Chapter 2
Forward and Futures Prices
At the expiration date, a futures contract that calls for immediate settlement, should
have a futures price equal to the spot price. Before settlement, futures and spot prices
need not be the same. The difference between the prices is called the basis of the futures
contract. It converges to zero as the contract approaches maturity. To understand how
futures prices are established requires understanding the behavior of the basis.
The basis for a forward contract is defined in a similar way. Because of the marking-
to-market feature of futures, there is no apparent reason to suspect that futures prices
should equal forward prices. However, in some circumstances the prices are identical. The
first part of this chapter investigates these conditions. The second part of this chapter
takes a closer look at the determinants of the basis in a perfect market. In particular, we
investigate the cost-of-carry model which quantifies the basis and provides an explicit model
of futures prices. We explore other properties of futures prices, examine the relationship
between futures prices and expected future spot prices and investigate the determinants of
the volatility of futures prices.
The primary objectives of this chapter are:
To explain the relationship between forward and futures prices;
To examine how futures prices are established;
To explain the determinants of the basis;
To identify arbitrage opportunities if the futures price is not within prescribed ranges;
To establish whether futures prices provide useful forecasts of expected spot prices in
the future.
The Basis
The basis is defined as the difference between the spot and futures price. Let b(t)
represent the size of the basis at date t, for a futures contract that settles at date T. Then,
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 2
b(t)=S(t) F (t)
(i) On October 12th an elevator operator buys corn from a farmer for $2.06 per bushel.
The November futures contract is $2.09. The basis is -3 cents. The local grain elevator is
said to be 3 cents under the November contract.
(ii) The New York Mercantile Exchange trades a futures contract on crude oil. The un-
derlying grade of crude oil is West Texas Intermediate (WTI). Exhibit 1 shows a possible
realization of the basis of WTI over the lifetime of a contract. Notice that the basis can
change sign over time. As the settlement date approaches, the basis converges to zero.
Exhibit 1: Possible Dynamics of the Basis for a Futures Contract
On July 13th 1993 the spot price for corn was 234 cents. The following futures prices were
Exhibit 2: Basis For Futures Contracts
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 3
Settlement Date July Sept Dec March May July Sept Dec
Futures Price 234 1/2 242 248 1/2 254 1/2 258 1/2 258 1/2 250 245 1/2
Basis 1/2 -8 14 1/2 20 1/2 24 1/2 24 1/2 -16 11 1/2
Notice that the basis for the July contract is close to zero. The basis for more distant
contracts increase in the negative direction, and then decreases.
The above examples show that the basis can be positive or negative and can change
direction over time. Further, at any point in time, the basis could be positive for some
delivery months and negative for other delivery months. Understanding how futures prices
are formed is equivalent to understanding how the basis is established. Before investigating
the determinants of the basis, it is first worthwhile establishing the relationship between
futures and forward prices. Indeed, our first task will be to show that under certain condi-
tions these two prices are identical. If the appropriate conditions hold, the basis of a futures
contract will equal the basis of a forward contract. This fact is useful because it allows us
to ignore the marking-to-market feature in futures contracts and to quantify the basis by
viewing the contract as a forward contract.
The Valuation of Forward and Futures C ontracts
Assume that markets are perfect, with no taxes, transaction costs and margin require-
ments. The annualized risk free rate, r, is known and constant over time and borrowers and
lenders earn the same rate. If $1.0 is invested at the riskless rate for 1 day then it grows
to $R where R = e
and t =1/365. Finally, let B(t, T ) represent the discount rate for
$1.0 due at day T, viewed from day t. That is,
B(t, T )=e
r(T t)∆t
T t
The assumption that interest rates are known and constant over time may not be too
severe for short term contracts on agricultural commodities and metals, but is not satis-
factory for interest rate sensitive futures contracts. We shall therefore defer discussion of
futures contracts on bonds to later. We assume that there are no delivery options in the
futures contract. That is, we assume there is one deliverable grade and that delivery will
take place at a specific settlement date. The underlying security may be a commodity such
as corn or copper or a financial asset, like a stock or an index, depending on the situation.
If the underlying instrument provides cash flows, the exact size and timing of these cash
flows are assumed known.
The price of a forward contract at time t that calls for delivery of 1 unit of the commodity
at time T is FO(t). The price of a futures contract at time t, that calls for delivery at time
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 4
T is F(t). The level of the basis at date 0 is b(0) where
b(0) = S(0) F (0)
Valuing Forward Contracts
Consider a trader who at time 0 enters into a long position in a forward contract, with
settlement date T. Recall that this price is established so that the value of the contract is
zero. Let V
be the value at time 0 of this contract. Then
Over time the value of this contract will change. Let V
be its value at time t,where0 t
T. At the settlement date T , the value of the contract will be the difference between forward
and settlement price. That is,
= S(T ) FO(0)
To see this, note that the buyer is obliged to take delivery at price FO(0). Since the spot
price is S(T ), the value of this contract must be the difference.
We now consider the value of the contract at some intermediate time point t, 0 <t<T.
Assume that at time t, the investor offsets the long commitment by selling a forward contract
with price FO(t). Clearly, the price of this new contract is set so that its value is zero.
Hence, by entering into this position, the value of the trader’s overall position remains
unchanged at V
.AttimeT , the buyer is obliged to take delivery at price FO(0) and to
sell at FO(t). ThedateTcashflowisthereforeFO(t) FO(0), which is actually known
at date t.
Exhibit 3 summarizes the strategy.
Exhibit 3: Valuing Forward Contracts
Position Value at Value at Value at
date 0 date t date T
Buy forward at date 0 0 V
S(T ) FO(0)
Sell Forward at date t - 0 [S(T ) FO(t)]
Value of strategy 0 V
FO(t) FO(0)
Since this strategy guarantees a final cash flow at date T , its time t value should be the
present value of the cash flow, where the discount rate is the riskless rate. Therefore, the
fair date t value of the cash flow must be [FO(t) FO(0)]B(t, T ). Hence, the value of the
forward contract at date t must be
=[FO(t) FO(0)]B(t, T )
This leads to the following property.
