Fair Value Measurement
In May 2011 the International Accounting Standards Board issued IFRS 13 Fair Value
Measurement. IFRS 13 defines fair value and replaces the requirement contained in
individual Standards.
Other Standards have made minor consequential amendments to IFRS 13. They include
IAS 19 Employee Benefits (issued June 2011), Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2011–2013
Cycle (issued December 2013), IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (issued July 2014) and
IFRS 16 Leases (issued January 2016).
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from paragraph
Denition of fair value 9
The asset or liability 11
The transaction 15
Market participants 22
The price 24
Application to non-nancial assets 27
Application to liabilities and an entity’s own equity instruments 34
Application to nancial assets and nancial liabilities with offsetting
positions in market risks or counterparty credit risk 48
Fair value at initial recognition 57
Valuation techniques 61
Inputs to valuation techniques 67
Fair value hierarchy 72
A Dened terms
B Application guidance
C Effective date and transition
D Amendments to other IFRSs
Amendments to the guidance on other IFRSs
Amendments to the Basis for Conclusions on other IFRSs
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International Financial Reporting Standard 13 Fair Value Measurement (IFRS 13) is set out
in paragraphs 1–99 and Appendices A–D. All the paragraphs have equal authority.
Paragraphs in bold type state the main principles. Terms defined in Appendix A are
in italics the first time they appear in the IFRS. Definitions of other terms are given in
the Glossary for International Financial Reporting Standards. IFRS 13 should be read in
the context of its objective and the Basis for Conclusions, the Preface to IFRS
Standards and the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting. IAS 8 Accounting Policies,
Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors provides a basis for selecting and applying
accounting policies in the absence of explicit guidance.
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International Financial Reporting Standard 13
Fair Value Measurement
This IFRS:
(a) defines fair value;
(b) sets out in a single IFRS a framework for measuring fair value; and
(c) requires disclosures about fair value measurements.
Fair value is a market-based measurement, not an entity-specific
measurement. For some assets and liabilities, observable market transactions
or market information might be available. For other assets and liabilities,
observable market transactions and market information might not be
available. However, the objective of a fair value measurement in both cases is
the same—to estimate the price at which an orderly transaction to sell the asset
or to transfer the liability would take place between market participants at the
measurement date under current market conditions (ie an exit price at the
measurement date from the perspective of a market participant that holds the
asset or owes the liability).
When a price for an identical asset or liability is not observable, an entity
measures fair value using another valuation technique that maximises the use
of relevant observable inputs and minimises the use of unobservable inputs.
Because fair value is a market-based measurement, it is measured using the
assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or
liability, including assumptions about risk. As a result, an entity’s intention to
hold an asset or to settle or otherwise fulfil a liability is not relevant when
measuring fair value.
The definition of fair value focuses on assets and liabilities because they are a
primary subject of accounting measurement. In addition, this IFRS shall be
applied to an entity’s own equity instruments measured at fair value.
This IFRS applies when another IFRS requires or permits fair value
measurements or disclosures about fair value measurements (and
measurements, such as fair value less costs to sell, based on fair value or
disclosures about those measurements), except as specified in paragraphs 6
and 7.
The measurement and disclosure requirements of this IFRS do not apply to the
share-based payment transactions within the scope of IFRS 2
Share-based Payment;
leasing transactions accounted for in accordance with IFRS 16 Leases;
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(c) measurements that have some similarities to fair value but are not fair
value, such as net realisable value in IAS 2 Inventories or value in use in
IAS 36 Impairment of Assets.
The disclosures required by this IFRS are not required for the following:
(a) plan assets measured at fair value in accordance with IAS 19 Employee
(b) retirement benefit plan investments measured at fair value in
accordance with IAS 26 Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit
Plans; and
assets for which recoverable amount is fair value less costs of disposal
in accordance with IAS 36.
The fair value measurement framework described in this IFRS applies to both
initial and subsequent measurement if fair value is required or permitted by
other IFRSs.
Denition of fair value
This IFRS defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell an
asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between
market participants at the measurement date.
Paragraph B2 describes the overall fair value measurement approach.
The asset or liability
A fair value measurement is for a particular asset or liability. Therefore,
when measuring fair value an entity shall take into account the
characteristics of the asset or liability if market participants would take
those characteristics into account when pricing the asset or liability at the
measurement date. Such characteristics include, for example, the
(a) the condition and location of the asset; and
(b) restrictions, if any, on the sale or use of the asset.
The effect on the measurement arising from a particular characteristic will
differ depending on how that characteristic would be taken into account by
market participants.
The asset or liability measured at fair value might be either of the following:
(a) a stand-alone asset or liability (eg a financial instrument or a
non-financial asset); or
a group of assets, a group of liabilities or a group of assets and
liabilities (eg a cash-generating unit or a business).
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Whether the asset or liability is a stand-alone asset or liability, a group of
assets, a group of liabilities or a group of assets and liabilities for recognition
or disclosure purposes depends on its unit of account. The unit of account for
the asset or liability shall be determined in accordance with the IFRS that
requires or permits the fair value measurement, except as provided in this
The transaction
A fair value measurement assumes that the asset or liability is exchanged
in an orderly transaction between market participants to sell the asset or
transfer the liability at the measurement date under current market
A fair value measurement assumes that the transaction to sell the asset or
transfer the liability takes place either:
in the principal market for the asset or liability; or
in the absence of a principal market, in the most advantageous market
for the asset or liability.
An entity need not undertake an exhaustive search of all possible markets to
identify the principal market or, in the absence of a principal market, the
most advantageous market, but it shall take into account all information that
is reasonably available. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the market
in which the entity would normally enter into a transaction to sell the asset or
to transfer the liability is presumed to be the principal market or, in the
absence of a principal market, the most advantageous market.
If there is a principal market for the asset or liability, the fair value
measurement shall represent the price in that market (whether that price is
directly observable or estimated using another valuation technique), even if
the price in a different market is potentially more advantageous at the
measurement date.
The entity must have access to the principal (or most advantageous) market at
the measurement date. Because different entities (and businesses within those
entities) with different activities may have access to different markets, the
principal (or most advantageous) market for the same asset or liability might
be different for different entities (and businesses within those entities).
Therefore, the principal (or most advantageous) market (and thus, market
participants) shall be considered from the perspective of the entity, thereby
allowing for differences between and among entities with different activities.
Although an entity must be able to access the market, the entity does not
need to be able to sell the particular asset or transfer the particular liability on
the measurement date to be able to measure fair value on the basis of the
price in that market.
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Even when there is no observable market to provide pricing information about
the sale of an asset or the transfer of a liability at the measurement date, a fair
value measurement shall assume that a transaction takes place at that date,
considered from the perspective of a market participant that holds the asset or
owes the liability. That assumed transaction establishes a basis for estimating
the price to sell the asset or to transfer the liability.
Market participants
An entity shall measure the fair value of an asset or a liability using the
assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or
liability, assuming that market participants act in their economic best
In developing those assumptions, an entity need not identify specific market
participants. Rather, the entity shall identify characteristics that distinguish
market participants generally, considering factors specific to all the following:
the asset or liability;
the principal (or most advantageous) market for the asset or liability;
market participants with whom the entity would enter into a
transaction in that market.
The price
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to
transfer a liability in an orderly transaction in the principal (or most
advantageous) market at the measurement date under current market
conditions (ie an exit price) regardless of whether that price is directly
observable or estimated using another valuation technique.
The price in the principal (or most advantageous) market used to measure the
fair value of the asset or liability shall not be adjusted for transaction costs.
Transaction costs shall be accounted for in accordance with other IFRSs.
Transaction costs are not a characteristic of an asset or a liability; rather, they
are specific to a transaction and will differ depending on how an entity enters
into a transaction for the asset or liability.
Transaction costs do not include transport costs. If location is a characteristic of
the asset (as might be the case, for example, for a commodity), the price in the
principal (or most advantageous) market shall be adjusted for the costs, if any,
that would be incurred to transport the asset from its current location to that
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Application to non-nancial assets
Highest and best use for non-nancial assets
A fair value measurement of a non-financial asset takes into account a
market participant’s ability to generate economic benefits by using the
asset in its highest and best use or by selling it to another market participant
that would use the asset in its highest and best use.
The highest and best use of a non-financial asset takes into account the use of
the asset that is physically possible, legally permissible and financially
feasible, as follows:
A use that is physically possible takes into account the physical
characteristics of the asset that market participants would take into
account when pricing the asset (eg the location or size of a property).
A use that is legally permissible takes into account any legal
restrictions on the use of the asset that market participants would take
into account when pricing the asset (eg the zoning regulations
applicable to a property).
A use that is financially feasible takes into account whether a use of
the asset that is physically possible and legally permissible generates
adequate income or cash flows (taking into account the costs of
converting the asset to that use) to produce an investment return that
market participants would require from an investment in that asset
put to that use.
Highest and best use is determined from the perspective of market
participants, even if the entity intends a different use. However, an entity’s
current use of a non-financial asset is presumed to be its highest and best use
unless market or other factors suggest that a different use by market
participants would maximise the value of the asset.
To protect its competitive position, or for other reasons, an entity may intend
not to use an acquired non-financial asset actively or it may intend not to use
the asset according to its highest and best use. For example, that might be the
case for an acquired intangible asset that the entity plans to use defensively by
preventing others from using it. Nevertheless, the entity shall measure the
fair value of a non-financial asset assuming its highest and best use by market
Valuation premise for non-nancial assets
The highest and best use of a non-financial asset establishes the valuation
premise used to measure the fair value of the asset, as follows:
(a) The highest and best use of a non-financial asset might provide
maximum value to market participants through its use in combination
with other assets as a group (as installed or otherwise configured for
use) or in combination with other assets and liabilities (eg a business).
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(i) If the highest and best use of the asset is to use the asset in
combination with other assets or with other assets and
liabilities, the fair value of the asset is the price that would be
received in a current transaction to sell the asset assuming that
the asset would be used with other assets or with other assets
and liabilities and that those assets and liabilities (ie its
complementary assets and the associated liabilities) would be
available to market participants.
(ii) Liabilities associated with the asset and with the
complementary assets include liabilities that fund working
capital, but do not include liabilities used to fund assets other
than those within the group of assets.
