(Issued with the Circular No. 32/2018/TT-BGDDT
dated 26 December 2018 of the Minister of Education and Training)
Hanoi, 2018
I. SUBJECT CHARACTERISTICS....................................................................................................................................... 3
II. VIEWS OF CURRICULUM DESIGN ............................................................................................................................. 4
III. CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Overall objectives ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Specific objectives ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
IV. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................... 8
1. In terms of general qualities and competences ............................................................................................................. 8
2. In terms of specific competences ................................................................................................................................. 8
V. EDUCATIONAL CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................... 9
1. General content ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
2. Specific contents ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
VI. EDUCATIONAL METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 49
VII. ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING.................................................................................................................................... 51
English is a compulsory subject in the general education curriculum from grades 3 to 12. As one of the instrumental
subjects in school, English not only enables students to formulate and develop their communicative competences in English
but also contributes to the formation and development of general competences to live and work more effectively, to learn other
subjects well and for lifelong learning.
English provides students with an important international communication tool, enabling them to exchange information,
advanced scientific and technical knowledge, explore cultures, thereby leading to intercultural understanding and promoting
a sense of global citizenship, contributing to the development of personal qualities and competences. Through learning English
and understanding different cultures, students can better understand and love their own language and culture.
As a compulsory subject in the general education curriculum, English is also directly inter-related with many other
subjects/educational areas such as Literature/Vietnamese, Natural and Social Sciences, History and Geography, Arts, Physical
Education, Computing, Experimental Activities. English is also a tool to teach and learn other subjects, especially Mathematics
and natural sciences.
The main objective of the General education English language curriculum is to enable students to formulate and develop
their communicative competences through practicing listening, speaking, reading, writing and linguistic knowledge
(pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar). Communicative competences and linguistic knowledge are built on the basis of specific
units of communicative competences, in themes and topics relevant to the needs and abilities of students to help them meet
the levels required in the Vietnam 6-level language proficiency framework (promulgated under the Circular No. 01/2014/TT-
BGDDT dated 24 January 2014 of the Minister of Education and Training), specifically, students who finish primary school
will have mastered Level 1, students who finish lower secondary school will have mastered Level 2, and students who finish
upper secondary school will have mastered Level 3.
The content of the general education English language curriculum reflects the basic directions outlined in the general
education curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Training, particularly:
At primary level (grades 3-5), English teaching and learning enables students to initially formulate and develop their
communicative competences through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with more focus on listening
and speaking skills.
At lower secondary level, English teaching and learning continues to enable students to formulate and develop their
communicative competences, and at the same time develop their thinking abilities and enhance students' understanding of
cultural and social characteristics of countries in the world as well as have more extensive understanding of the culture and
society of their own nation.
At upper secondary level, English teaching and learning enables students to develop their communicative competences in
English built on the foundations of the primary curriculum and lower secondary curriculum, to provide them with lifelong
skills for education and employment.
1. The general education English language curriculum complies with the provisions set out in the general education
curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Training, including general guidelines on views, objectives, requirements,
educational plans and guidelines on educational contents, educational methodology, assessment of learning and conditions for
successful curriculum implementation.
2. The general education English language curriculum is built with the view that communicative competences are the
targets of the teaching process; linguistic knowledge is a means to formulate and develop communicative competences through
listening, speaking, reading and writing. At primary level (grades 3-5), priority should be given to developing listening and
speaking skills. At lower secondary level, listening and speaking skills continue to be advanced and through practicing
combined skills to progressively develop all four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in upper secondary level.
3. The general education English language curriculum is designed on the basis of a system of themes and topics that are
closely related, meaningful and relevant to the learning and living environment of students, relevant to the development of
communicative competences in accordance with the performance objectives specified for each educational level. The system
of themes and topics reflecting culture should be put in national and international contexts; teaching contents should be selected
and repeatable, expandable over school years in concentric spiral direction in order to consolidate and develop communicative
competences of students. Through the implementation of a system of themes and topics in the curriculum, students can be
equipped with contents of other subjects at an appropriate and feasible level.
4. The general education English language curriculum shall ensure student-centered teaching approach. Students’
communicative competences in English are developed through active and creative learning activities. Teachers organize and
lead the teaching process, encourage students to engage in language practice activities to the maximum extent and step by step
improve their self-learning ability.
5. The general education English language curriculum shall ensure the continuity and articulation of English teaching and
learning from primary to lower secondary and upper secondary levels. The continuity and articulation are reflected in the fact
that after each educational level, students will have mastered a level in the Vietnam 6-level language proficiency framework.
6. The general education English language curriculum shall ensure flexibility and openness to meet the needs and
accommodate diverse English teaching and learning conditions in localities.
1. Overall objectives
1.1. The general education English language curriculum enables students to have a new communication tool, formulate
and develop communicative competences through listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Upon successful completion
of the general education curriculum, students will have mastered Level 3 of the Vietnam 6-level language proficiency
framework. This will lay a foundation for students to use English in learning and form lifelong learning habits to become
global citizens in the integration period.
1.2. The general education English language curriculum enables students to have an overview of the landscape, people
and cultures of some English speaking countries and other countries in the world; have good attitudes and feelings towards
those countries, their people, their cultures and their languages. In addition, the general education English language curriculum
also enables students to formulate and develop the qualities and competences necessary for employment: sense and
accountability, career orientation and choice consistent with their capacities, interests, and adaptability in the context of the
new industrial revolution.
2. Specific objectives
2.1. Primary level
Upon successful completion of the primary education English curriculum, students will be able to:
- Communicate in simple English through the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The
expectation is that listening and speaking will provide the dominant focus.
- Have basic and minimum knowledge about English including pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar; and through the
English language, to gain basic knowledge of the landscape, culture and people of English-speaking countries and other
countries in the world.
- Develop positive attitudes towards English language learning; have pride in and appreciation of their own culture and
- Develop effective English learning strategies, which will support their ability to transfer eventually to learning other
2.2. Lower secondary level
Upon successful completion of the lower secondary English curriculum, students will be able to:
- Use English as a communication tool through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing to meet basic and
direct communication needs in familiar and everyday settings.