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 5
Property 1
At time t, 0 t T , the value of a forward contract entered into
at time 0, is
[FO(t) FO(0)]B(t, T )
where FO(t) is the date t price of new forward contracts.
A forward contract calling for delivery in six months was entered into at a forward price of
$100. Assume two months later that a new forward contract with the same delivery date
has a forward price of $110. By selling this forward contract, the investor is obliged to buy
at $100 and sell at $110. Thus, the investor is guaranteed $10 in four months time. The
current value of the net position is just the present value of $10. Given T =6months,t =2
months, and the riskless rate is 12 percent, we have B(t, T )=e
=0.9607, and
=10× 0.9607 = $9.61.
Valuing Futures Contracts
Let F (0) be the current futures price for settlement at day T. Like forward contracts,
the futures price is established so that the initial value of a futures contract is zero. Unlike
forward contracts, futures contracts are marked to market daily. As futures prices change
daily cash flows are made, and the contract rewritten in such a way that the value of future
contracts at the end of each day remain zero.
Property 2
Futures contracts give the buyer the change in the futures price
computed over every day up to the t ime the position is closed.
At the end of each day, after the contract is marked to market,
the value of the contract is zero.
Assume an investor buys a futures contract at $150. If at the end of the day the futures
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 6
price is $156, the investor makes a $6 profit, the contract is rewritten at a futures price of
$156, and the value of the contract is zero. If at the end of the second day the futures price
is $150, the investor loses $6, and the contract is rewritten at a price of $150. The accrued
value of holding onto a futures contract for these two days is $(6R 6). In contrast, if the
futures price dropped $6 on the first day, and then returned to its previous level on the
second day, the two day accrued value on the futures position would be $(6R +6). The
two numbers would only be equal if interest rates were zero. Notice that if interest rates
were zero, then the value of holding onto a futures position for t days is just the change in
the futures price over that period.
The Relationship Between Forward and Futures Prices
Since forward and futures contracts are different there may be reason to think that
forward and futures prices might not be equal. The next property summarizes their rela-
Property 3
If interest rates are certain then futures and forward prices are
To understand this, first consider forward and futures prices with one day to go to
delivery. Consider a portfolio consisting of a long position in a forward and a short position
in a futures contract. The initial investment is zero. At the end of the day, the value of the
forward contract is S(T ) FO(T 1) and the value of the short position in the futures is
F (T 1) S(T ). The net portfolio value, F (T 1) FO(T 1) is certain. Since the initial
cost of this portfolio was zero, to avoid riskless arbitrage the terminal value must be zero.
Hence F (T 1) = FO(T 1). That is, with one day to go futures prices equal forward
Now consider the case with two days to go. Consider the strategy of buying 1 forward
contract and selling B(T 1,T) futures contract. Since interest rates are constant the value
B(T 1,T) is known at date T 2andis1/R. Again the initial investment is zero. At the
end of the day, the value of the forward contract is given by the change in forward prices
discounted from the settlement date, namely, [FO(T 1) FO(T 2)]B(T 1,T), and
the profit on each futures contract is F (T 2) F (T 1). Hence, at the end of the day,
the value of this strategy is:
[FO(T 1) FO(T 2)]B(T 1,T)+[F (T 2) F (T 1)]B(T 1,T)
=[FO(T 1) FO(T 2) + F (T 2) F (T 1)]B(T 1,T)
=[F (T 2) FO(T 2)]B(T 1,T).
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 7
Viewed from date T 2 this value is known. Again, to avoid riskless arbitrage, this
value must therefore be zero. Hence, with 2 days to go, futures and forward prices must be
If interest rates are deterministic, this argument can be repeated successively to demon-
strate that at all points in time futures and forward prices are equal. The result can be
obtained only because the number of futures contracts to sell for every forward bought can
be established. At time T 2, for example, the strategy required selling B(T 1,T) futures
contracts. If interest rates are uncertain the value B(T 1,T) is not known at date T 2
and the appropriate hedge cannot be established.
Example: Replicating a Forward Contract with Futures.
(i) Assume interest rates are constant, and over any day an investment of $1.0 grows to
$R where R =1.0005. Now consider a futures and forward contract that has 3 days to
go to settlement. The forward and futures prices are both set at $1000.0. After 1 day
the prices change to 1200; after 2 days prices are at 1500, and the settlement price is
1600. The 3 day profit on the forward position is $600. The profit on the futures is
+ 300R + 100 = $603.5
Now consider the replicating strategy just discussed. With 3 days to go buy 1/R
contracts and hold them for one day. With 2 days to go buy 1/R futures contracts and
hold them for one day. Finally, with 1 day to go buy 1 futures contract. The accrued profit
from this strategy is
R + 100 = 600
Hence, this rollover position in futures produces the same cash flows as a forward contract.
To reemphasize, this replication can only work if interest rates are certain. If they are not
certain, then establishing how many futures contracts to purchase would not be possible.
Finally, this example confirms that futures prices must equal forward prices. If, the forward
price with 3 days to go was $1100 then an astute investor, would sell the contract and
initiate the futures rollover strategy, that replicates the forward. Regardless of what prices
occur over the remaining time horizon, the investor is guaranteed a $100 profit.
(ii) Assume a firm sold twenty forward contracts on crude oil to a corporate customer.
The delivery period is in ve years. Assume the five year interest rate is 10 percent. The
firm decides to hedge this risk by purchasing futures contracts. Assume the deliverables on
the futures and forward contracts are the same. The initial number of futures to purchase
equals 20B(0,T)=20e
=12.13. As time advances, the hedge needs to be adjusted.
For example, assume that with 2 years to go, interest rates are 8 percent. Then the hedge
consists of 20e
=17.04 futures. As the settlement date gets closer, the number of
futures to sell converges to 20.
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 8
Property 4
(i) If futures prices are positively correlated with interest rates
then futures prices will exceed forward prices.
(ii) If futures prices are negatively correlated with interest rates,
then futures prices will be lower than forward prices.
(iii) If futures prices are uncorrelated with interest rates, then
futures prices will equal forward prices.
When interest rates are uncertain, there is no reason for forward prices to equal futures
prices. Consider the case when interest rates are not certain and it is known that futures
prices and interest rates tend to move in the same direction. Then the long position knows
that cash flows generated from an increase in futures prices can more likely be invested
at high interest rates, while losses derived from a falling futures price, can more likely be
financed at a lower interest rate. In this case the long position in a futures contract is at an
advantage relative to an otherwise identical forward contract. Of course, the short position
is at a disadvantage, and for a fair transaction to be made one would anticipate that the
short position would require a higher price than the forward price. Indeed, to entice traders
into selling a futures contract, the futures price must be set higher than the forward price.
Similarly, for the case where futures prices and interest rates move in opposite directions,
profits from rising futures prices will be invested in a falling interest rate environment, while
losses will be financed by borrowing at higher rates. In this case the futures holder is at a
disadvantage relative to a forward holder. To entice investors into holding futures then, the
futures price must be set lower than the forward price.
In summary, due to interest rate uncertainty, the setting of futures prices may differ
from that of forward prices. Indeed, for a futures contract the total cash ow, together with
accrued interest depends not only on the behavior of the future spot price but also on the
joint behavior of the underlying price with interest rates.
Consider a futures contract on a particular bond. If interest rates move down and then up,
the price of the bond will increase, then decrease. The long position will make money in
the first day, and invest it at a low interest rate. In contrast, the short position will loose
money in the first day but be able to finance this loss at a lower rate. On the second day,
the short wins and invests the proceeds at a high rate, while the long looses and has to
finance the loss at a higher rate.
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 9
Relative to a forward contract, the advantage rests with the short position. Of course,
the long position realizes this and requires the futures price to be set a bit lower so as to
compensate for this disadvantage. Clearly, the magnitude of this compensation, depends
on the sensitivity of bond prices to the daily interest rate. We shall have much more to say
about this relationship in future chapters.
In general, differences between futures and forward prices for short term contracts with
settlement dates less than 9 months tend to be very small. That is, the daily marking-to-
market process appears to have little effect on the setting of futures and forward prices.
Moreover, if the underlying asset’s returns are not highly correlated with interest rate
changes, then the marking-to-market effects are small even for longer term futures. Only
for longer term futures contracts on interest sensitive assets will the making-to-market costs
be significant. As a result, many studies analyze futures contracts as if they were forwards.
In the rest of this chapter we establish pricing relationships for forward contracts, and then
use property 4 to make statements about future prices.
Pricing of Forward Contracts on Storable Commodities
Consider an investor who borrows funds to purchase a commodity and caries it over the
period [0,T]. Assume all dollars required to carry the inventory are borrowed. The amount
owed at date T is the initial pricipal, S(0), the accrued interest on the principal, AI(0,T),
say, and the future value of all expensed items relating to the inventory, π(0,T), say. These
include physical storage insurance charges. Some commodities that are stored may provide
cash flows over the period prior to the delivery date. For example, if the commodity is
a Treasury bond, coupons may be paid, or if it is a stock, then dividends may be paid
out. Assume that all of these intermediate cash flows are invested at the riskless rate, until
date T. These accrued benefits, G(0,T) say, are then used to reduce the amount owed. Let
C(0,T) represent the net funds owed at date T. Then:
C(0,T)=S(0) + AI(0,T)+π(0,T) G(0,T)(1)
If the trader could arrange to sell the commodity forward for a price that exceeds the net
amount owed, then arbitrage free profits could be made.
Consider a trader who borrows $206, 000 to purchase 100, 000 bushels of corn. The corn
is stored for use in 3 months time. Storage and insurance charges of $200 are paid at the
beginning of each month. These charges are also financed by borrowing. Interest expenses
are 10% per year continuously compounded.
The principal amount, together with accrued interest is:
S(0) + AI(0,T)=S(0)e
= (206000)e
= $211, 215
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 10
The accrued storage cost is
π(0,T) = 200e
+ 200e
+ 200e
= $610.
Since the commodity provides no cash flow over the period, G(0,T) = 0 and hence the total
amount owed in three months is
C(0,T)=S(0) + AI(0,T)+π(0,T) = $211, 825.
This quantity is known at time 0. If the trader could sell the corn forward for a price that
exceeds the net amount owed, then arbitrage free profits can be locked in.
The relationship of forward prices to spot prices prior to settlement is determined by the
above cost of carry argument. Exhibit 4 shows the profits from the cost of carry strategy.
Exhibit 4: Cost-of Carry Strategy
Position Cash Flow Cash Flow at Date T
at date 0
Borrow S(0) to S(0) Pay back loans C(0,T)
Buy the commodity S(0)
and sell forward - Sell commodity for
Forward Price, FO(0).
Net Cash Flow 0 FO(0) C(0,T)
Hence, to avoid riskless arbitrage, the terminal value should be nonpositive. That is:
FO(0) C(0,T) 0.
Substituting the individual components, we have:
FO(0) S(0) + AI(0,T)+π(0,T) G(0,T)(2)
Property 5
Arbitrage opportunities arise if the forward (futures) price is t oo
high relative to the spot price. In particular, the forward (futures)
price should always be bounded above by the spot price plus the
net carry charge to the delivery date. That is,
FO(0) S(0) + AI(0,T)+π(0,T) G(0,T)
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 11
In the previous example, the trader purchased 200, 000 bushels at a cost of $2.06 per
bushel. We had C(0,T) = $211, 825. If the trader can sell forward at a price that ex-
ceeds 211, 825/200, 000 = $2.118, then arbitrage free profits can be locked in.
We have seen that the forward price is bounded above according to the cost of carry. If
the forward price equals this upper bound, then the forward price is said to be at full carry.
In practice the forward price may not be at full carry. This is investigated next.
Reverse Cash and C arry Arbitrage
Consider a commodity, such as a financial asset, that can be sold short at the current
market price. Recall that when an asset is sold short, the stock is borrowed and sold. Initial
funds are received equal to the market price. If the price drops, the trader can purchase it
at the lower price, return the stock, and profit from the difference. Of course, if the stock
pays a dividend in the interim, the short seller is responsible for the cash flow.