Assumptions about the highest and best use of a non-financial
asset shall be consistent for all the assets (for which highest and
best use is relevant) of the group of assets or the group of assets
and liabilities within which the asset would be used.
The highest and best use of a non-financial asset might provide
maximum value to market participants on a stand-alone basis. If the
highest and best use of the asset is to use it on a stand-alone basis, the
fair value of the asset is the price that would be received in a current
transaction to sell the asset to market participants that would use the
asset on a stand-alone basis.
The fair value measurement of a non-financial asset assumes that the asset is
sold consistently with the unit of account specified in other IFRSs (which may
be an individual asset). That is the case even when that fair value
measurement assumes that the highest and best use of the asset is to use it in
combination with other assets or with other assets and liabilities because a
fair value measurement assumes that the market participant already holds
the complementary assets and the associated liabilities.
Paragraph B3 describes the application of the valuation premise concept for
non-financial assets.
Application to liabilities and an entity’s own equity
General principles
A fair value measurement assumes that a financial or non-financial liability
or an entity’s own equity instrument (eg equity interests issued as
consideration in a business combination) is transferred to a market
participant at the measurement date. The transfer of a liability or an
entity’s own equity instrument assumes the following:
A liability would remain outstanding and the market participant
transferee would be required to fulfil the obligation. The liability
would not be settled with the counterparty or otherwise
extinguished on the measurement date.
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(b) An entity’s own equity instrument would remain outstanding and
the market participant transferee would take on the rights and
responsibilities associated with the instrument. The instrument
would not be cancelled or otherwise extinguished on the
measurement date.
Even when there is no observable market to provide pricing information about
the transfer of a liability or an entity’s own equity instrument (eg because
contractual or other legal restrictions prevent the transfer of such items),
there might be an observable market for such items if they are held by other
parties as assets (eg a corporate bond or a call option on an entity’s shares).
In all cases, an entity shall maximise the use of relevant observable inputs and
minimise the use of unobservable inputs to meet the objective of a fair value
measurement, which is to estimate the price at which an orderly transaction
to transfer the liability or equity instrument would take place between market
participants at the measurement date under current market conditions.
Liabilities and equity instruments held by other parties as assets
When a quoted price for the transfer of an identical or a similar liability or
entity’s own equity instrument is not available and the identical item is
held by another party as an asset, an entity shall measure the fair value of
the liability or equity instrument from the perspective of a market
participant that holds the identical item as an asset at the measurement
In such cases, an entity shall measure the fair value of the liability or equity
instrument as follows:
(a) using the quoted price in an active market for the identical item held by
another party as an asset, if that price is available.
(b) if that price is not available, using other observable inputs, such as the
quoted price in a market that is not active for the identical item held
by another party as an asset.
(c) if the observable prices in (a) and (b) are not available, using another
valuation technique, such as:
(i) an income approach (eg a present value technique that takes into
account the future cash flows that a market participant would
expect to receive from holding the liability or equity
instrument as an asset; see paragraphs B10 and B11).
(ii) a market approach (eg using quoted prices for similar liabilities
or equity instruments held by other parties as assets; see
paragraphs B5–B7).
An entity shall adjust the quoted price of a liability or an entity’s own equity
instrument held by another party as an asset only if there are factors specific
to the asset that are not applicable to the fair value measurement of the
liability or equity instrument. An entity shall ensure that the price of the asset
does not reflect the effect of a restriction preventing the sale of that asset.
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Some factors that may indicate that the quoted price of the asset should be
adjusted include the following:
(a) The quoted price for the asset relates to a similar (but not identical)
liability or equity instrument held by another party as an asset. For
example, the liability or equity instrument may have a particular
characteristic (eg the credit quality of the issuer) that is different from
that reflected in the fair value of the similar liability or equity
instrument held as an asset.
(b) The unit of account for the asset is not the same as for the liability or
equity instrument. For example, for liabilities, in some cases the price
for an asset reflects a combined price for a package comprising both
the amounts due from the issuer and a third-party credit
enhancement. If the unit of account for the liability is not for the
combined package, the objective is to measure the fair value of the
issuer’s liability, not the fair value of the combined package. Thus, in
such cases, the entity would adjust the observed price for the asset to
exclude the effect of the third-party credit enhancement.
Liabilities and equity instruments not held by other parties as assets
When a quoted price for the transfer of an identical or a similar liability or
entity’s own equity instrument is not available and the identical item is not
held by another party as an asset, an entity shall measure the fair value of
the liability or equity instrument using a valuation technique from the
perspective of a market participant that owes the liability or has issued the
claim on equity.
For example, when applying a present value technique an entity might take
into account either of the following:
(a) the future cash outflows that a market participant would expect to
incur in fulfilling the obligation, including the compensation that a
market participant would require for taking on the obligation (see
paragraphs B31–B33).
(b) the amount that a market participant would receive to enter into or
issue an identical liability or equity instrument, using the assumptions
that market participants would use when pricing the identical item
(eg having the same credit characteristics) in the principal (or most
advantageous) market for issuing a liability or an equity instrument
with the same contractual terms.
Non-performance risk
The fair value of a liability reflects the effect of non-performance risk.
Non-performance risk includes, but may not be limited to, an entity’s own
credit risk (as defined in IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures).
Non-performance risk is assumed to be the same before and after the
transfer of the liability.
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When measuring the fair value of a liability, an entity shall take into account
the effect of its credit risk (credit standing) and any other factors that might
influence the likelihood that the obligation will or will not be fulfilled. That
effect may differ depending on the liability, for example:
(a) whether the liability is an obligation to deliver cash (a financial
liability) or an obligation to deliver goods or services (a non-financial
(b) the terms of credit enhancements related to the liability, if any.
The fair value of a liability reflects the effect of non-performance risk on the
basis of its unit of account. The issuer of a liability issued with an inseparable
third-party credit enhancement that is accounted for separately from the
liability shall not include the effect of the credit enhancement (eg a
third-party guarantee of debt) in the fair value measurement of the liability. If
the credit enhancement is accounted for separately from the liability, the
issuer would take into account its own credit standing and not that of the
third party guarantor when measuring the fair value of the liability.
Restriction preventing the transfer of a liability or an entity’s own
equity instrument
When measuring the fair value of a liability or an entity’s own equity
instrument, an entity shall not include a separate input or an adjustment to
other inputs relating to the existence of a restriction that prevents the transfer
of the item. The effect of a restriction that prevents the transfer of a liability
or an entity’s own equity instrument is either implicitly or explicitly included
in the other inputs to the fair value measurement.
For example, at the transaction date, both the creditor and the obligor
accepted the transaction price for the liability with full knowledge that the
obligation includes a restriction that prevents its transfer. As a result of the
restriction being included in the transaction price, a separate input or an
adjustment to an existing input is not required at the transaction date to
reflect the effect of the restriction on transfer. Similarly, a separate input or
an adjustment to an existing input is not required at subsequent
measurement dates to reflect the effect of the restriction on transfer.
Financial liability with a demand feature
The fair value of a financial liability with a demand feature (eg a demand
deposit) is not less than the amount payable on demand, discounted from the
first date that the amount could be required to be paid.
Application to nancial assets and nancial liabilities
with offsetting positions in market risks or counterparty
credit risk
An entity that holds a group of financial assets and financial liabilities is
exposed to market risks (as defined in IFRS 7) and to the credit risk (as defined
in IFRS 7) of each of the counterparties. If the entity manages that group of
financial assets and financial liabilities on the basis of its net exposure to
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either market risks or credit risk, the entity is permitted to apply an exception
to this IFRS for measuring fair value. That exception permits an entity to
measure the fair value of a group of financial assets and financial liabilities on
the basis of the price that would be received to sell a net long position (ie an
asset) for a particular risk exposure or paid to transfer a net short position (ie
a liability) for a particular risk exposure in an orderly transaction between
market participants at the measurement date under current market
conditions. Accordingly, an entity shall measure the fair value of the group of
financial assets and financial liabilities consistently with how market
participants would price the net risk exposure at the measurement date.
An entity is permitted to use the exception in paragraph 48 only if the entity
does all the following:
manages the group of financial assets and financial liabilities on the
basis of the entity’s net exposure to a particular market risk (or risks)
or to the credit risk of a particular counterparty in accordance with the
entity’s documented risk management or investment strategy;
provides information on that basis about the group of financial assets
and financial liabilities to the entity’s key management personnel, as
defined in IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures; and
is required or has elected to measure those financial assets and
financial liabilities at fair value in the statement of financial position
at the end of each reporting period.
The exception in paragraph 48 does not pertain to financial statement
presentation. In some cases the basis for the presentation of financial
instruments in the statement of financial position differs from the basis for
the measurement of financial instruments, for example, if an IFRS does not
require or permit financial instruments to be presented on a net basis. In such
cases an entity may need to allocate the portfolio-level adjustments (see
paragraphs 5356) to the individual assets or liabilities that make up the
group of financial assets and financial liabilities managed on the basis of the
entity’s net risk exposure. An entity shall perform such allocations on a
reasonable and consistent basis using a methodology appropriate in the
An entity shall make an accounting policy decision in accordance with IAS 8
Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors to use the exception
in paragraph 48. An entity that uses the exception shall apply that accounting
policy, including its policy for allocating bid-ask adjustments (see paragraphs
53–55) and credit adjustments (see paragraph 56), if applicable, consistently
from period to period for a particular portfolio.
The exception in paragraph 48 applies only to financial assets, financial
liabilities and other contracts within the scope of IFRS 9 Financial
Instruments (or IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, if IFRS 9
has not yet been adopted). The references to financial assets and financial
liabilities in paragraphs 48–51 and 53–56 should be read as applying to all
contracts within the scope of, and accounted for in accordance with, IFRS 9 (or
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IAS 39, if IFRS 9 has not yet been adopted), regardless of whether they meet
the definitions of financial assets or financial liabilities in IAS 32 Financial
Instruments: Presentation.
Exposure to market risks
When using the exception in paragraph 48 to measure the fair value of a
group of financial assets and financial liabilities managed on the basis of the
entity’s net exposure to a particular market risk (or risks), the entity shall
apply the price within the bid-ask spread that is most representative of fair
value in the circumstances to the entity’s net exposure to those market risks
(see paragraphs 70 and 71).
