Publius Vergilius Maro Professor of Entomology
Director, Center for Pollinator Research, Director, Insect Biodiversity Center
Associate Director of Research, Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
Member, Center for Chemical Ecology; Center for Brain, Behavior and
Cognition; Center for Infection Disease Dynamics
Member, Intercollege Graduate Program in Ecology
Huck Institutes for Life Sciences
Pennsylvania State University
Millennium Science Complex W209
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: 814-865-2214
Center for Pollinator Research webpage:
Professional History………………………………………….2
Awards and Honors…………………………………………..3
Grants and Funding……………………………..…………...17
Scientific Presentations……………………………..……….26
Graduate and Undergraduate Courses Taught………………35
Mentoring Activities…………………………….…………..37
B.Sc. McGill University, Dept. of Chemistry, Dept of Biology, 1997
M.A. Harvard University, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, 1999
Ph.D. Harvard University, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, 2001
2020-present Publius Vergilius Maro Professor of Entomology
Director, Insect Biodiversity Center
Associate Director of Research, Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and
Environmental Science
2015-2020 Distinguished Professor of Entomology
Huck Institutes for Life Sciences, Pennsylvania State University
2013-2015 Professor, Department of Entomology
Huck Institutes for Life Sciences, Pennsylvania State University
2009-present Director, Center for Pollinator Research
The Center consists of 34 faculty members from across the University. Responsibilities include
Collaborating with the College of Agricultural Sciences’ Development Office to raise funds
for Center activities
Annually coordinating distribution of an endowed undergraduate scholarship, undergraduate
research fellowships, an endowed graduate fellowship, and seed research funds
Promoting the activities of the Center and Center members by developing content for Center
website (which receives >60,000 views/year)
Fostering collaborations among Center members and the international community by
organizing Center seminars, conferences and symposia - since 2010, Grozinger has
organized 3 conferences and 3 workshops/short courses/symposia (with >800 participants
from over 15 countries)
Coordinating and facilitating Center-associated outreach activities, which reach >5,000
individuals in Centre Country annually
2008-2013 Associate Professor, Department of Entomology
Huck Institutes for Life Sciences, Pennsylvania State University
2004-2008 Assistant Professor, Insect Genomics
Departments of Entomology and Genetics
Genomic Sciences and Biotechnology Programs
W.M. Keck Center for Behavioral Biology
North Carolina State University
2001-2004 Fellow, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
Neuroscience Program and Department of Entomology
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Mentor: Gene Robinson
2021 National Academy of Sciences Prize in Food and Agriculture Science
Senior Fellowship in the Freiburg Research Collaboration Program (FRESCO) at the
Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (2021-2025)
2020 Scholar-in-Residence, Sustainability Institute, Penn State
2019 Eastern Branch Entomological Society of America's L.O. Howard Award
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Keynote speaker, International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy.
University of California, Davis, July 2019
2018 Fellow of the Entomological Society of America
Keynote speaker, Biology and Genomics of Social Insects, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Evolutionary Think Tank Fellow, University of Muenster, Germany
Penn State Outstanding Postdoc Mentor Award
2017 Penn State University Division of Development and Alumni Relations Outstanding Support
Patton Lecture in Insect Physiology. Cornell University. Department of Entomology.
2016 Alex and Jessie C. Black Award for Excellence in Research in the College of Agricultural
Sciences, Penn State
Plenary Speaker, The 7th European Congress of Apidology, CLUJ-NAPOCA, Romania
2013 James I. Hambleton Award, Eastern Apicultural Society of North America
2012 Distinguished Alumni Speaker. Department of Entomology, University of Illinois, Urbana-
2011 Keynote Speaker. International Society for Chemical Ecology Annual Meeting. Burnaby,
BC, Canada
Honorary Member, Golden Key International Honor Society
2010 Plenary Speaker. 16
Congress of the International Society for the Study of Social Insects.
Copenhagen, DK
2009 Harbaugh Faculty Scholars Program Award for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
2008 NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award
2005 NCSU Faculty Research and Professional Development Award
2001-2004 Beckman Institute Fellowship
2001 Thomas T. Hoopes Prize in Teaching
1998, 2000 Harvard University Certificate of Distinction in Teaching
1997-2000 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship
1997 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Counsel of Canada (NSERC)
Postgraduate Scholarship (declined)
Fonds pour la formation de chercheurs et l'aide a la recherche (Fonds FCAR) (declined)
First-Class Honours in Bio-organic Chemistry
Major in Biology with Great Distinction
Certificate of Proficiency in German
Anne Molson Prize in Chemistry
1996 Logan Scholarship in Biology
1995 Frederic J. Lemaistre Award in Chemistry
1993-1997 Canada Scholarship
Hugh Brock McGill University Entrance Scholarship
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Scholarship
Dean's Honour List
1993 Science Horizons Scholarship
Boehringer Ingelheim Scientific Scholars Scholarship
Schlumberger-Doll Science Award
National Science Foundation Biology Olympics Award
Sobel Microscopes Award
Peer-reviewed Publications (133 total, 46 from 2017-2021; Google Scholar Citation Index in May 2021
was 13938 citations, h-index of 47, and i10 index of 110.)
Mathis, C.L., McNeil, D.J., Lee, M.R., Grozinger, C.M., King, D.I., Otto, C.R.V., and J. L. Larkin.
“Pollinator communities vary with vegetation structure and time since management within regenerating
timber harvests of the Central Appalachian Mountains” Forest Ecology and Management (in press).
Crone, M.K. and C.M. Grozinger. “Pollen protein and lipid content influence resilience to
insecticides in honey bees (Apis mellifera)”. Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (9): jeb242040 (2021).
Calovi, M., Grozinger. C., Miller, D., Goslee, S. “Summer weather conditions influence winter survival of
honey bees (Apis mellifera) in the northeastern United States” Scientific Reports 11: 1553 (2021)
Alzaabi, O., Al-Khaldi, M.M., Ayotte, K., Pealoza, D., Urbina, J., Breakall, J.K., Lanagan, M., Patch, H.M.,
and C. M. Grozinger. “Numerical Modeling and Measurement of Apis Mellifera Radar Scattering
PropertiesGeoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2020.3048654
Jordan, A., Patch, H.M., Grozinger, C.M., and V. Khanna. “Economic Dependence and Vulnerability of
United States Agricultural Sector on Insect-Mediated Pollination Service” Environmental Science and
Technology 55(4): 2243-2253 (2021).
Kammerer, M., Goslee, S., Douglas, M.R., Tooker, J.F., Grozinger, C.M.Wild bees as winners and losers:
relative impacts of landscape composition, quality, and climate.” Global Change Biology January 12 (2021)
Galbraith, D.A., Ma, R. and C.M. Grozinger.Tissue specific transcription patterns support the kinship
theory of intragenomic conflict in honey bees (Apis mellifera)” Molecular Ecology 30 (4), 1029-1041 (2021).
McNeil, D.J., McCormick, E., Heimann, A., Kammerer, M., Douglas, M., Goslee, S.C., Grozinger, C.M.,
and H. M. Hines. “Bumble Bees in Landscapes with Abundant Floral Resources Have Lower Pathogen
Loads”. Scientific Reports 10(1), 1-12 (2020)
Feliciano-Cardona, S., Döke, M.A., Aleman-Rios, J., Agosto-Rivera, J.L., Grozinger C.M., and T. Giray.
Honey bees in the tropics show winter bee-like longevity in response to seasonal dearth and brood
reductionFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:336 (2020).
McNeil, D.J., and Grozinger. C.M. “Singing in the Suburbs: Point Count Surveys Efficiently Reveal Habitat
Associations for Nocturnal Orthoptera Across an Urban-to-Rural Gradient”. Journal of Insect Conservation
24(6), 1031-1043 (2020).
Wu, X., Galbraith, D.A., Jeong, H, Chatterjee, P., C.M Grozinger, and S.V. Yi. “Lineage and parent-of-
origin effects in DNA methylation of honey bees (Apis mellifera) revealed by reciprocal crosses and whole-
genome bisulfite sequencing”. Genome Biology and Evolution,
evaa133, (2020)
Jasper, W.C., Brutscher, L.M., C.M. Grozinger and E.L. Nino. “Injection of seminal fluid into the hemocoel
of honey bee queens (Apis mellifera) can stimulate post-mating changes”. Scientific Reports 10, 11990. (2020)
Kammerer, M., Tooker, J.F. and C.M. Grozinger. “A long-term dataset on wild bee abundance in Mid-
Atlantic United StatesScientific Data 7, 240. (2020)
Vaudo, A.D., Tooker, J.F., Patch, H.M., Biddinger, D.J., Coccia, M., Crone, M.K., Fiely, M., Francis, J.S.,
Hines, H.M., Hodges, M., Jackson, S.W., Michez, D., Mu. J., Russo, L., Safari, M., Treanore, E.D.,
Vanderplanck, M., Yip, E., Leonard, A.S., C.M. Grozinger. “Pollen protein:lipid macronutrient ratios may
guide broad patterns of bee species floral preferences” Insects 11(2): 132 (2020).
Ray, A.M., Lopez, D.L., Martinez, J.F., Galbraith, D.A., Rose, R., vanEngelsdorp, D., Rosa, C., Evans, J.D.,
and C.M. Grozinger. “Distribution of recently identified bee-infecting viruses in managed honey bee (Apis
mellifera) populations in the United StatesApidologie DOI: 10.1007/s13592-020-00757-2 (2020).
Sponsler, D.B., Shump, D., Richardson, R., Grozinger, C.M. “Characterizing the floral resources of a North
American metropolis using a honey bee foraging assay” Ecosphere 11(4): e03102 DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3102
Sponsler, D.B., Grozinger, C.M., Richardson, R., Nurse, A., Brough, D., Patch, H.M., and K. A. Stoner. " A
screening-level assessment of the pollinator-attractiveness of ornamental nursery stock using a honey bee
foraging assay" Scientific Reports 10(1), 1-9. (2020)
Grozinger C.M. and A. Zayed. “Genomics for understanding and improving pollinator health in a world of
multiple stressorsNature Reviews Genetics 21: 277291DOI: 10.1038/s41576-020-0216-1 (2020).
Douglas, M.R., Sponsler, D.B., Lonsdorf, E.V. and C.M. Grozinger. “County-level analysis reveals a
rapidly shifting landscape of insecticide hazard to honey bees (Apis mellifera) on US farmland” Scientific
Reports 10(1), 1-11. (2020)
Russo, L., Keller, J., Vaudo, A., Grozinger, C.M., K. Shea. “Warming increases pollen lipid concentration
in an invasive thistle, with minor effects on the associated floral-visitor community” Insects 11(1) 20 (2020)
Erickson, E., Adam. S., Russo, L., Wojcik, V., Patch, H.M., and C.M. Grozinger. “More than meets the eye:
The role of ornamental plants in supporting pollinators” Environmental Entomology 49(1) 178-188 (2020).
Villar, G., Hefetz, A., and C.M. Grozinger. "Evaluating the Effect of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Queen
Reproductive State on Pheromone-mediated Interactions with Male Drone Bees" Journal of Chemical
Ecology 45(7): 588-597 (2019).
Treanore, E., Vaudo, A.D., Grozinger, C.M., and S.J. Fleischer. "Examining the nutritional value and
effects of different floral resources in pumpkin agroecosystems on Bombus impatiens worker physiology"
Apidologie 50(4), 542-552 (2019).
Ma, R., Rangel, J., and C.M. Grozinger. “Honey bee (Apis mellifera) larval pheromones may regulate gene
expression related to foraging task specialization” BMC Genomics 20(1): 592 (2019)
Russo, L, Vaudo, A.D., Fisher, C.J., Grozinger, C.M., and K. Shea. “Bee community preference for an
invasive thistle associated with higher pollen protein content” Oecologia 190(4): 901-912 (2019)
Annoscia, D., Brown, S.P., Di Prisco, G., De Paoli, E., Del Fabbro, S.D., Frizzera, D., Zanni., V., Galbraith,
D.A., Caprio, E., Grozinger, C.M., Pennachio, F. and F. Nazzi., "Haemolymph removal by Varroa mite
destabilizes the dynamical interaction between immune effectors and virus in bees, as predicted by Volterra’s
model" Proc Roy Soc Bio 286 (1901), 20190331 (2019).
Sponsler, D.B., Grozinger, C.M., Hitaj, C., Rundlöf, M., Botías, C, Code, A., Lonsdorf, E.V.,
Melathopoulos, A.P., Smith, D.J., Suryanarayanan, S., Thogmartin, W.E., Williams, N.M., Zhang, M., and
M. R. Douglas. Pesticides and pollinators: a socioecological synthesis. Science of the Total Environment 662:
1012-1027 (2019).
Grozinger C.M. and Flenniken, M.L.. “Bee Viruses: Ecology, Pathogenicity, and Impacts”. Annual Review
of Entomology 64: 205-226 (2019).
Doke, M.A., McGrady, C.M., Otieno, M., Grozinger, C.M., and M. Frazier. "Colony size, rather than
geographic origin of stocks, predicts overwintering success in honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the
northeastern United States" Journal of Economic Entomology 112(2): 525-533 (2019). (2019 Journal of
Economic Entomology Editor's Choice Award)
Amsalem, E. and C.M. Grozinger. “The importance of holistically evaluating data: a comment on Holman”.
Behavioral Ecology 29(6), 12101215 (2018).
Galbraith, D. A., Z. L. Fuller, A. Brockman, M. Frazier, M. W. Gikungu, K. M. Kapheim, J. T. Kerby, S. D.
Kocher, O. Losyev, E. Muli, H. M. Patch, J. M. Sakamoto, S. Stanley, A. D. Vaudo and C. M. Grozinger.
"Investigating the viral ecology of global bee communities with high-throughput metagenomics " Scientific
Reports 8 (1): 8879 (2018).
Vaudo, A.D., Farrell, L.M., Patch, H.M., Grozinger, C.M. and J.F. Tooker. “Consistent pollen nutritional
intake drives bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) colony growth and reproduction across different habitats”
Ecology and Evolution 8 (11), 5765-5776 (2018).
Holt, H.L., Villar, G. and C.M. Grozinger. "Molecular, physiological and behavioral responses of honey bee
(Apis mellifera) drones to infection with microsporidian parasites" Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
14-24 (2018).
Ma, R., Villar, G., Grozinger, C.M., and J. Rangel. “Larval pheromones act as colony-wide regulators of
collective foraging behavior in honey bees” Behavioral Ecology 29(5): 11321141(2018).
Mu, J., Wu, Q., Yang, Y., Huang, M. and C. M. Grozinger. Plant reproductive strategies vary under low
and high pollinator densitiesOikos 127: 1081-1094, 10.1111/oik.04711 (2018).
Villar, G., Wolfson, M.D., Hefetz, A.H. and C.M. Grozinger. “Evaluating the role of drone-produced
chemical signals in mediating social interactions in honey bees (Apis mellifera)” J Chemical Ecology 44(1):
1-8 (2018).
Levin, S., Galbraith, D., Sela, N., Erez, T., Grozinger, C.M., and N. Chejanovsky. “Presence of Apis
rhabdovirus-1 in populations of pollinators and their parasites from two continents” Frontiers in
Microbiology 8:2482 (2017)
Rivera Vega, L., Galbraith, D.A., C.M. Grozinger and G. W. Felton. "Host plant driven transcriptome
plasticity in the salivary glands of the cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni)" PLoS ONE 12(1): e018636 (2017).
Amsalem, E. and C. M. Grozinger. “Evaluating the molecular, physiological and behavioral impacts of CO
narcosis in bumble bees (Bombus impatiens)”. Journal of Insect Physiology 101:57-65 (2017).
Annoscia, D., Zanni., V., Galbraith, D., Quirici, A., Grozinger, C., Bortolomeazzi, R., Nazzi, F.
Elucidating the mechanisms underlying the beneficial health effects of dietary pollen on honey bees (Apis
mellifera) infested by Varroa mite ectoparasites.” Scientific Reports 7: 6258(2017).
