The detailed information on the health process is given below.
Being healthy sufficient to be airworthy (The candidates who are successful in the selection processes shall be requested to obtain medical report confirming
that they are healthy sufficient to be airworthy from the Aviation Medical Centers authorized by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (Turkish DGCA) at
the employment stage.)
When Turkish Airlines Inc. Health Management workplace physicians discover any disease diagnosis, surgical operation in the past, use of medication, etc.
during the “Medical Examination for Employment” (even if there is a report given by the Aviation Medical Center authorized by Turkish DGCA and
confirming that the candidate is healthy sufficient to be airworthy), they shall evaluate the candidate by considering the following situations and the
Occupational Health and Safety legislation requirements.
Diagnosis of any physical or mental disease that may prevent them from fulfilling their safety duties and responsibilities, cause incapacity, lead to decrease
in their performances throughout the period they will serve,
The probability of recurrence/progression of past physical or mental diseases and the risks of workforce loss and their failure to fulfill the health requirements
in accordance with the national and international legislations in the periods of such recurrence/progression.
Turkish Airlines Inc. Health Management workplace physicians may demand additional examinations in accordance with their internal procedures.
Turkish Airlines Inc. is entitled to decide on whether or not to employ the candidate in accordance with the Employment Health Criteria it has determined
(even if there is a report given by the Aviation Medical Center authorized by Turkish DGCA and confirming that the candidate is healthy sufficient to be
airworthy). If s/he is not employed, the candidate may not claim any right.
Turkish Airlines Inc. Employment Health Criteria are as follows. The diseases/diagnoses other than these shall be evaluated separately by considering the
abovementioned situations.
List of Employment Health Criteria
All Infectious Diseases
All candidates diagnosed with infectious diseases (HIV, Syphilis, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B carriers, other hepatitis diseases, and
the other infectious diseases), even those diagnosed with and treated for the same in the past, are ineligible for employment.
All candidates including also the ones treated for this disease in the past are ineligible for employment.
Chronic Dermatitis/Eczema
All candidates who have Chronic Dermatitis/Eczema disease and thus have attacks frequently and need to take medicine in
that period, including also the ones treated for this disease in the past, are ineligible for employment.
Malign Melanoma
All candidates including also the ones treated for this disease in the past are ineligible for employment.
Thyroid Gland Diseases
Hyperthyroidism, Subclinical Hyperthyroidism,
Subacute Thyroiditis, Acute Thyroiditis, Chronic Thyroiditis, Silent Thyroiditis,
Autoimmune Thyroiditis (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis),
Euthyroid Diffuse Goiter,
Thyroid nodules,
Thyroid cancers, TSH-secreting pituitary tumors,
Hyperthyroidism, Subclinical Hyperthyroidism,
Basedow Graves,
Other thyroid diseases,
Regardless of being on medication, all candidates who have any thyroid gland disease are ineligible for employment.
All candidates diagnosed with any thyroid gland disease in the past are ineligible for employment regardless of medication.
All candidates operated for thyroid gland diseases in the past are ineligible for employment.
Blood-Sugar-Related Diseases
Regardless of medication, all candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for blood sugar disorder (diabetes,
insulin resistance, hypoglycemia, and the other blood sugar disorders) in the past are ineligible for employment.
All Endocrine System Diseases
Diseases of calcium metabolism,
Pituitary gland diseases,
Sex hormone disorders,
Adrenal gland disorders and the other endocrine system diseases,
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for employment.
Chronic Gout
All candidates who have been diagnosed with chronic gout and are on medication are ineligible for employment.
Deficiency of the Enzyme
All candidates diagnosed with congenital enzyme deficiencies are ineligible for employment.
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for this disease in the past are ineligible for
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for this disease in the past are ineligible for employment.
Asthma that requires Medication
All candidates who have been diagnosed with and are on medication for asthma are ineligible for employment.
Thoracic Surgery
All candidates including also the ones operated in the past are ineligible for employment.
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for this disease in the past are ineligible for
Sleep Apnea
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for this disease in the past are ineligible for employment.
Chronic Pulmonary Diseases
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for this disease in the past are ineligible for employment.
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for this disease in the past are ineligible for
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for this disease in the past are ineligible for
Color Vision Deficiency
The Ishihara test must be read fully without any mistake.
Including also the ones who have made only one mistake, the candidates who have made mistake are ineligible for
employment regardless of the degree of the color vision deficiency.
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for this disease in the past are ineligible for
All candidates who are above -5 (five) Degrees separately for each eye are ineligible for employment.
All candidates who are above 2 (two) Degrees separately for each eye are ineligible for employment.
All candidates who are above +4 (four) Degrees separately for each eye are ineligible for employment.
Surgical Operations
If the candidates who have been operated for refractive defects (Myopia, Astigmatism, Hyperopia) at values ineligible for
employment before the examination date suffer from visual decrease in the glare and mesopic contrast sensitivity test
conducted in the Aviation Medical Center authorized by Turkish DGCA 3 months after their eye surgery, they are ineligible for
If the candidates who have had vision correction surgery due to refractive defects in the past suffer from visual decrease in the
glare and mesopic contrast sensitivity test conducted in the Aviation Medical Center authorized by Turkish DGCA, they are
ineligible for employment.
Other Eye Diseases
Scar in visual fields,
Keratitis, uveitis,
Congenital eye disorders,
Any visual system anomalies and other eye diseases,
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for employment.
All Heart Diseases
All candidates diagnosed with heart diseases (those who have congenital heart anomalies, all rhythm disorders, heart valve
diseases, hypotension, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, varix, and the other heart diseases) including also the ones
diagnosed with, treated for these diseases in the past, are ineligible for employment.
Bleeding and Coagulation
All genetic or adventitious bleeding and coagulation disorders,
Hemophilia, Hemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency),
Hemophilia B (Factor IX deficiency and the other bleeding and coagulation disorders),
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for this disease in the past are ineligible for employment.
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for this disease in the past or the present are ineligible for
Lymphatic System Cancers
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for lymphoma, hodgkin's lymphoma, non-hodgkin's
lymphoma, and other lymphatic system cancers in the past are ineligible for employment.
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for
Immune Thrombocytopenic
All candidates including also the ones treated for this disease in the past are ineligible for employment.
Thalassemia Trait
All candidates whose HCT values are below 32 and HB values are below 10 in the hemogram test are ineligible for
All Cancer Diagnoses
All candidates including also the ones treated for this disease in the past are ineligible for employment.
All candidates including also the ones whose spinal curvature angles are 20 degrees and above and the ones operated for
scoliosis in the past are ineligible for employment.
Connective Tissue Diseases
Mixed connective tissue disease and the other connective tissue diseases,
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for employment.
All candidates with above 40 degrees Cobb angle value between T5 top end plaque and T2 bottom end plaque in a lateral direct
graphic are ineligible for employment.
Spinal Diseases
All candidates who have spinal disc pathologies (degenerative changes, bulging, herniated disc, herniated cervical disc, and the
other spinal diseases), including also any minimal level pathologies, including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or
operated for these diseases in the past, including also the ones diagnosed to have these diseases through current or past MRI
examinations are ineligible for employment.
Inflammatory, Infiltrative,
Traumatic, or Degenerative
Hallux valgus toe deformity,
Athletic strains,
Inflammatory rheumatic diseases.
Rheumatic Diseases
Soft tissue rheumatic diseases,
Rheumatoid arthritis,
Spondyloarthropathies and ankylosing spondylitis,
Vasculitis and behçet's disease,
Gout disease,
Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF),
Acute articular rheumatism,
Reactive arthritis, crystal arthritis, infectious arthritis,
Juvenile arthritis,
Bursitis, tendinitis,
Other inflammatory, infiltrative, traumatic, or degenerative diseases, and rheumatic diseases,
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for employment.
Knee Diseases
Osteoarthrosis, kneecap diseases, connective lesions, meniscus, meniscus ruptures, articular inflammations, congenital
deformities, and other knee diseases.
Regardless of level and degree, all candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for these diseases in
the past, and the ones diagnosed to have these diseases through current or past MRI examinations are ineligible for
Hip Diseases
Osteoarthrosis, inflammatory articular rheumatism, tumors, metabolic bone diseases, soft tissue disorders, childhood
diseases, cartilage diseases, and the other hip diseases.
Regardless of level and degree, all candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for these diseases in
the past, and the ones diagnosed to have these diseases through current or past MRI examinations are ineligible for
Shoulder Diseases
Shoulder muscle impingement and ruptures, frozen shoulder, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, connective tissue injuries, nerve
injury, infections, tumors, spread of neck-related diseases to shoulder, inflammatory rheumatism diseases, muscular diseases,
shoulder dislocation, rotator cuff syndrome, and the other shoulder diseases.
Regardless of level and degree, all candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for these diseases in
the past, and the ones diagnosed to have these diseases through current or past MRI examinations are ineligible for
Application of Platinum, Screw,
Metal Plates, etc. after Bone
Fracture or Surgery performed
for Any Reason
All candidates implanted with platinum, screws, metal plates, etc. after bone fracture or surgeries performed for any reason in
the past are ineligible for employment.
Among the candidates who have had operation for removal of platinum, screws, metal plates, etc. before the examination in
relation to the abovementioned ineligibility for employment, the ones detected to have pathologies in consequence of the
orthopedic examination made in the Aviation Medical Center authorized by Turkish DGCA 6 weeks after their operations, and
the ones who have had the operation due to any diagnosis included in the abovementioned list of diagnoses are ineligible for
Hearing Loss
If the candidate's hearing loss is 30 dB and higher at each frequency in the audiometry test conducted separately for each ear,
s/he is ineligible for employment.
Eardrum Operations
All candidates including also the ones operated in the past are ineligible for employment.
Eardrum Perforation
All candidates including also the ones operated, treated in the past are ineligible for employment.
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
All candidates diagnosed with Eustachian tube dysfunction, including also the ones treated for this disease in the past, are
ineligible for employment.
Abnormal Tympanogram Results
All candidates who have tympanogram results other than Type A are ineligible for employment.
Any Auditory System Anomalies
and Diseases
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for
Speech Disorder
All candidates who have Articulation disorders, Stuttering, Voice disorders, Motor speech disorders (dysarthria, apraxia), and
the other speech disorders are ineligible for employment.
Meniere's Disease
Vehicle Sickness
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for employment.
Acoustic Neuroma
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for
Nasal Septum Deviation
Nasal septum deviation making it difficult to breathe,
The candidates advised to have operation by an Ear-Nose-Throat Specialist in case of an occlusion are ineligible for
The candidate who comes for the employment examination after having the relevant operation is employed or not employed
depending on the result of the detailed ENT examination.
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for
All Neurological Diseases
Including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for these diseases in the past; neurological diseases, cerebrovascular
diseases, migraine, epilepsy,
Peripheral neurological diseases, muscular diseases, multiple sclerosis, and the similar diseases,
Sleep disorders,
Parkinson disease,
Alzheimer and the other similar dementia diseases,
Brain and spinal cord tumors and inflammations,
Epilepsy, Palsy,
All candidates diagnosed with these and the other neurological diseases are ineligible for employment.
All candidates who have attacks frequently, are on medication, including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for this
disease in the past are ineligible for employment.
Essential tremor,
Tremors associated with neurological disorders, etc.
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with and treated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for employment.
Restrictions on Medical
Certificate or Examination Report
after Examination
All restrictions (SIC, OML, TML, RXO, OAL, OOL, MCL, HAL, SSL, CCL, APL, OCL, OPL, AGL, OSL, REV, etc.) except glasses make
the candidate ineligible for employment.
All Digestive System Diseases
Congenital diseases,
Gilbert's Disease,
Esophageal varix,
Crohn's disease,
Ulcerative colitis,
Autoimmune inflammatory diseases,
Irritable bowel diseases,
Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF),
Chronic peptic ulcer,
Pancreatitis and the other digestive system diseases,
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for
Gallbladder Stone
Those who have gallbladder stone are ineligible for employment.
The candidates who have been operated in the past for gallbladder stone are evaluated after a detailed
Gastroenterology/General Surgery examination.
The candidates who have had operation before the employment examination are evaluated after receiving a General Surgery
Specialist's opinion in the Aviation Medical Center authorized by Turkish DGCA 1 month after the operation for cabin or 45
days after the operation for cockpit.
Surgical Operations
All candidates who have had a serious operation (sleeve gastrectomy, splenectomy, etc.) due to one of the diagnoses specified
in the abovementioned list are ineligible for employment.
Depression and Other Mood
Disorders, Panic Disorder, Anxiety
Disorders, Alcohol or Drug
Dependency, Psychotic Disorder,
Somatization Disorder, Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder, Dissociative
Disorder, Personality Disorders,
Any Psychotic Disorder, etc.
All candidates diagnosed with and treated for psychiatric diseases in the past or still being treated for the same currently are
ineligible for employment.
Kidney Stone
All candidates diagnosed to have kidney stone, regardless of its dimension and location, are ineligible for employment.
The candidates who have had kidney stone, renal colic story in the past are required to have a current computerized
tomography scan of their urinary systems in the Aviation Medical Center authorized by Turkish DGCA during the employment
examination. All candidates diagnosed to have kidney stone in consequence of tomography, regardless of its dimension and
location, are ineligible for employment.
Congenital Renal Diseases
Congenital solitary kidney (Agenesis)
Congenital renal hypoplasia
Congenital renal artery stenosis
Unilateral vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) and the other congenital renal diseases,
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for these diseases in the past are ineligible for
Solitary Kidney
All candidates who have been operated to remove one of their kidneys for the reasons such as trauma, accident, tumor, stone
and accompanying infection, etc. are ineligible for employment.
Horseshoe Kidney
All candidates are ineligible for employment.
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for this disease in the past are ineligible for
Polycystic Kidney Disease
All candidates including also the ones diagnosed with, treated or operated for this disease in the past are ineligible for
Kidney Transplantation
All candidates who have had kidney transplantation (both the recipient and the donor have single kidney) are ineligible for
Other Diseases,
Diagnosis of any physical or mental disease that may prevent them from fulfilling their safety duties and responsibilities, cause
incapacity, lead to decrease in their performances throughout the period they will serve,
The probability of recurrence/progression of past physical or mental disorders and the risks of workforce loss and their failure
to fulfill the health requirements in accordance with the national and international legislations in the periods of such
recurrence/progression shall be considered and EVALUATED SEPARATELY, AND IT SHALL BE DECIDED WHETHER TO EMPLOY