FY2022 1st Quarter http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM 1
by Sgt. 1st Class John M. Buol Jr.
Myth “Breath Control is a critical component of
marksmanship fundamentals.
Fact Shot placement is determined by where the
barrel points, as indicated by the aligned sights, when
the bullet clears the crown.
Breath control or breathing has only one function in
effective small arms training: If you’re on a range and
hear advicesuch as “Watch your breathingyou should
ignore everything that person says about marksmanship
because he has just identified himself as someone who
doesn’t understand the subject.
It is common, especially in military circles, to believe
that breath control and/or breathing has some mystical
effect on shooting and will magically cause shots to go
high or low. Any movement, whether caused by breath-
ing or any other factor, will show as motion in the sights.
While the hold may wobble, the shot will be where the
aligned sights indicate when the trigger breaks (assuming
a good zero and ignoring trajectory, of course.)
Origins of the Myth
The obsolete and redacted Four Fundamentals model
was really a short checklist describing a simplified Shot
Process. The previous version of Trainfire (as taught be-
fore 1980) had over two dozen marksmanship concepts,
including the Eight Steady Hold Factors describing shoot-
ing positions. Trainfire was changed due to a desire to
strip down the teaching approach to the bare minimum
of details. The qualification was reduced from eight
qualification tables shot from multiple positions and field
conditions found in FM 23-71 and FM 23-8 down to two
tables of fire all shot from prone or supported. The in-
tention was not to learn good shooting; it was to create
the minimum amount of skill to get new recruits being
instructed by non-experts to hit more than 55% of the
full-size targets somewhere during a simplified quali-
fication course meeting the absolute bare necessities of
military eld marksmanship from the easiest, most stable
positions possible.
Army reserve mArksmAn
Breath Control and Shooting
In This Issue
Breath Control and Shooting
Call Your Shots!
Solving Dunning-Kruger Effect
Public Affiars Change
USAR Event Types
Trigger Pin?
Have a Plan
Shot Call Plot Sheet
Call For Articles
All articles, and ideas helpful to improving small arms
training, qualification, and competition for Army Re-
serve Soldiers are welcome. Submit anything youd
like included in Army Reserve Marksman Contact:
Analyzing one of the biggest myths on Army ranges.
2 http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM FY2022 1st Quarter
The Four Fundamentals model was intended to be
simple enough that low-skill shooter/coaches with no
formal shooting experience (i.e., drill sergeants) could
teach it to new recruits. The order of the checklist (Steady
Position, Aiming, Breath Control, Trigger Squeeze) is im-
portant as it describes the sequence of use and prescribes
a rudimentary Shot Process. That means every unit pre-
tending they did PMI” with a 5-15 minute blurb from
a 3x5 index card where Soldiers were asked to “name
the Four Fundamentals” (“uh... breathing and the other
ones”) failed if they didn’t list them in the prescribed
order of the checklist.
Four Fundamentals was intended as the elementary
school equivalent of marksmanship, rather like arith-
metic taught to first grade children. It was a start point
that was supposed to be built upon but most Soldiers and
units never have. Consider that about 90% of recruits will
pass Initial Entry Training and none of that failing 10%
are removed due to weapon qualification. Then consider
this exact same novice-level qualification course and
standard that recruits routinely pass remains the only
standard enforced during a Soldier’s entire career. Drill
sergeants, combat veterans, combat arms personnel, and
Soldiers with years and decades of military experience
are rarely required to demonstrate and held formally ac-
countable for shooting skill or knowledge better than a
new recruit passing Basic.
Now, take this elementary school approach to teach-
ing that is never built upon and consider that breathing is
25% of the entire Four Fundamentals model, given equal
weight as position, aiming, and trigger control. Add in
that breathing provides a single, easy-to-understand dia-
gram to copy, where other concepts useful to a developed
Shot Process do not, and it’s easy to understand why non-
experts pretending to be instructors harp on it.
In Practice
All breath control does is pause the shooter’s respiration
while executing shot(s), thus helping to minimize move-
ment. That’s it! Pause breathing while pressing the trigger
and breathe normally at any other time. These are part of
the Functional Element called Control.
The problem is novice shooters often tend to hold too
long, over-staring the sights, holding their breath until
blue in the face, and probably inducing recoil anticipa-
tion (flinch) just to be rid of the chambered round. Breath
control alone does not and can not cause shots to go high
or low. Even if it somehow could, the shooter can see that
as aiming error with the sights.
Breath control “problems” are usually Aiming error
The breathing cycle (not at respiratory pause) causes
movement up and down. Any shots triggered during this
movement will be vertically strung, however, this is aim-
ing error. If breath control was truly the cause of misplaced
shots with no other influence, the shooter would have seen
the error in the sight picture, with the sights being higher
or lower than the intended point of aim. That the shooter
didnt see and state this as the problem on their own indi-
cates other issues are at play.
A shooter anticipating recoil andinching their eye
closed on the Shot will likely fail to see aiming error when
the shot breaks and remain incapable of consistent shot
calls. A target-gazing shooter (especially if using iron
sights) also may not notice this sight alignment and/or
sight picture error going high or low. Both of these more-
likely causes indicate problems having nothing to do with
breathing. If the struggling shooter was made aware of their
tendency to flinch, paid better attention to sight alignment/
picture, and learned to call shots, this breathing “problem
would take care of itself.
This assumes the shooter can call shots. More impor-
tantly, it assumes the shooter understands what call your
shot” means. It also assumes the shooter can fire without
flinching/recoil anticipation. All of these are often the real
problem. Funny how every low-skill shooter in the Army
emphasizes a non-issue like breath control and are oblivi-
ous to something like flinching which is usually the real
A hapless soldier with shooting problems is probably
flinching and might also have an inconsistent position,
poor trigger control, and/or lack of good sight alignment.
Then, some random yahoo with a range safety paddle
pretending to be an instructor breezes by the targets and
quips “watch your breathing” at the poor group without
Army reserve mArksmAn
Above: Being able copy and use a single, easy-to-un-
derstand picture makes it easy to “teachPMI. This is
a key reason why breath control (25% of the entire Four
Fundamentals model) received undeserved emphasis
by low-skill shooters pretending to be instructors.
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first bothering to see what the real issues are.
This is worse than useless; it is actively detrimental.
Not only have we ignored the likely cause, we’ve dis-
tracted attention toward a non-issue.
Also note the old silhouette-shaped 25-meter zero tar-
get officially in use from 1980 to 2016. It is much taller
than wide and the same color as the front sight used to
aim at it. Windage error is easy to detect on this target as
the front sight appears close to the same width as the tar-
get, however, elevation error is more difficult to discern,
making high/low aiming errors more likely.
Proper coaching is like detective work sifting for
clues. Watch the shooter, ask what they did and saw (or
thought they did and saw...), and then analyze the target.
If breath control was truly the cause, the shooter can tell
you based on where they saw their sights as they called
each shot. Even if in the highly unlikely event the shooter
failed to pause respiration, the fact they didn’t see that
error in the sights and failed to call it means they didn’t
call that shot, likely due to recoil anticipation. Fix that
as it is the actual problem.
The real solution is to become aware of sight move-
ment and calling the shot based on where the aligned
sights were when the trigger broke. Too many military
personnel incorrectly blame all high or low shots on
breathing, ignoring sight alignment errors, position er-
rors, inching, or anything else. They don’t consider
these things because they don’t know that they should,
often because the unskilled shooter pretending to be a
small arms instructor also does not know. “Watch your
breathing” is all they got.
From TC 3-22.9
Chapter 8
8-7. During the shot process, the shooter controls their
breathing to reduce the amount of movement of the weap-
on. During training, the Soldier will learn a method of
breathing control that best suits their shooting style and
preference. Breathing control is the relationship of the
respiratory process (free or under stress) and the decision
to execute the shot with trigger squeeze.
8-8. Breathing induces unavoidable body movement
that contribute to wobble or the arc of movement (AM)
during the shot process. Soldiers cannot completely
eliminate all motion during the shot process, but they
can significantly reduce its effects through practice and
technique. Firing on the natural pause is a common tech-
nique used during grouping and zeroing.
8-9. Vertical dispersion during grouping is most likely
not caused by breathing but by failure to maintain proper
aiming and trigger control. Refer to appendix E for proper
target analysis techniques.
Above: The old silhouette-shaped zero target used with
Trainfire from 1980 to 2016 (and that continues to be
wrongly used even though the official wear out date
was FY2016) is much taller than wide. Aiming error
causing dispersion up and down is much more likely
than side to side.
4 http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM FY2022 1st Quarter
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Appendix E
Page E-13
Bullets strung vertically do not necessarily mean a
breathing issue, nor do bullets strung horizontally abso-
lutely indicate a trigger squeeze problem. Coaches must
learn to identify shooter errors duringring and use the
bullet’s impacts on target to confirm their observations.
There are often several firing errors that can be the cause
of certain misplacement of impacts. The coach has to
realize that bullets only go where the barrel is pointed,
so he has to determine what happened that caused the
barrel to be pointed in those directions, and those causes
can be many.
E-43. They key to proper coaching is becoming a shoot-
ing DETECTIVE. The coach needs to observe the shooter,
question the shooter, look at the evidence down range,
question the shooter again, make assumptions based
upon the evidence available, and then act upon his as-
sumptions. The coach and shooter must have a free and
open dialog with each other in a relaxed atmosphere.
Remember if a Soldier learns to shoot poorly they will
only be capable of shooting poorly. ARM
Call For Articles
All articles, and ideas helpful to improving small arms
training, qualification, and competition for Army Re-
serve Soldiers are welcome. Submit anything youd
like included in Army Reserve Marksman Contact:
Army Reserve Postal Matches
All units are eligible to be a part of the World-wide
Chief, Army Reserve Postal Matches and all Sol-
diers and encouraged to participate. Host during
the conduct of routine qualification at no expense
to the unit or to Soldiers.
Learn more at
FY2022 1st Quarter http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM 5
Army reserve mArksmAn
by Sgt. 1st Class John M. Buol Jr.
Most Soldiers remain oblivious to a concept that is the
most important step in developing their Shot Process: Shot
The Army’s previous training doctrine distilled basic
shooting procedures into a simplified checklist for begin-
ning shooters called the Four Fundamentals. The idea was
to eliminate details and only use the fewest components
deemed absolutely necessary. The Four Fundamentals
checklist was Steady Position, Aiming, Breath Control,
and Trigger Squeeze.
The primary failure of this approach was it dumbed
down the Shot Process by ignoring concepts that are very
useful and critical for anyone wanting to shoot better than
merely passing routine qualification. It also gave equal
weight to a comparatively unimportant concept like breath
control to the point that it has wrongly been considered to
be as important as factors that really are important.
