Guide to
Employment, Labour and Equality Law
Starting Employment
Day ve statement
Within ve days of starting work, all
employees must get a written statement of
the following core terms of employment:
1. the full names of the employer and
the employee
2. the address of the employer
3. the expected duration of the contract,
in the case of a temporary contract, or
the end date if the contract is a xed-
term contract
4. the rate or method of calculation of
the employee’s pay
5. the number of hours the employer
reasonably expects the employee to
work per normal working day and per
normal working week
This is as well as the full written statement
of terms of employment which must be
given within two months of starting the
National Minimum Wages
Under the new Employment Miscellaneous
Provisions Act 2019 wage rates for
employees under 18 and those over 18
have been simplied and will be solely
based on age. Trainee rates of pay have
been abolished.
Sectoral Employment Order
A Sectoral Employment Order (SEO) setting
legally binding rates of pay and terms and
conditions for the Electrical Contracting
sector came into effect on the 1 September
Working Hours
Zero Hours
The Organisation of Working Time Act
1997 (OWTA) is amended to prohibit zero
hour contracts except in the following
where the work is of a casual nature
where the work is done in emergency
where short-term relief work is used
to cover routine absences for the
Minimum payment in certain
A new minimum payment will apply when
an employee on a zero hours contract, is
called in to work and does not receive the
expected hours of work.
The minimum payment is calculated as
three times the national minimum hourly
rate of pay or three times the minimum
hourly rate of pay set out in an Employment
Regulation Order (if one exists for that
sector and for as long as it remains in
The already existing method of payment
(at least 25% of the contract hours or 15
hours) continues to apply overall.
Banded Hours provisions
Employees whose contract of
employment or statement of terms
of employment does not reect the
reality of the hours they habitually
work are entitled to request to be
placed in a band of hours that better
reects the hours they have worked
over a 12-month reference period.
Updates to Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
Since we published our Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law in September 2018
there have been changes under employment law. Below your will nd the latest changes.
If you are an employee, you must be
working for your employer for at least
a year before making this request
Annual leave and certied sick leave
From the rst day in a job employees are
building up holiday entitlements even
if they are on certied sick leave and
whether they are part-time or full time. If
an employee is on certied sick leave at
the end of the leave year the annual leave
they have earned and have not been able
to take is carried over and available to take
for the next 15 months.
Family friendly leave
Maternity leave and premature birth
Mothers of premature babies born over
two weeks before their due date are
entitled to extend their maternity leave by
the difference between the birth date and
the date maternity leave was due to start.
Ordinarily maternity leave commences no
later than two weeks before the due date.
Paternity leave
Paternity leave of two weeks is available
to a relevant parent within 26 weeks
of the birth of their child. A paternity
benet payment is available for qualifying
relevant parents from the Department of
Employment and Social protection.
Parental leave
The maximum period of parental leave
increased from 18 to 22 weeks from 1
September 2019, and increases again to
26 weeks from 1 September 2020. The
age of the child for which parental leave is
available has increased from 8 to 12 years.
For a child with a disability the parental
leave age threshold remains unchanged
and is available up to the age of 16.
Visit our website
for more detailed information or call our
information service on
80 80 90.
Follow us on Twitter @WRC_ie
Published September 2019
3 hours
6 hours
11 hours
16 hours
21 hours
26 hours
31 hours
36 hours and over
6 hours
11 hours
16 hours
21 hours
26 hours
31 hours
36 hours
The bands of hours are as follows:
Guide to Employment,
Labour and Equality Law
Workplace Relations Commission
Information and Customer Services
O’Brien Road, Carlow
Lo-call: 0818 808090
Important Note
This Guide is not intended to be a complete or authoritative statement of the law.
Introduction 5
2. Workplace Relations
Ofces and Services
Department of Business, Enterprise
and Innovation 5
The Workplace Relations Commission 6
The Labour Court 6
Employment Appeals Tribunal 7
Low Pay Commission 7
Health and Safety Authority 8
Mechanisms for Setting Terms and
Conditions 9
Adjudication Services 10
Mediation Services
(Employment Rights Issues) 11
Inspection and Enforcement Services 12
Mediation (Internal Workplace Issues) 12
Conciliation Services 13
Advisory Services 13
Important Contacts 14
3. Commencing Employment 17
Contract of Employment 17
Employment Permits 17
Terms of Employment (Terms of
Employment (Information) Acts) 18
Complaints 19
Additional Information 20
4. Working Hours 21
Organisation of Working Time
Act 1997 21
Maximum Weekly Working Time 21
Rest 22
Night Workers 23
Maximum night working time 23
features of the Working Time Act 23
Holidays 24
Public Holidays 25
Sunday Premium 25
Zero Hours 26
Records 26
Complaints 26
Additional Information 27
5. Part-Time Employees
General 29
Who is Covered By The Act? 29
Objective grounds 30
Part-Time Employee 30
Full-Time Employee 30
Comparable Employee 30
Agency Worker 31
Complaints 31
Additional Information 31
6. Fixed-Term Workers 33
General 33
Who is Covered by the Act? 34
Objective grounds 34
Fixed-Term Employee 34
Permanent Employee 34
Comparable Permanent Employee 34
Objective Conditions 35
Objective Grounds Justifying
a Renewal 35
IndeniteFixed-TermContracts 35
Employeesonxed-termcontracts 36
Vacancies and training opportunities 36
Table of Contents
Informationaboutxed-termworking 36
Complaints 36
Additional Information 36
7. Employment of Children
and Young Persons
General 37
Children over age 14 38
Young People 38
Additional Information 38
8. Carer’s Leave 39
General 39
Who is covered by the Act? 39
Entitlement to Carer’s Leave 39
Meaning of ‘Full-time care
and attention’ 40
Manner in which Carer’s Leave
may be taken 40
Intervals between periods of
Carer’s Leave 40
Protection of Employment Rights 41
Protection against Penalisation
including Dismissal 41
Carer’s Leave 41
Exceptional or Emergency
Circumstances 42
ConrmationofCarer’sLeave 42
Complaints 42
Additional Information 42
9. Pay/Wages 43
General 43
Minimum Rates of Pay 43
Who is covered? 43
Minimum Hourly Rates of Pay 44
Determining the average hourly
rate of pay 44
Working Hours 44
Reckonable and Non-Reckonable Pay 44
Training / Study Criteria 44
Records 45
Overtime 46
Methods of Payment 46
Statement of Wages 46
Deductions 46
Sick Pay and Sick Leave 47
Complaints 47
Additional Information 48
10. Termination of Employment 49
Minimum Notice 49
Redundancy 50
Collective Redundancies 51
Insolvency 52
Dismissal 53
Complaints 56
Additional Information 56
11. Equality 57
Employment Equality 57
Collective Agreements 57
Occupational Pensions 57
Equal Status 58
Complaints 58
12. Other Relevant Provisions 59
Transfer of Undertakings 59
Rights of Posted Workers and of
non-national workers in Ireland 60
Domestic Workers 61
Worker Participation 62
Employment Agencies 63
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work 63
Complaints 65
Additional Information 65
Appendix I-
Adjudication Redress Provisions 67
This booklet provides information on
employment rights and equality legislation
applying in Ireland. It should be noted that
this legislation applies to all workers working
in Ireland including posted EU workers and
all other non-national workers working in
Ireland under a contract of employment (See
page 60-61 for more detail regarding posted
EU workers and other non-national workers).
Department of Business,
Enterprise and Innovation
The Department’s overall mission is to
encourage the creation of high quality and
sustainable full employment by championing
enterprise across government, supporting
a competitive enterprise base, promoting
a low tax environment to incentivise work
and enterprise and promoting fair and
competitive markets.
The Department ensures through work
at national and international levels that
workplaces are safe, employment rights
are appropriate and respected, harmonious
industrial relations are promoted and any
disputes or contraventions are handled
efciently and effectively; that skills needs
are identied and met through alignment
of education and training provision and,
as required, through targeted and efcient
economic migration.
The Department strives to make all markets
work more efciently through smart
regulation which, among other matters,
encourages high standards of compliance,
and quality employment without unnecessary
regulatory costs.
The Department’s responsibilities in regard
to industrial relations lie in the formulation of
policy, support and oversight of the industrial
relations institutions, the administration of
industrial relations and trade union law and
the monitoring of developments in industrial
disputes. In addition the Department is
involved in the promotion of employee
participation in the workplace.
In addition, the Department of Business,
Enterprise and Innovation is responsible for
the promotion, administration and review of
avarietyofmeasures inthe eld oflabour
legislation and employment rights.
1 Introduction
2 Workplace Relations Ofces and Services
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
The Department also administers the
Employment Permits system which facilitates
enterprises to access talent from overseas
that is in short supply in the State. The suite
of supporting regulations ensures that the
system remains attuned to the changing
labour market and enterprise environment.
The Workplace Relations
The Workplace Relations Commission
(WRC) has responsibility for
4 promoting the improvement of
workplace relations, and maintenance
of good workplace relations,
4 promoting and encouraging
compliance with relevant enactments,
4 providing guidance in relation to
compliance with codes of practice
approved under Section 20 of the
Workplace Relations Act 2015,
4 conducting reviews of, and monitoring
developments as respects, workplace
4 conducting or commissioning research
into matters pertaining to workplace
4 providing advice, information and the
Commission to joint labour committees
and joint industrial councils,
4 advising and apprising the Minister
in relation to the application of, and
compliance with, relevant enactments,
4 providing information to members of
the public in relation to employment
The Commission’s core services include the
inspection of employment rights compliance,
the provision of information, the processing
of employment agency and protection of
young persons (employment) licences and
the provision of mediation, conciliation,
facilitation and advisory services.
The Commission has a board consisting
of a chairperson and 8 ordinary members
appointed by the Minister for Business,
Enterprise and Innovation.
The Labour Court
The Labour Court, established under the
Industrial Relations Act 1946, provides a
comprehensive service for the resolution
of disputes about industrial relations
and has sole appellate jurisdiction in all
disputes arising under employment rights
enactments. The Court’s functions can be
divided between those relating to industrial
relations matters and those relating to
the determination of appeals in matters of
employment rights. Additionally, the Court
has a number of functions in relation to
Joint Labour Committees and the making
of Employment Regulation Orders as well
as registering Joint Industrial Councils and
Employment Agreements.
The Court consists of 13 full-time members
a Chairman, 4 Deputy Chairmen and
8 ordinary members representative of
employers (4) and workers (4). The Chairman
and Deputy Chairmen are appointed by
the Minister for Business, Enterprise and
Court are nominated by IBEC (Irish Business
and Employers Confederation) and the 4
Workers’ Members of the Court are nominated
by ICTU (Irish Congress of Trade Unions) and
then appointed by the Minister. The Labour
Court also has a legal adviser (the Registrar).
For the purposes of hearing cases, the Court
operates in Divisions a Division consists
of a Chairman, an Employers’ Member and a
Workers’ Member. Certain issues may require
a meeting of the full Court.
The Industrial Relations Acts 1946 2015
assign various functions to the Court. These
functions are mainly concerned with the
investigation of trade disputes and the
issuing of recommendations on how the
dispute should be resolved. The Labour Court
is not a court of law. Effectively, for most
purposes, the Labour Court acts as a court of
last resort i.e. the services of the Court are
availed of when the other options for the
resolution of industrial relations disputes
have been explored and exhausted.
The Labour Court also acts as a court
of appeal in relation to the decisions
of Workplace Relations Commission
issued by Commission inspectors. The
Workplace Relations Act 2015 provides that
the Court has sole appellate jurisdiction in
all disputes arising under employment right
Employment Appeals Tribunal
The Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) is
an independent body bound to act judicially,
and was set up to provide a fair, inexpensive
and informal means for individuals to seek
remedies for alleged infringements of their
statutory rights.
The Tribunal deals with rst instance
employment rights complaints which were
presented before 1st October, 2015 (legacy
complaints) under the following legislation
4 Redundancy Payments Acts, 1967 to
4 Minimum Notice and Terms of
Employment Acts, 1973 to 2005
4 Unfair Dismissals Acts, 1977 to 2015
Appeals of Rights Commissioner
recommendations made before 1st October,
2015 (legacy appeals) under Terms of
Employment, Payment of Wages, Unfair
Dismissal, Redundancy (Consultation and
Information), Maternity Protection, Adoptive
Leave, Carer’s Leave, Parental Leave, Protection
of Young Person’s (Employment), Consumer
Protection (penalisation), Competition
(penalisation), Chemicals (penalisation) and
Transfer of Undertakings legislation are dealt
with by the Employment Appeals Tribunal.
Note that in accordance with the Workplace
Relations Act 2015 all complaints and
disputes under employment, equality and
equal status legislation which were presented
after 30th September, 2015 will be dealt with
by the Workplace Relations Commission.
The EAT will remain in place to deal
with legacy complaints and appeals on
completion of which it will be dissolved.
Updates in this regard are available on
Low Pay Commission
The remit of the Low Pay Commission (LPC) is to
recommend levels for the minimum wage rates
that will help as many low-paid workers as
on employment or the economy. The advice the
LPC offers the Government to achieve this is
based on the best available evidence.
The Commission comprises 8 members
and an independent Chairperson. There
are members who have an understanding
of the interests of employers, particularly
small to medium-sized employers and
those operating in traditionally low
pay sectors, and who possess a good
knowledge and understanding of the
particular issues faced by Irish businesses,
particularly in relation to labour costs and
competitiveness. There are members who
have an understanding of the interests of
employees, particularly the impact of living
on the minimum wage and the sectors
where low pay and minimum wage workers
are concentrated. There are also academics
with particular knowledge or expertise
in relation to economics, labour market
economics, statistics, and employment law,
as well as proven competence in analysing
and evaluating economic research and
member of the Commission is three years
from the date of his or her appointment.
A person may not be a member of the
Commission for more than two consecutive
The National Minimum Wage (Low Pay
Commission) Act 2015 requires the
Commission in making a recommendation to
the Minister on the National Minimum Wage
(NMW) to have regard to a number of factors
since the most recent making of a National
Minimum Wage Order.
The remit, and the legislation, also require
that the Commission give consideration to
a range of issues in coming to a decision
on a recommendation to the Minister
for an appropriate rate for the minimum
wage. Some of the issues are, essentially,
matters of fact, while others necessitate an
element of assessment and appraisal, and
considered judgement.
The particular issues the Commission is
obliged to have regard to in considering its
recommendation are —
(a) changes in earnings during the
relevant period,
(b) changes in currency exchange rates
during the relevant period,
(c) changes in income distribution
during the relevant period,
(d) whether during the relevant
(i) unemployment has been
increasing or decreasing,
(ii) employment has been
increasing or decreasing, and
(iii) productivity has been increasing
or decreasing,
both generally and in the sectors
most affected by the making of an
(e) international comparisons,
particularly with Great Britain and
Northern Ireland,
(f) the need for job creation, and
(g) the likely effect that any proposed
order will have on
(i) levels of employment and
(ii) the cost of living, and
(iii) national competitiveness.
Health and Safety Authority
The Health and Safety Authority is the national
statutory body with responsibility for ensuring
that all workers (employed and self-employed)
and those affected by work activity are protected
from work related injury and ill-health. This is
done by enforcing occupational health and
safety law, promoting accident prevention,
and providing information and advice across
all sectors, including retail, healthcare,
manufacturing,shing, entertainment,mining,
construction, agriculture and food services.
The Authority was initially established under
the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act
(1989), since replaced by the Safety, Health
and Welfare at Work Act 2005, and it operates
under the aegis of the Department of Business,
Enterprise and Innovation.
The Authority’s primary functions include:
4 Monitoring and enforcing compliance
with occupational health and safety
4 Providing information and expert
advice to employers, employees and
the self-employed.
4 Promoting workplace safety, health,
welfare, education and training.
