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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
(ACS CAN) Volunteer Fundraising Toolkit
Contributions or membership payments to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc., are not tax deductible. Page 2
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Welcome and thank you for your interest in fundraising for the American Cancer
Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN)! You have the passion to help end suffering
and death from cancer, and we have the tools to help make you wildly successful.
In this packet you’ll find some introductory information on volunteer fundraising for
ACS CAN, as well as many fundraising ideas to help get you started.
If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Molly Waite at 202-585-3275 or
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
(ACS CAN) Volunteer Fundraising Toolkit
Contributions or membership payments to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc., are not tax deductible. Page 3
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Table of Contents:
1. CANRaiser An online tool used by volunteers to start personal fundraising pages to help
us raise the funds we need to support our mission.
2. Volunteer Fundraising Need-to-Know for your CANRaiser The basic
requirements that volunteers need to know before you begin raising funds to support our
3. A to Z of Fundraising Quick and easy tips and fundraising ideas, from A to Z
4. Fundraising Tip Sheet - Use the tip sheet provided to help get you started with your
fundraising efforts.
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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
What is CANRaiser?
CANRaiser is the online tool used by volunteers to raise money to support ACS CAN’s mission
How do I use CANRaiser?
There are five different options on CANRaiser to choose from.
Special Occasion is a way for you to ask for donations for a celebration, like a birthday or
wedding, instead of receiving gifts.
Honor/Memorial allows you to raise funds recognizing a loved one or honoring someone
Create your own event is a way for you to host your own personal fundraising event. There are
many examples and tools provided to help you get started. Check out A to Z Fundraising for
some great ideas.
Lights of HOPE is an ACS CAN event that honors loved ones impacted by cancer with lighted
bags that line the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., during ACS CAN’s annual National
Leadership Summit and Lobby Day.
Mission Driven Campaigns Allows you to fundraise for the mission priority of your choice. The
money you raise will go directly to the campaign selected, including: Research Funding and
Tobacco Control.
Where can I get help with CANRaiser?
There is an online tutorial as well as frequently asked questions to help get you started on each
page. Once you create a CANRaiser page you will be directed to the fundraising center. From
there you will find tools and resources to help make your personal fundraiser a success. Contact
your ACS CAN Grassroots Manager to talk through your ideas.
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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Fundraise through CANRaiser with these 4 easy steps
1. Set up your personal CANRaiser page.
Visit and create your page.
Customize the text of your page by sharing your story and information about your
Upload your own photos. (be sure not to use photos that you do not own)
Create a custom URL website link to direct people to your personal page
2. Let your friends know.
Send emails through CANRaiser with the templates provided. It’s always best to start with
your closest friends.
Post your event URL on social media. Start by tagging and thanking someone who
already has donated while asking for new donations. To tag someone simply type the @
symbol and start typing the donors name. This will tag them in the post.
3. Keep track of your donations and RSVPs for events.
Log in to your fundraising center and view your progress on the thermometer on your
You can track donations and RSVPs made to your personal page
4. Celebrate, send thank-you emails and process the donations.
Send a thank you email to anyone who donated to ACS CAN on your page.
When donations are not made online, quickly submit your donations to your ACS CAN
Grassroots Manager.
For donations made at the event or outside of your CANRaiser page, make sure to
complete an ACS CAN membership form for those who want to be members of ACS CAN.
(People who donate through your CANRaiser page are automatically enrolled as
members of ACS CAN). You can download an ACS CAN membership form right from the
fundraising center on CANRaiser.
No matter what you choose to do as a volunteer, the American Cancer Society Cancer
Action Network is here to help and support you. Please use this toolkit as a starting point
to help organize your fundraising efforts, and don’t be afraid to reach out to your ACS
CAN Grassroots Manager with any questions or for more information.
Volunteer Fundraising Need-to-Know for Your
Contributions or membership payments to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc., are not tax deductible. Page 6
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Thank you for your commitment to conducting volunteer fundraising for ACS CAN. In making
this effort, you will be representing the dedicated volunteers who advance our mission. As you
know, you will represent ACS CAN and your efforts will help us raise funds and develop greater
interest from your community. For those reasons, it is important that we give you the right
guidance for soliciting contributions that assure the entrusted funds are appropriately handled
and the brand of ACS CAN is protected.
Is a contribution to ACS CAN tax-deductible?
No. Contributions to ACS CAN are not tax-deductible for charitable or business expense purposes. It is
important to be clear about this point when fundraising. As a result, tax receipts will not be provided to
Do I need to include the ACS CAN tax disclaimer on event materials?
