N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
November 13, 2023
President Biden has called radio frequency spectrum one of “our Nation’s most important national
resources.” To promote innovation and U.S. leadership in wireless technologies, the Biden-Harris
Administration has committed to careful planning and cooperation among government agencies
and the private sector. As required by the Presidential Memorandum titled Modernizing United
States Spectrum Policy and Establishing a National Spectrum Strategy, the Secretary of Commerce,
through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), prepared this
National Spectrum Strategy to both promote private-sector innovation and further the missions of
federal departments and agencies, submitting it to the President through the Assistant to the President
for National Security Affairs, the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, and the Director of
the Ofce of Science and Technology Policy.
The Strategy reects collaboration with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC),
recognizing the FCC’s unique responsibilities with respect to non-Federal uses of spectrum,
and coordination with other Federal departments and agencies (referred to collectively here as
“agencies”). In carrying out this task, NTIA conducted extensive public outreach through a request
for comment, two public listening sessions, two Tribal Nation consultations, and one-on-one
meetings with stakeholders. NTIA has made this information, as well as supplemental comments
led by stakeholders, publicly available. NTIA also sought and received written comments
and guidance from Federal agencies and hosted a Government-only listening session to gather
additional feedback.
The result is a comprehensive strategy to modernize spectrum policy and make the most efcient
use possible of this vital national resource to enhance the quality of life for all Americans.
This Strategy will expand access to advanced wireless broadband networks and technologies,
whether terrestrial-, airspace-, satellite- or space-based, for all Americans. And it will drive
technological innovation (including innovative spectrum sharing technologies); boost U.S. industrial
competitiveness; protect the security of the American people; foster scientic advancements;
promote digital equity and inclusion; and maintain U.S. leadership in global markets for wireless
equipment and services, as well as innovative spectrum-sharing technologies—all essential priorities
for the Biden-Harris Administration.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
Introduction ..................................................................... 1
Pillar One | A Spectrum Pipeline to Ensure U.S. Leadership in Advanced
and Emerging Technologies......................................................... 3
Pillar Two | Collaborative Long-Term Planning to Support the Nation’s
Evolving Spectrum Needs .......................................................... 9
Pillar Three | Unprecedented Spectrum Innovation, Access, and Management
through Technology Development................................................... 13
Pillar Four | Expanded Spectrum Expertise and Elevated National Awareness................. 19
Conclusion ..................................................................... 22
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
Radio frequency spectrum plays a signicant—but often unacknowledged—role in Americans’
daily lives. The radio waves that carry data and voice communications to smartphones and other
devices are, after all, invisible. But consumers, businesses, and governments at every level rely upon
spectrum to complete a signicant, untold number of tasks, from the mundane to the critical.
Indeed, wireless services have become essential for citizens to function in the 21st Century. Wireless
connectivity provides increasingly reliable and affordable high-speed internet access, helping to
eliminate coverage gaps and to enable diversity, equity, and inclusion for all Americans, even
in hard-to-reach areas, including Tribal Nations, underserved communities, and U.S. territories.
Wireless capabilities also have become integral to public safety, medical care, education, multimodal
transportation, and an array of industrial operations. Critical U.S. Government services and missions
also increasingly depend on spectrum access. Essential government missions rely on wireless
systems on the ground, in the air, at sea, and in space to protect our national security and to provide
services that deliver important public benets.
As a result of ongoing innovations in wireless technologies, demand for spectrum access is growing
rapidly. In the private sector, next-generation Wi-Fi networks, large satellite constellations in low-
Earth orbit, rapidly increasing space launch cadences, aggregated data transfer requirements, 5G
and 6G broadband networks, private wireless networks, autonomous vehicles, and other advanced
systems drive demand. Dynamic spectrum sharing is one key to meet these growing demands, and
the United States is uniquely positioned to embrace a whole-of-Nation approach to advance the state
of technology for dynamic forms of sharing.
The United States needs a comprehensive strategy to
modernize spectrum policy and make the most efcient use
possible of this vital national resource.
In general, technological innovations in communications, passive sensors, radars, and other
applications are integral to the Federal Government’s priorities for national security, critical
infrastructure, transportation, emergency response, public safety, climate monitoring, weather
forecasting, scientic discovery, and economic growth. A growing number of applications and
technologies, such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) (including the Global Positioning
System or GPS), serve both governmental and nongovernmental users. All of these uses and
spectrum demands are important to the Nation and must be protected from harmful radio frequency
interference to ensure a high level of service availability and to best serve the public interest. Yet
spectrum access is not unlimited, which increases the importance of embracing opportunities to
expand dynamic spectrum access for all users.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
This Strategy draws heavily upon the information received during NTIAs outreach efforts. It
represents a high-level blueprint that articulates our national objectives for spectrum policy and
charts a whole-of-Nation approach to achieving those objectives. The Strategy recognizes that
its implementation must be consistent with, and in no way limit, (1) the FCC’s statutory role as
an independent agency that is the exclusive regulator of non-Federal spectrum use; or (2) NTIAs
statutory role as the sole agency responsible for authorizing Federal spectrum use. The Strategy
further recognizes the statutory roles and responsibilities of Federal agencies to carry out missions
that rely on spectrum access.
The Strategy adopts and describes four pillars with several corresponding strategic objectives for
immediate and sustained attention and effort:
Pillar One: A Spectrum Pipeline to Ensure U.S. Leadership in Advanced and Emerging
Pillar Two: Collaborative Long-Term Planning to Support the Nation’s Evolving Spectrum
Pillar Three: Unprecedented Spectrum Innovation, Access, and Management through
Technology Development
Pillar Four: Expanded Spectrum Expertise and Elevated National Awareness
An essential element supporting each of these four pillars and cutting across all aspects of this
Strategy will be the creation and execution of an improved national framework for collaboration
on spectrum policy. Simply put, the United States needs a better and more consistent process for
bringing the public and private sectors together to work through the difcult issues surrounding
access to spectrum, including dynamic forms of spectrum sharing. The U.S. Government will
build upon existing constructs to enable consistent, robust, and transparent engagement among
stakeholders and will publish an implementation plan with details about responsible parties and
timelines to achieve specic outcomes associated with each strategic objective identied herein.
This will help to address spectrum challenges facing the Nation, including charting a path to satisfy
current and future spectrum access requirements.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
Pillar One | A Spectrum Pipeline to Ensure U.S. Leadership
in Advanced and Emerging Technologies
U.S. leadership in next-generation technologies and services requires greater spectrum access for
both the private and public sectors. To continue our Nation’s economic growth, to maintain and
improve our global competitiveness, and to support critical public services and missions, we must
make spectrum available for innovative new uses and to meet growing demand. This Strategy
considers such a “spectrum pipeline” to encompass spectrum bands that are in various stages of
consideration for repurposing (allowing new or additional uses through relocation and/or sharing) to
satisfy non-Federal and Federal needs.
