Logo Usage
Print Services Reference
Graphic Design Services
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Introduction of identity standards .....................3
The purpose of identity standards ...................4
Brand messaging..............................................5
Statement of Mission and Values .....................6
NVC color logo .................................................7
NVC logo color pallet ........................................ 7
NVC logo placement.........................................8
Use of alternate logos.......................................9
Upper Valley Campus logo .............................10
Foundation logo ..............................................11
Storm athletic logo .......................................... 12
NVC logo consistency of use..........................13
Typography usage ..........................................15
Services .......................................................... 16
The Print Shop CAN .......................................18
The Print Shop CANNOT ...............................18
Lead time & turn-around time .........................19
Printing Press .................................................19
Proong ..........................................................20
Before you drop off your job ...........................20
Submitting digital jobs.....................................21
Adobe InDesign Documents ........................... 22
Table of Contents
GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES .....................23
Guide to submitting projects ...........................24
Stationery format ............................................26
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Every time someone from Napa Valley College communicates with the public, it
contributes to our reputation. Newsletters, iers, posters, stationery, T-shirts, web
sites, social media, displays, and other forms of communication represent not
just the individual or program, but the entire College.
It is imperative that our visual communications present a clear, consistent image
that reects NVC’s quality, professionalism, and mission. The consistent use of
our logo also conveys the message that while we operate in several locations,
we are indeed one College.
This Graphic Standards Manual is a quick resource for maintaining a consistency
and integrity when you are producing any communication materials for the
If you have questions that are not answered in this manual or wish to place a
request for assistance, please contact the Ofce of Institutional Advancement.
Thank you for helping NVC maintain a professional identity that supports our
mission - an image we all build together and of which we can be proud.
Identity Standards
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Importance and Purpose of Identity Standards
This guide is designed to help all members of the campus community to better un-
derstand Napa Valley College’s core symbols and their appropriate use. In the
following pages you will nd guidelines for using the NVC logos. These College
logos serve as readily identiable symbols that reinforce the college’s reputation and
give a sense of unity to our publications, stationery, website, merchandise, and other
forms of communication.
It is critical to follow these rules and use only the authorized document templates
in order to convey the traits and personality of the College as a brand, and do it
These graphic identiers are the ofcial logos of Napa Valley College. They are
not be used by off-campus groups, other business or fundraising purposes without
permission. Contact the Ofce of Institutional Advancement at 707.256.7110 for
more information. These are the only logos that should be used to represent the
institution’s programs and services. Ofces and departments at Napa Valley College
are asked not to create their own visual identiers nor should they alter the approved
logos in any way.
To ensure quality, the logo should be obtained in electronic form from the Ofce of
Institutional Advancement or this website, and not copied from existing uses. The
logo should not be copied from web pages because the relatively low resolution
of web graphics will cause the logo to look fuzzy when used in printed publications.
As relevant situations arise, updates to these guidelines will be distributed. Any
question about this manual and its contents should be directed to Scott Allen,
Marketing & Communications Coordinator at 707.256.7111 or
Identity Standards
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Position Overview
GET A SUPERIOR EDUCATION - Napa Valley College is ranked as one of the
top two-year colleges in California among community and private colleges. NVC
continues to demonstrate exceptional levels of student success as they transfer to
four-year institutions or enter the workforce.
TRANSFER to a CSU, UC and many other public and private colleges and
universities. NVC offers 75 degrees and certicates designed to prepare you for
transfer to a four-year institution, upgrade your job skills, or prepare you for a career.
NVC has 17 Associate Degrees Transfer (ADT) for guaranteed transfer.
RECEIVE SPECIALIZED CAREER TRAINING in 48 professional programs for great
jobs in our local and regional economy. Outstanding training is offered in viticulture
and winery technology, culinary arts, hospitality, respiratory therapy, nursing,
welding, machine tool technology, public safety, and many more.
TAKE THE FAST-PATH with accelerated learning 8-week classes designed to
shorten the time you need to complete graduation and/or transfer requirements.
Receive Counseling services and resources to help with educational goals. Get an
individualized Education Plan from an NVC academic counselor. Get started on your
educational path today.
SAVE MONEY with lower per-unit college credit fees compared with CSU and UC.
Free for dual enrolled high school students.
ATTEND SMALLER CLASSES for more individualized attention, and a 25:1
average student-to-faculty ratio.
RECEIVE FINANCIAL AID (EOPS) federal and state aid available year round. We
offer over $250,OOO annually in locally supported, needs-based and merit-based
JOIN numerous clubs, athletic teams, intramural sports, theater, dance, and social
programs for after-class enrichment and entertainment.
LEARN FROM DEDICATED FACULTY & STAFF who help you make the most of
your educational experience.
Brand Messaging
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Mission Statement
Our mission guides the actions of the College, spells out our overall goal, provides
a sense of direction, and guides decision-making.
Napa Valley College prepares students for evolving roles in a diverse, dynamic,
and interdependent world. The college is an accredited, open-access, degree- and
certicate-granting institution that is committed to student achievement through high-
quality programs and services that are continuously evaluated and improved. The
college serves students and the community in the following areas: transfer courses,
career-technical education and training, basic skills, and self-supporting contract
education and community education classes.
Values Statement
The College’s Values Statement can often help when creating messaging by dening
what the college is and what we offer potential students and the community.
Napa Valley College is a community of people excited about learning, where students are
rst and foremost in everything we do. We value, model, and encourage:
• Student Success
• Honesty
• Creativity
• Integrity
• Adaptability
• Inclusivity
• Responsibility
• Openness to new ideas
• Respect for others
• Health and Wellness
Brand Messaging
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Design Elements
The NVC logo is the primary identication of our College and as such, it should
appear on ALL NVC communications. Templates are available for College documents
with the correct logo usage. Use these templates when communicating internally or
externally with students, vendors, and the community.
It is preferred that the Napa Valley College logo be used in its color format on a white
background. When a color format is not practical, the black or white versions on the
next page may be used.
The logo is not only a symbol, but also a piece of artwork that should not be
reproduced in any other color or ever be altered in any way.
College Logo
PMS 5555
C 60
M 33
Y 55
K 8
R 109
G 136
B 119
PMS 5645
C 40
M 23
Y 38
K 1
R 159
G 173
B 158
PMS 1255
C 29
M 43
Y 100
K 6
R 179
G 136
B 6
PMS 5205
C 32
M 92
Y 82
K 41
R 118
G 33
B 36
PMS 7639
C 43
M 53
Y 43
K 8
R 146
G 117
B 121
PMS 5225
C 28
M 35
Y 24
K 6
R 186
G 163
B 171
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Design Elements
Minimum Size
The logo should always be used as shown in examples. The logo should not be
smaller than one inch in width due to impaired legibility of the words. Promotional
materials may use forms of the logo at smaller sizes.
Clearspace Around Logo
To provide a cushion of empty space around the logo, no item can be closer to the
logo than a distance equal to the height or width of the capital “N” in the logo type.
The cushion improves the look of the logo and allows it to stand out from surrounding
text and graphics.
College Logo
Allow a cushion around the logo equal to the height
or width of the capital “N” in the logo type.
Icon Logo Version
An icon-only version of the logo can NOT be used in any piece of Napa Valley College
communications. The type face “Napa Valley College” must be included with the
mountain and grape graphic.
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
College Logo
Alternate Applications
The following examples are of acceptable alternate logo color usages when full-
color usage is not possible or practical as on a solid colored background or in a
For professional printing applications, the NVC logo may be embossed or
reproduced using a varnish, but should not exist in any other color congurations
than provided in this manual. For specic questions please contact the Ofce of
Institutional Advancement.
(reversed out of a dark color)
PMS 5555
C 60
M 33
Y 55
K 8
R 109
G 136
B 119
PMS 1255
C 29
M 43
Y 100
K 6
R 179
G 136
B 6
PMS 5205
C 32
M 92
Y 82
K 41
R 118
G 33
B 36
PMS 7639
C 43
M 53
Y 43
K 8
R 146
G 117
B 121
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Upper Valley Campus Applications
The following examples are of acceptable for the Upper Valley NVC logo color
usages on a solid colored background or in a newspaper.
For professional printing applications, the UVNVC logo may be embossed or
reproduced using a varnish, but should not exist in any other color congurations
than provided in this manual. For specic questions please contact the Ofce of
Institutional Advancement or the Upper Valley Ofce of Advancement.