Yes. Any document requesting donations for ACS CAN needs to include this tax disclaimer: “Contributions
or membership payments to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc., are not tax-
deductible.” That is true even if the flyer is created by the venue hosting the event.
Does ACS CAN provide tax receipts?
No. Contributions or membership payments to ACS CAN are not tax-deductible, so tax receipts will not be
What are the rules around becoming an ACS CAN member when someone gives?
Any donor who donates $10 or more through your CANRaiser personal page will become a member of
ACS CAN. If you receive a contribution, you will need to fill out an ACS CAN membership form for the
donor to become a member.
Does ACS CAN reimburse volunteers for their event expenses?
No. ACS CAN is not financially responsible for a volunteer’s event expenses.
Is the use of the membership forms required?
In the case where funding may be received in person and not through the CANRaiser online site, the
standard ACS CAN Membership Form must be used whenever possible. If someone wants to make a
contribution without becoming a member, ACS CAN will accept it. Promptly enter the proceeds in your
online fundraising center and deliver the contributions to your ACS CAN Grassroots Manager.
Volunteer Fundraising Need-to-Know for Your
Contributions or membership payments to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc., are not tax deductible. Page 7
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
What content must be on material prepared for a fundraiser?
All material that you create must clearly state that contributions support the “American Cancer Society
Cancer Action Network.” It must contain the tax-disclaimer language: “Contributions or membership
payments to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc., are not tax-deductible.”
All materials prepared must be approved by your ACS CAN Grassroots Manager.
Can the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network logo be used?
Yes, the ACS CAN logo can be used on event materials. You can contact your ACS CAN Grassroots Manager
for a copy of the logo. All materials prepared, including use of the logo, must be approved by your ACS
CAN Grassroots Manager.
Can I accept checks?
Yes. Checks should be made to “ACS CAN” and promptly provide it with the Membership Form to your
ACS CAN Grassroots Manager. (If someone does not want to complete a membership form, turn the check
into your ACS CAN Grassroots Manager.)
Where do I deposit offline proceeds?
Enter the information into your fundraising center and then give the money to your ACS CAN Grassroots
Manager for processing.
Can I sell goods and services to raise funds for ACS CAN?
While there are “sale” ideas in the Fundraising A to Z section of this guidance, you cannot really sell
anything through CANRaiser or in person on behalf of ACS CAN. You can offer courtesy goods and services
to those who give. Selling goods and services could require ACS CAN to acquire a vendor license and/or
collect sales tax under state and local laws. “Bake sales” and the like should include materials that
explain this concept. Flyers and signs should contain this language: “Prices are suggested contribution
amounts. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. Goods and services are
provided courtesy of volunteers to the ACS CAN.” Materials should also include the tax-disclaimer
language: “Contributions or membership payments to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action
Network, Inc., are not tax-deductible.”
Can I host a fundraising event such as a dinner party, workout class or other special activities?
Yes. So long as all proceeds are directed to ACS CAN and the requirements described above, such as
getting approval on material and tax-disclaimer language, is followed. If you have the event at a
commercial location, such as a restaurant, you continue to be responsible for the costs and all proceeds
collected must go to ACS CAN.
Volunteer Fundraising Need-to-Know for Your
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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Can I make a commitment for a restaurant night where some of the meal purchase goes to ACS
Not without an ACS CAN Grassroots Manager’s approval after receiving legal counsel. In many states,
charity laws regulate these events and restaurants are not consistent in how they comply with the laws.
Many restaurants have their own written contracts that a volunteer might be offered but should not sign.
ACS CAN may be obligated to report the contract to a state charity agency. For that reason, we ask that
you discuss the option with your ACS CAN Grassroots Manager and they will discuss the idea with ACS
CAN legal counsel. While a volunteer cannot enter an agreement on ACS CAN’s behalf, ACS CAN may at its
option decide to enter the agreement to support your volunteer efforts.
Can I serve alcohol at a fundraising event?
ACS CAN prefers that alcohol is not served at most fundraising event. However, in circumstances where a
licensed provider (bartender) is involved, ACS CAN would provide a contract to the vendor that would
assure the venue has an appropriate license and insurance. Your ACS CAN Grassroots Manager would
have to work directly with the venue to complete the contract. The volunteer would remain responsible
for the cost of the event, including alcohol.
Can I hold a raffle or sweepstakes to fundraise for ACS CAN?