- Have basic knowledge of English, including pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar; and through English, have general
understanding of the landscape, people and culture of English-speaking countries and other countries in the world, and at the
same time have knowledge and pride in the values of their own culture.
- Develop positive attitudes towards the subject and English learning, basically know how to use English to learn about other
subjects in the general education curriculum.
- Formulate and apply different learning methods and strategies to develop communicative competences in English
inside and outside the classroom, manage learning time and develop self-learning habits.
2.3. Upper secondary level
Upon successful completion of the upper secondary English curriculum, students will be able to:
- Use English as a communication tool through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing to meet basic and
practical communication needs on familiar topics related to school, recreational activities, career, etc.
- Continue to formulate and develop basic knowledge of English, including pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar; and
through English, have more extensive understanding of the landscape, people and culture of English-speaking countries and
other countries in the world, understand and respect cultural diversity, and basically reflect on the values of Vietnamese culture
in English.
- Use English to improve the quality of learning other subjects in the general education curriculum.
- Use English for further education or immediate employment upon completion of upper secondary education level.
- Use a variety of learning strategies to manage learning time, apply information technology in learning and self-learning,
consolidate self-learning and self-assessment methodology and take responsibility for learning outcomes, and form lifelong
learning habits.
1. In terms of general qualities and competences
The general education English language curriculum contributes to the formation and development of key qualities
(patriotism, compassion, diligence, honesty, accountability) and general competences (autonomy and self-learning,
communication and collaboration, problem solving and creativity).
2. In terms of specific competences
2.1. Primary level
- Upon successful completion of the primary education English curriculum, students will have mastered Level 1 of the
Vietnam 6-level language proficiency framework. Particularly “Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and
very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and
answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, acquaintances and friends. Can interact in a simple way
provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help”.
- Through English, students will have basic understanding of the landscape, people and culture of English-speaking
countries and other countries in the world; have positive attitudes towards English language learning; have pride in and
appreciation of their own culture and language; develop qualities including affection, self-respect, respect for friends, family,
environment, diligence and honesty.
2.2. Lower secondary level
Upon successful completion of the lower secondary English curriculum, students will have mastered Level 2 of the Vietnam
6-level language proficiency framework. Particularly: Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to
areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine
matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate
- Through English, students will have general understanding of the landscape, people and culture of English-speaking
countries and other countries in the world; have positive attitudes towards English language learning; have knowledge and
pride in the values of their own culture; develop qualities including compassion, love for family, pride in their homeland,
protecting the environment, sense of self-training, and responsibility for themselves and their families.
2.3. Upper secondary level
- Upon successful completion of the upper secondary English curriculum, students will have mastered Level 3 of the
Vietnam 6-level language proficiency framework. Particularly: “Can understand the main points of clear standard input on
familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling
in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and
- Through English, students will have more extensive understanding of the landscape, people and culture of English-
speaking countries and other countries in the world; have positive attitudes towards English language learning; understand
and respect cultural diversity, and basically reflect on the values of Vietnamese culture in English; develop qualities including
love for the country and people, honesty, compassion, and responsibility for the environment and community.
1. General content
The teaching content in the general education English language curriculum is designed in a multi-component structure
which consists of:
(i) a system of themes (general) and topics (specific); (ii) communicative competences related to themes and topics; (iii)
linguistic knowledge (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar). Cultural content is integrated in the systemof themes and
1.1. System of themes and topics
1.1.1. System of themes
The general education English language curriculum is built on the basis of themes relevant for each educational level. The
themes are closely related and designed in a repeatable and expandable pattern over school years at each educational level, in
concentric spiral direction in order to consolidate and develops students’ communicative competences. The names of themes
can be changed according to the educational level to meet the needs and interests of students as well as the requirements to
formulate and develop the qualities and capacities necessary for learners.
Suggested themes in English teaching at each levels are:
- Primary: Me and my friends, Me and my school, Me and my family, Me and the world around.
- Lower secondary: Our communities, Our heritage, Our world, Visions of the future.
- Upper secondary: Our lives, Our society, Our environment, Our future.
1.1.2. System of topics
The system of topics is based on themes. Each theme consists of numerous topics which can cover 1155 periods. The
themes and topics are closely related to each other, relevant to the characteristics of ages, living and learning environment of
students. The topics are selected in an open manner, in line with the cultural and social values of Vietnam, ensuring
international integration and relevant to the requirements of developing communicative competences specified for each
educational level. Textbook designers and teachers can adapt and supplement topics to match the themes, to meet the needs,
interests and learning abilities of students to achieve the objectives of the curriculum. Below are samples of theme-based
topics at three educational levels.
Primary level
Me and my friends
- Myself
- My friends
- Activities
- Daily activities
- Future activities
- My habits, my hobbies, etc.
Me and my school
- My school
- My classroom
- School objects
- School timetables and subjects
- School learning activities
- School extracurricular activities, etc.
Me and my family
- My house
- Rooms and house objects
- Family members
- Appearance and occupations of family members
- Activities of family members, etc.
Me and the world around
- My toys
- Animals
- Favorite colors
- Clothes
- Direction and sign
- Seasons and weather
- Means of transport, etc.
Lower secondary level
Our communities
- My school
- My hobbies
- My friends
- Teenagers
- Leisure activities
- Local environment
- Community services, etc.
Our heritage
- Natural wonders and famous landmarks
- Festivals
- Our customs and traditions
- Food and drinks
- Music and arts, etc.
Our world
- Cities of the world
- Culture of countries in the world
- Festivals
- Traffic
- Sports and games
- Tourism
- Entertainment, etc.
Visions of the future
- Future life
- Dream homes
- My future career
- Green world
- Protecting the environment
- Communications in the future
- Entertainment in the future, etc.
Upper secondary level
Our lives
- Family life
- The generation gap
- Entertainment
- Healthy lifestyles
- Becoming independent
- Life stories
- Leaving school and choosing a career, etc.
Our society
- Current social issues
- Education
- Serving our communities
- The mass media
- Cultural identity
- Vietnam and international organizations, etc.
