Strategic Spectrum Plan
2007 Version
U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington, D.C.
March 2008
Table of Contents
Executive Summary....................................................................................................... 1
Summary of Key Spectrum Requirements.......................................................... 1
Mobile Service .......................................................................................................... 2
Earth Exploration Satellite Service (EESS).......................................................... 2
Meteorological Aids Service (MetAids)................................................................. 2
Radiodetermination Service (including Radiolocation and Radionavigation).2
Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) ................................................................................. 3
Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) .............................................................................. 3
Summary of Trends................................................................................................... 3
Summary of Key Strategies .................................................................................... 3
I. Introduction......................................................................................................... 4
Department of Commerce Mission........................................................................ 4
Strategic Vision for DOC Spectrum Management............................................. 5
Spectrum Requirements .......................................................................................... 5
II. Current Spectrum Use: Update of November 2005 Department of
Commerce Strategic Spectrum Plan ........................................................................ 6
Missions and Programs Supported ...................................................................... 6
Observing Systems................................................................................................... 6
Radars....................................................................................................................... 6
Satellite Passive Sensing .................................................................................... 8
Table 1: Passive Sensing Bands (receiving sensors on polar-orbiting
spacecraft)............................................................................................................. 10
Satellite Active Sensing ..................................................................................... 10
Table 2: Active Sensing Bands (sensors on polar-orbiting spacecraft)11
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).................................................. 11
Data Transmission Systems................................................................................. 11
Hydrologic Radio Systems................................................................................ 11
Meteorological Satellite Data Transmission................................................. 12
Table 3: NOAA MetSat Data Transmission Bands..................................... 13
Water Level Monitoring ...................................................................................... 13
Radiosonde Systems (including dropsondes)............................................. 13
Wildlife and Fish Tracking System.................................................................. 14
Table 4: Wildlife and Fish Tracking Spectrum Requirements ................. 15
Video Transmission............................................................................................. 15
Commercial Satellite Services.......................................................................... 15
Table 5: Commercial Satellite Service Current and Future
Requirements........................................................................................................ 16
Meteorburst Communications.......................................................................... 16
Hurricane Reconnaissance Aircraft Communications .............................. 17
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Operations ............................................. 17
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)................................................................. 17
Dissemination Systems.......................................................................................... 18
Terrestrial Broadcast .......................................................................................... 18
Broadcast Media................................................................................................... 19
Communication and Telemetry Systems........................................................... 20
Land Mobile Radio............................................................................................... 20
Maritime Communications................................................................................. 21
Commercial Satellite Phone.............................................................................. 21
Cell Phone.............................................................................................................. 22
Wireless Ethernet................................................................................................. 22
Amateur Radio...................................................................................................... 23
SARSAT.................................................................................................................. 23
FedSMR Program................................................................................................. 24
BIS Land Mobile Radio Network ...................................................................... 26
HF Radio................................................................................................................. 26
Research Test and Development......................................................................... 27
Land Mobile Radio, Project 25.......................................................................... 28
Shared Spectrum Testing.................................................................................. 28
Feasibility of Spectrum Sharing ......................................................................... 29
Feasibility of Using Commercial Alternatives.................................................. 30
Feasibility of Using Non-spectrum Sources..................................................... 30
New Technologies and Improved Spectrum Efficiency ................................ 30
COOP/COG implications........................................................................................ 30
Technologies and Expanded Services requiring spectrum (2005-2015) ...... 30
New Technologies and Improved Spectrum Efficiency ................................ 31
COOP/COG implications........................................................................................ 32
International Issues................................................................................................. 32
Impact of Unavailable Spectrum.......................................................................... 32
IV. Current and Future Use of Non-Federal Spectrum Offered by
Commercial Service Providers................................................................................. 32
Broadcast Media....................................................................................................... 32
Commercial Satellite Services.............................................................................. 32
Commercial Satellite Phone.................................................................................. 33
Cell Phone.................................................................................................................. 33
V. Current and Future Use of Non-Licensed Devices..................................... 33
VI. New Technologies ....................................................................................... 33
VII. Strategic Spectrum Planning............................................................................ 33
DOC Spectrum Management................................................................................. 33
DOC Office of the Secretary, and Office of Security ........................................ 34
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration .......................................... 34
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).......... 34
Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) ................................................................ 34
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) .................................. 34
Census Bureau (within the Economics and Statistics Administration) .......... 34
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)..................................................... 35
DOC Strategic Spectrum Plan Approval Process........................................... 37
Strategic Spectrum Planning- DOC Budget, Planning, Programming, and
Operational Execution............................................................................................ 37
Strategic Spectrum Planning- System Certification and Frequency
Assignment Requests ............................................................................................ 37
Contact information................................................................................................. 38
ANNEX A- Table Summary of DOC Radio Applications.................................... 39
ANNEX B- DOC Office and Bureau Spectrum Requirements Points of
Contact............................................................................................................................ 49
ANNEX C- Acronyms and Abbreviations............................................................... 50
Note: The organization of this document reflects conformance with requirements
established by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to
standardize strategic spectrum plans across all federal government agencies. It is not
optimized for presentation of the specific strategic spectrum plan of the Department of
Executive Summary
The Department of Commerce (DOC) developed this Strategic Spectrum Plan
in response to the Presidential Spectrum Reform Initiative and a November 29,
2004, Presidential Memorandum. Strategic Spectrum Plan objectives, specified
by Secretary Gutierrez, are to provide:
spectrum requirements, including bandwidth and frequency location for
future technologies or services;
planned uses of new technologies or expanded services requiring
spectrum over a period of time agreed to by the selected agencies; and
suggested spectrum-efficient approaches to meet identified spectrum
This plan accomplishes these objectives through identification of DOC’s diverse
spectrum requirements. These requirements range in frequency from 20 kHz to
over 316 GHz. Applications range from law enforcement operations to
scientific applications. They include spectrum for active operation and the
protection of passive bands that are critical to monitoring the Earth’s
environment and to predicting weather. The Department of Commerce’s use of
the valuable spectrum resource directly supports and helps protect our Nation’s
$1,621.8 billion/year in foreign trade exports (for 2007), $31.6 billion/year
commercial fishing industry, $141.5 billion/year of agriculture, and other
sectors of our Nation’s economy. Critical DOC programs reduce loss of life
and prevent billions of dollars in property damage each year through its
hurricane and severe weather prediction and warning services. These services
could not be provided without access to and protection of vital radio frequency
Summary of Key Spectrum Requirements
Table A1 in Annex A provides a summary, in tabular form, of all DOC spectrum
requirements. This table was developed based on the detailed inputs from the
DOC offices and bureaus. Table A1 indicates the DOC spectrum requirements
will increase for only a limited number of applications. A summary of DOC
requirements, broken down by radio service, follows:
Fixed Service - DOC fixed service spectrum use includes emergency
communications, standard time transmission, and providing feeds to weather
radio transmitters, collecting climatological data from remote locations, and
operating control links between offices and remote equipment such a radars.
Requirements include access to spectrum ranging from 3 MHz to nearly 2 GHz.
The only identified change in fixed service spectrum requirements over the next
10 years is the modernization of the existing 1,221 United States Historical
Climatology Network (USHCN) Studies are currently underway to determine the
communication technologies to support HCN-M (Modernization). One of the
technologies being investigated would consist of an infrastructure integrating
optimized solutions within a hybrid network consisting of VHF/UHF, Satellite,
TCP/IP, and Meteor Burst. All technologies would be based on digital electronics
in order to provide the most efficient spectrum requirement.
Mobile Service - DOC requires radio spectrum for the mobile service for typical
LMR applications as well as a number of specialized applications. Some of these
applications include research, development, test and evaluation (RDTE), law
enforcement, telemetry for tracking of marine mammals and fish, telemetry for
remote control of research equipment, and broadcast of weather and hazards
warnings to the public via weather radio. No significant changes in mobile
spectrum requirements are anticipated with the possible exception of some small
segments of spectrum needed for the Government to conduct specialized
telemetry operations.
Earth Exploration Satellite Service (EESS) - DOC is a large user of EESS
spectrum, including allocations to the meteorological satellite (MetSat) service.
Access to EESS and MetSat spectrum is critical to maintain control of their
satellites, transmit data, and operate active and passive sensors for atmospheric
and Earth surface sensing. It is the passive sensor operations that are so sensitive
to operational frequency. If passive sensing systems were required to vacate
bands providing unique measurement characteristics, the operational capability
will be lost.
Meteorological Aids Service (MetAids) - DOC operates a large number of
radiosonde and dropsonde systems under the MetAids radio service. These
systems support meteorological operations and atmospheric research within DOC.
The data from these systems are critical to COOP and Homeland Security
operations, in particular in plume modeling. No significant changes are
anticipated in MetAids spectrum requirements. NOAA has upgraded 52% of its
of radiosonde technology for the operational network so as to reduce the spectrum
requirement by approximately 50%. The new reduced requirement is reflected in
this plan.
Radiodetermination Service (including Radiolocation and Radionavigation) -
DOC requirements for radiodetermination spectrum come from NOAA and NTIA
radar operations. In the U.S. Table of Allocations, meteorological radars are
categorized under the MetAids service. In the International Table of Frequency
Allocations they operate under the radiodetermination service. Systems operated
by DOC include ground-based and airborne meteorological radars and wind
profiler radars. The change in spectrum requirements relating to meteorological
radars is the possible use of the Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the
Atmosphere (CASA) concept for deploying of gap filler radars operating in the
9.41 GHz +/- 30 MHz range NOAA is transitioning the NOAA Profiler Network
(NPN) from 404.37 MHz to 449 MHz.
Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) - DOC relies on commercial fixed satellite service
allocations for satellite connectivity between NOAA facilities. Procurement of
commercial satellite services is the most cost effective manner for meeting the
Government’s needs. DOC requirements for commercial satellite service are
expected to increase in the future. Federal acquisition policies and the Federal
Government spectrum regulatory rules require Federal agencies to use
commercial services, where available and applicable. Current United States
spectrum regulatory rules increase cost significantly and discourage government
use of commercial satellite service providers. For Government operations
employing the use of commercial satellite services to be protected, in addition to
the satellite system, the satellite ground station must be commercially licensed
and operated as well. This frequently requires the government to enter into costly
third party contracts with commercial providers to license and operate the ground
stations. Changing United States spectrum regulatory policy to allow government
operation of the ground station on a protected basis, as are other commercial
satellite service customers, will reduce costs and encourage further use of
commercial service providers.
Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) - DOC relies on mobile satellite spectrum for
satellite telephone applications in support of maritime operations, law
enforcement, and COOP. Mobile satellite provides connectivity in areas where
terrestrial networks are not available. DOC requirements for mobile satellite
phone services are not expected to increase significantly in the next 10 years. In
addition, the Search and Rescue Satellite (SARSAT) portion of the COPSAS-
SARSAT system, a system operating in the MSS, is under the operational control
of DOC (NOAA).
Summary of Trends – For DOC, the trend that most impacts spectrum use is
increasing data resolution (spatial and temporal) in Earth observing systems,
allowing a better understanding of climate change and improvement in weather
forecast and severe weather warning capabilities. Higher data resolution requires
greater bandwidth for data transmission. In addition, improved protection of the
RF-based observing sensors is required. Higher resolution data will be of little
use of the data is corrupted by interference.
Summary of Key Strategies – To ensure the DOC spectrum requirements
continue to be met, DOC ORFM has established the following four strategic
Engage in domestic and international venues to ensure changes in
spectrum regulations support economic growth while protecting DOC
Promote cooperation among DOC offices conducting operations,
Government laboratories, and academia to ensure the necessary spectrum
resources are available to develop, test, and deploy new technologies.