No. Unfortunately state laws are very strict regarding this type of activity, and it would require ACS CAN to
operate the event. For that reason, volunteers are asked not to conduct these activities.
Can I hold an auction?
Generally, yes. Most states do not consider an occasional charity fundraising auction for contributed
goods and services to be a selling activity. It is important that materials are clear: “This auction is
conducted by volunteers to benefit the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc. All
proceeds go to ACS CAN, and goods and services were contributed.” Materials should also include the
tax-disclaimer language: “Contributions or membership payments to the American Cancer Society Cancer
Action Network, Inc., are not tax-deductible.”
For additional CANRaiser resources, please visit
Volunteer fundraising questions? CANRaiser questions?
Contact Molly Waite at 202-585-3275 or molly.wa[email protected].
A to Z Fundraising
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Art Sales Local artists or art students produce creative works and host a show, where family, friends
and community members can donate to ACS CAN and receive a unique masterpiece.
Ask Everyone You Meet The number-one reason people don't donate to a good cause is because
they weren't asked. Reach out via email, social media messages, etc., to share why you're passionate
about volunteering for ACS CAN, and ask for a donation.
Assembly Be handy during the holidays, by offering to assemble gifts that come with "some
assembly required," and donate your fees to ACS CAN.
Auctions of All Kinds Talk to your employer about auctioning a prime parking space or a half day or
whole day off from work, or offer a picnic lunch, afternoon desserts, homemade dinners, local artwork
or other creative and fun items.
Babysitter Service Babysitters are always a commodity!
Bagel Donations Ask a local vendor for a discount on bagels if you buy a few dozen each Friday.
Take them to work and collect donations for them.
Bake Sale Get friends or colleagues to bake up some goodies to use to collect donations at the
office or at sports games or other events.
Balloon Day At schools or worksites, collect donations for balloons, each of which has an ACS CAN
message attached. Consider taking orders in advance, and delivering them on a designated Balloon
A “NO-bake Sale” Coworkers pay so they don’t have to bake goodies.
Barbecue Lunches Prepare barbecue lunches for donations! Charge extra for delivery.
Birthday Celebration Help save lives from cancer by asking people not to purchase cards or gifts for
your birthday, but to donate to your CANRaiser celebration page
Block Party Have a neighborhood block party. Collect donations for food and admission.
Book Sale Encourage coworkers, family and friends to dust off their bookshelves and contribute a
book that can be used to encourage contributions for taking a book from the “sale”.
Bounce-A-Thon At schools or worksites, ask students or colleagues to collect pledges for
basketballs bounced during an hour of the day. Ask a local business to donate a prize for the most
bounces in an hour and/or the most funds raised.
A to Z Fundraising
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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Bowling Chance A donation to ACS CAN gives you the chance to throw two balls (toy bowling set). If
you strike both sets you win a prize. A local business provides the grand prize or multiple prizes.
Bowl Away or Strike Out Cancer Plan a bowling event that can be held annually and is more than
your average night at the lanes. Collect donations instead of tickets. The cost is $10 for adults per heat
and $5 for kids. Volunteers could also focus on getting $25 lane sponsors.
Breakfast Treat Day Bring in healthy treats, like fruits or yogurts, for morning meetings, and
encourage donations in exchange for the treats. Offer desk-side delivery for pre-orders.
Brown Bag Lunch Day Everyone brings in their own lunch and donates the money they would have
spent eating out to ACS CAN.
Bus Tours Arrange for a bus trip to someplace fun. Collect donations in addition to the price of the
ticket. For Instance, $20 bus ticket and a $10 donation. Pay the tour company for the tickets and
direct the donations to ACS CAN.
Car Wash Wash cars for customers and employees alike.
Chari-tea Invite friends to a tea party, and encourage them to wear their finest hats. Ask for a
suggested donation from those attending, and ask each participant to provide a component of the tea
(finger sandwiches, biscuits, exotic teas, etc.). To add awareness to your fundraising event, ask a
survivor to share their story.
Challenge Family and Friends See who can out-donate whom. If your sister gave $25, challenge
your brother to give $30, etc.
Change Jar Keep a change jar in high-traffic areas and make fun change jars and share with friends
to encourage them to do the same at home.
Chili Cookoff - Challenge colleagues at work to participate. Have other colleagues make donations
for a chili lunch and let them select the winner
Cleaning Service Provide a housecleaning, attic, basement or garage cleaning service to encourage
donations to ACS CAN.
