Client Alert
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Number 1053 July 14, 2010
Latham & Watkins Corporate Department
Capital Markets Group
The purpose of
Client Alert
is to provide you
with the tools
you need to react
quickly and wisely
to questions about
pricing outside the
range when the
moment of truth
Upsizing and Downsizing Your IPO
The reds have been printed; the deal is
on the road; and the champagne is on
ice. Now, all that is left is for the IPO
investors to step up and buy the stock.
It’s a tempting moment to relax — but
an experienced deal lawyer knows
better. This is the time to start preparing
for the possibility that the deal will be
wildly oversubscribed or will struggle
mightily. In either case, the question
that will shortly come your way is
“How much can the deal be upsized or
downsized at pricing?”
To answer that seemingly simple
question, you will need to break it into
three component parts:
• Was your registration statement
accurate and complete as of the time
it became effective?
• Have you provided investors with all
the information they need to make an
informed investment decision prior to
confirming orders?
• Do you owe the SEC any additional
filing fees?
Getting to the bottom of these points is
a surprisingly complex undertaking. The
rules in this area are technical and not
always intuitive, and you may be asked
to make some difficult judgment calls
under significant time pressure. The
purpose of this Client Alert is to provide
you with the tools you need to react
quickly and wisely to questions about
pricing outside the range when the
moment of truth arrives.
Getting Started:
The Importance of the
Earlier Filings
Let’s start with a review how you got to
where you are now.
When you first filed the registration
statement, you had to complete the
“Calculation of Registration Fee” table
on the front cover. The primary purpose
of the fee table was to calculate the
amount of filing fees required to be
paid to the SEC at that time. Several
amendments later, when your deal was
ready to go to investors, a preliminary
prospectus was filed showing the
number of shares expected to be sold
and a “bona fide” estimate of the
price range per share as required by
Regulation S-K Item 501(b)(3). That
range was very likely a $2 range, in
keeping with the informal SEC Staff
policy for deals expected to price below
$20 per share (if the upper limit is above
$20 per share, the informal policy is
that a price range of up to 10 percent
of the upper limit is bona fide). The
price range prospectus was circulated
to investors at the beginning of the road
Now, the deal is on the road. Investor
feedback is rolling in. If investor demand
is stronger than anticipated, the issuer
and the selling stockholders may want
to sell more shares or increase the price
per share being sold, or both. On the
other hand, if a crisis in some far-away
part of the world happens to come to
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roost while your deal is on the road, the
underwriters may have to struggle to
complete a smaller deal, involving fewer
shares or a lower price per share, or both.
Let’s review the tools in your toolbox for
upsizing or downsizing your deal.
Options Prior to Effectiveness
Until your registration statement has
been declared effective by the SEC,
you can revise your deal all you want
in a pre-effective amendment with a
new price range and/or a new number
of securities to be sold. You may need
to pay additional filing fees if you are
upsizing, but it’s no problem to do so. If
demand is through the roof, this may be
an option to consider.
However, using a pre-effective
amendment to upsize or downsize a
deal after the price range prospectus
has been distributed to investors is
typically a last resort in our experience.
Among other things, there can be
unwelcome timing implications (for
example, you will need to obtain a new
auditor’s consent and updated signature
pages and clear any comments from
the SEC Staff on the new disclosure).
In addition, the new filing containing
the amended price range could send a
signal to the market about pricing that
may be premature. Particularly for deals
that are in trouble and may need to
be downsized, refiling the registration
statement with a revised price range can
spell disaster.
Options After Effectiveness
Those who qualify for the special
treatment offered by Rule 430A and
the related rules will find it much
more attractive to make the necessary
changes to the terms of the deal after
In most cases, therefore,
the question for the deal team will
be whether the proposed changes to
the number of shares to be sold and
the price per share qualify for Rule
430As magic? Put another way, the key
question is this:
“Assuming we go effective on a
registration statement containing the
same price range prospectus that was
circulated to investors, how far can
the deal be upsized or downsized at
pricing and after effectiveness without
having to go back to the SEC for
In order to understand the magic of
Rule 430A, you will need to master the
interplay between several key provisions
of the Securities Act and a number of
rules and Compliance and Disclosure
Interpretations (C&DIs) published by
the SEC Staff. Once you have mastered
these rules, you will need to answer
these three questions:
• Is the “Section 11 file” complete as of
the effective time of the registration
• Is the “Section 12 file” complete as of
the time you want to start confirming
• Do you owe the SEC any more filing
Section 11 and Section 12
Let’s start with a few words about
the primary liability provisions of the
Securities Act.
Section 11(a) of the Securities Act
imposes liability if any part of a
registration statement, at the time
it became effective, “contained an
untrue statement of a material fact or
omitted to state a material fact required
to be stated therein or necessary
to make the statements therein not
misleading.” Section 11 liability only
covers statements made in a registration
statement at effectiveness. We think
of the registration statement at the
magic moment of effectiveness as the
“Section 11 file.” This is a helpful way
to remember that Section 11 is a highly
technical provision, in the sense that it
looks only at: (a) what is or is deemed
to be in the registration statement (b) at
the time it became effective.
By contrast, Section 12(a)(2) of the
Securities Act is not limited to the
registration statement and is not linked to
the moment of effectiveness. It imposes
liability on any person who offers or
sells a security in a registered offering
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by means of a prospectus, or any oral
communication, which contains “an
untrue statement of a material fact or
omits to state a material fact necessary in
order to make the statements, in the light
of the circumstances under which they
were made, not misleading.” Section
12(a)(2) is less technical and more holistic
than Section 11. Section 12(a)(2) takes
into account all oral statements, free
writing prospectuses and statements in
the price range prospectus, rather than
focusing exclusively on the registration
Under Securities Act Rule 159 (which
we discuss in greater detail below),
Section 12 looks to the sum of what
investors have been told at the time the
underwriters confirm orders. Section
12’s focus, therefore, is the price range
prospectus sent to investors and any
additional information that may have
been conveyed to investors (orally or in
writing) on or before the time of pricing.
