Supported SDGs Sub-Goals Description
1.1 Eradicate extreme poverty
1.4 Equal rights to ownership, basic services,
technology and economic resources
2.4 Sustainable food production and resilient
agricultural practices
Thanks to the value chain it creates and the socio-economic connection it provides between flight destinations, Turkish Airlines generates direct and
indirect economic value in the geographies in which it operates and creates employment for over 60,000 people together with its subsidiaries. Each
employment created in the aviation sector is 175% more productive compared to other sectors and creates a greater added value.
Turkish Airlines operated flights to 25 of the 46 countries in the United Nations' least developed countries category in 2021. In this context, Turkish
Airlines carries the production of underdeveloped or developing countries to target markets, making a positive contribution to their economic
development, thus employment and income, while also enabling these countries to improve their social relations with the world.
Microalgae-based Sustainable Bio-Jet Fuel Project studies are carried out with R&D projects developed together with universities, and thanks to the
developed technique, the use of agricultural lands for the production of sustainable aviation fuels is prevented. Sustainable biofuel will be produced
without plant seeds used as food, not competing with agricultural production, and without polluting water, soil and other natural resources.
• Flight Network, Turkish Airlines Annual Report 2021(Page:
• Sustainability Principles Information Form, Turkish Airlines
Annual Report 2021(Page: 156, 163)
3.3 Fight communicable diseases
3.8 Achieve universal health coverage
3.B Support research, development and universal
access to affordable vaccines and medicines
With its end-to-end cold chain corridor created on more than 400 different routes, Turkish Cargo plays an active role in the market in transporting
vaccines and medicines at appropriate temperatures and conditions. The importance of the vaccine and medical supply chain has emerged in the
clearest way under pandemic conditions, and Turkish Airlines undertook an important task with these practices that it continued in 2021.
Turkish Airlines' role in the transportation of vaccines and medical supplies is not limited to the pandemic conditions. In several geographies, the
transportation of vaccines and medical supplies is also of critical importance during non-pandemic periods. Through flights to several destinations in
various geographies, primarily in Africa, Turkish Airlines provides these populations with access to vaccines and medicines by transporting vaccines and
medical supplies to these regions.
• Vaccine Transport and Turkish Cargo’s Role in the Fight
against the Coronavirus, Turkish Airlines Annual Report 2021
• Occupational Health and Safety, Turkish Airlines Annual
Report 2021 (Page: 106,107)
4.3 Equal access to affordable technical, vocational
and higher education
4.4 Increase the number of people with relevant
skills for financial success
4.5 Eliminate all discrimination in education
It is prerequisite for operating in the aviation sector to have a human resource with the highest level of training and professional capacity. With its
international competencies, experience and technical infrastructure, Turkish Airlines plays an important role in both the training of its own employees
and bringing new professionals to the sector. In this context, Turkish Airlines' support for undergraduate and graduate programs of universities and
collaborations established with them, enables employee development, improves sectoral knowledge and increases employment opportunities.
• Training policy
• Trainings, Turkish Airlines Annual Report 2021, (Page: 78-85)
• CSR Projects
As part of its sustainability program, Turkish Airlines supports the Sustainable Development Goals announced in 2016 by United Nations member countries with the aim of reaching them by the end of 2030. Sustainable Development Goals, which consist of 17 global goals, were discussed within the scope of Turkish
Airlines' materiality study, and SDG5, SDG7, SDG8, SDG9, SDG12, SDG13, SDG16, SDG17 were identified as working areas to be targeted in the future. In addition, considering Turkish Airlines' sphere of influence and the scope of its value chain, it is obvious that the work carried out also contributes to many other
Support of Turkish Airlines to the Sustainable Development Goals
5.1 End discrimination against women and girls
5.5 Ensure full participation in leadership and
5.C Adopt and strengthen policies and enforceable
legislation for gender equality
10.2 Promote universal social, economic and
political inclusion
10.3 Ensure equal opportunities and end
10.4 Adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes
10.A Special and differential treatment for
developing countries
Diversity and equality are amongst Turkish Airlines' most fundamental corporate values. Equal treatment of all employees in all areas is of primary
importance in terms of both human rights and corporate policies. Studies are carried out to ensure that female employees take a balanced place in
technical and managerial roles where there is insufficient representation and to improve their career opportunities, and within this scope, partnerships
with national and international initiatives are developed. While the participation of disadvantaged individuals in the workforce is supported by fair
wages and working conditions, working conditions are facilitated by responsible HR policies.
With its end-to-end cold chain corridor created on more than 400 different routes, Turkish Cargo plays an active role in the market in transporting
vaccines and medicines at appropriate temperatures and conditions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Turkish Cargo continued its flights to various
developing and underdeveloped countries and maintained their connectivity; and supported these countries experiencing inequalities in access to
vaccines and medical supplies.
• Sustainability Approach and the Incorporation’s
Sustainability Management, Turkish Airlines Annual Report
2021 (Page:145).
• Human Resources,
Turkish Airlines Annual Report 2021 (Pages: 104-107)
• Vaccine Transport and Turkish Cargo’s Role in the Fight
against the Coronavirus, Turkish Airlines Annual Report 2021
• Provides equal opportunity in recruitment processes, Turkish
Airlines Annual Report 2021 (Page: 166).
• Sustainability policy / Human rights and employee rights
7.2 Increase substantially the share of renewable
energy in the global energy mix
7.3 Double the global rate of improvement in
energy efficiency
7.A Supporting access to clean energy research,
technology and investments
12.2 Achieve the sustainable management and
efficient use of natural resources
12.4 Responsible chemical and waste management
12.5 Substantially reduce waste generation
through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
12.6 Encouraging companies for sustainability
practices and sustainability reporting
12.8 Promoting a universal sustainable lifestyle
13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to
climate-related hazards and natural disasters
13.2 Integrate climate change measures into
policies, strategies and planning
13.3 Building knowledge and capacity to combat
climate change
Turkish Airlines manages the environmental impacts arising from its operations in line with its Sustainability Policy and Environmental Policy, with the
awareness of being a Responsible Company. In this context, environmental impacts, especially the fight against climate change, are managed with
responsible practices and projections such as responsible procurement, waste management, energy and emission management, and clean energy, and
the progress achieved by carrying out performance-enhancing studies is reported.
Turkish Airlines carries out its activities to reduce the negative and irreversible effects of the global climate crisis and to minimize climate-related risks.
Being fully aware of the impact of the aviation industry on climate change and acting with the awareness of the importance of efforts to reduce its
carbon footprint, Turkish Airlines optimizes its flight operations to increase fuel efficiency, invests in new technologies, gives priority to aircraft and
engines with high efficiency while including new generation aircrafts to its fleet. At the same time, it carries out sustainable bio-fuel research and
development studies in cooperation with universities in order to reduce the amount of fossil-based aviation fuel use.
Turkish Airlines is constantly working to transition to more sustainable (in-flight) products in its operations. It supports sustainable production and
resource efficiency by preferring recyclable products in the products and materials it uses, and carries out internal communication activities with the
aim of increasing the awareness of employees on sustainable living.
• Sustainability Principles Information Form, program or
procedures for preventing or minimizing the potential negative
impact of the products and / or
services; announces the actions of third parties for
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 2021 Annual Report
(Pages: 161-162)
• CDP Climate Change Report 2022
Environmental policy/ Energy policy / Sustainability policy
• Turkish Airlines Environmental Aspects and Impact List
8.1 Sustainable economic growth
8.3 Promote policies to support job creation and
growing enterprises
8.5 Full employment and decent work with equal
8.7 End modern slavery, trafficking, and child
8.8 Protect labour rights and promote safe working
Aiming to generate economic value for its stakeholders with the business model it has developed with the awareness of being a fair employer and a safe
operator, Turkish Airlines offers its employees a safe and fair work life that is open for development. Turkish Airlines, which accepts flight safety and
security as a fundamental working standard that cannot be compromised under any circumstances, always aims for the highest standards in its
Carrying out its activities in line with the principle of respecting human rights, Turkish Airlines ensures all the rights of employees of the Incorporation
with its ethical principles and policies. It provides a working environment where any practices that violate human rights such as modern slavery and
forced labor, including human trafficking, cannot be found under the umbrella of the Incorporation.
• Compliance Management and Qualiteam/ IATA Operational
Safety Audit (IOSA) , 2021 Annual Report (Pages: 109, 113,
• Human Resources,
Turkish Airlines Annual Report 2021 (Pages: 104-107)
• Human rights and employee rights policy
9.4 Upgrade all industries and infrastructures for
9.5 Enhance research and upgrade industrial
Turkish Airlines, the official flag carrier of the Republic of Türkiye and the airline that flies to most countries and international destinations in the world,
has been constantly renewing its fleet since its foundation. With investments in new generation aircrafts, Turkish Airlines aims to expand its flight
network while developing its young fleet with an average age of 8.5 years.
Investing in R&D and innovation, especially in digitalization activities, in order to ensure the endurance of its operations and increase business
continuity, Turkish Airlines constantly improves its operating infrastructure. While focusing on solving problems with new generation technology
companies thanks to its open innovation strategy, it develops new technologies by managing resource efficiency and carries out cooperation programs
to create new opportunities.
• Investment in emissions reduction activities, CDP Climate
Change Report 2022 (Page: 17).
• CDP Climate Change Report 2022 (Page: 13).
Investment in R&D, CDP Climate Change Report 2022 (Page:
• Fleet, 2021 Annual Report (Pages: 48-51)
• Corporate Innovation, 2021 Annual Report (Pages: 92,93).
• CSR Projects
11.2 Affordable and sustainable transport systems
11.5 Reduce the adverse effects of natural disasters
11.6 Reduce the environmental impacts of cities
The aviation industry connects cities in various parts of the world, bringing together cultures as well as economic activities. On the other hand, the
aviation industry also has impacts on sustainable urban life, especially emissions and noise. In order to minimize these effects, Turkish Airlines
continuously improves its operational capability with low emission and noise levels by making fleet modernization investments and contributes to
reducing the negative environmental impacts of cities per capita through waste management practices.
After the disaster, it organizes emergency aid operations by developing cooperation with NGOs and Public Institutions in order to meet the needs of the
people of the region affected by the disaster.
• Environmental Management Systems/ Management of
Green House Gas Emissions/ Combating Climate Change, 2021
Annual Report (Pages: 110,112).
• Fleet, 2021 Annual Report (Pages: 48-51)
• CSR Projects
15.3 End desertification and restore degraded land
15.7 Eliminate poaching and trafficking of
protected species
Turkish Airlines signed the “United for Wildlife Buckingham Palace Declaration” (UFW), supported by IATA, which aims to prevent the illegal trade of
wild animals and to raise sectoral awareness on this issue. Thus, it helps to prevent the illegal trade of wild animal parts such as ivory, rhino horns and
tortoise shells. On the other hand, while environmentally friendly materials are preferred in the headset and blanket sets we offer to our passengers,
the toys offered to our child passengers are produced with “Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)” certified products.
• Sustainability Approach and the Incorporation’s
Sustainability Management, Turkish Airlines Annual Report
16.5 Substantially reduce corruption and bribery
16.6 Develop effective, accountable and
transparent institutions
16.10 Ensure public access to information and
protect fundamental freedoms
16.B Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws
and policies
Turkish Airlines carries out its activities in line with the principles of transparency and accountability, in line with the inclusive, internationally accepted
corporate governance and ethical rules that are responsible to its stakeholders.
• Statement of Compliance with Corporate Governance
Principles, Turkish Airlines Annual Report 2021 (Pages: 130-
• Incorporation's Policies (
17.6 Knowledge sharing and cooperation for access
to science, technology and innovation
17.11 Increase the exports of developing countries
17.14 Enhance policy coherence for sustainable
17.16 Enhance the global partnership for
sustainable development
17.17 Encourage effective partnerships
17.18 Enhance availability of reliable data
Turkish Airlines develops partnerships with various institutions and organizations in line with the 2030 Global Goals and common goals of sustainable
development. By taking part in the sustainability initiatives created by international organizations that shape aviation practices, the practices of the
Incorporation are developed and contribute to the formation of the international sustainability agenda.
• Sustainability Approach and the Incorporation’s
Sustainability Management, Turkish Airlines Annual Report
2021 (Pages: 143-145).
• International standards and initiatives on sustainability,
Turkish Airlines Annual Report 2021 (Page: 171)
• CSR Projects