ed Lewis) 21739
Just a birds-eye view of my old Kentucky home (Walter
Donaldson) 20268, 20458
Just a cottage small (By a waterfall) (James Frederick
Hanley) 20010
Just a couple o’ good guys gone wrong 21022
Just a little dance (Bernie Grossman; Paul Ash; Abe
Olman) 20099
Just a little kiss from a little miss (Eddie Kuhn) 21150
Just a little longer (Irving Berlin) 20272, 20292, 20335
Just a little way away from home (Sam M. Lewis; Joe
Young; Oscar Levant) 21338
Just a melody (Carson J. Robison) 20369
Just a memory (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 20881, 20907, 21053
Just a message from Carolina (Charles Johnson; Paul
Johnson) 20891
Just a Minute (Walter O’Keefe; Harry Archer): Anything
your heart desires 21767
Just a night for meditation (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young;
Lewis Pollack) 21547, 21713
Just a sweetheart (Nathaniel Shilkret; Josef Pasternack;
Dave Dreyer) 21771
Just across the street from heaven (Charles Newman;
Harry Barris; Larry Shay) 21366, 21396, 21426
Just an old love affair (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles
Rosoff) 21907
Just another day wasted away (Waiting for you) (Charles
Tobias; Roy Turk) 20724, 20758
Just another kiss (Benny Davis; J. Fred Coots) 21989
Just another night (Walter Donaldson) 21755
Just as soon as my feet strike Zion, Lord, I won’t be
troubled no more (J.M. Gates) 20365
Just as the sun went down (Lyn Udall) 20376
Just call on me (Jacques Renard; George Horter; Bernardo
Fazioli) 20728
Just ‘cross the river from Queens Bonnie (Neville Fleeson;
Albert von Tilzer) 20601
Just Fancy (Leo Robin; Philip Charig; Joseph Meyer):
Humpty Dumpty 21082
Just Fancy (Leo Robin; Philip Charig; Joseph Meyer): You
came along 21082
Just like a butterfly (That’s caught in the rain) (Mort Dixon;
Harry Woods) 20732, 20733, 20758
Just like a melody out of the sky (Walter Donaldson)
21452, 21454, 21461
Just once again (Walter Donaldson; Paul Ash) 20751
Just one more kiss (Harry Owens; Reggie Montgomery)
Just the same (Walter Donaldson; Joe Burke) 20612,
Just too bad (Mile Jackson; Mabel Richardson) 20181
K.C. Railroad blues (Andrew Baxter; Jim Baxter) 20962
Kaala (Clifford J. Kuni): Kaala-roselani 20281
Kaleidoscope (César Cui) 21599
Kalena kai (Charles H. King) 20700
Kane’s blues (Kane) 20701
Kansas City blues (Will Shade) 21185
Kansas City blues (Jim Jackson) 21270
Kansas City breakdown (Bennie Moten; Walder) 21693
Kansas City Kitty (Edgar Leslie; Walter Donaldson) 21939
Kansas City shuffle (Bennie Moten) 20485
Kassie Jones (Walter Lewis) 21664
Katinka (Ben Russel; Henry H. Tobias) 20100
Katinka (Otto Hauerbach; Rudolf Friml): Allah’s holiday
Katja the Dancer (Harry Graham; Jean Gilbert): Leander
(Patricia and Leander) 20289
Katy did 20441
Kawaihau (Kealakai) 21416, 21465
Keep on the sunny side (A.P. Carter) 21434
Keep Shufflin’ (Con Conrad; Henry Creamer; Jimmy
Johnson): ‘Sippi 21348
Keep Shufflin’ (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller): Willow tree 21348
Keep sweeping the cobwebs off the moon (Sam M. Lewis;
Joe Young; Oscar Levant) 21153, 21165
Keep those golden gates wide 20042
Kelly’s old gray mare 21158
Kentucky babe (Richard Henry Buck; Adam Geibel) 20664
Kentucky lullaby (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn) 20257, 20275
Kerry dance, The (James Lyman Molloy) 20187
Kerry reel 21594
Kesailta (Finnish song) 20871
Khaki lad, A (F. Brickley; Florence Aylward) 20909
Kick out the scrub 21319
Kiddie kapers (Nathaniel Shilkret; Lewis Pollack; Al
Sherman) 21588
Kidnapping (J.M. Gates) 21281
Kids again (Harold Stokes) 21991
Kilima (Traditional) 20131
Killarney, my home o’er the sea (Frederic Knight Logan)
Killing me (Frank Stokes) 21665
Kind daddy (Douglas Williams) 21695
King for a day (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Ted Fiorito)
21566, 21631, 21681
King of Borneo, The (Frank Crumit) 21899
King of the Zulus (Louis Armstrong) - Blues 20316
Kingdom coming (And the year of Jubilo) (Henry C. Work)
Kinkajou, The (Joseph McCarthy; Harry Tierney) 20474
Kinnegad slashers, The 21157
Kiss and make up (Ned Miller; Al Bogate; Carl Hoefle)
21042, 21173
Kiss before dawn, A (Ray Perkins) 21606
Kiss me again (Victor Herbert) 20922
Kiss me with your eyes (Blue eyes) (George Davis; Harry
Norret; Philip Spitalny) 20287
Kiss waltz (Luigi Arditi) - “Il bacio” 21163
Kiss your little baby good-night (Walter Donaldson; Charley
Straight) 20286
Kissing mule blues (Mike Jackson) 20482
Kitten on the keys (Zez Confrey) 20777
Kitty of Coleraine 21330
Kitty Wells (Thomas Sloan) - “The moonshiner’s lament”
Klappdans (Swedish folk dance) 20450
Klavier Trio, No. 3 (Franz Josef Haydn): Rondo in C Major
- Finale 21946
Knight of the hobby horse (Robert Schumann) 20399
Kohala march 20027
Kris Kringle (Frank D. Sherman; Robert Braine) 21044
Kyle’s worried blues (Charlie Kyle) 21707
Ladies, or I learned about women from ‘er, The (Rudyard
Kipling; Frank Crumit) 21735
Lads a Bunchum (Arr. Cecil J. Sharpe) 20640
Lady Divine (Richard Kountz; Nathaniel Shilkret) 21896,
Lady Fingers (Edward Eliscu; Joseph Meyer): Something
to live for 21905
Lady Fingers (Edward Eliscu; Joseph Meyer): You’re
perfect 21905
Lady Gardner’s troops 20712
Lady in the dark 20746
Lady mine (Robert H. Cloud) 20952
Lady moon (W. Otto Miessner) 20347
Lady of Chance (Benny Davis; Dohl Davis; Abe Lyman;
Charlie Abbot): Driftwood 21589
Lady of the lake dance, The 20592
Lady of the Pavements (Irving Berlin): Where is the song
of songs for me? 21838, 21904, 21932
Lagniappe (John Hyman; Horace Diaz) - “Alligator blues”
Land of going to be, The (E. Ray Goetz; Walter Kollo)
21742, 21745
Land of my sunset dreams (Wendell Woods Hall) 20170
Land of Nod (Jessie L. Gaynor) 20623
Lane in Spain, A (Al Lewis; Carmen Lombardo) 20491
Lannigan’s ball 20537
Lantern of love (Raymond W. Peck; Percy Wenrich) 20012
Larry Coggan 20815
Lass of Richmond Hill 21522
Lasses of Donnybrook 21484
Last great round up, The (Carl T. Sprague; Words from
“Lomax Cowboy Ballads”) 20932
Last night I dreamed you kissed me (Gustave “Gus” Kahn;
Carmen Lombardo) 21498
Late hours (Douglas Williams) 21695
Laugh, clown, laugh (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Ted Fiorito)
21308, 21390
Lavender’s blue 20986
Lay me down to sleep in Carolina (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
20232, 20315
Lay my head beneath a rose (W.G. Madison; Grant
Falkenstein) 20049, 20051, 20363
Lazy drag (Thomas Morris) 20483
Lead, kindly light (John Henry Newman; John B. Dykes)
20780, 21242
Lead, kindly light - Negro hymn 20185
League of laughs, The (Joseph D. O’Donnell) 21161
Leander (Harry Graham; Jean Gilbert) 20289
Leaning on the Lord - Negro spiritual 21842
Learning (Abbie Farwell Brown; George H. Gartlan) 21047
Leavenworth (Duel Frady) 20930
Leaves’ party 20623
Left alone blues (Ishman Bracey) 21349
Lei awapuhl (Major Kealskai) 20709
Lei ilima - “Native flower” 21415
Lena (George Mewes, Op. 6) 20253
Lenox Avenue blues (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller) 20357
Leonora (Abner Silver) 20911
Lepe ulaula 21419
Let a smile be your umbrella (On a rainy day) (Irving Kahal;
Francis Wheeler; Sammy Fain) 21233
Let me be your man in the moon (Ernest Rogers) 20870
Let me call you sweetheart (I’m in love with you) (Beth
Slater Whitson; Leo Friedman) 20194, 20428
Let me live close to thee (J.R. Baxter; V.O. Stamps) 21637
Let the church roll on 20582
Let the end of the world come tomorrow (As long as you
love me today) (Paul Cunningham; Ernest R. Ball) 20077
Let’s do it, let’s fall in love (Cole Porter) 21745
Let’s forgive and forget (And start all over again) (Max C.
Freedman; Don Traveline) 20490
Let’s forgive and forget (Ted Delmarter; Sunny Clapp)
Let’s give three cheers (For the three volunteers) 21367
Let’s make up (Jack Golden; Harry Albert) 20060
Let’s misbehave (Cole Porter) 21260
Let’s sit and talk about you (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy
McHugh) 21858
Levee song 20905
Lew Leslie’s Blackbirds of 1928 - Doin’ the new low down
(Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) 21559
Lew Leslie’s Blackbirds of 1928 - I can’t give you anything
but love (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) 21514, 21571,
21688, 21798
Lew Leslie’s Blackbirds of 1928 - I must have that man
(Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) 21571
Liar, The (Isiah Shelton) 20583
Lickens (Duncan Sisters) - “Topsy song” 21226
Lie was told, but God know’d it, A (Richard Bryant) 21694
Life and death (J.E. Burch) 21476
Life’s railway to heaven (M.E. Abbey; Charles D. Tillman)
Lift up your heads (E.L. Ashford) 21759
Light Calvary Overture (Franz von Suppé) 21251
Light in the valley (Mrs. L. Reed) 21123
Lightly row 20158
Like an angel you flew into everyone’s heart (Charles A.
Lindberg) (Harry Steinberg; John McLaughlin; Jimmie
McHugh; J. Mills) 20674
Like he loves me (Anne Caldwell; Vincent Youmans)
20361, 20437
Like you (Harry B. Smith; Emmerick Kálmán) 20684
Lila (Archie Gottler; Charles Tobias; Maceo Pinkard)
21333, 21383
Lilac Time (Film) (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Nathaniel Shilkret):
Jeannine, I dream of lilac time 21564, 21572, 21681
Liliput (Herbert Fiels; Frederick Hollaender): Tiny town
Liliu e (John Kaulia) 21417
Limerick boys 21006
Limerick rover 21180
Limerick wedding, The (Jack Murphy) 21177
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 353
Lindbergh (The eagle of the U. S. A.) (Howard E. Johnson;
Al Sherman) 20674
Lindbergh hop (Jab Jones; Will Shade) 21740
Lindbergh reception at Washington, D. C. 20747
Linden tree, The (Wilhelm Muller; Franz Schubert)
Lion and the tribes of Judah, The (Lonnie McIntorsh)
Lips that laugh at love (J. Keirn Brennan; Maury Rubens)
Listen to the mocking bird 21587
Little birdie (W. H. Neidlinger) 20349
Little birdie told me so, A (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers)
Little bit of heaven, A (Shure they call it Ireland) (Joseph
Keirn Brennan; Ernest R. Ball) 20134
Little chickens and snow birds 20073
Little darling, pal of mine (A.P. Carter) 21638
Little dog that would not wag his tail (Edna Groff Deihl)
Little dustman, The (Arr. Johannes Brahms) 20737
Little Dutch dance 20154
Little engine that could, The (Watty Piper - possibly a
psuedonym. Original story “The Pony Engine” by Mary
C. Jacobs) 21824
Little girl, a little boy, a little moon, A (Robert King; Harry
Warren) 20726
Little green valley, The (Carson J. Robison) 21457
Little house under the hill 20814
Little hunters, The (Theodore Kullak) 20153
Little Irish girl, The (Edward Teschemacher; Hermann
Löhr) 20816
Little Irish Rose (Anne Nichols; James S. Zamecnik)
Little Joe, the wrangler (N. Howard Thorp) 21470
Little kitten that would not wash its face (Edna Groff Deihl)
Little log cabin by the sea (A.P. Carter) 21074
Little log cabin of dreams (Eddie Dowling; James Frederick
Hanley) 21325
Little love, a little kiss, A (Lao Silésu) “Un peu d’amour”
Little man in a fix 20449
Little Miss Echo (Laura Rountree Smith; Beatrice
Macgowan Scott) 21050
Little mother (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée) 21259, 21303
Little old log cabin in the lane, The (Will S. Hays) 20235
Little orphan Annie (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Joe L. Sanders)
Little orphant Annie (James Whitcomb Riley) 21825
Little Pal (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Little pal 21951, 21952, 21954
Little Pal (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Seventh heaven 21954
Little red hen, The (Jacobs) (From “Fairy Tales of Many
Folk”) 20974
Little red lark of the mountain, The (Alfred Percival Graves;
Irish air) 21717
Little shepherd, The (Claude Debussy) 21945
Little shoemaker, The 20987
Little white house, The (At the end of Honeymoon Lane)
(Eddie Dowling; James Frederick Hanley) 20231, 20271,
20289, 20489
Live a-humble - Old Negro spiritual 20520
Live and love (Raymond Klages; William Axt; David
Mondoza) 21817
Lo, how a rose e’er blooming (M. Praetorius) 21623
Loch Lomond (Old Scotch air) 20808
Lohengrin (Richard Wagner): Wedding march 20036
Lolly pops (Harry F. Reser) 20439
London Bridge 20806
Londonderry hornpipe, The 21320
Lonely (P. Carton; E. Costil; Maurice Yvain) 20487
Lonely eyes, Charleston (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) 20418
Lonely grave, The (Claude Grant) 21289
Lonely in a crowd (Billy Rose; Jesse Greer) 21093
Lonely little bluebird (Harry Woods) 21510
Lonely melody (Larry Spier; Sam Coslow) 21214
Lonesome (Tal Henry; Francis Ellsworth; Ivan Morris)
Lonesome and sorry (Benny Davis; Con Conrad) 20031,
Lonesome boy’s letter back home, A (Cliff Friend; Harry
Wood) 20536
Lonesome in the moonlight (Ben’ee Russel; Abel Baer)
Lonesome refugee (Sidney Easton) 20775
Lonesome road, The (Gene Austin; Nathaniel Shilkret)
21098, 21996
Lonesome room blues (Ethel Bynum; George Thomas)
Lonford lassies 21006
Long day closes, The (Henry Chorley; Arthur S. Sullivan)
Long gone (Chris Smith; W.C. Handy) 20866
Long hills of Donegal 21160
Longest train I ever saw, The (Claude Grant) 20861
Look at the world and smile (Anne Caldwell; Raymond
Hubbell) 20472
Look up and smile (Harry D. Squires) 20456
Look what you’ve done (Porter; Perry; Edelheit) 21496
Looking at the world thru’ rose colored glasses (Tommie
Malie; Jimmy Steiger) 20076, 20198
Looking for love (Dorothy Fields; Jimmy McHugh) 21962
Looping the Loop (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Lewis
Pollack): Poor Punchinello 21875
Lord is my shepherd, The (Lucy E. Campbell) 20950
Lord Lurgan’s great greyhound (Irish folk song) 21378
Lost boy blues (Palmer McAbee) 21352
Lost mama blues (Homer Christopher; Raney Vanvink)
Lott ‘ist tod (Swedish folk dance) 20988
Louise (Leo Robin; Richard A. Whiting) 21918, 21941
Louise, I love you (Tal Henry; Hank Hauser) 21573
Louisiana (Andy Razaf; Bob Schaefer; J.C. Johnson)
Louisville stomp (Henry Clifford) 20403
Lou’siana lullaby (Lew Zoeller; Fred Bernhard) 21424
Love (All I want is love) (Charles Weinberg; Josiah Zuro)
21702, 21746
Love (Howard Dietz; Walter Donaldson): That melody of
love 21297
Love and kisses (Irving Berlin) 20679
Love boat (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown) 21965
Love bound (Harry David Kerr; Carl Rupp) 20033
Love Call, The (Harry B. Smith; Sigmund Romberg): Eyes
that love 21031
Love Call, The (Harry B. Smith; Sigmund Romberg): I live,
I die for you 21031
Love dreams (William Axt; David Mendoza) 21802
Love everlasting (Rudolph Friml) - “L’amour toujours
l’amour” 20188
Love is just a little bit of heaven (Alfred Bryan; Abel Baer)
Love is my wonderful song (J.E. Burch) 21248
Love leads the way (James Rowe; F.H. Stamps) 21072
Love led him to Calvary (George O. Webster; Charles H.
Gabriel) 21337
Love me all the time (Ed Rose; Ann Dennis; Frank Magine)
Love me or leave me (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter
Donaldson) 21922, 21966
Love tale of Alsace Lorraine, A (Lou Davis; J.F. Coots)
Love with tears (Cheyenne tribe) 21972
Love blues (Clifford Hayes) 21473
Loved one (Maud Henry) 20821, 21011
Loveless love (W.C. Handy) - Blues novelty 20470
Lovely lady 21101
Lover, come back to me (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund
Romberg) 21776, 21880, 21883
Lover’s Lane (Lee S. Roberts; J. Will Callahan) 20735
Lover’s melody, A (Dave Zoob; Clay Boland) 20524
Love’s dream after the ball (Alfons Czibulka, Op. 356)
20201, 21176
Loves of an Actress (Joseph Keirn Brennan; Karl Hajos):
Sunbeams 21677
Loves old sweet song (James Lyman Molloy) 20808
Lovin’ Johnson rag, The (Guy Hall) 20262
Low down (Peter de Rose) 21680
Lucky (Otto Harbach; Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby; Jerome
David Kern): That little something 20616
Lucky (Otto Harbach; Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby; Jerome
David Kern): The same old moon 20616
Lucky Boy (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Abel Baer): My mother’s eyes
21852, 21857
Lucky day (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 20101, 20111
Lucky Lindy (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Abel Baer) 20681
Lullaby 20155
Lullaby (Johannes Brahms, Op. 49, No. 4) 20737
Lullaby yodel (Elsie McWilliams; Jimmie Rodgers) 21636
Lulu Belle (Leo Robin; Richard Myers) 20019
Lungi dal caro bene (Antonio Secchi) 21873
Ma belle (Clifford Grey; Rudolf Friml) 21315
Macushla (Joseph Keirn Brennan; Alfred Dubin; Ernest
R. Ball): ’Tis an Irish girl I love (And she’s just like you)
Madcap, The (Clifford Grey; Maurie Rubens): Something
to tell 20682
Madcap, The (Clifford Grey; Maurie Rubens): Stop, go
Madison Street rag (Gus Cannon) 21267
Maggie Campbell blues (Tommy Johnson) 21409
Maggie Murphy’s home (Edward Harrigan; David Braham)
Magnificat - “Gregorian chant” 20897
Magnolia (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
20679, 20731, 20786
Maid that left the country, The 21316
Make believe (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern)
Make believe you’re happy 21101
Make me know it (If you mean what you say) (Fess
Williams; Harry D. Squires) 20306
Make my cot where the cot-cot-cotton grows (Jack le Soir;
Ray Doll; Sol Klein) 21056
Makin’ whoopee (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson)
21816, 21831
Mama, ‘taint long fo’ day (Willie McTell) 21474
Mama’s gonna drop your curtain (Mike Jackson) 20424
Mamma Cookie blues (Ann Cook) 20579
Mamma, fold your hands (Sadie James; Freddie Coates)
Mamma, where you at? 21769
Mammy is gone (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 21448
Mammy’s little kinky-headed boy (Joseph M. White;
George J. Trinkhaus) 20438
Man I love, The (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin) 21116,
Man on the flying trapeze, The (George Leybourne; Alfred
Lee) 21567
Man Who Laughs, The (Lewis Pollack; Rapée; Walter
Hirsch): When love comes stealing 21336, 21606
Manhattan Cocktail (Victor L. Schertzinger): Another kiss
Manhattan Cocktail (Victor L. Schertzinger): Gotta be good
Manhattan Mary (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Broadway 20874
Manhattan Mary (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Five step 20883
Manhattan Mary (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): It won’t be long now 20883
Manhattan Mary (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Manhattan Mary 20874
Man’s Man (Alfred Bryan; Monte Wilhite): My heart is bluer
than your eyes (Chérie) 21992
Maple in the lane, The 21724
Maple Leaf Forever (Alexander Muir) 21002
March (Cornelius Gurlitt, Op. 101, No. 1) 20401
March of the men of Harlech (Old Welch air) 20329
March of the Musketeers (Clifford Grey; Rudolf Friml)
March of the tin soldiers (Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky) 20399
March salutation (Roland F. Seitz) 20284
Marching on 20157
Maria, marì (Eduardo di Capua) - Medley 21263
Marianne (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg)
Marie (Irving Berlin) 21746, 21787
Marines hymn - “The halls of Montezuma” (Arr. Edw. M.
Van Looch, U.S.M.C.) 21038
Market on Saturday night, The (Harrigan; Hart) 21482
Maros Vize Folyck Csendesen 20749
Marseillaise, La (Claude Rouget de Lisle) 20304
Marsovia waltzes (Henriette Blanke-Belcher) 20400
Martha (Friedrich von Flotow): Heaven may forgive 20801
Martha (Friedrich von Flotow): Quintette 21937
Marthis Campbell - Frolic tune 21353
Martin’s favorite 21181
Marvelous (Peter de Rose; May Singhi Breen) 20893,
Mary Ann (Benny Davis; Abner Silver) 21234, 21299
Mary at school 21005
Mary Bell (Casker Towie; Arr. Robert H. Cloud) 20952
Mary Carney from Killarney (Irish folk song) 21379
Mary Lou (Abe Lyman; George Waggner; J. Russel
Robinson) 20204, 20380
Mary Malone (Traditional Irish folk song) 21380
Mary, don’t you weep (Bud Landress) 20928
Mary, you’re so contrary 21178
Maryland, my Maryland (James R. Randall; Tune of “O
tannenbaum”) 21919
Mask and Wig Show - Hoot Mon (Clay Boland): We’ll
paddle our canoe 20524
Masks of the Devil, The (Raymond Klages; William Axt;
David Mondoza): Live and love 21817
Master come and called to me, The (Richard Bryant)
Master Miner, The (Carl Zeller): Don’t be cross 20318
Master of the storm, The (James Rowe; J. Porter
Thamason) 21756
Master, the tempest is raging (A.R. Palmer) 20515
Matador (Ramoniz) - “Latin American march” 21901
May pole dance - Bluff King Hal 20990
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 355
Maybe (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin) 20392, 20417,
Maybe I’ll baby you (Gene Buck; Dave Stamper) 21206
Maybe this is love (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 21788
Maybe you’ll be the one who’ll be the one to care (Joe
McKiernan) 21392
Mayo hornpipe 21318
Maypole dance (Elsie Jean; Jan Malat) 21048
Maytime (Sigmund Romberg): Will you remember,
sweetheart? 21385
Mazurka des oiseaux (M. Puig) 20969
McAbee’s railroad piece (Palmer McAbee) 21352
McCarthy’s mare (Arr. Pat White and Leonard Joy) 21663
Me and my shadow (Al Jolson; Dave Dreyer; Billy Rose)
20626, 20675, 20699, 20924
Me and the man in the moon (Edgar Leslie; James V.
Monaco) 21809, 21830, 21844
Me too (Harry Woods; Charles Tobias; Al Sherman) 20143,
Meadow lark (Hal Keidel; Ted Fiorito) 20264, 20286,
Mean old bed bug blues 21135
Mean to me (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert) 21921, 21930
Medley of Jigs 21180
Medley of Reels 21180
Medley Old Time Songs, No. 3 21587
Meet me in Hawaii (Cecil Price; S. Prosser; H.M. Teasley)
Meeting of the waters, The (Thomas Moore; Old Irish air -
“Old head of Denis”) 20765
Mele of Hawaii (John Avery Noble; Pilipo) 21120
Melodies for Children 20079
Melody (Edvard Grieg) 21052
Memories of France (Alfred Dubin; J. Russel Robinson)
21545, 21590
Memories of Ireland - Medley 21447
Memory Lane (Buddy G. de Sylva; Larry Spier; Con
Conrad) 20321
Memory that time cannot erase, A (Carson J. Robison)
Memphis blues, The (W.C. Handy) 20386, 21184
Memphis boy blues (Will Shade) 20809
Memphis jug blues (Will Shade) 20576
Memphis shake (Henry Clifford) 20415
Memphis stomp (James Augustine) 21641
Memphis stronch (James Alston) 20555
Memphis yodel (Jimmie Rodgers) 21636
Men of Dartmouth (Henry R. Wellman) 21375
Menuett (Christoph W. Gluck) 20440
Menuett (Luigi Boccherini) 20636
Merci clamant (Chatelian de Coucy) 20227
Merrilly we roll along 21450
Merry Malones, The (George M. Cohan): Molly Malone
Merry shepherd (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) 20159
Mess, The (Thomas Morris) 20364
Messiah, The (George Frederic Handel) - Pastoral
symphony - Larghetto 20620
Messin’ around with the blues (Phil Worde; Thomas ‘Fats’
Waller) 20655
Mexican dances, No. 1 and No. 2 (José Briseno) 20384
Mi amado (Harry Warren; Sam M. Lewis; Joseph Young)
Mi nostalgia (J. Sentis) 21060
Mia bella Rosa (Ted Koehler; Frank Magine) 21813
Miami storm, The (Carson J. Robison) 20239
Michael, hand me down my robes (Imperial Quintette)
Midnight frolic drag (Charles Williamson) 21410
Midnight mama (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 20422
Midnight Susie (Bobby Leecan) 20660
Midsummer Night’s Dream (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,
Op. 61) - Wedding march 20036
Mighty lak’ a rose (Frank L. Stanton; Ethelbert Nevin)
20558, 20664, 21117
Mignon (Ambroise Thomas): Intermezzo (Gavotte) 20443
Mikado, The (Arthur S. Sullivan) - Potpourri 21231
Milenberg joys (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 21611
Milioni d’Arlecchino (Fucacce; R. Drigo): Serenade 20637,
Mill wheel, The (Edward Birg) 20347
Millicent (Frank W. McKee) 21386
Milliner’s daughter, The (Arr. Ed Geoghagen) 20887
Mine (Buddy G. de Sylva; James F. Handley) 20608
Mine, all mine (Herman Ruby; Rubey Cowan; Sam H.
Stept) 21145, 21148
Miner’s prayer, The (Bart Good; Abner Sykes) 21331
Minglewood blues (Noah Lewis) 21267
Minnehaha 21763
Minnesota fight (Truman E. Rinkard ’04; John Philip Sousa)
Minuet in G (Ignace Jan Paderewski, Op. 14, No. 1) 20169,
Minuet in G (Johann Sebastian Bach) 20158
Miss Casey 21542
Miss Kerney’s reel 21005
Miss Liza, poor gal (Arr. Claude Grant) 21141
Miss McLeod’s reel 20447, 20537, 21320
Miss Monroe’s jig 20763
Missin’ my pal (Irene Beasley) 21639
Mississippi blues, The (Joe Simms) 20775
Mississippi flood, The (Carson J. Robison) 20611
Mississippi mud (Harry Barris; Sammy Fain) 20783, 21274
Mississippi, here I am (Bernie Grossman; Arthur
Sizemore) 21891
Missouri waltz (John V. Eppel) 20965, 20973
Missouri wobble (Bennie Moten) 20422
Mistreatin’ blues (Frank Stokes) 21665, 21672
Mlle. Modiste (Victor Herbert): Kiss me again 20922
Moani ke ala 21416
Moaning sinner blues (B. Christian; G. Smith) 20484
Mokihana 21762
Moldau, The (Bedrich Smetana) 21748, 21749
Molly and the baby, don’t you know (H.S. Taylor; J.B.
Herbert) - Prohibition song 20794
Molly Bawn (Samuel Lover; Old Irish air) 21483
Molly Malone (George M. Cohan) 20978
Moments with you (Jack Yellen; Nathaniel Shilkret) 21327
Mon coeur se recommande à vous (Orlando de Lassus)
Mona (Frederic E. Weatherley; Stephen Adams) 21504
Money musk, Nos. 1 and 2 - “Joyce’s hornpipe” 20447
Monia (Melville Herbert; Robert H. Cloud) 21077
Monkey Business (Earle Foxe; Lynn Cowan): Dream house
21340, 21392
Monkey man blues (Charlie Kyle) 21707
Monna Vanna (Alfred Dubin; Phil Boutelje) 21837
Monte Carlo joys (Elmer Schoebel) 20207
Moon coin, The 21157
Moonbeam, kiss her for me (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods)
20419, 20496
Moonlight and roses (Edwin Lemare; Ben Black; Charles
N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) 20052, 20194, 20433
Moonlight madness (Then you were gone) (Lou Davis; J.
Fred Coots) 21603
Moonlight on the Danube (Byron Gay) 21385
Moonlight on the Ganges (Chester Wallace; Sherman
Meyers) 20139, 20140
Moonlit waters (Cliff Friend; Nacio Herb Brown) 20690
Moonshine Hollow band, The (C.E. Moody) 21626
Moore girl, The (Andrew Baxter) 21475
More chatter (Julius Tannen) 21115
More than ever (Maurice J. Gunsky; Nat Goldstein) 20692
More we are together, The (Irving King) 20603
Morehampton hornpipes, The 21181
Morir sonando (Estrada) “To die dreaming” 21877
Morning after, The (Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden)
Morning song (Edvard Grieg) 20343
Moselle - Quadrille 20530
Moses in the wilderness (J.M. Gates) 20421
Mosquito 20949
Most of all I want your love (Harold Horne; H.G. Tandler)
Moten stomp (Bennie Moten; Thamon Hayes) 20955
Mother (Dorothy Donnelly; Sigmund Romberg) 20995
Mother dear (Perry Alexander) 20434
Mother dear, oh pray for me 21395
Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes (Arr. J.W. Elliott) 20212
Mother Knows Best (William Kernell): Sally of my dreams
21734, 21857
Mother Machree (Rida Johnson Young; Chauncey Olcott;
Ernest R. Ball) 20134
Mother Malone (Irish folk song) 21541
Mother of mine, I still have you (Grant Clarke; Al Jolson;
Louis Silvers) 21144
Mother was a lady (If brother Jack were here) (Edward B.
