Piman~epickopoc n~remn~,/mi
n~te niyws ethwtp etcar/c
The Coptic Orthodox
Of the Southern USA
Sunday School Curriculum
Grade 2
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ I
PREFACE .............................................................................................................. III
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... IV
FILLER LESSONS .................................................................................................... 1
1- The Holy Bread .................................................................................................................. 2
2- The Lord Forgives St. Peter ............................................................................................... 6
3- The Miracle of Al-Mokattam ............................................................................................. 8
4- God‟s Care for the Baby Moses ....................................................................................... 11
5- God cares for Daniel in the Lions‟ Den ........................................................................... 14
6 - Cornelius Receives the Faith .......................................................................................... 17
7 - Jesus Christ Loves the Children...................................................................................... 19
LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER ........................................................21
Week 2- St. George the Prince of Martyrs ........................................................................... 22
Week 3- Using the Cross...................................................................................................... 24
Week 4 - God Calls Abraham .............................................................................................. 26
LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER ............................................................29
Week 1 - Abraham Separation from Lot .............................................................................. 30
Week 2 - Lot and His Wife .................................................................................................. 32
Week 3- God Cares for Hagar and Ishmael ......................................................................... 34
Week 4 - The Censer ............................................................................................................ 36
LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER .........................................................39
Week 1 St. Anastasia......................................................................................................... 40
Week 2 - Daniel‟s Three Friends in the Furnace ................................................................. 42
Week 3 - Jesus Calms a Storm ............................................................................................. 44
Week 4 Jesus Feeds Four Thousand People ..................................................................... 46
LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER .........................................................49
Week 1- Philopater Marcorious ........................................................................................... 50
Week 2 - St. Nicholas: The Real Santa Claus ...................................................................... 52
Week 3 - The Birth of John the Baptist ............................................................................... 54
Week 4 The Star of the East and The Wisemen................................................................ 56
LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY ............................................................59
Week 1 - Epiphany: Baptizing children ............................................................................... 60
Week 2 - The Tower of Babel .............................................................................................. 62
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 3 - God appears to Jacob ............................................................................................ 64
Week 4 - Young Joseph‟s Sweet Dreams ............................................................................ 66
BEGINNING OF FEBRUARY TILL JONAHS FAST .................................................69
LESSONS FOR JONAHS FAST ...............................................................................71
Week before Fast - God Sends Joseph to Egypt .................................................................. 72
Week after Jonah‟s Fast - God Saves Joseph From the Prison ............................................ 74
LESSONS FOR THE GREAT FAST PERIOD ............................................................77
Week 0 - God Makes Joseph a Great Man ........................................................................... 78
Week 1 - God Saves Jacob and His Children from Famine ................................................. 80
Week 2 - Joseph Forgives his Brothers ................................................................................ 83
Week 3 - Jacob Blesses His Grandsons ............................................................................... 85
Week 4 - Lord Christ Accepts Zacchaeus‟ Invitation .......................................................... 87
Week 5 - The Good Samaritan ............................................................................................. 89
Week 6 - The Angel Appears to the Maries ......................................................................... 91
LESSONS FOR THE PENTECOST PERIOD ..............................................................93
Week 1 - Anba Sarabamun .................................................................................................. 94
Week 2 - God Gives Moses the Ten Commandments ......................................................... 96
Week 3 - Ascension Day ...................................................................................................... 98
Week 4 - The Sheep and the Goats .................................................................................... 100
Week 5 Prayer: Anba Shenouda ..................................................................................... 102
Week 6 - St. Bishoy Washes Christ‟s Feet ........................................................................ 104
Week 7- The Lord Christ Appears to St. Paul ................................................................... 106
THE APOSTLES FAST PERIOD ..........................................................................109
LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY .................................................................111
Week 2 - Elijah and the Raven ........................................................................................... 112
Week 3 - Elijah and the Widow ......................................................................................... 114
Week 4 - God Accepts Elijah‟s Sacrifice ........................................................................... 116
LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST ............................................................119
Week 1 - Elijah and the Son of the Widow ........................................................................ 120
Week 2 - St. Mary the Child .............................................................................................. 122
Week 3 - Elisha and the Jars of Oil .................................................................................... 124
Week 4 - The Prodigal Son ................................................................................................ 126
LESSON OF THE FIRST WEEK OF SEPTEMBER ...................................................129
Week 1- Behavior in the Lord‟s House.............................................................................. 130
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States, under the auspices of His Grace
Bishop Youssef, felt the pressing need for a modified Sunday School Curriculum which would
be better suited to address the problems and issues facing children both in America and the lands
of immigration. Therefore, the efforts and time of many faithful servants have been dedicated to
modify and improve the presently used English translation of the syllabus published by the
Youth Services Committee of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate. This has resulted in the
elimination of many existing lessons from this syllabus and the substitution with new lessons that
are more appropriate for our youth in American society. These additional lessons give greater
consideration to the differences in quality of life, education, media influence, cultural differences
and the surrounding diversity of beliefs between Egyptian society and that of the west
We pray that God may bless this work for the spiritual growth of our children in the
immigration countries. We also thank His Grace Bishop Youssef for his continued support,
prayers and motivating guidance in this service.
May God reward every servant who offered time and effort toward the completion of this
Sunday School Curriculum.
“ Thus Far The Lord Has Helped Us”
(I Samuel 7:12)
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
This grade 2 Sunday school curriculum has been modified by substituting 22 lessons from the
previous curriculum published by the Youth Service Committee of the Coptic Orthodox
Patriatchate with new lessons that are suitable for the youth in America. The order of the lessons
has also been changed to follow the major events in the church. This resulted in the following
order assuming the starting date is the first week after the Coptic New Year celebration (El
Nayrooz) on September 11:
- 3 lessons for the month of September
- 4 lessons for each of the months of October through January
- Variable number of filler lessons for the period between the beginning of
February and Jonah‟s fast.
- 2 lessons, one before and one after Jonah‟s fast
- 7 lessons during the Great Fast
- 7 lessons for the period between Easter and the Feast of the Pentecost
- Variable number of filler lessons between the Feast of the Pentecost and the
Apostles‟ Feast
- 3 lessons for the remainder of July after the Apostles‟ Feast
- 4 lessons for August
- 1 lesson for the first week of September
Please note that filler lessons can also be used for the occasional fifth Sunday in any month.
These filler lessons are in the beginning of the book and it is preferable that they be used in
sequence for the sake of unity in all the churches.
The students of grade 2 enjoy stories with visual aids and different sounds. They particularly
like stories with animals. The main theme to be conveyed at this age is the power and strength of
their God. They also have a tremendous memory capacity at this age and this is a good
opportunity to memorize as much as possible from the Bible and Psalms or prayers.
The Servant‟s interest should be in both the child and the lesson and the spirit of his
dedication constitute the basis of his service that is why he has to prepare his lessons very well.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
The Lesson
Church Education Service is divided into:
- A lesson full of prayer, knowledge, hymns and group interaction.
- Assignments in the form of Scripture Studies, answering questions, drawing, etc.
- External social activities in which parents, pastors and children meet.
- Partaking in all types of public worship, teaching and various occasions.
- Deacon Servants should commit to attending to the children with interest.
In this “Guide”, some lessons are prepared in detail while others are briefly prepared. This is
done on purpose, as we do not want the servant to rely entirely on this Guide”. We have set
some verses, scripture items, and extracts. Such items integrate with the lessons and are,
necessary for the children.
Children should keep a private notebook in which they can write notes about these lessons
and do their homework and activities.
A Child of Seven:
The child of this age suffers, sometimes, from psychological instability and whether people
love them or not. So, the most important thing is to show them love generously. These children
begin to recognize the action of the Spirit in the universe and the Spirit opens their heart and
strengthens their talents. Thus, the experienced servant who feels the work of God in the
universe is that who is able to transfer these matters to the children. The work of the Holy Spirit
in our life delivers such matters to the children. The children, then, are pleased and satisfied, as
they understand what they learn.
Instructions to the Servant:
1. Observe, explore, find out, study, think, go on doing these things so that the child can
understand, grow, feel and enjoy the lessons. Thus we know that the learning process
needs hard work on the part of the Servant and growth on the part of the children.
2. You have to arouse their interest, as this age is curious by nature and like to inquire
about things. They speak about matters that are interesting to them. They learn from
nature more than they learn from you. When the Servants bear this in mind, they
realize that this is the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the children.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
3. Recall your experience when you were a child of seven as in doing this, you can help
the children to enjoy what they learn.
4. Hold meetings with Servants who teach children of this age to know what the
children learn in this age. When you meet a Servant who is fond of teaching the
children of this age discuss everything with him.
5. The children should apply the lesson to their everyday life. For example:
a. They like to have fellowship with angels and saints.
b. At the table: During meal times, they help in preparing the table, pray before
eating, practice cleanliness, do not stretch their hand to take anything which is put
before others, thank God for what is before them and after eating, they gather the
broken pieces of bread.
Kinds of activities that children practice:
They relate the story to their brothers and sisters.
They draw scenes of the story.
They stick pictures.
They act the story.
They pray using the hymn.
They speak to the characters of the story, angels, saints, etc., and make fellowship with
After all, this can still be considered as a preliminary modified curriculum for grade 2 that
will require your feedback as a servant in order to continue the improvement process. Any
inquiries or comments can be forwarded to [email protected]
May the Holy Spirit guide every servant using this curriculum.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
These lessons are to be used for the fifth Sunday in a month and to fill the empty weeks due
to the changing date of the Resurrection Feast.
1. The Holy Bread
2. The Lord Forgives St. Peter
3. The Miracle of Al-Mokattam
4. God‟s Care for the Baby Moses
5. God cares for Daniel in the Lions‟ Den
6. Cornelius Receives Faith
7. Jesus Christ Loves the Children
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
1- The Holy Bread
To learn the value of Quarban
Memory Verse:
Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life.” (John 6:54).
The Holy Bible, John 6:48-58
Review the previous lesson and verse. Then, ask the students:
Where do we find Quarban?
Who passes it out?
When and how do we eat the Quarban?
It would be very good to draw a Quarban with all its symbols so when the servant teaches, he can
point to his drawing. Also bring a real Quarban to the class as a visual aid.
Lesson Outline:
Making the Quarban
The Quarban is very special because we use it during the Divine Liturgy because Jesus Christ
said: “whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life”. The person that makes the
Quarban has to be a deacon, not a regular person, because a deacon is considered a servant of the
altar. And while the deacon makes the Quarban, he says a lot of psalms and prayers because this
Quarban will be used during the Holy Communion.
It is round
What shape is the Quarban? Is it square or triangle? No, it is round because there is no end
for a circle. There is a beginning and end on the squares and triangles (a corner), but on the circle, it
keeps on going forever with no beginning and no end. This symbolizes our Lord Jesus Christ. Even
though Jesus Christ died on the cross, He was raised from the dead and lives in Heaven forever. So
He lives forever and there is no end to Him, like there is no end to eternity or the Kingdom of
Heaven. And thus for us to live with Our Lord in His kingdom, we should listen to His words,
“whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life.”
12 Crosses
How many crosses do we see on this drawing? There are 12 crosses and then 1 big cross in
the middle. The one big cross symbolizes our Lord Jesus Christ while the 12 smaller crosses
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
symbolize the 12 disciples. They surround our Lord because they were His disciples and they served
with Him. Can you name the 12 disciples?
NOTE: This would be a good time to review the 12 disciples with the children. (Reference St.
Matthew 10:2-4 & Acts 1:26)
5 Holes
We see how many black circles on this drawing? We see 5 and these are holes. On the real
Quarban, we would actually see 5 holes and these holes symbolize the Passions of Our Lord Jesus
Christ. He had five wounds, one was the crown of thorns, which was placed on His head, the other
wound was His side which was pierced by a spear by one of the soldiers. How many wounds is that
so far? Two...also there were two wounds on his hands so that makes how many? Four....And finally
the last wound is…….on his feet. Through our Lord‟s sufferings and “whoever eats [His] flesh and
drinks [His] blood has eternal life.”
NOTE: While the servant is telling the children about the five wounds, it would be good if he
demonstrates the five wounds by pointing to his own body and having the children follow him by
pointing to their bodies. This way there will be some physical activity going on instead of the
children sitting there and their attention may be lost. Also, using a picture of the crucifixion point to
the students the wounds of our Lord.
And finally on the Quarban are the words “Agios..” These words mean “Holy God, Holy
Mighty, Holy Immortal.” While Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea was shrouding and anointing
and burying the body of Jesus, they sang this song. Where else do we hear this hymn? In the
church...can we say it now?
NOTE: It would be good to review with the children Agios (the servant may bring a tape that has
Agios on it and the children may sing along).
The Holy Communion
Also, the Quarban is not only used in the blessing of the bread but also used in the
communion. What is communion? This is when we partake of the Holy Body and Blood of Jesus
Christ and this is where the Quarban is most holy because our Lord said, “whoever eats My body and
drinks My blood has eternal life.”
Who makes the Quarban?
What shape is it? Why?
How many crosses are on it?
What do the crosses symbolize?
How many holes are there?
What do the holes symbolize?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Name Our Lord‟s 5 wounds.
What is written on the Quarban?
What else do we learn from this lesson?
What is the verse
We have to eat the Quarban with respect especially during communion. We also have to be
thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ who gave us the communion to live forever like Him in heaven.
We said that the Quarban was used most during the communion. But before we take communion,
there are a couple of things we should do:
We should be fasting meaning we should not have eaten breakfast. If this is hard for you and
you get sick or you cannot fast the whole morning, talk to the priest and he will give you the
best advice.
While standing in the altar, we should not be talking to our friends. This is not the time to talk
to our friends because at this time the only thing we should think about is Our Lord Jesus
The girls should be wearing a veil on their heads and both boys and girls should be holding a
napkin. We should also our shoes off before entering the alter.
Before we take Communion, there are special prayers we should read. They are called “Prayer
before Holy Communion.”
As we approach the Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, we should make the cross and then
partake of Him. Making the cross reminds us that we are about to take something really
special and blessed. And we should make the cross also as we proceed to take the Holy
Blood of Jesus Christ. We also have to open our mouth wide for the priest so, he will have
no difficulty in placing the Holy Body in our mouth.
After we take the Holy Body and Holy Blood, there is also a prayer we should read called
“Prayer After Communion.”
Of course this is all done in the altar, so as we leave the altar, we should drink a cup of water.
The reason we drink the water is because in case there is any Body still in your mouth, the
water will wash it down.
The Holy Bread of Blessing (lu-met el barakah)
The Quarban is also used when we receive it from Abouna after the end of the Liturgy. As
we receive the bread from Abouna we should kiss the cross and then his hand. We should not
bite from it like we are biting a piece of meat, but we should break a piece of it gently and eat
it. The servant can show the children how to eat the Quarban. This is important because the
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Quarban is not like regular food. Making the Quarban involved a lot of prayers and psalms, so
it is special and thus we should eat it in a special way.
God is inside us
After we take Communion, Jesus Christ is actually in us! And so if Jesus is inside us, we
should not do anything that may upset or offend Him. For example, if the Body and Blood of
Jesus Christ enters our mouth, how can we have our tongues say bad words? We should keep
our mouths clean and pure and from saying bad things. Here is a small exercise, we should not
say bad words AT ALL, but if you have a problem with this, tell Abouna and begin working on
this sin. For example, say to yourself, on one day particularly Sundays I will never say a bad
word, and then gradually increase it to two days, and so on until all the days of the week you
won‟t say bad words. And it isn‟t only bad words, but also screaming at our parents and
fighting with our brothers and sisters. We should try to stop all of this.
Saving the Quarban for the sick/absentees
If we were privileged and blessed that God gave us an opportunity to come to church, we
should not forget our brothers and sisters who were not able to attend. We should save a piece
of Quarban for them. For example, if our friend is in the hospital and we would visit him after
the Liturgy, take a piece of Quarban with you for him. Or if your mother or father were not able
to attend the Liturgy, save a piece of Quarban for them. This way, even though they didn‟t go
to the church, the church came to them meaning that they were able to receive a blessing from
the church. Pass out the Quarban and tell the children to save a piece for those who did not
attend the Divine Liturgy.
Homework: Give the children the names of the 12 disciples to memorize at home.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
2- The Lord Forgives St. Peter
To teach the children that God forgives if we make a mistake and know not to do it again
Memory Verse:
“Before the rooster crows you will deny me three times “ (Luke 22:61)
Luke 22:54-62, Matthew 26:69-75
Review the previous lesson and memory verse with the students.
Ask the kids what happens when they do something bad at home? Does their parents get angry?
How long do they stay angry?
Remind the children of how many times we did a bad thing and our parents were angry with us
but once we say sorry then they forgive us and forget what we did. Our father in heaven is the
Lesson Outline:
Once upon a time Jesus Christ was with His disciples in mount olives. How many disciples the
Lord Jesus had? Then Jesus told them that He would be taken away from them and they all will leave
Him or will try to pretend that they do not know Him. St. Peter told Jesus Christ if all of them do that
I would not do it. But Jesus told him actually before the rooster crows you will deny me three times.
Do you know how the rooster crows? Can you imitate the rooster?