The Shot Process
Regardless of the weapon system, the goal of shooting
remains constant: well-aimed shots. To achieve this end
state there are two truths. Shooters must properly point
the weapon on target and fire the weapon without disturb-
ing alignment. The Shot Process is the basic outline of the
engagement sequence needed to land a hit. Learning how
to pay attention to detail requires learning which details
are worth paying attention to. The Shot Process formulates
an approach to learning and using those elements that are
actually important and necessary.
Every well-delivered shot uses this. The sequence does
not change, although the application of each element varies
based on the conditions of the engagement. Grouping, for
example, is simply moving through the Shot Process sev-
eral times in succession. Rapid fire speeds this up. Multiple
targets in quick succession adds the need to transition,
moving between them. Regardless, the the concept of the
process remains the same.
The Shot Process has three distinct phases: Pre-shot,
Shot, and Post-shot. Pre-shot items include position, natu-
ral point of aim, initial sight alignment/picture, and hold
stability. Shot items include refinement of the aim and
trigger control causing discharge. Post-shot includes fol-
lowthrough, recoil management, and evaluation.
The Shot Process allows focus on one cognitive task at
a time. As a shooter becomes more skillful, they need to
mentally organize the shot process tasks and actions identi-
ed as important. For a novice and new recruit, a simplified
approach such as the old Four Fundamentals is an adequate
start; get in position, take aim, and pull the trigger.
When a Solider decides to become a skilled marksman,
additional elements and points of emphasis are added to
their Shot Process as needed to obtain improved results.
Learning how to pay attention to detail demands learning
which details are worth paying attention to. Developing
a Shot Process refines which details are important and
which are not. Those particular details will vary based
on the context as well.
In competitive shooting circles, it is common for the
developing marksman to write out a personal Shot Process
that expands to several pages of description. Such detail
creates a disciplined mental checklist which becomes a
subconsciously-controlled task through practice. The focus
for a skilled shooter becomes a simple anchor allowing
them to focus their attention on their external environment
while executing their Shot Process as a subconsciously-
programmed response. These leads a skilled shooters Shot
Process to becoming get in position, take aim, and pull
the trigger; the difference now compared to the novice is
they learned the important details and distilled them to a
repeatable subconsciously-controlled action.
Evaluate and Learn
Developing a Shot Process, working through which
Functional Elements are most important to your specific
application, requires evaluating what you’re doing and
learning from it. Failure to do so makes it impossible to
refine the Shot Process and improve.
Imagine trying to learn how to bowl with a sheet in front
of the pins. The ball works and hits the same but you cant
see where it goes and have no idea which pins (if any) are hit
on any throw. Shooting blind removes essential feedback,
making learning nearly impossible.
Most low-skill shooters are shooting blind and dont re-
Call Your Shots!
Calling your shots is essential in developing a solid Shot Process.
Here’s how to do it.
6 http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM FY2022 1st Quarter
Army reserve mArksmAn
alize it. Consider the effect blinking your eyes closed every
time a shot is fired, thus being blind to how the sights move
in recoil. Just like a sheet blocking the pins, an inadvertent
eye blink obscures what is happening at the exact moment
the shot is released.
Look at the blades of a spinning fan. If you casually ob-
serve, the fan blades appear as a blur, however, if you pick
out a specific blade and visually trace its motion, it will
appear to temporarily “freeze and you can see it clearly.
However, the blades did not stop moving; the “paused
appearance is due to your tracking their motion and pay-
ing attention.
The movement that occurs during Shot (actual dis-
charge) happens within perhaps a tenth of a second. Call-
ing your shot demands keeping your aiming eye open to
make clear witness of that motion and its relationship to
the target as it moves. Don’t think of a just taking a snap
shot, as in “sight picture”; think of recording a video, as
in sight movie.
The exact spot you observe the sights lift from during
recoil as you watch this sight movie is the spot you must
call from. Notcenter mass” or any other place you wish
to hit, but that actual spot. Blinking your eyes or failing to
accurately trace that motion means that critical informa-
tion is lost; you failed to take a sight picture, much less
record a movie.
If the observation window is so short and specific, how
can a shooter be certain they really saw it? By predicting
where the bullet went before looking at the target. Fire a
shot, predict the location, and then look at the target. The
process of Slow Fire in National Match Course competition
is a formal and ideal way to do this. Shooters use an optic
and can spot each shot after it’s fired, recording the result
in a score or data book. Shoot, call, plot, scope. Learn from
what you saw and repeat. This is the essence of developing
a Shot Process.
Call Radius
A shooter must allow an acceptable area surrounding
the called spot, the maximum distance from that spot that a
well-aimed shot could land. Note, this radius surrounding
that spot can be no smaller than the mechanical precision
of the firearm used. A rifle that fires groups measuring two
MOA (Minute Of Angle) from machine rest cannot have a
call radius smaller than one MOA as even perfectly-fired
and called shots could deviate that much.
A skilled shooter capable of shooting up to their weapon
may have a Call Radius the same as the weapons precision
capability but most Soldiers won’t be this good. Shooter
Below: Look at the blades of a spinning fan. If you casually observe, the fan blades appear as a blur due to mov-
ing. However, if you visually trace the motion, the blade will appear to temporarily “freeze” and you can see it
clearly. However, the blades did stop moving; the “paused” appearance is due to your tracking their motion and
paying attention.
