UT Health San Antonio Parking and Traffic Rules and Regulations
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Parking and Traffic
Rules and Regulations
UT Health San Antonio Parking and Traffic Rules and Regulations
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General 5
Administration and Enforcement of these Regulations 5
Authority 6
Proof 7
Responsibility 7
Collection Methods 7
Compliance 10
Special Instructions 10
Temporary Restrictions 10
Posted Signs and Barricades 10
Speed Limits 10
Traffic Obstruction 10
Cell Phone/Handheld Communications Device Use 10
Vehicles in Buildings 10
Sidewalks, Grass, or Shrubbery 10
Roller-Skates, Skateboards and Scooters 10
Passenger Pick-Up and Drop-Off 10
Operate/Park Safe Vehicle 11
Pedestrians 11
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General 12
Use of Parking Permits 12
Permit Requirements 12
Manner of Parking 12
Loading Zones 13
Parking Down 13
Parking Meters 13
Disabled Parking 13
Veteran Parking 13
Visitor Parking 14
Emergency Vehicle Parking 14
Abandoned Vehicles 14
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 14
Issuance of Permits 15
Classes of Permits and Eligibility 16
Display of Permits 18
Surrender or Removal of Permits 18
Expiration of Permits 18
Payment of Permit Fees 18
Lost/Stolen Permits 19
Permit Refunds 19
Permit Misuse 19
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Parking Validation 19
Permit Renewal 19
Replacement Charges 20
Permit Upgrades 20
Parking Permit Reciprocity - UTHSA/UTSA Agreement 20
Parking and Traffic Citations 21
Failure to Discharge Court Appearance Citations 22
University Citations 22
Appeals from University Citations 22
Initial Review of Appeal 22
Appeal to Parking and Traffic Safety Committee 22
Failure to Pay Citation Charges 23
Vehicle Immobilization or Impoundment 23
Suspension of Privileges 23
Collections 24
No Excuse 24
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General: Pursuant to the authority granted by Sections 51.201 et seq., 54.005, 54.505, 65.31, and 71.04
of Title 3 of the Texas Education Code, and Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The
University of Texas System, these Parking and Traffic Regulations are promulgated to regulate and
control parking and traffic and the use of parking facilities, to provide for the issuance of parking
permits, and to provide for jurisdiction over offenses. These rules and regulations apply to any person
who walks, drives, or parks a motorized vehicle, bicycle, scooter, skateboard, roller skates on university
property. These rules and regulations are supplementary to applicable ordinances of the City of San
Antonio and the statutes of the State of Texas that govern pedestrians and the use of all modes of
The operation of various modes of transportation on University property is a privilege granted by
the University and is not an inherent right of any faculty, staff, student, or visitor. All faculty, staff,
and students who park on University property must have and display a valid University parking
permit. Visitors must park in designated paid parking areas. A parking permit signifies that an
individual has been granted the privilege of parking a vehicle on University property but does not
guarantee a parking place on campus.
The University assumes no liability or responsibility for damage to or theft of any vehicle parked or
driven on campus. The University assumes no responsibility or any duty to protect any vehicle or
its contents at any time the vehicle is operated or parked on campus. No bailment is created by
granting any parking or operating privileges regarding a vehicle on any property owned, leased, or
otherwise controlled by the University.
These regulations are in effect at all times on University property.
Administration and Enforcement of these Regulations:
The University Parking and Traffic Safety Committee: This standing committee is charged to serve
in a consultative and advisory capacity to the President, or their designee(s), to review issues
regarding traffic safety and parking, recommend resolutions, and to serve as an avenue of appeal
in cases of dispute and exception. All members serve a three-year term. The Chief of Police, or
designated representative, serves as an Ex Officio (non-voting) member.
Parking Services Appeals Officer: All first level parking citation appeals will be disposed by the
Parking Director in the role of Appeals Officer. The Appeals Officer will read the appeal, review the
information on the citation as well as relevant Parking & Traffic Rules and Regulations, and render
a decision. The Appeals Officer may uphold the citation, reduce the citation to a lesser included
offense, reduce the citation to a warning, or invalidate the citation. Any person who has appealed
a University citation(s) and is not satisfied with the decision may appeal that decision to the
University Parking and Traffic Safety Committee. This request shall be submitted in writing to the
Parking Services Office within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the original decision.
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Parking Services Office: The Parking Services Office is authorized to enforce these regulations and
is responsible for the administrative functions relating to parking permits, establishing procedures
and requirements for the issuance of parking permits, the collection of enforcement fees for
parking and traffic violations, establishing requirements for the submission of appeals, the
processing of appeals from parking and traffic citations, and for management of parking lots and
garages. Parking Services employees, when tasked by the Parking Director, are authorized to write
campus parking citations.
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio - Police Department (UTHSA
University Police): UTHSA University Police are authorized to enforce these rules and regulations
at any time or under any circumstances deemed necessary. UTHSA University Police may issue
University citations or court appearance citations enforceable in municipal, county, and/or state
On special occasions and emergencies, such parking limitations may be imposed by the Parking
Director or the Chief of Police as are required by the conditions that prevail. These restrictions shall
have all the force of other written and approved regulations and shall be subject to the same
penalties. When conditions warrant such action, the Chief of Police, or designated representative,
may waive parking limitations.
Authority: Parking Services and UTHSA University Police are authorized to enforce these rules and
Through the issuance of University citations and collection of enforcement fees, including the
periodic billing of unpaid citations and the referral of individual cases pertaining to unpaid campus
citations to a national collection agency.
Through the impoundment (towing) of vehicles interfering with the movement of vehicular,
bicycle, or pedestrian traffic, blocking a sidewalk or space for those with disabilities, loading dock,
ramp, crosswalk, entrance, exit, fire lane, or aisle.
Through the impoundment or booting of vehicles for unpaid enforcement fees or display of a lost,
altered or stolen parking permit after proper notice (issuance of previous citations, vehicle
notification, holds on records, and/or citation invoice).
By the suspension, revocation, or denial of campus driving privileges, parking permit, and garage
access privileges to those with overdue charges or who have violated these regulations.
By forwarding relevant information that can result in barring re-admission, withholding grades,
degree, refunds, and official transcript of any student for non-payment of outstanding charges in
accordance with University standards.
By forwarding information to supervisory staff, Department Heads and Deans recommending
disciplinary action against employees or students who fail to abide by these regulations.
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By such other methods as are commonly employed by city governments or state agencies in control
of traffic regulation enforcement.
Proof: The issuance of a citation reflecting the existence of any parking or traffic control device, sign,
short-term spaces, signal, or marking at any location on University property will constitute prima facie
evidence that the same was in existence and was official and installed under the authority of
applicable law and these regulations. When any person is charged with having stopped, parked, and
left standing a motor vehicle on the campus, in violation of any provision of these Parking and Traffic
Rules & Regulations, proof that said vehicle was, at the date of the offense, bearing a valid University
parking permit will constitute prima facie evidence that said vehicle was then and there stopped,
parked, and left standing by the holder of the parking permit. If the vehicle does not bear a valid
University parking permit, proof that the vehicle at the date of the offense alleged was owned by an
individual is prima facie proof that said vehicle was then and there stopped, parked, and left standing
by the individual.
The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio (UTHSA) assumes no responsibility for any
vehicle or any duty to protect any vehicle or its contents at any time the vehicle is operated or parked
on University property.
UTHSA may deem a motor vehicle including a motorcycle, motor scooter, moped or bicycle parked on
UTHSA property for more than 48 hours without a valid permit to be abandoned and may dispose of
such vehicles provided in Section 10 of Chapter VII, Part Two of the Regents' Rules and Regulations.
The person to whom a University parking permit is issued is responsible for any citation issued with
respect to a car displaying that permit or a vehicle registered through Parking Services by that
If the vehicle does not display a valid University parking permit and is not registered through
Parking Services to any University permit holder, then the person to whom the vehicle is registered
through the Texas Department of Transportation at the time of issuance of the citation and that
individual’s university affiliate (faculty, staff or student) are responsible for the citation.
Collection Methods: The University may arrange for collection of debts due to the University pursuant
to these regulations in the following manner:
Permit payments may be deducted from employee payroll checks with the employee’s permission.
Deductions for all permit purchases will continue until the full price of the permit is paid or until
the permit is returned. Employees are responsible for monitoring their paychecks to ensure that
proper deductions are being made for their UTHSA parking permit. Participants are also responsible
for contacting Parking Services if, for any reason, they will not be receiving a paycheck during the
pay period in which a deduction is scheduled. The employee is liable for all payments for their
UTHSA parking permit if for any reason a scheduled deduction is missed.
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A financial hold will be placed against students for past due debts.
UTHSA uses a commercial collection agency to collect past due fees for citations. Late fees will
No parking permit will be issued to any individual who has outstanding Parking Service debts under
these regulations or otherwise in accordance with University standards.
The following defined terms are in addition to the definitions and terms of the Texas Motor Vehicle Laws,
which apply on University property.
BUS STOP: A no-parking area where buses stop to pick up and drop off passengers, as indicated by
signs or curb markings.
CAMPUS or UNIVERSITY PROPERTY: The property under the control of the University.
CARPOOL: An arrangement whereby several participants (2 or more individuals) who are either
faculty, staff or students travel together in one vehicle, the participants share the costs and often
take turns as driver.
CHIEF OF POLICE: The Chief of the UTHSA Police Department.
COURT APPEARANCE ("CA") CITATIONS: Those issued by University Police officers constituting a
summons to appear in either municipal court or a justice court.
DRIVER or VEHICLE OPERATOR: Any person who drives, operates, or is in actual physical control of
a vehicle on University property.
EMPLOYEE: Any person employed by the University, regardless of whether the person is employed
with or without salary.
FLAGRANT VIOLATIONS: A clear and obvious violation of these rules and regulations, including but
not limited to possession of a lost, stolen or altered permit, possession of a permit by someone
other than the original purchaser, or any violations that would substantially impact the daily
operations of the University or the health and safety of others.
METERED PARKING SPACE: A parking space for which a meter or other mechanical device is
provided or any space adjacent to which a parking meter or other mechanical device is located.
NO PARKING AREAS/ZONES: Areas designated by red or yellow curbs, yellow or white diagonal
stripes (Zebra stripes), an “X” between parallel parking spaces, loading zones, “No Parking” painted
on surface or curbs, or “No Parking” signs on crosswalks.