Participate in international coordination meetings (SFCG and WMO SG-
to promote the availability of spectrum for global earth observation
Increase spectrum efficiency using new technologies, promoting spectrum
sharing, and utilizing commercial services where available.
I. Introduction
Department of Commerce Mission
The mission of the Department of Commerce is to “create conditions for
economic growth and opportunity by promoting innovation, entrepreneurship,
competitiveness and stewardship.” Within this mission the Department of
Commerce has established three strategic goals
Goal 1: Provide the information and tools to maximize U.S. competitiveness
and enable economic growth for American industries, workers and
Goal 2: Foster science and technological leadership by protecting
intellectual property, enhancing technical standards, and advancing
measurement science.
Goal 3: Observe, protect, and manage the Earth’s resources to promote
environmental stewardship.
DOC has diverse spectrum requirements ranging in frequency from 20 kHz to
over 316 GHz. Access to radio spectrum for the DOC offices and bureaus
supports meeting all three DOC mission goals. Applications range from law
enforcement operations to scientific applications. They include spectrum for
active operations and the use of passive bands that are critical to monitoring the
Earth’s environment and to predicting weather. The Department of
Commerce’s use of the valuable spectrum resource directly supports and helps
protect our Nation’s $1,621.8 billion/year in foreign trade exports, $31.6
billion/year fishing industry, $141.5 billion/year of agriculture, and other sectors
of our Nation’s economy. Critical DOC programs reduce loss of life and
prevent billions of dollars in property damage each year through its hurricane
and severe weather prediction and warning services. These services could not
be provided without access to and protection of vital radio frequency spectrum.
DOC spectrum requirements were identified through a review of the
Government Master File (GMF), which contains information on over 9,000
The SFCG is the Space Frequency Coordination Group and the WMO SG-RFC is the World
Meteorological Organization Steering Group on Radio Frequency Coordination.
The Department of Commerce Strategic Plan can be obtained at
DOC frequency assignments, and through spectrum requirement information
requests made to DOC offices and bureaus.
Strategic Vision for DOC Spectrum Management
Radio frequency spectrum is a limited resource, access to which is critical to
meeting Department's strategic goals, our national economy, and public safety.
DOC manages its use of this resource to ensure availability of the spectrum
required to meet its operational requirements while making efficient use of radio
frequency spectrum. Meeting its Departmental spectrum requirements with
increasing commercial, public, and government demand for spectrum access,
will require continued efforts to increasing spectrum efficiency using new
technologies, promoting spectrum sharing, and utilizing commercial services
where available.
Value of DOC Spectrum Use
The DOC operates a wide variety of spectrum-reliant systems. The table in
Annex 1 summarizes the DOC spectrum requirements. The spectrum
requirements support our Nation’s economy in many diverse ways. Spectrum is
required for safety and security, atmospheric and marine research, weather
forecasting and severe weather warnings, and telecommunications research. All
these uses of spectrum ensure safety and support economic prosperity of the
U.S. Below are a few representative examples.
The IEOS Strategic Plan
indicates “national institutions that contribute
weather, climate, public health, and water services to their citizens contribute
an estimated $20-$40 billion dollars each year to their national economies.”
Furthermore, “weather- and climate-sensitive industries, both directly and
indirectly, account for as much as 1/3 of our Nation’s GDP- $4 trillion in 2005
The NOAA Strategic Plan also states “Ocean resources account for a
significant portion of the U.S. economy, and recent estimates indicate that
coastal areas provide 28 million jobs, millions of dollars in goods and
services, and tourist destinations for 180 million Americans per year.” The
NOAA Strategic Plan also indicates “The value of the ocean economy to the
Unites States is over $115 billion” and the “United States manages the largest
marine territory of any nation in the world.”
The USTPO Strategic Plan states, “There are an estimated seven million
pending applications in the examination pipeline.” Many of these applications
are critical to the intellectual property rights of U.S. industry and the
economic prosperity of our Nation.
Strategic Plan for the U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System.
The dollar value of the U.S. landscaping industry for 2002 was greater
than $52 billion. Landscaping accounts for 2.9 percent of all fresh water
usage in the U.S., consuming nearly 10 billion gallons per day. Benefits are
realized from improved wind speed, humidity, and precipitation forecasts that
result in reduced excess irrigation and fewer wasted fertilizer/pesticide
For private sector spectrum use, income gained through spectrum use versus
capital expended to license and use spectrum is easily quantifiable. In the case
of DOC spectrum use it is more difficult to determine the dollar value of
protecting our National security, economic prosperity, public safety, and the
value of providing reliable weather forecasts to the public and industry. While
it is difficult to quantify the value of radio spectrum to the DOC mission, access
to radio spectrum is critical to carrying out the DOC mission. It is not sufficient
to just ensure adequate bandwidth is available for all operations; some systems
must be operated in specific ranges of the radio spectrum. Meteorological radar
performance can be enhanced, or limited, depending on whether an appropriate
frequency range is used. Satellite passive sensors require specific frequencies to
detect conditions in the atmosphere and on the Earth’s surface.
II. Current Spectrum Use: Update of November 2005 Department of
Commerce Strategic Spectrum Plan
Missions and Programs Supported
For purposes of this spectrum plan, the details of DOC systems and spectrum
requirements are not arranged by radio services, but by applications. Some
applications span more than one radio service. DOC spectrum requirements can
be divided in the following application categories: Observing Systems, Data
Transmission Systems, Dissemination Systems, Communications Systems, and
Research, Test and Development.
Observing Systems-
Due to the nature of many NOAA operations, Observing Systems constitute the
largest use of spectrum within DOC. Observing systems operated by NOAA are
critical to the accomplishment of the NOAA mission. The diversity of NOAA
observing systems allows NOAA to support commerce and transportation, and
serve the public’s need for weather, water, climate, and ecosystem observation. A
spectrum-reliant observing system is a system where spectrum is used directly for
measurement of atmospheric or environmental conditions. Spectrum for
observing systems account for 65% of the frequency assignments held by DOC.
Radars - NOAA operates a variety of ground-based and airborne
meteorological radars. The NEXRAD program is the largest DOC user of
radar spectrum, but other NOAA radar applications include airborne
weather radars operated on cyclone reconnaissance aircraft, wind profiler
radars, and transportable radars for atmospheric research. Meteorological
radars contribute to the NOAA Weather and Water mission goal by
providing real-time accurate weather information.
The WSR-88D radar, operated under the NEXRAD program, has been
instrumental in significantly improving the lead-time for severe weather,
tornado, and flash flood warnings in the United States. The WSR-88D,
operated in the band 2700-3000 MHz, is continuously undergoing
upgrades to integrate new technology for enhanced performance and
sustainable operations for at least 20 years. The requirements for
spectrum to support the NEXRAD program are not anticipated to change
in the next 10 years.
NOAA has ongoing work or interest in other meteorological radar bands.
The bands near 5625 MHz and 9.4 GHz are used for NOAA atmospheric
research applications. Clear air turbulence monitoring is also being
studied using radars operated in the 1 to 2 GHz range. Studies partially
funded by NOAA are underway to evaluate the use of small radars
operating near 9.4 GHz to fill gaps in areas where the tilt angle of the
NEXRAD and Earth curvature result in unmonitored areas low in the
atmosphere. Additional NOAA requirements for meteorological spectrum
around 9.4 GHz are possible in the next 10 to 15 years.
In 1992 NOAA deployed an experimental wind profiler demonstration
network, now called the NOAA Profiler Network (NPN) in the central
U.S. The demonstration network was assigned an experimental frequency
of 404.37 MHz, sharing the band with radiosonde and data collection
platforms. Emissions from the wind profilers operating on the
experimental frequency became a source of interference to the COSPAS-
SARSAT receivers on the NOAA polar-orbiting satellites. The NPN is
currently being transitioned to an operational observing network. As part
of the transition, NOAA will upgrade all the 404.37 MHz profilers,
changing the frequency to 449 MHz. Wind profiler use of 404.37 MHz is
anticipated to end by 2008. In addition to the 30 NPN, NOAA currently
operates 5 profilers at 449 MHz. The long-term wind profiler deployment
may include 100 wind profilers operating at 449 MHz.
NOAA may also have future requirements for spectrum to support wind
profiler radar operations in the 902-928 MHz range. This frequency range
will provide capabilities not possible at 449 MHz.
For 30 years NOAA has been working with oceanographic radars used for
monitoring the surface conditions of the sea near coastal areas. These
radars operate in the 3 to 30 MHz range, and near 42 MHz. Lower
frequencies provide longer-range detection of the sea surface, but at a
lower data resolution than can be achieved at higher frequencies. These
radars are operating on an experimental basis since no spectrum
allocations exist for their operation. DOC initiated the creation of a WRC-
11 agenda item to obtain allocations for operation of these radars (WRC
Agenda Item 1.15). Data from these radars is important for detection sea
surface conditions, and determining currents. Products support maritime
search and rescue as well as oceanographic, meteorological, climatological
and disaster response operations. The Coast Guard is interested in use of
data from the same radars for maritime domain awareness.
Satellite Passive Sensing - NOAA operates the two civilian operational
environmental satellite systems (Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental
Satellite – POES and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite –
GOES) that provide vital data in support of their mission. These satellites
carry an array of imaging and passive sensor (POES only) systems. While
the spectrum for data transmission and satellite control (discussed later) is
critical to NOAA operations, protection of bands used for passive sensors
is of extreme importance. Passive sensors are very low noise, ultra
sensitive receivers used to sense emissions from the Earth’s surface and
atmosphere. The sensors are designed to sense changes in radio frequency
(RF) levels on the order of tenths to hundredths of a decibel (dB), and
interference easily corrupts the sensor data. Changing frequency bands to
accommodate requirements of new spectrum users typically is not possible
since bands for passive sensing are selected based on physical properties
of the Earth and its atmosphere. The data from passive sensors improve
NOAA’s weather forecast capabilities.
In response to the first NOAA goal “To understand and predict changes in
the Earth’s environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine
resources to meet our Nation’s economic, social and environmental
needs.”, NOAA scientists are using satellite data to monitor the long-term
effects of heat stress on coral reefs in several areas of the world. NESDIS
now produces a weekly chart known as Degree Heating Week. These
satellite-derived charts allow scientists and reef managers to monitor the
cumulative thermal stress on several coral reefs, including Australia’s
Great Barrier Reef and those in the Bahamas and the Galapagos. An
example of the impact of NOAA’ polar-orbiting satellite in meeting the
second NOAA goal of climate variability is the long-term monitoring of
the Antarctic ozone hole. The record is more than 10 years in length and
provides a building climatology of the seasonal and annual variations of
one of the many climate change parameters. The constant monitoring of
tropical storms from their inception to their demise, and sometime U.S.
landfall, fulfills the third goal for the Nation’s need for weather and water
information. The search and rescue function on both polar-orbiting and
geostationary satellites supports the Nation’s commerce with information
for the safe and efficient transportation part of providing the critical
support for NOAA’s overall mission. Data from NOAA satellites are also
used to determine the safety of airline routes and flight plans, to reduce the
risk of damage to ships and cargo, and to issue weather forecasts and
Table 1 summarizes the NOAA spectrum requirements for satellite
passive sensors for current and future meteorological satellite operations.