After few days Jesus was taken away by soldiers from the disciples just as He had said to the
house of the high priests. St. Peter followed Him at a distance to the courtyard of the high priest‟s
house. There, St. Peter was sitting with some servants trying to get warm around a fire. Then a
servant girl came to St. Peter and looked at his face closely and said: you also were with Jesus of
Galilee”. But St. Peter denied in front of all the servants and said “I do not know what you are talking
about?”. When St. Peter went to the gate and another girl pointed at him and said to all whom were
there: He also was with Jesus of Nazareth”. But Peter denied again strongly and said that he does
not know Him. So, how many times now did St. Peter deny that he knew Jesus Christ? Then, the
people who were standing there said to St. Peter: “Yes you were with Jesus Christ because you talk
like Him”. St. Peter was angry and he started swearing and cursing saying that he does not know
Jesus Christ.
How many times now did St. Peter deny that he knew Jesus Christ? What did the Lord Jesus tell
him will happen after he denies Him three time?
Immediately St. Peter heard the rooster crow and he remember what the Lord told him when they
were together at mount olives. St. Peter felt very bad and very sad that he denied Jesus Christ in front
of people and servants. He went out alone and he cried a lot and knew that he has done something
really bad. But the Lord Jesus Christ forgave him because he knew that he did a bad thing and he
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
decided not to do it again. Instead St. Peter was the first one to tell people about Jesus Christ in front
of thousands of people, after Jesus Christ went to heaven.
The same with us if we do something bad without meaning to do it and then we know that we did
something bad and decide not to do it again, them Jesus Christ our father in heaven will forgive us.
Draw a picture of St. Peter and the rooster.
Memorize the names of the 12 disciples
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
3- The Miracle of Al-Mokattam
To know the miracle of moving the mountain.
Explain how the church is protected by faith, unity and the prayers of its saints.
Memory Verse:
“If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to the mountain move from here to there,
and it will move.” (Matthew 17:20 & Mark 11:23)
Book of Saints. Part-1 by Saint George & Saint Joseph Coptic Orthodox Church, Montreal
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students
Can the mountain move? Why?
Do you know that you have the power to move mountains!
Today we will see how this already happened not only that if you got the chance and visited Cairo
you could go and visit the mountain of Mookatam
Lesson Outline:
St. Abraam the 62nd Patriarch was Syrian by birth. He was a wealthy merchant who visited
Egypt several times, and finally stayed there. He was known for his goodness, kindness and love
of the poor. After his ordination, he distributed half of his wealth to the needy and used the other
half for building churches throughout Egypt.
AI-Muizz, - the Islamic governor of Egypt, he was known for tolerance and interest in
debates on religious matters. He had a Jewish minister called Ibn-Killis who informed him that it
is written in the book of the Nazarenes (the New Testament) that If you have faith as a mustard
seed, you will say to the mountain move from here to there, and it will move.” (Matthew 17:20 &
Mark 11:23). He showed this verse to the governor and persuaded him to challenge the Pope to
order the Mokatam Mountain, east of Cairo, to move if he had as little faith as the small mustard
AI-Muizz sent for the Pope and asked him if such a verse really existed. When Abba
Abraam affirmed that it was true, Al-Muizz challenged him to prove it or else all the Christians in
Egypt would die. The Pope asked for a chance of three-days.
He went directly to St. Mary‟s Church, sent for the bishops and priests and asked them to
fast and pray for the duration of those three days. Before the dawn of the third day, the Pope,
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
exhausted by grief and the long vigil he had kept, dozed off. The Virgin Mary came to him in his
sleep and inquired: “What is with you?”
„My lady, you surely know what is happening,” he replied. Thereupon, she comforted him
and told him that if he went through the Iron Gate leading to the market, he would meet a one-eyed
man carrying a sack of water. “This is the man who would move the mountain”, she said.
The Pope hurried out in the early morning to do as she said and he met Simon the Tanner.
He asked Simon what he was doing at this early hour. Simon replied that he was carrying water
to the sick and the old that could not fetch water for them. He said this was his practice every
morning, - to carry on his back a sack of water for the needy - before going to work at a hide
tannery. When the Pope explained his purpose, Simon was reluctant at first but when he heard of
the Pope‟s vision, he placed himself at his disposal.
The two led a large gathering of the faithful and marched to the Mokatam Mountain. Beside
them were the governor and his ministers who had already incited many people against the Copts.
Anba Abraam celebrated mass and the multitude chanted after him Kyrie Eleison, pleading for
God‟s mercy. They knelt down three times as the Pope made the sign of the cross with a sweeping
gesture extending from one end of the mountain to the other.
The mountain shook violently as if a strong earthquake had hit the land. Then it began
moving upwards. Every time the worshipers rose from their prayers, the mountain lifted itself
upwards. When they knelt down, it also came down with a big bang. This happened three times
and every time the mountain moved upwards, the rays of the sun, which was behind it, swept
through the space separating the earth from the mountain and became clearly visible to the
assembled crowd.
At this awesome sight, Al Muizz proclaimed, “God is Great!” Turning to Abba Abraam, he
said, “This is enough to prove that your faith is true.” Naturally, this miraculous event caused a
tumult among the crowd. When order was reestablished, Abba Abraam looked for Simon, who
had kept himself hidden behind the Pope throughout the prayers, but he was nowhere to be found.
Simon was never seen again and there are two versions of what befell him. According to
bequeathed tradition, he was snatched away by an angelic host so that the Lord may reward him
for his humility. Another story claims that Simon, fearing the praise of men, disappeared
voluntarily in order to protect himself from falling into the sin of vainglory.
AI-Muizz, who was still shaking with fear, embraced the Pope warmly and this marked the
beginning of a long friendship between the two. AI-Muizz asked the Pope to name his reward.
After some hesitation, the Pope asked for permission to rebuild or renovate some churches,
particularly that of St. Marcurius in Babylon in what is now old Cairo. That church, which was
partly destroyed, was being used as a sugar warehouse. The governor offered funds from the state
treasury for the reconstruction of the church but Abraam turned him down. “He whose church we
are building does not need the money of this world and is capable of helping us until we finish the
job,” Abraam said.
The Pope also decreed that the three-day grace period which he had requested from the
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
governor, and which he and the bishops and priests spent in prayer and fasting, be a regular
period of fasting to be observed by all Copts every year. Those three days were added to the forty
days of fasting before Christmas. Thus, the Advent fasting became forty-three days starting on
November 25.
Shortly after the miracle took place, Al Muizz decided to convert to Christianity. A
baptismal font, big enough for the immersion of a grown-up man, was built for him in St.
Marcurius Church. This font continues to exist until the present day and is known as
“Maarnoudiat Al-sultan” which means the baptistery of the sultan.
Can the mountain move? How?
How we have a problem what can we do?
Faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, Prayer and Fasting are the keys to overcome any problem.
Pray everyday
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
4- God’s Care for the Baby Moses
God loves the children and cares for them.
Memory Verse:
“For He cares for you” (1Peter 5:7)
Exodus 2
Review the previous lesson and verse
Prepare the following means of illustrations:
Children can make models to illustrate the story. Girls of this age like to make dolls and they
also like to make dresses for their dolls so they can elucidate the Story in a practical way.
They can bring a small basket beside the stream of water in the church garden and the boys
can act the scenes of the story such as the dialogues that ran between Pharaoh‟s daughter,
the maids, Miriam and the mother.
A small basket or the like can be used. The youngest child in the class is asked to sleep in the
basket. This will make the children happy and they will never forget the lesson. Soldiers
carrying spears or sticks and a piece of paper to be cut in the form of a crown for the
princess when the children act the lesson.
Ask the children: How does a mother care for her children?
Lesson Outline:
Pharaoh the king of Egypt feared the power of the great number of the people of God so he
ordered that all the children, especially the boys should be killed immediately after their birth. In
those days, there was a man living with his wife and his son Aaron and his daughter Miriam. The
Lord gave them a fine child. The family refused to throw the child into the river. Has the Lord given
us this fine baby to throw into the river? Surely not! The Lord loves the children and he cares for
them. The Lord will care for our child. His mother hid him for three months. Nobody heard him nor
did anyone hear his voice. The matter was kept secret.
But Moses grew up and his cries were heard and it was impossible for the matter to be kept secret
any more. They were afraid of the king. The mother thought, “O Lord, What shall I do? OK. I have
got an idea”, she said. She made a basket in the form of a little boat. She made it of reeds and covered
it with tar so that the water would not get into the basket. She put a little mattress for Moses to sleep
on then she put the boy in the basket. She carried it to the river and put it in the tall grass at the edge
of the river. Nobody saw her doing this. She told Miriam his sister to stand some distance away to see
what would happen to him. “The Lord will care about him, I am sure. He will not die”, she said. She
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
went back home singing “You and your angels”. His sister kept watching him near the edge of the
Then, Pharaoh‟s daughter came down to the river to bathe. Suddenly she noticed the basket in the
tall grass and sent a slave girl to get it. The princess opened it and saw a baby boy. He was crying and
hungry. The princess was sorry for him. The servant girls looked at the face of the princess, they
looked at the face of the child... The princess said, “This is one of the Hebrew babies”. Pharaoh was
very cruel when he decided to kill the Hebrew babies. What a pity! I‟ll take this child and bring him
up and he will be my son. The maids said, “And who will nurse him for you your majesty? The
princess said, “That is the problem... Who will nurse him and bring him up?”
Where did the mother place Moses her son?
Who was guarding the child?
What was Pharaoh‟s daughter doing at the edge of the river?
Who were with her?
Miriam, Moses‟ sister, was listening to their conversation. She said to the princess, “Shall I go and
call a Hebrew woman to breast feed him. The princess said to her, “Please do and I will pay you”.
Miriam ran and came back with her mother and the mother stood before the princess: “Will you
nurse this child and bring him up?” the princess said. “With pleasure”, said the mother. The princess
said, “Take him, and care about him and I will pay you and when he grows up bring him to me. I will
call him Moses as I have pulled him out of the water”. The mother, her daughter and her child went
back home and they praised the Lord. The Scripture says, “For he cares for you”. I thank you, Lord,
because you care for everyone even the babies. The father and the mother were happy because God
rescued the child and kept him. When the child grew up and began to understand, his mother
instructed him in religion and the commandments of the Lord. When Moses became a man, the Lord
chose him to be a great leader and Moses helped the people of God.
What did Moses‟ mother believe in?
Where was Moses brought up?
Who nursed him?
How did Moses know the Lord?
What does the word, “Moses” mean? Say the verse... For He...
Emphasize the Lord‟s care of Moses. Moses did not stay for a long time in water. Pharaoh‟s
daughter saw him and took him. His mother also was near him.
God cares for the birds and the flowers of the field. Aren‟t you worth much than the birds?
(Matthew 6:26-34).
The Lord says that even our hairs are counted.
God cares for us more than we care for ourselves.
Thank the Lord for his care of you when you pray
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
The story of Moses can be explained through a series of pictures. You can make use of this
big group of pictures and the children can color these pictures as a sort of competition.
Review Psalm 1:1-2
Read Exodus 2 with your family
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
5- God cares for Daniel in the Lions Den
God keeps us out of danger if we rely on Him.
Memory Verse:
“My God sent His angel and shut the lions‟ mouths” (Daniel 6:22)
Daniel 6
Review the previous lesson and verse
Prepare the following means of illustration:
A picture of a lion, an angel‟s wing when acting the story, a picture of an angel shutting some
of the mouths of the lions.
You can also use some pictures to represent the events of the story: Daniel praying, the king
and his men, Daniel in the den, etc.
What will you do if you meet a big dog in the street?
Who of you saw a lion? Where do lions live?
What do lions eat? What do they do when they are hungry?
Lesson Outline:
Daniel was one of the beloved children of God. He used to pray and fast regularly. He was also
honest in his work. King Darius appointed him governor. Daniel became was better than all the other
governors. They tried to find something wrong with the way Daniel administrated the empire, but
they couldn‟t. They accused Daniel of something in connection with his religion. They went to see
the king and said, “Give orders that for thirty days no one be permitted to request anything from any
god or from any man except from Your Majesty. Anyone who violates this order is to be thrown into
a den filled with lions”. The king signed the order. He did not know that order was a trick against
Daniel because he prayed to his God.
What is the name of the king?
What is the name of the governor?
To whom did Daniel pray?
What was the trick planned by those who hated Daniel?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
When Daniel learned that the order had been signed, he opened the window of his room and knelt
down and prayed to God three times a day as he used to do. When Daniel‟s enemies observed him
praying to God, they went to the king to accuse Daniel. They said, “Your Majesty, you signed an
order that for the next thirty days anyone who requested anything from any god or form any man
except you, would be thrown into a den filled with lions”. The king said, “Yes”. Then they said to the
king, “Daniel does not obey the order you issued. He prays to his God three times a day”. The king
looked at their faces and understood that they planned a plot against Daniel. But what should he do?
A royal order issued by the king could not be changed. The king was upset.
How many times did Daniel pray? When do you usually pray?
To whom do you pray? Make the sign of the cross.
They arrested Daniel, tied him with chains and brought him to the king. Daniel stood before the
king politely and bravely. The king said to him, “Have you heard the order I issued?“Yes, Your
Majesty”, Daniel answered. “Then why didn‟t you obey my order?” the king asked and Daniel said,
“Because we must obey God rather than men”. The king said, “The punishment is that you will be
thrown into a den filled with lions. Daniel, may your God rescue you”. Daniel was taken to the den
filled with lions.
Daniel was thrown into the den filled with lions… The lions were fierce and hungry. A stone was
put over the mouth of the den and the king placed his own royal seal on the stone. The men were very
happy and went back to their houses but the king was sad. He spent a sleepless night without food.
He wept. At dawn, the king hurried to the den. When he got there he called anxiously, “Daniel,
servant of the Living God, was your God able to save you from the lions?Daniel answered, “God
sent his angel to shut the mouths of the lions so that they would not hurt me”. The king was
overjoyed and gave orders for Daniel to be pulled up out of the den. So they pulled him up and saw
that he had not been hurt at all. The people were astonished. Daniel told them the story. The king and
his men believed in Daniel‟s God.
Why didn‟t the lions hurt Daniel?
What did the king do?
The Servant should emphasize God‟s care for Daniel and the fact that those who trust in God live
in peace and no one can hurt them. Do not give the details of how Daniel was thrown into the den.
God can protect us from every danger or anything that would hurt us. He is strong and mighty, He
is stronger than the strongest lions and can shut their mouths.
During this week recite the verse and repeat its words when you pray, when you enter your
house, when you go out of your house and when the light is off.
Pray three times a day.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Children can be told not to be afraid of the animals. They are advised not to hurt such animals
but they should make the sign of the cross over the animals so that they may not hurt them.
Teach them to repeat the following verses “I will fear no evil; for you are with me” (Psalm
23:4), if they are afraid.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
6 - Cornelius Receives the Faith
The church loves all people.
Memory Verse:
And be rejoiced having believed in God with all his household” (Acts 16:34)
Acts 10
Review the previous lesson and verse
When you grow up, what job do you like to hold?
If you were a police officer, what would you like to do?
Lesson Outline:
Long time ago the Romans ruled the Holy Land where Jesus lived for many years. They
worshipped idols (statues), which could neither feel nor speak. But a Roman officer named Cornelius
heard of God and loved Him. He used to pray, fast and help the poor.
What is the name of the officer?
What did the Romans worship?
Whom do you worship?
Whom do you love?
To whom do you pray?
One day while he was praying, the Lord‟s angel appeared to him and said: “Cornelius, the Lord
accepted your prayer and works of charity. Send for Peter the apostle to guide you to the way of
Salvation. Peter was praying in another town when Cornelius messengers arrived. Peter went with
them and preached Cornelius and his household about Jesus Christ the only Savior. Cornelius said “I
believe... baptize me”. Peter the apostle baptized Cornelius and his household and they all became
Christians and he rejoiced with his entire household.
What did the angel say to Cornelius?
Where was Peter the apostle at that time?
Who guided Cornelius to the way of Salvation?
What was Cornelius? Who was St. Peter?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Do you think that the life of Cornelius became better after he believed in Christ?
Let us repeat together... And he rejoiced... Who can complete?
God accepts all people and He does not differentiate between them. He loves everybody and all
people as His children. He also wants everyone to believe in Him and love Him too.
Ask your brothers and friends to come to church.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
7 - Jesus Christ Loves the Children
The church love for the children
Memory Verse:
“Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of
God” (Luke 18:16)
Mark 9:35-37
The Series of Spiritual stories for children by Siliman Nisseem
Review the previous lesson and verse
Who is your friend?
Who is the best friend to the children?
