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This Sponsorship Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the last
signature date below (the "Effective Date") by and between SUMMIT NEGOTIATIONS SOCIETY
with an office at 32182 Astoria Crescent, Abbotsford BC V2T 4P5 (“SUMMIT”) and the sponsor
identified below ("Sponsor").
SUMMIT is hosting the following event: Former Cmdr Chris Hadfield The Sky is not The Limit
Tour on April 4, 2014 and Sponsor desires to sponsor the Event.
In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained in this Agreement, the
parties hereby agree as follows:
1. SUMMIT Obligations. In consideration for Sponsor's participation in the Event, SUMMIT shall
provide the Sponsor the benefits set out in Appendix, which is incorporated and hereby made a
part of this Agreement.
2. Sponsor Obligations.
For its participation as a Sponsor in the Event, Sponsor shall pay to SUMMIT a fee (the
"Sponsorship Fee"), as set out below:
The Sponsorship Fee is payable to Summit Negotiations Society, due on date of Agreement
3. Sponsor Trademarks/Sponsor Materials. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, Sponsor grants to SUMMIT the right to use Sponsor's trademarks, trade names,
and logo designs and company descriptions as prepared and delivered to SUMMIT by Sponsor
(“Sponsor Materials”), in any medium of advertising, marketing materials, and/or promotional
goods distributed solely in conjunction with the Event and in accordance with Sponsor's
trademark usage guidelines.
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4. Indemnity
4.1 SUMMIT shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage to property of Sponsor, its
employees, agents, contractors or assigns nor for any personal injury to Sponsor's officers,
directors, employees, agents, contractors and/or invitees except to the extent any such claims
may be directly and solely attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of
SUMMIT, its directors, officers, and/or employees.
4.2 Sponsor shall indemnify, defend, and hold SUMMIT harmless from and against any claims
arising out of, or relating directly or indirectly to, content on their respective web sites, use of
Sponsor’s trademarks and logos, and Sponsor Materials.
4.3 Sponsor will give SUMMIT prompt written notice of any claim or suit coming within the
purview of these indemnities.
5. Limitation of Liability. Except with respect to Section 8.3, in no event shall either party be
liable to the other party for any incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages
(including but not limited to lost profits) regardless of whether such liability is based on breach
of contract, tort, strict liability, breach of warranties, failure of essential purpose or otherwise
and even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Notwithstanding anything else in this
Agreement, Summit's liability for any claim against Summit shall be limited to the funds
available in its own bank account at the time of the claim.
6. Representations. Each party hereby represents and warrants that it has the full power to
enter into and perform according to the terms of this Agreement.
7. Term and Termination
7.1 Term. Subject to the terms and conditions herein, this Agreement shall be effective upon
the Effective Date and shall continue through April 11, 2014 one week past the event date,
unless earlier terminated as otherwise provided in this Agreement (the "Term").
7.2 Termination by SUMMIT. SUMMIT shall be entitled to cancel the Event and/or terminate
this Agreement at any time for any reason. In the event SUMMIT terminates this Agreement for
any reason other than Sponsor's breach SUMMIT shall refund any fees received from Sponsor,
and at Sponsor’s expense, return any materials, and equipment, hardware and/or software
loaned by Sponsor for the Event.
7.3 Termination by Sponsor; Effect of Termination
a) Sponsor may terminate this Agreement for breach by SUMMIT after giving SUMMIT at least
ten (10) days prior written notice specifying the nature of the breach, and giving SUMMIT no
less than ten (10) days to cure such breach. In the event such breach remains uncured at the
end of the notice period, this Agreement shall terminate on the tenth day. If breach occurs
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fewer than ten (10) days prior to the Event, Sponsor may terminate this Agreement for breach
if such breach is not cured by the first day of the Event.
b) If SUMMIT terminates this Agreement for Sponsor's breach, SUMMIT shall retain any fees
received from Sponsor which fees shall be due and payable notwithstanding any such
termination. Any equipment, materials and hardware or software of Sponsor shall be returned
at the end of the Event and, in the interim, may be used for the purposes contemplated herein
notwithstanding such termination.
c) If Sponsor terminates for SUMMIT’s breach, Sponsor shall be entitled to seek a full refund
of any fees paid and for the return of any equipment, materials and hardware or software of
7.4 Survival. In the event of termination or expiration of this Agreement, paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 7
and 8 shall survive.
8. Miscellaneous
8.1 Notices. All notices, authorizations and requests in connection with this Agreement shall be
deemed given on the day they are (i) deposited in the mail, postage prepaid, certified or
registered, return receipt requested; (ii) sent by air express courier, charges prepaid; or (iii) sent
by fax as indicated by a fax confirmation sheet; and sent to the address in the recitals. Sponsor
agrees to send a copy of any notices, via email to: [email protected].
8.2 Relationship. This Agreement does not constitute and shall not be construed as
constituting a partnership, or joint venture relationship between or among the parties.
8.3 Confidentiality. Each party expressly undertakes to retain in confidence all information and
know-how transmitted to it by the other party that the disclosing party has designated as
proprietary and/or confidential or that, by the nature of the circumstances surrounding the
disclosure, ought in good faith to be treated as proprietary and/or confidential, and will make
no use of such information and know-how except under the terms, for the purposes of and
during the existence of this Agreement. Each party's obligation under this Agreement with
respect to any particular information shall extend to the earlier of such time as such
information is publicly available through no fault of the receiving party or five (5) years
following termination of the Agreement.
8.3 Governing Law/Jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted in
accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia. Sponsor consents to the exclusive
jurisdiction and venue of the courts in the Province of British Columbia
8.4 Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without prior written
consent of the other party.
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The sponsor agrees to purchase a sponsorship package at the ________________level.
The parties have executed this Agreement as of the date set out below:
(Corporate Sponsor Name)
Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________
Please print name: _____________________________________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________________
Summit Negotiations Society
Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________
Please print name: ______________________________________ ______________________________
Title: ________________________________________________ _______________________________
Date: ________________________________________________ _______________________________