Above: Trying to learn how to bowl or shoot blind is
FY2022 1st Quarter http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM 7
Army reserve mArksmAn
error and inconsistency will likely have the greatest inu-
ence on Call Radius.
Consider the threshold standard of shooting a five-
round group inside six MOA. An M16A2 shooting M855
ammunition will likely group 2-3 MOA (1-1.5 MOA radius)
and more recent issue arms are likely better. Allowing a
3 MOA radius (6 MOA diameter) allows for some shooter
As a start point, a Soldier should strive for a Call Radius
of 3 MOA. That is, after firing a shot and before looking at
the target, the bullet hit should be no more than 3 MOA
away from the called spot. Slow re from a braced position
on a good target, such as the current-issue A8 bullseye zero
target, should not have significant point of aim deviations.
During slow re, zeroing, and similar shooting, shots that
wont break center should be stopped in the Pre-Shot and
the Shot Process started all over.
Shots outside the Call Radius are either due to shooter
error (failed to Call the shot), zero error (a sight correction
will immediately x), or conditions when shooting at dis-
tance (wind pushing the bullet, etc.)
Use a plot sheet or data book to track this. Each small
target records the call for a single shot. The actual shot
location is marked with a number of the fired shot in the
big target. The fact most Soldiers have never done this as
an exercise is one big reason why most Soldiers are poor
Calling your shot is crucial to Shot Process develop-
ment. Only shooters that put in some effort to learn how
will improve their shooting. ARM
Above: Example of a simple plot sheet to formally track
shot calls based on the current zero target.
Below: Plot sheet trackingve shots. Shots 1-5 were first called and plotted on the top row in order before looking at the
target, and then a number written down in the big target with the shot’s actual location after observing the target. Given
the white diamond is 4 MOA, these shots were called within a Call Radius of about 1 MOA. A 3 MOA Call Radius is a
good initial goal. Have all shooters on the range use an optic to check the target for each shot to make this efficient. At
25 meters, even cheap mini-binoculars available at any PX can see bullet holes in the target.
Army Reserve Postal Matches
All units are eligible to be a part of the World-wide
Chief, Army Reserve Postal Matches and all Sol-
diers and encouraged to participate. Host during
the conduct of routine qualification at no expense
to the unit or to Soldiers.
Learn more at
8 http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM FY2022 1st Quarter
Army reserve mArksmAn
by Sgt. 1st Class John M. Buol Jr.
Dunning–Kruger Effect is a cognitive bias in which peo-
ple of low ability or skill maintain illusory superiority and
mistakenly assess their ability, skill, and/or experience as
greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority
comes from the inability of low-ability people to recognize
their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of meta-
cognition (an awareness and understanding of ones own
thought processes), low-ability people cannot objectively
evaluate their actual competence or incompetence.
Dunning–Kruger Effect impacts all humans and every-
one (including you and me) is potentially susceptible. It has
been recognized by many people over the course of human
history. Dr. David Dunning and his graduate student Justin
Kruger established a variety of test methodologies to mea-
sure this phenomenon and published a formal research
paper about their found results.
David McRaney is the host of the excellent You Are Not
So Smart podcast. He recounts when he rst realized the
Dunning-Kruger Effect impacted him:
I remember the first time in my life that I really recog-
nized that [Dunning-Kruger Effect] was true.
In college, I staged a fighting game tournament where
I set up all these video game systems and I invited people
from around the country to the university to play. We had
a group of friends it was like, 8 to 10 people in our home-
town who played this game and we thought that we were
amazing at it. We thought that we were the best in the world
and I had no problem inviting the champions at this game
from around the country to come to play against us.
Every single one of us lost our matches immediately.
Like, we didnt even place. We didn’t even come close. We
were absolutely destroyed. And I remember all of us sort of
shaking our heads and rubbing our temples and thinking,
How could we not just be not okay but actually suck? I
mean, how is that possible?
I bet that sort of thing happens a lot amongst people
who are sort of at the amateur level and feel that they have
achieved something."
Every human is susceptible to Dunning-Kruger Effect.
The challenge is to be willing to find the means to overcome
it. Because this is a cognitive bias a mistake in reasoning,
evaluating, and/or remembering nobody can reliably do
it on their own. As McRaneys example illustrates, it was
only after he and his friends organized a tournament, in-
vited everyone that was interested and thought they were
good, and measured the results did he finally snap out of
his delusion of competence.
Dr. David Dunning confirms this is the path to solving
Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Why dont people know themselves?”
You begin to realize that there are just some really big
barriers to knowing yourself. That’s if you make it a private
task that only you are engaged in. If you dont talk to [and
engage with] other people.
If you talk to other people, they can be sources of invalu-
able insight into yourself. Some of these insights may be
unpleasant. Also, just watching what other people do and
benchmarking what you do versus what they do can be a
source of insight. It takes a village, if you will, for a person
to know themselves.
We engaged in a number of studies where we exposed
people to others who are performing very poorly to perform-
ing extremely well and what we find is that the collective is
pretty good at knowing whos bad.
A last hint is to ask,Are you vaguely embarrassed by
things you did 5 or 10 years ago?And if you are, that means
youre improving. I mean, if you think about the self you
were 10 years ago and youre not embarrassed by something
that you did, you might be off the task.
Full interview with Dr. David Dunning:
You Are Not So Smart: YANSS Podcast 036
Why We Are Unaware that We Lack the Skill to Tell How
Unskilled and Unaware We Are
It is wrong to believe the D-K Effect applies only to
people who are “incompetent” ordumb. D-K Effect ap-
plies to everyone with respect to any area of knowledge.
Too many people who bring it up seem to think that D-K
Effect applies only to dumb people or that it says dumb
people think they are smarter. Neither of these are true.
Further – if you think D-K only applies to other people
(which itself, ironically, is part of the D-K Effect) then you
Solving Dunning-Kruger Eect
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miss the core lesson and opportunity for self-improvement
and critical thinking.
Go shoot a match or compete in something outside your
unit or immediate group of friends once in a while. As
Dr. David Dunning points out, if you dont, youre almost
certainly a victim of Dunning-Kruger Effect and are not
able to even realize it.
The key thing is to avoid “training incest”, a concept I
learned in an article by Sgt. Chuck Humes. “Training in-
cest” occurs when personnel only shoot the same Army or
unit standard. They don’t truly know themselves because
they forever remain in the same, stagnate circle and never
learn anything beyond.
Ask yourself: Is my current level of training as good as,
better than or inferior to what’s being utilized across the
country? Everyone would like to believe that the training
provided to him or her is state of the art. After all, your life
and the lives of those you protect depend upon it. But the
million-dollar question that everyone should ask them-
selves in regards to assessing the quality of their own train-
ing is: “How do I know?” What have you compared it to?
Unless youre exposed to outside training to compare your
own to, how can you possibly know if the training you are
receiving is as good as youve been led to believe?
When law enforcement agencies or military units re-
main secluded from other outside resources, it creates
a form of unconscious incompetence best described as
“training incest.” There is a reason you shouldn’t marry
your sibling and have children. It’s the same reason agen-
cies and units need to be exposed to extramural “train-
ing genes” (i.e., outside principles, concepts, techniques,
methodologies and training drills) and not blindly repeat
what their drill sergeant told them.
When an agency or unit retains and secludes the same
in-house training genespassed down from generation to
generation of training personnel, you end up with train-
ing that’s the human equivalent of the supporting cast of
Deliverance. With no new ideas, concepts or tactics ever
entering the picture, youll get less-than-optimal results.
Isolated training will pass on the same techniques and
principles they were taught. Doing so in a robotic fashion
that rarely, if ever, reaches the training standard, likely due
to nobody even reading the in-house standard.
The Army has demonstrated this since 2016 when the
Training Circulars replaced the old FM doctrine and units
continued to bleat the redacted standard because Soldiers
and units are never checked to see if they undertand De-
partment of Army standards, never mind good ideas from
By sharing our collective knowledge, we can keep the
training “gene pool” from stagnating. Many Soldiers re-
main stuck in a fishbowl of inbred, stagnated training and
have never thought about it. Stop secluding yourself from
the greater training gene pool.
The Ladder of Success available to every Soldier and
unit in the Army Reserve is:
1. Rung 1: Learn Current Standards. Read, understand,
and implement the current standards (Training Circulars).
Download and read for free. Army Reserve Marksman
newsletter is another free resource.
Rung 2: Postal Matches. Starting at the local, unit level
conduct Postal Matches. This can be done during routine
qualification and does not require additional resources. It
develops local interest and provides an initial extramural
exposure outside your unit.
Rung 3: Excellence In Competition (Unit level). Conduct
a local Excellence-In-Competition event for your unit. This
expands on the second step. It requires doing more than
mere qualification, it can be t in any units range training
Above: As measured ability/knowledge improves, so
does the awareness and self estimate of that ability/
knowledge. The top 20% will tend to underestimate
their measured ability/knowledge as their deep knowl-
edge allows insight into what they do not yet know,
mid-range performers have a solid grasp of what they
understand, and the bottom 20% has the worst over-
estimate of ability because they simply do not possess
enough knowledge to make an accurate estimate. This
is not something "dumb" people do. Every human is
susceptible to this!
10 http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM FY2022 1st Quarter
Army reserve mArksmAn
Rung 4: Beyond Unit Level. Attend outside shooting
events or matches. These can be local events, military
sponsored competitions, Small Arms Firing School at the
National Matches, or any number of classes. Army regula-
tion (AR 350-66) authorizes commanders This can be done
as an RST in lieu of drill/BA, RMA, AT, ADT, or any other
order. AR 190-11 authorizes using unit weapons.
All of these can be done by every unit in the Army
Reserve. The only limitation is units and commanders
unwilling to use the resources that regulation authorizes
them to use. ARM
Call For Articles
All articles, and ideas helpful to improving small arms
training, qualification, and competition for Army Re-
serve Soldiers are welcome. Submit anything youd
like included in Army Reserve Marksman Contact:
Above: March 11, 2019 post by DS Academy official so-
cial media, three years after the doctrine was changed..
FY2022 1st Quarter http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM 11
Army reserve mArksmAn
by Sgt. 1st Class John M. Buol Jr.
I have been fulfilling the role of Public Affairs for the
Marksmanship Program in an unpaid, unassigned, vol-
untary role. Despite AR 140-1 officially directing this a
a Regulation requirement, neither USARC, OCAR, the
Marksmanship Program, nor the Team fund manageres
are willing or able to support this.
AR 360-1 (Paragraph 2-4 and 8-3) now requires OPSEC
Level II training. Because I am fulfilling this ofcially di-
rected position with no support, I am not able to attend this
in-residence course, and am now “unqualifiedto continue
meeting the requirement even as a volunteer.
Going forward, all Marksmanship Program Public Af-
fairs are now hosted at:
https://www.youtube.com/user/USARvideo ARM
Public Aairs Change
12 http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM FY2022 1st Quarter
Army reserve mArksmAn
To be a shooter, you need to go shoot. The Army Reserve
Marksmanship Program needs shooter-instructors, per-
sonnel that are able and willing to share what they know
and can perform well.
The best event is the one you attend. Shoot whatever
you can. Pick something reasonably local (or conduct you
own) that you like and go!
Military Sponsored Events
U S A R M a r k s m a n s h i p P r o g r a m
National Guard Marksmanship Training Center
World-wide Chief, Army Reserve Postal Matches
Per AR 140-1, these events are authorized for all Sol-
diers. The courses are simple and can be held during unit
qualfication on common Army ranges using issue targets
already supplied. No additional resources or time need to
be allocated. The idea is to provide an easy, first step into
shooting beyond routine qualification. Training Circu-
lars direct Validation exercises prior to Qualification and
these courses readily serve that need. CAR Postal Match
conducted during normal Qualification process serves
as TC-mandated Validation, satisfying Training Table re-
Service Conditions (Combat)
Modern day combat matches have their beginning with
the Commonwealth nations. The British Army Rifle As-
sociation (ARA) was formed in 1893 and is a public orga-
nization officially recognized the by the British Army. In
1908 events featuring gure targets were introduced and
Service, or combat, Shooting became its own discipline.
The British Army Combat Shooting Team (BACST) is a
branch of the ARA and forms teams to compete around
the world.
These matches are not only great training but provide
the best road for members of the armed forces to get in-
volved in higher level marksmanship. Within the National
Guard each state has a Small Arms Readiness Training
Section (SARTS) tasked to put on events to choose teams
to attend the Winston P. Wilson (WPW) Nationals at Camp
Robinson, near Little Rock, Arkansas, held during the Fall
of each year. The top Guard shooters comprise the All
Guard team. The Army Reserve doesn’t currently have a
feeder system like this but the USAR shooting program
has had a Combat Team since the early 1990s. The Active
components, through the Army Marksmanship Unit and
Marine Corps have elded teams as well.
These local events culminate in international events
held throughout NATO. Within the United States the big-
gest on-going international military combat match is AF-
SAM (Armed Forces Skill at Arms Meeting) held in con-
junction with WPW, typically hosting teams from seven
or eight other countries.
Combat competition shooting has evolved over the
years and some of these courses have been integrated into
Commonwealth marksmanship qualifications. The targets
we use in competition look the same but feature score rings.
Figure 11 targets are full sized silhouettes depicting an
aggressive bayonet-wielding foe. For rifle, the center point
is surrounded by a six-inch V-ring, ten-inch five ring, and
18-inch four ring. A hit anywhere else on the target scores
three points. The pistol version has smaller score rings,
with a four-inch five ring, six-inch four ring, eight-inch
three ring (no V-ring) with the rest of the target being two
Figure 12 targets, also used on rifle courses, has the
same size score rings as the rifle Figure 11 but the target
encompasses only the head and shoulders. Other targets
include the Figure 14 (Sniper window target or “Huns
Head), Precision Target (same target size as the Figure
12, but with more outer score rings and mounted on a KD
screen) and steel targets for Fire Team Assault (falling
plates) matches.
Military Combat Competition provides a unique, practi-
cal shooting challenge. Organized competition nds your
best performers and here they must shoot issue guns, gear
and ammo. The training benefit is obvious and the best
small arms instructors within the Army have consistently
been top Combat competitors.
Event Types
The types of events used by the Army Reserve.
FY2022 1st Quarter http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM 13
Army reserve mArksmAn
Civilian Hosted
Service Rifle, Service Pistol
Civilian Marksmanship Program
Service Rifle
Service Rifle is conventional position rifle shooting
(Standing, Sitting, and Prone), both for speed and preci-
sion, from 200 to 600 yards. As the name implies, the rifles
used are issue service rifles with iron sights, accurized and
modified slightly. The National Match Course is based on
original rifle training courses and consists of the follow-
10 shots Standing on the SR target at 200 yards in ten
10 shots Sitting on the SR target at 200 yards in sixty
seconds. Shooters begin standing up and must reload dur-
ing the string with eight rounds after shooting two shots.
10 shots Prone on the SR-3 target at 300 yards in seventy
seconds. Shooters begin standing up and must reload dur-
ing the string with eight rounds after shooting two shots.
20 shots Prone on the MR target at 600 yards in twenty
Snipers and Designated Marksman needing further
marksmanship refinement MUST take up Service Rifle.
You will learn a whole new level of accurate shooting. The
best Sniper and SDM instructors have a Service Rifle back-
ground because the marksmanship skills learned there
are superior.
Service Pistol
Service Pistol is conventional outdoor pistol shooting
from 25 to 50 yards. All shooting is unsupported and with
one hand only. As a marksmanship challenge and test of
pure fundamental shooting skills Service Pistol has no
peer. Competitors must train to deliver machine rest ac-
curacy with everything from .22s to hard-recoiling .45s
using optics and iron sights. Many of the events also re-
quire the use of service pistols with iron sights, accurized
and modified slightly. The National Match Course is based
on original pistol training courses and consists of the fol-
Slow Fire. 10 shots Standing (One Hand) on the B-6
target at 50 yards in ten minutes.
