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Science Policy Careers
What is Science Policy?
Science policy is defined as being an area of public policy which is concerned with
the policies that affect the conduct of the science and research enterpriseoften in
pursuance of other national policy goals such as technological innovation, weapons
development, health care and environmental monitoring. Science policy also refers
to the act of applying scientific knowledge and consensus to the development of
public policies. Science policy workers consider the ethical and political dimensions
and how science and technology can best serve the public.
There is a wide range of employers in this field, with many roles in government
departments, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), think tanks, charities, private
sector businesses such as the food industry and pharmaceuticals, and in
professional and learned organisations such as the Royal Society. Science policy
experts must have an understanding of science, politics and economics, and the
work involves a combination of science writing, communication and advocacy. Some
roles may require a science degree, but others may be open to non-science
graduates who have excellent research, analysis, writing and advocacy skills.
The related field of science communication
generally refers to communicating
science-related topics to non-experts, but it overlaps and complements science
policy. Work in this field is sometimes referred to as ‘outreach’ or ‘engagement’, and
it includes science fairs and exhibitions, journalism, policy or media production.
This document is a starting point for researching this type of work: what the work
involves, the skills and experience required, who the main employers are, how to find
relevant work experience and networking opportunities, and where to find jobs.
What the job involves
Enthusiasm for science and its broader relevance to society is vital. Communication
is central so you need be able to work collaboratively, and produce clear, concise
briefs, both written and oral. There is a great variety of activities and topics you may
have to engage with so adaptability is also important.
Many people become involved in science policy as they are keen to show how
discoveries in the lab can benefit everyone in society - saving lives, creating jobs and
promoting education. They aim to bridge the gap between scientists and the public,
using their knowledge and skills to find ways to translate highly technical scientific
issues into something that can be easily understood as good policy. Politicians, for
example, rely on policy experts to analyse and produce scientific reports, and to
interpret laws and bills.
Search for ‘science communication’ in MyCareerHub Resources for tailored information
that covers working in science communication, in particular public engagement, press & PR,
and working in the media.
Inspiring futures
Science policy experts work in a wide range of organisations. Typical responsibilities
include collecting and and synthesising information, writing reports and policy
documents, identifying and analysing policies on myriad topics such as emergency
planning for natural disasters, patent regulations and medical testing, and imparting
expert advice to a range of audiences. They also have a vital role in fostering
relations between people, organising and facilitating events, talks and meetings
involving scientists, policy makers (e.g. government agencies) and other
organisations (e.g. research centres, scientific bodies) to help them work together.
Many liaise with scientists to help them get support for their research, and to help
them to communicate their knowledge to government and the public, to inform policy
or tackle national and international challenges.
The aim of the role can be to generate support for scientific research or study, or to
develop government science policy and inform decision making, including political
and ethical thinking. Professionals in this field must have a deep understanding of
the relationship between scientists and the public, how people learn about and
engage with science, and how to use mass media effectively. Blogging has became
an important way of communicating in this field (see below for some useful blogs).
This is still an evolving profession and there is no single, clear-cut route into science
policy work. Much may depend on when you decide to pursue policy work as a
career. Some scientists want a research career before going into policy work, while
others decide to enter the profession early and choose to obtain postgraduate
qualifications in science policy, such as the ones offered at Edinburgh University.
Postgraduate study
For those interested in science policy careers postgraduate study could be very
useful. There are now a number of masters and PhD courses in science policy,
including the interdisciplinary MSc in Science and Technology in Society offered at
Edinburgh, and the popular MSc Climate Change and Environmental Policy. These
courses allow students to develop an understanding of policy as a field of practice, to
critically evaluate and think analytically about science and policy issues, understand
new developments and evaluate the implications for business and society, and how
to encourage participation with relevant groups.
Applicants to the Fast Stream Science and Engineering programme, for example,
must have either a postgraduate degree in science or engineering, or be a chartered
engineer. These fast streamers aren’t bench scientists or technical engineers, they
apply their specialist skills and knowledge to the development and application of
policies, working alongside other specialists and generalists. You’ll be expected to
become as comfortable in a policy or operational delivery role as you are in a
technical environment.
Inspiring futures
Who employs science policy workers?
Scientific societies, international organizations, charities, lobby groups, government
bodies and NGOs all need specialists working on science policy.
Many science policy workers start out doing scientific research for organizations
involved in social issues, before their concern leads them towards helping to shape
policy. Others join independent think-tanks, to advise official bodies from the outside.
Some even create their own science-policy positions by setting up a think-tank, or
acting as independent advisers.
But before anyone takes the plunge into policy, veterans advise you to consider what
you wish to do in the long term: whether you want to move back and forth between
science and policy, or make the decision to leave one world for the other.
At the end of this document you will find annotated lists of
organisations employing science policy workers (Appendix 1)
organisations offering shorter-term opportunities (Appendix 2)
Getting involved in Edinburgh
Getting involved in societies is a great way to develop your skills and increase your
knowledge, as well as for networking. Societies very often organise events and invite
speakers from their area/s of interest. On the Student Association Societies website
search Academic (Sci & Eng) for a list of societies that may be very useful to
anyone interested in science policy.
Some societies will also help you develop your research skills, as well as increase
your knowledge, e.g. Science young researchers
Events are also organised by universities, learned societies, employers and others,
that provide both excellent learning and networking opportunities, including
academic and professional conferences, science festivals and training events.
Find out how you can be part of the annual Edinburgh Science Festival:
Work Experience
Many of the organisations listed in the Appendices offer internships in this area.
Read here how an internship led Paul Richards to a career in Science Policy:
Inspiring futures
Speculative applications
Track down your own opportunities! Use the resources on our website to identify the
employer/s you would like to work for, then ask if they can offer you work experience.
Social media & networking
Social media is an increasingly important tool for careers research, networking
opportunities, and finding job vacancies. The information and advice on our website
will help you to learn to use Twitter effectively, how to write a great LinkedIn profile,
and to manage your digital footprint:
Useful blogs
Policy Lab - Supports policy workers in government to develop knowledge and
Sciengage blog network
Additional resources
PSCI-Comm - excellent resource for science communicators, educators, policy
workers, researchers and anyone with an interest in science and society. Includes a
bibliographic database of references to books, reports, journal and newspaper
Scicommjobs - website and blog for science communicators, also posts job
vacancies and job descriptions. It’s also a store for other ‘scicomm’ resources and
job postings. Useful to see the roles out there, and find out what ‘desirable /
essential’ skills you need to have to apply for jobs now, or when the time comes you
want to apply for a more senior role. Usually the only opportunity to see what roles
an organisation has ‘in play’ is when someone leaves creating the vacancy.
June Maguire
Careers Information Adviser
August 2017
Inspiring futures
Appendix 1
Organisations employing science policy workers
AMRC (Association of Medical Research Charities) - charities are at the heart of
UK medical research and the AMRC is the national organisation that represents
leading medical and health research charities. AMRC supports individual charities to
deliver their programmes effectively, but also influences change at a national level,
through groups such as the Policy and Public Affairs Working Group (PAWG) and
PAWG Scotland. This network brings together policy and public affairs leads from
AMRC members and other organisations. They meet to discuss policy issues and
coordinate activity, and also to share information and ideas for the APPG (all-party
parliamentary group) on Medical Research.
British Council - their work in public engagement includes supporting researchers
in showcasing their work internationally, working with new talent in science
communications globally, and engaging the public directly with scientific subjects that
affect society. The Council also runs programmes funded by the £375 million Newton
Fund for science and innovation to promote the economic development and social
welfare of partner countries.
Research Councils
Research Councils UK (RCUK) the umbrella organisation for the seven UK
research councils, offers a range of opportunities for scientists interested in policy,
including fully-funded 3-month Policy Internships to all research council funded
PhD students:
Read about the experiences of science policy interns with the British Library Science
Inspiring futures
Some Research Councils run policy training workshops for researchers. For
examples see: or
Exchange schemes between researchers and government employees. Several
Research Councils run such schemes. Find more information on the RCUK
Knowledge Transfer Portal:
Medical Research Council (MRC) - plays a key part in shaping public policy and
legislation relating to the use of animals in research. The website offers information
and advice about biomedical careers and advertises vacancies within the MRC.
AMS/MRC policy internship scheme offers MRC-funded PhD students the
opportunity to undertake a three month internship at the Academy offices in central
Ben is currently a Policy Officer with AMS. Read how his career aspirations and
options were impacted by his MRC internship:
The Civil Service Fast Stream recruits graduates into the Science & Engineering
Fast Stream:
Government Office for Science - ensures that government policies and decisions
are informed by the best scientific evidence and strategic long-term thinking.
The Council for Science and Technology (CST) a non-departmental public body
(NDPB), advises the Prime Minister on science and technology policy issues.
Internships are often available.
Inspiring futures
National Assembly for Wales Research Service
Nia Seaton, Members' Research Service (listed as contact for internships):
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) RSC Westminster
Scholarship interns:
Scottish Government - employs science policy workers in a variety of settings,
including Europe and External Affairs, Health and Social Care and the Environment.
