Connected and Automated
Vehicle Licensing and
Texas CAV Task Force White Paper
Subcommittee on Licensing and Registration
Licensing and Registration Subcommittee of the
Texas Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Task Force
Brittney Gick, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Allan Rutter, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
June 3, 2021
Table of Contents
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. iii
Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................... v
Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................ v
Texas CAV Task Force Charter ....................................................................................................... v
Terminology Note ............................................................................................................................ v
List of Terms and Acronyms ......................................................................................................... vii
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
Public Agency Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................... 3
U.S. Department of Transportation ......................................................................................... 3
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ..................................................................... 4
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ......................................................................... 5
Texas Department of Public Safety ......................................................................................... 5
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles ..................................................................................... 5
Texas Department of Transportation ...................................................................................... 5
Texas Department of Insurance .............................................................................................. 6
Municipalities and Other Local Authorities ............................................................................ 6
Other Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................................. 6
Original Equipment Manufacturers and Automated Vehicle Developers............................. 6
Vehicle Owners and Operators ................................................................................................ 7
Property Owners and Developers Supporting Experimentation............................................ 7
Customers and Passengers .................................................................................................... 7
Types of Automated and Connected Vehicles Active in Texas .................................................... 7
Large and Small Freight Vehicles Operating on Roadways with Safety Drivers .................. 7
Autonomous Freight Vehicles on Roadways .......................................................................... 8
Zero-Occupant Delivery Vehicles on Roadways ..................................................................... 8
Shuttles and Robotaxis Carrying People on Roadways ......................................................... 8
Arlington .............................................................................................................................. 8
Bryan/College Station ........................................................................................................ 8
Frisco .................................................................................................................................. 8
Houston .............................................................................................................................. 9
Personal Delivery Devices and Mobile Carrying Devices ...................................................... 9
Regulation of Drivers and Operators ............................................................................................ 9
Current Licensing Requirements ............................................................................................ 9
Current Certification/Registration Requirements of Vehicle Fleet Operators ................... 10
Expectations of Automated and Connected Vehicles in Texas ........................................... 10
Gaps in Driver/Operator Regulation Requirements for Automated Vehicles .................... 11
Regulation of Vehicles ................................................................................................................. 11
Current Registration and Titling Requirements for Vehicles ............................................... 11
Current Regulations for Vehicle Sales and Operations ....................................................... 12
Expectations of Automated and Connected Vehicles in Texas ........................................... 12
Gaps in Vehicle Regulation Requirements for Automated Vehicles ................................... 13
Other Regulations and Issues ..................................................................................................... 13
Current Federal Safety Standards ........................................................................................ 13
Law Enforcement Issues with Automated Vehicle Licensing and Registration
Regulations ............................................................................................................................. 14
Case Studies Involving Licensing and Registration Requirements .......................................... 14
Arizona .................................................................................................................................... 15
California ................................................................................................................................ 15
Florida ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Balancing Regulatory Posture and Economic Development ..................................................... 16
Texas Transportation Code Encouraging Deployment and Innovation .............................. 16
Scenarios for Public Expectations for Regulation and Risk Management of
Automated Vehicles on Roads .............................................................................................. 17
Opportunities in Texas ................................................................................................................. 17
Regulatory Opportunities ....................................................................................................... 17
Further Opportunities for Discussion among Stakeholders ................................................ 17
References ................................................................................................................................... 18
List of Tables
Table 1. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and Associated Concerns with AVs........... 14
The Texas Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) Task Force would like to acknowledge and
thank all of its voting and participating membership and the members of this subcommittee for their
hard work and many hours dedicated to developing this white paper. We would especially like to
thank the contributing authors of this paper for taking the thoughts of so many and combining them
into one well-written document. In addition, special thanks go to Beverly Kuhn, Ed Seymour, and
Robert Brydia of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute for their management, creativity, and
patience in assisting the Texas CAV Task Force Texas Department of Transportation team and
subcommittee chairs. Finally, the Texas CAV Task Force would like to thank Texas Governor Greg
Abbott and his staff for their guidance and vision in creating this Texas CAV Task Force. Texas is
better prepared for CAVs due to their leadership.
The contents of this white paper reflect the views of the Texas CAV Task Force members, who are
responsible for the information presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official
views or policies of the State of Texas or any Texas state agencies. The white paper does not
constitute a standard, specification, or regulation, nor does it endorse standards, specifications, or
regulations. This white paper does not endorse practices, products, or procedures from any private-
sector entity and is presented as a consensus broad opinion document for supporting and enhancing
the CAV ecosystem within Texas.
Texas CAV Task Force Charter
The Texas CAV Task Force was created at the request of Texas Governor Greg Abbott in January
2019. The Texas CAV Task Force is responsible for preparing Texas for the safe and efficient rollout
of CAVs on all forms of transportation infrastructure.
The primary functions are:
1. Coordinating and providing information on CAV technology use and testing in Texas.
2. Informing the public and leaders on current and future CAV advancements and what they
mean in Texas. This process includes reporting on the current status, future concerns, and
how these technologies are changing future quality of life and well-being.
3. Making Texas a leader in understanding how to best prepare and wisely integrate CAV
technologies in a positive, safe way, as well as promoting positive development and
experiences for the state.
The Texas CAV Task Force is composed of a voting group of no more than 25 members and
represents the full spectrum of CAV stakeholders.
Terminology Note
The Texas CAV Task Force addresses the full spectrum of connected, automated, and autonomous
vehicles. An automated vehicle refers to a vehicle that may perform a subset of driving tasks and
require a driver to perform the remainder of the driving tasks and supervise each feature’s
performance while engaged. A fully autonomous vehicle refers to a vehicle that can perform all
driving tasks on a sustained basis. These definitions are still blurred in common discussions and
language. Currently, the industry is developing automated vehicle capability while pursuing fully
autonomous vehicles. The white papers generally use the term autonomous to refer to the vehicles
with fully autonomous capabilities and the term CAV to refer to the grouping of connected,
automated, and autonomous vehicles. Please see the “CAV Terminologywhite paper for a full listing
of terms and definitions used in this developing technology ecosystem.
