Covington Careers
London Training Programme
Founded in Washington, DC over a century ago,
the values held by Covington’s founders endure
today throughout our international legal practice.
You are about to embark on an exciting and successful career in the
law, and it is critical that you start by selecting the best firm for you.
We aim to recruit talented and enthusiastic lawyers for the long-term
and many of our senior lawyers started their legal careers at the firm.
This brochure explains why we think Covington attracts and retains
great people, and outlines what we look for in our trainees. I hope that,
after reading it, you will decide to apply.
Our trainees tell us that they were attracted to Covington because
we provide the responsibility and opportunity of a close-knit oce,
combined with the resources and prestige of a leading international
Above all, though, we recognise the importance of a great firm culture.
At Covington you will find a firm with values of collegiality, high
standards of lawyering, respect for others, a dedication to public
service and a commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion. We
have some of the best lawyers in the world because we understand
that excellence in legal practice involves eective teamwork, clear
and shared values and generosity to colleagues and clients as well as
preeminent legal skills.
Welcome to Covington.
James Halstead
Managing Partner
London Oce
“Our collaborative, team-based culture continues to be a core
competitive strength that dierentiates us from other firms.
Clients increasingly focus on our culture as something that
allows us to deliver higher value services across practices and
Lisa Peets
Partner, Management Committee member
You will be joining a firm with a distinctly collaborative culture where the people are
approachable, generous with their time, and passionate about the law. Our Trainee
Programme is fundamental to the continuing growth of the London oce, setting you
up for future success.
As a trainee at Covington you will have early responsibility and exposure. Working
within small teams and playing a significant role in complex substantive work, our
trainees work closely with senior lawyers and partners, and have a chance to make a
real impact.
Our clients include technology giants Microsoft and
Meta, and we represent leaders in life sciences including
AstraZeneca and Oxford Biomedica. We have advised
pharmaceutical manufacturers in relation to the
manufacture and supply of COVID-19 vaccines, acted for
ACWA Power on the world’s most ambitious regenerative
tourism project in Saudi Arabia, and we engage in
cutting-edge pro bono matters, such as representing
Ukraine against the Russian Federation at the ICJ.
Trainees are encouraged to participate in pro bono
work and to have a voice in wider firm initiatives too. A
number of our trainees play an active part in our internal
networks such as our five Diversity Strands and the
Social Committee. Trainees are allocated a dedicated
budget for social events and there are opportunities
to participate in the firm’s sports teams and broader
Trainees are supported throughout their traineeship
via the Trainee Fundamentals Programme which covers
a range of legal topics over the course of their two year
Mentoring provides a valuable source of support,
networking and opportunities to discuss professional
goals. As a firm we are committed to mentoring and all
trainees are matched with a “Buddy” upon joining and
then a mentor. The Professional Development team
meet with the trainees on a monthly basis, to provide
support and assistance as they progress through their
qualifying work experience.
“Covington tends to sta matters
with small teams, which is great
for trainee development. From the
beginning of our seats, we get involved
in meaningful, complex work which
accelerates learning. My supervisors’
support and encouragement has given
me confidence in my work product,
whilst knowing there is always a safety
net if I need it.
Richard Rowlands
Newly Qualified Associate
Why Train at Covington?
Covington at a Glance
Former Government
Ocials and Diplomats
Lawyers and Advisors
Languages Spoken
Pro Bono Hours
Provided in 2022
The year our London trainee
programme began–since then
the cumulative retention
rate has been 86%. We
retained 100% of our trainees
qualifying in 2023.
Founded in Washington, DC
Global Oces
What Sets Covington Apart
Our distinctively collaborative culture allows us to be truly one team globally, drawing on
the diverse experience of lawyers and advisors across the firm by seamlessly sharing insight
and expertise.
We combine the tremendous strength in our litigation, investigations, and corporate
practices with deep knowledge of policy and policymakers, and one of the world’s leading
regulatory practices.
This enables us to create novel solutions to our clients’ toughest problems, successfully try
their toughest cases, and deliver commercially practical advice of the highest quality.
The Training Programme
At Covington, trainees benefit from a carefully tailored programme. Each trainee is
supervised by two senior lawyers who ensure they are exposed to meaningful work in a
supportive environment.
Trainees complete four six month seats during the course of their traineeship, which
consists of two core seats and two elective seats. Client secondments are available,
alongside secondments to our Brussels or Dubai oces.
Core Trainee Seats and Electives
Our principal practice and industry groups are corporate, dispute resolution, life sciences, and technology regulatory.
The demarcation between these areas is not rigid and lawyers frequently collaborate across groups and work closely
with other international oces.
Our corporate clients
range from start-
ups to established
multinationals, and
include investment
banks and investors
(including private
equity and venture
Given the firm’s particular strengths, much of our work is
within the pharmaceutical/life sciences, energy and clean
energy, brands, technology, and media industries.
Our work includes premium cross-border M&A deals, advising
PE funds on their investments complex worldwide licensing
and collaboration transactions.
We help our clients with international project development
and finance advice, venture capital financing for emerging
companies and their investors, capital markets fundraisings,
and fund transactions and formations.
As soon as I joined the firm, partners and associates ensured that,
alongside responsibility over matters, they provided the support
necessary to succeed. When I went on client secondment later in
my training contract, Covington continued to provide that same
support and ensured that I was able to remain just as connected and
integrated with the firm. Training at Covington has exceeded my
Alex Goodman
Newly Qualified Associate
Core Seats
Our Dispute
Resolution team
includes lawyers
focused on litigation,
arbitration and white
collar crime and
Our litigators help clients with issues before Courts in
England, Europe and beyond. Our work is often in ground-
breaking, complex fields and we regularly advise on significant,
high-profile cases including defending substantial class actions.
Our arbitrators help clients both with commercial arbitrations
across a wide range of jurisdictions and bilateral investment
treaty claims, including representing Ukraine.
Our white collar crime and investigations practice advise
our multinational client base on a range of issues including
bribery, money laundering, sanctions, and fraud.
Life Sciences Regulatory
Covington is widely acknowledged to have one of the
world’s top life sciences practices globally. We advise
companies and trade associations, including many of
the major multinational pharmaceutical manufacturers,
biotechnology companies and producers of medical
devices, cosmetics, foods, food packaging, specialty
chemicals and consumer products. Our advice covers a
wide range of regulatory, transactional, and contentious
matters. We represent our clients before regulators,
policymakers and the national and European Courts.
The group has been heavily involved in most of the major
regulatory developments in recent years, including the
fight against COVID -19 and the use of AI in healthcare.
Life Sciences Transactional
Widely recognized as a global leader in strategic
transactions, Covington advises on many of the
industrys largest and most innovative life sciences
transactions year after year. A hallmark of our
transactional practice is our extensive experience
structuring, negotiating, and drafting complex global
alliances, strategic collaborations, joint ventures,
licensing and other agreements that underpin the life
sciences and healthcare sectors. We work with pharma,
biotech, medtech, and digital health clients, ranging from
start-ups through to the largest multinationals, giving us
a deep understanding of the issues that arise in relation
to agreements at all stages and across all fields within life
sciences and healthcare.
Covington’s international employment practice helps
multinational employer clients manage HR- legal
compliance projects. Our work includes the preparation
of global policies and codes of business conduct,
expatriate secondments/global mobility, multi-country
project management, cross - border M&A, corporate
restructuring, and litigation. Current projects in which
we are involved include business and human rights-
related compliance initiatives, Employment Tribunal
litigation, and international workforce transactions.”
Trainees choose two elective seats from five areas. We make every eort to satisfy requests
and tailor the traineeship to specific interests.
Technology Regulatory
We advise clients on a variety of technology regulatory
issues. Our expertise spans such diverse topics as data
protection, cybersecurity, copyright and other IP,
e-commerce, the use of AI, platform regulation, Internet
of Things, digital health, social media, behavioural
advertising, geolocation tracking and biometrics, to
name just a few. The team in London works closely with
colleagues in our other oces to help clients roll out
innovative new products and services globally, as well as
supporting clients to manage regulatory investigations
and important litigation. We also work regularly with
our public policy and government aairs colleagues to
help clients shape technology, IP and related laws at the
European and national level.
Project Development and Finance
Our team advises companies, lenders and governments
on a wide variety of energy and infrastructure projects.
Our main focus in energy is on green energy rather
than fossil fuels We have substantial experience in
renewables and are rapidly gaining experience in battery
and hydrogen projects. We consider that the energy
transition is not only key to the future of the practice but
also to the life chances of people in developing countries.
Two thirds of people in Africa still do not have access
to power and one of the team’s pro bono initiatives was
commenting on mini-grid regulations before they were
brought into force in an African state; another consists
of teaching project finance techniques to young African
women involved in the energy sector. The team works
on projects anywhere in the world but with a particular
focus on the Middle East and Africa.
Brussels Secondment
A secondment to Covington’s Brussels oce provides an
opportunity to work in our EU competition law practice
Ranked among the top antitrust and competition firms in
the world, the team advises clients on a range of issues–
cartels, abuse of dominance, mergers, and State aid and
foreign direct investment - and represents them in front of
the European Court, the European Commission, national
competition authorities, and national courts.
Secondment Opportunities
Dubai Secondment
Our Dubai oce oers a broad range of experience across
the practice groups - PDF, Corporate, Dispute Resolution
and Public Policy and Regulatory. They provide a variety of
advice on infrastructure development, project acquisition
and finance, M&A and other corporate transactions. Our
Disputes team have a diverse practice with a focus on
major projects in the region. We also cover a wide range of
Sovereign advisory, regulatory and government engagement
matters in the Public Policy team.
The secondee works with lawyers across the oce but
will typically focus on either the transactional (PDF
and Corporate) or advisory (Disputes, Public Policy &
Regulatory) side of the practice during the seat. The trainee
seconded to the Dubai oce also works alongside a Dubai
resident trainee.
The Dubai oce advise across a range of sectors from oil
and gas/petchem, power generation, water, mining, and
other industrial and agricultural infrastructure sectors,
infrastructure, life sciences, telecoms, technology, and
defence and national security, construction, and engineering.
A secondment to the firm’s Dubai oce is a unique
opportunity within the firm to work in an emerging market
environment, supporting sophisticated global corporate
clients and investors, and leading regional sovereign wealth
funds, governments and businesses, helping them to respond
to complex legal challenges throughout the Gulf.
Client Secondment
Opportunities are provided to trainees to undertake a
six month client secondment, including to the in-house
legal department of a multinational pharmaceutical
company. Client secondments typically take place in the
second year of traineeship. Trainees benefit from direct
exposure to firm clients and a chance to learn more about
their business needs from an in house perspective.
“The Dubai secondment provided exposure to a variety of work due to the team’s
breadth of expertise, in an unfamiliar region with its own laws, customs and
quirks. My learning and level of responsibility was accelerated due to the smaller
teams and the opportunity for direct client interaction. Outside the oce, my
professional network grew twofold: aside from socialising with other trainees in
the region, I attended multiple events where I mixed with clients and prospective
clients. Altogether, the Dubai experience has boosted my confidence as I approach
the remainder of my training contract.
Georgia Ling
Pro Bono Secondment
There are opportunities as part of our pro bono programme
for secondments to key pro bono clients, allowing trainees
to work on high profile international law advice, advocacy
and research, advancing and promoting human rights
around the world. Trainees spend their time in the client’s in
house legal team, and are supervised and supported by the
Covington London Pro Bono practice throughout the seat.
Vacation Schemes and Insight Days
Vacation Schemes
Our Winter and Summer Vacation Schemes are a great way
for students to really learn about the firm, its people and
decide if a career at Covington is for them.
Over the one week (Winter) or two week (Summer)
Schemes students have the opportunity to become
integrated into the London oce and gain an insight into
the work of a Covington lawyer.
Students are eligible to apply from their penultimate year of
a law degree or final year of a non-law degree. We also accept
applications from students who have already completed
their degrees. Students are paid £500 per week.
What We Look For
Your journey to becoming a trainee at Covington begins
with our Vacation Scheme assessment centre where
students undertake an interview and group exercise.
Towards the end of the Vacation Scheme, all students are
assessed for a traineeship. We recruit trainees exclusively
from our Vacation Schemes.
There is no set mould for a Covington trainee, our trainees
are enthusiastic about the law, hardworking and keen to be
part of our collaborative culture.
The candidates we choose are sharp, articulate, and quick
thinking. They have confidence and composure, but also
honesty and humour. We look for candidates to be on track
for a 2.1 degree with a strong academic record.
“I was introduced to Covington at a university law fair, speaking to a member of the
Graduate Recruitment team, she emphasised the importance of the collaborative culture
at Covington which set the tone for me. During the Vacation Scheme, everyone was so
supportive and willing to give me time out of their day to help me learn. It was absolutely
crucial that my first impressions about the firm’s culture matched up to the reality,
fortunately they did, which really distinguished Covington from other firms for me.”
Tosin Oredola
At Covington, I was able to flourish as my authentic self in a dynamic and collaborative
environment. Gaining numerous insights into the world of a Covington lawyer, the
breadth of the firm’s practice areas and the option to not specialise too early in one’s
career were ideal for me, as I could envision an unconstrained and exciting future within
the firm. I did not hesitate to accept a training contract oer at Covington - a firm where I
felt welcomed, stimulated and supported.
Elizabeth Davy
We also like to see:
Ȗ energy and enthusiasm
Ȗ team spirit
Ȗ a range of interests outside of the law (extra-
curricular activities, voluntary or paid work)
Ȗ independent thought
Ȗ communication and influencing skills
Ȗ commercial awareness
Ȗ resolve and judgement
Ȗ a creative approach to problem solving
Ȗ resilience under pressure
CovInsights (first year programme)
Our CovInsights programme is aimed at first year law
students and second year non-law students who are still
researching their legal careers. This two day interactive
programme provides a valuable insight into the firm, its
practice areas, and the skills you will need to develop to
become a successful lawyer. The programme is the perfect
opportunity for candidates who are not yet eligible to apply
for our vacation schemes.
Our Commitment to DEI
At Covington, we strive to put our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) values into action
every day. We recognize that diversity enriches our culture, enhances our work with clients,
and strengthens the profession. Covington lawyers bring a wide variety of backgrounds,
perspectives, and life experiences to our practice. The firm emphasizes DEI principles in its
recruitment, retention, development, and promotion practices. We are intentional, deliberate,
and focused on what we want to achieve – a diverse, equitable, and inclusive firm.
Learn more at
Recent Highlights
Ȗ Named a Top Performer in Microsoft’s UK Law Firm
Diversity Program.
Ȗ Certified by Diversity Lab every year since 2018.
Ȗ Achieved a score of 100 on the Human Rights
Campaign’s “Corporate Equality Index Survey” in
each of the last 15 years.
Ȗ Ranked among The American Lawyer’s 2021 A-List of
20 elite U.S. law firms based on financial performance,
pro bono activity, associate satisfaction, and diversity.
Ȗ Covington ranked 4th for minority partners and a
“Top Firms for Women Equity Partners” for firms
with more than 600 lawyers by Law360.
Ȗ One of four Firms to achieve both U.S. and UK “Gold
Standard Certification” for the past two years by the
Women in Law Empowerment Forum (WILEF).
Ȗ Named to Seramount’s “Best Law Firms for Women”
list in 2022 and 2023.
Ȗ Named as the Outstanding Veterans Program at
the Chambers Diversity & Inclusion Awards: North
America 2022.
A Leader in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Covington is proud to receive external recognition for our diversity, equity, and inclusion eorts.
Ȗ In 2022, Covington hosted the inaugural Covington Connected: Lawyers Diversity Summit. The event brought
together 270+ racial/ethnic minority and LGBTQ+ lawyers from our global oces to rearm bonds and
cultivate new ones. The program included specific activities focused on creating networking opportunities for
Summit attendees with the firm’s Management Committee (MC) and Practice Group leaders.
Ȗ Our anity group speaker series and heritage month programming includes topics focused on celebrating
diversity and understanding how to build a more inclusive workplace. The firm’s DEI Billable Hours Credit
policy provides associates and counsel up to 50 hours on DEI activities toward bonus eligibility.
DEI Partnerships
Ȗ Our London oce is proud to be a Foundation
Law Firm Participant for the UK Model
Diversity Survey (MDS), modeled after the
American Bar Association (ABA) survey.
