Robert C. Williams Museum of Papermaking
500 10
Street NW • Atlanta, GA 30332
404.894.7840 (phone) • 404.894.4778 (fax)
The Properties of Paper:
Tear Resistance
Grade Level: Science grades 2, 4, 8
Time: 45 min
Objectives: Students will be able to plan and carry out investigations to observe and record results
using the strength test so they can learn how the pull on the paper can cause tearing displaying the
different tear resistance of the paper
I Can Statements: I can: (1) complete a tear resistance test for 6 different paper samples; (2) record
observations; (3) investigate how unbalanced force pulling on the paper causes it to tear; (3) draw
conclusion regarding paper from observations; (4) use accurate vocabulary
Georgia Standards of Excellence:
: S2P1.1 S2P2.a
: S4P3.a
Tear resistance (or tear strength): an engineering measurement of how well a material can withstand
tearing. The test is useful for a wide variety of materials by many different test methods. For paper, tear
resistance is the force required to tear a single ply of paper after the tear has been started.
Materials: 1 large metal paper clip, 1 pen, 1 ruler, masking tape or scotch tape, 1 roll of transparent
tape, scissors, 35 washers ½ inch or ¾ inch, Sets of 2x 5 strips of each of the following seven papers:
notebook paper, newsprint, paper towel, copy paper, magazine paper, toilet tissue, and paper grocery
Preparations: Prepare 1 strip of the 7 paper samples per measurements above for each student or
group. Tape pieces can also be pre-prepared.
Essential Questions: (1) What is meant by the “quality” of a product? (2) How can the quality of
different products be compared? (3) How does adding unbalanced weight pulling on one tab of the
paper from the paper clip and washers cause it to tear? (4) How can you be sure the test you are doing
is fair?
Robert C. Williams Museum of Papermaking
500 10
Street NW • Atlanta, GA 30332
404.894.7840 (phone) • 404.894.4778 (fax)
Introduction: One way to learn more about the properties of a product is to test it. In this
lesson, students will perform a tear-resistance test on six paper samples. Then they will
predict how each paper sample will perform in the test and record their observations during
the tests. Instructors will demonstrate how to complete the tear test and record results with
one of the paper samples. Instructor will demonstrate how to fold paper sample in half,
measure 1” from each end of the paper sample and cut 1” along center fold from the end of
the paper. Instructor will demonstrate folding 1” tab down, unfolding paperclip and poking
hole in center of tab with paper clip. Then instructor will show how to thread paperclip, tape
edges of paper, and attach paper sample to table. Instructor will then demonstrate adding
washers to unfolded paperclip until the paper tears. Then instructor will mark point on
paper at which paper tore to. Please refer to diagram at the bottom of the page for
1. Make predictions for which paper sample will be least resistant and which will be most resistant
to tearing. Record prediction on data sheet
2. Fold all paper samples in half vertically (long ways, or “hot dog” style).
3. Using a ruler, measure 1” down from both short edges along the paper fold for each paper
sample and mark.
4. Cut 1” slit along paper fold from each end to mark and fold down tab.
5. Unfold paperclip and then use the straight end of the clip to poke hole in center of each tab.
6. Using tape, secure paper sample to desk or table. Tape unfolded side of the top and bottom of
the paper to a vertical surface, being sure to allow the folded sides to be accessible for the
7. Hang paper clip hook through hole in upper flap. Bend the tab down gently so the hook dangles
8. Gently add washers, one at a time, until the paper begins to tear. Record on datasheet the
number of washers added, and mark point at which paper tore with line across the paper strip.
9. Flip paper upside down and repeat trial with same paper sample. After completing two trials for
each sample, students will average results.
10. Repeat process for each of the remaining paper samples and record results.
Wrap Up (can be used in discussion or written format)
1. Which paper was the most resistant to tearing? The least?
2. Were you surprised by the results? Why or why not? How did the results compare with your
3. How do unbalanced force pulling on the paper causes it to tear?
4. Based on what you observed about each paper sample, what properties of the strongest paper
do you think contributed to its strength? What properties contributed to the weakest?
5. Think about the uses of each paper type you tested. Which samples need to resist tearing?
Why? For which ones is tear resistance less important?
6. In what ways do you think paper tests can be helpful? To whom?
Robert C. Williams Museum of Papermaking
500 10
Street NW • Atlanta, GA 30332
404.894.7840 (phone) • 404.894.4778 (fax)
Robert C. Williams Museum of Papermaking
500 10
Street NW • Atlanta, GA 30332
404.894.7840 (phone) • 404.894.4778 (fax)
Name: ___________________________
The Properties of Paper: Tear Resistance
Prediction 1:__________________________ will be the least resistant to tearing.
Prediction 2: __________________________ will be the most resistant to tearing.
Paper Type
Test 1
Test 2
Notebook Paper
Paper Towel
Copy Paper
Toilet Paper
Paper Bag