Now consider the strategy of selling the commodity short, investing the proceeds at the
riskless rate, and buying the forward contract. At expiration the asset sold short is returned
by accepting delivery on the forward contract. In addition, if any dividends occurred over
the period, then the short seller borrows these funds. Let G(0,T) represent the total amount
owed from the dividend payments at date T. At date T the trader owes the asset and G(0,T)
dollars. The investor pays the forward price, FO(0) dollars to receive the commodity, and
uses this transaction to cover the short position. In addition, the investor pays the debt of
G(0,T) dollars. Exhibit 5 shows the cash flows from this strategy.
Exhibit 5: Reverse Cash and Carry
Position Cash Flow Cash Flow at Date T
at date 0
Sell commodity short, S(0) Receive S(0) + AI(0,T)
invest proceeds at riskless rate S(0)
and buy forward - Take delivery of asset and
return it: -[FO(0) + G(0,T)]
Net Cash Flow 0 S(0) + AI(0,T) FO(0) G(0,T)
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 12
Since there is no initial net investment, and since the cash flow at date T is certain, to
avoid riskless arbitrage, the final net cash flow should be nonpositive. That is
S(0) + AI(0,T) FO(0) G(0,T) 0
FO(0) S(0) + AI(0,T) G(0,T)
The reverse cash and carry strategy leads to a lower bound on forward prices.
Property 6
For a commodity that can be sold short, arbitrage opportunities
arise if the forward (futures) price is too low relative to the spot
price. In particular, the forward (futures) price should always be
bounded below by the spot price plus accrued interest. That is,
FO(0) S(0) + AI(0,T) G(0,T)
For most commodities that can be sold short, the storage costs are negligible. In this
case the lower bound equals the upper bound and forward prices are fully determined by
the cost of carry model.
FO(0) = S(0) + AI(0,T) G(0,T)
Property 7
For a commodity that has negligible storage costs and can readily
be sold short, forward and futures prices should be set at full carry.
Actually, the ability to sell the commodity short is not really essential to prevent forward
prices falling below the spot plus carry charge. To see this, consider a trader who owns
the commodity and plans on holding it for some time. If the forward price dropped below
the spot plus carry charge the investor would sell the commodity, invest the proceeds at
the riskless rate and buy the forward contract. At the settlement date the investor would
take delivery of the asset. In effect the investor would find this strategy cheaper than
storing inventory. If the commodity was in ample supply other traders who held excess
inventory would initiate the same strategy. Their activity would continue until forward
prices would rise to a level that reflected full carry. This argument suggests that to avoid
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 13
riskless arbitrage, forward prices on commodities that are abundantly available and storable
should reflect full carry charges.
Property 8
If a commodity is in ample supply, then forward and futures prices
should reflect full carry charges. That is,
FO(0) = S(0) + AI(0,T) G(0,T)
If the underlying commodity provides no cash flows and incurs no storage charges, then
the carry charge just reflects the opportunity cost of funds and:
FO(0) = S(0) + AI(0,T)=S(0)R
If the time to delivery, T ,ismeasuredinyears,ratherthandays,thentheaboveforward
price can be expressed as
FO(0) = S(0)e
If storage charges are incurred continuously and are proportional to the price of the com-
modity then the effective cost of carry is increased from the rate r to r + u and
FO(0) = S(0)e
where u is the storage cost per year expressed as a proportion of the spot price. For storable
commodities such as financial securities that do not provide cash flows, and for investment
commodities, such as gold, the net cost of carry is usually positive and forward prices will
typically lie above spot prices. A market of this type is called a contango market.
Finally, if the underlying commodity pays a continuous dividend yield at rate d, the net
cost rate of carry in equation is reduced from r + u to r + u d and
FO(0) = S(0)e
(i) Forward Contract on Gold
Consider a forward contract on gold. For this product the bulk of the carrying charge
is interest expense with a negligible mount required for insurance and storage. Assume the
spot price of gold is $305. Interest rates are 5 percent and the contract settles in one year.
From the cost of carry model, the theoretical futures price is
FO(0) = 305e
= $320.64
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 14
The further the delivery date the greater the interest expense, so typically forward prices
exceed spot prices by an amount that increases with maturity.
Forward Contract on a Dividend Paying Stock
Assume the spot price of a stock is $100, a dividend of $5.0 is due in t
interest rates are 5%. Since there are no storage costs, the forward price of a contract that
settles in T =1yearis
FO(0) = S(0)e
r(T t
= 100e
= $100.00
Forward Contracts on Foreign E xchange
Assume one British Pound costs $1.60. A one year forward contract is purchased on
the pound. The short position has to deliver one pound in exchange for FO(0) dollars. To
establish what the theoretical forward price should be assume that interest rates in the US
are r = 5% while British interest rates are r
= 8%. In order to apply the cost of carry
model, we recognise that the storage cost,u,is zero and the dividend yield on the foreign
exchange, d = r
= 8%. Specifically, the purchased pound can be invested at a guaranteed
rate of 8% in a British bank. Hence
FO(0) = S(0)e
Lets consider this case more carefully. The cost of carry model requires borrowing S(0)
dollars to buy one pound. The pound is invested for a year and grows to 1e
pounds. Assume, at date 0 the trader sold forward 1.0833 pounds at a guaranteed dollar
price. The forward price is the price of one British pound, expressed in dollars. The seller
of the contract has to deliver FO(0) pounds in exchange for one dollar. Hence each pound
is delivered at an exchange rate of
dollars. Since the number of pounds to transact
is known, at date 0, and is 1.0833, the total guaranteed dollar value of selling forward is
1.0833/F O(0) dollars.
An alternative riskless investment is to place $1.0 into a riskless US account. The value
a year later is e
=$1.051. Hence, to avoid riskless arbitrage, 1.051 = 1.0833/F O(0), from
which, FO(0) = 1.5527.
Futures Contracts on Price Weighted Sto ck Indices
Consider a forward or futures contract on a price weighted index, I(t), which is computed
by taking the average of the prices of two stocks, A and B, say, and multiplying the resulting
value by a multiplier, m. That is
× m.