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PARKING PERMIT: Permit issued by Parking Services that authorizes parking on University
PARKING SPACE: An area designated for vehicle parking by pavement or curb markings or signs.
Any area not so marked is not a valid parking space.
PAY STATION: A device to accept payment for short-term parking.
SHORT-TERM PARKING SPACE: Any parking space for which the payment of an hourly rate is
STUDENT: Every person duly registered, enrolled, and/or attending classes or regularly doing
research as a requirement for a degree or certification from this university.
UNIVERSITY: The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
UNIVERSITY PARKING CITATIONS: Those parking citations subject to University administrative
enforcement charges and a right to appeal within University procedures as outlined in these
UNIVERSITY POLICE: The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Police
VEHICLE: Includes automobiles, buses, trucks, trailers, motorcycles, motor scooters, motorbikes,
mopeds, bicycles, golf carts, club cars, and tractors.
VENDOR/CONTRACTOR: An individual or company not affiliated with the University that provides
goods or services to the University.
VISITOR: Any person who is not a faculty, student, staff member, or official visitor of the
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Compliance: Every vehicle operator shall comply with these regulations, state law, and all traffic control
devices at all times, unless otherwise specifically directed by Parking Service personnel or University
Police. State and local laws pertaining to operation of a motor vehicle, bicycles and pedestrians on
public streets apply on the campus and streets owned and operated by University.
Special Instructions: No person shall fail to comply with any instruction related to traffic or parking
given by a University Police Officer, Public Safety Officer or Parking Services personnel.
Temporary Restrictions: The Parking Director or Chief of Police is authorized to temporarily implement
restrictions that govern parking and traffic relating to construction, emergency situations, or special
events on campus, and by agreement with the City of San Antonio, on public streets. Notice of such
restrictions may be given by the posting of temporary signs or barriers or in any other area deemed
appropriate. These temporary restrictions have the force of other written and approved regulations
and are subject to the same penalties.
Posted Signs and Barricades: Posted signs and barricades, whether permanent or temporary, must be
obeyed at all times.
Speed Limits: The maximum speed limit at all times, unless otherwise posted, is 15 mph on campus
roads, 10 mph in parking lots, and 5 mph in parking garages.
Traffic Obstruction: No person shall park or bring to a halt on the campus any vehicle in such a manner
as to interfere with normal vehicular or pedestrian traffic or jeopardize safety or University property.
Cell Phone/Handheld Communications Device Use: The University will enforce Texas Transportation
Code Rules of the Road - 545.425 & 545.4251 regarding the use of Cell Phones, and Portable Wireless
Communication Devices for electronic messaging.
Vehicles in Buildings: With the exception of wheelchairs, ADA scooters, or other devices specifically
authorized by Parking Services, no person shall place, use, park, or otherwise leave a vehicle within any
University building, other than a parking garage at any time.
Sidewalks, Grass, or Shrubbery: No person shall drive a vehicle on a sidewalk, walkway, patio, plaza,
grass, shrubbery or any unmarked or unimproved ground area, unless such areas are signed and
marked for driving, except as specifically authorized by Parking Services or University Police.
Roller-Skates, Skateboards and Scooters: No person shall use roller-skates, a skateboard, or a scooter
on University property.
Passenger Pick-Up and Drop-Off: No person shall stop a vehicle on any street, alley, or driveway on the
campus for the purpose of picking-up or dropping-off a pedestrian without first drawing up to the right-
hand curb.
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Operate/Park Safe Vehicle: No vehicle will be operated or parked on campus unless it meets the
minimum safe equipment conditions as required by Texas Motor Vehicle Laws and has a valid safety
inspection certificate.
Pedestrians: Pedestrians have the right-of-way at marked crosswalks, in intersections, and on
sidewalks extending across a service drive, building entrance, or driveway.
Pedestrians crossing a street at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked
crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of- way to all vehicles on the street.
No pedestrian shall stand or walk on the traveled portion of any street, alley, or driveway in such a
manner as to obstruct or prevent the free flow of traffic.
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General: A vehicle operator shall park only in a parking space, as authorized by the parking permit
displayed or as otherwise specifically authorized by Parking Services or University Police. Each parking
space within a lot or garage shall be marked or defined by appropriate signs and/or other markings.
Parking and traffic regulations are in effect at all times on all campuses.
UTHSA faculty, staff, students, or persons housed or who have offices on any UT Health San Antonio
campus are never considered visitors and may not park in designated visitor parking spaces. They may,
however, park at any designated parking meter, paying all associated fees. Exception: if the permit
holder is attending a scheduled medical appointment at University Treatment facilities on another
campus, they may park in visitor areas. If a citation is issued in error, submit the citation with proof of
appointment to Parking Services for appeal.
When a student has accumulated five (5) traffic citations or charges of $200.00 or more, they will be
placed on the "HOLD" or "BAR" list for unpaid parking and traffic tickets. The appropriate Dean may be
notified by the Parking Director. Their record will be forwarded to the Parking and Traffic Safety
Committee for review and possible suspension of parking privileges.
When an employee or person of interest/contractor has accumulated five (5) or more unpaid parking
or traffic violations or charges of $200.00, the employee's Dean, Director, or Administrative Official may
be notified by the Parking Director. Their record will be forwarded to the Parking and Traffic Safety
Committee for review and possible suspension of parking privileges.
