6. Process control—
introduction to
quality control
Laboratory Quality Management System 72
Role in quality
What is QC?
6-1: Introduction
QC is the part of quality management focused on ful lling quality requirements
(ISO 9000:2000 [3.2.10]). Simply put, it is examining “control” materials of known
substances along with patient samples to monitor the accuracy and precision of the
complete analytic process. QC is required for accreditation purposes.
In 1981, the World Health Organization (WHO) used the term "internal quality
control" (IQC), which it de ned as “a set of procedures for continuously assessing
laboratory work and the emergent results”. The terms QC and IQC are sometimes
used interchangeably; cultural setting and country may in uence preferences for
these terms.
In the past few years, "internal quality control' has become confusing
in some settings because of the different meanings that have been
associated with the term. Some manufacturers of test kits for qualitative tests have
integrated "built-in" controls in the design of their kits, which they sometimes refer
to as internal controls. Other manufacturers include their own control materials
with the kits they sell and they refer to these as "internal controls", meaning that
the materials are meant speci cally for that manufacturer’s kit. Finally, some people
refer to any quality control materials that are used in conjunction with test runs as
IQC, as in the 1981 WHO de nition.
Organization Personnel Equipment
Process control is an essential element
of the quality management system,
and refers to control of the activities
employed in the handling of samples
and examination processes in order
to ensure accurate and reliable testing.
Sample management, discussed in
Chapter 5, and all quality control
(QC) processes are a part of process
QC monitors activities related to the
examination (analytic) phase of testing.
The goal of QC is to detect, evaluate,
nd correct errors due to test system
failure, environmental conditions or
operator performance, before patient
results are reported.
Laboratory Quality Management System 73
6-1: Introduction
QC for varying
To avoid confusion, the term "quality control" will be used here to mean use
of control materials to monitor the accuracy and precision of all the processes
associated with the examination (analytic) phase of testing.
Quality control processes vary, depending on whether the laboratory examinations
use methods that produce quantitative, qualitative or semiquantitative results.
These examinations differ in the following ways.
Quantitative examinations measure the quantity of an analyte present in the
sample, and measurements need to be accurate and precise. The measurement
produces a numeric value as an end-point, expressed in a particular unit of
measurement. For example, the result of a blood glucose test might be reported
as 5 mg/dL.
Qualitative examinations are those that measure the presence or absence of
a substance, or evaluate cellular characteristics such as morphology. The results
are not expressed in numerical terms, but in qualitative terms such as “positive”
or “negative”; “reactive” or “nonreactive”; “normal” or “abnormal”; and “growth”
or “no growth”. Examples of qualitative examinations include microscopic
examinations, serologic procedures for presence or absence of antigens and
antibodies, and many microbiological procedures.
Semiquantitative examinations are similar to qualitative examinations, in that
the results are not expressed in quantitative terms. The difference is that results
of these tests are expressed as an estimate of how much of the measured
substance is present. Results might be expressed in terms such as “trace amount”,
“moderate amount”, or “1+, 2+, or 3+”. Examples are urine dipsticks, tablet tests
for ketones and some serologic agglutination procedures. In the case of other
serologic testing, the result is often expressed as a titre—again involving a number
but providing an estimate, rather than an exact amount of the quantity present.
Some microscopic examinations are considered semiquantitative because results
are reported as estimates of the number of cells seen per low-power eld or
high-power eld. For example, a urine microscopic examination might report
0–5 red blood cells seen per high-power eld.
Because QC processes differ for these various types of examinations, the
presentations for QC will be divided into two chapters. Chapter 7 will address
QC for quantitative examinations, and Chapter 8 will address QC for qualitative
and semiquantitative examinations.
Laboratory Quality Management System 74
6-1: Introduction
Regardless of the type of examination that is performed, steps for implementing
and maintaining a QC programme include:
establishing written policies and procedures, including corrective actions
training all laboratory staff
ensuring complete documentation
reviewing quality control data.
These responsibilities will be described in more detail in Chapters 7 and 8.
QC is part of the quality management system and is used to monitor the
examination (analytic) phase of testing.
The goal of QC is to detect, evaluate and correct errors due to test system
failure, environmental conditions, or operator performance, before patient
results are reported.
Different QC processes are applied to monitor quantitative, qualitative and
semiquantitative tests.
Elements of a
QC programme
7. Process control—
quality control for
quantitative tests
Laboratory Quality Management System 76
Role in quality
Overview of
the process
7-1: Overview
Quantitative tests measure the quantity of a substance in a sample, yielding a
numeric result. For example, the quantitative test for blood glucose can give a
result of 5 mg/dL. Since quantitative tests have numeric values, statistical tests can
be applied to the results of QC material to differentiate between test runs that
are “in control” and “out of control”. This is done by calculating acceptable limits
for control material, then testing the control with the patient’s samples to see if
it falls within established limits.
As a part of the quality management system, the laboratory must establish a QC
programme for all quantitative tests. Evaluating each test run in this way allows
the laboratory to determine if patient results are accurate and reliable.
The steps for implementing a QC programme are:
establish policies and procedures
assign responsibility for monitoring and reviewing
train all staff in how to properly follow policies and procedures
select good QC material
establish control ranges for the selected material
develop graphs to plot control values—these are called Levey–Jennings charts
establish a system for monitoring control values
take immediate corrective action if needed
maintain records of QC results and any corrective actions taken.
Organization Personnel Equipment
Quality control (QC) is a component
of process control, and is an essential
element of the quality management
system. It monitors the processes related
to the examination phase of testing and
allows for detecting errors in the testing
system. These errors may be due to test
system failure, adverse environmental
conditions or operator performance. QC
gives the laboratory con dence that test
results are accurate and reliable before
patient results are reported.
This chapter explains how quality control
methods are applied to quantitative
laboratory examinations.
Laboratory Quality Management System 77
controls and
Characteristics of
control materials
Types and
sources of
control material
De ning control
7-2: Control materials
Controls are substances that contain an established amount of the substance
being tested—the analyte. Controls are tested at the same time and in the same
way as patient samples. The purpose of the control is to validate the reliability
of the test system and evaluate the operator’s performance and environmental
conditions that might impact results.
It is important not to confuse calibrators and control materials. Calibrators
are solutions with a speci ed de ned concentration that are used to set or
calibrate an instrument, kit, or system before testing is begun. Calibrators are
often provided by the manufacturer of an instrument. They should not be used
as controls since they are used to set the instrument. Calibrators are sometimes
called standards, but the term calibrator is preferred. They usually do not have the
same consistency as patients’ samples.
It is critical to select the appropriate control materials. Some important
characteristics to consider when making the selection are:
Controls must be appropriate for the targeted diagnostic test—the substance
being measured in the test must be present in the control in a measurable form.
The amount of the analyte present in the controls should be close to the
medical decision points of the test; this means that controls should check both
low values and high values.
Controls should have the same matrix as patient samples; this usually means
that the controls are serum based, but they may also be based on plasma, urine
or other materials.
Because it is more ef cient to have controls that last for some months, it is best
to obtain control materials in large quantities.
Control materials are available in a variety of forms. They may be frozen, freeze-
dried or chemically preserved. The freeze-dried or lyophilized materials must be
reconstituted, requiring great care in pipetting in order to ensure the correct
concentration of the analyte.
Control materials may be purchased, obtained from a central or reference
laboratory, or made in-house by pooling sera from different patients.
Purchased controls may be either assayed or unassayed. Assayed controls have a
predetermined target value, established by the manufacturer. When using assayed
controls, the laboratory must verify the value using its own methods. Assayed
controls are more expensive to purchase than unassayed controls.
When using either unassayed or “in-house” controls, the laboratory must establish
the target value of the analyte.
Laboratory Quality Management System 78
7-2: Control materials
Preparing and
storing control
The use of in-house controls requires resources to perform validation and testing
steps. An advantage is that the laboratory can produce very large volumes with
exact speci cations.
Remember that QC materials are usually serum based. Universal
precautions should be used when handling.
When choosing controls for a particular method, select values that cover medical
decision points, such as one with a normal value, and one that is either high or
low, but in the medically signi cant range.
Controls are usually available in "high", "normal" and "low" ranges. Shown in the
graphic are normal, abnormal high and low, and critical high and low ranges. For
some assays, it may be important to include controls with values near the low
end of detection.
When preparing and storing QC materials, it is important to carefully adhere to
the manufacturer’s instructions for reconstituting and storage. If in-house control
material is used, freeze aliquots and place in the freezer so that a small amount
can be thawed and used daily. Do not thaw and refreeze control material. Monitor
and maintain freezer temperatures to avoid degradation of the analyte in any
frozen control material.
Use a pipette to deliver the exact amount of required diluent to lyophilized
controls that must be reconstituted.
Critical high
and low range
Abnormal high
and low ranges
Normal range
Laboratory Quality Management System 79
of repeated
Assaying control
over time
7-3: Establishing the value range for the control material
Once the appropriate control materials are purchased or prepared, the next step
is to determine the range of acceptable values for the control material. This will
be used to let the laboratory know if the test run is “in control” or if the control
values are not reading properly—“out of control”. This is done by assaying the
control material repeatedly over time. At least 20 data points must be collected
over a 20–30-day period. When collecting this data, be sure to include any
procedural variation that occurs in the daily runs; for example, if different testing
personnel normally do the analysis, all of them should collect part of the data.
Once the data is collected, the laboratory will need to calculate the mean and
standard deviation of the results. A characteristic of repeated measurements is
that there is a degree of variation. Variation may be due to operator technique,
environmental conditions or the performance characteristics of an instrument.
Some variation is normal, even when all of the factors listed above are controlled.
The standard deviation gives a measure of the variation. This process is illustrated
One of the goals of a QC programme is to differentiate between
normal variation and errors.
A few theoretical concepts are important because they are used to
establish the normal variability of the test system. QC materials are
run to quantify the variability and establish a normal range, and to
decrease the risk of error.
The variability of repeated measurements will be distributed around a central
point or location. This characteristic of repeated measurements is known as
central tendency.
Obtain control material
Run each control
20 times over 30 days
Calculate mean and
+ 1, 2, 3 standard deviations
3 SD
2 SD
1 SD
1 SD
2 SD
3 SD
Laboratory Quality Management System 80
7-3: Establishing the value range for the control material
Before calculating
QC ranges
The three measures of central tendency are:
Mode—the number that occurs most frequently.
Median—the central point of the values when they are arranged in numerical
Mean—the arithmetic average of results. The mean is the most commonly used
measure of central tendency used in laboratory QC.
Statistical notations are symbols used in mathematical formulas to calculate
statistical measures. For this chapter, the symbols that are important to know are:
the sum of
number of data points (results or observations)
individual result
– X
data point 1–n where n is the last result
X the symbol for the mean
 the square root of the data.
The formula for the mean is:
X =
+ X
+ X
... X
As an example of how to calculate a mean, consider enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA) testing. The method is to gather data as ratios, add the values and
divide by the number of measurements.
The purpose of obtaining 20 data points by running the QC sample is to quantify
normal variation and establish ranges for QC samples. Use the results of these
measurements to establish QC ranges for testing.
If one or two data points appear to be too high or low for the set of data, they
should not be included when calculating QC ranges. They are called “outliers”.
If there are more than 2 outliers in the 20 data points, there is a problem with
the data and it should not be used.
Identify and resolve the problem and repeat the data collection.
If many measurements are taken, and the results are plotted on a graph, the values
form a bell-shaped curve as the results vary around the mean. This is called a
normal distribution (also termed Gaussian distribution).
Laboratory Quality Management System 81
7-3: Establishing the value range for the control material
Accuracy and
Target illustration
The distribution can be seen if data points are plotted on the x-axis and the
frequency with which they occur on the y-axis.
The normal curve shown (right) is really
a theoretical curve obtained when a large
number of measurements are plotted. It is
assumed that the types of measurements
used for quantitative QC are normally
distributed based on this theory.
If a measurement is repeated many times,
the result is a mean that is very close to the true mean.
Accuracy is the closeness of a measurement to its true value.
Precision is the amount of variation in the measurements.
The less variation a set of measurements has, the more precise it is.
In more precise measurements, the width of the curve is smaller because the
measurements are all closer to the mean.
Bias is the difference between the expectation of a test result and an accepted
reference method.
The reliability of a method is judged in terms of accuracy and precision.
A simple way to portray precision and accuracy is to think of a target with a
bull’s eye. The bull’s eye represents the accepted reference value which is the true,
unbiased value. If a set of data is clustered around the bull’s eye, it is accurate.
The closer together the hits
are, the more precise they
are. If most of the hits are
in the the bull’s eye, as in the
gure on the left, they are both
precise and accurate.
The values in the middle
gure are precise but not
accurate because they are
clustered together but not at the bull’s eye. The gure on the right shows a set of hits
that are imprecise.
Measurements can be precise but not accurate if the values are close together but do not
hit the bull’s eye. These values are said to be biased. The middle gure demonstrates
a set of precise but biased measurements.
Accurate and
Precise but
Accurate = precise but not biased
Laboratory Quality Management System 82
7-3: Establishing the value range for the control material
Measures of
limits for
the control
The purpose of quality control is to monitor the accuracy and precision
of laboratory assays before releasing patient results.
The methods used in clinical laboratories may show different variations about the
mean; hence, some are more precise than others. To determine the acceptable
variation, the laboratory must compute the standard deviation (SD) of the 20
control values. This is important because a characteristic of the normal distribution
is that, when measurements are normally distributed:
68.3% of the values will fall within –1 SD and +1 SD of the mean
95.5% fall within –2 SD and +2 SD
99.7% fall between –3 SD and +3 SD of the mean.
Knowing this is true for all normally shaped distributions allows the laboratory to
establish ranges for QC material.
Once the mean and SD are computed for a set of measurements, a QC material
that is examined along with patients' samples should fall within these ranges.
SD is a measurement of variation in a set of results. It is very useful to the
laboratory in analyzing QC results.
The formula for calculating standard deviation is:
The number of independent data points (values) in a data set are represented
by “n”. Calculating the mean reduces the number of independent data points to
n – 1. Dividing by n –1 reduces bias.
The values of the mean, as well as the values of + 1, 2 and 3 SDs are needed to
develop the chart used to plot the daily control values.
To calculate 2 SDs, multiply the SD by 2 then add and subtract each result from
the mean.
To calculate 3 SDs, multiply the SD by 3, then add and subtract each result from
the mean.
For any given data point, 68.3% of values will fall between + 1 SD, 95.5% between
– X)
SD =
Laboratory Quality Management System 83
7-3: Establishing the value range for the control material
Coef cient of
+ 2 SD and 99.7% between + 3 SD of the mean.
When only one control is used, we consider an examination run to be “in control”
if a value is within 2 SD of the mean.
The coef cient of variation (CV) is the SD expressed as a percentage of the mean.
CV (%) = SD x 100
The CV is used to monitor precision. When a laboratory changes from one
method of analysis to another, the CV is one of the elements that can be used
to compare the precision of the methods. Ideally, the value of the CV should be
less than 5%.
Laboratory Quality Management System 84
Using graphs
for analysis and
data for Levey–
Jennings charts
7-4: Graphically representing control ranges
Once the appropriate range of control values has been established, the laboratory
will nd it very useful to represent the range graphically for the purpose of daily
monitoring. The common method for this graphing is the use of Levey–Jennings
In order to develop Levey–Jennings charts for daily use in the laboratory, the
rst step is the calculation of the mean and SD of a set of 20 control values as
explained in 7-3.
A Levey–Jennings chart can then be drawn, showing the mean value as well as
+ 1, 2, and 3 SD. The mean is shown by drawing a line horizontally in the middle
of the graph and the SD are marked off at appropriate intervals and lines drawn
horizontally on the graph, as shown below.
This Levey–Jennings chart was developed using 20 repeated measurements of the
control value. In order to use the Levey–Jennings chart to record and monitor
daily control values, label the x-axis with days, runs,or other intervals used to run
QC. Label the chart with the name of the test and the lot number of the control
being used.
Draw lines for mean and SD
(calculated from 20 controls)
Chart name: Lot number:
+3 SD
+2 SD
+1 SD
–1 SD
–2 SD
–3 SD
Laboratory Quality Management System 85
Number of
controls used
Plotting control
7-5: Interpreting quality control data
A QC sample tested along with patient’s samples can now be used to determine if
daily runs are “in control”. A control sample must be run with each set of patient
Run the control and plot it on the Levey–Jennings chart. If the value is within
+2 SD, the run can be accepted as “in-control”.
The values on the chart are those run on days 1, 2 and 3 after the chart was made.
In this case, the second value is “out of control” because it falls outside of 2 SD.
When using only one QC sample, if the value is outside 2 SD, that run is considered
“out of control” and the run must be rejected.
If it is possible to use only one control, choose one with a value that lies within
the normal range of the analyte being tested. When evaluating results, accept all
runs where the control lies within +2 SD. Using this system, the correct value will
be rejected 4.5% of the time.
