Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1676947
Regulating the Shadow Banking System*
Gary Gorton
Yale and NBER
Andrew Metrick
Yale and NBER
October 18, 2010
The “shadow” banking system played a major role in the financial crisis, but was not a central
focus of the recent Dodd-Frank Law and thus remains largely unregulated. This paper proposes
principles for the regulation of shadow banking and describes a specific proposal to implement
those principles. We first document the rise of shadow banking over the last three decades,
helped by regulatory and legal changes that gave advantages to three main institutions of shadow
banking: money-market mutual funds (MMMFs) to capture retail deposits from traditional
banks, securitization to move assets of traditional banks off their balance sheets, and repurchase
agreements (“repo”) that facilitated the use of securitized bonds in financial transactions as a
form of money. A central idea of this paper is that the evolution of a bankruptcy “safe harbor”
for repo has been a crucial feature in the growth and efficiency of shadow banking, and so
regulators can use access to this safe harbor as the lever to enforce new rules. As for the rules
themselves, history has demonstrated two successful methods for the regulation of privately
created money: strict guidelines on collateral (used to stabilize national bank notes in the 19
century), and government-guaranteed insurance (used to stabilize demand deposits in the 20
century). We propose the use of insurance for MMMFs combined with strict guidelines on
collateral for both securitization and repo as the best approach for shadow banking, with
regulatory control established by chartering new forms of narrow banks for MMMFs and
securitization and using the bankruptcy safe harbor to incent compliance on repo.
*Thanks to Stefan Lewellen, Marcus Shak, and Lei Xie for research assistance; Darrell Duffie,
Victoria Ivashina, Robert Merton, Stephen Partridge-Hicks, Eric Rasmusen, David Romer, Nick
Sossides, David Scharfstein, Andrei Shleifer, Carolyn Sissoko, Jeremy Stein, Phillip Swagel,
David Swensen, Daniel Tarullo, Justin Wolfers and seminar participants at Brookings and MIT
for many helpful comments and discussions; E. Philip Davis, Ingo Fender, and Brian Reid for
assistance with data; and Sara Dowling for help with figures.
Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1676947
After the Great Depression, by some combination of luck and genius, the United States
created a bank regulatory system that was followed by a panic-free period of 75 years –
considerably longer than any such period since the founding of our republic. When this quiet
period finally ended in 2007, the ensuing panic did not begin in the traditional system of banks
and depositors, but instead was centered in a new “shadow” banking system. This shadow
banking system performs the same functions as traditional banking, but the names of all the
players are different, and the regulatory structure is light or non-existent. In its broadest
definition, shadow banking includes familiar institutions as investment banks, money-market
mutual funds, and mortgage brokers; rather old contracts, such as sale and repurchase
agreements (“repo”); and more esoteric instruments such as asset-backed securities (ABS),
collateralized-debt obligations (CDOs), and asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP).
Following the panic of 2007-2009, Congress passed major regulatory reform of the
financial sector in the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010. Dodd-Frank includes many provisions relevant
to shadow banking; for example, hedge funds must now register with the SEC, much of the over-
the-counter derivatives trading will be moved to exchanges and clearinghouses, and all
systemically important institutions will be regulated by the Federal Reserve. Furthermore, retail
finance lenders will now be subject to consistent federal-level regulation through the new
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau housed within the Federal Reserve.
While Dodd-Frank takes some useful steps in the regulation of shadow banking, there are
still large gaps where it is (almost) silent. Three important gaps are in money-market mutual
funds (MMMFs), securitization, and repurchase transactions (“repo”). These three areas played
the central role in the recent crisis and are the main focus of the current paper. While Dodd-
Frank did not focus on these key components of shadow banking, the Law did create a council of
regulators with significant power to identify and manage systemic risks. Most importantly, this
Financial Stability Oversight Council has the power to recommend significant changes in
regulation, if such changes are deemed necessary for financial stability.
Shadow banking terms are defined later in the paper, and also in the glossary (Appendix A). In other work (Gorton
and Metrick (2010a and 2010b)), we have referred to the specific combination of repo and securitization as
“securitized banking.” With the broader focus of this paper to include other activities beyond repo and
securitization, we are using the more common but less precise “shadow banking” name.
This power crucial for the future regulation of shadow banking is given in Section 120 of the Dodd-Frank Law.
While new regulations cannot exceed current statutory authority, this authority would still allow for significant new
regulation of MMMFs, repo, and securitization without the need for new legislation.
MMMFs, securitization, and repo are key elements of “off-balance sheet” financing, which
differs from the “on-balance-sheet” financing of traditional banks in several important ways.
These differences are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows the classic textbook picture
of the financial intermediation of loans on-balance sheet by the traditional banking system. In
Step A, depositors transfer money to the bank, in return for a checking or savings account that
can be withdrawn at any time. In Step B, the bank loans these funds to a borrower. The bank
then holds this loan on its balance sheet to maturity.
Traditional bank runs were ended in United States in the 1934 through the introduction of
federal-government deposit insurance. With deposits insured by the federal government,
depositors have little incentive to withdraw their funds. Deposit insurance works well for retail
investors, but still leaves a challenge for large institutions. When deposit insurance was capped at
$100,000, institutions such as pension funds, mutual funds, states and municipalities and cash-
rich non-financial companies did not have easy access to safe, interest-earning, short-term
investments. One solution to this problem is the shadow banking system of off-balance-sheet
lending illustrated in Figure 2.
Step 2 in Figure 2 is an analogue to Step A from Figure 1, but there is one important
difference. In the traditional banking system shown in Figure 1, the deposits are insured by the
government. To achieve similar protection in Step 2 of Figure 2, the institutional investor
receives collateral from the bank. In practice, this deposit-collateral transaction takes the form of
a repo agreement: the depositor deposits, say, $X, and receives some asset as collateral from the
bank with a market value of $X; the bank agrees to repurchase the same asset at some time later
(perhaps the next day) for $Y. The percentage (Y-X)/X is the “repo rate”, and is analogous to
the interest rate on a bank deposit. Typically, the total amount of the deposit will be some
amount less than the value of the asset used as collateral, with the difference called a “haircut”.
For example, if an asset has a market value of $100 and a bank sells it for $80 with an agreement
to repurchase it for $88, then we would say that the repo rate is 10 percent (= 88-80 / 80), and the
haircut is 20 percent (100 – 80 / 100). If the bank defaults on the promise to repurchase, then the
investor keeps the collateral.
As we discuss later, repo is carved out of the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process. It is not subject to the automatic stay
rule. If one party to the repo transaction fails, the other party can unilaterally terminate the transaction and keep the
cash or sell the bond, depending on their role.
The step that actually moves this financing off the balance sheet of the bank is Step 4, where
loans are pooled and securitized. We will discuss this step in detail in Section I of the paper. For
now, the key idea is that the outputs of this securitization are either purchased directly by
institutional investors or used as collateral in Step 2. In effect, the bonds created by
securitization are often the main source of collateral that provides insurance for large depositors.
Each of the components in this off-balance-sheet financing cycle has grown rapidly since
1980. The most dramatic growth was in securitization, where Federal Reserve Flow-of-Funds
data shows that the ratio of off-balance sheet loan funding to on-balance sheet loan funding grew
from zero in 1980 to over 60 percent in 2007. To illustrate the growth in MMMFs, Figure 3
shows total bank assets, bank demand deposits, mutual funds and MMMFs as percentages of
total financial assets. The figure shows the bank share of total assets falling by about 20 percent
since 1980.