Table 1: Passive Sensing Bands (receiving sensors on polar-orbiting spacecraft)
Current and Future Requirements
Frequency Band
6.425 – 7.025
Conical Microwave Imaging Sounder (CMIS)
10.6 - 10.7 CMIS
10.6 - 10.8 CMIS
23.6 - 24 Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) Sensor,
Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS), CMIS
31.3 - 31.5 AMSU-A and ATMS
36 - 37 CMIS
50.2-50.4 AMSU-A, CMIS and ATMS
51.4 - 59.3 AMSU-A, CMIS and ATMS
59.3 – 60.55
86 - 92 AMSU-A, Advanced Microwave Sounding
Unit-B (AMSU-B), ATMS and CMIS
148.5 –155.5 Microwave Humidity Sounder
164 - 167 ATMS and CMIS
174.8 - 191.8 AMSU-B, CMIS and Microwave Humidity Sounder
316 -334 CMIS
- Band not allocated to EESS (passive).
Satellite Active Sensing - NOAA has limited requirements, shown in
Table 2, for bands to perform satellite active sensing. Radar altimeters are
used to measure sea surface topography to an accuracy of approximately
4.2 cm. These operations support the NOAA Weather and Water, Climate
Variability, and Commerce and Transportation mission goals. Radar
altimeters allow scientists to observe and study both short-lived events
such as hurricanes and long-term climate phenomena such as the Pacific
Decadal Oscillation. They also provide the capability to monitor global
mean sea level, an indicator of global temperature change.
Table 2: Active Sensing Bands (sensors on polar-orbiting spacecraft)
Future Requirements
Frequency Band
5.250 – 5.570 NPOESS Altimeter
13.25 - 13.75 NPOESS Altimeter
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) - The Global Positioning
System (GPS) and the Russian Federation GLONASS system are typically
used for navigation and position determination. In addition to the typical
uses, NOAA uses GNSS for observation systems. The RRS will rely on
GPS receivers integral to the radiosondes for measurement of winds. Use
of GPS will provide improved wind measurement accuracy relative to the
legacy system that relied on radio direction finding for tracking radiosonde
movement. NOAA is also researching the use of GNSS for measuring
atmospheric parameters such as refractivity, correction factors for remote
sensing and radar, and integrated precipitable water vapor. These
applications using GNSS support all four NOAA mission goals.
Data Transmission Systems - Radio-based data transmission systems, used for
transmission of data and non-voice communications between locations, are
necessary for NOAA operations. Many observing systems are operated in remote
areas where land-line is not available. The systems can be terrestrial-only or may
include a space component. This section does not include personal
communications systems.
Hydrologic Radio Systems - Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time
(ALERT) systems are locally owned and operated cooperator stream gage
water height collection networks transmitting on Federal hydrologic radio
frequencies. NTIA and the FCC have made special provisions in their
rules to allow local communities to use Federal spectrum to collect
hydrologic data for flash flood warning purposes, and share their
information with NOAA. Several thousand transmitters operate in the
162-174 MHz band, and a few hundred more operate in the 406-412 MHz
band on specific frequencies dedicated for hydrologic use. ALERT
systems support the NOAA Weather and Water mission goal by providing
data Federal, state and local agencies data critical to flood and flash flood
warnings. Some systems, with an increasing number in the future, are
capable of measuring wind speed and direction, critical to Homeland
Security operations.
Future spectrum planning should consider the operational impacts on local
governments and non-profit organizations if spectrum changes require
alteration or replacement of existing systems. The cost to the local
government may be substantial, and vary widely depending on the size,
scope, and complexity of each system. The initiative to transition the
operation of ALERT systems to FCC licenses held by the operator instead
of NOAA was complete in 2007.
NOAA is modernizing its Cooperator Observer Network by deploying
new sensor platforms and converting data reporting from a manual process
to an automated radio-based process.
Meteorological Satellite Data Transmission - The NOAA geostationary
and polar-orbiting meteorological satellites rely on radio spectrum for
transmission and reception of raw and processed sensor data, and for
control. Depending on the application, these links are operated under
EESS, MetSat or MSS frequency allocations. Table 3 provides the bands
required for NOAA MetSat data transmission.
For the relationship of these bands to the NOAA mission, refer to the
Passive Sensor section under Observing Systems.
There are no known technologies that can replace data transmission from
satellites orbiting the Earth carrying sensors that monitor its environment.
With both next generation polar-orbiting (NPOESS) and geostationary
(GOES-R) networks likely being launched before 2015, there will be a
significant increase in spectrum use due principally to sensors having
much greater complexity (greater sensitivity, higher resolution, both
spectrally and spatially) in the number of channels and resulting data rates.
However, the use of additional spectrum will result in a much better
understanding of the Earth and its environment. The increase in spectrum
use will be kept to a minimum through application of the latest
technologies resulting in more efficient modulation schemes, encoding,
compression, and filtering. The design of NPOESS is almost complete,
thereby limiting the extent to which further improvements in spectrum
efficiency can be accomplished. For GOES-R there is a significant radio
frequency communications design effort in place that is expected to
continue for several years. This effort has concentrated on examining the
latest technologies available regarding efficient modulation, encoding and
compression algorithms in order to achieve the maximum spectrum
efficiencies which will result in the greatest data throughput in the least
amount of radio frequency spectrum.
Table 3: NOAA MetSat Data Transmission Bands
Current and Future Requirements
Frequency Range
Polar-Orbiting or
121.45 - 121.55 Emergency Position Beacons Polar
137-138 Data Transmission to Earth Polar
242.95 - 243.05 Emergency Position Beacons Polar
401 - 403 Data Collection Platform
406.0 - 406.1 Emergency Position-
Indicating Radio Beacons
460 - 470 Data Collection Platform
Future Polar
1535 - 1559
Transmission of Emergency
Position Data to User
1670 - 1710 Data Transmission to Earth Polar
2025 - 2110 Spacecraft Command Uplink Polar
2200 - 2290 Backup Data Transmission to
7190 - 7235 Data Transmission to
Future Geostationary
7750 - 7850 Data Transmission to Earth Future Polar
8175 - 8215 Data Transmission to
Future Geostationary
8025 - 8400 Data Transmission to Earth Future Geostationary
Future Polar
18,100 - 18,300 Data Transmission to Earth Future Geostationary
25,500 – 27,000 Stored Mission Data
Transmission to Earth
Future Polar
Water Level Monitoring - NOAA operates water level monitoring
equipment in shipping channels and ports to support maritime operations.
Transmission of the data from these systems is via data collection systems
operated on board geostationary and polar-orbiting meteorological
satellites, and terrestrial radio networks. Discussion of meteorological
satellite data transmission spectrum requirements is provided the previous
Radiosonde Systems (including dropsondes) - Radiosondes are sensor
packages lifted through the atmosphere by a balloon or in the case of
dropsondes, dropped from aircraft. Sensor data is transmitted to a ground
station near the release point where the data is processed (based on the
aircraft in the case of dropsondes), and meteorological data products are
produced. Radiosonde data are used by NOAA and world-wide
meteorological community as a necessary input to the numeric weather
models and by NOAA researchers for atmospheric and climatologic
research. NOAA operates a synoptic network of 102 radiosonde stations,
each releasing a flight at 00 and 12 UTC. In addition, NOAA researchers
operate transportable radiosonde and dropsonde stations for atmospheric
research. Radiosondes are the only devices capable of providing in-situ
atmospheric measurements to an altitude of 30 kilometers. Dropsondes
are capable of data collection from flight level to within a few meters of
the earth’s surface, even over areas where radiosondes cannot be released.
Radiosonde data support the NOAA Weather and Water, Climate
Variability, and Commerce and Transportation mission goals. Synoptic
data improve the weather forecasters’ ability to increase weather and water
warning lead times and forecast accuracy, and improve the predictability,
onset, and impact of hazardous weather events. Data users include
Federal, and foreign metrological activities; atmospheric research; state
and local governments. In addition, the NOAA radiosonde system data
are critical to DHS and COOP missions by providing medium range
information on weather related events (rainfall, wind speed and direction,
severe weather events, etc.) and making the information readily available
to all Federal agencies.
Radiosondes and dropsondes are operated by NOAA in the allocated
bands 400.15-406 MHz and 1668.4-1700 MHz. With the deployment of
the RRS most synoptic operations are conducted within 1675-1683 MHz,
avoiding MetSat downlinks above 1683 MHz and commercial operations
below 1675 MHz. Several synoptic stations and most NOAA research
systems are operated in 400.15-406 MHz, which is shared extensively
with DOD and non-government research institutions. NOAA
requirements for radiosonde spectrum are anticipated to remain constant
over the next 5 to 10 years.
Wildlife and Fish Tracking Systems - Radio telemetry and direction
finding is used to track the movement and foraging behavior of wildlife
and fish. These tracking systems support the NOAA Ecosystems mission
goal. The technology and frequency range required varies with
application. NOAA currently operates several tracking systems and has
requirements for spectrum for additional systems.
Table 4: Wildlife and Fish Tracking Spectrum Requirements
System Application Current
Marine Mammal Radio
Marine mammal
40 transmitters
operating in 164-
165 MHz
Expansion to 60
transmitters in
next 3 years
Satellite Linked Position
and Data Recording
Marine mammal
57 Units operating
at 401.650 MHz
Expansion to 125
units in the next 3
Operates on the
ARGOS system.
Fish Tags- System #1 Fish tracking
100 units
operating in 30.05
- 30.25 MHz
Same as current
Fish Tags- System #2 Transmit fish
Planned system Very low power
operating at 151.4
VEMCO Fish Tracking Triangulation to
track salmon
movement in
Puget Sound
20 Listening
stations operating
at 458.54 MHz
Same as current
100 additional
listening stations
operated by other
entities support
Passive Integrated
Salmon studies 20 systems
operating at 134.2
Second frequency
for non-salmonid
studies in 125 –
400 kHz range
500 systems total
used in research
Video Transmission - NOAA uses remote-controlled video cameras for
continuous monitoring of wildlife from remote locations. Use of these
systems supports the NOAA Ecosystems mission goal. The systems are
operated at 1840 MHz where the transmitted video signal is relayed
through mountain-top repeaters. The spectrum requirements for this
system are not anticipated to change.
Commercial Satellite Services - Federal acquisition policies and the
Federal Government spectrum regulatory rules require Federal agencies to
use commercial services, where available and applicable, as opposed to
development and deployment of Government-owned and -operated
systems. NOAA uses commercial satellite services for support of its
operations. Transport of water and weather data and products between
NOAA facilities and to external customers is critical to the NOAA
mission. Use of commercial satellite services is the only economically
viable solution for global transport of data, supporting the NOAA Weather
and Water, and Mission Support goals. NOAA systems reliant on
commercial satellite services include the Alaska Tsunami Warning
Network, future NOAA Weather Radio Links (NWRL), the Automated
Weather Information Processing System (AWIPS), NOAA Weather Wire
Service (NWWS), and the International Satellite Communications System
(ISCS). In addition, NOAA relies on services provided via commercial
satellite communications like the NEXRAD Information Dissemination
System (NIDS) and MetLab. Table 5 provides a list of commercial
satellite applications used by NOAA. Requirements for commercial
satellite service are expected to increase.
Table 5: Commercial Satellite Service Current and Future Requirements
Current Use
Tsunami Warning
12 None
12/14 GHz
200 kHz
Transmit seismic data
from remote sites
4/6 GHz
8.6 MHz
Transmission of data an
products between NOAA
NWWS 20 transmit/
receive and
55 receive
4/6 GHz
Transmission of data to
national, state and local
ISCS 93 Non
4/6 GHz
780 kHz
Worldwide transfer of
meteorological data and
NWR Links Future
> 800
determined at
this time
at this time
Transmission of NOAA
Weather Radio
programming to
broadcast transmitter sites
NIDS 1 (TPC) None
Unknown Unknown
MetLab 1 (TPC) None
Unknown Unknown
Ground Control
1 Mission
in 2 years.