Use of Parking Permits: No person shall lend, sell, or otherwise allow another person to use their
permit, except as specifically authorized by these regulations.
Permit Requirements: A valid permit is required to park on campus at all times excluding meter
Manner of Parking: No person shall:
Park without a valid parking permit or payment of the designated short-term meter parking fees,
except as specifically authorized by Parking Services or University Police.
Park a vehicle such that it occupies portions of more than one parking space.
Double park a vehicle.
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Park a vehicle in a manner that obstructs “Disabled” parking spaces, walkways, driveways, ramps,
loading docks, or marked crosswalks.
Park any vehicle on a sidewalk, walkway, patio, plaza, grass, shrubbery, or any unmarked or
unimproved ground area.
Park privately owned motor homes, recreational vehicles, trailers, and other oversized vehicles (1
ton or more) whose individual or combined length is in excess of twenty (20) feet on campus,
without specific authorization.
Park a vehicle in a no parking zone.
Park a vehicle in an area designated as a bus stop.
Park in a space with a barricade or remove a barricade, except as specifically authorized by Parking
Services or University Police.
Park or store a bicycle except at designated bicycle parking areas.
Loading Zones: Vehicle operators may park in a Loading Zone (LZ) for 30 minutes to load/unload a
vehicle. Once the loading/unloading process has been completed or the time limit has expired, the
space must be vacated.
Parking Down: Vehicles will not be parked in any area or space other than that designated by the
vehicle permit for the campus to which they are assigned. Permit holders with business on other
campuses must park in the zone named on the permit. Zone I reserved and non-reserved, Zone II, and
Zone III reserved permit holders with business on other campuses may park in any vacant non reserved,
non-timed surface space at that location.
If a lot or zone is full, permit holders may “Park Down.” For example, a Zone II permit holder may park
in Zone III if the Zone II lot is full. “Parking Up” is not authorized.
Parking Meters: Meter parking is available on campus 24/7 to visitors, faculty, staff, and students, with
or without permit. Metered parking is enforced 24/7. Payment of fees displayed at parking meters is
required. Meter parking fees may be paid by mobile app, credit card, or coins. Vehicles parked at
metered parking spaces without payment shall be subject to all applicable parking violations and fees.
Disabled Parking: No person shall park a vehicle in a "Disabled" space without a valid University permit
and appropriate state disabled placard or license plate.
Veteran Parking: Disabled Veterans, Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients, Former Prisoners of
War, Pearl Harbor Survivors, and Purple Heart Recipients, whose vehicles display the special license
plates issued by the Texas Department of Transportation, upon registration and proper notification to
Parking Services, are exempt from the payment of fees at paid short-term surface parking and are
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further exempt from the payment of fees for any University surface parking permit for which they are
otherwise eligible, in accordance with state law. This privilege applies to the veteran only and not to
anyone else driving the vehicle.
Visitor Parking: Visitors are required to park in designated visitor parking lots/areas. Visitor parking
areas are contained in larger permit parking lots and have parking meters. Meters will issue a time
stamped ticket which will require the visitor to pay before departure.
Departments may purchase a special visitor permit for visitors with a pre-planned arrival through the
Parking Services Office.
Emergency Vehicle Parking: Emergency vehicles are exempt from the provisions of these regulations
when being operated in response to calls for service.
Abandoned Vehicles: The University may deem a vehicle parked on University property for more than
48 hours without a valid permit to be abandoned and may remove such vehicle as provided in Section
683.001 683.078 of The Texas Transportation Code.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: Stations are available to electric vehicles displaying any type of valid
UT Health permit, excluding motorcycles and golf carts.
1. Follow instructional signage at charging station
2. Only electric vehicles may park in the dedicated spaces
3. Pay fee displayed at charging station
4. Vehicles must be actively charging when parked
5. Charging is limited to four hours
6. Vehicles must be moved before the end of the four-hour time frame
7. Incremental fee escalation in excess of four-hour limit
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1. Issuance of Permits
A parking permit will be issued upon application and payment of a parking fee to the Parking Services Office.
An individual is authorized to purchase only one permit, with the exception of a motorcycle permit, and may
only use one permit at any time. A hangtag parking permit is transferable to any passenger vehicle being
operated by or for the transportation of the permit holder. Ownership of all permits remains with the
University and is not transferable.
New faculty and staff members must purchase a parking permit on their first day of employment if they
plan to park on campus. Parking permit fees are due and payable at the time of application. New
students will be offered the opportunity to purchase a parking permit during their initial student
registration process.
Persons who reside in the same domicile and who both work at, or attend, the University, and who
drive to the campus together may purchase one permit. They would also each be allowed temporary
passes to bring an additional car on campus for a special reason.
Employees hired or students enrolling after the beginning of the permit year will be charged a pro-
rated amount based on the total cost of the permit issued and the remaining months in the permit
year. If permits are available for the next permit year, employees and students will be afforded the
opportunity to buy that permit, paying the pro-rated amount for the remaining months on the current
permit, plus the full twelve months on the new permit.
Persons housed or who occupy an office on the campus who are not UTHSA employees or students
must purchase a permit on the first day of such assignment.