As we discuss later, there is no comprehensive data measuring the repo market. Repo
involves one party depositing money with a “bank” that provides collateral. The “banks” were
essentially the old investment banks, or broker-dealers. In order for these institutions to act as
banks and offer repo, they needed to hold bonds that could be used as collateral. The yield on
the collateral accrues to the bank, which pays the repo rate. So, for example, if the bond is an
asset-backed security with a coupon rate of 6 percent, and the repo rate is 3 percent, the bank
earns the difference. This required that the balance sheets of broker-dealers grow significantly as
the repo market grew. Figure 4 shows an index of asset growth (with March 1954=1). The
figure displays the enormous growth of broker-dealer assets (while commercial bank assets
essentially grew with GNP).
Why did shadow banking grow so much? We address this question in Section I. One
force came from the supply side, where a series of innovations and regulatory changes eroded the
competitive advantage of banks and bank deposits. A second force came from the demand side,
where demands for collateral for financial transactions gave impetus to the development of
securitization and the use of repo as a money-like instrument. Both of these forces were aided by
court decisions and regulatory rules that allowed securitization and repo special treatment under
the bankruptcy code. A central idea of this paper is that the bankruptcy “safe harbor” for repo
has been a crucial feature in the growth of shadow banking, and so regulators can use access to
this safe harbor as the lever to enforce minimum repo haircuts and control leverage.
If the growth of shadow banking was facilitated by regulatory changes, then why not just
reverse all these changes? Would such reversals bring us back to a safer system dominated by
traditional banks? We do not believe that such a radical course is possible even if it were
desirable, which it is not in our view. The regulatory changes were, in many cases, an
endogenous response to the demand for efficient bankruptcy-free collateral in large financial
transactions: if repo had not been granted this status, then the private sector would have tried to
create a less efficient substitute. In any case, we will not try to justify the existence of the
shadow banking system in this paper. Instead, we take the broad outlines of the system as given,
and ask how the current regulatory structure could be adapted to make the system safer without
driving its activity into a new unregulated darkness.
In Section II, we discuss how the shadow-banking system broke down in the crisis. The
features of this breakdown are similar to those from previous banking panics – safe, liquid assets
suddenly appeared to be unsafe, leading to runs. MMMFs which appeared to be as safe as
insured deposits to many investors suddenly appeared vulnerable, leading to runs on funds.
Securitization which had been trusted by investors for decades as creating an adverse-
selection-free form of “information-insensitive” securities– suddenly lost the confidence of
investors and caused hundreds of billions of dollars of information-insensitive “AAA” securities
to become information-sensitive and costly to evaluate.
Since the cost of evaluating all this
paper was high, investors simply exited all securitizations. In this new environment, the high-
quality collateral necessary for repo no longer existed. In Gorton and Metrick (2010a), we claim
that the resulting “run on repo” was a key propagation mechanism in the financial crisis.
Section III applies lessons from successful regulation of traditional banking to infer
principles for the regulation of shadow banking. History has demonstrated two methods for
reducing the probability of runs in a system. The first method, standardized collateralization,
was introduced after the panic of 1837 in the United States, when some states passed Free
Banking laws under which state bonds were required to back paper bank notes. Despite an
otherwise unregulated monetary environment, this collateralization largely ended runs on bank
notes and enabled their use as money. Free Banking laws were the basis for the National Bank
The nomenclature of “information-sensitive” and “information-insensitive” comes from Dang, Gorton and
Holmström (2010). “Information-insensitive” roughly means that the cost of producing private information about
the payoff on the security is not worth bearing by potentially informed traders. Such securities do not face adverse
selection when sold or traded. But, a crisis occurs when a shock causes production of such private information to
become profitable.
Acts, which created national bank notes backed by U.S. Treasuries as collateral, the first
currency in the U.S. to trade at par against specie. The second method, government insurance,
was tried at the state level without great success before the Civil War and in the 1920s. But,
success came when the FDIC was created to insure demand deposits after the Great Depression
in the United States. This innovation stopped the cycle of runs on demand deposits and allowed
them to be used safely as money. Now, we have repo as a new monetary form, and history gives
us these two methods to consider for stabilizing its use. Of these two methods, we believe that
insurance would be workable for MMMFs, but collateralization would be preferable to insurance
for repo and securitization. The reasons for these preferences are discussed in Section IV.
Section IV describes our specific proposals. For MMMFs, the problems are
straightforward, and have already been well addressed by other authors. We adopt the proposal
of the “Group of Thirty(Group of Thirty, 2009) for the regulation of MMMFs: with MMMFs
having a choice of treatment as either (1) “Narrow Savings Banks” (NSBs) with a stable net asset
values or (2) conservative investment funds with floating net asset values and no guaranteed
return. Under this system, type (1) funds are clearly within the safety net, and type (2) funds are
The narrow banks proposed by the Group of Thirty for MMMFs provides a model for
regulation of securitization: the chartering of “Narrow-Funding Banks” (NFBs), as vehicles to
control and monitor securitization, combined with regulatory oversight of acceptable collateral
and minimum haircuts for repo. Under this regime, the rules for acceptable collateral play an
analogous role to the state bonds backing bank notes in the Free Banking period, or U.S.
Treasuries backing greenbacks during the National Banking Era, and minimum repo haircuts
play the role of capital ratios for depository institutions. The danger of exit from this system
and the creation of yet another shadow-banking system -- is mitigated by only allowing licensed
NFBs and repo the special protections under the bankruptcy code.
Section V concludes with a discussion of related topics in regulation and monetary policy
An appendix supplements the text with a glossary of shadow banking terminology used in the
See Group of Thirty (2009) for a full list of their proposals. Their proposal uses the term “special purpose banks”,
which we have replaced here with “Narrow Savings Banks” for terminological consistency with other parts of our
I. The Rise of Shadow Banking
Shadow banking is the outcome of fundamental changes in the financial system in the last
30 to 40 years, as a result of innovation and regulatory changes that led to the decline of the
traditional banking model; in the face of competition from nonbanks and their products; the
traditional banking business model became unprofitable. Faced by competition from junk bonds
and commercial paper on the asset side of bank balance sheets and from money-market-mutual
funds on the liability side, commercial banks became less profitable and sought new profit
Slowly traditional banks exited the regulated sector. In this section we briefly
review the three of the most important changes in banking: money-market-mutual funds,
securitization, and repo.
A. Money-Market Mutual Funds
Since in the 1970s, there has been a major shift in the source of transaction media away
from demand deposits towards money-market-mutual funds (MMMFs).
MMMFs were a
response to interest-rate ceilings on demand deposits (Regulation Q). In the late 1970s MMMFs
were around $4 billion. In 1977 interest rates rose sharply and MMMFs grew in response,
growing by $2 billion per month during the first five months of 1979 (Cook and Duffield
(1979)). The Garn-St. Germain Act of 1982, however, authorized banks to issue short-term
deposit accounts with some transaction features, but with no interest-rate ceiling. These were
known as “money-market deposit accounts.” Keeley and Zimmerman (1985) document that
these accounts attracted $300 billion in the three months after their introduction in December
1982 and argue that the response of banks resulted in a substitution of wholesale for retail
deposits, and direct price competition for non-price competition, both responses resulting in
increased bank deposit costs. MMMFs growth really took off in the mid-1980s, growing from
$76.36 billion in 1980 to $1.85 trillion by 2000, an increase of over 2,000 percent. MMMFs
reached a peak of $3.8 trillion in 2008, making them one of the most significant financial product
innovations of the last fifty years.
These changes have has been much noted and much studied, so we only briefly review them here. See Keeley
(1985), Bryan (1988), Barth, Brumbaugh, and Litan (1990, 1992), Boyd and Gertler (1993, 1994), Edwards and
Mishkin (1995), and Berger, Kashyap, and Scalise (1995), among many others.