Amsalem, E.*, Padilla, M.*, Schreiber, P.M.
, Altman, N., Hefetz, A., and C.M. Grozinger. "Do bumble
bee (Bombus impatiens) queens signal their reproductive and mating status to their workers?" Journal of
Chemical Ecology
43(6): 563-572 (2017), * indicates equal contribution,
denotes undergraduate researcher
Zanni., V., Galbraith, D., Annoscia, D., Grozinger, C.M., Nazzi, F.Transcriptional signatures of
parasitization and markers of colony decline in Varroa-infested honey bees (Apis mellifera).Insect
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 87: 1-13. (2017)
McMenamin, A.*, Mumoki, F.*, Frazier, M., Kilonso, J., Mweu, B., Baumgarten, T., Patch, H., Torto, B.,
Masiga, D., Tumlinson, J., Grozinger, C.M., and E. Muli. "The impact of hive type on the behavior and
health of honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera scutellata) in Kenya" Apidologie 48(5): 703-715(2017).
Geffre, A.C., Liu, R., Manfredini, F., Beani, L., Kathirithamby, J., Grozinger, C.M., and A. L. Toth.
Transcriptomics of an extended phenotype: parasite manipulation of wasp social behaviour shifts expression
of caste-related genes. Proc Roy Soc B 284(1852):20170029 (2017).
Villar, G. and C. M. Grozinger. "Primer Effects of the Honey Bee Queen Pheromone 9-ODA on Drones
(Apis mellifera)" Animal Behavior 127: 271-279 (2017).
Doublet, V.*, Poeschl, Y.*, Gogol-Döring, A., Alaux, C., Annoscia, D., Aurori, C., Barribeau, S.M.,
Bedoya-Reina, O., Brown, M.J.F., Bull, J.C., Flenniken, M.L., Galbraith, D.A.,
Genersch, E., Gisder, S.,
Grosse, I., Holt, H.L., Hultmark, D., Lattorff, H.M.G., Le Conte, Y., Manfredini, F., McMahon, D.P.,
Moritz, R.F.A., Nazzi, F., Niño, E.L., Nowak, K., van Rij, R.P., Paxton, R.J.*, and C. M. Grozinger*.
"Unity in defence: honeybee workers exhibit conserved molecular responses to diverse pathogens" BMC
Genomics 18(1): 207 (2017). *indicates co-first authors and co-senior authors.
Vaudo, A.D., Stabler D., Patch, H.M., Tooker, J.F., Grozinger, C.M.,
Wright, G.A. "Bumble bees regulate
their intake of the essential protein and lipid pollen macronutrients" Journal of Experimental Biology 219:
3962-3970 (2016).
Padilla, M.*, Amsalem, E.*, Altman, N., Hefetz, A., and C.M. Grozinger. "Chemical communication is not
sufficient to explain reproductive inhibition in the bumble bee Bombus impatiens" Royal Society Open
Science 3(10): 160576 (2016). * indicates equal contribution.
Li, W., Evans, J.D., Huang, Q., Rodriguez-Garcia, C., Liu, J., Hamilton, M., Grozinger, C.M., Webster,
T.C., Su, S., and Y-P Chen. "Silencing honey bee (Apis mellifera) naked cuticle (nkd) improves host
immune function and reduces Nosema ceranae infections" Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82(22):
6779-6787 (2016).
Galbraith, D.A., Yi, S.V., and C.M. Grozinger. "Evaluation of possible proximate mechanisms underlying
the kinship theory of intragenomic conflict in social insects" Integrative and Comparative Biology 56 (6):
1206-1214 (2016).
Vaudo, A.D., Patch, H.M., Mortensen, D.A., Tooker, J.F., and C.M. Grozinger. "Macronutrient ratios in
pollen shape bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) foraging strategies and floral preferences." Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences 113(28): E4035E4042 (2016).
Galbraith, D.A., Kocher, S.D., Glenn, T., Albert, I., Hunt, G.J., Strassmann, J.E., Queller, D.C., and C.M.
Grozinger. "Testing the kinship theory of intragenomic conflict in honey bees (Apis mellifera)."
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(4):1020-1025 (2016).
Holt, H.L, and C.M. Grozinger. "Towards an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for Nosema
(Microsporidia: Nosematidae) parasites in honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies" Journal of Economic
Entomology 109(4): 1487-1503 (2016).
Manfredini, F., Shoemaker, D., and C.M. Grozinger. "Dynamic changes in host-virus interactions
associated with colony founding and social environment in fire ant queens (Solenopsis invicta)" Ecology and
Evolution 6(1): 233-244 (2016).
Amsalem, E., Galbraith, D., Cnaani, J., Teal, P. and C.M. Grozinger. "Conservation and modification of
genetic and physiological toolkits underpinning diapause in bumble bee queens" Molecular Ecology 24(22):
5596-5615 (2015).
Rittschof, C.C., Coombs, C.B., Frazier, M., Grozinger, C.M., and G.E. Robinson. "Early-life experience
affects honey bee aggression and resilience to immune challenge" Scientific Reports 5: 15572 (2015).
Amsalem, E., Orlova, M., and C.M. Grozinger. "A conserved class of queen pheromones? Re-evaluating
the evidence in bumble bees (Bombus impatiens)" Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20151800
Rittschof, C.C., Grozinger, C.M., and G.E. Robinson. "The energetic basis of behavior: bridging behavioral
ecology and neuroscience" Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 6, 19-27 (2015).
Galbraith, G.A., Wang, Y., Page, R.E., Amdam, G. and C. M. Grozinger. "Reproductive physiology
mediates honey bee (Apis mellifera) worker responses to social cues" Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
69 (9): 1511-1518 (2015).
Fuller, Z.L., Nino, E.L., Patch, H.M., Bedoya-Reina, O., Baumgarten, T., Muli, E., Mumoki, F., Ratan, A.,
McGraw, J., Maryann Frazier, Masiga, D., Schuster, S. Grozinger, C.M. and W. Miller. "Genome-wide
analysis of signatures of selection in populations of African honey bees (Apis mellifera) using new web-
based tools". BMC Genomics 16(1), 518 (2015).
S.D.*, Tsuruda, J.M.*, Gibson, J,D., Emore, C., Arechavaleta-Velasco, M.E., Queller, D.C.,
Strassmann, J.E., Grozinger, C.M., Gribskov, M.R., San Miguel, P., Westerman R. and G.J. Hunt. "A search
for parent-of-origin effects on honey bee gene expression". Genes, Genomes, Genetics 5(8) 1657-1662
Richards, J., Carr-Markell, M., Hefetz, A., Grozinger, C.M. and H. R. Mattila. "Queen-produced volatiles
change dynamically during reproductive swarming and are associated with changes in honey bee (Apis
mellifera) worker behavior". Apidologie 46(6): 679690 (2015).
Grozinger, C.M. and J.D Evans. "From the lab to the landscape: translational approaches to pollinator
health". Current Opinion in Insect Science 10: vii-ix (2015).
Vaudo, A. D, Tooker, J.F., Grozinger, C.M. and H.M. Patch. "Bee nutrition and floral resource
restoration." Current Opinion in Insect Science 10:133-141 (2015).
Doke, M.A., Frazier, M. and C.M. Grozinger. "Overwintering Honey Bees: Biology and Management"
Current Opinion in Insect Science 10: 185-193 (2015).
Grozinger, C.M. and G. E. Robinson. "The power and promise of applying genomics to honey bee health".
Current Opinion in Insect Science 10: 124-132 (2015).
Villar, G., Baker T.C., Patch, H.M., and C.M. Grozinger. "Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying sex-
and maturation-related variation in pheromone responses in honey bees (Apis mellifera)" Journal of
Comparative Physiology A 201: 731-739 (2015).
Amsalem, E., Grozinger, C.M., Padilla, M., and A. Hefetz. "Bumble bee sociobiology: The physiological
and genomic bases of bumble bee social behavior" Advances in Insect Physiology: Genomics, Physiology
and Behavior of Social Insects. Editors A. Zayed and C. Kent. Vol 48. p37-94 (2015)
Galbraith, G.A.*, Yang. X.*, Nino, E.L., Yi, S., and C. M. Grozinger. "Parallel epigenetic and
transcriptomic responses to viral infection in honey bees (Apis mellifera)". PLoS Pathogens 11(3):e1004713
Cappa, F., Beani, L., Cervo, R., Grozinger, C. and F. Manfredini. "Testing male immunocompetence in two
hymenopterans with different levels of social organization: live hard, die young?" Biological Journal of the
Linnean Society 114(2): 274-278 (2015).
Schmehl, D. R., Teal, P.E.A., Frazier, J.F. and C. M. Grozinger. "Genomic analysis of the interaction
between pesticide exposure and nutrition in honey bees (Apis mellifera)". Journal of Insect Physiology 71:
177-190 (2014).
LeBoeuf, A. and C. M. Grozinger. "Me and we: the interplay between individual and group behavioral
variation in social collectives." Current Opinion in Insect Science 5: 16-24 (2014).
Amsalem, E., Teal, P., Grozinger, C.M., and A. Hefetz. "Precocene-I inhibits juvenile hormone
biosynthesis, ovarian activation, aggression and alters sterility signal production in bumble bee (Bombus
terrestris) workers" Journal of Experimental Biology 217(17): 3178-3185 (2014).
Vaudo, A.D., Patch, H.M., Mortensen, D.A., Grozinger, C. M., and J. F. Tooker. "Bumble bees exhibit
daily behavioral patterns in pollen foraging". Arthropod-Plant Interactions 8(4): 273-283 (2014).
Muli*, E., Patch*, H.M., Frazier*, M., Frazier, J., Torto, B., Baumgarten, T., Kilonzo, J., Kilmani, J., Mumoki,
F., Masiga, D., Tumlinson, J., and C.M. Grozinger. "Evaluation of distribution and impacts of parasites,
pathogens, and pesticides on honey bee (Apis mellifera) populations in East Africa" PLoS ONE 9(4): e94459
Amsalem, E., Malka, O., Grozinger, C.M., and A. Hefetz. "Exploring the role of juvenile hormone and
vitellogenin in reproduction and social behavior in bumble bees" BMC Evolutionary Biology 14:45 (2014).
Malka, O., Niño, E.L., Grozinger, C.M., and A. Hefetz. “Genomic analysis of the interactions between
social environment and social communication systems in honey bees (Apis mellifera)” Insect Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology 47: 36-45 (2014).
Toth, A.L., Tooker, J.F., Radhakrishnan, S., Minard, R., Henshaw, M.T., and C.M. Grozinger. “Shared
genes related to aggression, rather than chemical communication, are associated with reproductive
dominance in paper wasps (Polistes metricus)” BMC Genomics 15(1): 75 (2014).
Manfredini, F., Lucas, C., Nicolas, M., Keller, L., Shoemaker, D., and C.M. Grozinger. "Molecular and
social regulation of worker division of labor in fire ants". Molecular Ecology 23(3): 660-672 (2014).
Cabrera, A.R., Shirk, P.D., Grozinger. C.M., Evans, J.D., and P. A. Teal. "Examining the role of foraging
and malvolio in host-finding behavior in the honey bee parasite, Varroa destructor (Anderson & Trueman)".
Archives of Insect Physiology and Biochemistry 85(2): 61-75 (2014).
Grozinger, C.M., Richards, J., and H. R. Mattila. "From molecules to societies: the mechanisms regulating
swarming behavior in honey bees (Apis spp)" Apidologie 45:237-346 (2014).
Holt, H.L., Aronstein, K. and C.M. Grozinger. “Chronic parasitization by the microsporidian Nosema
causes global expression changes in core nutritional, metabolic, and behavioral pathways in honey bee
workers (Apis mellifera)” BMC Genomics 14: 799 (2013).
Niño, E.L., Malka, O., Hefetz, A. Tarpy, D.R., and C.M. Grozinger. Chemical profiles of two pheromone
glands are differentially regulated by distinct mating factors in honey bee queens (Apis mellifera L.)" PLoS
ONE 8(11): e78637 (2013).
Manfredini, F., Riba-Grognuz, O., Wurm, Y., Keller, L., Shoemaker, D.D., and C.M. Grozinger.
"Sociogenomics of cooperation and conflict during colony founding in the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta" PLoS
Genetics 9(8): e1003633 (2013).
Carbera, A.R., Shirk, P.D., Duehl, A.J., Donohue, K.V., Grozinger, C.M., Evans, J.D., and P.E.A. Teal.
“Genomic organization and reproductive regulation of a large lipid transfer protein in the varroa mite, Varroa
destructor (Anderson & Trueman)” Insect Molecular Biology 22(5): 505-522 (2013).
Weiner, S.A., Galbraith, D.A., Adams, D.C., Valenzuela, N., Noll, F.B., Grozinger, C.M. and A. L. Toth.
"A survey of DNA methylation across social insect species, life stages, and castes reveals abundant and
caste-associated methylation in a primitively social wasp" Naturwissenschaften 100(8): 795-799 (2013).
Niño, E.L., Tarpy, D.R., and C.M. Grozinger. “Differential effects of insemination volume and substance on
reproductive changes in honey bee queens (Apis mellifera L.)” Insect Molecular Biology 22(3): 233-244
Manfredini, F., Beani, L., and C.M. Grozinger. “Examining the ‘Evolution of increased competitive ability’
hypothesis in response to parasites and pathogens in the invasive paper wasps Polistes dominulus
Naturwissenschaften 100(3):219-28 (2013).
Nunes, F.M.F., Silva, A., Barchuk, A.R., Bomtorin, A.D., Grozinger, C.M. and Z.L.P. Simoes. “Non-target
effects of double-stranded RNA constructs used in honey bee RNAi assays” Insects 4(1): 90-103 (2013).
Peso, M., Niño, E.L., Grozinger, C.M. and A. B. Barron. “Effect of honey bee queen mating condition on
worker ovary activation” Insectes Sociaux 60(2): 123-133 (2013).
Richard, F.J., Holt, H.L., and C.M. Grozinger. Effects of immunostimulation on genome-wide gene
expression, chemical communication and social behavior in honey bee workers (Apis mellifera)” BMC
Genomics 3:558, 17p (2012).
Cardoza, Y.J., Harris, G.K. and C.M. Grozinger. “Effects of soil quality enhancement on pollinator-plant
interactions” Psyche 2012: 581458, 8p (2012). doi:10.1155/2012/581458
Niño, E.L., Malka, O., Hefetz, A., Teal, P., Hayes, J. and C.M. Grozinger. “Long-term effects of honey bee
queen (Hymenoptera: Apis mellifera) insemination volume on queen-worker interactions” Journal of Insect
Physiology 58(8):1082-1089 (2012).
Wang, Y., Kocher, S.D., Linksvayer T.A., Grozinger, C.M., Page, R.E., and G.V. Amdam. “Regulation of
behaviorally-associated gene pathways in worker honey bee ovaries” Journal of Experimental Biology 215(1):
124-134 (2012).
Kocher S.D. and C. M. Grozinger. Cooperation, conflict and the evolution of queen pheromones” Journal
of Chemical Ecology 37(11):1263-1275 (2011).
Richard, F.J., Schal, C. Tarpy, D.R., and C.M. Grozinger. “Effects of insemination number on honey bee
queen Dufour’s gland secretion” Journal of Chemical Ecology 37(9):1027-1036 (2011).
Fussnecker, B.L., McKenzie, A.M., and C.M. Grozinger. “The role of cGMP in modulating behavior,
physiology, and brain gene expression in response to queen mandibular pheromone in honey bees” Journal of
Comparative Physiology A 197(9): 939-948 (2011).
B.W. Bissinger, K.V Donohue, S.M.S. Khalil, C.M. Grozinger, D.E. Sonenshine, R.M. Roe. “Transcriptome
of the synganglion from female American dog ticks, Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae) and the effects
of blood-feeding and mating on neuropeptide gene expression” Insect Molecular Biology 20(4):465-491
Bloch, G. and C.M. Grozinger. “Social molecular pathways and the evolution of bee societies” Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society B 366(1574): 2155-2170 (2011).
Niño, E.L., Tarpy, D.R., and C.M. Grozinger. “Dissection of factors that trigger post-mating changes in honey
bee queens (Apis mellifera L.)” Insect Molecular Biology 20(3): 387-398 (2011).
Abbot P, Abe J, Alcock J, Alizon S, Alpedrinha JA, Andersson M, Andre JB, van Baalen M, Balloux F,
Balshine S, Barton N, Beukeboom LW, Biernaskie JM, Bilde T, Borgia G, Breed M, Brown S, Bshary R,
Buckling A, Burley NT, Burton-Chellew MN, Cant MA, Chapuisat M, Charnov EL, Clutton-Brock T,
Cockburn A, Cole BJ, Colegrave N, Cosmides L, Couzin ID, Coyne JA, Creel S, Crespi B, Curry RL, Dall
SR, Day T, Dickinson JL, Dugatkin LA, El Mouden C, Emlen ST, Evans J, Ferriere R, Field J, Foitzik S,
Foster K, Foster WA, Fox CW, Gadau J, Gandon S, Gardner A, Gardner MG, Getty T, Goodisman MA, Grafen
A, Grosberg R, Grozinger CM, Gouyon PH, Gwynne D, Harvey PH, Hatchwell BJ, Heinze J, Helantera H,
Helms KR, Hill K, Jiricny N, Johnstone RA, Kacelnik A, Kiers ET, Kokko H, Komdeur J, Korb J, Kronauer
D, Kümmerli R, Lehmann L, Linksvayer TA, Lion S, Lyon B, Marshall JA, McElreath R, Michalakis Y,
Michod RE, Mock D, Monnin T, Montgomerie R, Moore AJ, Mueller UG, Noë R, Okasha S, Pamilo P, Parker
GA, Pedersen JS, Pen I, Pfennig D, Queller DC, Rankin DJ, Reece SE, Reeve HK, Reuter M, Roberts G,
Robson SK, Roze D, Rousset F, Rueppell O, Sachs JL, Santorelli L, Schmid-Hempel P, Schwarz MP, Scott-
Phillips T, Shellmann-Sherman J, Sherman PW, Shuker DM, Smith J, Spagna JC, Strassmann B, Suarez AV,
Sundström L, Taborsky M, Taylor P, Thompson G, Tooby J, Tsutsui ND, Tsuji K, Turillazzi S, Ubeda F,
Vargo EL, Voelkl B, Wenseleers T, West SA, West-Eberhard MJ, Westneat DF, Wiernasz DC, Wild G,
Wrangham R, Young AJ, Zeh DW, Zeh JA, Zink A. “Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality”. Nature
471(7339): E1-4 (2011).
Vasquez, G.M., Fischer, P., Grozinger, C.M. and F. Gould. “Differential expression of odorant receptor genes
that are involved in sexual isolation of two Heliothis moths” Insect Molecular Biology 20(1): 115-124 (2011).
Soques, S. Vasquez, G.M., Grozinger, C.M. and F. Gould. “Age and mating status do not effect transcript
levels of odorant receptor genes in male antennae of Heliothis veriscens and Heliothis subflexa (Leptidopera:
Noctuidae)” Journal of Chemical Ecology 36(11):1226-1233 (2010).
Cornman, S., Schatz, M.C., Johnston, J.S., Chen, Y-P., Pettis, J., Hunt, G., Bourgeois, L., Elsik, C. Anderson,
D. Grozinger, C.M. and J. D. Evans. Genomic survey of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor, a major
pest of the honey bee Apis melliferaBMC Genomics 11:602; 15p (2010).
Shpigler, H., Patch, H.M., Cohen, M., Fan, Y., Grozinger, C.M., and G. Bloch. A gene for queen control:
Krüppel homolog 1 is linked to social organization in beesBMC Evolutionary Biology 10:120; 13p (2010).
Kocher, S.D., Ayroles, J.F., Stone, E.A. and C.M. Grozinger. Individual variation in pheromone response
correlates with reproductive traits and brain gene expression in worker honey bees” PLoS ONE 5(2): e9116;
9p (2010).
Donohue, K.V, Khalil, S.M.S., Ross, E. Grozinger, C.M., Sonenshine, D.E. and R.M. Roe. “Neuropeptide
signaling sequences identified by pyrosequencing of the American Dog tick synganglion transcriptome during
blood-feeding and reproduction” Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 40(1): 79-90 (2010).
Fan, Y., Richard, F.J., Rouf, C. and C.M. Grozinger. “Effects of queen mandibular pheromone on nestmate
recognition in worker honey bees (Apis mellifera)” Animal Behavior 79(3): 649-656 (2010).
Kocher, S.D., Richard, F.J., Tarpy, D.R., and C.M. Grozinger. "The effects of mating and instrumental
insemination on queen honey bee flight behaviour and gene expression" Insect Molecular Biology 19(2): 153-
162 (2010).
Kocher, S.D., Richard, F.J., Tarpy, D.R., and C.M. Grozinger. Queen reproductive state modulates queen
pheromone production and queen-worker interactions in honey bees Behavioral Ecology 20: 1007-1014
Alaux, C., Y. Le Conte, H. Heather, S. Rodrigues-Zas, C.M. Grozinger, S. Sinha, and G. E. Robinson.
“Regulation of brain gene expression in honey bees by brood pheromone” Genes, Brain, and Behavior
8(3):309-319 (2009).
Richard, F.J., A. Aubert, and C.M. Grozinger. “Modulation of nestmate recognition by immune stimulation
in honey bees, Apis melliferaBMC Biology 6:50; 13p (2008).
Kocher, S.D., Richard, F.J., Tarpy, D.R., and C.M. Grozinger. “Genomic analysis of post-mating changes in
the honey bee queen” BMC Genomics 9:232; 15p (2008).
Fussnecker, B. and C.M. Grozinger. “Dissecting the role of Kr-h1 brain gene expression in foraging behavior
in honey bees (Apis mellifera)” Insect Molecular Biology 17(5):515-522 (2008).
Fischer, P. and C.M. Grozinger. “Pheromonal regulation of starvation resistance in honey bee workers”
Naturwissenschaften 95(8):723-729 (2008).
Richard, F.J., Tarpy, D.R, and C.M. Grozinger. “Effects of insemination quantity on honey bee queen
physiology” PLoS ONE 2(10):e980; 9p (2007).
Grozinger, C.M., Fan, Y., Hoover, S.E.R. and M.L. Winston. “Genome-wide analysis reveals differences in
brain gene expression patterns associated with caste and reproductive status in honey bees (Apis mellifera)”
Molecular Ecology 16(22):4837-4848 (2007).
Shi, L., Lin, S., Grinberg, Y., Beck, Y., Grozinger, C.M., Robinson, G.E. and T. Lee. “Roles of Drosophila
Kruppel-homolog 1 in neuronal morphogenesis” Developmental Neurobiology 67(12):1614-1626 (2007).
Grozinger, C.M., Fischer, P, and J.E. Hampton. “Uncoupling primer and releaser responses to pheromone
in honey bees” Naturwissenschaften 94(5):375-379. (2007).
Grozinger, C.M. and Robinson, G.E. “Endocrine modulation of a pheromone responsive gene in the honey
bee brain” Journal of Comparative Biology A 193(4):461-470 (2007).
Honey Bee Genome Consortium (C.M.G., contributing author). “Insights into social insects from the genome
of the honeybee Apis melliferaNature 443(7114):931-949 (2006).
Robinson, G.E., Grozinger, C.M., and Whitfield, C.W. “Social life in molecular terms” Nature Genetics
Reviews 6:257-270 (2005).
Grozinger, C. M., Sharabash, N. M., Whitfield, C. W. and Robinson, G. E. “Pheromone mediated gene
expression in the honey bee brain.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100(Suppl 2):14519-14525 (2003).
Haggarty, S.J., Koeller, K.M., Wong, J.C., Grozinger, C.M., and Schreiber, S.L. “Domain-selective small-
molecule inhibitor of histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6)-mediated tubulin deacetylation.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U
S A 100(8):4389-4394 (2003).
Grozinger, C. M. and Schreiber, S.L. “Deacetylase enzymes: biological functions and the use of small
molecule inhibitors.” Chemistry and Biology 9(1):3-16 (2002).
Sternson, S.M., Wong, J.C., Grozinger, C.M. and Schreiber, S.L. "Synthesis of 7200 small molecules based
on substructural analysis of the histone deacetylase inhibitors trichostatin A and trapoxin". Organic Letters
3(26):4239-4242 (2001).
Grozinger, C.M., Chao, E.D., Blackwell, H.E., Moazed, D. and Schreiber, S.L. "Identification of a class of
small molecule inhibitors of the sirtuin family of NAD-dependent deacetylases by phenotypic screening."
Journal of Biological Chemistry 276(42):38837-38843 (2001).
Tong, J.K., You, A., Grozinger, C.M., and Schreiber, S.L. "CoREST is an integral component of the CoREST-
HDAC complex." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 98(4), 1454-1458 (2001).
Grozinger, C.M. and Schreiber, S.L.. "Regulation of histone deacetylase 4 and 5 transcriptional activity by
14-3- 3-dependent cellular localization." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 97, 7835-7840 (2000).
Youn, H.D., Grozinger, C.M., and Liu, J.O. "Calcium Regulates Transcriptional Repression of Myocyte
Enhancer Factor 2 by Histone Deacetylase 4." J Biol Chem. 275, 22563-22567 (2000).
Grozinger, C. M., Hassig, C.A., and Schreiber, S.L. "Three proteins define a class of human histone
deacetylases related to yeast Hda1p." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 96, 4868-4873 (1999).
Gao, W., Dickinson, L., Grozinger, C., Morin, F.G., and Reven, L. "Order-Disorder Transitions in Self-
Assembled Monolayers: A
C Solid-State NMR Study" Langmuir 13(2):115-118 (1997).
Gao, W., Dickinson, L., Grozinger, C., Morin, F.G., and Reven, L. "Self-Assembled Monolayers of
Alkylphosphonic Acids on Metal Oxide Surfaces" Langmuir 12(26):6429-6435 (1996).
Book Chapter, Invited
Grozinger, C.M. and Robinson, G.E. “Sociogenomics”. In: Breed, M. and Moore, J. (eds.) Encyclopedia of
Animal Behavior. Oxford: Elsevier Press. 281-285 (2010)
Grozinger, C.M. Genomic approaches to behavioral ecology and evolution”. In: Westneat DF and Fox, CW
(eds.) Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology. New York City: Oxford University Press. 488-505 (2010).
Grozinger, C.M. Honey Bee Pheromones" In: J. Graham (ed) The Hive and the Honey Bee. Indianapolis:
Dadant. p311-330 (2015).
Hefetz, A. and C.M. Grozinger. "Hormonal Regulation of Behavioral and Phenotypic Plasticity in
Bumblebees" In: D.W. Pfaff and M. Jones (ed) Hormones, Brain, and Behavior. 3rd edition. Elsevier. p453-
464 (2017).
Rittschof, C.R. and C.M. Grozinger. “The interplay between cooperation and conflict in the evolution and
function of insect societies” In: Social Cooperation and Conflict: Biological Mechanisms at the Interface,
Walter Wilczynski, Sarah F. Brosnan, eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK (2021).
Non-refereed publications.
Anton, K, Boyle, N. and C.M. Grozinger. “The Eastern Carpenter Bee: Beneficial Pollinator or Unwelcome
Houseguest?”. Penn State Extension. 2021.
Grozinger, C.M., Underwood, R. and M. López-Uribe. “Viruses in Honey Bees’. Penn State Extension.
Anton, K. and C.M. Grozinger. “An Introduction to Queen Honey Bee Development”. Penn State
Extension. 2020.
Anton, K. and C.M. Grozinger. “Queen Cell Production: Grafting and Graft-free Methods”. Penn State
Extension. 2020.
Anton, K. and C.M. Grozinger. “Beekeeping: Cell Builder Basics”. Penn State Extension. 2020.
Frazier, M., Nino, E., and C. Grozinger. "Grafting" Bee Culture. February 2015. P1-2.
Lutz, C. C., Grozinger, C.M. and G. E. Robinson. "Combatting the Global Pollinator Crisis with Genomic
Biology" Feed the World in 2050, CSA News/Resource Magazine Special Issue November/December (2014).
Book reviews
Grozinger, C.M. “Review of ‘Instrumental insemination of honeybee queens with Sue Cobey’ DVD”
American Bee Journal (December 2007)
Review of "Bees on the Roof", a book for young audiences by Robbie Snell. Publisher: Tumblehome Learning,
Inc. Boston, MA (August 2016)
Review of "The Solitary Bees", by Bryan Danforth. Publisher: Princeton University Press (August 2019)
Submitted Peer-reviewed Publications
Erickson, E., Patch, H.M. and C.M. Grozinger.Perennial ornamental plants can support complex pollinator
communities” Scientific Reports (in review).
Robinson, A.C., Peeler, J.L., Prestby, T., Goslee, S.C., Anton, K., and C. M. Grozinger. “Beescape:
Characterizing User Needs for Environmental Decision Support in BeekeepingAgricultural Systems (in
Mathis, C.L., McNeil, D.J., Lee, M.R., Grozinger, C.M., Otto, C.R.V., and J. L. Larkin. “ Factors
influencing flowering plant communities within regenerating timber harvests of the central Appalachian
Mountains(in prep)
Lee, M.R., McNeil, D.J., Mathis, C.L., Grozinger, C.M., and J.L. Larkin, “Microhabitats created by log
landings support abundant flowers and insect pollinators within regenerating mixed-oak stands in the Central
Appalachian Mountains”. (in review).
Jordan, A., Patch, H.M., Grozinger, C.M., and V. Khanna. “Economic dependence of U.S. industry sectors
on insect-mediated pollination using an input-output framework: A case study of apple and almond
production” Journal of Economic Entomology (in review)
Bresnahan, S.T., Doke, M.A., Giray, T. and C.M. Grozinger. “Tissue-specific transcriptional patterns
underlie the winter phenotype in honey bees (Apis mellifera)” (in prep)
Grants In Progress
(Current grants total: 9,148,998 total to Grozinger: $3,980,564)
Amount to
Beescape NexGen:
Creating Decision
Support Tools to
Manage Bee Health
and Ecosystems
Friends with
benefits? A holistic
approach to diffuse
mutualism in plant-
Human Science
Science in
Learning IN
Gardens at School
Development for
Confronting bee
disease through
multilevel analysis
of honey bee
AFRI Predoctoral
Experts in
Integrated Pest and
Management to the
PA Department of
Developing a
Honey and Pollen
Diagnostics Lab at
Penn State
PA Department of
between pollination
deficiency and
decline of black
cherry regeneration
in the Allegheny
National Forest
USDA, McIntire
Underlying Mite
Tolerance and
Honey Bee Survival
Graduate Student
Context is Key:
Partnering with
beekeepers to
generate digital
geospatial tools to
support bee health
Penn State
College of Ag -
Research and
Role of pollination
deficiency in
decline of black
cherry regeneration
in the Allegheny
National Forest
PA Department of
Conservation and
Location, location,
developing tools for
selection and
management of
landscapes to
promote healthy
bee populations
Foundation for
Food and
Context is key:
tools for adapting
practices to diverse
Designing farms
that support wild
arthropod genetic
through ReMOT
Graduate training in
applied integrative
pollinator ecology:
pollinators and
landscapes for
ecosystems services
support from
Penn State
Initiative of
Authentic Plant
Research for
Educators (APPL-
Pollinators with
Feasible and
Sound Ornamental
488,250 (to
Underpinning The
Kin Selection
Theory Of
389,462 (to
Completed Grants
(Completed grants total to Grozinger $4,296,528; total to all participants
Funding Agency
Amount to
PI: Crone (student)
CoPIs: Grozinger,
Manipulating pollen
macronutrient ratios
to improve honey
bee resilience to
pesticide stress
North American
(NAPPC) Honey
Bee Health
PI: Sponsler
Co-Mentors Grozinger
and Lonsdorf
Strengthening urban
apiculture, crop
production, and
biodiversity by
understanding the
habitat needs of wild
and managed bees
PI: Kammerer Allen
Mentor: Grozinger
Designing farms that
support wild bees
Graduate Student
PI Douglas
CoPIs: Grozinger,
Lonsdorf, Thogmartin,
Putting pesticides on
the map to guide
conservation of
pollinators and their
ecosystem services
National Socio-
Synthesis Center
PI: Grozinger
Evaluating the
distribution of newly
identified bee
viruses in US honey
bee stocks
PI Sponsler (postdoc
Mentor: Grozinger
Evaluating the
impact of urban
landscapes on honey
bee nutritional
resources: a pilot
Penn State Apes
Valentes Program
PI Jones (graduate
coPIs Lonsdorf,
Douglas, Grozinger,
Patch, Sponsler
Location, location,
location: developing
tools for selection
and management of
landscapes to
promote healthy bee
North American
funding of
$4285 from
Penn State
Apes Valentes
PI Grozinger
coPIs: Biddinger,
Fleischer, Hines,
Lopez-Uribe, Miller,
Patch, Tooker
Graduate training in
applied integrative
pollinator ecology:
pollinators and
landscapes for
ecosystems services
Penn State College
of Agricultural
Sciences Strategic
PI: Lopez-Uribe, M
coPI: Grozinger, CM
Tracking Feral
Honey Bee Health:
Using Citizen
Science and Next
Sequencing to
Improve Honey Bee
Resistance to
USDA Animal
PI: Grozinger
Collaborative PI: V.
Quantifying the
Critical Importance
of Insect-mediated
Pollination Service
for the U.S.
80,000 (to
PI: V. Wojcik
coPI: C. Grozinger, H.
Understanding the
opportunities present
for bees from
commercial plant
Research Institute
A. Hefetz, C.
Grozinger, N. Altman
The chemical and
genomic basis of
Binational Science
PI: Grozinger
analyses and
development of
molecular based
rapid screening tools
of exotic honey bee
PI:J. Rasgon
coPI: C. Grozinger
Tools for rapid
transformation of
PI: M. Doke
Mentor: C. Grozinger
Winter is coming:
survival of honey
bee colonies in
Graduate Student
PI: A. Vaudo
Mentors: C.
Grozinger and J.
Elucidating the Role
of Nutrition in
Pollinator Foraging
Behavior and Health
PI: G. Villar
Mentors: C.
Development of
pheromonal tools for
honey bee breeding
PI Grozinger coPI J
Mapping the spatial
distribution of key
neuromodulators in
social insect brains
using ToF-SIMS
PSU Huck Small
Grants Program
PI: Grozinger
Host: L. Keller
Effect of viral
infection and
virulence on social
interactions and
viral transmission in
honey bee colonies
Swiss National
PI: A. Vaudo
Co-PI: C. Grozinger,
J. Tooker
The Effects of
Pollen Diversity on
Bumble Bee Health
in an Agricultural
Bee Health
PI: G. Villar
Mentor: C. Grozinger
Development of
pheromonal tools for
honey bee breeding.
Graduate Student
PI: C. Grozinger
coPI: K. Kapheim
Forging Connections
in the Study of
Pollinator Behavior,
Biology and Health
at the 17th Internat'l
Congress of the
E. Amsalem
C. Grozinger is
physiological and
behavioral analysis
of life history traits
performance and
productivity in
E.L. Nino (postdoc);
C. Grozinger, C.
Silverman, and M.
Wolfner are mentors
Breeding Honey
Bees: From
Evolutionary and
Genomics to
C. Grozinger (PI);
CoPIs: S. Yi, M.
Epigenetic gene
regulation in the
social bee, Apis
C. Grozinger (PI); R.
Paxton (coPI)
transcriptome data
to explore
interspecies bee-
pathogen molecular
interactions that
many underpin
pollinator decline
proposal to
Synthesis Centre
of Biodiversity
Frazier, M (PI), C.
Grozinger (coPI)
approaches to
improving honey
bee survival in the
Northern US
North American
A. McMenamin
(student); C.
Grozinger is mentor
Impacts of season
and management
practices on
pathogen load in
Kenyan honey bees
Penn State
Discovery Grant
H.L. Holt (student); C.
Grozinger is mentor
Molecular and
behavioral studies of
interactions in honey
NSF Predoctoral
J. Tumlinson (PI);
CoPIs: M. Frazier, J.
Frazier, C. Grozinger,
D. Masiga, E. Muli, H.
Solutions for
Pollinator Health in
East Africa.
includes 2012
C. Grozinger (PI); J.
Tumlinson (coPI)
physiological and
molecular effects of
multiple factors
impacting honey
bee health.
D. Shoemaker (PI);
coPIs: C. Grozinger
and J. Wang
Fire Ant Functional
S. Kocher (student
coPI); C. Grozinger
(mentor, PI)
Sociogenomics of
pheromone response
and reproductive
traits in worker
honey bees
J. Hunt (PI); C.
Grozinger (coPI)
Microarray analysis
of caste ontogeny in
a social insect
C. Grozinger (PI)
CAREER: Genomic
analysis of
mediated behavior
K. Delaplane (PI);
subcontract to
Solutions to
Problems Affecting
Health of Managed
C. Grozinger (PI)
Effect of honey bee
queen insemination
quantity on
supersedure rates in
Department of
Agriculture and
A. Toth (PI); C.
Grozinger is mentor
conserved molecular
pathways for insect
reproduction and
social behavior
using comparative
M. Roe (PI); coPIs: C.
Apperson, C.
Grozinger, D.
Endocrinology of
Tick Reproduction:
A New Perspective.
C. Grozinger (PI); FJ
Richard (coPI)
Modulation of social
interactions by
disease in honey
T. Mackay (PI); C.
Grozinger, member
of training faculty
The genetic
architecture of
quantitative traits
Nat’l Institutes of
Health Inst’nal
Training Grant
C. Grozinger (PI), A.
Hefetz (coPI)
Characterization of
Production in Honey
Programs (CIP)
Seed Grant
C. Grozinger (PI); D.
Tarpy (coPI)
mechanisms of
honey bee mating
R. Anholt (PI); C.
Grozinger member of
training faculty
genomics training
UNC Office of
the President
grant to W.M.
Keck Center for
C. Grozinger (PI)
regulation of gene
Subcontract from
grant to G.
FJ Richard (PI); coPIs:
C. Grozinger and D.
Effect of queen
mating number on
supersedure rates in
honey bee colonies
Society Award
PI: C. Grozinger; 18
co-PIs from 3
Infrastructure Grant
for Applied
Biosystems 7900HT
quantitative real-
time PCR machine
D. Tarpy (PI), coPIs:
C. Grozinger, B.
Wiegmann, E. Vargo
Gel documentation
system in North
C. Grozinger (PI)
physiological and
behavioral changes
associated with
reproduction in the
honey bee
NCSU Faculty
Research and
Plenary/Keynote Lectures
2019 International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy. Davis, CA, July 2019
2018 Biology and Genomics of Social Insects, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
2017 Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) annual meeting, Bonita Springs, FL
2016 The 7th European Congress of Apidology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2011 International Society for Chemical Ecology Annual Meeting. Burnaby, BC, Canada
2010 16
Congress of the International Society for the Study of Social Insects. Copenhagen, DK
Invited Talks at Conferences (9 since 2017, 42 total)
Date, Symposium Title, Conference Title, Location
2021 Biology and Genomics of Social Insects, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (April 2021)
National Academy of Sciences Prize in Food and Agriculture Science Lecture National Academy of
Sciences Annual Meeting. Online. (April 2021)
“The Larry Larson Symposium: Scientific Advances on Insect Species Adaptation to the Impact of
Climate Change and Habitat Transformation” Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting.
Denver, CO (October 2021).
2020 Functional Genomics of Complex Traits in Diverse Organisms: The Next Leading EDGE
International Plant & Animal Genome (PAG) meeting. San Diego, CA (January 2020).
“Advances in Bee Health” National Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. Online. (April 2020)
“Highlighting Women’s Research: Sustaining Biodiversity and Conservation” Entomological
Society of America Annual Meeting. Online (November 2020).
2019 “Recent Advances in Honey Bee Biology” Apimondia, Montreal, Quebec, CA (Sept 2019)
Recent Trends in Pollinator Research Understanding and Mitigating Current Stressors”.
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO (November 2019).
2018 “Social Insects and Apidology”. European Congress of Entomology. Naples, Italy (June 2018)
“From genes to communities: Quantifying diverse responses of pollinators to multiple anthropogenic
stressors” Entomological Society of America, Entomological Society of Canada, Entomological
Society of British Columbia International Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada (November 2018)
2017 Insect Chemical Ecology Short Course. Penn State University, University Park, PA (June 2017).
Future of Bee Health in Africa. International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology
(September 2018).
2016 "New Frontiers in the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior: Nothing in Neuroscience Makes Sense
Except in the Light of Behavior" Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual
Meeting. Portland, OR. (January 2016)
"Behavioral Genomics" Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting. Columbia, MO. (August
Penn State Molecular Cellular and Integrative Biosciences Annual Retreat. Penn State
University, Boalsburg, PA (August 2016).
"Evolution of insect sociality: From theory to genomes and back again" 2016 International
Congress of Entomology. Orlando, FL (September 2016)
2015 Joint Meeting of the Sociogenomics Research Coordination Network and the Center for Brain,
Behavior and Evolution. University of Texas, Austin
"Physiological and developmental basis of social insect phenotypes" Biology and Genomics of
Social Insects. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY
Bioinformatics and Genomics Retreat. Penn State University. University Park, PA
2014 Proximate and Ultimate Causes of Cooperation” Workshop. Proximate and Ultimate Causes of
Cooperation ProDoc Program. Trogen, Switzerland
Seminar titled: "Honey Bee Health: From Genes to Landscapes" and "Pheromonal Mediation of
Cooperation and Conflict in Social Insects". International Short Course in Chemical
Ecology. Penn State, PA
"Genetic and Behavioral Mechanisms of Social Complexity: Current Challenges and Future
Horizons". Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon
2013 “Maximizing and Stabilizing Pollination Services in the 21st Century” Entomological
Society of America Eastern Branch Meeting. Lancaster, PA.
Using New Tools to Solve Old ProblemsEastern Apicultural Society Annual Meeting. West
Chester, PA.
2012 “Chemical Biology and Ecology” Gordon Research Conference on Bioorganic Chemistry.
Andover, NH.
“Social insects and emergence: From local rules to global behavior” Entomological Society of
America Annual Meeting. Knoxville, TN
2011 Tools of the Trade: Technology in Entomology” Student sponsored symposium. Entomological
Society of America Eastern Branch Meeting, Harrisburg, PA.
“Sensory Integration of Social Cues” Gordon Research Conference on Neuroethology. Stonehill
College, MA
“Communicating sociality: evolutionary developments in social insect communication systems”
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Reno, NV.
International Symposium on Functional Genomic Tools in Honey Bees. Penn State University.
2010 “Behavioral Ecology” First International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy.
Penn State, PA.
USDA-Project Director Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.
2009 “Insect Genomics” Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution Annual Meeting. Iowa City, IA.
Colleagues, Science and Ideas: Investigating Chemicals, Signals, and Interactions”
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN.
2008 International Society of Hymenopterists Symposium. Entomological Society of America Annual
Meeting. Reno, NV
2007 “Neurobiology and behavior” Honey Bee Genome Workshop. CSHL, NY.
North American Pollinator Protection Campaign International Summit. Washington, DC.
“Connecting the Colony Building Social Complexity through Pheromones”. Entomological
Society of America Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.
2006 “Advances in apiculture and honey bee biology”. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Branch of
the Entomological Society of America. Wilmington, NC.
“Genomics”. Fifth International Symposium on Molecular Insect Science. Tucson, AZ.
“Sixth Annual Joint Bioinformatics Symposium”. Computational Molecular Biology
Training Program, Iowa State University and New Mexico State University. Ames, Iowa.
International honey bee molecular biology workshop”. International Congress of the
International Union for the Study of Social Insects. Washington, DC.
Pheromonal mediation of honey bee social behavior”. International Congress of the
International Union for the Study of Social Insects. Washington, DC.
Genomic Advances in Understanding Insect Sociality” Entomological Society of America
Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN
2005 “Genomic technologies workshop”. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Ft.
Lauderdale, FL
“Molecular Basis of Social Behavior.” European Congress of the International Union for
the Study of Social Insects. St Petersburg, Russia.
“Symposium on Comparative Genomics.” National Center for Evolutionary Synthesis.
Raleigh, NC.
2004 “Neurogenomics of Behavior.” Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Invited Departmental Seminars (9 since 2017, 57 total)
2020 Indian Pollinator Initiative, hosted by IISER Thiruvananthapuram, National Centre for Biological
Sciences TIFR, Centre for Pollination Studies, University of Calcutta, University of Agricultural
Sciences GKVK, University of Hyderabad, Remote.
2018 University of Muenster, Muenster Graduate School for Evolution, Germany
University of Ulm, Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics, Germany
Max Plank Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany
R.W. Moriarty Science Seminar Series, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA
2017 Penn State University. Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics.
Cornell University. Patton Lecture in Insect Physiology. Department of Entomology.
West Virginia University. Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources
and Design.
Georgia Tech University. Department of Biology.
2016 Ohio State University. Department of Entomology
Swarthmore University. Department of Biology
Tel Aviv University. Department of Zoology.
Pennsylvania State University. Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Ecology.
2015 University of Illinois. Department of Entomology
University of California, Davis. Department of Entomology.
University of Texas, Austin. Department of Biology
University of Udine, Italy. Department of Biology
University of Bern, Switzerland, Institute of Bee Heath
2014 Texas A & M University. Department of Biology.
University of Lausanne. Department of Biology.
Penn State University. Mechanisms of the Mind Discussion Group.
2013 University of Pennsylvania. Department of Biology
University of Arizona. Center for Insect Science/PERT program
Washington University in St. Louis. Department of Biology
University of California, San Diego. Division of Biology
2012 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Department of Entomology. Distinguished Alumnus
Pennsylvania State University. Third Annual Bioinformatics and Genomics Retreat.
Pennsylvania State University. Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Ecology.
Pennsylvania State University. Center for Infection Disease Dynamics.
Pennsylvania State University. Biomedical Sciences Club.
2011 Rutgers University. Department of Entomology.
Tel Aviv University. Department of Zoology.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology.
2010 University of Cincinnati. Department of Biological Sciences.
Pennsylvania State University. School of Forest Resources.
2009 Bucknell University. Department of Biology.
Pennsylvania State University. Institute for Molecular Evolution.
2008 University of Florida, Gainesville. Department of Entomology and Nematology (Student-invited
Purdue University. Department of Entomology.
Pennsylvania State University. Department of Entomology.
Kansas State University. Arthropod Genomics Program and Department of Biology.
Cornell University. Department of Entomology.
2007 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Neuroscience Program.
Rice University. Department of Ecology and Evolution.
University of California, Davis. Department of Entomology.
2006 Clemson University. Department of Entomology.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Department of Biological Sciences.
Alabama State University. Office of Research Development Fall Semester Seminar Series
2005 North Carolina State University. Genetics Undergraduate Minor Pizza and Presentation.
Pennsylvania State University. Department of Entomology.
University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Department of Biology.
University of North Carolina, Greenboro. Department of Entomology.
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Department of Entomology.
North Carolina State University. Department of Genetics.
2004 Western Illinois State University. Department of Biology.
North Carolina State University. Department of Entomology.
Cornell University. Department of Neurobiology and Behavior
Contributed Talk and Poster Presentations (Grozinger is primary presenter)
2012 American Bee Research Conference. Greenbelt, MD (oral presentation)
USDA Project Director Annual Meeting. Knoxville, TN (poster presentation)
2008 USDA PD Annual Meeting. Reno, NV (two poster presentations)
Genes and Behavior Gordon Conference. Lucca, Italy (poster presentation).