Lesson Outline:
One day, Christ was standing in a spacious place. There were crowds of people around Him. They
came from different places to listen to His sweet words. He cured those who had need of healing. The
twelve disciples were always with Jesus. They went with Him everywhere; they prayed with Him and
served Him. While Jesus Christ was sitting teaching people, a young boy of your age ran to Jesus and
said, I want to see Christ”. The boy saw Christ‟s bright face shine like the sun. Christ‟s voice was
sweet and effective. Christ took hold of the boys hand and said, “Stay with me”. Jesus asked His
disciples, “What were you arguing about on the road?” (How many disciples are there?) But they
would not answer Him because on the road they had been arguing among themselves about who was
the greatest. Jesus paused for a while then He said to the child, “Come here”. When the boy drew
near Jesus, Jesus said: Assuredly I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom or God as a
little child will by no means enter It”. His disciples listened attentively. They desired to study every
word He said. But the child asked Jesus to explain this to him and Jesus said, “My heart is filled with
love for the children. Then he said to his disciples, “Let the children come”.
How many disciples did Jesus have?
Describe Jesus‟ face.
Why didn‟t the disciples answer Jesus‟ question?
Let us say the verse: Let the children...
Jesus Christ loves me and I should love Him too. In my prayers I tell Him that I love Him too and
that He is my best friend. The church also love the children just like Jesus Christ.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Draw a picture of an angel and color the picture and trim.
Bring other children with you to church.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
(Starting with the Coptic New Year)
Week 2- St. George the Princess of Martyrs
Week 3- Using the Cross
Week 4- God Calls Abraham
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 2- St. George the Prince of Martyrs
Learn from his courage and how strong was St. George.
Memory Verse:
“ Gather My Saints together to Me” (Psalm 50:5)
The SYNAXARIUM- 23 Baramouda
Prepare the picture of St. George to show to the students
Ask them if they know the name of the Saint on the white horse.
Why is he riding a horse?
Does he look weak or strong in the picture?
Let them try to imitate the sound of the hoarse
Lesson Outline:
St. George was born of a Christian family that was wealthy, in the city of Cappadocia; his
father‟s name was Anastasius, and his mother‟s name was Theobaste. When he was twenty years old,
his father died, and he went to Emperor Diocletian to take over his father „s position in the roman
army, with his ability and charm, he became an important and big soldier in the army.
On Day the Emperor Diocletian gave orders to get rid of all the Christians. He said: “All the
Christian books should be burned and all Christian should be like slaves”. In great courage, the
strong young man George, pushed his way through the market place to read the order of the emperor,
and then he tore down the order and threw it away. They took him before the Emperor and he cried
saying, for how long you will be angry with the innocent Christians. The Emperor tried to make
him change his mind and become non-Christian. He promised him that he would give him a higher
position in the Empire if he said I am not Christian. St. George refused the emperor‟s offer. So, the
Emperor Diocletian was very mad and he decided to make him suffer and go through much pain but
the Lord Jesus Christ was with him and healed him. St. George made even more people become
The emperor became very angry; he brought his top magician, Athanasius, who gave St.
George a cup full of poison to drink. St. George made the sign of the Cross over the cup then he
drank it, and nothing happened to him, another cup was also given to the Saint, but this time with his
hands tied behind his back. The Saint made the sign of the cross with his head and drank it (the
teacher should act the way St. George made the sign of the cross). Nothing happened to St. George
again after drinking the poison. This time the magician himself became a Christian and many more
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
When all methods failed, the Emperor invited him in his palace and promised to give him his
daughter as a wife if he only prays to the Emperor‟s god, which was a statue. The Saint replied
“Tomorrow you will see the powers of your gods”
At the palace, St. George was praying the Psalms, Empress Alexandra heard him, and asked
him to explain to her what he had said. Quickly, the Saint began to tell her about Jesus Christ, the
Savior of the world and she became Christian too.
On the following day many people went to the temple to see if St. George‟s praying to the
statues of the Emperor. The Saint stretched his hands, raised his eyes to Heaven and prayed. In a
moment, the earth opened its mouth and swallowed all the statues. The crowds shouted, “we believe
in George‟s God”. At this, the Emperor became very mad and ordered to cut off the head of St.
George, and Empress Alexandra and put an end to the lives of the new Christians, thus they went to
heaven and received beautiful crowns on their heads on 23 Baramouda, 303 A.D.
In Egypt, the Copts call him, “The Prince of Martyrs”, and built over 200 churches named
after him. The Greeks call him “the Great Martyr”.
What was the job of St. George?
How old was he when his parents died?
Why was the Emperor angry with him?
What did he do to the cup of poison?
How many times he drank the poison?
What we learned from St. George‟s story?
How can we become like him?
We have to be strong and say we are Christian whenever anybody asks us. When we are strong
other people will like to be Christian like us.
Ask St. George to pray with you in heaven when you pray
Color the picture of St. George, distributed by the Sunday school teacher
Memorize the Coptic months at home and review with the teacher next week
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 3- Using the Cross
To teach the children to love the cross and to be proud of it
Memory Verse
“God forbid that I should glory except in the Cross of our Lord “ (Galatians 6:14).
1 Corinthians 1:17,18; 2:2
Galatians 6:14
Prepare a cross made of colored paper to be stuck on cardboard paper, or made of reeds, or palm
leaves, or of postage stamps, or of snails or the stones of fruit... according to the environment.
We start the lesson by making the sign of the cross (The servant checks the drawing made by
every child).
Where do you usually see the cross?
Why do Christians make the sign of the cross?
Why do they carry the cross?
When do we make the sign of the cross?
Who of you have ever visited a monastery?
Who lives there?
Lesson Outline:
A new monk entered one of the monasteries. The custom was that he should be tested first so
that the abbot might decide whether he would be fit as a monk or not. The new monk was very
simple, sweet, clean and tidy. He went to church as soon as he heard the church bell. He received the
Holy Communion once a week. He kept silent during the mass prayers. He neither looked right or
left... He loved his brothers the monks and served them... He cleaned the Monastery courtyard and
watered it... He was very active and energetic but he could not study anything... They tried to make
him study the psalms or any prayers but he could not... He could not study the Lord‟s prayer “Our
Father who art in heaven”. But he knew how to make the sign of the cross. He used to say: “The
power of the cross protects me”. The Abbot was perplexed. He said, “This brother is unfit”. He
decided to drive him out. He slept and had a dream. The room was filled with wonderful bright light.
From the middle of the light came Jesus. The abbot bowed down to Jesus. Jesus said to him “Why do
you think of driving the new monk out? Do not dismiss him. Come and see the devils how they are”.
Why did the abbot intend to drive the monk away?
What did he see in a dream?
What did he say to him?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
The abbot saw a group of devils holding a meeting and they were all discussing a serious problem.
What is the matter? They were plotting against the new monk. They wanted to make him fall but they
could not do that... how? he heard the following conversation:
The chief devil said: who will go to cause this silly monk to fall?
Another devil answered: I shall go.
The chief devil said: If you make him commit sin I‟ll give you a wonderful crown.
The devil answered: Yes, your majesty
The devil ran quickly...He tried to enter the monk‟s cell but he could not... He came back
ashamed with his face to the ground. He said, “I am sorry I cannot”. The chief devil was furious and
cried loudly, “Who will go?” Another devil said, “I shall go, your majesty”.
Another devil ran…went up and tried to come down to him but he could not because he saw the
sign of the cross in flames of fire... He could not stay, he ran away. “I cannot”, he said. The chief
devil cried more loudly, left a chain and sat on another, struck his hands together and asked them how
they couldn‟t cause the fall of a silly monk...why ...What does he do? ...He sent a big group of devils
and they all came back ashamed of themselves and said, “We could not enter the monk‟s cell”. He
said to them, “What does he do? Does he pray?and they said, “he does not know the Lord‟s Prayer
even... Does he recite the psalm? No, neither can he read the Bible. He does not know how to read or
how to write”. The chief said, “Then this monk is an empty vessel. Why cannot you defeat him?
They said, “He is all the time making the sing of the cross over himself, his face, his heart…before he
does anything, he says, “The power of the cross protects me and keeps me safe. Before he sleeps, he
makes the sign of the cross up, down, on his right side, and on his left side and says the same words”.
The chief shook his head and said, “Ah, this is an empty vessel but it is sealed”. The abbot woke up
and knew the meaning of his dream. He kissed the new monk, accepted him, put the monk‟s robe on
him and gave him the cross.
Why couldn‟t the devils defeat the new monk?
What did the abbot do when he woke up?
Let us repeat together: But God forbids that I should glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus
Who can say it?
The sign of the cross protects us from all bad things that can happen to us. We have to frequently
use the sign of the cross before we eat, before we sleep and when we wake up in the morning. The
sign of the cross also makes us strong.
Color the picture of the cross at home and hang it on the wall or draw a picture of several
crosses. This can be done according to the ability of the child.
Sing the hymn “My cross…my cross” when you pray before you go to bed.
Give the children some crosses of any kind.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 4 - God Calls Abraham
God‟s care for us when we go from one place to another
Memory Verse:
“Have faith in God” (Mark 11:22)
Genesis 12
The Life of Abraham by F.B. Mayer
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students
Means of illustrations
Pictures of the sky and the stars
Pictures of animals and clothes
Who is the father of all believers?
What is the name of his wife?
Lesson Outline:
Abraham lived in the land of Chaldeans in Haram with his relatives and family. He owned a large
property and had slaves, servants and cattle. The natives were wicked people who prayed to statues
but Abraham prayed to God. Who do you pray to? Who do you love?
The Lord called him and said: “Abraham, leave your country, your relatives and your family and I
will send you to a new land”.
This is difficult, isn‟t it? Will Abraham leave everything? Where will we go? Abraham did not
know even the name of the city? Will the Lord leave him alone?
No, the Lord will bless Abraham and will give him more than what he expects. The Lord said to
him, “I will make of you a great nation, I will bless you and will make your name great”.
Whom did the Lord call to leave his country?
What is the name of the country?
What did the inhabitants of the land worship?
Who helps you when you are tired?
Abraham obeyed God. He gathered his slaves and savants and said to them, “Be ready to depart
this land”. The men and women asked, “Where to?” Abraham said, “To a new land”. They asked
him, Where is this new land?” He said, “I do not know its name but the Lord is with us and He will
show us the land”. The servants asked one another what happened to father Abraham. But Abraham
was a believer. Abraham believed in God and said, “If we live, we live to the Lord”. Abraham took
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Sarai his wife and Lot his nephew and left his country and family. Abraham arranged for the trip. The
cattle, the slaves and the servants went ahead. They were praying on their way. The Lord protected
them from fierce animals, hunger and disease. They thanked the Lord and praised him.
Who of Abraham‟s relatives went out with him?
Who remembers the verse? “If we live, we live to the Lord”
Abraham arrived at the Land of Canaan. The Lord appeared to Abraham and said, “I will give you
this land .I am with you”. Abraham was happy because the Lord was with him. To express his thanks,
he built an altar. He gathered big stones, put them in order one upon the other. He prepared a sacrifice
and put it on the altar. The natives knew that Abraham worshipped God and did not worship idols.
What is the name of the Land?
What did he offer to the Lord?
Let us repeat together; “If we live, we live to the Lord”.
Emphasize God‟s love for Father Abraham and his care for him in his trip. There is a great
blessing when we obey God. We receive all God‟s promises when we obey Him.
He prayed and said, “Lord, I thank you because you care for me”. When you pray, we can
repeat these same words.
Draw a picture of a tent and an altar.
The psalm “Blessed is the man who...” suits this lesson. Children begin to use it and the
servant makes competitions.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1- Abraham Separation from Lot
Week 2- Lot and His Wife
Week 3- God Cares for Hagar and Ishmael
Week 4- The Censer
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1 - Abraham Separation from Lot
Teach the children not to be greedy
Memory Verse:
“Abraham said to Lot: …..for we are brethren” (Gen 13:8)
The Holy Bible- Genesis 13
Review with the students the previous lesson.
Prepare Audiovisual aids (pictures or slides) to explain the story
Ask the students what is the meaning of greedy?
Greedy is somebody who wants to take everything for himself or take more or better than
Lesson Outline:
Abraham was the uncle of Lot. When Abraham left his family and land as God told him, he took
Lot with him. Abraham and Lot became very rich. Abraham had lots of gold, silver and cows. Lot his
nephew also had lots of cows, sheep and tents. Then the guards of Abraham‟s cows and the guard of
Lot‟s cows were unable to keep the cows belonging to each of them separated. There was not enough
land and room for both of them. So, the guards started to fight on whose cow or sheep is this.
Abraham was a very good man and a very righteous man. He did not like the fights between the
guards. So, he went and talked to his nephew Lot. He told Lot I do not want any more fight between
your guards and my guards. So the best thing is to separate the land between you and me. So if you,
Lot, choose the land on the left I will go to the land on the right and if you go to the right I will go
Lot wanted to get the best for himself, because he was greedy. So, he looked around throughout
the land. Then, he chose the greener land with more water, which included Sodom and Gomorrah. So,
Abraham took the want Lot did not want and stayed in the land of Canaan. Yet, The people who lived
in Sodom and Gomorrah were bad and wicked people and God was not happy with them.
God was patient with Sodom and Gomorrah hoping that He may find even few good people
among them but He did not find any. So, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah after He sent an angel
to get Lot and his family out of this land.
Lot was greedy and he chose the greener land with more water for himself. Yet, the land he chose
had many bad people and God destroyed it. So, Lot ended running out of this land before God
destroyed it with nothing except his family.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
We have to share the good things with others.
Do not keep the good things for yourself and give the bad things, which you do not like, to
Review Psalm 1 with the students
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 2 - Lot and His Wife
To teach the students the importance of obedience.
Memory Verse:
“ Do not look behind you” (Genesis 19: 17)
Genesis 9:12-29
Review the previous lesson and memory verse with the students
Prepare audiovisual aids for the lesson.
Ask them what happens if they do not listen to their parents at home.
What will happen if we do not listen to God?
Lesson Outline:
God was very angry with the people in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because they were bad
people and did many bad things. So, God decided that He is going to destroy both Sodom and
Gomorrah. But Lot and his family were living there and God wanted to save them. So, He sent two
angels who looked like two men to go and get Lot and his family out of this land before He destroys
the two cities.
In the very early morning the two angels came to Lot and rushed him to hurry out of the cities
before God destroys them. Lot was slow in getting out of the city, so the angels took him from his
hand, his wife‟s hand and his two daughters‟ hands and send them out of the cities quickly. They told
Lot to escape to the mountains away from these cities. However, Lot was afraid to go the mountains
so he asked them that he would escape to a small town, so the angels agreed. They told Lot “escape
for your life and do not look behind you “.
The angels waited till Lot and his family reached the small town “ Zoar”. Then God rained fire on
Sodom and Gomorrah from heaven till the two cities were completely burning. Lot‟s wife looked
back at the two cities while they are burning, although the angels told them not to look back. She
immediately turned into a statue of salt.
How many angels did God send for Lot?
How did the angels look like?
What did the angels tell Lot and his family not to do?
How many daughters did Lot have?
What happened to Lot‟s wife when she looked behind her?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
We have to be obedient to what God asks us to do. He sends his angels to guide us and direct us to
the right things to do. We should listen and do according to what they tell us to do.
Draw a picture of the two angels and Lot
Memorize the first 7 verses from Psalm 50. The Sunday school teacher should type them
for the students and give it to them for memorization at home.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 3- God Cares for Hagar and Ishmael
God cares for everyone even the unwanted people.
Memory Verse:
“ He cares for you” (I Peter 5:7)
Genesis 16
The Life of Abraham by F.B. Mayer
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students
What is the name of the father of believers?
Was he rich or poor?
What is the name of his wife?
While introducing the lesson, give the children an idea about water, about our need for it, and
about angels and their service to men.
Prepare the following:
The wing of an angel and a large picture of the guardian angel
Lesson Outline:
Abraham believed in God. The Lord promised to give him children from Sarai. Many years passed
and Sarai did not give birth to a baby. She was tired of waiting. The two became very old. Abraham
was over eighty. Sarai said to Abraham “I have an idea. Take Hagar my maid and marry and the child
she will give birth to will be mine”. This may be God‟s purpose. But the Lord said, “The promised
son will be Sarai‟s son”. So Sarai‟s plan will have a sad and bad result. Abraham obeyed Sarai and
married Hagar... and Hagar became pregnant with a child. When she knew she would give birth to a
child, Hagar treated Sarai her mistress badly and was teasing her. Sarai became furious so she
complained to Abraham. He said to her, “Hagar is your maid... and she is under your control: do
whatever you want with her”. There were many quarrels between Hagar and Sarai. Sarai treated
Hagar cruelly. She deprived her of food. Abraham was not pleased. Abraham realized that he had
made a mistake because he did not wait for God‟s promise.
What is the name of Sarai‟s maid?
What is the mistake made by Sarai and Abraham?
Hagar was afraid that Sarai might take her son. She ran away but the Lord loves all the people
whether rich or poor. The Lord sent an angel to Hagar. Hagar was thirsty. She wept. The angel
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
guided her to a well and she drank and sat under a tree to have rest and then the angel said to her
“Hagar... The Lord sent me to you... go back and submit to your mistress and be her slave”. The
Scripture says: Servants be obedient to those who are your masters”. Hagar said “I shall never go
back. Sarai beats me”. The angel said, “Do not be sad... God will bless your descendants. God will
give you so many descendants that no one will be able to count them. You are going to have a son
and you will name him Ishmael... Come with me and be patient”.
Why did Hagar run away?
Who met her in the desert?
Where did she sit?