List of Terms and Acronyms
ADS automated driving system
ADS 2.0 Automated Driving Systems: A Vision for Safety 2.0
AV automated vehicle
AV 3.0 Preparing for the Future of Transportation: Automated Vehicles 3.0
CAV connected and autonomous vehicle; also, connected and automated vehicle
CDL commercial driver license
CMV commercial motor vehicle
CV connected vehicle
FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
FMCSR Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation
FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
GVWR gross vehicle weight rating
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
OEM original equipment manufacturer
PDD personal delivery device
TDI Texas Department of Insurance
TNC transportation network company
TxDMV Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
TxDOT Texas Department of Transportation
TxDPS Texas Department of Public Safety
USDOT U.S. Department of Transportation
VSSA Voluntary Safety Self-Assessment
Executive Summary
In 2017 and 2019, the 85th and 86th Texas Legislatures enacted legislation to create a regulatory
framework to allow for connected and automated vehicles to be tested and deployed in Texas. In
2017, the Texas Legislature passed laws changing vehicle following distances to allow for truck
platooning and adding rules for automated vehicles (AVs) to operate within Texas. In 2019, the Texas
Legislature passed a bill to allow personal delivery devices (PDDs) to operate on sidewalks and
crosswalks. This paper examines how these laws have led to a recent wave of innovation and
experimentationon roads, streets, and sidewalks; in cities; and on rural highwaysoperating within
a range of public- and private-sector agencies and operators with state regulations that focus on
regulating drivers and operators and on regulating vehicles.
A range of automated vehicles have been deployed and tested in Texas:
Large and small freight vehicles (some with safety drivers, some in automated operation).
Zero-occupant delivery vehicles on roadways.
Shuttles and robotaxis carrying passengers on roadways.
Personal delivery devices (PDDs) operating on sidewalks and crosswalks.
The Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS) has responsibility for licensing drivers for
automobiles and light trucks and for commercial vehicles. TxDPS also regulates vehicle inspection
stations that offer annual safety inspections (that enforce state laws establishing vehicle safety
standards) as well as emissions testing in 17 counties in nonattainment areas. TxDMV is
responsible for the registration (vehicle operation) and titling (vehicle ownership) of vehicles and
commercial fleet services in Texas. Proof of insurance is required before vehicles can be registered.
TxDMV is also responsible for regulating the sale of motor vehicles by licensed dealers. In Texas,
manufacturers may not sell vehicles directly to customers, and all vehicles must be purchased from
a licensed dealer. The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) regulates insurers providing mandatory
auto insurance policies for all drivers, personal and commercial. State, county, and local law
enforcement agencies are authorized to enforce state laws on motor vehicle operations on roadways
in their respective jurisdictions. At the Federal level, the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration sets the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) aimed at increasing safety
on roadways and reducing vehicular accidents. The FMVSS stipulate specific design, construction,
performance, and durability standards for all motor vehicles, personal and commercial. The Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) sets national commercial drivers licensing standards
and sets hours-of-service regulations for interstate truck drivers. The FMCSA also issues certificates
of operating authority for commercial motor vehicle (CMV) fleet owners; and the Texas Department of
Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) also registers CMV fleets transporting passengers or cargo on CMVs with
over 26,000 pounds or more gross vehicle weight.
Texas law authorizes operation of automated motor vehicles without human operators. This 2017
law establishes that an automated driving system is considered to be licensed to operate a motor
vehicle when the automated driving system is engaged. This section also makes the owner of the
automated driving system responsible for compliance with traffic or motor vehicle laws, with or
without a test driver present. State laws requiring state inspections to enforce vehicle equipment
standards do not make any allowances for specially equipped and manufactured AVs. The FMCSA is
working to adapt current CMV regulations to accommodate automated driving systems, but those
regulations are not being adjusted for incremental adoption of advanced driver assistance systems
that might enhance operational safety without eliminating driver control of the vehicle. Texas laws do
not currently exempt AVs from TxDMV registration requirements if the vehicles are operated on
public highways, nor do they exempt AVs from compliance with motor vehicle dealer sales and lease
regulations administered by TxDMV. Transportation of passengers for hire requires operating
authority certification from TxDMV regardless of vehicle size. AVs operated by transportation network
companies are subject to insurance requirements set by law for those firms. State law has
authorized operation of PDDs on city sidewalks, but the state establishes no registration or
inspection requirements of the vehicles.
By enacting AV legislation in 2017, the Texas Legislature created an environment that has allowed
the AV industry to expand its testing and development in Texas. By clarifying the legal obligations of
AV developers and vehicle owners, Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Legislature have increased
the regulatory certainty for these firms to consider deployment and development opportunities in
Texas. This white paper identifies opportunities for adding regulatory clarity for more AV innovation:
AV developers and the TxDPS could collaboratively discuss compliance with state motor
vehicle equipment standards and current AV configurations, particularly for PDDs and zero-
occupant vehicles.
AV developers and manufacturers, TxDMV and the Texas Automobile Dealers Association
could discuss how current dealer licensing/sales laws and registration rules affect the range
of commercial relationships between original equipment manufacturers and AV developers.
If some AV developers are considering alternatives that include AV operation entirely by
remote operators (rather than by onboard software that controls vehicle driving tasks), the AV
industry may want to interact with applicable state agencies to determine how the current
regulatory structure addresses such operations.
The AV industry and national associations of state transportation and motor vehicle agencies
can develop guidelines for best practices for identifying AV vehicles and responsible parties
for meeting licensing and operating requirements of state law
Connected vehicles (CVs) are vehicles capable of communicating with other objects through wireless
data platforms. Automated vehicles (AVs) are vehicles that use sensors, computers, and other tools
to take over driving tasks from a human driver. Since 2017, regulatory and legislative guidance and
activity have largely pertained to AVs, which are the focus of this paper. SAE International outlines a
with five levels of automation for vehicles that range from no automation, where a human
operator must perform all driving tasks, to full automation, where all driving tasks are performed by
the vehicle itself with no need for a human driver. Testing of AVs is being actively pursued in Texas
across many platforms, such as personal delivery devices (PDDs), motor vehicles, shuttles, and
commercial motor vehicles (CMVs). The purpose of this paper is to highlight the licensing and
registration implications related to AVs operating within Texas.
Public Agency Roles and Responsibilities
Many public agencies can impact AV policy. This section highlights the public agencies that will play
an important role in developing and implementing AV policy in the years to come.
U.S. Department of Transportation
The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) is tasked with making sure that America’s
transportation system operates in a safe and efficient manner. USDOT houses many agencies that
also play significant roles in their own rights. In these early stages of AV development, USDOT has
not enacted regulations so that the emerging technology can be developed in a way that encourages
innovation. However, USDOT has urged state and local governments, original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs), research and safety institutions, and other stakeholders to be actively
engaged in the development of the guidance that it produces (1).
