Sample Roommate Contract
Sometimes problems arise when rooming with another person. It is advised that you consider
entering a valid contract with your roommate.
This agreement made on __________ is a contract between: _____________________________________, and
______________________________________, co-tenants at ____________________________________________
Apt. #________ City _____________________________, Virginia.
I understand that I am entering into a legally binding agreement with my roommate(s).
I understand that we, as a group and as individuals, are responsible to our landlord, the utility companies, and each other.
Term or Period of Agreement
This agreement is to begin on ________________________________ for the term lasting from _________ to ______________.
I fully understand and accept the rules and responsibilities of this agreement.
Security Deposit
The security deposit for the dwelling is $______. My share amounts to $_______. I understand that this amount will be returned to
me less the amount deducted by the landlord for unpaid rent, and/or damages. I accept responsibility for damages which I, my pet, or
a friend of mine causes, and I will reimburse my roommate(s) for the part of the security deposit withheld for those damages.
The total rent according to the terms of our lease agreement with our landlord for the dwelling is $____ per month. I promise to pay
1/__ of the monthly rent. This amounts to $____. The total amount my roommate(s) and I are liable for over the period of the lease is
$____, of which my share is $____. I understand that we, as a group and as individuals, are responsible to our landlord for the total
rent for the term of the agreement.
I promise to pay 1/__ of the deposits and/or hook-up charges for all utilities.
I promise to pay 1/__ of the monthly utility bills except telephone.
I promise to pay 1/__ of the monthly phone service charge, plus all long distance calls which I make and the taxes on those calls.
I promise to pay as follows for any additional utilities:_______________________________________________________________
Moving Out
If, for whatever reason, I move out of the dwelling, I realize it is primarily my responsibility to find a replacement. I promise to look
for a replacement roommate who is acceptable to my present roommate. I understand the need to be reasonable in accepting a
replacement roommate.
If I move out of the dwelling and a replacement roommate has not being found, I realize that I am still legally responsible for paying
my share of the rent and utilities.
I understand that I can be held responsible by my landlord and/or utility companies for up to the entire rent/and or utility bills, if my
roommate(s) fail to fulfill their part in this agreement.
Food/Shopping Arrangements: ______________________________________________________________________________
Cleanliness/Cleaning Responsibilities: _______________________________________________________________________
Privacy: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sharing of personal Properties: _______________________________________________________________________________
Noise/Study Times: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Smoking, Drinking, Drugs: ______________________________________________________________________________
Parties/Entertaining: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Overnight Guests: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Additional remarks, i.e., security of the apartment, pet agreement, etc.:
As part of this agreement I realize that I, as well as each of my roommates, have an equal right to use of the space and facilities in the
dwelling with the exception of the areas we have designated as each one’s private space. This agreement is intended to promote
harmony between roommates by clarifying the expectations and responsibilities of roommates to each other.
All obligations under this contract are to be performed in _______________________, Virginia.
To be effective, it is not necessary to witness or notarize this agreement. Each roommate should sign below and receive an original
The parties have executed this agreement on ______________________________________________________, 200_
_____________________________________ ______________________________
_____________________________________ ______________________________
This sample agreement is provided by the Off-Campus Housing Office, Old Dominion University, for the mutual benefit of
roommates. The University assumes no responsibility.