12/14 GHz SES-
1 None 12/14 GHz SES-
Mission requirement
through GOES R
DCS Backup
1 None 12/14 Ghz SES-
Mission requirement
through GOES R
Meteorburst Communications - NOAA operates approximately 50
stations in the Alaska Meteor Burst Communication System (AMBCS).
AMBCS, operated by the Bureau of Land Management, was installed to
serve as a statewide, automated data collection system. AMBCS provides
a simple, cost-effective manner to collect data from remote data stations,
supporting the NOAA Weather and Water mission goal.
NOAA stations use two, 16 kHz wide channels in the range of 40 to 42
MHz to provide periodic connectivity at a throughput rate of 2 kBPS.
NOAA plans to expand the number of remote sites at a rate of
approximately 6 per year and data throughput may be upgraded to 4kBPS.
Despite these changes, spectrum requirements to support NOAA
operations on AMBCS should not change significantly in the next 10
Hurricane Reconnaissance Aircraft Communications - Data
communications links operated between the U.S. Air Force Reserve
hurricane reconnaissance aircraft and the Tropical Prediction Center
(TPC) permit the real-time exchange of meteorological data as the aircraft
collects data near and in hurricanes. Real-time information flow between
reconnaissance aircraft and the TPC supports the NOAA Weather and
Water mission goal by increasing lead times and predictability of severe
weather and water events caused by tropical cyclones. The immediate
transmission of data, as it is collected, allows the TPC to issue more
accurate storm strength and track predictions reducing the uncertainty
associated with coastal evacuations and emergency planning.
The radio link for data transfer between reconnaissance aircraft and the
TPC is operated by the DOD in the 225-400 MHz band. NOAA is the
beneficiary of the data collected via the radio link operated by DOD.
These operations are conducted in support of NOAA by DOD using
military hardware, spectrum requirements for these operations are
established by DOD.
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Operations - NOAA currently operates
one autonomous underwater vehicle and may acquire several additional
vehicles in the future. Deployment of the underwater vehicles supports
the NOAA Ecosystems mission goal. The vehicles are used for collecting
oceanographic data and for matching oceanographic data to foraging areas
of tracked marine mammals. The current NOAA system operates in the
902-928 MHz ISM band. Future systems are anticipated to require
access to spectrum other than in 902-928 MHz, preferably in the 400-500
MHz range.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)- NOAA has conducted joint
operations with NASA on a number of research projects using unmanned
aircraft systems. WRC-11 is tasked with consideration of spectrum issues
for UAS under agenda item 1.3. The DOC spectrum requirements for
NOAA UAS operations are still in the early development stages. ISM
bands have typically been used, and approvals from the FAA have been
necessary for operations.
Dissemination Systems - Serving Society’s Need for Weather and Water
Information” and “Supporting the Nation’s Commerce with Information for Safe,
Efficient, and Environmentally Sound Transportation” makes the operation of
diverse number of information dissemination systems critical to NOAA
operations. These dissemination systems are designed to provide customized
products to the end user.
Terrestrial Broadcast - NOAA operates two terrestrial broadcast systems
for dissemination of weather information and warnings to the public and
emergency mangers. The broadcast systems operated by NOAA are
essential to supporting the Weather and Water mission goal.
NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) is a nationwide system for providing
weather forecasts, current conditions and all-hazards emergency warnings
to the public, state and local governments, businesses and industry. Over
97% of the United States population is covered by NWR transmissions.
Approximately 50 new transmitters will be added to the system in the next
two years, increasing national coverage. The NWR All Hazards system is
an integral part of the DHS emergency warning network, providing
automatic transmission of emergency warning messages for all types of
hazardous situations. There are no other suitable technologies that could
replace NWR, and continue to provide all its capabilities. The NWR
system is comprised of two parts; the broadcast segment, and the
dissemination feed segment.
Broadcast Segment - A total of 992 broadcast transmitters operated on
seven 25 kHz-wide dedicated channels occupying a range from 162.4 to
162.55 MHz make up the broadcast segment. Transmitter power ranges
from 5 to 1000 watts. Since a change in transmit signal characteristics
would obsolete the receivers used by the public, NWR broadcast
transmitters are exempt from NTIA narrowband requirements. NWR
broadcast spectrum requirements are not expected to change in the next 5
to 10 years.
Dissemination Feed Segment - NWR transmitters typically are not
collocated with the source for broadcast content. Broadcast content is
provided to transmitter locations by landline and ultra-high frequency
(UHF) radio links. The signals currently occupy eighteen (18) 25 kHz
channels in the 406.1 to 420 MHz. The NWR links will be narrow banded
to 12.5 kHz bandwidths by January 1, 2008.
The Weather Radio Improvement Program (WRIP) will replace existing
telephone links connecting WRO’s and transmitters with an integrated
high-availability communication network architecture. WRIP will merge
both NWR and the NWWS dissemination systems into one unified data
collection and data dissemination system utilizing NOAANet for the
collection of NWR and NWWS messages from individual WFO’s and a
hybrid terrestrial/satellite communications network for the dissemination
of NWR broadcasts and NWWS text products. NOAA anticipates that
80% of all NWR transmitters will be linked directly using the NOAANet
infrastructure. The remaining 20% of NWR transmitters not directly
linked with NOAANet will be linked using a combination of upgraded
UHF links, C-Band/Ku-Band satellite links, or other dedicated
communication links and circuits. The number of UHF links is likely to
increase from the 100 now used to a maximum of 200 when the satellite
dissemination system is implemented. Messages that are to be delivered
to the NWWS will be sent to a C-Band Maser Ground Station (MGS) for
broadcast to the NWWS users. WRIP will also provide an interface for
DHS, FEMA, and other government agencies to disseminate localized and
national emergency voice alerts through NWR transmitter stations.
Implementation of the integrated WRIP communication infrastructure is
expected to occur beginning FY 2009 through FY 2012.
Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) performs
a function similar to NWR, but the weather information is transmitted in
digital form and is customized to meet the needs of emergency managers.
The EMWIN signal is received from the GOES and retransmitted with a
100 watt VHF transmitter. The data can be received, demodulated, and
displayed on a computer by emergency managers. The EMWIN receiving
system may be fixed, transportable, or mobile. NOAA uses three VHF
frequencies for the EMWIN 24 hour per day, 7 day per week rebroadcast.
EMWIN complies with the NTIA narrowband mandate. The current
spectrum requirements for EMWIN are anticipated to extend until at least
2010. Changes in the next series of GOES satellites, the GOES-N thru P
constellation, have necessitated development of EMWIN-N. Sometime
before 2011 the current GOES satellites will be removed from operation
and will be replaced by the new series. To meet ITU regulations power
and modulation changes, EMWIN users will need to migrate to newer
technologies due to L band carrier frequency change from 1690.725 MHz
to 1692.700 MHz, reduction in the power level from 51 dBmi to 43 dBmi,
and modulation scheme change from Frequency Shift (FSK) to Binary
Phase Shift Key (BPSK),
Broadcast Media - The broadcast media plays an important role in NOAA
mission though NOAA does not hold licenses to radio or television
broadcast spectrum, nor directly uses the broadcast spectrum. NWR is the
system used by NOAA to immediately warn the public of hazardous
conditions. Once a warning is issued via NWR, the broadcast media plays
an important role in providing the public with additional details and
guidance from emergency managers. Periodically the media will bring
remote links directly into NOAA facilities to conduct interviews and
provide timely information to the sector of the public who have turned to
television and radio for more information. The video feeds from the
Tropical Prediction Center in Miami, Florida, often seen on national
television before landfall of a hurricane, are an excellent example of the
cooperative effort between NOAA and broadcast media. The
dissemination of highly detailed weather information via the commercial
broadcast services serves society’s needs for water and weather
information. A cooperative effort with the broadcast media enhances
environmental literacy and improves understanding, value and use of
weather and water information and services.
Communication Systems - Communications systems for supporting DOC daily
operations are absolutely critical to operations efficiency and safety of its
employees and assets. Outside NOAA, communications systems make up the
largest use of spectrum by the remaining DOC line offices and bureaus.
Communications systems, used for personal voice and data communications,
support DOC daily operations and are absolutely critical to operations efficiency
and safety of its employees and assets.
Land Mobile Radio - Land mobile radio (LMR) operated in the
Government LMR bands for communications between field staff
(technicians and scientists) and their offices, and for coordination of
security and law enforcement activities is critical to DOC operations.
LMR radio systems allow DOC to conduct its operations in a more
efficient manner, ensuring safety of field staff and providing
communication between security personnel. Interoperability with other
Federal enforcement agencies and state and local governments is required
for some operations. The LMR equipment used by DOC is typically
commercially available hardware meeting the NTIA standards for federal
spectrum use. Some operations require frequency assignments on a
national basis. DOC LMR requirements are not expected to grow
significantly in the next 5 to 10 years. New requirements as well as some
existing requirements may be satisfied through the future use of cellular
telephone, where cellular coverage is adequate. DOC has provided
frequencies for trunked radio systems in several parts of the country in
return for service on the trunked radio network.
In addition to traditional LMR operations, NOAA has requirements for a
small number of paging systems to provide pager coverage in areas where
commercial service is inadequate or does not exist. NOAA use of the 162-
174 MHz band for paging systems is small and not expected to increase.
New technologies, including commercial services, will be evaluated as
they become available.
Maritime Communications - NOAA uses maritime HF and VHF radio
communications for weather observations, quality control of maritime
weather products, and NOAA ship operations. NOAA operates both
shore-based and ship borne HF and VHF radios in support of the NOAA
maritime operations, the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program and
for monitoring transmission of maritime weather products.
The VOS program enables collection of weather data, using HF and VHF
radio, from ocean areas where installation of permanent sensor systems is
not possible. The VOS communications contribute to meeting the NOAA
Weather and Water and Commerce and Transportation mission goals. A
single HF and a single VHF frequency are used for operations. The
current technology characteristics are necessary for compatibility with the
reporting ships. NOAA will adopt any suitable technology to improve
performance or spectrum efficiency as required by the VOS program, but
no improvements are foreseen in the near future. Expansion of the
number of NOAA-operated radio systems for VOS is not anticipated.
NOAA operates a maritime fleet that is reliant on HF and VHF maritime
communications for operations and safety. These systems are essential for
maintaining communications with people at sea, supporting the NOAA
Ecosystems and Commerce and Transportation mission goals. Other
technologies, such as cell phones and satellite communications, have
replaced some maritime communications requirements. NOAA will
continue to require access to HF and VHF maritime spectrum into the
future, though requirements are not anticipated to increase in the next 10
NOAA monitors Marine Fax for quality control of transmitted NOAA
products. Marine Fax is used to disseminate a wide variety of
information, including weather forecasts and severe weather warnings to
mariners. It is not a system under the control or operation of NOAA,
however, this service is critical to supporting the Commerce and
Transportation mission goals. Marine Fax is operated to monitor the
transmission of maritime weather products. Marine Fax uses 4 HF
frequencies in the 4 to 17.25 MHz range.
Commercial Satellite Phone - NOAA uses mobile satellite phone
technology for a variety of operations. The Alaska Region (AR) of the
NWS operates a single satellite telephone terminal to increase
participation in the collection of marine observations under the VOS
program. Fishing vessels and some other craft choose to not broadcast
their coordinates over VHF or UHF radio for competitive reasons. Use of
satellite phone allows private contact with the Valdez Weather Service
Office (WSO), avoiding cost of calls entering the public telephone
switched network (PTSN). NOAA also uses 12 satellite phones for
enforcement operations in remote areas and for ship-to-ship and ship-to-
shore communications.