Our environment
- Preserving our heritage
- Climate change
- Preserving the natural environment
- People and the environment
- Green environment
- Eco-tourism, etc.
Our future
- Education in the future
- Lifelong learning
- Artificial intelligence
- The future of cities
- Health and longevity
- The world of work, etc.
1.2. Communicative competences
Communicative competences are the abilities to use linguistic knowledge (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar) to take
part in communication activities (listening, speaking, reading, writing) in meaningful situations or contexts with different
objects to meet one’s own communication needs or social communication requirements. In the general education English
curriculum, communicative competences are demonstrated through communicative functions and tasks in the form of
listening, speaking, reading and writing. Communicative competences are selected in an open manner, closely related to
themes and topics. Below are sample communicative competences for each educational level:
1.2.1. Primary level
Communicative competences
Me and my friends
- Greeting and saying goodbye
- Thanking someone
- Apologies
- Spelling
- Introducing oneself and others
- Ask and identify body parts
- Ask and answer questions about date and time
- Ask and answer questions about friends
- Ask and answer questions about abilities, dreams, hobbies
- Ask and answer questions about locations
- Ask and answer questions about occupations
- Describe simple abilities of oneself
- Describe places
- Name countries and nationalities
- Ask and answer questions about future plans, etc.
Me and my school
- Ask and answer questions about the school (location, school name, school objects,
subjects, etc.)
- Simply describe of the location, quantity, properties and characteristics of objects
and people
- Ask and name simple specific objects
- Ask and answer questions about learning and recreational activities at school
- Ask and answer questions about a favorite person/object/event
- Ask and answer questions about frequency
- Make and respond to simple requests
- Express and respond to common commands in the classroom
- Ask and answer who is doing what, etc.
Me and my family
- Introduce family members (name, age, occupation, workplace, ...)
- Identify the home address and location of objects in the house
- Ask and answer questions about arrangements, appliances and utilities in the family
- Ask and answer questions about activities of family members
- Ask and answer questions about location and quantity
- Describe daily work
- Ask and answer questions about food and drink preferences
- Gives advice on common health problems
- Express ownership
- Ask and answer questions about time, etc.
Me and the world around
- Ask and answer questions about toys, pets, and animals in the zoo
- Ask and answer questions about clothes (quantity, color, price, ...)
- Ask and answer questions about means of transport
- Ask and answer questions about distances
- Give instructions
- Ask and answer questions about seasons and weather
- Ask and answer questions about the position of an object/phenomenon/person
- Ask and comment on a place
- Express simple comparisons
- Ask and state simple reasons
- Make simple suggestions and respond to suggestions, etc.
1.2.2. Lover secondary level
Communicative competences
Our communities
- Describe favorite school activities
- Describe a person (appearance, personalities, etc.)
- Describe a simple experience
- Ask and describe famous landmarks
- Talk about leisure activities
- Talk about types of community services
- Write simple texts (messages, notes, invitation cards), etc.
Our heritage
- Express agreement/disagreement and explain the reasons
- Give simple advice
- Describe and make comparison between natural wonders, discuss how to protect and
preserve natural wonders
- Describe a traditional family
- Describe festivals
- Describe food and drinks of a locality
- Discuss family customs and traditions
Our world
- Talk about the benefits of using English
- Introduce people and tourist sites in countries in the world
- Ask and answer questions about famous people
- Describe the schedule of a trip
- Talk about environmental issues and how to protect the environment
- Talk about the landmarks in the world
- Talk about popular forms of entertainment
- Discuss the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle
- Ask and give directions
- Discuss means of transport
- Write simple postcards, etc.
Visions of the future
- Predict about future life
- Express interest and give advice
- Describe future careers
- Express opinions on issues that may arise in the future
- Present how to protect the environment and build a better world
- Talk about the media and forms of entertainment in the future
- Write about a dream home, job, and life, etc.
1.2.3. Upper secondary level
Communicative competences
Our lives
- Talk about family life
- Exchange opinions about the household chores and roles performed by family
- Write about the household chores
- Discuss healthy diets
- Discuss preferred kinds of entertainment
- Ask and give career advice
- Write/fill in simple forms (course registration form, job application form), etc.
Our society
- Understand and express opinions about community activities
- Express views on simple educational and social issues
- Talk about lifestyle choices and their effects to health
- Read and comprehend an article on gender equality
- Share opinions on different occupations
- Talk about volunteer activities
- Ask and answer basic information about a country, its people and culture, etc.
Our environment
- Talk about simple ways to preserve our heritage
- Write a text to promote eco-tourism
- Talk about the impact of human activities on the environment
- Read and comprehend a written text about threats to the natural environment
- Write about environmental problems and come up with solutions to protect the
natural environment
- Recommended eco-tourism sites of interest
- Write a simple text about a famous landmark
- Talk about environment friendly lifestyle, etc.
Our future
- Talk about technology and life
- Write about how to use the Internet
- Express predictions about future cities
- Talk about health care tips
- Read and comprehend an article about factors that increase longevity
- Read an article about college opportunities
- Talk about work in the future, etc.
1.3. Linguistic knowledge
Linguistic knowledge in the general education English language curriculum includes pronunciation, vocabulary, and
grammar. Linguistic knowledge acts as a vehicle for enabling students to formulate and develop their communicative
competences through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The linguistic knowledge system in the
curriculum includes:
1.3.1. Primary level
Pronunciation Phonology is demonstrated in two domains: oral language (listening and speaking) and literacy (reading and
- Oral language: vowels and consonants and some consonant clusters, word stress, sentence stress and basic
- Literacy: the letter-sound correspondence to correctly spell, read and write words and phrases introduced.
Vocabulary Vocabulary introduced in the primary English curriculum includes common and simple words at level 1 in
English used in communicative contexts relating to the themes and topics in the curriculum. The number of
vocabulary items specified for primary level is around 600-700.