When using the exception in paragraph 48, an entity shall ensure that the
market risk (or risks) to which the entity is exposed within that group of
financial assets and financial liabilities is substantially the same. For example,
an entity would not combine the interest rate risk associated with a financial
asset with the commodity price risk associated with a financial liability
because doing so would not mitigate the entity’s exposure to interest rate risk
or commodity price risk. When using the exception in paragraph 48, any basis
risk resulting from the market risk parameters not being identical shall be
taken into account in the fair value measurement of the financial assets and
financial liabilities within the group.
Similarly, the duration of the entity’s exposure to a particular market risk (or
risks) arising from the financial assets and financial liabilities shall be
substantially the same. For example, an entity that uses a 12-month futures
contract against the cash flows associated with 12 months’ worth of interest
rate risk exposure on a five-year financial instrument within a group made up
of only those financial assets and financial liabilities measures the fair value
of the exposure to 12-month interest rate risk on a net basis and the
remaining interest rate risk exposure (ie years 2–5) on a gross basis.
Exposure to the credit risk of a particular counterparty
When using the exception in paragraph 48 to measure the fair value of a
group of financial assets and financial liabilities entered into with a particular
counterparty, the entity shall include the effect of the entity’s net exposure to
the credit risk of that counterparty or the counterparty’s net exposure to the
credit risk of the entity in the fair value measurement when market
participants would take into account any existing arrangements that mitigate
credit risk exposure in the event of default (eg a master netting agreement
with the counterparty or an agreement that requires the exchange of
collateral on the basis of each party’s net exposure to the credit risk of the
other party). The fair value measurement shall reflect market participants’
expectations about the likelihood that such an arrangement would be legally
enforceable in the event of default.
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Fair value at initial recognition
When an asset is acquired or a liability is assumed in an exchange transaction
for that asset or liability, the transaction price is the price paid to acquire the
asset or received to assume the liability (an entry price). In contrast, the fair
value of the asset or liability is the price that would be received to sell the
asset or paid to transfer the liability (an exit price). Entities do not necessarily
sell assets at the prices paid to acquire them. Similarly, entities do not
necessarily transfer liabilities at the prices received to assume them.
In many cases the transaction price will equal the fair value (eg that might be
the case when on the transaction date the transaction to buy an asset takes
place in the market in which the asset would be sold).
When determining whether fair value at initial recognition equals the
transaction price, an entity shall take into account factors specific to the
transaction and to the asset or liability. Paragraph B4 describes situations in
which the transaction price might not represent the fair value of an asset or a
liability at initial recognition.
If another IFRS requires or permits an entity to measure an asset or a liability
initially at fair value and the transaction price differs from fair value, the
entity shall recognise the resulting gain or loss in profit or loss unless that
IFRS specifies otherwise.
Valuation techniques
An entity shall use valuation techniques that are appropriate in the
circumstances and for which sufficient data are available to measure fair
value, maximising the use of relevant observable inputs and minimising the
use of unobservable inputs.
The objective of using a valuation technique is to estimate the price at which
an orderly transaction to sell the asset or to transfer the liability would take
place between market participants at the measurement date under current
market conditions. Three widely used valuation techniques are the market
approach, the cost approach and the income approach. The main aspects of
those approaches are summarised in paragraphs B5B11. An entity shall use
valuation techniques consistent with one or more of those approaches to
measure fair value.
In some cases a single valuation technique will be appropriate (eg when
valuing an asset or a liability using quoted prices in an active market for
identical assets or liabilities). In other cases, multiple valuation techniques
will be appropriate (eg that might be the case when valuing a cash-generating
unit). If multiple valuation techniques are used to measure fair value, the
results (ie respective indications of fair value) shall be evaluated considering
the reasonableness of the range of values indicated by those results. A fair
value measurement is the point within that range that is most representative
of fair value in the circumstances.
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If the transaction price is fair value at initial recognition and a valuation
technique that uses unobservable inputs will be used to measure fair value in
subsequent periods, the valuation technique shall be calibrated so that at
initial recognition the result of the valuation technique equals the transaction
price. Calibration ensures that the valuation technique reflects current
market conditions, and it helps an entity to determine whether an adjustment
to the valuation technique is necessary (eg there might be a characteristic of
the asset or liability that is not captured by the valuation technique). After
initial recognition, when measuring fair value using a valuation technique or
techniques that use unobservable inputs, an entity shall ensure that those
valuation techniques reflect observable market data (eg the price for a similar
asset or liability) at the measurement date.
Valuation techniques used to measure fair value shall be applied consistently.
However, a change in a valuation technique or its application (eg a change in
its weighting when multiple valuation techniques are used or a change in an
adjustment applied to a valuation technique) is appropriate if the change
results in a measurement that is equally or more representative of fair value
in the circumstances. That might be the case if, for example, any of the
following events take place:
new markets develop;
(b) new information becomes available;
(c) information previously used is no longer available;
(d) valuation techniques improve; or
(e) market conditions change.
Revisions resulting from a change in the valuation technique or its application
shall be accounted for as a change in accounting estimate in accordance with
IAS 8. However, the disclosures in IAS 8 for a change in accounting estimate
are not required for revisions resulting from a change in a valuation
technique or its application.
Inputs to valuation techniques
General principles
Valuation techniques used to measure fair value shall maximise the use of
relevant observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable inputs.
Examples of markets in which inputs might be observable for some assets and
liabilities (eg financial instruments) include exchange markets, dealer
markets, brokered markets and principal-to-principal markets (see
paragraph B34).
An entity shall select inputs that are consistent with the characteristics of the
asset or liability that market participants would take into account in a
transaction for the asset or liability (see paragraphs 11 and 12). In some cases
those characteristics result in the application of an adjustment, such as a
premium or discount (eg a control premium or non-controlling interest
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discount). However, a fair value measurement shall not incorporate a
premium or discount that is inconsistent with the unit of account in the IFRS
that requires or permits the fair value measurement (see paragraphs 13 and
14). Premiums or discounts that reflect size as a characteristic of the entity’s
holding (specifically, a blockage factor that adjusts the quoted price of an asset
or a liability because the market’s normal daily trading volume is not
sufficient to absorb the quantity held by the entity, as described in
paragraph 80) rather than as a characteristic of the asset or liability (eg a
control premium when measuring the fair value of a controlling interest) are
not permitted in a fair value measurement. In all cases, if there is a quoted
price in an active market (ie a Level 1 input) for an asset or a liability, an entity
shall use that price without adjustment when measuring fair value, except as
specified in paragraph 79.
Inputs based on bid and ask prices
If an asset or a liability measured at fair value has a bid price and an ask price
(eg an input from a dealer market), the price within the bid-ask spread that is
most representative of fair value in the circumstances shall be used to
measure fair value regardless of where the input is categorised within the fair
value hierarchy (ie Level 1, 2 or 3; see paragraphs 7290). The use of bid prices
for asset positions and ask prices for liability positions is permitted, but is not
This IFRS does not preclude the use of mid-market pricing or other pricing
conventions that are used by market participants as a practical expedient for
fair value measurements within a bid-ask spread.
Fair value hierarchy
To increase consistency and comparability in fair value measurements and
related disclosures, this IFRS establishes a fair value hierarchy that categorises
into three levels (see paragraphs 7690) the inputs to valuation techniques
used to measure fair value. The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priority
to quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities
(Level 1 inputs) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 inputs).
In some cases, the inputs used to measure the fair value of an asset or a
liability might be categorised within different levels of the fair value
hierarchy. In those cases, the fair value measurement is categorised in its
entirety in the same level of the fair value hierarchy as the lowest level input
that is significant to the entire measurement. Assessing the significance of a
particular input to the entire measurement requires judgement, taking into
account factors specific to the asset or liability. Adjustments to arrive at
measurements based on fair value, such as costs to sell when measuring fair
value less costs to sell, shall not be taken into account when determining the
level of the fair value hierarchy within which a fair value measurement is
© IFRS Foundation A699
The availability of relevant inputs and their relative subjectivity might affect
the selection of appropriate valuation techniques (see paragraph 61). However,
the fair value hierarchy prioritises the inputs to valuation techniques, not the
valuation techniques used to measure fair value. For example, a fair value
measurement developed using a present value technique might be categorised
within Level 2 or Level 3, depending on the inputs that are significant to the
entire measurement and the level of the fair value hierarchy within which
those inputs are categorised.
If an observable input requires an adjustment using an unobservable input
and that adjustment results in a significantly higher or lower fair value
measurement, the resulting measurement would be categorised within Level 3
of the fair value hierarchy. For example, if a market participant would take
into account the effect of a restriction on the sale of an asset when estimating
the price for the asset, an entity would adjust the quoted price to reflect the
effect of that restriction. If that quoted price is a Level 2 input and the
adjustment is an unobservable input that is significant to the entire
measurement, the measurement would be categorised within Level 3 of the
fair value hierarchy.
Level 1 inputs
Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical
assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date.
A quoted price in an active market provides the most reliable evidence of fair
value and shall be used without adjustment to measure fair value whenever
available, except as specified in paragraph 79.
A Level 1 input will be available for many financial assets and financial
liabilities, some of which might be exchanged in multiple active markets (eg
on different exchanges). Therefore, the emphasis within Level 1 is on
determining both of the following:
(a) the principal market for the asset or liability or, in the absence of a
principal market, the most advantageous market for the asset or
liability; and
(b) whether the entity can enter into a transaction for the asset or liability
at the price in that market at the measurement date.
An entity shall not make an adjustment to a Level 1 input except in the
following circumstances:
(a) when an entity holds a large number of similar (but not identical)
assets or liabilities (eg debt securities) that are measured at fair value
and a quoted price in an active market is available but not readily
accessible for each of those assets or liabilities individually (ie given the
large number of similar assets or liabilities held by the entity, it would
be difficult to obtain pricing information for each individual asset or
liability at the measurement date). In that case, as a practical
expedient, an entity may measure fair value using an alternative
pricing method that does not rely exclusively on quoted prices (eg
A700 © IFRS Foundation
matrix pricing). However, the use of an alternative pricing method
results in a fair value measurement categorised within a lower level of
the fair value hierarchy.