Marks; Joseph W. Stern) 21433
Mother’s Boy (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept): I’ll always be
mother’s boy 21940
Mother’s Boy (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept): There’ll be you
and I 21940
Mother’s plea, A (Annabelle Lee) 21555
Mother’s prayer (A.C. Forehand) 20547
Motive for skipping in B Flat Major 20736
Mountain blues (Jimmy Smith; Harry Holden) 20020
Mountain greenery (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers)
20071, 20124
Mountaineer’s courtship, The (Ernest V. Stoneman) 20880
Mountains, The (Washington Gladden ’59) 20041
Mr. Duck and Mr. Turkey 20349
Mr. Hoover, Mr. Smith (Bob King) 21607
Mr. Jelly Lord (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 21064
Mr. Moore blues (Ida May Mack) 21690
Mr. Squirrel 20349
Mr. Willie McTell got the blues (Willie McTell) 21124
Mrs. Cohen at the beach (Billy Rose; Ballard MacDonald)
Mrs. Dooley’s geese (Harrigan; Hart) 21482
Mrs. Monroe’s jig 20639
Muddy water (Jo Trent; Peter de Rose; Harry Richman) -
A Mississippi moan 20508, 20569
Muffin man, The 20806
Mulligan guards, The (M.J. Fitzpatrick) 20760
Mullinavat 20711
Mullins’ fancy 21484
Murphy’s hornpipe 21543
Muscle shoals blues (George Thomas) 20811
Musette (Johann Sebastian Bach) 20158
Music box, The 20154
Music everywhere (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20619
Music in May (J. Keirn Brennan; Emil Berte; Maury
Rubens): I’d like to love them all 21840
Music in May (J. Keirn Brennan; Emil Berte; Maury
Rubens): No other love (Was meant for me) 21840
Music in May (J. Keirn Brennan; Maury Rubens): Lips that
laugh at love 21840
Music in May (J. Keirn Brennan; Maury Rubens): The glory
of spring 21840
Must you wear a moustache? (Abner Silver) 21529
My angel - “Angela mia” (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée)
21388, 21591, 21630
My Angeline (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Mabel Wayne) 21871
My Annapolis and you (Irving Bibo; Charles Weinberg)
My auld skillara hat (Old Irish folksong) 21443
My baby doesn’t squawk (Thomas Morris) - Blues 20364
My baby knows how (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) 20390
My banjo 20744
My Bill (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern) 21238
My bird of paradise (Irving Berlin) - “My Honolulu girl”
My blackbirds are bluebirds now (Irving Caesar; Cliff
Friend) 21794, 21805
My blue heaven (George Whiting; Walter Donaldson)
20828, 20964, 21092
My Blue Mountain home (Carson J. Robison) 20539
My boy’s voice (Carson J. Robison) 20888
My bundle of love (George Price; Abner Silver) 20030
My Carolina girl (Ernest Moody; Bud Landress) 20943
My Carolina home (Clayton McMichen; Bert Layne; Lowe
Stokes) 20795
My castle in Spain is a shack in the lane (Irving Caesar;
Cliff Friend) 21900, 21979
My cutey’s due at two-to two to-day (Leo Robin; Albert
von Tilzer) 20120
My daddy (Ted Strong) 20967
My dad’s dinner pail (Edward Harrigan; David Braham)
My dark Rosaleen (James Mangan; Alicia Adelaide
Needham) - Irish patriotic song 21540
My darling (Bernie Grossman; Arthur Sizemore; Guy
Lombardo) 21565
My dream girl (Ray White; Jim Schiller) 21570
My dream of the big parade - “Hello song” (Alfred Dubin;
Jimmy McHugh; Billy Murray; Monroe Silver) 20098
My Evaline - “Barber shop ballad” 20905
My eyes are growing dimmer every day (Bud Landress)
My first bicycle ride (Eck Dunford) 21131
My heart is bluer than your eyes, chérie (Alfred Bryon;
Monte Wilhite) 21968, 21992
My heart keeps singing (J.E. Burch) 21476
My heart stood still (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers) 21027,
My heart will tell me so (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter E.
Blaufuss) 21019
My horses ain’t hungry 20103
My Hula Love - Medley march 21465
My idea of heaven (Is to be in love with you) (Howard E.
Johnson; Al Sherman; Charles Tobias) 20569, 20689
My inspiration is you (Horatio Nicholls; Edgar Leslie)
21811, 21860
My Jesus, as thou wilt (Carl Maria von Weber) + Oh love
that wilt not let me go (Albert L. Peace) 21459
My kinda love (Jo Trent, Lou Alter) - Spiritual blues 21944
My lady (Ben Jerome; Frank Crumit) 20486
My little home down in New Orleans (Jimmie Rodgers)
My Lord is writin’ all the time - Negro spiritual 20226
My Lord, what a mornin’ - Negro spiritual 20225
My Lord’s going to move this wicked race - Negro spiritual
My lovin’ gal Lucille (Jimmie Rodgers) - “A blue yodel, No.
2” 21291
My lucky star (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 21861
My mamma scolds me for flirting (Dock Walsh) 21193
My mamma was a sailor (Julius Daniels) 20658
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 357
My Man (Billy Rose; Mort Dixon; Oscar Levant): If you
want the rainbow (You must have the rain) 21670
My man (Albert Willemetz; Jacques Charles; Channing
Pollack; Maurice Yvain) 21168, 21814
My man has quit me (Bessie Tucker) 21692
My man’s done me dirty (Andy Razaf; Phil Worde;
Margaret Johnson) 20178
My Maryland (Dorothy Donnelly; Sigmund Romberg):
Mother 20995
My Maryland (Dorothy Donnelly; Sigmund Romberg):
Silver moon 20505, 20995
My Maryland (Dorothy Donnelly; Sigmund Romberg): Your
land and my land 20505
My melancholy baby (George A. Norton; Ernie Burnett)
21015, 21212
My Mobile Central blues (Jim Jackson) 21236
My Monday woman blues (Jim Jackson) 21236
My mother’s eyes (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Abel Baer) 21852,
My name is John Jo Hannah 21520
My Ohio home (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson)
21155, 21166, 21273
My old daddy’s got a brand new way to love (Mike Jackson)
My old Kentucky home (N. Clifford Page; Stephen Collins
Foster) 20020, 20362
My old pal (Elsie McWilliams; Jimmie Rodgers) 21757
My pal Jerry (Fred Rose) 20149
My pet (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 21389, 21435
My pretty girl (Charles Fulcher) 20588
My red haired lady (Ernest Rogers) 20870
My regular girl (Bud Green; Henry Warren) 20598
My road is rough and rocky all the way 20856
My Scandanavian gal (By yumpin’ yiminy) (Charles Tobias;
Harry Tobias; Al Sherman) 21778
My sin (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
My song of songs to you (Sunny Clapp; Archie Bleyer) 21404
My sorority sweetheart (Al Sherman; Al Lewis) 21916
My stormy weather pal (Al Piantadosi) 21144, 21227
My Sunday girl (Herman Ruby; Bud Cooper; Sam H. Stept)
20572, 20589
My suppressed desire (Cohen; Miller) 21803
My sweetheart (Harry Pease; Harold Veo; Ed G. Nelson)
My sweetheart is a shy little fairy (J. Patterson) 21187
My time is your time (Eric Little; Leo Dance) 21924
My Tonia (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
21817, 21837
My toreador - “El relicario” (José Padilla) 20066
My troubles are over (Edgar Leslie; James V. Monaco)
21809, 21887
My varsity girl, I’ll cling to you (Frank Harling; Alfred Bryan)
My wife, she has gone and left me (Charles D. Vann)
My wifes in Europe to-day (Coleman Goetz; Sam H. Stept)
My wild Irish Rose (Chauncey Olcott; Ernest R. Ball) 20189
My window of dreams (Alfred Bryan, John Klenner) 21676
My wonderful dream (Jessie Brown Pounds; Charles H.
Gabriel) - Gospel hymn 20794
Mystery of night, The (Lucien Denni; Gwynne Denni)
Mythological blues (Ernest Rogers) 21361
Na cnoic’s na glinn (Gillis; Arr. Key) - In Gaelic 21614
Na laui eha (Major Kealakai) - “The four queens”
Ne lei o Hawaii (Charles King) - “The song of the islands”
20705, 21556
Na moku eha (J. Kealoha) - “The four islands” 20144
Nagasaki (Mort Dixon; Harry Warren) 21603
Name of Jesus, The (W.C. Martin; E.S. Lorenz) 20515
Narcissus (Ethelbert Nevin, Op. 13, No. 4) 20121, 20168,
20443, 21449
Narrow glance blues (El Watson) 20951
National blues (Clifford Hayes) 20954
Naughty Marietta (Rida Johnson Young; Victor Herbert):
Ah, sweet mystery of life 21371, 21504
Naughty Riquette (Harry B. Smith; Alfred Goodman;
Mannie Rubens): Some one 20326
Nautilus (Edward MacDowell, Op. 55, No. 7) - “A fairy sail
and a fairy boat” 20396
Nay, nay, neighbor (Sam Coslow; Harry Tobias; Charles
Tobias) 20155
Nazareth (Charles Gounod) 20174
Neapolitan nights (James S. Zamecnik) 20035
Nearer, my God, to thee (Sarah F. Adams; Lowell Mason)
20129, 20277
’Neath the shadow of the hills 20042
Need more blues (Robert Cooksey) 20402
Negro spirituals (Arr. Carl Sandburg) 20135
Nehi mama blues (Frank Stokes) 21738
Nellie Dare and Charley Brooks (Foster; King) 20058
Nesting time (Mort Dixon; James V. Monaco) 20589,
Never let the same bee sting you twice (Richard Brown)
Never no mo’ blues (Elsie McWilliams; Jimmie Rodgers)
Never take a horseshoe from the door 21377
New fiddle, The 20764
New moon (Anson Weeks; George Tyner; Herbert B.
Marple) 20118
New Moon, The (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund
Romberg): Lover, come back to me 21776, 21880,
New Moon, The (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund
Romberg): Marianne 21776
New Moon, The (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund
Romberg): One kiss 21775, 21883
New Moon, The (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund
Romberg): Softly, as in a morning sunrise 21775
New River train (Mountaineer’s song) 20171
New Testament - John, 1:26 - Take me to the water 20546
New Testament - John, 1:1 - The word was God 20585
New Testament - John, 3:9 - How can these things be?
New Tulsa blues, The (Bennie Moten) 21584
New York waltz 20308
Newcastle 20444
Newmarket wreck, The (Jim W. Baker) 20863
Newport News blues (Will Shade) 20576
Nicodemus (Anne Caldwell; Vincent Youmans) 20361
Nigarepolska 21685
Night in Spain, A (Phil Baker; Sid Silvers; Abe Lyman):
Did you mean it? 21105, 21116
Night in Venice, A (Johann Strauss) 21085
Night of love, A (Buddy G. de Sylva; Larry Spier) 20016
Night of memories, A (Jack Yellen; M.K. Jerome) 21819
Night time in old Shanghai (J. Elder; J. Meredith) 21789
Night wind, The (James H. Rogers) 21043
Nightingale, The (Garrett) 20744
Nightingales in song 20968
Nightmare, The (Len Riley; Al Nandler; Billy Meyers)
Nights of gladness (Charles Ancliffe) 21386
Ninty-nine year blues (Julius Daniels) 20658
No disappointment in heaven (F.M. Lehmann; Claudia
Lehmann) 20529
No foolin’ (Gene Buck; James Frederick Hanley) 20019,
No more good-byes (E.R. Latter) 21186
No more worryin’ (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson;
Jay Mills) 20007
No news, or “What killed the dog?” (Nat Wills) 21466
No one but you knows how to love (Jo Trent; Allan Fraser;
May S. Breen; Peter de Rose) 20312
No other love (Was meant for me) (J. Keirn Brennan; Emil
Berte; Maury Rubens) 21840
No sooner blues (Sidney Easton) 20297
No wonder I’m happy (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) 20908
No wonder she’s a blushing bride (Ukulele Ike; Irving Mills;
Alfred Dubin) 20291
Noah’s Ark (Billy Rose; Louis Silvers): Heart o’ mine 21879
Noah’s Ark (Billy Rose; Louis Silvers): Old timer 21879,
Nobody but you (Joe Goodwin; Gus Edwards) 21997
Nobody knows de trouble I’ve seen - Negro spiritual 20068
Nobody loves me 21403
Nola (Felix Arndt) 20382, 20667, 21100
Norah O’Neale (Old Irish air) 21007
Norma (Vincenzo Bellini): Overture 21669
Norwegian bridal procession (Edvard Grieg) 20805
Norwegian mountain march (Edvard Grieg) 20151
Nothin’ (Roy Turk; Lou Handman) 21080
Nothin’ on my mind (But the moonlight, the starlight and
you) (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito) 21364
Nothing between (C.A. Tindley) 21655
Nothing but the Truth (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept): Do
something 21917
Nothing could be sweeter (Vincent Youmans) 20837
Nothing else matters anymore (Jay Mills; Ted Koehler)
“Nothing else to do” But sit around and think about you
(Roy Bergers; Joe Goodwin; Larry Shay) 20015
Novalette (Jimmy McHugh; Frank P. Banta) 21821
Now it is spring (Edna Dean Baker) 20442
Now the day is over (Sabine Baring-Gould; Joseph Barnby)
20780, 21936
O Canada (Calixa Lavallée) 21002
O cessate di piagarmi (Alessandro Scarlatti) 21747
O na byddai’n haf o hyd (William Davies) - “Oh, that
summer smiled for aye” - In Welsh 21785
’O sole mio (Eduardo di Capua) 20172, 20199, 20248,
O, ya ya (Alexander de Markoff) 21304
O’Brien’s wedding (Mattie Haskins) - “Irish comic” 20762
O come all ye faithful (John Reading) 20246
O’Connell’s reel - Twomey’s favorite 20722
O’Donnell Aboo (M.J. McCann) 20766
Oeshbogar 20992
Of a tailor and a bear (Edward MacDowell) 20153
Of bre’r rabbit (From “Fireside Tales” (Edward MacDowell,
Op. 61, No. 2) 20803
Off to the war I’m going (Goodbye, sweetheart, goodbye)
(Samuel M. Mitchell; Charles E. Pratt) 21363
Oh come all ye faithful (F. Oakley, Arr. Mark Andrews)
Oh gee, oh joy (George Gershwin) 21224
Oh golly, ain’t she cute? (Roy Turk; J. Russel Robinson)
Oh, baby (Owen Murphy) 21423
Oh, bury me not on the lone prairie (H. Clemons) - “The
dying cowboy” 20122
Oh, bury me out on the lone prairie (Dean Fitzer; Prescott
Brown; Travis Hale) - “Cowboy’s lament” 20796
Oh, death 20813
Oh, God, our help in ages past (Isaac Watts; Croft) 20629
Oh, how she could play a ukulele (Benny Davis; Harry
Akst) 20478
Oh, how we love our alma mater (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby)
Oh, if I only had you (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Cliff Friend)
Oh, ja ja (Billy Frisch; Nat Osborne; George McConnell)
Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Clap yo’ hands
20327, 20372, 20435
Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Do-do-do
20327, 20331, 20435
Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Fidgety feet
Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Maybe 20392,
20417, 20435
Oh, Kay (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Some-one to
watch over me 20331, 20392
Oh, look at that baby (Walter Hirsch or Tommie Malie;
Bennie Kruger; Joe Verges) 21143, 21323
Oh, Lucindy (Thekla Hollingsworth; Jessie L. Deppen)
Oh, Mary don’t you weep - Negro spiritual 21373
Oh, Master let me walk with thee (Washington Gladden;
I.H. Meredith) 20980
Oh, Molly dear go ask your mother 20280
Oh, my mother, you got to bow so low (Taskiana Four:
Norman Allen; Edward Foster; Daniel Johnson; James
Ricks) - Negro spiritual 20959
Oh, Please (Anne Caldwell; Vincent Youmans): I know that
you know 20380, 20437
Oh, Please (Anne Caldwell; Vincent Youmans): Like he
loves me 20361, 20437
Oh, Please (Anne Caldwell; Vincent Youmans): Nicodemus
Oh, promise me (Reginald de Koven, Op. 50) 20663
Oh, Susanna (Stephen Collins Foster) 20638, 21169
Oh, what a change took place in my heart 20856
Oh, you have no idea (Phil Ponce; Dan Dougherty) 21501,
Oh, you sweet old whatcha may call it (Roy Turk; Fred E.
Ahlert) 21778
O’Hooligan’s ball (Frank Crumit) 21579
O’Hoolihan’s wake (Joseph D. O’Donnell) 21095, 21096
Ol’ man river (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern)
21218, 21241
Old account settled long ago, The 20868
Old ark’s a mooring, The 20566
Old black Joe (Stephen Collins Foster) 20020, 21647
Old bog road, The (M.K. O’Farrelley; Old Irish tune) 21445
Old chanticleer 20213
Old Chisholm Trail, The 21421
Old Dan Tucker 20102, 20447
Old dog blues (Jim Jackson) 21387
Old English Airs - Medley 21522
Old fiddler’s song, The (Walter Wallace Smith) 20109
Old folks at home (Way down upon the Swanee River)
(Stephen Collins Foster) 20362, 21950
Old guitar and an old refrain, An (Gustave “Gus” Kahn;
Ben Black; Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) 21078,
21221, 21232
Old hickory cane, The (Josephine Furman; H.T. Merril)
Old hundred (Louis Bourgeois) 21936
Old Irish cot, An (Mattie Haskins; Irish folk song) 21378
Old Joe Clark - Square dance 20302
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 359
Old man sunshine (Little boy bluebird) (Mort Dixon; Harry
Warren) 21566, 21609
Old names of old flames (Howard E. Johnson; Irving Bibo)
Old Nassau - Princeton college air (Harlan Peck; Kerl
Langlotz) 20355
Old pal, why don’t you answer me? (Sam M. Lewis; Joe
Young; M.K. Jerome) 21024
Old pals are the best pals after all (Billy Rose; Gene Austin;
Charles Bates) 21545
Old plantation, The (A.A. Montano; David Nape) - “Kuu
home” 20708
Old Red (Floyd Ming) 21294
Old rock jail behind the old iron gate, The (Bud Landress)
Old rugged cross, The (George Bernard) 20790
Old ship of Zion (Ernest Phipps) 21927
Old Testament - Daniel 3:16 - Daniel prayed three times a
day 20546
Old Testament - Exodus, 5:2 - Pharoah said, “Who is the
lord? 20767
Old Testament - Hebrews 11:1 - Faith (E.D. Campbell)
Old Testament - Jonah 2:6 - Hell under water (E.D.
Campbell) 20810
Old time corn shuckin’ (Ernest V. Stoneman) 20835
Old timer (Billy Rose; Louis Silvers) 21879, 21884
Old timer from Caroliner (Charles Johnson; Paul Johnson)
Old zip coon 20592
Old-fashioned lady (Abner Silver; Al Sherman; Al Lewis)
Old-fashioned locket (Pete Sale; Johnny Marvin; Tom Ford)
Old-fashioned picture, An (Carson J. Robison) 20193
Old-time religion, The - Negro spiritual 20519
Omaha ceremonial 21972
Ommie wise (G.B. Grayson) 21625
On a summery night (Charles Tobias; Al Lewis; Al
Sherman) 21984
On billows rocking (Robert Planquette) 21937
On ma journey (Arr. Edward Boatner) 20013
On Mobile Bay (Erle C. Jones; Charles N. Daniels) 20913
On the banks of the sunny Tennessee (Jim W. Baker)
On the bridge at twilight 20761
On the Dixie Bee Line (Dave Macon) 20538
On the glory line (Mrs. L. Reed) 21536
On the mall (Edwin Franko Goldman) 20559
On the Riviera (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Paul van Loan; Fred Rich)
On tip-toes (de Angelis) - Mazurka “A punta di piedi” 20199
On wings of song (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) 20804
On with the dance (James V. Monaco; Edgar Leslie; Alfred
Dubin) 21944
Once in a lifetime (Jesse Greer) 21677
One alone (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund
Romberg) 20373
One dark and rainy night (Gwen Foster) 21575
One for all, all for one (Jo Trent; Hugo Riesenfeld; Louis
Alter) 21908
One girl, The (Oscar Hammerstein II; Vincent Youmans)
One golden hour (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II;
Rudolf Friml) 20370
One hour tonight (Thelma Lee; B. Smith) 21413
One in the world, The (Eric Little; Roger Eckersley;
American version by Domenico Savino) 21998
One kiss (Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund Romberg)
21775, 21883
One o’clock baby (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Al
Jolson) 20644
One snowy night - Quadrille 20530
One sock blues (El Watson) 21440
One step from heaven (Jesse Greer; Raymond Klages)
One summer night (Sam Coslow; Larry Spier) 20645
One sweet letter from you (Lew Brown; Sidney Clare; Harry
Warren) 20730, 20823
One that I love loves me, The (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert)
One thing I know (J.M. Gates) 20332
One, two, three for Eli (Harry Shilkret) - March 20008
Only a broken string of pearls (Ray Hibbler; Jerry Sullivan)
Only a flower (C.S. Kauffman) 21122
Only a rose-bud (Anita Owen) 20817
Only an angel (Could be half so smart) (C. Bryson) 21760
Only mother cares for me (Clifford Hayes) 20854
Only waiting (C.E. Leslie) 21519
Only you and lonely me (Raymond Klages; Jesse Greer)
Onward, Christian soldiers (Sabine Baring-Gould; Arthur
S. Sullivan) 20742, 21841, 21936
Ooh, maybe it’s you (Irving Berlin) 20885
Operatic Nightmare, An (Arr. Felix Arndt): 20667
Orange and the Black, The (Clarence Mitchell; E.J.
Biedermann) 20355
Orange blossom time (Joe Goodwin; Gus Edwards) 21997
O’Reilly, the fisherman (Irish folk song) 21379
Orfeo (Claudio Monteverde): Ecco purch’a voi ritorno
Orientale (César Cui) 21599
Original Jelly-Roll blues (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton)
Orontea (Marco A. Cesti): Intorno all’idol mio 21747
Ould gent and the flapper, The (Joseph D. O’Donnell)
Our American girl (Irving Mills; James V. Monaco) 21026
Our bungalow of dreams (Tommie Malie; Charles Newman;
Joe Verges) 21230
Our Dancing Daughters (Ballard MacDonald; William Axt;
David Mendoza): I loved you then as I love you now
21716, 21728, 21734
Our director (F.E. Bigelow) - Harvard football march 20353
Our fighting men (M.S. Rocereto) 20220
Our flag (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20624
Our flag (Ruth Stephens-Porter) 21045
Our hired girl (James Whitcomb Riley) 20339
Our mother 20042
Out for the water, the kettle to boil 21317
Out of fashion (George H. Gartlan) 21043
Out of the dawn (Walter Donaldson) 21572, 21630
Out of the dusk to you (Dorothy Lee) 20176
Out of the tempest (Edward Grossman; Ted Ward) 21652
Out on Santa Fe blues (Arthur Petties) 21282
Outside (Frank Flynn) 21888
Outside Casey’s cabin (Jack Murphy) 21317
Over the hills and far away 20621
Over the hills to the poorhouse (George L. Catlin; David
Braham) 21548
Over the waves (Juventino Rosas) “Sobre las olas” 20282
Owl, The 20617
P.D.Q. Blues (Charles Henry) 20330
Pa le mae’r amen? (Allan Gwyroswdd; Ap. Glaslyn) -
“Where is the amen?” - In Welsh 21784
Paddy be aisy 21158
Paddy the dandy 20711
Padlocks of 1927 - If I had a lover (Billy Rose; Ballard
MacDonald; Jesse Greer) 20827
Padlocks of 1927 - Tap tap, The (Henry H. Tobias; Billy
Rose; Ballard Macdonald) 20827
Pagan, The (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown): Pagan love
song 21931, 21992
Paganini (Franz Lehár): Gern hab’ ich die Frau’n geküsst
Pail in my hand (Donald Heywood) 20424
Painting pretty pictures (Marcelle Francis; Johnny Weddell)
Pal of my lonesome hours (Walter Hirsch; Abe Lyman)
20688, 20694
Pale moon (Jesse Glick; Frederic Knight Logan) 21399
Palolo (Charles H. King) 20700, 21419
Paloma, La (Sebastián Yradier) 20172, 20249, 20586
Pals, just pals (Dave Dryer; Herman Ruby) 21754
Papa Long blues (Vol Stevens) 21278
Papillon (Edvard Grieg) 21012
Paquita (Milano) 21060
Parade of the wooden soldiers, The (Leon Jessel, Op.
123) 21304
Paradise (Harry David Kerr; James S. Zamecnik) 21678
Paradise Isle (Raymond Klages; Al Goering; Jack Pettis)
Paradise wobble (F. Johnson; Thomas Morris) 20551
Parasol and fan (Lydia Lisle; George H. Gartlan) 21050
Paris (Cole Porter): Don’t look at me that way 21742
Paris (Cole Porter): Let’s do it, let’s fall in love 21745
Paris (Cole Porter): Let’s misbehave 21260
Paris (E. Ray Goetz; Walter Kollo): The land of Going-to-
be 21742, 21745
Paris (Roy Turk; Fred E. Ahlert): Oh, you sweet old
whatcha-may-call-it 21778
Parson’s farewell, The 20446
Pasion Criolla (Grupillo) 21021
Pass around the bottle (Arr. Bill Chitwood) 20550
Pass out lightly (There ain’t nothin’ to it) (J. Washington)
Pastafazoola (Frank Sabini; Ed Clark; Gus Van; Joe
Schenck) 20925
Pastorale grosso, No. 8 (Arcangelo Corelli) 21947
Pato (Collazo) 20740
Patriotic wish, A (Edgar Guest; George Hughes) 21045
Patsy: If I were king 20062
Peace, perfect peace (George T. Caldbeck) 20780
Peaches and Browning song, The - I’m all alone in a palace
of stone (Lon Mooney) 20335
Peaches in the springtime (Will Shade) 21657
Pearl o’ mine (Percy E. Fletcher) 21970
Pearls, The (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 20948
Pearly white city 21287
Peas porridge hot 20621
Peasant’s dance (Ludwig Schytte) 20399
Peek-a-boo (William J. Scanlon; Harmonized by Ernest V.
Stoneman) 20540
Peeler’s jacket, The 21181
Peepin’ Jim (Edgar Dowell) 20407
Peer Gynt (Edvard Grieg, Op. 46): Suite No. 1 - “Anitra’s
dance” 20245
Peer Gynt (Edvard Grieg, Op. 46): Suite No. 1 - “In the
hall of the mountain king” 20245
Peggy Ann (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): A little birdie
told me so 20493
Peggy Ann (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): Where’s that
rainbow? 20455
Penei no (John Avery Noble; Keaumoku Louis) 20707
Penitentiary blues (L.L. Watson) 21549
Pennsylvania Band march (Roland D. Seitz) 20040
Pensée d’automne (Jules Massenet) - Autumn thought
Père de la victoire, Le (Louis Ganne) 21456
Perfect day, A (Carrie Jacob-Bonds) 21926
Persian rug (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles N. Daniels as
“Neil Morét”) 21313, 21346, 21505
Persiflage (W.T. Francis) 20914
Peter on the sea (Old folk song) 21925
Petite Reins, Les (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) - Gavotte
Petrushka (Billy Rose; Fred Fischer) 20204
Petter’s stomp, The (Clifford Hayes) 21584
Philadelphia (All the time) (Herman Dieck; Joseph Murphy;
Charles P. Shisler) 20054
Piano Trio, No. 1 in G (Franz Josef Haydn) “Rondo all’
Ungarese” 21946
Pick poor robin clean (Luke Jordan) 20957
Pickin’ cotton (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 21512
Picture on the wall, The (Bud Landress) 20943
Pioneer march, The (Edwin Franko Goldman) 20559
Pippa Passes (Robert Browning): Year’s at the spring
Pirouette (Herman Finck) 20416
Pit-a-pat 20743
Play ground in the sky (Eddie Dowling; James Frederick
Hanley) 21041
Play gypsies, dance gypsies (Harry B. Smith; Emmerich
Kálmán) 20138
Playing tag 20157
Playmates (Winthrop Packard; John E. West) 20622
Plaything, The (Edith Hope Kinney; George H. Gartlan)
Please let me dream in your arms (Al Sherman; Al Lewis;
Carmen Lombardo) 21813
Please take me out of jail (Thomas Morris; Thomas ‘Fats’
Waller) 21202
Pledge maids of Tulla, The 21157
Ploddin’ along (Jo Trent; Peter de Rose; Willard Robison)
Plucky Lindy’s lucky day (Charley Abbott; Dale Winbrow)
Police done tore my playhouse down (Edgar Dowell)
Policy blues (Eva Smith) 21268
Polish dance (Xaver Scharwenka, Op. 3, No. 1) 20203
Polly (James S. Zemecnik) 21010
Polly put the kettle on (Mother Goose song; Mary Root
Kern) 21051
Pompanola (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 21788
Poor boy (Duel Frady) 20930
Poor orphan child, The (A.P. Carter) 20877
Poor papa (He’s got nothing at all) (Billy Rose; Harry
Woods) 20002
Poor Punchinello (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Lewis
Pollack) 21875
Poor scentless flower - “Flor del mal” (F. Wolter) 20066
Poor tramp has to live, The (Ernest V. Stoneman) 20672
Pop goes the weasel 20151, 20447
Poppies (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) 20617
Poppy, The 20991
Popule Meus (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina) 20898
Possum trot school exhibition (Ernest V. Stoneman)
Postillion 20744
Postillion (Benjamin Godard) 20399
Postman, The (German folk song) 20347
Pot liquor blues (El Watson) 20951
Poupee valsante (E. Poldini) - “Waltzing doll” 20668
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 361
Pour mal tems, ni pour gelée (Thibaut of Champagne)
Power and glory (John Philip Sousa) - The march of the
Mitten Men 20192
Praeludium (Armas Jarnefelt) 20374
Praise him 20442
Praise to the father 20986
Prayer (E.D. Campbell) 21283
Prayer of the drunkard’s little girl, The (Alfred Reed) 21191
Prayer service, The (J.E. Burch) 21248
Preach the word (E.D. Campbell) 21283
Precious (Raymond B. Egan; Stephen Pasternacki;
Richard A. Whiting) 20139, 20254
Precious hiding place (Avis R. Christianson; Wendell P.
Loveless) 21628
Precious little thing called love, A (Lou Davis; J. Fred
Coots) 21832, 21892, 21933
Present Arms (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): Do I hear
you saying I love you? 21398
Present Arms (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): You took
advantage of me 21398
Presidential Election, The (Charles J. Correll; Freeman F.