4 Publishing research on workplace
hazards and risks.
4 Acting as Lead National Competent
Authority for a number of chemicals
regulations including REACH
(Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation
and Restriction of Chemicals)
Regulation and the Seveso III Directive.
4 Acting as Market Surveillance Authority
for ensuring the safety of certain
products used in workplaces and
consumer applications.
4 Proposing new regulations and codes
of practice to the Minister.
Mechanisms for Setting Terms
and Conditions
Joint Labour Committees (JLCs) are bodies
established under the Industrial Relations
minimum rates of pay and conditions of
employment for particular employees in
particular sectors. They may be set up by
the Labour Court on the application of (i)
the Minister for Business Enterprise and
Innovation or (ii) a trade union or (iii) any
organisation claiming to be representative
of the workers or the employers involved. A
JLC is made up of equal numbers of employer
and worker representatives appointed by the
Labour Court and a chairman and substitute
chairman appointed by the Minister for
Business Enterprise and Innovation. JLCs
operate in areas where collective bargaining is
not well established and wages tend to be low.
The function of a JLC is to draw up proposals
of employment for the workers affected.
When proposals submitted by a JLC are
adopted by the Labour Court, the Minister for
Business Enterprise and Innovation may give
statutory effect to the proposals through the
making of an Employment Regulation Order.
Employers are then obliged to pay wage rates
and provide conditions of employment not
less favourable than those prescribed.
Any breaches of an Employment Regulation
Order may be referred to the WRC for
appropriate action.
An employer of workers to whom an
Employment Regulation Order applies must
keep records of wages, payments etc., and
must retain these records for three years.
The employer must also post up a prescribed
notice in the place of employment setting
out particulars of the statutory rates of pay
and conditions of employment.
A list of JLCs is available at .
An Employment Agreement is an agreement
relating to the remuneration or the
conditions of employment of workers of any
class, type or group made between a trade
union or trade unions of workers and one or
more than one employer or a trade union of
employers, that is binding only on the parties
to the Agreement in respect of the workers of
that class, type or group.
Any party to an Employment Agreement
may apply to the Labour Court to register the
Agreement. The Labour Court shall register
such agreements in the Register of Employment
Agreements they then become Registered
Employment Agreements - if it is satised
that they comply with rules set down in the
Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2015. The
effect of registration is to make the provisions
of the Registered Agreement legally binding
on the parties to the Agreement only. Any
contraventions of a Registered Employment
Agreement may be referred to the WRC for
appropriate action.
On foot of a request, from a trade union of
workers, a trade union or an organisation
of employers, or a trade union of workers
jointly with a trade union or an organisation
of employers, the Labour Court can carry out
an examination of the remuneration, sick pay
or pension scheme of workers in a particular
economic sector. The Labour Court, having
considered the applicable economic factors,
may make a recommendation to the Minister,
who shall, if he/she is satised that the
Labour Court, in making its recommendation
has complied with the provisions of the
Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act
2015, accept the recommendation and by
Ministerial Order conrm the terms of the
recommendation. Such Order applies to
every worker of the class, type or group
in the economic sector to which it is
expressed to apply, and his or her employer.
The 2015 Act provides for exemptions in
specic circumstances from the obligation
to pay remuneration set down in Sectoral
Employment Orders. Any contraventions of
Sectoral Employment Orders may be referred
to the WRC for appropriate action.
Joint Industrial Councils (JICs) are voluntary
negotiating bodies for particular industries
or parts of industries that are representative
of employers and trade unions. A Council,
provided that it fulls certain conditions,
may register with the Labour Court as a
Joint Industrial Council under the Industrial
Relations Acts. The rules of such Councils
must provide for the referral of disputes to
the Council for consideration before resort
is had to industrial action. A registered JIC
may request the Labour Court to appoint a
chairperson and secretary to the Council.
Adjudication Services
Adjudication Ofcers of the Workplace
Relations Commission (WRC) are statutorily
independent in their decision making duties
as they relate to adjudicating on complaints
referred to them by the WRC Director General.
The Adjudication Ofcer’s role is to hold a
hearing where both parties are given an
opportunity to be heard by the Adjudication
Ofcer and to present any evidence
relevant to the complaint. Hearings of the
Workplace Relations Commission are held
in private. However, complaints may, in
certain instances, be disposed of by means
of written procedure (i.e. without hearing).
mediate or conciliate the case. Parties may
be accompanied and represented at hearings
that, in the opinion of the Adjudication
a practicing barrister or practicing solicitor or
so permits.
The Adjudication Ofcer will then decide
the matter and give a written decision in
relation to the complaint. The decision,
which will be communicated to both parties
and published, will
declare whether the complainant’s
complaint was or was not well founded,
(b) require the employer to comply with
the relevant provision(s),
(c) require the employer to make such
redress as is just and equitable in the
A party to a complaint may appeal to
the Labour Court from a decision of an
The redress that may be granted by an
Adjudication Ofcer in the case of the
different areas of employment and equality
legislation is set out an Appendix I.
Mediation Services (Employment
Rights Issues)
In line with Section 39 of the Workplace
Relations Act 2015, the Workplace Relations
Commission (WRC) may be in a position to
offer a mediation service in certain cases
to facilitate the resolution of complaints/
disputes where possible at an early stage and
without recourse to adjudication. The ability
of the WRC to offer mediation will depend on
a number of factors including the availability
of resources. Complaints/disputes may only
be referred for mediation with the agreement
of both parties to the complaint/dispute.
Mediation seeks to arrive at a solution
through an agreement between the parties,
rather than through an investigation or
hearing or formal decision. The Mediation
Ofcer empowers the parties to negotiate
their own agreement on a clear and informed
basis, should each party wish to do so. The
process is voluntary and either party may
terminate it at any stage.
Mediation can take the form of telephone
conferences with the parties, face-to-face
mediation conferences/meetings or such
other means as the Mediation Ofcer
considers appropriate.
All communications by a Mediation Ofcer
with the parties and all records and notes
held for the purposes of resolving any matter
arecondential andcannotbedisclosedin
any subsequent hearing or investigation
process or in proceedings before a court
(other than proceedings in respect of a
contravention of the terms of a resolution
agreed during the mediation conference).
Where a complaint/dispute is resolved,
whether by mediation or otherwise, the
Mediation Ofcer will record in writing the
terms of the resolution, the parties will be
asked to sign that record and the record of
resolution will be given to the Director General
of the Workplace Relations Commission. A
copy will also be given to each party.
The terms of a resolution are binding on the
parties and if either party contravenes these
terms, the contravention will be actionable in
any court of competent jurisdiction.
The terms of a resolution may not be
party in any proceedings before a court
(other than proceedings in respect of the
contravention of the terms of the resolution).
Where a complaint/dispute is not resolved,
to the complaint or dispute and the Director
General of the WRC in writing of that fact. The
Director General will then refer the complaint
or dispute concerned for adjudication by an
Inspection and Enforcement
Inspectors of the Workplace Relations
Commission are authorised to carry out
inspections, examinations or investigations
for the purposes of monitoring and enforcing
compliance with employment legislation. The
identity of the complainant will not be divulged
to the employer unless the complainant has
given his/her consent to do so.
Where an Inspector determines that
a contravention of specied areas of
employment law (including the non-payment
of certain monies due to an employee under
employment law) has taken place, and the
employer concerned fails or refuses to rectify
the non-compliance the Inspector may issue
a Compliance Notice setting out the steps
the employer must take to effect compliance.
If the employer does not appeal and fails or
refuses to rectify or set out in writing how
he or she proposes to rectify the matters set
out in the notice, the Workplace Relations
Commission may initiate prosecution
proceedings against the employer.
In respect of a specied range of acts of
non-compliance on the part of employers,
If the person on whom the notice is served
pays the charge the matter does not proceed
to Court. However, if the person fails or
refuses to pay the charge the matter can be
progressed to the District Court where the
defendant can defend their position in the
normal way.
WRC inspectors are also appointed by the
Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation
Employment Permit Acts 2003 to 2014.
Mediation (Internal Workplace
Mediation is a voluntary, condential
process that allows two or more disputing
agreeable way with the help of a neutral
third party, a mediator.
The Workplace Mediation Service, which
is provided by ofcers of the Workplace
Relations Commission’s (WRC) Conciliation
and Advisory Services, provides a prompt,
condential and effective remedy
to workplace conicts, disputes and
disagreements. Workplace mediation is
particularly suited to disputes involving
individuals or small groups of workers.
Examples of such disputes would be:
4 Breakdown in a working relationship
4 Issues arising from a grievance and
disciplinary procedure (particularly
before a matter becomes a disciplinary
4 Industrial Relations issues which have
not been the subject of a referral to
dispute), the WRC’s Conciliation Service
or the Labour Court.
The Workplace Mediation Service is focused
on assisting parties to deal effectively with
issues that arise in the workplace. The
provision of this service is subject to the
availability of resources within the Workplace
Relations Commission.
Conciliation Services
The purpose and mission of the Workplace
Relations Commission’s conciliation
service is to provide an impartial, fast and
effective conciliation service operating to a
uniformly high standard in both the public
and private sectors.
Conciliation is a voluntary process in which the
parties to a dispute agree to avail of a neutral
and impartial third party to assist them in
resolving their industrial relations differences.
The Workplace Relations Commission
provides a conciliation service by making
Commission to chair conciliation conferences’.
Theseofcersare sometimesreferredtoas
conferences are basically an extension of
the process of direct negotiations, with an
independent chairperson present to steer the
discussions and explore possible avenues of
settlement in a non-prejudicial fashion.
Participation in the conciliation process
is voluntary, and so too are the outcomes.
Solutions are reached only by consensus,
whether by negotiation and agreements
facilitated between the parties themselves,
or by the parties agreeing to settlement
The Industrial Relations Ofcer treats as
the course of conciliation.
The conciliation process is informal and non-
legalistic in its practice. The parties are free
to represent themselves or be represented by
trade unions or by employer organisations. The
Commission does not believe that the nature
of the process requires legal representation of
either party at conciliation meetings.
All requests for assistance and inquires
may be referred in writing and should be
directed to the Director of Conciliation,
Workplace Relations Commission, Workplace
Mediation and Early Resolution Services and
or by contacting the Workplace Relations
Commission’s Conciliation Services or by
using the online Conciliation Referral Form
Advisory Services
The Workplace Relations Commission’s
Advisory Service promotes good practice
in the workplace by assisting and advising
organisations in all aspects of industrial
relations in the workplace. It engages
with employers, employees and their
representatives to help them to develop
effective industrial relations practices,
procedures and structures. Such assistance
could include reviewing or developing
effective workplace procedures in areas such
as grievance, discipline, communications and
It facilitates joint management–staff forums
to work through issues of mutual concern;
for example workplace change or difcult
industrial relations issues.
It provides good practice training workshops
on a variety of aspects of the employment
relationship including the operation of
workplace procedures and, through a
facilitative process, can assist organisations
to implement them. In addition, the Advisory
Service commissions and publishes research
on current industrial relations themes. The
Advisory Service also facilitates a procedure
to help management and employee
representatives to resolve disputes in
situations where negotiating arrangements
are not in place and where collective
bargaining fails to take place.
Members of the Advisory Service team are
independent, impartial and experienced
in industrial relations practice and theory.
In discussion with the parties concerned, a
designated member of the Advisory team
to the parties and is provided free of charge.
Requests for the assistance of the Advisory
Service may be made by contacting the
Workplace Relations Commission.
Department of
Business, Enterprise and
Workplace Relations
Overall policy and
strategy in relation to
employment rights
Regulation of the
Labour Market and
employment permits
Information Provision
receipt and registration
Adjudication Services
Inspection &
Enforcement Services
Mediation Services
Protection of Young
Persons (Employment)
and Employment
Agency licensing.
See contact us page on
See contact us page on
See contact us page on
See contact us page on
See contact us page on
See contact us page on
or 01-4175333
-808090 or
059 9188990
or 059 9178800
or 01-6136700
Role Email Telephone
Important Contacts
Low Pay Commission
Employment Appeals
Labour Court
Irish Human Rights
and Equality
Conciliation &
Facilitation Services
Workplace Mediation
Advisory Services
Advises the Government
in relation to levels for
national minimum pay
Adjudication on
complaints referred
to the EAT before 1st
October, 2015
Appeals against
adjudication decisions
and compliance notices
and the investigation
of industrial relations
Protection and
promotion of equality
See contact us page on
See contact us page on
or 01-6136700
or 01-6136666
Role Email Telephone
Contract of Employment
Anyone who works for an employer for a
regular wage or salary has automatically a
contract of employment whether written or
not. The Terms of Employment (Information)
Acts 1994 to 2014 dene a contract of
employment as a contract of service or
apprenticeship or any contract under which
workers are supplied by employment
agencies. Contracts may be expressed (oral
or in writing) or implied, Many of the terms
of a contract of employment may emerge
from the common law, statutes or collective
agreements made through trade unions or
may be derived from the custom or practice
in a particular industry.
The Terms of Employment (Information)
Acts 1994 to 2014 provide that an employer
must provide an employee with a written
statement of certain particulars of the terms
of employment. These Acts are outlined
further in this Section.
The Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term
Work) Act 2003 provides that where an
employer proposes to renew a xed-term
contract, the xed-term employee shall be
informed in writing by the employer of the
objective grounds justifying the renewal of
the xed-term contract and the failure to
latest by the date of the renewal. This Act is
outlined further in Section 6 of the Guide.
Employers are required by section 14(1) of the
Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977 to 2007 to give
a notice in writing to each employee setting
out the procedure which the employer will
observe before, and for the purpose of,
dismissing the employee. This must be given
not later than 28 days after entering into a
contract of employment. There is a separate
section in this Guide on dismissals - see
Section 10 - Termination of Employment.
The Payment of Wages Act 1991, gives every
employee the right to a written statement
every pay day with every deduction itemised.
This entitlement is described at Section 9 of
the Guide.
Employment Permits
Non-EEA nationals, except in the cases listed
below, require an employment permit to work
in Ireland. The EEA comprises the Member
States of the European Union together with
Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.
Non-EEA nationals working in Ireland
and their employers may be committing
an offence if the former do not have an
employment permit and are required by the
Employment Permits Acts 2003 to 2014 to
do so. Employment permit holders can only
work for the employer, or as the case may be
the connected person or contractor, and in
the occupation named on the permit. If the
holder of an employment permit ceases, for
any reason, to be employed by the employer,
3 Commencing Employment
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
or as the case may be the connected person
or contractor, named on the permit during the
period of validity of the permit, the original
employment permit and the certied copy
held by the employer, or as the case may by,
the connected person or contractor, must be
returned immediately to the Department of
Business, Enterprise and Innovation.
The following non-EEA nationals do not
require an employment permit:
4 non-EEA workers legally employed in
one Member State who are temporarily
sent on a contract to another Member
State-the employer does not need
to apply for employment permits in
respect of the non-nationals for the
period of contract.
4 a Non-EEA national who has been
granted permission to remain in the
State on one of the following grounds:
4 permission to remain as spouse or a
dependant of an Irish/EEA national,
4 Permission to remain as the parent
of an Irish citizen,
4 Temporary leave to remain in the
State on humanitarian grounds,
having been in the Asylum process,
Explicit permission from the
Department of Justice and Equality to
remain resident and employed in the
4 Permission to be in the State as a
registered student who is permitted
to work 20 hours during term time
and 40 hours during holiday periods,
4 Permission to be in the State
under the terms of the Diplomatic
Relations and Immunities Act 1967,
and are assigned to a Mission of a
country with whom the Government
has entered into a Working
Dependents Agreement,
4 Swiss Nationals: In accordance
with the terms of the European
Communities and Swiss
Confederation Act, 2001, which
came into operation on 1 June, 2002,
this enables the free movement
of worker between Switzerland
and Ireland, without the need for
Employment Permits.