Where did she find water to drink?
What did the angel say to her?
What is the name of her baby?
Let us repeat together, “Slaves be obedient…”
The words of the angel comforted Hagar... She went back to Sarai. She said to Sarai, “Forgive
me”. She sat and told Sarai and Abraham what happened to her in the desert. All those who heard the
story were amazed. They all realized that the Lord cares for all the people. He also cares for us.
What did Hagar say to Sarai?
Who shows kindness to the poor?
Who gives us food and clothes?
The Lord takes care of all of us everywhere we go. He sends His angels to guard us and comfort
us and lead us in the way. If we remember that our Guardian angel is keeping our company all the
time we will fear no evil.
Study Psalm 2:2.
In this lesson you can cure the children‟s deep fear of dark places or of being alone. Make
them feel that their guardian angel is beside them all the time.
Encourage the child to befriend his guardian angel and to address him in his prayer and ask
his protection and love.
The children are to act the conversation between Hagar and the angel.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 4 - The Censer
Teach the children the meaning of the censer
Teach the children the importance of the censer in worship
Memory verse:
“In every place incense shall be offered to My name” (Malachi 1:11)
The Church the house of God, By Father Tadros Malaty
Review the previous lesson and verse
When our Lord Jesus Christ was born, three kings from the East came and visited him. One of
them gave him a gift of frankincense. This is what we use today in the church when the priest
raises incense. This gift meant that our Lord is a high Priest.
Lesson Outline:
In the Old Testament we read how the Jews used to offer incense to God.
In the New Testament, the angel came to Zachariah while he was raising incense in the Temple,
to announce to him the birth of John the Baptist
In our worship today the priest raises incense in the evening during Vespers, in the morning
during Matins, and during the Liturgy
The censor is usually made of brass or silver in the shape of a cup. This cup is suspended on
three chains from which it can be swung during incensing
These three chains remind us of the Holy Trinity. The Father sent His Son. The Son obeyed the
Father, and the Holy Spirit came upon Virgin Mary for the incarnation of the Son
Inside the censer, the deacons put a lit charcoal, and then the priest puts incense on the charcoal.
The censer with the coal burning with fire represents St. Mary carrying our Lord Jesus Christ as
the Incarnate Son of God.
The smoke that rises from the burning of incense is like our prayers rising to God with our
The bishops or the priests are the only ones who can raise incense. People like you and me are
not allowed to put incense in the censer.
How many chains are holding the cup of the censor?
What do these chains represent?
What does the burning charcoal represent?
Who can raise incense?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
The censor is an important part of our worship in church. It has many meanings for us. The rising
of the incense helps us to raise our hearts and prayers to God.
Show the children the censor and its different parts
Get the children to draw the censor
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1- St. Anastasia
Week 2- Daniel‟s Three Friends in the Furnace
Week 3- Jesus Calms a Storm
Week 4- Jesus Feeds Four Thousand People
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1 St. Anastasia
Learn the story of this saint
Learn the life of prayer
Memory verse:
I will love You, O LORD, my strength” (Psalm 18:1)
Coptic Synaxarium
Review the previous lesson and verse
The story of St. Anastasia is a good example of a saint who gave all her life to our Lord Jesus
Christ and looked to live with Him forever in heaven.
Lesson Outline:
St. Anastasia was from a noble family in the city of Constantinople. She was very beautiful and
very polite. Emperor Justin, who was married, wanted to marry her as a second wife. She
refused and went and told his wife. The empress sent her to Alexandria on a private ship, and
she built her convent outside of the city and named it after her.
When the emperor found out where princess Anastasia was he sent for her, but she escaped and
hid herself in the wilderness of Scetis disguised as a prince.
She met with Abba Daniel, the archpriest in the wilderness and told him her story. He brought
her to a cave and asked one of the elders to fill a pot of water for her once a week, and to place
the pot at the door of her cave and leave.
St. Anastasia remained in this place for twenty eight years, without anyone knowing that she is
a woman
She used to write her thoughts on pieces of pottery and she left them at the door of her cave.
The elder who brought her the water, used to take the pieces of pottery without knowing what
was written on them and gave them to Abba Daniel
One day he brought a piece of pottery to Abba Daniel, who wept when he read it and said to his
disciple come with me now to bury the body of this saint” When they entered her cave, St
Anastasia was lying down. They exchanged blessings and St. Anastasia asked Abba Daniel
“For the sake of God, bury me with what I have on my body
Then she prayed and she said good bye to them then she died to go to heaven. They wept and
buried her with the very old cloth that she was wearing.
Our Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates her departure on the 26
day of the blessed month of
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
What did the empress do for St. Anastasia?
Who took her in the wilderness and gave her a cave?
What did St. Anastasia use to write on the pieces of pottery?
How did Abba Daniel know that St. Anastasia was going to die?
Encourage the children to read the life stories of the saints.
Give one of the children a story about another saint and ask him to read it and tell to the rest of
the class next week.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 2 - Daniel’s Three Friends in the Furnace
To learn that God is with us all the time
Memory Verse:
“I will fear no evil; for you are with me” (Psalm 23:4)
Daniel 3
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students
Prepare audiovisual material to describe the story.
Let your introduction be about the fire and its effect so that the children may realize the power
and greatness of the miracle in the blazing furnace.
Lesson Outlines:
King Nebuchadnezzar had a great big statue made of gold all over. He ordered all the people to
bow down and worship the statue as soon as they heard the sound of the trumpet. Anyone who would
not worship the statue would be thrown into the blazing furnace. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
did not worship the statue because they worship and loved God. When the king knew that the three
young men refused to worship the statue, he flew into a rage and threatened that he would throw them
into a blazing furnace. But the three young men said that their God whom they worshipped was able
to rescue them from the blazing furnace and save them from his power. Each one prayed: “I fear no
evil for you are with me”
What is the name of the king?
What did he do? What was his religion?
What are the names of the three young men?
To whom did they pray? Let us say together: I fear no evil.
The king lost his temper and his face turned red with anger at the three young men because of their
frankness and the way they answered him. He ordered his men to heat the furnace seven times hotter
than usual. And he commanded the strongest men in his army to tie the three men up and throw them
into the blazing furnace. The flames burnt up the guards who took Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
to the furnace. The three young men were not tied. But they were four men walking about in the fire
instead of three. The fourth man was like a Son of God and their hair was not even burned. Who do
you think was the fourth one? The king was amazed... the king and his men heard the three men
singing a hymn of praise. And we sing with them, “Come O righteous people… Come...” The king
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
ordered them to go out of the furnace. The three men came out without any harm and the king
glorified the Lord.
Why did the three young men refuse to worship the statue?
What did they say to the king?
How did the king punish them?
Did the fire affect them?
Who was walking with them in the furnace?
The three young men were brave and were not afraid of fire they knew that God will be with them
wherever they go. Because of their faith God turned the fire into coolness.
Do not imitate the bad people but stick to the Lord. When anyone annoys you say, “I will fear
no evil; for you are with me”.
Teach the student part of the midnight praises with the hymn of the three young men in the
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 3 - Jesus Calms a Storm
God saves us from troubles if we depend on him.
Memory Verse:
“It is I, do not be afraid” (Mark 6:50)
Matthew 8
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students
Bring two pictures; a picture of a ship suffering from the waves and winds, and the other
picture of the same ship when there is calm and the Lord stands pointing with His finger.
Means of Illustration:
A sailing boat of wood or paper.
A net.
Plastic fish.
These things are needed for many lessons so they should be available.
Talk about winds, boat and fishing
Who of you have ever been in a ship? A sea journey (voyage) is enjoyable.
Lesson Outline:
Once upon a time, Jesus Christ went into a boat and his disciples followed Him. How many
disciples did Jesus Christ have? . They gradually started sailing into the sea and going deeper and
deeper far away from the land. Then a great wind started to blow from each side….FOOO FOOO.
The waves were getting higher and higher and was hitting the boat very hard from every side. The
boat was swinging and the water was started to enter the boat. The disciples were scared that they
were going to drawn in the sea. Surprisingly, Jesus Christ was asleep in the middle of all of that. The
disciples ran and woke Him up and with great fear they told Him: we are going to drowning in the
water..can you save us? But Jesus said to them “ Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” With one
firm word from Him, suddenly the sea and the wind became calm. The sea and the wind both obeyed
His word in seconds. The disciples were very surprised and amazed that even the nature, the sea and
the wind, obey Him.
What did the Lord Jesus say to the sea…to the winds?
What should you do if you walk in a dark place? What should you say?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Mention the occasions on which the Lord cared about you... Mention the verse “It is I,
have no fear”.
God wants us to have faith that He is with us all the time, thus nothing can harm us. He will
protect us and save us from every bad thing. We have to trust Him and depend on Him in everything
and not be afraid from anything.
The Servant should ask the children about what makes them afraid and comforts them with
the fact that the Lord Jesus is with them and can drives their fear away.
Color the picture if it is not colored.
Review the hymn of the three young men from mid night praises with the students.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 4 Jesus Feeds Four Thousand People
God cares about our needs.
Memory Verse:
“It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35)
Matthew 15
Mark 8
John 6
What is the miracle we spoke about last week?
What must we do before we have our meal?
Who gives us food?
Bring a model of few fish and seven small loaves... You can draw them on any piece of paper.
Lesson Outline:
A little boy went on a journey with Jesus... His mother gave him seven loaves and few fish. The
boy took the loaves and the fish and went to listen to Jesus Christ. When he found Jesus Christ, Jesus
was surrounded with thousands of people. They were all listening to His sweet words. They all stayed
with Jesus for three days without food and Jesus felt that they must be very hungry by now. So, Jesus
asked His disciples if they have any food. The disciples said that the people are too many and it is
impossible to be able to feed all of them here in the wilderness. So, Jesus asked them how many
loaves do you have? They said there is a boy here who has only seven loaves and few fish. So, Jesus
asked the people to sit down on the ground. He took the 7 loaves and fish and blessed them and
started to break and gave them to His disciple to give to the people. So, everybody had enough to eat
and was filled. Moreover, there were seven baskets of leftover extra. Everybody was amazed how
Jesus Christ blessed the seven loaves and few fish to feed four thousand men with their wives and
When Jesus was comfortable that everybody is full and they are not hungry any more, he let them
go back to their homes.
Why were the people surrounding Jesus Christ?
What did the disciples say?
How many loaves and how many fish were there?
How many baskets were filled with broken pieces?
Mention the verse: It is more blessed to give....
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Christ gives us enough food to eat and be satisfied and have some food left. He also can bless the
very little and make it a lot. This was a great miracle that shows how kind and caring Jesus Christ is
to the people. He would not let them leave without feeding them
Make the sign of the cross before you eat and pray that Jesus may bless the food...
Draw a fish on a piece of paper, trim the paper and color it
Concentrate on the principle of order and let the children be trained on order and cleanliness.
Draw their attention to the fact that everything in the church should be done in order.
The Lord Christ gave food to the disciples and the disciples gave the people. Draw the
children‟ attention to the fact that we should respect and honor the priests and that the
children should kiss the priest‟s hand.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1- Philopater Marcorious
Week 2- St. Nicholas: The Real Santa Claus
Week 3- The Birth of John the Baptist
Week 4- The Star of The East and The Wisemen
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1- Philopater Marcorious
To know that God support His children through His angels
Memory Verse:
“ He who overcomes shall be clothed with white garments” (Revelation 3:5)
Highlights from the life of the great martyr Marcorious- from the Monastery of Abo Safeen
The Senxyrium- the 25
day from the month of Hatour.
Review with the students the previous lesson and verse.
Ask the students if they know of any heroes or strong men from the Bible. They can tell you
briefly their story if they know it.
Show them the picture of Philopater Marcorious and ask them who is this?
What is the meaning of philopater? (The lover of God)
Why does he have two swords?
Lesson Outline:
Marcorious was born in Romania from two good Christian parents. His parent‟s names were
Noah and ship “ Safena”. They were kind parents who took care of the poor and celebrated the angels
feast especially angel Michael. Marcorious was a nice boy, good-looking and very polite. He learned
the Bible very well and the basics of the Christian faith. He loved God very much and obeyed Him.
Marcorious became a soldier in the army when he was only 17 years old. He was courageous and
strong. So, he became a leader in the army very quickly.
One day Emperor Desius asked his army to go and fight the enemy. St. Marcorious. Was one
of the soldiers in the army at that time. St. Marcorious went to the war as the Emperor asked them.
During the war the angel of the Lord appeared to St. Marcorious dressed in white cloth and full of
light. The angel had a sword of light with him in his hand. The angel told St. Marcorious that
God has sent him to help St. Marcorious and lead him to victory. Then the angel gave him the
sword of light in his hand and told him that this will help you win the war. St. Marcorious took the
sword from the angel. Thus he had two swords the one he was carrying to go to war and the second
one that he got from the angel. This gave him a lot of strength and power and was able to win the war
against his enemy. The victory was a great victory and the Emperor was very happy with him so he
gave him medals and even made him a higher leader.
So, do you know now why does St. Marcorious has two swords, one in each hand?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
The rest of the story of St. Marcoriuos is not suitable for this age.
God always helps and protects his children. He sometimes sends His angels to help people and
save his children. St. Marcorious loved God and God also loved him and sent His angel to help him
win the war.
Search for a story of another hero in the bible or the saints who won a battle. Ask your parents
to help you at home to find another story.
Color the picture of S. Marcorious.
Review the hymn of the three young men from mid night praises with the students.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 2 - St. Nicholas: The Real Santa Claus
To learn that Santa Claus is actually a real saint in the church.
Memory Verse:
“God loves a cheerful giver” (1Corinthian 9:7)
The Coptic Synaxariun- the tenth of Kiahk
Review the previous lesson and memory verse with the students.
Ask them what do they now about Santa Claus? And what is the best thing they like about
Do you know that Santa is really a saint in our church and his name is St. Nicholas? Let us
find out today the story of St. Nicholas.
Lesson Outlines:
This saint is the true personality behind the story of St. Claus or Baba Noel, who used to leave
gifts for children on Christmas Eve.
He was from the city of Mora, his father‟s name was Epiphanious and the name of his mother was
Tona. They were rich, as well as God-fearing people. They had no children to bring joy to their
hearts and to inherit their money.
Then God had pity on them, answered their prayers and gave them this saint. God made him holy
and blessed since he was a little boy. When he reached school age, he demonstrated, through
intelligence and knowledge that he learned far more from the Holy Spirit than he did from his
teachers. He learned all the teachings of the church since his young age and he became a deacon.
He became a monk in a monastery wherein his cousin was the abbot. Because he was very good,
they made him a priest when he was only nineteen years old. God gave the gift of performing signs
and healing the sick.
There is a famous story in his life that says…there was a very rich man in the city of Mora who
lost all his wealth. He had three daughters who had passed the age of marriage, and could not marry
them because of his poverty. Satan caused the man to think that he should make his daughters live in
sin so that they might get their food by doing bad jobs. God revealed to St. Nicholas the thoughts
which were in this man‟s head.
St. Nicholas took one hundred dinars of his father‟s money and tied it up in a sack, and during
the night he threw the money into the window of that man‟s house. When the man found the gold, he
was astonished and rejoiced exceedingly and was able to give his eldest daughter away in marriage.
During another night the saint threw another hundred dinars into the man‟s house and the man was
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
able to give his second daughter away in marriage. The man wanted to know who this charitable
person was.
The third time when the saint threw the gold into the house, the man was watching and
immediately when he felt the drop of the sack, he went out of his house running to see who was
throwing the gold to him. He found the kind bishop St. Nicholas and the man bowed down at his feet
and paid him great homage and thanked him because he saved his daughters from poverty and from a
life of sin. The saint refused to accept any thanks and asked them to thank God.
St. Nicholas is known for his generous giving that is why all the children ask him to bring presents
and goodies during Christmas time. We also have to be generous like St. Nicholas and give others
from what we have.
Give some of what we have to a poor child in Christmas.
Share what we have with others.
Color a picture for St. Nicholas (Stanta Claus)
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 3 - The Birth of John the Baptist
To show how John the Baptist prepared the way for the coming of the Lord.
Memory Verse:
“Prepare the way of the Lord” (Luke 3:4)
“Do not be afraid, Zechariahs, for you prayer is heard” (Luke 1:13)
Matthew 3:1-12
Luke 1: 5-23, 1:57-80
Luke 7:27
Review the previous lesson and memory verse with the students
Bring a placard to write the angel‟s announcement of John‟s birth to Zechariah, a censor to
stand for service in the temple.
For acting the story, bring a picture of an angel (a wing - vestments).
Lesson Outline:
Zechariah and Elizabeth his wife raised prayers and supplications to the Lord so that the Lord
may give them a child. The Lord answered their prayers when they were old.
Zechariah saw a vision in the sanctuary while offering his service.
The Lord has promised and answered his prayers.
The angel announces the birth of John.
Zechariah was silent because he did not believe the angel.
Zechariah left the Sanctuary and was silent… people were amazed... Zechariah went home...
Zechariah told Elizabeth about his vision through writing on a placard.
What are the names of the priest and his wife?
What did they pray for?
What did the angel say to Zechariah?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Why did Zechariah not believe?
How could Zechariah tell his wife about the good news?
Let us repeat together: Make his paths straight.
Write the names of the Archangels for the students to memorize.
God listens to our prayers even after a long long time. We may even forget about it but God does
not forget our prayers.
Study the Annunciation to Zechariah (Luke 1:13-17)
The children act this scene: Zechariah and the angel.
Resort to gestures - Students should study the Biblical texts necessary for important situation.
Memorize the names of the Archangels
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 4 The Star of the East and The Wisemen
To feel the joy of receiving the baby Jesus .
To know the blessing of giving more than taken
Memory Verse
“For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship him” (Matthew 2:2)
Matthew 2:1-12
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students.
Prepare audiovisual aids for the lesson or even a video
Jesus Christ we pray to be guided with Your light, to live according to Your Ward and rejoice always
because we have You in our hearts.
Lesson Outlines:
The angel Gabriel visited Mary in Nazareth and told her she would give birth to the Son of
God Jesus Christ.
Mary gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem the City of David. She wrapped him in clothes, and
laid him in a manger.
That night, an angel appeared to shepherds who were taking care of their cheeps and goats.
He told them the Savior, the baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
The Angel said they would find the baby Jesus in a manger. Other angels appeared, saying:
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace towards men.”
The Shepherds left immediately, and found baby Jesus in Bethlehem, they knelt down
before Him and praised God for all they had heard and seen. They told Joseph and Mary
about the angels.
Wisemen from the east, called Magi, also came to Jerusalem looking for the baby
Jesus to give him presents they brought with them. They were guided by an unusual
star seeking to worship the newborn King
The Wisemen first visited Herod, who was the King at that time. They told Herod they are
looking for the baby Jesus, the king of the Jews, whose star they had seen. Herod did know
where is the baby Jesus is born but he was angry when he heard that there is another king
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
beside him. Herod asked the Wisemen to report back to him when they find Jesus because he
wanted to worship the Child.
Herod lied to the Wisemen because he wanted to kill any other king.
The Wisemen followed the bright big star which lead them to where the baby Jesus was.
They found the child Jesus, St Mary His mother and St. Joseph in Bethlehem. They
worshipped Jesus, and offered gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.
The angel appeared in great glory to them and guided them to another way and not to
return to Herod.
Where was the baby Jesus born?
What was the name of the King?
What did the king intend to do?
Did the wisemen go back to report to the king as he asked them to do?
What did the wisemen offer to the Baby Jesus?
Everybody was happy when they saw the baby and the king Jesus Christ, the
shepherds and the wisemen. We should also be happy with the memory of the birth of
Jesus Christ.
Start making A manger in the class for Nativity. Let the children help the
Presenting a gift or help to others in need to make them happy as Jesus Christ
gave Him Self to save all of us.
Make a star at home like the star of the east and bring it to class next week.
Memorize at home the verse: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace
towards men.”
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1- Epiphany: Baptizing children
Week 2- The Tower of Babel
Week 3- God appears to Jacob
Week 4- Young Joseph‟s Sweet Dreams
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1 - Epiphany: Baptizing children
Explain the Baptism rite in a simple way to children.
Memory Verse:
“Repent and let everyone of you be baptized” (Acts 2:38)
Matthew 3:13-18
Review the previous lesson and verse.
Ask the kids if any of them saw a baby being baptized in church. Emphasize the fact that
baptism should be through immersion.
Means of Illustration:
A visit to the Baptistery.
A vessel containing water; a doll, a towel, white clothes, and a girdle.
Lesson Outline:
Miriam and Marcos used to rejoice on Sundays because on that day they go to church in the early
morning and enjoy listening to the Liturgy prayers. But today, they are much happier as their father
has told them that their youngest brother John will be baptized to become a Christian like them...
Marcos‟ mother prepares the white clothes, which John will be dressed in after baptism.
Why is the baptized dressed in white clothes? (as a sign of godliness and cleanliness)
In the early morning the family went to church, to the baptistery. The priest prayed to sanctify the
water. He consecrated it with chrism (Myron). Mother looked to the west, held John in her left hand
and said, “I renounce you O Satan, all your evil deeds and all your wicked powers.”
This is a declaration of our enmity to the devil that wants us to do evil.
Then she looked towards the east and carried John on her right arm and said, “I acknowledge thee
O Christ my Lord and all your sincere laws and all your commands, deeds and work that give life.
This is the manifestation of Christian faith.
What did the mother say towards the west and towards the east?
The priest immersed John three times in the baptism font saying: “John, I baptize you in the name
of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”. Then he took the Chrism bottle (Myron) and anointed
John 36 times: the head, the chest, the heart, the back, the hands, the top of the shoulders, and the
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
palm of his hand and the back of his hand, then he anointed the lower half of the body saying: John, I
anoint you with the Holy oil in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
After having anointed John, the priest prayed May you be blessed with the blessings of the
heavenly creatures and the heavenly angels”. Then he breathed into his face saying: “Receive the
Holy Spirit and be a pure vessel through Jesus Christ our Lord”.
How many times did the priest immerse John?
How many times did he anoint him?
Then the priest dressed John in white clothes and tied his chest with a red ribbon called a girdle
which refers to the power and deep joy and that John has become a soldier in the army of salvation
which belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ.
What is the girdle? What does it stand for?
Now mother is considered John‟s godmother who is responsible for handling John the teachings of
the church and for teaching him to take part in the church sacraments. All the members of the family
received communion with John then they went back home full of joy because John was baptized.
What does a godmother do?
Why were all the members of the family happy?
Jesus was baptized like us by immersion in the river of Jordan. John the Baptist was the one who
baptized Him. Therefore, all of us get baptized when we are babies.
Always receive the Holy Communion.
The Servant should direct the children or send a letter with them asking his family to read him
the lesson from the Holy Bible.
Divide the prayer of Thanksgiving into four sections and ask the children to study a quarter
each week.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 2 - The Tower of Babel
Not to be proud of yourself
Memory Verse:
“ Let us build ourselves a city and a tower “ (Genesis 11: 4)
Genesis 11:1-9
Review the previous lesson and memory verse with the students
Ask them if they have seen a tower before? How long was it and where?
Prepare audiovisual aids to help the students remember the lesson.
Lesson Outline:
Long time ago after the earth was filled with people, they all were speaking one language. They all
could understand each other. We do not know which language was it but they all spoke the same
Ask the students what languages do they know of?
Then the people on the earth said let us make for ourselves a big..big city with a long …long tower
and let us all live in this city and speak this one language. So, what did the people of the earth want to
do? They said we are going to make the tower so long that it would reach up to the heaven.
So, they found a nice large land to build their city and their tower “Babel”. They started making
strong and big bricks to build the city and the tower. They built the city and the very very long tower
“Babel”. But God was not happy that those people though that they can protect themselves and stay
in control if they build the city and the tower. We all know that God is the one who is in control and
the one who protects us. But those people did not know that. So, God wanted to teach them a lesson
that He is the one in control. So, He changed their languages. Thus instead of them speaking one
language, they started to speak different languages and they could not understand each other. One
was talking Arabic, the other was talking Chinese and the third was talking Greek and so on. All
the people were confused. Then, they were divided into different groups and every group lived alone
in a different place on the earth and they did not live in the great city they built anymore. The
different groups and languages were spread all over the earth.
What was the name of the tower?
Why did the people build a big city and a long tower?
How long was the tower?
Why did God change their languages?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Where did they live after God changed their languages?
Sometime we can be very proud of ourselves and think we are in control and we can protect
ourselves. This is what the people in Babel thought, but God gave them a good lesson when He
changed their languages. He taught them that He is the one in control.
Make a tower at home and next Sunday we will find out who made the longest tower similar
to the tower of Babel
Review the first section of the thanksgiving prayer with the students.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 3 - God appears to Jacob
God‟s care for his children
Memory Verse:
“I am with you and will keep you” (Genesis 28:15)
Genesis 28
Review the previous lesson and verse
Prepare the following means of illustration
The picture of the lesson.
A small ladder, angels made of paper to be fixed at the two sides of the ladder (going up and
down) and pictures of Christ are to be put at the top of the ladder.
Ask the kids if they ever have dreams and if they remember any of their dreams.
Lesson Outline:
Jacob left his father‟s house after he had taken the blessing of his father in a cunning way. He went
to places that were unknown to him. He found himself alone in a barren land at night, so he prayed so
that the Lord might send his angels to guard him and keep him safe in that wild place. He put a stone
under his head and slept. He remembered his father, mother and brothers and prayed for them
saying...(here the Servant asks the children to imagine Jacob‟s prayer).
Where did Jacob go?
Where did he sleep?
What did he do before he slept?
Jacob saw a strange vision in a dream. He saw a stairway reaching from earth to heaven with
angels going up and coming down on it. And there was the Lord standing beside him. The Lord said
to him, “I am with you and will keep you”. Jacob got up. The dream he saw made him happy. He
comforted him and gave him confidence. So anyone who loves God can sleep calmly and the angels
guard him.
What did Jacob see in a dream?
What did the Lord say to him?
Jacob woke up and realized that the Lord was with him. He said, “This place is holy”. Jacob took
the stone that was under his head and set it up as a memorial. He poured oil on it to dedicate it to the
Lord. Then he made a vow to the Lord...and promised to give the Lord and tenth of everything the
Lord gives him.
What was Jacob‟s vow? Mention the verse.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
God is keeping His eye on us and is always taking care of us. He can show us His care for us in
different ways. One of these ways is through a dream, other people or family. He can also send His
angels to take care of us wherever we go.
Before you go to bed pray to the Lord that he may send you his angels to guard and keep
Draw the picture of a ladder and angels going up and down.
Follow up with the children to see whether they have studied the second section of the
thanksgiving prayer.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 4 - Young Joseph’s Sweet Dreams
Obey your parents.
Memory Verse:
“The Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful man” (Genesis 39:2)
Genesis 37
The life of Joseph -Translated by Fr. Marcos Daoud
Prepare the following means of illustration
The illustrated story of Joseph: a piece of beautifully colored cloth, ears of corn, and spike.
A picture of stars, sun and moon.
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students
Where was Jacob going to?
What did he see in a dream?
Who remembers the verse?
Lesson Outline:
Time passed quickly and Jacob married and brought forth ten children. They grew up and
became men. There were two other younger children, Joseph and Benjamin who was a little child.
Jacob‟s elder children kept their father‟s sheep. The members of the family did not live in peace
because the older brothers did not love Joseph because Joseph sometimes told his father about the
bad things they do. They also believed that Jacob their father loved Joseph more than all of them. He
bought him a colored robe as a reward for his obedience. Joseph was not pleased, as his brothers
would not speak to him in a friendly manner. But Joseph forgave them and prayed for them. He loved
them, served them and obeyed them. He studied the verse and kept it: Yon are obedient in all things.
How many sons did Jacob have?
What are the names of Jacob‟s two younger children?
Why did Jacob love Joseph?
What did he buy to him?
Why was Joseph not happy?
What does the verse say?
What was Joseph‟s brother‟s work?
The Lord loved Joseph because he loved his brothers, obeyed them and prayed for them so he
gave him sweet dreams. One day Joseph had a strange dream and he related it to his brothers in the
early morning. He said: We were all in the field tying up sheaves of wheat, when my sheaf got up and
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
stood up straight, yours formed a circle round mine and bowed down to it. Then Joseph had another
dream. This time he related the dream to his brothers and to his father. He said, I had a dream in
which I saw the sun, the moon and eleven stars bowing down to me”. Joseph‟s brothers and his father
never forgot those two dreams.
What is the meaning of the first dream…the second dream?
Who remembers the verse?
Emphasize Joseph‟s love and do not concentrate on his brothers‟ hatred and envy.
Concentrate on the fact that although Joseph was the youngest, yet the Lord was with him and
saved him. Draw the children‟s attention to the fact that they should forgive those who mistreat
Use a colored picture of Joseph dressed in a colored robe and relating his dream to his brothers.
Jacob loved Joseph more than his brothers and gave him a colored robe. This robe placed an
important role in the story as his brothers envied him. Rewards should be given to those who
deserve them. They should be used to encourage children to study and be creative and learn that
the spirit of love should prevail.
God and Jacob loved Joseph because he loved God and was obedient to his father Jacob.
Therefore, Jacob gave him the robe of many colors and God gave him sweet dreams. If we are
obedient to God and our parents God and our father and mother will all reward us and love us more.
Draw the picture of Joseph and his eleven brothers and contemplate Joseph‟s love.
Imitate him and obey your parents and your brothers.
Review the third section of the thanksgiving prayer with the students.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Use Filler Lessons (placed at the beginning of the book) until the Sunday before
Jonah’s fast.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Jonah‟s fast comes two weeks before the Great Fast on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. These
lessons are for the Sunday before and the Sunday after Jonah‟s fast.
Week before the Fast: God Sends Joseph to Egypt
Week after the Fast: God Saves Joseph from the Prison
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week before Fast - God Sends Joseph to Egypt
Love my brothers and sisters
Memory Verse:
“ He who loves his brother abides in the light” (1John 2:10)
Genesis 39
The life of Joseph -Translated by Fr. Marcos Daoud
Review the previous lesson and verse
Ask the children:
Do I obey my parents at home?
Do I obey the servants in the church?
Do I obey my teacher in school?
Lesson Outline:
Joseph‟s brothers were taking care of their flock at Shechem. Jacob sent Joseph to his brothers to
see if they were safe. Joseph took some food for them and chose for each of them the sort of food he
likes best. He faced a lot of difficulties and troubles on his way to them.
He was alone on a long way full of dangers. His brothers hated him and they might hurt him.
Joseph obeyed his father and went after his brothers. He did not go back when he did not find them.
He asked about them at Shechem. When he could not find them there, he went to Dothan, to see if
they were safe. His brothers plotted against him. They threw him into a dry well. Reuben, their
brother suggested that they should sell him to a group of traders. They sold him to a group of traders
who took him to Egypt. They lied to their father. They ki1led a goat and dipped Joseph‟s robe in its
blood. Then they took the robe to their father and said, “We found this. Does it belong to your son?
Some animal has killed him”. But the Lord was with Joseph. Joseph came to Egypt and dwelt in
Potiphar‟s house. Potiphar was one of the king‟s officers. Joseph was successful in Potiphar‟s house.
He worked in the field, supervised the servants, appointed servants, and built houses. God blessed
Joseph and made him successful.
Where was Joseph taken?
Why was he successful?
The Servant can refer to Joseph‟s brothers‟ enmity to him but in such a way that the children may not
understand that was the result of Joseph‟s obedience to his father but they should understand that was
the way to happiness.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
The Servant should ask the children some questions to help them deduce the following:
Obedience is very important. Imagine a house where the children do not obey their
How to obey without murmuring or apologizing or finding excuses or argument when
someone asks us to do something.
To what extent should we obey - to the end and never to go back in the middle of the
The result of obedience People‟s love and God‟s blessing
Joseph‟s brothers‟ hatred did not prevent him from showing kindness to them and checking for
their safety and comfort.
Rearrange the words of this verse: …
With Joseph….The Lord…..a successful…..was…..man….and …..he was
Review the fourth section of the thanksgiving prayer with the students. The students should
know all of the thanksgiving prayer by now.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week after Jonah’s Fast - God Saves Joseph From the Prison
To learn honesty
Memory Verse:
“He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10)
Genesis 39,40
The Life of Joseph -Translated by Fr. Marcos Daoud
Tales and Stories from the Holy Bible, Beirut
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students
Who sold Joseph and to whom?
What did Joseph‟s brothers say to their father concerning Joseph?
What did he do?
Prepare the following means of illustration:
A big chain of keys
Lesson Outline:
The Verse says: “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much”. The Lord
blessed Potiphar‟s household because of Joseph, but Joseph‟s happiness did not last long. Potiphar‟s
wife was an evil woman. She asked Joseph to commit a sin, but he refused so she told her husband
false tales about Joseph. Her husband believed her and put Joseph in prison.
Why was the house of Potiphar blessed?
Why did Potiphar put Joseph in prison?
Joseph was innocent but he was put in prison. This is something unusual but did the Lord
leave Joseph or neglect him? No, the Lord was with Joseph in prison. The jailer noticed that Joseph
was not like the other prisoners. He prayed and sang hymns “The Lord always cares for us…” The
jailer loved him and because he loved him, he put him in charge of all the other prisoners. The
Scripture says: “He who is faithful in what is least…”. He made him responsible for everything that
was done in the prison. Joseph interpreted the dreams of the wine steward and the chief baker and it
all happened just as Joseph had said (Genesis 40). Joseph requested the wine steward to remember
him when everything was going well for him and to mention his name to the king, as he didn‟t do
anything to deserve being put in prison. But the wine steward never gave Joseph another thought, but
the Lord never forgot Joseph and after 2 years He arranged to get Joseph out of the prison.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Whose dreams did Joseph interpret?
Did what he said come true?
What happened to the wine steward?
What happened to the chief baker?
Who remembers the verse?
Let us repeat together: He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much.
Joseph was honest and did not do anything wrong so God cared for him and helped him out of the
Be faithful and honest in your homework.