UVC College Logo
(reversed out of a dark color)
1-color Black
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Napa Valley College Foundation Applications
The following examples are of acceptable alternate logo color usages when full-
color usage is not possible or practical as on a solid colored background or in a
For professional printing applications, the NVC Foundation logo may be embossed
or reproduced using a varnish, but should not exist in any other color congurations
than provided in this manual. For specic questions please contact the Ofce of
Institutional Advancement or the Foundation Ofce.
College Foundation Logo
(reversed out of a dark color)
1-color Black
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
NVC Storm Logo
Napa Valley College Athletics publications and information should use the Athletics
Logo, The Storm or Storm Athletics variations in a prominent position. The Napa
Valley College ofcial logo should appear in conjunction with the Napa Valley
College Storm Athletics logo. The College logo may appear in a secondary, but
prominent position on all literature, iers, recruitment brochures, etc. The primary
brand identity of the Napa Valley College Storm Athletics teams is Napa Valley
College. The college colors, which are green and gold, are represented in the
Storm logo. Because the color schemes of the respective logos are in conict, they
should not normally be placed in close proximity.
NVC Athletics Logo
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Logo Consitency
Using the ofcial logo correctly will maintain consistency and respect for the Napa
Valley College identity. Please follow the guidelines below. These guidelines also
apply to the primary logotype and alternate format versions of the logo. (Please see
the following page for examples of DO’s and Don’t uses.)
DO NOT use more than one College, School, Department, Ofce, etc. logo in the
same space.
Use the primary form of the logo whenever possible.
Maintain the minimum clear space and reproduction size specications (see page 7).
Print the four-color version of the logo on a white background when possible.
Don’t warp (distort) or stretch the logo.
Don’t change the logo’s orientation.
Don’t recreate any elements of the logo.
Don’t use scanned or photographed copies of the logo. Use the original les.
Don’t apply any lters, textures, or screening to the logo.
Don’t change the logos colors.
Don’t use the logo on busy photographs or patterns.
Don’t use the logo on colors with poor contrast or similar colors.
Don’t place text or shapes within the clear space boundary.
Don’t contain the logo within a box (add a border) on the page.
Don’t create your own companion logo or modify existing companion logos.
Logo Consistency
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Logo use examples
Logo Usage
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Arial will be used in college marketing materials in order to create a consistent look
across all of our collateral.
Although you are not limited to Arial, it is commonly available on PC’s and can be used
for headlines and body copy within the brand standards.
Arial Italic
Arial Bold
Arial Bold Italic
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Print Shop
Location: Warehouse
A Brief Guide to Napa Valley College’s
Printing & Design Services
Napa Valley College Guide to Submitting Projects for Printing
The goal of NVC Printing Services is to provide timely, high quality, cost-effective
printing and copying services to the campus community. Like other parts of the
college infrastructure, the level and type of services depend on budget, available
stafng and equipment.
1. The rst priority is always Instruction. If jobs with competing deadlines are turned
in, the job for Instruction always comes rst.
2. Before the job is sent to Printing Services consider budget, consider doing it as
an online electronic version.
3. Special procedures are used to protect the security and integrity of test materials.
4. An important goal of Printing Services is to upgrade the college’s image,
especially externally, and to support branding advertising and marketing goals.
5. Print Shop staff and a graphic designer, located in the Ofce of Institutional
Advancement, can advise you on how to prepare jobs for printing.
The Print Shop staff can advise you on paper selection and other technical
aspects of printing. Please make an appointment for consulting services. Walk-
ins are accommodated, as possible. For issues of safety, if the printer is running
a press they should not be interrupted. Please do not go behind the counter.
Leave your job in the basket, or leave a “please-call-me” note and print staff will
get back to you as soon as possible. If the graphic designer is on a deadline,
please leave a note, send an e-mail or phone message regarding your project.
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Print Shop
Location: Warehouse
Printing & Design Services cont.
6. Most routine jobs should/will be done in black and white and be double-sided
whenever possible, for economy and efciency. Unnecessary use of color for
basic yers, bulletins and notices is discouraged.
7. The Print Shop staff will determine, based on the individual job and quantity, if
it is to go on the printing press or will be done on a copy machine.
8. Turn around time is dependent on the current workload, Print Shop stafng
and the condition and availability of the shop equipment. There are times
when all the equipment and staff are tied up on large, complex jobs which
have deadlines and cannot be interrupted. There are also times when
equipment is being serviced or repaired.
9. The Print Shop does not accept personal jobs. Other campus copy machines
also cannot be used for personal jobs. Please use the coin-operated copy
machine in the library copy room or nd a commercial copy business for your
personal copying.
10. If our Print Shop is unable to accept your job due to (1) its size and complexity,
(2) a late submission and short deadline, or (3) any other reason, the Print
Shop cannot be responsible for nding an outside printing vendor. This is the
responsibility of the department seeking the vendor. Please consult with the
Business Ofce regarding the possibility of the legal requirement to go out for
bids on large jobs.
What we can do:
Copier reproduction
(color or black & white)
Offset press reproduction
• Collate
• Staple
• Cutting
Booklet Making (fold & saddle stitch up
to 32 pages, two staples on left side,
plastic comb binding, 3-hole drill)
• Folding
Shrink Wrap (up to 11 x 17)
NCR forms
Assistance with layout & graphic design
Test Printing (secured storage)
Print NVC business cards, letterhead,
envelopes, etc.
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
The Print Shop CAN
Print full color photos if the job is designed using most major software programs
Quark, Word, or Publisher. We prefer InDesign and pdf.
Bind booklets up to 32 pages by saddle stitch (absolute maximum – fewer pages
is better) if the document pages have been set up to allow for page “creep”
Bind booklets using plastic comb binding of up to 3/4” thickness (+/- 150 pages).
Note that comb binding is labor-intensive and requires additional staff time.
Shrink wrap nished jobs
The Print Shop CANNOT
Photocopy full-color les in greater quantities than 500 (it becomes too expensive)
Stop or interrupt big jobs in the middle of press runs to accommodate a last-
minute “emergency” print request
Print a document using your fonts unless we have those exact same fonts; if they
are different from those supplied with your computer, you must supply them to us
– the best solution is to only use the fonts that came with your computer
Print on paper larger than 11 x 17 or smaller than 3 x 5
Print Shop
Location: Warehouse
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Lead Time & Turn-around Time
The Print Shop serves the entire NVC campus, including the Upper Valley
Campus in St. Helena. To help ensure a smooth insertion of your important
printing project into the shop’s work-ow queue and a timely turn-around for
your job, please utilize the following guidelines:
• 1-20 pages of under 300 copies 1-3 working days
• More than 300 copies 1-2 weeks
• Collated materials of more than 20 pages, consult with the Print Shop Staff.
Materials of any length that are required for the beginning of a given semester,
especially class textbooks, manuals, modules and workbooks, should be
submitted prior to the end of the previous semester – not 2 weeks before the
beginning of the new semester. Each large item may take three weeks to copy,
collate and bind depending on how many other jobs are booked on the available
equipment. Plan ahead.
Printing Press
Jobs which need to be printed on the printing press should be submitted at least
two to four weeks in advance, depending on size and job technical specications.
Before preparing a large job, please contact the Print Shop staff and work out
a project submission and turn-around schedule, including your own work-
ow targets and deadlines.
The Print Shop serves the entire campus including the St. Helena campus. Jobs
need to be scheduled in an efcient manner. Multiple-page press runs, which
require four-color reproduction, will take a minimum of one week to three weeks
longer than a black-and-white press-run of the same length.
Print Shop
Location: Warehouse
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Before you drop off your job
1. Completely proof all text in the document. We cannot assume responsibility for
your content. Reprinting error-ridden documents is wasteful of money, paper
and staff time.
2. Be sure the NVC Logo is included on the document if it is to be viewed by
students, staff or the public. (Exception: routine classroom handouts.)
3. If the document is to be in “book” form, bound in the center between two pages
with staples, be sure the document is in multiples of four pages.
4. Use only fonts that were loaded by Information Technology (IT) into your
computer when the computer was installed at your workstation. We are unable
to print fonts unless they are also on our system.
Print Shop
Location: Warehouse
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Submitting Digital Jobs
Microsoft WORD Files
Jobs can be submitted electronically to the Print Shop by e-mail to rfoley@ or submitted on a CD or on a Flash Drive (Thumb Drive).