Timed Fire. 10 shots Standing (One Hand) on the B-8
target at 25 yards. Shooters fire two strings of five rounds
in twenty seconds each.
Rapid Fire. 10 shots Standing (One Hand) on the B-8
target at 25 yards. Shooters fire two strings of five rounds
in ten seconds each.
Other Events
14 http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM FY2022 1st Quarter
Army reserve mArksmAn
by Sgt. 1st Class John M. Buol Jr.
From a fellow Team shooter:
I just gave the Army Training Circulars about small
arms training a thorough read through. Bottom line, the
TCs are very much like the same stuff we’ve been teaching
all along. Very little I can arguably disagree with.
Not really happy about their take on trigger follow
through. They almost encourage the “hot release, repeat-
edly instructing to not hold back the trigger, stating: “the
longer the trigger is held to the rear the longer the Soldier
prevents the pistol from functioning and delays reengage-
I believe a shooter cant shoot accurately any faster than
he/she can recover from recoil, so theres no need to get the
trigger reset while the sights are off the target. Thoughts?
We’re in agreement. The new TCs are an overall im-
provement. Now just a matter of getting personnel to read
Concerning the hot releasevs. trigger pin or hold/re-
set, this issue is a classic example of a useful attempt at a
corrective by knowledgeable people being misinterpreted
by parrots and creating problems.
Pinning the trigger is taught as a method to encourage
followthrough. Feeling/hearing a click is a way to help
someone with poor followthrough or recoil anticipation,
pre-ignition push, flinch, or other unintended movement
disrupting alignment. Used well, it’s a corrective that can
help establish control in trigger manipulation.
Apparently, in some law enforcement circles pinning
the trigger to the rear after each shot and over emphasis on
a slow reset became a version of “watch your breathing”
in that cadre overemphasized it to the point of it overshad-
owing trigger control during the shot. I’ve seen videos of
struggling LEO shooters being barked at by an “instructor
to emphasize a slow, deliberate trigger reset followed by
a sharp, rearward jerk to make the shot go because that’s
what someone emphasized to them as “important.” This
also needlessly slows shot-to-shot speed.
“Reset… reset… reset… FIRE!” The sequence places
way too much emphasis and time spent on a smooth reset
and no emphasis on smoothly controlling the trigger dur-
ing the shot release. Ya know, when it actually matters
It’s easy to see how a novice instructor working with
shooters having no experience (a situation most common in
law enforcement and military) can take a corrective com-
pletely out of context.
This is rather like someone long ago thought “trigger
squeeze” was a useful way to convey the idea of smooth-
ly-controlled trigger pressure and “trigger jerk” a way to
describe unintended movement during shot release. The
first is sometimes misinterpreted as squeezing with the
whole hand as youd normally do when, say, squeezing
a lemon. The second is often misinterpreted by implying
the jerkis mostly or solely due to the index finger on the
trigger and not an unintended reaction from the rest of the
shooter’s body.
Any of a number of correctives might be useful if they’re
coming from someone knowledgeable enough to make the
distinction. These same correctives can be potentially det-
rimental when overemphasized by personnel that dont
really understand what it is or why they’re emphasizing
it. The error is “training” this reset as a required technique
instead of using it to briefly emphasize followthrough for
someone that isnt otherwise getting it. ARM
Trigger Pin?
Army Reserve Postal Matches
All units are eligible to be a part of the World-wide
Chief, Army Reserve Postal Matches and all Sol-
diers and encouraged to participate. Host during
the conduct of routine qualification at no expense
to the unit or to Soldiers.
Learn more at
FY2022 1st Quarter http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM 15
Army reserve mArksmAn
by Sgt. 1st Class John M. Buol Jr.
Were sometimes told by people with no proven, demon-
strated, higher-level skill and zero competition experience
that competitive shooting is bad. Often, the crux of their
misinformed opinion is that many competitive venues al-
low competitors to view the course of fire beforehand. The
claim is this isnt realistic apparently because knowledge
of the encounter and preplanning isnt realistic.
Seal Team Six and their successful raid on Osama Bin
Laden is well known. Consider some of the preparations
made to accomplish this mission.
The team performed rehearsals of the raid in two loca-
tions in the US: At Harvey Point Defense Testing Activity
facility in North Carolina where a 1:1 version of Bin Ladens
compound was built, and a second, similar mock up in
According to the book No Easy Day, the mock-ups of
bin Ladens hideaway were built from plywood and ship-
ping containers and were remarkably detailed:The con-
struction crews at the base had planted trees, dug a ditch
around the compound, and even put in mounded dirt to
simulate the potato fields that surrounded the compound
in Pakistan.
The location in Nevada was also used because at 4,000
feet elevation it could better simulate the effects the altitude
would have on helicopters during the mission.
The members of SEAL Team Six left for Afghanistan
for more practice at another one-acre, full-scale replica of
the compound built on a restricted area of Bagram known
as Camp Alpha.
So thats training and walkthroughs in full size repli-
cas at three different locations. The SEALs didnt blindly
enter an unknown area and then “tacticalor “ninjatheir
way through the mission. That would have been stupid
and probably suicidal. Instead, after extensive intelligence
gathering, accurate mock ups were constructed and the
team performed training in them to know the layout before
doing it for real.