Use of satellite telephone technology allows NOAA to increase
participation in the collection of marine weather data and ensures safety
during NOAA law enforcement operations and while NOAA ships are at
sea. This directly contributes to all the NOAA activities, with emphasis on
monitoring and observing the sea, managing ocean resources to optimize
safety. This activity supports both the NOAA Weather and Water Goal
and the Commerce and Transportation Goal. Satellite phone
communications are provided by commercial services such as Iridium and
Cell Phone - The cellular telephone has become so embedded in business
practices Federal agencies even benefit from the commercial service.
Many NOAA operational personnel and managers are issued cellular
telephones (cell phone) as well as cell phones are used for ship-to-ship and
ship-to-shore communications while NOAA ships are close to shore. Use
of cell phone technology contributes to the NOAA Strategic Plan Mission
Support goal. The cell phone provides an acceptable, more cost-effective
communications solution in comparison to Government operated land
mobile radio systems and commercial satellite phone technology. While
third generation mobile telephone systems promise multimedia data
services including video and wide band data, most requirements within the
NOAA are satisfied with simple voice communications with occasional
remote access to office email.
Wireless Ethernet - NOAA plans to integrate wireless local area networks
into campus (i.e. large NOAA facilities) networks and single facilities
where applicable and secure. NOAA uses wireless Ethernet for
communication between a deployed hydroacoustic survey buoy and its
associated ship. The current system used for this application operates in
the 902-928 MHz industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band. Spectrum
requirements for this application are not expected to change.
Shipboard Wireless Data Collection - NOAA is investigating the use of
wireless technology for data collection and entry on board research vessels
while at sea. This system would provide wireless communication between
a file server in a protected area and ruggedized laptop or tablet PCs on
deck for data collection. The system is currently under development and a
frequency range has not been selected. NOAA plans to use commercial
technology for this application. Wireless Ethernet LAN hardware is a
candidate for this application.
Amateur Radio - Amateur radio operators provide a critical service to
NOAA by reporting severe weather observations, supporting the NOAA
Weather and Water mission goal. The SkyWarn program establishes
operating procedures and formal training programs for allowing volunteer
amateur radio operators to serve as weather observers for Weather
Forecast Offices (WFO) during severe weather. Typically the amateur
radio community will provide a radio operator for the WFO during periods
of severe weather. This operator, using amateur radio equipment in the
WFO, will communicate with field spotters to gather observations and
information on the formation of severe weather. Similar operations are
also conducted between the Tropical Prediction Center and Caribbean
Islands during hurricane landfall in the islands.
The Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) is a public-private
partnership involving amateur radio that results in NOAA receiving
surface weather data from approximately 2700 citizen (amateur and non-
amateur) weather stations around the world, and this number is steadily
increasing. These data are quality controlled and sent to other federal
agencies, including NOAA, and educational institutions. The citizen
weather data are sent by amateur packet radio at 144.390 MHz and the
Internet to an amateur radio server, where they are stored, made available
to NOAA, and sent to NWS Forecast Offices around the country as part of
the AWIPS data stream.
NOAA has no direct requirement for amateur radio spectrum. Federal
spectrum regulators should recognize the valuable service amateur radio
volunteers provide in many emergency situations, including severe
weather spotter support to NOAA.
SARSAT - As an integral part of a worldwide search and rescue system,
NOAA operates the Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking
(SARSAT). The SARSAT system uses NOAA the polar-orbiting and
geostationary meteorological satellites to detect and locate aviators,
mariners, and land-based users in distress. The satellites relay distress
signals from emergency position-indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) to a
network of ground stations and ultimately to the U.S. Mission Control
Center (USMCC) in Suitland, Maryland. The USMCC processes the
distress signal and alerts the appropriate search and rescue authorities to
who is in distress and, more importantly, where they are located. NOAA-
SARSAT is a part of the international COSPAS-SARSAT Program, which
36 nations and two independent search and rescue organizations are
members. The NOAA SARSAT system is operated with frequencies
identified in Table D-4.
In addition to the NOAA contributions to the COSPAS-SARSAT
program, NOAA researchers and observers going to sea and into remote
areas are issued personal locating beacons (PLBs) for use in
emergency/distress situations.
FedSMR Program- The Federal Specialized Mobile Radio Program
(FedSMR) is a trunked radio service that is used on a shared basis by some
Federal agencies. It is a two-way dispatch service, with airtime billed at a
flat rate per month. The cost of airtime is dependent on individual radio
user needs. Many government agencies have used the service for the past
15 years. The FedSMR system provides 24/7 connectivity between radio
sites. This connectivity supports radio roaming and wide area
FedSMR is operated by the Federal Radio Service Corp (FRSC)/ Pegasus
Radio Corp under contract from DOC/NTIA. The purpose of the FedSMR
program is to provide spectrum-efficient trunked radio communications to
a number of government users that can benefit from multiple talk groups
and other features trunked radio technology provides, without the agencies
independently bearing the costs associated to build, manage and maintain
a complete system. FedSMR supports over 2100 individual radio
subscribers. Some examples of current subscribing agencies in the
Washington, DC area are:
•Smithsonian Institution 820 subscribers
•GSA 5 subscribers
•National Zoo 257 subscribers
•US Holocaust Memorial 214 subscribers
•National Archives 300 subscribers
•Dept of State 18 subscribers
•Dept of VA 97 subscribers
•Export/Import Bank 45 subscribers
•Kennedy Center 82 subscribers
VA Med Center 60 subscribers
The system topology is based on low tower height, lower power transmitters
and frequency reuse. The use of digital signaling enables each radio in the
system to dynamically select a site for use for each communication. The
operating frequencies for FedSMR are within the government band 406.1-420
MHz. The frequencies are assigned for operation in five urban areas on the
east coast.
The systems will be transitioned to narrowband (12.5 kHz) channels by year-
end 2007. These changes to narrowbanding are to facilitate more efficient use
of available spectrum. The effort is considerable and requires engineering and
financial commitments in order to develop a smooth, safe transition plan that
is within budget cycles. FRSC began this process in 2001 in order to meet the
requirements of the NTIA.
In conjunction with the transition to narrowband, FRSC also is addressing
increased capacity requirements as well as additional interoperability needs,
connectivity to a digital backbone, improved connectivity between multiple
sites, and enhanced security (including voice-encryption) and reliability. The
FedSMR contractor is utilizing its 1CommWireless network platform to
support UHF, VHF, 700, 800, 900 MHz trunked radio communications and
conventional communications in other frequency bands.
Each FedSMR radio is equipped with an individual ID and an Electronic
Serial Number. These identifiers allow the radio access to the network. Only
the network operator at Federal Radio Service Corp can grant access to the
system. If a radio is lost it can be temporarily disabled. A radio, when
transmitting, sends its own ID to all radios receiving the call. This provides
positive identification to all units. This is also a management tool which
enables tracking of radio abusers and in times of duress can save valuable
time in determining the identity of the caller.
Voice encryption options are available on some radios only, at this time.
Encryption choices range from simple analog inversion, to rolling code
encryption, to AES voice encryption. The radio is not capable of being
remotely monitored so therefore cannot operate as surveillance or “bug”
The federal government as well as state, local and regional public safety
entities, are aware of the critical need for interoperable communications
between legacy systems, new systems and public safety systems (state and
local). Interoperability can be accomplished through various means and at
various levels. Interoperability is a method to rapidly exchange information
between different responding agencies and departments (generally on different
frequencies). The National Telecommunications System (NTS), used in the
FedSMR network, has many interfaces and external tools available to provide
a variety of methods to satisfy specific interoperability requirements.
Federal Radio Service Corp along with a key radio manufacturer is currently
developing a digital platform to increase efficiency by reducing channel
bandwidth to 6.25 kHz. The adoption of a digital radio will provide a 100%
digital trunked radio system. The digital radio use will improve the interface
and transfer of data operations such as GPS and status message. FedSMR
system loading is projected to continue its current annual rate of growth by
approximately 20% per year for at least the next five years. This translates to
a spectrum increased requirements of 3 channels per year. Spectrum
requirements could be reduced as new efficient digital technologies are
implemented. The nature of the technology is highly dependant upon the
spectrum allocations. For example CDMA technology could be deployed
today in the 406 to 420 MHz band provided sufficient contiguous bandwidth
was available to make a commercial investment viable. The FedSMR
contractor continues to support the reduction of transmitter power and fixed
end antenna heights in an effort to limit propagation range to the needed
operational area. As discussed above, the contractor continually evaluates and
introduces technical changes to improve system functionality, enhance
security and increase spectrum efficiency.
As an alternative to FedSMR, the individual federal agencies could finance,
build and operate their own conventional or trunked radio systems. Many
agencies do have such systems, particularly in areas where FedSMR does not
provide service, or for sensitive requirements for which a shared system
would not provide sufficient security. Another alternative would be for
individual agencies to procure and use commercial wireless services. This
approach is likely to be more costly and would not provide the security
available through a closed government system.
The FedSMR system in Washington DC currently supports COOP mission
requirements for the Department of Veterans Affairs, US Holocaust Memorial
Museum, and US Patent and Trademark Office. The locations of the
1CommWireless sites support the radio communications requirements for the
agencies’ contingency locations.
The USPTO has requirements for mobile radio operations. USPTO, through
DOC frequency assignments, uses the DOC contracted FedSMR trunked radio
system (See Annex E). The use 53 potable radios, in three talk groups on the
FedSMR system, supports the daily internal operations of the USPTO in the
Washington, DC area. While USPTO is continuously seeking ways to
expedite the patent and trademark review process, USPTO has not identified
new spectrum-reliant technologies that will be implemented in the future.
BIS Land Mobile Radio Network- The spectrum requirements of BIS are
limited to land mobile radio systems for coordinating real-time tactical
activities and ensuring officer safety for the Office of Export Enforcement.
The Office of Export Enforcement (OEE) operates approximately 100 mobile
radios in support of law enforcement activities at its 14 field offices and
headquarters. The mission of BIS/OEE is to protect U.S. national security and
foreign policy interests by enforcing the export control and antiboycott
provisions of the Export Administration Regulations. BIS/OEE accomplishes
this by identifying and apprehending violators and by pursuing criminal and
administrative sanctions against them. Without proper radio communications,
operations would be hampered and officer safety would be compromised. The
operations of BIS, supported by radio communications are critical to COOP
and Homeland Security operations.
HF Radio- In support of continuity of operations (COOP) of NTIA and
DOC, and NTIA participation in the National Communications System (NCS)
SHAred RESources (SHARES) High Frequency (HF) Radio Program, NTIA
operates an HF radio station at its alternate site.
HF frequency assignments are required by NTIA to participate in the NCS
SHARES HF Radio Program and to support an emergency back-up HF
communications network for the DOC and NTIA (the DOC HF Radio
Emergency Communications Network). The HF frequencies are critical to
NTIA performing their assigned Priority Mission Essential Functions
(PMEFs) when other means of Federal interagency communications are
unavailable. The DOC PMEF performed by NTIA that would be supported in
part via HF radio operations is to: “Manage the Federal Government’s use of
the radio frequency spectrum. This PMEF supports the National Essential
Function (NEF): “Provide rapid and effective response and recovery from the
domestic consequences of an attack or other incident.”
NCS, in its role of planning and preparing for national security and emergency
preparedness (NS/EP), has undertaken a number of initiatives to provide
communications to support all hazards situations. One of these initiatives,
developed through the combined efforts of the 23 NCS member organizations
(of which NTIA is one), is the SHAred RESources (SHARES) High
Frequency (HF) Radio Program. The purpose of SHARES is to provide a
single, interagency emergency message handling system by bringing together
existing HF radio resources of Federal, State and industry organizations when
normal communications are destroyed or unavailable for the transmission of
NS/EP information. SHARES further implements Executive Order No.