Coin Cans at Small Scale Sporting Events Place ACS CANS at sporting events like a little league
game and collect donations. Have the event announcer tell the crowd that we “CAN” beat cancer
when we donate to the cause.
Coin Rolling Save all your extra change and then roll it once a month. You’d be surprised how much
money you’ll have to donate!
A to Z Fundraising
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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Coin Toss Ask the local mall if you can collect all the coins tossed in the fountain for a designated
time period. Be sure to have signs up stating that the coins will be donated to the American Cancer
Society Cancer Action Network.
Comedy Club Ask a local comedy club to host an evening where all ticket proceeds go to support
ACS CAN. Work with your ACS CAN Grassroots Manager on a contract between ACS CAN and the
Cookbooks Collect recipes from coworkers, family or friends, and have them published.
Craft Fairs Set up a table at a local craft festival and solicit donations to ACS CAN with
courtesy items for donors.
Dances Students can hold a dance with the admission fee donated to ACS CAN. Pick a theme sock
hop, beach party, disco, square dance, dance for senior citizens, etc.
Day Spa Provide haircuts, manicures and massages and collect donations for each.
Decorating Service No time to decorate? Provide a holiday decorating service for a donation, of
Dedicate Your Efforts Send handwritten letters, along with self-addressed, stamped envelopes, to
friends, family, coworkers, business associates, health care professionals and other community
members on your holiday mailing list. Share the story of why you're personally dedicated to
supporting ACS CAN, and ask for donations to help cancer patients use their voices with elected
officials. If appropriate, dedicate your efforts to someone in your life who's faced cancer.
Deliver Meals Have a meal day to where you will cook and deliver breakfast, lunch or dinner to local
businesses. Email a company contact ahead of time with the menu and suggested donation amounts,
and let them pre-order.
Dime Fundraiser Bring some empty water bottles to work and collect dimes from your colleagues (if
you fill a water bottle, you can raise $100). Gather a team of people at work to help get 10 people to
fill 10 bottles and that’s $1,000 right there!
Dinners Coordinate spaghetti dinners, gourmet feasts, etc., and collect donations of your attendees.
Dress Casual Day Check with your employer about hosting a dress-down day. Employees who
donate to ACS CAN will be allowed to dress casual on a specified work day.
Duck Race Collect donations for rubber duckies that will “race” down a local stream or river, with
the owner of the winning duck getting a donated prize (movie tickets, gift certificates, etc.).
A to Z Fundraising
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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Eat Healthy; Be Happy Gather friends together for healthy snacks and some fun, like a walk
through a historic neighborhood. Ask for donations at the door to donate to ACS CAN.
Envelopes at Restaurant Tables If you work at a restaurant or in an office with a cafeteria, place an
envelope at every table stating, “Please help save lives from cancer. Support American Cancer Society
Cancer Action Network
(ACS CAN). We work to make the fight against cancer a top priority for our
elected officials. Donations to ACS CAN, are not tax-deductible.”
Email The number-one reason people give for not donating is because they aren’t asked. So, ask!
Email family, friends and colleagues asking for a donation. Share the story of why you're committed
to supporting ACS CAN.
Errand Service Some people never have time for all those errands. Help them out by doing it for
them, and ask for a donation to ACS CAN in lieu of payment.
Face Painting Set up a booth at a local community event. Kids love it! And ask for donations.
Flowers and Plants Collect donations for extra houseplants or bouquets from your garden, and
watch your donations blossom.
Fruit Baskets Ask local stores to donate the fruit, baskets and cellophane. You collect donations for
the baskets in advance (suggested $20 per basket). Consider hosting a basket-making party, and ask
friends to help make and deliver baskets.
Garage Sales Clean out your attic, garage, and basement, and host a garage sale to raise money for
Gift Shopping Service You do the shopping for those people who have no time to do it themselves.
Ask for a donation to ACS CAN in lieu of payment.
Gift Wrapping During the holidays, set up a table at the local mall or in a particular store. Get the
paper, ribbon, and other supplies donated.
Golf Tournament Work with your local golf course to host a golf scramble. This kind of gathering
could provide some unique opportunities to network with members of the community in a completely
new way! You could look to community businesses to donate prizes and awards.
A to Z Fundraising
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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Haunted House Organize a haunted house and ask for a suggested donation. Don’t forget the
hayride and apple cider.
Helper for a Day Shovel snow, rake leaves, or mow your coworker's or neighbor's lawn, and ask for
a donation to ACS CAN in lieu of payment.
