State Contracting Manual Volume I 89
(Rev 04/22)
The protest process covered in this chapter applies only to non-IT services or consulting
services contracts that are awarded through an Invitation for Bid (IFB) or Request for
Proposal (RFP) process. Protests of other types of solicitations are summarized in
Section 6.30.
Legal references: PCC §§ 10341 - 10345 and Title 2 California Code of Regulations §§
1195 - 1195.6.
Some information about the rules to be followed in deciding a protest may be helpful. It
is generally the rule that the party challenging the decisions of an administrative agency
bears the burden of proof that the awarding agency has committed an error in the bid
process sufficiently material to justify invalidation of its proposed award, or that its
decisions are lacking a rational basis and are, therefore, arbitrary and capricious.
An example of a material error would be, among others, failure of the awarding agency
to follow pertinent State statutes and regulations or the provisions of its own bid
document. When scores of an Evaluation Committee are at issue, more than the
opinion of the protestant that scores should have been different, or that different scores
could have been awarded based on the same information, is required to invalidate
scoring decisions. In view of these parameters, the focus of the reviewing authority
(here, DGS) is usually whether the protestant has met its burden of proof that the
awarding agency has committed a material error in the conduct of the bid process.
(Rev 11/12)
Introduction 6.00
Table of Contents 6.01
Grounds for Protest 6.02
Protest Exclusions 6.03
Role of DGS in Contract Protest Hearings 6.04
Protest Affecting Vital Services 6.05
Procedure for Protesting an Award 6.10
Oral Hearing Guidelines 6.15
State Contracting Manual Volume I 90
Decision on the Hearing 6.18
Costs of the Proceeding 6.19
Protests on Other Types Of Solicitations 6.30
Notification of the Right to Protest 6.35
Minimizing Protest Exposure 6.40
(Rev 11/12)
A. Those who may protest are as follows:
1. For IFBs, any proposer who claims it is the lowest responsible bidder
meeting the specifications for the contract.
2. For RFPs, any proposer who claims that the State agency failed to follow
the procedures specified in either subdivision (b) or (c) of PCC § 10344.
B. There is no basis for protest if the awarding agency rejects all bids or proposals,
based on the best interests of the State.
(Rev 11/12)
There is no jurisdiction for the DGS to consider a protest if:
A. The protestant was not a bidder or proposer;
B. The protestant has not alleged that it was the lowest responsible bidder or the
highest-scored proposer;
C. The protestant is not in a position to make a supportable assertion that it was the
lowest responsible bidder or should have been the highest-scored proposer;
D. The protest was not submitted timely;
E. The grounds for the protest do not meet the permissible grounds stated in the
PCC; or
F. The contract award is for a type of contract not subject to the protest procedures.
This category includes public works contracts awarded under the State Contract
Act (PCC §10100 et seq.); contracts for professional architecture or engineering
services under GC § 4525; contracts awarded under GC §§ 14838.5 and
State Contracting Manual Volume I 91
(Rev 11/12)
If the protest is based on permissible grounds, DGS will decide the protest and prepare
a written decision. Following confirmation by staff that legal prerequisites have been met
for a protest, the Director of DGS appoints a hearing officer who will:
A. Determine whether to review and decide the issues by written submission or oral
B. Render a written decision within 30 days of the final submission of evidence.
(Rev 11/12)
If a protest is filed and cannot be resolved before the need for vital services occurs, the
agency may extend an existing contract for up to six months at the same or lower rates.
The extension should indicate an end date of up to six months or the award of a new
contract, whichever occurs first. If there is no existing contractor, if the existing
contractor does not wish to continue, or if a longer extension is needed, an NCB would
be required.
(Rev 6/17)
A. A contract award may not be made until one of the following occurs:
1. (IFB process) If the contract is not being awarded to the low bidder, the
agency must notify the low bidder at least five working days prior to award
that the contract is not being awarded to the low bidder. The notification
must be “by telegram, electronic facsimile transmission, overnight courier,
Internet transmission, or personal delivery.” (PCC § 10345(a).)
2. (IFB process) On written request from any bidder, the awarding agency
must post a notice of the proposed contract award in a place accessible by
the general public, including any Internet site identified in the IFB at least
five working days prior to awarding the contract. (PCC § 10345(a)(1).)
3. (RFP process) The agency must post a notice of the proposed contract
award in a place accessible by the general public, including any Internet site
identified in the RFP for at least five working days prior to awarding the
contract. (PCC § 10345(b).)
B. Inspection of bids is required as follows:
1. (IFB process) After bid opening, all bids shall be available for public
inspection. (PCC § 10342.)
State Contracting Manual Volume I 92
2. (RFP process) All proposals and all evaluation and scoring sheets shall be
available for public inspection at the conclusion of the committee scoring
process. (PCC § 10344(c)(2).)
C. There are time limits in which to file a protest. A protest must be filed with the
agency and DGS after notice of intent to award the contract if notice was
required, but before the actual award. (PCC § 10345.)
D. Once a protest is filed, the contract may not be awarded until the protest is
withdrawn or DGS has rendered a decision. (PCC §§ 10345(a)(2), 10345(b)(1).)
E. After filing a protest, the protestant has five (5) calendar days to file a detailed
written statement of the protest grounds if the original protest did not contain the
complete grounds for the protest. (PCC §§ 10345(a)3), 10345(b)(2).)
F. Upon receipt of a protest, DGS/OLS:
1. Sends the protestant an acknowledgment letter which includes copies of the
protest statutes and regulations and informs the protestant that it must
submit a full and complete statement specifying grounds of protest within
five calendar days of filing of the notice of protest.
2. Requests information on a designated form from the awarding agency
regarding the agency contact person and other administrative details. The
agency should complete and return the form to DGS/OLS within 24 hours.
Failure to promptly complete and return the form will delay the protest
process. In addition, if the agency is aware of any reason that the protest
should not go forward, this would be communicated to DGS/OLS at this time
(See SCM 1, section 6.03).
3. Reviews the protest to determine whether DGS has jurisdiction. If DGS
does not have jurisdiction, DGS/OLS issues a written notice of dismissal.
4. Assigns a Hearing Officer to the protest if DGS has jurisdiction. The Hearing
Officer determines whether the protest will be resolved by written
submission or public oral hearing.
a. Written Submission Process: DGS/OLS sends a Hearing Notice to all
interested parties, setting the due date for written submissions.
b. Oral Hearing Process: DGS/OLS sends a Hearing Notice to all
interested parties of the date, time and place of the hearing at least five
(5) calendar days before the hearing date. The Hearing Notice will also
include a due date for written submissions. DGS/OLS will arrange for
the hearing to be recorded.
State Contracting Manual Volume I 93
(Rev 11/12)
A. The hearing is conducted as a fair hearing;
B. Informal procedures are followed;
C. No oath is given;
D. Witnesses and participants are advised to be truthful, accurate, and to the point;
E. Liberal rules of evidence apply;
F. Comments must be relevant to the protest issues;
G. Statements may be allowed from the interested parties, their witnesses, or
authorized representatives;
H. Cross-examination may be permitted at the discretion of the hearing officer; and
I. All interested parties are given the opportunity to present their positions.
(Rev 11/12)
The hearing officer’s decision is a final administrative decision based on the record
produced. The decision will recite the basis for the hearing officer’s decision. DGS has
no jurisdiction to consider any appeal to the hearing officer’s decision.
(Rev 6/17)
A. All DGS costs of the protest proceeding are charged to the State agency
B. For Oral Hearings, any interested party may arrange to have a court reporter
present at that party’s cost and parties may request copies of transcripts from the
court reporter at their own cost.
(Rev 6/17)
A. Protests about contracts for commodities, telecommunications, and IT goods and
services are made to DGS or the Department of Technology, in accordance with
applicable codes (see, e.g., PCC §§ 10306, 10326.2(d), 12102.2(g), 12125).
B. Protests about contracts for public works, grants, A&E services, repair or
maintenance of personal property, or any other type of solicitation not specifically
covered by another statute may be heard by DGS if both parties agree to its
State Contracting Manual Volume I 94
(Rev 04/22)
A. Agencies should include information for protesting the award of contracts in all
IFBs and RFPs. This should advise protestants that the initial protest letter
followed within five calendar days by a detailed, written statement of protest,
(both of which should include the IFB/RFP number, and the name of the State
agency involved and the agency contract person) should be submitted to both of
the following:
Department of General Services
Office of Legal Services
Attention: Bid Protest Coordinator
707 Third Street, 7th Floor, Suite 7-330
West Sacramento, CA 95605
The awarding agency [insert contracting department’s name,
address, and email/fax number if electronic filing is accepted]
B. Protests may be sent to DGS by regular mail, email, courier or personal delivery.
Protestants should include their email address if they have one and advise the
DGS Bid Protest Coordinator if they will accept service of documents pertaining
to the protest via email.
(Rev 11/12)
To minimize protest exposure and to enhance the likelihood of prevailing at a hearing,
the agency should ensure that:
1. All solicitation packages are prepared with the appropriate clauses, phrases,
and documents, and each is in compliance with all statutory and policy
2. All solicitation packages are written with clear and easily understood
3. Evaluators are carefully instructed on the evaluation approach to be used;
4. Sound decisions are made when determining a bidder’s responsiveness to
IFB or RFP requirements;
5. All bidders are treated fairly and impartially;
6. All bidders are given access to identical information and facts about the bid
documents, statement of work, and qualification requirements;
7. The waiver of immaterial defects in any one bid or proposal does not unduly
prejudice other bids or proposals or affect the price;
State Contracting Manual Volume I 95
8. Bidders are given timely and prompt access to all applicable IFB or RFP
evaluation materials following the posting of a notice of intent to award; and
9. All inquiring bidders are informed of the reasons their bids or proposals are
deemed nonresponsive.