Inspectors in the Workplace Relations
Commission are also appointed by the
Minister for Business Enterprise and
Innovation as authorised ofcers for the
purposes of the Employment Permits Acts.
Terms of Employment (Terms of
Employment (Information) Acts)
The Terms of Employment (Information) Acts
1994 to 2014 require employers to provide
employees with a written statement of
certain particulars of their employees’ terms
of employment. The Acts, in general, apply to
any person
4 working under a contract of
employment or apprenticeship
4 employed through an employment
agency or
4 in the service of the State (including
members of the Garda Siochana and
the Defence Forces, Civil Servants
and employees of any local authority,
health board, harbour authority, the
Health Service Executive or education
and training board).
The Acts do not apply to a person who
has been in the continuous service of the
employer for less than 1 month.
In the case of agency workers, the party
who is liable to pay the wages (employment
agency or client company) is the employer for
the purposes of the Acts and is responsible
for providing the written statement.
The employer must provide the written
statement of particulars within 2 months of
the date of commencement of employment.
In the case of employees whose employment
commenced before 16th May 1994, (the
commencement date of the Act) the written
statement must be provided by the employer
within two months of being requested to do
so by the employee.
The written statement, which is not, of
itself, a contract must include particulars
of the terms of employment relating to
the name and address of the employer, the
place of work, job title/nature of the work,
date of commencement of employment, the
expected duration of contract (if temporary
contract) or the date on which the contract
will expire (if xed term contract), rate or
method of calculation of pay, pay intervals,
hours of work (including overtime), statutory
rest period and rest break entitlements, paid
leave, incapacity for work due to sickness
or injury, pensions and pension schemes,
notice entitlements, registered employment
agreements, employment regulation orders
and collective agreements.
The statement must also indicate the
pay reference period for the purpose of
the National Minimum Wage Act 2000.
Furthermore, the statement of terms must
inform the employee that he/she is entitled
to ask for a statement of his/her average
hourly rate of pay for any pay reference
period falling with in the previous 12 months
as provided for in section 23 of the National
Minimum Wage Act 2000.
As an alternative to providing some of the
details in the statement, an employer may
use the statement to refer the employee
to certain other documents containing the
particulars, provided that the document is
reasonably accessible to the employee.
An employer is also required to notify an
employee of any changes to the particulars
contained in the written statement within 1
month after the change takes effect. Where
an employee is required to work outside the
State for a period of not less than 1 month,
the employer is obliged to add certain
particulars to the written statement and to
provide the statement prior to the employees
Regulations made under the Acts require
employers to give their employees who are
summary of the Protection of Young Persons
(Employment) Act 1996 within one month of
taking up a job.
The Acts provide a right of complaint to
the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC)
where an employee believes that his/her
employer has failed to provide a written
statement in accordance with the terms of
the Acts or failed to notify the employee of
changes to the particulars contained in the
statement. The relevant complaint form is
available on or
by contacting the Commissions Information
and Customer Services on
80 80 90.
There is a right of appeal by either party to
the Labour Court from a decision of a WRC
Additional Information
See Explanatory Booklets on the Terms
of Employment (Information) Acts 1994
and 2001, Protection of Employees (Fixed-
Term Work) Act 2003, Unfair Dismissals
Acts 1977 to 2007 and Payment of Wages
Act 1991, copies of which are available
on request, or downloadable from
Information on Employment Permit
requirements is available from the Department
of Business, Enterprise and Innovation,
Telephone: (01) 417 5333
201 616
Organisation of Working Time
Act 1997
The Organisation of Working Time Act 1997
sets out statutory rights for employees in
respect of rest, maximum working time and
holidays. These rights apply either by law as
set out in the Act, in Regulations made under
the Act or through legally binding collective
agreements. These agreements may vary
the times at which rest is taken or vary the
averaging period over which weekly working
time is calculated.
The 1997 Act does not apply to Members of
the Defence Forces or of the Garda Siochana.
Part II of that Act (which deals with rest
periods, and weekly working hours) does not
apply to hospital doctor in training
, persons
persons employed in the civil protection
those who control their own working
hours or persons employed by a close relative
in a private dwelling house or farm in or on
which both reside.
Certain sectors which were originally
excluded from the scope of the Organisation
of Working Time Act 1997 have now been
covered by working time rules by way of
several sets of Regulations made under
the European Communities Act. These
Regulations either brought a particular sector
within the scope of the 1997 Act or provided
for stand-alone rules for a particular sector
within a set of Regulations. These sectors
include transport workers (other than those
performing mobile road transport activities
and those in civil aviation which are covered
by separate working time Regulations made
under EU Directives related specically to
workers and offshore workers.
Maximum Weekly Working Time
The maximum average working week is 48
hours. Averaging may be balanced out over
a 4, 6 or 12 month period depending on the
4 Working Hours
See the European Communities (Workers on board Sea-going Fishing Vessels( Organisation of Working Time)
Regulations 2003 (SI No. 709 of 2003)
See the Organisation of Working Time (Exemption of Civil Protection Services) Regulations 1998 (SI No. 52 of 1998)
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
Shop employees who work more than 6
hours and whose hours of work include the
hours 11 .30am - 2.30pm must be allowed
a break of one hour which must commence
between the hours 11 .30am - 2.30pm.
These rest periods and rest intervals may
be varied if there is a collective agreement
in place approved by the Labour Court or if
a regulation has been made for a particular
sector. If there are variations in rest periods
Category of Worker
Employees who are night workers
Employees generally
Employees where work is subject to
seasonality, a foreseeable surge in activity
or where employees are directly involved in
ensuring continuity of service or production
Employees who enter into a collective
agreement with their employers which is
approved by the Labour Court
Young people under 18
2 months
4 months
6 months
Up to 12 months
Persons (Employment) Act 1996.
Reference Period for averaging
Rest Type
Rest Breaks
11 consecutive hours daily rest per 24 hour period.
One period of 24 hours rest per week preceded by
a daily rest period (11 consecutive hours).
15 minutes where more than 4 and half hours
6 hours have been worked which may include the
The 48 hour net maximum working week can be averaged according to the following rules:
Every employee has a general entitlement to the following rest periods:
and rest intervals under agreements or in the
permitted sectors, equivalent compensatory
rest must be available to the employee.
Night Workers
Night time is the period between midnight
and 7 am the following day.
Night workers are employees who normally
work at least 3 hours of their daily working
time during night time and the annual
number of hours worked at night equals or
exceeds 50% of annual working time.
Maximum night working time
For nightworkers generally, the maximum
nighttime working hours are 8 hours per
night averaged over 2 months or a longer
period specied in a collective agreement
that must be approved by the Labour Court.
For nightworkers whose work involves
special hazards or heavy physical or mental
strain, there is an absolute limit of 8 hours
in a 24 hour period during which they may
perform night work.
Denitions, exemptions and
other features of the Working
Time Act
Working time is net working time i.e. exclusive
of breaks, on call or stand-by time. Working
employee is at his or her place of work or at
the disposal of the employer and carrying out
the duties or activities of his/her employment.
Exceptional or Unforeseeable Circumstances
- The Act permits exemption from the rest
provisions if there are exceptional, unusual
and unforeseeable circumstances. Equivalent
compensatory rest must be taken within a
reasonable period of time.
Shift and Split Shift Working - The Act
provides for automatic exemption from
the daily and weekly rest period provisions
for shift workers when they change shift
and for workers on split shifts. Equivalent
compensatory rest must be taken within a
reasonable period of time.
Exemption by Regulation - Certain categories
may be exempted from the rest provisions by
regulation. Categories of employees in the
sectors set out in the Organisation of Working
Time (General Exemptions) Regulations,
1998 (S.I. No. 21 of 1998) may, subject to
receiving equivalent compensatory rest, be
exempted from the rest provisions of the
Act. S.I. No. 52 of 1998 (Exemption of Civil
Protection Services) provides exemptions
from the rest and maximum working week
provisions of the Act without a requirement
for equivalent compensatory rest.
Exemption by Collective Agreement - Any
sector or business may be exempted from the
statutory rest times by a collective agreement
approved of by the Labour Court, subject
to equivalent compensatory rest being
made available to the employee. Collective
agreements to vary the rest times may be
drawn up between management and a trade
union or other representative staff body in
any business, organisation or enterprise.
These exemptions are subject to equivalent
compensatory rest being made available to
the employee. This means that, although
employers may operate a exible system
of working, employees must not lose out
on rest. In these circumstances rest may be
postponed temporarily and taken within a
reasonable period of time
Holiday pay is earned against time worked.
All employees, full-time, part-time, temporary
or casual earn holiday entitlements from
the time work is commenced. Note that,
for the purposes of determining holiday
entitlements, a day on which an employee
wason acertiedabsencedue toillness is
deemed to be a working day
The Organisation of Working Time Act 1997
provides that most employees are entitled to
4 weeks annual holidays for each leave year
with pro-rata entitlements for periods of
employment of less than a year. In the case
of employees working a normal 5 day week
this would work out at 1.66 days per month
worked or 20 days.
Depending on time worked, employees’
holiday entitlements should be calculated by
one of the following methods:
(i) 4 working weeks in a leave year in which
the employee works at least 1,365 hours
(unless it is a leave year in which he or
she changes employment).
(ii) 1/3 of a working week per calendar
month that the employee works at least
117 hours.
(iii) 8% of the hours an employee works in a
leave year (but subject to a maximum of
4 working weeks).
The time at which annual leave may be
taken is determined by the employer
having regard to work requirements, and
subject to the employer taking into account
the need for the employee to reconcile
work and family responsibilities, and the
opportunities for rest and recreation
available to the employee.
The Organisation of Working Time Act
provides that the employees concerned or
their trade unions are consulted at least 1
month in advance of the dates selected
by the employer for annual leave. The
employee’s annual leave must be taken
within the leave year to which it relates
or, with the employee’s consent, within 6
months of the next leave year. Where the
illness, unable to take all or part of the leave
during that period of 6 months, that leave
may be taken within 15 months of the end
of that leave year
The pay for the annual leave must be given
in advance of the commencement of the
employee’s annual leave, and is calculated at
the normal weekly rate.
Where an employee ceases to be employed
and annual leave remains to be taken, the
employee should receive compensation for
the loss of any untaken leave calculated
at the normal weekly pay rate or at a rate
proportionate to the normal weekly pay rate
that he/she would have received had he/she
been granted that leave.
See Section 19(1)(A) of the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997 (as inserted by Section 86(1)(a) of the Workplace
Relations Act 2015)
See Section 20(1)(c) of the 1997 Act (as inserted by Section 86(1)(b) of the Workplace Relations Act 2015
Public Holidays
The Organisation of Working Time Act
1997 provides for the following nine public
In respect of each public holiday, an employee
is entitled to:
(i) a paid day off on the holiday, or
(ii) a paid day off within a month, or
(iii) an extra day’s annual leave, or
(iv) an extra days pay
as the employer may decide.
If the public holiday falls on a day on which
the employee normally works, then the
employee is entitled to either a paid day off,
an additional day’s pay, a paid day off within a
month of the day, or an additional day of paid
annual leave for the public holiday.
If the public holiday falls on a day on which
the employee does not normally work, then
the employee is entitled to 1/5th of his/
her normal weekly wage for the day, which
rate of pay is paid if the employee receives
options (i) (ii) or (iv), above, as may be decided
by the employer.
If the employee is asked to work on the
public holiday, then he/she is entitled to
either an additional day’s pay for the day, or a
paid day off within a month of the day, or an
additional day of paid annual leave.
There is no service requirement in respect of
public holidays for whole-time employees.
Other categories of employees (part-time)
qualify for public holiday entitlement
provided they have worked at least 40 hours
during the 5 weeks ending on the day before
a public holiday.
(Note that this Act refers to public holidays
not bank holidays. Not every ofcial bank
holiday is a public holiday though in practice
most of them coincide.)
Sunday Premium
If not already included in the rate of pay,
employees are generally entitled to paid
time-off in lieu or a premium payment for
Sunday working. An employee is entitled to
the premium payment for Sunday working
payable to a comparable employee in a
collective agreement in force in a similar
industry or sector. This means that the
Sunday Premium, if not already paid, will be
equivalent to the closest applicable collective
agreement which applies to the same or
similar work under similar circumstances
and which provides for a Sunday premium.
The premium can be in the form of:
4 An allowance
4 Increased rate of pay
4 Paid time off
4 Combination of the above
Public Holidays
1st January (New Year’s Day)
St. Stephen’s Day.
Zero Hours
Employees will be entitled to be paid for 25%
of the time which they are required to be
available or 15 hours whichever is the lesser,
e.g. if an employees contract of employment
operates to require the employee to be
available for 48 hours in a week, he/she will
be entitled to a minimum payment of 12
hours even if not required to work that week.
The Zero Hours provision does not apply to
lay-offs, short-time, emergency or exceptional
circumstances, employee illness or employee
Records required to be kept by the
employer are prescribed by S.I. No. 473
of 2001, Organisation of Working Time
(Records) (Prescribed Form and Exemptions)
Regulations, 2001. These records must be
retained for 3 years and must be available
for inspection by Inspectors of the Workplace
Relations Commission.
The regulations provide that employers are
required to keep:
(i) a record of the number of hours
worked by employees (excluding
meals and rest breaks) on a daily and
(ii) a record of leave granted to
employees in each week by way of
annual leave or in respect of a public
holiday and payment made in respect
In relation to (i) above, the Regulations
incorporate statutory Form OWT1 on which
employers who do not have electronic
means of recording must record the number
of hours worked by employees on a daily and
weekly basis.
The Regulations also require that an employer
keep a copy of the statement provided to each
employee under the provisions of the Terms
of Employment (Information) Acts 1994 to
2014 See Terms of Employment -Section 3.
The Regulations provide for exemptions,
subject to certain conditions, in relation
to the keeping by employers of records
of rest breaks and rest periods under the
Organisation of Working Time Act 1997.
The Acts provide a right of complaint
to the Workplace Relations Commission
(WRC) where an employee believes that
a contravention of the Organisation of
Working Time Act, 1997 has occurred. The
relevant complaint form is available on or by contacting
the Commissions Information and Customer
Services on
80 80 90. There is a right
of appeal by either party to the Labour Court
Where a WRC inspector is satised
that certain contraventions under the
Organisation of Working Time Act 1997
have occurred, he/she may, in accordance
with Section 28 of the Workplace Relations
Act 2015, issue a Compliance Notice on the
employer setting out the compliance actions
may, not later than 42 days of the service of
the notice, appeal that notice to the Labour
Court. Failure to comply with a Compliance
Notice is an offence. Compliance Notices
may be issued in respect of the following
contraventions of the 1997 Act:
Additional Information
See, Explanatory Leaet on Sunday
Premium and Zero Hours, Explanatory
Leaet on Organisation of Working
Time Act 1997 or Code of Practice on
Compensatory Rest, copies of which are
available on request, or downloadable from
Section of 1997 Act
Failure of employer to grant compensatory rest periods.
Failure of employer to grant a daily rest period
Failure of employer to grant rest breaks
Failure of employer to grant a weekly rest period
Failure of employer to compensate employee for Sunday work
Employer permitting employee to work more than maximum working week
Employer permitting a night worker to work more than the permissible
hours for a 24 hour period
Failure of employer to notify employee of working hours
Failure of employer to make a payment under Section 18(2) to an employee
with zero-based working hours.
Failure of employer to grant annual leave entitlements
purpose of annual leave entitlement
Failure of employer to grant annual public holiday entitlements
Failure of employer to comply with public holiday supplementary provisions
Failure of employer to grant compensation on cessation of employment for
the loss of annual leave
Failure of employer to grant compensation on cessation of employment for
the loss of public holidays
Section 6(2)
Section 11
Section 12
Section 13
Section 14(1)
Section 15(1)
Section 16(2)
Section 17
Section 18
Section 19(1)
Section 19(1)(A)
Section 21
Section 22
Section 23(1)
Section 23(2)
The Protection of Employees (Part-Time
Work) Act 2001 provides that
(i) Apart-timeemployee(asdened
below) cannot be treated in a
less favourable manner than a
comparable full-time employee in
relation to conditions of employment.
(ii) All employee protection legislation
applies to part-time employees in the
same manner as it already applies to
full-time employees. Any qualifying
conditions (with the exception of
any hours thresholds) applying to
full-time employees in any of that
legislation, also apply to part-time
(i) A part-time employee may be treated
in a less favourable manner than
acomparable full-time employee
where such treatment can be
(ii) A part-time employee may be treated
less favourably than a comparable
full-time employee in relation to
any pension scheme or arrangement
when his/her normal hours of work
constitute less than 20 per cent of
the normal hours of work of the
comparable full-time employee.
This provision does not prevent an
employer and a part-time employee
from entering into an agreement
whereby that employee may receive
comparable full-time employee.
Who is Covered By The Act?
In general the Act applies to any part-time
(i) working under a contract of
employment or apprenticeship
(ii) employed through an employment
agency, or
of, the State including members
of the Garda Siochana and the
Defence Forces, civil servants and
employees of any health board,
harbour authority, the Health
Service Executive, local authority or
education and training board.
In the case of agency workers, the party
who is liable to pay the wages (employment
5 Part-Time Employees
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
agency or client company) will, normally, be
deemed to be the employer for the purposes
of the Act and be responsible for ensuring
that a part-time employee is not treated in
a less favourable manner than a comparable
full-time employee.
Objective grounds
A ground would be considered as an objective
ground for treatment in a less favourable
manner, if it is based on considerations
other than the status of the employee as a
part-time worker and the less favourable
treatment is for the purpose of achieving a
legitimate objective of the employer and
such treatment is necessary for that purpose.
Part-Time Employee
A part-time employee means an employee
whose normal hours of work is less than
the normal hours of work of a comparable
employee in relation to him/her.
Full-Time Employee
A full-time employee means an employee
who is not a part-time employee.
Comparable Employee
A comparable employee is a full-time
employee (of the same or opposite sex) to
whom a part-time employee (dened in
the Act as a relevant part-time employee”)
compares himself/herself where the
following conditions are met:
where the comparable employee and
the part-time employee are employed
by the same or associated employer
and one of the conditions referred to
in (i), (ii) or (iii) below is met,
(b) where (a) above does not apply
(including a case where the part-time
employee is the sole employee of the
employer), the full-time employee is
to be a comparable employee in
relation to the part-time employee, or
where neither (a) or (b) above applies,
the full-time employee is employed
in the same industry or sector
of employment as the part-time
employee and one of the conditions
referred to in (i), (ii) or (iii) below is met.
The following are the conditions (i), (ii) and
(iii) referred to above
(i) where both employees perform the
same work under the same or similar
conditions or each is interchangeable
with the other in relation to the work,
(ii) where the work performed by one
of the employees concerned is of
the same or a similar nature to
that performed by the other and
any differences between the work
performed or the conditions under
which it is performed by each, either
are of small importance in relation
to the work as a whole or occur
with such irregularity as not to be
(iii) the work performed by the part-time
employee is equal or greater in value
to the work performed by the other
employee concerned, having regard
to such matters as skill, physical or
mental requirements, responsibility
and working conditions.
Agency Worker
Agency worker means an individual who
agrees with another person, who is carrying
on the business of an employment agency, to
do or perform personally any work or service
for a third person (whether or not the third
person is party to the contract). A part-time
agency worker can only compare himself/
herself to a comparable employee who is also
an agency worker and a part-time employee,
who is not an agency worker, cannot compare
himself to an agency worker.
The 2001 Act provides a right of complaint
to the Workplace Relations Commission
(WRC) where an employee believes that a
contravention of the Protection of Employees
(Part-Time Work) Act 2001 has occurred. The
relevant complaint form is available on or by contacting
the Commission’s Information and
Customer Services on
80 80 90.
There is a right of appeal by either party to
the Labour Court fromadecisionofaWRC
Additional Information
See the Explanatory Booklet on the
Protection of Employees (Part-Time Work)
Act 2001, a copy of which is available
on request, or downloadable from
The Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term
Work) Act 2003 provides that
(i) Axed-termemployee(asdened
below) cannot be treated in a
less favourable manner than a
comparable permanent employee in
relation to conditions of employment.
(ii) All employee protection legislation,
other than unfair dismissal in certain
term employee in the same manner
as it already applies to a permanent
employee. Any qualifying conditions
applying to permanent employees in
any of that legislation, also apply to a
recruited after the enactment of the
Act, where he or she is employed by his
or her employer or associated employer
contracts, the aggregate duration of
such contracts shall not exceed four
years, after which, if the contract is
renewed again, it is deemed to be a
the employer has objective grounds for
employee recruited before the passing
of the Act, the Act provided that where
such an employee completed his or her
third year of continuous employment
with his or her employer or associated
contract could only be renewed by that
further occasion and for a term of no
longer than one year, after which, if
the contract was renewed again, it was
duration, unless the employer had
objective grounds for renewing the
The Act also provides that
in a less favourable manner than a
comparable permanent employee where
less favourably than a comparable
permanent employee in relation to
any pension scheme or arrangement
when his/her normal hours of work
constitute less than 20 per cent of
the normal hours of work of the
comparable permanent employee.
This provision does not prevent an
from entering into an agreement
whereby that employee may receive
comparable permanent employee.
6 Fixed-Term Workers
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
Who is Covered by the Act?
(i) working under a contract of
employment or apprenticeship
(ii) holdingofceunder,orintheservice
of, the State including members of
the Garda Siochana, civil servants
and employees of any health board,
harbour authority, local authority or
vocational educational committee.
The Act does not apply to agency workers
placed by an employment agency at the
a member of the DefenceForces;atrainee
garda or a trainee nurse. However, the Act
applies to agency workers employed directly
by an employment agency.
Objective grounds
A ground would be considered as an objective
ground for treatment in a less favourable
manner, if it is based on considerations
other than the status of the employee as a
treatment is for the purpose of achieving a
legitimate objective of the employer and
such treatment is necessary for that purpose.
Where, as regards any term of his or her
contract, a xed-term employee is treated
by his or her employer in a less favourable
manner than a comparable permanent
employee, the treatment in question shall
(for the purposes of section 6(2) of the Act)
if the terms of the xed-term employee’s
contract of employment, taken as a whole,
are at least as favourable as the terms of the
comparable permanent employees contract
of employment.
Fixed-Term Employee
The term xed-term employee means a
person who has entered into a contract of
employment with an employer where the
end of the contract is determined by an
objective condition such as arriving at a
The term “xed-term employee does not
include employees in initial vocational
training or in apprenticeship schemes nor
employees with a contract of employment
concluded within the framework of a
publicly-supported training, integration or
vocational retraining programme.
Permanent Employee
A permanent employee means an employee
Comparable Permanent
An employee is a comparable permanent
employee in relation to a xed-term
employee if
(a) the permanent employee and the
by the same or associated employer
and one of the conditions referred to
in (i), (ii) or (iii) below is met,
(b) where (a) above does not apply
term employee is the sole employee
of the employer) the permanent
agreement, being an agreement
that for the time being has effect
term employee, to be a comparable
term employee, or
(c) where neither (a) nor (b) above
the employee is employed in the same
industry or sector of employment as
the conditions referred to in (i), (ii) or
(iii) below is met.
The following are the conditions (i), (ii) and
(iii) referred to above
(i) both employees perform the same
work under the same or similar
conditions or each is interchangeable
with the other in relation to the work,
the work performed by one of the
employees concerned is of the same
or a similar nature to that performed
by the other and any differences
between the work performed or
the conditions under which it is
performed by each, either are of small
importance in relation to the work as
a whole or occur with such irregularity
the work performed by the relevant
greater in value to the work performed
by the other employee concerned,
having regard to such matters as
skill, physical or mental requirements,
responsibility and working conditions.
The comparable permanent employee can
be either of the opposite sex to the xed-
term employee concerned or of the same sex
as him or her.
Objective Conditions
shall be informed in writing by his or her
employer as soon as practicable of the
objective condition determining the contract,
i.e. whether it is
(i) arrivingataspecicdate,
(ii) completingaspecictask,or
Objective Grounds Justifying a
The Act provides that where an employer
proposes to renew a xed-term contract
the employee shall be informed in writing,
not later than the date of renewal, of the
objective grounds justifying the renewal of
the xed-term contract and the failure to
It further provides that the written statements
referred to in this paragraph and in the
paragraph immediately above are admissible
as evidence in any proceedings under the Act. It
is also provided for in the Act that a Workplace
Relations Commission Adjudication Ofcer
or the Labour Court may draw any inference
he, she or it considers just and equitable if it
appears to him, her or it that (a) an employer
omitted to provide a written statement, or (b)
a written statement is evasive or equivocal.
Indenite Fixed-Term Contracts
An employer cannot employ an employee on
Employees on xed-term
Once a xed-term contract employee
completes or has completed 3 years
continuous employment with his or her
employer or associated employer, the
term on one further occasion only and that
renewal may be for a period of no longer
than 1 year.
Where such an employee is employed by his
or her employer or associated employer on 2
aggregate duration of those contracts may
not exceed 4 years.
Where a term of an employment contract
purports to limit the term of the employment
contract of either category of employee
mentioned above, in contravention of the
above rules, that term shall be void and of
no effect and the contract concerned shall be
a permanent contract.
The above-mentioned rules do not apply
where there are objective grounds justifying
the renewal of a contract of employment for
The First Schedule to the Minimum Notice
and Terms of Employment Act 1973 -relating
to continuous employment - determines
whether employment on xed-term
contracts is continuous or not.
Vacancies and training
term employee to have the same opportunity
as other employees to secure a permanent
position, an employer shall inform him or
her in relation to relevant vacancies which
occur in the undertaking. This information
may be provided by means of a general
announcement at a suitable place in the
employee’s place of employment. However,
to appropriate training opportunities, the Act
provides that such access shall be provided
by an employer as far as practicable.
Information aboutxed-term
The Act provides that employers shall,
as far as practicable consider informing
employees’ representatives about xed-
term work in the undertaking.
The 2003 Act provides a right of complaint
to the Workplace Relations Commission
(WRC) where an employee believes that a
contravention of the Protection of Employees
(Fixed-Time Work) Act 2003 has occurred.
The relevant complaint form is available on or by contacting
the Commission’s Information and
Customer Services on
80 80 90.
There is a right of appeal by either party to
the Labour Court fromadecisionofaWRC
Additional Information
See the Explanatory Booklet on the
Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work)
Act 2003, a copy of which is available
on request, or downloadable from
While the employment of children under
16 is generally prohibited by the Protection
of Young Persons (Employment) Act 1996, a
child over 14 years may be permitted to do
light work during school holidays provided
it is not harmful to health, development or
schooling or may be employed as part of
an approved work experience or education
programme. A child over 15 may also do such
work for up to 8 hours a week during school
term. Any child under 16 may be employed in
lm, theatre, sports or advertising activities
under licence from the Minister for Jobs,
Enterprise and Innovation
An employer wishing to employ anyone
a child under 16 the employer must also
get written permission from the parents
or guardian.
The 1996 Act further provides for the setting
of limits to the working hours of young
people (i.e. 16 and 17 year olds) and for rest
intervals and prohibits night work.
As regards working hours, young people (16
and 17 year olds) may not work for more than
8 hours in any day or 40 hours in any week.
Employers who employ young people under
18 years of age must display a summary of the
Act (available in poster form), and also give a
summary of the Act to the employee within 1
month of the commencement of employment.
Proceedings for contraventions of the
provisions of the 1996 Act may be taken
by the Workplace Relations Commission
or by the employee’s trade union (with
certain exceptions) within 12 months of the
alleged breach. Young people and parents/
guardians (of a child) may also refer certain
contraventions of the Act to the Workplace
Relations Commission for adjudication.
7 Employment of Children
and Young Persons
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
Applications for such licences are received and processed by the Workplace Relations Commission
Children over age 14
**The reference to “work experience in the table above is to training or work experience programmes approved by
the Minister of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation or an tSeirbhis Oideachais Leanunaigh agus Scileanna (SOLAS)..
8am - 8pm
8am - 8pm
40 hours/8 hours
40 hours/8 hours
Max hours per
week/day during
school term
Max hours per
week/day outside
school term
hours of work
Maximum work
experience per
week/day **
Children over the age of 14 may only be
employed in light work, that is, non-industrial
work where there is no risk to the health and
safety of the child, and which is not harmful
to their attendance at school. 14 and 15 year
olds must be allowed a 21 day break from
work in the Summer. They must also be given
a 30 minutes break if working more than 4
hours. If working during the summer holidays,
14 and 15 year olds must get 2 days off in
every week which shall, as far as is practicable,
be consecutive.
Sixteen and seventeen year olds must receive
a 30 minutes break if working for more than a
4.5 hour period. They must receive 2 days off
in every 7, which shall, as far as is practicable,
be consecutive.
Regulations have been made which permit
young persons (i.e. 16 and 17 year olds)
employed on general duties or as apprentices,
in licensed premises to work beyond 10pm in
requirements. There is also a Code of Practice
Concerning the Employment of Young
Persons in Licensed Premises.
Additional Information
The Explanatory Booklet on the Protection
of Young Persons (Employment) Act 1996,
a summary of the Act in both poster and
leaet format and the Code of Practice are
available on request, or downloadable from
Summary of Provisions in Relation to Employment of Children over age 14
Young People
16 &
8 40 6am-10pm
Max hours per week/day
during school term
Max hours per week Permitted hours of work
Summary of Provisions in Relation to Employment of Young People.
The Carer’s Leave Act 2001 provides an
employee with an entitlement to avail of
unpaid leave from his/her employment to
enable him/her to personally provide full-time
care and attention for a person who is in need
of such care. The period of leave to which an
employee is entitled is subject to a maximum of
104 weeks in respect of any one care-recipient
(hereafter referred to as a relevant person”). The
minimum statutory entitlement is 13 weeks.
Who is covered by the Act?
In general, the Act applies to any person
(i) working under a contract of
employment or apprenticeship,
(ii) employed through an employment
agency, or
service of, the State (including a
civil servant within the meaning
of the Civil Service Regulation Act
authority for the purposes of the
Local Government Act 1941, or of a
harbour authority, the Health Service
Executive, an education and training
board and a member of the Garda
Siochana or of the Defence Forces.
In the case of agency workers, the party
who is liable to pay the wages (employment
agency or client-company) is the employer
for the purposes of this Act.
Entitlement to Carer’s Leave
An employee who wishes to avail of Carer’s
Service requirement: an employee must
have completed at least 12 months’
continuous service with the employer from
whose employment the leave is taken
before the commencement of the leave.
There is no hours threshold in the Act.
(ii) Provision of Full-Time Care and Attention:
the employee must intend to take Carer’s
Leave for the purpose of personally
providing full-time care and attention to
a person (a relevant person”) who is in
need of such and must actually do so for
the duration of the leave.
The requirement to provide full-time
care and attention will be assessed on
an individual basis by the Department
of Employment Affairs and Social
Protection. It is not intended nor is it
desirable, that an employee on Carer’s
Leave would be expected to provide care
on a 24-hour basis.
8 Carer’s Leave
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labout and Equality Law
'Relevant Person -Need for Full-Time Care
and Attention: the relevant person (i.e.
the person receiving full-time care and
attention) must be deemed to be in need of
full-time care and attention by a deciding
of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.
This decision is based on information
provided by the relevant person’s general
medical practitioner and assessed by that
Department’s medical advisor.
Application forms (Form CARB1) are available
(Telephone: 043 -40087). The completed form
Department of Employment Affairs and Social
Protection, Balinalee Road, Longford.
The one medical assessment will sufce for
both Carer’s Leave and Carer’s Benet (the
Department of Employment Affairs and Social
Protection State payment).
Meaning of ‘Full-time care
and attention’
According to Department of Employment
Affairs and Social Protection Regulations, this
means that a person being cared for must be
so disabled as to require:
(a) continuous supervision and frequent
assistance throughout the day in
connection with his/her normal
personal needs, e.g. help to walk and
get about, eat or drink, wash, bathe,
dress etc. or
(b) continuous supervision in order to
avoid danger to him/herself.
The entitlement criteria outlined at (a) and
(b) above are also required to qualify for the
parallel State payment of Carer’s Benet. The
two schemes, Carer’s Leave and Carer’s Benet,
are administered in tandem in respect of these
criteria. Further information in relation to the
Carer’s Benet Scheme may be obtained from
Other Carer’s Leave eligibility criteria are set
out in the Carer’s Leave Explanatory Booklet.
Manner in which Carer’s Leave
may be taken
The Act provides that the leave shall be taken
in either one continuous period of 104 weeks
or one or more periods, the total duration of
which amounts to not more than 104 weeks.
The minimum statutory entitlement that may
be taken in one period at the discretion of
the employee is 13 weeks. An employer and
employee, however, may agree to terms more
favourable to the employee.
Intervals between periods of
Carer’s Leave
Where Carer’s Leave is not taken by an
employee in one continuous period of 104
weeks there must be a gap of at least 6
weeks between periods of Carer’s Leave
taken in respect of the same relevant person.
An employee proposing to avail of Carer’s
Leave for another relevant person cannot
generally do so until a period of 6 months
has elapsed from the date of termination of
the leave in respect of the previous relevant
person. This provision does not apply where
two relevant persons reside together.
Protection of Employment Rights
During absence on Carer’s Leave, an
employee shall be regarded as still working
in the employment for all purposes relating
to his or her employment and none of his
or her rights or obligations relating to the
employment shall be affected by taking the
leave with the following exceptions:
(i) there is no right to remuneration
obligation to pay superannuation
contributions in, or in respect of, the
(ii) the right to annual leave is restricted
13 weeks only of the Carer’s Leave
entitlement in respect of any one
relevant person.
(iii) the right to public holidays is
likewise restricted to the period
of the Carer’s Leave entitlement in
respect of any one relevant person.
Absence from employment while on Carer’s
Leave shall not be treated as part of any other
leave to which the employee is entitled (e.g. sick
leave, annual leave, adoptive leave, maternity
leave, parental leave or force majeure leave.)
Protection against Penalisation
including Dismissal
The Carer’s Leave Act 2001 prohibits an
employer from penalising an employee on the
grounds that he/she has exercised or proposes
to exercise his/her right to Carer’s Leave.
Penalisation of an employee includes (a)
dismissal of the employee (b) unfair treatment
of the employee, including selection for
redundancy, and (c) an unfavourable change
in the conditions of employment of the
The general 1 year service requirement
under the Unfair Dismissals Acts is not
applicable where an employee is dismissed
for exercising his/her rights under the Carer’s
Leave Act.
Notication of Intention to take
Carer’s Leave
An employee must give written notice to his/
her employer of the intention to take Carer’s
Leave, not later than 6 weeks before the
employee proposes to commence the leave.
The statement of notice must contain the
following details:
(i) the date on which the employee
(ii) thedurationoftheleave;
(iii) the manner in which the employee
(iv) a statement that an application for
on appeal) that the person to be
cared for is a relevant person for the
purposes of Carer’s Leave Act 2001
has been made to the Department
of Employment Affairs and Social
(v) the employee’s signature and date.
A sample of the Notice of Intention to take
Carers Leave is set out at Appendix A to the
Carers Leave Booklet.
Exceptional or Emergency
In exceptional or emergency circumstances,
where it is not reasonably practicable for an
employee to give notice in accordance with
the Act, such notice must be given as soon as
it is reasonably practicable for the employee
to do so.
Conrmation of Carers Leave
Once an employee has given notice of his
or her intention to take Carers Leave, the
employee must give the employer a copy
of the decision from the deciding ofcer
(or appeals ofcer) of the Department of
Employment Affairs and Social Protection
that the person in respect of whom the
employee proposes to avail of Carers Leave
requiring full-time care and attention.
The employee and the employer must then
prepare a conrmation document. This
document must be prepared and signed no
later than 2 weeks before the leave is due
to begin and must include -the date on
employer and employee.
Appendix B to the Carer’s Leave Explanatory
The 2001 Act provides a right of complaint
to the Workplace Relations Commission
(WRC) where an employee believes that a
contravention of the Carers Leave Act 2001
has occurred. The relevant complaint form is
available on or
by contacting the Commissions Information
and Customer Services on
80 80 90.
There is a right of appeal by either party to
the Labour Court from a decision of a WRC
WhereaWRC inspector issatisedthat an
employer has failed to grant annual leave
entitlements to an employee on carers
leave, contrary to Section 13(2) of the Carer’s
Leave Act 2001, he/she may, in accordance
with Section 28 of the Workplace Relations
Act 2015, issue a Compliance Notice on the
employer setting out the compliance actions
may, not later than 42 days of the service of
the notice, appeal that notice to the Labour
Court. Failure to comply with a Compliance
Notice is an offence.
Additional Information
See the Explanatory Booklet on the
Carers Leave Act 2001, a copy of which is
available on request, or downloadable from
Pay rates are normally determined by the
contract of employment. Rates of pay where
specied in collective agreements between
trade unions and employers may also be
incorporated expressly or by implication in the
individual employees contract of employment.
Minimum Rates of Pay
The National Minimum Wage Acts 2000
and 2015 provide that employees should
be paid for their working hours at an
hourly rate of pay that, on average, is not
less than the prescribed minimum hourly
rate of pay. The national minimum hourly
rate of pay is prescribed from time to
time by order made by the Minister for
Business, Enterprise and Innovation under
Section 10(D) of the 2000 Act. Details
of the existing rate are available on or by contacting
the Workplace Relations Commissions
Information and Customer Services at
80 80 90.
Legal minimum rates of pay for particular
categories of employees may also be laid
down in Employment Regulation Orders
(EROs), Registered Employment Agreements
(REAs) and Sectoral Employment Orders
(SEOs). Further details on these are available
in Section 2 of this Guide under the heading-
Mechanisms for Setting Terms and Conditions.
The duty to pay wages is a fundamental
aspect of an employer’s obligations. If
the employer fails to do so an employee
may present a complaint to the Workplace
Relations Commission under the Payment
of Wages Act 1991 or alternatively sue
for wages due in the ordinary courts.
If an Employment Regulation Order or
a Registered Employment Agreement
governs an employee’s pay, employers
will be guilty of an offence under the
Industrial Relations Acts if they fail to pay
wages or if they pay less than the statutory
prescribed rate. The Workplace Relations
Commission will, through its Inspection
and Enforcement Services, seek to recover
unpaid wages in such instances and will
initiate legal proceedings if necessary
see Section 2.
Who is covered?
The National Minimum Wage Acts
2000 and 2015 apply to all employees,
including full-time, part-time, temporary
and casual employees except the
following categories of employees who
are excluded from its provisions:
(i) close relatives of the employer such
as a spouse, father, mother, son,
9 Pay/Wages
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
(ii) apprentices within the meaning
of or under the Industrial Training
Act 1967 or the Labour Services
Act 1987 including an apprentice
printer, bricklayer, mechanic, plumber,
carpenter/joiner and electrician, or
(iii) any non-commercial work
undertaken by prisoners.
Minimum Hourly Rates of Pay
The National Minimum Wage Acts 2000
and 2015 provide that an experienced adult
worker must be paid an average hourly rate
of pay that is not less than the national
minimum wage in a pay reference period.
A pay reference period may be a week, a
fortnight or no longer than a month. For the
purposes of the Acts, an experienced adult
worker is an employee who is not:
(i) under age 18, or
(ii) inthersttwoyearsafterthedateof
(iii) a trainee undergoing a course that
out in S.I. No. 99 of 2000.
The table over illustrates the circumstances
where an employer may pay a lower rate than
the national minimum wage rate shown above.
Determining the average hourly
rate of pay
The gross reckonable pay earned by an
employee in a pay reference period is divided
by the employee’s working hours in that pay
reference period. The average hourly rate
of pay obtained must be not less than the
minimum hourly rate of pay entitlement of
the employee, as detailed in the Table over.
The statutory minimum hourly rates of pay are
gross amounts i.e. before tax/PRSI is deducted.
Working Hours
The working hours of an employee for the
purposes of the Acts include any overtime
hours worked in the pay reference period,
any time spent on standby in the workplace,
and any training time during normal working
hours. Working hours for the purposes of the
Act do not include the time that an employee
is absent from work on annual leave, sick
leave, protective leave, adoptive leave,
parental leave, while laid-off, on strike or time
for which an employee is paid in lieu of notice.
Reckonable and Non-Reckonable
Reckonable pay means those payments
or benets in kind that are allowable in
calculating the average hourly rate of pay
of an employee, in order to determine if the
employee has been paid his/her minimum
hourly rate of pay entitlement under the
Act. Information on reckonable and non-
reckonable pay components is contained in
the Detailed Guide to the National Minimum
Wage Acts, which may be downloaded from
or obtained
from the Workplace Relations Commission
80 80 90).
Training / Study Criteria
The criteria that a course of training or study
must satisfy for the purposes of the Act, in
order for an employer to pay an employee
the trainee rates, are set out in the Detailed
Guide to the National Minimum Wage Acts. An
employer, even if an employee changes his/
her job, cannot pay an employee the trainee
rates a second time unless the employee
undergoes a course of training or study that
is different in purpose or content from the
previous training or study undertaken by the
An employer must keep all records that
necessary to show whether this Act
is being complied with in relation to an
Employee % of National Minimum
Rate of Pay
Experienced adult worker
Employee under age 18
employment over age 18, whether or not the employee
changes employer during the year
over age 18, whether or not the employee changes employer
during the year*
Employee in a course of training or study over age 18,
undertaken in normal working hours
1st 1/3rd period
2nd 1/3rd period
3rd 1/3rd period
Note: Each 1/3rd period must be at least 1 month
and no longer than 12 months.
Experienced adult worker named by the Labour Court in
granting a temporary exemption to an employer from paying
the national minimum hourly rate of pay.
Note: Minimum period of temporary exemption is 3 months
and maximum period is 12 months
The Labour Court will decide
the lower hourly rate of pay
that the employee must be
paid for the period of the
temporary exemption.
* Employment experience prior to age 18 is not taken into account for these rates.
The statutory minimum hourly rates of pay are gross amounts i.e. before tax/PRSI is deducted.
employee, for at least 3 years from the
date any record is made. The records must
be kept by the employer at the premises
or place where the employee works, or if
the employee works at 2 or more premises
or places, the premises or place from
which the activities of the employee are
principally directed or controlled.
In general employment rights legislation
does not provide for overtime. While
the Organisation of Working Act 1997
regulates rest breaks and maximum weekly
working hours it does not cover overtime
payment. Employees do not have a statutory
entitlement to overtime pay.
Policy in relation to overtime pay may be
decided by the employer and agreed as
part of the employees terms and conditions
of employment or through collective
agreements negotiated between employers
and employee representatives.
A number of employment sectors may have
pay and conditions of employment that
are regulated by means of Employment
Regulation Orders (EROs) or Registered
Employment Agreements (REAs), that are
legally binding on employers in the sectors to
which they apply. A small number of individual
rms mayalso have binding REAs. Some of
the EROs/REAs may regulate overtime pay.
The Terms of Employment (Information)
Act 1994 to 2014 provide that an employer
is obliged to provide an employee with a
written statement of terms of employment
within 2 months of the commencement
of employment. The written statement of
terms must include information on any
terms or conditions relating to hours of work
including overtime, as well as information on
the rate of pay of the employee or how the
pay is calculated.
Methods of Payment
The Payment of Wages Act 1991 provides
that every employee has the right to a
readily negotiable mode of wage payment.
The modes of payment prescribed in the Act
include cheque, credit transfer, cash, postal/
money order and bank draft.
Statement of Wages
The 1991 Act obliges employers to give to each
employee with every wage packet a written
statement of gross wages (payslip) itemising
each deduction. It is an offence not to do so. If
wages are paid by credit transfer, the statement
of wages should be given to the employee
soon after the credit transfer has taken
place. Complaints to the Workplace Relations
Commission regarding the non provision of
payslips/written statements of gross wages
will be investigated by an inspector.
Employers may not make deductions from
wages or receive payment from their workers
4 provided for in the contract of
employment, for example, certain
or to make good such shortcomings
as bad workmanship, breakages or
goods and services necessary for the
job such as the provision or cleaning of
4 made with the written consent of the
employee, for example a private health
insurance payment or trade union
Special restrictions are placed on employers
in relation to deductions (or the receipt of
payments) from wages that:-
(i) arise from any act or omission of the
employee, or
(ii) are in respect of the supply to the
employee by the employer of goods
or services that are necessary to the
A deduction from wages of the kind described
at (i) or (ii) above must be authorised by
virtue of a term in the employees contract
of employment.
The employee must be given at some time
prior to the act or omission, or the provision
of the goods or services, written details of
the terms in the contract of employment
governing the deduction (or payment to the
employer) from wages.
When a written contract exists, a copy of the
term of the contract that provides for the
deduction (or payment) must be given to the
employee. In any other case, the employee
must be given written notice of the existence
and effect of the term.
The amount of the deduction described
at (i) or (ii) above must be fair and
reasonable having regard to all the
circumstances including the amount of
the wages of the employee.
In addition to the above, in the case of
a deduction that is related to the act or
omission of an employee, the employee
must be given particulars in writing of
the act or omission and the amount of
the deduction (or payment) at least one
week before the deduction (or payment)
is made.
Sick Pay and Sick Leave
In general the matter of sick pay and sick
leave is not covered under employment
rights legislation. Policy on sick pay and
sick leave in individual companies may
be decided by the employer and agreed as
part of the employee’s terms and conditions
of employment or may be set out through
collective agreements negotiated between
employers and employee representatives.
The Terms of Employment Acts 1994 to 2014
provide that an employer is obliged to provide
an employee with a written statement of
terms of employment within 2 months of
the commencement of employment. The
written statement of terms of employment
must include information on the terms or
conditions relating to incapacity for work due
to sickness or injury.
The Payment of Wages Act 1991 provides
that an employee who does not receive sick
pay as per his/her terms of employment
may refer a complaint to the Workplace
Relations Commission for adjudication. The
relevant complaint form is available on
Employees have the right to complain to the
Workplace Relations Commission in relation
to entitlements under the National Minimum
Wage Acts 2000 and 2015, an unlawful
deduction (or payment) from wages or in
the event of non-payment of wages. The
relevant complaint form is available on or by contacting
the Commission’s Information and
Customer Services on
80 80 90.
There is a right
of appeal by either party to the Labour Court
An employee cannot refer a dispute to
the Workplace Relations Commission for
adjudication by an Adjudication Ofcer in
relation to entitlements under the National
Minimum Wage Acts 2000 and 2015 unless
the employee has written to the employer
requesting a written statement of his/her
average hourly rate of pay from the employer,
or periods that are the subject of the dispute,
and has either obtained that statement,
or waited for the 4 weeks to elapse during
which the employer is permitted to respond
to the employee’s request.
Where a WRC inspector is satised that an
illegal deduction from wages has occurred,
contrary to Section 5 of the Payment of
Wages Act 1991, he/she may, in accordance
with Section 28 of the Workplace Relations
Act 2015, issue a Compliance Notice on the
employer setting out the compliance actions
may, not later than 42 days of the service of
the notice, appeal that notice to the Labour
Court. Failure to comply with a Compliance
Notice is an offence.
Section 23 of the National Minimum Wage
Act 2000 provides for the offence of failure
to comply with a request for a written
statement of the employees average hourly
rate of pay. Where a WRC inspector has
reasonable grounds for believing that such
an offence has occurred, he/she may serve
a Fixed Payment Notice on that employer in
accordance with Section 36 of the Workplace
Relations Act 2015. If the employer pays the
charge specied on the Notice the matter
does not proceed to Court. However, if the
person fails or refuses to pay the charge
the matter can be progressed to the District
Court where the defendant can defend their
position in the normal way.
An employee may also request an inspector
of the Workplace Relations Commission to
investigate an allegation that an employer
has failed to pay the hourly rates of pay
prescribed under the National Minimum
Wage Acts 2000 and 2015. The complaint
form available on
may also be used to present such a request.
However, an employee may not refer a
dispute for adjudication by an Adjudication
Ofcer and also request an inspector to
investigate the same alleged under-payment
of the employee’s statutory minimum hourly
rate of pay entitlement.
Section 4 of the Payment of Wages Act
1991 provides that an employer must give
employees a written statement of gross
wages (payslip) itemising each deduction.
Where a WRC inspector has reasonable
grounds for believing that the offence of
failing to provide such a statement has
occurred, he/she may serve a Fixed Payment
Notice on that employer in accordance
with Section 36 of the Workplace Relations
Act 2015. If the employer pays the charge
proceed to Court. However, if the person fails
or refuses to pay the charge the matter can
be progressed to the District Court where the
defendant can defend their position in the
normal way.
Additional Information
See the Explanatory Booklets on the
Payment of Wages Act 1991 and the National
Minimum Wage Acts, copies of which are
available on request, or downloadable from
Minimum Notice
The Minimum Notice and Terms of
Employment Acts 1973 to 2005 provide
that employees in continuous service with
the same employer for at least 13 weeks
are entitled to a minimum period of notice
before the employer may dismiss them.
All part-time employees, regardless of the
number of hours worked, are also covered by
the Acts.
The period of notice to which an employee is
entitled varies according to length of service
as follows:
The Acts also provide that employers are
entitled to at least one week’s notice of
termination from employees who have been
employed by them for thirteen weeks or more.
Notice entitlements under the contract of
employment may exceed the minimum periods
stipulated in the Acts but any provision in a
contract of employment for shorter periods of
notice than the statutory minimum periods has
no effect. The Acts do not, however, preclude an
employer or employee from waiving their right
to notice or accepting payment in lieu of notice.
The Acts do not affect the right of an
employer or employee to terminate a
contract of employment without notice due
to the misconduct of the other party.
The First Schedule to The Minimum Notice
and Terms of Employment Acts 1973 to
2005 applies for the purpose of ascertaining
the period of service of an employee and
whether that service has been continuous, for
the purposes of a number of the Acts dealing
with employment rights.
10 Termination of Employment
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
Length of Service Minimum Notice
Thirteen weeks to less than two years
Five years to less than ten years
One week
Two weeks
Four weeks
Six weeks
Eight weeks
The Redundancy Payments Acts 1967-2014
impose a statutory obligation on employers
to pay compensation to employees dismissed
for reasons of redundancy or laid off or
kept on short-time for a minimum period
Redundancy arises where the employer has
ceased to carry out business, an employees
job ceases to exist, work of a particular
nature has ceased, a permanent reduction in
the numbers employed has or is due to occur,
reorganisation, etc..
The Redundancy Payments Acts 1967 - 2014
provide as follows:
(i) That an employee with 104 weeks’
continuous service, aged from 16, and
whose employment is terminated
because of redundancy is entitled to
a redundancy lump-sum payment.
Part-Time workers are included in
this by virtue of the Protection of
Employment (Part-Time Work) Act
2001 and the Redundancy Payments
Act 2003.
(ii) That the statutory redundancy lump-
sum entitlement is calculated as
4 2 weeks pay for every year of
service, subject to the statutory
calculated, a bonus week’s gross
pay, subject to the prevailing
statutory ceiling, is added on to
Redundancy Calculator
To calculate your redundancy entitlements,
please visit and access the
Redundancy Calculator.
The minimum period is 4 or more consecutive weeks or for a period of 6 or more weeks which are not consecutive but
which fall within a period of 13 consecutive weeks.
It is strongly recommended that employers/
employees/liquidators, etc. use this
redundancy calculation facility for accuracy
and speed of calculation.
Note that any non-reckonable service only
arises in the last 3 years of employment. All
therefore, fully reckonable for redundancy
calculation purposes. Also, excess” days
(periods less than a full year) are credited as
a proportion of a year.
The Redundancy Payments Acts, 1967 to 2014
further provide that the lump-sum must be
paid by the employer direct to the employee.
An employer may decide to make a payment in
excess of the statutory requirement to employees
this is entirely a matter for the employer. The
Department of Employment Affairs and Social
Protection’s role relates exclusively to the
payment of the statutory entitlement.
It should be noted that statutory redundancy
employer rebates do not apply where the
date of dismissal due to redundancy is on
or after 1st January 2013. Where the date
of dismissal occurred in 2012 the employer
rebate is 15%. If the date of dismissal was in
2011 or earlier the employer rebate is 60%.
Employers must give at least 2 weeks’ written
notice of redundancies. On the date of the
termination of employment the employer
should pay the redundancy lump sum due.
Information for employers on making a
redundancy claim using the online facility
(Form RP50) is available on
If an employer has not paid a redundancy lump
sum, the employee should apply to his/her
employer using form RP 77 (pdf), also available
on If the employer still does
not pay the lump sum, the employee can apply
to the Department of Employment Affairs and
Social Protection for direct payment from the
Social Insurance Fund as follows:
4 If the employer is unable to pay the
redundancy lump sum, the employer
should complete and sign the RP50.
They should also submit a letter from
an accountant or solicitor stating that
they are unable to pay and accepting
liability for 100% of the lump
sum (85% for a dismissal in 2012)
owing to the Social Insurance Fund.
Documentary evidence such as audited
accounts should also be included.
4 
If the employer refuses to pay the
redundancy lump sum or if there
is a dispute about redundancy the
employee may present a complaint to
the Workplace Relations Commission
(WRC). This must be done in the normal
course within one year of the date of
termination of employment. Then the
employee may apply for the lump sum
by sending a completed form RP50
to the Redundancy Payments Section
of the Department of Employment
Affairs and Social Protection together
with a favourable decision from a WRC
Collective Redundancies
The Protection of Employment Acts 1977
to 2014 provide that, where employers
are planning collective redundancies,
they are obliged to supply the employees’
representatives with specic information
regarding the proposed redundancies and to
consult with those representatives at least
to see if the redundancies can be avoided or
lessened or their effects mitigated.
These consultations must also cover
the basis on which it will be decided
which particular employees will be made
redundant. Employers must also give written
notice of their intentions to the Minister for
Employment Affairs and Social Protection at
There are penalties for failure to comply with
these provisions.
A collective redundancy means the dismissal
for redundancy reasons over any period of 30
consecutive days of:
(i) at least 5 persons in an
establishment normally employing
more than 20 and less than 50
(ii) at least 10 persons in an
establishment normally employing at
least 50 but less than 100 employees,
(iii) at least 10% of the number of
employees in an establishment
normally employing at least 100 but
less than 300 employees,
(iv) at least 30 persons in an
establishment normally employing
300 or more employees.
There are regulations in place since 21st
December, 2000 - European Communities
(Protection of Employment) Regulations,
2000 (S.I. No. 488 of 2000) which amend
the Protection of Employment Act 1977 to
provide representation of, and consultation
with, employees in the absence of a trade
union, staff association etc.
The purpose of the Insolvency Payments
Scheme, which is provided for in the
Protection of Employees (Employers’
Insolvency) Acts 1984 to 2012, is to protect
certain outstanding pay-related entitlements
of employees in the event of their
employer becoming insolvent as dened
in the legislation. Insolvency includes such
circumstances as liquidation, receivership
and bankruptcy.
The main employee entitlements payable
under the Scheme are arrears of wages,
sick pay, holiday pay and pay in lieu of
notice due under the Minimum Notice and
Terms of Employment Acts. Payments on
foot of adjudication decisions or mediation
under equality, maternity
leave, adoptive leave, parental leave, unfair
dismissals and industrial relations legislation
may also be paid. A wage limit of €600 per
week applies to all pay-related entitlements
payable under the Scheme.
The Insolvency Payments Scheme also pays
employees’ outstanding contributions to
occupational pension schemes which have
been deducted from wages of the employees
but not paid into the pension scheme.
Unpaid employer pension contributions
may also be paid from the Fund subject to
certain limits.
There are statutory limits on the amounts
of payments and the periods to which they
Resolutions reached in accordance with Section 39 of the Workplace Relations Act 2015
apply. Payments are made from the Social
Insurance Fund.
The scheme covers employees who are
over 16 years of age and are in employment
which is insurable for all benets under
the Social Welfare Acts at the date of
termination of employment; this includes
employees over 66 years of age who are in
employment, which but for their age, would
Welfare Acts.
Claims are made through the person
legally appointed to wind up the business
(normally the Liquidator or Receiver),
who will certify the claims from the
records available, and submit them to
the Insolvency Payments Section of the
Department of Employment Affairs and
Social Protection to be processed. When
the claims have been processed, payments
are made to the Liquidator, Receiver, etc.,
who will pay the employees concerned,
having made any statutory tax or other
The Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977 to 2015
provide protection for employees from being
unfairly dismissed from their jobs by laying
down criteria by which dismissals are judged
to be unfair and by providing an adjudication
system and redress for an employee whose
dismissal has been found to be unjustied.
The Acts apply to employees who (with
certain exceptions, see below) have had at
least a year’s continuous service with the
same employer.
A Workplace Relations Commission
Adjudication Ofcer may consider whether
the employment of a person on a series of 2
or more contracts of employment, between
which there was no more than 26 weeks of
a break, was for the purpose of avoidance
of liability by the employer under the Acts.
Where it is so found, the length of the various
contracts may be added together to assess
the length of service of an employee for
eligibility under the Acts.
Persons engaged through employment
agencies are covered by the scope of the
legislation. For the purposes of the Unfair
Dismissals Acts, the party (end user) hiring
the individual from the employment agency
is deemed to be the employer.
The Acts do not cover employees on xed
term or xed purpose contracts whose
employment terminates when the contract
expires or the purpose ceases, provided the
the Unfair Dismissals Acts do not apply to the
expiry only of the contract. If a series of two
or more of these contracts, between which
there was no more than a 3 month break, is
considered to have existed for the purpose
of avoidance by the employer of liability
under the Acts, they will be added together in
calculating continuous service of an employee
for eligibility under the Acts. Apart from this,
any provision in an agreement, whether a
contract of employment or not, to exclude or
limit the application of the Acts is void.
The Acts also do not cover, for example,
designated apprenticeships where the
employee is let go in the month following
completion of the apprenticeship (unless the
dismissal results wholly or mainly from (i),
(vi), (vii), (viii), (ix) or (xiii) below).
The Acts do not apply in a dismissal where the
employer informs the employee in writing at
the commencement of the employment that
the employment will terminate upon the
return to work with that employer of another
employee who is absent from work while on
protective leave or natal care absence, within
the meaning of Part IV of the Maternity
Protection Act 1994, or is absent from work
attending ante-natal classes in accordance
with section 15A (inserted by section 8 of
the Maternity Protection (Amendment) Act
2004), or for breastfeeding in accordance
with section 15B (inserted by section 9 of the
Maternity Protection (Amendment) Act 2004),
for the purpose of facilitating the return to
work of that other employee.
The Acts provide that every dismissal of
an employee will be presumed to have
been unfair unless the employer can show
substantial grounds justifying the dismissal.
In order to justify a dismissal, an employer
must show that it resulted wholly or mainly
from one or more of the following causes:
(i) the capability, competence or
(ii) the employees conduct,
(iii) the redundancy of the employee,
(iv) the fact that continuation of the
employment would contravene
another statutory requirement,
or that there were other substantial grounds
for dismissal.
An employer who has dismissed an employee
must, if asked, furnish in writing within 14
days the reason for the dismissal. Dismissals
are unfair under the Acts where it is shown
that they have resulted wholly or mainly
from one or more of the following:
(i) the employees trade union
membership or activities, either
outside working hours or at those
times during working hours when
permitted by the employer,
(ii) the religious or political opinions of
the employee,
(iii) the employee having made a
protected disclosure,
(iv) civil or criminal proceedings against
the employer in which the employee
is, or is likely to be, involved (as party,
complainant or witness),
(v) the exercise or proposed exercise
by the employee of the right to
parental leave or force majeure
leave under the Parental Leave Act
1998 or carer’s leave under and in
accordance with the Carer’s Leave
Act 2001,
(vi) the race or colour or sexual
orientation of the employee,
(vii) the age of the employee,
(viii) the employees membership of the
travelling community,
(ix) the employee’s pregnancy,
attendance at ante-natal classes
giving birth or breastfeeding or any
matters connected therewith,
(vii) the exercise or proposed exercise by
the employee of the right under the
Maternity Protection Acts 1994 and
2004 to any form of protective leave
or natal care absence or to time
off from work to attend ante-natal
classes or to time off from work or
a reduction of working hours for
breast feeding in accordance
(viii) the exercise or proposed exercise by
an employee of the right to adoptive
leave, additional adoptive leave
or time off to attend certain pre-
adoption classes or meetings under
the Adoptive Leave Acts 1995 and
(ix) the unfair selection of the employee
for redundancy,
the employees exercising of rights or
proposed exercise of rights under the
National Minimum Wage Acts 2000
and 2015 or under the safety, Health
and Welfare at Work Act 2005.
There are a number of exceptions to the
requirement for employees claiming
dismissal to have a year’s continuous service
with their employer. These include dismissal
due to
a) trade union membership or activity,
either outside working hours or at
those times during working hours
when permitted by the employer,
b) pregnancy or matters connected
c) exercising the right to adoptive leave,
d) exercising the right to parental or
force majeure leave,
e) exercising rights under the National
Minimum Wage Acts, 2000 and 2015,
f) exercising the right to carer’s leave,
g) having made a protected disclosure.
It can also be construed as dismissal if
a person’s conditions of work are made
to leave. This is called constructive
The redress for unfair dismissal is:
(i) re-instatement in the old job, or
(ii) re-engagement in the old job or in a
suitable alternative job on conditions
which the adjudicating bodies
consider reasonable, or
exceeding 104 weeks pay or, in
the case of protected disclosure
dismissals, 260 weeks pay -the
precise amount of compensation can
depend on such matters as where
the responsibility for the dismissal
lay, the measures taken to reduce
negotiated dismissal procedures (if
these existed) or the Code of Practice
on Grievance and Disciplinary
Procedures were followed), or
weeks pay.
The Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment
Acts 1973 to 2005 provide a right of complaint
to the Workplace Relations Commission
(WRC) where an employee believes that a
contravention of the Acts has occurred.
The Redundancy Payments Acts 1967-2014
provide a right of complaint to the Workplace
Relations Commission (WRC) where an
employee believes that he/she has not
received his/her entitlements under those Acts.
Section 11A of the Protection of Employment
Act 1977 provides for a right of complaint
to the WRC where employers allegedly
contravene their obligations to consult with,
and give information to, employees in a
collective redundancy situation.
Section 9 of the Protection of Employment Act
1977 provides that an employer must initiate
consultations with employees representatives
where he/she proposed to create collective
redundancies. Where a WRC inspector has
reasonable grounds for believing that the
offence of failing to so consult has occurred,
he/she may serve a Fixed Payment Notice on
that employer in accordance with Section 36
of the Workplace Relations Act 2015. If the
employer pays the charge specied on the
Notice the matter does not proceed to Court.
However, if the person fails or refuses to pay
the charge the matter can be progressed to
the District Court where the defendant can
defend their position in the normal way.
The Protection of Employees (Employers
Insolvency) Acts 1984 to 2012 provide
that disputes regarding decisions of the
Department of Employment Affairs and
Social Protection on applications for
payment in respect of arrears of pay, sick
pay, holiday pay and in relation to pension
scheme contributions may be referred to the
WRC for adjudication.
The Unfair Dismissals Acts provide for
a right of complaint to the WRC where
employees consider that they have been
unfairly dismissed. Employees who consider
they have been unfairly dismissed but who
do not qualify under the Unfair Dismissals
Acts for certain reasons (e.g. have less than a
year’s continuous service) may, in most cases,
refer the matter to the Workplace Relations
Commission for adjudication under the
Industrial Relations Act 1969. Referrals may
also be made to the Commission in the case
of dismissals connected with any of the nine
discriminatory grounds prescribed by the
Employment Equality Acts, 1998-2015.
The relevant complaint form is available on or by contacting
the Commissions Information and Customer
Services on
80 80 90. There is a right
of appeal by either party to the Labour Court
Additional Information
See the Explanatory Leaets on the
Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment
Acts, the Protection of Employment Act 1977,
Guide to the Redundancy Payments Scheme,
the Insolvency Payments Scheme and the
Unfair Dismissal Acts, copies of which are
available on request, or downloadable
from Detailed
Redundancy Payment and Insolvency
Payment Scheme Procedures are available
from the Department of Employment Affairs
and Social Protection at
Employment Equality
The Employment Equality Acts 1998 to
2011 cover employees in both the public
and private sectors as well as applicants for
employment and training.
The Acts outlaw discrimination in work-
related areas such as pay, vocational training,
access to employment, work experience and
promotion. Cases involving harassment and
victimisation at work are also covered by
the Acts. The publication of discriminatory
advertisements and discrimination by
employment agencies, vocational training
bodies and certain other bodies, e.g.
trades unions and employer associations,
is outlawed. Collective agreements may
be referred to the Workplace Relations
Commission for mediation or investigation.
The nine grounds on which discrimination is
outlawed by the Employment Equality Acts
are as follows:
4 Gender
4 Civil status
4 Family status
4 Sexual orientation
4 Religious belief
4 Age
4 Disability
4 Race colour, nationality, ethnic or
national origins
4 Membership of the Traveller
Collective Agreements
In cases where an employer recognises
a trade union or a group of unions, it is
common to engage in collective bargaining
to negotiate agreements. A collective
agreement is one made by or on behalf of an
employer and a representative trade union
which governs pay and/or other conditions
of employment.
Under section 9 of the Employment
Equality Acts 1998-2011, any provision in a
collective agreement or other order which
discriminates on any of the nine grounds may
be declared null and void. This includes an
agreement which results in a discriminatory
difference in pay.
The agreements and orders which may
be challenged are: collective agreements,
Employment Regulation Orders and
Registered Employment Agreements.
Occupational Pensions
Occupational pensions are, broadly speaking,
pensions established by an employer for
employees (as distinct from ones provided by
the State through the social security system).
In accordance with Part VII of the Pensions
Act 1990 (as amended by the Social Welfare
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004) it is
11 Equality
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
unlawful to discriminate directly or indirectly
in relation to occupational pensions on any
of the nine protected grounds as listed above.
Equal Status
The Equal Status Acts 2000-2012 prohibit
discrimination in the provision of goods and
services, the disposal of property and access
to education, on any of the nine grounds set
out below. The Acts outlaw discrimination
in all services that are generally available
to the public whether provided by the
state or the private sector. These include
facilities for refreshment, entertainment,
banking, insurance, grants, credit facilities,
transport and travel services. Discrimination
in the disposal of premises, provision of
accommodation, admission or access to
educational courses or establishments is also
prohibited subject to some exemptions.
The eleven grounds on which discrimination is
outlawed by the Equal Status Acts are as follows:
4 Gender
4 Civil status
4 Family status
4 Sexual orientation
4 Religious belief
4 Age
4 Disability
4 Race colour, nationality, ethnic or
national origins
4 Membership of the Traveller
4 Victimisation
4 Housing assistance
Complaints in respect of registered clubs and
licensed premises may only be referred to
the District Court.
Penalising a person for making a complaint
of discrimination or for giving evidence
in someone else’s complaint or lawfully
opposing unlawful discrimination is called
victimisation and the Equal Status Act
specically protects a person against such
A person who claims to have been
discriminated against or subjected to
victimisation or not to be receiving equal
pay or a benet under an equality clause
may seek redress by referring the case to the
Director General of the Workplace Relations
Commission under the Employment Equality
Acts 1998 to 2011. A claim for redress
relating to discrimination on the grounds of
gender may be brought to the Circuit Court
instead of to the Director General .
A person who is affected by a collective
agreement or order can refer a complaint to
the Workplace Relations Commission.
All claims of discrimination in relation to
occupational pensions may be referred to the
Director General of the Workplace Relations
Commission who may refer the matter to the
Pensions Board if s/he so wishes for technical
advice on pension matters.
Persons who consider that prohibited conduct,
as dened under the Equal StatusActs, has
been directed against them may seek redress
by referring the case to the Director General
of the Workplace Relations Commission.
Such referrals may also be made by the Irish
Human Rights and Equality Commission.
Transfer of Undertakings
The European Communities (Protection of
Employees on Transfer of Undertakings)
Regulations 2003 aim to protect the
contractual rights of employees in respect of
their employment in the event of the transfer
to another employer of the business or part
of the business in which they are employed.
The Regulations provide that the rights and
obligations of the original employer (“the
transferor”) arising from an employment
contract existing at the date of a transfer
shall, by reason of such transfer, be transferred
to the new employer (“the transferee”).
Furthermore, the transferee must continue to
observe the terms and conditions agreed in
any collective agreement on the same terms
as were applicable to the transferor under
that agreement until the date of termination
or expiry of the agreement or the entry into
force of another collective agreement.
However, the above rule does not apply
in respect of employees rights to old
age, invalidity or survivor’s benets under
supplementary company or inter-company
pension schemes outside the Social Welfare
Acts. In effect, such pension rights in place
on the date of transfer do not transfer across
to the new contract but are protected under
the Pensions Acts 1990 to 2003 where the
relevant supplementary company pension
scheme is an occupational pension scheme
within the meaning of those Acts (i.e. an
approved pension scheme). In relation to
unapproved occupational pension schemes,
the transferee (new employer) is required to
protect” the rights of employees in such cases.
An employee may not be dismissed by reason
of the transfer of an undertaking. Dismissals
for economic technical or organisational
reasons entailing changes in the workforce”
are, however, not prohibited.
If an employee’s contract of employment
is terminated because a transfer involves a
substantial change in working conditions to
the detriment of the employee, the employer
concerned is regarded as having been
responsible for the termination.
The above obligations on the part of an
employer, in a transfer situation, do not
apply where the outgoing employer is
subject to proceedings whereby he could
be adjudicated bankrupt, or wound up (a
12 Other Relevant Provisions
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
company) for reasons of insolvency, by order
of the High Court.
The position of the employees’
representatives is protected across a transfer.
Both the original and new employer are
obliged to inform their respective employees’
representatives of the date of the transfer,
the reasons for the transfer and the legal,
social and economic implications of the
transfer. This must be done, where reasonably
practicable, not later than 30 days before the
transfer date, and in any event in good time
before the transfer is carried out (or in the
case of the transferee, in good time before
the employees are directly affected by the
transfer regarding conditions of employment).
Details of any measures envisaged in relation
to the employees must be discussed with the
employees’ representatives “with a view to
reaching an agreement”. Where there are no
representatives, the employers must arrange
for the employees to choose representatives
for this purpose.
Rights of Posted Workers and of
non-national workers in Ireland
EU Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting
of workers in the framework of the provision
of services requires each Member State to
ensure that a worker posted to its territory
from an undertaking in another Member
State is guaranteed the terms and conditions
of employment, in respect of certain matters,
that employees are guaranteed under the
law of that Member State.
The Directive also requires each Member
State to ensure that workers posted to
its territory are guaranteed the terms and
conditions of employment in respect of those
same matters that employees are guaranteed
in that Member State under any universally
applicable collective agreement concerning
construction or related work.
of the Directive as a worker who, for a limited
period, carries out his work in the territory
of a Member State other than the State in
which he normally works”.
Workers posted to work in Ireland from other
EU Member States have the protection of all
Irish employment legislation in the same
way as employees who have an Irish contract
of employment. This is by virtue of the
Protection of Employees (Part-Time Work)
Act 2001, section 20, which states that all
employment legislation which confers rights
or entitlements on an employee applies
to a posted worker in the same way that it
applies to any other employee and that, a
person, irrespective of nationality or place
of residence, who works in the State under
a contract of employment, has the same
rights under Irish employment protection
legislation as Irish employees.
As the Industrial Relations Act 1946 applies
to posted workers, all collective agreements
registered under section 27 of that Act apply
to posted workers.
Specic instruments conferring
rights covered by Directive
The enactments that regulate the rights
that are required to be guaranteed to posted
workers by Directive 96/71 /EC and that
apply to a worker posted to Ireland include:
4 EmploymentAgencyAct1971;
4 Safety Health and Welfare at Work
4 MaternityProtectionAct1994;
4 Protection of Young Persons
4 Organisation of Working Time Act
4 Employment Equality Acts 2011 and
4 National Minimum Wage Acts 2000
and 2015.
The collective agreements that regulate the
rights that are required to be guaranteed
to posted workers involved in construction
or other related activity and that apply to
such a worker posted to Ireland include any
Registered Employment Agreements that
may be in force in the Construction sector.
The following are the matters in respect
of which a Member State is required (by
Article 3.1 of the Directive) to ensure that
a posted worker is guaranteed the terms
and conditions of employment guaranteed
to employees in that Member State (by law,
collective agreement etc.):
4 maximum work periods and
4 minimumpaidannualholidays;
4 minimum rates of pay, including
4 conditions of hiring-out of workers, in
particular by temporary employment
4 health,safetyandhygieneatwork;
4 protective measures with regard
to the terms and conditions of
employment of pregnant women
or women who have recently given
birth, of children and of young
4 equality of treatment between men
and women and other provisions on
The activities to which the universally
applicable collective agreements, that
the Directive requires a Member State
to ensure are applied to workers posted
to its territory, relate include excavation,
earthmoving, actual building work, assembly
and dismantling of prefabricated elements,
tting out or installation, alterations,
renovation, repairs, dismantling, demolition,
maintenance, upkeep, painting and cleaning
work, improvements.
Domestic Workers
Domestic workers enjoy the same protection
under Irish employment legislation as all
other legally employed workers. Typical tasks
carried out by domestic workers include
Cleaning, Cooking, Laundry, Child-minding,
Caring for Elderly or Sick Family Members,
Gardening & Maintenance, Driving and any
Other Duties relating to a household.
The question as to whether a person is an
employee or not is generally established
by reference to the provisions of existing
employment legislation and established
contract law. The use of designations such as
Au Pair or other descriptions of arrangements
between consenting parties do not in
themselves mean an employment contract
does not exist. A person performing a duty for
another person in exchange for a payment
would strongly suggest the existence of a
contractual relationship.
The Industrial Relations Act 1990 (Code of
Practice for Protecting Persons Employed in
Other People’s Homes) (Declaration) Order
2007 introduced a code of practice setting
out the current employment rights and
protections for persons employed in other
people’s homes and to provide
4 for the obligation to provide a written
statement of terms and conditions of
employment as required under the
Terms of Employment (Information)
Acts, detailing hours, rates, duties,
breaks, leave entitlements, treatment
4 forthesafeguardingofprivacy;
4 that the employer will not keep any
personal document belonging to an
4 for the treatment of accommodation
4 that all additional duties will be by
prior agreement only and out-of-
pocket expenses will be reimbursed
4 that the employer will facilitate the
employee in the free exercise of
4 that the employer will not restrict
the employee’s right to trade union
Worker Participation
The Worker Participation (State Enterprises)
Acts 1977 to 2001, provide for employee
participation at board and sub-board level in
certain State enterprises.
Elections for worker directors, which are
by secret ballot, are held every 4 years.
Employees of at least 18 years of age, who
have one year’s continuous service with the
enterprise, are eligible to vote at worker
director elections.
Nominees for election must be employees
between 18 and 65 years of age with at
least 3 years’ continuous service. Trade
unions and other bodies that are recognised
for collective bargaining negotiations may
nominate candidates for election.
The 1988 Act provides for the introduction
of sub-board participative arrangements in
35 State enterprises. Sub-board arrangement
scan be set up following application by a
trade union or unions or at the request of a
majority of the employees of the enterprise.
Provision is made for the drawing up of an
agreement between the State enterprise
and its employees concerning the specic
arrangements to be introduced. The
legislation is not prescriptive in relation to
the nature of the arrangements introduced,
but does provide that these must include the
following essential features:
(i) a regular exchange of views and
information between management
and employees concerning matters
(ii) the giving in good time by
management to employees of
information about certain decisions
(iii) dissemination to all employees of
information and views arising from
the participative arrangements.
Employment Agencies
The Employment Agency Act 1971 provides
that any person carrying on the business of an
employment agency must obtain a licence to
do so from the Minister for Business, Enterprise
and Innovation. An employment agency is
dened as a person (including a temporary
work agency) engaged in an economic activity
who employs an individual under a contract of
employment by virtue of which the individual
may be assigned to work for, and under the
direction and supervision of, a person other
Persons seeking employment through an
employment agency should ensure that they
deal only with licensed agencies. No fee may
be charged by an agency to a job seeker
solely for agreeing to seek employment for
them. Applications for employment agency
licences are received and processed, on
behalf of the Minister for Business, Enterprise
and Innovation, by the Workplace Relations
Commission (see
Furthermore, an employment agency cannot
charge a Non-EEA National employee for a
Work Permit issued by the Department of
Business, Enterprise and Innovation.
An agency worker is an individual employed
by an employment agency under a contract
of employment by virtue of which the
individual may be assigned to work for, and
under the direction and supervision of, a
person other than an employment agency.
The Protection of Employees (Temporary
Agency Work) Act 2012 provides that an
agency worker shall, for the duration of his/
her assignment to a hirer, be entitled to
the same basic working and employment
conditions to which he or she would be
entitled if he or she were employed by the
hirer under a contract of employment to do
work that is the same as, or similar to, the
work that he or she is required to do during
that assignment.
The 2012 Act also provides that assignments
forming part of the same series of
assignments shall, for the purposes of the
determination of the basic working and
employment conditions of an agency worker,
be treated as a single assignment.
Safety, Health and Welfare at
The existing principal piece of primary
legislation dealing with occupational
health and safety is the Safety, Health and
Welfare at Work Act 2005 which applies
to all places of work, to all employers and
employees and also to the self-employed.
This Act places duties on employers and
employees concerning the provision of a
safe and healthy working environment.
Certain obligations are also placed on
those designing, importing, supplying or
manufacturing articles or substances for use
at work. The 2005 Act replaced the Safety,
Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989 which
provided for the establishment of the Health
and Safety Authority and the assignation of
powers and functions to that Authority.
Occupational safety and health legislation
is further expanded by the Safety, Health
and Welfare at Work (General Application
Regulations (2007 to 2012), these
Regulations provide the statutory provisions
in a self-contained, easily assessable and
user friendly format.
These Regulations address legal requirements
concerning workplaces and work equipment,
the safe use of electricity in the workplace,
procedures for safe work at height, control of
physical agents at work (i.e. noise, vibration
of sensitive risk groups (i.e. children and
young people, pregnant and breastfeeding
employees and night and shift workers),
the provision of safety signs and rst aid
at work, protection for persons working in
explosive atmospheres and safe working of
pressure systems.
the Health and Safety Authority of accidents
and dangerous occurrences is set down in
Part X and the Twelfth Schedule of the
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General
Application - Regulations 1993 (S.I. No. 44
of 1993). The Regulations impose general
regard to the evaluation and reduction of
the exposure of employees to occupational
risk and hazards, the development of risk
prevention policies, consultation, training
and information of workers and health
surveillance. Employees are also obliged
by these Regulations to cooperate with
employers in matters relating to the
protection of their own safety and health
at work.
There are also issue and sector specic
regulations e.g. asbestos, carcinogens,
chemical agents, construction, explosive
atmospheres, mines and quarries. The 2005
Act continues to be augmented by a growing
body of secondary legislation reecting
ongoing developments at EU level in the
area of Occupational Safety and Health.
The Health and Safety Authority is the central
co-ordinating State Agency for matters
relating to workplace bullying. In this regard,
any individual who has a concern about
workplace bullying should contact the Anti-
Bullying Response Unit, which is based at
at Metropolitan Building, James Joyce Street,
Dublin 2, D01 K0Y8.
There are three relevant Codes of Practice in
this area:
4 The Code of Practice for Employers
and Employees on the Prevention
and Resolution of Bullying at Work-
introduced in 2007 under the Safety,
Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005
is aimed at preventing and dealing
with bullying where is happens in
Irish workplaces. It is code for both
employers and employees and is
administered by the Health and
Safety Authority.
4 The Code of Practice detailing
Procedures for Addressing Bullying
in the Workplace -made under the
Industrial Relations Act 1990 and
administered by the Workplace
Relations Commission.
4 The Code of Practice on Guidance
on Prevention and Procedures for
dealing with Sexual Harassment and
Harassment at Work made under the
Employment Equality Act 1998 and
administered by the Irish Human
Rights and Equality Authority.
An employee (or his/her trade union) may
take a complaint to the Workplace Relations
Commission (WRC) that an employer has
contravened his/her obligations to the
employee under the European Communities
(Protection of Employees on Transfer of
Undertakings) Regulations 2003.
Complaints in relation to contraventions
of the Protection of Employees (Temporary
Agency Workers) Act 2012 may be presented
for adjudication to the Workplace Relations
Where a WRC inspector is satised that a
hirer has failed to treat an agency worker no
less favourably than the hirer’s employees
in relation to access to collective facilities
and amenities at a place of work, contrary to
Section 14 of the Protection of Employees
(Temporary Agency Workers) Act 2012, he/
she may, in accordance with Section 28 of
the Workplace Relations Act 2015, issue a
Compliance Notice on the employer setting
out the compliance actions to be taken by
than 42 days of the service of the notice,
appeal that notice to the Labour Court.
Failure to comply with a Compliance Notice
is an offence.
The relevant complaint form is available on or by contacting
the Commission’s Information and
Customer Services on
80 80 90.
There is a right of appeal by either party to
the Labour Court fromadecisionofaWRC
Additional Information
See the Explanatory Booklet on the
European Communities (Protection of
Employees on Transfer of Undertakings)
Regulations, 2003 and the Guide to the
Worker Participation (State Enterprises)
Acts 1977 to 2001, copies of which are
available on request, or downloadable from
Appendix I-
Adjudication Redress Provisions
Workplace Relations Commission -
Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
Act Section or
Industrial Relations
Act 1946 to 2015
Minimum Notice
and Terms of
Employment Act
Protection of
Employment Act
Unfair Dismissals
42, 43, 44, 45
(1946 Act),
Chapter 2
of 2015 Act,
Chapter 3 of
2015 Act
4(2), 5, 6
9 and 10
3, 4, 5, 6
Contravention of an
Employment Regulation Order,
a Sectoral Employment Order
or a Registered Employment
failure to grant the employee’s
rights during a period of
Failure of employer to
consult with employees
representatives where collective
failure of employer to provide
information to employees’
representatives in relation to
proposed redundancies
Unfair dismissal
May require the employer
to comply with the relevant
Employment Regulation
Order or make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
Compensation for any loss
sustained by reason of the
contravention (Sections 4(2)
considered appropriate.
Requiring the employer to
comply with Section 9 or 10
and/or pay compensation not
exceeding 4 weeks’ pay
May include re-instatement of the
employee in the position which he
held immediately before his dismissal
on the terms and conditions on
which he was employed immediately
by the employer of the employee
either in the position which he held
immediately before his dismissal
or in a different position which
would be reasonably suitable for
him on such terms and conditions
as are reasonable having regard
loss attributable to the dismissal,
payment to him by the employer of
such compensation (not exceeding
loss, payment to the employee by
the employer of such compensation
(if any, but not exceeding 4 weeks
Contravention Redress
Act Section or
Protection of
Insolvency) Acts
1984 to 2012
Pensions Act 1990
Payment of Wages
Act 1991
6, 7
Failure to pay entitlements
under the Insolvency Scheme
(e.g arrears of wages, sick pay,
holiday pay and pay in lieu
of notice, payments on foot
of adjudication decisions or
mediation resolutions)
Non-compliance of any rule of
other than an occupational
pension scheme, with the
non-compliance of any term
of a collective agreement,
employment regulation order
or contract of employment,
insofar as it relates to
non-compliance with the
principle of equal treatment
in relation to the manner in
which an employer affords his/
her employees access to an
Illegal deduction from wages
Direction to pay the amount due
to the employee.
An order requiring that the
principle of equal pension
for compensation for acts of
A direction to the employer
to pay compensation of an
amount not exceeding the net
wages that would have been
paid in the week preceding the
deduction/payment or, if the
deduction/payment is greater
than the latter, twice that
Contravention Redress
Act Section or
Terms of
(Information) Act
Protection Act 1994
Adoptive Leave Act
Protection of
Young Persons
(Employment) Act
Information and
Consultation of
Employees Act
Organisation of
Working Time Act
3, 4, 5 and 6
Parts II, III
or IV
Parts II, III
13 and 17
6(2), 11 to
23 and 26
Failure of employer to provide
a written statement of terms of
employment, to provide, prior to
departure, a written statement
of terms of employment when
required to work outside the
state, to notify the nature and
date of a change to the terms
of employment or to furnish a
statement at the request of an
employee, who has an existing
contract of employment prior to
the commencement of the Act
Entitlements in relation to
maternity leave, return to work,
Failure to grant the adoptive
parent’s entitlements
Failure to preserve the pay rates
and conditions in place before the
commencement of the 1996 Act
(13): Penalisation of an employee
for having in good faith opposed an
unlawful act under the 1996 Act (17).
Penalisation of an employee
because of his/her status as
failure of employer to provide
reasonable facilities to
Failure to grant rest periods, annual
leave, public holiday entitlements,
information relating to working
time or zero hours practices and
pay for leave and public holidays
grant compensatory rest or breaks.
alteration of the particulars
contained in a statement, a
requirement for the employer
to alter or add to the
statement and the payment of
compensation not exceeding 4
week’s remuneration.
May include directions in
relation to the grant of
leave and/or the award of
compensation not exceeding 20
week’s remuneration.
May include directions to the
parties to resolve the matter
and the award of compensation
not exceeding 20 week’s
May include directions to take
the award of compensation.
May include directions to take
the award of compensation.
May require the employer
to comply with the relevant
provision and make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
Contravention Redress
Act Section or
Parental Leave Act
1998 and European
(Parental Leave)
Regulations 2000
Protections for
Persons Reporting
Child Abuse Act
Equality Acts 1998
to 2011
Equal Status Acts
2000 to 2004
National Minimum
Wage Act 2000
Parts 11,
III of 2000
Act and
Regulation 8
of the 2000
Parts II, III
and IV of
1998 Act (as
Part II
Failure to grant the parent’s
entitlements under the 1998
Penalising an employee for
having reported child abuse.
Discrimination, victimisation,
dismissal in circumstances
amounting to discrimination
equality clause.
Discrimination against, or sexual
harassment or harassment
of, or permitting the sexual
harassment or harassment of, a
person in contravention of the
Equal Status Acts.
Failure to pay the correct pay
entitlement under the 2000 Act
May specify the grant of
parental leave, the award of
compensation not exceeding 20
weeks’ remuneration or both.
May require the employer
to comply with the relevant
course of action and make
an award of compensation
not exceeding 104 weeks’
Compensation, an order for
equal remuneration, order for
equal treatment, order to take
order for re-instatement or
re-engagement with or without
May include a direction to the
employer to pay arrears and
the expenses of the employee
may require the employer to
rectify the contravention and
pay any amount in respect
of which the employer is in
Contravention Redress
Act Section or
Carer’s Leave Act
of Corruption
(Amendment) Act
Protection of
Employees (Part-
Time Work) Act
Competition Act
Protection of
Employees (Fixed-
Term Work) Act
other than
to matters
Sections 6(1)
(a), (b) or (c),
6(5), 6(6) or
9 and 15
6, 8, 9, 10, 11,
13 or any
provision of
the Act
Failure to grant entitlement to
carer’s leave,
Penalisation of an employee
for reporting offences under
Prevention of Corruption Acts
1889 to 2010.
Treating a part-time employee,
in respect of his or her
conditions of employment, in a
less favourable manner than a
penalisation of employee
Penalisation of employee for
reporting breaches of the 2002
in respect of his or her
conditions of employment, in
a less favourable manner than
of employer to comply with
provisions concerning successive
employer to provide a written
information on vacancies
penalisation of employee etc.
May specify the grant of
carer’s leave, the award of
compensation not exceeding 26
weeks’ remuneration or both.
May require the employer
action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding
104 weeks’ remuneration
May require the employer
to comply with the relevant
provision and make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
May require the employer to
comply with Section 50(3),
action and make an award of
compensation not exceeding
104 weeks’ remuneration
May require the employer
to comply with the relevant
provision, to reinstate or
reengage the employee
(including on a contract of
an award of compensation not
exceeding 2 years’ remuneration
Contravention Redress
Act Section or
Health Act 2004
Safety, Health and
Welfare at Work Act
Permits Act 2006
(Provision of
Information and
Consultation) Act
Protection Act 2007
Chemicals Act 2008
Penalisation of an employee for
making a protected disclosure
under the Health Acts.
Penalisation of an employee for
performing duties, etc under the
Health and Safety Acts
Penalisation of an employee for
making a complaint or giving
evidence in proceedings under
the Employment Permits Act
Penalisation of an employee for
performing his/her functions
under the 2006 Act
Penalisation of an employee
for reporting breaches of the
2007 Act.
Penalisation of an employee
for reporting breaches of the
2008 Act.
May require the employer
to comply with the relevant
course of action or make an
award of compensation
May require the employer
action or make an award of
May require the employer
action or make an award of
May require the employer
action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
May require the employer
to comply with the relevant
course of action or make an
award of compensation
May require the employer to
comply with the provision,
action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding
104 weeks’ remuneration
Contravention Redress
Industrial Relations
Provisions) Act
Victimising an employee on
account of the employee being
or not being a member of a
trade union or an excepted body
or the employee engaging or
not engaging in any activities
on behalf of a trade union or an
excepted body
May direct that the conduct
which is the subject of the
complaint should cease
and make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
Act Section or
National Asset
Agency Act 2009
Inland Fisheries Act
Criminal Justice Act
Property Services
(Regulation) Act
Protection of
(Temporary Agency
Work) Act 2012
6, 11, 13(1),
14, 23, 24
Penalisation of an employee for
making a complaint or giving
evidence in proceedings under
the 2009 Act.
Penalisation of an employee for
making a complaint or giving
evidence in proceedings under
the 2010 Act.
Penalisation of an employee for
disclosing information relating
to relevant offences
Penalisation of an employee
for reporting improper conduct
under the 2011 Act
Failure to give an agency worker
his/her basic working and
charging of a fee to an employee
by an agency for arranging
the same collective facilities and
penalisation of the employee
for invoking rights or making a
complaint under the 2012 Act.
May require the employer
action or make an award of
May require Inland Fisheries
course of action or make an
award of compensation not
exceeding 2 years’ remuneration
May require the employer
action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
May require the employer
action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding
104 weeks’ remuneration
May require the employer
or hirer, as the case may be,
action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
Contravention Redress
Charities Act 2009 62(1) Penalisation of an employee
for reporting breaches of the
2009 Act
May require the employer to
comply with the provision,
action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding
104 weeks’ remuneration
Act Section or
Disclosure Act 2014
of Employees
on Transfer of
Regulations 2003
(Organisation of
Working Time)
Activities of
Doctors in Training)
Regulations 2004
(Organisation of
Working Time)
(Mobile Staff in
Civil Aviation)
Regulations 2006
4 (excluding
4(4)(a)), 5,
6, 7, 8
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Penalisation of an employee for
making a protected disclosure
under the 2014 Act.
Failure to protect the rights
of employees arising from an
employment contract in the
event of a transfer of a business
or part of a business, in which
they are employed, which
entails a change of employer.
Failure to grant rest periods,
breaks, compensatory rest
or breaks or to comply with
maximum working hours
Failure to comply with
provisions relating to annual
leave, health assessments,
health and safety, working time
and the adaptation of work.
May require the employer
action and make an award of
compensation not exceeding
260 weeks’ remuneration
May require the employer to
comply with the Regulations,
action or award compensation
not exceeding 4 weeks’
remuneration (Regulation 8
breach) or 2 years’ remuneration
(other breach).
May require the employer
to comply with the relevant
provision and/or an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration.
May require the employer to
comply with the Regulations,
and award compensation
not exceeding 2 years’
Contravention Redress
Further Education
and Training Act
Central Bank
(Supervision and
Enforcement) Act
Penalisation of an employee for
making a complaint or giving
evidence in proceedings under
the 2013 Act.
Penalisation of an employee for
making a protected disclosure
under the 2013 Act.
May require the employer
action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
May require the employer
action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
Act Section or
Regulations 2008
(Working Conditions
of Mobile Workers
engaged in
Interoperable Cross-
Border Services in
the Railway Sector)
Regulations 2009
(Road Transport)
(Organisation of
Working Time of
Persons performing
Mobile Road
Transport Activities)
Regulations 2012
Schedule 1
5, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12
Penalisation for performing
functions under the 2008
Penalisation for performing
functions Failure to provide for
daily rest periods, breaks, weekly
rest periods and contravention
of driving time periods. the
2008 Regulations
Failure to comply with
maximum working hours and
night time work restrictions, rest
and break period requirements
and other employer obligations.
May require the taking
action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
May require the employer to
comply with the Regulations,
and award compensation
not exceeding 2 years’
May require the employer to
comply with the Regulations,
and award compensation
not exceeding 104 weeks’
Contravention Redress
Reporting in
Civil Aviation)
Regulations 2007
9(4) Subjecting an employee to any
prejudice because the employee
has, for the purposes of the
2007 Regulations, made a report
of an incident of which the
employee may have knowledge
(European Public
Company) (Employee
Regulations 2006
European Commu-
nities (European
Cooperative So-
ciety) (Employee
Regulations 2007
The penalisation of employee
representatives for undertaking
their functions under the
The penalisation of employee
representatives for undertaking
their functions under the
May require the taking of a
and make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
May require the taking
action or make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
May require the taking of a
and make an award of
compensation not exceeding 2
years’ remuneration
Workplace Relations Commission
Information and Customer Services
O’Brien Road, Carlow