NIST Technical
Users Guide to the NIST Data
Alignment Tool V1.0
Michael A. Galler
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NIST Technical Note
Users Guide to the NIST Data
Alignment Tool V1.0
Michael A. Galler
Energy and Environment Division
Engineering Laboratory
September 2018
U.S. Department of Commerce
Wilbur L. Ross, Jr., Secretary
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Walter Copan, NIST Director and Undersecretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology
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Certain commercial entities, equipment, or materials may be identified in this
document in order to describe an experimental procedure or concept adequately.
Such identification is
not intended to imply recommendation or endorsement by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor is it intended to imply that the
entities, materials, or equipment are necessarily the best available for the purpose.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Technical Note 2015
Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Tech. Note 2015, 20 pages (September 2018)
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The Data Alignment Tool (DAT) was built to assist with the analysis of data used in testing fault
detection and diagnostics (FDD) tools and building commissioning (Cx) tools. The data sources
were the Virtual Cybernetic Building Testbed (VCBT) [1] and data collected from real buildings.
The raw data processed by the DAT typically spanned multiple input files, and was not in a
format appropriate for the analysis tools. The features provided by the DAT were implemented
to address the specific needs of the tools being tested, but should also be applicable to a wide
range of other uses.
The DAT can read data from one or more data files, perform several useful operations on it, and
save it with a variety of options. The operations implemented include combining subsets of
columns from multiple data files into one output file, reducing data by modifying the time span
between data points, performing unit conversions, and filtering data by time of day. Output file
operations include a column filter or splitting out files by date. As a manual process, each of
these operations would be time consuming, tedious and error prone. The DAT largely automates
these operations.
Any mention of commercial products in the DAT or this user’s guide is for information purposes
only; it does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST).
This software was developed at NIST by employees of the Federal Government in the course of
their official duties. Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code this software is
not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. This software is an experimental
system. NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no
guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic.
This software can be redistributed and/or modified freely provided that any derivative works
bear some notice that they are derived from it, and any modified versions bear some notice that
they have been modified. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the NIST Data Alignment Tool........................................................................ 1
2. Introduction to the DAT User Interface.................................................................................... 3
2.1 Section 1 of the DAT Interface— Options for Reading Data Files ................................. 3
2.2 Section 2 of the DAT Interface— Output Files ............................................................... 5
2.3 Section 3 of the DAT Interface— Unit Conversion......................................................... 7
2.4 Section 4 of the DAT Interface— Status Display............................................................ 8
2.5 Usage Notes...................................................................................................................... 8
3. Using the DAT— Use Cases .................................................................................................. 10
3.1 Reading a data file.......................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Reading multiple data files............................................................................................. 10
3.3 Using a column label template ....................................................................................... 11
3.4 Changing the data interval of a data file ........................................................................ 11
3.5 Reading in a data file with time bracketing.................................................................... 12
3.6 Performing a unit conversion ......................................................................................... 12
3.7 Saving data to a CSV file ............................................................................................... 13
3.8 Saving data to a CSV file with a modified initial date stamp ........................................ 13
3.9 Saving data to a CSV file with an output template ........................................................ 13
3.10 Saving data to a series of CSV files separated by date .................................................. 14
4. References................................................................................................................................. 15
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1. Introduction to the NIST Data Alignment Tool
The Data Alignment Tool (DAT) was built to assist with the analysis of data used in testing fault
detection and diagnostics (FDD) tools and building commissioning (Cx) tools. The data sources
were the Virtual Cybernetic Building Testbed (VCBT) [1] and data collected from real buildings
using the BACnet Data Source (BDS). The raw data processed by the DAT typically spanned
multiple input files, and was not in a format appropriate for the analysis tools. The DAT is built
as a 64-bit program and can process large amounts of data. The features provided by the DAT
were implemented to address the specific needs of the tools being tested, but should also be
applicable to a wide range of other uses.
Each FDD and Cx tool tested had unique requirements relating to the format and order of input
data. To analyze the data, specific columns from different series of files often needed to be
combined into one file formatted for the specific analysis tool being tested. A large amount of
work may be required to prepare the data for analysis for even a single day of testing, and many
tests spanned multiple days. As a manual process, this would be time consuming, tedious and
error prone. The DAT largely automates this process.
The DAT can read data from one or more data files, perform several useful operations on it, and
save it with a variety of options. The operations implemented include combining subsets of
columns from multiple data files into one output file, reducing data by modifying the time span
between data points, performing unit conversions, and filtering data by time of day. Output file
operations include a column filter or splitting out files by date. The columns in the output file
may be in any order, and are not restricted by their placement or order in the input files. The
column labels are case sensitive and do not use wildcards. This is illustrated in Figure 1, which
shows selected data from two files (top) being combined into one file (bottom). The Graphical
User Interface for the DAT is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1:
Combining data colum
s from multiple files
The DAT allows the user to make modifications to the time and date of data input, and to convert
the units of some types of data. The time and date modifications involve restricting the time
stamp of input data used (bracketing), and modifying the timestamp of the data to start at a
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different time when written to an output file. The DAT also allows the user to optionally fill in
missing data. When a row of data is partially filled, the data from the previous timestamp will be
copied for the missing data. Data may be saved in files in CSV format or in extensible markup
language (XML). These options are explained in more detail in Section 2.
Figure 2:
The NIST Data Alignment Tool
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2. Introduction to the DAT User Interface
Interaction with the DAT occurs through the graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI contains
four main sections, each with a separate purpose. The sections are enumerated in Figure 3.
Figure 3:
The sections of interest on the DAT GUI
Each section contains features with related functionality. Section 1 contains controls and options
relating to input of data, including methods that allow the user to read data files, to enable
bracketing of the analysis time, to set the bracketing start and stop times, and to set the data
interval. Section 2 contains controls relating to output of data, including methods that allow the
user to save processed data to a new file, adjust the output date stamp, and to specify the
separator used in the output files. Section 3 allows the user to convert data that has been read into
different units. Section 4 displays status and progress information. These features are described
in the following sections.
2.1 Section 1 of the DAT Interface— Options for Reading Data Files
Section 1 contains controls relating to input of data, including methods that allow the user to
enter configuration files, to read data files, to enable bracketing of the analysis time, and to set
the daily start and stop times. This area of the DAT is shown in Figure 4. Each of the controls in
Section 1 are discussed below. Use of some of the controls is demonstrated in use cases 1 to 5 in
Section 3.
Bracket Evaluation Time: The controls in this section enable the user to bracket the times of
day of the data read by the DAT, for example during the occupied period. Times outside of the
range entered are discarded when the input data file is read. The bracketing times are applied to
each input day equally. Bracketing is enabled by selecting the check box labeled "Enable.” If
bracketing is to be used, it must be selected before the data files are read. Changes to this setting
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will not be applied retroactively. The bracketing settings may be modified each time a data file is
read. Template files are not affected by bracketing.
Data Interval: The data interval determines the span of time between datapoints. Input data with
a higher frequency will be reduced to the chosen interval, either by averaging or sampling as
selected. Input data with a lower frequency (i.e., undersampled data) will result in missing
datapoints when output. The desired data interval is selected by using the pull-down menu next
to the label "Data Interval.” The available intervals are 10 s, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15
min, or no interval. The resulting time stamps will start at an increment of the next larger unit,
i.e., for the 10 s interval data will be at 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, etc. For the 5 min interval data will be at
5 min, 10 min, 15 min etc. The no interval option allows the data to be read without
modification. If the interval of the data read matches the selected interval, the data will also not
be modified.
Figure 4:
Section 1 of the DAT
Sample Data or Average Data: The pull-down menu labeled "Sample/Average Data" allows
the user to determine the method used to reduce the data. If the Average Data option is selected,
the data will be averaged over the selected Data Interval. If the Sample Data option is selected,
the data point closest to each time indicated by the Data Interval will be used, and the remainder
of the data will be discarded.
Column Label Template: The column label template is read by pressing the button labeled
"Read Label Template" and selecting the correct file in the file selection window. The column
label template tells the DAT the labels of the columns in the output file and their order. The
template file is a CSV file with the first line consisting of the labels. Further lines in the file are
ignored. A previously configured data file may be used as the label template. If no such data files
are available, as may be the case the first time the DAT is used, a template file may be assembled
manually. If no column label template is entered, the columns in the first data file read will be
used as the template.
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Read CSV Data: Data is read by pressing the button labeled "Read CSV Data" and then
selecting one or more CSV files in the file selection window. An XML file previously saved by
the DAT may also be read. If a column label template has not been selected, the columns in the
first data file read will be used as the template. Note that if multiple files are to be read, the XML
file should be read first. If there are multiple files to be read, they may all be selected to be read
at one time, or they may be read one at a time by multiple presses of the "Read CSV Data"
Clear CSV Data: Data that has been read may be cleared from storage by pressing the "Clear
CSV Data" button. This will only erase the data stored by the program, and will not affect the
original data files or the column label template. Additional data files may then be read.
Fill Blanks: When data is collected from more than one source, it is possible that for some
datapoints the timestamps will fail to match, resulting in timestamps that do not receive data
from all input sources. This results in blank positions in the data, which may cause errors or
improper analysis when read by some analysis tools. Using the "Fill Blanks" button causes the
DAT to search for these blank positions and fill them with the value from the preceding
timestamp. After this operation, the total number of blanks that have been filled is displayed to
the user. An excessive number of blank positions may indicate a problem with the input data or
2.2 Section 2 of the DAT Interface— Output Files
The controls in this section allow the user to save the data to a CSV file or XML file, or to a
series of files. The user may select an output template, which works similarly to the input
template, and specify the delimiter used in the output CSV files. The user may also modify the
date stamp on the output data, which is useful if the date recorded with the data is incorrect. The
controls described in this section are shown in Figure 5. Each of the controls in Section 2 are
discussed below. Use of some of the controls is demonstrated in use cases 7 to 10 in Section 3.
Save to XML: The Save to XML option can be used to save data sets between runs of the DAT.
The XML file also contains metadata about the column template and the data files that have been
read, including the file name, path, and the order of columns. The file is saved in the XML
format that the DAT uses internally to store data, and may be reentered when restarting the DAT.
Figure 5:
Section 2
of the DAT
: s
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Save to CSV: The Save to CSV option is used to export data to a CSV file. The output options
should be reviewed before saving, and are explained below. The CSV file will contain a header
line consisting of the labels for each column, followed by lines containing data. The data lines
start with a date stamp, followed by the data. The date will be in the format specified in the Date
Format box, which is explained below. The exported CSV file can be opened using a spreadsheet
program, a text editor, or any other application which can read CSV files. The exported CSV file
may also be read by the DAT in a future session to further modify the data.
Split Output File: Output CSV files may be split by day, which creates a series of output files.
If this option is chosen, file lengths of 1 to 7 days may be selected. The files will be split with the
data in each file starting at the first data point after midnight, regardless of the starting time of
the data. If a length of more than one day is chosen, the first day will be included even if it
contains less than a full day of data. The output files will be indicated by appending an 'S##' to
the file name mask, i.e., if the output file name mask is "MyData", the output files would be
named "MyData S01.csv", "MyData S02.csv" and so on until all data had been saved.
Set Output Template: Subsets of columns may be designated for output in CSV files by using
an output template. An output template is selected by clicking on the 'Set Output Template'
button, which opens a file selection dialog box. The output template functions similarly to the
input template. The user is given the choice to delete previously entered output templates when
selecting a new one.
CSV Delimiter: The control labelled "CSV Delimiter" allows the user to specify the delimiter
used in CSV files. This is useful because some applications use different symbols as the
delimiter in CSV files, despite the name of the format.
Time Delimiter: The control labelled "Time Delimiter" will cause the program to use the CSV
delimiter between the date and time fields in the output CSV file. It is selected by default. If this
box is not checked there will be no delimiter between the date and time fields.
Write Date Starting At: To enable changing the initial date stamp in the output data, select the
checkbox labeled "Write date starting at:" as shown in Figure 5 and then use the standard date
picker to select the initial date stamp. This feature is intended to correct date stamps when they
do not correspond to the actual date the data represents, i.e., when the date on the data
acquisition system is incorrect. This can happen with a hardware in the loop simulation when the
simulation time does not match the clock time of the data acquisition system. The time of day
associated with each datapoint will not be changed. If the data covers multiple days, the date
written will increment appropriately. Note that using this feature will change the date stamp for
all data, and does not select a range of data to save. For example, if a date corresponding to the
second day of data is selected, the full data set will be saved but with the date stamp of each
datapoint modified to be two days later.
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Date Format: The output date format may also be modified. The output date format will be
written in the format specified in the drop-down menu labelled "Date Format." Note that this is
the same control used to specify the input date format.
2.3 Section 3 of the DAT Interface— Unit Conversion
The controls in this section allow the user to convert the units of columns of data that have been
read. The available conversions are listed in Table 1. To perform a conversion, select one of the
conversions from the drop-down menu. The conversions are listed in (from)
(to) order, where
the current units are (from) and the desired units are (to).
Table 1: Available Unit Conversions.
