Processing grammatical and ungrammatical center embeddings
in English and German: A computational model
Felix Engelmann ([email protected])
Department of Linguistics, Karl-Liebknecht Str. 24-25,
14476 Potsdam, Germany
Shravan Vasishth ([email protected])
Department of Linguistics, Karl-Liebknecht Str. 24-25,
14476 Potsdam, Germany
Previous work has shown that in English ungrammatical cen-
ter embeddings are more acceptable and easier to process
than their grammatical counterparts (Frazier, 1985; Gibson &
Thomas, 1999). A well-known explanation for this preference
for ungrammatical structures is based on working-memory
overload: the claim is that the prediction for an upcoming
verb phrase is forgotten due to memory overload, leading to an
illusion of grammaticality (Gibson & Thomas, 1999). How-
ever, this memory-overload account cannot explain the recent
finding by Vasishth, Suckow, Lewis, and Kern (2008) that in
German no illusion of ungrammaticality occurs. We present a
simple recurrent network model that can explain both the pres-
ence of the grammaticality illusion in English and its absence
in German. We argue that the grammaticality illusion emerges
as a function of experience with language-specific structures,
not working memory constraints as argued for in Gibson and
Thomas (1999).
Keywords: sentence comprehension ; center embeddings ; il-
lusion of grammaticality ; working-memory models ; connec-
tionist models
Consider the contrast in (1), discussed first by Frazier (1985)
(the original observation is attributed by Frazier to Janet
Fodor). Although the rules of English grammar allow a sen-
tence like (1a), such a complex structure is perceived by na-
tive English speakers to be less acceptable than its ungram-
matical counterpart (1b), in which the middle verb phrase,
was cleaning every week, is missing.
(1) a. The apartment that the maid who the service had
sent over was cleaning every week was well dec-
b. *The apartment that the maid who the service had
sent over was well decorated.
The first published study involving this contrast was an of-
fline questionnaire-based experiment by Gibson and Thomas
(1999). Their main finding was that ungrammatical sentences
such as (1b) were rated no worse than grammatical ones such
as (1a). In related work, Christiansen and Macdonald (2009)
show that ungrammatical sentences were rated significantly
better than the grammatical ones. We will refer to this sur-
prising finding as the grammaticality illusion.
At least two competing explanations exist for this illusion.
One is due to Gibson and Thomas (1999), who argue that the
prediction for the middle verb phrase is forgotten if memory
cost exceeds a certain threshold; this explanation relies on
the assumption that working memory overload leads to for-
getting. The second explanation is due to Christiansen and
Chater (1999) and Christiansen and Macdonald (2009), who
attribute the illusion to experience (exposure to particular reg-
ularities in the syntax of a language) as encoded in a con-
nectionist network. They trained a simple recurrent network
(SRN) on right-branching and center-embedding structures
and then assessed the output node activations after seeing the
ungrammatical sequence NNNVV (i.e., sentences like 1b).
The activations showed a clear preference for ungrammatical
structures, consistent with empirical data from English speak-
An important theoretical question is whether these
two explanations—the memory-overload account and the
experience-based account—can be distinguished. Although
the English data is consistent with both explanations, re-
cent work by Vasishth et al. (2008) provides revealing new
evidence regarding the grammaticality illusion. Vasishth
and colleagues carried out several self-paced reading and
eyetracking studies demonstrating that although the English
grammaticality illusion can be replicated in online measures
like reading time, in German the pattern reverses: readers find
the ungrammatical sentence (1b) harder to process than its
grammatical counterpart (1a). In other words, German read-
ers do not experience the grammaticality illusion.
Specifically, for English Vasishth and colleagues found
(across several experiments) longer reading times in the
grammatical condition (1a) either at the final verb or the word
immediately following it (or in both regions); whereas for
German they reported shorter re-reading times in the gram-
matical condition either in the final verb region and/or the
region following it.
The absence of the grammaticality illusion in German is in-
teresting because it cannot be explained by the memory-based
forgetting account as stated in (Gibson & Thomas, 1999).
The explanation due to Christiansen and Chater (1999), how-
ever, may be able to explain the German results (in addi-
tion to the patterns seen in English): since German relative
clauses are always head-final, German readers are exposed to
head-final center embeddings much more often than English
speakers. This greater exposure to head-final structures could
be the reason why German speakers are able to identify the
missing verb but the English speakers are unable to do so.
In this paper, we extend the connectionist model of
Christiansen and Chater (1999) to generate predictions for
both the English and German structures, and demonstrate that
this experience-based account provides a better explanation
for the English and German data than an account based on
language-independent working-memory constraints.
The Model
Network Architecture, grammar and corpora
We used a simple recurrent network (Elman, 1990) for mod-
eling the effect of experience on forgetting. SRNs have been
used previously to model the effect of structural properties
in the language on comprehension performance (Christiansen
& Chater, 1999; MacDonald & Christiansen, 2002). Since
the predictions of an SRN are sensitive to probabilistic con-
straints in the input structure, they serve well to assess the ef-
fect of language-specific properties on learning. Furthermore,
the architectural limitations of an SRN and its gradient nature
give rise to human-like processing properties that have been
explained in terms of working memory capacity limitations
and decay in symbolic models. Our claim is that the gram-
maticality illusion is dependent on experience with word or-
der regularities of the language in question. In order to show
this we used a simple artificial language resembling simple
sentences and subject- and object-extracted relative clauses.
We also held the number of subject- and object-relatives equal
in the corpus. In doing so we made sure that the only vary-
ing factor between the two training languages was whether its
relative clauses are head-final or not.
The Corpora were generated from probabilistic context-
free grammars (PCFGs) originally designed by Lars
Konieczny (English) and Daniel M
uller and Lars Konieczny
For generating corpora and likelihood predictions
the Simple Language Generator (Rohde, 1999) was used. Ev-
ery training corpus consisted of 10,000 randomly generated
sentences. Test corpora were generated for every condition
consisting of 10 test sentences each. The networks described
below were built, trained, and tested in the Tlearn simulator
(Elman, 1992) on a Windows platform.
Training and Testing Procedure
Prior to training, all networks were initialized with random
connection weights in the range of [-0.15, 0.15] and the hid-
den units received an initial bias activation of 0.5. Each train-
ing included 10 individually initialized networks that were
trained on 10 different corpora, respectively. The networks
were trained for three epochs, where one epoch corresponded
to a full run through a corpus.
The SRNs were trained on a word-by-word continuation
prediction. Each input word produced an activation distribu-
tion over the output nodes which represented lexical entries.
Both grammars can be found at http://cognition.iig.uni-
In combination with a cross-entropy error calculation (all out-
put activations sum to 1) the activation distribution was com-
parable to a probability distribution over words.
The SRN’s prediction were assessed using grammatical
prediction error (Christiansen & Chater, 1999). The GPE al-
gorithm is based on the numerical differences between the
PCFG probabilities and the actual output. The GPE value is
a difficulty measure for every word in the sentence, which
can be used as a reading time predictor (MacDonald & Chris-
tiansen, 2002).
Modeling the grammaticality illusion
The SRN trained on English sentences had 31 input and
output units and 60 hidden units. Each input and output
unit stood for one lexical entry in the lexicon. The lexicon
consisted of ve nouns, four intransitive and four transitive
verbs in singular, plural and past tense forms and one end-
of-sentence marker (EOS). At every NP the probability of an
RC embedding was 0.1.
An RC could be realized as a sub-
ject relative (SRC) or an object relative clause (ORC) with
equal probability.
Probabilities for transitivity and number
status were also equal. The longest sentence in the corpus
for English had 18 words. The German lexicon contained 21
words, including four verbs and nouns in singular and plu-
ral forms, the respective determiners in nominative and ac-
cusative, the comma and the EOS marker. In consequence
the SRN trained on German had only 21 input and output
units. The longest corpus sentence had 41 words, including
the obligatory commas in German relative clauses. Both the
English and German grammars included a number agreement
between subjects and their predicates. In German a number
and case agreement between determiner and noun was also
Christiansen and Chater (1999) reported node activations
for the region after an NNNVV sequence. For better com-
parison with empirical data we extended their study to obtain
GPE values for both conditions on all regions after the miss-
ing verb. Consider for example the error values on seeing
V1 after the sequence ‘N1 N2 N3 V3’, which is ungrammati-
cal because V2 is missing. In case the network is not aware of
the ungrammaticality, this should be reflected by similar GPE
values for both the grammatical and the ungrammatical con-
dition at V1. In order to model that we set the target probabil-
ity at V1 to the same value as in the grammatical condition.
(Meaning the probability distribution is conditioned by the
assumption that V2 has actually been seen.) In consequence,
an expectation of a V2 at this point would increase the GPE.