Money market funds are registered investment companies that are regulated by the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) in accordance with Rule 2a-7 adopted pursuant to the Investment Company Act of 1940.
The most important feature of MMMFs is that they seek to maintain a net asset value of
$1.00 per share, which is important for competing with insured demand deposits. MMMFs are
closely regulated, and are required, for example, to only invest in high-quality securities that
would seem to have little credit risk. The SEC has recently proposed a series of changes to
MMMF regulation, these regulations, part of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (as
amended), have come under review by a working group of regulators, but none of the recent
proposals would change the fact that MMMFs are not explicitly insured. The maintenance of
$1.00 per share was almost universally successful in the decades leading up to the crisis, which
may have instilled a false sense of security in investors, where an implicit promise came to be
equivalent to the explicit insurance offered by deposit accounts. The difference, of course, is that
banks pay for the insurance (and pass that cost along to depositors), whereas MMMFs have no
cost for their promise. In the crisis, the government made good on the implicit promise by
explicitly guaranteeing MMMFs, and it may not be credible for the government to commit to any
other strategy in the future. As long as MMMFs have implicit and free government backing,
they will have a cost advantage over insured deposits. We return to this point in Section IV,
where we adopt the proposals of the Group of Thirty (2009) for MMMFs to either pay for
explicit insurance or to drop the fiction of stable value.
B. Securitization
Securitization refers to the process by which traditionally illiquid loans are sold into the
capital markets. This is accomplished by selling large portfolios of loans to special purpose
vehicles (SPVs), legal entities that issue rated securities in the capital markets, securities that are
linked to the loan portfolios. Figure 5 shows a schematic of how securitization works. An
originating firm lends money to a number of borrowers. As discussed below, a portfolio of loans
to be sold is then selected for the purpose of securitization. This step is the “pooling” of the
loans into a portfolio. The portfolio is then sold to an SPV, a master trust in the figure. The SPV
finances the purchases of these loans by selling rated securities in the capital markets. These
securities, called tranches, are ranked by seniority and have ratings reflecting that. The whole
process takes the loans that traditionally would have been held on-balance sheet by the
originating firm and creates marketable securities that can be sold and traded via the off-balance
sheet SPV.
Securitization is a large and important market. Figure 6 shows the annual issuance
amounts of U.S. corporate bonds (including convertible debt) and all securitized product, in
particular, non-agency mortgage-backed securities, as well as credit card receivables, auto loans,
student loans the major non-mortgage categories, and other asset classes. Starting at about the
same issuance level in 1990, securitization grew, explosively starting around 2000, and exceeded
corporate issuance significantly starting in 2003, until the crisis.
To understand the potential economic efficiencies of securitization, it is important to
understand how the structure works. An SPV can only carry out some limited, specific,
transaction, or series of transactions. SPVs have no purpose other than the transaction(s) for
which they were created, and they can make no substantive decisions; the rules governing them
are set down in advance and carefully circumscribe their activities. Indeed, no one works at an
SPV and it has no physical location.
Two other essential features of an SPV concern bankruptcy. First, SPVs are “bankruptcy
remote,” that is, the insolvency of the sponsor (the bank or firm originating the loans) has no
impact on the SPV. In particular, creditors of the bankrupt firm cannot claw back assets from the
SPV. Secondly, the SPV itself is designed so that it can never, as a practical matter, become
legally bankrupt. The most straightforward way to achieve this would be for the SPV to waive its
right to file a voluntary bankruptcy petition, but this is legally unenforceable. So, the only way
to completely eliminate the risk of either voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy is to design the
SPV in a way that makes the risk of this very small.
Why would a bank choose to move some assets off balance sheet via securitization? There
are several costs and benefits for this decision, all of which have been changing rapidly over the
last several decades.
The most important design feature of securitization is that the asset-backed securities issued
by the SPV do not trigger an event of default in the case where the underlying portfolio does not
generate enough cash to make the contractual coupon payments on the outstanding bonds.
The description of securitization and SPVs here is based on Gorton and Souleles (2006).
See Klee and Butler (2002) for some details on how SPVs are structured to avoid bankruptcy.
The LTV Steel case (In re LTV Steel, Inc., No. 00-43866, 2001 Bankr. LEXIS 131 (Bankr. N.D. Ohio Feb. 5,
2001)) threatened the bankruptcy remoteness concept, but the parties settled prior to a court decision and the parties
agreed that there had been a “true sale” of the assets to the SPV. Although the outcome was ambiguous, it did not
Instead of an event of default, there is an early amortization event. If the pool is not generating
enough cash to make the coupon payments on the ABS bonds, then the cash that is available is
used to make principal payments early, rather than coupon payments. This is not an event of
default, but rather is “early amortization,” that is, the principal is paid back early.
Avoiding Chapter 11 is valuable. Plank (2007) compares securitization to what happens to a
secured creditor in bankruptcy, concluding that “securitization reduces the bankruptcy tax on
secured lenders to originators and owners of mortgage loans and other receivables, and therefore
has reduced the bankruptcy premiums charged to obligors of mortgage loans and other
receivables” (p. 654). Gorton and Souleles (2006) show empirically that this is an important
source of value to securitization.
Debt issued off-balance sheet does not have the advantageous tax benefits of on-balance
sheet debt. For profitable firms, this can make a large difference. For example, consider a bank
that is deciding how to finance a portfolio of mortgage loans, where that portfolio has the same
risk properties as the rest of the bank’s assets. Profitable firms with little chance of bankruptcy
have a high-likelihood of using the tax shields of debt; so, for these firms it is optimal to finance
on-balance sheet. Firms less profitable and closer to bankruptcy have a lower likelihood of using
the tax shields. For these firms, it will be relatively more advantageous to finance off-balance
sheet. Gorton and Souleles (2006) find this to be true empirically, in a study of credit-card
securitizations. Using credit ratings as a measure of profitability and bankruptcy risk, Moody’s
(January 1997 and September 1997) also reach this conclusion.
Moral Hazard
Securitization is done through an SPV, and the SPV is governed by tightly drafted rules that
permit very little discretion. Once the portfolio of loans is transferred to the SPV, there is no
danger of other activities of the SPV imposing costs on the holders of the securitized bonds. In
contrast, the expected bankruptcy costs to a bank bondholder are affected by the other actions of
bank management.
hamper the growth of securitization. There are no other cases challenging bankruptcy remoteness. See, e.g.,
Kettering (2008), Schwarcz (2001), and Stark (2002).
Given the fiduciary responsibilities of corporate directors for equity holders, and the
principal-agent problems among shareholders, directors, and managers, moral-hazard concerns
will always be a potential issue for bank bondholders. But these concerns can be mitigated by
the existence of “charter value” for the bank. As discussed by Marcus (1984), a positive charter
value gives a bank an incentive to avoid risk-taking leading to bankruptcy and the loss of the
charter. Bank regulations and positive charter values are complementary in that banks abide by
regulations, i.e., they internalize risk management, when charter values are high. There is
persuasive evidence that, historically, such charter value at banks did improve risk management,
but that this value, and the protection it provided, has decreased over time. The competition from
junk bonds and MMMFs, and deregulation (e.g., of interest rate ceilings), caused bank charter
values to decline, which in turn caused banks to increase risk and reduce capital. This is
documented by Keeley (1990), Gorton and Rosen (1995), Demsetz, Saidenberg and Strahan
(1996), Galloway, Lee, and Roden (1997), and Jie (2004), among others.
Given the decline in charter values and resulting increase in risk-taking, bondholders would
face higher moral-hazard costs for on-balance sheet financing and demand higher returns to
compensate. This would be a cost advantage for securitization that has been growing over time.
