Minutes Recorder: Carol Rankin
Board Meeting Minutes
DATE: June 3, 2019
PRESENT: Chair Anna Barrett Smith, Vice Chair Betsy Flanagan, Amy Cole,
Tracy Everette-Lenz, Caroline W. Doherty, Melinda Fagundus, Worth Forbes,
and Benjie Forrest, and Mary Blount Williams
ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Ethan Lenker, Jennifer L. Johnson, Debra Baggett, Matt
Johnson, Dr. Ve-Lecia Council, Dr. Steve Lassiter, and Media
TIME: 6:30 P.M.
PLACE: Court Room, Farmville Town Hall, 2637 Main Street, Farmville, NC,
1) Start of Meeting
A) Chair Smith called the Board of Education meeting to order in Regular
Session on June 3, 2019 at 6:30 P.M. in the 3
Floor Board Room, 1717 West
Street, Greenville, NC 27834.
B) Mary Blount Williams led the Board members in the pledge of allegiance and
a moment of silence which ended in a prayer.
2) Routine Business
A) Adjustments to the Agenda
Caroline Doherty made a motion to approve the Agenda as presented with a
second by Benjie Forrest. The motion to approve the Agenda as presented
passed unanimously.
B) Spotlight on Teaching and Learning
Public Information Officer Jennifer L. Johnson introduced the following to the
Board members:
1) Farmville Central High School State Champions
Coach Larry Williford shared with the Board members that his team was 32-0
for the second year in a row and won the North Carolina High School Athletic
Association NCHSAA State Championship for 2A Men’s basketball. The team
members were: #1 Dontavious Short, #2 Terquavion Smith, #3 Rashae Owens,
#5 Justin Wright, #10 Red Foskey, #11 Rande Harper, #12 Tae Suggs, #14
Dyquavis Wilkins, #21 Leontae Moye, #23 Samage Teel, #24 Josh Baker, #32
Nic Taylor, and #42 Derrick Cox. The coaches were: Larry Williford, Ronald
Reid, Donald Reid, Tyre Mayo, Justin Foskey, Dennis Pitt, and Juan Barerr.
On behalf of the Board members, Betsy Flanagan, presented each team
member and coach with a ‘Creating Excellence in the East’ certificate and a Pitt
County Schools medallion.
2) Battle of the Books Team from Hope Middle School
Tracie Below, Hope Middle School’s Media Coordinator, introduced her Battle of
the Books (BOB) team to the Board members for winning the Local and
Regional competitions and placing sixth in the BOB state competition. The
team members present were: Nicholas Ahn, Bouchra Benzit, Westley Blakeslee,
Sean Branigan, Samuel Fuh, Jiah Lee, Jiwoo Lee, Josie Motsinger, and Taryn
Whited. Team members unable to attended were: Baker Brimhall, Michael
Huynh and Christine Yoon. The BOB coaches were: Tracie Below and Wanda
Bingaman. On behalf of the Board members, Benjie Forrest, presented the
Minutes Recorder: Carol Rankin
BOB team members and both coaches with a ‘Creating Excellence in the East’
certificate and a Pitt County Schools medallion.
3) Battle of the Books Team from Creekside Elementary
Meredith Hill, Creekside Elementary School’s Media Coordinator, introduced
her Battle of the Books (BOB) team for winning the Local and Regional BOB
competitions. The team members were: Greyson Abel, Rex Augustson, Isabella
Calix, Kaylee Goff, Zephyn Manning, Pranab Mitra, Trathen Quinn, Elina
Shearin, and Mary Beth Wright. The coaches were Meredith Hill and Whit
Blanchard. On behalf of the Board members, Betsy Flanagan, presented the
BOB team members and both coaches with a ‘Creating Excellence in the East’
certificate and a Pitt County Schools medallion.
4) National Center for Women and Information Technology
Don Marr, Principal of D.H. Conley High School, introduced Anna Below for
recently being honored at Campbell University by the National Center for
Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). Anna told the Board members how
NCWIT benefited her as a female student. On behalf of the Board members,
Worth Forbes, presented Anna with a ‘Creating Excellence in the East’
certificate and a Pitt County Schools medallion.
5) State Math Fair
Principal Jennifer Poplin introduced two students that competed in the State
Math Fair. Thomas Brann won first place for creating an inclinometer to
measure the height of a building from a distance. Leah Wainright won third
place for her equation that can be used to predict height from hand width. On
behalf of the Board members, Benjie Forrest, presented Thomas and Leah with
a ‘Creating Excellence in the East’ certificate and a Pitt County Schools
6) State Science Fair
Crystal Malpass, Hope Middle School’s Science teacher, introduced four
students who competed in the State Science Fair held at NC State University.
Jiah Lee placed second for her ‘Biological A experiment’ and Elyana Hvastkovs
placed second, for her project, in the Chemistry Division. Both students will
represent Hope Middle School in the National Science Fair competition to be
held in Washington, DC in October. Josie Motsinger, and Sean Branigan also
competed in the State competition but did not place. On behalf of the Board
members, Benjie Forrest, presented each student and Ms. Malpass with a
‘Creating Excellence in the East’ certificate and a Pitt County Schools
7) Amy Carrol/ Sherry Little Award
Virginia Gaynor, Director of Exceptional Children Programs, introduced
Michele W. Mazey, Exceptional Children’s Adapted Physical Education teacher
as the winner of the Amy Carroll/Sherry Little Award. This award is presented
to an educator who goes Above and Beyond in the field of Health and Physical
Education and serves as a memorial for Amy Carroll and Sherry Little, two
Physical Educators whose untimely death occurred while en route to the 1990
North Carolina Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation,
Dance and Sports Management (NCAAHPERDSM) Convention.
C) Public Expression
Ms. Lee Guth, with the Pitt County Farm and Food Council, came to share
information concerning the Pitt County Food Finder app with the Board
3. Consent Agenda
Caroline Doherty made a motion to approve the consent items, with a second
from Mary Blount Williams. The motion to approve the Consent Agenda for
Minutes Recorder: Carol Rankin
June 3, 2019, passed unanimously. The Consent Agenda items included the
May 6, 2019, Regular Board meeting minutes
May 20, 2019, Board Work Session minutes
May 20, 2019, Closed Session Board minutes
Personnel Report for June 3, 2019
Financial Audit Contracts for 2019, 2020, and 2021
2019-2020 Interim Budget Resolution
DEEL/ Professional Development Building Build-Out Contract amount of
2019-2022 Academically Intellectually Gifted Plan
2019-2020 CTE Local Plan
Board Panel Student Transfer Hearing Recommendation List
With no discussion, the motion to approve the Consent Agenda passed
4. New Business:
A) Greenville Utilities Commission Water Easement Request
Matt Johnson, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, shared information
concerning the requested Greenville Utilities Commission (GUC) water
easement. Mr. Johnson stated the request was to allow GUC to connect an
existing water line with water service to an existing pump station located on
the Wintergreen Intermediate property. After consideration, Mr. Johnson’s
recommendation was to grant GUC the 35-foot-long by 10-foot-wide easement
at the cost of one dollar. Caroline Doherty made a motion to approve the GUC
Water Easement request at the cost of one dollar, with a second from Mary
Blount Williams. The motion to approve the easement request passed
B) Parents for Pitt County Public Schools Community Conversation Report
Kylene Dibble, Executive Director of PPS-PC, assisted by DeVont’e Arrington,
PPS-PC Intern. Ms. Dibble and Mr. Arrington gave a summary of the fifth
annual community conversation report which included the following.
Strong accolades for PCS
Facilities need to be updated
Customer Service needed to help make schools feel welcome and secure
Redistricting input needed from parents
Robust CTE program
5. Closing Comments
Closing comments were made by Dr. Lenker, Board members, and Chair
6. Adjourn
Benjie Forrest made a motion to adjourn with a second from Caroline Doherty.
The motion to adjourn passed unanimously. Time adjourned was 7:54 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Anna Barrett Smith, Chair
Dr. Ethan Lenker, Secretary