Home Parties Host a jewelry, kitchen, candle, clothing or home decorations party and ask for a
donation to ACS CAN for courtesy items or services.
Hole-in-one Set up a portable putting green in your office. For a donation, let people try to put it in.
Have prizes for anyone who gets a hole-in-one.
Holiday Party Decorate the office for a favorite holiday. Admission price is a donation to ACS CAN.
Ask local vendors of holiday decor to provide items to offer for additional donations, or to use as
prizes for games.
Ice Cream Social Set up an old-fashioned ice cream parlor and soda fountain, offering refreshing
summer treats for a donation to ACS CAN.
Jewelry Sale Ask a local artist to donate a few special pieces to auction or use to encourage
donations as a courtesy gift.
Knock Out Cancer Ask your employer if you can set up a punching bag in your office lobby or
cafeteria. For a donation to ACS CAN, let staff take out their aggressions on cancer.
Knit to Save Lives Use your knitting or crochet skills to make easy items like coffee cup cozies,
scarves or hats, and offer them for a donation to ACS CAN.
Lawn Service
While you are mowing your lawn, ask to mow someone else’s for a donation to ACS
Letters Write one letter for friends and another for business associates. Be sure to thank them for
the specific amount they gave you last year. Ask to have the checks returned to you by a set date. It’s
harder for people to ignore when there is a due date. Don’t forget to include a self-addressed,
stamped envelope for a better reply rate.
A to Z Fundraising
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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Line Dancing
Work with a local club or hall to offer a night of line dancing lessons. Ask a DJ to
donate their services and get someone to teach the lessons. All proceeds would be donations to ACS
Loose Change “CAN” Display a can decorated with the ACS CAN logo wherever you can, such as
convenience store counters or supermarket check-out lanes. Let people know they CAN help save
lives by donating to ACS CAN.
Lunch with the CEO Auction a lunch or maybe a round of golf with the CEO or president of your
Movies Rent short videos (classic films or cartoons are great) and have a movie week during lunch
hour. Charge admission” that are actually donations to ACS CAN and invite employees to eat their
lunch while they watch.
Name Bead Bonanza Take orders and create personalized bracelets, key chains, or necklaces for a
donation to ACS CAN.
October Festival Have pumpkins, straw bales, dried corn stalks, colorful gourds and bright flowers
for your decor. For the main attractions, consider a pumpkin-carving or scarecrow-decorating
contest, apple bobbing, face painting or a bake sale.
Odd Jobs Call on neighbors and ask to do some odd jobs, such as cleaning out rain gutters,
shoveling snow, raking leaves, etc.
Parking Collect donations for parking spaces during major community events such as fairs and
carnivals. You can also provide valet parking service for a donation.
Pet Fashion Show Have a pet fashion show for pets to flaunt their favorite outfits. Collect donations
as an entry fee and vote for the best outfits, most creative outfits, etc.
Pet Service Offer to walk dogs or feed animals when people are traveling or working long hours for
a donation to ACS CAN.
Personal Donation Start off your campaign by making a personal donation. Your friends, family and
business contacts will realize how important this cause is to you.
Pies Make delicious pies, and collect donations for those interested. Use fresh fruits and seasonal
A to Z Fundraising
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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Potluck Lunches at the Workplace
Name every Wednesday “ACS CAN Potluck Day.” Participants
take turns preparing foods, salads, desserts, etc. and offer to employees at the workplace for a
Pretty Baby Contest Have coworkers bring in and display their baby pictures (with no names
attached) in a common location. Place a jar in front of each. Other coworkers "vote" for their favorite
with donations into the jars. The winner is the one whose jar has the most money.
Quilt Creation Offer plain quilt squares for donations, for people to decorate in honor of a loved one
who's faced cancer. Ask a local craftsperson to create a quilt with the squares, and auction the quilt at
a major public event.
Recycle Collect aluminum cans and take them to a recycler. Or if you are near a bordering state that
gives refunds on returnables, turn them in for cash.
Rock-and-roll Party The neighborhood teens can get together for an evening of fun and music in
your family room, and the other parents can pay not to have the noise at their house.
Romance Auction a romantic dinner prepared by you, or a local chef or restaurant.
Shutterbug Mania - Into photography? Take candid shots around the community or schools and give
to donors for a suggested donation value. Or take photos at a friend's wedding!
Skate Away Cancer Get a group together for ice skating, roller skating, or skateboarding, with each
person donating.