The long-term spectrum planning process discussed in Pillar Two will strategically and
systematically evaluate and respond to projected private sector and public sector spectrum
requirements well into the future. But we must also take immediate action to meet existing and
reasonably anticipated near- and mid-term spectrum needs. To that end, this Strategy identies ve
spectrum bands totaling 2,786 megahertz of spectrum for in-depth, near-term study to determine
suitability for potential repurposing to address the nation’s ever-evolving needs. These spectrum
bands are a mix of Federal and shared Federal/non-Federal bands—with an emphasis on mid-band
frequencies—that will be studied for a variety of uses, including terrestrial wireless broadband,
innovative space services, and unmanned aviation and other autonomous vehicle operations.
Strategic Objective 1.1 | Ensure sufcient spectrum access to support Federal
agency missions now and into the future.
The U.S. Government needs access to spectrum for an array of critical missions that advance
America’s economic prosperity, scientic endeavors, technology leadership, public safety, and
national security.
This Strategy reafrms existing U.S. policy, as set forth in relevant statutes, regulations, and Ofce
of Management and Budget guidance, that—when feasible—the Federal Government will procure
commercial products and services to support its operations. Similarly, some Government missions
depend on nongovernmental, federally supported organizations, activities, and facilities, which
also require access to spectrum. However, when relying on nongovernmental entities or services
is infeasible or would be materially detrimental to national interests, NTIA (in coordination with
the FCC, as necessary) will ensure that sufcient spectrum resources are available to agencies and
e National Spectrum Strategy’s eort to create new sharing opportunities pertains to bands with Federal allocations
that are being newly considered for more intensive Federal or non-Federal use. It will not examine bands that were previ-
ously made available for non-Federal use by the FCC, nor will it aect the rights of existing non-Federal users or otherwise
constitute a modication of an existing license under 47 U.S.C. § 316 of the Communications Act.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
their supporting entities to conduct their missions and to protect their operations from experiencing
harmful interference.
When Federal agencies identify requirements for additional spectrum access, NTIA, in collaboration
with those agencies, will rst assess the spectrum resources (both Federal and non-Federal) allocated
to support the particular agency’s current and future spectrum-dependent operations. Through
this process, NTIA will further consider (1) the agency’s operational requirements and the nature
of its mission(s); (2) existing authorities and conformity to international allocations for similar
applications; and (3) the potential for improved efciency and mission effectiveness through new
technological developments (such as compression and modulation technology) and coexistence
Several other considerations, in addition to the factors identied above, must be accounted for
when making these spectrum requirements assessments. First, Federal operations often do not fully
occupy their spectrum assignments at all times; however, the nature of an agency’s mission may
require constant availability of a spectrum assignment for immediate use. Second, the metrics for
assessing the “efciency” of a Federal agency’s spectrum usage must be tailored to the operational
requirements for the spectrum usage and the agency’s mission. Third, decision-makers would
benet from increased transparency and additional data regarding Federal spectrum usage when
making these decisions—to the extent permitted by law and subject to necessary operational security
Federal agency collaboration, as well as information and data sharing, is critical to the success of
these evaluations. Accordingly, to engage fully in band assessments to ensure the agencies’ needs
are met (including efforts to improve efciency of use as well as potential sharing studies), agencies
will prioritize and leverage available funding for assessing their spectrum requirements, as well as
alternative funding sources where applicable (such as Spectrum Relocation Fund resources).
Strategic Objective 1.2 | Ensure spectrum resources are available to support
private sector innovation now and into the future.
Future demand for spectrum-based services and technologies is expected to grow substantially
across many, if not all, of our Nation’s commercial sectors. According to one estimate, data trafc
on macro cellular networks is expected to increase by over 250 percent in the next 5 years, and
over 500 percent in the next 10 years. Next-generation wireless technologies such as 5G, 6G, and
Wi-Fi necessitate additional spectrum resources with the capacity for wider channels, resulting in
benets beyond increased capacity, including enhanced energy efciency, improved reliability, and
reduced latency. Meanwhile, demand for satellite-based services is exploding, with domestic rms
ling license applications for constellations—some with tens of thousands of satellites—to support
consumer broadband, in-space assembly and manufacturing, earth observation and imaging, cislunar
activities, and a host of other uses.
The U.S. Government is already taking steps to identify spectrum bands for potential repurposing in
the near-term to meet these growing demands. Within the past year alone, the FCC has led several
notable efforts to repurpose spectrum or study it for potential repurposing (see Table 1).
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
Table 1: Ongoing Efforts to Study Spectrum Bands
Focus Status
from Space
In March 2023, the FCC proposed a new regulatory framework for supplemental
terrestrial wireless coverage from space, through which satellite operators and
terrestrial providers would coordinate to operate space stations on currently licensed,
exible-use spectrum to expand coverage to the terrestrial providers subscribers.
5030-5091 MHz
In January 2023, the FCC sought comment on service rules to support safety-critical
unmanned aircraft system (UAS) communications links, including control and non-
payload communication (CNPC) operations in the band, noting that service rules to
facilitate UAS likely will require development in phases.
12 GHz
In May 2023, the FCC took steps to expand the use of 1,050 megahertz of mid-band
spectrum by a diverse set of users. Specically, the FCC ensured that current and
future satellite services will be preserved and protected in the 12.2-12.7 GHz band
(the “Lower 12 GHz band”), while exploring expanded xed licensed or unlicensed
use of the band. The FCC is further considering options for exible use of the 12.7-
13.25 GHz band (the “Upper 12 GHz band”), which has in-band and adjacent-band
federal operations that may need to be protected.
42 GHz
In June 2023, the FCC began the next phase of a proceeding to explore how
spectrum in the 42 GHz band (42-42.5 GHz) might be made available through one
of several innovative, non-exclusive spectrum access models.
60 GHz
In May 2023, the FCC adopted rules expanding opportunities for unlicensed
mobile radar operations in the 57-71 GHz band. The new rules permit mobile eld
disturbance sensor operations throughout the 60 GHz band and established technical
rules for pulse radars. The rule changes also allow unlicensed radars to operate on
unmanned aircraft in the 60-64 GHz segment of the band when operated at certain
low-ying altitudes.
The FCC has recently taken other, broader actions to address spectrum efciency, including (1)
revising its rules to promote spectrum efciency among non-geostationary satellite orbit, xed-
satellite service systems; (2) issuing a policy statement establishing core principles to inform
the FCC’s future actions and stakeholder expectations, including those of Tribal Nations, about
interference; and (3) initiating a technical inquiry into how the FCC can obtain more sophisticated
knowledge of commercial spectrum usage by leveraging new data sources, methods, and
technologies. Federal users also have contributed to efforts to increase spectrum efciency and
effectiveness and to improve access to spectrum resources for both Federal and non-Federal users,
including enabling the reallocation and auction of the 3450-3550 MHz band and the ongoing
implementation of a sharing framework in the 3.5 GHz band as part of the Citizens Broadband Radio
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
While these efforts are signicant, our economic prosperity, national security, and industrial
readiness require still more. To ensure U.S. leadership in spectrum-based services now and into the
future, detailed studies of additional spectrum bands must be performed in the near term to determine
whether they may be repurposed for expanded or more efcient uses.
In identifying spectrum bands for in-depth study, NTIA evaluated input received through a public-
facing process from a variety of sources, including terrestrial wireless broadband providers, the Wi-Fi
and unlicensed wireless community, satellite- and space-based service providers, Tribal Nations,
academics, public interest groups, and others as to current and future spectrum needs. NTIA also
reviewed information from its Federal agency partners on current and future spectrum requirements.
Taken together, this input has led to the identication of the following ve spectrum bands meriting
in-depth study in the near term. This approximately 2,790 megahertz of spectrum represents a mix
of bands for potential expanded governmental and non-governmental use for an array of advanced,
next-generation applications and services:
Lower 3 GHz (3.1-3.45 GHz): Pursuant to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of
2021, the Department of Defense (DoD) has studied the possibility of sharing this 350
megahertz of spectrum with the private sector. DoD’s studies helped to determine whether
this band should be reallocated for shared Federal and non-Federal use and licensed
through auction. DoD determined that sharing is feasible if certain advanced interference-
mitigation features and a coordination framework to facilitate spectrum sharing are put in
place. The Departments of Commerce and Defense will co-lead any follow-on studies to
the Emerging Mid-band Radar Spectrum Study (EMBRSS) that focus on future use of the
3.1-3.45 GHz band. Additional studies will explore dynamic spectrum sharing and other
opportunities for private-sector access in the band, while ensuring DoD and other Federal
mission capabilities are preserved, with any necessary changes.
5030-5091 MHz: The FCC, in coordination with NTIA and the Federal Aviation
Administration, is expected to take near-term action to facilitate limited deployment
of UAS in this band. Thereafter, this 61 megahertz of spectrum will be studied so that
the FCC can optimize UAS spectrum access across the band while avoiding harmful
interference to other protected in-band and adjacent-band operations.
7125-8400 MHz: This 1,275 megahertz of spectrum will be studied for wireless
broadband use (on a licensed and/or unlicensed basis), though some sub-bands eventually
may be studied for other uses. There are, however, a variety of mission-critical Federal
operations in this band (including Fixed, Fixed Satellite, Mobile, Mobile Satellite, Space
Research, Earth Exploration Satellite, and Meteorological Satellite services) that will make
it challenging to repurpose portions of the band while protecting incumbent users from
harmful interference.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
18.1-18.6 GHz: This 500 megahertz of spectrum will be studied for expanded Federal
and non-Federal satellite operations, consistent with the U.S. position at the 2023 World
Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23), which would add space-to-space allocations
to this band (among others). Fixed Satellite Service downlink operations are currently
authorized in the band. In addition, non-Federal Fixed Service is authorized in the 18.1-
18.3 GHz segment of the band.
37.0-37.6 GHz: Building on prior collaborative efforts of NTIA, DoD and the FCC, this
600 megahertz of spectrum will be further studied to implement a co-equal, shared-use
framework allowing Federal and non-Federal users to deploy operations in the band.
Identifying this quantity of spectrum is based (in part) on recognizing that the United States must
now invest time and resources into studying spectrum bands that are more encumbered and complex
than in the past. Because the spectrum is congested—and as “greeneld” spectrum becomes
harder to nd—U.S. policy (and stakeholders) must recognize that “studying” a band for potential
repurposing to enable more efcient use does not prejudge the outcome of the study (i.e., that all,
part, or none of the band ultimately will be repurposed as a result of the study).
Strategic Objective 1.3 | Maintain the spectrum pipeline by applying guiding
principles and leading program management practices to identify additional
bands for study.
The strategic objectives in Pillar Two of this Strategy, once implemented, will create a permanent
framework for conducting activities that support long-term spectrum planning in the United States
that will ensure the ongoing viability of the spectrum pipeline. But certain planning components
are needed immediately to help assess how the pipeline is satisfying stakeholders’ spectrum needs
in the near term and to monitor the success of study and repurposing efforts, including the impact
on the mission effectiveness of Federal incumbents in the bands selected for in-depth study. Once
developed, these core planning components can be leveraged and carried forward into the framework
established under Pillar Two. Specically, spectrum assessments by the U.S. Government should be
guided by certain enduring principles that facilitate a comprehensive, documented, and appropriately
transparent, end-to-end process for evaluating incumbent and potential new or different Federal and
non-Federal spectrum uses.
One such principle is that relevant and timely information from all stakeholders—with appropriate
safeguards for the collection and use of condential or sensitive data—is often necessary to sustain
decision-making processes in support of the pipeline. Data-driven processes are essential for
long-term spectrum planning that increases transparency into current and future Federal and non-
Federal spectrum use, anticipates and enables technological advances to facilitate spectrum access,
and fully accounts for essential Federal missions. Relatedly, spectrum management relies upon
unbiased technical, scientic, mission, and economic analyses. To provide greater visibility into, and
acceptance of, key studies, and to reduce contention and disputes of ndings, the U.S. Government
will formalize its best practices for conducting these analyses in support of spectrum management
decisions. Studies should be peer-reviewed, and the underlying ndings should be published to the
greatest degree possible.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
Another principle is that once a spectrum band is identied to be repurposed, U.S. spectrum-
regulating agencies (i.e., NTIA and the FCC) should seek to follow best practices as they plan for
transition of the band, coordinate between incumbents and new entrants, and execute the planned
transition. Specically, the U.S. Government will implement leading program-management practices
to plan and monitor the success of spectrum repurposing objectives underpinning the spectrum
pipeline, consistent with prior recommendations from the Government Accountability Ofce.
These best practices will involve tracking progress, identifying risks, and addressing issues early to
minimize any disruption to implementation.
Finally, similar principles will apply to monitoring the ongoing sufciency of the spectrum pipeline.
