Latin Communion Antiphons
with English Psalm Verses
For Sundays and Feast Days
As Recommended by the
General Instruction on the Roman Missal
Prepared by Richard Rice
for the
Church Music Association of America
Copyright © 2009 by Richard Rice
Published by the Church Music Association of America
Richmond, Virginia
Since its publication in 2007, Communio has been welcomed and
well used by scholas and cantors. Clearly, a collection of its kind,
dedicated to a single, relatively accessible genre of the Gregorian
repertoire, was needed to inspire more than a few nascent forays
into Latin chant, and, one hopes, to begin the restoration of the
Church’s glorious treasure of plainsong to the regular liturgical life
of our parishes. By making Psalm verses easily available, the col-
lection enables a fuller singing of the Communion ritual using
these otherwise relatively simple chants.
In retrospect, including Psalm verses in Latin only may have
been a leap, rather than a step. Some have found the use of exclu-
sively Latin song resisted in their particular congregations in no
uncertain terms. In order to both encourage the reception of Latin
chant, and to provide the sort of edification our congregations tend
to demand (one of the better fruits of the liturgical movement, it
seems to me), a better bridge is needed.
This alternative version of Communio attempts such a bridge by
providing the authentic Communion chants, as in the original, but
accompanied by Psalm verses in English. To expedite the adapta-
tion process, and to avoid inevitable copyright conundrums, I have
used the translations found in the original Communio, which fol-
low the Douay-Rheims
whose archaic treatment of the English
seems a more gratifying accompaniment to the Latin chant. (Some
may disagree, and are certainly free to use another translation,
adapting the psalmtones accordingly.)
Whereas the original Communio used the Introit tones for the
Latin verses, in this collection I have employed the simpler, more
regular tones of the Divine Office, as found in the Liber usualis.
Years of experience have taught me these tones are much more re-
liable (if not exactly foolproof) for singing English psalmody. Be-
low, I outline in a cursory way my approach to adapting the
rhythm of the tones to the cadence of the English texts (no doubt,
in a way guaranteed to annoy anyone versed in this daunting, and
ultimately eccentric, process). I have tried to keep my method as
true to the original formulas as possible, mirroring their graceful
flexibility, with no thought to the rigorous, often complex rhythmic
systems employed by other (probably more enlightened) adaptors.
Also to expedite the process, I have notated the English verses
using a system of pointing. Probably the premiere rationale for the
original Communio was to provide verses with their music written
out in full. I understand how important this is for beginning chant-
ers. On the other hand, I cannot overstate what a project it makes
iv Communio with English Verses
of the engraver’s task. Furthermore, the chanting of psalmody (in-
deed, of any liturgical text) demands an ability to sing from
pointed texts. Our ongoing search for the definitive English trans-
lation of the liturgy alone requires it, as does the use of many ex-
isting resources, including those from other Christian traditions. It
is, in short, a requisite skill of liturgical musicians, well worth the
patient effort needed to master.
I have kept the translations of the Communion chants them-
selves, but have given them the pointing necessary to be sung, per-
haps as a last verse. It may well be that congregations will more
readily open themselves to the Latin original if they are able to
hear what the words mean. On the other hand, for less-poetical
Biblical texts, such as those from the New Testament, versification
does not always help their understandability, and a written transla-
tion provided in a worship aid might be the better way to go.
While I have used the verses given in the original, I have limited
their selection to those which, along with the Communion chant,
could fit comfortably on a single page. This should provide a
roughly uniform amount of music, with the requisite repetitions of
the chant. (While I admire the enthusiasm of those who would sing
all the verses listed in the Graduale Romanum, I can’t imagine it in
practice. Surely, we want to impress our people with the beauty of
these chants, not with their potential tedium! For a protracted
Communion rite, I would advocate a judicious use of alius cantus
aptus instead.) Rather than try to edit the original reference, I have
given only book and chapter, without specifying the verses I chose.
While the original Communio was suitable for both the Ordinary
and Extraordinary Forms of the Roman Rite, English verses are not
appropriate for the Extraordinary Form. I have therefore removed
the liturgical index for the 1962 Missal. However, I have left the
few Communion chants unique to the Sundays of that Missal, on
the off chance they can be used elsewhere (possibly ad libitum) in
the Ordinary Form of the Rite. The collection remains selective,
and incomplete for all the possibilities given in the modern Gradu-
ale Romanum—lacunae easily enough remedied by anyone who
has mastered the method found in this collection.
— Richard Rice, Editor
Communio with English Verses v
This will be necessarily a brief overview of my approach to
adapting English texts to Office psalmtones. A proper defense re-
quires a thesis beyond the scope of these pages. Others have given
detailed analyses of the problem, some of which can be found
through the CMAA website []. My own
system stems from regularly singing the Divine Office in Latin,
together with two decades experimenting with various ways to
adapt the Office formulas to English text. While I would like to
report a clear, clean, and consistent system for such adaptation,
twenty years later I am convinced that such a system does not ex-
ist. On the other hand, despite relying heavily on my own intuitive
musicality, I feel reasonably confident that my approach does jus-
tice to the spirit of the Latin, as it appears in the Liber usualis and
Antiphonale monasticum, without offending the vernacular texts
being set.
For this collection, I have limited my choice of psalmtones to the
standard eight modes, and my choice of termination cadences to a
single one per mode. (Some chants use a transposed version of the
mode, which is reflected in the accompanying psalmtone.) Further-
more, I have avoided the use of a flex by selecting verses that do
not require an intermediate cadence. (For longer phrases, espe-
cially with intervening punctuation, a slight pause on the recitation
seems adequate.)
Verse formulas have two parts, corresponding to their two ca-
dences: mediation and termination. Both cadences are preceded by
an expandable recitation that receives the bulk of the text (but may
be as short as a single syllable). For the standard eight modes, the
reciting tone is the same for both halves of the formula.
The first verse begins with a fixed intonation formula, which car-
ries the first two syllables of the text. The intonation is used for the
first verse sung following the Communion antiphon, and after each
of its repetitions. Subsequent verses begin immediately on the
recitation. (In this collection, the majority of verses come in pairs,
though occasionally I use a group of three, and rarely a single
verse as the last. Single, double, or triple, only the first verse fol-
lowing the Communion antiphon uses the intonation.)
Cadential formulas employ accents, tones that mark a movement
in the melodic formula, which tend to correspond to an accented
syllable in the text or, in many cases, a secondary or presumed ac-
cent. However, formula accents may or may not correspond to the
musical ictus, a discussion beyond the scope of this introduction.
vi Communio with English Verses
Formulas accommodate up to two subsequent or intervening un-
accented syllables, with auxiliaries (hollow notes) used only as
needed. Where the accent falls on a clivis (Mode III), the auxiliary
is placed before the regular accent, and itself receives the accent
when used (see example below).
Other cadential notes, or groups of notes (neumes) are used as
preparatory tones, and carry one, two, or three syllables preceding
the (first) accent. Each preparatory tone receives a single syllable,
whether accented or unaccented.
For a more complete discussion of accents, auxiliaries, and pre-
paratory tones, read the descriptions of chanting the Psalms in the
Liber usualis and Antiphonale monasticum (or translations in other
chant manuals). Indeed, there is no better way to master the
method than chanting the Latin psalmody found in these venerable
Mode I
Mediation of 2 accents
BcfvvvGYcbzv cc\v
Intonation Recitation Mediation
Termination of 1 accent with 2 preparatory syllables
Bvv cccgvvvfvvv
Recitation Termination
Mode II
Mediation of 1 accent
Xvvdvvvfcbzv ccc
Intonation Recitation Mediation
Termination of 1 accent with 1 preparatory syllable
Xvv cccgvvv
Recitation Termination
Communio with English Verses vii
Mode III
Mediation of 2 accents
BvvgvvvHIcbzv ccc
Intonation Recitation Mediation
Termination of 1 accent with 1 preparatory syllable
Bvv ccchvvv
Recitation Termination
Mode IV
Mediation of 1 accent with 2 preparatory syllables
BvvhvvvGYcbzv cccgvvvhvvv
Intonation Recitation Mediation
Termination of 1 accent with 3 preparatory syllables
Bvv cccgvvvhvvvjvvv
Recitation Termination
Mode V
Mediation of 1 accent
Bvvfvvvhvvvv ccc
Intonation Recitation Mediation
Termination of 2 accents
Bvv ccc
Recitation Termination
viii Communio with English Verses
Mode VI
Mediation of 1 accent with 1 preparatory syllable
BvvfvvvGYvvvv cccgvvv
Intonation Recitation Mediation
Termination of 1 accent with 2 preparatory syllables
Bvv cccfvvvGYvvv
Recitation Termination
Mode VII
Mediation of 2 accents
VvvygvvvHUvvvv ccc
Intonation Recitation Mediation
Termination of 2 accents
Vvv ccczkvvv§vvvjvvvzhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
Recitation Termination
Mediation of 1 accent
Bvvgvvvhvvvv ccc
Intonation Recitation Mediation
Termination of 1 accent with 2 preparatory syllables
Bvv cccjvvvkvvv
Recitation Termination
Communio with English Verses ix
The original Communio follows the custom of singing a single
verse, followed by a repetition of the Communion chant. When
applied to English verses on a simple psalmtone, the result seems
rather terse. Instead, I have grouped the verses in pairs, much like
the modern Responsorial Psalm. In a few cases, I have grouped
three verses, and only rarely have used a single verse, usually as
the last. Groups are numbered and divided under each half of the
psalmtone, and the Communion chant is repeated after each num-
bered group:
1a Shout with joy to God, all the earth, *
sing ye a psalm to his name; give glory to his praise.
1b Say unto God, How terrible are thy works, O Lord! *
in the multitude of thy strength thy enemies shall lie to thee.
2a Let all the earth adore thee, and sing to thee: *
let it sing a psalm to thy name.
2b Come and see the works of God: *
who is terrible in his counsels over the sons of men.
is notated, with psalmtone:
Mode V
Bvvfvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]bø
1. Shout with joy to God, |all the earth,
Say unto God, How terrible are thy |works, O Lord!
2. Let all the earth adore thee, and |sing to thee:
Come and see the |works of God:
Bvv xxxlvvv§vvvjvvvkvvv¦vvvhb.vv}
1. sing ye a psalm to his name; give |glo-ry to his praise.
in the multitude of thy strength thy ene-|mies shall lie to thee.
2. let it sing a |psalm to thy name.
who is terrible in his counsels |o-ver the sons of men.
and is sung:
1. Shout with joy to God, |all the earth, sing ye a psalm to his
x Communio with English Verses
name; give |glo-ry to his praise. Say un-to God, How ter- ri-ble
are thy |works, O Lord! in the mul-ti-tude of thy strength thy
en- e-|mies shall lie to thee. [repeat Communion chant]
2. Let all the earth a-dore thee, and |sing to thee: etc.
I indicate with a vertical slash | the point in the text where the
recitation ends and the cadential formula (mediation or termina-
tion) begins. From that point, each syllable receives a single note
or two-note group (podatus, with the bottom note sung first, or
clivis). If the text requires it, the syllable marked in italics receives
an auxiliary note (indicated by a hollow punctum in the psalm-
tone). Cadences of two accents may require two auxiliary notes.
I have not specially marked syllables sung on the intonation,
except to hyphenate the syllables that take separate notes. The into-
nation is used for the first of each group of verses, after each repe-
tition of the Communion chant. Subsequent verses begin directly
on the recitation.
In cases where there were not enough syllables to take the full
formula, I indicate the omission in the text (- - -). For first verses,
this invariably means to skip the intonation, and begin on the reci-
tation. For other verses, and when followed by a | , it means to skip
the recitation, and begin immediately on the cadential formula. For
Mode IV
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv}
1. - - - Have mer-|cy on me, O God,
To my hearing thou shalt give |joy and glad-ness
Communio with English Verses xi
is sung:
1. Have mer-|cy on me, O God, etc.
Mode VI
Cvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. - - - |whom shall I fear?
of whom |shall I be a-fraid?
is sung:
|whom shall I fear? etc.
I have pointed the translation of the Communion chant itself
using the same system. I have marked half verses (following the
mediation) with the traditional asterisk *, and have divided some
longer texts into two verses, using a backslash \ .
1. Cadences of one accent (mediation of modes II, V, and VIII)
are the easiest to sing at sight:
Mode II or VIII
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxx
1. I have believed, therefore have I |spo-ken:
I said in |my ex-cess:
2. What shall I render |to the Lord,
I will take the chalice of sal-|va-tion;
is sung:
1. I have be-lieved, there-fore have I |spo-ken:
xii Communio with English Verses
I said in |my ex-cess: [thus is the word accented when used as a noun]
2. What shall I ren-der |to the Lord,
I will take the chal-ice of sal-|va-tion;
2. Cadences of one accent with one, two, or three preparatory
syllables (mediation of modes IV and VI; termination of modes I,
II, III, IV, VI, and VIII) are not much more difficult:
Mode IV
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv
2. He scourged you for |your in-iq-ui-ties,
He will gather you from |all the Gen-tiles
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv
2. but will again |have mer-cy on you all.
among whom |you have been scat-tered.
is sung:
2. He scourged you for |your in- iq- ui-ties, but will a- gain |have
mer-cy on you all. He will gath-er you from |all the Gen-tiles
a-mong whom |you have been scat-tered.
Communio with English Verses xiii
3. Cadences of two accents (mediation of modes I, III, and VII;
termination of modes V and VII) take more care to navigate the
two possible auxiliaries:
Mode VII
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxx
1. The des-ert and the |parched land will ex-ult;
The glory of Lebanon will be |giv-en to them,
Vvv xxxzkvvv§vvvjvvvzhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. the |steppe will re-joice and bloom.
the splendor of |Car-mel and Shar-on.
is sung:
1. The des-ert and the |parched land will ex- ult; the |steppe will
re-joice and bloom. The glo- ry of Le-ba-non will be |giv-en to
them, the splen-dor of |Car-mel and Shar-on.
Notice the four ways you can realize a cadence of two accents:
1) with no auxiliaries (“giv-en to them”); 2) with only the first
auxiliary (“Car-mel and Shar-on”); 3) with only the second auxil-
iary (“parched land will ex-ult”); and 4) with both auxiliaries
(“steppe will re-joice and bloom”). Recognizing these patterns at
sight will take practice, and beginners may need to make addi-
tional, personally meaningful marks in the text to absorb the sys-
tem (such as marking the second moving note after the auxiliary).
xiv Communio with English Verses
4. The mediation of Mode III is also a cadence of two accents,
but its second accent is treated in a special way, as the following
example demonstrates:
Mode III
BvvgvvvHIvvv xxx
1. I will bless the |Lord at all times,
In the |Lord shall my soul be praised;
The second of the two accents is normally carried by the two-note
group (clivis):
I will bless the |Lord at all times,
But in order to accommodate an extra syllable, the accent is moved
to the auxiliary preceding the clivis, and the clivis itself becomes
In the |Lord shall my soul be praised;
The same phrase in Mode VII would be sung:
In the |Lord shall my soul be praised;
So in both modes, the word “soul” receives the second accent; but
in Mode III, it is italicized to indicate that it receives the auxiliary
before the two-note clivis. This phenomenon of Mode III occurs
just enough to be confusing, and will require special care and at-
tention before it begins to feel natural.
Latin textual accents are significantly more regular than those of
English. Consequently, one must think differently about accents
when singing the Gregorian formulas in the vernacular. In fact, the
term accent has been responsible for a great deal of confusion
when applied to the chanting of psalmody. Let’s be clear: In the
Communio with English Verses xv
context of psalmtones, accent refers to a point of movement, rather
than any sort of quantitative emphasis or vocal stress. In the Liber
and other classic sources, the (first) accent mark is used to indicate
the upward movement of the melodic formula. Now, in a real
sense, this upward movement does, in fact, constitute a sort of
quantitative emphasis. Some suggest this reflects the various met-
rical schemes of classical poetry, which employed some sort of
quantitative emphasis. But such emphasis would have been in the
order of pitch (a heightening of the voice) or length (stretching the
accented syllable). It almost certainly had nothing to do with the
sort of accent we associate with modern music, which mostly
involves loudness.
However accent was conceived in classical poetry, and however
that might relate to Gregorian psalmtones, one thing is clear: The
Gregorian formulas accommodate the Latin accent in a direct and
complementary way. (This assumes you accept the idea of Latin
textual accent at all, and don’t dismiss it as a late-medieval impo-
sition on the classical language.) At least as it has been practiced in
the Church for centuries, Gregorian psalmtones and Latin accents
go together with a remarkable degree of complement.
The same cannot be said when the tones are applied to English.
Here, the idea of accent has to be very subtly understood, and the
singer must treat the psalmtone cadences with extreme flexibility,
adjusting his rhythmic understanding of the melodies for virtually
each new line of English text he sings. In my opinion, anything
more becomes an unwieldy and convoluted system (adding more
auxiliaries, dividing two-note groups, etc.) which defies compre-
hension (short of writing out all the music). On the other hand,
anything less becomes an oversimplification, a tendency to sing the
psalmtone accents with no regard for, and to the general deforma-
tion of, the English text.
Especially when applied to English texts, Gregorian psalmtones
provide a melodic framework, whose realized rhythm (and, to
some extent, whose metricality) must depend first and foremost on
the text being sung. (This might sound strange, coming from a
partisan of the classic Solesmes-Mocquereau system of chant
rhythm. But Mocquereau never advocated the musical rhythm at
the expense of the text; rather, for him, it was the seemingly inde-
pendent, yet amazingly complementary, rhythms of music and text
that together comprise the Gregorian art. When it comes to chant-
ing psalmody, the modest rhythms of the simple melodies must
necessarily bow to a sensitive declamation of the text.)
xvi Communio with English Verses
To see how this works in practice, take the following examples. (I
am setting aside the question of chironomy and the placement of
the rhythmic ictus, which is not the focus here.)
1. A simple, regular cadence is easy to sing because it corresponds
most closely with our modern sense of meter:
Mode II or VIII
What shall I ren-der |to the Lord,
might be transcribed:
2. Taking away the auxiliary makes the rhythm less regular, but
still negotiable:
I will take the chal-ice of sal-|va-tion;
3. The problem comes when the textual rhythm is noticeably less
For who is God |but the Lord? God who hath girt me |with strength,
Communio with English Verses xvii
In the first phrase, I would sing a slight tenuto on “God” to com-
pensate for the moving note that follows. (Moving on “but” makes
better sense to me than moving on “the”.) In the second phrase, the
moving note loses its sense of accent altogether, and becomes part
of the penultimate rhythm. (This rhythm happens frequently, and I
have tried to be consistent when pointing it…unless another option
sounded better to me.)
Of course, some people solve the problem by taking advantage of
the rhythmic concession for treating final single-syllable words, by
which one ends on the moving note of the mediant:
For who is God but the |Lord? God who hath girt me with |strength,
I find this very unsatisfying, if only because what is rare in the
Latin (or Hebrew, which is frequently the single-syllable word in
question) becomes positively pandemic in the English, if used con-
sistently. It makes the psalmtone unnecessarily ambiguous to my
4. Rhythmic difficulty is multiplied when the cadential formula
includes a second accent. Here is our Mode VII example above
Is it necessary to resort to such arbitrary mixed meters using bar-
lines? Those who transcribe chant into modern notation rarely do,
although many preserve a sense of the rhythmic groupings by
xviii Communio with English Verses
beaming the eighth notes. But notwithstanding an equalist ap-
proach, psalmtone recitation demands some sort of mental organi-
zation that is at least subliminally perceptible to the listener. It
needn’t be the stylized declamation of the stage (much less the sort
of quasi-metrical rendering one hears from the mensuralist school
of chant rhythm), but neither should it be the mechanical ham-
mering out of equal notes.
What this example should demonstrate is that cadential formulas
of two accents do not necessarily correspond to two word accents;
rather, they indicate two points of melodic movement that must be
rendered rhythmically. In the third phrase, the first moving note is
on the first syllable of “given”, a clear textual accent; however, the
second moving note is on the word “to”, in this case clearly not a
textual accent. The realized rhythm, rather than remaining strictly
two accents, becomes instead a compound rhythm that maintains
the integrity of the melody, while easily accommodating the tex-
tual cadence. Barlines and beams help modern musicians see how
the two—music and text—interact to create a musical, rather than
a mechanical, expression.
It is up to the singer to realize this subtle interplay of music and
text, whenever he chants a Psalm on a musical formula, but espe-
cially when that Psalm is in English. Sensitive declamation of the
text, an essential part of any chant rehearsal, must be the first step
in reading, absorbing, and rendering pointed psalmody. Our calling
and duty demand it. In all aspects of liturgical singing, but espe-
cially in our singing of the Psalms, we must move beyond the role
of a soloist enamored of his own voice, and take up the role of a
psalmist in love with the Church’s liturgical texts.
Ps 50: 21
C-ce-ptá- bis * sacri- fí- ci- um ju- stí-
ti- æ, ob-la- ti- ó-nes et ho-lo-cáu- sta, su- per
al-tá- re tu- um, Dómi- ne.
Thou shalt accept the sacri-|fice of jus-tice, * oblations and whole burnt offer-
ings upon |thy al-tar, O Lord.