Regulatory Costs
One regulatory response to increased risk-taking by banks was the introduction of specific
capital requirements. In 1981 regulators announced explicit capital requirements for the first time
in U.S. banking history: all banks and bank holding companies were required to hold primary
capital of at least 5.5 percent of assets by June 1985. Banks did meet these capital requirements
by 1986, but it is interesting how this was accomplished. Banks that were capital deficient when
the new requirements were announced grew slowly compared to capital rich banks (Keeley
If bank regulators impose capital requirements that are binding, i.e., require more capital than
what would be privately set in equilibrium, when there is low charter value, then bank capital
Another important change occurred in 1999, when Congress passed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Act. This
act permitted affiliations between banks and securities firms; it created a special type of bank holding company
(BHC), called a financial holding company, which is allowed to engage in a wider range of activities (e.g. insurance
underwriting and merchant banking) or under less stringent regulations (e.g. securities underwriting and dealing)
than traditional BHCs. Before that, the ability of banks to engage in such activities was strictly constrained by the
Glass-Steagall Act and the Bank Holding Company Act.
will exit the regulated bank industry. Banks exit the regulated sector via off-balance sheet
securitization, which has no requirements for regulatory capital.
Adverse Selection
It is sometimes alleged that an investor in securitized bonds faces an adverse-selection
problem, with the concern that the arranger may have private information about the loans, and
might try to put the worst loans into the portfolio being sold to the SPV. Aware of this problem,
investors and sponsoring firms have designed several structural mitigants to any potential
adverse-selection problem. First, loan originators have limited discretion in selecting loans for
the portfolio to be securitized. The loans are subject to detailed eligibility criteria and specific
representations and warranties. Once eligible loans have been specified, the selection is either
random or all the qualifying loans are put into the portfolio. Second, originators of securitizations
retain residual interests in their transactions, essentially equity positions. In principle, interests
between securitization investors and the loan originators are aligned; see Gorton (2010).
Leaving aside subprime mortgages, securitization has worked well. If the entire asset class turns
out to be suspect, as with subprime-mortgage securitization, then there is clearly a problem, but it
is not adverse selection. With respect to subprime securitizations, the evidence on adverse
selection remains ambiguous.
Transparency and Customization
For any given bank, evaluation of its creditworthiness requires analyses of its balance sheet,
operations, management, competitors, and so on. Each of these elements is only partially
disclosed (at best) to bank investors, and even in the absence of moral-hazard problems,
creditworthiness can vary over time from changes in ordinary business operations.
comparison, an SPV’s portfolio is completely known, and any changes over time are noted in the
trustee reports. While the underlying SPV portfolio may contain thousands of individual assets
and is by no means simple to evaluate, this portfolio is considerably more transparent than a
corresponding bank balance sheet, which may have many such collections of assets and zero
disclosure of individual loans.
The recent allegations about the Goldman Sachs Abacus transactions concern synthetic CDOs, not traditional
securitization. Synthetic securitizations were not quantitatively large.
Indeed, Morgan (2002) provides evidence that banks are more opaque than nonfinancial firms.
With the ability to disclose specific assets underlying securitized bonds, off-balance-sheet
financing can allow customization of such bonds for any niche of investors. Investors desiring
exposure (or hedges) to mortgages, auto loans, or credit-card receivables can purchase exactly
what they want through securitized bonds, without having to take on the risk to any other type of
asset. Furthermore, while banks can and do offer their own debt at different levels of seniority,
the transparency of SPV portfolios allows for easier evaluation. One specific type of
customization is used to create safe senior tranches that can trade as information-insensitive
“AAA” securities. The production of these senior tranches was (in part) an endogenous response
to a rising demand for safe collateral in repo and other financial transactions. We discuss this
special case in the next subsection.
C. Repo
In this subsection we discuss the increased use of repo. One key driver for this increase is
the rapid growth of money under management by institutional investors, pension funds, mutual
funds, states and municipalities, and nonfinancial firms. These entities hold cash for various
reasons, but would like to have a safe investment, which earns interest, while retaining flexibility
to use the cash, in short, a demand deposit-like product. In the last thirty years these entities
have grown in size and become an important feature of the financial landscape. For example,
according to the BIS (2007): “In 2003, total world assets of commercial banks amounted to
USD 49 trillion, compared to USD 47 trillion of assets under management by institutional
investors” (p. 1 footnote 1). Figure 7 shows this increase as a ratio of GDP in five large
economies: the median ratio more than tripled from 1980 to 2007. These institutions all hold
cash balances and need some safe place to keep them.
For large depositors, repo can act as a substitute for insured demand deposits because
repo agreements are explicitly excluded from Chapter 11: that is, they are not subject to the
automatic stay. Instead, repo, like derivatives, has a special status under the U.S. Bankruptcy
Code. The contract allows a party to a repurchase agreement to unilaterally enforce the
termination provisions of the agreement as a result of a bankruptcy filing by the other party. The
depositor, for example, can unilaterally terminate the agreement with the bank when the bank
becomes insolvent, and sell the collateral. Without this protection, a party to a repo contract
would be a debtor in the bankruptcy proceedings.
Repo collateral can be rehypothecated, that is, the collateral received in from a repo
deposit can be freely re-used in another transaction, with an unrelated third party. For example,
the bonds received as collateral could be posted to a third party as collateral in a derivatives
transaction; that party could then borrow against the collateral, and so on. As the BIS (1999)
pointed out, this results in “high levels of ‘velocity’ in repo markets. This occurs when a single
piece of collateral is used to effect settlement in a number of contracts on the same day. It allows
the daily repo trading volume of a particular note issue to exceed the outstanding amount of the
issue, as participants are able to borrow and lend a single piece of collateral repeatedly over the
course of a day”. Singh and Aitken (2010) argue that measures of repo are significantly larger
when rehypothecation is taken into account.
The legal infrastructure facilitating repo as money has evolved as repo has grown. Since
1978, the year a new bankruptcy code was adopted, both the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and the
Federal Deposit Insurance Act have long provided exemptions for certain kinds of financial
contracts. In 1984 there was an amendment to the 1978 Bankruptcy Code that allowed
repurchase agreements to be protected, that is, it allowed parties to repo to seize collateral and
liquidate without going into bankruptcy, i.e., no automatic stay.
But this only applied to repo
based on Treasuries, agencies, bank CDs, and bankers’ acceptances.
In 2005 the Bankruptcy
Reform Act was passed. This act expanded the definition of a “repurchase agreement” to make
transactions based on any stock, bond, mortgage or other securities eligible for bankruptcy safe-
harbor protection (Krimminger (2006), Garbade (2006), Smith (2007), Sissoko (2010), Johnson
(1997), Schroeder (1996), and Walters (1984)).
See, e.g., Johnson (1997) and Schroeder (1999). The safe harbor provision for repo transactions was recently
upheld in court in a case involving American Home Mortgage Investment Corp. suing Lehman Brothers. See
Schweitzer, Grosshandler, and Gao (2008).
Rehypothecation creates a multiplier process for collateral, like the more familiar money multiplier. Since there
are no official data on repo, the size of this money multiplier is not known. Fegatelli (2010) looks at this issue using
data from Clearstream, a Luxembourg based clearinghouse. Also, see Adrian and Shin (2008) who link the use of
repo to monetary policy.
The 1984 amendment was motivated by the Lombard-Wall decision that held that an automatic stay provision
prevented the depositor who held the collateral from selling the collateral without court permission. See, e.g.,
Garbade (2006) and Krimminger (2006).