In order to improve ef ciency and accuracy, a system using two or three controls
for each run can be employed. Then another set of rules can be used to avoid
rejecting runs that may be acceptable. These rules were applied to laboratory
QC by a clinical chemist named James Westgard. This Westgard multirule
system requires running two controls of different target values for each set of
examinations, developing a Levey–Jennings chart for each, and applying the rules.
The use of three controls with each run gives even higher assurance of accuracy
of the test run. When using three controls, choose a low, a normal and a high
range value. There are also Westgard rules for a system with three controls.
Draw lines for mean and SD
(calculated from 20 controls)
Chart name: Lot number:
+3 SD
+2 SD
+1 SD
–1 SD
–2 SD
–3 SD
Laboratory Quality Management System 86
7-5: Interpreting quality control data
Shifts and
Errors that occur in the testing process may be either random or systematic.
With random error, there will be a variation in QC results that show no pattern.
This type of error generally does not re ect a failure in some part of the testing
system, and is therefore not like to reccur. Random error is only a cause for
rejection of the test run if it exceeds +2 SD.
Systematic error is not acceptable, as it indicates some failure in the system that
can and should be corrected. Examples of evidence of systematic error include:
shift—when the control is on the same side of the mean for ve consecutive
trend—when the control is moving in one direction, and appears to be heading
toward an out-of-control value.
Even when a control value falls within 2 SD, it can be a cause for concern. Levey–
Jennings charts can help distinguish between normal variation and systematic
Shifts in the mean occur when an abrupt change is followed by six or more
consecutive QC results that fall on one side of the mean, but typically within
95% range as if clustered around a new mean. On the sixth occasion this is called
a shift and results are rejected.
Trends occur when values gradually, but continually, move in one direction over
six or more analytical runs. Trends may display values across the mean, or they
may occur only on one side of the mean. On the sixth occasion, this is determined
to be a trend and results are rejected.
The source of the problem must be investigated and corrected before patients’
samples are reported.
As variation occurs in measurements, uncertainty exists as to the true value.
Uncertainty represents a range of values in which the true value is reasonably
expected to lie. In most situations, measurement uncertainty is estimated at
“95% coverage”. For most instances, a range of +2 SD is accepted as measurement
uncertainty that is explained by random variation.
But the degree of variation also depends on the method used. Methods that are
more precise have less uncertainty because the amount of variation included in
the 95% limits is smaller.
Laboratories should strive to use methods that have a high degree of precision,
and always follow standard operating procedures.
Laboratory Quality Management System 87
When QC is out
of range
7-6: Using quality control information
When the QC sample that is used in a test run is out of the acceptable range,
the run is considered to be “out of control”. When this happens, there are several
steps that the laboratory must follow.
The testing process should be stopped and the technologist must immediately
try to identify and correct problems.
Once possible sources of error have been identi ed and corrections have been
made, the control material should be rechecked. If they read correctly, then
patient samples, along with another QC specimen, should be repeated. Do
not simply repeat the testing without looking for sources of error and taking
corrective action.
Patient results must not be reported until the problem is resolved and the
controls indicate proper performance.
When attempting to solve QC problems, it is useful to have established policies
and procedures for remedial action. Often, manufacturers of either equipment
or reagents will provide guidelines that can be helpful. Use any troubleshooting
guides that are available.
Possible problems to consider include:
degradation of reagents or kits
control material degradation
operator error
failure to follow manufacturer’s instructions
an outdated procedure manual
equipment failure
calibration error.
Laboratory Quality Management System 88
Key messages
7-7: Summary
A QC programme for quantitative tests is essential to ensuring accuracy and
reliability of laboratory testing. The laboratory must establish a QC programme
that monitors all quantitative tests. The programme will have written policies and
procedures that are followed by all laboratory staff.
The overall responsibility of managing the QC programme is usually assigned to
the quality manager, who monitors and reviews all QC data on a regular basis. The
recording of the QC data must be complete and easy to access.
For quantitative testing, statistical analysis can be used for the monitoring process,
and the use of Levey–Jennings charts provides a very useful visual tool for this
When controls are out of range, corrective action and troubleshooting must be
undertaken; the problem must be xed before reporting patient results. Therefore,
good protocols for troubleshooting and corrective action are an important part
of the QC process.
A QC programme allows the laboratory to differentiate between normal
variation and error.
The QC programme monitors the accuracy and precision of laboratory assays.
The results of patient testing should never be released if the QC results for the
test run do not meet the laboratory target values.
