Version 1.2 Telstra Unrestricted 10 June 2020
ADSL Layer 2 Assurance
The Structural Separation Undertaking (SSU) is a set of commitments Telstra has made to the ACCC
that requires Telstra to provide transparency and equivalence in relation to the supply by Telstra of
wholesale and retail services on Telstra’s Copper Network. The Network Services Business Unit
(NSBU) has principal control over and responsibility for:
service activation and provisioning; and
fault detection, handling and rectification,
for regulated services provided to wholesale customers and equivalent services provided to retail
customers. NSBU staff and contractors must therefore understand and comply with the commitments
made in the SSU.
The NSBU utilises equivalent systems, processes and procedures for the assurance of ADSL Layer 2
services for both retail and wholesale customers including the issuing, processing, management and
completion of tickets of work issued to field staff. This ensures that the fault detection, handling and
rectification of an ADSL Layer 2 service can occur in an equivalent manner regardless of whether a
ticket of work was received from a retail or wholesale customer.
Fault Detection, Handling and Rectification Wholesale Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
(ADSL) Layer 2
This document describes the end-to-end view of processes and systems used in the fault detection,
handling and rectification of Wholesale ADSL Layer 2 services. The Wholesale ADSL Layer 2 service
is a broadband service which provides access to the world wide web and works off a fixed telephone
Fault management system
Service Improvement in Assurance Management (SIIAM) is a tool used for reporting customer faults
and service difficulties. SIIAM manages the lifecycle of faults including incident capture, problem
diagnosis, restoration activity tracking and fault restoration details. SIIAM will create cases from a
number of different media such as auto-creation from external systems, manual and via the web.
These cases are then either resolved by Front of House (FoH) staff at the initial point of contact (out
of scope of this process document), or dispatched to various queues within SIIAM to be resolved by
the appropriate remediation group.
Linx Online Service (LOLS) is a web-extension of the SIIAM assurance Management System and is
Telstra’s wholesale service assurance fault ticketing system. The LOLS application is integrated in the
background with the SIIAM application.
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LOLS allows, in a secure online browser environment, the Access Seeker (AS) to:
lodge a fault report for its end user
view relevant real time notes and test results entered by Telstra operational workgroups, technical
engineers and field staff;
view reschedule notification emails sent by Telstra in LOLS notes;
interact with Telstra technical staff with additional notes and updating information within
view up to date information on major network outages;
view Incorrect Callout Charge information; and
close a fault report.
Fault allocation
Business rules that are configured in SIIAM/LOLS will determine the appropriate course of action for
fault resolution. Initial SIIAM testing and diagnosis will determine whether the case is assigned to
testers or specialist groups for further testing and investigation or whether a sub-case is created and
dispatched to the field workforce for rectification. Details from the preliminary testing that occurs
during order entry will be provided on the ticket of work to assist in the restoration process.
Where a field sub-case is created on an order, SIIAM/LOLS interfaces with the field workforce
management system, PROMISE MOBILE to book an assurance appointment (where testing has
indicated that access to the end user premises may be required) or to make a commitment timeframe
in which to restore the service (where access to the end user premises is unlikely to be required)
which is sent through to the field workforce for resolution.
Once this task is received in PROMISE MOBILE, the Back Ground Optimiser (BGO) (automated
system) allocates the tasks to the Communications Technician (CT). This may need further manual
refinement or rescheduling by the Field Resource Co-ordinators.
Fault Detection and Handling
Prior to conducting testing the CT will contact the wholesale customer to advise that they will be
working on the fault.
The CT will view the fault details in PROMISE MOBILE via their Tablet. PROMISE MOBILE is a
software application through which the CT gets visibility of task details. The CT will then perform a
FAST/OATS and Customer Access Network Test Set (CTS) test which assists to identify the potential
location of a fault and provide current service specifications.
FAST is a tool utilised to provide field staff with a standard network based testing environment. To do
this FAST interfaces with the Subscribers Universal Line Test Access Network (SULTAN) via an
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) unit. SULTAN is Telstra's national system for remote testing and
fault diagnosis of Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) services, principally the Customer
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Access Network (CAN), customer premise equipment, and the associated exchange inlet. FAST
translates the test results that SULTAN provides via the IVR. FAST provides the basic line tests of:
Foreign Battery;
Insulation Resistance to Earth;
Insulation Resistance between the A and B Legs;
Capacitance; and
Open Circuits.
The service will proceed through each of these tests separately, and the results of a particular test will
determine whether the service will proceed to the next test. If an out of specification result is received
the CT is then automatically offered a second level test. This option runs all tests again.
OATS is an online tool available to the field workforce and the AS for testing ADSL. There are three
package tests available via the OATS tool:
Package test with premises parameters set;
Package test with exchange parameters set; and
Single test to the premises or exchange.
OATS gives the maximum amount of data and performs FAST testing checks as well as the Remote
View On Port (RVOP) and ADSL tests. These tests will ascertain whether the ADSL service is within
specification, as well as check the speed and whether the end-user username is logged on.
The CTS Standard Model is a multi-functional test unit designed to provide the CT with the core test
functionality for copper pair testing in one unit. The functionality list of the CTS is:
Multi-meter (AC/DC, loop resistance);
Resistance Fault Location (RFL);
Pulse Echo Testset (PET);
Capacitance meter;
Balance meter;
Remote device; and
Noise/Pair quality.
All FAST/OATS and CTS test results are recorded and reported in a database (CRUX) to assist in
managing any future fault tickets of work.
Where the service is testing within specification and the wholesale customer is satisfied that the
service is working without fault symptoms, then no further fault location/repair action is required and
the fault ticket of work can be closed as completed.
Fault Rectification
Where the service is not testing within specifications, the CT will travel to the first work location (end-
user premises, exchange, pillar, pit, etc.). When the CT arrives at the first work location they will
conduct further testing with appropriate fault locating equipment to identify the fault location. The CT
will verify the ADSL signal to the Telstra Gateway via OATS testing, checking modem sync, lights and
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power and using ADSL Test gear to prove signal at the Network Boundary Point (NBP) (usually the
main distribution frame or the first socket within the premises) and conduct further isolation testing if
required. End user premises equipment and premises cabling faults attract fee for service charges if
the fault is deemed to be within the end user’s CPE or internal cabling. In-line and central filters are
also checked to confirm if all installed devices across the service are correctly filtered or if they will
interfere with the ADSL modem. If an ADSL signal is present at the cable pair then the CT will identify
any potential source of a fault symptom within the network provisioning the service and complete any
required repair, replacement or, if the current network path is unable to be restored, the transposition
of the service to an alternate network path, to restore the service to specification.
The CT will also keep the wholesale customer informed of progress, the expected completion time
and the likelihood of service interruptions.
Upon repair of the service the CT will conduct another FAST/OATS and/or CTS test to ensure the
service is testing within prescribed technical specifications before completing the ticket of work. Both
FAST and CTS test results are uploaded into CRUX.
The CT will then contact the wholesale customer and inform them that the service has been restored
to ensure they are satisfied prior to completing the ticket of work.
When completing the ticket of work the CT will populate the clearance code details needed to
complete the task in PROMISE MOBILE, and add any relevant completion comments. They will
ensure accurate restoration times are recorded when completing the ticket of work. The restoration
time used is the actual time the service was restored and not the time when all activities associated
with the ticket of work were completed.
Where the service has been restored by way of transposition to an alternate network path, the CT will
enter a Customer Network Improvement (CNI) into the CNI database in PROMISE MOBILE,
identifying the faulty network element and the required work to remediate the infrastructure to
standard. As this network element is no longer provisioning the end-user these are managed in a
separate process.
Where the attending CT is unable to complete the repair work (such as where additional resources
are required) to restore the service, the ticket of work is passed over to another workgroup for
rectification and completion. The CT will incomplete the ticket of work, following approval from their
team manager, and add extensive details regarding the minimum scope of work to restore the
service, possible solution, location of the fault, test results, details of any wholesale customer or end-
user contact, team manager sequence number, name and contact number, customer priority and
whether the fault is affected by an outage. The CT will contact the wholesale customer and advise of
the reasons for the delay in restoration.
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The workgroup who receives the ticket will read all relevant notes and details provided by the CT and
then conduct further necessary testing as required to further isolate the fault. The workgroup will
arrange for civil work to be completed, haul and joint cable, and obtain materials or parts necessary to
provide a lasting repair to restore the service following the standard process.
There may be other reasons the CT is unable to complete a task. These reasons could include:
extreme weather conditions;
insufficient time and/or spare parts required; and
end user not in attendance.
If the CT is unable to complete the task for any reason, they will update the task to reflect the
incomplete reason, with appropriate notes and incomplete code. The ticket of work will then be seen
in a review queue in PROMISE MOBILE. From that point, the ticket of work will be manually managed
by the customer service consultants for that geographic region, who will liaise with the customer to
reschedule the appointment/commitment for a later date or seek after hours attention, if required. The
fault will then be restored following the standard process.
Notification of Fault Restoration
When a service has been restored, and the CT enters the appropriate clearance code in PROMISE
MOBILE, the case will be auto-closed and SIIAM will automatically receive a transaction update from
PROMISE. The response and restore times are also translated into the relevant fields in SIIAM.
When the service is restored and the case closed, the wholesale customer will automatically receive
an SMS or e-mail (generated by SIIAM), according to the preferred contact method selected by the
wholesale customer, to advise the service has been restored.