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 15
Assume stock A pays a dividend of d
at time t
and B pays d
at time t
contract with delivery date T trades on the index. At the settlement date, T, futures prices
equal spot prices. In this case, F (T )=I(T ). For index futures, settlement is made in
cash, rather than by delivering the appropriate amount of stocks in the index. In order to
establish the fair futures price prior to the settlement date, we can apply the cost of carry
model to this problem.
Consider the strategy of purchasing the index with borrowed funds and selling the
futures contract. Unfortunately, the index cannot be bought. However, it is possible to
buy m/2sharesofAandm/2 shares of B. If this is done, then the price of the portfolio
should perfectly correlate with the index. However, while the index does not pay dividends
the underlying portfolio does. These dividends will be used to reduce the cost of carry and
hence will effect the price of the futures contract.
Exhibit 6 summarizes the transactions associated with this strategy. All dividends are
invested at the riskless rate until time T.
Exhibit 6
The Cost-of-Carry Model for Futures
Initial Final Value
Borrow I(0) dollars I(0) I(0)e
Buy m/2sharesofA mS
(0)/2 mS
(T )/2+ me
r(T t
Buy m/2sharesofB mS
(0)/2 mS
(T )/2+ me
r(T t
Sell Forward contract 0 F (0) I(T )
To avoid riskless arbitrage the value at time T of this strategy must be nonpositive.
That is V (T ) 0. Therefore we have
F (0) I(T )+
(T )+S
(T )] +
r(T t
+ d
r(T t
] I(0)e
F (0) I(0)e
r(T t
+ d
r(T t
If the futures price exceeded the right hand side then an arbitrage opportunity exists.
If the futures price is not at full carry than a reverse cash and carry strategy can be created
to capture riskless returns. Specifically, the futures contract is purchased and m/2shares
of both A and B are sold short, with the proceeds invested at the riskless rate. Since
the investor is responsible for the dividend payments, payments are made from the riskless
investment. The cash flows from this strategy are shown in Exhibit 7.
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 16
Exhibit 7:
The Reverse Cash and Carry Model for Futures
Initial Final Value
Sell m/2sharesofAand -
(0)] -
(T )] -
r(T t
Invest Proceeds in Bonds
Sell m/2sharesofAand -
(0)] -
(T )] -
r(T t
Invest Proceeds in Bonds
Buy Forward Contract 0 I(T ) F (0)
The initial value of the portfolio is 0. Hence, to avoid riskless profits V (T ) 0, which
F (0) I(0)e
r(T t
+ d
r(T t
The above results imply that a futures contract on an index, that corresponds to traded
securities, should be at full carry.
Example: Stock Index Arbitrage w ith a Price Weighted Index
A stock index is computed as the price weighted average of two stocks, A and B. A futures
contract trades on the index. The contract settles in 60 days. Current interest rates are
10%. The following information is available.
Price $100 $200
Dividend 1.50 2.00
Time to Dividend 10 days 15 days
The index price, I(0), is computed as I(0) = (100 + 200)/2 = 150. To compute the
theoretical futures price, we first compute the total carry charge from purchasing the stocks
underlying the index with borrowed funds. The initial investment is $300. The amount
owed in 60 days is
= $301.42.
The futures price is expressed in units which is related to the actual index price. In this
example the index value is one half the total value of the stock prices in the index. Hence,
the theoretical futures price is 150.71.
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 17
Say the actual futures price is 153.71. Then an index arbitrage opportunity would
become available. In particular, the arbitrageur would sell two overpriced futures contract,
and initiate the program trade for the two underlying assets. The funds for the purchase of
the assets would be obtained by borrowing. The sequence of events are shown in Exhibit 8.
Exhibit 8: Pricing Stock Index Futures
Cash Market Futures Market
Day 0 Borrow $300, and Sell 2 overpriced futures
buy A and B. at futures price of 153.71.
Day 10 Receive Dividend. Invest it
for 50 days at 10%.
Day 15 Receive Dividend. Invest it
for 45 days at 10%.
Day 60 Sell A and B for S
(T )+S
(T ) At settlement, futures price is
and repay the net amount owed [S
(T )+S
(T )]/2. Profit on the
which is $301.42. sale of two futures contracts is
307.42 [S
(T )+S
(T )].
Profit = S
(T )+S
(T ) 301.42 Profit = 307.42 [S
(T )+S
(T )]
Total profit is therefore 307.42 301.42 = $6.0, which is captured regardless of the future
index level.
Pricing Futures Contracts on Value We ighted Indices
Consider the PR3 Index. It is a value weighted index of 3 stocks, A, B and C. The current
information on the stocks are shown in Exhibit 9.
Exhibit 9:
Composition of the PR3 Index
Stock A B C
Price 40 35 25
Shares Outstanding 1 million 2 million 2 million
Market Value 40 million 70 million 50 million
dividend $0.5 $0.5 -
Time to dividend 10 days 12 days -
Given the market values, the composition of the index is 40/160 = 4/16 in stock A, 70/160 =
7/16 in B and 50/160 = 5/16 in C. The current index is 400. Consider a futures contract
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 18
on this index. The multiplier of the contract is 500. Therefore, the contract controls
400 × 500 = $200, 000. Of this amount (4/16)200, 000 = $50, 000 is in A, (7/16)200, 000 =
$87, 500 is in B, and the remaining (5/16)200, 000 = $62, 500 in C. The initial replicating
portfolio consists 50, 000/40 = 1, 250 shares of A, 87, 500/35 = 2, 500 shares of B,and
62, 500/25 = 2500 shares of C.
Assume the futures contract settles in 30 days, and interest rates are 10%. The calculations
for the theoretical futures price are shown below.
Stock A B C
Borrow Funds 50,000 87,500 62,500
Number of Shares Bought 1,250 2,500 2,500
Dividend Income Received and reinvested
at 10% until settlement date 628.43 1256.18 -
The amount owed after 30 days is 200, 000e
= 201, 650.61. The net amount
owed, after adjusting for dividends, is therefore 201, 650.61 1884.61 = 199, 766. The
theoretical futures price is therefore 199, 766/500 = $399.53.
The stock index arbitrage strategy just described ensures that futures prices do not
deviate to far from the implied net cost of carry. However, in the analysis we made several
simplifying assumptions. First, we assumed that transaction costs could be ignored. While
computer entry systems, such as DOT, has made the trading of portfolios more efficient,
stock index arbitrageurs estimate the total round trip costs to be at least 0.5% of the
portfolio value. Second, the assumption that index prices and replicating portfolio prices
are exactly equal is not precise. Third, the size and timing of all dividends on all stocks
in the index was assumed to be known with certainty. While this assumption may be
valid for some short term contracts, any uncertainty in dividends will impact the arbitrage
scheme. In addition, the reverse cash-and-carry strategy requires selling short stocks in the
index. Such a strategy implicitly assumed that the proceeds of the sales from selling stock
short would be immediately available for investment at the riskless rate. In fact, margin is
required for short sales, and these funds may not be available to the investor. Moreover,
short selling all stocks in the index may be difficult or may take some time. Specifically,
stocks can only be sold short after an uptick in the stock price. Finally, certain rules, such
as circuit breakers, can impede arbitrage.
As a result of the above real world considerations, the futures price on an index may
not be at full net carry. Indeed, there exist price bands such that no riskless arbitrage
strategies exist as long as the futures price trades within the band. Only when the futures
price moves outside this range will it become possible for arbitrageurs to initiate cash-and-
carry or reverse cash-and-carry arbitrage. Implementing systems that actually monitor the
stock index futures-stock portfolio relationship requires that these features be considered.
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 19
For futures prices, the cost-of-carry model, modified for real world imperfections such
as transaction charges, works extremely well. Exhibit 9 shows the futures prices and spot
prices. Around the futures prices are theoretical price bounds generated using the cost-of-
carry model. If the actual futures price drifted out the theoretical band, arbitrage between
the two markets would be possible. Notice that the actual futures price almost never
deviates outside the band.
Convenience Yields on Commodities
So far we have assumed that the commodity could be sold short or that it was in
abundant supply. In this case, to avoid arbitrage, the forward price would reflect the full
carry charge. If short sales are not possible then the reverse cash and carry arbitrage
cannot be initiated. In this case the futures price has no lower no-arbitrage bound and
prices may not be set at full carry. Of course, if the underlying commodity is in ample
supply, producers with large inventories may temporarily relinquish their inventories and
purchase forward contracts, and their activity will prevent prices deviating significantly
from the full carry price. However, if the commodity is not abundant, then traders may be
reluctant to temporarily relinquish their inventories, and futures prices may not reflect full
Examples of commodities that should reflect full carry include all securities that are
held for investment purposes such as stocks, bonds and certain precious metals such as
gold. The supply of these securities may fluctuate slightly over time, but these fluctuations
are small compared to outstanding inventories. The majority of commodities, including all
agricultural commodities, such as corn and wheat, and metals, such as copper and zinc,
are held for consumption purposes. The supply and demand for these commodities fluctu-
ates over time and inventories expand and shrink in response. For some commodities, such
as agricultural commodities, production is seasonal, but consumption is fairly steady. For
other goods, such as heating oil, consumption is seasonal while production is continuous. In
times of scarcity, users of such commodities may be reluctant to relinquish their inventories
on a temporary basis. By having inventory readily available, production processes can be
maintained despite local shortages or profits can be generated from local price variations
that arise when shortages emerge. The owner of inventory has valuable claims that provide
the right to liquidate inventory, contingent on price and demand fluctuations. By temporar-
ily relinquishing the inventory these claims are lost. The benefits from owning the physical
commodity provides the owner with a yield that is called the convenience yield.Thesize
of the convenience yield will clearly depend on factors such as the current aggregate lev-
els of inventory, the current supply and demand characteristics and upon projected future
supplies and demands. In addition the convenience yield will depend on risk-reward pref-
erences, with greater inventories being required as risk aversion in the economy increases.
Let k(0,T) represent the size of the convenience yield, measured in dollars, accrued up to
time T. In general, then, the futures price on a commodity can be written as
F (0) = S(0) + AI(0,T)+π(0,T) G(0,T) K(0,T)
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 20
where AI(0,T)andπ(0,T) are the interest expenses on the initial borrowed funds and
the future value of all expensed storage and insurance costs, G(0,T)isthefuturevalueof
all explicit cash flows derived from the commodity, and K(0,T) is the accrued convenience
yield over the period.
Property 9
For commodities that possess a convenience yield, forward and
futures prices are not at full carry.
Recall, if storage costs were assumed to be continuous and proportional to the spot
price, then, with no dividends, or convenience yields, forward prices are given by:
FO(0) = S(0)e
If the convenience yield per unit time is also a constant proportion of spot price, then we
could define κ as the net convenience yield. Then forward prices are linked to spot prices
F 0(0) = S(0)e
If the continuous convenience yield is larger than the storage cost, κ is positive. If κ>r,
then forward prices will be lower than the spot price.
If the forward price is observable the above equation can be solved to obtain the implied
convenience yield. Specifically, we obtain
κ = [ln[S(0)/F (0)] + rT]/T
The implied convenience yield provides the forward market’s consensus forecast of the con-
venience yield.
The futures prices of a storable commodity are shown below. The carry charge for the
commodity is 1% of the spot price per year (u =0.01) and interest rates are 9%. The
current time is April, 1 month prior to the May settlement date. The spot price is 1.96.
Settlement May July Sept Dec March
Futures Price 1.95 1.92 1.87 1.89 1.89
The annualized convenience yields are shown below.