8. Process control—
quality control
for qualitative and
Laboratory Quality Management System 90
Qualitative and
Role in quality
8-1: Overview
Quality control (QC) is a component
of process control, which is a
major element of the quality
management system. It monitors the
processes related to the examination
phase of testing and allows for detecting
errors in the testing system. These
errors may be due to test system failure,
adverse environmental conditions or
operator performance. QC gives the
laboratory con dence that test results
are accurate and reliable before patient
results are reported.
This chapter explains how QC
methods are applied to qualitative
and semiquantitative laboratory
Qualitative examinations are those
that measure the presence or absence
of a substance, or evaluate cellular
characteristics such as morphology.
The results are not expressed in
numerical terms, but in descriptive
or qualitative terms such as “positive”,
“negative”, “reactive”, “nonreactive”,
“normal” or “abnormal”.
Examples of qualitative
examinations include microscopic
examinations for cell morphology
or presence of parasitic organisms,
serologic procedures for presence or
absence of antigens and antibodies,
some microbiological procedures and
some molecular techniques.
Semiquantitative examinations are
similar to qualitative examinations;
testing does not measure the precise
Organization Personnel Equipment
Laboratory Quality Management System 91
8-1: Overview
quantity of a substance. The difference is that results of these tests are expressed
as an estimate of how much of a measured substance is present. This estimate
is sometimes reported as a number. Therefore, test results for semiquantitative
tests may be shown as “trace amount”, “1+, 2+ or 3+”, or positive at 1:160 (titre
or dilution). Examples of semiquantitative examinations are urine dipsticks, tablet
tests for ketones and serological agglutination procedures.
Some microscopic examinations are considered semiquantitative because results
are reported as estimates of the number of cells seen per low-power eld or high-
power eld. For example, a urine microscopic examination might report 0–5 red
blood cells seen per high-power eld.
As with quantitative procedures, it is important to verify that results of qualitative
and semiquantitative examinations are correct prior to reporting them to the
requesting health care provider.
Conducting QC for many of these tests is not as easily accomplished as with
quantitative tests. Therefore, it becomes essential that other processes within the
quality system are carefully conducted, in addition to traditional QC methods.
Following are some important overarching concepts for quality that apply to
qualitative and semiquantitative tests.
Sample management is important in all laboratory testing. Examinations that are
dependent on a viable organism in the sample may need closer monitoring and
better communication with nonlaboratory staff (see Chapter 5).
Dedicated, professional staff who understand the principles of QC are key to
Incubators, refrigerators, microscopes, autoclaves and other equipment must be
maintained and monitored carefully (see Chapter 3).
Positive and negative controls must be used to monitor the effectiveness of test
procedures that use special stains or reagents and tests with end-points such as
agglutination, colour change or other non-numeric results.
Reagents should be stored according to the manufacturer’s instructions, labelled
with the date they are opened and put into use, and discarded at the expiration
date (see Chapter 4).
Keeping records of all QC processes and corrective actions is necessary for
continual improvement of the laboratory quality system (see Chapter 16).
When problems occur, investigate, correct, and repeat patient testing (see
Chapter 14).
If QC results are not what are expected, do not report patient
Laboratory Quality Management System 92
8-2: Quality control materials
Qualitative and semiquantitative examinations include tests that utilize a variety of
control materials. These controls may be built-in (on-board or procedural) controls,
traditional controls that mimic patient samples, or stock cultures for use with
microbiological examinations.
Built-in controls are those that are integrated into the
design of a test system such as a test kit device. Usually, the
device is marked with designated areas where coloured
lines, bars or dots should appear to indicate success
or failure of positive and negative controls, and these
controls are performed automatically with each test. The
manufacturer’s product instructions may also refer to
these as procedural controls, on-board controls or
internal controls.
Most built-in controls monitor only a portion of the
examination phase, and they vary from one test to another as to what is being
monitored. For example, built-in controls for some kits may indicate that all the
reagents impregnated into the device are active and working properly, whereas
built-in controls for other kits may only indicate that a sample was added and
solutions owed through the device correctly. It is important to carefully read the
instructions provided by the manufacturer to understand what the built-in controls
monitor, and to determine whether additional controls may be needed.
Examples of test kits with built-in controls are rapid tests that detect the
presence of antigens or antibodies, such as those for infectious disease (human
immunode ciency virus [HIV], in uenza, lyme disease, streptococcal infection,
infectious mononucleosis), drugs of abuse, pregnancy or faecal occult blood.