Gosden) 21608
Pretty Audrey (Eddie Jackson; Morris Rouse) 20723
Pretty Cinderella (Will J. Harris) 20241, 20325
Pretty lips (Walter Donaldson; Charley Straight) 20627
Pretty little dear (Adapted by Frank Crumit) 20137
Pretty little thing (Henry H. Tobias; Billy Rose; Alfred Dubin)
Pretty pussy 20073
Pretty tulip (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20624
Pride of the Wolverines (John Philip Sousa) 20276
Primrose (Irving Berlin): All alone 20321
Prince of Hawaii (Charles E. King): Kuu lini - “My desire”
Princeton cannon song, The 20355
Princeton Football Medley (Arr. Richard Weaver) 20355
Prisoner at the bar, The (Glover King; David Worton; Harry
Leighton) 21548
Prisoner’s song, The (Guy Massey) 20049
Prisoner’s sweetheart, The (Art Walsh) 20098
Promise (Maurice J. Gunsky; Eddie Willis) 20692
Proud (Of a baby like you) (Chris Schoenberg; Leonard
Stevens; Paul R. Helmick) 20469
Prudy (Frank E. Banta; Peter de Rose) 20429, 21010
Pueblo lullaby 21972
Pull a cherry 20744
Pull yourself together (Philip Charig; Leo Robin; Richard
Meyers) 20902
Pump song, The (Sammy Lerner; Buddy Fields; Richard
A. Whiting) 20083
Pussy cat 20621
Pussy willow 20073
Pussy willows (Adolf Weidig) 20347
Put your arms where they belong (For they belong to me)
(Louis Davis; Henry Santley; Herman Ackerman) 20165,
Quaecumque sunt vera - In Latin 21914
Quartet rehearsal 20824
Queen High (Ben Jerome; Frank Crumit): My lady 20486
Queen High (Buddy G. de Sylva, Lewis E. Gensler; James
Frederick Hanley): Don’t forget 20435
Queen High (Buddy G. de Sylva, Lewis E. Gensler; James
Frederick Hanley): Everything will happen for the best
Queen High (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lewis E. Gensler): Cross
your heart 20071, 20435
Queen Street rag 21197
Querida (José Valdez; Edward G. Simon) 21702
Radish, The (Mary Root Kern) 21047
Raffle for a stove (Pat White) 21200
Rag doll (Nacio Herb Brown) 21384, 21588
Ragamuffin (Jesse Greer) 21929
Raggedy man, The (James Whitcomb Riley) 20339
Raging sea, how it roars, The (Ernest V. Stoneman) 21648
Rags (Abner Silver; Sammy Fain; Harry Richman) 20434
Rain (Eugene Ford) 21107, 21172
Rain crow bill (Henry Whitter) 20878
Rain or Shine (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): Add a little wiggle
Rain or Shine (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): Forever and ever
21229, 21716, 21733
Rain or Shine (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): Rain or shine
Rain or Shine (Owen Murphy): Oh, baby 21423
Rain song (E. Smith) 20212
Rainbow (Alfred Bryan; Percy Wenrich) - “An Indian fable”
Rainbow Man, The (Andrew B. Sterling; James Frederick
Hanley): Sleepy valley 21986
Rainbow of love, The (Sam A. Perry; Harry D. Squires)
Rainbow, The (Christini Rosette) 20442
Raindrops 20073
Rakes of the Mallow, The 20991
Ramblers, The (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby): All alone
Monday 20259, 20417
Ramona (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Mabel Wayne): Ramona 21214,
21334, 21342
Raquel (George Whiting; Joe Burke) 21910, 21911
Raquel Meller - Medley Fox trot 20066
Reaching for the moon (Benny Davis; Jesse Greer) 20016
Ready for the river (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles N.
Daniels as “Neil Morét”) 21501
Really and truly (Clifford Grey; William Cary Duncan; Jean
Schwartz) 21347
Red and Blue, The (Westervelt; Goeckel) 20040
Red Dance (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée): Some day,
somewhere (We’ll meet again) 21633
Red headed widow was the cause of it all, A (Willard
Hodgin) 21485
Red hot Dan (Sidney Easton) 21127
Red lips (Kiss my blues away) (Alfred Bryan; James V.
Monaco; Pete Wendling) 20615. 20714
Red onion drag (Louis Dumaine; Eddie Jackson) 20580
Red River blues (Edgar Dowell) 20945
Red River Valley 21421
Red wing (Thurland Chattaway; Kerry Mills) 20173
Redheaded woodpecker, The (Elizabeth Gordon; Frieda
Peycke) 21051
Redskin (Harry David Kerr; James S. Zamecnik): Redskin
Reels - Medley 20537
Régiment de Sambre et Meuse, Le (Robert Planquette)
Remember me to Mary (If she still remembers me) (Bud
Green; Sam H. Stept) 21754
Remember me, oh mighty One (Joanna Kirkel) - Sacred
words to the air of “Soldier’s farewell” 20879
Rendezvous (Wilhelm Aletter) 20430, 21176
Rent man blues (Gus Smith) 20857
Repasz band (Charles C. Sweeley) 20303
Rescue the perishing (Fanny J. Crosby; W. Howard Doane)
Resurrection, The (G.R. Street) 21071
Return of spring (Robert Schumann) 20739
Réveil de tzigane (M. Puig) 20969
Revenge (Edward Grossman; Ted Ward): Dolores 21654
Revenge (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry Akst): Revenge
21591, 21654
Rhapsody in blue (George Gershwin) 21328
Rhymes of Childhood (James Whitcomb Riley): The
raggedy man 20339
Rhythm - Medley 20526
Rhythm king (Jo Trent; Joe Hoover) 21891
Ribbon dance 21619
Richmond blues (Julius Daniels) 21065
Ride and shine on the Dummy Line (Samuel Booth;
Frederick G. Carnes) 21067
Riff song (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Sigmund
Romberg) 20373
Right out of heaven (Joseph McCarthy; Harry Tierney)
Rigoletto (Giuseppe Verdi): La donna è mobile 20801
Rimpianto serenade (Enrico Toselli; Arr. Nathaniel Shilkret)
Rinaldo (George Frederic Handel): Lascia ch’io piange
Ring the bells of heaven (William O. Cushing; George F.
Root) 20014
Rio Rita (Joseph McCarthy; Harry Tierney): Following the
sun around 20557
Rio Rita (Joseph McCarthy; Harry Tierney): If you’re in
love, you’ll waltz 20557
Rio Rita (Joseph McCarthy; Harry Tierney): Rio Rita 20474
Rio Rita (Joseph McCarthy; Harry Tierney): The kinkajou
Rippin’ it off (Stubby Gordon) 20475
Rippling waves (Mellie Dunham) 20001
River of Jordan (A.P. Carter) 21434
Road to Vicksburg, The (Frank Crumit) 21899
Roadhouse stomp (Douglas Williams) 21269
Roam on, my little gypsy sweetheart (Francis Wheeler;
Irving Kahal; Ted Snyder) 20892, 20920
Robin Hood (Reginald de Koven, Op. 50): Oh, promise
me 20663
Robin Hood and Little John (Mary Root Kern) 21048
Robin red breast 20073, 20617
Robins fantasy (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20622
Robins m’aime (Adam de la Hale) 20227
Rock all our babies to sleep (Jule Keen) 20929
Rock away blues (James Alston) 20565
Rock me to sleep in an old rocking chair (Tell Taylor) 20600
Rock of ages (Augustus M. Toplady, Thomas Hastings)
21205, 21322
Rocked in the cradle of the deep (Emma Willard; Joseph
P. Knight) 20244
Rollican boys 21005
Rollin’ down to Jordan - Negro spiritual 21136
Rolling stone (Robert Wilkins) 21741
Roman soldiers, The 21617
Romance of Athlone, The (Chauncey Olcott): My wild Irish
Rose 20189
Roodles (Joe L. Sanders) 20785
Room with a view, A (Noel Coward) 21801
Rosa Lee (Paul Ash; J. Russel Robinson) 20686
Rosalie (George Gershwin): Oh gee, oh joy 21224
Rosalie (George Gershwin): Say so 21224
Rosary, The (Robert Rogers; Ethelbert Nevin) 20328,
20516, 20894, 21216, 21647
Rose Conley (G.B. Grayson) 21625
Rose Marie (Rudolf Friml): Indian love call 20202
Rose of heaven, The 21634
Rose of Mandalay (Ted Koehler; Frank Magine) 21890
Rose of Monterey (Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”;
Byron Gay) 21314
Rose of Tralee, The (Charles W. Glover; Old Irish tune)
Rose room (Art Hickman; Harry Williams) 21314
Rose, The (Robert Franz) 20343
Rose, The (Sol Hiram) - “Kuu pua roselani” 20209
Rosemary (Anne Nichols; James S. Zamecnik) 21849
Roses (Addy Britt; Charles Tobias; Henry H. Tobias)
Roses brought me you, The (Irving Berlin) 20061
Roses for remembrance (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Loyal
Curtis) 20630, 20633
Roses of Picardy (Haydn Wood) 20110, 20922
Roses of yesterday (Irving Berlin) 21676, 21700, 21713
Roses remind me of you (Benny Davis; Al Sherman; Joe
Burke) 20099, 20428
Rosette (Charles Newman; Carmen Lombardo) 21503,
Rosin the bow - basket quadrille 20639
Rosita, La (Paul Dupont) 21151
Rosy cheeks (Seymour Simons; Richard A. Whiting)
20691, 20845
Roumanian gypsy song 21175
Round evening (George Whiting; Herbert Steiner; J. Fred
Coots) 21804
Rounded up in glory (Carl T. Sprague; Words from “Lomax
Cowboy Ballads”) 20932
Roundhouse, The (Pat White) 20718
Rouser (Hutzell ’04) 21687
Rovin’ gambler (Mountaineer’s song) 20171
Row us over the tide (Kelly Harrell) 20935
Royal palm blues (Bobby Leecan) 20958
Royal purple, The 20042
Rubenola (Rudy Wiedoeft; Hugo Frey) 21598
Rufty tufty 20446
Rufus Lemaire’s Affairs (Harry Ruskin; Martin Broones):
I can’t get over a girl like you (Loving a boy like me)
20119, 20148
Rumpelstiltskin (Jacob Grimm; Wilhelm Grimm) 20341
Run, run, run (Giuseppe Concone) 20162
Running blues, The (Bud Landress) 21626
Running game (Cornelius Gurlitt, Op. 101, No. 8) 20162
Russian dreams 20789
Russian lullaby (Irving Berlin) 20602, 20610, 20613,
20733, 20791, 20818
Rustle of spring (Christian Sinding, Op. 32, No. 3) 20121
Rusty pail blues, The (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller) 20492
’S wonderful (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin) 21029,
Sabre and spurs (John Philip Sousa) of the American
Cavalry 20305
Sack of potatoes, The 21720
Sad home of death (J.M. Gates) 20481
Sad lover, The (Dal Camdon) 20387
Sad ‘n’ blue (Benny Davis; Paul Ash; Harry Akst) 20699,
Saddle the pony 20815, 20975
Sadie Green, vamp of New Orleans (Gilbert Miller; Johnny
Dunn) 20293
Sadko (Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakoff): Song of India 20200
Safe in the arms of Jesus (Fanny J. Crosby; W. Howard
Doane) 20790
Sag’ mir beim tanz dass du (Ralph Benatsky) 20479
Sagamore (Edwin Franko Goldman) 20311
Sailin’ on (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Nathanson; Borgel;
Antonín Dvorák) 20690
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 363
Sailing, sailing (Marks) + Sweet and low (Joseph Barnby)
Sailor’s hornpipe 21685
Salamanca and Peter Street reel 20763
Sally in our alley 21522
Sally’s not the same old Sally (Al Bernard; Sam H. Stept)
Salut d’amour (Edward Elgar, Op. 12) 20750
Saluta (Walter Donaldson; Gustave “Gus” Kahn) 20727
Salute to the flag (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) 20743
Sam Bass 21420
Sam ‘n’ Henry at the dentist (Charles J. Correll; Freeman
F. Gosden) 20032
Sam ‘n’ Henry at the fortune-teller’s (Charles J. Correll;
Freeman F. Gosden) 20093
Sam ‘n’ Henry buying insurance (Charles J. Correll;
Freeman F. Gosden) 20375
Sam ‘n’ Henry rollin’ the bones (Charles J. Correll; Freeman
F. Gosden) 20375
Sam ‘phoning his sweetheart ‘Liza in Birmingham (Charles
J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden) 20032
Sam, the old accordion man (Walter Donaldson) 20425,
Sam’s big night (Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden)
Sam’s speech at the colored lodge - “Jewels of the crown”
(Charles J. Correll; Freeman F. Gosden) 20093
Samson and the woman (Rev. J.M. Gates) 21125
San Lorenzo (O.A. Silva) 21901
Sand wells (W.B. Olds) 20348
Sandman (W. Otto Miessner) 20348
Sandman lullaby (Coleman Goetz; Billy Baskette; Charles
N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) 20052
Sandman, The (G.A. Grant-Schaefer) 20738
Sandy River Belle (Joe B. Blackhead) (Joe B. Blackhead)
Santa Claus, bring my man back to me (Porter Grainger)
Sastetto Lucia (Lucia di Lammermoor by Gaetano
Donizetti, Arr. Giovanni Gioviale) 21372
Saturday blues (Ishman Bracey) 21349
Saul of Tarsus (E.D. Campbell) 21642
Saul, a wicked man (Richard Bryant) 21357
Savannah blues (Thomas Morris) 20776
Saved by grace (Fanny J. Crosby; George C. Stebbins)
Savingest man on earth, The (Eck Dunford) 21131
Saxema (Rudy Wiedoeft) 21152
Say “Yes” today (Walter Donaldson) 21507
Say it With Songs (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew
Brown; Ray Henderson): Seventh heaven 21955
Say it With Songs (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew
Brown; Ray Henderson): Used to you 21953, 21955
Say it With Songs (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): (Birdies sing in cages too) Why can’t you?
21951, 21952, 21953
Say so (George Gershwin) 21224
Say When (Jesse Greer; Raymond Klages): How about
it? 21674
Say When (Jesse Greer; Raymond Klages): One step from
heaven 21674
Say you love me (Leo Robin; Richard Meyers) 21783
Says Mike (Joseph D. O’Donnell) 21162
Scandinavian stomp (James Alston) 21410
Scarlet thread in the window, The (F.W. McGee) 21492
Scenes de Ballet (Alexandre Glazounow, Op. 52, No. 2) -
Marionettes 20914
Schatz, was ich von dir getraumt hab’, Boston (Rudolf
Friml) 20479
Scherzo (Cornelius Gurlitt, Op. 101, No.16) 20401
School day sweethearts (Glen Edwards) 20464
School girl blues (Rosie Mae Moore) 21408
Schultz is back again (With his “Boom, boom, boom”)
(Harry Pease; Ed. J. Nelson; Saul Bernie) 20465
Scotch Mary 21718
Scripture lesson (F.W. McGee) 21205
Second gavotte (Sapellnikoff, Op. 5, No. 2) 20451
Second Indian Suite (Edward MacDowell, Op. 46) - Love
song 20342
Second Regiment Connecticut National Guard march
(David W. Reeves) 20979
Second-handed blues (Mike Jackson) 20652
Secret Hour, The (Irving Kahal; Francis Wheeler; Ted
Snyder): The beggar 21256
Secret, Le (Léonard Gauthier) 20416
Secret, The 20213
See saw 20743
See, the conqu’ring hero comes (George Frederic Handel)
Seein’ things at night (Eugene Field) 21825
Seek and you shall find - Negro spiritual 21705
Sellinger’s round 20445
Semper fidelis (John Philip Sousa) 20220, 20979
Senegalese stomp (Clarence Todd) 20182
Sensation (Eddie B. Edwards) 21119
Sentimental baby (Jack Miller) 21827
Sentimental Rose (John Driscoll; Emmett Sullivan; Joe
Goodwin) 20735
Serenade (Enrico Toselli) 21253
Sérénade (Franz Schubert, D. 957, No. 4) 20389, 21207,
Serenade (Fucacce; R. Drigo) 20637
Serenade (G. Silvestri) - “Serenade of olden times” 20666
Sérénade (Gabriel Pierné) 20104
Serenade (Pietro Lanciani) 20160
Serenade (Moritz Moszkowski, Op. 44) 20168
Serenade (R. Drigo) 21225
Sérénade Badine (Jean Gabriel-Marie) 20086
Serenade in the mountains, A (Ernest V. Stoneman) 21518
Sesqui-Centennial Exposition, The (John Philip Sousa)
Seven jumps 21617
Seven long years in prison (Claude Grant) 21406
Seventh heaven (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown;
Ray Henderson) 21954, 21955
Seventh Heaven (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée): Diane, I’m
in heaven when I see you smile 21000, 21019, 21146,
Shadow Waltz Medley 20154
Shadow, The (Frank D. Sherman; Robert Braine) 21046
Shady Lady (Howard E. Johnson; J. Zuro; F. Gremon; J.
Grunn) - Shady lady 21897
Shady tree, A (Walter Donaldson) 20972, 21164
Shake hands with your Uncle Mike, me boy (Jack Murphy;
Ed Geoghagen) 21087
Shaking the blues away (Irving Berlin) 20885
Shall my soul pass through old Ireland? (Old Irish tune)
Shamrock leaves (Harold A.Robe; Gerald Arthur) 20917
Shanghai dream man (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) 20683
Shanghai in China (Dock Walsh) 20941
Shannon shores 21594
Sharpshooter’s march (Gerardo Metallo) 20250
She belongs to me (Howard E. Johnson; Andy Razaf; Paul
Denniker) 20475
She didn’t say “Yes”, and she didn’t say “No” (She only said
“Maybe”) (Sam A. Perry; Ted Strong; Lew Porter) 21667
She don’t wanna (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 20753
She Goes to War (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry Akst):
There is a happy land 21913
She is far from the land (Thomas Moore; Old Irish air “Open
the door”) 21719
(She knows her) Onions (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager; Lewis
Pollack) 20208
She stabbed me with an ice-pick (Will Shade) 21725
She stays out all night long (Will Shade) 21524
She wonders why (J. Sommers) 21790
Sheehan’s reel 21181
She’ll never find a fellow like me (Walter O’Keefe; Harry
Archer) 21009
Shell, The (Horatio Parker) 20348
Shepherd’s hey (Arr: Cecil J. Sharpe; H.C. MacIlwaine)
Shepherds’ hey (Percy Aldridge Grainger) - Morris dance
tune 20802
Shepherd’s song, A 20158
She’s a corn-fed Indiana girl (But she’s mamma to me)
(Fran Frey; Eddie Kilfeather; George Olsen) 20024
She’s a great, great girl (Harry Woods) 21309, 21326
(She’s a new kind of) Old-fashioned girl (Billy Rose;
Vincent Rose) 21973, 21981
She’s got “It” (Benny Davis; L. Wolfe Gilbert; Harry Akst)
She’s one sweet show girl (Ed Grossman; Ted Ward)
She’s still my baby (Willie Raskin; Sam Coslow; Little Jack
Little) 20314
She’s the sweetheart of six other guys (Howard E.
Johnson; Robert King) 21332
Shreveport (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 21658
Shim-me-sha-wabble (Spencer Williams) 21611
Shine (Cecil Mack; Lew Brown; Ford Dabney 21912
Shine on me - Negro spiritual 20903
Shine on, harvest moon (Nora Bayes; Jack Norworth) 20913
Shining moon 21587
Shoe shiner’s drag (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 21658
Shoemakers’ dance, No. 13 20450
Shoo fly (Billy Reeves; Frank Campbell) 21723
Shopworn Angel (Lou Davis; J. Fred Coots): A precious
little thing called love 21832, 21892, 21933
Shoreham 20712
Shortnin’ bread (R. Dupree) 20853
Shouting on 20813
Show Boat (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern):
Can’t help lovin’ dat man 21215, 21238
Show Boat (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern):
Make believe 21218
Show Boat (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern):
My Bill 21238
Show Boat (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern):
Ol’ man river 21218, 21241
Show Boat (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David Kern):
Why do I love you? 21215
Show Girl (Ed Grossman; Ted Ward): She’s one sweet
show girl 21743
Show Girl (Irving Caesar): Buy, buy for baby 21743
Show People (Raymond Klages; William Axt; David
Mendoza): Cross-roads 21753, 21787
Shubert’s Greenwich Village Follies of 1928 - What’s the
reason? (Harold Atteridge; Ray Perkins; Maurice
Rubens) 21425
Shy chestnut, The (B.M. Scott) 21046
Sicilian circle 20639
Sicut servus (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina) 20898
Side by side (Harry Woods) 20627, 20714
Sidewalk blues (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 20252
Sidewalks of New York (Eddie Dowling, James Frederick
Hanley): Headin’ for Harlem 20976
Sidewalks of New York (Eddie Dowling, James Frederick
Hanley): Wherever you are 20976
Sidewalks of New York (Eddie Dowling; James Frederick
Hanley): Play ground in the sky 21041
Sidewalks of New York, The - Medley 21563
Sidewalks of New York, The (Charles B. Lawlor; James W.
Blake) 20128. 21377
Silent heroes (Robert Planquette) 21937
Silent night, holy night (Franz Gruber) 20298
Silver haired sweetheart (Roy van Hook; Louis Herscher)
Silver moon (Dorothy Donnelly; Sigmund Romberg)
20505, 20995
Silver song bird (Henri Berchman; Herman Paley; Alfred
Bryan) 20591
Silver threads among the gold (Hart P. Danks) 21634
Silvery stars (E.E. Hewitt; Broughton Edwards) 20980
Simple confession (Francis Thomé, Op. 25) “Simple aveu”
(Romance sans paroles) 20104, 20278
Sin is to blame for it all (F.W. McGee) 21656
Since Henry Ford apologized to me (Dave Stomper;
Ballard McDonald; Billy Rose) 20925
Since I found you (Sidney Clare; Harry Woods) 20467,
Since mother’s gone (Carson J. Robison) 21555
Sincerely, I do (Benny Davis; Joe Burke) 21829
Sing a little love song (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell;
Con Conrad) 21969
Sing a song of sixpence 20621
Sing me a baby song (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter
Donaldson) 20724, 20787
Sing on, brother, sing (Carson J. Robison) 21083
Sing, bluebird, sing 20073
Sing, sister, sing (Howard E. Johnson) 21607
Singapore sorrows (Jack LeSoir; Ray Doll) 21437
Singing Fool, The (Al Jolson; Billy Rose; Dave Dreyer):
There’s a rainbow ‘round my shoulder 21667, 21780
Singing Fool, The (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew
Brown; Ray Henderson): Sonny boy 21683, 21728,
21733, 21779
Singing Games (Mari R. Hofer) 20214
Single girl, married girl (A.P. Carter) 20937
Sinless summer, The (Millard H. Smith; J.L. Heath) 20531
’Sippi (Con Conrad; Henry Creamer; Jimmy Johnson)
Siren dream, A (Lewis Pollack; Al Sherman) 21011
Sirens waltz (Emil Waldteufel) 20282
Sittin’ around (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Joe L. Sanders) 20015
Six Fancies (Edgar Thorne; Edward MacDowell): To a
humming bird 20366
Six feet of earth (Arr. Frank McCravy) 20869
Six feet of papa (Billy Moll; Arthur Sizemore) 20198
Six little puppies 20349
Sixty seconds every minute (I’m in love with you) (Lou
Davis; Henry W. Santly) 20848
Skad-o-lee (Robert H. Cloud) 20961
Skaters waltz, The (Emil Waldteufel) 21938
Skating (Theodore Kullak, Op. 62, No. 11) 20401
Skip to ma lou, my darling (Eck Dunford) 20938
Skip, skat, doodle do (Henry Clifford) 20649
Sky music 20744
Sleep on, brown eyes (C.W. Davis) 21370
Sleep on, mother, sleep on (Lonnie McIntorsh) 21271
Sleep, baby, sleep (John J. Handley) 20864
Sleep, baby, sleep (Johnny Tucker; Joe Shuster) 21786
Sleeping late (Eck Dunford) 21244
Sleepy head (Benny Davis; Jessie Greer) 20077, 20141
Sleepy Honolulu town (Mary Earl; Ted Fiorito; Harry
Warren) 21906
Sleepy valley (Andrew B. Sterling; James Frederick
Hanley) 21986
Sligo boys 21180
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 365
Slippery elm (Boyd Senter) 20023, 20039
Slippin’ and slidin’ up the golden street 20499
Slippin’ around (Mole) 21397
Sloppy water blues (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller) 20492
Slow death (Douglas Williams) 21269
Slow river (Henry Myers; Charles M. Schwab) 20926
Sluefoot (Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”; Joe L.
Sanders) 21305
Slumber boat, The (Alice Riley; Jessie L. Gaynor) 20738,
Slumber song (Mena C. Pfirshing; G.A. Grant-Schaefer)
Small stars (Elsa Uppling) 20348
Smarty - See “Funny Face” 21029
Smarty (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): ‘S wonderful
Smile (Heywood) 21228
Smiles (J. Will Callahan; Lee S. Roberts) 21723
Smoke house blues (Charles Luke) 20296
Smoked meat blues (Richard M. Jones) 20859
Smoky Mountain country far away (Charles Johnson; Paul
Johnson) 21646
Snake eyes (Tiny Parham) 21659
Snitchin’ gambler blues (Will Shade) 21524
So blue (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson;
Theme by Mrs. Jesse Crawford) 20564, 20570, 20595,
So glad I’ve got the stone 21736
So tired (George A. Little; Arthur Sizemore) 21106, 21150,
So will I (Lewis Brown; Cliff Friend) 20413, 20436
Softly, as in a morning sunrise (Oscar Hammerstein II;
Sigmund Romberg) 21775
Soldier boy, soldier boy 20806
Soldier’s joy, The 20592, 21181
Soldier’s march 20218
Soldier’s march (Robert Schumann) 20158
Soldier’s poor little boy, The (Charles Johnson; Paul
Johnson) 20891
Soldier’s sweetheart, The (Jimmie Rodgers) 20864
Solemn warning, The (E.S. Moore) 21737
Solid ground (Happy Holmes) 21075
Solid men to the front (John Philip Sousa) 20305
Solterona (D’Agostino; Pollero) 20740
Some day (Larry Spier; W.C. Polla) 20336
Some day you’ll say “Ok” (Walter Donaldson) 20919
Some day, somewhere (We’ll meet again) (Lewis Pollack;
Erno Rapée) 21633
Some little someone (Al Evans) 21404
Some one (Harry B. Smith; Alfred Goodman; Mannie
Rubens) 20326
Some other day (Jack Young) 20782
Some questions (K.H. Gehrkens) 21052
Some sweet day (Ed Rose; Tony Jackson; Abe Olman)
Some sweet day (Lewis Pollack; Nathaniel Shilkret)
21896, 21990
Some sweet someone (Bert Kalmar; Herbert Stothart;
Harry Ruby) 21682
Somebody and me (Raymond Klages; Ernie Golden)
Somebody else (Anne Caldwell; Raymond Hubbell) 20472
Somebody sweet is sweet on me (Walter Donovan) 21477
Somebody’s been lovin’ my baby (Mike Jackson) 20356
Somebody’s been stealing (J.M. Gates) 21281
Somebody’s lonely (Benny Davis; Joe Gold) 20059
Someday you’ll say “OK” (Walter Donaldson) 20900
Someday, sweetheart (John C. Spikes; Benjamin Spikes)
20405, 20561
Someone is losin’ Susan 20196
Someone to love (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito) 20018
Some-one to watch over me (Ira Gershwin; George
Gershwin) 20331, 20392
Something to live for (Edward Eliscu; Joseph Meyer)
Something to tell (Clifford Grey; Maurie Rubens) 20682
Something within (Lucy E. Campbell) 21196
Something’s going to happen, honey 20541
Sometime we’ll understand (James McGranahan) 21322
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Negro spiritual
Sometimes I think I love you (Will Shade) 20809
Sometimes I’m happy (Irving Caesar; Vincent Youmans)
20599, 20609
Somewhere a voice is calling (Eileen Newton; Arthur F.
Tate) 21207
Sonata (J.B. Loeillet) - Allegro+ Gavotte + Aria 21947
Sonata in A Major (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) 21946
Sonatina in C (Muzio Clementi; Arr. August Tiedel, Op.
12) - Allegro + Andante cantabile + Vivace 20160
Song I love, The (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson; Con Conrad) 21794, 21810, 21856
Song is ended, The (But the melody lingers on) (Irving
Berlin) 21028, 21040, 21092
Song of Hawaii (Merton H. Bories; Paul I. Corbell) 21037
Song of India (Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakoff) 20200
Song of iron 20987
Song of songs, The (Clarence Lucas-Moya) 20748
Song of the cherubim (Michael Glinka) - in Russian 20358
Song of the doodle bug (C.E. Moody) 21362
Song of the failure (Nelson Chon; Louis Edwards) 21331
Song of the marching men (Daniel Protheroe) 20329
Song of the nightingale (F. Filipovsky, Op. 21) 20426
Song of the prune (Frank Crumit; Harry de Costa) 21430
Song of the sewing machine, The (Billy Rose; Ballard
MacDonald; Jesse Greer) 21168
Song of the swamp - “Chlo-e” (Gustave “Gus” Kahn;
Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) 21149, 21298, 21382
Song of the Volga boatmen (Russian folk song) - in
Russian 20309
Song of the wanderer, The (Where shall I go?) (Mort Dixon;
Charles N. Daniels as “Neil Morét”) 20300, 20560,
20570, 20600, 20630
Song of the West (Oscar Hammerstein II; Vincent
Youmans): The one girl 21931
Song to Hawaii, A (J.D. Redding) 20709
Song without words (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Op.