Conversion # From To Default Label
dry air at 20
, with a density of 1.2 kg/m
When a conversion is selected, a default search word is entered in the text box below the drop-
down menu. This is shown as the text "TEMP" in Figure 6. The user may edit the default search
text in the box to match their column headings. The search text will be searched for in column
headings, and columns with matching text will be converted. If the column label contains the
Figure 6: Section 3 of the DAT: unit conversions.
search text as a portion of its text, the selected conversion will be applied to that column. The
selection is case sensitive. For example, if the search text is "Temp", then all columns with labels
such as "SATemp”, "RA_Temp" or "Temp-OA" would be selected. Columns with labels such as
"SA-temp”, "MA_TEMP" or "OARH" would not be selected. Use of the unit conversion
functionality is demonstrated in use case 6 in Section 3.
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The methods for the temperature conversions are straightforward. Conversion 7 is used to
convert numbers from the range 0 to 100 to 0 to 1. For Conversions 2 and 6, which are flow rate
conversions, the fluid is assumed to be air with a density of 1.2 kg/m
, which is the density of dry
air at 20 °C. If the data to be converted do not match these conditions, another method should be
2.4 Section 4 of the DAT Interface— Status Display
The controls in this section display information about the status of operations initiated by the
user, such as reading files, converting units, saving files, or other operations selected by the user.
The text shown will vary depending on the exact operations chosen by the user. The status screen
at startup is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7:
Section 4
of the DAT
2.5 Usage Notes
This section contains additional information about usage of the DAT.
Time and date: The date and time must be at the beginning of each data line in input CSV data
files. They may be in one or two columns, depending on the selected format. The date must be
formatted as shown in the Date Format box, by default MM/DD/YYYY, and the time as
HH:MM:SS, where seconds are optional. For example, 4:00 PM on March 14, 2016 would be
written as 03/14/2016, 16:00:00. Other examples for this time are given in Table 2. Time/date
stamp formats 1 to 5 have the date in the first column, and time in the second column. Time/date
stamp formats 6 to 8 have the time and date in the first column, and data starting in the second
column. Time/date stamps 9 and 10 have two complete time/date stamps. Time/date stamp
formats 11 and 12 follow ISO 8601 extended and basic formats for calendar dates. Note that for
time stamp formats 6 to 12 the length of each field must be as specified.
After the date and time columns in an input CSV file, any column labels where the label contains
the strings 'DATE' or 'TIME' will be ignored, until a valid column label is found. After a valid
column label is found, these strings are not checked for. Any label without those strings and
consisting of ASCII characters 32 to 126 is considered valid. This check is necessary to process
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some data files generated using the BACnet Data Source (BDS) [2] and BACnet
Communications DLL [3] while collecting data from the VCBT. The BDS applied two sets of
time/date stamps to these files, one set for the actual time, and one set for the time in the HVAC
controllers and computer simulations. The controller/simulation time was used for aligning data,
while the real time/date stamp was saved to verify that data was collected properly. Time formats
9 and 10 in Table 2 should be used when dual time/date stamps are present. Time format 9 will
retain the first time/date stamp, and time format 10 will retain the second time/date stamp.
If modifying an XML file, the user should follow the format used in the file. Note that XML files
are useful as an intermediate step, such as to save progress reading or modifying data, and are
unlikely to be useful as final output.
Table 2: Examples of Different Time/Date Stamp Formats, Using March 14, 2016, 4 PM.
ID Format Column 1 Column 2
Time format 9 will retain the first time/date stamp
Time format 10 will retain the second time/date stamp
Set Output Template: Subsets of columns may be designated for output in CSV files by using
an output template. An output template is selected by clicking on the 'Set Output Template'
button, which opens a file selection dialog box. Output Templates are identical to Input
Templates except for usage, and can be used interchangeably. If the user fails to select an input
template before reading data, they may get the same result by using the input template as an
output template. The advantage offered by the output template is found when there is one large
data file to be divided into multiple files, i.e., if it contains data from multiple HVAC
components which will be split into individual files. Using an input template, the data would
have to be read once for each desired output file. Using output templates instead, the data would
be read one time and then a different output template would be selected for each desired output
file. The user is given the choice to delete previously entered output templates when selecting a
new one.
