Service Descripon
This Service Descripon Document (“SDD”) describes the Juniper Custom Soware
Support Service (“Services”) that Juniper makes available for purchase by end users
of Juniper products (“End User”) directly or through its authorized resellers and
distributors. The Services provide annual support for “Custom Soware,” which is
dened as a soware-based soluon that has been designed, developed, and tested
by Juniper Networks® Professional Services and delivered as a specic project
deliverable that is part of a Statement of Work (SOW).
The Services are subject to the terms of this SDD and of the Juniper Networks End
User Support Agreement (a copy of which is posted at
guidelines.html), or another wrien master services agreement signed by Juniper
Networks and the End User and covering, within its scope, the terms and condions
under which Juniper will render support and maintenance services (herein, the “End
User Services Agreement” or “EUSA”).
All license terms for the Custom Soware provided by Juniper as part of the
Services are subject to the Juniper Networks Script Soware License Agreement, a
copy of which is posted at hps:// (or
another wrien master license agreement signed by Juniper and the End User and
covering, within its scope, the terms and condions under which Juniper will provide
soware and soware updates and releases).
In the event of any conict between the terms of this SDD and those of the EUSA
or Juniper Networks Script Soware License Agreement, the terms of the EUSA and
Juniper Networks Script Soware License Agreement shall take precedence. Unless
otherwise stated in this SDD, capitalized terms used in this SDD will be as dened
in the EUSA.
Eligibility, Purchasing, and Prerequisites
The Services are available for purchase only (i) by certain qualied End Users
solely for their own internal use and (ii) by Juniper authorized resellers or by
Juniper authorized distributors solely for resale to the End User idened by name
and address in such authorized reseller’s purchase order. The Services must be
purchased for a xed term lasng at least twelve (12) months unless otherwise
agreed to by Juniper for the purposes of co-terming an End User’s mulple Service
Contracts. Any such purchased commitment by Juniper to provide Services is
referred to herein as a “Juniper Service Contract.” Prerequisites are a Design
Document and a Test Plan. Juniper and the End User must agree to the content for
both. If neither document exists, or if the current documents require updang, they
must be created or updated at addional expense.
Introducon ...................................1
Eligibility, Purchasing, and
Prerequisites ...................................1
Services Features and Deliverable
Descripon .....................................2
End User Responsibilies .............2
Availability ....................................... 3
Exclusions ........................................3
Customer Services Policies ..........3
Custom Soware Support Service
Services Features and Deliverable Descripon
Juniper will use commercially reasonable eorts to provide
the End User with the Services. The Services comprise access
to Juniper Technical Support engineers who will diagnose a
Custom Soware issue or outage and restore the applicaon
back to working order.
The Services as described in this document are an annual
maintenance contract that can be renewed each year, and
are only applicable to custom soware developed by Juniper
Professional Services. The Services include break-x work only
and soware patches and updates.
JTAC Access
With Juniper Technical Assistance Center (JTAC) support, the
End User will have unlimited access to JTAC engineers by
phone and online 24/7/365. JTAC Technical Support engineers
will diagnose a custom soware issue or outage and restore
the applicaon back to working order, generate workaround
soluons using reasonable commercial eorts, or provide a x
to a discovered defect. Automac escalaon alerts to senior
management are triggered on all priority issues. Customers will
be noed of the availability of a patch or update by JTAC.
For details on JTAC support center structure, how to access
JTAC support, JTAC response me guidelines, problem reporng
and escalaon procedure, case workow, and customer
communicaon guidelines, please refer to the JTAC User Guide.
Online Support
During the term of the Juniper Service Contract, Juniper
provides End User with self-service access to the Juniper
Customer Service Center (CSC) online portal, which provides
informaon, answers, tools, and service opons for the End
User’s use in supporng supported Juniper product. Oerings
include, but are not limited to:
Online case management: Create new cases, check
the status of exisng cases, update cases with new
informaon, search by case numbers, and search by End
User’s own internal case reference numbers.
Soware Patches and Soware Updates
During the term of the Juniper Service Contract, soware
patches and soware updates for the End User Soware are
included, if necessary, to restore system funconality and are
ed to the specic code release that the End User accepted.
End Users will be noed of the availability of a patch or update
by JTAC.
Soware Patch means minor modicaons to the Custom
Soware to address a specic problem and help restore the
Soware Update means a release to the Custom Soware or
its underlying component parts (such as a soware library)
comprising primarily error correcons (a collecon of soware
patches) to the Custom Soware, somemes also referred to
as “maintenance releases.” Soware Updates do not typically
include any new or addional features beyond what was
provided in the latest available Soware Upgrade.
Please note that a custom soware upgrade or enhancement
is not included, but can be purchased separately from Juniper
Professional Services. A Soware Upgrade means a release
of the supported soware that may contain new features or
enhanced funconality.
Please note that a Juniper Networks Junos® operang system
upgrade or enhancement is not included, but can be purchased
separately from Juniper Professional Services.
Version Control
The Services are ed to a specic release of code. If the End
User changes the version that was agreed upon, then Juniper is
not obligated to provide the Services.
End User Responsibilies
The End User will provide Juniper or its authorized service
representave with access to the aected network
environment, and will assign a technical contact for
Furthermore, if Juniper determines that its technical
personnel need access to the End User’s network in order
to remotely diagnose a problem, End User will ensure that
Juniper personnel have the necessary level of authorized
access to such network. The End User has the right to
observe such access.
The End User will implement any Soware Patches and/or
Soware Updates as directed by JTAC sta and/or Juniper
Professional Services sta.
The End User will properly train support engineers in the
use and applicaon of the Custom Soware.
The End User’s support engineers must be procient in
the operaon of the Custom Soware and be able to
perform basic hardware and soware conguraon and
troubleshoong. All communicaon to Juniper engineers
of customer issues and responses will be conducted in
English. End User shall pay for support rendered by Juniper
due to modicaons not authorized by Juniper at Juniper’s
then prevailing rates for me and materials.
The End User shall inform Juniper about any role changes
or the resignaon of its support engineers so that their
individual CSC accounts can be modied/deacvated as
Custom Soware Support Service
Without prior nocaon, Juniper is not responsible for
modifying or terminang the CSC-Portal accounts which
belong to End User’s employees who change roles or
resign from their posions.
The End User will protect and back up the data and
informaon stored on the computers/servers on which the
Custom Soware is used, and conrm that such data and
informaon is protected and backed up before contacng
JTAC for support. Juniper is not responsible for lost data or
informaon in the event of errors or other malfuncon of
the soware or computers/servers on which the Custom
Soware is used.
The End User will provide informaon on the current
conguraons and current soware releases running in
the network as and when requested by Juniper in order to
provide the service deliverables menoned in this oering.
The End User will provide access to servers, equipment,
informaon, logs, infrastructure, and resources needed for
the delivery of the Services.
The End User will ensure that the requirements idened
to enable the proper working of the Juniper soluon
are in place. These requirements may be documented in
the product documentaon or user guides, or addional
recommendaons communicated by the Juniper team from
me to me for proper delivery of Services.
The End User will provide Juniper with any informaon
Juniper may reasonably request about the execuon of
the Services throughout the delivery process. If third-
party parcipaon and cooperaon is required in order
for the End User to perform their responsibilies, the End
User shall be responsible for geng such parcipaon
and cooperaon. End User shall provide wrien noce
to Juniper as soon as it becomes clear or there is reason
to believe that the End User will not meet any of their
These Services are available worldwide (excluding countries
listed in Group E under the U.S. Export Administraon
Regulaons [currently, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and
Syria] and any other countries as to which the furnishing of such
Services may be prohibited), provided, however, that certain
advance replacement and onsite services are not available in
certain countries. Services are available for a minimum xed
duraon of twelve (12) months.
Services will be delivered remotely from an authorized
Juniper locaon unless otherwise specied.
All service deliverables in this oering are available in
English only unless otherwise specied by Juniper.
Juniper’s obligaon to perform any parcular Services
hereunder is conngent upon Juniper receiving from the
End User such cooperaon, network access, consents,
informaon, and materials that Juniper may reasonably
request to enable Juniper’s proper and ecient
performance of such Services and to enable Juniper to do
so in compliance with all applicable laws and regulaons.
Juniper is not obligated to provide support for any of the
A warranty, implied or expressed
Third-party open source components that are used by the
Custom Soware
Operaon of the Custom Soware other than in
accordance with technical documentaon and
specicaons furnished by JTAC or Juniper Professional
Actual or aempted modicaon, alteraon, or addion to
the Custom Soware undertaken by the End User or any
third party
Any customized deliverables created by Juniper specically
for End User as part of a consulng service
Customer Services Policies
The Customer Care User Guide and JTAC User Guide are
provided for informaon purposes only to assist the End User
eciently and eecvely accessing and understanding Service
Contract benets.
Corporate and Sales Headquarters
Juniper Networks, Inc.
1133 Innovaon Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA
Phone: 888.JUNIPER (888.586.4737)
or +1.408.745.2000
Copyright 2021 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Juniper, and Junos are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. in the
United States and other countries. All other trademarks, service marks, registered marks, or registered service marks are the property of their respective owners. Juniper Networks
assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice.
APAC and EMEA Headquarters
Juniper Networks Internaonal B.V.
Boeing Avenue 240
1119 PZ Schiphol-Rijk
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +
9060157-002-EN Mar 2021
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Custom Soware Support Service
About Juniper Networks
Juniper Networks brings simplicity to networking with
products, soluons and services that connect the world.
Through engineering innovaon, we remove the constraints
and complexies of networking in the cloud era to solve the
toughest challenges our customers and partners face daily. At
Juniper Networks, we believe that the network is a resource for
sharing knowledge and human advancement that changes the
world. We are commied to imagining groundbreaking ways to
deliver automated, scalable and secure networks to move at the
speed of business.