Strategic Review of Online Education
Report of the Faculty Council on Teaching and Learning
Princeton University
September 2015
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Overview and Guiding Principles for Strategic Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1. Princeton’s Current Activities in Online Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2. Evaluating Princeton’s Current Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.3. Experiences at Other Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.4. Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4. Priorities for Future Experimentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.1. Supplemental Online Materials for STEM Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2. Small Private Online Courses (SPOCs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.3. Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5. Infrastructure and Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.1. Pedagogical and Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.2. Faculty Incentives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.3. Strategic Partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.4. Research and Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.5. Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
A. Council on Teaching and Learning Members AY 2014 – 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
B. Summary of Interviews with Peer Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
C. Survey Questions and Responses from On-Campus Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
D. Princeton MOOCs Since 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
E. MOOC Production by Peers Since 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
F. Flipped and Blended Courses at Princeton Since 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
G. Princeton Online Course Projects by Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1. Executive Summary
This decade has the potential to be a watershed moment in the history of higher education as
hundreds of colleges and universities explore the potential of online technology to enhance
teaching and learning. Many welcome this phenomenon as the beginning of a revolution that
will not only expand the availability of educational resources to students throughout the world,
but also stimulate improvements in pedagogy. Others are less sanguine about these
developments and warn that online instruction will, among other things, lead to a substantial
decline in the personalized, face-to-face instruction that is an essential and defining element of
liberal arts education. At this time, it is simply too early to know how and to what extent the
dissemination of online technology will transform higher education, but the impact could very
well be major.
After extensive consultation with faculty members, Princeton decided to join Stanford
University, the University of Michigan and the University of Pennsylvania in the April 2012
launch of Coursera, now the largest platform for the delivery of Massive Open Online Courses
(or MOOCs). Princeton participated in the Coursera launch with the primary goal of
understanding how MOOCs might be used to enhance the quality of education on campus while
also sharing educational materials with the world ( Through the
development and delivery of free, non-credit course materials that have reached millions of
students across the world, Princeton has gained a great deal of insight into the nature, costs, and
relative benefits of online education. Additional insights have been gained through creative
experiments by Princeton faculty in the use of online technology to enhance the quality of
undergraduate education here on campus.
In September 2014, a little more than two years after Princeton offered its first MOOC on
Coursera, Provost David Lee charged the Faculty Council on Teaching and Learning to survey
the “rapidly changing landscape” of online instruction and prepare a report that recommends
strategic priorities for Princeton’s ongoing approach to this area. This report, the Council’s
response to the Provost’s charge, follows a year-long process of investigation that included
reading in the literature on online education, consultation with authorities in this area, interviews
with representatives of peer institutions and Princeton faculty members who have experimented
with online education, and anonymous surveys of Princeton students and faculty members.
The Council’s recommendations fall into three groups. First, we recommend that Princeton’s
strategic planning in this area be guided by the following principles:
· Princeton’s strategy with respect to online education should be informed by the pervasive
uncertainty about its effectiveness.
· Princeton should give priority to the development of online materials and tools that will
build upon our strengths as a residential learning community and that will enhance and
complement -- not supplant -- time-tested modes of teaching and faculty-student
· Princeton should encourage the public dissemination of online course materials only to
the extent that those efforts are likely to yield clear benefits to Princeton students.
· Broad consultation with the faculty regarding Princeton’s strategy for online education is
critical, especially in light of faculty members’ strong and widely diverging views on this
Second, we recommend that Princeton give highest priority to the development of supplemental
online materials as well as online courses for summer study that will help students make their
way into the STEM disciplines and other fields where entry has been particularly challenging.
To the extent possible, the fruits of our efforts in this area should be disseminated for public
Finally, we recommend that the infrastructure and resources available to support Princeton’s
ongoing experimentation with online education be augmented. In particular, Princeton should
offer special incentives (e.g., summer salary and teaching relief) for the development of online
materials of high priority. We should also increase our efforts to communicate with faculty
members regarding online education and the resources available to support innovation in this
area. Princeton should also explore opportunities for collaboration with other institutions and
offer additional resources for faculty and departments that want to undertake research on the
effectiveness of various types of online learning.
2. Process
In September 2014, Provost David Lee charged the Faculty Council on Teaching and Learning to
study the “rapidly changing landscape” of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and other
forms of online instruction, and to prepare a report that recommends strategic priorities and
specific measures for guiding Princeton’s ongoing approach to online instruction. According to
the Provost’s charge (, “[t]he overarching questions in this area include
how Princeton should take advantage of new developments in online learning and technology in
the classroom to enhance the quality of education on our campus, whether and how Princeton
should uses MOOCs or other technology to expand the reach of its teaching, and whether and
how Princeton can contribute to research about the efficacy and value of online teaching.”
The Council met monthly during the 2014-15 academic year. (The members of the Council are
listed in Appendix A.) To begin, the Council received general orientation in the field of online
education. In addition, without attempting a comprehensive review of the burgeoning literature
in this area, members of the Council read a number of key documents and held conversations
with several authorities in the field.
These authorities included William Bowen and Kevin
Guthrie of ITHAKA, authors of several leading studies of online education; Anant Agarwal, the
founding CEO of edX; and Kimberly Cassidy, President of Bryn Mawr College. The Council
next divided itself into two groups:
· Group A focused on online education at a sampling of seven peer institutions that
responded positively to requests for in-depth information: Columbia University, Duke
University, University of Michigan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale
University, Stanford University and Brown University. They interviewed administrative
and faculty leaders at each of these institutions to gauge the nature and magnitude of their
activities in online education (and the policies and infrastructure in place to support them)
and to understand their challenges and successes as well as their priorities for the future.
(A sample of the questions and a summary of the interviews are attached as Appendix B.)
· Group B focused on online education at Princeton and administered a series of
anonymous surveys designed to ascertain the views and experiences of three campus
constituencies: (1) students who have taken courses involving substantial online
components; (2) faculty members who have taught such courses; and (3) all other faculty
members. The survey instruments and responses are attached as Appendix C. Group B
also conducted an analysis of existing student evaluations from courses that have
involved substantial online components. (The Council reviewed these evaluations only
after securing the permission of the professors whose courses were involved.)
With all this information in hand, the Council deliberated about the principles and priorities that
should guide Princeton’s initiatives in online education in the future.
For an overview of the main findings in the literature, see Siemens, George, Dragan Gasevic and Shane
Dawson, Preparing for the Digital University: A Review of the History and Current State of Distance,
Blended, and Online Learning, (Gates Foundation, February 2015); and Allen, I. Elaine, Jeff Seaman,
Grade Change: Tracking Online Education in the United States (Formerly Known as the Sloan Online
Survey), (Babson Survey Research Group, January 2014).
3. Overview and Guiding Principles for Strategic Planning
3.1 Princeton’s Current Activities in Online Education
Hundreds of colleges and universities are actively exploring the potential of online technology to
enable new teaching methods, to cut costs, and to deliver educational material to students around
the world. One of the most visible sites of such exploration is Coursera, an online learning
platform where millions of students can find hundreds of online courses (now known as
“Massive Open Online Courses” or MOOCs) produced by faculty from more than 110
institutions, including Princeton and several of its peers. An equally prominent platform is edX,
the MIT-Harvard collaboration that offers more than 550 MOOCS from more than 60
institutional partners. At the same time, faculty members at many of these institutions are also
using online technology to “flip” their classrooms on campus. This mode of instruction requires
students to view pre-recorded lectures online in advance of class and then dedicates regularly
scheduled class time to group discussion and other forms of “active learning. The Council’s
research indicated that “online education” encompasses a wide variety of other tools and
methods that extend well beyond the MOOC and the “flipped” classroom.
One of four institutions to participate in the launch of Coursera, Princeton has experimented
actively with MOOCs since 2012.
Over the last three years, 16 members of the Princeton
faculty, representing 10 disciplines, have stepped forward to develop MOOCs. (A summary
table of Princeton’s MOOCs since 2012 and an overview of MOOC production among its peers
are attached as Appendices D and E.) Princeton’s MOOC offerings have varied widely in terms
of their format, assessment methods, length, and subject matter. The total enrollment in these
MOOCs exceeds 2.4 million. Importantly, as a matter of policy, Princeton decided not to offer
fee-based certificates to those who complete these offerings.
Several faculty members have also used online lectures to flip their classes on the Princeton
campus or have otherwise endeavored to integrate recorded lectures or online learning materials
into their Princeton courses (see Appendix F). To support these efforts, Princeton offers course
development stipends and the resources and professional expertise of the McGraw Center for
Teaching and Learning. (See Section 5.1 of this report for further information regarding
Princeton’s resources for supporting online education.)
The interest among faculty in developing courses with a significant online component has varied
widely by department and division. Over time, the distribution of Princeton courses on online
platforms has skewed heavily to the STEM fields. Over 62 percent are science and engineering
courses, roughly 31 percent are social science courses, and 7 percent are humanities courses (see
Since entering into its non-exclusive agreement with Coursera in 2012, Princeton has expanded its
platform options to include NovoEd ( and Kadenze (
which is specifically designed to support the arts. Princeton is currently evaluating edX, the MIT-
Harvard collaboration. Some faculty members have also developed their own platforms for the
dissemination of educational content. For example, Professor Mung Chiang created 3ND (or “Three
Nights and Done”), a platform that offers short courses consisting of three one-hour videos.
Appendix G).
When Princeton joined the launch of Coursera in 2012, it did so with the primary objective of
enhancing the quality of education on Princeton’s own campus. Princeton also embraced this
opportunity to share educational materials with the world and, thereby, advance our mission “in
the nation’s service, and in the service of all nations.” In particular, interested Princeton faculty
sought to determine whether online modes of instruction might enhance their on-campus teaching
in the following ways:
· Flipping the lecture: In principle, students first work through recorded “lectures” at their
own pace, answering in-video questions as they go. Professors are then free to devote
more face-to-face class time to discussion, problem-solving and other interactive forms of
teaching. Students’ responses to in-video quizzes, for example, may reveal particular
difficulties that professors can then address in a targeted manner during class. It is
important to note that the “flipped” model does not require that the recorded materials be
made publicly available; a number of Princeton faculty members have used closed
platforms to post materials for Princeton students only.
· Importing a global perspective: Some faculty use MOOCs in order to import a global
perspective into the Princeton classroom, an especially helpful feature in comparative and
interpretative disciplines such as world history. Video-conferencing technologies, such as
Google Hangout, are sometimes employed to conduct “global precepts” that connect
Princeton students with Coursera students from around the world.
· Crowd sourcing: As thousands of students work through online course materials, they
often offer candid, instantaneous feedback to one another and to the instructor that leads to
improvements in the materials and pedagogical methods of the course.
· Assessments: Online courses in quantitative disciplines often use quizzes and problem
sets that can be graded automatically, greatly reducing the amount of time it takes for
students to receive feedback and freeing up faculty time to consult with students having
. While instructors in the more qualitative disciplines have not designed quizzes
that are machine-gradable, some have developed peer-graded exercises that can also give
students meaningful feedback.
· Catalyst for innovation: An ancillary benefit is that the process of developing and
delivering a MOOC designing and recording lectures, collaborating with the McGraw
Center for Teaching and Learning, designing assessments, mediating global discussion
forums can lead faculty members and the graduate students teaching alongside them to
rethink their general approach to pedagogy, thus invigorating even their “conventional”
3.2 Evaluating Princeton’s Current Initiatives
Have these experiments in various modes of online learning been successful? Several Princeton
faculty members have seen many of these putative benefits materialize in the course of their early
experimentation with MOOCs and the “flipped” classroom.
They also note that the benefits
associated with the public dissemination of online lecture materials are significant. Providing
free educational materials is consistent with Princeton’s mission and also improves the visibility
of a Princeton education in the eyes of prospective students across the world. Conversations
with officials at the Alumni Council indicate that substantial numbers of Princeton alumni are
also attracted to MOOCs offered by the Princeton faculty.
However, many faculty members who have experimented with online education at Princeton have
also encountered a number of significant challenges. Flipping the lecture is not easy. It requires a
great deal of time to record, edit and update lectures, create in-video quizzes and other features,
and then develop a plan for using face-to-face class time more effectively. Posting recorded
lectures online can also weaken class attendance and reduce the quality and frequency of
interaction between students and faculty, a defining component of residential education at
Princeton. The high volume of discussion on MOOC forums can be difficult to manage,
compromising faculty attention to Princeton’s students.
After holding discussions with several members of the faculty who were using online teaching
methods, the Council decided to address the evaluation of Princeton’s current efforts in a more
systematic fashion by surveying both faculty and students. Both the faculty and student responses
to our survey questions regarding the effectiveness of the “flipped” classroom model were
decidedly mixed. The key findings were:
· Faculty members hold strong and widely diverging opinions about which forms of online
education are best and, indeed, whether technology has anything at all to add to their
current pedagogical approaches. In some cases, these views are informed by hands-on
experiences with online learning; in others, they are based on other sources of
· Students also have polarized (roughly 50/50) views about online learning based on their
specific experiences in Princeton courses. Most student comments are strongly in favor
or against courses with online learning components also include remarks about how that
student best absorbs new material and what type of teaching sustains their attention.
· Interestingly, both faculty and students agree that many of the perceived problems with
flipped classrooms relate to the quality of the classroom component of instruction, as
opposed to the quality of the recordings themselves. Students who were negative about
the experience complained that the classroom instruction was boring and unfocused, and
faculty who have flipped their classrooms indicated that it is a difficult, labor-intensive
way to teach that requires careful preparation and continued experimentation.
· Some faculty members regard the time and effort invested in thinking about how to flip a
See Adelman, Jeremy, "History a la MOOC," Perspectives on History: The Newsmagazine of the
American Historical Association (February 2014); and Connell, Christopher, “The Future of Education?
As the World Gets a Taste of Princeton, Princeton Gets Ideas to Improve At Home,” Princeton Alumni
Weekly (May 15, 2013).
classroom or how to create online content as beneficial to their teaching pedagogy.
· Students who are positive about their online learning experience (roughly 50%) usually
express surprise that they enjoyed the online videos or flipped classrooms, and write
about how these experiences enhanced their approach to learning.
· Faculty respondents generally did not support the view that Princeton should be making a
deliberate effort to increase its production of MOOCs for audiences beyond our student
3.3 Experiences at Other Institutions
Our investigation of online learning at a number of peer institutions is summarized in Appendix
E. The level of experimentation with MOOCs and other forms of online education at Princeton
over the past four years appears to be near the middle of our peer group (Appendix D). One
should note that to the extent that schools like Harvard, Penn and Stanford have been more active
than Princeton in the development of MOOCs, it is because of their professional schools, the
sector of higher education that has historically been more open to the development of fee-based
models for online coursework.
In any case, as indicated in Appendix B, our peers’ approaches and experiences have been
similar to ours. Their faculty members are primarily interested in how online instruction,
especially the flipped model, can enhance the quality of education in their classroom. Further,
while faculty experimentation in this area has stimulated a great deal of interest in pedagogy
more generally, they are also having mixed results.
The wide variety of reactions and experiences among the faculty at Princeton and elsewhere is not
surprising given that “online education” is a rapidly changing area that encompasses many
different modes of instruction, none of which has emerged as most compelling. Indeed, the
leading studies of online instruction and its efficacy confirm that the relative benefits of online
instruction remain unclear.
Moreover, our research does not indicate that there is a compelling
“first-mover” advantage for institutions that use online education as a means of enhancing the
education of their students on campus. Princeton should remain nimble enough to adopt the
most effective models and methods as they become clear.
3.4 Recommendations
· In our conversations with individuals at other schools, it was striking that not a single one
was willing to venture a guess as to what online approaches would be used at his or her
institution in five years. No one knows how this field will evolve. Princeton’s strategy with
respect to online education should be informed by the pervasive uncertainty about its
See, e.g., Wu, D. Derek, Online Learning in Postsecondary Education: A Review of the
Empirical Literature (2013-2014), Ithaka S+R (2015) and Reich, Justin, “Rebooting MOOC Research:
Improve assessment, data sharing, and experimental design,” Science (January 2, 2015). Reich observes,
“We have terabytes of data about what students clicked and very little understanding of what changed in
their heads”(pp. 34-5).
effectiveness. In the words of President emeritus William Bowen, “walk deliberately, don’t
run, toward online education.”
· Princeton should give highest priority to the development of online materials and tools that
will build upon our strengths as a residential learning community and that will enhance and
supplement -- not supplant -- time-tested modes of teaching and faculty-student interaction.
As a corollary, reduction in instructional costs per se should not be the goal of introducing
online instruction. Indeed, our research suggests that the development of pedagogically first-
rate online teaching materials might actually increase costs.
· Princeton should encourage the public dissemination of online course materials only to the
extent that those efforts are likely to yield clear benefits to Princeton students.
· Broad consultation with the faculty regarding Princeton’s strategy for online education is
critical, especially in light of faculty members’ strong and widely diverging views on this
subject. To that end, the Council on Teaching and Learning should serve as a forum for
addressing faculty and student concerns, advising the University on priorities in this area, and
periodically reviewing the use of online materials in Princeton courses to ensure that they are
not diminishing the quality and frequency of student-faculty interaction.
Bowen, William G., “Walk Deliberately, Don’t Run, Toward Online Education,” The Chronicle of
Higher Education (March 25, 2013).
4. Priorities for the Future Experimentation
While the future of online learning is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, the Council
identified two types of initiatives that appear to be especially promising and worthy of future
experimentation at Princeton: (1) the development of supplemental materials designed to
improve student retention in the STEM disciplines; and (2) the development of small private
online courses (SPOCs) that improve student options for summer study. These two types of
initiatives are especially appealing because they are naturally aligned with Princeton’s greater
efforts to support the complex educational needs of its increasingly diverse student body.
4.1. Supplemental Online Materials for STEM Preparation
The Council found that a number of our peer institutions are using supplemental online materials
to prepare students for introductory courses that often prove to be stumbling blocks in the STEM
disciplines (i.e., science, technology, engineering, and math). Here are three notable examples:
· Bryn Mawr’s TIDES initiative (Teaching to Increase Diversity and Equity in STEM)
offers supplementary online modules that students can use at any time to strengthen their
mathematical skills in physics, biology, chemistry and geosciences
( Bryn Mawr also offers two beginning mathematics courses
( that use a “playlist” of modules that students use as a
supplemental resource.
· Penns SAIL initiative (Structured, Active, In-Class Learning) encourages STEM faculty
to increase active engagement in their classes by using online tools to deliver content
outside of class and spend class time on highly participatory and active learning activities
( Preliminary analysis of learning outcomes indicates that students
in SAIL classes “are better able to explain complex concepts.”
· MIT offers an introductory chemistry course that uses online assessment tools in a
“mastery-based” approach to learning: the students must pass a minimum number of
these online assessments, but are allowed to repeat them as often as needed to pass within
a 14-day period. According to the professor teaching the course, the goal of this
approach is “to bring up the bottom of the class and raise the pass rate to 100%.”
For a recent statement of the University’s commitment to equitable access to our curriculum, academic
support and advising, see the Report of the Special Task Force on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
(Princeton University, May 2015), especially pp. 9-10.
Quoted from conversation between McGraw Instructional Designer Mona Fixdal and Director of Penn’s
Center for Teaching and Learning Bruce Lenthall (August 5, 2015).
These types of self-guided, online resources provide beginning students with an opportunity to
master essential skills and concepts at their own pace, free of the logistical constraints (and
possibly the personal and cultural inhibitions) that can limit the degree to which they take
advantage of tutoring sessions, study halls, and other forms of supplemental instruction. Bryn
Mawr, Penn and a number of other peer institutions are optimistic that these initiatives will be
particularly useful in making STEM disciplines more accessible to underrepresented groups and
students from low socio-economic backgrounds. However, these initiatives are so new that there
is not a substantial body of published research to demonstrate their efficacy.
From the
standpoint of Princeton’s ability to move forward in this area, it is important to note that a
number of funding agencies and foundations, such as the American Association of Colleges and
Universities and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, have demonstrated a high degree of readiness
to support the development of online materials that will improve STEM retention.
Princeton faculty members have also expressed and demonstrated considerable interest in
developing supplementary online teaching tools for introductory STEM courses. For example,
the faculty teaching the pre-med physics sequence and organic chemistry recently approached
the McGraw Center to discuss online modules on foundational concepts such as “chemical
bonding” and “trigonometry for physics.” McGraw has also worked with faculty members
teaching introductory statistics courses to develop self-paced modules that teach students how to
use the programming software “R.
It is worth noting that the Council’s survey of Princeton
students indicated that they are generally comfortable using online lectures and course materials
as supplemental resources.
4.2 Small Private Online Courses (SPOCs)
The Council also found that a number of our peers have had some encouraging results in their
early development of what are known as “small private online courses” (or SPOCs). Typically
offered during the summer months, these courses have limited enrollments (approximately 20-25
students) and consist of live, faculty-mediated discussions as well as course-site activities that
For some initial studies that point to the promise of self-paced and “just-in-time” online interventions,
see: Bowen, William et. al., “Interactive Learning Online at Public Universities: Evidence from
Randomized Trials,” ITHAKA S+R (2012); Stevenson, Katherine and Louis Zweier, “Creating a Learning
Flow: A Hybrid Course Model for High-Failure-Rate Math Classes,Educause Review (December 15,
2011); and Twigg, Carol, “Using Asynchronous Learning in Redesign: Reaching and Retaining the At-
Risk Student,” Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, Vol. 13: Issue 3 (2009).
Bryn Mawr’s TIDES initiative received $170,000 from the Helmsley Charitable Trust, and its “Math
Fundamentals” initiative to improve STEM completion received $1.65 million from the U.S. Department
of Education’s “First in the World” grant program. Penn’s SAIL initiative was seeded with a $500,000
grant from the Association of American Universities and the Helmsley Foundation.
The modules were introduced in the spring 2015 semester. Roughly half of the students enrolled in
statistics courses visited a module; of those, approximately 1/3 watched a lecture, and half of them
submitted an exercise. Student responses to a survey aimed at gauging the effectiveness of the modules
were too few to draw meaningful conclusions. McGraw intends to undertake more thorough investigation
of this question in the fall 2015 and subsequent terms.
students can complete on their own time (such as writing in online discussion forums). Here are
three notable programs that offer SPOCs for summer study:
· Yale’s “Summer Online” program offers over 20 courses for credit in two four-week
sessions ( Courses are developed and taught by Yale faculty
using virtual classroom technology that enables students and teachers to come
together “face-to-face” in synchronous discussion sessions each week.
· The “Undergraduate Summer Session” at Brown offers enrolled undergraduates the
option to choose from a variety of online, for-credit courses developed by Brown
faculty ( In these courses, students study together in small
groups and participate in live discussions via web conferencing technology. Seven
courses were offered in the summer of 2015; students are allowed to enroll in up to
two courses for credit in a single summer.
· “Penn Summer Online” offers 30 fully-online courses that carry degree credit and can
fulfill degree requirements for Penn undergraduates (
Although delivered from a distance, Penn’s online summer courses are highly
interactive learning experiences that are designed and led by Penn faculty members.
In addition, Cornell allows enrolled students to receive degree credit for online summer courses
with the approval of their department. That four of our Ivy peers now offer summer SPOCs for
credit provides an opportunity for Princeton to learn about the most effective ways to take
advantage of this mode of online instruction.
SPOCs have the potential to serve an important need at Princeton. Every summer, hundreds of
our undergraduates take courses at other institutions for credit toward their Princeton degree.
(Princeton students are permitted to take three of the 31 courses required for the A.B degree and
four of the 36 courses required for the B.S.E. degree at other institutions, subject to decanal and
departmental approval.) In fact, over the past three years, nearly 22 percent of our students have
transferred in one or more degree credits for summer courses taken elsewhere, and over 40
percent of these were introductory courses in STEM disciplines.
Moreover, students in the
bottom 40 percent of the GPA distribution took more than 55 percent of these courses.
Princeton students take these summer courses for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the goal is to
make their course load more manageable during the fall and the spring semesters. In other cases,
they are required to take these courses in order to repair deficiencies in their progress to degree
because they have failed or dropped essential courses during the preceding academic year.
Unfortunately, the pool of available summer courses is especially limited for Princeton students
because most summer programs, including those offered by our peers, start before the end of our
academic year. Because there is not much choice, sometimes the quality of instruction in these
courses is questionable.
These courses do not include Princetons summer offerings such as the Global Seminars program and
its intensive language study programs.
SPOCs offered for summer study also might be adapted for use during the regular academic year
to serve the needs of Princeton students who wish to study abroad but are reluctant or unable to
do so because they are tied to certain courses on campus. For example, the SPOC model might
be used to enable students to take certain types of prerequisite courses in math or statistics as
well as certain pre-med courses while studying abroad at institutions that may not have adequate
offerings in these particular areas.
4.3 Recommendation
· While supporting experimentation with a variety of promising forms of online education,
Princeton should give highest priority to developing supplemental online materials and
SPOCs that will help students make their way into the STEM disciplines and other fields
where entry has been particularly challenging. This work should be Princeton’s signature
initiative in the field of online education. To the extent possible, we should disseminate
the fruits of our efforts for public benefit.
5. Infrastructure and Resources
5.1 Pedagogical and Technical Support
Princeton’s online course initiatives are administered through the McGraw Center for Teaching
and Learning, which reports to the Office of the Dean of the College.
Over the past four years,
at least 23 members of the Princeton faculty have worked closely with McGraw’s staff to design
and create online course materials for public dissemination and/or use in Princeton courses on
campus. The Online Learning team at McGraw includes instructional designers and video
producers who work closely with faculty members to create online teaching materials, develop
strategies for connecting online environments to Princeton classes, and implement related
interactive classroom experiences for students. The McGraw staff also consults with faculty
members on the development of funding proposals for online and blended projects,
communicates with online platform providers, and offers guidance on relevant University
In their anonymous survey responses, Princeton faculty consistently expressed a high degree of
satisfaction with the pedagogical and technical expertise that McGraw provides in support of
their online teaching projects. “Support from McGraw is astounding,” writes one, “I can’t say
enough positive things about the support there.” Among faculty who have not yet experimented
with online modes of teaching, many identified “professional production support,” and
“instructional seminars on how to do it” as factors that would make them more likely to develop
a flipped classroom.
While McGraw serves as the sole administrative home for Princeton’s experimentation with
online education, a number of our peers use separate offices to support externally focused
MOOCs, on the one hand, and internally focused teaching projects, on the other. Of course, this
distinction can be nebulous at times. For example, as discussed earlier (section 3.1), the process
of developing and delivering an externally focused MOOC can lead to a variety of benefits for
students on campus. As one Princeton professor observed after teaching his first MOOC, an
externally-focused summer offering, “I had begun worrying about how I could bring the New
Jersey campus experience to [the world]; I ended by thinking about how to bring the world back
to the classroom in Princeton.”
Nevertheless, in many cases, the delivery of externally focused
MOOCs, especially those offered on an “on demand” basis requiring no further involvement
from the instructor, can over time lose their power to drive innovations and insights that will
benefit the teaching mission on campus. The maintenance of such materials should not fall
within the purview of McGraw.
Following an external review in 2012, Princeton moved its Educational Technologies Center and its
Broadcast Center, which were then part of the Office of Information Technology, into the McGraw
Center so that our pedagogical and technical expertise would be more fully integrated under the direction
of a single administrative unit.
Duneier, Mitchell, “Teaching the World from Central New Jersey,” Chronicle of Higher Education
(September 3, 2012).
5.2 Faculty Incentives
As noted above, our research indicated that substantial time and effort are required to develop
first-rate online materials, and these costs almost certainly reduce the number of faculty who are
willing to experiment with this approach to teaching. According to the results of our survey,
faculty interest depends on several factors: (1) financial incentives (e.g., course development
stipends and revenue-sharing policies associated with the development of materials that are
marketed); (2) availability of time (e.g., reduced teaching loads for faculty members who
dedicate time to the development of online course materials); (3) compelling evidence of the
effectiveness of online learning environments; and (4) in the case of materials intended for
audiences outside the university, the possibility of enhanced visibility for themselves and their
departments that comes from teaching on a global stage.
Princeton currently offers stipends -- but not reduced teaching loads – to faculty members who
make compelling proposals for MOOCs and other types of online projects. In many cases,
faculty members use their stipends to engage graduate students to assist with the development
and delivery of the online materials, a labor-intensive process that often requires a dedicated
team with expertise in the subject matter of the course.
In the case of MOOCs, many institutions, including a number of Princeton’s peers, defray their
production costs by selling branded certificates to students who complete a given course.
monetization strategy typically generates revenue for both the institution and the faculty member
who offers the course. Princeton decided not to offer fee-based, branded certificates for several
reasons: (1) the difficulty of verifying the identity of online students; (2) uncertainty regarding
the educational value and effectiveness of an online course; (3) potential dilution of the Princeton
“brand”; and (4) the administrative burdens and “customer service” issues that come with the
scale of MOOCs. In 2013, an ad hoc faculty committee on online courses, chaired by Professor
Gideon Rosen, recommended that the University continue this policy, but conjectured that free,
unbranded certificates might improve student engagement and completion rates (see the 2013
Report of the Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on Online Courses. (
However, Princeton faculty members are free to monetize their online course materials by other
means, provided they follow the University’s long-standing rules against “teaching elsewhere”
See figures Q08 and Q09 on page 3 of Appendix C. The response rate to the faculty survey was low
(see figure Q01), so these results should be interpreted with caution.
The cost of developing and delivering an online course depends on several factors, including the length
of the course, the faculty members’ stipend (if any), the number of graduate student assistants needed to
support the course, video production charges, copyright clearance fees, and so on. At Princeton, the
combined cost for the video production and faculty stipend tends to fall between $25,000 and $35,000,
not including overhead (e.g., administrative support and the time of the professional staff in the McGraw
Following the recommendation of the Rosen committee, Princeton recently authorized the use of
unbranded Statement of Accomplishment (SoA) in 2 courses. Consistent with research at other
institutions, we found that approximately 50 percent of MOOC students who complete the first
assignment in an online course continue and complete all course requirements and receive a statement.
and agree to standard terms regarding reimbursement for their use of substantial University
As noted earlier, Princeton faculty are decidedly heterogeneous with respect to their willingness
to experiment with online learning. Nearly all of the Princeton faculty members who have
experimented thus far have demonstrated their commitment and enthusiasm by putting their
projects through multiple iterations. For example, Jeremy Adelman in the Department of History
offered his “World History since 1300” course online on three consecutive occasions, each time
experimenting with increasingly interactive modes of teaching, both online and in the classroom.
Likewise, faculty in the School of Engineering and Applied Science such as Claire Gmachl,
Howard Stone, and Mung Chiang continue to experiment as they seek the most effective balance
between traditional lectures and active learning in their “flipped” classrooms. Obviously, these
individuals do not comprise a random sample of the faculty. Among the faculty who choose not
to be involved, our survey indicated that in addition to the incentive issues mentioned above,
another possible roadblock is lack of awareness of the resources that are currently available to
support online projects.
5.3 Strategic Partnerships
Our interviews with individuals at peer institutions revealed a high degree of interest in forming
partnerships for purposes of advancing large-scale projects in online education (Appendix B,
finding #7). In principle, such partnerships can help institutions cover curricular gaps, conserve
resources (including faculty time), more efficiently assess student learning, and reach a broader
The Council noted two types of partnerships that seem particularly worthy of
· Large quantitative courses: These courses attract high enrollments of students with
varying levels of preparation, can be difficult to staff, and often have high attrition rates.
The Yale Computer Science Department, facing rising enrollments that far outpace the
growth of their faculty, recently opted to join forces with Harvard in the teaching of
introductory computer science. Beginning in the fall of 2015, Yale students will watch
live-streamed lectures from Cambridge, and students on both campuses will complete
tests and assignments online, and interact via web conferencing technology. To Harvard
faculty, “a shared course allows for interactions not possible within a single physical
classroom . . . cultivating a healthy diversity of viewpoints.”
We imagine that this
While intellectual property issues are important, the Provost’s charge to the Council explicitly excludes
them from its consideration.
See Figure Q05 on page 3 of Appendix C.
Straumsheim, Carl, “Our Powers Combined,” Inside Higher Ed (March 19, 2014); Griffiths, Rebecca,
“Best Practices in Collaborative Multi-Campus Online Learning,” ITHAKA S+R, Plenary Session at the
2014 Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Conference of Graduate Schools (November 7, 2014).
Vilensky, Mike, “Coming Soon to Yale: A Class Taught by Harvard,” WSJ (December 4, 2014).
approach might be particularly attractive to faculty in certain departments with large
enrollments in introductory courses.
· Less commonly taught languages. Several of our peers are pooling resources to create
high quality online materials to enable instruction in a number of languages that they
could not otherwise afford to teach on their campuses. Princeton might consider joining
an existing consortium or creating a similar partnership to provide a greater variety of
language courses for undergraduate and graduate students.