It is important to note that is not clear that actual market practice was limited to this set of securities. In fact, the
evidence is that it was not. For example, according to the Bond Market Association Research (February 1998, p. 2):
“In recent years market participants have turned to money market instruments, mortgage and asset-backed securities,
corporate bonds and foreign sovereign bonds as collateral for repo agreements. No court cases tested this.
The unfortunate reality is that there is no official data other than what the Federal
Reserve collects with regard data to the repo amounts done by the 19 primary-dealer banks.
According to Fed data, primary dealers reported financing $4.5 trillion in fixed income securities
with repo as of March 4, 2008. But, we know that this covers only a fraction of the market in the
Bank for International Settlements economists Hördahl and King (2008) report that repo
markets have doubled in size since 2002, “with gross amounts outstanding at year-end 2007 of
roughly $10 trillion in each of the U.S. and Euro markets, and another $1 trillion in the UK repo
market” (p. 37). They report that the U.S. repo market exceeded $10 trillion in mid-2008,
including double counting.
The European repo market, generally viewed as smaller than the
U.S. market was EUR 4.87 trillion in June 2009, having peaked at EUR 6.78 trillion in June
2007, according to the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) European Repo
Market Survey (2010). According to the figures published in the ICMA European Repo Market
Survey of June 2009, the repo market globally grew at an average rate of 19% per annum
between 2001 and 2007. While the available evidence is very suggestive that the repo market is
very large, it is impossible to say how large the repo market is in the U.S.
We have described repo as essentially a deposit market, but it is important to recognize that
repo has a number of other significant uses as well. Repo is used to hedge derivative positions and
to hedge primary-security issuance. Also, repo is important for maintaining “no arbitrage”
relationships between cash and synthetic instruments. A very important feature of repo is that it
can be used to facilitate taking “short” positions in securities markets. By using a repo a market
participant can sell a security that he does not own by borrowing it from another party in the repo
market. Without a repo market (or an analogous market transaction using collateral), securities-
market participants would be unable to establish short positions. Repo is an important
mechanism for obtaining leverage, especially for hedge funds. There are many such examples. It
is for all these reasons that repo has been described as the “life blood” or the core of the financial
system (Comotto (2010)).
Federal Reserve Flow of Funds data only covers the U.S. primary dealers and so is even lower than the Federal
Reserve numbers.
Double counting refers to counting both repo and reverse repo in the same transaction. The extent of this issue
is unclear as there is no data on the extent of involvement in repo of non-financial firms and only financial firms
have been counted, estimated, or surveyed. Again, anecdotally, many non-financial firms’ treasury departments
(e.g., Westinghouse, IBM, Microsoft) invest in repo as do institutional investors, and states and municipalities, as
discussed above.
II. The Role of Shadow Banking in the Financial Crisis
The chronology of events of the financial crisis of 2007-2008 is well known, and the
crisis is documented and analyzed by Brunnermeier (2009), Adrian and Shin (2010),
Krishnamurthy (2010), He, Khang, and Krishnamurthy (2010), Gorton and Metrick (2010), and
Gorton (2010), among many others. There is also a growing number of theory papers on the
In this section, we very briefly summarize the crisis as a run on various forms of “safe”
short-term debt.
A proximate cause of the crisis was a shock to house prices, which had a large
detrimental effect on subprime mortgages. Asset-backed securities linked to subprime mortgages
quickly lost value. This shock spread quickly to other asset classes as entities based on short-
term debt were unable to roll the debt, or faced withdrawals. Essentially, there was a bank run on
short-term debt. The epicenters were the sale and repurchase market, the market for asset-backed
commercial paper, and MMMFs. We briefly discuss each in turn.
Gorton and Metrick (2010a,b) and Gorton (2010) have argued that the core problem in
the financial crisis was a “run on repo.” The panic occurred when depositors in repo banks feared
that one or more banks might fail and they would have to sell the collateral in the market to
recover their money. There was also the possibility that the collateral value might go down
when it was sold. In reaction, investors increased repo haircuts. Dang, Gorton, and Holmström
(2010a,b) argue that a haircut amounts to a tranching of the collateral to recreate an information-
insensitive security in the face of the shock, so that it is liquid.
An increase in a repo haircut is a tantamount to a withdrawal from the bank. Think of a
bond worth $100 that was completely financed in the repo market with zero a haircut. Then a 20
percent haircut on the same bond requires that the bank finance $20 some other way. The
withdrawal is $20. If no one will provide financing to the bank via new security issuance or a
loan, then the bank has to sell assets. The withdrawals forced via an increase in repo haircuts
caused deleveraging, spreading the subprime crisis to other asset classes.
It was not only in the repo market that problems occurred. There were also runs on other
types of entities that were heavily dependent on short-term debt and held portfolios of asset-
Some examples are Acharya, Gale, and Yorulmazer (2009), Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009), Geanakoplos
(2009), Dang, Gorton and Holmström (2010a,b), He and Xiong (2009), Pagano and Volpin (2009), Shleifer and
Vishny (2009), Uhlig (2009), and Martin, Skeie, and von Thadden (2010).
backed securities. Asset-backed commercial paper conduits (ABCPs) and structured investment
vehicles (SIVs) are operating companies that purchased long-term ABS and financed it with
short-term debt, largely commercial paper. Just before the financial crisis began ABCP had about
$1.4 trillion in total assets (Carey (2009) et al.). Most ABCP programs were sponsored by banks.
ABCP conduits and SIVs issue short-term debt to finance the purchase of longer-term bonds.
Covits, Liang and Suarez (2009) report that: “More than half of ABCP daily issuance has
maturities of 1 to 4 days (referred to as “overnight”), and the average maturity of outstanding
paper is about 30 days“(p. 7). (Also, see Carey, Correa, and Kotter (2009).) Our reform
proposals below also address ABCP conduits and SIVs.
MMMFs were also hit hard during the crisis. MMMFs are not just a retail product; they
managed 24 percent of U.S. business short-term assets in 2006 (Investment Company Institute
(2009)). At that time, just before the crisis, these funds held liabilities of asset-backed
commercial paper conduits, structured investment vehicles, and financial firms that were
troubled, e.g., Lehman Brothers. Concern that these funds would have trouble maintaining their
implicit promise of a $1 net asset value induced some investors to withdraw their funds. When
these entities faced runs, and were forced to sell assets at fire-sale prices, they suffered losses.
(Report of the Money Market Working Group (2009)). There was a flight to quality investors
moved their deposits out of non-government MMMFs to MMMFs that primarily invested in U.S.
Treasury debt. From September to December 2008, there was a net cash outflow of $234 billion
from non-government MMMFs and a net inflow of $489 billion into U.S. government-based
MMMFs during that time period (Investment Company Institute (2009)). On September 19,
2008, the government announced its Temporary Guarantee Program for Money Market Funds;
this temporarily guaranteed certain account balances in MMMFs that qualified.
In summary, the financial crisis was centered in several types of short-term debt (repo,
asset-backed commercial paper, MMMFs shares) that were initially perceived as safe and
“money-like”, but later found to be imperfectly collateralized. In this way, the crisis was a
banking panic, structurally similar to centuries of panics safe, money-like instruments like bank
notes and demand deposits. To regulate this new form of banking, we turn next to the lessons of
III. The Regulation of Shadow Banking: Lessons from History and Principles for Reform
Bank regulation has been at the forefront of public-policy issues since the founding of the
United States. The essential feature of banking is the provision of “money,” that is, transaction
media that can be used to easily conduct transactions without losses to insiders. Throughout U.S.
history, a central aim of government involvement has been to provide a regulatory structure that
ensured the existence of such a safe medium of exchange and to avoid systemic banking crises.