Even though these built-in controls give some degree of con dence, they do not
monitor for all conditions that could affect test results. It is advisable to periodically
test traditional control materials that mimic patient samples, for added con dence
in the accuracy and reliability of test results.
In some settings, these built-in controls are referred to as internal
Traditional control materials are made to mimic patient samples and they are tested
with the patient samples to evaluate the examination component. Positive controls
have known reactivity and negative controls are nonreactive for the analyte being
tested. The controls should have the same composition, or matrix, as patient
samples, including viscosity, turbidity and colour, in order to properly evaluate the
test performance. Control materials are often lyophilized when received, and
need to be carefully reconstituted before use. Some manufacturers may provide
Laboratory Quality Management System 93
8-2: Quality control materials
these controls with their test kits but, more frequently, they need to be purchased
Traditional controls evaluate the testing process more broadly than built-in controls.
They assess the integrity of the entire test system, the suitability of the physical
testing environment (temperature, humidity, level workspace), and whether the
person conducting the test performs it correctly.
Positive and negative controls are recommended for many qualitative and
semiquantitative tests, including some procedures that use special stains or reagents,
and tests with end-points such as agglutination or colour change. These controls
should generally be used with each test run. Use of controls will also help to validate
a new lot number of test kits or reagents, to check on temperatures of storage and
testing areas, and to evaluate the process when new testing personnel are carrying
out the testing.
Things to keep in mind when using traditional controls for qualitative or
semiquantitative tests are:
test control materials in the same manner as testing patient samples;
use a positive and negative control, preferably once each day of testing, or at least
as often as recommended by the manufacturer;
choose positive controls that are close to the cut-off value of the test, to be sure
the test can detect weak positive reactions;
for agglutination procedures, include a weak positive control as well as a negative
control and a stronger positive control;
for tests with an extraction phase, such as some rapid group A Streptococcus tests,
choose controls that are capable of detecting errors in the extraction process.
QC in microbiology requires use of live control organisms with predictable
reactions to verify that stains, reagents and media are working correctly.
They must be kept on hand and carefully maintained in the form of
stock and working cultures. For each reaction, organisms with both
positive and negative results should be tested.
The following organizations offer reference strains, which are available from local
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)
National Type Culture Collection (NTCC, United Kingdom)
Pasteur Institute Collection (CIP, France).
Purchased reference strains are usually lyophilized and kept in the refrigerator.
Once they are reconstituted, plated and checked for purity, they can be used to
make working cultures for quality control.
Some laboratories may choose to use isolates from their own laboratories for QC.
If so, they should be monitored closely to verify that reactions tested are sustained
over time.
Laboratory Quality Management System 94
using stains
8-3: Quality control of stains
In performing many qualitative and semiquantitative procedures, stains are needed
for evaluating microscopic morphology of cells, parasites or microbes, or to
determine their presence or absence. Stains are used for microscopic procedures
that provide information for either preliminary or de nitive diagnosis. These are
frequent in haematology, urinalysis, cytology, histology, microbiology, parasitology
and other laboratory areas.
In microbiology, permanent stains such as acridine orange, trichrome and iron-
haematoxylin for faecal parasites, and Giemsa stain for malaria, are frequently
used. Gram stains are used for identi cation of bacteria and yeast from colonies
and samples. Acid-fast stains are particularly important for preliminary diagnosis,
since growth of mycobacteria takes several weeks. In many sites, Mycobacterium
tuberculosis (TB) cultures are not available and acid-fast smears will provide the
nal diagnosis for patients. For wet mounts, iodine solutions are used to detect
cysts and eggs in faecal samples, and potassium hydroxide preparations are used
to detect fungal elements.
Examination of blood smears requires a stain that
allows for clear visualization of red blood cells, white
blood cells, platelets and inclusions within cells.
Differentiation of cells in blood most frequently
employs a Wright stain, and some haematology
procedures use special stains to help differentiate
infection from leukaemia.
Cytology and histology tests require a wide
variety of stains that provide valuable information for diagnosis. Many other stains
are available to laboratory staff for special uses.
The common elements for QC are the same: the stains should be prepared and
stored properly, and checked to be sure they perform as expected. Remember
that many of the microscopic examinations that rely on stains are critical in
diagnosis of many diseases.
Some stains can be purchased commercially, but others must be prepared by
the laboratory, following an established procedure. Once stains are made, their
bottles should be labelled with the following information:
name of the stain
date prepared
date placed in service
expiration date/shelf life
preparer’s initials.