As is true with other issues relating to online learning, the efficacy of strategic partnerships, and
the conditions under which they are most likely to be successful, are uncertain. External funding
agencies such as the Andrew W. Mellon and Teagle Foundations are actively soliciting proposals
for collaborative online projects and the formation of consortia of liberal arts colleges. We
expect that the Mellon and Teagle efforts will provide a good deal of information about the best
approaches to designing and implementing partnerships with other institutions and to supporting
faculty who seek to establish them.
5.4 Research and Assessment
Online teaching and learning is an important topic of scholarly inquiry in a variety of fields, and
many of the centers for teaching and learning at peer institutions (e.g., Harvard, Yale, Penn and
Michigan) have staff positions that are dedicated to supporting faculty members with the design
and implementation of assessment tools for online learning. A number of Princeton faculty and
instructors engaged in online experiments have contributed to the literature on learning science;
others are actively involved in ongoing studies of online interventions in their courses.
the report of the Rosen committee recommended that “every proposal for a new on-line course
should include a plan for assessing the course after the fact(pp. 8). The McGraw Center does
not, however, have the capacity to support such research.
5.5 Recommendations
· Given its mission and the expertise of its staff, the McGraw Center should support only those
This recommendation is seconded in the draft report of Princeton’s Regional Studies Task Force,
chaired by Professor Mark Beissinger. For an example of this kind of effort, see Schmitz, Emily, “Duke,
UVA partner to teach Creole Tibetan,” The Chronicle of Higher Education (March 21, 2013).
Brinton, Christopher G., Mung Chiang, Shaili Jain, Henry Lam, Zhenming Liu, Felix Ming Fai Wong,
“Learning About Social Learning in MOOCs: From Statistical Analysis to Generative Model,” IEEE
Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol. 7, No. 4 (October-December 2014: pp. 346-359); Brinton,
Christopher G., Swapna Buccapatnam, Mung Chiang, H.V. Poor. "Mining MOOC Clickstreams: On the
Relationship Between Learner Video-Watching Behavior and Performance,” Cornell University Library
(March 2015); Duneier, Mitchell, Teaching to the World From Central New Jersey,” Chronicle of
Higher Education (September 3, 2012).
online projects that have clear potential to enhance teaching and learning at Princeton and
should not support the continuing delivery of MOOCs once their pedagogical value to our
students has diminished. Such MOOCs should be housed and maintained elsewhere, perhaps
in the Office of Communications and/or Alumni Relations.
· To encourage future experimentation in areas of priority, the university should offer special
incentives beyond what we currently provide. We recommend the following:
o Augment the 250
Fund for Innovation in Undergraduate Education, which is already
o Allocate a modest number of FTEs to the McGraw Center that it can use to negotiate
teaching reductions in order to support projects of the highest priority.
o Offer additional AI support for courses with significant online components, which
will have the additional benefit of providing our graduate students with opportunities
to develop skills and know-how that will enhance their prospects on the job market.
· There is considerable room for improvement in our communications with faculty regarding
the benefits and limitations of online education, the resources available to support online
projects, and the processes for developing and reviewing proposals. The McGraw Center
should lead our communications in this area. Additional resources would be needed for
website enhancements and other efforts to improve the visibility of this initiative and to
support further experimentation.
· Faculty should be encouraged to explore collaborations in online learning with other
institutions. Proposals for collaboration should be developed in consultation with the Office
of the Dean of the College.
· We should give high priority to making resources available for faculty who want to pursue
research on the effectiveness of various types of online learning. Staff with appropriate
training in statistics and project evaluation will be needed at the McGraw Center to support
this work. Also, one important criterion for evaluating current and prospective online course
platforms should be the quality of their assessment tools.
6. Conclusion
During the past few years, members of Princeton’s faculty, guided and supported by the McGraw
Center, have done a great deal of experimentation with various approaches to online education,
and in the process have learned a great deal about their limitations and advantages. While it is
too soon to know how and to what extent online technologies may transform the landscape of
higher education, it is clear that continued faculty experimentation has the potential to enhance
the quality of teaching on our campus. A top priority should be the provision of incentives for
faculty members to create online materials that will make our curriculum, especially in STEM
disciplines, more accessible to our increasingly diverse student body. The McGraw Center has
the professional expertise to support these and other initiatives, but it will need additional
resources to establish a more robust infrastructure for assessing the efficacy of various
approaches to online learning, communicating the available options to faculty, and facilitating
the development of partnerships with other institutions. Above all, as Princeton moves forward
in this area, we must remember that utilizing new technology should be neither an end in itself
nor a means simply for cutting costs. Rather, online learning is a tool for building upon our
strengths as a residential learning community by enhancing and complementing -- not
supplanting -- time-tested modes of teaching and faculty-student interaction.
Appendix A: Council on Teaching and Learning Members AY 2014-15
Wendy Belcher, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and African American Studies.
Robert K. Root University Preceptor, Department of Comparative Literature
Cole Crittenden, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Office of the Dean of the Graduate
Edward Felten
, Robert E. Kahn Professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs,
Department of Computer Science
Carol Greenhouse, Arthur W. Marks '19 Professor of Anthropology. Chair, Department of
Lisa Herschbach, Director of the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning, Associate Dean
of the College
Jeff Himpele, Director of Teaching Initiatives and Programs, McGraw Center for Teaching and
Fred Hughson, Professor of Molecular Biology, Department of Molecular Biology
Adam Maloof, Associate Professor of Geosciences, Department of Geosciences
Simone Marchesi, Associate Professor of French and Italian, Department of French and Italian
Clayton Marsh, Deputy Dean of the College, Office of the Dean of the College
Rodney Priestley, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Department of
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Harvey Rosen, John L. Weinberg Professor of Economics and Business Policy, Department of
Economics, Chair of the Council
Professor Felten served on the Council during the academic year 2014-15, but took a leave of absence
in June 2015 to serve as Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer at the White House Office of Science and
Technology Policy. He was not available to review and comment on this report.
Appendix B: Summary of Interviews with Peer Institutions
1. What are your goals in investigating and using online learning? Would you describe your activities as oriented
more externally or internally? If you are externally oriented, does any of that external online activity currently
connect with internal activities, for example admission recruitment?
Internal: improve teaching on campus; lifelong learning for alumni; fundraise. External:
showcase faculty and programs; attract applicants; share knowledge.
Internal: enhance student learning; promote innovation in teaching. [Advantage: internal
circulation of digital material between MOOCs, flipped courses, alumni courses, external
professional schools.] External: showcase academic excellence; share knowledge with the world.
[Highlight: Coursera Translation Partners; Learning Hubs].