U.S. spectrum-regulating agencies will jointly assess the spectrum pipeline on an ongoing basis and
periodically will perform a detailed assessment of the pipeline to ensure its sufciency, suitability,
viability, and feasibility for all stakeholders until the long-term spectrum planning process outlined
in Pillar Two is established and implemented. If this joint assessment shows that additional spectrum
bands need to be studied for potential repurposing, then NTIA will collaborate with the FCC and
coordinate with the Federal agencies to develop a transparent and data-driven process to identify and
assess potential impacts to incumbent spectrum users. This process, if additional band studies are
needed, will evaluate both quantitative and qualitative factors related to incumbent spectrum usage,
including Federal agencies’ mission requirements.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
Pillar Two | Collaborative Long-Term Planning to Support
the Nation’s Evolving Spectrum Needs
America’s security, safety, technological leadership, and economic growth depend, in no small
measure, on sufcient access to spectrum. For more than a century, the Nation has worked to make
spectrum resources available for the growing number of spectrum-dependent technologies and
services used for both public and private applications. But as the demands for spectrum access
continue to increase, the Nation must implement a long-term planning process in which stakeholders
work together openly, consistently, and transparently (subject to national security and competition
constraints) to address users’ current and future spectrum requirements. Establishing a new
framework for collaboration will facilitate robust and regular dialogue and interchanges of data,
building trust and transparency among all stakeholders. Moreover, setting U.S. band allocation
preferences for new or evolving uses through better planning processes and data can also have a
positive impact on national planning for international spectrum negotiations and help secure our
Nation’s leadership in the development of spectrum-related technologies.
Strategic Objective 2.1 | Establish a persistent strategic spectrum planning
process guided by the best available science and data.
Several advisory groups have been established to provide input to the Assistant Secretary of
Commerce for Communications and Information on a broad range of spectrum issues. These include
two Federal-only entities—the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee and the Spectrum
Advisory Council, which replaces the Policy and Plans Steering Group—as well as a non-Federal
committee, the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee. Additionally, NTIA
and the FCC have formalized their cooperative relationship and ongoing coordination through a
revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated August 1, 2022, “to ensure improved and
effective communications between the agencies, to emphasize the importance of evidence-based
spectrum policymaking and reliance on data, analyses, and engineering best practices, and to
promote effective, long-range planning by both agencies, taking into account the implications of
spectrum policy and strategy.” This Strategy acknowledges and reafrms the independent statutory
responsibilities of the FCC and NTIA as the U.S. spectrum regulating agencies and the continuing
operation of the processes established in the MOU.
NTIA and the FCC have taken similar steps to include the U.S. Department of the Interior, entering a
separate MOU dated November 23, 2022, that ensures communication and planning in coordinating
policies and developing initiatives to encourage the participation of Tribal Nations and the Native
Hawaiian community. This expands spectrum access and promotes the deployment, coordination,
and development of broadband and other wireless communications services on Tribal lands and
Hawaiian homelands.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
The existing advisory structures and interagency coordination mechanisms (Federal and non-Federal,
including state, local, and Tribal governments) provide valuable input; however, they operate
independently from each other. The United States needs a process for bringing all stakeholders
together for advanced planning, so they can generate recommendations earlier, based on the
combined knowledge and perspectives of both the Federal Government and the private sector.
The U.S. Government will develop an architecture for a new collaborative framework that leverages
these existing advisory groups, identies new groups that would aid long-term planning, and denes
the interactions among them, including roles and responsibilities and desired outputs. The U.S.
Government will adhere to existing interagency MOUs and will engage all stakeholders, including
unserved and historically underserved populations, Tribal Nations, and the Native Hawaiian
community, in this new collaborative process. The collaborative framework, once implemented, will
give stakeholders the opportunity to share their perspectives on future spectrum policies that could
affect them and engage early and often in national-level spectrum planning. This framework will
also build on existing efforts, in which the U.S. spectrum regulating agencies have increased their
participation in cross-agency advisory groups as a means of fostering proactive technical exchange
and engagement with industry and other Federal agencies.
“America’s security, safety, technological leadership, and
economic growth depend, in no small measure, on sufcient
access to spectrum.”
Thus, the U.S. Government will establish a national spectrum planning process that better
incorporates future, as well as near- and mid-term, spectrum needs into the decision-making process.
The goal is to expand opportunities for spectrum access and harmonious coexistence, by whatever
licensing or allocation mechanism, for all sectors (e.g., terrestrial, satellite, in-space, launch, aviation,
public safety, scientic research, Federal missions). Changes to spectrum allocations and other
major spectrum decisions require sufcient lead-time for proper planning and implementation.
This process will be informed by long-standing legal responsibilities and, if necessary, technical,
scientic, mission, and economic analyses will be peer reviewed.
The U.S. Government will work within the collaborative framework to determine the key elements
needed to plan spectrum allocations that will position our country to meet the Nation’s spectrum
needs and maintain its place as a global technology leader. This includes implementing an ongoing
process for solicitation of new and future spectrum requirements. Users will articulate their future
needs through an agreed-to, standardized submission process that includes, at a minimum, a
description of requirements, accompanied by supporting data, to ensure they are considered as part of
the envisioned long-term planning process. Regularly assessing and optimizing spectrum allocations
to address evolving Federal and non-Federal user requirements will help ensure spectrum utilization
is providing the greatest benets to the American people, especially those in rural and Tribal
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
To ensure the on-going health of U.S. spectrum policy, the U.S. Government—with input gathered
through this new collaborative framework—will regularly update the Nation’s spectrum strategy.
Updates will be initiated as required, recognizing that a formally documented U.S. spectrum policy
promotes a symbiotic relationship between domestic and international technical and policy work in
which the United States participates (to support a better-coordinated approach, where possible, and
without limiting exibility in either venue).
Strategic Objective 2.2 | Develop and document an evidence-based national
spectrum decision-making methodology.
In today’s increasingly congested environment, there are no easy spectrum allocation choices. The
Nation must have forward-looking, robust decision-making based on a full understanding of the
operational impacts of allocation decisions, including the risks and benets of additional spectrum
access. Accordingly, the U.S. long-term spectrum planning process, consistent with President
Biden’s Memorandum on Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientic Integrity and Evidence-
Based Policymaking, dated January 27, 2021, will rely on an evidence-based methodology.
Systematic and rigorous analysis of relevant data is required for the timely, evidence-based decision-
making needed to best serve the public interest. Leveraging our Nation’s intellectual capacity, the
U.S. Government will develop models that use a value-based framework to assess the potential
impacts of spectrum reallocation options. The societal value of the spectrum will be calculated based
on a quantiable estimation of the direct and indirect benets of the different uses of the spectrum to
the Nation. This approach will enable clearly articulated national priorities to drive policy decisions,
based on trustworthy data, in a manner that balances both near-term and long-term costs and benets,
while also recognizing the inherent uncertainty of the future. Additionally, this methodology will
help ensure that reallocation decisions continue to, and are better able to, factor in aspects such as
expanding wireless service to unserved and underserved communities, federally recognized Tribes,
and the Native Hawaiian community, to help address the digital divide.
“In today’s increasingly congested environment, there are no
easy spectrum allocation choices.”
The methodology will incorporate best practices, developed through the new collaborative
framework, for conducting technical and economic analyses that are data-driven, science-based,
and peer-reviewed. Best practices will include, at a minimum, greater transparency around reported
ndings to the extent practicable (subject to information security restrictions). Using best practices
developed through collaboration between Federal and non-Federal stakeholders, and in compliance
with existing law and policy, will serve to ensure better acceptance and fewer disputes over ndings.
In addition, NTIA and the FCC will leverage the commitments in their MOU to foster improved
and effective communication on matters that relate to the management of the Nation’s spectrum
resources. As set forth in the MOU, they will engage in ongoing engineering collaborations, share
information that is of a quality that complies with best engineering practices and any mutually
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
agreed standards and procedures, and provide relevant and appropriate information in a timely
manner, in consultation with Tribal Nations (as applicable). Moreover, NTIA will solicit the views
of stakeholder Federal agencies in a timely fashion, providing sufcient time and procedures for
agencies to present their views (and supporting technical information) to NTIA as well as written
feedback on how agency views will be incorporated into the position that NTIA communicates to the
Strategic Objective 2.3 | Dene requirements and implement capabilities to
capture essential data and information on spectrum use.
Spectrum management relies upon trustworthy data. That means validating current uses and
representing future access needs in a comparable manner across stakeholders and uses. Evidence-
based decisions require standardized, granular data to ensure that requests for expanded spectrum
access are justied by current or likely future needs and to understand the criticality of those
operations. The U.S. Government will work to modernize spectrum management capabilities that
include tools suitable for both public and private sectors, to collect and use higher-delity data,
including, but not limited to, time of use, waveforms, and area of operation. NTIAs effort to
modernize its spectrum management infrastructure represents a positive rst step towards this goal.
Data about current real-world usage, the purpose and type of use (active or passive), as well as
occupancy in the time, frequency, and geography domains, is needed as the basis for assessing the
potential for increased capacity. Using the new collaborative framework, stakeholders also will
develop a structured schema for documenting and identifying future spectrum access requirements
and a recurring process to solicit future requirements, enabling long-term planning. Such a strategic,
forward-looking process is important to provide sufcient lead-time for proper planning and
implementation of changes to authorized spectrum use.
Besides improving the available data, compatibility studies will seek to employ new or modied
validated models, developed through best practices and real-world measurements as appropriate.
If determined necessary, stakeholders (working through the same collaborative framework) will
articulate to the research and development community gaps in capabilities and needs related to
improved modeling to inform the decision-making process. Using new or upgraded validated models
will bolster stronger acceptance of the results of studies assessing the potential for coexistence.
Of course, maintaining U.S. spectrum leadership internationally often requires bold and decisive
action. As we work to bolster our modeling and measurement capabilities, we will not let the desire
for more perfect information take precedence over this critical national interest.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
Pillar Three | Unprecedented Spectrum Innovation, Access,
and Management through Technology Development
Embracing and promoting innovative technologies that can expand the overall capacity or
usability of spectrum is vital to our Nation. To accelerate innovation and improve our Nation’s
understanding of electromagnetic phenomena, it is imperative for the spectrum research community
to enhance the coordination of U.S. research and development endeavors and address areas
where innovation is critical, including improving spectrum coexistence. As part of a whole-of-
Nation endeavor, the U.S. will set measurable goals for advancing the state of technology for
spectrum access, with an emphasis on dynamic forms of sharing. Specically, it will—within
12-18 months—complete a “moonshot” effort, in collaboration with industry, to advance research,
create investment incentives, and set forth measurable goals for advancing the state of technology
for spectrum access, with an emphasis on dynamic forms of spectrum sharing for all users. By
doing so, we can amplify the impact of collective efforts and foster important advancements. Our
Nation’s spectrum policies also must be designed to optimize exible use and support emerging
technologies. The United States consistently has been a leader in scientic breakthroughs,
including in spectrum-based technologies. By pursuing the below objectives, our Nation will
uphold and extend its longstanding leadership in this dynamic sector.
Strategic Objective 3.1 | Improve spectrum efciency and bolster coexistence by
facilitating investments in new and emerging technologies.
Improving the efcient and effective use of spectrum requires enhancing the frameworks,
processes, and tools for spectrum access and management. Informed investments in emerging
technologies will bolster spectrum efciency and coexistence capabilities of systems utilizing
spectrum, as well as those systems that regulate and manage their access. To ensure U.S.
economic competitiveness, the U.S. Government will identify key motivating factors that
encourage investments in emerging technologies, such as articial intelligence and machine
learning (AI/ML), that can increase secure spectrum access and sharing. Advanced technologies
can play a crucial role in enabling real-time, dynamic spectrum sharing and coexistence, as well as
facilitating intelligent spectrum management.
The U.S. Government will identify mechanisms that drive Federal investments in spectrum
innovation, particularly investments in spectrum efciency, improved system exibility, and
enhanced adaptability. The overarching goal is to cultivate more resilient and capable radio
frequency systems across the U.S. wireless landscape that can be adopted while minimizing
developmental risk.
Federal spectrum users must incorporate spectrum efciency requirements early in their
acquisitions of spectrum-utilizing systems. For instance, when developing spectrum-dependent
systems to meet mission requirements, agencies should use state-of-the-art technologies and
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
advanced operational techniques to maximize coexistence with other spectrum users, including
heterogenous uses (i.e., communications and non-communications systems, terrestrial systems,
satellite- and space-based capabilities, etc.). Non-Federal users should strive to incorporate
spectrum efciency requirements, where possible, in the acquisition of spectrum-utilizing systems.
Spectrum efciency and the capacity to coexist depend on receiver characteristics in addition to
transmitter operations. Through the collaboration framework, stakeholders from across government
and industry will build upon FCC and Federal agency efforts to improve receiver performance by
conducting a review of receiver requirements and performance parameters to develop a roadmap for
improving receivers’ resistance to harmful interference. Additionally, the Federal Government will
encourage private entities to improve receivers’ resistance to harmful interference and develop and
offer dual-use technologies and services that are responsive to both commercial and unique Federal
requirements. Moreover, the U.S. Government will explore ways to incentivize Federal agencies to
procure systems that can operate outside of traditional frequency allocations and across frequency
bands, if authorized.
These actions are intended to facilitate investments in efciency for spectrum-dependent systems
with different missions and applications. The U.S. Government will encourage development
of technologies that enhance functionality and accelerate the deployment of smart spectrum
management capabilities.
U.S. spectrum regulating agencies, Federal agencies, U.S. commercial industry, academia, and
technology developers will work collaboratively to encourage dynamic spectrum sharing that
employs spectrum management technologies and techniques that increase spectrum-use efciency
and enhance U.S. competitiveness, while taking issues such as cybersecurity into account. These
technologies may include, but are not limited to, cloud-based spectrum management, AI/ML,
advanced antenna technology, open and interoperable network architectures, cognitive transceiver
technologies, advanced RF microelectronics, simultaneous transmit and receive, and edge
intelligence. U.S. spectrum-regulating agencies will also explore modernizing rules and regulations
to facilitate dynamic spectrum access and coordinate to develop automated spectrum management
and analysis tools that could be made available to Federal agency partners and commercial
“Embracing and promoting innovative technologies that can
expand the overall capacity or usability of spectrum is vital to
our Nation.”
Both Federal users and wireless industry operators are relying on improved spectrum access
techniques and technologies to meet growing requirements for spectrum access. Technologies alone
will not sufce to ensure that spectrum sharing is successful, however—it is equally important
that sharing regimes incentivize commercial investment and innovation. Thus, updating the
incentives of all spectrum users is a critical component for U.S. economic growth and technological
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
competitiveness. NTIA, in collaboration with the FCC and industry, will study the commercial
incentives associated with different approaches to spectrum sharing to ensure that approaches to
dynamic spectrum sharing incorporate economic considerations.
Spectrum sharing opportunities are also a consideration when reallocation decisions are proposed.
Whenever possible, and ideally early in the process of considering potential repurposing, NTIA will
encourage collaboration between Federal agencies, non-Federal users (including Tribal Nations),
and prospective new users of a spectrum band to consider coexistence mechanisms that leverage
technology, expertise, and knowledge of the involved parties to safeguard incumbent missions—
whether Federal or non-Federal. Evolving to a “designed to share whenever feasible” mindset will
accelerate efcient and effective use of spectrum for all users.
In addition, U.S. spectrum-regulating agencies will consider establishing targeted engagements with
agencies affected by potential repurposing and provide them enterprise capabilities for modeling
electromagnetic compatibility. Consistent with the National Standards Strategy for Critical and
Emerging Technology, the U.S. Government will prioritize collaboration with industry to advance
spectrum-sharing approaches and technologies in global standards bodies, where appropriate.
Finally, NTIA, working with Federal agencies, will continue to pursue development of an enduring,
scalable mechanism to manage shared spectrum access, including through the development of a
common spectrum management platform. Federal agencies will cooperate to support the common
platform and, to the maximum extent feasible, transition Federal-to-Federal sharing to the common
platform. Furthermore, the common platform will be considered for the sharing of spectrum among
Federal and non-Federal uses, including Tribal Nations, any time spectrum repurposing is assessed.
Strategic Objective 3.2 | Commit to improving collective understanding of the
electromagnetic spectrum through coordinated, focused, and sophisticated
research and development (R&D).
As a Nation, we must deepen our collective understanding of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum—
including radio frequency spectrum and beyond—if we are to meet the demands of our spectrum-
dependent world. The U.S. Government will encourage and promote research and development
that optimizes spectrum utilization, drives technological advancements, bolsters national security,
informs effective policies, and advances scientic discovery. Real-world testing of dynamic
sharing principles and the evolving technologies supporting them will provide a baseline for wider
deployment and a way forward to develop shared spectrum methods, standards, technologies, and
trust mechanisms in order to make dynamic sharing of spectrum scalable.
The U.S. Government, through the White House Ofce of Science and Technology Policy and in
coordination with the Federal agencies, will develop a National Spectrum Research and Development
Plan. This plan will identify key innovation areas for spectrum research and development and will
include a process to rene and enhance these areas on an ongoing basis.
The R&D Plan will consider recommendations developed through the collaborative framework
outlined in Pillar Two. Specically, stakeholders working through the framework will provide
recommendations for conducting spectrum research that minimizes unnecessary duplication and
helps to ensure all essential spectrum research areas are sufciently explored. Increasing coordinated
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investment in research and development among government, academia, civil society, and the private
sector will result in measurable advancements in state-of-the-art spectrum science and engineering.
These efforts will further development of new methods for improving spectrum efciency, advancing
dynamic and secure spectrum access regimes, expanding use of cognitive radios using AI/ML-based
techniques, and in other research areas. Additionally, the U.S. Government will work to strengthen
spectrum science and engineering initiatives by encouraging greater participation by public and
private organizations in spectrum activities like the National Science Foundation’s Spectrum
Innovation Initiative.
Through the collaboration framework, stakeholders will assess analytical and statistical modeling of
EM interference and propagation (particularly for mid-band and millimeter wave spectrum) used to
perform data-driven, risk-informed spectrum sharing compatibility and coexistence analyses. The
assessment will include recommendations on approaches to improve modeling and mitigate potential
harmful interference among Federal and non-Federal uses of the spectrum. In conjunction with
these assessments, stakeholders will develop guidance on the best use of well-established and widely
used EM compatibility modeling software and tools. This will bring needed clarity to the proper
application of these models and support efforts to establish best practices for conducting spectrum
“As a Nation, we must deepen our collective understanding
of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum… if we are to meet the
demands of our spectrum-dependent world.”
The U.S. Government will establish a national testbed for dynamic spectrum sharing. This testbed
will be a critical part of the U.S. Government’s effort to advance the technology for spectrum access
within 12-18 months, in collaboration with industry, with an emphasis on dynamic spectrum sharing.
Specically, this testbed will enable the identication, in collaboration with national policymakers,
of short-term access for experimentation in Federal and non-Federal spectrum segments. The testbed
will serve as a technical demonstration platform, enabling national policymakers to identify and
assess spectrum access technologies through experimentation in Federal and non-Federal spectrum
This national testbed for dynamic sharing will take into consideration specic areas for testing and
measurement to improve study efforts going forward across other bands. The overall intent of the
initiative is to assess some of the Nation’s most pressing spectrum access challenges as part of a
“band-agnostic” and technology-neutral approach, so that solutions are extensible across a range
of possible bands. This program will enable Federal agencies and national policymakers to work
cooperatively with industry, researchers, and academia to objectively examine new technologies
that can improve management of the Nation’s airwaves. To reduce or eliminate duplication of
other efforts, this initiative will synchronize other relevant research and engineering activities
already under way across the government with respect to AI/ML, zero-trust networks, data-source
management, autonomy and autonomous systems, and advanced radar technologies. NTIA will take
ownership of the testbed following the initial demonstration period.
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To increase available data for ne-tuning or validating EM models, the U.S. Government will
encourage real-world measurements through eld testing whenever possible and increase awareness
and availability of outdoor wireless testbeds. Moreover, the U.S. Government will consider
deploying such measurement campaigns on Tribal lands with consent from Tribal governments
and consistent with Executive Order 13175 of November 6, 2000, Consultation and Coordination
with Indian Tribal Governments, to gather better information regarding spectrum access for Tribal
communities and spectrum utilization or buildout on Tribal lands.
The U.S. Government also will promote and facilitate the research community’s continued
exploration of dynamic and secure spectrum sharing to improve coexistence among spectrum-
utilizing systems (e.g., radar, passive scientic measurements, and wireless broadband
communications technologies) and to advance the effectiveness of dynamic spectrum management
systems (e.g., Spectrum Access Systems and Automated Frequency Coordination).
The U.S. Government will better leverage existing innovation areas, as well as consider establishing
spectrum “sandboxes” or geographic areas where spectrum research can be performed and
technologies can be assessed with expedited approval of experimental licenses. Such efforts could
explore research in spectrum efciency or the use of underutilized spectrum bands such as sub-
terahertz frequencies (e.g., above 100 GHz), which could help address the rapidly growing demand
for spectrum.
Strategic Objective 3.3 | Pursue spectrum policies that maximize exible use
of spectrum, accommodate new and innovative technologies, and identify
opportunities to expand spectrum access.
A national spectrum policy that maximizes exible use of spectrum will foster U.S. technological
innovation and global leadership, reduce barriers to expanding spectrum access (especially for
historically underrepresented rural communities), stimulate industry and government research,
provide access to state-of-the-art technologies and services, and allow Federal agencies to pivot
when new mission requirements are contemplated. Such a policy must respect current spectrum
users, ensuring incumbents are protected from harmful interference and avoiding risks to national
security, public safety, scientic research, or commercial operations. Policies should facilitate
opportunities for conducting research and development to address dynamic spectrum sharing
possibilities, maximizing the exible use of spectrum innovation. This could include considering
legislative changes to the Spectrum Relocation Fund to make payments for costs associated with
general spectrum coexistence and compatibility research and development by Federal entities across
all spectrum access models.
Maximum exibility requires the U.S. Government to pursue policies that respond to changing
conditions to accommodate new and innovative technologies. This applies to both Federal and
non-Federal users that can demonstrate improved efciency or more-intensive spectrum use. The
U.S. spectrum-regulating agencies, beneting from the improved collaboration framework, will
jointly oversee a periodic, targeted assessment of U.S. spectrum policy to determine if it fosters U.S.
technology development, incentivizes implementation of new technologies, and maximizes benets
for all Americans, especially to increase spectrum access for rural and underrepresented groups.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
Potential improvements to promote the opportunistic and spectrally efcient use of spectrum
bands should be considered to expand access to new users in underrepresented communities,
including small and non-traditional internet service providers, enterprises, schools, libraries, Tribal
communities, and other community anchor institutions in underserved areas.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
Pillar Four | Expanded Spectrum Expertise and Elevated
National Awareness
Preparing a well-trained U.S. workforce is essential to the policy proposals, potential investments in
technologies, and research initiatives described in this Strategy. All stakeholders, including industry,
academia, state, local and Tribal governments, as well as the Federal Government, must have a
spectrum workforce with the necessary skills to work across current and emerging technologies.
We must also prepare the spectrum workforce of the next generation for a globally competitive
environment where innovation is a key to successful national economic growth and spectrum access
in support of critical Federal missions. We are committed to a diverse, broad-based workforce that
enables the United States to maintain its global leadership.
Strategic Objective 4.1 | Attract, train, and grow the current and next-
generation spectrum workforce.
Modernizing the spectrum workforce and preparing for the future is essential to foster innovation and
to keep up with technological advancements, meet the growing demand for spectrum access, navigate
our complex policy landscape, and maintain the Nation’s continued economic growth. A well-trained
workforce that can ll critical spectrum-related jobs across all relevant sectors is essential to ensuring
that the spectrum ecosystem remains effective, efcient, and responsive to the evolving needs of
the wireless ecosystem and society at large. Nurturing a skilled and diverse workforce will pave
the way for long-term success and leadership in the spectrum domain, positioning the Nation at the
forefront of emerging wireless technologies and their associated benets. This Strategy will promote
collaboration among industry stakeholders, academia, and government entities and serve as a catalyst
for the development of specialized expertise.
Because a whole-of-government approach is necessary, the U.S. Government will develop
and periodically update a National Spectrum Workforce Plan to prioritize development of, and
enhancements to, the spectrum ecosystem workforce (including the full range of operational,
technical, and policy positions involved in spectrum-related activities). As a rst step, human
resources professionals should conduct an analysis of the human capital needs for spectrum
management and spectrum-related positions. This will help assess the need for modications to
Federal career series or enhancements to retain and attract quality talent.
Through the collaboration framework, academic institutions, Federal agencies, Tribal Nations, and
private entities will identify needed education and training programs to equip the current workforce
and prepare the future workforce to meet evolving and growing spectrum-related workforce
demands. Organizations should encourage participation in conferences, trade shows, and other
opportunities for informal collaboration and cross-stakeholder network building, such as through
participation in technical and professional organizations. They should consider partnering with
colleges and universities to develop programs that offer training in engineering skills to support
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analysis of spectrum issues, including a work-study program that could result in employment and
leverage existing collaboration efforts.
Additionally, stakeholders should work with professional societies to dene and update the
knowledge needed to teach at different levels and to establish or expand new fellowship programs
that place doctorate-level scientists in the U.S. Government and in organizations, as applicable. This
would be particularly benecial for U.S. spectrum-regulating agencies. Similar efforts should be
undertaken to engage trade schools to develop and implement certication programs for targeted,
spectrum-related skills sets.
“Modernizing the spectrum workforce and preparing for the
future is essential to foster innovation… and maintain the
Nation’s continued economic growth.”
The Administration will proactively engage agencies that invest in science, technology, engineering,
and math (STEM) education to introduce spectrum topics at an early age and to stimulate students’
interest in these careers through secondary education and beyond. It will be a priority to ensure more
diversity by focusing educational development and recruitment efforts towards underrepresented
groups, especially for young engineers. It is important to target outreach to underserved populations,
such as Tribal communities, where a lack of internet access has disadvantaged many. In total, these
efforts to attract top talent and develop spectrum expertise will benet and serve the public interest at
local, state, and Federal levels.
Strategic Objective 4.2 | Improve policymakers’ understanding of spectrum
Making decisions for our Nation about the allocation and authorized uses of spectrum is a heavy
responsibility. These decisions drive the development and deployment of new systems and
technologies, so they have long-term and signicant consequences. They require complex, cross-
cutting understanding and knowledge of the technical aspects of spectrum use, the economic and
legal implications of spectrum allocations, and the potential impacts to critical Federal missions.
Weighing the trade-offs between current uses and impacts on incumbents against potential future
applications is complicated, with many competing national interests at play.
Spectrum management is an interdisciplinary process that covers multiple intertwined factors, and
few, if any, policymakers (e.g., regulators, legislators, community leaders, and spectrum managers)
have expertise in all of the relevant elds. But leaders at all levels of government, including Tribal
governments, need to understand spectrum issues holistically and have access to spectrum managers
and professionals that understand the complexities relative to their interests. Recognizing this need
and providing policymakers with foundational information and tools will serve the Nation well as we
implement a more strategic spectrum planning process.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
The Administration will encourage policymakers at all levels to increase their understanding of
spectrum topics such as electromagnetic propagation, spectrum science, spectrum engineering,
spectrum management, and spectrum monitoring and measurements. U.S. spectrum-regulating
agencies will generate avenues for decision-makers to enhance their understanding of spectrum
policy and regulation, including the full range of spectrum management techniques such as spectrum
sharing methodologies and licensing schemes, as well as knowledge of non-technical topics such
as business models and economics associated with spectrum markets. Ensuring policymakers
understand the value-based methodologies being created and their appropriate application will also
be important.
Federal organizations that rely on spectrum to perform their missions will be encouraged to ensure
sufcient spectrum expertise on their staffs and to train them to communicate in plain language
with decision-makers. This will ensure that decisions are made after considering the full range of
applicable technical and operational factors.
Strategic Objective 4.3 | Improve the public’s understanding of radio frequency
spectrum and raise awareness of its role in everyday life.
The radio frequency spectrum, while critical to our everyday lives, remains a complex resource often
misunderstood by everyday users. Spectrum plays a vital role in Americans’ daily activities, from
education and emergency services to mapping and navigation systems, banking, e-commerce, and
telemedicine, as well as for entertainment and staying connected through social media. The U.S.
Government will prioritize educating the public about spectrum and the role it plays in their everyday
lives and will consider a public service initiative. In addition to highlighting how citizens rely on,
and benet from, everyday spectrum usage, outreach could spotlight the crucial role of spectrum
in critical government missions—especially those involving public safety, scientic endeavors
(including weather and climate), and security. Ideally, showcasing the complexities and challenges
of spectrum management will spark an interest among a broader community and attract multi-faceted
problem solvers to the eld.
The U.S. Government will work to raise the public’s overall understanding and appreciation of
spectrum and how this complex resource needs to be managed for everyday essential activities, both
now and in the future. The more informed the public is, the better equipped it will be to weigh-in and
have a voice in determining priorities for competing interests for spectrum access.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
A Plan for Implementing the Strategy
The National Spectrum Strategy provides a roadmap of strategic objectives that will set a course
for prolonged U.S. leadership in advanced wireless technologies and services. In identifying
strategic objectives, the Strategy recognizes the broad range of stakeholders, inside and outside of
government, whose expertise and contributions will be instrumental in reaching its goals. Consensus
in ideas may not always be possible, but unity of purpose in meeting America’s spectrum needs
is possible. To successfully implement the Strategy, a renewed effort for trust, transparency,
technological innovation, and open communications is imperative.
The Strategy is also forward-looking. As a high-level policy statement, the National Spectrum
Strategy is only the beginning. Achieving these strategic objectives will require commitments from
stakeholders to meet specic outcomes on established timelines. Agencies will leverage existing
resources, including the Spectrum Relocation Fund, as applicable, to achieve the goals set out in
this Strategy. Agencies will also take the National Spectrum Strategy into consideration during the
development of their annual budget submissions. Agencies, industry, academia, and technology
developers can use the Strategy as a guidepost for directing technical expertise and overall American
ingenuity to make unprecedented progress in the development and use of dynamic spectrum access
“Consensus in ideas may not always be possible, but unity of
purpose in meeting America’s spectrum needs is possible.”
NTIA, in collaboration with the FCC and in coordination with other Federal agencies, will prepare
and publish an Implementation Plan that establishes specic outcomes associated with each strategic
objective. For each outcome, the plan will name a responsible party, other contributing stakeholders,
the anticipated start date for work on the objective, and the estimated amount of time needed to
achieve the objective. Agencies will collaborate to develop necessary project management plans as
The Strategy will be implemented consistently with existing statutory responsibilities, the Federal
trust responsibility to Tribal Nations, and other Administration policies and priorities, including those
related to the economy, national security, climate, AI, health care, science, immigration, diversity,
equity and inclusion, and restoring America’s global standing. This Strategy will also work in
tandem with, and further the objectives of, relevant executive orders and Presidential memoranda,
strategies, and other directives.
N at i o N a l S p e c t r u m S t r at e g y
The National Spectrum Strategy reects an ethic of continued reassessment and adjustment of
implementation efforts. This will be a living process as governments and the private sector engage
and work together, and as new challenges prompt new initiatives and solutions. Our approach to
implementing and executing on the unprecedented strategic objectives set forth in the Strategy
must be as agile and dynamic as the U.S. wireless innovation ecosystem, with all its complexities
and opportunities. The Strategy’s four pillars are inherently collaborative; therefore, only through
collaboration can the United States ensure that it will reap the massive benets of advanced wireless
technologies and maximize efcient use of our Nation’s spectrum resources.
Seizing the Opportunity
The United States has historically been a global pioneer in developing and implementing wireless
services. World-changing technologies, including the early developments of terrestrial wireless and
space-based systems used for various services, were conceived on our shores, revolutionizing the
lives not only of Americans but also millions of others around the globe. America’s technological
leadership has been accompanied by a willingness to pursue daring regulatory and policy ideas such
as spectrum auctions, unlicensed spectrum access, and dynamic spectrum sharing. The complexity
of America’s wireless environment, and the high demand for spectrum resources, have proven to be a
competitive advantage, prompting our companies, policymakers, and regulators to be more agile and
creative in producing new innovations.
And yet, the circumstances that forged America’s early leadership in wireless technologies once
again present new challenges. Today, we stand at a crossroads in implementing the spectrum policies
necessary to ensure that the United States continues to exemplify competitive and technological
leadership and achieves our national goals for economic opportunity and equity, climate stewardship,
infrastructure rejuvenation, and national security.
In this National Spectrum Strategy, we reafrm our Nation’s legacy of boundless innovation, and
we honor those who have pioneered it, by seizing the opportunity to lead the next era of wireless