Appraisal for Turkey of the
Safety of the Transport of
Radioactive Material
IAEA Safety Standards Applications — TranSAS-4
Provision for the Application of the IAEA Safety Standards
Under the terms of Article III of its Statute, the IAEA is authorized to establish standards
of safety for protection against ionizing radiation and to provide for the application of these
standards to peaceful nuclear activities.
The regulatory related publications by means of which the IAEA establishes safety
standards and measures are issued in the IAEA Safety Standards Series. This series covers
nuclear safety, radiation safety, transport safety and waste safety, and also general safety (that
is, of relevance in two or more of the four areas), and the categories within it are Safety
Fundamentals, Safety Requirements and Safety Guides.
Safety Fundamentals (blue lettering) present basic objectives, concepts and principles of
safety and protection in the development and application of nuclear energy for peaceful
Safety Requirements (red lettering) establish the requirements that must be met to ensure
safety. These requirements, which are expressed as ‘shall’ statements, are governed by
the objectives and principles presented in the Safety Fundamentals.
Safety Guides (green lettering) recommend actions, conditions or procedures for meeting
safety requirements. Recommendations in Safety Guides are expressed as ‘should’ state-
ments, with the implication that it is necessary to take the measures recommended or
equivalent alternative measures to comply with the requirements.
The IAEAs safety standards are not legally binding on Member States but may be
adopted by them, at their own discretion, for use in national regulations in respect of their own
activities. The standards are binding on the IAEA in relation to its own operations and on States
in relation to operations assisted by the IAEA.
Information on the IAEAs safety standards programme (including editions in languages
other than English) is available at the IAEA Internet site
or on request to the Safety Co-ordination Section, IAEA, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna,
Under the terms of Articles III and VIII.C of its Statute, the IAEA makes available and
fosters the exchange of information relating to peaceful nuclear activities and serves as an
intermediary among its Member States for this purpose.
Reports on safety and protection in nuclear activities are issued in other series, in
particular the IAEA Safety Reports Series, as informational publications. Safety Reports may
describe good practices and give practical examples and detailed methods that can be used to
meet safety requirements. They do not establish requirements or make recommendations.
Other IAEA series that include safety related publications are the Technical Reports
Series, the Radiological Assessment Reports Series, the INSAG Series, the TECDOC
Series, the Provisional Safety Standards Series, the Training Course Series, the IAEA
Services Series and the Computer Manual Series, and Practical Radiation Safety Manuals
and Practical Radiation Technical Manuals. The IAEA also issues reports on radiological
accidents and other special publications.
The following States are Members of the International Atomic Energy Agency:
The Agency’s Statute was approved on 23 October 1956 by the Conference on the Statute of
the IAEA held at United Nations Headquarters, New York; it entered into force on 29 July 1957.
The Headquarters of the Agency are situated in Vienna. Its principal objective is “to accelerate and
enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world’’.
© IAEA, 2004
Permission to reproduce or translate the information contained in this publication may be
obtained by writing to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O. Box 100,
A-1400 Vienna, Austria.
Printed by the IAEA in Austria
August 2004
VIENNA, 2004
IAEA Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Appraisal for Turkey of the safety of the transport of radioactive material.
— Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2004.
p. ; 24 cm. — (Safety standards applications, ISSN 1684–7520 ;
(Provision for the application of the IAEA safety standards)
ISBN 92–0–109804–9
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Radioactive substances — Transportation — Turkey.
2. Radioactive substances — Safety regulations — Turkey.
I. International Atomic Energy Agency. II. Series.
IAEAL 04–00374
Within the family of the United Nations, the IAEA has the specific
statutory function of establishing standards of safety for the protection of
health against exposure to ionizing radiation. As a result, in 1959 the United
Nations Economic and Social Council requested that the IAEA be entrusted
with the drafting of recommendations on the transport of radioactive
substances. Within its statutory mandate and pursuant to this request, in 1961
the IAEA issued the Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive
Material (the Transport Regulations). The Transport Regulations have been
periodically reviewed and, as appropriate, amended or revised. Moreover,
several guides and technical documents supporting the Transport Regulations
have been issued by the IAEA. The latest version of the Transport Regulations
was issued in 2000 by the IAEA as Safety Series No. TS-R-1 (ST-1, Revised).
On 25 September 1998 the IAEA General Conference adopted
resolution GC(42)/RES/13 on the Safety of Transport of Radioactive Materials.
In adopting that resolution the General Conference recognized that
compliance with regulations which take account of the Agency’s Transport
Regulations is providing a high level of safety during the transport of radioactive
The IAEA’s Statute also authorizes it to provide for the application of its
standards at the request of any State. The IAEA discharges this statutory
function through a number of mechanisms, including rendering independent
peer review appraisal services to determine the status of compliance with its
standards. Consistent with this statutory function, resolution GC(42)/RES/13
requested the IAEA Secretariat to provide for the application of the Transport
Regulations by, inter alia, providing a service for carrying out, at the request of
any State, an appraisal of the implementation of the Transport Regulations by
that State.
In response to this request, on 10 December 1998 the IAEA offered to
render such an appraisal service to all States. The service was termed the
Transport Safety Appraisal Service (TranSAS). Since then the IAEA General
Conference, through resolutions GC(43)/RES/11, GC(44)/RES/17, GC(45)/
RES/10, GC(46)/RES/9 and GC(47)/RES/7, has commended the Secretariat
for establishing TranSAS, commended those Member States that had
requested an appraisal, and encouraged other Member States to avail
themselves of an appraisal.
On 12 September 2000 the Permanent Mission of Turkey to the Office of
the United Nations and other International Organizations informed the IAEA
that the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority had decided to request a TranSAS
appraisal. To lay the groundwork for the appraisal, a preparatory mission was
undertaken in October 2001. At that time a preliminary agreement was
reached on the scope of the appraisal as well as on the tasks and activities to be
undertaken prior to and during the appraisal. Owing to the difficulty in
obtaining funding for the appraisal, the actual appraisal, initially planned for
May 2002, was postponed until March 2003.
The IAEA Department of Technical Cooperation provided support for
this TranSAS appraisal under project number TUR/9/013.
The TranSAS appraisal for Turkey involved four independent experts
from the IAEA and Member States of the IAEA and was conducted between
3 and 14 March 2003. This report presents its findings.
Although great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of information
contained in this publication, neither the IAEA nor its Member States assume any
responsibility for consequences which may arise from its use.
The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any
judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories,
of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries.
The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated
as registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be
construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA.
SUMMARY, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Findings of the TranSAS appraisal for Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
General conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Request from Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Scope of the appraisal for Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Activities completed prior to the appraisal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Appraisal team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Appraisal process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Appraisal report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
TRANSAS APPRAISAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
IAEA safety standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
International regulatory documents and standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3. APPRAISAL PROCESS IN TURKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Overview of the appraisal process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Preparatory session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Entrance meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Interviews, updating the questionnaire and developing the report. . 18
Visit to the Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Centre . . . . . 18
Exit meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Legislative and governmental responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Authority, responsibilities and functions of the regulatory body . . . 30
Organization of the regulatory body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Authorization process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Review and assessment process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Inspection and enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Development of regulations and guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Emergency preparedness for transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
APPENDIX I: ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
APPRAISAL SERVICE TEAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
S01. On 25 September 1998, the General Conference of the IAEA adopted
resolution GC(42)/RES/13 on the Safety of Transport of Radioactive Materials.
The General Conference recognized in adopting that resolution, inter alia, that
compliance with regulations that take account of the IAEA’s Regulations for
the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (the Transport Regulations) is
providing a high level of safety during the transport of radioactive material. In
addition, it requested the IAEA Secretariat to provide for the application of
the Transport Regulations by, inter alia, providing a service for carrying out, at
the request of any State, an appraisal of the implementation of the Transport
Regulations by that State. In response to this request the IAEA has created
and made available to all States the Transport Safety Appraisal Service
S02. The objective of a TranSAS appraisal is to assist any requesting State to
achieve a high level of safety in the transport of radioactive material by
reviewing its implementation of the Transport Regulations and by making
recommendations for improvement where appropriate.
S03. In a letter dated 12 September 2000 the Permanent Mission of Turkey to
the Office of the United Nations and other International Organizations in
Vienna informed the IAEA that the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
(TAEK) had decided to request the IAEA Transport Safety Appraisal Service.
To lay the groundwork for the appraisal, a preparatory mission was undertaken
from 1 to 5 October 2001. At that time a preliminary agreement was developed
addressing the scope of the appraisal as well as the tasks and activities to be
undertaken prior to and during the appraisal. Owing to the difficulty in
obtaining funding for the appraisal, the actual appraisal, initially planned for
May 2002, was postponed until March 2003.
Scope of the appraisal
S04. A TranSAS appraisal covers all modes of transport (i.e. road, rail,
maritime and air). In accordance with the request from Turkey, the appraisal
considered in detail all relevant aspects of the regulation of the transport of
radioactive material in Turkey with regard to the requirements specified in the
Transport Regulations [1], the guidance provided in other IAEA publications
[2–5] and other relevant international regulatory documents.
TranSAS questionnaire
S05. A detailed TranSAS questionnaire was developed by the IAEA in 1999
in order to facilitate the appraisal process in a consistent manner. The question-
naire has detailed questions in the following eight key areas:
(a) Legislative and governmental responsibilities;
(b) The authority, responsibilities and function of the regulatory body;
(c) The organization of the regulatory body;
(d) The authorization process;
(e) Review and assessment;
(f) Inspection and enforcement;
(g) The development of regulations and guides;
(h) Emergency preparedness for transport.
The completed TranSAS questionnaire is a working document for the appraisal
and may be used by representatives of the host organization to prepare for
interviews and to develop presentations.
Tasks and activities prior to the appraisal
S06. Turkey provided the IAEA with a completed TranSAS questionnaire.
The IAEA assembled a team of experts for the appraisal, the members of
which were subject to approval by Turkey. The approved experts were provided
with guidelines for the appraisal, information from the preparatory mission and
the completed TranSAS questionnaire submitted by Turkey.
Appraisal team
S07. The team for the TranSAS appraisal was composed of four independent
experts. The members of the team represented regulatory authorities
responsible for the transport of radioactive material in three States and were
led by a transport safety expert from the IAEA.
Appraisal process
S08. The appraisal process included the following:
(a) A preparatory session for the appraisal team;
(b) An entrance meeting involving presentations by key representatives
from the TAEK and other authorities concerning their responsibilities
for the safe transport of radioactive material;
(c) Discussions with Turkish representatives to obtain clarifications and
additional or more detailed information;
(d) Updating the TranSAS questionnaire and preparing the draft report
with findings;
(e) Ongoing feedback on the updated questionnaire and the draft report
with findings;
(f) A visit to the Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Centre
(g) Visits to the Turkish Airlines cargo departments at the Ankara
Esenboga airport and the Istanbul Ataturk airport;
(h) An exit meeting to present and discuss the findings.
Appraisal report
S09. The appraisal report provides background information on TranSAS in
general as well as more detailed information on the appraisal process in the
host country. It also presents the findings for each area considered in the
appraisal, together with a background discussion and a basis for any finding
(tied to an international regulatory requirement or recommendation). The
findings are presented as recommendations, suggestions and good practices.
S10. Background information and the basis for the findings are presented
together with the findings in Section 4 of this report. Each finding has a basis in
the Transport Regulations, in the modal international regulations and/or in
other relevant international regulatory documents and standards.
S11. The findings for each key area of review are presented in the order in
which they appear in Section 4 of this report.
S12. The findings of the appraisal include three recommendations and 17
suggestions for areas in which the implementation of the Transport Regulations
can be streamlined or improved. The appraisal also identified three good
practices that can serve as a model for other competent authorities in the
radioactive material transport sector to emulate.
S13. The findings are presented for the eight key areas of review in the
TranSAS questionnaire and are followed by the general conclusions.
S14. General conclusions concerning the findings are also presented in
Section 5 of this report.
Legislative and governmental responsibilities
S15. Recommendation: The process of formalizing the draft Turkish
regulation on the safe transport of radioactive material should be completed as
soon as possible.
S16. Suggestion: It is suggested that in the areas of overlapping responsibil-
ities, memoranda of understanding be developed between the authorities
Authority, responsibilities and functions of the regulatory body
S17. Suggestion: It is suggested that memoranda of understanding be
prepared to manage interfaces between the different authorities involved in the
transport of radioactive material. Such memoranda of understanding would
detail the procedures to be followed in the authorization process and might
include provisions for the training of personnel in radiation safety, as well as
provisions regarding inspection and enforcement.
S18. Suggestion: Cooperation agreements between the different parties
involved could help to achieve harmonization of the applicable national and
international regulations for the transport of dangerous goods by different
S19. Suggestion: It is suggested that the regulatory functions be more clearly
separated from the operational and promotional functions. This separation
would be evident from the organizational chart.
S20. Suggestion: In order to clarify the duties and responsibilities of the
specialized departments and the affiliated institutions in accordance with the
Turkish Atomic Energy Authority Act, it might be envisaged to set up a section
of the Radiation Health and Safety Department (RHSD) in Istanbul. This
section would carry out the work actually done by the Health Physics
Department of ÇNAEM. As an alternative, part of the Health Physics Division
of ÇNAEM would continue to carry out the work but would formally become
part of the RHSD.
Organization of the regulatory body
S21. Suggestion: In order to make the organization more transparent, it
might be envisaged that a specific division be set up within the RHSD to deal
specifically with all transport issues. The personnel of this division would be
given the opportunity to increase their expertise in order to be able to perform
the necessary assessments.
Authorization process
S22. Suggestion: It might be envisaged to replace the system of individual
permission by a more generalized system of prior notification (as applies, for
example, to movements of radioactive sources for industrial radiography),
giving the TAEK the opportunity to perform more specific inspections to verify
compliance with the Turkish regulation on the safe transport of radioactive
S23. Suggestion: It is suggested that a specific division be set up within the
RHSD dedicated specifically to the transport of radioactive material, in
particular the evaluation of applications for approval, as mentioned in para.
802 of the 1996 edition of the Transport Regulations, which are not necessarily
related to a specific use of the radioactive contents. The personnel of this
division would be given the opportunity to improve their expertise in order to
be able to perform the necessary assessments. This division would also inform
the different divisions of changes in the regulations and ensure coordination
between the different divisions with regard to transport issues, and ensure in
particular that applications for licences and permits are handled in a consistent
S24. Good practice: A database with information on the use, storage and
movement of radioactive material in Turkey is updated on a continuous basis.
The system is comprehensive and a well established practical tool for everyday
work. It might also be used for more specific inspections.
Review and assessment process
S25. Recommendation: It should be ensured that the consignor has a copy of
the instructions, as required in para. 561 of the 1996 edition of the Transport
S26. Suggestion: As more packages become eligible for multilateral approval
with the introduction of the 1996 edition of the Transport Regulations, and in
particular pursuant to paras 816 and 817, some thought could be given to the
desirability of a formal assessment of designs of packages in this category and
of issuing a validation approval.
S27. Suggestion: It is suggested that checks be made that certified packages
have been maintained in accordance with the approved maintenance
S28. Good practice: Overall control is exercised over radioactive material in
Turkey. This overall control includes transport aspects and therefore ensures
that packages that normally do not require competent authority certification
under the Transport Regulations (i.e. Type IP and Type A packages) are also
Inspection and enforcement
S29. Recommendation: A planned and systematic programme should be
implemented for quality assurance and compliance assurance concerning the
inspection and audit of packages, as required in paras 310 and 311 of the 1996
edition of the Transport Regulations.
S30. Suggestion: It is suggested that paperwork be completed in SI units and
that measuring instruments also display SI units. This will avoid confusion and
misinterpretation and will ensure consistency.
S31. Suggestion: It is suggested that memoranda of understanding be
produced to determine the responsibilities and interfaces between the various
authorities involved in the inspection and enforcement activities carried out in
support of authorizations for the transport of radioactive material.
Development of regulations and guides
S32. Suggestion: In order to avoid discrepancies between the implemen-
tation of the various editions of the Transport Regulations (and potential safety
hazards), it is suggested to simultaneously apply in Turkey the same regulations
for the national and international transport of radioactive material (i.e. to
formally promulgate the Turkish translation of the 1996 edition of the
Transport Regulations as soon as possible).
S33. Suggestion: It is suggested to change Article 61 of the radiation safety
regulation so that authorizations are issued in a more generic way, for example
to issue permits covering the same material in the same package, for a given
time frame (e.g. 6 months or 12 months).
S34. Suggestion: It is suggested for the ongoing revision of the radiation
safety decree to use only SI units, so as to be in line with the international
regulations in the field of radiation protection, especially with the Transport
Regulations and the Turkish radiation safety regulation.
S35. Suggestion: In order to be in line with the other international standards
for radiation safety and radiation protection (e.g. the International Basic Safety
Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of
Radiation Sources), it is suggested that the transport of radioactive material be
incorporated into the radiation safety decree.
S36. Suggestion: It is suggested that expanded responsibilities may justify the
creation of a separate division within the RHSD that would be dedicated
exclusively to the transport of radioactive material.
Emergency preparedness for transport
S37. Good practice: The emergency capabilities for the transport of
radioactive material have been incorporated into the overall emergency
preparedness structure across the country. The regulations of Turkey in the
area of the transport of radioactive material, and the nuclear and radiological
emergency plan, which is updated by the TAEK every year, are a good basis for
emergency response, which also extends to the transport area.
S38. The TranSAS appraisal team completed a thorough appraisal of the
implementation of the Transport Regulations in Turkey. The cooperation of the
Turkish authorities, and of all those who participated in the discussions, was
excellent and contributed much to the value of the appraisal.
S39. The transport of the relatively small number of packages of radioactive
material in Turkey is well controlled. Customs regulations specify permission of
the TAEK for the import of radioactive material. Only companies licensed by
the TAEK can import, export, transit and transport radioactive material. Each
shipment of radioactive material is subject to a permit from the TAEK. A
comprehensive database with information on the use, storage and movement of
radioactive material is updated on a continuous basis. This high level of control
and monitoring enhances the safety of the transport of radioactive material in
Turk ey.
S40. A draft revision of the national transport regulations based on the 1996
edition of the Transport Regulations [1] has been used in Turkey since the
requirements of these Transport Regulations became effective for interna-
tional transport in 2001. It is recommended that these draft regulations be
approved formally as soon as possible.
1.1. In order to facilitate safety in the transport of radioactive material
throughout the world, the IAEA, pursuant to its statutory authority, has
established the Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (the
Transport Regulations). The latest edition of the Transport Regulations was
published in 1996 and revised in 2000 [1]. In addition to publishing the
Transport Regulations, the IAEA also issues various guidance publications
1.2. Details regarding the manner in which the Transport Regulations are
incorporated into international regulatory documents are provided in Section 2
of this report. Effective implementation of the Transport Regulations at the
State level is essential for ensuring a high level of safety in the transport of
radioactive material. Other key documents that should be considered by a
State in regulating its transport of radioactive material are discussed in
Section 2.
1.3. On 25 September 1998 the General Conference of the IAEA, which
meets annually, adopted resolution GC(42)/RES/13 on the Safety of Transport
of Radioactive Materials. In adopting that resolution, the General Conference
recognized that “compliance with regulations that take account of the Agency’s
Transport Regulations is providing a high level of safety during the transport of
radioactive materials…” In addition, it requested the IAEA Secretariat to
provide for the application of the Transport Regulations by, inter alia,
providing a service for carrying out, at the request of any State, an appraisal of
the implementation of the Transport Regulations by that State.
1.4. In response to this request the Director General offered the Transport
Safety Appraisal Service (TranSAS) to all States in letter J1.01.Circ., dated 10
December 1998.
1.5. The first TranSAS was undertaken and completed at the request of
Slovenia in 1999. Turkey was the third State to request a TranSAS.
1.6. In each of the General Conferences since 1998 resolutions focused on
transport safety have commended the Secretariat for establishing TranSAS,
commended those States that have requested this service and encouraged other
States to avail themselves of this service (see GC(43)/RES/11, GC(44)/RES/17,
GC(45)/RES/10, GC(46)/RES/9 and GC(47)/RES/7).
1.7. In a letter dated 12 September 2000 the Permanent Mission of Turkey to
the Office of the United Nations and other International Organizations in
Vienna informed the IAEA that the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
(TAEK) had decided to request the IAEA Transport Safety Appraisal Service.
The points of contact in Turkey and the IAEA exchanged initial information
and arranged a preparatory mission that was conducted at the TAEK offices in
Ankara from 1 to 5 October 2001. During the preparatory mission, a
preliminary agreement was developed, which covered the scope of the
appraisal and the tasks and activities to be completed prior to and during the
1.8. The preliminary agreement addressed the following:
(a) The scope of the appraisal;
(b) The tentative dates of the appraisal;
(c) The activities to be completed by the IAEA and by the Turkish
authorities during the period leading up to the appraisal;
(d) A preliminary list of activities to be undertaken during the appraisal;
(e) The facilities required during the appraisal.
1.9. The general scope of any TranSAS includes:
(a) An appraisal of the State’s regulatory practices for transport safety with
respect to the requirements of the Transport Regulations and related
international standards and guidelines;
(b) Recommendations or suggestions, as appropriate, in areas in which the
State’s transport safety regulatory programme might be improved.
1.10. The more specific scope for Turkey, as requested, included the
(a) An evaluation of the national transport legislation and regulations,
taking into account applicable international practices;
(b) A review of the implementation of the requirements of the 1996 edition
of the Transport Regulations [1] into the Turkish regulations for
national and international transport for all modes of transport;
(c) A review of the authorities, responsibilities and functions of the
regulatory body with regard to the transport of radioactive material;
(d) A review and evaluation of the efficiency of the inspection and
enforcement programme related to the transport of radioactive
(e) An evaluation of the cooperation arrangements with key governmental
organizations, with specific attention to areas of overlapping responsi-
(f) A review of compliance practices, for example of a major importer.
1.11. Preparations completed by Turkey included the following:
(a) The completion and transmittal to the IAEA of the detailed TranSAS
(b) Ensuring the availability of key personnel from the TAEK and other
authorities during the appraisal;
(c) The arrangement of the logistics for the appraisal, including accommo-
dation and local transport for the team members, and some services for
the translation of documents during the appraisal.
1.12. Preparations completed by the IAEA included the following:
(a) The recruitment of the appraisal team (this included arranging for the
necessary approvals for the recommended team members);
(b) Providing the appraisal team with the relevant documentation and the
TranSAS guidelines;
(c) Arranging for the travel of the team members to and from Turkey.
1.13. The appraisal team was composed of four independent experts. These
experts were representatives of regulatory authorities of Belgium, Germany
and the United Kingdom responsible for the transport of radioactive material,
and the team leader, a transport safety expert from the IAEA. The expertise of
the appraisal team was broad and covered all aspects of the implementation of
regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material. Specific experience
was taken into account for the assignment of the lead responsibilities for
appraising the eight areas addressed in the TranSAS questionnaire.
1.14. The appraisal process included the following:
(a) A preparatory session for the appraisal team;
(b) An entrance meeting involving presentations by key representatives
from the transport authorities and industry concerning their responsi-
bilities for the safe transport of radioactive material;
(c) Discussions with Turkish representatives to obtain clarifications and
additional or more detailed information;
(d) Updating the TranSAS questionnaire and preparing the draft report
with findings;
(e) Ongoing feedback on the updated questionnaire and the draft report
with findings;
(f) A visit to the Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Centre
(ÇNAEM) near Istanbul;
(g) Visits to the Turkish Airlines cargo departments at the Ankara
Esenboga airport and the Istanbul Ataturk airport;
(h) An exit meeting to present and discuss the findings.
More details on the appraisal process are provided in Section 3 of this report.
1.15. This report documents the results of the TranSAS appraisal conducted
in Turkey from 3 to 14 March 2003. It includes, in Section 4, the findings for
each area considered in the appraisal, together with a background discussion
and a basis for any finding (tied to an international regulatory requirement or
recommendation). The findings are presented as recommendations,
suggestions and good practices, which for the purposes of a TranSAS appraisal
have been defined as follows:
(a) A recommendation is advice on improvement in the reviewed area. It
can, but need not, be an indication of shortcomings either in the
national statutory legislative and regulatory regime or in the methods of
fulfilling the regulatory requirements.
(b) A suggestion is either an additional proposal in conjunction with a
recommendation or it may stand on its own. A suggestion should
stimulate the regulatory body’s management and staff to consider ways
and means of enhancing performance.
(c) A good practice is a recognition of a current practice that is superior
enough to be worth bringing to the attention of other nuclear regulatory
bodies as a model in the general drive for excellence.
Final remarks concerning the findings are presented in Section 5 of this report.