Prior to the enactment of deposit insurance by the federal government in 1934, the government’s
efforts to ensure safe bank-produced media of exchange took two primary forms. First, there
was the idea that the collateral backing for bank money should be safe and transparent. Instead
of backing bank money with opaque long-term loans, perhaps bank money should be backed by
specified securities. Second, various kinds of insurance schemes were tried by states. It is also
worth commenting briefly below on the role of private bank clearinghouses, which developed
into institutions safeguarding the credibility of bank money. In this section, we briefly review
these regulatory attempts.
Prior to the U.S. Civil War the predominant form of bank money was privately issued
bank notes. Bank notes were issued by banks at par but when used at distances from the issuing
bank they were only received at a discount. See, e.g., Gorton (1996, 1999). The early period of
banking in the U.S. was plagued with difficulties, and there were a variety of proposed solutions.
For the sake of brevity, we will start our examination with the Panic of 1837.
The Panic of 1837 disclosed the defects of the New York Safety Fund System and
ushered in the Free Banking Act of 1838.
The Safety Fund had been established in New York
in 1829 as an insurance system. Each bank was required to make periodic contributions as a
percentage of its capital) to a fund for the payment of the debts of any insolvent member bank,
after its own assets had been exhausted. Of course, the problem was that the bank had to be
insolvent in order for claims to be made on the fund, but at least in principle note holders would
not suffer losses. The Panic of 1837 was the first test of the Safety Fund. Banks suspended
convertibility of notes and deposits into specie in May of that year. Later that year came the first
calls on the Safety Fund. In the end, the Fund was not adequate to meet all the demands made on
it from the debt of insolvent banks, even with an extra tax on member banks. The Safety Fund
For earlier banking history see, e.g., Knox (1903).
New York was the most important state in many ways and for the sake of brevity we focus on New York. More
generally see, e.g., Dewey (1910), Golembe (1960), and Rockoff (1974).
was basically abandoned though it continued for chartered banks until 1866, but with very few
The Free Banking Act, imitated by many (but not all) other states introduced a
fundamental idea into the design of banking: the use of explicit (and mostly) transparent
collateral to back the issuance of private money.
The standard features of Free Banking laws
were (1) free entry was relatively easy; no special legislation by the state legislature was
required; (2) free banks were required to post eligible state bonds with the state auditor as
collateral for notes issued (some states allowed federal bonds also); (3) free banks were required
to pay specie on demand or else forfeit their charter (though there was a grace period which
could be invoked); (4) free banks were limited liability firms. Our concern is with the bond
collateral. The eligible bonds were publicly known, and what bonds were posted by each bank
was also known. The state auditor kept the bank’s printing plates and printed the notes.
The bond backing system worked in principle, but in practice the collateral – state bonds-
- was not riskless. Rolnick and Weber (1984) show that free bank failures occurred when the
value of the bonds posted as collateral fell. The Panic of 1857, which largely involved another
bank liability that had grown enormously, namely demand deposits, revealed the deficiencies of
the system that backed note issuance with bank bonds.
The collateral logic of the Free Banking laws was the basis for the most successful
financial legislation in U.S. history, the National Bank Acts. According to Davis (1910): “The
success of [Free Banking] suggested that a uniform national currency might in the same way be
provided through the emissions of special associations [national banks], which should secure
their notes by the pledge of government securities” (p. 7). As part of financing the Civil War,
Congress passed the National Bank Acts in 1863 and 1864 to create a uniform federal currency.
National bank notes were liabilities of a new category of banks, “National Banks.” They could
issue notes by depositing U.S. Treasuries with the federal government equal in face value to 111
per cent of the value of the notes issued (later reduced to 100 percent). After the Panic of 1873,
in 1874 banks were further required to deposit in a Treasury run redemption fund. As Friedman
and Schwartz (1963, p. 21) summarized: “Though national bank notes were nominally liabilities
Prior to the Free Banking Act in New York in 1838 banking was based on receiving a “charter” granted by the
state legislature. The Free Banking Act allowed for free entry into banking, but based on bond-backing for note
Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, Florida, Louisiana, Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa adopted Free Banking laws prior to the Civil War.
of the banks that issued them, in effect they were indirect liabilities of the federal government
thanks to both the required government bond security and the conditions for their redemption.”
National bank notes circulated at par and there were none of the problems that had plagued the
antebellum period. But, while these National bank notes remained safe, there were panics during
the National Banking Period centered on demand deposits in 1873, 1884, 1993, 1907, 1914. It
was these panics that eventually led to the creation of the federal deposit insurance through the
FDIC, as discussed below.
Deposit insurance has a long history in the U.S., dating back to the Safety Fund System
briefly discussed above. Prior to the passage of the FDIC, there were numerous state organized
insurance schemes. Prior to the Civil War, in addition to New York, Vermont, Michigan,
Indiana, Ohio and Iowa organized such systems. These systems were designed differently, and
some of these systems can be described as successful (Indiana, Ohio, and Iowa); others were not
successful. Although deposits were not insured under the National Banking System, following
these Acts there was a halt to state insurance programs for almost fifty years. After the Panic of
1907, however, a number of states again introduced deposit insurance programs, notably
Oklahoma, which was then followed by ten other states, including Texas, Mississippi, South
Dakota, North Dakota, Washington, Kansas, and Nebraska. All these insurance funds collapsed
during the 1920s, when agricultural prices fell. See Golembe (1960), Calomiris (1989, 1990).
During the National Banking Era private bank clearinghouses undertook the role of
monitoring banks and, in the Panics of 1893 and 1907 they provided a kind of insurance. When
suspension of convertibility occurred, organized by the clearinghouse, the clearinghouses would
not exchange currency for checks. But they did issue clearinghouse loan certificates denominated
as small bill that could be used as money in 1893 and 1907. These certificates were the joint
liability of all the clearinghouse members (of that city). Thus, the fear of an individual
depositor’s bank being insolvent was replaced with a claim on the group of banks. See Gorton
and Mullineaux (1987) and Gorton (1985).
To summarize this history, collateral backing by specified eligible bonds when the
National Bank Acts were passed after the Civil War solved the problems with money. But, that
left demand deposits vulnerable to panic. The problem of demand deposit panics was only solved
in 1934 with the passage of federal deposit insurance.
IV. The Regulation of Shadow Banking: Some Proposals
Our proposals are based on two themes developed in the paper:
1) An important cause of the panic was that seemingly safe instruments like MMMFs and
AAA securitized bonds suddenly seemed unsafe. New regulation should seek to make it
clear what instruments are truly safe either through insurance or collateral and which
are not.
2) The rise of shadow banking was facilitated by a demand-driven expansion in the
bankruptcy safe harbor for repo. This safe harbor has real value to market participants,
and can be used to bring repo under the regulatory umbrella.
We use these themes to develop our specific proposals for MMMFs (Section IV.A),
securitization (Section IV.B), and repo (Section IV.C).
A. Money-Market Mutual Funds: Narrow Savings Banks or Floating Net Asset Values
The central regulatory problem for MMMFs is simple: MMMFs compete in the same space
as depository banks, provide an implicit promise to investors that they will never lose money
(made explicit by the government in the crisis), and do not have to pay for this promise. These
problems are well understood, and have been discussed for many years by academics and
regulators. To solve this problem, we adopt the specific proposal of the Group of Thirty. Their
proposal is concise enough that we quote it in full (Group of Thirty, 2009):
a. Money market mutual funds wishing to continue to offer bank-like services,
such as transaction account services, withdrawals on demand at par, and
assurances of maintaining a stable net asset value (NAV) at par should be
required to reorganize as special purpose banks, with appropriate prudential
regulation and supervision, government insurance, and access to central bank
lender-of-last-resort facilities.
b. Those institutions remaining as money market mutual funds should only offer a
conservative investment option with modest upside potential at relatively low risk.
The vehicles should be clearly differentiated from federally insured instruments
offered by banks, such as money market deposit funds, with no explicit or implicit
assurances to investors that funds can be withdrawn on demand at a stable NAV.
Money market mutual funds should not be permitted to use amortized cost
pricing, with the implication that they carry a fluctuating NAV rather than one
that is pegged at US$1.00 per share.
The logic of this proposal the elimination of “free” insurance for MMMFs seems
powerful. So why has it not been adopted? One reason is that the $4 trillion MMMF industry is
reluctant to part with free insurance, and a $4 trillion industry can make for a powerful lobby. A
second reason is that 2010 still seems like a dangerous time to be disrupting such a large short-
term credit market. We certainly are sympathetic to this second reason, but believe that any
changes can be worked out now, with implementation to occur after the credit markets have
Our only tweak on the Group-of-Thirty proposal is that we call their special purpose
banks “Narrow Savings Banks” (NSBs). We do this to provide an analogy to our “Narrow
Funding Banks” (NFBs) for securitization, as described in the next subsection.
B. Securitization: Narrow Funding Banks
The basic idea of Narrow Funding Banks is to bring securitization under the regulatory
umbrella. What may seem radical at first glance is based in the recognition that securitization is
just banking by another name, and it makes sense to regulate similar functions with similar rules
the same logic used for the creation of Narrow Savings Banks for MMMFs. Narrow Funding
Banks would be genuine banks with charters, capital requirements, periodic examinations, and
discount-window access. All securitized product must be sold to NFBs; no other entity is
allowed to buy ABS. (NFBs could also buy other high-grade assets, e.g., U.S. Treasuries.) NFBs
would be new entities located between securitizations and final investors. Instead of buying
asset-backed securities, final investors would buy the liabilities of NFBs.
Bank regulators would design and monitor the criteria for NFB portfolios. The bank regulator
will determine what asset classes of ABS are eligible for purchase by NFBs and will determine
the portfolio criteria with respect to proportions of asset classes in the portfolio and their ratings.
NFBs will have access to the discount window. With these rules, the regulator would be setting
collateral requirements for NFBs the same way that that the National Bank Act set collateral
requirements for bank notes in the 19
century, and the same way that bank regulators set capital
requirements in the 21
Note that the Group-of-Thirty proposal for MMMFs, which we call Narrow Savings Banks,
would still use explicit government insurance, just like depository banks. The insurance is
workable for NSBs because all holdings of these banks would have the same seniority, and the
entire portfolio would be required to have low risk. Securitization is different, because of the
existence of multiple tranches. We do not believe that insurance would be a practical solution
for securitization: with multiple tranches, the subordinated components would have some risk
and could not be insured, but the existence of insurance on senior components would exacerbate
the information problems in the subordinated components. It would defeat the purpose of our
proposed regulatory structure to create a new form of government guarantee, only to create a
new form of adverse selection. Thus, we have proposed collateralization combined with
supervision, but with the acknowledgement that this combination cannot provide the same 100
percent protection as government insurance. For that reason, NFB liabilities can never be
considered as perfect substitutes for government debt, and the Federal Reserve will need to
ensure a sufficient supply of non-NFB collateral. We return to this important point in Section V.
Our proposal does place new burdens on the regulatory system. The NFB regulator will have
to monitor NFB portfolios and, perhaps, take corrective action. Some readers may wonder
whether regulators will be up to this task. We believe that this task is no different from that
faced by traditional bank regulators. NFB regulators will need to assess the risks of banking
activities and evaluate the capital needed for those risks. If our regulatory system is not capable
of performing this activity for NFBs, then we will be equally challenged if these activities remain
on the balance sheets of traditional banks.
NFBs will be a different category of bank because their activities are so narrowly
circumscribed; they will be rules-driven, transparent, stand-alone, newly capitalized, entities
which can only buy ABS and issue liabilities. They cannot take deposits, make loans, engage in
proprietary trading, or trade derivatives; they literally have no activities other than purchasing
ABS. These limitations will result in a much lower risk profile than traditional banks, with lower
earnings volatility and a much lower return on equity.
In an effort to be concrete, we have provided an abbreviated sample term sheet indicating the main features of
a NFB at http://www.som.yale.edu/faculty/am859/nfb.html. As indicated in this sample term sheet, if capital or
NFBs can be viewed as regulated collateral creators or repo banks. NFBs are allowed to fund
themselves via repo. NFBs can engage in repo with private depositors; as discussed below, other
entities can also engage in repo. Since all asset-backed securities would have to be sold to
NFBs, NFBs would subsume ABCP conduits, SIVs, and related limited-finance companies.
These other entities could become NFBs but would have to sever ties with bank sponsors and
meet the other NFB requirements. Narrow Funding Banks will therefore be complimentary to
traditional banks’ origination and securitization activities. As in the pre-crisis economy,
traditional banks will fund loans via securitization, but the resulting asset-backed securities must
be purchased by NFBs.
B. Repo: Licenses, Eligible Collateral, Minimum Haircuts
There are two sides to a repo contract; there are the depositors who provide cash to the
bank in exchange for interest, and who receive collateral (“reverse repo”), and there is the bank
which receives the money and which initially holds the bonds that are used as the collateral
(“repo”). In the crisis the problem was that the housing price shock caused securitized products,
asset-backed securities, to become information-sensitive leading to withdrawals from the repo
market, forcing banks to liquidate collateral. This would suggest that we focus new regulations
on the banks the providers of collateral rather than on the depositors. Indeed, we want to
provide a safe deposit-type account for the bulk of the repo depositors. The problem is that repo
has many other uses as well, including shorting bonds for the purpose of hedging and conducting
arbitrage to keep derivative and cash prices (the “basis”) in line. So, any regulation of repo must,
on the one hand, make repo safe for depositors while, on the other hand, allowing for the use of
repo for other purposes. This is the basis for our two-pronged repo proposal.
Banks: Specifically, NFBs, NSBs, and commercial banks. They are allowed to engage in repo
financing, that is, the activity of borrowing money, paying interest, and providing collateral.
other triggers are hit, then the company automatically goes into a limited “No Growth Mode” and if it does not
recover then it automatically goes into wind-down, “Natural Amortization.” This “living will” governs all the points
of transition between operating states. There cannot be bailouts of NFBs.
Other Non-Bank Entities: Other entities can also engage in repo, but this requires a license, and
these entities face other constraints, as discussed below.
Eligible Collateral for Banks: Repo collateral is restricted to “eligible” collateral, which
consists of U.S. Treasury securities, liabilities of NFBs, and such other asset classes as the
regulator deems appropriate.
Eligible Collateral for Non-Bank Entities: Other entities can engage in repo using any
security as collateral, but this is subject to minimum haircuts and position limits as specified
Minimum Repo Haircuts: There are minimum haircuts on all collateral. Haircuts can be
specific to the identities of the two parties and the collateral.
Position Limits for Non-Bank Entities: The extent of repo usage, either repo or reverse repo,
is limited. Positions on gross notional amounts are to be set by the regulator as a function of firm
size and the collateral used.
Rehypothecation: Is limited by the minimum haircuts.
Eligible collateral for banks would be any bond that the regulators approve for eligibility
for their portfolio, so that would include approved asset-backed securities, government bonds,
and possibly the debt of government-sponsored entities. As with the regulations on NFBs, the
rules here for eligible collateral are analogous to 19
century rules for collateral on bank notes.