1. You may include color photos and images – But the nal document’s images
will be in gray scale (black and white). We cannot make color press plates from
WORD les!
2. Photos and graphics must be embedded into the document.
Microsoft PUBLISHER Files
Microsoft Publisher is designed primarily for the desktop printer in an ofce
environment. The program, at best, is an awkward and problematic prepress
tool. It is better suited for black and white documents and limited color copies. Its
prepress functions are labor-intensive and increases the amount of Print Shop
production time, and therefore the job turn-around time.
1. Link all fonts
2. Link all photos and graphics
3. If possible, convert all color photos from RGB to CMYK if they are destined for
the printing press.
4. Run Publisher’s Pack and Go and send the resulting les.
5. If any of this is confusing, contact the Print Shop or graphic designer for further
information and/or explanation.
(NOTE: If you prepare long documents in Publisher, we encourage you to switch
to InDesign. It has a learning curve, but once learned, is immensely more facile,
powerful and allows more creativity than Publisher.)
Adobe PageMaker Files
The Print Shop converts PageMaker les to InDesign. Adobe no longer produces
PageMaker, but has replaced it with InDesign, an industry-standard publishing
program. All fonts, photos and graphics must be embedded and linked. Photos
going to the printing press should be converted to CMYK if possible.
Print Shop
Location: Warehouse
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Adobe InDesign Documents
The Print Shop and Graphic Design departments are primarily Adobe software oriented.
This includes PhotoShop, Illustrator, Acrobat and InDesign. InDesign les should be
completely prepared for printing before being submitted.
Preparation includes:
1. Be sure the Document Setup is set to “Spreads.”
2. Convert RGB images and photos to CMYK if they are destined for the printing press.
3. Make sure all links for photos, graphics and fonts are current.
4. If the project is to be saddle-stiched (stapled at the spine) be sure the document is in
increments of four pages. The Print Shop will “paginate” the document for printing.
5. Run the command PreFlight to determine problems
6. Run the command Package to prepare for submission.
Be sure to check the following boxes:
o Copy Fonts
o Copy Linked Graphics
o Update Graphics in Package
Note: It is technically possible to submit the folder and subfolders by e-mail, but
separate Packaged items must be broken out of the folders and subfolders rst. Please
copy the Package Folder to a CD or thumb drive and submit to the Print Shop with a
printed hard copy sample. InDesign les are typically too large to sent by email.
If any of this is confusing, please contact Scott Allen, Marketing Coordinator in the
Ofce of Institutional Advancement for further information and/or explanation.
Print Shop
Location: Warehouse
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Graphic Design Services
How can you access the services of the graphic designer?
In addition to other duties, the NVC Ofce of Institutional Advancement generates
collateral material and various campus and community publications. The graphic
designer is responsible for design and layout (prepress work) of many of these
brochures, yers, posters, newsletters and other publications as well as the
college newspaper and magazine ads.
The ofce also provides graphic design services to the campus community, as
staff time is available.
An ofce requesting assistance in designing a document or publication can rst
contact the Marketing & C Coordinator for assistance in marketing strategies,
target audience analysis, content development and copy writing.
An ofce requesting assistance in designing a document should develop their
project after reading the following guidelines then consult with the Ofce of
Institutional Advancement.
Design and printing
Please make sure the content is nalized and the target turnaround date has been
determined before submitting your request.
Many routine jobs can be taken directly to Printing Services. However, if there
are any questions about a job, please contact Printing Services or the Ofce of
Institutional Advancement BEFORE the job is prepared for Printing Services.
If the ordering department has designed the piece, the graphic designer can
review it for compatibility with our printing processes and verify correct logo usage.
Design Services
Location: Warehouse
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
NVC Guide to Submitting Projects for Printing
If the ordering department needs design services, please make an appointment
with the graphic designer. Email in advance or bring in the nalized content. If you
have a rough layout idea or photographs or art you want to use, please send in
advance or bring that in as well.
A joint appointment can be made with Printing Services or you can consult Printing
Services directly to determine technical compatibility—if the job you are proposing
can be printed on college equipment—and if stafng and equipment are available
to meet your deadlines. Printing Services can provide information on available
paper, order special paper as needed and estimate cost.