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. - - - Have mer-|cy on me, O God,
To my hearing thou shalt give |joy and glad-ness
2. Cre-ate a clean |heart in me, O God,
Cast me not a-|way from thy face,
3. Re-store unto me the joy of |thy sal-va-tion
I will teach |the un-just thy ways,
4. O Lord, thou wilt |o-pen my lips,
A sacrifice to God is an af-|flict-ed spir-it;
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. according |to thy great mer-cy.
and the bones that have |been hum-bled shall re-joice.
2. and renew a right |spir-it with-in my bowels.
and take not thy ho-|ly spir-it from me.
3. and strengthen me with |a per-fect spir-it.
and the wicked shall be |con-vert-ed to thee.
4. and my |mouth shall de-clare thy praise.
a contrite and humbled heart, O |God, thou wilt not de-spise.
2 Communio with English Verses
Mk 11: 24
Ps 60
-men di-co vo- bis, * quidquid o-rántes pé- ti-tis,
cré- di-te qui- a acci-pi- é- tis, et fi- et vo- bis.
A-men I say unto you, all things, whatsoever you |ask when ye pray, * believe
that you shall receive: and they |shall come un-to you.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Hear, O God, my |sup-pli-ca-tion:
To thee have I cried from the
ends of the earth, when my |heart was in an-guish.
2. - - - For |thou hast been my hope:
In thy tabernacle I shall |dwell for ev-er:
3. For thou, my |God, hast heard my prayer:
Thou wilt add days to the |days of the king:
4. He a-bideth for ever |in the sight of God:
So will I sing a psalm to thy name for |ev-er and ev-er:
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. be at-|tentive to my prayer.
To a high rock thou |hast con-duct-ed me.
2. a tower of strength against the face |of the en-e-my.
I shall be protected under the |cov-er of thy wings.
3. thou hast given an inheritance to |them that fear thy name.
his years even to generation and |gen-er-a-tion.
4. mercy and |truth shall serve him.
that I may pay my |vows from day to day.
Communio with English Verses 3
Mt 25: 40, 34 Ps 144
- men * di-co vo- bis: quod u- ni ex mí-ni-
mis me- is fe- cístis, mi-hi fe- cístis: ve-ní-te bene-dícti
Patris me- i, possi- dé-te præpa-rá-tum vo-bis regnum ab
in- í- ti- o sæ´cu- li.
A-men I say to you, in as much as you did it to one of these |my least breth-
ren, * - - - |you did it to me. \ Come, you blessed |of my Fa-ther, * inherit the
kingdom prepared for you from the |foun-da-tion of the world.
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. I will extol |thee, O God, my king:
They shall speak of the
magnificence of the glory |of thy ho-li-ness:
2. Let all thy works, |O Lord, praise thee:
They shall speak of the glory |of thy king-dom:
3. The eyes of all |hope in thee, O Lord:
Thou o-|pen-est thy hand,
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. and I will bless thy name for ever; yea, for |ev-er and ev-er.
and |shall tell thy won-drous works.
2. and |let thy saints bless thee.
and |shall tell of thy pow’r.
3. and thou givest them |meat in due sea-son.
and fillest with blessing eve-|ry liv-ing crea-ture.
4 Communio with English Verses
Ps 118: 22, 24
U-fer a me * oppróbri- um et contémptum,
qui- a man-dá-ta tu- a exqui- sí-vi, Dómi-ne: nam et
te- stimó-ni- a tu- a me-di-tá- ti- o me- a est.
Re-move from me reproach and contempt: because I have sought after thy tes-
timonies, |O Lord: * for thy testimonies are my med-|i-ta-tion.
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
Bless-ed are the undefiled in |the way,
Blessed are they that search his testi-|mo-nies:
2. Turn a-way my reproach, which I have appre-|hend-ed:
And I |walked at large:
3. Let thy tender mercies come unto me, and |I shall live:
I have understood more than all my |teach-ers:
4. I have had understanding above |an-cients:
Trouble and anguish have |found me:
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
who walk in the law |of the Lord.
that seek him with |their whole heart.
2. for thy judgments are |de-light-ful.
because I have sought after thy |com-mand-ments.
3. for thy law is my med-|i-ta-tion.
because thy testimonies are my med-|i-ta-tion.
4. because I have sought thy |com-mand-ments.
thy commandments are my med-|i-ta-tion.
Communio with English Verses 5
Lk 11: 27
Ps 44
E- á-ta vísce- ra * Ma-rí- æ Vír- gi-nis, quæ
porta- vé- runt æ-tér- ni Pa- tris Fí- li- um.
Bless-ed is the womb of the |Vir-gin Mar-y, * which bore the Son of the e-|ter-
nal Fa-ther.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. My heart hath |ut-tered a good word:
The daughters of kings are a-|mong your loved ones;
2. Hear-ken, O daughter, and see, |and in-cline thy ear:
And the king shall greatly de-|sire thy beau-ty:
3. And the daughters of Tyre with gifts,
yea, all the rich a-|mong the people,
The king’s daughter is |clothed with splendor,
4. Clothed round a-|bout with va-ri-e-ties;
They shall be brought with gladness |and re-joic-ing:
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. I speak my |works to the king.
on your right stands the queen in |gold of O-phir.
2. and forget thy people |and thy fa-ther’s house.
for he is the Lord thy God, and |him they shall a-dore.
3. shall en-|treat thy coun-te-nance.
her robes em-|broid-ered with gold.
4. after her shall virgins be |brought to the king.
they shall be brought into the |tem-ple of the king.
6 Communio with English Verses
Beáta víscera alt.
Lk 1 (cant. Magnificat)
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. My soul doth |mag-ni-fy the Lord,
Because he hath regarded the humility |of his hand-maid:
2. Be-cause he that is mighty hath |done great things to me:
And his mercy is from generation unto |gen-er-a-tions:
3. He hath showed |might in his arm:
He hath put down the |might-y from their seat,
4. He hath filled the |hun-gry with good things:
He hath received Isra-|el his ser-vant,
As he |spoke to our fa-thers:
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. and my spirit hath rejoiced in |God my Sav-ior.
for behold from henceforth all generations shall |call me bless-ed.
2. and |ho-ly is his name.
to |them that fear him.
3. he hath scattered the proud in the con-|ceit of their heart.
and hath exalt-|ed the hum-ble.
4. and the rich he hath sent |emp-ty a-way.
being mindful |of his mer-cy.
to Abraham and to his |seed for ev-er.
Communio with English Verses 7
Lk 1: 48, 49
cant. Magnificat
E- á- tam me di- cent * o- mnes ge-ne- ra-ti-
ó- nes, qui- a fe- cit mi- hi magna qui pot-
ens est.
All ge-nerations shall call |me bless-ed, * because he that is mighty hath |done
great things to me.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. My soul doth mag-|ni-fy the Lord,
Because he hath regarded the humility of |his hand-maid:
2. Be-cause he that is mighty hath done |great things to me:
And his mercy is from generation unto gen-|er-a-tions:
3. He hath showed might |in his arm:
He hath put down the might-|y from their seat,
4. He hath filled the hungry |with good things:
He hath received Israel |his ser-vant,
As he spoke to |our fa-thers:
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. and my spirit hath rejoiced in |God my Sav-ior.
for behold from henceforth all generations shall |call me bless-ed.
2. and |ho-ly is his name.
to |them that fear him.
3. he hath scattered the proud in the |con-ceit of their heart.
and hath exalt-|ed the hum-ble.
4. and the rich he hath |sent emp-ty a-way.
being mindful |of his mer-cy.
to Abraham and to his |seed for ev-er.
8 Communio with English Verses
Mt 5: 8, 9, 10
Ps 125
E- á-ti mundo corde, * quó-ni- am i-psi De- um
vi-dé- bunt: be- á- ti pa- cí-fi- ci, quó-ni- am fí- li- i
De- i vo-ca-bún- tur: be- á- ti qui perse-cu-ti- ó-nem pa-
ti- úntur propter justí-ti- am, quó-ni- am ipsó-
rum est re- gnum cæ- ló- rum.
Bless-ed are the clean of heart: for |they shall see God. * Blessed are the peace-
makers: for they shall be called the |chil-dren of God. \ Blessed are they that
suffer perse-|cu-tion for jus-tice’ sake: * for theirs is the king-|dom of heav-en.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. When the Lord brought back the captivi-|ty of Si-on,
Then was our mouth |filled with glad-ness;
2. Turn a-gain our captivity, O Lord, as a |stream in the south.
Going they went and wept, |cast-ing their seeds.
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. we became |like men com-fort-ed.
- - - |and our tongue with joy.
2. They that sow in |tears shall reap in joy.
But coming they shall come with
joyfulness, |car-ry-ing their sheaves.
Communio with English Verses 9
Mt 24: 46, 47
. Ps 33
E- á-tus ser- vus, * quem, cum vé- ne-rit Dó-
mi-nus, invé-ne- rit vi-gi- lántem: amen di- co vo- bis,
CvzzfvvzgvvvzbjvvvvbhvvzgvvzzzbgbvvfvvvbbbgvbvzèFTvzbz[vzzt fvvvvvbbgÄUvvbbfbvÁvFTzÞ$#zfgfvbÁvsrdzdvbzbbesbNMvzb}zô
super ómni- a bona su- a constí- tu- et e- um.
Bless-ed is that servant, whom when his lord shall come he |shall find watch-
ful: * amen I say to you: he shall place him o-|ver all his goods.
CvvfvvvGUvvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvv§vvvygvvvjb.vvv]z÷
1. I will bless the |Lord at all times,
In the |Lord shall my soul be praised;
2. O mag-ni-|fy the Lord with me;
I sought the |Lord, and he heard me:
3. Come ye to him and |be en-light-ened:
This poor man |cried, and the Lord heard him:
4. The Lord is nigh unto them that |are of a con-trite heart:
The Lord will redeem the |souls of his ser-vants:
Cvv xxxgvvvjvvv§vvvygb,.vv}
1. his praise shall be al-|ways in my mouth.
let the meek hear |and re-joice.
2. and let us extol his name |to-geth-er.
and he delivered me from all |my trou-bles.
3. and your faces shall not be |con-found-ed.
and saved him out of all |his trou-bles.
4. and he will save the humble |of spir-it.
and none of them that trust in |him shall of-fend.
10 Communio with English Verses
Tob 12: 6
Ene- dí-cimus * De- um cæ- li, et co-ram
ómnibus vivéntibus confi- té- bimur e- i: qui- a
fe- cit no-bís- cum mi-se- ri-córdi- am su- am.
We bless the God of heaven, and before all living |we will praise him; * be-
cause he has shown |his mer-cy to us.
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Bless-ed be God who |lives for-ev-er,
Praise him, you Israelites, be-|fore the Gen-tiles,
2. He scourged you for |your in-iq-ui-ties,
He will gather you from |all the Gen-tiles
3. When you turn back to |him with all your heart,
Then he |will turn back to you,
4. So now consider what |he has done for you,
Bless the |Lord of right-eous-ness,
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. because his kingdom |lasts for all ag-es.
though he has scat-|tered you among them.
2. but will again |have mer-cy on you all.
among whom |you have been scat-tered.
3. to do what |is right be-fore him.
and no long-|er hide his face from you.
4. and |praise him with full voice.
and exalt the |King of the ag-es.
Communio with English Verses 11
Dan 3: 58
E- ne-dí-ci- te * omnes Ange-li Dómi-ni Dó-
mi- num: hýmnum dí-ci-te, et su- per-exaltá-te e-
um in s æ´- cu- la.
All you Angels of the |Lord, bless the Lord: * sing a hymn, and exalt him above
all |for-ev-er.
BvvgvvvHIvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvv¨vvvuhvvvkb/vvv]zø
1. Bless the Lord, all you |works of the Lord;
All you waters above the |heav-ens, bless the Lord;
2. - - - Sun and |moon, bless the Lord;
Every shower and |dew, bless the Lord;
3. - - - O |Is-ra-el, bless the Lord;
Priests of the |Lord, bless the Lord;
Spir-its and souls of the |just, bless the Lord;
Bvv xxxhvvvkvvv¨vvvuhb><vv}
1. praise and exalt him above all |for-ev-er.
all you hosts of the |Lord, bless the Lord.
2. stars of heav-|en, bless the Lord.
all you |winds, bless the Lord.
3. praise and exalt him above all |for-ev-er.
servants of the |Lord, bless the Lord.
holy men of humble |heart, bless the Lord.
12 Communio with English Verses
Ps 12: 6
Antá- bo Dó- mi- no, * qui bo- na trí-
bu- it mi- hi: et psallam nó-mi-ni Dómi-ni
al- tíssi- mi.
I will sing to the Lord, who giveth me |good things: * yea I will sing to the
name of the Lord |the most high.
Vvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]
1. How long, O Lord, wilt thou forget me un-|to the end?
How long shall I take counsels in
my soul, sorrow in my heart |all the day?
2. Con-sid-er, and hear me, O |Lord my God.
Lest at any time my enemy say:
I have prevailed a-|gainst him;
3. But I have trusted in thy |mer-cy.
Vvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. how long dost thou turn away |thy face from me?
How long shall my enemy be exalt-|ed o-ver me?
2. Enlighten my eyes that I nev-|er sleep in death.
nor they that trouble me rejoice |when I am moved.
3. My heart shall rejoice in thy |sal-va-tion.
Communio with English Verses 13
Ps 95: 2
Antá-te Dómi- no, * al-le- lú- ia: cantá-te
Dómi-no, be-ne- dí-ci- te no- men e- jus: be- ne
nun-ti- á- te de di- e in di- em sa- lu-
tá- re e- jus, alle-lú- ia, alle- lú- ia.
Sing ye to the Lord, sing ye to the Lord and |bless his name: * show forth his
salvation |from day to day.
Vvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]
1. Sing ye to the Lord a new |can-ti-cle,
Declare his glory among the |Gen-tiles,
2. For the Lord is great and exceedingly |to be praised;
Bring ye to the Lord glory and |hon-or,
3. Bring up sacrifices and come in-|to his courts;
Let the heavens rejoice, and let the |earth be glad,
the fields and all things that are |in them
Vvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. sing to the Lord, |all the earth.
his wonders among |all peo-ple.
2. he is to be feared |a-bove all gods.
bring to the Lord glory un-|to his name.
3. adore ye the Lord in |his ho-ly court.
let the sea be moved, and the full-|ness there-of;
shall |be joy-ful.
14 Communio with English Verses
Rom 6: 9
. Ps 115
Hristus * re- súrgens ex mór- tu- is, jam non - ri
tur, alle-lú- ia: mors il-li ultra non do-mi-nábi- tur,
alle-lú- ia, alle- lú- ia.
Christ, ris-ing again from the dead, dieth |now no more: * death shall no more
have do-|min-ion o-ver him.
Vvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]
1. Sing ye to the Lord a new |can-ti-cle,
Sing ye to the Lord and |bless his name,
2. De-clare his glory among the |Gen-tiles,
For the Lord is great and exceedingly |to be praised;
3. Bring ye to the Lord glory and |hon-or,
Bring up sacrifices and come in-|to his courts;
Vvv xxxgvvvhvvvfvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. sing to the |Lord, all the earth.
show forth his salva-|tion from day to day.
2. his wonders a-|mong all peo-ple.
he is to be |feared above all gods.
3. bring to the Lord glory| un-to his name.
adore ye the Lord |in his ho-ly court.
Communio with English Verses 15
Heb 9: 28
. Ps 115
Hri-stus * semel oblá-tus est ad multó- rum
exhauri- énda peccá-ta: secúndo sine peccá- to appa-
ré- bit exspectántibus se in sa-lú- tem.
Christ was offered once to take away the sins of |man-y; * the second time
with no part in sin he will appear unto the salvation of those |who a-wait Him.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. I have believed, therefore have I |spo-ken:
I said in |my ex-cess:
2. What shall I render |to the Lord,
I will take the chalice of sal-|va-tion;
3. I will pay my vows to the Lord before all his |peo-ple:
O Lord, for I am thy |ser-vant:
4. I will pay my vows |to the Lord
I will sacrifice to thee the sacri-|fice of praise,
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. but I have been hum-|bled ex-ceed-ing-ly.
Every man |is a li-ar.
2. for all the things that he hath |ren-dered to me?
and I will call upon the |name of the Lord.
3. precious in the sight of the Lord is the |death of his saints.
I am thy servant, and the son |of thy hand-maid.
4. in the sight of |all his peo-ple:
and I will call upon the |name of the Lord.
16 Communio with English Verses
Ps 26: 6
Ircu- í- bo, * et immo-lá-bo in tabernácu- lo
e- jus hó- sti- am ju-bi- la-ti- ó- nis: cantá- bo, et
psal-mum di- cam Dómi- no.
I have gone round, and have offered up in his tabernacle a sacrifice of ju-|bi-la-
tion: * I will sing, and recite |a psalm to the Lord.
CvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. The Lord is my light and my |sal-va-tion,
The Lord is the protec-|tor of my life:
2. Whilst the wicked draw near |a-gainst me,
My enemies |that trou-ble me,
3. One thing I have asked |of the Lord,
that I may dwell in the house |of the Lord
4. That I may see the delight |of the Lord,
For he hath hidden me in his
tabernacle in the day |of e-vils.
Cvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. - - - |whom shall I fear?
of whom |shall I be a-fraid?
2. - - - |to eat my flesh.
have themselves been weakened, |and have fall-en.
3. this will |I seek af-ter:
all |the days of my life.
4. and may vis-|it his tem-ple.
He hath exalted |me up-on a rock.
Communio with English Verses 17
2 Esdr 8: 10
. Ps 80
Omé- di-te píngui- a, * et bí-bi- te mul- sum,
et tti-te partes e- is qui non præ-pa-ravé-runt si- bi:
sanctus e-nim di- es Dómi-ni est, no-lí-te contri-stá- ri:
gáudi- um ét-e-nim Dómi-ni est forti-tú- do no-stra.
Go, eat fat meats, and drink |sweet wine, * and send portions to them that
have not pre-|pared for them-selves; \ because it is the holy day of the Lord,
and be |not sad: * for the joy of the |Lord is our strength.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. Re-joice to God our |help-er:
Take a psalm, and bring hither the |tim-brel:
2. For it is a commandment in |Is-ra-el,
For I am the Lord thy God,
who brought thee out of the land of |E-gypt:
3. If my people had |heard me:
And he fed them with the |fat of wheat,
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. sing aloud to the |God of Ja-cob.
the pleasant psal-|ter-y with the harp.
or: the pleasant |psal-t’ry with the harp.]
2. and a judgment to the |God of Ja-cob.
open thy mouth wide, and |I will fill it.
3. if Israel had |walked in my ways!
and filled them with honey |out of the rock.
18 Communio with English Verses
Mt 28: 18, 19
Ps 77
A-ta est mi-hi * omnis pot-é- stas in cæ-lo et in
terra, alle- lú- ia: e- ún-tes, do-cé-te omnes gen- tes,
bapti-zántes e- os in nó- mi-ne Pa- tris, et Fí- li- i,
et Spí- ri-tus Sancti, alle- lú- ia, alle- lú- ia.
All pow’r is given to me in |heav-en and in earth: * going therefore, teach ye all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and |of the
Ho-ly Ghost.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. At-tend, O my |peo-ple, to my law:
How great things have we heard and known,
and our |fa-thers have told us;
2. He had commanded the |clouds from a-bove,
And had rained down manna up-|on them to eat,
3. Man ate the |bread of an-gels:
And he rained up-|on them flesh as dust:
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. incline your ears to the |words of my mouth.
they have not been hidden |from their chil-dren.
2. and had opened the |doors of heav-en.
and had given them the |bread of heav-en.
3. he sent them provisions |in a-bun-dance.
and feathered fowls like as the |sand of the sea.
Communio with English Verses 19
Ps 103: 13, 14, 15
E fructu * ópe-rum tu- órum, Dómi-ne, sa-ti- ábi-
tur ter- ra: ut edúcas panem de terra, et vi- num læ-
tí- fi-cet cor hómi- nis: ut exhí- la- ret fá-ci- em
in ó-le- o, et pa-nis cor hómi-nis confírmet.
The earth will be satisfied by the work of |your hands, O Lord, * as you bring
forth bread from the land and wine to glad-|den the heart of man; \ oil to make
|his face shine, * and bread to |strength-en man’s heart.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. Bless the Lord, |O my soul:
Thou hast put on praise |and beau-ty:
2. Man shall go forth |to his work,
How great are |thy works, O Lord!
3. Thou shalt send forth |thy spir-it,
May the glory of the Lord endure |for ev-er:
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. O Lord my God, thou art |ex-ceed-ing-ly great.
and art clothed with light as |with a gar-ment.
2. and to his labor un-|til the evening.
the earth is filled |with thy rich-es.
3. and thou shalt renew |the face of the earth.
the Lord shall |re-joice in his works.
20 Communio with English Verses
Lk 2: 51
Ps 97
Escén-dit Je-sus * cum e- is, et ve- nit Ná-
za-reth, et e- rat súb- di-tus il- lis.
Je-sus went down with them and |came to Na-za-reth, * and was |sub-ject to
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Sing ye to the |Lord a new can-ti-cle:
His right hand hath wrought for |him sal-va-tion,
2. The Lord hath made |known his sal-va-tion:
He hath remembered his |mer-cy and his truth
3. Sing joy-fully to |God, all the earth:
Sing praise to the |Lord on the harp,
4. With long trumpets, and |sound of cor-net,
Let the sea be moved and the |full-ness there-of:
5. The riv-ers shall clap their hands,
the mountains shall re-|joice to-geth-er
because he |com-eth to judge the earth.
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. because he hath done |won-der-ful things.
and his |arm is ho-ly.
2. he hath revealed his justice in the sight |of the Gen-tiles.
toward the |house of Is-ra-el.
3. make melo-|dy, re-joice and sing.
on the harp, and with the |voice of a psalm.
4. make a joyful noise be-|fore the Lord our king.
the world and |they that dwell there-in.
5. at the presence of the Lord: because
he com-|eth to judge the earth.
and the peo-|ple with eq-ui-ty.
Communio with English Verses 21
Jn 1: 41, 42
. Ps 33
I- cit André- as * Simó- ni fratri su- o:
Invé-nimus Messí- am, qui dí- ci- tur Chri- stus: et
addúxit e- um ad Je-sum.
An-drew saith to his brother |Si-mon: * We have found |the Mes-si-ah, \ which
is, being interpreted, |the Christ: * and he brought |him to Je-sus.
Vvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]
1. I will bless the Lord at |all times,
In the Lord shall my |soul be praised;
2. O mag-nify the |Lord with me;
I sought the Lord, and he |heard me:
3. Come ye to him and be en-|light-ened:
This poor man cried, and the Lord |heard him:
4. The an-gel of the Lord shall encamp
round about them that |fear him:
O taste, and see that the |Lord is sweet:
Vvv xxxgvvvhvvvfvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. his praise shall be |al-ways in my mouth.
let the meek |hear and re-joice.
2. and let us extol his |name to-geth-er.
and he delivered me from |all my trou-bles.
3. and your faces shall not |be con-found-ed.
and saved him out of |all his trou-bles.
4. and |shall de-liv-er them.
blessed is the man that |hop-eth in him.
22 Communio with English Verses
Jn 2: 7, 8, 9, 1011
Ps 65, tone V
I- cit Dó- mi- nus: * Implé- te hýdri- as a-
qua et ferte architri-clí- no. Cum gu-stás- set archi-
tri- clí- nus aquam vi-num fa-ctam, di- cit sponso:
Servá-sti vi- num bo- num us-que adhuc. Hoc signum fe-
cit Je-sus primum co-ram discí- pu- lis su- is.
Je-sus saith to them: Fill the waterpots with water and carry to the chief stew-
ard |of the feast. * When the chief steward had tasted the water made wine, he
|saith to the bride-groom: \ Thou hast kept the good wine un-|til now. * This
beginning of miracles did Jesus in the presence of |his dis-ci-ples.
Bvvfvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. Shout with joy to God, |all the earth,
Say unto God, How terrible are thy |works, O Lord!
2. Let all the earth adore thee, and |sing to thee:
Come and see the |works of God:
Bvv xxxlvvv§vvvjvvvkvvv¦vvvhb.vv}
1. sing ye a psalm to his name; give |glo-ry to his praise.
in the multitude of thy strength thy ene-|mies shall lie to thee.
2. let it sing a |psalm to thy name.
who is terrible in his counsels |o-ver the sons of men.
Communio with English Verses 23
cf Is 35: 4
I- ci- te: * Pu-sil- lá-nimes confortá- mi-
ni, et no-lí-te timé-re: ec- ce De- us noster
vé-ni- et, et salvá- bit nos.
Say to those whose hearts are |fright-ened: Be strong, fear not! * Here is our
God, he |comes to save us.
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. The des-ert and the |parched land will ex-ult;
The glory of Lebanon will be |giv-en to them,
2. They will see the |glo-ry of the Lord,
Strengthen the |hands that are fee-ble,
3. Then will the eyes of the |blind be o-pened,
Then will the lame |leap like a stag,
4. Streams will burst |forth in the des-ert,
The burning |sands will be-come pools,
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. the |steppe will re-joice and bloom.
the splendor of |Car-mel and Shar-on.
2. the |splen-dor of our God.
make firm the |knees that are weak.
3. the |ears of the deaf be cleared.
then the |tongue of the dumb will sing.
4. and |riv-ers in the steppe.
and the thirsty ground, |springs of wa-ter.
24 Communio with English Verses
Lk 15: 10
. Ps 31
Ico vobis, * gáudi- um est ánge-lis De- i super
uno pecca-tó-re pæni-ténti- am agénte.
I say to you, there shall be joy before the angels |of God * upon one sinner
|do-ing pen-ance.
Vvvsvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Bless-ed are they whose iniquities are for-|giv-en,
Blessed is the man to whom
the Lord hath not im-|put-ed sin,
2. Be-cause I was silent my |bones grew old,
For day and night thy hand was heavy up-|on me,
3. I have acknowledged my |sin to thee,
Thou art my refuge from
the trouble which hath en-|com-passed me;
4. I will give thee understanding, and I will
instruct thee in this way in which |thou shalt go;
Many are the scourges of the |sin-ner,
Be glad in the Lord, and re-|joice, ye just;
Vvv xxxjvvv¥vvvgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. and whose |sins are cov-ered.
and in whose |spir-it there is no guile.
2. whilst I cried out |all the day long.
I am turned in my anguish, whilst the |thorn is fas-tened.
3. and my injustice |I have not con-cealed.
my joy, deliver me from |them that sur-round me.
4. I will fix my |eyes up-on thee.
but mercy shall encompass him that |hop-eth in the Lord.
and glory, |all ye right of heart.
Communio with English Verses 25
Ps 44: 8
I- le-xí- sti * justí- ti- am, et o-
dí- sti in-iqui-tá- tem: pro-ptér- e-
a unxit te De- us, De- us tu- us.
Thou lov-est justice and |hat-est wick-ed-ness. * Therefore God, thy |God, hath
a-noint-ed thee.
VvvkvvvJIvvvv xxxjvvvkvvvlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]bø
1. My heart hath ut-|tered a good word:
Hearken, O daughter, and see, |and in-cline thy ear:
2. And the king shall greatly de-|sire thy beauty:
And the daughters of Tyre with gifts,
yea, all the rich a-|mong the peo-ple,
3. The king’s daughter is |clothed with splen-dor,
Clothed round about |with va-ri-e-ties;
They shall be brought with gladness |and re-joic-ing:
Vvv xxxjvvvkvvvlvvvjvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. I speak |my works to the king.
and forget thy peo-|ple and thy fa-ther’s house.
2. for he is the Lord thy God, |and him they shall a-dore.
shall |en-treat thy coun-te-nance.
3. her robes |em-broid-ered with gold.
after her shall virgins |be brought to the king.
they shall be brought into |the tem-ple of the king.
26 Communio with English Verses
Ps 8: 2
Omi- ne * Dó- mi- nus no- ster, quam ad-
mi- rá-bi- le est no- men tu- um in u-ni-
vér- sa ter- ra!
- - - O |Lord our Lord, * how admirable is thy name |in all the earth!
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. For thy magnificence is elevated above all the |heav-ens.
because of thy |en-e-mies,
2. For I will behold thy heavens, the works of thy |fin-gers:
What is man that thou art mindful |of him?
3. Thou hast made him a little less than the |an-gels,
and hast set him over the works of |thy hands.
4. All sheep and |ox-en:
The birds of the air, and the fishes |of the sea,
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. Out of the mouth of infants and of
sucklings thou hast |per-fect-ed praise,
that thou mayst destroy the enemy and the |a-ven-ger.
2. the moon and the stars which thou |hast found-ed.
or the son of man that thou vis-|it-est him?
3. thou hast crowned him with glory |and hon-or:
Thou hast subjected all things un-|der his feet,
4. moreover the beasts al-|so of the fields.
that pass through the paths |of the sea.
Communio with English Verses 27
Ps 70: 1618
Omine, * memo-rá- bor justí- ti- æ tu- æ
so- lí- us: De- us, do- cu- í-sti me a juventú-
te me- a, et usque in se-né- ctam et sé- ni-
um, De- us, ne de- re- línquas me.
O Lord, I will tell of your singular |jus-tice; * O God, you have |taught me
from my youth; \ and now that I am |old and gray, * O |God, for-sake me not.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. In thee, O Lord, |I have hoped,
Deliver me in thy justice, and |res-cue me:
2. Be thou unto me a God, a pro-|tec-tor,
That thou mayst |make me safe:
3. For thou art my patience, |O Lord:
By thee have I been confirmed |from the womb:
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. let me never be put |to con-fu-sion.
incline thy ear unto |me, and save me.
2. - - - |and a place of strength.
for thou art my firmament |and my ref-uge.
3. my hope, O |Lord, from my youth.
from my mother’s womb thou art |my pro-tec-tor.
28 Communio with English Verses
Mt 25: 20, 21
. Ps 118
O-mi-ne, * quinque ta-lén- ta tra-di-dí- sti mi-
hi: ecce á- li- a quinque super-lu-crá- tus
sum. Eu- ge serve fi-dé- lis, qui- a in pauca fu- í-sti
fi- dé- lis, supra multa te constí- tu- am, in-
tra in gáu- di- um Dó- mi-ni tu- i.
Lord, thou didst deliver to |me five tal-ents: * behold, I have gained another
five |o-ver and a-bove. \ Well done, good and |faith-ful ser-vant, * because thou
hast been faithful |o-ver a few things, \ I will place thee |o-ver man-y things; *
enter thou into the |joy of your Lord.
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. Bless-ed are the unde-|filed in the way,
Blessed are they that search his |tes-ti-mo-nies:
2. I have |chos-en the way of truth:
And I lifted up my hands to
thy com-|mand-ments, which I loved:
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. who walk in the |law of the Lord.
that seek him |with their whole heart.
2. thy judgments I have |not for-got-ten.
and I was exercised in thy |jus-ti-fi-ca-tions.
Communio with English Verses 29
Ps 84: 13
O-mi- nus * da- bit be-nigni-tá- tem: et
ter- ra no-stra da- bit fructum su- um.
- - - The |Lord will give good-ness: * and our |earth shall yield her fruit.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. - - - Lord, |thou hast bless’d thy land:
Thou hast forgiven the iniquity |of thy peo-ple:
2. Thou hast mitigated |all thy an-ger:
Convert us, O |God our sav-ior:
3. Wilt thou not turn, O God, and |bring us to life,
Show us, O |Lord, thy mer-cy;
4. Sure-ly his salvation is near to |them that fear him:
Mercy and truth have |met each oth-er:
Truth is sprung |out of the earth:
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. thou hast turned away the captivi-|ty of Ja-cob.
thou hast |cov-ered all their sins.
2. thou hast turned away from the wrath of thy |in-dig-na-tion.
and turn off thy |an-ger from us.
3. that thy people |may re-joice in thee?
and grant us |thy sal-va-tion.
4. that glory may |dwell in our land.
jus-|tice and peace have kissed.
and justice hath looked |down from heav-en.
30 Communio with English Verses
Ps 17: 3
Omi-nus * firmamén-tum me- um, et re-fú-
gi- um me- um, et li- be- rá- tor me- us: De- us
me- us adjú- tor me- us.
The Lord is my firmament, my refuge, and my de-|liv-er-er: * my God is |my
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Prais-ing I will call up-|on the Lord,
In my affliction I called up-|on the Lord,
2. And he heard my voice from his holy |tem-ple,
For thou wilt save the humble |peo-ple,
3. For thou lightest my |lamp, O Lord;
For who is God |but the Lord?
4. God who hath girt me |with strength
And thou hast given me the protection of thy sal-|va-tion,
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. and I shall be saved from |my en- e-mies.
and I cried |to my God.
2. and my cry before him came |in-to his ears.
but wilt bring down the eyes |of the proud.
3. O my God, enlighten |my dark-ness.
or who is God |but our God?
4. and made my |way blame-less.
and thy right hand |hath held me up.
Communio with English Verses 31
Jn 13: 12, 13, 15
. Ps 101
Omi- nus Jesus, * postquam cœná- vit cum di-
scípu- lis su- is, lavit pedes e- órum, et a- it il- lis: Scí-
tis quid féce- rim vo- bis, ego Dómi- nus et Magíster?
Exémplum de- di vo- bis, ut et vos i- ta fa-ci- á- tis.
The Lord Jesus, after he had supped with His dis-|ci-ples, * washed their feet,
|and said to them: \ Do you know what I, your Lord and Master, have |done to
you? * I have given you an example, that so you al-|so should do.
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. - - - Hear, O |Lord, my prayer:
Turn not away thy |face from me:
2. In what day soever I shall call up-|on thee,
I am smitten as grass, and my heart is |with-ered:
3. He hath had regard to the prayer of the |hum-ble:
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. and let my cry |come to thee.
in the day when I am in trouble, incline |thy ear to me.
2. hear |me speed- i-ly.
because I forgot |to eat my bread.
3. and he hath not despised their |pe-ti-tion.
32 Communio with English Verses
Ps 22: 1, 2
Omi-nus * re- git me, et ni-hil mi- hi dé-
e- rit: in lo- co pá- scu- æ i- bi me
col- lo-cá-vit: su-per aquam re-fe-cti- ó-nis e-ducá-
vit me.
- - - The Lord |rul-eth me: * and I shall |want noth-ing. \ He hath set me in a
place of |pas-ture. * He hath brought me up, on the water of |re-fresh-ment.
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. He hath led me on the paths of |jus-tice,
For though I should walk in the
midst of the shadow |of death,
Thy rod and |thy staff,
2. Thou hast prepared a table be-|fore me,
Thou hast anointed my |head with oil;
And thy mercy will |fol-low me
And I shall dwell in the house of |the Lord
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. for his |own name’s sake.
I will fear no evils, for thou |art with me.
they have com-|fort-ed me.
2. against them that |af-flict me.
and my chalice is o-|ver-flow-ing.
all the days |of my life.
un-|to length of days.
Communio with English Verses 33
Mt 21: 13, [7: 8]
Ps 83
Omus me- a, * do-mus o-ra- ti- ó-nis vo-cá- bi-
tur, di-cit Dómi- nus: in e- a o- mnis, qui pe-
tit, ác- ci- pit: et qui quæ-rit, ínve- nit, et pulsán-
ti ape- ri- é- tur.
My house shall be called the house of prayer, |saith the Lord: * every one that
|ask-eth here, will re-ceive: \ and he that seeketh, |will find: * and to him that
knocketh, it |shall be o-pened.
Bvvfvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. How love-ly are thy tabernacles, O |Lord of hosts!
My heart and |my flesh
2. For the sparrow hath found her-|self a house,
thy altars, O |Lord of hosts,
3. Bless-ed are they that dwell in thy |house, O Lord:
For better is one day |in thy courts
I have chosen to be an abject in the house of |my God,
Bvv xxxlvvv§vvvjvvvkvvv¦vvvhb.vv}
1. my soul longeth and fainteth for the |courts of the Lord.
have re-|joiced in the liv-ing God.
2. and the turtledove a nest for herself
where she may |lay her young ones:
my |king and my God.
3. they shall praise thee for |ev-er and ev-er.
- - - |a-bove thou-sands.
rather than to dwell in the taber-|nac-les of sin-ners.
34 Communio with English Verses
Jn 16: 8
. Ps 33
UM vé- ne- rit * Pa-rá- cli-tus Spí- ri- tus ve-
ri- tá- tis, ille ár- gu- et mundum de peccá- to
et de ju- stí-ti- a, et de judí- ci- o, alle- lú- ia,
alle- lú- ia.
When the Paraclete has come, the Spirit |of truth, * He will convict the world
of sin, and of justice, |and of judg-ment.
Vvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]
1. I will bless the Lord at |all times,
In the Lord shall my |soul be praised;
2. O mag-nify the |Lord with me;
I sought the Lord, and he |heard me:
3. Come ye to him and be en-|light-ened:
This poor man cried, and the Lord |heard him:
4. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a con-|trite heart:
The Lord will redeem the souls of his |ser-vants:
Vvv xxxgvvvhvvvfvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. his praise shall be |al-ways in my mouth.
let the meek |hear and re-joice.
2. and let us extol his |name to-geth-er.
and he delivered me from |all my troub-les.
3. and your faces shall not |be con-found-ed.
and saved him out of |all his troub-les.
4. and he will save the hum-|ble of spir-it.
and none of them that trust in |him shall of-fend.
Communio with English Verses 35
Ps 127: 4, 6
Cce sic be-nedi-cétur * omnis ho- mo qui timet
Dómi- num: et ví- de- as - li- os fi- li- ó- rum tu- ó-
rum: pax su-per Isra- el. T.P. Alle-lú- ia.
Be-hold, thus is the man bless’d |who fears the Lord; * may you see your chil-
dren’s children. Peace be |up-on Is-ra-el!
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. Bless-ed are all they |that fear the Lord:
For thou shalt eat the la-|bors of thy hands:
2. Thy wife as |a fruit-ful vine,
thy children |as ol-ive plants,
3. May the Lord bless thee out |of Si-on:
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. - - - |that walk in his ways.
blessed are thou, and it shall |be well with thee.
2. on |the sides of thy house;
round a-|bout thy ta-ble.
3. and mayst thou see the good things
of Jerusalem all |the days of thy life.
36 Communio with English Verses
Is 7: 14
Ps 18
C-ce virgo * concí- pi- et, et pá- ri- et
fí- li- um: et vo- cá- bi- tur no-men e- jus
Em- má- nu- el.
Be-hold, the virgin shall con-|ceive, and bear a son, * and shall call his |name
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. The heav-ens show forth the |glo-ry of God,
Day to day |ut-ter-eth speech,
2. There are no |speech-es nor lan-guag-es,
Their sound hath gone |forth in-to all the earth:
3. He hath set his taber-|nac-le in the sun:
His going out is from the end of heaven,
and his circuit even |to the end there-of:
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. and the firmament declareth the |work of his hands.
and night to night |show-eth know-ledge.
2. where their voic-|es are not heard.
and their words unto the |ends of the world.
3. and he, as a bridegroom coming out of his bride chamber,
hath rejoiced as a gi-|ant to run the way.
and there is no one that can hide him-|self from his heat.
Communio with English Verses 37
Ps 16: 6
- go clamá- vi, * quó-ni- am exaudí- sti me
De- us: inclí-na aurem tu- am, et exáu- di
ver- ba me- a.
I have cried to thee, for thou, O God, hast |heard me: * O incline thy ear unto
|me, and hear my words.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. Hear, O Lord, my |jus-tice:
Let my judgment come forth from thy |coun-te-nance:
2. Per-fect thou my goings |in thy paths:
Show forth thy wonderful |mer-cies:
3. Keep me, as the apple |of thy eye.
from the face of the |wick-ed
4. But as for me, I will appear before thy sight in |jus-tice:
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. attend to my |sup-pli-ca-tion.
let thy eyes behold the things that are |eq-uit-a-ble.
2. that my |foot-steps be not moved.
thou who savest from rebels them that trust |in thy right hand.
3. Protect me under the |shad-ow of thy wings,
who |have af-flict-ed me.
4. I shall be satisfied when thy |glo-ry shall ap-pear.
38 Communio with English Verses
Jn 10: 14
. Ps 22
- go sum * pa-stor bo- nus, alle- lú- ia: et
cogsco oves me- as, et cognóscunt me me- æ,
alle-lú- ia, alle-lú- ia.
I am the good |shep-herd: * and I know my sheep, |and mine know me.
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. The Lord ruleth me: and I shall want |noth-ing.
He hath brought me up, on the water of re-|fresh-ment:
. He hath led me on the paths of justice, for his own |name’s sake.
I will fear no evils, for thou art |with me.
. Thou hast prepared a table be-|fore me,
Thou hast anointed my |head with oil;
4. And thy mercy will |fol-low me
And I shall dwell in the house of |the Lord
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. He hath set me in a place |of pas-ture.
he hath convert-|ed my soul.
. For though I should walk in the midst of the shad-|ow of death,
Thy rod and thy staff, they have com-|fort-ed me.
. against them that |af-flict me.
and my chalice is o-|ver-flow-ing.
. all the days |of my life.
un-|to length of days.
Communio with English Verses 39
Jn 15: 5
. Ps 79
- go sum * vi- tis ve- ra et vos pálmi- tes,
qui ma-net in me, et ego in e- o, hic fert fru-
ctum mul- tum, alle- lú- ia, alle- lú- ia.
I am the vine, and you the |branch-es; * he that abideth in me, and I in him,
the same |bear-eth much fruit.
Vvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]
1. Give ear, O thou that rulest |Is-ra-el,
Thou hast brought a vineyard out of |E-gypt;
2. Thou wast the guide of its journey |in its sight;
The shadow of it covered |the hills,
It stretched forth its branches un-|to the sea,
3. Let thy hand be upon the man of thy |right hand,
And we depart not from thee, thou shalt |quick-en us:
Vvv xxxgvvvhvvvfvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. thou that leads |Jo-seph like a sheep.
thou hast cast out the Gen-|tiles and plant-ed it.
2. thou plantedst the roots thereof, |and it filled the land.
and the branches thereof, the |ce-dars of God.
and its boughs un-|to the riv-er.
3. and upon the son of man whom thou hast con-|firmed for thy-self.
and we will |call up-on thy name.
40 Communio with English Verses
Jn 15: 16
. Ps 88
- go * vos e- lé-gi de mun- do, ut e- á- tis,
et fru-ctum affe-rá- tis: et fru- ctus ve-ster máne- at,
al-le- lú- ia.
I have chosen you from the world, that you should |go and should bring forth
fruit; * and your |fruit should re-main.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. The mer-cies of the Lord I will |sing for ev-er;
I have made a cove-|nant with my e-lect,
2. The heav-ens shall confess thy |won-ders, O Lord,
When thou spokest in a vision to thy saints, and saidst:
I have laid help upon |one that is might-y,
3. I have found |Da-vid my ser-vant;
For my |hand shall help him,
4. And my truth and my mercy |shall be with him,
I will keep my mercy for |him for ev-er;
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. to generation and generation,
I will show forth thy |truth with my mouth.
I have sworn to Da-|vid my ser-vant.
2. and thy truth in the |church of the saints.
and have exalted one chosen out |of my peo-ple.
3. with my holy oil I |have a-noint-ed him.
and my |arm shall strength-en him.
4. and in my name shall his horn |be ex-alt-ed.
and my covenant |faith-ful to him.
Communio with English Verses 41
Zach 9: 9
Ps 33
X-súlta * fí- li- a Si- on, lau-da fí- li- a Je-
rú- sa- lem: ecce Rex tu- us ve- nit sanctus, et Sal-
vá- tor mun- di.
Re-joice, O daughter of Sion, sing praise, O daughter |of Je-ru-sa-lem: * behold
thy King will come to thee, the Holy One, |the Sav-ior of the world.
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. I will bless the |Lord at all times,
In the Lord |shall my soul be praised;
2. O mag-ni-|fy the Lord with me;
I sought the Lord, |and he heard me:
3. Come ye to him and |be en-light-ened:
This poor man cried, and |the Lord heard him:
4. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of |a con-trite heart:
The Lord will redeem the souls |of his ser-vants:
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. his praise shall |be al-ways in my mouth.
let the |meek hear and re-joice.
2. and let us extol |his name to-geth-er.
and he delivered me |from all my troub-les.
3. and your faces shall |not be con-found-ed.
and saved him out |of all his troub-les.
4. and he will save the |hum-ble of spir-it.
and none of them that |trust in him shall of-fend.
42 Communio with English Verses
Exúlta fília Sion alt.
Ps 44
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. My heart hath ut-|tered a good word,
The daughters of kings are a-|mong your loved ones;
2. Heark-en, O daughter, and see, |and in-cline thy ear;
And the king shall greatly de-|sire thy beau-ty:
3. And the daughters of Tyre with gifts,
yea, all the rich a-|mong the people,
The daughter of the king is |clothed with splen-dor,
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. I speak |my works to the king.
on your right stands the queen |in gold of O-phir.
2. and forget thy peo-|ple and thy fa-ther’s house.
for he is the Lord thy God, |and him they shall a-dore.
3. shall |en-treat thy coun-te-nance.
her robes embroidered |with pearls set in gold.
Communio with English Verses 43
Acts 2: 2, 4, [11]
. Ps 67
Actus est re-pénte * de cæ-lo so- nus adve-
ni- éntis spí-ri-tus ve-he-méntis, u-bi e- rant se-dén- tes,
alle- lú- ia: et replé- ti sunt omnes Spí-ri-tu Sancto,
loquén- tes magná- li- a De- i, al-le- lú- ia,
alle- lú- ia.
Sud-den-ly there came a |sound from hea-ven, * as of a mighty wind coming,
whence |they were sit-ting: \ and they were all |filled with the Ho-ly Ghost, *
and they began to speak the |won-der-ful works of God.
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. Let God arise, and let his ene-|mies be scat-tered;
And let the just rejoice and ex-|ult be-fore God,
2. Sing ye to God, sing a |psalm to his name;
Re-|joice ye be-fore him;
3. O God, when thou didst go forth in the |sight of thy peo-ple,
The earth was |moved, and the heav-ens dropped
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. and let them that hate him |flee from be-fore his face.
and be de-|light-ed with glad-ness.
2. make a way for him who a-|scend-eth up-on the west:
who is the father of orphans, and the |judge of wid-ows.
3. when thou didst |pass through the des-ert.
at the presence of the |God of Is-ra-el.
44 Communio with English Verses
Lk 2: 48, 49
Ps 26
I- li, * quid fe- císti no- bis sic? e- go et
pa-ter tu- us do-lén- tes quæ-re-bá-mus te. Et quid
est quod me quæ-re-bá- tis? nesci- e-bá- tis qui- a
in his quæ Patris me- i sunt, o-pórtet me es- se?
Son, why hast thou |done so to us? * Thy father and I have |sought thee sor-
row-ing. \ How is it |that you sought me? * Did you not know that I must be
about my |fa-ther’s busi-ness?
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. The Lord is my light and |my sal-va-tion,
One thing I have asked of the Lord, this will |I seek af-ter:
2. That I may see the de-|light of the Lord,
For he hath hidden me in his |tab-er-na-cle
He hath protected me
in the secret place of his |tab-er-na-cle,
3. My heart hath said to thee: My |face hath sought thee!
I believe to see the |good things of the Lord
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. - - - |whom shall I fear?
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the |days of my life.
2. and may vis-|it his tem-ple.
in the |day of e-vils.
and hath exalted |me up-on a rock.
3. Thy face, O Lord, |will I still seek.
in the land |of the liv-ing.
Communio with English Verses 45
Ps 86: 3; Lk 1: 49
cant. Magnificat
Lo- ri- ó- sa * di- cta sunt de te, Ma-rí- a:
qui- a fe-cit ti- bi ma- gna qui pot- ens est.
Glo-rious things are said of you, O |Mar-y, * for he who is mighty has |done
great things for you.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. My soul doth magni-|fy the Lord,
Because he hath regarded the humility of his |hand-maid:
2. And his mercy is from generation unto gener-|a-tions:
He hath showed might in |his arm:
3. He hath put down the mighty |from their seat,
He hath filled the hungry with |good things:
4. He hath received Israel his |ser-vant,
As he spoke to our |fa-thers:
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. and my spirit hath rejoiced in |God my Sav-ior.
for behold from henceforth all generations shall |call me bless-ed.
2. to |them that fear him.
he hath scattered the proud in the con-|ceit of their heart.
3. and hath exalt-|ed the hum-ble.
and the rich he hath sent |emp-ty a-way.
4. being mindful |of his mer-cy.
to Abraham and to his |seed for ev-er.
46 Communio with English Verses
Ps 33: 9
. Ps 33
Ustá-te et vi-dé- te, * quó- ni- am su- á- vis
est Dómi- nus: be- á-tus vir, qui spe-rat in
e- o.
O taste, and |see that the Lord is sweet: * blessed is the man that hop-|eth in
BvvgvvvHIvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvv¨vvvuhvvvkb/vvv]zø
1. I will bless the |Lord at all times,
In the |Lord shall my soul be praised;
2. O mag-ni-|fy the Lord with me;
I sought the |Lord, and he heard me:
3. Come ye to him and |be en-light-ened:
This poor man |cried, and the Lord heard him:
4. The Lord is nigh unto them that |are of a con-trite heart:
The Lord will redeem the |souls of his ser-vants:
Bvv xxxhvvvkvvv¨vvvuhb><vv}
1. his praise shall be al-|ways in my mouth.
let the meek hear |and re-joice.
2. and let us extol his name |to-geth-er.
and he delivered me from all |my trou-bles.
3. and your faces shall not be |con-found-ed.
and saved him out of all |his trou-bles.
4. and he will save the humble |of spir-it.
and none of them that trust in |him shall of-fend.
Communio with English Verses 47
1 Cor 11: 24, 25
. Ps 22
OC cor- pus, * quod pro vo-bis tra- dé- tur:
hic ca- lix no- vi testaménti est in me- o sángui-
ne, di- cit Dómi- nus: hoc fá- ci-te, quo-ti- escúmque
súmi- tis, in me- am commemo- ra- ti- ó- nem.
This is my body, which shall be delivered |for you: * this chalice is the new tes-
|ta-ment in my blood: \ this do ye, as often as |you shall drink, * for the
commemo-|ra-tion of me.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. The Lord ruleth me: and I shall want |noth-ing.
He hath brought me up, on the water of re-|fresh-ment:
2. Thou hast prepared a table be-|fore me,
Thou hast anointed my |head with oil;
3. And thy mercy will |fol-low me
And I shall dwell in the house of |the Lord
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. He hath set me in a |place of pas-ture.
he hath con-|vert-ed my soul.
. against them |that af-flict me.
and my chalice is |o-ver-flow-ing.
3. all the |days of my life.
- - - |un-to length of days.
48 Communio with English Verses
Prov 3: 910
Ps 111
Onó- ra * Dó- mi-num de tu- a sub- stán-
ti- a, et de primí- ti- is fru- gum tu- á- rum:
ut imple- án-tur hórre- a tu- a sa- tu- ri-tá- te,
et vi- no torcu- lá-ri- a red- un- dá- bunt.
Hon-or the Lord with |thy sub-stance, * and give him of the |first of all thy
fruits: \ and thy barns shall be filled with |a-bun-dance, * and thy presses shall
|run o-ver with wine.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. Bless-ed is the man that fear-|eth the Lord;
His seed shall be mighty |up-on earth;
2. Glo-ry and wealth shall |be in his house,
To the righteous a light is risen up |in dark-ness;
3. Ac-cep-table is the man that showeth mercy |and lend-eth;
He hath distributed, he hath giv-|en to the poor;
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. he shall delight exceedingly in |his com-mand-ments.
the generation of the righteous |shall be bless-ed.
[or the generation of the |right-eous shall be bless’d.]
2. and his justice remaineth for ev-|er and ev-er.
he is merciful, and com-|pas-sion-ate and just.
3. he shall order his words with judgment,
because he shall not be |moved for ev-er.
his horn shall be exalt-|ed in glo-ry.
Communio with English Verses 49
Ps 30: 17, 18
L-lú-mi-na * fá-ci- em tu- am super servum tu- um,
et salvum me fac in tu- a mi- se-ri-córdi- a:
Dó-mine, non confúndar, quó-ni- am invo- cá- vi te.
Make thy face to shine up-|on thy servant: * save me |in thy mer-cy. \ Let me
not be con-|found-ed, O Lord, * for I have |called up-on thee.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. In thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me never |be con-found-ed;
Bow |down thy ear to me:
2. Be thou unto me a |God, a pro-tec-tor,
For thou art my |strength and my ref-uge:
3. Thou wilt bring me out of this snare,
which they have |hid-den for me:
Into thy hands I com-|mend my spir-it:
4. I will be glad and re-|joice in thy mer-cy,
But I have put my |trust in thee, O Lord;
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. deliver me |in thy jus-tice.
make haste |to de-liv-er me.
2. and a house of ref-|uge, to save me.
and for thy name’s sake thou wilt lead |me, and nour-ish me.
3. for thou art |my pro-tec-tor.
thou hast redeemed me, O |Lord, the God of truth.
4. for thou hast regarded |my hu-mil-i-ty.
I said: Thou art my God. My |lots are in thy hands.
50 Communio with English Verses
Ps 118: 81, 84, 86
N sa-lu- tá-ri tu- o á-nima me- a, * et in verbum
tu- um spe- rá- vi: quando fá-ci- es de persequénti-bus
me ju--ci- um? in-íqui perse-cú-ti sunt me, ádjuva
me, Dómi- ne De- us me- us.
My soul pines for your salvation; I |hope in your word. * When will you do
judgment on my |per-se-cu-tors? \ The wicked perse-|cut-ed me wrong-ful-ly; *
help |me, O Lord, my God!
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Bless-ed are the unde-|filed in the way,
Let thy mercy also come up-|on me, O Lord:
2. The ar-rogant have dug |pit-falls for me:
They had almost made an end of |me up-on earth:
3. I looked for thy sal-|va-tion, O Lord:
I have longed for thy sal-|va-tion, O Lord:
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. who walk in the |law of the Lord.
thy salvation ac-|cord-ing to thy word.
2. but |not as thy law.
but I have not forsaken |thy com-mand-ments.
3. and I loved |thy com-mand-ments.
and thy law is my |med-i-ta-tion.
Communio with English Verses 51
Ps 109: 3
N splendó- ri-bus sanctó- rum, * ex ú- te- ro
an- te lu- cí- fe-rum gé- nu- i te.
In the bright-|ness of the saints, * from the womb before the day star |I be-got
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. The Lord said to my Lord: Sit thou at |my right hand,
The Lord will send forth the
scepter of power out |of Si-on:
2. With thee is the principality in the day of
thy strength, in the bright-|ness of the saints,
The Lord hath sworn, and he |will not re-pent:
3. The Lord at |thy right hand
He shall drink of the tor-|rent in the way,
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. until I make thy ene-|mies thy foot-stool.
rule thou in the midst |of thy en-e-mies.
2. from the womb before the day star |I be-got thee.
Thou art a priest for ever
according to the order |of Mel-chis-e-dech.
3. hath broken kings in |the day of his wrath.
therefore shall |he lift up the head.
52 Communio with English Verses
Ps 30: 3
Nclí- na * aurem tu- am, accé-le- ra, ut
é- ru- as nos.
- - - |- - - Bow down thy ear, * make |haste to de-liv-er us.
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. In thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me never |be con-found-ed;
Be thou unto me a God, |a pro-tec-tor,
2. In-to thy hands I com-|mend my spir-it:
Thou hast hated them
that regard vanities, |to no pur-pose.
3. I will be glad and rejoice |in thy mer-cy,
Thou hast saved my soul out of distresses, and thou
hast not shut me up in the hands |of the en- e-my;
4. O how great is the multitude of thy |sweet-ness, O Lord,
Which thou hast wrought for |them that hope in thee,
5. O love the Lord, |all ye his saints:
Do ye manfully, and let your |heart be strength-ened,
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. deliver |me in thy jus-tice.
and a house of |ref-uge, to save me.
2. thou hast redeemed me, |O Lord, the God of truth.
But I |have hoped in the Lord.
3. for thou hast regard-|ed my hu-mil-i-ty.
thou hast set my |feet in a spa-cious place.
4. which thou hast hidden |for them that fear thee.
in the |sight of the sons of men.
5. for the Lord will require truth,
and will repay them abundant-|ly that act proud-ly.
all ye |that hope in the Lord.
Communio with English Verses 53
Ps 5: 24
Ntél- lige * clamórem me- um: inténde vo- ci
ora-ti- ó- nis me- æ, Rex me- us, et De- us me-
us: quó-ni- am ad te orábo, Dó- mi- ne.
At-tend to my sighing; heed my call for help, my King and |my God! * To
|thee I pray, O Lord.
Bvvfvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. In the morning thou shalt |hear my voice;
Because thou art not a God that willest in-|iq-ui-ty;
2. Thou hat-est all the workers of iniquity;
thou wilt destroy all that |speak a lie;
But as for me in the multitude of thy mercy,
I will come in-|to thy house;
3. But let all them be glad that |hope in thee;
Thou shalt over-|shad-ow them,
For thou wilt bless the |just, O Lord;
Bvv xxxlvvv§vvvjvvvkvvv¦vvvhb.vv}
1. in the morning I will stand be-|fore thee, and will see.
neither shall the wicked dwell near thee,
nor shall the unjust a-|bide be-fore thy eyes.
2. the bloody and the deceitful man the |Lord will ab-hor.
I will worship towards thy holy |tem-ple, in thy fear.
3. they shall re-|joice for ev-er.
and they shall glory in thee, all |they that love thy name.
as with a shield of thy good will, |thou hast crowned us.
54 Communio with English Verses
Ps 42: 4
Ntro- í- bo * ad altá- re De- i, ad
De- um qui læ- tí- fi- cat juven-tú- tem me- am.
I will go in to the altar |of God: * to God who giveth |joy to my youth.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. Judge me, O God, and distinguish |my cause
deliver me from the unjust and de-|ceit-ful man;
2. Why hast thou |cast me off?
Send forth thy light and |thy truth:
and brought me unto thy |ho-ly hill,
3. Why art thou sad, |O my soul?
Hope in God, for I will still give |praise to him:
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. from the nation that |is not ho-ly:
for |thou art God my strength:
2. and why do I go sorrowful whilst the ene-|my af-flict-eth me?
they |have con-duct-ed me,
and into thy |tab-er-nac-les.
3. and why dost |thou dis-qui-et me?
the salvation of my coun-|te-nance, and my God.
Communio with English Verses 55
Ps 121: 3, 4
J E- rú-sa-lem, * quæ æ-di- fi-cá-tur ut cí-vi-tas,
cú- jus parti- ci-pá-ti- o e-jus in id-ípsum: illuc e- nim
ascendé- runt tri- bus, tri-bus Dómi- ni, ad con-
fi- téndum nómi-ni tu- o, Dómi- ne.
Je-ru-salem, which is built |as a cit-y, * which is |com-pact to-geth-er: \ for
thither did the tribes go up, the |tribes of the Lord, * to praise |the name of
the Lord.
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. I re-joiced at the things |that were said to me:
Our feet were standing in thy courts, |O Je-ru-sa-lem;
2. Pray ye for the things that are for the peace |of Je-ru-sa-lem,
Let |peace be in thy strength,
3. For the sake |of my breth-ren,
Because of the house |of the Lord our God,
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. We shall go into |the house of the Lord.
because their seats have sat in judgment,
seats upon |the house of Da-vid.
2. and abundance |for them that love thee.
and |a-bun-dance in thy tow’rs.
3. and of my neigh-|bors, I spoke peace of thee.
I |have sought good things for thee.
56 Communio with English Verses
Bar 5: 5; 4: 36
Ps 147
E- rú-sa- lem * surge, et sta in excélso:
et vi- de ju-cun-di-tá- tem, quæ vé-ni- et ti-
bi a De- o tu- o.
A-rise, O Jerusalem, and |stand on high, * and behold the joy that cometh |to
thee from God.
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Praise the Lord, O Je-|ru-sa-lem:
Because he hath strengthened the bolts of |thy gates,
2. Who hath placed peace in thy |bor-ders:
Who sendeth forth his speech |to the earth:
3. He send-eth his hail stones like |mor-sels:
He shall send out his word and shall |melt them:
4. Who de-clareth his word to |Ja-cob:
He hath not done in like manner to every |na-tion:
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. praise thy God, |O Si-on.
he hath bless’d thy children |with-in thee.
2. and filleth thee with |the fat of corn.
his word run-|neth swift-ly.
3. who shall stand before the face |of his cold?
his wind shall blow, and the wa-|ters shall run.
4. his justices and his judgments |to Is-ra-el.
and his judgments he hath not made mani-|fest to them.
Communio with English Verses 57
Mt 1: 20
Ps 111
J Oseph * fi-li Da- vid, no-li timé- re accí-pe-re
Ma-rí- am cón- ju-gem tu- am: quod e-nim in e- a
na- tum est, de Spí- ri- tu Sancto est.
T.P. Alle- lú- ia.
Do not be afraid, Joseph, son of David, to take to you |Mar-y your wife, * for
that which is begotten in her is of the |Ho-ly Spir-it.
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. Bless-ed is the man that |fear-eth the Lord;
His seed shall be |might-y up-on earth;
2. Glo-ry and |wealth shall be in his house,
To the righteous a light is risen |up in dark-ness;
3. The just shall be in ever-|last-ing re-mem-brance;
His heart is ready to hope in the Lord,
his |heart is strength-ened;
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. he shall delight exceedingly in |his com-mand-ments.
the generation of the |right-eous shall be bless’d.
2. and his justice remaineth for |ev-er and ev-er.
he is merciful, and com-|pas-sion-ate and just.
3. he shall not fear the |e-vil hear-ing.
he shall not be moved until he look |o-ver his en-e-mies.
58 Communio with English Verses
Ps 19: 6
Æ-tá- bimur * in sa- lu- tá- ri tu- o:
et in nómi-ne Dómi- ni De- i nostri
magni- fi-cá- bi- mur.
We will rejoice in thy sal-|va-tion: * and in the name of the Lord our God we
shall be |ex-alt-ed.
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. May the Lord hear thee in the day of tribu-|la-tion:
May he send thee help from the sanctu-|ar-y
2. May he be mindful of all thy sacri-|fic-es:
May he give thee according to thy |own heart:
3. Now have I known that the Lord hath saved his a-|noint-ed:
Some trust in chariots, and some in |hors-es:
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. may the name of the God of Jacob |pro-tect thee.
and defend thee out |of Si-on.
2. and may thy whole burnt offering |be made fat.
and confirm all |thy coun-sels.
3. he will hear him from his ho-|ly heav-en.
but we will call upon the name of |the Lord our God.
Communio with English Verses 59
Jn 9: 6, 11, 38
. Ps 26
Utum fe-cit * ex spu-to Dómi- nus, et li-ní-vit ócu-
los me- os: et áb-i- i, et la- vi, et vi- di, et
cré-di-di De- o.
The Lord spat on the ground and anoint-|ed my eyes: * I went, and I washed,
and I see and |be-lieve in God.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. The Lord is my light and my |sal-va-tion,
The Lord is the protec-|tor of my life,
2. One thing I have asked of the Lord, this will I |seek af-ter:
That I may see the delight |of the Lord,
3. I have offered up in his tabernacle a sacrifice of ju-|bi-la-tion;
Turn not away |thy face from me;
4. Be thou my helper, |for-sake me not;
I believe to see the good |things of the Lord
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. - - - |whom shall I fear?
of whom |shall I be a-fraid?
2. that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all |the days of my life.
and may vis-|it his tem-ple.
3. I will sing, and recite |a psalm to the Lord.
decline not in thy wrath |from thy ser-vant.
4. do not thou despise me, O |God my Sav-ior.
in the land |of the liv-ing.
60 Communio with English Verses
IV Esdr 2: 35
. Ps 129
UX æ- térna * lú-ce- at e- is, Dómi-ne, cum sanctis
tu- is in æ-térnum, qui- a pi- us es.
May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord, with your saints for-|ev-er, * for
|you are gra-cious.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. Out of the depth I have cried to |thee, O Lord:
Let thy ears be at-|ten-tive
2. If thou, O Lord, wilt mark in-|iq-ui-ties:
For with thee there is merciful for-|give-ness:
3. Sus-tain, O Lord, sustain my soul in |thy word;
Let the watchman count on |day-break,
4. Be-cause with the Lord there is |mer-cy:
And he shall redeem |Is-ra-el
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. - - - |Lord, hear my voice.
to the voice of my |sup-pli-ca-tion.
2. Lord, |who shall stand it?
- - - |where-fore thou art feared.
3. for my soul hath hoped in the Lord,
as the watchman |counts on day-break.
and Israel |hope in the Lord.
4. and with him plenti-|ful re-demp-tion.
from all |his in-iq-ui-ties.
Communio with English Verses 61
Ps 20: 6
Agna est gló- ri- a e-jus * in sa-lu- tá-ri
tu- o: gló- ri- am et magnum de-có- rem
impó-nes su-per e- um, Dómi- ne.
His glo-ry is great in |thy sal-va-tion: * glory and great beauty shalt |thou lay
up-on him.
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. In thy strength, O |Lord, the king shall joy:
Thou has given |him his heart’s de-sire:
2. For thou hast prevented him with bless-|ings of sweet-ness:
He asked life of thee,
and thou hast giv-|en him length of days
3. For thou shalt give him to be a blessing for ev-|er and ev-er:
Be thou exalted, O Lord, |in thy own strength:
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. and in thy salvation he shall |re-joice ex-ceed-ing-ly.
and hast not withheld from him |the will of his lips.
2. thou hast set on his head |a crown of pre-cious stones.
for |ev-er and ev-er.
3. thou shalt make him joyful in glad-|ness with thy coun-te-nance.
we |will sing and praise thy pow’r.
62 Communio with English Verses
Ps 77: 29, 30
Andu-cavé-runt, * et sa- tu- rá-ti sunt nimis, et
de- si-dé-ri- um e- ó- rum áttu-lit e- is Dómi-
nus: non sunt fraudá- ti a de-sidé-ri- o su- o.
They did eat, and were filled exceedingly, and he |gave them their de-sire: *
they were not defrauded of |that which they craved.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. At-tend, O my |peo-ple, to my law:
How great things have we heard and known,
and our |fa-thers have told us;
2. In an-other generation they declared the |prais-es of the Lord,
He had commanded the |clouds from a-bove,
3. And had rained down manna up-|on them to eat,
Man ate the |bread of an-gels:
4. And he rained up-|on them flesh as dust:
And they fell in the |midst of their camp,
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. incline your ears to the |words of my mouth.
they have not been hidden |from their chil-dren.
2. and his powers, and his won-|ders which he hath done.
and had opened the |doors of heav-en.
3. and had given them the |bread of heav-en.
he sent them provisions |in a-bun-dance.
4. and feathered fowls like as the |sand of the sea.
round about |their pa-vil-ions.
Communio with English Verses 63
Ps 118: 49, 50
Eménto * verbi tu- i servo tu- o, Dómi- ne,
in quo mi-hi spem dedí- sti: hæc me conso--ta
est in humi- li-tá- te me- a.
Re-mem-ber your word to your servant, O Lord, since you have |giv-en me
hope. * This is my comfort |in my af-flic-tion.
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Bless-ed are the unde-|filed in the way,
Blessed are they that search his |tes-ti-mo-nies:
2. Let thy mercy also come up-|on me, O Lord:
They that fear thee shall see |me, and shall be glad:
3. O let thy mercy be |for my com-fort,
My soul hath fainted after |thy sal-va-tion:
4. My eyes have failed for |thy word, say-ing:
Thou art my helper and |my pro-tec-tor:
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. who walk in |the law of the Lord.
that seek |him with their whole heart.
2. thy salvation |ac-cord-ing to thy word.
because I have great-|ly hoped in thy words.
3. according to thy word |un-to thy ser-vant.
and in thy word I |have ver-y much hoped.
4. - - - |When wilt thou com-fort me?
and in thy |word I have great-ly hoped.
64 Communio with English Verses
Lk 4: 22
Ps 96
I- ra-bán- tur o- mnes * de his quæ
pro- cedé-bant de o- re De- i.
They all |won-dered at the words * that proceeded |from the mouth of God.
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. The Lord hath reigned, |let the earth re-joice,
His lightnings have shone |forth to the world:
2. The moun-tains melted like wax, at the |pres-ence of the Lord,
The heavens de-|clared his jus-tice,
3. Let them be all confounded that adore graven things,
and that glory |in their i-dols.
Sion heard, and was glad,
and the daughters of |Ju-da re-joiced,
4. For thou art the most high Lord |o-ver all the earth;
The Lord preserveth the |souls of his saints,
5. Re-joice, ye |just, in the Lord,
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. let many |is-lands be glad.
the earth |saw and trem-bled.
2. at the presence of the |Lord of all the earth.
and all people |saw his glo-ry.
3. Adore him, all |you his an-gels.
because of thy |judg-ments, O Lord.
4. thou art exalted exceeding-|ly a-bove all gods.
he will deliver them out of the |hand of the sin-ner.
5. and give praise to the remembrance |of his ho-li-ness.
Communio with English Verses 65
Jn 20: 27
. Ps 117
It-te * manum tu- am, et cognósce loca clavó-
rum, alle- lú- ia: et no- li esse incré-du- lus, sed
fidé- lis, alle- lú-ia, alle- lú- ia.
Put in thy finger and know the place |of the nails: * and be not faithless, |but
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. Give praise to the Lord, |for he is good,
Let Israel now say, |that he is good,
2. The right hand of the Lord hath |ex-alt-ed me;
I shall |not die, but live
3. The stone which the builders |re-ject-ed,
This is the |Lord’s do-ing
This is the day which |the Lord hath made:
4. Bless-ed be he that cometh in the name |of the Lord.
Thou art my God, and I |will praise thee;
Give praise to the Lord, |for he is good,
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. for his mercy endur-|eth for ev-er.
that his mercy endur-|eth for ev-er.
2. the right hand of the |Lord hath wrought strength.
and shall declare |the works of the Lord.
3. the same is become the head |of the cor-ner.
and it is won-|der-ful in our eyes.
let us be glad |and re-joice there-in.
4. We have bless’d you out of |the house of the Lord.
thou art my God, and I |will ex-alt thee.
for his mercy endur-|eth for ev-er.
66 Communio with English Verses
Jn 16: 16
. Ps 33
O-dicum * et non vi- dé-bi-tis me, alle-lú- ia:
í- te-rum mó- di- cum, et vi-débi-tis me, qui- a
vado ad Patrem, alle-lú-ia, alle- lú- ia.
A lit-tle while, and you shall not |see me; * and again a little while, and |you
shall see me.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. I will bless the Lord at |all times,
In the Lord shall my |soul be praised;
2. O mag-nify the |Lord with me;
I sought the Lord, and he |heard me:
3. The an-gel of the Lord shall encamp
round about them that |fear him:
O taste, and see that the |Lord is sweet:
4. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a con-|trite heart:
The Lord will redeem the souls of his |ser-vants:
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. his praise shall be |al-ways in my mouth.
let the meek |hear and re-joice.
2. and let us extol his |name to-geth-er.
and he delivered me from |all my trou-bles.
3. and |shall de-liv-er them.
blessed is the man that |hop-eth in him.
4. and he will save the hum-|ble of spir-it.
and none of them that trust in |him shall of-fend.
Communio with English Verses 67
cf Lk 6: 1719
. Ps 33
Ulti-tú- do * languénti- um, et qui ve- xa-
bán-tur a spi- rí- ti- bus immún- dis, ve-ni- é-
bant ad e- um: qui- a vir- tus de il-lo ex- í-
bat, et sa-ná- bat o- mnes.
A mul-titude with diseases, and they that were troubled with unclean spirits,
came |un-to him: * for virtue went out from him |and healed all.
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. I will bless the Lord at |all times,
Come ye to him and be en-|light-ened:
2. The eyes of the Lord are up-|on the just:
The just cried, and the Lord |heard them:
3. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a con-|trite heart:
Many are the afflictions |of the just;
4. The Lord keepeth |all their bones,
The Lord will redeem the souls of his |ser-vants:
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. his praise shall be al-|ways in my mouth.
and your faces shall not be |con-found-ed.
2. and his ears un-|to their prayers.
and delivered them out of all |their trou-bles.
3. and he will save the humble |of spir-it.
but out of them all will the Lord |de-liv-er them.
4. not one of them shall |be bro-ken.
and none of them that trust in |him shall of-fend.
68 Communio with English Verses
Ps 9: 2, 3
Arrá- bo * ómni- a mi-ra-bí- li- a tu- a:
læ-tá- bor, et exsultá- bo in te: psal- lam nó-mi-
ni tu- o, Al- tíssi- me.
I will relate all thy wonders; I will be glad and re-|joice in thee; * I will sing to
thy name, |O thou most high.
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. The Lord remaineth for |ev-er,
And he shall judge the world in |jus-tice,
2. The Lord is become a refuge |for the poor,
Let them trust in thee who |know thy name,
3. Sing ye to the Lord, who dwelleth in |Si-on;
For requiring their blood he hath re-|mem-bered them,
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. he hath prepared his throne |in judg-ment.
he shall judge the people |in eq-ui-ty.
2. a helper in due time in trib-|u-la-tion.
for thou hast not forsaken them that seek |thee, O Lord.
3. declare his ways among |the Gen-tiles.
he hath not forgotten the cry |of the poor.
Communio with English Verses 69
Jn 8: 10, 11
. Ps 31
Emo te condemná- vit, mú- li- er? * Nemo, Dó-
mi- ne. Nec e-go te condemná-bo: jam ámpli- us
no- li peccá- re.
Wom-an, hath no man con-|demned thee? * [She |an-swered:] No man, Lord. \
Nei-ther will I con-demn thee. * Go, | now and sin no more.
Vvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]
1. Bless-ed are they whose iniquities are for-|giv-en,
Blessed is the man to whom
the Lord hath not im-|put-ed sin,
2. I have acknowledged my |sin to thee,
I said I will confess against myself
my injustice |to the Lord:
3. I will give thee understanding, and I will
instruct thee in this way in which |thou shalt go;
Many are the scourges of the |sin-ner,
Be glad in the Lord, and re-|joice, ye just;
Vvv xxxgvvvhvvvfvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. and whose |sins are cov-ered.
and in whose spirit |there is no guile.
2. and my injustice |I have not con-cealed.
and thou hast forgiven the wicked-|ness of my sin.
3. I will fix my |eyes up-on thee.
but mercy shall encompass him that |hop-eth in the Lord.
and glory, |all ye right of heart.
70 Communio with English Verses
Jn 14: 18; [16: 22]
. Ps 121
On vos re-línquam órpha- nos: * vé-ni- am ad vos
í- te- rum, alle- lú- ia: et gaudé- bit cor
ve- strum, alle- lú- ia, alle- lú- ia.
I will not leave you |or-phans: * I will come to you, and your |heart shall re-joice.
Vvvsvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. I re-joiced at the things that were |said to me:
Our feet were standing in thy courts, O Je-|ru-sa-lem.
2. For thith-er did the tribes go up, the tribes of |the Lord,
Because their seats have sat in |judg-ment,
3. Pray ye for the things that are for the peace of Je-|ru-sa-lem,
Let peace be |in thy strength,
4. For the sake of my brethren, and of my |neigh-bors,
Because of the house of the |Lord our God,
Vvv xxxjvvv¥vvvgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. We shall go into the |house of the Lord.
Jerusalem, which is built as a city, which is com-|pact to-geth-er.
2. the testimony of Israel, to praise the |name of the Lord.
seats upon the |house of Da-vid.
3. and abundance for |them that love thee.
and a-|bun-dance in thy tow’rs.
4. - - - |I spoke peace of thee.
I have |sought good things for thee.
Communio with English Verses 71
Ps 15: 11
O-tas * mi-hi fe-cí- sti vi- as vi- tæ:
ad-implé-bis me læ- tí- ti- a cum vul- tu
tu- o, Dómi- ne.
Thou hast made known to |me the ways of life, * thou shalt fill me with joy
with thy |coun-te-nance, O Lord.
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. Pre-serve me, O Lord, for I have |put my trust in thee.
To the |saints, who are in his land,
2. The Lord is the portion of my inheri-|tance and of my cup:
The lines are fallen unto me in |good-ly plac-es:
3. I will bless the Lord, who hath given me |un-der-stand-ing:
I set the Lord |al-ways in my sight:
4. There-fore my heart hath been glad,
and my |tongue hath re-joiced:
Because thou wilt not |leave my soul in hell;
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. I have said to the Lord, |thou art my God,
he hath made wonderful |all my de-sires in them.
2. it is thou that wilt restore my in-|her-i-tance to me.
for my inheritance is |good-ly to me.
3. moreover my reins also have corrected me |e-ven till night.
for he is at my right hand, that |I be not moved.
4. moreover my flesh |al-so shall rest in hope.
nor wilt thou give thy holy one to |see cor-rup-tion.
72 Communio with English Verses
Ps 85: 910
-mnes gentes * quascúmque fe-cí- sti, vé- ni-
ent, et ado- rá- bunt co-ram te Dó-mi-ne, et glo-
ri-fi-cá- bunt nomen tu- um: quóni- am magnus es tu,
et fá- ci- ens mi-ra- bí- li- a: tu es De- us so-
lus, alle-lú- ia.
All the nations thou hast made shall come and adore before thee, |O Lord: *
and they shall |glo-ri-fy thy name: \ for thou art great and dost wonder-|ful
things: * - - - |thou art God a-lone.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. In-cline thy ear, O Lord, and |hear me:
Conduct me, in thy way, and I will walk in |thy truth:
2. I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with my |whole heart,
For thy mercy is |great towards me:
3. And thou, O Lord, art a God of com-|pas-sion,
O look upon me, and have mercy |on me
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. for I am |need-y and poor.
purify my heart that |it may fear thy name.
2. and I will glorify thy |name for ev-er.
and thou hast delivered my soul out |of the low-er hell.
3. and merciful, patient, and of much |mer-cy and truth.
give thy strength |to thy ser-vant.
Communio with English Verses 73
Gal 3: 27
Ps 28
- mnes * qui in Chri- sto bapti- zá- ti
e- stis, Chri- stum in-du- í- stis, al- le- lú- ia.
As man-y of you as have been baptized |in Christ * have put on Christ,
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Bring to the Lord, O ye children |of God:
Bring to the Lord glory |to his name:
2. The voice of the Lord is upon the |wa-ters;
The voice of the Lord is |in pow’r;
3. The voice of the Lord breaketh the |ce-dars:
The voice of the Lord divideth the |flame of fire,
4. The Lord maketh the |flood to dwell,
The Lord will give strength to his |peo-ple;
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. bring to the Lord glory |and hon-or.
adore ye the Lord in |his ho-ly court.
2. the God of majesty |hath thun-dered.
the voice of the Lord in |mag-nif-i-cence.
3. yea, the Lord shall break the cedars |of Li-ba-nus.
the voice of the Lord shaketh |the des-ert.
4. and the Lord shall sit king |for ev-er.
the Lord will bless his peo-|ple with peace.
74 Communio with English Verses
Lk 15: 32
. Ps 31
- pórtet te * fi- li gaudé- re, qui- a frater tu- us mór-
tu- us fú- e-rat, et re-ví- xit; per-í- e-rat, et invéntus est.
It was fit that we should make merry |and be glad: * for this thy brother was
dead and is come to life again; he was |lost, and is found.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. Bless-ed are they whose iniquities are for-|giv-en,
Blessed is the man to whom
the Lord hath not im-|put-ed sin,
2. Be-cause I was silent my |bones grew old,
I have acknowledged my |sin to thee,
3. I said I will confess against myself my injustice |to the Lord:
I will give thee understanding, and I will instruct thee
in this way in which |thou shalt go;
4. Man-y are the scourges of the |sin-ner,
Be glad in the Lord, and re-|joice, ye just;
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. and whose |sins are cov-ered.
and in whose spirit |there is no guile.
2. whilst I cried out |all the day long.
and my injustice |I have not con-cealed.
3. and thou hast forgiven the wick-|ed-ness of my sin.
I will fix my |eyes up-on thee.
4. but mercy shall encompass him that |hop-eth in the Lord.
and glory, |all ye right of heart.
Communio with English Verses 75
Lk 10: 42
. Ps 33
- ptimam par- tem * e-lé- git si-bi Ma-rí-
a, quæ non aufe-ré- tur ab e- a in æ- tér- num.
Mar-y hath chosen the |best part, * which shall never be tak-|en a-way from her.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. I will bless the Lord at |all times,
In the Lord shall my |soul be praised;
2. O mag-nify the |Lord with me;
I sought the Lord, and he |heard me:
3. Come ye to him and be en-|light-ened:
This poor man cried, and the Lord |heard him:
4. The an-gel of the Lord shall encamp
round about them that |fear him:
O taste, and see that the |Lord is sweet:
5. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a con-|trite heart:
The Lord will redeem the souls of his |ser-vants:
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. his praise shall be |al-ways in my mouth.
let the meek |hear and re-joice.
2. and let us extol his |name to-geth-er.
and he delivered me from |all my trou-bles.
3. and your faces shall not |be con-found-ed.
and saved him out of |all his trou-bles.
4. and |shall de-liv-er them.
blessed is the man that |hop-eth in him.
5. and he will save the hum-|ble of spir-it.
and none of them that trust |in him shall of-fend.
76 Communio with English Verses
Sap 16: 20
. Ps 77
A-nem de cæ- lo * de-dísti no- bis, Dó- mi-
ne, habéntem omne de- le-cta- mén- tum, et omnem
sa-pó- rem su- a- vi- tá- tis.
Thou didst feed us with the food of angels, |O Lord, * having in it all that is
delicious and the |sweet-ness of eve-ry taste.
Vvvsvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. At-tend, O my people, |to my law;
I will open my mouth in |par-a-bles;
2. He had commanded the clouds |from a-bove,
And had rained down manna upon |them to eat,
3. Man ate the bread of |an-gels;
And he rained upon them |flesh as dust,
4. And they fell in the midst of |their camp,
So they did eat, and were filled ex-|ceed-ing-ly,
Vvv xxxjvvv¥vvvgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. incline your ears to the |words of my mouth.
I will utter propositions |from the be-gin-ning.
2. and had opened the |doors of heav-en.
and had given them the |bread of heav-en.
3. he sent them provisions |in a-bun-dance.
and feathered fowls like as the |sand of the sea.
4. round a-|bout their pa-vil-ions.
and he |gave them their de-sire.
Communio with English Verses 77
Jn 6: 52
Ps 110
A- nis, * quem e- go dé- de-ro, ca-ro
me- a est pro s æ´- cu- li vi-
The bread that I will |give is my flesh * for the |life of the world.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. I will praise thee, O |Lord, with my whole heart,
Great are the |works of the Lord,
2. His work is |praise and mag-nif-i-cence,
He hath made a remembrance of his |won-der-ful works,
3. He hath given food to |them that fear him;
He will show forth to his people the |pow’r of his works,
4. All his commandments are faithful, confirmed for |ev-er and ev-er,
He hath sent redemption |to his peo-ple;
5. Ho-ly and |ter-ri-ble is his name.
A good understanding to |all that do it;
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. in the council of the just, and in the |con-gre-ga-tion.
sought out accord-|ing to all his wills.
2. and his justice continueth for ev-|er and ev-er.
being a merci-|ful and gra-cious Lord.
3. he will be mindful for ever |of his cov-e-nant.
the works of his hands are |truth and judg-ment.
4. made in |truth and eq-ui-ty.
he hath commanded his cove-|nant for ev-er.
5. The fear of the Lord is the begin-|ning of wis-dom.
his praise continueth for ev-|er and ev-er.
78 Communio with English Verses
1 Cor 5: 7, 8
. Ps 117
Ascha nostrum * immo- lá-tus est Chri-
stus, alle-lú- ia: í-ta- que e-pu- lé- mur
in á- zy- mis since- ri-tá-tis et ve-ri-tá- tis, alle-
lú- ia, alle- lú-ia, al-le- lú- ia.
Christ our pasch |is sac-ri-ficed: * therefore let us feast with the unleavened
bread of sin-|cer-i-ty and truth.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. Give praise to the Lord, |for he is good,
Let Israel now say, |that he is good,
2. In my trouble I called |up-on the Lord,
It is good to confide |in the Lord,
3. All na-tions com-|passed me a-bout,
Surrounding me they com-|passed me a-bout,
4. The right hand of the Lord hath |ex-alt-ed me;
I shall |not die, but live
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. for his mercy endur-|eth for ev-er.
that his mercy endur-|eth for ev-er.
2. and the Lord heard me, |and en-larged me.
rather than to have |con-fi-dence in man.
3. and in the name of the Lord I have |been re-venged on them.
and in the name of the Lord I have |been re-venged on them.
4. the right hand of the |Lord hath wrought strength.
and shall declare |the works of the Lord.
Communio with English Verses 79
Ps 83: 4, 5
Asser * invénit si-bi domum, et turtur nidum, ubi
repó- nat pul-los su- os: altá- ri- a tu- a Dómi-ne
virtú- tum, Rex me- us, et De- us me- us: be- á-ti
qui há-bi-tant in domo tu- a, in sæ´- cu-lum s æ´-
cu-li lau- dábunt te.
The spar-row hath found herself a house, and the turtledove a nest where she
may |lay her young ones: * thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my |king and my God: \
blessed are they that |dwell in thy house, * they shall praise thee for ev-|er and
CvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. How love-ly are thy taber-|nac-les, O Lord of hosts!
My heart and my |flesh have re-joiced
2. Bless-ed are they that |dwell in thy house, O Lord:
For bet-ter is one |day in thy courts
I have chosen to be an abject in the |house of my God,
Cvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. my soul longeth and fainteth for the |courts of the Lord.
- - - |in the liv-ing God.
2. they shall praise thee for ev-|er and ev-er.
- - - |a-bove thou-sands.
rather than to dwell in the tabernac-|les of sin-ners.
80 Communio with English Verses
Jn 17: 12, 13, 15
. Ps 121
A- ter, * cum es-sem cum e- is, ego servá-
bam e- os, quos dedísti mi- hi, alle- lú- ia: nunc
au-tem ad te vé- ni- o: non ro- go ut tollas e- os de
mun- do, sed ut serves e- os a ma- lo, alle- lú- ia,
alle- lú- ia.
Fa-ther, while |I was with them, * I kept |them whom thou gav-est me: \ now I
come to thee: I pray not that thou shouldst take them |out of the world, * but
that thou shouldst |keep them from e-vil.
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. I re-joiced at the things |that were said to me:
Our feet were standing in thy courts, |O Je-ru-sa-lem.
2. For thith-er did the tribes go up, the |tribes of the Lord,
Because their seats have |sat in judg-ment,
3. Pray ye for the things that are for the peace |of Je-ru-sa-lem,
Let peace |be in thy strength,
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. We shall go into |the house of the Lord.
Jerusalem, which is built as a city, which is |com-pact to-geth-er.
2. the testimony of Israel, to praise |the name of the Lord.
seats upon |the house of Da-vid.
3. and abundance |for them that love thee.
and |a-bun-dance in thy tow’rs.
Communio with English Verses 81
Mt 26: 42
. Ps 21
A- ter, * si non pot-est hic ca- lix transí-re,
ni- si bibam il- lum: fi- at vo-lúntas tu- a.
Fa-ther, if this chalice may not |pass a-way, * but I must drink |it, thy will be
Vvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]
1. O God my God, why hast thou for-|sak-en me?
O my God, I shall cry by day, and thou wilt |not hear,
2. In thee have our |fa-thers hoped,
But I am a worm, and |no man,
3. My heart is be-|come like wax
For many dogs have en-|com-passed me,
4. They have pierced my |hands and feet,
Save me from the |li-on’s mouth;
5. I will declare thy name to my |breth-ren,
Ye that fear the Lord, |praise him;
Vvv xxxgvvvhvvvfvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. Far from my salvation are the |words of my sins.
and by night, and it shall not be reputed as |fol-ly in me.
2. they have hoped, and thou |hast de-liv-ered them.
the reproach of men, and the outcast |of the peo-ple.
3. melting in the |midst of my bowels.
the council of the malignant |hath be-sieged me.
4. and have |num-bered all my bones.
and my lowness from the horns |of the u-ni-corns.
5. in the midst of the church |will I praise thee.
all ye the seed of Jacob, |glo-ri-fy him.
82 Communio with English Verses
. Ps 17
Er signum Crucis * de ini-mí-cis no- stris
lí-be- ra nos, De- us no- ster.
By the sign of the |Cross, de-liv-er us * from our |en-e-mies, O our God.
VvvkvvvJIvvvv xxxjvvvkvvvlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]bø
1. I will love |thee, O Lord, my strength:
My God is my helper, and in him |will I put my trust;
2. Prais-ing I will |call up-on the Lord:
He delivered me from my strongest enemies,
and from |them that hat-ed me:
3. I will pursue after my enemies, and |o-ver-take them:
I will break them, and they shall not be |a-ble to stand:
4. And thou wilt lift me up above them that rise |up a-gainst me:
Therefore will I give glory to thee,
O Lord, a-|mong the na-tions,
Vvv xxxjvvvkvvvlvvvjvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. the Lord is my firmament, my refuge, |and my de-liv-er-er.
my protector and the horn of my sal-|va-tion, and my sup-port.
2. and I shall be |saved from my en-e-mies.
for |they were too strong for me.
3. and I will not turn a-|gain till they are con-sumed.
they shall |fall un-der my feet.
4. from the unjust man |thou wilt de-liv-er me.
and I will sing |a psalm to thy name.
Communio with English Verses 83
Lk 11: 9, 10; cf Mt 7: 7, 8; 10: 1
Ps 30
E-ti-te, * et ac-ci-pi- é- tis: qu æ´-ri- te, et inve-
ni- é- tis: pulsá- te, et ape- ri- é- tur
vo- bis: omnis e-nim qui pe- tit, ácci- pit: et qui
quæ-rit, ínve- nit: pulsán- ti a- pe- ri- é-tur,
al- le- lú- ia.
Ask, and it shall be given you: |seek, and you shall find: * knock, and it shall be
|o-pened to you: \ for every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that |seek-eth,
find-eth; * and to him that knocketh, it |shall be o-pened.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. In thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me never |be con-found-ed;
Bow |down thy ear to me:
2. Be thou unto me a |God, a pro-tec-tor,
For thou art my |strength and my ref-uge:
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. deliver me |in thy jus-tice.
make haste |to de-liv-er me.
2. and a house of ref-|uge, to save me.
and for thy name’s sake thou wilt lead |me, and nour-ish me.
84 Communio with English Verses
Mt 6: 33
. Ps 36
Ri-mum qu æ´ri- te, * regnum De- i, et ómni- a
adji-ci- éntur vo- bis, di- cit Dómi- nus.
Seek ye first the kingdom |of God, * and all these things shall be added unto
|you, saith the Lord.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. Be not emulous of evil-|do-ers,
Trust in the Lord, and do good, and dwell in |the land,
2. Bet-ter is a little |to the just,
The Lord knoweth the days of the |un-de-filed,
3. They shall not be confounded in the |e-vil time,
With the Lord shall the steps of a man be di-|rect-ed,
4. De-cline from evil and |do good,
For the Lord loveth |judg-ment,
5. The un-just shall be eternal-|ly de-stroyed,
But the just shall inherit |the land,
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. nor envy them that |work in-iq-ui-ty.
and |thou shalt dwell se-cure.
2. than the great riches |of the wick-ed.
and their inheritance shall |be for ev-er.
3. and in the days of the famine |they shall be filled.
and he shall |like well his way.
4. and dwell for ev-|er and ever.
and will |not for-sake his saints.
5. and the seed of the wick-|ed shall per-ish.
and shall dwell there-|in for ev-er-more.
Communio with English Verses 85
Ps 67: 33, 34
Sálli- te Dómi- no, * qui ascéndit su-
per cæ- los cæ- ló- rum ad O- ri- éntem, alle-
lú- ia.
Sing to the |Lord, who a-scend-eth * above the heaven of |heav-ens, to the east.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Let God arise, and let his ene-|mies be scat-tered,
Sing ye to God, sing a |psalm to his name,
2. Re-joice ye before him, who is
the father of orphans, and the |judge of wid-ows;
Thou hast as-|cend-ed on high,
3. Bless-ed be the |Lord day by day;
Our God is the |God of sal-va-tion;
4. Sing to God, ye |king-doms of the earth,
sing ye to God, who mounteth above
the heaven of |heav-ens, to the east;
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. and let them that hate him flee |from be-fore his face.
make a way for him who ascend-|eth up-on the west.
2. God |in his ho-ly place.
thou hast led captiv-|i-ty cap-tive.
3. the God of our salva-|tion who bears us up.
and of the Lord are the |is-sues from death.
4. - - - |sing ye to the Lord;
behold he will give to his |voice the voice of pow’r.
86 Communio with English Verses
Jn 4: 13, 14
. Is 12
Q Ui bí-be-rit aquam, * quam e- go da- bo e-
i, di- cit Dómi- nus, fi- et in e- o fons aquæ
sa- li- én- tis in vi- tam æ- tér- nam.
Who-so-ever drinketh of the water that I will |give him, saith the Lord, * it
shall become in him a fountain of water springing up into life ev-|er-last-ing.
BvvgvvvHIvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvv¨vvvuhvvvkb/vvv]zø
1. I will give thanks to thee, O Lord, for thou wast |an-gry with me,
Behold, |God is my sav-ior,
2. Be-cause the Lord is my |strength, and my praise,
You shall draw |wa-ters with joy
3. And you shall |say in that day:
Make his works known a-|mong the peo-ple;
4. Sing ye to the Lord, for |he hath done great things;
Rejoice, and praise, O thou habi-|ta-tion of Si-on,
Bvv xxxhvvvkvvv¨vvvuhb><vv}
1. thy wrath is turned away, and thou hast com-|fort-ed me.
I will deal confidently, |and will not fear.
2. and he is become my |sal-va-tion.
out of the sav-|ior’s foun-tains.
3. Praise ye the Lord, and call |up-on his name.
remember that |his name is high.
4. show this forth |in all the earth.
for great is he that is in the midst of thee,
the Holy One |of Is-ra-el.
Communio with English Verses 87
. Is 12
Q Ui bí-be-rit aquam, * quam e- go do, di-cit Dó-
mi-nus Sama- ri-tá- næ, fi- et in e- o fons aquæ sa- li-
én- tis in vi- tam æ-tér- nam.
Who-so-ever drinketh of the water that I will give him, said the Lord unto the
woman |of Sa-ma-ri-a, * it shall become in him a fountain of water springing
up into |life ev-er-last-ing.
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. I will give thanks to thee, O Lord, for thou wast |an-gry with me,
Behold, |God is my sav-ior,
2. Be-cause the Lord is my |strength, and my praise,
You shall draw |wa-ters with joy
3. And you shall |say in that day:
Make his works known a-|mong the peo-ple;
4. Sing ye to the Lord, for |he hath done great things;
Rejoice, and praise, O thou habi-|ta-tion of Si-on,
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. thy wrath is turned away, and thou hast |com-fort-ed me.
I will deal confidently, |and will not fear.
2. and he is be-|come my sal-va-tion.
out of the |sav-ior’s foun-tains.
3. Praise ye the Lord, and |call up-on his name.
remember |that his name is high.
4. show this |forth in all the earth.
for great is he that is in the midst of thee,
the Holy |One of Is-ra-el.
88 Communio with English Verses
Jn 6: 57
. Ps 118
Q UI mandú- cat carnem me- am, * et bi- bit sán-
gui-nem me- um, in me ma- net, et e- go in
e- o, di- cit Dómi- nus.
He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abid-|eth in me: * and I |in
him, saith the Lord.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. Bless-ed are the undefiled |in the way,
Blessed are they that search his tes-|ti-mon-ies:
2. Thy words have I hid-|den in my heart,
Be thou mindful of thy word to |thy ser-vant,
3. This hath comforted me in my humil-|i-a-tion,
The law of thy mouth |is good to me,
4. How sweet are thy words to |my pal-ate,
Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light |to my paths.
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. who walk in |the law of the Lord.
that seek him |with their whole heart.
2. that I may not |sin a-gainst thee.
in which thou |hast giv-en me hope.
3. because thy word |hath en-liv-ened me.
above thousands of |gold and sil-ver.
4. more than |hon-ey to my mouth.
I will rejoice at thy words, as one that |hath found great spoil.
Communio with English Verses 89
Ps 1: 23
Q UI medi-tábi-tur * in le-ge Dó- mi-ni di- e
ac no- cte, da- bit fru-ctum su- um in
témpo-re su- o.
He who shall meditate day and night on the |law of the Lord * shall bring
forth his fruit in |due sea-son.
BvvgvvvHIvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvv¨vvvuhvvvkb/vvv]zø
1. Bless-ed is the man who hath not walked
in the counsel of |the un-god-ly,
But his will is in the |law of the Lord,
2. And he shall be like a tree which is planted
near the |run-ning wa-ters,
And his |leaf shall not fall off,
3. Not so the |wick-ed, not so,
Therefore the wicked shall not rise a-|gain in judg-ment,
4. For the Lord knoweth the |way of the just,
Bvv xxxhvvvkvvv¨vvvuhb><vv}
1. nor stood in the way of sinners,
nor sat in the chair |of pes-ti-lence.
and on his law he shall medi-|tate day and night.
2. which shall bring forth its fruit, in |due sea-son.
and all whatsoever he shall do |shall pros-per.
3. but like the dust, which the wind driveth
from the face |of the earth.
nor sinners in the coun-|cil of the just.
4. and the way of the wicked |shall per-ish.
90 Communio with English Verses
Jn 12: 26
. Ps 16
Ui mi- hi mi- ní-strat, * me sequá- tur: et u-bi
e- go sum, il-lic et mi-ní- ster
me- us e- rit.
If an-y man minister to me, let him |fol-low me: * and where I am, there also
shall my |min-is-ter be.
Vvvsvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Hear, O Lord, my |jus-tice,
Give ear un-|to my prayer,
2. Let my judgment come forth from thy |coun-te-nance;
My enemies have surrounded |my soul;
3. They have cast me forth and now they have sur-|round-ed me
They have taken me, as a lion prepared for |the prey,
4. But as for me, I will appear before thy sight in |jus-tice;
Vvv xxxjvvv¥vvvgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. attend to my |sup-pli-ca-tion.
which proceedeth |not from de-ceit-ful lips.
2. let thy eyes behold the things that are |eq-ui-ta-ble.
their mouth hath |spok-en proud-ly.
3. they have set their eyes bowing |down to the earth.
and as a young lion dwelling in |se-cret plac-es.
4. I shall be satisfied when thy |glo-ry shall ap-pear.
Communio with English Verses 91
Mt 16: 24
. Ps 33
Q Ui vult ve- ní- re post me, * áb- neget se-met-í-
psum: et tol- lat cru- cem su- am, et sequá-tur me.
Who-ev-er wishes |to come af-ter me, * let him deny himself, and take up his
|cross, and fol-low me.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. I will bless the |Lord at all times,
Come ye to him and |be en-light-ened:
2. This poor man cried, |and the Lord heard him:
Turn away from |e-vil and do good:
3. The eyes of the |Lord are up-on the just:
But the countenance of the Lord
is against |them that do e-vil things:
4. The just cried, |and the Lord heard them:
The Lord is nigh unto them that are |of a con-trite heart:
5. Man-y are the af-|flic-tions of the just;
The Lord |keep-eth all their bones,
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. his praise shall be |al-ways in my mouth.
and your faces shall not |be con-found-ed.
2. and saved him out of |all his trou-bles.
seek after peace |and pur-sue it.
3. and his |ears un-to their prayers.
to cut off the remembrance |of them from the earth.
4. and delivered them out of |all their trou-bles.
and he will save the hum-|ble of spir-it.
5. but out of them all will the |Lord de-liv-er them.
not one of them |shall be bro-ken.
92 Communio with English Verses
Mt 12: 50
. Ps 33
Q Ui-cúmque fé-ce- rit * vo-luntá- tem Patris me-
i, qui in cæ- lis est: ipse me- us fra-ter, so-ror,
et ma- ter est, di- cit Dómi- nus.
Who-so-ever shall do the will of my Father that |is in heav-en, * he is my
brother, and sister, and |moth-er, saith the Lord.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. I will bless the |Lord at all times,
In the |Lord shall my soul be praised;
2. O mag-ni-|fy the Lord with me;
I sought the |Lord, and he heard me:
3. Come ye to him and |be en-light-ened:
This poor man cried, |and the Lord heard him:
4. The Lord is nigh unto them that are |of a con-trite heart:
The Lord will redeem the |souls of his ser-vants:
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. his praise shall be |al-ways in my mouth.
let the meek |hear and re-joice.
2. and let us extol his |name to-geth-er.
and he delivered me from |all my trou-bles.
3. and your faces shall not |be con-found-ed.
and saved him out of |all his trou-bles.
4. and he will save the hum-|ble of spir-it.
and none of them that trust |in him shall of-fend.
Communio with English Verses 93
Mt 25: 4, 6
. Ps 33
Q Uinque prudéntes vír-gi-nes * acce-pé- runt ó-
le- um in va-sis su- is cum lampá-di- bus: mé-di- a
autem no- cte clamor factus est: Ecce sponsus ve-
nit: ex-í- te ób-vi- am Chri- sto Dómi- no.
The five wise virgins took oil in their vessels |with the lamps: * and at midnight
there |was a cry made: \ Behold the bridegroom |com-eth. * Go ye |forth to
meet Christ the Lord.
Vvvsvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. I will bless the Lord at |all times,
In the Lord shall my |soul be praised;
2. O mag-nify the |Lord with me;
I sought the Lord, and he |heard me:
3. Come ye to him and be en-|light-ened:
This poor man cried, and the Lord |heard him:
4. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a con-|trite heart:
The Lord will redeem the souls of his |ser-vants:
Vvv xxxjvvv¥vvvgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. his praise shall be |al-ways in my mouth.
let the meek |hear and re-joice.
2. and let us extol his |name to-geth-er.
and he delivered me from |all my trou-bles.
3. and your faces shall |not be con-found-ed.
and saved him out of |all his trou-bles.
4. and he will save the |hum-ble of spir-it.
and none of them that |trust in him shall of-fend.
94 Communio with English Verses
Mt 10: 27
Ps 33
Q Uod di-co vo-bis * in ténebris, dí-ci-te in lúmi-ne,
di-cit Dómi-nus: et quod in aure audí-tis, præ-di-cá-te
super te- cta.
That which I tell you in the dark, speak ye in |the light, saith the Lord: * and
that which you hear in the ear, preach ye |up-on the house tops.
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. I will bless the |Lord at all times,
In the Lord |shall my soul be praised;
2. O mag-ni-|fy the Lord with me;
I sought the Lord, |and he heard me:
3. Come ye to him and |be en-light-ened:
This poor man cried, and |the Lord heard him:
4. O taste, and see |that the Lord is sweet:
The Lord is nigh unto them that are of |a con-trite heart:
The Lord will redeem the souls |of his ser-vants:
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. his praise shall |be al-ways in my mouth.
let the |meek hear and re-joice.
2. and let us extol |his name to-geth-er.
and he delivered me |from all my trou-bles.
3. and your faces shall |not be con-found-ed.
and saved him out |of all his trou-bles.
4. blessed is the man |that hop-eth in him.
and he will save the |hum-ble of spir-it.
and none of them that |trust in him shall of-fend.
Communio with English Verses 95
1 Cor 11: 2627
. Ps 22
Q Uo-ti- escúmque * mandu-cá- bi-tis panem hunc,
et cá- li-cem bi-bé- tis, mortem Dó-mi-ni annunti- ábi-tis,
do- nec vé-ni- at: í-taque qui- cúmque manducá- ve-
rit panem, vel be-rit cá-licem Dómi-ni indí- gne, re- us
e- rit rpo- ris et nguinis - mi- ni, alle- lú- ia.
As of-ten as you shall eat this |Bread and drink the cup, * you proclaim the death of
the |Lord, un-til He comes. \ Therefore whoever eats this Bread or drinks the cup of
the |Lord un-worth-i-ly, * will be guilty of the Body and |Blood of the Lord.
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. The Lord ruleth me: and |I shall want noth-ing.
He hath brought me up, on the water |of re-fresh-ment,
2. Thou hast prepared a |ta-ble be-fore me,
Thou hast a-|noint-ed my head with oil;
3. And thy mercy will follow me all the |days of my life.
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. He hath set me in a |place of pas-ture.
he hath con-|ver-ted my soul.
2. against |them that af-flict me.
and my chalice is |o-ver-flow-ing.
3. And I shall dwell in the house of the |Lord un-to length of days.
96 Communio with English Verses
Lk 2: 26
. cant. Nunc dimittis; Ps 47
Espónsum * accé-pit Síme- on a Spí- ri-tu
Sancto, non vi-sú- rum se mortem, ni- si vi-dé-ret Chri-
stum Dómi- ni.
It had been revealed to him by the Holy |Spir-it * that he should not see death
before he had seen the Mes-|si-ah of the Lord.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. Now, Lord, you may let your ser-vant |go in peace,
For my eyes have seen your sal-|va-tion,
A light for revelation to the |Gen-tiles,
2. The Lord is great and worthy |to be praised
His holy mountain rises in |beau-ty,
3. Mount Zi-on, true pole of |the earth,
God, in the midst of its |cit-a-dels,
4. As we have heard, so we have seen in the city |of our God,
O God, we ponder your love within your |tem-ple.
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. ac-|cord-ing to your word.
which you prepared in the sight of |all the peo-ples.
and glory for your |peo-ple Is-ra-el.
2. in the |cit-y of our God.
the |joy of all the earth.
3. the |Great King’s cit-y!
has shown him-|self its strong-hold.
4. in the city of the Lord of hosts which God up-|holds for ev-er.
Your praise, O God, like your name reaches the |ends of the earth.
Communio with English Verses 97
cf Is 40: 5
Ps 23
E- ve- lá- bi- tur * gló- ri- a Dó- mi-ni:
et vi- dé- bit o-mnis ca- ro sa- lu- tá- re
De- i no-stri.
The glo-ry of the |Lord shall be re-vealed, * and all flesh shall see the sal-|va-
tion of our God.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. The earth is the Lord’s and the |full-ness there-of:
For he hath founded |it up-on the seas:
2. Who shall ascend into the |moun-tain of the Lord:
The innocent in |hands, and clean of heart,
3. He shall receive a |bless-ing from the Lord,
This is the generation of |them that seek him,
4. Lift up your heads, O ye gates,
and be ye lifted up, |O e-ter-nal doors:
Who is the |King of Glo-ry?
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. the world, and all |they that dwell there-in.
and hath prepared it up-|on the riv-ers.
2. or who shall stand |in his ho-ly place?
who hath not taken his soul in vain,
nor sworn deceitfully |to his neigh-bor.
3. and mercy from |God his Sav-ior.
of them that seek the face of the |God of Ja-cob.
4. and the King of Glo-|ry shall en-ter in.
The Lord who is strong and mighty: the Lord might-|y in bat-tle.
98 Communio with English Verses
Ps 90: 45
Cá- pu-lis su- is * obumbrá- bit ti- bi, et
sub pen- nis e-jus spe- rá- bis: scu- to cir-
cúmda- bit te vé- ri-tas e- jus.
He will overshadow thee with his pinions, and under his |wings thou shalt
trust: * his truth shall compass |thee with a shield.
BvvgvvvHIvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvv¨vvvuhvvvkb/vvv]zø
1. He that dwelleth in the |aid of the most High,
He shall say to the Lord:
Thou art my protector, |and my ref-uge,
2. For he hath delivered me from the |snare of the hun-ters,
For he hath given his angels |charge o-ver thee,
3. - - - In their |hands they shall bear thee up,
Thou shalt walk upon the |asp and the bas-i-lisk,
4. Be-cause he hoped in me I |will de-liv-er him;
He shall cry to me, and |I will hear him;
Bvv xxxhvvvkvvv¨vvvuhb><vv}
1. shall abide under the protection of the God |of Ja-cob.
my God, in him |will I trust.
2. and from |the sharp word.
to keep thee |in all thy ways.
3. lest thou dash thy foot |a-gainst a stone.
and thou shalt trample under foot the lion and |the drag-on.
4. I will protect him because he |hath known my name.
I will deliver him, and I will glo-|ri-fy him.
Communio with English Verses 99
Ps 28: 10b, 11b
Edébit * Dóminus Rex in æ- tér-num: Dóminus
benedí- cet pópu-lo su- o in pa- ce.
The Lord shall sit king |for ev-er: * the Lord will bless |his peo-ple with peace.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. Bring to the Lord, O ye chil-|dren of God:
Bring to the Lord glo-|ry to his name:
2. The voice of the Lord is upon |the wa-ters;
The voice of the Lord |is in pow’r;
3. The voice of the Lord breaketh |the ce-dars:
The voice of the Lord shaketh |the des-ert,
4. The Lord maketh |the flood to dwell:
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. bring to the Lord glo-|ry and hon-or.
adore ye the Lord |in his ho-ly court.
2. the God of majesty hath thundered:
The Lord is upon |man-y wa-ters.
the voice of the Lord |in mag-nif-i-cence.
3. yea, the Lord shall break the ce-|dars of Li-ba-nus.
and in his temple all shall |speak his glo-ry.
4. the Lord will give strength |to his peo-ple.
100 Communio with English Verses
Mk 16: 17, 18
. Ps 33
Igna e- os * qui in me cre- dunt, hæc
se- quén- tur: dæmó-ni- a e- í-ci- ent: su-per æ-
gros manus impó- nent, et bene ha- bé- bunt,
al-le- lú- ia.
These signs shall follow |them that be-lieve: * they shall |cast out dev-ils: \
they shall lay their |hands up-on the sick, * and they |shall re-cov-er.
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. I will bless the |Lord at all times,
In the |Lord shall my soul be praised;
2. O mag-ni-|fy the Lord with me;
I sought the |Lord, and he heard me:
3. Come ye to him and |be en-light-ened:
This poor man cried, |and the Lord heard him:
4. The Lord is nigh unto them that are |of a con-trite heart:
The Lord will redeem the |souls of his ser-vants:
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. his praise shall be |al-ways in my mouth.
let the meek |hear and re-joice.
2. and let us extol his |name to-geth-er.
and he delivered me from |all my trou-bles.
3. and your faces shall |not be con-found-ed.
and saved him out of |all his trou-bles.
4. and he will save the |hum-ble of spir-it.
and none of them that |trust in him shall of-fend.
Communio with English Verses 101
Mt 13: 45, 46
. Ps 33
I- mi- le est * regnum cæ-ló- rum hó- mi- ni ne-go-
ti- a-tó- ri, quæ-rénti bonas marga-rí-tas: ínven- ta
una pre-ti- ó- sa marga-rí-ta, de-dit ómni- a su- a,
et compa-rá- vit e- am.
The king-dom of heaven is like to a merchant seeking |good pearls: * who, when
he had found one pearl of great price, went his way and sold all that he |had
and bought it.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. I will bless the Lord at |all times,
In the Lord shall my |soul be praised;
2. Come ye to him and be en-|light-ened:
This poor man cried, and the Lord |heard him:
3. The an-gel of the Lord shall encamp
round about them that |fear him:
O taste, and see that the |Lord is sweet:
4. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a con-|trite heart:
The Lord will redeem the souls of his |ser-vants:
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. his praise shall be |al-ways in my mouth.
let the meek |hear and re-joice.
2. and your faces shall not |be con-found-ed.
and saved him out of |all his trou-bles.
3. and |shall de-liv-er them.
blessed is the man that |hop-eth in him.
4. and he will save the hum-|ble of spir-it.
and none of them that trust |in him shall of-fend.
102 Communio with English Verses
Jn 21: 15, 17
. Ps 33
I-mon Jo- án- nis, * dí- li- gis me plus his?
Dómi- ne, tu ómni- a nosti: tu scis, Dó-
mi- ne, qui- a a- mo te, al-le- lú- ia.
Si-mon son of John, lovest thou |me more than these? * Lord, thou knowest all
things: thou knowest, Lord, |that I love thee.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. I will bless the Lord |at all times,
In the Lord shall |my soul be praised;
2. O mag-nify |the Lord with me;
I sought the Lord, and |he heard me:
3. Come ye to him and be |en-light-ened:
This poor man cried, and the |Lord heard him:
4. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a |con-trite heart:
The Lord will redeem the souls of |his ser-vants:
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. his praise shall be |al-ways in my mouth.
let the |meek hear and re-joice.
2. and let us extol his |name to-geth-er.
and he delivered me from |all my trou-bles.
3. and your faces shall not |be con-found-ed.
and saved him out of |all his trou-bles.
4. and he will save the hum-|ble of spir-it.
and none of them that trust |in him shall of-fend.
Communio with English Verses 103
Jn 14: 26
. Ps 50
Pí- ri-tus Sanctus * do-cé-bit vos, alle-lú- ia: quæ-
cúmque dí-xe-ro vo-bis, alle-lú-ia, alle- lú- ia.
The Ho-ly Spirit will teach you |all things, * whatsoever I |shall have said to you.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. Have mer-cy on |me, O God,
Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop,
and I |shall be cleansed;
2. To my hearing thou shalt give joy and |glad-ness
Create a clean heart in |me, O God,
3. Cast me not away from |thy face,
I will teach the un-|just thy ways,
4. O Lord, thou wilt open |my lips,
Deal favorably, O Lord, in thy good will with |Si-on,
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. according to |thy great mer-cy.
thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made |whit-er than snow.
2. and the bones that have been |hum-bled shall re-joice.
and renew a right spir-|it with-in my bowels.
3. and take not thy holy |spir-it from me.
and the wicked shall be con-|vert-ed to thee.
4. and my mouth |shall de-clare thy praise.
that the walls of Jerusalem |may be built up.
104 Communio with English Verses
Lk 24: 34
. Ps 117
Urré- xit * Dó- mi-nus, et appá- ru- it
Pe- tro, al- le- lú- ia.
- - - The Lord |is ris-en * and hath ap-|peared to Si-mon.
CvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. Give praise to the Lord, |for he is good,
Let Israel now say, |that he is good,
2. All na-tions com-|passed me a-bout,
The Lord is my strength |and my praise,
3. The right hand of the Lord hath |ex-alt-ed me;
I shall |not die, but live
4. The stone which the builders |re-ject-ed,
This is the |Lord’s do-ing
This is the day which |the Lord hath made:
5. Bless-ed be he that cometh in the name |of the Lord.
Thou art my God, and I |will praise thee;
Give praise to the Lord, |for he is good,
Cvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. for his mercy endur-|eth for ev-er.
that his mercy endur-|eth for ev-er.
2. and in the name of the Lord I have |been re-venged on them.
and he is become |my sal-va-tion.
3. the right hand of the |Lord hath wrought strength.
and shall declare |the works of the Lord.
4. the same is become the head |of the cor-ner.
and it is won-|der-ful in our eyes.
let us be glad |and re-joice there-in.
5. We have bless’d you out of |the house of the Lord.
thou art my God, and I |will ex-alt thee.
for his mercy endur-|eth for ev-er.
Communio with English Verses 105
Jn 14: 9, [10]
. Ps 32
Anto témpo-re * vo-bís-cum sum, et non
cogno-vístis me? Phi- líppe, qui vi-det me, vi-
det et Pa- trem, alle-lú- ia: non cre- dis qui- a e- go
in Patre, et Pa-ter in me est? alle-lú- ia,
al-le- lú- ia.
Have I been so long a time with you and have |you not known me? * Philip,
he that seeth me seeth |the Father al-so: \ do you not believe that I am |in the
Fa-ther * and |the Fa-ther in me?
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Re-joice in the |Lord, O ye just;
Give praise to the |Lord on the harp,
2. Sing to him |a new can-ti-cle,
Blessed is the nation whose |God is the Lord,
3. The Lord hath |looked from heav-en,
Behold the eyes of the Lord are on |them that fear him,
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. praise be-|com-eth the up-right.
sing to him with the psaltery, the in-|stru-ment of ten strings.
2. sing well unto |him with a loud noise.
the people whom he hath chosen |for his in-her-i-tance.
3. he hath be-|held all the sons of men.
and on them that |hope in his mer-cy.
106 Communio with English Verses
Mt 2: 20
Ps 92
Olle * pú- e- rum et ma- trem e-jus, et va- de
in terram Isra- el: de-fúncti sunt e- nim, qui quæ-
ré- bant ánimam pú- e- ri.
A-rise and take the child and his mother and go into the |land of Is-ra-el, * for
they are dead that sought the |life of the child.
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. The Lord hath reigned, he is |clothed with beau-ty:
For he hath established
the |world which shall not be moved.
2. The floods have |lift-ed up, O Lord:
Wonderful are the |sur-ges of the sea:
3. Thy tes-timonies are become ex-|ceed-ing-ly cred-i-ble:
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. the Lord is clothed with strength, and hath |gird-ed him-self.
Thy throne is pre-|pared from of old.
2. the floods have |lift-ed up their voice.
wonderful |is the Lord on high.
3. holiness becometh thy house, O |Lord, un-to length of days.
Communio with English Verses 107
Tolle púerum alt.
Ps 127
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. Bless-ed are all |they that fear the Lord:
For thou shalt eat the |la-bors of thy hands:
2. Thy wife as a fruitful vine, on the |sides of thy house;
Behold, |thus shall the man be bless’d
3. May the Lord bless thee |out of Si-on:
And mayst thou see thy |chil-dren’s chil-dren,
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. that |walk in his ways.
blessed are thou, and it |shall be well with thee.
2. thy children as olive plants, round a-|bout thy ta-ble.
that |fear-eth the Lord.
3. and mayst thou see the good things of Jerusalem
all the |days of thy life.
- - - |peace up-on Is-ra-el.
108 Communio with English Verses
Ps 95: 8, 9
Olli-te hó- sti- as, * et intro- í- te in á-
tri- a e- jus: a-do-rá- te Dó-mi-num in au- la
sancta e- jus.
Bring up sacrifices and |come in-to his courts: * adore ye the |Lord in his ho-ly
VvvvkvvvJIvvvv xxxjvvvkvvvlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]bø
1. Sing ye to the Lord |a new can-ti-cle,
Sing ye to the |Lord and bless his name,
2. De-clare his glory a-|mong the Gen-tiles,
For the Lord is great and exceed-|ing-ly to be praised;
3. For all the gods of the |Gen-tiles are naught,
Praise and beauty |are be-fore him,
4. Bring ye to the Lord, O ye kindreds |of the Gen-tiles,
He shall judge the |world with jus-tice,
Vvv xxxjvvvkvvvlvvvjvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. sing to |the Lord, all the earth.
show forth his sal-|va-tion from day to day.
2. his wonders |a-mong all peo-ple.
he is to |be feared a-bove all gods.
3. but the |Lord made the heav-ens.
holiness and majesty in |his sanc-tu-ar-y.
4. bring ye to the Lord |glo-ry and hon-or.
and |the peo-ple with his truth.
Communio with English Verses 109
Mt 16: 18
. Ps 79
U es Pe- trus, * et su-per hanc pe- tram ædi-
fi- cábo Ecclé- si- am me- am.
Thou art Peter: and |up-on this rock * - - - |I will build my church.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. Give ear, O thou that rul-|est Is-ra-el,
O God of hosts, |con-vert us:
2. Thou hast brought a vineyard out |of E-gypt;
Thou wast the guide of its jour-|ney in its sight;
3. The shad-ow of it cov-|ered the hills,
It stretched forth its branches un-|to the sea,
4. Turn a-gain, |O God of hosts,
And perfect the same which thy right hand |hath plant-ed,
5. Let thy hand be upon the man of |thy right hand,
And we depart not from thee, thou |shalt quick-en us,
O Lord God of hosts, |con-vert us:
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. thou that leads |Jo-seph like a sheep.
and show thy face, and |we shall be saved.
2. thou hast cast out the Gen-|tiles and plant-ed it.
thou plantedst the roots thereof, |and it filled the land.
3. and the branches thereof |the ce-dars of God.
and its boughs un-|to the riv-er.
4. look down from heaven, and see, and vis-|it this vine-yard.
and upon the son of man whom thou hast |con-firmed for thy-self.
5. and upon the son of man whom thou hast |con-firmed for thy-self.
and we will |call up-on thy name.
and show thy face, |and we shall be saved.
110 Communio with English Verses
Ps 118: 4, 5
U mandásti * mandá- ta tu- a custo-dí- ri
nimis: ú-tinam di- rigántur vi- æ me-æ, ad cu-
sto- di- én-das justi- fi-ca- ti- ó- nes tu- as.
You have commanded that your precepts be dili-|gent-ly kept. * Oh, that I
might be firm in the ways of |keep-ing your stat-utes!
Vvvsvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Bless-ed are the undefiled in |the way,
Blessed are they that search his testi-|mo-nies:
2. For they that work in-|iq-ui-ty,
I will keep thy justifi-|ca-tions:
3. By what doth a young man cor-|rect his way?
I have declared my ways, and thou hast |heard me:
4. I have thought on |my ways:
I am ready, and am not |trou-bled:
5. Re-deem me from the calumnies |of men:
I have kept thy commandments and thy testi-|mo-nies:
Vvv xxxjvvv¥vvvgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. who walk in the |law of the Lord.
that seek him |with their whole heart.
2. have not |walked in his ways.
O! do not thou utter-|ly for-sake me.
3. By ob-|ser-ving thy words.
teach me thy |jus-ti-fi-ca-tions.
4. and turned my feet unto thy |tes-ti-mo-nies.
that I may |keep thy com-mand-ments.
5. that I may |keep thy com-mand-ments.
because all my |ways are in thy sight.
Communio with English Verses 111
Lk 1: 76
. cant. Benedíctus
U, pu- er, * prophé-ta Altíssi- mi vo-
cá-be- ris: præ- í- bis e- nim an- te fá- ci- em
Dó- mi-ni pa-rá- re vi- as e- jus.
You, child, shall be called the prophet of the |Most High, * for you shall go be-
fore the face of the Lord to |pre-pare his ways.
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Bless-ed be the Lord God of |Is-ra-el,
And hath raised up an horn of salvation |to us,
2. As he spoke by the mouth of his holy |proph-ets,
Salvation from our |en-e-mies,
3. That being delivered from the hand of our enemies,
we may serve him with-|out fear.
To give knowledge of salvation to his |peo-ple,
4. Through the bowles of the mercy |of our God,
To enlighten them who sit in the darkness
and in the shadow |of death:
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. because he has visited and wrought the redemption of |his peo-ple.
in the house of David |his ser-vant.
2. who are from the |be-gin-ning.
and from the hand of all |that hate us.
3. In holiness and justice before |him, all our days.
unto the remis-|sion of their sins.
4. in which the Orient from on high hath vis-|it-ed us.
to direct our feet into |the way of peace.
112 Communio with English Verses
Jn 7: 3739
. Ps 103
L-ti- mo * fe-sti-vi-tá-tis di- e di-cé-bat Je-
sus: Qui in me cre- dit, flúmi-na de ventre e-jus
flu- ent a- quæ vi- væ. Hoc autem di-xit de Spí-ri-tu,
quem acceptú-ri e- rant cre-déntes in e- um,
alle- lú- ia, al- le- lú- ia.
On the last day of the festivity, |Je-sus said: * He that believeth in me, out of
his belly shall flow rivers of |liv-ing wa-ter. \ Now this he said of the |Spir-it, *
which they should receive |who be-lieved in him.
Vvvsvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Bless the Lord, |O my soul.
Thou shalt send forth thy spirit and they shall be cre-|a-ted,
2. May the glory of the Lord endure for |ev-er;
I will sing to the Lord as long as |I live;
3. Let my speech be acceptable |to him,
Vvv xxxjvvv¥vvvgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. thou art ex-|ceed-ing-ly great.
and thou shalt renew the |face of the earth.
2. the Lord shall re-|joice in his works.
I will sing praise to my God while I |have my be-ing.
3. but I will take de-|light in the Lord.
Communio with English Verses 113
Ps 26: 4
- nam pé- ti- i * a Dó- mi-no, hanc
re- quí- ram: ut inhá-bi-tem in do- mo Dómi-
ni ómni-bus di- é- bus vi-tæ me- æ.
One thing I have asked of the Lord, this will |I seek af-ter: * that I may dwell
in the house of the Lord all the |days of my life.
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. The Lord is my light and |my sal-va-tion,
The Lord is the pro-|tec-tor of my life:
2. Whilst the wicked draw |near a-gainst me,
If armies in camp should stand to-|geth-er a-gainst me,
3. Turn not a-|way thy face from me:
Be thou my |help-er, for-sake me not:
4. Show un-to |me, O Lord, thy way,
I believe to see the |good things of the Lord
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. - - - |whom shall I fear?
of |whom shall I be a-fraid?
2. - - - |to de-vour my flesh.
my |heart shall not fear.
3. decline not in thy |wrath from thy ser-vant.
do not thou despise me, O |God my Sav-ior.
4. and guide me in the right path, be-|cause of my en-e-mies.
in the |land of the liv-ing.
114 Communio with English Verses
Mt 13: 54, 55
. Ps 103
Nde hu- ic * sa-pi- énti- a hæc et vir-tú- tes?
Nonne hic est fabri fí- li- us? Nonne ma-ter
e-jus dí-ci-tur Ma-rí- a? Al- le- lú- ia.