Internship opportunities - contact Jude Payne, Senior Researcher, Health &
Social Care, Scottish Parliament: [email protected]
Sciencewise - a BIS funded programme to improve Government policy making
involving science and technology, provides co-funding and specialist advice to help
government departments, agencies and NGOs develop and commission public
Scientific organisations
British Science Association a charity aiming to place science at the heart of
society and culture. They organise major initiatives across the UK, including British
Science Week and the annual British Science Festival, and host policy debates
through their Policy Networks programme.
CaSE: Campaign for Science & Engineering Policy - the leading independent
advocate for science and engineering in the UK, working with a wide range of
industrialists, educationalists, researchers and academics to raise the profile and
obtain vital research funding. Advertise jobs ranging from internships and graduate
entry, to more experienced positions, and very senior roles suitable for career
changers. The website has useful links to science policy blogs, government
departments, and to other science organisations.
The Physiological Society - the Society’s policy work aims to identify and act upon
issues of importance to physiology as a discipline and to promote physiology in
science and education policy. Their policy work spans from primary level to
postgraduate education.
Inspiring futures
The Society offers a range of grants, awards and prizes to undergraduates,
postgraduates and researchers. Vacation studentships give undergraduates the
opportunity to undertake a research project on an area of physiology over their
summer break.
The Royal Society - the UK’s national academy of science. Its Science Policy
Centre plays an influential role in national and international science policy, providing
independent and authoritative scientific advice to UK, European and international
decision makers. It works in collaboration with other experts to champion the
contribution that science and innovation can make to economic prosperity, quality of
life and environmental sustainability, and provides a hub for debate about science,
society and public policy.
Paid policy internships of varying length are offered (usually 4 or 6 months). All jobs
are advertised on the Royal Society portal, and applications are made online. Interns
get involved in a wide variety of projects and activities relating to science policy.
Public Engagement internships are also offered.
Royal Society of Chemistry the RSC is very active in the development of policy
relevant to the chemical sciences. They strive to maximisie the effectiveness of
research and education, and facilitate policymakers use of scientific information.
They provide expert information and gather evidence so policy makers and the
public are informed and up to date on current scientific and education issues.
The website includes vacancies within the society and information about the career
paths they offer, as well as wider chemistry-related careers information and advice.
Society for General Microbiology professional society for microbiologists. It
provides useful careers information, including what a science policy officer in this
field does.
The Society of Biology represents a diverse membership of individuals, learned
societies and other organisations, including a number of a number of Special Interest
Groups. It is involved in advising Government and influencing policy; advancing
education and professional development; supporting members, and engaging
and encouraging public interest in the life sciences. The website also provides
careers information and advice and hosts a jobs board.
Inspiring futures
Internships - Contact Dr Jackie Caine, Senior Science Policy Advisor, to find out
about internship opportunities: [email protected]
Think tanks
SciDev.Net is a company committed to putting science at the heart of global
development. Their mission is to help individuals and organisations apply
evidence and insights from science and technology to decision-making in
order to have a positive impact on equitable and sustainable development and
poverty reduction. The website is an invaluable source for information, news and
blogs about the biggest challenges facing science communication, as well as job
adverts in science policy, science communication, and related fields worldwide.
The Science Council is a membership body of learned societies and professional
bodies across science, including the Science in Health Group. It aims to provide
leadership in policy by fostering debate and the exchange of ideas about scientific
concerns with member bodies and a wide range of stakeholders through research,
meetings, seminars, discussion papers, policy proposals, consultations, and public
affairs activities. The Council hosts the Public Affairs Network, an informal forum
for people engaged in science policy to widen their professional network
WISE Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) - works with schools, colleges
and universities across the UK with the aim of increasing the gender balance in the
STEM (science, technology, maths) workforce. An important part of this work involves
influencing policy in the STEM sector. The website offers careers advice and advertises
opportunities to work for WISE, and jobs from employers with a positive attitude to
recruiting a diverse workforce.
NIDOS - network in Scotland that unites the international development sector to
promote effectiveness and collectively influence the policy agenda. Our aim is to
strengthen the contribution of Scottish organisations to reducing inequality and
poverty worldwide. NIDOS member organisations, both individually and through
collective fora such as NIDOS, are also active in policy work to tackle the root
causes of poverty. members working in at least 142 countries with a wide range of
specialisms. Networking with member organisations and key stakeholders including
the Scottish Government and DFID, events and training, member directory
Inspiring futures
International Organisations
European Parliament Scientific and Technological Options Assessment
(STOA) - develops policy for technological and scientific advances, works in
partnership with external experts, including research institutes, universities,
laboratories, consultancies, and individual researchers contracted for specific
epolicy works - initiative set up by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of
Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) to address barriers to employment for people
with disabilities through a web-based approach to policymaking that engages
citizens and stakeholders in new and innovative ways.
International Council for Science (ICSU) an NGO with a global membership of
national scientific bodies and International Scientific Unions. The ICSU aims to
strengthen international science for the benefit of society so that excellence in
science is valued and scientific knowledge is integrated into international policy
development. They identify issues of major importance, promote and facilitate
interaction amongst scientists, and provide independent, authoritative advice to the
scientific community, governments, civil society, and the private sector. Their website
includes information about interdisciplinary bodies involved in science policy and
current projects, publications and news, and is home to an online scientific
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
aims to use science to find solutions to economic, social and environmental
challenges, and to achieving sustainable development and greener societies.
Believes that collaborative work and cooperation with NGOs and intergovernmental
organisations contributes not only to scientific knowledge but also to building peace.
The internship programme and jobs are advertised on the website.
Inspiring futures
Appendix 2
Short-term opportunities
If you are unsure about leaving science for policy you may wish to take a short-term
position - these are often available for scientists with specific technical knowledge
and policy interests. Some scientists may question the value of leaving science
completely but agree that short-term experience is useful as it allows scientists to
return to the lab with a greater understanding of policy needs.
Short-term positions may also offer the opportunity to work abroad, with international
organizations such as the United Nations
International Council for Science - short-term positions at ICSU come up
periodically and offer training in international policy. As the invited 'voice' of the
scientific community at the World Summit on Sustainable Development meetings in
Rio de Janeiro, ICSU enables trainees to get a bird's-eye view of policy development
and become part of the network of international players.
The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has a
science analysis and policies division based in Paris, and they recruit scientists for
short-term, project-based positions that deal with legislation or public awareness of
specific issues. Opportunities vary by country.
science analysis and policies division, based in Paris
The European Parliament's Scientific and Technological Options Assessment
office offers a limited number of opportunities for short-term work experience. Its
Ramón y Cajal scholarships are available to scientists and engineers, but unpaid
research visits can be arranged as well.
Some countries are promoting interactions between scientists and policy-makers at
the national level. In the United Kingdom some ten formal fellowships, each lasting
three to six months, are funded by scientific societies, research councils and the
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology . The fellows provide briefings
on scientific issues to members of parliament (MPs).
UK Parliament - another option for experienced scientists is to be appointed as a
committee specialist for the House of Commons or the House of Lords, to advise
their specialist committees. These are full-time paid positions lasting up to four
Inspiring futures
The Royal Society has set up a short-term pairing scheme, where a scientist
shadows an MP for one or two weeks. In turn, the MP visits the scientist's lab. The
hope is that each will then better understand the demands and constraints of their
two worlds.
Europe - Be proactive in your job search. Many short-term opportunities in Europe
are under-publicized, so some scientific organizations encourage those interested in
policy to contact them directly for information. Organisations open to such
approaches include:
DFG - Germany's main research funding agency:
Max Planck Society - has 83 research institutes in Germany and other parts of
There are many researcher-led think-tanks all over Europe providing policy-makers
with scientific advice.
The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg,
Austria. Conducts policy-oriented research into problems of a global nature that are
too large or too complex to be solved by a single country or academic discipline.
RAND an established US think-tank, has European branches in Cambridge, Berlin,
Leiden, and the Netherlands.
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research a more recent establishment,
based in Norwich, UK, hires a few postdocs each year to conduct research. Within
the organization, which is a collaboration of nine research institutions and three UK
research councils, there can be up to 80 postdocs. Research at Tyndall includes
assessing viable options for reducing carbon dioxide emissions and examining
society's options for adapting to unavoidable climate change.
The Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy - research instiute
based in Wuppertal, Germany. Conducts research mainly in projects funded by third
parties,over 150 projects each year.
Inspiring futures
US - Scientists switching into policy work often follow more direct paths in the United
The American Chemical Society (ACS) - supports annual short-term positions for
scientists and graduate students who want some experience in public policy.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) -
coordinates the Congressional Fellowship programme for more than 30 science
societies and federal agencies, including the AMS. Fellowships are for one year,
working as a special assistant in legislative and policy areas requiring scientific and
technical input for a member of Congress or a committee. In many instances, the
experience is career-changing, with around one-third of participants move into
policy-related positions.
The American Mathematical Society (AMS) offers annual sponsorship for
science students and professionals. As well as the Congressional Fellowship
programme, it sponsors Mass Media Fellowships for graduate students to work for
ten-weeks over the summer as reporters, researchers, and production assistants in
U.S. mass media organizations including radio and television stations, newspapers
and magazines.
The National Academy of Sciences - sponsors annual internships for postgraduate
students in both the natural and social sciences.
Other US scientific organizations may also offer this type of opportunity. Find a list
and links to all the major bodies on the AAAS website: