Setup Guide
Square for Restaurants
Last updated August of 2019
Get Started 2
Download the App 2
Create a Device Code 3
Sign in with a Device Code 3
Hardware Information 3
Kitchen Printers 3
Receipt Printers 4
Troubleshoot Hardware 4
Troubleshoot the Contactless and Chip Card Reader 4
Troubleshoot a USB Receipt Printer 4
Troubleshoot an Ethernet Receipt Printer 5
Run an IP Test 5
Create a Printer Station 5
Restaurants POS App 6
Edit a Single Item 6
Edit Multiple Items 7
Edit an Entire Check 7
Split Check vs. Split Payment 8
Use Order Partners 8
Settle Tips vs. Save Tips 9
Reopen Closed Checks 9
Print Additional Receipt/Auth Slip 9
End of Day: Steps and Reports 10
Run a Shift Report 10
Close Out Cash Drawers 10
Run Close of Day 10
Close of Day Scenarios + Best Practices 11
Dashboard 12
Create a New Item 12
Create a New Menu 12
Edit an Existing Item 14
Create a Discount 15
Edit Service Settings 16
Add a New Employee 17
Employee Training Guide 18
New Employee Checklist 18
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
Get Started
Download the App
To download the Square for Restaurants App:
1. Go to the Apple App Store.
2. Search Square
3. Click Square - Restaurants POS > Install.
Create a Device Code
In your Square Dashboard:
1. Click Points of Sale > Devices.
2. Click Add Device.
3. Select the service style.
4. Nickname the device — we recommend coordinating the name of your device on
your Square account with the name of the device in your iPad Settings. You can
also rename your iPad by going to Settings > General > About.
5. Next, select the device location.
6. Click Create.
Shared Settings
Note: If you have multiple devices with the same settings configuration (e.g. multiple
mobile points of sale or server stations), you can create a shared settings group to apply
the same settings across multiple points of sale.
Sign in with a Device Code
If the app logs you out, use your Device Code to log back in. You can access your Device
Codes from your Square Dashboard Under Points of Sale > Devices.
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
Note: You can also Reset your device code at any time from the device details page.
Hardware Information
Kitchen Printers
Star SP742 ML
Use 2 ply paper
The Star SP742 ML is an impact printer (not a thermal printer), so make sure you
have compatible printer ribbons. Visit to learn
Receipt Printers
TSP143 USB or LAN
TSP143 IIU: USB (receipt printers)
(also used as a bar printer) TSP143 LAN = ethernet (printers that need to get
tickets from multiple Points of Sale)
Note: You can identify your printer connection by looking at the bottom of the printer or verifying the
connection to your Square Stand
Troubleshoot Hardware
Troubleshoot the Contactless and Chip Card Reader
Verify Bluetooth is turned on from your device settings. If it’s on, try turning it off
and back on again.
Make sure the app is open and that you’re signed in.
Make sure your reader is in pairing mode. To do so, press and hold the reader’s
power button for 3-10 seconds and immediately release your finger when you see
the orange blinking lights. If you see red lights, you’ve held the button for too long.
If the reader you’re connecting has been connected to another device, forget the
reader on the previous device before pairing it with a new one.
If the reader and device are more than 3 meters apart, the reader will have trouble
maintaining a consistent connection. Move your reader and device closer when in
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
Force quit the app and reopen it.
Delete and reinstall the app. Note: Log out of the app before deleting it.
Turn your iPad off and back on.
Troubleshoot a USB Receipt Printer
Make sure the printer is plugged into a power source.
Make sure the printer is turned on (check the switch on the left-hand side of the
Make sure the printer has paper and that the hood is closed all the way.
Check the USB connection, try switching the USB ports on the USB hub.
If none of these work, turn the printer off unplug the cables, plug them back in and
turn the printer on again.
Troubleshoot an Ethernet Receipt Printer
Make sure the printer is plugged into a power source.
Make sure the printer is plugged into an ethernet port.
Verify the printer is turned on (check the switch on the left-hand side of the
Make sure the printer has paper.
Make sure the iPad is connected to the correct wifi network (under Settings >
Run an IP Test
If you are having trouble connecting your ethernet printer to Square, you can run an IP
test to diagnose if the IP is the problem.
1. Turn the printer off.
2. Hold down on the feed
3. Turn the printer back on.
4. You should see a light flash twice and/or hear two beeps > release the feed
5. The very last slip of paper will give you the IP address:
If this is all the Printer is not obtaining an IP address, you will need
to reach out to a tech person who can help you reprogram.