Special students, part-time students, and auditing students are considered regular students and must
pay the appropriate fee for the type of permit issued.
Hanging or transferable permits must be clearly visible with the numbers and expiration date facing to
the front or outside of the vehicle and hung from the inside rearview mirror. Obstructed or improperly
displayed hanging permits are rendered invalid.
The original registrant will be held responsible for any traffic citation(s) issued to a vehicle displaying
their permit. Report lost or stolen permits immediately to the Parking Service Office. You will be issued
a replacement permit after you complete a short report and pay the replacement fee. Should the
permit be found, the replacement fee will not be refunded.
The Parking Director may issue special permits for events to the host department. Parking areas are subject
to closure by the Parking Director for special events, construction, or other special circumstances. The
Parking Director may establish fees for special circumstance parking, including contractor and event parking.
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2. Classes of Permits and Eligibility:
Any person who donates service to the University without salary or stipend and is appointed in
writing by a department chairperson may receive one (1) Volunteer parking permit expiring one (1)
year from the date of issue at no charge.
Volunteers displaying a valid Volunteer parking permit may park in Zone II non-reserved or Zone III
non-reserved parking spaces or may park in meter parking spaces with payment of fees displayed at
the meter pay station.
All disabled persons are required to purchase a permit and to pay fees and penalties related to
parking in a parking lot or space, including a space reserved for a specific permit holder or otherwise
restricted. These permits will be charged at the Zone II non-reserved rate for faculty and staff, and
at the Zone III rate for students. Reserved Disabled Permits will be charged at the Zone II Reserved
rate, unless they are located in a Garage. Those are charged at the Zone I reserved rate.
In compliance with Texas Transportation Code 681, the only exceptions are disabled veterans,
Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients, former Prisoners of War, Pearl Harbor Survivors, and
Purple Heart Recipients, whose vehicles display the specially designed license plates or placards
issued by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or other government agency. Vehicles bearing
these plates will not be charged for a non-reserved permit or to park in a parking lot, meter, or space
designated for visitor parking. These vehicles must be used for the transportation of the disabled
person or recipient identified above.
These exemptions allow parking only in spaces where parking would otherwise be appropriate and
do not permit the parking of a vehicle at a time or place where parking is restricted or prohibited,
such as reserved parking spaces.
There are disabled spaces designated for employees and visitors. These spaces must be used
A permanent UTHSA disabled permit may be obtained from the Parking Services Office upon
presentation of a state disabled permit and medical proof of disability.
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A temporary disabled permit is available to persons with a short-term medical condition that
requires disabled parking accommodations. The applicant must present a letter from the attending
physician indicating the nature of disability and the length of time accommodations are medically
required. The Parking Services Office will issue a Temporary Disabled permit for the duration of time
stated in the letter. This permit is good only on UTHSA campuses. It does not grant disabled parking
privileges off campus.
Carpool is an arrangement whereby several participants (2 or more individuals) who are faculty,
staff, or students travel together in one vehicle, and the participants share the costs and often take
turns as driver.
Upon application and payment of the carpool permit fee, a single permit will be issued to the group,
and all participating individuals will be entered into the parking management system. The members
of the group are not eligible for any other permit.
Carpool permit holders must park in designated carpool spaces.
A carpool will automatically cancel whenever the group membership falls below the required
number of riders.
If there is an event or circumstance that requires carpool permit holders to bring multiple vehicles,
the additional vehicles will park in metered parking and pay the displayed fees.
Clinical/Adjunct faculty is a faculty member who donates their services to UTHSA and is listed on the
Clinical/Adjunct faculty roster. They work for no salary or tenure and are not receiving compensation
from any University department or division. Clinical/Adjunct faculty cannot be a registered student
with UTHSA.
Clinical/Adjunct faculty will be issued one (1) Clinical/Adjunct Faculty permit expiring one (1) year
from the date of issue at no charge.
Clinical/Adjunct faculty displaying a valid Clinical/Adjunct parking permit may park in Zone II non-
reserved or Zone III non-reserve parking spaces or may park in meter parking spaces with payment
of fees displayed at the meter pay station.
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Faculty and staff members retired under the Teacher Retirement System or Optional Retirement
Plan can continue to park in the non-reserved zone for which they were eligible at the time of
retirement, if they are not employed in any capacity with The University of Texas System. They will
be issued a Retired permit.
Should they return to the University on a paid basis, they will be issued the class permit last
purchased. If this was a reserved space, they will be sold a zone 2 non-reserved permit.
The Official Business permit may only be used for temporary parking in designated spaces on UT
Health San Antonio campuses. Official Business permits are issued to a department, not an
individual. The permit authorizes the holder to park in spaces identified with an “Official Business”
sign, and a time limit not to exceed two hours. The Official Business permit must be displayed with
a valid UT Health parking zone permit, on the rearview mirror in such a way that it can be seen
through the front windshield of the vehicle. An Official Business permit may be obtained through
Parking Services by written request of a department head. There is a replacement fee of $10 for lost,
stolen, damaged, or destroyed permits. Official Business permits must be renewed at the beginning
of each fiscal year, on September 1, and will expire at the end of each fiscal year, on August 31.
Misuse/Abuse of Official Business parking privileges will result in the permit being revoked,
notification of the respective department head, and the violator receiving a citation.
