1. Introduction
Naturalistic learner productions are an important empirical resource for SLA research. Some
pioneering works have produced valuable second language (L2) resources supporting SLA research.
One common limitation of these resources is the absence of individual longitudinal data for numerous
speakers with different backgrounds across the proficiency spectrum, which is vital for understanding
the nature of individual variation in longitudinal development.
A second limitation is the relatively restricted amounts of data annotated with linguistic information
(e.g., lexical, morphosyntactic, semantic features, etc.) to support investigation of SLA hypotheses and
obtain patterns of development for different linguistic phenomena. Where available, annotations tend
to be manually obtained, a situation posing immediate limitations to the quantity of data that could be
annotated with reasonable human resources and within reasonable time. Natural Language Processing
(NLP) tools can provide automatic annotations for parts-of-speech (
POS) and syntactic structure and
are indeed increasingly applied to learner language in various contexts. Systems in computer-assisted
language learning (CALL) have used a parser and other NLP tools to automatically detect learner errors
and provide feedback accordingly.
Some work aimed at adapting annotations provided by parsing
tools to accurately describe learner syntax (Dickinson & Lee, 2009) or evaluated parser performance on
learner language and the effect of learner errors on the parser. Krivanek and Meurers (2011) compared
two parsing methods, one using a hand-crafted lexicon and one trained on a corpus. They found that
the former is more successful in recovering the main grammatical dependency relations whereas the
latter is more successful in recovering optional, adjunction relations. Ott and Ziai (2010) evaluated the
performance of a dependency parser trained on native German (MaltParser; Nivre et al., 2007) on 106
learner answers to a comprehension task in L2 German. Their study indicates that while some errors can
be problematic for the parser (e.g., omission of finite verbs) many others (e.g., wrong word order) can
be parsed robustly, resulting in overall high performance scores.
In this paper we have two goals. First, we introduce a new English L2 database, the EF Cambridge
Open Language Database, henceforth
EFCAMDAT. EFCAMDAT was developed by the Department of
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at the University of Cambridge in collaboration with EF Education
First, an international educational organization. It contains writings submitted to Englishtown, the
We are grateful to Detmar Meurers, Henri
ette Hendriks, and Rachel Baker and colleagues for comments and
discussion throughout the development of the database and its evaluation. We would also like to thank Dimitris
Michelioudakis and Toby Hudson for manual annotation/correction of parsed text, and Laura Rimell for her advice
and comments. We also gratefully acknowledge support by the Isaac Newton Trust at Trinity College Cambridge
and EF Education First for this research.
See for instance the ESF database, ZISA corpus, FALKO, and The International Corpus of Learner English
(ICLE) among others—a comprehensive list of learner corpora around the world is compiled by Sylviane Granger’s
team at the Centre for English Corpus Linguistics at the Universit
e Catholique de Louvain and can be found at
There are of course exceptions to this: for instance, the ESF database (Feldweg, 1991) and FLLOC (Myles &
Mitchell, 2007) both follow groups of learners over a period.
Such works use early rule-based parsing as in Barchan, Woodmansee, and Yazdani, 1986; Jensen, Heidorn, Miller,
and Ravin, 1983 or more modern approaches as in Amaral and Meurers, 2011; Menzel and Schr
oder, 1999.
© 2014 Jeroen Geertzen, Theodora Alexopoulou, and Anna Korhonen. Selected Proceedings of the 2012 Second
Language Research Forum, ed. Ryan T. Miller et al., 240-254. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
online school of EF accessed daily by thousands of learners worldwide. EFCAMDAT stands out for
two reasons: its size and rich individual longitudinal data from learners with a wide variety of L1
backgrounds. The magnitude of EF operations has allowed us to build a resource of considerable size,
currently containing half a million scripts from 85K learners summing up 33 million words. Crucially,
the progress of individual learners can be followed over time. As new data come in, the database
will continue to grow allowing investigation of longitudinal development of larger numbers of learners.
EFCAMDAT is an open access resource available to the research community via a web-based interface at, subject to a standard user agreement.
Our second goal is to evaluate parser performance on
EFCAMDAT data. Our study provides
users of
EFCAMDAT with information on the accuracy of the automatically obtained morpho-syntactic
annotations that accompany
EFCAMDAT data. The parser performance is evaluated using a set of
manually annotated
EFCAMDAT data. We provide information on the effect of different types of errors
on parsing as well as aspects of learner language that are challenging for automated linguistic analysis.
This article is structured as follows: section 2 elaborates on the nature and characteristics of the learner
data. The syntactic annotations are evaluated and discussed in section 3. We conclude in section 4.
2. Data characteristics
EFCAMDAT consists of essays submitted to Englishtown, the online school of EF Education First,
by language learners all over the world (Education First, 2012). A full course in Englishtown spans 16
proficiency levels aligned with common standards such as TOEFL, IELTS, and the Common European
Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Englishtown skill levels in relation (indicative) to common standards.