We think of this collection of information
as the “Section 12 file.”
In order to deal with all of the issues
that arise in the context of changing
the size and price of an IPO after the
registration statement has been declared
effective, you will need to keep in mind
both your “Section 11 file” and your
“Section 12 file.”
Rule 430A
Rule 430A is a very special rule. It
permits a registration statement to be
declared effective without containing
final pricing information. Instead,
it allows you to insert information
retroactively into a registration
statement and have it be treated as if
it were there as of its effective date.
Rule 430A provides that pricing-
related information (which includes
the price per share and the number of
shares offered) that is contained in a
prospectus filed pursuant to Rule 424(b)
after effectiveness of the registration
statement will be deemed to have been
part of the registration statement as of
the effective date. In other words, Rule
430A allows you to tinker with your
“Section 11 file” after the fact and have
the changes travel backwards in time.
Rule 430A is a particularly useful tool
for complying with Section 11, and we
are going to review all of its glorious
twists and turns below. Keep in mind,
however, Rule 430As two important
limitations. First, it only applies to
pricing information.
And second,
Rule 430A does not help you make
corrections to your “Section 12 file,” as
it does not allow you to retroactively
add to the information actually given to
investors at the time of pricing.
Here is a summary of Rule 430A from a
40,000 foot perspective:
If you are… Then you
should use…
And you can… But you would need to…
your deal
Instruction to
Rule 430A(a)
Increase the price
per share and/or
number of shares,
so long as the
aggregate size of the
revised deal does not
120 percent
of the amount shown
in the fee table in
the registration
statement at the time
of effectiveness
• File an immediately
effective registration
statement under Rule 462(b)
to register the increase in
shares/increase in deal size
• Consider whether
additional disclosure (oral
or by means of a free
writing prospectus) needs to
be delivered to purchasers
prior to confirmation of sale
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Now that you have the big picture, let’s
go through it again at a more granular
Instruction to Rule 430A(a)
Rule 430As most important contribution
to pricing outside the range is found in
the instruction to paragraph (a), which
states (in full):
Instruction to Paragraph (a). A
decrease in the volume of securities
offered or change in the bona fide
estimate of the maximum offering
price range from that indicated in
the form of prospectus filed as part
of a registration statement that is
declared effective may be disclosed
in the form of prospectus filed with
the Commission pursuant to Rule
424(b) or Rule 497(h) under the
Securities Act so long as the decrease
in the volume or change in the price
range would not materially change
the disclosure contained in the
registration statement at effectiveness.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, any
increase or decrease in volume (if the
total dollar value of securities offered
would not exceed that which was
registered) and any deviation from
the low or high end of the range may
be reflected in the form of prospectus
filed with the Commission pursuant
to Rule 424(b)(1) or Rule 497(h) if, in
the aggregate, the changes in volume
and price represent no more than a
20 percent change in the maximum
aggregate offering price set forth in
the “Calculation of Registration Fee”
table in the effective registration
statement. [Emphasis added.]
In other words, where the 20 percent
safe harbor threshold is not exceeded,
changes in price and deal size can be
poured backwards in time into the
registration statement using a Rule
424(b) filing of the final prospectus after
the effectiveness of the registration
statement and will be deemed to have
been part of the registration statement at
the time it became effective for purposes
of Section 11. This is a very useful
device indeed. It allows you to change
the size of your deal by 20 percent in
either direction without having to go
back to the SEC. This timing advantage
is critical when you are trying to price
a deal. As a result, understanding the
exact scope of this 20 percent safe
harbor is critical.
C&DI 227.03 (January 26, 2009)
C&DI 227.03 reads (in full) as follows:
Question: A registrant omits pricing
information from the prospectus
in a registration statement at the
time of effectiveness in reliance on
Rule 430A. Is it required to reflect
pricing information or the inclusion of
additional securities in a post-effective
If you are… Then you
should use…
And you can… But you would need to…
your deal
C&DI 627.01 Decrease the price
per share and/or
decrease the number
of shares sold, so
long as the size of
the revised deal is
not less than the
lower end of the
deal size reflected
in the price range
prospectus minus
20 percent of the
maximum deal size
reflected in the price
range prospectus
• Consider whether
additional disclosure (oral
or by means of a free
writing prospectus) needs to
be delivered to purchasers
prior to confirmation of sale
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Answer: The second sentence of the
Instruction to Rule 430A provides
that a Rule 424(b) prospectus
supplement may be used, rather than
a post-effective amendment, when
the 20% threshold is not exceeded,
regardless of the materiality or non-
materiality of resulting changes to
the registration statement disclosure
that would be contained in the Rule
424(b) prospectus supplement. When
there is a change in offering size
or deviation from the price range
beyond the 20% threshold noted in
the second sentence of the Instruction,
a post-effective amendment would
be required only if such change or
deviation materially changes the
previous disclosure. Regardless of the
size of the increase, in the case of a
registration statement that is not an
automatic shelf registration statement,
a new registration statement must
be filed to register any additional
securities that are offered. Additional
securities cannot be registered by
post-effective amendment except
on automatic shelf registration
statements. [Emphasis added.]