3. Display of Permits: A permit must be displayed prominently hanging from the rearview mirror so that it
is completely visible. Nothing should obstruct the ability to read the permit, the numbers, or view the
renewal sticker.
4. Surrender or Removal of Permits:
Termination of Relationship with UTHSA: A permit holder shall return their permit to Parking
Services when the permit holder’s relationship with the University terminates. Permits not
returned to Parking Services remain active and the permit holder is responsible for the permit fee.
Permit holders are required to remove and surrender their permit:
In the case of a decal permit when there is a change in ownership of the vehicle.
When a replacement permit has been issued.
Upon revocation of the permit.
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Expiration of Permits: Permits expire on the date listed on the face of the permit. Payroll permits will
change to the newly issued sticker when issued, but not later than Aug 31 of the expiring year.
Payment of Permit Fees: When an application is made for a permit, the fee charged will be for the
entire permit period or for the entire unexpired portion of the permit period. Permits may be purchased
with the following payment methods:
Payroll deduction (for eligible employees only).
MasterCard, Visa or Discover at the Parking Service office.
Checks or Money orders made payable to The University of Texas Health Science Center at San
United States Currency.
Lost/Stolen Permits: Immediately report any lost/stolen permit to Parking Services. Lost/stolen
permits may be replaced for a fee of $10. Return any permit recovered after such a report to Parking
Services immediately. Use of a permit that has been reported as lost/stolen is subject to fines and
penalties as described in these regulations.
Permit Refunds: When a valid permit is returned, any refund due will be prorated based on the number
of full months of parking privileges remaining.
All refund requests must be accompanied by the permit, permit remnants showing the permit
number, or a lost/stolen permit report.
Refund requests will be honored only if the person's parking and driving privileges have not been
suspended, and there are no outstanding charges or other debts unpaid.
Permit Misuse: Misuse of any permit will result in confiscation of the permit, and that individual will
not be issued a permit for at least one year. Parking Services is authorized to suspend campus parking
and driving privileges on University property for any person whose vehicle is cited for displaying a lost,
stolen, or altered permit, or any UTHSA parking permit not issued in accordance with these
Students will be referred to the appropriate Dean. Faculty/Staff will have the matter forwarded to the
appropriate Dean, Director, or Department Head for potential administrative/disciplinary action.
Violators who are found in possession of a lost, stolen, or altered permit will also be required to pay
the annual cost of the permit type they fraudulently used.
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Parking Validation:
Departments can contact the Parking Services Office to be given online access to validate parking for
their visitors. Each department will be billed for every validation made online. Departments may
contact parking@uthscsa.edu
to obtain validation codes.
Permit Renewal:
All classes of permits must be renewed in person. Eligible persons who wish to enroll in the payroll
deduction plan must submit a current Payroll Deduction Authorization form, which is available at the
Parking Services Office. Changes in zone or special parking assignments must be made in person at the
Parking Services Office.
Replacement Charges:
Any time a replacement permit is issued there will be a $10.00 charge. Return entire permit or
remnants of old permits, at that time. Report the theft of a permit immediately to the Parking Services
Office. The stolen permit will be replaced the first time for a $10.00 fee, non-refundable. The second
or subsequent time, the full replacement price for the permit will be charged.
Permit Upgrades:
Parking permit upgrades will occur on a space available basis. Persons may apply to multiple waitlists.
The fee due will be based on the rate of the new permit, with the prorated amount due at the time of
the transaction. For payroll deduction participants the fee charged will be determined by the date of
the monthly payroll process. An exchange fee of $5.00 will be charged to change from one zone
category to another within a permit year.
Parking Permit Reciprocity:
UTHSA Parking Permits at UTSA
Zones I and II permits are valid for parking in UTSA Faculty/Staff A spaces.
Zones III and IV permits are valid for parking in UTSA Faculty/Staff B spaces.
Zone V permits are valid for parking in UTSA Commuter surface spaces.
Zone VI permits are valid for parking in UTSA Faculty/Staff B spaces.
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UTSA Parking Permits at UTHSA:
Executive permits are valid for parking in non-gated Zone II non-reserved spaces.
Garage Permits are valid for parking in Zone II non-gated, non-reserved spaces. There is no
reciprocity for Evening Garage Only Permits.
Reserved permits are valid for parking in Zone II non-gated, non-reserved spaces.
Faculty/Staff A permits are valid for parking in Zone III and IV spaces.
Faculty/Staff B permits are valid for parking in Zone III and IV spaces.
Commuter permits are valid for parking in Zone V spaces.
Flex Permits are valid for parking in Zone IV spaces.
Housing Permits “H” & “U” are valid for parking in Zone IV spaces.
When parking at the campus offering reciprocity, the permit holder agrees to abide by the parking rules and
regulations of the campus as if the permit holder had purchased a parking permit from that institution.
Parking in a UTSA Parking Garage requires a UTSA Garage permit. UTHSA faculty, staff, or students wishing
to park in one of the UTSA Parking Garages must pay the associated daily rates.
Parking and Traffic Citations:
Issuance: Any person violating these regulations may receive a citation.
Parking Services: University Parking personnel are authorized to issue parking University citations.