Because of position limits and possibly higher minimum haircuts, repo outside of banks
is constrained. So, there is an advantage so being a bank. The advantages of banks, and
constraints on other entities, keeps this type of money creation mostly within the regulated
sector, but does not prevent the use of repo for a broader range of purposes other than as a
NFBs are not required to finance all, or even part, of their portfolios using repo. Indeed,
we would expect that NFBs would issues a combination of longer-term debt, for institutional
investors, and use some repo financing as well, with the relative proportions determined by
supply and demand.
Non-bank licensed entities that would be allowed to engage in repo would include, for
example, hedge funds, which usually finance themselves via leverage obtained in the repo
market. So, they are borrowing against securities posted as collateral; they are not acting as repo
depositors. The other side of the transaction is a bank (or other entity) that is lending against the
collateral, and which may then borrow against this same collateral with a third entity. Suppose
none of these three entities is a bank. Our proposal constrains this type of transaction with
position limits with regard to total repo (regardless of direction) on each of the three entities.
Haircuts depend on the identities of the parties to a repo, in bilateral repo, and on the type of
collateral (see evidence in Dang, Gorton, and Holmström (2010b)). Minimum haircuts may not
be binding on some transactions, but they are likely to be meaningful because of the restriction to
eligible collateral. Minimum haircuts would not prevent all runs; they would, however, limit
leverage and reduce rehypothecation.
In summary, these proposed rules would create two types of allowable repo. The first
type, done by commercial banks and NFBs (“banks”), captures the monetary function of repo
and is regulated analogously to 19
century bank notes (with regards to collateral) and 21
century depository institutions (by using minimum haircuts as an analogue to capital
requirements). The second type may be done by any institution with a license, and is regulated
so as to be more expensive than the first type. Lawmakers and judges can prevent a third type of
totally unregulated repo, by making clear that the special bankruptcy protections offered to repo
would simply not apply outside of the first two types. Repo owes much of its existence to its
special protections under the bankruptcy code – if those protections are only offered to regulated
repo, then leakage from the regulated system can be minimized.
V. Discussion
Repo and securitization should be regulated because they are new forms of banking, but
with the same vulnerability as other forms of private bank-created money. Like previous reforms
of banking, we seek to preserve banking and bank-created money, but eliminate bank runs. Our
proposals are aimed at creating a sufficient amount of high-quality collateral that can be used for
repo safely. NFBs are to be overseen to assure the creation of safe collateral, and repo is to
mostly be restricted to banks. Our proposals are built on the idea that these activities are
efficient, in part, because of safe harbor from bankruptcy, and the maintenance of this safe
harbor is the incentive for agents to abide by the proposed rules.
The vulnerability of bank-created money to banking panics has a long history, and also a
long history of attempts to eliminate this problem. Historically, collateralization has been one
successful approach. Off-balance sheet banking has become the source of collateral and needs to
be overseen. We propose that NFBs become the entities that transform asset-backed securities
into government-overseen collateral. Repo then can be backed by high-quality collateral.
In this paper, we have not provided all the details necessary for determining acceptable
collateral or for setting minimum haircuts. These details would need to be worked out in
conjunction with rules for bank capital, with which they would be closely intertwined. While it
is clear that setting the rules for shadow banking would make new demands of regulators, these
demands would be analogous to those needed to set rules for banks. Whether we keep risks on
balance sheet or allow them to go off, there is no escaping the requirement for regulators to
evaluate these risks. If we fear that regulators are not up to the task, then we must pay them
more and train them better. We do not see any pure private-sector solutions to ensure the safety
of the banking system, so the role of regulators will remain essential. To the extent that this role
is found to be impossible, then we are either destined to have more crises or forced to live with a
greatly constrained financial system.
There are a number of important issues that we have not presented, due to space
constraints. We cannot mention all of them, but only briefly focus on two. One issue concerns
the question of whether there may be a shortage of collateral under our proposals, as there
apparently has been in the past. As the crisis showed, if there is an insufficient amount of U.S.
Treasuries outstanding for use as collateral, then there is an incentive for the private sector to try
to create substitutes, e.g. AAA bonds. But this is problematic because the substitutes cannot
always be information-insensitive. In 2005 the issue of the U.S. Treasury providing a backstop
facility, a “securities lender of last resort” was broached. Our view is that this facility might
need to be available on a basis, but that it should be run by the Fed, which may need to provide
“Fed Notes” to be exclusively used as repo collateral. The Fed needs to focus more carefully on
the provision (and measurement) of liquidity, and it is the job of the Feb to provide collateral.
A second issue concerns monetary policy generally. Because of the lack of measurement by
the authorities, we do not know the size of the repo market or the extent of rehypothecation. It
seems that U.S. Treasuries are extensively rehypothecated and should be viewed as money.
Krishnamurthy and Vissing-Jorgensen (2010) provide evidence for this. This means that open
market operations are exchanging one kind of money for another, rather than exchanging money
for “bonds.” “Quantitative easing” may well be the monetary policy of the future.
Appendix: Glossary of Shadow-Banking Terms
Asset-Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP), ABCP conduit: Asset-backed commercial paper
refers to commercial paper issued by a bankruptcy-remote special purpose vehicle, or conduit,
which uses the proceeds to purchase asset-backed securities. Such a vehicle is owned and
actively-managed by a management company. See Fitch Ratings (November 8, 2001).
Asset-Backed Securities (ABS): An asset-backed security is a bond which is backed by the
cash flows from a pool of specified assets in a special purpose vehicle rather than the general
credit of a corporation. The asset pools may be residential mortgages, commercial mortgages,
automobile loans, credit card receivables, student loans, aircraft leases, royalty payments, and
many other asset classes.
Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO): A CDO is a special purpose vehicle, which buys a
portfolio of fixed income assets, and finances the purchase of the portfolio via issuing different
tranches of risk in the capital markets. These tranches are senior tranches, rated Aaa/AAA,
mezzanine tranches, rated Aa/AA to Ba/BB, and equity tranches (unrated).
Rehypothecation: In the context or repo, rehypothecation refers to the right to freely use the
bonds received as collateral for other purposes.
Sale and Repurchase Agreement (“repo” and “reverse repo”): A sale and repurchase
agreement, known as a “repo” for short, is a deposit of money in a “bank” for a short period of
time, for interest, where the depositor receives (and takes physical possession of) collateral
valued at market prices. This is combined with an agreement of the bank to repurchase the same
security at a specified price at the end of the contract. From the perspective of the bank, the
transaction is a “repo” and from the perspective of the depositor, the transaction is a “repo”.
Securitization: The process of financing by segregating specified cash flows, from loans
originated by a firm (the “sponsor”) and selling claims in the capital markets that are specifically
linked to these specified cash flows. This is accomplished by setting up another company, called
a special purpose vehicle (SPV) or special purpose entity, and then selling the specified cash
flows to this company, which purchases the rights to the cash flows by issuing (rated) securities
into the capital market. The sponsor services the cash flows, that is, makes sure that the cash
flows are arriving, etc. The SPV is not an operating company in the usual sense. It is more of a
robot company in that it is a set of rules. It has no employees or physical location. See Gorton
and Souleles (2006).
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV): An SPV or special purpose entity (SPE) is a legal entity which
has been set up for a specific, limited, purpose by another entity, the sponsoring firm. An SPV
can take the form of a corporation, trust, partnership, or a limited liability company. An SPV can
only carry out some specific purpose, or circumscribed activity, or a series of such transactions.
An essential feature of an SPV is that it be “bankruptcy remote,” that is, that the SPV never be
able to become legally bankrupt. See Gorton and Souleles (2006).
Tranche: A tranche (French for “cut”) refers to a slice of a portfolio ordered by seniority, e.g., a
senior tranche or AAA tranche is more senior than a junior tranche or BBB-rated tranche.
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