This C&DI establishes two important
• For purposes of Rule 430A (and
hence the Section 11 file), retroactive
changes in price within the 20 percent
threshold can be made after the fact
by way of a Rule 424(b) prospectus
even if the effects of those changes
are material, and
• Even changes outside the 20 percent
threshold can be made using a Rule
424(b) prospectus if the changes do
not materially change the disclosure.
These are important points — and
not entirely intuitive — so let’s spend
another minute here. Rule 430A
effectively lets you make pricing-related
changes to your registration statement
without SEC review (i.e., without filing
a post-effective amendment) even if
those changes are material. This special
privilege is limited to pricing information
as contemplated by Rule 430A, but it
is a very special privilege nevertheless.
The second point is equally important —
changes in excess of 20 percent may not
be material.
How can this be, you ask? Good
question. Consider, for example, a $1
billion offering that is half primary and
half secondary shares. If the secondary
shares are reduced to $250 million, but
the primary shares stay at $500 million,
the offering has been reduced by 25
percent but the reduction may well
not be material. There will still be a
very substantial public “float” after the
offering and the proceeds to the issuer
(and hence the use of proceeds), the pro
forma number of shares outstanding and
the pro forma earnings per share will not
change at all. This sort of fact pattern
is right in the center of C&DI 227.03’s
C&DI 627.01 (April 24, 2009)
So far, so good. It all seems pretty
clear — Rule 430A allows you to go up
or down 20 percent from the maximum
aggregate offering price reflected in the
fee table. But one key question remains
What does Rule 430A have to say about
the deal size actually reflected in the
prospectus circulated to investors, as
opposed to the maximum deal size
reflected in the fee table? What if (as is
often the case) these two amounts are
not aligned?
This is where C&DI 627.01 comes into
play. C&DI 627.01 reads (in full) as
627.01 The instruction to paragraph
(a) of Rule 430A provides that
changes in volume and price
representing no more than a 20%
change in the maximum offering price
set forth in the registration statement
fee table may be made pursuant to a
Rule 424(b)(1) prospectus supplement.
The 20% threshold may be calculated
using the high end of the range
in the prospectus at the time of
effectiveness and may be measured
from either the high end (in the case
of an increase in the offering price)
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or low end (in the case of a decrease
in the offering price) of that range.
[Emphasis added]
C&DI 627.01 permits you to calculate
the 20 percent amount for purposes
of downsizing your deal in a very
favorable way. As an alternative to the
table approach contemplated by the
instruction to paragraph (a) of Rule
430A, C&DI 627.01 allows you to derive
your 20 percent amount by multiplying
the upper end of the range in the
price range prospectus by 20 percent.
You can then add that amount to the
upper end of the range in the price
range prospectus if you are upsizing, or
subtract that amount from the bottom
of the range if you are downsizing, to
figure out what share count and price
per share will be within the safe harbor.
Since 20 percent of the upper end of the
price range is by definition greater than
20 percent of the lower end of the price
range, C&DI 627.01 effectively broadens
the scope of the Rule 430A safe harbor
for troubled deals.
The approach in C&DI 627.01 represents
an alternative to the approach in the
instruction to paragraph (a) of Rule
430A, and the SEC Staff takes the
positions that you cannot “mix and
match” between the C&DI and the
instruction to paragraph (a). As a result,
if you are following C&DI 627.01 you
may not take 20 percent of the amount
reflected in the fee table and subtract
that from the lower end of the price
range, even though that might yield a
lower floor on your transaction than 20
percent of the upper end of the range
(since the fee table often registers a
larger transaction than the upper end of
the range). Either you calculate using
the fee table or you calculate using the
range in the price range prospectus, but
you can’t have it both ways. In practice,
this means that you will want to use
C&DI 627.01 when downsizing and the
instruction to paragraph (a) of Rule 430A
when upsizing.
The Section 12 File and the
Importance of Common
Knowing whether you are within the
Rule 430A safe harbor is not the end
of the analysis — after all, the Rule
contemplates that there could be
material changes to the disclosure that
would fall within the safe harbor. Rule
430A is a fabulous tool for dealing with
the Section 11 file, but it doesn’t help
you with the Section 12 file. Let’s tackle
the Section 12 file now.
Securities Act Rule 159; Free
Writing Prospectuses; Exchange
Act Rule 15c2-8(b)
Rule 159, which was introduced as
part of the securities offering reforms
that became effective in 2005, adds
an important wrinkle to the Section 12
landscape. Rule 159 makes clear that,
for purposes of Section 12, information
conveyed to a securities purchaser
after the time of sale does not count
for purposes of determining whether
the Section 12 file was complete at the
moment that liability attaches. In other
words, Section 12 liability is a function
of what you actually gave or told the
purchaser prior to confirming the order
— anything delivered after the moment
of truth does not count.
This means that those material pricing
changes that can be retroactively
poured into the Section 11 file after the
fact under Rule 430A must actually be
conveyed to purchasers in real time
prior to confirming orders in order for
the Section 12 file to be up to snuff.
There are a number of ways to transmit
the required information — the rules
are agnostic as to the actual method of
conveyance — but the key point is that
the conveyance must be made and it
must be made prior to confirming orders.
Market practice is that simple
information that can be effectively
reduced to sound bites is conveyed
orally. It is customary in deals pricing
within the range, for example, to convey
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the final pricing information orally.
Oral conveyance is also used in many
upsizing and downsizing scenarios.
The easiest example of this would be
a 20 percent decrease in deal size in
an all-secondary offering by a selling
stockholder. All the investor needs to
know in that case is how many shares
are being sold and at what price — there
are no collateral disclosure implications
to the change in deal size in that
The disclosure in the price
range prospectus will not otherwise
change at all.
More complicated deal changes may
require that a free writing prospectus
summarizing the changes be circulated
to accounts in writing as contemplated
by Rule 433. An example of this
situation might be a decrease in offering
size that results in a change to the
use of proceeds flowing through the
pro formas. The decision whether to
convey the new information orally or in
writing will in part depend on whether
the price range prospectus circulated
to investors contained “sensitivity
analysis” explaining how the company’s
plans would change if the actual
proceeds turned out to be more or less
than the amount assumed in the price
range prospectus. The more sensitivity
analysis that is included in the price
range prospectus, the more likely it
will be possible to convey the missing
information orally at the time of pricing.
This is a point to keep in mind in the
early drafting sessions.
There is no hard-and-fast rule about
how much sensitivity analysis will do,
and what topics need to be covered.
Some items to evaluate might include:
• Use of proceeds, particularly where
stated uses would need to be changed
or new uses added (for example,
in the case of unexpectedly large
• Pro forma earnings per share
• The size of the “float” after the
• The company’s financial condition
• The level of beneficial ownership by
members of senior management or
other significant stockholders; and
• Dilution.
The goal is to have disclosure that
allows investors to see how changes in
share price or deal size ripple through
critical elements of the disclosure.
Ideally, the price range prospectus
will present key disclosures in an “if/
then” format (“We will apply the net
proceeds from this offering first to repay
all borrowings under our credit facility
and then, to the extent of any proceeds
remaining, to general corporate
purposes,” for example).
Finally, where the changes are so
fundamental that the original price
range prospectus must be completely
rewritten, it may be necessary to
recirculate a completely new price
range prospectus in order to satisfy
Exchange Act Rule 15c2-8(b). Rule
15c2-8(b) requires that brokers and
dealers participating in an IPO “deliver
a copy of the preliminary prospectus
to any person who is expected to
receive a confirmation of sale at least
48 hours prior to the sending of such
confirmation.” [Emphasis added.]
The line between a complete
recirculation and a supplemental
circulation of changed pages is a blurry
one. The free writing prospectus concept
introduced by Rule 433 in the 2005
securities offering reforms was intended,
we believe, to obviate the need for a full
recirculation of a completely new price
range prospectus in all but the most
extreme cases. However, when changed
pages become so pervasive that the
original price range prospectus can no
longer be said to be “the preliminary
prospectus” within the meaning of Rule
15c2-8(b), then a full recirculation may
be required. If the changes are less than
pervasive, a free writing prospectus
summarizing the changes should suffice.
The key import of this distinction
between a full recirculation of a
new price range prospectus and a
supplemental circulation of a free
writing prospectus summarizing the
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changes relates to timing. If you
have tripped the Rule 15c2-8(b) wire,
you need to give investors 48 hours
(generally thought to mean two full
business days)
to consider the revised
disclosure. If you are in free writing
prospectus land, however, you may
conclude that investors only need a
few hours (or even minutes) to digest
the new disclosure. The SEC Staff has,
to date, refrained from offering any
guidance on the question “How long is
long enough?” as it relates to delivery
of new information for purposes of Rule
159 and Section 12. The prevailing view
among law firms is that most information
can be digested upon receipt and only
very complicated changes need a full
business day to be absorbed. Somewhat
complicated changes may need more
than a few minutes to be digested but
less than a full business day.
We continue to feel that the better
view of Rule 433 and the free writing
prospectus that it ushered in is that
a properly crafted and conveyed free
writing prospectus should eliminate the
need for a full recirculation in all but the
most extreme cases.
Filing Fee Issues
Securities Act Rules 457
and 462(b)
Rule 457
Although Rule 457 deals with the
seemingly mundane issue of the
calculation of the registration fee,
the choice you make under Rule 457
will have a significant impact on your
options at the moment of truth.
Remember that you initially filed your
registration statement with a fee table,
calculated either:
• Under Rule 457(o) on the basis of the
amount of proceeds the issuer wanted
to raise, or
• Under Rule 457(a) on the basis of the
number of shares to be sold and a
bona fide estimate of the sale price
per share.
Chances are, you opted to calculate
the registration fee for purposes of the
fee table under Rule 457(o). You could
have used Rule 457(a) instead, but since
doing so would let the market know the
likely per share price (i.e., maximum
deal size divided by the number of
shares registered), most deal teams opt
to use Rule 457(o).
It’s unusual in our
experience for a deal team to elect to
tip its hand about the expected price
per share at the time the registration
statement is first filed.
When the time comes to file your price
range prospectus, you have a choice:
either keep using Rule 457(o), or refile
your fee table under Rule 457(a).
If you choose to refile under Rule 457(a),
you will not have to pay more filing fees
if your offering price per share later
increases — that’s baked right into the
text of the Rule. You will, however, be
required to pay additional filing fees if
you later increase the number of shares
to be offered, even if the total offering
size (number of shares sold times sale
price) does not go above the original
estimate used to calculate the original
filing fee. The added shares will need to
be registered — we discuss below how
that is done.
If you stick with Rule 457(o), you will not
have to file a new registration statement
and pay additional filing fees if your per
share price goes down and you increase
the number of shares offered so as to
maintain the original aggregate offering
price. See C&DI 640.05. You will,
however, be required to pay additional
filing fees if you keep the same number
of shares and increase the per share
price (thereby increasing the aggregate
deal size).
Which route is preferable? Refiling
under Rule 457(a) allows you to increase
the price per share (but not the number
of shares) without filing an additional
registration statement. By contrast,
staying with Rule 457(o) allows you
to increase the number of shares and
decrease the price per share so as to
maintain overall deal size, without filing
an additional registration statement.
