THIS SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT (the “Sponsorship Agreement”) is made and
entered into by and between Chambersburg Area School District (the “School District”), a school
district with administrative offices at 435 Stanley Avenue, Chambersburg, PA, 17201, and
__________________________, (“Sponsor”) with an address of ________________________.
WHEREAS, the School District has adopted policy 702.1, whereby commercial groups,
businesses, and companies may voluntarily enter into written agreements with the School
District, providing private financial support for School District programs and activities in
exchange for public recognition that may include the sale of “naming” or “sponsored by” rights
for the School District venues and events as well as advertising, signage, announcements, and
other promotional opportunities at School District events and activities.
WHEREAS, the School District’s policy does not create a forum for all types of
advertising or provide an open public forum for purposes of communication. Rather, the intent is
to make use of a limited portion of the School District’s property in order to generate financial
support from commercial sponsors for School District programs and activities.
WHEREAS, noncommercial advertising is not permitted under this policy in order to
ensure a professional advertising atmosphere that is conducive to maximizing revenues from the
School District’s sponsorship program, and to maintain the School District’s position of
neutrality on political, religious, and other public issues.
NOW THEREFORE, intending to be legally bound, the foregoing parties hereby agree as
1. Promotional Rights, Sponsorship Fees and Time Frame. Subject to the terms
and conditions of this Sponsorship Agreement and consistent with policy 702.1,
the School District hereby grants and sells to Sponsor, and Sponsor hereby
purchases and accepts from the School District, certain commercial sponsorship
rights for a specified period of time in exchange for the payment of sponsorship
fees by Sponsor, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto.
2. Responsibility for Advertising. The parties have the following responsibilities
regarding advertising materials under this Sponsorship Agreement:
a. Sponsor. Sponsor is responsible for the design on all advertising materials
contemplated by this Sponsorship Agreement.
b. School District. The School District is responsible for approving
advertising designs in a timely manner, as outlined in section 8 of this
Sponsorship Agreement. The School District is responsible to produce,
install, maintain, and remove all displays, signs, advertisements, and other
such equipment that is required as part of this Sponsorship Agreement. All
advertising materials that are damaged must be replaced, repaired or
removed in a timely fashion by the School District as the School District’s
cost. The School District shall ensure the removal of Sponsor’s advertising
materials from School District property upon expiration of this
Sponsorship Agreement or if this Sponsorship Agreement is otherwise
terminated for cause in accordance with section 12 below.
3. Sponsorship Fees. Exhibit A to this Sponsorship Agreement shall identify the
following with respect to sponsorship fees paid by Sponsor: (i) the total amount of
the sponsorship fees to be paid by the Sponsor; (ii) the amount and timing of
payments to be made by Sponsor; and (iii) a description of any in-kind
contributions to be made by the Sponsor, if applicable.
4. Payments Made by Sponsor to the School District. All payments of
sponsorship fees due under this Sponsorship Agreement shall be made by check
payable to Chambersburg Area School District, Memo: Naming Rights Fund, at
435 Stanley Avenue, Chambersburg, PA 17201, unless otherwise specified.
5. Timing of Payments. Within 15 days after this Sponsorship Agreement has been
fully endorsed, an initial down payment of sponsorship fees shall be due and
payable from Sponsor in a sum equal to the greater of: (a) $1,500.00; or (b) 15%
of the sponsorship fees owed for the initial year of this Sponsorship Agreement.
The remaining balance of the sponsorship fees shall be due and payable in
accordance with the payment schedule identified in Exhibit A.
6. Mandatory Conditions Applicable to Advertising. All advertising associated
with this Sponsorship Agreement shall comply with the following conditions:
a. Advertising will not be displayed inside classrooms, in areas where
students in class may view the advertisement, or in any other area that may
be disruptive to student learning as determined within the sole discretion
of the School District. For purposes of this section, the term “classroom”
may not include any school’s auditorium, cafeteria, gymnasium, library,
performing arts center, or any athletic field or facility.
b. Students will not be required to listen to, read, or be subjected to
commercial advertising in the classroom, except when the classroom
instruction by the teacher is related to advertising.
c. Advertisements shall not be disruptive or jeopardize the safety of students,
staff, and/or the public by their content or physical properties.
d. No student or staff information (e.g., names, addresses, telephone numbers
or email addresses) shall be made available to sponsors for purposes of
distribution or dissemination of advertising.
e. Advertising must comply with all laws, regulations, and administrative
agency rules of the federal, state and local governments, including those
applicable to intellectual property rights (such as copyrights, trademarks,
trade names and patents) and zoning. Unless otherwise provided in Exhibit
A, Sponsor shall be responsible for compliance with all laws, regulations,
and administrative agency rules concerning the protection of intellectual
property rights, and the School District shall be responsible to identify and
arrange for any necessary approvals, waivers, variances, or permits
required under local zoning and land use ordinances for the installation of
advertising materials.
f. No Sponsor shall be permitted to use the School District’s intellectual
property (e.g. team names, slogans, logos, or designs constituting
trademark or services marks whether or not registered) unless such use is
approved in writing by the School District.
g. Advertising must be in compliance with all School District policies,
procedures, rules, and administrative guidelines and regulations, including
those specifically applicable to Sponsorship Agreements and non-
discrimination, and Sponsor agrees it has reviewed such policies,
procedures, rules, and guidelines. Sponsor agrees that it has reviewed the
School District’s Wellness Policy, Policy 246, specifically relating to the
quality standards of food products that may be utilized in connection with
any advertising.
7. Provisions Regarding Advertising Copy and Signage
a. Preparation. Unless otherwise provided in Exhibit A, Sponsor shall be
responsible, at its sole cost and expense, for the design of all advertising
copy to be used pursuant to this Sponsorship Agreement. The School
District shall provide Sponsor in advance with any required technical
specifications for signage and with the School District’s style preferences
for the advertising copy, in order to enable Sponsor to design appropriate
advertising copy for signage. Sponsor shall provide the School District
with samples of the anticipated design and copy of its advertising copy in
accordance with deadlines established for the School District’s review and
approval as described in Section 8 below.
b. Installation and Removal of Advertising Signage. The School District
shall be responsible to install and remove all advertising signage.
c. Maintenance. Following initial installation of advertising signage, the
School District shall be responsible for maintenance of any signage,
keeping such in good and attractive order, repair, and condition throughout
the term identified in Exhibit A hereto.
d. Display. All advertising signage provided for in this Sponsorship
Agreement shall be displayed during all events open to the general public
held at the locations specified in Exhibit A during the term of this
Sponsorship Agreement, unless such advertising is prohibited for a
specific event by federal, state, or local laws or regulations. Except as
otherwise provided in the immediately preceding sentence, no advertising
signage shall be removed, covered, or intentionally obstructed for any
purpose during any event (other than an obstruction caused solely by the
erection of facilities or equipment necessary for the conduct or
performance of an event) without the prior written consent of Sponsor.
e. Installation of Replacement Advertising Signage. Sponsor shall have
the right to replace advertising signage during the term of this Sponsorship
Agreement, at its sole cost and expense, subject to the replacement
signage being of the same size, character, and quality as the original
signage and the School District’s right of approval pursuant to Section 8
below. Sponsor must schedule any such installation work through the
School District so that it does not interfere with School District operations.
8. Approval of Advertising Copy. The design, layout, elevation, configuration, and
content of all advertising copy displayed pursuant to this Sponsorship Agreement
must be approved in advance and specifically indicated on Exhibit A to this
Agreement (which becomes part of this Agreement). After execution of this
Agreement, any purported change, alteration, or modification to the advertising
copy, as may be requested by the Sponsor from time to time, shall be subject to
the following process: Sponsor shall deliver submittals of advertising copy to the
School District. The School District shall notify Sponsor within ten (10) business
days after its receipt of each submission whether the proposed advertising copy is
acceptable to the School District. Sponsor shall have ten (10) business days
following its receipt of any School District’s notice that advertising copy is
unacceptable within which to submit advertising copy to the School District that
is acceptable to the School District based on the foregoing process. If Sponsor
fails to submit acceptable advertising copy within the foregoing time limitation,
the School District shall not be liable for the refusal or failure to display the
proposed advertising copy on signage. Notwithstanding any other provision of
this Agreement, the School District may find advertising copy to be unacceptable
if, in good faith, it determines that the advertising copy (i) violates any
requirements of this Sponsorship Agreement, (ii) is of substandard technical
quality; (iii) does not conform to School District’s previously stated design
preferences, (iv) is not commercial in nature, (v) is not in keeping with standards
of good taste, (vi) is not appropriate for school-aged children, or (vii) seeks to
promote, encourage or engage in any of the following:
a. support any non-commercial message or position;
b. make false, misleading, deceptive or unwarranted statements or claims;
c. infringe upon another person’s rights through plagiarism, unfair imitation
of another person’s program idea or copy, or any other unfair competition;
d. disparage a competitor or a competitor’s products or services;
e. advertise lotteries or other games of chance;
f. contain slanderous, obscene, sexual, profane, vulgar, repulsive, or
offensive matters, either in theme or in treatment;
g. appeal for funds;
h. contain testimonials that cannot be authenticated;
i. declare or imply an endorsement by the School District of any service,
product or point of view;
j. promote the sale or use of alcohol or tobacco products; or
k. promote unlawful or illegal goods, services, or activities.
9. Retained Rights to Intellectual Property. Sponsor’s intellectual property
displayed on its advertising copy, and all trademark rights or copyrights in such
advertising copy, shall be and remain the sole and exclusive property of Sponsor.
Throughout the term of this Sponsorship Agreement, Sponsor grants the School
District a non-exclusive limited license to publish, distribute and display
Sponsor’s intellectual property on advertising copy or on any other items or
materials consistent with the terms and purposes of this Sponsorship Agreement.
Any and all advertising or promotional materials displayed or distributed by
Sponsor pursuant to this Sponsorship Agreement in conjunction with the School
District intellectual property (e.g., displaying School District’s name, logos,
trademarks, or service marks) shall be subject to the prior written approval of
School District, and, if approved, shall be subject to the grant of a non-exclusive
limited license that automatically expires upon the expiration or termination of
this Sponsorship Agreement. The School District’s intellectual property
(including without limitation any such intellectual property that is displayed on
Sponsor’s advertising copy with the permission of the School District) shall be
and remain the sole and exclusive property of the School District.
No party shall have the right to use in any way or reproduce for any purpose the
corporate or trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, or other proprietary
symbols of another party to this Sponsorship Agreement without that party’s prior
written consent.
10. School District Approval Required for any On-Site Promotional Activity.
Any promotional activity (including presentations or programs) on School District
property requested by Sponsor should be identified in Exhibit A, so that it may be
approved as part of this Sponsorship Agreement. Sponsor shall not engage in
promotional activity on School District property that is not expressly identified in
Exhibit A without written consent by the School District, which shall have sole
discretion on whether to approve such activity.
11. “Make Good” Activity. If an advertising or promotional activity identified in
Exhibit A does not occur as contemplated due to unforeseen circumstances or
events beyond the control of School District and/or the Sponsor, the parties may
mutually agree upon a “make good” advertising or promotional activity to
compensate for the non-occurrence of the scheduled activity. A “make good”
activity must be scheduled to occur during the term of this Agreement.
12. Term & Termination. The Term of this Sponsorship Agreement shall be set
forth in the Attached Exhibit A. Unless specifically agreed to by the Parties, this
Sponsorship Agreement shall not automatically renew for successive terms upon
its natural expiration. If any party breaches its obligations hereunder for reasons
other than a “Force Majeure” as defined below, any non-breaching party shall
have the option to immediately cease all performance under this Sponsorship
Agreement and (without prejudice to any other legal rights) may terminate this
Sponsorship Agreement if such breach is not cured within fourteen (14) days
receipt of notice by the breaching party. A Force Majeure shall mean and include
any event or cause beyond a party’s reasonable control (including, but not limited
to fire, flood, explosions, damage by third parties, whether negligently or
intentionally caused, strikes, work stoppages, picketing, lockouts and/or any other
concerted action by any employees or any labor organization, acts of God or other
casualties, the laws or actions of any governmental authority, or any other event
or cause that is beyond a party’s reasonable control), which renders a party unable
to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this Sponsorship Agreement.
Further, the School District reserves the right to terminate this Sponsorship
Agreement without cause if its Board of School Directors determines, in its sole
discretion, that terminating the contract is in the best interest of the School
District. Should the School District terminate the contract without cause, the
School District shall return to Sponsor a prorated amount of sponsorship fees paid
for the current contract year. Sponsor may terminate this Sponsorship Agreement
without cause upon providing the School District ninety (90) days’ prior written
notice; provided, however, that any early termination of this Sponsorship
Agreement by Sponsor without cause shall result in Sponsor forfeiting and
forever discharging any right, title or claim to any and all Sponsorship Fees paid
to the School District.
13. Release, Indemnification, No Representations
a. By Sponsor. Sponsor hereby assumes full and complete responsibility and
liability for the content of all its advertising copy, and for all other work
performed or required to be performed by Sponsor under this Sponsorship
Agreement, and agrees that all of the foregoing shall be at Sponsor’s sole
risk. Sponsor agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the School
District (including their present and future board members, officers,
administrators, employees, stakeholders, other representatives, successors
and assigns and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, officers,
directors, employees, stakeholders, shareholders, agents, other
representatives, successors and assigns) from and against any and all
losses, liabilities, damages, claims, demands, suits, and judgments
(including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and the costs of any legal
action) arising out of (i) the use of any trademark, service mark, logo,
design, and other intellectual property right materials provided by
Sponsor; (ii) the character, content, and subject matter of any advertising
copy displayed by Sponsor; (iii) the design of Sponsor’s advertising or
signage; and (iv) any breach of this Sponsorship Agreement by Sponsor.
Sponsor fully and forever waives, discharges, and releases the School
District from any and all losses, liabilities, damages, claims, demands,
suits, and judgments (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and the
costs of any legal action) arising out of or related to any matter described
in clauses (i) through (iv) above.
b. Limitation of Liability; Limitation of Damages. Notwithstanding any
other provision of this Sponsorship Agreement, under no circumstances
shall either Party be liable to the other Party for consequential, indirect or
punitive damages or specific performance arising from a breach of this
Sponsorship Agreement. In the event of a Breach of this Sponsorship
Agreement by the School District, the School District shall not, under any
circumstances, be liable to Sponsor beyond the amount of Sponsorship
Fees paid to the School District by Sponsor during the Term of this
Sponsorship Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed a
direct or indirect waiver of or limitation to any sovereign or governmental
immunity, in any respect, applicable to the School District (including,
without limitation, under the Pennsylvania Political Subdivision Tort
Claims Act) or impose liability, directly or indirectly, on the School
District from which it would otherwise be immune under applicable law.
c. No Oral or Implied Representations. Sponsor acknowledges that all
terms and conditions of this Sponsorship Agreement are in writing as fully
set forth in this document and Exhibit A attached hereto. The School
District shall not be bound by any oral or implied agreements, warranties
or representations purportedly made to Sponsor by the School District or
their employees.
14. Assignment. Sponsor shall not have the right or power to assign any of their
rights or obligations under this Sponsorship Agreement to any other party without
the prior written consent of the School District in its sole discretion. The School
District shall not assign any of its rights or obligations under this Sponsorship
Agreement to any other party without the prior written consent of Sponsor.
Subject to the foregoing, this Sponsorship Agreement shall be binding upon and
shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their permitted successors and assigns.
15. Governing Law. The validity, interpretation and performance of this Sponsorship
Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, without regard to conflict-of-law principles. The
parties agree the exclusive venue for any legal proceedings that may be instituted
by the parties in connection with this Sponsorship Agreement shall be in the
Franklin County Court of Common Pleas or the United States District Court for
the Middle District of Pennsylvania.
16. Notices. All notices or other communications that are required or contemplated by
this Sponsorship Agreement shall be in writing and delivered at the addresses
identified in the opening paragraph hereof unless otherwise directed by a party.
All notices concerning termination of this Sponsorship Agreement shall be sent
by United States certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or by other
means of delivery that generates a signed receipt.
17. Merger Clause. This Sponsorship Agreement (including any attached exhibits) is
the final, complete, and exclusive statement and expression of the agreement
among the parties hereto with relation to the subject matter hereof, it being
understood that there are no oral representations, understandings, or agreements
covering the same subject matter as this Sponsorship Agreement. This
Sponsorship Agreement supersedes and cannot be varied, contradicted, or
supplemented by evidence of any prior or contemporaneous discussions,
correspondence, or oral or written agreement of any kind.
18. Representations and Warranties of Sponsor. Sponsor does hereby represent
and warrant that it owns or has the right to use all trademarks, brand logos, label
designs, product identification, decals, and artwork displayed in its advertising
copy and on signage to be displayed pursuant to this Sponsorship Agreement.
19. No Waiver. No delay of or omission in the exercise of any right, power, or
remedy accruing to any party under this Sponsorship Agreement shall impair any
such right, power, or remedy, nor shall it be construed as a waiver of any future
exercise of any right, power, or remedy.
20. Severability. In case any provision of this Sponsorship Agreement shall be
invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed from this
Sponsorship Agreement. The validity, legality, and enforceability of the
remaining provisions of this Sponsorship Agreement shall not in any way be
affected or impaired thereby.
21. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,
each of which shall be an original, and all of which shall be deemed to be one and
the same instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Sponsorship Agreement to be
duly executed by an authorized representative as of the day and year first written above.
By_______________________________________ Date:_____________________
By_______________________________________ Date:_____________________