62, No. 30) - “Spring song” 20195, 21449
Songs my mother taught me (Heyduk; Antonín Dvorák,
Op. 55, No. 4) 20494
Sonny boy (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown;
Ray Henderson) 21683, 21728, 21733, 21779
Sons of Erin 21180
Sons of the Stanford Red 21344
Soothin’ syrup stomp (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller) 20470
Sorella, La (Louis Gallini) 20249
Sorry for me (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 21496
Sour Wood Mountain (Hillbilly song) 21751
Sourwood mountain 20235
Sous bois (V. Staub, Op. 6, No. 6) “In the forest” 20636
South Rampart Street blues (Buddy Christian; Bob Fuller;
Thomas Morris; Joe Nanton) 20653
South wind (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 20645
Southern Court scene - 5th session (Walter C. Kelly)
Southern Melody Soft Shoe Dance (Stephen Collins
Foster) 20020
Southern shout (Clifford Hayes; H. Grundy) 20954
Souvenir (Franz Drdla) 20637
Souvenir, barcarolle - Humoresque 20670
Spanish dance (Moritz Moszkowski, Op. 12, No. 1) 20521
Spanish dream (Al Gehring; Jack Pettis) 21559
Spanish guitar (College song) 21751
Spanish gypsy, The 20986
Spanish serenade (Georges Bizet) 20521
Sparkling waters of Waikiki (Joe Davis; Spencer Williams)
Speedy boy (Raymond Klages; Jesse Greer) 21275
Spell of the blues, The (Dave Dryer; Herman Ruby; Arthur
Spell of the blues, The (Dave Dryer; Herman Ruby; Arthur
Johnston) 21835, 21875
Spider, The (Ray Perkins): A kiss before dawn 21606
Spinning song 20738
Spinning song (Albert Ellmenreich) 20160
Spinning song (Theodore Kullak) 20153
Spoiled violin, The (Abbie Farwell Brown; Beatrice
Macgowan Scott) 21052
S’posin’ (Andy Razaf; Paul Denniker) 21998
Spring is here (George J. Bennett; Sam Carlton) 20034
Spring is Here (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): With a
song in my heart 21923
Spring is Here (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers): Yours
sincerely 21923
Spring Maid, The (Harry B. Smith; Robert B. Smith;
Heinrich Reinhardt): The three trees 21466
Spring song (Frédéric Chopin) 20343
Springdale blues (Gus Cannon) 21351
Spring’s messenger (Robert Schumann) 20343
Springtime (Sam Messenheimer; Val Burton; Sigmond
Sacks) 20911
Squirrel, The 20073
St. John, 1:1: The word was God 20585
St. John, 3:9: How can these things be? 20585
St. Louis blues (W.C. Handy) 20092, 20357, 20698,
21328, 21467, 21714
St. Louis shuffle (Jack Pettis; Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller) 20944
St. Patrick’s day 21479
St. Patrick’s day - From “Folk Dance Music” 21616
St. Paul (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy): How lovely are
the messengers 20620
Stack O’ Lee blues (Ray López) 21422, 21508
Staggering blues (Rosie Mae Moore) 21280
Stairway of dreams 21956
Stampede (Fletcher Henderson) 20460
Stand by me (C.A. Tindley) 21551
Standin’ in the need of prayer (J.M. Gates) 20211
Standing Abbey 20764
Standing on the promises (Russell Kelso Carter) 20860
Stanford forever (E.R. Flint) 20053, 21344
Stanford University - Alma mater 21344
Stanford University songs - Medleys 20053, 21344
Star child, A (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20624
Star spangled banner, The (Francis Scott Key; English
air; Samuel Arnold) 20635, 21428
Stars (Are the windows of heaven) (Tommie Malie; Jimmy
Steiger) 20145, 20264
Stars and stripes forever, The (John Philip Sousa) 20132
Stars of the summer night (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow;
Isaac Baker Woodbury) 20895; 21938
State of Tennessee blues (Jennie Clayton; Will Shade)
Static strut (Jack Yellen; Phil Wall) 20039
Stay out of the South (If you want to miss heaven on earth)
(Harold Dixon) 21081, 21258
Steal away to Jesus - Negro spiritual 20519, 20594
Steam packet 21679
Steamboat (Carson J. Robison) 21644
Steamboat Bill (Ren Shields; Bert Leighton; Frank
Leighton) 20798
Steamboat stomp (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 20296
Step (Dave Zoob; Clay Boland) 20524
Steppin’ around (Ferde Grofé; Harry F. Reser; Director)
Sterling Castle 21480
Still waters (Bob Schafer; Anthony Wayne) 20453
Still, still with Thee (Harriet Beecher Stowe; William
Garrish) 21519
Stingy woman blues (Will Shade; Will Weldon) 20552
Stole my man blues (Martha Copeland) 20769
Stole rider blues (Willie McTell) 21124
Stomp that thing (Frank Stokes) 21738
Stompin’ the bug (Phil Worde; Mercedes Gilbert) 20655
Stop dat band - Negro jass 20184
Stop your ticklin’ me (Little Jack Little) 20800
Stop, go (Clifford Grey; Maurie Rubens) 20682
Storm, The (Arthur Meale) 21223
Storms are on the ocean, The (A.P. Carter) 20937
Story of the mighty Mississippi, The (Kelly Harrell) - “The
flooded Mississippi River” 20671
Stranger blues (Rosie Mae Moore) 21408
Street Angel (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée): My angel -
“Angela mia” 21388, 21591, 21630
Strike Up the Band (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): The
man I love 21116, 21233
Student Prince in Heidelberg, The (Sigmund Romberg):
Serenade 20048
Submarine (Dave Dryer; Herman Ruby): Pals, just pals
Submarine waltz (Fred Winter) “U bats” 20677
Sugar (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 21056
Sugar (Maceo Pinkard) 20855, 21464, 21525
Sugar (Sidney D. Mitchell; Edna Alexander) 20771
Sugar babe, I’m leavin’ (Sol Lewis; Sonny Clapp) 20971
Sugar foot stomp (Joe “King” Oliver; Louis Armstrong)
Sugar in the gourd - Square dance 20294
Sugar plum tree, The (Eugene Field) 20340
Sugar puddin’ (Jab Jones; Will Shade) 21740
Suitcase breakdown (Bobby Leecan) 21249
Suite Romantique (Ethelbert Nevin): Venetian love song -
“Canzone amorosa” 20195
Sun brimmers blues (Will Shade; Will Weldon) 20552
Sun is at my wndow, The (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young;
George W. Meyer) 21666
Sunbeams (Joseph Keirn Brennan; Karl Hajos) 21677
Sunday (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn; Jules Stein; Benny
Krueger) 20273, 20411
Sunkist Hawaii (Irene West; Kenneth H. Barnam) 21556
Sunny (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome
David Kern): Two little bluebirds 20163
Sunny Days (Clifford Grey; William Cary Duncan; Jean
Schwartz): Really and truly 21347
Sunny disposish (Ira Gershwin; Philip Charig) 20486,
Sunrise, The (Will bring another day for you) (Cliff Friend)
Sunshine (Irving Berlin) 21240
Sunshine blues (Will Weldon; Will Shade) 20781
Sure as you take a woman from somebody else (L.C.
Prigett) 20953
Sure enough soldier, A (J.M. Gates) 21523
Surprise answer to prayer, A (Sutton E. Griggs) 21706
Surprise, A (Frederich Hegar) 20347
Susianna (Spencer Williams) 21996
Suzanna girl (J.B. Blackhead) 21130
Swaggering jig (From Selena O’Neill’s collection) 21526
Swallow’s tail 21006
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 367
Swanee River (Stephen Collins Foster) 20020
Swanee River Trail (Al Jolson; Irving Caesar) 20571
Swanee shore (Cliff Hess; Charles A. Bourne) 20847
Swedish wedding march (Soderman, Op. 12) - “Svensk
brollops march” 20805
Sweeney’s favorite 21006
Sweeney’s jig 21160
Sweeney’s musical party (Arr. Ed Geoghagen) 21004
Sweeping through the gates (J.L. Moore) 20844
Sweet and blessed story (Imperial Quintette) 21201
Sweet and low (Alfred Tennyson; Joseph Barnby) 21949
Sweet bird (Thomas P. Westendorf; George W. Persley)
Sweet bunch of daisies (Arr. El Watson) 21585
Sweet Chewaukia, the land of the sleepy water (Fred C.
Higman; Carmen Lombardo) 21966
Sweet dreams (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 21792
Sweet Elaine (Richard H. Gerard; Harry Armstrong) 21324
Sweet Ella May (Jacques Renard; Mickey Alpert; J. Russel
Robinson) 21601
Sweet Evelina (Arr. Ernest Moody) 21188
Sweet forget-me-not (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ange Lorenzo;
Richard A. Whiting) 21882
Sweet Genevieve (George Cooper; Henry Tucker) 20283
Sweet Hawaiian dream girl (Spencer Williams; Joe Green)
Sweet Hawaiian dreams (Arthur Coleman) 20022
Sweet heaven, when I die (Claude Grant) 20861
Sweet Inniscarra (Chauncey Olcott) 20886
Sweet Kate 20444
Sweet Kitty Clover (Knight; E. Kean) 21751
Sweet L’il (Harry Barris; Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 20783
Sweet Lisa (Walter Hirsch; Milton Samuels) 21890
Sweet little girl of mine (Adgar M. Pace; James Rowe)
Sweet Lorraine (Cliff Burwell; Mitchell Parish) 21514
Sweet maids of Caven 20975
Sweet Marie (Billy Rose; Abe Frankel) 20821, 20833
Sweet Nellie Brown (Charles Johnson) 20662
Sweet nightingale 20986
Sweet nothing (Milton J. Rettenberg) 21902
Sweet pea ladies 20617
Sweet rose of heaven (F.R. Taylor) 21768
Sweet Rosie O’Grady (Maude Nugent) 20072
Sweet someone (George Waggner; Baron Keyes) 20755
Sweet southern breeze (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito)
Sweet Sue, just you (Will J. Harris; Victor Young) 21437
Sweet summer has gone away (A.W. Showalter) 21578
Sweet sunny South, The (J. Patterson) 21132
Sweet Suzanne (Edgar Leslie; Joseph G. Gilbert) 21869
Sweet thing (Ralph Williams; Herman Kahn; Joe Verges)
Sweet Virginia blues (Andy Razaf; J.C. Johnson) 20233
Sweeter than you (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby) - “Twinkle,
twinkle” 20419
Sweetest mother (G.S. Dennstedt; Will Ramsey) 21138
Sweetest story ever told, The (R. M. Stults) 20278
Sweetheart Lane (Lou Herscher; Don Rockwell; Barry
Hays) 21506
Sweetheart memories (Benny Davis) 20820
Sweetheart o’ mine (Walter Melrose; Fred Morton) 21376
Sweetheart of all my dreams (I love you - I love you - I
love you) (Art Fitch; Kay Fitch; Bart Lowe) 21834
Sweetheart of Sigma Chi, The (Byron D. Stokes; F.
Dudleigh Vernor) 20820, 20977
Sweethearts on parade (Charles Newman; Carmen
Lombardo) 21800, 21820
Sweetie pie (Benny Davis; Harry Akst) 20360
Swing low and swing high 20744
Swing low, sweet chariot - Negro spiritual 20068
Swing, The (Frances E. Funk; Daniel Protheroe) 21048
Sympathy (Tom Ford, Irving Bibo) 20085
Symphonic screach (Lloyd Scott; Hubert Mann; Don Frye)
Syncopation (Bud Green; Harry Ruby; Sam H. Stept): I’ll
always be in love with you 21860, 21870
Syncopation (Dick Myers; Leo Robin): Jericho 21870
Syncopation (Horatio Nicholls; Edgar Leslie): My
inspiration is you 21811, 21860
Synthetic Sin (Christie and Nathaniel Shilkret): Betty
Taffy pulling party, The (Eck Dunford) 21244
Tain’t so, honey, ‘tain’t so (Willard Robison) 21651
Take a good look at mine 21889
Take in the sun, (Hang out the moon) (Sam M. Lewis; Joe
Young; Harry Woods) 20360
Take the Air (Gene Buck; Dave Stamper): Maybe I’ll baby
you 21206
Take the Air (Gene Buck; J. Russel Robinson; Willard
Robinson): We’ll have a new home In the mornin’ 21170
Take this rose (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Hero de Rance)
Take your burden to the lord - Leave it there (C.A. Tindley)
Take your finger out of your mouth (I want a kiss from
you) (Joe Schuster; Duke Yellman) 20605
Take your tomorrow (And give me today) (Andy Razaf)
Tales from the Vienna woods (Johann Strauss) 20915
Tales of Hoffmann, The (Jacques Offenbach) - “Barcarolle”
Talk ‘bout somethin’ that’s gwine to happen (Sidney
Easton; Phil Worde) 20334
Talking to the moon (George Little; Billy Baskette) 20003
Talking to the moon (George Little; Billt Baskette) 20064
Tamiami Trail (Cliff Friend; Joseph H. Santley) - “Tam-i-
ami” 20084
Tampeekoe (Louis Panico; Elmer Schoebel) 20039
Tannhäuser (Richard Wagner): Evening star 20801
Tannhäuser (Richard Wagner): Pilgrim’s Chorus 20127
Tantoli - From “Folk Dance Music” 20992
Tanzuj, tanzuj (Arr. Basile Kibalchich) - in Russian 20309
Tap tap, The (Henry H. Tobias; Billy Rose; Ballard
Macdonald) 20827
Tarantelle (Camille Saint-Saëns) 20401
Tartan plaid 21160
Te deum landamus 20896
Teddy O’Neill (Old Irish song) 20849
Telephone girl, The (Orville Reed) 21190
Telephone, The (Abbie Farwell Brown; Robert Braine)
Tell me to-night (Pierre Conner; Little Jack Little) 20398
Tell me you love me (Leslie Hare; Robert King) 20142
Tell me you love me (That’s all I ask of you) (Harry Santly;
Lewis Pollack) 21439
Tell me you’re sorry (Benny Davis; Joe Burke) 21610
Tell me, sweet Rose (Mart Britt) 21261
Tell mother I will meet her (Ralph S. Tinsman) 21129
Tempest (Russian) 20619
Ten little miles from town (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Elmer
Schoebel) 21589, 21666, 21766
Ten thousand men of Harvard (Murray Taylor) 20353
Tenderly (Abe Lyman; Joe Dale) 20119
Tenderly think of me (Richard Pascoe; Will Dulmarge;
Richard A. Whiting) 20398
Tennessee coon (C.P. Reeve) 21073
Tennessee lazy (Carleton A. Coon; Joe L. Sanders)
Tenth Regiment (R.B. Hall) 20400
Tentin’ down in Tennessee (Richard Howard; Harry Woods)
Testimonial meeting (Charles Henry Pace) 20295
Texas Rangers 21487
Texas taps (Hunicutt; Burnett Pharr) 21455
Thais (Jules Massenet) - “Meditation” 21796
Thanks for the buggy ride (Jules Buffano) 20030
Thanksgiving (From Selena O’Neill’s collection) 21661
Thanksgiving song 20623
Thanksgiving song (Anna D. Curtis) 21044
That good old country town (Carson J. Robison) 21306
That haunting waltz (Maurice J. Gunsky; Nat Goldstein)
That little something (Otto Harbach; Bert Kalmar; Harry
Ruby; Jerome David Kern) 20616
That melody of love (Howard Dietz; Walter Donaldson)
That night in Araby (Billy Rose; Ted Snyder) 20259
That night in June (Henry H. Tobias; Irving Mills) 20997
That old Irish mother of mine (William Jerome; Harry von
Tilzer) 21013
That old sweetheart of mine (Joe Goodwin; Larry Shay)
That old wooden rocker (Adapted by Frank Crumit) 21091
That same cat (Alfoncy Harris) 21285
That saxophone waltz (Jules Mingo; Barry J. Sisk) 20513
That tumble-down shack in Athlone (Richard W. Pascoe;
Monte Carlo; Alma M. Sanders) 21013
That’s a good girl (Irving Berlin) 20243, 20254
That’s Annabelle (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito) 20147
That’s her now (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 21881
That’s how I feel about you (Benny Davis; Archie Gottler)
That’s just my way of forgetting you (Buddy G. de Sylva;
Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) 21590
That’s my girl (Benny Davis; Lou Gold) 20196
That’s my hap-hap-happiness (Howard E. Johnson;
Charles Tobias; Al Sherman) 20500
That’s my idea of heaven (George Whiting; Herbert
Steinert; Mac Lieb) 21979
That’s my mammy (Harry Pease; Abel Baer; Edward G.
Nelson) 21462
That’s my weakness now (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept)
21497, 21557
That’s the good old sunny South (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager)
That’s what I call heaven (Alfred Solman; George Brown;
Dale Wimbrow) 21893, 21921
That’s what I call keen (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Ted Fiorito)
That’s what I call sweet music (Jack Meskill; Pete
Wendling; Al Hoffman) 21995
That’s what puts the “sweet” in ‘Home sweet home’ (Ed
Lowry; Mack Gordon; Charles Newman) 21800
That’s what the lei said to me (Alfred Perez) 21499
That’s why I love you (Walter Donaldson; Paul Ash) 20088,
That’s why I’m happy (Herb Magidson; Michael M. Cleary)
That’s you, baby (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con
Conrad) 21927
The same old moon (Otto Harbach; Bert Kalmar; Harry
Ruby; Jerome David Kern) 20616
Them piano blues (Robert H. Cloud) 20960
Theme for skipping in F Major (Clara L. Anderson) 20736
Then came the dawn (Alfred Dubin; Harry Warren) 21564,
Then he brought joy to my soul - Negro spiritual 20185
Then you’ve never been blue 21974
There ain’t no maybe in my baby’s eyes (Gustave “Gus”
Kahn; Raymond B. Egan; Walter Donaldson) 20312,
There ain’t no sweet man that’s worth the salt of my tears
(Fred Fisher) 21464
There ain’t no use workin’ so hard (Arr. Gwen Foster)
There is a happy land (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry
Akst) 21913
There must be a silver lining (That’s shining for me) (Dolly
Morse; Walter Donaldson) 21227
There must be somebody else (Archie Gottler; Sidney
Clare; Maceo Pinkard) 21032, 21041
There’ll always be room for you (Maurice J. Gunsky;
Morton H. Bories) 20695, 21232
There’ll be you and I (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept) 21940
There’ll never be another you (Carl Bergner) 21601
There’s a Blue Ridge in my heart “Virginia” (Alfred Bryan;
Fred Phillips; Ira Shuster) 20114
There’s a boatman on the Volga (Raymond B. Egan; Steve
Pasternacki; Richard A. Whiting) 20266
There’s a cradle in Carolina (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young;
Fred E. Ahlert) 21015, 21040
There’s a little white house on a little green hill (Billy Rose;
Harry Akst) 20268, 20274
There’s a new star in heaven to-night - Rudolph Valentino
(J. Keirn Brennan; Jimmy McHugh; Irving Mills) 20193
There’s a place in the sun for you (Bud Green; Sammy
Fain) 21958
There’s a rainbow ‘round my shoulder (Al Jolson; Billy
Rose; Dave Dreyer) 21667, 21780
There’s a rickety, rickety shack (Charles Tobias; Roy Turk)
There’s a trick in pickin’ a chick-chick-chicken (Charles
Tobias; Coleman Goetz; J. Russel Robinson) 20759
There’s a whippoorwill a-calling (H. McKnight; Charles H.
Roth) 21644
There’s no one like mother to me - Sacred 20189
There’s somebody new (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Isham
Jones) 21568
There’s something about a rose (That reminds me of
you) (Irving Kahal; Francis Wheeler; Sammy Fain)
There’s something nice about everyone, but there’s
everything nice about you (Arthur Terker; Alfred Bryan;
Pete Wendling) 20603, 20612
There’s the one for me (Jack Yellen; Harry Akst) 21988
These bones g’wina rise again (Arr. Frank McCravy; James
McGravy) 20869
They called me a liar 21350
They sail’d away from Dublin Bay (Old Irish song) 20849
Thick lip stomp (Bennie Moten) 20406
Think of me thinking of you (Charlie Abbott; Johnny Marvin;
Dale Wimbrow) 21427
Thinking (Mac Ohman; Lou Morgans) 20317
Thinking of you (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby) 20996
Thinking of you (I’ve grown so lonesome) (Walter
Donaldson; Paul Ash) 20394. 20411
This is Heaven (Jack Yellen; Harry Akst): This is heaven
21986, 21988
This Year of Grace (Noel Coward): A room with a view
This Year of Grace (Noel Coward): Dance, little lady 21801
Thomand Bridge 20764
Thomaston breakdown (Bill Helms; Hogan) 21649
Those songs my mother used to sing (H. Wakefield Smith)
Thou swell (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers) 21113, 21346
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 369
Though you went away (You can come back to me)
(Kenneth Sargent; Pete Schmitt) 21355
Thoughts (Sol Lewis) 21640
Thou’rt like a lovely flower (Robert Schumann) 20804
Three billy goats gruff, The (George Dasent) 20974
Three Cheers (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Maybe this is love 21788
Three Cheers (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson): Pompanola 21788
Three drowned sisters (Cleburn C. Meeks; Carson J.
Robison) 20528
Three little mice 20621
Three Musketeers, The (Clifford Grey; Rudolf Friml): Ma
belle 21315
Three Musketeers, The (Clifford Grey; Rudolf Friml): March
of the Musketeers 21315
Three Musketeers, The (P.G. Wodehouse; Rudolf Friml):
Your eyes 21347
Three o’clock in the morning (Dorothy Terriss; Julian
Robledo) 20965, 21599
Three trees, The (Harry B. Smith; Robert B. Smith; Heinrich
Reinhardt) 21466
Three Twins (Otto Hauerbach as “Harbach”; Karl
Hoschna): Cuddle up a little closer, lovey mine 21335
Three ways (F.W. McGee) 21581
Three-cornered Hat, The (Manuel de Falla): Suite 21781,
Thunderer, The (John Philip Sousa) 20192
Tick tock (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20624
Ticknock jig, The 21157
Tiddllely winks and tiddllely wee 20349
Tide of Empire (Fritz Rotter; Ralph Erwin): I kiss your hand,
madame 21920, 21973
Tide of Empire (Roy Klages; Jesse Greer): Josephita
Tiger rag (Domenick James La Rocca) 20647
’Till he calls his reapers (O.A. Parris; J.D. Wall) 21468
’Till the snowflakes fall again (Gussie L. Davis) (Ernest V.
Stoneman) 20799
’Till we meet (Lou Davis; Ted Fioretta) 21907
’Till we meet again (Raymond B. Egan; Richard A. Whiting)
Tin pan parade (Haven Gillespie, Richard A. Whiting)
21209, 21149
Ting-a ling, the bells’ll ring (Irving Berlin) 20116
Ting-a-ling (Addy Britt; Little Jack Little) - “Waltz of the
bells” 20141, 20263
Tinkling bells (Franz Behr) 20160
Tiny town (Herbert Fiels; Frederick Hollaender) 20125
Tired hands (Al Piantadosi) 20613, 20848
Tired of mother (M.R. Harvey; L.A. Harvey) 21369
’Tis an Irish girl I love (And she’s just like you) (Joseph
Keirn Brennan; Alfred Dubin; Ernest R. Ball) 20917
To a humming bird (From “Six Fancies” (Edward
MacDowell) 20366, 20803
To a wild rose (Edward MacDowell, Op. 51) 20894, 21789
To be in love (Especially with you) (Roy Turk; Fred E.
Ahlert) 21987
To know you is to love you (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown;
Ray Henderson) 21791
To the Sea (Edward MacDowell, Op. 55, No. 1) - “Ocean,
thou mighty monster” 20396
To the work (Fanny J. Crosby; William H. Doanne) 20933
To us is born Emmanuel (M. Praetorius) 21623
Toad and the fly, The (Mary Green Payson) 21046
Tobin’s fancy 20916
Together (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson)
21213, 21220
Together, we two (Irving Berlin) 21016, 21042
Tom Clark’s reel 21593
Tom O’Neill’s hornpipe (From Selena O’Neill’s collection)
Tommy Hill’s favorite 20850
Tomorrow (Walter Hirsch; H. Leopold Spitalny; Monte
Wilhite) 21167, 21221, 21329, 21396
To-morrow mornin’ (J. Russel Robinson; Jack Little; Addy
Britt) 20021
Ton pere a mit d’eor - “Your father put me out” 21770
To-night you belong to me (Billy Rose; Lee David) 20359,
20371, 20489
To-night’s my night with baby (Irving Caesar; Joseph
Meyer; Bobby Buttenuth) 20069, 20078
Too bad (Elmer Schoebel) 20024
Too busy (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn) 21546, 21550
Too-ra-loo-ra loo-ral, that’s an Irish lullaby (J.R. Shannon)
Toot, toot, Dixie (Chris Smith) 20852
Top, The (Lora L. Holmes; Jessie L. Gaynor) 20738
Topsy song (Duncan Sisters) 21226
Topsy-turvy town (Ruth Stephens Porter) 21049
Torchlight dance, No. 1 (Giacomo Meyerbeer) -
“Fackeltanz” 20637
Torna a Surriento (Ernesto de Curtis) 20666
Tory Island reel 20814
Toss the feathers 21319
Touching 20441
To-wa-bac-a-wa (Louis Dumaine; Eddie Jackson) 20723
Toy Symphony (Franz Josef Haydn) 20215
Toymaker’s dream, The (Ernie Golden) 21975
Tracks in the snow (Jessie L. Gaynor) 20623
Traditional Zuni songs: Sunrise call, The (“Recorded and
harmonized by” Carlos Troyer) 20983
Traditional Zuni songs: Zuni blanket song (“Recorded and
harmonized by” Carlos Troyer) “Lover’s wooing” 20983
Trail of dreams (Raymond Klages; Einas Swan) 20238
Train Forty-five (G.B. Grayson) 21189
Train on the island (J.P. Nester) 21070
Tramp waltz (Lemuel Turner) 21292
Traumerei” (Robert Schumann) 20340
Traveling coon (Luke Jordan) 20957
Traviata, La (Giuseppe Verdi): Ah, fors’e lui 21873
Treasure Girl (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Feeling
I’m falling 21795
Treasure Girl (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin): Got a
rainbow 21795
Treasures untold (Jimmie Rodgers; Ellsworth T. Cozzens)
Trees (Joyce Kilmer; Oscar Rasbach) 21313
Trim the velvet 20916
Trio Sonata in G Major (Johann Sebastian Bach) 21948
Trip to Erin 21718
Trip to the cottage 21444
Trojan horse 21344
Trouble hearted blues (Ishman Bracey) 21691
Trouble in mind blues (R. Jones) 21739
Trout Quartet for Strings and Piano (Franz Schubert):
Scherzo 21948
Trovatore, Il (Giuseppe Verdi): Coro degli zingari “Anvil
chorus” 20217
Trovatore, Il (Giuseppe Verdi): Miserere 20801
Trudy (Charles Tobias; Al Sherman) 20177
Truthful Parson Brown (Willard Robison) 21458
Trying to forget (Burke; Mark Fischer) 20256
Tuck in Kentucky and smile (Sidney Holden; Bobby
O’Brien; Don Roberts) 20379
Tupelo blues (Floyd Ming) 21534
Turkey 20308
Turkey in de straw 21128, 21587
Turkish towel (Sammy Fain; Ben’ee Russel; Irving Mills)
Turn around me (From “Folk Dances from Old Homelands”)
Turnip greens (Add Lindsey) 21401
Turpentine blues (Will Weldon) 21134
’Twas on a cold and stormy night 21122
(’Twas on a night like this) In a little Spanish town (Lewis
C. Young; Mabel Wayne) 20266, 20457, 20458,
Twelfth Street rag (Euday L. Bowman) 20386, 20946
Twelve o’clock waltz (Billie Rose; Mort Dixon; Harry
Warren) 21513
Twenty-one Mount Shannon 21181
Twilight echoes (Carson J. Robison) 21277
Two brothers are we (From East Tennessee) (Paul
Johnson) 21243
Two clocks, The (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20622
Two guitars (Russian folk song) 20037
Two lips (To kiss my cares away) (Billy Rose; Harry Warren)
Two little bluebirds (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein
II) 20163
Two little orphans, The (Charles A. Burke; Sidney H.
Homer) 21648
Two Lovers (Wayland Aztell): Grieving 21678
Two of us, The (Van Phillips; Jimmy Campbell; Reg
Connelly) 20258, 20290
Two soldiers, The (Carl T. Sprague; Words from “Lomax
Cowboy Ballads”) 21194
Two-time blues (Arthur Petties) 21282
U fight (University of Minnesota) (Marion Bassett ’26) 21687
Ua like no a like (Alice Everett) - “My heart’s choice” 20710
Uncle Steve 20639
Unclouded day, The (J.K. Alwood) 21023
Under the moon (Yoo-oo-oo-oo) (Ev E. Lyn; Francis
Wheeler; Ted Snyder) 20754, 20787
Under the stars of Havana (Sara F. Coleman; Gil B. Blue)
Underneath the Russian moon (James Kendis; Frank
Samuels; Meyer Gusman) 21963
University of Chicago - Medley - 20427
Unknown, The 21157
Until you get somebody else (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter
Donaldson) 21816
Up and at ‘em (Jack Pettis; Al Goering) 20108
Up in the clouds (Bert Kalmar; Harry Ruby) 20996
Up the street (Robert G. Morse) 20354
Up With the Lark (Cole Porter): I’m in love again 20646,
Ups-a-Daisy (Robert A. Simon; Clifford Grey; Lewis E.
Gensler): Will you remember? Will you forget? 21774
Ups-a-Daisy (Robert A. Simon; Louis E. Gensler): Ups-a-
daisy 21774
Used to you (Al Jolson; Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown;
Ray Henderson) 21953, 21955
Utah Carroll (Alan Lomax; John Lomax) 21194
Vagabond King (Rudolf Friml): Huguette waltz 20512
Valencia (Lucien Boyer; Jacques Charles; José Padilla) -
“A song of Spain” 20007, 20075, 20082
Valentine (Albert Willimetz; Henri Christiné) 20066
Valse criminale, Les - “The criminal” 21770
Valse des A’s (Georges) 21059
Valse in D Flat (Frédéric Chopin, Op. 64, No. 1) 20614
Valse Marilyn (Rudy Wiedoeft) 21152
Valzer brillianti (A. Rizzi) 21372
Variety stomp (Jo Trent; Ray Henderson; Bud Green)
Varsity (Frank Harling; Alfred Bryan): My varsity girl, I’ll
cling to you 21744
Va-te-la-va-va (Bernardo de pace) “Neapolitan caprice”
Ve’n Cigany (Kondor Ernö) - “The old gypsy” 20749
Venetian love song - “Canzone amorosa” (Ethelbert Nevin)
Veni creator spiritus 20896
Veritas (J.H. Densmore) 20354
Verona waltz (Pietro Diero) 20249
Viking song (Wright; Samuel Coleridge-Taylor) 20494
Village blacksmith, The (Jack Murphy) 21087
Village dance (Hazel Gertrude Kinscella) 20157
Violet, The (Arthur E. Johnstone) 20624
Violets 20617
Virginia jig, The 21316
Virginia judge (Walter C. Kelly): 4th session 20136
Virginia Lee (Come back to me) (Blue Steele) 21400
Virginia Reels 20447, 20537
Virginny shore - Social quadrille 20638
Vision of Sir Launfal (James Russell Lowell): What is so
rare as a day in June? 21823
Visiting Sal’s house in Moonshine Hollow (Bud Landress)
Voice of the Southland, The (Keeps calling me home)
(Gene Austin; Marty Bloom; Ted Koehler) 21155, 21714
Vol Stevens blues (Vol Stevens) 21356
Voom, voom (Moaden on the Gayden) (Cliff Friend; Eddie
Welch) 20587
Wabash blues (Dave Ringle; Fred Meinken) 21018, 21864
Waffles (Fred Fischer; Al Koppel) 20094
Wahine u’i (James Kahale) - “Beautiful one” 20710
Wail, The (Joe L. Sanders) 21305
Wailana (Jack Allau) - Drowsy waters 20028
Waimea (Keaumoku Louis) 21999
Wait a little longer, lovebird (Mort Dixon; Jesse Greer)
Wait till you see “Ma chérie” (Leo Robin; Richard A.
Whiting) 21918, 21941
Wait until your chance comes (E.D. Campbell) 21642
Waitin’ for Katie (Ted Shapiro; Gustave “Gus” Kahn)
21184, 21550
Waitin’ for the Robert E. Lee (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Louis F.
Muir) 20798
Waiting for the rainbow (Billy Rose; Benny Davis; Harry
Akst) 21222
Wake Nicodemus (Henry C. Work; Adapted by Frank
Crumit) 20625, 21098
Wake up, chillun, wake up (Jo Trent; Willard Robison)
Wakeup march (C.W. Bennett) 21935
Walk and talk with Jesus (James Rowe; Sam McCollum)
Walk that thing (Charles Johnson) 21712
Walkin’ around in a dream (Ted Lewis; Larry Yoell; E.
Spencer) 21980
Walking in the way with Jesus (Alfred Reed) 20836
Walking with Susie (Archie Gottler; Sidney D. Mitchell; Con
Conrad) 21927
Walrus and the carpenter, The (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
as “Lewis G. Carroll”) 21826
Waltz (Franz Schubert) 20401
Waltz I can’t forget, The (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Carmen
Lombardo) 21884
Waltz in A Flat (Johannes Brahms, Op. 39, No. 15) 21938
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 371
Waltz of love, The (Ted Koehler; Joe Verges) 21391
Waltzes 1, 2 and 9 (Johannes Brahms, Op. 39) 20162
Walzer (Cornelius Gurlitt, Op. 101, No. 11) 20401
Wandering boy, The (A.P. Carter) 20877
Wang-wang blues (Leo Wood; Gus Mueller; Buster Jonson;
Henry Busse) 21422, 21971
Waonahele (Clifford J. Kuni) 20281
War songs of the Normans 20152
Warming Up (Walter Donaldson): Out of the dawn 21572,
Was it a dream? (Addy Britt; Sam Coslow; Larry Spier)
21297, 21516
Was it love? (Irving Caesar; Con Conrad; Harry Rosenthal)
Wash you, make you clean (J.E. Burch) 21063
Washboard cut-out (Bobbie Leecan) 20660
Washerwomen, The 21479
Washington and Lee swing (Thornton W. Allen) 21262,
Washington post, The (John Philip Sousa) 20191
Washington wobble (Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington)
Watching the world go by (Joseph Keirn Brennan; Ernest
R. Ball) 20792
Water baby’s lullaby, The (Jesse Gaynor) 20348
Water Scenes (Ethelbert Nevin, Op. 13, No. 4): Narcissus
20121, 20168, 20443, 21449
Watermelon - “Plantation song” 21600
Watermelon smilin’ on the vine (Thomas P. Westendorf)
Waters of the Perkiomen (Alfred Dubin; F. Henri Klickman)
Way after one, and daddy ain’t home yet (Mike Jackson)
Way back when (Henri Keates; Harry I. Robison; Louis
Robison) 21058
’Way down yonder blues (Lemuel Turner) 21292
’Way up on Clinch Mountain - “Drunken hiccough song”
We (My honey and me) (Harry Woods; Charles Tobias; Al
Sherman) 21058
We pray to the peace of Jerusalem (Imperial Quintette)
We sat beneath the maple on the hill (Gussie L. Davis)
We three Kings of Orient are (J.H. Hopkins) 20993
We two (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II; Emmerick
Kálmán; Herbert Stothart) 21097
Wear your Sunday smile (Leo Robin; Charles Rosoff)
Wearing of the green, The (Dion Boucicault, Old Scotch
air “The tulip”) 20766
Weary river (Grant Clarke; Louis Silvers) 21856, 21868
Wedding bells (Are breaking up that old gang of mine)
(Irving Kahal; Willie Raskin; Sammy Fain) 21893, 21913
Wedding march (Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Op. 61)
Wedding march (Richard Wagner) 20036
Wedding of the painted doll, The (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb
Brown) 21957, 21964
Wedding of the winds, The (John T. Hall) 20175
Wee Willie Winkie 20621
We’ll have a kingdom (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein
II; Rudolf Friml) 20326, 20338
We’ll have a new home In the mornin’ (Gene Buck; J.
Robinson; W. Robinson) 21170
We’ll paddle our canoe (Clay Boland) 20524
Well! Well! Well! - Comic dialogue 21022
Well, the Irish and the Germans got together (Roy Turk;
Fred E. Ahlert) 21367
Were on the road to Boston 20639
We’re the Sunday drivers (Charles Kenny; Irving Mills;
Sammy Fain) 20517
West Virginia highway - Square dance 20237
Wexford reel 21542
Whadda you say we get together (Roy Turk) 20065
What a day (Harry Woods) 21978
What a friend we have in Jesus (Joseph Scriven; Charles
C. Converse) 21655
What a girl, what a night (Joe L. Sanders) 21803
What a man (Walter Donaldson; Ralph Williams) 20056
What a morning that will be (Adgar Pace) 21756
What a night for spooning (Ballard McDonald; Dave
Dreyer) 21715
What a wonderful wedding it will be 21310
What aloha means (Charles Alphin) 21499
What am I gonna do? (Ira Gershwin; George Gershwin)
21113, 21145
What are we waiting for? (Raymond Klages, Max
Fortlander) 21154
What are you waiting for, Mary? (Walter Donaldson)
21103, 21171
What can I say (After I say I’m sorry)? (Walter Donaldson;
Abe Lyman) 20004
What did he do? (W. Owen) 20554
(What do I care) What somebody said? (Sidney Clare;
Harry Woods) 20568, 20754
(What do we do) On a dew-dew-dewy day? (Howard E.
Johnson; Charles Tobias, Al Sherman) 20819, 20906,
What do you say? (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager; Paul Ash)
21323, 21390
What does it matter? (Irving Berlin) 20471, 20490, 20560
What d’ya say? (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray
Henderson) 21632
What good is “Good morning”? (There’s more good in
“Good night”) (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young; Henry Santly)
What have you done to make me feel this way? (Andy
Razaf; J.C. Johnson) 20233
What is so rare as a day in June? (James Russell Lowell)
What kinda love is that? (Phil Worde; Andy Razaf) 20982
What makes a bow legged woman crazy ‘bout her knock
kneed man? (Sadie James; Freddie Coates) 20575
What makes my baby cry? (Sosnick; Hibbeler) 20507
What price lyrics? (Harry Barris; Harry “Bing” Crosby; Matt
Malneck) 21302
What shall our answer be? (E.R. Latta; D.E. Dortah) 20567
What shall we do with mother? (J.H. Hiaronymus; J.L.
Moore) 21138
What sort o’ robes do de angels wear? - Negro spiritual
What the little bird said (Paul Bliss) 20348
What will I do, for my money’s all gone? (Ernest V.
Stoneman) 21578
What you gonna do when the world’s on fire? - Negro
spiritual 21136
What, no spinich? (William Tracy; Hugh Aitkin; Dinty
Moore) 20117
What’ll you do? (Ned Miller; Chester Cohn) 21084, 21143
What’s the reason? (Harold Atteridge; Ray Perkins;
Maurice Rubens) 21425
What’s the use of crying? (Verdi Kindel; Louis Forbstein)
20234, 20275
What’s the use of talking? (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers)
Wheat, The 20992
When (Andy Razaf; Bob Schaefer; J.C. Johnson) 21338
When a ‘gator hollers, folks say it’s a sign of rain (Sidney
Easton) 20333
When day is done (Buddy G. de Sylva; Robert Katscher)
20456, 20719, 20838
When folks stop walkin’ and talkin’ (Happy Holmes)
When I first met Mary (George Little; Joe Werges; Larry
Shay) 20394
When I look in his face (Lizzie de Armond; Charles H.
Gabriel) 20021
When I say ta-ta, it means good-bye (L.C. Prigett) 20953
When I stopped runnin’, I was home (Prince La Vaughn)
When I’m in your arms (Benny Davis; Joe Burke; Paul
Ash) 20501
(When I’m walkin’ with my sweetness) Down among the
sugar cane (Charles Tobias; Sidney Clare; Peter de
Rose) 21903, 21959
When Irish eyes are smiling (Chauncey Olcott; George
Graff, Jr.; Ernest R. Ball) 21179
When it’s moonlight in Mayo (Two Irish eyes are shining)
(Jack Mahoney; Percy Wenrich) 21159
When Lindy comes home (George M. Cohan) 20741
When love comes stealing (Lewis Pollack; Erno Rapée;
Walter Hirsch) 21336, 21606
When my dreams come true (Irving Berlin) 21977, 21989
When my wants run out (Sidney Easton) 20334
When shall I again see Ireland? - “Ireland, my sIreland”
(Henry M. Blossom; Victor Herbert) 21595
When summer is gone (Charles Harrison; Monte Wilhite)
21847, 21876, 21904
When sweet Susie goes steppin’ by (Whitey Kaufman;
Fred Kelly; Irving Bibo) 21515
When the birds begin their singing in the trees (Bud
Landress) 21362
When the curtain comes down (Al Sherman; Al Lewis;
Carl Hoefle) 21852
When the flowers bloom in springtime (Andrew B. Sterling;
Harry von Tilzer) 20541
When the good Lord sets you free (Dock Walsh) 20931
When the kettle boils over 21660
When the light shines thru’ (Walter Edmiaston; V.O.
Stamps) 21722
When the little children sleep (Reinecke) 20212
When the moon shines (Down upon the mountain) 20673
When the morning glories wake up in the morning (Then
I’ll kiss your lips to-night) (Billy Rose; Fred Fisher)
When the pussy willow whispers to the catnip (Cliff
Friend) - “The whisper song” 20644
When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin’ along
(Harry Woods) 20069, 20085, 20177
When the redeemed are gathering in (Johnson Oatman,
Jr.; W.R. Dutton) 20533
When the Robert E. Lee comes to town (Charles Kenny;
Nick Kenny) 21321
When the roses bloom (Louise Reichardt) 20909
When the saints go marching in - Negro spiritual 21582
When the sun goes down again (Carson J. Robison)
When the wind makes connection with your dry goods
(Happy Holmes) 20548
When the world forgets (A.H. Ackley) 20385
When the world is at rest (Lou Davis; Sammy Fain) 21846,
When they ring the golden bells for you and me (Dion de
Marbelle) 20933
When you come back (Hiram B.K. Anahu) 20097
When you come to the end of the day (Gustave “Gus”
Kahn; Frank Westphal) 21968
When you lose your daddy (Ida May Mack) 21690
When you waltz with the one you love (Charles O’Flynn;
Al Sherman) 20260
When you were sweet sixteen (James Thornton) 20693
When you’re gone, I won’t forget (Ivan Reid; Peter de Rose)
When you’re in love (Walter Donaldson; Walter E. Blaufuss)
20789, 21325
When you’re smiling (The whole world smiles with you)
(Mark Fisher; Joe Goodwin; Larry Shay) 21462
When you’re with somebody else (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Ruth
Etting; Abel Baer) 21298, 21365
Where did you get that name? (Bob Miller; Lew Klein)
Where do you work-a John? (Push-a push-a push) (Mortimer
Weinberg; Charley Marks; Harry Warren) 20387
Where has my old gang gone? (Sam Goble; Bob Nolan)
Where have you been all of my life? (Philip Charig; Richard
Meyers) 20902
Where in the world is there someone for me? (Al Lewis;
Gerald Marks; Emerson Gill; Carmen Lombardo) 21167
Where is my Meyer? (Where’s Himalya?) (Anton Profes;
L. Wolfe Gilbert) 21025
Where is the song of songs for me? (Irving Berlin) 21838,
21904, 21932
Where the Coosa River flows (Howard E. Johnson; Al
Sherman) 20888
Where the gates swing outward never (Charles H. Gabriel)
Where the river Shannon flows (James I. Russell) 20283
Where the shy little violets grow (Gustave “Gus” Kahn;
Harry Warren) 21819, 21820, 21876
Where the silvery Colorado wends its way (C.H. Scoggins;
Charles Avril) 21570
Where the wild flowers grow (Harry Woods; Mort Dixon)
Where they never say good-bye (A.H. Ackley; B.D. Ackley)
Where we’ll never grow old (James C. Moore) 20840
Where were you, where was I? (Exactly where we are)
(George M. Cohan) 21727, 21799
Where’d you get those eyes? (Walter Donaldson) 20112
Where’s that rainbow? (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers)
Wherever you are (Eddie Dowling, James Frederick
Hanley) 20976
Wherever you go, whatever you do (I want you to know I
love you) (Bernie Grossman; Joe Goodwin; Larry Shay)
Which is which and who is who? (Richard Coburn; Nacio
Herb Brown) 20685
While the years go drifting by (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Joe
Burke) 20147
Whip, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II;
Emmerick Kálmán; Herbert Stothart) 21170
Whippoorwill (Marshall Bartholomew) 20347
Whip-poor-will’s song, The (J.Calvin Bushey) 20880
Whirl-wind, The (Adolph Krantz) - “Tourbillion” 20525
Whiskey and gin blues (Bobby Leecan; Alfred Marten;
Robert Cooksey) 20402
Whisper song, The (Cliff Friend) - “When the pussy willow
whispers to the catnip” 20753
Whispering (John Schonberger) 21731
Whistle-itis (Carson J. Robison) 20382
White cockade 20537, 20991
White lightnin’ blues (Bennie Moten) 20811
White mule (Floyd Ming) 21534
White rose, The (J. Patterson) 21132
White Shadows in the South Seas (Dave Dryer; Herman
Ruby; Wiliam Axt; David Mendoza): Flower of love 21643
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 373
Whiteman stomp (Jo Trent; Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller) 21119
Whitney’s fancy (From Selena O’Neill’s collection) 21661
Who are you fooling to-night? (William Tracey; Dan
Dougherty) 20825
Who cares what you have been? (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Martin
Freed) - From “Ziegfeld’s Midnight Frolic” 21930, 21960
Who could be more wonderful than you? (Benny Davis;
Abner Silver) 20149, 20240
Who do you love? (Raymond Klages; Hugo Frey; Fred
Rich) - From “Earl Carroll’s Vanities” 20784
Who gives you all your kisses? (Bob Elbel; Don Elbel)
Who is your who? (Little Jack Little; Bernie Grossman)
Who knows? (John E. West) 20622
Who knows? (Mort Dixon; Harry Woods) 21239
Who said I was a bum? (Howard E. Johnson) 21686
Who wouldn’t be blue? (Benny Davis; Joe Burke) 21511
Who wouldn’t be jealous of you? (Larry Shay; Haven
Gillespie; George Frommel) 21812
Who wouldn’t? (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson)
20117, 20148
Whoa, mule (Add Lindsey) 21401
Whole world is waiting, The (For dreams to come true)
(Charles Harrison; Deane Moore) 21079
Who’ll be the one? (Raymond Klages; Al Goering; Jack
Pettis; Ben Bernie) 20598
Who’ll be to blame? (Fred McPhail) 21576
Who’ll buy my violets? (E. Ray Goetz; José Padilla) - “La
violetera” 20066; 20510
Who-oo? You-oo, that’s who (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager) 20727
Whoop it up 20008
Whoopee (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson): Come
West little girl, come West 21808
Whoopee (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson): I’m
bringing a red, red rose 21808, 21854
Whoopee (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson): Love
me or leave me 21922, 21966
Whoopee (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Walter Donaldson): Makin’
whoopee 21816, 21831
Whoopee (Jack Yellen; Milton Ager): Hungry women
Who’s blue now? (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer) 21258
Who’s dis heah stranger? 20316
Who’s that pretty baby? (Bobby Heath; Alex Marr) 20847
Who’s wonderful, who’s marvelous? Miss Annabelle Lee
(Harry Richman; Sidney Clare; Lewis Pollack) 20846,
21003, 21104
Who’s you tellin’? (Willie Drake) 21429
Why be Good? (Lou Davis; J. Fred Coots): I’m thirsty for
kisses, hungry for love 21908
Why did you leave me alone? (Robert H. Cloud) 21204
Why did you leave me? (Johnny Marvin; Buddy Valentine)
Why do I always remember? (Maurice J. Gunsky; Morton
H. Bories; Jack Coakley) 20051
Why do I love you? (Oscar Hammerstein II; Jerome David
Kern) 21215
Why do ya roll those eyes? (Morrie Ryskind; Ira Gershwin;
Philip Charig) 20197
Why do you bob your hair, girls? (Alfred Reed) 21360
Why do you make me lonesome? (Francis Ellsworth; Ivan
Morris) 21573
Why do you want to know why? (Irving Berlin) 20116
Why should I say that I’m sorry? (When nobody’s sorry
for me) (Larry Conley) 20615
Widow Magee 20975
Wild cat (Eddie Lang; Joe Venuti) 21561
Wild horseman, The (Robert Schumann, Op. 68, No. 8)
Wild man in town, A (Richard Bryant) 21694
Wild Rose, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II;
Rudolf Friml): One golden hour 20370
Wild Rose, The (Otto Harbach; Oscar Hammerstein II;
Rudolf Friml): We’ll have a kingdom 20326, 20338
Wild wagoner, The - Frolic tune 21353
Wild wind, The (Clara Belle Baker) 20442
Wilkes County blues (Gwen Foster) 20934
Will o’ the wisp (From “Woodland Sketches” (Edward
MacDowell, Op. 51, No. 2) 20803
Will the circle be unbroken? (Ada Habershon; Charles H.
Gabriel) 21586
Will you love me in December as you do in May? (J.J.
Walker; Ernest R. Ball) 20072
Will you miss me when I’m gone? (A.P. Carter) 21638
Will you obey God? (J.E. Burch) 21198
Will you remember, sweetheart? (Sigmund Romberg) 21385
Will you remember? Will you forget? (Robert A. Simon;
Clifford Grey; Lewis E. Gensler) 21774
William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - “At dawn”
20319, 20606
William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - “Finale”
20320, 20607
William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - “The calm”
20320, 20607
William Tell (Gioacchino Rossini): Overture - “The storm”
20319, 20606
Williams College songs 20042
Willie, the chimney sweeper (Grant V. Rymal) 20502
Willow tree - “A musical mystery” (Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller)
Wimmin aaah! (Bud Green; Harry Warren; Dan Dougherty)
Wind amongst the trees (G. Briccialdi, Op. 12) - “Il vento
caprice” 20344
Wind that shakes the barley 20991
Winding trail, The (Fritz Kreisler; George P. Howard;
George Hayden) 20633, 20697
Windows in Heaven (J.D. Patton; G.W. Archer): Dying girl’s
farewell 21129
Wings of an eagle (Charles Johnson; Paul Johnson)
Winnebago love song 21972
Wipin’ the pan (Willard Robinson; Nathaniel Shilkret; Abel
Baer) 21835
Wise bird, A (Arthur E. Johnstone; H.W. Loomis) 20624
Wistful and blue (Julian Davidson; Ruth Etting) 21418
Witch, The (Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky) 20399
Witches’ dance (Edward MacDowell, Op. 17, No. 2) 20396
With a song in my heart (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers)
With all her faults, I love her still (Monroe H. Rosenfeld)
With his stripes we are healed (Rev. F.W. McGee) 20773
Withered roses (Charles Garland; Haven Gillespie; Larry
Shay) 21804
Within the prison of my dreams (Mrs. Jesse Crawford)
Without you, sweetheart (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew Brown;
Ray Henderson) 21259, 21374
Witness (Arr. Lawrence Brown) 21109
Wob-a-ly walk (Harry Warren; Buddy Green) 21099
Wolf Song, The (Alfred Bryan; Richard A. Whiting): “Yo te
amo” means “I love you” 21878
Wolf Song, The (Harry Warren; Sam M. Lewis; Joseph
Young): Mi amado 21932
Wolverine blues (Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” Morton) 21064
Wonderful (James Rowe; M.L. Yandell) 21468
Wonderful one (Dorothy Terriss; Marshall Neilan; Adapted
by Paul Whiteman; Ferde Grofé) 20170
Wonderful story of love (J.M. Driver) 21628
Won’t you take me home? (Thomas Morris; Phil Worde)
Won’t you tell me, hon? (When were gonna be one) (Sam
M. Lewis; Joe Young; Harry Warren) 21888
Won’t be-long before she belongs to me (How do you like
my baby?) (Cliff Friend; Harry Woods) 20323
Woodland echoes (A.P. Wyman, Op. 34) 20026
Woodland Sketches (Edward MacDowell, Op. 51) - To a
wild rose 20894, 21789
Woodland Sketches (Edward MacDowell, Op. 51, No. 1) -
From an Indian lodge 20342
Woodpecker, The 20073, 20617
World is waiting for the sunrise, The (Ernest Seitz) 20202.
World is yours and mine, The (Bud Green; Sam H. Stept;
James Frederick Hanley) 21958
Worryin’ (George Fairman) 21026, 21086
Wouldn’t mind dying if dying was all (A.C. Forehand; Mamie
Forehand) 20574
Wouldn’t you? (Owen Murphy) - From: “Greenwich Village
Follies” 20379
Wreck of the Royal Palm, The (Andrew Jenkins) 20528
Wreck of the Virginian, The (Alfred Reed) - “Train number
3” 20836
Writin’ paper blues (Willie McTell) 21474
Wynken, blynken and nod (Eugene Field) 20340
¿Y como le va? (Joachín Valverde; Arr. Nathaniel Shilkret) -
Tango Argentino 21393
Y deryn pur (Welsh folk song) - “The dove” 20842
Ya’ comin’ up to-night, huh? (Al Sherman; Al Lewis; Abe
Lyman) 21889
Ya gonna be home to-night? (Oh, yeh, then I’ll be over)
(Harold Dixon; Alfred Dubin; Sam H. Stept) 20477
Yale blues, The (Vivian Ellis) 21307
Yale Medley, No. 1 20008
Yale Medley, No. 2 20009
Yankee Doodle (Traditional) - Instrumental variations (Arr.
John Philip Sousa) 20166
Yankee Rose (Abe Frankl) 20466, 20564
Yard by yard 20041
Yazoo blues (Bennie Moten) 20485
Yea, Alabama (Ethelred Lundy Sykes) 21709
Yellow dog blues (W.C. Handy) 21971
Yep, long about June (Billy Heagney) 21156
Yes, Yes Yvette (Irving Caesar): I’m a little bit fonder of
you 20393
Yes, Yes Yvette (Irving Caesar; Joseph Meyer): Do you
love as I love? 20393
Yesterday (Charles Harrison; Monte Wilhite) 20597, 20730
Yip, I adee 21587
“Yo te amo” means “I love you” (Alfred Bryan; Richard A.
Whiting) 21878
Yonder comes my Lord with a Bible in his hand (J.M.
Gates) 20650
You ain’t the one (Charles Johnson; Arthur Porter) 21247
You came along (Leo Robin; Philip Charig; Joseph Meyer)
You can’t blame me for that (Harry Pease; Ed. G. Nelson)
(You can’t take away) The things that were made for love
(Charles Tobias; Irving Kahal; Peter de Rose) 21943
You don’t like it - not much (Ned Miller; Art Kahn; Chester
Cohn) 20632, 20676, 20756, 20839
You gonna reap just what you sow - Negro spiritual 20310
You got to cross Jordan (You must have that true religion.
Don’t, you can’t cross here (J.M. Gates) 20650
You got to walk that lonesome valley (Rev. F.W. McGee)
You got yourself another woman, I get myself another man
(Charles Henry) 20414
You gotta be good to me (Sam M. Lewis; Joe Young;
Vincent Rose) 21439
You gotta know how to love ‘em (Bud Green; Harry Warren)
20044, 20059
(You know - I know) Everything’s made for love (Howard
E. Johnson; Charles Tobias; Al Sherman) 20514
You live on in memory (Jo Trent) 21061
You may be living or you may be dead, Christmas day
(Rev. J.M. Gates) 21030
You must come in at the door (M.L. Yandell; V.O. Stamps)
You must unload (Alfred Reed) 20939
You need Jesus on your side (Deacon A. Wilson) 20423
You need someone to love (George Olsen; Eddie
Kilfeather; Fran Frey) 20106
You only want me when you’re lonesome (Louis Seifert;
Edwin Tillman) 20488
You tell me your dream (Gustave “Gus” Kahn; Charles
Daniels) 21726
You took advantage of me (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers)
(You wanted someone to play with) I wanted someone to
love (George B. McConnell; Nat Osborn; Frank Capano;
Margie Morris)
You went away too far (And stayed away too long) (Alfred
Bryan; James V. Monaco) 20487, 20509
You were meant for me (Arthur Freed; Nacio Herb Brown)
21886, 21965
You will be gone (How will we get along?) (Mart Britt)
You will, won’t you? (Anne Caldwell; Otto Harbach; Jerome
David Kern) 20313
You won’t see me if I see you with anyone else (Buddy G.
de Sylva; Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) 20626
You wouldn’t fool me, would you? (Buddy G. de Sylva;
Lew Brown; Ray Henderson) 21859
You’d better leave me alone, sweet papa (Clifford Hayes)
You’d better mind (Mrs. L. Reed) 21123
You’d rather forget than forgive (Howard E. Johnson; Joe
Davis) 21257
You’ll never miss your mother till she’s gone 21586
Young America hornpipe 20592
Your blue eyes run me crazy (W.B. Boyles) 20862
Your eyes (P.G. Wodehouse; Rudolf Friml) 21347
Your land and my land (Dorothy Donnelly; Sigmund
Romberg) 20505
Your wagon needs greasing (Gwen Foster) 21363
Your wonderful lips - “Nena” (I. Casamoz) 20066
You’re a real sweetheart (Irving Caesar; Cliff Friend)
21510, 21631
(You’re just a great big) Baby doll (Lou Herscher; Joe
Darcey; Perry Alexander) 21670
You’re perfect (Edward Eliscu; Joseph Meyer) 21905
You’re the cream in my coffee (Buddy G. de Sylva; Lew
Brown; Ray Henderson) 21767, 21844, 21854
You’re the flower of my heart, sweet Adeline (Richard H.
Girard; Harry Armstrong) 20055
You’re the one for me (Paul Ash; Walter Donaldson) 20461
You’re the only one for me (Raymond Klages; William Axt;
David Mendoza) 21897
You’re wonderful (Buddy Fields; Jack Gardner; Paul Ash)
Yours sincerely (Lorenz Hart; Richard Rodgers) 21923
Yours Truly (Anne Caldwell; Raymond Hubbell): Look at
the world and smile 20472
20000 / 21000 SERIES: TITLE INDEX 375
Yours Truly (Anne Caldwell; Raymond Hubbell): Somebody
else 20472
Yours with love and kisses (Lou Davis; Abner Silver) 20234
You’ve got to lay down and die someday (J.M. Gates)
Yr hen gerrdor (B. Thomas; D. Pugh Evans) - “The old
minstrel” - In Welsh 21785
Zauberlied, Das (Dyherra; Erik Meyer-Helmund, Op. 21,
No. 2) 20750
Ziegfeld Follies of 1908 - Shine on, harvest moon (Nora
Bayes; Jack Norworth) 20913
Ziegfeld Follies of 1921 - My man (Channing Pollack;
Maurice Yvain) 21168, 21814
Ziegfeld Follies of 1927 - It all belongs to me (Irving Berlin)
20893, 20900
Ziegfeld Follies of 1927 - Ooh, maybe it’s you (Irving Berlin)
Ziegfeld Follies of 1927 - Shaking the blues away (Irving
Berlin) 20885
Ziegfeld’s “Midnight Frolic” - Looking for love (Dorothy
Fields; Jimmy McHugh) 21962
Ziegfeld’s “Midnight Frolic” - Who cares what you have
been? (L. Wolfe Gilbert; Martin Freed) 21930, 21960
Ziegfeld’s “Palm Beach Nights” - No foolin’ (Gene Buck;
James Frederick Hanley) 20019, 20064
Ziegfeld’s “The Circus Princess” - I dream of your eyes
(Emmerick Kálmán) 20684
Ziegfeld’s “The Circus Princess” - Like you (Harry B. Smith;
Emmerick Kálmán) 20684
Zion’s Messenger (Homer F. Morris): I’m going home to
die no more 20567
Zulu wail (Frank Skinner; Irving Bibo) - A “wail” of blues
Artist Index
— 377 —
Aaron, Irving and his Commanders
Aaronson, Irving - piano 20381 Vocal 20002, 20059,
20063, 20094, 20095, 20100, 20381, 20473, 21260 And
his Commanders 20002, 20034, 20059, 20063, 20083,
20094, 20095, 20100, 20117, 20473, 21260, 21451,
21742, 21745, 21778, 21786, 21834, 21867, 21888
Adams, William - English horn 20150, 20320, 21046
Oboe 20150, 20161, 20522, 20801, 21045, 21046
Adkins, Rick - vocal 20167, 21477
Adler, Charles - vocal 21309
Alabama Four 21136, 21197
Albrecht, Václav - accordion 21176
Albrecht’s Schrammel Orchestra 21176
Alcoa Quartette 20879
Alcock, Dr. W. G. - organ 21629
Alika Joe (Al Mason) - guitar 20965
All Star Orchestra 21149, 21212, 21326, 21423, 21605,
Allen, Jules Verne - vocal 21470, 21627
Allen, Ken - vocal 21980, 21991
Allen, Mary - contralto 20246, 21841
Allen, Norman - bass 20183, 20184, 20185
Allen, Wayne - piano 20452
Almerico, Tony - vocal 21710
Alpert, Pauline - piano 20489, 20786, 21252
American Legion Official Band 20269, 20284
American Quartet 20021
Amos ’n’ Andy -
Correll, Charles J.; Gosden, Freeman
Andrews, Mark - organ 20021, 20036, 20087, 20129,
20298, 20385, 20529, 20742, 20745, 20780, 20790,
20794, 20999, 21023, 21254, 21255, 21322, 21337,
21395, 21459
Andrews, Wilbert 21065, 21359
Arden, Victor - piano 21114, 21426, 21513, 21588,
21734, 21774, 21776, 21795, 21854, 21902, 21929
And Phil Ohman and their Orchestra 21114, 21513,
21588, 21774, 21776, 21795
Armer - bass viol 21902
Armstrong, Jack - vocal 21745, 21786, 21834
Arnheim, Gus and his Cocoanut Grove Orchestra
Asher, Virginia (Mrs. William) - contralto 20021, 20385,
20529, 21337
Associated Glee Clubs of America 20494
Austin, Gene - tenor 20030, 20044, 20084, 20107,
20143, 20371, 20397, 20411, 20478, 20561, 20568,
20569, 20673, 20716, 20730, 20964, 20977, 21015,
21080, 21098, 21329, 21334, 21374, 21454, 21545,
21564, 21714, 21779, 21798, 21827, 21833, 21856,
21893, 21915, 21916, 21952
B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Cord Orchestra 20016, 20074,
20095, 20204, 20238, 21419, 20436, 20491, 20591,
20892, 20911, 21167, 21439, 21453
Baer, Abel - piano 20397, 20411, 20561, 20568, 20730
Baer, Fred - baritone 20127, 20681, 20919
Bailey, Ilomay - soprano 20461
Bainum, G.C. - director 21914
Baker, Bernard - bugle 21494 Cornet 20164, 20174,
20801, 21044, 21045, 21048 Trumpet 20523, 21147,
Baker, Della - soprano 20246, 21254, 21255, 21428,
Baker, Elsie - contralto 20127, 20246, 20441, 20617,
20623, 20743, 20744, 21841, 20987 As Edna Brown
20441, 20617, 20623, 20743, 20744, 20987
Baker, Ernest “Buddy” - vocal 21549
Baker, J.W. - vocal 20863
Baker, Phil - talking 20970 Accordion 20970, 21116
Balay, M.G. - director 21456
Ballew, Smith - vocal 21941
Banta, Frank E. - piano 20056, 20065, 20084, 20085,
20086, 20096, 20107, 20137, 20148, 20163, 20165,
20170, 20205, 20240, 20258, 20271, 20292, 20417,
20428, 20462, 20486, 20517, 20558, 20609, 20610,
20625, 20667, 20997, 21057, 21091, 21098. 21821
Baravalls, Victor - director 21238
Bargy, Roy - piano 21249, 21365, 21389, 21453, 21599,
Barnard, Hilman - tenor 21756
Barnett, H.E. - tenor 21138
Barone, Clement - flute 20026, 20150, 20161, 20164,
20195, 20201, 20248, 20278, 20320, 20344, 20362,
20443, 20522, 20525, 20637, 20666, 20673, 20801,
20896, 21047, 21048, 21050, 21118, 21946, 21947,
21948, 21972 Piccolo 20164, 20166, 20426, 20522,
20743, 21043
Barrangon, Emile (Chief Caupolican) - baritone 20983
Barris, Harry - humming 21464 Piano 21274 Vocal
20627, 20679, 20751, 20783, 20883, 21103, 21104,
21274, 21302, 21338
Barth, Hans - piano 20121, 20203, 20345, 20346, 20396
Baughman, Stanley - bass 20012, 20055, 20057, 20098,
20127, 20152, 20186, 20277, 20283, 20318, 20335,
20571, 20669, 20681, 21079, 21919
Baur, Franklyn - tenor 20007, 20019, 20054, 20057,
20064, 20066, 20072, 20077, 20082, 20099, 20111,
20127, 20128, 20140, 20145, 20163, 20258, 20283,
20359, 20373, 20380, 20381, 20412, 20417, 20419,
20428, 20437, 20463, 20469, 20504, 20508, 20512,
20557, 20590, 20599, 20609, 20613, 20615, 20644,
20678, 20717, 20719, 20732, 20758, 20819, 20823,
20827, 20828, 20830, 20831, 20837, 20884, 20895,
20899, 20900, 20920, 20967, 20976, 20978, 20995,
20996, 21000, 21011, 21016, 21019, 21032, 21078,
21080, 21086, 21107, 21149, 21154, 21170, 21212,
21215, 21220, 21233, 21234, 21239, 21303, 21326,
21338, 21347, 21368, 21425, 21426, 21427, 21450,
21495, 21497, 21498, 21510, 21512, 21514, 21572,
21591, 21603, 21606, 21633, 21677, 21702, 21716,
21729, 21734, 21775, 21787, 21791, 21801, 21819,
21854, 21896, 21904, 21989, 21992
Baxter, Andrew - violin 20962, 21475 Vocal 21475
Baxter, Helen - talking 20316
Baxter, Jim - vocal and guitar 20962, 21475
Beasley, Irene - piano 21266 Vocal 21266, 21467, 21639
Beatrice Harrison’s Garden - bird record 20968
Ben’s Bad Boys 21971
Benter, Lt. Charles E. - director 21296
Bessinger, Frank - vocal 20243, 20270, 20273, 20313,
20398, 20588
Bestor, Don and his Orchestra 21080, 21239, 21562,
21610, 21689
Bethel Quartet 21736
Bianculli, Pasquale - director 20434
Big Bethel Choir 20498
Billings, Bud - tenor 21555, 21586, 21604, 21686
Binkley Brothers Dixie Clodhoppers 21758
Black, Ben - banjo 20050 And his Orchestra 20049,
20050, 20686, 20689, 20690, 20911
Black, Frank J. - director 21114, 21513, 21588, 21774,
21776, 21795 Piano 20380, 20457, 20564, 20609,
20678, 20719, 20920, 21309, 21100, 21241, 21448,
21516, 21765, 21807, 21911
Blackard, Dad’s Moonshiners 20865, 21130
Blackhead, J.B. - vocal 20865, 21130
Blackstone, Nan - vocal 21106
Blue Mountain Moonshiners 21141
Blue Ridge Corn Shuckers 20835, 21264, 21518, 21648
Bone, Graydon - tenor 21711
Bordoni, Irene - soprano 21742
Borger, Bob - vocal 20029, 20060, 20089, 20099, 20100,
20101, 20106, 20112, 20116, 20289, 20322, 20327,
20337, 20352, 20367, 20394, 20409, 20425, 20455,
20472, 20476, 20602, 20872, 20875, 21025, 21026,
21034, 21040, 21452, 21500, 21589, 21652, 21701,
21808, 21832, 21846, 21855, 21942
Bourdon, Rosario - celeste 20161, 20571, 20895 Piano
20012, 20025, 20057, 20070, 20077, 20079, 20096,
20150, 20161, 20165, 20205, 20258, 20283, 20335,
20434, 20743, 21734 Vibraphone 20335. Also director,
many recordings.