So, in the ungrammatical condition an SRN with a more ac-
curate grammar representation would produce a higher pre-
These are the probabilities used by Konieczny in his grammar;
MacDonald and Christiansen have used 0.05. The precise number
is arbitrary; the essential point is that relative clauses should be less
frequent than simple sentences.
We did not encode the well-known difference in probability of
occurrence between SRCs and ORCs because we were not modeling
this difference; this assumption does not affect the results presented
diction error than an SRN wrongly predicting V1 instead of
For the English case, the GPE values would be lower in
the ungrammatical condition. This effectively means that the
SRN is unable to make correct predictions based on long-
distance dependencies, but bases its predictions on rather lo-
cally consistent sequences. For example after seeing V3 the
network only predicts one more verb because the observation
of N1 is too weakly encoded in the hidden representations
to influence the predictions. Consequently, on V1 the error
for the ungrammatical condition should be lower because in
the grammatical condition V1 is the third verb which is in-
consistent with the SRN’s predictions. The preference for the
ungrammatical structure should continue on the post-V1 re-
gions because a locally coherent context with two verbs is
easier to handle than a context of three verbs.
We first tested whether the SRN makes the same predic-
tions as previous work on the English grammatical and un-
grammatical structures (Christiansen & Macdonald, 2009).
Simulation 1: English
The SRN, which was trained on the English corpus, was
tested on the grammatical and the ungrammatical condition
after one, two, and three epochs.
The grammar we used was more complex than Chris-
tiansen and Chater’s, but structurally compatible. Therefore
we expected that we would replicate their findings for En-
glish. In particular, the GPE values for the V1 and post-V1 re-
gions should receive lower values in the ungrammatical con-
dition (see corpus example 2b).
(2) a. The judge that the reporters that the senators un-
derstand praise attacked the lawyers .
b. *The judge that the reporters that the senators un-
derstand attacked the lawyers .
Results for simulation 1 In order to compare the results for
the English self-paced reading and eyetracking experiments
in Vasishth et al. (2008) the assessed regions in the simula-
tion were the three verbs V3, V2, V1 and the post-V1 region.
The V2 region contains no datapoint in the ungrammatical
condition because the verb is dropped in the testing stimuli.
Figure 1 shows GPE values for the SRNs trained and tested
on the English grammar after one, two and three epochs of
training. The pattern corresponded to the empirical results;
the SRNs predicted an advantage for ungrammatical struc-
tures at V1 and post-V1. No effect was predicted on V3 be-
cause no difference in stimuli and probability between the
conditions is present at this point.
Simulation 2: German
We turn next to the simulations for German center embed-
dings. German relative clauses differ from English in at least
two respects (a third difference is the morphology of the rela-
tive pronoun; but we do not discuss this difference here due to
space constraints). First, German relative clauses are obliga-
torily head final; second, commas are obligatory in German
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
English without commas
V3 V2 V1 Post-V1
Figure 1: Simulation 1. English double-embedded object rel-
ative clauses. The figure shows the GPE values (for three
epochs) for the three verbs and the subsequent region of the
grammatical and ungrammatical conditions. The dotted line
shows the ungrammatical condition. Epochs 3, 2, and 1 are
colored black, dark grey and light grey, respectively.
relative clauses (see 3 for an example). We return to the role
of commas later in the paper.
(3) a. Der Polizist , den der Mensch , den der Passant
verspottet , ruft , trifft den Jungen .
b. *Der Polizist , den der Mensch , den der Passant
verspottet , trifft den Jungen .
Results of simulation 2 Figure 2 summarizes the findings.
First, in the regions V2 and V1, the GPEs were lower com-
pared to the English sentences. Second, in contrast to the En-
glish case, the comparison by conditions did not reveal any
difference on the main verb (V1). Finally, a small but signif-
icant preference for the grammatical structure was found on
the post-V1 region (p < 0.001).
The English and German center-embedding simulations sug-
gest that experience with head-final structures may furnish a
better explanation for the grammaticality illusion in English
(and its absence in German) than working-memory based ac-
counts such as Gibson and Thomas’. Both the English and
German reading patterns found in the literature can be mod-
eled by the SRN, whereas the working-memory based expla-
nation can only explain the English results.
Our results do not imply that working memory plays no
role in these constructions; rather, our claim is that experience
plays a dominant role. A plausible way to reconcile the two
accounts into one composite theory would have experience
modulating working-memory overload. These details are or-
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
German with commas
V3 V2 V1 Post-V1
Figure 2: Simulation 2. German double-embedded object rel-
ative clauses. The figure shows the GPE values (for three
epochs) for the three verbs and the subsequent region of the
grammatical and ungrammatical conditions.
thogonal to our main finding, which is that experience de-
termines whether English and German readers can correctly
maintain predictions for upcoming verbs.
The role of commas in processing English
center embeddings
One objection to this experience-based explanation for the
grammaticality illusion (and its absence) is that the differ-
ence between English and German center embeddings could
be related to the obligatory presence of commas in German.
The commas in German relative clauses could lead to a strat-
egy that is not available in the English structures previously
studied. For example, readers could simply be counting the
number of commas in German, and this could make it easier
for them to detect ungrammaticality.
If commas alone (and not the head-final nature of relative
clauses) are responsible for the patterns observed in German,
then two straightforward predictions are that: (a) adding com-
mas to English relative clauses should result in a German-like
pattern for English sentences; and (b) removing commas from
German relative clauses should result in an English-like pat-
tern for German sentences.
Prediction (a) can be evaluated empirically but prediction
(b) cannot because, as mentioned earlier, commas are oblig-
atory in German relative clauses. As it turns out, Vasishth et
al. (2008) tested the prediction for English and found that the
presence of commas in English does not change the pattern;
the grammaticality illusion persists.
The question we address next is: What does the SRN
model predict for English RCs when commas are present?
Simulation 3: English with commas
For the simulation we extended the English grammar with
appropriate comma insertions and trained the SRNs on the
resulting corpora. In English non-restrictive object relative
clauses (ORCs), commas would appear after nouns in the be-
ginning of the sentence and after the verbs in the end. In
a double-embedded ORC there would be a comma after V3
and V2. Thus, the grammatical/ungrammatical sequence pair
is N,N,NV,V,V vs. N,N,NV,V. See (4) for examples.
For the SRN the comma effectively appears as a word cat-
egory with only one token which attaches to nouns or verbs
and is not involved in long-distance dependencies. Hence, the
activation pattern representing it should not be too complex.
In fact the learning of comma usage in ORCs can be reduced
to a counting recursion problem of the pattern aabb instead of
abba. As discussed in (Christiansen & Chater, 1999), count-
ing recursion is the easiest of the three recursion types for
both humans and connectionist networks. Thus, it is very
likely that the inclusion of commas facilitates processing in
the grammatical condition, lowering the respective GPE val-
(4) a. The lawyer , who the senator , who the judges
attack , understands , praises the reporters .
b. *The lawyer , who the senator , who the judges
attack , praises the reporters .
Results for simulation 3 See Figure 3 for the results after
one, two and three epochs. Compared to simulation 1, there
was a global improvement for both conditions, i.e., the GPEs
were lower in each region. On V1 training had more effect in
the ungrammatical than in the grammatical condition, result-
ing in a preference for the ungrammatical structure on V1 (as
in simulation 1). On post-V1 training affected the grammati-
cal condition more, however, not resulting in a grammatical-
ity preference.
In summary, the SRN model suggests that although the in-
sertion of commas in English helps to make better predic-
tions overall, training effects seem to be driven by rather
local consistency (Tabor, Galantucci, & Richardson, 2004),
(Konieczny & Mueller, 2007), affecting the ungrammatical
condition more than the grammatical one.
Importantly, the grammaticality illusion persists for En-
glish even when commas are present. This is consistent
with the empirical findings for non-restrictive English rela-
tive clauses: Vasishth et al. (2008) also found in a self-paced
reading study that the comma cue did not affect the grammat-
icality illusion in English.
The above findings raise an interesting question for Ger-
man: is the reversal of the grammaticality illusion in German
due only to the head-final nature of relative clauses, or do
commas also play a role in determining the outcome? The
only way to empirically disentangle the effect of head-finality
and commas in German would be to examine a language such
as Hindi, which also has head-final relative clauses but does
not require commas.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
English with commas
V3 V2 V1 Post-V1
Figure 3: Simulation 3. The figure shows the GPEs (for the
three epochs) of English center embeddings with commas.
Until such empirical evidence becomes available we can-
not definitively answer the question about the role of com-
mas, head-finality their interaction with experience. The SRN
model can however generate predictions regarding the role
of commas versus head-finality in German. We simulated
the acquisition of experience with German head-final rela-
tive clauses which do not have any commas at all; in effect,
we can simulate the learning of Hindi-type relative clauses
in German. If commas are (partly) responsible for the rever-
sal of the grammaticality illusion in German, then we should
see an English-like pattern; if head-finality alone is the crit-
ical factor, then we should see a preference for grammatical
structures even when commas are absent. This simulation is
presented next.
Simulation 4: German without commas
In German, the presence of commas could have a facilitat-
ing effect because the counting-recursion pattern aabb is not
only applicable in the ORC as in English but also in the
SRC (both are head-final structures in German, unlike En-
glish). Consequently, the SRN trained on the German cor-
pus should be very skilled on center-embedding recursion and
comma counting-recursion and hence will have much lower
error rates for the grammatical condition.
Thus, in German the removal of commas should make the
SRN’s predictions more error-prone. The verb-finality regu-
larity in German, however, could still result in better predic-
tions for the grammatical condition in German than in En-
glish. In order to test these predictions, simulation 4 tested
SRNs trained on a comma-free German grammar.
Results of Simulation 4 The GPE values of the simulation
involving German without commas (Figure 4) show a simi-
lar pattern as in English without commas. In the first epoch,
an ungrammaticality preference was found in a small effect
on V1 and a very pronounced effect on the region follow-
ing it. After completion of training, V1 and post-V1 show
a similar sized preference for the ungrammatical structure.
Surprisingly, the regularity of verb-final structures does not
seem to support correct predictions in German any more than
in English. Rather, the more regular application of commas
in German has a very facilitating effect on both conditions,
slightly more on the grammatical.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
German without commas
V3 V2 V1 Post-V1
Figure 4: Simulation 4. The GPEs for German center embed-
dings without commas.
General Discussion
The results of simulation 1 (English without commas) and 2
(German with commas) were consistent with existing empiri-
cal data from both offline studies and online (self-paced read-
ing and eyetracking) studies (Gibson & Thomas, 1999; Chris-
tiansen & MacDonald, 1999; Vasishth et al., 2008; Chris-
tiansen & Macdonald, 2009): the grammaticality illusion oc-
curs in English but not in German.
These simulations demonstrate that the inherent architec-
tural constraints of SRNs correctly predict both the grammat-
icality illusion in English double-embedded ORCs, as well
as the absence of the illusion in German. In addition, the
SRN model also makes the correct predictions regarding the
effect of commas in English relative clauses: although com-
mas reduce the GPEs, the grammaticality illusion persists in
English. This is consistent with the evidence presented by
Vasishth et al. (2008). Finally, we showed that in German
head-finality alone does not explain the absence of the gram-
maticality illusion; commas appears to be crucial for the pat-
terns observed.
This paper investigated the explanatory power of a particu-
lar implementation of the experience-based account for the
grammaticality illusion. The well-known SRN modeling ap-
proach of MacDonald and Christiansen (2002), Christiansen
and Macdonald (2009) was adopted to test its predictions on
the forgetting effect in complex center-embedding.
The grammaticality illusion was predicted for English but
not for German, consistent with human data. However, fur-
ther simulations revealed the comma insertion as an important
factor for the German pattern.
A caveat is necessary here. An SRN trained on a sim-
ple grammar obviously does not learn exactly the same con-
straints as humans do. These simulations are rather approxi-
mations that are suggestive of the role that experience plays in
modulating memory processes. An important issue with the
SRNs’ predictions is their dependency on local coherence.
Interestingly, however, there is evidence that even human
readers rely on local coherence in certain structures (Tabor
et al., 2004). Another finding is that the simulations reported
by Christiansen and Chater (1999), and also the comma issue
in simulations presented here, showed that the SRN handles
counting-recursion better than other types. That may be the
reason for the strong facilitating effect of comma insertion
compared to head-finality.
More broadly, this work argues in favor of a uniform ac-
count of language-specific differences that are grounded in
experience and that emerge as a consequence of architec-
tural constraints. This account is broadly consistent with
a range of recent work that characterizes processing mod-
ulated by experience (Hale, 2001). At the same time, it is
clear that working-memory centered accounts capture a great
deal of the empirical base that purely experience-based ac-
counts cannot explain. Some examples are: the presence of
both similarity-based interference and similarity-based facil-
itation effects (Loga
cev & Vasishth, 2009), the interaction
of interference with locality (Van Dyke & Lewis, 2003) and
with antilocality (Vasishth & Lewis, 2006). Thus, it appears
that a principled composition experience as well as working-
memory constraints is necessary to explain the range of em-
pirical phenomena in sentence processing.
We are very grateful to Lars Konieczny for permission to use
the grammar developed in his lab.
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