2.1. The Transport Regulations are key to the development of a regulatory
regime for the safe transport of radioactive material. These regulations were
first developed in the late 1950s at the request of the United Nations Economic
and Social Council. The first edition of the Transport Regulations was
published in 1961, and has been updated regularly. The latest edition of the
Transport Regulations was issued in 1996, and revised in 2000 to accommodate
editorial changes [1]. The previous edition, upon which some States still base
their national transport regulations, was issued in 1985 and amended in 1990
[6]. There are also additional guidance publications issued by the IAEA to
support the application of the Transport Regulations by regulators and users
[2–5]. Explanatory material [7] and advisory material [8] related to the 1985
edition of the Transport Regulations is relevant where that edition is still being
2.2. These publications provide a sound basis for competent authorities in
States to regulate the transport of radioactive material. Specifically, the
Transport Regulations [1], and their preceding editions (e.g. the previous 1985
edition (as amended in 1990) [6]), have provided and continue to provide a
model to be followed by relevant international organizations and States in
developing binding regulations for the international and national transport of
radioactive material. The guidance publications [2–5] also are valuable tools for
competent authorities, consignors, carriers and consignees for describing how
they may apply specific requirements of the regulations. For example, the
general advisory publication [2] and its predecessor publications [7, 8] provide
insight into why various regulatory requirements have been established and
define ‘a way’, or ‘ways’, but not ‘the way’ in which specific requirements may
be satisfied in practice. Guidance is also provided in specific key areas, inter
alia planning and preparing for emergencies [3], compliance assurance [4] and
quality assurance [5].
2.3. The Transport Regulations have a foundation, from a radiation
protection standpoint, in the IAEA Safety Fundamentals publication
Radiation Protection and the Safety of Radiation Sources [9] and in the Inter-
national Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and
for the Safety of Radiation Sources [10] (the Basic Safety Standards).
2.4. Finally, a key publication for the application of the Transport
Regulations in a State is the publication Legal and Governmental Infra-
structure for Nuclear, Radiation, Radioactive Waste and Transport Safety [11],
which discusses in detail the legislative and governmental responsibilities of a
State and the responsibilities, functions, organization and activities of a
regulatory body.
2.5. These IAEA publications serve as a basis for appraising the regulatory
activities for the transport of radioactive material. However, it must be
recognized that these publications are not backed by the rule of law, that they
are generally not mandatory for a State and that they are advisory in nature.
For example, the Transport Regulations [1, 6] serve as models for a State’s
national transport regulations.
2.6. In striving to foster a consistent basis for communicating these
recommended requirements to its Member States, the IAEA also issues a
safety glossary [12].
2.7. The Transport Regulations serve as the model for the radioactive
material portions of international regulations for the transport of dangerous
goods by the various modes of transport.
2.8. The first step in applying the Transport Regulations to the international
transport of radioactive material was the incorporation of their requirements
into the recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods drawn up by
the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous
Goods [13], which provide a detailed set of ‘model regulations’ for all nine
classes of dangerous goods. Radioactive material is Class 7 in these regulations.
These model regulations of the United Nations serve as a basis for national and
international regulations for the transport of dangerous goods by the various
modes of transport.
2.9. Accordingly, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
publishes its regulations as the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of
Dangerous Goods by Air [14] (the ICAO Technical Instructions). These
Technical Instructions are mandatory upon all member States of the ICAO. In
addition, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) publishes its
Dangerous Goods Regulations [15], which incorporate all the requirements of
the ICAO Technical Instructions as well as additional operator variations.
2.10. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) publishes the Interna-
tional Maritime Dangerous Goods Code [16] (IMDG Code) for the transport
of dangerous goods by sea. Many of the detailed requirements of the IMDG
Code became mandatory for all Contracting Parties to the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS Convention) on 1 January
2.11. For States in Europe, the United Nations Economic Commission for
Europe (UNECE) and the Intergovernmental Organization for International
Carriage by Rail (OTIF) publish dangerous goods regulations (including
requirements derived from the Transport Regulations [1]) for road (Annexes A
and B of ADR) [17] and rail (RID) [18]. These regulations apply through
agreements and conventions (respectively ADR and COTIF) that make their
application to the international carriage of dangerous goods by road and rail
between Contracting Parties mandatory. The ADR/RID requirements are also
mandatory for domestic transport in States that are members of the European
Union (EU), through EU directives. A number of non-EU countries have also
adopted the ADR and RID requirements as the basis for their national
2.12. Similarly, another agreement concerning the international carriage of
dangerous goods by inland waterways (ADN) was adopted in 2000 under the
auspices of the UNECE and the Central Commission for Navigation of the
Rhine. The conditions for entry into force (seven Contracting States) had not
been met in February 2004 (ten Signatory States, two Contracting States), but
the annexed regulations, which also incorporate the Transport Regulations, are
already of mandatory application on the Rhine and have been adopted by
several Danubian States.
3.1. The appraisal process included the following:
(a) A preparatory session for the appraisal team;
(b) An entrance meeting involving presentations by key representatives
from the transport authorities and industry concerning their responsi-
bilities for the safe transport of radioactive material;
(c) Discussions with Turkish representatives to obtain clarifications and
additional or more detailed information;
(d) Updating the TranSAS questionnaire and preparing the draft report
with findings;
(e) Ongoing feedback on the updated questionnaire and the draft report
with findings;
(f) A visit to the Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Centre
(ÇNAEM) near Istanbul;
(g) Visits to the Turkish Airlines cargo departments at the Ankara
Esenboga airport and the Istanbul Ataturk airport;
(h) An exit meeting to present and discuss the findings.
3.2. A preparatory session preceding the formal part of the appraisal was
held in order for the team members to meet with their counterparts from
Turkey, and to review the programme for the appraisal, the procedures to be
followed, the reference material to be used and the work to be carried out.
3.3. The members of the team had broad experience and expertise in the
implementation of regulations for the transport of radioactive material. They
represented regulatory authorities in Belgium, Germany and the UK, and were
led by a transport safety expert from the IAEA. Further details on the team
members are provided in Appendix II.
3.4. Specific experience was taken into account for the assignment of lead
responsibilities for appraising the eight areas addressed in the TranSAS
3.5. The entrance meeting involved key representatives of the regulatory
authorities and of an import organization.
3.6. The agenda of the entrance meeting covered the following items:
(a) Welcome address by the President of the TAEK (M. Tomak);
(b) Outline of the objectives of the appraisal by the TranSAS team leader
(G.J. Dicke);
(c) Introduction of the TranSAS team members;
(d) Introduction of the Turkish participants in the appraisal;
(e) Overview of the organization of the Radiation Health and Safety
Department (RHSD) of the TAEK by its director (I. Uslu);
(f) Overview of the responsibilities of divisions in the RHSD concerning
the transport of radioactive material (G. Arslan);
(g) Overview of the organization and functions of the Committee for the
Preparation and Application of Legislation (K. Ertürk);
(h) Overview of the legal and technical processes for implementing changes
to the Turkish regulations (K. Ertürk);
(i) Overview of work carried out by an importer to comply with the
Transport Regulations (I. Soytemiz, Tibbi Endüstriyel Sistemler Sanayi
ve Ticaret Ltd ti (TESST));
(j) Overview of cooperation with the General Directorate of Civil Aviation
(E. Ertus, Department of Transport);
(k) Overview of cooperation with the Undersecretariat of Customs
(F. Damancioglu, Division of Environment);
(l) Overview of cooperation with the Undersecretariat for Maritime
Affairs (UMA) (S. Onur, Navigation Safety Department);
(m) Overview of cooperation with the Ministry of Environment (A. Nuray,
Waste Management Department), General Directorate for the
Prevention of Pollution to the Environment;
(n) Overview of transport related emergency response procedures
(I. Arikan);
(o) Overview of inspection procedures (G. Arslan).
3.7. In addition to the discussions following the presentations, the team
invited several of the Turkish representatives to discuss in more detail the
information provided in the questionnaire. Subsequently, the team members
pursued further information specific to the areas for which they had the lead
responsibility. The additional information was used to update the question-
naire. On 5 March 2003 the team visited the Turkish Airlines cargo department
at the Ankara Esenboga airport. On 6 March the updated questionnaire was
made available to the Turkish representatives for their review, and in the
afternoon the team flew to Istanbul and prepared for visits to the Turkish
Airlines cargo department at the Istanbul Ataturk airport on 7 March and to
ÇNAEM on 10 and 11 March. In the afternoon of 11 March the team flew back
to Ankara. The following two days were used to prepare the draft report for the
exit meeting, taking into account the comments received and the information
gained from the Istanbul visit. The draft report of the findings was presented at
the exit meeting on Friday 14 March.
3.8. The agenda for the visit to ÇNAEM involved the following:
(a) Welcome by the Director of the Centre (G. Köksal);
(b) Overview of activities of the Health Physics Division (N. Chelebi);
(c) Overview of activities at the Çekmece Waste Processing and Treatment
Facility (A. Kahraman);
(d) Visit to the facilities of the Radioisotope and Radiopharmaceuticals
Division (F. Akgün);
(e) Review meeting involving all presenters as well as E.M. Köksal (Head
of the Radiobiology Division) and K. Ertürk, B. Onat and T. Özdemir
from the RHSD in Ankara.
3.9. The findings of the team were presented by the team members for the
areas in which they had the lead responsibility. These findings are summarized
in the Summary, Findings and Conclusions section of this report. The findings,
together with the relevant background information and the basis for the
findings, are presented in detail in Section 4.
4.1. This section of the report is structured around the key topic areas
covered in the TranSAS questionnaire. These key areas are:
(a) Legislative and governmental responsibilities;
(b) The authority, responsibilities and functions of the regulatory body;
(c) The organization of the regulatory body;
(d) The authorization process;
(e) Review and assessment;
(f) Inspection and enforcement;
(g) The development of regulations and guides;
(h) Emergency preparedness for transport.
This section provides, for each of these areas, an overview of relevant infor-
mation, followed by the findings for that area. Each finding is preceded by a
basis from appropriate international regulatory and guidance documents. The
findings are presented in terms of recommendations, suggestions and good
practices, as applicable.
4.2. The legal documents relevant to the implementation of the Transport
Regulations focus primarily upon three areas:
(a) Documents concerning responsibilities and regulations with regard to
the transport of radioactive material;
(b) Documents concerning responsibilities and regulations for the transport
of dangerous goods, which include radioactive material;
(c) Documents concerning some specific aspects, other than safety, of the
transport of radioactive material.
Legal documents concerning responsibilities and regulations for the transport
of radioactive material
4.3. The following legal documents provide the basic framework for the
implementation of the Transport Regulations in Turkey:
(a) The Turkish Atomic Energy Authority Act, Act No. 2690 of 13 July
(b) The radiation safety decree of 7 September 1985;
(c) The radiation safety regulation of 24 March 2000;
(d) The regulation for the safe transport of radioactive material (the
Turkish version of Ref. [6]) of 10 September 1997;
(e) The draft revision of this Turkish transport regulation based on the 1996
edition of the Transport Regulations [1], applied as of 1 July 2001.
Turkish Atomic Energy Authority Act, Act No. 2690
4.4. The TAEK was established by the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
Act, Act No. 2690 of 13 July 1982. The objective of this act was to: provide for
the peaceful use of atomic energy in Turkey for the benefit of the country in
conformity with the national development plans; define and recommend the
basic principles and policies; and implement, inspect, organize, support and
coordinate scientific, technical and administrative studies and affairs. More
specifically, in Chapter 1, on objectives, scope and establishment, and further in
Article 3, Act No. 2690 establishes the TAEK as a public legal entity reporting
directly to the Prime Minister, and it identifies the major organs of the TAEK,
which are:
(a) The Atomic Energy Commission;
(b) The Advisory Committee;
(c) Specialized departments;
(d) Affiliated institutions.
4.5. In Article 4, Chapter 2, of Act No. 2690, the overall duties and responsi-
bilities of the TAEK are addressed in more detail. These include specifically for
(a) to determine the general principles to be complied with and to make
recommendations” (Article 4, para. (b));
(b) to prepare decrees and regulations (Article 4, para. (d));
(c) to take the necessary measures” (Article 4, para. (f)).
4.6. Other general requirements in Article 4 also apply to transport. For
example, in Article 4, para. (h):to train personnel who will work in the nuclear
field or to assist their training if necessary and to co-operate with the organiza-
tions and higher educational institutions working for this purpose.”