Grammar The grammar introduced in the primary English curriculum includes structures which serve the development of
communicative competences at level 1 such as statements, questions, imperatives, affirmatives, negatives,
simple sentences, simple present, present continuous, past simple, future simple, modal verbs, singular and
plural nouns, countable and uncountable nouns, possessives, comparatives, pronouns, cardinal numbers, ordinal
numbers, commonly-used prepositions, conjunctions and articles, etc.
1.3.2. Lower secondary level
Pronunciation Phonology in the lower secondary English curriculum includes: monophthongs and diphthongs, semi-
vowels, consonants, consonant clusters, word stress, sentence stress, basic sentence rhythm and intonation.
Vocabulary Vocabulary introduced in the lower secondary English curriculum includes common words in spoken and
written English related to the themes and topics in the curriculum. There is a target vocabulary of around 800-
1000 vocabulary items at level 2 (excluding the vocabulary introduced in the primary English curriculum).
Grammar The grammar introduced in the lower secondary English curriculum consolidates and extends the contents
introduced in the primary English curriculum and consists of: reported speech, questions, imperative sentences,
exclamatory sentences, affirmative sentences, negative sentences, simple and compound sentences, conditional
sentences (type 1), relative clauses, simple present, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, future
simple, near future, modal verbs, infinitive verbs, gerunds, countable and uncountable nouns, possessive case
of nouns, cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers, comparative adjectives, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative
pronouns, relative pronouns, reflexive pronouns, possessive pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions,
in/definite articles, etc.
1.3.3. Upper secondary level
Pronunciation Phonology in the upper secondary English curriculum includes: diphthongs, consonants, consonant clusters,
word stress, strong and weak forms of pronunciation, ellipsis, assimilation, linking, sentence stress, rhythm
and intonation.
Vocabulary Vocabulary introduced in the upper secondary English curriculum includes common words in spoken and
written English related to the themes and topics in the curriculum. There is a target vocabulary of around 600-
800 vocabulary items at level 3 (excluding the vocabulary introduced in the primary curriculum and lower
secondary curriculum). Upon completion of the upper secondary curriculum, students must know around 2,500
vocabulary items.
Grammar The grammar introduced in the upper secondary English curriculum consolidates and extends the contents
introduced in the primary curriculum and lower secondary curriculum and consists of the structures to serve
the development of communicative competences at level 3 including relative clauses, conditional sentences
(type 1 and 2), active and passive sentences, direct and indirect sentences, compound and complex sentences,
simple present, present continuous, present perfect, past simple, past continuous, past perfect, future simple,
future continuous, near future, conjunctions, modal verbs, phrasal verbs, passive voice, etc.
2. Specific contents
Grade 3
Communicative competences
Linguistic knowledge
- Me and
- Me and
my school
- Me and
my family
- Me and
the world
- Myself
- My friends
- My hobbies
- My school
- My classroom
- School objects
- My house
- Rooms and house objects
- My family members
- Favorite colors
- Recognize familiar simple words and
- Understand and respond to very simple
instructions in class.
- Listen and respond to very simple questions
on familiar topics articulated slowly and
- Listen to and understand short and very
simple conversations of about 20-30 words
on familiar topics articulated slowly and
Vowels, diphthongs,
consonants, consonant clusters
Words related to themes and
topics of Grade 3.
Present simple
Present continuous
Simple sentences
- Pets, etc.
- Speak using familiar and simple words and
- Ask and answer very simple questions about
themselves and others.
- Ask and answer commonly used questions
in class.
- Speak about a number of familiar topics,
using very simple phrases (with support)
There is/There are
Wh-questions: what, where, who,
how, how old…
(Yes/No question)
Imperatives: Stand up, please.
Don’t talk, please,…
Modals: may, can
Personal/impersonal pronouns: I,
you, he, she, it, we, they
Possessive adjectives: my, your,
his, her, its, our, their
Nouns (singular and plural):
pen(s), book(s), chair(s), ...
Descriptive adjectives: big, small,
new, old, etc.
Quantifiers: a lot, many,
some, ...
- Recognize letters in the alphabet and letters
in words.
- Read and understand familiar simple words
and phrases.
- Read and understand very simple sentences.
- Read and understand very short and simple
texts, about 30-40 words on the topics in the
- Write very simple words and phrases.
- Fill personal information in very simple
forms (name, address, etc.)
- Write short texts of, about 10-20 word (with
suggestions) within the topics of the
Conjunctions: and
Articles: a/an, the
Prepositions (of place): in, at, on,
Grade 4
Communicative competences
Linguistic knowledge
- Me and
- Me and
my school
- Me and
my family
- Me and
the world
- Myself and my friends
- Activities
- Daily activities
- Habits, hobbies
- School activities
- School extracurricular
- Appearance,
occupations of family
- Understand and respond to simple
instructions in class.
- Understand and respond to simple
instructions articulated slowly and clearly.
- Understand and respond to simple
questions on familiar topics.
- Listen to and understand short and very
simple conversations of about 35-40 words
on familiar topics.
Vowels, consonants, consonant
clusters, word stress
Words related to themes and
topics of Grade 4.
Present simple (consolidation and
Present continuous
- Activities of family
- Animals
- Direction and signs
- Weather, etc
- Speak simple phrases and sentences.
- Give simple instructions and make simple
- Ask and answer simple questions on
familiar topics in the curriculum.
- Speak about familiar topics, using simple
words and phrases (with support).
(consolidation and extension)
Past simple
Simple sentence
(Yes/No question)
Modals: can, would
Personal/impersonal pronouns
(consolidation and extension)
Conjunctions: and, but, or, because
Preposition: with, near, behind,
next to, opposite, by, etc.
- Read short and simple sentences.
- Read and understand short and simple texts
on familiar topics.
- Read and understand short and simple texts
of about 45-55 words on the topics in the
- Write very simple answers.
- Fill in simple forms (timetable, birthday
card, notebook label, etc.)
- Write short and very simple texts of about
20-30 words (with suggestions) on familiar
Grade 5
Communicative competences
Linguistic knowledge
- Me and
- Me and
my school
- Myself and my friends
- My home
- Hobbies, dreams
- Favorite school
subjects and activities
- Occupations
- Listen and recognize word stress.
- Understand and respond to simple
- Listen and respond to simple questions on
the topics in the curriculum.
Word stress, rhythm and
Words related to themes and
topics of Grade 5.
- Me and
my family
- Me and
the world
- Holidays, festivals
- Food and drinks
- Seasons and weather
- Health and common
- Listen to and understand short dialogues,
monologues with simple structure, 45-60
words on the topics in the curriculum.
- Listen to and understand the main content
of short and very simple stories on familiar
topics (with support).
Past simple (consolidation and
Future simple
- Means of transport
- Tourist attractions, etc.
- Give instructions and make requests; Initiate
and respond to simple imperatives inside and
outside the classroom.
question) (consolidation and
Modal: should, could, would
- Ask and answer simple questions on
familiar topics such as myself, my family, my
school, etc., or related to minimum daily
communicative needs.
- Speak about a number of topics in the
curriculum (with support).
- Respond to direct questions in simple
interviews on familiar topics at a slow speed.
Simple adjectives
Adverbs (manner): fast, hard,
well, etc.; Adverbs (frequency):
always, usually, often, never, etc.
Prepositions: by, on, etc.
- Read prepared short and simple texts on
familiar topics such as my friends, my family
and my schools, etc.
- Read and understand short texts of 60-80
words on familiar topics.
- Read and understand short and simple
messages on postcards; short and simple
- Write simple phrases and sentences on
familiar topics such as myself, my friends,
my family and my schools, etc.
- Write short and simple texts of 30-40
words (with suggestions) on familiar topics.
- Write or fill in simple forms, text messages,
Grade 6
Communicative competences
Linguistic knowledge
- Our
- Our
- Our
- Visions
- My school
- My home
- My friends
- Local
- Community services
- Natural wonders of
- Listen and recognize sounds, stress, intonation
and rhythm of different short and simple
- Listen and comprehend short and simple
instructions used in classroom activities.
- Listen and comprehend the main ideas and
specific contents of simple dialogues and
monologues of about 80-100 words on the
Vowel, diphthongs, consonants,
consonant clusters, word stress,
sentence stress, rhythm and
Words related to themes and topics
of Grade 6.
of the
- Festivals
- Television
- Cities of the world
- Our homes of the
future, etc.
topics in the curriculum; understand the
main contents of simple stories on familiar
Present simple (consolidation and
Present continuous (consolidation
and extension)
Future simple (consolidation and
Past simple(consolidation and
Simple sentences
Compound sentences
Modals: should/shouldn’t, might
Yes/No question
Imperatives: positive/negative
Nouns: countable/uncountable
Comparatives of adjectives
Possessive cases
Possessive pronouns: mine, yours,
- Produce correctly the sounds, stress,
intonation and rhythm of different short and
simple sentences.
- Give short and simple instructions used in
classroom activities; speak in simple and
connected sentences on familiar topics (with
- Ask and answer in a short way about the
topics in the curriculum, e.g. school, friends,
festival, places of interest, etc.
- Present preparedly and with suggestions the
projects on the topics in the curriculum.
- Read and comprehend the main ideas and
specific contents of simple dialogues and
monologues on the topics in the curriculum.
- Read and comprehend the main contents of
short and simple personal letters, notices and
texts of about 100-120 words on familiar
topics (possibly with new words and patterns).
Indefinite quantifiers: some, any,
Prepositions of position,
Adverbs of frequency
Conjunctions: because, ...
Articles: a/an, the
Conditional sentence (type 1), etc
- Write (with instructions) a short text of about
40-60 words on the topics in the curriculum.
- Write short and simple letter, cards,
messages or personal notes within the topics
covered in the curriculum.
Grade 7
Communicative competences
Linguistic knowledge
- Our
- Our
- Our
- Visions
of the
- Hobbies
- Health issues
- Community services
- Music and arts
- Food and drinks
- Education
- English speaking
- Festivals in the world
- Traffic in the future
- Sources of energy, etc.
- Listen and recognize sounds, stress, intonation
and rhythm of simple sentences.
- Listen and comprehend short and simple
instructions used in learning activities inside
and outside the classroom.
- Listen and comprehend the main ideas and
specific contents of simple dialogues and
monologues of about 120-140 words on the
topics in the curriculum.
Vowel, diphthongs, consonants,
consonant clusters, word stress,
sentence stress, rhythm and
Words related to themes and topics
of Grade 7.
Present simple (consolidation and
Present continuous (consolidation
and extension)
Future simple (consolidation and
Past simple (consolidation and
Simple sentences
- - Produce correctly the sounds, stress,
intonation and rhythm of different short and
simple sentences.
- - Give short instructions used in learning
activities inside and outside the classroom.
- - Exchange basic information on familiar
- - Present preparedly and with suggestions the
projects on the topics in the curriculum.
- - Read and comprehend the main ideas and
specific contents of simple dialogues and
monologues of about 120-150 words on the
topics in the curriculum.
- - Read and comprehend the main contents of
short and simple pieces of news, menus,
advertisements, etc. on familiar topics
(possibly with new words and patterns).
Modals: should/ should not,
Yes/No question
Comparisons: like, (not) as ... as,
different from, …
Possessive pronouns: mine, yours,
his, …
Indefinite quantifiers: some, lots of,
a lot of, …
Prepositions of position, time: in,
on, at…
Conjunctions: although, however,...
Articles: a/an, the, zero article, etc.
- Write a short and simple text (with
suggestions) of about 60-80 words to describe
events, personal activities related to the topics
in the curriculum.
- Write short and simple letters, cards,
messages or personal notes within the topics
covered in the curriculum.
Grade 8
Communicative competences
Linguistic knowledge
- Our
- Our
- Our
- Visions
of the
- Teenagers
- Leisure activities
- Life in the countryside
- Our customs and
- Ethnic groups in
- Natural disasters
- Protecting the
- Science and technology
- Life on other planets,
- Listen and recognize sounds, stress,
intonation and rhythm of basic compound
- Listen and comprehend the main ideas and
specific contents of simple dialogues and
monologues of about 140-160 words on the
topics in the curriculum.
- Listen and comprehend the main ideas of
simple notices which are articulated clearly
and related to the topics in the curriculum.
Vowel, diphthongs, consonants,
consonant clusters, word stress,
sentence stress, rhythm and
Words related to themes and topics
of Grade 8.
Present simple (consolidation and
Past continuous
Present simple with future
Verbs (like) + gerund (V-ing)
Verbs (like) + to infinitive
Wh-questions, Yes/No question
- Produce correctly the sounds, stress,
intonation and rhythm of basic compound
- Give simple instructions used in everyday
settings related to the topics covered.
- Take part in short and simple conversations
on familiar topics.
- Present briefly and preparedly the projects
on familiar topics.
Types of sentences:
simple/compound/complex sentences
Conditional sentences type 1
(consolidation and extension)
Reported speech, questions
Adverbs of frequency
Comparative adverbs
Prepositions of position/time
Countable and uncountable
Possessive pronouns
Articles: a/an, the, zero article, etc.
- Read and comprehend the main ideas and
specific contents of simple dialogues and
monologues of about 150-180 words on
familiar topics.
- Read and comprehend the main ideas and
specific contents of short and simple
instructions, notices, signs, etc., on familiar
topics in everyday settings.
- Read and comprehend and guess the
meaning of new word based on contexts.
- Write (with instructions) a short and simple
text on familiar topics in everyday settings.
- Write short and simple instructions, guides,
notices, etc., related to familiar topics.
Grade 9
Communicative competences
Linguistic knowledge
- Our
- Our
- Our
of the
- Living environment
- Life in the cities
- Vietnam then and now
- Life in the past
- Healthy lifestyles
- Natural wonders
- Tourism
- My future career
- English in the world, etc.
- Listen and comprehend simple phrases,
instructions and expressions in everyday
- Listen and comprehend the main ideas and
specific contents of simple dialogues and
monologues of about 160-180 words on the
topics in the curriculum.
- Listen and comprehend and identify main
points of simple and short notices, news, etc.
Vowel, diphthongs, consonants,
consonant clusters, word stress,
sentence stress, rhythm and
Words related to themes and topics
of Grade 9.
Past simple (consolidation and
Past simple with wish
Modal verbs with if
Modal verbs
Phrasal verbs
Suggest + verb-ing (V-ing)
- Pronounce clearly and relatively accurately
the sounds, stress, intonation and rhythm of
phrases and sentences
- Take part in short and simple conversations
on familiar topics related to work and
everyday life.
- Present briefly and preparedly the projects
on familiar topics; give reasons and explain
briefly a personal point of view.
- Exchange ideas and information about
familiar topics with simple expressions.
Gerunds (V-ing) after some verbs:
like, dislike, love, enjoy, hate, ...
Infinitives (verb + to infinitive)
Question words before to-infinitive
Reported speech
Adverb clauses of results, reasons,
Relative pronouns
Relative clauses (defining and
Comparative adjectives, etc.
- Read and comprehend written texts of
about 180-200 words on familiar and
specific topics, possibly using common
words in everyday settings.
- Read and comprehend and identify specific
information in written texts related to
everyday life topics such as advertisements,
signs, notices, short articles describing
- Read and comprehend and guess the
meaning of new words based on contexts.
Recognize the structure of short and simple
- Write (with instructions) a short text of
100-120 words about family; write short and
simple personal letters and messages on
matters of interest.
- Write summaries, write texts in a simple
way, using the same expression and order as
in the original texts.
Grade 10
Communicative competences
Linguistic knowledge
- Our
- Our
- Our
- Our
- Family life
- Entertainment
- Serving our communities
- Inventions that have
changed our lives
- Gender and equality
- Preserving the natural
- Eco-tourism
- People and the
- New ways of learning
- Vietnam and
organizations, etc.
- Follow clearly articulated speech in
everyday conversations.
- Understand the main points of dialogues,
monologues of 180-200 words on familiar
- Understand simple information and
Consonants, consonant cluster,
word stress, sentence stress, rhythm
and intonation
Words related to themes and topics
of Grade 10.
Present perfect
Present simple and present
continuous (consolidation and
Future simple and future with be
going to (consolidation and
Past simple and past continuous
with when and while
Infinitive with to and without to
Gerunds and infinitive (for
- Pronounce clearly and relatively accurately
the consonant clusters, intonation and
rhythm of sentences.
- Start, maintain and close simple face-to
face conversations.
- Agree and disagree politely; give advice.
- Take part in short and simple conversations
on familiar topics related to work and
everyday life.
- Present preparedly the projects on the
topics in the curriculum.
- Understand the main points of short texts of
220-250 words about current and familiar
- Understand the most important information
in everyday notices and brochures.
- Understand simple messages and standard
Passive sentences, passive
sentences with modal verbs
Compound sentences
Relative clauses: defining and non-
Conditional sentences type 1
(consolidation and extension)
Conditional sentences type 2
Reported speech
Comparatives and superlatives
of adjectives
Adjectives (showing attitudes)
Articles, etc.
- Write simple connected texts of 120-150
words on a range of topics of personal
interest and express personal views and
- Write personal messages to friends or
acquaintances asking for information and
narrating related events.
Grade 11
Communicative competences
Linguistic knowledge
- Our
- Our
- Our
- Our
- Healthy lifestyles
- The generation gap
- Becoming independent
- Current social issues
- Vietnam and ASEAN
- Global warming
- Preserving our heritage
- Ecosystems
- Education in the
- Health and longevity
- The future of cities, etc.
- Understand the main points of dialogues,
monologues of 200-230 words on the topics
of personal interest in the curriculum.
- Follow the main points of discussions,
provided speech is clearly articulated.
- Listen to a short narrative and form
hypotheses about what will happen next.
Strong and weak pronunciation of
words, writing/pronouncing
contractions, liaison between
consonants and vowels, sentence
stress and rhythm, elision.
Up and down intonation, Yes/No
question and wh-questions,
alternative questions, tag questions,
offer questions, suggestions, etc.
Words related to themes and topics
of Grade 11.
Past present and present perfect
Modal verbs: must vs. have to
Linking verbs (be, seem, …)
- Pronounce clearly and relatively accurately
the stress, liaison, intonation and rhythm of
different sentences.
- Start, maintain and close a conversation,
discussion the topics in the curriculum.
- Give detailed instructions.
- Present preparedly the projects on the
topics in the curriculum.
- Read and comprehend the main points,
specific contents of texts of 250-280 words
on current and familiar topics.
- Read the main points, specific contents of
news and articles on a current topic or event
and understand the overall meaning of the
- Skim short texts to find relevant facts and
Stative verbs in progressive form
Gerunds (used as subjects, objects,
Participles and clauses with to
Perfect gerunds and perfect
Linking words
Word structure (compound nouns)
Cleft sentences: It is/was ... that +
clause, etc.
- Write texts (with opening, body and
conclusion) of 150-180 words on familiar
- Write personal letters asking for complete
and detailed information about products or
- Write to convey short and simple factual
information to friends or acquaintances.
Grade 12
Communicative competences
Linguistic knowledge
- Our
- Our
- Our
- Our
- Leaving school and
choosing a career
- Life stories
- Urbanization
- The mass media
- Cultural diversity
- Green environment
- The world of work
- Artificial intelligence
- Lifelong learning, etc.
- Understand and identify the main points of
dialogues, monologues of 230-250 words on
familiar topics regularly encountered in life,
work, school, etc., within the scope of the
- Follow simple instructions such as recipes,
how to use common utensils, etc.
- Listen and guess meanings (through the
expressions and feelings of the speakers) in
familiar monologues and conversations in
everyday life
- Understand the main points of news
programs, broadcasts, interviews, etc., on
familiar topics which are clearly delivered in
simple language, and with illustrative
Words with stress (specials cases)
Words without stress
Sentence stress, assimilation,
linking vowels with vowels
Question intonation (consolidation
and extension)
Words related to themes and topics
of Grade 12.
Present perfect (consolidation
and extension)
Past simple and past continuous
Types on sentences: simple,
- Pronounce clearly and relatively accurately
words with or without stress, sentence stress,
assimilation, and liaison.
- Speak and interact with fellow speakers
about familiar topics, express personal
views and exchange information about the
topics covered in the curriculum.
- Describe in simple discourse familiar
topics, narrate a short story closely related to
the topics covered.
- Present preparedly the projects on the
topics in the curriculum.
compound, complex sentences
(consolidation and extension)
Articles (consolidation and
Reported speech: commands,
requests, offers, advice and
Relative clauses with which
referring to a whole clause.
Prepositions after some verbs
Phrasal verb (including verbs,
adverbs and prepositions)
Double comparison showing
changing things
Sentences of reason: active and
Adverbial clauses of condition,
Adverbial clauses of manner, result
- Read and comprehend the main points,
specific contents of a text of 280-300 words
on current and familiar topics.
- Read and understand the argument flow of
texts, identify main conclusions in texts
using clear language.
- Read to find and summarize short texts of
everyday use such as simple letters,
brochures, using words and structures from
the original texts.
- Write simple connected and coherent texts
of 180-200 words; write short reports based
on suggestions, providing factual
information and reasons for the
recommendations made in the reports;
collect short information from several
sources and summarize it.
- Complete (write/fill) administrative forms
such as resumes, letter of application for
employment, etc.
- Write descriptive texts of simple charts and
The main educational methodology in the general education English language curriculum is Communicative Language
Teaching (CLT). CLT enables use of a variety of teaching methods, with emphasis on the formation and development of
students’ communicative competences, on the ability to use grammar rules to produce correct and appropriate sentences
through listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. CLT has similarities with the student-centered teaching approach in
higher education. These two main approaches redefine the roles of teachers and students in the teaching-learning process.
1. Roles of teachers
In CLT, a teacher assumes a variety of roles, in which the following four roles are considered significant: (i) instructor and
educator, (ii) mentor; (iii) participant in the learning process; (iv) learner and researcher.
As an instructor and educator, a teacher helps students learn knowledge and develop communication skills in English,
educates them to become good and responsible citizens. As a mentor, a teacher facilitates communication between students in
the classroom, between students and textbooks and with other resources. As a mentor for the learning process, a teacher will
help him/herself understand what students need in the learning process, what their interests are, and what they can do
themselves, from there assign a number of tasks to students to self manage; encourage students to clearly express their
intentions, thereby promoting their active and creative roles in learning; direct students to actively engage in achieving the
most practical objectives while learning English for best academic performance.
As a participant in the learning process, a teacher acts as a participant in the learning process in the classroom of student
groups. As both a mentor and a participant in the learning process, a teacher takes on another important role, which is a source
of references for students, providing guidance and clearing inquiries, helping students to address difficulties in the learning
process, in communication practice inside and outside the classroom.
As a learner and researcher, a teacher is, to a certain extent, put in the position of learners to understand and share
difficulties and learning responsibilities with students. Only by performing the role of a learner can teachers promote the active
roles of students, choose appropriate teaching methods and techniques. As a researcher, a teacher can contribute their abilities
and knowledge to understanding the nature of the foreign language teaching and learning process, the nature of classroom
communication, and lingual, psychological and social factor affecting the process of learning a foreign language. In addition,
through research, teachers will realize that teaching - learning is an interpersonal task - a task that both teachers and learners
are responsible for participating, in which learning has a central role, teaching facilitates and learning objectives rule over the
entire teaching - learning process.
The roles listed above require teachers to (i) develop in students a sense of learning, (ii) help students become aware of their
responsibilities as learners and their learning purposes, (iii) help students choose appropriate learning methods, (iv) help students
have a comprehensive understanding of what it is to know a foreign language. The first aspect refers to building proper foreign
language learning motivation for students, the efforts they are willing to spend to learn, and their attitudes towards English. The
second aspect involves helping students develop their understanding of the purposes of learning English, and on the basis of which
set appropriate targets at each learning stage. The third aspect involves helping students develop the right styles or methods of
learning, have relevant learning strategies for best academic performance, and various activities which can facilitate the learning
process inside and outside the classroom. The fourth aspect requires teachers, through teaching, to help students understand the
concept of "what it is to know a foreign language", which means how language is structured and used in communication situations.