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3. Using the DAT— Use Cases
This section instructs the user in how to use the DAT through various examples given by use
cases. Various interactions a user could initially or commonly have with the DAT are described
in the use cases presented here. This is not an exhaustive list, but a set chosen to be sufficient to
allow a new user to become familiar with and use the DAT. The use cases described are:
1. Reading a data file.
2. Reading multiple data files.
3. Using a column label template.
4. Changing the data interval of a data file.
5. Reading in a data file with time bracketing.
6. Performing a unit conversion
7. Saving data to a CSV file.
8. Saving data to a CSV file with a modified initial date stamp.
9. Saving data to a CSV file with an output template.
10. Saving data to a series of CSV files separated by date.
3.1 Reading a data file
Data may be read by the DAT without first selecting a column label template. In this case, the
column labels and order of the first input file will be used as the column label template. To read
data files, complete the following activities:
1. Start the DAT. Check that the input options are appropriate.
2. Click on the "Read CSV Data" button.
3. Use the file selection window to select the input data file.
4. Click on the "Open" button. The DAT will read the data file, using the first row as the
column label template.
Alternative method:
1. Start the DAT. Check that the input options are appropriate.
2. Select your file in Windows Explorer, drag it over any portion of the DAT window, and
release it (i.e., drag and drop). The DAT will read the data file as above.
You may now perform other actions, such as repeating these steps to read additional data files,
unit conversions, or saving your data to a new file.
3.2 Reading multiple data files
Multiple data files may be read by the DAT at the same time. The files must be located in the
same directory. The files do not need to have the same columns. If the files being read have
varying column labels, it is recommended to either first read in a single file with the desired final
column labels, or to use a column label template before reading multiple files. If reading an
XML data file, it should be read before any CSV data files. To read multiple data files, complete
the following activities:
1. Start the DAT. Check that the input options are appropriate.
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2. Click on the "Read CSV Data" button.
3. Use the file selection window to select multiple input data files.
4. Click on the "Open" button. The DAT will read the data files, using the first row of the
first file read as the column label template.
Alternative method:
1. Start the DAT. Check that the input options are appropriate.
2. Use Windows Explorer to select multiple input data files, drag them over any portion of
the DAT window, and release them (i.e., drag and drop). The DAT will read the data
files as above. The files many be read singly or in groups.
3.3 Using a column label template
The column label template is useful when reading in multiple data files, or when reducing the
number of columns read from one file. A previously generated data file in CSV format may be
used as the column label template. If such a file is not available, a column label template file may
be constructed using a text editor or other program which can save data to CSV format, such as a
spreadsheet program. A sample column label template is given in Table 3. Note that an actual
column label template would probably use more columns. To use a column label template,
complete the following activities:
1. Start the DAT.
2. Press the button in Section 1 labeled "Read Label Template.”
3. Use the file selection window to select the column label template file.
4. Click on the "Open" button. The DAT will read the template file, and apply it to all new
data files read.
You may now read data files, as described in previous use cases.
Table 3: Sample Column Label Template File in CSV Format.
Supply Temp., Supply Temp. SP, Outdoor Air Temp., Return Air Temp., Mixed Air Temp.
3.4 Changing the data interval of a data file
Data read by the DAT may have been collected at a frequency greater than is necessary for
analysis. The DAT can reduce the amount of data saved by lowering the frequency of saved
datapoints, for example changing the time between datapoints from 10 s to 1 min. When
reducing data, the user has the options of averaging data or sampling data. These options are
described in Section 2.1. To change the data interval of a data file, complete the following
1. Start the DAT.
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2. Click on the pull-down menu in Section 1, labeled "Data Interval" and select an interval
greater than the one used in the input data file.
3. Select the desired option in the pull-down menu in Section 1 labeled "Sample Data or
Average Data Over Interval.”
You may now read data files as described in previous use cases, or perform other actions using
the DAT.
3.5 Reading in a data file with time bracketing
When reading data into the DAT, data with a time of day outside of a user defined span may be
excluded. An example of when this would be used is to exclude data from when a building is in
unoccupied mode from an analysis. The controls in Section 1 of the DAT GUI interface allow
the user to enable time bracketing, and to select a start and stop time. This setting must be
enabled before data files are read by the DAT. Time bracketing is applied to data in each day, but
does not exclude any data by date. To use the time bracketing feature, complete the following
1. Start the DAT.
2. Select the checkbox in Section 1, under the label "Bracket Evaluation Time" labeled
"Enable.” The DAT will enable the controls for start and stop time, located immediately
below the check box.
3. Set the start time for data analysis in the time selection box next to the label "Start Eval.”
4. Set the stop time for data analysis in the time selection box next to the label "End Eval.”
You may now read data files as described in previous use cases, or perform other actions using
the DAT.