Extra T.P. † dí-ci- tur Ma- rí- a?
How did this man come by this wisdom and |these mir-a-cles? * Is not this the
carpenter’s son? Is not His moth-|er called Mar-y?
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvv¤vvvfb,vvv]bö
1. Bless the Lord, |O my soul:
Thou hast put on praise |and beau-ty:
2. How great are |thy works, O Lord!
Thou shalt send forth thy spirit and they shall be |cre-a-ted:
3. May the glory of the Lord endure |for ev-er:
I will sing to the Lord as long |as I live:
4. Let my speech be accepta-|ble to him:
Bvv xxxfvvvGYvvvgvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. thou art |ex-ceed-ing-ly great.
and art clothed with light as |with a gar-ment.
2. Thou hast made all |things in wis-dom.
and thou shalt renew |the face of the earth.
3. the Lord shall |re-joice in his works.
I will sing praise to my God while I |have my be-ing.
4. but I will take |de-light in the Lord.
Communio with English Verses 115
Jn 19: 34
. Ps 88
-nus mí-li-tum * lánce- a la-tus e-jus a-pé-ru- it,
et contí-nu- o ex- í-vit sanguis et a- qua.
One of the soldiers with a spear |o-pened his side: * and immediately there
came out |blood and wa-ter.
VvvygvvvHUvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkvvvjvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]b÷
1. The mer-cies of the Lord I will |sing for ev-er;
For thou hast said:
Mercy shall be built up for ever |in the hea-vens,
2. The heav-ens shall confess thy |won-ders, O Lord,
Justice and judgment are the prepa-|ra-tion of thy throne.
3. For thou art the |glo-ry of their strength,
And my truth and my mercy |shall be with him,
4. I will keep my mercy for |him for ev-er;
But my mercy I will not |take a-way from him,
Neither will I pro-|fane my cov-
Vvv xxxkvvv§vvvjvvvhvvv¦vvvgb,vv}
1. to generation and generation,
I will show forth thy |truth with my mouth.
thy truth shall |be pre-pared in them.
2. and thy truth in the |church of the saints.
Mercy and truth shall |go be-fore thy face.
3. and in thy good pleasure shall our |horn be ex-alt-ed.
and in my name shall his |horn be ex-alt-ed.
4. and my covenant |faith-ful to him.
nor will I |suf-fer my truth to fail.
and the words that proceed
from my |mouth I will not make void.
116 Communio with English Verses
Mt 4: 19, 20
. Ps 118
E-ní-te post me: * fá- ci- am vos pisca-tó-
res hómi- num: at il- li, re-líctis ré-ti- bus et
na- vi, se-cú-ti sunt Dómi- num.
Come ye after me, and I will make you to be fishers |of men; * and they
immediately, leaving their nets and boats, |fol-lowed the Lord.
Bvvgvvvhvvvv xxxlvvv¨vvvkb/vvv]
1. Bless-ed are the undefiled in |the way,
My soul hath |cov-et-ed
2. Be-hold I have longed after thy |pre-cepts:
And I lifted up my hands to
thy commandments, which |I loved:
3. Thou hast done well with thy servant, |O Lord,
How sweet are thy words to my |pal-ate!
4. My soul hath kept thy testi-|mo-nies:
I have longed for thy salvation, |O Lord:
Bvv xxxjvvvkvvvhvvv¥vvvgb,vv}
1. who walk in the |law of the Lord.
to long for thy justifi-|ca-tions, at all times.
2. quicken me |in thy jus-tice.
and I was exercised in thy jus-|ti-fi-ca-tions.
3. ac-|cording to thy word.
more than |hon-ey to my mouth.
4. and hath loved |them ex-ceed-ing-ly.
and thy |law is my de-light.
Communio with English Verses 117
Jn 11: 33, 35, 43, 44, 39
. Ps 129
I-dens Dómi-nus * flentes so-ró-res Lá-za-ri ad mo-
numén- tum, lacrimá-tus est co-ram Jud æ´- is, et clamá-bat:
-za- re, ve-ni fo- ras: et pród- i- it li-gá-tis -ni-bus
et pé-di-bus, qui - e- rat quatri-du- á-nus mór- tu- us.
When the Lord saw the sisters of Lazarus |weep-ing at the tomb, * he wept in
the |pres-ence of the Jews, \ and cried out: |La-za-rus, come forth; * and he
came forth, bound hands and feet, who had been |four days in the tomb.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Out of the depth I have |cried to thee, O Lord:
Let thy |ears be at-ten-tive
2. If thou, O Lord, wilt |mark in-iq-ui-ties:
For with thee there is merci-|ful for-give-ness:
3. Let the watchman |count on day-break,
Because with the |Lord there is mer-cy:
And he |shall re-deem Is-ra-el
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. - - - |Lord, hear my voice.
to the voice of my |sup-pli-ca-tion.
2. Lord, |who shall stand it?
- - - |where-fore thou art feared.
3. and Israel |hope in the Lord.
and with him plenti-|ful re-demp-tion.
from all |his in-iq-ui-ties.
118 Communio with English Verses
Ps 97: 3
I-dé- runt omnes * fi- nes ter- ræ sa- lu-
tá- re De- i nostri.
- - - All the |ends of the earth have seen * the sal-|va-tion of our God.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Sing ye to the |Lord a new can-ti-cle:
His right hand hath wrought for |him sal-va-tion,
2. The Lord hath made |known his sal-va-tion:
He hath remembered his |mer-cy and his truth
3. Sing joy-fully to |God, all the earth:
Sing praise to the |Lord on the harp,
4. With long trumpets, and |sound of cor-net,
Let the sea be moved and the |full-ness there-of:
5. The riv-ers shall clap their hands, the mountains
shall rejoice together at the |pres-ence of the Lord:
He shall judge the |world with jus-tice,
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. because he hath done |won-der-ful things.
and his |arm is ho-ly.
2. he hath revealed his justice in the sight |of the Gen-tiles.
toward the |house of Is-ra-el.
3. make melo-|dy, re-joice and sing.
on the harp, and with the |voice of a psalm.
4. make a joyful noise be-|fore the Lord our king.
the world and |they that dwell there-in.
5. because he com-|eth to judge the earth.
and the peo-|ple with eq-ui-ty.
Communio with English Verses 119
cf Mt 2: 2
Ps 71
I- di- mus * stel-lam e-jus in O- ri- énte, et
vé-nimus cum mu- ri- bus ado-rá-re Dómi- num.
We have seen his |star in the east, * and are |come to a-dore the Lord.
BvvhvvvGYvvvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. Give to the king thy |judg-ment, O God:
To judge thy peo-|ple with jus-tice,
2. Let the mountains receive peace |for the peo-ple:
In his days shall |jus-tice spring up,
3. And he shall |rule from sea to sea,
The kings of Tharsis and the islands shall |of-fer pres-ents:
4. And all kings of the earth |shall a-dore him:
For he shall deliver the poor |when they cry out:
5. Let his name be |bless’d for ev-er-more:
And in him shall all the tribes |of the earth be bless’d:
Blessed be the Lord, the |God of Is-ra-el,
Bvv xxxgvvvhvvvjvvvgvvv£vvvdbmvv}
1. and to the |king’s son thy jus-tice.
and |thy poor with judg-ment.
2. - - - |and the hills jus-tice.
and abundance of peace, till the moon |be tak-en a-way.
3. and from the river unto |the ends of the earth.
the kings of the Arabians and of |Sa-ba shall bring gifts.
4. all |na-tions shall serve him.
and the needy |that had no help-er.
5. his name contin-|u-eth be-fore the sun.
all nations |shall mag-ni-fy him.
who alone |doth won-der-ful things.
120 Communio with English Verses
Mt 17: 9
. Ps 44
I-si- ó-nem * quam vi- dístis, némi-ni di-xé- ri-
tis, do-nec a mórtu- is re-súrgat Fí- li- us hómi-nis.
- - - Tell the |vi-sion to no man * until the Son of man be |ris-en from the dead.
BvvfvvvGYvvvv xxx\vjvvv¦vvvhvvvgvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. My heart hath |ut-tered a good word,
Thou art beautiful above the sons of men,
grace is poured a-|broad in thy lips;
2. Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O |thou most might-y,
Proceed |pros-per-ous-ly and reign,
3. And thy right hand shall conduct thee |won-der-ful-ly:
Thy throne, O God, is for |ev-er and ev-er;
4. Thou hast loved justice, and |hat-ed in-iq-ui-ty,
They shall re-|mem-ber thy name
Bvv xxxgvvvfvvvGYvvv¥vvvtfbM<vv}
1. I speak my |works to the king.
therefore hath God bless’d |thee for ev-er.
2. with thy comeliness and thy |beau-ty set out.
because of truth and meek-|ness and jus-tice.
3. thy arrows are sharp, under |thee shall peo-ple fall.
the scepter of thy kingdom is a scepter |of up-right-ness.
4. therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee
with the oil of gladness a-|bove thy fel-lows.
throughout all |gen-e-ra-tions.
Communio with English Verses 121
Ps 75: 12,13
Ové-te, *et réddi-te Dómi- no De- o ve-stro,
omnes qui in circú- i-tu e-jus affér- tis múne- ra: ter-
rí-bi- li, et e- i qui aufert spí-ri-tum prín- ci-
pum: terrí- bi-li a- pud omnes re- ges ter- ræ.
Make vows to the Lord, your God, and ful-|fill them; * let all round about
Him bring gifts to the ter-|ri-ble Lord \ who checks the pride of |princ-es, *
Who is terrible to the kings |of the earth.
Xvvdvvvfvvvv xxxjvvv¦vvvhb.vvv]bö
1. In Ju-dea |God is known:
And his place is |in peace:
2. There hath he broken the |pow’rs of bows,
Thou enlightenest wonderfully from the ever-|last-ing hills.
3. Thou hast caused judgment to be heard from |heav-en:
When God arose in |judg-ment,
Xvv xxxgvvvdvvv¤vvvfb,vv}
1. his name is great |in Is-ra-el.
and his abode |in Si-on.
2. the shield, the sword, and |the bat-tle.
All the foolish of heart |were trou-bled.
3. the earth trem-|bled and was still.
to save all the meek |of the earth.
122 Communio with English Verses
Acceptabis..................................... 1
Amen dico…quidquid .................. 2
Amen dico…quod uni................... 3
Aufer a me .................................... 4
Beata viscera................................. 5
Beatam me dicent.......................... 7
Beati mundo corde........................ 8
Beatus servus ................................ 9
Benedicimus Deum..................... 10
Benedicite omnes........................ 11
Cantabo Domino......................... 12
Cantate Domino .......................... 13
Christus resurgens....................... 14
Christus semel............................. 15
Circuibo ...................................... 16
Comedite pinguia........................ 17
Data est mihi ............................... 18
De fructu ..................................... 19
Descendit Jesus........................... 20
Dicit Andreas .............................. 21
Dicit Dominus............................. 22
Dicite Pusillanimes ..................... 23
Dico vobis................................... 24
Dilexisti....................................... 25
Domine Dominus........................ 26
Domine memorabor.................... 27
Domine quinque.......................... 28
Dominus dabit............................. 29
Dominus firmamentum............... 30
Dominus Jesus ............................ 31
Dominus regit me ....................... 32
Domus mea ................................. 33
Dum venerit Paraclitus ............... 34
Ecce sic benedicetur.................... 35
Ecce virgo ................................... 36
Ego clamavi ................................ 37
Ego sum pastor............................ 38
Ego sum vitis .............................. 39
Ego vos elegi............................... 40
Exsulta filia Sion......................... 41
Factus est repente........................ 43
Fili quid fecisti............................ 44
Gloriosa....................................... 45
Gustate et videte.......................... 46
Hoc corpus .................................. 47
Honora Dominum ....................... 48
Illumina....................................... 49
In salutari tuo .............................. 50
In splendoribus ............................51
Inclina aurem tuam......................52
Intellige clamorem.......................53
Introibo ........................................54
Jerusalem quæ .............................55
Jerusalem surge ...........................56
Joseph fili David..........................57
Lutum fecit...................................59
Lux æterna ...................................60
Magna est gloria ..........................61
Memento verbi.............................63
Mirabantur ...................................64
Mitte manum ...............................65
Multitudo .....................................67
Narrabo ........................................68
Nemo te condemnavit..................69
Non vos relinquam ......................70
Notas mihi ...................................71
Omnes gentes...............................72
Omnes qui in Christo...................73
Oportet te .....................................74
Optimam partem..........................75
Panem de cælo.............................76
Panis quem...................................77
Pascha nostrum............................78
Passer invenit...............................79
Pater cum essem ..........................80
Pater si non potest........................81
Per signum Crucis........................82
Petite ............................................83
Primum quærite ...........................84
Psallite Domino ...........................85
Qui biberit aquam........................86
Qui biberit aquam (alt.) ...............87
Qui manducat...............................88
Qui meditabitur............................89
Qui mihi ministrat........................90
Qui vult venire.............................91
Quicumque fecerit .......................92
Quinque prudentes.......................93
Quod dico vobis...........................94
Responsum ..................................96
Revelabitur ..................................97
Scapulis suis ................................98
Communio with English Verses 123
Sedebit Dominus......................... 99
Signa eos................................... 100
Simile est regnum ..................... 101
Simon Joannis........................... 102
Spiritus Sanctus......................... 103
Surrexit Dominus...................... 104
Tanto tempore........................... 105
Tolle puerum............................. 106
Tollite hostias............................ 108
Tu es Petrus............................... 109
Tu mandasti............................... 110
Tu puer.......................................111
Ultimo festivitatis ......................112
Unam petii .................................113
Unde huic...................................114
Unus militum.............................115
Venite post me...........................116
Videns Dominus.........................117
Viderunt omnes .........................118
Vidimus stellam.........................119
Advent, 1st Sunday...................................................... Dominus dabit
Advent, 2nd Sunday..................................................... Jerusalem surge
Advent, 3rd Sunday ..................................................... Dicite Pusillanimes
Advent, 4th Sunday ..................................................... Ecce virgo
Christmas Vigil............................................................ Revelabitur
Christmas Midnight ..................................................... In splendoribus
Christmas Dawn........................................................... Exsulta filia Sion
Christmas Day.............................................................. Viderunt omnes
Holy Family
A ............................................................................... Tolle puerum
BC............................................................................. Fili quid fecisti
Mary Mother of God.................................................... Exsulta filia Sion
2nd Sun. after Christmas.............................................. Domine Dominus
Epiphany ...................................................................... Vidimus stellam
Baptism of the Lord ..................................................... Omnes qui in Christo
Ash Wednesday ........................................................... Qui meditabitur
Lent, 1st Sunday .......................................................... Scapulis suis
Lent, 2nd Sunday......................................................... Visionem
Lent, 3rd Sunday.......................................................... Qui biberit aquam
alt. 1.......................................................................... Passer invenit
Lent, 4th Sunday.......................................................... Jerusalem quæ
alt. 1.......................................................................... Lutum fecit
alt. 2.......................................................................... Oportet te
Lent, 5th Sunday.......................................................... Qui mihi ministrat
alt. 1.......................................................................... Videns Dominus
alt. 2.......................................................................... Nemo te condemnavit
Lent Palm Sunday........................................................ Pater si non potest
Holy Thursday
Chrism Mass............................................................. Dilexisti
Evening Mass........................................................... Hoc corpus
Easter Vigil .................................................................. Pascha nostrum
Easter Sunday .............................................................. Pascha nostrum
Easter, 2nd Sunday ...................................................... Mitte manum
Easter, 3rd Sunday
A ............................................................................... Surrexit Dominus
B ............................................................................... Cantate Domino
C ............................................................................... Simon Joannis
124 Communio with English Verses
Easter, 4th Sunday ....................................................... Ego sum pastor
Easter, 5th Sunday
A ............................................................................... Tanto tempore
BC............................................................................. Ego sum vitis
Easter, 6th Sunday
A ............................................................................... Non vos relinquam
B ............................................................................... Ego vos elegi
C ............................................................................... Spiritus Sanctus
A ............................................................................... Data est mihi
B ............................................................................... Signa eos
C ............................................................................... Psallite Domino
Easter, 7th Sunday ....................................................... Pater cum essem
Vigil.......................................................................... Ultimo festivitatis
Day ........................................................................... Factus est repente
Trinity Sunday
AC ............................................................................ Benedicimus Deum
B ............................................................................... Data est mihi
Corpus Christi
AB ............................................................................ Qui manducat
C ............................................................................... Hoc corpus
Sacred Heart................................................................. Unus militum
alt. 1.......................................................................... Gustate et videte
alt. 2.......................................................................... Dico vobis
2nd Sunday of the Year
A ............................................................................... Lætabimur
B ............................................................................... Dicit Andreas
C ............................................................................... Dicit Dominus
3rd Sunday of the Year ................................................ Mirabantur
AB ............................................................................ Venite post me
C ............................................................................... Comedite pinguia
4th Sunday of the Year
A ............................................................................... Beati mundo corde
BC............................................................................. Illumina
5th Sunday of the Year
AC ............................................................................ Introibo
B ............................................................................... Multitudo
6th Sunday of the Year ................................................ Manducaverunt
7th Sunday of the Year ................................................ Narrabo
8th Sunday of the Year
A ............................................................................... Primum quærite
BC............................................................................. Cantabo Domino
9th Sunday of the Year ................................................ Ego clamavi
alt.............................................................................. Amen dico…quidquid
10th Sunday of the Year
AC ............................................................................ Dominus firmamentum
B ............................................................................... Quicumque fecerit
11th Sunday of the Year .............................................. Unam petii
Communio with English Verses 125
12th Sunday of the Year
A ............................................................................... Quod dico vobis
B ............................................................................... Circuibo
C ............................................................................... Qui vult venire
13th Sunday of the Year
A ............................................................................... Christus resurgens
BC............................................................................. Inclina aurem tuam
14th Sunday of the Year .............................................. Gustate et videte
15th Sunday of the Year .............................................. Passer invenit
alt.............................................................................. Qui manducat
16th Sunday of the Year
AB ............................................................................ Acceptabis
C ............................................................................... Optimam partem
17th Sunday of the Year
A ............................................................................... Simile est regnum
B ............................................................................... Honora Dominum
C ............................................................................... Petite
18th Sunday of the Year .............................................. Panem de cælo
19th Sunday of the Year
AB ............................................................................ Panis quem
C ............................................................................... Beatus servus
20th Sunday of the Year
A ............................................................................... Domus mea
B ............................................................................... Qui manducat
C ............................................................................... Primum quærite
21st Sunday of the Year............................................... De fructu
alt.............................................................................. Qui manducat
22nd Sunday of the Year
A ............................................................................... Qui vult venire
BC............................................................................. Domine memorabor
23rd Sunday of the Year .............................................. Vovete
24th Sunday of the Year
A ............................................................................... Tollite hostias
B ............................................................................... Qui vult venire
C ............................................................................... Dico vobis
25th Sunday of the Year .............................................. Tu mandasti
26th Sunday of the Year .............................................. Memento verbi
27th Sunday of the Year .............................................. In salutari tuo
28th Sunday of the Year .............................................. Aufer a me
29th Sunday of the Year .............................................. Domine Dominus
30th Sunday of the Year .............................................. Lætabimur
31st Sunday of the Year............................................... Notas mihi
32nd Sunday of the Year
A ............................................................................... Quinque prudentes
BC............................................................................. Dominus regit me
33rd Sunday of the Year
A ............................................................................... Domine quinque
BC............................................................................. Amen dico…quidquid
Christ the King
A ............................................................................... Amen dico…quod uni
BC............................................................................. Sedebit Dominus
126 Communio with English Verses
February 2, Presentation .............................................. Responsum
March 19, Saint Joseph................................................ Joseph fili David
March 25, Annunciation .............................................. Ecce virgo
June 24, Saint John the Baptist
Vigil.......................................................................... Magna est gloria
Day ........................................................................... Tu puer
June 29, Saints Peter and Paul
Vigil.......................................................................... Simon Joannis
Day ........................................................................... Tu es Petrus
August 6, Transfiguration............................................ Visionem
August 15, Assumption
Vigil.......................................................................... Beata viscera
Day ........................................................................... Beatam me dicent
September 14, Triumph of the Cross........................... Per signum Crucis
November 1, All Saints................................................ Beati mundo corde
November 2, All Souls ................................................ Lux æterna
November 9, Dedication of the Lateran ...................... Jerusalem quæ
December 8, Immaculate Conception.......................... Gloriosa
Dedication of a Church................................................ Domus mea
Jerusalem quæ
Passer invenit
Tollite hostias
Unam petii
Funeral ......................................................................... Lux æterna
Amen dico…quod uni
Domine quinque
Dominus regit me
Notas mihi
Panis quem
Qui manducat
Qui mihi ministrat
Wedding....................................................................... Beati mundo corde
Primum quærite
Baptism ........................................................................ Omnes qui in Christo
Confirmation................................................................ Beati mundo corde
Domine quinque
Qui vult venire
Non vos relinquam
Communion antiphons for
general use, ad libitum ............................................. Ego sum vitis
Gustate et videte
Hoc corpus
Panem de cælo
Panis quem
Qui manducat