Mostly internal. Enhance residential education. Promote educational research on campus.
MIT is a recognized leader in digital learning with a significant platform of activities that appear
to work together in an integrated manner. MITs digital learning aim to “impact lives and society
in ways not previously thought possible.” Focus on two areas: 1) enhance residential education
via online and blended environments, and 2) meet the demand for online education worldwide via
Internal: complement offerings (Yale Summer Online Courses; Freshman Scholars program);
impact teaching practices on campus. External: MOOCs via Coursera; other courses through
Open Yale. Recruitment not a factor.
Internal: experiment with new pedagogy; revive attention to pedagogy. Online education also a
subject for study.
Both. Operationally a committee was formed: split the responsibility between the Sheridan Center
and the School of Professional Studies. School of Professional Studies interested in outward
facing curriculum. Create courses with faculty and distribute them outside. Goal is to enhance
curriculum; ramp up online and blended teaching in the professional study. Internally:
Undergraduate courses for credit during the summer: pre-college audience + piloted two courses
for credit (small, boutique courses: writing and literature courses). Looking ahead at developing
classes that help develop competency (intro chem. or calculus).
2. Are you developing your own technologies or significantly modifying existing technologies for internal use?
Develop Mediathread [platform for exploration, organization, and analysis of multimedia content]
and Forest [simple educational modules].
Coursera, massively. But also 2U platform for flipping courses. Develop Duke Coursera
Specialization [sequence of courses, capstone project, certification].
Develop Open.Michigan into a teaching platform to compete with proprietary platforms.
MIT and Harvard co-founded EdX in 2012. MIT utilizes the EdX program to operate MITx
(residential-setting content delivery, creation of material for world-wide distribution; self-study).
Also: MIT OpenCourseWare, an online platform on which MIT makes course lecture material
free to the general public worldwide.
Coursera, though OpenEdX considered intriguing.
OpenEdX, being adopted, but not passively (contributing code). Coursera and Udacity born here.
Technology not the driver: adopt and adapt rather than develop. But open to experimentation:
faculty-driven; collaborative learning a goal.
3. What percentage of your current courses have an online component? What percentage of students are taking
courses that have a significant online component?
No number available. Depends on schools.
Twenty-five courses in 2012-14. Twelve courses have added a significant online component in
just last year. Courses originate from all quarters: humanities, sciences, professional school.
Junior and senior faculty alike; Professor of the practice takes leading role.
No statistics available. Professional schools all use online learning. Medical School leading.
2,200 courses are available on MIT OpenCourseWare some courses have been translated to
other languages.
Few. Between 5 and 10% of students in a given semester.
Best estimate is 50%.
Low. Generational issue at play: more senior faculty reluctant; less senior faculty under time
4. Can you provide examples of successful courses? What factors contributed most to their success?
For MOOCs: High production, open discussion, careful sectioning. For flipped courses: enable
constant participation (regular quiz on pre-class lecture assignments, in-class lecture on specifics
and with live polling on mobile devices); foster collaborative and problem-based learning; elicit
For MOOCs and hybrid Duke-credit courses: writing-program course as testing ground for peer-
to-peer evaluation; intro chemistry course developed to test student learning and peer-to-peer
interactions (both Gates funding to run assessment). Highlight: Coursera’s Learning Hubs
(organizations in locations worldwide provide internet access and in-person instruction to support
MOOC students).
No examples. [Development/implementation seems to be happening at the level of
Introduction to Solid State Chemistry has been considered a successful course at MIT. However,
one must carefully define the definition of success. For this online course, students were given
unlimited chances to pass exams.
Flipped courses: success depends on the real pedagogical thinking that goes into the course. Good
model: offer lecture in video, quiz on lecture, assess weaknesses, address them in class. Once
freed from conveying content, the teacher may focus on inspire learning, nurture critical thinking,
help develop the ability to manipulate complex information.
Machine Learning; Introduction to Mathematical Thinking; How to Learn Math; Quantum
Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers; Principles of Economics. No comments on qualities.
Blended course most successful. Undergraduate courses for credit during the summer: pre-college
audience + piloted two courses for credit (small courses, boutique: writing and literature courses).
Looking ahead at developing courses that help develop competency (intro chem. or calculus) and
summer bridge course.
5. Have you developed a way to assess the pedagogical advantages of incorporating online components in your
courses? Do you find course evaluations or learning assessments more useful in assessing the success of these
Nothing systematic yet. Evaluation done via ad-hoc studies of individual courses or modules.
Ten studies currently being conducted on comparing traditional and online content delivery.
Faculty successful in securing Gates funding for such studies. Developing scholarship on digital
pedagogy a crucial goal.
Ongoing PhD-level research projects to develop assessment strategies. For Open.Michigan,
download volume considered significant.
The Office of Digital Learning is actively supporting research to address this question.
No system beyond course evaluation. Case-by-case assessments tried: comparative study of same
course in flipped and unflipped format (Math 115). Flipped won. Research agenda: are the
learning outcomes higher enough to justify higher production costs?
Intensely, through the Graduate School of Education. Standard student evaluations likely to
include questions about online components. For MOOCs, assessment via post-course surveys and
ad-hoc studies.
Under development: Data in STEM most useful: hard thinking is done here. Grant from the AAU
to transform STEM education. For other disciplines goal is larger: integrating evaluation into the
starting projects for online pedagogy (not only gpa, entry scores, test scores, retention, teaching
evaluations; but a larger holistic approach). Develop a system of advising, mentoring, enhancing
commitment to courses.
6. Are online resources used in the framework of academic support services, for example online tutoring for your
students or developing and assigning cross-course preparatory modules in specific subjects?
Yes. Modules, especially.
Yes. Developing material that better prepares student to be successful in a course is a priority.
Modules to present intro-level and accelerate progress in a subject.
The focus is on other, more institutional aspects: developing, producing, assessing, and assisting
with use of digital education.
Not really. Yale Summer Online are ‘regular’ (synchronous, faculty-taught, credit-bearing)
courses which are simply delivered online. Serve students to advance through initial stages of a
subject or to boost quantitative literacy of incoming students. (Freshman Scholars Program)
Model: on-line video combined with personal contact/coaching.
Yes. Active experimentations with pre-freshman teaching. Introducing students to a Stanford-
level learning environment before they get to campus.
Not at the moment.
7. Do your faculty adopt best practices and avail themselves of the best materials available to them online or do
you/they prefer to develop that material internally? In other words, do you see yourself as a producer, consumer, or
both when it comes to online materials?
Both, but with a preference to develop internally.
Enthusiastically a producer, but not in isolation. Worldwide as well as US partnerships.
Definitely producers.
MIT is a producer of online course material.
Both. Potentially exporting Yale Coursera courses as digital textbooks for other schools.