3.6 Performing a unit conversion
The DAT can convert values into different units, based on the column label. There are several
conversions available, as listed in Table 1. Selection of a column for conversion is based on the
label mask and on the column label. If the column label contains the mask as a portion of its text,
the selected conversion will be applied to that column. The selection is case sensitive. For
example, if the column mask is "Temp", then all columns with labels such as "SATemp,"
"RA_Temp" or "Temp-OA" would be selected. Columns with labels such as "SA-temp,"
"MA_TEMP" or "OARH" would not be selected. To use the unit conversion feature, complete
the following activities:
1. Start the DAT.
2. Read data as described in previous use cases.
3. Using the drop-down menu under the button in Section 3 labeled "Convert Units" select a
conversion that is appropriate for your data.
4. Confirm that the mask is appropriate for the column labels to be converted. Modify the
mask if needed.
5. Click on the button labeled "Convert Units.” The DAT will search for columns with
labels which match the mask, and convert the data in them.
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6. Repeat Steps 2 to 5 as appropriate for other types of data.
It is possible to have data from different sources that use different units, i.e., one system records
in temperature units of Celsius, while another uses Fahrenheit. In this case, the above method
would not be appropriate as the data that was already in Celsius would undergo the conversion,
unless the sources used different labels. A recommended method to process this data would be to
first read one set of data, perform the appropriate conversions, and then load the remaining data.
In this example, if the desired units are Celsius, then the data file using Fahrenheit units would
be read and converted to Celsius units. The remaining data files could then be read.
3.7 Saving data to a CSV file
The DAT allows the user to save data to a CSV file. To save data to a CSV file, complete the
following activities:
1. Start the DAT.
2. Read data as described in previous use cases and perform any other operations as
3. Select the button in Section 2 labeled "Save to CSV." This will open a file selection
dialog box.
4. Use the file selection window to select the data file or enter the name.
5. Click on the "Save" button. The DAT will save the data file.
3.8 Saving data to a CSV file with a modified initial date stamp
When saving data to an output file, the user may want to set a specific date for the start of the
data. The DAT allows the user to specify an alternate initial date stamp for the data. This may be
required if the date is not set correctly on the data acquisition system. The dates in the output
data will be incremented to match date changes in the input data. The time stamps of the data
will not be changed. To enable the option to modify the initial date stamp, complete the
following activities:
1. Start the DAT.
2. Read data as described in previous use cases, and perform any other operations as
3. Select the checkbox in Section 2 next to the label "Write date starting at:" and use the
time selection box to select the desired start date.
4. Save the data using methods described in use Section 3.7.
3.9 Saving data to a CSV file with an output template
When saving data to a CSV output file, the user may want to save a subset of the columns that
were originally entered. An example of this would be when one data file contains data from
multiple pieces of HVAC equipment, but the analysis tool is designed to read data for each piece
of equipment in a separate file. Note that one output template file will be necessary for each
output data file. To use the output template feature, complete the following activities:
1. Start the DAT.
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2. Read data as described in previous use cases, and perform any other operations as
3. Click on the button in Section 2 labeled "Set Output Template.” This will open a file
selection dialog box.
4. Use the file selection window to select the column label template file.
5. Click on the "Open" button. The DAT will read the template file.
6. Save the data to a CSV file, using any of the other save options listed above.
7. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 as necessary. Note that when reading subsequent output template
files the user will be given the option of deleting previous templates.
8. Save the data using methods described in use Section 3.7.
This feature does not work with XML output files.
3.10 Saving data to a series of CSV files separated by date
When saving data to an output file, the user may want to save the data into files that are
separated by date. This may be to aid with certain types of analysis, or to reduce the size of
output files. To use this feature, complete the following activities:
1. Start the DAT.
2. Read data as described in previous use cases, and perform any other operations as
3. Select the pull-down menu in Section 2 next to the label "Split Output File" and select the
entry corresponding to the number of days of data wanted in each output file. The lengths
available are 1 to 7 days.
4. Save the data using methods described in use Section 3.7.
This publication is available free of charge from:
4. References
[1] Bushby, Steven T., et al., 2009, “The Virtual Cybernetic Building Testbed- A Building
Emulator,” ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 116, Part 1, p37.
[2] Galler, Michael A., 2011, “Using the BACnet Data Source v1.7”, NISTIR 7825.
[3] Galler, Michael A., 2018, “Programmers Guide to the BACnet Communications DLL”,
NISTIR (pending)
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