USDOT has produced three documents that provide guidance related to AV activities:
Automated Driving Systems: A Vision for Safety 2.0
(ADS 2.0) was published in September
2017 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and provides voluntary
guidance for stakeholders to develop AV technology (
Preparing for the Future of Transportation: Automated Vehicles 3.0
(AV 3.0) was published in
October 2018 by USDOT and expands the guidance developed in ADS 2.0 to reduce the
uncertainty surrounding AVs and outline a process for stakeholders to engage with USDOT on
AV policy (
Ensuring American Leadership in Automated Vehicle Technologies: Automated Vehicles 4.0
was published in January 2020 by USDOT and further expands AV guidance and seeks to
develop a consistent high-level policy approach to AV development and deployment (
In March 2018, President Trump signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2018 into law. This act
provided $100 million in funding for the research and development of AVs (
USDOT has taken a cautious approach in terms of actual policy development for AVs but has
remained active in engaging with stakeholder groups and providing high-level guidance and
Among USDOT’s first steps in creating a framework around AVs was to develop the concept of
Voluntary Safety Self-Assessments (VSSAs). VSSAs entail 12 sectionsranging from system safety
and validation methods to consumer education and government engagementwhere companies
document and explain how they approach and ensure safety. The level of detail in these reports
continues to advance as companies’ technologies and safety management evolve.
In AV 3.0, USDOT expanded its guidance to incorporate CMVs. Notably, USDOT and the Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) concluded that SAE Level 4 operation for commercial
vehicles was allowable under existing trucking regulations, noting that FMCSA regulations will no
longer assume that the CMV driver is always a human or that a human is necessarily present
onboard a commercial vehicle during its operation.Furthermore, FMCSA asserted preemption
authority over state or local legal requirements that interfere with the application of federal motor
carrier safety regulations, including as they pertain to automated driving system (ADS) development,
testing, and deployment in interstate commerce.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NHTSA is the USDOT agency charged with developing and issuing Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standards (FMVSSs) aimed at increasing safety on roadways and reducing vehicular accidents. The
FMVSSs stipulate specific design, construction, performance, and durability standards for motor
vehicles and are codified in Title 49 §571 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (3).
NHTSAs authority has two main implications for AVs. First, because FMVSSs have not yet been
updated for vehicles that are designed to operate without a human driver, any AV would either have
to be compliant with all relevant existing FMVSSs required of any other vehicle or receive an
exemption if some aspect of the AV were not compliant. Depending on the intended use case of an
AV, some existing FMVSSs that are important for human-driven vehicles end up being largely
irrelevant for AVs. One example is Title 49 §571.103 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, which
requires windshield defrosting and defogging systems. In the case of a fully autonomous passenger
vehicle where there is no driver, for example Waymo’s One, a passenger would not need to be able
to see the roadway, and the need would be negated. However, this equipment would still be
mandatory unless the AV developer successfully petitioned for an exemption to §571.103. Similarly,
fully autonomous delivery vehicles, such as Nuro’s R2, where only cargo is in the vehicle, would not
require traditional safety standards; Nuro was able to receive an exemption that did not require the
vehicle to have windows. However, many AV developers, especially those developing automated
commercial vehicles, are building on top of FMVSS-compliant vehicles and therefore would not need
FMVSS exemptions.
The second potential NHTSA impact on FMVSSs is that given NHTSAs authority to regulate vehicle
equipment, NHTSA would be the lead agency to define any ADS equipment or performance
requirements. To date, NHTSA has not yet provided any regulations exclusively pertaining to AVs.
NHTSA will continue to play a vital role in the development of safety standard policy for AVs for the
foreseeable future. A 2016 enforcement guidance bulletin reiterated NHTSA’s broad enforcement
authority under existing statutes and regulations to address existing and emerging automated safety
technologies to protect the safety of the driving public against unreasonable risks of harm.
NHTSA recently also implemented the AV TEST program to help educate the public on where and
how ADS testing and development take place. In response to many state and local jurisdictions
asking for more information on nearby testing, NHTSA created an interactive Test Tracking Tool
where the public can view up-to-date information on each company’s testing activity. This tool
launched in September 2020 of this year with a limited set of test participants, but NHTSA will allow
all ADS developers to publish data in the tool in late 2020.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
FMCSA regulates interstate commercial vehicle operations, including setting licensing standards,
hours-of-service limits, and safe operation practices through Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Regulations (FMCSRs). FMCSA also provides guidance to state enforcement agencies on CMV
inspection and enforcement activities. Unlike passenger vehicles, federal regulation of interstate
commercial vehicle operations, such as large trucks and buses, is much more extensive given their
role in interstate commerce. A wide range of FMCSRs relate to driver requirements, behaviors, or
activities, making them highly relevant to connected and automated CMVs. In AV 3.0, FMCSA asserts
its authority to take enforcement action if an automated system inhibits the safe operation of a CMV,
while concluding that automated CMV operation is allowable under existing FMCSRs, assuming it
can be compliant with the same operational requirements as a human-driven CMV. Furthermore,
AV 3.0 notes FMCSA policy would no longer assume that the driver of a CMV is always human or that
a human is necessarily on board, and that human-specific FMCSRs, such as drug testing and hours
of service, would not apply to SAE Level 4 or 5 CMVs operating without a human driver.
Addressing the impact of differing state AV testing and deployment policies on automated CMVs
engaged in interstate commerce, AV 3.0 notes that if FMCSA determines that State or local legal
requirements may interfere with the application of FMCSRs, the Department has preemptive
Texas Department of Public Safety
In Texas, the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS) is responsible for issuing commercial and
motor vehicle driving licenses. TxDPS officers also enforce the motor vehicle regulations and
FMCSRs to maintain safe roadways. While TxDPS does not issue vehicle registrations, TxDPS officers
are charged with enforcing the requirements (4). TxDPS also regulates vehicle inspection stations
that offer annual safety inspections and emissions testing in 17 counties in nonattainment areas.
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) is responsible for titling and registering vehicles in
Texas. The revenue from motor vehicle registrations is used to build and maintain Texas roadways.
TxDMV is also responsible for issuing oversize/overweight permits for CMVs and issues operating
authority credentials for motor carrier firms (not just vehicles). Prior to a vehicle being registered in
Texas, it must pass an inspection and have proof of insurance (5).
Texas Department of Transportation
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is responsible for building and maintaining Texas
roadways and for providing state and federal funding for transportation infrastructure, operation, and
safety needs (6). TxDOT is responsible for a range of federal planning requirements and reporting,
including performance measurement, asset management, infrastructure condition, strategic highway
safety planning, and long-range planning. At the direction of Governor Greg Abbott, TxDOT also
created the Texas Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) Task Force in 2019 comprised of
industry representatives, government officials, and other key stakeholders. The Texas CAV Task
Force was designed to be an information portal for all things CAV in Texas and promote opportunities
for CAV growth and understanding (7).