University Police Authority: University Police officers are authorized to issue University citations
and court appearance citations for violation of these regulations. It is the general policy of the
University to issue court appearance citations only for moving violations to personnel with no
affiliation to the University. University Police maintains the discretion to issue a court appearance
for any appropriate violation.
Public Safety Officers: University Public Safety Officers are authorized to issue University Parking
Failure to Discharge Court Appearance Citations: Failure to discharge a court appearance citation may
result in the issuance of an arrest warrant.
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University Citations: University citations are issued for offenses listed in Section VII: Driving and Parking
Offenses. Any person receiving a University citation must remit the amount of the charge or submit an
appeal to Parking Services within 10 days after issuance of the citation. Any towing, booting, and/or
storage fees for removal of an impounded or immobilized vehicle or bicycle must be paid regardless of
whether an appeal has been submitted.
Appeals from University Citations: Any person issued a University citation may appeal the citation to
Parking Services by completing a form or online appeal on the Parking Services website within ten (10)
calendar days after the citation is issued. Payment of the citation at any time prior to submitting the
first level appeal or issuance of the determination of the Appeals Officer results in forfeiture of the
responsible party’s right to appeal. Boot Administrative citations and towing or storage fees are not
eligible for appeal. The responsible party must file the appeal.
Method of Appeal: Students, faculty, and staff will file all appeals online or via hardcopy.
Third Party Appeals: Appeals submitted by UTHSA departments or personnel on behalf of their guests
or anyone using a departmental parking permit will not be accepted.
Initial Review of Appeal: When a citation is appealed it is considered by the Parking Services Director
or designated representative. The appellant may only request an in-person appearance by
appointment through submitting an appeal form. Appeals will be reviewed within 15 working days of
receipt of the appeal or in-person appearance. Appeal results may take longer during unusually busy
Appeal to the Parking and Traffic Safety Committee: If the appellant does not agree with the decision
of the Parking Director, they may appeal that decision to the University's Parking and Traffic Safety
Committee This appeal will be “on the record.” That is, the appellant will not have the opportunity to
appear in person. The appeal of the Appeals Officer’s decision must be submitted within 10 calendar
days after the date the Appeals Officer renders the decision. It must be accompanied by payment of
the fine. If payment is not included, the appeal will not be reviewed. The amount of the citation will be
refunded if the committee finds in favor of the appellant.
The Parking and Traffic Safety Committee will make reasonable efforts to review the written appeal
within 60 days after the appeal has been submitted.
The appeal to the Parking and Traffic Safety Committee may be on a new appeal form provided by the
Parking Services Office, or it may be a typed statement. Regardless of form, it must contain the
Citation number(s)
License number of vehicle(s)
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Date notified of the original decision from Parking Services
Typed name, address, email address (If available) and signature of person requesting the review
The decision of the Parking and Traffic Safety Committee is final.
Failure to Pay Citation Charges: Failure to pay or appeal the citation within 10 calendar days of citation
issuance or decision of Appeals Officer will result in each citation accruing late fees at the scheduled
rate. Unpaid citations can result in student financial holds preventing students from receiving grades,
refunds, official transcripts, or graduating. Ten (10) or more violations within one calendar year may
result in suspension of driving and parking privileges on campus and/or disciplinary action.
Late Fees:
After 10 days: $20.00
After 30 days: $30.00
After 60 Days: $40.00
After 90 Days: $50.00
After 120 days: $75.00
Vehicle Immobilization or Impoundment: Parking Services or University police may immobilize (boot)
or impound (tow/relocate to a storage area) the vehicle of any person who accumulates five (5) or
more unpaid parking or traffic citations and/or charges of $200 or more, has any outstanding citation
over 120 days past due, or who is in possession of a lost, stolen, or altered parking permit.
Immobilization or impoundment of any vehicle for violation of the Parking and Traffic Rules must
be authorized by the Chief of Police before any action is taken.
All outstanding citations must be paid in full prior to the release of the vehicle. Vehicles may also be
booted for other violations of these regulations or state law at the discretion of University Police. The
University is not responsible for any damage to the vehicle during booting, towing, relocation, or
storage. After notice has been posted on the vehicle, vehicles booted for longer than 48 hours may be
impounded. The owner and operator are severally responsible for any booting, towing, or storage fees.
Suspension of Privileges: The Parking and Traffic Safety Committee, through a suspension
subcommittee, may prohibit a person from operating or parking a vehicle on campus if that person has
received five (5) or more violations or has the following violations:
(a) Forging or altering a permit.
(b) Uses a forged or altered permit.
(c) Transfers or uses a permit not purchased by the individual.
(d) Failing to destroy a permit when required to do so by these regulations with the intention of
providing any person with parking privileges he/she is not entitled to under these regulations.
(e) Providing false information to obtain a parking permit.
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(f) Parks or drives a vehicle using a permit which the individual did not purchase.
Persons suspended by the suspension subcommittee will lose the privilege of driving or parking on the
University campus for up to one year. The subcommittee can also impose certain limited provisions,
such as probation.
If a person whose campus driving and parking privilege has been suspended receives a University
citation by reason of having a vehicle on campus during the period of their suspension, the period of
suspension may be extended and a referral to the appropriate University office may be made for further
University disciplinary action.