If there is an IP address, ensure it matches the IP of the iPad’s WiFi and that
both devices are on the same network.
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
Create a Printer Station
1. On your iPad, go to Account > Setup Hardware.
2. Tap Create Printer Station.
3. Name the printer (i.e. Receipts, Bar, Cold Kitchen, Hot Kitchen, Expo).
4. Tap No printer selected and you will see a list of printers that are connected to
the Square app.
Note: We recommend you run a print test for any ethernet printers that are connected. What appears as
WiFi Printer 1 on one station, may not be WiFi Printer 1 on another. To run a print test, select the printer,
tap Print Test.
5. Toggle on the items to print from this station:
Receipts, Bills, and Reports
Order Tickets: Order tickets are kitchen tickets, once you turn this on,
scroll down to turn on/off the categories of items you’d like to send to the
If you are using an online ordering partner, you can set tickets to
automatically print when an order comes in. Items will still be routed
to printers based on their category.
Order Ticket Stubs: Order ticket stubs do not have order ticket information
on them, they are used to give a customer a ticket number to match with
their order
Void Tickets: If a single item or entire ticket is voided, the void ticket can
be sent to the kitchen/bar to let the chef/bartenders know not to make the
item. If you would prefer to verbal this, make sure to turn voids off.
Note: If you need two tickets to print from a single printer (and are not using two-ply paper), you can
create multiple printer stations
for a single printer.
Restaurants POS App
Edit a Single Item
Before Sending to the Kitchen
Click the item that you’ve added to the ticket:
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
Edit: Edit modifiers, change the seat, and add additional notes.
You are also able to add a discount to an individual item by clicking on Notes and
Options, scrolling and toggling on applicable discounts.
Move to: Move a single item to a different course, a new check, or combine with
an existing check.
Transfer: Move a check to a different server and transfer ownership of the check.
Repeat: Duplicate the same item, including any modifiers and seat number.
Remove: Delete an item from a check (note you can also do this by swiping left on
the item and clicking Remove).
After Sending to the Kitchen
After you send a ticket or item to the kitchen, you will no longer be able to remove
this item, you will need to void
the item from the sale.
You will not be able to edit items once they have been sent to the kitchen. If you
need to make a change to an item (it was entered incorrectly, modifiers were
wrong), you will need to void the item and enter it in again.
You can still repeat, comp, or move an item (or multiple items) — great for the bar
if they need to repeat a round of drinks! 
The items that you repeat can be edited, because they have not yet been sent to
the kitchen.
Edit Multiple Items
Note: You don’t need to edit items individually, you can edit multiple items at once on a ticket. We
recommend using “Edit Items” to repeat rounds of drinks, especially for bartenders.
Before Sending to the Kitchen
Click Edit Items in the upper right-hand corner of the sale.
To move items around, click and drag the three grey lines on the right-hand side
of the items to reorder items or move them to a different course.
To edit multiple items at a time:
1. Tap the circle next to the item — you’re able to select multiple items at a
2. Tap Edit # of items at the bottom of the check.
3. The functionality of edit, move to, repeat, remove will be the same as
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
Edit an Entire Check
Before Sending to the Kitchen
1. If you need to edit a check that has not been sent to the kitchen, click Actions:
Clear Items: Remove all items from your sale on the right-hand side.
Seats: Edit the cover count on the check.
Item Availability: 86 items that are no longer available for sale and enter a count
to track remaining items. Once all items have been sold, the item will become
unavailable for sale.
Note: You can also add an item count or make an item unavailable by long pressing on the item from
the menu grid.
After Sending to the Kitchen:
Move: Move the check to an empty table or combine multiple checks.
Assign: Transfer ownership of the ticket to a different server.
Comp: Comp the entire check.
Void: Void the entire check.
Split: Split off items into separate checks:
You can move items that one person had on to a separate check if they’d
like to pay separately.
Split Check vs. Split Payment
In Square, you can either split a check or
split a payment.
Note: When splitting a payment, you must complete the entire payment at the time of sale.
Split Items
Splitting items allows you to move some items from a check to a new or existing check:
1. Tap Actions > Split.
2. Separate items from one check on to separate checks.
Split Payment
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
Splitting payments allows you to use multiple payment methods on a single check:
1. Tap Pay > Split in the upper right-hand corner.
2. Use multiple payment methods.
Note: You are not currently able to split a single item between two checks. You will need to tap Pay and
split the amount between multiple payments if needed.
Use Order Partners
If you are using a delivery partner (Caviar, DoorDash, Postmates, or Chowly), you’ll be
able to see and accept pickup and delivery orders through your Square for Restaurants
POS app.
1. Instead of Adjust Tips
along the bottom bar, you’ll see Orders
2. When a new order comes in, the tab will turn orange.
3. Tap Orders to view, accept, and mark orders complete.
Settle Tips vs. Save Tips
1. To bulk enter/bulk settle tips at the end of the night tap Adjust Tips.
2. Enter in Tip Amounts
For checks that have a $0.00 tip or where the customer left cash, you will
need to enter $0.00 to settle the bill.
3. If you are not ready to settle tips, tap Save.
Saving tips will leave the tip amount entered, but will not settle the check.
4. If you’re ready to settle tips (all tip amounts have been entered and you’re ready
to close out) tap Settle you cannot edit a tip amount after you settle the
Reopen Closed Checks
Note: This refunds the sale and does NOT save the card information. If the customer has already left,
there is not a way to get their card information again. Only use this if you still have the customer’s card
to charge again.
If you need to reopen a check because you entered the wrong amount or used the
wrong payment method:
1. Tap Order History.
2. Select the specific transaction.
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
3. Click Reopen Check.
Note: If you haven’t already closed out the check and entered the tip, you’ll need to do this before
4. The check will Refund and repopulate the check.
5. Re-process your customer’s payment once you’ve updated the check.
Print Additional Receipt/Auth Slip
1. Tap Transactions.
2. Search the receipt number or card number to locate the original payment.
3. Select New Receipt.
4. Tap Print Receipt.
5. If you need an additional authorization slip, tap Print Auth Slip.
End of Day: Steps and Reports
Run a Shift Report
When a server is ready to run their report at the end of the night:
1. Tap Account.
2. Select Run Shift Report.
3. To run their shift report, the server will have had to complete all actions previously
set up in the Dashboard service settings.
a. If a server has open checks, they will be able to select Open Checks and
close out any payments.
b. If a server has not adjusted their tips, they will be prompted to return and
adjust tips.
4. Once all of the required steps are done, they’ll be able to select Run Shift Report.
5. Lastly, they’ll need to Clock Out.
Note: If you are not paying out tips the night of service, the cash owed to you/cash owed to house line
items will not be necessary for your end of night procedures. In this case, you will want to ensure that
your servers simply hand you whatever cash sales they received.
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
Close Out Cash Drawers
1. Tap Account > Cash Management.
2. Select Pay Out if you need to record a payout.
Enter in a description and amount
3. End Drawer > enter the Actual Amount in the drawer.
Note: In Square, Cash Drawers are attached to a device. They are not server-specific. The Cash
Management report will account for any cash sales, refunds, or pay in/outs on that specific device.
Run Close of Day
1. Tap Account.
2. Select Close of Day.
3. Ensure all actions have been completed:
Checks must be closed
Tips must be adjusted
Cash drawers must be closed
Employees must be clocked out
If an employee is not clocked out, select Employees > Clock Out. Your Close of
Day will settle all tips and ensure that you are ready for the next day of service.
Close of Day Scenarios + Best Practices
Pay out Employees Tips in Cash the Night of Service
1. Select Run Shift Report.
2. Go to Account > Cash Management > Record a Payout.
Make sure to label the payout Employee Name - Tips
so you’ll have a
record of payouts, outside of cash sales.
Note: Payouts will not
change the number of cash sales/refunds on the Sales Summary report. Your
Sales Summary report will only reflect sales recorded as cash.
3. Once all shift reports are done, end the cash drawer.
4. Go to Account > Cash Management > End Drawer.
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
The expected amount in the drawer is the starting cash amount, cash sales,
plus any cash refunds or payouts. Note: The expected amount in the
drawer is not necessarily the same as the cash drop for the bank.
5. Next, go to Account > Run Close of Day.
If you have pre-selected all employees must be clocked out before running
the close of day, you will need to clock out employees.
6. Once you’ve taken all of the necessary steps, Run Close of Day.
The end of day report will include sales, tips, and a breakout of category
Pay Out Employee Tips Through Payroll
1. Tap Run Shift Report.
If team members are being paid tips through payroll, disregard the Cash
Owed to House
and Cash Owed to Server
line items — servers are only
responsible for giving you their cash sales.
2. If you’re using cash management on a device, go to Account > Cash
Management > End Drawer.
a. The expected in the drawer is the starting cash amount, cash sales, less
any cash refunds or payouts
b. Note: The expected amount in the drawer is not necessarily the same as
the cash drop for the bank
3. Go to Account > Run Close of Day.
Note: Run Close of Day will settle all tips for the day, this is the best way to ensure that checks are
closed, tips are settled, and you’re ready to begin the next day of sales.
Create a New Item
Item Name
Identifies the item for kitchen tickets, customer receipts, and item sales
Variable Prices: don’t enter in a specific price point, this way
you’ll be able to enter it at the time of sale (for example: open
food/open drink items)
Set Prices: enter in a specific price point when you create the
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
Item Variations
Allows you to have multiple price points for a single item
Example: for a small coffee and a large coffee, the variations are
and Large
Item Modifiers
Modifiers edit, modify, or specify to the kitchen a change to a pre-existing
item; they can either have a dollar upcharge, or $0.
Conversational modifiers will attach add, extra
, side
, sub
, no
to an existing modifier set.
Categories route items to printers and control reporting
Display Groups
Organize items on the front end for servers
Create a New Menu
To create a new menu:
1. In your Square Dashboard, navigate to Menus.
2. Click Create New Menu.
3. Name the menu.
4. Specify the location.
To create a new Display Group:
1. Click Add Display Groups. If you have existing display groups you’d like to add to
your new menu, select it from the drop-down.
2. If you are creating a new Display Group, you’ll see (Create New)
next to the
Display Group name.
3. You can select the color of this display group and where it appears on your menu
(either within another display group, or on the homepage — i.e. your main page).
To add items:
1. If you begin typing in the Add Item
line, you’ll see a drop down menu of your
entire item library.
2. If the item does not exist yet, you’ll see (Create New) next to the item name.
3. Create Item: Add the Item name, category, and price
Categories route items to printers and control reporting (Keep in mind:
Categories are not the same as display groups).
NOTE: If you add items from the Menus tab and these items need
specific tax applied
make sure to head to your Item Library. All taxes enabled at the location will apply to new
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
1. Search the new item in the Item Library.
2. Click the item to edit.
3. Click Sales Tax to specify which tax rate to apply.
To add modifiers:
1. In Menus click Add Modifiers.
2. If the modifier set already exists, you’ll see it appear in the drop down menu.
3. If the modifier set does not exist yet, you’ll see (Create New) next to the modifier
set name.
4. You’ll be able to create a modifier set from the menus page:
The modifier set name is a general name used to identify the set.
The options are the specific modifiers that can be applied to items.
If you enable customer can only select one option, modifiers will be
required, and only one option allowed (e.g. meat temp).
Conversational modifiers will attach add, extra, side, sub, no, allergy
to an
existing modifier set.
5. From the Menus tab, you’re able to apply a modifier set to an entire display group
or individual items.
Modifier Auto-Progression Rules
1. Choose a seat (if seating is enabled).
2. Choose variation (e.g. small
, medium
, large
3. Modifiers (see modifier rules).
4. Notes and Options.
5. Add to Check.
If Automatically add item to check is enabled, the item will add to the
check once any required modifiers are selected.
If multiple modifier sets have the same requirements, they’ll progress in alphabetical
1 Required modifier, 1 maximum modifier option: this can be specified by enabling
Customer can only select one option. E.g. meat temperature
: only one meat
temperature can be selected, after temperature
is selected you’ll be
auto-progressed to the next set.
1 Required modifier, no maximum modifier limit.
1 Required modifier, maximum is greater than 1 modifier.
More than 1 required modifier, 1 maximum modifier option.
More than 1 required modifier, no maximum modifier limit.
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
More than 1 required modifier, maximum is greater than 1 modifier option.
No modifier options required, maximum number of modifiers is greater than 0.
No modifier options required, no maximum modifier limit (for example: optional
add ons or additional up charges for extras).
Edit an Existing Item
You can edit a pre-existing item from your Menus tab or your Item Library.
Edit an item from the Item Library if you need to edit modifiers, add tax, or add
Edit an item from the Menus tab if you need to update price, item name, or
Create a Discount
Create a discount for items or categories, and set a schedule to define when the
discount is applied (by day of the week, time, or date range).
1. Visit Items > Discounts in your online Square Dashboard.
2. Click Create New Discount. Note: If you’d like to create a variable discount so
you can enter the amount at checkout, leave the amount field blank.
3. Enter the discount details > Save.
Automatic Discounts
Create automatic discounts for specific items and categories, daily specials like happy
hours, or limited time offers.
Automatic Item or Category Discounts
1. Visit Items > Discounts in your online Square Dashboard.
2. Click Create New Discount.
3. Enter the discount details.
4. Enable Auto Apply to Items and Categories.
5. Click Select Items to apply discounts to certain items or categories automatically.
6. Choose up to 1000 individual items or categories and click Done. To select all
items, select the checkbox next to the Items heading.
7. Click Save.
Create a Recurring Discount
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
1. Visit Items > Discounts in your online Square Dashboard.
2. Click Create Discount to add a new discount.
3. Enter the discount details.
4. Enable Auto Apply to Items and Categories.
5. Click Select Items to apply discounts to certain items or categories automatically.
6. Choose up to 1000 individual items or categories and click Done. To select all
items, select the checkbox next to the Items heading.
7. Toggle on Set Schedule.
8. Set the days of the week and times of day this discount is available.
9. Click Save.
Create a Limited Time Discount
1. Visit Items > Discounts in your online Square Dashboard.
2. Click Create New Discount.
3. Enter the discount details.
4. Enable Auto Apply to Items and Categories.
5. Click Select Items to apply discounts to certain items or categories automatically.
6. Choose up to 1000 individual items or categories and click Done. To select all
items, select the checkbox next to the Items heading.
7. Enable Set Date Range and select dates to create a limited-time discount.
8. Click Save.
Edit Service Settings
On your Square Dashboard navigate to Points of Sale > Service Settings. Service
Settings include Closing Procedure requirements, Menu Behavior settings, Automatic
Gratuity taxation, as well as tip adjustment settings. Service settings are a per location
Closing Procedures
Close of Day
Customize actions required before running the Close of Day of day. All actions will
be required to be completed before you’re able to fully close out and run an end
of day report.
We recommend unchecking Individual Item Sales for end of night reports, these
will make printed reports very long.
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
Shift Report Settings
Customize actions required before employees can run their shift report. All actions
will be required before an employee can run their end of shift report and be
prompted to clock out.
Again, we recommend unchecking Individual Item Sales for end of shirt reports.
Menu Behavior
Menu behavior controls whether the menu navigates back the main menu page
after adding an item to a sale, or will remain on the display group.
Note: Quick service restaurants tend to prefer Return to Home Screen, whereas full-service restaurants
have found it easier to use Stay in Place.
Printed Receipt
For printed receipts, condense item and modifier information. If you would prefer
to group the same item and remove unpriced modifiers (e.g. meat temperature
select Minimize Receipt Length.
Automatic Gratuity
Customize the gratuity amount and the minimum party size to automatically
Turn taxes on/off for automatic gratuity. If you have specific questions about
auto-grat, please consult a tax professional.
Note: Automatic gratuity will appear as Service Charges
on sales summary, close of day, and employee
shift reports.
Tip Adjustment
Customize who is responsible for adjusting tips at the end of the night — the
employee who opens the check,
or the employee who closes
the check.
Straight Fire
If using coursing, check the boxes for categories you won’t need to course —
most often drink categories.
Add a New Employee
To create a new employee:
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
1. Click Create Team Member.
2. Enter the Employee Name, Pay Type, Pay Rate.
3. Toggle on Enable Sales Tracking, Timecards, and Employee Permissions
4. Select a role.
5. Enter a custom passcode, or choose to generate a code for the employee.
To Set Work Period, Overtime, and Breaks
1. Go to Timecards.
2. Click Settings.
Work Period
Overtime & Breaks
Employee Training Guide
New Employee Checklist
Getting Started
1. Enter your employee passcode to log in.
2. Clock in and continue to Square for Restaurants.
From the Floorplan
3. Select a table.
4. Select the number of covers.
From the Menu
5. Add a single item to the check:
Swipe left to remove.
Swipe right to repeat.
Click the item, Edit, add notes, discounts, or modifiers.
6. Input a mock order, make sure to enter multiple courses and include drinks, apps,
and mains.
7. Repeat a round of drinks:
Click Edit Items.
Select multiple items > Edit # of items.
Repeat, Move.
8. Review the Actions tab:
Move: Move a check to a new or merge with an existing check.
Assign: Transfer to another server.
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide
Check Name & Notes.
Item Availability: Add an item count and make an item temporarily
unavailable for sale.
Closing Procedures
9. Run a Shift report:
a. Make sure checks are closed.
b. Adjust any open tips.
c. Clock out after your shift report is finished.
10. Close out the cash drawer (if needed).
If paying out tips from the cash drawer, record any cash payouts.
11. Run the Close of Day report.
Square for Restaurants Setup Guide