Laboratory Quality Management System 95
8-3: Quality control of stains
It may be useful to keep a logbook for recording information on each stain in use,
including the lot number and date received. The expiration date must be noted
on the label. Some stains deteriorate and lose their ability to produce the correct
Stains should be stored at the correct temperature at all times and in an appropriate
staining bottle. Some stains must be protected from light. In some cases, working
solutions can be made from stock solutions. If so, storage of working solutions
should be carefully monitored.
Because of their importance, stains should be checked each day of use with
positive and negative QC materials, to make sure their reagents are active and
they provide the intended results. In most cases, positive and negative controls
should be stained with each batch of patients’ slides. All QC results must be
recorded each time they are run.
Stains should also be examined to look for precipitation or crystal formation, and
to check for bacterial contamination. Careful maintenance and care of the stock
and working solutions of stains is an essential component in a system to provide
good quality in microscopic examinations.
Be aware that many stains are toxic, therefore, take appropriate safety
precautions when working with them.
Laboratory Quality Management System 96
QC is essential
for media
Use of control
organisms for
veri cation
8-4: Quality control of microbiological media
The quality of media used in the microbiology laboratory is crucial to achieving
optimal and reliable results. Some media are essential to isolation of microbes,
so it is imperative that they function as expected. QC procedures provide the
con dence that media has not been contaminated prior to use, and that it
supports the growth of the organism with which it was inoculated.
The performance characteristics of all media used in the laboratory must be
veri ed by the appropriate QC methods. For media that is prepared in-house,
this evaluation must be conducted for each batch prepared; for all commercially
prepared media, the performance veri cation will be performed for each new lot
In all cases, in-house and purchased media should be carefully checked for:
sterility—incubate overnight before use
appearance—check for turbidity, dryness, evenness of layer, abnormal colour
ability to support growth—using stock organisms
ability to yield the appropriate biochemical results—using stock organisms.
The laboratory must maintain suf cient stock organisms to check all its media
and test systems. Some examples of important stock organisms, and the media
checked, include:
Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922): MacConkey or eosin methylene blue (EMB),
some antimicrobial susceptibility testing;
Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923): blood agar, mannitol salt and some
antimicrobial susceptibility tests;
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (ATCC 49226): chocolate agar and Thayer–Martin agar.
Laboratory Quality Management System 97
In-house media
8-4: Quality control of microbiological media
For selective media, inoculate a control organism that should be inhibited as well
as one that should grow. Discard any batch of media that does not work as
For differential media, inoculate the media with control organisms that should
demonstrate the required reactions. For example, inoculate both lactose-
fermenting and non-lactose-fermenting organisms onto EMB or MacConkey agar
to verify that the colonies exhibit correct visual appearance.
Note: sheep and horse blood are preferred in preparing media for routine cultures.
Blood agar made from human blood should not be used as it will not demonstrate
the correct haemolysis pattern for identi cation of certain organisms, and it may
contain inhibitory substances. In addition, human blood can be biohazardous.
It is important to keep careful records for media that is prepared in the laboratory.
A logbook should be maintained that records:
date and preparer's name
name of the medium, the lot number and manufacturer
number of prepared plates, tubes, bottles or asks
assigned lot and batch numbers
color, consistency and appearance
number of plates used for QC
sterility test results at 24 and 48 hours
growth test(s)
Laboratory Quality Management System 98
with non-
numerical results
Key messages
8-5: Summary
Qualitative and semiquantitative examinations are those that give non-numerical
results. Qualitative examinations measure the presence or absence of a substance,
or evaluate cellular characteristics such as morphology. Semiquantitative
examinations provide an estimate of how much of the measured substance is
Qualitative and semiquantitative testing must be monitored by QC processes.
These processes should use controls that mimic patient samples as much as
possible. Quality controls that check kits, reagents, stains and microbiological
media and ensure that they work as expected must be used whenever they are
The laboratory must establish a QC programme for all of its qualitative and
semiquantitative tests. In establishing this programme, set policies, train staff and
assign responsibilities, and ensure that all resources needed are available. Make
sure that recording of all QC data is complete, and that appropriate review of
the information is carried out by the quality manager and the laboratory director.
All staff must follow the QC practices and procedures.
Always record QC results and any corrective actions that are taken.
If QC results are not acceptable, do not report patient results.