(b) when a quoted price in an active market does not represent fair value
at the measurement date. That might be the case if, for example,
significant events (such as transactions in a principal-to-principal
market, trades in a brokered market or announcements) take place
after the close of a market but before the measurement date. An entity
shall establish and consistently apply a policy for identifying those
events that might affect fair value measurements. However, if the
quoted price is adjusted for new information, the adjustment results in
a fair value measurement categorised within a lower level of the fair
value hierarchy.
when measuring the fair value of a liability or an entity’s own equity
instrument using the quoted price for the identical item traded as an
asset in an active market and that price needs to be adjusted for factors
specific to the item or the asset (see paragraph 39). If no adjustment to
the quoted price of the asset is required, the result is a fair value
measurement categorised within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.
However, any adjustment to the quoted price of the asset results in a
fair value measurement categorised within a lower level of the fair
value hierarchy.
If an entity holds a position in a single asset or liability (including a position
comprising a large number of identical assets or liabilities, such as a holding
of financial instruments) and the asset or liability is traded in an active
market, the fair value of the asset or liability shall be measured within Level 1
as the product of the quoted price for the individual asset or liability and the
quantity held by the entity. That is the case even if a market’s normal daily
trading volume is not sufficient to absorb the quantity held and placing orders
to sell the position in a single transaction might affect the quoted price.
Level 2 inputs
Level 2 inputs are inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that
are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.
If the asset or liability has a specified (contractual) term, a Level 2 input must
be observable for substantially the full term of the asset or liability. Level 2
inputs include the following:
(a) quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets.
(b) quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets
that are not active.
inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or
liability, for example:
interest rates and yield curves observable at commonly quoted
© IFRS Foundation A701
(ii) implied volatilities; and
(iii) credit spreads.
(d) market-corroborated inputs.
Adjustments to Level 2 inputs will vary depending on factors specific to the
asset or liability. Those factors include the following:
(a) the condition or location of the asset;
(b) the extent to which inputs relate to items that are comparable to the
asset or liability (including those factors described in paragraph 39);
the volume or level of activity in the markets within which the inputs
are observed.
An adjustment to a Level 2 input that is significant to the entire measurement
might result in a fair value measurement categorised within Level 3 of the fair
value hierarchy if the adjustment uses significant unobservable inputs.
Paragraph B35 describes the use of Level 2 inputs for particular assets and
Level 3 inputs
Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.
Unobservable inputs shall be used to measure fair value to the extent that
relevant observable inputs are not available, thereby allowing for situations in
which there is little, if any, market activity for the asset or liability at the
measurement date. However, the fair value measurement objective remains
the same, ie an exit price at the measurement date from the perspective of a
market participant that holds the asset or owes the liability. Therefore,
unobservable inputs shall reflect the assumptions that market participants
would use when pricing the asset or liability, including assumptions about
Assumptions about risk include the risk inherent in a particular valuation
technique used to measure fair value (such as a pricing model) and the risk
inherent in the inputs to the valuation technique. A measurement that does
not include an adjustment for risk would not represent a fair value
measurement if market participants would include one when pricing the asset
or liability. For example, it might be necessary to include a risk adjustment
when there is significant measurement uncertainty (eg when there has been a
significant decrease in the volume or level of activity when compared with
normal market activity for the asset or liability, or similar assets or liabilities,
and the entity has determined that the transaction price or quoted price does
not represent fair value, as described in paragraphs B37–B47).
An entity shall develop unobservable inputs using the best information
available in the circumstances, which might include the entity’s own data. In
developing unobservable inputs, an entity may begin with its own data, but it
shall adjust those data if reasonably available information indicates that other
A702 © IFRS Foundation
market participants would use different data or there is something particular
to the entity that is not available to other market participants (eg an
entity-specific synergy). An entity need not undertake exhaustive efforts to
obtain information about market participant assumptions. However, an entity
shall take into account all information about market participant assumptions
that is reasonably available. Unobservable inputs developed in the manner
described above are considered market participant assumptions and meet the
objective of a fair value measurement.
Paragraph B36 describes the use of Level 3 inputs for particular assets and
An entity shall disclose information that helps users of its financial
statements assess both of the following:
for assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a
recurring or non-recurring basis in the statement of financial
position after initial recognition, the valuation techniques and
inputs used to develop those measurements.
for recurring fair value measurements using significant
unobservable inputs (Level 3), the effect of the measurements on
profit or loss or other comprehensive income for the period.
To meet the objectives in paragraph 91, an entity shall consider all the
(a) the level of detail necessary to satisfy the disclosure requirements;
(b) how much emphasis to place on each of the various requirements;
(c) how much aggregation or disaggregation to undertake; and
(d) whether users of financial statements need additional information to
evaluate the quantitative information disclosed.
If the disclosures provided in accordance with this IFRS and other IFRSs are
insufficient to meet the objectives in paragraph 91, an entity shall disclose
additional information necessary to meet those objectives.
To meet the objectives in paragraph 91, an entity shall disclose, at a
minimum, the following information for each class of assets and liabilities
(see paragraph 94 for information on determining appropriate classes of assets
and liabilities) measured at fair value (including measurements based on fair
value within the scope of this IFRS) in the statement of financial position after
initial recognition:
for recurring and non-recurring fair value measurements, the fair
value measurement at the end of the reporting period, and for
non-recurring fair value measurements, the reasons for the
measurement. Recurring fair value measurements of assets or
liabilities are those that other IFRSs require or permit in the statement
© IFRS Foundation A703
of financial position at the end of each reporting period. Non-recurring
fair value measurements of assets or liabilities are those that other
IFRSs require or permit in the statement of financial position in
particular circumstances (eg when an entity measures an asset held for
sale at fair value less costs to sell in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current
Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations because the asset’s fair
value less costs to sell is lower than its carrying amount).
(b) for recurring and non-recurring fair value measurements, the level of
the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurements are
categorised in their entirety (Level 1, 2 or 3).
for assets and liabilities held at the end of the reporting period that are
measured at fair value on a recurring basis, the amounts of any
transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy, the
reasons for those transfers and the entity’s policy for determining
when transfers between levels are deemed to have occurred (see
paragraph 95). Transfers into each level shall be disclosed and
discussed separately from transfers out of each level.
for recurring and non-recurring fair value measurements categorised
within Level 2 and Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, a description of
the valuation technique(s) and the inputs used in the fair value
measurement. If there has been a change in valuation technique (eg
changing from a market approach to an income approach or the use of
an additional valuation technique), the entity shall disclose that
change and the reason(s) for making it. For fair value measurements
categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, an entity shall
provide quantitative information about the significant unobservable
inputs used in the fair value measurement. An entity is not required to
create quantitative information to comply with this disclosure
requirement if quantitative unobservable inputs are not developed by
the entity when measuring fair value (eg when an entity uses prices
from prior transactions or third-party pricing information without
adjustment). However, when providing this disclosure an entity cannot
ignore quantitative unobservable inputs that are significant to the fair
value measurement and are reasonably available to the entity.
(e) for recurring fair value measurements categorised within Level 3 of
the fair value hierarchy, a reconciliation from the opening balances to
the closing balances, disclosing separately changes during the period
attributable to the following:
(i) total gains or losses for the period recognised in profit or loss,
and the line item(s) in profit or loss in which those gains or
losses are recognised.
total gains or losses for the period recognised in other
comprehensive income, and the line item(s) in other
comprehensive income in which those gains or losses are
A704 © IFRS Foundation
(iii) purchases, sales, issues and settlements (each of those types of
changes disclosed separately).
(iv) the amounts of any transfers into or out of Level 3 of the fair
value hierarchy, the reasons for those transfers and the entity’s
policy for determining when transfers between levels are
deemed to have occurred (see paragraph 95). Transfers into
Level 3 shall be disclosed and discussed separately from
transfers out of Level 3.
(f) for recurring fair value measurements categorised within Level 3 of
the fair value hierarchy, the amount of the total gains or losses for the
period in (e)(i) included in profit or loss that is attributable to the
change in unrealised gains or losses relating to those assets and
liabilities held at the end of the reporting period, and the line item(s)
in profit or loss in which those unrealised gains or losses are
for recurring and non-recurring fair value measurements categorised
within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, a description of the
valuation processes used by the entity (including, for example, how an
entity decides its valuation policies and procedures and analyses
changes in fair value measurements from period to period).
(h) for recurring fair value measurements categorised within Level 3 of
the fair value hierarchy:
(i) for all such measurements, a narrative description of the
sensitivity of the fair value measurement to changes in
unobservable inputs if a change in those inputs to a different
amount might result in a significantly higher or lower fair
value measurement. If there are interrelationships between
those inputs and other unobservable inputs used in the fair
value measurement, an entity shall also provide a description of
those interrelationships and of how they might magnify or
mitigate the effect of changes in the unobservable inputs on
the fair value measurement. To comply with that disclosure
requirement, the narrative description of the sensitivity to
changes in unobservable inputs shall include, at a minimum,
the unobservable inputs disclosed when complying with (d).
(ii) for financial assets and financial liabilities, if changing one or
more of the unobservable inputs to reflect reasonably possible
alternative assumptions would change fair value significantly,
an entity shall state that fact and disclose the effect of those
changes. The entity shall disclose how the effect of a change to
reflect a reasonably possible alternative assumption was
calculated. For that purpose, significance shall be judged with
respect to profit or loss, and total assets or total liabilities, or,
when changes in fair value are recognised in other
comprehensive income, total equity.
© IFRS Foundation A705
(i) for recurring and non-recurring fair value measurements, if the
highest and best use of a non-financial asset differs from its current
use, an entity shall disclose that fact and why the non-financial asset is
being used in a manner that differs from its highest and best use.
An entity shall determine appropriate classes of assets and liabilities on the
basis of the following:
(a) the nature, characteristics and risks of the asset or liability; and
(b) the level of the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value
measurement is categorised.
The number of classes may need to be greater for fair value measurements
categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy because those
measurements have a greater degree of uncertainty and subjectivity.
Determining appropriate classes of assets and liabilities for which disclosures
about fair value measurements should be provided requires judgement. A
class of assets and liabilities will often require greater disaggregation than the
line items presented in the statement of financial position. However, an entity
shall provide information sufficient to permit reconciliation to the line items
presented in the statement of financial position. If another IFRS specifies the
class for an asset or a liability, an entity may use that class in providing the
disclosures required in this IFRS if that class meets the requirements in this
An entity shall disclose and consistently follow its policy for determining
when transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are deemed to have
occurred in accordance with paragraph 93(c) and (e)(iv). The policy about the
timing of recognising transfers shall be the same for transfers into the levels
as for transfers out of the levels. Examples of policies for determining the
timing of transfers include the following:
(a) the date of the event or change in circumstances that caused the
(b) the beginning of the reporting period.
(c) the end of the reporting period.
If an entity makes an accounting policy decision to use the exception in
paragraph 48, it shall disclose that fact.
For each class of assets and liabilities not measured at fair value in the
statement of financial position but for which the fair value is disclosed, an
entity shall disclose the information required by paragraph 93(b), (d) and (i).
However, an entity is not required to provide the quantitative disclosures
about significant unobservable inputs used in fair value measurements
categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy required by
paragraph 93(d). For such assets and liabilities, an entity does not need to
provide the other disclosures required by this IFRS.
A706 © IFRS Foundation
For a liability measured at fair value and issued with an inseparable
third-party credit enhancement, an issuer shall disclose the existence of that
credit enhancement and whether it is reflected in the fair value measurement
of the liability.
An entity shall present the quantitative disclosures required by this IFRS in a
tabular format unless another format is more appropriate.
© IFRS Foundation A707
Appendix A
Dened terms
This appendix is an integral part of the IFRS.
active market
A market in which transactions for the asset or liability take
place with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing
information on an ongoing basis.
cost approach
A valuation technique that reflects the amount that would be
required currently to replace the service capacity of an asset
(often referred to as current replacement cost).
entry price
The price paid to acquire an asset or received to assume a
liability in an exchange transaction.
exit price
The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to
transfer a liability.
expected cash flow
The probability-weighted average (ie mean of the distribution)
of possible future cash flows.
fair value
The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to
transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market
participants at the measurement date.
highest and best use
The use of a non-financial asset by market participants that
would maximise the value of the asset or the group of assets
and liabilities (eg a business) within which the asset would be
income approach
Valuation techniques that convert future amounts (eg cash
flows or income and expenses) to a single current (ie
discounted) amount. The fair value measurement is determined
on the basis of the value indicated by current market
expectations about those future amounts.
The assumptions that market participants would use when
pricing the asset or liability, including assumptions about risk,
such as the following:
(a) the risk inherent in a particular valuation technique
used to measure fair value (such as a pricing model);
(b) the risk inherent in the inputs to the valuation
Inputs may be observable or unobservable.
Level 1 inputs
Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets
or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement
A708 © IFRS Foundation
Level 2 inputs
Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that
are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or
Level 3 inputs
Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.
market approach
A valuation technique that uses prices and other relevant
information generated by market transactions involving
identical or comparable (ie similar) assets, liabilities or a group
of assets and liabilities, such as a business.
Inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by
observable market data by correlation or other means.
market participant
Buyers and sellers in the principal (or most advantageous)
market for the asset or liability that have all of the following
(a) They are independent of each other, ie they are not
related parties as defined in IAS 24, although the price
in a related party transaction may be used as an input to
a fair value measurement if the entity has evidence that
the transaction was entered into at market terms.
(b) They are knowledgeable, having a reasonable
understanding about the asset or liability and the
transaction using all available information, including
information that might be obtained through due
diligence efforts that are usual and customary.
They are able to enter into a transaction for the asset or
They are willing to enter into a transaction for the asset
or liability, ie they are motivated but not forced or
otherwise compelled to do so.
most advantageous
The market that maximises the amount that would be received
to sell the asset or minimises the amount that would be paid to
transfer the liability, after taking into account transaction costs
and transport costs.
non-performance risk
The risk that an entity will not fulfil an obligation.
Non-performance risk includes, but may not be limited to, the
entity’s own credit risk.
observable inputs
Inputs that are developed using market data, such as publicly
available information about actual events or transactions, and
that reflect the assumptions that market participants would
use when pricing the asset or liability.
© IFRS Foundation A709
orderly transaction
A transaction that assumes exposure to the market for a period
before the measurement date to allow for marketing activities
that are usual and customary for transactions involving such
assets or liabilities; it is not a forced transaction (eg a forced
liquidation or distress sale).
principal market
The market with the greatest volume and level of activity for
the asset or liability.
risk premium
Compensation sought by risk-averse market participants for
bearing the uncertainty inherent in the cash flows of an asset
or a liability. Also referred to as a ‘risk adjustment’.
transaction costs
The costs to sell an asset or transfer a liability in the principal
(or most advantageous) market for the asset or liability that are
directly attributable to the disposal of the asset or the transfer
of the liability and meet both of the following criteria:
(a) They result directly from and are essential to that
(b) They would not have been incurred by the entity had
the decision to sell the asset or transfer the liability not
been made (similar to costs to sell, as defined in IFRS 5).
transport costs
The costs that would be incurred to transport an asset from its
current location to its principal (or most advantageous) market.
unit of account
The level at which an asset or a liability is aggregated or
disaggregated in an IFRS for recognition purposes.
unobservable inputs
Inputs for which market data are not available and that are
developed using the best information available about the
assumptions that market participants would use when pricing
the asset or liability.
A710 © IFRS Foundation
Appendix B
Application guidance
This appendix is an integral part of the IFRS. It describes the application of paragraphs 1–99 and has
the same authority as the other parts of the IFRS.
The judgements applied in different valuation situations may be different.
This appendix describes the judgements that might apply when an entity
measures fair value in different valuation situations.
The fair value measurement approach
The objective of a fair value measurement is to estimate the price at which an
orderly transaction to sell the asset or to transfer the liability would take place
between market participants at the measurement date under current market
conditions. A fair value measurement requires an entity to determine all the
the particular asset or liability that is the subject of the measurement
(consistently with its unit of account).
for a non-financial asset, the valuation premise that is appropriate for
the measurement (consistently with its highest and best use).
(c) the principal (or most advantageous) market for the asset or liability.
(d) the valuation technique(s) appropriate for the measurement,
considering the availability of data with which to develop inputs that
represent the assumptions that market participants would use when
pricing the asset or liability and the level of the fair value hierarchy
within which the inputs are categorised.
Valuation premise for non-nancial assets (paragraphs 31–33)
When measuring the fair value of a non-financial asset used in combination
with other assets as a group (as installed or otherwise configured for use) or in
combination with other assets and liabilities (eg a business), the effect of the
valuation premise depends on the circumstances. For example:
(a) the fair value of the asset might be the same whether the asset is used
on a stand-alone basis or in combination with other assets or with
other assets and liabilities. That might be the case if the asset is a
business that market participants would continue to operate. In that
case, the transaction would involve valuing the business in its entirety.
The use of the assets as a group in an ongoing business would generate
synergies that would be available to market participants (ie market
participant synergies that, therefore, should affect the fair value of the
asset on either a stand-alone basis or in combination with other assets
or with other assets and liabilities).
© IFRS Foundation A711
(b) an asset’s use in combination with other assets or with other assets
and liabilities might be incorporated into the fair value measurement
through adjustments to the value of the asset used on a stand-alone
basis. That might be the case if the asset is a machine and the fair
value measurement is determined using an observed price for a similar
machine (not installed or otherwise configured for use), adjusted for
transport and installation costs so that the fair value measurement
reflects the current condition and location of the machine (installed
and configured for use).
(c) an asset’s use in combination with other assets or with other assets
and liabilities might be incorporated into the fair value measurement
through the market participant assumptions used to measure the fair
value of the asset. For example, if the asset is work in progress
inventory that is unique and market participants would convert the
inventory into finished goods, the fair value of the inventory would
assume that market participants have acquired or would acquire any
specialised machinery necessary to convert the inventory into finished
an asset’s use in combination with other assets or with other assets
and liabilities might be incorporated into the valuation technique used
to measure the fair value of the asset. That might be the case when
using the multi-period excess earnings method to measure the fair
value of an intangible asset because that valuation technique
specifically takes into account the contribution of any complementary
assets and the associated liabilities in the group in which such an
intangible asset would be used.
(e) in more limited situations, when an entity uses an asset within a group
of assets, the entity might measure the asset at an amount that
approximates its fair value when allocating the fair value of the asset
group to the individual assets of the group. That might be the case if
the valuation involves real property and the fair value of improved
property (ie an asset group) is allocated to its component assets (such
as land and improvements).
Fair value at initial recognition (paragraphs 57–60)
When determining whether fair value at initial recognition equals the
transaction price, an entity shall take into account factors specific to the
transaction and to the asset or liability. For example, the transaction price
might not represent the fair value of an asset or a liability at initial
recognition if any of the following conditions exist:
(a) The transaction is between related parties, although the price in a
related party transaction may be used as an input into a fair value
measurement if the entity has evidence that the transaction was
entered into at market terms.
A712 © IFRS Foundation
(b) The transaction takes place under duress or the seller is forced to
accept the price in the transaction. For example, that might be the case
if the seller is experiencing financial difficulty.
(c) The unit of account represented by the transaction price is different
from the unit of account for the asset or liability measured at fair
value. For example, that might be the case if the asset or liability
measured at fair value is only one of the elements in the transaction
(eg in a business combination), the transaction includes unstated rights
and privileges that are measured separately in accordance with
another IFRS, or the transaction price includes transaction costs.
The market in which the transaction takes place is different from the
principal market (or most advantageous market). For example, those
markets might be different if the entity is a dealer that enters into
transactions with customers in the retail market, but the principal (or
most advantageous) market for the exit transaction is with other
dealers in the dealer market.
Valuation techniques (paragraphs 61–66)
Market approach
The market approach uses prices and other relevant information generated by
market transactions involving identical or comparable (ie similar) assets,
liabilities or a group of assets and liabilities, such as a business.
For example, valuation techniques consistent with the market approach often
use market multiples derived from a set of comparables. Multiples might be in
ranges with a different multiple for each comparable. The selection of the
appropriate multiple within the range requires judgement, considering
qualitative and quantitative factors specific to the measurement.
Valuation techniques consistent with the market approach include matrix
pricing. Matrix pricing is a mathematical technique used principally to value
some types of financial instruments, such as debt securities, without relying
exclusively on quoted prices for the specific securities, but rather relying on
the securities’ relationship to other benchmark quoted securities.