Ȗ Our London oce is proud to partner with
the Social Mobility Foundation (SMF), which
aims to make a practical improvement in
social mobility for young people, providing
opportunities and networks of support for
those unable to get them from their schools or
Ȗ Our London oce is proud to share its
commitment to the Social Mobility Pledge
campaign in support of boosting opportunity
and social mobility in order to help close the
opportunity gap, which has grown in the wake
of COVID-19.
Firm-wide Demographics Compared
to Industry Benchmark (Year to Date)
Firm-wide Demographics Compared
to Industry Benchmark (Year to Date)
Ȗ Covington data includes Associates, Counsel and Partners.
Ȗ Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) regulates solicitors and law firms in England and Wales. Covington Racial/Ethnic
Minority and LGBTQ+ demographic information is based on voluntary self identification.
Increasing Our Global Diversity
Covington Global
Covington EMEA
Women Racial/Ethnic
Covington London
Covington EMEA Pro Bono
Since its founding more than 100 years ago, Covington has been committed not only to the
highest professional standards of representation, but also to public service, with the firm’s
pro bono program long acknowledged as preeminent in the legal community. Our work is
anchored in providing legal assistance to people and organizations in our communities,
frequently taking on challenging matters that aect vulnerable clients and address
broader systemic issues.
Ȗ Since 2017, our London oce has partnered with Kids in Need of Defense’s UK program, successfully securing
leave to remain and citizenship on behalf of dozens of children and families, helping them take steps
towards greater family stability and security in the UK.
Ȗ Our Brussels oce has worked closely with The Validity Foundation, an international charity which uses the
law to secure equality, inclusion and justice for people with mental disabilities, providing research and advice
to inform and support their work across Europe.
Ȗ Our Frankfurt oce, alongside other EMEA colleagues, manages our European relationship with the Center for
Reproductive Rights, most recently leading multi-jurisdictional research to help the Center conduct reproductive
rights litigation and advocacy work in Kenya and other African countries.
Ȗ In collaboration with the death penalty and fair trials charity Amicus ALJ, lawyers from across our
EMEA and Asia oces have assisted those on death row in the US by reviewing records, creating case
chronologies and preparing mitigation arguments.
Ranked #1
in the US and #6
Internationally in The
American Lawyer’s Pro
Bono Rankings 2023
Active Pro Bono
Matters Firmwide
in 2022
Average Pro Bono
Hours per Lawyer
Firmwide in 2022
Total Firmwide
Pro Bono Hours
in 2022
“Over the first year of my training contract I have been involved in pro bono
matters in various areas, ranging from immigration, the European Court
of Human Rights and anti-snake venom. These experiences have been
incredibly rewarding and have given me the opportunity to take on more
ownership of matters and to collaborate with colleagues across the firm.
Maria Oliveira
Trainee Solicitor
Ready to Apply?
Submit your application here.
For any queries please contact the
Graduate Recruitment team:
T: +44 20 7067 2000
How to Apply
Key Dates
Winter Vacation Scheme 2023:
Ȗ Applications open:
7 September 2023 - 20 October 2023
Ȗ The Winter Vacation Scheme will take place
from 11 December 2023 - 15 December 2023
Summer Vacation Scheme 2024:
Ȗ Applications open:
7 September 2023 - 12 January 2024
Ȗ The Summer Vacation Scheme will take place
from June 2024
CovInsights (First Year Programme):
Ȗ Applications open:
7 September 2023 - 9 February 2024
Ȗ The programme will run from
3 - 4 April 2024
Covington Mentoring Programme:
The Covington mentoring programme is open to all
underrepresented groups, with the aim of increasing
diversity within, and access to the legal profession.
Ȗ Applications open:
7 September 2023 - 20 October 2023
Further details can be found here.
Salary and Benefits
Ȗ A salary of £55,000 in the first year and £60,000
in the second year. Upon qualification, a starting
salary of £151,000.
Ȗ Comprehensive financial support for tuition fees
for the Postgraduate Diploma in Law (PGDL) and
SQE, and maintenance grant of up to £15,000 for
the PGDL and up to £17,000 for the SQE.