Requests should be submitted in advance of the targeted need-by date,
depending on the job complexity. In general, think weeks instead of days.
The NVC Logo must be on all documents to be distributed to the public. The logo
will be supplied by the Marketing & Communications Coordinator or downloaded
from the NVC web site in an appropriate format. The logo should not be modied,
except for changes in dimension (without distortion) and should be incorporated in
an appropriate and visible location.
All text should be nalized prior to submission for design. All other graphic
elements should be supplied by the requester. These include:
Photographs & Illustrations
Photographs and illustrations must be of sufcient resolution to be reproducible
by offset press, a minimum of 300 pixels per inch. The images normally placed
on photo web sites cannot be used because, having been modied for use on
the web, they are too small for printing. Some photo web sites may have higher
resolution images available, and if so, the ofce submitting the request should
download the images of choice and make them available. Acceptable image
formats include TIFF, PNG, JPG les and Photoshop EPS or PSD.
Design Services
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
NVC Guide to Submitting Projects for Printing cont.
The Ofce of Institutional Advancement has many “stock” photographs of the
campus or can, as staff and time are available, take new photos for a project.
We discourage the general use of purchased stock photography featuring
“students” or “staff.” It is more representative of our branding efforts to use real
Napa Valley College images. If you are taking photos, please also have a release
form signed. The Ofce of Institutional Advancement has release forms available.
The forms, included as hard copy in the back, can also be sent as a pdf via e-mail
to you upon request.
Clip Art
Generally, most JPG, TIFF and AI les can be used. Clip art should be recently
developed and project a tone representative of the college community. The style
of clip art should be consistent within a document.
Graphics images must be submitted as separate les, however, not as a part of a
WORD or Publisher document.
NOTE: Photos, art and text should not be downloaded from general web
sites. This material is normally copyrighted and permission is required to use
it. If permission has been obtained to use material, a copy of the permissions
statement must be included with the design request.
A copyright guideline for educators is included at the end of this booklet. Please
be familiar with it when providing third-source photographs and art.
Design Services
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Napa Valley College Stationery
Our stationery collection including letterhead, business envelopes, and business
cards is an example of how our logo can be used to provide a strong, consistent
appearance for both internal and external communications. Business cards are
the only item within the Stationery Collection that will have an opportunity to be
customized with the individual’s name, title and campus contact number.
2277 Napa-Vallejo Highway, Napa, CA 94558
(707) 256-XXXX |
Department Name
Arial Bold - 9 point
Color: Black
Arial Plain - 9 point
Leading: 14pt
Street Address: Green
Phone & Web address: Black
Department Name
2277 Napa-Vallejo Highway
Napa, CA 94558
Department Name: Arial Bold - 9 point
Color: Black
Street Address: Black: Arial Plain - 9 point
Leading: 14pt
Napa Valley College Graphic Standards Manual
Copyrighted Materials
Fair Use for Educators
The illegal reproduction of copyrighted materials is a serious crime. Educators, within reason,
are given a fairly broad brush with which to paint their educational needs. The Print Shop and
Graphic Design Departments are not copyright police. The following guidelines are reproduced
from the United States Copyright Ofce web site []
and should be reviewed by all staff requesting the reproduction of published materials. The
Print Shop may turn back any printing request that appears to be in violation of the doctrine of
Educational Fair Use as presented in the following guidelines. For the complete text of Section
107 – Fair Use policy – see page 6 of the PDF le located at the internet address above.
(NOTE: Items other than Roman Numeral categories and subheads indicated in bold are our
emphasis – not the U.S. Copyright Ofce.)
I. Single Copying for Teachers
A. A single copy may be made of any of the following by or for a teacher at his or her individual
request for his or her scholarly research or use in teaching or preparation to teach a class:
a. A chapter from a book;
b. An article from a periodical or newspaper;
c. A short story, short essay or short poem, whether or not from a collective work;
d. A chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture from a book, periodical, or
II. Multiple Copies for Classroom Use
B. Multiple copies (not to exceed in any event more than one copy per pupil in a course) may be
made by or for the teacher giving the course for classroom use or discussion; provided that:
a. The copying meets the tests of brevity and spontaneity as dened below; and,
b. Meets the cumulative effect test as dened below; and,
c. Each copy includes a notice of copyright denitions