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So it all boils down to whether you
think you will be upsizing price only
(and leaving the number of shares
unchanged) or will be playing with both
price and number of shares in order to
keep the same total aggregate deal size.
Many deal teams elect to switch to Rule
457(a) at the time of printing the price
range prospectus, because increasing
the price per share at pricing is a more
likely outcome than increasing the
number of shares and decreasing the
Rule 462(b)
How do you go about adding additional
shares (if you are using Rule 457(a))
or increasing the deal size (if you are
using Rule 457(o))? You will need to file
an immediately effective registration
statement under Rule 462(b).
Rule 462(b) is available if:
• You file the new registration
statement prior to the time
confirmations are sent, and
• The increase in price and share
count together represent an increase
of no more than 20 percent of the
previous maximum aggregate offering
price (as set forth in the fee table at
There is a curious wrinkle to how
the 20 percent amount is calculated
for purposes of Rule 462(b), again
depending on whether you refiled your
fee table under Rule 457(a) or stayed
with Rule 457(o). If you are using Rule
457(a), you multiply the number of
additional shares by the new offering
price and then look to see whether the
increase in deal size associated with the
added shares is more or less than 20
percent of the deal size in the fee table
at effectiveness — even though that fee
table was calculated at the old price
per share. See C&DI 640.03. To take an
example, imagine that your fee table
at effectiveness reflected 11.5 million
shares and a price range of $8-$10 per
share, for a maximum aggregate deal
size of $115 million. At pricing, the
number of shares is increased by 1.5
million and the price is increased to
$12per share. The number of additional
shares times the price equals $18
million. Since this is less than 20 percent
of $115 million (i.e., $23 million), you
could use Rule 462(b) to register the
new shares. The fact that the entire
deal is actually being upsized by more
than 20 percent (since $115 million plus
20 percent equals $138 million, and
13 million shares times $12 per share
equals $156 million) is disregarded if
you are using Rule 457(a).
The calculation is done differently if
you are staying with Rule 457(o). In that
case, you multiply all of the shares being
offered (including the additional shares)
by the new price per share and then
look to see if you have increased total
deal size by more than 20 percent. See
C&DI 640.04. This makes sense, since
Rule 457(o) looks to total deal size. To
use our example above, 20 percent of
the original maximum deal size equals
$23 million. Because 13 million shares
are being offered at a new price per
share of $12, total deal size would be
$156 million, which is more than the
original deal size plus 20 percent ($115
million plus $23 million equals $138
million). As a result, you could not use
Rule 462(b) to register the additional
deal size above 20 percent.
Some Examples of How It
All Fits Together
Is your head spinning at this point? It
should be. Let’s start with the following
basic facts and then try various upsizing
and downsizing scenarios to help
illustrate how the rules work:
• Maximum aggregate deal size in
the fee table at effectiveness is $115
• The price range prospectus reflects a
range of $8-$10 per share, 10 million
firm commitment shares and 1.5
million greenshoe shares, for a total
of 11.5 million shares (including the
• The minimum aggregate deal size
in the price range prospectus is $92
million (including the greenshoe),
while the maximum aggregate deal
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size in the price range prospectus is
$115 million (including the greenshoe)
Scenario 1: At pricing, the price is
increased to $12 but the number of
shares stays the same, for a total
aggregate deal size of $138 million
(post greenshoe).
This is within Rule 430As safe harbor,
because the increased price per share
(from $10 to $12) when multiplied
by the number of shares (10 million
plus the 1.5 million greenshoe shares)
yields a maximum aggregate deal size
($138 million) that does not exceed
the maximum aggregate offering
size reflected in the fee table plus 20
percent ($115 million plus $23 million
equals $138 million). (You include the
greenshoe shares in these calculations,
because you need to have registered
and paid fees for all securities sold in
the offering.) You can ignore the price
range prospectus for the moment, since
the instruction to Rule 430A(a) says you
look to the maximum deal size in the
fee table to calculate the 20 percent
amount for purposes of upsizing. The
fee table will always reflect a total deal
size that is greater than or equal to the
deal size reflected in the price range
prospectus (at least if you used Rule
457(o) to compute the fee table), so you
can see why the instruction is the way
to go in an upsizing scenario — you get
to calculate the 20 percent off a bigger
base and hence get a larger increase.
Because you are within Rule 430A, the
new deal size and share price will be
deemed to be part of the Section 11 file
at the time the registration statement
became effective once the final
prospectus is filed under Rule 424(b).
The Section 12 file can be handled with
an oral statement to accounts at the
time of confirming orders to the effect
that the price is now $12 per share and
the maximum deal size is $138 million
(post greenshoe). Ideally, the price
range prospectus already disclosed
what the proceeds would be used
for if the deal raised more cash than
originally assumed, so there is no need
to elaborate on that point.
There would be no need to pay
additional fees via a Rule 462(b)
registration statement if you calculated
your filing fee for purposes of the fee
table using Rule 457(a), because the
number of shares to be sold has not
changed — this, as we pointed out
above, is the primary benefit of Rule
457(a). If you calculated your filing
fee using Rule 457(o), on the other
hand, you would need to register the
additional deal size, and this could be
done by filing a Rule 462(b) registration
Scenario 2: At pricing, the price is
increased to $14 and the number
of shares is increased to 12 million
(pre greenshoe) and 13.8 million
(including the greenshoe), for a
total aggregate deal size of $193.20
million (post greenshoe).
This is outside the Rule 430A safe
harbor, since the new total maximum
aggregate deal size ($193.20 million)
is more than 20 percent above the
maximum deal size reflected in the
fee table ($115 million plus $23 million
equals $138 million). That’s not the
end of the story, of course. Remember
that C&DI 227.03 permits you to pour
this information back into the Section
11 file at the time of effectiveness via
a Rule 424(b) prospectus even if your
deal size changes by more than the
20 percent safe harbor amount, if the
increase in deal size does not materially
change the disclosure. You might be
able to conclude that the changes
were immaterial — for example, if the
sensitivity analysis in the price range
prospectus gave investors enough
information to track the changes through
the disclosure.
The Section 12 file will also need to be
addressed. This can be done either with
an oral statement to accounts at the time
of confirming orders or by distributing a
Rule 433 free writing prospectus prior to
confirming orders to those expected to
purchase shares. The decision whether
to convey the new information orally or
in writing (via a free writing prospectus)
will depend on the complexity of the
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Finally, don’t forget that you would need
to register additional shares and pay
additional fees, whether you used Rule
457(a) (since the number of shares being
registered has increased) or Rule 457(o)
(as a result of the increase in transaction
size). On our facts, if you refiled under
Rule 457(a) at the time of printing the
price range prospectus you would not
be able to register the additional shares
via an immediately effective Rule
462(b) registration statement, because
the additional number of shares (2.3
million) multiplied by the new price
per share ($14) equals $32.20 million,
which is more than 20 percent of the
maximum offering price at effectiveness
($23 million). Similarly, if you used Rule
457(o) you would have to file a new
registration statement under Rule 462(b),
since the increase in total deal size
(from $115 million to $193.20 million) is
greater than 20 percent.
Scenario 3: At pricing, the price is
decreased to $6 but the number of
shares stays the same, for a total
aggregate deal size of $69 million
(post greenshoe).
At first glance, this might appear to
be outside the Rule 430A safe harbor
since the new total maximum aggregate
deal size ($69 million) is less than
the maximum deal size reflected in
the fee table minus 20 percent ($115
million minus $23 million equals $92
million). But remember C&DI 627.01,
which allows you to focus on the price
range in the price range prospectus
rather than the amount reflected in
the fee table. Following C&DI 627.01,
you would calculate the 20 percent
threshold by using the high end of the
range (20 percent of $115 million equals
$23 million) and then deducting that
amount from the low end of the range
($92 million). This approach ($92 million
minus $23 million) lets you reduce the
deal to $69 million with the greenshoe,
and gives you maximum flexibility.
C&DI 627.01 is your best choice in
a downsizing scenario — you get to
decrease deal size beyond the level that
the instruction to Rule 430A(a) would
otherwise allow. The decreased pricing
information can be included in a Rule
424(b) prospectus and will be deemed
to be part of the Section 11 file at
The Section 12 file issues may well
be more interesting in this example,
depending in part on whether the
disclosure in the price range prospectus
included sensitivity analysis explaining
what the issuer would do if the deal
got downsized to such an extent. If it
did, an oral explanation of the smaller
deal size may be sufficient to provide
investors with the missing information.
If not, particularly if the use of proceeds
will need to change, a free writing
prospectus summarizing the changes
may be advisable.
Because there is no increase in
aggregate deal size or number of shares
being offered, there is no need to pay
additional fees or file a Rule 462(b)
registration statement. In fact, the
question whether additional filing fees
are due never comes up in a downsizing
Scenario 4: At pricing, the price
is decreased to $4 but the number
of shares is increased, for a total
aggregate deal size of $69 million
(post greenshoe).
The answer to this scenario is the
same as scenario 3, since both yield a
minimum deal size of $69 million. In
other words, the aggregate size of the
deal did not decrease by more than
20 percent (calculated using the C&DI
627.01 methodology) because of the
increase in the number of shares to
be sold. We believe that the SEC Staff
would consider this scenario to be within
Rule 430A, notwithstanding the steep
decrease in the per share price (from $8
to $4).
Some Additional Things to
Bear in Mind
Negative Assurance Letter Practice
Negative assurance letter practice
among law firms changed following the
adoption of the Securities Act reforms in
2005, particularly because of Rule 159’s
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focus on the information in investors’
hands at the time of pricing. Negative
assurance letters now cover three
important items:
• The registration statement as of its
effective date, as measured against
the requirements of Section 11 of the
Securities Act
• The final prospectus, as of its date and
as of the closing date, as measured
against the requirements of Section 12
of the Securities Act, and
• The “Pricing Time Disclosure
Package” as of the time the
underwriters commence to confirm
orders, as measured against the
requirements of Section 12 of the
Securities Act.
This last bullet point was added to
address Rule 159. It requires the
negative assurance provided by the
issuer’s and the underwriters’ law firms
to speak to the collection of information
conveyed to prospective purchasers
at the time the underwriters begin to
confirm orders. The magic of Rule 430A
and its permission to go back in time to
rewrite history is critical for the negative
assurance given in the first bullet point
above, which relates to the Section 11
file, but it is of no use for purposes of the
third bullet point, which relates to the
Section 12 file.
The way to satisfy Rule 159 is to actually
convey information to accounts. In the
context of a deal that is being upsized or
downsized at the last minute, conveying
information — or even preparing the
information so that it can be conveyed
— may not be easy to do in a timely
manner. As a result, the deal team will
be under pressure to make important
materiality judgments on a real-time
FINRA Issues
IPOs are subject to FINRA Rule 5110
(sometimes referred to as the Corporate
Financing Rule). The underwriters of
your IPO will be FINRA members, and
the Corporate Financing Rule will limit
the amount of compensation they (and
other distribution participants for that
matter) may receive in connection with
the IPO. The Corporate Financing Rule
also prohibits certain practices that
FINRA has determined to be “unfair or
unreasonable” and contains filing and
disclosure requirements.