Cost approach
The cost approach reflects the amount that would be required currently to
replace the service capacity of an asset (often referred to as current
replacement cost).
From the perspective of a market participant seller, the price that would be
received for the asset is based on the cost to a market participant buyer to
acquire or construct a substitute asset of comparable utility, adjusted for
obsolescence. That is because a market participant buyer would not pay more
for an asset than the amount for which it could replace the service capacity of
that asset. Obsolescence encompasses physical deterioration, functional
(technological) obsolescence and economic (external) obsolescence and is
© IFRS Foundation A713
broader than depreciation for financial reporting purposes (an allocation of
historical cost) or tax purposes (using specified service lives). In many cases
the current replacement cost method is used to measure the fair value of
tangible assets that are used in combination with other assets or with other
assets and liabilities.
Income approach
The income approach converts future amounts (eg cash flows or income and
expenses) to a single current (ie discounted) amount. When the income
approach is used, the fair value measurement reflects current market
expectations about those future amounts.
Those valuation techniques include, for example, the following:
present value techniques (see paragraphs B12–B30);
option pricing models, such as the Black-Scholes-Merton formula or a
binomial model (ie a lattice model), that incorporate present value
techniques and reflect both the time value and the intrinsic value of an
option; and
the multi-period excess earnings method, which is used to measure the
fair value of some intangible assets.
Present value techniques
Paragraphs B13B30 describe the use of present value techniques to measure
fair value. Those paragraphs focus on a discount rate adjustment technique
and an expected cash flow (expected present value) technique. Those paragraphs
neither prescribe the use of a single specific present value technique nor limit
the use of present value techniques to measure fair value to the techniques
discussed. The present value technique used to measure fair value will depend
on facts and circumstances specific to the asset or liability being measured (eg
whether prices for comparable assets or liabilities can be observed in the
market) and the availability of sufficient data.
The components of a present value measurement
Present value (ie an application of the income approach) is a tool used to link
future amounts (eg cash flows or values) to a present amount using a discount
rate. A fair value measurement of an asset or a liability using a present value
technique captures all the following elements from the perspective of market
participants at the measurement date:
(a) an estimate of future cash flows for the asset or liability being
(b) expectations about possible variations in the amount and timing of the
cash flows representing the uncertainty inherent in the cash flows.
A714 © IFRS Foundation
(c) the time value of money, represented by the rate on risk-free monetary
assets that have maturity dates or durations that coincide with the
period covered by the cash flows and pose neither uncertainty in
timing nor risk of default to the holder (ie a risk-free interest rate).
(d) the price for bearing the uncertainty inherent in the cash flows (ie a
risk premium).
(e) other factors that market participants would take into account in the
(f) for a liability, the non-performance risk relating to that liability,
including the entity’s (ie the obligor’s) own credit risk.
General principles
Present value techniques differ in how they capture the elements in
paragraph B13. However, all the following general principles govern the
application of any present value technique used to measure fair value:
Cash flows and discount rates should reflect assumptions that market
participants would use when pricing the asset or liability.
Cash flows and discount rates should take into account only the
factors attributable to the asset or liability being measured.
(c) To avoid double-counting or omitting the effects of risk factors,
discount rates should reflect assumptions that are consistent with
those inherent in the cash flows. For example, a discount rate that
reflects the uncertainty in expectations about future defaults is
appropriate if using contractual cash flows of a loan (ie a discount rate
adjustment technique). That same rate should not be used if using
expected (ie probability-weighted) cash flows (ie an expected present
value technique) because the expected cash flows already reflect
assumptions about the uncertainty in future defaults; instead, a
discount rate that is commensurate with the risk inherent in the
expected cash flows should be used.
(d) Assumptions about cash flows and discount rates should be internally
consistent. For example, nominal cash flows, which include the effect
of inflation, should be discounted at a rate that includes the effect of
inflation. The nominal risk-free interest rate includes the effect of
inflation. Real cash flows, which exclude the effect of inflation, should
be discounted at a rate that excludes the effect of inflation. Similarly,
after-tax cash flows should be discounted using an after-tax discount
rate. Pre-tax cash flows should be discounted at a rate consistent with
those cash flows.
Discount rates should be consistent with the underlying economic
factors of the currency in which the cash flows are denominated.
© IFRS Foundation A715
Risk and uncertainty
A fair value measurement using present value techniques is made under
conditions of uncertainty because the cash flows used are estimates rather
than known amounts. In many cases both the amount and timing of the cash
flows are uncertain. Even contractually fixed amounts, such as the payments
on a loan, are uncertain if there is risk of default.
Market participants generally seek compensation (ie a risk premium) for
bearing the uncertainty inherent in the cash flows of an asset or a liability. A
fair value measurement should include a risk premium reflecting the amount
that market participants would demand as compensation for the uncertainty
inherent in the cash flows. Otherwise, the measurement would not faithfully
represent fair value. In some cases determining the appropriate risk premium
might be difficult. However, the degree of difficulty alone is not a sufficient
reason to exclude a risk premium.
Present value techniques differ in how they adjust for risk and in the type of
cash flows they use. For example:
The discount rate adjustment technique (see paragraphs B18–B22) uses
a risk-adjusted discount rate and contractual, promised or most likely
cash flows.
Method 1 of the expected present value technique (see paragraph B25)
uses risk-adjusted expected cash flows and a risk-free rate.
(c) Method 2 of the expected present value technique (see paragraph B26)
uses expected cash flows that are not risk-adjusted and a discount rate
adjusted to include the risk premium that market participants require.
That rate is different from the rate used in the discount rate
adjustment technique.
Discount rate adjustment technique
The discount rate adjustment technique uses a single set of cash flows from
the range of possible estimated amounts, whether contractual or promised (as
is the case for a bond) or most likely cash flows. In all cases, those cash flows
are conditional upon the occurrence of specified events (eg contractual or
promised cash flows for a bond are conditional on the event of no default by
the debtor). The discount rate used in the discount rate adjustment technique
is derived from observed rates of return for comparable assets or liabilities
that are traded in the market. Accordingly, the contractual, promised or most
likely cash flows are discounted at an observed or estimated market rate for
such conditional cash flows (ie a market rate of return).
The discount rate adjustment technique requires an analysis of market data
for comparable assets or liabilities. Comparability is established by
considering the nature of the cash flows (eg whether the cash flows are
contractual or non-contractual and are likely to respond similarly to changes
in economic conditions), as well as other factors (eg credit standing, collateral,
duration, restrictive covenants and liquidity). Alternatively, if a single
comparable asset or liability does not fairly reflect the risk inherent in the
A716 © IFRS Foundation
cash flows of the asset or liability being measured, it may be possible to derive
a discount rate using data for several comparable assets or liabilities in
conjunction with the risk-free yield curve (ie using a ‘build-up’ approach).
To illustrate a build-up approach, assume that Asset A is a contractual right to
receive CU800
in one year (ie there is no timing uncertainty). There is an
established market for comparable assets, and information about those assets,
including price information, is available. Of those comparable assets:
(a) Asset B is a contractual right to receive CU1,200 in one year and has a
market price of CU1,083. Thus, the implied annual rate of return (ie a
one-year market rate of return) is 10.8 per cent [(CU1,200/CU1,083) – 1].
Asset C is a contractual right to receive CU700 in two years and has a
market price of CU566. Thus, the implied annual rate of return (ie a
two-year market rate of return) is 11.2 per cent [(CU700/
CU566)^0.5 – 1].
All three assets are comparable with respect to risk (ie dispersion of
possible pay-offs and credit).
On the basis of the timing of the contractual payments to be received for Asset
A relative to the timing for Asset B and Asset C (ie one year for Asset B versus
two years for Asset C), Asset B is deemed more comparable to Asset A. Using
the contractual payment to be received for Asset A (CU800) and the one-year
market rate derived from Asset B (10.8 per cent), the fair value of Asset A is
CU722 (CU800/1.108). Alternatively, in the absence of available market
information for Asset B, the one-year market rate could be derived from Asset
C using the build-up approach. In that case the two-year market rate indicated
by Asset C (11.2 per cent) would be adjusted to a one-year market rate using
the term structure of the risk-free yield curve. Additional information and
analysis might be required to determine whether the risk premiums for
one-year and two-year assets are the same. If it is determined that the risk
premiums for one-year and two-year assets are not the same, the two-year
market rate of return would be further adjusted for that effect.
When the discount rate adjustment technique is applied to fixed receipts or
payments, the adjustment for risk inherent in the cash flows of the asset or
liability being measured is included in the discount rate. In some applications
of the discount rate adjustment technique to cash flows that are not fixed
receipts or payments, an adjustment to the cash flows may be necessary to
achieve comparability with the observed asset or liability from which the
discount rate is derived.
Expected present value technique
The expected present value technique uses as a starting point a set of cash
flows that represents the probability-weighted average of all possible future
cash flows (ie the expected cash flows). The resulting estimate is identical to
expected value, which, in statistical terms, is the weighted average of a
discrete random variable’s possible values with the respective probabilities as
1 In this IFRS monetary amounts are denominated in ‘currency units (CU)’.
© IFRS Foundation A717
the weights. Because all possible cash flows are probability-weighted, the
resulting expected cash flow is not conditional upon the occurrence of any
specified event (unlike the cash flows used in the discount rate adjustment
In making an investment decision, risk-averse market participants would take
into account the risk that the actual cash flows may differ from the expected
cash flows. Portfolio theory distinguishes between two types of risk:
(a) unsystematic (diversifiable) risk, which is the risk specific to a
particular asset or liability.
(b) systematic (non-diversifiable) risk, which is the common risk shared by
an asset or a liability with the other items in a diversified portfolio.
Portfolio theory holds that in a market in equilibrium, market participants
will be compensated only for bearing the systematic risk inherent in the cash
flows. (In markets that are inefficient or out of equilibrium, other forms of
return or compensation might be available.)