When we visit relatives, friends or neighbors we must keep everything as it is, not break
anything, and that he can help in doing anything.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 0: God Makes Joseph a Great Man
Week 1: God Saves Jacob and His Children from Famine
Week 2: Joseph Forgives His Brothers
Week 3: Jacob Blesses His Grandsons
Week 4: Lord Christ Accepts Zacchaeus‟ Invitation
Week 5: The Angel Appears to the Maries
Week 6: The Good Samaritan
Week 7: (Palm‟s Sunday) - No lesson
Week 8: (Resurrection Sunday) No Lesson
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 0 - God Makes Joseph a Great Man
God saves His honest children
Memory Verse:
“ Let your heart keep my commands” (Proverbs 3:1)
Genesis 41
The Life of Joseph -Translated by Fr. Marcos Daoud
Tales and Stories from the Holy Bible, Part 3, Beirut
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students
To whom did Joseph interpret dreams?
Where was Joseph?
Who remembers the verse?
Lesson Outline:
Joseph spent two years in prison. One day there was something unusual in Pharaoh‟s palace.
What happened?
Pharaoh had two dreams in one night. He sent for all the magicians and wise men in Egypt.
He told them his dreams but no one could explain them to him.
The wine steward remembered Joseph. He told Pharaoh about him. The king sent for Joseph
and he was immediately brought from the prison. He shaved and changed his cloths and came into
Pharaoh‟s presence. He stood bravely before the king and saluted him and they started talking:
Pharaoh: I heard you interpret dreams!
Joseph: It is God‟s gift to me.
Pharaoh: Can you interpret my dreams?
Joseph: I myself know nothing but the Lord explains it to me.
Pharaoh: I dreamt that I was standing on the bank of the Nile, when seven cows, fat and sleek,
came up out of the river and began feeding on the grass. Then seven other cows came up which was
thin and bony. Then the thin cows ate up the fat ones, but they looked as bad as before. Then I woke
up. I also dreamt that I saw seven ears of corn, which were full and ripe. The seven ears of corn
sprouted, thin and scorched by the desert wind, and the thin ears of corn swallowed the full ones. I
told the dreams to magicians, but none of them could explain them to me. Can you explain them?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Joseph prayed and said: The two dreams mean the same thing. The seven fat cows are seven
years and the seven full ears of corn are also seven years; they have the same meaning. The seven
thin cows which came up out of the river and the seven thin ears of corn scorched by the desert wind
are seven years of famine. There will be seven years of plenty in all the land of Egypt followed by
seven years of famine. Now you should choose a man with wisdom and insight and put him in charge
of the country. This man should collect food during the years of plenty and store it so that people may
find food to eat during famine. You must also take a fifth of the crops and store it in the first seven
years of plenty to be used as food during the seven years of famine.
Pharaoh saw that the idea is great and said to Joseph I will never find a better man than you
to do this job. I will put you in charge of my country and all my people will obey your orders because
you are faithful in the very little. The king removed from his finger the ring engraved with the royal
seal and put it on Joseph‟s finger. He put on him the robe of great men. He gave him the second royal
chariot to ride in.
Joseph who was sold as a slave, and put in prison without reason, went out of prison and
became a governor and at that time he was 30 years old... How wonderful is God‟s care of Joseph!
Why did Pharaoh appoint Joseph governor?
What did he give him?
What does the verse say? He who is faithful …who can complete?
God helped Joseph to come out of the prison and He arranged for Pharaoh‟s dream. God also
helped Joseph to explain the dream. Pharaoh‟s made Joseph the second great man in Egypt because
God was with Joseph and arranged for him to become a great man.
When you pray with your parents say the Prayer of Thanksgiving.
Do your school homework and do not postpone doing it
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1 - God Saves Jacob and His Children from Famine
God cares about us. It is He that gives us our food.
Memory Verse:
“Bless the Lord, O my soul” (Psalm 103:1)
Genesis 42
“The Life of Joseph” Translated by Fr. Marcos Daoud
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students
Who interpreted Pharaoh‟s dream?
What work was Joseph in charge of?
Who can say the verse?
Ask the children what is the meaning of famine? Then, explain it to them
Lesson Outline:
The famine was severe everywhere outside Egypt. People were ready to travel to Egypt to buy
corn. People ate everything... leaves, plant roots so that they might not starve... Jacob and his sons
lived in the Land of Canaan... (How many are they now?) and they needed food. Jacob learnt that
there was corn in Egypt. He sent his sons to Egypt to buy corn but he did not send his youngest son.
(Who remembers his name?)
Jacob did not send Benjamin with them because he was afraid that something might happen to
him. The ten brothers arrived in Egypt. Joseph‟s brothers came and bowed down before him with
their faces to me ground. When Joseph saw his brothers, he recognized them, but they did not
recognize him. He remembered his first dream. (Who remembers that dream?) His brothers bowed
down to him. Joseph desired to know something about his old father and younger brother. He acted as
if he did not know them and spoke harshly to them but we know that he loved them. The following
conversation ran between Joseph and his brothers.
Joseph: Where do you come from?
Brothers: We have come from Canaan to buy food.
Joseph: You are spies.
Brothers: No, sir. We have come to buy corn. We were twelve brothers in all, cons of the same
man. One brother is dead and the youngest is now with our father.
Joseph: This is just as I said; you are spies. This is how you will be tested. One of you must
go and get your youngest brother.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Joseph kept them for three days then he said to them: I will spare your lives on one condition.
to prove that you are honest, one of you will stay in the prison where you have been kept; the rest of
you may go. Then you must bring your youngest brother to me.
Jacob‟s sons were afraid. They said to one another, “now we are suffering the consequences of
what we did to our brother Joseph; we saw the great trouble he was in when he begged for help, but
we would not listen that is why we are in this trouble now.
Reuben said, I told you not to harm the boy, but you wouldn‟t listen... Joseph understood
what they said, but they did not know it. Joseph‟s brothers did not recognize him; they did not notice
that he understood what they said and that he knew about whom they were talking.
Where did Jacob live?
How many children did he have at that time?
How many of them left for Egypt?
Why did Joseph treat them harshly?
Joseph wept. He picked out Simeon, and had him tied up in front of them... Joseph gave orders
to fill his brothers‟ sacks with corn, to put each man‟s money back in his sack and this was done. The
brothers loaded their donkeys with the corn they had bought, and then they left at the place where
they spent the night, one of them opened his sack and found his money at the top of the sack. “My
money has been returned to me”; he called to his brothers. The other brothers opened their sacks and
they also found their money. When they came to their father Jacob in Canaan, they told them all that
had happened to them. Jacob was sad. Simeon was in prison... and Benjamin must go to Egypt and
Joseph is lost... No, Benjamin will not go to Egypt, said Jacob. Reuben said to his father, “Put him in
my care and I will bring him back”. When the family had eaten all the corn, Jacob said to his sons,
“Go back and buy corn for us”. Judah said, “We cannot go to Egypt without Benjamin”. And Jacob
said, “Why did you tell the man that you have a younger brother?” Judah said, “You can hold me
responsible for Benjamin, my father I will bring him back to you safe and sound”. Then Jacob said to
them, “If that is how it has to be, then take a present of pistachio nuts, almonds, and take with you
also twice as much money, because you must take back the money that was returned in the top of
your sacks. May Almighty God cause the man to have pity on you, so that he will give Benjamin and
Simeon back to you. And I will bless the Lord and say: Bless the Lord, O my soul…”
Whom did Joseph keep in Egypt?
When did Jacob agree to let Benjamin go to Egypt?
Let us say together ...Bless the Lord... Who can complete?
Let us sing a hymn together: Bless…Bless…
God cared for Jacob and his children when famine struck their land so that they would not die
from hunger. God was also arranging to unit Joseph back to his family through this famine.
Pray for your family.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Children study Psalm 23 “The Lord is my Shepherd” and start memorizing it.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 2 - Joseph Forgives his Brothers
Teach the children to forgive those who mistreat them
Love their brothers and sisters
Memory Verse:
“Be kind to one another” (Ephesians 4:32)
Genesis 45
The Life of Joseph, Translated by Marcos Daoud
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students
Can you forgive someone if he hurts you?
Can you forgive a boy if he strikes you without intending to do so?
Can you forgive a boy who teases you when you play?
Lesson Outline:
Joseph‟s brothers went back to Egypt to buy corn...
They took Benjamin with them...
They bowed down to Joseph and gave him the gift...
Joseph asked them about their old father...
When he saw Benjamin...His heart was full of tender feeling for his brother so he wept…
He said to them: “I am your brother”.
They were terrified... but Joseph said, “Do not be upset... Come closer to me”.
He threw his arms around his brother Benjamin and cried.
He kissed all his brothers. Simeon, and Reuben... even those who had tied his hands and he said,
“Be kind to one another”. They learnt an important lesson; to love one another and their way of
living changed.
What was Joseph‟s work in Egypt?
How did Joseph treat his brothers when they came to Egypt?
Let us say together: Be kind to one another... Who can say?
Let us sing a hymn together: Our Lord, we are…
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Joseph forgave his brothers even after they sold him and threw him in the well because he loved
his brothers. Forgiveness does not mean weakness so that the child may not keep away from people
out of fear.
We have to treat our brothers and sisters kindly even if they do anything bad.
If anyone insults you, say to him, “May the Lord forgive you”.
Review Psalm 23 with the students
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 3 - Jacob Blesses His Grandsons
To know and learn the sign of the cross
Memory Verse:
“ Bless the lads “ (Genesis 48:16)
Genesis 48: 8-22
Review with the students the previous lesson and verse
Ask them how do they cross themselves with the sign of the cross and explain to them the
meaning of the sign in a simple way.
Also let three or four of them draw a cross on the board
Lesson Outline:
Jacob was getting very old; he could hardly walk or see. Have you seen an old man or woman
before? How do they look and how do they walk? Yes, Jacob was getting like one of those old
people. Jacob also felt that he might not live much longer, so he asked his beloved son Joseph to
bring his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim to bless them. Manasseh was the elder brother and
Ephraim was the younger.
So, Joseph brought his two sons to his father Jacob to bless them. The elder brother was expected
to get the blessing with the grandfather‟s right hand. So, Joseph made Manasseh to stand on the right
side of Jacob and Ephraim on the left side of Jacob (the teacher can use two of the students for
Do you know where is your right hand?
Show me your right hand?
Joseph was expecting his father to place his right hand on Manasseh and his left hand on Ephraim.
Instead Jacob crossed his arms and placed his right hand on Ephraim and his left on Manasseh.
Joseph thought that his father is confused because his is old and does not recognize whom is the elder
and who is the younger in his sons. Joseph tried to correct his father and switch his hands to place his
right hand on the head of Manasseh and his left on the head of Ephraim. However, his father refused
to change his hands and told Joseph that he knows that Manasseh is the elder and that he was not
confused. He meant to bless Ephraim the younger with his right hand because he knew that Ephraim
is going to be greater than Mannaseh and that he will become many nations.
Remember what was the sign that Jacob made with his arms when he was trying to bless his
sons? It was the sign of the cross. Show the children what Jacob did with his arms. This was a sign
many many years ago about Jesus Christ dying on the cross for us.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
God has come and died on the cross for us because he loved us and wanted to make us live forever
with him in heaven. He had this planned for a very long time. Jacob crossed his arms to tell us about
God‟s plan to come and die on the cross
Review the meaning of the sign of the cross with the students.
Ask the children to use the sign of the cross any time they are scared or afraid. It will protect
Tell the children to make crosses at home and bring to class next week.
Start memorizing the creed with the students by giving them few lines every week over the
coming 4-5 weeks
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 4 - Lord Christ Accepts Zacchaeus’ Invitation
Lord Jesus Christ‟s love for sinners
Memory Verse:
“Seek and you will find” (Luke 11:9)
Luke 19
Review the previous lesson and verse
Prepare cups and dishes for the banquet
Who remembers the name of a man who desired to see Jesus and he saw him and that man was
Lesson outline:
Zacchaeus was a rich short man. He wanted to see Jesus because he has heard a lot about
Him. He was told that would enter a place called Jericho today. When Zacchaeus heard this, he ran
quickly out of his office to go a see Jesus. He saw a big crowd of people coming from a distance...
“What is the matter?he asked. He was told that Jesus was coming. He thought for a while and said,
“Now, I am very short, how can I see Jesus among the crowds”. He ran ahead of the crowd and
climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus. Who would be going that way? It was a difficult climb... he
made a great effort to climb that tree. He made the attempt many times and at last he managed to
climb the tree.
What is the name of the man?
Whom did he want to see?
Where was Jesus?
Why did the man climb the sycamore tree?
The crowds came near…children, women, men, young people, surrounded Jesus. They loved
Jesus so much that they walked with Him. The crowd passes the sycamore tree. All the people
stopped walking…why? Jesus looked up…Zacchaeus saw Him and recognized Him. He thought that
Jesus was lifting up His eyes to pray but Jesus was looking at him…how wonderful! Jesus said to
him “Hurry down Zacchaeus”. How did He know my name? Zacchaeus happily wondered and
hurried down. Then Jesus said “I will stay in your house today and supper with you”.
Zacchaeus welcomed Him with great joy. He made a banquet (describe it). Zacchaeus served
Him (explain how he welcomed Jesus, his joy and happiness to receive Jesus at home, etc.).
What is the name of the town?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
How did Zacchaeus see Jesus?
What did Zacchaeus say to Jesus?
Let us say the verse
God cares about us more than we care about ourselves. It is He who passes under the
Sycamore tree to invite Zacchaeus and to stay at his house.
If a guest or a stranger visits you, how will you treat him?
Explain how the children can honor and respect guests and strangers when they visit them.
They have to show love and kindness to them and make them happy. They have also to
pray for them and for their safe arrival.
Divide the Psalm 51 Have mercy on me…” into three sections for memorization at
home. Start today with the first section.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 5 - The Good Samaritan
To learn to help others
Memory Verse:
“ Love your neighbor as yourself “ (Luke 10:27)
Luke 10:25-37.
Review with the students the previous lesson and verse.
Prepare audiovisual aids for the lesson e.g. pictures
Ask the students what would they do if they saw somebody with a cut or a wound? or
somebody who fell and hurt himself?
Then ask them what is the meaning of a neighbor? And who is their neighbor?
Lesson Outline:
One day a lawyer asked Jesus: who is my neighbor? And Jesus told him this story:
Once upon a time a men was traveling on the road. All of a sudden, punch of thieves stopped
him, took all his money and clothing, beat him, wounded him and left him on the road in a very bad
condition. Then a priest came down by the same road but when he saw the wounded man he passed
by on the other side. Then a Levite was going in the same road but when he saw the wounded man he
came and looked at him but again passed by and left him on the side of the street. Then a Samaritan
man came by the same road and saw the wounded man. He had mercy for him and felt bad for him.
So, he cleaned his wounds, poured oil on them, put him on his donkey and took him to a hotel. He
took care of him all night and in the morning before he leaves he gave money to the owner of the
hotel and told him to use it in caring for the wounded man.
After the Lord Jesus finished the story He asked the lawyer which one of those people would
be considered a neighbor for the wounded man: the priest, the Levite or the Samaritan man?
Let the children try to answer the question of the Lord Jesus….
The lawyer answered correctly and said that the Samaritan man would be considered a
neighbor. The Lord told the lawyer to go and do like the Good Samaritan man who took care of the
wounded man.
We also have to do like the Samaritan man and have to be kind and helpful to everybody in
trouble. We have to take care of others whenever they are in need.
If we know that somebody is sick we will go together to visit him.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
If someone fall and hurt himself we will stay by him, try to make him feel better and also help
him to wash and clean his cut.
Review what was memorized from the creed with the students and give prizes
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 6 - The Angel Appears to the Maries
Make the children feel the joys of Resurrection
Memory Verse:
“He is not here; but is risen” (Luke 24:6)
Matthew 28
Luke 24:1-12
Review the previous lesson and verse
Teach the children the resurrection greeting in Coptic and its meaning
Ekhristos Anisty…Alethos Anisty... Christ is risen…Truly He is risen.
Give the lesson in the form of a party in which sweets and rewards can be distributed, and
some simple parts of the resurrection can be acted and the children can greet one another with
the feast greeting:
Lesson Outline:
Prepare the following means of illustration
The picture of Christ rising from the dead; Cymbals, triangle, and head coverings for the
The Lord Christ was risen from the dead on the third day (early on Sunday at dawn).
The Maries went to the tomb and they did not find the Lord inside it. The angel told them
saying “Do not be afraid for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified, He is not here; for He
is risen” (Matthew 5,6).
Mary Magdalene was weeping at the tomb. She looked backwards and saw a young man. She
thought that He was the gardener. Describe the gentle words between them to the children.
Mary was happy. She went to the disciples to inform them of the good news.
The party is ended by the resurrection hymns.
Jesus Christ is our strong God who has risen from the dead and opened the paradise, that place
where we can have joy and be happy all the time when we go to heaven.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
The Second year elementary class can invite the children of a second year elementary class
from the neighboring town or one of the poor districts to enjoy the feast with them and eat
sweets with them.
Some children can visit the poor children in their houses. The Servant can go with them to
share their joy and happiness. Deliver food and clothes to the poor.