Englishtown 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16
Cambridge ESOL - KET PET FCE CAE -
IELTS - <3 4-5 5-6 6-7 >7
TOEFL iBT - - 57-86 87-109 110-120 -
TOEIC Listening & Reading 120-220 225-545 550-780 785-940 945 -
TOEIC Speaking & Writing 40-70 80-110 120-140 150-190 200 -
CEFR A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Learners are allocated to proficiency levels after a placement test when they start a course at EF
or through successful progression through coursework. Each of the 16 levels contains eight lessons,
offering a variety of receptive and productive tasks. EFCAMDAT consists of scripts of writing tasks at the
end of each lesson on topics like those listed in Table 2.
Table 2: Examples of essay topics at various levels. Level and unit number are separated by a colon.
ID Essay topic ID Essay topic
1:1 Introducing yourself by email 7:1 Giving instructions to play a game
1:3 Writing an online profile 8:2 Reviewing a song for a website
2:1 Describing your favourite day 9:7 Writing an apology email
2:6 Telling someone what you’re doing 11:1 Writing a movie review
2:8 Describing your family’s eating habits 12:1 Turning down an invitation
3:1 Replying to a new penpal 13:4 Giving advice about budgeting
4:1 Writing about what you do 15:1 Covering a news story
6:4 Writing a resume 16:8 Researching a legendary creature
Given 16 proficiency levels and eight units per level a learner who starts at the first level and completes
all 16 proficiency levels would produce 128 different essays. Essays are graded by language teachers;
Starting students are placed at the first level of each stage: one, four, seven, ten, thirteen, or sixteen.
learners may only proceed to the next level upon receiving a passing grade. Teachers provide feedback to
learners using a basic set of error markup tags or through free comments on students’ writing. Currently,
EFCAMDAT contains teacher feedback for 36% of scripts.
The data collected for the first release of
EFCAMDAT contain 551,036 scripts (with 2,897,788
sentences, and 32,980,407 word tokens) written by 84,864 learners. We currently have no information on
the L1 backgrounds of learners.
Information on nationality is, thus, used as the closest approximation
to L1 background.
EFCAMDAT contains data from learners from 172 nationalities. Table 3 shows the
spread of scripts across the nationalities with most learners.
Table 3: Percentage and number of scripts per nationality of learners.
Nationality Percentage of scripts Number of Scripts
Brazilians 36.9% 187,286
Chinese 18.7% 96,843
Russians 8.5% 44,187
Mexicans 7.9% 41,115
Germans 5.6% 29,192
French 4.3% 22,146
Italians 4.0% 20,934
Saudi Arabians 3.3% 16,858
Taiwanese 2.6% 13,596
Japanese 2.1% 10,672
Few learners complete all of the proficiency levels. For many, their start or end of interacting with
Englishtown fell outside the scope of the data collection period for the first release of
generally, many learners only complete portions of the program. Nevertheless, around a third of learners
(around 28K) have completed three full levels, corresponding to a minimum of 24 scripts.
Only 500
learners have completed every unit from level one to six (accounting for at least 48 scripts).
Characterizing scripts quantitatively is difficult, because of the variation across topics and profi-
ciency levels. Texts range from a list of words or a few short sentences to short narratives or articles.
As learners become more proficient they tend to produce longer scripts. On average, scripts count seven
sentences (SD = 3.8). Sample scripts are shown in Figure 1.
3. Syntactic annotations
3.1. Background and motivation
Many learner corpora have been annotated for errors and more recently for lemmas, parts of
speech (
POS), and grammatical relations (D
ıaz-Negrillo, Meurers, Valera, & Wunsch, 2010; Granger,
2003; Granger, Kraif, Ponton, Antoniadis, & Zampa, 2007; L
udeling, Walter, Kroymann, & Adolphs,
2005; Meurers, 2009; Nicholls, 2003). Information on
POS and grammatical relations allows the
investigation of morpho-syntactic and also some semantic patterns. Such annotation typically involves
two distinct levels, one providing category information (
POS) and a second level providing syntactic
structure, typically represented by phrase structure trees or grammatical dependencies between pairs of
As mentioned in the introduction, NLP tools can provide annotations automatically. One critical
question is how learner errors and untypical learner production patterns affect parsing performance.
taggers rely on a combination of lexical, morphological, and distributional information to provide the
most likely
POS annotation for a given word. But in learner language these three sources of information
may be pointing to different outcomes (D
ıaz-Negrillo et al., 2010; Meurers, 2009; Ragheb & Dickinson,
Metadata on the L1 background of learners is being collected for the second release of the database.
Of the 172 nationalities, 28 have over 100 learners, and 38 nationalities over 50 learners.
If learners don’t receive a satisfying score on their writing, they may repeat the task, which means that a learner
will have a minimum of eight scripts per level but may have more if they repeat the task.
Hi! Anna,How are you? Thank you to sendmail to me. My name’s
Anfeng.I’m 24 years old.Nice to meet you !I think we are friends
already,I hope we can learn english toghter! Bye! Anfeng.
2. LEARNER 19054879, LEVEL 2, UNIT 1, FRENCH
Hi, my name’s Xavier. My favorite days is saturday. I get up at
9 o’clock. I have a breakfast, I have a shower... Then, I goes
to the market. In the afternoon, I play music or go by bicycle. I
like sunday. And you ?
Home Improvement is a pleasant protest song sung by Josh Woodward.
It’s a simple but realistic song that analyzes how rapid changes
in a town affects the lives of many people in the name of progress.
The high bitter-sweet voice of the singer, the smooth guitar along
with the high pitched resonant drum sound like a moan recalling
the past or an ode to the previous town lifestyle and a protest to
the negative aspects this new prosperous city brought. I really
enjoyed this song.
Figure 1: Three typical scripts, in which learners are asked to introduce themselves (1), describe their
favourite day (2), and review a song for a website (3).
2011). In particular, D
ıaz-Negrillo et al. (2010) discuss a range of mismatches, as for instance between
form and distribution (1-a) and stem and distribution (1-b). In (1-a) the verb want lacks 3rd person
agreement. Thus, the distributional information corresponds to a 3rd-person verbal form tag (VBZ)
while the morphological information is consistent with a bare verb form tag (VB). Similarly, the stem
choice is of category noun, but in (1-b), the morphological and distributional information would indicate
verbal tags.
(1) a. ...if he want to know this...
b. ... to be choiced for a job...
ıaz-Negrillo et al., 2010, ex.9,16
Turning to syntax, learners often make syntactic mistakes, e.g., word order mistakes involving misplaced
adverbs as in it brings rarely such connotations (Granger et al., 2007).
Results discussed in D
ıaz-Negrillo et al. (2010) and Meurers (2009) indicate that taggers show
robustness to many such mismatches and that good accuracy scores can be obtained for
POS tagging.
There is, though, the question of whether native annotations are suitable descriptions of learner language.
Ragheb and Dickinson (2011) rightly argue that annotating learner language with existing tools is an
instance of Bley-Vroman’s comparative fallacy. Bley-Vroman (1989) has argued for the need to analyse
learner language in its own right rather than with categories from the target language. In a series of
papers, Ragheb and Dickinson (2011) and Dickinson and Ragheb (2009, 2011) propose an annotation
model that seeks to capture the properties of learner language rather than to superimpose native tags.
They propose a multilayered annotation scheme where distributional and morphological information is
annotated separately. For example, the annotation for (1-a) would just record the mismatch. Under this
view (a good part of) errors are mismatches between stem, morphological, and distributional information.
Errors affect not only
POS tagging but can also reduce the probability of parses (Wagner & Foster, 2009).
At the same time, parsers show robustness to many errors, e.g., word order (Ott & Ziai, 2010).
In the following sections we present results on parser performance for
EFCAMDAT data and discuss
the effect of learner errors on parsing.
3.2. Methodology
To evaluate how parsers for well-formed English perform on learner language, a sample from
EFCAMDAT data was annotated with POS tags and syntactic structure. The Penn Treebank Tagset
(Marcus, Marcinkiewicz, & Santorini, 1993) was used for
POS annotation because it is widely used
and offers a relatively simple and straightforward set of tags. It comprises 36
POS tags, as listed in the
Appendix, and features a further 12 tags to mark punctuation and currency symbols. Syntactic structure
has been annotated in the form of dependency relations between a pair of words, where one word is
analyzed as a head (governor) and the other as a dependent (Tesni
ere & Fourquet, 1959). The main
feature of this annotation scheme is the absence of constituency and phrasal nodes. Because of its less
hierarchical structure, this framework is particularly suitable for manual annotation. An example is
illustrated in Figure 2 and compared with a more standard phrase structure annotation.
I hope we can learn English together
1 I PRP 2 nsubj
2 hope VBP 0 root
3 we PRP 5 nsubj
4 can MD 5 aux
5 learn VB 2 ccomp
6 English NNP 5 dobj
7 together RB 5 advmod
Figure 2: A sentence in phrase structure (left) and dependency relations (right) with the dependency
graph (top right) and corresponding column-based coding (bottom right).
A set of 1,000 sentences (11,067 word tokens) from
was pseudo-randomly sampled
with equal representation from all 16 proficiency levels and ve of the best represented nationalities
(i.e., Chinese, Russian, Brazilian, German, and Italian). These sentences were then tagged and parsed
using Penn Treebank
tags and a freely available state-of-the-art parser (Stanford parser; Klein
& Manning, 2003). Two trained linguists manually corrected the automatically annotated evaluation
set (500 sentences each). They used the grammatical relations of the Stanford Dependency scheme
(De Marneffe & Manning, 2008) and worked with collapsed representations.
The annotators marked
learner errors and tagging/parsing errors manually on words. They used two error tags, L for learner
error and P for
tagging and parsing errors, and provided a corrected version. Each annotator
corrected 500 sentences. Prior to the annotation, they both corrected a set of 100 additional sentences
with corresponding parses in order to measure inter-annotator agreement. Inter-annotator agreement
turned out to be 95.3% on the full combination of
, attachment to the head, and relation type. All
disagreements were subsequently discussed with a third linguist to reduce any incidental mistakes, which
increased the final inter-annotator agreement to 97.1%.
One of our goals was to evaluate the effect of learner errors on automated annotation, since errors
are rather frequent. In our sample of 1,000 sentences, 33.8% contains at least one learner error. These
learner errors are mostly spelling and capitalization ones, but also involve morphosyntactic and semantic
Our choice, therefore, does not reflect a theoretical preference but is guided by the need to adopt an intuitive and
flexible annotation system that manual coders can manage easily.
To simplify patterns for extraction, dependencies involving prepositions, conjuncts, as well as information about
the referent of relative clauses are collapsed to get direct dependencies between content words.
irregularities or missing words. Some characteristic examples are illustrated in (2) and (3), which show
learner errors together with corrections suggested by the annotators.
(2) a. I often have meetings ar go on business trips
correction: and
b. I finally ger an offer as an secretary in a company
correction: get, a
c. At night i go to bed
correction: I
d. Because to whome could i talk English in Germany?
correction: whom, I
e. I can’t swim, sometimes I like take a walk
correction: to take
f. If you would like to work, like to volunteer, call to number 80000
correction: delete ‘to’
(3) a. To help me with my vocabulary I note down all the words that I cannot recognize in a
notebook which enclosed with a sentence for reference
correction: delete ‘which’ and replace ‘enclosed’ with ‘along’
b. It must be by far the exhilarating experience
correction: the most exhilarating
c. you must can my house soon
correction: be able to
d. to motivate people to reaching aims they would not reach theirselves
correction: reach, themselves
e. I’ll think about change my career
correction: changing
Examples in (2) and (3) give a sense of the range of difficulties. Some errors are more likely to
affect the parser than others. For instance, the spelling error in (2-b) where we have ger instead of get
may not be as damaging as the spelling error in (2-a) where instead of and we have ar. This is because
it is easier to recover a verbal category than a conjunction based on distributional evidence. Similarly
whome instead of whom in (2-d) may also have an effect on the parser as it may miss a wh-category. The
errors in (2-e-f) could be viewed as subcategorization ones and it is conceivable that the parser can still
recover the correct dependencies.
The effect of an error like (3-a) is rather unpredictable. Such cases illustrate how challenging it can
be to describe some errors. Under one analysis, this sentence may just have a missing ‘is’ (which is
enclosed....). However, our annotator preferred to rephrase. Cases like this require a systematic analysis
of the learner’s productions to establish whether such errors are an instance of a more general pattern
(e.g., auxiliary
BE omission) or not. It is hard to see how such issues can be addressed by error annotation
The errors in (3-b-c) are semantic. Though interesting from an SLA perspective, they are unlikely
to affect the parser. The pair in (3-d-e) both involve an erroneous verbal form. But the effect on the
parser can be different. The parser may establish the correct dependency between reaching and motivate
in (3-d). But in (3-e) it may analyze change as a noun rather than a verbal category.
Our data also contain many cases of the mismatches discussed by D
ıaz-Negrillo et al. (2010) as
illustrated in (4).
(4) a. but the young woman was catched at the hair by a passer-by
correction: caught, by
b. please find enclose
correction: enclosed
See Dickinson and Ragheb (2009) for a discussion of annotation issues arising in relation to subcategorization
errors in learner language.
c. I am also certificated in cardio kickboxing
correction: certified
Figure 3 illustrates a case where a learner error results in a parsing error. The sentence contains what
looks like a preposition in place of an article, and the parser analyzes the item as a preposition and
postulates the wrong dependency, where the noun sweater is the object of the preposition. The annotator
corrects the direct object interpretation for the noun, and provides corrections as shown in Figure 3.
Sue is wearing in brown sweater and jeans .
Figure 3: Example of a parsed sentence with learner and parsing errors (above), and manual corrections
To assess the parser’s performance on L2 English and the effect of errors, it is crucial to know if
parsing errors occur in the context of well-formed or ungrammatical sentences. Manual annotation of
learner errors and parsing errors allows us to identify the following three scenarios:
1. learner error without a
POS-tagging/parsing error;
2. learner error with a
POS-tagging/parsing error;
3. a
POS-tagging/parsing error without a learner error.
The first scenario may arise with semantic or morphological errors at word level that are not strong
enough to affect the grammatical rule selection during parsing. Such a situation is depicted by Figure 4,
in which the surface form of what appears to be intended as the verb get is correctly identified as such.
I finally ger an offer as an secretary in a company
Figure 4: Learner errors (in black) without a parsing error.
The second scenario is one in which a learner error causes a parsing error, as exemplified in Figure 5.
Both ‘mop’ and ‘de’ are identified as foreign words and interpreted to be compound nouns (see also
Figure 3).
Finally, parsers are not always accurate even with grammatically correct native English. The third
scenario, therefore, involves a parsing error without a learner error as illustrated in Figure 6 where the
word laundry is misanalysed as a subject of afternoon rather than an object of the verb does and afternoon
as a clausal complement rather than a modifier of the verb. Our goal here is to evaluate how often each
of these scenarios is realized.
Figure 5: Learner error with a parsing error (both in black).
Granny does the laundry every Tuesday afternoon
Figure 6: Parsing error (in black) without learner error.
3.3. Results
Parser errors can be measured in various ways. Measurement may focus on errors per sentence
or per word. Evaluation can also consider different aspects of annotation,
POS tagging, dependency
attachment, and dependency relation label. For instance Figure 5 contains
POS errors for mop and de
which are tagged as foreign words. This tagging error results in an attachment and labelling error since
these two words are misanalysed as dependents of floor in a noun compound dependency. This is a
case where a
POS error has a knock-on effect on the syntactic annotation. But parsing errors may also
appear without a
POS error. For instance, in Figure 6 the dependency between the verb and afternoon is
mislabelled as
XCOMP (clausal complement) instead of modification, but this misanalysis is not triggered
by a tagging error.
Parsing performance involving dependency relations is typically evaluated using labelled attach-
ment score (LAS) and unlabelled attachment score (UAS). The former metric is the proportion of word
tokens that are assigned both the correct head and the correct dependency relation label. The latter is
the proportion of word tokens that are assigned the correct head regardless of what dependency relation
label is assigned. A correct assignment of a dependency relation has to match the (manually) annotated
relation exactly.
Over all our sentences, the Stanford parser scored 89.6% LAS and 92.1% UAS as
shown in Table 4. This slightly exceeds results on Wall Street Journal (WSJ; Marcus et al., 1993) news
text parsing at 84.2% LAS, 87.2% UAS (Cer, Marneffe, Jurafsky, & Manning, 2010). This measure does
not include
POS tagging. POS tagging also reaches a high accuracy of 96.1%. When POS tagging errors
were included in the scoring this yielded 88.6% LAS and 90.3% UAS.
To get an idea of how parsing errors are distributed across sentences, accuracies were also computed
at sentence level. In our sample of 1,000 sentences, 54.1% was without any labelled attachment error
and 63.2% was without any unlabelled attachment error. As for
POS tagging, 73.1% of sentences was
error free.
The high accuracy scores indicate that the parser can recover the correct syntactic structure despite
learner errors as long as the likelihood of the overall dependency tree is sufficiently high (see Figure 4).
To assess how the presence of learner errors affected parsing performance, we split the 1,000 sentences
into two sets, the 33.8% that contain at least one learner error and the remaining 66.2% without learner
A more lenient way of evaluating parsing performance could take the hierarchical ordering of the dependency
relations in the Stanford typed dependency scheme into account. Under- or over-specification could then be treated
as correct or partially correct. For instance, a passive nominal subject (nsubjpass) that gets labelled as a subject
(subj) can be considered less of an error than a direct object (dobj) and a subject.
errors, and parsed and evaluated them separately. For convenience, we will refer to these sets as the
learner error absent (LA) set and learner error present (LP) set, respectively. Scores are shown in Table 4.
As expected, the difference in parsing accuracy between sentences with and without learner errors is
Table 4: Accuracy scores for sentences with and without learner errors.
Sentences LAS UAS
All 89.6% 92.1%
Without learner error (LA) 92.6% 95.0%
With at least one learner error (LP) 83.8% 87.4%
In the LP set, 593 words were directly associated to a learner error. Of those words, 49.2% received
an incorrect
POS or syntactic dependency assigned. Note that a small percentage of these 49.2% words
would also have received erroneous assignments in absence of the learner error. To obtain more detailed
information on the effect of learner errors, we assessed the nature of assignment errors to words. To
this purpose, we selected in each set of sentences the words with assignment errors, and looked at the
error type, which can relate to
POS, head attachment, and the relation. Table 5 shows percentages of
assignment error types for individual words, with and without learner errors.
POS tagging errors represent
21.6% for the LP set. Not surprisingly, in 53% of erroneous assignments, a
POS error causes also a
head and a relation error, which on themselves occur considerably less frequent. The picture is rather
different for the LA set.
POS tagging errors in isolation account for only 7.3% while head+relation errors
in absence of
POS tagging errors are the most challenging category for this set, accounting for 41.4% of
all assignment errors. In sum, learner errors affect primarily category assignment (
POS tagging), and as
a consequence, assignment of a dependency head and labelling of the relation. Nonetheless, automatic
assignment is still accurate for 50.8% words in the LP set, indicating robustness to a significant number
of learner errors.
Table 5: Error types of assignment errors in the presence of a learner error (based on 292 words of the
LP set) and in the absence of a learner error (based on 572 words of the LA set), where ‘only’ means
that all other aspects are correctly assigned.
Error type LA set LP set
POS only 7.3% 21.6%
Head only 18.7% 2.4%
Relation only 16.3% 3.4%
Head + Relation only 41.4% 8.6%
POS + Head + Relation 9.3% 53.1%
Our next question was whether proficiency interacts with parser performance. Our sample was
balanced for proficiency, but it could have been possible that at lower proficiency levels accuracy scores
were significantly lower.
We, thus, calculated scores for levels 1-6 and 7-16 and 10-16 separately,
shown in Table 6. Accuracy scores are higher at higher proficiency levels but the effect seems small.
Table 6: Accuracy scores for different levels of proficiency.
Proficiency level LAS UAS
L1-6 89.0% 91.5%
L7-16 90.2% 92.4%
L10-16 91.4% 93.2%
We would like to thank two anonymous reviewers for raising this point.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 18 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 9 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 14 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 11 11 0 9 0 18 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 25 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 17 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 4 0 0 0 0 3 7 0 3 37 0 0 0 4 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 50 0 0 0 0 0
0 45 0 0 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 12 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 8 0 12 8 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50
0 0 0 0 0 50 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 7: Error matrix containing percentages of the most frequent errors in assigning dependency
relation labels.
As some dependencies are more challenging for the parser to recover than others, we also measured
accuracy for individual grammatical dependencies. The evaluation measures used were Precision,
Recall, and F
. Recall measures how many of the annotated instances of a specific grammatical relation
are correctly recovered by the parser. Precision measures how many of the instances labelled by the
parser as being a specific grammatical relation are actually correct. The F
-score is the harmonic mean
of precision and recall.
The grammatical relations that occur at least five times in the evaluation data
are listed in Table 7, together with the evaluation metrics and the absolute frequency.
As can be seen in Table 7, only a few grammatical relations scored below 90% F
. Adjectival
complements (acomp, 73.3% F
) suffered from a rather low recall, as did clausal subjects (csubj,
57.1% F
) and appositional modifiers (appos, 75.8% F
We next examined the most frequent parser ‘confusions’. The erroneous assignment of dependency
relation labels is quantified using the error matrix in Figure 7, in which each column represents the
assigned label by the parser, while each row represents the actual label. Only the more frequent errors
(i.e., occurring at least four times) have been included, and together account for 38% of all parsing
errors. The number at the end of each row is the absolute frequency at which the label on that row
was erroneously assigned, with each cell containing the percentage of this number that got erroneously
assigned by the corresponding column label.
One prominent parsing error was misanalysis of direct objects (107 cases). In 37% of these cases, the
direct object was mis-analysed as a nominal subject. This case is illustrated with Figure 6, in which the
noun laundry is wrongly assigned to the nominal head afternoon as subject. Few errors were expected,
such as noun compounds (
NN) with (ADJECTIVAL MODIFIER), or a few indirect objects (IOBJ) with
direct objects (
DOBJ) or nominal subjects (NSUBJ), but there are no clear outliers. Only the DEPENDENT
relation (DEP) has been used often as it is the most underspecified category in the dependency scheme.
The F
-score combines precision (P ) and recall (R), and is defined as 2 P R/(P + R).
Table 7: Grammatical relations occurring at least five times. Precision (Prec), recall (Rec) and F
are listed for each grammatical relation, together with its absolute frequency (#GRs).
Relation Description Prec Rec F
root root 95.2 97.2 96.2 999
dep dependent 92.5 65.7 76.8 210
aux auxiliary 98.0 98.9 98.4 646
auxpass passive auxiliary 96.1 96.1 96.1 78
cop copula 96.6 98.7 97.6 313
arg argument
agent agent 100.0 87.5 93.3 8
comp complement
acomp adjectival complement 78.6 68.8 73.3 16
ccomp clausal complement with internal subject 93.0 86.0 89.4 189
xcomp clausal complement with external subject 93.8 94.2 94.0 243
complm complementizer 98.1 100.0 99.0 52
obj object
dobj direct object 93.8 95.7 94.7 694
iobj indirect object 81.8 100.0 90.0 18
pobj object of preposition 100.0 85.2 92.0 27
mark marker (word introducing an advcl) 91.9 97.8 94.8 93
subj subject
nsubj nominal subject 97.7 96.4 97.0 1343
nsubjpass passive nominal subject 95.6 94.2 94.9 69
csubj clausal subject 66.7 50.0 57.1 8
cc coordination 96.4 100.0 98.2 28
conj conjunct 93.2 97.6 95.3 463
expl expletive (expletive “there”) 100.0 100.0 100.0 40
mod modifier
amod adjectival modifier 96.9 95.9 96.4 657
appos appositional modifier 89.3 65.8 75.8 38
advcl adverbial clause modifier 86.6 97.0 91.5 100
det determiner 98.3 99.4 98.9 1024
predet predeterminer 90.0 100.0 94.7 10
preconj preconjunct 83.3 100.0 90.9 5
infmod infinitival modifier 85.7 80.0 82.8 15
partmod participial modifier 93.9 86.1 89.9 36
advmod adverbial modifier 95.2 95.4 95.3 507
neg negation modifier 98.9 100.0 99.5 91
rcmod relative clause modifier 92.9 89.7 91.2 58
quantmod quantifier 87.0 100.0 93.0 20
nn noun compound modifier 92.7 89.9 91.3 300
npadvmod noun phrase adverbial modifier 95.7 91.7 93.6 24
tmod temporal modifier 84.6 87.3 85.9 63
num numeric modifier 96.9 95.4 96.2 132
number element of compound number 100.0 100.0 100.0 10
prep prepositional modifier 95.7 96.3 96.0 975
poss possession modifier 99.1 98.8 99.0 336
prt phrasal verb particle 95.2 100.0 97.5 61
parataxis parataxis 62.5 100.0 76.9 5
3.4. Discussion
The most striking result of this evaluation is the high accuracy scores of the automated annotation
tools which demonstrates that the tools are robust to learner language. These scores are high even for
lower proficiency levels (Table 6). There are a number of explanations for this result.
The first relates to the overall simplicity of learner language in comparison to native productions. For
instance, learner sentences tend to be shorter and therefore less demanding for the parser. The average
word length of sentences in this evaluation set is 11 words, whereas that of sentences in the British
National Corpus (BNC; Burnard, 1995) is 16 words, and that of the WSJ is 21 words. It is possible
then that the shorter average sentence length of learner productions compensates for the effect of learner
errors on the parser.
A second explanation relates to the nature of errors and the finding that automated tools show
robustness to at least half the learner errors. Many errors are semantic and do not affect parser
performance which targets syntactic structure. Consider for instance the examples in (5) from our
sample. The parser has correctly identified the relevant grammatical dependencies, despite the learner
errors (this is also true for also examples (3-b) and (3-c)).
(5) a. ... I play all other kind of music....
b. .... the best convenience of the modern technology ....
c. .... it is a potential large group...
d. ... my older brother is 40 and my littler brother is ...
e. ... my wife is wearing a white and pink pants....
f. ....I try to visualise pleasant and restful place ...
Similarly, a good part of what appear to be subcategorization errors or choice of preposition errors
do not affect the parser’s ability to obtain the correct dependencies, see examples (2-e) and (2-f) and (6).
(6) a. I encourage you to continue your support in respect of my presidency
b. I am looking forward for your feedback...
c. The body language in Russia is very similar with American one.
The erroneous patterns we see in (5) and (6) require a systematic investigation to be modelled accurately.
At the same time, the robustness of the parser is welcome since it allows us to obtain the main syntactic
patterns that are used by learners. Consider for instance, the sentence mentioned earlier with an adverb
intervening between the verb and its object it brings rarely such connotations. The parse of this sentence
is shown in Figure 8. The parser ‘ignores’ the word order violation and correctly analyzes rarely as
an adverbial modifier and such connotations as a nominal direct object. Similarly, the parser identifies
a relative clause in (3-a) and analyzes to reaching in (3-d) as a complement of the main verb. The
robustness of the parser in these cases is important, because it captures syntactic structures that are used
in learner language. In sum, the parser often abstracts away from local morphosyntactic information
and word order violations but succeeds with the underlying syntactic dependencies. While this results
in an incomplete picture of learner language, it nevertheless reveals an important aspect of the grammar
underlying learner language. The current dependency annotations can be used to investigate the range of
word order violations and the way different types of dependents (e.g., adverbs vs. indirect objects) may
intervene between the verb and the direct object.
it brings rarely such connotations
Figure 8: Sentence with a word order error.
Let us briefly consider the mismatches raised by D
ıaz-Negrillo et al. (2010) and Ragheb and
Dickinson (2011). In general, the parser has resolved conflicting evidence in favor of morphological
information (and our annotators have accepted morphology-based
POS tags). Thus, catched in (4-a)
and certificated in (4-c) are tagged as
VBN (verb, past participle). Similarly, want in (1-a) is tagged as
VBP (verb, non-3rd-person form). Such annotations do not reflect the relevant mismatches but enable a
systematic investigation of the environments and lexical elements involved in them.
Finally, despite the very high accuracy scores, some patterns have been particularly challenging for
the parser. For instance, absence of critical morphological information may lead to a category error in
tagging which can then result in the wrong parse. For instance, change in (3-e) has been analyzed as a
In conclusion, the relatively high accuracy scores of the parser can be explained through a
combination of the overall simplicity of learner productions and the robustness of the parser that
tends to focus on the primary dependency relations ‘ignoring’ local morphosyntactic information, some
word order violations as well as semantic violations. Current NLP tools allow us to obtain reliable
morphosyntactic annotations for learner language that are vital for investigating a wide range of lexical
and morphosyntactic phenomena of L2 grammars.
4. Conclusions
EFCAMDAT is a new L2 English database built at the University of Cambridge, in collaboration with
EF Education First. It consists of scripts submitted to Englishtown, the online school of EF Education
First. It stands out for its size and rich individual longitudinal data from learners with a wide variety of
backgrounds. It is an open access resource available to the research community via a web-based interface
at, subject to a standard user agreement.
EFCAMDAT is tagged and parsed for POS and dependency relations using Penn Treebank tags and the
Stanford parser. The core of this paper presented the results of an evaluation study on parser performance
on a sample of 1,000 sentences from
EFCAMDAT. The results indicate that parsing English L2 with
current NLP tools generally yields performance close to that of parsing well-formed native English
text. This is despite the fact that 33.8% of our sample of 1,000 learner sentences contains at least one
learner error. Our analysis shows that current NLP tools are robust to a significant part of learner errors.
This is because a good part of errors involve local morphosyntactic, subcategorization, word order, and
semantic errors that do not affect the main dependency relations the parser targets. As a result, the parser
can successfully capture syntactic patterns that are used by learners and provide valuable annotations
for the investigation of a wide range of phenomena and SLA hypotheses. At the same time, some form
errors (spelling, morphosyntactic) can lead to category (
POS) errors when the distributional information
cannot reliably define a category (e.g., co-ordination) or the form is ambiguous between a noun and verb
The robust performance of current NLP tools on L2 English demonstrates that they can be
successfully used for automatic annotation of large scale databases like
EFCAMDAT. Moreover, they
provide a critical starting point for development of tools that can accurately model the erroneous and
untypical patterns of learner language.
In this work we have used one particular state-of-the-art parsing algorithm, the Stanford parser, but
various others could be used as well, such as the C&J reranking parser (Charniak & Johnson, 2005) and
the Berkely parser (Petrov, Barrett, Thibaux, & Klein, 2006). It would be worth exploring other systems,
in isolation and by using ensemble models that combine independently-trained models at parsing time
to exploit complementary strengths (Sagae & Tsujii, 2007).
1. CC Coordinating conjunction 19. PP Possessive pronoun
2. CD Cardinal number 20. RB Adverb
3. DT Determiner 21. RBR Adverb, comparative
4. EX Existential there 22. RBS Adverb, superlative
5. FW Foreign word 23. RP Particle
6. IN Preposition/subord. 24. SYM Symbol
7. JJ Adjective 25. TO to
8. JJR Adjective, comparative 26. UH Interjection
9. JJS Adjective, superlative 27. VB Verb, base form
10. LS List item marker 28. VBD Verb, past tense
11. MD Modal 29. VBG Verb, gerund/present participle
12. NN Noun, singular or mass 30. VBN Verb, past participle
13. NNS Noun, plural 31. VBP Verb, non-3rd ps. sing. present
14. NNP Proper noun, singular 32. VBZ Verb, 3rd ps. sing. present
15. NNPS Proper noun, plural 33. WDT wh-determiner
16. PDT Predeterminer 34. WP wh-pronoun
17. POS Possessive ending 35. WP Possessive wh-pronoun
18. PRP Personal pronoun 36. WRB wh-adverb
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Selected Proceedings of the
2012 Second Language Research Forum:
Building Bridges between Disciplines
edited by
Ryan T. Miller, Katherine I. Martin,
Chelsea M. Eddington, Ashlie Henery,
Nausica Marcos Miguel, Alison M. Tseng,
Alba Tuninetti, and Daniel Walter
Cascadilla Proceedings Project Somerville, MA 2014
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Building Bridges between Disciplines
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Geertzen, Jeroen, Theodora Alexopoulou, and Anna Korhonen. 2014. Automatic Linguistic Annotation of Large
Scale L2 Databases: The EF-Cambridge Open Language Database (EFCamDat). In Selected Proceedings of the
2012 Second Language Research Forum, ed. Ryan T. Miller et al., 240-254. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla
Proceedings Project., document #3100.