A person receiving notice that their privilege of driving or parking a vehicle on campus has been
suspended may appeal the suspension to the full Parking and Traffic Safety Committee. It must be filed
within (10) calendar days. The grounds for the appeal may be that the imposition of such suspension is
improper or will create a serious and substantial hardship. No appeal shall be considered if there are
any unpaid citations at the time the appeal is filed, unless special arrangements are made with the
Parking Services Office.
Once notified that their campus parking and driving privileges are suspended, personnel will return
their issued permit to the Parking Services Office within fourteen (14) days after date of such notice.
There will be no refund of permit fees.
Collections: Any charge not paid when due may be forwarded to an outside collection agency for
collection. The offender will be responsible for paying all costs of collection, including any agency fees
and/or reasonable attorney’s fees, which will be added to the total amount due.
No Excuse: The absence of sufficient parking spaces on the University campus is not justification for
violation of these regulations. Failure to enforce any regulation shall not constitute a waiver of the
University’s authority to enforce these regulations. Other improperly parked vehicles do not constitute
an excuse for improper parking.
Permit holders are responsible for all fees and fines issued to a vehicle displaying a parking permit issued to
the permit holder or a vehicle registered to the permit holder or a member of the permit holder’s family.
Use of the parking permit evidences that the permit holder agrees to abide by these regulations.
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Violation Code
Violation Title
Enforcement fee
Parking Without a Permit
Obtaining a parking permit by false pretense or by
fraudulent means
Displaying a fraudulent or fictitious parking permit or decal
Displaying a parking permit or decal which has been
canceled or revoked
Displaying a parking permit that has been reported lost or
Altering a Parking Permit
Operating or Parking vehicle on campus while suspended
Removing an immobilization device from an immobilized
Parked in Disabled space without proper permit
Displaying a permit issued to an individual no longer
associated with the University
Administrative fee for the unauthorized removal of an
immobilization device from an immobilized vehicle
Administrative fee for the installation of an immobilization
Parked in a reserved space without a reserved parking
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Moving Violations
Violation Code
Violation Title
Enforcement fee
3001 A Exceeding posted speed limit by less than 15 mph
violation $75.00
violation $100.00
violation $110.00
+ $125.00
3001 B Exceeding posted speed limit by more than 15 mph
violation $100.00
+ $150.00
Failure to Stop or disregard stop sign
violation $40.00
violation $65.00
violation $80.00
+ $95.00
Operate a vehicle the wrong way on a one-way street
Operating a vehicle on a sidewalk, over curbs or on grounds not
designated for vehicle traffic
Failure to yield right-of-way to a vehicle
Failure to yield right-of-way to a pedestrian in a crosswalk
Leaving the scene of an accident
Moving a barricade, driving around a barricade or parking within a
barricaded area
Failure to obey a lawful order or direction of a University Police
Officer, Guard or Traffic Controller
Jaywalking - Pedestrian crossing a street at other than an
intersection or crosswalk
Littering, throwing or depositing trash, litter or other waste on
roadways, parking areas or sidewalks
3012 Improper backing, causing an accident
Improper start from parked position
Illegal turn
Defective muffler (loud noise)
Altering a buyer’s plate (Moving Vehicle)
3017 Displaying expired License Plates (Moving Vehicle)
Driving an Unsafe Vehicle on Campus. (expired state inspection
3019 Riding a bicycle on a sidewalk or walkway.
Displaying an outdated traffic citation or one issued to another
3021 Other moving violations of the Texas Motor Vehicle Laws
Operate a Motor Vehicle while using a Handheld Mobile
Communication device
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Parking Violations
Violation Code
Violation Title
Enforcement fee
Expired Parking Permit
violation $20.00
violation $30.00
violation $50.00
+ $75.00
Parking in an area or space not authorized by permit or decal
Parking in loading or other restricted zones without authorization or
in excess of time limit
Parking Permit improperly displayed or affixed.
4005 Parked in an area or along a curb not designated for parking
4006 Parked where prohibited by signs or markings
Failure to park within the lines of a designated parking space
Parked blocking a sidewalk entrance, walkway, crosswalk or parking
space drive
Parked blocking a fire hydrant
4010 Parked in a carpool space without a carpool permit
4011 Parked wrong way on a one-way street or traffic lane
Parking with passenger side wheels more than 18" from the curb.
Blocking traffic lane
Blocking Traffic lane
Parking a bicycle in violation of the parking regulations (specify)
Parking a vehicle of any type including a bicycle within a University
building (State vehicles exempt)
Roller-skating or skateboarding on campus
Violation of carpool rules and regulations (specify)
Parking meter expired. Meter No
Other parking violations of the UTHSA Parking and Traffic
Regulations indicated on the citation
Other parking violations of the Texas Motor Vehicle Laws
Parking in EV parking space while not charging vehicle
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Parking Permit Fee Schedule
Zone Monthly 2022-2023 Annually 2022-2023
Zone 1 res
Zone 1 non-res
Zone 2 res
Zone 2 non-res
Zone 3 non-res
Zone 4 non-res
Zone 5 non-res
Official Business
Disabled NR
Visitor Parking Rate
30 minutes or less
31 minutes to 1 hour
1 hour to 2 hours
2 hours to 3 hours
3 hours to 4 hours
4 hours to 5 hours
5 hours +
Lost Tickets