Consider this next time someone claims practical
shooting like IPSC, USPSA, IDPA, SensibleShooter and the
like are useless because you dont get walkthroughs in real
life. SEAL Team Six did many stage walkthroughs prior to
that mission in three different mockups! They, being much
smarter than typical tactard timmies, did as many stage
walkthroughs as possible.
Have A Plan
An article comparing tactics used by SEAL Team Six
and police SWAT teams found them to be very similar.
A focus on fundamental skills and pre-planning for the
encounter are considered vital. Here is SWAT operator and
author Sgt. Glenn Frenchs take on this:
What strikes me about the operation to take out bin
Laden is that SEAL Team Six focused on fundamental CQB
operations. The intelligence gathered from various sources
was used to formulate an assault plan, the plan was re-
hearsed, and the plan was executed as designed.
Reportedly, twenty three soldiers started the operation
and twenty three boarded the Blackhawks to return home.
The terrorist didnt fare so well. Obviously they didnt have
a plan, nor did they rehearse and execute their tactics as
well as the American warriors. If they did, the outcome
might have been different.
Knowledge of the area, formulating a plan based around
this intelligence, and practice for the specific encounter is
considered vital. This is the exact same approach used in
many competitive venues. A match description and/or rule
book are your Operations Order. Yes, there are rules in a
gunght as the common acronym ROE (Rules Of Engage-
ment) explicitly spells out. Course of fire or stage descrip-
tions and walkthroughs serve as intelligence gathering.
The encounter is planned, then executed.
Despite Walter Mitty fantasies, most tactical cogno-
scenti arent planning team raids into hostile structures.
Well, not any team raids that are going to actually occur.
Consider home defense, a common reason many American
gun owners possess firearms. You should be very familiar
with the layout of the structure you reside in. A modicum
of planning readily reveals where hostiles will be. Unless
Have a Plan
SEAL Team Six, Training Walkthroughs and Competition Shooting
16 http://www.usar.army.mil/ARM FY2022 1st Quarter
Army reserve mArksmAn
youre assaulted by minions of Cthulhu spawning in your
bedchamber, these will come through obvious portals like
doors or windows. Some sort of audible alarm to trigger
you awake needs to be arranged.
So, we have a course of fire with a stage layout known
in advance, knowledge of where the targets will be, a plan
of action before beginning, and an audible start signal to
begin. Wait… that sounds an awful lot like many competi-
tive events!
Heres an idea. Volunteer to help design and set up some
practical shooting matches, such as SensibleShooter, USP-
SA, IDPA, etc. at your local range. Start with this:
Stage:Defend This House
Start Position: “Lying on the bed with head on the
marked X, handgun is loaded and secured in GunVault
Stage Procedure: At signal, retrieve pistol, move to po-
sition A and engage
Of course, the layout just happens to mirror your resi-
dence. Consider that people attend tactical classes and
never address issues like this that are specific their actual
needs. Despite costing hundreds of dollars per person per
day, these line dances routinely fail to address specific
concerns unique to the paying student. Even if the class
and instructor is good, youre still left sorting that out on
your own. Like, say, by setting it up as a course of fire to
try with live fire.
Have a plan. Many real world situations are best han-
dled by having a sensible plan in place and knowing how
to execute it. It is useful to be good at establishing a plan
and measuring your ability to execute.
How to Implement
Military tactical training is often very similar to practi-
cal shooting competition stages. The idea is to train in an
abbreviated tactical environment, one that allows many
small scenarios and iterations so students can trade off
tasks and leadership roles. Working with future military
leaders in ROTC, a squad-sized class might run through
7-10 mini “missions” daily, each one a different scenario
designed to teach and train a certain task. Receive an Op-
erations Order, run through Troop Leading Procedures,
execute and complete the mission in about an hour rather
than taking weeks.
This very abbreviated format allows many lessons
learned daily. This culminates into larger missions. No
point in wasting time and resources on something elabo-
rate until basics are practiced and reinforced. Might as
well screw up, and learn from, many short, inexpensive
tasks before wasting time doing the same in something
elaborate. Ranger school and other leadership courses fol-
low a similar format.
This is also what is done at practical competition. The
rulebook and stage brief is your operations order. Stage
walkthrough is mission prep. Make a plan and prepare to
execute. Shooting the stage for score is mission execution,
with a numerical result showing how well you did. Shoot-
ers with a higher score either used a better plan and/or
performed with greater skill. While not a team or leader-
ship test, this format moves the cycle down from hour-
long iterations to minutes. The actual mission (shooting
stage) also serves as the training mockup instead taking
the time and expense of duplicating it in a different loca-
tion elsewhere.
Ultimately, it boils down to an ability to train basic
skills, receive a mission, prepare for it and execute, then
take in the lessons learned and develop further. The result
(score) provides empirical and objective feedback of actual
measured skill rather than a bogus, feel-good assessment”
of how tactical we think we are.
Shooting competitions are a fast, inexpensive way to
work through this learning cycle and let motivated indi-
viduals do it on their own.petitors. ARM
Army Reserve Postal Matches
All units are eligible to be a part of the World-wide
Chief, Army Reserve Postal Matches and all Sol-
diers and encouraged to participate. Host during
the conduct of routine qualification at no expense
to the unit or to Soldiers.
Learn more at
Call For Articles
All articles, and ideas helpful to improving small arms
training, qualification, and competition for Army Re-
serve Soldiers are welcome. Submit anything youd
like included in Army Reserve Marksman Contact: