Live Lecturing ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Zoom .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Recommendations for Live Lectures ..................................................................................................... 2
Recording Live Lectures in Zoom ........................................................................................................... 3
How to record in Zoom .......................................................................................................................... 3
Pre-Recorded Lectures .................................................................................................................................. 4
Zoom recordings ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Voiceover on Powerpoints......................................................................................................................... 5
Mac users: Use QuickTime Player to record video of your computer screen ........................................... 5
Mac users: Use QuickTime Player to record audio (podcasts) .................................................................. 5
Windows 10 users: Use Game Bar to record video of your computer screen .......................................... 5
Windows 10 users: Use Voice Recorder to record audio (podcast) .......................................................... 5
Lecturing Tools ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Interactions ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Whiteboard tools (Windows) .................................................................................................................... 6
Whiteboard tools (Macs) ........................................................................................................................... 6
Live Lecturing
1. Launch the Zoom app
2. Start a Zoom session as the host
3. In the Zoom bar (usually at the bottom of the Zoom window), click Manage Participants
4. In the Manage Participants box, click on the More button in the lower-left corner and select
Mute Participants on Entry
5. Open turn on or launch any tools that you need to capture in your recording (for example, mic,
camera, screen share, etc).
6. Start lecturing
Recommendations for Live Lectures
1. Find a moderator to help you during the live session. You’ll have your hands busy trying to
present, the moderator’s job is to help answer questions in the chat (both technical and content
related questions). Ask your Teaching Assistant or a colleague.
2. Collect the materials needed and have them ready before you start your session
3. Setup a test session where the lecturer/presenter and moderator can meet and do a test run of
the presentation
4. Communicate with your students on how to access the session and if the session will be
recorded or not
Recording Live Lectures in Zoom
Before recording, let everyone BEFORE the lecture that it will be recorded and how it will be used. This
will help students prepare how they appear or what they decided to say during the recording. Be as
transparent as possible. If the students do object, let them know up to what part of the session you will
be recording and when recording will be turned off. For suggested notice, use this approved notification
This [class/meeting] is being conducted over Zoom. As the host, I will be recording this session. The
recording feature for others is disabled so that no one else will be able to record this session through
Zoom. No recording by other means is permitted. This session will be posted at the CCLE class website
unless otherwise notified. If you have privacy concerns and do not wish to appear in the recording, do
not turn on your video. If you also prefer to use a pseudonym instead of your name, please let me know
what name you will be using so that I know who you are during the session. If you would like to ask a
question, you may do so privately through the Zoom chat by addressing your chat question to me only
(and not to “everyone”), or you may contact me by another private method. If you have questions or
concerns about this, please contact me.
Pursuant to the terms of the agreement between the vendor and UCLA, the data is used solely for this
purpose and the vendor is prohibited from redisclosing this information. UCLA also does not use the data
for any other purpose. Recordings will be deleted when no longer necessary. However, the recording
may become part of an administrative disciplinary record if misconduct occurs during a
On the day of the lecture, remind students again before the recording starts. If you decide to post the
lecture, please use your CCLE site or a secure are that requires students to be enrolled and logged in
with their UCLA logon.
How to record in Zoom
7. Launch the Zoom app
8. Start a Zoom session as the host
9. Open turn on or launch any tools that you need to capture in your recording (for example, mic,
camera, screen share, etc).
10. In the Zoom bar (usually at the bottom of the Zoom window), click Record
a. If you do not see Record, click More then select Record
11. You should see a indicator (sometimes in the top-left corner) while recording is
12. You can pause or stop recording at any time
a. Pause recording will results in one continuous video
b. Stop recording will result in many videos if you resume recording during the session
13. End meeting to start the conversion process (you will need to wait until conversion is complete,
DO NOT turn off your computer)
14. When the conversion is done, the folder containing your recording will open
a. TIP: If you are unable to locate your recording, open the Zoom app, click on the
Meetings tab at the top, then click on Recorded in the window to the left
15. Upload the recording to your class site.
Full Zoom documentation:
Pre-Recorded Lectures
Zoom recordings
Simply record an empty Zoom room! Follow the steps in Recording Live Lectures in Zoom
Voiceover on Powerpoints
If you have Powerpoint slides created, you can add voice over on top of your slides and set timings.
Please check what version of Powerpoint you have installed and follow the instructions for the
corresponding version here:
If timings are too difficult for you to manage, you can audio or video on your computer for each slide,
then insert the file into your slide:
Mac users: Use QuickTime Player to record video of your computer screen
QuickTime comes natively in Macs, so there is no additional software to download or install.
More instructions can be found here:
Mac users: Use QuickTime Player to record audio (podcasts)
QuickTime comes natively in Macs, so there is no additional software to download or install.
More instructions can be found here:
Windows 10 users: Use Game Bar to record video of your computer screen
Game Bar is a software program included with Windows 10.
More instructions can be found here:
Windows 10 users: Use Voice Recorder to record audio (podcast)
Voice Recorder app is free in Windows 10.
More instructions can be found here:
Lecturing Tools
- Zoom polling:
- Poll Everywhere:
- Mentimeter:
- UCLA Online Polling Tool:
Whiteboard tools (Windows)
- Microsoft Whiteboard:
Whiteboard tools (Macs)
- GoodNotes 5: