Health Plans
Supplemental Health Plans
Financial Protection
for the Unexpected
Designed just for UC employees, three supplemental health insurance plans help to provide
a nancial safety net for the unexpected.
These plans oer exible nancial assistance that complements the protection of
your UC medical and disability coverage. When you have a covered accident, illness or
hospitalization, these plans pay a cash benet directly to you — not to a doctor or hospital.
The cash benet is yours to spend any way you like.
It’s protection that removes the worry of covering things like unpaid medical expenses, such
as deductibles, copays/coinsurance or other household and living expenses, so you can
focus on recovering, not nances.
Ease the Pain of
Unexpected Expenses
Your child gets hurt playing
soccer. You’re painting the
kitchen and the ladder slips.
If you receive medical
treatment for a covered
accident, you get a check
to help cover expenses.
Critical Illness
Serious Illness Can
Mean Serious Costs
Cancer, heart attack, stroke,
coronavirus: When a covered
critical illness strikes, this
plan sends a lump-sum
payment directly to you.
The plan also pays you for
getting a yearly preventive
health screening.
Hospital Indemnity
Hospital Stays Can
Catch You by Surprise
Some hospital stays are
planned. Others catch you
by surprise. This plan pays a
predetermined dollar amount
directly to you when you’re
admitted to the hospital
and pays a daily benet for
up to days.
UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
How the Plans Work
The plans are administered by Prudential. In the event of medical treatment for a covered accident, covered illness
or hospitalization, you le a claim and get a check from Prudential. The cash benet is paid directly to you — in
addition to what your insurance plans pay.
You Choose How to Use Your Cash Benet
For medical
expenses not
covered by
your health
Everyday living
expenses — like
rent, mortgage
or car payments
Meal preparation
and/or delivery
Home health care; child,
elder and pet care
Transportation to
doctor and therapy
What Have You Got to Save?
If you’ve considered moving to a lower-cost medical
plan but worry about the potential increase in out-of-
pocket costs in the event of a covered accident, critical
illness, or hospital stay, supplemental health insurance
might be your answer.
Consider all your benet options and costs — both
the premium you pay for coverage and what you pay
when you get care. A combination of a supplemental
health insurance plan plus a lower-premium medical
plan could save you money while helping to provide
nancial protection for a worst-case scenario.
Custom Plans, Group Rates,
Guaranteed Coverage
UC partners with Prudential to oer group coverage
designed especially for UC employees at group prices.
You pay the full cost of any coverage you choose
through convenient payroll deductions. Your premiums
are paid with after-tax dollars, which means you
generally don’t pay taxes on any benet payments you
receive from the plan(s). Enrollment is guaranteed.
Learn More
For a full list of
coverage and
benets, go to
UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
What’s Covered
Examples of common accident-related services and benets:
Emergency room or urgent
care visit with X-ray
per accident
Ground ambulance
per trip
Physical therapy
per visit
Accident follow-up visit with physician
per visit
Leg braces, crutches, etc.
per appliance
Inpatient surgery
Treatment for fractures
Up to
Treatment for dislocations
Up to
Treatment for burns
 to
Hospital admission
and connement
per connement
per day*
This listing does not reect each and every benet, exclusion or limitation which may
apply. For complete information, refer to the Certicate of Insurance at
See page 11 for additional benets and coverage amounts.
* $200 per day connement benet begins on day two after admission
What You Pay
Yourself only .
You and your spouse .
You and dependent
Your family .
UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
Critical Illness
There are two coverage options: , and
,. The plan pays benets at , 
or  of your coverage level.
What’s Covered
Examples of covered illnesses and benets:
Heart attack
Kidney failure
Severe burn
Benign brain tumor
Major organ failure
(includes bone marrow/
stem cell transplant)
Severe Coronary
Artery Disease
of coverage amount
Non-invasive cancer
Advanced Alzheimer’s
or Parkinson’s disease
of coverage amount
Annual preventive
health screening exam
per calendar year
hospitalization of
ve or more days
of coverage amount
This listing does not reect each and every benet, exclusion or limitation
which may apply. For complete information, refer to the Certicate of
Insurance at
See page 16 for additional benets and coverage
What You Pay
Rates are based on age. Monthly costs shown are for
one adult. Rates for you and your spouse may dier
depending on your ages. Coverage for eligible children
is free when you enroll.
Coverage Option
Coverage Option
 . .
 . .
 . .
 . .
 . .
 . .
 . .
 . .
 . .
 . .
UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
What’s Covered
Examples of common hospital-related services and benets:
Hospital admission
Hospital connement
 
per day*
Hospital intensive care
 
per day*
This listing does not reect each and every benet, exclusion or limitation which may
apply. For complete information, refer to the Certicate of Insurance at
See page 18 for additional benets and coverage amounts.
* $200 per day connement benet begins on day two after admission
What You Pay
Yourself only .
You and your spouse .
You and dependent
Your family .
UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
Filing Claims
When you have a covered accident, illness or hospitalization, you le a claim with
Prudential— either electronically or by paper. Keep all bills and paperwork, as you may
needthem to le claims. Your treating doctor may also need to ll out some paperwork.
Create an online Prudential account atts to le
claims electronically and check the status of existing claims. First-time users will need
to select “Register Now” and enter the control number 97000. Call Prudential at
 , 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Monday–Friday, Pacic, if you need help.
for You and
Your Family
You can cover yourself and
your eligible dependents.
UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
UC Plus
Group Accident Plan
Initial Treatment
Once per accident, within 96 hours after the accident. Not payable for telemedicine services.
Payable when an insured receives initial treatment for a covered accidental injury.
· Hospital emergency room
 with X-ray
 without X-ray
· Urgent care facility
 with X-ray
 without X-ray
· Doctor’s oce or facility (other than a hospital emergency room or urgent care)
 with X-ray
 without X-ray
Non-Emergency Initial Care
Once per accident, more than 96 hours but less than 90 days after the accident occurs.
Within  days after the accident. Payable when an insured receives transportation by a professional
ambulance service due to a covered accidental injury.
 ground ambulance
, air ambulance
Advanced Diagnostic Testing
Once per accident, within 90 days after the accident. Payable when an insured requires one of the
following exams: computerized tomography (CT/CAT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
electroencephalography (EEG) due to a covered accidental injury, ultrasound, nerve conduction
velocity test (NCV), positron emission tomography (PET), or single-photon emission computed
tomography (SPECT Scan).
Blood Plasma and Platelets
Once per accident, within 90 days after the accident.
Pain Management
Once per accident, within 180 days after the accident. Payable when an insured sustains an
accidental injury and receives epidural anesthesia to manage pain from the injury. The epidural
anesthesia must be prescribed by a physician.
Payable when an insured is diagnosed by a doctor with a concussion due to a covered accident
within 48 hours after the concussion occurs.
Coma must begin within 90 days after the covered accident and last for seven consecutive days. The
benet is not payable for medically induced coma.
Emergency Dental Work
One crown, lling and extraction per accident. Dental services must begin within 90 days after the
covered accident or covered injury occurs.
 for extraction
 repair with a crown
 for repair with a lling
Eye Injuries
Payable for eye injuries that require surgery or the removal of a foreign object by a physician within
90 days after the accident occurs.
 surgery
 removal of
foreign object
UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
Once per accident, within 96 hours after the accident. Payable when an insured receives a laceration
in a covered accident, and the laceration is repaired by a doctor. For multiple lacerations, the
amount paid will be based on the total length of all lacerations received that are repaired with
· Lacerations requiring stitches, including liquid skin adhesive
- Over  centimeters 
- – centimeters 
- Under  centimeters 
· Lacerations not requiring stitches 
Once per accident. Payable when an insured is burned in a covered accident and is treated by
a doctor within 48 hours after the covered accident or covered injury occurs. The plan will pay
according to the percentage of the body surface burned. First-degree burns are not covered.
· Second-degree burns
- Less than  
- At least  but less than  
- At least  but less than  
-  or more ,
· Third-degree burns
- Less than  ,
- At least  but less than  ,
- At least  but less than  ,
 or more
· Skin graft
 of burn benet
Once per accident, within  days after the accident. Payable when an insured fractures a bone
because of a covered accident and is treated by a doctor. If the fracture requires open reduction,
 of the benet is payable for that bone. If more than one fracture to the same bone occurs
as a result of the same accident, only one fracture benet is payable. For multiple fractures to
dierent bones in the same accident, the plan will pay a maximum of  of the benet amount
for the bone fractured that has the highest dollar amount. For a chip fracture (a piece of bone that is
completely broken o near a joint), the plan will pay  of the amount for the aected bone.
· Hip/Thigh , ,
· Vertebral body (except processes) , ,
· Pelvis (except coccyx) , ,
UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
Fractures, continued:
· Skull (depressed) , ,
· Leg , ,
· Forearm/Hand/Wrist , ,
· Foot/Ankle/Kneecap , ,
· Shoulder Blade/Collarbone , ,
· Lower Jaw (mandible) , ,
· Skull (non-depressed) , ,
· Upper Arm/Upper Jaw , ,
· Facial Bones (except teeth) , ,
· Vertebral Processes , 
· Coccyx (tailbone)/Rib/Finger/Toe  
· Sternum (breast bone) , ,
· Pelvis , ,
Once per accident, within  days after the accident. Payable when an insured dislocates a joint
because of a covered accident and is treated by a doctor. If the dislocation requires open reduction,
 of the benet for that joint is payable. The plan will pay benets only for the rst dislocation
of a joint. The plan will not pay for recurring dislocations of the same joint. For multiple dislocations
(more than one dislocated joint in one accident), the plan will pay a maximum of  of the
benet amount for the joint dislocated that has the highest dollar amount. For a partial dislocation
(joint is not completely separated, including subluxation), the plan will pay  of the amount for
the aected joint.
· Hip , ,
· Knee (not kneecap) , ,
· Shoulder , ,
· Foot/Ankle , ,
· Hand , ,
· Lower Jaw , ,
· Wrist , ,
· Elbow , 
· Spine , 
· Finger/Toe  
· Collarbone  
· Rib  
 UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
Outpatient Surgery
Maximum of one surgery per accident when treated by a physician in an outpatient surgery facility
within 180 days after accident. General anesthesia must be administered within 90 days after the
accident occurs, during surgery to treat the injury, and must be administered by a physician. Benets
will be paid no more than one time per covered person, per accident, up to three times per covered
person, per calendar year. If another covered surgery is performed at the same time, the plan will
pay the benet with the highest amount.
outpatient surgery
Inpatient Surgery
Maximum of one surgery per accident within 180 days after the accident. The surgery must be
performed while the insured is conned to a hospital as an inpatient. If more than one surgery is
performed or if outpatient surgery is performed at the same time, the plan will pay the benet with
the highest amount. General anesthesia must be administered within 90 days after the accident
occurs, during surgery to treat the injury, and must be administered by a physician.
Transportation Benets (ground, water or plane)
For transportation greater than 50 miles from insured’s residence for treatment prescribed by a
doctor not available within 50 miles of residence where ground or air ambulance is not payable
for the trip.
Surgical procedures may include, but are not limited to, surgical repair of ruptured disc, tendons/ligaments, hernia, rotator cu, torn knee
cartilage, skin grafts, joint replacement, internal injuries requiring open abdominal or thoracic surgery, exploratory surgery (with or without
repair), etc., unless otherwise noted due to an accidental injury.
Within 90 days after the accident. Payable if, as a result of an injury received in a covered accident, a doctor
advises the insured to use a listed medical appliance as an aid in personal locomotion: cane, brace for neck,
back or leg, walking boot that extends above the ankle, walker, crutches, wheelchair or motorized scooter for
medical purposes, or any other medical device used for mobility.
  
Accident Follow-Up Treatment
Treatment must begin within 90 days after the accident occurs and must be provided within 180 days after
the accident occurs. Treatment must not be for preventative testing or payable under the therapy services
benet, emergency or non-emergency care benets.
Inpatient Rehabilitation
Maximum of  days per accident, no more than  days total per calendar year for each insured. Payable
for each day that, due to a covered accidental injury, an insured received treatment as an inpatient at a
rehabilitation facility. For this benet to be payable, the insured must be transferred to the rehabilitation
facility for treatment following an inpatient connement. The plan will not pay the rehabilitation facility
benet for the same days that the hospital connement benet is paid. The plan willpay the highest
eligible benet.
 per day
Therapy Services (Physical, Occupational, Cognative, Speech Therapy)
Maximum of  per accident, beginning within  days after the accident. Payable if, because of injuries
received in a covered accident, an insured has doctor-prescribed therapy treatment in one of the following
categories: physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, or cognitive behavioral therapy, and
therapy is received on an outpatient basis. Not payable on the same day for which inpatient rehabilitation
is paid.
 UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
Hospital Admission
Once per covered person per accident, within 90 days after the accident. Payable when an insured is
admitted to a hospital and conned as an inpatient because of a covered accidental injury. This benet is
not payable for connement to an observation unit of less than 20 hours, for emergency room treatment
or for outpatient treatment.
, per connement
Hospital Connement
Maximum of  days per accident, beginning within 90 days after the accident. Payable for each day that
an insured is conned to a hospital as an inpatient for 24 hours because of a covered accidental injury.
If the plan pays benets for connement and the insured is conned again within 90 days because of
the same accidental injury, the plan will treat this connement as the same period of connement. This
benet is payable for only one hospital connement at a time even if caused by more than one covered
accidental injury. This benet is not payable for a day in which the hospital admission benet is payable.
If a covered person has a non-ICU hospital connement and an intensive care connement on the same
day, only the intensive care connement benet will be paid.
 per day
Hospital Intensive Care
Maximum of  days per accident, beginning within 90 days after the accident. Payable for each day an
insured is conned in a hospital intensive care unit for 24 hours because of a covered accidental injury.
The plan will pay benets for only one connement in a hospital intensive care unit at a time even if
caused by more than one covered accidental injury. If the plan pays benets for connement in a hospital
intensive care unit and an insured becomes conned to a hospital intensive care unit again within nine
months because of the same accidental injury, the plan will treat this connement as the same period
of connement.
 per day
Lodging Benet
Greater than 50 miles from the insured’s residence, maximum of 30 days per accident and 30 days per
year. Payable for each night’s lodging in a motel/hotel/rental property for a companion who accompanies
the covered person while the covered person is conned.
 per day
Once per accident, diagnosed by a doctor within 90 days after the accident.
· Monoplegia ,
· Paraplegia ,
· Triplegia ,
· Quadriplegia ,
Must be received within 365 days after the accident occurs. No benet will be payable for replacement of
a device.
Residence/Vehicle Modication
Once per accident, within 180 days after the accident. Payable if the modication is necessary to help
enable the covered person to live in his or her primary residence or travel in his or her primary vehicle.
The benets outlined in this document are a brief description of coverage, designed to help you with the selection
process. This summary does not reect each and every benet, exclusion and limitation which may apply to the
coverage. For more details, important limitations and exclusions, refer to the Group Accidental Injury Insurance
Policy, which can be found on the website. If there is a dierence between this summary and the
Group Accidental Injury Insurance Policy, the Group Accidental Injury Insurance Policy will prevail.
 UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
UC Plus
Group Critical Illness Plan
Paid as a percentage of
coverage amount elected
($10,000 or $30,000)
Cancer (Internal or Invasive) 
Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction) 
Sudden Cardiac Arrest 
Stroke (Ischemic or Hemorrhagic) 
Kidney Failure (End-Stage Renal Failure) 
Bone Marrow Transplant (Stem Cell Transplant) 
Severe Burn 
Paralysis of Limbs 
Coma 
Severe Coronary Artery Disease 
Loss of Speech/Blindness/Deafness 
Benign Brain Tumor 
Non-Invasive Cancer 
Advanced Alzheimer’s Disease 
Advanced Parkinson’s Disease 
Human Coronavirus Requiring Hospitalization of Five Days 
Childhood Conditions
Cystic Fibrosis 
Cerebral Palsy 
Cleft Lip or Cleft Palate 
Down Syndrome 
Spina Bida 
 UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
Additional Occurance
The plan will pay benets for the diagnosis of a separate covered condition.
The plan will pay benets for a recurrence of the same critical illness. Recurrence means positive diagnosis of a critical illness or
procedure for which a benet was paid, and the date of diagnosis of recurrence is more than 180 Days after prior benet payment.
Cancer Diagnosis and Recurrence
The plan will pay benets for a recurrence or new diagnosis of cancer for which a benet was paid, and the date of diagnosis of
recurrence is more than 180 days after prior benet payment.
Skin Cancer Benet
The plan will pay  for the diagnosis of skin cancer. It will pay this benet once per calendar year.
Wellness Benet
The Wellness Benet is a $100 benet which is payable once per calendar year if the covered person receives approved health screening
tests while not conned in a hospital (mammography, lab tests for cholesterol or triglycerides, diabetes screenings, colonoscopy, etc.).
The benets outlined in this document are a brief description of coverage, designed to help you with the selection
process. This summary does not reect each and every benet, exclusion and limitation which may apply to the
coverage. For more details, important limitations and exclusions, refer to the Group Critical Illness Insurance
Policy, which can be found on the website. If there is a dierence between this summary and the
Group Critical Illness Insurance Policy, the Group Critical Illness Insurance Policy will prevail.
 UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
UC Plus
Group Hospital Indemnity Plan
Hospital Admission Benet
Payable once per covered sickness or accident, no more than ve times per covered person, per calendar
year. The admission must occur within 180 days after the covered accident, covered injury or covered
illness occurs.
per connement
Hospital Connement
Maximum of 30 days per connement for each covered sickness or accident for each insured. Payable no
more than three times per covered person, per calendar year. The initial hospital connement must begin
within 180 days after the covered accident, covered injury or covered illness occurs.
 per day
Hospital Intensive Care Benet
Maximum of 30 days per connement for each covered sickness or accident for each insured. Payable for
each day when an insured is conned in a hospital intensive care unit because of a covered accidental
injury or covered sickness. Connement must begin within 180 days after the covered accident, covered
injury or covered illness occurs. Once benets are paid, if an insured becomes conned to a hospital’s
intensive care unit again within six months because of the same or a related condition, the plan will treat
this connement as the same period of connement.
 per day
The benets outlined in this document are a brief description of coverage, designed to help you with the selection
process. This summary does not reect each and every benet, exclusion and limitation which may apply to
the coverage. For more details, important limitations and exclusions, refer to the Group Supplemental Hospital
Indemnity Policy, which can be found on the website. If there is a dierence between this summary and
the Group Supplemental Hospital Indemnity Policy, the Group Supplemental Hospital Indemnity Policy will prevail.
 UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
Contacts and Resources
Find complete plan information, including Certicates of Insurance and answers to frequently asked questions.
Create an online account with Prudential to le claims electronically and check the status of existing claims.
To enroll in a Supplemental Health Plan, visit Contact a member of
the UCPath team with enrollment-related questions at (855) 982-7284. Business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT,
Monday through Friday, excluding UC holidays.
For more information about all of the UC benet plan options, go to UCnet.
The University of California intends to continue the benets described here indenitely; however, the benets of all employees, retirees and plan
beneciaries are subject to change or termination at the time of contract renewal or at any other time by the university or other governing authorities.
If you belong to an exclusively represented bargaining unit, some of your benets may dier from those described here. This document is a summary.
If there is any conict between this summary and the governing plan booklets or agreements, the governing plan documents will control.
 UC Plus Supplemental Health Plans
January 
The Prudential coverage described in this booklet is subject to plan limitations, exclusions, denitions, and provisions. For detailed information, please see the
plan certicate or reference the brochure, which can be found on, as this booklet is intended to provide a general summary of the coverage. This
overview is subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of the plan.