You can visit a Sunday School class in a town or a poor district or an orphanage to share them
the joys of Resurrection.
Read Matthew 28 with your family.
Review what was memorized from the creed again and give prizes
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
(Fifty days after Resurrection)
Week 1: Anba Sarabamun
Week 2: God Gives Moses the Ten Commandments
Week 3: Ascension Day
Week 4: The Sheep and the Goats
Week 5: Prayer: Anba Shenouda
Week 6: St. Bishoy Washes Christ‟s Feet
Week 7: Lord Christ Appears to St. Paul
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1 - Anba Sarabamun
Love for the brothers and serve them
Memory Verse:
Love never fails (I Corinthians 13:8)
The Biography of the great Saint Anba Sarabamun by Iskandar Fahmy
The Synexarium
Review the previous lesson and verse
What do you give your brothers when you buy anything?
Do you love your brothers? Do you love all people?
What did you give your brothers the poor and the needy?
Did you help them in time of need?
Means of Illustration: A picture of Anba Sarabamun
Lesson Outline:
Before he became a monk, his name was Saleeb. He used to sell oil on his donkey. Because
he was pious and worshipped God honestly and sincerely. They chose him to be Bishop of
Menoufya. He loved his poor brothers and all people. He used to carry a basket full of wheat and
many other things (rice, meat, soap, oil, clothes, etc.) He gave them to the needy that could not go out
to beg. He used to cover his face with a shawl so that no one would recognize him.
Why was Anba Sarabamun given the name of the man with the shawl (Abu Tarha)?
What was his name before he was ordained a monk?
Whom did he love?
One day a man named Hanna the carpenter saw him and he thought that he was a thief. He did
not recognize him. He saw a man whose clothes were strange. His clothes covered his whole body
except his eyes. He thought that he was a thief and followed him from lane to lane. He was carrying a
basket on his head. When he arrived at a certain house, he knocked at the door and a poor woman
opened the door. He gave her the basket without speaking to them then he went back. Hanna the
carpenter ran after him and saw his face and knew that he was Anba Sarabamun. The Bishop warned
him not to follow him again and ordered him not to mention what he saw to anyone. May the blessing
of his prayer be with us. Amen.
Why did the saint cover his face with a shawl?
Why did the saint ask Hanna the carpenter not to tell anybody about his service?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Jesus Christ told us that anything we do for the poor is like doing it to Him. Thus when we
help the poor and the needy and when we take care of them is as if we taking care of Jesus Christ
Put your alms in the Sunday school or the church donation box so that the church can give the
If you have extra cloth or toys that you are not using, you can give to the poor children.
Review the parts memorized from the creed with the students
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 2 - God Gives Moses the Ten Commandments
Learn the commandments of God
Memory verse:
“I am the Lord your God” (Exodus 20:3)
Exodus 20
Review the previous lesson and verse
God took care of His people in the desert and wanted them always to obey Him and do
what pleases Him. He set up a set of rules for them to follow and become worthy to be
called His people.
Lesson Outline:
God helped Moses take the Israelites out of the land of Egypt. God led them in the desert to go
to the Promised Land, Canaan.
Now three months after they started their journey, Moses and the Israelites reached the foot of
Mount Sinai and set camp there
There, the voice of God spoke to Moses saying “At this place, on this mountain I will begin to
make the Israelites into My People. I have brought them safely out of Egypt where they were
Pharaoh‟s slaves. Now I will give them, through you, laws and commandments that will rule
them every day of their lives. They must obey Me from the day they are born until the day they
die, If they do all that I tell them to do, I will make them into a holy nation, for they are the
people I have chosen to be My special children. Go now, and tell this to your people”. Moses
went and told the Israelites all he heard from God.
Then two days passed and on the mourning of the third day thunder roared and lightning
flashed at the top of the mountain. Suddenly a trumpet sounded, so loudly that it seemed to fill
the air, and the people in the camp beneath the mountain trembled with fear.
The trumpet grew louder and louder around them. Then God came down like a fire onto Sinai,
and the whole top of the mountain was wrapped in dense clouds of smoke as if it were a
volcano erupting
Then Moses spoke to God. The Israelites standing around him heard God‟s answers as thunder.
Moses heard God calling him to climb upwards, higher and higher, until he disappeared into the
smoke that covered the mountaintop, and the people trembled.
God gave Moses His commandments written by His own finger on two tablets of stone
These are God‟s Ten Commandments
Honor and serve Me alone for I am the only God
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Do not make or worship any idols
Treat My name with respect
Keep every Sabbath as a holy day of rest
Honor your father and your mother
Do not kill another human being (you shall not murder)
Husbands and wives must be faithful to one another (you shall not commit adultery)
Do not steal (you shall not steal)
Do not tell lies (you shall not bear false witness)
Do not be greedy about things that other people have (you shall not covet your neighbor‟s
Because Moses was God‟s special prophet, God explained to him how the laws worked and
Moses explained them to the people and everyone agreed to obey the laws of God
Where were the Israelites before going to the desert?
At which mountain did they set camp?
What did God tell Moses He would give him?
Recite at least three of the Ten Commandments
God wants His children to be holy and obey Him so He loves them and they get closer to God. If
we as the children of God follow and do His 10 commandments, we will know God better and get
closer to Him and He will be happy with us.
Encourage the children to memorize the Ten Commandments.
Get the children to draw the two tablets and write in them the Ten commandments
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 3 - Ascension Day
Christ went to heaven and if we are good we will go to heaven and be with Him
Memory Verse
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you” (John 14:27)
Acts 1:9-14
The Most Precious Treasure
Review the previous lesson and verse.
Prepare the following:
A big colored picture of the Ascension...
Cotton to represent the clouds...
Four wings for two angels…
Ask the students:
Who rose from the dead?
What did he do after the Resurrection?
Lesson Outline:
After Christ had risen from among the dead he appeared to the disciples... He encouraged
them during the period of forty days before He went up to heaven... He spoke to them about the
kingdom of God and about how to arrange the church system. They said to him “Lord, what do you
want us to do?” He commanded them to stay in Jerusalem till the Holy Spirit came upon them.
Finally, the disciples were together and Jesus was with them.. Christ blessed them. Suddenly
they saw Jesus rising up... he went up…up….up…toward the cloud. He went up to heaven as you see
in this picture. The disciples were looking and staring upwards to him, “Praise the Lord”. They saw
two angels in white standing. The angels said to them, “Why are you standing there looking up at the
sky? This Jesus who was taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way that you saw
him go to heaven”. The apostles went back to Jerusalem. They were happy because of Christ‟s
ascension. They sang a hymn: He went up to j the highest heaven and sent to us the Paraclete.
For how many days did Jesus Christ appear after the Resurrection?
What did He say to his disciples?
What did the two angels say to the disciples and apostles?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Will Christ come a second time?
Let us repeat the verse together.
Always lift up your eyes to heaven and remember this where Jesus Christ ascended to. We hope
that one day we be with Him in heaven.
Pray in the morning and in the evening.
Draw the children‟s attention to the fact that we pray with our faces toward the east because
the Lord Christ went up to heaven towards the east and will also come from the east.
Review the ten commandments with the students
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 4 - The Sheep and the Goats
Teach the children the meaning of the censer
Teach the children the importance of the censer in worship
Memory verse:
But God is the Judge: He puts down one, and exalts another” (Psalm 75:7)
Matthew 25:31
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students
Prepare visual aids including:
Pictures of sheep and goats
Picture of Jesus Christ on the throne
Jesus tried to explain to his disciples and to the people what to expect at the end of the days.
He wanted to teach them that there is a day called “Judgment Day” when we will all stand before the
Lord and He will judge us according to what we did on earth.
Lesson Outline:
Our Lord said that on Judgment Day He will come in His glory, and all the holy angels with
Him, and He will sit on the throne.
Now people from all the nations will be gathered in front of Him.
He will be like the good shepherd who separates his sheep from the goats so he will separate
His people one from another.
He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left.
Then He will say to those on His right hand, Come, you blessed of My Father, go into the
kingdom that God prepared for you from the beginning of the world for I was hungry and you
gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was
naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.
Then the good people on His right hand will answer Him, saying, Lord, when did we see You
hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take
You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to
And the King will answer and say to them, I assure you that when you did it to anyone you did
it to Me.
Then He will also say to those on the left hand, Go away from Me, you cursed, into the fire
with the devil and his angels for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
gave Me no drink; I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe
Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.
Then they also will answer Him, saying, Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a
stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?‟”
Then He will answer them, saying, „I assure you when you did not do it to anyone who needed
this, you did not do it to Me.
So the good and helpful people will go to the Kingdom of God and have eternal life but the
ones that did not do good when needed will be punished forever
On which side of the Lord will the sheep be?
What is our responsibility towards the sick?
What should we do to the hungry?
With who those who will go into the fire will be ?
If we are good boys and girls of God and do good things to others then we will be like the sheep
sitting on the right hand of the throne but if we are bad we will be like the goats on the left hand of
the throne.
Take the children to visit one of the children‟s hospitals
Organize a trip to the food bank and get the children to donate food cans.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 5 Prayer: Anba Shenouda
Love of prayer
Memory Verse:
“Men always ought to pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1)
The Precious Gem (Al-Khareeda Al Nafeessa), Part I
The Biography of the great Saint Anba Shenouda the Archimandrite, i.e. “The Head of
Anchorites” by Abdul Nur
Review the previous lesson and verse
Prepare a picture of Anba Shenouda
Ask the students if they like to pray?
How often do you pray?
Do you pray with your brothers and your family?
Lesson outline:
The picture in your hand is the picture of a great holy man whose name is Anba Shenouda. He
was born in Souhag and his father owned many sheep. Some shepherds asked his father to let
Shenouda go with them to take care of the sheep. He was seven years old at that time. His father
agreed on condition that his son would spend the night at home. Shenouda took all that he needed.
food, water, etc. and went out in the morning and sent the whole day outside with the sheep and
shepherds. He used to give his food to the shepherd and to fast for the whole daytime. At sunset he
went home but he arrived late in the night. When his mother asked him why he was late, the
shepherds told her that the boy left them at sunset One day, a shepherd followed Shenouda from a
distance and watched him. The boy turned to the edge of a pool near the village and stood there to
pray. “The boy‟s fingers were shining like candles” the shepherd said. The scent of incense filled the
What is the name of the saint?
What was the work of his father?
Where did he go after sunset?
To whom did he give his food?
What did the shepherd say?
Let us repeat together: They ought always to pray... who can complete?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Shenouda became a father to many monks as he loved the Lord and he loved to pray.
Exactly as we need to eat every day we also need to pray every day. When we pray we grow
with Jesus Christ. In prayer we tell God that we love Him as He always loved us.
Pray at least two times a day
Light a candle before the Icon of the Saint.
Review the creed with the students
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 6 - St. Bishoy Washes Christ’s Feet
Learn to be hospitable to everyone
Memory verse:
“ The memory of the righteous is blessed” (Proverbs 10:6)
Coptic Orthodox Book of Saints I; Montreal Canada
Coptic Synaxarium
Review the previous lesson and verse
Prepare a picture of St. Bishoy washing the feet of Jesus Christ to show to the students
The life of the fathers of the desert is full of lessons that we can learn. All of them loved our
Lord Jesus Christ very much and each one of them showed this love in a different way
Lesson Outline:
Abba Bishoy was born in 320 A.D. of righteous parents in a village of Egypt. He was the
youngest of seven children.
One night his mother saw a vision; an angel appeared to her and said “The Lord says “Give me
one of your children to serve Me” The mother answered, “Here are my seven children, choose
the one you want” Then the angel touched Bishoy, but the mother said, “This is a weak boy,
please choose a stronger one who can serve the Lord better” The angel replied, “This is he
whom the Lord has chosen”
At age twenty, St. Bishoy joined the monastery of Scetis. He was very dedicated to God,
praying constantly, fasting for long periods and learning the holy books by heart.
St. Bishoy was very hospitable to everyone.
One day while he was sitting outside his cell, he saw a man weary from walking. He stood up
and invited the man to his cell. Then he got a basin, filled it with water and insisted on washing
his feet after his long walk in the desert
While washing the stranger‟s feet he heard the Lord‟s voice saying, “My chosen Bishoy! You
are an honorable man” He immediately realized that he was washing our Lord Jesus‟ feet. He
knelt down and worshiped Him. The Lord gave him peace and comforted him
How many brothers did St. Bishoy have?
Who told St. Bishoy‟s mother that God wanted her son?
As a monk what did St. Bishoy live his life?
What did St. Bishoy do to the man passing by his cell?
Who this man really was?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
St. Bishoy saw Jesus Christ because he was humble and was willing to wash the feet of others with
water. We also have to be humble and be generous and kind to visitors in our house. This is a big
blessing for us and the lord will reward us in heaven.
Show the children an icon of St. Bishoy washing the Lord‟s feet
Discuss with the children how we can show hospitality to strangers.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 7- The Lord Christ Appears to St. Paul
Celebrating the Apostles‟ Day.
Memory Verse
“Lord what do you want me to do?” (Acts 9:6)
Acts 9
The Life of Paul: Fr. Marcos Daoud
Stories and Tales from the Holy Bible, Beirut
Review the previous lesson and verse
Prepare a picture or a video about the lesson‟s story, particularly when Saul was on his horse
and he saw the bright light of the Lord.
Who defends and protects the Christians?
Lesson Outline:
There was a man called Saul. He hated the Christians and persecuted them. He searched for
them everywhere to kill them. One day, he heard that there was a great number of Christians in
Damascus. He quickly rose and took with him some horses and some strong men who hated
Christians and said to them, “Let us go to Damascus to kill all the Christians there”. They rode the
horses and were on their way to Damascus. As they came near the city a light from the sky suddenly
flashed all around them. The light was stronger than the light of the sun.
Saul and those with him could not look at the strong light. Saul fell to the ground and could
not move. The men were afraid. They fell down from their horses and their faces were to the ground.
Saul heard a voice coming from heaven saying: “Saul.. Saul.. Saul... Why do you persecute me?”
(explain to the children the meaning of persecute me as against me). Saul could not lift himself up.
He was trembling out of fear. He said, “Who are you, Lord”. “I am Jesus whom you persecute”, the
voice said: “He who persecutes Christians persecutes me”. Saul‟s wicked power weakened and faded
and changed into a new man; meek and humble. He said, “Lord, what do you want me to do?”
What is the name of this saint?
Whom was he against?
Where was he going?
Who were with him?
What did he see on his way to Damascus?
What did the voice say?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Let us say together: Lord, what wilt... Who can complete?
Jesus said to him: “Get up and go into the city, where you will be told what you must do.
There is a man called Ananias, he is my disciple. He will pray for you and will tell you what to do”.
The voice disappeared. Saul felt this way. He said to the men, “I see nothing... I cannot see a thing... “
They led him into the city taking him by the hand.
In the mean time, God appeared to Ananias and told him to go to Saul to heal him. Ananias
went to Saul, placed his hand on him and prayed. Saul was able to see once more. He preached him
about Jesus. He baptized Saul and his men and Saul became a Christian. He loved the Christians and
defended them. He made many people become Christians from different countries.
Each year we remember Saul‟s story whose name became St. Paul.
What is the name of the man who preached Saul about Christ?
When did he baptize him?
Who remembers the verse?
God prevented St. Paul from hurting the Christian and He made St. Paul himself a Christian.
St. Paul became a very good and active Christian and he made many people to become Christian later
on. St. Paul also wrote a big part of the Bible, New Testaments.
Invite your brothers and friends to come to Sunday School to know Jesus and love him.
If anyone does not answer your invitation, pray for him.
Pray also for the enemies of the church.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Use Filler lessons (at the beginning of the book) between the feast of Pentecost and
the second week of July.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 2: Elijah and the Raven
Week 3: Elijah and the Widow
Week 4: God Accepts Elijah‟s Sacrifice
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 2 - Elijah and the Raven
God cares for us. It is He that gives us food.
Memory Verse:
“Bless the Lord O my Soul” (Psalm 103:1)
1 Kings 17-19,21
2 Kings 1-2
Review the previous lesson and verse
Prepare the following means of illustration
A picture of a raven
A loaf of bread
What is the meaning of a prophet? A prophet is someone that God sends a message through him
to the people. The message is usually about something will happen in the future. Do you the
name of any prophet?
Lesson Outline:
Elijah spent all his time in prayers, fasting and reading the word of God. So he became a great
One day, the Lord said to him, “Elijah, go to Ahab the wicked king and say to him: Repent
and refrain from the worship of idols, or else I will hold back the rain”. Elijah said, “All right, I‟ll
go”. Then he began to think of the matter “The king is wicked. He may kill me. I am afraid. But the
Lord ordered me to go and He is with me. I‟ll go now”. He arrived at the palace. He made an attempt
to enter but the guards prevented him from doing so. He said to them, “I have a message from the
Lord and I have to deliver it to the king”.