Bourke, Romy - vocal 21155
Bowen, Jr., Darwin - boy soprano 20804
Bowne, Jerry - vocal 21310, 21957
Bracey, Ishman - vocal 21349, 21691
Bradshaw, Charley - vocal 21310, 21311
Branson, Captain Taylor - vocal 21038 Director
20979, 21038
Brelos, Norval - tenor 21118
Brewer, Kahle - vocal - 21129 Violin 20237, 20540
Brice, Fanny - comic 21168, 21211, 21815
Briceño, Alcides - tenor 20734
Briseno, José - director 20384
Britt, Mart - vocal 21261, 21760 And his Orchestra
Brooks, Richard - vocal 20541, 20542
Brown University Band 21017
Brown, A.M. 20127
Brown, Edna - pseudonym for Elsie Baker,
Brown, Hershel and his Washboard Band 21403
Brown, Richard “Rabbit” - vocal 20578, 21475
Brown, Walter - vocal 21404
Brownagle, Ted’s Orchestra 20262
Browne, Sam - vocal 21016, 21058, 21101, 21113,
21165, 21224, 21275, 21366
Brox Sisters, The - vocal 20123, 20232, 20325
Bryant, Benjamin - tenor 20956, 21201
Bryant, Elder Richard and his Congregation 21357,
Buckwalter, Charles - vocal 20047, 20076, 20105,
20117, 20118, 20119, 20207, 20241, 20290
Bugler, Sgt. - director 20218
Burch, Elder J.E. and his Congregation 21063, 21198,
21248, 21476
Burns, Jimmie - vocal 21104, 21499
Burr, Henry - tenor 20012, 20025, 20045, 20055, 20057,
20059, 20070, 20071, 20098, 20127, 20152, 20165,
20170, 20186, 20205, 20258, 20259, 20260, 20261,
20277, 20283, 20318, 20335, 20370, 20434, 20453,
20490, 20557, 20571, 20613, 20615, 20669, 20821,
20831, 20873, 20999, 21024, 21079, 21337
Burtt, Dan - piano 20329
Bush, C.D. - vocal 20005
Bushell, Garvin - clarinet 21346, 21348
Busse, Henry - director 20885, 21674 Trumpet 21674
And his Orchestra 21674
Buttenuth, Robert - piano 20511
Buttolph, David - piano 21112, 21399, 21516, 21794,
Byng, George W. - director 20444, 20445, 20446, 20640,
20641, 20642, 20746
Cahan - string bass 21947, 21948
Cairns, Clifford - baritone 20054 Director 21254, 21255
Calhoun Sacred Quartet 20543
California Humming Birds - vocal 20753, 21309, 21477,
Campbell, Albert - tenor 21024
Campbell, Chuck - trombone 21298, 21700
Campbell, Ellen Glen - soprano 21117
Campbell, Finlay - baritone 21612, 21613, 21614
Campbell, Rev. E. D. and his Congregation 20546,
20767, 20810, 21133, 21283, 21535, 21642
Cannon, Gus - vocal 21267, 21351
Cannon’s Jug Stompers 21267, 21351
Cantor, Eddie - tenor 21831, 21862, 21982
Carillon Bells, Percival Price - ringer 21002
Carlino, William - banjo 21083, 21169 Lute 20227,
Carmichael, Hoagy - vocal 21150, 21166
Carola, William - guitar 20386, 20673
Carolina Gospel Singers 21140
Carolina Tar Heels 20544, 20545, 20931, 20941, 21193
Carolina Twins 21363, 21575
Carroll, John - harmonica 21177
Carter Family 20877, 20937, 21074, 21434, 21517,
Carter, A.P. - vocal 20877, 20937, 21074, 21434, 21638
Carter, Mabel - vocal 20877, 20937, 21074, 21434,
21517, 21638
Carter, Sara - vocal 20877, 20937, 21074, 21434, 21517,
Casale, Angelina - soprano 21118
Cashin, Michael J. - violin 21594, 21718
Cassidy, Joe - vocal 21167, 21256, 21451, 21514, 21547,
Cavaliers, The - male quartet 21926
Challis, William (Bill) - arranger 20675 Director 21240,
21315, 21325, 21438
Chalmers, Donald - bass 20021
Chambers, Dudley B. - tenor 20631, 20633, 20686,
20689, 20690, 20696, 20697, 21382, 21505
Chapman, Jack and his Orchestra 20006
20000 / 21000 SERIES: ARTIST INDEX 379
Chappelle, Juanita Stinnette - vocal 21062
Chestang, Norman - tenor 21736
Chevalier, Maurice - baritone 21918
Chicco, Louis - tenor, syncopated harp 21550, 21822
Chief Caupolican -
Emile Barrangon
Chitwood, “Fiddlin’” Bill - vocal 20550
Christman, N.E. - piano 21375
Christopher, Homer - accordion 20656, 21128
Christopher, William - vocal 20585
Cibelli, Alfredo - mandolin 21563 Tenor 20172. Also
director, many recordings.
Cibelli, Eugenio - guitar 21545, 21563, 21564
Cibelli, Sal - vocal 20095
Clark, Helen - soprano 20077, 20246, 20453, 21254,
21255, 21428, 21841, 21878
Clark, Melville - Irish harp 20766
Clayton, Jennie - vocal 21185, 21412
Cleary, W. - vocal 21674
Cleveland Orpheus Male Chorus 20328, 20329
Coates, Freddie - piano 20575
Coggin, A. D. - caller 21294, 21534
Cohen, Jack - vocal 21710
Cole, Dorothy - talking 21704
Cole, Marshal - tenor 20506, 20665, 21373, 21600,
21842, 21925
Coleman, George L. - director 21934
Coleman, Michael - violin 20850, 20916
Coleman, W.W. - tenor 21736
Collins, Bill - tenor 20673
Comforti, Bill - vocal 20133, 20475
Confrey, Zez and his Orchestra 20777, 21010, 21845
Conroy, Joseph - banjo 21380, 21593
Constantine, Lazaros - violin 21175
Cook, Ann - vocal 20579
Cook, Fred - violin 21734, 21946, 21947, 21948
Cooke, Philip W. - tenor 20054
Cooksey, Robert - harmonica 20251, 20402, 20768,
20958, 21135, 21249, 21440 Vocal 21135
Coon, Carleton A. - vocal 20015, 20785, 21148, 21258,
21305, 21501, 21546, 21562, 21803, 21891, 21895.
Coon-Sanders Orchestra, Coon-Sanders Original
Night-Hawks Orchestra.
Coon-Sanders Orchestra 21148, 21258, 21305, 21397,
21501, 21546, 21562, 21680, 21803, 21812, 21891,
21895, 21939 Original Night-Hawks Orchestra 20003,
20015, 20081, 20390, 20408, 20461, 20785
Copeland, Eddie - vocal 20167
Copeland, Martha - vocal 20548, 20769
Coppola, G. - piano 20670
Corm, Michael - piano 21175
Cornell Banjo and Mandolin Club 21934
Cornell University Glee Club 21934
Cornell University Orchestra 21934
Cornwell, Frank - vocal 20002
Correll, Charles J. - comic - As Andy” 21608 As
“Sam” 20032, 20093, 20375, 20788 Vocal 20088,
20107, 20255, 20286, 20324, 20826, 20908, 21143
Coslow, Sam - baritone 21631, 21682, 21713, 21835
Coutlee, Douglas Wakefield - announcer 20377
Covert, Cliff - vocal 20167, 20230
Cowles, William - piano 20696, 20697, 21382
Cozzens, Ellsworth - banjo 21245 Steel guitar 21291,
21433, 21574 Ukulele 21291
Crane, Ralph - pseudonym for Royal Dadmun,
Crawford, Jack and his Orchestra 20847, 20901, 20994,
21173, 21217
Crawford, Jesse - organ 20000, 20075, 20110, 20257,
20263, 20264, 20265, 20363, 20368, 20392, 20458,
20459, 20463, 20560, 20586, 20595, 20663, 20791,
20838, 20876, 21053, 21092, 21111, 21146, 21171,
21207, 21250, 21461, 21502, 21503, 21630, 21666,
21681, 21713, 21728, 21844, 21850, 21876, 21933,
21951, 21981
Creatore’s Band (Guiseppe Creator - director) 20199
Crescent Trio 21230
Crocov Ensemble 20097, 20144, 20209
Cronic, J.C. - tenor 20554
Crooks, Richard - tenor 20127, 20246, 20681
Cropper, Roy - vocal 21829, 21861
Crosby, Harry “Bing” - vocal 20418, 20508, 20513,
20627, 20646, 20679, 20683, 20751, 20783, 20828,
20882, 20883, 20973, 21103, 21104, 21218, 21240,
21274, 21302, 21315, 21365, 21389, 21398, 21438,
Crowley, Michael - piano 21380, 21593
Croxton, Frank - bass 20127, 20246, 21024, 21170,
21254, 21255, 21428, 21841, 21919
Crumit, Frank - talking 21466 Tenor 20030, 20124,
20137, 20462, 20486, 20625, 20715, 20919, 21029,
21091, 21098, 21108, 21430, 21547, 21579, 21603,
21668, 21735, 21811, 21899
Cullen, Boyce - vocal 21315
Culley, Fred - director 21508 Vocal 21307, 21888
Culver, William - bass 20506, 20665, 21373, 21600,
21842, 21925
Cummins, Bernie - vocal 21907 And his Biltmore
Orchestra 21907
Cummins, Walter - vocal 21907
Curtis, Dinty - vocal 20126, 20285, 20290, 20644
Dadmun, Royal - baritone 20127, 20246, 20739, 21254,
21255, 21428, 21747, 21751, 21752, 21841, 21919,
21950 As Ralph Crane 20739, 21747, 21751, 21752,
Dahlgren, Gene - vocal 21336
Dalhart, Vernon - tenor 20058, 20109, 20193, 20239,
20369, 20387, 20502, 20528, 20536, 20538, 20539,
20611, 20674, 20795, 20888, 20913, 20966, 21083,
21094, 21169, 21306, 21331, 21369, 21457, 21488,
Daniels, Julius - vocal 20499, 20658, 21065, 21359
Dartmouth College Glee Club 21375
Davis, Benny - vocal 20105, 20149
Davis, C.W. - vocal 21370
Davis, Genevieve - vocal 20648
Davis, Johnny - vocal 20259
Dawe, Charles D. - director 20328, 20329
Day, J.W. - talking 21635 Violin 21353, 21407, 21635
Dayton Westminster Choir 20410, 20468
De Leath, Vaughn - soprano 20600, 20664, 20674,
20787, 20825, 20873, 21042, 21210, 21975
De Pace, Bernardo - mandolin 20670
De Reszke Singers 20187
De Rose, Peter - piano 20569
Deane, Mr. - vocal 21141
Dees, Buster - vocal 21986
Deiro, Pietro - piano-accordion 21163
Del Negro, F. - contra bassoon 20522
Delaney, Pat - piano 21177
Delmarter, Ted - vocal 21262, 21530
Dent, Laforest - vocal 20946
Derry, E.J., Jr. - vocal 20796, 20866
Dewey, Don - vocal 21462, 21507, 21871, 21890
Dewey, Dr. Malcolm H. - director 20594
Dewey, Phil - vocal 21590, 21601, 21630, 21643, 21666,
21673, 21683, 21702, 21726, 21746, 21754, 21791,
21802, 21853, 21894, 21911
Dixieland Jug Blowers 20403, 20415, 20420, 20480,
20649, 20770, 20854, 20954, 21126, 21473
Dixon, Raymond - pseudonym for Lambert Murphy,
Dockum, C. R. - violin 20122, 20534
Dodds, Johnny’s Trio 21554 Washboard Band 21552
Dolan, James Packie” - vocal 21541 Melody Boys
21442, 21484, 21541, 21679
Dolin, Max - violin 20048, 20630, 20692, 20694
Orchestra 21235
Donahoo, Puss - vocal 21383
Donaldson, Earl - director 20735, 20755
Doolittle, Rev. Mose and his Congregation 20295
Dorn, William - marimba 21630, 21666 Vibraphone
Dornberger, Charles - vocal 20729 And his Orchestra
20615, 20647, 20716, 20729, 20823
Downey, Morton - tenor 21806, 21849, 21860, 21940,
21958, 21988
Dreyer, Dave - piano 20626, 20845
Dudley, Eric - director 21934
Dumaine, Louis’ Jazzola Eight 20580, 20648, 20723
Duncan Sisters, The 20963, 21226
Duncan, Clark - violin 21711
Duncan, Rosetta - vocal 20963, 21226
Duncan, Vivian - piano 20963, 21226
Duncans, Mrs. T.A. - vocal 21123, 21536
Dunford, Uncle Eck - vocal 20880, 20938, 21131, 21244,
Dunham, Alanson Mellen “Mellie” - violin 20001, 20537
And his Orchestra 20001, 20537
Dunlap, Marguerite - contralto 20246
Dunlap, Sister - vocal 20546, 20767, 20810
Easton, Sidney - vocal 20334, 20548
Eaver, Myrtle - piano 20073, 20212, 20213, 20340,
20341, 20343, 20344, 20347, 20348, 20349, 20366,
20389, 20395, 20440, 20441, 20442, 20525, 20614,
20617, 20618, 20621, 20623, 20624, 20739, 20743,
20744, 20803, 20804, 20909, 20983, 20986, 20987,
21012, 21117, 21118
Echols, Otis - baritone 21035, 21072, 21265, 21468,
Eckenroth, A.W. - director 20220
Edwards, Gus C. and his Orchestra 20167, 20207,
Edwards, I. - harmonica and ukulele 20880, 20938,
Edwards, Wilbur - vocal 20285, 20290
Egee, Alphonsus - vocal 20774, 21429
Eleasser, Fred - whistler 20069
Ellington, Duke and his Cotton Club Orchestra 21137,
21284, 21490, 21580, 21703
Elliott, Elaine - piano 21695
Elliott, Ernest - clarinet 20484
Emerald Quartet 21006, 21160, 21180
Emory University Glee Club 20594
Endor, Chick - vocal 21848, 21922, 21978
Ennis, Tom - Irish pipes 21444, 21542
Essig, Abe - violin 20239
Euchner, Wayne - piano 21436
Europa Orchestra 21008
Evans, Clyde - guitar 20928, 20943, 21073, 21195
Evans, Earl - vocal 21077
Ewing, Haines - ukulele 20281
Fairchild, Edgar - piano 20435
Falvo, Joe - vocal 20167
Farley, Peter - director 20219
Farrell, Charlie - baritone 20090, 20291, 20496, 20612,
20906, 20919, 20997, 21056, 21081, 21209, 21367,
21390, 21732, 21773, 21887, 21984
Faulkner, Georgene - talking 20974
Feinsmith, Samuel - bass clarinet 20150
Ferera, Frank - guitar 20516, 21110 Hawaiian guitar
20027, 20028, 20131
Fiedler, Andrew - guitar 21441, 21596
First Methodist Church Choir of Memphis 21759
Fischer, Edna - piano 21384
Fisher, Mark - vocal 20015, 20046, 20256
Fitzpatrick Brothers - vocal duet 20760, 21377, 21482
Five Harmaniacs 20293, 20507
Fjilde, Astud - soprano 21428
Flamingo, P. - guitar 21225
Fleming, Van - vocal 20725, 20782, 21313, 21314,
21336, 21391, 21498, 21506, 21568, 21764, 21800,
21804, 21805, 21853
Florentine Quartet 20195, 20201, 20443, 20637, 20666
Fomeen, Basil - accordion 21095, 21096
Forehand, “Blind” Mamie - vocal 20574
Forehand, A.C. - guitar 20574 Vocal 20547
Foster, Edward - baritone 20183, 20184, 20185
Foster, Francis - vocal 20820, 21307, 21888
Foster, Gwen - vocal 20544, 20545, 20931, 20934,
20941, 21193
Four Aristocrats, The 20314, 20465, 20587, 21104,
Four Rajahs, The 21550, 21772, 21792, 21822, 21886
Four Recorders, The 21674
Fowler, Art - ukulele 20478
Fox, Dorothy - soprano 20127
Frady, Duel - vocal and guitar 20930
Franchini, Anthony - guitar 20516
Frazier, Charles - tenor 20960, 21204
Frederick, Irene - guitar 20965
Frey, Fran - vocal 20024, 20029, 20060, 20089, 20099,
20100, 20101, 20106, 20112, 20116, 20289, 20322,
20327, 20337, 20352, 20359, 20367, 20394, 20409,
20425, 20455, 20472, 20476, 20602, 29872, 20875,
21025, 21034, 21040, 21452, 21500, 21512, 21566,
21589, 21652, 21701, 21727, 21808, 21816, 21819,
21846, 21927, 21942, 21954, 21961
Frey, Hugo - piano 21598 Orchestra 20488, 20922
Friend, Cliff - vocal 21460
Friendship Four 21287
Frisbie, Charles - cello 20630, 20692, 20694
Frost, Miss I. - soprano 20880
Fry, Charlie and his Million Dollar Pier Orchestra
20726, 21496, 21610, 21829
Fud and Farley Orchestra 21149, 21212, 21326
Fulton, John “Jack” - humming 21464 Vocal 20007,
20000 / 21000 SERIES: ARTIST INDEX 381
20017, 20138, 20139, 20177, 20197, 20266, 20418,
20501, 20513, 20616, 20646, 20683, 20757, 20828,
20874, 20882, 20885, 20973, 21103, 21214, 21228,
21240, 21274, 21315, 21325, 21338, 21365, 21388,
21389, 21398,21438, 21453
Gannon, Thomas - violin 20712
Garber, Jan and his Orchestra 20105, 20114, 20206,
20322, 20326, 20336, 20360, 20367, 20409, 20676,
20754, 20833, 20848
Garden, Henri - vocal 20602, 20645
Gardner, Earl - cornet 20004
Gardoni, Fredo - accordion 20969, 21033, 21059
Garner, Roosevelt - tenor 21711
Garristo, Frank “Jazz” - lute 20462, 20496, 20612,
20625, 20906, 20919, 20997, 21081, 21091
Gartlan, George H. - piano 21043, 21044, 21045, 21046,
21047, 21048, 21049, 21050, 21051, 21052
Gates, Rev. J.M. and his Congregation 20211, 20216,
20217, 20332, 20365, 20421, 20481, 20650, 20851,
21030, 21125, 21281, 21414, 21523
Gaughreaux, A. - harmonica 20593
Gaylord, Charles - humming 21464 Vocal 20007,
20017, 20138, 20139, 20177, 20197, 20418, 20513,
20646, 20683, 20757, 20828, 20874, 20882, 20885,
20973, 21103, 21214, 21228, 21240, 21274, 21315,
21338, 21365, 21388, 21389, 21398, 21438, 21453
Gentry, Art - tenor 21550, 21822
Geoghegan, Ed - piano 20711, 20850, 20887, 20916,
20975, 21001, 21004, 21014, 21087, 21088, 21158,
21177, 21317, 21318, 21444, 21480, 21483, 21542
And his Orchestra 20711, 20887, 21004, 21088
Georgia Yellow Hammers 20549, 20550, 20928, 20943,
21036, 21073, 21195, 21362, 21486, 21626
Gerhard, C.E. - bass trombone 20523
Giannelli, A. - guitar 21372
Gibbs, Parker - vocal 20120, 20133, 20206, 20475,
20829, 20846, 20901, 20910, 21009, 21105, 21173,
21364, 21511, 21670, 21729, 21767, 21809
Gideon, Melville - vocal 21027
Gifford, Jack - vocal 20114, 20326, 20360, 20409, 21040,
21701, 21808, 21832
Giles, E. Ellsworth - director 20903, 20904, 20905
Vocal 20904, 20905
Giles, Erva - Soprano 20212, 20213, 20246, 20347,
20348, 20395 Piano 20903, 20904
Gillette, Mickey and the Romanciers 21385
Gioviale, Giovanni - mandolin 21372
Girard, Armand - bass 21382, 21505
Glenn, Wilfred - bass 20064, 20072, 20082, 20111,
20127, 20128, 20140, 20152, 20173, 20186, 20244,
20373, 20380, 20417, 20491, 20493, 20505, 20564,
20609, 20678, 20719, 20895, 20920, 20967, 20985,
21039, 21100, 21149, 21170, 21241, 21254, 21255,
21428, 21448, 21515, 21516, 21683, 21765, 21776,
21795, 21807, 21835, 21841, 21911, 21919
Goatcher, Odie - bass 21711
Goble, Sam - cornet 21530
Goldfield, Harry - vocal 20206, 20322, 20336, 20360,
Goldkette, Jean’s Book-Cadillac Orchestra 20256,
20268 Orchestra 20031, 20033, 20270, 20273, 20300,
20466, 20469, 20471, 20472, 20491, 20493, 20588,
20675, 20926, 20981, 20994, 21150, 21166, 21527,
21565, 21590, 21689, 21800, 21804, 21805, 21853,
21871, 21889
Gomar, Larry H. - traps 21171 Xylophone 21092,
21461, 21502, 21666
Gorodetzer, Meyer - violin 21044
Gosden, Freeman F. - comic - As “Amos” 21608 As
“Henry20032, 20093, 20375, 20788 Vocal 20088,
20107, 20255, 20286, 20324, 20826, 20908, 21143
Grant, Claude - vocal 20861, 21141, 21289, 21406,
Grant, Jack - mandolin 20861, 21141
Grayson, G.B. - vocal 21139, 21189, 21625
Grayson, Rev. C.M. - “hillbilly” 21290
Green, Alice - pseudonym for Olive Kline,
Green, George Hamilton - xylophone 20022
Green, J.E. - violin 20863
Green, Jane - soprano 20323, 20391, 20509, 21145
Green, Joe - traps 20560, 20586, 20595, 20677, 20822,
21445, 21587, 21717 Xylophone 20022, 21377
Griffin, Brother - vocal 20546, 20767, 20810
Griffin, John, “The Fifth Avenue Busman” - vocal 20761
Griggs, Rev. Sutton E. and his Congregation 21706
Griggs, Taylor Louisiana Melody Makers 21768
Griselle, Tom - director 21918, 21926, 21963, 21967,
Grofé, Ferde - celeste 20313 Director 21388, 21389,
21431, 21438 Piano 20019, 20177, 20197, 20261,
20513, 20514, 21301, 21389, 21453
Groff, Elwood - vocal 20047, 20076, 20105, 20117,
20118, 20119, 20207, 20241, 21451, 21514
Groody, Louise - vocal 20609
Gruner, William - bassoon 20150, 20161, 20164, 20522,
20525, 20801, 21049
Guild, Roland B. - director 20008, 20009
Gunsky, Maurice J. - tenor 20049, 20051, 20236, 20301,
20376, 20428, 20630, 20692, 20693, 20694, 20695,
20748, 20779, 21086, 21232, 21246, 21342
Hafford, Howard - vocal 21507
Hager, Emily Stokes - soprano 20127, 20246, 21254,
21255, 21428, 21841
Hager, J. - traps 20299
Hahne, Webb - vocal 20676, 21104
Hale, Travis - vocal 20796, 20866
Hall, Adelaide - vocal 21137, 21490
Hall, Arthur - tenor 21025
Hall, George - vocal 21506
Hall, Wendell - baritone 20170
Hall, Wilbur - guitar 20138, 20139, 20177, 20197
Halstead, Henry and his Orchestra 20061, 20062,
20688, 20689, 20691
Hamilton, Milt - vocal 21104, 21499
Hamlin, Sally - talking 20339, 20340, 20341, 21696,
21697, 21698, 21699, 21823, 21824, 21825, 21826
Hamm, Fred - vocal 20023 Orchestra 20023
Hamp, Johnny’s Kentucky Serenaders 20047, 20076,
20099, 20101, 20105, 20117, 20118, 20119, 20207,
20241, 20290, 20644, 20759, 20819, 20823, 20829,
20900, 20923, 21084, 21167, 21256, 21323, 21391,
21451, 21511, 21512, 21514, 21547, 21615, 21632,
21804, 21813, 21838 Orchestra 21829
Hanlon, Clare - vocal 21676, 21715, 21755, 21792,
21810, 21836, 21857, 21870, 21900, 21974, 21977
Hannom, Thomas Barry - baritone 21481
Happiness Boys, The (Billy Jones & Ernest Hare)
20208, 20500, 20741, 20756, 20925, 21174, 21332,
21529, 21607, 21797
Hare, Ernest - baritone 20208, 20500, 20741, 20756,
20925, 21174, 21332, 21529, 21607, 21797
Harkness, Eddie and his Hotel Mark Hopkins Orchestra
20631, 20685, 20686 And his Orchestra 21313, 21391,
21498, 21506, 21764
Harrell, Kelly - baritone 20103, 20171, 20242, 20280,
20527, 20535, 20657, 20797, 20867, 20935, 21069,
Harris, Alfoncy - vocal 21285
Harris, Bethenea - vocal 21285
Harris, George - vocal 21499
Harris, Irving - director 21017
Harris, Marion - vocal 21116
Harrison, Charles W. - tenor 20246, 20393, 20436,
20491, 20493, 20505, 20564, 20681, 20719, 21428,
21841, 21919
Hart, Charles - tenor 20127, 20173, 20246, 20272,
20895, 21919
Hartt, Richard C. - baritone 20685, 20689, 20696, 20697,
21382, 21505
Harvard University Band 20353, 20354
Harwell, A.W. - tenor 21287
Haskins, Mattie - tenor 20762, 21378, 21379
Haussler, William - harmonica and talking 20377
Hawaiian Quartet 20734
Hawaiian Serenaders 21120
Hawley, Bill - vocal 21383
Hayes, Clifford - talking 20854 Louisville Stompers
20955, 21489, 21583, 21584
Hayes, Grace - vocal 21571
Hayes, Thamon - vocal 20946
Hayton, Leonard - piano 21081, 21209, 21389, 21390,
Haywood - trombone 20174
Heidt, Horace and his Californians 21956 And his
Orchestra 20608, 21310, 21311, 21312, 21335, 21568,
21956, 21957
Helms, Bill and his Upson County Band 21649
Henberg, M.H. - piano 20463
Henderson, Fletcher’s Orchestra 20944
Henderson, C.E. - bass 21293, 21576
Henry, Herbert G. - piano 20712
Henry, Simeon - piano 20584
Henry, Tal and his North Carolinians 21404, 21471,
Herbert, Evelyn - vocal 20995, 21883
Herman, Oscar - vocal 21309, 21477
Herman, Sam - xylophone 20558
Hermansen, Howard A. - baritone 21624, 21628
Hickman, Art’s Orchestra 20633, 20685, 20687, 20688,
High Hatters, The 21682, 21727, 21791, 21835, 21909,
Hill, Karry - vocal 21499
Hillpot, William A. “Billy” - vocal 20477, 21082, 21107,
21219, 21234
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra 20022, 20516, 20596, 21110,
21424, 21465, 21558, 21822, 21906, 21985
Hinds, Nina - vocal 20050, 20052
Hitch, W.B. - bass 20879
Hodgin, Willard “Banjo Joe” - vocal, banjo 21485
Hoenig, Karl - director 20005
Hoffman, Anna - vocal 20299
Holbrook, J.H. - banjo 20863
Holden, Harry - guitar 20020
Holmes, Happy - vocal 21075
Holoua Trio 21415
Homer, Fred - tenor 20054
Hood, Adelyne - piano 21094 Violin 20888, 21083,
21169, 21306, 21331, 21457, 21488, 21644 Vocal
21083, 21169, 21457, 21488
Hopi Snake Dancers 20043
Horner, A. - French horn 20150, 20523
House, Foster - baritone 20127, 21919
House, Judson - tenor 21254, 21255, 21428, 21919
Houston, Frank - vocal 20961
Howard, Anna - pseudonym for Lucy Isabelle Marsh
, q.v.
Howard, Don - vocal 21953, 21960, 21968, 21969,
21985, 21997
Howard, Walter - talking 20507
Howell, Bert - violin 20548, 20769, 21061 Vocal 21062
Hunt, Mildred - vocal 20972
Hunter, Alberta - soprano 20497, 20651, 20771, 21539
Hunter, Callie - vocal 20585
Hurt, Marlin - tenor 21550, 21822
Hyman, John’s Bayou Jazzers 20593
Hyne, C.W. - director 21925
Imperial Quintette 20956, 21201
Indermauer, Edna - contralto 21254, 21255, 21428,
Inman, Floyd - tenor 21293, 21576
Instrumental Quartet 21430
International Novelty Band 21182
International Novelty Orchestra 20029, 20066, 20145,
20172, 20194, 20231, 20243, 20315, 20454, 20471,
20474, 20510, 20512, 20884, 20902, 20918, 21037,
21040, 21097, 21393, 21835, 21877
International Novelty Quartet 20253
International Orchestra 20113
Irish Pipers’ Band of Boston 20720, 20721, 20722
Jackson, Frank - bass 20956, 21201
Jackson, Jack - vocal 21758
Jackson, Jim - vocal 21236, 21268, 21387, 21671
Jackson, Mike - baritone 20180, 20181, 20482 Piano
20482, 20497, 20651, 20852
Jacksonville Harmony Trio 20960
Jager, George C. - vocal 21562, 21610
Jalma, Michael M. - director 21687
James, Dewey - baritone 21140
James, Lewis - tenor 20019, 20054, 20057, 20064,
20072, 20077, 20082, 20111, 20118, 20127, 20128,
20140, 20152, 20173, 20194, 20373, 20380, 20417,
20456, 20463, 20464, 20474, 20490, 20491, 20493,
20505, 20514, 20557, 20564, 20590, 20609, 20634,
20646, 20659, 20678, 20690, 20738, 20823, 20895,
20911, 20920, 20967, 20978, 20981, 20985, 20996,
21000, 21019, 21031, 21037, 21039, 21093, 21097,
21100, 21105, 21149, 21170, 21219, 21230, 21241,
21254, 21255, 21324, 21371, 21428, 21448, 21450,
21493, 21496, 21513, 21516, 21610, 21700, 21716,
21727, 21733, 21746, 21765, 21774, 21776, 21795,
21807, 21811, 21829, 21835, 21836, 21837, 21841,
21911, 21919, 21920, 21962
20000 / 21000 SERIES: ARTIST INDEX 383
James, Sadie - vocal 20575
Jans, Harry - comic 21022, 21367
Jaros Novelty Orchestra (Jerry Jaros - director) 20308,
Jarrett, Arthur - vocal 21511, 21670, 21767, 21773,
21809, 21840
Jenkins, Vivian (Mrs. Walter Jenkins) - vocal 21759
Jenkins, Walter - director 21759
Jernigan, Ms. Johnny - piano 21756
Jessel, George - baritone 21852
Johnson Brothers 20661, 20662, 20891, 20940, 21243,
21532, 21646
Johnson, Arthur - piano 20372
Johnson, Charles - guitar 20951 Vocal 20661, 20662,
20891, 20940, 21243, 21532, 21646
Johnson, Charlie and his Paradise Band 21712
Original Paradise Ten 20551, 20653 Paradise Ten
21247, 21491
Johnson, Daniel - tenor 20183, 20184, 20185
Johnson, James P. - piano 21346, 21348
Johnson, Johnny and his Statler Pennsylvanians
21016, 21032, 21058, 21101, 21113, 21165, 21224,
21227, 21275, 21366, 21468, 21514, 21677, 21701
Johnson, K.D. - piano 21690, 21692, 21708
Johnson, Margaret - soprano 20178, 20333, 20652,
Johnson, Paul - vocal 20661, 20662, 20891, 20940,
21243, 21532, 21646
Johnson, Tommy - vocal 21279, 21409
Johnston, Arthur - celeste 20232 Piano 20229, 20232,
20254, 20312, 20325
Johnston, Stanley - vocal 20094
Jones and Jones - talking 21208, 21237
Jones, Arthur - harp 21713, 21728
Jones, Billy - vocal 20208, 20500, 20741, 20756, 20925,
21174, 21332, 21529, 21607, 21797
Jones, Clarence - piano 20775, 20945
Jones, Jab - piano 21725
Jones, John T. - tenor 21785
Jones, Richard M. - vocal 20859 Jazz Wizards 20812,
20859, 21203, 21345
Jones, William J. - baritone 21784
Jordan, Eddie - vocal 21563 And his East Side Boys
Jordan, Luke - vocal 20957, 21076
Joseph, Robert - bass 21736
Joy, Leonard - celeste 20453 Piano 21054, 21276,
21445, 21717. Also director, many recordings.
Kahn, Art - piano 21277
Kahn, Roger Wolfe and his Orchestra 20045,
20059, 20066, 20071, 20106, 20116, 20231, 20243,
20326, 20327, 20338, 20359, 20379, 20398, 20464,
20466, 20493, 20557, 20573, 20599, 20602, 20634,
20645, 20717, 20827, 20828, 21078, 21084, 21233,
21326, 21368, 21425, 21507, 21510, 20675, 21801,
Kaley, Charles - vocal 20315
Kane, Helen - vocal 21557, 21684, 21830, 21863, 21917
Kane’s Hawaiians - guitars 20632, 20700, 20701, 20702,
20703, 20704, 21416, 21417, 21418, 21556, 21762
Kaplan, Dave - piano 20208, 20500, 20741, 20756,
20925, 21174, 21332, 21529, 21607, 21797
Karnes, Alfred G. - vocal 20840, 20933
Kassel, Art - vocal 21884, 21885 And his Orchestra
21884, 21885
Katz, Al and his Kittens 20081
Kaufman, Whitey - director 20125 And his Orchestra
Kauppi, Waino ja hanen Suomi Orkesteri 20871
Keeley, A.F. - director 20353, 20354
Keller Sisters - vocal 20273, 20469
Keller, Nelson - vocal 20820, 21755, 21836
Kellner, Murray - violin 20058, 20109, 20143, 20193,
20387, 20528, 20536, 30538, 20795, 20966, 21488,
21586, 21926
Kellogg, Charles D. - bird imitator 20168
Kellogg, Harold - bass 20187
Kelly, Walter C. - talking 20136, 20388
Keneke, Emil - cornet 20164, 21045
Kenin, Herman and his Orchestra 20725, 20782,
21313, 21314, 21336, 21506, 21568; 21980, 21991
Kennedy, William A. - tenor 21540, 21662
Kenzie, H. J. -
McKenzie, H.J.
Kern, James - vocal 21500
Kibalchich, Basil - director 20309, 20358
Kilfeather, Eddie - director 21942, 21961
Killarney Trio 21380, 21593
Kim, Perry - guitar 20868
Kimmel, John J. - accordion 21441, 21596
King, Charles - vocal 20609, 21964, 21965
King, Edward T. - bells 20240 Celeste 20148 Organ
20128. Also director, many recordings.
King, William E. - bass 21624, 21628
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude - piano 20154, 20155, 20156,
20157, 20158, 20159, 20160, 21945, 21946, 21947,
Kinsey, Jackson - bass 20246, 21170, 21919
Kirilloff, Alexander - director 21008 (Name also listed
as Kirillow and Kiriloff in the ledgers)
Kirilloffs Russian Balaliaka Orchestra 20752, 21587
Kisco, Charles - piano 20963, 21226
Kisco, Mrs. Charles - piano 20963
Klaiss, Viola - organ 21334, 21449
Kline, Olive - soprano 20246, 21254, 21255, 21428, 21841
As Alice Green 20343, 20349, 20617, 20618, 20619,
20622, 20623, 20986, 20987, 21043, 21044, 21045, 21046,
21047, 21048, 21049, 21050, 21051, 21052
Knecht, Joseph M. - director 20074, 20095, 20204,
20238, 20419, 20436, 20491, 20591, 20892, 20911,
21167, 21439, 21453
Kneedler-Johnson, Jennie - soprano 20127
Kolomoku, Walter’s Honoluluans 21263, 21634
Kress, Carl - guitar 21209, 21390
Krueger, Bennie and his Orchestra 21903
Krumgold, Sigmund - organ 20907, 21273, 21298,
21688, 21700, 21902
Kulman, C. Albert - director 21344
Kuni, Clifford J. - guitar 20281
Kyle, Charlie - vocal 21707
L’Ecuyer, Armand - bass 20689, 20696, 20697
La Fleur, Mayuse - Cajun vocal and accordion 21769,
La Vaughn, Prince - vocal 20770
Lackey, Bryan - violin 21711
Lamar, Lew - animal imitation 20772
Lamar, Slim’s Southerners 21710
Lambert, Harold “Scrappy” - vocal 20477, 21082, 21084,
21107, 21170, 21219, 21227, 21228, 21229, 21234,
21256, 21392, 21423, 21605, 21744, 21753, 21847,
21855, 21857, 21858, 21867, 21881, 21886, 21897,
21943, 21953, 21960, 21969, 21996
Landress, Uncle Bud - violin 20928, 20943, 21073,
21195 Vocal 21036, 21354
Landry, Art - violin 20126, 20142, 20147, 20285, 20290,
20300, 20337, 20598 And his Orchestra 20023,
20039, 20126, 20142, 20147, 20285, 20290, 20300,
20337, 20598, 20644
Lang, Eddie - guitar 20270, 20273, 20300, 20379, 21561
Lapitino, Francis J. - gong 20523 Harp 20026, 20130,
20195, 20201, 20227, 20228, 20248, 20278, 20344,
20362, 20426, 20434, 20443, 20490, 20522, 20637,
20666, 20668, 20737, 20738, 20886, 20894, 20917,
21007, 21089, 21159, 21298, 21989
Lasiter, Mrs. L. T. - alto 21287
Lawley, Cooper - vocal 20907, 21000, 21273, 21390,
21394, 21654
Lawrence, Gertrude - soprano 20331
Lawrie, Justin - tenor 20127, 21919
Layne, Bert - violin 21370
League of Nations Orchestra 21008
Leathers, Vern - vocal 21336
Lee, Edward - piano 20763, 20814
Lee, Thelma - vocal 21413
Leecan, Bobby - banjo 20251, 20334, 20402, 21135,
21249 Guitar 20768, 20958 Need-More Band 20660,
Lei, Francis - guitar 20281
Leitch, Craig - vocal 20061, 20062
Leitner, Bob - vocal 20473
Lemaire, George - comic 21054, 21276
Lemare, Edwin - organ 21121
Lenington, Drury - vocal 20049
Lennartz, Alfred - cello 20130, 20150, 20161, 20195,
20201, 20258, 20344, 20362, 20443, 20522, 20620,
20637, 20666, 20801, 20894, 21043, 21044, 21047,
21734, 21946, 21947, 21948
Leonard, Pearl - vocal 20050, 20052
Lewis, Ed - talking 21693
Lewis, Eddie - vocal 21104, 21499
Lewis, Lockwood - vocal 20420, 20480
Lewis, Sol - piano 21640
Lewis, Walter “Furry” - vocal 21664
Lewis, Warren - vocal 21310, 21311, 21957
Lieurance, Thurlow - Indian flute and piano 21972
Lillie, Beatrice - soprano 20361
Lindberg, Colonel Charles - American aviator 20747
Linder, Joseph - piano 20760
Lindsey, Add - vocal 21401
Linton, Charles - celeste 21449 Piano 20438, 20448,
20449, 20450, 20490, 20571, 20592, 20619, 20622,
20638, 20639, 20736, 20792, 20805, 20821, 21019,
21449, 21734, 21784
Lischko, David - ukulele 21723
Livingstone College Male Quartet 20824, 20949
Lloyd, Larry - vocal 21366
Long, George and his Singers 20567
Loomis, Ernest’s Orchestra 20735, 20755
Looney, Dennis - vocal 20115
Lorin, Bert - vocal 21744, 21753, 21847, 21855, 21867,
21881, 21886, 21897, 21943, 21953, 21960, 21969, 21996
Loscialpo, G. - cornet 20199
Louis, Keaumoku A. - baritone 20097, 20144, 20209,
20705, 20706, 20707, 20708, 20709, 20710, 21999
Orquesta Tropical 21999
Louisiana Sugar Babes 21346, 21348
Love, Mark - baritone 20014
Loveless Twins Quartet 21242, 21519
Loveless, Harmon - vocal 21242, 21519
Loveless, Herman - vocal 21242, 21519
Loveless, Lela - vocal 21242, 21519
Loveless, Lola - vocal 21242, 21519
Loveless, Wendell P. - tenor 21624, 21628
Lower, Ernest H. - vocal 20269
Luther Luther, Frank - tenor 20187, 20681, 20985,
21555, 21586, 21590, 21601, 21604, 21630, 21643,
21666, 21673, 21683, 21686, 21702, 21726, 21746,
21754, 21791, 21802, 21894, 21909, 21911, 21931 Trio
21754, 21911
Lykins, Lee - vocal 20608, 21311, 21312, 21335, 21340,
21385, 21570, 21956
Lynch, Al - vocal 20273, 20300, 20469
Mac and his Haywire Orchestra 21421, 21761.
See also
McClintock, Harry.
MacDonald, Harry and his Orchestra 20149
MacDonald, Peggy - piano 20052
Macedonia Quartet 21293, 21576
MacGimsey, Bob - whistler 21334, 21916
Mack, Ida May - vocal 21690
Mann, Belle - vocal 21743, 21818, 21859
Marietta, Harry - director 21934
Marineau, Al - vocal 20126, 20285, 20290, 20300, 20337,
Marsh, Lucy Isabelle - soprano 20246, 21254, 21255
As Anna Howard 20073, 20442, 20619, 20621, 20622,
20624, 20737, 20738
Marshall, Ray - mandolin 21711
Martin, Alfred - guitar 20402, 21135, 21249
Martin, Prof. Earnest Whitney - director 20053
Marvin, Frankie - ukulele 21497 Vocal 21432, 21497,
21510, 21601
Marvin, Johnny - vocal 20231, 21259, 20288, 20326,
20338, 20352, 20386, 20397, 20457, 20478, 20487,
20493, 20596, 20601, 20603, 20612, 20659, 20675,
20682, 20714, 20726, 20727, 20729, 20731, 20732,
20734, 20741, 20758, 20759, 20787,20819, 20822,
20832, 20833, 20848, 20893, 20899, 20902, 20926,
20981, 20984, 20997, 21040, 21042, 21114, 21153,
21154, 21172, 21230, 21259, 21299, 21376, 21427,
21432, 21435, 21463, 21509, 21609, 21632, 21650,
21653, 21667, 21780, 21814, 21820, 21839, 21848,
21851, 21859, 21866, 21892, 21903, 21955, 21959,
Mask and Wig Singing Chorus 20524
Mason, Al (Alika Joe) - guitar 20965
Mason, Cookie - vocal 21077
Masterman, Frank - vocal 20047, 20076, 20105, 20117,
20118, 20119, 20207, 20241, 20290
Masters, Frankie - vocal 21102, 21217, 21565, 21602
And his Orchestra 21102, 21217, 21565, 21602
Mathews, Gertrude - vocal 21889
Mathews, Lucile - vocal 21889
Mathieu, Carl F. - tenor 20012, 20031, 20055, 20057,
20098, 20106, 20113, 20127, 20142, 20152, 20186,
20277, 20283, 20318, 20335, 20453, 20517, 20571,
20669, 20681, 21079
20000 / 21000 SERIES: ARTIST INDEX 385
Mayfair Band 20444, 20445, 20446, 20640, 20641,
20642, 20746
McAbee, Palmer - vocal 21352
McBrien, Thomas - violin 21319
McCants, B. - baritone 21736
McCarty, Alfred - guitar 21723
McClintock, Harry “Mac” - vocal 21343, 21420, 21421,
21487, 21521, 21567, 21704, 21761.
Also see
Mac and
his Haywire Orchestra
McClintock, Poley - vocal 20083, 20146, 21099, 21888
McCoy, Charles - mandolin 21691
McCoy, Otis - tenor 21756
McCravy, Frank - vocal 20817, 20869, 21188
McCravy, James - vocal 20817, 20869, 21188
McDonald, Earl - talking 20420 Vocal 20480, 20649
McEnelly, Edwin J. - violin 20589, 20597, 20601, 21011,
21154, 21732, 21773, 21786, 21910 Vocal 21786
Orchestra 20018, 20259, 20370, 20379, 20589, 20597,
20601, 21011, 21154, 21732, 21773, 21786, 21910
McFayden, Alphus - guitar 21128
McGee, Erwin - vocal 21793, 21832, 21927
McGee, Rev. F.W. and his Congregation 20773, 20858,
21090, 21205, 21492, 21581, 21656
McGettigan, John - tenor 21380
McGimsey, Bob - whistler 21334
McGovern, Bernard - flute 21319
McGuinness, Aims C. - director 20355
McIntorsh, Lonnie - vocal 21271, 21411
McKenzie, H. J. - violin 20122, 20534
McKinney, Sadie - vocal 20565
McKinneys Cotton Pickers 21583, 21611, 21730
McKinnie, T. - vocal 21295, 21469, 21577
McLaughlin, Ben - tenor 20685, 20686, 20689, 20696,
20697, 21382, 21505
McLaughlin’s Old Time Melody Makers 21286
McNamara, P. J. - flute 20713 Quartet 21713
McPhail, Fred - tenor 21293, 21576
McTell, “Blind” Willie - vocal 21124, 21474
Meadows, W.A. - vocal 20862
Meale, Arthur - organ 21223
Megginson Female Quartet 20581, 20856
Melichar, James - director 20269, 20284
Melody Three, The 21754, 21911
Melton, James - tenor 21100, 21149, 21170, 21230,
21241, 21254, 21255, 21448, 21450, 21513, 21516,
21765, 21774, 21776, 21795, 21807, 21911
Memphis Jug Band 20552, 20576, 20781, 20809, 21066,
21185, 21278, 21412, 21524, 21657, 21740
Memphis Stompers 21270, 21641, 21709
Merkur, Harry - piano 20477
Meyer, John - bass 21024
Miller, Jim - tenor 20090, 20291, 20496, 20612, 20906,
20919, 20997, 21056, 21081, 21209, 21367, 21390,
21732, 21773, 21887, 21984
Miller, Margaret - vocal 20961, 21537
Miller, Sodarisa - vocal 20404
Mills, Barney - vocal 21286
Mills, Irving - director 21284, 21490, 21703, 21793
Ming, Floyd and his Pep Steppers 21294, 21534
Mintz, Joe - violin 20932, 21194, 21402
Mitchell Brothers 20324
Mitchell, Leonard - vocal 20580, 20648
Mogavero, Ralph - guitar 20841
Montague, Ruth - contralto 20127
Montani, Nicola A. - director 20896, 20897, 20898,
21621, 21622, 21623
Monte, Louis - vocal 21499
Montesanto, Leroy - vocal 20754
Moody Bible Institute Trio 21624, 21628
Moody, Charles E. - baritone 20543 Banjo and ukulele
20928, 20943, 21073, 21195.
Also see
Ernest Moody.
Moody, Ernest - vocal 20540, 20929, 21188 (probably
the same as Charles E. Moody)
Moody, R. - vocal 21674
Mooney, M. - vocal 21129
Moore, Arah “Baby - vocal 20553
Moore, Harold - vocal 21568, 21956, 21957
Moore, Monette - vocal 20356, 20484, 20551, 20653,
Moore, Rev. E. S.Shyand his Congregation 21737
Moore, Rosie Mae - vocal 21280, 21408
Moreland, Peg - vocal 21548, 21653, 21724
Morgan, Bill - talking 20598
Morgan, Helen - vocal 21238, 21930
Morgan, Rhys - tenor 20842
Morini, Giulietta - violin 21225
Morris, Ivan - vocal 21404
Morris, Thomas and his Hot Babies 20179, 20180,
20330, 20364, 20483, 20776, 20890, 21127, 21202,
21358 And his Orchestra 20316 Cornet 20316,
21075 Director 20407, 20424
Morris, Tom -
Morris, Thomas
Morton, Ferdinand “Jelly-Roll” - piano 21064, 21658
Vocal 20415 And his Red Hot Peppers 20221, 20252,
20296, 20405, 20415, 20431, 20772, 20948, 21345,
Mosiello, Mike - cornet 21153
Moten, Bennie’s Kansas City Orchestra 20406, 20422,
20485, 20811, 20855, 20946, 20955, 21199, 21584,
21693, 21739
Mt. Zion Baptist Quartet of Mobile 20582, 21350
Muerer, May - vocal 20471
Mullaly, William J. - concertina 20763, 20814
Munn, Frank - tenor 21615, 21632, 21633, 21654, 21675,
21753, 21771, 21775, 21802, 21817, 21828, 21840,
21847, 21878, 21879, 21898, 21908, 21910, 21931
Murphy, Frank - accordion 21318, 21480
Murphy, Jack - accordion 20975, 21001, 21014, 21087,
21177, 21317 Talking 20975, 21004, 21088 Vocal
20975, 21014, 21087, 21158, 21177, 21317 Violin
21001 And his Twin Harmonic Players 21177
Murphy, Lambert - tenor 20054, 20127, 20246, 20681,
21170, 21254, 21255, 21428, 21751, 21841, 21919 As
Raymond Dixon 20227, 20228, 20271, 20739, 20751,
Murphy, Larry - vocal 20029
(see 20099)
Murray, Billy - talking 20098 Tenor 20021, 20065,
20096, 20113, 20119, 20148, 20240, 20267, 20287,
20318, 20466, 20474, 20517, 20605, 20643, 20681,
20822, 21802 Trio 20517
Murray, Charles - vocal 21016, 21058, 21101, 21113,
Musique de la Garde Republicaine 21456
Mutch, Edwin - baritone 20187
Nanton, Joe - talking 20316
Napier, Jean - vocal 21590, 21689, 21730
Napoleon, Phil and his Orchestra 20605, 20647
Napoli, Ralph - vocal 21834
National Cavaliers, The 21112, 21399, 21516, 21794
Neal, Lawrence D. - tenor 20543
Neapolitan Trio 20026, 20248, 20278, 20362, 20666
Nestor, J. P. - vocal 21070
New Arkansas Travelers 21288
New Light Symphony Orchestra 21781, 21782
New Orleans Blue Five 20316, 20364, 21653
New Orleans University Glee Club 20566
Nichols, Red and his Orchestra 21560.
Also see
and Miff’s Stompers.
Niesley, Myron - tenor 20696, 20697, 21382, 21505
Ninde, Julian - guitar 21433, 21574
Noble, Cherrie - piano 20001, 20537
Noble, N.A. - caller 20001 Cello 20001, 20537
Nolan, Bob - director 21710 Vocal 21068, 21262,
21400, 21530, 21640
Nolan, Sean’s Dublin Orchestra 20764, 20815, 21157,
21181, 21479, 21544, 21660
Northwestern University Band and Glee Club 21914
Norton, Henry - tenor 20935, 21132, 21187
Nyland, Einer - mandola 20868
O’Brien, Donnell - vocal 20816
O’Connell, Charles - organ 21216, 21447, 21522
O’Donnell, Joseph D. - talking 21095, 21096, 21161,
21162, 21446, 21592, 21721
O’Farrell, Shaun - tenor 21178
O’Hara, Ted - vocal 21980, 21991
O’Keefe, Walter - vocal 21436
O’More, Colin - tenor 20886, 20917, 21007, 21013,
21089, 21159, 21179, 21330, 21478, 21595, 21719
O’Neill, H. - talking 21343
O’Neill, Selena - violin 21526, 21661
O’Rourke, Leo - tenor 21112, 21399, 21516, 21673,
21702, 21746, 21794, 21926
O’Toole, Emmett - tenor 20849
Ohio State University Glee Club 20005
Ohio State University Quartet 20005
Ohman, Phil - piano 21114, 21426, 21513, 21588,
21734, 21774, 21776, 21795, 21854, 21902, 21929.
Also see
Victor Arden
Oliver, Paul - tenor 21878, 21879, 21898
Olle I Skratthult’s Luffare Kapelle 20677
Olsen, George - traps 20425 Vocal 21566, 21683
And his Music 20024, 20029, 20060, 20089, 20099,
20100, 20101, 20106, 20112, 20116, 20289, 20322,
20327, 20337, 20352, 20359, 20367, 20392, 20394,
20409, 20425, 20455, 20472, 20476, 20602, 20872,
20875, 21025, 21026, 21034, 21040, 21452, 21500,
21512, 21566, 21589, 21652, 21683, 21701, 21727,
21808, 21816, 21819, 21832, 21846, 21855, 21927,
21942, 21954, 21961
Olsen, Olie - violin 20932, 21194, 21402
Olsen, Robert - tenor 21341, 21381, 21504
Olver - vocal 21511
Original Memphis Five 20039
Orquesta Típica Mexicana 20384
Orquesta Típica Victor 20740
Owen, Delos - piano 20088, 20107, 20255, 21286,
20324, 20826, 20908
Paaluki, John K. - Hawaiian guitar 20027, 20028, 20131
Pace Jubilee Singers 20225, 20226, 20310, 20813,
20947, 21551, 21582, 21655, 21705.
Also see
Mountain Jubilee Singers.
Pace, Adgar - bass 21756
Page, Robert - vocal 21067
Page, Thad - vocal 20903
Palestrina Choir 20896, 20897, 20898, 21621, 21622,
Parham, Tiny and his Musicians 21553, 21659
Parkam, A. E. - bass 21140
Parkam, Clyde - tenor 21140
Parkam, J.W. - tenor 21140
Parker, Eva - vocal 20414
Parker, Hattie - soprano 20226, 21705
Parker, Jack - tenor 21590, 21601, 21630, 21643, 21666,
21683, 21726, 21754, 21791, 21802, 21853, 21894,
Parks, Paul - baritone 20246
Partipilo’s Mandolin Orchestra 20818
Pasternack, D. - violin 20161
Pasternack, Josef - celeste 20258 Piano 20055,
20161 Viola 20161. Also director, many recordings.
Pasternack, Sam - viola 20150, 20161, 20164, 20174,
20522, 20801, 21048, 21049, 21735, 21947, 21948
Pastor, Tony - vocal 21778, 21786, 21834, 21888
Patterson, Red - vocal 20936, 21132, 21187 Piedmont
Log Rollers 20936, 21132, 21187
Patton, Fred - bass 20246, 20681
Peabody, Eddie - banjo 20698, 20699, 20839
Pebbles, The 20774, 21429
Peer, Ralph - director 20660, 20853
Peerless Quartet 20012, 20055, 20057, 20098, 20165,
20277, 20283, 20335, 20571, 20669, 21024, 21026,
Pendelton, Fred - violin 21190, 21533
Perella, Harry - celeste 20046, 20139, 20266 Piano
20019, 20138, 21301
Perry, Mario - accordion 20175, 20249, 20250, 20282
Celeste 21599, 21796
Pestretta, Tony - vocal 21778, 21786, 21834, 21888
Peterson’s Hobo Orchestra 20677
Petties, Arthur - vocal 21282
Pettis, Jack and his Pets 21559
Pfaff, F. - tuba 20523, 21048
Pharr, Burnett - director 21455
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Band 20192,
20220 Field Music 20218 Pipe Band 20219
Phipps, Ernest and his Holiness Quartette - vocal
20834, 20927, 21192
Piekard, George - bass 20543
Pierce, Jack - violin 20861, 21141
Pietro - piano-accordion 21163
Plotz, Otto - tenor 20689
Polk, Charlie - vocal and jug 20576
Pollack, Ben - vocal 20408, 21437, 21858, 21944 And
his Californians 20394, 20408, 20425, 20461, 21437
And his Orchestra 21184 And his Park Central
Orchestra 21716, 21743, 21827, 21857, 21858, 21941,
Pontius, Walter - vocal 21813
Pope’s Arkansas Mountaineers 21295, 21469, 21577
Porter, Ray “Pinkie” - vocal 21150, 21166
Porter, Steve C. - baritone 20021, 20299
Posner, Benny - violin 20677
Pratt, Lester - baritone 20960, 21204
Preer, Evelyn - vocal 20306
Preston, John - vocal 20687
20000 / 21000 SERIES: ARTIST INDEX 387
Price, Cecil - vocal 21018
Price, James - tenor 20127, 20152, 20186
Price, Percival - bell ringer 21002
Prigett, L.C. - vocal 20953, 21359
Prigett, Martha - vocal 20953
Prince, Franklyn 20129
Princeton University Band 20355
Prosser, S. - vocal 21018
Protheroe, Dr. Daniel - director 20494
Pryor, Arthur - director Sousa’s Band 20132.
Also see
Pryor’s Band.
Pryors Band 20054, 20191, 20276, 20303, 20304,
20305, 20311, 20318, 20319, 20320, 20559, 20635
Puckett, Ruben - vocal 20541, 20542
Puig, M. - banjo 20969, 21033, 21059
Quinn, Thomas L. - tenor 20765, 21445, 21717
Raderman, Louis - violin 20030, 20170, 20288, 20478,
21029, 21091, 21298, 21902, 21984
Rainger, Ralph - piano 20435
Raitz, Samuel - violin 20611
Ramey, Ben - vocal 21185, 21657
Ransom, Rev. William - vocal 20585
Ratcliffe, Clarence - tenor 20506, 20665, 21373, 21600,
Ray, Alan - vocal 21674
Ray, Joey - vocal 20394
Read, Orville - guitar 21190, 21533
Reavy, Edward - violin 21380, 21593
Red [Nichols] and Miff [Mole]’s Stompers 20778, 21056,
21183, 21397
Redman, Donald - director 21583, 21611, 21730
Reed, “Blind” Alfred - baritone and violin 20836, 20939,
21191, 21360, 21533
Reed, Bert - piano 20465
Reed, Mrs. L. - vocal 21123, 21536
Reed, Orville - guitar 21191, 21360, 21533 Vocal 21190
Reeve, C.P. - tenor 20543 Guitar 20928, 20943, 21073,
21195 (This is probably Phil Reeve)
Reeve, Phil - vocal 20540, 20929, 21188.
Also see
Reibold, Bruno - celeste 20070, 20077, 20134, 20165,
20205, 20283, 20335, 20434, 20438, 20490,
20801 Piano 20055, 20098. Also director, many
Reid, Elsa Henry - vocal 21656
Reisman, Leo and his Orchestra 21920, 21921, 21923,
21966, 21968
Reitz, William H. - bells 20164, 20174, 20201, 20205,
20335, 20440 Chimes 20993 Drums 20166, 20743,
20801 Nine instruments 20523 Traps 21045, 21696,
21697, 21698, 21699, 21824, 21899 Vibraphone
20026, 20335, 21734 Whistler 20559 Xylophone
20305 20440
Renard, Jacques and his Lido Venice Orchestra
20487, 20557, 20716, 20728 And his Cocoanut Grove
Orchestra 20978, 20981, 21093, 21107, 21234, 21601,
21811, 21828, 21834
Reser, Harry F. - banjo 20367, 20439 Banjo Boys
Rettenberg, Milton J. - celeste 20437, 20514, 20758,
20827, 20830, 21928 Piano 20417, 20433, 20458,
20459, 20463, 20503, 20508, 20590, 20777, 20985,
21010, 21019, 21298, 21458, 21700, 21902
Revelers, The - vocal 20064, 20072, 20082, 20111,
20140, 20380, 20417, 20457, 20564, 20597, 20603,
20609, 20678, 20719, 20920, 20985, 21039, 21100,
21241, 21448, 21516, 21765, 21807, 21911
Rice, Bob - vocal 20024, 20089, 20099, 20100, 20101,
20106, 20112, 20116, 20289, 20322, 20327, 20337,
20352, 20367, 20394, 20409, 20425, 20455, 20472,
20476, 20602, 20872, 20875, 21025, 21034, 21040,
21589, 21701, 21808, 21832, 21846, 21942
Rice, Gladys - soprano 20106, 20163, 20243, 20266,
20271, 20336, 20412, 20453, 21854
Richardson, Mabel - contralto 20181
Ricke, James - tenor 20183, 20184, 20185
Rinker, Alton - humming 21464 Vocal 20418, 20513,
20627, 20646, 20679, 20683, 20751, 20783, 20828,
20883, 20973, 21103, 21104, 21228, 21240, 21274,
21302, 21315, 21338, 21365, 21388, 21389, 21398,
Roades, Dusty - vocal 20120, 20133, 20206, 20230,
20234, 20475, 20846, 20892, 20901, 20910
Roberts, Charles - vocal 21941
Roberts, Paul - vocal 21907
Roberts, Sam - dog barks 20662
Robertson, Dick - vocal 21827, 21893, 21905, 21908
Robeson, Paul - bass 20013, 20068, 20604, 20793,
Robinson, Clarence - tenor 20956, 21201
Robinson, Willy - tenor 20956, 21201
Robison, Carson J. - drums 21851 Guitar 20058,
20109, 20387, 20458, 20502, 20528, 20536, 20538,
20539, 20677, 20795, 20888, 20913, 20966, 21042,
21079, 21094, 21083, 21169, 21232, 21246, 21277,
21306, 21331, 21353, 21407, 21457, 21488, 21586,
21598, 21604, 21630, 21635, 21644, 21686, 21851,
21984 Harmonica 20387, 21686 Piano 20382
Talking 21899 Tenor 20109, 20369, 20536, 20539,
20795, 20913, 21083, 21094, 21169, 21306, 21457,
21488, 21586, 21644 Washboard 21851 Whistler
20291, 21306, 20382, 20458, 21604, 20888, 21079,
21094, 21450, 21630, 21673. (Note: Robison allegedly
played additional instruments on many of these
Robison, Willard, “The Whispering Baritone” - vocal
21458, 21651, 21866, 21976 Piano 21866, 21966
Rocky Mountain Jubilee Singers 20225, 20226, 20310.
Also see
Pace Jubilee Singers.
Rodeheaver, Homer Alvan - baritone 20021, 20087,
20385, 20529, 20794, 20999, 21023, 21337
Rodgers, Jimmie - vocal and guitar 20864, 21142,
21245, 21291, 21433, 21531, 21574, 21636, 21757
Rodgers, Ruth - soprano 20246, 21841
Rogers, Ernest - baritone and guitar 20502, 20671,
20798, 20870, 21361
Roper, Stanley - bells and organ 20629
Rosa, Joe - harmonica 20072
Rosebrook, Leon - director 20360
Rosemond, Connie - vocal 20950, 21196
Rosner, Walter - director 20633, 20685, 20687, 20688
Ross Deluxe Syncopaters 20952, 20961, 21077, 21537
Ross, Alonzo - vocal 20952, 21077.
Also see
Deluxe Syncopators.
Rounders, The 20689, 20696, 20697, 21382, 21505
Roy, Ted - baritone 21550, 21822
Royal Albert Hall Orchestra 21781, 21782
Royal Hawaiian Trio - vocal 20281
Rubsam, Ed - xylophone 21666
Rupert, Miss Ollie - vocal 20577
Rush, Jim - vocal 21710
Russian Symphonic Choir 20309, 20358
Russo and Fiorito’s Oriole Orchestra 20015, 20046,
Russo, Dan A. -
Russo and Fiorito’s Oriole Orchestra
Ryan, John - tenor 20021
Saliers, Harold - vocal 20059, 20063, 20095, 20381
Sam ’n’ Henry (Correll and Gosden) - comic 20032,
20093, 20375, 20788
Sam-Ku-West - steel guitar 21647 Harmony Boys
21415, 21416, 21419, 21422, 21556, 21763
Samuels, Joe - violin 20299
Sandburg, Carl - baritone and guitar 20135
Sanders, Joe L. - piano 21891, 21939 Vocal 20003,
20390, 20408, 20785, 21148, 21258, 21305, 21501,
21546, 21803, 21812, 21891, 21895, 21939.
Also see
Coon-Sanders Orchestra.
Sandhills Sixteen 20903, 20904, 20905
Sándor, Kokos - cymbalom 20789
Sandvall, Tom - vocal 21991
Sannella, Andy - clarinet 20612, 20715, 20741, 20997,
21153 Guitar 20457, 20611, 21758, 21029, 21230,
21820 Saxophone 20457, 20758, 21172, 21329, 21833
Steel guitar 21011, 21299, 21329, 21728, 21984
Sargent, Kenneth - vocal 20971, 21262, 21355, 21530
Sargent, Malcolm - director 21781, 21782
Sárkózi, Feri - cymbalom 20749, 20841
Satterfield, Tom - director 21274
Savoy Bearcats, The 20182, 20307, 20460
Saxe, Phil - vocal 20002, 20034, 20059, 20063, 20083,
20094, 20095, 20117, 20381, 20473, 21260, 21745,
21778, 21867
Scarpa, Eddie - clarinet 20161, 21048
Schaeffer, Bela (Piroska - violin) 20749
Schenck, Joe - baritone 21979
Schmidt, Alexander - violin 20026, 20130, 20161, 20164,
20174, 20195, 20201, 20248, 20258, 20278, 20344,
20362, 20366, 20389, 20443, 20522, 20614, 20620,
20637, 20666, 20801, 20894, 21044, 21046, 21047,
21052, 21117, 21118, 21946, 21947, 21948
Schmitt, Pete - vocal 20971
Schneider, D. - vocal 20005
Schrader, F. - trombone 20523, 21043, 21048
Schultz, Alta - contralto 21117
Schultz, Myron - vocal 21150, 21166
Schulz, Lorin - vocal 21150
Schwartzmann, A. - piano 20048, 20630, 20692,
Scott, Lloyd’s Orchestra 20495, 21491
Seagle, John - baritone 21112, 21399, 21516, 21794,
Seattle Harmony Kings 20133, 20142
Seiger, Rudy’s Shell Symphonists 21386, 21569
Selinger, Harrys Ensemble 21852
Senter, Boyd - clarinet 21864, 21912 And his
Senterpedes 21864, 21912
Setters, Jilson - talking 21635 Violin 21353, 21407,
Shackleford, Harry - vocal 21224, 21275, 21366
Shade, Will - harmonica 20552, 21524 Vocal 20576,
20781, 21185, 21412, 21524, 21657, 21725
Shaffner, Miss - soprano 21428, 21841
Shannon Quartet 20072, 20128, 20173, 20895, 21149,
Shapiro, Ted - director 21993, 21994, 21995
Shaw, Chester - vocal 21404, 21573
Shaw, Elliott - baritone 20006, 20019, 20064, 20070,
20072, 20082, 20111, 20127, 20128, 21040, 20145,
20152, 20173, 20186, 20373, 20380, 20417, 20471,
20491, 20493, 20505, 20557, 20564, 20600, 20609,
20659, 20678, 20716, 20719, 20823, 20895, 20899,
20920, 20923, 20967, 20985, 21000, 21011, 21037,
21039, 21093, 21100, 21149, 21170, 21213, 21230,
21241, 21254, 21255, 21392, 21428, 21448, 21450,
21513, 21515, 21516, 21732, 21733, 21765, 21772,
21774, 21776, 21786, 21795, 21807, 21835, 21841,
21911, 21913, 21919
Shaw, Ted - piano 21138
Sheasby, Ed - director 20926
Sheffield Quartet 20554
Sheffield, A.C. - bass 20554
Sheffield, C.P. - tenor 20554
Shelor Family 20865, 21130
Shelor, Jesse T. - violin 20865, 21130
Shelor, Mrs. Jesse (Clarice) - vocal 20865, 21130
Shelor, Pyrhus D. - violin 20865, 21130
Shelton, Rev. Isiah 20583
Sherbalya, Mike - talking 21162
Sheridan, John - flute 21316, 21320, 21443, 21543,
21720 Vocal 21443
Sherman, Joe - vocal 20634
Shield, Leroy - piano 20005, 20052, 20170, 20274,
20275, 20503, 20630, 20692, 20693, 20694, 20695,
20800, 21086, 21143, 21221, 21222, 21341, 21342,
21381, 21504, 21526, 21661. Also director, many
Shilkret, Jack - celeste 20261 Director 21509 Organ
20984, 21029, 21091 Piano 20030, 20065, 20124,
20143, 20371, 21417, 21433, 21478, 20503, 20508,
20514, 20561, 21590, 21761, 20777, 21010, 21152,
21153, 21394, 21396, 21458, 21509, 21547, 21590,
Shilkret, Jacks Orchestra 20352
Shilkret, Lew - celeste 20412 Organ 21445, 21586
Piano 20761, 21316, 21320, 21443, 21543, 21587
Shilkret, Nathaniel - celeste 20288, 20291, 20359,
20371, 20398, 20433, 32439, 20456, 20464, 20561,
20998, 21257 Clarinet 20503 Organ 20291, 20454,
20611, 20674, 20748, 21334 Piano 20288, 20377,
20382, 20715, 21211 And the Victor Orchestra 20113,
20145, 20231, 20243, 20259, 20260, 20261, 20272,
20313, 20315, 20336, 20370, 20373, 20393, 20412,
20419, 20429, 20436, 20437, 20453, 20454, 20456,
20464, 20469, 20474, 20488, 20503, 20508, 20510,
20512, 20514, 20524, 20597, 20599, 20601, 20603,
20615, 20634, 20646, 20659, 20675, 20681, 20682,
20684, 20727, 20729, 20732, 20734, 20759, 20819,
20827, 20830, 20831, 20837, 30848, 20882, 20884,
20899, 20902, 20913, 20918, 20926, 20967, 20976,
20978, 20996, 21000, 21010, 21011, 21025, 21026,
21031, 21032, 21037, 21055, 21080, 21082, 21097,
21105, 21107, 21149, 21154, 21170, 21213, 21215,
21219, 21228, 21229, 21233, 21256, 21259, 21327,
21338, 21347, 21371, 21392, 21425, 21431, 21432,
21450, 21458, 21463, 21493, 21497, 21515, 21528,
20000 / 21000 SERIES: ARTIST INDEX 389
21547, 21572, 21590, 21603, 21606, 21633, 21643,
21654, 21667, 21673, 21680, 21682, 21683, 21702,
21716, 21726, 21727, 21729, 21744, 21746, 21753,
21771, 21772, 21775, 21791, 21792, 21802, 21811,
21814, 21817, 21818, 21819, 21835, 21838, 21845,
21847, 21853, 21855, 21859, 21881, 21886, 21894,
21896, 21905, 21908, 21913, 22931, 21943, 21953,
21960, 21968, 21969, 21976, 21985, 21996, 21997
Rhythm Melodists 21298, 21688, 21700, 21902.
Also director, many other recordings
Shugart, Claude - vocal 20293
Shutta, Ethel - vocal 21832
Signorelli, Frank - piano 21561
Silver, Abner - piano 20038
Silver, Monroe - talking 20098 Tenor 20096, 20517
Silver-Masked Tenor, The - pseudonym for Joseph M.
, q.v.
Silvers, Sid - talking 20970
Simmons, Herbert - bass 21711
Simmons, William - baritone 20127
Simon, Edwin - piano 21344
Simonds, Harold - baritone 20054
Sims, Sam - traps 21695
Singleton, Henry - baritone 20956, 21201
Sizemore, Arthur - piano 20800
Skinner, Ben - tenor 20506, 20665, 21373, 21600,
21842, 21925
Slagle, Claude - banjo 20861, 21141
Small, Paul - tenor 21912
Smalle, Ed - piano 20064, 20072, 20082, 20111, 20128,
20140, 20457, 20758, 20984, 21042, 21172, 21210,
21766, 21892 Vocal 20457, 20603, 20659, 20758,
20984, 21039, 21040, 21042, 21097, 21172, 21210,
21299, 21866, 21892, 21893, 21959, 21990
Smeck, Roy - director 20369 Guitar 21093, 20239,
21277 Octo-chorda 21448, 21277
Smith Brothers (William A. “Billy” Hillpot and Harold
“ScrappyLambert) 20477
Smith, “Whispering Jack” - baritone 20038, 20069,
20229, 20254, 20312, 20372, 20413, 20572, 20626,
20845, 21028, 21039, 21041, 21210, 21882, 21973,
Smith, Dr.s Champion Hoss Hair Pullers 21711
Smith, Elizabeth - vocal 20297, 20334, 20539
Smith, Jabbo - cornet 21346, 21348
Smith, Jimmy - harmonica 20020
Smith, Laura - vocal 20775, 20945
Smith, Leroy and his Orchestra 21328, 21472
Smith, Mamie - soprano 20210, 20233
Smith, Mr. B. - vocal 21413
Smith, Spencer - baritone 21293, 21576
Smith, Whitney - vocal 21789, 21790
Smith, Whitneys Majestic Hotel Orchestra 21789,
Snyder II, Leroy J. - bass 20909
Soileau, Leo - violin 21769, 21770
Sousa, John Philip - director 20192.
Also see
Sousa’s Band 20054, 20132, 20191, 20276
South Street Trio 20402, 21135, 21249
South, Eddie - vocal 21155 And his Alabamians
21151, 21155, 21605
Spitalny, Philip and his Orchestra 20108, 20115, 20196,
20260, 20267, 20272, 20287, 20475
Sprague, Carl T. - tenor 20067, 20122, 20534, 20932,
21194, 21402
Staatskapelle 21085
Stacks, Tom - vocal 21321
Stahl, Charles W. - tenor 20054
Stamps Quartet 21035, 21072, 21265, 21468, 21637
Stamps, Frank - bass 21035, 21072, 21265, 21468,
Stamps, V.O. - bass 21722
Stanford Glee Club 21344
Stanley Press Winners 21117, 21118
Stanley, Aileen - vocal 20056, 20065, 20096, 20148,
20198, 20240, 20391, 20511, 20643, 20714, 20787,
20822, 20825, 21839, 21848, 21874
Stanley, Cliff “Red” - vocal 20034, 20063, 20094
Stanley, James - baritone 20012, 20031, 20055, 20057,
20098, 20127, 20152, 20186, 20205, 20261, 20277,
20283, 20318, 20335, 20453, 20571, 20669, 20681,
21079, 21919
Stannard, Captain William J. - director 21843, 21901
Steele, Blue - tenor 20971, 21183, 21400, 21640
Trombone 21400, 21530, 21640 And his Orchestra
20971, 21068, 21183, 21262, 21355, 21400, 21530,
Stephens, J. D. - banjo 20930
Stevens, Robert - tenor 21112, 21399, 21516, 21794,
Stevens, Vol - guitar 21134 Vocal 21066, 21278, 21356
Stewart, Allen - vocal 20800
Stewart, Rex - cornet 20484
Stokes, Frank - vocal 21272, 21665, 21672, 21738
Stokes, Harold - director 21565, 21590, 21800, 21804,
21805, 21853, 21871, 21889 Vocal 21166, 21800,
21805, 21889
Stokes, Len - vocal 21909
Stoneman, Ernest V. - banjo 21131, 21244 Baritone
20237, 20671, 20672, 20799, 20835, 20880, 20938,
21129, 21578, 21648 Guitar 20237, 20540 Harmonica
20540 And his Blue Ridge Corn Shuckers 21264,
21518, 21648 And his Dixie Mountaineers 20223,
20224, 20235, 20294, 20302, 20531, 20532, 20533,
20844, 21071, 21186, 21578
Stoneman, Hattie - violin 20880, 20938, 21578
Strom, Roy - vocal 21275, 21366
Studabaker, G.W. - vocal 20005
Sturdy, Judge O. - caller 20102, 20530 Orchestra
20102, 20530
Sweeney Brothers 21160, 21180
Sweeney, Francis - director 21006 Piano 21005, 21006,
21160, 21180
Sweeney, John - violin 21005, 21006, 21160, 21180
Sweigart, Veronica - contralto 20127
Sydney, Sid’s Orchestra 20029
Sylvano, Frank - vocal 21884, 21885
Szigeti, József - violin 20789 Hungarian Orchestra
Tannen, Julius - talking 20921, 21115
Taskiana Four 20852, 20959, 20183, 20184, 20185
Tate, Carroll C. - vocal 20912, 21003, 21061, 21156
Taylor, Irene - vocal 21274
Taylor, Jimmy - vocal 21778, 21786
Taylor, W.H. - director 20218
Teasley, H. M. - vocal 21018
Tennessee Mountaineers 20860
Tennessee Wildcats 20891, 20940, 21243
Tenneva Ramblers 20861, 21141, 21289, 21406, 21645
Texas University Band and Glee Club 21455
Thies, Henry and his Hotel Sinton Orchestra 21462,
21507, 21871, 21890
Thomas, J.E. - tenor 20879
Thomas, J.H. - tenor 20879
Thomas, Red - vocal 20644
Thompson, Ashley - vocal 21267, 21351
Three Southerners 21433, 21574
Tidwell, Pauline - vocal 20585
Tietge Sisters - vocal 20189, 20515, 20980, 21122
Tietge, Elsie - contralto 20189, 20515, 20980, 21122
Tietge, Florence - soprano 20189, 20515, 20980, 21122
Tietge, Martha - piano 20189, 20515, 20980, 21122
Torello, A. - string bass 20522
Torrence, Bubba Lee - guitar 20499, 20658, 21065,
Townsend, Bill - vocal 21307, 21888
Townsler, Floyd - tenor 20187
Treadway, Al - vocal 21723
Treaster, Bob - vocal 21016, 21058, 21101, 21113,
21165, 21224, 21275, 21366, 21701
Trinity Choir 20246, 21254, 21255
Trotta, Charles - vocal 21778, 21786, 21834, 21888
Troubadours, The 20006, 20732, 20830, 20848, 20922,
20967, 20996, 21000, 21032, 21107, 21154, 21213,
21229, 21233, 21235, 21327, 21347, 21590, 21606,
21633, 21654, 21683, 21716, 21726, 21746, 21771,
21775, 21802, 21817, 21847, 21894, 21968
Tucker, Bessie - vocal 21692, 21708
Tucker, Sophie - talking 21995 Vocal 21993, 21994,
Turkey Mountain Singers 20942
Turner, Lemuel - steel guitar 21292
Turner, Raymond - celeste 20751 Piano 20197, 20513,
Tuskegee Institute Singers 20518, 20520, 20843
Tuskegee Quartet 20518, 20519, 20843
Tyau, M.T.Z. - female vocal 21872, 21873
Underwood, Sugar - piano 21538, 21960, 21204
United States Army Band 21843, 21901
United States Marine Band 20979, 21038
United States Navy Band 21296
University of Chicago Band 20427
University of Minnesota Band 21687
University of Pennsylvania Band 20040
University of Stanford Band 20053
University of Yale Band 20008, 20009
University of Yale Male Chorus 20008
Utica Institute Jubilee Singers 20506, 20665, 21373,
21600, 21842, 21925
Vallée, Rudy - vocal 21868, 21869, 21880, 21924, 21963,
21967, 21983, 21998 And his Connecticut Yankees
21868, 21869, 21880, 21924, 21963, 21967, 21983,
Van Dusen, Bill - vocal 20644
Van, Gus - baritone 21979
Van, Nancy - talking and piano 21446, 21592, 21721
Van, Rex - talking 21054, 21276
Vandersloot, John - bass 20054
Vanvink, Raney - guitar 29656, 21128
Vaughan, G. Kieffer - baritone 21756
Vaughan Quartet 21756
Vaughan, Weston - vocal 20126, 20147
Velez, Lupe - contralto 21932
Venetian Trio 20130, 20201, 20344, 20362, 20894
Venuti, Joe - violin 21561, 21653
Vernon, Sherman - bass 21287
Vettel, Frederick - vocal 21875
Victor Band 20151, 20166, 20214, 20635, 20637
Victor Brass Ensemble 20637
Victor Concert Orchestra 20011, 20080, 20169, 20186,
20215, 20342, 20374, 20521, 20563, 20620, 20668,
20802, 20805, 20914, 21449, 21823
Victor Male Chorus 20127, 20152, 20186, 21919
Victor Military Band 20400, 20807, 20808, 20988, 20989,
20990, 20991, 20992, 21616, 21617, 21618, 21619,
21620, 21685
Victor Mixed Chorus 20127, 21428, 21841
Victor Novelty Orchestra 21909
Victor Orchestra 20079, 20150, 20153, 20161, 20162,
20164, 20174, 20350, 20351, 20368, 20392, 20399, 20401,
20432, 20447, 20448, 20449, 20450, 20451, 20523, 20526,
20592, 20636, 20638, 20639, 20736, 20801, 20806, 21219,
21392, 21458, 21515, 20522, 20523
Victor Salon Orchestra 20035, 20037, 20091, 20176,
20188, 20202, 20279, 20321, 20383, 20416, 20430,
20433, 20556, 20733, 20924, 20998, 21055, 21253,
21928, 21970
Victor Symphonic Band 21935, 21936, 21937, 21938
Victor Symphony Orchestra 20245, 20606, 20607,
21251, 21300, 21597, 21669, 21748, 21749, 21750,
Viebig, Ernst - director 21085
Vigil y Robles, Eduardo - director - 20510, 21182, 21235
Virginia String Band 20657, 20797, 20935, 21520
Virginians, The 20837, 21105, 21219, 21228, 21339,
Vogel, Adolph - director 20040
Vozzella, E. - clarinet 20150, 20161, 20522, 21044,
21047, 21048
Wade, Frederick L. - vocal 20589, 20601
Walker, Clarence T. - piano 20953, 21359
Walker, Polly - vocal 21799
Wallenstein, Alfred - cello 20104
Waller, Thomas “Fats” - organ 20357, 20470, 20492,
20655, 20771, 20776, 20890, 21062, 21127, 21202,
21346, 21348, 21358, 21525, 21539
Walsh, Dock - vocal 20544, 20545, 20931, 20941, 21193
Ward, Virgil - fiddle 21761
Wardwell, E. - drums and traps 20166
Ware, Ozie - vocal 21777
Waring, Fred - ukulele 20338 Vocal 20018, 20076,
20141, 20146, 20727, 20820, 21099, 21165, 21227,
21297, 21307, 21308, 21333, 21508, 21783, 21788,
21810, 21836, 21870, 21881, 21888 Piano 20331.
Waring’s Pennsylvanians.
Waring, Tom - vocal 20004, 20018, 20074, 20076, 20078,
20141, 20146, 20194, 20234, 20289, 20315, 20317,
20331, 20338, 20393, 20467, 20476, 20562, 20589,
20598, 20724, 20820, 21058, 21164, 21206, 21213,
21297, 21307, 21308, 21323, 21327, 21333, 21432,
21439, 21676, 21678, 21755, 21997
20000 / 21000 SERIES: ARTIST INDEX 391
Waring’s Pennsylvanians 20003, 20010, 20018, 20074,
20076, 20078, 20083, 20141, 20146, 20194, 20234,
20289, 20315, 20338, 20378, 20393, 20437, 20467,
20476, 20562, 20589, 20598, 20724, 20727, 20820,
21058, 21099, 21164, 21165, 21206, 21213, 21227,
21258, 21297, 21307, 21308, 21323, 21327, 21333,
21432, 21439, 21508, 21676, 21678, 21715, 21755,
21783, 21788, 21792, 21810, 21836, 21857, 21861,
21870, 21881, 21888, 21900, 21974, 21977, 21997
Warren, Charlie - vocal 20754
Washington, Elizabeth - vocal 20854, 21126, 21473
Waterman, Ethel Day - vocal 20389
Watkin’s Band 21405
Watkins, Press - vocal 20782
Watkins, Sister - vocal 20546, 20767, 20810
Watson, El - bones 21440, 21585 Harmonica 20951,
21440, 21585
Watson, George P. - yodler 20190, 20247
Weber, Marek - violin 20889 And his Orchestra 20479,
20628, 20680, 20750, 20915, 21020, 21021, 21060,
Weeks, Ran - vocal 21920, 21921, 21923, 21966, 21968
Weems, Ted and his Orchestra 20033, 20120, 20133,
20196, 20206, 20230, 20234, 20475, 20829, 20846,
20892, 20901, 20910, 21009, 21105, 21173, 21339,
21364, 21511, 21643, 21670, 21729, 21767, 21773,
21809, 21840
Weil, Harry - vocal 21309, 21477
Weldon, Will “Casey Bill” - guitar 21356 Vocal 20552,
20576, 20809, 21134, 21185, 21657
Well, L.J. - baritone 20879
Wells, D. - vocal 21674
Wentz, Kathryn - soprano 20710
West Virginia Coon Hunters 20862
West Virginia Night Owls - vocal 21190, 21533
Western Hawaiian Trio 20705, 20708, 20710
Weyant, Randolph - vocal 21909
Whalen, Harold - comic 21022, 21367
Wheeler, Palmer - tenor 21035, 21072, 21265, 21468,
Wheeler, Roy - tenor 21035, 21072, 21265, 21468,
White, Baxter - vocal 20774, 21429
White, Florence - vocal 20584
White, Hal - director 20759 Vocal 20759, 20923, 21084,
21323, 21391, 21451, 21514, 21804, 21813
White, Joseph M. (The Silver-Masked Tenor) 20016,
20074, 20095, 20134, 20204, 20238, 20419, 20436,
20438, 20488, 20491, 20591, 20792, 20892, 20911,
21144, 21167, 21257, 21439, 21453
White, Lew - organ 20014
White, Pat - comic 21663 Vocal 20718, 20760, 21200
Whiteman, Paul and his Orchestra 20007, 20017,
20019, 20046, 20092, 20138, 20139, 20177, 20197,
20200, 20266, 20418, 20501, 20505, 20508, 20513,
20514, 20570, 20616, 20627, 20646, 20679, 20683,
20684, 20751, 20757, 20784, 20828, 20874, 20881,
20882, 20883, 20885, 20972, 20973, 21103, 21119,
21214, 21218, 21228, 21240, 21274, 21301, 21304,
21315, 21325, 21338, 21365, 21388, 21389, 21398,
21431, 21438, 21453, 21464, 21599, 21678, 21731,
21796 And his Dance Orchestra 21388 Rhythm
Boys 21104, 20783, 21302
Whitford, Homer - director 21375
Whitington, George - baritone 20506, 20665, 21373,
21600, 21842, 21925
Whitter, Henry - guitar 21139, 21189, 21625
Harmonica 20878
Wiedoeft, Rudy - saxophone 20086, 20170, 21152,
Wilkins, Robert - vocal 21741
Willard, M.E. - soprano 20127
Williams College Glee Club 20041
Williams College Orchestra 20041, 20042
Williams Sisters 20425, 20452
Williams, Dorothy - comic 20425, 20452
Williams, Douglas - clarinet 21269, 21285, 21413
Vocal 21695 Four 21695 Trio 21269, 21285,
Williams, Hannah - comic 20425, 20452
Williams, Nathaniel - cornet 21695
Williamson, Charley - cornet 20565
Williamson, J.F. - director 20410, 20468
Williamson’s Beale Street Frolic Orchestra 20555,
Wilson, Bernice - piano 21208, 21237
Wilson, Deacon A. and Choir 20423
Wilson, Dick - vocal 21710
Wilson, Frank - vocal 21527
Wilson, M. Emmett - director 20427
Wilson, Virginia (Wallenstein) - piano 20104
Winston, Edna - vocal 20407, 20424, 20654, 20857
Wirges, Bill - piano 20439
Witzmann, John - violin 20166, 20730
WMBI Announcers Trio 21624, 21628
Wolke, Charles - vocal 21834
Woodson, Greta - “Whispering contralto” 20274, 20275,
21221, 21222, 21565, 21889
Woodyard, Darrel - bass 21112, 21399, 21516, 21794,
Worde, Phil - piano 20334, 21548, 20769
Worthy, M.L. - vocal 20005
Yandell, M.L. - baritone 21722
Yates, Harold - tenor 20907, 21000, 21273, 21394, 21509
Yates, Jimmy - steel guitar 21723 Boll Weevils 21723
York, Mrs. N. R. - soprano 21287
Youmans, Vincent - piano 20361
Young, Austin - vocal 20007, 20017, 20138, 20139,
20177, 20197, 20418, 20501, 20513, 20570, 20616,
20646, 20683, 20751, 20757, 20784, 20828, 20874,
20881, 20882, 20885, 20973, 21103, 21214, 21228,
21240, 21274, 21338, 21365, 21388, 21389, 21398,
21438, 21453
Zamudio, Luis - talking 21182
Zimbalist, Efrem 21823
Zouch, C.E. - baritone 20554
About the Author
John Bolig was recently honored by the Association for Recorded Sound Collections
with its 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. Bolig has written nine books to
date, including Caruso Records: A History and Discography and five volumes in the
ongoing Victor Discography Series. He served for more than twenty-five years as
an advisor to the Eldridge Reeves Johnson Memorial (Delaware State Museums)
and is currently a consultant to the Victor database project at the University of
California–Santa Barbara. He and his wife Darlene live in Dover, Delaware.