Chapter 22: Gas Exchange
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Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e
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Chapter 22: Gas Exchange
Guided Reading Activities
Big idea: Mechanisms of gas exchange
Answer the following questions as you read modules 22.1–22.5:
1. Gas exchange involves three stages. List and briefly describe the three stages.
2. Which of the following statements regarding gas exchange is correct?
a. Contracting muscle tissue do not need increased amounts of O
b. Blood that is leaving metabolically active tissues is high in O
c. Blood that is leaving the lungs is high in O
and low in CO
d. Blood returning to the heart from body tissues is low in CO
3. A person has a mutation in a gene that leads to a decrease in the efficiency at which O
picked up by the blood. Would this person have difficulty doing certain activities? If so, which
ones? Briefly explain your answer.
4. The part of an animal’s body where gas exchange occurs is known as ___________________.
5. True or false: Gas exchange occurs via osmosis. If false, make it a correct statement.
Breathing—inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide.
Transport of gases—oxygen and carbon dioxide must be transported to and from the tissues
of the body.
Gas exchange with tissues of the body—oxygen and carbon dioxide must be exchanged at the
cellular level.
This person would have difficulty doing even mild exercise or strenuous activities because his
or her ability to carry oxygen would be hindered.
False, gas exchange occurs via diffusion.
the respiratory surface
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Chapter 22: Gas Exchange
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Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e
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6. Complete the following table, which compares the different respiratory organs for gas exchange
with the environment.
Skin Gills Tracheal Lungs
Description These organisms
obtain oxygen
diffusion across
their skin into
blood vessels.
Extensions of
the body surface
specialized for
gas exchange
An extensive
system of
internal tubes
with a thin
epithelium at the
tips; exchanges
gases directly
with the cells
sacs lined
with a moist
requires a
system to
transport gases
to and from
Example of
Earthworms Fish Insects Humans
7. The transfer of oxygen between two fluids that are moving in opposite directions is referred
toas _____________________.
8. True or false: The countercurrent creates an oxygen gradient only at the point where the capil-
laries merge into larger blood vessels. If false, make it a correct statement.
9. List the two advantages that terrestrial organisms have over aquatic organisms when it comes
to respiration.
10. In the tracheal system, the circulatory system is bypassed by small branches, called
____________, that contact most of the insect’s cells.
11. What is the correlation between metabolic activity and the surface area of the gas exchange
surface in an organism?
Big idea: The human respiratory system
Answer the following questions as you read modules 22.6–22.9:
1. The ____________ is a muscular partition that separates the ____________ cavity from the
____________ cavity.
Air has a higher concentration of oxygen, and air is much lighter than water.
False, countercurrent flow creates an oxygen gradient along the entire capillary.
The higher the metabolic activity, the greater the surface area of the gas exchange surface.
countercurrent exchange
diaphragm thoracic
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Chapter 22: Gas Exchange
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Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e
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2. Match the following terms with their proper description: bronchi, surfactants, bronchioles,
pharynx, alveoli, vocal chords.
Structures that air passes across to produce sound: ____________
The passageway for both air and food: ____________
Site of gas exchange within the lungs: ____________
Inflammation in these tubes is called bronchitis: ____________
Air passes into these from the trachea: ____________
Substances that keep the alveoli from collapsing and sticking shut: ____________
3. A person has a mutation that causes his cilia to form or function incorrectly. What would this
person have difficulty doing?
4. What event was a huge step toward warning the public about the dangers of cigarette smoking?
5. When people think of breathing, they typically tend to think of inhalation. Briefly explain
why this is inaccurate.
6. The maximum amount of air you breathe in and out is known as your ____________.
7. Briefly explain how the volume in your thoracic cavity changes during inhalation and exhala-
tion. Be sure your answer includes how those changes in volume lead to air moving in and out.
8. A common misconception is that your body regulates breathing in response to the levels of
. What actually regulates respiration rate?
9. Curare is a generic term for a toxin prepared from numerous plant species native to South
America. Curare interferes with the brains communication with skeletal muscle cells. In effect,
curare stops skeletal muscles from contracting. Would this drug affect human breathing? If so,
what would its effect be?
vocal chords
Yes, because breathing is aided by contraction of skeletal muscles. It would have a negative
effect on breathing.
The rate of respiration is regulated by the levels of CO
During inhalation, the volume of air increases, which causes the pressure to drop and air to
rush in from outside. During exhalation, the volume of air decreases, which causes the pres-
sure to increase and air rush to out.
Breathing includes both inhalation and exhalation.
The Surgeon General’s recommendation that cigarettes have warnings
This person would have difficulty sweeping mucus out of his or her lungs.
vital capacity
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Chapter 22: Gas Exchange
# 152826 Cust: Pearson Au: Reece Pg. No. 137
Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e
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Big idea: Fermentation: transport of gases in the human body
Answer the following questions as you read modules 22.10–22.12:
1. True or false: Oxygen-depleted blood traveling from your leg muscles travels directly to the lungs
to get oxygenated without going through the heart. If false, make it a correct statement.
2. Which of the following describes the partial pressure of gases in the vessels leading from the
heart to the lungs?
a. The partial pressure of O
is highest compared to other vessels in the body.
b. The partial pressure of CO
is lowest compared to other vessels in the body.
c. The partial pressures of O
and CO
equal each other.
d. None of the above are true statements.
3. The total pressure of a mixture of gas is a combination of all the pressures of the different
gases in the mixture. In other words, each gas in the mixture has a(n) _____________.
4. A teacher is grading short-answer questions from an anatomy and physiology quiz. The
short-answer question she is grading asked the students to describe the role of hemoglobin in
humans. A student answers as follows: “Hemoglobin carries oxygen throughout the body to
cells that require it.” If the teacher is correcting incorrect answers by giving written feedback,
what would she write to this student?
5. True or false: The placenta contains both fetal and maternal tissues. If false, make it a correct
6. List the steps involved in an infant taking its first breath upon birth.
Use your knowledge of the information contained within this chapter’s “Big Ideas” to answer this
You have a cold that prevents you from breathing through your nose. You go to bed and wake up
about eight hours later. What effect will breathing through your mouth constantly have on your
False, the blood from your leg muscles would first travel to your heart and then to your lungs.
levels rise in the fetus once it is born. The pH drops and stimulates the breathing control
center in the brain to trigger breathing.
Hemoglobin also carries CO
away from tissues and helps to buffer pH in the blood.
partial pressure
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