Splash Hop Hold a swim party at your local community pool or gym. Have it in the winter at an
indoor pool, complete with tropical snacks and drinks.
Sports Challenges Set up challenge matches between individuals or departments for bowling,
tennis, racquetball, softball, or other sports. Donations for entering or losing can be suggested.
Stick a Fork in Cancer Stick a Fork in Cancer is a dine-out campaign where local restaurants donate
a portion of their sales on a given day or week. The idea is to get multiple restaurants on board during
this set period. Promote the event and thank participants through social media, and offer each
participating restaurant a certificate of appreciation to display. Any effort of this type should be
cleared with the ACS CAN Grassroots Manager and ACS CAN legal in advance due to state charity laws.
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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Super Bowl Party Organize a Super Bowl Party and ask everyone for a donation when they arrive. You
can also do this for basketball playoffs, the Indy 500, Masters final round, etc. This is an especially good
idea for any location with a large-screen TV.
Table Tents Ask a restaurant if you can put table tents on their tables asking patrons to contribute
to ACS CAN by adding a donation to their check. Typically, restaurants require an agreement with ACS
CAN which the ACS CAN Grassroots Manager would need to manage.
Tailgating Party Hold a tailgate party (at the game or in your house) before the game and ask for
Taste of the Town Ask several local restaurants to donate food. Collect donations for tickets and
have all the restaurants set up their dishes in one local location, such as a community center. Your
guests get to sample many different foods.
Unique Boutique Collect or make one-of-a-kind items and raise funds via a silent or live auction. Try
it during the holiday season.
Vacation Day Ask your boss if you can offer a bonus day off for the colleague who raises the most for
Vending Machines Coordinate with your vendor to add 5 cents to the cost of a snack or soft drink in
a particular venue or office with, the extra nickel going to ACS CAN. Any arrangements would require
approval through the ACS CAN Grassroots Manager and contract with the vending machine company.
Wall of Hope Designate a wall for display at work or in your community. Each time you collect a
donation, provide a card for the donor to write their name or the name of a loved one who's faced
cancer, and add it to the wall. Create a competition between colleagues or offices to get the most
cards on the wall.
Weight Loss Competition Host a competition and have everyone donation a dollar for each pound
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American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | 555 11th St. NW, Ste. 300 | Washington, DC 20004 | @ACSCAN FB/ACSCAN |
Wine Tasting As with any fundraiser but especially with this one the wine must be donated and
all liquor liability laws must be followed. ACS CAN will be required to enter a contract to require the
server to be licensed and insured. Work with your ACS CAN Grassroots Manager.
X-out Cancer Hold a tic-tac-toe tournament, with donations serving as entry fees going to ACS CAN,
and prizes for winners donated form local businesses.
Yard Sale Designate a day as your community-wide yard sale, with all funds raised going to ACS
CAN. Have maps printed up showing where all the sales are.
Yoga Work with a local yoga studio to host a special one-time class, or a weekly class, where
donations will be made to benefit ACS CAN in lieu of a class fee.
Zoot Suit Party Hold a swing dance party and give an award for the best Zoot Suit.
Zzzz Work with your boss to plan one day where all employees can come in a half-hour late. Each
employee contributes a set donation to sleep in and dream of a world without cancer.
Fundraising Tip Sheet
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Nobody likes to be first. That’s why it’s always a good idea to get your
fundraising off to a good start by making the first contribution. This will
make others more likely to get involved.
We’ve put together an email template you can use right from your
fundraising page. The most important thing you can add to this message
is why you are fundraising. Let your family and friends know why this
matters to you, that’s what they care about most!
It’s always best to start by emailing your close contacts because they are
the most likely to donate. Try sending some quick personal messages to
your inner circle to build up some momentum. Then use the email
template you customized to reach all your other contacts.
Once you’ve sent your first batch of emails out, it’s time to turn to social
media. One of the best strategies to use on both Facebook and Twitter is
tagging and thanking people that have already donated while you are
asking for new donations. This spreads your message further and lets the
people you are asking know that people are already getting behind you.
Don’t hesitate to send a few follow up emails. Emails are easy to overlook
and people often open them up quickly and then forget to go back to
them. Use email to keep people up to date with your progress as you hit
different milestones (50% raised, 75% raised, etc.) and ask supporters to
help you hit the next milestone.
As more of your network gets behind you, keep thanking them on social
media and make sure you continue to share your progress towards your