12472, "Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness
Telecommunications Functions," dated April 3, 1984. The SHARES HF
Radio Program brings together the assets of over 1,100 HF radio stations (of
which one is the NTIA radio station) worldwide to voluntarily pass
emergency messages when normal communications are destroyed or
unavailable. The SHARES HF Radio Program uses common radio operating
and message formatting procedures and more than 250 designated
In addition to the current Department of Commerce (DOC) frequency
assignments in the GMF, two additional frequencies are required near 6 and 9
MHz to avoid disruption caused by sunspots at various times.
NCS Directive 3-10, Required Minimum Continuity Communications
Capabilities, to be published before the end of 2005 requires NTIA to possess
its present HF radio capability as well as additional capabilities as a backup
communications capability. Those additional capabilities include Automatic
Link Establishment (ALE) and HF email.
Research Test and Development-
Land Mobile Radio, Project 25
The new generation of digital (narrowband) LMR systems, being standardized
under Project 25/TIA TR-8, are critical elements within an overall U.S. public
safety telecommunications interoperability strategy. Considerable laboratory
effort is needed in two areas to bring Project 25 (P25) systems to a state where
they can be used fully by the public safety community. First, testing is
required to help finalize the remaining system interface standards for the P25
systems. The associated process and procedure (testing) standards are needed
to verify the performance of individual radios and system interoperability
among radios produced by different manufacturers. Second, testing is
required for P25 products now on the market to assess how well they perform
and whether they can interoperate. Specifically, testing is needed to evaluate
the fully standardized "common air interface" using the P25 test standard that
has also been approved and accepted widely. Therefore, all P25
interoperability testing must include the provision for operating FM
"wideband" radios along with digital "narrowband" equipment. Another
critical element of P25 testing is that it must be approached from the
perspective of the entire public safety community, i.e., it considers Federal,
state, local, and tribal public safety applications. Therefore, testing must
encompass all frequency bands assigned to the respective echelons of
government - VHF, UHF, 700/800 MHz - and must consider both
conventional and trunked radio operation. While the current laboratory
testing emphasis is on Project 25-related radio equipment, the NTIA/ITS
program includes the assessment of all existing and emerging wireless, IT,
and hybrid (wireless/IT) products and services that have the potential for
playing a major role in interim interoperability solutions (that could be applied
now in selected geographic areas) and the ultimate long-term, standardized,
nationwide interoperability approach. In this vein, NTIA/ITS will require
authorization to use 4.9 GHz systems (and systems in other bands that may
show promise).
Shared Spectrum Testing
Pursuant to the Presidential Spectrum Policy Initiative, a number of federal
departments and agencies have assignments and responsibilities. The essential
goal of this initiative is to promote the development and implementation of
U.S. spectrum management policy for the 21st century. Some of the
assignments and responsibilities reside in DOC and in the NTIA. A number of
projects within NTIA have been planned as a response to the Initiative. One of
the projects (No. 11) is entitled "Spectrum Sharing Innovation Test-Bed" and
it requires the allocation of 20 MHz of spectrum.
This project will be jointly performed by NTIA's Office of Spectrum
Management (OSM) and The Institute for Telecommunication Sciences in
cooperation with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). In the first
phase of the project, NTIA and FCC will each identify 10 MHz of spectrum.
These two segments of spectrum will support the spectrum sharing innovation
test-bed by enabling both public and private sector tests and experiments that
explore both the effectiveness of sharing as well as new, innovative
approaches of allocating channels and managing the spectrum. The project
description indicates that the central coordination point for this effort will be
under the auspices of a special ad hoc committee of the NTIA
Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC), and possibly within
the Technical Subcommittee (TSC) of the IRAC. The proposed time frame for
the project spans Fiscal Years 2006 and 2007.
ITS is proposing the use of the Table Mountain Field Site for some or all of
the testing of new and innovative radio and wireless technologies and
spectrum-sharing strategies. Therefore, ITS will require the allocation of 10
MHz of spectrum. While it is unknown what technologies might be tested, a
reasonable choice for this test-bed spectrum would be between 2 and 6 GHz
where most new and future radio and wireless devices are expected to
function. However, in order to explore even more diverse systems that may
take advantage of differing signal propagation characteristics, it would be
more desirable to have parts of the 10 MHz located in different frequency
ranges. For example, some of the 10 MHz bandwidth could be located in the
in the 2 to 6 GHz range and the remainder at around 800 MHz or lower. This
notion could be extended even further by allocating a third portion of the 10
MHz bandwidth at 12 to 14 GHz. While it is unknown what radiated powers
will be used, it is reasonable to assume that most of the work could be done at
relatively low power thus the geographic region associated with this allocation
might extend no further than 50 miles from Table Mountain Field Site.
Feasibility of Spectrum Sharing
DOC increases spectrum efficiency through sharing with other Government
Agencies and with commercial services. DOC has participated in many studies
on the sharing of spectrum between Government operations and commercial
operations. Sharing is not always possible when DOC operations are not
consistent with the requirements of other users, or the sensitivity of DOC systems
would be impaired by shared use of radio spectrum. Successful sharing scenarios
are occasionally identified through cooperative studies between the Government
and the commercial sector. Radiosonde and meteorological satellite operations in
402-405 MHz
now share spectrum with short-range telemetry links to implanted
medical devices. The operational and technical characteristics of the medical
implants combined with interference mitigation techniques implemented in the
implants made shared use of the spectrum possible. Many of the atmospheric
observing systems operated by NOAA use high sensitivity receivers and are
particularly sensitive to interference. In the case of passive sensors and radar
systems, meeting mission requirements requires access to specific frequency
ranges. Reallocation to enable spectrum sharing is not possible. However,
NOAA has participated in study efforts where sharing has been found to be
Metsat operations allocated in 402-403 MHz only.
Feasibility of Using Commercial Alternatives
DOC uses commercial telecommunication services in cases where the services
offered fully support mission requirements and provide a cost effective
telecommunications solution. Use of commercial services, when cost effective, is
consistent with Federal Acquisition Regulations and with the NTIA spectrum
regulatory rules. DOC investigates the use of commercial alternatives during the
planning stages of any new program or system upgrade. Not all Government
telecommunications can be conducted using commercial services. Due to the
nature of DOC operations, particularly within NOAA, commercial alternatives
often do not meet mission requirements. However, there are cases where
commercial alternatives do provide an attractive, cost-effective. For example,
commercial mobile phone service is used in areas where it can meet requirements,
replacing the need for Government land mobile radio networks. DOC will
continue to evaluate existing and new spectrum-reliant requirements to determine
whether commercial services exist to address the requirement.
Feasibility of Using Non-spectrum Sources
In most applications, DOC will select the use of non-spectrum-reliant technology
if it will meet mission requirements. Use of landline communications often
results in higher reliability and lower cost. However, many DOC applications,
particularly within NOAA require use of radio spectrum to operate. Wired
connections to mobile platforms, satellites and radiosondes is not practical.
Radars cannot operate over wired connections.
New Technologies and Improved Spectrum Efficiency
DOC strives to implement spectrum efficiency where it is cost effective and
consistent with the DOC mission requirements. Some measures implemented by
DOC include use of commercial services, sharing spectrum with commercial
services and Government agencies, and use of more efficient modulation
techniques and technologies.
COOP/COG implications
DOC requires use of radio frequency spectrum for COOP/COG communications
and for operations which support COOP/COG operations. Departmental
COOP/COG spectrum requirements are identified in Annex A, Table Summary of
DOC Radio Applications.
III. Future Spectrum Requirements- Technologies and Expanded
Services requiring spectrum (2007-2015)
Most current spectrum requirements identified in this plan will extend well into
the future. With a few exceptions, the spectrum requirements are not expected to
decrease for currently operational systems. One of the objectives of this plan is
identification of new spectrum requirements for new and expanded systems.
Table A1 indicates systems and radio services where spectrum requirements are
expected to increase or potential new requirements have been identified. These
requirements include additional spectrum for meteorological satellite data
transmission; satellite passive sensing; meteorological radars; telemetry links for
control and programming of autonomous vehicles; and wildlife, marine life and
fish tracking.
New Technologies and Improved Spectrum Efficiency- Use of more advanced
technologies and modulation techniques can, in some cases, greatly increase
spectrum efficiency. The potential use of advanced technologies and modulation
techniques needs to be balanced with disadvantages introduced by those
technologies and techniques. Evaluation of more efficient spectrum use must
include consideration of operational impacts and cost effectiveness. DOC strives
to implement spectrum efficiency where it is cost effective and consistent with the
DOC mission requirements. Below are some examples of implementing systems
with greater spectrum efficiency.
NOAA is in the planning stage of the next generation of GOES
meteorological satellites. Increased spectrum efficiency is needed to
accommodate the higher resolution sensors within the available allocated
bandwidth. Spectrum is not available to provide the necessary bandwidth if
current technology is used. An extensive engineering effort is underway to
study the advantages and disadvantages of more spectrum-efficient
modulation schemes, allowing transmission of more data per given
bandwidth. The bandwidth advantages provided by the advanced modulation
techniques need to be balanced against the greater transmitter power typically
needed to support reliable communications.
DOC has responded to the NTIA mandate to narrowband radio systems
operated in 162-174 MHz by January 1, 2005 and in the band 406.1-420 by
January 1, 2008. The NTIA mandated narrowband initiative was to provide
additional LMR channels for government operations.
NOAA has also begun deployment of the Radiosonde Replacement System
(RRS) for the U.S. synoptic radiosonde network. Legacy synoptic radiosonde
operations required on the order of 15 to 20 MHz of bandwidth in the range
1670-1690 MHz. Radiosondes are expendable items, where approximately
80,000 are flown in the U.S. per year for synoptic operations. Legacy
radiosondes used a low cost AM transmitter based on a free running oscillator
design to maintain a minimum expendable cost. The emission bandwidth was
excessive and the transmitter frequency would drift as much as 4 MHz while
in flight. The new RRS radiosonde uses a more efficient digital transmitter
where drift is minimized. Through deployment of RRS, the U.S. synoptic
radiosonde spectrum requirements were cut by 50% or more, albeit at a per-
radiosonde cost increase.
In summary, DOC has and will continue to evaluate new technologies, and
spectrum sharing techniques to reduce spectrum requirements and make spectrum
available to other users.
COOP/COG implications
DOC will continue to require use of radio frequency spectrum for COOP/COG
communications and for operations which support COOP/COG operations.
Departmental COOP/COG spectrum requirements and future requirements
changes are identified in Annex
A, Table Summary of DOC Radio Applications.
International Issues
The significant international issue at the time of the 2007 update is the need for
global allocations for oceanographic radars operating in the 3 to 30 MHz range
and near 42 MHz. WRC-07 created the WRC-11 Agenda Item 1.15 to address
this issue. Based on past agenda items concentrating on the 3 to 30 MHz range,
reaching a WRC-11 outcome where spectrum can be allocated for these radars
will be difficult.
Impact of Unavailable Spectrum
Due to the broad range of systems operated in support of DOC operations, the
impact of spectrum unavailability can vary. For some systems, if spectrum is
available elsewhere that meets the propagation requirements operations can be
moved to other bands without a significant impact, albeit at a cost for new
hardware and installation. For some systems, such as radars and passive sensors,
the physical properties of the measurements combined with the radio spectrum
wavelength and propagation characteristics dictate the frequency range the system
operate within. Operation of such a system at a different frequency can render it
useless. This is the reason many scientists consider the passive sensor frequencies
to be a scarce resource, which when polluted with interference, are irreplaceable.
IV. Current and Future Use of Non-Federal Spectrum Offered by
Commercial Service Providers
Several spectrum-reliant DOC programs use or are considering use of commercial
services that rely on non-Federal spectrum. In many cases mission requirements
preclude the use of commercial services.
Broadcast Media - The broadcast media plays an important role in NOAA
mission though NOAA does not hold licenses to radio or television broadcast
spectrum, nor directly uses the broadcast spectrum. Please refer to the Broadcast
Media section on Page 19.
Commercial Satellite Services - NOAA uses commercial satellite services for
support of its operations. Transport of water and weather data and products
between NOAA facilities and to external customers is critical to the NOAA
mission. Use of commercial satellite services is the only economically viable
solution for global transport of data. Please refer to the Commercial Satellite
Services section on Page15.
Commercial Satellite Phone - NOAA uses mobile satellite phone technology for
a variety of operations. For the Voluntary Observing Ship program, use of
satellite phone allows private contact with the Valdez Weather Service Office
(WSO), avoiding cost of calls entering the public telephone switched network
(PTSN). NOAA also uses 12 satellite phones for enforcement operations in
remote areas and for ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communications. A detailed
discussion is provided under the Communications Systems section on Page 21.
Cell Phone - The cellular telephone has become so embedded in business
practices Federal agencies even benefit from the commercial service. Many DOC
operational personnel and managers are issued cellular telephones (cell phone) as
well as cell phones are used for ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communications
while NOAA ships are close to shore. A detailed discussion is provided under the
Communications section on Page 22.
V. Current and Future Use of Non-Licensed Devices
DOC makes extensive use of unlicensed radio systems. Facilities and campuses
use 802.11a, 802.11b and/or 802.11g WIFI systems for wireless internet access.
New versions of the 802.11 technology will be implemented in the future.
Current requirements are defined in Section II, on Page 22. Use of unlicensed
network technology as well as other most likely increase in the future.
VI. New Technologies
At the time of the 2007 update to the DOC Strategic Spectrum Plan, no new
technologies were identified that were being evaluated that may potentially use
spectrum in the future.
VII. Strategic Spectrum Planning
DOC Spectrum Management Organization
Access to spectrum is crucial to accomplishing DOC's mission. The Office of
Radio Frequency Management (ORFM), organizationally located in NOAA’s
National Environmental Satellite and Data Information Service (NESDIS), is
responsible (per Department Administrative Order 201-39) for managing
spectrum requirements for all DOC offices and bureaus. Each office and bureau
having radio frequency spectrum requirements identifies a frequency management
liaison to assist ORFM in managing their organization’s spectrum needs. With
demands for radio spectrum growing in the Government and private sector,
ORFM relies heavily on these liaisons and their technical staff for frequency
management support, for development of spectrum-sharing studies, and for
ensuring representation of their agency's interests in domestic and international
spectrum meetings.
DOC Office of Secretary and Office of Security The Office of Security provides
policies, programs, and oversight as it collaborates with facility managers to
reduce the terrorism risks to DOC personnel and facilities; program managers to
reduce the espionage risks to DOC personnel, information and facilities; and
Department and bureau leadership to increase emergency preparedness for DOC
operations. The Office of Security employs both commercial service providers
and government operated systems in meeting Continuity of Operations Plan
(COOP) and Continuity of Government (COG) requirements.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NOAA, the largest
user of spectrum in DOC, supports the DOC Strategic Goal 3. The NOAA
mission is “To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and
conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet our Nation’s
economic, social and environmental needs.” NOAA cannot accomplish its
mission without access to sufficient radio spectrum in the appropriate frequency
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) NTIA
supports the DOC Strategic Goal 2. NTIA’s mission is to “promote the efficient
and effective use of telecommunications and information resources in a manner
that creates job opportunities, enhances U.S. competitiveness, and raises the
standard of living.” NTIA is the spectrum regulator for the Federal Government,
working closely with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) which is
responsible for regulating non-federal spectrum use.
Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) The mission of the Bureau of Industry
and Security (BIS) is to advance U.S. national security, foreign policy, and
economic interests. BIS supports Goals 1 and 2 of the DOC Strategic Plan. BIS
relies on spectrum for law enforcement activities, safety of their employees and
for operations critical to Homeland Defense.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) The mission of NIST is
to develop and promote measurement, standards and technology to enhance
productivity, facilitate trade, and improve the quality of life. NIST supports Goal
2 of the DOC Strategic Plan.
Census Bureau (within the Economics and Statistics Administration) The
Census Bureau is the premier source of information on the American people and
the economy, supporting DOC meeting Goal 1 of the DOC Strategic Plan. The
spectrum requirements of the Census Bureau are small at this time, but could
potentially increase as new wireless technologies are incorporated into operational
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) The U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office ensures that the intellectual property system contributes to a strong global
economy, encourages investment in innovation, and fosters entrepreneurial spirit.
* - Within DOC, NTIA has the role of both a spectrum user, and regulator of Government
spectrum use. For this reason, NTIA is shown in two places on this organizational chart. NTIA
must work through DOC ORFM for to fill their spectrum requirements. Ultimately the NTIA
requirements are submitted back to NTIA for processing.
DOC Office
of Secretary
Office of
Dept. of
DOC Spectrum Management Chart-
Functional View
Satellite and
Data Information
DOC Office of
Other NOAA Line
Offices and Line
Office Spectrum
Office of
Office of
Secretary and
DOC Spectrum Management Organizational Chart - Administrative View
Office of
DOC Strategic Spectrum Plan Approval Process
The DOC spectrum management process is unique among the Federal agencies due to the
fact the DOC is tasked with management of all Government spectrum use, and must also
represent its own interests, which may conflict with other Federal and non-Federal users.
Within DOC, NTIA serves as both a spectrum user and as the regulator of all
Government spectrum use. Since NOAA is the largest user of spectrum within DOC,
NOAA is tasked with representing the DOC spectrum interests, allowing NTIA to
maintain an unbiased position with respect to management of spectrum for all federal
agencies. DOC ORFM develops the DOC Spectrum plan based on input from all DOC
offices and bureaus, and submits the plan to NOAA management for approval. The
NOAA Under Secretary approves the plan as the DOC input and it is submitted to DOC
for use in development of the Federal Spectrum Plan.
Strategic Spectrum Planning- DOC Budget, Planning, Programming, and
Operational Execution
Incorporating Spectrum Planning in the DOC budget, planning, programming and
operational execution process has been difficult and largely unsuccessful. Historically
there has been little recognition for the need to plan the use of spectrum resources as part
of initial planning of a new program. Until recent years when spectrum has become a
scarce resource, new programs have succeeded without any spectrum planning effort,
establishing a culture within many parts of DOC that spectrum planning and spectrum
management is unimportant to the success of the DOC mission. Due to the established
culture, program offices are largely unaware of the DOC spectrum management process,
NTIA requirements, and the existence of ORFM and the connection made only when
ORFM learns of the program’s existence or the program office encounters spectrum
related problems and seeks help. Education of the budget, program and procurement
offices is a slow process.
Strategic Spectrum Planning- System Certification and Frequency Assignment
The need to change the DOC culture and the view of the DOC budget, program and
procurement offices hold regarding the required spectrum management process is
discussed in the previous section. As stated above, changing the DOC culture is a slow
process. Many program offices are ensuring the have submitted spectrum certification
and frequency assignment requests in a timely manner, however there are still instances
where programs progress very far into the procurement and deployment process before
program managers realize the spectrum certification and assignment process is a
necessary step.
Strategic Spectrum Planning- Process Changes
DOC budget, program and procurement offices are widely spread both across DOC
offices and bureaus, and geographically. ORFM is working to incorporate the necessary
spectrum planning steps in the DOC processes, however it may be an extended time
before significant changes are made to the extent that spectrum planning is included in
the planning process of every program requiring access to radio spectrum.
Contact information
James Mentzer
DOC/NOAA Office of Radio Frequency Management
1315 East West Highway
SSMC3, STE 10601, (E/OSD6)
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: (301) 713-1853
Fax: (301) 713-1861
Table Summary of DOC Radio Applications
TABLE A1- Summary of DOC Spectrum Requirements
Current Use
Number of
Projected Change
in Requirements
In Next 10 Years
COG or
19.05-20.05 kHz Frequency and
Time Standard
Time and Frequency
60 kHz Time Standard Standard Frequency and
NIST 2 None
134.2 kHz Animal Tracking Salmon Fish Tags NOAA None
1000 kHz Time Standard Time Transmission NIST 1 None
Maritime Operations and
Maritime Weather Warnings
None COG
None COOP/Interoperability
Distress Safety
and Calling
For Emergency Net OSY 16 None COOP
HF Coordination Research, Development,
Test and Evaluation Support
NOAA 2 None
Time Standard Time Transmission NIST 17 None COG
Amateur Radio Meteorological Operations
(Severe Weather
NOAA Not direct NOAA requirement. Service provided to NOAA by Amateur
Radio Community
2-30 MHz
Emergency, SHARES NTIA 4 2 additional channels COOP, COG,
Law Enforcement NOAA 5 None Land Mobile
Geodetic Field
NOAA 7 None
30-40 MHz
Animal Tracking Fish Tags NOAA None
NOAA 15 6 additional sites per
COG 40-42 MHz
Research, Development,
Test and Evaluation Support
NOAA 4 None
TABLE A1 (continued)- Summary of DOC Spectrum Requirements
Current Use
Number of
Projected Change
in Requirements
In Next 10 Years
COG or
40-42 MHz
Radar Wind and Temperature
Profiling Radars
NOAA minor
Land Mobile
Law Enforcement NOAA 3 None
Emergency, SHARES NTIA 1 None COOP, COG,
42-50 MHz
R&D Harbor Area Observation NOAA 5 None
50 MHz Profiler Research Profiler NOAA 1 None
Navigation Aeronautical
NOAA Receive only None
Communication Aeronautical Mobile NOAA None
SARSAT Emergency Position Beacons NOAA NOAA requirement is
receive only
Expected to be phased
out within the next 5
122-123 MHz Communications
“ground to air”
Severe Storm Studies and
related weather/climate
NOAA 2 None
137-138 MHz MetSat Data
Data Transmission to Earth NOAA 10 None
144.390 MHz Citizen Weather
Citizen Weather Observer
NOAA Not direct NOAA use. Service provided to NOAA by Amateur Radio
151.4 MHz Animal Tracking Fish Tags NOAA 0 Future system- extent
of use unknown at this
156-157.5 Maritime Mobile
Inter-Ship Communications NOAA 16 None
TABLE A1 (continued)- Summary of DOC Spectrum Requirements
Current Use
Number of
Projected Change
in Requirements
In Next 10 Years
COG or
Land Mobile
Operations Support,
Maintenance, and Security
Office of
Office of
NOAA Potential deployment
of 8 – 10,000 new
sites for NERON
NOAA Weather
Public All-Hazards
EMWIN Meteorological Operations
in Support of Emergency
Management Activities
NOAA EMWIN phased out in
5 to 10 years
Animal Tracking Marine Mammal Radio Tags NOAA Expanded use over
next 3 years
Research RDTE Support NOAA
Research RDTE Support NTIA 19 None
162-174 MHz
Transportation CEN 3 None
213 MHz Wind Profiler
Experimental Tropospheric
NOAA 1 None
Meteorological Operations NOAA 2 None COG 225-400 MHz
Emergency Position Beacons NOAA NOAA requirement is
receive only
Expected to be phased
out within the next 5
TABLE A1 (continued)- Summary of DOC Spectrum Requirements
Current Use
Number of
Projected Change
in Requirements
In Next 10 Years
COG or
Radiosondes Meteorological Operations
and Atmospheric Research
Wind Profiler
Wind Profiler Radar
Experimental Network
NOAA Discontinued use of
401-406 MHz.
MetSat Data
Data Collection Platform
Transmission to Satellite
400.15-406 MHz
Radiosondes Test and Research NTIA 1 None
406-406.1 SARSAT EPIRB Uplink NOAA 2 None
Observing System
Operations(aviation support)
NOAA Weather
Radio Links
Public All-Hazards
Satellite Animal
Transmit Fish
Electromyogram Data
NOAA Expanded use in next
3 years
Research Miscellaneous Research NIST None
Land Mobile
Law Enforcement BIS None
Research Tsunami Warning Research NOAA None
FedSMR Trunking System NTIA None Interoperability Land Mobile
Radio (LMR)
Operations Support CEN None
Real Time
System (PORTS)
Ocean Current Measurement
Water Level
Measure tide levels NOAA None
406.1-420 MHz
Research RDTE Support NTIA
TABLE A1 (continued)- Summary of DOC Spectrum Requirements
Current Use
Number of
Projected Change
in Requirements
In Next 10 Years
COG or
449 MHz Wind Profiler
Meteorological Operations
and Atmospheric Research
NOAA 5 Deployment of 37
systems - vacating 401-
406 MHz band.
458.54 MHz Animal Tracking VEMCO Fish Tracking
NOAA 3 None
460-470 MHz MetSat Data
Data Collection Platform
Interrogation from GOES
NOAA 15 Expand to include
polar-orbiting satellites
861-866 MHz Research RDTE Support NTIA 6 None
816-821 MHz Voice
Storm Intercept Vehicles ERL 25 None
902-928 MHz Wind Profiler
Atmospheric Research NOAA 3 None
1164-1188 MHz Radionavigation
Satellite Service
GPS L5 NOAA NOAA requirement is
receive only and is
critical to many
To be transmitted in
2007 when first Block
IIF satellite is launched
1215-1240 MHz Radionavigation
Satellite Service
GPS L2 NOAA NOAA requirement is
receive only and is
critical to many
New atmospheric
observing systems
1215-1400 MHz Meteorological
Research Air Turbulence and
Meteorological Radars
1400-1450 MHz Radio Astronomy Environmental Research NOAA New oceans and
surface data collections
1544-1545 MHz SARSAT Search and Rescue
NOAA 33 None
1559-1610 MHz Radionavigation
Satellite Service
GPS L1 NOAA NOAA requirement is
receive only and is
critical to many
New atmospheric
observing systems
TABLE 1 (continued)- Summary of DOC Spectrum Requirements
Current Use
Number of
Projected Change
in Requirements
In Next 10 Years
COG or
1675-1683 MHz Radiosondes Meteorological Operations NOAA 124 None
(Deployment of
modernized system
underway- spectrum
efficiency increased
reducing requirements
1670-1710 MHz Satellite Data
Command and Data
Data Collection Platform
NOAA 82 None COG
Data Exchange
NEXRAD link NOAA None COG 1765-1840 MHz
Remote Wildlife Monitoring NOAA
2000-2400 MHz Satellite Uplink TT&C NOAA 54 None COG
2412 MHz R&D Experimental Testing of
802.11B system
ERL 1 None
2700-3000 MHz Meteorological
Forecast and Warnings
NOAA 145 None COG
Meteorological Operations
NIDS, MetLab)
NOAA 38 None 3/6 GHz Commercial
Fixed Satellite
Weather and All-Hazards
0 Future requirement- up
to 800 Earth stations
4800-4990 MHz Research RDTE Support NTIA 6 None
TABLE A1 (continued)- Summary of DOC Spectrum Requirements
Current Use
Number of
Projected Change
in Requirements
In Next 10 Years
COG or
4950-5450 MHz Meteorological
Atmospheric Research NOAA 5 Ongoing Research for
future potential
5250-5570 MHz Satellite Active
NPOESS Altimeter NOAA 0 Future requirement,
circa 2010
5600-5650 MHz Meteorological
Atmospheric Research NOAA 5 Ongoing research for
future potential
6425 – 7025
Passive Sensing
Conical Microwave Imaging
Sounder (CMIS)
NOAA ** None COG
7190-7235 MHz MetSat Data
Data Transmission to
NOAA 2 None
7750-7850 MHz MetSat Data
Data Transmission to Earth NOAA 0 Use by NPOESS,
circa 2010
8025-8400 MHz MetSat Data
Data Transmission to Earth
and Spacecraft
NOAA 6 Possible GOES
Series R use
Atmospheric Research NOAA 7 Possible deployment
of gap filler radars.
Number of systems
not yet determined.
9300-9500 MHz
Research NTIA 1 None
10.6 - 10.8 GHz Satellite Passive
12/14 GHz Commercial
Fixed Satellite
Tsunami Warning Network NOAA 5 None COG
14-14.5 GHz AVKSAT 1214-1
Service Provider
Data compression research
of satellites
NTIA 1 None
13.25 – 13.75
Satellite Active
NPOESS Altimeter NOAA 0 Future requirement,
circa 2010
TABLE A1 (continued)- Summary of DOC Spectrum Requirements
Current Use
Number of
Projected Change
in Requirements
In Next 10 Years
COG or
15.731 GHz Research Experimental System to
measure electromagnetic
propagation during
NOAA 1 None
18.1-18.3 GHz MetSat Data
Data Transmission to Earth NOAA Future requirement
23.6 – 24 GHz Satellite Passive
Advanced Microwave
Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-
A) Sensor, Advanced
Technology Microwave
Sounder (ATMS), CMIS
NOAA ** None COG
25.5-27 GHz MetSat Data
Stored mission data
transmission to Earth
NOAA 0 Use for NPOESS,
circa 2010
31.3 - 31.5 GHz Satellite Passive
34.5-35 GHz Radar Clouds and other related
weather research
NOAA 3 Minor increases
36 – 37 GHz Satellite Passive
50.2-50.4 GHz Satellite Passive
51.4 - 59.3 GHz Satellite Passive
59.3 – 60.55
Satellite Passive
86 – 92 GHz Satellite Passive
and CMIS
NOAA ** None COG
148.5 –155.5
Satellite Passive
Microwave Humidity
NOAA ** None COG
164 – 167 GHz Satellite Passive
TABLE A1 (continued)- Summary of DOC Spectrum Requirements
Current Use
Number of
Projected Change
in Requirements
In Next 10 Years
COG or
174.8 - 191.8
Satellite Passive
Microwave Humidity
NOAA ** None COG
316 -334 GHz Satellite Passive
* Number of Assignments reflects total number in the indicated band and may not reflect actual number of users in that band due
to generic assignments (i.e. U.S. and Possessions (US&P) assignments).
** Passive only operations. Frequency assignments not required, but may be submitted.
1 - Band not allocated to EESS (passive).
DOC Office and Bureau Spectrum Requirements Points of Contact
Office of Radio Frequency Management (ORFM): ORFM is responsible for spectrum
management for DOC and its agencies.
James Mentzer, james.m[email protected], (301) 713-1853 x176
Office of Security:
Robert Page, [email protected], (202) 482-8333
Bureau of Industry and Security:
Dawn Leaf,, (202) 482-4143
Economics and Statistics Administration:
Christopher D. Volatile. cristopher[email protected], (301) 763-1805
Minority Business Development Agency:
Ronald Marin, [email protected], (202) 482-3341
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
Knute Berstis (NOS), [email protected], (301) 713-2853
John Bortniak (NMFS), john.bor[email protected], (301) 713-2252
Steve Brodet (NOS), stev[email protected], (301) 713-2653
Frank Coluccio (NMAO), fr[email protected], (206) 553-4548
Franz Zichy (NWS), [email protected], (301) 713-1853
Seth I. Gutman (OAR), se[email protected], (303) 497-7031
Teresa Maraia (OAR), [email protected], (303) 497-6548
Dave McGinnis (NESDIS), dave[email protected], (301) 713-2789
Charles Payton (NOS), [email protected], (301) 713-2897
Roger V. Pierce (OAR), r[email protected], (301) 713-2465
Mark E. Rogers (NMAO), [email protected], (813) 828-3310
Jim H. Roles (NMAO), [email protected], (813) 828-3310
Todd C. Stiles (NMAO-PPI), [email protected], (301) 713-1622 x201
National Telecommunications and Information Administration:
Leslie A. Taylor, [email protected], (202) 482-4214
John McFall, [email protected], (202) 482-1486
Technology Administration:
Deana Ramsburg, [email protected], (301) 975-3325
United States Patent and Trademark Office:
Ronald Hack, [email protected], (571) 272-9095
Acronyms and Abbreviations
ALE - Automatic Link Establishment
ALERT - Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time
AMBCS - Alaska Meteorburst Communications System
AMSU-A - Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit A
AMSU-B - Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit B
ARGOS – POES Data Collection System
ASOS - Automated Surface Observing System
AWIPS - Automated Weather Information Processing System
BIS - Bureau of Industry and Security
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access
COSPAS-SARSAT - Cosmitscheskaja Sistema Poiska
Awarinitsch Sudow - Search and Rescue Satellite-aided Tracking
CMIS - Conical Microwave Imaging Sounder
COOP - Continuity of Operations
COG - Continuity of Government
CWOP - Citizen weather Observer Program
DHS - Department of Homeland Security
DOC - Department of Commerce
DOD - Department of Defense
EESS - Earth Exploration Satellite Service
EMWIN - Emergency Manager’s Weather Information Network
EPIRB - emergency position indicating radio beacon
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
FCC - Federal Communications Commission
FedSMR - Federal Specialized Mobile Radio
FM - frequency modulation
FRSC - Federal Radio Service Corporation
FSS - fixed satellite service
GDP - gross domestic product
GHz - gigahertz
GMF - Government Master File
GEOSS - Global Earth Observation System of Systems
GLONASS - Global Navigation Satellite System
GOES - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
GOES-R - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite,
Series R
HF- high frequency
IEOS - Integrated Earth Observation System
ISCS - International Satellite Communications System
ITS - Institute of Telecommunications Sciences
kHz - kilohertz
LAN - local area network
LMR- land mobile radio
MetAids - meteorological aids
MetSat - meteorological satellite
MHz - Megahertz
MSS - mobile-satellite service
NEF - National Essential Function
NERON - Near Real Time Observing Network
NESDIS - National Environmental Satellite and Data
NIDS - NEXRAD Information Display System
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOS - National Ocean Service
NMFS - National Marine Fisheries Service
NPOESS - National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental
NS/EP - National Security/Emergency Preparedness
NTIA - National Telecommunications and Information
NTS - National Telecommunications System
NWR - NOAA Weather Radio
NWRL - NOAA Weather Radio Links
NWS - National Weather Service
NWWS - NOAA Weather Wire Service
OAR - Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
OEE - Office of Export Enforcement
ORFM - Office of Radio Frequency Management
P25 - Project 25
PC - personal computer
PLB - personal locating beacon
PMEF - Priority Mission Essential Function
POES - Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite
PTSN - public telephone switched network
R&D - research and development
RDTE - research, development, test and evaluation
RF - radio frequency
RRS - Radiosonde Replacement System
SARSAT - Search and Rescue Satellite
SHARES - Shared Resources
TPC - Tropical Prediction Center
TT&C - telemetry, tracking and control
UHF - Ultra-high frequency
US&P - United States and possessions
USMCC - United States Mission Control Center
USPTO - United States Patent and Trademark Office
VA - Veteran’s Administration
VLF - very low frequency
VOS - Voluntary Observing Ship
WFO - weather forecast office
WRC-2007 - 2007 World Radiocommunication Conference
WWV - call sign for NIST HF transmit station in Fort Collins, CO
WWVB - call sign for NIST VLF transmit station in
Fort Collins, CO
WWVH - call sign for NIST VLF transmit station in Hawaii