4.7. In Chapter 3, on organs, duties and jurisdictions, the duties of the
Atomic Energy Commission include in Article 6, para. (b): to prepare the draft
acts and decrees related to the nuclear field and submit them to the Prime
Minister, and to approve the regulations related to the Turkish Atomic Energy
4.8. Article 8 establishes the various departments in the TAEK. The duties
of the RHSD are provided under para. (b) as follows: “Among the duties laid
down in Article 4 of this Act: to carry out services for licensing, determination of
the regulations and principles of radiation protection, transport and storage of
radioactive materials, and inspection of radiation emitting devices and systems;
and to perform other related tasks.”
4.9. Article 9 gives the TAEK the authority to establish affiliated institu-
tions to carry out fundamental and applied research in the nuclear field and to
establish their working procedures by regulation.
Radiation safety decree
4.10. The relevant sections of the radiation safety decree include the
following. Article 1 states that the provisions to be observed for the transport
of ionizing radiation sources are spelled out in the decree. Article 3 states that
the RHSD is responsible for carrying out the necessary services for radiation
safety. Article 4 defines the functions of the RHSD, including that of issuing
licences for the purpose of allowing the transport of sources of ionizing
radiation, issuing permits for import, export, transport or transit passage,
defining the necessary measures to be taken in the event of a radiation accident
and the mode of cooperation with the governmental offices and organizations
concerned with radiation safety. Article 7 states that the possession, use,
production, import, export, purchase, sale, transport and storage of radiation
sources require a licence from the TAEK, and that if such operations require
any other permit, licence or documentation from other governmental offices
and organizations, the issuance of such documents is subject to a licence from
the TAEK. Articles 14 and 16 of the radiation safety decree provide additional
requirements for the TAEK to issue permits for the transport of radioactive
Radiation safety regulation
4.11. The requirements of the radiation safety regulation relevant to the
transport of radioactive material are provided in particular in Part IV, on
licences, permits, inspections and records; specific details are provided in
Articles 50–70.
Turkish regulation for the safe transport of radioactive material
4.12. The Turkish version of the Transport Regulations is essentially a trans-
lation. The version published on 10 September 1997 is based on the 1985
edition of the Transport Regulations [6]. A draft version of the Turkish
regulation, which is essentially a translation of the 1996 edition of the Transport
Regulations [1], has been applied based on an 11 October 2001 letter from the
TAEK to the competent organizations. The draft regulation was attached to
the letter. This draft version has not yet been submitted to the Atomic Energy
Commission for its approval and subsequent publication in the Official Gazette
for formal implementation.
Legal documents concerning the transport of dangerous goods
4.13. The following legal documents provide the basic framework in Turkey
for the implementation of the requirements for the transport of dangerous
goods (which include radioactive material) in accordance with international
and national regulations.
International requirements for transport by air
4.14. The following international regulations apply to the air transport of
dangerous goods:
(a) The ICAO Technical Instructions [14];
(b) The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations [15].
4.15. Turkey has been a member of the ICAO since 1944 and ratified the
Chicago Convention in 1946. Accordingly, the ICAO Technical Instructions
apply to the international air transport of dangerous goods, including
radioactive material. The requirements for radioactive material in the ICAO
Technical Instructions have been in accordance with the 1996 edition of the
Transport Regulations [1] since 1 July 2001.
4.16. Airlines are required to comply with the IATA Dangerous Goods
Regulations [15], which embrace all the requirements of the ICAO Technical
Instructions. The requirements for the transport of radioactive material in the
IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations [15] have therefore also been in
accordance with the 1996 edition of the Transport Regulations [1] since 1 July
2001. The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations [15] have some requirements,
the ‘operator variations’, which are in addition to the requirements of the
ICAO Technical Instructions. An operator variation from Turkish Airlines
applicable specifically to the transport of radioactive material is identified as
TK-03. This variation states that “Permission of the Turkish Atomic Energy
Authority is necessary for the transport of radioactive elements to/from Turkey.”
National requirements for transport by air
4.17. The Turkish requirements governing the air transport of dangerous
goods are established by:
(a) Law No. 3348 of 9 April 1987, concerning the establishment and respon-
sibilities of the Ministry of Transport;
(b) Law No. 2920 of 14 October 1983, the Turkish civil aviation law;
(c) Aviation circular SHY-150.11, of 13 June 2000, on the rules concerning
the responsibilities of air cargo agencies;
(d) Ground handling regulations for airports, SHY-22 of 28 August 1996,
Official Gazette No. 22760;
(e) A regulation concerning commercial air transport companies, of 13 July
1992, Official Gazette No. 21283;
(f) Draft Turkish instructions on the air transport of dangerous goods,
SHT-18, 17 February 2003.
Law No. 3348 of 1987, concerning the establishment and responsibilities of the
Ministry of Transport
4.18. Paragraph (a) of Article 12 of Law No. 3348 provides that the General
Directorate of Civil Aviation is responsible for regulating transport by air in
Turkey. Paragraphs (c) and (d) address the qualification of personnel and
companies and their licensing. This responsibility includes the licensing of
cargo agents who deal with the import or export of dangerous goods. This
article also states that for the control of safety and security the opinions of
other relevant national authorities should be taken into account.
Law No. 2920 of 1983, the Turkish civil aviation law
4.19. Article 6 of this law states that all transport by air in Turkey lies under
the responsibility of the Ministry of Transport.
Aviation circular SHY-150.11, of 13 June 2000
4.20. The basis for this circular is the Turkish civil aviation law and Article 14,
item (i), of the airports ground handling regulation, SHY-22. Article 2 of the
circular defines the scope for responsibilities of cargo agencies, air transporters
and ground handling companies. Article 5 forbids the transport of dangerous
goods, including radioactive material, unless it is transported in accordance
with the requirements of: (a) the General Directorate of Civil Aviation; (b)
ICAO Annex 18, document 9284-AN/905; (c) the IATA Dangerous Goods
Regulations [15]; and (d) subpart R, Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, in
JAR-OPS 1 [19] of the European Joint Aviation Authority. These requirements
apply to both national and international air transport. Item (a) of Article 11
states that all licensed agents have the obligation to train in accordance with
the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations [15] and to certify at least one staff
Regulation concerning commercial air transport companies
(13 July 1992, Official Gazette No. 21283)
4.21. Article 27 states that all explosives and dangerous goods, including
radioactive material, require a special permission for transport from the
Ministry of Transport and the competent authorities of other countries.
Draft Turkish air transport of dangerous goods instructions
4.22. Currently in draft form are the air transport of dangerous goods instruc-
tions being prepared by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation. Articles 2
and 3 of these instructions state that the ICAO Technical Instructions (except
those parts on ammunition and explosives) are to be met by all registered
aircraft used by air companies and shippers.
International requirements for the transport of dangerous goods by sea
4.23. Turkey is a member of the IMO. The major IMO conventions, including
the SOLAS Convention and the International Convention for the Prevention
of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL Convention), have been ratified by Turkey.
Additional instruments are in the process of ratification at the Turkish
Parliament. The IMO publishes the IMDG Code [16], which since 1 January
2001 includes the requirements of the 1996 edition of the Transport
Regulations [1]. A one year transition period allowed the requirements of the
1985 edition of the Transport Regulations [6] to remain applicable until 1
January 2002, after which time only the requirements of the 1996 edition of the
Transport Regulations [1] apply pursuant to the IMDG Code. The require-
ments of the IMDG Code are widely applied but are not yet mandatory. Turkey
has applied the general principles of the IMDG Code, but not the detailed
requirements. As of 1 January 2004 many of the detailed requirements of the
IMDG Code have become mandatory for all IMO member States.
National requirements for the transport of dangerous goods by sea
4.24. The Turkish regulations governing the transport of dangerous goods by
sea include the following:
(a) Law No. 4922, on protecting life and property, issued on 10 June 1946;
(b) A decree concerning the technical conditions of commercial ships,
issued on 11 February 1948, based on Law No. 4922, as amended in
(c) Ports Law No. 618, issued on 14 April 1925;
(d) Government Decree No. 491, on the establishment of the UMA, dated
August 1993, as amended by Amendment 602 dated June 2000;
(e) Regulation No. 3/14831 of 1952 on the transport of dangerous goods by
commercial ships;
(f) The Istanbul port decree of 6 September 1996, Official Gazette No.
(g) The maritime traffic regulations for passage through Turkish straits,
published in 1994, revised in 1998 and 1999.
4.25. The UMA lies directly under the authority of the Prime Minister. The
UMA has three general directorates, including the General Directorate of
Maritime Transport, and seven district directorates. The responsibilities of the
district directorates include coordination of the actions of harbour masters.
4.26. There are 68 harbour masters for the 130 ports in the four maritime
regions along Turkey’s 8330 km of coastline. (Approximately 120 million
tonnes of dangerous goods, including crude oil and derived products, pass
through the Turkish straits per year in about 7000 of the approximately 45 000
ships in transit.) The responsibilities of the harbour masters include some tasks
in relation to dangerous goods.
Law No. 4922 of 10 June 1946
4.27. This law provides the principles for maritime safety. It is now only
considered a legal framework, providing in particular for penalties in the event
of violation. Article 12 defines dangerous goods.
1948 decree concerning the technical conditions of commercial ships
4.28. This decree, which is based on Law No. 4922, aims to set up minimum
technical standards for any kind of ship. This decree was amended in 1973.
According to the amended decree, international rules apply whenever national
regulations are missing or deficient.
Port law and port decrees
4.29. The port law has governed the principles of port organization and
management since 1925. It is based on a clear separation between the port
authority in charge of the commercial aspects of port operation and the State
authority, locally represented by harbour masters and ship surveyors, in charge
of maritime safety. Each harbour master authority has its own port decree
within its responsibility area. The general principles are the same, but the most
detailed decree is the Istanbul port decree. Article 23 of this decree stipulates
the requirements for loading, unloading and stowage. Item (g) defines
radioactive material and states that, prior to unloading, all necessary
documents must be provided to the port authority. For radioactive material
there is also a need for a certificate that should include a statement that the
material has been packaged in a manner that does not pose any risk to the
environment. In order to obtain port clearance, the captain, owner or agent of
a ship carrying dangerous goods must submit details to the harbour master
authority on the quantity, nature and packaging of the dangerous cargo at least
24 h before entry into a port. Unloaded radioactive material is not to be stored
in the port area.
Maritime traffic regulations for passage through Turkish straits, published in
1994, revised in 1998 and 1999
4.30. The purpose of these regulations is to provide for the safety of
navigation, life and property and the protection of the environment in the
straits without jeopardizing the principle of freedom of passage as set forth in
the Montreux Convention. Along with the introduction of these regulations,
the Turkish authorities have also established traffic separation schemes (TSSs)
in the straits, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Inter-
national Regulation for Prevention of Collision at Sea (COLREG). The TSSs
were approved by the IMO General Assembly in November 1995, with the
associated Rules and Recommendations on Navigation Through the Strait of
Istanbul, the Strait of Canakkale and the Marmara Sea. The number of
collisions and accidents has been drastically reduced in the straits since the
introduction of these regulations.
National and international requirements for the road and rail transport of
dangerous goods
4.31. Overall responsibility for the transport by road of dangerous goods lies
with the Ministry of Environment in accordance with the Act of Environment,
Act No. 2872, issued on 11 August 1983, Official Gazette No. 18132. Section 3
addresses measures and prohibitions for protection of the environment.
Article 8 states that it is prohibited to store or transport waste unless the
requirements of the relevant regulations are met. The regulation specific to
these requirements is the dangerous waste control regulation, issued on
27 August 1995, Official Gazette No. 22387. According to this regulation, all
dangerous waste, including radioactive waste, can only be transported by road
by a licensed carrier. Provincial authorities are authorized by the Ministry of
Environment to issue licences in this connection. According to Article 132 of
the regulation concerning transport of dangerous goods by road, issued on 22
October 1976, Official Gazette No. 15742, obtaining a permit from the TAEK is
a prerequisite for applying for a licence to carry radioactive waste by road.
4.32. Overall responsibility for the rail transport of dangerous goods lies with
the General Directorate of Turkish State Railways, in accordance with Act
No. 3938, issued on 14 December 1993, Official Gazette No. 21788. This act
incorporates all the annexes of RID [18] based on the COTIF Protocol of 20
December 1990. The COTIF Protocol was signed on 20 December 1990 and
ratified on 28 June 1994, and entered into force on 1 November 1996. The
protocol of 3 June 1999, which includes the requirements of the 1996 edition of
the Transport Regulations [1], was signed on 30 December 1999, but has not
been ratified.
4.33. It should be noted here that many European countries and several
countries outside Europe apply the international ADR (road) [17] and RID
(rail) [18] regulations for the transport of dangerous goods. Since 1 July 2001
these regulations have included the requirements of the 1996 edition of the
Transport Regulations [1].
Legal documents concerning some specific aspects, other than safety, of the
transport of radioactive material
4.34. Aspects other than safety may also be subject to requirements for the
transport of radioactive material. Such aspects include import or export and
physical protection.
Customs regulation
4.35. Customs officers have some responsibilities with regard to the import or
export of radioactive material and with regard to the prevention of smuggling
of radioactive material. They have made arrangements with the TAEK to be
trained in dealing with radioactive material.
4.36. The list of goods imported into Turkey that are subject to authorization
in accordance with the legislation in force is included in Annex 27 of the
customs regulation issued on 1 July 2002. This annex provides for an ‘import
notification’ concerning radioactive material that requires permission from the
4.37. Import notifications, issued by the Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade,
are used to inform other authorities in Turkey of specific requirements related
to their area of responsibility. The import notification in Annex 27, issued on 31
December 2001, Official Gazette No. 24627, covers radioactive material and
other sources of ionizing radiation. This notification informs the Undersecre-
tariat of Customs of all items that require permission from the TAEK. In order
to prevent smuggling of nuclear material, radiation detectors have been
installed at airports and borders. All regional directorates have also been
provided with handheld radiation detectors.
Physical protection of special nuclear material regulation, issued on 20 July 1979,
Official Gazette No. 16702
4.38. Physical protection requirements are not within the scope of the
TranSAS appraisal.
4.39. Basis: The international regulations of the ICAO, IATA and the IMO
on the transport of radioactive material incorporated the requirements of the
1996 edition of the Transport Regulations [1] in 2001. Since then the require-
ments of the 1996 edition of the Transport Regulations [1] have become
formally applicable for the international transport of radioactive material. The
Turkish regulation on the safe transport of radioactive material is formally still
based on the 1985 edition of the Transport Regulations [6]. For harmonization
of the transport regulations, it is important to formally update the national
regulations and harmonize them with the international regulations.
Recommendation: The process of formalizing the draft Turkish regulation on
the safe transport of radioactive material should be completed as soon as
4.40. Basis: Areas of overlapping regulatory responsibilities, as occur, for
example, with regulating all aspects concerning radioactive material on the one
hand and all aspects of the transport of dangerous goods, including radioactive
material, on the other, have the potential for duplication and the creation of
regulatory gaps. A memorandum of understanding between the involved
authorities could ensure effective regulation in areas of overlapping
Suggestion: It is suggested that in areas of overlapping responsibilities,
memoranda of understanding be developed between the authorities involved.
4.41. The TAEK was established pursuant to Act No. 2690 of 13 July 1982
(the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority Act). The duties, responsibilities and
jurisdictions of the TAEK are addressed in Article 4 as follows:
(a) To determine the bases of the national policy and the related plans and
programmes for the peaceful use of atomic energy for the benefit of the
country, and to submit them to the Prime Minister for approval; to
perform any kind of research, development, study and investigation on
the benefit of using atomic energy for the scientific, technical and
economic development of the country; to coordinate and support such
(b) To determine the general principles to be complied with and to make
recommendations on and cooperate with any kind of exploration,
mining, purification, process, production, distribution, import, export,
trade, transport, usage, transfer and storage of raw nuclear material,
special fissionable material and other strategic material used in the
nuclear field.
(c) To establish and operate research and training centres, units, labora-
tories, test centres, and pilot plants not intended for power production,
or arrange for the establishment and operation of these installations,
within the country wherever necessary; to perform studies for the
national industry with a view to acquiring nuclear technology; to make
recommendations for the establishment of processing, purification and
other necessary facilities relating to the fuel cycle.
(d) To establish and operate facilities for the production of radioisotopes,
for quality control, for measurement and for distribution, in order to:
(i) Determine the principles, measures and limits of liability for
protection against the damaging effects of ionizing radiation while
using radiation equipment, radioactive material, special fissionable
material and other similar sources of ionizing radiation.
(ii) Grant licences as a basis for operating permits to governmental or
private institutions and organizations or persons who keep, use,
import, export, transport, store or trade in radioactive material and
radiation equipment, and to inspect these institutions and organiza-
tions for compliance with radiation safety legislation; to enforce
insurance obligations for implementing the above activities; to
cancel licences temporarily or permanently in the event of non-
compliance with radiation safety legislation; to decide to close down
the above institutions and organizations; and to initiate legal investi-
gations in accordance with general legal principles.
(iii) Prepare the decrees and regulations determining the principles of
insurance obligations, usage, export, import and transport of radio-
(e) To issue approvals, permits and licences for site selection, construction,
operation and environmental safety of nuclear power reactors, research
reactors and nuclear fuel cycle facilities; to carry out the necessary
investigations and inspections; to limit the operating authorizations in
the event of non-compliance with permits and licences; to cancel
permits or licences, permanently or temporarily, and to make recom-
mendations on the closing down of such installations to the Prime
Minister; to prepare the necessary technical guides, decrees and
regulations for these purposes.
(f) To take the necessary measures, or arrange for them to be taken, for the
processing, transport and safe temporary or permanent storage of
radioactive waste generated in nuclear facilities and radioisotope
(g) To establish relations and cooperate with the national institutions and
organizations concerned with atomic energy; to participate in the
scientific studies of, and to contact and cooperate with, foreign and
international institutions and organizations in the nuclear field; to
programme and administer the assistance obtained from national or
foreign sources for any studies in the nuclear field.
(h) To train personnel to work in the nuclear field, or to assist in their
training if necessary, and to cooperate with the organizations and higher
educational institutions working to this purpose; to make recommenda-
tions on the distribution of fellowships in the nuclear field supplied by
national sources; to distribute fellowships in the nuclear field supplied
by foreign sources; to conduct or assist in conducting training courses
within the country; to support students and personnel training abroad;
to plan and follow their education and studies.
(i) To compile, disseminate and introduce the necessary information and
the conclusions of national and foreign studies relating to the
application of atomic energy; to enlighten the public on nuclear matters.
(j) To carry out studies relating to national and international legislation in
the nuclear field and to propose necessary amendments to regulations.
(k) To prepare and implement decrees and regulations determining the
bases for the protection of nuclear material and facilities, and to carry
out inspections towards these aims; to comment on relevant regulations
prepared by other institutions.
4.42. Work permits to transport material to and from nuclear installations are
given by other ministries, such as the Ministry of Transport for transport by air,
the Ministry of Environment for transport by road, and the Undersecretariat
for Maritime Affairs for transport by sea. In cases in which radioactive material
is involved, the radiation safety decree states in Article 7 that any additional
permits or licences can only be obtained after issuance of the necessary licence
by the TAEK.
4.43. According to the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority Act, the TAEK
reports to the Prime Minister. However, it must be noted that, due to a
reorganization of the Government, the TAEK now reports to the Minister for
Energy and Natural Resources.
4.44. The TAEK also acts as the operator of nuclear installations (e.g. for the
production of radiopharmaceutical products and for the treatment and storage
of low level radioactive waste). These activities and the installations involved
are to be licensed by the RHSD.
4.45. Basis: The TAEK has to approve activities in which radioactive material
is involved, in some cases in addition to licences or authorizations issued by
other authorities. For instance, the General Directorate of Civil Aviation
licenses Turkish Airlines for the carriage of dangerous goods, but the TAEK
has to issue an additional licence, since Turkish Airlines also transports
radioactive material. Only a limited number of formal arrangements exist or
are in preparation. For example, Article 9 of a draft aviation instruction issued
by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, SHT-18, issued on 17 February
2003, requires the permission of the TAEK for air transport within Turkey, to
confirm compliance with the Turkish regulation for the safe transport of
radioactive material. When two organizations or ministries have overlapping or
complementary responsibilities, it is of utmost importance that an agreement
be reached on the specific responsibilities and on the management of the
interfaces. A memorandum of understanding between the different parties
involved could help to clarify the interfaces and overlaps.
Suggestion: It is suggested that memoranda of understanding be prepared to
manage interfaces between the different authorities involved in the transport of
radioactive material. Such memoranda of understanding would detail the
procedures to be followed in the authorization process and might include
provisions for the training of personnel in radiation safety, as well as provisions
regarding inspection and enforcement.
4.46. Basis: The Ministry of Transport (General Directorates of Civil
Aviation and Road Transport), the Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs, the
Ministry of Environment and the General Directorate of the Turkish State
Railways are also involved in regulating the transport of dangerous goods,
including radioactive material.
Suggestion: Cooperation agreements between the different parties involved
could help to achieve harmonization of the applicable national and interna-
tional regulations for the transport of dangerous goods by different modes.
4.47. Basis: The statutory functions of the TAEK include both the regulation
and the licensing of nuclear activities, but the TAEK also has responsibilities as
an operator of nuclear facilities (research institutes and other facilities). An
affiliated institution (ÇNAEM) is the operator of nuclear installations, but also
issues customs clearances and permits and performs inspections. Despite the
fact that the affiliated institutions of the TAEK must be licensed just as any
other operator, there is a potential conflict of interest, and the independence of
the competent authority may be questioned. According to para. 2.2(2) of Ref.
[11], the regulatory body shall be effectively independent of organizations or
bodies charged with the promotion of nuclear technologies or responsible for
facilities or activities.
Suggestion: It is suggested that the regulatory functions be more clearly
separated from the operational and promotional functions. This separation
would be evident from the organizational chart.
Suggestion: In order to clarify the duties and responsibilities of the specialized
departments and the affiliated institutions in accordance with the Turkish
Atomic Energy Authority Act, it might be envisaged to set up a section of the
RHSD in Istanbul. This section would carry out the work actually done by the
Health Physics Department of ÇNAEM. As an alternative, part of the Health
Physics Division of ÇNAEM would continue to carry out the work but would
formally become part of the RHSD.
4.48. The organs of the TAEK are as follows (Turkish Atomic Energy
Authority Act, Article 3):
(a) The Atomic Energy Commission;
(b) The Advisory Committee;
(c) Specialized departments;
(d) Affiliated institutions.
4.49. The structure of the TAEK is illustrated in Fig. 1.
4.50. The Atomic Energy Commission, chaired by the President of the TAEK
(or the Prime Minister when he deems necessary), consists of the Vice
Presidents of the TAEK, one member each from the National Defence, Foreign
Affairs, and Energy and Natural Resources ministries, and four faculty
members active in education, training and research in the nuclear field. The
members representing the ministries and higher educational organizations are
selected by the Prime Minister for a four year term of appointment.
4.51. The duties of the Atomic Energy Commission are:
(a) To determine the working principles and programmes of the TAEK and
to approve the draft budget and submit it to the Prime Minister;
(b) To prepare draft acts and decrees relating to the nuclear field and
submit them to the Prime Minister, and to approve regulations relating
to the TAEK;
(c) To follow and evaluate the works of the TAEK and to prepare the
annual work programme and report and submit them to the Prime
Prime Minister
Atomic Energy
Vice President Vice President Vice President
Development and
Nuclear Safety
and Finance
Radiological Health
and Safety
Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Gauges
Structural line
Reporting line
Affiliated institutions
Çekmece Nuclear
Research and
Training Centre
Ankara Nuclear
Research and
Training Centre
Ankara Nuclear
Agriculture and
Animal Health
Research Centre
Turkish States
Nuclear Cooperation
Research and
Training Centre
Crisis Centre
FIG. 1. Organizational chart of the TAEK.
(d) To submit the necessary arrangements to the Prime Minister for
approval by reviewing the personnel and organizational structure of the
TAEK in order to meet developing needs.
4.52. The Advisory Committee consists of the faculty members working in
the nuclear field and experts from other related institutions and organizations,
whose numbers, qualification and selection criteria are determined by a
regulation. The members of the Advisory Committee are appointed at the
proposal of the Atomic Energy Commission and with the approval of the
Prime Minister. The President of the TAEK calls the Advisory Committee for
a meeting at least once a year, and chairs the meeting. The Advisory
Committee investigates the topics specified by the Atomic Energy Commission
and submits its conclusions and recommendations to the Atomic Energy
4.53. The duties of the RHSD are, inter alia, to carry out services for
licensing, to determinate the regulations and principles of radiation protection,
to transport and store radioactive material, to inspect radiation emitting
devices and systems, and to perform other related tasks.
4.54. The RHSD has six licensing divisions that deal with:
(a) Diagnostic radiology;
(b) Radiotherapy;
(c) Nuclear medicine;
(d) Nuclear gauges;
(e) Industrial radiography;
(f) Environmental radiation monitoring.
4.55. In addition, four standing committees within the RHSD cover the
following areas:
(a) Radiation sources and waste;
(b) Radiological accident management;
(c) Legislation;
(d) Training.
4.56. As can be seen from Fig. 1, there is no specific division for the transport
of radioactive material. Transport issues are dealt with by the various divisions,
depending on the use that is made of the material. It must be noted that the
TAEK acts not only as a regulator but also as an operator of nuclear installa-
tions (e.g. the affiliated institution ÇNAEM produces and distributes radio-
pharmaceutical products, and its Health Physics Department is responsible for
the treatment and storage of low level radioactive waste). It is felt that there is
a potential for conflict of responsibilities and for the regulatory departments of
the TAEK not to be able to carry out their functions in an effectively
independent manner (see para. 4.47 of this report).
4.57. Basis: The TAEK is recognized as the competent authority for the
transport of radioactive material. However, from the organizational chart of
the TAEK, it is not clear which division is responsible for this activity.
Suggestion: In order to make the organization more transparent, it might be
envisaged that a specific division be set up within the RHSD to deal specifically
with all transport issues. The personnel of this division would be given the
opportunity to increase their expertise in order to be able to perform the
necessary assessments.
4.58. The radiation safety decree and the radiation safety regulation provide
a general framework for the licensing of the import, transit, export and
transport of radioactive material. Applications for a licence are not evaluated
by a specific transport division, but by the division that is in charge of the
licensing of the use of the radioactive material involved. Transport is one of the
components of an application for a licence. The evaluation seems to be
performed essentially on an administrative basis, with less attention paid to
radiation and transport safety issues (e.g. the relevance or validity of transport
4.59. The licences are issued to the consignor. It must be noted here that the
importer or exporter is considered to be the consignor, although this is not
explicitly stated in the legislation. Eighty-six companies have been licensed for
the import, export, transit and transport of radioactive material. The licences
are valid for five years.
4.60. Each shipment is subject to a permit, also issued to the consignor. For
movements of radioactive sources for industrial radiography, the operator has
to notify the TAEK in advance. As a consequence, the TAEK is well informed
of movements of radioactive material and of the presence of radioactive
material in Turkey. For these purposes, the TAEK has set up a database that is
continuously updated.
4.61. It must be noted that permits are normally issued by the Ankara based
headquarters of the TAEK. However, the Health Physics Division of the
Istanbul based ÇNAEM issues customs clearances and approvals for shipments
of radiopharmaceutical products. The Health Physics Division of ÇNAEM
forwards to the RHSD, on a monthly basis, an overview of the permits and the
associated documentation.
4.62. A typical breakdown of the applications dealt with annually by the
TAEK is as follows:
(a) Transport permissions: 801.
(b) Special form designs: 0.
(c) Type B package designs: 0.
(d) Designs of packages containing fissile material: 0.
(e) Shipment approvals (as per para. 820 of the 1996 edition of the
Transport Regulations [1]): 0.
(f) Special arrangements: 0.
4.63. The TAEK has very little experience with applications for the approvals
referred to in para. 802 of the 1996 edition of the Transport Regulations [1].
Provisions in the (revised) Turkish regulation on the safe transport of
radioactive material do, however, deal with these applications. It is not clear
which division of the RHSD has been designated to evaluate these
4.64. Basis: Issuing permits for each movement of radioactive material lays a
heavy administrative burden on the TAEK. It could be argued that such a
system is not the optimal situation from the point of view of radiological
protection and the use of human resources.
Suggestion: It might be envisaged to replace the system of individual
permission by a more generalized system of prior notification (as applies, for
example, to movements of radioactive sources for industrial radiography),
giving the TAEK the opportunity to perform more specific inspections to verify
compliance with the Turkish regulation on the safe transport of radioactive
4.65. Basis: Applications for a licence or a permit are handled by one of the
divisions of the RHSD, depending on the use of the radioactive material. It
must be noted that, as a consequence of the entry into force of the revised
regulation on the safe transport of radioactive material, the workload of the
RHSD may increase, due in particular to the multilateral approval of packages
that are still in use and that were approved in accordance with an earlier
edition of the Transport Regulations.
Suggestion: It is suggested that a specific division be set up within the RHSD
dedicated specifically to the transport of radioactive material, in particular the
evaluation of applications for approval, as mentioned in para. 802 of the 1996
edition of the Transport Regulations, which are not necessarily related to a
specific use of the radioactive contents. The personnel of this division would be
given the opportunity to improve their expertise in order to be able to perform
the necessary assessments. This division would also inform the different
divisions of changes in the regulations and ensure coordination between the
different divisions with regard to transport issues, and ensure in particular that
applications for licences and permits are handled in a consistent way.
Good practice: A database with information on the use, storage and movement
of radioactive material in Turkey is updated on a continuous basis. The system
is comprehensive and a well established practical tool for everyday work. It
might also be used for more specific inspections.
4.66. There is no radioactive material packaging or special form material
production in Turkey, and hence no need to carry out a package design or
special form design assessment. There are, however, several imports to and
exports from Turkey each year of special form sources for medical and
industrial purposes. These are carried in a variety of packagings meeting IP,
Type A or Type B requirements, as necessary, and come from countries
worldwide. These packages have to be approved before they can be
transported within the country.
4.67. The package approval function is carried out by the RHSD. The power
to carry out this review and assessment work is provided in the regulations,
especially the regulation on the safe transport of radioactive material and the
radiation safety regulation. The latter is based on para. (d) of Article 4 of the
Turkish Atomic Energy Authority Act, Act No. 2690. Details of the actual
legislative route are covered in paras 4.13–4.37 of this report.
4.68. The review and assessment process is carried out in accordance with
Refs [1, 10]. The Turkish regulation on the safe transport of radioactive
material currently in force adheres to the 1985 edition of the Transport
Regulations [6], but the version that accords with the 1996 edition [1] is in draft
form and is currently being applied by the RHSD. The review and assessment
process is confined to checking the applicability of paperwork and whether the
package and special form certificates are applicable and valid. The check on the
special form paperwork and certificates is limited to the ISO designation for
use. No verification is made to confirm that the ISO designation is also suitable
to meet the requirements of para. 709 of the 1996 edition of the Transport
Regulations [1] if this paragraph is used to prove special form acceptance. No
mechanical assessment is carried out for packages currently requiring multi-
lateral approval, either in their own right or as required in para. 816 of the 1996
edition of the Transport Regulations [1] for packages approved under the 1973
or 1973 (as amended) editions of the Transport Regulations. It should be noted
that from 1 January 2004, Type B(U) packages approved under the 1985 or
1985 (as amended 1990) editions of the Transport Regulations also require
multilateral approval in accordance with the requirements of the transitional
arrangements in para. 817 of the 1996 edition of the Transport Regulations [1].
No checks are carried out to confirm that the packagings comply with
maintenance specifications or requirements. Operation and maintenance
instructions are not specifically requested. These documents should be
available, as they are required for an application for design approval (see para.
807(d) of the 1996 edition of the Transport Regulations [1]).
4.69. Modifications applicable to the design of packages are covered by
Article 54 of the radiation safety regulation. No modifications have been seen
to date. However, if this aspect arises in the future and thus requires review and
assessment, the TAEK will investigate the matter by contacting the relevant
competent authorities.
4.70. The main thrust of the assessment process is that RHSD personnel
check the paperwork provided by the importer for each shipment of
radioactive material. To assist in this work, the regulatory body is also able to
use external consultants, if necessary, to complement its review and assessment
activities. Relevant international experience gained from the IAEA and this
TranSAS appraisal will also be of benefit. In addition, RHSD personnel
occasionally visit the import point to check radiation levels, categorization,
marking, labelling and placarding. The authority for such visits is provided
under Article 67 of the radiation safety regulation. For Type B packages
Co sources for teletherapy use, all imports and exports are
checked in this way, as well as the processes carried out at the site of use.
During these visits, a comparison verification is also carried out between the
TAEK records and those held by the personnel of the airline and the user of
the source.
4.71. Basis: Applications for approval of package designs are required to
have maintenance and operating instructions, as specified in para. 807(d) of the
1996 edition of the Transport Regulations [1], in order to gain a package design
certificate. Paragraph 561 of the 1996 edition of the Transport Regulations [1]
also states that the consignor shall have a copy of each certificate required by
these regulations, and a copy of the instructions with regard to the proper
closing of the package and other preparations for shipment, before making any
shipment under the terms of the certificates.
Recommendation: It should be ensured that the consignor has a copy of the
instructions, as required in para. 561 of the 1996 edition of the Transport
4.72. Basis: Packages currently approved under the 1973 or 1973 (as
amended) editions of the Transport Regulations require multilateral approval,
as specified in para. 816 of the 1996 edition [1]. As from 1 January 2004,
packages approved in accordance with the 1985 edition [6] will also require
multilateral approval, as specified in para. 817 of the 1996 edition [1].
Suggestion: As more packages become eligible for multilateral approval with
the introduction of the 1996 edition of the Transport Regulations, and in
particular pursuant to paras 816 and 817, some thought could be given to the
desirability of a formal assessment of designs of packages in this category and
of issuing a validation approval.
4.73. Basis: Applications for the approval of package designs are required to
have maintenance and operating instructions, as specified in para. 807(d) of the
1996 edition of the Transport Regulations [1]. It therefore follows that a
certified package should be maintained and used in accordance with these
Suggestion: It is suggested that checks be made that certified packages have
been maintained in accordance with the approved maintenance instructions.
4.74. Basis: Turkey has developed a system of close checks and inspection for
the transport of every shipment of radioactive material coming into and going
out of the country. This work forms part of the overall control of radioactive
material while it is in Turkey.
Good practice: Overall control is exercised over radioactive material in Turkey.
This overall control includes transport aspects and therefore ensures that
packages that normally do not require competent authority certification under
the Transport Regulations (i.e. Type IP and Type A packages) are also
Overview of inspection
4.75. The Turkish competent authority does not have a separate section
dealing solely with quality assurance or quality compliance matters. All experts
that carry out inspections have to combine this aspect of their work with other
duties. The consignor’s declaration, together with the approval certificate and
any other documents provided, is examined for completeness and to confirm
that the packages are in conformity with the requirements of the 1996 edition
of the Transport Regulations [1]. For the transport of dangerous goods into
Turkey by air, reliance is placed on General Directorate of Civil Aviation and
Undersecretariat of Customs personnel. Following a visit to the Turkish
Airlines cargo department in Istanbul, it was found that Turkish Airlines had
an ISO 9002:1994 accreditation issued by the German Technischer Überwa-
chungsverein (Technical Inspection Association). Turkish Airlines was also
working towards accreditation to ISO 9002:2000. Each Turkish Airlines
department produces its own procedures based on the company’s quality
assurance manual. These procedures are audited by the company’s quality
assurance directorate annually in October. The procedures are also audited by
the General Directorate of Civil Aviation annually in August.
4.76. There is no specific planned and systematic programme for monitoring
the inspection and maintenance of packaging and the required activities of
consignors and carriers, as required in para. 311 of the 1996 edition of the
Transport Regulations [1], to provide evidence that the provisions of the
regulations are being met in practice. There are no specific inspection
procedures to provide evidence that the regulatory requirements related to the
applicable consignor’s responsibilities as specified in paras 548–561 and 801 of
the 1996 edition of the Transport Regulations [1] have been met or that any
required certificates are valid and applicable. However, the regulatory body
does visit some incoming and outgoing shipments to check radiation levels,
categorization, marking, labelling and placarding, to ensure that the shipments
conform to the related requirements of the 1996 edition of the Transport
Regulations [1]. These visit checks are carried out routinely on all incoming
and outgoing shipments of
Co sources in Type B packages and randomly on
all other sources that enter Turkey or leave a user’s site. These checks are in
addition to other non-transport related compliance work carried out by the
regulatory body. Any inspection visits deemed necessary are mostly
unannounced, and all expert inspectors are from the TAEK headquarters in
Ankara or from the ÇNAEM in Istanbul.
4.77. Inspections are carried out following an application for a licence to use
and transport a source. The application needs to be submitted before the
source enters Turkey. Details of this application procedure are covered more
fully in paras 4.58–4.65 of this report. The inspections are confined to the
requested transport only. Although these sources enter Turkey in packagings
designed, manufactured, tested and maintained outside the country, there are
no procedures to check that there are quality assurance programmes, as
required in para. 310 of the 1996 edition of the Transport Regulations [1], to
confirm that:
(a) The manufacturing methods and materials used are in accordance with
the approved design specifications;
(b) All packagings are periodically inspected and, as necessary, repaired
and maintained in good condition so that they continue to comply with
all relevant requirements and specifications.
4.78. Checks are also carried out on the adequacy of the person responsible
for transport, driver training aspects and vehicle suitability, emergency instruc-
tions (planning), package integrity control and personal dosimetry, as required.
The inspection requirements are stipulated in Article 67 of the radiation safety
regulation, which states that The general principles of inspection shall be
implemented in conformity with the provisions of the related Articles of the
Decree, and in addition shall cover the following issues…” The inspection report
requirements are then detailed in Article 68 of the radiation safety regulation,
as is the procedure for dealing with unsatisfactory findings. The requirements
for the responsible party to control the adequacy of the services and
procedures supplied to it are detailed in Article 71 of this regulation, and the
regulatory body checks compliance accordingly. In the event of an abnormal
occurrence, experts or a group of experts, depending on the occurrence, are
assigned to investigate and report on the incident.
Overview of enforcement
4.79. The enforcement procedures are covered in Article 68 of the radiation
safety regulation, which provides that “The inspection report prepared by the
radiation safety experts of the Authority as a result of the investigations shall be
evaluated by the Radiation, Health and Safety Department. Following the
evaluation of the report, if it is determined that the provisions regarding radiation
safety and the licensing terms are violated, a period of maximum 3 (three)
months shall be given to eliminate the deficiencies and violations, and a written
notification shall be made to the licensee to this effect. If the deficiencies are not
eliminated, the licensee and the relevant bodies shall be notified on the decision
of temporary termination of the licence by the Presidency of the Authority. If the
specified deficiencies and violations are eliminated after the due time, the
decision on the temporary termination of the licence shall be lifted. The facility
cannot carry out any activity within this period. The licence shall be revoked if
deficiencies and violations are not eliminated.” In the event of a non-
compliance, regardless of its severity, the regulatory body can proceed to
investigate the occurrence, and the resulting actions will be as specified in
Article 75. This article provides that “If it is determined that the activity is
carried out without a licence or if the conditions of the licence are violated and
the other provisions laid down in the Regulations are not complied with, the
Authority shall apply to authorized bodies to start legal proceedings within the
frame of the general principles of law.” The regulatory body does not have the
legal power to immediately order the non-compliant organization to cease
operations, but it can suspend or withdraw the licence of the organization, as
stated above in Article 68.
4.80. Concerning reporting requirements, the radiation safety regulation
covers the following requirements:
(a) The basic arrangements and requirements for the responsible party for
incident reporting (Articles 42, 43, 46 and 47);
(b) The reports that the responsible party must submit to the regulatory
body (Articles 54, 55, 56, 57 and 60);
(c) The kind of records that the responsible party must retain, and the time
frame for record keeping (Article 69);
(d) The notification of import shipment requirements (Article 62);
(e) The notification of export shipment requirements (Article 66).
4.81. The causes and consequences of accidents and incidents are analysed to
draw lessons from these events (‘lessons learned’), and reports of accidents are
published on the web site of the TAEK with the particulars of the events,
including what actions were taken in response, in Turkish and English. The
requirements for keeping records on accidents are detailed in Article 69(d) of
the radiation safety regulation.
4.82. Basis: The overall control of the movement of radioactive sources in
Turkey is good and is covered either by a documentation check or a documen-
tation check complemented by site visits. However, Turkey does not have a
planned and systematic programme for inspection and audit of packages, as
required in paras 310 and 311 of the 1996 edition of the Transport Regulations
Recommendation: A planned and systematic programme should be
implemented for quality assurance and compliance assurance concerning the
inspection and audit of packages, as required in paras 310 and 311 of the 1996
edition of the Transport Regulations.
4.83. Basis: It was noted during the visits that many forms were completed in
non-SI units. Moreover, many measuring instruments in use also gave readings
in non-SI units. This is acceptable for compliance with the 1985 edition of the
Transport Regulations [6], as the 1985 edition uses data in both SI and non-SI
units and the Turkish regulations currently in force still reflect the provisions of
that edition. However, the new Turkish regulation, which has not been
promulgated but is now being observed, reflects the provisions of the 1996
edition [1], which expresses units in the SI system exclusively.
Suggestion: It is suggested that paperwork be completed in SI units and that
measuring instruments also display SI units. This will avoid confusion and
misinterpretation and will ensure consistency.
4.84. Basis: Approval of the various activities involved in the transport of
radioactive material can be undertaken by different authorities (for further
details see paras 4.1–4.47 of this report). The TAEK is consulted on this matter,
owing to its acknowledged expertise in the field of the use and transport of
radioactive material. This situation could lead, however, to an overlap of
responsibilities in the inspection and enforcement areas. It is important,
therefore, that the responsibilities of the various authorities be defined and
clarified by memoranda of understanding.
Suggestion: It is suggested that memoranda of understanding be produced to
determine the responsibilities and interfaces between the various authorities
involved in the inspection and enforcement activities carried out in support of
authorizations for the transport of radioactive material.
4.85. In Turkey the revision of, and development of new, regulations on the
transport of radioactive material is the responsibility of the RHSD, with the
Standing Commission on Legislation playing a role. Draft proposals for new
regulations or the revision of current regulations are to be submitted to the
Atomic Energy Commission.
4.86. According to Turkish law, all orders are mandatory. The hierarchy of
regulations can be described as follows:
(a) Acts, which have to be signed by Parliament;
(b) Decrees, which have to be signed by all ministers of the Government;
(c) Regulations, which have to be approved and signed by the Prime
(d) Instructions (e.g. licence instructions for applicants and/or licensees),
which have to be approved by the President of the TAEK and signed by
the director of the relevant department.
4.87. The regulations and guides that are now applied to the transport of
radioactive material are described in paras 4.1–4.40 of this report. As
mentioned, the RHSD is responsible for the development of new orders and
guides in the field of the transport of radioactive material. In developing
regulations and guides, the regulatory body (the TAEK) takes into account
staff experience, enforcement results, the findings of investigations and interna-
tionally recognized standards.
4.88. To date in Turkey, pursuant to Article 65 of the radiation safety
regulation, only the regulations set forth in Ref. [6] are mandatory. However,
the TAEK has prepared a draft Turkish translation of the 1996 edition of the
Transport Regulations [1]. This draft has to be reviewed by all relevant
authorities (the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, the General Directorate
of Road Transport, the Undersecretariat of Maritime Affairs and the Under-
secretariat of Customs). It then has to be approved by the Atomic Energy
Commission and signed by the President of the TAEK. After clearance by the
Prime Minister, the regulation can be published in the Official Gazette. At the
time of the appraisal it was expected that the Turkish version of the 1996
edition of the Transport Regulations [1] would come into force around the end
of 2003.
4.89. The Ministry of Transport, General Directorate of Civil Aviation, is
responsible for the implementation of the ICAO Technical Instructions. For
transport by sea and the general implementation of the IMDG Code for
Turkey, the Undersecretariat of Maritime Affairs is responsible. For road and
rail transport regulations, the Ministry of Transport has the lead responsibility.
4.90. Basis: As provided in Article 4 of the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
Act, the TAEK, as the competent authority, is responsible for the implemen-
tation of the regulation on the safe transport of radioactive material for all
modes of transport. Nevertheless, the present regulations of the Ministry of
Transport (for air and sea transport) refer to the newest version of the IMDG
Code and the ICAO Technical Instructions. At present these are contradictory
for radioactive material, as the IMDG Code and ICAO Technical Instructions
refer to the 1996 [1] edition of the Transport Regulations, while the Turkish
regulation on the safe transport of radioactive material refers to the 1985 [6]
Suggestion: In order to avoid discrepancies between the implementation of the
various editions of the Transport Regulations (and potential safety hazards), it
is suggested to simultaneously apply in Turkey the same regulations for the
national and international transport of radioactive material (i.e. to formally
promulgate the Turkish translation of the 1996 edition of the Transport
Regulations as soon as possible).
4.91. Basis: According to the radiation safety regulation, Part IV, Chapter II,
Article 61, the TAEK has to issue for each single shipment a permit (in
addition to the general licence, which each applicant and licensee needs to
Suggestion: It is suggested to change Article 61 of the radiation safety
regulation so that authorizations are issued in a more generic way, for example
to issue permits covering the same material in the same package, for a given
time frame (e.g. 6 months or 12 months).
4.92. Basis: Concerning the radiation safety decree, the use of non-SI units
(Ci) and of SI units (Bq) is allowed for quantifying activity. In addition, non-SI
units are applied for the equivalent dose (rem) and the absorbed dose (rad).
Suggestion: It is suggested for the ongoing revision of the radiation safety
decree to use only SI units, so as to be in line with the international regulations
in the field of radiation protection, especially with the Transport Regulations
and the Turkish radiation safety regulation.
4.93. Basis: Both a decree and a regulation deal with radiation safety in
Turkey, but the transport of radioactive material is mentioned only in the
Suggestion: In order to be in line with the other international standards for
radiation safety and radiation protection (e.g. the International Basic Safety
Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of
Radiation Sources), it is suggested that the transport of radioactive material be
incorporated into the radiation safety decree.
4.94. Basis: It is a common practice to have a standing commission within the
TAEK that includes representatives from different divisions within the RHSD
to formally review changes to the regulations.
Suggestion: It is suggested that expanded responsibilities may justify the
creation of a separate division within the RHSD that would be dedicated to the
transport of radioactive material.
4.95. Turkey has a regulation on nuclear and radiological national emergency
preparedness, which was issued in the Official Gazette on 15 January 2000. This
regulation was prepared taking into consideration related IAEA technical
documents [20–22]. Since Turkey does not operate nuclear power plants, this
regulation deals mainly with off-site emergencies, and provides for organiza-
tional aspects, roles and responsibilities. Roles and responsibilities are clearly
identified for each participating organization. According to the relevant
national legislation, a national crisis management centre has to be set up
immediately for Category I and Category II accidents. All the responsible
organizations are represented in this centre. The chairperson of the centre is
the Prime Minister.
4.96. For Category III, IV and V accidents, the TAEK organizes, coordinates
and handles all aspects of the situation. Category IV includes transport. In the
event of an emergency in the transport of radioactive material, the TAEK
decides and provides advice on all protective measures. However, implemen-
tation of these measures is carried out with other participating organizations
(e.g. the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Interior
(General Directorate of Civil Defence, Police Department), Ministry of
Environment and Turkish Red Crescent Society). In the event of an accident,
all users involved in the transport of radioactive material can call the TAEK by
dialling the toll free number that is displayed on a label that is affixed on all
packages used for radioactive material in Turkey.
4.97. The TAEK has a nuclear and radiological emergency implementation
plan (emergency plan) aimed at determining the measures to be taken and
activities to be performed for the protection of individuals, the public and the
environment in the event of an emergency. The emergency plan is to be
activated with the first notification of an emergency and deactivated when all
governmental agencies have terminated their responses. The TAEK is the lead
organization and coordinates all the radiological aspects of the governmental
response. In this plan, the emergency organization, pre-emergency prepar-
edness activities and protective measures are outlined. In addition, the plan
details items such as the intervention levels, contact points of national and
international organizations, notification procedures and inventory of
measuring equipment. The plan is updated annually.
4.98. According to the radiation safety regulation issued in the Official
Gazette on 24 March 2000, all users, importers and transporters are obligated
to prepare an emergency preparedness plan as part of the licensing procedure
(Article 39, Article 71(h)). In accordance with Article 41 of the regulation, this
plan has to be approved by the TAEK.
4.99. According to Article 40 of this regulation, the plan should include:
(a) The names, titles, addresses and telephone numbers of the persons
assigned for emergency and accident response;
(b) A description of the communication system, with identification of the
responsible persons;
(c) The radiation measurement programmes to be applied;
(d) Probable accident scenarios and the precautions to be taken;
(e) A description of the equipment, tools and devices necessary to respond
to an emergency.
4.100. Concerning the requirements for accident reports, Article 43 of the
radiation safety regulation further provides that “Following the termination of
the accident or emergency cases, the characteristics of the accident, the doses
received by the radiation worker and other individuals, and the ways and reasons
for body intake of radioactive substances shall be investigated by the Licensee or
an expert assigned by the Licensee, and the Authority shall be notified promptly
about the results with a report accompanied by the films, and/or TLD dosimeter
and the chromosome aberration test results, if required.”
4.101. Pursuant to the legislation on the national crisis centre for emergencies
and the emergency plan of the TAEK, an emergency response centre (ERC)
has been established and is operational; it is managed by the President of the
TAEK, with the participation of the representatives of the related departments
in the TAEK. The ERC is responsible for emergency preparedness and for the
management of emergencies relating to nuclear accidents and radiological
emergencies. In the event of an emergency, the ERC coordinates all the radio-
logical aspects of the response. Competent groups in the ERC decide and
provide expert advice on all emergency activities. However, the implemen-
tation of these activities is carried out in coordination with the related
departments of the TAEK. The ERC is linked with national and international
information and data centres on-line (i.e. the Emergency Response Centre of
the IAEA, the International Nuclear Event Scale, the Power Reactor
Information System, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
Forecasts, the Early Warning Environmental Radiation System (RESA) of the
TAEK (with 66 online RESA stations in operation around the clock) and the
national authorities involved in crisis management).
4.102. At the international level, Turkey is a party to the Convention on Early
Notification of a Nuclear Accident and the Convention on Assistance in the
Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. Turkey entered into
bilateral agreements on early notification of a nuclear accident and exchange of
information on nuclear facilities with Bulgaria on 28 July 1997 and Ukraine on
23 November 2000. In the event of an emergency, the ERC of the TAEK is the
national contact point for the implementation of these conventions and
agreements. Further agreements of this type are under negotiation with the
Russian Federation and Romania.
4.103. For emergency arrangements according to the emergency plan and the
radiation safety regulation, emergency exercises are proposed to be held at least
once a year. The TAEK, with the cooperation of related organizations, is
responsible for training the related personnel. The exercise scenarios are prepared
at the local level by licensees of the facilities according to their emergency plans
and by the TAEK at the national level with the collaboration of related organiza-
tions such as governors’ offices and related ministries. The scenarios take into
account all probable radiological accidents, which may include car accidents, theft
of material and sabotage. The exercises are performed annually, and all partici-
pating organizations have their own budget for these purposes.
4.104. For nuclear and radiological emergencies, the TAEK is responsible for
public information, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Interior, the
Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Environment
and the Ministry of Agriculture (in accordance with Article 10 of the nuclear
and radiological national emergency preparedness regulation).
4.105. In general, the following information can be released to any member of
the public:
(a) The location of the accident;
(b) The nature of the hazard and risks;
(c) Warnings to keep at a safe distance from the location of the accident;
(d) The protective measures to be taken;
(e) The final results of emergency response actions;
(f) The recommended follow-up.
4.106. Basis: Emergency preparedness regulations and capabilities are well
developed in Turkey. These address all aspects of the transport of radioactive
material as a part of the use of radioactive material.
Good practice: The emergency capabilities for the transport of radioactive
material have been incorporated into the overall emergency preparedness
structure across the country. The regulations of Turkey in the area of the
transport of radioactive material, and the nuclear and radiological emergency
plan, which is updated by the TAEK every year, are a good basis for emergency
response, which also extends to the transport area.
5.1. The appraisal team completed a thorough appraisal of the implemen-
tation of the transport regulations in Turkey. The cooperation of the Turkish
authorities, and of all those who participated in the discussions, was excellent
and contributed much to the value of the appraisal.
5.2. The transport of the relatively small number of packages of radioactive
material in Turkey is well controlled. Customs regulations specify permission of the
TAEK for the import of radioactive material. Only companies licensed by the
TAEK can import, export, transit and transport radioactive material. Each
shipment of radioactive material is subject to a permit from the TAEK. A compre-
hensive database with information on the use, storage and movement of
radioactive material is updated on a continuous basis. This high level of control and
monitoring enhances the safety of the transport of radioactive material in Turkey.
5.3. A draft revision of the national transport regulations based on the 1996
edition of the Transport Regulations [1] has been used in Turkey since the
requirements of these Transport Regulations became effective for interna-
tional transport in 2001. It is recommended that these draft regulations be
approved formally as soon as possible.
Appendix I
The abbreviations below are for the purposes of this report only.
ADR European Agreement Concerning the International
Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
ÇNAEM Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Centre
COLREG Convention on the International Regulation for Prevention
of Collision at Sea
ERC emergency response centre
EU European Union
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Air Organization
IMDG Code International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMO International Maritime Organization
RESA Early Warning Environmental Radiation System
RHSD Radiation Health and Safety Department
RID Regulations Concerning the International Carriage of
Dangerous Goods by Rail
SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
TAEK Turkish Atomic Energy Authority
TESST Tibbi Endüstriyel Sistemler Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd ti
(Medical Industrial Systems Limited)
TSS traffic separation scheme
UMA Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs
UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Appendix II
L. BAEKELANDT — Team member
L. Baekelandt is a physicist and at present Head of the Regulatory and
Licensing Department of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium.
He started his professional career as an assistant at the Institute for Theoretical
Physics at the Catholic University of Leuven. From 1973 to 1988 he worked for
the competent authority for radiation protection and nuclear safety at the
Belgian Ministry of Public Health and the Environment. In 1988 he moved to
the Belgian Agency for the Management of Radioactive Waste and Enriched
Fissile Materials, where he served as an adviser to the general management in
charge of radiological protection, environmental protection and safety issues.
In May 1999 he was appointed Head of the Regulatory and Licensing
department of the newly established Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, the
regulatory authority for radiation protection and nuclear safety, which is also
competent in the area of the transport of radioactive material. In this capacity
he is involved in the implementation of the Belgian and international
regulations dealing with the transport of radioactive material.
He has been involved in several revisions of the Transport Regulations and in
developing the supporting explanatory and advisory material. He has lectured
at several IAEA transport training courses and IAEA workshops.
L. Baekelandt is also Chairman of the IAEA Waste Safety Standards
Committee (WASSC). He participated in the TranSAS appraisal of Brazil.
G.J. DICKE — Team leader
G.J. Dicke is a Transport Safety Specialist in the IAEA Transport Safety Unit
of the Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety, Vienna, Austria. He
is the Scientific Secretary for the annual IAEA meetings on the review and
revision of the Transport Regulations. He represents the IAEA at meetings of
the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous
Goods and the Dangerous Goods Panel meetings of the ICAO for the incorpo-
ration of the Transport Regulations into the United Nations model regulations
and the ICAO Technical Instructions. He chairs the annual interagency
meeting with the ICAO, United Nations and IMO in support of the
harmonized and integrated implementation of the Transport Regulations into
the United Nations model regulations and the international modal transport
regulations. G.J. Dicke had the lead role in the development of the working
procedures and the questionnaire for the IAEA TranSAS service and has
served as Team Leader or co-Team Leader for all TranSAS appraisals to date.
Prior to joining the IAEA in May 1997, G.J. Dicke worked for 26 years for the
Nuclear Operations Division of Ontario Hydro in Canada. For close to 20 years
he was responsible, initially as Unit Head and later as Section Head, for the
operational and regulatory aspects of Ontario Hydro’s transport of radioactive
material. He completed his doctoral examinations in chemical engineering at
Delft University in the Netherlands. He is a Professional Engineer in Ontario,
a Member of the Chemical Institute of Canada and a Member of the Editorial
Board of the International Journal of Transport of Radioactive Material.
C. FASTEN — Team member
C. Fasten is a physicist and a Scientific Co-worker at the Bundesamt für Strah-
lenschutz in Germany. She has been working in the radiation protection field
since 1974 and has held responsibilities in the field of the safe transport of
radioactive material since 1983.
At the Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (the competent authority for the safe
transport of radioactive material in Germany) she has been involved in the
implementation by Germany of the 1985 edition as well as the 1996 edition of
the Transport Regulations in Germany and the incorporation of these require-
ments into international agreements for road and rail transport. She has
worked as the international chairperson of the United Nations Joint Meeting
on the RID Safety Committee and the Working Party on the Transport of
Dangerous Goods. This joint meeting prepared the revisions to the RID/ADR
regulations for the rail and road mode in Europe. These revisions have
included the incorporation of all the requirements of the Transport Regulations
into the RID/ADR regulations.
C. Fasten’s work with the IAEA has included participation in meetings on the
review and revision of the Transport Regulations and related Consultant
Services Meetings since 1984. At these meetings she has often been a Group
Leader or Secretary. She has also coordinated the IAEA Transport Safety
course in Germany and has lectured in IAEA training courses.
A.R. WEBSTER — Team member
A.R. Webster is an Assessment Engineer in the Mechanical Assessment
Branch of Radioactive Materials with the Transport Division of the
Department for Transport, which acts as the competent authority in the UK.
He has worked for the UK civil service for over 39 years, starting his career in
the Ministry of Defence and then transferring to his current post in 1985,
thereby having over 17 years experience in the field of radioactive material
transport and the mechanical assessment of radioactive material transport
packages for all categories of packaging of the Transport Regulations.
He has previously served as a member at several IAEA Consultants Services
Meetings and Technical Services Meetings to develop UF
regulations and the brittle fracture guidelines, Appendix VI of the IAEA
Advisory Material for the Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive
Material, Ref. [2] in this report. He has also chaired an IAEA Technical
Committee Meeting convened to evaluate methods of communicating
information on the level of safety provided during the modal transport of
radioactive material. In addition, he has contributed to the Regulatory Review
Process by acting as both Working Group Secretary and Chairman at two past
review sessions.
A.R. Webster is also a member of two ISO working groups reviewing and
developing International Standards for UF
Packaging (ISO 7195) and
Leakage Testing on Packages for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials
(ISO 12807). He also served on an international working group that provided
the Class 7 input to the restructured version of RID/ADR.
A.R. Webster is an Incorporated Engineer and a member of the UK Institution
of Incorporated Engineers.
Transport of Radioactive Material, 1996 Edition (Revised), Safety Standards
Series No. TS-R-1 (ST-1, Rev.), IAEA, Vienna (2000).
Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, Safety Standards
Series No. TS-G-1.1 (ST-2), IAEA, Vienna (2002).
[3] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Planning and Preparing for
Emergency Response to Transport Accidents Involving Radioactive Material,
Safety Standards Series No. TS-G-1.2 (ST-3), IAEA, Vienna (2002).
the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, Safety Series No. 112, IAEA, Vienna
Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, Safety Series No. 113, IAEA, Vienna
Transport of Radioactive Material, 1985 Edition (as Amended 1990), Safety
Series No. 6, IAEA, Vienna (1990).
the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, 1985
Edition (as Amended 1990), Safety Series No. 7, IAEA, Vienna (1990).
IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, 1985 Edition
(as Amended 1990), Safety Series No. 37, IAEA, Vienna (1990).
the Safety of Radiation Sources, Safety Series No. 120, IAEA, Vienna (1996).
HEALTH ORGANIZATION, International Basic Safety Standards for Protec-
tion against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources, Safety
Series No. 115, IAEA, Vienna (1996).
Infrastructure for Nuclear, Radiation, Radioactive Waste and Transport Safety,
Safety Standards Series No. GS-R-1, IAEA, Vienna (2000).
Terminology Used in Nuclear, Radiation, Radioactive Waste and Transport
Safety, Version 1.0, April 2000, IAEA, Vienna (2000).
[13] OF DANGEROUS GOODS, Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous
Goods — Model Regulations, Rep. ST/SG/AC.10/1/Rev.12, United Nations, New
York (2001).
tions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, Doc. 9284-AN/905,
2001–2002 edn, ICAO, Montreal (2001).
Regulations, 44th edn, IATA, Montreal and Geneva (2002).
Dangerous Goods Code, including Amendment 30-00 — 2000 Edition, IMO,
London (2000).
Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
(ADR), ECE/TRANS/140, UNECE, New York and Geneva (2001).
tions Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID)
— 2001 Edition, UNECE, London (2001).
[19] JOINT AVIATION AUTHORITIES, JAR-OPS Part 1: Commercial Air Trans-
portation (Aeroplanes), Global Engineering Documents, Englewood, CO (2001).
ment of Emergency Response Preparedness for Nuclear or Radiological Acci-
dents, IAEA-TECDOC-953, IAEA, Vienna (1997).
Procedures for Determining Protective Actions During a Reactor Accident,
IAEA-TECDOC-955, IAEA, Vienna (1997).
Assessment and Response During a Radiological Emergency, IAEA-TECDOC-
1162, IAEA, Vienna (2000).