Method 1 of the expected present value technique adjusts the expected cash
flows of an asset for systematic (ie market) risk by subtracting a cash risk
premium (ie risk-adjusted expected cash flows). Those risk-adjusted expected
cash flows represent a certainty-equivalent cash flow, which is discounted at a
risk-free interest rate. A certainty-equivalent cash flow refers to an expected
cash flow (as defined), adjusted for risk so that a market participant is
indifferent to trading a certain cash flow for an expected cash flow. For
example, if a market participant was willing to trade an expected cash flow of
CU1,200 for a certain cash flow of CU1,000, the CU1,000 is the certainty
equivalent of the CU1,200 (ie the CU200 would represent the cash risk
premium). In that case the market participant would be indifferent as to the
asset held.
In contrast, Method 2 of the expected present value technique adjusts for
systematic (ie market) risk by applying a risk premium to the risk-free interest
rate. Accordingly, the expected cash flows are discounted at a rate that
corresponds to an expected rate associated with probability-weighted cash
flows (ie an expected rate of return). Models used for pricing risky assets, such
as the capital asset pricing model, can be used to estimate the expected rate of
return. Because the discount rate used in the discount rate adjustment
technique is a rate of return relating to conditional cash flows, it is likely to be
higher than the discount rate used in Method 2 of the expected present value
technique, which is an expected rate of return relating to expected or
probability-weighted cash flows.
To illustrate Methods 1 and 2, assume that an asset has expected cash flows of
CU780 in one year determined on the basis of the possible cash flows and
probabilities shown below. The applicable risk-free interest rate for cash flows
with a one-year horizon is 5 per cent, and the systematic risk premium for an
asset with the same risk profile is 3 per cent.
A718 © IFRS Foundation
Possible cash ows Probability Probability-weighted
cash ows
CU500 15% CU75
CU800 60% CU480
CU900 25% CU225
Expected cash ows CU780
In this simple illustration, the expected cash flows (CU780) represent the
probability-weighted average of the three possible outcomes. In more realistic
situations, there could be many possible outcomes. However, to apply the
expected present value technique, it is not always necessary to take into
account distributions of all possible cash flows using complex models and
techniques. Rather, it might be possible to develop a limited number of
discrete scenarios and probabilities that capture the array of possible cash
flows. For example, an entity might use realised cash flows for some relevant
past period, adjusted for changes in circumstances occurring subsequently (eg
changes in external factors, including economic or market conditions,
industry trends and competition as well as changes in internal factors
affecting the entity more specifically), taking into account the assumptions of
market participants.
In theory, the present value (ie the fair value) of the asset’s cash flows is the
same whether determined using Method 1 or Method 2, as follows:
(a) Using Method 1, the expected cash flows are adjusted for systematic
(ie market) risk. In the absence of market data directly indicating the
amount of the risk adjustment, such adjustment could be derived from
an asset pricing model using the concept of certainty equivalents. For
example, the risk adjustment (ie the cash risk premium of CU22) could
be determined using the systematic risk premium of 3 per cent (CU780
– [CU780 × (1.05/1.08)]), which results in risk-adjusted expected cash
flows of CU758 (CU780 – CU22). The CU758 is the certainty equivalent
of CU780 and is discounted at the risk-free interest rate (5 per cent).
The present value (ie the fair value) of the asset is CU722 (CU758/1.05).
(b) Using Method 2, the expected cash flows are not adjusted for
systematic (ie market) risk. Rather, the adjustment for that risk is
included in the discount rate. Thus, the expected cash flows are
discounted at an expected rate of return of 8 per cent (ie the 5 per cent
risk-free interest rate plus the 3 per cent systematic risk premium).
The present value (ie the fair value) of the asset is CU722 (CU780/1.08).
When using an expected present value technique to measure fair value, either
Method 1 or Method 2 could be used. The selection of Method 1 or Method 2
will depend on facts and circumstances specific to the asset or liability being
measured, the extent to which sufficient data are available and the
judgements applied.
© IFRS Foundation A719
Applying present value techniques to liabilities and an entity’s
own equity instruments not held by other parties as assets
(paragraphs 40 and 41)
When using a present value technique to measure the fair value of a liability
that is not held by another party as an asset (eg a decommissioning liability),
an entity shall, among other things, estimate the future cash outflows that
market participants would expect to incur in fulfilling the obligation. Those
future cash outflows shall include market participants’ expectations about the
costs of fulfilling the obligation and the compensation that a market
participant would require for taking on the obligation. Such compensation
includes the return that a market participant would require for the following:
undertaking the activity (ie the value of fulfilling the obligation; eg by
using resources that could be used for other activities); and
assuming the risk associated with the obligation (ie a risk premium
that reflects the risk that the actual cash outflows might differ from
the expected cash outflows; see paragraph B33).
For example, a non-financial liability does not contain a contractual rate of
return and there is no observable market yield for that liability. In some cases
the components of the return that market participants would require will be
indistinguishable from one another (eg when using the price a third party
contractor would charge on a fixed fee basis). In other cases an entity needs to
estimate those components separately (eg when using the price a third party
contractor would charge on a cost plus basis because the contractor in that
case would not bear the risk of future changes in costs).
An entity can include a risk premium in the fair value measurement of a
liability or an entity’s own equity instrument that is not held by another party
as an asset in one of the following ways:
(a) by adjusting the cash flows (ie as an increase in the amount of cash
outflows); or
(b) by adjusting the rate used to discount the future cash flows to their
present values (ie as a reduction in the discount rate).
An entity shall ensure that it does not double-count or omit adjustments for
risk. For example, if the estimated cash flows are increased to take into
account the compensation for assuming the risk associated with the
obligation, the discount rate should not be adjusted to reflect that risk.
Inputs to valuation techniques (paragraphs 67–71)
Examples of markets in which inputs might be observable for some assets and
liabilities (eg financial instruments) include the following:
Exchange markets. In an exchange market, closing prices are both readily
available and generally representative of fair value. An example of
such a market is the London Stock Exchange.
A720 © IFRS Foundation
(b) Dealer markets. In a dealer market, dealers stand ready to trade (either
buy or sell for their own account), thereby providing liquidity by using
their capital to hold an inventory of the items for which they make a
market. Typically bid and ask prices (representing the price at which
the dealer is willing to buy and the price at which the dealer is willing
to sell, respectively) are more readily available than closing prices.
Over-the-counter markets (for which prices are publicly reported) are
dealer markets. Dealer markets also exist for some other assets and
liabilities, including some financial instruments, commodities and
physical assets (eg used equipment).
(c) Brokered markets. In a brokered market, brokers attempt to match
buyers with sellers but do not stand ready to trade for their own
account. In other words, brokers do not use their own capital to hold
an inventory of the items for which they make a market. The broker
knows the prices bid and asked by the respective parties, but each
party is typically unaware of another party’s price requirements. Prices
of completed transactions are sometimes available. Brokered markets
include electronic communication networks, in which buy and sell
orders are matched, and commercial and residential real estate
Principal-to-principal markets. In a principal-to-principal market,
transactions, both originations and resales, are negotiated
independently with no intermediary. Little information about those
transactions may be made available publicly.
Fair value hierarchy (paragraphs 72–90)
Level 2 inputs (paragraphs 81–85)
Examples of Level 2 inputs for particular assets and liabilities include the
(a) Receive-fixed, pay-variable interest rate swap based on the London Interbank
Offered Rate (LIBOR) swap rate. A Level 2 input would be the LIBOR swap
rate if that rate is observable at commonly quoted intervals for
substantially the full term of the swap.
(b) Receive-fixed, pay-variable interest rate swap based on a yield curve denominated
in a foreign currency. A Level 2 input would be the swap rate based on a
yield curve denominated in a foreign currency that is observable at
commonly quoted intervals for substantially the full term of the swap.
That would be the case if the term of the swap is 10 years and that rate
is observable at commonly quoted intervals for 9 years, provided that
any reasonable extrapolation of the yield curve for year 10 would not
be significant to the fair value measurement of the swap in its entirety.
© IFRS Foundation A721
(c) Receive-fixed, pay-variable interest rate swap based on a specific bank’s prime
rate. A Level 2 input would be the bank’s prime rate derived through
extrapolation if the extrapolated values are corroborated by observable
market data, for example, by correlation with an interest rate that is
observable over substantially the full term of the swap.
(d) Three-year option on exchange-traded shares. A Level 2 input would be the
implied volatility for the shares derived through extrapolation to year
3 if both of the following conditions exist:
(i) Prices for one-year and two-year options on the shares are
The extrapolated implied volatility of a three-year option is
corroborated by observable market data for substantially the
full term of the option.
In that case the implied volatility could be derived by extrapolating
from the implied volatility of the one-year and two-year options on the
shares and corroborated by the implied volatility for three-year options
on comparable entities’ shares, provided that correlation with the
one-year and two-year implied volatilities is established.
Licensing arrangement. For a licensing arrangement that is acquired in a
business combination and was recently negotiated with an unrelated
party by the acquired entity (the party to the licensing arrangement), a
Level 2 input would be the royalty rate in the contract with the
unrelated party at inception of the arrangement.
(f) Finished goods inventory at a retail outlet. For finished goods inventory that
is acquired in a business combination, a Level 2 input would be either a
price to customers in a retail market or a price to retailers in a
wholesale market, adjusted for differences between the condition and
location of the inventory item and the comparable (ie similar)
inventory items so that the fair value measurement reflects the price
that would be received in a transaction to sell the inventory to another
retailer that would complete the requisite selling efforts. Conceptually,
the fair value measurement will be the same, whether adjustments are
made to a retail price (downward) or to a wholesale price (upward).
Generally, the price that requires the least amount of subjective
adjustments should be used for the fair value measurement.
(g) Building held and used. A Level 2 input would be the price per square
metre for the building (a valuation multiple) derived from observable
market data, eg multiples derived from prices in observed transactions
involving comparable (ie similar) buildings in similar locations.
Cash-generating unit. A Level 2 input would be a valuation multiple (eg a
multiple of earnings or revenue or a similar performance measure)
derived from observable market data, eg multiples derived from prices
in observed transactions involving comparable (ie similar) businesses,
taking into account operational, market, financial and non-financial
A722 © IFRS Foundation
Level 3 inputs (paragraphs 86–90)
Examples of Level 3 inputs for particular assets and liabilities include the
(a) Long-dated currency swap. A Level 3 input would be an interest rate in a
specified currency that is not observable and cannot be corroborated
by observable market data at commonly quoted intervals or otherwise
for substantially the full term of the currency swap. The interest rates
in a currency swap are the swap rates calculated from the respective
countries’ yield curves.