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 21
Settlement May July Sept Dec March
Upper Bound (using
cost-of-carry model) 1.976 2.0096 2.043 2.095 2.148
Convenience Yield 16.13 18.24 21.28 15.45 13.96
Notice that by buying a July contract and selling a September contract, the trader is
committing to purchase at $1.92 and sell 2 months later at $1.87. Using the cost-of -carry
model we have
(r+uκ)(T S)
where S is the near term futures delivery date (July), T is the far term delivery date date
(September), and κ is the annualized convenience yield over the time period [S, T ]. The
implied convenience yield over this period can be computed. For example, the annualized
implied convenience yield over the July-September period is 25.83%. The implied conve-
nience yields over the successive time periods are shown below
Time Period April- May - July- Sept- Dec-
May July Sept Dec March
Implied Convenience 16.13 19.29 25.83 5.74 10.0
Given the implied convenience yields it appears that the benefits of holding inventories are
greatest over the July-September time period and are least beneficial over the September-
December period.
The Term Structure of Futures Prices and Basis Risk
Futures prices for consumption commodities could increase or decrease as settlement
dates increase. A downward sloping term structure of forward prices is especially likely if
demand for the commodity is very high and current supplies are limited. In this case the
convenience yield derived by having the commodity in inventory is extremely high. The
term structure of futures prices need not be a monotone function. This often occurs when
the futures price for the last delivery month of one marketing year, with its own supply
and demand mechanisms, are quite different from the futures price for the first delivery
month in the next marketing year. The basis of some contracts may be negative while
those of other contracts could be positive. For example if a crop is in abundant supply
from May to September then futures prices over this period could be monotone increasing,
reflecting full carry. However, from September to December a sharp drop off in prices could
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 22
occur relecting the fact that future yields are uncertain and shortages might occur, and
convenience yields are high.
In general, the magnitude of the basis is determined by the carry charge to the settlement
date and the convenience yield. If these charges remain stable over time, then the basis
should converge smoothly to zero. However, if the carry charge or convenience yields change
unexpectedly, then the basis will deviate from its smooth path towards zero. The fact that
the basis can deviate from its projected path introduces basis risk. We shall return to basis
risk in the next chapter.
Futures Prices for Non-Storable Commodities
The cost-of-carry model requires that the underlying commodity is storable. We now
consider the behavior of prices on non storable commodities. As an example, consider the
futures price of electricity. The futures price cannot be directly linked to the spot price
through the cost-of-carry model because electricity cannot be stored. In this section we
investigate how the futures price is determined. To make matters specific, assume that
the market’s consensus was that the future spot price at the delivery date would be $100.
More precisely, based on all information available, the expected future spot price is $100.
If the futures price were significantly lower than $100 (say $90), then some speculators
would consider buying the contract with the expectation of making a $10 profit. As the
discrepancy between the two prices increases, their participation would increase. Indeed,
their very activity would prevent prices deviating “too far” from the expected price.
If there is terrific uncertainty about the futures price, then the speculator may not
purchase the futures contract, even if its price is below the expected futures price. If,
for example, the futures price were $99, then speculators may not pursue the $1 expected
profit. Indeed, to entice speculators to bear the risk of a position in the futures, they
must be compensated with an appropriate risk premium. As a result, a simple relationship
between futures prices and expected future spot prices may not exist.
Speculators, Hedgers and Futures Prices
Speculators are traders that are prepared to bear risk in return for which they expect to
achieve an appropriate compensation. As a result, speculators will only buy (sell) futures
contracts, if they expect futures prices will increase (decrease). Hedgers, on the other
hand, are prepared to pay a premium to lay off unwanted risk to speculators. If hedgers,
in aggregate, are short, then speculators are net long, and, in this case the futures price
will be set below the future expected spot price. This situation is referred to as normal
backwardation. In contrast, if hedgers are net long, speculators will be net short, and
futures prices will be set above the the expected future spot price. This situation is known
as contango.
Of course, the net position of hedgers may change over time. When the contract begins
trading, the hedgers may be net short. For example, when a corn futures contract is
introduced, farmers may attempt to lock in prices for their crop by selling short. In such
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 23
a case, the futures price lies below the expected future spot price. Over time, the hedgers
gradually offset their positions, and food processors, for example, begin to lock in prices by
buying long. As the hedging imbalance moves from net short to net long, the futures price
moves from being below the expected spot price to being above the expected spot price.
A price process is said to be a martingale if the expectation of its future value equals
its current value. If futures prices were martingales, then,
{F (t)} = F (0) for all 0 t T
In particular, with t = T ,
{F (T )} = E
{S(T )} = F (0)
Hence, if futures prices are martingales then the futures price is an unbiased estima-
tor of the expected future spot price. If, on the other hand, if the market is a normal
backwardation or contango market than prices will not be martingales.
From the above discussion there is no real reason to suspect that futures prices should
be martingales. Nonetheless, a substantial number of statistical studies have been per-
formed to test the martingale hypothesis. Many of the early tests were unable to reject
this hypothesis. One reason for this is that the tests lacked statistical power, and hence
required overwhelming evidence to reject. Nonetheless, these early results have spawned
many additional studies, some of which have shown that futures prices may not provide
good estimates of future spot prices.
The Volatility of Futures Prices
The current futures price reflects current information about the spot price at delivery
time. As information is revealed, futures prices will change. The volatility of price changes
clearly is related to the quality and quantity of information revealed over time. If infor-
mation is revealed more quickly as the delivery date approaches, then one might expect
futures prices to show increasing volatility as the maturity approaches. Empirical studies
have shown this type of behavior holds for metal futures, such as gold and copper. For other
commodities, the volatility of prices may be seasonal. This is particularly true if important
information is revealed over short periods of time. For example, rainfall considerations
at crucial points in time clarify the supply of agricultural products, and the severity of a
winter month clarifies the demand for heating oil. Such seasonality in prices should be less
pronounced for nancial contracts. However, even there seasonal variability has been uncov-
ered. For example, the volatility of some financial products seem to be larger on Mondays,
then on other days of the week. Volatility also seems to be related to volume. Namely, as
uncertainty unfolds, volume of trade accelerates in response to expanding volatility.
This chapter has developed the basic principles for pricing futures and forward contracts.
Throughout this chapter we have assumed that interest rates are constant. As a result,
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 24
futures prices and forward prices are identical. This does not mean that the two contracts
are equivalent. However, when interest rates are certain, the payoffs from forward contracts
can be replicated by a dynamic trading strategy involving futures. In the next chapter we
shall see how futures and forward contracts can be used by traders to offset unwanted risks.
The cost-of-carry model and the reverse cash-and-carry model show how futures prices
must be linked to their underlying spot prices. In the development of these pricing rela-
tionships we assumed that markets were perfect. Of course this is not the case. Transac-
tion costs, unequal borrowing and lending rates, margins and restrictions on short selling
and limitations to storage are four imperfections that can affect the pricing relationships.
Nonetheless, the cost-of-carry model does capture the most important components of the
basis. For commodities that cannot be stored, the expected futures price framework pro-
vides a procedure for thinking about futures prices. Finally, the volatility of prices is the
greatest in time periods in which information dissemination on the underlying commodity
is the most rapid.
In this chapter we have seen how the prices of futures contracts are closely linked to the
prices of their underlying commodities. Futures prices react rationally to information that
is revealed about the underlying commodity. In the next chapter we shall see how hedgers
can use these contracts to manage price risk.
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 25
Cox, J., J. Ingersoll, and S. Ross “The Relation Between Forward and Futures Prices”
Journal of Financial Economics, 9, Dec. 1981, 321 346
Fama, E and K. French “Commodity Futures Prices: Some Evidence on Forecast Power,
Premiums,and the Theory of Storage”, Journal of Business,Vol.60, 1987, 55 73.
Jarrow, R. and G.Oldfield, Forward Contracts and Futures Contracts”, Journal of
Financial Economics, 9, Dec. 1981373 382.
Kane, E. “Market Incompleteness and Divergences between Forward and Futures Inter-
est Rates”, Journal of Finance, Vol 35, May 1980, 221 234
Kolb R. “Understanding Futures Markets”, Kolb Publishing, 1990.
Park, H. and A. Chen Differences Between Futures and Forward Prices: A Fur-
ther Investigation of Marking to Market Effects”, Journal of Futures Markets, Vol 5,
Feb.1985, 77 88
Rendleman, R. and C. Carabini, “The Efficiency of T -Bill Futures Markets”, Journal of
Finance,Vol 44, Sept. 1979, 895 914
Richard S. and M. Sundaresan, “A Continuous Time Equilibrium Model of Forward
Prices and Futures Prices in a Multigood Economy”, Journal of Financial Economics, Dec.
1981, 347 371.
Samuelson P. “Proof that Properly Anticipated Prices Fluctuate Randomly”, Industrial
Management Review, Vol 6, 1965, 41 49.
Turnovsky, S. “The Determination of Spot and Futures Prices with Storage Commodi-
ties”, Econometrica, Vol. 51, 1983, 1363 1387.
Working, H. “The Theory of Price of Storage“, American Economic Review 39, 1949, 1242
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 26
(1) In January, firm ABC enters into a long position in a forward contract with firm DEF
as a counterparty. The contract requires delivery in nine months time. The forward price
is set at $100 per unit and 1000 units are involved in the transsaction. Three months later
DEF is offering 6 month contracts at a forward price of $80. At this time ABC realizes
that it does not need the underlying commodity in the future and is keen to negotiate a
price with DEF to terminate the contract. If interest rates at 10% per year, continuously
compounded,what is the fair compensation ABC should pay DEF?
(2) A farmer currently holds 5000 bushels of corn. The local mill is offering a price of $2.18a
bushel. Currently, a 3 month futures contract is trading at $2.24. The farmer is considering
selling to the local mill or holding the corn in inventory and selling a futures contract. The
farmer can store and insure the corn at a total cost of 1 cent per bushel per month. Payment
for this cost is due up front, at date 0. Interest rates are 10%, continuously compounded.
Which alternative should the farmer pursue? Are there any additional factors that need to
be considered?
(3) Develop a pricing relationship that links the nearby futures price of gold to a more
distant futures price. Should this relationship stay stable over time? If the futures contract
was a commodity such as wheat, which is produced seasonally, but consumed steadily,would
the relationship be stable over time? Explain.
(4) A forward contract is entered into on a non dividend paying stock. The stock price is
$100, and the settlement date is 1 year. The interest rate is 10%.
(a) Compute the forward price.
(b) After 7 months, the stock price is $60. What is the value of the forward contract?
(5) The spot price of gold is $400. Interest rates are 10%.
(a) Use the cost of carry model to establish the futures price of a 1 year contract.
(b) If transaction costs are introduced into the analysis, then the cost of carry model and
the reverse cash and carry model arguements need to be modified. In this case bounds on
the futures price can be obtained. Reconsider the above problem under the assumption
that the transaction cost for buying or selling an ounce of gold is $1.0 and the round trip
futures trading cost is $25 per contract. In particular, develop the appropriate bounds on
the futures price. (Note, that a round trip cost, is the total commission cost associated with
buying and then selling a contract, or selling then buying the contract. Assume this cost is
paid up front.
(c) Reconsider the above problem but now add in another market imperfection. Specifically,
assume the borrowing rate is 10%, but the lending rate is only 8%. Establish the new bounds
on the futures price.
(6) Assume gold trades at $400.A1 year futures contract has a price of $420. What is the
implied cost of carry rate?
(7) A stock pays a $1 dividend in 3 months time, and a second $1 in 6 months. The stock
Chapter 2: Forward and Futures Prices. Copyright
b y Peter Ritchken 1999 27
price is $40. The riskfree rate is 10%.
(a) Compute the fair forward price of a contract that requires delivery in 7 months time.
(b) Four months later, the stock price is $30. What is the new forward price and what is
the value of the original forward contract.
(8) The current price of silver is $8 per ounce. Storage costs are $0.10 per ounce per year.
Payments are expected in two installments, half the total cost now, with the remaining
balance due in 6 months. Interest rates are constant at 8%. Compute the fair futures price.
(9a) If the futures price of a commodity is greater than the spot price during the delivery
period, there is an arbitrage opportunity. Is this true? If so, construct an appropriate
(b) If the futures price of a commodity is lower than the spot price during the delivery
period, there is an arbitrage opportunity. Is this true? If so, construct an appropriate