Texas Department of Insurance
The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) is responsible for the oversight of the insurance industry
within Texas. To register a vehicle in Texas, the vehicle owner must provide proof that the vehicle is
insured. In Texas, drivers are responsible for paying for accidents in which they are found liable.
Insurance can pay for automobile repairs and medical bills if there is an accident (8). The Texas
Legislature sets insurance requirements, and TDI regulates the insurers that offer the policies.
Municipalities and Other Local Authorities
According to Title 2 §51.001 of the Texas Local Government Code, municipalities have the power to
adopt and enforce regulations that are “(1) for the good government, peace, or order of the
municipality or for the trade and commerce of the municipality; and (2) necessary or proper for
carrying out a power granted by law to the municipality or to an office or department of the
municipality” (9). Cities and counties have responsibilities for roads, streets, and the complete right
of way in their jurisdictions and for partnering with TxDOT on state highway projects, but only cities
have the authority to adopt ordinances regulating land use and commercial activities. Cities also
regulate taxis and limousines (passenger transportation for hire). Municipalities have the authority to
enforce statutes applicable to motor vehicles operating on roads within the city’s jurisdiction. Local
authorities may also regulate the operation of PDDs under Title 7 §552A.009 of the Texas
Transportation Code, provided their regulation is in a manner that is consistent with §552A for
highways and pedestrian areas.
Other Roles and Responsibilities
Other individuals and organizations can also impact AV policy. This section highlights the other
entities whose roles and responsibilities will affect AV policy in the years to come.
Original Equipment Manufacturers and Automated Vehicle Developers
Most cars and trucks are designed and manufactured by companies that FMVSSs refer to as OEMs.
Many OEMs are testing and deploying driver assistance technologies that incrementally increase the
driving functions that are being automated. Some OEMs are also testing AV systems to consider how
to incorporate increasing levels of driver assistance and replacement in vehicles sold to customers.
In addition to OEM AV development, a range of technology firms referred to here as automated
vehicle developers are testing systems of sensors, cameras, software, and artificial intelligence that
offer levels of vehicle automation, usually as an aftermarket adaptation of existing vehicles and
often with the cooperation of an OEM. Some of these AV developers are also offering commercial
services (freight or passenger carriage) to consumers.
Vehicle Owners and Operators
As vehicles become increasingly automated, many Texans purchase cars and trucks with driver
assistance technologies for personal use and will be responsible for operating those vehicles in
compliance with all applicable state and local laws and regulations. When vehicles are operated for
hire to transport freight or passengers, companies that own these vehicles and employ drivers are
likewise responsible for complying with applicable laws and regulations. Current AV deployments also
involve vehicle manufacturers and developers that provide services to customers.
Property Owners and Developers Supporting Experimentation
Some AV deployments have involved property owners and venues seeking to expand their brand
through innovation. Automated shuttles have been tested at entertainment venues (Arlington, TX),
universities (Texas A&M University and Texas Southern University), and mixed-use developments
(Hillwood/Frisco Station). PDDs have been tested on the University of Houston campus. Some of
these demonstrations have included transportation management associations or interlocal
agreements with transit agencies.
Customers and Passengers
For those AV developers offering freight services (e.g., Kodiak, TuSimple, and Embark) as part of
their testing operations, shippers and receivers are involved in the transaction and may participate in
the interest of supporting innovation. Passengers choosing to board an automated shuttle are
directly involved in AV testing and demonstrations. As more such services are offered, shippers and
passengers will indicate their acceptance of the new technologies by their patronage. The market
acceptance of such services may be critical in the continued commercial viability of AV developers
and the public considering these services.
Types of Automated and Connected Vehicles Active in Texas
In 2017, Texas became one of 10 regions USDOT selected to test AV technologies. This opportunity
became known as the Texas AV Proving Grounds Partnership (10). While USDOT has withdrawn all
Proving Grounds designations, AV research is a continuing strength in Texas.
Large and Small Freight Vehicles Operating on Roadways with Safety Drivers
In August 2019, Kodiak Robotics announced that it was testing a commercial route of an
autonomous truck with a safety driver between Dallas and Houston as an example of AV truck
testing in Texas (11). Kodiak has collaborated with Texas law enforcement to provide training to
officers on the trucks and how they operate. The trucks have safety drivers but computer brains that
use cameras, lidar, and sensors to navigate the way. Kodiak has ensured that safety drivers meet
impeccable safety and regulatory requirements, such as:
Possessing a commercial driver license (CDL).
Completing three years of commercial driving experience.
Maintaining a high safety record.
Passing a drug and background check.
Passing an interview and road test for the autonomous vehicle (12).
Other firms testing AV trucks in Texas include TuSimple, Aurora, and Embark (testing in Texas until
early 2020). These firms were attracted to Texas by the state’s AV law enacted in 2017. While AV
trucks are currently being tested with safety drivers, they are not required to do so under Texas law.
Autonomous Freight Vehicles on Roadways
In August 2020, Waymo announced that it had begun testing autonomous trucks along I-10, I-20,
and I-45 in Texas. The current testing will use Peterbilt trucks with and without cargo, but they will
not be used for commercial purposes just yet (13). Because the testing is just getting under way, it
may be some time before any information is available about licensing and registration. Under AV 3.0,
FMCSA has indicated that it would not apply human-oriented regulations to driverless trucks but
could potentially provide rulemaking action that could be carried out by local law enforcement, for
such things as motor vehicle inspections. FMCSA has taken no final action at this time.
Zero-Occupant Delivery Vehicles on Roadways
In December 2019, Nuro announced that it had begun testing a zero-occupant delivery vehicle in
Houston, TX (14). Nuro has partnered with Kroger, Domino’s, Walmart, and CVS in the Houston area.
The vehicles are smaller and lighter than conventional vehicles, operate at lower speeds, and do not
require an in-vehicle operator. Remote drivers continually monitor operation of the vehicles (15).
Shuttles and Robotaxis Carrying People on Roadways
Autonomous shuttle pilot projects have been popping up across Texas, with notable deployments
under way in Arlington, Bryan/College Station, Frisco, and Houston.
EasyMile operated an autonomous shuttle project on city sidewalks briefly in 2017.
completed an autonomous shuttle pilot project in Arlington’s Entertainment District in 2019. During
the pilot project, the shuttle service completed 760 trips for 1,419 passengers, driving more than
440 miles (16). On March 16, 2020, the City of Arlington was awarded just under $1.7 million to
incorporate autonomous vehicles into its on-demand carsharing program. The funding will provide
wheelchair-accessible service and service for students at the University of Texas at Arlington (at no
cost) (17).
Bryan/College Station
In 2019, Navya partnered with Texas A&M University to deploy an 11-passenger autonomous shuttle
on campus. The shuttle operated on weekdays on a designated route on the main campus, with two
designated stops. The shuttle was available to students, faculty, staff, and the local community (18).
In 2018, partnered with the City of Frisco and other parties to complete an on-demand
autonomous shuttle project, available in a geofenced area. During the pilot project, the shuttle
service completed more than 3,000 trips for almost 5,000 passengers (19).
In 2019, EasyMile partnered with First Transit and the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County
to operate an autonomous shuttle on the Texas Southern University campus. The 12-passenger, fully
autonomous shuttle operates on a pre-programmed, 1-mile pedestrian trail on the campus. The
shuttle is available to students, staff, and visitors on weekdays, and a consent form is required for
transport (20).
Personal Delivery Devices and Mobile Carrying Devices
The Arlington City Council approved a resolution that would allow the testing and deployment of
PDDs. In 2018, Marble was the first company to begin mapping sidewalks in order to deploy the
delivery devices (21). Not much information is publicly available on the current status of the project.
PDD tests in the City of Frisco included both the Starship Technologies PDD robot in May 2020 and
the FedEx PDD branded Roxo in October 2019 (FedEx and Frisco entered into a memorandum of
understanding for the tests, but no formal agreement was made with Starship). The Starship PDD
offered food and grocery deliveries in certain neighborhoods for 10 weeks, and the FedEx PDD
operated on predetermined routes on one city street for two weeks. The University of Houston also
sponsored PDD tests in fall 2019 on its campus using the Starship PDD.
During the Starship deployment, two incidents were reported. Title 7 §552A.007 of the Texas
Transportation Code requires PDDs to have a marker with the owner’s name and contact
information. After one of the incidents, a public citizen was concerned about not being able to locate
a phone number to contact the owner of the device. In another incident, the device left the scene
before law enforcement arrived. This brings to light issues of how to determine compliance with
Title 7 §552A.005 of the Texas Transportation Code, which requires PDDs to obey applicable motor
vehicle laws; if law enforcement officers are unable to determine ownership, they may not be able to
properly apply the law. The visibility of the PDDs, due to their small size, was another concern raised
during the deployment, especially when the devices were crossing a roadway. Some devices were
stuck at crosswalks or in other roadway crossings.
Regulation of Drivers and Operators
TxDPS is responsible for licensing drivers and (along with other local law enforcement agencies)
enforcing the rules of the road.
Current Licensing Requirements
To become a licensed driver in Texas, a driver must complete the following steps to obtain a driver
Submit an application form and provide all necessary forms of identification and residency.
Pass a vision test.
Pass a knowledge and driving skills test.
A CDL is required for large commercial vehicles and buses. The three types of CDLs are:
Class A: any combination of vehicles with a gross combination weight rating of
26,001 pounds or more, provided the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle or
vehicles towed exceeds 10,000 pounds.
Class B: any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 pounds or more, any single vehicle with a
GVWR of 26,001 pounds or more that is towing a vehicle with a GVWR that does not exceed
10,000 pounds, and any vehicle designed to transport 24 passengers or more, including the
Class C: any single vehicle or combination of vehicles that is not a Class A or B if the vehicle
is designed to transport 16 to 23 passengers including the driver, or is used in the
transportation of hazardous materials that require the vehicle to be placarded under Tile 49,
Part 172, Subpart F of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (
To obtain a CDL, a driver must submit an application, prove identity and residency, and pass a vision
test. The knowledge and driving skills tests are more advanced than for a standard driver license.
Driver requirements include passing a safety inspection, knowledge of skills related to the specific
commercial vehicle type, and any necessary endorsements. Endorsements are required for certain
types of transportation needs. For example, a passenger endorsement is required if the driver will be
transporting more than 16 people. CDL drivers are also required to indicate if they will be driving
within the state only (intrastate) or if they will be driving across state lines (interstate). CDL holders
must maintain a valid medical certification that is validated every two years. Licensed commercial
vehicle operators are also subject to hours-of-service regulations established by FMCSA.
Current Certification/Registration Requirements of Vehicle Fleet Operators
Motor carriers are defined in Title 7 §643.001 of the Texas Transportation Code as “an individual,
association, corporation, or other legal entity that controls, operates, or directs the operation of one
or more vehicles that transport persons or cargo over a road or highway in this state” (23). Yet much
of the regulation of motor carriers in terms of operating authority is linked to larger vehicles. Motor
carriers operating vehicles over 10,000 pounds in gross vehicle weight in interstate commerce are
required to obtain certificates of operating authority from FMCSA. Motor carriers operating within
Texas are required by Title 7 §643.051 of the Texas Transportation Code to register with TxDMV if
they operate CMVsdefined by Title 7 §548.001 of the Texas Transportation Code as motor vehicles
used on a public highway to transport passengers or cargo if the vehicle has a GVWR of
26,000 pounds or more.
Expectations of Automated and Connected Vehicles in Texas
Chapter 545, Subchapter J of the Texas Transportation Code sets out authorization for operation of
automated motor vehicles without human operators. Title 7 §545.453 states that an ADS is
considered to be licensed to operate a motor vehicle when the ADS is engaged. This section also
makes the owner of the ADS responsible for compliance with traffic or motor vehicle laws, with or
without a test driver present. This overall authorization seems limited to the operation of the motor
vehicle and does not affect other state laws that are related to the size of the vehicle or the nature of
the services provided by the AV. AVs used in commercial motor carrier operations (carrying freight for
hire, not just for testing) are subject to regulations requiring operating authority certification at the
federal or state level (depending on intrastate or interstate operations). Many of those motor carrier
regulations regarding operating authority for freight carriers are limited to larger trucks (over
26,001 pounds GVWR). FMCSA is already taking steps to adapt current CMV regulations to ADSs. In
AV 3.0, the agency concluded that SAE Level 4 operation for commercial vehicles was allowable
under existing trucking regulations and that human-centric regulations like drug testing and hours of
service will not apply to driverless trucks. FMCSA will continue to adapt trucking regulations to AVs as
issues arise, and is already working with law enforcement and developers to address evolving issues
like vehicle inspections. State or local agencies are not allowed to impose a franchise or other
regulation related to AV operation.
Current state laws in Chapter 547 of the Texas Transportation Code, which specifies motor vehicle
equipment standards, and Chapter 548, which governs mandatory vehicle safety inspection
requirements, do not make any particular exemptions for AVs.
Transportation of passengers for hire requires operating authority certification from TxDMV
regardless of vehicle size. AVs used in passenger transportation affiliated with a public transit
operator may be subject to the safety regulations of the Federal Transit Administration that apply to
the transit operator. AVs operated by transportation network companies (TNCs) are subject to
insurance requirements set out in Title 10 §1954.053 of the Texas Insurance Code.
Gaps in Driver/Operator Regulation Requirements for Automated Vehicles
The current definition of automated motor vehicles requires that the ADS be capable of performing
all aspects of the entire dynamic driving task without a human operatorthat is, a person in the
vehicle who controls the entire dynamic driving task. The current law allows for a vehicle to operate
on Texas roads. AV stakeholders are continuing to work with government agencies to develop and
deploy the technology within the confines of current law and to ensure a robust working relationship
to discuss any changes to operator requirements that could be necessary as AV technology
continues to develop.
As more trucks are operated with advanced driver assistance systems that assume more control
over certain elements of the dynamic driving tasks, FMCSA may consider flexibility or waivers of
hours-of-service regulations for truck operations with these advanced technologies.
Regulation of Vehicles
TxDMV is responsible for the registration and titling of vehicles and commercial fleet services.
Current Registration and Titling Requirements for Vehicles
To register and title a vehicle in Texas, the vehicle owner must show proof of insurance and a
passing safety inspection for the vehicle. The registration sticker includes the registered vehicle
license plate number and the county in which it is registered. These two pieces of information assist
in theft and fraud prevention. Registrations are not transferable. To apply for a title, the applicant
must show proof of ownership (24).
Title 7, Chapter 643 of the Texas Transportation Code requires that CMVs operating on Texas
roadways be registered. The registration application is $100 plus $10 for each registered vehicle
and must include the following information:
“the name of the owner and the principal business address of the motor carrier;
the name and address of the legal agent for service of process on the carrier in this state, if
a description of each vehicle requiring registration the carrier proposes to operate, including
the motor vehicle identification number, make, and unit number;
a statement as to whether the carrier proposes to transport household goods or a
hazardous material;
a declaration that the applicant has knowledge of all laws and rules relating to motor carrier
safety, including this chapter, Chapter 644, and Subtitle C;
a certification that the carrier is in compliance with the drug testing requirements of
49 C.F.R. Part 382, and if the carrier belongs to a consortium, as defined by 49 C.F.R.
Part 382, the names of the persons operating the consortium;
a valid identification number issued to the motor carrier by or under the authority of the
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration or its successor; and
any other information the department by rule determines is necessary for the safe operation
of a motor carrier under this chapter” (25).
CMVs, like conventional vehicles, must also provide proof of insurance. TxDMV sets this liability
insurance coverage based on the size and class of the CMV and the persons or cargo that is being
transported. Title 43 §217.46 of the Texas Administrative Code states that any motor vehicle used
for the primary purpose of delivering goods, including a passenger vehicle, must be registered as a
CMV. Title 43 §217.54 of the Texas Administrative Code states that in cases where one entity owns
25 or more motor vehicles, the entity’s vehicles may be registered as a fleet, instead of individually.
Current Regulations for Vehicle Sales and Operations
In Texas, any person that buys, sells, or completes any business of exchanging motor vehicles must
have a general distinguishing number, or a dealer license, that TxDMV issues under the provisions of
Chapter 2301 of the Texas Occupations Code. In Texas, manufacturers may not sell vehicles directly
to customers, and all vehicles must be purchased from a licensed dealer. A 6.25 percent sales tax is
levied on vehicles sold in Texas, based on the sale price of the vehicle and not including trade-in
allowance (24), or vehicles relocated and subsequently registered in Texas based on their net
present value. This is true for cars, trucks, and busesall are sold by licensed dealers. Chapter 2301
currently has no provisions for special considerations for CVs or AVs.
Expectations of Automated and Connected Vehicles in Texas
While Chapter 545, Subchapter J of the Texas Transportation Code authorizes AV operations, those
statutes do not exempt AVs from registration requirements if the vehicles are operated on public
highways, nor do they exempt AVs from compliance with sales and lease regulations in
Chapter 2301 of the Texas Occupations Code. This is also the case for trucks operating in platoons
with connected braking systems with shorter following distances under Title 7 §545.062(d) of the
Texas Transportation Code. AVs requiring registration to operate on state highways may find the
completion of mandatory safety inspections set out in Chapter 548 of the Texas Transportation Code
(related to equipment standards in Chapter 547) a challenge, given the unique design features of
some zero-occupant delivery vehicles, which are not necessarily exempted. There are currently no
requirements that a PDD be registered or inspected, but the name and contact information for the
owner must be visible as required in Chapter 552A of the Texas Transportation Code.
Gaps in Vehicle Regulation Requirements for Automated Vehicles
The most prominent gaps in vehicle regulation are related to how sales and lease regulations and
the interaction with registering vehicles may limit AV manufacturers (individually or in partnership
with OEMs), and how state inspection requirements linked to vehicle equipment specifications affect
certain kinds of AVs.
The regulations for AVs and PDDs are different. AVs and PDDs alike, when built to operate without a
human driver or a human occupant, may also face challenges with inspection compliance because
they are specifically built and not standard for vehicle inspections. TxDOT/TxDMV can look at what
reasonable accommodations/amendments should be made to inspection requirements, as
authorized to do so, to ensure these vehicles can still be successfully registered in the state.
Additionally, Chapter 552A of the Texas Transportation Code requires the owner’s name and contact
information to be visible on the device, but not all municipalities may be familiar with the
requirements. During one incident involving the Starship deployment in Frisco, TX, a citizen was
concerned that there was no phone number on the device, only a website address. The industry
could work with the Texas Municipal League to develop best practices for product identification.
Public and private cooperation could also develop best practices for incident response for the public,
PDD operators, law enforcement, and municipalities.
Other Regulations and Issues
Current federal regulations and local policy need to be reviewed for applicability to AVs. This section
highlights some of these regulations or other concerns that may become problematic with AVs.
Current Federal Safety Standards
Title 49 §571 of the Code of Federal Regulations (26) establishes the safety standards required for
motor vehicles. These standards can require equipment to be on or in the motor vehicle or certain
testing to be completed. The code includes the exact specifications for equipment and placement.
While the current federal safety standards should not be repealed, they may not be relevant to the
safe operation of AVs, especially when there is no human driver. Some AV developers choose to build
their technology on FMVSS-compliant vehicles and retain all equipment that maintains FMVSS
compliance. For these types of AVs, there is no conflict with existing FMVSSs. Other AV developers
choose to develop novel vehicle designs or make modifications that are not compliant with current
FMVSSs, such as removing the steering wheel for a vehicle never intended to be driven by a human.
For those AVs, FMVSS exemptions would need to be granted for such vehicles to be deployed.
Table 1 highlights but a few of the federal safety standards that may not apply to AVs, requiring AVs
to have either extraneous equipment installed simply for compliance purposes, or an FMVSS
exemption in order to take such equipment out.
Table 1. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and Associated Concerns with AVs.
Standard No. 101: Controls and displays
Driver warning and indicator system
Standard No. 102: Transmission shift position
sequence, starter interlock, and transmission
braking effect
Location and operability of the transmission shift
Standard No. 103: Windshield defrosting and
defogging systems
Windshield defrost and defogging system
Standard No. 104: Windshield wiping and washing
Windshield wiping system
Standard No. 111: Rear visibility
Inside and outside rearview mirrors
Standard No. 204: Steering control rearward
Location specification for the steering control
Standard No. 207: Seating systems
Driver’s seat
NHTSA has recently published an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Docket No. NHTSA-
2020-0106) to apply to ADSs, which are defined by SAE International as driving automation Levels 3
to 5. This rulemaking would develop a framework for ADS safety that “would objectively define,
assess, and manage the safety of ADS performance while ensuring the needed flexibility to enable
further innovation.” This framework might lead to development of new FMVSSs for ADS components
if provided in a vehicle, not necessarily requiring ADS elements in all new vehicles. The applicability
of FMVSSs to CVs and AVs is thus still in development.
Law Enforcement Issues with Automated Vehicle Licensing and Registration
Many AVs are distinctively designed or manufactured so that a law enforcement officer would be
able to discern that some measure of vehicle automation was being deployed. Title 7 §545.456 of
the Texas Transportation Code, which allows AV owners to identify their vehicles as such to TxDMV
for registration purposes, does not necessarily specify how AVs are identified for law enforcement
purposes. Title 7 §545.453 of the Texas Transportation Code makes the owner of the ADS
responsible for complying with vehicle operation laws but also does not specify how such ownership
is to be displayed or made accessible to law enforcement personnel. Defining the kind of visible
marking to distinguish CV or AV vehicle operation may be best accomplished as best practices to be
shared among state agencies participating in their national associations or as required by federal
guidelines or regulations.
Case Studies Involving Licensing and Registration Requirements
As AV technologies grow and states continue to partner with the private sector to deploy them,
lessons can be learned from the successes and failures of others. Case studies from Arizona,
California, and Florida offer specific examples of experiences with licensing and registration. By
2017, 18 states had introduced AV legislation, with 11 states enacting legislation (27).
In 2015, Governor Ducey of Arizona signed an executive order that allowed the elimination of
regulations that hindered the deployment of self-driving vehicles, while still requiring them to comply
with all state and federal safety standards and regulations. The executive order instructed law
enforcement agencies to develop first responder action plans (28). This executive order opened the
door for testing of fully autonomous vehicles without an operator within the state. In 2018, Governor
Ducey updated the executive order to allow fully automated vehicles to operate on Arizona roadways
without a human driver.
In 2014, California began the Autonomous Vehicle Tester Program, which allows OEMs to test
autonomous vehicles with a human in the driver seat. The OEMs must apply to the program, which is
administered by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. As of September 1, 2020, the program
had 60 permit holders. The following steps are a summary of the extensive permit application
required to apply to the program:
Obtain an Employer Pull Notice Program number, which allows commercial and government
organizations to monitor their employeesdriving records and enroll test operators in the
Submit an application for a Manufacturer’s Testing Permit.
Obtain an Autonomous Vehicle Manufacturer Surety Bond or an application for self-
Submit an operator training program description.
Submit a copy of the articles of incorporation, corporate minutes, or other document filed
with the Secretary of State, which identifies the officers, shareholders, and managers (if filing
as a corporation, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership owned business)
In 2018, this program expanded to the Autonomous Vehicle Tester Program, which allows OEMs to
test vehicles without a human in the driver seat. As of October 2020, the program had five permit
holders. The following documents, among others, are required to apply to the program:
Autonomous Vehicle Tester Program Application for Manufacturer’s Testing Permit.
Autonomous Vehicle Manufacturer Surety Bond or Autonomous Vehicle Tester Program
Application for Certificate of Self-Insurance.
A copy of the articles of incorporation, corporate minutes, or other document filed with the
Secretary of State, which identifies the officers, shareholders, and managers (if filing as a
corporation, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership owned business) (30).
Both programs require a $3,600 fee to participate in the program. This fee includes 10 vehicle
permits and 20 operator permits. Additional fees are required to add vehicles and drivers. In the
testing program, the vehicles must be registered in California or operate under manufacturer or
distributor plates and have a California Certificate of Title. Operators must certify that they will only
operate the vehicles for testing purposes (30).
California has not yet integrated CMVs over 10,000 pounds GVW into its Autonomous Vehicle Tester
Program. This has created a high degree of regulatory uncertainty for CMV ADS developers. Long-
haul shipping is now seen as one of the first likely deployments of automated driving, but with this
regulatory uncertainty, the likelihood of its early deployment in California may be diminishing. Texas
could avoid this fate by addressing AVs in a comprehensive manner that is vehicle agnostic when
In July 2019, Governor DeSantis of Florida signed a law allowing fully autonomous vehicles at SAE
Level 4 or 5 to operate within the state without a safety driver. The law also required shared service
companies, such as Uber and Lyft, to provide $1 million in liability coverage for these fully
autonomous vehicles. Passengers of these fully autonomous vehicles also became able to use
wireless devices as a part of the law (31, 27).
Balancing Regulatory Posture and Economic Development
The successful deployment of AV policy will require a balance between regulatory posture and
economic development. AVs will need to be regulated in a way that the policies of OEMs and local
stakeholders are not hindered, and economic development can thrive.
Texas has been making great strides in becoming a leader in AV deployments. Austin has received
some of the largest amounts in funding opportunities across the United States, and AV stakeholders
continue to set their sights on Texas as one of the major playing fields to test their products. Both
Aurora and Tesla have recently shared that they will be expanding their activities in Texas.
Texas Transportation Code Encouraging Deployment and Innovation
By enacting AV legislation in 2017, Governor Greg Abbott and the Texas Legislature created an
environment that has allowed the AV industry to expand its testing and development in Texas. By
clarifying the legal obligations of AV developers and vehicle owners, Governor Greg Abbott and the
Texas Legislature have also increased the regulatory certainty for these firms to consider deployment
and development opportunities in Texas. This has increased the number of AV-related jobs in Texas
and has allowed Texas businesses and vehicle owners a wider range of choices for vehicle
purchases and transportation services that may increase traffic safety and expand infrastructure
Texas public agencies can document the results of AVs and new driver assistance technologies,
which decision makers and regulators can use to inform decisions about how to respond to specific
regulatory issues or gaps. In the absence of clear guidance and regulations at the federal level,
Texas and other states have the chance to tailor their regulatory responses to AVs to increase safety
for all motorists, and to increase opportunities for Texas businesses and consumers to use new
technologies to expand economic opportunity. Any regulations would need to be made at the state
level in a way that provides regulatory consistency and maximizes opportunities for economic
Scenarios for Public Expectations for Regulation and Risk Management of
Automated Vehicles on Roads
Sometimes public regulation seeks to respond to and prevent adverse outcomes of the past in a way
that constrains future development of new technologies. As AVs are involved in crashes, many
parties in the transportation policy environmentdrivers, insurers, crash litigation firms, organized
labor, and advocacy groupswill react in ways that can affect the operating environment for AVs. An
AV-pedestrian fatal crash in 2018 in Arizona had significant implications for TNCs adopting AVs. As
larger AVs are involved in crashes in Texas, elected officials and public agencies will need a broad
range of information at their disposal to respond to the crashes in a way that balances the safety
risks of AVs with the safety risks of other vehicles. Some of the education messaging discussed
previously could help motorists, motor carriers, and law enforcement make informed decisions about
how to modify the regulatory framework for AVs in Texas.
Opportunities in Texas
This document identifies a series of regulatory opportunities to clarify AV development in Texas and
outlines a series of information/education opportunities to expand understanding of AVs in the state.
Regulatory Opportunities
This document identifies some opportunities for additional clarity in the interaction of current
statutes and regulations and AV deployment:
Regulatory flexibility: AV developers and TxDPS could collaboratively discuss compliance with
state motor vehicle equipment standards and current AV configurations, particularly for PDDs
and zero-occupant vehicles. TxDPS can determine how much regulatory flexibility it has to
accommodate these unique AV designs.
Stakeholder collaboration: AV developers and manufacturers, TxDMV, and the Texas
Automobile Dealers Association could discuss how current dealer licensing/sales laws and
registration rules affect the range of commercial relationships between OEMs and AV
Alternative opportunities: If some AV developers are considering alternatives that include AV
operation entirely by remote operators (rather than by onboard software that controls vehicle
driving tasks), the AV industry may want to interact with applicable state agencies to
determine how the current regulatory structure addresses such operations.
Further Opportunities for Discussion among Stakeholders
This document also identifies a series of opportunities for the public and private sectors to cooperate
in advancing AV development in Texas. As AV developments continue in the future, there is an
opportunity for all stakeholders to continue the conversation to produce continued benefits for all.
The following questions can guide this discussion:
Law enforcement engagement: How can the AV industry engage with TxDPS and local law
enforcement organizations to develop voluntary standards to provide law enforcement with
readily available information on which entity meets the operating and licensing requirements
of Chapter 545, Subchapter J of the Texas Transportation Code? Can this be developed
nationally through associations of state transportation and regulatory agencies working with
the AV industry?
Public transportation engagement: How can the AV industry collaborate with public
transportation agencies represented on the Texas CAV Task Force in addressing some of the
education and messaging opportunities identified in other Texas CAV Task Force white
papers for different segments involved in transportation?
Future regulations and planning requirements: How can the Texas CAV Task Force share
information on possible AV regulations or planning requirements that may be included in
congressional action on surface transportation reauthorization?
1 U.S. Department of Transportation. USDOT Automated Vehicles Activities. January 19, 2021.
2 U.S. Department of Transportation. USDOT Comprehensive Management Plan for Automated
Vehicle Initiatives. July 2018.
3 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Homepage.
4 Texas Department of Public Safety. Homepage.
5 Texas Department of Motor Vehicles. Homepage.
6 Texas Department of Transportation. Homepage.
7 Texas Department of Transportation. Texas to Form Connected and Automated Vehicle Task
Force. January 22, 2019.
8 Texas Department of Insurance. Homepage.
9 Local Government Code. Title 2. Organization of Municipal Government. Subtitle D. General
Powers of Municipalities. Chapter 51. General Powers of Municipalities. Subchapter A. General
Provisions. Sec. 51.001. 1987.
10 Texas Department of Transportation. Texas Chosen as Testing Grounds for Automated
Vehicles. January 24, 2017.
11 Marshall, A. Self-Driving Trucks Are Ready to Do Business in Texas. Wired, August 6, 2019.
12 Kodiak. Kodiak Safety Report 2020.
13 Hirsch, J. Waymo Tests Autonomous Trucks in Texas. Transport Topics, August 27, 2020.
14 Hawkins, J. Nuro’s Driverless Delivery Robots Will Start Serving Walmart Customers in Houston.
The Verge, December 10, 2019.
15 Nuro. Frequently Asked Questions.
16 Schrock, S. Arlington Concludes Successful Pilot Program with City of Arlington, May
23, 2019.
17 Federal Transit Administration. Integrated Mobility Innovation (IMI) Fiscal Year 2019 Selected
18 Texas A&M Transportation Institute. Autonomous Shuttle Demonstration. Campus
Transportation Technology Initiative.
19 City of Frisco. Driverless Car Pilot Program.
20 First Transit. First Transit, TSU and Houston Metro Partner for SAV Pilot Program. Mass Transit,
June 20, 2019.
21 City of Arlington. Marble Begins Mapping Arlington Sidewalks for Future Robotic Delivery
Service. August 20, 2018.
22 Texas Department of Public Safety. How Do I Apply for a Commercial Driver License?
23 Transportation Code. Title 7. Vehicles and Traffic. Subtitle F. Commercial Motor Vehicles.
Chapter 643. Motor Carrier Registration. Subchapter A. General Provisions. Sec. 643.001.
24 Texas Department of Motor Vehicles. Motor Vehicle Dealer Manual 2017 Edition. 2018.
25 Transportation Code. Title 7. Vehicles and Traffic. Subtitle F. Commercial Motor Vehicles.
Chapter 643. Motor Carrier Registration. Subchapter A. General Provisions. Sec. 643.052.
26 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. 49 CFR §571.
27 Husch, B., and A. Teigen. Regulating Autonomous Vehicles. LegisBrief, National Conference of
State Legislatures, Vol. 25, No. 13, April 2017.
28 Office of the Governor Doug Ducey. Governor Ducey Updates Autonomous Vehicle Executive
Order. March 1, 2018.
29 California Department of Motor Vehicles. Autonomous Vehicles Testing with a Driver.
30 California Department of Motor Vehicles. Autonomous Vehicles Tests without a Driver.
31 Blanco, S. Florida Will Allow Autonomous Cars with No Safety Drivers on Public Roads Starting
July 1. Car and Driver, June 18, 2019.