If the type of compensation going to
the underwriting group consists only
of the “spread” (i.e., the discount off
the public offering price), the upsizing
or downsizing of an IPO should not
trigger additional issues under Rule
5110. However, Rule 5110 includes
many other “items of value” received
by the underwriters around the time of
the IPO in the calculation of aggregate
underwriting compensation. If aggregate
underwriting compensation exceeds a
certain percentage of the total offering
proceeds, the underwriters may need
to obtain the FINRA “no objections”
opinion required by the SEC in order
for the registration statement to be
declared effective. A change in the size
of your deal could potentially change
the total underwriting compensation as a
percentage of deal proceeds in a manner
that would require a visit to FINRA. In
practice, that may be difficult to achieve
under the timing pressure that always
exists at the moment of truth.
FINRA Rule 2720 contains additional
requirements that apply to public
offerings in which a participating FINRA
member is deemed to have a “conflict of
interest” (i.e., an interest in the outcome
of the offering beyond its role as an
underwriter or selling group member).
The rule provides that a conflict of
interest exists whenever five percent or
more of the net offering proceeds will
be directed to a FINRA member or its
affiliates or other “related persons.”
Accordingly, if an offering is downsized,
you will need to re-assess whether the
conflict of interest provisions of Rule
2720 are triggered. Among other things,
Rule 2720 will generally require the
participation of a FINRA-approved
“qualified independent underwriter”
and inclusion of prominent disclosure
as to the nature of the conflict in the
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NYSE/Nasdaq Issues
Both the NYSE and the Nasdaq’s listing
rules exempt “controlled companies”
— that is, companies of which more
than 50 percent of the voting power
is held by an individual, a group or
another company — from certain listing
requirements relating to corporate
governance. For example, controlled
companies are exempt from the
requirement to have a board composed
of a majority of independent directors.
When you are doing an IPO for a
controlled company, you should keep an
eye out for the potential effect of selling
more shares on the controlled company
analysis — if your deal is upsized at the
moment of truth, it’s possible that the
company will not longer be “controlled”
for purposes of this exemption.
Tying It All Together
So how does all of this fit together, you
ask? Simple, really. The underwriters
and the issuer should start the dialogue
about how the market is reacting to the
deal while the road show is progressing.
These are the types of questions that
may come up:
• Is there sufficient demand for the
stock within the suggested range?
• If not, is it possible to get a smaller
deal done within the range or may we
need to reduce the deal’s size and the
per share price?
• If the size of the deal decreases, will
the use of proceeds need to change?
• Is there sufficient excess demand that
we can increase the price to a price
that is above the top end of the range?
• Can we increase the price above the
range and increase the number of
shares being offered?
• If the deal size increases, what will
the extra proceeds be used for?
• What did we say in the price range
prospectus sent to investors about
what would happen to our use of
proceeds if the deal were to be
upsized or downsized?
It is important to get this dialogue going
long before it is time to price the deal
so the deal team can plan for every
possible outcome. Bear in mind that:
• A free writing prospectus reflecting
new disclosures may need to be
drafted and circulated to prospective
investors expected to purchase stock
in the offering before orders can be
confirmed, or a telephone script for
the conversation with those investors
may need to be prepared
• A final prospectus containing
appropriate disclosure must in any
event be drafted and filed under Rule
• The accountants’ comfort letters may
need to change to reflect the revised
• A Rule 462(b) registration statement
to register additional shares or
transaction size may need to be
prepared, and extra filing fees may
need to be paid
• A Rule 462(d) post-effective
amendment to add a new Exhibit 5.1
opinion covering additional shares
may need to be drafted and filed
• If there are other changes that do not
qualify as pricing information within
the meaning of Rule 430A or if Rule
430As 20 percent safe harbor is not
available, a post-effective amendment
to the registration statement may
need to be prepared and filed,
and the SEC Staff must declare it
effective, and
• In the most extreme cases, an entirely
new price range prospectus must
be drafted and recirculated to all
investors expecting to purchase stock
in the offering.
All these steps take time. There is no
substitute for advance planning, which
comes in two phases — before and
during/after the road show. Before the
road show, it is very handy if the price
range prospectus is drafted to include
appropriate sensitivity analysis along the
lines discussed above. Good advance
planning and carefully crafted disclosure
in the price range prospectus may make
it possible to conclude that a change
in deal size is not a material change
in the disclosure, taken as a whole.
During and after the road show, as soon
as it becomes clear that an upsizing or
downsizing is even a possibility, the
deal team should be reviewing the
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options under the rules described above
and preparing revised disclosure, free
writing prospectuses, telephone scripts,
etc., as needed.
Timing is critical and there is little
margin for error. Be prepared!
This is tricky stuff. However, with
appropriate advance planning and
carefully crafted disclosure in the
price range prospectus, it is possible
to navigate the many technical
requirements and focus on the judgment
calls. What is a material change to the
disclosure depends in part on what was
disclosed in the first instance, so the
advance planning really begins at the
first drafting session. Those who are
thinking ahead to pricing from the very
beginning will have an easier time when
they get there, even if the deal changes
materially at the moment of truth.
Remember, though, that there are situations in
which you may conclude that filing a pre-effective
amendment is unavoidable. One example would
be where you are certain before effectiveness
that your deal is going to be dramatically
downsized or upsized: failing to refile exposes
you to the risk of tripping over Regulation S-K
Item 501(b)(3), which requires an IPO issuer
to include a “bona fide estimate” of the price
range in the preliminary prospectus it circulates
to potential investors. In the ordinary course,
you would seek to go effective at some point
prior to the close of the stock market —
2:00 p.m. Eastern time is often chosen.
Because the market has not yet closed, you
would typically not be in a position to know with
certainty that you will be pricing outside the
range set forth in the prospectus at that time.
The time of “effectiveness” is a key moment
in the IPO. Among other things, securities
cannot be sold until the registration statement
is declared effective. Rule 430A allows an IPO
to price as many as 15 business days after
effectiveness, but it is most common to price on
the day of effectiveness (which is also the time
the underwriters will begin confirming orders).
The actual closing of the transaction happens
some number of days later.
Rule 430A defines pricing information as:
information with respect to the public offering
price, underwriting syndicate (including any
material relationships between the registrant
and underwriters not named therein),
underwriting discounts or commissions,
discounts or commissions to dealers, amount
of proceeds, conversion rates, call prices and
other items dependent upon the offering price,
delivery dates, and terms of the securities
dependent upon the offering date[.]
We’re assuming that the prospectus at
effectiveness is the same price range prospectus
circulated to investors — in other words, that you
have not refiled with a different range.
Note, however, that one consequence might be
a material change to the ownership structure,
for example if the change resulted in a control
group’s retention (or loss) of control over the
In other words, if prospective investors actually
have the revised preliminary prospectus in their
hands at 9:00 a.m. on Monday morning, it would
be appropriate to price on Tuesday after the
market closes.
One wrinkle in Rule 433 that could be construed
to require a full recirculation in a very limited
circumstance deserves discussion.
Rule 433(b)(2)(i) requires that an IPO issuer’s
free writing prospectus be:
accompanied or preceded by the most recent
. . . [preliminary] prospectus [on file with the
SEC]; provided, however, that use of the
free writing prospectus is not conditioned on
providing the most recent such prospectus if
a prior such prospectus has been provided
and there is no material change from the
prior prospectus reflected in the most recent
This proviso is puzzling, since in most cases
there would not be a reason to circulate a
free writing prospectus if there were nothing
material to report. We choose, therefore, to
interpret the proviso as meaning that a free
writing prospectus for an IPO issuer is only
allowed to convey material changes if the free
writing prospectus and the original preliminary
prospectus (and each other broadly distributed
free writing prospectuses, if any), taken together,
contain materially the same information as
is at the time on file with the SEC. We think
that this interpretation is more in keeping with
the overall purpose of Rule 433 — namely, to
encourage sending information to accounts on
an as-needed, real-time basis.
In any event, however, note 1 to paragraph
(b)(2)(i) of Rule 433 makes clear that this
technical issue is not a problem for a free
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writing prospectus delivered by e-mail as long
as it includes a hyperlink to the most recent
preliminary prospectus on file with the SEC. As
a result of this helpful note, every free writing
prospectus to be sent by e-mail in connection
with an IPO should include such a hyperlink.
In situations where the underwriters are able
to distribute free writing prospectuses to all
accounts by e-mail, there is no need to struggle
with the interpretive issue discussed in the prior
There is a technical reason why it is generally
preferable to chose Rule 457(o) at the outset.
The SEC Staff informally takes the position that
if you raise your price range in a preliminary
prospectus contained in a pre-effective
amendment from the range used to calculate
the filing fee and you originally elected to
proceed under Rule 457(a), then the 20 percent
safe harbor contemplated by the instruction to
paragraph (a) of Rule 430A is calculated on the
basis of the original maximum aggregate offering
price and not the offering price range contained
in the price range prospectus distributed to
investors. This qualification can be eliminated if
you “voluntarily” pay an additional filing fee when
you increase your offering range, but doing so
defeats the primary benefit of Rule 457(a) (i.e.,
you do not need to go back to the SEC if you
increase your estimated price per share). This
SEC Staff position can be a trap for the unwary
issuer who elected to use Rule 457(a) originally
to calculate the filing fee and later seeks to
upsize. There is no such hidden problem for
users of Rule 457(o), as they are required to pay
additional filing fees at the time they upsize their
deal, and they know it.
You will also need to remember to include a
new Exhibit 5.1 opinion on the legality of the
additional securities being registered. This can
be done by means of an immediately effective
post-effective amendment under Rule 462(d).
Note, by the way, that Rule 462(b) works for
an increase in transaction size in a Rule 457(o)
deal, even though the text of Rule 462(b) speaks
only of “registering additional securities.” See
C&DI 640.04.
The “greenshoe” is jargon for the underwriters’
over-allotment option — that is, the contractual
right to purchase some number of additional
shares from the issuer after the closing of the
offering. “It is so named because it was first
used in connection with a 1963 secondary
offering of shares of common stock of The
Green Shoe Manufacturing Company, the
Boston-based manufacturer of Stride-Rite shoes
(not green shoes for leprechauns as some
have supposed).” Charles J. Johnson, Jr. and
Joseph McLaughlin, Corporate Finance and the
Securities Laws at 2-38 (4th ed. 2009).
When calculating the increase in deal size for
Rule 462(b) purposes, do not overlook the
underwriters’ overallotment option – you will
need to register a sufficient number of shares
(and pay enough fees) to cover both the primary
as well as any option shares to be sold in the
Having said that, you would need to be
comfortable that the price range in the price
range prospectus circulated to investors (and
included in the registration statement at the time
of effectiveness) was in fact a “bona fide” price
range as required by Regulation S-K Item
Among other things, the Corporate Finance Rule
limits the greenshoe to 15 percent of the amount
of securities being offered in the IPO (excluding
the greenshoe). See FINRA Rule 5110(f)(2)(J).
16 Number 1053 | July 14, 2010
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