(b) Three-year option on exchange-traded shares. A Level 3 input would be
historical volatility, ie the volatility for the shares derived from the
shares’ historical prices. Historical volatility typically does not
represent current market participants’ expectations about future
volatility, even if it is the only information available to price an option.
Interest rate swap. A Level 3 input would be an adjustment to a
mid-market consensus (non-binding) price for the swap developed
using data that are not directly observable and cannot otherwise be
corroborated by observable market data.
Decommissioning liability assumed in a business combination. A Level 3 input
would be a current estimate using the entity’s own data about the
future cash outflows to be paid to fulfil the obligation (including
market participants’ expectations about the costs of fulfilling the
obligation and the compensation that a market participant would
require for taking on the obligation to dismantle the asset) if there is
no reasonably available information that indicates that market
participants would use different assumptions. That Level 3 input
would be used in a present value technique together with other inputs,
eg a current risk-free interest rate or a credit-adjusted risk-free rate if
the effect of the entity’s credit standing on the fair value of the
liability is reflected in the discount rate rather than in the estimate of
future cash outflows.
(e) Cash-generating unit. A Level 3 input would be a financial forecast (eg of
cash flows or profit or loss) developed using the entity’s own data if
there is no reasonably available information that indicates that market
participants would use different assumptions.
Measuring fair value when the volume or level of activity for an
asset or a liability has signicantly decreased
The fair value of an asset or a liability might be affected when there has been
a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for that asset or
liability in relation to normal market activity for the asset or liability (or
similar assets or liabilities). To determine whether, on the basis of the
evidence available, there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level
of activity for the asset or liability, an entity shall evaluate the significance
and relevance of factors such as the following:
© IFRS Foundation A723
(a) There are few recent transactions.
(b) Price quotations are not developed using current information.
(c) Price quotations vary substantially either over time or among
market-makers (eg some brokered markets).
(d) Indices that previously were highly correlated with the fair values of
the asset or liability are demonstrably uncorrelated with recent
indications of fair value for that asset or liability.
(e) There is a significant increase in implied liquidity risk premiums,
yields or performance indicators (such as delinquency rates or loss
severities) for observed transactions or quoted prices when compared
with the entity’s estimate of expected cash flows, taking into account
all available market data about credit and other non-performance risk
for the asset or liability.
There is a wide bid-ask spread or significant increase in the bid-ask
There is a significant decline in the activity of, or there is an absence
of, a market for new issues (ie a primary market) for the asset or
liability or similar assets or liabilities.
(h) Little information is publicly available (eg for transactions that take
place in a principal-to-principal market).
If an entity concludes that there has been a significant decrease in the volume
or level of activity for the asset or liability in relation to normal market
activity for the asset or liability (or similar assets or liabilities), further
analysis of the transactions or quoted prices is needed. A decrease in the
volume or level of activity on its own may not indicate that a transaction price
or quoted price does not represent fair value or that a transaction in that
market is not orderly. However, if an entity determines that a transaction or
quoted price does not represent fair value (eg there may be transactions that
are not orderly), an adjustment to the transactions or quoted prices will be
necessary if the entity uses those prices as a basis for measuring fair value and
that adjustment may be significant to the fair value measurement in its
entirety. Adjustments also may be necessary in other circumstances (eg when
a price for a similar asset requires significant adjustment to make it
comparable to the asset being measured or when the price is stale).
This IFRS does not prescribe a methodology for making significant
adjustments to transactions or quoted prices. See paragraphs 6166 and
B5–B11 for a discussion of the use of valuation techniques when measuring
fair value. Regardless of the valuation technique used, an entity shall include
appropriate risk adjustments, including a risk premium reflecting the amount
that market participants would demand as compensation for the uncertainty
inherent in the cash flows of an asset or a liability (see paragraph B17).
Otherwise, the measurement does not faithfully represent fair value. In some
cases determining the appropriate risk adjustment might be difficult.
However, the degree of difficulty alone is not a sufficient basis on which to
A724 © IFRS Foundation
exclude a risk adjustment. The risk adjustment shall be reflective of an
orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date
under current market conditions.
If there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for
the asset or liability, a change in valuation technique or the use of multiple
valuation techniques may be appropriate (eg the use of a market approach and
a present value technique). When weighting indications of fair value resulting
from the use of multiple valuation techniques, an entity shall consider the
reasonableness of the range of fair value measurements. The objective is to
determine the point within the range that is most representative of fair value
under current market conditions. A wide range of fair value measurements
may be an indication that further analysis is needed.
Even when there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of
activity for the asset or liability, the objective of a fair value measurement
remains the same. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an
asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction (ie not a forced
liquidation or distress sale) between market participants at the measurement
date under current market conditions.
Estimating the price at which market participants would be willing to enter
into a transaction at the measurement date under current market conditions
if there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for
the asset or liability depends on the facts and circumstances at the
measurement date and requires judgement. An entity’s intention to hold the
asset or to settle or otherwise fulfil the liability is not relevant when
measuring fair value because fair value is a market-based measurement, not
an entity-specific measurement.
Identifying transactions that are not orderly
The determination of whether a transaction is orderly (or is not orderly) is
more difficult if there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of
activity for the asset or liability in relation to normal market activity for the
asset or liability (or similar assets or liabilities). In such circumstances it is not
appropriate to conclude that all transactions in that market are not orderly (ie
forced liquidations or distress sales). Circumstances that may indicate that a
transaction is not orderly include the following:
(a) There was not adequate exposure to the market for a period before the
measurement date to allow for marketing activities that are usual and
customary for transactions involving such assets or liabilities under
current market conditions.
(b) There was a usual and customary marketing period, but the seller
marketed the asset or liability to a single market participant.
The seller is in or near bankruptcy or receivership (ie the seller is
The seller was required to sell to meet regulatory or legal requirements
(ie the seller was forced).
© IFRS Foundation A725
(e) The transaction price is an outlier when compared with other recent
transactions for the same or a similar asset or liability.
An entity shall evaluate the circumstances to determine whether, on the
weight of the evidence available, the transaction is orderly.
An entity shall consider all the following when measuring fair value or
estimating market risk premiums:
(a) If the evidence indicates that a transaction is not orderly, an entity
shall place little, if any, weight (compared with other indications of
fair value) on that transaction price.
If the evidence indicates that a transaction is orderly, an entity shall
take into account that transaction price. The amount of weight placed
on that transaction price when compared with other indications of fair
value will depend on the facts and circumstances, such as the
the volume of the transaction.
the comparability of the transaction to the asset or liability
being measured.
the proximity of the transaction to the measurement date.
(c) If an entity does not have sufficient information to conclude whether a
transaction is orderly, it shall take into account the transaction price.
However, that transaction price may not represent fair value (ie the
transaction price is not necessarily the sole or primary basis for
measuring fair value or estimating market risk premiums). When an
entity does not have sufficient information to conclude whether
particular transactions are orderly, the entity shall place less weight on
those transactions when compared with other transactions that are
known to be orderly.
An entity need not undertake exhaustive efforts to determine whether a
transaction is orderly, but it shall not ignore information that is reasonably
available. When an entity is a party to a transaction, it is presumed to have
sufficient information to conclude whether the transaction is orderly.
Using quoted prices provided by third parties
This IFRS does not preclude the use of quoted prices provided by third parties,
such as pricing services or brokers, if an entity has determined that the
quoted prices provided by those parties are developed in accordance with this
If there has been a significant decrease in the volume or level of activity for
the asset or liability, an entity shall evaluate whether the quoted prices
provided by third parties are developed using current information that reflects
orderly transactions or a valuation technique that reflects market participant
assumptions (including assumptions about risk). In weighting a quoted price
as an input to a fair value measurement, an entity places less weight (when
A726 © IFRS Foundation
compared with other indications of fair value that reflect the results of
transactions) on quotes that do not reflect the result of transactions.
Furthermore, the nature of a quote (eg whether the quote is an indicative
price or a binding offer) shall be taken into account when weighting the
available evidence, with more weight given to quotes provided by third parties
that represent binding offers.
© IFRS Foundation A727
Appendix C
Effective date and transition
This appendix is an integral part of the IFRS and has the same authority as the other parts of the
An entity shall apply this IFRS for annual periods beginning on or after
1 January 2013. Earlier application is permitted. If an entity applies this IFRS
for an earlier period, it shall disclose that fact.
This IFRS shall be applied prospectively as of the beginning of the annual
period in which it is initially applied.
The disclosure requirements of this IFRS need not be applied in comparative
information provided for periods before initial application of this IFRS.
Annual Improvements Cycle 2011–2013 issued in December 2013 amended
paragraph 52. An entity shall apply that amendment for annual periods
beginning on or after 1 July 2014. An entity shall apply that amendment
prospectively from the beginning of the annual period in which IFRS 13 was
initially applied. Earlier application is permitted. If an entity applies that
amendment for an earlier period it shall disclose that fact.
IFRS 9, as issued in July 2014, amended paragraph 52. An entity shall apply
that amendment when it applies IFRS 9.
IFRS 16 Leases, issued in January 2016, amended paragraph 6. An entity shall
apply that amendment when it applies IFRS 16.
A728 © IFRS Foundation
Appendix D
Amendments to other IFRSs
This appendix sets out amendments to other IFRSs that are a consequence of the Board issuing
IFRS 13. An entity shall apply the amendments for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January
2013. If an entity applies IFRS 13 for an earlier period, it shall apply the amendments for that earlier
period. Amended paragraphs are shown with new text underlined and deleted text struck through.
* * * * *
The amendments contained in this appendix when this IFRS was issued in 2011 have been
incorporated into the relevant IFRSs published in this volume.
© IFRS Foundation A729
Approval by the Board of IFRS 13 issued in May 2011
International Financial Reporting Standard 13 Fair Value Measurement was approved for
issue by the fifteen members of the International Accounting Standards Board.
Sir David Tweedie Chairman
Stephen Cooper
Philippe Danjou
Jan Engström
Patrick Finnegan
Amaro Luiz de Oliveira Gomes
Prabhakar Kalavacherla
Elke König
Patricia McConnell
Warren J McGregor
Paul Pacter
Darrel Scott
John T Smith
Tatsumi Yamada
Wei-Guo Zhang
A730 © IFRS Foundation