Importing lectures streaming from Harvard and having on-the-ground teaching and support staff
on campus.
Mostly a content producer, but envisioning to become increasingly a content consumer.
Portability issues should be reduced by open platforms (OpenEdX), and sharing between peer
institutions should increase.
Producers, though collaborations are an essential part of the long-term strategy.
8. What do you think will be the impact of online learning on the nature of in-class learning in, say, twenty years?
Twenty years too far out. In a five-year span, slow buildup to radical changes. Direction: custom-
content and instruction; new ways to assess performance; apply knowledge to new problems.
Five years max. On campus: more blended learning; more modules to provide further,
supplementary, remedial material; more repurposing of teaching material, more grab-and-go
within peer institutions. Outside: sharing with broader audience, work with global partners, de-
localize teaching (courses jointly developed and jointly taught in various locations worldwide);
create consortia around common courses (in different perspectives, with no central certification).
No real good answer. For professional schools online possibly dominant platform, to allow
students more field time.
Blending pedagogy. Opening the classroom to different students and perspectives. Dialogue with
other institutions. Internationalize.
Blurring between in-class and online pedagogy. More integration of technology in the class and
more collaboration outside. Potentially new, more efficient, ways of learning will develop.
Quality crucial in success and survival of courses online. Expansion of online teaching in
continuing education and with alumni. Online courses potentially a meeting (and screening) space
for prospective students.
Shorter-term forecasting necessary. Trend is blended learning at the college level; online presence
increased in professional school pedagogy. Effort produced new climate at the departmental
level. Deconstructing and modularizing the experience of teaching. Also, a conversation ignited
on how can new pedagogies help students learn new ways to learn. Engage students in the
iterative process of thinking in a discipline.
9. What resources are you providing to faculty to experiment with online learning? What form do these
resources take? Does your university provide incentives to faculty who do such experimentation, such as summer
salary, release from some teaching responsibilities, and so on?
Centralized support to faculty: educational technologists, programmers, media producers,
designers. Small grants for experimentation. Local support: some schools provide release time.
For MOOCs, honorarium, full production team, shared revenue. For digital pedagogy:
consultants, equipment at no charge, IT Office, Digital media services. Department and schools
determine release time and teaching assistants. Dedicated course IT support are provided for first
two instantiations of course.
Financial support and infrastructure for research at both central and school or college level.
The Office of Educational Innovation and Technology ( aims to assist faculty in
developing online courses from experimentation to implementation. GS and postdoc fellowships
available for online course development.
Salaries for Summer Online Course are same as in residential format. For Coursera courses,
education committee evaluates proposals, provost decides which courses to support. Faculty
receive 16,000$ salary and logistical, financial, and production support. No release time.
Centralized system: design team, production team (digital media), studios. Graduate School of
Education pursues research on digital pedagogy. 12 seed grants per semester (up to $20,000) to
develop MOOCs.
Issue: Junior faculty mostly advanced in their incorporation of digital components in the course.
Mid-career and upper level senior are less involved. Time is crucial factor. Institutional
recognition for development and implementation of online courses not yet there. Strategies:
Office of the Provost is investing energy in creating a stimulus package for faculty. Grants for
STEM disciplines have worked very well: engineering, physics, applied math, chemistry. Provost
committed to resourcing the initiatives. Incentives at the central level.
10. Do you have institutional policies guiding online learning? For examples, are there policies on how much of a
course may be online? Any other policies?
IP policies and recommendations in place since 2000. Upcoming updating.
Collaboration with Coursera on policies. Key principle: no fully on-line courses exist at Duke.
Only modules or summer courses are non-residential.
No policies in place at the moment.
The development of policies has been recommended.
No formal policies. No credit-bearing undergraduate courses are taught solely online.
Intellectual property rules and ordinary policies (FERPA, accessibility, compliance, privacy, etc.).
Credit-bearing full online courses exist.
No formal policies. Guidelines in the Strategic Planning report. Keyword is engagement with
new pedagogies in a holistic fashion.
11. Do you see virtues in partnering with other institutions in this area?
Yes, of course.
Yes, absolutely.
Yes, of course. [Partnered with other institutions into forming Unizin (]
Yes. EdX was co-founded with Harvard.
Collaboration is essential. No need to develop in-house what is available elsewhere. Regular
conversations ongoing between Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Rice, Michigan, U. Washington, U.
Illinois, Penn, and Duke (“G9”).
Yes, enthusiastically. Developing tools and sharing them is the key to the endeavor.
Yes, absolutely. Dialogue with different institutions (from large to small universities, from
professional schools to community colleges) essential to devise high-impact classes that engage
students deeply. Creating those connections is crucial for learning, whatever the field.
Appendix C: Survey Questions and Responses from On-Campus Studies
Students who have taken courses with substantial online components
Appendix C: Survey Questions and Responses from On-Campus Studies
Faculty members who have taught courses with substantial online components
Appendix C: Survey Questions and Responses from On-Campus Studies
All other faculty members
Appendix D: Princeton MOOCs Since 2012
Sessions are offerings of the course that are open for a specific time period. Course materials are
released on a schedule and enrolled students progress through the course as a cohort.
Course Launched Sessions Enrolled
A History of the World since 1300 Sept. 2012 2 180,914
Algorithms, Part 1 Aug. 2012 8 676,472
Algorithms, Part 2 Sept. 2012 5 236,801
Analysis of Algorithms Sept. 2012 5 157,328
Analytic Combinatorics Feb. 2013 5 69,894
Buddhism and Modern Psychology Feb. 2014 2 68,250
Computer Architecture Sept. 2012 3 246,047
Fog Networks and the Internet of Things Mar. 2015 1 21,009
Imagining Other Earths Feb. 2014 3 52,215
Introduction to Sociology June 2012 1 44,721
Networks Illustrated; Principles without Calculus July 2013 3 111,049
Networks: Friends, Money, and Bytes Sept. 2012 5 183,637
Paradoxes of War June 2014 2 67,667
Practical Ethics Mar. 2014 1 38,854
Statistics One Sept. 2012 2 264,447
Effective Altruism June 2015 1 5,886
Software Defined Networking May 2015 1 41,713
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies Sept. 2015 1 NA
Global History Lab, Part 1 Sept. 2014 1 6,992
Global History Lab, Part 2 Oct. 2014 1 2,122
Writing Case Studies: Science of Delivery May 2015 1 193
Making Government Work in Hard Places Jan. 2015 1 2,362
Art of Structural Engineering Spring 2016 - -
Reinventing the Piano Spring 2016 - -
Total MOOC Enrollments
Appendix E: MOOC Production by Peers Since 2012
Appendix F: Flipped and Blended Courses at Princeton since 2012
Appendix G: Princeton Online Course Projects by Division