They asked him, “Who is the Lord?” and he answered, “He is the Lord of heaven and earth”. They
said to him, “We do not know the Lord. We worship idols”. “Idols are not gods”, he said. His words
filled the guards‟ hearts with fear. A guard entered the king‟s room. He bowed to the ground “Your
majesty, there is a man outside. His body is covered with hair and his clothes are very simple. He
wants to meet you”, the guard said. “Let him in”, the king said. Elijah was brought to the king. He
said, “O king, repent and refrain from your sins. Stop worshipping idols, or else there will be no rain
until I say so”. The king was surprised “who are you?he asked. “I am the prophet of God”, Elijah
said. “Who is God?” asked the king. Elijah said, “God the Creator of heaven and earth”. But the king
said, “There are no gods other than these idols”. Elijah went out of the palace. He prayed to the
Lord... “O Lord, let there be no rain” and no rain came. Plants faded and dried. The leaves and the
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
trees fell down. Men and animals became hungry. There was no food. The king realized that what
happened was the desire of the Lord.
What is the name of the king?
Was he a good king?
What was his sin?
What were the words of God by the mouth of Elijah?
But the Lord cares about his children. He cared about Elijah. He said to him, “Go and hide
yourself near the Brook of Cherith. I have commanded ravens to bring you food there”. “The Brook
of Cherith? This is a small brook and it is often dry. Ravens? Can ravens support man or snatch what
they see in man‟s hands?” he thought this is very strange, However, Elijah obeyed the words of God.
He went to the brook and there he sat at the edge. While he was praying, he saw a big black bird
coming towards him “Oh! What is that?” he asked himself.
The raven threw bread and meat into Elijah‟s lap. That was in the early morning. Elijah
shouted, “Bless the Lord, O my soul”. He drank water from the brook and ate the meat and bread that
the raven threw to him.
In the evening, the raven came back with food to Elijah. Elijah ate, drank and was satisfied,
while severe hunger spread in all the cities. That state continued till rain came again and the natural
way of living returned.
How did the Lord care for Elijah during the famine?
Where did Elijah stay?
What did he drink?
Explain that the Lord can change the nature of men, birds, anything. He changed the nature of
the raven that snatches things into the raven, which obeyed the words of God and carried the bread to
The Lord cared about Elijah when the land became dry and He cares for each one of us too. He
provides us with all the things we need.
When you sit at the table to have your meal, thank God for the food that is put before you and
do not desire the food that is put in front of others.
Draw a picture of Elijah while he is praying and the raven carrying bread and meat for him.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 3 - Elijah and the Widow
God blesses the little things that we share with others and makes it plenty.
Memory Verse:
“ The pin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil” (1King 17:16)
1 King 17:8-16
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students.
Prepare a container filled with flour and a second one filled with oil to act the story with visual
aids to the students
Ask them what would they do if they are very hungry and someone asks them to share their
food? What if they have one last chocolate and their friend asks a piece of it.
Lesson Outline:
Once upon a time God told Elijah to tell King Ahab that there will be no rain for a long long
time until Elijah asks for rain again from God. Thus, it happened that there was no rain for a long
time and there was no more food or water to drink in all the land. Elijah stayed by a water brook and
the raven fed him (as we know from the previous lesson) but the brook gradually dried. So, God told
Elijah to go to a widow to feed him.
What does a widow mean?
Why did God ask Elijah to go the widow?
So, Elijah went to the place God told him he found a widow gathering some sticks. Elijah
asked her to bring him a little water in a cup. As she went to get him the water, he also asked her to
bring him a piece of bread. The widow then told him that she has only a handful of flour and a little
oil in a jar. She was actually collecting the sticks to make the last piece of bread for her and her son
and then they would die from hunger because they had nothing else to eat. But Elijah told her do not
worry, just make me first a small cake and then make the rest of the flour for you and your son
because the Lord said that the little flour and oil that you have will never finish till the day God send
rain again.
So she went and made Elijah a small cake first and made for her and her son the bread as
Elijah asked her to do. The little flour and the small jar of oil never finished just as God told Elijah.
So Elijah, the widow and her son ate from this flour and oil for many many days without going
How many sons did the widow have?
What did Elijah ask her to make for him?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
What happened to the little flour and oil the widow had?
God blesses the things that we share with others. The more we give the more he gives us back. So
we should share with everybody who asks us a part of what we have.
Share your toys with others
Share your treats and food with other kids, especially the poor.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 4 - God Accepts Elijah’s Sacrifice
To teach the students that our God is the true and strong God.
Memory Verse:
The Lord, He is God” (1King 18:39)
King 18:20-40
Review with the students the previous lesson and verse.
Ask the students if they think that God is strong or weak? Is he is kind or rough? Can he hear
us when we pray or not?
Try to simulate the story and what Elijah did to present his bull using audiovisual aids.
Lesson Outline:
Once upon a time there was a good and strong prophet by the name of Elijah? What was the
name of the prophet? Elijah was the only prophet out of 450 prophets who was still following God.
All the other prophets were following the false god “Baal”. What was the name of the false god? So,
Elijah was warning the rest of the prophet and the people that they need to follow the true and strong
God. He also wanted to prove to them that his God is the true God. Elijah told the prophets of Baal to
choose a bull and place on wood. Then, he told them to pray for their god Baal and see if he would
send a fire from heaven to eat the bull. The prophets of Baal prayed and prayed for a long time to
Baal. They prayed all morning and afternoon but Baal did not listen to them and did not send a fire
from heaven to eat the bull. They were disappointed but Elijah told them pray louder may be Baal is
busy or sleeping. So, the prophets of Baal prayed louder and louder hoping that Baal would wake up
and hear them. But nothing really happened. This is because Baal is not the true God.
Then, it was Elijah‟s turn to present his bull and pray to his true and strong God. Elijah
brought his bull and repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken before. Then, he put 12 stones
around it and he put the wood on top of the altar and on top of it he placed the bull. He asked the
people to pour 4 water pots on the bull and the wood? How many water pots he asked for? So the
people did as he told them. Elijah asked them to pour water again and again on the bull and the wood.
So, they poured water three times on the bull and wood. How many times did they pour water?
Finally Elijah prayed to God and asked Him to prove to the people that He is the true and strong God.
Immediately God send fire from heaven that fell and ate Elijah‟s bull, the wood, the water and the
stones. How many stones were they? When the people saw the fire from heaven they were scared and
they fell on their faces and they said: the Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God “. They knew then
that the God of Elijah is the true God who listened to his prayer and sent the fire to eat the bull.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
The God of Elijah is our God. He is strong. He also listens to our prayer just as he listened to
Elijah‟s prayer. We trust Him and depend on Him all the time.
Draw a picture of Elijah‟s bull and the altar.
Memorize the first half of Holy God…Holy Mighty…. Holy immortal …” at home. The
servants should follow on this homework the following week.
Look for a story of a saint that used to pray a lot. The servant should prepare prizes for
next week
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1: Elijah and the Son of the Widow
Week 2: St. Mary the Child
Week 3: Elisha and the Jars of Oil
Week 4: The Prodigal Son
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1 - Elijah and the Son of the Widow
To teach the children that God listens to our prayer
Memory Verse:
“The Lord heard the voice of Elijah” (1Kings 18:22)
1 Kings 18:17-24
Review the previous lesson and memory verse with the students
Ask the children do they think God listens to them when they pray? Does He answer back?
Today‟s lesson show how God answers our prayer back
Lesson Outline:
Elijah was staying with the widow and her son when there was no rain and they were eating
from the never ending flour and oil that God blessed in the widow‟s house. One day the son of the
widow became very very sick. He was sick to the extent that he could not even breath. The mother of
the widow was very worried and very sad. She thought that Elijah was the reason behind her son‟s
sickness. Elijah also was wondering why did the kid become sick although the widow was doing
good things and was keeping Elijah in her house, feeding him and serving him.
Elijah asked the widow to give him her sick son. He carried him to a room in the top floor of
the house and put him on the bed. Then Elijah prayed and prayed to God very hard. He asked God to
heal the child. Then he stretched himself out on the child three times. While he continued to ask God
to make the child breath again and get well again. Then the Lord heard Elijah‟s prayer and voice and
the child became well immediately. So, Elijah was very happy, he took the child and ran to his
mother and gave her the child after he became well and healthy again. The widow was very happy
too and she told Elijah now I know that you are a man of God and that God listens to your prayers.
What happened to the widow‟s son?
Where did Elijah take him?
What did Elijah do?
Did God Listen to Elijah‟s prayer?
God listens to our prayers when we are asking for something good. He does not answer back
by speaking to us, instead he make the things we ask for come true.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Pray every day in the morning and before you sleep
Memorize the second half of “Holy God…Holy Mighty…. Holy immortal …” at home. The
servants should follow on this homework the following week.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 2 - St. Mary the Child
To behave like St. Mary the child.
Memory Verse:
“For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed” (Luke 1:48)
Synexarium 3 Kiahk
Review the previous lesson and verse
How does the Lord honor those who love him?
What is the name of the church book that contains the life history of the holy men?
Who is the Mother of the Lord?
Lesson Outline:
There was a man called Joachim and his wife Anna. Joachim was a shepherd and he had no
children. Joachim and Anna prayed to the Lord to give them a son or a daughter. “O Lord, if you give
us a son or a daughter, we shall send the child to the temple to serve you”.
What is the name of the Virgin‟s father... Her mother?
What was the vow they made?
The Lord answered their prayers and gave them a daughter and they called her Mary. When
Mary was three years old, her father took her to the temple and left her there with the priest to serve
the Lord. She stayed in the temple till she was 12 years old. During this time, her father and mother
died. Mary was a gentle girl. She obeyed the priest and followed his advice. She served in the temple
and cleaned it. She made beautiful napkins. She used to pray while working… at night... in the
morning… at noon... The priest loved her because she was calm and meek.... Because of this the Lord
chose her to give birth to Christ. When He sent her an angel to announce the birth of Christ She said:
For behold, henceforth…
Why did the Lord choose the virgin to be born of her?
What did she do in the temple?
Let us say together: For behold, henceforth... Who can complete? Let us sing a hymn
together: Through the Intercession of the Theotokos...
God loves the calm and obedient children like St. Mary that is why He chose St. Mary to be
his mother. We also like to be calm and good children so God would love us too.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
When we need anything, let us pray to God and ask the Virgin Mary to pray and ask God with
Memorize at home “We magnify you the mother of the true light……”
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 3 - Elisha and the Jars of Oil
God blesses the little that we have.
Memory Verse:
“Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:2)
2 Kings 4
Review the previous lesson and verse with the students
How did the Lord support Elijah during the famine?
Explain to the children in simple words the situation in any country when there is no rain and
how famine affects people‟s ways of living. In this way you can show how important and how
powerful the miracle was in the life of the widow and her son.
Review with the students the meaning of the word “Prophet”.
Prepare the following means of illustration:
A vessel containing little oil
A nylon packet containing a little flour
Empty vessels
A piece of yellow clay in the form of pastry
Lesson Outline:
Elijah had a disciple named Elisha who was also a prophet of God. The Lord performed
miracles by the hands of Elijah and also by the hands of Elisha. One day a poor widow came to
Elisha complaining and weeping. She said, “Sir, my husband has died. He was a God-fearing man.
But he owed money to a man who came to take away my two sons as slaves in payment for my
husband‟s debt” (2 Kings 4:1).
What is the name of the prophet?
Why did the woman go to him?
Elisha prayed to God “O Lord, guide me. O Lord solve the problem of this widow. You
support the orphan; and the widow”. Then Elisha said to the woman “What shall I do for you? Tell
me what have you got at home?” “A jar of oil”, she said. “Thanks be to God. The problem can be
solved. Do you believe that the Lord can do a miracle with that jar of oil?Elisha said. I believe,
Sir”, the woman answered him. He said, “Go, quickly... to your neighbors and borrow as many empty
jars as you can. Then go into the house... you and your son... close the door and start pouring oil into
the jars. Set each one aside as soon as it is full. The woman did not doubt Elisha‟s words. She obeyed
him and did exactly what he told her to do. She did not ask him she could not find that oil to pour in
the vessels... she was sure that the Lord would bless the oil... a great faith. The woman went to her
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
house (closed the door, etc). When they had filled all the jars, the woman said to her son, “Are there
any more?” But her son said, “No, there are no other vessels”. And at that moment the oil stopped
flowing... The Lord blessed the jar of oil. The woman was glad. She took her son and went to Elisha.
On their way to him they sang: Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits.
The woman told the man of God about what she did, and he said to her, “Sell the oil and pay
all your debts, and there will be enough money left for you and your sons to live on”. The woman did
so and the Lord blessed her family and she lived in peace.
The Servant chooses a child and asks him to relate the story and if he desires, the boys can act
the story and repeat the verse: “Bless the Lord O my soul”.
The Lord our God can bless the little things and everything we have if we believe in Him and
behave like His children.
Pray before your meal.
Pray for the poor people who do not have enough food that God may take care of them.
Review “ We magnify you the mother of …..”
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 4 - The Prodigal Son
The children should realize how much our father in heaven loves us.
They should learn about confession in a simple way.
Memory verse:
“He was lost and is found” (Luke 15:24).
Luke 15:11-24
Review the previous lesson and verse
Jesus Likes to tell stories called “parables” to get people to understand the lesson He wanted
to teach them. One day when a crowd gathered to hear Him teach, Jesus told them this parable
Lesson Outline:
There was a rich man with two sons. One day the youngest son said, “Father, I know I will get
part of your money when you die but I don‟t want to wait until them. Will you give me my portion
now”. The father agreed, and the young son took what was given to him and traveled to a far
country. He was wasting his money because he had lots of money to spend. He entertained his new
friends in royal style. Suddenly, to the son‟s surprise, the money was gone and with his money
went his friends. The son was left to beg for his food, but he could not find food or work.
Eventually, a pig farmer hired him to watch over his pigs. The son was so hungry that even the pig
food looked good to him. As the son sat and watched the pigs eat, he thought, “Why am I here,
starving, with no money, when my father has servants who are better clothed and fed than I? I am
going to go back to my father and beg him to forgive me. I will ask him if he will allow me to be
one of his servants
So the son began the long journey back home. Soon he came into sight of his father‟s land.
The son didn‟t know it but the father had been watching for his son to come back home since the
day he left. “He‟s here, my son who was lost is now found” the father called out. He ran to meet his
son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. The son told his confession: “Father, I have done a
terrible thing to you and to God. I know I am not worthy to be called your son. I will be honored if
you would just accept me as one of your hired servants”. But the father was not angry. With a heart
overflowing with forgiveness he said to his servants, “Bring the best robe to put on my son and a
ring on his finger. Prepare a feast tonight. My son has come home”.
What did the youngest son ask of his father?
What job did the son has to take after losing all his money?
What food looked good to him?
What did he finally decide to do?
What did the father do when he saw his son?
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
As Jesus was telling this story, He hoped the people would understand the lesson. God is
willing to forgive anybody, as long as they are sorry for what they have done. Everyone who prays a
prayer of confession can become a child of God. God is waiting for each of us to come to Him and
will rejoice when we turn from our sins
Teach the children to appreciate their parents‟ gifts.
Encourage the children to go for confession.
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1: Behavior in the Lord’s House
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Week 1- Behavior in the Lords House
Love for people and church
Showing reverence to the House of God
Memory Verse:
“My House shall be called a House of Prayer” (Mark 11:17)
St. Mark Chapter 11
Review with the student the previous lesson and verse.
Ask them the following questions:
How do we enter the church?
What do we say as we enter the church?
Lesson Outline:
One day the Lord entered the Temple (church) and what do you expect He saw?
The Lord Jesus Christ found something very strange. The people were misbehaving and
lying and cheating with each other. Of course He was upset and saddened with the people
and told them to leave telling them “My house shall be called a house of Prayer, but you
have made it a den of thieves.”
Why do you think the Lord was upset? He wanted the people to respect and honor the
church. Do we want the Lord to be upset with us? So how should we behave?
Even though the Lord Jesus is in Heaven, He sees us and we should please Him and respect
His House. When we enter the church we should:
1. Say the Lord‟s Prayer and say Psalm 5:7
2. Light a candle in front of the Saint‟s icon
3. Girls put on a veil
During the Divine Liturgy, we should not run to our parents or run outside or talk to our
friends. We should try to stay in one place and not move a lot in Church.
When we enter the altar to partake of the Holy Communion, we should be VERY quiet and
of course have our shoes off. Before we take the Holy Communion, do the sign of the
We should not only take from the Church, but we should also give back. How do we give to
the Church? Money is good, but also giving your times is excellent. Cleaning the Church is
part of almsgiving and picking up any trash we see in the parking lot is also great. The
Sunday School Curriculum Grade 2
Church is Our Mother because we were born from her in baptism and we should take care
of her as if she is really our mother.
How do we receive a blessing from the church? By coming to her and also by receiving a
blessing from the priest. How do we greet priests? We kiss the cross and then his hands.
What did the Lord Jesus see in the temple?
What were the people doing?
What was the Lord Jesus‟ reaction?
Why is the Church like our mother?
What are some rules we need to know to behave in the church?
We should respect the church and the priests because the church is the house of God and
He is present in the church all the time. During the liturgy the angels and the saints also come
and join us with Christ on the altar.
Every Sunday make sure you come to church early, stand quietly and follow the prayer
from the liturgy book.
Give the students a picture of a church to color