2007 USDA Project Director Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA (poster presentation)
2006 Genes and Behavior Gordon Conference. Ventura, CA (poster presentation).
2005 Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, FL (oral presentation).
Talk and Poster Presentations by Group Members
Presentation type and primary presenter noted; Grozinger is co-author on all presentations (>70 since
2019 Entomological Society of America, Eastern Branch Meeting; Blacksburg, Va (invited symposium
presentation with Tyler Jones)
2018 Entomological Society of America; Vancouver, BC, Canada (invited symposium presentation with
D. Sponsler, contributed talks by E. Erickson, M. Crone)
2017 Entomological Society of America; Denver, CO (invited symposium presentation with D. Sponsler,
E. Erickson, contributed posters by T. Jones, R. Reynolds)
2016 International Congress of Entomology; Orlando, Florida (invited symposium presentation with D.
Galbraith, A, E. Amsalem, contributed oral presenyations with Vaudo, C. Rittschoff, Ma, R)
2016 International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy; Penn State, PA (invited
symposium presentation with D. Galbraith, contributed poster presentations with A. Vaudo,
M. Doke, D. Galbraith, E. Erickson, T. Jones, G. Villar)
2015 Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting; Portland, Oregon (invited symposium
presentation with D. Galbraith, A, Vaudo, M. Doke, C. Rittschoff, E. Amsalem)
2014 Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting; Portland, Oregon (invited symposium
presentation with H. Holt, contributed oral presentation from A. Vaudo)
Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting; Princeton, NJ (oral presentation from G. Villar)
International Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects; Cairns,
Australia. (oral presentations from E. Amsalem and D. Galbraith).
2013 International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy; Penn State, PA (contributed
oral presentation from A. Vaudo, contributed poster presentations with E. Amsalem, M.
Doke, D. Galbraith, H. Holt, A. McMenamin, E. Niño, M. Padilla)
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting; Austin, TX (invited symposium presentation
with D. Galbraith, contributed oral presentation from A. Vaudo and E. Niño, contributed
poster presentations with M. Doke, M. Padilla, G. Villar)
American Bee Research Conference; Hershey, PA (invited oral presentation with H. Holt,
contributed oral presentation from G. Villar)
2012 International Congress of Entomology; Dagau, Korea (invited oral presentations with F.
Meeting of the European Section of IUSSI; Italy (contributed oral and poster presentations with F.
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN (three invited oral presentations
with H. Holt, F. Manfredini, E. Niño, and contributed oral presentation by D. Schmehl)
Center for Pollinator Research Symposium; Penn State, PA (two contributed oral presentations by
H. Holt and D. Schmehl)
American Society for Microbiology; San Francisco, CA (contributed poster presentation with T.
2011 Honey Bee Biology and Genomics Workshop, CSHL, NY (two contributed poster presentations
with D. Galbraith and H. Holt)
Eastern Apiculture Society Annual Conference, Warwick, RI (invited oral presentation with E. L.
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, NV (invited oral presentation with E.
L. Niño)
2010 16
Congress of the International Society for the Study of Social Insects. Copenhagen, DK (four
poster presentations with S. Kocher, H. Holt, F. Manfredini, and H. Patch; oral presentation
with E.L. Niño).
First International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy. Penn State, PA (two
poster presentations with H. Holt and E.L. Niño).
Genes and Behavior Gordon Conference. Ventura, CA (poster presentation with A. Toth)
USDA PD Workshop, Washington, DC (two poster presentations with A. Toth and E.L. Niño)
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA (contributed oral
presentations with E.L. Niño)
2009 Society for the Study of Evolution Annual Meeting. Moscow, Idaho (contributed oral
presentation with S.D. Kocher)
Evolution: The Molecular Landscape. CSHL, NY (poster presentation with A. Toth)
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN (two contributed oral
presentations with A. Toth and E.L. Niño)
2008 International Congress of Entomology. Durban, South Africa (two invited oral presentations with
S. Kocher and FJ Richard)
American Beekeeping Federation Meeting. Sacremento, CA (invited oral presentation with E.L.
NCSU Keck Center Student and Post-doc Symposium. Raleigh, NC (four contributed oral
presentations with S. Kocher, FJ Richard, B. Fussnecker, and E.L. Niño)
2007 Honey Bee Biology and Genomics Workshop. CSHL, NY (three contributed poster presentations
with S. Kocher, FJ Richard, B. Fussnecker)
Ecological Genomics Symposium. Kansas City, Kansas (poster presentation, S.D. Kocher)
Eastern Apiculture Society Annual Meeting. Newark, DE (invited oral presentation with FJ
Meeting of the French Section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects.
Toulouse, France (invited oral presentation with FJ Richard
NCSU Keck Center Student and Post-doc Symposium. Raleigh, NC (three oral presentations with
S. Kocher, FJ Richard, B. Fussnecker)
North Carolina Honey Bee Research Consortium Annual Symposium. Raleigh, NC (three oral
presentations with S. Kocher, FJ Richard, B.Fussnecker)
NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium. Raleigh, NC (three poster presenations with T.
Crowgey, D. Overman, C. Rouf)
NC Regional Science Fair. Raleigh, NC (poster presentation, 1
place Biology, with E.
NC State Science Fair. Raleigh, NC (poster presentation with E. Hornstein)
2006 Society for the Study of Evolution Annual Meeting. Stony Brook, NY (poster presentation with
S. Kocher).
American Beekeeping Federation Meeting. Louisville, KY (invited oral presentation with B.
International Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects.
Washington, DC. (poster presentation with B. Fussnecker, contributed oral presentation
with FJ Richard).
Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Wilmington,
NC (contributed oral presentation with FJ Richard).
NCSU Keck Center Student and Post-doc Symposium. Raleigh, NC (three oral presentations with
B. Fussnecker, S. Kocher, and FJ Richard).
NCSU Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium. Raleigh, NC (three poster presentations
with T. Crowgey, P. Fischer, and K. Hutcherson).
2005 NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium. Raleigh, NC (poster presentation with P. Fischer).
NCSU Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium. Raleigh, NC (two poster presentations
with P. Fischer and J. Hampton).
2021 Co-Instructor, ENT 597, Global Perspectives in Integrated Pest and Pollinator
Management (with Natalie Boyle, cross-listed with University of Freiburg)
Instructor, ENT 496H, Undergraduate Research, Honors Thesis (Ashley Moak, 3 credits)
2020 Co-Instructor, ENT 222, Honey Bees and Humans (with H. Patch, general ed course for
Instructor, ENT 530, Colloquium in Integrative Pollinator Ecology
Guest Lecture, ENT 530, Seminar in Insect Biodiversity Declines
Guest Lecture, ECOL 515, Advances in Ecology
Instructor, ENT 496H, Undergraduate Research, Honors Thesis (Ashley Moak, 3 credits)
Instructor, BIO 496, Undergraduate Research (Brock Molloy, 3 credits)
2019 Co-Instructor, ENT 222, Honey Bees and Humans (with H. Patch, general ed course for
Co-Instructor, ENT 522, Critical Thinking and Professional Development (with H. Patch,
E. Amsalem)
Instructor, ENT 530, Colloquium in Integrative Pollinator Ecology
Guest Lecture, Micrb 415, General Virology
2018 Co-Instructor, ENT 222, Honey Bees and Humans (with H. Patch, general ed course for
Co-Instructor, ENT 522, Critical Thinking and Professional Development (with H. Patch,
E. Amsalem)
Instructor, ENT 530, Colloquium in Integrative Pollinator Ecology
Lecturer, AEE 597, NSF-GRFP Fellowship Preparation (1 workshop)
Lecturer, ECLGY 515, Advances in Ecology (4 lectures)
2017 Co-Instructor, ENT 222, Honey Bees and Humans (with H. Patch, general ed course for
Co-Instructor, ENT 522, Critical Thinking and Professional Development (with H. Patch,
J. Rasgon)
Instructor, ENT 530, Colloquium in Integrative Pollinator Ecology
Guest Lecturer, AEE 597, NSF-GRFP Fellowship Preparation
Instructor, ENT 496, Undergraduate Research (student: Mengyu Liu, 3 credit)
Instructor, ENT 496, Undergraduate Research (student: Simon Pope, 1 credit)
2016 Co-Instructor, ENT 522, Critical Thinking and Professional Development (with H. Patch,
J. Rasgon)
Co-Instructor, ENT 222, Honey Bees and Humans (with H. Patch, general ed course for
Instructor, ENT 530, Seminar in Insect Molecular Ecology
Guest Lecturer, BIOL497-00, Science Outreach and Communication
Guest Lccturer, AEE 597, NSF-GRFP Fellowship Preparation
2015 Co-Instructor, ENT 522, Critical Thinking and Professional Development (with H. Patch,
J. Rasgon)
Co-Instructor, ENT 222, Honey Bees and Humans (with M. Frazier and H. Patch, general
ed course for undergraduates)
Instructor, ENT 496, Undergraduate Research (student: P. Schreiber)
2014 Co-Instructor, ENT 522, Critical Thinking and Professional Development (with H. Patch,
J. Rasgon, and J. Frazier)
Co-Instructor, ENT 222, Honey Bees and Humans (with M. Frazier and H. Patch, general
ed course for undergraduates)
Instructor, ENT 496, Undergraduate Research (student: V. Bolden, P. Schreiber)
2013 Co-Instructor, ENT 597B, Concepts and Techniques in Molecular Ecology
(with H. Patch)
Co-Instructor, ENT 296A, Honey Bees and Humans (with M. Frazier and H. Patch)
Co-Instructor, ENT 530, Diversity in Science Seminar (with M. Barbercheck)
Guest lecturer, ENT 522, Critical Thinking and Professional Development
2012 Co-Instructor, ENT 495, Evolution and Insect Societies (with M. Mescher)
Guest lecturer, ENT 522, Critical Thinking and Professional Development
Instructor, ENT 496, Undergraduate Research (student: M. Synder)
2011 Co-Instructor, ENT 597B, Concepts and Techniques in Molecular Ecology
(with H. Patch)
Instructor, ENT 497, Undergraduate Research (student: J. Malloy)
Guest lecturer, ENT 520, Frontiers in Insect Science (team-taught)
Co-Instructor, International Short Course on RNA-mediated Functional Genomics in
Honey Bees (organized with G. Amdam, team taught)
2010 Co-Instructor, ENT 597K, Evolution and Insect Societies (with M. Mescher)
Guest lecturer, ENT 597A, Frontiers in Insect Science (team-taught)
Lecturer, ICE 10, Insect Chemical Ecology (team-taught)
Instructor, ENT 497, Undergraduate Research (student: D. Galbraith)
Instructor, ENT 497H, Undergraduate Honours Research (student: J. Preston)
2009 Co-Instructor, ENT 597, Genes and Behavior Seminar (H. Patch)
Guest lecturer, ENT 597A, Frontiers in Insect Science (team-taught)
2008 Instructor, ENT 527, Insect Neurogenomics
Guest lecturer, ENT 604/804; Insect Natural History and Field Ecology
Guest lecturer, ENT 791, Professional Ethics for Entomologists
2007 Co-Instructor, ENT 791, Techniques in Molecular Ecology and Evolution
(with E.Vargo, F. Gould and B. Wiegmann)
Co-Instructor, GN 810C, Colloquium on Chromatin Structure and Gene Regulation
(with S. Spiker)
Developed “Women in Entomology Reading Group”, a monthly discussion group. Feb
2007- Nov 2007
Guest lecturer, ENT 591/791, Molecular Entomology: Lab to the Field
Participant, ENT 601/801, Genetic Pest Management Seminar
2006 Guest lecturer, ENT 791, Professional Ethics for Entomologists
Instructor, ENT 591/791, Insect Neurogenomics (new course developed by CMG)
2005, 2006 Guest lecturer, HON 297U, Environment, Genes, Brain and Behavior
Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor
Freddie-Jeanne Richard, PhD (2005-2008)
Post-doctoral fellowship through the W.M. Keck Center for Behavioral Biology Genomics
Training Grant (on which C.M.G. is a co-PI) in 2006-2007
Currently an Associate Professor at University of Poitiers, France.
Kevin Donohue, PhD (2008-2009)
Senior Team Leader, Syngenta.
Amy Toth, PhD (2008-2010)
Awarded a USDA-AFRI Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Assistant Professor (2010-2016) and now Associate Professor at Iowa State University.
Sarah Kocher, PhD (2008-2009)
2009-2015, postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard University, where she is supported by a
Foundational Questions in Evolutionary Biology Fellowship and USDA-AFRI Post-doctoral
2015-2018 Lewis Sigler Genomic Institute Fellow at Princeton University
2018, Assistant Professor, Princeton University
Fabio Manfredini, PhD (2009-2013)
Awarded Penn State Post-doctoral Society Travel Award, 2012
Awarded Marie Curie Research Fellow with Mark Brown at Royal Holloway, University of
Currently, Lecturer in Functional Genomics, University of Aberdeen (2020- )
Elina Lastro-Niño, PhD (2012-2014)
Awarded a USDA-AFRI Post-doctoral Fellowship (2012-2014).
Currently Extension Apiculturist, Department of Entomology and Nematology, UC Davis
Etya Amsalem (2012-2016)
Currently (2016-present) Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, Penn State
Awarded a Binational Agricultural Research & Development Fund Post-doctoral
Fellowship (2013-2014).
Awarded 2020 NSF CAREER grant
Clare Rittschof (2014-2015, co-mentored with G.E. Robinson)
Currently (2015-present) Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, University of
Named Entomological Society of America Science Policy Fellow, 2015-2017
Received the 2018 Outstanding Young Investigator Award from the Animal Behavior
Received 2020 Entomological Society of America Early Career Innovation Award
Awarded 2021 NSF CAREER grant
David Galbraith (2015-2018)
Research Scientist, Bristol Myers Squibb (January 2018-present)
Maggie Douglas (2016-2017)
Assistant Professor, Dickinson College (January 2018-present)
Doug Sponsler (2017- 2020)
Awarded a USDA-AFRI Post-doctoral Fellowship (2018-2020)
Currently postdoctoral research fellow, University of Wuerzburg
Rong Ma (2017-2019 )
Awarded a Travel Fellowship from the NAS-IUSSI for travel to Congress of the
International Union for the Study of Social Insects (2018)
Currently Data Scientist, CVS
Colin Wright (2018-2020)
Eberly Research Fellow (Penn State)
Co-Mentored with Heather Hines
Currently Science Editor at Quillette
DJ McNeil (2019-2021)
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of North Carolina,
Wilmington (2021-present)
Gabriela Quinlan (2020- )
Thesis advisor
Brendon Fussnecker (2005-2009)
PhD program, NCSU Department of Genetics.
2005 Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees Graduate Student Award.
Senior Director at Flywheel Partners.
Sarah Kocher (2005-2009)
PhD Program, NCSU Department of Genetics
Supported by an NIH Training Grant to the Genetics Department (on which C.M.G. is a co-
Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research Award, 2008
NSF-Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, 2009
Kenneth R. Keller Award for Excellence in Doctoral Dissertation Research, 2010
Currently (2017- ) an Assistant Professor at Princeton University
Elina Lastro-Niño (2007- 2012)
PhD program, PSU Department of Entomology
2007 Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees Graduate Student Award
Sahakian Family Fund for Agriculture Research Travel Award, PSU, 2010
Yendol Travel Award, Department of Entomology, PSU, 2010
WISE Travel Award, PSU, 2010
Lillian & Alex Feir Graduate Student Travel Award in Insect Physiology, Biochemistry or
Molecular Biology, Entomological Foundation, 2011
Yendol Travel Award, Department of Entomology, PSU, 2011
Eastern Apicultural Society Student Award, 2011
Lorenzo Langstroth Fellowship, Center for Pollinator Research, PSU, 2011-2012
Michael E. Duke Memorial Scholarship, Department of Entomology, PSU, 2011
Alumni Association Dissertation Award, PSU, 2012
International Congress on Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology (ICINN) Student
Recognition Award in Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, Toxicology, & Molecular Biology,
Entomological Society of America, 2012
John H. Comstock Graduate Student Award, Eastern Branch of the Entomological Society of
America, 2012
Currently Extension Apiculturist, Department of Entomology and Nematology, UC Davis
Holly Holt (2009-2015)
PhD program, PSU Department of Entomology
Crouch Distinguished University Fellowship, PSU, 2009
Häagan Dazs Fellowship in Honey Bee Research, Center for Pollinator Research, PSU, 2009
Sigma Xi Grant-In-Aid of Research, 2010
NSF Predoctoral Fellowship, 2011
2013 Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees Graduate Student Award
Michael E. Duke Memorial Scholarship, Department of Entomology, PSU, 2013
Yendol Travel Award, Department of Entomology, PSU, 2014
Lillian & Alex Feir Graduate Student Travel Award in Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, or
Molecular Biology from the Entomological Society of America, 2014
Science Coordinator at Monarch Joint Ventures (non profit group in Minnesota), 2016-2017
Currently (2019- ) Research Associate in the Peer Review Services program at Oak Ridge
Associated Universities (ORAU)
Daliris Ramírez (2009-2010)
PhD program, PSU Department of Entomology
Submitted an application to the NSF Predoctoral Fellowship Program, not awarded, 2009
Decided to leave science.
Dennis vanEngelsdorp (2008-2010)
PhD program, PSU Department of Entomology, co-advised with D. Cox-Foster
Currently an Associate Professor at in the Department of Entomology at the University of
David Galbraith (2010-2015)
PhD program, PSU Department of Entomology
Sahakian Family Fund for Agriculture Research Travel Award, PSU, 2013
NAS-IUSSI Travel Awards, 2013, 2014
Penn State University Office of Global Programs Graduate Travel Grant, 2014
Michael E. Duke Memorial Scholarship, Department of Entomology, PSU, 2014
Research Scientist, Bristol Myers Squibb (January 2018-present)
Jessica Richards (2010-2013)
MSc program, Department of Entomology
Travel grant from North American Chapter of the International Union for the Study of Social
Insects, 2012
Currently a research technician at the USDA Forest Service
Gabriel Villar (2010-2016)
PhD program, PSU Department of Entomology
Sahakian Family Fund for Agriculture Research Travel Award, PSU, 2013
Sloan University Center for Exemplary Mentor Match Scholar Award, 2014-2015
NE SARE Graduate Research Award, 2014
USDA-AFRI Pre-doctoral Fellowship, 2014-2016
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Amsalem lab, Penn State University, 2016-2018
Scientist, Becton Dickinson, Life Science Pre-analytical Systems R&D Team, 2018-2019
Head of R&D and Quality Assurance, U.S. Pollination, Koppert Biological Systems, 2019-
Anthony Vaudo (2011-2016)
PhD program, PSU Department of Entomology. Co-advised with John Tooker and Harland
2012 Sigma Xi Grant-In-Aid of Research
Sahakian Family Fund for Agriculture Research Travel Award, PSU, 2013
William Yendol Memorial Research Award, 2013
BBSRC US-UK Honey Bee Health Exchange. ($3,450), 2013.
PI on North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) Bee Health Improvement
Project Grant. ($9,700), 2014
USDA AFRI Student Travel Grant from the Entomological Society of America, 2014
USDA-AFRI Pre-doctoral Fellowship, 2014-2016
First prize, Student Talk Competition, Entomological Society of America, 2014
Ralph O. Mumma Graduate Award, PSU Department of Entomology, 2016
Selected participant for 2016 Bee Course, AMNH- Division of Invert. Zoology
Fulbright Fellow, South Africa (2018-2019 )
Currently Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Nevada, Reno
Mario Padilla (2013-2014)
MSc program, PSU Department of Entomology.
Bunton-Waller Scholarship
Sahakian Family Fund for Agriculture Research Travel Award, PSU, 2013
Currently Curatorial Entomologist at Butterfly Pavilion, Colorado.
Mehmet Doke (2013-2017)
PhD program, PSU Department of Entomology.
Lorenzo Langstroth Fellowship, Center for Pollinator Research, PSU, 2013
Sahakian Family Fund for Agriculture Research Travel Award, PSU, 2013
USDA AFRI Student Travel Grant from the Entomological Society of America, 2015
NE SARE Graduate Student Research Award, 2015
Lloyd E. Adams Grant-In-Aid, Department of Entomology, Pennsylvania State University,
PA, 2015
Apes Valentes Graduate Award, Center for Pollinator Research, Pennsylvania State
University, PA, 2015
2017 Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees Scholarship.
Currently Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Biology, University of Puerto
2019 Journal of Economic Entomology Editor’s Choice Award
Alex McMenamin (2013-2015)
BSc-MSc program, PSU Department of Entomology.
Penn State Summer Undergraduate Discovery Grant, 2013
Dutch Gold Undergraduate Scholarship in Honey Bee Health, 2013
Barry Goldwater Scholarship, 2014
Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Undergraduate Research Scholarship, 2014
Currently PhD graduate student at Montana State University
Aine O'Sullivan (2014-2016)
PhD Program, PSU Department of Entomology.
Crouch Distinguished University Fellowship, PSU, 2014
Lorenzo Langstroth Fellowship, Center for Pollinator Research, PSU, 2015
Transferred to MSc in Biotechnology Program in May 2016
Emily Erickson (2016- present)
PhD Program, PSU Department of Entomology
Selected participant for 2017 Bee Course, AMNH- Division of Invert. Zoology
William Yendol Memorial Research Award, 2017
Sahakian Family Fund for Agriculture Research Travel Award, PSU, 2017
2017 Sigma Xi Grant-In-Aid of Research
Michael E. Duke Memorial Scholarship, Department of Entomology, PSU, 2018
Ryan Reynolds (2016- 2018)
MSc Program, PSU Department of Entomology
William Yendol Memorial Research Award, 2017
Selected for “Highlighted Poster” (one of 8) at the 2017 Entomological Society of America
annual conference
Tyler Jones (2016-2020)
MSc Program, PSU Department of Entomology.
Bunton-Waller Graduate Fellowship, Penn State University, 2016
Selected for “Highlighted Poster” (one of 8) at the 2017 Entomological Society of America
annual conference
Selected to attend the 2020 AAAS-Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering
Received 2020 Graduate Student William Henson Diversity Achievement Award from the
College of Agricultural Science Diversity Coordinating Council
Melanie Kammerer Allen (2015 2020, co-advised with John Tooker)
PhD Program, PSU Ecology Intercollege Graduate Program.
College of Agricultural Sciences Graduate Student Competitive Grants Research Award,
NE SARE Graduate Research Award (2018-2019)
Selected for Apes Valentes Graduate Research Award (2017)
USDA-AFRI Pre-doctoral Fellowship, 2018-2020
Ralph O. Mumma Graduate Award, PSU Department of Entomology, 2018
Penn State Alumni Association Scholarship for Penn State Alumni in the Graduate School,
Penn State Frank A. Andersen Award; travel award for Ecology students, 2019
Current position: Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Fellow in "High
Performance Computing, Cloud Computing and AI Technologies in Agriculture" funded by
Allyson Ray (2017 present, co-advised with Jason Rasgon)
PhD Program, PSU Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Biosciences Intercollege Graduate
Sahakian Family Fund for Agriculture Research Travel Award, PSU, 2018
2018 Sigma Xi Grant-In-Aid of Research
"Best Poster" award at the 2018 MCIBS & Pathobiology Retreat (Penn State)
NE SARE Graduate Student Research Award (2019-2020)
Apes Valentes Graduate Award, Center for Pollinator Research, Pennsylvania State
University, PA, (2019)
USDA NIFA Predoctoral Fellowship (2021-2023)
Makaylee Crone (2018 present, co-advised with David Biddinger)
PhD Program, PSU Ecology Intercollege Graduate Program.
Penn State Bunton Waller Fellowship
Penn State Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences Award
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2019-2022)
PI on North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) Bee Health Improvement
Project Grant
Penn State Ecology Program Andersen Travel Grant, 2019, 2020, 2021
Penn State Center for Pollinator Research Apes Valentes Award, 2021 “Do diverse diets
impede social distancing? How foraging together may affect host-pathogen
dynamics.” $4,868.
Rachel McLaughlin (2018 present, co-advised with Kelli Hoover)
MSc Program, PSU Entomology
Penn State Integrative Pollinator Ecology Fellowship (USDA NNF award)
Second place, oral student presentation, Northeastern Pest Council Meeting, March 2019
Ralph Doyle Scholarship ($10,000, 2019, $11,000, 2020)
Sahakian Family Fund for Agriculture Research Travel Award, PSU, 2019
Entomological Society of America Best Student Speaker Award, 2019, 2020
Sean Bresnahan (fall 2019, co-advised with Michael Axtell)
PhD Program, PSU Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Biosciences Intercollege Graduate
University Graduate Fellowship (2019-2020)
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2020-2022)
Sarah Kania (fall 2019, co-advised with Harland Patch)
MSc Program, PSU Entomology
Codey Mathis (fall 2020, co-advised with Harland Patch and Vijay Narayanan)
PhD Program, PSU Entomology
Insect Biodiversity Center Graduate Fellow
Thesis committee member
Current: Katie Barie (MSc, Entomology), Hannah Stewart (PhD, Entomology), Xin Wu (PhD,
Georgia Tech), Sarah Aamidor (PhD, University of Sydney, thesis examiner), Coline Monchanin
(PhD student, University of Toulouse, thesis examiner), Sarah Barnsley (University of Cambridge,
external examiner)
Alex Jordan (PhD), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of
Natalie Imirzian (PhD) PSU Entomology, 2020
Sarthok Rasique Rahman (PhD) PSU Biology, 2020
Codey Mathis (MSc) Biology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2020
Yael Arien (PhD), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2020 (thesis examiner)
Kaixi Zhao (PhD) PSU Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology, 2019
Viridiana Avila Magana (PhD) PSU Biology), 2019
Theotime Colin (PhD, Biology), Macquarie University, 2019 (thesis examiner)
Jesse Starkey (MSc), PSU Entomology, 2019
Briana Ezray (PhD). PSU Entomology, 2019
Beatrice Tchuidjang Nganso, PhD, University of Pretoria, 2018 (thesis examiner)
Duverney Chaverra-Rodriguez, PhD, PSU Entomology, 2018
Taylor Reams, MSc, Biology, University of North Carolina, Greenboro, 2018
Erin Treanore, MSc, PSU Entomology, 2017
Rong Ma, PhD, Integrative Biology, UT Austin, 2017
Loren Rivera, PhD, PSU Entomology, 2017
Zachary Fuller, PhD, PSU Biology, 2017
Maridel Frederickson, MSc, PSU Entomology, 2016
Raquel Loreto, PhD, PSU Entomology, 2016
Ana Cabrera, PhD, NCSU Entomology, 2009
Deepa Sambandan, PhD, NCSU Genetics 2008
Kevin Donohue, PhD, NCSU Entomology 2008
Erica Marsh, PhD, NCSU Zoology, 2008
Ping Wang, PhD, NCSU Genetics, 2008
Michael Ward, MSc, NCSU Entomology, 2009
Brooke Wittig, PhD, NCSU Entomology, 2009
J. Cris Vera, PhD, PSU Biology, 2012
Tracy Conklin, PhD, PSU Entomology, 2012
Michael Freiberg, MSc, PSU Entomology, 2012
Abby Levitt, PhD, PSU Genetics, 2012
Dan Schmehl, PhD Program, PSU Entomology, 2013
Undergraduate Student Researchers
The years the students were in the group are shown in parentheses.
North Carolina State University
Sandhya Advani, NCSU, Psychology, 2012 (2008-2010)
NCSU HHMI Rise Scholar
Theresa Crowgey, NCSU Biological Sciences 2010 (2006-2007)
NCSU HHMI Rise Scholar
NCSU Park Scholar
Philip Durham, NCSU Biochemistry 2007 (2006- 2007)
Patrick Fischer, NCSU Biochemistry 2006 (2004-2006)
Co-author on two peer-reviewed manuscript
Poster at 2005 and 2006 NCSU Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium
Jacob Hampton, NCSU Biochemistry 2006 (2005-2006)
Co-author on one peer-reviewed manuscript
Poster at 2005 NCSU Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium
Eli Hornstein, Enloe High School/North Carolina School of Science and Math (2007)
place Biology poster, NC Regional Science Fair. Raleigh, NC
Presented poster at NC State Science Fair. Raleigh, NC
Kelly Hutcherson, NCSU Biochemistry 2007 (2005-2006)
NCSU Undergraduate Research Award
Poster at 2006 NCSU Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium
Sarah Jones, NCSU Zoology 2010 (2007-2008)
NCSU Undergraduate Research Award
Lillian King, Entering freshman at Wake Forest University (2007)
David Overman, NCSU Biological Sciences 2011 (2007)
Poster at 2007 NCSU Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium
Matt Mayer, NCSU Biological Sciences 2008 (2005)
Alex McKenzie, NCSU Biological Sciences 2008 (2008)
Co-authored one peer-reviewed manuscript
Jennifer Pettite, NCSU Zoology 2008 (2007)
Nabila Rouf, NCSU Zoology 2008 (2006-2008)
NCSU Undergraduate Research Award
NCSU Park Scholar
Poster at 2007 NCSU Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium
Co-authored one peer-reviewed manuscript
Haru Yamamoto, Duke University, Biology 2009 (2007)
Penn State University
Dionisio Acosta. PSU SROP Program (2010)
Dustin Betz. Biology 2014 (2012)
Victoria Bolden. Horticulture 2015 (2014)
2014 Dutch Gold Undergraduate Scholarship for Research on Honey Bees.
ENT496 project, co-advised with graduate student A. Vaudo: Honey bees Foraging on Native
and Non-native Plants in the Lamiaceae (Mint) Family
David Galbraith. PSU Biology 2010 (2009-2010)
ENT 497 Project: DNA methylation levels differ across species, castes and
developmental stages of eusocial bees and wasps.
Alexandra Herestofa. PSU Animal Science 2014 (2011).
2011 Dutch Gold Undergraduate Scholarship for Research on Honey Bees.
Caroline Hozza. Biology(Vertebrate Physiology); Psychology, 2014 (2012-present)
Justin Malloy. PSU Biology 2011 (2010-2011)
ENT 497 Project: Survey of honey bee colonies in East Africa for parasitization with
Nosema microsporidia
Mariam Khraibani. Toxicology 2013 (2012)
Alex McMenamin. Immunology and Infectious Disease, 2015 (2012-2013)
2013 Dutch Gold Undergraduate Scholarship for Research on Honey Bees
2014 Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Undergraduate Research Award
Stephanie Damaris Narvaez. PSU Animal Science and Business Management 2011 (2009)
Jessica Preston. PSU Schreyer Honors College, Biology 2013 (2010)
ENT 497H Project: Host-parasite interactions between Nosema and honey bees
Megan Snyder. Immunology and Infectious Disease 2015 (2012).
2012 Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Undergraduate Research Award
2012 Dutch Gold Undergraduate Scholarship for Research on Honey Bees
ENT 486 Project: Nutritional Deprivation in Nosema Infected Drones
Janet Teeple. PSU Anthropology 2011 (2010)
Bekki Waskovich. Wildlife and Fisheries Science 2014 (2012)
Marin McArthur. PSU Wildlife Science 2014 (2014)
Henry Klesper. Animal Science/Pre-Vet 2016 (2014)
Edwin Hochstedt. General Science 2015 (2014)
Paul Schreiber. Biology 2015 (2014)
Megan Wolfson. Psychology 2015 (2015)
Apes Valentes Undergraduate Research Award (2015)
Liam Farrell. Plant Science 2016 (2015)
Apes Valentes Undergraduate Research Award (2015)
Dutch Gold Undergraduate Scholarship in Honey Bee Health (2015)
Sid Curralo. University of Delaware (2016)
Supported by funds from Institute of International Education (IIE)
Grace Billy (2016)
Ecosystem Science and Management 2019
Apes Valentes Undergraduate Research Award 2016
Penn State Student Leadership Scholarship, for role as President of the PSU Beekeepers
Club 2016
Tim Groh (2016)
Psychology 2017
Apes Valentes Undergraduate Research Award 2016
Sarah McTish (2015-2016)
Agriculture Sciences 2017
Dutch Gold Undergraduate Scholarship in Honey Bee Health 2016
Max Glines (2016)
Environmental Science Engineering 2019
Zach Schumber (2016)
Wildlife and Fisheries Science 2019
Simone Pope (2016-2017)
Biology 2020
Rachel Kaneshiki (2017-2018)
Katelin Quanbeck (2017)
Bryce Buck (2017-present)
Apes Valentes Undergraduate Research Award (2018)
Dalton Brough (2017-2019)
Dutch Gold Award (2017)
Sheldon Davis (2018 2020)
Penn State University Student Engagement Network Grant (2020)
Penn State McNair Scholars Program (2020)
Selected for LSU Health New Orleans Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program in
Biomedical Sciences (PREP)
Rachel Duke (2018 - 2019)
Ashley Moak (2019-present)
2020 Apes Valentes Undergraduate Research Award
Schreyers Honor College thesis
Brock Molloy (2019-present)
2020 Erickson Summer Discovery Grant for the project “Using honey bee collected pollen as an
early indicator for viral plant diseases impacting crops in Pennsylvania”.
2020 Apes Valentes Undergraduate Research Award
Alyssa Curry (2020-present)
2021 College of Agricultural Sciences Undergraduate Research Award
2021 Erickson Summer Discovery Grant for the project “Impacts of Spring Brood Manipulation
on Varroa Mite Populations in Honey Bee Colonies"
2021 Dutch Gold Undergraduate Honey Scholarship
Yongliang Fan, PhD. Molecular technician and lab manager. 2005-2008.
Joseph Flowers. Field technician. 2006-2008.
Bernardo Niño. Lab manager and field technician. 2008-2014. Current: Head of Research and
Development at UBEES.
Tracey Baumgarten. Molecular technician. 2010-2013.
Jeremy Fitzgerald. Field technician and assistant for Center for Pollinator Research. 2011-2012.
Mario Padilla. Lab manager and field technician. 2014 - 2015.
Sarah Ashcraft. Lab manager and field technician. 2015 - 2016.
Philip Moore. Lab manager, field technician, outreach coordinator. 2016.
Katy Ciola Evans. Lab manager, field technician, outreach coordinator (shared with Margarita
Lopez-Uribe). 2017.
Kate Anton. Lab manager, field technician, outreach coordinator 2017-present
2020 Scott Smiles Staff Award from Penn State Department of Entomology
Darian Kraft. Research assistant. 2018-present.
Exchange students and visiting scholars
Andrew Ammons, PhD. Postdoctoral Associate with Michelle Elekonich, University of Nevada,
Las Vegas (June 2007)
Ying Wang, PhD. Postdoctoral Assocate with Gro Amdam and Rob Page, Arizona State University
(July 2008)
Navdeep Mutti, PhD. Postdoctoral Associate with Gro Amdam and Rob Page, Arizona State
University (July 2008)
Fiona Nelima. Technician with Dan Masiga, icipe, Kenya. (March 2011)
Aline Silva. PhD student with Zilá L.P. Simões. University of São Paolo, Brazil (May-October
2010; Sandwich Program)
Osnat Malka, PhD. Postdoctoral Associate with Abraham Hefetz. University of Tel Aviv, Israel
(April 2011)
Etya Amsalem. PhD student with Abraham Hefetz. University of Tel Aviv, Israel (Nov 2010)
Livia Moda, PhD. Postdoctoral Associate with Zilá L.P. Simões. University of São Paolo, Brazil
(August October 2011)
Federico Cappa. PhD student with Laura Beani. University of Florence, Italy (May-July 2012)
Dino McMahon. Postdoctoral Associate with Robert Paxton. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-
Wittenberg, Germany (March 2013)
Rong Ma. Graduate student with Ulrich Mueller, University of Austin, Texas. (September-
December 2015)
Virginia Zanni. Graduate student with Francesco Nazzi, University of Udine (January-April 2016).
Junpeng Mu. Associate Professor, Mianyang Normal University (June 2016-May 2017).
Davide Frizzera. Graduate student with Francesco Nazzi, University of Udine (January-March
Pamelo Ochungo. Graduate student with Elluid Muli, International Center for Insect Physiology
and Ecology, Nairobi, Kenya (January-February 2019).
Taylor Steele, Brad Ohlinger, Mary Silliman. Graduate students with Margaret Couvillon,
Virginia Tech University. (November 2020)
Service to University
Director, Center for Pollinator Research. The CPR includes 34 faculty members from across the
university, who are involved in pollinator research, teaching, outreach and extension. Grozinger’s
roles and responsibilities include:
o Provided documentation and justification to establish Center in fall of 2009
o Co-organizing conferences and symposia hosted by the Center (see below for descriptions)
o Coordinating outreach activities with the Arboretum at Penn State, beekeeper groups, and
other stakeholders
o Overseeing development and maintenance of website (has >30,000 views/year)
o Coordinating and disseminates funding for endowed student scholarships and seed research
grants; helped secure 600K endowment for research program
o Directed the writing of the Pennsylvania Pollinator Protection Plan (P4). The P4 was
developed with input from 36 individuals represented 28 state- and national organizations
and stakeholder groups. It summarizes the current state of pollinators in Pennsylvania, and
provides recommendations for best practices and resources to support and expand pollinator
University committees:
Social Science Research Institute Steering Committee (2011)
Graduate Council (2012-2014)
Graduate Council Committee on Programs and Courses (2012-2014)
Chair, 2013-2014
Reviewed ~15 proposals/month
Graduate Council Committee on Committees and Procedures (2013-2015)
Huck Kitchen Cabinet Advisory Committee (2019- present)
Ecology Institute Steering Committee (2019-present)
Review Ecology Flower Grants, Strategic Planning, Website Content Development
SIRO Faculty Advisory Committee (2020 present)
Scholar in Residence, Sustainability Institute, 2021
Organized Mainstreaming Biodiversity in a Decade of Actionsymposium series, Jan
13, 2020 to March 24, 2021. 25 speakers, ~400 participants. Associated with seed
grant program to support transdisciplinary research ($70,000 in total funding for 7
Faculty Senate, 2021-2024
College committees:
Associate Director for Research, Institute for Sustainable Agricultural, Food and Environmental
Strategic planning and design of new Institute, including identifying core research
Organized “Catalyzing your Research” webinar series (March to April 2021)
Organized seed grant program to support data and computational science projects with
Search Committee for Research Initiatives Associate for Institute for SAFES (2020)
Search Committee for Research and Financial Administrator for Institute for SAFES (2020)
Distinguished Professorship Review Panel (2018-2020)
Alex and Jessie C. Black Excellence in Research Award Review Committee (2017, 2019)
Search Committee for Director of the Penn State College of Agriculture Science Development
Office (2017)
Strategic Networks and Initiatives Program Interdisciplinary Graduate Assistantships Program
Reviewer (2017)
Departmental committees:
Strategic Planning Committee (2010, 2013)
Graduate Program and Recruiting Committee (2009-2012, 2016-2019, chair 2018-2019)
Development Committee (2011-)
Department Head Advisory Committee (2012- )
Space Planning Committee (2012- 2015)
Awards Committee (2013 - 2016, chair 2015-2016; 2019-2021)
P&T Committee (2013-2016, 2017-20, chair in 2018-2019)
Search Committee for Assistant Professor in Managed Pollinators (chair, 2015)
Penn State PI of HATCH project, Sustainable Solutions to Problems Affecting Bee Health
(2017-present). Requires compiling and submitting annual reports from 5 coPIs and supporting
paperwork needed for renewal in 2019.
Advisor for Penn State Student Beekeeping Club (2016)
Founded and organized the Next Gen Sequencing Discussion Group, Spring 2012.
Since 2008, hosted 34 departmental seminar speakers: Andrew Barron (Macquarie University), Amy
Toth (PSU), Kevin Donohue (PSU), Joan Strassmann (Rice University), David Queller (Rice
University), Abraham Hefetz (Tel Aviv University), Heather Mattila (Wellesley University), Heather
Hines (NCSU), Andrew Deans (NCSU), Laurent Keller (University of Lausanne), Farooq Ahmad
(ICIMOD, Nepal), Tracy Langkilde (PSU), Julien Ayroles (Harvard University), Stephanie Rollman
(University of Cincinnati), John Wenzel (Carnegie Museum), Rachael Winfree (Rutgers University),
Deborah Delaney (University of Delaware), Michelle Elekonich (University of Nevada, Las
Vegas/NSF), Michael Goodisman (Georgia Tech University), Yasmin Cardoza (NCSU), Etya Amsalem
(PSU), Brian Danforth (Cornell), , David Denlinger (Ohio State), Noa Pinter-Wollman (UCLA), Clare
Rittschoff (University of Kentucky), Olav Rueppell (University of North Carolina, Greensboro),
Alexandra Harmon-Threatt (UIUC), Adam Dolezol (UIUC), Ryan Gott (Phipps Conservatory), Annie
Leonard (University of Nevada), T’ai Roulston (University of Virginia), Sharoni Shafir (Hebrew
University), Natalie Boyle (Penn State), Brock Harpur (Purdue), Hongmei Li-Byarlay (Central State)
From 2014-2016, organized the "Pollinator Health and Policy Seminar Series". Hosted the following
speakers for this program (additional speakers hosted by other faculty): Judy Chen (USDA-ARS, 2014),
Nigel Raine (University of Guelph, 2015), David Mortensen and Melanie Kammerer (Penn State, 2015),
Seth Barribeau (East Carolina University, 2015), Mary Purcell (USDA-AFRI, 2015), Sarah Kocher
(Princeton, 2015), Eugene Ryabov (University of Warwick, 2015), Vicki Wojcik (NAPPC, 2015), Neal
Williams (UC Davis, 2015), Michele Colopy (Pollinator Stewardship Council, 2016).
Host for Huck Distinguished Lecture Series speaker, Mariana Wolfner (Cornell, March 2012), Joan
Strassmann and David Queller (Washington University, St Louis, April 2015), Tristram Wyatt (Oxford
University, April 2018), Taylor Ricketts (University of Vermont, November 2019)
Interviewed for Penn State Graduate Women in Science’s “Inside the Scientists Studio” Series (March
Organized and reviewed grants for College of Agricultural Sciences' Graduate Fellowship Workshop
(September 2013, October 2014)
Interviewed for Penn State's University Relations "Faces of Penn State" video series (April 2013)
Presented at Penn State Ag Council Research Tour (September 2013)
Interviewed for College of Agricultural Science's "Diversity" video series (November 2013)
Interviewed for Penn State's Development Office "Campaign for the Future" video series (December
Served on Huck Institutes for the Life Sciences Graduate Student Panel (August 2013, 2014)
Interviewed for Penn State's University Relations "Penn State Lives Here" video series (August 2015)
Panel member for PSU Postdoctoral Society’s workshop on interview and negotiation strategies (January
Interviewed for Penn State's Strategic Communications "Impact" video series (December 2018-April
Presented at University Research Council, April 2020
Short Course Development
Queen Rearing Workshopfor beekeepers. University Park, PA. May 2011, June 2012, June 2013,
June 2014.
o Developed and taught by C. Grozinger, W. Miller. M. Frazier, E. Lastro Niño and Bernardo Niño,
Stephen Repasky. 12-16 participants/year.
Honey Bee Functional Genetics Tools Short Course.” University Park, PA. August 2011.
o Co-organized by C. Grozinger and G. Amdam. Course included 13 participants, 8 countries
Conferences and Workshops Organized
Symposium co-organizer for International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy.”
University Park, PA. July 2019.
o Co-organized and moderated session, with Maj Rundlof and Maggie Douglas, on "Pollinators
and pesticides".
46th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress. Served on Local Organizing Committee.
September 2019.
o Suggested symposia topics and invited speakers; eviewed and ranks 350+ oral and poster abstracts
Workshop at University of Muenster Graduate School of Education, “It’s not my fault: how the social
environment shapes individual behavior and vice versa. Co-organized with Juergen Gadau and Michael
Hennessey. June 2018.
Section Convener for Apidology, Sericulture, and Social Insects (with L de Guzman and K. Kimura) for
International Congress of Entomology, Orlando, FL, September 2016.
International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy.” University Park, PA. August
o Co-organized by C. Grozinger, N. Williams, S. Fleischer, and R. Isaacs.
o Co-organized and moderated session, with D. vanEngelsdorp, on "Epidemiology and modeling
of global pollinator populations".
"Living with our Virome: 35th Annual Summer Symposium in Molecular Biology" University Park,
PA, May 2016
o Organized by Moriah Szpara, C. Grozinger on Steering Committee
Pollinators and Ornamentals Workshop.” University Park, PA. November 2015.
o Co-organized by C. Grozinger and H. Patch.
o Included representatives of university, government and stakeholder groups (5 from outside PSU)
Steering committee member. 2014 National Academy of Sciences - Keck Futures Initiative Conference
on "Collective Behavior, From Cells to Societies", Irvine, CA, November 2014
o Duties include writing concept papers, selecting participants from pool of applicants, facilitating
discussions at conference, reviewing and selecting grant applications
"Synthesizing transcriptome data to explore interspecies bee-pathogen molecular interactions that
may underpin pollinator decline." German Center for Integrative Biodiversity (sDIV). Leipzig,
Germany. October 2013 and April 2014.
o Co-organized by C. Grozinger, R. Paxton and V. Doublet.
International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy.” University Park, PA. August
o Co-organized by C. Grozinger, C. Mullin and N. Williams.
o Approximately 230 registrants from 15 countries.
Center for Pollinator Research Symposium.” University Park, PA. May 2012.
o Co-organized by C. Grozinger and N. Ostiguy.
o 58 registrants from Penn State and several neighboring states.
International Symposium on Functional Genetics Tools In Honey Bees.” University Park, PA.
August 2011.
o Co-organized by C. Grozinger and G. Amdam.
o 22 speakers and approximately 25 additional attendees, representing 8 countries
Honey Bee Biology and Genomics Workshop.” Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY. May 2011.
o Co-organized by C. Grozinger, U. Mueller and R. Page.
o Over 100 registrants from 15 countries.
Functional Genomic Tools in Honey Bees Workshop.” Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY.
May 2011.
o Co-organized by C. Grozinger and G. Amdam.
International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy.” University Park, PA.
July 2010.
o Co-organized by C. Grozinger, D. Cox-Foster and E. Rajotte.
o Over 200 registrants from 14 countries.
Symposia in Conferences Organized
How to Speak for the Pollinators: Using Big Data to Manage and Conserve Pollinator Communities”
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. PIE Section Symposium. St Louis, MO. November
2019. Co-organized by M. Allen Kammerer and C. Grozinger
"Harnessing the Power of Genomics Tools: Monitoring Stressors in Pollinator Populations" and
"Harnessing the Power of Genomics Tools: Functional Genomics of Pollinator Health" Symposia.
International Congress of Entomology. Orlando, Florida. September 2016. Co-organized by R. Paxton
and C. Grozinger.
"Buzz-kills: The Genomics and Ecology of Stress in Pollinators". PBT Section Symposium.
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Austin, TX. November 2014. Co-organized by:
"Epigenetic Mechanisms Connecting Physiology, Behavior Ecology, and Evolution in the Insect World".
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Austin, TX. November 2013. Co-organized by: H.
Li-Byarlay, C. Grozinger, S. Weiner, B. Hunt
“A Global Perspective of Bee Decline: Situation, Strategies and Successes”. Entomological Society of
America Annual Meeting. Knoxville, TN. November 2012. Co-organized by C. Grozinger and J.
“Evolutionary genomics of social behavior”. International Congress on Entomology. Daegu, South
Korea. August 2012. Co-organized by C. Grozinger and J. Gadau.
“Molecular and genomic approaches to comparative neuroethology” International Congress of the
International Union for the Study of Social Insects. August 2010. Copenhagan, Denmark. Co-
organized by C. Grozinger and A. Barron.
“Pheromonal mediation of honey bee social behavior, a symposium in honor of Mark Winston”
International Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects. Washington, DC.
August 2006. Organized by C. Grozinger.
“Advances in apiculture and honey bee biology” Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of
America Annual Meeting. Wilmington, NC. (2006). Organized by C. Grozinger and D. Tarpy.
Editorial Related Activities
Guest editor with Jay Evans for "Translational Approaches to Bee Health" special issue of Current
Opinion in Insect Science (2015)
Guest editor for the “Honey Bee” special issue of the open-access journal “Insects” (2012)
Editorial Board: Journal of Chemical Ecology (2009-2012), Journal of Insect Physiology (2012-
present), Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2013-2019), Insect Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology (2015-2019), Annual Review of Entomology (guest: 2018, board member: 2019-2020, co-editor:
Guest editor for Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019, 2021)
Reviewer Related Activities
Research grant review panel manager:
o USDA Pollinator Health (September 2019, August 2020)
Research grant review panel member:
o USDA (September 2007, April 2008, December 2016)
o NSF (November 2006, March 2009, February 2013)
o AAAS King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology proposals (February 2010, February
2012, August 2012, September 2013, October 2014, January 2018)
o Romanian Research Council (July 2011)
o Coordinated NAPPC Honey Bee Health Research Grant Program (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014)
o NIH Modeling of Social Behavior (2015)
o US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (2016, 2020)
o USDA-AFRI Pest and Beneficial Species (2016)
o NAKFI Challenge Program, National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (2018)
Adhoc research grant reviewer for
o NSF (2011, 2014)
o USDA SBIR (2012)
o UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (2012. 2017)
o French Agence Nationale de la Research (2012)
o Austrian Science Fund (2013)
o University of Leuven, Belgium (2014)
o German Research Foundation (2014)
o Research Councils UK (2015)
o Swiss National Science Foundation (2016)
o UK Natural Environmental Research Council (2016, 2018)
o NSF IOS Symbiosis Def & Self Recognition (2016)
o French National Research Agency (ANR) (2016)
o Marsden Fund Council, Royal Society Te Apārangi, New Zealand (2018)
o Natural Environment Research Council, UK (2018)
o NSF IOS Symbiosis, Defense, and Self-Recognition (2019, 2020)
o Deutsche Forschungsgemeinshaft Grant Program (2020)
o NSF, Cross-Bio Activities (2021)
Reviewer for tenure and promotion packets at
o University of Las Vegas (2008)
o University of Florida, Gainesville (2011)
o Reed College (2011)
o University of Cincinnati (2012)
o York University (2013, 2014)
o University of Western Ontario (2013)
o University of Washington, St. Louis (2014)
o University of Pretoria (2015)
o University of Texas, Austin (2016)
o Worcester Polytechnic Institute (2016)
o Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2016)
o Texas A&M University (2016)
o Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2016)
o Rockefeller University (2017)
o University of California, Berkeley (2017)
o University of Cincinnati (2018)
o York University (2019)
o Macquarie University (2019)
o University of California, Riverside (2019)
o Washington University, St. Louis (2019)
o Barnard College (2020)
o MIT (2020)
Reviewer for peer-reviewed journal articles in
o Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; Genome Biology; PLoS Genetics;
PLoS Computational Biology; PLoS Pathogens; Biology Letters; Scientific Reports; PLoS ONE;
Journal of Experimental Biology; BMC Biology; BMC Physiology; BMC Genomics; FEBS
Letters; Insect Molecular Biology; Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Genes Brain and
Behavior; Molecular Ecology; Journal of Insect Physiology; Journal of Invertebrate Pathology;
Journal of Chemical Ecology; Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology; Naturwissenschaften;
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology; Journal of Apicultural Research; Entomologia generalis;
Ethology; Journal of Hymenopteran Research; Apidologie; Hormones and Behavior; Journal of
Insect Behavior; Biology of Reproduction; Gene; Animal Behavior; Arthropod-Plant Interactions;
Hormones and Behavior; Genetics; Ethology, Ecology and Evolution; Reproduction, Fertility and
Development; Behavioral Ecology; Journal of General Virology; eLife
o Review an average of 3 manuscripts/month
Miscellaneous reviewer activities
o Reviewed program proposal for USDA-ARS Imported Fire Ant and Household Insects unit (2014)
o Factual reviewer for Smithsonian Channel program on "Wild Bees" (2014)
o Served as search committee member for Insect Physiology Research Entomologist position at
USDA-ARS (2015)
o Reviewed program proposal for National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India (2016)
Service to Professional Societies
P-IE Wildly Important Goals: Amplifying the Buzz: Establishing the Entomological Society of America
as a leader in developing and disseminating information on pollinators, 2021. Co-chair with Kim Stoner,
Victor Gonzalez.
Entomological Society of America Science Policy Committee, member, 2019-2021.
P-IE Pollinator Committee, Entomological Society of America, 2016-2020.
Co-Chair, Pollinator Position Statement Writing Group, Entomological Society of America. 2015, 2019
President, 2013, North American Section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (NAS-
o Duties include writing proposals to support travel grants for junior scientists, reviewing
applications and nominations for awards, developing nomination packet for 2014 Hamilton Award
nominee, coordinate donors.
Steering committee member, North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) (2008-2010)
Co-chair, North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) Honey Bee Health Improvement
Task Force (2007-2010, 2012, 2013, 2014)
Coordinated NAPPC Honey Bee Health Research Grant Program (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
Member, Haagan Dazs’ Ice Cream Bee Board, 2011-present
Moderator for student oral presentations, Annual Meeting for the Entomological Society of America
Judge for student oral presentations, Annual Meeting for the Entomological Society of America (2005,
Judge for poster presentations for the NC Entomological Society (2005)
Article for the newsletter of the North American Section of the International Union for the Study of Social
Insects (IUSSI) summarizing the 2005 European Congress of the IUSSI (2005)
Participation in Working Groups/Advisory Boards
Invited participant, USDA/EPA Pollinator State of the Science Workshop. Remote. September 8-10,
Invited participant on workshop on Historical Societal Collapse. Princeton University. April 2019,
December 2020.
Research Oversight Committee member for Genome Canada/Genome BC project, “Sustaining and
Securing Canada’s Honey Bees Using ‘Omic Tools”, 2015-2018, and 2019-2022, “BeeCSI: ‘Omic tools
for assessing bee health”
Organized working group on “Putting pesticides on the map to guide conservation of pollinators and
their ecosystem services.National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, Annapolis, MD.
Workshop 1: November 13-15, 2017. Workshop 2: May 30-June 1, 2018. Workshop 3: Jan 8-10, 2019.
Co-organized with Maggie Douglas (Dickinson College) and Doug Sponsler (Penn State).
Invited participant in National Science Foundation “Animal Behavior Workshop”, NYC, NY, August
5-9, 2014
Organized Trans-Bee Workshop; Synthesis Centre of Biodiversity Sciences, Leipzig, Germany,
October 10-11, 2013 and April 28-29, 2014
Invited participant in US-UK Honey Bee Health Workshop, York, UK, October 17-18, 2012
Invited participant in National Science Foundation “Animal Behavior Workshop”, Warrenton, VA,
April 27-May 1, 2012
Invited participant in Colony Collapse Disorder Workshop; Beltsville, MD, 2007
Invited participant in BeeSpace Workshop; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2007
Service to the Public
Led the development of Beescape ( an online tool which helps beekeepers and
others assess the quality of their landscapes for supporting bee health. The tool is integrated with a
survey, which will allow us to collect information on honey bee and wild bee health in diverse
landscapes and develop predictive models of bee health in specific regions, which will be incorporated
into future versions. Beescape was developed as a multi-institutional partnership, with Penn State as
the lead.
Lead writer and organizer of Pennsylvania Pollinator Protection Plan (2017). Grozinger led a team of
36 individuals, represented 28 national and international organizations, in developing and writing the
P4. The P4 is a living document that contains information on the current status and economic value
of pollinator in Pennsylvania, best practices for developing foraging and habit, using pesticides, and
managing bees in urban, agricultural, and natural landscapes as well as roadsides and rights of way,
and recommendations for research, communication, and policy. In total, the document is ~80 pages
in length and is extensively hyperlinked. It is available at
Advisory Committee member for the Powdermill Nature Reserve, Carnegie Natural History Museum
(2018- )
Consulted with Highlights Magazine on feature on pollinators (January 2020).
Outreach Related Speaking Engagements
(Grozinger is invited presenter)
Radio Park Elementary School. Remote presentation and demonstration on making hotels for solitary
bees. April 2021. With Natalie Boyle.
Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association. Remote presentation, March 2021.
Engineering Edge Podcast. Aired April 2021.
STEM Professionals Panel for Chief Science Officers Program. January 2021 (panelist). Middle/High
school leadership program.
PA STEM Coalition Year in Review. December 2020. (panelist) STEM teachers and government
officials in PA.
VT State Beekeepers Annual Meeting. October 2020. (1 presentation, keynote)
PolliNation Podcast. July 2020. (podcast produced by Oregon State University).
Penn State Pollinator Health Webinar Series. July 2020.
Northern Virginia Beekeepers Association. June 2020.
Penn State Alumni Association, May 2020.
NJ State Beekeepers Annual Meeting, November 2019 (1 presentation, keynote)
STEM Pillars presentation on “Pollinators and Plants”, Shaver’s Creek, Tyrone Public Library,
Philipsburg Public Library, April, July, October 2019. With Makaylee Crone, Rong Ma, and Heather
Zimmerman. Supported by a IMLS grant to Heather Zimmerman.
Radio Interview, 1160 WCCS Pennsylvania, September 2019
Montgomery County PA Beekeepers, August 2019
APPL-RED (Authentic Plant Pollinator Landscape for Educators) workshop from June 24-July 28, 2019
at University Park. Instructors: Christina Grozinger, Harland Patch, Kathy Hill, Emily Erickson, Melanie
Kammerer, Tyler Jones and Doug Sponsler.
Pollinator In-Service Short-Course, July 2019
Centre County Leadership Council, May 2019
2019 Forest Landowner Conference, State College, PA, March 2019
Worcester MA Beekeepers, 2 presentations, March 2019
Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association Annual Meeting, State College, PA, 2 presentations,
November 2018
Asbury Woods, “What the Buzz About Bees?”, Erie, PA, September 2018
Marcellus Shale Coalition, August 2018
PA Forest Products Association, August 2018
Maryland State Beekeepers Association Annual Meeting, 2 presentations, Annadale, MD, February
American Honey Producers Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 2018.
Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association Annual Meeting, State College, PA, November 2017
Ag Progress Days, Pine Grove Mills, PA, August 17, 2017 and Wild Center Buzz Fest, at Tupper Lake, NY and Old Forge, NY, July 19-20, 2017
APPL-RED (Authentic Plant Pollinator Landscape for Educators) workshop from July 24-July 28, 2017
and April 13, 2018 at University Park. Instructors: Annmarie Ward, Christina Grozinger, Harland Patch,
Kathy Hill, Emily Erickson, Tyler Jones and Doug Sponsler.
Penn State Millennium Cafe, University Park, PA, June 20, 2017
Weston Backyard Beekeepers Association, Weston, CT, May 23, 2017
Pennsylvania Hardwoods Development Council Meeting. State College, PA, May 10, 2017
Penn State Science Policy Society - Science on Tap Series, University Park, PA, April 18, 2017 (and
associated radio interview on WFREQ)
Centre County Master Gardeners Conference, University Park, PA, March 20, 2017
Invited presentation, 2017 Southeast PA Green Industry Conference, Doylestown, PA January 2017
Invited presentation, 2C's And A Bee Beekeepers Association, November 2016
Invited presentation, Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association Annual Meeting, November 2016
Invited presentation, Penn State Master Gardeners Leadership In-Service Conference, October 2016
Invited presentation, Penn State Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences VIP symposium, October 2016
Invited presentation, Liberty Hill Community, July 2016
Invited presentation, The Village at Penn State, June 2016
Invited presentation, Penn State Smeal College of Business, June 2016
Invited presentation (2), Western PA Beekeepers Seminar, February 2016
Invited presentations (2), Connecticut State Beekeepers Association, October 2015
Invited presentation, Marin County (CA) Beekeepers, March 2015
Invited presentation, Weston Backyard Beekeepers, September 2014
Podcast interview on pollinator decline and Penn State Research with Ray Bowman, Farm and Food,
Farmstead Media Group, April 2014.
Invited presentation on pollinator decline, Juniata Valley Audubon Society, May 2013
Presentation on “The Global Pollinator Crisis”, in Frontiers in Science Lecture Series: Food: Strategies
for Growing Enough for Everyone. Penn State University, January 2012.
Discussion panel member, “Burt’s Talks To Bees”, New York City, June 2012.
Invited research presentation to York County Beekeepers Association, June 2011
Invited presentation to the Mid Atlantic Apiculture & Extension Consortium, March 2011
Invited research presentation and workshop on honey bee breeding at Western PA Beekeepers Seminar,
February 2011
Invited research presentation and workshop on honey bee breeding at Southeastern PA Honey Bee
Symposium, October 2010
Invited research presentation and workshop on honey bee breeding at PA State Beekeeper Annual
Meeting, November 2009
Invited presentation. LabCorp. Burlington, NC. (2006)
Invited presentation. NC Coastal Plains Beekeepers Meeting. Tarboro, NC. (2006)
Invited presentation. NCSU Advanced Horticulture Extension Agent Training. Raleigh, NC. (2006)
Outreach Related Interactive Activities
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County. Presentation to K-5 group on “Night Singing
Insects”. October 2020. Presented by Grozinger.
Radio Park Elementary School Pollinator Garden Installation. Installed garden with ~175 annual and
perennial plants, engaged 350 students and 50 adults. Organized by Penn State Master Gardeners. June
2017. Presented by Grozinger.
Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Staff Retreat. May 2017. Presented by members of
Grozinger lab.
Great Insect Fair. Event sponsored by the Department of Entomology at Penn State. University Park,
PA. 2012-2019. Presented by Grozinger and members of Grozinger lab.
Wings in the Park”. Event sponsored by Centre County Master Gardeners. State College, PA. June
2012, June 2013, July 2014, July 2015, July 2016, July 2017. Presented by Grozinger and members of
Grozinger lab.
Arbor and Earth Days Celebration. Event sponsored by The Arboretum at Penn State. University Park,
PA. April 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016. Presented by members of Grozinger lab.
Radio Park Elementary School. Presentations and activities related to pollinators and other insects for
multiple K-5 classes. State College, PA. May 2016. June 2017. May 2018. Presented by Grozinger and
Spring Creek Festival”. Event sponsored by Clearwater Conservancy. State College, PA. June 2013.
Presented by Grozinger and members of Grozinger lab.
Daybridge Child Care Center and Hort Woods Child Care Center. Presentations and activities related
to pollinators and other insects for 2-5 year olds. State College, PA. May 2011, May 2012, May 2013,
May 2014. Presented by Grozinger and Patch.
The Eberly College of Science Exploration Days. University Park, PA. April 2011, 2012. Presented
by members of Grozinger lab.
Presentation and activities related to honey bee biology to students in the Delta Program, State College
Area School System. University Park, PA. February 2009. Presented by Grozinger and members of
Grozinger lab.
Presentation and activities related to honey bee biology to middle school students in Imhotep Academy.
Event sponsored by the Science House, North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC. 2005. Presented
by Grozinger and members of Grozinger lab.
Outreach program with junior high school biology students at North Carolina School of Science and
Math; helped students design and run experiments of honey bee behavior. 2005-2008. Presented by
Grozinger and members of Grozinger lab.