2. Roles of students
In Communicative Language Teaching, a student must be facilitated to the maximum extent to truly become (i) an active
and effective negotiator with him/herself in the learning process, (ii) an active and effective negotiator with peers in groups
and in the class, (iii) a participant in a collaborative teaching - learning environment.
Language learners in the industrial revolution 4.0 not only acquire knowledge from teachers and books, but more
importantly, must also know how to learn. Students have very different needs and purposes for learning English. As they learn,
they regularly adjust their plans to match the objectives of the subject. Knowledge is frequently redefined as students learn
more, and in developing their own learning plans they may find previous learning strategies no longer relevant and which may
be replaced with new, more relevant learning strategies. This adjustment process is called self-negotiation in the learning
Learning is not purely a personal activity, it happens in a certain socio-cultural environment, in which the interaction
between students is important in acquiring knowledge and developing English communication skills. This fact requires
students in CLT to take on the role of negotiators with peers in groups and in the class.
As teaching - learning is an inseparable activity, a student in CLT also has to take on another important role, which is a
participant in a collaborative teaching learning environment. In this role, students act as negotiators with teachers, providing
teachers with information about themselves such as qualifications, disadvantages, advantages, personal expectations of the subject
and feedback on the contents in the textbooks and teaching methods, etc., so that teachers can understand them and can adapt the
contents, teaching methods and techniques accordingly.
Testing and assessment are important elements in the teaching process to provide feedback on the communicative
competences acquired by students during and by the end of a learning stage. This contributes to encouraging and guiding
students in the learning process, enabling teachers and schools to assess students' performance, thereby adjusting the teaching
methodology of the subject effectively at all educational levels.
The assessment of students' learning activities must adhere to the teaching objectives and contents of the curriculum, based
on the performance objectives for communication skills at each grade, aimed to enable students to achieve respective levels
of communicative competences at the end of primary, lower secondary and upper secondary levels.
Assessment should include formative assessment and summative assessment. Formative assessment is done continuously
through teaching activities in the classroom. In the teaching process, assessment should be primarily formative, enabling both
students and teachers to see progress towards achieving the curriculum objectives. At designated points throughout the school
year, summative assessment will also be required to gauge students’ achievement of the objectives. The assessment at the end
of primary, lower secondary and upper secondary levels must base on the language proficiency requirements in the Vietnam
6-level language proficiency framework, particularly Level 1 for primary, Level 2 for lower secondary and Level 3 for upper
Formats of assessment need to be diverse in nature and must include quantitative, qualitative and combination of
quantitative and qualitative assessment throughout the learning process, combine teachers’ assessment, and students’ peer
assessment and self-assessment. Formats of testing and assessment should be consistent with the teaching methodology used
in the classroom, including speaking test (dialogues, monologues) and written test in the form of integrating language skills
and knowledge, combining objective multiple-choice questions, essays and other formats of assessment.
2. Allocation of teaching time
The general education English language curriculum is taught from grades 3 to 12 and complies with the provisions in the
general education curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Training regarding the duration of teaching the subject,
Lower secondary
Upper secondary
(4 periods/week)
(3 periods/week)
(3 periods/week)
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
420 periods
420 periods
315 periods
1155 periods
3. Conditions for successful curriculum implementation
Successful implementation of this curriculum is dependent on the following conditions:
3.1. Teachers
- There shall be sufficient number of teachers to cover sufficient periods according to teaching plans in school. Teachers
must have minimum English language qualification and pedagogical competency relevant to their educational level as
prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training.
- Teachers should receive adequate training to teach this curriculum. For teachers who are qualified, in-service training
should be provided on a regular basis to implement the objectives, contents and teaching methodology specified by the
curriculum. Teachers should receive training on testing and assessment and using modern equipment in teaching.
- The capacity to evaluate textbooks and teaching materials of teachers should be strengthened to meet the learning
outcomes prescribed for each educational level.
- In-service English teacher training institutions should refer to the general education English language curriculum to
ensure their training programs are in line with actual requirements.
- Teachers should be provided with opportunities to strengthen capacity to design appropriate formative and summative
assessment activities, and support students to develop their communicative competences equivalent to the levels of the
Vietnam 6-level language proficiency framework.
3.2. Facilities
- Minimum conditions for textbooks, infrastructure and equipment must comply with the regulations of the Ministry of
Education and Training.
- Schools with available resources should connect to the Internet, equipped with computers, screens and projectors, and
English teaching software; encourage the use of information technology equipment to support English teaching and learning.
- The class sizes must not exceed what are prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training.
4. Direction for development of general competences
4.1. Learning methodology
Good learning methodology will enable students to effectively develop their communicative competences in English.
Students need to formulate some basic learning methods such as: how to define learning objectives and plans, how to practice
communication skills and learn linguistic knowledge, how to use learning materials and electronic resources, how to actively
engage in interactive learning activities, self-assess and adjust their own learning activities and plans.
Students should choose learning methods that are appropriate for their personal capacities, characteristics and learning
conditions. Appropriate learning methods enable students to learn actively and effectively, thereby being capable of learning
independently in the future.
4.2. Lifelong learning
The world is in a strong globalization process. Globalization creates both opportunities and challenges for each nation and each
individual. To be able to compete on a global scale, students need to constantly develop the ability to update their knowledge
and skills. Learning does not stop once students graduate from upper secondary school, even if students do not progress to further
education. Therefore, the general education English language curriculum should provide students with appropriate learning
methods, step by step orient them to form lifelong learning habits.
The general education English curriculum aims to develop in students the skills and capacities to become independent
learners, taking advantage of formal, non-formal and informal opportunities for learning as appropriate to their individual needs.
With a strong capacity for self-reflection and self-assessment of their existing knowledge and skills to identify areas for
development, students will be provided with a strong foundation of independent learning habits and resourcefulness and thus will
be well-prepared to contribute to the progress of the country throughout their lives.